lexxfics · 7 years
Not All Scars are Permanent
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Meet Adelia Locke, a girl with an attitude. She would remain behind the scenes but something prevents her from doing so - the unmistakable large scar across her face.  It is something that has haunted her when she was little and many people avoid her because of it.
Meet Blaze Wolfhart, a boy with too much energy. Right from the beginning, Adelia believed that he was weird. He didn't even once ask about her scar and when they are put next together in their German class, talking with him is unavoidable.
Will this just be another classic high-school romance story? Or are they going to have to fix whats broken before they can really fall for one another?
~~~ Cover was made by me! XD Thanks to @CrookedShadow for the title! What a badass name, amirite?
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lexxfics · 7 years
Not All Scars are Permanent | 1
Want to read the intro before beginning? Or see who the characters are? Click HERE
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It is full of many wonders and endless possibilities. New and exciting things happen all the time and there are times where it becomes too much and you want to hide away in your hole of safety, keeping the rest of the world locked out. People can go through many stages of this, and I am now currently in the stage of staying in my hole.
It’s not that I choose to keep people out, it’s just that I always bring unwanted attention. Since you probably have no idea what I am talking about I will tell you that I am not the ordinary girl you sit next to in class. I am the one in the back that people always stare at, whispering secrets about and making fun of. Why?
Well, that would be due to the unnaturally large scar across my face. Running from the bottom of my right eye to the left side of my bottom lip, it is something that has haunted me from the day it was brought into my life. No, I wasn’t born with it, if that is what you were wondering. It was from my mother, something I really don’t feel comfortable sharing with others. In due time readers, in due time.
Therefore, this girl before you is one that brings a lot of stares and questions unanswered but I prefer to be alone. I do have one friend however, and without her I think that I could quite possibly lose my mind.
Her name is Cleo. Her full name is Cleopatra (yes like the Egyptian Queen) but she prefers to be called Cleo. With her raven dark hair and piercing green eyes, she is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in my life. But due to her crass words and brash tone, she isn’t as popular as she could be. She is more like a social outcast as you could say. She could practically be the modern emo with how much black she wears but without the dark make-up and nasty attitude that most of the others have at our school.
We are the two weirdos - the ultimate combination. It is a wonder how we ended up together but after being assigned seats next to each other, it was like we clicked. And unlike most other people, she didn’t stare at the scar across my face and was frightened by it. No; she thought it was badass. She wasn’t scared or nervous to ask about it and that is how our friendship began.
So here we are, starting our Junior year of high school - the worst year imaginable. I have heard horror stories from others about how bad Junior year was but I tried not to let it get to me. I was determined to get good grades and head on a great college. It had been a dream of mine, going to a prestigious college that is, for reasons left unsaid for now. It would be better to let you know later, dear readers.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention. My name is Adelia. I have shoulder-length chocolate brown hair that flows in waves and eyes as dark as night.  I am about 5 ft 8, so not ridiculously tall but not really short either.  I love to read and I would rather live in a fantasy world than the one I live in now.
With all that out of the way, let’s get to my first day, shall we?
It started out something like this…
“Adelia, do you really want to be late on your first day?” My father called from the bottom of the stairs. I groaned loudly, not wanting to get out of my extremely comfortable bed. “Do I really have to come up there and drag you to school?” He sighed, getting very impatient. At that, I slowly started to get up, knowing fully well that he would literally drag me down the stairs - he has done it before.
“I’m up, I’m up!” I yelled, hearing his footsteps starting to come up the stairs.
“Good. You have 10 minutes before I drive you to school and embarrass you on your first day!” He said, leaving me speechless. I was terrified at the thought. I already brought enough attention with this scar across my face, I didn’t also want to be known as the ultimate ‘Daddy’s girl’ either. So I quickly ran to the bathroom across the hall from mine and saw that I looked even scarier than usual. My hair was untamed and I had dried drool on the side of my lip. I wiped at the spot, and brushed my unruly hair to something that looked a little less wild.
I lathered on some deodorant, rushed to put on my uniform, and sprayed one spritz of perfume and raced down the stairs. My father, with his stylish dark brown hair stood at the bottom, dressed in a oxford blue suit, with a white dress shirt underneath. He matched it with a baby blue tie, ready to go to work. He glanced up at me and couldn’t help but flash me his signature grin, his dimple showing itself brilliantly.
“Finally ready?” He asked, asking me one last time before we headed out the door. I nodded my head in agreement and headed out the door behind him. As the door shut, I could hear a distinct, familiar honk coming from the driveway. I turned to see Cleo in her small Acura RDX, growing impatient. She waved me over and I gave my father a quick hug and a mumbled good-bye before hopping into the passenger seat.
“Took you long enough!” She exaggerated as I closed the door behind me. “I thought I was going to miss the whole first day.” I rolled my eyes at her over-the-top reaction and buckled myself in.
“Well, sorry that I wanted to sleep,” I stuck my tongue out at her, creating a small giggle from her lips.
“So are you ready?” She asked as soon as we got on the road, headed to school.
“For what?”
“For our first day, dumbass.” She retorted, being her usual self when responding. She has no filter - at all. I shrugged.
“I guess. I don’t know.” I mumbled. I didn’t hate school but I didn’t love it either. I usually liked my teachers and found the homework to be interesting but hated the other students. They looked at me as if I was some kind of monster. Noticing my hesitation, she gently patted my shoulder as she kept her eyes on the road.
“Oh come on, it won’t be that bad! I mean at least we have two classes together this year.” She stated, making me smile. I was honestly happy about that part. We had AP Language and AP US History together, which were two of the hardest classes. Cleo was really amazing at school as well and that was something else that drew us together - our passion to get into great colleges.
“True. But what am I going to do with the classes you aren’t in with me?” I pouted, purposely sticking my bottom lip out a little.
“Just be yourself girl, it’s the best you can do. Show them what Adelia Locke is made of!” She cheered, way too excited for the first day. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Same to you too. Knock them haters down Ducreux!” I then put my fists up in a fighting stance, pretending to fight someone in front of me to prove my point.
“You know it, Locke.” She winked at me, shining her pearly whites straight at me and I couldn’t help but feel her words. Maybe she is right. This year could be different if I put myself out there more. But even if I was ever to make other friends, Cleo would still be my number one. However, the thought of having normal conversations gave me hope.
This year was going to be the best one yet, I could feel it.
I lied. This is going to be the worst year ever.
I haven’t even walked into school yet and I already felt the looks of others gazing down upon me. I would love to think that they were all starring at Cleo but when I looked up and met eyes with some of the students, I knew it was too good to be true. All the excitement I felt in the car drained from me within seconds, facing the reality in front of me.
I instead started to get nervous, wanting to run somewhere and hide away from everyone. Out of instinct, Cleo wrapped an arm around my shoulders, seeming to sense my hesitation. It was like she was saying, 'It is okay Adelia. I am here’ and I could feel myself breathe a little easier.
We walked into school like that, not paying attention to the other people sending glances our way as we headed to our lockers. Cleo’s was not far from mine, about two down, and so we both placed what we didn’t need for our first couple of classes inside, and headed our separate ways.
I wished Cleo could have all the same classes I did but I would have to face people without her, sooner rather than later. I grabbed a school map from one of my notebooks and looked for where my first class was - Physics.
I found it without problems and was happy to realize that I was one of the first ones in the class. With no apparent seating chart, I chose the seat next to the window in the first row. It was one of my favorite places as I felt more comfortable with only one person to the side of me.
It was ten minutes before class began and I proceeded to get my notebook out and started to doodle. It was something that kept me sane and tranquil as I could let my mind wander and my pencil draw whatever it wanted to.
Students started to pile in one after another and of course no one sat next to me. They chose to sit elsewhere, probably wanting to stay away from the 'freak’. Not that I minded - too much of course. But when I heard the familiar voice, the one that has haunted me since the beginning of my freshman year, I could feel my shoulders tense up.
“Well, if it isn’t Scarface,” he teased, trying to get a reaction out of me. I glanced up, to see the familiar smirk of the boy who was out to get me.
Aaron Hale.
He was the one guy most of the girls in our school would drop their panties for. He was the best linebacker in our football team with his dirty blonde hair and eyes so blue you feel like you could swim in them. However, every time I looked in his, I felt like I was drowning instead. It was like it was his mission to humiliate me and the fact that I had this class with him made me want to hurl. He was a grade A jerk, the one you only read about in books or see in movies - the classic bully.
“What, cat got your tongue? Or did someone finally silence you once and for all?” He said, leaning in so close to my face, that I could smell his breath; it smelled like tobacco and mint. Gross.
I stayed silent, not wanting to give him the satisfaction and he seemed to sense this. He opened his mouth to say something else when the bell rang, signaling that class was beginning. With a victorious look, he took a seat in the back, leaving me to my lonesome once more. Oh how I wish I could just kick him where it hurts.  
Thankful, I turned to face the front and listened to the teacher as she gave her introduction to the class. She handed out the syllabus and told us what we would need by tomorrow. The class flew by and before I knew it, it was over. I quickly gathered my things, wanting to get to my next class early as well, when running face first into someone, dropping my notebooks on the ground.
I hastily reached to pick it up, when my hand made contact with another, surprising me. I glanced up and saw someone I hadn’t seen before. He had caramel brown eyes and umber colored hair, something that you did not see often. I stared at him, realizing that he was returning the look, not moving. I blushed slightly, and quickly scrambled to get my things.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, wanting to quickly leave this awkward encounter. Before I could even hear a response from him, I walked briskly down the hall, running towards my next class. I barely made it before the bell rang and I was thankful I wouldn’t have to worry about a seat in this one. I quickly looked for Cleo and breathed a sigh of relief when taking the empty desk beside hers.
“Are you okay?” She whispered, noticing how out of it I was.
“Y-Yeah.” I said, not sounding too convincing. She raised an eyebrow at my response but didn’t pry any further. She is probably going to ask about it later, I thought, pulling out my next notebook. I tried to let what just happen go over my head but I couldn’t stop thinking of the boy I just ran into. The weirdest part though was not that I touched his hand or that we ran into each other. It was the fact that he stared so deeply into my eyes - and didn’t even once look at my scar.
Realizing that I was missing some important information, I shook the thoughts of the mysterious boy from my mind and paid attention to my teacher, wanting this day to be over soon.
So how was it? Good? Let me know how I did in an ask! XD
Don’t forget to also click that tiny heart button in the corner as well so I know you are enjoying the story~
Lots of love and chocolates,
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lexxfics · 7 years
Thank You! T-T
Wow, can I just say that I am surprised!!
I have reached 100 followers!!!
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I love each and every one of you and to thank you all I have a new story coming soon. It isn’t kpop but here is the cast for you all so you can get a look ;)
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Hailee Steinfeld as Adelia Locke
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Ansel Elgort as Blaze Wolfhart
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A Young Emilia Clarke as Cleopatra Ducreux
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Lucas Till as Aaron Hale
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Ryan Reynolds as Mr. Locke (Adelia's Father)
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Isla Fisher as Ms. Borman
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It’s not a kpop fanfic but I wanted to try my hand at something different so ta-dah!! 
I will still post my other fanfics on here as well so no need to fret but thank all of you amazing people and I will see you all here soon!! XD
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lexxfics · 7 years
Bite Me | A Park Jimin Fanfiction
Day 31 | Cute (Ch. 25)
Need a recap? Or new to the story? Click HERE
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It's been one month since this whole thing started.
So much has happened since it started and it seems crazy that so much time has gone by. We are still at the farm as well. I am honestly surprised that we are still here in all actuality. I thought that this place would have been run over by now but I guess I was wrong.
Things have gotten better with Jimin. He doesn't avoid me like he was and is talking to me like normal again. I still wonder what he was going to tell me but I guess whenever he is ready to I will be here.
Taehyung on the other hand...well...I think I like him. God I am such an idiot to be falling for someone at this point in time but I won't bore you with sappy details and how every time he looks at me I melt because that is the exact opposite of what I do.
Instead, I run away. Yeah that's right. Now that I know my feelings, if he even glances at me, I go into hiding like being chased by a monster. He probably thinks I am weird but I couldn't care less. I just don't want to act on these feelings. I have decided to just like him from afar, and instead be friends. It makes my life and his a billion times easier that way so that is that.
Krystal's bump is growing little by little. I think she has finally decided that no matter what happens she is going to do her all protecting the baby, as it is the last thing she has left of Kai. She still cries every now and then but it has gotten a lot better compared to when he first turned. I think she just now focuses on working with the farm with the rest of us.
Lisa and Namjoon are still bickering like crazy. It's less intense then when it was when we first met them though. Maybe they are finally warming up to each other? Who knows.
Jae is still hitting on anything that moves, despite being bedridden all the time. I would usually bring food up to him and he would flirt and crack some pick-up lines and I would just roll my eyes. I think he just honestly likes being the life of the party more than anything.
My father and Jimin's parents are working on building a fence along the farm, wanting to keep it safe. They are out all day, building it to protect us. It's at least 7 feet tall all around, allowing the zombies to not see us if they are close and to distance ourselves from them.
Bomi and Jung-Yoon are always helping with the animals, probably happy to be able to do something. I never got to talk to Bomi after everything that happened that day. I think she preferred that I didn't talk about it so I did just that. I pretended like it never happened.
They said they would be back but we haven't seen a single thing from them yet. It terrified me, thinking that they could bring tons of people and overrun the farm, but I tried to put it in the back of my mind as much as possible.
Yijong always made us food, and brings such a lively atmosphere to the place. I am really happy we were able to find this place. It is safe, for now at least, and we have met some pretty amazing people.
Hyuk and Irene have also started hanging out more often. Everywhere I go, I see the two of them together, laughing or talking. Sometimes I catch Hyuk's eye and give him a thumbs up to cheer him on making him laugh. They are adorable together so I ship them hard. Even if I can't find love in this hellhole, maybe at least those two can.
I on the other hand have been learning how to shoot whenever I have time. Everyone else seems to be better with guns than me and so I need to catch up. There is an area in the back of the fields that has a lot of empty space, allowing me to practice. I put a silencer on the gun I am holding, to keep it from attracting any nearby zombies.
I placed empty cans on the end of an old broken-down tractor that they don't use anymore. I carefully lifted the gun, closed one eye, picked my target, and took a shot. The bullet went flying past the can and instead hit the front of the tractor. I winced at how bad I was.
Being careful again, I lifted once more and did the one thing I remember Kai telling me to do. I closed my eyes for a split second before opening them again. Holding the gun in both hands, I focused in on my target and took a breath in. As I breathed out, my finger hit the trigger, hitting the can right on. Shocked, I did a little happy dance, finally happy to hit one. I turned around in a circle to stop when seeing Taehyung behind me. I immediately stopped, embarrassed.
"Uh, tell me you didn't just see that," I asked, giving him an awkward smile as he laughed. He slowly walked over to me, holding his stomach.
"Nope sorry. I saw everything." Oh god, I am such a dweeb, I thought to myself. He just saw me doing my weird dance. Heavens save my soul. "It was cute though, so don't feel too embarrassed," He stated, leaving me in shock. He just called me cute. Called me. Cute. I quickly shook my head, wanting these thoughts to disapper. No. Don't get your hopes up Av. "How did you get it that second time?" He wondered, probably seeing how badly I missed that first shot.
"It was something Kai taught me back when we were in the cabin. He told me that if you breath out will focusing on what you are aiming at, it helps you get the shot," I explained. "So I did just that and I hit it, thank heavens. I mean I am a horrible shot so every little bit helps," I said, rubbing the back of my head out of nervousness. God, stop talking Av.
"Really? Can I try?" He asked, sticking his hand out. I nodded and handed him the gun, standing behind him as he held the gun up. He took a deep breath in and as soon as he let it out, he took the shot, hitting the next can down. "Daebak, it does work!" He said, ecstatic at this new found thing. He then ran over and gave me a hug, making me freeze. He lifted me up and spun me around out of happiness and then set me back down. I didn't know what to say or do so I stayed still.
What I didn't realize however was that he was staring at me, looking over each one of my features on my face. His face suddenly turned serious as he stared, making my cheeks start to burn. I quickly felt like I had to do something. To get away.
I escaped from his arms and backed up a bit, wanting to keep a distance. Instead I did what I can only do best in situations like this - ramble like an idiot.
"Heh, wow you did awesome! You are a good shot, much better than me, I mean I can barely even hit a can and a can doesn't even move, can you imagine me hitting a walker like wow would I suck I bet you that it would get me before I could even shoot at it and then I would be gone for sure it would totally eat my brains and-" Stopping me mid sentence Taehyung shut me up with the last thing I expected.
He pressed his lips against mine, holding my face up with his two hands. I was shocked beyond belief, not even able to kiss him back. He then stopped all of a sudden, the warmth of his lips still lingering on mine. My face turned beet red as he smiled at me.
"You really are too cute." He said, and I was pretty sure my heart just leaped out of my chest and exploded.
"W-Wait, what- I am so- Wait..." I stuttered, unable to process what just happened.
"Shh, just be quiet," He whispered, leaving me speechless. And then he leaned in once more, his lips gently touching mine. I wasn't as shocked this time as he kissed me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer as he deepened the kiss. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck as I started to kiss him back, not believing that this was actually happening. What did it mean? I don't know, but I only thought one thing.
Screw Rule Number 9.
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