darlingaces · 6 years
lethehearted replied to your post: So when I was in the shower earlier, my mind came...
{If you ever end up learning what happened next please let me know. this is exactly the kind of fic I would love to read
Right? I wish my brain would tell me more about it. I do know that it had something to do with Bucky Barnes, Odin, and Pepper as Rescue. After that? idk.
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ofmoralxambiguity · 6 years
♡ + Music
Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon.
Of all my muses here the two who like music the most would be Eve and Falon’Din; obviously for different reasons. Eve likes music because it speaks to the heart, you can learn a lot about someone simply by the type of music they like. Whereas Falon’Din likes it because songs were oft written in worship to him and it reminds him of that. He’s not fond of any other kind of music, however. 
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amaihearted · 7 years
“I just got a shiver down my spine.”
[ ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇ || ꜰʀᴏᴍ: @lethehearted​ ꜱᴜʙᴊᴇᴄᴛ: Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural s01 quotes ]
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“Are you sure you’re not just scared?” Tadashi insisted. Even if he’s a believer, they need cold, hard FACTS, not just feelings. “I told you to bring a sweater.” 
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lunarcries-a · 7 years
✖(Even if I haven't played with you since my days on Eldermodel, Sarah is A+++)
send a ✖to tell me if Sarah isn't trash™ and I've actually written her well
Dude it's been way too long! I dunno how I didn't even realise that this was you! Thank you so much, this means a lot to me and really helps with my confidence ;v;
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darlingaces · 6 years
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh gosh. Oh boy. Let’s go with the fandom I’m in right now - Marvel.
It would be Tony Stark and James “Rhodey” Rhodes. To have a friendship that spans decades, and it still going strong, no matter what hurdles it goes through - oh my god I envy it. I would love to have a friendship like that. Can you imagine? A friend you can always turn to. I love it a lot.
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corazcnazul-blog · 7 years
hc+ kids
[ ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇ || ꜰʀᴏᴍ: @wxterbonded ꜱᴜʙᴊᴇᴄᴛ: send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character  ]
                                                                   ▒ ★ ╰☆╮ ✦
okay this is straightforward. lance loves kids. loves being an uncle, loves being a godfather, and would LOV E to be a father one day. Lance is free and fun loving now, and many people I think underestimate how responsible he can be when the situation calls for it. while they were hesitant at first, Lance’s older brothers and sisters actually trust Lance with their kids. there is no one else they would leave them with except for their gramma, and the kids ADORE Lance to bits as much as he adores them. he has the energy to keep them entertained and happy, while also has the critical eye to make sure they’re careful and can put his foot down if they start to fight. he sticks to the schedule when they need one, and is sure to actually feed them REAL food ( yes he makes them eat their veggies). when his nieces or nephews are left with him, lance goes all out for them, and there’s no doubt in my mind that Lance as a father would give his very life for them. 
as he’s with voltron now, he misses his little kids, he misses their silliness and their innocence, misses their blunt and hurtful observations, just misses the feeling of someone looking at HIM like he’s their hero. sometimes, lance thinks they’re the only people who will ever see something worthy in him. 
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skysteelsun · 7 years
Dream: Three wishes they have
My Character Must Confess in Threes
“It almost feels presumptuous and demanding to wish for more when so much of what I desired has been granted to me: I am the chief of the Skysteel Manufactory, my machinists are recognized and included among Ishgard’s defenses, greater equality has come at last to Ishgardian society, I’ve the love of a good man - nay, to wish for more would seem greedy, is that not so? If I want, I want only for small things: the time and freedom to work on projects beyond the demands of commissions, the time to visit the settlement of Idyllshire and learn what I may from the goblins there, and... and perhaps someday I would like to have a family of my own. Small wishes. I am content!”
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blackmarkethamada · 7 years
"That was a low blow."
starter sentences for enemies X @lethehearted
     Hiro smirked at the male in front of him. “Low blows aren’t beneath me.”
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darlingaces · 7 years
lethehearted replied to your post: So hey, know how yesterday I mentioned throwing my...
That’s awesome
I’m so excited to not have to deal with food five days a week.
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robotfamiliar · 7 years
(Oo I have an au reaper i've been meaning to dust off for a whike if you're interested?
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skysteelsun · 7 years
What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses
I haven’t really touched on or explored his relationship with Rostnsthal, his erstwhile master of marksmanship - which is a shame, because it’s sort of worth exploring. Rostnsthal admits (perhaps not upfront, but eventually) he’s a questionable character with a less-than-savory past, guilt-ridden for crimes against the people who used to follow him - and Stephanivien takes it all in stride, never holding it against Rostnsthal; indeed, he clearly maintains a level of fond appreciation for the ex-mutineer. He pays Rostnsthal’s debts and doesn’t hold his past against him, seeing him not for the man he was, but for the man he’s trying to be - and I think that plays a huge role in Rostnsthal finally deciding to stand with the machinists in the final battle before moving on, never mind that his own future is no longer tied to the manufactory beyond the terms of his soon-to-end contract.I’d love to examine them a little closer, and it’s sad that whatever happens in the MCH job quests in Stormblood, we very likely won’t be seeing more of Rostnsthal in the days to come.
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frontbackinsideout · 7 years
“I want you to be happy, with or without me.”
     Fred froze, his eyes going wide as he heard the words leave Tadashi’s lips. No, no, no, no! Those were absolutely unacceptable words! Fred looked utterly broken, then mad, then a mix of both and he shook his head, a little violently. “Tadashi... how.. why would you say that?!” 
     He took a step towards him. “Tadashi, I can’t be happy without you... You are my happiness. Don’t you see that?! Why can’t you see that...”
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foxmiscellania · 6 years
{{Gonna be introducing two new muses to this blog tonight. One is Tadashi hamada a-la @lethehearted/ The-forgotten-Hamada fame. And Bailey; an OC but also both a DAI Inquisitor. So I’ll have the write ups ready for tonight.}}
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robotfamiliar · 7 years
lethehearted replied to your post: ❤
{{You’ve got such amazing muses and you’re an amazing person too ! I love reading your stuff! Plus you’re incredibly creative with not only your cannon muses but also your oc’s are A+++
muffled screm
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