#les cendres
onlyalperend · 3 months
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Yönetmenliğini Erdem Tepegöz’ün üstlendiği, senaryosunu Erdi Işık’ın yazdığı film farklı ve şaşırtıcı bir yapım olmuş; kurmaca sandığın mekan ve kahramanların  gerçek; gerçek sandıklarının ise kurmaca olduğunu hissediyorsunuz. Bunun ayrımını iyi yapmak da seyirciye düşüyor. Matruşka gibi her şeyin iç içe geçtiği olay örgüsünü anlamak izleyiciyi biraz zorlasa da sinema ve edebiyat tadını da bu zorluk oluşturuyor…
Türk sinemasında ender rastladığımız modern bir anlatım hakim “Kül”de ve altından iyi  kalkılmış. (Bu tür denemelerde altında kalanlar çok oluyor maalesef)
Gerçek ile kurmaca iç içe geçti bile…
Renklerin dili çok iyi kullanılmış. Bir yanda sarı, turuncu, kırmızı, taba rengi mekanların sıcaklığını ön plana çıkarırken diğer yanda gerçek olarak algıladığımız yerlerde  gri, mavi, mor gibi  renkler ön plana geçmiş. Örneğin Kenan’nın işyeri ve evinde  mavi ve gri renk hakim…
Tabii ahşabın ve betonun tezatlığı da söz konusu. Kahramanımız Metin Ali (Alperen duymaz) de zaten marangoz. Metin Ali’nin romanda ismi “M” olarak geçiyor ki bu da “yeni roman”ın  bir özelliğidir. Tıpkı Kafka’nın Şato romanında geçen ana karakterinin adı “K” olduğu gibi… Bir yanda tahtanın güzelliği ve sıcaklığı bir yanda beton, ayna ve cam binalar…
The film, directed by Erdem Tepegöz and written by Erdi Işık, was a different and surprising production; The places and heroes you thought were fictional are real; You feel that what they think is real is fiction. It is up to the audience to distinguish this well. Although it may be a bit difficult for the audience to understand the plot where everything is intertwined, like Matryoshka, this difficulty also creates the taste of cinema and literature...
A modern narrative, which we rarely encounter in Turkish cinema, prevails in " Ash " and it is executed well. (Unfortunately, there are many people who fall short in such attempts.) .
Reality and fiction are already intertwined...
The language of colors is used very well. On the one hand, yellow, orange, red and tan colors highlight the warmth of spaces, on the other hand, colors such as grey, blue and purple come to the fore in places we perceive as real. For example, blue and gray colors dominate in Kenan's workplace and home...
Of course, there is also the contrast between wood and concrete. Our hero Metin Ali ( Alperen doesn't hear ) is also a carpenter. Metin Ali's name is mentioned as " M " in the novel , which is a feature of the "new novel". Just like the name of the main character in Kafka's novel The Castle is " K " ... On the one hand, the beauty and warmth of wood, and on the other hand, concrete, mirror and glass buildings...
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cadere-art · 2 months
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Haut-et-haut-les-cendres-du-rocher-aux-embruns (Up-and-up-the-cinders-of-the-salt-sprayed-rock), or Woitl for short, is a yetsié working as a tower climber on coastal telecommunication (wireless telegraphy) towers in Iscea. Even among the yetsié, who are arboreal creatures and never fully at ease on the ground, Up-and-up-the-cinders's taste for heights is considered extreme.
Up-and-up-the-cinders is from Urterre, a small, rugged island country north of Iscea. Her yetsié dialect is not fully mutually intelligible with that of Iscean yetsié, and she has a very limited grasp of Iscean. For a yetsié such as she, the job of tower climber, a solitary and well remunerated profession up in the heights, should have been sufficient. But Up-and-up-the-cinders has seen these new machines, these roaring, stuttering, awkward things who take off as laboriously as an albatross, but by the gods, they do fly, and Up-and-up-the-cinders wants nothing more than to fly as well.
Up-and-up-the-cinders-of-the-salt-sprayed-rock has had limited opportunity to use the sort of nickname other yetsié adopt for the sake of humanoids, though she has several, one of which is Woitl, which mimicks "Up". Up-and-up-the-cinders is an image for her speed in climbing and the heights she reaches, with a nod to her fur's ashen colour. Of-the-salt-sprayed-rock holds double meaning: it refers both to her land of origin, Urterre, and to her scent, which due to her job working on towers by the coast, has always something of the sea in it. The only part of her name she has always borne is "cinder": as a youth in her home country she was Shining-the-star-cinder, Shining in reference to her unusual eye colour, and the-star-cinder in reference to the six-point star drawn by the dark grey on her arms, neck, and stomach. Her pattern is considered rather striking by other yetsié, and the fact that she has retained so little of it in her name immediately tells them that she must have a very strong personality for it to overshadow her colours so.
Up-and-up-the-cinders has not had the exposure to the constant socialization that urban yetsié must learn to tolerate, and struggles heavily with the demands of city life as she tries to join Pigeon Aéropostale, the only aeronautics upstart that she believes might allow her to become a pilot.
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prosedumonde · 9 months
Où qu’elle aille, où qu’elle se trouve, il y avait toujours cette forme d’étrangeté qui persistait, l’intuition d’un monde qu’elle ne comprenait pas très bien, et dans lequel elle tentait désespérément de mettre du sens. Un monde dont elle n’était qu’une occupante éphémère, curieuse et un peu perdue, une invitée de passage qui s’efforçait, le temps de son séjour, d’apprendre les lois locales et ses codes inconnus.
Marie Mangez, Le parfum des cendres
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les-portes-du-sud · 8 months
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Nous devons prendre le feu du passé et non ses cendres.
Jean Jaurès
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fleurdusoir · 9 months
Jaillisse l’étincelle Et rougisse la cendre! Nous irons à nos anciens dieux.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, cité par Pierre Vial, Les fêtes païennes des quatre saisons
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year
Bon Soir 💟 🐶 🎸🆕️
Jil Caplan 🎶 Animal Animal
(Sur les cendres danser)
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edgarmoser · 1 year
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l'album "sur les cendres danser" paru le 15 settembre 2023
jil caplan - animal animal
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revuetraversees · 1 month
Murièle MODÉLY, User le bleu, suivi de Sous la peau - Lithographie de Cendres Lavy, Éditions  Aux cailloux des chemins, 100 pages, septembre 2020.
Une chronique de Marc Wetzel Murièle MODÉLY, User le bleu, suivi de Sous la peau – Lithographie de Cendres Lavy, Éditions  Aux cailloux des chemins, 100 pages, septembre 2020.    “User le bleu” – titre étrange – trouve son sens dans un poème page 25-26. La scène est un métro (chargé) dans lequel une fille pleure à gros sanglots, mais sans gémir ni vouloir déranger. Son désespoir est massif,…
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songedunenuitdete · 3 months
Le Sang et la Cendre T4 : La Guerre des deux Reines Jennifer L. Armentrout
Mon avis : Vu comment se termine la fin du tome 3, j’étais impatiente de lire la suite ! Et dans l’ensemble, j’ai passé un super bon moment avec ce quatrième tome. Cependant, je lui ai trouvé bien des longueurs et des répétitions. Notamment sur les sentiments et les émotions qu’éprouvent nos héros, Casteel et Poppy. Casteel est un personnage masculin que je trouve génial ! Je l’apprécie…
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ruemorinpointcom · 4 months
Espace Séquence
Pierre-Olivier Tanguay – Exposition – Les étoiles réchaufferont nos cendres – 20 juin au 19 octobre 2024 Continue reading Espace Séquence
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dixvinsblog · 4 months
Nefissa Ayachi - Nul n'écoutera le chant des damnés
L’innommable fuse sur nos regards hagards comme la hache au poing du bourreau, la chair des mots arrachée…Sous un ciel de plomb, oliviers, figuiers, orangers et thym s’éteignentRabougris, rachitiques, aveugles…La terre millénaire en génuflexion de cendres, la prière de l’absent et le muet des larmes.L’opaque du noir et l’effacé du blanc…Dans le sel de la douleur, le Maître des lieux Flottant hors…
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onlyalperend · 3 months
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Kül filmi eleştirileri nasıl? Kül filmi, izleyiciler ve eleştirmenler tarafından genel olarak olumlu yorumlar aldı. Film, farklı ve şaşırtıcı bir yapım olarak nitelendirildi. Filmde, oyunculuk, yönetmenlik, senaryo, kurgu ve müzik gibi unsurların başarılı olduğu belirtildi. Film, aynı zamanda, evlilik, sadakat, tutku, yalan, gerçeklik gibi temaları işleyerek, izleyiciyi düşündüren ve sarsan bir deneyim sundu.
Kül filmi izlemek için nedenler Kül filmi, Netflix’te yayınlanan Türk yapımı bir dram filmi olarak, izleyicilere farklı bir seçenek sunuyor. Film, sıradan bir hayat süren bir kadının, okuduğu bir kitap sayesinde girdiği tehlikeli bir macerayı anlatıyor. Film, gerilim, erotizm ve dram unsurlarını başarıyla harmanlıyor. Film, aynı zamanda, izleyiciyi kendisiyle ve çevresiyle yüzleştiren, sorgulatan ve etkileyen bir hikaye sunuyor. Film, Türk sinemasının ve televizyonunun sevilen oyuncularını bir araya getiriyor. Film, teknik ve sanatsal açıdan da kaliteli bir yapım olarak göze çarpıyor. via Çanakkale Olay . Ash received generally positive reviews from audiences and critics. The film was described as a different and surprising production. It was stated that elements such as acting, directing, script, editing and music in the film were successful. The film also offered a thought-provoking and shocking experience to the audience by dealing with themes such as marriage, loyalty, passion, lies and reality. As a Turkish drama film released on Netflix, Ash offers a different option to the audience. The film tells the story of a dangerous adventure that a woman living an ordinary life enters into thanks to a book she reads. The film successfully blends elements of tension, eroticism and drama. It also presents a story that makes the audience confront, question and impress themselves and their surroundings. It brings together the popular actors of Turkish cinema and tv.The film stands out as a quality production in terms of technical and artistic aspects. . Kül sadece netflixturkiye de yayinda! dont miss #Ashes only on netflix
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angelitam · 4 months
Partageons mon rendez-vous lectures #18-2024 & critiques
Voici ma critique littéraire sur Livres à profusion. La cité sous les cendres de Don Winslow La cité sous les cendres de Don Winslow – Editions Harper Collins   Alexis Laipsker …Et avec votre esprit …Et avec votre esprit d’Alexis Laipsker – Editions Pocket Dixième et dernière enquête du Departement V, 7m2, Sept mètres carrés de Jussi Adler Olsen 7 m2 de Jussi Adler Olsen – Editions Albin…
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prosedumonde · 9 months
Les humains, ils acceptent pas l’éphémère. Ça les rend dingue. Ils voudraient toujours tout conserver, que ce soit le corps ou l’âme ou quoi que ce soit d’autre, faut qu’il reste un truc. Tout pour lutter contre le transitoire, et cette lutte, bah ça s’appelle l’humanité…
Marie Mangez, Le parfum des cendres
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alapagedeslivres · 5 months
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anolis3 · 6 months
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"Ciel de Cendres", by Sara Schneider.
"À présent, seule compte la chasse à l'Homme, l'annexion de son territoire et de ses ressources. Pour cette mission, les corps changent. Le lupin se recroqueville, le canin s'efface. Jamais le loup n'a été aussi dangereux que depuis qu'il ressemble à l'Homme.", from Ciel de Cendres.
"L'éruption du Mont Tendre n'avait pas été une fin en soi, c'était seulement l'élément déclencheur d'une cascade de catastrophes qui avaient menés à cette situation : un conflit entre citoyens nivlandais, une guerre civile, orchestrée avec doigté par la plus experte des semeuses de troubles.", from Ciel de Cendres.
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