#Is this in the same universe as Yakuza? =O
wttcsms · 1 month
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i have over 100k+ words in unfinished drafts/wips in my google docs. yikes.
in an attempt to gauge general interest + also to motivate myself in attempting to at least finish half of the projects i've started, i'm going to share some of the fics i think y'all will be most interested in 🤍 (and also because these are my usual first rough draft attempts, so these are just the best of the worst LOL)
as always, lmk what you think, what you're most excited for, and i'm always open to chatting about any of my concepts in depth 🤭
featuring keiji akaashi, atsumu miya, sae itoshi, tobio kageyama, naoya zenin, satoru gojo, + a plot that's still open for any character so tell me why ur fave deserves it (all with fem reader)
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— brace for impact, keiji akaashi elevator pitch: rich college girl with daddy issues is roommates/put under the care of old-time family friend, 20-something y/o keiji akaashi
“I just don’t want you to waste your life away.” He answers, which is the truth. He really hates picking you up when you’re drunk off your ass, unable to defend yourself against the swarms of sleazy college guys that are attending the same party as you. He hates the fact that you’ve been raised — if the dozen father-daughter interactions you had with your dad counts as him “raising” you — to believe that money can solve all your problems. Because, sure, having money has gotten you out of many tight spots, but it wasn’t money that drove to a college on the other side of the city to pick you up, it was him. He has to stand here and watch you push the universe’s boundaries, trying to test your luck, to see if there’s a problem or a bad situation that you can’t get out of this time. You’re reckless and privileged and insecure and rich — the deadliest combination for any college age girl to be. You’re going to ruin your life before it even fully begins. It’s like your default mode is self destruction. 
“Not this speech again.” You sigh, shifting your body so that your knees are turned towards the door instead of him. “Y’know, Akaashi, you’re not my dad.” 
“Yeah, because unlike him, I actually care about you.”
You’re silent now, still staring out the window. He’s usually better at keeping his mouth shut, but it’s hard to do whenever you’re constantly pushing and pushing and testing his patience and he’s just so—
“—sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” His knuckles are white from how hard he’s gripping the steering wheel. It’s a wonder how the words leave his mouth; you think the way he’s clenching his teeth acts as a formidable enough boundary. 
Actually, you think, it’s entirely justifiable. You’re coy, not dumb. You know when you’ve pushed Akaashi too far, and this is one of those times. And, really, you kind of — scratch that — you do deserve it. All of it. And then some. You’re irresponsible, and you drag him out to the other side of the city so he can act as your guardian, your protector, even though that is most certainly not the role he planned on playing. Honestly, you’re just surprised that he hasn’t left you out to rot like everyone else, and you’re thankful, you really are. But what are you supposed to say? That? The truth? Probably. 
You don’t, though. You just mutter some weak ass retort that sounds an awful lot like “you need to get laid” before staring out the window for the rest of the ride. 
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— devil on my shoulder tellin' me i'll die soon (i don't really want that to impact you), atsumu miya elevator pitch: yakuza au but a healthy amount of porn and plot. sequel to this.
The first time Osamu Miya meets you, you’re unconscious, and he has a feeling you’d be grateful about this fact considering the state you’re in. 
Atsumu’s carrying you bridal style, and even in your sleep, you still cling to him. The sight would be almost sweet, but Osamu’s not an idiot. There can never be anything sweet in his dear older brother’s life. Even in the pale moonlight, Osamu can see the bruises and hickeys lining your neck, a trail of them that seem to disappear underneath your clothes (he wouldn’t be shocked if there’s a map of hickeys littering your skin). Your hair is sticking up at odd angles, your lips are swollen, and you are knocked out in every sense of the word. 
If the situation wasn’t serious (even without verbal confirmation, he’s well aware of how dire this situation is right now; Atsumu wouldn’t have visited him if it weren’t), Osamu thinks he would have made a comment about his brother’s rough handling. 
(He doesn’t, though, because Osamu knows all about just how rough his brother can get — after all, they both had the same upbringing.) 
“‘Samu,” Atsumu says, and his voice makes him sound like he’s worse for wear. He sounds like when he was fourteen and had his first taste of initiation, when a group of the strongest men would beat him relentlessly for thirty seconds and he wasn’t allowed to fight back. The crack in his voice is subtle, and even though Osamu rarely speaks to his brother anymore, he’s still a master at reading him. 
“Who’s the girl?” Osamu nods to your sleeping form, trying not to focus on the purple and red marks. God, he can’t tell if he, Atsumu, you, or all three of you are lucky it’s so dark. Osamu can’t really believe it’s possible to go out in public after a night with his brother; not without being on the receiving end of a few concerned looks. 
“I need a favor.” Atsumu ignores his question, which is typical behavior for him, so Osamu’s not entirely too surprised or annoyed. “She’s in danger, and it’s—” 
Atsumu grimaces like the next words he’s about to say are going to leave a bitter taste in his mouth. And maybe it’s because that’s his brother and they grew up together, or maybe it’s because ‘Tsumu’s always been a little predictable (or has Osamu just always been good at predicting?), but Osamu can almost mouth what his brother’s about to say.
“—my fault.” 
So, you must be someone awfully important to his brother then. Important enough that Atsumu would finally visit him in person after all these years (with barely any warning beforehand, too). Important enough that Atsumu would treat you so roughly (if the marks on your body are any indication of what you’ve been through) and still care about you so deeply. Important enough that he’s finally taking accountability, finally taking the blame for his actions.
He didn’t think it was possible, but Atsumu’s left him genuinely speechless for a moment. 
“Please, ‘Samu.” Atsumu Miya is not the type of person who breaks down easily. He does not beg, he commands. But right now, Atsumu sounds like he’s this close to getting down on his knees and clasping his hands together if that’s what it’ll take to get Osamu to help him. “You told me you would owe me after what I did for you. Consider this your repayment.” 
Apparently, you’re someone so important to Atsumu, he’s cashing in a favor that’s worth his life just to ensure your safety. Osamu can’t tell if that’s true idiocy or true love — then again, there’s hardly a difference between the two, is there? 
“Idiot. I would have helped ya regardless, y’know.” He means it. Every word. 
“I know.” And Atsumu means it, too. Because even if they’ve went years with little to no contact, even though they both belong to two completely different worlds, they’re still brothers. Which means that they also know each other as well as they know themselves, and Atsumu knows that Osamu can never truly be at peace until he feels like the completely imaginary debt he owes is paid back in full. 
The universe must have a taste for irony, though, because Atsumu thought that ensuring your safety and bringing his brother peace would make him feel good. Instead, transferring you to his brother’s arms allows the weight of the world to rest more comfortably on his shoulders. 
Osamu takes one last look at his older brother, and he’s not entirely surprised to see that his attention is on you, dark eyes staring so intensely at your sleeping figure, he wonders if he’s trying to commit your face to his memory. He’s worried about Atsumu. Sure, he’s got a whole entire gang on his side, a rather powerful one too, but ‘Tsumu’s never been the greatest at being left alone to his devices, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. 
But then Atsumu looks up at him, and Osamu feels like they’re both fourteen again. Trapped, vulnerable, in immense pain… But not alone, never alone. 
“Thanks, ‘Samu.” 
“Any time, ‘Tsumu.” 
(It’s the same words exchanged by their teenage selves years ago, whenever Osamu would help him clean his cuts and sloppily stitch him up.
To them, it was another way of saying “I love you”.)
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— it always leads to you [chapter one], sae itoshi elevator pitch: literally the long ass, long awaited start to this series. if you listened to taylor's new album (ttpd)... yeah, that's basically the new soundtrack for this fic. do what u will with that info <3
A hard pill to swallow is that people never get over their first loves. 
It’s like, scientifically proven, or something. There’s been studies, you think. Not to mention that you belong to the group of people who have never gotten over their first loves. 
You’re aware that it’s probably embarrassing and should be something that brings you shame, but when Sae comes knocking on your door, infrequent, surprise visits that always catch you off-guard, you find yourself opening the door for him. 
(He has a key. He can let himself in any time he wants. You think he must forget.)
This time, he’s not knocking on your door, but he is waiting in the stairwell near the entrance to the floor of your apartment. He’s got a baseball cap on and a dark sweatshirt, and you want to tell him that everyone who lives here is most definitely getting shitfaced at the college bar you just left (the one whose only redeeming qualities are that it’s by campus and the drinks are cheap). He doesn’t have to worry about hiding his identity. 
You frown when he approaches you. 
“You didn’t tell me you were coming,” you pout and complain about this halfheartedly, but it’s all for nothing. Sae never tells you when he’s coming; it’s almost like you’re just a spur-of-the-moment decision to him, which doesn’t feel right since the Sae you grew up with was always meticulous and purposeful with his actions. Granted, the Sae you grew up with left on a plane to an entirely different continent four years ago, and the one you have standing next to you now sometimes feels more like a doppelganger than your ex-boyfriend. 
He doesn’t answer, because of course he fucking wouldn’t. He waits for you to fumble with your keys; if you knew he was coming, you wouldn’t have let Akane convince you to take as many shots as you did. Now everything is kind of blurry and hazy, and your hands shake despite the lack of coldness you’re feeling. 
You delude yourself into thinking that there’s something of the old Sae left inside of him as he gently pries the keys from your fumbling fingers and unlocks the door to your apartment himself. 
Entering your apartment feels like traveling in a time machine, only instead of traveling back in time or to the future, Sae is entering a present-day parallel universe. This apartment, with its best (and only) amenity being a short distance from campus, could have been his. Could have been shared by the two of you, even. 
If he had stayed, that is.
Sometimes Sae ponders what his life would be like if he stuck around. If he had never had the ego or the audacity to want to see more of the world. You know better than to ask him why he never visits you when you’re on a holiday break from school, and he thinks it’s because you still know him the best out of anybody, even Rin. The truth is, Sae is too uncomfortable to come crawling back to his childhood home that he grew up in, the one he’s spent years determined to grow out of. He only comes back home when absolutely necessary — out of eldest son/family obligation. 
This college apartment, seeing remnants of a life you’re living that he doesn’t know much about (even though all he has to do is ask, and you would gladly tell), feels wrongly nostalgic. Like, the sweatshirt lying haphazardly on the couch displaying a big, fat Tokyo U logo on its front could have been his instead of your roommate’s. He could have played college ball instead of trying to get recruited directly to the big leagues. Sae’s good enough to get a scholarship. Even received a letter informing him that Tokyo U would be more than glad to have him, full-ride. 
(The letter resides in the back of his closet, crumpled up but never forgotten.) 
And, most importantly, you wouldn’t be looking at him like this. 
Even drunk off of cheap alcohol, you sober up startlingly fast when you see him. You shouldn’t give him so much power over your life, but he’d be a damn liar if he said he didn’t relish in the overwhelming relief that you still love him just the same. Nothing ever changes back home, and he says this with disdain, but when it comes to your unshifting affection for him, he figures staying the same can’t be all bad.
“Y’know, it always feels like you’re judging me when you just stand there and look at everything.” An intoxicated you is an honest you. If he wasn’t so determined to mask everything about himself, he would have smiled at your admittance. 
He doesn’t smile, though. He just continues to let his cold eyes roam across the entirety of your cramped, college apartment.
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— an indentation in the shape of you, tobio kageyama elevator pitch: idol!reader who goes into hiding after a major scandal despite being the victim x pro!tobio who's been hopelessly pining after you since forever. now you're in hiding, but also living in the apartment right across from his.
When you spend most of your adolescent and young adult years standing in front of a camera, constantly served on a platter for the masses to scrutinize during your most formative years, you get used to being seen. People’s eyes locked in on you isn’t a comfortable feeling, but it’s one you’re very well acquainted with. Watchful, judging gazes cling to you like a second skin. 
It comes with the job is what your personal manager, Fumiko Gima, tells you, right before she tells you to toughen up. You had been fifteen at the time and saw a blogger discussing how you were the least attractive cast member on the children’s ensemble show you starred in. 
All eyes are on you from this point forward. You really going to let them see you cry? Fumiko is not a nice person, but she is incredibly kind, in her own way. She’s the type of person who believes in tough love, all while claiming that she doesn’t even think love exists. 
You think about the disapproving frown on her face when you revealed your relationship with Kentaro Tanaka. 
“You think you’re in love with him?” Sometimes it’s hard to believe that Fumiko is barely seven years older than you. Her youth is evident in her flawless skin and shiny hair (both of which are maintained by very meticulous routines), but the flat expression she wears on her face makes her seem like a woman who found out the hard way that her thirties are not going the way she planned. You’re eighteen when she asks you this question, and you don’t know how a twenty-five year old woman can have such an intimidating aura, but you think that only adds to her beauty. 
“He told me he loves me.” 
“People like him and I don’t believe in love.” Fumiko makes a face; sometimes, she lets her poker face drop in favor of making a face of disgust, annoyance, irritation, or extreme smugness. Right now, she looks disgusted. “Well, I wouldn’t normally place myself in the same group as him, but our industries are pretty much the same. You don’t get to where we’re at because of love, that’s for damn certain.” 
At this point in time, you’re adamant that it’s love because that’s what he says it is, and you’ve never been in love before, but you know that it’s something great. You’re eighteen, and insecure, and he’s in such a powerful position — he could have anyone he wants, and he loves you, so he picks you. Maybe Fumiko is just bitter because no one’s ever chosen her. 
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— angel of the morning, atsumu miya elevator pitch: historical, ambiguous war au ft. soldier!atsumu x the civilian sweetheart reader who nurses him back to health
It’s the thunder that wakes you first. 
Lately, you’ve been a light sleeper. Paranoia is a good companion whenever you’re a young, pitifully unmarried lady who lives alone. You keep a chair propped under the knob of the front door, and you no longer open any windows, scared that you’ll forget to lock them at night. 
Normally, it’s the ticking of the grandfather clock in the foyer, or the creaks that come and interrupt the silence of the night (your parents used to swear that old houses just make those noises) that keeps you up. Sometimes it’s the neighbors next door; they like to get into screaming matches that seem to be so loud, they shake the walls of your home. 
It’s not your neighbors’ arguing that rattles the walls tonight. It’s the thunderstorm that the sweet old man at the farmer’s market warned you about. You be safe out, miss. Take some extra apples. It might be too flooded for you to go out like you normally do. 
You pull your blanket over your head, enveloping yourself in darkness but doing very little to block out the noise outside. The thunder seems to only grow louder, each boom punctuating the lightning that you’re certain is striking through the sky. It’s too loud. 
And rhythmic. 
You listen closer… Three booms in succession. A pause. Three more booms. After a minute of this pattern, the sound only comes more rapidly — louder than before, too. 
The loud booms — it’s not from the storm, then. 
There’s someone knocking at your door. 
You debate hiding under the blanket forever. Maybe this stranger will go away and leave once they realize that no one is going to answer the door. Besides, no one trustworthy is roaming the area at this time of night, right? What possible explanation could there be for someone to be stranded outside at midnight during a major thunderstorm? 
But the knocking persists. Whoever this stranger is, they don’t know when to quit. You’d be annoyed if you weren’t so paralyzed with fear. 
“Open up!” A muffled voice still manages to cut through the front door, traveling all the way to your bedroom. It only serves to make you more afraid; what sort of monster is waiting for you outside? The storm rages on, and the knocking won’t stop. 
What happens if this person is in genuine trouble? Would a murderer truly be going through such lengths to kill someone? A thief? 
Well, you rationalize, it’s not as if you have many items worth stealing. Besides, you have no family, no marriage prospects, and a dwindling stash of money with no means to make more. You’re just existing at this point, and you’re surviving on limited time.
So you make your way to the front door, cringing as one section of the floor creaks as you tiptoe through the darkness of your home. You highly doubt the stranger outside can hear you, but you still hold your breath as you peek through the curtains. It’s too dark inside and out for anyone to notice the movement, and all you can make out is a large figure. There’s a knapsack by their feet and hanging off their shoulder is a gun. 
The knocks shouldn’t catch you off guard by now, but one particular hard bang against the door has you jumping in surprise, away from the window. 
This stranger must be a soldier. 
There’s not a lot of fighting to be done down here. The southern towns have mostly been unaffected. Most of the war is being fought up north. All the southern soldiers write back home, telling stories about the cities they visited, careful not to mention the red that runs through the streets and the way the citizens will have to update the population count on the sign outside their City Hall. 
But still, you know what everyone knows — when a soldier, especially one from your side, shows up on your front step, you better let him know that this home is now his. 
You slide the deadbolt with shaky hands, turn the lock on the doorknob, and only hesitate for a few seconds before removing the chair that serves as your last barrier. He’s a soldier, you remind yourself, hoping that you’re not wrong. The least you can do for him is offer him a hot bath for leaving him outside for so long. 
You open the door, revealing a blond-haired soldier weighed down from the weight of his sopping wet uniform, his hair sticking to his forehead because his face is also covered in rainwater, and it’s now that you notice that he’s got one arm wrapped around his abdomen. His hand is pressing down on his side, and you don’t think the dark liquid coating his fingers is water. 
“Finally.” He says. “I’m First Lieutenant Miya, and I fight for the south. I am seeking temporary refuge in your home, and I require only what you can afford to give me. I–“ Before he can finish rattling off what he’s been forced to memorize for times like these, First Lieutenant Miya falls forward, his body crashing into yours. 
It’s been a rough day. 
A rough week. 
A rough month.
A rough life, really, but Atsumu Miya’s long past the days of whining and complaining about things he can’t control. For example, he no longer dwells on his father abandoning his mother right before she gave birth to him and Osamu. There’s still a bitter taste that gets left on his tongue when he mentions dear old pa, which is why, for the most part, he chooses not to discuss him at all. He can’t control the way the north and the south view each other; sure, the mandatory draft isn’t his definition of a fun time, but he honestly didn’t have many plans after school, anyway. He probably would’ve joined the cause, regardless of the law or not. It’s just… A choice is nice to have, y’know? 
Like, if he had it his way, he wouldn’t have gotten caught up in some ambush tonight. If only he weren’t just a lieutenant. If only his captain weren’t such a dumbass.
If he had a group to command, Atsumu’s certain that he wouldn’t lead his men into obvious traps, unlike some captains. But newly promoted Brigadier General Kita isn’t here to force people to listen to what Atsumu has to say. Kita has bigger problems to worry about, bigger troops to organize. 
Atsumu’s morning starts off bright and early with a five mile trek in the woods. The sky is overcast, and anyone with eyes is capable of predicting the storm that’s coming. Atsumu suggests building temporary shelter before the rain makes it too hard to walk; it’s already hard enough to navigate now, but Atsumu’s visited this town before, when he was a little boy. It floods easily, too easily. 
His captain doesn’t listen. Typical.
Around noon, they take a short break to eat. Rations are getting lower. Atsumu suggests that two or three soldiers turn around and head towards town to get supplies. His captain argues that their group is already small enough and sneers that Atsumu must be a northie lover since he’s trying so hard to sabotage this plan. 
The plan is shit, by the way. The captain swears his intel is good, that he’s just oh so certain that a troop of northern soldiers are planning to invade a series of small southern towns. They’re supposedly cutting through the woods to be discreet, and they plan on striking at night.
Atsumu thinks that the captain is just falling into their trap (spoiler: he’s right). There’s no way anyone would bother capturing small towns, just like there’s no way people ever want to listen to someone who’s just a lieutenant. Nobody thinks they have anything to offer, so it’s not worth the time to even pretend to care. These towns aren’t loaded with resources. They aren’t located in any coveted areas. There are only a couple of farms, but even then, they’re not big enough to justify wasting troops to terrorize the townspeople. 
But First Lieutenant Miya follows his orders anyway because what else is he supposed to do? Unfortunately, talking back comes to bite him in the ass because as nighttime starts to settle and the first drops of rain start to fall, his captain gives him a slimy smile before telling him, “Since you have such great ideas, Lieutenant, why don’t you go ahead and turn back into town to get us some of those supplies we needed?”
Well, Atsumu has a few choice words in reply, none of which will get him back into his captain’s good graces (not like he cares to be anyway). Atsumu can argue that it’s dark out, and no one in their right mind is going to be up at night. Atsumu can throw back his captain’s words and remind him that their measly team is already lacking in numbers. He can make the captain look dumb and ask him where the supposed enemy troops are at, since apparently they’re supposed to be capturing the town right about now. He can abandon the men, go back home, and enjoy a homecooked meal from ma. She wouldn’t care enough to scold him for being a dirty deserter; the lecture will come, surely, but she wouldn’t be too harsh with him. Atsumu misses home. He misses his brother, who belongs to a different troop. He misses Shinsuke, his former captain. He misses his mom. 
What he does end up doing, though, is biting back his tongue. He barely nods, clenches his teeth as he reluctantly says yes, sir, and treks off on his own. 
He’s about three miles in when the bullets start flying. 
Isn’t this just a lovely way to finish off the night, he thinks, before sprinting through the trees, weaving between them, trying to ignore how loud and how close the shots sound. He thinks he’ll probably go deaf by the time this damn war is over. A bullet narrowly misses his face, and then he starts to think he’ll probably be dead before then.
He can’t see. If he can’t see, he doubts the enemies can, either. That’s when he gets an idea. His legs are sore, he’s thirsty, and every step he takes is punctuated by a sloshing sound because the area is flooding, just like he predicted it would.
(Sometimes it’s a pain being right all the time.)
The shots are still coming at him in rapid succession, and he believes maybe it’s because they still think they have to shoot at him. If they think they got him, maybe they’ll leave him alone. It didn’t sound like anyone was bothering to chase after him, meaning they’re all probably perched in trees or hiding in bushes, shooting blindly into the night, hoping to land a lucky shot on a target. 
Before he can pretend to be hit, though, some bastard does get a lucky shot on him.
“Fuck!” He can’t help but yell out, the bullet piercing the side of his abdomen. A burning sensation begins to form on the spot where the bullet decided to make its happy home, and Atsumu can’t help but fall to the ground, clutching at the bottom half of his body. 
A minute goes by with no more shooting, and he’s glad he’s in enough pain not to realize that had he thought of his little plan of pretending to be shot sooner, he probably wouldn’t be in this predicament right now. 
It’d be so easy just to lie down and die. It’d be a slow death, sure. Painful, very much so. But no more fighting. No more captains belittling him. 
But if you die, a tiny voice in his head reminds him, it wouldn’t just be you that dies. It’d kill ma. It would ruin Osamu. Don’t be a selfish bastard. 
He allows himself only one more minute to stay absolutely still. He thinks the adrenaline pumping in his system helps to numb the pain, which is saying a lot, considering the fact that death would be preferable over this excruciating sensation. When he’s certain the coast is clear, he struggles to stand and keep himself steady.
He cannot die like this. 
Atsumu Miya knows better than to get upset at things he can’t control. He can’t control flying bullets aimed at him. He can’t control enemy soldiers; hell, he doesn’t even have soldiers he can control, enemy or ally. He can’t control a lot of shitty things that seem to happen to him, but as long as his heart is still beating, Atsumu Miya controls his own fate. He decides what happens next. 
It’s only a matter of putting one foot in front of the other, he rationalizes. He walks all the time. It’s not such a hard task. The storm continues to rage on, and Atsumu pretends he doesn’t even mind the water. He pretends that he’s not freezing. He pretends that he doesn’t care that his uniform is sticking to his body, making the dirty fabric cling onto him as if to act as a second skin. 
There’s a white flag in his knapsack. During training, they said to use it as a last resort. Die before you wave it, or something like that. 
He knows the intended use for it, but right now, he needs it as a tourniquet. He tightens the flag around his waist, using all his diminishing strength to get it as tight as possible. He can trick himself into thinking it’ll stop the flow of blood leaving his body, but at least it’ll slow it down. It’ll grant him enough time to make it into town and get help. 
He doesn’t choose the first house he sees; he chooses the one he likes the best. It’s nothing all too impressive — certainly not the biggest, but from what he can make out in the dark, it looks quaint. It reminds him of home, almost. There’s a porch with a bench outside and flowers on a window sill. It seems to glow in the darkness of the town, its paint a much brighter shade than the surrounding houses. A nice family must live here then. 
He knocks on the door, and there is no answer. Atsumu Miya did not walk this far with his life literally draining out of him to only make it this far. He knocks and knocks, and because he is too stubborn, even to the very end, he doesn’t quit. Someone must answer the door. It doesn’t cross his mind that perhaps this lovely family he’s envisioning might not even be home. It feels like ages since he first started banging on this door, and he thinks this might be it.
And then the door swings open, revealing a young lady with a certain glow about her. Maybe it’s the blood loss talking, but right now, you look like an absolute angel. His bright beacon of hope. 
“Finally.” He swallows hard, trying to remember what he’s supposed to tell you. The proper words are evading him right now. Honestly, even standing is a struggle now. He thinks he does a good enough job, but then he blinks, and his eyes don’t open back up after that.
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— to the victor belong the spoils, naoya zenin elevator pitch: the dark longfic i mentioned abt borderline yandere naoya + how he basically slaughtered your whole entire clan and is going to force you to marry him because you have a cursed technique that will basically grant him invincibility
“Who did this?” You’ve seen Naoya so angry that his words seemed to shake the very interior of the room he was shouting in. You’ve seen Naoya so furious that he had everyone in his vicinity cowering in fear, scared to face his merciless wrath. Never have you seen him so enraged that he can hardly speak, the sentence coming out from between bared teeth; they’re discernible growls more than they are words, but his message doesn’t need to be understood in order to know his intent. 
Naoya Zenin is out for blood. 
“Tell me who did this.” He demands, hand gripping your chin, forcing you to tilt your head up and stare him directly in the eyes. You know why he does this; he can read you like a fucking book. He’ll know if you’re lying before you can even finish whatever fabricated story you’ve spent forever formulating. There’s no point in trying to trick him because it’ll cause him to get angrier, and then what? Then, you’ll have the whole entire room’s blood on your hands. A massacre dedicated just for you. 
You hadn’t cried when he had taken you from your home. You hadn’t cried when you were about to be killed by that curse. You hadn’t shed a single tear despite the unfamiliarity of the Zenin Estate, despite the fact that you were forced into a marriage with a man you did not know, despite the fact that you’ve never been this far from home, suffering silently in feelings of isolation and despair. You hadn’t cried after all of that, yet now you’re sobbing? Now you’re here, struggling to stand on your own, clutching onto the material of his shirt as if he’s your only lifeline, dangerously close to burying your face in his chest and crying your little eyes out. He’s been angry more times than he’s ever felt any other emotion. He’s numb to the feeling of his blood rising, of his vision being tainted with red, of having nothing but sick thoughts and vivid memories of torn flesh and severed limbs surrounding him. This emotion isn’t foreign to him; it’s a part ofhim. And he’s angry, yes, but there’s something else that he feels when he looks down and sees you making yourself smaller, as if trying to use him as your own personal shield.
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— balancing act [chapter one], satoru gojo elevator pitch: the first month of your bet will you and gojo inevitably get together <3 the start of this series.
You have what you order down to a T. You first started your tried and true method of restaurant ordering when you were but a wee little intern, too shy to go to town on a rack of ribs in front of your peers and bosses. Once you entered the city’s dating scene (which is actually Dante’s tenth circle of hell — it’s just never discussed because that’s truly how vile trying to find a good man in a big city is), you realized that there’s not much difference between lunch dates and client lunches. 
You have the obligatory greeting exchanges (“hi,” “hello,” “how are you,” etc.), the awkward smiles, the mental countdown going off in your head as you wait for the perfect moment to get right into business (“what do you expect to gain from this partnership?” — a line surprisingly used more often in your meetings with potential investors and clients). There’s the pained professionalism, the tight-lipped smiles, the napkin resting in your lap, the battle to maintain constant eye-contact. When you sit across from someone at a table, date or client, you don’t see the person; you see a goal. 
And you’re good at working towards a goal. It’s why you’ve always been the analyst your managers rely on, why you’ve morphed into the senior associate that all your juniors look up to at G&G Capital, and why you automatically figure that if you set your sights on a man only to have him end things, it’s not you who was at fault. It has to be him. You’ve charmed the toughest clients and built fantastic working relationships with the most well-connected M&A lawyers; if you’re this good at professional relationships, why wouldn’t you also be fan-fucking-tastic at a romantic one? 
All the men who have taken you out on dates before wanted to sweep you off your feet. An ex-boyfriend once admitted to you that you appeared so unimpressed at everything, it had become this fun, twisted competition with himself to see what he had to do to get a look of amazement on your face. 
“I can tell by the look on your face that you’re impressed.” Gojo says gleefully, holding open the dirty glass door so you and Utahime can walk in. 
Utahime looks like Gojo just slid open the backdoor to a white van and told her to get in. There’s shock with a hint of disgust evident on her pretty, doll-like features, and you know you’ve got a similar expression, too. 
The floors inside this restaurant — if the dingy, dimly lit shack crammed with small tables and rickety chairs can even be considered a restaurant — are sticky with decades’ worth of mystery liquids that have congealed into the half-inch thick residue that coats the floorboards. You have to purposely think about moving one foot in front of the other in order to walk because actual pressure needs to be applied if you don’t want your heels to become glued to the floor. You’re walking in front of Utahime and Gojo, and you end up choosing a table in the far back; it looks the cleanest. Briefly, you wonder if you’re allowed to be here, then think better of it as Utahime takes the seat next to you, and Gojo takes the one across. You highly doubt there’s a hostess here that’s dictating where the customers sit.
Especially since, upon one glance of the whole place, you realize that it’s empty save for you three. 
“Gojo, if we get killed, I hope they murder you in front of us first,” Utahime hisses. Her family’s so rich (and traditional), she’s never willingly been to a restaurant that doesn’t have a Michelin star. Before college, she’s never even eaten out at a chain restaurant. Being caught in a place like this has Utahime mentally spiraling towards rock bottom. 
“I hope they would, too. I don’t think I have the stomach to watch you meet your grisly end.” Gojo says serenely. Usually, he says things loudly, teasingly, gets all up in your face. When it comes to Utahime, he likes to play at being nonchalant. He’s been doing this to her for over a decade now, and it still grates her. 
Before Utahime can reply, the shaky voice of an older woman is exclaiming, “Oh! Welcome in! Have you gotten a chance to look over the menu?” The voice belongs to a short, plump woman with gray hair, a wrinkly face, but a kind smile that reveals yellowing teeth. She’s got a slight hunch to her back and nails with overgrown cuticles. You try to do a mental calculation of what you could buy this building for, to ensure that this sweet old lady never has to work a day in her life ever again. 
“You know what I want, Mrs. Kimura.” Gojo is giving her one of his signature dazzling smiles. “You can just double the portions today since my friend Utahime here eats enough for a family of five.” 
Mrs. Kimura lets out a throaty laugh. Utahime kicks Gojo in the shin from underneath the table. You’re wondering what Gojo orders from this place, and why does he order here so often to the point of them memorizing his meals? 
“I’m glad you brought friends with you today, Satoru. Meals always taste better when shared with loved ones!” She directs a warm smile in your direction, and you feel bad for returning it with your normal polite one. Tiny and brief. It’s more muscle memory than born from any real emotion. She’s shuffling away to the kitchen before you can try to summon a genuine smile for her, and Utahime’s phone is ringing, filling this near empty space with the tinny, anxiety-inducing sound of an iPhone ringer. 
She doesn’t excuse herself; just looks down at the glowing screen, grabs her phone, and heads outside to take the call.
Which leaves you sitting across from Gojo. Just the two of you. Just the two of you in a dingy restaurant seemingly run by only one old woman. The table looks older than you. The chair you’re sitting on makes a weird squeaky noise with any slight movement of your body. There’s no decor on the walls, no windows either. Nothing to distract you, nothing for you to feign interest in as you wait for Utahime to come back. 
You straighten your posture, try to discreetly look out the front door to gauge how close Utahime is to wrapping up her conversation, and find yourself with no choice but to look in front of you. All you see is Gojo.
He’s tall, you know that. Broad shoulders. Definitely not hideous, you can give him that much. You just feel shocked at how much space he takes up, how it feels like your eyes have to stretch to try to accommodate all of him. 
You don’t know why you feel so awkward, almost like a teenager going on her very first date with a boy she barely knows but still, for some inexplicable reason, wants so badly to impress. You can’t remember the last time you’ve ever felt this way, and you definitely don’t like this feeling at all. 
“How’d you find this place?” You ask him.
“I like to support small businesses.” He’s not teasing you, but Gojo has this bad habit of always adding a playful inflection to his words. 
“I hope you tip well. You look like their only supporter.” It’s not meant to be an insult to the painfully empty restaurant. You know how much Gojo is worth; when Itadori Googled “Satoru Gojo net worth” and showed the results to everyone, Gojo caught him in the act, looked at the top result, and threw his head back in laughter as he told Itadori to “add an extra zero and triple the number.” You think back to your calculation and assessment of the place. “Might as well buy the business.” 
“You make capitalism so cute.” He has to be teasing you now. You scowl. 
(He means it.)
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— i wish to know the fatal flaw that makes you long to be magnificently cursed, satoru gojo elevator pitch: yandere gojo, royal au, nanny!reader... yeah idk what happened to this fic either, just that it was depraved and i wish i wrote more to share LOL
You’re acutely aware of the noise you’re making, every huff and small, desperate gasp for breath only further betraying your location, but you can’t find it in you to care.
You know, deep inside your pounding, frightened heart, that it doesn’t really matter how fast or how far you run. 
I will always find you.
Just the mere thought of him is enough for you to ignore the ache in your legs and push forward. If you can find the exit, if you can just see the daylight, surely you’d be able to—
You stop in your tracks.
There are two paths: one right, one wrong. Left or right? Freedom or imprisonment? 
There’s no time to waste, but you can’t make a choice. Which decision would be the right one? Surely either route would still be able to lead you to the exit, right? The sharp snap! of a branch being trampled on leaves you even more frightened. Without thinking, you take a left.
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— i think you're too divine for my human mind, undecided elevator pitch: rough around the edges but w a heart of gold underground fighter!character x ring girl!reader. i think this was gonna be for bakugo LMAO but i do not have bnha brain rot so maybe a bllk or jjk or hq boy... NO ONE SAY ATSUMU I DON'T WANNA GIVE IT TO ATSUMU
The couch seems to shift with his weight, and you swallow hard, staring straight ahead at the same cement wall you’ve been staring at for the last ten minutes because you’re still too much of a fucking wimp to navigate this area by yourself. 
Despite the two of you sitting at opposite ends of the couch, there’s only about one foot of space separating his knee from yours. You suppose that he gets away with the manspreading since he probably has no qualms with punching anyone who voices their offense. After witnessing just how brutal the infamous [ring name nickname] can get, you know that you’re definitely not going to be the one to say shit to him. You can’t even look at him.
Where the fuck is your sister? You have your arms crossed, covering your torso, and you think you must have subconsciously pressed yourself as far back into the couch as you possibly could. Everything about you must scream out “she wants to disappear!!!”, and the worst part of it all would be the fact that it’s the truth. You knew coming down here would be a bad idea, and the sinking feeling of regret is practically solidifying itself into your stomach. You think you could throw up. 
“Hey,” a voice — a deep voice, scratchy and low and so scarily close to you — breaks the silence. “You must be…”
Of course, you’re used to it by now. Always being referred to as “Akemi’s little sister” no matter the situation, the person, the setting. It makes sense, you rationalize. Everyone knows Akemi. And so, by extension, they must know you — her shadow, her little sister. 
“...helped out Sakura.” 
“What?” You don’t know anyone named Sakura, but you finally turn your head to properly look at him as you answer. He’s got on a white shirt now, incredibly form-fitting, and he’s staring right back at you. You're quick to meet his eyes before getting too nervous and focusing on the space just below his eyes. Then, that becomes too close to eye contact for comfort, so you settle for staring at his jaw. It’s a nice jaw. Sharp. He could probably cut you with it if you contradict any of his statements, so maybe you should pretend to know this Sakura girl. 
“You must be the girl that helped out Sakura.” He repeats. He says it slow and almost carefully, like he thinks you must be some sort of idiot who can’t comprehend the most basic of statements. “Gave her your jacket.” He clarifies, and it makes sense. The girl with the hot pink colored hair must have been Sakura. 
“Yeah.” You nod. 
“So why are you here?” 
“Y’know… Pretty girls like you don’t normally end up here without a reason. So what’s your reason?”
He says it so casually, throwing it out there as easily as a punch. He probably means nothing deep by it, probably doesn’t even realize the fact that it is a compliment. 
He called you pretty.
“My sister.” You answer, finally looking away at him to look down at your hands that have settled nicely into your lap. Your cheeks feel a lot warmer than they did a second ago. You decide to blame this as a result of too many sweaty people in one basement. 
“She a ring girl?” 
“She’s dating a fighter here.”
“And you?”
“What about me?” 
“Are you dating a fighter here, too?” 
You look him properly in his face after that comment, almost resisting the urge to laugh. Fear that he’ll get offended and smack you into the floor stops that reaction. Instead, you stare at him, slightly surprised, lips almost curled up into an amused smile at just how unbelievable it would be for you to date anyone like him. 
“You finally did it.” 
“Did what?” 
“Look at me.” He holds eye contact, almost as if he’s trying to challenge you into looking away. “I don’t bite, y’know.” He smiles, showing off a surprisingly straight row of white teeth, not a single tooth missing despite the nature of his… job. “It’s against the rules.”
Yeah. Because [character], the fucking [ring name nickname], looks like the type of man who follows the rules.
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einsatzzz · 2 months
[Project] (KH)Re:born!!!
I've been wanting to do a pinned post talking/rambling about my projects, so I'll do it now while I've still got some free time!
Anyway, for various reasons including wanting to keep it simple (for goldfish brain reasons), @amiahoshi and I decided to call this project "Katekyo Hitman Re:born!!!". We call it either Re:born!!! or KHRe for short. I also tried editing a title logo out of it some time ago (inspired from the og logo) for whenever it will be necessary!
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Actually, I've just been tagging posts under this project under #khre (since mid-2023) because when I type #khr, I'll immediately remember to also type #khre. Anyway, more info below! (Ein from the future: it will be long)
Note: For any typos/grammatical mistakes, sorry not sorry this is just me rambling, so no beta we die like Tsuna did every time Reborn shoots him in Daily Life Arc.
TLDR: This project has become like my creative sandbox playground. The KHR brainrot is still going VERY STRONG, and has been for the past two years. I can't believe I didn't discover this series earlier. I am so normal about KHR.
It's also inspired from T//oky//o Gh//oul's title, where it had "T//G:re". And it really just emphasizes the "Re" on "Reborn", meaning "again, do over".
In KHR, besides being named after our fave baby hitman Reborn, this concept also connects to a lot of the themes in the show, especially with Tsuna and his Dying Will Mode. Then there's also the whole Vongola 10th generation, who seem like the reincarnation or the "second coming" of the Vongola 1st generation. I'm sure there are others I haven't noticed yet or just forgot to mention here!
Anyway, KHRe is sort of a similar universe to canon, but not exactly the same. There will be additional characters, which are mostly our OCs from the Oniyanagi yakuza family for now, then there will also be modifications/additions to the story/lore as well (e.g. certain arcs/chapters will be rearranged, certain events will happen earlier). Tsuna retains his protagonist role in KHRe as well (im so fond of him), but he will also be joined in this role by the twin bosses from Oniyanagi, Kana and Kurumi.
Kana and Kurumi's addition here really puts the emphasis on the "Re", because their individual overarching stories provide more interpretations to the word itself "Reborn", which adds onto Tsuna's.
The tldr of the premise so far is that Oniyanagi and Vongola are business partners, so shortly after Tsuna met Reborn and Gokudera, the twins and Yui (their right-hand man) transferred to Namimori. This is so that they can help each other to grow and with their respective training as well to become future bosses of their Family (Tsuna doesn't want to become one of course! lol).
Along with Kana & Kurumi, three of their guardians (incldg Yui) tagged along with their move to Namimori, while two of them remained in their previous city of residence (Tokyo). In their guardian line-up, they currently have an empty seat for the Sun Guardian and they're still actively looking for the one fit for it. Perhaps they'll find them in Namimori? (Spoilers: Yes, they will. Their full line-up is here.)
So far, the major ambitious projects I have under this one are as follows:
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Oniyanagi Wiki: This is a wiki site I made in Miraheze. I'll put it in public mode once I finish cleaning up Kurumi's character profile. We plan on compiling all character/group/story infos here for KHRe, which will also include AUs and alternate timelines. If there will be a lot of story divergence with certain canon characters, we'll also make a page for them there too (from the top of my head, so far, it will be Tsuna, Hibari, Enma, Kyoko & Haru). This is the project I've made most progress on so far, I learned a fair amount about making wiki pages hahaha.
KHRe Webcomic: A webcomic that features KHRe's story. Just like canon, it starts with Daily Life Arc. Right now, I'm just thinking of drawing intro chapters for Kurumi, Yui and then Kana for it. But I'm also tempted to just go full-fledged webcomic retelling of majority of KHRe lol like just for deadass committing to the bit. I just really think it will help me improve my art a lot because it will force me to draw other stuff I haven't tried to seriously learn how to draw before (like have you seen the improvement in TOG Webtoon's art style??! Damn...I want that too.) KHRe also has stories that continue past KHR's final arc. I want that high school, TYL and alternate future timeline content too y'know! I think I want to finish drawing at least one chapter by Q4 2024, I'll have a lot of time to focus on this after my exam on June.
Into the Looking Glass: This is a Horror RPGMaker game in the planning stage and it features a prequel story for Kurumi's childhood (around 8-9 years old). Long story short, it does follow the classic formula of a small kid exploring a scary/creepy place by themselves. Don't worry, she will also have a companion or two here! (So...just like Ib.) The title is very much still subject to change, but I referenced Alice in Wonderland for it. Because it's Baby Kurumi (Alice) stumbling in an otherworldly place (Wonderland) and the events that take place moving forward changes her life. I already have a plot and ending(s) in mind, just need to write a script. This will take a very long time to complete, but I wanna finish it eventually because I'm also a big fan of Horror RPGMaker games and I've always wanted to make one (this is my chance! I alr have a story! Just need to write and execute it!). Here's a very old concept art of the baby! I'll draw a new updated one when I get the time (the only biggest change here will probably just be the eye pupils, which really isn't much).
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KHRe Test Game (no title yet): Less ambitious than previous three. This will be a very short RPGMaker Game with Tsuna as MC. This is just me testing and learning the features of RPGMaker before I go do more work for Into the Looking Glass. The game is just about Tsuna being invited to the Ninomiya Estate by Kurumi and he has a very "fun" time there 😂👍✨ (just like a normal Daily Life Arc episode~). It won't be horror, but maybe for Tsuna it will be 😀 So far, I managed to make a map for Tsuna's room (and some other parts of the Sawada Residence) for the intro scene hehe
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As for other projects that are less ambitious and more doable in a shorter time, I do have MV Projects for KHRe plus a few shorts (like this one) I plan on drawing them in. I listed my priorities here (along with the major projects) and will try to update when I can (ideally, at least monthly...but definitely not for June 💀).
That's all for now! THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK!! (seriously...because this turned out so much longer than I thought it would be 🗿...I will now proceed to hide under the rock again).
Any questions are always welcome and very very appreciated! 👀✨I really just love talking about this series, OCs (mine and others') and my projects!
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moophinz · 10 months
I’ve made a post on this already, but after acquiring heaps and reams of knowledge, I’ve decided to go at it again.
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(From Mine’s TV Tropes page.)
I cannot stop anyone from wanting to view Mine as bi, and my intentions don’t lie there. But instead, I wanted to bring up that it hardly seems like the intentions of the devs and especially Yokoyama. Mine is a pretty big deal in being a heavily implied gay character regardless of having been a villain, partly due to how he’s just as masculine as his peers and his love for another man is a core part of his characterization where sympathy comes into play. On top of that, they do not shy away from heavy handed hints in his total lack of interest in women romantically and sexually.
Yokoyama is not only a non stranger to commentary on how much he loves Mine, but he’s also made remarks that imply he finds it funny that women are attracted to him though they can’t have him.
RGGO is particularly revealing about this thanks to how much room it gives to focus on character elements they couldn’t do in the actual games.
—A beach event in Okinawa has Kanda wanting to throw a party and see who between them can invite the most women. Mine is less than uninterested, but still winds up getting a few women interested in him. He can’t seem to outright reject them, but gives them very bland answers.
—This is a big trend in other Mine centric stories. Upon being asked by a woman if he’s by himself, he gives a slightly roundabout answer instead of outright saying anything more direct. He agrees to do something with her despite his ongoing lack of enthusiasm.
—As told, he’s gone on dates with women thanks to being unable to turn them down (he’s interestingly kind enough to women even though there’s some popular jokes about him being a misogynistic gay man). But if he sees a woman once, doesn’t really see them again. All in all, this is incredibly different from many other yakuza men who adore women as they slot into the three important status symbols: power, money, and women. All things that Mine brings up at the end of 3 as stuff that wasn’t really giving him any meaning or purpose in life. His line about having any woman he could want goes largely misunderstood. Especially after he ends that line with saying living life that way was a lie.
Comparing an outright love confession to Mine being thankful to have had Katase around feels almost laughable. On one hand, I’m at least glad the person who wrote this acknowledges the romantic feelings with Daigo, but on the other hand… “heavily implied?” With Katase? No… Not every meaningful statement or even so much as breathing the same air as one another between a man and woman is grounds for love.
Genuinely, it feels like they’ve done nearly everything but outright use any direct wording for his sexuality. He’s the only character they’ve gone this far with. Others get more vagueness or subtlety.
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(From Majima’s)
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(From Zhao’s)
I’ve talked to @04tenno quite a bit about this. And as usual, they’re the reason I know quite a bit, too.
Majima’s section is bizarre to me for immediately throwing out there that he’s a huge ladies’ man. (This was listed elsewhere in his section). Which is just… hilarious. Sure, plenty of irl female fans adore him, but in universe, he’s nothing of the sort and often interacts with women by using a more friendly tone of voice (probably to seem less intimidating) along with other behavioral changes. I also take up issue regarding the way the person who wrote this seems to completely downplay Majima and Kiryu’s relationship to the first game. But that’s a whole other conversation…
Zhao’s section feels incredibly different compared to the other two due to how the person writing it seems to completely lean into the potential signifiers and stereotypes surrounding him and includes other instances beyond that. There’s nothing about him being in a hostess club automatically meaning he’s attracted to women. As such, even a lot of dudebros seem to openly view Zhao as not being bisexual, but instead, straight up gay. This seems to be due to the fact that Zhao is never shown playing into the typical mainstream macho type stuff as opposed to Mine.
I didn’t take a screenshot, but Daigo even gets the assumed-to-be-into-women-because-he-was-next-to-one-treatment. While he went to hostess clubs, he looks so extremely despondent and out of the moment when we see him there. I can’t find it in me to assume he’s attracted to women just because he went to those types of clubs. His sexuality is totally up for debate as several others are as well. And we can all see him however we want. But, overall, immediately assuming things for such and such reasons starts to feel a little off to me. All in all, Mine gets this treatment the worse thanks to his sexuality actually being a big factor in his character.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
i have to ask, do any of your muses ( namely the newest ones ) have any connections to one another ?
My latest lads? O:
-taps whiteboard-
Galo is connected to Tzvult and Lumah - My trio of human turned mage-gods for the fae community. They are an old set of folks that were tossed across time and space through Tzvult's violent grief over the death of his family, people and kingdom in a sense. Though misplaced in the universe, they aren't that strange to the elements of today's world; they left a version of Earth to this Earth. They are all connected to Tzila, Uyahrin, Hendrikson and his group. :D
Gunter, my hell horse is connected to Beschutzer and Weissager, he is an equine of hellish delights, a rare offspring of Apocalypse horses. War and Death to be exact. He is a breed known for running through the aftermaths of War to swallow souls and bring the lost to damnation. He is pretty much the opposite of a Valkyrie! He was often used in the times of Earth's horse era - under Beschutzer's order to blend in. He misses the role it was a fun time! ( He is also Beschutzer's horse in Ancient Egypt, thus he knows of Atem, Beschutzer's true love and knows of Weissager's lover, Nanami's soul. ) He and Weissager are on good terms, often to play board games of Chess or Checkers in the background.
Eli is connected to Tyler, Vorvya, Lilu - my demons :D He is a summoner consultant, he is very good at understanding one's core, mind and magics thus he'll give the advice needed for newbies to when it comes to contracts and the likes. He is rather greedy with Grimoires, mostly for a collection need, but also because he has a fate drawn duty to look after books of the oddity on Earth's realm.
Melphis is Arius' Lich Magacian, he was killed udner false charges at a King's feet with his family, friends and pretty much his entire village. Arius came across him when he was but a younglin Necromancer and promised him aid in revenge. Melphis was a strong sorcerer, and with the corruption of Necromancy - his holy magics twisted and contorted into a mass of black magic - anti-magic to that extent too. He is a powerful beast, that found his peace, but with a new desire to look after Arius.
He likes to call himself the Librarian of the castle walls too.
Isami is Naruto verse only, atm - I don't think i'll make him anything else, because it's not in my mind for that. He is Naruto versed all the way so I'll keep that to that bubble! Heavily involved with @stovthearted's Asuma!
Osamu, my newest bleach shinigami is besties with my Uekawa too, they hang out sometimes when he can run away from duties. They eat together often, Osamu one of the few that can witness Uekawa's face without the masked man feeling self-conscious.
Baeorn is part of Hendrikson's crew! Thus he is a good friend with Einri, Mat'phew, Locien, Luit, Vuir, Pistrix, and Pistris. He is a spearman, and with a wooping height of 12 ft 3, he's a big big boi. Part Giant uw u
Václav is a stand alone ATM, but am thinking Clarence knows of him, cause he always knows all my mafia/yakuza based boos. He is a mix of bad and good, a property owner but also a loan shark at the same time so he's got his fingers in the pies. I'd like to say he could pay Fushimi for protection money in some areas for his homes. but am still thinkin' it over! uw u Still debating if I wanna keep him human or make him like Itachi w/ a animal clan -wink-
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Any more questions? :D
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shyuch · 1 year
So I went to Swampcon...
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^This is not my picture, I stole it so I would have a good photo to use as my banner.
What can I say? My first convention; I'd say I'm a pretty closeted anime fan, so this is something definitely new for me. I definitely enjoyed it though.
I went to Idolfest (my favorite of all):
I must say, the last girl really knew how to dance. Plus, it was Eurobeat, so I couldn't stop myself from getting so hype. The rest of the performances were fire as well, it's just the last one blew me out of the water. It's one of those things where you just want to absolutely head-bang to it.
I didn't get it on video, but she did a NASTYYYYYY body roll that had everyone screaming near the end.
I also went to Artist Alley:
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Got some prints of the best video game series ever: Yakuza. On the left is Kiryu and on the right is Majima. They are both legendary in their own ways, and I guess you will have to find out why by playing the actual game. The art style was really cool also, placing them alongside their respective symbols.
(My profile picture is also from this series, Akira Nishikiyama)
I would've gotten bigger prints, but I was already extremely broke from spring break, so I had to settle for less. Although, I did get a pair of horns from a shop.
I saw Vincent:
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Also, there's the horns I was talking about earlier. But it's just a great picture isn't it, two dudes having fun at an anime convention hosted by their university.
I saw the best/worst Vocaloid concert ever:
Don't get me wrong, it's cool. It's cool to see a bunch of other vocaloid fans packed in the same room, listening to the same niche genre of music. However, it was just a 2D projection of a video (I kinda managed to turn down the exposure and make it look cool?). It's no different than me just linking a video of:
I know I shouldn't expect too much, but somewhere in my heart I really wanted there to be some crazy 3D projection that they set up in the grand ball room to absolutely blow us away.
(Fun fact, I think Senbonzakura is about the Meiji Restoration)
Bonus R2D2:
That's it. It's just R2D2 with me repeatedly saying "o." I was cool to see something more on the Geek side than the Otaku side.
Some Analysis:
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While there wasn't millions of Doujinshi stalls scattered everyone along the Reitz, we can still see the Otaku traits in action. For example, the cosplays. I bet there were more cosplayers than actual non-cosplayers there. Each of them did it on their favorite characters in a different way, and we can really see how they managed to refictionalize a fictional character.
Additionally, the Moe elements. Remember when I was fangirling over that eurobeat dance? The way that woman was dressed up, it was definitely to appeal ot the Moe elements. The knee high wide socks, the short plaid skirt, headband... They combined a bunch of elements that people like into an outfit for the otakus to enjoy.
Not to mention, my prints. The Moe elements in this case were the symbols and the character's physiques. Their respective symbols is a big part of what makes the whole franchise "cool." Also, their muscular physiques also attract a lot of other men who maybe want to participate in the guise of a hegemonic masculinity, not to mention that their clothes are also what makes them appealing. Not give the wrong idea though, the majority of the game does not depict the characters as this "super macho" hegemonic masculinity, it only does that through the main story. The rest of the game show them as being tender and kind.
Also, the acceptance of queerness was clear throughout the whole convention. Nobody batted an eye. It was cool to see something in theory, that Otakus can distinguish from fiction and reality, hobby and self, play out in a setting like this.
Overall, I'm definitely doing this again.
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serena-hart-09 · 2 years
I write for: Obey Me! and Yakuza (For trial right now)
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Which Book shall we read today?
Book of Observations (Main "Universe") ("Their" Tragedy)
Book of Evil ("His" Dream)
Book of "Memories" (Their "Truth")
Verklig (New World)
Who shall you be choosing as your "Piece"?
(For those characters whose information "has not yet been recorded" will have individual Fics. For those who "cannot be recorded" will appear in the shadows for the plot alone, and will not participate (actively) in the plot)
Meera Yukikaze (Will "appear")
Itogami (Will appear in 2nd part)
Shannon (Has not yet been recorded)
Izumi Hayato (Has not yet been recorded)
Sayaka Anazawa (Has not yet been recorded)
"Anya" (Hidden in "His" Dream) (Has already appeared in the shadows)
Ouka Yukikaze (?????? and ???????) (All Three of "them" are one and the same) (Exist in all "Universes" at the same time)
"Lucifer" (On the Run from "Conscious E") (Can't be recorded, for "he" has become someone "unreachable")
者覧読  人柄 (Sharantoku Tohei) (Can't be recorded, is not a "Piece") (A lonely Observer who overlooks "Their" Tragedy) (Can be met in the same)
"Notes" (For all the"Books")
Note (1) [Applicable only for Book of Evil]
Would you like know more about our beloved Characters?
The Seven Princes of Hell (Skills that the Demon Brothers (Would Likely) Possess)
The Royals
Purgatory Hall Members
Would you like to know more about their world? (Personal Headcanons):
Skills and Affinities (Common Headcanons)
Fragmenting ½
Fragmenting 2/2 (Short Story)
The Nature (Types) of Magic (Common Headcanons)
O, curious Reader, Do enjoy your stay!
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
It would have been super cool to have a character come back who had changed for the better. Especially since Baba is such a femmecoded and queercoded individual, I'm glad he wasn't a part of Yakuza's initial kick of killing off villains right after they were having a change of heart, but it's like he might as well be dead. Him being in the original Ishin was a huge surprise, still seeming to carry on the same themes. His mainline game self, though... It would have been interesting to see where his bond with Saejima could have gone. Saejima was so stuck on helping, announcing he'd wait for him to be ready to be sworn bros, and I would have loved to see a queer character confess to the person they're attracted to. I doubt they would do that, but how many more gay men can keep telling Kiryu they're in love with another man. He's not immortal ya know. Guess Ichiban has to carry that torch too.
Despite both characters being the "I don't think I deserve better, and I could never forgive myself. I would rather die" type, they both just make me sad as well. Mine actually goes through with it with no one physically stopping him, and that's seriously the last time Daigo sees that man. That way. What a terrible lasting impression. Saejima doesn't see Baba the rest of the game- or ever again- but he sends others to aid him after seeing him try to take his own life. Which is great and all but l o r d. There's so much potential with both of them. It's so wildly unfair how their stories ended. I'm rambling a lot. They both just give me so many wordy thoughts.
it'll never cease angering me how much the yakuza series preaches about starting over and turning a new leaf but never actually allowing characters to do that- like the most we got was hamazaki but even he kicked the bucket. it's upsetting we didn't get to see more of that, i genuinely really like hamazaki's turnaround, even if i had an inkling he was going to die anyways.
back on topic though, it is unfortunate baba and saejima didn't get to meet up at least one more time. sure, baba isn't dead in-universe, but as you said he might as well be and that sucks MAJOR balls.
i could probably write an essay on the ending of Y3 cause there's just so much to talk about, especially with the prologue the RGGO story gives us. but for now i'll just say rgg do better with your cast please and thank you
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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Sega’s Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has announced “legal suspense action” game Project Judge (western working title) / Judge Eyes: Shinigami no Yuigon for PlayStation 4. It will launch on December 13 in Japan, Asia, and Korea for 8,290 yen, and in the west in 2019. A demo will be available today in Japan. (Update 11:30 a.m.: The demo is available now.)
Here is the official western press release:
■ About
Sega is proud to announce that the new courtroom thriller from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios, Project Judge (working title), will release in 2019 on the PlayStation 4. Project Judge will feature the voice acting talents of Japanese actor / artist Takuya Kimura as the game’s main protagonist, Takayuki Yagami.
Project Judge takes place in modern day Tokyo, following a serial murder case. The main protagonist, private detective Takayuki Yagami (played by Takuya Kimura), is a man of conviction who fights for his beliefs, despite the overwhelming despair surrounding him. Kimura has met extensively with the game’s development team to craft this protagonist, dedicating more than 1,000 minutes of voice recording time for his lines. By putting forth so much effort in developing this role, Project Judge aims to redefine what it means to truly bring a character to life.
Other talented actors, including Akira Nakao, Kenichi Takito, Shosuke Tanihara, and Pierre Taki were brought in to play the game’s supporting roles. Additionally, the rock band Alexandros enhances the drama to its peak with the original theme song Arpeggio and feature song, Your Song. This game is developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios headed by Sega Chief Product Officer Toshihiro Nagoshi. The studio is known primarily for their work on the Yakuza series, which has sold over 11 million copies worldwide. To create an experience in line with the studio’s core belief to “Create enjoyable games that address mature themes” the team spent more than 3 years developing Project Judge‘s story and characters.
Enhancing the game’s position as a courtroom thriller and embodying the feeling of playing a detective, players will need to utilize key investigative skills in conjunction with unique gameplay features to unveil the truths hidden at the core of Project Judge‘s plot.
What lies beyond the suffering and failures of the man trapped within his past; is it a divine revelation, or something more sinister? Stay tuned for more information on Project Judge, the courtroom thriller action game brought to you by the prolific tag team of Takuya Kimura and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios.
■ Characters
Takayuki Yagami (cast: Takuya Kimura)
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The main protagonist of Project Judge.
A fiercely idealistic ex-defense lawyer turned private detective. After facing a devastating betrayal by one of his former clients, he became known as a fraud who lets murderers run free, effectively destroying his reputation.
Now he’s caught up in an enigmatic serial murder case and will need to push his investigative skills to their limit to solve it.
Takashi Genda (cast: Akira Nakao)
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A gritty lawyer who has taken on the role of overseeing Yagami’s growth since the start of his career as a lawyer.
Even after Yagami’s incident that forced him out of the legal world, Genda still looks after him and helps him find work from time to time.
Kazuya Ayabe (cast: Kenichi Takito)
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A detective with Tokyo PD’s Organized Crime Division.
Ayabe is a crooked cop who withholds information on investigations for his own benefit, but often helps Yagami with his cases – for a price.
Mitsuru Kuroiwa(cast: Shosuke Tanihara)
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A detective with the Tokyo PD’s Organized Crime Division, famous for his leadership skills and high successful arrest rate in Kamurocho.
A talented officer who plays by the rules, Kuroiwa sees unknown elements like Yagami as a dangerous nuisance.
Kyohei Hamura (cast: Pierre Taki)
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Captain of the Matsugane family, a subsidiary of the Tojo Clan based in Kamurocho.
Hamura is self-centered, but he’s also a mastermind skilled in taking others down for his own benefit. He’s heavily involved with Yagami throughout the serial murder case.
■ Comment from Alexandros
“We are very honored to be part of such a wonderful production.
The demo video that Director Nagoshi showed us was so cool, we were able to envision a song very quickly.
From there, we had multiple meetings and the lyrics kept flowing until it was a complete piece that we feel very strongly about.
We are very excited to play the game ASAP (laughs).”
Watch a set of trailers below. View the first screenshots at the gallery. Visit the Japanese official website here.
Story Trailer
Gameplay Trailer
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forsworned · 3 years
a mutually arranged attachment. (yoriichi tsugikini x reader)
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a mutually arranged attachment. (yoriichi tsugikuni x reader)
warnings » mentions of death
word count » 4.3k
categories » f/m, multi
chapters » one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
relationships » modern college student au! yoriichi tsugikuni x f!reader
characters » mitsuri kanroji, shinobu kocho, yoriichi tsugikuni (obvi), uncle keshi (oc), tengen uzui
author’s note » thank u for everyone's support and all the kind and positive comments they make me feel so overwhelmed with joy! i will try to update as frequently as i can but know i am in school so i can't do it as much as i want to. please enjoy this chapter and feel free to drop a comment !
『© do not steal/repost my work w/o permission』
『♡』 chapter five: nothing but anxiety and coffee
"'I just need to see you healthy and alive and thriving.'?!"
You chuckled humorlessly at Shinobu's reaction as you stared at your drink as you stirred at your iced coffee. Most of the ice had already melted so were left with diluted coffee and the condensation dripping down the plastic cup and pooling onto the table.
You finally looked at her."Yeah, can you believe that?"
"Bro, he is unbelievable." Shinobu shook her head as she picked the lint off of her sweater.
Mitsuri nodded in agreement. "Totally, he needs to get some sense in him."
"And fast, what else happened?"
"And he said that he'd finish the project by himself and then he just basically disappeared after that. Like he was a vampire or something it was really weird. I felt like I was in twilight."
Mitsuri and Shinobu visibly disgruntled with his actions and words.
You put your head in your hands. "I can't believe I cried over this dude, man. He's making me lose my mind for nothing.
"Hey, we've all been there before." Shinobu said putting a hand on your shoulder. She knew it was especially tough on you knowing that you didn't really have many crushes racked up. So she did what she was best at."I'm sorry he's being such an ass to you, but I have a feeling it won't last long."
You quirked an eyebrow at her. "And why is that?"
Shinobu pulled out a green folder and opened it showing it to the both of you. Her being the middle you and Mitsuri leaned in analyzing the documents. "Because I've been doing some digging."
Suddenly the folder was snatched out of her hands and you all gazed up from your seats to see a tall white haired male, sipping on an iced latte with wide eyes open. "How the hell do you guys know who Uncle Keshi is?"
"Hey, give that back you narc!" Shinobu shouted, scrambling to get back the folder filled with papers of apparently Uncle Keshi and God knows what else.
Tengen ignored her as he rifled through the papers that she had printed out and highlighted. You studied him as his face began to get more and more worried. You had only met Tengen a handful of times. He and Shinobu had gone to the same middle school and then he pursued baseball and transferred to a prestigious high school. That still didn't stop him from re-entering Shinobu's life since their families had been friends for generations and well now they went to the same university.
"Narc?" You asked looking at her inquistively.
"Fuck off, why don't you." Tengen grimaced at her as he plopped next to you with his eyes still glued to the papers. He turned to you and Mitsuri and smiled for a moment. "Hello to everyone that's not named Shinobu."
You and Mitsuri laughed. Mitsuri was especially cheery to see him as she greeted him quietly.
"Hi to you, too, Tengen. Why are you a narc?" You asked leaning back and crossing your arms.
Tengen rolled his eyes, but before he could answer Shinobu spoke up. "Because his dad used to work for the Yakuza and now he's a cop."
"No way..." You and Mitsuri's eyes widened as you looked at him.
"Since when was you're dad a Yakuza member?" You asked.
Tengen scoffed. "Since like forever." He narrowed his eyes at Shinobu. "And I'm not a fucking narc."
"You are by default." She retorted looking at her black nails.
"When did your dad cop out?" Mitsuri was trying her best not to laugh at her own joke, but she fist bumped Shinobu in the process.
"You guys are annoying." He nawed on his straw as he scanned over at the contents of the mysterious folder. "But that's honestly besides the point. How do you know who this is?"
"Give that back, already!" Shinobu yelled as she tried to swipe at it but, Tengen's arms were much longer than hers and it was out of her reach. You sat there still wondering where you had missed that Tengen's dad was apart of the Yakuza. Questions had rushed through your head as you wondering why his dad had suddenly decided to narc out---or 'cop out' according to Mitsuri.
"Not until you tell me what's going on." Tengen said with a very solemn expression.
You all looked at each other for a moment and Shinobu crossed her arms in defiance. You let out a sigh and sat up again.
"I went to a Yakuza gathering last night without realizing it." You admitted. Shinobu and Mitsuri looked flabbergasted that you would give out information so quickly without being brownnosed, bribed or blackmailed.
Tengen looked at you for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "No, really. Why do you guys have this?"
"No, really--"
Shinobu covered your mouth trying to keep you from saying anything more than you needed to. "Don't worry about it, narc."
You removed Shinobu's hand and she gave you a look that screamed "Shut the entire fuck up. I will handle this."
Tengen's eyes narrowed her. "Do you even know what deep shit you're getting yourself into. This isn't some Nancy Drew shit this is some real mafia shit that you have zero business in."
Shinobu watched Tengen bob the folder up in down in his hands as he spoke and she took it as an opportunity to snatch it out of his hands. "Well, good thing we have a really good lead."
Shinobu sat back with a satisfied look on her face but Tengen was not letting up. His body was tense and he was grinding his teeth as he looked at her. Not in an angry way, but in a slightly overprotective way.
"You have no idea what you could get into. You could end up dead, Shinobu. I'm serious." He lowered his voice looked her dead in the eye.
Shinobu grinned smugly at him. "We're not fucking stupid, Tengen. But thanks for confirming that we're dealing with Yakuza."
Tengen's mouth dropped as he looked at her. He had fallen into her trap and it was all coming together now.
"Did you lure me out on purpose?" He was absolutely flabbergasted at her.
"Mmm, maybe." She teased, giggling at his astounded expression. Even you and Mitsuri were shocked, but certainly not surprised. Shinobu was a bit of a master mind.
"Dude..." You looked at her as you shook your head. "Not cool."
"Not cool, indeed. You're unbelievable, Shinobu. Do you know how much trouble I could get into?" He whispered yelled as he looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping. No one actually was actually paying attention because mid-terms had everyone in a stress chokehold so they could probably couldn't give less than a fuck about the Yakuza.
"Maybe we should go somewhere else." Mitsuri said looking around anxiously.
Tengen got up from his seat but not before he snatched the folder out of Shinobu's hand once again.
"Fine." Shinobu followed his lead. "Where should we go?"
You do the same and brush the crumbs off your legs. "Let's go to my place. It's like a ten minute walk from here anyway."
* * *
"Ugh, [name], your bed is so comfy." Mitsuri sighed as she splayed her body out on top of your throw blanket.
"It's pretty quaint." Tengen mused, closing the door behind him. You sighed becoming depressed almost immediately at the use of the word.
You shoved your head into your throw pillow. "That's what Yoriichi called it." Your cry was muffled and sad enough to make Shinobu and Mitsuri pout at you sympathetically.
Tengen's head whipped into your direction at the name. "Did you just say Yoriichi?"
You peered up from your pillow and nodded your head. Tengen sat in your desk chair and pulled it up immediately to sit in front of you. "Okay, you've really got my attention now. Tell me everything that happened that night, anything or anyone you saw."
You cocked an eyebrow at him. "And what do I get out of it, narc."
Shinobu smirked at you and crossed her arms in triumph. You were becoming her little protege. Tengen rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll tell you why my dad narc'd out in exchange for your information."
"That's more like it. " You held out your pinky. "Pinky promise?"
"Yes," Tengen laughed and shook his head as he linked your pinky with his own and stamped your thumbs together to complete it.
"I promise." The both of you chorused.
Tengen's face dropped to his serious face again. "Now tell me how you know Yoriichi."
You took a deep breath before you began to get into the whole fiasco of a night you had. You watched as all three of them went through a whirlwind of emotions, feeling every part of the story with you. Much to your surprise, Tengen was understanding and attentive to anything and everything you were saying. He hung on to every detail and not interrupting you at all even when you mentioned how you and Yoriichi shared those handful of intimate moments. After you had mentioned how Yoriichi suddenly gave you the cold shoulder Tengen nodded as he placed his hand on his chin in deep thought. Much to your surprise, Mitsuri and Shinobu had stayed quiet the whole duration awaiting Tengen's response.
"Okay, try not to freak out when I say this." Tengen began and you grimaced for a second mentally preparing yourself for whatever he was about to drop on you. "But you are definitely in the process of a courtship."
"Courtship?!" Mitsuri and Shinobu nearly shrieked.
"[name] cannot get married now!" Shinobu began to panic and then looked at you in fear. "Right?! You're not considering that at all, right?!"
"Shinobu, calm down." Mitsuri put her hands on the ravenette's dainty ones in an attempt to soothe her. "[name] knows better than to be a Mafia wife right, [name]?"
Everyone's attention was on you as you sat there trying to register everything. If what Tengen was saying wasn't a load of shit, then maybe being a mafia wife didn't seem that bad especially if Yoriichi was going to be by your side...
"Oh God! She's actually giving it a thought!" Shinobu's hands flew to cover her face as she began to sob hysterically.
"Can you calm down?" You finally said getting annoyed with her antics. "And stop having a fake meltdown. I haven't even said anything. Am I not allowed to register everything?"
Shinobu looked up at you from her hands and wiped away her crocodile tears. "Oh, thank God. I thought you were actually considering it."
You shrugged at her. "Maybe, maybe not. We don't even know if this is true or not."
As you watched Shinobu's face drop again, Mitsuri became elated. Remember when I said she loved love? Mitsuri really loves love. But before either of them could say anything Tengen spoke up.
"Everything I'm saying is true. The Hanafuda are known for their arranged marriages once they get to a certain age, but if they can find someone who they like by that time then they can marry them accordingly. So," Tengen said rubbing his hands together as he looked at you with a devilish grin. "with the Hanafuda being active again that means Yoriichi is next in line to have a bride to-be or a prospect or future suitor. Whatever you want to call it. It's the same end result."
You were searching for the right words to say but everything was just coming to a blank, so instead you just listened to Tengen as he carried on with his explanation. "That's probably the reason why Yoriichi dipped."
You looked down for a moment embarrassed, but Tengen slight panic caused you to gaze up at him. "I didn't mean that he didn't see you like that! I mean the Hanafuda being active again. If any other mafia's see you with him or catch word of you, they're bound to stalk you down and kidnap you, do away with you or use you as ransom. If anything I think Yoriichi made a really hard decision to keep you away, but the worst case scenario could be that they already have you in their books."
Instead of replying you simply threw your body back against your bed as you sighed loudly.
"I think that may have been a massive information overload, Tengen." Mitsuri peeped up.
"Ya think?" Shinobu raised an eyebrow at her as she leaned towards you to caress your hair. "You good?"
"Hmm, I just found out that I am possibly a bride to-be and that I'm a possible target to a bunch of rival mafias. What do you think?" You replied sarcastically. You felt the bed shift again and see Tengen sit on your right side.
"Hey, it's not all bad. The Hanafuda have tons of perks for their women. They don't cook like at all and they get a huge allowance and dowry. Plus, a lot places around Japan give special offers and discounts to well known Yakuza households."
You facepalmed. "Yeah, not exactly the reasons I was looking for, but thanks, Tengen."
"Hey, you wanted to know." He shot back as he took a swig of his water bottle. You weren't the only one who was at a loss for words. Shinobu and Mitsuri were equally as shocked, which wasn't out of the ordinary. It wasn't every day that you were in a deadly tango with the Yakuza.
"So, what do you wanna do [name]?" Mitsuri asked looking down at you. Her emerald eyes glistened in the afternoon light and as pretty as they looked you could tell they were full with worry. The rosette was usually quiet in times of distress not wanting to escalate the situation, well more than Shinobu already did. She liked to be he buffer in those kinds of moments.
You covered your eyes and took a deep breath as you shook your head. "I don't know anymore. This is way too much to even register right now. I feel like...I feel like I can't be alone anymore knowing that there are people possibly watching my every move. I mean let's be honest I'm a creature of habit. I'm not exactly an unpredictable human being. I take the same path to and from and we go to all the same coffee shops and shopping centers. Wake up at the same time for school and come back around the same time."
"Well, we don't know that yet." Tengen spoke up after your little spiel. "These are the facts." Tengen held out his hands.
"The Hanafuda are active--fact. Izanagi being back in town is proof of that. Also you had mentioned that Uncle Keshi and him have made up so that double's over. More over you are a prospect--BIG fact."
You sit up at the mentioning of the little family feud. "Right, why did they fight? Uncle Keshi said that they made up?"
Tengen rubbed his chin in thought for a moment. "Well, let's see. Last time I remember, Michikatsu pulled an evil twin and pretty much acted like Yoriichi and burned down a wing of the building which is why he had been banned. Izanagi and Uncle Keshi had been feuding for some years, but I can't really remember that far back."
"Did he ever have something against Michikatsu?" You asked perking up at the name. As annoying as it was, you still felt very drawn towards him. Yoriichi may have said he was "dangerous and troublesome", but it wasn't the danger that was tempting. It was as if he had a side that you wanted to explore and---okay maybe it was because "he was the danger", but could you help it? It definitely had run in the family.
Tengen raised an eyebrow at you. He clearly felt the desire to know more about said"evil twin". "Well, actually Uncle Keshi has a rule against having any violence against children. Michikatsu wasn't a child then, but he wasn't involved with any feuding that was being done with Izanagi and Uncle Keshi prior to the fire. He tries to keep the quarreling to a minimum. Less casualities."
Your heart thumped at the word casualities. "C-casualities?"
"I mean, [name], Uncle Keshi isn't unicorn and rainbows. Sure, he may seem like it, but part of it is just a front like his shop. He was a real and active Yakuza in the day. Larceny, arson, grand theft auto, gang conspiracy, and yes, even murder. I hate to break it to you, but he's no saint." He said, cracking open a can of Pringles. " I mean neither am I, but I didn't kill anyone."
"Thanks for letting us know, narc. Now when are you gonna tell us about why you're dad became a pig?" Shinobu broke her silence as she got up from her spot to stand over him (not really though, she was still shorter than Tengen when he was sitting.)
"Call me that one more time and I won't tell you shit." He replied shoving a handful of chips into his mouth.
"Aw, but you pinky promised." You whined from his left. A small sigh emitted from his lips as he set down the can of Pringles on the floor.
"To make a long story short, my dad was in some deep shit, so to get everything expunged they offered him a way out. Way out being an officer."
"You mean a pig." Shinobu plopped into your desk chair that was once occupied by Tengen.
"What kind of deep shit?" You questioned. The more you thought to actively ignore Shinobu's bitchy antics--though she wasn't wrong--the more smoothly this information exchange would go.
"The same kind that made Uncle Keshi settle down to being a cafe owner." The white haired male replied pulling his hair tie out of his pony tail.
You could only watch him as he readjusted his hair into a now more comfortable low bun. Your world was spinning and you had no idea how to slow it down. Millions of questions were itching at you. You didn't know how to ask them without sounding too invasive, but Yoriichi was already opening his world to you without even being there.
"I think some questions should be reserved for Yoriichi. I shouldn't invade his privacy. God knows I would hate if someone was telling my secrets to strangers." Tengen rolled his shoulders and head and then glanced over at you. "Don't you think?"
You only nodded your head. He was definitely right. If you wanted answers you had to go straight to the source.
"Also, when you do get to talk to him, which I'm 1000% sure you will, do not mention my name. The last thing I want is a bunch of Yakuza down my throat."
You raised your hand to him. "You have my word."
He looked down at your hand before shaking it. "Appreciate it." He got up to stretch and grabbed his can and shoved it into his bag. "Well, I gotta run. Let me know when you talk to him."
"And why would she do that?" Shinobu gave him a once over.
"Because I'm interested in how Yoriichi will finally take intiative. He's usually very passive with these kinds of things when the Yakuza is involved, but something tells me that he's going to take some action very soon." He threw his backpack over his shoulders and unlocked your door. "Well, I'm out."
"Hey, Tengen." You called out as he mostly slid out the door.
"Thanks, I really appreciate you clearing a lot of things up. Even though, Shinobu kinda set you up."
He chuckled. "Yeah, no problem. Update me. See ya guys later."
You all waved him goodbye as he exited your apartment save for Shinobu who was still very annoyed with his lasting presence.
"So, now that he's gone." Shinobu jumped out of her seat and began to rummage through your closet. "Let's find something that'll get Yoriichi's eyes boggling out of his head."
You rolled your eyes.
"Maybe, that's a little too soon?" Mitsuri glanced over at you to make sure you weren't uncomfortable, but your mind was far, far away from the conversation taking place in your bedroom.
Your mind was reeling and you could only think of what Yoriichi was doing right in this moment.
* * *
"Are you gonna sit there all day and wait for her to come through those doors?"
Uncle Keshi's voice had pulled Yoriichi out of his stupor. He looked at him slightly embarrassed that he had caught him waiting for you. Hell, Yoriichi didn't even realize he was waiting for you. He just found himself walking back here like how you guys had your first real conversation and the way you looked at him last night when he told you that you shouldn't see each other anymore. It pulled at his heart strings.
"No, I'm just...trying to finish this project and there's construction going on outside of my place and I can't concentrate."
Uncle Keshi set down the towel he was drying a mug with and walked over to where Yoriichi had his laptop open but not on and his notes splayed around the tabletop. He sat in front of him as he watched Yoriichi fiddle with his pen.
"You okay, kid?"
"I can't believe I did that to her..." Yoriichi mumured as he looked out the window in deep thought. The look of betrayal on your face replayed over and over in his head.
Uncle Keshi chuckled and smiled softly at his nephew. "You guys will be okay."
Yoriichi's head rotated to face his uncle's. "What do you mean."
"You're joking, right?"
Uncle Keshi shook his head as he got up and walked toward the kitchen to make a latte. Yoriichi was confused as to what he was going on about. "What are you talking about?"
His uncle smiled down at his coffee as he began to create his latte art. "You brought her to our anniversary in front of your parents. Is that enough hint for you?"
Yoriichi played back the moments in his head where you had met his father and mother, hell basically his whole extended family at the party last night. The distinct looks that they had given you...
His heart thudded loudly against his chest at the realization of what he just did. A cup of coffee with a koi fish drawn in the white foam was slid into his view. Yoriichi always wondered why his uncle would spend hours trying to perfect latte art as a child, but he finally understood why now.
"Fuck." Was all he could manage to verbalize as he covered his head with hands. How did it come to this? "I have to call it off."
"No can do, neph. Your parents saw her with you and that's that. The both of you are in the process of your courtship."
"But I had no idea that yesterday was you guys re-officiating the Hanafuda! A heads up would have been nice, uncle. I can't explain to her that she has to be with me and go along with this rising leader thing. I don't even want this!"
Yoriichi was beginning to spiral at the realization that he had to tell you that were going to be his for life along side him with the position he never wanted in the first place knowing you were a walking target now. He couldn't even imagine the look on your face when he would tell you this. There was no way that it could end well.
"Look, I know it may seem like the end of the world, but you're the right person for the job. Everything else will fall into place. And your concern for [name] isn't needed. It's all getting handled." Uncle Keshi took a sip from his own latte so nonchalantly that it made Yoriichi's blood boil.
"Oh, like it was handled last time?"
He really didn't want to go there knowing how much of a mental, physical and emotional toll it had taken on his uncle, but what about his own feelings? Yes, her death was out of everyone's hands, but if he could just, just--
"I know I can't go back in time to change the past." Uncle Keshi's soft expression towards his troubled nephew never went away. He felt all his pain. "But I promise you. This time will be different. [name] will be safe and I can ensure that to you."
Yoriichi would never feel ensured or secure with your safety. Not as long as all the rival mafia's existed. He could only count on himself to protect you and he would make sure of it even if it costed him his own life. It was the least he could do for dragging you into this unprovoked.
"It will be different." Yoriichi finally spoke up. "Because I'll be the one to protect her."
Uncle Keshi could feel how intense his nephew's feelings were. How mixed emotions and someone his age with all those hormones rushing through him could make him do crazy things. He was once his age after all. Falling in love and taking up a position he didn't want to wasn't a foreign concept to him.
"We're in this together." Uncle Keshi pulled up his sleeve to reveal his dark koi tattoo that was embedded into his upper forearm. Yoriichi hesitated as he looked at his tattoo. It was faded but still looked intact. He pulled his own sleeve up to reveal his white koi fish and when they shook arms they connected like ying and yang. Not even kind of. Uncle Keshi and Yoriichi were like Night and Day. Water and Fire. Receptive and Creative. You would probably think that it would be him and Michikatsu, but in actuality they were more alike then he would've wanted.
Yoriichi nodded a little more confidently. "Together."
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
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Yakuza!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Sugar and Spice (Mafia!AU, Modern AU, NSFW Series)[Chapter 2]
Summary: Kyōjurō and (Y/n) meet at a party, only to find out that their lives would change forever— since they had been arranged to be married. To make matters even more difficult for them, they were from two different walks of life, with (Y/n) being the Prime Minister’s daughter, and Kyōjurō being the heir to his clan’s Yakuza group.
Warnings: Smut, Kabedon, Groping, Making Out, Marking
Chapter 1| Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
No matter how much (Y/n) tried to shake the memory of those piercing eyes from her mind, she never could forget just how hauntingly beautiful they were— especially when they were trained so hard on her the night before.
It was why she had made a hasty escape; tucking tail and practically shoving her champagne glass at a waiter, before making up some halfhearted excuse about forgetting a prior engagement.
She could tell that the ladies she had been with were skeptic of her reasons, but had still let her go; just in time, as well, because Kyōjurō would have gotten to her if they had tried to keep her any longer.
Still, hours after that ordeal— even while she laid on her bed— with the warm, morning rays of the sun shining down on her through her windows, she could still feel the less-than-proper intent behind them. They were the eyes of a predator; someone who was silently telling her that he was going to devour her.
And if she were being honest, it scared and thrilled her at the same time.
“Hopefully, I’ll never have to see him again,” The young woman whispered to herself, right before closing her eyes and stretching her limbs outwards; it felt so good on her tired muscles. But her peaceful time alone was cut short with a soft but firm knock on her door.
“Good morning, (Y/n)-sama.” She almost groaned aloud at the sound of her temporary secretary’s voice; wishing to all hell that she were back in her university dorm— protected by a bodyguard, but still living with relative privacy.
But, unfortunately, it was summer break and she was obligated to stay at the Prime Minister’s residence; much like how her brothers were also required to live there when they weren’t living at their dorms. And, being the youngest— as well as the only girl— out of three children, her father was much stricter on her.
(Y/n) sighed then, deciding not to stall any longer and calling out a flat ‘come in’. It was then followed by the quiet creaking of the door, as well as the soft footsteps coming towards her bed.
As much as the young woman still wanted to just go back to sleep, she decided not to be difficult and opened her eyes— only for them to fall on Rin. She was a frail woman in her mid-thirties, looking very strict with her neatly pressed uniform; but it was her severely tight bun that had (Y/n) and her siblings knowing that the woman meant business at first glance.
“Good morning, Rin-san, may I know my schedule for today?” (Y/n) asked with a forced smile, knowing full well that she had a full roster for that day— what with her mother forking over some small charity appearances over to her and her brothers; all to show the people that they were very much active in society, despite also being busy with their own passion projects.
Rin nodded at that, before referring down to her clipboard and flipping a page— which had (Y/n)’s eyebrows quirking, since she saw so many things highlighted on one of her brothers’ schedule sheets.
“Your schedule has been cleared today, (Y/n)-sama.” That explained why she saw all those neon yellow lines on the pages before hers, but that had her stomach tightening with apprehension; because having a clear schedule at the last minute didn’t really bring good things.
“And why is that?”
“The Prime Minister has requested an audience with you for brunch, and he asked that you clear your schedule for the rest of the day to entertain his guest.”
Suddenly, she wanted to switch schedule with either one of her brothers. Hell, she would have rather been giving speeches and kissing babies, if it got her out of whatever clown show her father was about to put her through.
“Can I get out of this brunch?”
“No, Miss.”
“Alright, then. What time is this… fiasco? Nine-thirty? Ten? And do I already have something to wear for it?”
Who comes in late to meet the Prime Minister? The barbed thoughts reverberated around within (Y/n)’s head, as she presented a calm and collected façade for the world to see.
The dress she wore was modest enough for brunch, but with a touch of sexiness that had her quirking an eyebrow at the stern Rin when it had been handed to her earlier. Because, normally, Rin had her dressed up with the most modest of dresses; it would have been enough to put any miko to shame.
That already had her mind reeling with possibilities, yet she didn’t dare jump on any of them— since there were also numerous other things that could happen. Nothing was impossible, what with her being the daughter of Japan’s Prime Minister, after all.
For all she knew, she could be meeting the Prince of Wales with her father.
“Are we meeting Prince Charles, otou-sama? I didn’t brush up on my English last night,” She whispered to her father, who stifled his laughter and dabbed his table napkin to his lips— if only to muffle his humorous chuckles.
Yorihiko, (Y/n)’s father, turned to her then— before lowering his table napkin back down to his lap and showing her his bright grin. For someone who was in his mid-sixties, he still looked as youthful as ever. And, save for the crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes— as well as the greying hair atop his head— she would have gandered him as not a day over fifty. “Not the Prince of Wales, (Y/n)-chan, but someone who will be much more important to this family in the future.”
Maybe it was just her being a little chilly, but she felt shivers race down her spine at those ominous words. However, she couldn’t even collect herself before the butler announced that their long-awaited guest was finally there.
And she had to try really hard to pick her jaw up from the ground when she saw two heads of blond hair coming out into the garden. The one she knew as Rengoku Kyōjurō wore a crisp, black suit with a blood red tie— one that matched his eyes and hair very well; while the older man next to him wore a formal kimono with a sleek, black haori perched on his shoulders.
“The yakuza, otou-sama?” (Y/n) whisper-yelled at her father, who only gave her a nod before getting up from his seat— all while smoothly laying his table napkin on the table— so he could greet their guests.
She followed suit immediately, but she couldn’t help her unsteady legs as she walked around the table and gave the Rengokus a small bow. “Welcome to our home, dear guests.”
“Don’t be too stiff, daughter; call me otou-sama,” The older man spoke in a gruff tone, smirking all the while as he looked at (Y/n).
The young woman couldn’t even speak, but managed a small nod— right before turning to the man that she had been under just the night before. A chorus of “oh no”s kept playing inside her head, but she couldn’t even voice out her panic, nor her disapproval at whatever arrangement had been arranged between her and the Yakuza heir.
“How about we have our meal as we talk, Shinjurō? And then we can leave the kids to be acquainted?” Yorihiko suggested with a bright smile, all while motioning over to the table that he and (Y/n) had been sitting at earlier.
It already burned (Y/n) to even be in the same vicinity as the man who had been between her legs just the night before, but it burned her even more when he smirked right at her— before offering his arm to her; as if he was the perfect gentleman.
And with her being who she was, couldn’t even turn him down. So, she found herself slipping a hand into the crook of his arm; holding on to him as he walked her back to the table. To make matters even worse for her, he even pulled out her chair for her, before helping her sit down.
That action hadn’t been done for mere chivalry, however, as Kyōjurō took it as a chance to whisper right by her ear, “It’s nice to see you again, baby. You look really… fuckable in that dress.”
“Fuck you.” (Y/n) managed to whisper back, which earned a sexy little chuckle from the blond.
He wanted nothing more than to pull her by the hair and make her face him, just so he could kiss her breathless and show her that he wasn’t to be messed with, but they were in front of company, and he didn’t want to disrespect her like that in front of their fathers.
After all, he was going to be his wife. And he was always taught that Rengokus respected their wives above all else.
“You almost did, baby. Maybe on the honeymoon, though,” Kyōjurō whispered back with a grin, before finally pulling away and taking the empty seat right next to her— much to (Y/n)’s chagrin.
Lunch passed by in a blur for (Y/n), however; with conversation being led by the two patriarchs. She was nothing more than a spectator at the table, since she was still trying to wrap her head around what was happening.
And, from what she could catch, she and Kyōjurō really were arranged to be married. In this day and age, arranged marriages were such an archaic concept but, apparently, the Rengokus had a lot to do with her father getting the Prime Minister position— and he owed them a lot.
So, now that the Rengokus are being pinned with crimes that weren’t their doings— and with Shinjurō facing multiple life sentences if things aren’t resolved— they had to cash in that favor with (Y/n)’s father.
After all, what better way to clear someone’s name, than to get related through marriage to the very man who signs them? No other man’s vouch could be stronger that the Prime Minister’s; if he said that he trusted the Rengokus enough to have his only daughter marry into their family, then all those pending cases would be dismissed as nothing more than baseless accusations.
(Y/n) had always known that her father was involved with all kinds of people, but she had never even had an inkling that he had been rubbing elbows with the Yakuza— of all people.
Once brunch was over— with her food having been barely touched— the patriarchs left both (Y/n) and Kyōjurō in the garden to ‘get acquainted’. However, (Y/n) had much more different things in mind, so she got up from her seat and tossed her table napkin onto the table; all before making hasty escape back into the house.
Kyōjurō’s eyebrows quirked at his fiancée’s actions, but it didn’t dampen the smirk that tugged up at the corners of his lips; as he watched her hips swaying so seductively a few ways away from him.
Last night, he had been pissed to have seen her walking away from him— and that time was no different, but it posed an extremely exciting challenge that he was more than willing to take on.
So, that was how he found himself getting up from his own seat and following after her— but not before glaring right at the guards that had been about to keep him from following her.
That kept them right in their places, which was good enough for him— and had him resuming his leisurely stroll right behind his charismatic bride-to-be.
But she didn’t get to go much farther than the back door of the mansion; as Kyōjurō quickly took his chance to press her back against the wall— making sure to cushion the back of her head, as he caged her in with his right arm and his body.
“Don’t walk away from me, baby,” Kyōjurō stated with a smile; right before dipping his head down to brush his lips against hers in the faintest of kisses.
That move didn’t fail to make (Y/n)’s toes curls right in her heels, but she tried so hard to ignore the tingles that were shooting across her skin; even taking to looking at anywhere but at Kyōjurō.
All because the events from the night before were playing in her mind— hot, raunchy, and filled with so much lust for him.
But the blond wasn’t deterred by her reaction at all, coming to press his hips right against her— and making her feel the bulge that was slowly growing bigger beneath his pants.
“Come on, sweetheart. Kiss me like you did last night,” The young man teased once more, then dipped his head down to catch her lips once more‚ but in a much deeper kiss that, inevitably, had (Y/n) melting against him; especially when he lightly tugged at her hair, all while gently nipping at her bottom lip.
All the while, his right hand snaked itself down to cup her right hip; kneading it in a gentle massage, before slipping down further so he could cup her ass. He then gave it a squeeze, which had her gasping right into their kiss; giving him enough time to slip his tongue right between her lips, all so he could play with her own.
When Kyōjurō felt her responding to his kisses— much like how she was last night— he took that as his chance to tease her even further by pulling away; latching on to her neck and trailing kisses down to the crook where her neck met her shoulders— and biting down on the skin, before sucking on it to leave a love bite.
He wasn’t contented with just one, however, and found himself leaving more of his marks all over her neck as well. Every single one had her moaning softly and, somewhere along the way, one of her hands had made its way onto the back of his own head— where she was gripping his hair tightly.
She was really melting under his touch, and he loved it so much.
And things only made a turn for the better when he quickly bunched the back of her dress up with the hand that had been groping her ass, before slipping his hand down further so he could cup her pussy from behind; grinning when he felt her so wet beneath her underwear.
“You want me to fuck you?” He asked, all while rubbing the tips of his fingers against her soaked entrance; loving the way that her fingers kept tightening and loosening on his hair— especially the subtle way that she was trying to rub her pussy up against his cock.
(Y/n) was silent at first— refusing to give in and answer him— until the blond readjusted his hand and made quick work of slipping it up the front of her dress; right before pushing her panties aside and pinching her clit between his index and middle fingers. The move had her hips jerking involuntarily, and also had her moaning softly when Kyōjurō began to play with the little bud.
“Please what, sweetheart?”
(Y/n) was just about to give in and actually beg him to fuck her right there— up against the side of her father’s residence— when all sense came crashing down on her and she yanked on Kyōjurō’s hair… hard. “Get off of me!”
It was clear on Kyōjurō’s face that that move had pissed him off, but he couldn’t help but obey (Y/n)’s words— albeit reluctantly. And he wanted to just scowl at her, but the sight of her looking so disheveled had him laughing; outright laughing, as he took in her messed up lipstick and crazy hair.
The glare that (Y/n) was aiming right at him looked mildly threatening, but it was the best she could do— especially when she heard the blond’s attractive laughter. How a laugh could be attractive, she didn’t know; it just was— and it was highly unfair, since he already had such a handsome face.
Even the fresh love bites all over her neck and shoulders added to her ‘just fucked’ look, diminishing the aggressiveness in her expression even more, and that pleased Kyōjurō so much.
He couldn’t wait until he really messed her up. He’d make sure that she wouldn’t even be able to get out of bed in the morning.
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awxward · 3 years
gen // 3.7k words
I had the idea of Juza hugging Kumon and his mom, crying bc he was finally able to audition/get accepted into theatre, and then I wrote this.
read on a03
gift for @xxxbookaholic
Juza had told his mother and brother about his dreams of being an actor a lot. They supported him through it all. He went to auditions for the school plays and was turned down immediately. In his first year of middle school, he stopped going to auditions. What was the point if he was only going to be turned away in the end? Juza had long since given up hope on his dream, yet now, just a few years after he had given up he got to see his cousin on stage. Muku who had always been anxious and shy was standing boldly on stage and being a new person. Juza wished he could do that. To stand on stage and be someone that people would be afraid of or start fights with. He wanted a place to escape. After the play had ended, Juza got up to leave, he didn’t want to embarrass Muku by showing his face backstage, besides Mom was back home with Kumon who was sick with a fever and could probably use some help around the house. A small flyer caught his attention. He wasn’t sure why he grabbed it, he just knew he had to keep it away from his family. He had long since given up on his dream to stand on stage, he hadn’t auditioned in years, he hadn’t been to a theatre in years before tonight, and still, he found himself folding the paper into a small square and shoving it in his pocket.
Mankai Company is looking for actors for the new Autumn Troupe. Auditions are going to be held tomorrow, August 28, at 9 am in the Mankai Theatre.
When Juza got home he kept the paper in his pocket so it wouldn’t be found and put his jacket on his bed. All auditions ended the same for him. He knew he’d be turned away at the door. If he didn’t tell mom or Kumon, well it’d just keep them from feeling sad for him. He went to check on Kumon who was sleeping, and made his way back to his room to get ready for bed. He fell asleep to thoughts of standing on stage.
The next morning, Juza got ready quicker than normal. He didn’t want to be late to the auditions. Better to be early so nobody else could see him get turned away as soon as he walked in. He checked his jacket pocket and sighed in relief, the paper was still there so nobody knew. He checked on Kumon, who was still sleeping and feverish, before hugging his mother and telling her he’d be back a little bit later.
Juza would have been on time had it not been for the punk Banri following him and trying to pick fights with him every other minute. Now, because he had to spend so long trying to ditch Banri, he was late and would have to deal with the embarrassment of everybody seeing him turned away at the door.
He looked at the theatre sign. Maybe he could just walk away now and forget about all of this.
“Excuse me, are you here for the Autumn Troupe auditions?”
Juza turned around, very surprised at the sudden voice next to him. It was a shorter man with glasses and a really bad sense of style.
“Don’t be shy, come on in!”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Isuke Matsukawa, the manager at Mankai. The director is inside with the Summer Troupe and a couple others who just walked in. Would you like me to show you to the stage where the auditions are going to be?”
Juza was confused. This short man, Matsukawa, was offering to show him to the stage for auditions? Was he really not going to be turned away? Would he actually have a chance? For the first time since he saw the paper, he wished he had mentioned it to his mom and brother. They’d be so happy he’d get to actually audition.
“Thank you. That would be nice, sir.”
“You can drop the sir part, it makes me feel old. Anyway, follow me!”
Matsukawa led Juza into the theatre where he had been the night before, watching Muku shine on stage. Today he saw the summer troupe in casual clothes and two boys who were chatting with everybody there. In the middle of the group was the odd one, the only girl. She had long brown hair that went down to her waist and Juza thought her eyes looked like they were the same color as caramel.
“That’s Izumi Tachibana, the director. She’s doing the auditions today!”
Juza suddenly felt his heart drop. Girls tended to avoid him or run away from him and if she was doing the auditions, she probably wouldn’t take him seriously, if she even let him up on stage at all.
“Director” Matsukawa called out and Izumi looked up and smiled. “I found someone interested in auditioning!”
He led Juza down to the group, and suddenly he was standing next to Muku.
Juza slightly shook his head. He didn’t want them to think any less of Muku because they were related. It’d be best if Muku didn’t talk to him casually.
“What’s your name?” Izumi asked as Matsukawa made his way outside.
“Juza Hyodo.”
“Hi, Juza, I’m Izumi Tachibana, the director of Mankai Company. The summer troupe is here helping with auditions!”
“I’m Muku Sakisaka.”
“Kazunari Miyoshi, my dude! Nice to meet you!”
“I’m Yuki Rurikawa. Yes, I wear dresses and yes, I am a boy. Hack, just because you’re a celebrity doesn’t mean you happen to be exempt from introductions!”
“I know that! And I’m not a hack! Tenma Sumeragi, Summer Troupe leader.”
“Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! I’m Misumi! Do you like tri-tri-triangles?”
This was a weird bunch of people. “Nice to meet you all and triangles are cool I guess?”
The purple haired one, Misumi smiled at him and shoved something in his hands. “Here’s a Mr. Triangle for you! He’ll give you good luck!”
“Misumi.” Izumi called out. “We’ve talked about this. You have to ask if it’s okay to give them a Mr. Triangle.”
“Because people may not like it being shoved at them and I need to wait for an answer?”
“Exactly! I’m glad you remember it, but you should apologize and ask if he wants to still hold it, okay?”
“Okaaaaaay.” Misumi turned away from Izumi back to him. “Sorry for shoving a Mr. Triangle at you. I should have asked if you wanted to hold him before giving him to you, because it’s rude to randomly shove things at people and I should have waited so you could answer. Do you still want to hold Mr. Triangle?”
Juza smiled at him. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll hold him. Thank you.”
Misumi smiled. “Yay! Juza likes the Mr. Triangle!”
“Alright boys, if you’re auditioning I want you to line up in front of the stage! Summer Troupe, you can sit down along the first row if you want.”
Juza made his way to the stage next to two others. A man with brown hair and a scar on his chin and a boy with red hair. They both smiled at him and he smiled back.
“I found another one interested!” Matsukawa burst in and Juza felt his heart drop as he stared at the face who was beside him, Banri Settsu.
“I didn’t say I was interested, asshat! I was looking for someone to fight!”
“What are you doing here?”
Banri noticed Juza standing there. “That’s my line, asshole.” He took a step forward and Juza followed suit. Red hair looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle. Brown hair had a look on his face that Juza couldn’t read.
“Well, this isn’t very peaceful.” Brown hair spoke up.
Suddenly Red hair’s face lit up. “I know you, Juza! You go to my school!”
Banri shot off another insult and Juza fired one back. They kept this going until a voice cut through.
“Will the both of you stop with the shouting! If you don’t wanna be here then leave. The only fights that should happen in theatre are stage fights!”
Juza and Banri both froze to see a blonde man standing in the doorway with a very serious look on his face. Juza stepped back beside red hair. Banri stood on his other side. Izumi’s face lit up. Juza noticed Muku looked scared. If he learned that the blonde man had somehow hurt Muku, he would fight him right here.
“Thank you for coming! I didn’t think you’d make it!”
“Wait, Sakyo was the other person you scouted for Autumn?”
Juza filed this information away. If Muku knew the man’s name was Sakyo and looked scared of him, something might have happened and Juza was ready to throw punches if he learned of any incidents.
“It’s the Yakuza.” Green hair said, Juza thought they said their name was Yuki, but he couldn’t remember.
And then his full line hit Juza as red hair spoke up. “Y-yakuza?”
“Now, now, looks can be deceiving.” Izumi spoke up. “Sakyo has watched over the theatre for years. He knows and loves this company more than anybody else here. I think he’s a necessary asset to us.”
“So he’s not just a scary debt collector?” Tenma asked.
“Can we stop with the idle talking and get on to acting? I have other things to do today.” Sakyo spoke up.
Izumi nodded and gestured for him to join the line and then passed lines to everybody. “When you boys go up on stage I want you to introduce yourself and tell us your experience with acting, then recite the lines I gave you.”
Brown hair went up first. “My name is Omi Fushimi, I’m a uni student at Yosei University, and I’m in the photography club. I’ve never acted before.”
Juza thought Omi did well. His voice was loud and clear, even if he didn’t know how to move. He finished and Izumi gestured for him to join Summer Troupe in the front row.
Red hair walked up. “My name is Taichi Nanao, and I’m a second year at O High! I’m a total newbie to this as well!”
For being a total newbie, Taichi did amazing. His voice was loud and clear, and his actions were a bit clumsy, but you could tell what he wanted to show.
Izumi pointed at Banri and he went up. “Banri Settsu, Hana High third year. Never been on a stage before.”
Juza hated to admit it, but Banri was good. He had good timing for pausing and expressed his emotions clearly, his voice was loud and clear. He was even better than Taichi had been.
“Are you sure you’ve never been on stage before?”
“Yeah, but it ain’t no problem for me.”
“Alright. Can you come join the others on the front row? Juza, you’re next.”
Juza was terrified. “I’m Juza Hyodo, a third year at O High. I’ve never acted before.”
He went through his lines and when he was done he looked into the audience seats. Summer Troupe looked intrigued, Omi had a sad smile on his face, and Taichi gave him a thumbs up. Banri started laughing.
“You are the worst, Hyodo, I swear-”
“Banri, if you are going to bully Juza or anybody else you will not be allowed to join this company do you understand.” Izumi had a steely look on her face and Juza imagined that if she got really angry she’d be scarier than the Sakyo guy.
“I want to join the theatre, please.” Juza ignored Banri and bowed as low as he possibly could.
“Stand up, Juza. You can join.” Izumi smiled softly at him.
“Of course. Go sit in the front row.’
“How do you plan to improve Hyodo’s acting?”
“Izumi makes training regimens for each actor so they can work on the things they struggle with! They’re really fun and the others are always happy to join you if you want them too! They helped me be less anxious!” Muku spoke up. Summer troupe nodded.
“Yeah, Sakuya, the Spring Troupe leader, said that she’ll adjust the regimens as needed!” Tenma added on. “She does her research and thinks about what would be best for each actor to develop and grow, both on and off stage!”
“So he’s really going to join?” Banri seemed like he was trying to convince himself it was a joke.
“It’s better to have someone with little talent and lots of passion than someone with some talent and no passion. If you don’t like it, you can leave, the door is back there, boy.”
“What’d you just say to me, you old man?”
“Alright, both of you, stop it. Juza is joining and that’s final. Juza, you can come find a seat down here.”
Juza sat beside Misumi and pulled the Mr. Triangle out of his pocket. “Do you want your triangle back?”
Misumi smiled at him. “You can keep him! He’s going to bring you good luck!”
Juza smiled at him. “Thank you, Misumi.”
Sakyo walked on stage. “I’m Sakyo Furuichi. I work with the Ginsenkai Family. I acted as a kid, but I haven’t been on stage since.”
Though he said he hadn’t been on stage since he was young, Juza could tell he remembered the basics. His voice was clear and smooth, and his actions were clumsy like Taichi’s but he was able to cover up some of the clumsiness by changing his actions.
“Welcome, boys, to the Mankai Company Autumn Troupe! Now, for some smaller details now that you’ve joined. Mankai company has dorms that are available if you want to stay there. If you are a minor, I will need to call and talk to your parents to get their permission. If you don’t want to stay in the dorms, or you are unable to, you can still travel between the theatre and your house.”
The other four boys volunteered to stay in the dorms and after some phone calls Banri and Taichi were allowed to join Omi and Sakyo in the dorms.
Izumi turned to Juza. “Would you like to stay in the dorms? Moving day is next Saturday.”
“Can I talk to my family first and talk to you about it later?”
Izumi smiled. “Of course. Sakuya from Spring Troupe is usually here practicing, but the others come in often as well, so stop by here and someone can lead you to the dorms to talk to me, okay.”
Juza nodded. The boys all went their separate ways.
Juza felt like he was in a dream his entire walk home. For the first time in his life, he was able to audition and he got accepted in, even though he was so bad compared to everyone else. He opened the door. “I’m home.”
“Welcome back, Juza!” His mom poked her head around the corner. “Juza, baby, what’s wrong?”
“His mom wiped her thumb across his face. “You’re crying. Did something happen? Are you hurt?”
“I- actually, is Kumon awake?”
“Yeah, his fever went down a bit. He’s been waiting for you. Let me check you for injuries.”
“Mom, I’m not injured, I swear, but I need to talk to you and Kumon together, so I’ll bring him to the couch, okay.”
“If you insist you aren’t hurt, I’ll believe you, but if you are lying to me, you’ll be in trouble.”
“Understood.” Juza smiled and made his way to Kumon’s room. He knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
“Hey, Kumon. Are you feeling better?”
Kumon beamed at him. “Yep! My fever went down a bit! Are you crying? Is everything okay? Did you get hurt? Does mom know?”
“Kumon, I’m not hurt.”
“Pinky promise?” Kumon held up a hand, pinky extended.
Juza linked their hands, “Pinky promise.” Kumon smiled. “Good.”
“I do need to talk to you and mom together. Are you feeling well enough to go to the couch?”
Kumon nodded. “Yeah, I can do that.”
Juza stayed by his side as they made their way down the hall to the living room. Kumon sat on the couch and tried to catch his breath. Their mom walked in and handed Kumon a glass of water before sitting down next to him. Juza sat across from them on the other couch.
“I didn’t tell you where I was going today.”
“Yes, you did leave that detail out when you left.”
“I found a flyer last night. For auditions for a theatre troupe.”
Kumon looked up with wide eyes and his mom smiled at him gently. “Is that why you were crying? Did you get turned away again?”
“No, they let me audition.”
His mom and Kumon froze for a moment before smiling like crazy.
“What happened, Juza?” Kumon was vibrating in his spot.
“I got accepted into the theatre company.” Juza was aware that tears were falling down his face again, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care as his brother and mother ran over to hug him.
“Which theatre company did you join?”
“Mankai Company.”
“I’ve heard of them somewhere.”
“Auntie and Uncle mentioned them. It’s Muku’s theatre troupe.”
“You’ll be acting with Muku!”
“No, Mankai is split into four sub-troupes based on the seasons. Muku is in the Summer Troupe. I am in the Autumn Troupe.”
“That’s amazing!”
“There’s more. They have dorms. The director wanted to know if I’d be interested in staying there. Moving day is next Saturday, and she’ll need your permission to allow me to stay there.”
His mom smiled at him. “Do you want to stay in the dorms?”
“I do. There are other actors there I can learn from and I want to stay close so I can get along with my troupe mates.”
“Then I give my permission.”
“I’ll visit often, I promise.”
“Juza, what’s in your pocket?”
Juza pulled out the Mr. Triangle. “When I first walked into the theatre one of the Summer Troupe boys, Misumi, shoved it in my hands. He said it was a Mr. Triangle for good luck. He also told me I could keep it.”
“That was very kind of him.”
“It must really have good luck in it! You get it and then you can audition for the first time and you get accepted into the same troupe as Muku!
Juza smiled. “I think you’re right, Kumon.”
“When can I talk to the director about you staying in the dorms?”
“She said that tomorrow there’ll be guys in the theatre who can take us to the dorms to talk to her.”
“I wanna go too.”
“If your fever is still there, you’ll be staying in bed. If it’s gone, you have baseball practice.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Don’t worry Kumon. I’m sure you can stop by to visit the dorm sometime.”
The next morning Juza wove through the streets with his mother until they were in front of the theatre. Juza opened the door.
“Citron, I don’t think that prop can be used as a sword1” A pink-haired boy was frantically trying to take a prop away from a man in a foreign looking outfit, who was laughing as he swung the prop around. The pink-haired boy looked up. “Oh, hello! I’m Sakuya, leader of the Spring Troupe! Can I help you?”
“I’m Juza Hyodo, this is my mom. I auditioned yesterday and needed to talk to my family about the dorms. I was told I could come here and someone would be able to bring me to the Director?”
“Nice to meet you, Juza! Nice to meet you, ma’am!” Sakuya smiled and jumped off the stage, the other one (Citron?) following close behind. “Just follow us!”
“Hi! I’m Citron!”
“Hello. Thank you.”
Sakuya and Citron led Juza and his mom down the road until they were in front of a large dorm building. Misumi was laying on the ground with a boy Juza didn’t recognize from auditions. Kazunari and Yuki saw Juza and made their way over.
“Hey! It’s Hyodle! What’s up, my dude? You here to talk to the director?” Kazunari was bouncing with energy.
“Sorry, Friendly McExtrovert here gives everybody nicknames like that. I’m Yuki, in case you didn’t remember my name. There were a lot of names to remember yesterday.”
“We needed to talk to the director. Sakuya and Citron brought us here.” Juza looked around and realized the two had disappeared.
“They probably went back to the theatre. If they brought you here then they probably went back to clean up and lock up the theatre. They’ll be back soon.” Yuki turned and waved for them to follow.
Inside was chaotic. Several boys were running around. A couple of boys were arguing in the corner about something. Izumi stepped out from the hallway and all the boys froze.
“Please keep it down, I’m on the phone with Sakuya. He did well on his history test so he gets to choose what dinner is tonight.” She looked up and smiled at Juza and his mom. “I’ll be with you two in a moment, please, have a seat.”
Several boys finally noticed Juza and his mom standing awkwardly off to the side. Izumi stepped back into the room. “Would you two like to talk in the courtyard outside? Or maybe the kitchen?”
“The kitchen would be fine, dear.”
Juza and his mom followed Izumi back.
“Your name is Juza Hyodo, right?”
Juza nodded.
“Great! I wanted to make sure I remembered it properly.” She sent a smile to him and directed her attention to the side. “Are you his parent?”
“Yes, I’m his mother.”
“I’m assuming you’re here to talk with me about whatever decision you’ve made regarding the dorms.”
“You would be correct, dear. I wanted to let you know I’m giving permission for him to stay here.”
“That’s great! Saturday is move in day and we’ll decide roommates then too! Do either of you have questions about anything?”
“I have a few for you, dear.”
“Okay, ma’am. Juza, if you don’t have any questions you are more than welcome to go introduce yourself to the spring and summer troupes and explore the building.”
Juza nodded and got up.
This would be the start of a new Juza Hyodo.
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inanabsentia · 4 years
First time writing and publishing it on Tumblr I’m definitely a rookie but I’ve wanted to pick up writing along my journey! (。・ω・。)
~ ✨
In which Overhaul’s S/O commits suicide by drowning herself in the bathtub of their shared room.
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As the days passed by, Kai had become less affectionate and less loving to you once the former leader of the Shie Hassakai was announced to be in a comatose state. Though you really did wonder how the former leader would possibly be induced into such a state even as he was healthy for his age and never really fell sick previously. Was it Chisaki Overhaul’s doing, perhaps?
But you wouldn’t question it, you would never pry on it because the love of your life, the centre of your universe, the one and only Chisaki Kai couldn’t exploit his quirk to his advantage just to produce anti-quirk bullets, right? He had seemed so adamant on nights before you both went to sleep in your shared bedroom that he was going to still produce them one day all for the sake of restoring power back into the Yakuza.
During those nights, He had stroked your hair and looked into your eyes, embracing you with the warmth that rarely ever came from a stoic and emotionless man like him. And naturally like a cat who savoured the affection and adoration from its owner, you leaned in to his touch enough to fall into a deep slumber.
But your favourite nights were gone.
Since Overhaul had started wearing that godawful green jacket lined with purple fur (you would never admit it), he had resorted to coming back to your shared bedroom later than usual, leaving earlier before you woke up which meant no more forehead kisses before he left. Slowly, as he pursued his dreams of restoring power back into the Yakuza, you eventually just drifted to the back of his mind, waiting to be decomposed into ashes and be swept away by the storm.
For someone who was previously adored and loved by the mysophobic man who rarely expressed emotions let alone love, you were convinced that he really did love you, that you were safe within his arms but that all changed. Naturally, you grew more tense, anxious that he would forget about you and eventually dispose you to the streets once he accomplished his goals.
Days passed, weeks passed, you tried to strike small conversations with your love but his only responses were grunts or “I’m tired. Let’s save this conversation for tomorrow”.
You felt bitter at first. After all, he was the one who had kidnaped you, forced you away from your old life and convinced you that you were the one for him. Why was he being so distant now? Why was he less loving as he used to be? Why, why, why was he so
Far away now?
You aimlessly walked around the space of your shared bedroom, contemplating over what was truly going on, whether you were going to actually be sent out to the streets once he realised he no longer needed you. But you didn’t want to be disposed by the hands of whom you thought was your true love. Not in this state where you fell into depression more and more each day.
Instead of waiting for doomsday when he eventually realises it all and throws you out, you would rather take the matter into your own hands and let yourself be freed from your misery.
It was 10:56 pm. Kai hasn’t returned yet. It was your time to go.
You took heavy steps into the bathroom and peered over into the clear bath water which glistened under the lights. It looked more inviting than your bedsheets where your normally waited for Kai, anyway.
He doesn’t love me anymore
You told yourself as you slowly raised a leg up and stepped into the bathtub, slowly advancing your other leg to do the same. You lowered your bum into the bathtub and spread out your legs to lay flat. Your clothes soaked wet in the bath water, weighing your down.
“Angel, he just doesn’t understand my plans. I’m just trying to restore power back for the Yakuza but he just doesn’t seem to get it,” those nights where he would express his frustrations and concerns about the state of the Shie Hassakai.
“You don’t have to worry about me, take care of yourself,” those nights where he dismissively brushed off your concerns and waved you off before departing your shared bathtub along Chronostasis who had also grown more distant from you.
The worst nights were when you whispered your love for him while he slept even while you knew he was awake but chose not to reply back his love for you which made you doubt his feelings.
No more, you have had enough and before the man who doesn’t love you anymore throws you out from the base, you would valiantly choose to do it yourself and allow him to recognise how his actions had impacted you.
The rest of your body was already sunken underneath the water and soon your face was next. You surprised yourself by not crying but then again, you have cried way too many tears in the afternoon over realising how Kai didn’t love you anymore, it was time to put an end to this, it was time to put an end
To your pain.
The water slowly entered your system as you fluttered your eyes shut. It was jarringly uncomfortable to willingly allow water to enter your system, your lungs burned and your body was screaming at you for air but you relentlessly went on, convinced of the fact that you had no more purpose in the man’s life, that you were doomed for this. You slowly felt yourself sinking to the bottom of the bathtub before momentarily floating back up, this time your back facing the bathroom ceiling as you face was completely submerged into the water.
It was uncomfortable for a few minutes, but you eventually felt number as you went on and you slowly lost consciousness as your life flashed before your very eyes even inside of the bathtub.
Your soul was already drifting off into a deep slumber, a very deep slumber whereby you never woke up for eternity and drifted off into another place for a well needed rest from all the pain you have experienced.
You didn’t know whether your mind was tricking you into believing that maybe, just maybe Overhaul Chisaki Kai still loves you but as you hear the door to your shared bedroom being opened and those familiar footsteps entering, you think to yourself that maybe, just maybe there might be a possibility.
The last words you heard
You drowned.
238 notes · View notes
-The League Of Villains-
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(The League Goes Camping)
(Theatrical: Mr.Compress Smut)
(Perfect: Twice Smut)
(Shuichi/Jin/Tomura S/O with PCOS)
(Dabi/Tomura Conservative dressing S/O)
(Best to Worst Huggers in the League)
(Tomura’s innocent/cuddly S/O)
(Toga’s Hero Student S/O)
(Dabi hassles Tomura about his Hickies)
(Tomura Teasing his S/O)
(What gets the LOV going during/before Sex)
(Compress and Kurogiri smut Headcanons)
(Tomura’s ditsy S/O and Arcade Date)
(Spinner’s Special Someone)
(No Smoking Twice!)
(Tomura and a UA student)
(Obedience: Shigaraki Smut)
(Tomura Comforts Storm Fearing S/O)
(Valentine’s Day with Tomura/Shuichi)
(Tomura/Shuichi/Sako Fluff)
(Tomura Cuddling Fluff)
(Shuichi/Mustard Fluff)
(Kurogiri’s Mute S/O)
(Kurogiri’s S/O with Cyclothmia)
(Dabi’s ex-hero S/O)
(Compress Relationship Headcanons)
(Tomura and his Joker-type S/O)
(Tomura/Jin/Compress Hard of Hearing S/O)
(Spinner’s Vision Damaged S/O)
(Pokemon Go! with Tomura)
(Magne’s Psycho Friend)
(Dabi/Twice Injured S/O)
(Twice’s Blunt S/O)
(How Tomura/Dabi show Affection)
(Calm to Crackhead S/O Kurogiri/Compress)
(Dad Tomura/Twice)
(Tomura’s Thick Thighed S/O)
(Shigaraki Fluff Headcanons)
(Protective Toga)
(Toga’s Insecure S/O)
(Toga’s Thick Thighed S/O)
(Toga Relationship Headcanons)
(Mr. Compress Courting You)
(Clubbing with Magne)
(Seeing Shigaraki’s Face for the first Time)
(Dabi’s S/O with Dark Magic/Purple Flames)
(Spinner Relationship Headcanons)
(Finding Out Dabi is a Villain)
(Shigaraki Relationship Headcanons)
(Dabi/Toga S/O family mafia)
-Shie Hassaikai-
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(Overhaul Scares his S/O with sexy times)
(Kai asks Hari for Advice)
(Rappa Falling in Love)
(Wedding Day for the Hassaikai)
(Kai accidentally High) 
(Random Hassaikai Headcanons)
(Zoo Date with Tabe)
(Setsuno is a new Dad)
(Kai/Hari/Toya/Joi/Shin Assassin S/O)
(Toya/Shin S/O with PCOS)
(Kai Conservative Dressing S/O)
(Rikiya getting handsy with Kai’s Sibling)
(Rappa/Rikiya dating Kai’s Sibling)
(Jealous Overhaul)
(First Argument with Hari)
(Walk a Mile in Tengai’s Shoes)
(Tabe Seeks your Attention)
(Kai with a badass S/O)
(Jealous Hojo)
(Hojo and a Civilian S/O)
(Best to Worst Huggers in Yakuza)
(Deidoro Getting Kids)
(Hungover Deidoro Fluff)
(Kai/Hari/Shin/Joi/Toya with 4 Kids)
(Tainted: Chronostasis Smut)
(Submission: Overhaul Smut)
(Jealous Nemouto)
(Pacify: Chronostasis Smut)
(Consummation: Overhaul Smut)
(Possibility: Setsuno Smut)
(Yearn: Overhaul Smut)
(Tengai/Rappa Fluffy Smut Headcanons)
(Moving in with Hari)
(Gardening: Overhaul Smut)
(Valentine’s Day with Nemouto)
(Kai Spars with his S/O)
(Deliverance: Setsuno Smut)
(Tabe Breakup)
(Hari/Toya Cuddling Fluff)
(Deidoro’s supportive S/O Fluff)
(Kai vs. his Mother In-Law)
(Rappa/Deidoro Bring your Child to Gang Day)
(Setsuno’s S/O comes to work for the Hassaikai)
(Tabe/Deidoro Poly Relationship)
(Tabe/Rappa/Hojo/Deidoro/Joi Angst)
(Hari Fluff)
(Kai/Hari Trans Male S/O)
(Shin/Hojo/Rappa/Tabe/Deidoro Smol Sassy S/O)
(More Hari Fluff)
(Tengai/Shin Mute S/O)
(Mimic’s S/O with Cyclothmia)
(Hari’s J-Pop Idol S/O)
(Kai’s S/O and the Precepts)
(Joi/Rappa/Rikiya S/O survives Bulimia)
(Hari’s ex-hero S/O)
(Tengai’s Protective S/O)
(Yandere Tabe and his Crush)
(Little Disagreement with Kai)
(Tabe/Hojo Falling in Love fast)
(Kai S/O overworking)
(A Demon and Angel: Overhaul angst)
(Tengai/Rappa have the same Crush)
(Deidoro/Shin scenario with S/O)
(Deidoro Fluff Headcanons)
(Deidoro Relationship Headcanons)
(Tabe/Deidoro/Kai/Shin more Dominate S/O)
(Hari/Joi/Shin/Kai seeking S/O’s affection)
(Hari Relationship Headcanons)
(Work Less, Love More: Shin Fluff)
(Hari/Toya loving a child that isn’t theirs)
(Hari’s Vision Damaged S/O)
(Setsuno’s Dominatrix S/O)
(Kai/Tabe Fluff Angst)
(Toya’s S/O is not close with his ex Anymore)
(Tengai’s S/O singing to Him)
(Who am I to You: Overhaul fluff *mentions r!pe)
(Fancy Date with Tabe/Kai)
(Kai gets his S/O a mask)
(Setsuno’s S/O hurt in Combat)
(Setsuno Seeking Praise)
(Toya’s celebrity S/O secretly a villain)
(Hari/Kai/Joi Blunt S/O)
(How Kai/Hari show Affection)
(Someone Flirting with their S/O Kai/Hari/Shin)
(Calm to Crackhead S/O Deidoro/Tengai)
(Dad Kai/Tabe)
(Kai’s Thick Thighed S/O)
(Kai/Hari Childhood Friend turned S/O)
(Shin’s brutally honest S/O)
(Kai is in the Dog House!)
(Hojo Relationship Headcanons)
(Hari/Kai Sassy S/O)
(Tabe’s Tall Flirty S/O)
(Protective Overhaul)
(Just some Tabe Fluff)
(Tengai’s mom-like S/O)
(Shin thinks his S/O is cheating on him!)
(Kai’s insecure S/O)
(Tabe’s Daily Routine)
(Setsuno Sees his Ex)
(Hari/Kai has a crush on Tomura’s S/O)
(Kai/Hari Spoiled S/O)
(Tengai Relationship Headcanons)
(Hari’s Tough Smol S/O)
(Hari’s Lovey Dovey S/O)
(Kai/Hari Shy S/O)
(Christmas with Overhaul)
(Setsuno’s Pregnant S/O)
(Rappa/Joi/Tengai Bipolar S/O)
(First Bad Argument with Kai)
(Falling Asleep on Tengai/Rappa)
(Kai’s S/O with Dark Magic/Purple Flames)
(Tabe’s S/O loves to Cook)
(More Hari Relationship Headcanons)
(Mimic’s Smol Wife)
(Dancing to Creed with Toya)
(Accidental Fusion with Toya)
(Uno with the Precepts)
(First Argument with Toya)
(I was Afraid: Setsuno Fluff)
(Helping Setsuno Cope)
(Setsuno Relationship Headcanons)
(Nemouto Relationship Headcanons)
(Overhaul Relationship Headcanons)
(Setsuno and his Daughter)
(Overhaul’s shy S/O joins him for a meeting)
(Overhaul’s S/O soothes his PTSD)
(Overhaul falls for another Yakuza)
(”Change”-A better Kai Chisaki)
(Kai/Hari/Joi/Toya/Shin Ginger Hair/Blue Eyes S/O)
(Kai/Hari’s S/O listens to music to keep voices away)
(”Second Chances, Homeward Bound”-Overhaul fluff/angst)
(Hari/Joi S/O family Mafia)
-Heroes Rising Villains-
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(Nine’s S/O with a Healing Quirk)
(Slice/Chimera react to Nine’s S/O)
(Faith: Nine Smut)
(Nine Confessing his Condition)
(Borrowed Time: Nine Angst)
(Nine/Chimera Relationship Headcanons)
(Nine Smut Headcanons)
(Taking in a kitten with Nine)
(Nine’s S/O loves the Rain)
-The Randoms-
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(Geten S/O liquid manipulation)
(All The Villains vs. Coronavirus)
(Best to Worst Huggers)
(League vs Hassaikai cooking)
(Jealous Stain)
(Geten and his Crush)
(Giran Relationship Headcanons)
(Geten’s Vision Damaged S/O)
(Giran Fluff Angst)
(Villains as Vines/TikToks)
(Fancy Date with Geten) 
(Geten Relationship Headcanons)
(More Geten Relationship Headcanons)
(Hawks annoying you for a date) 
(Hawks Blue Winged S/O)
(Hawks Sassy S/O)
(Hawks wakes up next to a LOV member)
(Hawks UA student S/O)
(Stain Relationship Headcanons)
(Taking care of a sick Geten)
-Kaishi AU-
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(Part 1: Bring a Child to Gang Day)
(Part 2: Your Turn)
(Part 3: Curse Words)
(Part 4: Lemonade Stand)
(Part 5: Valentine’s Day)
(Part 6: Roomba)
(Part 7: Baby Birth/Adoption)
(Part Eight mislabelled: Cousin)
(Part 8: Biting)
(Part 9: Allergy Season)
(Part 10: Divorce)
(Part 11: Ailment)
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(Mr. Compress)
-Grandpop Au-
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(Part One:)
(Part Two: School Bullies)
-Roomates Au-
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(Part 1: Welcome to the Neighborhood)
-Nemouto Family Au-
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(Part 1: Parenting 101)
*I cannot find part 2 where it was angst but eh*
(Part 3: Boys)
-League University Au-
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(Part 1: First Day)
(Part 2: Roommate)
-Fake Texts-
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(Funny Fluff-Tabe)
(You confess to him-Geten)
(”Pretend it’s me”-Dabi smut)
(Funny Fluff-Shigaraki/Mustard/Rappa)
(”I’m Ready”-Hawks smut)
(Funny Fluff-Nine)
(”No eating here tonight”-Kai/Dabi)
(”Grocery List- Dabi smut)
(”I can’t Focus”-Nine smut)
(Slights smut Kai/Hari)
(Hawks Pestering you)
(Text your S/O “I want a baby” and see their response 1)
(Joking with Setsuno)
(Funny Smut-Overhaul)
(Funny Fluff with Geten)
(”Grand Debut”-Dabi Smut)
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abyss-in-machines · 4 years
The First Move
AO3 Link
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Gintama.
@pwapuri here you go. ^_^
Chapter 2
“..does this look alright for the date?”
“I think Hinowa went overboard, but she was very adamant about it all, so...”
Gintoki had noticed her step out of the shop entrance soon after he arrived. He had made sure to show up right on time, and now he was thanking the universe a thousandfold, because she looked beautiful beyond words. She wore a crimson kimono adorned with yellow swirls at the sleeves, and a yellow obi. Hinowa must’ve insisted on makeup, because the blush applied to the checks made her scars blend in effortlessly. The back of her hair was tied up in a bun, a completely different hairdo from her usual one. Her lavender eyes shone brighter than usual, and her outfit showed off her curves. Tsukuyo would turn heads with her usual getup, but today she was ethereal. Shocked beyond measure, he simply stood with his mouth wide open in the shape of an ‘o’.
Gintoki felt blessed.
“Yeah, you’re alright”
She fidgeted, looking hard at the ground, still unsure whether to move. He smiles, noticing her anxiety.
“There’s nothing to worry about, Tsukki. You look beautiful. And here I thought I finally looked dashing for once.”
Her face reddens even more, but she finally finds the courage to look up and see him. To her surprise, the silver idiot actually did dress up. He wore a dark blue kimono, with white patterns at the sleeves and the ends. A white scarf around the neck, and the bokuto at the side, with geta sandals replacing the usual black boots. He looked much better than the dead-eyed bored self he usually presented. A breath of fresh air.
“So you actually tidied up your appearance for once,” she chuckles, grinning.
He returns her smile. “Nice to see you dress up as well. Since you usually look ready to attend funerals, I expected to see the same old black everything.”
“Sorry to disappoint. Maybe next time, when I’ll decide to use real kunais on you.”
“You should know I don’t die easily.”
“Idiots do live long lives.”
He snorts, and starts walking. “Sure, Tsukki. Come on now, we don’t wanna miss the movie.” She catches up to him, walking by his side.
As they fade into the bustling Yoshiwara crowd, Hinowa watches from the balcony, smiling.
Tsukuyo, I’m so happy for you…
“How’d you hear about this place?”
“It’s Kabuki-cho. Everyone here knows the area inside out if they’ve been here long enough. You ask for ramen here, and you’ll always get redirected to Hokuto Shinken.”
Tsukuyo slurps the noodles, enjoying the burst of flavors in her mouth. “This has to be the best ramen I’ve ever had.”
Gintoki chuckles as he takes a sip of the broth. “That’s Ikumatsu for you.”
“How long has she been making ramen?”
“Honestly, I’ve seen her around since I moved to Kabukicho. She’s been at it for quite a while. This shop is her life. Used to run this place with her husband.”
“What happened to the husband?”
“Got murdered by the Jouishishi. The more extreme faction of the group. Dunno why.”
Tsukuyo ponders on what Gintoki said, while Gintoki resumes on finishing his ramen. Ikumatsu comes up to the table, bringing a jug of water and two glasses.
“And how’s the lovely couple doing tonight?” she asks, smirking at Gintoki as she places the water jug at the centre of the table.
“Doing all right so far,” Gintoki replies, taking the glass. “Thanks, Ikumatsu. We went to see the reboot of Aliens Vs Yakuza before coming here. Movie’s pretty overrated, if you ask me. Oh, also,” he gestures at Tsukuyo. “This is my girlfriend, Tsukuyo.” He grins as he notices her reddening face.
Ikumatsu bows. “Welcome, Tsukuyo-san, pleasure to meet you!” Tsukuyo bows as well.
“The pleasure’s all mine, Ikumatsu-san. I must say, your ramen’s amazing! I was just telling Gintoki how this was the best ramen I’ve ever had.”
Ikumatsu nods gratefully. “You’re far too kind, Tsukuyo-san. Thank you so much.” She turns towards Gintoki with a sly grin. “So, how’d you get to meet this lazy perm head?”
“Uh..,” Tsukuyo stammers, not knowing where to begin. She looks at Gintoki, only to meet a deadpan stare.
“It’s a terribly long story,” he replies to Ikumatsu, shrugging. “The details will bore you.”
“Where did you two meet?”
“Huh..” Ikumatsu’s eyes scream confusion, a shaky smile plastered on her face. Gintoki sighs, shaking his head.
“It’s not what you think it is, Ikumatsu. I went there because of a little boy who the Yorozuya was helping out, and she’s the leader of the law enforcement squad there. Circumstances happened and we met.”
“Hmm, that doesn’t really clear up much..” Ikumatsu ponders. “But hopefully it was, uh, love at first sight?” At this, both of their faces turn pink.
“Not really... she ended up skewering me and the guys with kunais...” Both of them look crestfallen.
“To be fair, they were fake,” Tsukuyo points out, her head up.
“...yeah,” Gintoki murmurs, head still down. “Had the fake blood system and all too...” Ikumatsu doesn’t know what to make of this conversation anymore.
“...perhaps I shouldn’t have asked too much..”
As they walk back to Hinowa’s shop in the narrow roads of Yoshiwara, Tsukuyo couldn’t help but look down and stare at her feet the whole time. She finally went on a date with the person she desired, and it all felt like a dream come true. She had to resist the urge to pinch herself every now and then to remind herself that it was all real. It had to be. Yet, she was frustrated at herself for acting like a shy high school girl, for not being able to be acclimated to this strange, wonderful situation. She couldn’t get herself to look up, or even be able to glance at the one beside her. It was awkward, and she wanted it to end.
Tsukuyo eventually musters up enough courage to look up and steal some glances at Gintoki, hoping to see the expression at his face as they walked on. She was shocked beyond measure to find him staring at her intently, a small warm smile adorning his face. Her embarrassment getting a hold of her once again, Tsukuyo blushes and resumes watching her feet.
“...you’ve been looking at me all this time?”, she enquires quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.
“All this time,” he replies back calmly.
Her blush reddens, her anxious fidgeting only increasing in frequency. Gintoki sighs, and gets closer to her as they keep walking. “Take your time, Tsukki. No one’s ever really completely comfortable in their first date.”
“Easy for you to say, permhead. You’ve been coasting on God knows what air headed confidence you’ve been possessed by.”
“Oh, believe me, Shinigami Tayu, I’m not coasting on my stupidity.”
“So you finally admit that you’re a moron.”
“You’re equally a moron for going out on a date with me then,” he snaps back quickly, and shushes her potential comeback. “Seriously, it’s none of that. It’s just..” he stares off at the horizon of the narrow streets, engrossed in thought.
“Just what?” Tsukuyo asks, her eyes questioning him.
Gintoki takes his time, finally breaking off the state to look at her, flashing her his trademark grin.
“I’ve finally found what I’ve been looking for.”
Hinowa greets them at the shop porch, eyes wide open, beaming from ear to ear.
“I’ve been expecting the both of you!” she exclaims, hugging the couple tightly, ignoring their awkward fidgeting. She grins, correctly guessing that the both of them aren’t used to this yet. “So, I wanna know. How’d it go?” she asks, looking expectantly at Gintoki. Gintoki grins, looking at Tsukuyo, who pouts and stares elsewhere.
“It was fun, Hinowa. A lot fun. Definitely enjoyed it, think Tsukki did too. Couldn’t really tell much cause she was really interested about looking at the ground for some stretches of time.”
Tsukuyo’s blush knows no bounds, yet she keeps a straight face. “Coming from the guy cowering in his seat at every 5 minutes of the movie cause he thought the aliens were ghosts, that’s saying something.”
“What ghosts?” he retorts back, trying to hide the chill in his spine at the mention. “Don’t spread blasphemy. If anything, you were clinging onto my arm, snot faced, begging for the gh-aliens to go away, yes, that’s it!”
“That was YOU, you spineless perm head!”
“Tsukki is a scaredy cat!” Gintoki sings, his face morphing into a mocking expression. Tsukuyo grits her teeth.
“All right, since I don’t have my kunais at the moment, guess who’s going home with a broken arm today!” She cracks her knuckles, and Gintoki immediately freezes, his face displaying utter fear.
Gintoki desperately tries calming down a very hot headed Tsukuyo, who grabs him by the collar and lifts him up in the air, shaking him furiously. Hinowa’s smile only broadens, amused with what she was witnessing. It’s only been their first date, and they were already bickering like a married couple having one of the classic small disagreements. Albeit a very violent one at that.
“Fixed the marriage date yet?”
Both of them stand still on their tracks and look at Hinowa, Tsukuyo shocked at Hinowa’s ridiculous question, while Gintoki seemingly pondering. They both blurt out their answer at the same time.
“A year?!”
Hinowa can’t help but start laughing out loud.
“You sure have time to kill.”
“Always,” he admits smugly, the trademark grin plastered on his face.
Tsukuyo sighs, smirking slightly.
It’s been weeks since the first date, and Tsukuyo couldn’t believe just how much of her life had changed since then. This had become the new normal for her now. The perm head really took the time to memorize her schedule, because he was always around whenever it was break time from work or just a rare day off. It helped that her subordinates have been trained so well that she could spend more time off the field conducting training or paperwork, which mean more free time for her. Free time that she could spend by hanging out with him, but to her surprise, he’d always have plans for her free time. Arranging visits to the cafe, or to the nearby park for a quick small picnic, or just a casual hangout at the street side tea shops. It didn’t matter. Gintoki always had something up his sleeve, something for the both of them to indulge on. She could get used to this.
Tsukuyo sips her coffee quietly while staring at wonder at her boyfriend, who had devoured two strawberry parfaits with ease, and was now slowly cherishing every small scoop of the last one, reveling in the sweetness of it all. She wonders just how this man, who has no qualms about risking his life protecting the ones he loves with every fiber of his being, who exudes honor and strength by the swing of his wooden sword, is reduced to a happy gluttonous child at the mere mention or sight of sweet goods. As she watches him happily gobble up scoop after scoop of the parfait, she understands how the man never hides what he is, despite a lot about him still being a mystery to her. Gintoki will never let go of sweets, just as he’ll never stop protecting and looking over his loved ones, even if he does it his own way. He’s amazing and irritating to the bone, and she knows all these things about him only reinforces her love for him. And now he’s willingly let her be a bigger part of his life, and she gladly welcomed his invasion into her own. She couldn’t be more thankful, even if she tried.
“You know,” Tsukuyo starts, and Gintoki’s eyes perks up. “You don’t have to come keep me company at my break times.”
He chuckles. “Silly woman. It’s not that I have to. I want to.”
“Why not? You are my girlfriend. It’s the least I can do to take your mind off of all the grueling work that you do.”
“...it’s just, it seems like quite a burden for you,” she looks away, flustered. “You travel back and forth over such long distances for one or two hours of this...”
He sighs, expecting something like this from Tsukuyo. Of course she’d think she was being a burden.
“Tsukki, look at me,” he soothed, as he reaches out and gently hold her hands, startling her. It works, as her lavender eyes meet his red ones.
“You’re not a burden to anyone, least of all me. I want to do this. I want to keep you company. I want to hang out with you. I want to be there for you.”
Tsukuyo’s mouth opens, surprised at his blunt honest speech. He grins, and doesn’t let go.
“Why? Cause I love you.”
To her surprise, she finds him waiting after she’s done training for the day, and gladly accepts his proposal to walk her back home. As they walk on, she notices his outstretched hand, and slides her own underneath his palm. They walk all the way back to Hinowa’s shop, stopping at the entrance.
Tsukuyo turns around to look at Gintoki and notices him slightly blushing, shoulders hunched.
“You alright?” she asks, wondering what was going on. He nods his head and then stands upright, seemingly having made up his mind.
“So I told my landlady about us, and the old hag is overjoyed,” he starts, “so overjoyed that she’s throwing a small party over the weekend to meet you and get to know you better. It’ll be in the weekend, whichever day you prefer. Just us, her and the kids. Catherine and Tama too, although I doubt you know them yet. You will soon though. You down for it?”
He stares at her, patiently waiting for her answer. She ponders over, but makes up her mind quickly.
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diyeoracha · 4 years
IwaOi Master Fic Rec List (50+ Fics)
Hello! In celebration accumulating over 190+ bookmarks on my AO3 account featuring IwaOi and Iwaizumi coming back into the manga (and for his (almost) birthday), I decided to create a masterlist of all of my favorite fanfictions in order to keep myself organized as well as contributing to more traffic on those works! I decided to split the works up by my own self-imposed genres, such as angst, coming-of-age (or the childhood-friends-to-lovers trope that we all love which depicts how their relationship changes as they grow up and will mostly be canon-compliant), and alternate universe. With the revival of Iwaizumi in the manga, alternate universes will be broken down into adulting AU where he and Oikawa’s diverge differs from in canon and actual, legit AU where there’s basically no volleyball.
I’ll include the title, link, word count, fic summary, and my own commentary (mostly for my own personal entertainment). While the AO3 fandom has been going strong since 2014, I personally have only been reading IwaOi fics for about 3 months, so I will most likely be recommending some cult-favorites, especially since I’ve been reading my fics by sorting through the tag with the most kudos.
My absolute favorites (or the ones where I personally push onto my IRL haikyuu friends) will be denoted with ♡ in increments of 1-3 with 3 ♡ being an absolute must-read. Fics marked with a * indicate that Iwaizumi or Oikawa or both are professional athletes because that’s honestly my Favorite Trope. This is incomplete as I got distracted while re-reading a lot of these and have only gone through half of my bookmarks, but feel free to check my own page here for the rest of them! This took me about 9 days to compile (aka this was in my drafts for about 9 days) but I do hope you guys enjoy reading these and leave comments and kudos!
Adulting AU 
*♡♡Thirty Years and Change (the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad)
Word count: 19k
Summary: It’s July 10th, 2024, and Oikawa Tooru is an Olympian. His smiling face airs on an NHK promo every 45 seconds. He’s captain of the national men’s volleyball team, reigning star of the professional leagues, and he hasn't spoken to Iwaizumi Hajime in two years.
Thoughts: THIS IS IT. THIS FIC IS GOD TIER. They’ve been separated but now are falling back into old habits and there’s a confession on the line? Akaashi is in here and he’s pretty funny. I reread this all the time.
*♡♡♡the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle
Word count: 66k
Summary: Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
Thoughts: Absolutely the best IwaOi fic I’ve ever read. I’ve reread this about 4x and I always pay attention to a new sentence or detail that leaves me breathless. The characterization is pretty spot on, and I have to admit that this fic made me appreciate IwaOi a little more. I’ve cried countless times too. A cult-favorite but it doesn’t have nearly as many hits as it deserves.
♡days fall away
Word count: 17k
Summary: Except now he’s back home, so close to his old haunts and to Oikawa himself, and it's—weird.
Thoughts: They’ve separated for a bit but now they’re back in the same city and learning to be around each other again. Cue teasing from the biological and Seijoh family
it's been so long (nobody knows me the way you do)
Word count: 8k
Summary: Tooru hums, only half-listening. Somewhere along the way, Hajime’s palm has settled itself over the curve of Tooru’s cheek, thumb tracing over the line of his jaw.
Thoughts: They’re living together post-college feat. snapshots from their lives before getting together and their Seijoh team! It’s really soft but it manages a humorous tone as well.
Word count: 5k
Summary: When they're twenty-three, their story only begins.
Thoughts: A piecewise fic told from Oikawa’s point of view. The tone is almost chatty but it really fits the pacing of the work as you get snippets and sentences of their relationship throughout the years
♡Almost a Stranger
Word count: 16k
Summary: Iwa-chan's leaving Japan. Tooru's not sure he can forgive him, but he's not going to admit his long-held feelings, either. A trip to Miyajima complicates everything.
Thoughts: They go on vacation right before Iwaizumi leaves Oikawa for a year. Oikawa ponders their relationship.
where fireflies never die
Word count: 4k
Summary: >>Oikawa: Hey Iwa-chan >>Oikawa: Did I ruin it?
Thoughts: Oikawa is a mangaka and basically writes his best selling series based off of him and Iwaizumi. This was pretty angsty ngl with a lot of introspection and second-guessing.
In the Business of Love
Word count: 22k
Summary: Meet Oikawa Tooru: He's a best-selling shoujo manga artist, a hardcore romantic and you won't believe where he's getting his lovey dovey fodder from...Enter Iwaizumi Hajime: He's Oikawa's best friend, a realist who also happens to be a wedding magazine writer despite not believing in romance...
Thoughts: Mangaka Oikawa but this is basically a rom-com lmao
Alternate Universe
Even Heroes (have the right to dream) 
Word count: 20k 
Summary: Oikawa Tooru, ace reporter of the superhero beat of Asahi Shimbun, hates superheroes. Or maybe he just hasn’t met the knight one yet. 
Thoughts: Superhero-hiding-his-identity-Iwaizumi and begrudging Oikawa? Sign me up. This fic spent a little more time on worldbuilding than eventual romance, but it is still absolutely unique and entertaining
The secret omega
Word count: 17k
Summary: Iwaizumi’s annoying as fuck best friend. Who absolutely, definitely, no matter what, cannot find out that Iwaizumi is an omega.
Thoughts: A/B/O dynamics where Iwa is the omega and Oikawa is the alpha. 90% plot building which is pretty nice.
Conquering the Great King
Word count: 105k
Summary: Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"
Thoughts: Malicious and flirtatious Oikawa meet immovable object Iwaizumi. They’re businessmen trying to navigate friends-with-benefits and love all at the same time. A+ sex scenes tbh. 
♡Infinite Risks
Word count: 8k
Summary: “It’s my fate,” Oikawa responds slowly. He’s crying.“It’s too lonely,” Iwaizumi’s heart sounded broken. “And I’m not there with you. Not really.”
Thoughts: Edge of Tomorrow AU!!!!! Please watch Edge of Tomorrow first because it’s truly a brilliant movie that I wholly enjoyed and this fic reflects that. This also made me really sad so Beware
*♡Something Like Us
Word count: 28k
Summary: Friends since childhood, Oikawa and Iwaizumi now live together, both playing for the National Team. It's no secret that athletes who are bonded perform better. So if the two of them happen to bond...It'd be for the good of the team, right?
Thoughts: ABO dynamics (and somewhat canon-compliant) as they’re roommates, on the national team, and try to navigate being “fake” mated while harboring feelings
And All the Prince’s Men
Word count: 65k
Summary: “Father only loves that which he owns, and I am the one thing that can never truly be his.”
Thoughts: Royal bastard son Oikawa and his servant Iwaizumi. An enthralling read and universe. The romance takes a secondary seat here as it focuses more on plot and world-building. 
♡long nights, no peace
Word count: 18k
Summary: It's the steady knowledge that Iwaizumi Hajime will always be someone that he can rely on, that no matter what the world throws at the two of them, they share in a piece of each other's soul.
Thoughts: Pacific Rim! AU. Otherwise known as my favorite types of AUs because they’re basically soulmates (platonic or not,, but they’re not platonic here)
♡(sing with me) A Song of Conquest and Fate
Word count: 26k
Summary: When Seijou receives a missive from Aobajousai to discuss a potential peace, its emperor Oikawa Tooru could not have foreseen the series of events that would follow.
Thoughts: Warring states/historical fantasy AU. The world building is amazing and this author has great control over her language use
Cotton Breathing
Word count: 13k
Thoughts: Long-distance and summer only but childhood friends Iwaoi!!! A dreamy summer piece and reading it almost makes me feel like I’m in a Studio Ghibli movie because of the mood it puts me in
Similar Creatures
Word count: 53k
Summary: "What's your name?" "Whatever you want it to be."(Or, Oikawa gets directions from an attractive stranger on a street corner.)
Thoughts: Iwaizumi is an escort and Oikawa needs a fancy date
Word count: 44k
Summary: Tries not to think of his rooftop garden, or the apartment he used to inhabit, or Hajime’s broken expression on the night they whispered their goodbyes before Tooru’s launch, attempting to push it all to the back of his mind behind visions of this alien world terraformed
Thoughts: Oikawa’s in outerspace. They’re separated. This left me feeling pretty empty ngl.
♡here comes your man 
Word count: 8k
Summary: Iwa-chan, it reads, Have a good day today! Good luck! <3 <3 <3Suga chokes. It’s hard to imagine anyone calling the scowling and fierce Doctor Iwaizumi “Iwa-chan.” But marriage probably comes with all sorts of liberties.
Thoughts: Doctor AU where Iwaizumi and Oikawa’s relationship is pondered by Suga
In the Telling
Word count: 6k
Summary: Muggleborn Iwaizumi could not be less impressed with pureblood Oikawa Tooru.
Thoughts: Harry Potter AU where they’re in the same year and aren’t really friends but are also friends
♡♡The Loyalty of A Traitor
Word count: 76k
Summary: Iwaizumi Hajime was an undercover officer with a single objective: Infiltrate the Seijoh Syndicate of the Yakuza and tear them down from the inside out. His primary target was the boss, Oikawa Tooru. The job itself was simple enough, until Iwaizumi got in too deep and absconded not only from the mission, but from the city itself.
Thoughts: Oh fuck this was Good. Yakuza boss Oikawa???? Disgraced Iwaizumi??? Do they fall in love (again)?
and suddenly, we were traitors
Word count: 17k
Summary: "sorry, it's just... you’ve been amazingly kind to me these past few days. ...but i'm still not sure who you are.”
Thoughts: The amnesia fic this fandom needed
Trial by Fire
Word count: 78k
Summary: (lawyer!AU - in which Iwaizumi loves his objections, Oikawa is beautiful, and they have more chemistry than two opposing attorneys probably should.)
Thoughts: Hot
dear diary, i met a boy
Word count: 15k
Summary: Iwaizumi's first impression of his upstairs neighbor involves getting woken up at two in the morning to the sound of Oikawa singing along to trashy pop music. He'd thought it would get better, but it all just goes downhill from there.
Thoughts: Model Oikawa and salaryman Iwaizumi meet and try to make it work
on shipwreck shore
Word count: 8k
Summary: “I’m going to murder you in cold blood and feed you to the basilisks,” Iwaizumi says conversationally.“You can’t do that, I’m your boss,” Oikawa sings, positively sparkling. “Also we’re partners, which means,” he points at Iwaizumi and leans in, “you’re stuck with me.”
Thoughts: Detectives but they’re actually funny
Word count: 72k
Summary: Within the first few months of his stay, Oikawa gets caught up in a war between cellblocks, becomes a prime target, and must decide just how far he's willing to go to protect Iwaizumi Hajime.
Thoughts: Orange is the New Black AU!!! Im a sl*t for tatted Iwaizumi
an allegory of all the things we could’ve been
Word count: 16k
Summary: “I don’t know anything about some red string,” Iwaizumi murmurs into the cracks of Oikawa’s skin, “or even about lifetimes or fate. But no matter where you are, I’ll find you. Gods or otherwise.”
Thoughts: Reincarnation AU throughout the timelines. A good soft read that leaves you sort of empty
Timeless (We Have 30 Days)
Word count: 12k
Summary: Or AU where you're branded 50 days before you die. But Oikawa doesn't tell anyone so now there's only 30 days left.
Thoughts: Ahhhhhhhhh tears
the weight of water
Word count: 6k
Summary: “Again,” he says, the smallest tremor in his voice, and Oikawa blinks at him a moment before smiling, soft and sweet. “Iwa-chan,” he replies, and Iwaizumi closes his eyes. “Again.” “Iwa-chan.”
Thoughts: Death fic 
open when
Word count: 1k
Summary: Iwaizumi knew it was coming, but it still hurt. It still hurt when he opens one letter and drowns it in the tears he cannot keep at bay.
Thoughts: It takes only 1.6k words to make me cry
Canon Compliant/Coming-Of-Age
♡♡i sing the body electric
Word count: 8k
Summary: It was never part of the plan, falling in love with his best friend, but then again, most things in Iwaizumi’s life that involve Oikawa rarely unfold the way he thinks they will.
Thoughts: A beautifully introspective piece told from Iwaizumi’s point of view. It’s wholly intimate and it toes along the lines of pining and soft angst. It’s told in snippets from their lives growing up together. 
♡we can do better than that
Word count: 16k
Summary: Oikawa and Iwaizumi go on a road trip during the summer after their high school graduation. It doesn't go as expected, but maybe that's not such a bad thing after all.
Thoughts: There’s a lot of character analysis and it takes a step away from the casual banter they’re always portrayed to have and focuses on the intricacies of their relationship. The tone is almost a little more melancholy. (also they have to share a bed! trope)
♡when it starts to rain, they go inside
Word count: 33k
Summary: “Where?” starts Iwaizumi.“My parent’s old lakehouse, silly, didn’t you hear me the first time?”OR: Oikawa takes Iwaizumi to his lakehouse for two weeks, post-graduation.
Thoughts: Oh This Is It IwaOi stans. This fic really solidified my own headcanon for Oikawa (spoiler alert, OP isn’t too fond of Oikawa but she fleshes out his character and his idiosyncrasies so well that you can’t help but be drawn into all of his imperfection) and this fic respects Iwaizumi as well. It has absolutely great characterization and the fic ends on an ambiguous note. 
to be first, to be best
Word count: 26k
Summary: Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren't I?”
Thoughts: College roommates trying to navigate having feelings for each other while also dating others and not realizing that they’re jealous? A cult favorite.
♡things that change, things that stay the same
Word count: 8k
Summary: Oikawa realizes he's in love with his best friend; it sucks for a while. (But only a while.)
Thoughts: Ahh a slow burn featuring daily moments between Oikawa and Iwaizumi, and Oikawa starts to notice the little things. This was a cute read because Oikawa just comes off as wonderfully earnest. My first Iwaoi fic! And a great one because it really set the standard to how I interpreted their relationship.
it’s better than words
Word count: 3k
Summary: [ or : oikawa makes iwaizumi participate in three bonding activities for new friends, and iwaizumi just wants to know why oikawa's being so weird about this]
Thoughts: Soft pining, fluff, banter, and whispered confessions. This fic really nailed the banter of high school students really well.
Word count: 16k
Summary: Oikawa was always the brave one. Hajime just followed two paces behind.
Thoughts: Oikawa falls first and but Iwaizumi realizes his feelings later on! So soft, so slow burn, so much pining. We get to see their relationship through Iwaizumi’s eyes and actually read him analyze his own feelings.
♡we shine like diamonds
Word count: 26k
Summary: "You know Abe-kun from class?" they snicker, hands cupped around their mouths like they're passing along a filthy secret. "I hear his older brother is... gay."
Thoughts: Character analysis, homophobia, and coming of age makes a good and angsty iwaoi fic
Word count: 11k
Summary: At this point, is he really happy with just staying best friends forever? Will he be writing journals and collecting rocks forever (he will, he knows, but that is aside from the point)?
Thoughts: Oikawa has a terrarium and names all of the rocks he puts in (that Iwaizumi gave him) “Iwa-chan #_”
Chasing Paper Suns
Word count: 10k
Summary: Post-high school, Oikawa makes it to the national volleyball team but Iwaizumi doesn't. The next three years become an exercise in growing up without growing apart.
Thoughts: This was pretty sad tbh. Of what it means to grow up together and then suddenly having to adjust to living without each other’s presence.
with every second that you could give
Word count: 9k
Summary: The journey of Iwaizumi and Oikawa going for gold.
Thoughts: Of growing up together, making decisions for each other, and wanting to be together
Only the jellyfish know
Word count: 6k
Summary: Their third and final year at Aoba Jousai has come to an end, and the guys decide to go to the beach the day after graduation.That day, the ocean water is salty, the watermelon is sweet, and the people are sweeter.
Thoughts: Established relationship
Word count: 1k
Summary: "god, i fucking hate you."oikawa smiles, cause he knows it's not true. he knows iwaizumi loves him, knows iwaizumi adores him. but he plays along."i hate you too,"
Thoughts: It’s hot
Say My Name 
Word count: 2k
Summary: “Hey, have you ever tried saying my first name?” Iwaizumi blurts, and the thought jumps out of his subconscious only after he's posed the question.
No Touching Allowed
Word count: 10k
Summary: “You’ve got one rule,” Iwaizumi winks at him.
Thoughts: ExoticDancer!Iwaizumi and stressed out/repressed businessman Oikawa also an AU.
Honorable Mentions
things wikipedia doesn’t tell you
Phone Home
Share my life, it’s yours to keep
in progress to you
no sleep in the city
The PDA jar
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queenharumiura · 3 years
B, E, L, P, H, A, G, O, R
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((I see what you did there and it’s beautiful. A++ ))
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
In regards to KHR, it’s hard to find any ship that I didn’t consider, because there was a time when I went crazy thinking of all sorts of ships (boy/boy, boy/girl, girl/girl. Don't test me). Still, there is an answer because this ship started it all. Hibari x Haru lol. At the time they were my favorite female and male character in KHR. My friend joked and said, “If you love them both so much, just ship them together.” History was made that day. Coincidentally I’ve cosplayed both. I will never show them off because they aren’t good lol. That started my descent down: This is fun, let’s ship almost anything I can find. Ships didn't necessarily have to be romantic either. I love exploring friendships and also just sibling dynamics as well. Haru adopting people? Yes please. 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I feel like I’m a troll in general, so I have added something cracky to any fandom that I’m in. Two things I can think of atop my head are ‘you reblogged a dare meme and you dare think I won’t ask Mukuro/Hibari/Alaude/Daemon to wear cat ears? HA!!!! YOU THOUGHT!!’. Another would be that I like puns, so if I see my chance to pun in a meme, I will. I always ask first before I send, however. It usually results in silliness, as you could imagine and Haru running away in fear.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I guess I’m neutral about Dr.Shamal so he should count? Mn...despite the way he is with women and the way he refuses to treat male patients, he’s a smart guy and talented at what he does. He was also utilized well in putting Gokudera’s character into perspective more. Additionally, he is a good example of, ‘Haru will punch you out if you cross the boundaries,’ and I appreciate him for that. His sacrifice wasn’t in vain. Never forget how he is the reason why Mukuro was able to use Sakura blossoms against Hibari in the first place. This man--- the damage he has caused.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I’m assuming this is asking for me to create an AU for Haru as she’s placed in a different fandom. If that’s correct, I am going to casually pretend that I don’t know the difference between a fandom and a genre by going: “I’ve been reading way too many isekai recently and I think it would be funny to consider Haru getting sent to an otome or something and her being a super sassy and head strong FL. Watch her instantly try to change her identity or run away from bad male leads with all her might. I would live for this, thank you. Haru is also smart and adapts well, so she’d be able to adapt to whatever world setting she’s put in and she doesn’t hate studying, so she’d be able to pick up on the intricacies of her new world. Mainly, I just want a FL who will actually smack the life out of a ML if he’s being a POS. I NEED THIS. It’s emotional healing.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I really like sourcing things in novels or manga/manhwa/manhua a lot. Animated sources are good too, but it’s much quicker for me to go through something that’s written, so I tend to prefer those now days. Anything that’s easier for me to binge is A+.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m answering strictly based off this blog in it’s current state, else you’ll be here forever. If I talk about ships in KHR in general, you’ll actually be here forever. No @ tags bc I’m feeling shy today. I personally love the dynamic between Gokudera and Haru (platonic or romantic). I’ve historically liked BelHaru, and it looks like it may become a thing in RPC as well. Haru is warily staring from a comfortable distance atm. Haru has a friendly relationship with a Byakuran at the moment. They’re baking a cake! She is generally very friendly with any Tsuna I encounter.
Ravein/Pino… yeah, I self-thread sometimes. Haru has a sibling kinda dynamic with Ravein which is really just a friendship dynamic. It’s the same with Pino. Mizumachi and Haru are both energetic, hyper buddies. Hibari—I aim for just a casual lowkey friendship kinda dynamic. Shame in self-threading? Never heard of her.
The best way to describe her relationship with Zelman in a ‘Black Blood Brothers’ au is ‘hey I just moved into the territory you lord. Hello!’ I think this would go down a friendship route and I’m so for it. Kajika from ‘Hanasakeru Seishonen’ has a friendship with Haru and they just get along swimmingly well. I think the mun for Rentaro ‘Black Bullet’ returned, so I think he can count. Haru has a friendship with him and they’re cooking buddies! They joined a cooking association together!
Haru also has friendships with Emi (KHR oc), and Luca (KHR oc), both of which are in the Varia!au setting that I have for Haru. Emi in particular, Haru has decided to adopt her as a little sis and will pummel anyone who bullies her. Luca--- sometimes in conjunction with Ravein (my OC) drive Haru insane. It’s a trio of dumb, dumbest, and ‘hey I’m the dumbest!’.
The ‘ships’ that I have with Haru are usually always friendship and ‘hey I’m arbitrarily adopting you’ and I love it.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Eh--- in RPC, my very first one... I believe, was GokuHaru. I currently have a GokuHaru (A different blog) in an AU for a TYL setting. I think I got very close to HibaHaru before, which is, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. Haru is treading into BelHaru territory right now in RPC and that is also, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. In the distant past there was also a TsuHaru (I know, I know, shocking) which was a reincarnated lovers Yakuza AU. That was a fun one. Also in the distant past, there was an AU for a MukuHaru as well. Le kek. I am a multi-ship blog and all ships have existed in different worlds/universes, therefore they all quality as an OTP in their own specific verse. I cheated, yes.
Pro-tip: I may warily stare from afar if shipping is a topic, but the moment you suggest an AU SHIP? I’m down. To further explain, these AU ships have always taken place in a very different timeline/world than what we know in KHR. So therefore I can feel all the freedom to do as I please and figure out characterizations based off what I need.  
PS. in regard to KHR in general, my first OTP was GokuHaru and GokuYama. Le kek.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I took my library of songs and randomized. I got: ‘Get Off My Back’ by Bryan Adams and Eliot Kennedy. So, by the vibe of the music, the first things that come to mind are either GokuHaru or BelHaru, I’m not going to lie. Now… who is saying these words, I’ll leave it to the imagination. I really like this song, but I really like the cover by Jonathan Young.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh—that’s hard. Friendship dynamics are so fun! I really like Ryohei and Hibari’s dynamic together which could be depicted as friendship. The friendship between a lot of the guardians is just //chef kiss. However, the TRUE SHOW STOPPER in my heart is the friendship between the girls. I really love how all the girls build each other up and always support each other. I love it so much. Especially when the girls are there for Chrome, I CRY. When they support Yuni, I CRY. When I think about how big sis Bianchi looks after the girls and teaches them things- I CRY. I just cry. I love all the friendships in KHR, but the ones the girls share with each other wins in my book. I don’t take criticisms.
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