#libtard hypocrisy
icubud · 1 year
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The bathroom cubicle wall at my university has some pretty incredible Twitter energy
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My favourite is this one
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It says 'woke libtards, stop vandalizing the wall'
The hypocrisy is chefs kiss
This one is also pretty good
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The crosses out bit says 'covid vaccine cause autism'
Just like Twitter, it's impossible to tell how much of this is trolling and how much is sincere. Either way, I think it's best to just burn down the university.
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mossyoak78552 · 2 years
"he told me he was a democrat. I asked if I could borrow a tampon" Do you know how many conservative blogs I've come across that the blogger is either a closet queer, bi-sexual, or just a sissy cuckold. Some of those bloggers are pedos too. You fucks are hypocrites!
Fuck you anon pussy. Taking hypocrisy?!? Ur fucken libtards are the very definition of what it is to be a hypocrite. Get fucked. Go change ur tampon cuck
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meandmybigmouth · 20 days
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financialsmatter · 2 years
Sunday Funnies, If You're Not Offended...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week we were bombarded with many memes about the hypocrisy from Martha’s Vineyard. It seems that segments of the sheeple are actually waking up to the realities of liberal hypocrisy and how libtards have a double standard of what’s good for you and me but not for them. And even though the illegal immigrant incident was over one week ago, the outrage continues to be more popular than the queen’s funeral. However, it’s interesting to note that Stinky Joe and Jill were relegated to the 14th row at the queen’s ceremony. Why? Maybe it was because of O’Biden’s history of flatulence.     Or Maybe they didn’t want him sniffing the queen’s coffin.     Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, the Brits want to send a message to the world about disesteeming the colonies (USA) that upended their once powerful tyranny.  At the same time, they know we’re on the same destructive path that caused them to give up their reign as world leaders. Any way you look at it, The Royal snub of O’Biden – along with people in the street chanting “Let’s Go Brandon…F**k Joe Biden” – serves as more proof that the world sees him…and the USA as a laughing stock. Meanwhile, some Brits used the queen’s burial to highlight the darker side of the Royal Family…     And that’s another reason why we publish the Sunday Funnies. We believe it’s important to call these perverts and their bizarre behavior out publicly. They (the Boyz) want us to believe that bizarre is normal. It’s not. Period. And by poking fun at these bizarre people – who want to control us – we hope to counter the madness and frustration that accompanies Turbulent Times. At the same time, we believe that every now and then it’s healthy to be a bit silly…especially in the face of fear mongering, medical tyranny, and especially the threat of WWIII. It’s all the more reason why we won’t apologize…especially if our Funnies just happen to hurt some Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Globalist’s feeeellwwings. And please remember: The Sunday Funnies are not just about our nations bizarre state of politics/finance/beliefs. It’s about awareness of what’s happening in the world that we choose to poke fun at. And, if our funnies/memes/cartoons/etc. provide you with a laugh or two – and/or open your eyes to some stark realities – then we consider that a victory. So, when things tend to get a bit overwhelming, we believe it’s best to remember that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe. And we hope you see the Sunday Funnies as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in. As always, we remind you: As difficult as things might appear, Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And Righteousness Prevails. Thanks again for joining us on this crazy journey we’re on and remember America Was Built by the Brave, Not by the Fearful… ************************************* The Line That Was Edited… “This Now Concludes Our Experiment”     ************************************** Meanwhile, Rumblings Are Rising Over the “Pandemic Being Over” …       ************************************** And As the Word Spreads…     ***************************************** But There Are Those Who Still Want You to Believe the Fake Pandemic is NOT Over…     **************************************** The Message is Clear: Don’t Cook Your Chicken With NyQuil, But Be Sure to Get Your Booster Shot…Hmmmm! Maybe Someone Should Tell Them That the ‘Pandemic is Over’     *************************************** If Your Doctor Says This…Tell Them…     ************************************** A Recent Photo of the Many Doctors Who Still Believe What Their Big Pharma Overlords Tell Them to Think     ************************************* A Valuable Lesson To Be Learned     *************************************** An Actual Quote from A Founding Member of An Organization to Help Refugees     ************************************** Now That the Illegal Immigrants Are Gone, the Real ‘White Privileged’ Crowd Celebrates     *************************************** Question:  How Many Cities Will be Burned, Businesses Destroyed, and People Killed Over the Murder of An Innocent 18-year-old Trump Supporter?     ************************************* This is Especially Scary When You Are a Guest in Someone’s Home     *********************************** Reminder:  Not All Illegal Aliens Are Created Equal     ***************************************** Sign Spotted in Martha’s Vineyard Recently     ************************************* We See Your True Colors Shining Through…     ************************************* Benghazi Comes to Mind…     ************************************ Thanks to Inflation…     ************************************** Slowly But Surely, Playing the ‘Racist Card’ is Losing Its Steam…Rightfully So.     *********************************** Oh, the Irony!     ****************************************** If Sergeant Shultz (From Hogan’s Heroes) Was the White House Press Secretary     ************************************** Reality Check for the Once Proud Libtards     *************************************** And the Truth Is Rooted in Fear     *********************************** When You Put Arguments Over Diversity In Their Proper Perspective…     **************************************** Hmmmm!  I Never Thought About That     ************************************** How to Respond When Liberals Call You…     ****************************************** And One Last Martha’s Vineyard Meme…     ********************************************* In Case You’ve Forgotten About Klaus Schwab’s Build Back Better/Great Reset…     ************************************** Just When You Thought Your Favorite Mac ‘N Cheese Was the Best…       ********************************* ********************************* That’s all for this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies. Unless, of course, you want to see more risqué and/or R-Rated memes. You can find them (HERE). As always, we hope you enjoy our memes/cartoons/rants etc. and that they bring a smile to your face. We definitely love to hear your comments so keep ‘em coming. And although the world seems pretty dark these days, we encourage you to see why you have a lot to hope for in 2022 and beyond (HERE). In the meantime, be sure to share these funnies with friends and family members. Caution: They may get offended. But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often. And be sure to tell them… We’re Not Just About Finance. FYI See You Next Sunday… Invest with confidence. Sincerely, James Vincent The Reverend of Finance Copyright © 2022 It's Not Just About Finance, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Read the full article
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Greater diversity means inevitably that we have less in common, and the more we encourage diversity the less we honor the common good. Any honest and clear-sighted observer should be able to see that diversity is a solvent that dissolves the unity and cohesiveness of a nation-- and we should not be deceived into believing that its proponents do not understand the full impact of their advocacy!
Diversity, of course, marches under the banner of tolerance but is a bastion of intolerance. It enforces its ideological liberalism with an iron fist that is driven by political correctness, the most ingenious (and insidious) device for suppressing freedom of speech and political dissent ever invented. 
Edward J. Erler
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tronmike82 · 6 years
It happened again
Almost every time I find an artist on this site that I like; they turn out to be one of those people who hate Donald trump to the point of insanity. For people who preach love and tolerance; they tend to be some of the most hate-filled people on the planet.
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icubud · 1 year
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tommynationpolitics · 4 years
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I Believe her.. #libtard #liberal #metoo #tarareade #maleprivilege #billmaher #rapeawareness #bidenharris2020 #crimebill #democrat #hypocrisy #potus (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMGiZ-Yrkg_/?igshid=1j2oh9f6qpr6
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hayquetenerpatience · 4 years
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LIBTARD HISTORY: On Oct. 30, 2016, the New York Daily News editorial board:  “FBI Director James Comey’s democracy-bending decision to inform America, 11 days before its presidential election, that the bureau is digging into a trove of additional emails demands the highest condemnation. And he must resign.”
On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”:  “We also know that Comey violated longstanding Justice Department protocol when he decided to disclose the very few facts that he actually did disclose in his letter to the Republican chairs. And we know that he wrote the letter over the explicit objections of Attorney General Loretta Lynch.Taken together, these actions constitute a fireable offense.”
On Nov. 7, 2016, Kurt Eichenwald, columnist for Newsweek:  “James Comey should not simply be fired as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He must be barred forever from any form of public service.”
Nov. 2, 2016:  Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, to Bloomberg News, “I do not have confidence in him any longer.  To restore my faith, I am going to have to sit down and talk to him and get an explanation for why he did this.”
Jan. 13, 2017: When Clinton lost to Trump, Rep. Hank Johnson, D-GA, said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”  Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA, said, “The FBI director has no credibility.”
Jan. 24, 2017: Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-NC, said “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.  “He embarrassed this nation, he possibly influenced the outcome of a presidential election, and he should not hold any position of trust, whatsoever, in our government.”
May 9, 2017:  libtard progressive Democrats lose their minds!  Trump is a TYRANT!
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christianpatriots · 4 years
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Liberal Logic: It’s Okay for People to Loot in Person, but Not Vote in Person The Democrats seem to have no problem with, and are actually encouraging, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa terrorists to “protest” in person whenever and wherever they wish.
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ctrychristian · 4 years
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Liberal Logic: It’s Okay for People to Loot in Person, but Not Vote in Person The Democrats seem to have no problem with, and are actually encouraging, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa terrorists to “protest” in person whenever and wherever they wish.
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vomitdodger · 4 years
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Thank you! Now do election fraud. Seriously. They missed key opportunity here to show the world the evidence. They showed great videos addressing Dem hypocrisy and such. Called them out good. Same for the above referenced videos and tweets which were fraudulent or obviously edited, manipulated and leading. They did a GREAT service by working in the video of the “fine people” hoax that has been circulating for years. Never challenged or played in full by MSM until today because they are covering the impeachment. Much of the Dems argument surrounds Trump claiming election fraud blah blah blah. So he incensed the crowd to riot. The defense team should have worked in Mike Lindells and or Sydney Powell’s videos too. At least part of them. Because you know the MSM and libtards are not looking at them. Opportunity missed.
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thesongthesoulsings · 7 years
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madamekaiju · 7 years
People Of Color
While I was minding my own business some Indian guy pulled over just to call me a n*gg*r. But it's okay because he's not white so he couldn't be racist.
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icubud · 2 years
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