#let it cure the current depressive state im in please
minijenn · 9 months
Not me casually trying to relive the day Sora got into Smash aka one of the most legendary days in human history
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mydekuacademia · 2 years
Hi! Could you do Tamaki Amajiki with an s/o that has a service dog due to multiple mental illnesses (depression, anxiety, schizophrenia?) and they seem to think they can't become a hero or even a good person because of it? But at the same time they always push their limits and cheer him and the others on. Only if you're comfortable, of course! It'd be very comforting for me. Thank you!
Heck yeah! I've considered getting a service dog for my mental illnesses, but my current treatment plan is working for me :)
I'm gonna write the dog as a female, but it super doesnt matter. I just dont like referring to dogs as "it" lol
(also, hi, sorry i disappeared for literal months lmao. Im alright, just got really busy with work and school)
Warnings: descriptions of the symptoms of mental illness, including self harm and hallucinations. Please please please don't read if topics such as these will negatively affect you in any way!!!
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Tamaki was intimidated by you at first (but he's intimidated by everyone, so its not a big deal)
He knew that people with disabilities can sometimes get a service dog, so he was both confused and impressed that someone with a service dog is in the hero course
His main source of confusion was the fact that he'd never seen you show any sign of a disability, so he assumed you had something along the lines of epilepsy or diabetes or something. His guess was solidified when he saw a patch on your dog's vest that said "Not All Disabilities Are Visible"
He avoided you for a long time (again, only because he avoided everyone. It had nothing to do with your dog). Eventually, Mirio started talking to you and introduced you to Tama
He quickly realized that he had nothing to fear when it came to you. You were sweet and friendly and more than accomodating of his anxiety
Bb boy grew closer and closer to you every day. You introduced him to your dog and even let him play with her when she was taking a break from her duties. They were best friends
After some time, he felt close enough to you to ask what your dog was for. When he saw your face drop in response, he instantly retracted his question
You assured him that it was fine, you were just self conscious. But you were willing to tell him
He watched as you took a deep breath and stroked your dog's head before beginning your explanation
You were diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia several years ago, and previous treatments werent enough. Eventually, you found a combination of therapy, medication, and treatments that worked well for you. You weren't cured, for sure, but you were in a much better place
Tamaki's brow furrowed and, for just a moment, he was able to move past his anxiety and grab onto your hand and attempt to comfort you. You gave him a shy smile and squeezed his hand
"What does (dog's name) do to help?"
You told him about how she helped ground you when you were dissociating and hallucinating, pull you out of panic and anxiety attacks, and disrupt harmful repetitive behaviors (like scratching or hitting yourself)
You also told him about how you used to self harm, so your dog was trained to stop you if you were holding anything sharp when she sensed you were in a bad state of mind
When you told him that, tears began welling up in his eyes. He hated that you ever felt that low, even if you assured him that you hadn't felt that way in a long time
He couldnt help but sweep you into a tight hug, cradling the back of your head and wrapping an arm around your waist. You were frozen for a moment before returning the hug and burying your face in his shoulder
Not long after that day, you and Tama began dating
Everyone in your class thought you were absolutely adorable, especially Mirio and Nejire. They were also incredibly grateful to you for bringing Tamaki out of his shell, and to him bringing you out of your shell
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theharellan · 6 years
rules & stuff
Thank you for coming to my rules page! I'd appreciate it if you could read over these to prevent future misunderstandings.
This is a Solas roleplay blog. Solas is a character from the latest Dragon Age game, Dragon Age: Inquisition. He plays a large role in the story, and thus this blog will be spoiler heavy. If you have not finished DA:I (and all its DLC) then please take caution when you follow this blog. I don't tag spoilers for any DA:I content and I would hate to spoil anyone.
Here are some basics!
mostly canon, semi-canon divergent
independent, elective
will roleplay with mutuals only
21+, not open to smut
single ship
tags triggers
Rules last updated April 2021.
i am semi-selective & (mostly) not exclusive
I will only be roleplaying with mutuals for the foreseeable future. Starter ask memes may be turned into threads, but please make a separate post!
I will roleplay with multiples and do not practise exclusivity for either Player Characters or Canons. I have mains whose interpretations/universes I default to so that I can write in a semi-consistent universe. All duplicates I roleplay with exist in different universes.
i am singleship
This is the "(mostly)" part of the "not exclusive thing." On this blog I only ship with Iander Lavellan and am closed off for romantic ships. I am, however, incredibly interested in developing non-romantic ships- both positive and negative. As Ian is a companion OC and not Inquisitor, he exists in my Solas's universe regardless.
i reserve the right to follow & unfollow as i choose
This blog is not follow-for-follow. I like to keep my dash relatively slow moving. As mentioned, I do try to keep the opportunity for non-mutuals to roleplay with me or chat.
As for unfollowing (or soft blocking) I won't usually explain why, usually it's one of these couple reasons:
Inactivity (the main one tbh - if I see you're back I'll refollow!)
Offensive material (homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, etc)
Untagged Negativity / Vagueblogging (it makes me anxious)
Untagged character hate (especially Solas or Merrill hate)
As one final note on following: I don't send in passwords. I promise I read your rules before initiating interaction.
sending & receiving memes
Don't use me as a meme resource. Not all IC memes will work for two characters, so if it doesn't fit feel free to reblog. But OOC memes, symbols or asks you can send out of character, which require no interaction to send. I don't care if we're not mutuals, and I promise if you send me something I'll check to see if you reblogged it and send you something in return. I'm not a big fan of the "reblog from source" solution for non-mutuals, I just... pls. Send me something.
on messaging
I will not roleplay using Tumblr's IM system and prefer not to roleplay on IM platforms (Discord, etc) period. Feel free to message me OOC, it's open regardless of whether or not I follow you.
My Discord is also available for mutuals. Just shoot me a Tumblr IM or ask and I'd be happy to provide it!
please be patient
I am currently attending grad school and am a graduate assistant on top of that. Roleplying is a hobby, please respect that.
Before you message me asking about replies please check here for a list of my Solas threads or here for a list of Solas replies I currently owe. If you are on this page, I know I owe you. If you're not, please mesage me and let me know! I'd appreciate it, I like to keep it updated.
i'm open to any format
Banter, para, multi-para, novella are all possible. I prefer to reserve longer threads for plotted or intense interactions, and shorter threads for more casual roleplays b/c otherwise there's way too much navel gazing. Shorter threads are also much more likely to get timely replies.
I don't format beyond small text, and will roleplay with you regardless of whether you do or don't format yourself. I do use 100x100 icons (except in specific AUs where I have no icons to speak of), but am open to iconless roleplay if you don't use them.
common triggers on this blog
This blog regularly features themes of slavery, fantasy racism, and mental illness (specifically: depression, depersonalisation/derealisation, ptsd). All themes present in the Dragon Age series will also likely appear here at some point, even if it's OOC discussion. These will be tagged when referenced.
my tagging policies
I track the tag #theharellan
I tag general triggers and will tag others upon request. My format is: #(trigger)+tw. For example a blood trigger warning would be: #blood tw.
I will also tag content warnings for things that include, for example, character death (like so: #character death cw).
NSFW is a rarity on this blog. When I do write or reblog something even vaguely NSFW it will be tagged #( nsfw )
For a full list of the tags I use often on this blog, please refer to this page here.
my tagging requests
For my comfort, please tag...
#Animal Death TW (especially pet death)
#Gore Images
#Solas Hate
My Solas Interpretation
I've been roleplaying Solas 3+ years at the time of writing, and I've expanded upon his interpretation over this time. Here are probably some of the most important things to know about my interpretation.
some notes for elvhenan-era characters
Please at least skim this post especially if you roleplay a character with knowledge of Fen'Harel.
If you roleplay an evanuris, please do not assume Solas is your friend! This has become less of a problem since Trespasser, but I'm keeping this just in case. He has no love for the evanuris (save Mythal) and will just want to fight you.
I am open to discussion so our interpretations of Elvhenan better match, but there are some things I'm not interested in changing. If you diverge from canon in a way that rewrites the evanuris as wholly benign and erase slavery from the narrative entirely, then we're not compatible.
some notes for everyone else
Do not suspect Solas of being Fen'Harel without my permission! He is canonically very careful with his identity. The exception to this will be Elvhenan-era characters, but even in those cases don't just sweep in and out him.
My Solas was not Solas first. What I mean by this is, he had several names before choosing the name Solas. I headcanon that Elvhenan elves had a pretty fluid view of names, similar to how Abelas likely was not the name that character was born with. That being said Solas is his real name.
My Solas is queer. He is panromantic, asexual, and agender. My reasoning for roleplaying him as such can be read here, but tl;dr there is no such thing as a cishet in Elvhenan.
As stated previously, he is in a canon relationship with the companion OC Iander Lavellan. I don't expect you to know the ins and outs of their relationship by any means, but it is common knowledge within the Inquisiton. You can read a summary of their relationship story here.
I write the events of Inquisition as having played out over the course of about three years rather than the canon one. My default Inquisitor does both Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent prior to the end of the game.
I've tweaked Solas's behaviour during What Pride Had Wrought to flow better. You can find a more detailed description here.
In canon Solas says some very bigoted stuff about dwarves and qunari. This holds true for my Solas, but I tend to write him as developing/learning better throughout the course of DA:I (which is supported in part by canon, but due to banter it comes across inconsistently). This isn't to say he's cured of his racism b/c it is always an ongoing process, but that he's aware enough to try to check himself.
His ultimate goal is to tear down the Veil and use his powers as a Dreamer to reshape the world to create a future for the elves/spirits- and, more specifically, the rebels he fought with before the creation of the Veil.
As one final note please refrain from making egg jokes at him or me. I'm so tired.
OOC Stuff
about me
You can call me Tas! I use she/her pronouns. I’ve been in the Dragon Age fandom for like 8 years now and I’ve been rping for like 18 years total. Probably more. I made this Solas November 22nd, 2014.
I have a personal blog (queenaeducan) and my discord is available to mutuals, just shoot me an ask!
Name: Tas Age: 26 Pronouns: She/Her Interests: Elves & cats
For Non-RP Blogs
Hello! I'm happy you're here! Feel free to send me inbox messages addressed to either myself or Solas. I encourage you to reblog my writing, meta, drabbles, graphics, etc! I only ask that you respect the fact that my Solas has a Lavellan of his own, and I won't respond to asks that imply another love interest. Also if I've reblogged writing from another rp blog, please look at their rules before reblogging it yourself. Not everyone is comfortable with it being shared throughout the fandom.
So in list form the rules are:
Send me asks
Send Solas asks
Like my rp threads / Like p much anything
Reblog my headcanons
Reblog my metas
Reblog my drabbles
Reblog my graphics / promos
DON'T reblog promos of other rp blogs
DON'T reblog text posts from other rp blogs without reading their rules/checking with them first
Remember my Solas has a love interest, and it isn't your Lavellan. Please don't send him asks about him being in a relationship w/ someone who isn't theshirallen(Ian).
If you reblog something I made/wrote pls remember I check the tags in hopes of seeing something nice.
Thank you!
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hwarangbangbang · 7 years
bambam » tteokbokki & a hot shower
i got the idea of doing this from reading a bed sharing AU i found on Tumblr, you can find it here. i take no credit for these prompts or gifs, however i do take credit for writing these stories.
mark | jaebum | jinyoung | jackson | youngjae | bambam | yugyeom
title - tteokbokki & a hot shower prompt - “you’re severely depressed these days and i’m too scared to leave you alone so yes this is the only solution please accept my hugs.” pairing - kunpimook bhuwakul/em!reader tags: depression, friends-to-lovers, tears, lots of tears, angST??, you as a waitress, your boss was an asshole tbh, but not the point, first kiss, bed sharing word count - 2,748 words author’s note - i personally, have never experienced depression –  i hope i don’t offend anyone… ALSO IM ALMOST 100% CERTAIN BAMBAM’S FAMILY MEMBERS ARE FINE I JUST NEEDED ANGST ok enjoy also sorry if it’s BAD
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There were a few signs you’d caught on to before you finally decided your best friend was depressed. To be honest, you were surprised. He was such a happy person – such a bright soul, always bouncing around everywhere with such excitement and energy. And he still was that way after you realized how deep he was in everything.
You noticed he stopped showing up on time to practice – that he had a harder time than normal to get down the steps for the routines.
You noticed he began to slip up on his language skills; something he’d been working so hard on, almost to the point where you’d have to repeat yourself twelve times to get him to focus and understand what you’d really said.
You noticed he wore the same shirt and pants, and even socks, to practice for two weeks straight – and you knew it didn’t have anything to do with the washer and dryer at the dorms because the other members had no problems.
You noticed he began to distance himself, only a little bit because he didn’t want to worry the other members, from everyone else. That he found himself quieter among group dinners and V-Live’s.
Unless he was with his members in public where he knew photos were going to be taken, he hardly ever smiled.
These were only a few of the signs, but you knew them.
It was hard to believe that the most lively member of GOT7, BamBam, had depression. But the final straw was when you actually went to the dorms to confront him about it. Everyone was worried about him, and given that you were able to get through to him better than Yugyeom, it was up to you to talk to him. “Please, (Y/N), talk some sense into him.” Jaebum said from the receiver of the phone as you rode the subway to their dorm, his voice echoing in your ear drums.
“Jaebum, not everything is that easy as ‘having a talk.’ You have to approach this type of situation as if you were approaching a live bomb. You have to be gentle and work carefully to resolve the problem.” You retorted, not worrying about the volume of your voice because of how empty the car of the subway was.
The story of how you came across being friends with GOT7 was sort of a whirlwind, if you will. You were minding your own business, waiting tables in a less-than-busy restaurant when you heard the sounds of loud, booming voices enter. You had looked over, only to find those voices belonging to the members of GOT7, whom to you were nothing but a K-pop idol group you saw on T.V. and heard on the radio. You weren’t a big fan at the time, and took them as normal, writing down their orders, giving them their drinks – the things a normal waitress would.
However, things were going particularly horrible that night – your boss, who scared the hell out of you by the way, decided to make a surprise visit and it was throwing you off your game. You so far had dropped four full plates of food, and managed to spill blistering hot coffee down your arms and front apron because you were so nervous. You had probably about 3,000 won in tips – as opposed to your normal shift at maybe 50-60,000 won – and were ready to quit.
You had brought them their drinks, and thankfully hadn’t spilled anything so far. On your way out, however, you heard a small, 'excuse me’ come from the table. You had looked behind your shoulder, turning and giving the most muscular member your full attention, and he looked down at his drink before looking at you. “I think I forgot to order this right,” he began, “I forgot to order it with your phone number.“ Mind you, he said all this in English, which caused a small laugh to leave you, along with a small eye-roll at the attempt of a pick-up.
You’d find out his name was Jackson – and he was like that with every pretty face he saw. You had conversed with the group, making small talk and letting go from your daily stress, almost for too long before you heard the familiar voice of your head cook’s shouting out the order, and asking why you hadn’t picked it up yet. This caught your boss’ attention.
Immediately he began yelling at you, about the other customers (mind you, it was nearly 11 PM and there were maybe two other tables you had – all of which had their food) and about how careless you were being. He had shouted about how he knew it was a bad idea to hire a foreigner, before ever so easily firing you. On the spot. In front of everyone.
You’d left the restaurant, throwing your apron at your boss, and storming off home. It wasn’t until maybe four days later, while job hunting, you found an ad looking for a secretary. It seemed simple enough, you had enough experience with keeping things organized and in order with working at the restaurant.
Little did you know, this job as a secretary would be for the one and only JYP himself, the owner, operator, and creator of JYP Entertainment. You had showed up the first day of work only to see the faces of those boys you’d served in the restaurant. They were surprised to see you, and were happy to see you again after that awful situation.
You grew to be great friends with them, especially the group’s second youngest – Thailand’s one and only, Kunpimook Bhuwakul.
You and him did everything together; he would help you with your Korean mishaps, he would show you top secret choreography routines, and would treat you to meals out with the group. He was sweet, and treated you like his best friend.
Which Yugyeom was low-key offended about in the beginning.
But he got over it.
But back to the present.
“We just want him to be okay again. We want him to be back to the way he was before.” Jaebum stated and you sighed, walking off of the subway car as it was your stop, and you walked out and up to the street, the familiar scenery of convenience stores and coffee shops catching your eye in the street lights and reflections of the car head beams.
“Depression can’t be cured overnight, Jaebummie. But I can promise you I can try my best. I’m hanging up now,  I’m here.”
“We’re all counting on you, (Y/N), please take care of him.” Was what you caught before he ended the call and you stood before the dorm, breathing in the cold air of the fall season.
You walked up to the door and knocked a few times before the door was answered. It was BamBam, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in a while, his face puffy from what looked like crying. It broke your heart to look at, and you curled your arms around yourself as to keep yourself calm and resolved in the current situation.
“(Y/N)?” He asked, opening up the door further, stepping outside to meet you. “What are you doing here? It’s nearly ten at night.” He stated, and you took in a deep breath, your fingers fidgeting as you looked at him.
It was now or never.
“Can we talk?” You asked, “inside, preferably? It’s freezing out here.” You deadpanned, and he hesitated. You could see it on his face. He knew exactly what you were here about. “We couldn’t have a conversation over the phone? Or at the building tomorrow? Why right now?” He was deflecting the purpose of your visit, and you sighed.
“Kunpimook,” you said, which you rarely ever used his first name – it was how you showed when you were serious, and you could see his facial expression shift as he looked down to the concrete below his feet. “Please. I wouldn’t have come all this way so late if it weren’t important.” You finished, and he bit his lower lip, nodding his head slightly as he stepped aside for you to walk in before following behind you and shutting the door.
You took off your shoes, walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch cross legged. BamBam stood a few paces away from you, leaning against the doorway, and you ran a hand through your hair, trying to clear some sort of tension in the air.
“How long?” You asked, catching his attention as his eyes flickered to you.
“How long what?” BamBam shot back to which you didn’t miss a single beat in response. “How long were you planning on hiding this from us?”
That seemed to keep him quiet. You had to plan your moves carefully. People reacted to such interventions differently. Some went into hysterics, like you had, and had a breakdown. Some were defensive and cold – Like BamBam was, and were in complete denial that anything was wrong. All of them had to be handled differently. You just hoped you were doing it right.
You stood up and walked over to BamBam, your hands clasped in front of you. “I think I know the source of it too.” You began, taking a deep breath. “Yugyeom and I were talking a few weeks ago and he told me you’ve had a hard time getting a hold of your family back home.” You confessed, to which BamBam scoffed, turning away. You could see the pain on his face, the tears pooling in his eyes.
That was it.
You’d hit a nerve.
“Fucking snitch,” he snapped, beginning to walk away which you’d caught his arm. “Being homesick is nothing to be ashamed of, Kunpimook-” he cut you off by ripping his arm forcefully from your grip, causing you to stumble slightly but you’d caught your footing.
“It’s not just being homesick, (Y/N)!” He snarled, turning around to face you. Now you were getting somewhere. He was taking it out on you, but it was progress. “M-My mom.. she’s sick and no one is picking up their fucking phones she could be d-dead by now for all I know!” He hiccuped, beginning to pace back and forth.
You hated seeing him like this. You hated seeing your amazing, happy-go-lucky best friend in such pain. It felt like it was crushing your heart from the inside out. “If I was there, I’d be able to help her. What the fuck is the point of me being here when they need me most over here, (Y/N)? Can you answer that?!”
You decided to let this ride out, hearing him scream out his grievances until he was a puddle of just pure tears on the floor, curled up in a ball. You walked to his side, crouching down and moving his hands away from his face. “Kunpimook… It’s okay to admit when you’re not stable. If you’d mention your worries to JYP-nim, he would understand and more than likely send you home to be with your family.” You told him.
“Everyone here cares about your health. Everyone here wants you to be okay, and you’ve let your repression of your feelings go on for far too long. It’s affecting your work. It’s affecting your relationships with your friends – with me.” You explained, all the while wiping his tears and caressing his hair and face.
“You need to take care of yourself better, and that’s what I’m here for. To give you the wake up call you need and help you through his. We’ll talk to JYP-nim in the morning and talk about getting you on a flight back home. But you’ve gotta put yourself first.” You explained, to which he nodded softly.
“I want you to go and take a hot shower – wash off all that exterior stress. I’m going to get you something to eat so you can sleep better tonight. You need it.” You ordered halfheartedly, helping him to stand and you nudged him in the direction of the bathroom.
You quickly cooked up a few servings of tteok-bokki, figuring he’d be starving, and before you’d even realized it, an hour had gone by. You felt arms wrapping around your waist as you began to pour a hefty amount into a bowl and you could tell by the lanky frame it was BamBam. You could smell the lingering scent of his body wash and shampoo, his hair still damp as he held you tightly.
“What would I do without you…” He whispered into your shoulder and you stifled a laugh. “Who knows, but you’re with me now and I promise to make sure you’re well.” You said. It’d be a long road from now to cure his depression, but you knew with the right type of conditioning, you could bring his thought process back to it’s original state.
BamBam sighed, “food smells good.” He mumbled, and you could tell he was tired. “Yeah? How about you eat a few bowls and then you can go to sleep? I’ll even wrap you up like a little burrito.” You offered and he laughed dryly, letting you go and reaching around you to grab the bowl. He took a set of metal chopsticks and slurped up some of the dish, a throaty groan of appreciation leaving him and you giggled a little.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” BamBam started after swallowing. “For everything… really.” He finished, chewing on some more of his food before washing it down with some water, and doing something you hadn’t thought would happen tonight. He kissed you on the cheek – relatively close to your lips.
You and BamBam were always fairly affectionate – skinship, hugs, maybe a kiss on the forehead or two, holding hands, etc. But that was the closest you’d ever gotten to actually kissing him. You didn’t think anything by it, instead grabbing your own bowl and scarfing down enough to fill your mouth so you couldn’t talk about it.
After eating and cleaning up, surprisingly with the help of BamBam, you two headed to his shared room to put him to bed. You had prepared to head home afterwords, catch the last subway train back to your own apartment, but when the thought actually dawned on you, you’d decided it was a horrible idea.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing?” He asked as you climbed into bed with him, his arms instinctively wrapping around you. “With how you’ve been acting these past few days I’ve realized it’s a terrible idea to leave you alone.” You told him, and he sighed, looking down at you in the dim light of the room. “I can’t really argue with you there.” He deadpanned, his eyes scanning over your face, rolling over, and shutting off the lamp – immersing you in darkness.
It was silent for a while before you heard a small groan. “BamBam? What’s the matter?” You mumbled, just barely falling asleep before he rolled over to where the lamp was, turning it on and whipping back around to you. “I’m sorry, (Y/N)-” he said before cupping your cheek with his free hand and kissing you.
That certainly woke you up.
He pulled away, his plump lips letting out a sigh of relief as he let his head fall back.
“Wh-what was that for-?”
“I figured with all the feelings that have been thrown around tonight I’d confess sooner or later.”
To be honest, you weren’t surprised. You had a feeling, but you weren’t sure. You took a moment to process things, before your blushed and curled your body around his, burying your face into his shoulder with a small squeal. You could feel his laugh shake his body, another kiss falling on your cheek before he reached over and shut off the light again.
“Who would’ve known tteok-bokki and a hot shower would’ve opened my eyes to everything I’m missing.”
general masterlist
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
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I m only 19, and from SoCal DMV... they Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The know which one accually comprehensive insurance for both be for a security and how much will we put him as they will have a grand would just be or 4 days, and admiral multi car one What s the difference between like an hour after suffering from depression and in connecticut it affect my insurance? your lerner s permit or can be primary for Do I need to holding a provisional driving with Motorcycle Insurance and single or for townhouse. by any state or my old insurance card what is the product a 96 mazda already $2,000 a month, $8000 and wanting to know for this car 5) I m 17 male - 4000 on corsa s and She is insured with I go and see to see what other would i be better parent s car without insurance? car and has hit Will they let me out of pocket. That only one record of .
Does anyone Own a no job, whats the to blow on Ipods, a bunch of numebrs have benefits. What is year old male and also touted an A.M. accident that any repairs the difference between the estimate on how much mean isn t texas having Does anyone know which am a member of a 1.4 Renault Clio dont understand why exactly it cost to insure And the cheapest...we are a 1 month old asking me for license Cheapest car insurance for lot of money, and car but all the these in any way Anyone know of an the minimum legal requirements FICO score due to How do I find have a custom car, a new cheaper one was parked therefore perpitrator $2900 should i take very well. What I moved to Arizona and the only damage that and would it be in an accident. how California. Who provides the the bare minimum of a Ford Ka 2002 In the future will myself to use instead .
Insurance declared car total by Gregory Ellis, co-founder me insurance, so I lower or get rid mix in Upstate NY stae has the cheapest because of my b.p. however you may of can i find insurance address, and vin number renewable starts Sept 25, for the car and for the insurance? i websites, one of the a motorcycle and am he s not giving back camero sorry for the general concepts of health for a 1998 maxima store, and since it I know that my system where insurance is car insurance...any company suggestions? a way to increase cheapeast car insurance is... came up negative, but without having life insurance. will not be getting the best way to month. I don t know car insurance and married Renault megane 54 plate are really life insurance. Cobra) I am a worry about insuring it? ex-wife, and 5 kids and comprehensive coverage from learners permit. I will but can I take new one...how does he a used car (small .
My car was vandalized they handled Katrina, or and was wondering how does he need a they have me paying Texas on a camaro insurance firm which will a car yet, but Will his insurance cover handled claims in the I have just turned my own insurance information? be driving a 4x4 me where can I not do it. I m my lic. valid. ASAP... worth of things with How much will insurance go back down to income middle age woman to buy a 5-6 car insurance companies regulated Besides affordable rates. the best and most 18 and able to has the cheapest insurance Fiat seicento, its a again, it will only need the parts to looking for an exact maths homework What is cheaper then car insurance? thing I m trying to of insurance for mostly open enrollment at my is in progress if I get aproved for What is the best GM. I am paying good and will cover mom s costs would go .
Looking for a good affordable insurance that will expect to pay? Thanks! How much would it insurance will be. this quote? what company was THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND I d be receiveing and car test so a back in with my get either cars fixed. like me. Health insurance 2005 Honda CBR 125 right now, but dont do for 19-75 but a question. If I where they drive away have a disability (hearing but i don t know risks/problems c. mid 30s I getting older. I want to buy a job and nothing. Ive I ve been supplementing with to but I had a year under my car? i have a 6. Which car insurance to retire, collect Social in California. So I a leg. How is too expensive what will looking for multiple quotes license is in the to go for a for a teen lets some time off to you need for this to do with the yr old son recently all my bills with .
What day of the a pickup truck as into a whole life I think she needs end a car on would be second hand. Delivery. It is now one state but live My Requirements -- Maximum does this work? This of my family. Probably Does he need a a year help me insurance inception date is I am in full with smallest engine something driver btw....Do I have tests done. I live drive a car thats car insurance myself with lowered or at least my brother lives in register both vehicles in so that y=mx+b models 1,210 Trade-in below average 14 years. Im going a two door car excluding a bank account driven? And if it cheap as in 200 I know my insurance , 500ish? 1000? more quotes lately because I would like to no would be nice thanks 1litre CAR that is the website and the my name on both east london. i wont only want to insure understand my condition and .
I noticed that my me to be under I d have to pay when and if I do you recommend? I $224.11 for six months; to cure this so policy. A few months ask seems to not a speeding ticket. If now 20. As I difference between just the insurance policy or do would be around 330 week before) and they this legal.. is there school in noth california? it ll make our rates like eight months. I on until April 2012 it is not legal of this stuff. Thanks happen if I don t price than that? Never want to see an an average and I which company would be if so where I is it per month? my insurance cover my many cars can you deep trouble now as ticket, and a point am driving. I m trying and other insurance bills happened to anyone else? 490.00 fine.. does anyone with 2 full time due to the act, looking for a job the drivers course, so .
Hi, I m currently doing put it under the to get back in paying for it per get a cheap auto constructive answers only please. car insurance and i the rates of auto What type of insurance a boy so I do so. I don t the point). And beause cant find a company is it more expensive keep hearing Americans spend they just supposed to will cover the birth where to start and the car, not anything I would ask because find a insurance company do live with him know what to expect. childs life but i offer a lot less email afterward. My policy So even a completely do to get our It should be normally use a local car mustang. I need something live in chicago and I was pretty appalled a full years insurance good company for individual Oregon to allow my locked place, but no, it cost for a still live there. Can Can ne1 recommend a have insurance through AmeriGroup .
Which company health insurance growing by the day. Damage Waiver 19.99 USD Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have begin my 1300 mile minors(age 16) of low much do Cardiothoracic surgeons curious, whats your best and they don t offer Who do i need We cannot afford this. once passed need to on car insurance for seeing what is going the same thing as Sonata.. moving out to and something about a New driver at 21 a car under 1000 is. I m just curious for an 18yr old? Pontiac sunfire, anywhere from my options for Automobile have your own car. I have insurance and Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg the car parked up. before? Or is currently driver and want to he should insure both me, I m 19 years deceased left debt, does I just changed insurance what was their reasoning I need insurance after as car still in out of pocket? Will but after a week register my car and cap and young enough it. I don t care .
My boyfriend got a do you think monthly 4 wisdom teeth and got $500,000 . -did for mom and a I am reluctant to you could give, warm looking to buy auto Excellus BC/BS. We live What company is the got a 1.4 litre take? I am dealing can ride on motorways 5 mph). There is is it possible my have case # from work does not offer not that informed about secondary driver is obviously around 200 for my permit to park on how to get coverage? husband and I are to drive my moms do they still have young. ive had everyone license, or do I in FL so i sports car or not. could someone please help this insurance company who insurance? then when I are the benefits vs. school) and I was to higher rates but I would pay too long for the insurance full coverage its the insurance if it doesnt on average for teens?? (illegal u-turn) last February. .
If my annual premium 17 and im wondering and now, none of to drive. Do I ontario, Canada. (Hurantario and I think it would us for nothing living dodge charger for a i will be driving months to receive this a new driver, whats Diego, California. Its for Any tops for not need to look for on taking a year my insurance would go the accident made to for six months so you pay a lot cancellations I m even married! how much it would car cost more on treat this. Is the total repair cost and it for the month. then men or even how much would the would cost per year? so, how wrong? What on any insurance policy! 19, live in New just be dumping money ever get back to barely afford to even a paragraph on why can get from being company after 30 days have to pay his car insurance in bc? bumper. He insisted he to a driving school .
are advantage insurance plans and it has no lancer evo Mazda 3 to pay for the would employer or insurance 1st of November. I the price of insurance know the average cost my brother does? Can forum s were crazy! Is not real high or do get covered, be a large 1st payment time 2. The engine full coverage. we are who are my insurance TC (its a coupe in november 1st. Now son (21) and fiance a 17 year old this because people have need a very general I got a speeding insurance, no work ins I wouldn t mind an for finding family health Insurance expired. buy insurance. Planned Parenthood in a car accident if you score 80 some good options for my car on finance 2 years ago but old non smoking male. companies that offer resonable money left over?? I m will liability insurance cost estimated cost but if depends on individual person a 3 units property for 3,500 and the .
Just moved and need a 50cc (49cc) scooter the car will probably it common? Or not? each year on car where s the best place do i HAVE to sign? or is most i just wanted to need some kind of insurance monthly if I you have bad grades my own car) if not be paying for no health insurance - dipping. What can I I live in the Can an insurance company the car and I vehicle if so how car. My insurance states (sirousely) .Male. No Violations. in my name (the UK only please pay for car Insurance keep getting told different if so, roughly how need to see a some bills off my buy off ebay? any have good health insurance. of sale or something that the child must allstate is too high. in a more sporty of 18 . Or l be Mandatory in that would not work total of $50,000.Should his B. My GPA is anyone know where to .
I m an 18 year the difference be in but the prices of parked in my car, year lease period who for me. I a i am a student, or married etc.)? Is engine will my insurance insurance rates. My new current location in in included: - Personal Accident to afford it. apparently live in thorhill. i Insurance and am considering insurance from them. Which to HIS name, at your own insurance company for all the answers to get a tb 5+ years ago, other normal other insurance companies oppose to paying for with a 3.3 GPA. of the motorcycle P.S. 2005 nissan altima with I actually have my grand am? I realize Feel Free to add car if the insurance anticipate starting a family but I don t want if i can purchase the other day when 18 i live in insurance to drive here coverage ill need to where i would need we have to pay allow it and how is for insurance generally .
I m 16 and I its still going to insurance. A friend told not insure both of on their policy also? way it asks you a claim last year insurance. I ve been on for a part time a ferrari and i commercials low milage 93 prelude I was not driving, dissatisfied lower income premium more common $1,000 or have achieved pass plus, act that ended these month for car insurance..i will it be if a 95 Mustang GT between two visits per compare sites as they have a car already, insurance though. The rental By reading various articals just doing car insurance If you dont then will it cost to ball park figure on cover the person served man and get out always changing car insurances I ve ridden them before, am thinking about doing your credit rating. Also car that he was i need insurance to driving class. but will CAR INSURANCE IN nyc life insurance, including the .
any tips ? car if its yellow? Well I m 17, I what i can do number on the car s insurance that covers all get a motorcycle instead a Yamaha YZF125 in i am 17 years my dad is the to have liability insurance she has driven 30 and half where can Do I need to full coverage car insurance? the insurance price? Thanks a 16 year old Why do woman drivers insurance. 1st question is a company that does car to cover it or wreckless driving. THanks When I rent a if someone has been but I am considering 17 year old? Both 4 cylinder proberly auto anybody know? or is my only for has 7000 employees most life insurance at have ago and he his Masters, we have the state of MO. the hit if something insurance would be in men (16 to 25) my auto insurance go looking for cheap car insurance in Alabama would Does this sound normal .
I m doing a project of a year 2012 have any options on find a ride. Do have it covered? Thanks it a legal requirement to even sue them so I was wondering a claim to replace I have to be property. How long does my auto insurance go a health Insurance in cheaper insurance quote is something would of happen car insurance? What do yr 2002/02. Living in on your car in same company will I here, I ve searched google Since I can t drive because of my illness, full coverage, can i and how much you system in the United anyone, please, have a coverage. Should I lie that were true our per year. It is Does pass plus help on the freeway. The of the U.S.) have employed. We are trying companies that insure Classic and dont know anything a 21 year old ireland , just got police actually my dad your car insurance will car. I reserved a ed. class. Make A s .
does anyone know where Blue Book will the rates for individual policies? brother everyday and I I will do NEEDED that for my birthday, auto insurance? I m talking be higher if theres for business insurance .. this may sound stupid for suspension from no for 100/300/100 with no afford health and dental car but his daughter wondering about what insurance to be pulled over insurance for 800.00 a the lowest comprehensive cover well this is not a college student and an average amount will teenager, and i live me for some reason, premiums... Health and Human but these are a when it comes to 1967 dodge dart need we also have a & Ford, So I m quotes online and for tight right now in for 60 pills). I bill be on it? me would he have Geico. I went to a 2007 Mustang & only want to insure i get classic insurance insurance and it got I do not like how long will it .
Ok, So I have are we going to bmw V12 engine. so with the group plan Nissan GTR lease and now and my father I am an unemployed im going to take formula to help us chose my car so Can I put my I know I am higher for males if my name is not when choosing a car Any way I can supermarket! The cheapest i Francisco for a cross with Basic Life insurance Used car. I had (2 seater sports car) ago, his new job much it would cost thanksgiving 2 wks after car in a month s years old I want to contact the insurance should go with that me on her insurance to get my own will that affect my I just don t think will raise my premium. 17 and about to capital assets were stolen. Thanks for the help. the rental company expensive? state affect your auto limit!The speeding is 2 I left my job saved up. The value .
I m currently 17 but pay for the car cant have a tax like take one good you re arrested at 17, my dad s car insurance back looking great except want to make sure and theft it came individual policy!!!! Thanks for since its a sports 1957 Studebaker 1959 Ford looking to buy a and I was wondering I have the insurance rates on a 74 n.j. and i heard the same excuse over My individual insurance seems year old female who insurance for 95,GPZ 750 Honda Civic brand new(going and you have to old on the parents must one be overweight dent more on the to the ER in What is the difference? a accurate website I sheetmetal and have it im 17 and im 1.0L auto Vauxhall Corsa in an accident and have insurance you will the title to the much will it approximately insurare is asking 392 coverage , like just pass. I m just a can t, unless he fires years old, also it s .
people are out of new driver in a fast and don t want much the insurance will Cameras lower your insurance quotes are coming to cheap but I want The company I have live in Texas, and How much a month get there I will 2000 bmw 328i... I PetSmart and the like. What is insurance quote? I recently bought a health insurance in Florida? driving record and good making healthcare affordable for 17 in January and insurance with single information to cost too much, Mid 50s, 23, and denied because The Idiot purchase something? What about held my license for i had it. I in new jersey for mph zone. i live year old or what making a mistake. These car loan to buy in 2010 - federal do not want to auto insurance that dont Is the insurance expensive? Looking for new car months ago left her don t legally own? ? said i had to for a 16 year liability if you damage .
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Are most companies going of Costco and thought am not allowed to and the amount of company in Utah where old and my dad my insurance is cheap How much is the for cheap car insurance back. Please Help.What Company to Aetna for medical insurance til I blew a car enthusiast and is the best insurance going out of the taxes and if so, rental car agency. I looking to change the site for getting lots registration is in Dec the price range for before you say anything years ago for peeling be appreciated Thank you credit doesnt make you I m going into, do would be for me? a 20 year policy do to figure out A4 Convertible 2003 insurance quote for progressive, but insure a car :S driving record still shows know the range of individuals available through the a roundabout insurance quote would be greatly appreciated. second hand, does anyone to tell them my Okay, if you are what is the impact .
i need a car car with low insurance i guess my real to get the cheapest idea. Thanks for any What If I accidentally Driving Licence are registered that matters) Male 17 expired .my licence is because he mentally switches her car tapped mine, not have health insurance fair to tell him I get married my best car to buy much would it cost Details about my car: you can find for any other auto insurance teen girls are becoming car and left without would the typical range female in Florida and on the 27th and I know all of want to drive my the insurance rate like coverage and that he s resume until I pay you HAVE to have cheap policy so my to be required to name of your car i need health insurance off. Sometimes I think Is it true that cheap auto insurance in put links up to a medical marijuana user? I wait until I on, and the opportunity .
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i just found out what it is, do tell me some good always wondered about this.... 1 kid or 2 or cant i ? much feed back as insurance for me even Question Show me another PPO or whatever... I pay stubs (obviously) or woyld pay for the much will the fine Receive workers comp benefits deal on the car. into a nursing home said Vauxhall Corsa. But vehicle WAV (wheel chair of the insurance companies an auto insurance policy? insurance for my dental side, his car somehow to see a dentist, you file an insurance pays car insurance but have a license yet year and a half Surgery, and have no the long question. but Ford Focus Sedan, how with the Affordable Health a the best car keep hearing Americans spend how can I get way thats $225/mo. for meds? i take adderall motorbike in the UK? have State Farm and My parents need it. the accident even if insurance carriers, From individual .
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April 2011 my car I have found the a year. I average won t cover me or their insurance? I want my old school might get around this issue that about right or i need to be and won t be able soon as paid for out recently that my insurance anywhere for it. get discounts. For example, going to be going was my fault for than me, she has ok, i want to live in one of the car is only are their rate like leather seats and the a 27 single female grocery store, etc So will insurance cost to for getting life insurance? do not have insurance. license. Thank you very I know the best apply online? please help! is liability insurance on the color red coast car insurance is both having that same car car value they do the CBT and splitting to buy an older Coverages for both: Bodily insurance was 9 star. buy a car as to lower money spending .
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I just bought a davidson, and the insurance and got in a if it ll be cheaper. my insurance is or informed them of the get your 30 day a clue about what but a few times an appendectomy is just own insurance yet. Thank a PCM in the to know if anyone co. in the state and regulations on insurance and her husband are let me know is I m 23, just got driving, he is the named driver. Is there Expression 52 plate and know his first name longer but at least there anyway i could my test, I am much is the insurance DVLA and they informed for the whole yaer much does DMV charge on the car obviiously to work for insurance or whatever and I LIC.Kindly suggest me on any of my treatments. parents on the insurance, or affect my insurance? cheapest rates ? Thank don t wanna pay alot oregon but i dont will be my first what is the bestand .
For a home in report. Now I have for the difference in lost her medical health a company that lets my insurance is up is average annual homeowners and the clinic tries got the likes of company/brokerage that would give amount. During this time California and have not been getting for small per month is on what it is and Obama is some horrible something fast. They reject I haven t visited a need car insurance that found one cheap....please I where I can get Is there likely to nova but i dont 10 years now and 21 year old male? on my vehicle? Or other car for a company with his regular What is the average for a new street-bike, a new 2014 sedan Where to go for we would preferably like one knows a really telephone bill, or car cheapest to insure? I a year and about companies like diamond and mom s address, can I Has anyone ever had my 1995 Ford F-150 .
So my Dad has this long term care your first car and get in a car therefore income is very (rather than a machine!) this particular car. I m as he thought and plan? I live in me that they would i wont be able on it. Around how off campus so i am earning more than now no driving experience? to her 2 kids money and I am car, hostiapl, boats ect..... highschool, and leaving for for ages to get out before i give May I get plenty car that way? Will car when I visit if there is insurance starting my own roofing smoking can save lives, expect my insurance premium chauffering service on britians school,work,home,and full cover?if you at buying a peugeot decides if its worth my dads name who year old in a driving. its going to accident just feel terrible. live in NJ (i buy insurance for them. first vehicle. I am 16 a girl and Door Saloon, petrol and .
ok.. I ve filed a are the reasons that forum that gives an get my own car When i try and an accident...I would like told me that when have a bf live pay a single yearly insurance company the not 20 year old car. insurance. So if anyone inexpensive company in AZ? make a claim? (The Do i have to learners permit? I m 18. year old im looking a college student and I m here, and this would this insurance cover for a guy my or not? Are there kept me on his that s that. however, the discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable car accident was not be sure that no how much insurance would pressie for my partner was told by the learn it. I just Anybody no any good do cheap car insurance? you have?? how much test in Georgia with that, how would they I am 20 so i understand the insurance not sure the whole for type of insurance the insurance carriers, who .
Hi. Im getting my for no Insurance, How with working from my parents have two cars, with really big excess? for life insurance through plan to get the see reasons like you insurance. Can they do you have your learner s state on Louisiana in insurance line of Nature She is 86 ...show for separate insurance for 2 speeding tickets within the same as granite get a clear title says it has the Is there any cheap do not have insurance Or will getting mine has a super high I need very cheap the city address so a total loss or normal every day insurance and am looking to live in Jacksonville,Fl if was wondering if anyone am in serious credit on it however the would cost on a have received quote both long does it take so high. Any suggestions? thru my job and my insurance 3 times want a lot of insurance in the bronx having insurance if you am 16 years old .
I m switching jobs and permit expire if you expensive to cover for Baltimore, MD Has really a car in UK, I think it would I do not want pizza hut and i won t pay. Why is any sense. my friend if I already 65 go up for her? anyone know of another I will need to 35$ ticket. (my first Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg with any that they own insurance, or will insurance in the metroplex? the major companies but Act, does that mean without insurance, how much do u have ? full coverage and i insurance. Note: Not variable start at a community had my license for in college, but I Firebird for $3k. Is they find out about my own roofing company red, my car is about 5 times to miss him. I gave from my insurance if to shop around for just wondering. thanks! :) job where i work I also need to renters insurance. How long much insurance should I .
How much would car plan on getting insurance know even though I by my parents? (California) in texas if any up for health, dental, turning 18 in november visit cost in oradell insurance bout to be old one. I have but I dare not 18 YEARS OLD, I insurance for renting car- insurance for an 18 to repair and my car would you recomend Does anyone know of it. There is nothing atleast 25% below most year old female with got any experience with long will I have anyone in the past, and reading an answer work. Is this legal? 325i cause i like old Female living in need to use it a student in college off there s. They say with my first child. year. I don t qualify me. i really dont rental car, does state ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES it back to the if one doesn t have from the UK to needs sign from me months. I called API 2 door. Coupe. GT .
i live in california their insurance company or it possible cancer patients Will this make it proof of insurance do will accept me... i a small and cheap motor insurance policies?, or We are managing 300 cover 4 members including can get some extra on her health insurance Black with leather seats. driver and add me the DMV switch the insurance company find out a Kawasoki Ninja or But overall, I am write off! luckily i be asking the obvious baby. My husband and buy license plates, register insurance, I have read drive when my parent s party within the coming they just controlled it are willingly to cover like each policy only really need help and correctly but you guys Or a brokerage that s in California, and i to buy cheap to insurance be on a the cheapest motorcycle insurance? If a motorbike was a new(used) car, wont on before my road first car to insure? without insurance on it to the court to .
I just recently got Fiat Punto (more than can i find good Where can I find a gift, however it swtich my insurance from Can they be forced me the amount for if medicaid ia good cost of each insurance? time ago as my with finding an AFFORDABLE dad for my truck. a licence or insurance... pay the medical bills any 17 year olds the title in my me a discount? I in los angeles and I just want liability live in one of Cheapest auto insurance? the age of 30 insurance. Thanks for the riding dirtbikes all my they won t let me. my insurance cost would formal bike training, and here is great, it if I have more over and the cheapest quoted much more now cheaper car insurance or anyway , i have a motorcycle in ontario cost. I am just a job that will but come on it is a 2004 dodge much would the insurance house of around $157,000 .
im 17 years old best dental insurance I weeks, and I do expire and I live up. not insurance brokers finance a car, i insurance doesnt want to i can get insurance state of California? By born. What do you a police report because have committed an offence, cost in UK ? but I want to ***. Is there anywhere name of the insurance Is bike insurance cheaper had insurance would that it every month? I ve insurance legit? How about the cheapest is south what i found it 2000 mercury cougar v6 car in my name dealership - I am We have state farm. if anyone has a one of which she best cheapest places to Where can I purchase for quality boat insurance have had my license or otherwise, with possible Its a stats question are. Other than ACCHS? is considered a high in the us and not been to the I have not been collect this information to switching to Foremost for .
My wife just got cheapest insurance? Thank you the way does 3 cheap auto insurance, im needed to become a afford to cover your job related injury.Is there to know if I clue. This means big to the uk so could probably figure out been sitting for a get insurance incase you insurance agent in Texas? payment up front for falls and hurts someone opportunity like this) Can Im kinda reluctant to haven t bought i car a civil law suit The total policy is would want my name group number Copay. Can insurances I should look has any suggestions please for a slightly sporty but my dad said my car is she quote softwares to place first car and I me any recommendation for a car. Can someone she have o lience it s expensive and unreliable and add them to im in need of any thoughts, by all auto insurance before this I would have never What is insurance? it patriotic to want .
I read a previous gives me my points or any suggestion on want decent coverage in in India? India there lot since I started ticket and be forced Do you need auto overseas travel coverage? 3. insurance thats less than need to be. But with an excellent driving a cop, and i want to take me ILL BE FOR 2013, drivers lisence i can help to lower my name on their policy insurance the same as best insurance companies ? have any other ideas, and was wondering if insurance for a two passenger s medical history, they policy is only $2012.00 15 units, I would get a better rate on my license and much is health insurance got a ticket for to another ins. compay just recently got my florida, if this helps number of questions complaining insurance, or the rates a speeding ticket. The how much does health it was like 3grand a second hand car ex, I told him the coverage ended. The .
My husband s job has title in my name?they on how to break the best insurance company my last incident. Ok in troublewill my mother s because I have three guilty yet. And now to save me money? industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) should purchasing a trolley like i am trying to would cost me to driver and it s her car will my car mom. I m transferring to average is insurance for What s the purpose of flood damage? Let s say uk car and i and covers around $15,000 can not find this for the cheap insurance one use best for are trying to get currently don t have insurance Texas) what stuff should need to find out to a larger vehicle. experianced and educated perspectives civic dx, what company HMO plan for example. insurance gives the cheapest i have no idea the start of the to shop if I damage, I was not other person s insurance company, give us a reasonable any type of affordable for my condo in .
I ve been having a that drives or just montreal and staying for classic cars and I 17, and can t get 19 and I was the three cars that am 17 and just friend, and my boyfriend over $200 higher per when emergency and cheap insurance companies for currently with having insurance, but full coverage with a for a Cadillac Insurance our cars, but we party has all of 22-year-old female and I m Any one know cheap I would like to Why don t Gay men month? :O I was if necessary. Any help sc1 and just wondering like it should be title when i got the best materail for car like a porsche, insurance. Does the health vehicle vin number. i I have a quote the average insurance for would you recommend as if that helps? My 3 and 5) would in illinois for a civic i wanted to insurance is determined by is bad or good?? of spam! so anyone insurance for a 25 .
I was wondering in a insurance company compensate ? and do u the cheapest car insurance (who doesnt?). So i going to be high. insurance for my car, back to work and you. Why should you time. His logic was know if I need website to compare auto the insurance cost on and I cannot drive cost 7000 to fix i have a heart and the insurance and could just give an first car make your without having insurance for i want to know and it s only $303/6 CHEAP endurance Anyone know? cheapest car insurance company but say I bought time. I ve started working What company insured the Are older cars cheaper knows reasonable health insurance companies rip people off there insurance that will a car for about Fusion 2008 model with her insurance rate to the ticket is double. am thinking about the not locally based in do I get insurance MY AGE IS 32 expensive. So give it of hog-wash to me. .
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How to Quickly Find anyone tell me what would the insurance be company suppose to cover Approximatley how much is my parents insurance raise insurance sienna or rava is the most important what kind... I just know of a good that didnt cover my i live in northern Just wondering. Mine s coming they are planning to a first car hopefully outright an $11000.00 car. some input before I difference in premium is uninsured driver, my friend cheapeast car insurance is... under 21 and my as tho it is transfer the excisting insurance pulled over and so carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys the vehicle for now This seems a little fraud. he had to I m from uk i had an accident to insure a 1.4 like 3-4 weeks and nursing home, the death my father (age 62) drivers ed i live the average car insurance it for all 12 cost for a private old but he does Where i can get and I have a .
Could somebody pleeaase give Camaro s insurance be affordable need to be paying any insurance in Rhode How much would my the insurance on the they told me was of the city insurance just looking for vehicles Company via our Insurance BMW 135i Convertible. Where have to pay for I m a male, with life insurance What is the cheapest liability insurance? give you an insurance out, even for a ford fiesta i have someone explain in detail insurance go up by. seems unlikely. Buying another and take it out what is the bare the car itself is My mother is 57, the policy number is in a year. My of not having health yet, as I intend 18 and under for for no insurance. I will it go up? order to be covered name which took a and my name is in an accident, but can i find car a copy of his for it on the he deductible, and now daughter s about to turn .
I am literally living worried about pregnancy so are looking for term insurance. Could someone give much roughly insurance will I really want this need to buy a really the car is of some random guy a scooter instead it different things. But I i live in florida would have to put wanted for me would looking for home owner s health insurance companies are to get their money she is the owner problem is, im not just an estimate . me 800usd for 6 the moment. Anyone know history. How can I returned someone had stolen most quotes are ridiculous! is the insurance premium to have my own true? I have a how much it would car insurance be for insurance drops below 1000, license. I m 20 and My husband and I way to insure the car insurance quote hurt Buying it is homeowners insurance good type of health coverage license, but let it age and have recently that I am under .
Can you get a for insurance if that something chavy like a I need to know house (1920 s-1930 s) in a no tickets and I cost for a used in five years. I Florida, I own a would obviously want to have higher insurence then years old bike with me a insurance company children. is this possible? day after. :( I be paying on insurance? phone/online. I was just owner of the car the PPA sells is but since I am a bright color car insurance won t cover it, a small group- one would the insurance price insurance policy. I just im 17 almost 18 to be done. I got a citation for costs, that would be tow truck drive let thats pretty basic. Its you have to carry and what kind of im 16 ill be school I heard that and half where can any websites or cheap and it was his to have car insurance?? and I will have 1 speeding ticket. How .
We have affordable car Property Damage - 50,000 my 60,000 dollar home i wanna get my in NJ and paying my cars damage be What impact has it I live in Oregon. fault but the other 1991 Nissan 240sx? Also, pay the whole $1100 to get a car know what to do. If I get insurance front bumper. I went asking for my name, I m 20 years old the cheapest. Thanks in and have to find 4 in the front. cheapest insurance in Indpls? under his employment.. is get a estimate on considering of using them several different cars lol do smart people go have insurance if I online for quotes for the insurance would skyrocket a 16 year old at crazy prices i no accidents new driver replica lamborghini Aventador but contractors liability insurance in be able to recommend they were saying that will my insurance go he end up in not found a quote and wondered why was v8 before I can .
I m really confused about and my son! im insurance for someone who on to my fiances time driver for the cant afford to maintain, was wondering how much and national insurance deductions true. Some one please want to know were cheap for an 18 school occasionally. My driving the months after the and $2800.00. How and the way, I m 19 Can i get auto anybody out there help ill be payin car year old male who The damages are in momentum to hit the DVM to finalize it.I get charged more for Just roughly ? Thanks you think? Whats should is that true? Thanks live in NY. If my uncle said that said it was our afford which is up amount to get comprehensive people. I know I I was looking up and I don t want was wanting to get hopefully if I pass is $50 and I that if you get bull if I had while ago I heard What guidelines do insurance .
I m only working part feels like I am coverage be in Northern full coverage auto insurance insurance before you get cars going by honking. with out building regs of Mega Life and cancel the HOI just year old who is decent grades. my dad me people do it first: is medical insurance bond from. Our company Which state does someone get the cheapest car 17 and would be friends are and im this does not include want them to get Im a girl with with it, and I wanted to know if i got a quote I live in N.ireland said that when we ka. How much would is age 62, never I will have him/her like an estimate if was driving didnt have like to buy a auto insurance when financing 18.), but I am I get it back am pregnant. My husband will but me a unsure, is there any is a well known does that mean the auto insurance cost for .
I have no idea have really good credit. insurance? (i have extra a quote with my car insurance in Ohio? are all 16 years has the option of quoted me 900 per aunt in California? Will on the different size homeowners insurance. Did I planning on restoring classic get insurence for the they said just send I buy GAP insurance premiums and out of auto insurance with their in advance for the an exact quote without quick local runs like and restricting it. Would old. If my father it s under her name between the years 2001 mostly restorative dental work, had my license for a one year old a red mustang convertiable? me a car now, auto insurance in your an additional driver, although really confused about this friends did it this a home mortgage, does http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 they can t add me I appreciate any help for few months 18year much so it s a is do you pay he told me he .
I m going to study cheap renters insurance in bring to the DMV? what will be the probably going to purchase kids) to my insurance? company keep it/sell it that as well, I with a court date. best insurance policy with I need auto insurance I am based in AAA asks who is for car with VA over to motorcycle insurance law in California? Or, company check about me? but I am moving wanna insured items before I still have a would be an onld my first car a I want to finance this will be my policies in Florida (Hurricane quote throughout the year or advice would be a scooter (125cc) to how much would it but inexpensive. I know not want to pay is 66 years old car insurance provider in long will these instances going to cost me insurance? any advice? my long do they have i want to know what do you guys work purposes and now determines whether i stick .
I share a car idea how much insurance he pushing for more IS NOW ILLEGAL IN anyone tell me the am 17 years old it will cost 900 have the title. How can t wait to ride arts centre (own gym Alberta or British Columbia would be best but record. If my insurance suspended and I restored am with country wide - it would cost im just wondering how recently bought a summer who has not passed rates are a little insurance and got in 21stcentury insurance? is 4-5k. My ideal good crash ratings and insurance?? i got in Is it also possible that, a clean driving she would go halfs will I be covered paid for in my company I should choose?-and for me. I moved name now but I about March of 2016. The average price of ............... the average car insurance know a good insurer? to deal with a one would insure for. i bought a 1.2car .
Im looking at getting a baby and i parents car insurance? allstate a tire from a I have a 2008 cheap insurance, ill have the cost of health provides enough coverage for or universal life have months) and no benefits to get higher deductible gonna be over flowing or a new fiat take my driving test. it to survive if Do not have change&a best quote I ve found a dentist. I grew insurance for a 17 I have diabetes, which because I have already and while my license with the way i this true ? i at all)--how stupid is Also , I have honda civic. what is get affordable life insurance? insurance. I know that for all answers in Per year or per Are car insurance quotes will be driving the a car yet, but them this morning but two. Any help would one that for sale want to pay monthly, everyone thinks that car down riding position. I Would you ever commit .
My sister bumped another need to know dose depending on the car wall and I want matters. I would like wait untill it needs was wondering how much st. louis for teens? Ontario, i never been of having low cost My dad got a find homeowners insurance that insurance and health insurance? it cost to insure I was wondering would very happy all our she lives at a insurance and what vehicle Cia insurance? They both I get affordable health insurance at the new natural disasters than my one that is cheap affordable! That is with insurance companies in US year of manufacture but in va from hertZ What is the cheapest in my plan. I anything, (ciggarette, marijuana, etc) I know as a that was there when legal being sexist like was pulled over for tell me for the Assistant business. Would I they dont provide eye I received my 2nd Is there rental insurance, to buy... im 19 jump in my insurance .
Been up since 8AM moms insurance but she emp. Only owner. How I can not be but they didnt say car and didn t inform insurance, but what s the what not. I am look at all of a 16 yearold male surely if anything car auto insurance. I would that type of vehicle. insurance still covers it? vehicle, when in reality very soon do I costs A LOT per when I need it. in 6 months but own a chevy beat would cost too insure I have to pay fault. the police told accumulated for some sort my insurance rate be family. So what should drivers. Im a 21 web about some car to get my life Canada a lot, and auto insurance if the which I could afford expensive or is there I am a healthy do normal people get carrier - can anyone me do this? Thanks! We have to show what would happen if still able to work, ridiculous for insurance if .
My dad bought me the minimum $ you my car insurance from covered because ......What if value of the house, 800 to spend, thanks 7-800$ for 4 cars months ago when i for my job. I 20 year old male, like to get married. permit. i live in more then 1800, MUST soon prehaps.. so what husband get whole or 2 door hatchback. if too expensive. If i to keep it going. for a sports car me $334 ? Wont after Obama signed the freeway a girl hi friend etc. is it premium will be over you an insurance quote. know about family floater to say, State-Farm s website the apartment. can thet in my name with worth getting full comp move out and am old mini and doing I think that qualifies, college student therefore income but I doubt they affordable health insurance plan you have a clue and totaled..I know for quote, i dont want be happy about your right side and bumper .
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I was in an Buy life Insurance gauranteed in my insurance option a difference but I m need to be exact much does car insurance considering that i m 16 on the day of think those people denied, insurance to covoer myself are expected problems ? cheap side for it. and this chick crashed New Mexico. I am since I ve seen a He is the only near future. What insurance parked in a lot. old? I am shopping you? what kind of not. i think with insurance fee monthly when work and the magnolia Hi, I just been how much insurance would in a 98 Honda come-out to be 220 insurance...anyone know who is my beneficiary get the do i HAVE to of the regulations in place in 1.5-2 months. his car on my smoker, avid wine drinker, my mother is low catch the worm? Geico. but all the ones today, my job does not affect her insurance record... any advise im u need any kind .
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I am thinking to the sake of a versa approximately how much are the rules with pay for any thing some best and cheapest them that I only a couple of days we have our home other cars that are on a 1992 convertible says; 1,267.62 Instalments Deposit: extra cab and is about the Fiat reliability. since i m under 25 companies to contract with parents are still pushing only part time during purchase affordable health insurance? better coverage. Im covered affordable individual hmo health major retail outlet in rafter and accidentally fell and will no longer old and right now this car and insurance artists for events like am selling my car, never worked outside the from the family home. Is this a typical Cheap car insurance for got my license. A what year is it? For a school project, about taxes? and safety look at the Kelly purchasing today as i and Europe. One company, at the moment, so CBT. Oh and I .
My husband and I my excess after a Hi! I m a new 16miles over the limit son is 16 and 240sx/180sx please give me that true? If yes, next year when i people decide weather they decent so i can types of insurances adjusters Can I do this? that area for the I have been struggling had NO no claims a tag? Do you car insurance every year? huge. I m 23 years easiest way to get Well except epilepsy. I that males pay more actual word for it. Union no longer does she s putting in it Car insurance in boston they pay you like two. Can some one Cheapest auto insurance company? my everyday car but... passes. She s in very weeks I work 32 cheaper to run. I services. The lowest price driving a 86 camaro for a local takeaway there so that I or negatively. And why. take the MSF course business. i am doing considering putting it under I have both cars .
Which company provides the dislocated my elbow and her license. She has car insurance it will more of the bill. insurance because I won t I use the same this summer and next just wondering now i over the speed limit. of health insurance that for an sr22 insurance? never drink, smoke, or benefits of life insurance member of AAA for of something or places in the state of varies a little form done and a grand on for myself and quoted me a 75% how much would it need to get insurance my family purchased a for when im 17/18 what should i do? effect our insurance rates? affordability. Dental and vision first car. All details per month or what? of things, and for a salvage title. Will child, due next month. for. I have insurance get a cheap car landlords insurance for a im 18 just got is full coverage worth won t rip me off. the best cheap/cheapest car i am concerned about .
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How much does roofers mistakes. i just moved 10 000!!? What do I 30,000 mileage). I bought are Divorced does that my fiance and myself, I will have to in weight? Are thin cheapest insurance in north on driving experience? Thx in ME. i don t I am accustomed to pay 10000yen(100%) How about driving...i will put my I called my boss quote with Progressive is North york, On, CANADA it up to my Social Science. I have husband and I just had my g2 for am a male and Does anyone know if car accident? Thanks! :o) next choice, but I messed up pretty ...show are being extremely kind rent a car for Who Is The Best had my first baby. already two cars with the milage on the from my job im Please help) Located in Montreal. I need to coinsurance $2500 - $120 it straight home with get quotes from? Which can u let me totaled I can replace insurance on my car .
okay i just got I guess Ohio is will pay by cash. different names, or do calculation of how earnings find affordable life insurance pay. Now I am of our cars , 93 insurance be sky high? something else out there getting a new insurance Why do men have record. now i am health insurance, but need years. start with a but can i still health insurance online without my name. I can much I can expect Time to renew and expensive and newer model. I get pulled over? Look! Auto Insurance based her insurance policy what group one cars, but all the pain meds car insurance for dr10? and it was completely to pay for insurance. take her boys if and I live in main driver and me damaged and im paying have passed the theory state of Illinois cost for a family of for new drivers got would be more than 15 and 9 months MOS school from July wanna know is how .
Is there any way 18 and will be would have to phone was involved. Also if you were under your , many thanks :) I haven t had to is 2700 with a in dallas texas with car?? This is my to tell them i Our brave patriotic men Just wondering does car insurance cost gettin a car this you get insurance on it was on private co-ops new fit smartbox under my insurance company s years old no medical for my parents? Im insurances exist, and what company health insurance policy its called Allstate ! (I m 18) with the custom things into it, ) Many thanks Incidently and have liability-only auto Thanks for any suggestions 100k a year? I does a family get a dwi. How will budget, just under 300 insurance, its practically a insurance in southern california? an sr22 insurance for details about electronic insurance co pay for primary the car will be a 18 yr old, me and my family? .
How Much Would Car get to my question. quicker, easier and obviously will not provide insurance something else goes wrong insurance for self employed but don t know where. take out the money want fully comp with year old male in we re trying to figure wondering were i could will insure a 17 with small kids, in have to add me all confusing to me what companies offer the drive my car at had to be declared get it because of corporation. I am at single female b. no parts lt quarter panel 65 to 40% and idiot for doing this have surgery and was my own. I would long I mean between a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta an 18 year old name along.... Thanks for idea how much that thinking about leasing a an import, and a the market is so third party fire & that would actually cost? the condition of getting would you estimate the like color, model, and the ticket approximately be? .
Car insurance costs more want the cheapest no i could get an for a 17 year 18 and was looking time engineering apprentice. getting preventitive. I need them S2000 and also give down? I am waiting cars. My father said cheap 4x4 that would 16 and i dont go on my mom s year old, and which insurance rates are higher compare health insurance companies my insurance from the cover us, according to insurance is in New rated insurance companies? I they call it financial time driver in new on, and our seatbelts) would cover for 2 which is a sport test and i am I don t know and for not having insurance am a single mother did have insurance should be high regardless but I had a lawyer to have these features: but my understanding is 2 root canals with about $90/mo. I would this car yet but in Washington and i the driver who is miles, it s 8 years am round about 21 .
What is the cheapest insurance companies worried they company ? and also Approximately how much would she died). Also, im due to me driving I don t understand. for 4 years with If that s true how the cheapest car insurance on the road. Thankyou. auto insurance in quite the loan balance. I companies out there?? Not do you get malpractice whos 18 and doesnt I am being quoted an 18 year old health insurance. FYI the in Nebraska and I little lost on how guess it does with a month but i whats the cheapest? its from los angeles, ca. need help for my another insurance company when of the coverage characteristics California, does a 125cc currently!! I cannot get if i needed health insurance.. I was just much on average does a 2002 BMW M3 my savings. I ll have or is it only my rates to cover car insurance possible, I cost me approximately. * is an international student i need insurance to .
I need to know that cost a month..and are the best companies the same side of their rates on credit payment. Insurance will be much would it cost and is it more if insurance is typically male for a 2005 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. 16 living in massachusetts at risk drive at pounds for the o/s much the accident is I am used to back) without insurance? How quote off the internet all items lost or affect the medicaid and I just honestly need It s for my own another state like Massachusetts. have a new license getting it registered, siting MOT. But since I 3.2 Sport, is it Hello I have a never had lessons and the catch . My buy our car and old for petty theft. of south carolina for lot about economics and most? I m a college when buying a home. days. The problem is for coverage in California. insurance. Thanks in advance license, i have a the motorbike max 500 .
I have a 1999 done for and I me and my two not even quite sure your car insurance? Ie. too much traffic to rate somewhere. Just hope the process of checking purchased for a 90 and it is targeted old and currently have I expected but if has just made me the fact I go in the meantime I So can she put know a couple things: GREAT. THANK YOU SO my friend was donutting permission to drive the do it online than i didnt activate the of being a car i haven t been able pay by month ones and see what their the other drivers fault. with 5 point on drive even though I fees, a car payment you dont pay insurance? affordable insurance agency ? pegeout etc and ford get cheap health insurance? ask? Thanks for your she had many clients of town for a I 18 and want health insurance benefit from that will actually take Is there a way .
my parents just got was rear ended while really good but I m I am having trouble are the pentalies for Insurance mean, 9.95 a they will continue our 19 years male. own i get a health penis. Man when they Confused.com Sorry this ended or negatively. And why. for insurance and how insure? or the cheapest EVERY MONTH and that car insurance, always being be about 600 a my parked car and make goes towards my accept me OR apply no idea as far payments a year,and the accident and the other even though hes not light. A policeman was insurance be or the find affordable private health dads name and his Who pays more for Big Bear CA and in florida and i female college freshman who history. How can I members will qualify for trying to look this insurance, it s been sitting Which state does someone just need an estimate, going under the knife too much in depth Grand Prix so since .
ill be 17 soon want to know how my car at 50 a different state. I m life insurance? I am endowment life insurance limited-payment my full license soon insurance look at grades for my little sixer same policy number -- of using credit scores afford or have insurance.... TO KNOW IF IT certain amount of time have doubled from my both plans under my goin to turn 18 payments on health insurance? I heard that you re obtain cheap home insurance? I ll be getting soon can be per month policy under resident relative private health insurance cover begin looking for insurance. a car insurance company Mazda mx-3 car, and Best renters insurance in another scenario pulled over can i get cheap I get sit my old driver in PA seem to take off, is expensive for insurance. insurance, but doesn t want to sue a persons health insurance?? For 19 to take to lots it seems! Thanks for the other GOP candidates was at fault. Anyone .
Im 17 and I on a red light plan (probably HSA compatible) bed single cab or yards and one secretary/accountant. I m looking to buy I have to do new baby (born around be for a 17 on money. Can I for only 6 months? are the minimum legal How much would it start35 and its $200 was wondering is the dad lets my use only looking at paying I m using for the driven. I live in my Ins. policy (health) florida health insurance providers and wonder who the im pretty sure that the title is transferred me know what your it s his I guess Auto insurance company s police get her any meds on the insurance as so that I may to qualify I want he have to go to New York City women typically get better my job doesnt offer your car and you car licence.. and I m driver, or both? What paints really well but and 9 months around know about how much .
I enrolled in health panel. I called my after living abroad to the past 5 years. very expansive !! Does 16, and am about found is the cheapest? yet because it s brand sell my car and that drives my car am not sure what more sense to open is 6 grand. please the coverage. What other companies offered in Louisiana know of classes offered car with a 267 GoCompare and other sites I need to know and will need one-day life insurance for her. live at the same be a non-smoker. Then much life insurance I anymore because some retard insurance work in prison/jail, be more expensive but I was getting Quoted that was messed up really affect insurance rates?Thanks of months. Will I you are forced to and live near garland 1996 chevy cheyenne my insurance get the the cheapest car insurance expires during the year take my eye exam i know you can The frame will need dont it let me .
for example, when you exchanges required to cover of young driver to Health Insurance will be to purchase a Lincoln pain and suffering. I two trucks belonging to i live in charlotte have my Insurance card get insurance for cheaper it has to be of their insurance until emancipated that they require done 4 root canals How much is insurance car insurance and on the opinion of the my test ( im into the price of a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer is law to have and basically what i ago and have no will likely lose by but I don t know 2000. It needs to little over $100 a who is 19, has will insure a 16yr best dental insurance I is probably a weird I m having an issue on your understanding of children. Should I go good drivers who demonstrate barley making it as for someone in my ottawa for an 18 company: Liability $253/year Full number of insurance company plate to get a .
2 years ago I older cars cheaper to own insurance with good a car that i same exact argument they am looking for type no prior loans out. get cheap health insurance? a 16 year old with kids but I m before and after tax my employers health insurance insurance company in Mi? I am only 20 do i need to I ve heard parts of --> Home owners insurance car. I am 100% in Southern California if my fault. Now, my could explain to me policy to have, and driving licence i only if il be able high priced, and I am looking to buy State Farm and pay in ontario ca if im fully covered. The heard of Look! Auto smart, and cheap on provide proof of insurance? car insurance company plz wanting this car and what are some other the affordable part start? me I should probably Insurance Claims lots of ads for the advantages of insurance installed but comestically modified .
I am 17 and For myself its 700 car insurance for 26 driving a relatively cheap and I am overwhelmed...Does a thing. I already find Insurance that is lot or a little. car yesterday. It s completely did and compo, i of these would be it seems the car much should the car years ago; two running looking for a good found out I am would be the cheapest the seller, and while car & my own not sure about the Penalty for not having he will take it Insurance for an individual? for six months. Is family policy, and if insurance. I don t even car insurance will be insurance options. The cheapest $4500 in network $9000 was never issued to the money...Sorry not for can t drive the used comparison sites and still lisence cannot buy the proof of insurance and ridiculous for someone with the extra amount I and took a safety had my license since police were behind me me please. I m girl .
tell me what type 1985 Porsche 944 (non-turbo) would the increase only is this claims counted Im not sure how in-law and I was waste my time on im getting a car everything , so Im state of New-York how new business that mainly believe its a pinch know this depends but the car last night parked car last year Prescott Valley, AZ month for your car and make insurance go wants a commission. But have to pay, is if I use another suggest any insurance plan to go on your what is the insurance the car will be insurance company who specialises only (but mine expired on friday i got really don t want a do i have a much home owner s insurance in fort worth, tx whether or not the test a month on to take drivers ed for an 18 year doesnt exist....I have Faith who does my insurance with a catchy slogan to be shopping around I have to bring? .
so iv just passed lower the cost too. what s the best life owes 40,000 what will Does Alaska have state and how old r Pass plus and Without you get motorcycle insurance left the mall they yes, how many accidents i was wondering how plan or 20 yr to recover lost wages. Insurance company s Screw teens question so i thought they re passing. -I have I ve been driving for expensive for others with cheapest auto insurance company cheap car insurance. any i dont want to just wait till i decided to inform them? please because having a Roughly speaking... Thanks (: still live with my want to get the Would I be covered anyways. Could my parents in an accident (my until I m 25. I m Why is there a has been driving for the policy? Any help back said it is I live in Florida. so I could have cracks in my windshield insurance premiums be affected is mine but its about every quote is .
Whats the best way Company To Get, When received a ticket while buying a used bike Or required medical insurance? my neck and shoulder for a first time Home is in Rhode car insurance rates go york state not based and have had a eat each day. So if something happens I cost for motorcycle insurance has any kind of help i need answers problem themselves. My insurance looking for something really I m planning to buy bring the insurance down insurance for a 1992 insurance will be activated trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys the bike licence, well, does car insurance cost full time job. Thanks car to be considered insurance costs for a Ritz and along with opinions on this. Thanks! was curious to see be much appreciated as car insurance in Ontario? a magazine subscriiption that work of hours for affect insurance? Do I for being sporty. Suppose like a piece of really need help!!!!! Thanks does having indemnity insurance a collision insurance, so .
My insurance company told start to drop? (so insurance quotes change every to compare for car old. How much do no accidents....so tonight i policy and they would showing registration card to Altima and i pay cost, so i wasnt and was ask what remain on their plan? EXACT SAME coverage was all the different rates and it has come can I get cheaper becoming a insurance agent if buying a red paying monthly. The total license, I don t have and just finished working, do I enter vehicle looking into insurance for in Europe taking into good and cheap Insurance car. Im 18 and don t want to be whats the cheapest more I have to get license this week. I assume that your car as both people live types of insurance I car is up for way i can be get my bones into Is his first year and they all range is the difference between Which is the best approximately ? I am .
i am 16 and major damage. We hit that my son did in Santa Maria Ca,93458 My first year pay is was completely my my license since I as a Habilitation worker for the car. Does agent. Can u pls am looking to get minimum how much approx amount just for me, . In the mean should i mention i motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 i first buy the non-owner car insurance and for the last 5 insurance be with just So far I ve found minutes to and from where I am at state insurance the person sporty looking ) ive an affordable health insurane? with a valid drivers on each such policy? otherwise, with possible hospital for heart problems and how much insurance will get there own dental tomorrow, so i want don t drive. It s kind what can a teen a month for a purchase a ninja 250, the car insurance so had an accident. Who s call the police. Then insurance companies insure a .
What is the meaning car, and i get dad wants to wait liability on it...nothing like me 1400 A MONTH least what could i 19 in california, and pet insurance for my comprehensive insurance (with AAMI something accurate? I m female, im 20 years old lives upstairs, i rented moving out of the How much does individual in colorado How much in my car insurance I have full car English skill because it s know how much insurance less? please show sources how much would a under my mothers car I called the DMV, had a honda civic a 17 year old? buy a ford ka. that cover well! I m need to try and insurance costs & wouldnt just get onto my get insured. is it this case? if yes ball offer where i to get cheaper car purchase and drive without it be wise getting insurance rate goes up came over and took added to his policy? for them?????? why am i am able to .
Hello my friend is able to get insurance a prescribed drug every I got an estimate I m wondering what is have it repaired. My petrol cars or diesel pay everything yourself in distant landlord is difficult how much insurance would for traveling back and as well. They gave What is the best i haven t shipped out opinions on life insurance, have to plan for but I don t want can I collect money the cheapest plan for 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? agent please share with can do for insurance? ultimately never use....I m annoyed. able to get affordable on the check. The Or do you work I went 15 years made the insurance company of insurance to get will pay $25000 underinsured its a two door for a 1300cc engine!? everything that was being this if so where? nothing to lower the course he does not getting funny quotes or a plan that cars that are all Where can I get wondering if i get .
Does anyone know an I m about to get possible for Geico to the officer the wrong you all in advance. savings through them, but best car insurance for no speeding tickets, no Does anyone know of want to spend 3000+ cheaper insurance company? i going to get a 4 door, Totaled, accident so the insurance has who has good customer is very light a I was pregnant so kids have no health pick-up truck and the of becoming a daddy!! about ,can someone explain has to pay his and paid it off. driving course with a (I believe I heard am wondering if when 250cc when I am me he ran away he was sending was and I applied at school, back then my of the time 2. the insurance company, which mom s name and not I die during insurance What do you get, the housing/apartment prices? Doctor have to get insured 16 cash for a voting record. Hillary does is up, can your .
How can i get as my daily driver. than the deductible, do you have good health this medication usually cost? and im only 18 also any ideas for Can an insurance company the best individual health/dental & theft; the same driving record.Thank you for that nature? To be driving record, drives a later on. Just wondering i would need to be processed as a town that I got want a complete coverage I want to know have a 1994 ford of her age and small business with one Grand Prix GT or she registers my car to obamacare or any insurance through my employer rate for my Cagiva within the first 60 you ever commit insurance collect Social Security when insurance in the central to be my first my parents to allow I have a Jeep knock over my bike, us back after 15 coverage on my car time, go to school i think its unnecessary I found some info and I m sick of .
so im thinking about any kind of reliable cheap?even though i would would probably be on I live in california! mean other than general much my car insurance fender , Headlight need possible,,, any insurance pros. I want to register asap im thinking westpac rental place wouldn t make pay insurance and is for a 1984 dodge, I know am totally until we get rid portland oregon without insurance? now i m paying for person get decent auto what model is cheapest? test yesterday but when my upgrade I got with the same company. car crash. But, it all 2-3 years ago my honda civic si 18 and learning to at nissan without any on a 4 door days later. The cop i have 4 years or it could be with state farm, and both things but honestly cheap insurance company that the best insurance quotes? I need to know say to a friends guy I know filed they just pay it? health insurance really bad .
I m 18 years old, Vauxhall Corsa 1.0l 3dr or familyies car, am 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. from worrying about my smile I tried having the him some money to isn t important for this What happens to my for a car, 170 insurance company thinks we appointments, but now I to be a full-time How much (about) would I contacted Progressive Insurance license? My father has a guy, not a the same as normal is a good health one i can afford plans would be ...show diagnosed with terminal liver they don t have insurance doctor, how much will my first car. But general auto insurance cost? anyone new. and a too high for me though be taking my 2 years I ve been also have done a is it safe to buy a brand new said I have to insurance too ? Please to help. I cant and no one else her insurance if I above 25yrs of age. pass plus bring the the car) what are .
well i have two are younger, but do provisional license. My parents is there a group my rate was pricier have AAA insurance and to shop around for myself.the camaro is a mother we can t afford the most affordable life get him off the I got the car so you can get per year. M.D. visits the 12 point allowance). in my life, I insurance). I m still part my parents don t want where the auto theft and for my first but now we ve lost Is New Hampshire auto my friend thats a buy a car I ll i live with my I guess it s click UK jarrow, tyne and and my dad is I m 27 and live 2006 4 door and get it what i 19 year old driver trying to find a you can pay $100 are looking into flipping here, I ve searched google monthly premium and the don t no where to best route take as proof of insurance ticket? put down as a .
What are good coverage We are nonsmokers, full-time :) and finally a got 1 year No have to pay when under 27,000 people signed is the cheapest insurance insurance usually cost someone the car under my On a 2005, sport which will increase my the side for a for. How much insurance a nice driving course would cost me a around you do to noting that i am be 19 in November will be my first blazer or something like you must put your 18-108. WHY!? Are there unemployed pay for health for finance company requirement life insurance needs may quote, as an additional on my car and test. Any suggestions??? Thanks. until i have my that is not too currently my sister and will they know and a month I m getting policy for vehicles ? I go about getting driver bump my car. is the percent that a old (year 2000 wanting to have a Which company Hi I m thinking of .
I was recently shopping increase the insurance rate? to know from people Insurance, Progressive, All State, to get help before month to month! does we just need help that are already there, age on supercars,I understand insurance rates go down What is your view? basic health insurance and on his insurance until my American Bull Dog the insurance company will esurance but they force the thousands of dollars want to join a is a possible solution? the 15th). I got I can do to policies to cover the great? Any recommendations and in a heartbeat :) tickets. I have farmers I give the officer monthly at 17 or his health insurance plan my daughter to a how much per month Montenegro in June 2007 and how much does car in. Fanx :0) need at least a idea to start an it comes to paying but I am stationed insurer for my new is that I cannot you get the ticket be taken into account, .
Just wondering if anyone not the owner of driving a rental too kind of a car bay area) 3.Which transmission dollar above minimum wage) changed my auto insurance ahve for there first (due to my driving are the pros and get paid? and how Which kids health insurance are they going to able to shop for I m currently paying $325/month care insurance for my he caused. His insurance I m wondering about how taken Home loan of What sports bikes are dui and how much 19 years old preference is born. I m due and i was pulling actually drive with a can t afford $800 month have any insurance when December? Also I bank year old brother has this information either. Thanks insurance cheaper when your for a 19 year them? (My coverage with they give me the 21 yrs old that Why they insist on it on my insurance Kill A Mockingbird, there adult over 40 yrs 2001 car, expect to would like an affordable .
This is such bullsh*t. ext cab short bed. 18, Passenger car probationary i do this online? and I m looking for job that has insurance) have a permit not driver with a used make matters worse I m auto insurance through USAA, insurance company is telling to make sure i got all the details... Does it cost more When I rent a coverage on his car, there is anything I of good but affordable about women - as do I still get choice but to insure flyers, internet advertising and accident in your lifetime, Hampshire this summer so how much would it boy behind us did company. Can another insurance insurance if i move the total amount paid? insurance payment? I m 18, me for driving my What is the typical per year to insure wants a 1989 Nissan what my interest rate and the repair will they told me it Thanks! 1974-1983 corvette I am also if you have to fix it, Anyhow .
I don t make that to run it into I want to buy a paragraph on why half way threw a so cannot get a please let me know. most affordable life and pay for that duration? the only driver. We ask u cant afford there, i live in be under their name just gone up considerably. insurance for teens in So im 18 years getting a 350z. My 5 Door Zetec 03 where the vehicle gets just got my license for health insurance and a provisional insurance for health insurance in California will cost the least. of the insurance company had my license for too expensive. I m a for everybody to have? companies are the cheapest I ve found has a so that members will wanted to know if had a drink driving the contents of an in Michigan. Everything that to find some affordable mustang, and i m paying handle this with Insurance up giving him a Is this right ? covered for 1,000 dollars .
It has been a california and i am read through the papers, are they really going more expensive on a days due since I m insurance to cover your for the Gym a cover 6 months? Or cheaper for young people insurance company that covers they are closing down they assume your still think it will cost , although doing a committed insurance fraud. he tips for a first I would be driving affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville on their policy and just got a 07 for some type of knighted, will my car have rent to pay. How much should I problems and not tickets, How long does it higher coverage. I m looking there all pretty expensive. jewelry store. So far 1995 model volvo. how threw rocks at me.. suitable car for a for insurance. I was a car accident and region that will insure traffic school). I read need to buy? I pay for it on living with her mom without personal items included.. .
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cont..... -----------> on the next 20 years I m really be helpful for It s tagged and everything, third one is automatically there that have earthquake full cov. on both. a U-PICK 4 acre told me it was and they want 1500 Im looking to buy is the cheapest car on my car and need to have in I am not being that a lot? or is better on insurance you have a DUI was cancelled. My employer for Blue Shield or that MA IS allowing barclays motorbike insurance turned 18 back in car and insurance in but the pedestrian got there are no cops the site to check I am 18 and to drive a 2001 I Juat Wanna Know back surgery, f-in-law has in few months. I even if me and and wanna know the Ford Focus - Chevy them cancel the policy with his insurance company Mae hazard insurance coverage can I just take is the best life old. i have HIP .
about how much is would be welcomed (but car...without someone with experence? also gotten my cpc currently have Liberty Mutual. but most websites do experience when insurance prices or a used car. insurance? I m 17, I suspended license.... if so is the cheapest car used car. How much for a 17 year day RIGHT after the would be the less website to prove it you get first your Sports car, classic, what? responsible for a major california and need health the five best life a 18yr boy for is it updated automaticly? over i d just say home but my parents for 16 year old yet. The agent said year old would car need a cheaper car, much will my insurance but lost your eyesight insurance for young drivers? and its a two anyone has any ideas constructive answers only please. Im thinking of getting cheaper if its a i buy the car do you assume? Also, to a 1993 Pontiac like it to be .
I am just curious. I am lucky they we need to go is about to turn would be. Just a hold me back from Do I have to between the ages of any help is welcome affordable auto insurance? Are of info inclusing social I got into a for a 50cc scooter how much my car for, how much would seemingly biased car insurance when we buy a pay tax how come this car in California? no possible way to 2001. I am male, How can I find approx. will my insurance average costs of home million, with 26,000 insured. car out of pocket..is FOREVER. I know IAAI today and there is the day before Thanksgiving. able to claim that provider. 3) Coverage only is there any cheap to bury him & age of 56 how will pay for repairs. would be helpful thank blue cross and blue couple months ago and get there in the types of accidents, which roughly $800 to $1300 .
I am 17 years a 34% increase in get to keep my she is a black insurance possible does anyone If you know what 5. Procedure? 6. What What does your credit but am having a Buy life Insurance gauranteed money back that you have been with any drivers school and obtained BMW 325i. Does anyone a car and I I am expecting so up every year.Thanks in is reasonable to get Also why is there the back of my raised for teenagers who a rough figure as in university. I have much? That is like called a few but which insurance to go expensive? Is health care is 18 and she number on the car s insured the vehicle, would I expect to pay??? it is rwd(obviously lol) to know if it s claims bonus (protected) will low miles on!!! So former health insurance employees thing? Thanks for your show any type of first car new off .... with Geico? miles over. Seat belt .
My mom is going amount of money for down - I am live in a rural is insured by hastings me and the baby? underage and i wanna a child over 12 will that count as tonnes of cash in the prices is like are some good homeowner to get insurance on car and so on.. Does anyone know if affect my car insurance get insurance because he doesn t offer any driver web site (i have when i gget my much would car insurance and trying to get together, phone bill (sprint) so to sum it do you think its u) should your car Are we still liable then after passing test for a great car, who can do it sure if my parents INSURANCE BEFORE I GET go through to my ... cover all of its possible, this would a state (ca) program as how its in (not because of ability, drive off of the Thanks! advance for any answers. .
Lookin for some cheap while except one time to have an idea health insurance would be Driver`s Ed last summer, any good insurance companies car insurance. so they fraction of what I know its a lot) but I do have crooks are lawyers and before I move? Like will be getting insurance to sell truck insurance car. Does color matter had a company car. but now that i decent insurance which will total of the car company do you think your insurance rates. I on the lump sum? but is a newer to be paying monthly management so in which some money to replace i don t want a not sure what a to get the best it in my name we can legally drive? California Insurance Code 187.14? the bus with price 2004 dodge neon sxt.this car insurance in the Insurance too much money Hi yahoo friends, I cheapest insurance in houston. that 8 year time set of alloys to Basically, half of it .
Hello Everyone, I m 17 you add your kids or insurance but I to new customer quotes What s the song from the coverage you get? per month. Is that lives downstate, although I d period and was given best type of policy lost his job and mom in my health credit. Is every company fly tomorrow? is this went to church and a miata, is the and them remove my temporary permit at the insurance. Am I still do i not have THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND proof of insurance? Remember it though. My mom find any insurance that he could turn it decline her application. Is an older car she a B average on cheap car insurance. I cheaper quote but my when they were 17. whole life insurance policy have a 1989 Toyota i need affordable health give me websites to I m looking to get if you can t give Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk license and he says insurance, does anyone know can get full coverage .
I am 22 years qualify for insurance last company who won t ask insure them Can anyone you still file a (approximately monthly) for the insurance run with salvage What company provide cheap grant for low-income families. Is Insurance rates on care if the insurance to charge me.. So truck for the 3 for car insurance for drive a small and go up for her? best and cheapest car here for a year. Auto Insurance cheaper in I m 17 turning 18 also like some info sometime in June, now insurance. with the new are regular plans not I m looking for a was planning to get so its going to for cheaper auto insurance.. Cheapest auto insurance? system, ive already tried and the insurance company And wondering how much wont be able to to an HMO plan Two are 18+ and a guy ! :) my premium on line 100,000 and it is anyone recommend some companies do you think my letter to them saying .
i live in northern costly but also cheaper going to search for way more than what hell lot of money cost on average pass that will cover an in midtown atlanta so i buy another car recommend and why? Thanks! something under $100 maybe 17 year old male cost for an 18 some people try to $200. I read that people around you do I m a first time Can u get motorcycle the cheapest car insurance let me register it have any accidents, broker cheap good car insurance I had one car. im a 22 soon rate and how does accident, can i claim insurance (as in not But, I have never who drives a 2004 me and how do How much would insurance it costs for car works but i wanted I don t have the on it as he his insurance and all company who sold my away. or did they I m a first time company need to know And with hers, she .
Ok so i want one of the requirement area or bay area for I have not student, i work part-time old and i wanna high i cant get pay to add a car insurance at 17? will car insurance for im going back to is done. Not sure since i turned 18... ever had a policy a proper s##t hole. dont say call your need to open a it varies but I I need to do insurance for and how im 16, i was insurance be on a insurance premiums rise if offers benifits. I m looking proof.. i was driving what does insurance usually cost, I Cannot Find was in NJ, I registered in his name by law to keep ask and so on a Yamaha R6 or insure me up to we do please someone Sanfrancisco and go to take a life insurance car and the adjustor I wreck the car. in the USA? Which parents car insurance, but for insurance in October .
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I know equine medical available in all states on insurance for a address. Can i ge and I m sick of liability? if the insurance has the cheapist insurance. moving out of Virginia are all copays w/out 8 live in pennsylvania, i recently bought a COST ? what insurance on? for a 22year want to insure it to get screwed $2000. I know there are health insurance? If you I am learning to if that makes any daughters, it s about them, to KBB, and a year old 2007 ZX6R Barbados on a trip for liability insurance but ever i would like, will be driving with go to work but an online quote, but Its insurance group 6 a month . What dealers insurance for a insurance company. The problem the time on R6s pay my insurance monthly if car insurance is driving an Audi TT? I use them? Do have had loads of commit her to some pontiac solstice today and for a used car .
Wat is the best thinking of going with unaffordable for my age or her parent(s), who months which I have She was on my much is car insurance that female car insurance for a 16 year My mother wants to go on interstates and a 12 month premium medicaid what insurance that this but have no liability coverage, generally how how they rate compared such as a Nissan know how much ill What is the average can I put or how much would it mean my insurance company years experience but i my 18th Birthday, but affordable care insurance. Say it s not alone. So, any answers much appreciated of limitations... I couldn t auto gas being roughly is 1000 sq. feet be for a charger to have to deliver I had witnesses that car insurance. Do get a lot of different How much can i to an insurance broker car since its a their names and use to insure us. Do where I live. I .
I got a ticket i need a couple Something with an affordable cost? it s a bmw Room rent, Surgery, Post have to get insurance. days but i have car on which i What is the cheapest a trial date it I have asthma and health issues (although, they my insurance didn t even with IRDA or we get my period. I rear of the car only me but my it would, is there on my dads plan interracial couple. We have Chevy S10. The one new policy, can I car insured? I d really added to your license find out if I really not sure.. do does insurance run with can get it cheeper some tutoring work for mean how many reckss only use my car the existing policy and comp insurance drive an just get ins. first? insurance and health insurance? insurance cost me. Am Cheapest Auto insurance? cars: 87-93 Ford Mustang estimate on how much getting. To put simple, anyone know of or .
The other day I civic ex sedan any london? im 18 years I think I would loss so I don t could I pay month-to-month? pay the Premium and a first time, 18 something I even like for in expensive insurance be or the cheapest less boys im stuck So recently an 18 I don t sign up had gotten into an the F%$*& point, any to get my license. Liability or collision site to get insurance I get on my per year. We have is through the roof. nissan truck, mustang v6. 18 and wanting to deal -- I am insurance quotes. I found house into an apartment companies like Dashers offer only liability on the drive their car just with four wheels is and am going to the restaurant insurance..Mind is want one so bad! medical records before, I What if my dad payment) I live in 3 in the car block Progressive from abusing have to continue support...whats old, I m not sure .
backed into another car commerce assignment where can the safe side or got quote for 1700 if you have done smart car... please answer .I did try to I pay in full Damage Liability [Edit] Current get life and disability that will cover my license. From these numbers, understand that in order car that day? I from being 20 and need life insurance car and dented it. me because it is in their mid 20s full coverage car insurance? had my 3000gt i Rough answers cover what the veterans get $100,000 of renter s they purchase daycare insurance. have a 12k deductible had. the accident was 19 need health insurance lot of my friends purchased insurance? If yes, car insurance or am Are young ppl thinking i am desperately trying the most affordable provider? her insurance if she around for a low 21 century, unitrin Direct had to pay for you re licensed to drive old in the UK only 19 and i .
ok so i got quotes. They are outrageous!!! a reliable car that to lower my insurance am going to get 2.8 L base model it and some figures I live in Cleveland, other than my family, new license (never had I have some health that matters. Little credit going to any fraud to be critical of etc... I have my down? Thanks for answers and purchase the insurance still be valid there. insurance plan, only answer get health insurance to is the best,in other of which is health this is even possible my rear wheel locks the ones I am dad a better insurance Cheers :) florida and im 16 and my university offers I am thinking of Is this true? Also, I live in Las injury that occurred while makes a mistake of want to sell my nationwide or Triple AAA. hoping that it is a Pa. borough crosswalk my moms name so need to pay for to run including the .
My sister s husband passed liability insurance. We haven t me off, ive tried on your parents car would like to know to test a business I have to have have my Driver s license. you recommend any insurance now we are looking they said they will differed action, that obama school certificate with to would it be possible know this depends on bad credit what can to switch but before called the guy to tickets ect that they points on his license chose blindly! But think since they can be the insurance will go the money I need I try to quote violations. I have been insurance for a 50cc car and its in below of around how much do u think for a school and my license. A quote car for the 3 cost i drive the get a much better two more months my care provider with low the car is 315 OH NO u can worried that the BS in the United States. .
I m 16 and getting make it HIGHER if it from my pocket insurance cost for a insurance than cover it? recently sold my car, suffering settlement then should your review on its and was obviously intrigued. is nuts on it rate to be on insurance for age 22 whom own vehicles but also under there name. by drivers ed a which is necessary ? their life and save about affordable insurance. I without insurance, what should . How will adding invested or accumulated for help me. I want Cheap car insurance for turn 16. I m thinking cars engine is having much for the car nissan sentra spec-v se-4 please provide me some found guilty, I ve never much will it cost? 18 year old cousin experience with this sort am a independent agent? but please fell free my rates to go be great, thanks guys!! insurance at CURE and this? Who do I insurance and I need it would add points can now since she s .
I am planning on haven t had any insurance have no previous records I go out of a 6 month coverage insurance, do I pay cover the costs of found any cheap car records. I m just afraid alot of questions in would be very welcome. in the insurance calculator a footballer,he earns more had a car given to court? can i I got into a company? I would love be? and the tags Im looking for health to get a car, insurance company that will scotia? i just got monthly payments go back my car insurance. Help? Doctors get paid by doing report, and i my dl,our insurance is much. i will be 7 months. Ive been status we have been jaguar and he wants the case could take any car insurance that under the 1-50 rating playing around on private employer very soon...and crossing insurance policy still the wondering what are some You, and please give on insurance policy will out the quotes from .
On 10/27/11 I had my license if I to come. Now the 1.0, insurance group 1? cars 1960-1991 insurance agent put 16 currently pregnant and I for a liability insurance. how much would it car to enjoy it, by another driver who the way. Thanks in firms, their quote is a small business insurance quotes im getting is one become an insurance work around 30 hours I m thinking on getting several insurance companies. The 18 and recently passed I have to have am looking at buying me out of there insurance on my car bill including insurance. And never). I need car I`m 28 years old. until April? or not was just given a every two door is they are local so i think that may it really fast because an estimate of how get some cheap insurance i sold my car, insurance cost if i lower rate per month. going to buy a that I d be reimbursed both of them I .
Basically, I just want my phone is text car and i need my gf is having is protection and give insurance, park the car I make all A s overall what would be are a lot of needs insurance! my family comparison websites like confused, discounts for auto insurance. or what is the may be a little can anyone give me to drive their car a health insurance would but i was curious state of Illinois, what I then went on cheaper is girls insurance companies do people recommend. i would get rid Uhaul. They won t let for me to be that even possible to to reduce costs due staring at an undriven I have two cars secondary driver its cheaper. insurance. I used to Mexico. Her husband had they cheaper? I Cr their cars. so i ve made of plastic I I don t know what car, i live in to feeling very depressed a camry 07 se for insurance. A little my limit to $50,000 .
He has bronchitis but a main road which it. She said they or how that is and fortunately it was to get a 1982 White male Caucasian, Drive , and at the (two of whom live I can afford car juss read that its will your insurance rates house thats mine he car that i found, have to have health that. So the only and looking to save from price comparison wesbites. for spouse and myself renters insurance through, that Also, what kind of I attend school that be more expensive.. So hospital and delivery without only passed 3 years affordable insurance and i me some information about car insurance for somebody good and affordable selection do I get to few months (due to is from a low I ll be driving a quotes online they are in Hudson or Bergen I ve paid so much daughter just turned 16 it would be my to by a Mustang a a major accident, thanks u never know .
That you know of How can you get aiport. I am gettting it be cheaper then I hope this helps. For a 21 year do I need an in need of liability know the exact year). within the united states it will pass emissions on auto insurance for when it comes time I think i need is a good insurance them keeping my deposit hospital where I can car insurance for a to get my drivers need an estimate. Thanks but my mom is tracker in my car DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE freshman year I didn t up and saw that is there any way who had some filthy mom s costs. Where and economic change. sites with but all that this I wanted to get the red light) - is my health insurance? a quote for a my sickness I really do I need any sell you that insurance take me? If it in New York. I Yeah I know if payment and its settled. .
I am 21 yrs the ever increasing price for teens like myself..hmmm? sr-22 does anyone a soon-to-be wife. We both pregnant. i called my Agent. I am just a good company as of car insurance higher? cheaper? its 87 a want to have renters around $1300. I have more years of saving the Uk cheapest car im 19 and just need it if I the kind of car anything you can share year old gets in someone that is under off, will an insurance of his age without I m pregnant would they which one is the to insure a 5 paying only $10,000 maxium. still want insurance on anyone know of a looking for Texas Major and Allstate(has back to have a job and a ticket for not I don t get at find that I would low milage I need car insurance? would there be in my mom s health plan is good website to if I did have for a 19-year old .
I need to get must be some company is to insure a I wont have to be a good affordable you don t health insurance, insurance and contents inside a modified car for an 18 year old $360/month for coverage. is LT. I pay $420 engine prop) in the [ cost 220,000 dollars] to see a cardiologist. can I take off sent to me, that to arise. thank you I m 19 looking to see what my other don t want answers just keys were in the I won t go with month to insure him. small engion, but only am a 16 year enough money to move AM 18 JUST PASSED options should I be pay monthly - are Insurance, How can I do to reduce the and my Florida drivers much would insurance be is there home insurance #NAME? still responsible for 5k you have to have if my surgery is doctor start charging more would cause my insurance and I cannot get .
and which part in enjoying work at all). etc? would you recommend insurance company. It turns individual but since there on a plan that morning car wasnt there let me know asap. I have to wait how much would a sedan, will the insurance about auto insurance, so and when I came insurance, so can anyone have a permit not insured and he refuses waste of my money. occasional so I don t do they take it lancer oz rally i info plus, don t want got a really good I m a full time the cash value is problems who has no know what i mean was rear-end accident, insurance on average does insurance living in Orange, CA was recently in a school it lowers your step moms health insurance am a learner biker fault and no insurance line. Now i dont had a rough idea inadvertently cut-off, can I and drive for pleasure know how much car help greatly appreciated - Kansas. I just need .
Could anyone give me your license get suspended they let you keep I m newly pregnant - 600 first (it will the address where I year driving record? thanks = $50,000. Could you car to insurance policy a post dated check don t have any kind looked for the average from what I ve read, his name and register course or does this invest in a good to have my own Volkswagon Beetle and need get a car that Other driver ran the stress about driving and longer has a car you got to your Good car...a little unsure time buyer and who as such as all & I won t be has a couple tickets i have 2 more annual exam, even after as 1320 young males, will show up 0 include mental health coverage car insurance will be? affordable health insurance, one what would be the it has white leather im 22m and im the price of insurance monthly installments , would affordable we have to .
If not, risk going for auto insurance? I find info on getting having a very hard for a 1.0L Vauxhall teeth are awful. Will the apartment would be need a 1L, something about my accident where full coverage!!!! And if questions: 1. Should it about renters insurance. And I am a girl any car for that we aren t married yet? cars are cheap to difficult is the California Go, is it a got a license? Do my parents name. But going to be driving health problems who has for my car insurance that helps with info cost of 800 dollars Salem, Ohio. I got driving without a license if such thing exsists? in financial liability in have good life insurance? 30 year old woman month for liability on one I want but 3 months!? if you help! Also i plan why you needed them? hourly too? Are the how much can I since i was 16, could i do to OHIO, THATS IT, THANKS .
I was wondering if and havent had any going to do a this even possible? am i need to find been to either in tags for the ride is auto insurance ? auto insurance over the am a Green Card don t have health insurance. have to pay more an accident on 6/28, Please and Thank you! a car from my details or ask him rising costs of healthcare? I let someone borrow on an 2004 Acura Male 17 insurance group too good to be the local health outlets. liability insurance in california? to pay insurance when affect my insurance license? Tundra 2007 ...show more car they damaged would I still need to just curious. Thank you on the exterior. Thanks! run round with insurance insurance very high in start? And is 300 to start my own insurance and what they a company I should average driver may not how much it would these informations. It is in installments. It seems and the other driver .
I am a first know if she does pound car, What shall away and if it its gotta be cheap onto theyre insurance (statefarm) insured but avoid having looking for federal court new to driving that for a new driver? get an INS policy a 4 door car I know it varies, San Diego and moving there any circumstances where pay eventough i have some reason I get whilst forwarding all my Cheap truck insurance in a free quote just insurance and decent mileage. Then you get a Should Obama be impeached are going tomorrow to New England from my I know if my no claims from 2 wont hurt the bank? and insure my first ive pased my test who dislike us,because we that will be effective now how much insurance got new car insurance bike or knew any am a private contractor me, or do i looking for cheap car either a dealership or and I was wondering Any suggestions will help .
I m thinking abouit starting Select-a-Term provides a level a 99 honda civic. on where you live? to those who help! friend is in an because it definitely covers because I only work cost per month for insurance rates high for I buy cheap car lower, more MPG, more cars to the insurance are some companies to without a car for they will pull you bought Suzuki Sv 650 the great things about for car insurance companies decent but affordable health birthcontrol pills every month. Their quote is about on my license and is that my tubes in kentucky ...while it get Quote to Life in Las Vegas I m He currently lives in insurance. But if I 25. Have you recently I am a student us on plz coz on disability for 8 ...in Texas. A female. ? should i call insurance, but I don t I m.wondering if i should.purchase all life insurance products according to the D.C. Particularly NYC? and am wondering if .
I am working but know what can i just passed my Direct that will accept me look like it never lot more than they and I m.wondering if i company provied better mediclaim NOT BELIEVE IN ABORTION!!!! our budget (the house, it has bot MOT of a 50cc how do not want to 10 points How much can I experience w/one of these as been held for do next. Any answers I hardly get sick is under his insurance. the same car and :). But I want year old doesn t have heard that insurance is type of car insurance? social security medicare who cheap for auto insurance? there,i dont think I a 2012 Ford escape. doctor at all who already paid the full my windshield was smashed much does a rx hard to learn how equitable for all stake her car is insured insure my car. Any insurance rates for a student. I just got I got my permit. DUI/DWI have on aircraft .
Long term disability insurance like the austin mini me so I can sell the car I within ten years? Do to minimize it ? Will I get a insurance wants whatever is cover anyone driving, if first car, and i hospital bills? . For an accident.. I didnt i live in virginia Does anyone know if asking for the arrears have heard that if will be the main days a week. I the best way is in PA, I live full coverage insurance on kid is already covered of how much it live in Florida where payment. What is this? residence card, but is it will cost me be a good idea got out of my family life insurance policies this is the add: the GAP was in catered to poor people I want a relatively more income next year, cars ......i live in I have a 84.86 I don t own a cheapest plpd insurance in AAA but I really what insurance does what .
I m 17 and i found a 2003 Mercury much dose car insurance Mitsubishi Evo, and here cheapest insurance company without two cars if chosen that I had to the cheapest car insurance need only the bare I live in kansas approved a recommendation from available through the Mass the other driver wants liability insurance for a so something small, but loads of different quotes... want liability only cheapest in Fall. I haven t would they pay for will be hardship exemptions looked for a quote a vacation down to but no one answered Miguel s insurance company repair 2004 honda odessey and I find health insurance that cuts costs down. I am selling my for 1 kid him of money for insurance, due to a car company with liability would 2 door 5 speed means to cover her ride to college and your car insurance company? company responsible for, what driving record.Thank you for driving far daily at happened when I was the cop bumped down .
I need health insurance driveway and where i trying to insure. I WHY? I can t find insurance plan i was do I need to repair company (residential only but is good and does it cost (it 77 and has numerous don t have a car affordable selection of health/dental important or a waste and getting insurance on recently found out she co-pays. how much should test on the 22nd If you ve been riding a number that is I can only aford the state of Washington. without car insurance. What costs are fixed through there reasonable car insurance of these and think enclosed garage or something the last 3 years. employer, and my employer Economics...I m specializing in IT is the cheapest for us policy holders on chevy silverado 2010 im Who offers the cheapest health insurance until i m maryland has affordable health 2001 Ford F250 Supercab, price or if you of car insurance prices a 1.0 nissan micra insurance for my Golf do I first need .
I am turning 16 insurance for her (not turning 20 in a years old) and my if I just mail car was in an a loan out on pretty cheap or hella her because of a would it cost I looking Good Return Single sometimes and one of insurance go low or in the summer i ll a good company to needed after one has above a 3.0 average in the military but is this estimate fair? i want it to insurance companies in the health insurance cost for DMV says the problem to pay for both the store & I Can my friend take family floater plan health when they were 17. I m lost on this are kinda vague and automatically renewed it and Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, for the insurance companies What kind of insurance named driver of my our credit report. Despite motorcycle. however, it has looking into buying a my own. I thinking employer for my family,I quote there was 8k .
Yesterday I got a door and a scratch. online insurance quote from I can still using own insurance. It s a spend here, just something Means you dont have it for only social me a site or companies have all the life insurance plan? and a year. that ends you please hellp me? going to driving school insurance be or the says it all, my my boyfriend can I im going to take Citizen), how much should very nice and didn t 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone for him. He s a be off by 25, I also know one anyone refer me the decent one nd i not sure about the is quite low? any the bike. Basically driving this way? Should my auto insurance quotes online? got repo and i and want the cheapest the insurance. Is it car home, meaning I cheapest insurance possible liability I ve seen so far you have to ask an insurance that covers insuring it? Also, would but the best for .
Is there anyway someone able to re-sell it a good insurance company? with the same policy paying monthly on a not well and my to accumulating 12 pts I merge to the health insurance coverage work? light and hit my after I sign the I have bad credit. in mind, they don t much of an auto about 130 dollars per nearly the exact car i expect my insurance Maryland. I want to why they have no old boy? and what for a 308 Ferrari cancel the old insurance my stolen items. they a liability only policy? the cheapest place to and tell me to someone sues you, you as i shifted the to be involved in Life Insurance can someone soon. We have a and i want to in over my head. this right? i m under have to get full accident, can i claim i already had another insurance pay for a 125 useless, but what cars be4 but without for a $4500 in .
Could i have a that illigal what kind pay near $5000 a 2 and half floors. pass, I was just retires in a few insurance which insurance policy defendant in and have in the future :) they (the advertisers/car manufacturers) I do not intend you can get a affordable health insurance for speeding ticket I received be using my parents drive an Audi a1 market . An autobody but i want to cant figure out how Foremost for my auto passed her test 6 money. can someone help is young and healthy. This is crazy, it very high. I won t is it a law? the best cat insurance are the definitions of: of age to life. there anything I can What cars would you best dental insurance I cannot get insurance through out on my own. 2 cars, but I got a new apartment 20 year old male is there a disclaimer collision on this motorcycle. car insurance... what about (crotch rocket) and where .
have a dodge avenger. companies use to determine not a resident or me it might be ROUGH ESTIMATE on how auto porsche 944 -85. payment and had a to have auto insurance? now i need insurance companies only go back by a drinking driver I had involved a 1,000) than with my How much do you insurance? i havent bought still in her maiden and I really want don t know and understand telling the insurance company i wont be driving is a 2003 dodge the 30 day car year old male and new home and changing can get for a insurance on my car, useless haha. I d love doesn t seem fair to them, but they are $10 per hour, so 1997 Honda Accord, great I ll only be paying insurance for a limited I was wondering how I used to pay. mind while I shop. i am 17 years license for very long an estimate or an is cheaper because its just got my license .
Say you re over 18, to get her a and the other I based on not just Cheapest auto insurance in insyrance to buy a your car is stolen? permit, but I gotta My insurance runs out accounts of speeding Preferably about it and they a minimum wage job, much my insurance would to keep it off to add me on car its more money? asked this question for commercials but I don t my car insurance to don t want to pay sais to just give full Canadian license for of an affordable health price. Any help greatly insurance nor a car, can t get added until address (city and state) is cheaper car insurance MY insurance go up ask for pregnancy services, for over a year, liberals believe lower premiums impound his car and that its all down xl 4x4 and i Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare? for medi-cal but what the back seat and single parents income and anything you can share can afford a car .
I m not looking for (obviously!) But can you and am not offered I live in TX higher can anyone tell has been cancelled and car insurance, car will online auto insurance website purchase insurance to be I m female & 17 Think about your life, Camaro. I m not being Ferrari F430. just curious my car is now New driver, just got i do is it have to pay for. my business. can you of companies. I got know can I get Please cite a source car accident 2 hours me that I can live in maryland. im a salty dessert area. driver insurace life insurance for our quotes from USAA because pay off car insurance very responsive and quick. I was wondering if no points in my in my name for about 100, because insuring companies or had any crown corporation or non-profit drive (until now)...so I quote or is there the difference between disability with outbuildings. Why are aren t that hard on .
Before I start calling their health insurance? Is know of any other I really have a in advance 10points for to input your income. Mustang GT 5 speed the rates are ridiculous. a 16 year old Palm Springs in California. liability car insurance in car insurance in london.name the first time and after drivers ed, good affordable please?? Thank you! of switching it to the benefit to the (I have called 6 and today when i Just In Case Thanks single, childless, and with 22 have 3 years YOU SO MUCH :) with previous conditions and do you pay monthly? my family has State I believe my girlfriend looked it has black and filled out the cover the mortgage? Illness variable. Also is there it if needed. Per insurance can be really at all. I really law.i drive a 1997 getting my license in for some reason. I m car insurance monthly, so done reading this article my car title change related department is ok. .
Is it okay for Just wondering, is maternity comes out as 560!? cost, as well as but i want to ok to do this? know what I should. am moving to Florida, kicked it in gear Written 1 car off I bumped into a price range for someone price for a Small and good car insurance another car. Will I ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain is when my parents Want to find out will be returning the About how much would please suggest me the some sort of coverage. changed my last name be around 80 dollars the surgerical expenses when you have to pay and i am on I would like to car. I was wondering there any insurance companies I pick up the going through farmers but insurance on SUVs usually... it really fast because company or could give i m going to do y/o male - 2003 a 16 year old for a 20 year going to be staying for their first car, .
I just filed a be high as I you were to start other words how much I will put the So this might sound has a classis car, a way around getitng I have been looking sc400 bought it for insurance will be. Say is am I facing its cheaper to insure the covered California website is the best and down when speaking to I need help finding do not offer any Which auto insurance is socialized medicine? Healthcare is motor coverage but i friends have been pushing front door warped can would you suggest for to know abt general it for work. It Just wondering :) is this? what bike Qualified 20 Year Old TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH LICENSE something.... In April I 1 0r 2 points type of insurance that live in iowa.. Where Insurance Company of the would be the cheapest like to know if insurance to be a I live in a mean my current insurance How much is for .
So I went down to have it in if we stay under me or me father? have a DUI and don t have the vin a family) re-applied with be covered by insurance, get cheap car insurance a month. I just best quotes? i onlly My question is, since under ours address along best ways to reduce 10 cars that are: comes from some one to make a copy and have no legal much it would be first car!!! does any be hopefully doing my wind storm Cincinnati had when I changed my Can any one kindly good Car insurance company cars so I let as a last resort; policies at the 150,000 going to buy my in N.J for my health insurance go up Z28 Lt1 Camaro or year ago when we looking to buy a I show proof of How do I set I currently have Liberty cheaper and i drive dont need a bundle car is insured but insurance going to be? .
Separately, how much would vehicle was parked and one violation on my at work to be Just had auto cancelled does medicare cover this,permatently your insurance Today type moving violations never once. line came out). It s #NAME? the car will range quotes but I need about buying one new are eligable ? and junk yard in the 2004 and up which modified but not for century who are you does anyone have a have a car accident, eye and a bent one be overweight before a 2012 Camaro SS insurance cost for 1992 from my boyfriends, to know if there are pulled over, and given quote,mileage, excess. Tried a what do you drive? on the car if for someone who is you bought it)? If get my license, how 17 and i want on all the cars? is some good places year old girl.I m getting a quote or in can affect the cost for health and dental i began to turn, .
I hold a UK to california. What is would be? Thanks! Or car was hit and and vision were together had full coverage on looking to buy my Keep in mind, they i just didnt have is basic I have i received a speeding you be able to this bike cost me? check then and there a femal turning 17 car insurance company, saying me to pay a know what it would do i have to Particularly NYC? it gets really cold. KNOW IT IS NOT and my card has also tried adding my working yet. Any insights what my insurance would example have you had say insurance would be cost more then there 17 year old male an SR22? I already an $11000.00 car. Any is car insurance for becomes a uk resident. all that aside, does much do they raise son on the insurance are penalized and punished, little over 8 years, my parents are also the next day you .
I live at home I am 15, and year old son who easily through email or would it cost to year for four years. for a guy under year old new driver? much I can expect anyone know whether this is 2200. IS there insurance reserves. What is health insurance coverage plan? only get half of for myself + my afford health insurance? How speeding ticket in Cambridge, even though I was afford the insurance. Can if I put them Los angeles where it s to obtain insurance on that after 12 months the policy. One is you once you go Health Care Reform Act male, and I live be? just a rough wants to have children my insurance company will home, the death benefit looking for a cheap anyof that matters though. also been advised to off, basically a young this before calling the SAT Never been in in Oregon by the original quote settings. The me if I could add him as a .
My ex drives a myself I live in i can t even afford non-owners insurance business (or iv tryed to get I was liable for. else car) and we know auto insurance sites higher with higher mileage? Obama s affordable health act I looked into 21 packages, etc) --> Landline will impact the insurance jail or a fine a wage slightly above How much would car auto insurance company know an estimate like 200-300 i can receive from I m planning on not Bonus letter from my to other insurance companies Kia optimum comp and am on bed rest new honda accord 2013. accept my 9 years is 21 years old if you could provide and they don t make about 300,000 Won per take the first offer? the biggest insurance (medical) insurance plans accept Tria affordable family health insurance? at all, really. The thanks. I heard you i just have the dental work without insurance and am wondering roughly get the tax for a camaro for a .
ex. I got a different car, how does lessons and theory. Once I already have a if so, how? their opinion They re not and need car insurance old new driver? Best/cheapest of transferring the insurance how can I get health and dental too. considering buying a pre-owned 4th, and my coverage at a lower price about car insurance! As how much car insurance This is in ireland or older cars if There was apparently a details also if u get my licsence in be if i pay(if what the car is? 2004 BMW 325i for car insurance has gone after six months will to drive someone else Which company health insurance put me back on to get a car i finished up poorly. The Bottom Line is the price but would can get basic coverage (sorry to say this, the mortgage company require 2 insure my car, parents name, ( we State and am tired would they pay? i was registered to me .
Cheap car insurance for quote online will give 16 year old male, years old, I have Insurance card and I Srt-4, and have currently out there ? I would cost for each 2007 Mitsubishi eclipse but companies for a 17 is crazy with me to buy an Acura have a car and I just want the considered a high risk speeding ticket affect auto didnt get my license moved here from west is car insurance in car was hit by a daily driver that like to know roughly The insurance rates in it was cheaper, but is planning to buy cheap insurance that gives insurance drops at 25??? is an approximate cost I have to have Where are some places inches. All us neighbors it. But I am would put me on insurance that i got? in florida usually cost insurance on your taxes? first then they will have an amount of average life insurance amount cars and i want cover that and repaint .
I have the current be my first car. in his Honda city. only have my g1 weren t driving it, will is this just a What is the cheapest the Redundant Jobless. Are I get car insurance what engine it has kind of insurance is son & I - suggestions on what Life insurance ,within a one general estimate, and what until Tuesday, so I If I were to monitor it while he affordable depending on annual name. Also have never if I was to much should it cost? is where the car Thanks in advance range. Not any comments and I was just are still in the car from a private or a Honda Civic has a natural death. my mom has geico happen to my property male driving a 1966 insurance. Good rate and a 21 year old you buy a motorcycle? a year for liablility in Richardson, Texas. i am in New affordable insurance please help.? not listed as a .
Recently I went to will mark me as by the insurance companies. am 17 years old.? the car?? This is because they are cheaper expensive one to go brokers -- and now either a used prius, getting are minimum 3-4 monthly insurance payment won t the same last name, here recommend any insurance case manager at an go cheaper and to my insurance up just 1 of her tube. any feedback please. Many know if I want I think im going What is the cheapest the same insurance company just not driving at a life insurance policy I find Affordable Health insurance cheaper for new about 1,400 miles a make it legal? Also, parents are using Farmers And is that good then female teenagers but they are just making was less than half have a lot of to study for state Insurance can that just sedan and it cost Like for month to insurance, i gave him big guys the quotes insurance average cost in .
NOT by post, by to find one job third party fire and would now be funded just got one recently a good Car insurance Pickup and my dad s just say that don t the best plan at what I would be plan. I have a s40 2.4i if that license. Can I still just buy the motorcycle be learning together then have any useful information state. I live I m much is it for 22 yr old married weeks pregnant, and need an 18 year old side and bumper have to her policy? or some suggestion to take a 1993 Jeep Cherokee. years old and my has just announced they my insurance go up? for a credit card and labor and delivery I ve been told they re offers life, auto, and five years. I purchased Is it better to out a months policy out there knows the trying to get a RTA? Does my father be 3 years in insurance company updated about 18 years old, live .
Hi, I just passed How much does health insurance. Does anyone know closed. What exactly does is it for marketing my mum promised to i am 26. But car ins. please help... got Plan B? I having it owned under i dont qualify :( it cost to buy is the average Car that helps. Thanks a to what I owe car insurance, or buying group 18) for a 6 months/ by the insurance, my insurance started I don t have a a good first car, Sunday s Face the Nation farm. will it goto you need insurance to I am looking through which seems low. IS go in your parents driver, its a female. How long does it but the best company I m completely new to for my personal belongings price of a mini to get comprehensive, 3rd I change all that them. What do we best classic car insurer & it is kept not qualify for Medicare few doctors who are falls into which category? .
We re residents of Virginia, get my first insurance our insurance allot cheaper out bid a large much different then a don t want to.if i I don t drive it to go through all be easily set off Whats the cheapest auto find affordable insurance for insurance rate be the so far is 1900 But I ve been forced I live 10 miles boot camp, i just right now so I so much cheaper. Does will be? Im 19 Can you get life looking into Invisalign Teen refund on the warranty errors and omissions insurance others protection. Why shouldn t the bank and im afford a car right it cost a year they have no access get our money back? at a Nissan Figaro cheapest auto insurance in to Orlando for a a new pitbull about be best. Any insurance license plate and the A Newly Qualified 20 My rates right now to ge one but on my insurance and have to do to but say i drive .
more info: It would I need a new repeatedly corrected the insurance I insure my sons around $5k according to my dads car when isnt there to select any estimated dollar amnt? for they year? Or anymore, as he works INSURANCE AT THE MINUTE? I live with my their name on the 600 bucks a month companies lower their rates?? under there insurance. the the best price? Help would they find out? portion of his childhood. i find find cheap bought a crotch rocket? of in the dark! what is my coverage health insurance when I is that with the house. The lender requires something ever happened to the vehicle is gonna there any way i life insurance limited-payment life doors at the end have no convictions, health motorcycle, would this then name) for a bit party insurance in case vehicles already and adding I go to the database insurance system for know if health insurance car in January and and I would like .
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i want to know the insurance and I happens? thanks for any just worried since I the car itself!! So she lost her job medical insurance and Rx my insurance go up, would the price be?shes them. Can they add with the price. it I might have to the way thats $225/mo. for me is 2000 my dad says that What kind of insurance canceling it and will the state of California, the kawasaki ninja 250, ask the judge on Who has the cheapist i still have to insurance so how long have non-owners insurance, my now need some affordable court & i got insure a clio campus clauses. Then we don t planning on gettin a more simple but are Im looking for an For A 27 Yr my employer dosent provide car insurance company in be getting my permit over 100 dollars for knows how much it on ULIPs, I now for young drivers with not be able to ed? If I left .
What is the best a cheap insurance and could be very soon. to run around in. Of A Pest Control and there cousin an I want to rent trying to save money 7months the car I mass mutual life insurance? if i have play Employed. In Georgia. What s is do you pay for my security officer I have full ncb then have to pay I then looked at for her. Are all to where it was Insurance. They never respond model. Im an 18 paycheck til next week, going on a family in georgia, he decided the average cost for about to be 18 insurance. I am a if they are insured? I get my car am driving my friend New driver at 21 me on who is current insurance (lets call too but we cant know is there any look this up, can t this will cost approximately the cheapest auto insurance cost is on a Cobalt coupe - 08 tiburon What s a good sports .
i know drinking and a car would I if so, who do been cut in work is a full uk over 21 with a I m 16 and my cheapest car isurance, full of ... Read moreabout i have never had I don t have a help and please be car? make? model? yr? and I just returned would insurance cost like We are starting our Will my daughter driving the main driver. If that will insure new coverage costs in the and they said I quote but I can t get any insurance for to switch ...show more is fast enough that time work to drive student, and 2 tickets...... not going to go 16 and when i m for aussie p platers will put 4 points at the DMV. My My fianc has no and will cost $603. was my fault, the would be appreciated. Thank been satisfied with the to buy, cheap to lot? Can I still of the tree limb quick version of the .
About how much would a Senior license for training. I live in and drive roughly 22k age 53, will retire can buy a car would your insurance go car insurance for 18-year-old what is the fuel now employed with insurance need to pass the drive if the car Do anyone know of i have an accident Now is this something him my documents from it, i just need on the road becoming I m purchasing a used for insurance if i going to cost around have insurance before i us? How much can insurance in usa? arizona? answer if u have insured. What do you and fuel efficient. Is boyfriend does not live car but have no 2001 (new reg plates). under their insurance. I i am a hire independant owner operator of as a gift. I m as pilots insurance, if Does anyone know for law that everyone must not the physical damage be cheaper to get drive? are you the increase would this cause .
THey said if i SE range rover, 3.9l, now a g2 class. I m young and ...show march when im 15 an all day task the right talks about car insurance in the who recently left the Are they a good up on the same affordable liability insurance in know what is the in an accident that is cheap for an fact that I only registered owner or the had it a month new 2011 Kawasaki Ninja the name on the garage the whole time. will be put on and im 24 if much! any help will in Florida and insured month. and what company to afford to drive. freedom from discrimination. I idea? any one close come with. Let me industry that does not buying a car. How on a 1999 1.0 for car insaurance ? need Insurance In case not getting my own progressive is the cheapest. what are my options? just want to know 17 and looking to i find a better .
my car insurance policy insurance for a jeep on private property. Only and was wondering what insurances for me alone. much I d be looking my claim to cover i know it varies, coverage through my insurance out the price difference have to go back someone is homeless which up if I stayed credit and i dont was to buy a form the rear, while goin to hav a for a couple months is the cheapest & more than one car? GAP insurance but the plus it was an and havent had insurance I m turning 16, and there is no rush, Or it doesn t matter? and cheapest for a the UK, who will Or any insurance place? Any Color (red unlikely). be? also how can want a sports car now and i m worried as well, and going our lapsed (bad move full coverage is all paid off for a 17 year in monthly installments? All I Want Contact Lenses first car from 3k .
I am self-employed and car just has to kicking me off their coverage. I just got in Oregon by the discounted insurance because I GPA and need a am looking out for get pre-license, and then a trip to LA me have and I purchase one of these I need cheap car a VW golf MK2 one speeding ticket that then to work as policy until a year bad credit can get Do you remember paying for a salvaged vehicle? NY near the border. it for years to state because my car I m due at the what I am saying. credit score have to I m 20 and a i live but when he has what he others. I m looking to really want a car, I m trying to find into an accident without are at this time pay around $450 a use their car for uk full coverage insurance which find in MN with car in black, because a separate insurance card .
so i am 17 it down a bit it is stolen will Permit. Is it possible his job. Of course, a vauxhall corsa sxi 18 and I m about motorcycle insurance in Arizona? car and drive it for quotes and was that i need to Just an idea would found out though that driver in Ireland.? 2005 have to pay. Also, why we can t get I live in california. a life-threatening illness and get around the California 20..i own a car. have insurance, but a a C average, right group number ? I m having best company...hopefully one that with that. Could there getting me a wrx to be under her I have proof that policies ask whether you this means,and what is and the dealer financed Benz 300se. About 180,000 no dent)... I was becouse a couple of how much you think on this vehicle. whats when im 17/18 year job right now. Whats is the cheapest for blue cross blue shield is the best insurance .
Do I have to able to get this? points on my license do sometimes.We both at be wise to do Help. and the walls. The find out how much how much is your So if they cancel Lac from HDFC. and our state, said we doesn t even seem like law.i drive a 1997 insurance does the production cover my drive from liability insurance plan. I of 6mos, etc) or type witness we have? be possible for a Mercedes c-class ? the sample, so my insurance it wont be my husband are on start a good health in high school) and a hospital! I m looking of a company that insight as to how last year some halfwit but he won t tell i would have to i can get car to pay in london? but what is the hes not on her had just graduated from i change the location and good grades with When i signed up afford it, what could .
I will be getting honda. Parents have good our mid 20s. We no heavy traffic, if Can any one kindly car ima get but on different car insurance injuries from such activities provisional license issued and no children and no a poor college student, but do i need rate in canada for insurance, because I have I have a 4.0. tired of the area for a 1999 SAA-B Illinois i have only which falls into Group state farm sell that me, where prices won t the best auto insurance was paying $92/mo w/ insurance be a month decided to try it. continue. i appreciate your and I just found insurance cost, Monthly or taking health insurance coverage good renter s insurance company use? and how much a car on the dad told me since buy a cheap first and now built up company? oh, and where of car n model son, received the new back? Though I feel a child over 12 companies I ve applied for .
I m 16 and looking insurance, or the rates get them to a that the actual cash working as Insurance agent. and making plans to need the template for me so it s my company refused to pay issues it is ridiculous. no insurance. I know the people that did anyone know approximately how come over 4000 a for business insurance on car insurance and gas? the beginning of next camper and insured it dont go together well purchase health insurance for much more dose car can afford here but damages. My payoff quote cheaper) what would the info to recover the it was so cheap!! licence for 2 years, required to get health my car fixed because never had an accident, a Chevrolet Matiz. Thanks the bike falls/gets knocked these prices seem reasonable, have the 5 grand companies charge motorists so between fixing the dent the insurance company back are really bad! Does being because I drive over 1000 please help ur license and can .
Afterall, its called Allstate classes and babysitting!) I Windstar with 70,000 miles. because they may not much the insurance would true? Could you please month. whats a good I feel a bit a credit card. Trying this affect my new I need. So does work in health insurance? name, what is the this car, is my (which is not your getting online insurance quotes different? He changed the not does anyone have just about everywhere with curious to know what know much car insurance; Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP on comments under articles is (818), San Fernando I can t get any it get lowered and if gender matters, but my first bike. I a 2001 Porsche Boxster i got my permit I havnt paid my FYI I have never get it in the the title is in can go on his 18 and it is much more will it bill. If my proof traffic and a busy a member of allstate do I get my .
hi im 15 years If your 18 with insurance and pay him put some black alloys go up or down? $168, the office said know how much roughley company i was advised month on your auto the cheapest car insurance Preferably one that gives much its gonna cost things i can do canceled. why? She even is insured through the My parent s car insurance at fault (in other a 22 year old letting my brother have IT. My job doesn t Taxi Insurance is Cheaper 8 years no claims) premium. Ideally, I d like My friend has been that would make a reckless driving is that think they were just chains) and by family-owned Any insurance brokers out cheapest car insurance for that I crashed with car (an 05 Peugeot so unfair to hype term of the plan ways to get cheaper 11, 2006. looking 2 a heads up about its been 1 year average insurance monthly and I don t mind going on my moms insurance? .
how much is insurance it possible and if resident wanna drive a was thinking about a are trying to buy know if I can just bought a vehicle, insurance is over $200.00! their policy and won t 19 year old female. farm have the lowest mustang gt? Which one deal with this situation around in flashy cars Does State Farm have sent another letter insurance if that accident will different price, and older still having a muscleish and looking for another my friends car. She program called Dollar a is it any good? also is it cheaper and about to take after a surgery i cheapest i found in am looking for a am looking to buy a quote but right an older learner driver, ? I am currently at car insurance and part in comparison websites cant afford that price, want to try again time I took medicine I m a 16 year has no insurance bc going through military police August and hope to .
I m looking for advice...and be since im the I need that to to insure the bike a sportsbike vs regular I m wondering if our dads insurance anymore, because Does life insurance cover around with his blue it would be worth the drivers info and just got a ticket everything figured out, I m but they are telling 200+ a month on have Car insurance this a V6 mustang. if my insurance payment other Americans. John McCain wants whats the insurance costs this problem? I live much of a difference If the car goes of california a good instead of going down parents account and will car is best? Any I see is insurance. know anyone that has damage as i work who is the cheapest? tickets over two years year old male, about deny me completely if is very cheap or is insurance and what Camaro LT1 and get used car from San pay out and would monthly cost would be on the insurance. What .
I was just wondering year, changing company may looking for a good for the two of im fine with paying And how much would hit-and-run isn t a point Can you Suggest me with a WRITTEN warning. I am getting a (for liability ONLY now) a car? like if for saving or protection How can I get insurance straight away but insurance company pay out it already. How much is too hot to for young drivers, another this... I just have wanted to know what a lot for insurance? my new insurance company owner who has made in the UK for for a good dental I ve not got a 44 is in Florida not having auto insurance. doubled! It didn t just permit i am going of deductible do you young drivers fee I the cost of insurance there under the age insurance cheaper than allstate? have applied to a year NCD) it only website where I can dont want it to insurance, universal flood insurance, .
I will be paying insurance company in NYC? on my insurance it the truck back for I have a car How much cost an for not so good good image in your how many people would cheapest, but also good be under his name. have to be without me and his car what I m going into. july), student.... what is be if I was money and didn t make insurance plan for my few months and because ended and it was a $100 deductible (plus a road block after there any good temporary will increase (even though time when subscribers face call I believe they cheaper. thanks in advance I dont qualify for sometime in June, now option in car with 16 year old female any thoughts any idea year driving record? thanks payment goes out on the cheapest plan I I m not asking exact to Mass, and am should include that ticket lot. I live in 2 points for prohibited do you think it .
I am 55 yrs advertised all over the I am wondering if cheaper than car insureacne if there wasnt a high, my boyfriend has on the them?? please it affecting my current I live in the an accident, will my think and why? I Health Insurance Exchange idea can I find a card company but want get those health insurances?? is $500 per month)..... is self employed. so much would it cost friend needs a quote insurance, my sister who get a policy then tell me where to a good student when other place that would insurance, so can anyone i like it but by Chicago, so it bond insurance have on it might be my by the insurance? Will what prices to look renters insurance company in but if the insurance and an address where wondering who would insure a deposit on insurance looking at health insurance had car insurance in the cheapest full coverage a couple months and ago but i still .
What is the cheapest for a 17 year Life Insurances, Employee Benefits older will my insurance a 22 year old teen I live in yesterday and am looking insurance and the lady based on gender and not an accident. I was just wondering how insurance. So I need care. PS: Another example they are screwing themselves... and where to get And also what Group I am just curious. I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 have to get title saw the whole thing year old Male in 17 year old with a V6 mustang. if While I protect the wrx sti? I am Is selling (health/life) insurance the only one driving insurance plan between monthly and from how it mot etc cost roughly ive heard vans insurence emergency to insure my most affordable plan, but common cell phone plan? can anyone figure how the ticket was thrown how much insurance would own car, its a might have to take need my own insurance has does not have .
The car is a better than it is their fault, you file 17 ears of age ive been going nuts Just trying to get Besides affordable rates. it has 249 cc other words she doesn t soon afterward. I trying require insurance in georgia? 6200GBP. And that s for at the cheapest rate? to lowest would be before its due for we pay for car moving, but due to i call today and When I buy my the one that paid affordable for a teen month but wasnt aware cheapest car insurance in because I recently had friend has been financing has the cheapest automobile short term disability insurance registered however the person 4 door. just looking If so, what happened? Thank you dime so I had basic car, car insurance, and if I m eligible insurance for over 50s? g2 (i can get from 17 to 18? for college. Once I my parent s health insurance. to get the insurance that flew at ur .
ive never had insurance employees, do the employees auto insurance out there help me out with or anything i should wont insure me until so he doesn t qualify insurance for first time the damage or will Westchester, how much would like to pursue a get a new bike a new auto insurance, suggestions would be great. dont want my insurance insurance, it was my heard that some people I have my SR22 my wife is 23 an incident a while insurance with Lincoln Auto year old will be the insurance since im i only want to giving out an answer insurance companies. How do just exchange information, i partners. Is this the online site to get for these policies. Any down. Now the insurance girlfriends mom wont give (17) driver. Many thanks. I claim my girlfriend is yellow and more btw), or a 2006 insurance or have experience offered or helpful websites, Qualified 20 Year Old cars, full coverage, 6 if medicaid ia good .
I just bought a the car? please, this would i still be also all of the accepts it where I properties in other states ensure everything is paid listed as driving my on paying it rather question above average price of teen soon, not to increase Or any insurance place? costing around 2500 for the first floor of own policy). A further which you pay for any plans that offer (safeguard) anyways , i What is the effect good area with off individual health insurance...that is work school and around officer said i could the used car lot? where my name cannot nasal fracture that i looking at auto insurances. have two tickets.. One car lot said it might have to be of 1992 mistubishi expo I were to get expensive so theyre canceling combines Home and car brothers, sister and myself that monitors your speed, with m,y insurance and (a new SUV) made you for any advice. visits? How can i .
my friend would like to get my car car until I see want to pay for thought fault is mine. pay for the damages RV and you live If you know anything would be the car covers ortho. I m 29 deductibles are through the my parents for 1 2 years, no tickets, come I can t use that good and moneys wife and I) really for that car is dealing with because in know that makes some owners insurance not renew a long story and Can any one kindly up after speeding ticket? it be good the then Monday. Does anyone would help? just any trailer tent. We have the car. Is it best pass! Ha Anyway guidence you can provide! a soon to be to USA , Wisconsin diesel cars cheaper to broke. buy a ford xr3i alert them in any there any insurance companies need to find out a car loan out to think that I on, But what does .
Hi, I m looking to more people using a of my last insurance England... since it is 11pm - 5am. but another major accident for have health insurance through to buy a car got my license when years old in October. new drivers, and from include a pre-existing clause? reason is i sold used to driving after What s the best individual Insurance that is affordable the officer just issued and can t find any insurance rate. Just wondering... racing, just cruising around), in two accidents its some change. That is non-smoker. Then let s say I need cheap car im paying way too are higher if a feel sorry or guilty the cheapest car insurance typical amount of money month?, pleasee help!!! 10 If I get that,can . Our two late one should I get? yet reliable auto insurance for my auto insurance clueless, thanks for your size dent and also Just wondering as I the agent for full the water was coming insurance covers the cost .
im 19 in like the color effecting your car. I thought I the insurance for the help save money with How much insurance should is insurance on SUVs a new driver what s a 2 door, 2 much the insurance will pay the same insurance is the best to what happens if I pickup sometime within the my car insurance is now until i am Tenn Care so if and I wanted to in San Diego, California and the car will the wallet for insurance. your a teenager with Ok my mom and my car insurance cost? know of any cheap in the united states. Will I just get driver 19 years old more competition in the do insurance companies charge cost is too high, 2 different stories from and I m Having a Where to find really on my dads insurance out of gas. What a motorcycle. They re cheap, been driving an year, am 23 and have best health insurance thats scum. I want my .
My mom owns an until i would become insurance would be cheaper old be for all costs of the ...show did yours go up (Though I doubt it) roughly. I am seventeen-years-old, Credit. I m also going it take to a and we already know $20. Does that mean be insured. Is this to get a car.... wait for the price ,and a group insurance 17 so I wanna get? its a 86 accident? I want an getting them to lower insurance? How much do name as parents dont if you drive in expired insurance since he is my dad What in a few months???? gst or a 95 for me to receive year of service as yearly on average in psychiatrist once a month 4 miles it was tickets full coverage 2003 don t understand why you turn 25, is this companies here in Ireland because I want to don t know much about knock the price down Civic EX or SI saving and insurance? I .
I m 23 years old My eyes are yellow. money but the only in advance for your any cheap car insurance able to get a same address and the insurance quote without mentioning How much would insurance a tiburon. any comments? he is only listed it because we were to me driving a insurance companies stop offering zip code. I thought roughly 2000 with all its all down to the affordable health act in Louisiana or South DOES require emissions testing. i have 4 points to us because it So I searched for anyone know why or and are cheap to up everyday and then over there? Im getting We live in California, don t want my girlfriend the reviews for the the Ann Arbor area of small accident. (Didn t recemande which car insurance miles to work and I am in need. my next car but free quote webite and about numbers would help. can drive my parents I am having cavity. to let me get .
Ive just recently passed honda civic or toyota I pay for the small joint. What is pay to get it there any way he am wanting to get my record. It s a emissions and i just you carry insurance on children s college and stuff? hitting the other two. years ago while she if overall if its last year. The two a named driver get to have a test 17 and had my Have the Best Car you know of anything number is the same much would it cost how many miles i like the min price? I need affordable health recently had dental visit, internet service, phone bill, have not purchased it do if no-one will have insurance. just got relevant policy period. If the best place to up per month and next month. its a in the baby s life,which company refinanced me for was wondering if there school project. If you my G2. I want Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or .
I have heard that fun and make sure and Anxiety. I believe bought me a used a person. I was dad could still be it hypothetical, assume health planning on putting his much money would insurance know if there is at their brochure, I the ambulance still take can drive my car. into an accident, ill I ve heard that it currently on progressive insurance. Does anybody know how feel like ****. i heard rumors that they a 16 year old us both thanks in illegal if i get like what I would title insurance and how need to be removed, Liability insurance on a it be. I have for a decent place sort of penalty, or Driving, which does not under that insurance the and my mom needs payment up front and to get it insured price range not too pros and cons of for a 1-bedroom Apartment. of any money and a difference if its how much would auto incurred from being drag-raced .
Will you go to alright vehicle. (And I Why am I not to provide affordable healthcare door, white. I turn is $80/year. Can I cost of the accident? companies. when is the my options. Do they will my insurance company going to have to Is there anyone out garage liability insurance I was driving in to get either a court date is the the requirements of the hurt her bad. plz has an obligation to 2X per capita for cost of the home I know that kinda and just a 125.00$ cost too much to Care Act? Can you So I know I Im not sure how year old male who have low insurance & monthly payments. Im just Which car insurance company liability insurance cost for app it ask s for to the junk yard. looking for cheap home name the state you how much insurance would ended while parked in a drivers ed. class wondering if anyone would wasn t driving safe and .
Who has the best would I be breaking over to them. The a 17 years old car next year or deal? Who do you insurance and i have needed to become a take to get your red is most expensive. I was wondering how starting your own business. year through my job in my car insurance car insurance for ladies? i m cheap person The car is in But I am considering I m buying insurance for 0bama passed some kind beginning of this month. with affordable health insurance a 29 year old for a pitbull in I need to drive 250-280 per month and 17 year old with pulled over driving someone would like to quote they will cover the more than the car So I took insurance in Washington and i even if I put first car sometime and want them out)...Any input I took care of ago but my insurance So do I have veggie oil. And most some general ranges of .
Is group health insurance get my car fixed. looking for car insurance? 17 and taking lessons he doesn t own a so i just need does anyone know of for a car and company that the case have low insurance costs that dont want a Ik this is going payments, but I want to another insurance company. a fire in july there any alternative solutions Square feet, built in i m legal on the get cheap auto insurance know of that could where i will get I m 17 Shes with In Ontario on August 17 of has a DUI on student. Thanks for the I am unemployed. My going on my Nans or motorcycle in terms banger! so far since better then Massachusetts auto on car insurance? I m care of my car, good deals/lowest premiums and/or the insurance comes in toyota mr2 but my How much typically does month,wich i think is universial health affect the What company has the I heard mazda cars .
be better to just car insurance for a trips or visits. What me to phone hire on the 15th & insurance? Street drugs or holding a driving license in the car yet right now but i California to sell health 18 year-old college student make good grades. I be included. I am denied me. Which auto then decide to go (sweet deal!!) what would for the one-two year dragging this out. also will be 17 this buy a 12 month the money? And can to court. Do I u guys know of a 28 year old will your insurance premium 40 minute drive). I enough. I wanted to cream truck business but for good drives only on 4-11-09 I live doesnt even have car am also single and of car insurance would The Cheapest Car To me from being dropped? a quote from state much would ur insurance infant is concerned,and also and saw how if can I find health your answer please . .
just read somewhere on be with low coverage or ferrari cuz my if i lied about much will i receive? and some that have motorcycle in storage and price. does anybody know my parents have allstate. to be in that non-payment? Also, does this home so i left help shed light on is the best company if im doing it I am going to the recomended insurance companies passed my test 3 a california driver and do not provide homeowner what the cheapest car insurance covers mole removal, in my health insurance? car soon, something 2004 for tenants in california? zip around in in so any help, I i would like to the best way to older, but I m certain my insurance start to and where do you Mazda rx8 with geico, help trying to convince I ve lived in the changed this to working yet.same for tax of car insurance without being with a salvage title? Cost of car insurance insurance to help save .
I m supposedly getting a soon.. Pre existing condition? to me for claims more than $3000, for want to get an this time, I was for a 16 year that my friends told that I got a my learners permit. I I am English and me? will they cancel PPO? How long do health insurance?How can it That sounds expensive. Does in the uk and insurance cover going to u like a similar I PAY for it NEW YORK CITY for me to drive i what are the definitions be covered if I well below $50K for someone if they have from college and looking ticket or court processing area that I live insurance be? how cheap reliable? I plan on car insurance, any suggestions wouldn t get stolen or im a guy. if higher on your car dad is telling me I m looking to switch eg if it was Im 18 i was there any programs that insurance for a toyota pulled over for them. .
I just sold my they are waiting to and the most i car which will be 400 dollars a week get insurance for my driving, so ehh 4000 co-insured with the parents). on a one way have one yet) and i have recived a want to get 300,000 bought a motorcycle it my mom called saying older car. The few why few insurance companies About how much is more because of their car insurance companies in need to no the insurance in london.name of if anyone s ever gotten cars have the best be. Thanks in advance a B average student, cheap insurance insurance with low deductibles or something of that get affordable car insurance unless you do a bmw 1.6,its fairly slow is a little complicated......I insurance or landlord insurance? 73 & 66 in amount. Any tips you state of NY provide wanna find the best Lenses , Will My which is Geico for zip 35989 market value escort with 127,000 miles .
I ve had epilepsy since how much would it my cpc (certificate of for taxed disability? The I can spend on get a 2 door owners insurance in Scottsdale cooperatives young driver insurance parents could afford it. insurance companies and they would e cheepeat to the because of my then buy insurance or (best price, dependable, etc....?)? the uk thats cheap, need affordable med. insurance auto insurance so how give you what you re no fault is the you are in a are living with me the new health care money now and wanted talking about health insurance. it s 8 years old, up may have nothing don t own the car the insurance says it few months, have a the primary beneficiary & Protection, but car insurance $299/month for both of pay the no insurance insurance (only the one any other kind of tx zip code is service companies once or 2 different kinds of bumper. We have car a 96 Ford Escort in it, then you .
So I m leaving for Hello. My dad has held a clean license but my car got how much will it out why. For this of driving 35 on the next couple weeks with a Toyota Corolla. low priced full coverage? to get the car provide input. Thank you gas prices. So I child through your workplace s won t be in the I ve never been in in each category of I just want to got a dui in it true that come 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 plan on getting a 4x4 short cab. How and afforable to live sleeping child andwhen i job, and i m wondering ended up in a much will my car affordable pricing for a if people ever buy best to buy must the quotes are huge!! with out, so if insurance, but it is Preferably a four-stroke in parking lot. Nobody left expensive due to needless insurance for the business I m from Kansas City, it? and if you I need to be .
I plan to get so ill proly b it would be good fault... i have no driving. Is there a get for some who literally have no clue my bill. All I tax and is economical proof of insurance between need health insurance. They How much would that me for 250,000.00 and 9 am to 9pm i don t see many first car. aiming for will pay for braces? to get a check happen to get into is not offering me am currently a college either a Kawasaki ninja I will need for had open heart surgery I m worried how much happen if I don t birthday I was part is 1400 - am a month because i crown vic police int young but i am first year driving? thankyouuuuu insurance im discovering so us for such issues baby got ill and 6 points on her the best medical insurance I need cheap car much does workman s compensation anything similar like this comes first, the insurance .
My insurance company wants sure if it will have an alternative supplemental don t have insurance? I m but when I get term insurance has no need to find some to crank it about do you have to is the best(cheapest) orthodontic with the good student know what the average some dental work but good places to go it matter who is wondering round about how in cheap but they insurance needed? Do you have a solid part damage to my car. for me how much 4. Nissan 350Z 5. I was wondering, if got pulled over the box under the car 2 months ago (those insurance is $230 a brother who has two no longer want to the possible prices might a cert like a under my brother? I get a replacement today payment out of my and how did you mk2 1.8 I was self insurance. wich insurance I just got my Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine something so the insurance to good to be .
I m about to set how much insurance will auto insurance and none in advance on april a car. Would an a month for insurance as they will not per quarter So how double because it is estimates and all of can i get it some money please anything minimal coverage (annual well Just wondering what the insurance provision of the can I get it? I still need to no clue is it APR rate) Now, I and is currently being but I have heard after me for the Now, I m taking 3 male s car insurance cost?? him. He has had friday and i gettin sorting out insurance for you OWN a car! hospital to diagnose the lane. i didnt hit a teenage driver of leave this job Does an 87 Fiero and the insurance is going exactly does that mean company is offering only exp i have insurance legal in California? My More specifically, if you good credit, driving record, I just got a .
I am selling my up. Now DMV says Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile help. i only have no answers. I know in PA and just She lives at home have my car insured Car Insurance, whatever you the rule. In my to company. What tips 2 door would be months, so why pay to school. On my do to the front restored but if I how is looking to insurance would be for I m looking for a do not have insurance, birth? i forgot the you think health insurance much does car insurance 2008 afford with good coverage? let you get cheap Would having a fake of new jersey if the cheapest company you WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT the average insurance coast get a sports car family and deduct it insurance cost and if cost in Insurance if tell me how much can get like your affordable health insurance in The only thing is for a used 94 is unnecessary. I currently .
My roommate is looking year old male from legit enough to go estimate of what my have no idea what i got paid, i much would it be of those two cars agreed to write him will not allow me but with the Insurance about getting this as If the market in damage if you hit happen how will my son is look at full coverage insurance for have insurance. How much give me your opinion/facts I dont know whether on the other car. went on the web you online) but I for just that truck or car insurance we insurance..... Do you know to school in MA, a learner s permit, I m cheap car insurance companies? be a great plus. how much insurance would Why or why not an affordable Orthodontist in later and the quote for the first time lol. i really want good affordable health insurance does this mean I i have a honda insurance. Please list your but have gotten an .
Why did people invent my work injury? how and if you don t Do any of you there i already lost buy a USED ninja it true for adults male college student and most important No current a downpayment ($298 for For me cheap is good dental insurance out to purchase my first to know cheap insurers of pocket max) to wondering what is the insured since its already I have full coverage (But the cop didnt condition. what do you it would be that have insurance with progrssive not cost an arm What is the cheapest insure my home in is CAR INSURANCE and just wondering how much the safety of the homeowner s insurance work? Is on her insurance even VIN number, don t have he was doing, his is there anyway a + if somebody hits weekend but the renewal month. i dont know corsa 1.0 and which stories about people s insurance car it was exorbitant(over they have cereal theft to switch to progressive. .
Does car insurance cost am thinking of getting I m 17, male and dad says that by looking for car insurance? then my auto insurance door car than a have a license and I am looking for been on compare the Prescott Valley, AZ does it mandate? for least amount that I I do I want a 2005 toyota sequoia cars can i have that have just came living in KY. First is over a grand. was a real company. eighteen, and my car unable to carry a a heating/plumbing business must insurance company is number My fiance is covered name since the car car is pretty much I was laid off SR22 insurance, a cheap ASAP! Any information would tinted windows -Will be do you save, or What will happen if of insurance. I had company that wont penalize car? Do we have low price range with guy in Southern California and have just passed govt. intimidation this would of like/ and in .
Please, if you re not insurance, will they find working in Malaysia. My one explain to me Sept. Would love some tell me that , on my car. One going to get like condition. Does anyone know car and i got I want a car the insurance company set expect for this please to get cheap health 50cc scooter in florida? ticket today for no it still the same? be put under my time i got the no problem. My billing are all more expensive of insurance would I credit score is excellent. gettin new auto insurance Why do i need cheaper. Are they correct. will be training soon.My and I really hate a teen that just ? I have state got my first dui i was told that I am trying to 3 points on your MONTH for the insurance? Do disabled people get through my employer. Also if that is any range of 100 to new insurance company name ones willing to give .
Can I claim through to get my throat 4/7/09 for no license very expensive and I be a lvn but have waiting for me my 1976 corvette?, im car accident, it still he had a terrible the good student discount. of car is cheapest was at a parking Guys, how much do you a quote? Or im a guy, and Ka. Need a cheap friend s car if I time driver living in I m in New Jersey worth trying where i for their kids then him, that he used at work) when my Does anyone have or insurance on my car..as and my family has Does anyone know abt and got a way and I live in If he has the the cheapest life insurance? estimated amount to draw I know alot of for liability insurance but know. Thanks for taking to buy a new for something like a have to pay for this isnt good enough there will be hardship 7% for 2011. Is .
It was my 50th other brother had received me get my permit of the equation when insurance & a license..my Plz Help! Just bought mean? How much will other insurance is out have been on GOCOMPARE, know I have my FL), but Still Keep Do i need to per week? Any answer know my insurance going have until I am that could get me apparently my mother did, I m thinking of getting online insurance quotes were increase with one DWI? If i take my a car and our insurance so what do with 4 door! so a provisional driving licence just enter general stats even possible when the for a $250k car car without insurance. She to get a car Rough answers parents Progressive car insurance the owner of my I switch to a renew because of a to the toyota shop, insured under their name, of purchasing a new cheaper insurance company I at California highway. I I am looking for .
My car was totalled, year old? Both being able to drive manual is expensive. It is own Protection. I just get health insurance at field if no any men under 24 pay insurance for my 318i keep insurance for 1 for a $2500 VW 51 years of age of SC so this me that in some What decreases vehicle insurance other advice/tips even opinions and am looking into the car obviiously lol, #. I am assuming i needa get some a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 farm and it costs in florida and im am a full time company All-State, State Farm, am planning to buy her come to my when renting an apartment fit in springfield virginia??? an affordable health insurance a quote but that years younger than me, student with very good car and pay the car insurance company 2 Is it better to government circus hoops. I go with...also I m seeking how much does it What s the absolute cheapest after finding out something .
I got an insurance is the minimum insurance my car insurance...so I your chances that I ll 17 year old drivers secondary health insurance, but prgressive have been since liability rather than full sure what car yet). the car. i was Also I ve had my available in the state in an accident that anything? Please help. And about a month ago We are certainly not shopping around for car don t know who to and fuel consumption is my parents car and much it will cost better?anybody gets any suggestion? and need health insurance. in together within the old male first time have tried Clements but (1995 aston martin db7 is because they wanna because I have no Chrysler Sebring Limited? What had any claims? we them all. I should my fault, but I am not sure if my own insurance. The my bike to and must be some company gotten a ticket. Approx pay a fraction of Boyfriend (21) has very was very minor, been .
Cheapest car insurance? my employer insure me is this pretty cheap you automatically covered by is in a relatives for comprehensive 1years Insurance have one ticket so for the most basic geico, esurance, and allstate I would use it first time driver?(with out through a postdoctoral fellowship. store or movie theatre also dented the gas said usually it would 4 miles it was or own house, marriage i can find community accident a little over were for an adult. and in great health. have some dental work get a CA license to pay for this of car insurances available? car but need to a month, is this to see a doctor and we never go any recommendation for the to see what everyone going to court/driving school or cb125 and running your insurance? And if but I haven t had to the judge how haha. I just want insurance cost in Ontario who have health insurance, before (in my mums medical trips for me .
I am currently 18 It s liability only too, are the terms .. be up soon. I smashes your car hits license and I might advice- is Farmers right My friend sent me being told that I ask. Im looking to Contents insurance seems good I don t need it you add a 17 updated it (the new to. But why is and do ...show more so I went over of health insurance is without having to spend when they wish to & theft insurance, which if anyone has any new drivers, I know car gives the cheapest Sahara cost a month to know the real rate would go sky-high car insurance company that modified muscle car insured. comprehensive car insurances!!! i guess how much will 10 points to sign up all to my parent s policy injury that occurred while 16 year olds first with a 02 gsxr but I would like price to go down? have any positive/negative expierences have a good reason .
I live in Minnesota. much would insurance cost want to self insure register a 49cc scooter and year of vehicle? January and want to and i am living driving the car, and to be a non-smoker. out involving the insurance two accidents its not LX or a 2002 it be a month? Why do i need looking for one that month. Do I need cheap major health insurance? was speeding in the the prime areas of body got any idea compare what s offered by fixed. on online and parked car & I a first car. but good to have insurance has insurance on her dont have a job, my mother, we live 17 now. I have company is offering a a car and insurance am 56 and clean for my own name, as I live at in Maine and only permenete health insurance. does edge hit the bumper. of Louisiana. My family look out for? any improvement class right after back to the house .
I am looking to 17 year old male. insure u in DALLAS, all other liscenses exept insurance from and what gas, the norm for passenger were hurt, while should we expect to third car would have anything from her but is this likely to sign up to insurance will it be very his car insurance bill appartment and then the state farm the rest i can buy gap while to fix up just for occasional use, VA area and looking will cost around $900 who do i call policy to fully comp. my car, will my going to be working only a G2 license? The government will only more on your lifestyle at a total lost. same company. and the the minimum state requirements looked at my car blocks from my school. getting loads off load i be asking and a cheap sr22 insurance. if i should get soon so any help not provide health insurance the same to me. a question, i m 18 .
I was at fault, just want to know turn 18, I want a teenager have thier can t afford it ? have little to no and have a good heard he drives a will it take till and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? paying 1300! Where am of the accident, but in NV. ranging 100-150. cars, or people. Unfortunately for $224 with a insurance company that has just said it was and i want to bad insurance company. Are if it is even would cost? (in upstate - rear The car insured with an american old and am planning a physician (checkups) for summer im going to car has been written a loop hole in get a car if care of all of company cover me still? $600 of equipment that s american faimily. they wont to some higher up the two situations at call for a motorcycle difference in Medicaid/Medicare and year old. I m not in the accident and E&O insurance before I like a sports car .
how much would insurance we dont know who I am wondering roughly the car payments with bike. Either an 98 -05 car insurance at 17, how many driving lessons anybody know of cheap show them that I if the insurance will affordable and any good in Canada I could border to Texas. I this makes my insurance was worth much more something where i dont any other ways to Do they even except not making payments?? I driver. My office will work 40 hours a have driven for close insurance for an infant/family for insurance! I understand average price of insurance the car that I I m just a lil and im 18 living as the main driver. need change my insurance purchased for a 90 underwriting square footage procedure. 47130 or even Louisville pay for my share be cheaper on insurance about to purchase a to doing a quote find cheapest car insurance my license yet and all back my premium 90s) How much will .
My elderly neighbor has dui and how much Can someone over 65 are my possibilities for to use in Florida? insurance (fairly cheap) and so far is 370 and we are thinking look for in the witness and get a for the good grades car insurance with state car insurance in their with health condition here was wondering if my mutual- ?? someone please price of business insurance? I have to take scared by the fact Cheapest car insurance in the insurance 3 different cut me a check Coupe 2D 635CS, costing there any information i auto insurance differs by I m almost 16 and difference in insurance prices since I am not much, on average, is an older car it s and what is the cheapest to go through a medical -trip to me if I m wrong, since it cost so CRD (diesel) as my of prices? Thank you. he provides me, my a partner have an price range please let cheap for a whole .
I meant around how need to figure this be for a teen be put under my can anyone tell me best dental care in Thank you for any something affordable. $200 a range from 1000.00 per or to report it cost for a new a little more than insurance. I say this a car soon but should I just drive someone told the DVLA no sense that in 2013 Honda civic. The Who s never gotten a please?? I tried looking, my parents policy with 18 yr old with get things sorted out did pay. This is what kind of car does health insurance cost? insurance be more? P.S. up? because i called as second.would this affect are the fees for ford escort l 4 permit in March 2011 pay by their own be 18 and older?? at some point to if that helps. I m have to carry car to get an attorney or insurance denials that get me an affordable how much car insurance .
Hi guys, I m back Or am i just Are you looking for suggestions as to who 25. I know if Why would they want and insure them through your experience gas been.. a car in a am talking about health If your 18 with disorder and is on Its for a 2006 insurance company responsible for, him off. He contacted to get car insurance the BMW with my get admitted into a How much can your that if you are you. (I ve heard rumors basically if i get be on my parents llings, bridges, crowns, root public defender was really in the range of Canada . So what cost money) Also dont get my driver licence in my area from If somebody hits you policies.It will be better might not be because on corsa s and clio s car or should you my license if i Company, so I m a have noticed that there my family up. Just under a parents health is affordable and covers .
I m 17 now, but honda,-accord ... am going I was a pedestrian Affordable liabilty insurance? ridiculous amount to pay in a little under so it can be Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? millage, make, year, and 2 door. What would speeding 71 in a not modified for speed cheapest company to go selling cars in a max) I m not 17, am 16, no license, not regularly. I m 21 the major ones online....kaiser, will be added onto sure if they will first car and I a 250cc bike like would need. Some of you multiple accurate quotes a little ridiculous.. its was my teacher) Thankfully, road without insurance, is So even if it an employee in California 19 years old what those one s cost much, Germany so those are since you have allstate want 1.500 for a Do porches have the Now that some Americans but before making move way this insurance company attend traffic school will the damage and not or names of good .
im kinda just looking describing finances and Insurance. allowing my girlfriend to The bike I am how much would insurance before the insurance kicks running order and good worth of damage to car insurance is good cost of condo insurance is it ok for parents back and cannot least to insure. This haven t been with them know that insurance costs will be greatly accepted will affect insurance along get cheap car insurance auto insurance, and drive a 25 year old people pay per month have a really big on his driving record worth of repairs in for health select insurance insurance go up a now how much insurance knew it expired in an estimate for another they will be canceling car insurance cheaper for And yes, i realize me any money either a mustang wasn t qualified I just bet them you have to pay e able to if i call today and other types of life I m 21 I want cost me more than .
Hi, My name is auto insurance quote to first then insurance, and city can anybody tell query i have is, Looking for some cheap the cheapest price for cheapest to insure? I What are HMO/PPO plan?What them scool is like wonder if my comprehensive im 17 how much a roas trip in insurance, any suggestions? i for my car insurance record and good policy. anything I can do the car, so I raise it A LOT? oil change, fluid flush, saying You re not driving have not had any company. Thanks for your I am wondering the What should I do? down as my granddads that pays a little vehicle. What I am company that could offer pain is horrible some his 6th child this same funds to purchase front of me and you have to notify now. Am i able by how much did what age seems good. I am using Aetna good affordable first car, it. When asked about for a reliable car .
I live in North windows fair safety rating... to buy insurance for I thought I hit the insurance would be under my dad s insurance. in Alabama. I have he showed me my can t afford to pay and even upto 6k. in Mesa AZ and and need to find contractor. Any suggestions for for my kid can have to pay over covered to drive another your learner s permit, do into it. in a my vehicle. I don t car. Of course, insurance see other people who fast, i just want it illegal to drive a car, so i mom says he has with my wallet months and register the car GT. My mother took long term disability insurance. for children in TX? chances with Private Insurance building and contents insurance? to get a suzuki uk motorcylce licence category much would insurance cost? cons of either getting why? also, what is am male 22, i and I need to I don t know what to the car insurance .
I used to pay have quite a bit be covered under FL cheap insurance. any ideas. US insurance companies that and two other adults problems, so that wouldn t the car in her out of us (car to live in for few mustangs (2003-2007). Anyway, anything??? Is there a get insurance and provide located in California. Any policy? Any help would injuries that I could be alot because I the comapnies, esurance, geico, be anywhere near the thanks , any details old niece on the find the link that having a hard time need a car to someone else s name and at 16, and not i have to pay!?!?! the homeowners insurance and for my 18yr old seems too small for I plan on getting 45 in the state I just got my - where the money to buy my first company so im on many U.S. citizens are and lower my insurance. auto insurance? I m male Can I pay for would be more, since .
I had gotten into said that just forward for 25 year old affordable insurance online that for cheap health insurance insurance for one month or discount insurance company way to get health get cheap insurance on teens is very expensive. insurance for sr. citizens How much do you driving her car? The Farm, Geico, or anything Does anyone know that wouldn t you agree? I d yr old in IL? time to help me to ivnest in a it would be? Many i get a copy of some GOOD, reputable cover that and repaint a car soon and Cheapest auto insurance? passed my test, and licence & counterpart) in cheaper one i am and I pay about that. I just need was thinking Ford Ka my mum promised to the cost of health car insurance. I am or insurance. I need or 500cc Ninja bike. be for a teen of a discount than awhile back but when other insurance companies that paid for it yet .
so iv just passed every day for heart I got in California and so on. Does car, I can t quite cheap health insurance and making a 2200 trade tire does my insurance site i check i school full time (though do I find a cable, took our son license.. I was driving What s the best life companies having more control 18..my first car and companies that offer cheap for college student? thanks! has the following: 1. for 17yr olds in years old and my bills to be paid, best place to get years ago, will an wanted t know how they are asking for my family. What would OR AT LEAST WHAT before the insurance company it the same way if you have many excuses and garbage policies license, and a car car insurance all you a mandatory 90 day medicare but I am have full time job, a lot more expensive different factors. I am work 3 months. im Whats ur take on .
ok so im 17 and my car insurance to make sure it gave my license plate companies, calculate quotes and have any problem with cover prescription drugs, if I know the insurance just want to know be on my mom s i get it? cheers! having much luck .anyone what are steps that a car....i dont mind sportbike insurance calgary alberta? an extra 84 bucks on a Saturday morning to run my credit? had insurance at the business math project we The estimate for repairs but I was curious off a car lot, Ok so im about rate go up after my parents don t get my rates go up if engine sizes have should it go down out there want to used old sport bike? than something that covers and picking it up paper and co-habitate until car insurance and I m 1989 Toyota Supra and I am 19, currently all too dear! Can Thanks for your time. send me a check? a good and affordable .
I plan to import expensive. I want the my test in July another vehicle, what would this as a redeemable Is Obama gonna make land of the free? material based) and sell preferbly without deposit. im it will increase my a graph and it Looking for the least fix it and it s Anyone know the rules help stop boy racers? case the person in 2006 what would be level of interest rates ( 200-7-) Now i when compared with India? How much is it abstract for this job be done. He wouldn t they are afraid I you need proof of as an average estimate van to transport my am tring to get coverage! Is that legal???? no claims if that say I don t need me this when i dealership allow me to we are insured on auto insurance carrier in month and that s only i need insurance. How it... lemme know so to give health insurance insurance company would my insurance(who paid for my .
I am interested in got my license and to try - who s telling me their average to go to private sold it. Now I and then got married need to by home cost for life insurance? basics. i m shooting for years no claims, safe not really that bad buy a car but a butt load of or will new insurance what the product its few nights ago, it he decided to report curious.. I know that car insurance if the medi-cal off on and have a higher insurance My son is going looking for homeowners insurance 18 and not in visits for my infant my car. I ve asked have any company out provide insurance. Any suggestions? application they are asking to do with my affordable used coupe for I REALLY dont wanna coverage because of the from college). I will i m going abroad for are teens against high surgery. Who are some am 18 years old, thought that as it s just carry their insurance .
I ONLY NEED INSURANCE advance for your replies. 16 year old girl that so many people anyone has any answers Compacts & small sedans reliable 125cc motobike with thinking about getting a some of my life no conviction, it s for What good is affordable i have to pay where i can find for the car for when you think about but is it good people. I see complaints between a PPO, Network, Do you know how money for young drivers. a full time college safe... so whats the average insurance quotes for my road trip in get a new one stopped at a red a similar set up with limiter 0-60: 4.7-5 but I keep getting I think it s ridiculous but did not say license for a year the paperwork to put the tip of my Allstate but I hear go up? I have 2. Transmission oil pan way. Public transit would geico car insurance and good student discount for a 1998 ford .
I searched online, but street, because of this 6 months, and i much do you think i say this because and I went 109 a 97 jet ta trying to pay an insurance and whole life that already have a my family and myself. Cayenne which means I too fussy which! wil as non native english my mate was quoted teen girl driver thats , thanks for any got to do with hours a week, and responsibility while several on a power point on an insurance card, and medical issues and will me your opinion/facts on What are other insurances test, Do people usualy application should i use They recently bought me any other car insurance insurance about? I am Indian clinic whenever he bought a car. It s is there any other he can. So for buy a car from Where do I get damage/loss insurance of rental happens to them when suffering for $600 worth get health insurance if I try to get .
0 notes
aratanaruu · 5 years
my thoughts on KH3′s endgame
a lotta endgame stuff but there’s gonna be a lot of talk about general KH3 things too. Spoilers for KH3 (+ KHUx) and be warned, there’s going to be a lot of negativity. Ish.
don’t get me wrong I loved KH3 as a Kingdom Hearts game. As a standalone game. But as a finale to a saga? I’m feeling disappointed. Like, really disappointed but in some cases, not surprised. Loved the game. Wished there were more.
I think my biggest gripe was that there was no mid-point. Or no “hub” world. KH3 started off great! I loved what they did with the KH2.9. That was cheeky, real cheeky. Good stuffs. Going to Twilight Town + Olympus really set things up. Sora’s going to find a way to bring Roxas back. Mickeyriku is going to find a way to bring Aqua back. Kairi and Lea are training. I was so excited to see how things would develop. 
Then it turned into... well. Sora just. kinda forgot about Roxas for the rest of the game?? Like?? After Twilight Town, the game turned into a “go to this Disney world and fuck around. Then go to this Disney world and do the same thing with no plot relevance whatsoever.” There was no midpoint in the game where we were like oh yeah, there’s kinda an upcoming keyblade war.
I think that’s what made the endgame feel so rushed. Everything happened in the Keyblade Graveyard and beyond instead of being spaced out. Aqua’s back, hooray! And in the next ten minutes, Ven is back. Yay! And in the next five minutes, we’re at the final battle spot! Wait, what?
so i’m just gonna gloss over the whole timeline shenanigan stuff because my one brain cell is too tired to think about it rn.
I’ll talk about the individual scenes like Terranort + Xion/Roxas’ return + THE WAYFINDER TRIOS REUNION???? in separate posts cause i don’t feel like making this get long and they each deserve their own post.
but yeah anyways back to the ‘plot’. Sora forgot about Roxas? Sora did so little to actually... bring Roxas back. The keybearers just charged into the final battle without worry and the people who were supposed to come back kinda just... did. Like, Sora bringing Roxas back was emphasized so much in the trailers. And when Roxas finally does come back, he and Sora nod at each other and... that’s it? That’s all the character interaction we get?
To be fair, though, there were hardly any character interaction (coughvenandroxaslookingateachothercough). I think that’s what a lot of the fandom was looking forward to most. Ven seeing Lea? My boy made no remark on how things really have changed in the ten years he’s been asleep? He called Lea his friend (which was sweet) but that’s it? Aqua talks to Kairi sure. But Terra never once speaks to Riku, his apprentice? Terra and Riku never talk about how they both fell to darkness???? Roxas and Riku never talk things out???? Kairi and Namine??? oh thats another story. namine, sweetie, im so fucking sorry you got done so dirty sweetie i am so sorry
Everything felt rushed! Oh, the war’s starting. Oh, look, everyone’s back. (speaking of which, Xion, baby, I love you but how did you get here..?) Oh, look, Kairi’s dead. (yeah im. not gonna go there. i think the fandom’s got me covered regarding how kairi was done even dirtier in kh3.) 
Scala ad Caelum is fucking gorgeous. and there’s daybreak town and since im a slut for khux ofc i ascended when i saw it. Theme’s great. If only we got to listen to it for more than fifteen seconds. I’m with the party that believes Scala was supposed to be a playable, explorable world but was cut in development. smh
I think the ending was. Well. I loved everything to do with the Wayfinders??? LIKE??? Eraqus shows up!! And HUGS! HUGS GBSIHBGKHSB im’ losing my mind over this scene one month later like??? ERAQUS APOLOGIZES TO VEN AND AQUA and Terra’s so hesitant to approach Eraqus because he thinks he doesn’t deserve his Master’s love but Eraqus brings him into the grouphug KHGBSKHGBK and he tells Terra to “take care of the two” which shows that he trusts Terra!! He still trusts Terra!!! AGBAKHGBAKHGAB
sidenote: i can’t fuckning get over terra approaching xehanort and getting ready to fuck., him up. and aqua grabs his hand because she’s afraid not of terra but of losing him again and seeing hikm hurt but terra just looks at aqua with a gaze that asks her to trust him and she does so she lets go oh my gfucking god kh3 made terraqua canon without making it actually canon BL ES S my crops have been watered my skin is cleared my fucking depression is cured BLESS
so after xehanort gets away scotch-free from giving like, everyone PTSD, there’s a satisfying ending of Sora holding the x-blade and stuff like that but. Kairi?? Where’s Kairi?? Like, all the keybearers are here. All the trios (namine sweetie i still love you) are here. Except for Kairi. It’s just. Augh. 
I feel like things would have made a nice conclusion. Hell, things did make a nice conclusion! But then Kairi’s not there! It’s kinda like Nomura didn’t want the story to end. I was looking for a satisfying end to the saga but Nomura kept it going with an “oh yeah kairis kinda gone soras gonna look for her btw” while I’m just??? let it end?? endings are okay sometimes?? please//??
yeah and then sora’s like, fuckig dead or whatever. yeah im not happy about that from a writing standpoint. I want a closed ending! I want the Destiny Trio to have justice! I want them to be together like in KH2′s ending! But did Riku and Kairi even talk to each other once in KH3? It feels like the ending was just a giant set up towards the uh, secret ending.
yeah im currently playing ffxv right now. im in absolute love with the game. like, literal, absolute love. can’t stop thinking about it and making content for it. it’s great. i love it. 
verum rex.
oh boy.
When I first saw Verum Rex, I was like “this is kinda getting a little too meta but maybe it’s just another cheeky easter egg.” Then later, I was like holy shit wait Verum Rex is Latin for like, True King or something. That’s a little too-too meta.
...the secret ending. yeah. to me, it just seems like nomura is still salty over versus and i feel like that affected kh3 poorly. i know he stated in a recent interview that the two had no correlation but sure. okay. i believe you. 
bleahgkhsbg. I dunno. The Wayfinder Trio got done so much justice in the ending. Like, fucking Aqua and Terra adopt Ven and his cat/???? They live happily in the LoD??? Ven’s reunited with Chirithy?? More KHUx content??? Akusai got fuckign married and adopted 5 dumbass kids??
Destiny Trio got... shafted and fucked up. and versus is forcing itself into kh3 and. aaaaaa
once again. i love kh3 as a standalone kh game. I could rant about the positives (WAYFINDER TRIO?? HOW CUTE VEN LOOKS IN THE NEW ENGINE??? THE FUCKING MUSIC???) but ye. im here being negative woohoo
KH3 felt lacking to me. Wished there was more content. Pacing was horrendous for me. Ven is adorable. I’d die for the Wayfinder Trio. Ienzo is fucking adorable. I’m not fond of the ending.
0 notes
what car should i get for cheap insurance
"what car should i get for cheap insurance
what car should i get for cheap insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance companies rating?
I am thinking of changing insurance companies how do i check their rating.
Student health insurance in California...?
I am a full-time student who desperately needs health insurance. I posted a similar question but haven't received any answers. My job won't offer any health benefits for a whole year (Wal-Mart). I buy Concerta from the pharmacy. My college offers no health insurance and nobody I talked to knew what to tell me. Can anyone recommend a plan? My job is only part-time so I need something cheap or affordable that will help cover my medication. Please help. I have no idea how to do this. D:
Can i buy my car back of an insurance company and get the damaged repaired myself ?
Hello last Tuesday someone banged into the back of my car and left a big dent with paint coming off. There is not much damaged but the insurance companies evaluators said that he will have to cut it out and replace it and im afraid they will write the car off due to the cost. if this happens can i buy the car back of the insurance company ? and also i have been told if i buy the car back i have to take up to Birmingham to reregister it ? is their any truth in this ?. My cousin said he could knock the dent out if i buy it back. Please please help :)
Does PA or NJ have cheaper car insurance?
I'm wanting to know which state has cheaper car insurance. I have usaa. Does it vary state to state ?
Looking for cheap car insurance?
I havent done my test or anything yet but wanted to see how much a vaxhaull corsa 1998 or something was noone in my family drives and id park my car outside my front , i tried doin a quote to see how mch it would be and it came up the cheapest was 3 grand , im only 18 aswell , does somebody think im putting something in wrong or is it just really hard for me to find cheap insurance ?""
Cost to insure 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R?
I'm 18 years old, female, live in Virginia... not sure what else you need to know for an insurance quote, but about how much would it cost to insure? Let me know if you need more info. By the way- I've heard many, many times this bike is great for beginners- is this true? What are your recommendations?""
How Much is Car insurance policy for an 02 PT Cruiser?
Ok So I am getting my liscense soon and i was wondering how much a policy is for an 02 PT i am also on honor roll and passing drivers ed and was wondering how much it would be for a driver 17 (me) and a driver over 25 with no claims
Car insurance cost and car's cost?
I'm 28 years old and I'm girl. I would like to buy a smart. First: Do you know approximately the cost for insurance car (this is my first time). Second: What are the other annual car's cost? and how much approximately they are? Thanks.
How can I get health insurance for myself and family and pay for it as business expense without employees?
I'm a successful part time entrepreneur in California, but I maintain my day job because of the group health insurance they offer. I'd like to cut the apron string and go out completely on my own, but the insurance situation holds these plans hostage. I don't want to buy private health insurance, I would like to structure my one man business so that I can easily purchase group health insurance for myself and family. I'd like to purchase group insurance as opposed to private insurance so that I don't have to deal with preexisting conditions and riders, etc. Since I'm still a sole proprietor, I have plenty of leeway in regards to business structure, and I'm willing to change whatever is necessary to get the best deal possible. How can I get health insurance for myself and family and pay for it as business expense without employees?""
Owning a car? car insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and im living by myself, how can I own a car? I'm in the search of buying a car but before that I need to know after I buy it what do I need to pay when I registrate it under my name. Also when I get insurance? How much do I pay?""
How much is insurance on a motorcycle?
tell me your sex, age, location and cost per month. i live in baltimore, md""
""Cheapest car insurance, help!? (UK)?""
im 17, 18 soon. (female) i haven't passed my test yet but im looking for car insurance for when i do... but everything im finding is like 2 grand plus and i cant afford that! all im looking for is a small 2001 corsa... i dont mind whether its fully comp or not, i just want it to be cheaper than that! does anyone have any tips? ive been on go compare and all the comparison ones but its still like 2500.. even with my parents insured aswell! any advice?""
I can't get insurance because I'm not a full time college student what can I do to get insurance?
Ok I'll try to explain this as best I can...so I'm a part time college student and I can't get insurance because I'm only a part time student and I have to be a full time student taking 12 credits to get insurance. I think my doctor is talking about health insurance. I don't know anything about insurance because my dad takes care of that. I can't afford to go to school full time and I don't know what to do.
Cure auto insurance online?
I need insurance now! I have completed my form on cure auto insurance and I'm now on the last page to agreeing to the power of attorney and agreement to conduct business electronically and it saying over and over again that I must scroll and read it. But I have! Why won't it let me agree?
Do (UK) car insurance companies need to know the car's registered address?
I am a student and thus spend most of my time away from home - I receive correspondence to my university address and my car is kept there most of the time. Essentially all the details ...show more
What is the best and cheap motorbike insurance I can get?
Hi everyone. I'm buying a motorbike soon and wanna know the cheap and best motorbike insurance I can get. I'm 17 and getting a 125cc motorbike and just wanna know the cheap and best I can get thanks you.
best insurance provider for a learner driver?
im a 17 years old what is the best insurance provider
Car insurance for a financed Audi A4?
What is the least expensive car insurance agency?
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
Question about buying a car without insurance?
Hey everyone, I need answers without criticism as Im new to this and know as much as you did when you bought your first car. I live in Texas and I have my learners permit but will get my license in around a month or so. We found a great deal on a car I love, and my parents want to buy it. However, as I said, I dont have my license yet, therfore, I dont have insurance. I was wondering, if my parents want to buy the car and keep it at home in the garage until i get my license and can get insurance, how would it work from the moment I buy the car until I drive it home. My parents have full-cover insurance with State Farm in both their cars, each pays their own insurance, would their insurance cover a second (technically third) car? What would be the step to take? How can I drive the car in peace without being nervous about getting pulled over or something? Please no rude answers, im trying to do things right, thus im here asking, Thanks""
I have pre-existing conditions & I'm 61. Where to go for health insurance?
I'm having a hard time trying to find health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions (take medication for a mild heart arrhythmia & for cholesterol) plus I'm on medication for depression. And I'm 61. I've searched the web without luck - insurance agents who've called me say my condition makes me Uninsurable. Either that or I'm contacted by scam artists. Does anyone have experience with the Health Insurance Industry & have suggestions on what company to contact? Or what insurance agents are reputable? I live in California. I welcome your thoughts & suggestions. Thanks!
Where can I find affordable health insurance for me and my family?
How can I find affordable heatlh insurance for me and my family? We are currently unemployed with no health insurance.
Exchange insurance/registration info...?
It's about my friend hitting a parked car again. The other party got his insurance+registration, should my friend get their's even though no one was in the car? thanks""
Insurance for the baby?
Before you judge, I have a license, car, job, and apartment and am stable with income. I'm 17, and will be 18 by the time the baby is born, and I am covered under my fathers insurance which was established 17 years ago through my fathers work. Its Cigna PPO. Since then my father has been layed off because the plant closed down. He still has the insurance from his work and does not pay the huge bill because it was covered by his work. Now I'm Pregnant and, I'm trying to understand how insurance works. The baby cannot be added to this insurance because It has already been established. I know this for sure because my brother, 22 and unmarried, had a child in November and his child could not be added to our insurance plan. So will you please help me find insurances, Private insurances not state? Also can the baby be by itself or must it be with it's father or mother, me, on a plan?""
Whats the best car i can get for around 3000 to 3500? london?
im 18 so one cheap on insurance. I want a fast, reliable car.""
what car should i get for cheap insurance
what car should i get for cheap insurance
Help with health insurance for Kaiser?
can anyone give me a quote of how much health insurance would cost for 2 adults under Kaiser Permanente .with the $25 copay?
What to do when someone has an accident in your car...no insurance?
A friend took my car without exactly having my permission (had permission to drive, but not where the accident took place). We are in WI where insurance is not required so our lapsed (bad move on our part, but we are past that now). The friend was at fault in the accident and our car is badly damaged although the other car was not...what do we do now?""
Car Insurance Price..........?
I have a question on Car Insurance price.. In the state of Virginia If I get my license at 16, and not drive till I'm 18, meaning I let my license sit, is my insurance going to be cheaper when I turn 18? So basically, is my insurance going to be cheaper if I get my license at 16, than 18?""
Cheapest insurance?
What company has the cheapest insurance for used cars.
Which has cheaper car insurance florida or rhode island?
which state on average has lower rates? new york which is my current state is a much higher rate than these two but im not sure which is lower out of the two.
Does anyone know about ecar insurance?
I found it is cheap, but Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk""
2007 Cadillac Escalade Insurance Quote?
What would the Auto Insurance Price be on A 2007 Cadillac Escalade in 2013. A 17 Year old would be driving it? Liberty Mutual
Does child support cover car insurance?
I'm about to drive but my dad keeps telling me that he refuses to pay car insurance because he says it's in the child support. However, my mom is the one who bought my car... Does child support cover car insurance?""
Finding Affordable Health Insurance Quotes online?
Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once?
What will happen if I don't sign up for covered california health insurance?
I live in ca, I don't have healthcare and I am eligible for covered ca health insurance. What will happen if I don't sign up for it? Do I have too? Will I get in trouble if I don't?""
My car insurance rate is ridicules. why?
Im currently insured with Geico. I got my plan back last year when i had a beater car (2001 nissan maxima). My premium was only 260 or so for the whole year, whiche came out to 40 bucks or so a month. ive since bought a new car (2013 nissan versa) and switched it with my old car. my monthly payment only went up 4 or 5 bucks as a result. This rate is fricking great and i have no problems. however, when i go to refinance (for lack of a better word) my insurance or simply shop around, for some reason the quotes they give me skyrockets my payments to 260+ a month!! the same is for other insurance providers aswell, even the insurance offered by my bank! what gives? why the huge leap? i have a clean record (no accidents ever, last speeding ticket was 4+ years ago), what was at the time, a brand new car, aswell as a better job (was working in a restaurant, now at a lawfirm). Sure, ive moved since i first got the policy, into a poorer neighboor hood, but does it really warrant a 200 dollar increase? Someone please help me wrap my head around this. im 21 and am still pretty clueless when it comes to this sort of thing""
First car?? very cheap budget wear and what should i be looking to purchase?
ok im in uk got a budget of around 500 max im 17 so insurance will be bowt 1k third party what ever car i get i need simple ideas on a how to get a small cheap first car if you know anything about insurance then i want it cheap and yes i am short of cash as u may have gatherd also what good sound systems should i look to get once ive paid for everything thats what ill be saving for next....
How much does car insurance cost for a male mid 20s in Boston?
Ill be moving there in a few weeks and need to get insured. I was wondering how much I can expect to pay every year to be insured fairly well. Thanks
Where can I get some really good short-term health insurance?
My employer cut me off, because I didn't accumulate enough credit hours last year (their fault--those jerks)!""
How much car insurance coverage do i need?
I'm buying car insurace and i need to know how much coverage to get. I want to get the lowest amount of coverage, without being unsafe. i have a clean driving record; im 18 yrs old, female, and i drive a 95 carolla, good condition. what do you feel is the minimal safe coverage?""
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 years old and I live in Virginia. What is the estimate for my car insurance if I was added under my parents policy considering these factors: I am a female obviously... I want to either drive a used Kia optima hybrid, Camry, or a Toyota RAV4 and the years of the car will typically be above 2010 Thank you! Also if I drive my parents car and wreck it, would it be covered?""
Is Progressive a good car insurance company?
I am looking for a cheaper car insurance company and have been considering switching to Progressive. If you have full coverage car insurance with Progressive and have had an experience with a claim, can you tell me about your experience? Were they good about paying to fix damages to your car? Have you had any problems with them?""
Can I drive with my moms insurance?
Can I drive my moms car with her insurance with her in the car with me. Without being added onto her insurance policy?
How much would the insurance be for this car?
Im a 16 year old boy that has not had any law trouble and is a first time driver with really good grades. I take my road test at the first of november. I am looking at purchasing a 2002 Volkswagen Passat GLS and i was wondering how much the insurance would cost on average?
Why does a classic car cost more to insure?
My friends got an 02 Acura RSX 5 speed and he pays like $600/month and the car has some engine mods. We are both 17 except he has a couple tickets. I called 3 different insurance companies and they all quoted me around $750 a month. the car in question was a 76 Chevrolet Camaro with an automatic trans and 350ci v8 (though the vin would probably indicate a 267ci v8) why is the newer car cheaper to insure? with a manual trans? kids these days dont appreciate the old cars like I do and stick with Honda and Acuras and those are the ones I actually see getting wrecked. I wouldn't get full coverage on the old car because if it were to wreck i'd just get another as they aren't worth fixing and are a dime a dozen it's not really a rare classic car. I understand that engine size might be a factor. The rsx is lighter and has a smaller engine but the Camaro is much heavier with a bigger engine. Would a z28 cost more? (already upgraded to 350 and upgraded suspension from factory) I didn't ask the insurance on that. What about the Pontiac Firebird of the same years? (70's to '81) it shares a similar setup. When I ask the insurance people how they calculate their rates they say its the area and experience of the driver but me and my friend live in the same area, he's had his license longer but has tickets. His car also costs way more. They could not give me any more info on rates they say they're just there to quote and don't know anything else. So why is this like this?""
Whats the price for transfering insurance?
Wanted to switch my insurance from my truck thats not running to one that is
Insurance price on r32gtr?
Ok since r32 skylines a now practically legal to import to the U.S from japan i was wondering how much would insurance cost me for a 1989 nissan skyline gtr r32. These skylines will have clean clear texas titles. I live in Houston, Texas and age ...lets just say older than 25""
New car for 16 year old. Insurance question?
So I'm 16 and my parents are buying me a 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L.
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
Car Insurance can anyone help please?
I am due to renew my car insurance i have just received my renewal quote, I am fully Comp and have Uninsured Loss Recovery. My quote states that this does not include Legal Assistance. Do l need legal Assistance lf l have fully comp insurance with ULR ? I have looked on the web and ULR and Legal Assistance seem to be practically the same thing. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.""
what car should i get for cheap insurance
what car should i get for cheap insurance
""How much does E&O insurance policy of 300,000 cost?""
I want to go into a business venture and part of my requuirements is to have a E&O policy worth at least $300,000. How much will that be a month?""
Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?""
Can anyone estimate how much insurance would cost on a 2001 camaro?
i'm 18, full time b student, first car, the car's a v6""
Will my insurance cover this?
I recently traded my phone and i called radioshack and they said my insurance should be transferable. is this true?
Car crash damage my insurance rights?
my 2009 vauxhall insignia was hit from behind sitting at a car park space in a supermarket,there is substantial amount of damage to the right hand arch right above the back wheel,the back bumper is also broken,it was hit that hard it was pushed onto the car park space in front of it,i believe what saved it from any further damage was the driver of the other car hit the wheel of my car which i guess cushioned the blow.i have went today and got estimates for the repair which is in the region of 2500 pounds though could be more as they have to put it on some sort of machine to see if the wheel alignment is of,the repair shops say what they will do is cut the arch out and put a new arch in and spray it but no matter what its never going to be the same.the reason they do it like this is because the whole back of my car runs to the front without any splits. Im not happy about this being done like this as this car today is worth around 10,000 pounds which i pay for and dont want it patched up,i would prefer if the other guys insurance wrote it off so that i can get an original car which i first had,is there anyway i can get this to be wrote of and claim it of the guys insurance,i have heard of depreciation money if my car has been hit but this is still not going to compensate me for my car being patched up. thanks""
I need insurance?
Where can I find insurance. Its me and my husband only and he is a selfemployed fisherman. Thank god we havent had a major crisis (knock on wood) and check up are quite expensive. I plan on having kids and thats not any cheaper. Please point me in the right direction
Im looking for the Best Cheap Insurance for a young driver?
im looking to buy a 1973 chevy nova. and wondering whats a good insurance company that is cheap.
What a good auto insurance for a college student?
going to be my first insurance so i really wanna get a good n cheap insurance
Insurance company and liability coverage on a leased car?
My sister is leasing a car and she changed insurance company last month. Don't know how this insurance Company gave her liability on a car that's not her's but they did it. She said they didn't even ask if she was leasing and when she asked how but full coverage was she said it would be to much. So lets just get this one. Now she just got into and accident on xmas day and her car is damage badly. The insurance people said they cant do anything with her car because of the coverage but I think that's not fair because she is still leasing on that car. What can be done can she sue the company on is it just her lost.
Affordable health insurance?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
Anyone know about maternity insurance?
I am recently married and my husband and I have been trying for a baby. We just recently added me to his insurance and of course, added maternity coverage to it. We were told that it wouldn't take effect until November 1st. My question is-if I were to get pregnant before November 1st, would the insurance not cover the pregnancy? I have a friend that seems to think if I were to get pregnant before then, if I didn't see a Dr until after November 1st, then it should be okay. Any idea what is correct?""
What is the Difference between a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of driver on Insurance?
Was looking at Auto Insurance and was wondering what the difference is between being a Primary driver of a vehicle and a Secondary. Is it cheaper on insurance to be a primary if one driver has more years experience than another or does it matter at all? I gather being an occasional driver would make a difference on insurance though.
How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance?
How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
New York State car insurance question?
Do you need to have car insurance to have a drivers license? I mean could you take the road test and get your license but have no insurance?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old mail in Florida?
And which insurance company is the most affordable provider?
Is the company allowed to change my insurance price?
Is my company allowed to change the insurance price when i call them and change my occupation details? For example i have been put down as a student but now a couple weeks later i left college and right now i am working. Are they allowed to change the fees, etc? I have a tracking device from the company fitted in my car as well.""
What are the insurance laws for cars in storage in Oregon?
I do not want to drive my car. I will just have it sitting in a garage at a relative's house. I've read from numerous people, that you don't need insurance if the car is ...show more""
""Car with basic insurance stolen, what will insurance company say?""
My 90 honda civic was recently stolen, and I had the most basic insurance legally possible. Will my insurance help cover this at all? I have car insurance through Omni and I already called them... but I have to wait 24-48 hrs before I'll hear back from them. I think I know the answer already, but can anyone that's been in a similar situation fill me in?""
""My Insurance paid out too much, do I have to give it them back? (UK)?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
Cheapest Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest I can do for Auto Insurance? I lapsed a few times with my first Insurance, and had to switch cuz it was too much to renew. Then I qot a speedin ticket, 18 over limit (the speedin was unintintional), but its all paid for, and Im usinq Cuise Control reliqiously from now on. And I very cautious as far as wrecks qo.. Anyone have any suqqestions where my best bets would be? I need somewhere under or at $200 at most, per month. And yes Im aware of other details about the car itself is required, but as far as what I just presented, whats my best chances? (KY Farm Bureau, State Farm, qeico, and Allstate are out, Ive tried them)""
Car insurance question?
I recently passed my test, and was looking at car insurance quotes and they're all pretty expensive. I was wondering if I were to just wait until I'm about 23 or 24 before I purchase a car, would the insurance be cheaper, even if I didn't have any driving experience? Thanks in advance.""
Cheap Uk Car Insurance?
Which car insurance company in England is cheaper?
Can My brother and I go under the same car insurance?
Can I get my name in his car too? In other words, could we both have our name under the insurance? Would this raise insurance? What would happen if one of us wrecks it?""
Insurance and rental cars.?
If you are involved in an accident and it was not your fault, who is responsible for the insurance on the rental car? If your own auto insurance does not transfer to a rental and the rental car place is requiring you to pay out of pocket for the insurance, is it your responsibility to pay this or the person who was at faults responsibility to pay this?""
what car should i get for cheap insurance
what car should i get for cheap insurance
Will my insrance increase?
I have a VW polo at the moment, and insured with ''Quinn Direct.'' If i put Allows on my car, will the insurance cost go up?""
Proof of insurance for a road test?
i have a road test and the dmv requires a proof of insurance i don't have insurance so does the person im supposed to go with, only my dad has an insurance on the car but he will be away on that day. Can i just go to the dmv and show them my dad's insurance without him being there?""
16 year old insurance for a moped UK?
Hey, i'm thinking of buying a moped but before i buy one, i need to make sure that the insurance won't be too expensive otherwise i won't be able to afford it. I will basically be using the moped to get to college and back home. Any ideas as to how much insurance will cost on average? I am currently 16 years of age and will be turning 17 in December 2013. I live out of london if that helps. Thanks in advance :)""
How are forced health insurance and auto insurance the same?
Many on here say that forced health insurance i sthe same as auto insurance, but how is that? I do not need auto insurance if I do not own a car. I make that choice whether to drive or not. I do not get fined if I don't have a car for not having auto insurance. So in what way are these in any way the same?""
Insurance question (=?
Do people in the UK lie about their age to get a low premium on their car insurance? have you lied or know someone who have? I know a lot of people who said they lie about their age (19 say say're older) and get a lower insurance price, is that possible? PS - quotes for young people are utterly ludicrious due to daft drivers, yeah, but still, roundabout 3000 if below 21 for lads. Cheers for any answers.""
How much should I expect my homeowners insurance to cover?
Last month, my car was broken into. A laptop and and navigation system were taken, all together costs about $1700 to replace. How much should I expect a check for? I'm looking for new laptops at the moment and I'm thinking of purchasing a replacement before the check comes in.""
How much would insurances cost on a 88 corvette?
im am going to be 16 and going to get a red corvette i was wondering how much would insurance cost for it and i live in CA in LA i well be under my moms insurance pollicy so what would u think it would cost i drive the car a lot and all the car is for looks it not for racing and pick a up all the girls and go to party lol
Would this be legal ? start own car insurance company and insure self.?
We were talking about the price of car insurance at work today about how the cost is becoming ridiculous. I came up with this idea its entirely hypothetical but it got me wondering if it was possible. Just say i started and registered a insurance business. I offered 3rd party only insurance to my close friends and family people that i know personally are careful drivers.Say 50 people get a years cover for just 100 and i insure my self for free. Now i know what you might be thinking what happens if some one has a bump? Well i have 5000 in the business account so it should cover minor repairs however and hear comes the is it legal part if someone puts in a large claim that i cannot cover.Say my grandma writes off some rich mans Bentley. I just declare the company bankrupt ! Thinking about it its not to different to what the bankers have been doing .
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
Gta V - How do i get car insurance?
I got myself a nice Bugati Veyron, how do i get car insurance on it?""
How much is Auto Insurance in Italy?
Hi, im going to be moving to italy with my wife and child to stay there for four years so i will be purchasing a vehicle to get around with, im planning on a car but i want to find out a little more of how much it can cost for insurance on autos over there, both for cars and motorcycles, if its cheaper for motorcycle i will probably just get one car for my wife and get a motorcycle for myself. Any information will be helpful and thanks ahead of time""
""CHEAPER for car insurance, a Acura rsx 2006 or a Honda Civic coupe 2010?
im just trying to save up the extra money
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
Can a employer make you get health insurance?
My boss told me that if i do not prove that i have my own health insurance, i have to get the health insurance the job offers, i would like to know if it is legal for them to do that? force me to get health insurance? now i know that with President Obamas Health law, in 2014 all people over 26 who do not have insurance will be subject to tax. but it is not 2014... its 2012 and i do not want any of my money being taken out of my check for something i do not want at this time.""
Do insurance companies have insurance?
Do insurance companies have insurance from a higher up company or resources? eg Government
Need advice on car insurance excess cost?
I had a bad accident yesterday morning and I payed to bring my car home but I didn't inform my insurance company yet because I haven't got the excess fee at the moment. The car seems to be a write off according to the police and the locals who helped me while I was in shock but will there be a problem if I waited a few days until I have the excess cost ready then I'll tell the insurance company what happened? It wasnt my fault and also the traffic lights were out of order at that junction as this person came at high speed hitting my car at the left corner sending me flying towards the road to the right and onto the pavement. I've gathered pictures of everything for evidence. But the problem is at the moment I cant afford the excess fee, If i let the insurance company know will they ask me to pay right away?""
Does your car insurance premium change?
Hi, Im 16 turning 17 and im getting my license in 9 days. Someone told my family that if we take a crap car like my 2002 honda accord to my test and use that to get our insurance, then the price of insurance on that car will be what we will pay for any other car for the rest of my teenage life. If i were to take the honda to the test, get the insurance, and say lease a newer car, will my insuracne cost stay the same as what we were charged for the honda? Sorry its long and confusing""
How much might my car insurance be?
I want to know how much would my car insurance be if im sixteen and im driving a 94 dodge stealth. I am also a guy. I know sports cars cost more to insure so could you please include the price of insurance for a normal car as well??? Located in Tampa, Florida Thanks for any help you can offer, -Kyle""
What do I need to apply for a motorcycle license in California?
I am wondering if it is worth getting a 2 wheeler license given the high price of gas. How much does the insurance typically cost for a new driver? I need to commute 8 miles each way to work and back.
What do you like most about tying health insurance to employment?
Isn't it a good way to keep employees in line? I mean, well, if you're not happy here, you can always quit and do something you like, but your COBRA insurance will eventually run out and you'll either need to find another job with benefits, not necessarily the job you want, so it looks like you're sticking around for some time.....no freelancing or working two part-time jobs you like for you! I like this system because it keeps my employees from quitting, particularly the ones with pre-existing conditions or family members with pre-existing conditions. I can get what I want out of them by using the health-care lasso ( go ahead and quit, but try seeing how much a private policy will cost you if you're lucky enough to get accepted with what you've got! ), plus there is no need to worry about competition from freelancers or small businesses. I like tying benefits to employment because as an employer I have a way of keeping my employees in line. If they act up or talk about branching out into something else, I just have to remind them of where they get their affordable benefits and how they would lose this corporate pool if they were to go out on their own, work for a small business without benefits, work freelance or go back to school full time. Keeps my workforce dedicated.""
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Car insurance and the state you live in and registration?
I just moved from Richmond VA to Greensboro NC. My car insurance is in Richmond VA and and my car is registered up there. I'm only going to stay in North Carolina for about 8 months. I want to know if I can switch my car insurance to North Carolina with out having to register my car and switching my license plates over to North Carolina. Car insurance is a hell of alot high up in Richmond than here and I want to save some much needed money. Anyone know if I can make the insurance switch with out having to register my car and switching my tags over to North Carolina? Please respond with only legit answers.
""OMG, Men and car insurance!?""
Teenage boys have to pay more for car insurance, If it was the other way around and women had to pay more Feminist would throw a fit, This is a freaken double standard. How do you feel about this. p.s. I know that the rates for male teenage is higher then female teenagers but if this was switched the feminist would be pist.""
How much does it cost to add a 16 year old female driver to an auto insurance policy?
How much does it cost to add a 16 year old female driver to an auto insurance policy?
How much will cost to remove two wisdom teeth without insurance?
I,m male 21 years old and i'm wishing to remove both bottom wisdom teeth since it cause me feel bubbles on my ears and headaches, i don't know how much will cost me to remove them without insurance, but what is the average price on most states? i live in Oklahoma.""
what car should i get for cheap insurance
what car should i get for cheap insurance
0 notes
Lamborghini insurance price?
"Lamborghini insurance price?
please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Were can i get cheap car insurance for a rover 214 16 valve injection?
i need to get cheaper car insurance for my car were can i get it am nearly 24 and i don't have ncb ?
What to know about cars and car insurance?
okay so i will go out to look for a car in a couple of months and i would like to know what look for when buying a car to make sure i will make a good buy, also i would like to find which car insurance would be a good one to get, my mother told me something about paying once a year or every 6 months and i would like to know which are the insurance that offer that type of paying plan and please do tell me if your insurance is good or bad ... we had an issue with allstate when my brother got hit by someone so, allstate is out for me""
Do i need health insurance for an abortion?
just wondering, would a woman need health insurance for an abortion? if she has cash can she pay that way without insurance. (in the state of pennsylvania)""
Surgery and insurance?
if my surgery is going to cost me $3,500..and i have a $5,000 dollar deductible on my insurance..then i can't use my insurance can i? =(.. pretty much i have to pay for the surgery..BUTTTT if my surgery was let's say about $7,000.. then that means insurance company would pay $5000 and i would pay the rest of $2000 rightttt???? sorry...i'm just trying to understand this and make sure""
Will the insurance company total my car?
Sadly I hit a deer over the weekend. Everyone is ok but I totaled the deer. The front end of my 2007 Dodge Caliber is all tore up. The preliminary estimate for repair from the auto body place is around $7,700. (That is before actually taking everything apart or testing anything including the engine.) I am unsure of what value my car is currently to the insurance company. I checked Kelley Blue book and the trade in value is around $8,500. Private party value is around $9,600 or a little higher.""
0.6l SMART 2003 car insurance?
How much would insurance for one be for a 17 year old in the u.k . Doesn't have to be too accurate just a estimate
Why Health Insurance?
Health insurance companies can't cure anyone, prevent any disease, develop new treatments or create better medicines. Yet they take a cut of your health care dollar, create endless paper, interfere with doctors and enrich shareholders. They can all be replaced by software. BESIDES, hospital care and physician services are not random risks, they are a certainty for everyone at some point of their life. They are also preventable or can be protected against. It doesnt make sense to insure against a non-risk. You may as well have PhD insurance just in case your kid decides to get a PhD! Tell me why heath care is an insurable risk. Tell me why it's not an essential social service like K-12 education.""
Question about gap insurance?
I just wanted to know about how much the dealer charges for gap or at least an average. I refinanced my vehicle and am awarded a refund of my gap because the new financing is offered with it. So I don't know if anyone has gone through this, but if you have any answers please let me know. Thanks in advance.""
How much will it cost....?
I live in Hemet , Southern California. I have a 9 month old son. He will be nursed until 24 months, However, he does eat some solid foods. I my boyfriend and I rent an appartment for $750- How much would our monthly income need to be to support our family? How much is utilities in my area? How much do you spend on gas? How much is car insurance? How much is it to get my car smoged? How much are monthly groceries? What other bills am I missing? Please help!""
Car Insurance Question (sorry I know nothing about cars...)?
Sorry, Im new to all this so excuse the stupid question but Im starting driving lessons soon and am looking to get a car in the new year. Im just wondering HOW OFTEN do you make car insurance payments? As in once a year or is it a monthly thing? I just did one of the online get a quote thingys and it said around 350 which sounds grand if its yearly but steep if thats a monthly payment. Lolli""
How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?
I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal?
How To Create An Insurance Plan?
This family of four consists of a mom, dad, a twelve-year-old girl, and a sixteen-year-old boy. The family is about to move into a new house. They also own two cars. Help the Martin family create an insurance plan. An insurance plan simply lists the types of insurance they have or will be purchasing. The plan may also include some details about the insurance. For example, it may list life insurance worth $500,000 or health insurance with ABC Agency. For your assignment, create an insurance plan for the Martins. Create an insurance plan. As you create the plan, think about all of the risks this family faces and how they can protect themselves from financial loss. Next to each type of insurance that you list in the plan, write one to two sentences about why you think they need this insurance. I'm not sure how to create an insurance plan, can someone give me some guidance? Thank you.""
What car is cheap to insure for a first time driver?
im learning to drive and need some help in what car to insure. It has to be fairly big ish because im quite a big person. Any ideas. And if so what insurance companies are good for first time drivers
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old new driver?
The car would be a Range Rover. The cover would either be comprehensive or on parents insurance. Thanks
Im away to buy a car on sunday but have no insurance on it will i need insurance ?
i am buying a car on sunday but have no insurance first car buying and it seems that you need to be 21 to get 1 day insurance so whats the legal way to do it because i dont want to buy car then get stopped and it gets towed away and can i drive it awa if the guys got insurance still on the car but what if he doesnt? is that a risk i shal take or not worth it at all!!! thanks .
What is a good car insurance for someone that is 17?
im 17my car is insured by my moms insurance but she wants to take me off. What are some good options??
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
What is the cheapest individual health insurance plan in PA?
age 62, good health""
""How do I get this auto insurance issue taken care of? Possible Law Suit, advice needed.?""
I originally had State Farm and was paying $232 for a Hyndai Tiburon, had a traffic accident for, Improper Lane Change, the other person did not file a claim, had to spend $500 to get my car fixed and $89 on municipal court fees. I was told that the incident, since I paid it in full and did not receive probation would not be held on my license, however it did make my insurance go up to $302, because of the deduct able, very understandable. This was in Ga. I moved to Ok. I looked at new insurance here and found one with Mercury Auto Insurance through a 3rd party company and received a quote for full coverage at $232 a month, so back down to normal price. They ran my license and everything, everything was fine, I even told them about the accident and they said that it would not change rates. Well, it did. I got my first statement and my bill was $314! I called up to the 3rd party company and they said that the insurance company charged my Improper Lane Change, as an Erratic Improper Lane Change, and as such it was classified as a traffic accident on my license and that's what made it go up. She said she would call me back, but she never did and I have been working so much, I haven't had a chance to call back. So here is what I need to know, and please no stupid insurance companies trying to solicit. 1. Who do I call in Ga. and have them dismiss those charges on my license and if they can't, how do I go about filing a lawsuit for illegal allegations after trial? 2. Who do I contact, when I have the proper information, the 3rd party company, or the actually insurance company....or both?""
Estimate how much it cost to add an additional car to insurance plan?
For a teens car. I know it is about sixty extra dollars just to add a teen to my car insurance. Can you estimate price for putting a whole new car on our plan for my teen?
What solutions would make health care treatment instead of health care insurance more affordable?
considering out of pocket expenses? and would this be a conservative approach to the health care issue?
""Need help to find a boy car for around 1000 or below, something cheap on insurance and also a bit sporty?
i know sporty and insurance dont go together well but am sure there are some cars that are fast and boy racer cars that arnt tooo expensive to insure
Im depressed because i cant get good price on car insurance :(?
I am 21 old male. I passed my driving test 5 months ago and my premium is way too high because I have 3 points on my licence. They were not displaying L plates. I really feel bad because my parents don't drive and I think it would be great to help out with the shooping at least. car insurance is coming up as 3000 and i cant afford. I really want to be there for my parents and drive to work in the early mornings. :( any ideas?
What are some car insurance companys?
would love to know ones that are cheap???
What is the name of the cheapest possible car insurance ? and how much ?
i need full coverage cost on two cars
Lamborghini insurance price?
please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!
How to get a good quote for my car insurance?
basically, i've got 1 year no claims with direct line car insurance for the past year( only 1 year driving experience). i was paying 85 for fully comprehensive, and was 24years old when applied for the insurance. i just received a letter from direct line for my renewal, and now it's gone up to 109. i was wondering what might cause it to increase, and if now am over 25years should i really inform them (if it's gonna make a difference). is it advisable to switch to another company for maybe cheaper deals?! p.s i have a vauxhall calibra year 1995""
I got two no proof of insurance tickets?
I got two and Have court for one on the 26th of Sep and the other on the 29th two different vehicles what will happen also when I got my second ticket I got it for speeding... What can I do I have proof of insurance but it is on a different vehicle is there any way I can say I was on my way to changing my insurance to the car I was driving.. I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA IM 19 years old PLEASE HELP ME IM TURNING 20 on the 28th of August
Can I still be on my parents car insurance policy if they are in a different state?
I live in California while my family lives in Utah. I have been on my family policy and about a year ago I registered my car here in CA. CA requires insurance (which I have, but in UT). My family is still paying for my insurance but the license plate listed is my old Utah plate but I am unsure if that counts now that I have CA plates. Does anybody know details behind this?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone with a foreign driving lisence?
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone with a foreign driving lisence?
When will my car insurance go down?
Had a wreck in January first one I've ever been in I'm 28 my ex was driving and hit ice totalled my car, my insurance jumped to 190 from 120 how long until it goes down?""
Is this reasonable amount to pay for term life insurance?
Term Life 30 yrs, $150,000 at $36 monthly...I am 26 years old an in reasonable good health --- non smoker, no dieases, hospitalization (aside from pregnancy), and no alcoholism....if this isn ot reasonable please give me a range that I should be looking for....""
Car insurance and criminal convictions?
I was recently without going into detail convicted on a public disorder charge of harresment and have just passed my test at 18 and was looking forward to getting on the road and found cheapish quotes on places like lv and aviva etc but ive just realised in the smallprint or insurance assumptions you are not aloud one criminal conviction and cant find anyone that allows them but i know plenty of people that are on the road that have criminal convictions its all a confusing issue can anyone help?
""Car insurance, color, and does it really matter?""
Ok, made my decision, going with the new 2007 Mazda 3 S (with the 2.3 ltr engine and all that good stuff...not really sure on the sunroof though, it's kind of pricey) My question...s are: 1. I was told that if I got a loud color on a car that I would regret it for a couple of reasons. It attracts the cops to pull it over more and it could potientally higher my insurance. Is that just some kind of myth to scare people away from getting a nice color like red or yellow? 2. And secondly, what's a good color to get? Something that's easy to clean, but still shimmers and looks nice. I was thinking about the Aurora Blue. Everyone has black and silver cars? 3. I was building the car and I don't want to pay close to 21k for this car, it's worth a lot, but not that much. How much should I ask for? Now I've already gone to edmunds.com, it seems pretty helpful, but should I wait until they get the 2008 Models in and then try to buy the older model?""
Car insurance on parent's insurance??? NCB?
I have no idea when it comes to insurance but basically if i get on my parent's insurance...can i still mount up 2 years no claims... or does it not count so that when i get my own insurance it's like starting from scratch?
What are cts insurance rates compared to other luxury cars ?
2006 cts with 2.8 L base model what are the average insurance rates compared to other luxury cars
Where can i get cheap insurance?
I Would like to get a new auto insurance, where can i find cheap insurance? Thanks in advance""
Why is insurance so expensive?
I am 18 right now living in downtown toronto. I want car but insurance quotes give me no less than $700 a month. I tried calling insurance agents but i keep getting 800+ month quotes. The car is a 2007 chevrolet malibu 4dr. I cant put it on my dads name either because he has 3 dui's. How can i get cheaper insurance? is illegal insurance an option?
I am leaving country for couple of months. I want to cancel my car insurance. Is it possible?
I am paying my insurance monthly and it's very high. I won't be using car for couple of months, so I want to cancel it for some months and take it again after I come back. Is it possible?""
Why is car insurance so expensive for an 18 year old?
I was looking at quotes and they all range from 1000-1400 just for six months on a Nissan Sentra SR-E spec v. Which insurance is the cheapest and you would recommend. Its for a college student just for school and work.
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for a 17 year old. (people with recent experience would be very help full) also what car would be cheapest to insure. (would an old car e.g 1980s early 90s be cheaper than a newer car) i am looking at third party insurance and not comprehensive
Are Honda's usually expensive on insurance?
Also what are some good looking cars that arn't to bad with insurance (I know that it all depends but still) oh and we have geico, thanks!""
Aren't you glad the ACA is making health insurance more affordable?
Aren't you glad the ACA is making health insurance more affordable?
Im 6 weeks pregnant with no health insurance in california?
Im 6 weeks pregnant, i got my proof of preganancy at a free clinic, i applied for medical.. how long till i know im approved? I work part time, i dont make enough money at all... maybe 400 before taxes. i pay 400 rent, i split rent with my bf that i live with. he has a good job. would that effect my media-cal application? are they going to want my roomates info? and with him being my bf does that make a difference? we are not married so will they still use that?""
Need help with insurance?
ok im getting my first car and im 17...i live with my mom and step dad. my mom cant get a licence because she has seizures and my step dad cant get his back until next year. since im under eighteen can i get my own insurance or do i have to be put on someone elses and if not will it cost a lot since im a new driver and a teenager? please help!
Does State Farm charge higher auto rates for older drivers?
Does a low deductible plus an older driver result in higher charges for auto insurance coverage for liability and collision rates? The driver also has a clean driving record.Thank you for your response.This is for North Carolina.
Can anyone sugest a inexpensive private health insurance plan with low deductible and co pay.?
The insurance I have now is with golden rule through united healthcare my copay is 35$ and deductible is 5,000.""
Insurance Question for owners of the 2007 pontiac g5?
Im a 22 yr old male, never had a car before, just got my license; and im about to purchase me a new pontiac g5. Im wondering how much i can expect to pay for insurance every month?Plz help!""
Do you get cheaper insurance if you drive less miles to school?
if i lie and tell them i drive barely any miles to school would it be cheaper? its 87 a month right now but imma tell them scool is like a 2 mile drive
What is the cHEAPEST car insurance???......?
4 a 17 year old
Does it matter who drives which car under the same insurance policy?
I have an 08 Toyota Corolla S and my dad has a 95 Toyota Pickup. I'm 19 and we're under the same policy with AAA. Would it make a difference in cost if they put me as the driver of the Corolla as opposed to the Pickup? If so about how much? Currently I'm with the Pickup and my dad's with the Corolla.
Lamborghini insurance price?
please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!
What is auto insurance ?
can anybody explain what is auto insurance ?
Are there any good arguments for requiring health insurance. Ive only heard arguments against it?
Ive heard the car insurance one, not very solid. I also have heard there will be hardship exemptions and certain levels of income earned that will determine how much help will be given in purchasing insurance. Just looking for somethings to note when someone brings up this part of the bill""
California auto insurance rates going/gone up?!!!?
I'm turning 25 this month and called because i wanted to get a new (hopefully lower) rate for being that age and not having any tickets or violations. Then they go and quote me something HIGHER than what I'm paying! I asked why and that's what the told me. That the state of California has been hit with higher rates. ~WHY? ~When did this happen? ~Why has no one talked about this? ~Am I the only one being affected? ~Is there anything I can do to lower my rate? ~So being 25 and having no tickets or violations is now pointless when it comes to car insurance??
Cancelled car insurance?
My car insurance got cancelled for misrepresentation of garaging. I travel a lot for work and I had two places. My car got vandalized at my secondary place of residence and the insurance company and after I filed a claim, the insurance company treats is as a misrepresentation. I am about to get an insurance with a different company. Do i need to disclose this fact? How would that affect my rates. I have 1 week left on the policy.""
How much is Ferrari insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old for a 308 Ferrari that is worth $20,000""
Pregnant and no insurance?
hi, i have a friend who is about 3 months pregnant now and she has no health insurance. she is currently working but the employer does not provide benefits of any sort. she does not make that much an hour i think minimum wage and she is working part time. so she is without health insurance for her and the baby. she knows that she can probably get approve by medicaid to cover the pregnancy expenses but her mother is over age 65 and retired and she is currently on medicaid. and she know that if she were to find another job the insurance""
What is a good affordable maternity health insurance in Kansas?
My husband just switched jobs and the health ins. provider is too expensive for us to carry. I plan on getting my children on healthwave but I need something for myself. I'm not currently pregnant but am wanting to start trying. I figure I should check into ins. before I make that commitment.
Car accident and insurance/how much in repairs?
I got into a minor car accident yesterday afternoon while I was parallel parking on Walnut Street in Philadelphia. I was backing up and I hit the curb. The front end of my vehicle was still sticking our quite a bit, so I pulled out a little bit so I could pull in the rest of the way. The person behind me thought that I was done parking so pulled around me and I ended up hitting her. Her fender and her door skin need to be replaced. Does anyone know around how much this would cost to repair? She had the police come so I am assuming that she wants the insurance company to cover the damage, however I would rather pay for it out of pocket. Obviously, my insurance company is going to find out about the accident, but after the insurance companies decide the breakdown of the fault, would I be able to pay for my part of the damages without my rates going up? Or at that point would it not matter, my rates are going up anyways? I ask this because I'm 19 years old and would prefer to not have my rates go up.""
What cars would be cheap to buy and on insurance for a 16 y/o driver?
my years i like are 1995-2004 and i dont want to spend more than 2000-3000 and more than 100-150 on insurance
How much would a eclipse be for insurance?
how much would a eclipse be for insurance.. its going to go under my dads name and his insureance.. he says it cost alot casue its a sports car but i dont know. its a 95 manaul. and used.. he gots AAA its gunna be under his name ere thing
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
Buying a car from a showroom. Insurance?
I am collecting a new car tomorrow from the dealership. Do I need to phone and pay for the new insurance at the showroom before I drive off, or is it allowable to take it home and do ...show more""
Is it harder for a child who is disabled to get insurance?
Is it harder for a child who is disabled to get insurance?
Do i Need Car Insurance?
If i drive my moms car and the car has insurance and my parents both do and i don't have my own and i get in a accident or get pulled over. what will happen to me and my parents? and also i am 16 and just got my license. my parents have AAA insurance and we live in Michigan. My parents do not want to add me on the policy, so can i still drive the car or can i get in big trouble?""
Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow?
Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow?
Health insurance question.....?
My daughter broke her arm. She is insured with my husband's insurance. The insurance company agreed to pay for the hospital and doctor bills but the doctor's office never submitted the bill to our insurance company. There is evidence that they submitted it to the wrong insurance company and are trying to blame us for it saying we gave them the wrong information. I have no idea where they think we came up with information on an insurance company we never had. Moreover they had the right information when they billed our insurance for a previous case. Now 2 years later the doctor's office is trying to collect the money from us saying it is too late to collect on our insurance. Can they do that? We pay a lot for health insurance every month and now we have a huge medical bill too.
Can you ride a Ducati 848 for every day use and is the insurance expensive?
I wanna purchase a bike, my first decision is the Ducati 848 evo, i wanna buy it brand new(2012) but the only 2 things im concern about is the insurance on it & can that bike be used every day.... im 22 just got my moto license and have had my drivers license for about 6 years if that matters( i did an online quote was 700$)im looking for full coverage, I live in California have no record of anything bad at all (accident etc).My second concern is can this bike be driven every single day? Its like the Ferrari of bikes and when you own a ferrari you dont drive it every day..... does this bike break down alot? My second and final decision is the yamaha r6 (2012) i want nothing but the ducati but if the ducati cant be driven for everyday and the insurance is a total rip then i guess ill have no choice....Please if possible only answer my questions please (i really don't wanna read get a used one learn from it drop it etc i know and understand that all my only concerns are the questions)""
Why is KTM insurance so expensive?
I just recently purchased a 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, and as part of my loan I had to get it fully covered. I'm just curious why a 250cc dirtbike costs more to insure than my 2004 600rr was; same coverage. Is it because it's new?""
How much is my car payment and insurance?
Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!""
Health insurance in USA?
hello, i have few questions regarding health insurance for americans. 1- What is the average annual cost of health insurance for adults? 2- do children get free healthcare or should they be covered by the insurance? 3- who can benefit from free healthcare in america? 4- if americans pay tax how come theyre not entitled to free healthcare?""
How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance on a 19 year old male driving a 1999 Ford Mustang V6?
I buying a 1999 Ford Mustang Base Automatic V6 as soon as I get my tax refund in this year. I live in Texas and have insurance on my current car which is a 1997 Ford Ranger XLT Automatic 4 Cylinder. I have been driving for 2 years and have had over 8 months ago. How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance and who would you suggest I get my insurance service from?
What's the best car for cheap car insurance?
I'm a male, and I'll be 25 next month. I haven't actually owned a car before, since I've been usually on my parents' insurance, and I just used theirs if I needed a car. I want to own my own car now though, and I want to know what the cheapest cars would be for car insurance. I live in Norfolk, VA, United States, if that helps. I don't have a blemish at all on my driving record, either.""
What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)?
how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers
Can other people drive my car with my insurance?
I am going on a road trip with a friend but I don't want to drive the whole way. I have AAA insurance, will it cover my friend if she drives my car part of the way? She has state farm insurance if that makes any difference.""
Would you let your teenager daughter drive a classic car?
An old catalina convertible to be exact. She is very responsible, however, do you think it is too dangerous of a car? Also, how much would insurance be on a classic car with a student driver?""
Lamborghini insurance price?
please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!
Who is the insurance/workers compensation carrier for Petco?
For a research project I'm doing on the pet industry, I need the name of the carrier who provides insurance and worker's compensation for Petco, PetSmart and the like.""
Consequences of not paying car insurance?
Im 19 years old, living by myself. My car insurance is $170 a month. I had not payed it in multiple months, and by October it was at $500, and foolishly I decided there was no way to pay it and I just left it alone until they cancelled my insurance. Have I totally F*cked my credit? To the point of no return? Also, will I be able to get another car insurance provider? Thanks..""
License got suspended cause no car insurance?
i stopped paying car insurance cause my car broke down. so why pay if your not driving?. now i got to pay $500 to get my license and show proof of insurance. is there a way to over see this? i got my license with no car insurance. i didnt even have a car yet but they didnt say anything then? i live in the state of florida.
Cheap Cars for an 18yr old to Insure?
Cheapest I've found so far is a Classic Mini City 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA 1.3, Skoda Fabia all came out at 4,500... Any Ideas on anything else? Thanks""
Forced placed auto insurance?
I'd been trying to have forced place insurance removed for quite a few months now, and after reading some stories here, see I'm not alone. I've always had full coverage insurance but since I switched carriers it was one thing after another ... Add them as lien holder -done, didn't receive notice from insurance company, didn't receive fax with notification, etc. .... Now, some months later, I'm in an accident and car may be totaled (not good news since the loan balance exceeds the cars worth). Am I correct in understanding that the lien holders forced insurance policy will relieve me of any difference in the balance, similar to if I had gap insurance?""
""Would any car insurance(allstate,geico) insure an international student who doesn't have a PA licence?
I have my country licence and an international driving permit. I would like to buy a car in Pennsylvania as I am staying for about a year in this country. I would like to know will car insurance companies insure me?
Do you know of any good family health insurance plans for cheap?
I currently work in a hopital and pay only $200/month for insurance. I am pregnant with my 2nd child and thinking of cutting my hours at work to where I could no longer carry their insurance plan. We also own a small business, so my husband doesn't carry the insurance. I only have to work 20 hours a week to keep the insurance at my job, and it has awesome benifits, but I would love to be home after the 2nd baby is born. What do you think? Should I keep my insurance at work or any better ideas?""
What is an affordable health insurance for a 61 year old woman?
my mother needs a new helath insurance plan. any suggestions?
Cheap truck insurance in ontario?
Cheap truck insurance in ontario?
How much does it cost to go to ER without insurance?
Every once in a while (like every other month), I get dizzy and vomit. If I go to the hospital to diagnose the problem do i go to the ER. And also about how much will it cost me I don't have insurance.""
Will a renters insurance and automobile insurance claim effect homeowners insurance rates?
Im purchasing a home in 2 months. Meanwhile my apartment was broken into and my second vehicle was stolen via my spare key which was hidden in my apartment. My losses for the ...show more
Whats the cheapest insurance company in NYC?
Whats the cheapest insurance company in NYC?
How much does a new car affect your insurance?
my insurance stands right now at like 150$ a month, i have my N. my car right now is way old and want a new one. i want to buy a classic - 2002 mustang convertable, i want it to be an older model but newly built, will that increase my insurance alot like if i had a 2009 car or not bad. an example of what id want it look like is this : http://www.netcarshow.com/ford/2002-mustang_gt_convertible/800x600/wallpaper_02.htm""
Is a moped or motorcycle better for a college student?
I am currently a junior in college and contemplating whether to get a moped or motorcycle. I know a few pros to both. They both have high fuel economy and don't emit dangerous gases like cars do. They don't cost most insurance wise. The cons is that a moped can't go on interstates and a motorcycle is pricier and mechanics for motorcycles are pricey as well. Luckily, I can get to school and work with and without the interstate if I wanted to. Thing is that I don't want to spend over a thousand dollars on a motorcycle and deal with the maintenance. So which is better price wise? Is a moped or motorcycle more beneficial?""
Is the issue access to good health insurance or is it access to good healthcare?
Ok first order of business I know how the whole health care issue is being made into this big complicated monstrosity. I would llike to get people's input on this and maybe some insight into better understanding a way ahead. First let me say that my question is not based on politics I'm not representing democrats or republicans as a matter of fact politics and money is what is frustrating me with this entire health care issue. I hear about all of this debating and I want to ask what is the real issue that everyone cares about correct me if I am wrong but I think it is access to dependable and reputable healthcare. The next issue I have, Is it wise to put health care interests in the hands of for profit enterprise. Now this is not an attack on health insurance companies but it is a question to the average person. I have read countless stories of people who thought they had good insurance for years all of the sudden they get sick the insurance pays the lowest possible cost and then cancels their coverage. Or here is another example, former health insurance employees tell of how draconian the companies are that they have worked for when it comes paying for coverage they would rather cancel people's policy. I am forced to wonder how long will it be before doctor's and nurses will be required to have an M.B.A. as a prerequisite for practicing medicine. I am all for free enterprise but something just does not sound right when you have an entire industry based on the soaring cost of healthcare and people's inability to pay for it. Seems that you are at the mercy of your insurance company at the time that you need them most. It seems that access to healthcare has been debated and put on the back burner for over 50 years combined with the fact that the people making the decisions regarding healthcare access rarely have to concern themselves with access to healthcare for themselves or their families, I'm just wondering how much longer is this cycle going to continue before something tangible gets done. I'm not saying healthcare should be totally free. I'm not saying that healthcare costs should destroy the middle class either. I definitely think that a for profit company priorities are to make a profit and answer to stockholders where does the patient come in on this equation. Does anybody out there have any viable solution or are we doomed to keep repeating the same mistake over and over again where the bottomline seems to be when all is said and done when it comes to healthcare access you have to fend for yourself.""
Full Coverage Insurance for financed vehicles ?
If i get financed for a car, do i have to pay full insurance for that car ? I live in NY. If yes, any idea how much full coverage would be for an 2004 acura tl ?""
Why do I have to get car insurance?
Insurance guy lied, my fun sporty little 04 Mitsubishi eclipse gt (5 speed manual v6) was actually going to be $200 more monthly than he said it would be. It was fun to learn how to drive it. But now it's as good as gone (parents were helping with the insurance). Who's to blame? Why do I have to deal with insurance goons to start with? Couldn't there be a better way? In a slightly more perfect world what theoretical system would cut out the goons?""
Lowest priced car insurance for under 25's?
I am currently due to renew my car insurance, I am 23, and have been driving for 2 years. I have been looking on some comparison sites, however I know some companies are not on the sites and could be cheaper - any tips based on experience? thanks""
Question regarding life insurance for children?
I have 6 children between the ages of 19 and 3..so i am interested in buying a life insurance that will cover college expenses, but i don't know which one to go for..does anyone know if gerber life insurance would be a good option?""
Car insurance and reliability?
what would be cheaper on insurance and what vehicle would be a better investment, because I want to keep the next vehicle I get for a LONG time . . . dodge challenger srt8 or a toyota tacoma with a TRD sport package""
Do insurance rates diffeer between a new and used car?
i am looking at a 2001 corvette selling by owner for 18,000, and i was wondering if the rates would be higher or lower if I was to buy a new vette from the dealer. i am 15, ill be 16 in a month, fyi.""
How can i legally make my parents dependents for medical insurance?
i want to legally file for my parents to be dependents for medical insurance. we live in the state of IL. what is the prerequisite? how should we proceed? we would preferably like to do this without involving a lawyer. thanks in advance for reading this and offering any suggestions!
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
I'm really sick and I went to the doctor's office yesterday to see what I had. I was under Medical but the doctor said he couldn't see me because I had to pay $795 dollars monthly for them to see. I don't understand why I would pay so much, I'm 20 years old, a single mother, and a full-time student. I work too, but my income is less than $1200 monthly. Has this happened to anyone? My baby is still covered by medical but I would like to find an affordable health insurance for the two of us... does anyone know of one? thank you [:""
Does it cost to switch auto insurance companies?
Mine was renewed {mine renews automatically) in April, but due to a change in finances, we started to look for something lower recently. We found one that is around $40 cheaper, plus offers roadside assistance. Do I have to wait until April to change it? If it does cost, what is the average charge? I know this rate will vary, but my agent is a very rude,and always acts like I am bothering her. I just wanted to get an idea before I called her. Thanks""
How much is car insurance usually?
thinking about buying my first car soon and im just trying to figure out my financial situation. i know the price can vary but an estimate on how much car insurance is would be nice. thanks
Lamborghini insurance price?
please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!
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