musicarenagh · 1 month
Unveiling the Enigma: Gianni Bodo's "Le Silence" Gianni Bodo's "Le Silence" springs from the soil of muted incredulities, a force-fed feast of political platitudes surviving on the ghost-breath of heirloom ideologies. It ripples across an arid auditory landscape like tongues of fire licking at forged iron bridges built over waterless waves. https://open.spotify.com/track/6Yx8WHJ8N3ITiguIj8xX7k Its notes teeter precariously on precipices and reverberate through catacombs housing forgotten rock 'n' roll echoes; tapestries weave threads for every 007 affair yet unfurl in sombre symphony to unravel an untold narrative begging to breach its self-constructed silence. Bodo conjures jagged shards from The Wall behind a Churchillian Iron Curtain, packaging them into precious bonbons—even bitterness drizzled with blistering brilliance tantalises. The song pirouettes within your psyche—within each french syllable it twirls–like the grainy memories hazy sepia film reels preserve—one part requiem for fallen angels leveling swords against modern windmills, two parts resurrection—an orchestral phoenix birthed amongst ashes. A cold reckoning tempered by warm chords as comforting as English pub hearths yet chilling as Siberian hymns rendering lips numb but hearts aflame! [caption id="attachment_55409" align="alignnone" width="1798"] Unveiling the Enigma: Gianni Bodo's "Le Silence"[/caption] From a roaring river rushing headlong towards destiny’s edge transmutates this lonely snowflake pressing itself onto the numbing glasspane—a spectacle inadequate when unshared! For so is "Le Silence” - a cyclonic waltz climaxing defiantly into...stillness; producing such resonant 'silence', that one feels less alone in their disquietude—heavily orchestrated guided meditation within nihilistic corners silent screams claw against with feline desperation. Bodo spins gold out of dwindling twilight fragments: raw truth spinning about upon latter-day ballrooms deserted save for spectral figures trapped within tarnished mirrors—an image soaked elegy embracing humanity, subtly urging us “to let silence do the talking…” This music shapeshifts, evolves in perception, even as it unravels—an opium-dense dreamscape that fades not with the dawn, but sinks into your marrow—forever echoing! Follow Gianni Bodo on Website, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
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we-tokyoboy · 1 year
lesile cheung and this song: Golden Buddhist Saint
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lesboevils · 2 months
with pride month approaching and my old archival links post being broken into several annoying sections. here are some useful starting places on lgbt history.
disclaimer: most of this has to do with usamerican history / are in english my apologies, this is just what i had on hand. if you have more please feel free to add them or dm them to me.
the act up oral history project
the lesbian herstory archives
the transgender archives of the university of victoria
the digital transgender archives
glbt historical society
lgbtq digital collaboratory
anything that moves
the bisexual manifesto (1990)
samuel proctor oral history project
a full master post of lesile feinberg's works (stone butch blues included ) by @genderoutlaws
the queer zine archive
dyke march compilation
paris is burning ( documentary )
how to survive a plague ( documentary )
united in anger: a history of ACT UP ( documentary )
screaming queens ( documentary )
the celluloid closet ( documentary )
one institute
audre lorde's poetry collection
bi women's quarterly (1/2)
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itswalky · 2 months
So does Lesile still have romantic feeling for Robin?
everyone has romantic feelings for robin, always
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post-laundromat · 3 months
(OP) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if you are too young and unsafe to go to your gay community center or pride here’s some ways you can connect to gay history. - the oral history project from act up - the lesbian herstory archives - the transgender archives of the university of victoria - the digital transgender archives - glbt historical society (digital) - lgbtq digital collaboratory
(OP) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
since it was suggested in the tags anything that moves the bisexual manifesto
(OP) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
the Samuel Proctor oral history project a masterpost of lesile feinberg’s works by genderoutlaws more to come
(OP) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- the queer zine archive - the dyke march compilation  - paris is burning  - how to survive a plague - united in anger: a history of ACT UP - one archives - new york public library lgbtq archives
(OP) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
for today’s update: - screaming queens - a collection of audre lorde’s poetry - the arquives - dykes to watch out for - the bi woman’s quarterly (1/2)
(OP) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Links to OP's paypal, cashup and venmo. See original post].
(Commenter 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
PDF: transgender history, susan stryker (2017 updated edition via archive.org) examples of archive.org lending books (accounts are free): - we both laughed in pleasure (collected diaries of lou sullivan) - trap door: trans cultural production and the politics of visibility - captive genders: trans embodiment and the prison industrial complex you can also find materials there using metadata search terms like "transgender people." notably, there's a series of long interviews with lou sullivan recorded shortly after his AIDS diagnosis, which i've found really interesting. (be aware that some materials will be redundant with other collections and using broad terms like "transgender" might also yield anti-trans materials.) & if you ARE a young gay person who feels isolated in your current situation, queering the map might be a small comfort to you
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daydream-cement · 1 year
The Cedars Have Eyes Ch. 18
Characters: Larissa Weems x OC (Fern Rogers)
Synopsis: Fern experiences the afterlife.
Authors Note: I say this every time, but THIS was my favorite chapter to write.
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You awoke. Your surroundings were just as you hoped the afterlife to be. A prairie. A tall grass prairie. You felt like you were back home in Wisconsin.
The grass raised high around you. Big and little bluestem. The purple coneflower. The grass swayed gently in the breeze. You took a deep breath in and released it slowly. It was nice to have a few moments without any pain.
You sit up slowly, taking in the surroundings. You see oak trees and a herd of bison in the distance. This certainly wasn’t modern times. To your left, you see a small group of people standing around and talking. One of the women in the group was a tall blonde with her hair pinned back, you grew excited at the familiarity if the woman. When she turned around, you were disappointed to see that it wasn’t Larissa. She waved at you, however, beckoning you to them.
You stood and walked to the group. You let your hands dance across the tops of the grass, enjoying the sensation as they passed across your palm.
The woman met you part way. She wore the biggest smile on her face and was dressed in traditional colonial clothing. When she was close enough, she took your face in her hands, “It’s wonderful to meet you, Fern Rogers. We can’t thank you enough for all you have done.”
Her voice was incredibly familiar. She was the voice from the Council of 12 Cedars. Your expression caused her head to tilt, “I'm Lesil Davies. Shapeshifter.”
“One of the Council?”
“Self-appointed leader.” She shrugged. Her demeanor screamed that she was stern and in control. Maybe she was a distant relative of Larissa, “But I don’t want to talk about me. We need to talk about you.”
“Me?” You ask, curious to know why you were the woman of the hour, so to speak.
“Come. We will sit and I can explain.” Lesil led you back to the others, introducing them one by one along with their power. Alias wouldn’t look at you as she introduced him. You couldn’t tell is he was ashamed of himself or if he was ignoring you out of spite.
Together you sat on a log and for a moment you watched the 11 others interact with one another. Everyone seemed to be in a celebratory mood.
“You have freed us, Fern. Our souls have been held captive, but killing Crackstone once and for all freed us, even Alias there.” Lesil held your hands in hers as she spoke. She had a mothering air about her, “We can finally be at rest.”
“Why did Alias help Crackstone?” You had to ask. His answer when you were in the crypt wasn’t enough.
Lesil gazed over to the other outcast, her look turned sad, “They were in love when they were kids. They couldn’t be separated. Just adored one another, but Joseph really began to cling to religion after his father died, using it as a weapon against others rather than a tool for good.”
“Outcasts didn’t always scare him. He loved Alias’ abilities. Joseph’s love turned controlling and after a while he just used Alias to help only himself. It was hard to watch Alias continue to love him even after Joseph murdered him too.” Lesil turned back to you. It was obvious she was incredibly upset talking about this subject, but she persisted, “Alias saw how you and the sequoia fought for one another. It really put his relationship with Joseph into perspective.”
You looked down to your feet, pondering her statement. Larissa. You hoped she was okay, “I miss her.”
“I know. She misses you as well. Your sequoia is a smart one.” Lesil seemed proud to say it. Their kinship as shapeshifters gave Larissa a special place in Lesil’s heart.
“Who will watch the forest?” You ask. Now knowing they were all at rest, they had no reason to remain on the earthly plane.
“We were hoping you and your sequoia could do that for us.” Lesil’s eyes flashed with knowing. She knew what was to come. After all, the cedars have eyes.
There was a rumble in the earth almost like it wanted to break apart under your feet. Your face fills with concern and once again you look to Lesil for answers, “What was that?”
“Your time with us is running out.” Lesil only smiled. Gosh, you hated how cryptic she could be. Then she gave your arm a squeeze before she stood, “It was wonderful knowing you, Fern. You will do great things.”
She then left you alone. You weren’t alone for long, however, as Alias took her place. Immediately you frown. You had no trust for this man.
“I-I wanted to apologize and thank you.”
You could only stare at him, confused by his words and skeptical at his potential motives.
He pushed onward, “I was sure he still loved me, but I’m not sure he was capable of that anymore. When you were with your sequoia, I just… I knew what Joseph and I had wasn’t right. I needed you to kill me. I needed you to kill him. Everything needed to stop.”
Your face remained expressionless. You were terribly sad for Alias at his heartbreak, but you were proud that Larissa’s and your love seemed to hold such power, “I’m glad that I could help.”
The ground shifted again.
“It’s time, Fern. Watch over the forest and your sequoia.”
You didn’t know what it meant, but Alias was smiling at you. It seemed to be positive. Then he pushed you. He gave you a firm shove, causing you to trip over the back of the log.
You didn’t hit the ground, however. Instead you awoke with a start to the sound of cracking. It continued. Getting louder and more severe. You had experienced this before in your dream. The coffin was caving in around you.
Larissa and Rowan sat on the docks. They were covered in soil and they were exhausted. After a long night’s digging in the greenhouse and at your gravesite, they finally transferred the sequoia tree from one place to the other.
Rowan’s head was against Larissa’s shoulder, “Maybe it just takes time.”
“I cannot believe that it didn’t work. I was sure that the sequoia would have woken her up.” Larissa wasn’t crying. She wanted to, but it was almost like her tears had ran out.
Rowan didn’t know what to tell Larissa. Part of her wished the shapeshifter would give up so both of them could begin healing, but who was she to judge the other woman’s grieving. Rowan took Larissa’s hand between her own, only able to offer physical comfort at the time. She looked down at Larissa’s hand and saw the silver band with diamonds sitting on her ring finger, “What is this?”
Link to Chapter 19
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So warner brothers reportedly still wants Lesile Grace as Batgirl in future dc projects yet I still think it's messed up that they'd rather keep her in a secondary/supporting role while they cancelled her solo film
yeah ok that's bullshit. what are they gonna do give her a cameo in a batman movie?
we need to keep putting the pressure on the studio because I keep seeing articles about how upset the fans are that we're still getting a flash movie but not batgirl.
mod ali
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nintendouniverse2023 · 9 months
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The following progressive of My Batman AU resembles some new origin stories and new accomplishments between the DC Universe.
Bio: Barbra Gordon was the first born to Jim Gordon. She dreams about being apart of the cop but unforantally, Her forbid her to become a cop, saying how dangerous Police work is.
One day Gilliam Lobe had enough of James Gordon going against the vigilante law and decided to send Dr Death *already at his breaking point* to the home of Captain Gordon, where he starts with the murder of the Captians Wife, Sara Gordon. James Gordon Distraught as he sees his wife’s corps and blood on Hellferns hands. The two of them began to fight, swinging their fist and kicks straight at another. During the fight when getting punched at reminding Karl Hellfern about many years as a child when he was mentally abused by his parents. This caused Karl to become more angry as he got the upper hand on Jim. In angry tears, holds one of Death's guns demanding to let her father go. James asks Barbara to put the gun down but Death offers to only let him go to kill him. After a minute of talking about the normal child’s society that abandoned him making the way he is, begins to shoot but is stopped by Batman in time. Dr Death tries to attack but doesn't know The Dark Knights master combat has outnumbered Death. Death did punch Batman, only to have his hand in pain. Standing in their places, He rambled to Batman that they were not so different living in a society that makes them so bad that their egos had come to them. Batman says that he uses his ego for justice right before beating him with no mercy as Dr Death continues to goad him. Batman was able to bring down Dr Death who admits that Commissioner Lobe sent her to kill Jim and his Family and recorded it too. The GCPD came and arrested Karl Hellfren for his crimes for almost 5 years, it’s gonna take time for Barbara Gordon to recover from the trauma.
Barbara continued her life as normal, and got a job in a school library. While there she learned how to quickly gather information, but she still wasn't happy. She wanted to make a difference. One day, she was invited to a costume party and she decided to be a bit creative and made a Bat-Girl costume. on the way to the party however, "Killer Moth" and gang shows up to the party and started to commit robberies after Batgirl takes down the gang Killer Moth attempts to escape by dropping the hostage from up high, but Batgirl saved the hostage and disappeared as Batman arrived at the scene and caught the escaping Killer Moth. As Batgirl made her escape from the scene, she was interrupted by Batman who congratulated her on her efforts but asked her not to repeat it. Batman then inferred that he knew who she was and warns he this type of stick will get her into trouble. After a few weeks or months, Bruce agrees to let him join alongside him and Get into a friendly rivalry with Dick Grayson/Robin. Eventually when Bruce started out the Justice League and Dick started out the Teen Titans, She decided to have her own team of Super Heroes Girls. She continues to assist Batman and his allies as well as keeping up her ranks and as well as expressing her feelings for a another girl, who was Lucius Fox’s daughter, Tiffany Fox.
Appearance: Her Batsuit was like Batman’s but purple and yellow, Her hair is red and Half African American
Voice Actor: Tara Strong
Age: 17
Height: 5.6 incs
Weight: 164 ibs
Personality: Too Stubborn, Sassy, Silly, Sometimes Hyper, Smart and Detrend
Favorite Foods: Burritos
Family: James Gordon *Father* and Sara Gordon *Deceased*
Allies: Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Dick Grayson/Robin, Lucius Fox, Dr Lesile Tomkins, The GCPD, The Justice League, Some of the Titans, Tiffany Fox *Crush* and Selina Kyle/Catwoman *Sometimes*
Enemies: Batman's Rouges Gallery *Mostly Firefly, Killer Moth and Poison Ivy.*
Likes: Instagram, Dance Breaks, Video Games, Kicking butt, Out Smasrting foes, Teasing Reading Magazens and Books
Dislikes: Impossiable Hacks, The fear of her father founding out, The Batman Rouges runining everything and The horrors she have to deal with Dr Death in Batman’s first year.
Note: In my AU, Barbara is Bisexulla and has a crush on Tiffany Fox. Nobody knows, except for Bruce.
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blaringloudandproud · 2 years
My dumbass friend @gaym83 describes horror villains based on pictures. He’s semi-familiar with horror. He’s mainly seen modern stuff and the Universal monsters and loves ST so many references. This was so funny
Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)-“Would probably cry if I saw him”
Michael Myers (Halloween)-“He’s just like me (hides face too, big knife)”
Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)-“Hey wasn’t Vecna based off this guy?
FR though I’m jealous of the sweater”
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)-“He’s got those 80’s goth vibes”
Candyman (Candyman)-“I’m so jealous of that jacket. Warm coats my beloved. I need that for maryland winters”
Cenobites (Hellraiser)-“That’s just a queer friend group”
Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)-“AYO why he kinda giving me gender envy. Idk something about men with scraggly dark hair and piercing yet haunting eyes is just like me FR”
Ghostface (Scream)-“He looks like he’s otw to suck the soul (sfw) out of Sirius Black”
Thomas Hewitt/Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 03)-“Love a man with long hair covered in blood”
Chop Top (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)-“No”
Herbert West (Re-Animator)-“Fred Benson if he became evil”
Billy Chapman (Silent Night, Deadly Night)-“I’m Jewish he can’t kill me, Shabbat shalom get the fuck out”
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)-“Twilight character?”
Art the Clown (Terrifier)-“Similar to my halloween costume”
Pumpkinhead (Pumpkinhead)-“Aquarius syndrome 💔 it’s fatal”
Victor Crowley (Hatchet)-“Behold. A grunt to the big bad in a dnd campaign”
Jack Torrance (The Shining)-“That’s how I look after a semester of college”
Chucky (Child’s Play)-“If he wasn’t accepting of his gendaflooid kid I’d punt him so hard”
Tiffany Valentine (Child’s Play franchise)-“MILF in riot grrrl band”
John Kramer (Saw)-“He looks like me stoned”
Carrie White (Carrie)-“She’s just like me FR. Oh to be covered in blood. My blood though”
Harry Warden (My Bloody Valentine)-“Me at Chernobyl circa April 26th, 1986”
The Tall Man (The Phantasm)-“American senate”
Pennywise (It)-“Homophobic old bitch”
Frankenstein’s Monster (Frankenstein)-“THATS MY MAN” (Hes a frankenstan)
The Bride (Bride of Frankenstein)-“YEAHHHH”
The Grabber (The Black Phone)-“On my knees for him”
Imhotep (The Mummy)-“Me when i have to wake up for work)
Dracula (Dracula)-“Antisocial goth king”
The Wolfman (Wolfman)-“He walked so furries could run”
Invisible Man (Invisible Man)-“Nursing home vibes”
Gil Man (Creature from the Black Lagoon)-“Poseidon?”
The Puppets (Puppet Master)-“My brain cells gathering to fight god”
Firefly Family (Spaulding, Baby, & Otis)(Firefly Trilogy)-“The three genders: Viking, bloody cowgirl, and clown”
Angela Baker (Sleepaway Camp)-“She looks like such a vibe. I’d be her friend in the 80s”
Norman Bates (Psycho)-“He looks like he supports cops”
Bughuul (Sinister)-“He looks like Gerard Way so I trust him”
The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers)-“That was almost the exact aesthetic I wanted at the beginning of my senior year”
Lubdan the Leprechaun (Leprechaun)-“Why you gotta do Irish people like that”
Russ Thorn (Slumber Party Massacre)-“Me when someone takes the food I’ve been waiting for all day”
Driller Killer (Slumber Party Massacre II)-“Thats just my gender”
Ruby Lane (Fear Street)-“Goth evil Nancy Wheeler vibes. I love it. I wish we could Nancy snap at least once”
Tommy Slater/Nightwing Killer (Fear Street)-“Ohhhhh that is a good design for a villain. I’ll have to steal”
Cyrus Miller (Fear Street 1666)-“No cause that’s FR what I look like half the time minus the blood”
Skull Mask (Fear Street)-“Mood”
The Milkman (Fear Street)-“That’s what all old white male American politicians look like”
The Grifter (Fear Street)-“Why is that knight speed boating?”
Billy Barker (Fear Street)-“That’s just a normal little kid”
Asa Emory (The Collector)-“Doctor who villain”
Bo, Vincent, and Lester Sinclair (House of Wax)-“Older versions of Dustin, Mike, and Will”
The Fisherman (I Know What You Did Last Summer)-“Man door hand hook car door”
Wishmaster (Wishmaster)-“I AM THE SENATE”
Lesile Vernon (Rise of Lesile Vernon)-“He needs some malk”
Phantom Killer (The Town That Dreaded Sundown)-“Oh no”
Farmer Vincent (Motel Hell)-“Animal farm (1945)”
Chromeskull (Laid to Rest)-“Babe wake up. New Ghost member just dropped”
The Klowns (Killer Klowns From Outer Space)-“Us”
The Babadook (The Babadook)-“Gay icon”
Jennifer Check (Jennifer’s Body)-“Twilight pt 2.”
Sam (Trick R Treat)-“I want to punt him” :(
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
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I'm a huge fan of the Story Trope, "Random Kid in A Magicial World" especially when it comes to the minds through Young Folks that are stuck in Another World that is rather Vibrant filled with Wonders. To start off with one of the Obscure Story cliches, here's my own personal Original Story about a Minor who finds themselves in a Strange World (inspired by L. Frank Baum's "Oz" series and even Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland"). Prepare yourselves for my ultime Strange World creation, "Colorland". Katherine Davis (often known as "Kat") is a Rather Insecure Girl whose Parents are divorced due to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Davis decided to live on their own after a one fight they had which cause Katherine's Parents to split apart as Kat only had to live with her Mother in their own apartment. Despite her own Parents' Divorce, Katherine still loves them as her Parents are always there for her (no matter if they are together or not) as Katherine often visits her Father's apartment. Hitting at the Age of 13, Katherine goes to a New Grade at her own School where she is visits her own New Class at 8th Grade. Although it started out as Fine at first because it was her First Day at School but oddly enough, a Mean Girl who is the Spoiled Child of a Rich Man (Mary-Ann Galizia) targets the Independent Girl due to her own Family being a bit Poor and how that her Parents were divorced which doesn't offend Katherine but she knows how much it hurts. Once ago, Katherine's Father was tricked into a Random Scam as he had wasted Money on over a New Boat that turned out to be a Fraud. Mrs. Davis blamed her Husband for being tricked into a complete scam but the Father didn't know since he was robbed blinded as Katherine's Parents went through a divorce since they actually wanted to live on each other for now on to survive and get Money by their own way. Katherine feels broke and wishes her own Parents to get back together since they used to love each other as a Couple as Kat wishes that she could help her own Parents and the Money that they would truly want. The Next Day at School however starts out pretty normal, but that is until when Kat notices a Strange Noise coming from Recess of a Group of Bullies bullying a Young Girl named "Leslie" who the Mean Kids picked on her but Kat stood up to the Bullies as she saved Leslie's Life. After one random bad sitution, Kat starts to befriend Lesile as she felt sorry for being picked on at School but Leslie thanks Kat for saving her life. At the Library, Kat and Leslie decide to read a few books but that is when they met up with a Boy named "Duncan" who tell the Girls about the Mysteries of Another Strange World hidden behind a Door, Leslie thinks that it might be true but Kat doesn't believe in Duncan considering that Magicial Worlds are only fantasy and that there is no such thing as a "Hidden World" within the Real Life Universe. On The Seventh Day, when Kat and Leslie are going to the Carnival with their own Fathers together, they go through wonderful rides and other places at the Carnival (even at the Circus). But a Strange Old Man (who is a Janitor) at the Circus tells the Young Girls about "Colorland" which is a Strange World hidden beneath the Human World filled with mixtures of Colors and Unique Creatures that actually existed but are hidden far away from the Town as the Janitor assures the Young Ladies not to go there but Kat still doesn't belive in the whole "Secret World" myth thing as she still believes that is just a joke. After a Day at the Carnival, Kat gets humalited at Lunch when Mary-Ann and the Same Bully Trio that Leslie was picked on harrased Kat at School while being covered in Spaghetti as she gets laughed at for being too different. Conditionally, at Home, Kat cries in her old room after one Day ruined as she wished herself to be in a Much Better Place where she can be Happy, including her Family not being broke. The Next Day however, when Kat was about to go to School, she misses up the Bus Trip so she had no choice but to walk all the way to School before she can miss her own first Class. But as the walk went through, she becomes exhausted for she can't catch through for she knew that she would definitely miss her own Classes at School, but strangley enough, a Mysterious Fox appears out of Nowhere in the Streets. The Fox steals Kat's lunch bag that she kept holding as Kat chases down the Fox through the Woods and into a Mysterious place of an Abandoned House hidden beneath the Woods. Curious at first about the Place, Kat went inside and found the Fox whole stole her Lunch right into a Magic Door of the Abandonded House. Katherine opens up the Mysterious Door and finds nothing but Black Empty Space filled with Darkness, but soon enough when she entered the room, she instantly fell down as the Door Closed behind her as Kat travels through Another World through the Black turned to Rainbow Void while making her transform into a Anthro Pink Cat as Kat lands into Another World which turned out to be Real...Colorland. A Different World that is filled with Different Types of Colors which plays as the opposite of the Real World's true colors of Land (like the Sky being Pink, The Grass being Yellow, the Trees being Purple, Leaves being Blue, Fruits being in their own Pastel Color, and even the Water being Green). When Kat finds herself in a Different World, she is insantly freaked out and even sees her own reflection in the Green River of how she's turned into a Anthro Cat by mistake. Naturally, when Kat finds a couple of Random Creatures roaming through the Woods in Colorland (the Main Animals that are the opposite of Earth's Animals are either Mythical Creatures like Unicorns, Griffins, and Dragons or even Food, Jewel, or Plant-like Animals), she runs through the Woods and finds herself in One of the World's Cities (that being the Town known as "Chromaville"). Throughout the Streets, Kat was amazed to see some fasincating buildings around the City that looked quite familiar to her Old Town but very much Colorful and rather Pastel-like than what was like in the Real World. After a Few Random Hijinks through the Market Places, Kat meets up with a Anthro Dog Girl named "Azurine" (who is around in the Same Age as Kat) at the Park. Azurine is the Opposite of Kat where the Pre-Teen Dog is Optimistic and Joyful whose Parents are not Divorce unlike Kat's own Parents. At first of a surprise, Kat felt a bit scared of meeting Another Colorful Citizen after being chased through by Other Citizens of Chromaville (Ones who were either Animals, Colored-Skin Humanoids, and even Objects that could actually walk on Land) but when Azurine first introduced herself to Kat, she embraced herself with a Warm Friendly Welcome like a Kind Friend as Kat starts to befriend with the Cheerful Puppy Girl when Azurine introduces Kat to this Strange World. While Kat is staying at Azurine's home for a little awhile, Azurine introduces her New Friend her own School (which is called "Cherry Blossom School"), Kat first meets up with Azurine's Friends and even her own Teachers while taking classes through one of the Schools in Chromaville. At the School, Azurine's Friends greeted themselves to meet Kat as they tend to hang out around at Recess and then later talk to each other through lunch and in the Library. Kat and the Kids at Cherry Blossom School have done everything together, a wholesome friendship starts to blossom up, especially around Kat and Azurine. Although Kat still does miss her whole family a lot, she often wonders what would it be like if she and her own family were born in this world instead of the other world that she lives in. However, meanwhile, far away from Colorland and in Another Land where everything is all Black and White, an Evil Warlock by the name of Dr. Monochrome plans to take over Colorland by fading all of its own colors away just to start World Domination by making the Solar Eclipse Monochrome to start expanding the entire Black 'n White land. On The Special Day of Colorland, the Celebration Day called "Eclipse Day" where everyone in Colorland watches the Solar Eclipse up in the Sky, the Mayor and Leader of Chromaville named Mr. Sunshines would often lead the Folks from Chromaville in the Fields just to see the Special Eclipse happening in the World of Colorland. When Kat, Azurine, along with Azurine's own Family and Friends went off to the Eclipse happening, Dr. Monochrome arrives secretly in disguise with his own machine just to turn the Sun pure Monochrome once the Eclipse hits. As the Solar Eclipse hits, Dr. Monochrome instantly blasts the Sun behind the Eclipse as all of the Skies start to turn Gray and then suddenly started to fade all of the colors into becoming monochrome which shockens the rest of the Town Folks. When Dr. Monochrome reveals himself that he is behind this, he warns everyone that if they don't dare try to stop him, he might suck all of the Colors throughout its World which freaks everyone out as the Evil Doctor disappears in thin air as he leaves back to his own home. Back at the Town, Mr. Sunshines announces that someone out there should be able to save Colorland by finding the Seven Gemstones of the Rainbow Crystal in order to save Colorland, which leads Kat to stand out as she decides to help out Colorland's people with the help of her friends to find the Magical Gemstones of Each Color to stop Dr. Monochrome before all of the Colors quickly fade. Accepting the idea, Mr. Sunshines sends out the Young Girls and their Friends with the help of Mr. Sunshines' Butler (Ebenezer) as they start traveling through the lands in Colorland through a Carriage. Upon through the Violet Road, a Group of Bandits (which are either Anthro Vultures, Reptiles, and Goblins) come out of nowhere to surprise the Young Heroes in their carriage as they began trash the carriage and even steal the Children for Gold as they bring them to their Lair (which is an Ancient Underground place filled with Robbers and jewelry that they stole throughout the years). During the Lair, the Bandits were having a Feast over the Jewlery that they stole as the Kids were forced being their own slaves while trying to cook and even feed them. Luckily, later at Night when the Bandits are sleep, Ebenezer comes to the Rescue as he grabs the Kids out of the Lair where they ran away but had to spent some night in the Woods. The Next Morning, one of the Kids finds a Rare Red Gemstone (which is the Cherry Ruby) that is actually part of the Rainbow Crystal that they found which they show it to the rest of the Group as the Gang keep traveling on through the Journey to find each of the Missing Gem shards hidden somewhere in the World. Throughout their Travels to find every missing last shard, the Kids go through some weird random shenanigans by visitng throughout each and every other Land in Colorland. At Sweetland (The Land that is filled with Candy ruled by a Candy King and Queen), they find the Sun Citrine and the Sea Sapphire, At a Festival in Horseland, they found a Lime Peridot underneath the Prizes, At Forestland (which is ruled by an Enchanted Elf King), they Found an Orange Ember on The Elf King's Crown, and even the Violet Amethyst through a Group of Talking Rocks, and lastly all they had to do is find One Last Gemstone that is the Indigo Tanzanite (which was the Hidden Gem that had already been used by Dr. Monochrome to blast the Sun through the Eclipse), so the Gang had no choice but to go find the last piece in the Evil Doctor's Hands. As they arrvive at Dr. Monochrome's castle thanks to the Mysterious Fox that Kat saw again which helped her lead her friends to the Palace, they quickly go inside but they hide themselves just so they wouldn't be noticed by the Evil Doctor in his lair. After defeating Dr. Monochrome's minions when they were fighting his own henchmen through the Halls since Monochrome's minions were trying to stop Kat and her Friends, Kat and Azurine manage to make it in the Doctor's lair where Dr. Monochrome looks through his own windows and sees all of Colorland fading all of its colors away (which seems good news to the Evil Doctor). When Kat tried to grab the Violet Amethyst out near the Machine (which shaped like a telescope), Dr. Monochrome immediately caughts her off Guard as Azurine stops the Doctor for trying to hurt her friend as Kat reaches out the Last Gem and quickly puts them all together as all of the Colorful Gems transform into The Rainbow Crystal. At the moment, the Said Crystal goes up near the Sun which shines on the Rainbow Crystal as all of Colorland turns back to normal with its own rightful colors back to the way it was before. Dr. Monochrome is arrested as he is said to be sent in Jail for over Eight Years because of the crimes of what he did of wanting to rule over the World. The Entire City of Chromaville cheer for Kat and her Friends for saving the entire world thanks to the help of Mr. Sunshines' Butler but there was only one solution left for Kat; Kat already had been realizing on how much she had been gone in the Real World for a past couple of days as she missed her whole family so she asks the Mayor if there is a way out to get back to the real world as Kat reveals that she's actually from Another Place. Ebenezer does reveal that they do have a Magic Portal that does contact to the Real World in the Other Room of Mr. Sunshines' palace. In Mr. Sunshine's Chambers, Ebenezer shows the Magic Portal Door to the Kids and Mr. Sunshines as the Butler reminds his Boss that they have kept the Portal Door to the Other World for Years. With a Final Last Goodbye, Kat thanks everyone for the greatest adventure they had as she hugs Azurine for she says one last Goodbye before she could encountered the Real World again. When she was finally home to reality, Kat woke up and found herself around the Abandoned House that she went before, she then sees the Myserious Fox again who follows her to her way Home as she realizes on how much she has been Gone for the past couple of Days. When she is found by a Group of Expolorers who have been searching for Her, they bring her to Kat's house where Kat's Parents were devasted at heart for they have missed their Daughter who disappeared on them as Kat reunited with her Parents in an emotional happy family reunion as Kat's Parents were no longer divorced as they apologized for what they did as they live as a Happy Family together again as Kat's live in the Mortal World changes for the better. When I first thought of this concept in this first place, I was orginally going to make it a Horror Comedy Story called "Pasteland" which would have the same concept as a Girl wanting to be in a better life but the sub-plot would've been differently about a Candymaker who kidnapps people to make candy (yeah, I know, that does sound like a more f*cked up concept) but I had to change the concept up a bit because even though I have done some Dark Original Works of Mine, I figure why not do a Lighter Comedy Original Story inspired by a lot of 80s Girls Cartoons. Colorland (c) Me
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@theblueskyphoenix @dreamstormdragon
Hey there, finally got around to doing something to kick off 2023 for me, and this time it's a concept flashback of how one of my Trauma Center OCs Juila first met Nurse Leslie Sears for the first time as teenagers and became friends as a result.
Whilst doing this drawing, I actually began to have a few headcanon ideas forming in my mind about what Leslie might have been like as a Teenager, I'd like to think that unlike the kind, reassuring always smiling demeanor she has now, Leslie was actually a lot more introverted and insecure about herself and her looks, unfortunately this led to her getting bullied by most girls her age.
One severe case was when one day, Leslie helped some kids at a nursery that she used to volunteer at part-time, when some gangsters got extremely vicious due to Leslie hanging with some popular guy they wanted revenge against her for in their eyes, stealing him away, unfortunately in trying to defend herself and the kids, it nearly led to poor Leslie almost being drowned in the nearby beach, and if it hadn't been for a timely arrival of Juila calling the police or diving in herself to save her, Leslie may have very well perished that day.
Juila even faced down the gangsters herself, knocking out several but she ended up getting the scar she has over her right eye when one of them pulled out a knife, thankfully the police arrived right after, and the gangsters were all sent to juvenile prison.Afterwards Juila went over to ensure Leslie was alright, despite her injury Leslie rebuked Juila for being reckless, that she shouldn't have tried to fight the gangsters as it could've gotten her seriously injured or even half-blinded, trust me Juile had a lucky narrow escape on that one.
Julia however was quick to brush those concerns off, and then extended a hand out to Leslie thanking her for her concern and even suggested the idea that she could be a nurse someday, and even told her she was beautiful on both the inside and outside.
Taken aback by such kindness Leslie immediately became friends with Juila and even began to develop the giving a reassuring smile to those who are at their worst personality she has today.Afterwards, I'd like to think Juila's rebelling nature and self-confindence rubbed off on Lesile, so much that when Juila eventually cut her long hair to defy her controlling, overprotective father as a means to show she would not let others decide her path or define her by looks, Leslie ended up following suit, though that doesn't mean that she hated the braided ponytail she used to have, she just probably felt she needed to make an new start for herself.
And I'd like to think maybe the reason Leslie does Amy Chase's hair up into braids is because she maybe sees a bit of herself in Amy and would happily act as the older sister figure, to ensure Amy doesn't feel lonely like she did in her life before meeting Juile, however... that doesn't mean every smile Leslie gives is always genuine, as I'd also like to think that on occassions when things are bad, she perhaps forces a fake smile to hide whatever is hurting her deep down, and when that mask finally breaks it's even more of a shock to those who don't know her well.
Only Juila would know of this, and whenever that happens, she'll be there to growl and scare off any nosy gossiping types in Cadueceus to make sure Lesile's left in peace, after all, that's what friends are for right?
Unless it could be something… rather deeper than just friendship and something more that either Leslie or Juila realise themselves… but that's currently yet to be certain.
This will defintely be something I'll likely cover if I do any stories focused around Lesile Sears later down the line, also maybe because of how she was intially lonely in my heacanon, Leslie also probably see herself in the shy James Lunagazer and would add more of why she considers him to be a younger brother in her view, and just really look out for him.
I'll see you lot later, as I'm determined to have a lot of stories coming in future this year!
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444names · 2 years
animals + american forenames + languages
Agliva Alail Aldrede Alene Alixie Allawna Allie Allina Altois Alvali Amaggy Ambar Amina Aminny Ancecia Ancia Andian Andilve Anianue Aniell Anthon Apreil Apyton Arcucke Ardormi Aridog Arjoe Armat Arricen Ashel Aspane Aurtne Aurtons Backin Badrut Bathar Beanna Beard Beeff Beliany Berri Bettan Bette Birilly Blawna Bluewt Boben Bresie Brister Brolian Calrus Candark Cangon Cankey Carie Caroace Carryl Cartne Casna Cathael Cawnal Chalici Chanth Cherie Chilla Chine Chophid Chove Chrilda Clamsea Clandes Clareth Clarona Cobca Colgark Conie Coodie Corack Coren Coucky Couth Cowla Crant Criandy Crich Cronn Cudreek Czella Dacel Dandy Darlyn Darnet Daver Davey Davive Deago Deerpie Delion Dencer Derfish Derilin Dernia Detnet Dince Ditorim Donie Doray Dorep Dorweah Dowla Drane Duance Duarmic Ducia Dusta Dwaty Dwish Edorace Edort Eettip Ellaula Ellaver Ellia Emmardo Emurey Ennak Erobele Esshele Esuel Eulat Evene Fanie Fanne Feregh Ferise Ferna Ferth Fertna Fisald Flord Fowlank Froke Frubear Galauli Garan Garge Garidie Gazell Gelenny Gelly Gelora Geopam Gerrin Gerthel Glack Glawn Gonne Gorre Gramin Gredi Grele Grete Griet Gristil Groat Groyd Guain Guandam Guttind Gwenig Hadin Haeleon Halody Hecke Herne Hertrie Hidna Hitall Horice Hovam Humarly Hundra Indol Inguth Irgian Ivianie Jacatt Jacel Jacian Jackark Jackri Janthy Jassada Javie Javio Jayton Jeafowl Jeana Jefle Jefowl Jelina Jence Jeren Jerin Jesna Jessh Jessian Jesta Jimark Jodyss Johnne Joray Jorey Jorra Josnat Juailie Juancy Julin Julish Karay Karguy Karlee Karma Karold Karose Katamy Katig Kattah Katte Kelix Kence Kenda Kerack Koaden Koary Komird Komma Krayfis Krian Krild Lacky Laitab Laitah Larubed Laulix Laurene Laurk Leassie Leell Leettia Lence Lenne Lenton Lesill Lianda Liant Licker Llaura Lores Loven Lovene Lucki Luelf Lupine Lyndy Mackoat Mackyl Macon Madaria Manda Manna Mannie Marce Marcin Mariony Marlia Maroma Maron Marook Martab Martlew Massan Materya Mathye Maurt Maxin Maxis Maxisy Megaron Megoo Melain Melia Melsa Micatsy Migue Minter Mitty Moleri Molona Monke Moody Mosey Mouite Mouruis Naker Nalba Neffel Nicany Nienna Nitaiia Nosease Olgaley Ollon Orette Orgibug Orguish Oroos Osaar Oshawn Ossally Ossia Paciss Pamelex Pamsta Panie Paris Parjohn Pather Paudy Peady Peane Peddi Penia Perfla Perhew Pidea Pidger Pindory Polga Porice Poshar Posti Potail Potelaw Prace Prannie Prettie Price Racyn Ranalew Randon Ranzee Redie Relia Riantle Riter Robbie Robby Robcani Robcath Rockyle Rocus Rodne Ronnor Ronyak Rotherk Roucia Rourt Roxan Rusie Ryakel Saler Samel Sammy Saroy Sconie Sealan Seffist Shandy Shard Sharle Sharre Shean Shiton Skiwi Sluelia Sonelie Sonnish Sopon Spalf Spamina Spigue Spira Squanic Squarly Squel Squer Stanne Stelse Sumart Sushon Swalisa Swarley Swingor Talvine Tarti Ternet Tertai Thance Thell Thent Thove Tiely Tinet Tinguan Toina Tonie Troman Turett Turth Turusie Uzaril Velyn Viandys Viant Vicin Vidna Vionack Virand Walber Walie Walvia Warie Washer Wayth Wedus Wifor Wifowl Wigerie Wolie Wolle Worant Worish Yvoly
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lesboevils · 1 year
hello you internet person do u know who wrote stone butch blues??? collected works of lesile feinberg who is that????
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itswalky · 10 months
So if DOA Robin and Lesile eventually get married and decide to have kids, how would they do it, so to speak? Would they get Abby, Gabby and Tabby again?
They'd probably have to get a surrogate. And Abby, Gabby, and Tabby would exist as much as Donna. which is to say, not
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sys-garden · 2 years
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//Hello fellow rpers, sorry for not being active, I just got back from my trip from the Grand Canyon, while I was away, I ended up getting a bunch of emails on job offers. While it was a bit overwhelming, I accepted two jobs and will be starting tomorrow. May 30. With that, replies will be on hold until I get a set schedule in the next coming week. Please bare with me, I'm pinching myself right now because after many years or wondering if I'm ever good enough to get it, I got it. Let's just say it's something similar to Lesile Knope. IYKYK.
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