#let's be honest i need to write a lot my muses more often but that's kinda hard sometimes asdf
tvrningout-a · 1 year
i will not lie: i read the new chapters for j.jk while i was eating, and now i'm Thinking
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kit-williams · 7 months
I would like to cheer up one of the yanderes when they're sad by holding their cheeks in my hands and telling them that I'm proud of them no matter what and that I love them. ;^;
Sorry this took so long to write! I was working on other fluffuary posts as well as making sure Valentines day was taken care of!
who to do... I also did all of the boys because they all deserve love!
Azazel would never admit he's sad and probably wouldn't let pet (STILL DONT KNOW WHAT TO CALL HER WILL PROBABLY REDO HIS THING) touch him unless he's to that point, yes he can touch you but you touching him? Never, but if your past the point of his mistrust of you telling him how you feel he will just smile.
Azazel is getting redone.
Palion is too manic? If that makes sense he will be sad at times especially when his muse continues to self depreciate herself and not realize his large displays of affection come from an honest passionate part of him. But cheering him up is simple just this small bit of care cheers him right back up. Of course if you tell him those sweet things he returns to peacocking right away to show you his love.
Harram would never admit he's upset. Conversely he is an Iron warrior is he able to feel happiness? Yes he is. But he appreciates your hands on his face, perhaps he has gotten distracted and now has a thick stubble on his chin, enjoying what you tell him making him feel like he is powerful.
Arkyn's eyes would widen as you could see past his bravado and he stops whatever he was going to say as you can see the slight wetness in his eyes as his hands rest on yours just savouring the feeling of you holding his face as he tells you it back.
Ghosk... you would just get picked up and held tightly all wrapped up in his wings as he just chuckles and tells you that how wrong it is you to think of that but enjoys it either way, you can tell in his black eyes that he wants to say it back but won't not while you're awake.
Sirus doesn't get sad often... he will brood and try to distance himself from you as he doesn't want you to see him brood or be sad. But when you would hold him close he would melt to your touch and his eyes moisten as you soothe the feeling that he is a beast.
Vauth would remind you that he is above such weakness such as sadness. He is beyond the need to feel such feelings. If you continue to cup his face silently and not point out his hypocrisy he will rest his forehead against yours and leave his hands on your hips as he doesn't reply. What flesh of his lips that are left twich slightly as he will pull away thanking you for seeing what he is doing for you.
Zul would hide his sadness as long as he could from you but you can see the way it bleeds from his eyes. He has very expressive eyes. He wouldn't reply to you but just hold you tightly and run his fingers through your hair silently.
Solos would posture that he wasn't sad you're just projecting! He postures a lot and tries to do his best to be tough and strong for you... but eventually you could get him to be tender... to let you touch the mess of a man that is there. He would bitterly fuss that he doesn't need your approval but you know he would hoard your words.
Nakht is another who would posture as he has to be a big strong man for you. And the way you would get him to crumble is by telling him how proud you are. Oh you telling him how you love him would get him back to puffing up his chest and trying to bounce back from letting himself bleed out into your hands.
Zhur would smile at you with that sadness in his eyes but he would be quick to heal as he just wants your affection... he wants your validation and your love.
Jihias' sermons have lacked their usual passion and have been far more reflective. But oh how his eyes sparkle and light back up with that passionate spark to them as you hold him and tell him your love... now the sermons are akin to the book of psalms... a little spicy at times.
Nubin doesn't craft as much when he's sad but to see his large face be cradled in your hands oh how he smiles at you as you praise him and tell him your affections.
Sor is hard to tell when he is upset as he already keeps his distance from you so for you to pinpoint that he is feeling down is a feat. Now trying to pin him down? When it feels like he's avoiding you? It's a feat to get a moment with him as he'll just lean his head against you letting you play with his hair.
Kazi is easy to know when he's upset because he suddenly broods and the boy is far more like a blue jay then a stoic raven as he is normally the one to greet you. He tries his best to push through his sadness. He makes a cooing noise as you hold his face and just comfort him and holds you close.
Moremo will just give you a patient smile as you pry out of him. He will pick you up and just carry you over to one of the many hidden window nooks and just lays his head on your lap letting you run your fingers through his peppering hair.
Omegon asks you if you're sad but when you are to tired to deal with his wordplay and avoiding giving a solid answer he will come to cuddle you and hide his face into your back just whispering a thank you.
Roland hardly ever gets upset... but when he does the rare times that prayer, flogging, or any of his other sort of activities fail to alleviate his mood he will come and tell you that he is upset. He will sit you down and rest his head in your lap requesting you pet his head. It hardly fails to cheer him up.
Tyberos is an enigma and like Roland will never let you figure out if he is sad he will simply tell you. He is a chapter master after all and normally takes a lot for him to let it linger that he seeks solace. But he will hold you and just savor feeling your hand on his scarred and torn up face just enjoying the gentle touch.
Hopefully you dont mind the way these men's emotions bleed out of them... and bleed into your hands... in your hair... the way it will stain your skin as the line where they end and you begin blurs... careful now... when they have something they like... they tend not to let go
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memuntos · 13 days
considering that a good chunk of my muses are literally insane or (holds knife to your throat) type muses, i don't have a big list of otps. but most of my muses that do have canon counterparts for i would sell my soul for and those include: genya / david, jude / cardan, rosalind / orion, alice / jasper, yor / loid, kate / anthony, veronica / jd (in the worst way possible tbh)
honestly most things. i don't do large age gaps and i don't do pregnancy plots for the most part. in general, i don't write ships often because romance isn't my go-to genre but there are quite a few things i love exploring. i love the pain of heartbreak and trope of right person, wrong time. yearning and angst are my bread and butter when it comes to ships so however that can be achieved i'm game. i am more than happy to explore a wildly unhealthy ship but am only willing to do that with really close friends. i hate when people romanticize toxic relationships but i do think they can be written with nuance and awareness. i actually love a good fight, a lovers spat. i love the hard and messy parts of a relationship, i love couples getting through the messy parts of a relationship and coming out stronger. love takes a lot of work and i think we need to realize that more as a community and society tbh. i'm also a sucker for either ends of the spectrum of a relationship, meaning the very beginning with butterflies, first dates, confessions not said, etc. and married, domestic life. the stable in between period of a couple doesn't do much for me unless they're just as much friends as they are lovers.
i'm not a big age gap girly especially considering the age of most of my muses and how i believe age directly correlates with maturity and life stages in most cases. so i get uncomfortable pretty quickly with an age gap. with muses that are minors it would have to be within a year or two at most. older than 18, looking at maybe 4 ish years max. i don't have enough 30+ muses but when the muse is above 30 i'm willing to go to about 6-7 years older. immortals are obv the exception.
very lol. if i'm real honest, i'm open to shipping only if we've comfortably talked ooc. there are a few rare times when i see someone and i'm itching to hit them up for a ship because i think our writing styles would vibe well, but due to previous experiences, i do like to establish a bit of an ooc connection. this truly could just be rotting about our muses together or plotting and screaming a little. so any of the people who have me on discord and we've plotted about multiple muses are fair game to hit me up to ship bc i will definitely be too awkward to hit you up ahahahah
i'm not really a steamy writer so two muses making out is likely as far as i'll go. i love tension and palpable tension between two muses but physical touching won't go far in a thread with me just for my own comfort levels!!
there's only a few that come to mind off the top of my head but i love a good random ship tbh whether canon or oc. canon wise the only ones i can think of off the bat are genya / alina, johanna / katniss, velma / daphne, ty lee / sokka.
yes please because i will not get the hint, i hope you know that <3 besides naturally flirty muses, i will never default to anything shippy so you really do have to let me know even if we’re besties i will not catch what you are putting down
yes!! all my ships will exist in different universes and/or timelines.
ship more - or - less for sure. once we get a ship going though they live in my head rent free. i’ll send you stupid musings about them and will scream at you, but romantic ships usually aren’t my go-to dynamic.
literally the same answer as above tbh. with ocs though special shoutout to noemi / fallon, chija / tyl, aklla / allie, estelle / harriet, som / kit. aka literally all my oc ships i think 🤭
look me in the eyes, hold my hand, and tell me you have a proposal to make 👉👈
tagging : anyone who hasn’t done this and sees it !
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gensokyogarden · 9 months
it's almost new years and you guys have been there for me so much during this year so tonight I do want to make a post trying to recognize a lot of people within the community. My head is pretty fuzzy right now so I fear I'm gonna forget some folks, in which case I'm honestly genuinely very sorry, but know that so many of you have touched my life in a positive way. Since I wasn't fully around on Thanksgiving either, consider this my chance of telling you all that I'm thankful for you too.
Some of you may not see this. Either because you don't follow this blog or you've been offline for a while. But I hope even if you don't see this post you still are able to understand my feelings towards you.
At the moment I would prefer if people don't reblog this. I'm not the most comfortable with my out of character thoughts being spread around. However if you know someone in this but think they won't see it on their own you are welcome to link them to this. Also if you're mentioned in this and you REALLY want to save it, I guess I can't stop you from reblogging.
Ruler: It feels like anytime I'm in a rough spot you always have kind words for me. With how often you're in character I just deeply respect you always breaking it for me. You've helped me to feel safe in the community during a very difficult time. That means the world to me.
Annette-mun: I know we only met a year ago but you have become an incredibly close friend to me. Being honest, I rank you as one of my best friends. I have fun with all of the boardgames we play together as well as the connections we've made between a lot of our muses. I always want to recognize all the work you put in sending me those ask spams. I'm sorry that because of head stuff I haven't been able to answer most of the new set. It makes me feel as if I've failed to respect the effort that you have put in. But I hope some day in the future I can fix that. I'm very glad we're friends.
Vel: You're a really funny friend and I care about you a lot. I feel that sometimes I'm not sensitive enough to things that may bother you and worry I may have upset you at times in the past. If I have, I'm really sorry. You write Kyouko really well and your ocs are also quite fun. Thanks for letting me make Nagi. Sometimes you say things that make me feel you are self-concious about your blog and other things. So I just wanna reiterate that I am in your corner and here for you whenever you need.
Slap: I was shy towards you at first, I'll admit. It may not seem it but I'm kinda a shy person in general and I'm nervous to warm up to people, but I'm glad you joined the Touhou community. You're a really funny guy. I love reading your posts on my dash and now I also love playing the occasional game with ya. Your ability to do voice and to commit to bits is astounding. I'm really glad I met you.
Argo: You're someone who is always there for me. I really appreciate that. I left the Fate community for personal reasons years ago now. I'm very glad that, despite that, I still ended up meeting you. Because you've been such a good friend to me. I'm glad that you've gotten somewhat into Touhou because it gives us more room to interact. You've really been there when I've needed you. Often you apologize and say you don't do enough but you've done so much for me. You're special to me.
Hoche: Through all the struggles I've gone through you have been very supportive of me. You have been a level headed voice of support and advice. I think that if it were not for you I would have been worse off in many different circumstances. Aside from that you are a very talented writer. I find myself stunned by some of what I've seen you write. Thank you for everything you've done for me and for being my friend.
Zane: You always show me cool warhammer things and that's special to me. I also really like Nyalter. I love ocs in general, but I think you have done a phenomenal job in giving her a life and story that is uniquely hers. I find it to be quite inspirational and it really pushes me to work harder on my own original characters.
Amber: I have mentioned this before but you were the first person to welcome me into the community. That is always going to be special to me. During that period when you left I teared up a fair amount because it felt like things would always be so different with you gone. I'm very glad that you came back. I really like all your ocs. I'm glad Eri isn't gone but I'm also really happy to be seeing the opportunity for your other ocs to shine as well. They're all fun, but I'm particularly a fan of Anna.
Kay: You've given me some of the advice that has helped me the most when I have been in a bad spot. I can't thank you enough for that. You've stopped me from making really bad decisions. You've also just been a fun and supportive friend. I am very interested in your Reimu and the story arc you've created with the hakurei god.
Swigg: I know we haven't talked much lately. I think our schedules don't line up the best. But you recently mentioned trying to get back into Tumblr. I'll be very happy if you do. Your ocs are fun and you put a lot of love and care into the canon characters you write. I think you add a lot to the community.
Sethy: I didn't know it for a while but back in the Fate community I followed your arknights blog and admired you there. I'm super glad I have gotten the opportunity to meet you and to become your friend. I think that all the things you do are so cool. Like you're a vtuber that's incredible. I always wanted to stream but could never work up the courage. You also know the creators of all the walfas I love. I just think its so cool. You have such a history within the community. I know that you suffered a very bad tragedy this year. I don't believe I was in a good enough headspace at that time to have provided you with the support a friend should have given and I deeply regret that. I just hope you're doing well.
Noka: I think you're a real sweetie and also really funny. I'm glad to see you posting on your sfw blog a lot more again because I really love seeing you on my dash. I'm hoping that we can do a lot more threads in the future because its always fun to write our muses together.
Minnie: Maybe the only person with the same brain worms as me. I know that lately we have not talked much but I hope you are doing well. I just wanna say that I really love your art.
Aurora: My apprentice and buddy, hehe. I know I haven't been around much but I want you to know that I'm glad you decided to join the rpc. You're so full of ideas and kindhearted. You have such phenomenal oc ideas and have such a talent for making danmaku. I think someday you may be the centerpiece of the community.
Sats: We haven't spoken too often but like Amber you were one of the first folks to interact with me in the community. Alongside that I find your writing to be phenomenal. As are your headcanons. The work that you put in to research, especially on folklore, is just so inspirational. It drives me to want to learn everything I can.
Momi: Hey Momi. It's been a while since you've been around and I miss you a lot. I know we still message on discord occasionally so its not like I can't reach out to ya. But I just miss you being in the rpc a lot. You were such a great writer and always doing something fun. But I imagine you've got a whole bunch of difficult challenges ahead of you. I've heard the career you're pursuing is really rough. I hope that you're thriving in it though.
Sarience: You've always been a good pal to me. I have a lot of fun writing with Neka in both forms as well as your other muses. There's a lot of asks from you I haven't answered yet. I'm really sorry about that. It feels disrespectful. Still I hope to be able to do more in the future. Thank you for always being interested in interacting with my muses, even when I was very new and unestablished.
Kyo: I really really like everytime that I see you on my dash. You write your muses in such a fun and engaging way. I hope that we get to interact a lot more in the future. I also know you've started something new in the last few months, not gonna be specific since I'm not sure if you've shared that part of your personal life on Tumblr, but I wish you the best of luck at it. I think you're going to succeed hard!
Ran: Ran I guess I just first wanna say I consider you a really good and special friend. When we've spoken you've often alluded to social anxiety and feeling like you've said embarassing things. So I want to restate that I've never been put off by what you've said and I love talking to you. As well as roleplaying and doing boardgames. I have so much fun pairing our muses up our causing wacky hijinks. I haven't seen you on your blogs much lately. Maybe I've just missed you but if not I hope you return to the rpc soon. It's not the same place without you.
Metal: You've been a long time friend to me by this point. Longer than a lot of folks on this list. I really appreciate that a lot. We haven't talked too much lately but I hope you're doing well. I also know not all of our fandoms sync up but I'm always down to interact anyways.
Nep: Hey Nep I haven't really seen you on Tumblr lately. I'm hoping that's just because we've been active at different times but if not I hope you're back soon. If you're not, I hope you're happy wherever you are. I think that you're real fun to write with and you've got original characters I'm excited to do much more with. I also believe that you had an event while I was gone that I'll hopefully be able to catch up on sometime soon.
Koi: I know I've not been around much lately but I hope that you're doing well. I've not really been in the headspace for horror lately but you're very good at bringing a unique horror flair to things.
Plumber: Hey we don't really personally know each other all that well but you're always making fun and wacky posts that I love to see on my dash. It feels like the rpc would be a lot less fun without you here. You also seem to be an incredibly kind person.
Kaali: A friend I've had for quite a while now but that I don't talk to enough. Sorry about that I'm just genuinely not the best with conversations. I have mad respect for all the work you put into your original characters and into your ideas. Like you really pull out all the stops.
Awoo: I've admired your ability to create interesting and fun original characters a lot. Several decisions I've made to develop my skills as a roleplayer have been inspired by you. I know you've had some mental health struggles of your own and I haven't heard from you lately so I hope you're doing alright wherever you are.
Sades: During some really difficult moments you were there for me when not many other people were. I'm always going to appreciate that. You're also the reason I got into Touhou. Which means that without you, chances are I woule not have met the vast majority of people here or found a community where I feel I belong.
Cobalt: I am always ecstatic when I see your posts on my dash. I love your Chen and think that you're a lot of fun. I have not been around much but when I have been I've seen you talking about things like not feeling you have much to do in the community. I can't make decisions for you but I do want to say that I think you are a fundamental piece of our rpc. I would be sad not having you here.
Teeps: I was shy about approaching you at first but you're incredibly cool. A lot of the fandoms you are in I'm not in but your posts get me interested in them anyways. Like I have no clue who that green sonic character is but you give her such an energy. I'm real glad to know ya. As far as the 2hu rpc goes you've been around a lot longer than me and I love hearing your own personal that you've developed.
Cait: I need to pop in and catch your streams more. I think that you're very cool to see on the dash. I especially love the way that you write your Sakuya. I really cherrish her interactions with my Reimu.
Sev: First of all. A while ago you sent me a very kind message wishing me well in my mental health struggles. I was not in the best place then so I did not appropriately respond. So thank you for that it truly meant a lot to me. I believe that you put a stunning amount of work into the characters you write, giving them so much detail and layers. Its inspiring and I just really want to appreciate you for it.
Hanafuda: You haven't been around much and last we spoke you alluded to a rough spot. So I hope if you ever see this that you're doing well. It was always fun having another Miko on the dash for mine to banter with. I also looked forward to seeing more of the other muses you played. Maybe someday you'll return.
Frozen: Everytime I see one of your posts it makes me smile. Honestly you've got some of the funniest jokes in the fandom. Some I don't get but I still feel they'd be hilarious if I got them. Also I have noticed you often commission art for other people. I find that to be a very sweet and kindhearted thing. So I consider you to be the heart of the community.
Fox: I don't know you very well but I've recently seen your multimuse popping up and it seems very fun. So I want to get to know ya in the future.
Chiru: We've not really spoken but I think you make some really great posts. Very well written headcanons and roleplays. So I just wanna say I'm always happy seeing you on my dash.
Draco: you're not in the touhou fanbase but you have been a long time friend. I haven't heard much from you lately so I hope you're doing well. I'm here if ya need me.
Sturm: I think that all your fairy posts are incredibly. You truly are a star of my dashboard. Hopefully someday we'll interact more. I'd like that.
Xana: You seem to have so much lore for your blogs, its really cool. It seems you've been around a long while so there's a lot of history. Someday I'd like to sit down and hear all about it from you. I also find your writing to be quite fun.
Jacob: we don't interact too much but I'm always excited to see someone posting walfas images. So that has always made you stick out in my dash and brighten it. Hope you're doing well.
Geisthonoredferry: As of yet, I don't believe we've interacted. But you're always liking my posts thst's something I really appreciate. Hopefully sometime I can get to know your oc.
Carp: Last I saw you were in a rough spot so I hope things are well now. You're newer to my dash but you seem very kind hearted and jovial. Also your ocs sre red as hell and go've got good face claim tastes.
Crim: You're a real cool friend with a lot of cool ideas. I love any interactions that our muses have together. Although my favorite is Kutaka/Eiki because it's somehow both a very obvious ship and yet a rare one. I think that they are very cute together. I also like the sisterhood of Reimu and Kisume. It's an unexpected but fun dynamic.
Mugenri-mun: I don't believe I know your screen name but you've been real supportive of me through my hardship and gave me a person to speak to. I would not be in as good a place without you. Also I'm glad someone is repping Len'en.
Kcmeiji & Closedheartedgirl: I wanted to note you both as you are both Komeiji blogs thay popped up and then disappeared while I've been got on hiatus. I just think that's a bit disappointing. The Komeiji are some of my favorites.
That's about all I have to say. It was kind of tough to word it all out but those are things I want y'all to know.
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animasola86 · 4 days
Writer Interview Game
Thank you for the tag @moongurl95 - what a fun game! Let me ramble about my writing for a bit! :D
When did you start writing?
My earliest memory of writing anything was in elementary school. I went to a Montessori school where you had a few "free" periods before the actual classes, and I used that time mostly to write silly little stories about whatever I was into at that time.
That continued throughout my school life, I always enjoyed writing for school projects, and it really motivated me when the teachers would be surprised at what came out of my head (I was a shy kid, so my only outlet were these stories).
As for fanfiction, I think I started in 2005 when I joined FanFiction.net, and of course it was a Harry Potter fanfic. Several, actually. I even finished at least two long fics back then - an accomplishment I haven't been able to do since then, I guess. Ah well.
What really kickstarted my writing spree was Hogwarts Legacy and how the fandom used to be back in 2023 when it was all fresh and exciting. I've never written so much in my life! So I'm really grateful I can still sit down and write whatever comes to mind.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Hmm. I usually write what I read/read what I write, if that makes sense, but I used to be a big thriller and horror book enthusiast (before the smut took over my brain), so those genres I certainly have yet to explore in my own writings more.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm not sure I like to be compared, to be honest. I don't compare myself with anyone, either. And emulating anyone? Hmm. I mean, every single piece of fiction I ever read has a place in my brain, and subconsciously or not, my writing style will have traces of whatever I read last.
And I could name names now, but honestly, I just want to be an author, one day have my own story published, hold it in my own two hands, not to see my name on the cover (because that's actually a terrifying thought), but to know I've made it somehow, made it on the shelf next to all these other authors.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I have a bedroom with a desk and a laptop hooked to a screen and a nice keyboard that makes writing very easy (if the words flow, that is...). Nothing fancy, it's really cluttered too, but it works. I also wrote some of my drabbles on my phone before, but I prefer to write on the pc (autocorrect is a bitch), I need the control!
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hyperfixation. Very hard to achieve, but when it's there, oh boy, hold me back or I'll write ten oneshots in a day (not really, but it did feel like it at the best times). Once I'm in the process of writing, I also need peace and quiet. I wrote a lot of my pieces early in the morning, right after waking up, even before breakfast, just to get the thoughts out. But I don't usually have a set time to write. If the muse is musing, I'll just write, no matter where and when.
And to muster that muse, I'll either doomscroll through a particular fandom or I read similar stories, sometimes even my own works to get back in the flow of things.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Well, I am a smut writer, I write smut, in various shapes and forms and positions and you know the deal. Does not surprise me at all. Though a year ago, I wouldn't have believed you if you told me I'd become what I am today. I always had smutty thoughts and love and affection were always themes in my writings (see below!) but to write as explicitly as I do now, well, okay, that does surprise me, or it did at first. Now I'm writing about these themes like others write their shopping lists.
What is your reason for writing?
Love. Or lack thereof. I used to be really into psychological or criminal thrillers, and what these types of stories all lacked was love, or relationships, or simply put: feelings, or that bit of fluff between all the killings, you know? So I decided one day to write my own thriller but add a lot of love into it, make love the major theme that drives the crimes so to speak.
Emotions can influence so many things, and I was always reading those stories with these interesting characters and none of them had any connections, or so it felt, and if they had, it was always mentioned in the very back, and I needed details! (I could have tried to find romance thrillers, but instead I took to writing, and I'm not mad!)
Same with my early Harry Potter fanfics. I was always missing real romance in the books, so I made my own stories, put these characters together, smashed their heads against each other and told them to kiss. Worked great. Still works fine.
Apart from my need for romance, I just enjoy thinking up stories, building worlds, creating characters. It's a nice distraction from the real world, and as unhealthy as it may be, I enjoy getting lost in various fantasies. It's helped me a lot over the years.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I'm just happy if I get a comment at all. For someone to not only read and like my writing, but to take the time to share their thoughts? Makes my day every time. Of course I like those comments that go into details, reference the story, ponder over the things I've written. It's really nice to discuss what came out of my head with someone reading it for the first time, gives me a new perspective on things for sure.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Hmm. As someone they like to return to if they're in need of some spicy fics? I don't know, honestly. I hope my readers think good of me, even if I take a long time to come up with new stuff or leave them hanging for a bit. I hope they'll keep coming back, maybe go over my old stuff, enjoy what I already gave them.
I'm okay with being reduced to a smut writer, because that's what I am most of the time, and honestly, I just hope my readers have a good time with my filthy little stories. If, at the end of the day/night, they still remember who wrote that steamy scene, I couldn't be happier.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Juicy details. Writing explicit smut was a challenge at first, but I've conquered it, and now it comes (hehe) so easy for me, I just need to think of a scenario, that tiny bit of necessary plot (which is the hardest part now), and all the puzzle pieces fall together. The challenge is to keep it somewhat diverse, spice it up, not repeat myself (which, in my genre, isn't as easy... you can only do so much with two bodies, right?), which is why I keep diving into various kinks, and oh boy, there are still so many, and I keep learning so much as I surf the very dirty waves of the Internet (until I reach a point where it gets too dark and filthy even for me and I have to go back to reading/writing fluff for a while...).
How do you feel about your own writing?
I enjoy writing, and I do enjoy going back to my older pieces and re-read them, brings me joy to know that *I* was able to write *that*. To be honest, I've never felt uncomfortable sharing my writing, no matter how depraved it's gotten, so, yeah, I feel good about my writing. I enjoy it, and some other people seem to like it too, and that is all that matters to me, to share my joy.
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paganwitchisis · 27 days
Writer Interview Game
I wasn't tagged but I'll tag others :) No pressure and for fun of course! I tag @bardic-inspo @nyx-knox @astarionancuntnin
When did you start writing?
12. I began writing fanfiction at 12 and it evolved since then. I started on Fanfiction dot net and made my way to Archive of Our Own after they purged and rejected adult content. I loved writing as an escape and a great way to be creative. I've been writing 23 years now.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I usually write adult content so I can deal with my trauma. Some of it is good, some of it...well...I rather not show them the light of day. I love reading romance novels or spy series books which is different than what I write.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I WISH I was compared to someone or was popular enough to matter! I don't try to emulate anyone. I used to as a kid but now? Everyone has their own unique writing and my plan is to develop mine while telling stories.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Usually on my MSI gaming laptop on the couch as my spine condition (I'm disabled) won't let me sit or stand long periods. I try to lay but it is difficult. One day they will fix me and I can have a proper space to type.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I rewatch or replay the source material. I usually get dreams about the subject and that gives me story ideas. I never had issues with imagination but burnout is real.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I torture characters often. I don't know why I do it and should talk to my therapist about it to be honest. I do put them back together in the end but I love to hurt the characters and show a healing process. I love dark tropes.
What is your reason for writing?
I had SEVERE abuse as a child (trigger warning), I mean burning, batons, knives, taser, belt buckles, punching, biting, and so, so much more done to me as a kid. Mental and physical abuse. I needed an outlet to deal with it as around 13 I started getting PTSD symptoms (flashbacks that were real) and I was scared. I didn't know what it was. I needed something, anything to make sense of the world so I made stories.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Anything uplifting helps as I rarely get comments. I do once in a while get some from people and I have one person right now who comments often on my work and it means a lot. I love feedback (genuine) but the uplifting comments make me smile.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I'd love it if they loved my work. If they cared about the stories I weave and the narrative I produce. That's all I can ask for.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I have a good vocabulary so I can find many, many euphemisms for what I am writing about Other than that it would be my imagination. I never lack stories I can tell. I have 37 now ideas started as WIPs for Baldur's Gate 3 for instance.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I hate it to be honest. I feel I am not that good but most authors are their own worst critics.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I do a mix of both. For example I am putting a threesome in one of my long fics but I don't personally go for that. I just found the audience loves it so I figured I'd write things they like. I also have a story on foot fetishes for BG3 and I am not into that either but I wrote it for others (mostly a friend).
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royaletiquette · 10 months
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Name: Rose
Pronouns: she/her
Preferred comms: Whatever, I've never had issues with IM's personally, so I like them. But I know no one else does lol. Discord is cool, especially when we start sending memes and shit to one another.
Name of muse(s): Hibiya and Hibiko. I've had one other muse that didn't last long, I just wanted an excuse to talk about my views and opinions on music lmao. An outlet to express that to a degree, but I just didn't have anything else I wanted to say, no overarching theme or anything.
Experience in RP: Started out the classic way of rp'ing via texts with a friend, where it was like [ "Stop doing that" *laughs* ] as Izaya from Durarara. Not terribly long after I moved to tumblr cause I was already always on it on my personal account and heavy in the durarara community in 2012, 2013, cause I wanted to write as Hibiya. And that was a blast because it started showing on Adult Swim so the anime got more popular and there were just a lot of people and alters to write with.
Stopped and started a few times, but I always wrote Hibiya publically and no one else. I think I barely wrote in 2016 cause the rp side of the fandom was DEAD and I didn't really venture out to find new partners. I had also moved countries so like, wasn't thinking about writing often. Completely stopped thinking about it in 2017 and was writing songs instead. Until after I graduated college and was working fulltime, and after all the lockdowns stopped (Toronto had multiple), I needed a new creative outlet I could work on while not home and kept thinking about Hibiya and Delic and having ideas I wanted to explore. And was very lucky to find my email and password! So now I'm like, I can't imagine leaving tumblr to write somewhere else. Privately I dunno, it's so boring.
Best experiences: It's so nice to have partners that equally gush over one another's muses and relationships, sharing ideas and potential threads and even just being like "lmao if this happened, it'd be over" / "I can't stop thinking about x."
Plus I mean to be honest, it's so, so exciting and nice to hear people excited to write with me and ask about my muses, having genuine curiosity. Asking questions I've never thought of and pushing them to be more developed and fleshed out. I love posting a reply or answering a meme and immediately getting pinged on discord of someone panicking and talking to me about it.
Pet peeves / dealbreakers: Too much ooc is the main reason I end up unfollowing people. Which like, listen, it's not like I outright say, I don't care about you. But if it's too much, even though I like you and your muses and want to write, I'm gonna mute your tag. I'd much rather someone repeatedly be like "I'll be on twitter if you care" or whatever passive-aggressive thing, than have a bunch of posts on my roleplay account that are nothing. Let me ignore it if I want to.
I've complained to the point of adding it to my rules, but I hate mains. And I honestly more and more feel like I'm making the right call in that it's very mean and you shouldn't do it. I understand feeling more drawn to some muns/muses than others, but when a mun is repeatedly answering someone's stuff immediately when you've been waiting for a reply for a month. Yeah, it's a little dog shit. There needs to be an effort to balance it out between partners.
A COUPLE ACTUAL PETTY PET PEEVES. That like, I've rewritten this a bunch of times cause I don't want to be dumb and rude even though it makes me want to be very that. I hate when muns make their muses short and are just weird about it. Like, it's obviously written from the perspective of a person that is average height, who sometimes feels short, so assumes someone shorter than them always feels short. And it's like no one thinks about their height that much, stop it. But this is absolutely me, a person who is the height of all those short muses, being like bruh stop being weird. I also hate when there is an unrealistic weight put to muses. Because it's something most people ignore, so just skip it if you're gonna be dumb about it. If you feel the need to be like, my 5'6" muse 90 pounds, think about how dysfunctional that makes a person. It's beyond the realm of "my muse is skinny." But!! Again! I know this is just me being like "your fictional character is unrealistic." People like to make their muses taller than Shaq and as buff of as wrestler, but also be like "it's natural, they would never track their calories/protein intake."
Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ): Of course it depends. Hibiya is fun because he's awful at being fluffy, so it's great putting him in those positions where I am also so horribly uncomfortable for him. He's always angsty. It gets a little tiring. Smut is all me though, I just get lost in thinking of the details and then I forget to write any of it and it takes forever. Practice though and I know it'll be more fun. There are at least muses now that Hibi wants to be gross with finally.
Hibiko however, is like, always bordering on fluffy, to the point that she really fights angst. Which in itself is fun because that's where most of her development comes from. Surprisingly, smut will be/is really fun for Hibiko because her walls are down, which isn't the case any other time. She also doesn't have as many preconceptions as Hibiya when it comes to sex, so it's more freeing and open for me to write.
Plot or memes: Memes are more freeing. They can be long winded ideas or just a paragraph, so that's fun. But when it comes to the long run, I need to talk about plots to some extent so we're not running aimlessly.
Long or short replies: Long. Mid, really, but I'd rather it be longer than shorter. I've learned I have a hard time tapping into what my muse is going through if I'm not seeing that in return. But short ones are a very welcomed break when they come along. It's nice to easily poop out a reply without being like oh fuck okay what happens first.
Best time to write: When I'm alone in the morning before anyone wakes up (which isn't the morning but pretend it is). I like sitting in silence and enjoying the nothing going on so I can focus. I like to watch movies by myself, and it'll take twice as long because I'll pause it to write while inspired, and watch another five minutes before pausing to write again. The way god intended, really.
Are you like your muse(s): Kinda. I relate to Hibiya more. I'm more aloof than I think I am and can be a little insensitive towards other people's feelings and my words. Emotions are not my strong suit lmao.
tagged by @sansloii
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deathfavor · 9 months
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ADDRESSING COMMON QUESTIONS because even though I've said and state this in my rules, i want to make it clear by actually writing it out myself.
HOW MANY MEMES CAN I SEND? I genuinely mean it when I say send as many as you want. I've had several people send me 20+ memes at once and i sit there Delighted to see them every time. More memes often means multiple dynamics and different situations, and can give me a lot more to work with if i'm feeling a certain genre of writing. The question is how often do you want to see me in your notifs because i do try to answer all the memes I get. So it's a challenge. You spam me, I spam you. mutual exchange. ( and 4 is NOT spamming okay, you gotta hit at least 8 before you can call it spamming in this establishment. )
YOU REBLOGGED THIS MEME AGES AGO, CAN I STILL SEND SOMETHING IN? My memes don't have any time limits on them. I could have reblogged it back in January and if you want to send it in, go for it. The only ones might be like the 'next ten asks' memes since those are for 10 but the common, typical meme? Go wild.
IS IT OKAY TO TURN THIS INTO A THREAD? I literally write my meme replies with the intention of making it easier for people to continue if they want to. New post, and i try to end my meme responses in a way that lets people continue them with ease. I LOVE threads, I've legitimately had 15+ threads with just one person ( not including all my threads with others). So please, if you want to turn something into a thread, literally just take it and run. I'm genuinely thrilled every time someone is inspired or liked a response enough to continue it.
SOMEONE ALREADY ANSWERED THIS OPEN - CAN I STILL ANSWER IT? Yes! This isn't a lottery ticket or first come first serve. If you see an open and you want to answer it, go for it! I encourage it! People can take one open and make them vastly different and its so fun to see how people interpret or build the scenario or how different characters and dynamics lead to different things even from the same open!
I WANT TO WRITE WITH [MUSE] BUT I DON'T KNOW THEM. CAN I STILL? / DO YOU WRITE CROSSOVERS ? Yes! I'll be honest here. I am FAR, FAR more prone to straight up crossovers than making fandom specific AUs. Sure, I sometimes might. But I love straight up crossovers way more, whether its your muse coming to my world or mine going ot yours. Most of my muses come from sources where ending up in another universe could genuinely happen as well so its not hard to do. I'm always happy to discuss who goes to what world. I think its fun ; plus it makes muse interactions all the more genuine for me in a way since if I don't know the muse, it doesn't somehow influence my muse either. And I'm always happy to share any relevant information to them!
DO YOU WRITE WITH OCS / CANON DIVERGENT / ETC. I do! I genuinely love writing with OCs and I know sometimes it can be hard. I've personally dropped all my OCs because of that. So I try my best to give them attention and build bonds between the characters. And same goes for Canon Divergent! It might need some discussion depending if it effects my muse somehow, but I am genuinely absolutely here for it !
I hope some of this might offer relief to you guys who might have been wondering about these things. I tried to think up common questions / sources of anxiety that people have in the RPC and really write it out here. I'm sure I've missed some and you can feel free to write in the comments or send an ask if there's a question / topic you're wondering about. I definitely feel like i'm missing some pretty obvious ones, but I think these are ones that I've had come up most frequently when interating with new people so maybe this will offer
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Caught up with tfs a few days ago… Just wanted to say that I absolutely love it, especially how you've depicted certain dynamics (Maedhros and Maglor. They're such complex characters and it's thrilling to see them interact) Can't wait for part 20!
Also, if you don't mind, there's a couple questions for you:
I remember a note of yours saying you were thinking about killing Maglor in the very first chapter of the fic… Do you have any idea of what turn things would have taken if you had done that?
(I hope this isn't too technical) What's your approach in writing? Do you start off with certain scenes already in mind or do you just ask yourself what would the characters do in certain situations?
P.S. Maglor, could you please focus on STAYING ALIVE for once?
This is such a lovely ask, thank you! I sat on it until after I’d got part 20 out so that I could answer it without worrying about spoilers (re Maglor in particular), but it’s been brightening my ask box since you sent it in! I’m so glad you enjoy tfs, and the Maedhros and Maglor dynamic in particular – I love the two of them to PIECES and I want everyone reading to end up as feral about them as I am.
So: killing Maglor! I very much did not want to do that, as this entire second arc has shown pretty conclusively. To be honest I think the fic would have been almost unrecognisable if Maglor had died. He’s one of the two main characters (there are lots of major characters, but Maglor is a main character), he’s appeared in literally every single part, and his arc is one that ties strongly with several of the fic’s important themes. On a practical level, if Carcharoth had killed Maglor, there would have been no particular incentive to bring Maedhros to Menegroth, and so Beren, Lúthien and Thingol would have had a lot less divergence from their canon paths. And the way I see Maedhros is that grief tends to make him completely shut down, so we wouldn’t even have had a feral chaos agent to cause trouble. Although perhaps Curufin, backed up by Celegorm, would have taken the opportunity to pull off a coup in Himring even sooner. But also I wouldn’t have got to write Maglor meeting Lúthien so this would not be as much fun :(
My approach in writing! Kind of a mixture of the two, really. Writing canon-divergence AU actually requires you to be in almost constant conversation with canon, I think. Especially in the first few parts of tfs I spent a lot of time asking myself, Okay, so how would [insert character] react to this situation, based on what they do in canon? As I got more into the swing of the story, and more settled in my characterisations, I defaulted a bit to my more usual process, which is very much “have cool scenes in head and figure out how to get there”. The stabbing (my beloved!!) is a good example of this. I’d set things up in parts 11 and 12 so that Maedhros was obviously in an Extremely Bad Headspace and would not react at all well to Fingon and Maglor’s return. He could try to kill Maglor, actually, I mused to myself. And as I thought through the scene I decided that I liked the image a lot and would now have to quickly contrive a reason for Fingon to not be there so that it could happen. But for the most part I do try to let characterisation inform the plot – less putting little guys into situations than trying to work out which situations the little guys would get themselves into, which I think tends to produce a more plausible plot than the “the image in my head is cool” method. And of course I love writing dialogue and many of the best scenes in the fic are conversational ones: for those I usually have an idea of what plot significance the conversation needs to have, and what sort of dynamic between the characters I’m trying to illuminate, but often when they get talking I lose control of them a little and have to wrestle them back into line! Which is both fun and frustrating. Sometimes characters come up with really cool lines completely out of nowhere (I am VERY pleased with “The iniquity is not written on your bones” like where did that come from), but sometimes they’ve been in my head for ages and I am absolutely dying to work them into a conversation (“Ask me to stay and I’ll stay” !!). So a mixture, again.
Thank you so much for the lovely ask!! ❤️
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anemia-rp · 11 months
(Hey, just some things:
I have the muses on this blog set on multiship/multiverse, but it doesn't mean a ship will necessarily happen. It's a possibility if [mutual] chemistry is given. However I didn't only make the decision of multiship/multiverse because of shipping with several people but to have the opportunity to maybe explore different backstories for my muses or different circumstances your muse may might meet mine in. Another very important aspect is the avoidance of drama. Some ic drama is okay sometimes, but not longterm, then it will start to upset me. Besides of this multiverse helps me to separate ic and ooc better [what is VERY important!]. I will NOT turn any of those muses singleship that's why and I prefer it not to made feel bad for my decision of how I want to roleplay. I have played a singleship muse for ca. one year before and I want to try something else on this blog, and I'm very satisfied with my decision. Whenever you ask me I'll always give you the advice to become multiverse, too, even if we have a ship together.
But returning to shipping now. I think I said and let it show often by now already, but Fuji is a difficult muse to ship romantically with. It needs a lot of time and patience to get close to him. He's not the kind of type to fall head over heels for someone most likely, at least this didn't happen yet during the years I play him now. It's a slow process. Besides of this it's very unlikely he will want someone as a partner who behaves like a fan and one of his 'dogs'. Yes, he's into people like this, but he most likely won't develop romantic feelings with them. He's impressed when someone meets him on eye level. By witful conversations. By being there for him. And very important: By people staying with him and proving him that they won't give up on him - without putting him into pressure. The harder someone tries the colder he will turn. Yes, I could make him give others what they want, even if it feels wrong. I could make him tell others he loves them after a week. But I would only do this once or twice because then I would lose muse for him. Been there, done that with other muses. He would stop being what he is - how someone said lately: Authentic. Point is that you always have the right to not want to romantically ship with someone, even if they say they even created a muse for you. This isn't a responsibility to have a muse love another. I much prefer having muses meet each other and seeing where it goes. And to be honest, for me one of the most exciting parts is the way until the first 'I love you'. In the past I have dedicated another muse a lot of patience. Although my muse fell for the other during their first night [this can happen to emotional muses like Teru is one] he waited more than a year for the first confession. It's a proof of love for many of my muses. To stay, even if it takes long. Playing games whereas will turn out as very counterproductive.
In the past I had lots of troubles writing dominant muses, because whatever they did, even if they were nice, they mostly couldn't do things right. This completely ate my confidence writing them. I slowly regained this confidence with someone I had amazing chemistry with but mostly wrote submissive muses for a while because although they may gain not as much attention I barely made any bad experience with them. However, when I created Fuji I made him to be as less attackable as possible. Someone who pushes people away rather than letting them in, to give a fuck when someone doesn't like him, to not be a perfect dom. To just be himself and not being ashamed of it. I didn't expect him to become so popular because of how he is. And I dare to say a lot of people have a nice experience with him. Or with my other muses. With /me/. That's why I'll stay here, for the people who enjoy playing with me, even if in the end it will only be two or three. And I'm here for the good experiences. I'm not here to make anyone sad but I won't kill my own spirit anymore for anyone either.
In conclusion, I guess no one can make anything right for everyone. But everyone can make things right for themselves, and that's necessary for giving others a good experience, too.
Mun feels tired and old and thinks too much. May be slow.)
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devoteyrheart · 1 year
Do your muses like each other? What are their relationships with other muses on your blog?
(from) ― // @60104
im about to be stupid on main and you're just going to have to deal with it ig.
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jean and erwin have a very special dynamic in my heart. erwin absolutely saw immense potential in jean, but it went beyond that. in the au where my erwin experiences heavy character development ( particularly pretraining to relationships and vulnerability ) , erwin's character development accidentally directly influences jean to start shedding his 'real men r tuff real men dont show vulnerability' frame of mind. tldr: erwin becomes an all-around good healthy male role model for jean.
but im not diving deeply into this one today. i'll be diving into other nonsense.
we all know mike and erwin got along, and that eld respected erwin a lot so i'll keep it short. mike was a very angry guy when he was younger and erwin is one of the people who helped him channel / re-direct that anger into something worthwhile. eld was very nihilistic until he met people like erwin and mike, and he was always very open to hearing what erwin had to say even when others made fun of him ( esp in their first year as cadets ). erwin could be a weird / intense guy sometimes, but he was so genuine and enthusiastic about his thoughts like... erwin really cared? like, eld thought erwin was just shooting the shit at first but then he realized that erwin actually cares about figuring stuff out? he actually CARES? it made eld cry ( privately ofc bc men don't cry ) because he didn't know people like that truly existed.
mike is very protective and patient with eld because he sees the younger version of himself in him a little bit. ilse has a brother / sister relationship with eld and his demeanor reminds her a lot of the brother she lost. gunther is the ideal bad cop to ilse's good cop and they figured this out pretty early on. marlene and eld are always testing gunther's patience, but only marlene gets genuinely offended by gunther sometimes. ( gunther probably has a huge crush on marlene, if i'm honest - there's just smth about the dynamic of a character who is v ok with taking risks and dying bc they see their death as a glory thing x a character who is cautious and wants to go tf home and doesn't think there's any glory in dying ).  
i have a brotp with marlene + ilse + hange ( i write hange privately ). ilse is v much the 'guys i support u and all but lets remember the Geneva convention yea?' person of the team. marlene isn't as curious as hange and ilse. ( at first ) hange and marlene care less about the ''greater'' good than ilse. hange found out ilse used to work at a hospital and was delighted when ilse let her borrow her illustrated v graphic anatomy books. marlene thinks she needs to be a hardass and a cool girl: ilse can very easily see through her façade like ( marlene reminds ilse of her living brother ) and hange couldn't give less of a shit about any of that, so hange and ilse both offer a safe space for marlene to be who she is whoever that is no pressure. marlene thinks hange is a weirdo but is promptly down to clown with ANY of hange's ideas more often than not. ilse doesn't think hange is a weirdo and is often down to clown with hange's ideas if they don't affect anyone apart from the three of them but if they do she's the only saying 'pause. lets think this out shall we?" because sometimes it seems like there's only 1 braincell between the three of them and after hange does all the creative thinking it promptly jumps to ilse. it's just a fun and wholesome dynamic, especially as they get older and are pulled in different directions and establish connections with other characters, but always touch base with each other. well. at least they did until ilse got eaten and marlene got yeeted.
ty for coming to my ted talk.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ( for Usagi - all verses pls uwu )
| For every "♡" I get I'll give a tip on how to win my muse's heart.
*Since I write a few more usgai's I decided to divide the hears up for each one uwu.
So you have fallen for the rabbit Ronin who has lived a life mostly built on solitude? As someone who spends a great deal alone truth be told he loves companionship and
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♡ "Someone of great sword skill would be eye catching."
I will forever love that no matter what Usagi and Leo will always, ALWAYS, fight when they meet friendly or not its gonna happen. Usagi may live in New York (which makes me laugh he just there now XD) Usagi even when assuimng the turtles to be bad couldn't help but point out Leo's own skills. Usagi is a swordsmen first so him complimenting another is a big deal for him to show he notices another's skills.
♡ "Those who stick to their honor"
Usagi, is someone who even against his will, sticks to what he finds and sees as honor. Usagi's honor is his whole being. SO the fact Leo is someone who can understand that and even defend his actions when he had to do as Shredder ordered? And helped him out from the situation? How can't usagi be grateful for someone so thoughtful and kind uwu
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♡ "Those who will fight to the end."
See this can go for either turtle he has an eye for uwu Both Leo and Don have shown that no matter the odds or numbers of a fight? They are willing to step up and fight. Usagi has fought along both of them and well let's just say he has gotten heart eyes watching them uwu
"Being a warrior comes with a lot of trails, and I have seen many let their hearts be tainted. So thought who stand to be kind still?"
Usagi can't help but find those who are willing to help others to be very appealing. Usagi world is far more hostile even his closest friend Gen cant fall into temptations of gambling and such so kind heart people do tend to get Usagi's attention the most.
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♡ "I tend to find stubbornness annoying but also attractive."
Say what you want but Leo's stubborn ass for sure is what got under Usagi's skin enough to fight with him even when they were on the same side later on. Leo can be head strong himself and stick to his guns like when he got upset about the cliff stuff. But this stubborn side was pretty big asset to beating Jei in the end (so they thought but still) uwu this can also apply towards Jei as well seeing how guys about as stubborn as they come about welllll everything XD Look Usagi can find an appealing and seeing how we have that they dated before? I feel it was what started usagi's attractive uwu
♡ "I do not often spend time around others so I do enjoy company when given."
Yeah boys kind of lonely lets be honest uwu Usagi meets people here and there sure but he doesn't often get to meet others all to much. So he also doesn't get to know others all to much either as it stands. But time spent traveling and such? Yeah that dose allow the chance to talk between destinations and learn about each other. I just feel Like Usagi would be very curious about Leo's world and could see them having talked a lot in their travels uwu.
MM Usagi uwu
"Well I kind of find Leo funny? What's not to like about that? " Leo is funny if not a little Awkward but it's cute and enduring to Usagi. He likes how Leo can't really lie or stumbles over his words even. It's hard not to find cute to the rabbit, it makes Leo not seem so intimating but its clearly a side Leo means to display but what can he saw Leo's little quirks have captivated him uwu.
" Leo's very trust worthy "
I haven't posted on Usagi for this verse yet! but I will say Usagi's gonna have trust issues but Leo's just so earnest that its gonna help a long way with getting the rabbit from feeling skittish and needing be on a constant defense around Leo at least.
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savedpeople · 9 months
∗ o3﹕ do  you  prefer  to  write  in  silence ,  or  with  music  /  background  noise ? ∗ o4﹕ what  is  your  primary  source  of  inspiration  for  [ negan ] ? ∗ o6﹕ is  there  something  about  the  roleplay  community  that  irks  you ? ∗ o8﹕ what  time  of  day  do  you  feel  you  create  your  best  work ? ∗ 11﹕ what  is  a  headcanon  you  have  for  [ negan ]  that  you  haven’t  posted ? ∗ 12﹕ do  you  prefer  extensive  plotting ,  or  writing  things  on  a  whim ? ∗ 18﹕ which  of  your  verses  or  arcs  is  your  favorite  to  write  about ? ∗ 22﹕ would  you  consider  [ negane ]  to  be  a  comfort  character ? ∗ 28﹕ what  is  a  turn - off  when  you’re  seeking  writing  partners ? ∗ 38﹕ what’s  a  bad  habit  you  have  when  it  comes  to  roleplay ?
Experience Yourself (Munday Questions) | Not Accepting | @wexarethewalkingxdead
I prefer having music or some kind of background noise, but sometimes I find it distracting and in those cases I'll opt for silence.
My primary inspiration for Negan really is just the source material at this point (some of it anyway), his story and his relationship with certain characters. I'm also just very attached to him as a character. I also found a lot of inspiration for him through certain ships and RP partners.
I'm not active enough in the rpc to have a lot bother me right now, but I suppose one thing that will always irk me is when people frequently move blogs or add/drop muses so often that it's hard to keep track of things and really interact at all, especially if threads/memes get deleted a lot too.
I do most of my best writing later at night, when the house is quieter and it's easier to concentrate.
Gonna be honest, after almost six years of having this blog, I don't think I have any headcanons for Negan that I haven't already shared at some point. Though a silly one that newer followers might not know is that I headcanon that Negan can play the harmonica lol. He also likes crunchy snacks, especially before the outbreak. Noisy food for a noisy guy.
I like to do some plotting to get things started, and then letting the thread go where it wants to go. We can always plot more along the way when needed.
Overall my favorite verse/arc to write in is his New Beginnings verse (seasons 9-10 primarily), because I think it offers the most possibilities and flexibility in terms of character interactions, relationship development, and plot options. I love digging into his emotions during that time too. At the same time, Savior verse can be really fun, especially when writing about life at the Sanctuary. Seeing how Negan balances being a, well, tyrannical leader, with still just being a guy. Like he's still just dude under all that. Getting to play with the contrast between scary, violent leader and guy that makes dick jokes and likes playing ping pong is a lot of fun when you dig under the surface of it. I just like picking at this guy's brain no matter the verse, really.
Negan is definitely one of my comfort characters. He's been my favorite for years and is among the few I love enough to truly consider a comfort character.
A turn-off when seeking writing partners is a really hostile seeming personality. Like if I'm checking out their rules page and they sound aggressive in them, or if their blog has a lot of mean-spirited snark or negative ooc posts. I also don't like it when someone acts overly familiar with me/my muse when we barely know each other.
A bad habit of mine in RP is being too picky with my own writing. My inactivity aside, even when I am trying to write, it takes me a really long time to get through even a single reply because I go over my writing over and over. I worry too much about whether it's good enough. I also have a hard time focusing so I'm often jumping between writing and other things. I don't like leaving replies half-finished so I sometimes won't start at all if I don't think I can finish it in a single go (though I'm trying to get better about that, I currently have a couple partially written responses in my drafts.) All this combined leads to insanely slow reply times and it's really frustrating.
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lockawayknight · 1 year
why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
from asks for multimuses [accepting!!]
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oh this is a fun one,,,,, let’s see,,
creighton: i immediately identified with this idiot when i first played ds2, just his dedication and obsession and loving devotion that borders on psychosis and the fact he is a huge fucking extrovert despite it all… his design, his voice, his mannerisms, his disposition, his heart, his mind, his EVERYTHING,,, i was so drawn to him immediately and never looked back. adores my mans
magerold: another char i identified with pretty quickly, he’s such a dork but so insular despite it. his humour and positivity and goofiness and just all that fun stuff. my partner always jokes that i’m kinning my muses and maggie tends to be the one i do most. he is just fun and silly and i adoreee him. goofball
ornifex: orn started out as a muse i wrote as a side-char who i then got super fucking attached to and wrote more and more often until she stuck. she is just such a great girl with such a great, honest personality, and her dialogue is SO fun to write. best girl
navlaan: THIS motherfucker… he started off bc i can certainly identify with the metaphor in his narrative of having a sort of separate entity within yourself you know and can acknowledge and want gone bc of what it does and knowing it’s a part of you yet also not anD I MEAN U GET THE IDEA. i’m schizy as hell so i saw him and was just kermit nodding gif. poor vessel,,, i need to write him more i mostly write the entity lmao
rat king, titchy gren, and chloanne: putting all the tertiary muses together cus the story is the same: i wrote them as side-chars in threads long enough they kinda took over and became muses themselves. they’re a wacky bunch with different reasons i was drawn to them but it all boils down to: their strong personalities. the king’s pride and intelligence, gren’s snarky sassiness, and chloe’s passive nonchalance… adore them all
mohg: WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN WITH THIS MENACE,,,, his design is what immediately drew me towards him, but it got out of hand when i learned about his lore. his childhood, his upbringing, the fact he turned outer-hate into self-love, his LOVE and devotion that crosses the border into insanity, his everything is just so GOOD and i can’t help but feel for him a lot more than i probably should lmao. he is a very special muse and i am so glad i picked him up despite the ickiness surrounding his lore by some of the community. i may have him kinda-sorta on hiatus but he is,, very special
alberich: deadass i only found out about this guy like two weeks ago DJFJDJKS but i was drawn to him IMMEDIATELY bc of his lore and the personality that i instantly gathered of him from his encounter in the roundtable. MANIAC!!! but a fancy one!! i love clown coded assholes he is so good and has been a blast to write. no regrets.
laurence: the last but not least… i always had a bunch of Thoughts about laurence but never really thought i would put them on paper tbh,,, until a friend made a bloodborne server and needed someone to write him. i got attached to the idea really fast and then my love for him i’d been holding back just Exploded out of me and now he is a full-blown primary muse. i have projected a lot onto him ngl but it is Good it’s okay dw djfndj he is a bastard… no laurence apologists allowed in my house but i’m so glad i picked him up cus his backhanded and secretive, sly politeness and manipulativeness is SO fun to muse. adore him.
so yeah i think that’s everyone i muse on tumblr!! gosh that’s a lot djfjdks but ty ty for q!!💕
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Helaena's ship bias obvi
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Thank you for the ask love! 💚💚💚
Sorry it took be a bit to answer!
Prompt: Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 ships I have a bias for, for my muse!
Helaena & Aemond
Okay, so first off, is probably the obvious answer, Helaemond. This is probably my favorite ship with Helaena and often my go to one. They’re in love and married and you can’t convince me otherwise, sorry. I think two of them have a very deep understanding of one another, they make each other feel safe in a world where neither of them have felt that very often.
2. Helaena & Aegon
I don’t write this ship very often, and usually just with a few specific people. This ship when writing usually needs to be more fleshed out than Helaemond. I would need some plotting for both characters to see how they feel about one another, how they interact and who Aegon is. Even though I don’t do this ship often I think it had a lot of potential when fleshed out.
3. Helaena & Jace
I’ve never actually written this ship, but it is an interesting one if it had ended up happening in an AU. Writing as either Helaena or Jace, I really would like to explore this one, to see Helaena in a marriage that is perhaps not had lonely or at times as suffocating as the one Alicent pushed her into. I think that with just the way that I view Jace I think Helaena would have much more peace in her life. While I don’t think Jace would understand Helaena on the level that Aemond does, I do think he would respect her, love her even and be true to her.
4. Helaena & Cole
Gonna be honest, not sure if this one actually even exists, but it scares me. 100% no. Helaena is very very weary of Cole. Doesn’t let him anywhere near her kids.
5. Helaena & Aemond in any verse
These two have my heart, I can’t help it
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rp-repliforce · 2 years
How would your main muses react to discovering Cybertronians? Is their opinion at all affected by the historical records of Stardroids?
That's a good question!
Well, to be honest, I can't decide if historical records of the classic timeline were destroyed or not, so it's hard to say how that would affect my muses' perception of cybertronians. I just... kinda sweep it under the rug and leave it ambiguous. 😅
The funny thing is that me and my sister once did a Mega Man X + Transformers Prime crossover RP years ago, but... I don't really recall how my muses reacted to the existence of cybertronians in the beginning. What I DO remember though is the time her Decepticon OC got in a fight with Colonel and threw and entire cactus at him. The same OC also got into a massive fight with General and nearly killed him. But to be fair, that older version of General is actually weaker than he is now. Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters allied with Optimus Prime's team pretty quickly though.
Anyways, I'll write for each character separately, and kinda assume that my muses are encountering the Autobots first.
I think he would be intrigued by the existence of cybertronians, and upon meeting the Autobots, would quickly take their side. He would strongly agree with their goal to protect living things and their freedoms.I think he would get along really well with Optimus, since the two seem to have a lot in common. However, Optimus is WAY older than he is, so General could certainly learn a thing or two from his experience. I can see him also adopting his quote: “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.“
Although General wouldn't intend to permanently join the Autobots in their war with the Decepticons, he'd still lend them his aid if they ever needed it. He might even let them stay in an empty Repliforce airship hangar.
This also might sound kind of funny, but I think that Cybertronian women would appeal to General. They're at a decent size (in comparison to himself), have lived long enough to be pretty mature, have likely served in the military, and of course - a lot of them are beautiful too. He may just find his soulmate among them. 😊 But the question is: will she stay on Earth with him?
I think that he would be most likely to discover the Cybertronians first, due to him being out on the field more often.
He would cooly stand his ground in the midst of these unknown giant robots, his saber drawn, but held low. He's not interested in a fight, but he’s prepared to defend himself if he has to. If they’re willing to talk, he’d try to ask them who they are, where they come from, and why they’re here. Depending on the verse (and therefore their general appearance), they might actually have to convince Colonel that they’re not from Earth. I don’t think he’d quite believe them at first.
She would probably only be meeting the Autobots once General has invited them to his headquarters (the hallways and rooms are plenty big enough to accommodate them). Since both Colonel & General would trust them by now, Iris would be pretty friendly towards their guests. She’d offer to help in any way she can, and might even show them around some of the other areas of the base later. She wouldn’t be very intimidated by their size, since she’s already used to hanging around General.
Commander Signas (who I now consider a main muse)
Upon first seeing the cybertronians, Signas would be most intrigued by how human-like they are, despite being aliens. He'd have a million questions, but one of his first ones would be: "Who created you?"
He'd very carefully try to work out the Cybertronians' true intentions as well, because he's well aware that there’s no guarantee any visiting aliens will be friendly. Still, in his negotiations, he'd find it fascinating how he can reason with a cybertronian EXACTLY like he can with any other human or reploid.
If he ever had to strategize against the Decepticons, he'd be able to use similar tactics to try and outsmart them like he would with the mavericks. He’d have to account for some very different ‘units,‘ of course. I also think that an enemy like Starscream would be a good strategic rival to Signas, but he might make the grave mistake of underestimating this “primitive Earth-robot” in the beginning though. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Signas could take advantage of Starscream’s pride to lure him into a trap and CAPTURE HIM? 🤣
He also might not visit the Autobots in-person until Optimus Prime has earned his full trust, but that probably wouldn’t take long. I think the Hunters would ally with the Autobots as well.
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