trashyswitch · 2 years
Day 22: Vampire
It's Spirit's Eve, and Sebastian and Sam are arguing about how scary Sam's costume is. Silliness ensues.
Dedicating this fanfic to @fallen-lee. I hope you enjoy!
It was Spirit’s Eve in Pelican Town, and Sebastian was showing off his purple vampire costume to Sam. He was wearing a tuxedo with a cape, fake elf ears, fake fangs, and had styled his hair up a little bit for the event. 
Meanwhile Sam was showing off his ultimate werewolf costume. He was wearing wolf gloves, fake wolf ears, a fake tail and regular clothes like a sweater, pants and an orange shirt to show the half transformation from a human to a wolf. 
“Your costume…is more cute than anything, Sam.” Sebastian admitted. 
“It is not! It’s menacing and terrifying! FEAR ME.” Sam yelled, growling at him like a wolf. 
Sebastian just laughed and shook his head. “I will suck your body dry of all its blood. You will be nothing but a furry prune.” Sebastian told him. 
“As if I’m not gonna kill you first.” Sam reminded him. 
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Wolves are scared of humans, Sam.” Sebastian reminded him. 
“Maybe real wolves…but not werewolves…Werewolves are part human. Why would a werewolf be scared of its own species?” Sam asked. 
Sebastian sighed and called Maru over. Maru walked up, wearing her mad scientist costume. “Maru…are werewolves scared of humans?” Sebastian asked. 
“Well…there is no definitive answer on whether werewolves are afraid of humans. However, real wolves are certainly afraid of humans.” Maru replied. “Why do you ask, Seb-acula?” Maru asked. 
Sebastian smirked at Sam. “Unlike you, I did my research into my costume choice.” Sebastian told him. 
Sam chuckled. “It would be a shame if I were to eat garlic fingers in front of you.” Sam teased. “Or perhaps…” Sam pulled out a piece of wood and a hammer. “A stake to the heart?” 
Maru widened her eyes. “Where on earth did you get that?!” Maru asked. 
Sam looked at Maru. “I got Leah to whittle this for me…” Sam admitted. 
Sebastian hissed at Sam and covered his body and lower face with part of his cape. “How DARE YOU!” Sebastian yelled. 
Sam laughed. “I don’t even think Vincent would run and hide from fear.” Sam joked. 
Sebastian looked at Sam…then began to smirk. “Oh really?” Sebastian asked. 
“Really. Why don’t you try scaring Vincent yourself?” Sam asked. 
Sebastian chuckled. “Nah. He may end up peeing his pants, and I’ll end up in trouble.” Sebastian reminded him. “Besides: I’d rather scare YOU silly.” He replied. 
Sam smirked and crossed his arms. “Try me.” 
Sebastian smiled and walked up to Sam with a villionous look in his eyes and a toothy, evil grin. “I will give you 30 seconds to run and hide.” Sebastian told him. 
Sam scoffed. “Puh-lease…” Sam belittled. “As if you could scare me li-” 
“29.” Sebastian started to count. “28…27…26…” 
“Are you seriously counting down?” Sam asked. 
“24…23…22…” Sebastian kept counting. 
Sam looked at Maru. “Why’s he still counting down?” Sam asked. 
“19…18…17…16…” Sebastian kept counting. 
“Uh- Sam, you might want to actually run.” Maru warned, growing slightly nervous. 
“...11…10…” Sebastian continued. 
“Why? What’s he planning?” Sam asked. 
“8…7…6…” Sebastian kept on counting. 
“Just listen to me and RUN!” Maru ordered. 
“3…2…” Sebastian walked closer to Sam with his evil look on his face and his hands up, ready to take him down. “...1…” 
Sebastian’s eyebrows raised up as he started to realize why Maru might’ve wanted him to run. Sebastian grabbed Sam by the waist and picked him up. “GOTCHA.” 
Sam blinked and looked at Sebastian in confusion. “What are you doing?” Sam asked. 
“What do you think I’m doing?” Sebastian asked as he lifted up both of Sam’s arms. 
Sam felt Sebastian grab both ends of his sweater sleeves, and hold them above his head. Sam looked at Sebastian with a mix of confused worry. Why does he feel…so exposed right now? 
Suddenly, Sam felt fingers and nails start to skitter all over his left armpit. Sam widened his eyes and clenched his teeth as he felt a wobbly smile grow onto his face. 
Oh…Oh no…
Maru bit her lip as she watched her older brother begin his torment. “...At least it’s not me this time…” Maru mumbled. 
Sam started tittering and snickering as bits of his laughter threatened to move past his throat and teeth. Whenever the breathy laughter would move through his teeth, it sounded like he was hissing like a snake. 
“Oooooh…Sounds like the terrifying werewolf had a snake for breakfast…” Sebastian teased in his deep, evil voice. 
Then, Maru started counting down. “3…2…1-” she counted. 
Sam suddenly burst out in embarrassing giggles. It wasn’t ticklish enough to make him full-blown laugh, but it was just enough to leave him giggling like a little girl. 
“Theeere’s the laughter I’ve been waiting all night for~” Sebastian said. “So innocent…so girly…Hearing your giggles gives me many goosebumps.” Sebastian teased. 
“Shuhuhut uhuhup! Yohou're sohohoho dehehead!” Sam said through his giggles.
“How strange…the werewolf is threatening to kill me? Even though his exposed ticklish spots are being poked at, teased and tormented?” Sebastian asked. 
Sam tried to hide his face in the side of his right arm. He was growing more and more embarrassed from both the teasy tickles and the evil words. What Sebastian was doing was evil…utterly evil…Something only a super villain would do. 
“Get his neck!” Someone with a smaller voice declared. 
Sebastian looked over at the source of the voice, and smirked. Vincent was standing there in front of them, watching gleefully as his older brother was being tickled by Sebastian. 
Sam groaned amidst his giggles. “Vihihincehehent! Shuhush!” He tried to protest. But his protests would never be taken seriously if he was giggling like a tiny child. 
Sebastian smiled. “Tell me more, Vincent.” Sebastian encouraged calmly. 
Vincent giggled. “His neck makes him squeak like a mouse! Squeak squeak!” Vincent declared, pretending to be a mouse for a moment. “And his squishy sides are fun to tickle tickle.” Vincent added. 
“So…Like this?” Sebastian started skittering his fingers on the left side of Sam’s neck. 
Sam very much squeaked, and threw his head back as his giggles went up another octave. “EEheheheeek! EEHEHEHEEEE! NOHOhohohoHOHO!” Sam giggled and laughed. 
“Haha! Yeah! Like that!” Vincent replied. 
“Would you like to help me tickle your brother?” Sebastian asked. 
“Okay!” Vincent replied. “But can he lay down? Pleeeeaaaase?” Vincent asked. 
Sebastian laughed…genuinely laughed. “Sure!” He replied, temporarily using his real voice rather than his teasy voice. 
Maru chuckled and started to walk away. “Have fun, Sam.” Maru told him. 
“Nohohoho! Maru hehehehelp mehehe!” Sam yelled, reaching out his hand as Sebastian kicked Sam’s foot out from under him and laid him onto the ground. “Nohoho! Myhyhy cohostume will get dirtyhyhyhy!” Sam complained. 
“Worry not. We are on grass, not the dirt. Your costume will look good either way.” Sebastian replied. 
Sebastian let go of Sam’s sweater sleeves and started skittering a hand of fingers in each of Sam’s armpits. “Tickle tickle tickle, Sam~” Vincent reverted back to his teasy, low voice. 
Vincent quickly jumped onto Sam’s waist and started skittering his own fingers on Sam’s sides. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koo, Sammy!” Vincent declared proudly. 
“ooOOOHOHOHO NOHOHOHO! HAHAHAhahahaha! Quihihihit ihihihit! Whyhyhyhyhy?!” Sam asked. 
Vincent giggled in reaction. “Tickling you is fun!” He told his older brother. 
Sebastian smiled as he heard Vincent giggle. It sounded strangely similar to Sam’s girly giggle from earlier. “It really is, Sam.” Sebastian told him. 
Sebastian and Vincent took their time tickling Sam for a bit. They both enjoyed the sound of Sam’s laughter and giggles filling the air outside Sam and Vincent’s house in Pelican Town. 
Sebastian soon looked over at Vincent with a new plan. “I have an idea:” 
Vincent lifted his hands up off his older brother. “What is it?” 
Sebastian smiled. “You tickle the left side with all your fingers…” He told Vincent. “And I’ll tickle the right side with all my fingers.” Sebastian told him. 
“Okay!” Vincent replied happily. Vincent quickly brought himself over to Sam’s left side, and grabbed his side with 8 fingers on the top of his side, and his 2 thumbs on the bottom of his side. Sam did the exact same thing, but on the right side instead of the occupied left side. 
“3…” Sebastian started to count. 
“GO!” Vincent declared, tickling and squeezing his brother’s side swiftly. 
Sam threw his head back and guffawed loudly. 
“Oh! Uh-” Sebastian quickly started tickling as well, trying to make up for the lost couple seconds from the mix up. 
Sebastian nodded and lifted his fingers off Sam. But Vincent kept on going. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy koo, Samson!” Vincent teased in his little, innocent voice. 
“YOhohohou toohohohoo, Vihihincent.” Sam told him. 
“Awww…But that was only 5 mini seconds…” Vincent whined. 
Sebastian couldn’t help but laugh. “5 mini seconds of hearing your brother laugh…that’s more than I can hear in a day sometimes.” Sebastian teased. 
Vincent widened his eyes and looked at Sam. “You don’t laugh with Sebashin?” Vincent reacted. 
“Thahahat’s a lihie! Ihi do lahaugh! Vehery ohohoften.” Sam argued. 
Sebastian chuckled. “Yeah…you’re right.” Sebastian replied. 
Vincent looked at Sebastian. “Did you lie?” Vincent asked. 
“Yes, I did.” Sebastian told him. 
Vincent smiled. “Hey Sam, what does mommy do when I lie?” Vincent asked. 
“Uhh…she tickles you?” Sam replied. 
“Sebashin lied! So he needs tickle tickles too!” Vincent declared. 
Sebastian raised his eyebrows in surprise. Wait, what!? 
Sam smirked and grabbed Sebastian. “He’s right. Your turn, Mr. Seb-acula.” Sam teased. 
Vincent ran up to Sebastian and started tickling Sebastian’s sides. But…Sebastian didn’t start laughing. He didn’t even flinch. 
“What-...Awww…he’s not ticklish…” Vincent whined. 
Sam laughed at his brother’s reaction. “He’s still ticklish…just not on the sides like me.” Sam told him. “Buuuut…” He started skittering his fingers on Sebastians ribs. “He’s very ti-” 
“PFFFTTAAAHAHAHAhahahaha! Hehehehehey!” Sebastian bursted out laughing. 
“Yeah, that.” Sebastian replied, working with the interruption. 
“Cool!” Vincent started tickling Sebastian’s lower ribs, while Sam tickled his upper ribs. Sebastian threw his head back and started cackling and laughing. His voice was a somewhat lower laugh. But, it was still adorable to listen to. 
And nearby, Maru was also listening to her brother’s laughter. It was nice to  see that the tables had turned. And Vincent was right: 
Liars, specifically lying vampires, get tickles. 
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ondestamor · 5 months
"Tocá-lo é uma coisa, mas observá-lo enquanto estamos nos tocando parece ao mesmo tempo errado e familiar, proibido e íntimo, de uma forma que eu nunca tinha imaginado antes."
- Dezesseis, Rachel Vincent
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pixel icon masterpost : )
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giggleeqween · 9 months
Wait imagine ler Vincent-
I'm probably not gonna make art of it because I can't really draw humans but like-
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stusbunker · 4 months
Spotless: Vivace
Chapter Twenty Five
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Bobby, Tiny, Lee, Kevin, Annie, Pamela, Sam, faceless fans and support staff
Word Count: 2900
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, jealousy, grief, musical backstory and hope
A/N: The band played on.
Series Masterlist
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You held your breath as Bobby gathered the band backstage. Two dozen roadies, stage crew, and security stilled as he looked past the boys and Pam to their support staff, only Charlie and her team were missing, already in place in the booth. You shivered and waited. Jody’s voice echoed behind the bend thanking the crowd and promising a great show from Phantom Traveler to come. Andy slinked around and continued to snap pictures, despite the glare it earned him anytime Bobby caught the lens pointed toward him. The ragtag group buzzed with excitement and you silently prayed that it would go off without a hitch. 
Finally, Bobby began to speak, “I know a lot of you are nervous about tonight, ‘bout this tour— hell about this band. But it means a lot that y’all signed on for another round of nonsense with these idjits. It means you believe in them, that you’ve got faith they can pull together and get it done. Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not a time to worry, because ain't no other band that can do what these guys do. It’s a time to celebrate. Let’s get out there and fuckin’ rock’n’roll.”
Lee hooted and people cheered, you couldn’t help but clap and shriek along. Then everyone crowded in for the circle of hands and chanted “Phaaaaaantom TRAV-ler!”
The band and crew maneuvered in the dark, letting the interim instrumentals keep the crowd distracted as they set up. You scurried back to where you had left Bela in the wings, under Tiny’s care.
“Everything alright?” Bela asked out of the side of her mouth, shifting in place as she tried to clock Dean amongst the many moving shapes.
“Aces,” you replied, bouncing on the balls of your feet as the crowd started to clap with an increasing beat.
You spotted Sam and Kevin’s silhouettes high five and then Lee strummed a teaser chord. Walkie talkies crackled around you as the all clear was called. You kept an earpiece in, but without much left for you to do, you turned it to the lowest setting besides mute. 
It was go time. 
“Bring ‘em up, Charlie,” Bobby prompted over the line and the Forum erupted. 
Lights and wavelengths of sound shot off in every direction and Phantom Traveler took off.
You wouldn’t have stopped yourself from screaming bloody murder even if you had remembered you were directly beside your very posh best friend and her security detail. 
It was happening. They made it back home.
“Good evening Inglewood!” Dean greeted, pointedly accurate. Plus you could tell he was grinning from where you stood, from just the sway of his head and a glimpse of his profile.
There was no other chit chat, no grand speech thanking them for coming out, it was just the band, the music, and the audience.
They started off with ‘Woman in White’, their first major single and something high energy enough to get people out of their seats. Then on to the B side of their first EP, which was a cult favorite called ‘Playthings’ that featured something affectionately referred to as ‘the beat off’ between Sam and Pam.
But at the time it was written, it was played by Sam and Cas.
Pam did it better.
It was like someone was racing up the stairs or against time itself as the two rhythm setting musicians fought for dominance. The crowd ate it up. And you could tell they both were already dripping sweat by the time the song ended and they tuned it back and finally jumped into their last fateful album.
‘Scarecrow’ was haunted and foreboding, reminiscent of early 90s metal that you knew Dean adored. It was also Cas’ favorite track off that entire album. And Kevin killed the bridge as the keyboard turned into an ancient organ chasing the crows away with the dawn. Charlie even added a cackling Vincent Price at the end that couldn’t be topped.
“How’s everybody doing tonight?!” Lee took the words out of Dean’s mouth, which earned him a kick in the ass. They were having a blast up there and it was infectious.
The crowd roared.
“That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Dean bellowed. “I hope you don’t mind, but we’d like to bring somebody out for this next number.”
Shrill ruckus pierced the air, they knew what was coming.
“She’s our very dear friend and we just so happened to convince her to tag along with us this tour. You know her, you love her, please— give a very warm welcome to the incomparable Ms. Annie Hawkins!”
Everyone screamed and stomped, watching as the spotlight followed Annie from the farside of the stage towards the standing mics centerstage.
“Oh, she looks amazing,” Bela spoke for the first time since you’d gotten back. And she wasn’t wrong.
“The girls probably had a blast with her in their dressing room,” you tacked on thoughtfully.
“Her top though,” Bela continued. “I want it.”
You chuckled at Bela’s priorities and quickly got sucked back into what was happening barely thirty feet away.
“You sure you’re ready over there?” Annie teased as Dean adjusted his mic after rushing to set down his guitar.
The crowd laughed in unison.
“I’m ready, do you think they’re ready?” Dean asked coyly, gesturing to the crowd.
All around you camera screens glowed and flashed burst through the darkened arena. Concert security lined the stage and guarded the partitioned areas for the crew and band to navigate the area. Until that moment you really hadn’t been able to pull any single response from the cacophony. You hadn’t been trying anyway. But when Annie goaded Dean a cluster of women in the pit got your attention.
“And here I thought you were out here warming them up for me?” Annie teased.
The crowd loved it, but one catty comment made it feel like you and Bela were right there up on stage with them. “Bela needs to get her man before that cougar gets too cozy up there.”
They eyed your little corner below the VIP suspiciously. You missed whatever Dean said in response, instead watching the women glare and Bela adamantly ignore them in equal measure.
But then the song began. A slow and slinking start reminiscent of Springsteen’s Fire. Which you clocked the first time you heard it, but that was just the intro. The lyrics started up as a quick conversation, a compromise even and then they were harmonizing into the chorus. 
The band hadn’t done many duets, even with such talented singers in their ranks. It wasn’t their style. But this song felt like it had always existed, it was timeless and familiar and really fucking catchy. Annie beamed at Dean when he slipped closer on stage and they belted out the final lines.
It made you feel like they were performing only for you, for their people. It was honest and intimate, but this wasn’t rehearsal or karaoke and the audience would not be forgotten.
Everyone cheered. Even the judgy bitches that kept watching Bela at your side.
Dean hugged Annie and made sure she got the reception she deserved, egging the crowd on and bowing in homage to her talent.
She rolled her eyes, did a snarky curtsy and waved her way back off stage.
“You guys seem to be digging that one. Maybe we could play some more new stuff for y’all tonight?” Lee asked. “I mean— the album isn’t out yet.”
Naturally, the crowd shouted and begged for more.
Bela turned to whisper to you. “They’re not gonna get in trouble for this are they?”
You shook your head. “They’ve got permission to do a few songs until the album is actually out and then they’ll change up the set list to cover more of the new stuff.”
“Got it.”
“Yeah, bootlegs always exist, but this way they’re building excitement but not giving away the farm.”
“Lee!” Dean admonished playfully. 
“What?!” Lee spat back, smirking.
“Sam— tell him.”
Sam shook his head, always stoic on stage.
Dean kept up the ruse. “I don’t know if we should. Pamela?”
Pamela thudded the bass drum and hit the crash. 
“Okay! Pammy’s in— Kevo?” Lee kept the momentum going.
And without any warning or time for Kevin to actually respond, they burst into the opening of 'Prophet and Loss'. 
“I would kill for a drink—- is there somebody we could send to concessions?” Bela asked midsong. And you looked around, wondering if any of the staff could actually leave their posts without getting in trouble. 
You suddenly felt like a bad host. “We’ll get you a box for Vegas. I know this isn’t as fun as it sounds standing for two hours straight.”
“Y/N, I’m fine. Promise.”
“Okay, well I’ll go after the next song. You want anything, Tiny?” you asked your silent companion.
“All good, boss.” He replied and straightened his stance, clasping his hands in front of him.
Kevin silenced the space with the burst of chords at the beginning of his solo, showcasing what Julliard training could do and how rock’n’roll could still be classy as hell. The key changed, turning the mood broken and lamenting as they stumbled into the bridge where Dean pelted out about losing Cas without so much detail.
 Dean let the note hang in the air. “'Prophet and Loss', everybody.”
Whistles filled the air, keeping the mood somber but with enough reception to know that small offering was gratefully accepted.
“Thanks— uh, I, we really appreciate being here tonight and being able to share some of the new album with everybody. But we know you wanna hear the stuff you know, too. So we’re gonna hop back to it and have a kick ass night. How’s that sound?” Dean checked in.
The crowd cheered.
“Did you hear something?” Dean asked Lee jokingly.
The crowd got louder.
“I don’t know if they’re up for much more,” Lee taunted back.
You rolled your eyes and turned to Bela. “Okay, I’ll be back, text me if you think of anything besides drinks.”
The crowd continued to take the bait, howling behind you as you made your way out of the off limit areas and up a side stairway towards the general admission cavern-like hallway. For the first time it felt like all day, you exhaled. Your pass flapped against your chest as you strutted quickly towards the concession area, bypassing the VIP lounge because you didn’t want to get distracted by Madison or any of the mid-level suits that might be milling around.
You could have stolen something from the dressing room, but that wouldn’t have taken nearly as long and you needed some time off of Bela duty tonight. Which made you feel guilty as hell. She was your best friend! She didn’t do anything wrong. And yet you were incredibly frustrated with even the thought of her.
So you waited in line, ordered two extremely overpriced and depressingly weak cocktails, and put them on your expense card. 
The thing about regret is that it isn’t a one time experience. There might have been a moment in the process of you contriving this scenario for Dean’s redemption where you second or third guessed yourself. But the biting sting of seeing him play happy with Bela online and even in person had come at you in waves.
Regret was bearable if it meant it worked, if Dean could have some peace.
But this wasn’t just regret, it was petulance and jealousy and injustice.
Because Bobby had asked all the way back in the beginning, why couldn’t it have been you playing arm candy? And the fact that people could see what you had tried so hard to bury and ignore plain as day, well, it made you feel incredibly small and even more pathetic.
There was no reason for you to be the one at Dean’s side. But damn did you want to be.
And somehow you had managed to keep that from one of the most important people in your life. So it wasn’t just that Bela was getting a part of Dean that you’d never have. Or parts. You shuttered at the thought of where his mouth had been. It was that your best friend hadn’t even clocked the elephant in the room.
Like she didn’t even know you at all.
Or maybe that was on you too. Maybe you hadn’t been honest with yourself until it was too late. How could you put that blame on her too?
You slammed your drink and got back in line for a replacement, not wanting to return with only Bela’s cup like some kind of maid. You could hear the crowd singing along with Lee on ‘A Reaper’s Offering’, a bluesy cut from their second studio album. 
You probably had another two songs before you’d miss anything else new. But you also knew Bela was waiting and the longer the show went on, the more drunk and ballsy random fans could get. You couldn’t leave her with the forever nonplussed Tiny for backup. You smiled at the woman working the bar cart apologetically and ordered another husk of a cocktail.
After another stream of applause, the opening bars of ‘Abandon All Hope’ started and you knew you had to book it. This was Jo’s song, you couldn’t miss it. You never left Dean to get through this one alone. Huffing down the service steps with two drinks in hand in heels was something that you managed only from practice, but you made it in time for the first chorus.
“Oh aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Bela murmured to her drink before sipping it and wincing. “It’ll do. Took you long enough,” she teased and winked, hip checking you as you struggled to get your breathing under control as you mouthed along with Dean’s words.
“Trapped by your side with no exit, we had to let you go—”
Bela quickly picked up on your shift in mood and reeled in the playfulness, for which you gave her a grateful glance before turning back to try and lock eyes with Dean on stage.
“Defending that night while trying to give comfort, we should have known—”
“To abandon all hope,” you sang out, the last lyric rising up to hover in the air. 
Dean turned and glanced in your direction and then looked again once he finally saw you. He nodded and tapped his heart and you returned the gesture, you both kept her safe as you could now. He blew a kiss to the ceiling and bowed.
The crowd continued to echo around you, suffocating yet as distant as thunder. 
“Alrighty, folks, we’re gonna take a short break for Sammy to find another shirt and we’ll get you one last sneak peak,” Dean explained. “Kevin? Think you and Pam can keep ‘em busy for me?”
“Aye-aye,” Kevin said and saluted, out of range of his mic stand.
Pam started in with the count and Kevin peeled in down from the upper registers, like he was sliding in from Heaven and crashing a party. The instrumental interlude was a mesmerizing feat of jumping genres and killing time while showcasing just what all each of them could do. But you weren’t even paying attention. Dean made a beeline for the back of the stage and he wound around security until he could find you. 
He gripped the ball of your shoulder and leaned in. “I didn’t see you until the end— had me worried, Trouble!”
He had to talk over the crowd, his back firmly towards the nearest wedge of fans.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be!”
He stared at you, sweaty and down to a single layer, earpiece still in his left ear. 
“You’re killing it up there,” Bela said, making you both stop and blink. Dean grinned and pulled her into a hug, a boyfriend hug, arms tight around her waist so her arms can loop around his neck. She even kicked a leg back for balance. 
God was she good.
“You keep an eye on her, okay? She’s gonna need tissues for the next one,” Dean warned playfully down his nose at Bela about you.
She rolled her eyes. “You are a menace on the emotional, aren’t you?”
“All in a day’s work,” Dean shrugged and set her back on her own two feet.
The crackle of a nearby walkie made Dean look around for whoever was sent to find him. “Sam’s looking for you,” an unimpressed lackey of Benny’s pointed out from ten feet away.
“Yeah, I bet he is. Alright, well, see you ladies later— Tiny,” Dean stepped back nodding. He soon disappeared only to hop up on the wing of the stage, grabbing an acoustic and sliding it on.
After the chaos of the crowd dissipated from Pamela’s and Kevin’s antics, Dean and Sam walked on stage and sat down on a pair of stools that had been left out for them. They didn’t look at each other or even the crowd and you knew in that moment that Dean hadn’t been lying. You weren’t gonna survive the next song live with a dry eye.
‘Brothers Keeper’ nearly took down the entire venue. 
Cell phones and lighters blazed in the dark, enraptured space as Dean and Sam sang about each other, about family, and about forgiveness.
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Chapter 27: Polyphony
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magicaltickles · 5 months
Stardew Valley Tickle Hcs!!
By yours truly :D
This will consist of hcs for the very best A.S.S trio. I love these three very much, Sebastian is my husband and Sam is the friend who crashes at our place and Abby and I sit on the side and watch them be dumb. Anyways if you want other characters, feel free to send in an ask! Enjoy!
Includes all of them x farmer hcs too!
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👾 Abigail 👾
- Now, all three of these lovelies are switches. It varies between all of them who is more the ler and lee, but Abby is the true switch of the trio.
- Abby as a ler is so deadly. She might not be the strongest, but she can certainly tickle her lee(s) to the ground and make them stay there.
- Not to mention the teasing??? Abigail is sooo teasy and super good at it too. She's observant and will figure out the best things to make you flustered to use it.
- For Seb, that might be something like "oh, it seems you've come across a big, scary tickle monster. tell me, great powerful wizard, what is your next move?" while squeezing his sides. For Sam, she'll be tickling his feet and legs and say something like "I'm making these legs stronger so you can do all those skateboard tricks you tell us about!". She'll also pretend to do said tricks on his tummy and ribs hehe.
- For her dear farmer, it usually ends up in a tease about planting seeds around their tummy and sides. "I just need to hoe the ground *pokes the spots* and now I can spread the seeds *light skitters* and now I need to water them *raspberries all over*!"
- Definitely cannot take what she dishes out, though. Cracks under teases 100%
- As a lee, Abby tries to put up a strong front, but one tease and she's done for. She's the person who will use the tickle monster tease on her lees, but not be able to take it as a lee herself
- Very bubbly giggles, though she doesn't really like them that much. She wants to be tough and tough girls don't have bubbly giggles in her eyes. Or be taken down by feathers.
- Worst spot is her hips and thighs. Loves to go after tummies and knees (esp if you're sitting w her while at the bar on Fridays. does the egg crack thing)
🎸 Sam 🎸
- Tries his best, that's for certain. Sam has all the right ideas, he just isn't always confident in his execution.
- He's a big brother so he automatically has ler rights. When Vincent was younger, Sam would mess with him all the time and they'd play wrestle and it'd be really cute. But Vincent has gotten to the stage where big brother isn't as cool anymore so rip.
- Sam's learning how to be a better ler through getting his friends <3
- Abby says his teases are getting better but it's only bc they're so silly, you have to laugh. His favorite to use is saying that he's "tuning" his instrument while tweaking toes and hips and then he tests it out by "playing" his lee's ribs.
- It's through Sam's silly teases they actually heard Sebastian's real laugh for the first time <33
- While Sam is strong and can and will pin you down, he's also the sweetest and much prefers to be cuddling with his dearest farmer and holding them close with one arm while his free hand goes to town wherever available. He says your laugh is his favorite song <3
- As a lee, Sam is the most adorable thing ever. He's like a puppy.
- His laugh is boyish in the best way. Very sweet and melodic. Tell him his laugh is better than his songs and he'll blush so brightly, it's so cute.
- Vibrate your fingers into his tummy and he's literally done for. Down for the count. A pile of giggles at your fingertips.
- Sam genuinely loves being tickled too. He will admit it, no questions asked. Sam thinks tickling is a lovely thing because he loves his friends and making them happy and this makes them laugh and be happy.
- Worst spot is his tummy and he loves to go after ribs and the spot where the ribs and sides meet.
🐸 Sebastian 🐸
- My husband for real life I love this man so much.
- Seb honestly prefers to be a watcher more than a part of the action. For example, if he's not the one getting got, he's the one holding down the lee while the third party gets them.
- Hugs from behind, holding arms up with one hand, that kind of stuff.
- While doing so, he might contribute a little with whispered teases into the lee's ear about how cute they're being. Depending on how close he is to the lee and how confident he's feeling, he might nuzzle his nose against their neck or blow on their ear. Little things to make them more giggly.
-Unless provoked by Sam or Abigail, the only person he confidently lers for is his dear farmer. Overworking? Tickles. Tired? Tickles. Looking extra cute? Tickles.
- Prefers light tickles to rough ones. Likes to see his lee giggly and flustered. Seb's main teases include "programming" on tummies and playing games on ribs and hips.
- The person who genuinely wants to give you a foot massage and ends up tickling you because you kept giggling when he reached certain spots.
- As a lee, Sebby has a wheezy laugh. Make a few huffs here and there. It takes a lot to get him to break and actually become giggly. Sam has the best track record for it with his dumb teases and jokes.
- Sam and Abby are extra soft with him because he doesn't lee often and they don't want him to not like it </3
- Sebastian gets squeaky when Abby uses her nails on his neck. And he melts when Sam goes for his back. Melt spot supremacy
- Sebastian's worst spot is his neck (and shoulder blades, but no one's found out about that yet). His favorite place to tickle is ears and hips.
Once again, if you have any requests, feel free to send in an ask!! I also do genshin impact, honkai star rail, and bungo stray dogs!
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chocos-universe · 2 months
This man is a certified Lee⬆️
He's a very giggly one at that
(He gets flustered over pillow tickles)
Feather ticklish
Sensitive to widdle little pokes<3
Gets flustered over teasing
Like... let's see
"Aww, who's a giggly little man?~"
Giggly over baby talk
Very giggly
Extremely giggly
Normally goes "nohoho!" occasionally
Gets even more giggly when u tell em to stop giggling
(They never said I couldn't post this sooo<3)
He's a giggly little lee. I don't believe that he be a ler❤️❤️
A whiny
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momo-de-avis · 4 months
desculpa continuar o assunto mas acho que todos concordamos com o desabafo de que uma das razões porque há tanto revisionismo histórico ignorante e saudosismo cego e interpretações prejudiciais da história em portugal é porque só se dá tempo de antena a gajos tipo nuno palma e josé gomes ferreira e depois aos marques mendes desta vida etc etc. esse tipo de economistas/tudólogos. as pessoas veem um gajo de fato que é bom a falar na tv e ficam tipo bebés com molhos de chaves e não se informam como deve ser (também são essas as vias de informação mais acessíveis...) e depois temos as "polémicas" que temos
Lembro-me sempre do meu prof de pintura portuguesa do século xv e xvi ficar zangadíssimo quando o marcelo recomendou um livro dos painéis de sao vincente (mais um) quando ao jornal da noite dizer as pessoas pra ler (mas nunca lia nada daquela merda). nao me lembro qual era o livro mas era uma merda e ele tava passadissimo pq os paineis por exemplo na arte é obra que já houve gajos que SE MATARAM por causa daquilo ze por amor de deus
ha livros académicos e há livros que nao sao nada académicos de leitura facil feita mesmo pro Zé povo
Vao começar ouvindo o podcast do Paulo M. Dias, Falando de História. Ele já publicou livros e tudo. Andei com o paulo na faculdade, nao só conheço-o a ele como conheço alguns profes, a fcsh tem um EXCELENTE departamento de história e o paulo é excelente historiador. É um ótimo sitio pra começar até porque ele adora desmistificar mta coisa da historia
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memoria-99 · 3 months
So I'm quite surprised to see pronounciation differs after seeing this post
Here's how I pronounce...
Elias Goldstein: Eh-li-as Gold-stahin(like, style without l sound + sign without s. Like Einstein and Frankenstein)
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Yukiya Reizen: Yoo-kee-yah Rai(like rice goes)-zehn
Klaus Goldstein: (Santa) Claus
Randy March: Ran-dee March(3rd month of the year)
Serge Durandal: Surge(like surgery) Dew-ran-dal
Azusa Kuze: Ah-zoo-sah Koo-zeh
Joel Crawford: Joe-l Craw-ford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leh-on
Cerim Leiado: Seh-rim Lay-ado
Guy Brighton: Guy Bright-un
Glenn Qing: Glen Ching (this kind of alphabet is mostly the one from hanyu pinyin, Chinese prounciation. There q equals ch sound.)
Leslie Roseblade: Lehs-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Si(from sick)-guard Cur(from curve)-tis
Mel Glover: Mel(melon) Glove-r
Zeus Brundle: Zoos Broon-dle
Hiro Tachibana: Hero Ta-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fons
Caesar Raphael: Kai-sar(like car) Rafa-el
Lucious Duller: Lucy-us Dool-ler
Hugo Peers: Hew-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: Hee-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-reh
Willem V Rembrandt: Will-lem V Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nox No-er
Rex Blanc: Rex Blahn(g) (Blanc is French so French style)
Gray: Gray
Ted: Ted(dy bear)
Lars Lagrene: Lars(Mars but with m sound) La-gren-eh
Clive Lagrene: Clive (Cliff but with v sound)
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-dehn(like Denmark)
Albert Auburne: Al-burt Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Fell-lix
Vain: Vain (like rain)
Viggo: Vigo(rously)
Randolph: Ran-dolf
Conrad Schuyler: Con-rad Sky-ler
Loran Merculova: Lo-ran Mercul(like mercury)-lova
Carbuncle: Car-bunkle
Taffy: Taff E
Ronny: Ron E
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mee-sha
Chocolate Cake: Chocolate cake
Hachi: Ha-chi
Nidhogg: Nid-hog(like fog)
Shu: Shoo
Amelia: Uh-meel-lee-ah
Eress: Eh-ress (Empress without the mp)
Brunhild: Broon-hild
Saella: Say-la
Aulelia: Au-leh-lee-ah
Claudia: Cloud-ia
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ind1exo · 3 months
[ How I Pronounce WH Characters' Names ]
Elias Goldstein: (2017) El-li-yahs Gold-steen; (Now) El-li-yis Gold-steen
Yukiya Reizen: (2017) Yu-kai-yah Rey-zin; (Now) Yu-key-ya Rey-zin
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Klaus Goldstein: Claus Gold-steen
Randy March: Ran-dee March
Azusa Kuze: Uh-zu-sa Ku-zay
Joel Crawford: (2017) Johl Crawford; (Now) Jo-el Crawford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leon
Cerim Leiado: Ser-im Lay-ah-do
Guy Brighton: Guy Brai-tin
Glenn Qing: Glenn King
Leslie Roseblade: Les-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Sih-gurd Kur-tis
Mel Glover: Mehl Glow-ver
Zeus Brundle: Zeus Brun-dul
Hiro Tachibana: He-ro Tah-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fonse Gold-steen
Caesar Raphael: See-zar Ra-fai-el
Lucious Duller: (2018) Luh-cious Dul-ler; (Months ago) Lu-see-is Dul-ler; (Now) Lu-cious Dul-ler I've taken years of vacations off the game twice so that's why the timeline is drastic
Hugo Peers: Hue-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: He-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-rae
Willem V. Rembrandt: Will-em V. Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nohx No-ar
Rex Blanc: Rehx Blahnk
Gray: Gray
Ted: Tehd
Lars Lagrene: Lars Lah-gren
Clive Lagrene: Clive Lah-gren
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-den
Albert Auburne: Ahl-bert Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Feel-lix
Viggo: Vih-go
Vain: Vain
Zett: Zeht
Augustus Cole: Au-gist-us Kole
Scarlett Quinn: Skar-let Quin
Randolph: Randolph
Conrad Schuyler: Cohn-rad Sk-huy-ler (It's hard to tell how his last name is actually pronounced...)
Loran Merkulova: Low-ran Mer-ku-lova
Thanatos: Than-na-tohs
Lacan: Lah-kan
Carbuncle: Car-bun-kle
Eress: Air-ess
Ronnie: Rah-nee
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mees-cha (Surprisingly, since my accent is supposed to make me say Mihs-cha like mischievous)
Chocolate Cake (Coco): I just call him Coco because saying the whole name is a pain. Luca reference
Nidhogg: Nihd-hog
Shu: Shoo
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spaceskiddo · 2 months
1st week of july. Azar, livros usados, anoitecer, dedicatórias. Ontem ao anoitecer, me peguei pensando nesta semana. O céu estava para escurecer, eu podia ver a cor alaranjada típica do final da tarde, quando o sol pode cumprimentar a lua por alguns minutos antes de se despedir pelas próximas doze horas. Observei a chegada da lua pela janela. Observei em silêncio. Pensava nesta semana, na próxima, nas que se foram e nas que ainda não chegaram. Gosto muito de pensar em silêncio, é verdade. O que tanto pensei? Ah... Em tudo. Planos, acontecimentos, expectativas. É mais fácil que me pergunte o que não pensei.
Após tanto pensar, concluí que sinto medo. Acho que é normal sentir medo, certo? Afinal, finalmente consegui um bom projeto musical para fazer parte e isso é uma boa notícia! É bom quando o trabalho é bem reconhecido e é como se todo o espaço valesse a pena por duas ou três palavras de encorajamento de quem já passou pelo mesmo que passo hoje. E como um tremendo azarado, é claro que no momento em que mais preciso da minha criatividade, ela me abandonou e se escondeu em qualquer espaço bem escondido que em minha mente está. Me deixou completamente só para lidar com uma pilha de trabalhos que são terrivelmente importantes para mim. Além do bloqueio criativo que me pegou sem avisar, tive o azar de receber uma outra pilha de trabalhos e desta vez, a patrocinadora foi a minha universidade. Não é a junção perfeita para me fazer enlouquecer? Claro que é.
Tive tempo o suficiente comigo mesmo na despedida da tarde de ontem para pensar em como lido com o tédio — o que é irônico, acabo de citar que mal tempo tenho — e me dei conta de que para mim, o tédio se torna o único momento que tenho para colocar em prática o meu crônico vício em ficar só e ler algum livro. Tenho todo o orgulho do mundo em dizer que consigo conciliar duas leituras no momento! Futuramente irei escrever a respeito, é uma promessa, mas agora quero mesmo falar sobre o meu verdadeiro amor ao cheiro de páginas de um livro recém comprado. É como entrar em um café no inverno, o cheiro é reconfortante e no meu caso, tenho alguns livros comprados há anos atrás mas que continuam com este mesmo cheiro de novo, de livraria.
Falando em livros, é claro que irei citar o que estou lendo no momento. Dado pelo meu melhor amigo, estou lendo uma biografia do Vincent Van Gogh. O livro é dividido em duas partes: biografia e comentários das obras dele. Essa leitura me prendeu e é a primeira vez que me proponho a ler um livro de temática tão diferente do que costumo ler. Cheio de marcações feitas por mim, meu livro veio com uma bonita dedicatória do antigo dono. Me pergunto por onde ele agora agora e se assim como eu, apaixonou-se por cada páginas deste livro.
Vi este livro e lembrei-me de você. A verdade é que nunca o li, mas a capa remeteu uma das tuas paixões que é a Noite Estrelada. Leia e conte-me o que aprendeu.
Bae Joo-Hyun. 2008
Uma bonita dedicatória para uma pessoa que nunca conheci, vinda de alguém que também nunca verei. Quem são? Namorados? Melhores amigos? Noivos? A graça em comprar livros usados é fazer parte de uma história a qual sequer se sabe de onde vem, até onde vai. Quer dizer, como este livro veio parar nas minhas mãos?
Uma confissão que devo fazer é que faltei todas as minhas aulas desta primeira semana de julho e tenho as justificativas mais idiotas do mundo. A maior delas é simples: dormir. A segunda justificativa é semelhante à primeira: cochilar. A minha lista de desculpas é extensa porque conheço muitos sinônimos para dormir. Talvez toda a minha sorte tenha ido embora a partir do momento que comecei a morar com amigos que são tão silenciosos quanto eu quando não estão atacando a paz que eu preciso todos os dias.
Finalizo a minha atualização sobre a primeira semana de julho falando que desejo que as próximas sejam tão tranquilas quanto esta. Me despeço desta primeira semana na madrugada do sábado, momento perfeito para divagar sobre tudo que nestes últimos dias aconteceu.
Best of the week ★ = favorites ²
Kimchi delicioso feito pela minha mãe ★
The Dream Synopsis by The Last Shadow Puppets.
Minha nova caneta preta que custou apenas 3,500 won
Cookies do Dalgona Seoul Coffe ★
Pelúcia de dino que ganhei da Mina ★
Worse of the week BAD = too bad²
Bloqueio criativo BAD
Trabalhos e exames da universidade BAD
Não comer poke quando eu quis
Mau humor por toda a semana BAD
Headphones sem bateria quando precisei
Como sou alguém que apenas funciona com listas, fiz estas duas listas para falar sobre a semana detalhadamente. Como sempre muito azarado, o meu bloqueio criativo veio justamente quando mais precisava, no entanto, acredito que tive muita sorte em achar a caneta perfeita para escrever no meu notepad por três mil wons! E também, ganhei uma pelúcia de dino que nomeei de Dino. Pensei que ficaria legal Dino, o dino. E agora tenho mais uma pelúcia de dinossauro para a minha coleção secreta que mora no meu quarto.
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some random headshots as im trying to beat an art block but i dont have much time to draw now 
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giggleeqween · 9 months
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toweroftickles · 2 years
on behalf of the person who asked about stardew valley yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
STARDEW VALLEY - Bachelor & Bachelorette Tickle Files
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Ticklishness Rating: 7/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Armpits, Neck
Though far from the most sensitive creature on earth, Haley deeply despises being tickled. Her body essentially rejects anything that makes her look silly or less-than-perfect. Doesn't sit well with that somewhat unintentionally-bitchy Queen Bee persona.
Reacts with volatile spurts of anger. Her first impulse is to viciously smack her attacker's hand, multiple times if necessary.
Doesn't so much "laugh" as "struggle to stay quiet and occasionally let out a strained yelp." Like a barking Shih Tzu.
If Emily decides to bug Haley by tickling her, she doesn't hesitate to strike back. Haley's tickle attacks tend to be sharp jabs with her fingernails. Mean, not playful.
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Ticklishness Rating: 7/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Abs, Ribs, Armpits
Unusual Ticklish Spot: Elbows
Cocky gym machismo personified. Gets embarrassed by anything that makes him look vulnerable and really doesn’t want anyone to know he’s ticklish.
Has a sharp fight-or-flight panic response (usually the latter) to being tickled. Thanks to his tragic relationship with his father and the loss of his mother, he’s become reflexively a bit touch-averse. :/ Harbors a slight distrust of that sort of closeness.
Not the most physically affectionate, so he’s not really much of a ler. The idea never really occurs to him.
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Ticklishness Rating: 9/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Balls of Feet, Tummy & Sides
Secretly loves it when her significant other pulls her into their lap and squeezes her sides. (Tickle fight/make-out session combos are one good way to get her engine revving.)
Often slaps a hand over her mouth to contain her bubbly, excited laughter. She doesn’t like her laugh, but everyone else thinks it’s adorable.
She's very squirmy, and she kicks. But don’t worry - she’s having fun!
Her pet guinea pig, David, always crawls all over her when she's relaxing, and she gets the giggles something fierce.
Watch out - she always retaliates, and has a blast doing it. Big on using baby talk and teasing when she's got someone pinned down.
Most of her tickle attacks consist of squeezing hard with all five fingers splayed out.
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Ticklishness Rating: 9/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Sides
Just look at this dude. Closed-off, emo, temperamental, somewhat cold to strangers...everything about him says "I'm deathly ticklish but will kill you if you touch me."
Whenever someone else around him gets tickled, he becomes visibly uncomfortable. Given his proximity to Maru, this can be a problem.
Has a gravelly chuckle, thanks to the smoking. Gasps and coughs a lot when he laughs.
Will plead with you & yell at you to stop as soon as you start attacking him.
Doesn’t really fight back - runs like Jason or Freddy are chasing him. Might scratch you involuntarily.
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Ticklishness Rating: 10/10!
Most Ticklish Spots: Tummy/Sides, Belly Button, Feet…everywhere! 😁
Favorite Tickle Spot: Bellies
A totally adorkable cuddle bug! Everyone around Maru knows how ticklish she is and she's an absolute joy to have in your clutches.
Has a low-pitched, throaty, bubbly giggle punctuated by the occasional squeal.
Still gets tickled by her mom (Robin) all the time. Everyone in the family loves pinching her sides. ^^
A champion at tickle fights and a big fan of blowing raspberries on tummies. Very physically affectionate with friends & loved ones.
Attacks with wiggly, shuffling finger movements. Likes to tease with the “Cootchie cootchie coo!” type of tickle-talk.
When her father first married Sebastian’s mom, she tried cheer-up tickles to get on her new bro’s good side…but quickly discovered this was a bad idea.
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Ticklishness Rating: 6/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Ribs
Frequently acts as something of a surrogate father to his little brother Vincent. If Vincent ever needs cheering up (or if the older sibling is losing in a video game), Sam won’t hesitate to start a tickle fight.
He’s always been quite a troublemaker…as a little kid, his friends often “taught him a lesson” by pinning him down and tickling him.
Will always fight back and dish out whatever he gets!
Likes to tickle girlfriends and sometimes uses it to flirt with groupies.
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Ticklishness Rating: 8/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Armpits
Unusual Ticklish Spots: Wrists
Her biggest priority is “positive spiritual energy,” so she’ll eagerly participate in anything that builds happiness & trust & good vibes. If that includes tickling in someone’s case, then she’s up for it.
Loves to laugh. Hers is squeaky, high-pitched, and fast - it vibrates like jello.
You’ve really gotta hold her down - she thrashes like crazy. Describes being tickled as “sucky” when it happens, but “exciting” afterwards.
Tries to break down her sister’s barriers with skittery tickle attacks. She loves annoying Haley like that, though she’s not always overly-fond of the resulting payback.
Measuring her customers to make clothes for them has occasionally led to accidental ticklish moments, which always makes her giggle.
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Ticklishness Rating: 9/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Sides, Neck, Toes
Can’t stand being tickled, in any capacity. You’ll get her to beg for mercy just by wiggling your index finger at her.
As you can imagine, she didn’t get much affection as a kid, especially from her mom. She’s not used to tickles and has basically no resistance built up.
Her entire face goes absolutely scarlet when she’s touched. Jittery & shivery. Won’t sit still. It’s cute. ^^
Has a soft, airy laugh that’s almost barely audible.
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Ticklishness Rating: 7/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly Button, Hips, Balls of Feet
Though she doesn’t have a particular affinity or dislike for tickling, Leah would make a great ler, thanks to her creativity, love of discovery, and artistic hands.
Always happy to learn that others are ticklish. When she’s tickling, she likes to experiment, poking and prodding all over until she finds every weak spot.
Her voice drops an octave and she gasps a lot when she’s laughing. Laughs from in her stomach and the back of her throat.
Loves foot rubs…as long as you don’t tickle. ;)
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meuflogao · 4 months
sobre a metade da tetralogia
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faz 24 horas que finalizei o segundo livro da tetralogia napolitana e queria registrar alguns pensamentos (ou sentimentos, não sei) que tive durante essas duas leituras. esse texto não é uma resenha, apenas um relato pessoal de tudo que me surgiu ao longo do caminho.
comecei a ler porque gostava de ver a devoção de algumas pessoas que sigo para com a história. gostava do jeito que comentavam e os sentimentos que a leitura evocava nelas. fiquei curiosa. não lembro com precisão o que eu pensei quando li as primeiras páginas, acho que, num geral, é uma história que nos prende de imediato porque queremos saber afinal, por quê lila quis não apenas sumir, mas apagar os vestígios da sua existência.
tinha um certo preconceito com a capa da edição, não porque acho feia ou qualquer coisa assim, gosto bastante delas, mas pensava que elas não fazem jus à gravidade da história. hoje penso que elas são perfeitas. sempre penso quando estou lendo em público: "eles não sabem que por trás dessa capa alegre e até mesmo boba, está uma história dilacerante."
adoro o nome do primeiro livro: "a amiga genial". me emocionei muito quando ele surgiu num diálogo entre lila e lenu.
há algum tempo, houve uma discussão no twitter sobre leitura e suas facetas, e vi muitas pessoas questionando o papel da identificação nesse processo. o assunto começou quando, mais uma vez, mulheres alegaram que homens são incapazes de ler e compreender obras produzidas por e com protagonistas mulheres porque não conseguem se identificar. não que estivessem discutindo a sério, e isso não durou mais do que um dia, mas o que ficou do assunto foi que a identificação é uma maneira muito pobre de se relacionar com um texto. e eu até concordei. tempo depois, li um texto de vincent jouve para a aula de introdução aos estudos literários que reforçava a importância da identificação para a leitura. não que seja a característica principal, mas é imprescindível. hoje mesmo, li uma entrevista da meryl streep falando sobre como os homens nunca se identificam com suas personagens enquanto nós mulheres somos capazes de nos identificarmos com personagens masculinos, ela disse algo como "nós mulheres falamos todas as línguas, mas os homens não são capazes de falar a nossa." e fiquei pensando no peso da identificação durante a leitura dos livros da elena ferrante.
é muito fácil se identificar com as mulheres dessa história, em maior ou menor grau. durante a leitura desses dois livros, percebi que alguns temas emergiram em mim e viraram o centro dos meus dias. e isso ficou evidente nas últimas duas semanas. pelo menos foi quando tomei consciência disso, mas é certo que já vinha reverberando. de repente, eu comecei a sentir muito a falta das minhas melhores amigas. de repente o nome da júlia era mencionado em todas as sessões de análise. de repente a lacuna que a mayumi deixou quando foi embora, e numa nova configuração, criara um contorno. de repente eu me via muito nos desejos de lila e nas inseguranças de lenu. de repente a minha relação com todas as mulheres que me constituíram foi ficando mais clara, mais grave e mais forte.
de fato não parto do princípio da identificação por classe. não habito nem nunca habitei o mesmo estrato que as protagonistas, mas caminhei por ali. pensei na minha avó paterna e em seus espaços. ou a falta deles. minhas tias, também paternas, e as reinvindicações que jamais poderiam ser feitas. mas, como qualquer pessoa nascida e socializada enquanto mulher, todas as micro e macro violências dessa história são identificáveis. e as sutilezas delas.
a relação de lila e lenu com o estudo certamente é algo que toca muito em mim. quando criança, era péssima aluna, mais por ser peralta do que por dificuldade. a partir da quinta série, tudo desandou. quase reprovei. eu não conseguia mais estudar, vivia de recuperação e minha relação com os professores não era boa. algo que me custou muito a autoestima e perseguiria pelo resto da vida. até hoje, a relação que tenho com os estudos é consequência desse período. eu não consigo abrir mão de um diploma, mesmo que perca completamente o interesse ao longo do caminho, porque preciso provar pra mim mesma que não sou burra como me fizeram e também me fiz acreditar naquela idade. é como se esse diploma não servisse para me qualificar em uma área, mas sim um comprovante de que não sou burra. assim como lenu, sofro para me desfazer da ideia de uma "inferioridade constitutiva", uma incapacidade inata e genética e um medo de nunca superar nada. diferente dela, não tenho uma disciplina e diligência para com os estudos, me esforço à minha maneira, a de quem priorizava as brincadeiras e a criação de histórias na infância, o que me leva até a lila.
pensei muito na júlia porque também nos fizemos amigas na infância e, pela primeira vez, refleti sobre pontos de segundo plano dessa amizade. pensei, pela primeira vez, nas pequenas rivalidades. no quanto eu a via como o que eu queria ser mas jamais conseguiria. no quanto me comparava fisicamente com ela. em como achava que estava sempre à sombra da beleza dela, que eu estaria para sempre fadada ao papel de amiga feia. pensei nas coisas, as mais importantes, que nunca foram faladas, embora tenham sido vistas, e que precisavam ser ditas. em tudo que não sabíamos sobre a outra. pensei na primeira história que criei, a primeira, mais longa, mais complexa e mais importante. pensei que criei essa história com a ajuda da júlia. pensei na seriedade dessa história, que não passava de um enredo para nossa brincadeira de barbies. pensei que só com o tempo, com maturidade, o espaço de mais de 20 anos, me fez entender o que estava por trás dessa brincadeira. pensei na profundidade e na forma sistemática que brincávamos, como nos entendíamos. pensei no fato de eu não brincar de barbie com mais ninguém. pensei em como, na feitura de um eu, cabe tanto, e só é possível, através de um pedaço do outro, e é o de júlia que carrego em mim. lembrei, pela primeira vez, de um fato. conheci a júlia no dia da sua festa de aniversário, vi minha colega de sala chegando na casa dela, e fiz de tudo para chamar a atenção dos que ali estavam para ser convidada. lembrei que, nessa época, na primeira série, eu me separava pela primeira vez das minhas amigas da escola infantil, com quem estudei, até ali, a vida inteira. essa colega, que naquele momento era uma das poucas amigas que tinha, era amiga da júlia pois estudaram juntas. certa vez, quando eu e júlia já tínhamos virado amigas, a minha escola promoveu um evento para alunos levarem um amigo que passaria o dia com você ali. essa colega chamou a júlia e eu não levei ninguém, porque não tinha quem levar. a júlia era minha única opção e ela estaria lá enquanto amiga de outra. essa lembrança estava guardada num lugar tão profundo que, quando chegou à superfície, me espantei. me perguntei "por quê me lembrei disso?" e a verdade é que fui uma criança muito solitária. era muito tímida, só conseguia estabelecer vínculos com a rotina e convivência da escola e, mesmo ali, nem sempre eram relações boas. constantemente sentia que eu não era querida pelos pais de minhas colegas de classe por não ser um bom exemplo, por não ser boa aluna, por conversar demais durante a aula, por me meter em encrenca, por ser meio moleca. percebi que, por muito tempo, a júlia foi minha única amiga. e ontem, numa das últimas páginas do segundo livro, quando lenu vai até a fábrica em que lila está trabalhando, depois de tanto tempo sem vê-la, a passagem em que ela diz "sentia por dentro a dificuldade de deixá-la, a velha convicção de que sem ela nada de realmente importante jamais me aconteceria" me fez pensar nisso. me fez pensar agora em como eu chorava em segredo quando a júlia ia embora da minha casa, porque tinha medo de que cada vez pudesse ser a última. pensei no quanto eu chorei e sofri sozinha, escondida e em silêncio quando ela se mudou da casa ao lado da minha. vivendo uma espécie de luto em segredo. quando criança, eu nunca permitia que me vissem chorar que não fosse por apanhar ou ser colocada de castigo. ninguém podia saber que eu também sofria, que eu ficava triste, porque achava que não tinha esse direito.
quando lila tem o filho e quer deixar tudo para cuidar dele mas teme que lhe falte qualquer coisa, pensei em minha mãe e em todas as concessões que fez por medo. no quanto ela aguentou por medo. a que se subjugou por medo. pensei no meu pai. pensei em cada agressão sofrida dentro de casa. da minha e de outras.
pensei na mulher que me criou quando ninguém sabia que ela me criava e que soube de tudo antes de todo mundo. pensei na aguimara e como ela foi a primeira a saber que um dia eu queria escrever uma história e que ouvia tudo que eu tinha a dizer. e pensei no porquê ela teve que ser a primeira. pensei no quanto eu me sentia respeitada por ela. querida por ela. defendida por ela. e, por isso, confiava à ela tudo que levaria anos para confiar até mesmo à minha mãe. pensei em como ela foi a primeira adulta em quem confiei.
pensei em quando me apaixonei pela última vez. no quanto o via como lenu via nino, e depois lila. pensei que eu também li ulysses porque alguém que eu conheci leu. e que foi nessa relação, sem nome nem definição, de constante excitação mental, que me despertava o desejo insaciável de saber mais, conhecer mais, entender mais, que uma porta para um novo universo se abriu. pensei em como eu gostava de enxergar o mundo de outra forma, com as descrições de alguém que tinha tido mais do que eu pude ter. pensei em como quando isso, que nunca começou, se acabou, eu sentia que a porta estava aberta mas eu jamais poderia entrar. tudo que podia fazer era observar de longe, porque aquele mundo não era meu. pensei agora em como ser uma rio pretense te impõe certas limitações.
pensei que, mesmo não habitando o lugar de lila e lenu nesse mundo, eu também passaria a vida me comparando com aqueles que pareciam ter nascido sabendo e conhecendo de tudo, simplesmente por não serem os primeiros de uma geração de descendentes emergentes. pensei na crueldade desse pensamento, do quanto nunca chegarei aos pés de alguém que teve avós com diplomas. pensei que nasci em desvantagem. que o que eu gostaria de ser exige que outros antes de mim tivessem sido.
pensei nos abusos sofridos. por mim e por outras, de nomes e sem nomes, amigas ou não. pensei na violência das palavras, dos que amamos e dos que odiamos. nas coisas que fazemos quando não queremos fazer.
pensei no horror de nos tornarmos nossas mães e de repetir seus passos, especialmente os claudicantes. pensei nas mães.
pensei no que a lenu disse, que amar alguém não é algo que se diz no bairro, mas algo que se esconde.
pensei na vergonha de lenu. pensei nisso associando ao livro a vergonha, de annie ernaux, que não li, mas quero ler em breve. pensei no quanto esses dois universos, da ernaux e na ferrante, se interligaram nessas duas semanas através da minha própria leitura de ambas, quando decidi ler paixão simples e me reconhecia nos livros da francesa. lenu falaria da vergonha de si alguns capítulos depois e eu falaria sobre esse sentimento que me acompanha desde cedo na sessão de terapia dessa semana.
pensei em como essa leitura foi abrindo e fechando feridas e como essa é a primeira vez que um livro me afeta tanto. muitas vezes tenho raiva de lenu, por ela não enxergar o óbvio, por não dizer o que precisa e então me dou conta que, eu, enquanto leitora, sei de coisas que ela não sabe, e me fascino com esse mecanismo do livro.
estou sempre com os livros para lá e para cá, leio no caminho para a faculdade, leio na biblioteca, na igreja, no ônibus. por muitas vezes, tive vontade de perguntar às professoras se elas leram, e se sim, se gostaram e se sim, por quê gostaram, mas então fico tímida. no momento, estou esperando o terceiro volume chegar, então quis fazer um texto para elaborar tudo que pensei durante o processo. não finalizarei esse, porque não sei se ele está finalizado. acho que todos esses pensamentos estavam mais frescos ontem, talvez teria saído melhor mas não consegui escrever. deixo o fim em aberto, envio para minha amiga amanda, que queria saber minha opinião. se eu pensar em mais alguma coisa, retorno, senão, fica o convite à leitura.
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theogvampangel · 7 months
ꪆৎ 𓈒 ֹ Evan͠geline 𝓐ng͟e͟lle 🪽 ੭ ᴀᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛᴀɴᴅᴏ ᴍɪɴʜᴀ ᴅᴏʟʟ
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𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 Salto Grande٬ 01/12 16. 𝘚𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴. 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘴' 𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳
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──𝜗𝜚 𝓐b͟out me˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 ✦ I am. 𝑬𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆, sou filha do ceo Romeo Angelle e da administradora Diana Do Nascimento, sou brasileira mas tenho decentencia italiana e francesa. Tenho 16 anos, estou no no 1º do ensino médio. Sou dona de uma loja de bijuteria chamada Bamai. Além de que faço balé desde os meus quatro anos de idade. E recentemente me mudei pra Salto Grande um dos interiores de São Paulo. A + ou -9 meses atrás, eu morava no Rio de Janeiro em Leblon, juntamente com meu padrasto Luccas, com meu irmão postiço Vincent e com meu irmão e com a minha mãe. Mas minha mãe dizia que queria uma vida mais calma, então eles decidiram se mudar para Salto Grande, e nunca pensei que minha vida e seria tão calma. Porque eu saí de uma vida muito ativa, pra uma vida calma em sete meses. Eu moro numa casa do lado da prainha de Salto Grande , bonita, espaçosa e aconchegante. E eu fiz amizades únicas e além de ter reencontrado a minha melhor amiga de infância a Gigi E faz + ou - uns 5 meses que eu estou namorando um cara chamado Micah Ríos, está no 4 semestres da faculdade de Pediatria, ele diz que o sonho dele e ser pai . É também tenho uma, Golden retriever chamada Belle e uma Bernes chamada Hakkai.
──𝜗𝜚 𝓟e͟r͟s͟onality˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 Ange e uma garota, que possui uma natureza grandiosa, dramática, boba e melancólica. Alem de dela ser muito apreciada pelos rapazes. Dizem que ela e como um anjo caído na terra, fria, calma, reservada e sempre com sono, além dela ser bem na dela
──𝜗𝜚 𝓐p͟p͟earance˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 ✦ Eu sou uma garota que tem baby face, por conta disso muntos achão que tenho 13 anos, mas, na verdade, tenho 16 anos. Desde pequena eu sou muito cuidadoda com a minha pele. Além de ter um piercing no nariz e vários na orelha. Com os meus 10 anos, meu pai, começou a perceber que seus caninos estavam crescendo mais que o normal. Eu tenho uma tatuagem de coelinho no braço, Eu tenho uma mão com dedos finos e longos. Suas unhas são enormes elas crescem em formato pontiagudo. Eu tenho cabelo liso natural desde do dia que nasceu, entre 2019, 2022 tinha o cabelo muito curto. Mas em 2023 e 2024 o meu cabelo cresceu drasticamente, além do meu cabelo ser muito grande, hidratado e ele cresce muito rápido em 3 meses eles crescem 10cm. Eu amo muito meu corpo, eu tenho seios grandes, e pernas medias
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──𝜗𝜚 𝓥i͟sual i͟denti͟ty˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 Balletcore Livros Cabelo longo Jellyfish Salto alto Unhas longas Renda bolsa de crife Arraia lacinhos Sea
──𝜗𝜚 𝓛i͟festyle˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 Eu tenho uma vida muito calma e tranquila. Moro com a minha mãe e meu padrasto, meu irmão postiço e o meu irmão mais novo em uma casa no interior. Nós somos uma família unida e feliz. Eu estudo em uma escola pública e tenho boas notas.Eu tenho muitos amigos e me divirto com eles. Eu gosto de ler, ouvir música, assistir filmes e séries, e passear na natureza. E sempre vou pra ourinhos sair com os amigos, andar de moto com o namorado, sair com a minha enteada, sair para jantar a noite.
──𝜗𝜚 𝓢cho͟o͟l˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 Sou uma aluna muito dedicada , sempre tira notas altas em materias difíceis, eu sou e ótima em exatas, principalmente matemática e física.
──𝜗𝜚 𝓕u͟tu͟re career˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 Bom Eu já tenho meus planos pro futuro. ja estão no presente ja que eu sou uma mine-empresária, futuramente ela pensa em abrir a Bluestorm e a Angelle Cosmetics.
──𝜗𝜚 𝓥i͟be˚. ᵎᵎ 🪼 A vibe de Ange é como a de uma burguesa que aprecia a arte, moda, joias, motos, apesar dela viver como uma burguesa, Angeline gosta dos detalhes simples da vida, ama os animais, flores e crianças.
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