#lexxpocalypse fic
phandomphightclub · 6 years
Lexxpocalypse Reveal 2: @lexosaveus
Dots was all alone in the Denny’s – Tali had reluctantly left, saying she had some kind of business to take care of, but Dots was pretty sure she was just finding somewhere to hide and cry about Kingdom Hearts 3 again.  Whatever the reason, the Denny’s at 3 am had ominous feel when no one was out fighting in the ring. The Denny’s wasn’t meant to be this quiet.  The only sounds were that of Dots’ footsteps on the dusty floorboards – Tali really needed to get the cleaning staff back in here.  
But that wasn’t Dots’ main concern at the moment.  She’d been pacing for approximately seven hours now, running on only tea brewed from fresh mountain dew to sustain her.  She briefly contemplated using the Denny’s kitchen to whip something up, but she wasn’t in the mood for Shrek-themed cupcakes at the moment, and she was even less in the mood to break her concentration.
Concentration.  Right.  The Lexxes.  The imposters.  The –
The door flung open.  Dots jumped a foot in the air and hissed, yeeting her magnifying glass at the intruder.
“Ow!”  Anri (@heyheyitsstillgay) rubbed their head.  “Dots?  Is that you?  What the heck are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing here?”  Dots challenged in return.  “The Denny’s is closed!  The security system’s supposed to keep any other ghosts out–” She gasped dramatically.  “Unless you’re one of the Lexxes and you hacked the security system!”  She flew up, seizing Anri by the collar.  “Are you one of them?  ARE YOU??”
“Geez, Dots, chill.  I already had the memes ripped out of me last month, I don’t need to molt for another year at least.”  They shook themself free and dusted themself off.  “Besides, I’m not one of the Lexx blogs.  I just ran across Tali on her way out and she said someone might need to keep an eye on you.  In hindsight, I can see why.”
“What?  I didn’t need Tali to send someone to babysit me!  I’m the first employee she hired!  I can take care of myself, I– VORUS!”  She suddenly screeched, jumping a foot back from the window.  Anri glanced outside and burst out laughing.
“That’s just your reflection, hun,” Anri said, gently (so as not to startle her) placing a hand on Dots’ shoulder.  “Vorus isn’t here.”
“I… swear I… nevermind,” Dots murmured.  “Well, if you’re here, you might as well help with the investigation.  Do you have any intel for me?”
“I didn’t wear my best Sherlock meme shirt for nothing,” Anri said with a grin, gesturing to their shirt that read A MURDER, YAY over a demented screenshot of BBC’s Sherlock.  “I’ve got some info on Lexosaveus.  I saw them hanging around my lair in the Nightmare Valley.  Then around the same time, I saw sonicgrl01.”
Dots frowned.  “So you think Lexosavus is sonicgrl01?  Just because you saw them both in a similar place at a similar time?  ...Wait, actually, that’s brilliant!  The imposters can’t keep up the illusion forever, it makes sense that their disguise could crack.  Could you take me to check it out?”
“I would, but…” Anri frowned.  “You look exhausted.  If you fall asleep in the Nightmare Valley – well, it’ll be exactly what it sounds like.  A nightmare.”
“I can–” Dots yawned, “--handle it.  I promise I’ll sleep right after.  Just take me, please!”
Anri shrugged.  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
The Nightmare Valley wasn’t so bad, Dots thought.  Lots of stars.  A very nice space aesthetic.  Rather peaceful, actually, if you asked her.  Why had Anri been so worried?
“So where did you see–”
“Shhh!”  Anri shushed her before whispering, “You have to be quiet in these parts.  You never know what ghosts you could attract here.”
“Fine, fine,” Dots humored her.  It was Anri’s home, they probably knew better than her in this case.  But flying on in silence was boring.  And… well, a little bit tiring, with nothing to break the monotony of pinprick stars floating by on all sides… like a thousand tiny nightlights… or… or the eyes of a thousand Lexxes…
“They’re watching me,” she muttered, eyes widening.  “They’re here… oh mothman, they’ve found me!  They’re everywhere!”
Two of the eyes glowed bright red and grew larger – flying towards her.  
“Lexovorus!  I’m not – I’m not scared of you!”  Her voice cracked.  The eyes seemed to laugh; a toothy grin split between them.
“You should be.”
The cavernous jaw opened, and –
“Dots!  Dots, wake up!”
What?  What was–
Something whumped Dots upside the head, and everything went black.  When she opened her eyes again,  Anri’s fuzzy silhouette was staring down at her.
“What… what happened?”  Dots mumbled, rubbing her head.
“You fell asleep,” Anri deadpanned.  “Just like I warned you.”
“Oh…” Dots blushed a light purple, her namesake polka dots standing out even more.  “Sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Anri surprisingly apologized.  “I shouldn’t have brought you here. But we’re almost to my lair.  You can rest there.”
Dots nodded, and they continued their flight.  Just before they could reach Anri’s lair though, another figure came into view.
“I didn’t fall asleep again, did I?”  Dots asked, recognizing the ghost as Lexosaveus.  Ironically, the Lexx hadn’t been there to save Dots when she’d needed it.
“Nope.  That’s our target.”  Anri grinned.  “Hey, Saveus!  We’ve got a crisis over here!  Help!”
“Huh?  Wait, but we’re not–”
“LEXOSAVEUS, TO THE RESCUE!”  Saveus intoned dramatically, puffing out their chest and flying over.  Their cape billowed out in the nonexistent wind. “WHAT IS YOUR AILMENT, MORTALS?”
“It’s Dots!  She’s nearly collapsed from fatigue!”  Anri played along, sucking up to the duplicate’s obvious obsession.  Dots caught on quickly, lying back in Anri’s arms and holding the back of her hand up to her forehead.
“There’s only one cure to this detective’s condition,” Anri said seriously.  “She needs… answers.”
“No, no, a specific answer,” Anri clarified.  “She needs to know… who you are.”
“Me?”  Lexosaveus’s voice finally dropped to a reasonable decibel.  “I am… LEXOSAVEUS!  HERO OF THE GHOST ZONE AND…”
Anri fixed them with a harsh glare, one that held the power of the terrible memes and danno edits contained within their immortal form.  Lexosaveus, powerful as they might have been, was unable to withstand it.  
“OH… OH… ALRIGHT!”  They exclaimed.  “MY NAME IS… @sonicgrl01!  THERE!  IS DOTS SAVED NOW??”
Dots cracked open her eyes.  “Oh, yes, Saveus.  I’m very saved.  Thank you so much.”
And with that, they flew off into the depths of the Nightmare Valley.
“Way to go, Dots.”  Anri grinned.
“Hey, that one was all you.  Thanks.”  Dots smiled back before yawning.  “Now, I think what would really save me is some sleep.”
Anri nodded.  “Definitely.  Come on, let’s get you some rest.”
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phantomphangphucker · 6 years
“Hey dude, you been online lately” Tucker walks up to Danny sounding both concerned and amused
“Hey and last night Yeah.” Closing his locker he turns to Tucker
“Had to Post up my Lexx reveal before Sunday ended” chuckling “ain’t a reveal weekend if I don’t post on the weekend“
Tucker face palms and sighs “I can’t believe you even participated in that”
“Hey what can I say I like a good joke”
“Well the “joke” just bit you in the ass”
“Oh come on Tucker, some lost sleep and making my phandom even weirder is hardly a bite in the ass” dismissing Tucker with a hand wave as they start off towards class.
Just before class starts Sam sends him a text reading “you absolute fucking moron” with a link to his Lexx blog. Chuckling Danny shakes his head.
Tucker leaning over his shoulder cause he’s a nosey bitch “you always find new ways to lower her faith in you, don’t you”
“It means I’m doing my job!” Danny chuckles.
Tucker shakes his head knowing Danny ain’t gonna check the link. Sweet Plasmius was the halfa in for a shock.
As class comes to a close and the trio has finally put away the days school gear.
“I’m going to guess that Tucker hasn’t yet told you how much of an utter moron you are” Sam says judgingly with raised eyebrow.
“Jeez, what is this? Call Danny a moron day?” Danny exclaims arms outstretched in his two friends general direction. “Is this still about the Lexx thing?” Danny assumes that based off their exasperated and judging looks that it was. “That was all in good fun! Everyone had a good time!”
“Dude, you should really actually go online”
“Oh and here I thought you guys felt I was pouring too much time lately into the whole Phantom phandom thing?” Rolling his eyes at them “since the whole Lexx reveal is finally done, I can take a break.”
“Oh my Plasmius” Sam sighs as she runs a palm down her entire face.
“What? I’d figure you guys would’ve been happy to be free from Lexx stuff” Danny is genuinely confused. Then witha shit eating grin “aww did it finally grow on you, needing your daily Lexx fix?”
“Christ dude, you like really need to learn to read things before you post them” Tucker chuckles shaking his head as the trio walk to the park.
“What do you mean?” Danny eyes widening “Oh Plasmius did I misspell a bunch of things or forget to actually link my main?” Tucker just glares at him
“Oh I totally did, wow that’s a fail” facepalming Danny whips out his phone just as Tucker says
“Oh no you definitely exposed yourself, you exposed yourself real good”
Which earned the lot of them a glare from some lady pushing a stroller. Causing all three to burst out laughing and Danny to drop his phone.
“Well shit, everyone press F” Danny says staring defeatedly at the phone laying undamaged on the ground. Sam basically kicks the phone into the air for Danny to catch, which he does. While Tucker stares on in horror.
“Sam! How could you! That’s phone abuse!” He yells half joking.
“Oh and you eat animal abuse” Sam retorts eye rolling. The two continue on exchanging witty banter but Danny has totally checked out; in lue of staring at the chaos of notifications on his phone. With a completely puzzled expression he wonders out loud “what the? I know the Lexx thing was big but this is absurd”
Noticing, Sam and Tucker stop and simply watch him bemusedly.
While Danny just stares down at his Lexx blog, Lexospooky, the number one most popular post being his Lexx reveal. It’s bombarded by replies and when he clicks on the first one he knows why.
“Dude, you outed yourself as freaking Phantom” Tucker says just as he noticed Danny’s eyes going wide.
“Oh Plasmius, Christ, well fuck me and call me completely dead” Danny sits down on a bench to steady himself as he looks on in horror at the thousands of asks, submissions and dms he has, all about his identity as Phantom.
“Like I said dude, proof read.” Tucker says with added finger guns
“I think I’d prefer actual guns over this-“ gesturing at his phone with both hands like it just committed murder “-mess”.
Glaring at Tucker “dude why didn’t you like tell me this as soon as you could?”
Chuckling Tucker flicks Danny’s phone and replies “you made your grave buddy”
Sam simply sighs. “I don’t even know how you mess up so badly.” Shaking her head “not only did you word for word say “I’m Danny Phantom” but you even put in one of your silly selfies!”
“It was supposed to be my mains icon!” Danny whines indignantly.
“Oh you don’t say Danny, because I totally thought that you legit wanted to post a shit for brains Phantom selfie. Totally thought you wanted to out yourself to your own fandom and then ignore the replies” Sam states with extremely thick sarcasm, as Tucker just laughs.
“Whelp whatever, I might aswell mess with it” Danny shrugs as he replies to the first ask, asking him if he really is Phantom; with “it’s a lie! I’m not a ghost!”
Mean while an entire fandom has been collectively losing its shit. People have called off work, skipped school, and d-o-t-s has had exactly 7 aneurisms.
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dannyphandump · 5 years
Do you have any Danny Phantom account recommendations?
OK SORRY GOOD FELLOW IT HAS TAKEN ME SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS (but it’s because I have a LOT of reccs, which i will list in no particular order) (actually there is an order but it’s just reverse chronologically through my “following” list)
@plazmawulf - a Cool Chill Human (at least I’m assuming they’re human), has some sweet art too
@qlinq-qhost - I love Dee she has such Wholesome Chaotic energy
@ghosty-graveyard - they have one of my absolute favorite art styles, high quality angst art, also other fandom and oc stuff so not pure DP but still worth it for sure
@ghostpetrol - high quality art, super funny, made the “Ghosts can’t swear” comics which had me cackling
@phanboyo - fics, a cool dude, has a lit url
@what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me - also some of my favorite art, this is their main so there’s lots of non-DP reblogs, art blog is @snappy-fast if you just want the DP art
@ectolights - I Just Think She’s Neat, mostly reblogs but also just. Really funny
@daddyphannypack - another cool person
@ectopusses - MEMES, especially high quality video memes
@ladylynse - fic writer, multifandom but mostly known for DP, wrote awesome fics such as “Helpless” which gives Star some amazing characterization and “The Trouble With Ghosts” which I LOVE and is an ongoing reveal fic with Lancer, also like. legit one of the nicest people I know
@a-danny-phantom-fanatic - memes, mastermind behind “Phantom Bee” which has enough chaotic evil energy to slay me on the spot despite not being finished
@krossan - REALLY good art, person behind the “Legendary Destination” comic, responsible for making me like Dan
@wastefulreverie - fic writer, all her fics are amazing but my fav is “The Misadventures of Wes Weston” which is already a classic
@voidetrap - cursed energy, reblogs
@babypop-phantom - precious jk actually VERY CURSED.  Made memes for all of Dannymay which is an inhuman feat.  Also helped run the Phandom Phight Club event with me and inspired the Lexxpocalypse.  10/10 would protect with my life
@ceciliaspen - fantastic art, great ocs, spooky aesthetic, also just a really cool person all around
@phan-pheeking-tastic - the designated Phight Club rodeo clown, reblogs, another chill friendo
@earthphantom - objectively the cutest art in the phandom sorry I don’t make the rules
@fruitloopghost - my favorite Vlad art, makes some quality memes, also good tony stark art but that might be less relevant to your interests
@lexosaurus - you’re probably already following her but. Cursed memes, high quality content, a 10/10 human OH AND SHE WRITES “EVERYTHING WAS WHITE,” one of the highest quality angst fics I’ve seen which is saying a LOT for the phandom
@reallydumbdannyphantomaus - exactly what it says on the tin. Bug won the Phandom Phight Club event (a meme-making tournament) which should tell you how high quality their blog is, author of the “Switch” au where Kwan was there for the portal accident instead of Sam and Tucker (still a wip but very, very good so far)
@lumanae - more of a multifandom blog, but has some high quality contributions such as the Body Pillow au, the Endoskeletons Post, and finding other cursed content in the phandom.  a 110/10 friend who deserves someone to play switch games with, would also die for
@d-o-t-s - one of my favorite DP artists, super sweet and nice 10/10 would hug
@mysteriie - multifandom artist, mostly comics, does the Danny B. Fenton au and Danny/Ben10 stuff which is mega high quality
(sorry for the long post lol I might have still missed some people and if so I apologize i love u all)
EDIT: I keep editing this post bc I’m already remembering people i forgot R I P
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lexosaurus · 6 years
I have being trying to figure out what the lexxpocalypse but I got no idea Do you mind explaining or giving me a link to an explanations? Cause from what I saw it looks fun
Oh hahaha yeah you good!
So crash course: I make a lot of bad jokes and sometimes I drink alcohol and then subsequently post onto my dumpster fire blog that is This Very Blog so i made one too many vore jokes and someone made a parody account of this one naming themselves lexovorus and then someone made a tumblr bot called lexobotus that just like posts using words from actual posts I’ve made and the phandom saw that and just…ran with it. Suddenly like 40 parody blogs around my name popped up. And some of them started leaving lil hints as to who they were so phandom member d-o-t-s went “huh im good at riddles” and started lowkeye solving them and outing blogs like a motherfucking BOSS and so yeah that’s basically been it that’s the whole story. It’s just like a meme off my name because I got drunk and posted a fic where shrek makes danny vore (read: EAT) vegetables and then i got drunk again and made a vore joke about free real estate ok idk why im like this either im actually not that crazy of a person i swear
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bro….. stealin all my uwus i stg you’re a lot of fun to talk to and i hope we can get to know each other more!! you’re really nice and a great addition to the phandom, and your contributions to the lexxpocalypse were legendary :D also tellin everyone to go read their fic the survivalists cause it’s so good, man…. so good… the first dp fic i’ve read and will always have a special place in my heart. ily laz!!!!
- dots
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ghosttrolls · 6 years
hey, thanks everyone for sending in palette requests!! i have not forgotten about them, but i’ve been feeling sick and have been pretty out of it for the past few days. i still am kinda out of it, but i finally remembered to check my inbox... there’s a fair amount of requests and i want to do them ALL! rest assured, i’ll get on those as soon as i can, and i do still have an event planned for this blog in addition to all this. however, as i mentioned before, i would like to wait until the lexxpocalypse cools down a bit more, as a lot of people on the danny phantom side of things are occupied with solving riddles, running secret blogs, and writing complicated fics beyond my comprehension (side note: great job, everyone! so much work has been put into the lexxpocalypse, and it’s been fun to watch). i don’t want too much going on at once, so i’ll announce my own event later. thanks everyone!
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kinglazrus · 3 years
12, 18, 22
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Another fic that I won't be posting for a while, but The Hunted is a TUE AU where future Val follows Dan into the past and, like him, because a person stranded outside of time and falls under the care of Clockwork. It's a Dark Grey fic that turns into a Dan redemption story.
The story focuses on Val, her struggle with being stranded in the past, and her fears that the future she lived through might still come to be. Lots of moral ambiguity with a heaping pile of enemies to lovers on top of that.
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I would say the lexxpocalypse crackfic, but that was a group effort, so I'm gonna go with my Amethyst Orbs fic. I don't think I can actually say it's wild, but it's my first and only genuine crack fic that I wrote for Ectober week 2020.
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Yes! It depends on what I’m writing and what my mood is. I’ve got a bunch of playlists on spotify that I switch between, including fandom specific ones. If I want to focus I’ll only listen to music without lyrics so I don’t get tempted to sing along. Right now I’m listening to a lot of Low Roar after watching a streamer play Death Stranding. I've got a few Danny Phantom playlists, plus some mood playlists, plus a lot more that I saved from other people.
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phandomphightclub · 6 years
Lexxpocalypse Reveal 3: @lexohsaurus
After a nice night of sleep – protected from nightmares by the security features of Anri’s lair – Dots was ready to get right back into sleuthing.  Though the nightmares had been blocked out, Dots had gotten a few clues in the form of whispers coming to her in her sleep.  Lexohsarus had been the most active; their distinctive speaking style even seemed familiar.  The signal had come through clearer last night, as if they were nearby.  It was as good a lead as any.
Anri was still sleeping, but Dots had too much energy to wait for them to wake up.  Besides, the ectoplasmic trails could go dead at any moment; there might not be time to waste.  She threw on her coat and hat before venturing back out into the Nightmare Valley.
It was just as dark and foreboding as it had been the previous night.  Unsurprisingly, day and night didn’t exactly have an effect on the ghost zone; the ghosts’ sleep cycles were just a shadow of what they had been while living.  Stars glittered in the edges of her vision, seeming to dart around just out of sight.  Dots shivered; maybe she should wait on Anri after all…
But then she felt it – Lexohsaurus was definitely close.  There was a definite sense of shookethness in the nearby void.
But who was Lexohsaurus?  Even if Dots found them, there was no guarantee they’d answer a direct question.  They didn’t have an obvious obsession to try to take advantage of either.
“Crap, wrong blog,” the thought came to Dots through the void.  Wrong blog? Had Lexohsarus made a mistake, left an opening for her to take advantage of?  “Nevermind, fixed it.  Hah, I bet Dots didn’t even notice.”
“That’s what you thought,” Dots said, flying faster.  It was hard to tell which direction she was going – up, down, left, right, it all looked the same in the Nightmare Valley.  But Dots’ tracking skills didn’t let her down, she was getting closer.  And in that brief flicker of thoughts from Lexohsaurus, she’d picked up another signal, that of a ghost she knew: Etherealtulip.
“I knew that voice was familiar,” Dots muttered.  That had to be it; Etherealtulip was even from the Nightmare Valley herself.  It all made sense.
Finally, Dots caught the Lexx in her sights.  They were floating casually among the stars, hands tucked behind their head like they didn't have a care in the world.  Well, Dots could fix that.
“Freeze, imposter!”  She called when she was close enough.
Lexohsaurus cracked one eye open.  “Freeze?  I wasn’t moving, frootloop.”
“It’s an expression,” Dots said in exasperation.  “It means I’m about to bust you, Etherealtulip.”
At that, Lexohsaurus actually did freeze, their swaying hovering motion stopping completely.
“You weren’t exactly careful.  You shouldn’t have hung out right by your old layer.  Or broadcast your thoughts so loud.”  Dots rubbed her forehead.
“Hey, these shook thoughts can’t be contained,” Lexohsaurus said.  “But hey, you caught me fair and square.  Hats off to you, Detective Dots.”  A fedora appeared on Lexohsaurus’s head just for them to be able to throw it at Dots, who caught it out of reflex.  “Good luck exposing the rest of my Lexx kin!”
With that, she winked and let the illusion of Lexx dissolve around her, revealing that Dots had been correct: it was Etherealtulip.  That was a relief. Then Etherealtulip vanished too, leaving Dots in the middle of the Nightmare Valley… with no one else to track… and no clear way back to Anri’s lair.
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phandomphightclub · 6 years
The Lexxpocalypse: Prelude
(AKA, Dots seeks shelter in the Denny’s as she begins the hunt for the Lexx blogs’ true identities)
“...You know we’re supposed to be closed, right?”  Tali asked the lone hooded ghost who sat at the bar of the Denny’s.  Yes, the Denny’s has a bar now.  No, they don’t sell alcohol, because too many of the ghosts are minors and aren’t allowed, but they does sell a pretty legit sea-salt soda, which Tali can’t seem to get anyone to try for some reason.
“I know, I know.  But this is the only place I could go.”  The ghost side and pushed back her hood, revealing the face of the Denny’s own infamous cook, @d-o-t-s.  “I can’t take it anymore.  They’re conspiring against me, Tali.”
“Who is?”  Tali frowned.  Dots leaned over the counter, seizing the neck of her jacket.
“The Lexx blogs,” she hissed, eyes wide.  “They’re everywhere, all over the ghostzone!”
“Lexx… blogs?”  Tali asked while polishing a dumpster-shaped glass.  “Sorry, I was with Technus on a trip to the human world this last week.  Did something happen?”
“Something?  Tali, everything happened.  This is even weirder than the Phight Club.”
“Really?”  She raised her eyebrows.  “I mean, I know the phandom’s been dead so long we’ve all lost our sanity, but I thought it would be tough to beat that.”
Suddenly something banged on the doors.  The dim diddles-piddles lights flickered ominously.
“Don’t take my word for it,” Dots said, yeeting herself over the counter to hide behind it with Tali.  “I think you’re about to find out.”
Then the door burst open, revealing a flood of Lexosaurus duplicates.  They swarmed the Denny’s, laughing and snoring and meming so violently they destroyed half the fidget-spinner shaped tables in under five minutes.  One Lexx even yeeted an avocado that exploded next to Tali’s head.  
“O-kaaaaaay… I’m officially concerned,” Tali said.  “When did Lexx learn how to duplicate?  I thought Bug was the only phighter who did that?”
“That’s the thing!  They’re not Lexx!”  Dots replied, gesticulating wildly.  “These are all other ghosts who’ve changed their appearance to impersonate her!”
“Wow.  That’s some dedication right there.”
“It’s not dedication, it’s – it’s madness is what it is.”  Dots crossed her arms, dodging a door that got thrown behind the counter.
“Hey, repair staff is on break!  Gah…”  Tali shook her head, patting the floorboards fondly.  “The Denny’s wasn’t ready to handle another giant phandom shenanigan so soon.  She needs her rest.”
“Rest is very important to all growing buildings!”  One of the Lexxes said brightly before launching into a lecture on the importance of sleep.
“That one would be Lexosnorus,” Dots explained to the shell-shocked Tali.  “Each incarnation of Lexx has a different theme.  I’ve categorized over twenty-five different species.  I have theories that some may actually be duplicates of the same ghost, but it’s all still in the early stages.”
“...You’re starting to sound like Wes.”
Dots sighed.  “I get that a lot.”
“Hey, it might not be such a bad thing.  You’re going to need his kind of dedication and skill to figure out who all these Lexxes are.”
“Dang right I am.  But I can’t do it by myself.  I’ve got agents across the ghost zone, but no place to base my operations.  You mind if I use the Denny’s?”
Tali shrugged.  “Once we get these Lexxes out of here, it’s all yours.”
“Thanks!”  Dots beamed.  “But… how are we gonna do that?”
“She’s got a few tricks,” Tali said with a smirk.  “Denny’s, engage intruder defense system!  Mark ally D-O-T-S!  Protocol zero-three-YEET!”
As soon as the command was finished, a fierce wind swept through the building.  Several of the Lexxes called out in confusion and chaos as they were blasted off of the premises. “Huh.  That was surprisingly easy,” Dots noted.
“Wind core.”  Tali tapped her chest with a fist.  “Some of the security staff helped set up the link before they went on vacation.”
“They didn’t do a good enough job, apparently,” a mysterious voice said from the other side of the counter.  Tali and Dots both jumped, peering over it carefully.
“Another one?”  Tali whispered, seeing the remaining Lexx clone.  “Why didn’t my security system take them out?”
“That’s their general,” Dots whispered back.  “See the ectoplasm dripping from their mouth?  That’s @lexovorus.”
“Lexov– ugh.”  Tali smacked her forehead before emerging from behind the counter to confront the Lexx.  “Look, we don’t serve vore here, bro.  Besides, we’re closed.”
“I’m not here for you, Tali.  I’m not even here for the Denny’s.  Not this time.” Lexovorus smirked, and Tali frowned.
“Then what the heck do you want?”
“Oh, you’ll see.  But more importantly, Dots will see.”
“I will see!”  Dots shouted, bursting from behind the counter.  “I’ll find out who you are, Vorus!  And all your Lexx friends too!”
Lexovorus chuckled darkly.  “I look forward to seeing you try.”
And with that, Vorus vanished into the shadows.  Dots’ eyes darted around, as if expecting them to reappear at any moment, but the Denny’s was still.
“Sheesh, I leave for one week and everything explodes.”  Tali sighed.  “But you know what’s going on?”
Dots nodded.  “I explained most of what I know.  They’re going around confusing everyone in the ghost zone.  Some of them seem innocent enough, but others…” She shook her head.  “Well.  They all need to be exposed, by the end of this.”
Tali nodded.  “One Lexx is about all the ghost zone can handle, if you ask me.  Do you have a plan for how you’re going to find out who they are?”
This time it was Dots’ turn to smirk.  Her white eyes glowed brightly.
“Oh, I’ve got more than a plan.  Those Lexxes are going down.”
The Lexxpocalypse has been going on for a while, and after some discussion with Dots and some of the Lexx blogs, I’ve gotten permission to make a fic of it a la the Phight writeups!  The other installments will feature Dots herself as the main character as she takes on the Lexx blogs one at a time.  Each post following this one will reveal the identity of one Lexx blog.  The goal is to get at least one installment up per day, but this may vary depending on my schedule.  Posts will be tagged #lexxpocalypse and #lexxpocalypsefic so feel free to blacklist those if you were only following for the Phight!  
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phandomphightclub · 6 years
Sorry to everyone, but Mod Tali is a coward, so I have to be the one to announce that she is dipping out on writing the Lexxpocalypse reveal fics.
She’s a busy gal so let’s do our best to support her. 🤗
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