yunomeng · 1 year
Liechbel sship bingo?
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They're so cute istg- the best part is that both can kick ass, Liech just doesn't look like it, I am in full support of this ship ♥️
(At first I was a bit weirded out by the ship until I remembered Liech is 18+ 😭)
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 1 month
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nonsensical (except to me) rarepair i think ive mentioned before. they meet in the arts and crafts store and fight over the last meter of ribbon in stock and the rest is history
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doomspiral · 11 months
top 5 belarus ships?
Lietbel 💗, prubel (mostly platonic), i think amebel is fine but it doesnt compel me, living in peace in her chicken-footed house, and knife (in hand). Surprise #6 ive been mulling over liechbel but i dont have real thoughts yet besides "wamin"
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hopetilia · 7 years
Quick thing I wanted you to know
Okay, I think I just have to say that once because it annoys me like hell!
Dear Hetalians who are shippers of any Shipping that involves a German speaking country, in German you do not say ”meine Liebe” (my love). There are planty of other names we call our lovers like “mein Schatz” (would be my treasure), “Süße(-r)” (sweetie/cutie, with an r it’s for males) or “Schöne(-r)” (beauty, again the r is for males) and many others but not my love. Please, remeber that.
Thanks for reading this.
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hetayuriland · 7 years
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Wondering how people could not ship them
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this new feeling - a belaliech mix
Strange Girl The Zolas / I Wanna Be Your Man Yukon Blonde / Swooner The Zolas / Somewhere Only We Know Lily Allen / Soundcheck Catfish and the Bottlemen / The Shade Metric / Not My Girl Tokyo Police Club / Air Balloon Lily Allen / Lieblingsmensch Namika / Let’s Fall In Love Mother Mother / Born Yesteraday Hollerado / Electric Love BØRNS
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bonjourxrenae · 5 years
the mysterious ms belgium for the ask thing?
A mysterious lady indeed....! 👀
Sexuality Headcanon: A bi icon.
Gender Headcanon: Cis woman.
A ship I have with said character: She’s part of a few rarepairs I have, notably SwissBel and, on one occasion, LiechBel! I also like the usual ships with her (ie. RomaBel) but tbh I’m a little more indifferent about them...
A BROTP I have with said character: LITERALLY her bros. Also Tomato Family. I imagine she’d also get along well with other ladies like S.eychelles or M.onaco?
A NOTP I have with said character: *BIG SHRUG*
A random headcanon: She volunteers at every cat shelter she possibly can, and has adopted at least three cats through them.
General Opinion over said character: Belbel is a bit of an enigma, but I think her truth is a bit less-so? She’s plain, so she tries to stand out. She likes gourmet food and can be a bit nosy and meddlesome. I like her though!! She’ll be a fun character to write in the future! :3
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marching-man-blog · 7 years
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: Germerica or GerIta weeee
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: Can’t do smut, my friends, but other than that, I am fairly open to most things! I won’t do incest. Really, just common sense and all that for do’s and don’t’s is what I apply to what I will and will not do.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I’m kind of a stickler about age gaps. Typically, I go by half plus seven (that’s by physical age for nations), but things can get muddied with nations since they’re actual ages and physical ages rarely correspond in a coherent manner. The age gap can grow as characters age and mature, but when they’re young I like to stay pretty close.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: I would say fairly for serious shipping stuff? I’m always open to attempting things, and I do tend to do a lot of little things with lots of muses, but for me to truly put my heart behind a ship, I’ve got to click with the mun.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?: Hm, I’d say when things get suggestive? Touching below the waist or the chest even really in a-- ah, inappropriate manner or even just really intense making out.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: Morgan’s Feli, @avereforza, aka the sun to Lud’s moon, lowkey with El’s Ivan, @velichie, but I’m fairly sure neither of us are really sure how serious we are about that, Mam, @radiomayak, and I have been Talking about RusGer, so there’s that. I talk a lot with @unvieuxrenard about Francey pants and Lud, too. But all in all, the only actually developing-ish ship I have is with Morgan since unfortunately while talking is awesome sauce, Lud really moves slowly when it comes to romantic interactions. (Also I know Lud is gay, but if he wasn’t @hailcolumbia Amelia is the bae, @pearlsacrossmycollarbones listen it’s a guilty pleasure, @rancorosa Sera and him are nerds whenever they’re together, and @bellasognatrice Chia and him are just... cute.)
In conclusion the ships I have been exposed to and like are Germerica, GerIta, GerFra, RusGer, Germano and... GerKor...... I have reasons for this one... Fite me. I’m interested in GerPan, DenGer, is it TurkGer?? and I won’t do Germancest, GerAus, GerLiech, GerHun-- basically, ships with anyone Ludwig considers family. Of course, I’m always open to others (even if they’re het, ‘cause even though he’s gay it doesn’t mean I don’t like dreaming haha)!
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: I mean, if the thread goes that way or the ask is shippy thennnnn B), but for “serious” shipping, I would like communication. It’s hard for me to get into things for prolonged periods of time without chatting with the mun.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: For funsies? Pretty often! I like different scenarios, and I’m always willing to try things out to see if they would work. I can’t say Lud has really warmed up to any muse enough to really consider it a Serious Ship tm for me yet though. Maybe someday!
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Ya, though recently I have been... reconsidering. But for now, yes!
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: Hm, I hate to say this, but I get obsessed with things really easily, so I want to say in a way, yes? But I’m really just that way about... everything. (Rainy, @self-engineered my main Pru, would know I’m pretty obsessive about German Bros haha which is completely platonic, so it’s not just ships). I’m sorry in advance, guys. 
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: HMMM, that’s honestly really hard uhhh sweats... Germerica....? Sans the ones I’ve mentioned above ^^^, a few off the top of my head are: A LOT of America ships I’ll be listing them on my America blog lollll, annnd okay, I’ll admit most of the ships I’ve RPed have been with my friends’ OCs, but CanUkr, LiechBel, Prumano, France/Russia sounds cute, Pruvakia/SlovPru lol @self-engineered, PruHun, AusHun, FrUK, Russia/Happiness, uhhh yea idk man i’m missing a bunch but hella.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Yo, just interact with me! Shoot me ideas in IM, plot with me, rant to me and listen to me rant lol. Basically, if we’re friends I guarantee you that our muses will end up with some sort of relationship whether it be friendly, familial, antagonistic, romantic or something completely different. But hey, just drop the idea in my IMs, and I’ll most likely be down.
TAGGED BY: @musikleiter & @radiomayak ty guys!
TAGGING: @nastoychivost @avereforza @hailcolumbia @annuitcoeptis @bellasognatrice @velichie @thebeautyofliberty @theblackeagle @landforces @removethewallinourhearts @damnprussia uhhhh I honestly don’t know who has or has not done this so y’all and anyone else who hasn’t done it!! @self-engineered I’m tagging you again, Rainy. No one can stop me.
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
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mantelacuadros · 10 years
Un extra para esta historia crack y caliente, ¡con más crack y calentura!
Porque las acciones de unos repercuten en otro.
Laisa ha recibido archivos nuevos, compartidos por su amigo Matthew, ¡deben ser las fotos de su viaje que le prometió!
Unas 2.000 palabras para que se les suba el azúcar.
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aki-sunshine · 10 years
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Today's prompt is opposites so this pairing came to mind
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meatslappeur · 10 years
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rudemtnlsbn · 10 years
There is always that one pairing that everyone has that they never planned on shipping. It always starts out as, "Oh. That's a weird ship." It slowly moves on to, "It's kinda cute." And then, "Oh my god! Adorable!" And finally, "Why the hell doesn't everyone ship this?! It's my otp!"
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medivha · 10 years
liechtinstein is my baby tbh she's such a cutie like omfg and liechbel is greaT
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blusocket · 12 years
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