#levin and malachi
LEVIN AND MALACHI ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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plus some family portraits <3
alrighty you know the drill—— headcanons!!
Levin First:
When Aph found Levin’s mother, she told her that Garroth was Levin’s real father. She couldn’t go on without him knowing. So, Aphmau told Garroth this, which was a real shock considering Garroth didn’t even remember Matilda. But regardless, he understood that his memory had been wiped and he vowed to raise his son properly, with the love he never received.
Levin is like crazy strong, despite not appearing to be. Probably due to him being the son of the literal incarnation of the Esmund the Protector.
He’s not actually a descendant of Irene. The late lord Malik claimed to be a descendant of Irene in order to obtain power, but it was never true and it ended up getting him killed. So even if Levin was Malik’s actual son, he’d still not be a descendant of her’s.
However, the Shadow Knights believe he is, which is why there’s such a large target on his back. But even if they knew the truth, he’s still descended from a Divine Warrior, so the target would only be a tiny bit smaller.
When he finds out that both his bio father and adoptive mother are Divine, he kind of freaks out. Not only because of how insane that is, but it makes him feel worse about not possessing any magicks himself.
Not entirely a headcanon but I feel it’s worth mentioning; His biological mother, Matilda, was a wood elf. Therefore he is half elf. Wood elves tend to be short and stocky, hense his build. (the wood elf part is the headcanon, but not the bit about her being an elf. that’s canon)
His blue shirt is made from an old cape of Garroth’s. It was his way of honoring his long lost father, whom he never really got to know.
When Malachi died, his soul went into a sort of slumber. He remained in said slumber until Aphmau… respawned. When this happened, it sent a shock wave of magick throughout Ru’Aun. All mystic beings felt it. And that very wave woke him.
When his soul woke, he was confused and scared. He couldn’t remember what happened, where he was, why he was all alone in this dark and decrepit castle, or why he couldn’t leave. Over time, his memories returned to him, slowly but surely.
After some time, he realized that though he couldn’t leave the castle grounds, he could move the castle. And so he began moving it all throughout Ru’Aun in search for his parents. Only, he had no clue that 900 years had passed.
When Dante, Aphmau, Garroth, Laurance, and Eseryt come to his castle, he torments them with nightmares. Not because he wants to or thinks it funny, but because he doesn’t know them and it scared. Dante sees visions of Gene killing him once and for all, Aphmau sees Phoenix Drop burning to the ground, Garroth sees a wedding chapel and a woman who’s face is blurred and uncanny, and Laurance sees the Nether in all it’s fiery glory. And Eseryt? Well seeing as she possesses mind magicks too, Malachi can’t see her fears. But that also means Eseryt can’t feel his feelings.
Eventually Eseryt is able to show Malachi that they mean no harm and he lets the others go. When they try to speak to him, they realize that he only speaks old Ru’Aunian. But lucky for them, Aphmau knows it (for some reason *wink wink*) and Laurance learned some in the Nether. And when they get back to Phoenix Drop? Well Zoey knows it too! This is why he developed such and close bond to these three, they’re the only people he could talk to for a while.
Eventually, Zoey manages to teach him new Ru’Aunian, with the “help” of Aphmau and Laurance.
The green scarf he wears was a gift from Laurance after he regained his mortality. Malachi could not stop shivering in the middle of July, so Laurance gave him his scarf to keep him warm. He knows to some degree what it’s like to come back to life, after all. Another reason the two are so close.
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headless-witch · 1 year
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jurygarroth · 1 year
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Zoey is over 900 years old, Malachi is over 900 years old, and he definitely uses it if they ever fight
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eepintothewoods · 6 months
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The gay blocks are back :T
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mcdgarroth · 5 months
If Minecraft Diaries had Twitter
Part 6
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There were too many pics, so I had to combine them together. I apologize if it’s hard to read or looks messy :(
Part 1 Part 5 Part 7
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gonedreaminggg · 5 months
i am craving disability representation in mcd and mystreet 😭
here i go!
my disability headcanons for MCD/MYS
- Laurance never got his vision back. Not completely, at least. The outer field of his vision is completely blurred, and sometimes it'll randomly get worse/better. In MyS, he's still mostly blind, but he was born with this. It honestly doesn't make a difference in his day to day life because he's so used to it, but he's so pissed that he can't drive.
- Dante has OCD, and he passed the trait down to Dmitri. They both have skin-picking issues as well.
- Naoki (Nekoette) has hyperactive ADHD, which she got from Nana. A lot of people think it's really funny, but when Naoki starts training as a guard, she and other people finally realize how challenging it is.
- Zoey's health starts deteriorating rapidly after giving up her immortality. She has chronic pain issues, and recurring migraines.
- Both MCD and Mystreet Katelyn are hella deaf. Like. Cannot hear for shit. In MyS she wears hearing aids sometimes, but in MCD she's like "WHA?" constantly.
- MyS Vylad is an ambulatory wheelchair user. (honestly i'm just self-inserting for this one lol) they have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and use a cane most of the time. They're very active on social media and are a popular disability advocate. It's why they're constantly traveling.
- All of the Ro'meave brothers are hella autistic
- Travis has a lot of chronic fatigue issues because of his demon form and powers and whatnot. When Aphmau gets her relic, and Garroth gets Esmund's, they also have chronic fatigue. The relics are too much energy for a mortal body.
- Levin has hella anxiety. Zoey and Malachai taught him how to manage it over the years. When he becomes Lord, the intensity of the job honestly makes him less focused on his anxieties.
- Malachai still can't function properly as a human. After being brought back to life, he's had a lot of chronic issues, that are honestly all over the place. He also has really bad dissociation, because he was DEAD FOR 900 YEARS.
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rosevinesystem · 7 months
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Final reveal!! + art improvement
I absolutely hate the previous versions of this but it does show how much i've learned, this took way longer than i'd like to admit
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bbbeowulf · 8 months
Aphtober Day 11: Home Sweet Home
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Growing up is knowing that Zoeymau is the best MCD ship and I do not accept criticism on that /j
I didn’t go as hard on this prompt cuz I wanted to GO TO BED bc I’m OLD *cranky old person noises* nyehhhh
Also I’m a filthy dirty disgusting horrible liar bc I did NOT get to todays prompt like I said I would yesterday for the same reason listed above,,,,,,,,, IM SLEEPY OKAY. IM OLD AND IM SLEEPY.
Anyways :)) hope y’all like the Zoeymau art <33
See all of my Aphtober submissions HERE!!
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wormzandgutz · 9 months
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she loves her children very much
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roxxie-spirt · 3 months
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Alright alright I should probably post this, sorry for a sudden disappearance! My phones been in repair and I only have my iPad to do all my socials and idk for me I just don’t like posting on my iPad it’s purely a me thing 😭…. Anyways! Here’s a dump of goey doodles ugh I love them so much, I’m going to post right after this for next gen so yah! This drawing above is Zoey’s and garroths first kiss for one another 🥺
Then a major jump into Zoey and garroth with Child (zenith) and before you say “why does she have her dogs out 😭😭” WELLL ELVES WANT TO FEEL THE EARTH TO ABSORB THE NATURAL MAGICCC while they’re expecting :3, I’m gonna say some things about elves and their pregnancy!
Elves carry for about 10-11 months
They have cravings for magic induced fruits
Within the culture elves embroider on a blanket for their babies , not just for fun but for a spell that’s woven in the blanket for protection (this practice is now banned in Yggdrasil due to the law of using magicks )
Usually in Yggdrasil there’s a garden for expecting mothers, young children and their parents , and new borns and parents to soak in the nature magic’s . It relaxes them and it’s a need for children and new Borns to walk around the garden. Since Zoey is banished from Yggdrasil she’s kinda just walks around a neighbors garden , but garroth makes their own private garden with the help of Travis and Lucinda for magical plants!
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marshiiicake · 4 months
Am I the only one who thinks Emmalyn should of had a slightly deeper voice than what we were given?
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In my rewrite Garroth is Levin’s bio dad, who then helps raise him with Aphmau, and Laurance is a father figure for Malachi.
Garnet is originally adopted by Aaron and Aphmau helps care for her, then when Aaron dies Aphmau adopts her and Garroth becomes a sort of father to her. Laurance is Lina’s father and Garroth steps up as a father figure to her too. And that’s not even MENTIONING everything Zoey did.
Basically what I’m getting at is that Aphmau has 2 metaphorical baby daddies, 1 actual baby daddy, and an overworked nanny that’s basically her wife.
Aphmau’s kind of a player ngl
No wonder people are so shocked when they meet her cuz DAYUM
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eego0 · 1 year
I think one of the most GUT WRENCHING moments from MCD was the first episode of season 2 when Aphmau gets to the gates and Levin is looking down at her. His voice cracks when he says “Mom…?”
Despite the time they spent apart and all of the anger that he held because he was under the impression that Aphmau purposely left him, he never forgot the face of the first woman who took him in when he was alone and the positive feelings attached to her.
They literally make me sick to my stomach. Their family storyline is SO fucking sad
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thinkig about how easily jess made levin accept aphmau as his mother once she came back... like bitch. wtf. that would have NEVER have happened. evre.
aphmau missed out on so much of levin's childhood. the worst thing is that it's no one's fault, so levin can't even blame anyone. but imo, i dont think he'd even be okay with aph being there. there'd be some sort of resentment towards her that he wouldn't be able to shake off for a long time. he would never accept aphmau as his mother so fast.
to him, it's zoey. zoey was the one who took care of him all those years, telling him stories about his "mother" when he knew that the woman she was talking about was no where near qualified to be called his mother. to him, zoey was always his mom. he'd be annoyed with everyone dubbing aphmau as his mom. he'd call zoey mom, sometimes even right to aphmau's face.
i honestly feel like the dude would feel threatened by aphmau's presence. he was fed all of these amazing stories by everyone in the village about what an awesome, great, considerate, smart, loving, bla bla bla lord his mom was. i'd say it would've given him such high expectations to live to, expectations that would cushion his mind and suffocate him so hard.
malachi tho... i hc malachi having hyperthymesia (everlasting memory where one can remember most of their life in vivid detail) so considering my hc i feel like they'd have a very heartwarming reunion.
oh and aphmau's pov about this,,,,, she'd feel very fucking weird and maybe even down right hatred for how levin calls zoey mom. SHE's his mother. BUT she would be extremely mature about it and wouldn't outwardly show her distaste for anything at all, she understands why this is happening but it's not something she can stand whatsoever.
it'd take a few years for levin to get used to aphmau me thinks. but oh, he'd get used to garroth MUCH easier. at the very least, garroth resembles the dude. surprisingly a lot. there's some familiarity he can get behind here, but aphmau...? this pisses aphmau off even more imo :3 it took levin literal years to be okay around aphmau, but with garroth i'd say some months? instead and it's not like aphmau can do anything about it either.. levin needs to come to her at his own pace and time . . .
levin to garroth: "where were you all my life XDD ♥/giddy giggles"
levin to aphmau: "where were you all my life. ☺/struggle & hint of animosity"
i think this is how the dynamic would go..........
im shit at putting my thoughts into words and all of this seems so much better in my mind BUT i hope someone gets what i mean :skull
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papercute · 7 months
i can’t believe jess tried to make us think that mcd!aphmau was “too busy” to think about love while she was living with a woman and raising children with her. like jessica you gave her a wife. zoey is just her wife
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jurygarroth · 6 months
For the character thing, how about Yip or Malachi or Levin!!!
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bunch of boys :) Malachi I've always seen as having an androgynous style with flowy jackets and dresses, here's some sketches of outfit ideas for him I did before
I wasn't sure about Levin's eye color until now, but trying to give my Levin blue eyes is so fuckinnggg SCARY. as funny as it is for him and Garroth to look more alike I like the brown eyes more. and Yip is so off my radar I'm sorry but I decided to draw him too !
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