#life is so crazy i never thought itd turn out this way
tangledinink · 5 months
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two years and four weeks ago exactly.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
the last post omg !! i love the idea sm!! not to mention yandere enstars self aware au in general ugh i could read thru this series all day 😩😩 the scenarios and characterizations r just so amazing ^^
but talking abt the last post, i think itd be really interesting to see what the player wrote in their diary!! like anzu is sharing what the player wrote, and theres stuff like "[character(s)] used to be my favorite, but it seems like theyre really mean/different/unempathetic in real life and i dont know how to feel anymore" or "i really want to go back home, and if i do ill probably delete enstars because i cant look at these characters the same way" "these arent the characters i fell in love with"
like the panic !!! the guilt!! the namechecking LMAOOA and if the player mentions one character specifically the rest would be quick to lash out on them even though they werent any better. and if to distract themselves the isekai'd player downloads another game to replace enstars......like "i downloaded project sekai/bandori/twst etc to try and forget abt enstars" and they go crazy 😭😭😭
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Awww thank you so much for the sweet words, they really do mean a lot! I´m glad you´re enjoying the AU ^^
This ask is referring to this
gn reader
tw yandere, mention of player being treated badly
How do the characters react to the contents of your diary? How do they feel about seeing you be so miserable?
Well, what you wrote in your diary of course depends on the person as some might be more comfortable with sharing all of their thoughts than others. I do think it´s very likely that you would rant about your terrible experiences here though and how awful you feel with the way eveyone is treating you! I mean it´s only natural, right? You´ve loved these characters for so long and now they´re being so horrible to you!
You only have the twins to talk to and even they feel sort of...off. I mean they look almost exactly like you, isn´t that crazy?? So you turned to your diary and started venting
Of course there is going to be a huge uproar once Anzu finds your diary and shows everyone. They immediately feel horrible and very guilty about the way they treated you all this time. They thought you were at fault for their beloved player disappearing but you actually are the player! They put you through all of this when you didn´t do anything wrong at all
So they need to know. They need to know what you think and feel so they can try to convince themselves that there is still hope. Everyone is hoping that maybe your view of them in particular wasn´t quite as bad.
They all panic so much when they read your entries, when you recount how everyone either ignores you or is actively malicious. You loved all of these characters so much but how are you supposed to feel now? You liked them  but now they showed their true face. You just wish that you could escape it all and go back home so you´ll never have to think about them again. You´re so hurt and every day you can´t help but wonder if you did something wrong to draw everyone´s ire.
With every word that is read, their heart starts breaking more and more. They love you, they´re supposed to make you happy! But you´re actually miserable because of them..
You can bet that diary is going to be ripped out of Anzu´s hands because everyone wants to take a look and see if they were mentioned by name. What do you think about them? Do you hate them now? Oh, they simply can´t bear the thought!
They don´t want to believe that all hope is lost.... so yes, if there is one person in particular that was mentioned a lot then everyone is going to gang up against them. They know they weren´t any better, that they hurt you just as much, but they want to have someone they can push the blame onto. As long as there is another person you hate more than them, they can keep on going. They can act as if they weren´t the ones to make you feel so miserable.
Because they love you! They adore you more than anyone else! They´re so so sorry, please let them make it up to you! Don´t delete the game! Please please please don´t install a different game, don´t replace them!
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chubearr · 3 years
jwcc s5 predictions??
mainly my take on daniel kon and if he could be the actual next villain in the next season...
its just bc i think kenji's dad being an automatic "good guy" is just too easy.
we know he was the one who told kash to keep going with the dino fights and was really strict with him. the guy legit runs mantah corp— or at least is one of higher ups (don't remember which, either way, no good). and from what we can assume, mantah corp is super greedy.
they're probably the reason why kenji's family got so rich and was able to live so lavishly— esp in the dinosaur department. so even if daniel kon was a nice guy, he's definitely not going to turn sides so easily bc he bascially owes MC everything, and could lose everything if he betrays them.
let's say he really does care abt kenji like a normal dad, but since work makes him rarely around its like "a sacrifice he is willing to make" so that his son can live a rich life. that could work too, and maybe all of this IS for kenji, even though he has 0 clue it's doing more harm than good.
i saw fans saying kash is going to plan something or get daniel killed, and that could be a possibility i guess? i mainly think kash is all talk, and since his boss is physically here its too intimidating to try something.
but ig it could go something like:
daniel kon still wants to continue work but with the kids in the way he makes BRADXs keep them confined, kash would rather just get rid of them but obv boss isnt gonna kill his own son, over time and some talking kenji manages to convince his dad to change sides, last minute kash betrays daniel using the BRADs and gets him killed.
like i could see it, but thats super dark for jwcc. i mean obviously we've had so many deaths, but they were never actually connected to our kids— other than darius's dad, but his was a past event —so killing off daniel kon, right in front of kenji, the season where he's barely having the spotlight, just wouldn't seem right. i wouldn't put jwcc past it and it would be something new, but i don't think itd be allowed (also thats so dark wth)...
if anything the same thing above ^^^ happens, but daniel doesnt die and instead fights along side the kids and we get some father-son bonding finally (and i want daniel's take on kenji's new girlfriend hehe), that would be a better way to go.
however, no matter what, considering when he's revealed in the last ep— his first lines in front of the kid +co who were ruining his work:
"You shouldn't leave important devices like this around."
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it's such a villain intro. Kash starts him off my saying 'Boss' and you just know its the real big-bad. and the way Mr.Kon casually walks in basically taunting the kids, letting them know they made a mistake, is just so intimidating itself (and i'm pretty sure he was the one who came and bailed Kash out and then made this whole plan to trap the kids. like intellect +100)... whatever he plans for this kid and his helpers are unknown bc hes a new threat and that's whats scary. at least with kash we know he is crazy, but stupid crazy (like he's actually a genius but as a villain he's dumb)
"They could fall into the wrong..."
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then he sees the kids, and not only that but his own son.
so when he first appeared and kash was freed, he says 'its no wonder you got outsmarted by a child'. singular. child. so we can assume they knew there (was darius, but had no clue who the helpers were, maybe mae but last time they knew she should be dead). so they don't even know there's other kids.
when kash sees them, its not an impact bc hes crazy and down to kill kids anyway.
but then daniel kon sees them. he could either be in shock that it's just more kids, or just bc its his own son— who he thought died back in nublar (also add maybe because of kenji's death he decided to just go off and do whatever the heck MC needs bc now he has nothing to lose, which is sad asf).
so i think it can go this way:
- mr.kon continues with work but keeps the kids confined so they dont interfere, but they eventually find a way and try to stop this whole project for good. daniel gets redeemed by his own son and kash ends up being the villain still because of his control of the BRADs (his ring was super foreshadowed this season, so i think the focus will be to get it or destroy it next season).
but what if,
- mr.kon continues with work but keeps the kids confined so they dont interfere, but they eventually find a way and try to stop this whole project for good. he is the actual villain and takes kenji by his side, wanting him to inherit his place for when kenji is older. this divides the kids and kenji, whos torn about choosing his dad or his real found family.
EITHER WAY kash is gonna die next season bc we havent had a death in so long, and he's the perfect candidate.
him and also maybe mae, bc shes been alive for too long knowing this show.
maybe her death could even make daniel reconsider his life choices? but also consider the fact when she fake-died and kash relayed the message to daniel, it didn't seem like he was bothered (it could also be bc his depression over his son's death— again maybe even the whole reason he was doing these terrible things).
tldr, i want daniel kon to be a villain in some way no matter what— they could do so much angsty and heartaching things with him.
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and look at their reactions... next season is gonna hurt no matter what.
save my son pls.
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demadogs · 2 years
Honestly I would have no byler doubt at all if it wasn’t for the damn monologue. I know it’s been analyzed to death on why it wasn’t completely genuine and it does make sense but then I start to think why the duffers would even do the monologue in the first place if they were going to breakup marijuana next season. I keep thinking of when they hyped it up before vol 2 came out and said it’s Finn’s best performance. It’s driving me crazy because the way it was set up with using Will’s feelings for Mike to even be able to tell El he loves her means they really fucked up if it isn’t actually a setup for byler to happen next season. If they really just used Will’s love for Mike as something to get McNugget back together I’ll be so upset. :(
i understand your thought process and i did completely agree with you at one point but i think ive grown to actually appreciate the purpose of this monologue. i do however still think el should have broken up with him this season for sure.
to answer what the point of it was if theyre just gonna break up anyway, i think it was entirely for el’s arc. for her to realize that she’s finally heard those words she needed to hear but it didnt change anything. she still wasnt happy. we see that based on the fact that they share zero dialogue and barely acknowledge each other after that scene. youd expect her to hug and kiss him and say she loves him too but she didnt. i dont think she believed it because the only other time he said he loved her was also a tense life or death situation. he cant say it just casually.
also just the ratio of byler to mlvn evidence just points so aggressively towards byler that even on july 1st i wasnt even thinking “we got queerbaited :(“ i was just astronomically confused because the way they set up volume 1 it completely looked like mlvn was bones ESPECIALLY considering it wasnt just “look!! byler!!” it was also “look at all of mlvns problems!!”. and that couldnt have been queerbait because THEY DIDNT KNOW ITD BE IN TWO PARTS!!!!!!!!! so its not like they were like “ok lets build up byler and gain an audience for a month and then redeem mlvn”. they didnt know they would be doing that when they were still in production.
in just volume one we got (and these are just the biggies not everything) a very shitty “im not gay” bro tap instead of a hug after not seeing his best friend for months, el lying to him about being so happy and having so many friends in lenora because shes insecure about their relationship, mike being so fake too by avoiding eye contact with her and not seeming that engaged in whats going on the way she is, ignoring will but then listing off all these things he noticed, INSISTING that theyre just friends even tho will didnt even imply that he meant anything romantic, a track called IN THE CLOSET playing when MIKE SPEAKS, mike and els fight and el crying because he never says he loves her and he kinda gaslights her and turns it back around to the bullies and mouth breathers, “its hawkins its not the same without you”, the tripple take. theres literally so much.
ALLLLL that doesnt get erased just from one scene. and again, it wasnt initially intended to be in two parts so no, their thought process could not have been queerbaiting for why there was so much byler in volume one and not two.
i understand why the duffers said this was finns best performance. this would probably be an incredibly difficult thing to act out. its not just a love confession, its a love confession that he doesnt mean. but the audience doesnt know that. it couldnt be so obvious that EVERYONE immediately picks up on it being fake buts its still gotta be a little suspicious. he needed to put just the right amount of emotion so people may like it but also start to question it.
also his micro expressions are really good. this is not the face of someone about to tell the love of his life his feelings. its someone whos about to do something he doesnt want to do.
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i honestly really hope next week we get the script for this scene. even if it doesnt give insight to mikes feelings, seeing el’s pov would also be really interesting. plz vote for it if its an option.
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merakiui · 3 years
not one of the prev anons who sent in asks abt who you'd befriend/avoid but you asking that got me thinking so dont mind if i share my thoughts~ (or just delete this if its just a text wall 💀)
adeuce+grim is obv yes to befriending tho itd definitely take me a while to warm up to grim because i find him dumb n annoying in a bad way esp at the start 💀
i also think that id end up befriending the heartslabyul gang by hanging out w adeuce so much. i think id get along w trey, cater, n riddle rly quickly but mr dormleader might have second thoughts once i get comfy arnd them because id be teasing him n his rules like crazy 💖 id also love to join trey w his baking.
as much as id like to befriend leona, i dont think id be able to considering hes always off skipping class n sleeping. he definitely has my respect tho for his intellect n abilities even if he doesnt always use them. given the opportunity, i think id definitely get along w him.
id love love LOVE to befriend octatrio. the tweels are so unnecessarily ominous n i live for it. id also definitely end up bonding w azul via the board game club. considering the living conditions in ramshackle n the fact the MCs allowance is probably just enough for basic subsistence, i might do part time work in mostro but its a big maybe n if i go through with it, id probably go back n forth w azul over the contract because reading the fine print is smth i learned early in life 😔 im also super interested in marine life n am in the aquarium hobby hehe. while i only take care of freshwater fish, im definitely interested in sealife as well! would love to see their merforms esp azul 😭 pls id just be cooing all over him bcs octopus?? CUTE??? 😭😭😭 that aside the octotrio is a grp id definitely get along with easily i think.
also if any of them ever glimpse at my twst board on pinterest id be done for as well w the amount of azul pins there
speaking of board game club, id definitely end up bonding w idia n ortho over there too. the moment i have access to video games, its all over 💀responsibilities? never heard of them. i play many many games aside from gachas n consumed my fair share of anime n manga. if theres nothing stopping me, id end up weebing out in degeneracy alongside idia.
i might end up befriending lilia n silver over video games too if i ever end up playing an mmorpg, which i would given the chance 💀i love ff14 as well so its smth id miss once im in twst.
if i ever encountered malleus on an evening walk then i think itd go down the same way it did in game. he seems like a cool guy id enjoy chatting with.
as for people id avoid, probably rook and sebek 💀 i like my privacy so rook just kinda puts me off in general with the whole stalking thing. i see sebek as one of those ppl whos fun to watch but irritating to be with for an extended period of time. like yeah i think id be able to banter off of him but hearing him yell abt malleus is gonna get old at some point 💀
i think id also be intimidated by vil because hes so capable in things i couldnt be bothered with?? like fashion n self care are things that i kinda do the bare minimum for?? like yeah i like cute clothes n have some n yeah i use face wash n lotion but like?? he takes it all to the next dimension??? w azul its different bcs i share interests w him n hes the type who can either thrive or turn into mush w banter but vil? man probably takes it all in stride or would turn it all back on me. also my eating n sleeping habits are an utter mess n it kinda shows so once i catch wind of him fussing over epel all the time, thatd be my cue to watch respectfully from a distance. also he made a super potent poison to become dorm leader n thats both very cool and very scary. i think id get along w him if i ever got over my intimidation n he ignores my perpetually messy state tho
this ended up way longer than i thought it would 💀💀 apologies if its too much of a dump but i enjoyed writing this ask 😅
It seems like you would get along well with most of the students!! :D I can understand your hesitation with Vil. With his reputation he can seem a little intimidating, especially since he’s very concerned with his appearance and such. He could say the most backhanded things all while claiming they are helpful tips. And they probably are. Most of them are just spoken in a very…Vil way. orz
But for the most part, from what you said it looks like there would be many great friendships!!!
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scandeniall · 4 years
falling in love
Pairing: sakusa x reader
Warnings: none for once ??? Usual college/aged up
A/n: Yeah it’s almost 3am and I just soewed this out. Idk if it even makes sense but I wanna be in luv with him lol. Also; the references to no limit to you (bc even months later it’s still top 3 one of my fav things I’ve ever written)
Falling in love with sakusa is slow and steady. Its weeks of being an acquaintance and friend of a friend. You were friendly enough, considerate of his space and that he wasn’t the most outgoing guy in the world. Paying attention when he made his way into the conversation as you all sat at a group dinner. It’s the not shoving your social media in his face unlike other people trying to get a highly sought after athlete to follow them.
It’s months of getting to know one another as friends ignoring the tiniest spark whenever you two would meet up for lunch. So tiny, it could’ve been a hallucination. Getting his number one night as the two of you found yourselves outside of a party (one he’d been forced to go to and wanted nothing more than to leave), the rest of your friends having the time of their lives on the dance floor. At that point he’d watched you and got aquatinted enough to know that you were relatively genuine. He’d detected no ulterior motive. Late night texts were his thing. After a busy day of classes and practice, where he’d remembered you’d texted a joke the day before. He’d shoot a quick apology for his poor conversation and offer his own meme as consolidation.
It was just over a year of knowing one another that it’s the first time as friends he felt nervous to hang out with you and couldn’t exactly pinpoint why. It wasn’t a date by any means, just a mutual friend’s birthday dinner. He’d offered to pick you up as an apology for his horrible texting one week in particular citing that it was on the way. It was the first time you’d ridden in a car just the two of you and the way you offered a breathless greeting and apology for taking so long to come out (thus putting you two behind schedule, something that had garnered the tiniest bit of annoyance) had his own breath caught in his throat. He’s not even sure he uttered any real words when you’d complimented him.
It was at the end of the night, seeing you delirious with exhaustion yet as happy as ever, finally having a break from the reality of classes that his crush might’ve started. Your insistence that he texted you when he made it back home safe and the fact that you even stayed up to make sure he did stirred something inside of him.
It was something he’d pushed down. ‘It was only because of the atmosphere’ is what he tried telling himself. Yet he couldn’t shake the way he actually enjoyed hanging out with you in a way that was different from hanging out with Komori or his teammates out of obligation. At some point the two of you began studying together and that unveiled a new layer of yourselves to one another.
You learned that he needed nearly complete silence to study and he had to force himself to not focus on the tiniest muffle coming from your earbuds. He learned that when you began to stress to got extremely fidgety and would have to shoot you a look whenever you clicked your pen one too many times. Sometimes you’d have to break from the libraries harsh fluorescent lighting because he worked best there on the quiet floor. The compromises you made as friends in even school were because there was something oddly comforting about the presence of one another when studying. For you, it was how studying with him actually forced you to be productive and not get distracted like you’d do with your own friends. For him, it was the sheer comfort of having someone there, someone who didn’t try and talk with him and ultimately let him be.
It was early into your third year of college when he finally asked you out. At this point you’d been friends for nearly two years and sitting on feelings for at least a year. It was a simple date, takeout from a place the two of you mutually agreed on and a movie at his place. A clean spot for his first date with you. The date had been nothing special but you’d gotten to truly witness first hand just how meticulous his cleaning habits were in his own personal space.
Of course in the time you’d known him, you’d seen his cleanly nature in action. It’d manifested itself in the the mask he frequently wore and the hand sanitizer he carried often. You’d always noticed the way he glanced at public tables and admired the fact that he was never too shy to ask for a different one at a restaurant when it was obvious that it had hardly been cleaned in between guests.
His desire to immediately wash his dishes, and wipe down the table post dinner caused him to offer you an apology yet you didn’t care. The way you just wordlessly helped him confirmed that his crush was indeed real. When it got chilly, you didn’t feel obligated to cuddle up for warmth and even gratefully accepted the blanket he offered you, separate from his own.
In the nearly two years you’d known Sakusa, neither of you had ever initiated any sort of physical contact. Yes there was the occasional glance of one another’s shoulders to show the other something, but it’d always been platonic. That first date ended with the first of many hugs and a cautious look asking for permission to kiss his cheek.
That first date quickly turned into a second and third and fourth and fifth, the two of you sharing your first kiss sometime between the third and fourth. Itd been after one of his games, one your school had won. You’d waited up for him, the promise of boba on you if he won. Not that he really wanted it, but more so felt drawn to hang out with you. “We’re gonna win”
The kiss was quick and what others would have attributed to being “a moment.” It wasn’t unusual for silence to envelop the two of you. You’d been privy to many comfortable ones after learning to gauge when sakusa needed a moment to cool off from conversation. As the two of you just walked from the shop, drinks in hand and back toward campus he’d paused and asked to try something. Neither of you knew it, but inside both of your nerves were going crazy. The slightest shaking lasted the remainder of your time together unsure if the kiss really happened or if you’d just imagined it.
It’d been two months of dating exclusively before you two became an official couple. The kisses from there became more frequent but for some reason there was the hesitation to jump into anything official. So instead, the two of you spent that time getting to know one another in purely a romantic context.
At some point you’d joked asking when he was going to officially become your boyfriend.
“Do you really want me to?” Itd been a thought that had been at the front of his mind lately. He’d been trying to find the right time to ask as well, getting annoyed at the questions his teammates would ask about you in the locker room. He watched you intently analyzing your reaction to his words as your amused look turned serious than softened before you indicated that you really did. And so he asked and it became official.
It was the way that even after the honeymoon stage had ended that he still felt drawn to you. Even when you bickered about your room not being clean [enough] when he came over or about your annoying own clicking habit, neither of you wanted to bicker with anyone else. Even during your first serious argument that resulted in you admitting that you loved him his heart both dropped and swelled. He’d been the one to fuck up that time, the argument being quite heavy. That night he left with a kiss on your temple and a promise of seeing you soon.
It was the way that the days the two of you didn’t speak felt like hell to him. He was more irritable towards others and found himself stress cleaning whenever he could (something his teammates witnessed as he wiped down his locker for the 50th time in a span of 5 minutes). The usually cautious player may not have performed differently to outsiders, but when he didn’t see you in the crowd during the home game he was off.
Making up felt like a weight had lifted off his heart. He’d swallowed his pride and reached out first. Returning those 3 words for the first time had him feeling like he was on cloud nine.
From then the love between you and Kiyoomi continued to grow. It was never perfect, with the two of you always having something something to work on. But, it was you.
The day he’d revealed to you that he’d signed to MSBY post college was one of his favorite moments. The two of you had been at his hanging out when he’d given you the unmarked envelope. He’d watched your face go from confused to realization to excitement as you read aloud “we welcome your commitment to MSBY Black Jackals-.” It was one of those times he didn’t mind the camera you’d shoved in his face insisting that you were filming a once in a lifetime moment. He’d found himself smiling at the kisses your scattered over his face, ignoring what usually would’ve made him grimace in disgust for the love that overpowered it.
He’d considered the next step in your relationship for a while the question of asking you to move in with him ultimately flowing out of him at graduation. It was the start of a new journey and he wanted you by his side.
Moving in was no easy feat. Learning to live with another person and their habits got to the two of you at times but you were determined to stick it out. Once the initial struggles faded, and you’d gotten into the swing of things he was met with a different kind of love. The love of a domestic life with you. Love was never easy, and potentially being harder when you were young. Yet you’d waited it through. Slowly built a friendship and the foundation of something great. Sakusa has no intentions in proposing anytime soon, yet knew for a fact that he wanted you and you want him.
a/n: i honestly coulve kept going but uh i gotta go to bed and this shit is long nough
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everyothermouse · 3 years
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A lil group portrait of the time au adventuring gang!! Them <333
Basically tol fucked up as a kid and is now on the run from the law, but realized that since his life was so crazy he could live off of telling stories of his wacky adventures. When he met Jay he wanted him to come with him, and when he found out jay couldn't come cus he was virtually a demon/god/magic magnet he decided he NEEDED to bring him to capitalize on how it'd make more cool stories. And yeah it worked so since then he's been collecting wackos to aaa go crazy aaaa go stupid (and also bcus safety I numbers or whateva, pop and pip are also criminals and pastel and jay are crimes against god <3) more about each individual under the cut!
Doin them from left to right :)
Pastel: died when she was messing around with some friends and got stuck under a big rock and left to starve. But because of a fluke in the underworld her God decided to resurrect her, a right usually only belonging to saints. Because of this she's now poorly pretending that she totally did something to deserve being revived (she tells a different story every time someone asks, she thinks it's funny) to avoid being persecuted for suspected witchcraft. She met Jay when they were both drunk and they had fun fucking around in the city, and she spilled the beans to him that she was revived for no reason. She regretted it, but jay didn't kill her because even though he's religious he knew what it felt like to be magically cursed and have everyone be pissed at u for it. Also she's really funny with jay so tol begged her to come with them to add more Comedy(tm) to his memoirs
Pop: a time traveller and angel who is trying to hide both of those facts but only really succeeding at hiding the time travel thing. When they were a kid they traveled to this time with his friends Lustre and Cherrybomb, but when they were attacked by the vicious royal guard they weren't able to escape without leaving Lustre behind. Cherrybomb super repressed that memory, and while pop recovered from some minor injuries they vowed to never time travel again. Yeah they only kept that up until they were like 15, but they still couldn't bring themself to go back to when they left Lustre. But now they're 26 (well technically they're like 33 but in their time their supposed to be 26) living with their boyfriend cherrybomb and have years of time travel experience under their belt, and they're ready to go back. Except they can't go back because they created a travel block for themself by accident because of how upsetting the event was, so instead they traveled as close as they could, about 10 years in the future of the time. Now they search for any form of closure, all they need to know is what happened to their friend, and they will do whatever it takes to find this out. But angels aren't super welcome in the past, especially not with uncut wings, so it's not exactly easy for them to navigate this time period. But after a while of their search they met two lovely children (well young adults), a demon and a "cursed" (nowadays they call em spiritually gifted) and felt so bad for how much the world seemed to be against them they decided they could travel with them, just for a bit, to protect them. They tried not to get attached. They failed. They're in it for the long run now aren't they TwT also as they explore this time and learn more about the gods, they start to realize that they might... be the God of longevity???? Or at least an older version of them became them? Time travel is fucked man
Btw Lustre plays a big role in this plot, her hyper futuristic knowledge, 'blessed' white eyes, and strange God gifted clothing would all lead to him rising to a much different role than fugitive rather quickly, but they're not who this post is about ;) also I'm gonna go bottom to top for the 3 in the middle let's go
Lune: just a little guy :) lune is a young rancher/gardener who worships the God of the wood, who kind of goes missing sometimes and is lowkey the least loyal God but shhhh he loves them. Lune and tol were childhood friends (along with their pal cleo) but on one of their little excursions tol took something very important to a very powerful king, and refused to give it back. As retribution the king destroyed their entire town, and cleo put all the blame on tol, tol and lune both knew lune had to take the side against tol in order to not have the town turn on him. So yeah he moved with the town to bring up a brand new farm, long awaiting the day when tol would come home and say that things were OK and they could settle back in town together, hopefully with cleo too. That didn't happen, but tol did come back and peer pressure lune into part time adventuring with him! So yeah generally lune just runs his lil farm and prays, but when tol comes to pick him up he gets a chance to go be free to act batshit crazy, just like when he was a kid 🥰
Pipes: DEmon! One time lune and tol had a little squabble so lune was like 'im gonna get a new best friend and ur gonna regret this' and tol was like 'yeah right, u live with a bunch of criminals right now no one's gonna wanna be ur bestie dumbass' so lune just walked into a cave at night and dragged out this little nonverbal demon because demons who live alone in caves don't have high standards for friends. Even tho it was just a ploy to make tol jealous lune went super hard on it and now pipes is actually friends with the gang lmaoo
Tol: like I said with lunes, stole something important from a king as a kid, monarch got pissed, blew up the town, town got pissed at tol for it, and since then he's been on the run because he's too stubborn to give back the damn thing (they could have just attacked HIM for it, but since la queen decided to fuck with his town, his family, tol thinks he doesn't deserve to have it back.) He had to run from town to town and got into a lot of danger in his attempts at finding places to hide, but he lacks fear and tended to fight stuff off. As a kid he found that he could get enough pity to be welcomed into towns if he told people he had to fight a monster to get there, so he told stories at every town and camp he went to of his hardships. But as he got older, those he stayed with beckoned him to keep talking, and more and more people said they had heard of his adventures. And that's when when it clicked, his shining ticket to true freedom wasn't a place, it was his stories. They gave him food, shelter, fun, memories, a life. So he made it his mission to never settle down, to make his life as crazy as possible and to talk about it as much as possible, and if he ever ran out of energy to adventure, he'd spend the rest of his dying days writing and writing his entire life story. He thought this was a life he'd live alone, but one day he sought refuge in jays little lonely house because he thought it was abonded, luckily though Jay had just been praying for a second chance at life and decided that considering the timing, tol must be that second chance. So yeah jay patched him up, found out on his monthly supply route he was harboring someone very wanted, and took care of tol even harder because he didn't know or care why he was wanted, he just knew that anyone who had a drawing of them as a child on a wanted poster definitely didn't deserve it. So yeah they're besties now.
AAA I wrote out a really long description for jay but tumblr glitched and I lost it :'O ble here's a shorter rewrite cus I'm not writing out that whole thing again >:P
Jay: brought up in a church village,, he was born with the curse, which allows him to tap into magical properties very easily, and be very easily controlled, manipulated, and possessed by them. This allowed him to be very connected with his god (the god of longevity) but also meant he was often treated as a security risk and a monster by the adults of his town since he could let in evil spirits so easily. He spent most of his time praying and he became obsessed with acting on compulsions (repeated prayer, overscrubbing, scratching himself, touching religious things until he felt like he touched them "right") because he believed they were messages from God and would prevent him from becoming evil (look he was a teenager and everyone told him he was a monster his whole life leave him be.) He gets possessed twice, mage as a rep of the town is like "either have ur cursed removed or leave town forever" (uncursing is only hypothetically possible, it's hella dangerous) and he's scared itd sever his connection to his god so he leaves and he's upset bcus his entire life plan was built around his church, so now he's livin alone on a hill and leaving like once a month, he stays up there and sews and prays mostly, he sort of works on himself and becomes vaguely mentally stable, so he prays for a second chance at life since he lost his original path and needs a sign where to go, and then boom tol shows up and the rest is history. Now he has his own little family and things are going great :) other than the still getting possessed like once a week but shhhh
Pip: in between the entrance to hell and the religious central of the continent is a little town that sides with neither. They mostly fuck around and find out, and in this town lives a monster researcher and her less formal wife, pip! Pip is just a silly goofy little guy livin life, and when the crazy bunch shows up she feels like he's finally found her people :3 and for the first time the group gains a member who's begging to join them as opposed to the other way around
Ya and together they all go on wacky lil adventures with demons and monsters and monarchs and what not.
Tldr pastel is a funny lil dead guy, pop is a time traveller and the Adult of the team, lunes a lil farmer man, pipes a hobo demon they picked up off the side of the road, tols a little criminal demon adventurer, jays a religious weirdo who tol dragged out of his hermit hut, and pips an insane little guy
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do these count as hc requests? i just like talking about them and thinking about them and i love them as much as i love our tough as nails but still 100% human gorgeous wifey
I know you sent this in FOREVER AGO but im answering it now because uhhhhhh im out of work for a hot minute and need something to do!!!! And i love javi, drummer babe, and reader!!!!!
this ended up MUCH longer than i expected im sorry aksksksk. 
@thesadvampire @captainsamwlsn @winters-buck
SO. I like to imagine that Javi got into security work after he stopped working in the DEA. he needed something less high strung, but still in a similar field. Security work was easy enough actually, with a background like his he found jobs easily and worked on temporary contracts as a bodyguard for many famous actors and singers. In his opinion almost every single one he’d met had been a TOTAL dick. He found celebrities to be pompous self-righteous pricks, many of which would use the same drugs he spent his life arresting people for right in front of him after a show or shooting. It boiled his blood to not be able to stop it. But hey, that’s showbiz. 
Now onto our sweet drummer babe. Who is a southern raised sweetheart with the hands of God that pound out music on her drum set every night like it's her one joy in the world. Her name is Gemini, but called Gem by her friends and bandmates. She’s the drummer of a new band riding the high of their newfound popularity that is just about to go on tour around the US. Javi is hired as a preventative measure. Sure they’ll have guards at each concert, but their manager thought itd be good to have one that went along with them from place to place, the entire goddamn time. 
To keep them out of trouble. The manager told Javi as he stepped onto the tour bus with a fake smile. 
Which meant babysitting. 
Ultimately. Gem was the only one Javi got along with. The singer was a pompous prick who thought he could treat Javi more like a goddamn butler than a guard. The bassist, perhaps in an attempt to gain more popularity herself, more vocal parts other than backup, or out of her pathetic schoolgirl crush on him, agreed with every word the smarmy schmuck said. The lead guitarist didn't talk much, when he did, was it was some odd bullshit about being on the “new wave of music” and talking in a way that made Javi think of a cult leader. He chalked it up to the drugs, but did not want to find out if he was right or not. But their lead drummer? Oh, Gemini was a woman with a bite. She didn’t hesitate to call other members out on their bullshit or their flippant disrespect of javi. 
“He’s here to keep us safe, not make your fucking beds. If the crowd gets too rowdy next time, dont be shocked if he leaves your ass behind.”
It didn’t take long for the pair of them to fall into bed together. It started off as just sex for Javi, because he couldn't necessarily just ditch the band and go to a bar in search of a hook up. But at some point, as Gem played with his hair while he talked about his old man and the ranch back home he felt a shift. His heart would skip a beat when his arm curled protectively around her waist while leading her through a crowd, he’d find himself smiling and even tapping his foot on beat during their rehearsals. During concerts, he’s backstage, ready to lead them off when they finish. She'll be sweating, grinning like a mad man and basking in the cheering crowd, every time she showed off her skills on the drum he couldn’t help but feel a thrum of pride in his chest. 
That’s his girl. 
You however, he met differently. 
I'm not sure if you fall into the traditional sense of badass. As in some muscly scared woman kicking ass and taking names. 
You’re a college professor, smart, articulate and intimidating in that sort of sense of walking into a classroom people suddenly feel inadequate before you. Recently divorced, you realize you never acted for you, never had crazy moments of rebellion or wild college nights. So you take a leave from work. You're in such good standing with the university they allowed it. Join some friends who somehow convince you to follow this band on tour for a goddamn year and it's already the first day in and you know this was a horrible idea oh god maybe if you call your boss you can let him know you'll be there for the fall semester and you can cancel the long term substitute they have set up? God what were you thinking? You aren’t wild or spontaneous or-
But then the lights shut off, the crowd begins to scream as the music flows, a steady beat filling your entire chest. The stage lights up and you see the drummer, the most beautiful fucking woman you've ever laid eyes on in your life, with her eyes shut as she plays and her hair swaying as she moves to the beat. 
When Gemini opens her eyes she sees you watching her and feels her heart hammer. You're not looking at the band as a whole. Not screaming for the singer or lifting your top up for the lead guitarist. You're watching her. With this big excited smile and Christ you look so pretty as a friend pulls you close to dance with a laugh, but you're still looking at her. Gemini was used to being glossed over. She wasn't the singer or playing the electric guitar. She was the drummer. But you didn't look at anybody else for the rest of the night. 
At the end of the show, Javi watched as Gemini jumped up from her drum set and curled a hand around his bicep before pointing you out in the crowd. 
“She was watchin’ me the whole show, Javi. I think I finally got myself a fan.” Javi sees you, being tugged and pulled by your friends at the excited chatters of an afterparty. He watched your side profile with admiration that even after dancing to a 90 minute concert you looked almost regal among your friends. You turned, once more catching Gem’s eyes and extending a shaking hand in a self conscious wave. 
He felt her fingers twitch nervously against his arm as she, the lead drummer in a famous band, waved back with an excited smile. 
This will be interesting to watch play out. But he couldn't hide his attraction to you as well, even as he took you by the hand and led you backstage to meet Gem. 
He just really hoped this wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for dating John Murphy
John Murphy x male!reader
warnings: knife/violence mentions
prompt: anonymous: “Yay! I forgot to put my mushroom at the end of the ask asking if i could do two requests 😂, but for my first request I was wondering if you could do Headcanon on what itd be like for a Male Reader to date John Murphy? ~ 🍄”
Tumblr media
first of all, murphy’s a bit protective and possessive
he’s already lost so much, he doesn’t wanna lose you either
“this is my goddamn boyfriend! if anyone touches him, me and them are gonna have a problem, do you understand?”
ride or die, babey
he’s always touching/holding onto you somewhere
arm, hood, hand, sleeve, shoulder, leg, whatever
murphy teases you all the time but if anyone else does they’re a dead man
he carved his and your initials into a tree
he carves his and your initials everywhere tbh
especially “date spots” where he takes you out to go sightseeing or just get away from all of the crazy
he also kisses you whenever he can
mainly discreetly, like cheek or neck or hand or shoulder
but sometimes murphy says “fuck it” and borderlines makeout session in front of everyone bc he doesn’t give a shit abt making ppl uncomfortable with pda
“you’re honestly perfect in every single way, y/n”
“and you’re getting soft, john murphy”
“cant help it, it’s your fault”
“it is? well i must be the worst then”
“oh, yeah. the worst. i don’t know how i even put up with you”
sarcast lil shit
aw but u love him all the same
murphy and you RARELY split up but oh boy, when you do it’s time for trouble
seriously you’re usually keeping him under control and when you cant it gets...worrisome
“i cant stay away from murphy for too long, guys”
“look, y/n, by now, he’s probably already committed a double homicide. let it go”
running into each other’s arms
sharing a tent
either one of you falls off the cot in the middle of the night and wakes up in the dirt
“down here”
“oh, okay”
unspoken bond
tbh maybe you’d whittle a shitty comb out of a piece of wood in your free time and brush his hair out
he pretends he doesn’t like it but he’s always hinting he wants more
literally following each other to the ends of the earth
“will you stay with me?”
“that’s a dumb fucking question...yeah, i’ll always stay”
using murphy as a pillow
“y/n, you’re laying right on my bladder, i gotta piss”
“but im comfyyyyy”
going through a lot of scarring shit together but you guys lived to tell the tale and you lived it with each other so nice 👍
murphy always wipes your tears when you cry
“if you cry any more you’re gonna get dehydrated and die”
not always good at comfort but thats okay
after all the stressful shit youve gone through, you got a good 6 years in space without fighting for your life, you’ll always cherish that shit
sleeping in, doing semi-domestic shit, arguing over who’s turn it is to do a chore, dancing around to no music
“you really are the best boyfriend a guy could ask for”
“oh, well i already knew that”
“i’m sure you did, you cocky son of a bitch, now give me a kiss”
returning to the ground to find some unsavory occurrences
“ooooh boy, babe, can we go back to space now?”
“ask me again later”
squishing/poking his face
fighting side by side like a couple of badasses
flipping out when you got separated again bc like,,,,,he nearly died
“you asshole! i thought i was gonna lose you!”
“unfortunately for you, im still kicking it”
✨new planet, new you✨
only this one was kinda fucked
nvm mega fucked
but you’ve never met an obstacle that you and murphy couldn’t get past together
when he died for a moment, he changed his pov a bit, dragged you aside, and explained what happened
“im going to hell”
“y/n, i saw what’s in store for me and i cant die now, i cant handle what’s next, it’s fucking awful and i cant face it. i cant do it! i cant!”
having to calm him down once he gets overwhelmed by his thoughts
hushing him to sleep when hes upset
pretty much never leaving his side on this foreign planet bc you were afraid of what they may do to you or him
especially him, he kept himself latched onto you
but as all good things come to an end, so do that bad things
the reign of evil was over and the two of you were able to hunker down for a moment and take a much needed break, sometimes you wished you never left the ring
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @cullens-stuff // @johnmurphyisbisexual //
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(it was 2 long 2 paste in the post lmao)
barry b benson x adam flayman
adam sat upon the flower, observing the people around him. humans were so fucking stupid, honestly. like who the fuck would think that it was a good idea to put peanut butter and jelly in a sandwich together, when honey would compliment the jelly so much better? idiots. watching as a mother slathered her child with what seemed like way too much suncream, adam could not help but ponder how barry fell for one of these disgusting creatures. and one who looks like theresa may, none the less! barry had bad taste in the bitches if he did say so himself. although that was hippocritical for the bee who was in love with the bee who was in love with a human who looked like fiona from shrek in a human au. wait no, thats unfair on fiona, shes waaaaaayy better looking than that dumpster fire, bitch ass, boris johnson looking hoe with her short ass hair and stupid name. vanessa. ugh- even saying it made adam throw up in his mouth. vanes-augh. [wait can bees even throw up? eh, probably. what would they do if they accidentally ate a bit of a mARMITE otherwise,? that shit be nasty.] cant barry just requite his love and fuck him already? like, this isnt some angsty, 270k+, friends to lovers to enemies to lovers to friends to enemies to lovers fanfiction trope. it isnt 2004 people! sighing, adam ran a hand through his //moist// fuzz and thought about just jumping off of the flower and ending it all. after all, it was a rose, his brother's girlfriends step sister's son was killed by one of those. eh, whats he got to lose? like an alpha male, he triple flipped off of the rose, his small body getting closer to the thorns as every second passed, waiting for them to penetrate him. (ha, shame itd be the roses doing that and not barry, eh? ;))) until they didnt. what the fuck? he was meant to be dead and no longer have to face his unrequited love for his best friend and the fact that his mother was making him go on a vegan diet. (apparently cannabalism 'isnt good for his mental health.' well look where my mental health has gotten me now kAREN.) adams musings were interrupted by a voice. "jesus christ adam what the hell were you thinking?"
barry? barry had saved him? oh. well of course he had, barry was so fucking perfect with his black and yellow stripes and his sexy voice. goddamit, why did he have to have a nice personality too? why couldnt he just be an asshole fuck boy? "adam, can you hear me there buddy?"
buddy? ugh. i just got r/friendzoned.
"ugh yeah barry-buddy- i can hear you"
"great. now wHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING ADAM? YOU COULDVE DIED. DIED! YOU WOULD BE DEAD AND ID NEVER BE ABLE TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH I-" barry broke down into sobs as adam patted his back gently, wondering what barry wanted to tell him.
"barry, its okay- you saved me. im here now and you can say whatever you wish."
"adam i- i- fuck."
"take your time, love. its okay"
barry looked at adam strangely as he realised what he had just said. LOVE? SHIT. WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING?
"adam i love you."
adam waited; and waited; and waited. this had to be a joke. a cruel friendzoning or a shout of no homo afterwards. but barry was silent, looking everywhere but at him.
"-and" barry continued, finally locking his eyes with his sunlight struck orbs of amber.
"i know you love me too."
adam stared at barry, transfixed on the bee in front of him, the bee that he loved. how did barry know? apart from the slip up a second ago, he had done a pretty good job at keeping his emotions hidden. he was just a dude chilling in a honey tub, five feet away from barry because he wasnt gay. then it hit him, like a truck hitting a fox.
"sonofabitch you read my dream journal."
barry looked at him sheepishly, with guilt ridden eyes.
"well you left your diary at my house. and i read those pages, you really love me baby..."
adam coughed, trying to hide a splutter at the fact that barry had just called him baby. this bee was going to be the death of him.
"ha, yes-well. i- it is true. i do love you barry."
barrys face immediately broke out into a grin as he brought adam into a tight hug, clinging onto adam as if he were going to discintegrate, like voldemort in the deathly hallows movie despite the fact that in the books he just died like a normal fucking person. thanks hollywood. anyway, adam buried his face in barrys fuzz, finally at peace.
"waIT!" he screamed suddenly, pulling away.
"what?" barry answered, looking slightly scared for his life.
"what about vanessa?"
last time hed seen barry hed been infatuated with the she-demon, wtf happened? was barry fucking with him. he didnt want that. barry should be fucking him not fucking with him. what if-
"oh her? yeah she poured milk before her cereal. crazy bitch" barry stated, wrapping his fingers in adams fuzz.
adam giggled, relieved that this wasnt just a joke.
"yeah, i always got those kinda vibes from her."
he turned to see barry smiling softly up at him.
"yeah, i should have realised sooner."
and with that he was back in barrys arms, never wanting to leave.
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r4tjam · 4 years
here is my sin 😔✌
adam sat upon the flower, observing the people around him. humans were so fucking stupid, honestly. like who the fuck would think that it was a good idea to put peanut butter and jelly in a sandwich together, when honey would compliment the jelly so much better? idiots. watching as a mother slathered her child with what seemed like way too much suncream, adam could not help but ponder how barry fell for one of these disgusting creatures. and one who looks like theresa may, none the less! barry had bad taste in the bitches if he did say so himself. although that was hippocritical for the bee who was in love with the bee who was in love with a human who looked like fiona from shrek in a human au. wait no, thats unfair on fiona, shes waaaaaayy better looking than that dumpster fire, bitch ass, boris johnson looking hoe with her short ass hair and stupid name. vanessa. ugh- even saying it made adam throw up in his mouth. vanes-augh. [wait can bees even throw up? eh, probably. what would they do if they accidentally ate a bit of a mARMITE otherwise,? that shit be nasty.] cant barry just requite his love and fuck him already? like, this isnt some angsty, 270k+, friends to lovers to enemies to lovers to friends to enemies to lovers fanfiction trope. it isnt 2004 people! sighing, adam ran a hand through his //moist// fuzz and thought about just jumping off of the flower and ending it all. after all, it was a rose, his brother's girlfriends step sister's son was killed by one of those. eh, whats he got to lose? like an alpha male, he triple flipped off of the rose, his small body getting closer to the thorns as every second passed, waiting for them to penetrate him. (ha, shame itd be the roses doing that and not barry, eh? ;))) until they didnt. what the fuck? he was meant to be dead and no longer have to face his unrequited love for his best friend and the fact that his mother was making him go on a vegan diet. (apparently cannabalism 'isnt good for his mental health.' well look where my mental health has gotten me now kAREN.) adams musings were interrupted by a voice. "jesus christ adam what the hell were you thinking?"
barry? barry had saved him? oh. well of course he had, barry was so fucking perfect with his black and yellow stripes and his sexy voice. goddamit, why did he have to have a nice personality too? why couldnt he just be an asshole fuck boy? "adam, can you hear me there buddy?"
buddy? ugh. i just got r/friendzoned.
"ugh yeah barry-buddy- i can hear you"
"great. now wHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING ADAM? YOU COULDVE DIED. DIED! YOU WOULD BE DEAD AND ID NEVER BE ABLE TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH I-" barry broke down into sobs as adam patted his back gently, wondering what barry wanted to tell him.
"barry, its okay- you saved me. im here now and you can say whatever you wish."
"adam i- i- fuck."
"take your time, love. its okay"
barry looked at adam strangely as he realised what he had just said. LOVE? SHIT. WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING?
"adam i love you."
adam waited; and waited; and waited. this had to be a joke. a cruel friendzoning or a shout of no homo afterwards. but barry was silent, looking everywhere but at him.
"-and" barry continued, finally locking his eyes with his sunlight struck orbs of amber.
"i know you love me too."
adam stared at barry, transfixed on the bee in front of him, the bee that he loved. how did barry know? apart from the slip up a second ago, he had done a pretty good job at keeping his emotions hidden. he was just a dude chilling in a honey tub, five feet away from barry because he wasnt gay. then it hit him, like a truck hitting a fox.
"sonofabitch you read my dream journal."
barry looked at him sheepishly, with guilt ridden eyes.
"well you left your diary at my house. and i read those pages, you really love me baby..."
adam coughed, trying to hide a splutter at the fact that barry had just called him baby. this bee was going to be the death of him.
"ha, yes-well. i- it is true. i do love you barry."
barrys face immediately broke out into a grin as he brought adam into a tight hug, clinging onto adam as if he were going to discintegrate, like voldemort in the deathly hallows movie despite the fact that in the books he just died like a normal fucking person. thanks hollywood. anyway, adam buried his face in barrys fuzz, finally at peace.
"waIT!" he screamed suddenly, pulling away.
"what?" barry answered, looking slightly scared for his life.
"what about vanessa?"
last time hed seen barry hed been infatuated with the she-demon, wtf happened? was barry fucking with him. he didnt want that. barry should be fucking him not fucking with him. what if-
"oh her? yeah she poured milk before her cereal. crazy bitch" barry stated, wrapping his fingers in adams fuzz.
adam giggled, relieved that this wasnt just a joke.
"yeah, i always got those kinda vibes from her."
he turned to see barry smiling softly up at him.
"yeah, i should have realised sooner."
and with that he was back in barrys arms, never wanting to leave.
this is legendary i’m crying laughing oh my god 😂😭😭
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toothpastecanyon · 4 years
Dreams That Walk, Nightmares That Talk - Chapter 5
Huge thanks to @feferipeixes for editing this chapter! :DDD
Ben's been visiting the Mindscape every day since he was born. Once he brought something back, and twenty years later, Marie García is still picking out the pieces.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
Hi Ben thank you very much much much everything is fine!  
                 Marie frowns down at her phone. No, no, that sounds fake. She deletes that text… then she taps A and then she deletes that and then she taps A and then she deletes that and then-
                 “This your house, ma’am?”
                 “Wha-?” Her head snaps up. “My house? Oh, yes, that’s my house! Thank you!”
                 The taxi driver gives a nod as he pulls into her driveway. After a moment’s hesitation, she turns off her phone, stuffs it in her pocket, and then unzips her purse.
                 “Okay, how much do I owe you?”
Hi bhubhubhuBen! It was very nice to see you yesterday! I had a great timeeeqweeeeqwe yesterday and your apartment looks great! I hope to see you soon but
               Marie squints down at her phone screen. The screen glare hurts her eyes, and she takes a second to bury her face into a pillow. It’s nice and dark and comfy here… too comfy, way too comfy to think.
                 She groans, heaves her head back up, and keeps typing with eyelids that refuse to stay open.
     I don’t know if I can see you this weekend, everything is fine but I’m not feeling up to it so hopefully I will soon maybe this weekend. Love you very much and  
                 “You still awake, mi cielito?”
please dont wory  
                 A coffee table. A cup of tea. A ray of faint moonlight trickling over the carpet, and a phone whose time reads 3:00 AM.
               A deep breath in, and out, and then:
Hey, Ben! Yeah, I had a wonderful time at your new apartment! It’s a lovely place, and it seems like you’re already pretty settled in. Hope the unpacking is going well :)  
I’m a little busy with work this weekend, but maybe next weekend I will  
                 Marie pauses. Frowns.
I will be better.  
                 She makes a face, and then deletes it. Deletes a bit more than she needs to - whoops.
I’m a little busy with work this week end  
                                   (Make it right)
I’m a little busy with work this weekend weekend
I’m a little busy with work this weekend weekend weekend
I’m a little busy with work this weekend weekend weekend weekend  
I’m a little busy with work this weekend I’m a little busy with work this weekend I’m a little busy with work this weekendzdtzdtzzdtzdtzdtdzdtzdtzdtdzdstrgcfdtsrtedffg
                 Marie scowls and turns off her phone in frustration. She picks up her tea, and looks out at the moonlit yard as she sips it, at the empty chairs on the porch giving off a ghostly glow.
                 She sips it, pointedly ignoring the twitchy thoughts in her head, the flickers of a man in her periphery… and the red glow of her wards that hint at a certain presence, a real one her mind hasn’t made up.
                 She can ignore him, but she can’t help but grimace as the silence stretches. After a couple minutes, she picks up her phone and heads back into the privacy of her bedroom.
Hey, Ben!  Monday was great, I meant to text you yesterday but I was a little busy, sorry about  
                 Fuck. Marie turns her head to the side, and glares at the sunlight glowing behind her bedroom blinds as she thinks.
sorry about sorry about sorry about but I have lots of time today and that’s good. That’s  
I have a spare moment today to  
I was a little busy, I think I’ll keep being busy this weekend so just don’t worry about me. Go live your life. I just want you to be happy, so don’t go asking Alcor about me or trying to make me feel better by making plans. Don’t worry about me, I just don’t want you to worry about me and I’m sorry if  
I don’t know how to               I wish you could just do that, because I know you do and I’m just the wrong person to worry about. I’m sorry I can never be better for you. I’m sorry it always ends up like this. I’m sorry.  
                 With a lump in her throat, she deletes the whole message.
Hey, Ben, I know it’s been a few days. I really don’t want you to worry, okay? I’m not worth worrying about, all I do is lie around and 
Hey, Ben, thank you for trying. Thank you so much. You’re amazing and I don’t deserve you. Just live your life, okay? Please don’t worry about me. All I do is hurt you and let you down and youd be better off without me. I just wish you didn’t care so much, because I know you’d be hurt if I went, but itd be so much better for you, but I don’t want to hurt you like that. I just don’t know what to do and everything feels like the wrong thing to do and I don’t know.  
You’d hate me if I sent you this. 
Hey, Ben!  
                 Marie sits in a waiting room, surrounded by other people with all their sniffings and whisperings and foot tappings.  When she looks up, she meets the eyes of some lady sitting across from her. They exchange quick, awkward smiles, then she looks down again.
Just wanted to let you know I have seen this message. Didn’t mean to leave you hanging, I’ve been super busy and I’m literally just sending this while I’m waiting for a doctor’s appointment. Hope everything’s well with you!  
                 She makes a face. Deletes the last sentence, because that sounds weird.
Hope you’re doing well  
Hope you haven’t been worried  
Hope you  
                 “Uh, Marie Garcia? Is there a Mrs Marie Garcia here?”
                 Marie jumps up at her name. “That’s me! That’s me.”
                                 (thats me thats me thatsme-)
                 She skips up to the nurse, and he holds the door open for her.
                 “Alright. We’ll do a little checkup, then I’ll let Dr Scythan know you’re ready.”
                 She knew the drill. Take her handbag off, step on the scales, grimace as she barely breaks a hundred pounds - yeah, she should… eat things.
                 Step off the scales.
                                 (step on them again)
                 Walk away.
                                 (MAKE IT RIGHT STEP ON THEM AGAIN)
                 Be led into a room. Sit down, watch him strap on the blood pressure cuff. Move it up a little, because he didn’t do it quite right.
                 A beep, and the cuff starts to squeeze.
                 “How’s your day today?”
                 Lets go.
                 Marie blinks. “Huh?”
                 “Heh, were you zoning out?” The nurse chuckles as he writes the reading down. “130 over 80… I was just asking how your day was going.”
                 “Oh.” Marie makes a face. “It’s fine, I guess.”
                                 (MAKE IT RIGHT MAKE IT RIGHT-)
                 “Good to hear, good to hear.” He stands up, and walks past Santino to the door. “Well, I’ll go let her know you’re ready now. Have a good one!”
                 Marie stares at where Santino was, then looks up at the security camera. She gives it a nervous smile, taps her fingers one two three against the table, then digs her phone out of her pocket and turns it on.
                 The text from Ben again. She rubs her eyes, sighs deeply, and deletes her whole response. She’ll… figure it out. Later.
                 The door opens.
                 “Hello?” Dr Schythan pokes her head in, and smiles when she sees Marie. “Oh, hi! There you are - heh, I’ve been moving rooms all day. My main office is getting a little renovation, and…”
                 She chats away as she sits down and opened her laptop. A spare pencil rolls out of her folders; Marie catches it, and straightens it. Straightens it again. Smiles and nods and laughs politely.
                 “...So, how’s it been going for you?”
                 “Haha, yeah.”
                 She blinked.
                 “How’s it been going since we last met up?” The doctor taps her mouse. “We said we were going to up your dosage to help with your anxiety… how’s that going?”
                 “Oh…” Marie tries not to glance at the flickering to her right. “Uh, I haven’t really…”
                                 (straighten the pencil MAKE IT RIGHT)
                 “I don’t…” She straightens the pencil again, then looks up at the doctor. Crumples her mouth into a smile. “I’m sorry. What, uh, what did you say again? Sorry. Srry.”  
                 Dr Scythan shakes her head. “No, no, don’t worry. How are you feeling now that we upped your dosage? Are you sleeping better now?”
                 Marie can't help but snort at that. The doctor gives a wry smile.
                 “I’ll take that for a no. Alright, we can-”
                 “It wasn’t because of the medication, though!”
                 Marie thinks back to that night with Alcor, and the stars on the carpet, and her mouth seals shut. Shit, she thinks, demon things. She can’t say.
                 “You alright, Marie?” The doctor leans forwards. “Did something happen?”
                 She just shrugs. Her smile wobbles.
                 “Did you… take it as prescribed?”
                 “Once in the morning and-”
                 “Yeah. Yeah… yeah.” Marie hesitates, and then leans forwards. “Can I, um, ask you something?”
                 “Of course.”
                 “I-I mean, can I ask you something, and you’ll just answer it?”
                 Dr Scythan’s expression has turned carefully neutral. “Of course.”
                 “No! Like, I’m not crazy.” A flicker makes her grimace. “Not about this, at least. So even if it sounds crazy, it’s not crazy, okay?”
                 Her expression still isn’t giving Marie much confidence, but she takes a breath. “Okay. Okay okay okay… okay. Um, can someone have more than one soul? In them.”
                 Dr Scythan’s eyebrows rise a little, but otherwise she hides her surprise well. “No. Not in any case that I’m aware of.”
                 “Okay, but what if they were little bits of souls?”
                 “Little bits of souls?”
                 She nods quickly. “Like lots of little bits of souls, they’re this big. Has that ever happened to anybody?”
                 “Um, no, I’m not aware of any case where that has occurred.” The doctor taps her laptop. “What prompted you to ask?”
                 “Don’t start writing stuff down, that’s not…” She trails off, and groans. “Okay, whatever. Forget I asked.”
                 “Are you sure? We can explore why you might be feeling this-”
                 “I’m not crazy!” Marie slams her arms down on the table. The pencil jumps, and she jumps back with it. “Sorry. I’m not… I’m not crazy.”
                 There’s a tapping sound as Dr Scythan types something in her laptop. She then turns to smile politely at Marie, who doesn’t meet her eyes.
                 “Alright, so about your medication. If it’s okay with you, we’re, uh, gonna pivot away from what we’ve been trying and see if we can’t find something more helpful…”
                 Marie narrows her eyes at the flickering in her periphery. She straightens the pencil, and tries her best to listen along.
                 The wards go red when Marie gets in the car. Of all the things that happened today, this is the last straw; she rolls her eyes, throws her stuff in the back, shuts all the doors, and lets out a deep, deep sigh.
                 She lets it out, and then:
                 “Why are you still following me around?”
                 She watches the wards flare up, as if he jumped in surprise. She starts the car.
                 “Alcor. Why are you still following me around?” Gear shift. She reverses. “If you don’t want to tell me, you can at least leave me alone.”
                 As she drives down the parking lot, a dark figure comes into existence in the shotgun seat, head hung low like a scolded child. She waits for him to mumble out something.
                 “What was that?”
                 “I’m sorry.” He looks down, away. “About… last time we-”
                 “It’s fine.” She turns the wheel sharply. “Forget about it.”
                 Alcor shrinks back a little. “Oh, okay…”
                 With another eyeroll, Marie turns onto the main road. They ride in silence for a little while, until she stops at a light and glances over at him.
                 “Was that all you wanted to say? Sorry?” When he doesn’t respond, she looks back to the light. “Because you’ve been following me around for days, and-”
                 “I was making sure you were okay.”
                 “Oh, great.” She grips her steering wheel. “He sent you over again, huh.”
                 “No, no, Ben didn’t-! Ben didn’t send me, I just told him you were fine, l-like you wanted me to!”
                 “Uh huh. And what did he say?”
                 “Well, not much.” Alcor fiddles with his claws as they start moving again. “He said thank you, but I don’t think he really believed me… I’m sorry.”
                 At that, Marie sighs. “Don’t worry about it. Ben, he’s… hard to fool.”
                 “You can say that again.”
                 She gives a wry smile to that, but doesn’t laugh. They drive on for a little while, and she keeps her eyes on the road, ignoring the flickers in the edge of her vision. Now is not the time to get distracted.
                 “No,” Alcor starts again, quietly. “It was just me.”
                 “Just you for what?”
                 “Just me who wanted to see if you were okay.”
                 “Why?” Marie raises an eyebrow. “Because you want to poke around inside my head?”
                 “No! Just- nevermind. Forget it. I’m sorry.” They’re pulling into the driveway, and Alcor turns away. “I’m sorry, I’ll just go. I’ll leave you alone.”
                 She doesn’t reply. She turns off the car, looks down at the wards on her dashboard, and watches them drop off from burning red to cooling orange; it slowly turns green as Alcor’s residual energy fades. The car’s already heating up since the AC shut down, and she takes a deep breath of hot air.
                 There’s a flicker in the corner of her eye, and she lets it out in a deep sigh.
                 No people. No things to do. Marie thinks of texting Ben, but the thought of it twists her stomach  into knots. Everything feels twisted; her brain feels fired up, her body feels both like it wants to do something and like it’ll never move again. It’s like she’s trapped in her own skin, and she just wants to sleep it away but she can’t, she can’t…
                                (not three you paused thats two and one NOT TWO)
                                                 (six NOT SIX)
                                                                 (two one six three MAKE IT RIGHT MAKE IT RIGHT MAKE IT RIGHT)
                 Marie squeezes her eyes shut, and just sits there in the heat. Oh, god (ohgod ohgod), this is not going to be a good day. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do, she thought today’s session would help but it didn’t and now it’s going to be this for the rest of the day and she… she can’t do this.
                 A lump in her throat forms when that thought comes up. If she can’t do this, what is she going to do? Where does she even go from here?
                                 (go go go)
                 Marie feels her mind latch onto that, and she doesn’t like where it leads her.
                                                 (go from here go from here go from here)
                 Not because it feels scary, but
                                                 because it feels
                                                                               like what kind of life is this? what has she even been doing for her life has she even gotten better no shes in the same damn place no matter where she goes no matter who she asks nobody can help nobody can ever help and besides nobody would really miss you-  
                 Flickers tapping on her glass. Grits her teeth, feels sweat bead on forehead.
                 “I can’t be alone right now.”
                 Words, spoken out loud. Marie feels the sweat pooling down her back, and she sits up, abruptly. Puts her key in the ignition, pretends to turn one two then actually on three.
                 The car starts up, and cool air blows in on her face. She sits there for a second, feeling the heat go down, staring at the green wards on her dashboard.
                 And finally, she sighs. Grits her teeth. Opens her mouth.
                 The wards immediately flicker back to red. Marie waits for him to appear, but he doesn’t. She groans.
                 “Alcor. Please come out.”
                 He comes back into existence next to her without making a sound. She tries to look over, but her eyes don’t quite rise enough to meet his.
                 “Hey, uh, Alcor. Sorry, I… I just wanted to…” She runs her hands down her face. “...Do you want to have some tea, o-or something. If you’re not busy.”
                 “You’re offering me tea?”
                 “And we could, I dunno, play some games or something. If you’re not busy. I have some board games. If you’re not busy.”
                 “Huh?” Alcor looks confused. “You want me to like, hang out? I thought you wanted-”
                 “Look, I don’t know what I want, okay? Just take it or leave it. I don’t care.”
                 “Oh. O-oh, okay…”
                 Marie watches him shrink back, and purses her lips. “Sorry. I meant to offer. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
                 “That’s okay.”
                 “It’s not.” Her mouth twists into a grin. “I’m not very good at this.”
                 “Heh… me neither.”
                 “No?” Marie looks up at his glowing golden eyes, and blinks. “Oh, yeah, duh. You’re a demon.”
                 He nods at that, his wings awkwardly twitching. “Yup… that’s… that’s true. I am a demon.”
                 The conversation peters out there. After a weird moment of silence, the two of them share an uncomfortable laugh. Marie clears her throat.
                 “So, uh, tea?”
                 “Tea sounds good! Let’s go inside.”
                 He immediately jumps out of the car, and Marie turns off the engine. She sees him heading inside, and quickly taps (one two three) on the door handle before getting out and hurrying after him.
                 “Alright,” Marie says as she steps into the house. “You can take your shoes off on that rack… or you’re floating. You’re floating, don’t worry about it.”
                 “You sure?” Alcor snaps his fingers, and suddenly his dress shoes are sitting neatly by the door. He wiggles his socks at her. “It’s no big deal for me.”
                 She raises an eyebrow at that. “Huh. Neat trick.”
                 “Yeah…” After kicking her shoes off, she motions him into the kitchen. “I’ll get the teas going.”
                 “Ooo, what kinds have you got?”
                 “Kinds? What do you mean?”
                 “Kinds of tea?”
                 “Oh, uh… normal tea? I just get it from the supermarket.” She grimaces at him. “Are you like, an actual tea person? I’m sorry, I didn’t realise-”
                 “No, no, it’s fine! I’m not, I just- I thought you might’ve been, because you drink it so much.”
                 Marie snorts. “Ben told you that, didn’t he.”
                 “He did, uh, mention it once or twice.”
                 She chuckles at that as she picks up the kettle. Alcor leans against the stove behind her, and she moves over to the sink.
                 Turns the tap on… then turns it off, on, off, on, and cringes at the feeling of Alcor’s eyes on her back.
                 “Sorry,” she says, and sticks it under the water. “I, uh… Sorry.”
                 “No, don’t worry. It’s okay.”
                 Marie grits her teeth as she fiddles with the kettle switch until it’s (right). It’s not okay, she thinks. It’s ridiculous.
                 “You know, my sister really liked tea at one point.”
                 She blinks at that. Looks up at him.
                 “Your sister?”
                 “Yeah! I think it was Mabel, she liked-” Alcor stops there; he suddenly seems to realise he’s opened up a can of worms. “Ohhh… yeah. I, uh, had a sister. And she liked tea.”
                 Marie stares at him. “You had a sister?”
                 “Um. Yeah?”
                 “But you’re a demon?” She blinks again. “Ohh, you must be referring to the Mizar connection, not a literal, you know, blood relative thing. Sorry. Continue.”
                 Alcor makes a strange face at that, though, and she frowns.
                 “Or am I wrong?”
                 “Uh, it’s… it’s a long story?”
                 “You have a sister.”
                 “Huh. How does that work? How do demons even have-” Marie looks back at him, and notices he’s gone very still. “Oh, are you okay?” When he doesn’t answer immediately, she cringes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… bring up anything painful. Alcor?”
                 The kettle boils. After a long moment, Alcor seems to take a deep, shuddering breath, and she’s struck by how human he looks, now. If not for the wings wrapping around his form, it was hard to tell he was a demon at all.
                 He looks down at her, and there’s something fragile in his eyes when he tries for a smile.
                 “I’m… I’m okay. Sorry, just, it’s hard to explain it.” He blinks hard, but the shine doesn’t go away. “Even after all these years, it’s… it never gets easier.”
                 “Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” All of a sudden, Marie’s words feel like pittance to this ancient being’s grief. She gulps, and gets out two cups. “Do you like tea? Or sugar?”
                 “Huh? Oh…” Alcor floated closer as she poured it. “I’ll take sugar.”
                 “How much?”
                 “Uh, a lot? I like sugar.”
                 Marie cracks a smile. “You do, huh. Alright, say when.”
                 She takes out a spoon and starts putting the sugar in - she sprinkles it at first, but when he shows no sign of telling her when, she digs up another spoonful and pours it in. Then another. Then another. Then she glances back at him.
                 Alcor cocks his head. “What?”
                 “...You want me to keep going?”
                 “Oh, yeah, yeah.”
                 “Okay, you      really    like sugar.” She passes the spoon to him. “Why don’t you, uh, figure out how much you want. I’m gonna get the milk.”
                 “Oh, sounds good!”
                 Marie steps back, and watches him put the spoon down and start pouring sugar directly into his mug. She opens her mouth to say something, but decides to let it be. If he wants to drink damp sugar… whatever. She’s not in the mood to raise a stink.
                 She walks to the fridge, and sees a flicker in the corner of her eye as she opens the door. Pointedly, she ignores it.
                 “Who’s he?”
                 Marie looks over at Alcor. “Huh?”
                 “I keep seeing him around you.” Alcor motions with the sugar bag to the corner of the room, and she stops dead. “Oh, he’s gone again. Who is he?”
                 “You… you see my hallucinations?”
                 “Oh, I see hallucinations, yeah. I’m a dream demon, I see all the stuff that’s in your head.” He absentmindedly chews on a spoonful of sugar, his eyes distant, deep in thought. “Yours are… strange, though. They feel more… separate than-”
                 Marie can feel her heart thudding in her chest. “A-actually,” she cuts in, and sets the milk down hard on the counter. “I-I don’t- I don’t want to talk. About this. Right now.”
                 Her hands are shaking as she picks up her tea. To his credit, Alcor seems to pick up on this.
                 “Oh, sorry!”
                 “It’s fine.”
                 “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to - oh, oh no, I wasn’t trying to link it back to the soul bits thing! I’m so sorry, I was just wondering-”
                 “It’s      fine.”     Marie grimaces at the flicker in her vision. “I don’t care, I just… I don’t want to talk about him right now. I don’t want to think about him.”
                 She pours her milk. Watches it swirl in her cup. Takes a deep breath, and lets it out.
                 “I want to…” she starts, and then stops. “I want to do something else.”
                 “Okay. Like a show, or a game, or-”
                 “A game sounds good!” Marie glances over at his feet. “I’m not very good at just sitting and watching something… but we could play a game! I got lots of board games.”
                 “Oh, yeah? Which ones do you have?”
                 “We have, uh… let me check.” Marie screws the cap onto the milk, sticks it in the fridge as she passes, then leans down to the games cabinet under one of the counters. “I got tons of them from when Ben was living here… Do you know Feed the Moon?”
                 “No? What’s that?”
                 “Oh, it’s this board game developed by some of the first lunar colonists, it’s interesting, it’s, uh…” She makes a face. “Kinda complicated, involves a lot of… graph paper… actually, I don’t want to get into a game like that right now. Do you know Oligopoly?”
                 Marie snorts. “Yeah, it’s not the best.” She rubs her eyes as she picks through the cabinet. “What else? We got, uh… Oh, we got chess?”
                 Alcor’s head pops up from above the counter; it makes her jump.
                 “Uh, yeah? Do you like it?” She eyes the sugar all down his suit. “Did you finish that whole bag?”
                 “Yes! I love chess! I’m so glad it’s still around!” He grabs the board. “I mean, it’s not surprising, it’s older than me, but still!”
                 Marie looks at him. He’s already taking the board to her coffee table, his wings fluttering excitedly as he starts to set up the pieces. For a moment, his smile is so happy, so open, that she hardly even notices how it’s made up of knifelike fangs. For a moment, Alcor the Dreambender doesn’t look all that much like a demon to her.
                 He kind of looks like a young Ben.
                 Then Alcor looks over at her, and worry seeps into the shine in his eyes. “Oh…” he says, and she blinks. “Sorry, did you want to play chess? We can play something else if-”
                 “No, no, it’s fine! I like chess too.” Marie tries for a smile. She’s surprised at how natural it feels. “I’ll just get my tea.”
                 Morning passes gently into the afternoon. Shadows slowly slide around the house as the sun dips lower, and rays of light reach a chessboard on the coffee table. It’s halfway through a game. The pieces are stopped there; a black queen stands side by side with a white knight, like they’ve called a ceasefire.
                 On the couch, overlooking them, is Marie. She lies back in the cushions, her fingers laced over her chest, her breath coming slow, steady. As Alcor watches, she grunts and shifts, and sinks a little lower in her seat. He can feel her aura, and at least for now, it’s as still and as peaceful as he’s ever felt it be.
                 He smiles at that. Then he leans down, and conjures a blanket to cover her sleeping form. He picks up her empty cup of tea, and brings it over to the counter.
                 Once that’s done, Alcor settles back down in the chair opposite her, and just listens to all the little sounds of this moment.
                 It was a good few games of chess, he thinks. It feels like they both needed that.
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loridrabbles · 5 years
Nsfw Alphabet- Jango Fett
Tell me who to do next!
A=Aftercare - What they do/act like after sex
He's a cuddler. After cleaning up and letting you shower you're gonna be in for some snuggling.
B=Bondage - Are they into BDSM, and how far they’ll go if they have a green light.
Somewhat into it. He won't go much further than tying you down in different positions, but not much more than that.
C=Cum - pretty self explanatory.
Favorite place to cum: Inside sweety.
Volume: Average
D=Dom - Are they dominant, submissive, a switch?
Definitely dominant. Even if he's bottoming.
E=Edgeplay - Similar to ‘Kinks’ except it’s a lot riskier than usual kinks (knifeplay, breathplay, etc.).
Surprisingly he wasn't into it before you met. You told him you wanted him to choke you one day and he was ???. Once he saw the look on your face when he put his hands around your neck, he was all in.
F=Fantasy - A fantasy of theirs (ex: a teacher/student fantasy).
Once he daydreamed that, as reward for completing a contract, he got to fuck you.
G=Got Caught - How they react when they get caught having sex.
He's pissed that the moment was ruined. He'll make eye contact with the intruder while he finishes.
H=Hot Spots - A place that drives them crazy when stimulated (EX: neck).
He doesn't really have any. He'd rather leave all the love bites on you.
I=Intimacy - How romantic they are, or can be, before, during, or after sex.
The cheesiest romantic in the galaxy. He's all hand holding, little kisses, sweet nothings. He's a big softie.
J=Journey - Their ideal way of leading up to sex.
Pretty casual. Your sex life is fairly active so things just happen when they happen, though sometimes, if a contract went sour, he'll take his anger out on (or in) you.
K=Kinks - List a few of their kinks, be they the normalized ones or kinkier kinks.
Dirty...DIRTY talk. Eye contact sends him over the edge.
L=Location - Where they like to have sex at, do they like risky locations, etc.
He's boring. He prefers a bed...or the back of Slave 1.
M=Masturbation - How they are when they get themselves off, what they get themselves off to.
Your sex life is pretty active, no he doesn't really get the chance or need to masturbate.
N=NO - A few things that they will absolutely, under no circumstances, ever do.
He's super hesitant when it comes to pretty much anything. He's pretty vanilla, but open to try something at least once with some convincing. One thing he'll never do again is hit you, no matter how much you liked it. Also, not really into anal...like at all.
O=On’s - Their top turn on’s that they have (things that’ll get them super horny super quickly).
Grab and pull him by his utility belt. See what happens. Bite his lip. Hug him from behind, run your hands down to his belt and unbuckle it. He's nutting.
P=Position - Their favourite position to have sex in.
He likes front entrance doggy style or missionary. He's a simple man trying to nut his way in the universe.
Q=Quickie - Do they like it, do they prefer quickies over actual sex, etc.
He's not super into quickies. He'd much rather take his time and enjoy you. If he's tired and horny, then he doesn't mind.
R=Rough - How rough they are, or get, when in bed.
Depends on his mood, but there's no in between. He's either tortuously soft and slow or, gripping the bedsheets destroying you
S=Stamina - How long they can go before they tap out.
Two sometimes 3 average rounds, or one long trip to head throbbing pound down
T=Toys - Do use toys, do they own them, what kind, etc.
He never used toys before he met you. Sometimes he thinks it's nice to switch things up (or on) a bit, but nothing more than a vibrator or maybe a cock ring.
U=Unfair - How much they tease you, how they tease you, etc.
He doesn't really tease during foreplay. He prefers teasing you throughout the day; saying dirty things to you, rubbing his hand up and down your thigh, things like that, so by the time you two do get in bed you can't take it anymore.
V=Volume - How loud they get when having sex, things they might say, etc.
He's pretty quiet. Apart from some dirty talk he's silent. He'd much rather listen to you.
W=Wild Card - a random letter for the character of your choice.
V- Voyeurism
Once he was mad at you. He thought itd be nice to hire another guy to fuck you, to show you that there's no one that can make you feel the way he does. He was into it. Mirrors were installed on all 4 walls the next day.
X=X-Ray - How they look with their clothes off.
Not too long, around 5-6in. But thicccc.
Y=Yearning - How often they need to have sex.
At least every other day, if not every.
Z=ZZZ - How quickly they fall asleep after having sex.
Out like a light within 20 minutes.
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gamegrumpiess · 6 years
Dont Forget About Me PART 2
Hey guysss!!! I kept my promise and gave you a part two of Don't Forget About Me. Buckle up and sit back because there's a lot in this one.
Y/l/n -> your last name
Danny x reader
Warnings? Nah
Y/n’s POV
After I graduated, I ended up moving to California to pursue my voice acting career. But as it turns out, it's much harder than it seems. Not a lot of opportunities pops up right away for an inexperienced voice actress. So I ended up working in a rocker clothing store down the street from my apartment. It actually pays really well and my coworkers are nice as well as my boss.
Today is one of those rare days where it's really fucking slow. There has been no more than five customers all day. That is until four new customers walked in. Three boys and one girl, (looking really no older than me) all laughing and making jokes while walking around, checking out the items. I didn't mind them being kind of loud, it was a nice refresher from the constant heavy metal they play on the radio here. I love rock and roll as much as a coke head loves drugs, but when you listen to the music constantly every day it's nice to take a break.
The female, somewhat shorter than all the boys with long dark purple hair and having a rocking attitude, came up to me. “I love your style! Do you get a discount on all the dope stuff here?” Her voice was a little rough, like she just got over a cold, but still sounded like silk when she spoke. “Dude, rad hair! Is blue your favorite color too?” The tallest boy with long dreadlocks and somewhat smudged eyeliner, wearing a lot of spikes and leather all around his body. He commented on my dark blue hair I just dyed a few days ago. It was nice refresher from my usual h/c.
All four of them looked at my style in awe with wide eyes. “We’re in a band, how would you like to come see how we sound? I'm Tyler, I play the drums.” Tyler points to the tall boy with dreads. “That's Jason. He's lead guitar.” Dreads, who I now know as Jason, walks up to me and shakes my hand. “And then this is Maxwell, the bass guitarist. But we all like to call him Blade.” My curiosity peeked up. “Why do you guys call him Blade?” Blade comes up to me and shows me his switchblade, perfectly sharpened and shiny. It looks like you could cut yourself just by looking at it for too long. “I carry this with me at all times. Never know what kind of crazy people are doing now-a-days.” He explains to me. Finally, the girl speaks up to me. “I'm Claudia. I'm the girl who does all the screamo in the band because I can't sing for shit.” She says with a cute smile on her face. None of them look any older than me, but I guess no one can really be sure.
“I'd love to check you guys out. What's the name of your band?” Tyler perks up, “It's called Toxic Nightmare! We made it when we were all in high school. We've been struggling to really get our music out there, and we have a pretty decent big fan-base, but we always wanna do better. So it would mean a lot to us if you gave us your opinion?” I nodded with a smile. “I'm down! My shift ends in about 20 minutes, would you guys be willing to wait until then and I can tell you guys then?” They all nodded in agreement. Little did I know, that would be the day when my life got way better.
That same day, we all went to their rehearsal area so I could hear them play. Although I did like the way Claudia sounded since she put so much passion and emotions into her screaming, I thought it could use some actual singing. Sadly none of them knew anyone who knew how to sing, so Claudia had the idea to have me try and sing. Turns out, my singing voice with her screaming sounds really awesome. Next thing I knew, I was officially part of Toxic Nightmare as the new lead singer. All of us have grown insanely close. I really consider Tyler, Jason, Blade, and Claudia as my family.
Since i've joined TN, we've really blown up in terms of getting our music out there in the world. It feels like so long since I've met them, as if I've been with them my entire life. My mom and step dad enjoy my music, which is insane considering they're devoted Christians. Jacob, now that he's older says him and his friends listen to our music as well.
I hear my phone ringing, my mother's specific ringtone I put for her a year ago. Her favorite song she dedicated to me when I was 7.
"Helloooo?" I hear movement, and then my mother's voice through the microphone. "Y/n!! How are you, my daughter? What time is your flight?" I smile to myself, thinking how I can't wait to spend the holidays with my family. Well, the ones that care about me anyway. My biological fathers side of the family disowned me after they found out what I do for a living now. And most of my mom's side of the family doesn't really talk to me as much anymore. "I'll be there by tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning." I fill her in on all that's happened this week. We have a new tour coming up in 2019, all around America. We also made sure that our last stop in the tour is in New Jersey, so my brother can come to our concert since itd be close to his birthday. "Oh! Y/n, Debra and Avi are going to spend the holidays with us! Daniel is coming here as well. Have you talked to him at all?"
I shake my head, somewhat forgetting she can't see me. "In all honesty, mom, no. I've tried to contact him a lot, but his number changed and I really don't want to go asking Avi and Debbie his number. I feel like that's kinda creepy." She takes a bite out of her food before answering. "Well at least you'll see him soon, you can catch up with him then," I hear yelling and movement in the background. "Okay hun, your brother and his girlfriend is here, I'll talk to you soon! Much love to the others."
She hangs up the phone and I sit there for a few more minutes. Dan's gonna be there. I'll get to see him after all these years. The last time I saw him was so long ago, I think about three years on the fourth of July. We talked for a bit, his girlfriend at the time took a dislike to me the minute she saw me, so I didn't have much time to talk to him. I know he's finally living the dream he's always had, and I'm more than proud of what he's doing. I listen to music during the times when I have a breather, which is pretty rare since I'm part of TN. Now that I think really hard about Dan, I remember how much I liked him when I was younger. All those years ago having this huge crush on his lanky, dorky self. Before my mind can go any farther, I force myself to go finish packing everything I need to go for the next two weeks. I hope and pray everything goes well, Im excited to see Avi and Debbie, and Dana, and Dan.. focus, y/n. You'll have time to daydream on the plane.
"I appreciate you picking my up from the airport, Mrs y/l/n. I thought it'd be a nice surprise to my parents for the holidays." She shakes her hand at me with a smile on her face. "I don't mind, son. You know I consider you part of the family. I have to pick up y/n at the airport tomorrow morning too." My head shoots up at the mention of her name. "Y/n's coming?" She raises an eyebrow and gives a small smirk. "Well yes. She took some time off to come here. Her last time off before her big tour coming up. She's been working so hard, I'm glad she's taking a break. Especially with us." I nod my head, slowly zoning out and daydreaming about seeing her again.
Before I know it, we're home. I thank Mrs y l n once again and give her hug before making my way back to my house, which is still across the street.
I wake up at 7, which is insanely early for me. Mrs y l n should be leaving to pick y n up soon. I can't stress how proud I am of her. Toxic Nightmare is one of my favorite bands. I even showed Arin and Brian some of there songs. Y n's voice is like heaven, and her band mates are all super talented. Everytime I have a chance I listen to their songs, watch their music videos, I've even seen some interviews they've done. (Only real true fans know that her and I were really close back in the day.) She's grown into a beautiful woman, amazing voice, beautiful body, a hard-working mindset. In all honesty I've grown to be a fanboy for her. She's funny, too. She's been featured in several YouTubers videos and she's made me laugh each time. Arin likes to tease me about my little crush on her. But trust me, I can't be blamed. She's practically my dream woman.
I've zoned out so much, I didn't realize Mrs y l n getting in her car and driving away. She's told me she sees me and y n getting together. I mean, I wouldn't mind that. These two weeks are gonna be a hell of a ride...
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uh so im about to discuss about salvis aka sal x travis (and no its not going to be me calling it problematic and im not gonna bash you if you like it, im going to be explaining the flaws that come with the ship regarding the canon character dynamic) so click read more if youre up for it!
warning for mentions of abuse, internalized homophobia, uhh i think thats it
alright so a lot of people tend to think that when someone tries to explain the little issues with a ship that its because theyre defending their own ship they like. and... for me? no, thats not the case. yeah i dont ship sal x travis but im not going to say i dont or argue why just because i prefer my own ship over it. thats a bullshit reason and we all know it.
as a victim of abuse and self-insecurity i completely understand what travis has gone/is going through. he cant accept that he likes boys. he’s been raised to think that its sin, that its disgusting and that the one person or being who he ever felt has truly heard his cries, aka god, hates him now. and i understand if you have been through that situation yourself and therefore you project onto him, and youre someone who has a tough time dealing with issues independently. i understand completely. as i said, ive been there before.
but i personally dont think it’d work to ship travis with, not just sal, but anyone in general. he’s a character who still has a lot of development. what he truly needs right now is a friend, and yes, i understand thats what a lot of you are trying to go for, but its hard to not see undertones of them (travis and sal) being shipped in your content. travis has been physically harmful towards sal and has harassed him and his friends. and while that is because he deals with being abused himself, causing him to not really know how to deal with his emotions, he still knows and is aware that what hes doing is wrong. hell, in the note (who im assuming is for sal) he says hes crazy about him. and then he goes to tell him he doesnt actually hate sal. so he knows what hes doing is wrong.
and can he control his anger? probably not. and thats okay, i understand that. but again as someone who has been abused and has taken out my own issues on others in different ways, ive come to learn that its inexcusable. no matter what form of abuse youve been through, no matter what mental illness you deal with, no matter what, you have to learn that taking out your problems on others in any sort of way is damaging and does not help you heal and grow from your issues.
and i think a lot of people tend to subconsciously make sal a big part of travis’ “redemption arc” in fanon content. i do acknowledge the fact that sal has said he forgives travis and is willing to befriend him, and understands that his home life is tough, but he should not be playing such a huge role in travis being redeemed. adding a relationship to travis does not erase his current issues, it only worsens them because now he has a relationship added on top of the abuse he endures from his father and his still-healing internalized homophobia. its just not healthy in that way. i dont see it working.
a lot of people tend to think especially in characters that a redemption arc is easy, that with characters you can just change them completely like the flick of a light-switch. but with how real and raw sally face is, its important we try and take travis being redeemed very slowly and steadily. he has to accept himself, first and foremost, with the occasional help from sal and his friends. he has to learn that he is not a disgusting person for loving who he loves and that with time he will get better, he just has to set initiative to that. then he has to find out how he can tackle the abuse he endures from his dad. worst comes to worst, he doesnt find a very complete way of healing from his abuse and simply runs away or turns his back on his father. and you know what? thats okay, because as long as he can escape it one way or another, and have time to heal afterwards, its okay.
it isnt easy to accept yourself while being abused at the same time. and like i said i think a lot of you tend to subconsciously make sal play a huge role in travis becoming a better person, when really, sal should only be there for small bits of advice or when travis is in desperate need of comfort. travis needs a friend, nothing more, nothing less. he doesnt need a relationship because that only adds to the problems he faces already. travis is a good character and id personally love to see him be redeemed in the last episode (aka the next episode), but i want him to be able to do that on his own.
as i mentioned before i am someone who has had a very hard time coming to terms with who i am in the past, and i have been a victim of abuse. i know how hard it is to heal and to grow, and trust me it takes a very long time. its never easy. and if you are a victim of abuse or you have dealt with/are dealing with internalized homophobia or whatever it may be, and you ship travis with sal or whoever, thats okay. i understand if its a comfort for you and a way for you to project. but you know what? in reality, unfortunately, a relationship like sal x travis, with the past dynamic theyve had, it most likely wouldnt work. it would only cause more trouble and probably for both sides.
im not hating on the ship, i just want to speak out about the flaws it has. im not discouraging anyone from shipping it, im only letting you know that it wouldnt be the Healthiest with how their dynamic is. im not willing to argue on this or start a bunch of discourse. i just thought this would be an interesting topic to make a post about.
if youve made it up to here, thank you for reading, i appreciate it and i hope you took something from it. again im not hating. i kinda think itd be cute too if they didnt have the dynamic they have in canon. but because they do have that kind of dynamic its just not good realistically.
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midnight-circus · 5 years
another bullshit meme
from sidebloggable
answered for logan and lucius bc i dont talk about my big dumb idiot enough
and im actually gonna answer for their original Fable timeline bc ive been feelin nostalgic recently
Their physical weak spots
Logan - depends on his age and/or stress-levels. He has a fair amount of upper body strength from swinging twin swords around all the fucking time, but it wouldn’t be ridiculously hard to overpower him if you could disarm and get hold of him - however, he’s fast, agile and extremely skilled, and it’s getting hold of him in the first place that’s the issue. In the middle of his reign, on the other hand, his body condition takes a dramatic dive - he’s pretty severely underweight and loses a lot of his muscle tone, and it really wouldn’t take much at all to best him. 
Lucius - Lucius is a big, heavy mercenary who fights with a broadsword, so it’s hard to get the best of him in a one-to-one melee fight. However, he’s missing his left eye and is deaf in his left ear - subsequently if you use a little bit of stealth and come at him hard and fast from the left, you’ve got a pretty good chance of getting the jump on him. He’s also into middle-age and despite having decent reactions, a younger man of the same build as him might just pip him to the post.
Their emotional/moral weak spots
Logan - oh god lmao. Logan’s a mess, but his primary emotional weak spot is his siblings - be they his original two (hey queenie and dorian) or Morgan. I think he feels a bond that’s closer to paternal than fraternal, and I think the only way he can really justify to himself the pain he puts them through is telling himself he’s doing it for them. ok honestly, he will do fucking anything for them. at the climax of the revolution, the primary thought running through his head is how fucking proud he is. be nice if he said it out loud every once a while - hell, itd be nice if he’d just asked for some fuckin help before causing the literal death of hundreds of people - but yknow. thats just going one step too far i guess
Lucius - he’s a bleeding heart. when Morgan and his little band of rebels rock up in the Dweller village, Lucius is already there running supplies up and down the mountain to them; he watches way too many kids starve to death, and joins up with the rebels in order to lead them through Mourningwood. then he gets a crush on morgan’s little bitch face and just like. never leaves lmao. He’s easily blinded by injustice and gets worked up really quickly when he sees wrong being done - it can lead him to act recklessly or thoughtlessly at times.
Scars or painful spots
Logan - asides from the obvious scars across his lips (fencing wounds when he was a boy), he took some nasty damage from the Crawler during the three days he was trapped in the Auroran cave - he’s got a network of scars on his back that look a little like lashmarks. they hurt when they’re touched and he Does Not talk about them. he’s also got a few other scars here and there on his arms and chest from miscellaneous scraps and scuffles, and he has a deep puncture scar on his abdomen from an assassination attempt, but the less said about those the better.
Lucius - lmao Lucius is literally missing half his face to scar-tissue. he was attacked by a dog as a boy and it left him heavily messed-up. he’s also a merc, as i said, so he’s got a lot of miscellaneous old wounds but nothing quite as obvious as the ones his face. 
Best places to kiss on their body
Logan - oh, the neck, bitch. he’s also kind of a slut for being kissed on the insides of his wrists; anywhere vulnerable, basically. if you could kill him there, kiss him there. freak-ass bitch.
Lucius - dude just likes a nice traditional french kiss man nothing crazy. but also definitely give him a blowjob. i know this question said kissing but lets be real thats kind of a kiss.
Guilty pleasures
Logan - he reads really terrible novels. like…really terrible. he pretends he’s reading something highbrow and intellectual but its actually a shitty romance recovered with something suitably acceptable and nobody can know
Lucius - he doesnt have any ‘guilty’ pleasures tbh, he just enjoys stuff unashamedly. he’s too thick to feel guilty
Their vices (physical or emotional)
Logan - lets be real, he’s probably done, like. an impressive amount of coke. i guess the terrible sleeping and eating habits are probably also a vice but like. it’s mainly the coke
Lucius - he smokes like a fuckin chimney
Their tickle spots
Logan - not only does he not have any, but you would also die for trying. Elrick disagrees.
Lucius - his ribs, but he is uncontrollably violent when he’s tickled so its a real good way to get a broken nose. he doesn’t mean to do it, he just spasms. 
Bad memories/experiences
Logan - lmao. I’ll skip the most obvious (the 3-Day Auroran Extravaganza) because i think that goes without saying - it left him with crippling PTSD and damaged his mind heavily and insidiously. he was already pretty traumatised by his childhood and i think being forced into so many responsibilities so young also messed him up a little. it’s more like….rather one one or two specific experiences, its more just a general feeling of Bad that has stuck with him throughout his life. It was worsened by his later experiences, and essentially primed him for failure.
Lucius - yknow i was thinking about how to word the answer to this question and i realised that i accidentally made Lucius into Batman. His family farm was attacked and burnt to the ground by bandits when he was about 12; his parents and siblings were killed, and he only escaped by hiding in the coal-cellar. Later, he joined up with the mercenaries to try and track down the group that targeted them. fuck hes batman. i didnt mean to batman
Humiliating memories
Logan - oh man his father was a pro at humiliation. mistakes or oversights werent just punished, they were fuckin learned from, and he figured the best way to do this was humiliation - generally through public displays of What You Did Wrong and repeated recitations of the mistake in front of the people whose opinions Logan valued. It was kind of the catalyst for his inferiority complex and intense desire to succeed without input from others. 
Lucius - again, Lucius doesn’t really experience embarrassment - he’s kind of too laid-back for it. yes, it was embarrassing the one time he fell over carrying two milk buckets and threw them all over himself in front of the handsome boy from the next farm over and the guy started laughing at him but like. you live and learn and the dude turned out to have a really ugly laugh anyway so who cares
Logan - he’s always had claustrophobia, but after the Auroran Experience this intensifies to a whole new level, and he also develops crippling nyctophobia. part of this is due to his hallucinatory psychosis - he sees things pretty much constantly, but it worsens in low lighting - but it’s also due to the fact that there may very well be actual Things in the dark and he struggles to tell reality from hallucination
Lucius - dogs. fuckin dogs. he hates dogs theyre literally so scary even the small ones bc the small ones move so quick and you never know when theyre gonna come at you
Bad or petty habits
Logan - oh, he’s just a petty bitch. he’s also outwardly arrogant, even if his internal feelings don’t match up to that. drily sarcastic, too, tho a person only really sees that when they get past the walls he throws up - Elrick is very familiar with it. 
Lucius - he’s constantly standing to the right-hand side of people and then he wonders why he cant hear them properly
Grudges and vendettas
Logan - he’d hold a grudge against his father if he wasnt dead. he also holds a pretty heavy grudge against Theresa for not just fucking telling him.
Lucius - at first, only against the bandits that killed his family, but once he deals with them hes kind of at a loss as to where to go next. fortunately Logan starts starving people shortly afterwards, so if nothing else it gives him a kickstart into the rest of his life. Subsequently, Lucius will hold a vendetta against Logan for the rest of his life, even after he has been in a relationship with Morgan for years - he will never forgive him for the shit he put the common people through, and he doesnt really give a shit about the ~pressures~ Logan was under at the time. fuckin excuses, man. 
Ingrained habits/forces of habit
Logan - his terrible sleeping/eating patterns. even before trauma and night-terrors made it almost impossible for him to sleep peacefully, he didn’t get more than 5 or 6 hours a night, if that.
Lucius - if something is smaller than him, he’ll protect it. he’ll also protect things bigger than him, if given half the chance. hes basically a golden retriever in human form, which is ironic considering his feelings about dogs.
What it takes to make them cry
Logan - would rather die than cry, quite literally.
Lucius - his heart is softer than butter, he’ll cry at anything. he’ll cry at an injured pigeon on the street. 
Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Logan - never, ever, ever talks about what happened in Aurora. The details die with him.
Lucius - he doesn’t really have any - he’s not ashamed of much in his life, and he’s never done anything terrible enough to render it a skeleton. 
People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
Logan - L M A O. yes, it affected him terribly, but tbqh however much its affected him kind of plays second fiddle to how much his actions affected other people.
Lucius - has killed a lot of people who deserved it during his mercenary years, and justifies it to himself by being absolutely certain that they did deserve it. sometimes he doubts this, though, and that doubt plays a big part in his eventually getting out of the game entirely
People who’ve influenced them greatly
Logan - Walter, tho he’ll never admit it in a million years and he still definitely kneecapped him right at the start of the game so idk what that says about him
Lucius - Morgan. it’s real gay, i know, but there it is.
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