aronarchy · 1 year
for the sake of my sanity I shall choose to believe these posts are satire.
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magz · 1 year
is fascinate see just how much some leftists, like leviathan-supersystem, barely know thing of disability activism
but will say (insert common thing disable leftist say) "are not actually disable people say it, n is frankly insulting for disable people"
and (paraphrase:) "calling landlord 'parasites' that mooch off for not work is effective, not working when 'able' to immoral". several posts.
feel like debate people honest believe that, not worth do.
is just repeat "you putting words in mouth, that not what say" whenever people point out logical conclusion what say
when apply "not work when able to, immoral" for real life, have always ableist and horrible consequence.
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sexhaver · 9 months
ngl i genuinely thought fwb did imply actual friendship, yeah mans should be beaten w/ hammers, wrenches etc etc
as @leviathan-supersystem correctly points out here, if the dude actually wanted to be friends with bluetext, he would ask to be friends with her and leave the sex part up to her to decide. tacking "with benefits" onto the initial friendship request (after theyve already presumably gone on at least one date together) is sex pest behavior
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centrally-unplanned · 4 months
Have you seen leviathan-supersystems reblog of the economics post? It looks like the graph you labelled as real median income is actually just median income, not adjusted for inflation.
I didnt, that post is pretty overwhelmed tbh. But while it was def labelled as such, I am certainly not above a misclick nor are other websites above a misattribution, if it is, I am sorry about that. But no matter the source its going to get you pretty much the same results:
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triviallytrue · 1 year
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making this its own post since it's not really related anymore @starryoak
i split MLs onto this site into more or less three groups:
-the ones i actually like and can often find common ground with (txttletale and a few of my other mutuals who probably wouldn't want me to list them here come to mind)
-the ones that i vehemently disagree with but respect for actually engaging seriously with people who disagree with them (zvaig, leviathan-supersystem, and saam-whatever come to mind)
-the ones whose sole method of engaging with politics is bad-faith dunks, primarily on and to an audience of people who lack the historical context to understand anything about what's being discussed
and it's that third group that picked up my post and ran with it. trying to engage with that is a little like trying to engage with a religious zealot - they aren't trying to talk to you, they're trying to perform for their audience. might as well just block and move on
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jambeast · 2 years
as a former misandrist my views weren't formed via direct experiences of abuse but like, a combo of living in a pretty ambiently sexist society and having a fairly black-and-white moral schema and then receiving "misandry doesn't real and anyway men deserve it" heavily from feminist peers online. feels like leviathan-supersystem is being reductive here
I've said this before but I think the big thing people need to understand about sexism is that 90% of the time it's not *just* about liking one sex and hating the other sex.
It's about having an incredible *gendered* view of people, and about seeing genders as first-class groups that hold moral weight and make decisions.
Like if you've ever listened to a really sexist person, like your Andrew Tates of the world, they actually have some pretty horrifically disparaging views of *men* as well as women, that maybe we don't recognise as horrific because of how normal they see it. Like the belief that it's a man's duty to die in war protecting women. It's sort of patronising for women. I can imagine feeling uncomfortable around that. But also it's not as bad as Having The Duty To Die! Nobody seems to recognise what a horrific thing that is! What a terrible and inhumane way to treat men - along with insisting you're not allowed to talk about problems or be emotionally vulnerable, instant suspicion of them as being some kind of dangerous predator etc etc etc.
The sexist worldview has pretty strong roles for genders, and I don't think either one is necessarily superior in every way (women get to be weak and cowardly and considered inherently valuable and worthy of protection by others in a way men in this worldview aren't), but the strictness just doesn't account for human variety or individual freedom. It's cruel and callous to men and controlling and stifling to women.
Now this has nothing to do with *power*, which I think even the more-reasonable-side-of-mens-rights-types can acknowledge is squarely concentrated in the hands of men, though they'd argue it's used to benefit women (who they say are, statistically, in the west at least, the safest group of people ever in history ever (Which seems to be the case? Hard to measure.)), and also that the power in the world is concentrated in the hands of *some* men - a small enough sliver of them to not really be representative of Men as a gender on the whole.
Like this should all be totally compatible with feminism. It should never be about Men, as a first-class group with moral weight, weighing up some kind of Oppression Debt against Women, as a first-class group with moral weight, evening out the suffering until the balance hits 0.0
That's, uh, not how this works.
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xylophonetangerine · 1 year
Once again leviathan-supersystem reveals their fascist tendencies. Also can someone please find evidence that they themselves are a rich-kid layabout who doesn't have a real job to embarrass them off of this site? Someone who posts that much can't possibly be not unemployed.
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femmefitz · 2 years
I'm not seeing my reblog on my dash even though it doesn't seem like I'm blocked by op so idk what's going on there but just in case other people can't see it, you should really block leviathan-supersystem and maybe even filter their url considering how often their posts get popular.
(using they/them because i didn't see pronouns on their blog, lmk if I should edit the post)
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Anyway I just think it's pathetic to respond to someone politely informing you a word you used is a slur and asking if you could change it to refuse and then throw a fit when people are upset with you about it. Are you five? What do you gain from doing this?
Anyway block them, I don't ever want to see this bitch on my dash again ❤️.
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you love to refuse to answer someones questions while you berate them for being stupid. have you considered that you have no fucking idea what its like to be disabled? because you clearly dont. you have no class consciousness and its kind of pathetic that you call yourself an anarchist when you hate people you consider beneath you.
Yes, I am not disabled. Neither are most people who participate in this argument.
I don't berate them for being stupid, I point to failures in their theory that can easily be observed in reality. If you want my own proposed solutions, I wrote them one ask ago.
And yes, I hate people whom I consider beneath me. Except the only people whom I consider beneath me are those who abuse other people - not disabled people or people who don't agree with my visions or anything.
Also - I am not an anarchist. I am a socialist, and not even inherently opposed to the concept of state, only to leviathanic ideal of MLs. Neither I inherently oppose state-run disability aid, especially under current conditions. But leviathan-supersystem takes the stance that to help disabled people we have to subjugate everyone and maintain military police complex to suppress all disagreement, and I point out that systems like this wouldn't have interests of disabled people in mind - even she herself doesn't
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lesser-vissir · 1 year
I fucking hate the controversy the leviathan-supersystem post caused, cause 90% of the people arguing about it are doing so in fucking terrible faith, wherein either this argument must apply to right now today (and this she is a horrible person who thinks the disabled should die because she doesn't want them to have UBI) or a hypothetical future where work is obsolete (in which case she's a horrible person because she's just a red capitalist hoping to force everyone to work the mines).
Ironically, SHES the one accused of being idealistic and not basing her opinions in reality, when her ideas on this are relevant to existing socialist countries. Because she contends with the material reality that work is unlikely to be abolished anytime soon.
Like, I agree. Someone that just doesn't want to work should be housed and fed and be able to enjoy life. But the reality is that that person is living off the labour of others. When people say "society should provide for everyone" they seem to forget that societies are made from people working.
It just reads as so American to be this disconnected from where the goods and services you use come from. Total fucking disconnect from reality.
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bloodtypeinfinity · 2 years
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1) I have Asperger's syndrome, a form of high functioning autism that makes it difficult for me to socialize
2) My passion is architecture, infrastructure, logistics and urban planning.
3) I had a cat named Roman. He died in a house fire six months ago. God rest his soul.
@jokersfangirl84 @supreme-leader-stoat @dilfsisko @nerdylibertarian928 @cornstitch @uncle-cazador @delusion-of-negation @leviathan-supersystem @takashi0 @liberalsarecool @fyeahbookbinding @tainbocuailnge @boss @autisticexpression @sobbing-space-trash @aquilacalvitium @terrorthevoidlord @friendlyneighborhoodgeek @crescent-luminary @felliskelli
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trek-tracks · 4 years
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Does my good man desire cheese?
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transgenderer · 4 years
leviathan-supersystem replied to your post “i just learned that ska originates from the 50s. holy shit. i vaguely...”
blew my mind when i found out that rather from ska evolving from/being a subgenre of reggae, raggae evolved from/is a subgenre of ska
i learned this from a crossword puzzle, and i genuinely assumed it was a mistake until i googled it. fucked up. we must erase the early history of ska, i refuse to accept its the origin of reggae
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nugothrhythms · 4 years
leviathan-supersystem replied to your post “Who would you say are the weirdest goth bands? I don’t mean just...”
most of the examples that come to mind are more industrial, like Lingua Ignota comes to mind but definitely more industrial than goth
Industrial definitely has a thing for the strange, since the beginning. 
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memecucker · 6 years
first impressions: great leftist blogger, a major factor in my own radicalization, riding high on at least 30 layers of irony. current impressions: massive weeb
to the next sphere of paradiso 
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earthboundfacebook · 4 years
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