#levely arc
optreasurecruise · 1 year
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pippin-pippout · 2 months
Oh another fun moment from Revelry:
Pell, rushing up after Charlos got KOed: Vivi! I heard there was an incident I’m so sorry! I should’ve stayed with you!
Vivi, who just now grabbed Rob Lucci, noted serial killer who took down Sai and Leo without blinking moments before, by the collar to tell him exactly what kind of a shitty person he is: oh I’m ok 😊 no worries 😊
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laurasoretta · 11 months
📘 Re-reading One Piece, random comments:
Reverie (or Levely) is basically an international gathering of Luffy fandom. With Rebecca welcoming all guests and verifying their membership.
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monthlymanga · 6 months
One Piece: Reverie
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saltineenthusiast · 5 months
I love how in One Piece there’s a whole ass kingdom named Ballywood with the king being named Ham Burger who is built like Abe Lincoln but with the American Flag pallets on his hat
And then the place that most feels like America is Drum Island where the main villain is some greedy billionaire that can eat literally anything and wants to privatize healthcare
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chenziee · 1 year
There has to be so much inbreeding between the Celestial Dragons after 800 years..
Like yeah, there have to be a lot of illegitimate childer with people outside the bloodlines (really don't want to think about that) but considering how they are, there's no way they'd intentionally have heirs with anyone but another Celestial Dragon... Are there like family tree spreadsheets and the Five Elders decide who can have kids with whom? Lineage factor was a recent discovery and I doubt they really understand or care about the dangers. There aren't really any political reasons either (like the royal families in Europe had) to decide for them... So do they just say fuck it marry whoever wants to get married at the same time?
Also how do they decide whose family the kids belongs to? They all feel so important and they definitely want to continue their own bloodlines so if two people from two different Celestial Dragon families marry, how do they decide which family name they take? Which bloodline is officially continuing? Do the Five elders decide that with their funky little spreadsheet or do they take turns? Or is it like "whoever has the most slaves wins"? Do they make their slaves fight it out?
So many questions..
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stalkerkyoko · 1 year
reverie arc also retells vivi’s memories which fixes 4kids
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
when the levee breaks is literally the most insane episode of all time. like ok. you have dean, who faced the very real threat of losing his humanity and becoming a demon a year ago, was raised to hate monsters of all kinds, and literally had john tell him with his dying breath to kill sam if he went bad. and he's so desperate to make sure sam doesn't get caught up in demon shit again that he's signing away his freedom to the angels despite swearing that he'll never be a soldier again, never blindly follow orders in a way that'll make him feel like less of a person
and then he has to lock sam in a room to detox the demon blood. sam, who's struggled his entire life to get any bit of freedom, continuously has his autonomy taken away from him, feels like he has to justify his very existence because people keep telling him he's inherently evil and a living abomination. and he's literally hallucinating people telling him that he can do the right thing, everything can be good again if he can just get strong enough to defeat lilith. that he was damned to begin with anyway so he might as well finish the job even if it means becoming the very thing he hates
like how do you even engineer a situation that fucked up for both characters. do these writers have a fucking phd in giving these guys the worst trauma you've ever seen in your life??? AND the apocalypse is literally starting and both angels and demons are gearing up for lucifer being released from hell. like jesus christ ok. gimme a second here
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It was at this moment that Sanji was reminded that Zoro was only the SECOND WORST green-haired person he knew
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optreasurecruise · 1 year
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1085 - Initial Thoughts
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Oda likes his nice round numbers
The Reverie flashback continues, and after a cathartic incident we were left on a break, but now we're back
So Oda...what do you have for us today?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release also
I'm with ya Franky, we gotta let the baby turtles make it to sea
After last chapter's title got us looking forward to something sadly this one means sad times ahead
Cobra's already struggling too
Imu seems to have a verbal tic, calling themselves 'mu' instead of using 'I'
Mu can be key as well since it is a theme of the void (used in Ghibli movies a lot)
But Imu will answer the two questions, so long as Cobra answers one in return
Cobra says Imu was the name of one of the first 20, but Imu brushes it off with their superfluously magnanimous vocabulinguistics
According to Imu, D is the 'moniker' of their ancient enemy, but they're somewhat okay with people having it in their names because its meaning has been lost
Imu doesn't like Queen Lily though (TCB still uses Lili but since Stephen of Viz hates matching scanlations it's Lily in the official, despite the fact that Lili matches with Vivi), claiming they made a 'blunder' 800 years ago
Lily scattered the Poneglyphs!
And without the search of the Poneglyphs Imu believes that there wouldn't be any pirates after the One Piece, since Roger only found Laugh Tale via the Poneglyphs
They also call the Poneglyphs 'relics', so that means they did belong to nobility
Imu also wonders if Lily had a greater plan to it, which I would say she did, if she scattered the answers
So many questions from the get-go though; Alabasta and Wano already had the Pluton connection but now they have the Poneglyph connection (since Wano allegedly made the Poneglyphs), paired with Joy Boy and Zunesha - which in turn leads to the connection of Zou and the Kozuki - the lines are there but the center of the puzzle still doesn't take shape
The Gorosei are all packing heat right now too (except the swordsman, who's always packing his sword)
Lily's letter apparently is the key to the truth, which is why Imu wants Cobra to say Lily's full name
Cobra knows he's done for, and the Gorosei make it clear that seeing 'the great Imu' is cause for his silencing
Sabo is also overhearing all of this
Nefertari D. Lily
Immediately after Cobra is attacked by an arrow-like pierce, but it's also flexible since it curved to him
Sabo then jumps in, Fire Fist on all the Gorosei and then a 'Smothered Mate' (a chess move according to the T/N) to Imu
It's hard to tell, but I think the dark energy that attacked Cobra guards Imu from the attack, undoubtedly looking annoyed by seeing another witness
Oh, the Gorosei all have powers...
To the left we have a bull-like creature that is Saturn (judging by his position that we last saw him), the Swordsman or the regular guy looks like he's awakened so I don't think he's a Zoan, and if he is then it'd be a humanoid one, middle could be Imu or it could be the other (in the next panel we do see something that looks like Edvard Munch's Scream which could be him instead), Tall Beardo looks like a draconian bird - like an Amphitere - also awakened, and finally Gorbachev kinda looks like a Boar or Warthog Zoan
Of course this is where Sabo got snapped by cameras, the Gorosei and Imu being on the other side and thus obscured
Cobra knows that Sabo's Luffy's brother, though I guess that did make the news post-Dressrosa
Cobra's also shocked that Sabo stepped in to save him, since he's a Revolutionary, but Sabo notes the bigger picture at hand
Kinda wish Cobra and Sabo could've bonded over knowing Luffy someplace else where Cobra isn't bleeding out
Noble as ever, Cobra begs Sabo to ditch him as dead weight, after all he needs Sabo to survive and send a message to Luffy and Vivi
"We share the moniker D."
I guess that confirms it; Neferati D. Cobra, Neferati D. Vivi
Of course Sabo wanted to be a D., was the only ASL brother left out
Ha SaD.Bo! XD Only Luffy
That arrow tail thing (I think it's a tail, it looks like a devil's tail) slashes Sabo and Cobra this time
Whatever that creature is it's got a low mouth
Cobra takes his last stand, stating the contents of the letter (which we only partially see) as he helps Sabo escape
I suppose this is one of the few times people of the internet will be devastated to see the death of a king
Fly the Flag that Heralds the World's Eventual Dawn.
Swordsman spots a noise by the wall, and through the peephole panics Wapol
Dude you shouldn't celebrate good people dying
He's right on that part though, he is a marked man, he saw the biggest skeleton in the closet
Back at the actual Reverie, rather than the events surrounding it, the rest of the royals muse over Cobra and Wapol's absence
Riku and Neptune do sense something amiss
Coalition of Four Northern Nations? That wouldn't happen to be the four nations whose kings lost their heads to one Vinsmoke Judge would it? Or would it involve Lvneel (Noland's nation) or Flevance?
After the incident last chapter, the Fishman brothers are not setting one fin more in Marejois, insisting that they take Shirahoshi to the Red Port
Shirahoshi does look forlorn though, wanting to say goodbye to Vivi
Vivi was captured! By the former CP9 dudes now as CP0
Kalifa implying that Vivi will probably be treated like a pet after word gets out about her disappearance makes me feel like we should've killed more Celestial Dragons...
Vivi does ask about Shirahoshi though, strangely Kalifa does oblige her and tell her that she's safe, is there respect there?
Jabra meanwhile talks about how Sai and Leo declared themselves publicly, so this is definitely 'the incident' the Grand Fleet caused
He says 'assaulted' though, so Accordion Charloss is probably still alive
HA! Fujitora somehow managed to help the Revolutionaries free more slaves, pissing off Ryokugyu too, should've just dropped a meteor on him (though maybe he did, 'went at it' could mean a fight)
Vivi's escape is a matter of fortune though, as Wapol comes crashing through the wall trying to escape
So alas, Wapol still doesn't have a conscience, Vivi's just smart enough to latch onto the rampaging bull who wants to get away from the World Government as far as possible
Kindrella I mean, you're a gold digger anyway you can't act like you had genuine feelings
Well then. Stuff happened.
We'll pour one out for King Cobra, a small hope before this flashback was that his death was faked or a trickery but yeah he's proper bit the dust here. Went down like a champ though and in poetic irony did it to save Sabo, the man who had only ever seen the worst in nobles.
People may think now that I don't think Lily is Imu, and you're half right, but not entirely, I think it still could be Lily, but only visually. Imu was implied to be one of the other 20, maybe they used Law's bodyswap powers to take Lily's body? The info remains vague.
Key thing though is that the Gorosei are all power-users, and all very powerful, enough for Sabo - the feral boy who fought an Admiral in Dressrosa - to hightail it out of there. So we have to expect that Saturn ain't coming to Egghead to stand there and 'negotiate'. We're gonna expect this horned dude to throw down.
Vivi's escape is daring, or should I say D.aring, Vivi being a D. was not on my bingo card but you know I fly with it, Sabo should just decide to be a D. too, I mean if it's a Moniker of the enemy then use it as a symbol of rebellion, Ignatius D. Sabo, Sabo D. Sadboy, Portgas D. Sabo, pick your name.
There's so much implications to this chapter, and no break which is a big plus! But I do think we're still not gonna see Luffy yet, I feel like we may have one more flashback of the Reverie left, then possibly some present-day stuff with the Revolutionaries and Vivi/Wapol/Morgans, we could also have some more to see from Garp in Fullalead, but something tells me that we'll see Luffy and co again at 1090, then at 1100 the Egghead incident will go down.
Overall though, this heat is getting way too hot to handle
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jamestdesign · 1 year
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2018 - OP26
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the weather is relatively nice out, which is why he’d initially climbed up the tree. he wanted to see the view from the highest point, but he found himself dozing off after finding it. however, when the sound of footsteps approaching fill his ears, he wakes up.
there are better ways of checking to see who’s walking by, but by doesn’t really want to leave this spot. ensuring his feet are nicely secured on the branch he’s currently perched on, he goes upside down, appearing seemingly out out nowhere.
“ vivi!!! ” the fact that he might’ve startled her doesn’t cross his mind, he’s just happy to see the princess. so much so, he’s willing to untangle his feet from the branch, which sends him flying down, his face hitting the ground. he’s completely unfazed, and he stands up, acting as if he hadn’t just fallen from a tree. “ it’s nice to see you again!! how’ve you been? ”
Vivi admired the weather for a while. It was absolutely gorgeous out and had a small breeze. She was relieved to be outside when they could have just as easily kept her indoors since the Levely was about to be underway. There was plenty of time to spare, so Vivi made sure to take advantage of this time to visit certain islands with her guards. She was watched closely by her father's trusted guards.
She stepped within the area of the peaceful shade, not bothering to look up into its branches. She smiled, enjoying the breeze as it strengthened into a bit of a gust. She admired the sound of the rustling leaves. Yes, it had been so long since she got to explore other islands with the Straw Hats. She missed those days, even if the circumstances were not in their favor. She looked everywhere till lastly, she looked up to see Straw Hats' captain, himself falling towards her. She hugged the trunk of the tree with a slight yelp.
She watched as Luffy hit the ground. She could not help but feel thankful nothing was broken as he got up from the ground unfazed. The years went by and Luffy still was recognizable. His clothing might have changed and he may have gotten a scar on his chest, but he was still wearing his signature straw hat. She smiled at her country's savior. It has been maybe more than two years since he's saved Alabasta from Crocodile. Her brown eyes glossed over with tears. She had wanted to go with the Straw Hats, but she had a duty as a princess as well, and that was to her people.
"Luffy, it's been so long! I'm well," she said with a smile. She has changed too. Her sky-blue hair has gotten longer and with each passing day, she looked more and more like her mother. Well, according to King Cobra and his advisors. As for Vivi, she was getting closer and closer to taking over for her father. "I'm headed for the Levely, but we took a bit of a detour. I think we'll make it, but I'm free today! How are you?"
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soupcrouton · 2 years
Good morning it is 2 am and i have finished whole cake island . Dear god
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sampilled · 8 months
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Joan of Arc by Anna Louisa Swynnerton//Supernatural 4x21 "When the Levee Breaks"
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aliusfrater · 2 months
i've talked about mirroring or vague feelings of comparison between sam's s6 soulless arc and his s9 possession arc a couple times before but i'm bringing this idea back because there's more to be said about seasons five/six and seasons eight/nine and its events' relation to the violation of sam's agency and autonomy. sam views the self-mutilation of his body through its use as a tool as an act of his own agency which is first demonstrated in his use of demon blood in season four and this is an idea that continues into season five (and six). dean realises that it's not up to him when it comes to what sam does with his body (but rather, that it's his responsibility to Let Him Go and process his own grief) and sam jumps into the cage possessed by lucifer as (what sam sees to be) an ultimate act of agency then is resurrected against his will and without a soul; this missing metaphysical piece of him represents a violation of bodily autonomy after his act of agency is gratified by both dean and the narrative. sam's completion of the trials in season eight mirrors the events of season five in an inverted way in the continuation of the exploration of sam's internal view of his body as a tool/instrument and self-mutilation as an act of agency. except, dean stops sam from completing the trials and sam is prevented from performing his ultimate act of agency right before he's coerced into possession; he returns from the trials with a metaphorical parasite as a violation of bodily autonomy. (this also mirrors season four, in which ruby coerces sam into having sex with her, something intimate that will form the basis of the abusive, grooming dynamics of their relationship and sam's relationship/struggle with addiction.)
the remedies of these situations correlate to each other as well. sam is tied to a bed — just like he was in 4.21 when the levee breaks, further relating his addiction (and his relationship with ruby, which also mirrors sam's 'relationship' with azazel) to violations of his body — and is made to accept the return of his soul against his will, a functional violation of autonomy. the panic room can also metaphorically become sam's body if you relate dean's tricking of sam into bobby's panic room for a forced idea of what dean refers to/considers recovery to dean's tricking of gadreel into sam's body for another forced idea of what dean refers to/considers recovery. in season nine, the expulsion of gadreel from sam's body requires a further violation of his body when crowley possesses sam to make him aware of gadreel's presence in his body. there's just a general lack of power within the way that sam is able to use his body; even apparent acts of agency involves releasing a sense of self in regards to his body to use it as a tool within actions that constitute as self harm.
following this train of thought, it would make sense (in terms of characterisation) that soulless!sam wants to stay soulless because of how efficient of a human being it makes him. he has always viewed his body as a tool/instrument and being soulless had given him the perfect opportunity to use his body as exactly that for hunting. his apparent willingness to mutilate his body, scarring it metaphysically beyond recognition so that it can no longer house a soul through patricide also makes sense. he's commited acts of self-mutilation to perpetuate the use of his body as a tool before, it makes sense that he could consider patricide as a legitimate act of agency.
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