#let's learn the alphabet
planetoidsfun · 1 year
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Alfabeto Nikt. T for Cosey
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izzyliker · 1 year
i find it really kinda gratifying? nice? that s2 is so far leaning into the sort of childishness that edward often exhibits, like a lot of the meta i agreed with pre s2 was about his Hurt Inner Child and how a lot of his hurt is childish either in origin or in display (and often both) and i think so far s2 is validating all of that. i particularly like the recurring theme of the “eddie” nickname as a sort of signifier of childishness - “hornigold” calls him that sort of derisively the whole time they’re talking and izzy calls him that when he’s essentially telling him to grow up and take responsibility - and like i’ve said this before but ed is really like.. ugh he’s such a Pretend Play guy like i adore him, the way he gets into roleplay is so charming and sweet to me but it’s also very childish, like very Inner Child Moment.. i never ended up writing a real manifesto about DID ed but tjs ed&trauma post makes basically the same points anyway, and i just find it so lovely how they’re doing the sort of wide eyed naive trusting eddie moments with him, like in the tub scene where he cries about having no friends and in his mind palace where he gets so upset about hornigolds character being mean to his bc he’s breaking social norms and just being a general dick, like he expects sort of social fairness that doesn’t happen and gets really upset and takes it very personally when people are mean to him - happens in s1 with the party as well where he has sort of a naive understanding of social exchange where he REALLY wants to have mutually nice interactions with people and takes it really personally if the other person is a dick to the point of it like destroying his very image of himself. idk like the way they’re portraying his trauma as penetrating into or originating from really deep like all the way into his young childhood is so cool to me, he shows a lot of Ex Unsafe Child behaviors and like this is the 1700s but like. creative therapy where he would be allowed to express himself via acting out little scenes or dance or whatever would be soooo good for him i think he would be so happy.
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lulu2992 · 4 months
Ask meme!
I was tagged by @simplegenius042 for my “Top Four Fictional Crushes”! Thank you :)
There are others but here are the 4 characters I immediately thought of (in no particular order, I just wanted the picture to look visually coherent):
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Ardyn Izunia - Final Fantasy XV (2016)
Vaas Montenegro - Far Cry 3 (2012)
John Seed - Far Cry 5 (2018)
Ghirahim - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (2011)
Honorable mention (because he’s my first fictional crush):
Li Shang - Mulan (1998)
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Shout-out to him for being to only normal person in this post :’)
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crimeronan · 2 years
the other fun thing about competitive geoguessr is that i get ranked among middling players who are mostly american & in this group i have absolutely zero advantages EXCEPT when i get dropped in ireland. every time i see road signs IN IRISH and then people in the competition guess, like, hungary or slovakia..... well. the superiority complex is strong.
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calesleftboob · 1 year
revision for a test?
nah, Solomon brainrot
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Goggle translate’s a bitch.
So there’s this fanfiction right. Amazing fanfic. I’d hug the author if I could.
[It honestly surprised me how much I enjoyed the fic when it’s an oc isakai into lord of the rings, but it was epic and I’d recommend it highly]
And there’s the scene towards the beginning where the elves ask the main character what her name is. And she panics contemplates what to tell them since apparently her name sounds like the khuzdul word for vagina, so she gives them her middle school username instead.
But I was curious. What was her original name? So I looked up khuzdal, and apparently Tolkien based the language on Hebrew. So I thought, I’ll just go look up how to say vagina in Hebrew on google translate and I’ll have a vague idea what it was!!
Brilliant. Except.
Google translate’s a bitch.
Do you know what that bitch tells me when I press the pronounce button?? DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOOGLE SAYS????
In English.
Every time.
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randomnameless · 1 year
Thinking about different languages in the Fodlan verse -
(Duscurian, Srengese, Almyran and Brigidan are mentionned/refered to in supports, so I wouldn't be surprise if Dagda, Morfis and Albinea have their own language)
What if Sothis and the Nabatean had their own language?
Let's say Sothis lands in modern Fodlan, and the humans around speak a weird language she doesn't understand, but thanks to "god magic" she manages to learn it in 1 day.
And yet, when she creates her kids, she gives them her own language (from the blue sea star?) which de facto becomes, on this planet at least, Nabatean language.
Of course her kids have to learn the "human language", and in turn, for the humans who want it, they could learn the Nabatean one.
(Cichol had a cringe phase where he tried to use agarthan slang, but no one is alive to tease him about his younger days)
Zanado 1 (the place where Sothis lived) became some sort of university-giant library-thing where humans could come and study languages of other places, like people from Thinis could learn Agarhtan, Nabatean or proto-Morfisan, etc etc.
Nabatean language was used as liturgy language (since some people considered them gods?) in early Sothisism practices.
Thales was kind of pissed, because there's no need to learn anything about Thinis and those other trash states since they're going to be destroyed, then he started to war against Sothis herself, and we know how that ended.
Fast forward to Zanado 2 (built on the ruins of Zanado 1) - Nabatean is exclusively used as liturgy language, even if it falls more and more because there's no official Church or cult, and after the war, there are less and less Nabateans roaming around to talk to or to share their culture (but the few who travel bring back the "modern and updated" versions of the human language they learnt back then, like, idk, Archaic Palmyran became Early Almyran, or something like that).
Nemesis parties in Zanado, and Rhea is persuaded Nabatean is, bar her, an extinct language (since some humans who worship the Goddess completely forgot the earlier Sothisism rites (tfw 1500 years happen) and sort of do it in their own way).
Getting a new language update (tfw Rhea still think humans in the south speak "Old Enbarrian" when they now use "Classical Enbarrian" and "Vulgar Enbarrian"), Seiros feels conflicted about the new hymnals and preachs of the newly founded "Church of Seiros" being in "Classical Enbarrian" ; it should be in Nabatean, but why teaching those humans a language only spoken and understood by the dead?
Besides, as long as Nemesis exists, Nabatea and everything related to Nabateans should be hidden, else she might be turned in a golden weapon.
Of course, for "Willy reasons", she ended up trying to teach him some words, and Willy was very surprised to learn that in the Nabatean language, there are no swear words so he decided to translate swear words, a roundabout way of telling her Nabatean language isn't extinct yet, it survives and can even evolve by having new uses!
(Now, did Rhea overthink too much about this and thought Willy was really a genius, or was he completely stupid just wanted to insult people in a different language, we will never know)
Thus, Seiros the Warrior believes she can teach, after the War, when all Relics will be found and Nemesis dead, Nabatean language to her followers, so they could share the language and sing hymnals in Nabatean language.
(This idea is fairly popular in the Northern provinces, because it'll another language and not "Enbarrian", so in a way, this church business isn't another way to "Enbarrianise" them (or so they think?).).
But after the WoH and Lycaon's death - Rhea loses faith in humanity, and, in turn, reconsiders her idea of teaching Nabatean language to humans through the Church, after all humans are humans, and Nabateans cannot coexist with them even through language, only Sothis can help them and save Fodlan.
So the CoS will use Classical Enbarrian (lingua franca in Southern Adrestia), but she'll allow people to preach in their vernacular languages, because the most important thing is for the CoS's message to be spread (and not to pretend a dead language of dead people, or people near extinction can survive, because Nabateans need the Goddess).
Fast forward to centuries of years later...
Yuri finds an old bottle of hair dye in the Abyss that was definitely hand written by the Archbishop - when he confronts her about storing her personal belongings (she tried to bullshit him about "Saint Seiros' old belongings" but he has none of her nonsense, why would Saint Seiros use hair dye??) in the Abyss - Rhea's very surprised because Yuri was able to read Nabatean alphabet, and knows the language.
The hair dye incident makes her reconsider, is Nabatean language really dead? Why Aubin taught Yuri the language? Can she have faith in humanity, again? And hope that maybe, one day, Nabatean culture can be revived?
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houndings · 1 year
the pure TEARS I’m shedding trying to pronounce ه and ق , my fat tongue cant
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planetoidsfun · 1 year
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Alfabeto Nikt. V for Vintage.
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the-breloominati · 1 year
sometimes I think about how we were reading animal farm in middle school and y’know that part where the horse is like “after I retire I’m going to devote the rest of my life to learning the alphabet,” like yeah it’s a little absurd or whatever but my teacher was like “isn’t that sad” but in like a stupid way or something I don’t remember exactly but it was something to that effect and like. bitch fuck you I thought it was touching
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
Just been given the glorious news that Miss Mona Megistus is making another comeback in the upcoming update. The gift that just keeps giving.
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) #253
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yumeyumeappleo · 2 years
And it was one of those
“Learn the alphabet with/insert character/“
(I was watching a tmnt one with…Donnie…and then Leo)
And I had the volume up to like full
And it’s really loud
And I look behind me and see
So uh
Bye imma cry
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clockwork-stars · 14 days
One thing about me is that when I say "I am tired, maybe I should sleep", I am usually not gonna sleep and instead learn a useless skill
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machinedramon · 8 months
hirigana is going to be the death of me I need to practice writing these so I can actually attribute the sounds to the shape
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“However” in Turkish.
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