#hmmmmm i need to write both of these ladies more
tvrningout-a · 1 year
i will not lie: i read the new chapters for j.jk while i was eating, and now i'm Thinking
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bhah ch5 reread time for emotions
idk why eddie half-asleep mumbling about pancakes is so funny to me but like... relatable king
we love the contrasting feelings of Dani and Eddie vs Jamie’s house
lmao poor mikey. let the boy shred on his air guitar in peace
god this is all so domestic I want what they have (owen’s pastries and Jamie in a bandana)
a great, good place huh???? idk why clever canon line inclusion sometimes makes me go a little bit mad but here we are
Dani wanting to leave her mark on this place vs... whatever the fuck is going on in her own home the signs are all there babe
Jamie seeing the problem of Dani not having a desk to work at and immediately wanting to fix it vs Eddie just being Eddie hmmmmm
Carson and Mikey being buddies is actually something that can be so personal
dang Jamie and her quiet temper are so intimidating
problem solver Dani is here we love her. god they’re such a good match
skjfhdfkjfh so much talk about loins ladies get a room already
"Sometimes I just like making other people happy, is all." Dani you are toooo sweet (even if this gets you into trouble sometimes)
oh she is having Thoughts about their thighs pressing together and their fingertips grazing. this is so gay. gayer than whatever is gonna happen when they finally bone (I will happily retract this statement if proven wrong 👀👀👀). nothing tops this on the homosexual heirarcy of intimacy
mikey trotting towards school w the lil packed lunch jamie just threw him is so adorable I love the visuals of this fic
I am headcanoning Dani’s Aunt Liz who moved out east to be gay and no one will convince me otherwise (also bring her back Dani needs a cool gay aunt in her life)
Dani being presented with an opportunity to not hang out with Eddie’s familly: I will be there also I can be there 7 hours early also I will bring snacks
Charlotte? Charlotte Wingrave?? Is she on maternity leave to have Miles???
“"Yeah," she lied.” is one of my fave sentences ever idk why I just... the agreement and the deceit of it all (not necessarily specific to this moment tho it is a good one. I just love them in general)
ooft Dani feels so close to breaking here r.e. Eddie and their relationship and I cannot help but wonder if she’s been like this for a while or if the Jamie of it all is really accelerating things
aww Dani’s birthday we love to celebrate she
Dani looking for Jamie I always always imagine as a grounding thing even if she’s not aware of it. Jamie truly is her person and I will be going insane about it ty
Jamie’s wardrobe is truly top tier she is so dreamy
gah the um. heights of everyone on the wall... the familyness of it all. the history. time to look away before I explode
“It’s just the way it’s always been.” ooooohhhh these lines in sort of inconesquential moments that capture the essence of everything!!!!! genius
i fucking hate how hot I find Jamie smoking akjdfhdjfh why can I see it so clearly in my head and why am I like Dani Clayton levels of attracted to her about it
oof Dani truly hates her n Eddie’s house (a house is not a home.glee.mp3 etc). I’m also just realising with a return to the wall heights thing that Jamie was probably thinking back to simpler times and what this house represented as a home to her (both as a welcoming place to be/an ideal kind of home but something she will never really have/be a part of) my heart hurts
What is Dani wishing for as she blows out the candles does she even know what she wants???
Jamie insisting she gets to sit beside Dani is so adorable
the casual domesticity of Dani and Jamie together has me making the stupidest most endeared faces at my screen I love it
the camping trip mention kjfdghdfkj I will never forget Dani gay panicking the whole time I love this lead up
god why am I thinking so hard about the different paths Dani and Jamie went down r.e. their sexualitites rn like Dani being all scared of Jamie mixing w her work life and people realising that there’s something there is just... she’s so fuckign afraid of being herself and then u have Jamie who has lived her life as authentically as she can in that sense and the contrast of it all is so damn interesting (and breaks my heart a bunch)
is this the scarf Dani gave her for christmas does she still have it oh my god
“"And here I thought you were a fan of delayed gratification," Jamie said, chuckling softly.” please tell me this is a surprise tool that will help us later
wait i take it back about the gayest thing ever. I think this blindfolded w Jamie gently guiding her w a hand on her back while she says gentle reassurances like “I got you” is possibly the gayest they’ve ever been. OH she’s guiding her to the desk she refurbished with her own two gay hands this is peak lesbianism. i’m gonna make a heirarcy of needs pyramid based on this fic one day just u wait
ok but this is really soft as hell god I love the thoughtfulness of Jamie. get u a best friend that will fulfill ur every need and feels like home and then kiss her a bunch
“I feel like I'm standing in the middle of the room, screaming, and nobody even looks at me. Nobody can see me." this nell crain ref pls I cant
i think it’s really like... sweet in a way that both of them are sort of dancing around this like there are so many feelings there and they’re just sort of clinging to each other and the familiarity of their bond without pushing it into anything more even incidentally. i think it’s v much a testament to the writing that their relationship and what it is/what it could become isn’t overwhelming to either of them in moments like this. it all just feels very authentic and I love this fic so dang much for it
the library trip ok are we ready 4 the gay meltdown of the century
god them lowkey playfighting on the bus pls this is just like the perfect mix of teacher Dani trying to be professional meets teenage Dani and Jamie cuteness aaah
lmao is Jamie having a small gay meltdown over Hannah Grose that is perfection
fvkdjfgkjfh Hannah and Jamie discussing Dani’s pretty eyes I love this so much please I need more of this and Dani getting flustered about it
god the Jamie and Jackie history I need to know this backstory so bad
plsss Jamie putting Dani’s hand in her jacket pocket to keep it warm could you two be any more digustingly cuuuuute.
jesus fuck the tension of them almost making out in the back rowww. Jamie having a meltdown. Dani falling impossibly harder in love
i can’t believe this moment was it for Dani. lesbianism is stored in the library
oof the parallels between this and the school dance bathroom meltdown Jamie gone vs Jamie HERE in ways she can barely even comprehend. everything is NOT OK
“She couldn’t want this. She couldn’t want Jamie.” Ms Dani your delusions
yeehaw I’m officially halfway through my reread may the next 5 chapters align with the universe and see me through until ch11 is here amen
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Family beach day - Shanks x Reader
One Piece of summer challenge - week 5
part of the challenge hosted by @doctorgerth​ & @laws-yellow-submarine​ I’m attempting all 11 weeks, 11 different prompts and 11 different characters! This one is a little different, because I am a SUCKER for domestic fluff and I just really needed to make this happen, cause well, I am allowed to write something self-indulgent every once in a while UwU. Enjoy some actual dad Shanks! 
Prompt: Sandcastles - Character: Shanks - Word count: 1.5K 
modern AU. 2nd person. female reader. Some swearing and some sliiiiggghtt suggestive themes if you squint a little. Very fluffy and domestic otherwise and very much still SFW! 
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You frustratedly honked the horn multiple times. 
“Don’t cut me off you ass....absolute.... stupid person." Benn, in the passenger seat, chuckled at your choice of words. After Shanks had accidentally taught your four year old daughter the word 'dickhead', the two of you had decided to keep language in mind whenever your little angel was around. And right now she was in the backseat, counting cars with her dad, as you were trying to advance through traffic, as if everyone had decided that today was a perfect day for a trip to the beach.
Shanks and Benn were more often than not busy running their business and days off were rare. But this summer your red-headed husband had made a point out of taking a few days off, leaving the business in the hands of Benn, who now had a very rare day off that he had agreed to spend with your family. Your daughter had been asking to see ‘uncle Benn again’ and since it was summer and super hot, you had decided that a beach day might be the best way to get some stress relief for the two men, and a nice adventure for your toddler.
But unfortunately, the whole world had concluded that today was a wonderful day to go to the beach, and thus you were a little stuck in traffic, with the air conditioning not working as you wished it would and the road seemed to be filled with people driving for the very first time. It was frustrating you to no end, and Benn’s well-intended advice on where to drive or what to look out for was not received as well as it would be if you were more relaxed. 
One glance in your rear mirror made everything better: your daughter giggling in her car seat, excitedly pointing out things and telling her dad about all the things she sees, with Shanks replying to all her stories in pure amazement, asking questions and just generally making your  daughter feel like she was being the world’s best storyteller right now and it just melted your heart. 
After plenty of childproofed curses, aggressive honking and some more unnecessary advice from Benn you finally had made your way to the beach, and picking a spot close enough to the water that you could keep an eye on whoever stayed with your stuff, but not too close so you wouldn’t have to move too far when flow tide came around. 
You whipped out the sunscreen, putting a generous amount on your daughter’s arms, legs, shoulders and face before rubbing some on yourself and handing it over to your husband who just shot you some puppy eyes.  “y/n, my love, you know it gets a little difficult to reach my right side like this?” You chuckled at him, knowing after years without his left arm your husband was perfectly capable of applying sunscreen everywhere but his back, but he was just using it as an excuse to get a little massage from you. And who were you to say no?
‘Uncle’ Benn was already walking towards the sea with your daughter, excellent at reading the room, and left you for your little bit of quality time. You faked a deep sigh and rolled your eyes, but that went completely ignored or unnoticed by your other half, who was too busy enthusiastically already pulling his shirt over his head. You couldn’t keep the fake annoyed face any longer and laughed as you ordered him to lay down on the towel for a bit.
“Usually it’s the men giving the ladies a nice massage”, you joked as you squirted some cold sunscreen on his back, making him flinch a little bit at the sudden coldness.  “I never said I’d not give you one.” He relaxed the moment your hands started working the product into his skin.  “hmmmmm, I’ll keep you to that then” you chuckled. He was just about to retort with something that would probably be one of his trademark suggestive comments when two tiny -and very sandy- hands came to assist yours in rubbing the sunscreen on. Benn didn’t even look sorry as he said your daughter saw dad laying down and wanted to help get him up. You laughed even harder, at Benn, at your lovely darling who was now giving her father an unnecessary back scrub and the man in question, who was for sure pouting that his dirty talk would have to wait for a later hour. 
Benn watched your stuff, smoking and reading a nice book he brought along as the two of you too your daughter into the water, Shanks hellbent on teaching her to float already -”never too early to learn how to swim”- and your daughter giggling like crazy cause she was a natural, and the hand helping her float was mostly tickling her. 
After some time in the water, you went on to collect seashells, keeping the most pretty ones to spend a rainy day crafting something out of them. You had to physically stop your daughter from overfilling the bucket and nearly adding a jellyfish to it. You picked her up before she could grab the potentially stingy creature, which triggered some tears of course, like any toddler would cry for you not allowing them to hurt themselves, but the crisis was averted quickly by your husband and some ice cream. She nearly forgot about the bucket all together, and the three of you made your way back to your stuff for another round of sunscreen and dropping off the bucket when you noticed Benn was fast asleep, book on his face, probably to protect him from the sun. 
It was quite the funny sight, but you actually felt a little bad for him, he was probably beyond tired from overworking so much in Shanks’ absence. You quietly put your stuff down and led your daughter somewhere a little further so she could play without disturbing uncle Benn’s sleep.  “Let’s try and make a sandcastle okay?” 
You and your daughter spent more than an hour perfecting the sandcastle, Shanks watching with a grin on his face how you painstakingly tried to carve small windows in the towers, only for your daughter to try and help and accidentally reduce the tower to a formless pile of sand again. After about the third attempt, you were getting a little frustrated behind the encouraging smile you were flashing your daughter, and Shanks decided to come to your aid. He motioned your daughter over and started whispering something in her ear. The way she so eagerly nodded made you suspicious immediately. 
“Yes! Special Sandcastle!!”  
You narrowed your eyes at your husband, who just innocently told you you could finish the fancy castle in peace while the two of them would make an easy yet special castle. Of course, you were more interested in whatever that meant and followed them as they made their way back to where Benn was still comfortably snoozing. Shanks motioned for both of you to be very very quiet as he started piling sand on Benn’s legs. He must’ve been completely out of it, because he didn’t wake up. Your daughter started immediately helping, you’d almost never seen her so quietly playing, and you weren’t sure whether you should be scolding your child and manchild of a husband, or laugh quietly and help them out. You opted for the latter, but not before whispering to your favorite redhead that he’d take the blame when Benn woke up. 
“Only if you give me another one of those massages tonight”. 
He cut you off with a kiss before you could even protest or say something about using such a tone in front of your daughter. You decided to ditch the conversation and focus on burying Benn. 
The three of you had reached his shoulders in the making of your ‘extra special sandcastle’ when the soft snoring stopped coming from under the book, and your eyes widened.  “I swear to god, if this was your idea Shanks...”  “Yes! Daddy wanted to make an extra special Sandcastle!” 
You laughed, sitting back a little so you could deny involvement and gently removing the book from Benn’s face who was in between an angry glare and an amused grin, the latter mostly put on to not worry your daughter. 
“Uncle Benn is my favorite Sandcastle” “How about you help me get out of the sandcastle and then we can completely bury Daddy?” Your daughter nodded eagerly at ‘her favorite sandcastle’ who was already getting up and dusting the sand off of his form, and you saw Shanks get up in order to run away.  “Wanna help y/n?” Benn said as he picked up your daughter, ready to run after Shanks.  “Ehhh... I think I’m sitting this one out, someone’s gotta watch our stuff after all” You giggled as they ran off. 
You grabbed the book Benn was reading earlier and made yourself comfortable, grinning as you listened to the playful shouts that weren’t entirely acted from the members of your little family. A day to the beach had been a good idea. 
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asukaskerian · 4 years
youve totally converted me to grimmichihime and im really tempted to embark on a big fic about it but ive never written polyamory before and im really daunted !! any tips on writing poly and like how you see the dynamic of those three specifically?
eeee! :D :D :D write it write it write it!
ok OK ok hmmmmm ADVICE. i’m kinda scattered today so i’m gonna try to write all the things but i probably will not manage even most things.
general poly things:
-Closed triangle dynamics where all three love the other two are actually pretty rare and difficult irl! People rarely line up so nicely. what happens more often is a person has two boyfriends (romantic partnerships), one of those boyfriends has a wife (main/primary relationship) and three lovers (secondary relationships) where it’s more flirty and sexual and fun and less with the “help me while i grieve my dead mom”,  two of those lovers are also each other’s lovers. Or two committed couples are wife-swapping swingers, or a het couple has a “same sex partners are ok but not opposite sex” or vice versa, etc etc, there’s lots of flavors of poly and open relationships.
Fandom-wise it sounds like you’re writing the closed triad OT3 so let’s go with that though.
–Every person is different so every relationship with a single twosome has a different dynamic. Adding a third person means you now have AB, BC, AC and ABC dynamics to handle. What makes a poly ship fun is that those people are different and handle everything differently.
In other words, c h a o s.
–Every person has different insecurities (What makes them feel hurt, disregarded, disrespected?) and different relationship needs. (How do they ask for them, how do they react when they’re not met, how much compromise are they willing to deal with?) Some of those needs will conflict, or be assumed to conflict. Sometimes the way to make a person feel better will make another feel worse?! Well damn. Negotiating will HAVE to happen in some way.
Things being too easy are kinda boring to read though, so that’s fine in a fic. XD It kinda makes its own plot tbh.
–Some people don’t have a sense of jealousy at all and are just happy that the person/people they love are also happy. Some are possessive but not jealous (do whoever you want/build the outside attachments you want so long as at the end of the day you’re mine). Some are jealous but willing to deal with their own feelings because the payoff is worth the twinges. Some aren’t jealous but think they should be and only feel awkward and confused and maybe sad because they’re turning it inwards and never examinated it. etc etc.
I’m sure there’s more but i cannot brain. Anyway let’s pull up the grimmichihime for examples.
* Dynamics:
-Grimmjow/Ichigo: RIVALS who understand each other uncomfortably well in the dark corners of their psyche but keep butting heads. They just want the other one to respect them damn it. But they have very different contexts so like, are they still speaking the same language when they’re not speaking with blades?
-Ichigo/Orihime: Let me tenderly protect your sensitive places while I blush in silence while being too shy to make a move for like actual years. Also both of them think the other one is too good for them. Haa, kids. XD A very sweet and innocent First Romance vibe.
-Grimmjow/Orihime: this one has the least positive canon material, so you’ve got to imagine for yourself how the two of them would interact when they’re not under pressure. If Grimmjow isn’t fighting for survival/respect does he still trample all over her? If Orihime isn’t held hostage by crazy assholes threatening the lives of everyone she holds dear does she still flinch and grit her teeth in terrified resolve from his more volatile moments? Ok but do they connect? How? (It could easily have a dynamic like one of those bodice rippers where the genteel lady is kidnapped by a pirate and at the end of the trip he’s bending over backwards for her favor tbh XD)
-Third person reacting to the other two: —How does Orihime handle the constant barbs and physical jostling between Ichigo and Grimmjow? She doesn’t like physical violence, does she learn to see it as boys roughhousing or do they learn not to raise their voices too harshly around her? —How does Ichigo’s overprotective ass handle Grimmjow being insensitive or crude to her? Does she have to tell Ichigo it’s ok and she can handle it? (Does Grimmjow somehow develop Some Tact?) —Does Grimmjow have a single idea how to deal with their quiet gentleness? Cuddle time? What the fuck is a love language. Does not getting it bother him and make him hostile because he feels disconnected from them?
-What do they do when it’s all three of them at once? How do they hang out? Is there something they can all do together and how important is it to them, or are they okay with limiting that to have more one-on-one time instead? How do they handle time-sharing issues?
*Insecurities & jealousy :
-Is Grimmjow possessive and over what? Sex, time, training, angry moments? Do you headcanon him as sleeping around without any emotions attached or as avoiding people? Has he ever dated/been in a closed romantic partnership before? Can he even recognize the signs? How does he handle being from literally another planet from two of his partners and being stared at in confusion and/or horror while they bond over Not Getting Him and him Not Getting Them? Does he feel like a curiosity or a sex toy to spice up the Real Partnership ™ ?
-How does Ichigo handle the “yeah you’re dating two people and one of them is the girl everyone ships you with, and the other one is a guy everyone wonders wtf about” from the outside? How does he deal with endangering Orihime’s heart? (like, what if she gets attached and Grimmjow predictably breaks her heart in a thousand pieces and it’s Ichigo’s fault for allowing it to happen? What if he’s nasty in bed. What if he doesn’t flush.) Does Ichigo figure out/remember that he’s dating TWO people and Grimmjow might deny to hell and back he has feelings that can be hurt but does, in fact, have feelings that can be hurt, and now it’s Ichigo’s fault for coddling Orihime over him. Does he feel insecure over Grimmjow’s experience or the wild and spontaneous things he does with Orihime and the way they can laugh without it turning into a competition?
-Orihime is canonly insecure over what other people can bring Ichigo that she can’t, and she has a massive insecurity about not being able to protect Ichigo/following him on the battlefield. She’s been training like mad to catch up, and by the end of canon she’s quite happy for having been acknowledged by Ichigo on that point, but when faced with a dude who doesn’t feel sick every time he has to raise his fists and has reflexes like greased lightning, does she still feel like she contributes equally or does her self-doubt rear its head up again? Does it also spread out to things like idk, she can’t fully satisfy Ichigo sexually and he’s always going to be missing something if he’s with just her? Is she ever going to feel like Grimmjow, who doesn’t open up easily, only tolerates her because Ichigo’s the one he really wants, and sure he will casually and easily chat with her but that’s because he doesn’t care about her approval as much?
How do they notice these feelings, run from them, confront them, fix them, etc etc etc? Some are gonna be fixed super easily, some are gonna be non-issues depending on the context of your plot, and some of them are probably gonna make for fun plot, and of course there’s probably a dozen more other angles you could go with.
Be wary when you write a threesome not to make one of the characters the support who’s there to facilitate the “more interesting” pairing and doesn’t really get any emotional fulfillment from it. It’s perfectly fine to write, say, a voyeur who facilitates a sex scene with their lover and some other guy and the camera is mostly on the porn, but they have to be present in the fic as more than the helper. Like the sassy friend couple or The Sam in MCU fics who’s only there to get the main pairing to hook up.
It’s ok if not all three characters have as much presence and impact on the plot because perfectly equal screentime is a pipe dream, but all three should still have stakes in the plot and derive satisfaction from the end result. Otherwise they’ll feel superfluous in their own damn plot, and then it fails at being a good OT3.
… i… have a lot of cranky opinions about good OT3s from my naruto days tbh. From “did you put sakura in your fave yaoi just so you don’t look sexist but she’s not even doing anything eeewww a pussy” to “whoa someone is self inserting p hard today” to “i love this ot3 except for this pairing it contains that i happen to have founded the anti-fanclub for but i can totally handle THAT dynamic fairly and without bashing i swear (yuuuuck)”. but that’s about ten years back and i haven’t been writing a lot of OT3 since so i haven’t written meta in just about that long. my bad if it’s rambly and i’m missing something obvious. XD; i hope this helps a bit!
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Meet a Curator: LeviSqueaks
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Stumbles in from the secret entrance bookcase Ah fuck... uh okay. Hi there! Man those ladies made it look EASY. It is a great pleasure to meet you all, gentle readers of indiscriminate genders. I’m Levi! If you look me up in the dictionary you’ll find me simultaneously listed under Bad Influence and Papa Bear. I am one half of the terrible Duo with @mistresspandorawritesthings​​ who is not only my sister, but also my partner in crime.  I’ve been reading and writing fanfiction in a variety of fandoms for over 20 years and I am currently entrenched in three different fandoms with Outlander being one of them. I run the @outlanderbingo2020​​ so you’ve probably seen me around.
In addition to reading approximately 1,000,000 words of fic a week (No, I wish I was joking. it’s a TERRIBLE time suck) you’ll find me bouncing around between fandoms writing for Outlander, Supernatural, Marvel, and Teen Wolf. I’m a huge fan of letting your freak flag fly and writing all the delicious stories you’re dying to read yourself. I’m an avid kinkster and sex-positive advocate and my writing demonstrates that. I truly and firmly believe that the world needs to take a note from the BDSM community and learn how to communicate effectively and get over their hang-ups about what feels good. To borrow from Brenden Urie, if it “feels good, tastes good, it must be mine”. My asks are always open for any sort of discourse. Please feel free to swing by and chat me up or drop me a plotbunny! The ever delightful @angstosaur​​ gave me three questions to answer so here you go:
1. If Lord John were not so in love with Jamie Fraser, which other canon character (books or show) do you think he would be attracted to and why? 
So I’ll admit that I still haven’t read the Lord John books and as I’m distinctly not a fan of DG’s inability to find a plotline that doesn’t involve sexual assault I’m still finishing up book 5. All that said, I’m a HUGE fan of @iihappydaysii​​‘s Brian Randall who is genderbent Brianna. If I can cheat and say Brian then 100 percent let’s keep it in the Fraser family because they are my true OTP for Outlander. Putting Brian aside as he isn’t quite canon, I’d have to say that I would really love it if John and Fergus got together. I think they’ve enough experience in their collective pasts to be intriguing toward one another, I think they could both stand to have someone lovely in their lives, and Fergus is one of my favorite and I think it would be hot as hell. I think John could find Fergus intriguing as a very handsome man with a very nice accent and a healthy interest in sex. I feel like Fergus is a character who would shrug at the outrage and be firmly fixated on doing what feels good and damn the rest. It could be hot. I might have to write that...
2. If you were to take Lord John out of the 18th century for an AU fic, into which decade and which scenario would you place him?
Well shit... uh... I need more alcohol to come up with these bunnies, y’all. I think John would be fantastic as a florist having to deal with a tattoo parlor owning Jamie moving in next door. Do I think it’s ever going to be written? Hell no. Would I read it? Hell yes.
3. Share with us your favourite holiday destination.
Hmmmmm I loved Israel, it was beautiful and getting to visit the epicenter of my cultural heritage was amazing. But you know, also problematic. Am I taking the easy way out if I say Scotland? I LOVED going up to Skye and Inverness... the highlands were beautiful and I got to drive a stick shift again and it was amazing. Ireland (not Dublin, the countryside) was also absolutely gorgeous. I’m also a huge fan of the ocean? So the Outer Banks for a close destination is amazing. Fuck it, I’m just gonna admit it. I love Disneyworld and if I could actually live close enough to go all the time without having to live in Florida that would be amazing. I have it on my bucketlist to go to every single Disney theme park in the world. Call me a child, but I love it.
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advernia · 5 years
around june of last year, i decided to revive my writing blog as one of the many potential stress-relief methods i could think of.... i didn’t think i’d be able to keep it active for long since work + family duties keep me preoccupied most of the time, but eyyy!!! so far i haven’t lost the motivation to keep going back to this blog, and i even managed to keep it afloat for half a year!!! amazing!!! (•̀o•́)ง
and now here we are halfway through 2020!!! it’s waaaay overdue but here’s a big T H A N K  Y O U  V E R Y  M U C H ! ! ! to everyone and anyone who dropped by this blog last year + all them likes, comments, reblogs...... please know that i’m still i n c r e d i b l y grateful for the support & interest in the content i’ve posted up!!!! tbh my activity’s still hella sporadic so it’s really amazing for me that i even gained new followers.... i’m very honored to have all of you stick around my blog despite my irregularity!!!!!!!! (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
it’s also overdue, but i slowly managed and finally cleaned up the blog like i’ve been meaning to do + changed the blog name to match my ao3 handle for consistency!!! i make no promises to be super active... but i’m sure that i still want to continue writing & keep this blog alive!!!! 
again, thank you all for your time + reading my works!!!!!!  ∩( ´∀` )∩ work commentary on the rest of my works last year follows under the cut!
oct 1 // hero’s journey
a drabble on blanc + oliver about the alices... now that i think of it, calling the first alice first alice is kinda funny considering that alice is really her name... or is it? 
i do hope blanc’s route talks about her a bit, haha! i mean, i wish cybird remembers that they’ve been dropping the occasional background tidbits about her... like for example, her pocketwatch (that she gave to blanc eventually) having a magic crystal engraved into it.... her potentially leaving a fucking globe in the black army’s possession (like... wow... u fell with that thing????????)....
plus, i just find it interesting that she was remembered by cradle as a heck of a troublemaker lol! it also makes you wonder who among the main cast met her, blanc aside... though it’s not stated when exactly she fell into cradle, so maybe only blanc had the opportunity of meeting her...
so does blanc speak of her fondly bc she’s a woman, or is there something else??? has he been frequently visiting the land of reason pre-game??? has he found the first alice’s antique shop / met her again??? does he still try to figure out the reason why there’s a magic crystal engraved into the first alice’s pocketwatch????? hmmmmm......
on another note, it would be hilarious if cybird pulls a peter pan 2......... since we can’t pull off a mother-daughter relationship like wendy & jane’s, what if alice the second is somehow actually related to the first alice?? and while she’s completely different from her predecessor, blanc finds himself falling for alice the second........ just like he fell for the first alice? drama!
that’s just a random thought but kidding aside, i do hope blanc’s route is hella interesting bc i think he’s our mr. exposition for knowing more about cradle itself lol
oct 1 // fair (?) ladies & phony (?) enchanters
a result of going manic a few days after seeing harr’s trailer + route release.... ahaHAHA I’M STILL WILLING TO PLAY UR ROUTE IN JP HARR (if i actually had time to sit down and translate gET REKT)
i liked writing these drabbles and i think they’re cute but tbh they did nothing to ease my curiosity about harr’s route.... if anything else, it became even w o r s e  haha........................
if i think of blanc to have a cradle-centric route, i do hope harr’s route is magic tower-centric! naturally it will be since he’s got history there, but i hope a lot of my questions about the magic tower will be answered.....
will harr’s perspective of the magic tower be in the eyes of a test subject or a disciple???? he was scouted by the magic tower, but it wasn’t stated what he was doing exactly..... going by hints + loki’s & zero’s routes, it’s more of him being a disciple, so there’s bound to be guilt.......
hopefully alice’s characterization in his route is good + we get a fun group dynamic with loki!!! their potential.... the most(?) notorious criminal of cradle, a sought after test subject, and that one girl who nullifies all magic; a renegade trio lurking around the forbidden forest.... what an odd bunch!
oct 4 // god is a five minute hymn
a religious themed fic with lancelot & alice - tbh i don’t even know why religion was the first thing that came into mind when liz and i were talking about cultural differences, lol.
on that note though! i personally like thinking that if ever cradle had a semblance of a religion, it would be polytheistic & nature-centric, and not strictly practiced - the stratocracy of both territories i’d like to think makes it harder for religion to have a voice, much less have one that is practiced by the general population. the only thing general about it is that the religion centers or has magic crystals as an important factor... or something. yeah.
that aside, i think i specifically chose lancelot in this piece for the sole reason that his canonically stated lack of common sense, in my opinion, gives him the curiosity of a child sometimes - there’s no sense of malice or doubt, just the pure innocence of wanting to know something....... religion does that to kids, especially when introduced to it at first.
rereading the fic makes me think of the instances where when faced with dire or unsettling situations, people turn to faith as a life line.... well, i’m not sure if i had that subconsciously in mind when writing alice, but that does give a spin to it....
oct 6 // flow like the river nile
a spontaneous red army-centric fic! it certainly turned out better than i expected... i liked the formatting i used for this one!
if cybird can give us more about the pre-game suitors it would be great, tbh! and while the stuff about them in school is interesting, i’d like to see more about when they assumed their positions + combat scenes! the neutrals are special cases, but knowing more about their living conditions + daily lives is also a treat...
i was thinking of adding one last snippet about lancelot in the eyes of the reds, but i scrapped it out and switched it to alice & lancelot’s conversation about duty - it could’ve worked better if i stuck to using the what is your duty? question, but i scrapped it eventually too. ah well. it does look good enough as it is. 
oct 7 // seeking out phantoms
a mandatory(???) odd one out aka content that’s not ikerev, haha! i missed fe:a all of a sudden...
i never got around to writing properly for this fandom tho, what a shame - i’ve got some bits of pieces in my drafts that looked interesting and easy enough to pick up, and this was one of them.
robin investigating more of their plegian heritage could’ve been a good subplot tbh... i still wish there was something like a paralogue or dlc about it, bc honestly the valm arc goes a bit slow until you get to the future past revelations. ah well.
and gaius bc first husband for the win.... not like i actually had the guts to marry anyone else in my other save files lololol
nov 7 // push me off a bridge (to catch me as i fall)
my longest project of 2019, holy shit! i didn’t know i still had it in me to write something past 10k... i need more of that motivation + energy....
there’s nothing much to say about this since i blabbed about everything in the post-reading notes, but as much as i fought myself to get this done, i really enjoyed writing a long fic again! hopefully i can get myself to write another one this year...
nov 18 // beloved, beloved, let me be clear
18 sentences on zero & alice + macross frontier references! man, when i really got to the point about the earrings i was thinking of sheryl a lot....
kept it in sentences cause i didn’t have enough time to put up a decent ficlet! but i really wanted to get my screaming out of my system....... i used to do sentences + three word sentences challenges before, and doing one again was pretty fun!
but really.... zero’s route kept me happy for days???? their buildup + dynamic was something i was totally w e a k for, no joke..... thank gods the collection event was going on, bc i really made good use of my stocked chapter tickets lolol!
i was especially excited come the ball scene, and that cg..... a h a h a.... i need more of those pretty cgs where i can see alice’s face + costume change....... 
nov 20 // coloring inside the lines
jonah + alice + makeup!!!! tbh this was really fun, i enjoyed writing this one - if i remember, this was a fic that i managed to continuously work on the day i thought it up!
jonah may not be my best boy but tbh i find writing him very easy - i guess it’s because i’m very fond of characters like him!!! those uptight nobles who are as prideful as hell but can definitely live up to their name + are more capable than their bragging suggests... idk if there’s a general trope name for these doods, but i especially like analyzing their motivations + convictions!!!
i liked how i ended it, but i apparently i made an actual ending that’s now a snippet in my drafts - jonah & alice head to the ball, and somewhere along some bystanders’ flow of conversation someone drops a comment about jonah’s lips looking... quite more luscious than usual, lolol. so t h i r s t y. upon hearing this, alice can’t seem to stop smiling for some reason..... 
nov 27 // blue fields, verdant skies
a practice drabble set centric on a ray/alice development that i liked so much i made it into a series - plus, it’s black army content and honestly i need to write more of them! my red army bias is showing whoooooops
it’s a feudal + arranged marriage au, with the latter... being quite spontaneous. it’s those types of marriages where neither have even met - not even once - only to face each other come the wedding... so it’s a given that audiences from both parties are rather curious how this will turn out.
since i had the theme of fate in mind, ray was the automatic pick for the male lead. the rest of the black army is a given and for kicks, i added dean and dalim! i actually want to write about them + mousse, but since i’m still unsure on their characterizations i’ve been holding them off.... but i gave in anyway.....
alice is again named for word count convenience purposes since it’s in actual 100 words aka drabble form! i have planned scenes + an ending already in mind, but going there is pretty hard bc.... i still have to write the scenes in between + resist temptation to expand further on other scenes, haha....
initially i was planning to keep it updated here as well, but any more updates of this are on ao3 instead! the formatting looks better there instead of my blog tbh, and it also gives it a sort of muted tone to the story that works with me!
this is also the 31st fic in this blog, marking an end of the challenge liz bestowed to me lolol - since i brought this blog back to life around june, i was dared that by the end of the year, i should’ve posted more than 15 fics to add up to the initial 15 i had already posted before, thus the numbers on my fics back then.... now that i actually succeeded, i can stop counting lololol!!!! tho hopefully i can still be pretty active this year....
dec 22 // duck, duck, bullet
oliver & fenrir on guns... this probably wins as the most spontaneous idea i had on my head - tbh, i wasn’t even sure where i was going with it at first! but i’m sure i was suddenly thinking about that one detective conan movie.... then it became kid!oliver with a gun.....
i wonder if he tests the bullets at night, when he’s in adult form.... then again, kid!oliver with a gun still works.... say that because he’s a genius inventor, he made some models to serve as his shooting targets.... but another thought that amuses me more is.... blanc does the bullet testing for him!?
lololol i already thought about blanc being oliver’s live target, but i also find blanc with a gun very interesting.......... i mean, blanc certainly doesn’t look like he can fight, but who knows??? i mean, mousse is the former ace of hearts, but i still can’t imagine him fighting..... appearances can be deceiving....
the two aside, i wonder how fenrir even met oliver and got him working on his bullets........ was it through blanc or other connections???? how long have they been seller and buyer???? does anyone else commission anything from oliver?????? hmmmm.....
dec 23 // terms of surrender
i’ve been told by liz + luci + other friends that i needed to practice writing more.... cheesy fluff. i’m not sure if this sirius/alice piece counts, lol. in fact, i think it’s my definition of fluff i see here - and it translates to not exactly fluffy at all!
tho if you want me to be honest about it - when i write suitor/alice stuff, how alice was characterized in the suitor’s route is still my basis for how i’ll write her, and sirius’ alice................ haha......... i think she’s the alice that’s honestly easy to write but i choose to avoid.......... 
i don’t dislike the sirius/alice dynamic per se, tho. i do find it cute, especially if cybird stops emphasizing the issue of maturity in the relationship on alice’s side. i understand - i really do - that it’s a potential issue in the relationship, but...... that’s not the only problem you can possibly have as time passes, right?????
on another note, it’s funny that only sirius gets to be harped about the maturity due to age difference issue - setting aside blanc, who heavens know how old he is, lancelot’s 29 and since alice is presumed to be around ray + fenrir’s age, you could say that she’s 24 or even 23 to be safe.... so that makes a 5 / 6 years difference but it’s never brought up, lol. but i guess it’s because unlike lancelot, the black army’s been making sirius’ age a running gag....
anyway, this piece is pretty decent! i was thinking of something along the lines of mornings between a “married couple”.... there were two scenarios i had in mind, and i opted to write this one out first.... maybe i’ll have the second one posted up here another day.
dec 28 // a chain of black thrones
pre-game!sirius & ray and bc i was thinking a lot about the previous chosen, the former jack of spades!!! i wonder if the armies have a set age for retirement lolol... it would be awesome if there was still a chosen who’s already past his 50s or something, haha!
since sirius was constantly badgered to take on the role of king, i was also wondering about how long the black army was ‘king-less’... i mean, if the tension between both armies was really as great as they say, having no king puts the black army at a precarious position... i also thought that ‘nah, maybe there was a king or something but maybe the black army didn’t like him or something so they insisted that sirius take it instead’ but sirius’ 1st anniv. epilogue says otherwise - there really was a period that the black army had no king, wow. how the heck did they deal with that???? surely the red army saw this as a display of vulnerability....
can the black army’s chosen choose to leave their posts when they feel like it??? when they’re defeated by a challenger, what happens to them - a demotion, or do they serve under the ‘new’ chosen??? does the black army’s chosen change constantly because of their meritocracy + challenger system??? like, how do they deal with that, and do they announce their changes in chosen each council meeting??? each new question just snowballed my curiosity, whoops...
there were so many angles i thought of but i decided to settle for addressing the king-less state of the black army... through the eyes of a veteran who’s probably served many kings throughout his time of service as part of the black army’s chosen.
i gave this jack of spades character a name, actually - garret folner. maybe someday i’ll write him again, bc i actually enjoyed thinking about the present + past chosen interactions - maybe i’d think about that for the red army, but this time i find the black army’s side more interesting for this situation.
dec 29 // steadfast tin soldier
a zero/alice piece for zeroweek - i was about to post pt. 1 as a standalone, but then i just thought about how.... zero bought alice a gown.... but never got to dance with her at the day of the ball..... so i rushed to add pt. 2 haha!
with the addition of pt. 2 it looks cut short tho - i did think of putting a scene in between, but no good ideas came into mind bc i was too fascinated with the dancing scene... i swear at some point i will find myself writing a fic or a part of a fic that’s a dance scene for the rest of the ikerev suitors + alice....
this is the kind of fluff i live for, actually... i’m totally fine with the steamy content cybird throws during events + bonus stories, but if i were to be honest i say.... where’s my non-sexual intimacy????? the simple, wholesome stuff?????????????????
man, i feel hilarious for typing that out..... but well, i guess it’s a matter of different strokes for different folks, lol!
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 5 years
All Karen ships rated (update)
Original here 
I did this like a few months after making this account, and I thought it’d be fun to go back and re look at my ratings
Also since this one isn’t a dare to rate EVERY ship I am cutting out the protag/companion section since they’re all underaged and the original ratings reflected thus wiht them all being a no. Also getting rid of ones where she’s with a pokemon. 
Finally I’m gonna add some ones I like to the very end
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship * by ship name=Super random ships I find kinda wild ! by ship name=Dramatic change to original rating
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. 
Karen w/ a Villian:
! 180Shipping - Karen & Shelly -2 bad a ladies over here kicking butt and being fashionable heck yes, but also Karen is an awful swimmer so let the cute romance ensue 8/10
*AphoticShipping - Saturn & Karen-Karen would find it fun to mess with from time to time, and maybe could work. 5/10
*AtrociousShipping - Karen & Mars-I mean possible, but also Mars is really kinda child like so Karen may just want to protect her instead. 4/10
BarghestShipping - Karen & Lavana-I feel like it’d be like shipping Karen with a cheerleader…an evil cheerleader. 2/10
! DarkIntentionShipping - Giovanni & Karen-Tbh yeah I like it. Just depends though because again she grew up with Silver who she is like a mom (or older sis some days) to, so that would have to be worked out. Plus she’s kinda miffed he left Silver from seeing how much it hurt him. But also hateship to romance, basically I’ve been giving this one more thought and it could be heckin cute. 9/10
*IcePinkShipping - Karen & Lovrina-No too whinney and arrogant for Karen. 0/10
***ImperiousShipping - Hunter J & Karen-Oh dear gosh no, haaaard no, And before you ask about Twist!verse they’d be both too emotionally closed. -50/100
! KariShipping - Courtney (Magma) & Karen- Been thinking about this one too and the more i think about it the less I see it. Both are too closed/awkward. 1/10
LiaisonShipping - Petrel & Karen-Kinda cute in a way with them balancing each other out. It’s like obvious psycho with subtle psycho, and seems fun. 8/10
! PaybackShipping - Archer & Karen- Briefly had a little shipping with this and tbh really enjoyed it. If in an au just the dynamic of the couple in 101 Dalmatians would be these two. In main verse you could have them sneaking the romance and such to not get caught. Also evil Karen? Or good Archer? 9/10
PerishSongShipping - Proton & Karen-He’s a bit reactive for her, and cocky though maybe she’d balance him out? 5/10
! StrangeloveShipping - Domino & Karen-…I dunno why she makes me think of sailor moon, but she does Evil Karen? then ye this could work and be fun, maybe Twist!verse would even work. 8/10
TenebrousShipping - Ariana & Karen-I find it funny the team Karen was vaguely a part of, and now is a part of her life she works so hard to distance from is the one she’s shipped with ALOT. Oh and Galactic of all things is second most common for some reason. Also eh on this one. Ariana has that mom vibe, and Karen distances herself from that usually. 3/10
Karen w/ gym leader:
*BerthierShipping - Cress & Karen-I dunno because he seems like a 16 year old teen to me, but their personalities would work, so maybe. 5/10
BittersweetShipping - Karen & Whitney-Hm I can think of some interesting plots with Karen’s early elite four days as when they meet. Not sure what they’d have in common though. 4/10
! BracknellShipping - Gardenia & Karen-Karen likes grass tyoes and Gardenia has that somewhat wild side that Karen likes I can see them spending late nights camping after exploring all day. 8/10
***ChalcedoniteShipping - Karen & Roxanne-Isn’t she like 16? Also I feel Karen would just see her as a spunky kid 0/10
! CockroachShipping - Burgh & Karen-Can we appreciate the name please…..Ok cool. Ok but Karen trying to learn how to paint the normal way and showing Burgh how to do spray paint work or paint a motorcycle? Look I think they’d be cute. 8/10
! ColdNightShipping - Candice & Karen-Yes, double yes. Candice talking about the pressure of having the meeting point of dialgia, palkia, and giratina so close plus the regi temple, and lake acuity. Like the pressure of keeping all of these legendary places safe is alot of pressure. Then Karen knowing about ho-oh and wanting to keep them safe, anyways they can bond ina . cool way. 10/10
*DarkActShipping - Brycen-Man & Karen-Not Brycen, Brycen-Man. I really dunno because I feel like it’d be too close to the Masked Man for her to be comfortable. 2/10
DarkalleyShipping - Volkner & Karen-Hmmmmm maybe, but also I feel Volkner needs a more high energy person, so 3/10. As the toxic relationship their a part of in some hallmark like plot though 10/10
DarkGaleShipping - Karen & Winona-A possibility, but I kinda see them as friends just chillin watchin clouds. 3/10
*DarkHarvestShipping - Cilan & Karen-Didn’t know Karen was popular with the trio, but ok. Anyways if he’s alot like he is in the anime thats gonna be a hard no. otherwise, eh maybe? 4/10
DarkMarshShipping - Karen & Sabrina-Friends I think. Like they’d be comfortable around each other, but no spark in that way. 1/10
ElectricDarknessShipping - Elesa & Karen-I sort of want it just because while Karen dresses nice she is a tomboy meaning the clashes about fashion or manners would be great. 8/10
FightNightShipping - Karen & Maylene-If they were in the plot of a secret fight club, a hard yes. Otherwise, I don’t see it. 1/10
GabbroShipping - Brock & Karen-I want to see Brock do his whole freak out just to write Karen’s way to shoot him down. After all romance takes awhile for, and if aggressive is your first interaction it scares her. Though he does stand down after being rejected so she’d respect that, and maybe think about giving a chance. 5/10
GothShipping - Clair & Karen-Popular yes, but I like the Cynthia, Karen, Clair girl squad dynamic so much more. 2/10
ImpShipping - Karen & Valerie-Karen being vastly confused but fascinated by the antics of Valerie sounds cute.  7/10
InsectQueenShipping - Karen & Viola-The plots would be cute knowing Karen’s quirks with cameras. 8/10
LamentShipping - Flannery & Karen-Idk due to lack of things to connect on overriding if personalities would work. 3/10
LiptonShipping - Jasmine & Karen-I wanna say no cause I think she’d be too sweet for Karen, but also yes because she can get super intimidating and tiny Jas actually wearing the pants in their relationship sounds interesting 5/10
**MortelleShipping - Fantina & Karen-Naw…to much flash and show for Karen, but maybe contest mentor. Also Karen has a vendetta against Amity Square for it’s selectiveness of ‘cute pokemon’. 0/10
! NightsongShipping - Falkner & Karen-The name of this ship is amazing, but Falkner is like one of those characters who gets shipped aorund with EVERYONE like really it’s kinda ridiculous and I’m tired of him just beign thrown at everyone 2/10
! PaintedLadyShipping - Bugsy & Karen-How is this one not for Burgh?  Yeah no he’s just too much like a kid. 0/10
RafureShipping - Erika & Karen-…can their Vileplume’s fall in love instead? I’m 10/10 for that. Between them 2/10
RiddlesInTheDarkShipping - Blaine & Karen-…Eh…or we could not, and maybe they just are friends. I don’t really see romance blooming there. 0/10
SchwarzFlashShipping - Lt. Surge & Karen-Them both having PTSD? Maybe helping each other? I mean I wouldn’t mind giving it a shot. 7/10
ScotopiaShipping - Karen & Skyla-Maybe too much spunk like Rosa, but Karen would admire her determination. 4/10
SilkShipping - Janine & Karen-No pls. I see Karen as her unofficially adopted big sis, and find that adorable. 0/10
! UnderworldShipping - Morty & Karen- So far this has proven to be a hard no, and tbh I kinda like it better that way.  0/10
***WhiteMoonShipping - Pryce & Karen-Even in a verse he wasn’t The Masked Man imma give this a hard no. 0/10
Karen w/ an elite:
AphroditeShipping - Koga & Karen  -He’s like her dad…so…no. -50/10
BadRomanceShipping - Grimsley & Karen-Bad romance is a good title cause I feel it’d be a rough start. 10/10
*BlackGlacierShipping - Glacia & Karen-Tbh not sure if they have much at all in common. 1/10
BlackiceShipping - Karen & Lorelei-Ok maybe because they have some similarities, but tbh I like the older gal pal bond alot. 5/10  
DarkEliteShipping - Sidney & Karen-A more punk relationship in this elite match-up, but I could see it working. 10/10
DarkKnightShipping - Wikstrom & Karen-Again the title tho! I mean yeah I think I could see it from her finding him quirky, but in a good way. Although they have wildy different aesthetics so it’d depend on interpretations. Right now I do love the dynamicKaren has with a Wikstrom account.  8/10
DelilahShipping - Bruno & Karen-Eh maybe? I like the uncle and niece bromance they have tho. 4/10
! DementiaShipping - Lucian & Karen-I feel like they’d either clash or hit it off with no inbetween. I Still stand by this but I think they’d everntually fall for each other.  9/10
DisownShipping - Agatha & Karen-NOOOOO don’t make Gma relationship sexy! -50/10
! HellaFineEliteShipping - Karen & Malva- Ok so came back, and yeah I could see it, but depends on interpretations again because they could just more easily spark into a fight or if the first interaction went sour not give it another shot. 5/100
IntuitiveShipping - Siebold & Karen-Actually had a rp with them shipped, was Twist!verse tho giving Siebold that rescuer mentality which helped. In general though I kinda want to see it. 7/10
LambentShipping - Flint (elite) & Karen-Hm. Maybe? Like, ok the dynamic personality helps, but also would be a slow burn. 5/10
MasakudoShipping - Will & Karen- I love it in some ways, but I also feel as though they’ve see so much of each other’s absolute worst sides it wouldn’t work. ???/10
! NightmareShipping - Karen & Phoebe-Eh they’d be good friends but I can’t see them really hitting it off as far as things they have in common. 3/10
NoWeaknessShipping - Karen & Shauntal-Ok bumbling dork sounds cute, and her defending from Grimsley’s teasing sounds cute, and great now I find this cute. 8/10
RhymeShipping - Aaron (elite) & Karen-…ArE thEsE tWo ONly ShIPpeD cAUsE thEiR NAmEs RhYmE?! Jokes on you because imagine them working out together, or exploring the woods, or yeah let’s ship this! 8/10
ShootingStarShipping - Drake (Orange) & Karen-Hm, I mean I would like to see it before going anywhere with it. 4/10
SuckerPunchShipping - Marshal & Karen-…I see it more than Bruno, but also feel as though they could clash some how personality wise. I’d like to see a plot for it though. 4/10
TerrifyingShipping - Caitlin & Karen-They both have awful sleep schedules so I feel like trying to get a time they’re both awake would be a problem, and personality wise would clash. 1/10
Karen w/ a champion:
BoadiceaShipping - Cynthia & Karen-I like the best friend bond a thousand times better, but I see the appeal 7/10 BumpShipping - Steven Stone & Karen-If you asked me when I started this account I would of said,”in what world?” Now after having various interaction with multiple accounts I’m like 10/10 DreamTeamShipping - Alder & Karen-Eh…yes…and no? Like he did hit on Cynthia and she has qualities like her, so could maybe work.  6/10 NeoEliteShipping - Lance & Karen-Like yeah I can see it. It’d take flippin forever with Karen being a royal butt most of the time while adjusting to elite life, and then after that they’re both closed off with emotions so it’s take awhile. 10/10 I hate that my prediction was correct
Karen w/ a minor GAME npc:
BoxVirusShipping - Brigette & Karen-Could be interesting, but I’m not sold all the way 3/10 CassiaShipping - Karen & Sina-Very random, and tbh I say no because of what little they would connect on 0/10 ChicoryShipping - Cheryl & Karen-Cheryl is so sweet. I feel too sweet because Karen needs someone that will argue with her when she needs redirecting 0/10 ClosestShipping - Karen & Zinnia-I mean the rebellious streak, the slightly odd behavior? Karen would find it intriguing, and if the move was made she wouldn’t oppose it. 9/10 ! DarkMagicShipping - Eusine & Karen-Better watch out Morty, Ms. Steal Ya Dude is ova here! Yeah no no, they can only clash. Even without Morty beign the catalyst these 2 would clash. 0/10 DarkServiceShipping - Darach & Karen-Heh…the name alone tho. x3 (i am mature I swear) Ok kinda random, but possible. She isn’t one to look down on someone due to social status. 5/10 ! DarkShadowsShipping - Ingo & Karen -Him and his bro are so easy to ship to me, and yes she’d find his quirks cute while dragging him out of his shell while he’d keep her grounded. 10/10 DarkSpecterShipping - Riley & Karen-Like ok yeah, the mysterious vibe combined with a strong goal. I can see it. 7/10 ! GigabyteShipping - Bill & Karen-idk, Karen may not be a big science person but she finds it kind of interesting to listen to. Could work. 5/10 KurumiShipping - Karen & Lisia-Comin for ya girl Wallace! Tbh tho idk because I could see them having a cute mentee relationship if Karen did competition with the twist in dynamic of her mentor being younger. As for romance 3/10 NoirShipping - Karen & Marley-Karen’s inner thoughts as a person. Like could work, or maybe too similar. 3/10 SeventhJugglerShipping - Juggler (Trainer class) & Karen-Lol the title tho, like seventh juggler!? Boi has no name! I mean ok, sure. I love a relationship that keeps both parties guessing, and if Karen can handle WIll I think she’d be down to handle a second clown. XD 8/10
Karen w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc:
BahamarShipping - Karen & Olesia-Don’t get at all, and I think she’s barely an adult 0/10 CamdenShipping - Karen & Michelle-Would make more sense with Lance 1/10 DarkMotherSocietyShipping - Delia & Karen-Why does everyone want ash’s mom? Also no. 0/10 DetoxicationShipping - Karen & Sakura-Aw naw, wholesome friendship. 0/10 FavoriteShipping - Lawrence III & Karen-Karen in twist!verse, yes. A hard yes. 10/10 Otherwise…eh…maybe? 5/10 GothicDJShipping - Karen & DJ Mary-Enemies 10/10, mostly Karen’s side. With her reporting on Karen’s past, and asking invasive questions wanting a scoop for her show. Romance -50/10 HazyShipping - Karen & Solidad-She’‘s down to earth, and I think her groove may fit well w/ Karen 6/10 LiminalShipping - Sir Aaron & Karen-Can we please just agree this is Riley but in his mega form? 7/10 MorriganShipping - Karen & Moria-I have no idea where this one came from, and I’m eh. 1/10
Karen w/ a Frontier brain:
AshikoShipping - Greta & Karen-Eh, I don’t see anything really 1/10 CapriShipping - Dahlia & Karen-Idk why I feel like they’re the same person, but I do, and eh. 4/10 DarkLuckShipping - Karen & Lucy-Her and Brock tho…also I feel like they’d fall into awkward silences often. 2/10 YorShipping - Brandon & Karen-Maybe as vigilantes together, that’d be a fun plot. Shipping though Idk. 4/10
TCG Characters: (All 0)
TaladasShipping - Felicity & Karen-Another news personality, but also with theatrics and I just don’t see it. 0/10 DarknessEnergyShipping - Mark & Karen-Not much on this guy. It’s a no cause she’s see him as a child, but look him up. 0/10 MoonSugarShipping - Karen & Mint-No iz too child, and also look the kid up. 0/10
OTHER MANGA Characters:
DarkGirlShipping - Karen & Rug-Turns out this is a real person, and not an actual rug. My bad. Also no she’d likely take the girl in as a mentee though. 0/10 MephistoShipping - Karen & Pauline-….eh. 1/10 RosarioShipping - Daisy (Cerulean) & Karen-I feel like it’s a possibility, but I’m not jumping full on board. 4/10
Karen and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
DarkPathShipping - Brycen-Man, Grimsley, Sidney & Karen-Brycen is random….? Unless they do a movie where they’re all the bad guys and him as the ultimate villain maybe? Movie idea, 10/10.
DuskShipping - Karen, Houndoom & Skuntank-I can see Karen with a skunktank, and Garnet teaming with one for a double battle would be cool. 10/10
DystopianDarkActShipping - Brycen-man, Cyrus, Karen & Marley-Brycen-Man is everywhere with Karen, and I don’t know why…also sort of random combination…based on the name maybe a plot with them in a dystopian world. For some apocalypse theme plot though 10/10  
EcostasisShipping - Flint (elite), Volkner, Candice, Karen & Sabrina-So the name is about extra bone formation….people that should all join team skull? Ooooor lab experiment plot? I guess 7/10
ElitismShipping - Falkner, Morty, Will, Clair, Karen & Whitney-I feel like the title is implying them thinking they’re better than everyone. I see none of this from any of these people, and am confused. 0/10
EsotericShipping - Grimsley, Sidney & Karen-YAAAAS DARK SQUAD! The name does suit them, and I don’t need to list any plots they easily make their own. 100/10
FrostingShipping - Dawn, Karen & Lovrina-Pulling from all the verses here, and all I see is a gal pal adventure. An odd adventure. KInda down tho. 5/10
HaremTaroShipping - Gold (Special), Crystal, Jasmine, Karen, DJ Mary & Whitney-I’ve never watched the anime this one is referring to so ???/10
HeolstorShipping - Falkner, Morty & Karen-There is no meaning behind the name, but maybe they’d be good camping buds. 7/10
IndigoLeagueShipping - Bruno, Koga, Lance, Will & Karen-As really super good friends, heck ye! Imagine a prank war plot now! 10/10
JohtoHaremShipping - Jimmy (Kenta), Karen, Marina (Johto), DJ Mary, Sakura & Whitney-….Due to the title there is clearly only one intention for this, and please no. -1000/10
KinkShipping - Erika, Karen & Sabrina-If you’re kink is having a good time pokemon battling! C’mon they’d be another awesome girl squad! :D (The things I do to keep sex talk at a pg-13 level). As buds 10/10
KuroyukihimeShipping - Princess Allie, Candice & Karen-Karen would want to punt the princess. Plot of her and Candice babysitting this child, and holding each other back from strangling her 9/10
LooseShipping - Cynthia, Jessie, Karen & Misty-…As a Gal pal squad that sounds awesome, and I want them all stuck bonding in a high school detention together. You got sporty chic (Misty), Delinquente (Karen), Theater kid (Jessie), and Miss Perfect (Cynthia) 10/10
LoyalMaskShipping - Carl, Will, Karen & Sham-I WANT TO WRITE OR RP THIS CREW SO BADLY! AH! Like, PLEASE! 1000/10
MaskedChildrenShipping - Carl, Silver (Special), Will, Blue (female), Karen & Sham-AGAIN! I WANNA WRITE THIS CREW! Not as much as the LoyalMask, but I LOVE DIS CREW! Fear the children! 10/10
MaskedGirlsShipping - Blue (female), Karen & Sham-Evil girly child squad sounds great! 10/10
MatsuriShipping - Morty, Agatha & Karen-I am imagining Agatha mentoring both of them, and they’re competing to be stronger. Don’t know past that, but sounds interesting 8/10
MidnightGardenShipping - Gardenia, Karen & Roxanne-I actually want them to start a gardening group that only meets at night. Sounds fun tbh, and could have some quirky fluff plots. 8/10
NewLookShipping - Elesa, Karen, Sabrina & Shelly-Them all shopping together sounds amazing. For each other would be interesting, but for another person sounds like absolute chaos, and I love it. 10/10
QuirkyMoonSugarShipping - Greta, Karen, Mint & Whitney-lot of verses here. Um yes definaley all quirky, dunno how their dynamic would be though. 2/10
ShadowedShipping - Clair, Cynthia & Karen-Again gal pals. 10/10
SororityShipping - Flannery, Karen & Lily (Kanto)-Them in a sorority maybe fun. I’m sorta down 6/10
ThreatOnAlertShipping - Grimsley, Morty, Alexa (XY), Dahlia & Karen-Is this a group of the most paranoid people because if so yeah I agree. 10/10
XenonDarkActShipping - Brycen-Man, Paul, Wallace & Karen-Another movie with them all as bad guys maybe? Idk how Paul would fit tho so 8/10 ShitennouShipping - Aaron (elite), Bruno, Drake (Hoenn), Flint (elite), Grimsley, Koga, Lance, Lucian, Marshal, Sidney, Siebold, Wikstrom, Will, Agatha, Bertha, Caitlin, Drasna, Glacia, Karen, Lorelei, Malva, Phoebe & Shauntal (gen infinite)-…Ok so this is basically everyone, and sure yeah let’s make em all buds. Down w/ that. I’d like giant team up, but am not writing all of that alone. 10/10
Karen with….Karen….????: (I had no idea where to fit this in.)
PerkyGothShipping - Karen & herself-She would know what herself needs to hear, so good, but also she likes different things, and may get bored. I suppose it depends on portrayal. ???/10
Other ships 
BlackCatDog Shipping - Karen & Nanu They were shipped for a bit and I still think it’s a cute possibility. If nothing else just them talking about their pasts would be interesting. They’ve both been through alot. 8/10
MoonFlare Shipping - Karen & Lysandre If I could only choose 1 ship for Karen it’d be this one. I just really like the parallels that they have with each other, and how both of them have compassion for the opposite sides but due to roughly a similar reason. I’d have to go into alot to explain all that though. Basically I just really like how opposites attract here cause they’d both have to grow. 10/10
Aqua Moon shipping - Karen & Archie Again Karen’s awful around water and I just think these two would have a blast interacting with each other. They’d also both be able to have serious moments too,a nd could even talk about what it was like to leave Rocket. Also I have a really awesome idea for Deity!Verse. 8/10
BlackPaint Shipping - Karen & Mina  This combines Karen and art like with the Burgh ship, plus fairy shenanigans like with Valerie, and also the punk but soft vibe both of these gals bring to the table. I love it 10/10
MoonHearts Shipping - Karen & Sonia Sonia trying to figure out how to scientist, and Karen trying to figure out how to elite, and them both being dorks. I love it! 8/10
MoonHive - Karen & Professor Juniper Juniper being science nerd but also super deep and philosophical and just her and Karen spending late nights talking about anything and everything sounds cute. 7/10
NightWatchers - Karen & Looker Ye they’d picker sometimes and yes Karen’s bar might become a problem, but what if they have to work together and spy shenanigans ensue with these dorks insisting to themselves they need to stay professional. Cute af. 10/10
BlackSmog Shipping - Karen & Tabitha  Tbh I could see it. I’m not as firmly sold as some others but I can see it working. Besides Karen doesn’t care if someone’s an ex criminal or has humble beginnings. so ye could work! Although she’d def want to get Tabitha to work out with her. 6/10
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connan-l · 5 years
Game Evening
Fandom: Rose Guns Days Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Rose Haibara & Stella Maiougi & Meryl Tanashi Summary: Rose, Stella and Meryl come back late at the Maiougis’ apartment after a long day, and decide to kill time by playing a simple game…
Content Warning: This should be obvious given the story and characters but, there are mentions of prostitution, and some crude conversations about sex/sex jokes. Nothing really explicit though.
Link on Archive of Our Own
Notes: This is just a short story I wrote on impulse when I discovered that there was a Rose Guns Days section on AO3 but got saddened by how empty it was. The main lady trio is great and it was the easiest relationship to write about for me!
I have to precise that I read RGD only once and it was… something like three years ago, thus my memories of the VN are a bit blurry. So I’m sorry if there are some details I missed or that I don’t really have the characters exactly right.
This takes place before Season 1, shortly after Rose became the madam.
Also, I have no idea if truth or dare was a thing that existed during 1930s Japan, but you know, whatever.
The first thing Rose did after entering the apartment was to collapse into the sofa, her long, beautiful pink hair scattering all around her like a sumptuous veil. Her body was numb, her mind dazed, her eyelids heavy. If she stayed like this for a few more minutes, she would probably fell asleep. Never had she felt so tired after a day of work. A mischievous giggle from behind her managed to drag her back to reality though.
“Being the madam is not easy, huh?” She heard Meryl say in a teasing voice.
“Leave her alone, will you?” Stella added. “She worked hard today, she deserves her rest.”
“I wasn’t trying to be mean!”
Rose sighed, her mind unable to bring itself to keep up with her friends’ familiar bickering. Both Stella and Meryl had the night off today — something pretty rare — but Rose had spent the day running around because of all the work she had to take care of. It has only been a couple of months since she’d taken the title of the madam of Primavera, and she already felt overwhelmed. Thankfully,  all the ladies of the night had been exceedingly supportive of her so far — even Amanda seemed not utterly disapproving of her choices — and of course, Richard had been by her side to help her at every steps. He had a business meeting tonight, to which Rose had wanted to accompany him, but he had told her he and Cyrus would take care of everything, so she needn’t worry. Stella was supposed to be the one to go home to babysit Yuuji tonight, so both Meryl and Rose had chosen to stay with her.
“Anyway, I’m going to make some tea,” Stella said. “Or do you want something else?”
“Nah, tea’s good,” the blonde woman replied. “Right, Rose?”
Stella exited the room, and Meryl crashed into the armchair next to Rose — who was still motionless, her face sunk into the cushion. From afar, she’d look almost dead.
“C’mon, Rose,” Meryl said, before starting to poke at her with her finger. “You can’t fall asleep here. At least make the effort to go to a bed.”
Meryl sighed and rolled her eyes… then an impish smirk stretched her lips. She stood up, slowly advanced towards her friend like a cat, trying to make the less noise possible (not that Rose would have heard her given the catatonic state she was in)… and then she jumped on her.
“Take that! Goozy, goozy, goozy!”
“Ah— W-Wait, what are—”
Rose squeaked, but Meryl didn’t let her have the time to react that she was already straddling her and tickling her. The madam tried to resist, but despite being a really petite woman, Meryl was very physically strong, so she ended up having no other choice than to explode in laughers as the other kept attacking her.
“Hey, be quiet a little!” Stella scolded them while entering the room, a tray full of scalding tea in her hands. “Yuuji’s sleeping just next room!”
She had an uncharacteristic stern face and motherly tone — the one she took whenever her baby nephew was concerned. Stella wasn’t as overprotective of their little boy as Richard, but she would still definitely bare her fangs at anyone who would try to cause troubles to the child.
Meryl moved away from Rose and smiled awkwardly with an apologetic expression on her face, while the other guilty one instantly whispered a soft, full-of-remorse “I’m so sorry” — and as always with Rose when she looked at her with those big, innocent clear blue eyes, it was impossible for Stella to stay angry at her any more longer than that.
“It’s fine,” she said, before putting the tray on the small table in front of them. “But please be careful. Yuuji may be adorable most of the time, but if you wake him up, then he becomes a true little demon. It’s a nightmare to get him back to sleep afterwards.”
“Right, sorry,” Meryl said. “I really don’t wanna deal with a crying baby tonight.”
“Then learn how to be quiet.”
“Sheesh, I said I was sorry! Plus I wasn’t the only one making noise, Rose was super loud too!”
“Y-You’re putting the blame on me?” Rose exclaimed.
Meryl shrugged. “Well, at least now you’re awake.”
“Ahh, whatever,” Stella intervened, rolling her eyes. “Drink your tea before it gets cold.”
She sat next to Rose all while talking, while the other two women grabbed their cups and silently started to sip the hot beverage. Stella’s tea was always very refined and delicate, just in her image. Rose took another gulp of the drink, its sweet flagrance tickling her nostrils, and then she let out a long yawn. Stella smiled gently at her.
“You’re going to go to sleep right after, you, right?” She said softly in an affectionate tone, while putting one of her friend’s pink hair behind her ear. But to her surprise, Rose shook her head.
“No, I think I’ll be fine. I prefer to stay up with you and wait for Richard.”
“You sure?” Meryl insisted. “You can go snooze off while Stella and I take care of everything. We know you’re exhausted. No need to play tough with us, Rose.”
“I-I’m not playing tough, I’m really fine,” she argued. “You truly did wake me up earlier. Furthermore…”
Rose looked down on her laps, her gaze falling into the dark, auburn liquid in her cup of tea.
“I am the madam now… so…”
That was the only sentence she said, no further explanation. Meryl and Stella looked at each others, a clear look of concern they both shared for their friend. But neither of them spoke up about it. Instead, Stella just sighed.
“So what do you want to do in the meantime?” She said. “Play a game or something?”
As soon as she pronounced those words, Rose’s blue eyes lit up like a child’s. All of her sleepiness from a while ago seemed to instantly disappear, so maybe what she had just said hadn’t been a complete lie. “Oh yes! What a good idea. I just have the perfect thing!”
Just as the two other ladies of the night exchanged a surprised look, Rose grabbed her purse and began to ransack it. After a few long seconds, she finally took a small box out of it, as a triumphant smile spread on her round face. “There it is!”
“What… What is that?” Stella questioned.
“You proposed we play a game together, right?”
“Well, uh, not really…”
“Well, I have a nice game idea! Let’s play truth or dare.”
“Truth or dare?” Meryl repeated. “Oh yeah. I used to play that when I was a kid.”
Rose flashed an impish smile at her two friends, which made her look at least ten years younger, then opened the box. Inside was a bunch of scattered pieces of paper, with seemingly handwriting scribbled on it.
“Claudia gave these to me this morning, as a gift,” Rose explained. “She said it’s a game she and the other ladies made together.”
Her two friends narrowed their eyes at this, the exact same suspicious expression placarded on their faces.
“What?” Rose asked.
“Well, it’s just,” Meryl started. “You know…”
“Don’t you think Claudia and the others made this as a new way to pick on you?” Stella finished for her.
Rose had always been really beloved amongst the ladies of Primavera, and everyone cherished her as a colleague and a sister. Her natural kindness and sincerity was a big part of it, but she also had a strange charisma that instantly attracted others to her. And now that she was the madam, it was even doubly so. However, she was still Rose, and she tended to often be a little bit… on the naïve and innocent side. Which meant that, while the other women were quite fond of her, they still often loved to tease her. Nothing too mean, of course, just enough to have a good laugh out of her, and Rose was just so easy to tease. Meryl and Stella sometimes took part of those little good-natured pranks themselves. Rose had never seemed to take offence at their habits of gently making fun of her, but she always ended up falling for it.
“Now, don’t be like that,” Rose said. “Claudia even said that she and the others played it quite a few times before. It sounds fun, really. So? What do you think?”
Meryl and Stella exchanged a dubious look. “Fine, I don’t care either way,” the latter said, shrugging.
“Sure? Why not,” Meryl added. “It’s not like we have anything better to do anyway.”
Rose’s smile widened. “Let’s start with the first question, then! So… ‘What’s the—’”
But then she suddenly cut herself short, her enthusiasm vanishing and her cheeks getting redder and redder. Stella and Meryl exchanged an interrogative glance, then stared at their boss expectedly.
“So?” Meryl pressed her. “What’s the question? Come on, we’re waiting.”
“That… That is…”
Rose fidgeted, her discomfort clearly increasing, but she finally managed to blurt out in a very small, trembling voice: “‘What’s… what’s the size… of your… penis…’”
The other two women blinked at her in silence for a moment. And then, finally, they both burst out in laughers.
“I knew you were going to react like that!” Rose exclaimed, halfway between embarrassed and angry.
“Oh my God! That’s a good one!” Meryl blurted out between two chuckles.
“Yeah, they definitely got you fine, huh!” Stella added while wiping the corner of her eye.
“Stop laughing now! Geez!”
“So? We’re waiting, Rose!” Meryl replied. “What’s your size?”
“Ooooh, I bet it’s huge!” Stella said.
“True, true! Rose just has those big balls! I’m sure her meat is even bigger than any of the regulars at Primavera!”
“The clients would be so ashamed if they were to see hers!”
“That’s enough!”
Rose screamed, now as red as a tomato, before throwing at them a few pillows which directly crashed into the women’s faces, but that didn’t stop them from laughing with all of their souls.
“Well, if it’s like that, let’s take the next one!” Rose continued, fumbling among the pieces of paper. “It’s your turn now, Stella! Truth or dare?”
“Hmmm… Truth!”
“All right… er, so… ‘Who in this room you’d like to have sex with—’ Wh-What on earth are those questions?” Rose shouted.
Meanwhile, Stella and Meryl exchanged a look, and stared at their pink-haired, blue-eyed, too-innocent-for-her-own-good friend from head to toes, before replying in the same voice:
The concerned lady gasped, her cheeks the same color as her dress and hair. “Wh-What?”
“I mean, that’s kinda obvious, isn’t it?” Meryl said. “You’re pretty and cute, and the only other choice I have is her, so really.”
Stella snorted. “Hmph, that’s what I was gonna say. I’d rather die than sleep with you.”
“Hey, I’m glad we’re on an agreement for once!”
“N-Now, now, no need to fight… It’s your turn now, Meryl.”
“All right, then…” Rose looked at the question, then lightly rolled her eyes, which told the two of them that it was yet again going to be an inappropriate one. “‘What’s the biggest age difference you’ve had between yourself and a sexual partner?’”
Stella chuckled while she was drinking her tea, and she had to put the cup of tea away from her mouth to not spill it over.
“Ohh, that I know!” She exclaimed.
“Ugh, did you really need to remind me of this?” Meryl said.
“I-I’m not the one who choose the questions! If you have a problem, go complain to Claudia and the others!”
“Ah, fine,” Meryl replied while crossing her arms, a clear annoyed look on her face while Stella still struggled to contains her giggles. “It was around two years ago, I think. Some old dude showed up at the brothel. A really old dude. And he was… probably around seventy.”
“Stop lying! He was way into his eighties!” Stella added. “And you never know the best thing about it. When he got into the room with Meryl, he couldn’t even get up his—”
“All right, it’s okay! I’ve heard enough,” Rose quickly cut her off. “S-So, um, anyway, it’s my turn now, so… ‘Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?’ Oh, that’s actually a pretty normal question this time.”
“Huh. So? Do you?’” Meryl asked.
Rose frowned. “What? No, I don’t.”
Meryl and Stella exchanged a glance. “You don’t?”
“Of course not! I’m not a child! Why would you even think that?”
“Well, I had just pinned you has that kind of person,” Stella replied.
“Well, I’m not!”
“I bet you did sleep with a plush as a kid, though!” Meryl argued.
“W-Well…” Rose hesitated, her cheeks slightly. “Yeah… A pink rabbit. B-But I don’t even know where it is anymore! And that’s normal, every kids does that, right?”
“I didn’t,” Meryl answered, almost proudly.
“Well, if you have troubles sleeping tonight, Rose, Yuuji has tone of rabbit plushies, if you want!”
“Oh, shut up!” A red Rose yelled back at her two chuckling friends. “It’s your turn now Stella, so let’s see if you’re gonna keep laughing for long… ‘Take a shot of vodka.’”
There was a long, awkward silence following this.
“No!” Meryl and Rose exclaimed at the same time.
“But… that’s the rule—”
“It’s just a game!” Meryl said. “There’s no reason to do everything it says at the letter!”
“R-Right, you can just, uh, take a shot of your tea. That’s perfect.”
“We’re supposed to look after Yuuji, right? We really can’t deal with a drunk Stella Maiougi right now!”
Stella stared at both of her friends, then let out a heavy, defeated sigh all while grabbing her cup of tea. “Fine,” she grumbled, and Rose was pretty sure she looked… almost annoyed? Did Stella actually enjoy drinking? Or maybe she just had fun getting on everyone’s nerves when she was drunk? Both possibilities were probable.
“A-All right, your turn, Meryl!” She exclaimed, avid to switch the topic before Stella change her mind.
“Right! Uh, uh, truth!”
“Er… ‘What do you appreciate more — love or money?’”
“Money,” both Stella and Meryl answered at the same time, without even an ounce of hesitation.
“Wh-What, really?” Rose exclaimed.
“You’re talking to a bunch of prostitutes, Rose,” Meryl replied. “What did you expect?”
“Actually, she’s technically a prostitute too,” Stella added. “So wait. Does that mean you prefer love, Rose?”
The concerned blushed. “O-Of course I do! That should be obvious.”
Meryl and Stella exchanged a smile, which was halfway between amused and endeared — like something two big sisters looking after their youngest innocent sibling would have.
“Of course, Rose’s always the romantic one,” Stella commented.
“Ahh, it must be nice,” Meryl added, sighing.
“Don’t act as if I’m a kid,” Rose replied, annoyed. “We’re all about the same age.”
Then she paused, her expression more pensive.
“You don’t think love is important?” She finally asked.
“I don’t have anything against it,” Stella clarified. “But having money, food and a roof on top of my head are the most important things to me.”
“Yep,” Meryl agreed. “I already have everything I need, honestly. A good job that pay well, great friends. Love is just a complication in my life that I don’t need right now.”
Their respective answers made sense, given both of their personalities and past life experiences… but for some reason, a part of Rose still felt… a bit saddened by this. Did that make her naïve after all?
Her feelings must have shown on her face, because right after Stella added:
“That’s only for us, though! For you, it can be different. Don’t worry, I’m sure one day you’ll find love. I want to be the one to walk you to the altar, actually!”
“Ooh, me too. Though we’ll be there to make sure the guy you chooses treat you with the respect you deserves.”
“For sure! Otherwise we’ll kick his ass.”
“Oh, we’ll do far worse than that. If he ever hurt Rose, dude can say good bye to his tail!”
Both women started cackling like witches, and Rose smiled awkwardly.
“I… I’m starting to feel sorry for my hypothetic future husband…”
“Anyway, it’s your turn, Rose!” Stella said, while grabbing the box this time and picking one of the papers. “Would you rather be smart or pretty?” She read out loud.
Meryl let out a snort, and Rose cocked an eyebrow. “Um… Smart, I think?”
Stella giggled. “What a silly question. Why would I choose? I’m already both.”
“Ohh, really now,” Meryl commented. “Are you certain about that?”
“I am way smarter and prettier than you, at least, that’s for sure.”
“Wh-What did you just say?”
“Aaall right, next question! S-Stella, it’s your turn! Truth or—”
“Truth.” Stella sighed, and while she still took the time to throw a glare in Meryl’s direction, she turned around towards Rose, who proceeded to read the question out loud.
“So… ‘If you had a time machine, to which time period would you go?’”
“Huh? Uh…”
Suddenly, Stella’s face became pensive, then… slightly nostalgic.
She looked at Rose and Meryl, seemingly hesitant to answer. And then, strangely enough, she looked over towards Yuuji’s room, where the door was half-closed. There was no sound coming out of it, suggesting the boy was still profoundly asleep.
“Stella?” Meryl asked, a bit of concern in her voice.
“Ah, sorry, I…” She sighed. “I think if I could do that, I would… go back before the war. Before…” She swallowed. “Before my parents and sister’s deaths.”
Rose and Meryl’s expressions changed to a more somber one, and the ambiance in the room became a lot drearier. Stella’s purple eyes, usually bright with grace and malice, were now dark and focused on her laps, as if she couldn’t bring herself to look at anyone while speaking.
“I’d like for us to be together again as a family like before, even just once. Just the five of us… And especially… I wish Yuuji could meet his actual parents…”
She fell quiet, her words echoing and hanging in the room, while none of them dared to disturb the heavy silence that had taken place. Finally, Stella was the one to cut through the awkward atmosphere, chuckling softly and smiling at her friends.
“Ahh, sorry about that! I didn’t mean to make everyone feel gloomy, hehe.”
“No, it’s fine,” Rose murmured, and she reached forward to gently take Stella’s hand in hers. “We’re not gloomy.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” Meryl replied sharply. “There’s nothing wrong about reminiscing about the past from time to time. It’s okay.”
The other two stared at her with wide eyes, and Meryl puffed out her cheeks. “What? Is that such an odd thing for me to say?”
Stella blinked, and she and Rose exchanged a smile. “No, not at all,” the former replied.
Meryl sighed and rolled her eyes, before leaning over on the table to grab a piece of paper. “Anyway! Better to change the subject before one of you starts crying.”
“As if you’re not the one who cries the most easily out of the three of us,” Stella commented.
“Shut up! So, uh, it’s my turn now. Dare! Uhh… ‘Kiss your closest neighbor on the cheek.’ Oh, okay, that one is cute. Come here, Rose!”
“Hey, wait! It says your closest neighbor. Stella’s closer to you than me!”
“What? She’s closer to me from what, a millimeter? C’mon!”
Rose arched an eyebrow and grinned. “That’s what the rules says,” she simply replied.
“Ugh… since when did you become cocky like that?”
“Becoming the madam really did a wonder on her, huh,” Stella remarked.
“The point is that I’m right,” Rose replied. “So. If you have to kiss someone, you kiss Stella.”
Stella and Meryl both looked at each other defiantly — the expressions on their faces clearly telling that they’d rather kill each other than kiss each other. But the two of them also knew better than to try arguing with the madam of Primavera. Rose may be a sweetheart most of the time, but she was a hardened, hella stubborn sweetheart. So, slowly, Stella moved towards her blonde-haired colleague, leaned towards her, and pressed a brief, soft kiss on her round cheek. Then she immediately pulled apart, and crossed her arms — which Meryl mimicked.
“Happy, now?” Stella asked begrudgingly.
Rose giggled. “Yes, very.”
“Fine, well, it’s your turn now,” Meryl quickly added.
“Oh, right! Uh, truth! So, let’s see… ‘Where do you want to be right now?’”
Rose stared at the piece of paper for a moment in silence. For some reason, this question gave her a pause, and she felt as if her mind had blanked out. It wasn’t a hard question, though. She’d always liked the idea of traveling. Across the country, of course — going to Kyoto, or Sapporo, or Nagoya. Since she was a child, she’d always wished to visit Greece too – her father’s hometown, which she had only heard about from the few tales he had told her. There were a lot of places where she would love to be, a lot of people she’d love to be at the side of… But none of these answers seemed right to her now.
“Rose?” Stella called out quietly.
“Ah, uh…”
“Where I’d want to be, huh?” Meryl repeated. “Personally, I’d really love to have some vacations at the beach. Just spending my days lying on the sand and listening to the ocean…”
“Oh yes, vacations like that would be nice,” Stella added, followed by a heavy sigh. “If only we had enough money for that.”
“What about you, Rose?”
Rose looked up at the two women in front of her, and smiled softly.
“I want to be here.”
Both Stella and Meryl stared blankly at her. “What?”
“I’m fine with where I am right now. I really don’t want to be anywhere else. Sure, it may be a pretty difficult life at times, but… I love this town, and this country, and all the people who live here. I love you two, and Richard, and Wayne, and all the ladies of Primavera. And… I would exchange it for nothing in the world.”
For some long seconds, a silence took place in the room — which made Rose anxious. Surely her answer wasn’t that weird, was it? But then, all of a sudden, the other two began to laugh.
“Wh-What is it?” Rose exclaimed. “Did I say something that funny?”
“No, no, that’s not it!” Meryl replied. “We’re not laughing at you. It’s just…”
“That’s such a Rose thing to say,” Stella continued. “Really, here we were, fantasizing about vacations at the beach, and you answer this kind of mushy tirade!”
“I-I didn’t mean to diminish your wishes,” Rose replied. “I mean, I think it’d be nice to have some vacations too…!”
“Nah, it’s cool, we get it,” Meryl said. “Actually… I think I agree with you. Vacations sure would be great, but… at the end of the day, I’m fine where I am right now. It may not be an ideal life, but it’s mine and I like it nonetheless.”
Stella didn’t say anything, but the wide smile on her face was more than enough to tell she shared those thoughts too. Meryl giggled again, and then she ruffled Rose’s hair in that big sisterly kind of way she often had towards the women of Primavera. Stella got closer to their madam before affectionately resting her head on her shoulder, and Meryl, sitting on the other side, imitated her.
The three of them stayed snuggled together like that for a quiet, peaceful moment.
Like a way to prove themselves that they were, indeed, all of them happy to be here right now.
Like a quiet prayer that their lives would continue as such, with all its ups and downs — but that, either way, they would always have each other’s backs.
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rawiswhore · 5 years
Jeremy Irons x Fem Reader- “Rainbow Party” Part 2
Before you could move onto the next man, you stuffed your breasts back into your corset, even though your corset was untied, but hey, at least your torso isn't squeezed and tightened into submission.
You got yourself up off of the floor, straightening your body as well as your legs, where you walked to the other room to the next man you wanted to pleasure.
The next man you wanted to pleasure was the Englishman with brown hair, dark brown eyes, looked and was dressed like Jeremy Irons in "Lolita".
Again, he wasn't your personal favorite, but he is very sexy.
(Author's note: While I won't deny Jeremy Irons is a hottie, he isn't my personal favorite of these men in these fanfics I'll be writing next week).
You walked across the room on the sleek, marble floor, holding opposite sides of your huge dress you were wearing, walking towards the Jeremy Irons lookalike.
Women were surrounding him and all over him; his shirt and vest was unbuttoned, his pants were unbuttoned and unzipped, his penis dangling out of his pants.
One woman was kissing his lips (although, she wasn't sitting on his lap) and running her fingers through his hair, 2 other women was leaving kiss prints on his chest, another woman was giving him a blowjob, sitting on the ground.
Looking at him, you wonder if you should put some lipstick on your lips and do what you did to Jean Paul Levesque.
Your hand tapped a woman who was leaving kisses on his chest.
Her head turned around and looked at you, stopping at what she was doing.
"Should I put lipstick on when I kiss him?" you asked her. "While he is sexy, I'm not that much in love with him that much".
"Do whatever you want" she suggested, shrugging her shoulders.
While he's sexy, he has enough lipstick already on him, so maybe he doesn't need any more lipstick on him except for on his penis.
What could you do right now while some women are all over him? Caress his chest? At least the bare parts? Wait?
"Ladies" you shouted to the women surrounding this Jeremy Irons lookalike, trying to get their attention.
All of the women paused at what they were doing, turning their heads to look at you.
"Have you all sucked his penis?" you asked them.
One of them is obviously sucking his penis right now.
The woman kissing the Jeremy lookalike's lips shook her head no, so did the two women on his chest.
You then had an idea that popped into your head.
"Alright, go back to what you were doing!" you exclaimed.
The women all went back to what they were usually doing to this Jeremy doppleganger.
Getting a glimpse at the Jeremy lookalike's cock, his penis was really not all that big.
Wonder if once there's all these lipstick rings on their penises until no bare flesh is shown, if they're finished with putting kiss marks on these men and these women can go home? And the men can go home too?
Either way, it's better to what you the idea you wanted to do with this man.
Meanwhile, while standing by this Jeremy lookalike, you looked across the room at Jean Paul Levesque.
The Spanish woman was sitting in his lap, he was still sucking on her breasts, whereas the blond haired, blue eyed woman (the one who was sucking his fingers) was below her, sucking his cock.
Another woman was now sucking his nose, it was one of the women who joined you.
Meanwhile, the Lily Cole lookalike was giving him kisses on his chest as well as biting his nipples.
Wonder if you should kiss this Jeremy Irons' lookalike's lips before doing anything to him?
Then again, his lips are probably all tainted in lipstick now, and you don't want to taste his lips if they're coated in lipstick.
One of the women who was kissing his chest left him, moving on to the Michael Fassbender lookalike.
Now's your chance!
Hovering over his chest, you moved your face close to his neck, where you landed your lips below his neck.
Luckily, there were no kiss marks going down his torso.
Your lips brushed all the way down his naked torso, the middle of his naked torso.
The hair on his arms stood straight up, his hands were grabbing onto the arm chair's rests.
He moaned in the woman he was kissing's mouth.
She must've been kissing him for a long time, will she move on?
Once you reached below his navel, there was a girl sitting their sucking his dick.
Is she finished yet?
He must've already came already.
You tapped her gently on the shoulder, where she turned her head and looked at you.
"Are you finished fellating him?" you asked her.
She looked at his penis, a ring of lipstick was surrounding it, she shrugged her shoulders.
It wasn't the only lipstick ring around his dick.
She had spent quite a bit of time sucking his cock, even swallowing his cum.
"I'm sorry if I'm being impatient" you said.
"It's alright" she replied.
You then tapped the girl kissing the Jeremy lookalike's lips, where she turned her head to you, breaking the kiss.
The Jeremy lookalike's eyes opened and looked at you.
"Are you finished kissing him?" you asked her.
"I have kissed him for quite some time, yes" she replied.
"I'm sorry if I'm being rude" you apologized.
"I'll let you fellate him if you want" said the woman close to his dick.
She had to be in her 20's, the majority of women in this room were in their 20's.
"Thank you" you said to her, smiling.
"You're welcome" she said back.
She then pulled away from his cock, showing his tiny little dick.
It's okay if his dick is small, anyway. You're not a size queen.
But before you could go down on him, you had to ask him something.
"You" you said to the Jeremy Irons lookalike, pointing at him. "Do you think I'm pretty?"
"You're beautiful" he replied.
"Thank you. Would you like me to kiss you?" you asked. "On the lips?"
"You're welcome" he replied. "If you want".
He is sexy, you may as well kiss his lips.
But not for now.
Now is time to suck his cock!
But before you could suck his dick, you had to put some lipstick on your lips.
You opened your purse and pulled out your lipstick, where, again, you lifted the cap off of your lipstick and twisted the lipstick tube, until the lipstick rose out of it.
You directed the lipstick on your lips, where the red lipstick filled and colored your pinkish lips in, reddening your lips.
The lipstick went up and down your lips and colored them in.
You then twisted the lipstick tube over and over again until the lipstick crawled back in the little hole again, and put the cap back on the lipstick, tossing the lipstick back in the purse.
Speaking of lipstick, the woman who was previously sucking his cock and offered you to suck his dick was putting on another coat of lipstick on her lips.
But enough about that, let the games begin.
You walked over in front of where he was sitting, where you then lowered your body down back on the floor, sitting in between his knees.
Opening your mouth, you moved your head closer into his genitals and wrapped your mouth around his cock.
Your mouth was above a ring of lipstick around his shaft, so that way you won't bob your head up and down his dick and smear the lipstick on his penis.
Speaking of bobbing, like Jean Paul Levesque, you didn't bob your head up and down the Jeremy Irons' lookalike's penis, why?
So you could leave a ring of lipstick around his cock and not smear lipstick all over his dick.
While you were sucking him off, you tasted his dick.
It tasted pretty salty, which means he must've came already.
His dick was flaccid and limp, which means someone must've sucked him off already and he came.
You placed your tongue on his cock, where your tongue swirled and twirled around his cock like a pole dancer.
Meanwhile, while you were sucking him off, the woman who was previously sucking his dick and applying a new lipstick was sitting right next to you, where she started sucking on his right testicle and even leaving some kiss marks on one of his balls.
You've always wanted to try sucking on some guy's nuts, but not for now.
Better luck next time.
However, that girl sucking his nuts did give you a slight idea.
While you were sucking on his cock, you put one of your hands on his left nut, that nut sitting in between your thumb and your index finger, where you rubbed his left ball in a circle with the pad of your thumb.
This felt so good on him, so good, he was going...nuts. (ba-dum-tsssssh).
His chest was heaving up and down, he moaned while you rubbed one of his balls while the other girl was sucking one of them.
Was he going to cum again? Hmmmmm, wonder if that's possible for him?
Meanwhile, the girl who was kissing his lips was now kissing his torso, leaving a trail of kiss marks down his neck and down the middle of his torso much like you were previously doing to Jean Paul Levesque.
Your tongue teased the Jeremy lookalike's penis head, swirling all around his penis head and even licking the little slit where cum and pee comes out of.
His heart was beating quite intensely, you doing this to him was enough to make his cock rise again.
Two other women had joined this Jeremy Irons lookalike, where they both were licking, sucking and biting both of his nipples.
You then elevated your head up his penis, where your mouth was now much wider like a rubber band, not wrapped around his penis.
His dick was no longer inside your mouth.
You looked closely at his penis.
Now, there were 3 rings of lipstick around his shaft.
You then lifted yourself up from the ground, standing straight, and walked to the left side of the Jeremy Irons' lookalike, where you put your hand on his shoulder and shook it, trying to get his attention.
He slightly jolted, his eyes opening and looked at you.
"Can I kiss you?" you asked. "On the lips?"
"Would you like to?" he asked.
You shrugged your shoulders.
Since you planned on kissing every man in the room's lips, I guess he should have a chance too.
You then pulled your face into his face, where your lips landed on his lips, your eyes closing once you got closer and closer to his face.
His eyes had closed once your lips landed on his.
He put one of his hands behind your head, where he pulled you in closer for a kiss.
His lips tasted like lipstick, which wasn't the best taste ever, especially tasting other women's lipsticks on his lips.
You snuck your tongue into his mouth, your tongue trying to entice his tongue.
With that, the two of you started open mouth kissing, French kissing each other, where the two of your tongues were wrestling one another.
You did this while your lips were still on his, even though his lips tasted like lipstick.
You hope the other men's lips don't taste like lipstick, although there probably will be a 50/50 chance they do taste like that cosmetic.
But don't worry, you can probably handle it and tolerate it.
While you were open mouth kissing him, you put one of your hands behind his head, brushing your hand up his hair, your fingers weaving through his hair.
He might not have long hair like some of the other men in the room with you, but he still has plenty of hair for you to run your fingers through.
You running your hands and fingers through his hair messed his hair up, although his hair was already messy thanks to a woman running her fingers through his hair.
Meanwhile, right below you, the woman who was sucking on one of his nuts was now sucking the other nut, her mouth traveling from left to right testicle, leaving kiss marks on his testes and even sometimes sucking them.
You then pulled yourself away from him, where his eyes suddenly opened and so did yours.
His hair was messy, like he just got out of bed, but whatever.
Now it's on to the next man!
I actually have wondered if I should write imagines of this “rainbow party” fanfic, because so many women on tumblr want to probably do what I’ll type about in future “rainbow party” fanfics.
Not to mention, in the 2000′s, there was this “rainbow party” moral panic, that teenagers were having these rainbow parties, where the girls would all put on a different colored lipstick and leave a rainbow of colors on either anything they kiss, lipstick rings of different colors on guy’s dicks or both.
The whole thing turned out to be a lie and a hoax.
And no wonder why...because girls would probably be fighting over which dude to kiss and guys would be fighting over what girl kisses him where!
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50 Question Book Tag For World Book Day
My darling pal @thebestoftimes tagged me in this and who am I to refuse, though i am a lame loser who hasn’t read very much since high school. I read so much in elementary and middle school that I think I read enough for a whole lifetime. Also I’m a verbose asshole so enjoy my essays on books I read 13 years ago.
Who or what sparked your love of literature?
My mom used to read to me when I was really little and my sister despised being read to so my mom stopped. It made me sad so I started reading to myself and I just kept reading and reading and reading all throughout elementary and onward.
Do you have an ‘odd’ book habit? (page sniffing/never leaving the house with a book)
If I really really really love a book I use it to press flowers, so you’ll know which book is my favorite when you open it and it’s full of flowers
Do you have a book that you think has changed your life? How?
Shit I dunno man, I feel like Tolkien shaped my creativity and his characters are characters that I truly hold dear. But Pride and Prejudice really impacted me, which I know is weird, but it was my first foray into literature written by women for women and I just loved the dynamic of the characters, the spunkiness of Elizabeth Bennet, and the style of writing.
Which book have you reread most frequently?
Pride and Prejudice because I’m a huge freakin’ nerd and whenever I’m sad P&P is my comfort book. This is closely followed by the Lord of the Rings/the Hobbit
You can meet any author and ask one question. What author would you chose and what question would you ask?
Oh shit.....ummmmmm..... Ummmmmmmmmmmm.....I would ask Jane Austen her opinion on the Lizzie Bennet Diaries(after showing her the whole series)
Best book published this year so far?
(I haven’t read any books published this year I am so sorry)
Imagine you’ve started a book and don’t like it. Do you see the experience through to the bitter end?
I am a sinner of the highest caliber and I read the end to see if it’s interesting enough to warrant suffering through the rest
What book is top of your wish list/TBR pile?
Any of Holly Blacks books tbh, I hear such good things about her work and I just haven’t gotten around to reading it yet and I really want to
Favourite place to read?
On the porch in my beach chair with a mug of tea and a blanket
If you buy books, do you lend them out? Ever had a bad experience?
I lend books out all the time. I recently had a person I considered my friend abscond to Russia with several of my books and I am not happy about it
What fictional character do you ship yourself with?
There are so many badass ladies that if I lived in their world I would flirt so hard with them and I can’t decide. Definitely Annabeth and Rachel for Percy Jackson, Hermione/Ginny/Luna from Harry Potter... Brett Ashley from The Sun Also Rises....Arwen from LOTR but also Aragorn and also Eowyn....I just love hot ladies who get in fights alright
Weirdest thing you’ve used as a bookmark.
A whole sock, it was the nearest object to me and I was in a hurry, but at least it was clean
Favorite quality/qualities in a protagonist and antagonist
I love a flawed character who experiences character growth in the story, be they protagonist or antagonist. Not even in a ‘bad guy becomes good guy’ way, character growth is just so sexy man I wish writers used it more
Favorite genre and favorite book from that genre.
Why must you hurt me in this way, making me decide. I must say Fantasy is my genre of choice, and my favorite is actually The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Best/worst movie adaptation in your eyes
Dragon is by far the worst movie adaptation I have ever seen, I remember being so utterly disappointed and gutted when I watched it, I love those books so much and that movie let me down so hard(the effects were really good for the time though I must give them that)
Do you prefer reading your own books, or library books?
I am poor so library books all the way
How do you choose your next book to read?
I read descriptions until something strikes my interest. Or Jess recommends something to me.
Your favorite word.
Book that got you hooked on reading/how you got hooked.
Mrs Peregrins Home for Peculiar Children, which isn’t a book I didn’t expect to like and didn’t have much interest in but the opening line of “I had just come to accept my life would be ordinary when extraordinary things began to happen” it was an interesting enough hook to draw me in. I was not disappointed, it’s a pretty great book
Opinion on dog-earing, margin writing, ect.
I dog ear books and write all over them. I love books and I love the stories they contain but I don’t think the pages of each individual book are sacred. My books look loved because they are loved. Unless I’m borrowing them then I don’t dog ear or write in them because that’s rude
Top 5 immediate to read in no order
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare
Most underrated book you’ve read
Tbh I don’t think I’ve read any underrated books. They’re all pretty highly rated
What is the first book that catches your eye when you look at your bookshelf?
My collectors copy of Sherlock Holmes because it’s beautiful and fancy and those stories hold a dead place in my heart
How do you arrange your books on your shelves?
I don’t arrange them, I just place them so that they fit, though I do keep series together
You have the power to change a book’s ending. Which ending would you change and what would you make happen instead?
Why do you do this to me.....okay I would definitely change the ending of Inheretence by Christopher Paolini. Tbh I wish he hadn’t written the fourth book at all and just left it with Eragon, Eldest, and Brisingr but if we accept this book then it must be changed. I would have liked to see more character growth from Murtagh especially, but also Eragon who really regressed in this book. And I think Galbatorix’ death was super anti climatic and didn’t really resolve all of the built up tension from the series, it was too easy and didn’t resolve anything at all.
And Eragon just abandons Arya and the riders and they separate themselves from each other after all they did together, several books of allusion to a relationship and all of the issues between them being resolved and he just leaves. The plot threads just weren’t resolved and honestly I would have to scrap the whole book for the most part and start over.
Favourite book cover?
The book covers for the Inheretence Cycle by Christopher Paolini hold a special place in my heart and are what drew me to that series in the first place. I bought hard covers just for the aesthetic of them
Which book from your childhood has had the most impact on you?
The Chronicles of Narnia, tbh, my first introduction to fantasy
When reading, what do you value most: writing style, characters, plot, world building, pacing, etc?
Characters are the most valuable to me, if I don’t love the characters I don’t love the book
Do you prefer buying books or borrowing them from a library/friend?
Borrowing, for sure
What books/sequels that are being published this year are you most excited for?
Unfortunately I haven’t read enough lately to know what’s coming out this year
Which fictional character would you want as a sidekick?
Samwise Gamgee all the way
How many books have you read so far this year?
Seven, all academic books
What’s been your favourite read so far this year?
The Heliand
You’re stuck on an island with a suitcase big enough to hold five books. What books are they?
Arghhhhh ummm.... the lord of the rings trilogy, Pride and Prejudice, and a book on survival tactics
If you had to go out to dinner with any character who would it be and why? What would you talk about?
Hmmmmm Bilbo Baggins because I wanna hear the hidden stories of his journeys
Is there a book you have such a hatred for that you would throw it off of the highest tower knowing that the last copy of it will be destroyed so that not another living soul can read it?
Inheretence by Christopher Paolini tbh
Do you believe books make nice decoration?
Yeah I do and one day I want to have book shelves displaying all my books
Do you listen to music when you read? Or do you need complete silence? 
I do listen to music because I can’t focus on just one thing at a time because I’m ridiculous
Do you have a favorite book? If not are you in the group that believes there are too many great books out there to just choose one?
Do you sleep with books under your pillow.
No because I move too much in my sleep I would destroy the poor thing
Do you go to the library or do you have a book buying addiction or are you one of those lucky people who is able to do both?
I definitely go to the library because I am poooorrrrr
Own any book inspired clothing?
I have a pride and prejudice book scarf and several Jane Austen necklaces
Have you ever read a book in another language?
Yep I read books in Latin all the time and I used to read books in Spanish because I used to be smart, what the fuck happened to that who knows
Strangest book you’ve ever read?
The Heliand
Favourite type of non-fiction?
Historical Drama, in which they tell real events but in the most dramatic way possible. The best.
Favourite non-fiction book?
I CANT CHOOSE I CANT CHOOSE I CANT CHOOSE I CANT CHOOSE I CANT CHOOSE (does hidden figures by Margot Lee Shetterly count? If not then I can’t decide)
Favourite subject to read about?
History, always, especially history involving regular people losing their shot
Favourite book you’ve read in school?
No Turning Back: The History of Feminism and the Future of Women by Estelle Freedman
Favourite work of Shakespeare?
Tbh I don’t like Shakespeare but Midsummer Nights Dream is most entertaining to me. Though I love merchant of Venice for all the jokes I get out of it on Bards Dispense Profanity
Character you’d love as a mom or dad or guardian?
All of them would be terrible parents and it would be so delightful but tbh I’d love to have Han Solo and Leia as my parents so I can beat the shit out of my bro Kyle Ron every time he tried to glorify space hitler
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dcbbw · 6 years
Timing--Part 5 (Dirty Dancing)
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This is Part 5 of my second fanfic and it’s my version of events once the gang travels to LA to find Tariq. In my version, he refuses to come forward and Riley makes a painful decision. This was supposed to be the last chapter, but it’s not. This chapter is my first attempt at NSFW. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please excuse any typos and/or grammatical errors. PS—my Liam is Asian Liam, and my Riley is tall, like me.
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Song Inspiration: We Fell in Love in October, girl in red: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DyV0hWOdQw
Word Count: 3391
Tags: @gennesaret @cora-nova @carabeth @hopefulmoonobject @katedrakeohd @aworldoffandoms @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @liamxs-world @lauradowning29
Liam X MC, Liam X Riley
Hana sat at the dining table, drinking whiskey and watching the flurry of activity around her. Maxwell, Savannah, and Drake were heading to the ballroom to set up the music for dancing. Maxwell was arguing the entire ballroom had to be fully opened up so the dance party could be epic. Bertrand and Olivia were talking at the end of the table. Riley and Liam sat across from her, Liam’s head bent to Riley’s ear. She saw Riley nod her head, and then they both stood and came to sit with her, one on either side of her. Hana began intently studying the tablecloth, conflicting emotions playing across her delicate features.  
“Hana”, Riley said softly. Hana looked up. Riley smiled gently. “I just want to thank you for being the best friend ever.” Riley grabbed Hana’s hands in hers. “You stood up for me, and I know how hard that was for you.”
“It isn’t so hard when alcohol is involved. But…but, I angered Liam! I doubted him and said he wasn’t a good boyfriend.”
Riley laughed. “It has been quite the emotional day, and sometimes…he isn’t a good boyfriend.”
“Ladies, I’m right here.” Liam chuckled. Hana turned to face him. “Your Majesty”, she began. Liam quickly corrected her.  “Lady Hana… just Liam, please.”
“Oh, okay. Liam, I am so sorry for embarrassing you. It’s just that Riley has had so much heartbreak, and been dealing with so much since coming to Court, and she just deserves so much better than to have to watch you be married to Madeleine.”
Liam’s dark eyes were kind as he half smiled at Hana. “Well, now she doesn’t have to. Lady Riley deserves the best the world has to offer and it is my full intention to give it to her. Your friendship to her and to me is invaluable, and I apologize for giving you any reason to ever doubt me. Now, I believe I was promised a hug?” Liam stood.
Hana smiled as she brushed away errant tears and stood up to wrap her arms around Liam. “I love you two so much.” Liam returned the hug. “I believe I speak for Lady Riley as well when I say the sentiment is returned. “
Olivia joined them, looking at Hana in admiration. “Well, well, well…I didn’t think Little Hana had it in her. I’m almost impressed.” Hana looked at Olivia in surprise. “Really?”  “No.” Olivia joked. Then their phones pinged with a group text from Maxwell telling them to come to the ballroom.
In the ballroom, Maxwell was already dancing. “Come join me”, he yelled above the music. Riley did not need any more encouragement. Soon she lost herself, her fears, and her troubles to the music. She was swaying her hips to the beat of some deep house music when she looked up and saw Liam watching her. He was unaware that he had been caught, and the look on his face made her heart do a flip. He was looking at her with a mixture of love and unbridled lust. The happiness in his eyes at seeing her was palatable.
She looked around at her friends: Olivia was dancing with Drake, her hair loose and flowing while Drake awkwardly tried to mimic her movements. Maxwell was breakdancing, with Hana doing pirouette moves around him, Bertrand was spinning and dipping Savannah. Riley turned back to Liam, extending her hand. “My King, come dance with me! Time to join the party!”  Liam grinned as he stepped forward and put his hands on her hips. Riley raised her arms above her head, swaying her hips, completely lost in the music and the touch of Liam’s hands on her body.
Liam looked at her as they danced. No, he drank her in. Riley took his breath away, she made his heart beat faster, she made him whole. Liam pulled her close and leaned his face into her neck. “You’re wearing my favorite perfume”, he murmured. “I am”, she smiled into his shoulder. “Riley, I love you so very much. I am completely in love with you.” She hugged him tighter. “And I am in love with you. Always. No matter what.”
The song changed and they swayed to the slow beat of a love song. She breathed in his scent, closing her eyes as she allowed herself to finally relax for what felt like the first time in forever. She had thought she would be able to handle being Duchess and that had been the idea she was going to tell everyone tonight. That she would accept the duchy, and wait for Liam and Bertrand to figure a way out of the marriage, but she just couldn’t.
The engagement tour had been too hard, and to know he would have been married to her. Going home to her. Sleeping with her. No, that was unacceptable but trying one last time to convince Tariq…she could do that at least. And now…Liam could break off his engagement, and they had a way of directly contacting Tariq. Tariq would come forward…he had to. Riley’s eyes squeezed shut even more. Please God, I love him so much. Let me stay with him.
Liam interrupted her thoughts. “I miss you, Lady Riley.”
“I’m right here”, she teased.
“I want you. I need you.”  
“Oh, you do?”
Liam began kissing the side of neck.” Hmmmmm…I do. I have great need of you at all times, in all ways.  Do you think our friends would begrudge us taking time for ourselves?”
“You mean ditching the party they’re throwing for us so we can be naked together for the rest of the night? “
“I like your phrasing much better! Come, let me take you to my room”.
Liam took her hand, leading her from the ballroom and up the staircase. When they reached Riley’s room, she looked at him, puzzled. “Liam, this is my room.” Liam opened the door, looking back at her, a mischievous look on his face. “Really?” Stepping inside, she saw his suitcases sitting in front of the spare closet. “Liam, how did you manage to get put in my room?” She smiled at him happily, eyes bright. Liam shrugged.  “I am far more indebted to Duke Ramsford than I know.”
“But, enough talking, my love.” Liam had felt an emptiness ever since his talk with Riley earlier that afternoon. He needed her to fill the void.
He pulled Riley close, claiming her lips in a deep, demanding kiss. His lips covered hers almost roughly as his tongue demanded entrance. He had one hand on the small of her back, one hand on the back of her head. He sucked on her tongue, then released the kiss. As she felt herself become moist, Riley’s mouth sought his again as he traced the outline of her lips with the tip of his tongue. His kisses trailed along her jawbone, then to her neck. Lightly at first, then sucking and pulling at the skin more insistently. Riley moaned, feeling herself become even wetter.
Liam fell to his knees, looking up into her eyes. “How may I serve you tonight, My Queen?” His eyes searched hers. “Undress me.” Her voice was soft, pleading.
Liam nodded, then complied quickly and in silence. When he pulled her pants off, he caught his breath at the sight of her sheer black lace panties. His head fell in between her legs, smelling her scent as he kissed the inside of her creamy thighs. He then reached up to pull her shirt over her head, and stared at her ample cleavage spilling over the top of her lacy black bra. “Is this new?” He did not wait for an answer as he began deeply kissing the tops of her breasts. Riley reached behind her to unclasp the bra, the straps falling off seemingly by themselves.
He lifted his head long enough to let her breasts fall free, and then he was sucking on an elongated nipple, already hardened. He wrapped his warm, wet mouth around the entire nipple, moaning softly as he felt his cock grow tighter in his pants. His other hand wandered over the other breast, before tweaking the nipple between his fingers. Riley threw her head back and breathed heavily. Her breasts were her most erogenous zone, and Liam was well aware. Hearing the change in her breathing, he started licking and lapping at the nipple, his efforts growing faster. “Stop”, Riley begged. Liam reluctantly released the nipple from his mouth.
“Get undressed.” Her voice was a breathy whisper.  
Liam stood up, holding her gaze as he first pushed off his shoes, then pulled his shirt over his head. It fell into the pile of clothing already at the foot of the bed. Riley looked at him, biting her lip as she grabbed and massaged her breasts. He removed his belt from the jeans, tossing it on the bed. Her eyes flicked to it quickly, then back to Liam. “We’ll need that later.” She nodded slightly.  Then his jeans and boxer briefs came down together on one swift movement, and his cock sprang out. It was long and thick with a slight curve to it. He was shaved down there, and his balls looked especially big and heavy. Riley drew in a deep breath. “Come to me”, her voice was low and heavy with desire.
Liam stepped forward until his cock was in Riley’s face. She dipped her head until her mouth found him. As she cupped his balls, she engulfed him in her mouth. Liam let out a long, satisfied sigh. His hands fell into her hair. “Oh love”, he murmured. Her mouth worked up and down as much of his length as she could. Her tongue licked the underside of his shaft as she sucked. Her hands massaged his balls, until she released him and dipped lower to pull one of the balls into her mouth. She sucked gently as her hand stroked him. Liam’s hands tightened their grip in her hair as he sucked his teeth. “Yes….yes….yes.”
As Riley prepared to take him in her mouth again, he gently pushed her away. “Sit on the edge of the bed. Stay silent.” His voice was low and commanding. Riley sat, her eyes following him as he rummaged through his overnight bag to retrieve a blindfold and grab the belt from the foot of the bed. She felt herself getting wetter, the sensations building in her center.
“Stand up.” Riley stood. “Put on the blindfold.” She slipped the eyemask over her head, and Liam adjusted it so she could see nothing. “Sit. Legs together.” Riley sat. She felt his hand gently cup her cheek. “Do you trust me?” She nodded. “Answer me!” “Yes”, she breathed. “I love you, Riley. With all that I am.” “And I am in love with you.” He leaned over to kiss her softly on the lips. “Are you ready, love?” “Yes.”
She heard him pick up the belt, then silence. THWACK! The belt came down hard across the tops of her thighs. Riley gasped. THWACK! Again and again. Her thighs were red and welting where the leather struck her skin. She whimpered. “Are you okay?” His tone was solicitous. She nodded.  
She heard the belt fall onto the bed and Liam’s hand on the back of her head. Standing before her, Liam held her head with one hand, and his cock with the other. He them began lightly smacking Riley’s mouth with his cock. Riley tried to grab the head of it with her mouth, but Liam would always move it just out of reach of her mouth, resuming the smacking when her mouth closed. Riley growled with frustration. Liam smirked at her but she did not see it. “Please, Your Majesty. “ He slipped himself inside of her mouth and they both groaned.  She took him her mouth as deeply as she could and started sucking him as if he were a straw. Liam placed his hands on her shoulders, and threw his head back. The pleasure she was giving him was incredible. He pulled out of her mouth and told her lay back. She did.
He helped her arrange herself so she was laying on her stomach in the middle of the bed. She heard the belt before she felt it smack across her ass. She moaned as she relaxed her body. He spanked her until her cheeks were red with raised welts on her skin. Dropping the belt, he began gently blowing his breath over the reddened skin as he massaged her buttocks. His hands spread upwards and he began massaging her lower back. He then laid on the bed, behind her, kissing the backs of her thighs. His kisses inched higher, until he was flush with her ass. He spread her cheeks and buried his face in her crack, deeply inhaling her musky scent. Riley moaned into the pillow. He then kissed her cheeks, and told her to turn over.
Riley rolled over so she was on her back. Liam pushed her legs apart, and buried himself in her sweetness. She too was shaven, and his tongue began licking her folds, wet with her desire. For him. He laid his mouth gently on the sensitive skin. Licking, sucking, nibbling. He could not get enough of this, could not get enough of her. Her juices were creamy and she tasted sweet with an underlying saltiness. His mouth found her clit, and he moaned as he wrapped his mouth around it. Riley was moaning and writhing, her hands tangled in his hair as she pulled him in closer and deeper. “Oh, God…Liam. This is just…wow.”
Liam’s cock was so hard he thought it would break in half. He removed his face from her center, and raised himself up and angled himself on one hand so his face was hovering directly above hers. Riley could smell herself on him. She raised her head to grab his lips in a passionate kiss. She tasted herself and a moan escaped her as she felt Liam insert a finger inside of her as the pad of his thumb traced gentle circles on her clit. “I want you”, his voice was a low growl. “Yes!” she shouted.  Liam then inserted his cock inside of her and she heard his groan. “God, Riley….so tight, so wet.” Riley began sucking his neck as their hips moved in unison. Liam pulled all the way out and the sight of his cock glistening with her juices excited him even more. His hand wrapped tightly around Riley’s neck as he plunged in deeply, entering her over and over with hard fast strokes. Riley’s hips rose off the bed as she wrapped her legs around this back. Their synchronized movements became faster, harder. His hand tightened even more around her throat
She was panting heavily as the crescendo built inside her tensing body, and just as she opened her mouth to scream in her primal, guttural way that excited him to no end, he slammed his mouth over hers. His tongue demanded entry as she screamed her orgasm into his mouth, and he released his into her. Riley collapsed back into the bed, Liam on top of her. She was trembling from the force of her orgasm, and Liam rolled off her to his side to wrap his arms around her.
“Thank you”, she said in a shaky voice. He ran his fingers through her hair as he kissed her forehead. “You’re welcome”, he chuckled. A few minutes passed as they just stared at each. “I love you Lady Riley.” “And I am in love with you”, she sighed sleepily.  He looked at her as she contentedly closed her eyes and her breathing slowed as she slipped into sleep. He never loved her more than he did at this moment. God, please don’t take her from me. I wouldn’t be able to live without her
The insistent knocking on the door woke him up. Early morning sunlight was trying to peek through the curtains. He saw he was in bed by himself, but before he could panic about Riley’s whereabouts, he heard her in the bathroom. The knocking began again.  He sat up in the bed, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. “Come in!”
Bertrand, Bastien, and Maxwell came through the door. Liam looked at them as they stared at him.  Liam, their King, was naked in the bed with hickeys on his neck, scratches on his forearms, bite marks on his shoulders. His hair was tousled, lips swollen and slightly bruised. Maxwell stared, eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open.
“Li, are those hickeys?” Liam’s hand rubbed the affected areas on his neck. “I believe they are.”  
“Is that a belt in the bed?”  Liam looked to where Maxwell was pointing. “Yup, it is. “
Riley came out of the bathroom wearing Liam’s white shirt and the men averted their eyes, but not before seeing the hickeys and bruising around her neck. And were those welts on her legs? What the hell happened in here last night? Bertrand wondered. She looked at the trio of men in surprise. “When did you guys get here?” She hurried to the bed and jumped under the covers where Liam was waiting.
Bastien spoke. “Now that you’re both here, we have news about Tariq. He has agreed to come to Cordonia, but he wants to speak directly to His Majesty to come to terms, and to have agreement put in writing.”
Liam and Riley looked at each, then back at the trio, eyes wide. “When is he coming? We need to be dressed and prepared.”  Liam was throwing back the bed covers. Maxwell hastily asked him to please stay in bed.
Bertrand spoke. “A plane has been chartered, and Bastien has arranged for escorts and security. He should be here by 6pm today. A room at the Palace will be prepared for him. You will speak with him after dinner. I have also arranged for Lady Penelope to be there.”
“Lady Penelope?” Riley asked.
Bertrand nodded.” We need Lord Tariq’s story corroborated as much as possible. With the inevitable breaking off of the engagement to Madeleine, we don’t need speculation that King Liam paid Tariq off so he could marry you. This will not only clear your name, but squash any other rumors that may arise.”
“He’s actually coming forward? He is going to clear me? “Riley gripped Liam’s hand under the covers.
Bertrand smiled gently. “Technically, he is coming to speak with King Liam, but the outcome should be favorable. “
“You won’t have to leave, Little Blossom!” Maxwell’s voice was excited.
Liam and Riley looked at each other with wide eyes filled with a mixture of happiness and disbelief. “Love, we can be together. Openly. Freely. Finally.” Liam said with a huge grin. Riley leaned into him to kiss him. It was supposed to be light, flirty but quickly turned passionate. Her hands tangled in his hair, while he groped her breasts through her shirt.
“AHEM”, Bertrand cleared his throat loudly. “There will time enough for all that. Both of you, get showered and dressed. Breakfast is at 9, and we depart for the Palace at noon. “
Liam broke free of the kiss, laughing happily.” Oh, Bertrand….we have been lamenting how much of a bitch timing is since Coronation. Surely you can spare us five minutes to celebrate how perfect it can be?”
“You can do that once we get you two engaged. See you at breakfast, and for the love of God, cover your necks!”
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fatesinthenight · 6 years
What about darks and wilfrods kids about as like teens 15/16 ? Maybe so trouble making?
Aurora puts her notebook into her bag when the bell rings. It was final period and she had to head off home soon after. If she gets just a bit late home her father starts to worry. As much as you other parent tells Dark she is fine he still gets antsy. When she stands up someone bounces right in front of her very enthusiastically.
“Aurora!! Want to help me today. I need to make a banner for the next football game and I need you my lady.” Bliss’s eyes sparkle.
“I can’t today I should be going home sorry.” Aurora smiles softly.
“Awwwww please!!! I need you. You know my handwriting sucks and your’s is so pretty.” Bliss holds Aurora’s hands pleading. “Please!!!”
“My father wouldn’t want me out so late.” Aurora tells her.
“Just ask him. Tell him I’m here with you and we will be fast.” Bliss pouts showing her big brown eyes. It almost looks like the pink in her hair is glowing from how bright it is.
“Ummmm ok. I can try.” Aurora takes out her phone and speed dials her father. He answers at the first ring. “Father I was just calling to ask if I can stay after school for a while.”
“What for?” He asks sternly.
“To help make a banner for a football game.” Aurora said shyly.
“Hi Uncle Dark!!” Bliss yells into the phone. “She is helping me out. It’s all good. I’m totally going to be with her the whole time, don’t worry.”
“Your the spawn of Wilford of course I’m concerned. Is it just you or…” Dark is already not liking this.
“HELLO UNCLE DARKY!!!” Asher bursts in draping his arms around the girls. “ I will very much look after them.”
“Fantastic… Both spawns are there…” Dark knows the twins are a handful, just like their father. “Will it be quick.”
“Ummm yes father. I will go home straight after.” Aurora said.
“Dark let her go have fun. You are such a overbearing dad I swear.” Darling comes in. “Cutie take your time. Your father is just a worry wart. Have fun!” They hang up the phone cutting off Dark starting to protest.
“See your good now. Yay for the fun parent stepping in!” Bliss claps happily.
“Ok let’s go before Uncle Dark decides to take us all.” Asher pushes the girls out the door.
The three of them have a large paper rolled out at the gym floor. Other students are around making the other banners for the game as well. The other girls giggle and look at Asher as he does a hair flip and winks at them. His pink floof shining in the light as much as his twin sister’s. Bliss skips about humming brining in the paint they are going to use, a good amount of it is pink. The three notice how much the colors they brought were very opposite. Aurora had black and grey while the twins had pink and yellow.
“Hmmm so then…. Writing in black and decorations in pink and yellow. The grey can be hmmmmm…” Bliss thinks.
“We don’t have to use it.” Aurora said. “Sorry for picking dull colors.”
“O no don’t be. I think you can make one letter black and the next one grey.” Asher insists.
“Ok plan in action. Ready team go!” Bliss plops to the floor.
Aurora moves her brush so carefully and swiftly. It takes no effort at all as she writes. Bliss is painting on some yellow and pink confetti humming a tune. Asher paints some swirls at the edge of the banner making a border, he plops a big dot at the corners. Things were peaceful…for now.
“Wow Aurora being social that’s new.” A cheerleader snickers. “Of course she paints in black. For someone who wears white she is such a goth sometimes.”
“Hey watch it.” Bliss stands up.
“O Bliss why do you keep such losers around you. For a cheerleader like you you could spend your time with such better people.” Another cheerleader giggles.
“Then again she had no choice. No one wants to be near her. She is a freak.” The first cheerleader laughs. “No one wanted to help her with her banner. I fee bad your cute brother has to deal with your excessive bubbly attitude. So annoying.”
Bliss huffs. “Like he would want to be near such snobs.”
“Ummm everyone lets be nice. We are all just making some banners ok.” Aurora stands between them.
“This has nothing to you with you.” Cheerleader two bumps Aurora.
A splat of black paint gets on the cheerleader’s clothes. She looks at herself and gasps. Aurora does a small gasp and Bliss holds in laughter. The first cheerleader looks up at the girls but they have no brushes. It was then Asher walks out with a big paintbrush full of black paint.
“Oops… My hand slipped.” He shrugs.
“Are you kidding me!” The second cheerleader looks at him appalled. “Be that way!” She picks up a heavily coated brush with pink paint and throws it at him. It gets on his pink button up shirt and yellow shirt underneath it. He smudges the paint on his cheek.
“Girlie if you haven’t noticed.” He motions to himself. “Pink is my color.”
“And this.” The other cheerleader splats black on him.
Asher just takes it. Bliss however is different. She takes a tube of paint and squirts it onto the cheerleader’s faces. They squeal and wipe it off as much as they can. They drop and grab more paint splattering it on Bliss. She retaliates and flings more paint. Other students see this and come over to watch. They get to close and get some paint on them. It’s now and all out paint fight. Everything throwing paint at each other from left to right. Aurora tries to stay out of it but one cheerleader slaps some red on her back. Asher jumps in and flings some yellow in defense. He tries to shield her knowing she did not want to participate. Bliss is on full attack laughing and twirling around tossing paint. The gym is a complete mess. Everyone stops when some teachers burst in the door.
“WHAT IS GOING ON!!!” They shout.
“It was their fault! They started it.” The cheerleaders point to Asher, Bliss, and Aurora.
“Why am I not surprised…” One teacher shakes his head.
The three still covered in paint stand in the principle’s office. Bliss and Ashe are very used to being here, Aurora is not. She looks so scared and nervous looking down at the floor ashamed. The principle gets off the phone.
“Your fathers said they will be on their way. I can see you two being the cause of this.” The principle eyes the twins. “However Aurora I am very disappointed in you.”
“She didn’t do anything.” Asher speaks up.
“My cutie never participates in such shenanigans.” Bliss said. “She only has paint before of everyone else throwing it. And look she has a handprint on her back! Someone did that to her.”
“Can I really trust you two on that.” The principle looks back and forth between them all.
“Look I started it. I take full blame on this.” Asher steps up.
“Ash…” Bliss looks at her brother.
“Very noble of you but from others statements they say it was the three of you.” The principle adds.
“Well they are stupid and lying.” Bliss huffs.
“Watch your tone Miss Warfstache.” The principle scolds her. “It’s already defiant enough I allow you and your brother to have your hair pink. It’s against code.”
“It’s natural…” Bliss twirls her pink bangs.
“And for the thousand time I don’t believe you. Now you three are going to be suspended for a week and have to clean the whole gym.” The principle would say more but the door opens to the office.
“Mr. Principle we meet again.” Wilford strolls in happily. He looks at the teens. “This is a new look. Very artsy and such. You look great.” He gives a thumbs up.
“Mr. Warfstache your children started a paint war in my gym and caused a mess.” The principle gives Wilford a look.
“Hmmm acrylic or oil paint? O was it a paintball gun.” Wilford asks.
“What? Why does that matter?” The principle looks confused.
“It does trust me.” Wilford insists.
“Acrylic.” The principle is still confused.
“O then it’s not my kids. They would have used a paintball gun.” One Wilford should have gladly given to them.
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that your children have no discipline and I can see their father doesn’t care.” The principle judges Wilford.
“I care about my children. I raise them well with my Star. They are teenagers. You know those rebellion stages. Better let it all out now right?” Wilford shrugs.
“Mr.Warfstache they have able to get into clubs to get their so called energy out but it seems they still have a lot to learn. You convinced me to allow Bliss into cheerleading and Asher to football. Yes they have made up their grades but this only proves that they are immature and can’t grow up. You need to be a parent do something about it. I feel like your S/O have their hands full raising three children instead of two.” The principle hit a nerve.
“You don’t think I can-” Wilford has that look in his eye.
“Daddy.” Bliss holds Wilford’s hand that he didn’t realize was a fist. He looks down at her and relaxed his hand.
“Don’t think of questioning how he raises his own children.” Dark now comes in. “You have your own to deal with properly.”
“Father… I…” Aurora looks up at her father slowly.
“We will discuss this later.” He doesn’t look at her. She shrinks.
“What are you implying Mr. Dark?” The principle sits up.
“I mean your girls have been misbehaving and you have been ignoring their behavior.” Dark has his hands behind his back.
“Excuse me?” The principle gets angry.
“What? Did you think it would go unnoticed?” Dark tilts his head. “It’s so perfect that they get perfect scores on all of their tests when it’s obvious they don’t study at all. Their homework is well done when in class they can’t seem to answer any question right. Or if we look back to the security footage it clearly shows them both paying another student for their essays. You let them do this and have them keep their place in the cheerleading team. You want the good image of perfect little girls. So if I bring one of your girls in here not and put her hand by the handprint on my daughters back it won’t me a match will it?”
“Ooooooo.” Wilford looks so entertained.
“Shall we discuss this further then. In private.” Dark looms over the principle.
“You three stand out in front. We so got this.” Wilford nudges the teens outside.
They stand out the door almost feeling bad for their principle. After a while Dark and Wilford come out. Wilford winks at the teens but Dark just walks pass. The kids follow their parents outside the school. Once outside the gate they prepare themselves.
“Dad… I really did start it.” Asher holds his arm. “I just didn’t like those cheerleaders talking crap about my sister and Aurora. I lost my cool… Sorry.”
Wilford signs and puts his hands on Asher’s shoulders. “Asher Damien Warfstache. You are so much like a friend of mine. Always wanting to take care of the people you care about.” He ruffles his son’s hair. “Just skip the paint next time ok? Even thought that must have been really hilarious.” He looks at his girl. “Bliss Candy Rose Warfstache. You are by far a force to be reckoned with. You step up for those around you.” He shakes his head and his pink hair comes back with his pink mustache. “You two scamps are the best. Even if others think your different I love it. I love everything about you two and if other can’t see how great you two are then they are stupid. Besides… Your too cool for them anyway.”
“Dad…” The twins smile at their dad.
“Also you two are grounded for two weeks.” Wilford pats their backs. “And your (mom/dad) is going to kill you so… Your own your own there.”
“Throwing your children to fend for themselves… Traitor.” Asher shakes his head.
“Can’t blame your old man for not wanting to be banished to the couch again.” Wilford holds his hands up.
Wilford smiles at his twins and walk away with them. He waves at Aurora and Dark and makes a portal for himself and the twins. When they are gone Aurora gets nervous. She looks up at her father and doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t look at her and just puts and arm around her shoulders and leads her into a dark portal. They walk into their house and he walks off to his office and closes the door. Aurora just starts sniffling and heads off to take a shower to clean up. Now in new clothes she stands in front of her dad’s office. She turns to see her (mom/dad) tell her it’s ok and to go in.
Aurora knocks first and hears her dad say enter. She walks in and feels Dark Chica beside her following her in, comforting her. She stands away from her fathers desk watching him fill out some documents. Aurora fiddles with her curls and looks up at her father. “Father… I… I’m sorry.”
He looks up at her. “I made a deal with your principle. He decided that you and the twins will not be suspended. You will however still clean the gym but not alone. Those two girls of his who antagonized you will be doing a good amount of the work. They also have been taken off the cheerleading team. You will not have this on your record. Now tell me what is there to be sorry for when you did nothing wrong?”
“I… I tried to… Not have them fight. It’s my fault they started bad mouthing Bliss. If I want not there it could have been better. I mean I’m the nice one… The one people think they can walk over. And I let them because… I don’t want to get mad… I don’t want to… Loose it again…” Aurora remembers being in elementary school and having a moment where she lost it, she didn’t want that again.
Dark stands and goes to his daughter. He brushes her hair from her face and sees she has tears forming. He wipes them away. She sniffles and he pulls her into his arms. She thought he was going to tell her off be more upset with her but instead he just holds her and runs a hand through her hair, soothing her. He looks at her in the eye.
“You are not weak. The best part about you is they you have such a big heart. Yes it is a dangerous thing to have but you protect it. I try to keep you for ever getting it broken and I know you are scared of losing control. I worry about you, too much as your (mom/dad) saids. Aurora you are a gift. You and Darling. Don’t ever let anyone walk over you. You are strong. Understand.” He wipes your cheeks.
“Ok…” Aurora smiles at him. “Thank you father.” She hugs him, snuggling him. “I love you.
"I love you too Aurora.” He kisses her head. “Go do your homework. Your still going to be a straight A student. No child of mine is going to let a stupid thing get on her record.”
“I will.” Aurora smiles and kisses her fathers cheek. She leaves his office with Dark Chica following her.
As she is halfway done with her work her phone goes off. She sees who it is and answers it. “Spark?”
“Aurora are you ok! Asher told me what happened. You didn’t get hurt did you?” Spark worries over the phone.
“I’m ok Spark.” She giggles. “It’s all ok.”
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge 6/4/18
When I said I got home and collapsed and only wanted to listen to podcasts I wasn’t kidding between this morning, my commute, and me getting home this evening to do NOTHING I listened to HOURS AND HOURS of podcast today
Trying something new today-- here’s a list of podcasts that I’m listening to. Bolded ones are ones that I listened to episodes of today, while those with the strikethrough are the ones that I’m caught up with (and so I’m waiting for the next episode).
The Adventure Zone | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Can I Pet Your Dog? | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2 | My Brother, My Brother, and Me | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wonderful!
I apologize, when the post gets this long I’d normally put it under the cut, but readmores are still glitching -_- No one reblogs these, though, so at least you only have to scroll past it once
Podcast: The Thrilling Adventure Hour
Episode: #49.1: “Filibuster”: A word from WorkJuice Coffee
Time: 4 min, 9% of goal
“Keep this country great” oh boy that phrase has never been a good thing but these days it triggers my fight-or-flight response
Episode: #49.2: “Dressing Room”: A word from WorkJuice Coffee
Time: 2 min, 4% of goal
An abundance of flowers in a dressing room give me flashbacks
Episode: #50: Tales from the Black Lagoon, “The Search for Marnie Bennett” part 3
Time: 13 min, 29% of goal
Awwww Ben came back!!!
Episode: #51: Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars, “A Mind is a Terrible Thing... In Space!”
Time: 23 min, 51% of goal
I’m really falling in love with Croach and Nevada’s relationship. I don’t think I’m ready to fully articulate WHY it’s so good but there’s always something so compelling about people who are wildly different from one each other and don’t even particularly like each other but also would die for each other... even if they would never admit that.
Also I feel like we got a lot of foreshadowing and hints at backstory this episode???? I don’t really know how much things are going to be used in continuity - like the robot fists being a gift COULD mean something important in the future, or maybe it was just a throwaway joke, and “King of Mars” is either SUPER important or Nevada just pulling something out of his ass. But the Red Plains Rider backstory was new!!!! (I think.) Human raised by Martians? That’s so cool, and explains a lot about her character and her connection with Croach. I’m really hoping we get more about her backstory in the future.
Episode: #52: “Christmas on Mars”
Time: 1hr 28 min, 196% of goal
"Christmas, the most important of all human organs”
Oh my god it’s podcastception I love it. Does this mean Beyond Belief is just ghost stories on Mars?
There are parts of this episode that are perhaps, uh, shall we say playfully offensive, but I have to say the line “He took a pistachio in the war” is so much funnier than it has any right to be
Episode: #53: Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars, “War of the World”
Time: 23 min, 51% of goal
She’s baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Rebecca Rose Rushmore is a hilarious character I hope she sticks around. Also I love that Croach’s wingman-ing was clearly him TRYING to be exceptionally considerate by trying to get Nevada laid by the best human woman he knows but so misguided lol
Podcast: Alice Isn’t Dead
Episode: (2) Mérida, Yucatán
Time: 4 min, 9% of goal
HOLY SHIT ALICE. Are we actually getting Alice talking in this season???? Are we getting more characters recording???? Are we going to hear from Sylvia in the third preview??
Podcast: The Flop House
Episode: Movie Minute #15 - Horn-nutz!
Time: 11 min, 24% of goal
This episode made me feel like I had bees crawling on me
Episode: #26 - 88 Minutes
Time: 49 min, 109% of goal
“We are recording this the morning after Obama was elected president” 1. Oh my GOD this episode is from a long time ago 2. That sound in the distance is me sobbing
Al Pacino where did you go so wrong
Episode: Movie Minute #16 - Missed Connections
Time: 4 min, 9% of goal
ie, the millennial version of all those “killers on the phone” horror films because none of us answer the phone ever
Podcast: The Bright Sessions
Episode: S1E1: Patient #12-D-10 (Sam)
Time: 13 min, 29% of goal
Hmmmmm intriguing. A different take on time travel, one that eliminates most of the usual problems with paradoxes.
Also I love the cover art???
Episode: S1E2: Patient #11-A-7 (Caleb)
Time: 17 min, 38% of goal
I highkey do NOT agree that the witches took Macbeth’s free will, most interpretations are that he is manipulated into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Otherwise the story loses much of its interest. Also are you kidding I love Lady Macbeth.
I love this character though, I love the idea of a teenage boy, which can be such an emotionally repressed demographic, as an empath. That’s such a cool subversion.
Episode: S1E3: Patient #13-A-3 (Chloe)
Time: 14 min, 31% of goal
I like Chloe she’s so bubbly!! Also though “If properly trained, she could be one of my most promising subjects” is... a TAD ominous. Promising for... WHAT, exactly?
Episode: S1E4: Patient #12-D-10 (Sam)
Time: 17 min, 38% of goal
Episode: S1E5: Patient #11-A-7 (Caleb)
Time: 19 min, 42% of goal
So like Caleb and Adam are definitely gay and become boyfriends later right
Also oooooooh hints at backstory, Caleb is in therapy because he got overwhelmed with anger and hit somebody. I don’t know if this podcast would do this yet, but I’m hoping maybe for a flashback episode where we get his first session? It’s an interesting choice to have both Sam and Chloe be just starting but start Caleb at Session 9
Episode: S1E6: Patient #13-A-3 (Chloe)
Time: 14 min, 31% of goal
1. Chloe is going to get herself in trouble
2. I’m not sure that Bright should be ENCOURAGING Chloe to get better at voluntarily READING MINDS, that’s... a pretty extreme invasion of people’s privacy
3. Soooooooo who’s Damien hmmmmm
Podcast: Can I Pet Your Dog?
Episode: 2: Corgi Beach Day
Time: 35 min, 78% of goal
“We all made it back for episode 2!”
Travis: “Well it’s my house”
One of my dad’s old friends has a dog who “had a career change” after they didn’t make the cut as a guide dog, but the dog still occasionally does guide-doggy stuff. So like for instance, if she’s out running and drifts too close to the curb, the dog will bump her side to push her back onto the sidewalk
Podcast: Wonderful!
Episode: 4: Good As Hell
Time: 50 min, 111% of goal
Yessssssssss The Good Place is so good. It was actually a tweet Justin made about it that convinced me to check it out, I’m really glad Griffin likes it too
Rachel the 20-minute power nap skeptic should meet my mom, she doesn’t even need the 20 minutes. Her power naps are 2 minutes long and she gets up from them more awake than I am after eight hours of sleep
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode: 122: In Your Tarzan Boy
Time: 1hr 6 min, 147% of goal
Okay that girl legit has a stalker and I really really hope she did something like call the actual police about this problem and didn’t just write into a comedy podcast because YIKES
Total Listening: 7hr 46 min, 1036% of goal
16 notes · View notes
The Auntie Matter
Big Finish’s summary: England in the 1920s. Whilst K9 is off in the TARDIS leading the Black Guardian on a wild goose chase, the Doctor and Romana are enjoying a leisurely lifestyle as the Lord and Lady of a London townhouse. But trouble never stays away from them for long, and before they know it a chance discovery of alien technology leads them deep into the heart of the English countryside where a malign presence lurks. As the Doctor dodges deadly butlers and ferocious gamekeepers, Romana is faced with a malevolent Aunt and an even deadlier peril — marriage. Written by: Jonathan Morris Directed by: Ken Bentley Release Date: January 14th, 2013 Series: The Fourth Doctor Adventures, Series 2, Story 1 Cast: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Mary Tamm (Romana), Alan Cox (Grenville), Lucy Griffiths (Mabel), Julia McKenzie (Florence), Robert Portal (Reggie), Jane Slavin (Ligeia)
This audio is simply a DELIGHT
Everything about it is just... so much fun. Just endlessly amusing.
Some commentary on this audio from Vortex:
Writer Jonathan Morris says: “The story is set in 1920s Hampshire and is a kind of a what-if, the what-if being, ‘What if PG Wodehouse had written a Doctor Who story in 1978?’ Well, The Auntie Matter endeavours to be the answer to that question. “It’s a frothy, silly, summery, farcical comedy, but with grisly undertones. I’m immeasurably proud of it. I think, through attempting to channel the voice of the Master, it contains some of my wittiest writing.” 
Jonny attended the studio recording and was delighted with the passionate performances. He grins: “To hear Tom Baker performing my words and doing it so well, with such attention to detail, with such irrepressible humour and with such panache! Many times I closed my eyes and it was like being transported back to 1978 – or sticking on a DVD of a Doctor Who from 1978. “I count myself inordinately fortunate to have been given such an opportunity; even if in retrospect I still can’t quite believe it happened! It will be a memory to treasure for the rest of my life. It’s just mind-boggling.” (Vortex 107)
Director Ken Bentley adds: “The Auntie Matter is still one of the most bonkers stories I’ve worked on. You can always rely on Jonny for something unusual, and every now and then and he delivers a real peach. “The combination of such quintessentially English comedy characters and science fiction turned this into something akin to an absurdist play. Robert Portal did such a fantastic job of bringing Reggie to life that he’s on the list of characters I’d like to see return.” (Vortex 107)
We open on the Doctor and Romana pretending to be a married couple in 1929, where they co-own a townhouse on Baker Street in London. When they purchased this townhouse is a mystery. This seems to be Romana’s first visit to the townhouse, and they stay there later in the 4DAs (when Romana is in her Second Incarnation type later) both earlier in the 1920s and during the Victorian era (they also stay there in the 1960s and in the 1980s).
Regardless of where the townhouse came from, Romana is bored out of her mind pretending to be a Human, so she decides to go out and learn about Human scientific advancement (no wonder later in the 4DAs Romana has a list of fun activities to do/exciting people to meet, in case she has to spend extended periods of time on Earth).
ROMANA: You did what? DOCTOR: I told you, I linked the randomizer to the TARDIS guidance systems and left it on automatic in a low oven. ROMANA: So now the TARDIS is flitting randomly through time and space? DOCTOR: Yes. Until the Black Guardian gets tired of chasing it, and then it will return to us here in London. Eventually. ROMANA: Eventually? DOCTOR: Oh, after its visited a thousand worlds or so, it shouldn’t take more than a couple of weeks, a month at the most! ROMANA: And in the meantime, Doctor, we’re stuck here on Earth? And what about the dog? He’s still in the TARDIS! DOCTOR: Oh, he’ll be in his element! I left the scanner open so he can look outside, and if he gets bored he can always look things up in the databank. He likes that. ROMANA: Aren’t you forgetting something? What if the Black Guardian manages to locate us while the TARDIS is away? DOCTOR: Ah! That’s why I’m building this! ROMANA: Which is? DOCTOR: It’s an etheric field disturbance detector! ROMANA: Huh? DOCTOR: It detects disturbances in the etheric field. ROMANA: Ah! And does it work? DOCTOR: Not yet, but it will do! When it’s finished. Then the Black Guardian won’t be able to sneak up on us without our knowing about it! *chuckles* ROMANA: I can’t help thinking it might have been more logical to finish building the detector before sending the TARDIS off on a wild goose chase! DOCTOR: Yes, I suppose it would, now you come to mention it. Oh well. *knock on door* DOCTOR: Hello? Yes! MABEL: Your breakfast, your Lordship. DOCTOR: Breakfast? Ah! Yes! Put it on the table over there, will you? No. On second thought… I’m not hungry anymore. Could you take it away again? MABEL: As you wish, my Lord. DOCTOR: Hmmmmm, now then… where was I? *sounds of tea being poured* ROMANA: But of all the places in the galaxy, why choose here? DOCTOR: Why? What’s wrong with Earth?!?! ROMANA: Ooooh, nothing. It’s harmless. *tea is now being stirred*... If a little primitive. DOCTOR: Primitive? *tea is set down* ROMANA: Well, yes. They’ve only just worked out general relativity. They’re barely one step up from banging rocks together.   DOCTOR: I’ll have you know this is one of the three great periods in Earth history! The roaring Twenties! A time of Gershwin, F Scott Fitzgerald of Hemingway *laughs* a ton of flappers and men in spats… of diamonds as big as the ritz! ROMANA: So that’s why you chose this time zone. DOCTOR: ….well… well no. It was a complete accident. But I don’t know what you’re complaining about! I found us a nice house, didn’t I? ROMANA: Yes, I… I just wish… *sighs* we’d landed on a more stimulating world. DOCTOR: More stimu - !!!! You’ve barely given it a chance! You should get out there! See the sights! Enjoy some of the local culture! ROMANA: While you stay here trying to get that machine to work? DOCTOR: Well I’m hardly going to get it to work if I go out with you, am I, Romana? ROMANA: I suppose I could always immerse myself in the scientific literature of this age. That might while away the afternoon! DOCTOR: Yes... that’s the spirit. Carpe Diem. ROMANA: I’ll just pop down to one of the bookshops in Bloomsbury. I shouldn’t be longer than half an hour! DOCTOR: Sonic screwdriver… sonic screwdriver… ROMANA: I SAID I’ll - DOCTOR: I know I put it down somewhere… ROMANA: UGH, nevermind. Goodbye Doctor! DOCTOR: Uh, there you are! Now, just a matter of calibrating the temporal anomaly…
At the bookstore she goes to to learn about Human knowledge, Romana meets a man who is desperate to find a lady to marry and bring home to meet his aunt (who is a body snatching alien, shhhhh, he doesn’t know)
BOOKSTORE EMPLOYEE: Yes Ma’am, can I help you? ROMANA: I’m looking for any publications relating to recent mathematical and scientific developments. EMPLOYEE: Was there anything in particular you were interested in? ROMANA: Oooh, you know, set theory, quantum theory, the photo-electric effect, that sort of thing. EMPLOYEE: I’ll take a look in the back. REGGIE: I say! That’s a bit of a coincidence, what! ROMANA: What is? REGGIE: You, coming in here, asking about books on the photogigamy effect, when that’s precisely what I was looking for too! ROMANA: Really? You don’t strike me as the scientific type. REGGIE: Oh, yes. I’m a sucker for all things sciencey! The more advanced, the better as far as I’m concerned! And it’s not everyday a chap comes across a pretty girl who's interested in quantic theory! ROMANA: Quantum theory. REGGIE: That too! ROMANA: It relates to the behavior of subatomic particles. REGGIE: Oh, I know! Fascinating little chaps, aren’t they? ROMANA: I was wondering in particular what conclusions have been drawn from the photo-electric effect with regards to particle-wave duality.   REGGIE: Oh! That! Yes! Wan old business, isn’t it? Been exercising the grey matter about it myself, actually! ROMANA: And have you come to any conclusions? REGGIE: Not conclusions, as such. But I’ll tell you what, I’d love to discuss it with you over a spot of lunch! If you’re willing. ROMANA: Hmmm, I suppose I have nothing better to do, Mr eh? REGGIE: Connally-Basset, at your service. But you can me Reginald. Or Reggie if time is short! ROMANA: Pleased to meet you. My name’s Romana. REGGIE: Romana. Is that short for something? ROMANA: It’s funny you should mention that… *bookstore shop door opens and closes with a dinging bell
Reggie has an alien implant, put there by his aunt, and through it his butler (who is an android) feeds him information regarding increasingly advanced science to talk to Romana about. So while he stumbles over pronouncing words right and all that, he does seem to have an actual understanding of the concepts Romana brings up when they are talking more in depth during lunch. Romana is very willing to believe that this guy is an actual authority on Earth science (Gee I wonder why Romana is so forgiving of this guy mispronouncing every term and stumbling over the basics as they talk about science. Wonder what leads her to think someone who so clearly doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about is actually worth hearing out?) Overall, Romana is very happy to meet someone who can tell her all about Human scientific advancement.
It also needs to be noted that Romana knows literally nothing about the social mores of early 20th Century Earth, particularly among the English upper class. So when Reggie invites her to lunch she says yes, because she wants to talk about science. She has no idea her acceptance of his invitation can be construed as anything other than she simply wishes to continue their conversation about human scientific advancement. Similarly, when Reggie invites her to come to his country estate alone, specifically to meet his aunt who he makes clear is his family matriarch, she says yes, because he told her he has books about science there. She has no idea her acceptance of his invitation can be construed as anything other than that she simply wishes to take a look at the books he keeps at the manor. 
Meanwhile Reggie plans to tell her the truth once they are at his estate, because “She might not mind being manacled to a chap who was mentally negligible once she's seen the size of his country estate!”
Throughout this process Reggie is a bit thrown that she never wants to talk to him about anything but science, but hey a super gorgeous lady is giving him the time of day and accepting his courting invites so he isn’t going to question things too much.
Once Romana is at the manor, Reggie’s alien body snatcher aunt makes it clear that she REALLY REALLY REALLY wants to steal Romana’s body.
You see, the Aunt’s body snatching process results in the bodies she takes aging at a super increased rate, so they tend to last her only a few months at the very most.  It’s very annoying because every time she gets a new one she has to erase all of Reggie’s memories about the last woman he was engaged to, and then send him off immediately to find someone new. 
Reggie, we find out, was raised from infancy by this alien to be used as a lure to capture Human women. It is implied that he is very very handsome and beyond super rich. 
The prospect of taking over Romana’s body really excites the bodysnatching aunt. A Time Lord’s body, even with the increased aging factor brought on by the bodyswap, would be good for THOUSANDS of years. 
As if that wasn’t enough of a reason for her to be obsessed with Romana, even having made sure Reggie was only bringing home exceptionally bright Humans, Human brains were still leaving the body snatching aunt feeling cramped. She’d have no such problem with Romana’s brain, since Time Lord brains are far larger than even the aunt’s original body’s!!
So yeah, this alien is very very very set on capturing Romana. She orders both her Robot-Gamekeeper and her Robot-Butler to bring Romana to her no matter what.
This of course leads to Romana fighting and ultimately defeating the aunt.
Romana’s pretty sure she did it entirely on her own. 
Meanwhile, after Romana leaves him alone, the Doctor gets restless and goes out to foil an alien invasion. He does this with the help of his and Romana’s housekeeper Mabel, because well... you know how it is when the Doctor’s left alone around any given Human for too long. Originally he wanted Romana to come with him (he was not actually aware she left), and ran into Mabel while looking for her, so he decided she should come with him instead. It started when he decided to test the machine he was building. It picked up a signal, and he wanted to check it out. He then stumbled upon a crashed spaceship not too far from an old manor house, which was being guarded by androids. This led to him discovering that the manor house was run by a body snatching alien. The body snatcher wanted to kill the Doctor - Four was functionally useless to her, since she only wanted to live inside a woman’s body.
This seems to primarily just be an excuse to work in this quote:
AUNT FLORENCE: Leave the man, it's the girl I want!
The housekeeper the Doctor made his companion for the day and the guy hitting on Romana fall in love and get together by the end of the story.
REGGIE: Toodle-pip! ROMANA: I’m sorry? REGGIE: Oh, it’s an old Earth saying. It means goodbye. ROMANA: (slowly, almost sounding it out) Toodle-pip, Reginald. MABEL: So, I suppose this is toodle-pip for us, too? REGGIE: What?! MABEL: Well, I’m a kitchen maid, and you’re… Lord Basset of Basset Hall. REGGIE: Yes. I suppose you’re right. MABEL: Yes. REGGIE: I mean, what would people say? MABEL: Exactly. REGGIE: Imagine the brouhaha! *snorts* MABEL: Yes. REGGIE: So I suppose that gives us no alternative. MABEL: Nope. REGGIE: We’ll just have to let them talk, won’t we? MABEL: Wha? Reggie… you mean? REGGIE: I certainly do! Light of my life! MABEL: You mean you love me? REGGIE: From the very first moment I clapped eyes upon you. Reginald, I thought, this is the girl for you and no mistake! MABEL: Oh, Reggie! REGGIE: Come, my dear. We can discuss the wedding arrangements over breakfast.
At no point did either of our two nonsense Time Lord dorks notice the other was also working on foiling the exact same alien invasion, or even how they were directly helping each other.
(In the following scene there are places where the Doctor and Romana are both speaking at the same time.) DOCTOR: No extraterrestrial activity detected. Ahah! It works perfectly! *door opens* Romana! ROMANA: Doctor, are you still working on this machine? DOCTOR: Well, just making a few final adjustments! Where have you been? ROMANA: Well… it’s funny you should ask. I’ve just defeated an alien menace! DOCTOR: Have you? ROMANA: Yes! Single-handedly! DOCTOR: Well that’s a bit of a coincidence! Because while you were off sight-seeing, I also saw off an alien threat! ROMANA: Really? DOCTOR: Oh yes! Single-handedly! ROMANA: You’ll forgive me if I find that a little hard to believe. DOCTOR: Well you should have been there! It was terribly dangerous! ROMANA: Been where? DOCTOR: Basset Hall! ROMANA: BASSET HALL?! DOCTOR: Yes. ROMANA: But that’s where I’ve just been! DOCTOR: Really? Basset Hall? ROMANA: Yes! You don’t mean to say you were there too? DOCTOR: Yes, of course! I faced an alien Valjax who had possessed the body of a woman- ROMANA: YOU faced an alien Valjax? DOCTOR (in unison with Romana): There’s no way you have been there. I feel sure I would have noticed, and even if you WERE there… Who was it who set the robot gamekeeper to explode? Eh? Tell me that! ROMANA (in unison with the Doctor): I think you’ll find that I was the one who faced the alien Valjax! Even if you were there, you weren’t the one who defeated it! Because I was the one who set the robot butler to explode! ROMANA: *sighs* I’ll get the butler to make us a cup of tea. I think we have a spot of explaining to do. 
Since this first audio in the 4DAs Volume 2 came out six months after Mary Tamm’s death, following the story itself there is an extended tribute to her. Obviously the entire second season is dedicated to her memory.
From Vortex:
Before we launch into a full preview of season two of The Fourth Doctor Adventures, it seems fitting to talk about Mary Tamm, who eagerly embraced the opportunity to return as Romana for this series. “Nothing will keep me away,” she told me when I first approached her, and she was true to her word. Even cancer, and months spent enduring treatment, didn’t quell Mary’s passion for the project. We, as colleagues and as fans, are indebted to her for seeing the series through, under awful circumstances. She came to every studio recording full of enthusiasm, laughed endlessly, and – on the last day I saw her – told me that doing the recordings had helped her get through it. She was a fantastic lady, and this season is dedicated to her. (Vortex 47)
Jonny added: “There’s a very moving tribute to Mary included on the end of the CD/ download. There’s not much more I can add, except to say that it was [an] honour to write for her and to hear her performing words I had written, and performing them so beautifully, so precisely, and with such a joyful lightness of touch. “I feel privileged to have been associated with her, even in a small way. We Doctor Who fans love all the actors and actresses from the show dearly, and I hope Mary realised how admired and appreciated she was.” (Vortex 107)
Overall I really enjoy this audio. 
The entire second volume of the 4DAs feels like an exciting transitional period in Romana’s life, set after the Key to Time quest but before she regenerated. You can see her really start to explore the traits that would eventually define her second incarnation, while still remaining very much recognizable as the Romana I of Season 16.
Not to mention of course that the Wodehouse vibe of this story works exceptionally well for the Fourth Doctor, particularly for a story set during the Williams era. 
This is just over all and through and through an exceptionally enjoyable audio. I find myself returning to it again and again, since it truly delivers on being incredibly entertaining and fun.
0 notes
malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
Beth x Lane (BABIES
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
[text]- god i heard carly rae jepsen on the radio and thought of you? idk what that’s supposed to mean. but yeah, you’re on my mind. 
[text] - had so much fun cake testing with you? i’m a little embarrassed to admit it but it’s the truth. i had a blast
[text] - holy shit i actually got the reservation for the restaurant for the hen party. i think i have you to thank for that 
[text] - hope you’re doing well, lady
[text] - ugh so far i haven’t fucked this up and i have you to thank for it
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
[text] ugh you’re so beautiful it’s unreal
[text] i need to stop almost drunk texting you before I embarrass myself
[text] you smell really nice? what perfume do you wear?
[text] omg i can’t wait to learn more about you. i want to learn everything!
[text] i need to get you out of my head because there is no way in hell this will ever happen. i mean you’re an absolute angel and i’m me. gah. 
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
Tumblr media
[snap] feeling pretty
What my muse saved your number as?
wedding angel (but lmfao she doesn’t let lane see that omfg)
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
Tumblr media
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
meet me in the middle by carly rae jepsen ( i remember you saying something about her liking her??? and beth would pick up on that)
How many times my muse has called your this week?
like 3 times. not anymore cause she doesn’t want to seem thirsty and love is a LIE you know? A LIE lol
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
none, she’s THIRSTY lmfao
claudia x eliot 
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
[text] - seriously, i thought no one on this entire planet could cook better than me, but GOD your food is always so good. what’s the secret ingredient? is it love? jk jk jk 
[text] - thanks for helping me. it really means so much! like its such a crazy thing to do but it honestly might help me, you know? so thanks 
[text] - wow, we’ve known each other since college. can you believe that? i don’t even talk to half of the people i knew from college 
[text] - rory’s been going on and on and on about you today. what exactly did you say to him to make him talk about you like you’re a new videogame? 
[text] - i’m so glad we’ve kept in touch over the years. i know that we’ve both had our ups and downs and that sometimes we weren’t able to talk like we do now. but i’m glad our friendship has lasted this long. means lots to me. but like ….pretend i didn’t write that because it’s too gumdrop sweet for my liking and you know i’m one tough BITCH haha
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
[text] sometimes this all feels way too real and it gives me the biggest headache. not in a bad way, it’s just so fucking confusing, i guess? but i’m not sending this jkdshfksdf sdf
[text] i’m so scared all of this isn’t going to work out. it scares me to think he’d ever be out of my life. 
[text] really like visiting you lately. it’s really nice. with jack i never really got to have dinners where we all sat together, or nights where we all just watched movies, or just…you know…talked. he was always so work-oriented and mean. so this is nice. 
[text] i’m so drunk kdjhfsdkjfh remember how we met? WILD
[text] i’m trying so hard not to make a fool of myself but it’s so hard. so so hard. i deserve an award
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
Tumblr media
[snap] idk wtf he’s doing but i support it
What my muse saved your number as?
that punk eliot 
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
Tumblr media
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
old town road (lmfao she has it for everyone. rory played it a lot so she got obsessed!)
How many times my muse has called your this week?
i’m gonna say at least once a day. she’s lonely after her divorce and since her husband isolated her to the point where she lost a lot of her friends she doesn’t have many. so she’d call him just to talk 
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
a few because she gets busy
sidney x malcom 
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
[text] - HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT. that dear david story is such bullshit. if one more fan asks for my opinion on it i’m gonna combust 
[text] - your scared face is so fucking funny. some kid has a blog full of nothing but your scared face in screencaps. it’s my favorite blog to read in the mornings
[text] - lol did you see that you’re a meme now. GOD 
[text] - the fact that there’s fanfic of us kills me. like this stuff is so funny i’m laugh crying. kids are so creative these days. but they really need to understand that men and women can be friends. 
[text] - if i don’t find a ghost one day i’m gonna explode
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
[text] hmmmmm maybe ghosts are real? maybe ? 
[text] fuck that i won the bet. own up to it. you owe me 20 bucks!
[text] stop being a hoe. answer my texts
[text] [insert video of malcolm screaming in haunted places]
[text] i’m gonna take you to pride this year. just fucking watch!
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
Tumblr media
[snap] me after i rail michael myers dkhsfjkdhf
What my muse saved your number as?
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
Tumblr media
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
stunntin like my daddy -  birdman, lil wayne
How many times my muse has called your this week?
not much. she’s pretty damn busy but when she does call him she talks for ages and ages and ages
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
a few but she always calls him back
0 notes
blu-b · 7 years
Cornish funny farm, a review (Poldark S3 E8)
I usually don’t do this kind of comment / summary, but after today’s episode let me chime in with a few things….
Behind a cut, for reasons.
Ross & Elizabeth 3.0: Oh finally, those two get to talk in private, and like adults. Yay! Now everything will be rectified…right? Right?
Ooooh far from it! They talk and talk and…. never come to the actual point?? Elizabeth hints at Valentine’s parentage, Ross asks if he’s his, Elizabeth says she doesn’t know - cue a brief hysterical fit where Ross accuses her of not wanting to tell (to what point and purpose should she?? Also Ross, mate, if you have any basic knowledge of how reproduction works, you’d know that this is not an exact science, at least not in your times), Elizabeth once again defending herself for something that is not her fault, Ross wanting to know what exactly George suspects…and the conversation starts all over again. Hello?? Get to the fucking POINT, people!
OK Ross basically apologizing for what he did was VERY relieving, as was seeing that they still have some sort of fondness for each other, albeit a sad one; but what was that bullshit about “never injure the woman I loved” - remember you kicked in her door and broke into her bedroom? Also, I’m not a fan of his borderline aggression when he says “You WON’T tell!”…too many bad memories of that one night™ .
And then, the weirdest and wildest thing ever: So the only way to save her marriage to George is by “giving him another child” and make it look like it’s premature as well. “When there’s some confusion about the date…” Yes Ross, really, are you happy to help out again?
ARE YOU KIDDING ME, DEBBIE H.?? What’s this bumfuckery?? Why is Ross suggesting such a thing to her?? I can’t believe it…I was literally yelling at the TV like: “Ross…..Roooooss…..no, you didn’t..ROSSSSS ROOOOSSS NOO ROSS!!” What in fuck’s name did I just witness???? This can’t be serious. I’m still speechless.
Also, Ross, your many “all in good friendship” kisses to Elizabeth’s face are cute, but did you check if she really wants that? No? Ah, I’m smelling a pattern here. 
And, what’s all that guesswork about who told George of their night together? 
R: Have you never hinted to him….? E: How could I?? But maybe you said something to him….? R: Asjsalmnkbjamff!!! E: Oh, but who could have told him? Hmmmmm. Who else was in the house….. ………… ……….. ……….. Both, looking ominously out to the graveyard: ………………..could it be? Agatha….?
I mean, how stupid is that? Agatha basically told Elizabeth on her dying bed (stool) that she had spilled the beans to George, so…..dafuq?
I liked what they did with Ross “confessing” his feelings to Demelza, it explains a lot about his later actions and why he’s trying to hard to stick to his promise. It doesn’t matter that he didn’t say it in the end - of course he should, but for his character development it’s not important whether he says it out loud or just in his head; the main thing is that he has reached that conclusion and is coming to terms with his own feelings that were so unclear to him not too long ago. I really like season 3 Ross so far with the exception of the above examples, so yeah…there’s still hope.
Insert obligatory timeline glitch: “And for the first time in years, we talked. ” - Ross meaning Elizabeth. Ummm. Years? Valentine is like what, 2 years old? And there was that incident with the horses at the cliffs, he spoke to Elizabeth there, albeit briefly, but he did speak to her. “For the first time in years” makes it sound like they haven’t talked for a decade. Meanwhile, Jeremy Poldark has aged one day. 
So, back to the talk. So the plan is to seduce poor George every day so that no one can tell exactly when a possible new baby was conceived? Very clever. Good luck with that.
Speaking of George….and ok yeah I’m biased here, but still….my poor precious darling boy! :’( The small victory of the election is tarnished by his family affairs. He so wants to believe little Valentine is his, but he just can’t get over old Agatha’s cruel words. Played to perfection by Jack, the internal struggles of a man who doesn’t know if he’s being lied to by the woman he loves, or has just been led on by an old woman’s spite. I liked to see that his nervous little habits increase, and it’s also quite telling in this context that it’s George who first loses his nerve in the dispute with Ross, not the other way round as usual (note to self: I do love when George results to cursing, shouting, or a threatening purr ^^). And that image of him sitting alone in his carriage almost broke my heart :-(
What was stupid though was that they put the confrontation in after Ross spoke to Elizabeth. He knows that George is suspicious of her and of Valentine’s parentage, and still he says something stupid like “…and so is her son!” - meaning Geoffrey Charles, of course, but it’s just such a cheap and obvious way of creating suspense. George very obviously and understandably thinks Ross is - in anger - referring to Valentine, and how can he not think that? Ross of course doesn’t say it with that intention, but it’s just stupid because he usually either says “Francis’ son” (because that’s what makes GC a Poldark in the first place), or simply “Geoffrey Charles”, not “Elizabeth’s son”. It would have made A LOT more sense to put this BEFORE the conversation with Elizabeth, so that Ross actually realizes that he has said something incredibly stupid to George and put Elizabeth under even more suspicion. The way it is, it’s just another cheap “Poldark vs. Warleggan” moment.
Then, Demelza. I almost felt sorry for her when yet another man tells her “You’re not perfect, but I’m not looking for perfection anyway…” - like seriously? Is Hugh actually getting her with the same superficial crap that Ross told her? Ugh. Don’t get me wrong, Hugh is cute and I like him, but I’m not sure I like / understand the way his attraction to her is portrayed. It’s all a bit too obvious and too much and…well, yeah. I don’t really care enough to delve deeper into it.
Morwenna’s storyline is finally getting a bit interesting, after endless hours of her looking at Drake like a moon calf and swooning over some flowers and standing at the window looking longingly out to…whatever. Worse that what they did to Elizabeth in s2, imho. She still doesn’t do much but sit there and suffer, but this time I’ve actually shed a tear for her because I’m finally beginning to feel a bit more for this character than just “ugh…!”.
Also, I get that Osborne is a horrible man that we shouldn’t come to like, but I’ve got to admit that he does have some comical moments, and especially perfect timing, so kudos to Christian Brassington for this portrayal.
Also, I kind of like Rowella. I wasn’t too into any of the “young generation” and I still don’t care a damn for Sam Carne and his what’s-her-face, and neither for Drake for that matter, but the way Rowella plays the fat vicar’s vices is kind of entertaining (and makes one wonder why her sister never thought of similar tricks, but she was possibly too busy looking out the window…). 
Final conclusion: Almost every marriage in Cornwall is beyond botched.
One ray of light though, Dwight. Dwight is always right. Hahaha, I loved how he stuck it to fat Ossie ^^ But in general, he and Caroline don’t get nearly enough screen time in this season. 
Elizabeth was again reduced to little else but holding Valentine and looking ominous, but I did love how in two scenes she got to actually decide something for herself, and how she takes on responsibility, not only of Morwenna, but in general. She seems more like the lady of the house now and issues commands, and she’s not afraid to use the differences in their rank to put Osborne into his place. Well done, lovely lady! *applauds* Also, I like how her feelings for George seem to have developed into something more than convenience.
Finally though, Ross and Demelza. Oh my. What a clusterfuck of bullshit. It all boils down to:
“My heart will always and forever belong to you…but, actually, trying out another man for a day would be kinda cool, and once I did that I’ll happily return to you and go on as if nothing happened, also btw you cheated on me so you are morally obliged to grant me this favour." 
Wow. Kudos to Ross for his self-control and his patience with her. I’m not getting into the discussion whether cheating out of revenge is okay or not, and neither into any other for that matter, and while I admit that Ross has some horrible flaws and did abysmal things in the past, he’s trying so hard this season, especially with Demelza. That he makes a few remarks the like of “Not every man in Cornwall is in love with you” doesn’t really come as a surprise after the Fucky McMustache episode, but all in all and given that it’s Ross we’re speaking of, he’s basically snuggly as a kitten. Whereas my understanding for Demelza shrinks with every episode since season 2 tbh. OK so he doesn’t write her poems, so what? He doesn’t care what dress colour she wears, so what? She could be stuck in a FAR worse marriage with a far worse man (think Osborne), and also some of her antics are really rather pointless and just feel like random bitching because she doesn’t get what she wants (a large part of which seems to be the “ploughing” of a certain “field” if I’m reading this correctly; at least that seems to be what the script is hinting at). 
Don’t get me wrong, I understand that they’re working through a difficult time in their marriage, and both of them are not easy persons, but - citing the books - all of this is about eventually understanding that there’s more to love and marriage than what convention teaches us and that in order to understand a partner and truly love them, you need to let go of them sometimes. And there would have been so many more ways to bring that across in film, instead of having Demelza be randomly angry with Ross and paying him back by cheating with the next best man who babbles romantic nonsense at her. 
This was one of the more powerful episodes in s3, and still the overall feeling I’m left with is one of being sorry for all the persons who’d deserve more happiness than what they’re currently getting: Elizabeth & George, Morwenna & Drake, and Ross….
Oohooo and edit: No Ross, Elizabeth is actually not "the only person" who can do something about this spiderweb of lies you're both entangled in (especially not by telling another lie!). YOU could walk up to George and tell him face to face that Elizabeth is innocent, that you slept with his fiancée against her will and that you're sorry for what you did, and if Valentine should turn out to come after you, that you'll help support the child (even though George and Elizabeth surely don't need the money). That would come very close to a suicide mission, but it would be honest for once and you'd not be using Elizabeth to cover up your own mistakes.
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