#life accident insurance
orcelito · 7 months
I think I cried harder today over my dad's jackets than I did at his deathbed. That was a miserable time of course, a memory that will likely be seared into my brain until I die, but I cried... I think a normal amount, all things considered. More than I ever usually do of course, but I typically don't cry At All. All this free crying is certainly surreal.
The jackets, though. I was put in charge of doing his laundry, because we don't want to pack up dirty clothes. I was expecting it to be unpleasant bc my dad's dirty clothes - gross. But really, it was much more unpleasant in that... those were his. It felt wrong to touch them. Felt wrong to treat his jackets as gross. Because they were just his jackets. They weren't even in the hamper. And then I was remembering him wearing them, and then I was crying. Again. And again. Weeping over these damn jackets.
Then I found a shirt on his bed that still smelled like him. It smelled like a Hug From Dad. And that set me off crying even harder.
In total, I think I cried like 6 times within 40 minutes. It took me that long to finish sorting the damn clothes bc I just. Was a wreck. Like, what are you supposed to do when you're living life like normal, vaguely hopeful bc you're taking steps to secure your own happiness, and then 4 days later you're sorting your dad's laundry because he fucking died. Suddenly. Without a goodbye.
And you have to worry about his lack of a will (even under an ideal situation, only 2 heirs and no conflicts between us, probate's a fucking Bitch), and arranging the funeral, and prepping his obituary, and picking out pictures, and writing a speech bc you want to talk at his funeral, of Course you want to talk at his funeral, but even just thinking about anecdotes you could share has you crying yet again.
I've cried more times in the past 3 days than likely the entirety of last YEAR. And that's WITH my cat, and uncle, and family friend dying. Those all hurt, my uncle most of all, & I was real fucked up over it. But this? This was my Dad. Likely the person I'd have named 2nd closest to me in my life, second only to my sister. He wasn't perfect, but he did so much for me throughout my entire life. All he wanted was to raise us to be happy and independent. And he accomplished it, we're getting by without him, but we still wanted several more decades with him. He was only 57. We should've gotten several more decades with him.
But here we are now. Playing investigators to his life, digging into all his shit, trying to find documents and take inventory of all his things, and learning Many things about him in the process. In his lockbox of sensitive documents, like his SSN and birth certificate and all that stuff, we found an old letter. About a decade old now, written in my hand. Right at the very top, we found that he'd kept the letter I wrote to him telling him frankly about my struggles and the things I wanted him to do better. He kept it. He tried to take it to heart. He looked at it again, sometime more recently than all the rest of the documents. That was on top.
His love for us is evident everywhere. The pictures he has hanging up all over the place, majority of them with us in them. The old fathers day cards placed on display in his bedroom bookshelf. The gifts we gave him, even stupid little knick knacks, placed around his apartment with pride. I wish we'd taken more videos of him. I don't want to forget the sound of his voice. I don't want to forget his smell either, the smell of a Hug From Dad, but I still tossed that shirt into the wash even though it felt like saying yet another goodbye.
It's the suddenness that hurts the most, I think. We were planning on having him help me finally get my license this year. My final words to him, the last thing he would've seen from me, were messages asking up on whether he'd called his car insurance company to make sure there wouldn't be problems. I should've called him more. I don't know if I'm going to learn from this.
I cut my 2 weeks off early to have time to grieve and to work on things for the funeral and settling the estate. The last thing I'd wanna do right now is selling fucking bubble tea in a job I already decided to leave. So here I am without a job, though with potentially two life insurance policy payouts to come. Inheriting half his 401k. Inheriting couches, knickknacks, keepsakes, paintings, art pieces, maybe even his guitar and other furniture if we can figure out what to do about space (I don't have room for this furniture, I don't know if I even have room for the couches, but God do I want to keep so much of this furniture). It has me even considering keeping one of his guns, just one. A tiny little revolver, it sits so comfortably in my hand. I don't even want to use it for anything. I just want to have it, keep it stored in a drawer with its ammo kept separate. I don't like guns, but this is a part of him. He loved collecting guns. He was about as responsible with them as someone can be, keeping them locked in a lockbox and impressing upon his children the importance of gun safety (I've known the basic gun safety rules ever since I was a little kid. Of course, of course, of course.) It reminds me of him. It's horrifically easy to have a gun in Indiana. I apparently don't even need a permit to carry anymore. (I have no intention to ever carry this in public.)
It's all a cycle. Business, grief, thoughts about my future. Round and round, like the most nauseating carousel in existence. I don't know how I'm still so functional. My skills with compartmentalization have been my lifesaver.
And im just thinking about the story my dad's best friend shared today. About a friend of theirs who lost her father. She reached out after hearing about my dad to share his words with her: "it's okay to grieve, but don't make his death your life".
He explicitly referenced himself in this, saying if he were to die suddenly that he wouldn't want us to define ourselves by it. Grief is expected, but he wants us to be able to move on. He's always wanted us to establish ourselves and make ourselves happy. He wouldn't want to be a weight holding us back from that.
So every time I start to feel guilty for thinking about having nicer furniture or using his life insurance payout to fund the rest of my college, I remind myself of that. Thinking about the material isn't a bad thing. I'm only human. And in the end, he'd Want me to be thinking about it. He never intended to die, certainly not without warning like this, so he would've only encouraged me being pragmatic about it all.
He only ever wanted us to be happy. So I need to do what I can to live up to that.
I love him. I miss him already.
#speculation nation#negative/#this got really long on accident. but i think typing this out was really helpful for me.#getting the thoughts out. processing. the works.#nearly cried several times just from writing this.#...and honestly i might reference this again when i start seriously writing my eulogy.#things suck a Lot right now. and i really wish they were different.#feels like i picked a bad choice in a video game and am now seeing the Bad Ending or whatever#all i need to do is reload a previous save. it's all still there. perfectly preserved in my memories.#but... that's all gone. as suddenly and unfair as it is ive been thrust into a new chapter of my life so thoroughly.#it's not all bad though. he wasnt prepared for dying so it's been hell to prepare for him#we dont know if we'll even be able to get into his fucking iphone. stupid piece of shit.#but he had life insurance. he had a union job. and That comes with benefits#(something about a year's salary going to the family. aka half a year's salary to Me. and isnt That mind boggling.)#as much as it hurts im going to be realistic about it. im going to do what i need to finish my education.#and im going to use it as a springboard for finally becoming a 'proper adult'.#the kind who could own a nice kitchen fridge. one with an ice machine on the front of the door#and freezers in the drawers.#maybe then i could think about getting motorcyle lessons. not from my dad as i originally wanted#but i wanna keep the family biker spirit alive. i wanted it even before he died. and now i want it even more.#ive had so so many thoughts. it's only been 3 days. ive had to emotionally numb myself several times just to Get Through It.#everything is exacerbated. my mom wants to go to the funeral. we will have to fight her on this. my dad Hated her.#and i certainly dont fucking want her around either. not then. not when im talking about my dad.#(my dad. my Dad. i saw him die. i felt him cold. i do not regret it. it still hurts me.)#it's overwhelming. i loved him so fucking much. even with his flaws he was truly an amazing father.#i'll... shut up now. if you read this far. well. hug your loved ones a little tighter. you never know when youll lose them.
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monicaalexandraaa · 3 months
I love having a 37 year old sister because she knows so much and gives me the best advice and solves all my problems lmao
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talentforlying · 1 year
sometimes the meta in my drafts are long machiavellian treatises on the nature of constantine's villains reflecting parts of himself like twisted mirrors and other times it's just a single sentence of me realizing that nbc constantine is in america with no fucking health insurance.
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josephtrohman · 1 year
i just bought a new (to me) car. finally.
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garak-pussy-indulgence · 10 months
waiting until February is gonna be fucking stupid I wanna do it now
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supernovasolace · 1 year
When life gives you lemons, sometimes it takes a while to find out what kind of lemonade you can make with them. That, or sometimes it's not the kind of lemonade you can drink yourself, but the kind you can share with others when they need it most.
I'm no stranger to lemons. I got hit by a bus on Christmas in 2016, which both injured me and totaled my car. I was then plunged headlong into the overwhelmingly complex, years-long aftermath that is the insurance/legal process. I was woefully unprepared to deal with this and I made a lot of mistakes, but I also gained a lot of experience navigating the system. Later on, I was able to make unexpected lemonade by leveraging that experience into a job at an insurance agency, which got me out of retail and was a nice gig for a couple years.
In 2022 I got rear-ended, again totaling my car and injuring me to the point where it cost me a manufacturing job I loved. You'd think I'd have at least had the benefit of a more positive outlook on dealing with the fallout, given the wealth of experience I'd gained. NOPE. If anything, this time I felt infinitely worse, because I knew what a nightmare scenario I had ahead of me. I'm still dealing with the mountain of paperwork this incident created, and I likely will be for years.
But today I found another opportunity to make lemonade. A friend got in her first accident yesterday, and a multi-car pile up at that. She's fortunately not injured, but her car got pretty mangled. The timing was horrible as her honeymoon is only two weeks away. She was totally lost on how to get her car fixed and panicking about her non-refundable plane tickets.
I saw her post and I knew exactly what to do in that moment. I reached out and reassured her that everything was going to be okay. I told her I'd been through this process twice before, and she wouldn't need to figure it out alone. I walked her through everything she could expect to happen over the next few months, answered all of her questions, and helped her set up a free consultation with an attorney later today. Basically, I just tried to be the friend that I wished I'd had to guide me after my first accident.
My friend felt so relieved that she didn't need to worry about rushing to find a body shop or having to reschedule her honeymoon, and she's excited that her lawyer will be able to handle everything for her so she can relax and enjoy her trip. I'm sure the paperwork will still be miserable, but it can wait.
I'm glad I could make an unfortunate circumstances a lot less stressful for a friend in need. The lemonade wasn't for me this time, but it still tastes just as sweet.
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paolopolese23 · 1 year
Polose Financial Group is more than just an insurance provider - it's a company founded on the belief that everyone deserves peace of mind and protection.
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nyatawia · 2 years
Being absolutely miserable for 5 months in another country to then return home, start feeling better and then get into a car accident 😃maybe living wasnt meant for me idk
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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All-American Comics (1939) #19
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beemawala · 2 months
The Workman Compensation Policy, also known as the Employer’s Liability Insurance, is designed to provide financial protection to employers against liabilities arising from workplace injuries, occupational diseases, or death of their employees. Coverage for medical expenses, disability benefits, and legal costs is offered, ensuring that employees receive timely compensation and support in case of work-related accidents or illnesses. The policy is considered essential for businesses to comply with legal requirements and to demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their workforce.
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heyitslapis · 3 months
well since i cant afford the clinic visit, im gonna go to the cvs and see if they sell foot boots/braces/casts so i can at least keep it mostly immobile while it heals
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idledreams4 · 4 months
Weird question
but how tf am I supposed to deal with Persephone pretending to be someone else so that she can keep talking to Zoe and running her cult on here: while completely cutting me out of her life
(feel fee to ignore the tags on this one. I just go on a big long ramble about a hypothetical situation that was never going to happen)
#No I can't just tell Zoe she's not allowed to speak to her mother anymore. I don't want to do that either#It would actually destroy her and she's supposed to be having the happy normal childhood that I didn't get#but istg if we had been married and Zoe was an actual child: the divorce and subsequent custody battle would have been less messy than this#And believe me Persephone would be fighting tooth and nail to get full custody. She could probably win too#but that assumes there would even be a divorce and she wouldn't just kill me so it looks like an accident and take the life insurance money#though she did say she wanted to hurt me worse than all the women in Whitechapel so... idk how she'd explain that one to the cops#Cause she'd be outdoing Mary Jane Kelly's murder#it would definitely be impressive. I just don't know how she'd get away with it#I wouldn't really care if that's how things ended. Her killing me would be wayyyyyy preferable to her leaving me#Plus I'd get to go out like a Jack The Ripper victim. obviously I'd be happy lol#I just wouldn't be very happy if she wound up behind bars and got my daughter thrown into the foster care system.#or worse: living with either of our mothers. or our brothers for that matter. Luckily my brother probably wouldn't want to take her#but I don't want Zoe anywhere NEAR her family and I'd prefer to keep her away from my own as well.#But they'd try to place her with our next of kin despite us both being heavily estranged from our families.#not that most foster homes are any better than what we grew up with#But we weren't married or living together and Zoe will sadly never be an actual child#My heart breaks every time I'm forced to remember I'm never going to see her grow up and she's going to stay a child stuck in an aging body#idle speaks#queenie rambles
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cosmicseapop · 7 months
So far, 2024 has been the bane of my existence
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3ammonologue · 9 months
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NYT crossword from Dec 29, 2023 Screen Shot 2023-12-29 at 8.34.13 AM
just a reminder to a) actually file the prostho claim and b) a reminder of all that I've been through since the accident.
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heartlandhealth · 9 months
Since 2005, Heartland Health Insurance has helped thousands of families get the world-class health insurance plans they desire. Our tight-knit team of experienced, licensed insurance brokers specialize in medical health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, medicare supplements, critical illness, accidental, and so much more. Check out our reviews online at https://g.page/Heartland-Health-Insurance!
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universalinfo · 10 months
Smart Strategies to Economize on Rental Car Insurance
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Embarking on a trip and renting a car can be an exhilarating experience, offering you the freedom to explore destinations at your own pace. However, the excitement can quickly diminish when you're faced with the daunting task of deciding on rental car insurance. The extra costs can add up, making a significant dent in your travel budget. But fear not, as there are savvy ways to ensure you're covered without overspending. This blog post will guide you through practical tips to save money on rental car insurance, ensuring that you remain protected on the road without breaking the bank. From understanding what coverage you already possess to weighing the merits of different insurance options, we'll equip you with knowledge that's both economical and wise. So, buckle up as we drive through the essentials of economizing on rental car insurance.
Leverage Your Existing Insurance Policies
Before you sign up for any additional insurance at the rental counter, it's crucial to examine your current insurance policies. Often, your regular auto insurance policy extends to rental cars, providing you with the necessary accident insurance coverage. However, it’s important to call your insurance company and confirm the specifics of your policy. Additionally, some credit cards offer rental car coverage as a perk for cardholders. Reach out to your credit card company and ask about the details of their coverage. By fully understanding the extent of your existing coverage, you can avoid redundant insurance policies and save money.
Evaluate Rental Car Company Insurance
Rental car companies typically offer a variety of insurance options at the counter. While it might be tempting to choose their accident insurance for peace of mind, it’s essential to evaluate the cost against the coverage. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) are common options that cover vehicle damage or theft. However, these can often come with a high daily rate. Scrutinize what each policy covers and decide if it’s worth the extra expense. If your existing insurance or credit card doesn’t fully cover you, it might be a prudent choice to opt for the rental company’s insurance — but only for the coverage you need.
Beware of Overlapping Coverage
When considering accident insurance for your rental car, be wary of overlapping coverage. This occurs when two insurance policies provide the same coverage, resulting in unnecessary additional costs. To avoid this financial pitfall, review all your insurance policies thoroughly. This includes your auto insurance, credit card benefits, and any travel insurance you may have. By understanding the coverage of each and ensuring they do not overlap, you can opt out of superfluous coverage offered by the rental company. This careful review can lead to significant savings and a more streamlined insurance strategy for your rental car.
Consider Insurance Alternatives
Another way to save on rental car insurance is to look for reputable third-party insurance providers. These companies often offer rental car insurance at a fraction of the cost compared to what you would pay at the rental counter. The key here is to shop around before your trip and compare rates and coverage. Make sure to read reviews and check customer feedback to ensure that you choose a reliable insurer. Opting for a third-party insurance plan that provides adequate accident insurance can be a cost-effective alternative that doesn't compromise your protection.
Understand the Geography Clause
Insurance policies often have geographic restrictions, and this is especially true for rental car insurance. Some policies may not offer accident insurance coverage in certain countries or states. Before traveling, clarify these clauses with your insurance provider. If your current coverage falls short while you're traveling abroad or to a different state, consider a temporary add-on or a policy specifically designed for travelers. By being attentive to the geographical limits of your insurance, you can avoid being caught off guard by uncovered claims, which can end up being more costly than the insurance itself. For more details visit us at https://www.thejordaninsuranceagency.com/.
Skip the Extras
Rental car companies often push additional services such as roadside assistance or personal effects coverage. While these services can be beneficial, they may not be necessary. For instance, your personal auto insurance or travel insurance policy may already provide similar benefits. Furthermore, your credit card might offer roadside assistance as a complimentary feature. Declining these extra services when you’re already covered will help you maintain a leaner insurance budget.
Read the Fine Print
Before deciding on any insurance policy, it's critical to read the fine print. Understanding the terms, limitations, and deductibles will prevent any surprises in the unfortunate event of an accident or theft. Pay close attention to the specifics of the accident insurance coverage, such as the events and damages covered, the process for filing a claim, and the time frame for reporting an incident. Being well-informed can save you money in the long run, as you'll be able to make an educated decision on what coverage is necessary and what is excessive for your needs.
In conclusion, while rental car insurance is an essential consideration for any traveler, it doesn't have to be a source of financial strain. By doing your homework, leveraging existing policies, considering third-party insurance, understanding geographical clauses, skipping unnecessary extras, and reading the fine print, you can ensure that you're not only protected but also prudent with your expenses. Remember that the goal is to strike a balance between being adequately insured and not overspending on redundant coverage. By following these strategies, you'll be well on your way to saving money on rental car insurance, allowing you to allocate more of your budget to enjoying your travels. Safe travels and savvy savings go hand in hand, so take control of your rental car insurance with confidence and cost-effectiveness.
Read More:
Guide to Securing Car Insurance
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