#like! i want to know! with this new information abt him. what was going thru his head
iinryer · 1 month
i know tommy is a tertiary character or whatever but after rewatching all the begins i desperately want to hear him talk more about that time at the 118 from his perspective. i want to know if he was afraid! i want to know if he wasn’t! how much did he know about himself by then, an inkling? nothing at all? all of it?? i want to know about his guilt and bridging the gap to friendship and if having made amends back then feels any different now that he isn’t hiding anymore…
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randoimago · 9 months
hey , i'm new to your blog but i made sure to read thru ur rules so i hope this request is ok , just in case a cw for talking abt illness , can i please request phoenix wright and simon blackquill (separate) comforting the reader bc they just got told a health issue they have been dealing with ever since childhood is actually chronic ? (it's not mortal but its also meaning she can do stuff to keep it under control but there is no deffinite cure so it will never fully go away) thanks for your attention and have a nice day / night and remember to drink water
Comforting an S/O With a Chronic Health Condition
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Character(s): Phoenix Wright, Simon Blackquill
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I'll be sure to tag the cw!! And I hope you have a nice day / night too! Do your best to take care of yourself ❤️
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Phoenix Wright
He knew about your health condition causing you lots of issues. You've spoken to him about this in the past and how it's been a nuisance since your childhood. And now you came back from your doctor's appointment and shared that this isn't just some illness, but something that you'll have for life.
Phoenix does his best to help with accommodations as he did before you learned this new information. He tells you to not stress too much about things and that he never needs an explanation if you have to cancel a date or anything. Just know that he's by your side and nothing will change that.
If you'd like, he'd be happy to attend any doctor's appointment from now on if you want the support. Even if he just waits outside, he's fine with it. Just know that while it is heartbreaking to know that there isn't a cure, he will always be there for you so you'll never be alone.
Simon Blackquill
Will make your doctor's do every test possible when you learn the news that your condition is chronic. Even if the tests can't cure you, there has to be something that will help give an idea of what you both can do to lessen your condition.
Do not hesitate to ask him for anything. He knows that you might feel some stubbornness about wanting to act like everything is normal, and he'll treat you as such if you wish, but know that if you ever do want his help or need something of him then he will do whatever he can for you.
When he was stuck in prison, there had been a few support groups made for different situations. Perhaps, if you wish, you could find support groups to help you emotionally and mentally. He would never force anything on you, but he'd be more than willing to help you look into it.
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moon7jay · 5 months
let me spill about my dates that i secretly went to.
so u know how i said my ex bff was also my ex gf right?(yes i was GAY BUT IM STR8 NOW,BUT ANYWAYS). we used to talk about how we could meet a week prior to when we wanted to,and we had this certain time we would go out cycling,since its a brown household,its strict somehow,and we were only given one hour from 3-5 pm to cycle.
so like,since we had a week on our hands,we would each be out cycling alternately to find spots for uk.....skinship(NOT TO MUCCH THO IT WAS ALL HUGS AND KISSES)and then,we would inform eo abt places we found thru texts,if ur wondering,when we met,we met at grade 7 and we were tgt as bffs until i shifted schools on 8th grade,and the whole relation thingy happened thru wattpad chats.
and when the day would come,we would go out cycling tgt,to that spot. AND I CAN TELL U THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE WAS A KINDERGARTEN'S WASHROOM. THATS A FUNNY STORY.
first of all BROWN HOUSEHOLD! You need to tell me where you're from rn.
Also hate to break it to u babe but the gay doesn't go away😞 you'll someday come across another gorgeous girl and your brain will go 'well damn."
Your life has been adventurous as hell hello??? 😭 sneaking out and secret meetups and everything. Also fuck that gaurd he wasn't a girl's girl 💔
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2-wuv · 1 year
1, 12 & 13 for the ask game
- @mansplainmanipulatemalewife
ohhhhhh this got Ranty w the first question BAHAHAHAHA uhhhhh under the cut lol
the character everyone gets wrong
ELECTROCHEMISTRY. OKAY . OK!!!!!!!!! listne to me LISTEN TO ME. i am speaking into your ear right now. Electrochemistry has done nothing wrong. All E-chem wants is Joy. It wants Harry 2 find things that Spark Joy . ok ???????!! AND IT'S NOT E-CHEM'S FAULT THAT THE THING THAT SPARKS JOY FOR HARRY IS DRUGS. OK. it's not E-Chem's fault that Harry went "ok drugs and alcohol make me Happy Currently" and that E-Chem was like "Okey 😃👍❗ Understood!" Donot blame E-chem for that THANK YOUvery much. ok.
It is not some fuvkign Demon okay!!!!!!!!! Wrong? Yes! Absolutely!! But it doesn't intentionally! Fuckign!!! DO THAT! On purpose! To make Harry's life worse!!!!!! What we understand is it just tOok the information learned/given ["X Thing makes happy chemical happen. This is good! Happy chemical Good and Needed."] and rolled with it aND CAN YOU BLAME IT FOR THAT. no <3.
Like. We don't know much abt addiction [except that it Does run in our family. And we probably are Very Prone To It given that fact.] but I assume to help an addict you don't fucking yell at em for it. You try to. Help them. Help em find something else Not Harmful to make the Happy Chemicals happen right?? yelling doesn't do shit for anyone </3 and . If Given A New Outlet For the to find Dopamine in a nonharmful way Then both Harry cna get better & E-chem can learn that drugs arent Good ANYWAYS MY POINT IS!!!!!!!!!!
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worst blorboficiation
Girl.,.,.,,.,.,.,. Hmmb. Would whatever's going on w fanon Jean count ,,,............... have we all forgotten hhow much of a jackass he is actually. like He's a well written character butalso That man is not good . <3 he is so not niceys or normal or niceys . I wiuld kill him without hesitationFJDJJSJDCJCJCJ
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
OK LIKE,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,. so we haven't even come Near finishing the gmae so our opinions on characters and who we're even Aware of are v v . Not A Lot but. anywyas.
outside od the fan favourite skills nobody rllt cares abt like. All the others wethink?? sure they have their fans too but that's liek few n far btwn feom what we've noticed. and leik. Anyways. *hholds Encyclopedia in my hands* Do you seehim. Doyiu See Him
. Pleas elooke at Encyclopedia pls. He is so <3! he is so (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧. He makes my heart so ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️.
reasons u should like him:
he shares so many fun facts with u. Thatsliterally his job. he's the funf acts guy.
he looks sO NEAT!!!!
. tbh that's it . we looked thru his dialog on fayde and honestly it truly Is just 99% fun facts abt random shit innit HFHSJSKAAKDJCJ
BUT STILL. he is. MY BLORBO fucke youe if you dont like encyclopedia all my homies love encyclopedia fucka off if u disagree. i love learning useless trivia and i lov ehearing people infodump when i jave mental energy for it. i would kill for him .
ALSO HE'S RELATABLE we too just share random knowledge we have when we remember it. <3.
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darkicedragon · 2 years
Seb/Angelo don’t Fully Spark Joy for me and Azure. So we talk about developing Rougewolfe and Angelo interactions instead.
darkicedragon Yeah, hm. Theres no Spark for me w angelo and seb Theyve got the culture and class differences, but they dont clash AGAINST each other. They tease, but dont make each other react azure same ú-ù Angelo has potential, but Seb just doesn't cut it *sigh he's not Muzaka, unfortunately darkicedragon Hes an m at closest, pff. But w self esteem. A lil ball of rage azure technically yes, but even his angst falls flat and boy, I should eat him up with the amount of shit that happened to him darkicedragon We need qn escaped alpha .... ............ Roguewolf Well shit 😂 A failed alpha who went thru all the experiments and augments and is a ball or rage azure YESSSS someone to balance Angelo heck I'd eat this ISH UP! GIMMIE GIMMIE THIS EXACTLY darkicedragon Doing what he can to get by, but too traumatised to do much and ends up back in the hands of scientists again azure HNNNNNGGGGG you I like ur brain darkicedragon Tho would angelo have anything to do with him, since roguewolfs dna just isnt fit for alpha augs. Unless roguewolf tries hunter, has a bad reaction and angelo wants to fix it since he feels its his fault hunter is on the streets Or the new batch isnt meant for ppl already enhanced darkicedragon Roguewolfe hating it there bc it just reminds him of his Failure and all the shit he was put thru, and just rage bc of the strong association angelo has w augur .... And also angelo getting a first hand acct of whats been going on under his nose, so now he has to figure out what to do with all this information and how to adjust with his new perception of augur (unless he already had suspicions, but never had time to dig deeper into it) azure whose blood were they using for hunter? wasn't it roguewolf's? darkicedragon W adjustments. Maybe they improved his own mixture enough that his dna rejected the new mixture like the original azure > Roguewolfe hating it there bc it just reminds him of his Failure... smells like a lovely combination of M and Muzaka and I'm digging it so hard uwu 👌 Wolf not trusting Angelo, but having no choice but to follow and obey him bc he can help him not die due to his faulty augs while Angelo is v =-= bc something is clearly at fault, but he doesn't know how to fix it darkicedragon Angelo asking abt rogues scars 'Its from the alpha training?? Did you seriously never oversee any of it?' 'An accident...?' 'Hah. As intended. You ask any alpha around how many scars they got from training and come back to me, or do you only listen to other scientists?' azure ohohoho yessss darkicedragon 'Oh right, you WONT see them, bc they were the SUCCESSFUL ones, so all their scars were smoothed over with the augments, never to be seen again' 'I...' azure 🤤 👌 also night terrors that go extremely bad because Wolf uses his powers to defend himself and Angelo has to physically hold him down and wake him up which is not easy, bc him enhancing Wolf meant he was pretty powerful darkicedragon omggggg. is wolfe being looked after in augur building or angelos home, bc wolfe might put his fist thru a wall 😂 darkicedragon 'you never asked, did you. what happened to the failures. you were too interested in the ones who made it thru, your little pet project, never thinking abt what happened to the rest of us' 'i just thought-' 'yeah. you did. the rest of us never mattered, so long as you got your fucking results for your golden alphas' azure I love this 🥰 also bc Angelo being at an impasse coming to terms with all the ppl he indirectly hurt darkicedragon yesssss azure hmmm, I'd like to say Angelo's home bc angelo... illegally stabilizing Wolf maybe as thanks for him giving him hints about hunter also bc I don't think Wolf would want to go back to augur ever darkicedragon and since wolfe isnt an official alpha, shouldnt be treated in the building either azure THE DOGGOS O0O the doggos sensing when Wolf is in a reaaaally bad place, going to him to calm him down Angelo finds him dozing off in a corner, with the doggos piled up on him/next to him bc they sensed him having a night terror/a burst of anger and they grounded him darkicedragon angelo def knowing somethings up when the dogs go to wolfe rather than him 8') also zeus going to angel to help wake wolfe up azure while Apollo is just a puppy pile on top of Wolf all <QnQ> *smol whines bc he's not waking up and he's hurting darkicedragon yesssss. licking his face and wolfe still isnt waking up azure and when Angelo wakes him up, he's startled and lashes out at angelo, not at the doggos, ofc uwu darkicedragon angelo is the first face he sees, while doggos 'only' feel like restraints, so its angelo he lunges for ... good thing angelo can heal and doesnt feel 8'))) unless wolfe isnt that strong azure Angelo does a good job at fixing him ^-^ maybe he didn't mean to make him that strong he... accidentally made him strong Angelo like "Ah, hmm.... Oh, well' darkicedragon 😂 he got too In The Zone and suddenly hes been pouring over wolfe's dna and what to tweak and he's got 10 missed called from hastings wondering where the hell hes been and hes missed all these V Imp Meetings azure yessss and he's like 'tsk, such a nuisance' oooh, maybe Wolf was breaking down or getting real sick and he had 2 options crawl back to augur and hope they fix him or make a deal with Angelo Wolf hearing Angelo is looking for more info about Hunter and Wolfe can get him that info darkicedragon yaaaaa azure in exchange for Angelo fixing him and not letting him die "No offense, doc, but you couldn't take a single step in the slums and not be recognized. I blend in easily, I can get you the info you need. You just fix me." darkicedragon yesssssss azure "Are you looking to get unlicensed enhancements?" "No, I just wanna stay alive"
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nuclevi · 2 years
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ft. erwin, levi, hange, mikasa, armin, eren, jean, connie & ymir.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, blood, manslaughter, drugs, alcohol, poison, guns and weapons, one night stands, hange being a psychotic genius, crimes, lmk if i missed anything.
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erwin [the boss]
do not be fooled by his looks and gentlemanly actions
takes full advantage of anyone’s trust or intelligence, in both good or bad ways
once you are affiliated w him, there’s no escaping. you either live in this corrupt lifestyle or leave in a casket. he might care for you, but if you are no use for him then say goodbye to your life
he’s bold, commanding and respected among everyone. even his enemies are in awe with the power he has. don’t know if they want to be him, be with him or kill him
erwin is informed about everything. and i mean everything. from the change in the mansion’s food menu, to a soldier having a crush, he knows everything 
armin is his successor by all means 
he lives away from the working quarters or the mansion, in an old castle built by his father to keep the family safe, only the officials he trusts know abt it 
he dresses casual in dress shirts and pants 
he doesn’t attend meetings himself, armin does it on his behalf. some people even think erwin smith doesn’t actually exist lol and they made him up to instill fear in others
he keeps a lot about himself private. the soldiers only know abt his existence and hear his name in passing but none of them have actually met him or seen him
even then, he is very fearful and knows how to play his cards right
armin [underboss/second in command] 
like master, like pupil
he is ruthless yes, but has a soft side too that not many people are open to
studies alot. about architecture, armory, chemistry, past events, etc
king of manipulating and blackmailing weaker organizations into surrendering 
he dresses in shirts and pants too
armin once courted annie leonhardt, from a powerful enemy organization, to use her and retrieve their secrets thru her. just like erwin had predicted, annie was fooled by armin’s charms and betrayed her family, but later armin realized that he had started garnering true feelings for her. it was too late by then and one morning he woke up to annie’s dead body in the bed next to him. he was deeply shaken by that and couldn’t speak to anyone for months. erwin took down annie’s family and seeing how depressed armin was, he decided to allow armin to bury annie in their family cemetery.  
he has annie’s initials engraved in the gun he uses 
the master of all important plans of raiding, kidnapping, infiltrating, killing and his plans have never failed. and i mean, never. 
he lives in the main mansion
he recruits new soldiers himself and gets a background check done on every new person who joins them 
is not good at physical fighting, but still knows a few moves to help in emergencies
levi [consigliere]
ooo where do i begin
erwin’s most trusted
he’s stern, ruthless and doesn’t take shit from anyone. 
keeps the whole organization in check 
he knows a lot of different fighting styles and uses a wide array of weapons, based on his mood that day 
levi is incharge of training erwin’s main soldiers and he doesn’t go easy on them either. some of them have even dropped their training and roles due to the pressure levi puts on them, ackermans i tell you
he kills SO MUCH, and looks good doing it too. wears protective gear often. harnesses with guns and blades strapped to him
wears leather gloves all the time outside because he’s boujie and his hands are precious
literally no one has stood a chance against him. never. he brings down every opponent no matter what and nobody willingly tries to take him up either
one night stands are not his thing
both arms are fully tattooed 
feels really filthy and dirty when he gets blood of his victims on himself, spends hours in the shower trying to clean it out but it mostly messes with his head :/
keeps mostly to himself out of duty. 
wants to retire soon so erwin has gifted him a little cottage house in a very veryyy faraway town, where no one knows who levi is so he can pretend that he didn’t have such a dark and dangerous life
hange [capo]
she’s terrifying. 
even erwin feels nervous around her sometimes 
spends days cooped up in her lab and to the point she sometimes forgets to eat 
her creations are terrifying too. once produced a bullet that would cause the victim to rapidly lose blood but without dying, was for her own personal pleasure while torturing them. an explosive that could kill everyone in 20m radius if exploded and produce lots of harmful gas that could leave a permanent impact on anyone’s lungs if inhaled it. and survived, if that. a poison that could kill all the white blood cells in a human body and paralyze the whole body in under 5 minutes. 
she’s never felt any remorse over any crimes she’s committed
and did i mention there’s no possible antidote for that poison
wears silk shirts and pants and looks so bomb too 
just like erwin, she’s never on the field or missions directly but still keeps a knife on her incase of emergency
but she’s also the syndicate’s most prized possession. as ruthless she can be, she is also caring towards members of the organization. her skills have saved everyone from death far too many times to count. hange has performed surgeries on levi and mikasa when they come battered from a fight, made medicines to help levi with his insomnia, prepares herbal teas for armin’s nightmares, nutritional diets for the soldiers and such
levi’s torture buddy and he secretly loves when they’re partnered but won’t admit it
often gets drunk in bars and cannot keep her mouth shut for the sake of her life. goes on telling random people that she’s in the mafia and kills people and they all laugh along assuming she is joking. little do they know
mikasa [capo]
the best erwin’s ever had after levi
she was the one who had poisoned annie’s wine that night to kill her 
she was brought in by levi during her teens and climbed her way up the ranks due to her impressive skills
her style is really flexible. sometimes its mini dresses or skirts for casual wear or if its a rough day then switches to shirts and pants 
is not a fan of weapons because she has all the strength lying in her physical self but keeps a dagger strapped to her thigh for extra measure. takes very good care of her diet too 
her specialities are kickboxing and taekwondo, among many others 
smokes often. eren has been trying to get her into drugs LOL but she ditches him everytime. 
wears and buys alot of gold. its the one thing she does when she’s not fighting
has a little bengal cat as a pet that lounges on her shoulders most of the times she is home. her cat also wanders around soldiers barracks or levi’s room because he smells familiar to her owner 
also helps in training new recruits and they really look upto her becus of her strength and calm demeanor 
she is not very good at tactics so she keeps to the physical tasks most of the time
eren, jean, connie, reiner & ymir [soldiers] 
when i tell you this bunch is rowdy as FUCK
there’s never a moment of peace and quiet in their quarters 
not only are they messy themselves but they also end up influencing others around them.. ESPECIALLY eren. disciplining this man takes away 4 yrs of levi’s life everytime
he is so bad at taking basic orders that people sometimes wonder why he even is in the mafia if he’s gonna be so reckless
can’t control his temper or his fists either
the only good thing about him is his fighting skills. two heavy punches in and the other person is out for good
has accidentally given their locations away to the enemies multiple times LMFAO but levi made him pay later so now he’s trying to be more careful. keyword: trying
but he’s loyal to his bones tho so thats another good reason to keep him. his father, grisha was one of main soldiers to the family and served them for a good decade until he died trying to save one of them 
has a lot of one night stands and shameless about it too. he spends a lot of his nights getting wasted with girls. like hange, he might have spilled his job at the mafia to randos at bars 
picks at jean often for no reason. poor man could just be talking to someone near eren and he gets irked and suddenly he’s challenging jean to a boxing match at dusk
speaking of jean,,, he’s not as bad as eren but he’s not better than him either 
he knows when to be serious and keep things professional. but gets drained and depressed often after missions 
jean’s not very good at hand to hand combat but a master when it comes to guns and rifles. also knows how to hack certain systems but kind of lousy with it
gets drunk often but not a big fan smoking 
he’s got a tattoo of a dragon that goes from his left shoulder blade to his right hip
even tho eren and jean don’t usually get along, they’re the syndicate’s most lethal killing buddies if paired together in a mission. their fighting styles are completely different yet compliment each other so well at times its almost sexy to watch 
connie is.. in his own world tbh 
mans always having the time of his life. drinks, girls, guns, parties, money. he loves it.  
even if the tasks are tiring or sometimes when after a particularly hard mission, he tries not to dwell it on it much and indulges in alcohol to deal with it. but mostly he’d be just trying to ignore his problems which is definitely not a good sign but well, its connie
he’s like a mix of jean and eren. he is serious when he needs to be and other times he’s not
WILL NOT hesitate to take a bullet for his partners 
once there was yet another party night in the soldiers quarters and connie got drunk out of his mind and danced on justin timberlake’s sexyback 
it was a good show he put on for others and they just laughed it all off 
connie keeps his shirt buttons open half the time with his abs on display which is not a good trait [for some] because then he is more open to injuries like stabbing and gunshots and that is one thing that makes levi genuinely wonder how connie isn’t dead yet 
ymir.. the worst of all
she is lazy, loud, reckless, irresponsible and levi’s nightmare 
jumps people left and right lmaoo and doesn’t even care honestly 
once there was a raid at some warehouse and connie accidentally stepped on her toes while they were in hiding and she was tryna grab his hair out of anger so that she could slam his head somewhere but HER PALM LANDED ON CONNIE’S SCALP and her fingers still bunched up around his imaginary hair and eren just laughed out loud when he saw that 
ymir has tons of piercings, tongue, industrial, orbital & tragus 
has gotten her ass beat by levi a couple of times for not following orders probably but still doesnt give two shits abt her behavior. once called levi a “bloody cheesed off liliput” and he heard it 
been in the mafia since a young age like 7-8 so she’s pretty used to all the mess and blood that goes around
sometimes jean feels bad that she had to spend her childhood and teen years witnessing such gore and tries to help her talk it all out because you know.. therapy isn’t really an option for the mafia so they only got each other but ymir dodges his questions everytime and doesn’t like talking about it 
there are rumors that ymir might be an illegitimate child of erwin’s father and hence he still keeps her around but there isn’t really any concrete proof to back it up so they just leave it at that
she’s eren’s best drinking and smoking buddy
sometimes hangs out with mikasa because she’s the calmest of all and doesn’t try to pry and pick at her past. tries flirting subtly with her too but ofcourse its mikasa and her obliviousness
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skybristle · 2 years
Please rant about why you didn't like how chapter 14 characterized Caramel arrow. I may not have gotten to it because I'm still stuck in chapter 11 but I'd love to hear it.
pls rb!! i put a lot of thought and effort into these posts!
was talking to a friend. this is a. Horrid mash of copy/pasted stuff from discord dms paired with me typing in new shit to bridge gaps and add points but. under cut again! probably some talk abt murder and violence [but its against affo mainly so its okay /JOKE] but mainly to save space on dashes since i type a lot also note that i tend to call caramel arrow carrow. it just rolls off my mental tounge better and its easier to speedrun typing in my fanon i've also added magnolia into her story but. for the sake of arguement i'll leave her and any magnolia-related changes out. but yeah they canonically kiss devsis told me /lh ill add more if i think of anything
shes a static character. NOTE. static characters are NOT inherently bad. but she has so much potential for being fucked up and questioning her loyalties and shit. as she stands she is just. There. she does a little bit of girlbossing but ESPECIALLy in chapter 14 she is just there to go its okay dark cacao ur doing the right thing it is alright u are okay :] and she doesnt even get resolution with affo. iirc they dont even rlly get a confrontation he just. Runs away. these r my main problems but ill get into a lot of wasted potential later. ill be so mad forever and ever they didn't let carrow kill affogato. like. she had a straight shot in the end when his sheilds were down and he was just trying to get away. ut she just goes "OHHH NO AFFOGATO IS GETTING AWAYYYYY" like babygirl you are the first watcher. What are you doing. i get that cr doesnt have the balls to violently kill him on screen but like u could have shot him and left him for dead at least. Like. .... idk. red velvet gets a crossbolt bolt to the face in TOSC its not too out there. but even then carrow seems like the type to want to kill someone cleanly and effectively no matter WHAT they did so she doesnt stoop to their level. so as far as my fanon goes she shot him thru the head when he was trying to escape. like again i know canon wouldn't do that but it is dissapointing to see nothing happen with him and carrow's arc yet another injustice to carrow's character. shes just. There honestly. like she doesnt DO ANYTHING. shes kinda just [woman standing discord emoji] you could honestly remove her from the plot without much difference which is. REALLY FUCKING SAD considering that she was so hyped up and is playable. her only real character trait is 'loyal to dark cacao'. which falls flat considering DARK CACAO IS FUCKED UP?? like i know affo is manipulating him or whatever but he had to have been at an incredibly low point in the first place - likely caused by dark choco's betrayel and the stress of losing so much , including many of his watchers, to the war. the main missed potential i see: the missed potential with her and dark choco. it's heavily implied he was very very close with her - and her mentor. she even has a line abt him being the one who taught her how to use a bow. it's p easy to assume he's the person who trained her and could probably be considered her non-blood informal older brother or maybe an idol. [i prefer the former but. Yeah] have her loyalty be split between the king who deeply hurt his people for decades [since even before affo i doubt it was good considering i can only IMAGINE how fucked up the kingdom was afrer the DFW with their watchers presumaby spread incredibly thin after so many losses] and FUCKING EXILED HER regardless of affo's imput and the prince who trained and partially raised her but has done so much fucked up shit and lost his path
NEITHER of them are good people. at least completely. do they deserve her loyalty? is she reeally doing good by following anyone?? is bias by being close to the royals clouding her judgement? she can't answer those questions
but No. dark cacao good everyine else bad :3. so dissapointing this is becoming more of a stretch but this is more a thinly veiled excuse to talk abt my fanon because i make her character so much cooler and sexier but. Ya! also not to say she was probably a trainee or barely out of training when dark choco betrayed everyone when he was probably her older brother figure andddd probably got shoehorned into the position of first watcher too fast since dark cacao was in such deep paranoia after getting betrayed by his own son he couldn't trust anyone short of who was practically his own daughter but. Ya! would have fucked. her cutscene thing says she became the first watcher at an incredibly young age. u can assume in canon that just means that she was so capable she earned it so early on but like. You could ALSO take rlly fucked up implications from that if you wanted to. like. Yeah. also i dont have as thorough thoughts on this but. it's sad that we didnt see much of her relationship with the other watchers. its obvious that they miss her, care about her, and are still loyal to her. i've always thought it was a really interesting thing that despite her exile and presumably being stripped of her title they all still call her first watcher. resisting the urge to talk abt her and magnolia so i wont but like. scenes with the other watchers could have rlly helped this!!! oh also if you ship carrow x affogato get the fuck off this post i actually hate you fuck you fuck yo ufuck yuyou fuck you. Die. thats all i remember for now. Bye girl.
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calebwittebane · 3 years
How did cwc fuck up tes? genuinely curious abt your thoughts on this
well its a bit of a story
the portrayal of sotha sil in it had a lot of potential - im not at all opposed to sotha sil being well-meaning but extremely arrogant pretentious and blinded by his own selfish, sheltered approach, that caused him to create a technological dystopia he deemed a paradise. all of the almsivi are extremely flawed and i think thats what makes them cool, truly human gods, and that in itself couldve been really really interesting, however unfortunately it was played so strangely, like... straightfowardly? in a "he's right" way. like the player is somehow Not supposed to find him insufferable. the Manpain Garden (which btw people have been yelled at for calling it that) really did it for me, like, oh no, a woman called him boring and distant one time, how tragic. like hes supposed to be the Good Guy of the tribunal as opposed to Mean Almalexia and Silly Vivec (both of which are such shallow and borderline offensive ways to characterize them too)
however i think what REALLY sucks is that they brought back divayth fyr and made him one of the main characters of the dlc. and look i know i say a lot that fictional bad people are funny but theres nothing funny about divayth fyr the incest pedo guy and i despise the way hes portrayed in eso and i despise everything surrounding it. eso twitter even made a fathers day joke about it but deleted it as soon as they rightly realized that it was kinda fucked up
for the above reasons eso:cwc caused a HUGE rift in tes fandom where some people criticized it and made fun of it and some people felt a strong attachment to it and felt slighted by that, plus not all people who learned about divayth fyr thru eso were initially aware of how he is in tes3 and reacted to such information in a range of ways, including but not limited to saying that actually people who like morrowind are evil and want such a despicable character to exist (im not even gonna start unpacking this) and are fucked up for not "rejecting" his tes3 portrayal to instead pretend hes just this cool quirky wizard. which, im not gonna delve into any individual persons, like, personal reasons to approach a character a certain way, but its beyond bizarre to make this kinda statement and act like its unreasonable to be repulsed by this whole ordeal
the rift this caused... pretty much ruined online tes fandom permanently. like there are just like two camps now, with Clockwork City DLC Enjoyers on twitter talking about how tesblr (aka everyone who disagrees with them) is elitist and mean and Scoffs At People Who Dont Know Enough Lore (all untrue but w/e), and that reaches completely new people as their first impression of the fandom, thus deepening the rift. it made a lot of major contributors completely check out, because not only did they feel excluded by all the new content, but also by the community. and mind you before all of that tesblr was like, not a terribly huge community, but an always-growing one, with lots of discussions and contributions and fan content and inside jokes, and i just dont really see that anymore aside from small circles of people still passionate about very specific topics, which i assume is where the impression of being Inaccessible and Closed Off comes from. lots of people became really disillusioned with tes in general and moved on to different stuff. there was some drama that dragged for literal years, lots of vagueposting, conflicts, it was just all like.... unpleasant.
so yeah theres a very active eso-focused community on twitter that i dont personally interact with because they all hate me and a handful of people on tumblr. so, kinda not what it used to be. well theres always also r/teslore and other tes subreddits, but lemme tell you when it comes to any video game related topics never go on reddit never go on reddit neeeever go on reddit never go on reddit neeeever go on reddit never go on reddit, neeeever go on reddit wow wow wowwoowww
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theoreticalli · 3 years
tma and unreliable narration
you know in thinking so much about melanie and jon and helen and jon (and to an extent georgie and basira and martin too) I just keep coming back to how good an example of unreliable narration tma is (spoilers thru 160 and for 187, as well as a link to a post abt the finale).
because jon is our pov character, right? for the vast majority of the series, outside of statements, everything we experience is implied to be through his perspective. we start out with him and him alone, we return to him again and again-- alone in the tunnels, alone in America, alone after the Unknowing, alone as the apocalypse swirls around him. we let him entrust us, an unseen confidante, with things he won’t tell anyone else. we are intimately familiar with his experiences and his personality, and we see every little moment of development he goes through. we spend so much time with him.
but jon... is wrong sometimes. like, objectively, we know that. his paranoia spiral in s2 is the first major indicator that this character, who is functionally our narrator, is not objective. he makes decisions based on prior experiences and the information he has and assumptions from both, like we all do. it’s just good character building! it makes him feel more real if he’s wrong sometimes, if he has flaws and blind spots!
and sometimes he is wrong. the most signposted and indisputable moment is the web table, when he just straight-up puts the clues together and comes to the wrong conclusion, or when he spends a whole season being suspicious of tim and martin (and elias) when not!sasha’s right there. basically, He Is Not Immune To Propaganda
so that’s our sign that this is not the kind of character who is always or even usually Objectively right or in the right. he’s not frequently outright wrong, either, but his view of things is always limited, and the other characters are carefully placed to be foils to his perspective, to highlight things he isn’t thinking about or illustrate contrasts or just other opinions. again, It’s Good Character Building! it’s smart writing to have all your characters exist first and foremost as bundles of principles and priorities informed by certain key backstory events, because then you can rely on that to figure out how they’ll react to any given situation, and personalities and quirks tend to fall into place from there. my brain is not moving on the frequency to illustrate exactly what all these foils are right now but I’m sure there’s other posts about that so moving on
most of jon’s conflicts with his allies are not because either of them are wrong, but because they each have distinct and conflicting perspectives. and there’s some posts I see that just... frustrate me because they only take into consideration the context for jon’s actions, and don’t extend the same analysis to any other characters involved. there’s no thought put into why georgie might feel the need to draw the boundaries she does, why melanie goes off on jon at the specific times she does, or god forbid when either of them try to reconcile with him at various points. jon is sympathetic to us as the audience in his shoes, but the actions he takes don’t always have positive effects on those around him in the same way that other people severely hurt him without really meaning to. really, my first reaction to posts like these is always to want to just point out 5 different moments of context that show that most of jon’s allies are never being malicious to him because they’re bad people, or heartless. they have their reasons, and are not being cruel for cruelty’s sake like many of the avatars. they aren’t required to agree with him to still be taken in good faith.
(I have a post about this wrt the end of s5 that I’ll link here to make this stay mostly spoiler free so feel free to go read that but anyways)
and there’s also the things jon directly says about other characters, which again, should not always be taken at face value! and this bit is partly a personal grievance with the way helen’s arc ended, so ymmv, but I think that leaving the exact nature of the distortion (esp how it meshes with its host of sorts) more vague is much more effective in terms of her function in the story. so to my interpretation, even though jon says a lot of things about what the distortion is, that doesn’t necessarily mean any of them are entirely accurate! that’s a point helen made repeatedly, and her role as a foil is to make it clear that the truth is never one thing, no matter how the eye likes to pretend it can find objective reality. she wiggles her way out of the liar’s paradox because reality is complicated, and there are many statements that lie in that grey area between true and false while still sounding very sure. so even though jon states a lot of things in a very certain tone, that doesn’t mean any of them reflect the nature of the distortion any more than anything helen said before. it’s just one more piece of information to put together with everything we’ve seen about the character’s words and actions up to that point and come to our own conclusion!
to me, that’s a much more fun and interesting way of engaging with this story than only looking at things through jon’s pov and taking the things he says without a grain of salt, and I think jonny’s done a really good job of having a lot of characters with specific traits and clear histories that pretty consistently inform how they engage with any given situation. of course, there’s a lot of characters and a lot of extrapolations one can make, especially for more minor or intentionally mysterious characters, so there’s no one right way of understanding a given person. but it’s fun to mess around with, to discover new bits that you’d forgotten about that inform your interpretations, to fill in the gaps.
that’s all no I will not shut up about melanie king if you read this far thank you so much you have my affection and pls reblog w your thoughts!! xoxo
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everyminewtcounts · 3 years
so i watched godless bc....*coughs* tbs...but all i can think of is
minewt western!au
• minho is a bounty hunter who’s rly well known and an amazing marksman. like if you’re a bandit on the run you do Not want this guy coming after you bc he Will find you
• nevertheless, no bounty hunter is without his weaknesses, and for minho, that’s his shooting skills. he’s decent at shooting, more decent than most sheriffs, but in comparison to his tracking abilities, he has to admit his shooting is a bit lacking. he’s always on the lookout for someone to teach him a thing or two, and he has considered teaming up with a marksman on occasion. but he’s just never found one he can tolerate long enough to commit to.
• newt is the deputy in this rly small town. it’s the kind of town you pass through, no one in their right mind stops there bc there’s like 1 very mediocre saloon and it doesn’t even have a proper inn.
• newt is in his late teens. no one rly takes him seriously in the town as the deputy bc he’s just this sweet kid they’ve all known his whole life. he’s ben an orphan since he was abt 10, so the town has sort of collectively raised him, which means they’re all very protective of their deputy (anyone who passes thru the town on very rare occasions remarks on the irony of a town being protective of their deputy since like. the deputy is supposed to be protecting them). the one thing that no one can deny tho is that he’s an incredible marksman.
• so one day minho is tracking someone, and the bandit just so happened to pass through this little town where nothing ever happens. he goes there to speak to the sheriff to get any info he can on this guy, but when he goes into the sheriff’s office the sheriff isn’t there. instead there’s this young deputy who’s just the prettiest thing minho has ever seen and ohmygod when he speaks he’s witty and teasing so of course minho is his usual flirty and sassy self too. they’re so busy being flirty idiots that he forgets why he’s even in this sheriff’s office in a known-for-nothing town until the sheriff returns and interrupts their ridiculous flirty banter session.
• the sheriff is alby.
• needless to say alby isn’t having any of it. he walks in and has abt 2 seconds to assess the situation of newt and this famous bounty hunter flirting and his protective instinct kicks in and he’s like absolutely not.
• he makes it obvious that he doesn’t like minho (minho is perplexed by this—everyone likes minho. even the bandits he captures can’t help but laugh at his jokes). but in alby’s eyes it’s rly easy to find reasons to dislike minho. for starters minho is a bounty hunter and on principle alby thinks the whole profession is ridiculous (“leave the criminal catching up to the real law, i’ve always said,” he complains to newt on multiple occasions. newt just rolls his eyes bc no, alby has not always said that. not until minho showed up). then there’s the fact that minho is so young for a bounty hunter (he can’t possibly be more than 2 or 3 years older than newt), which just annoys alby bc “who gave this kid the right to enforce the law?” (newt rolls his eyes more aggressively at that one bc he’s as old as me, alby. “and since when were you old enough to enforce the law?” alby retorts).
• so minho gets his information from alby and leaves town. alby makes sure to spend the next few weeks pointing out everything wrong w bounty hunting, intending to sully newt’s opinion of minho bc there’s no way alby’s precious deputy is going to b whisked off by some bounty hunter who’s probably definitely reckless and would just end up putting newt in danger. this tactic definitely backfires tho bc it just means newt is thinking abt minho constantly now.
• minho captures the guy he was tracking. he’s supposed to bring the guy to the marshal, which means he has to go back through newt’s town (well, he doesn’t have to. most ppl definitely don’t go thru the town on the way to the marshal’s office bc there’s no reason to. you can travel on other roads that everyone knows are faster). but minho has to travel thru the town bc well the horse that he caught the bandit on need’s one of its horseshoe’s repaired. so obviously he has to go thru newt’s town specifically. and not one of the many other towns along the way that have a way more varied selection of blacksmiths.
• he goes to the sheriff’s office first to ask alby to keep the bandit he’s captured in the jail there while minho sees abt the horseshoe. sadly newt isn’t there like minho had hoped, and it’s just alby, who lets him keep the bandit there but very begrudgingly. minho decides to go to the blacksmith next bc that horseshoe does rly need repairing, and maybe he’ll see newt on the way.
• the blacksmith is gally. minho finds him in the saloon chatting to the owner of the saloon (aka frypan), and after asking abt fixing the horseshoe minho asks where he can find the deputy. both gally and fry look at each other like oh so this is that bounty hunter alby’s been on abt. they’re not so obtuse as alby, but they do become suddenly rather cold toward minho. even still, fry (reluctantly) tells minho that newt’s probably “shooting over the hill”
• when he exits the saloon, tho, minho is met by minor chaos bc the bandit has gotten out of the jailhouse. the guy is getting on a horse and minho draws his gun and is debating whether to shoot or if he can even make the shot without hurting the horse when someone actually does shoot, hits the guy right in the leg as he’s getting up on the horse, causing him to slip and fall to the ground. minho whirls around to see where the shot came from and he spots newt way down the main street, further away than minho is from the guy, gun drawn.
• ofc minho’s first thought is like what the hell how is this guy such a good marksman. and his second thought, immediately after that, is that’s my marksman. he’s been wanting to team up with one, after all, and it’s not his fault that this one also happens to be rly pretty and fun to flirt with.
• minho also assumes newt must be, like, way more experienced than his position as the town deputy lets on. but little does he know that newt’s actually just incredible at shooting bc there’s absolutely never anything to do in this town so he spends most of his time just practicing shooting old beer bottles and learning new gun tricks. (hence fry’s statement that newt was probably “shooting over the hill.”)
• so anyway. this is getting WAY too long but minho is absolutely head over heels for this rly cool deputy that must have some amazing stories to tell bc if he can shoot like that he must have had some adventures. so now every time minho is even remotely going in the direction of the town while tracking someone he makes sure to pass through and ask alby if he has any info on the guy minho’s looking for (which alby never does bc “i told you, kid, no one comes thru this damn town except you and that idiot newt shot off a horse”). and ofc on his way back once he’s found whoever he’s tracking he always just so happens to have to stay the night in one of the rooms above fry’s saloon (which is very much not a proper inn, literally just a room fry uses for storage with a cot in it). which means he has to house whatever criminal he’s traveling w in alby’s jail cell. which means he has to run into newt. and make flirty conversation. obviously.
• everyone in the town is fully aware of what minho is doing and also not very happy abt it bc like alby they’re all way overprotective of newt. the only person in town who is completely oblivious to the fact that minho is totally in love w newt is newt himself.
• until minho finally gets up the nerve to kiss him, that is.
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local-dragonfly · 2 years
get well soon!
questions if you still want em (pick and choose!):
whats your favorite piece of art? are there specific kinds of aesthetics / styles you like?
learn any cool things lately? ....i had an example of my own to give here but i had a real "net zero information" moment since it turned out quantum entangled tardigrade wasn't real :(
if you like flavored things, what's your favorite kind?
any current favorite songs?
i’m ALWAYS wanting questions i adore em tysm aahhh!!
- oooohh art pieces. gonna answer w styles first because it’s easier- i rlly love shit that has cool usage of color, and i’m getting rlly into textile art rn. for example, @julykings does some rlly amazing work w fabric + like. mixing in different mediums. from a sensory aspect i love art that looks like it would have tons of different sensations and i also rlly like seeing how. big art pieces tie together. i don’t know the official names for what i like tho. i also rlly like knowing the meaning/intent behind art pieces which brings me to some of my favorites! adam benedict has a beautiful piece on showering and sleep that i adore. ever since i learned abt portrait of ross in la by felix gonzales-torres i have not been able to stop thinking abt it. god i know i’m forgetting something. i saw this beautiful textile piece in september but i can’t find it online ANYWHERE which is destroying me. you can also likely go scouring thru my envelope posts tag for more art that i like.
- damn :(. uh i learned that strawberry squids rlly exist!! and i lesrned that in the late 1800s women thought bloomers were a big waste of fabric so they essentially invented leg warmers which LOOKED like bloomers from an outsiders perspective but only covered the calf and saved fabric. which is rad.
- oooh. for savory stuff like potato chips i am a salt and vinegar fan. however i will do anything for raspberry and chocolate which i think is a very underrated food combination. oh and oranges!!! i adore oranges! im trying to get way more into appreciating food for what it is and how it tastes, so i’m also gonna sprinkle in lemon and water as nice tastes. i have a love hate relationship w vanilla exttact because it smells tasty but it isn’t and i forget that every single time.
- music!!!!! rn i’m relying heavily on like. music that is very familiar ot me so i’ve just been cycling thru fall out boy, against me!, dazey and the scouts. songs in particular: paralytic states by against me!, don’t kiss me im in training by dump him, just all of maggot but in particular sweet cis teen by dazey and the scouts, screwed by janelle monáe, and what’s your name by depeche mode. that’s kind of it im trying to listen to new alnums but can’t focus on them. so we’re just sticking with this.
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quensty · 3 years
I’m glad you tagged yourself via me!!!! But I have a lot of questions.
Emergency fic for clout
a list of things regarding anthony j crowley
Wouldn’t it be knife
Music wiki
omg!! thank you so much for adding that nice part to ur post in the first place!! it was very kind, especially because i love talking abt myself. anyway, AGAIN, this got a bit long. 
“emergency fic for clout” i honestly had no idea what this was until i opened it and promptly laughed so hard i had to get a drink of water. i think i wrote this four years ago? it’s an aftg star wars au that i can’t believe i had the audacity to write considering i know jack shit abt star wars. 
The air shifts, violent, making the floor beneath Andrew’s feet formless. As it pitches sharply to the right, he grabs hold of the control panel and shoots the Commander straight through his side. 
Everything is silent except for the blaring of sirens until Kevin steps into view, face drawn pale and tight, and tells him, “Change of plan: there's someone we need on this ship.” 
Nicky splutters from the data console, stilled from maneuvering wildly around looking for the right information to stare at Kevin. “What? Are you kidding me?” Even Aaron, from his place where he’s crouching over the dead bodies and looking for a working blaster, looks up with a sneer curling his lip. 
Kevin doesn't look at them. He's staring straight at Andrew, who, under the perfumed fog clouding his mind, is not impressed. Andrew on the surface breaks into a sharp grin. “You heard what the Imp said. He’s alerted all stormtroopers of our location.” 
“Not very fun company,” says Aaron. “Considering they want us dead.” 
“Agreed,” says Nicky. “FOX almost has all the data downloaded. Two minutes tops.” 
Andrew’s grin widens, showing all his teeth. He hasn't turned away from Kevin’s stare once. “You want to live?” It is not a question that needs an answer. “The answer is no.” 
“We need a pilot.” 
“I'm looking at one.” 
“He's the best pilot in the outer worlds,” he insists, and if Andrew was anybody else, he might have been surprised. “We need him.” 
“Oh?” Interested. “Who?” 
“Nathaniel Wesninski.” 
Silence rings out for a heartbeat, all of them stunned into silence. The ship alarm keeps blaring. 
Andrew barks out a short laugh. “You mean the criminal,” he surmises. 
A pause. “Yes.” 
Andrew leans a shoulder against the control panel. Distantly, he can hear footsteps coming down the corridor, orders shouted by generals. Any second now, they’ll start firing at the iron gate Nicky has managed to lock down. How long it’ll hold is up is a roll of a dice. 
Andrew says, “He’s more trouble than he’s worth.” 
“We can't risk leaving him. If we don’t keep him, the Empire will.” 
“Andrew,” Nicky says urgently. At his feet, FOX is beeping desperately, skittish. “We should really get moving.” 
Blasters pound against the gate. 
“That sounds fun,” he says, then goes, “Nicky, I want Nathaniel Wesninski’s cell number.” 
“Andrew,” Nicky repeats, wide-eyed and incredulous, to which Andrew responds with, “Fifty seconds, Nicky, or you can find your own way back to Base.” 
He pulls something from under his robes and, with a hiss, flicks on his lightsaber. “If we get captured,” he says, this time to Kevin, pointing the rumbling, static end of the lightsaber in his direction, “you can thank your Imperial renegade.”
pls excuse the shitty writing. the last edit was made in fucking 2018. 
i was actually really excited about “a list of things regarding anthony j crowley”  when i was writing it bc it really was going to be a fic written in the form of a list. which is much harder than it sounds. i still have this hope that i might finish it one day, but basically, i wanted to tell thee iconic 6k year slow burn thru crowley’s perspective. this is abt as far as i got.
1.) Crowley’s middle name is Jabez. 
2.) He doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with that, either. It’s a perfectly good name, one he thinks anyone like them—of which there are few, perhaps none—should like. Anyway, it’s much better than the name Aziraphale thought up. For all his intelligence and rebelliousness, he still lacks imagination.  
3.) This is what Crowley tells Aziraphale, anyway. The truth is that Crowley got piss drunk one week and changed his legal name to—well, it doesn’t really matter what. 
4.) In spite of the story Aziraphale likes to tell—which, depending on how much Aziraphale has had to drink, have begun in the Garden, a gentlemen’s club, the bookshop’s grand opening, Golgotha, and Paris—Crowley met Aziraphale in Heaven.
5.) More accurately, Crowley had been slouched over the railing of one of heaven’s thousands of identical balconies and was only half-listening as a Seraphim beside him went on a tirade about the location of the newest temple. Crowley, bored out of his mind, mostly stared off into the middle distance wishing he was anywhere else. 
6.) He still vividly remembers Heaven. All the calculating tones, the monotonous psalms, the never-ending polished marble. Despite the light, Heaven always felt cold. 
7.) He spotted Aziraphale by complete accident. He hardly paid attention to the steady stream of angels making their way to and fro anymore, and he can’t say why Aziraphale caught his eye when not much did, in those days. Anyway, Aziraphale was so completely unremarkable in every way. He held his wings back the same way everyone else did, his halo perfectly balanced over his head; even his smile was familiar. He was, in all possible ways, a carbon copy of all the rest, but he wore his skin like an ill-fitting glove, as if he’d never quite mastered how to make it his own. Crowley was hooked on it. 
8.) Crowley was so busy staring he didn’t notice the Seraphim gradually leaning into his space, awaiting a response to a question he hadn’t heard. She bristled when she noticed his wandering attention, so he took a stab in the dark and said yes, that was rather interesting. He watched Aziraphale walk uncomfortably between other angels and thought, Very, very interesting.
quick tangent, this was a real comment i had next to the third point
Tumblr media
i already answered the “steve?” question, which u can find on this post!! it’s the first two excerpts of writing. 
“wouldn’t it be knife” is blank salkfjasfj. i’m so sorry!! i think it was meant to be an abigail hobbs fic, but i haven’t actually figured out how i want it to go. in other news, i’m going into witness protection. 
“music wiki” was actually meant to be a gift for my friend like ... five years ago. it’s a viktuuri musician au that i haven’t made any progress in bc ik nothing abt music. unfortunately, the writing is very bad and i can’t, in good conscience, force u to read it, but just know that all i have to show for half a decade of work is 359 words. truly awe-inspiring what i can accomplish when i put my mind to it. 
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thecrenellations · 3 years
Return of the Thief Notes, Part Two: The Book of Pheris, Volume 2, Chapters 1-5
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part One | Part Three | TaT)
Contents: Me losing my mind in multiple ways each chapter, helpful links, nighttime garden cousins, an Irene pun, notes from my second read, “mwt is just like going for it,” and “this is so fucked up and heartwarming.”
Format: Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Volume 2
Book 2 bro
Now we’re caught up and changed forever by lots of things
What printer’s apprentice made this?
Chapter 1
175. me too, Costis, me too. I am so tired. (it’s hard to sleep when your brain and heart and everything are fizzing because you’re reading Return of the Thief for the first time and a new Queen’s Thief book for the last time) 
176. Klimun + Gerosthenes vibes [moon doodle]
Holes in documents. That’s cute
Gen!!! <3
Wtf Ansel was hoodwinked!
177. The Queen waited
They’re ridiculous
Hi Pheris
Wtf he stole her earrings for Melheret?!?
178. Excuse me??? What is this book (sleeveless leather tunic)
He still roams!!!
179. a sentence I never fucking expected to read ever “The absence of tattoos…”
180. that’s interesting
Stacked like kindling wow oh dear
181. She wants him to move in lol
Lol sorry Ion
Did she just want them to leave the room?
182. I can’t with this… I can’t. Why is sex symbol Relius canon. (the play that featured him! It’s great, it’s great, it was just a lot to take in!)
Silver crown?
183. Cleon! Rude!
Did they call Costis to deck him?
Queen scene!! <3
184. This is an epic. Abt Costis. Dirty stranger
185. he’s “the high king”
187. prophet (Pheris sure makes Costis sound like one)
Shut up Piloxides
188. resources for war! (book launch foreshadowing part two! She talked a lot about this kind of thing as well, and recommended the book Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army)
189. “we”
What were you gonna say (Gen almost says something to Costis part one)
193. RIP The Magus Archives … it was not to be. Yet.
194. Melenze’s doorstep. Why? Bc Melenze is Ferria’s dog. (idk dude that line from ACoK has just never left me)
195. This is … a big war
196. Oh gen
Nighttime garden cousins.
Chapter 2
197. wtf did Relius think of that play
Also … not a peep from the sacred mountain huh
198. wtf will happen with Cleon
with Erondites
a lot going on
everyone was in that room but Kamet! So close!
199. Cute Fordad + Gen friendship (I never said these notes would make me look smart)
Same 2 T + R! :) It’s not them is it? (I NEVER SAID THESE NOTES WOULD MAKE ME LOOK SMART)
Poor Teleus
200. gdi Gen
Excuse me? Is he worried for Pheris??? (taking his tablet)
They trust each other! C’mon!
Sure he has reasons
202. oh dear. :( that’s … the worst cover story
Also falling
203. wow almost like a story huh
Ula’s altar :(
Why haven’t we had a Gen and Costis scene IN THREE BOOKS
205. I just … I don’t know if he’s just miserable or if it’s all a plan. I feel like I should know it’s all a plan. But he really feels like he has far to go. He’s just a mess and the same and so different. (having a small Gen meltdown)
205. he did give him the gun
Odd that he missed Quedue
206. he’s gonna bite them (buckle up! it’s abdication time!)
207. Power. Power. Power. Power.
Thx 4 the editorializing Pheris
208. Gen is making choices. That’s a choice.
209. There’s KoA down the drain
Aaaand he’s Eugenides
“Eugenides stared into the future”
The page of like 3 different tumblr posts: Trophy husband, Library, No! yes!
210. make sure he doesn’t leave lol
211. Pheris :(
Also fucked up timing for Irene
I love them
212. again with the birthday book
He’s still the king in the narration
Go on the roof! So close!
Viper! Bastard!
Oh shit. I love them.
214. “our treaty” “our queen”
AAAH! Wedding night!
Asked her to leave!
Smash Erondites and peace out, literally
215. a frank talk
216. The Bructs?
Wait is this his grandfather (taking a moment to remember all about Susa)
Also that’s Costis territory
217. who is this lion
218. #3 to Gen.
219. hmmm ring
There’s been a lot to unpack wow.
Did this happen, Pheris? Pheris?! 
220. Atté atté!
(Dear reader: for some strange reason, I completely forgot about taking notes on the final pages of this chapter. These notes are from when I reread those pages a few minutes later.)
Erondites full cup to brimming
The Pherises…
We must think of others before ourselves … occasionally
I do not like Orutus
Don’t fence Costis in! Does this count as prison? No (I had a square on my bingo board for “someone ends up in prison” ... but it turned out to be for someone else)
221. damn Costis
Costis …
Irene… your jokes (I mean, it’s a joke, but also it is very real for her.)
My heart
222. where is Relius going?
What you see and what you think it means (I love these instructions/this quote so much)
So are Susa + Erondites 2gether or what (listen ... proximity generates meaning in these books)
Also, like
What can
I say
WHAT CAN I SAY (Hell yeah! Never more glad to be wrong about the magus)
[page long list of doubles and parallels - from Cleons and Pherises and Ions to god-character and character-character connections]
Also the fact that in KoA and TaT Relius was like … oh … no … I just live a gentle life being friends with my king and queen and being scholarly. But no. He’s SPYING and TRAVELING MYSTERIOUSLY and has MANY LOVERS and also has been WITH TELEUS ALL ALONG and there is a PLAY written about him and he has a ~messenger~ network and PLAYS THE FLUTE and DOESN’T MAKE HIS BED and DISLIKES MATH and oh and he’s VERY HANDSOME! (Yes I was losing it, I hope my note from after the poem helps show some of the feelings behind this rant.)
Fucking … Wine shop. Should have known.
Chapter 3
224. ominous
Hello magus!
Sophos … babe (his impatience!)
225. Magus … cool your socks that’s your bff (he’s just describing Helen’s dead body! Fun!!!!)
In the van
That was good I love them
Why is it Couples Hour?
226. finally we’re out of the capital of Attolia
Ok they’re so cute
She was NEVER Helen in ACoK narration! 
Also – Pheris. This is all Pheris. (Pheris plus information others told him!)
227. Bringing each other up to date – that’s their thing. Talking forever
All this talk of shooting Therespides
228. EX FUCKING SCUSE ME (time to learn a lot about the country of Eddis)
He was 15! (or almost 15)
He didn’t know! Or did he!
The MoW!
All thru Pheris
Fuck you magus
When did he know
The emeralds?
Assumed the worst?
That classic quote about little to do with winter but with “seducing other people’s lovers”
230. yeah Sophos that’s a lost cause (“spare me my blushes”)
Also she didn’t answer you
What are they laughing about (the generally nameless men we’re learning many things about this chapter)
233. Gen I think it’s fair to say that was a mistake
234. wtf Gen
GEN! he just. Had those. (the jewels!)
Her crown
I cannot
235. Gen!
237. Crash
239. called annux
Yeah it’s like … a family meeting (the war council)
Bring your father to work day
241. Oh no.
Stenides! Boagus!!!!!!!
Wolves! Lol
mwt is just like going for it
243. aww
Eddis > Boagus > Gen
244. Yeah I’m with her on this. (“if that doesn’t frighten you, it should”)
Chapter 4
245. Gen and Magus scene yes!
Two people affected by his long hair (Gen and the magus? I think?)
Pheris are you there?
Gen … you used to wish yourself out of existence
Hair vanity
Yeah also battlefield
Ion is a darling tbh
248. Is he. Is he going to fight all of them
Also they are all his cousins huh
AULUS! I liked you!
Same, Hilarion
Taking a page out of Costis’s book?
You have definitely seen it before. (I mistook his lie for truth!)
Will Costis hear about this? (please)
249. #4 to Gen!
Pheris where are you
Why doesn’t the Continent want to conquer them (do I get partial credit for this)
A tattoo!
250. “Do not offend the gods”
Honestly … too bad Helen DIDN’T do this
251. he said he’d give all he had
I’m sure there are rules
253. Just men? :( (let everybody fight him!)
Ornon is back! I mean, of course he is
Also yea they practice
A house being built … or one knocked down. Nice
Is Teleus in on this?
254. Pheris called him my king!
255. I wanna know which guards though
:( he’d been faking
Kicked him in the head (ouch)
256. “when he fell”
I … don’t like this
He never gives up. The thieves don’t have limits. They have flash points.
Stepped on his hand
“Enough Gen” – what Irene said?
257. :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
The magus. I forgot he was there.
The magus said … nevermind …
The magus is probs very into this as a cultural thing. Also he was talking to the MoW
Pigeon. The sky. :( Like in TT (OH BOY, THE SKYYYY)
If there was a god, Pheris would see…
258. They’ve, they’ve been through a lot.
Oh god what’s next
259. I … no. not in his arms to the palace.
The palace where….
The stairs…
They are all 3 lookers. Basilisks and brass and lead
I hate this. But I love this.
I will someday see this differently.
Ah yes… the grunt. Approval.
260. Honestly, this is so fucked up and heartwarming. These books.
Lol don’t defend Hilarion, we know him
Eddis visits him.
Attolia watches him.
261.WTF Gen. I knew it. Why.
Crying or laughing? Crying? :(
How does this not undermine her now that he is her king?
But … what he wouldn’t do for her.
262. “he did fine”
This book is like… Reasons Gen Says Sorry
So, so… - Helen
263. I am right. I am always right. It’s a curse.
Helen :( :( :(
The amount of times these people have seen him beaten.
He’s like … self destructive, but in a way that gives himself more power. Which he hates.
Gen, let them in. Let them in.
Chapter 5
264. honeycomb
OH NO. is it happening?
266. I’m just supposed to accept this?!! What does it mean?!
267. … a my king moment … important
But like … now can he fight?
Caryatid? [doodle after I looked it up]
268. Teleus!
C’mon Teleus. Everyone you love or respect loves him!
Honestly Pheris and Teleus … not a duo I expected
THESE TWO ARE SO DEDICATED TO TELLING HIM THAT! Ok I should chill. At least he said “may.” These are like … Pheris’s life lessons.
Honestly… I love that Teleus likes poetry, or at least likes it for Relius.
269. Lol Legarus. It’s been years! I mean, I guess that was a big deal for him… (almost being executed is a big deal for most people.)
Does he not love Gen because of Relius? Because Gen manipulated him? Because he keeps sending away his successor? Why on earth not! Hop on that train! (...)
It’s interesting that their relationship is the one that touches Pheris, not Gen and Irene. Hm.
Also … “Idiot.” The parallels.
“relatively gently” (it’s so good)
~Teleus here to talk about love~
This book is full of surprises.
270. That is NOT the bright side, Gen (“I could use my newfound authority to insist on going into battle”)
271. BUNNY! Wtf is a wineglass warrior
Very cute everyone, good job.
Still sad about Helen’s tears.
271. Gen. Don’t say these things. [volcano doodle]
272. SEE I was worried about this! The doubt!
I am not ok
This is TOO MANY Eddisian Revelations (Lader time)
Yeah. Wow.
273. Cleon x5
I … his grandfather
Baby Helen begging
How did Pheris get this scene
Gen chose Cleon for his plan
276. lol Gen
My brother Sounis!
277. Missing Relius club.
Where is he though
Yes! Sophos Gen food fight!
He’s “the king” here and in KoA bc that’s the story but also that’s who he is to Pheris and Costis
278. So how did that Irene and MoW meeting go anyway?
How does Aulus know???
Thief short story! Probably terrible to reread, oh no
279. Are … are Aulus and Boagus together???! (“his slightly smaller partner”)
This feels … potentially traumatic … but fun? Idk
280. This dang book. No rules!
The chandelier! So dramatic!
Mwt had … a lot to put into this one. A lot. A lot.
283. “not the Thief he was chasing”
284. The queens! The salute!
He can’t give this up.
Official Worries:
100,000 soldiers heading towards Kamet
Re: Lyopidus, Gen called Sophos his brother. Helen apparently might BE his sister. Temenus and Stenides are also going to a war where 9/10 will probably die.
the MoW could have been a king if he’d stolen Helen’s throne. A lot there.
why does this book have the vibe of the library post, my comic from 2010, the king and queen interactions here, and the military tactics dream
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(does a funky little dance) OFFICIAL! LEAN ON ME! TIMELINE! HERE WE GO
1986 - carly, the oldest of the ruro siblings is born and months later adopted by grace (a former broadway actress and manager of a small local cafe) and arthur ruro (a former guitarist who now owns a local music shop), a couple living in the tiny town of misky, arizona who can’t have bio kids but want a large family regardless
1987 - cameron, the second oldest of the ruro siblings, is born and months later adopted into the family
1989 - kayleigh and mary, fraternal twins, are born and adopted at two days old
general childhood information, spanning about 1990 thru 2000 - all of the girls receive musical education and are pretty much constantly surrounded by music, whether it be around the house thru their parents always having some kind of vinyl record on or helping out at their dad’s music shop
all the girls love it but kayleigh takes to it like a fish to water and starts learning violin at just age 4, and her mother begins giving her vocal training soon after
the girls discover alternative music and subculture through the magic of the fledgling internet, and carly, kayleigh, and cameron pretty much all become baby punks at like, 10-15 years old
2001 - kayleigh is invited to a music competition for Prodigious Youth at 12 years old. she is paired with Blue Scott, a shy, lanky kid from chicago who is also a massive music nerd like her. they win the competition and over the course of the week that they are working, they become best friends
over the course of the following years, they are constant pen pals, and see each other 2-3 times a year in person
2002 - when carly and cameron are teenagers, they decide to start a punk band, except in order to use all of their parents music equipment their parents FORCE them to include their younger sisters (kayleigh and mary). there is much griping and groaning about this
2003 - hey wait, that band is actually pretty good despite kayleigh and mary being only 15. they play their first show that isn’t at their local community centre without the knowledge of their parents and officially christen the band poison pop
carly graduates much to the chagrin of her parents, she gleefully declares she is not going to college
2005 - cameron, against her own better judgement, takes a gap year because the band starts recording their first album at home with their own equipment, and also starts playing more and more shows. at this point their parents know but are trusting cameron and carly to keep 16 year old kayleigh and mary in line and safe
blue introduces the girls to his friend ryka, a teenager a year younger than kayleigh and mary, who is shockingly good at guitar. she takes up kayleigh’s guitarist spot and leaves her free to do vocals only
they get lucky and happen to play a show at a large alt rock festival in phoenix, catching the attention of rising chicago-based label dissociation records who immediately offer them a record deal. they take it on the spot and dissociation flies them out to chicago a month later to sign the paperwork
2006 - they drop their first professionally recorded single, poison killed the prom queen. it shoots to the top of the charts, making poison pop one of the biggest bands in the nation overnight
they release their album of the same name that year as well, and with their continued success with the other singles, they cement themselves as the first truly household name in emo
2007 - they tour with another emo band called watch the skies, who quickly rocket in popularity, and immediately begin work on their next album. meanwhile, the girls are dealing with their first tastes of fame and they’re not dealing with it well <3
kayleigh and blue start fake dating to get the press off kayleigh’s ass about her love life. this..................is going to go exactly how you think it’s going to go. they move to LA together <3
2008 - batwings and crowbeaks drops to another massive success, and they continue touring. dissociation records, by this time, have taken almost complete control of their image and discography, so despite the record itself being quite good, it is nothing like what poison pop originally tried to make, and they’re starting to get fed up with it
not to mention dissociation has them on a near-constant work schedule, and they can’t take any significant breaks, abandoning their family and friends and almost any social lives they mightve had outside the music world
the only good thing to happen this year is mary getting married to her highschool sweetheart, mark. it is a nice wedding and probably the last time the girls will be happy together for a long time.
2009 - kayleigh and blue “break up” and stop talking to eachother completely. six months later, as they’re working on their third announced studio album bruises, the band (except kayleigh) decides to break up. upon hearing about this decision, kayleigh has a minor mental breakdown and cuts off contact with the entire band
bruises is never released, and the band is officially broken up by the end of the year, breaking out of their contract with dissociation through a legal loophole
2010 - kayleigh begins to find a life outside the band, and starts doing songwriting work with what remains of her connections in the industry, which she’s really good at and she really enjoys.
she finally fucking gets mental health help. jesus christ my gal. im so glad u are finally getting better
2011 - kayleigh makes up with pretty much everybody, including blue, but it’s a slow process. they spend their first christmas together as a family in 2 years
kayleigh and ryka discuss the fact that they still yearn for the stage, and an idea begins to form
2012 - ryka forms sparrow records, her own record label, and its first signee becomes half-dead, a two piece band consisting of kayleigh and her.
ryka moves to LA with her boyfriend rowan, and invites kayleigh to room with her. kayleigh, who knows blue is looking to move to LA and properly start his music career, invites him to room with them.
this is an idea that absolutely won’t backfire or dredge up any old feelings i’m sure
(just kidding. they’re dating by christmas <3)
2013 - half-dead releases its first album, at which point i have to admit i do not know anything abt half-dead’s release schedule fJSDKFHSDF.
what i do know is that they tour that year with long shot for speedy as their opening act and they instantly become band moms to them despite literally only being five and six years older than them at most. they just have that energy having been in the music industry for much, much longer than they have
2014 - blue releases his first album, wallflower, to shocking success!
2016 - half-dead is relatively successful, but kayleigh and ryka are not going to make the same mistakes this time round and they take a break in 2016. ryka n rowan move back to chicago, and kayleigh and blue buy their first house together!
2017 - the girls all get together on new year’s day and talk about poison pop. this discussion leads them to decide to finally bring back the band.
2018 - jetlag life, poison pop’s first album in over a decade, drops that summer, and they begin touring immediately afterwards with watch the skies!
2019 - blue proposes to kayleigh after 18 years of knowing each other and 7 years of dating. <3
2020 - blue and kayleigh FINALLY get married and nothing bad happens because this is my timeline
also poison pop, around the end of year, start dropping hints at another album....  👀
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datastate · 3 years
family hc for ze'mer?
ze’mer my love ze’mer...
♥  family - i feel like she had an alright family w just her parents, there were issues between them, and ze’mer wanted a healthy distance, but it was never to the point she wanted to lose contact with them? she just found other, more fulfilling people to go to, and things to do that she genuinely enjoyed, but still occasionally tried to stay in touch with her family even as they began to separate.
(this got more into me talking abt her backstory than anything uh oh)
it probably did not help that ze’mer travelled to hallownest because she’s. kind of? an explorer. i can’t remember if i mentioned this before, but the gist of ze’mer’s whole deal is that she travelled to hallownest in search of more information for a larger ‘archive’ of sorts that was separated into two ‘kingdoms’ with one weaker than the other, essentially built from those cast out due to their differing beliefs on what to do with the information they’ve gathered over the years (those cast out were the ones who wanted to change their ways, or at least be like ‘hey, let’s at least try to adapt our ways to the information we’ve gathered so it’s better as a whole.’ which the rulers did Not like, seeing as they are old as hell from ~magic shit~ and set in how they’ve always been, and those cast out couldn’t do much because it was these people who were in control of the information.)
the kingdom being split was a recent thing by the time ze’mer came around - at this point, she and those like her who were born with the defectors were still allowed to observe some of the information, though there were a lot that were just. sealed off from her, of the weaponry and other information that was deemed genuinely important / dangerous. people were generally civil, it’s just when she addressed the archival area that it got tense.
this didn’t deter her thought, she spent her time there just trying to learn abt other areas to go to because she 1. figured 'hey if i can get anything good i'll just return here and help add a little more to it and that'll maybe help ease some tension. just a bit.' and 2.she honestly did Not want to be here when the two societies exploded at each other. they were both the types of ones who wouldn't allow conflict to last too long, but even in those shorter bursts it'd still be extremely... Bad. she didn’t want to feel tied here when that happened, it’s not her obligation. maybe not the most “noble” mindset to have, but ultimately that’s how she feels. she doesn’t have much connection with her current society, and is genuinely interested in what the other kingdom presents.
in an effort to kind of earn some favor, she went to other kingdoms that just needed a few things filled in to help over the years - she soon saw self-proclaimed "hallownest" being almost empty / w very little (tho they wouldn't outright say they had nothing on hallownest because they want to stay intimidating even there; it’d just be a lot of ‘allegedly-’ from the rumors spread about this kingdom) and ze’mer was like ...i wanna add to that.
and so she set off to see hallownest! she was bitter at the fact that tpk was claiming lands that hadn't accepted him as his own, and tried to avoid him while still negotiating with monomon for her purposes, but unfortunately monomon casually mentioned this new bug in some report and tpk was like Hello. Hello. Hold on. whomst. so, it was thru monomon's recommendation to both of them that they meet with each other and find common ground. tpk was Pissed when he realized ze'mer was planning to return to her home with all of what she gathered on hallownest (or at least establish some connection), but ze'mer was rightfully like "well i gave your (monomon’s) archive details on my home that i wasn't even supposed to know with my status and discovered through means that could kill me back home" and he was like. Fuck you,  (in fancier terms) but that's understandable. however,... considering the fact that you may be lying / you are only one sample for monomon to study, you should give something else in return. if you are truly invested in figuring out hallownest, wouldn't it be best to become a part of it? i know you’ve already earned monomon’s favor. and she was like. Well. alright. but i will stay by mon.. and tpk was like lmao ok deal.
the main reason he gave into letting her talk abt this with her old kingdom was bc its (or what was left of it) whole deal was being vague / concealing info from outsiders or those who they didn't trust. she made this clear (even if she didn't mean to) in how she spoke of her retrieval of information that they were clearly protective of, so it wasn’t much trouble to gain another important member to hallownest in return for giving information to what was essentially a vault. so yeah the deal was do what you will and communicate occasionally but you r now tied to hallownest and its perpetuation. if you don’t abide i will let them know what you’ve told me, and if you lie then i will take on what was meant to be their judgement and kill you myself.
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youdothetalking · 4 years
HEY.. the rant about s5.. im askin
its a very bad way to conclude a podcast overall so heres literally all the reasons y.
also disclaimer to all of my tma mutuals these r my OPINIONS n if u say that they rnt true ur 100% right god bless.
1. theres no drama or diversity to the statements like there was before. each statement was unique n different n if u described an episode to me id probably b able to say OH I RMBR THAT ONE !!! thats not the case with this szn
2. I HATE THIS PLOT DEVICE SO MUCH. ITS THE SAME THING AS KILLING OFF CHARACTERS JUST TO BRING THEM BACK. y start the apocalypse just to smite the guy who tricked u into starting it ??? wouldnt it b much more interesting to watch jm learn to adapt than to try to change it ?? id love to know new life in hell !! id love it !! speaking of which
3. JONNY DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HIS WELL WRITTEN CHARACTERS. [allegedly.] i hate jon as a protagonist bc i find him DREADFUL n martin has been nothing but another name to me [tho he does have his moments. hes a very funny character.] BUT GEORGIE IS RIGHT. THERE. MELANIE IS RIGHT. THERE. its not the format ik to switch up narrators unless its a statement but I WANNA KNOW WHAT THE APOCALYPSE THAT FEEDS OFF OF FEAR N THAT GATHERS INFORMATION THRU HUMAN EYES is like with two characters WHO R FEARLESS N BLIND . I CANT B THE ONLY ONE RIGHT ??
4. melanies blindness btw ?? huge. huge. this is the same point. u have a disabled character who hasnt given a single fuck since she was first introduced n u sideline her ?? the only canonically disabled character for miles n jon doesnt know where she is ?? an all seeing being doesnt know whats going on with a real live living breathing human person ?? tell me that isnt a cop out rn istg
5. i dont go to new episodes wanting to know how all of this ties up, im sitting there wishing smth cool would happen. when jon first smited the not!them THAT WAS AMAZING. RADICAL. THE ONLY EXCITING THING THAT HAD HAPPENED SO FAR. n then everything turned boring again. martins lonely episode ?? boring. meeting basira ??? BORINGNFJDJ PLSS I DONT CARE ABT THE HUNT JUST MAKE SMTH HAPPEN JONNY I BEG
6. the umbrella was kind of funny actually ngl but also jons getting annoying. i nvr rlly liked him n all of my hcs r god tier but yall better call me the most patient bitch the way i put up with him for 4 szns. n now hes an all knowing smart ass who i want to punch in the face everytime he speaks.
anyways yea so im not a fan of szn five. SZN THREE THO ?? LETS GET INTO IT !!
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