#let's just say i appreciate his musical work more than his acting 😭
moonmeg ¡ 9 months
I gave into a friend's recommendation and started the new PJO series.
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normansnt ¡ 8 months
Knight in shining armor
(Hazbin Adam x singer!male reader)
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(Not my art, idk whose sorry I got it from pinterest but credits to the artist cuz he would SO wear that I cant😭)
Warnings: fist fight
"FUCK YEAAHHHHHH THATS MY BOYFRIEND MF" yelled Adam to a random person at your concert.
He always did that. Whenever he went to one of your concerts (always, I am not kidding the man has not missed a single one) he yelled to every one of your songs because he knew them inside out and after each song he yelled to someone that you're his boyfriend.
It was sweet in your eyes he was truly your number one fan. However on more than one occasion this has gotten out of hand. Like right now.
Sometimes people get annoyed at his yelling even though it is a rock concert he is still the loudest one. But this time it was different. This time something happened that actually bothered him.
He was yelling about how much he loves you and how you are his boyfriend again when he overheard something that he didn't like.
"For real? That gorgeous singer is dating that flop no fucking way."
"I know right? I gotta say I wouldn't mind hearing the singers voice moaning my-" Adam didn't wait longer to hear the end of the sentence he straight on punched that guy.
"I fucking DARE you to finish that sentence." Adam literally growled. Even though this was heaven, assholes were present here too.
The fight got so big that you had to stop your performance and stop it.
"Adam- Adam stop" you tried to get your boyfriend off of the two guys who he was now fighting.
"Let me go babe, I'm gonna fucking murder those two mother fuckers-"
"Adam, they already had enough you won." You tried arguing with him while you dragged him to your dressing room. The two guys laying on the floor beaten to pulp.
Once you closed the door, the ruckus outside got just a bit quieter and you could finally take a deep breath.
"What happened this time?" You asked your boyfriend while getting the first aid kit and patching him up. He was much better of than the other guys thats true. But he still had some scratches and a black eye.
Adam told you the whole story of what happened and you listened intently while gently putting some alcohol at a deep cut on his nose.
"And then I was like- aww fuck babe warn me next time" he started whining because of the alcohol.
You sighed.
"Listen Adam, I appreciate what you did, those pigs said some disgusting shit and you were a great knight in shining armor but I worked really hard to get this gig and you know that" you said trying to be as gentle as possible.
"Babe, your boyfriend is the fucking Adam, tell me where you want to preform and you'll get in within seconds I can take care of that."
"I know Adam but I really wanna accomplish some things on my own." You sighed again.
Adam knew he fucked up, he sees first hand how much work you put into your music. But he just couldn't help it this is the kind of thing that pisses him off to no end. His first two wives left him for someone else and even though he might act confident he was terrified that you would leave him, too. He didn't want to loose someone he loved so much.
You put your hand on his cheek and made him look at you.
"Hey, its ok I understand." Thats all you needed to say. You knew about Lilith and Eve leaving him. And you knew how insecure he actually felt. You have been dating for almost 6 years now you knew him way too well.
You kissed him to let him know that you weren't mad. He kissed back with enthusiasm, he loved kissing you. It might be true that he has kissed a lot of people before you came along but he always said that you were his favorite kisser of all time. He just loved the feeling of your lips against his.
"(Y/N)...I- listen I mean what I said really, wherever you wanna play I can hook you up."
You chuckled lightly. You knew this was the closest thing you are gonna get out of him as an apology, the man was not good at apologizing. But you already knew that, and loved him nonetheless.
"I know honey I know." You put your forehead on his.
The wholesome moment was interrupted when you both started hearing chanting from outside.
"Is that-?"
And there he was again, your stupid boyfriend.
You laughed an snatched up your guitar.
"All right baby you wanna watch from back stage?" You asked back as you held out your hand to him.
And with that you two walked out of your dressing room laughing.
Hope you guys enjoyed😘~
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Hey, I'd love a matchup for Castlevania, if you're up for it (was not the person who wrote you those ask anons btw, although I appreciate them clearing things up).
I’m a heterosexual cis woman, although I’m starting to suspect I’m on the asexual spectrum. So, I'd prefer a male matchup. Also not super sure I'd be down with polygamy.
I'm a premed student (no time for irl dating unfortunately 😭). I also work as a volunteer EMS on weekends. Outside of my school and work my hobbies are singing (musical theatre and classical mostly), theatre (backstage work as well as performing), skiing (the only sport I’m any good at) and TTRPGs (was this close to getting my group to play a Castlevania campaign 😔).
I’m also a big nerd about history, American comics, and folklore. I’ll rant for hours about my special interests if nobody stops me. I’d describe myself as ambiverted. I'm socially awkward, but also very loud and expressive. I’m a bit oblivious, I’ll admit lol, but I do my best. My MBTI is ESTJ, and while I doubt MBTI's accuracy, I agree I’m very Type A. When it comes to the things I’m good at, I’m a major perfectionist, but I’m proud of how hard I work. I think my greatest weakness is probably thoughtlessness, but my greatest strength is humility.  My giving love language is acts of service, and my receiving love language is quality time. I'm verbally affectionate towards friends but I freeze like a deer in headlights if somebody flirts with me. Also: I know appearance isn’t super important, but I think it’s important to know I’m only around 5’0 tall. As my friends say, "headpat size."
A/N: Okay for you my PreMed Student Anon (that’s amazing, congratulations by the way!)I have two potential matches in mind. You said you’re heterosexual and would prefer male results, so I chose two from that gender because I honestly couldn’t decide which would please you best. For you, I’m thinking either Dracula or Alucard would be your perfect romantic matchups! (It really does just come down to which man you’d like better: father or son, lol.) 
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Dracula (Vlad Tepes), as terrifying as he may be when he decides to enact justice on the human population, is a very reserved and intellectual man. He’s introverted and devoted much of his life to learning about anything and everything from medicine to history to poetry. 
In this instance let’s pretend he’s either never met Lisa or he did meet and fall in love with Lisa but she either lived a full life and died of natural causes, or Dracula was able to overcome the anger and blame he held for humanity following her murder.
Dracula is a patient man. Being immortal means he understands that you must dedicate much of your time to your studies and your volunteer work. So long as the few moments you do get to spend with him are uninterrupted and meaningful, I believe he’d be understanding, and even supportive of your academic endeavors. He was more than happy to aid Lisa in her quest to learn more about biology, so I have no doubt he’d do similarly for you. Any questions you have, he’d gladly answer them. Any resource he has in his castle, any book or scroll, any record of any kind is yours to inspect. He has no doubts that you’re going to make a very accomplished professional one day, and he has every intention of doing whatever it takes to help you get there.
Along with that patience comes an understanding that sex is not the end all be all in life. Sure, it has its place for either pleasure or reproduction but it doesn't need to dominate relationships. If sex is something you're hesitant about, or against having, it doesn't make much difference to him. Dracula would be fine without sleeping with you, so long as he can have you in other ways. Holding you close, holding your hand, sitting next to you in front of a warm fire- those things are what make him feel close to your heart. 
Dracula also enjoys how animated you get when you go on rants about your special interests. He’s very versed in history and folklore as well, although not American comics, so he would listen intently as you teach him all you know. 
As an ESTJ, you would be very grounding for him (an INTJ), while still having a great deal in common. The both of you value an intellectual connection in a relationship while your more empathetic, extroverted side would help push him to see the truth of humanity where he may previously have only seen things in shades of black and white. You both strive for the best, and that suits you just fine with your perfectionism, but do be warned, there may be times you don’t see eye to eye. What you hold as most important in an issue or debate may be different than what he holds. Remember to be patient. INTJs are prone to stubbornness, but being a Type A personality, I do not doubt that you’ll be able to handle any contrary moods of his just fine. 
Your thoughtlessness can also be a source of discourse within the relationship, as Dracula is bound to worry about you. You’re human, you're fragile and under so much pressure. He cares deeply for you and does not want to see you hurt. The one advantage you do have, however, is your humility. It keeps you from being both arrogant and thoughtless which is a much more dangerous combination. So long as you are aware enough of your limits, and keep your wits about you the best you can, Dracula promises to trust you enough to let you come and go as you need to, so long as you’re willing to admit when you need help. But with your best trait being your humility, that shouldn't be a problem. 
Dracula is so touched by your acts of service. Being such an ancient and scary vampire no one ever thought to make him tea or ask if he needed help with anything. He feels so fortunate to have a partner who does not see him solely as ‘Dracula’, Lord of Vampires, but as Vlad Tepes, a man at heart. 
Not to mention your size difference is too adorable for words. He’s so tall and you’re so tiny… He always kneels whenever you ask for a kiss, he’ll never ask you to step on a stool or climb a ladder to reach him. He’s more than happy to come to you. He loves you. You are his new light, his new reason to believe in humanity. 
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Alucard (Adrian Tepes) could also be a good match for you! He’s an ambivert like you, although he may not admit it. He’s the son of a scholar and a doctor, so he’s very understanding when it comes to your education and career. And his empathetic nature makes him extremely compatible with your considerate one. 
As Alucard is a dhampir and immortal, this matchup could work in either medieval times or modern times. For the sake of this matchup, imagine whatever you might prefer. 
Alucard hasn’t always had the best experience when it comes to sex. Granted, you can’t judge every potential future experience based on one horrible one, but he’s not the kind of guy who jumps into bed easily. He has reservations and feels very insecure about the whole act. Should he ever engage in it, he’d need a partner who’s very understanding, or just as nervous as he is about the whole thing. In hindsight, I don’t think Alucard would mind not having all that much sex: for him, your continued company means more than any sexual endeavor could. 
Alucard is very impressed with your decision to go into pre med. He knows how much work that means you’re going to be undertaking, and he’ll do whatever he can to support you, either in your studies or in your personal life. He’s very well-read and rather educated on biology as his mother was a physician, so feel free to ask him any questions or have him quiz you before exams. He’s also a bit of an obsessive lover. When he decides he likes someone, he makes a point to memorize that person. (Recall the Trevor and Sypha dolls?) He wants to know what you think and why you think it. That way, he can anticipate your thoughts or needs. 
And he does quite enjoy it when you sing to him, especially if you sing him to sleep. Sleep hasn't always come easy to him, but with your presence and your lovely voice, it’s as if an angel is singing him a lullaby. I also believe Alucard would absolutely thrive playing TTRPG: he’s sarcastic, smart and strategic. I really think he’d dominate any campaign he set his mind to. Plus, it’d be great socialization for him besides you. 
As an ESTJ you’re fairly compatible with Alucard’s INFJ. You’re just extroverted enough to pull him out of his idealistic daydreams, but grounded and predictable enough not to shake his confidence or trust in you/your relationship. The only possible issue is that INFJs can sometimes get caught up in the fantastical destiny of it all: it’s about people and purpose. Whereas ESTJs tend to be a bit more practical- you value reality and stability a bit more than potential and daydreams. But I don’t envision this to be a huge problem, so long as you push communication with Alucard. He internalizes a lot. He’ll need to be reminded to share his inner feelings. So long as you do that, I don’t see any major discourse between you two. 
Alucard may be a little disappointed in your moments of thoughtlessness, but at the same time, he finds them endearing. You try so hard: you’re a perfectionist like he is, and even though you’re only human, you strive for the same greatness. It’s rather admirable. He likes that about you. 
Alucard would also be very touched by your acts of service, mainly because he often finds himself doing the service for others. It’s nice to be taken care of for a change. And he is very happy to spend quality time with you. He’d follow you everywhere if you let him. So long as he’s near you, he feels complete. He’s always leaning down to give you soft forehead kisses whenever you’re around. You’re so precious to him. 
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melloneah ¡ 2 months
this is all for the writer ask!!! :3 hope it's not too much >_<" answer the ones you're comfortable answering and don't force yourself to answer all of them if you don't want to! <3
🌵🥤🌻🍄📚 🍬🔪🥐🏜🦋🐝🧩
EHEHEHEHEHHE NEVER TOO MUCH THANK U SMMMMMM 🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
i dont really listen to premade playlists, so ill link mine >:333 this is a playlist i made for a roadtrip to berlin, including all the songs i was listening to at the time, and ive since been adding new ones actively, so it's literally just a huge list of everything i love :D 🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
first of all gonna plug my besties ofc @levi-dayne writes sick ass fics for death note @uriekukistan writes amazing itafushi angst (and not only :33) SENDING BOTH OF THEM SMOOCHES GO READ THEIR STUFF! and a fic that id read recently and LOVEDDD was all about love by fullvoid (@casgore on here :3) the yuuji characterisation broke my heart - it was a gutwrenchingly real way of depicting mental illness, and i loved seeing how different he acted around people vs alone. and it was super cool seeing a healed megumi helping yuuji rather than the other way around!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis FIRST OF ALL U!!!!!! i love the mutual interactions THANK U FOR BEING HERE!!!! @alonelystargazer is very sweet and i interact with her pretty regularly i feel :3 THANK U FOR INTERACTING WINNIE!!!!<3 cant think of anymore rn but if i do i WILL edit this post TRUST 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
megumi likes penne but yuuji hates it so they always disagree over pasta shape if theyre making it for dinner. yuuji always wins bc his favourite is spaghetti and obviously everyone likes spaghetti so megumi doesnt bother fighting him on it 📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
HEHEHEHEH nervous. lets see "what kinda gay shit goes on around here when im not around" LMAO the choso x todo wip in action. what a quote thank u past me. you'll find out the context once i post it sjdhfgsjhfks
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmm from random shit i think like. 1980s window designs in england lmaooo
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
answered here :333
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ARRGRHRG ANY COMMENT. i get so excited u cant even imagine. i sometimes type 'AO3' in my gmail just to delude myself that i got a comment and get that little pang of joy seeing the notif 😭 my favvvv must be ones that quote certain lines tho bc then im like HEY!!!! I WROTE THAT!!!! U LIKED THAT??? DUDE UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS I WROTE IT
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i feel like an everpresent topic ive had on my mind especially often for the last year is kindness. there's a multitude of things i could say, whether that's bashing people for lacking it, or get all teary over how beautiful it is (which!! it is!!!) but i think what ive recently discovered is that it's my only constant :3 when everything else goes wrong, that's all i have, and im really happy it's second nature to me (altho im still actively working on making myself better!!!!)
yeah, maybe everything sucks right now, but i know i can make someone else's day better :3 and often it makes things a little more okay to me too
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
RAHHGHG BESTIES. question for the bestiessss
@levi-dayne is so dear to my heart!!! such a sweet and kind person, who truly and deeply cares about others!!!! makes music, writes well AND ALSO DRAWS??!!! amazing and super talented person with super high ambitions too!!! SO SLAYFUL. what did i do to deserve such a slayful friend<333
@uriekukistan is one of the most naturally talented ppl i know!!!!! they write amazing fics, can DANCE super well, and took up drawing like 3 seconds ago and are already churning out really cool stuff on a fucking TOUCHPAD. ON THEIR LAPTOP. gofundme for rin graphic art kit when?? also ofc. a really good friend and very kind person :3333 <333
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
from a writing style perspective: first person and tense switches
from a content perspective: anything fucked up like noncon or incest....how tf are they often not tagged like??? or putting that at the bottom of the warnings list 😭 oh yea im far more concerned about swearing and underage drinking......
something im picky abt that sometimes annoys me enough to click off but i feel like it's just a weird personal preference is the overuse of alternatives to a characters name. so using "the brunette" like 5 times. just say his name!!!!! it's ok!!!!!
RAHHHHHH i usually reread my answers before i post but not this time. adios fuckers i dont remember what bullshit i wrote here but ur left with the consequences. if u wanna deal with even more of my terrible takes ASK ME STUFF
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befuddled-calico-whump ¡ 10 months
Okay, I’m really sorry, but I am unhealthily obsessed with this. If I’m being annoying, please let me know, and I will stop. But I love this so much.
It’s really interesting that Sahota has a bird tattoo, because birds represent freedom, but he doesn’t seem to be free. He doesn’t want to be doing this, and I can’t decide if he actually likes Vic or just respects him out of fear. I assume fear, because he says “Who do you think I learned it from” when asked if Vic would want him to do this. He has done a lot of black ops, which is part of the reason he is so desensitized, and also part of the reason he is proud of Hunter for not tapping out-- in black ops it is seen as a good thing to not stop; at least that’s what I’ve found from my sources. 
Kaius is really interesting because he analyzes what is going on around him, but he also picks and chooses what he wants to pay attention to. What actually matters. Also, he kicks during the fight with Sahota rather than punches, which is really interesting, because usually kicking is done when you are unsure about your skills, because legs have a longer range then arms.
Jericho doesn’t hit first, and he doesn’t want to hurt Sahota, and he hacks so he can fight against stuff without hurting anyone. It is already mentioned that he is the most empathetic person in the group, but I think he is also a logical person, even moreso than Kaius. He thinks before he acts, and when he does act, he goes all in. He reminds me a bit of a character in a Douglas E. Richards book.
Joy seems to be the most empathetic after Jericho, but she likes weapons. Guns are a distance weapon, and therefore help to stay separated from the death. She doesn’t seem to want to fight, getting the fight done as soon as possible. I’m assuming she wanted to go first as well.
Benji is amazing, and my favorite, so I’ll probably have the most thoughts on him. The sleight of hand tricks are amazing to me, especially considering he doesn’t have sleeves, which makes it harder. Not impossible, mind you. Musicals being his coping method is great, because that’s how I cope with stuff. His talking to get himself out of situations is pretty great, and on brand for a theatre kid. A tongue as shiny as the Chrysler Building and twice as valuable. 
Hunter is my second favorite, I love his hair! Lots of people say that black is a protection method, a way to shield yourself from the world, but I think it’s the opposite for Hunter. I think his bright hair is a way to protect himself; people aren’t paying attention to him anymore, they’re paying attention to his hair. Also, the tech in his head is really interesting. I think that maybe when people are annoyed their shade gets darker and when they’re amused their shade gets lighter?
please don't be sorry I am incredibly delighted at all your comments and analyses 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
You put a lot of thought into this and I LOVE it. Pretty on point with your delves into the characters (particularly Sahota, which is impressive considering he hasn't gotten much in way of bio or screentime)
You're super right about Jericho and Kaius in terms of logic. Kaius is the stereotypical 'analytical logic minded' guy, but Jericho is waaaay better at judging people's intentions, which is far more helpful in an everyday situation
The guns thing with Joy too! I had that thought, but couldn't figure out how to put it into words, so I'm glad you could 😂
Benji usually wore a coat when he was starting out with sleight of hand, but he's learned quite a few tricks since then
And Hunter's hair? 100% lol. It's a unique sorta defense mechanism for him
Again, thank you! Stuff like this does wonders for my motivation to work on a story, and I really appreciate it 😄❤️❤️❤️
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vintage-brass-tc ¡ 2 years
August-October Highlights!
I don’t know how time passed so quickly, but it’s already been two months since school officially began—— and so much has happened since then. A majority of it consisted of me being busy with marching band, which, in turn, meant that I spent a LOT of time and M and U. 
So, with that being said, here are some of the more notable things that happened while I was away. (I haven’t been writing things down as much as I used to, haha, but enjoy nonetheless!!)
~ M was checking if everyone had a flip folder, as he told us all to have it in class that day. For the people that didn’t, he’d ask them out loud, “Where is it?” and they’d try to give him a good answer. Occasionally, after finding out someone forgot their things, M would let out a critical comment about people needing to have their stuff, especially those in the leadership team (like myself), and whatever else he wanted to say in the moment.
Mind you, my heart was racing this whole time, and my stomach was in my throat; I had forgotten the folder on my counter before leaving, and was absolutely petrified. In spite of my terror, though, he inevitably came up to glance at my music stand, only to see that I wasn’t prepared as he’d expected me to be. 
Compared to how he reacted with some of the other kids, being more outwardly disapproving at them, he was way more…stunned this time around. When he had skimmed the inside of my band binder, I noticed that he slowly grew more and more tense as he realized I had forgotten my flip folder as well.
He looked incredibly nervous, and looked up at me slowly, unsure of what to do. I could tell he wanted to ask where the item was, but he was holding back…. and I was so relieved. 
(There are two reasons that I think he acted this way— one way more realistic than the other. Either he’s just always more gentle with me, or he didn’t want to embarrass me in that instance, as he’s been around me for several years, and knows how frustrated I can be with myself after failing others. Probably the latter, but it’s nice to think about him wanting to be careful with me.)
I looked into his eyes, guilty and mildly frustrated with myself for allowing myself to be unprepared, and told him, “I forgot it on my counter before I left.” He then just gave me that same slightly scared(?) and nervous look and nodded lightly, saying nothing as he slowly made his way back to the front of the room. He then changed the topic right away. 
(Written in my notes in a super ramble-y way so I apologize if this doesn’t read well 😭)
For those of you who remember him, while U was teaching the brass and going over our marching choreography, M JUST WALKED INTO THE AREA WITH W BY HIS SIDE????
LIKE I HAVEN’T SEEN THAT DUDE IN…SOME TIME? THE WHOLE SUMMER? And during the time they were there, I’d occasionally see M smiling and looking my way, then whispering something to W and pointing in my direction??? I swear I saw him mouth my name, followed by my instrument, “tuba”, and it made me feel so appreciated seeing M speak of me so happily. :)
I made eye contact with both of them eventually, letting myself smile a little as to be nice, and while M would continue beaming like he had been beforehand, W would just stare back at me. I forgot how much he did that, haha.
Eventually they left, and we continued working until we transitioned onto the field. 
Later in the outdoor segment of the rehearsal, M kept checking in on me since I was breathing heavily; I was playing super loud, and adjusting to doing so on the move, since my tuba finally worked after not letting me play for a few days.
Anyway, he had lingered by me for a while and gave me the most worried look, then asked me if I was okay and needed water. I had actually felt pretty alright this time around, so I told him just that, surprised that he thought I was suffering. He even asked me the same thing before I left for the day as well. I love how caring he is, it warms my heart. ❤️
I brought this up the next day, and M said he just thought I wasn’t drinking enough. He didn’t think I was too tired. But he still made it a point to ask me, so that was sweet!! 
U would attended rehearsal barefoot sometimes…. and made jokes about his ‘dogs’…. and I also saw him grip the curb with his toes on a couple occasions. That’s all that needs to be said. 😭😭😭 He’s can be so peculiar sometimes, I swear. It was hilarious though.
I have another class in the fine arts area, and on two separate occasions, both M and U each saw me through the window of the door. 
M’s eyes widened when they had met mine, and he passed the door, but then quickly moved his face back over to do a double take. It was gone as quickly as it returned, and this made me laugh a lot. 
U, though, snuck up by the door when I wasn’t paying attention to it. He was just standing there for maybe 10 seconds or something before I noticed his bright shirt in my peripheral vision. When I began to turn my head to the right to see, U had slid away from the door at the exact same pace as I was moving, which brought only his shoulder to be visible through the window.
I maintained a wide-eyed and *almost* serious expression, as I was trying not to smile. After three seconds or so, U began to creep back into window-view with the same blank face and wide eyes, but when he saw me staring right back at him, he broke and began to chuckle behind the door. I began to giggle as well. He then turned and left the area; his job was done.
My huge smile brought the teacher to question me and I had to explain that U was standing by the door. And he checked outside of it afterwards, but U was nowhere to be found. Hahaha.
On one of our game days, when I first got into the bus, I sat on a seat that would end up being a row behind and across from where M usually sat, and I knew that. I made sure of it, actually, but of course, I didn’t make it obvious; I first asked if anyone was going to sit there, then let the parent volunteers know to let me know if I had to move. That kind of stuff. 
When I heard one of the parents confirm, “[M’s name] is riding here” in conversation, I felt my heart lift. Subtly, but enough that it was obvious how cheerful and relieved I was. Haha. Anyway, he walked in and looked across the bus, and for half a second, I noticed his eyes dart over to meet my own. His attention went away as quickly as it arrived, but made me quite happy nonetheless. 
Pretty soon after he walked in, M stated “Mr. [U]’s going to ride here too.” At that, I immediately felt my eyes widen and I shot up to ask, “Do I need to move??” It came out calm, but the urgency was there. Then, as if on cue, U stepped into the bus with a funky pair of sunglasses on. “I’ll kick a kid out,” he stated bluntly, in relation to seats.
I offered an awkward smile and chuckle at this then quickly went to grab my things. “Here, I’ll move. I’ll move.” Then M interjected quickly, “No, you don’t have to—”, making me stop just before the bus’s aisle. I moved my head up, a little surprised at his sudden comment, and turned to look at him. Despite M’s previous statement, seeing that I had already started to move, _he slowly turned to U. In a softer tone of voice, he asked, “Do you want to take this seat?” 
U answered in a second or so, “Yeah, I’ll take this seat.” So I smiled and moved out of his way. I ended up seated three rows directly behind M, and two behind and across the aisle from U, so it turned out all good. I actually listened to them chat instead of blasting my music, and it was quite therapeutic to hear them converse in a more casual, relaxed way.  Later on in the ride, M had brought up the tuba section at one of our away games the pervious year, and how they were so loud and obnoxious. U grinned and shot back with “I loved them. They were AWFUL— in the best way.” And then they all laughed. 
I was smiling so much the entire time, thinking back on that chaos and agreeing with U’s statement in my head, sending him a look afterwards. Then U continued grinning and, I suppose since it was a conversation about the instrument I played, he looked back at me. 
We just smiled at each other for a second or two, then he looked away. It was so sweet. ❤️ ~~
Earlier in the day, I had talked to M about postponing my lessons since it was taking a toll on my mental health.
After that day’s rehearsal, though, and missing my lesson, I had walked up to M, and got his attention. “Mr. [M]?” He looked up immediately from his phone, showing me that he was listening. I had told him, smiling awkwardly, “Don’t count on me not doing lessons. I feel horrible, so I’m probably going to go next week.”
Instead of getting the relieved reaction I thought I would get from that, he had looked back at his phone. I saw his lips tug a bit, as if he was actually, genuinely disgusted or disappointed in what I had just said. I frowned at that.
“[R], don’t even . . . you need to focus on yourself. Stop trying to focus on pleasing others. I’m sure [my lesson teacher] doesn’t . . .” He turned to look at me seriously, and the more he went on, the more a grin grew on his lips, little by little.
“You’re already a great player. He just gives you things to work on. Don’t worry about it. Do what you need to do for yourself.”
Aaand cue the instantaneous tears under my sunglasses. 😭
I thanked him, holding back tears of gratitude once more, and told him I appreciated him before I hurried out of the room, not wanting to waste any more of his time. It was super nice of him to say all that stuff, though. He’s really such an angel. :)
During another rehearsal, since we had gotten new music, we were all looking through it. At one point he isolated my grade level to count and clap the rhythms of their music and stuff alone, as per usual— so we did just that.
I was super enthusiastic since I knew the counts and was having fun feeling the music, so I was just smiling and clapping the counts precisely and whatnot. Then I glanced down and noticed, since a little bit before the last measure, that U was staring directly at me with wide eyes, a grin, and an absolutely astonished expression on his face.
Of course, I stared back at him, still smiling cheerfully and following directions. And when the rep stopped, U just continued to grin and, with a voice that matched his surprise, he exclaimed, “[R], I didn’t know you were a [grade level]!!”
At this, I felt the biggest, slightly embarrassed smile spread on my face.
The tone of his voice sounded like he was teasing me for joining in with the other students when I wasn’t supposed to, and it had even made me question for a second whether or not I WAS really in my grade level. Before I could confuse myself further, though, one of my tuba friends (and section leader alongside myself) smiled and called back, “She is!!” Which brought me back to reality and brought me to call back as well, “I AM!!”
Then U just started grinning even bigger, showing his white, pearly teeth more than he was before, and he began to put his head down on the table and laugh a lot. “I didn’t know!!…” Then he spoke a little quieter, “I forgot!!”
“..Thank you??” I called back and chuckled, a little confused as to whether or not this was a compliment. Hahaha. That was so weird.  ~~
On the bus during another event, M had made a statement about the irony of the fact that he had constantly reminded all of the band kids to bring their own sack lunch, then ended up forgetting his.
I was all like “Aw, really? Are you serious??” And then he just said “Eh, I don’t need it.” And dismissed it like it was nothing, but I got a bit concerned.
I felt my brows furrow in worry, but I offered a kind smile and asked, “Are you sure??..” and stared at the back of his seat until he popped up a second later, realizing that I had spoken to him.
He locked eyes with me, saw my concern, and I think he smiled a little, reassuringly, but I only saw his eyes over the seat. He flicked his wrist in the air and threw it down, letting his body lean back a little— a more positive way of dismissing the statement. “Yeah, I’m fine.” “Okay..”
Then another band parent offered a little healthy snack pack and he said “I don’t need it.” When they insisted, he asked, “Are you sure?” And I saw his gaze flick over to me while I offered him a light, encouraging smile.
He then glanced back and said “Okay, thank you.” And a moment later, he added, “This is perfect, actually. Something light.” ❤️
I’m glad he accepted it. He needs to take care of himself.
(Also, later that day, we had had such a genuine conversation, and it meant a lot to me. It was so nice to talk so casually. :) )
During one of our band get-togethers, a student walked up to the directors and showed them his supposedly solid rack of abs, bringing all of them to make huge exclamations about it. I was right next to them talking to someone else, so I looked over, super confused.
When I had looked back, U was smiling, reenacting the moment; “He was just like—“ Then he grabbed his tank top and, with two hands, pulled the bottom up so that his stomach showed. (I cannot stress how much I love pudgy stomachs, so this was adorable.)
I laughed at this, then he made a show of putting his tank top back down and grabbing the pudge on his stomach, wiggling it around and making playfully aggressive noises like a dad would. I laughed even more.
He then looked right up at me and grinned. “*My* abs can bounce,” he stated, never blinking or averting his eyes from my own. I smiled back at him, then told him I could relate. 😭😭 Hahaha. 
AHHH!!!! I love them so much!!! It’s so amazing to be back on the marching grind with them again and work to accomplish great things together. ❤️
And it’s good to be back here as well!! Hopefully I won’t leave you all without an update for two months again, but regardless, I’ll stick around and stalk the tag. Haha. Stay safe!
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liliansun ¡ 1 year
day 17/365 of haechan appreciation~
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the sunflower urge to gatekeep is strong today (once again)
i'll be honest - i hate writing in anything other than black.
6 questions for a bored/procrastinating sunflower :)... lilac i'm expecting answers btw and i'll share mine below
what are your three favourite hairstyles/hair colours on haechan and tell me why in detail
how would you describe haechan to a friend?
if haechan were a demon, what are the five items (doesn't necessarily have to be 'items' either) you're using in the pentagram to summon him?
6 reasons why you like him? (short answers. bullet points. essays - just give my man some loooove)
if you had haechan as a contact in your phone, what would his contact name be?
what do you think people overlook or may miss about haechan? something you wish he got more credit for? (something like that - 'you may miss at first glance if you're not looking at him the way I am' kinda thing)
fuck. so many options. i want him to do that silver/white hair colour again from superhuman and get appreciated more for it. loved that red on him. purple too...... black. i don't actually know.
i think an actual conversation i've had about him is - *onslaught of photos* he's my baby. what do you think of him? // i approve. he's pretty. // i'm glad you know.
personally - kimchi jjigae, his camera, renjun, bucket hat, anything remotely related to michael jackson.
always wins. incredibly clever and witty. belongs on stage (everywhere) - he just knows where to look/how to act etc. articulate speaker. his smile and laughs. SO RNB ORIENTATED.
here's his options; (1) jjigae (2) beba (3) kiddo (4) baby (5) sunshine sunmine (not really it just came to my head) (6) the reason i'm going to die an early death
he's seriously overworked (not a secret) but i think he thrives from it? like take his hiatus for example - it was like he was restless throughout the whole thing. i think his stage has oddly become his comfort space?
listen, purple is my favourite colour but this just does not feel right.
Listen, having to change my color palette on the app doesn’t make it any better 😭 OKAY OKAY LEMME ANSWER.
1. PURPLE. it’s my favorite color overall so it’s kinda 🤭biased but purple hyuck really has a special place in my heart. Black haired hyuck makes me..feral. Like I literally become another thing I’m not even human atp I might as well be a dog bc I’m barking and howling at the moon for black haired hyuck. Lastly (and I don’t think we’ve gotten this like in actuality but have had a taste of it) I want BLUE HAIRED HYUCK. y’all know Jeno and Nana and even mark ROCK The blue hair,, just let hyuck have it please I’ll literally PAY. 👰‍♀️
2. (This is giving me butterflies just thinking about it) okay how would I describe him to a friend,, I’d probably say he’s the light on the darkest days. His smile instantly brings smiles to everyone around him and he’s funny,,the kind of funny that makes your stomach hurt when you laugh too much. He’s kind and caring and the most considerate person I think I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet and boy is he clingy, but if he wanted me to I’d hold him and never let him go and tell him how much he is appreciated and loved and how deserving he is of all he has and will become.
3. IF HYUCK WAS A DEMON PLEASE LET HIM BE MY DEMON PLEASE EITHER HIM OR RENJUN LETS BE HONEST. Ehm I’ll be setting up my lil pentagram w ofc a steaming hot bowl of kimchi jjigae, the nail ring the dreamies wear, a hoverboard from chewing gum, a Michael Jackson vinyl (thriller ofc) and probably doyoung so hyuck has something to do when I’m at work 🤭
4. Only 6?? Okay,, that’ll be hard but I’ll narrow it down. (1) his dedication to his music and performances makes my heart feel full (2) his laugh, oh boy his laugh really just replays in my head whenever I hear it sometime throughout the day on a video or etc. god I love his laugh. (3) the way he loves and takes care of his younger members in nct but also cherishes and absorbs all the love from the older (specifically 127) members. (4) his teasing of his members and even the fans, he just knows which buttons to push and when to stop and I cannot tell you how bad I’ve laughed w this boy just egging the dreamies (5) his entire fucking existence likee 🤕🫶 (6) his voice,, it literally gives me chills and I cannot describe the serotonin boost I get when I see him on my feed,, also his stage presence?? IMMACULATE. FUCKING. IMMACULATE.
5. POOKIE BEAR is one, hyuck 🫶 is another, the bane of my existence (affectionate) is another one I think of a lot, baby daddy is def a crowd favorite and lastly my sun 🫶
6. Honestly I wish people paid more attention to him when he’s feeling dejected and idk if it’s obvious, but he deals w a lot (I’m not him so idk this factually but I think it’s worse w the dreamies) and kinda keeps to himself when he looks like he’s down in his mood and it’s just sad bc people love him and appreciate him but at the same time walk all over him and it’s just sad,, I just think sometimes some things are taken too far and it hurts him more than we know—so I want people to appreciate the fact that he takes shit w a grain of salt when it comes to some things
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johnnycranes ¡ 3 years
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More Than Meets The Eye
Summary: Mingling with New York’s wealthiest in one of the biggest annual events of the city, going as Norman Osborn’s wife, yep, what could possibly happen?
Norman Osborn x Original Female Character
Word Count: 7.2k
Rating: E
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Female Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex
Read on AO3
i still can't believe i really went through with this fsahklfa I've been in a Willem Dafoe mood and been working on a long fic for him as Norman Osborn and an OC for a while now. Thank you so much to @scungilliwoman for enabling me and encouraging me in writing this and this ship!!! I appreciate you so much, thank you for listening to me go on about them 😭🥺💞
Kennedy would never admit it, but she loved the chance to dress up all fancy and try five-course meals. She only ever tried two-course meals. A.K.A appetizers followed by steak at buffets.
That counted as two-course, right?
“You went over the list I sent you?” Norman asked, fidgeting in the car seat beside her.
Making sure her inky black hair was secure in its high ponytail, she rolled her eyes before smiling reassuringly at him.
She raised one finger. “The Kents are old money, picking between Oscorp and Stark Industries to invest in.” She raised another finger. “The Greenes recently gave fund handling to their eldest son, who is looking for the next big viral sensation.”
Kennedy dropped her hand, smiling smugly this time. “And those are just the top two families we need to charm. So yes, I went over the list.”
“And?” Norman asked, looking all but impressed.
She worked hard to memorize all the names, too.
Kennedy frowned. “And what?”
It was Norman’s turn to roll his eyes. “The media, Kenny. Jamison and his wife will be there too. He’s a tricky one and I need you to be careful. One wrong word and my face’ll be plastered all over the newsstands tomorrow.”
She didn’t forget the Daily Bugle owner, no. Just that he did rather scare her and she hoped she wouldn’t have to say anything more to him than “Hi, hello, how’s the food?”
She was aware of how far that man could go to get the next big headline, and was afraid to give him even the smallest hint that her being married to the most powerful man in New York was an act.
“I’m sure Ms. Concepcion will be fine, sir.” Charles, Norman’s driver, called out from in front of the Rolls-Royce.
Kennedy smiled,leaning and hoping Charles could see her from the rear view mirror. “Thank you, Charles!”
She saw the driver wink at her from the rearview mirror. Kennedy then looked at Norman smugly.
The Oscorp founder simply sighed. “Well, it’s gonna be a helluva party either way.”
When Norman finally calmed his nerves, he spoke up hesitantly. “How’s Dia?” he asked so softly that Kennedy would’ve missed it if the radio was any louder.
She smiled. “She’s fine. My mother and sister are watching her tonight.” Then she laughed, thinking of how her little girl pouted before Kennedy went downstairs to meet Norman by the car.
“She wanted to go, you know.” Kennedy said, remembering Dia dancing around the living room. “Said she wanted to dress up like a princess too.”
Norman chuckled and Kennedy felt her face warm up. He always did have such an attractive gravelly voice, for a smug know-it-all.
“What did you end up telling her?” he asked, less tense and fidgety now.
Kennedy shrugged as she sank down into the leather seat. “Oh you know, that it’s gonna be a boring adult party with boring music and lots of boring talk about science.”
“Science isn’t boring.”
She almost laughed at how whiny he actually sounded. But he just got out of a bad mood so she refrained from doing so. “That’s what Dia said too. Harry’s been a good influence on her, he might not be as great as you in science but he’s been helping Dia a lot.”
“I would’ve asked him to babysit her but-”
Kennedy waved her hands. “What no, it’s fine! It’s Friday night, Norman. Sacred for high schoolers. Let Harry hang out with his friends.”
“You mean playing video games and eating junk food with his friend Peter?”
“Exactly, sacred.”
Norman opened his mouth to say something but they noticed the car came to a stop, and Kennedy saw the entrance to the hotel through the window.
She felt Norman hold her hand, squeezing reassuringly. “You ready, my sweet wife?”
Kennedy winked at him. “Lead the way, dear husband.”
He surprised her when he then took her hand and kissed it, she caught the gleam from her ‘wedding ring’ and ‘engagement ring’.
“You got this.” He whispered, before the door on her side swung open, the hotel staff greeting her.
She released a shaky breath before stepping out for another night as Mrs. Osborn.
It still amazed her whenever she entered the world of New York’s extremely wealthy.
It partly made her feel sick knowing what was just outside their little bubble while they ate and drank without care, and the other part of her couldn’t help but enjoy the lavish lifestyle herself.
She had her arm hooked onto Norman’s as they walked around the huge ballroom, mingling and schmoozing with the guests. Most of them were old men and women, clearly enjoying retirement life and looking to spend their riches, while the others were around Norman’s age, CEOs and Presidents of their own companies too, she was sure.
The more people Norman introduced her to, the more confident she started to feel. It wasn’t the first fancy rich people party Norman brought her to, it just so happened to be, in his words, one of the biggest and most important events of the year, please don’t ruin this for me.
Please, like she was the only one who had to keep the act up.
“Ah Norman, finally someone worth holding a conversation with in this dull party.” a voice called out.
“Wilson, be nice.” another said.
Kennedy paused as she and Norman came across another couple in front of them.
Wilson? Bald? That couldn’t be-
“Wilson and Vanessa Fisk, I wasn’t sure you two were going to grace us with your presence tonight.” Norman said, confirming Kennedy’s suspicions.
She let go of Norman so he could shake hands with his fellow corporate mogul.
Wilson smiled, which looked a bit shark-like to Kennedy. “We found time.” he said. “And, I’ve been as curious as the whole of Manhattan about your sudden… elopement. Who is this gorgeous woman you probably don’t deserve, eh?”
Norman put his arm around Kennedy’s waist, holding her close. “Wilson, Vanessa, this is my wife Kennedy. Kennedy, Wilson and Vanessa Fisk.”
Kennedy made sure to smile brightly, extending her hand to greet the Fisks. “It’s my honor to meet one of New York’s most powerful couples.”
Luckily the Fisks took her offered hand, instead of staring her down like she thought would happen. She’d been watching too many dramas on television again, it seemed like.
Vanessa raised an eyebrow before sipping on her champagne. “Kennedy? That’s an odd name, dear.” There didn’t seem to be malice in her comment, just… curiosity, which Kennedy was thankful for.
“My parents.” Kennedy explained. “My mother wanted Kendra, my father wanted Andy. And ta-da, compromise.”
“Well, it makes for an interesting conversation starter after introducing yourself.” Wilson noted.
And in the back of her mind, Kennedy was freaking out knowing that she was holding a casual discussion about her name of all things, with New York’s second wealthiest - Yes, Norman made it clear that he was the first - man and his wife.
“What is it that you do, Kennedy?” Vanessa asked.
And there it was.
It wasn’t that Kennedy was ashamed of her work, no, quite the opposite. She loved it, she was proud of it. But it might not be what people like oil tycoons, tech giants and big property owners would expect to hear from the ‘wife’ of Norman Osborn.
From the start of their little arrangement, Kennedy made it clear that she’d be ok pretending to be his wife and Dia even thought it fun to play his stepdaughter, but everything else about her, she wouldn’t lie about it.
She felt Norman hold her a bit tighter, not to hurt her, but more to reassure her, like he was encouraging her to speak her mind.
And so, in front of the Fisks, she did.
“I’m a teacher at a daycare.” Kennedy said, smiling proudly.
And in her peripheral vision, she saw Norman smile as well.
To the credit of the Fisks, only Wilson seemed to blink a few times like someone just told him people actually took other modes of transportation aside from private jets and sports cars.
Vanessa on the other hand grinned, even seemed in awe.
“Oh I love children! It must be a treat to be with the little ones almost every day!” she gushed.
Kennedy let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “It is. They’re all so bright and talented. And of course I know you’re an Art Curator, Ms. Fisk?”
Vanessa waved her hand. “Oh please, dear, call me Vanessa. The only ones who call me Ms. Fisk are the bodyguards my husband insists I bring along.”
Wilson’s ‘it’s for your own protection!’ got drowned out by Vanessa continuing, “And yes, I am. Not as glamorous as it seems. A lot of times I see men trying to impress their dates into thinking they know what they’re talking about. And speaking of,”
The brunette turned to her husband. “That’s also how I met Wilson here. He was in my gallery almost every week.”
And Kennedy didn’t even think it was possible for the Wilson Fisk to look so… warm? Vulnerable? as he looked at his wife.
“Almost every day. But hey, I finally got the guts to ask you out on a date, didn't I?”
“And here we are now.” Vanessa said.
Kennedy could see the love between the two, and was happy for them. She glanced at Norman, her own heart sinking.
She couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment she started to fall for Norman, when she no longer needed to pretend to want to hold him close, to kiss him, to laugh at his jokes.
She blushed remembering how flustered she was earlier that night, putting on her low-cut red gown and wondering if Norman would appreciate it.
She genuinely liked him and she wanted to be with him, for real, not for show.
She just wasn’t sure if the man felt the same.
Suddenly Vanessa shook her head, like she snapped out of whatever trance she was in with her husband.
She smiled at Kennedy. “And how did you two meet?”
Kennedy’s smile dropped.
Oh shit, they never actually established how. Surprisingly, no one ever asked yet, all too caught up with the fact that Norman was married, and not with how he met her. Either that or the two never stuck around long enough to answer the latter question.
“Oh I can assure you it’s nothing compared to the start of your love story.” Norman said smoothly.
Vanessa scoffed. “Love stories are not to be compared, Norman. Each one is special.”
Ok, Kennedy loved this woman more and more.
But as much as she agreed with Vanessa’s sentiment, she didn’t have said love story prepared.
Norman chuckled beside her. She wasn’t sure if he was nervous, stressed, or both. “Well, would you like to tell the story, dear or should I?” he asked, looking at her.
Kennedy opened her mouth and stumbled on her words. “I, uhm, you always tell it better.” is all she managed to say.
And Norman’s eyes widened for just a bit before he went back to smiling at the Fisks. Good, if they were going to get into trouble for their lie coming out, at least it’d be Norman’s fault and not hers.
“Well,” Norman started. “We met at a party similar to this one. Her father was to receive an award from my company.”
Kennedy stopped herself from reacting. That wasn’t actually a lie, that was in fact how they met. Her father of course invited the entire family to the event and she was so excited.
But where was Norman going with this?
“I was up on stage giving my speech when I saw her in the crowd, wearing a beautiful pink gown, looking like a glowing goddess in a sea full of black suits and dresses.”
Kennedy’s heart jumped.
He remembered what she wore?
“Finally we were introduced to one another and I swear to God my palms were sweating like I was back presenting my thesis in university!”
Kennedy laughed at that. “Yeah ok, they were kinda sweaty.” She even needed to wipe her hand on her dress after, but she wouldn’t say that in front of the Fisks.
“And?” Vanessa interrupted. “How did you finally ask her out?”
Then Norman looked at Kennedy with such… she didn’t even want to say the words soft and Norman together but there you go. “Her little girl Lydia decided to go running around the hotel. And, call it fate, call it a sign from the universe or whatever else, but Dia ended up bumping into me and I helped her find her mother.”
Norman leaned in close to Kennedy, turning his head to face her. “I’ll never forget that first smile you gave me when I brought Dia back. I just knew I wanted to keep seeing it.”
She remembered too, how relieved she felt the instant she saw Dia running towards her, laughing and talking about how the place was as huge as a castle, with Norman trailing behind her.
In the back of her mind, she knew a place surrounded by Oscorp security and military personnel could somehow be considered safe for a child to roam around unsupervised, but with all the creeps in New York, she didn’t want to take any chances, or what if Dia lost her footing and fell somewhere.
She thanked Norman profusely for taking care of her daughter, and she blushed hearing his gravelly voice so close.
And in the present, Norman talking about her smiling at him, it made her blush even more, knowing that night had more of an impact on him than she thought.
Kennedy smiled softly, “And how was I supposed to refuse a date with the man who brought my daughter back?”
Of course what really happened was someone from the Daily Bugle saw all three of them together, assumed the Oscorp CEO had found a new woman in his life, along with a new child, and well…
Here they were now.
“I’m sure ninety percent of you saying yes was because of my charm.” Norman said smugly, smirking.
Kennedy shook her head in a so-so motion. “Eh, fifty-fifty.”
Her ‘husband’ laughed and Kennedy found herself doing the same, a chill running down her spine from having him so close, his breath ghosting her face and his arm around her.
Her dark brown eyes were drawn to his lips and it must’ve been the champagne making her imagine that Norman’s own blue eyes did the same to her-
“That’s so romantic!” Vanessa’s voice shook them out of… whatever that was. Norman pulled away but kept his arm around her, and Kennedy was grateful for it, afraid she might’ve stumbled too far back without it.
“We’re both lucky men, Osborn.” Wilson added. We-”
“Attention, ladies and gentlemen.” A voice suddenly boomed, echoing throughout the huge room. They turned to the stage and saw a young man in a suit, smiling wide. “If you will please find your seats, the first course of dinner will be served shortly. Thank you and enjoy the evening.”
Wilson finished his glass of champagne. “We’ll go ahead and see if our tablemates are as interesting as you two are…. But I doubt it.” He nodded at Kennedy. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Kennedy.”
Vanessa took it a step further by bringing Kennedy in for a hug, making sure not to hit the younger woman with her glass. “You’re a delightful girl, dear. You two seem very happy.” she said as she pulled away.
Kennedy simply smiled, in shock from receiving a hug from Vanessa Wilk herself. “It was nice meeting you two as well.”
Vanessa looked from her to Norman. “If anything happens to this girl, I’m holding you entirely responsible, Norman.” her tone was playful but Kennedy could tell there was a threat underneath.
“Enjoy the rest of the night, Vanessa. Make sure your husband doesn’t get into any trouble.” Norman said, to which Wilson just mockingly scoffed at before he and his wife finally took their leave.
As soon as they were gone, Kennedy thought back to how Norman told the story of how they met. How… enamored he seemed to be with her that day.
That is… if what he said was even true, or if he was just putting on a show. She didn’t want to assume anything, only for him to laugh at her for even thinking he could ever actually fall for her.
“You ok?” Norman’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She realized they were already standing so close to one another.
But suddenly she couldn’t get close enough.
Maybe it was the champagne, maybe it was seeing the Fisks so happy together, but steeling her nerves, she said, “That story earlier, about how we met. It sounded a lot like you like me.”
She felt Norman’s grip on her tighten for just a bit. He looked at her with a serious expression, yet he also looked… conflicted.
She held her breath, waiting for him to say something, the entire ballroom was filled with sounds of laughter and music, but to Kennedy, it all seemed so silent.
Then his expression changed, and the smirk she’d come to see so many times was back on his face.
He finally spoke, “I’m just a good actor.”
And she was sure at that moment, she could physically feel what a heartbreak was like.
She wanted to disappear. She wanted to say she was sick, go home early, anything to just get away.
She knew, obviously, that there was a chance Norman wouldn’t like her back, but she didn’t think it would hurt this fucking much.
She balled her hands into fists, forcing herself to calm down. A voice told her she should at least try to get through the rest of the night.
Partly because she didn’t want to go home and have her daughter see her crying her eyes out.
So she made the decision to pretend that she didn’t just get her heart broken and she wasn’t completely numb.
Hey if Norman could act, then so could she, right?
Her brain was on auto-pilot as she and Norman found their table, seated beside other Oscorp executives. She at least remembered to smile and greet them when it was appropriate.
The rest of the dinner went fairly well. Kennedy mostly talked to the other people at the table, if she wasn’t listening to the host make jokes, or paying attention - or at least look like she was - when someone gave a speech.
Of course Norman spoke to her as well, asking her if the food was good, if she was feeling cold and even offered his jacket to her when she felt chilly.
It was actually very sweet of him and she would’ve said so out loud if she weren’t still so hurt by his comment earlier.
Thankfully all the meals were so delicious that they were enough to keep her distracted and in a good enough mood as the evening went by.
Until the host invited everyone to hit the dance floor as the band slowed their music down.
Really? Dancing? Wasn’t it supposed to be bedtime for most of the guests already?
Most of their tablemates stood up, smiling and heading to the dance floor. Kennedy found herself staring at the bottom of her empty champagne glass. Perhaps it was time for a refill.
She could walk to the bar and-
“Kenny.” Norman’s voice, for the umpteenth time that night, startled her.
“Hm?” she said lamely, but at least she was able to look at him instead of turning away.
He placed a hand on top of hers gently, and she was pretty sure his hand was clammy. “Would you care to dance?”
Kennedy glanced at the dance floor, where couples, even Wilson and Vanessa, were all dancing slowly to a cover of a song she can vaguely remember. It sounded so romantic.
She looked back at Norman, and she knew what he looked like when he was nervous and that was it, but there was something so… vulnerable as well.
If this was him still acting then give the man an Academy Award already.
Kennedy of course still didn’t want to embarrass him in front of his peers, and wanted to make sure they left a good impression.
So she nodded and said, “Sure.”
Norman seemed to release a breath in relief and his mouth twitched into a half smile before he stood up, offering his hand to Kennedy as she stood up as well, following his lead walking towards the dance floor.
As more heads turned to see the two of them find their spot, she was grateful Norman at least didn’t bring them all the way to the middle of the crowd.
She heard him take a deep breath before slowly raising their still intertwined hands, while his other one went to hold her by the waist. Kennedy gently placed her other hand on his shoulder.
And so they began to dance.
Kennedy could tell this wasn’t Norman’s first time dancing, from the way they glided across the dancefloor with ease, his gaze never leaving hers.
His blue eyes were piercing and she couldn’t look away.
“What happened?” Norman whispered suddenly as they swayed together.
“Hm?” Kennedy asked, blinking up at him.
“That. You’ve been distant since we started dinner.”
And that was when Kennedy turned her head away, not sure she even wanted to tell him that he was the reason for her sudden mood change. She shrugged. “I don’t know, too much food, too much champagne?”
Norman let go of the hand holding hers and moved it to touch her cheek, making her face him. Kennedy’s breath hitched.
Then she saw him actually smirk. “I said something stupid, didn’t I?”
That almost made her laugh. He was self-aware, she had to give him that. Somehow he could always tell when something was off about her.
That or she should really work on her poker face.
She smiled coyly. “Maybe.”
“Ok, what was it?
Suddenly Kennedy’s smile dropped and she wanted to curl into a ball and roll all the way back to her apartment.
She just had to tease him.
One of her hands now free, she waved it in a ‘doesn’t matter’ movement. “It’s nothing now, the food more than made up for it.”
“If that were true, I would’ve seen you smile a bit more. A real smile.”
She stayed quiet.
“Kenny,” he tried again, his voice low. “Please, tell me what’s wrong.”
And she didn’t know if it was the champagne, the gorgeous music playing in the background, his dazzling blue eyes, his hand still on her cheek, or all of those combined, but she bit her lip, let out a deep breath and spoke.
“Was it really just acting?” she asked softly.
Her heart started beating quickly as she waited for his reaction, she was sure her knees were shaking and she might’ve stumbled if she wasn’t holding on to him.
Thankfully she didn’t have to repeat herself, as Norman’s eyes widened and he seemed to register what she was referring to.
“...did you want it to be?” he asked.
“I don’t know.” she said instead.
By that point they weren’t even swaying to the music anymore, just standing on the dance floor surrounded by other couples, completely focused on themselves.
Norman caressed her cheek gently before leaning in closer, gaze staying on Kennedy. “I’m a great scientist, and a terrible actor.”
Kennedy’s eyes widened.
Did he mean-
“Ah. Norman.” Another voice chimed in before Kennedy could say anything. They both turned to see the elderly couple, Nicholas and Ellaine Kent.
Kennedy met them earlier that night already. They reminded her of really sweet and nice grandparents that gifted you cookies when you visited them.
If those grandparents also wanted to invest in projects that more or less involved potential weapons of mass destruction.
But gifting cookies, still yes.
“I’m glad I ran into you, actually.” Nicholas said, and Kennedy noticed how people started moving away from them, the Kents were one of the most prestigious people in the whole party after all. And no one wanted to say the wrong thing or get in their way.
“Mr. Kent!” Norman said in a rather shaky voice, Kennedy almost laughed. Good to know she wasn’t the only one a bit rattled from their interrupted conversation earlier. “How may we help you?”
Nicholas waved him off. “My wife and I were just about to leave, and I wanted to tell you something before I forget it. You know how my memory is nowadays.”
Nicholas chuckled and Kennedy grinned seeing Norman trying so hard to make sure his smile wasn’t forced and his eyes didn’t scream ‘get on with it.’
If the Kents noticed it, they didn’t say anything.
Nicholas continued, “It was so nice catching up with you and to finally meet your wonderful wife.” He flashed a warm smile towards Kennedy, which she returned, before he faced Norman once more.
“I was reminded of the etiquette and culture of the people of Oscorp, much more refined than that Stark boy.”
Norman paused, blinking in surprise, nervousness and impatience gone. “Mr. Kent?”
The older gentleman smirked before it turned into that all-knowing grandfatherly-like smile. “You have our support. My people will be reaching out to you in the morning. And perhaps we could discuss more about your projects over lunch. Ellaine and I would love to have you two over one of these days.”
Norman opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, before regaining his composure. “O-of course, sir! Thank you and I’m looking forward to it.”
“You two have a good night, then.” Nicholas said. He looked at Kennedy. “Mrs. Osborn.”
Kennedy nodded. “Good night and get home safely, Mr. and Mrs. Kent.”
Ellaine, who had been quiet the whole time her husband was talking, went over to Kennedy and held the young woman’s hands in her own. “It was lovely meeting you, my dear. Norman is lucky to have you.”
Kennedy opened her mouth to reply but Norman cut her off by saying “I am.”
She knew she was blushing again, the line between playing pretend and reality seemed to blur.
“...a terrible actor.”
It made her wonder how many times just that night had he said something romantic and meant it?
Ellaine let go of Kennedy’s hands, nodded and bid a good night to the couple before following after her husband, and soon, they were lost in the crowd of gowns and suits.
Norman huffed out a disbelieving laugh. “That just happened.” he said.
Kennedy grinned, “It did.”
Norman looked like a kid who just met Santa, his eyes twinkling and his smile so wide.
She was happy for him, Harry told her recently that his father never said it, but Oscorp really needed more funding, especially with so many new tech companies popping up.
So this was a huge win.
The band’s music changed into something livelier and Kennedy suddenly remembered their unfinished conversation before the Kents interrupted them.
And by the look on Norman’s face, he seemed to remember it too.
He stared at her, his blue eyes seemed so focused on her now, like they were trying to figure something out.
He opened his mouth, but it took a while before he could find the words to say.
“Thank you.” he finally said, softly. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
A part of her was annoyed at how that was all he had to say, after his pretty big confession just moments ago. She found herself hoping he was going to bring that back up.
Finish what you started.
But she understood that with the Kents declaring their support, he’d probably be busy the rest of the night and the entire week, organizing his staff to get their projects together and working overtime… again.
It wouldn’t be the first time he suddenly had to disappear because of work. Once she didn’t hear from him for almost two weeks and no, she was not worried. Dia was just looking forward to seeing him and Harry again.
Yet the moment he showed up on your doorstep you looked so relieved and wanted to hug him, hell, make out with him even. Kennedy remembered her sister Fran saying.
She might’ve felt a little relieved that he was fine, and found it just a bit cute when he smiled apologetically and said he was busy dealing with the aftermath of Quest Aerospace’s new product launch.
Goddamnit just how long had she actually been crushing over Norman Osborn?
Internal debate aside, Kennedy settled for smiling smugly at her ‘husband’. “I know. You’re lucky I chose you over Tony Stark.”
That got him to chuckle. “Like he could handle you.”
“And you can?” She shut her mouth as soon as she said it. That was dangerously close to flirti- no, it was flirting.
She thought he’d get uncomfortable or dodge her comment completely.
So she was surprised when he leaned in, took her hand and brought it close to his face. “You tell me.” he whispered, before kissing her hand delicately and leading her back into the dance.
With the deal with the Kents all but formally secured, and a few more meetings planned with other investors, Norman decided it was time to head home.
It was late and Dia would’ve already been asleep, Kennedy could talk to her daughter in the morning.
The drive was relatively quiet, with Norman occasionally on the phone fixing up his schedule for the next day, most likely working out which projects to prioritize showing to their potential investors.
Kennedy usually enjoyed silent rides home, especially after a long day. But this one, it seemed like they were both just avoiding the elephant in the room, both refusing to be the first to address their interrupted conversation earlier.
Hell even Charles knew it was awkward and felt the need to turn the radio on loud enough for at least him to hear up front.
Kennedy almost asked him to turn the volume up but a silly part of her thought that if she did that, it might discourage Norman from talking at all, make him think that she didn’t want to continue their discussion.
If there was anything left to discuss.
The car stopped right outside her apartment’s building. Norman was still on his phone so Kennedy thanked Charles and bid him a good night. She saw the driver nod back at her through the rearview mirror.
So they were really just gonna ignore what happened?
Kennedy knew how hyper focused Norman could be with work, so even if she did find it rude that he wouldn’t even properly say goodbye to her, she didn’t push him. Instead she squeezed his arm - the one not holding his phone - and smiled at him before moving to open the car door.
She did it quickly that she missed how his eyes widened, like he just noticed she was about to leave.
Hopefully they could talk about it some other time.
Kennedy got out of the car and only made it halfway to the entrance before she heard another car door open, followed by footsteps behind her.
“Kenny, wait.” she heard his gravelly voice behind her.
She was still deciding whether to tease him about finally putting his phone away or tease him about him being a terrible actor, but she wasn’t even able to get the words out for as soon as she turned around, his lips immediately pressed against hers, his hands on either side of her face.
It took her only a second before she relaxed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him. This seemed to encourage Norman as she felt his breath hitch before his tongue sought entrance to her mouth.
She immediately obliged.
They’ve kissed before of course, quick pecks to keep up appearances. But this, this was completely different. It wasn’t pretend.
And it felt so damn good.
She actually moaned and Norman, the smug bastard that he was, decided to pull away and smirked when Kennedy almost chased after his lips.
“You okay, darling?” he asked teasingly, but his voice was hoarse. And before Kennedy could reply, he placed a few more kisses along her jaw, then moved down to her neck, almost sucking on her skin.
“I’m great. I’m a glowing goddess, as someone once told me.” she said shakily and she felt Norman’s chuckle vibrate through her.
Norman leaned away just enough to face her again. She blushed seeing his own lips smeared with her lipstick.
“That someone wasn’t lying.” he said, before sighing contentedly. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
Then why did you stop?
She so badly wanted to tell him that. That kiss was something else and fuck, she really wanted more. She was feeling lightheaded and warm despite how chilly it was out in the streets of New York City.
Her body was on fire and that was just from one makeout session!
Norman leaned in close once more, his lips beside her ear and she felt his breath touch her skin, sending shivers down her spine. “Talk to me, Kenny. You look absolutely flushed.”
And that was it.
Hoping her voice would be steady enough, Kennedy said, “Get us to a room.”
Norman actually groaned and she took comfort in knowing she wasn’t the only one feeling… excited. But they really should get to somewhere more private before they give Jamison a headline-worthy scandal for his next paper.
Norman growled out a “My place. Harry’s at Peter’s.” before grabbing her hand and leading her back to the car, she actually giggled as she followed him in.
Charles, bless his heart, didn’t comment, just smiled softly before asking Norman if it was time to head home, to which Norman said yes, still holding onto Kennedy’s hand.
Thankfully they both silently agreed that they weren’t going to do anything in front of the driver, but Kennedy swore if the traffic on the way back to Norman’s penthouse was bad, she might not survive that long.
And judging by Norman’s grip on her and how he tried to calm his breathing, neither would he.
Thankfully the drive really didn’t last too long and as soon as the huge Manhattan building came into view, Norman didn’t even wait for the bellboy to open the door for him, he was already out, Kennedy not far behind him.
He remembered to call out a ‘thank you and good night’ to Charles at least, who then bid them both a good night once more.
It was like they were on auto pilot, speed walking in the lobby, making sure to nod at the guards and concierge who greeted them. She would’ve laughed at how jittery they both were if she weren’t so focused on getting to the damn elevator that would lead them straight to Norman’s floor.
And as soon as they were in the elevator and the doors closed behind them, Norman was on her, pushing her to the wall and crashing his lips onto hers.
“Don’t know if I can wait any longer.” Norman said as he peppered kisses on her neck.
Kennedy had to will herself not to wrap her legs around him. They were so close to his place, seconds away.
“You did pretty well on the drive over.” she teased.
He brought one hand close to her breasts, teasing her and just barely slipping his hand underneath her low-cut dress to touch her skin.
Kennedy groaned.
“Don’t know if I can say the same for you now.” he said lowly.
The elevator finally pinged open and they tumbled into his penthouse, which to Kennedy still looked like a huge mansion.
They stumbled up the stairs and Kennedy was about ready to remove her heels.
Finally in the privacy of his room, Norman wasted no time to remove his coat and tie while Kennedy undid her ponytail and removed her earrings. Next to go were her heels, and she was so glad to finally rest her feet.
She looked back at Norman and saw that he was stripped down to just his pants now, shoes gone as well, thrown somewhere around the room along with the rest of their discarded clothes and accessories.
She couldn’t help but blush seeing his lithe yet strong upper body. For a work-obsessed scientist in his mid-40s, he sure did stay in shape.
As much as she wanted to admire his physique even more, he was already closing the distance between them and kissing her. He undid the straps of her gown first and she hurriedly got out of it, letting it pool on the floor.
She didn’t wear a bra underneath her dress, and now left only in her panties, Norman gazed at her like she was a piece of art.
“You really are a goddess.” he whispered before bringing his face down to kiss her breasts.
She moaned when Norman took one nipple in his mouth and pinched the other. She could already feel the pleasure and so badly wanted to touch him, so she reached for his pants.
But he held her wrist away and chuckled before lifting her up and bringing her to the bed. She watched as Norman removed his belt and finally pulled his pants and underwear down, now bare to her.
And fuck, he was a sight. She already knew he wasn’t the typical cushy executive, and seeing his body now confirmed it. He was lanky but still quite muscular, and he wasn’t soft either.
She could see a few scars here and there. From experiments maybe?
“You’re making me blush here, Kenny.” he said, and Kennedy knew he meant it to be teasing, but she could tell there was a bit of self-consciousness as well.
He absolutely had nothing to be concerned about.
“You’re gorgeous.” she said breathlessly, seriously.
She noticed his body relax and his gaze softening before he joined her on the bed. He was on top of her and kissing her once more.
This time his kisses were slower, lingering longer, savoring. Kennedy pulled him closer, running her fingers through his hair. She couldn’t get enough of him, breathing in his scent, his favorite cologne, mixed with the champagne they had earlier and something that was just Norman.
He made his way down her body, trailing kisses as he went. Until finally, he was kissing close to her core, and, after lightly squeezing her hips, oh-so-slowly removed her panties.
She practically kicked them off by the time they reached her knees, Norman chuckling at her impatience.
“What’s the rush?” he asked smugly from between her legs, lifting them over his shoulders.
And fuck she didn’t trust herself to say something snarky back. All she managed was a shaky “Norman, please.”
And finally she felt his tongue on her, licking at her folds. She bucked her hips and her hands grabbed the sheets tightly, needing to cling onto something.
She looked up at the ceiling as she writhed, but Norman squeezed her hips, forcing her to meet his intense blue eyes, watching her as he devoured her.
Then he buried his face in her, sucking at her clit, Kennedy making weak sounds as she grabbed a handful of his hair.
She was practically sobbing when Norman decided to slip two fingers inside her, pumping roughly as he continued to suck on her. The pleasure was becoming too much for her, her body heating up. She lifted her hips closer to him and he started moving his fingers in and out quicker.
He kept his eyes on her as she started trembling. Kennedy cried out his name weakly as she came. She whimpered as he continued to lick at her, his fingers now back on her thighs.
She pulled on his hair again and he looked up at her mischievously, kissing her core before moving his body back up so he could press his lips to hers once more.
She could taste herself on him and she mewled, her body still reeling from her orgasm.
Then she felt his erect cock touch her entrance and they both groaned at the contact.
Norman looked at her, seeking permission and Kennedy smiled softly and nodded, not trusting herself to say anything coherent.
Norman lined himself up at her entrance and she gasped as he pushed deep into her, keeping his pace slow.
She pulled his face closer to her, kissing his mouth and jaw. Norman grunted as he thrusted into her. Kennedy moaned, his gravelly voice turning her on even more.
And, as if he could read her mind, he spoke, “Fuck, you feel so good.”
Kennedy bucked her hips up. Hearing Norman Osborn’s dirty talk was enough to send her over the edge again.
“Norma- agh- faster, please. Go faster.” she was surprised to finally be able to finish a sentence in her state, absolutely high from the pleasure.
Norman obliged, thrusting quicker.
He nipped her ear before leaving kisses on her neck, sucking at her skin. And fuck, she almost wanted him to leave a mark.
He brought his face back up to press his lips to hers, their teeth clacking against each other as they kissed.
Norman pounded into her harder and Kennedy moaned, not caring how loud she was being.
“Norman, I’m so- I’m so close.” she whimpered weakly.
“Don’t hold back. Scream for me.” he said, his blue eyes on her.
And it was too much for Kennedy.
She cried out his name, arching her back and trembling as her second orgasm hit her, Norman planting soft kisses on her jaw.
She’s whimpering as Norman’s thrusts become quicker and more erratic, and with one final deep push, he came with a low groan, his seed spilling inside her.
Norman touched his forehead to hers, before kissing her deeply.
He looked at her with such warmth and tenderness that made Kennedy’s heart soar.
He stood up to grab fresh towels from his closet and they cleaned up as best as they could.
Norman lay on one side of the bed, kissing Kennedy’s shoulder.
She grabbed the blanket to drape it over them then moved to cuddle up with him, resting her head on his chest. He placed an arm around her, holding her close.
Norman was the first to break the silence. “Safe to say we’ll be having breakfast together tomorrow?” he asked cheekily.
Kennedy smiled up at him. “You mean you were planning on leaving the bed so soon?”
That got him to laugh. “As wonderful as that sounds, I have to go to the office tomorrow and formally confirm the Kents’ investment.”
“Well, I do want to check on Dia as well.” She can just imagine how smug her sister would be. Fran basically shoved Kennedy out the door and told her not to rush, that Dia would be perfectly fine for the rest of the weekend.
“Dinner after?” Norman asked, his voice hopeful.
And Kennedy lifted her head to give him a quick peck on the lips. “It’s a date.”
He grinned at her. “An official one this time.”
No more pretending, is what he meant.
And she fell asleep, excited for this new reality of their relationship.
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