#like DUDE. i told him to call for help bc hes new if he was worried and. he didnt even tho dipshit had a zebra phone.
#im starting to hate one of the pharmacist at my pharmacy#he took care of my prescriptions twice now and it was terrible each time#he takes quite a lot of time compared w the other pharmacist which is okay but last time it got on my nerves#bc i left home at 11:45 to go to the doctor she was late as usual when i came back at like 14h i went for some groceries it took 20min tops#then i went to the pharmacy. and it took me at the very least 30/40min. i wanted to pee. i was hungry. him being the longest dude ever was#too much#i know pharmacists are not that used to ritalin precriptions but he is especially long with it#i also needed new compression socks bc i made holes in quite afew my stock was low#twice i saw him for compression socks twice he had the most judgmental and 'wtf' look#my prescription is for 3 pairs#the 1st time he was like 'why do you need that ?' and i had to explain that i have circulatory problems my dude i dont wear that for fun#these issues can be at any age it's not bc im 25 that i dont need them#and each time he's like 'THREE pairs ? for free ?' well yes my dude that's called social security you should know it#there's no 'free only after 50 years old' stamp on compression socks#also this stuff seem sturdy but is quite thin i punch hoels in them i wear them every day#AND to finish well#i also needed a wrist brace (yes my body is saying fuck you at the moment)#i went to the pharmacy a few weeks ago needing one and a pharmacist told me she didnt have the good ones rn and they were expensive#and to come back w a prescription so it'll be free#so i did ! and the dude gave me the cheap basic one they had. and it's hurting me more than it's helping me.#now my prescription is used so i'll pay for one.#w the lady before me he barely knew how to check if smthg is covered by social security or not#(also he's not a young starting pharmacist i think he's in his fifties ?)#he just feels incompetent compared w the other pharmacists#i actually had to remind him to write the references of the boxes of ritalin on the prescription before scanning ut#bc last time he forgot and when i went back to pick it up another pharmacist told me that was an issue for them#he judges me too much i dont like that#also bc of all these delays i got home at 3:15 i still hadnt eaten i ate and then i was too late to start working on my thesis#bc of my 'decompression' time i would only work for a short time and didnt know what to do in a short timz
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wynnyfryd · 9 days
@messessentialist told me her friend called to rant about spotting an “upsettingly beautiful boy in a tj maxx” and i vomited 1200 words about it, enjoy
fic idea: chrissy and eddie work together at tj maxx. one afternoon a guy comes in who’s so hot that it kinda just pisses eddie off? bc like, who does this gorgeous asshole think he is??? coming in here and popping his hip at eddie’s counter, like, does he even know how uncomfortable it is to start chubbin’ up in skinny jeans?? that shit chafes!
so eddie gets all flustered and responds by getting an attitude with the guy because he has zero chill (and also because the dude’s iced coffee is sweating a ring all over eddie’s counter, and so help him if his manager gets on his ass one more time about keeping his station tidy—)
“did you need help finding anything else today?” eddie sneers. “coasters, perhaps?”
upsettingly hot guy looks confused for a second before he follows eddie’s pointed glance at the plastic starbucks cup leaving a cold puddle on the laminate, and then he sneers right back; adjusts the ray bans nestled in his perfect honey brown hair and looks eddie up and down — long, slow, one eyebrow lifting in subtle elitist disapproval.
“what?” he snorts, “hot topic wasn’t hiring?”
oh, fuck you very much!
so eddie’s all ‘nemesis acquired’ and holds the biggest grudge of all time. makes a sworn enemy and a boogeyman out of the guy, turns him into urban legend, starts blaming the Upsettingly Beautiful Man for every little thing that goes wrong in his life — at work, at home, at band practice; no place is safe from the dreaded UBM.
“he’s not a fucking cryptid!” gareth snaps one day at rehearsal, chucking a drumstick at eddie’s head. “just track him down and bone already so you can shut the hell up!”
“wouldn’t he just talk about him more after they have sex?” jeff wonders, to which gareth narrows his eyes and raises his second drumstick as a threat.
meanwhile, eddie’s cute coworker chrissy (who he’s become surprisingly good friends with, to the point of referring to her as his work wife) gets a girlfriend. robin’s sooooo pretty, and soooo nice, and sooooo tall, eddie, did you know how tall she is?
yes, chrissy, he’s supremely aware of a stranger’s five-foot-eight-and-a-half stature now, thank you.
“you have to meet her!” chrissy gushes, bouncing up onto her toes.
eddie hangs another shirt. “you have to chill.”
“hey!” she pouts, pixar princess cute. “you wouldn’t tell the sun to dull its shine, would you?”
“i mean, i would, but i doubt the giant ball of plasma cares what i want.”
“okay, whatever, eeyore.” she rolls her eyes but she physically can’t stop beaming even as she does it, and eddie finds himself melting under it — some sort of radiant area attack coming from the apples of this girl’s cheeks, he swears, because the next thing he knows he’s agreeing to go to rando new girlfriend’s housewarming party this weekend so he can meet her properly.
only he doesn’t get to meet her properly, because when he shows up to the party the two bedroom apartment is packed with people he’s never seen, and it’s loud as fuck in here and he’s sweating through his leather from the six flights of stairs he had to climb to reach the place, so he steps through a sliding door out to the balcony and lo and behold, if it isn’t Upsettingly Beautiful Man looking upsettingly beautiful — positively fucking divine, actually, the last wisps of fuchsia sunset catching the gold streaks in his hair and dotting the tip of his flawless nose. Seriously, does this dude have any flaws? A scar, a birthmark, an unsightly ingrown hair? Eddie can’t even see a single blackhead for fuck’s sake.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer” the dude mutters, turning to look at him, and, “oh, my god, you again?”
“i’ve got a fucking coaster this time,” the guy says, lifting his solo cup and giving it a little shake to point out the cork round sitting underneath it, “so if that’s what you came out here to berate me for, then you’ll have to think of something else.”
“uh,” eddie says again, because he has no idea what brought this on but he’s pretty sure it has shit all to do with him, and pretty boy’s really working himself up now, arms moving in sharp gestures as he paces back and forth on the short balcony.
“not that it even matters if i didn’t have a coaster, because this is my house! i can do what i want with my own fucking stuff in my own fucking apartment, nance, i don’t— uh…”
pretty boy’s face blossoms rose petal red, a heavy blush creeping up his jawline as he catches himself mid rant and folds in on himself, crossing his arms over his chest with a sheepish expression.
eddie’s always had a thing for shepherding.
“i’m listening,” he says, popping a cigarette in his mouth and holding the pack out in offering. “if you care to vent.”
the guy — steve, eddie finds out — tells him all about his controlling ex-girlfriend as they work their way through two cigarettes each, the sun slipping away to reveal a full topaz moon, big and low and close, ripe citrus bending the branch of a tree. nance was a real piece of work by the sounds of it, and eddie feels like an absolute shit for the way he treated steve, who had apparently just gotten dumped the night before they met and had been out shopping for a “please take me back” present.
“like that was ever gonna work,” steve mumbles, ashing over the railing. “pathetic. anyway, sorry i was rude to you that day or whatever.”
“you weren’t.”
“nah, i was.” steve shifts his weight, knocks their shoulders together. “not that you didn’t deserve it.”
“yeahhhh,” eddie agrees, cringing at himself. “sorry.”
“all good. so what’s your story then, huh? who pissed in your cheerios that day?”
eddie blames the alcohol fumes wafting from steve’s cup — a justification that makes perfect sense and would totally hold up in a court of law — for what he says next.
“honestly? you.”
steve’s face is so cartoonishly offended that eddie busts out laughing, eyes crinkling, head thrown back.
“oh, so you’re just an asshole,” steve nods sagely. “first cute guy to flirt with me in six weeks is a lunatic. love that for me.”
“no, i—” eddie laughs, “okay, we’re coming back to how you think i’m cute, but i just meant, uh-”
oh, fuck it. eddie’s never been good at holding his cards close to the chest. more of a 52 pick up kinda guy, historically, and why change now?
“you were so gorgeous it, like, genuinely upset me for a second,” eddie admits, running his tongue over his lip. he stubs out his cigarette; turns to look right at steve. “like, uh, like cuteness aggression or some shit.”
steve mirrors his posture, leaning an elbow on the railing, nearly chest to chest. “so you are crazy,” he smiles.
“that’s correct.” eddie swallows.
steve moves in to close the gap. “good crazy?”
“fun crazy, so i’m told.”
“i’m gonna kiss you if that’s cool.”
the kiss tastes like ripe citrus
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catherinnn · 1 year
"Can you kiss me again?"
just a little blurb bc I was bored and I can't get this boy out of my head.
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It was late in the afternoon, the sun setting on its sunset hours—or golden hour, as Kie called it—you were all at the château after a day of surfing and swimming in the ocean. The guys with Cleo were playing a game of poker, Sarah with Kie and I weren’t paying much attention since we weren’t really good at it, so we just stick to chatting among ourselves right next to all of them like a happy family—just like JJ always said.
“I’m out” Pope sighed and threw his cards on the table.
“Nah, I’m all in” John B. confirmed moving some of the poker chips on the table. “JJ?”
“I’m in, bro” he did the same.
“I didn’t listen to his new album yet, is it good?” Sarah talked with Kie.
“It’s amazing, one of his bests so far. Did you listen to it?” Kie asked you.
“A few songs, not all of it yet. But I liked it so far”
“I think you win this one, I’m out” Cleo continued with the game.
“But what about SZA’s new album, I’ve only listened to Kill Bill because of tik tok, but I’m kind of obsessed with it” Sarah commented.
“Oh my god, It’s amazing, I’ve had it on repeat since it came out” Cleo ignored the guys while they kept playing and joined our conversation.
“Yeah, me too, especially Kill Bill, like you said, Sarah”
“I know, it’s so good right-“
“Wait! No! That’s cheating!” Sarah was cut off by a screaming JJ, who suddenly started jumping on his seat next to you on the couch.
“That’s not cheating! What are you talking about?” John B. defended his move.
“Pope, check if it is cheating, help me out here” JJ demanded.
“It’s not cheating man, he’s right, he won” Pope confirmed.
“Oh, come on man!” he complained.
“You’re just a sore loser, deal with it JJ” John B. grinned.
“That’s so not true,” JJ started again, leaning back on the couch and resting his head on your shoulder, “They’re cheating”
“What happened, J?” you asked in a sweet voice as if he was a baby.
“My cards were higher than his, they’re just complotting against me ‘cause they don’t like when I win”
“Oh, don’t pout like that!” you were dying ‘cause of how cute he was right now. Your hand started stroking his hair to make him feel better, which was working because he just loved your attention on him.
“I’m not pouting” he lied.
“Yes, you are” you told him. You realized you needed something more to make him feel better again, and the best idea popped into your head. “Come here” he looked at you again and the hand that was on his hair came down to his cheek, you leaned closer—more than you already were—and you left soft kisses on his other cheek, moving closer and closer to his lips. One, two, three, four kisses. Until your lips touched his, not yet kissing, you teased a little, touching them with yours for a moment. As you realized he didn’t complain to this, he just stayed there accepting and enjoying your every touch, you dared—without thinking twice—and started kissing him, very slowly, very softly.
He moved his lips just the way you were doing it, like he was following your moves. You moves away, making it a short kiss—after all, this was your first kiss together. He opened his eyes and looked at you as if you were something magical, he was completely mesmerized.
Suddenly, you were brought back from your own little world when you heard hysterical laughing from the boys sat in front of you. JJ happened to be thinking the same because of the way he looked at them, frowning and the little smile he had before long gone.
“Did you see his face?” Pope managed to say in between all of his laughs.
“Was that your first kiss ever, dude?” John B. mocked him.
“That, or he clearly just fell in love” Kie joined in in the mocking.
“Shut up” JJ said. You smirked. After they calmed down a bit, they asked for a round two.
“You wanna play again?” John B. asked picking the cards up from the table.
“No” he simply answered him, later to move his head towards you. “Can you kiss me again?”
You smiled. “All of the kisses you want”
“Oh, he’s gonna be so whipped now” Pope complained.
“Now? You’ve clearly never noticed before” Sarah commented.
“Yeah, he’s been whipped long before that kiss” Kiara confirmed.
“Could you shut up and continue without me?” JJ shut them up and turned to you again, “Now, where were we?”
The evening continued with Pope and John B. trying to teach the girls how to play while you both ignored them, coming back to your own little world together, sharing more kisses with little comments and laughs between you two.
a/n: idk anything about poker so if you do and you read this, I'm sorry lol.
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷🔥 so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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janovavalen · 5 months
✧HER NEW CUT || luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: luke as always admired y/n…from afar, but when she comes to camp one morning he can’t help but talk to her about her very bold hair cut
word count: 3174 (cray cray)
warnings: slight obsession from a far (not joe goldberg type), horrid flirting, y/n had a long to short haircut like taylor russell’s hair type short, slight jealousy, happy and soft ending<3
a/n: for more dramatic feels listen to japanese denim specifically? 3:09 so hope u read fast when it comes to the end bc JAH!
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at the camp, luke and his group of friends walked amongst themselves as they laughed at the endless and kind of weird jokes one another was telling.
luke was always lucky with making friends but his friends were kind of—not to be rude—on the weird spectrum. he himself couldn’t say he wasn’t weird either.
‘dude, then the next thing—oh shoot, look who’s gotten out of her cabin this morning’ his friend jake, who pointed over to persephone’s cabin.
as luke looked over he saw none other than y/n l/n. daughter of persephone, goddess of spring and nature. persephone was known for her beauty, and her love, her kind mind towards all even when they’ve done bad.
all of persephone’s children seem to have these traits, but y/n? no. she had them more, she had them down to the freckles on her face that seemed to align like the stars of sirius. the most beautiful, brightest star in the sky.
y/n had been at the camp for only a few months, not as long as luke, but the second she stepped foot into that camp was when luke gave himself over to her willingly. but to her, unknowingly.
as crazy as it sounds, luke has never said a word to y/n. the only thing he did do however? was embarrassingly trip over his own foot, slamming down into the earth below her feet as she stopped her movements, he could remember it alarmist like it was ten minutes ago.
as luke walked out of his cabin he saw y/n walking with her sisters as they laughed and talked together, their laughs seemed to drown out and the only noticeable one being y/n’s.
at the moment, luke had the duty of taking his wooden swords to the swordsman practice field.
as the girl—mainly y/n walked their way across from herme’s cabin, luke tried to make himself look more attractive? cool? so he straightened his back, the wooden swords being in one arm as he confidently walked down the steps—just as the girl passed, he tipped over a tree stump that had grew out of the ground.
when he did, was well hades himself rose from the ground and put hell on earth—the swords went flying into the air, one hitting y/n’s sister in her head.
‘oh my!—‘ as luke fell stomach first into the ground he grunted.
‘oh my gosh! are you okay!?’ a soft and worried voice spoke above him. as he looked up he saw a worried face of y/n…the girl he was so desperately trying to impress.
‘i—im fine! i’m okay, sorry! i’m so sorry emma!’ he yelled to the girl as he scurried up to grab the wooden swords. y/n turned to see one laying lot to far behind her so she went to reach, but at the same time like some two-thousands movie cliché, he went to reach for the same one.
his larger hand being on top of y/n’s who looked him into the eyes she smiled warmly while he smiled back, cleaning his throat.
‘again i'm so sorry’ he nervously smiled at y/n who kept her eyes trained on his own. she smiled warmly and shook her head.
‘don’t, it’s okay, it wasn’t your fault’ she calmly told him while placing her hand on his chest. he took a deep breath while they looked each other in their eyes.
‘y/n? come on we need to get emma to the clinic’ her sister called out to y/n who turned around. luke kept his eyes trained on y/n who called out—‘o—okay! i’m coming right now!’ as she turned back around she was quick to luke in his eyes.
‘well…i guess ill see you around prince charming’ she smiled with a hint of playfulness in her tone. he nervously laughed while holding onto the wooden swords as she walked away.
not without turning back to look at luke how never stopped looking at her.
snapping out of his memory, luke looked over to jack to smirked at him.
‘dude, whatever—‘
‘i mean come on luke! you’ve been obsessing over her for how long? like how many years?’
‘about two i think?’ one of this friends said. jake pointed at them to prove his point.
‘see! two! and not to ruffle your edges but she’s a very pretty girl…she’s not going to wait for you forever luke’ he stressed. luke and jake have been friends for some time now and he was tired of watching luke get jealous every time y/n talked to some other guy at the camp.
and eveytime he let it happen, luke would go into his quiet, mystery guy mode and not talk to anyone for thirty minutes or an hour just falling over the fact the guy y/n was talking to and laughing with wasn’t him.
luke rolled his eyes a bit and shook his head.
‘nah it’s okay…besides maybe he deserves someone else, i don’t think i’m first and only in line anyway’ luke watched y/n sadly as she talked to some camper from zeus's cabin.
he was basically torturing himself as he watched the two laugh, her hand falling along the guy's shoulder.
turning around once he saw that, he sucked in a breath and tried his best to brush that off. the overbearing jealousy putting him through a spiral. a way in his mind.
turning around once he saw that, he sucked in a breath and tried his best to brush that off. the overbearing jealousy putting him through a spiral. a way in his mind.
‘okay—guys let’s just go have dinner, have fun, y’know?’
jake looked over to the rest of the group who sadly shook their head at the effort of getting luke to talk to y/n. sighing he followed luke over to the small outdoor cafeteria.
there were all of the kids who laughed and ate.
‘you guys can sit over there and I'll go and get dinner’ luke told them. some of the group didn’t really eat often, they more often ate their snacks they had saved up in their cabins.
‘i’ll go with you!’ jake called out.
as the two of them made their way to were the food was being handed out, luke failed to notice y/n who smiled up at him and called his name softly.
‘luke is that you?’ she smiled. turning around immediately to see y/n smiling up at him he stumbled to turn around to her completely.
‘y/n! hey! how are you? how’ve you been?’
luke was trying his best to make it seem like he didn’t know she been rather okay.
‘i’m good! i’m good, and you?’ she walked him him down the like of food.
‘i’m good as well! uhm…how’s camp going for you?’
‘good, uhh—me and my sisters have small sleepovers almost every night, we’re also doing some get-togethers for the other demigods to join, you can come whenever you like? i already asked mr. dionysus and chiron’s permission. they said it would be a rather good thing for the demi-gods to put their differences aside and get along as a full community’
y/n was always one for having a soft spot for people. even for her own good. but, that’s what luke loved about her. she was always so caring and supportive of everyone aside from the fact they’re all from different gods. that didn’t matter to her.
nodding his head and smiling he agreed to showing up to one of them—‘yeah, yeah i’ll try and make it if i’m not taking care of other things or sleep’ he chuckled a bit at his own joke while y/n did the same.
‘good good, i hope you can. it was really good to talk to you luke, i mean it. i always saw you a couple of times but you were with other people and i didn’t want to interrupt—‘
‘no! no—you could never interrupt, you can always talk to me, i mean it’ he was quick to shut down her worry in trying to intrude her way through conversation he wasn’t even paying attention in.
she smiled and nodded her head while holding a plate of food.
‘well, i’ll see you tonight?’ she tilted her head to him with a smile on her face full of hope. he mindlessly nodded with a glaze in his expression that didn’t go unnoticed by jake but blinded it her.
as she walked away with her plate in hand and her long flowing hair behind her, jake was quick to hit luke with his shoulder.
one thing that was very different from all of her sisters was that her hair seemed to grow ten times the return speed hair takes to grow. she had the length of hair that almost reached her calves. she always liked it long, and luke didn’t want to lie to himself he loved the way it looked on her.
‘ouu! look at you man! get your game on!’ jake make a corny comment making luke look back at him with a shake of his head but a grin on his face.
‘dude she only invited me to some function everyone is going to be at…’
‘yeah, but she smiled and talked to you? what definitely soldier boy points’ jake nudged luke once more before leaving to the table. when luke was down with his own plate and made his way over to the table, he was bombarded by cheers for him getting somewhere with y/n. finally.
luke only grinned and smiled while he turned around to see y/n eating a bit of her strawberry while looking at him with a small smile.
luke felt his chest tighten and his face grow red and warm. smiling back at her before she turned and he did as well—not before letting his eyes linger on her for a bit longer of course.
‘dude! this is definitely going to be your night!’
later that night, all of the campers made their ways back to their own cabins. luke with his friends and his own sibling in his own cabin.
like had found himself in a predicament. he was trying to decide if the white shirt or the black one would go well with his gray sweats. he wasn’t one for fashion since at the camp everyone wore one thing. but they got lucky and got to pick out some casual clothing away from the orange shirt and regular pants.
‘look at lukey-pookie trying to find a cute date outfit to see his girlfriend!’ one of his siblings called out with a teasing smile on their face. turning to see them he rolled his eyes.
‘no she’s not my girlfriend and i could care less what i wear…’ luke turned back around still trying to decide what shirt.
‘dude wear the black one, chicks did the whole tight back shirt and sweats thing, trust me’ one of his other siblings told him as they sat their doing their hair.
some of the other unclaimed kids nodded in agreement super fast as he hummed to himself and slipped on the black shirt.
‘make sure you flex your jaw and muscles every now and again as well—‘
‘yeah, you have a very defined jaw and your like jacked’ another spoke while they put on their shoes.
luke nervously turned around—does y/n think he was jacked? or does she think he has a very defined jaw? finding himself thinking of y/n and her smile he grew red and cleared his throat.
‘okay whatever, are you guys ready to go?’ luke fixed his shirt and soothed it down while he pulled out his shoes to throw on.
‘yeah we're ready…we’ve been waiting on you for like ten minutes to decide on what shirt to wear…’
‘yeah you literally stood there looking at the wall for a bit. we thought you left us’ they all laughed as luke rolled his eyes.
‘go! get out’ he yelled with a small smile as they did what he said.
while him and his group of siblings and some other that he still referred to as siblings, began to walk their way to where the small get-together was being held, they were imminently introduced with a lot of flowers.
more than usual. there was a trail of them leading down some part of the forest along with some small fires that were stuck on torches like the ones back at camp.
‘they persephone kids do know how to set a mood huh?’ one of the siblings spoke as he looked at the different versions of flowers that slowly grew in their wake.
luke couldn’t help but take notice of some of the flowers that he immediately knew were y/n’s. not to be a weirdo or anything but he saw her growing some flowers every now and again and sometimes wore them in her hair or as a flower crown.
smiling slightly as he heard small sounds of laughter and a bit of music he looked up to see the crowd of campers laughing with and down at each other.
as they walked deeper into the green patch of grass that seemed to form a perfect circle that was surrounded by trees with the light of the moon above to shine down on all the people below.
‘this is actually pretty neat’ some people spoke behind him as they departed from luke.
jake and luke’s other friends however stayed together.
‘this place actually kind of looks entertaining’ jake mumbled to like who had his focus setting for the only person he came for. jake took notice of this and cleared his throat.
‘she’ll be here, why would she invite you then not show up,’ luke looked at jake and nodded his head, trying to calm himself down and focus on the small gathering around him.
‘yeah…yeah no your right—i’m just going to get some juice, i’ll see you in a sec?’ luke departed from jake who let him go with a nod.
as luke made his way through everyone. some of them gave luke a smile and some gave him hugs, he smiled and hugged his way through and to the small table full of snacks and drinks.
as luke reached the pitcher of juice he poured himself some in his cup and drank it a bit. his eyes still searching for her.
while he did he noticed a small group of what looked like persephone daughters. squinting his eyes as he looked to the very distinctive long hair that belonged to y/n he couldn’t help but take a notice to the very short hair girl that stood next to the daughters.
there was something about her? was it her outfit? no…maybe—once he heard her laugh however? was when his thoughts could come to rest.
it was y/n.
as she slowly turned to her friend who walked up to her from behind her, was when he saw her new haircut.
and boy…did his mind go in a ruckus.
he felt as if his once tight enough grip on his cup faltered as he watched her laugh and move some of her hair out of her eye. their hair was extremely short, more short than he’d ever saw. did she ever cut her hair? he can’t recall. but that didn’t matter, not a bit, not at all.
feeling his mind become blank and his eyes go in a daze, the only thing he could every really focus on was her. she smiled and nodded. talked and laughed with her friends and sisters.
she wore this cute flowing dress that reached her thighs and had skinny straps.
it wa plain (f/c) which he took a note looked amazing on her. he never really saw her in anything other than shorts and the orange camp shirt. so he took his time to absorb her new look.
as y/n moved her hair out of her face once more she looked up and it seemed the stars aligned. her eyes met his and he hurried to turn around .
tightly closing his eyes as he cursed myself for doing so, he took a shaky break and sip of his drink. unbeknownst to him, y/n walked her way slowly up to luke who’s back was turned to her.
‘luke?’ she spoke. he hurried to turn around and let out a nervous laugh.
‘y/n? oh my—what? that’s crazy, i didn’t expect you to be here at all! that’s insane…’ he closed his eyes once more to collect and mentally punch himself repeatedly in the stomach for what he just said.
‘uhm…yeah of course i’m here! i invited you silly’ she smiled at him while he smile back. hit face growing insanely warm along with the tips of his ears.
‘yeah—yeah i just noticed that…sorry, i’m so sorry i just—‘
‘you wanna go somewhere more quiet?’ she suggested. luke looked into her eyes immediately to see her signature soft look focusing on him.
god, could she be anymore beautiful than this? he thought.
only nodding in response, he let her take the cup from his hand and place it on the table.
‘come on’ she smiled at him once more while slipping her smaller hang into his large warm one.
he took another note at how her hand seemed to fit perfectly into his. his mind going insane as if he were some teenage girl with her first celebrity crush.
as the two of them walked hand in hand deeper into the forest and near a more quiet place. luke couldn’t help but let his focus wander onto her and her hair.
while they found a spot near the lake surrounded by some sand and rocks, y/n looked over at him. he gazed down to her and saw how the moonlight traced her face perfectly.
‘i come here to think sometimes. or just talk to my mom…hope i didn't creep you out on how far we are’ she nervously laughed while letting her hand slip from luke’s.
he quickly let his heavy hand chase after hers as she turned to him with her hand holding his again, her grip soft and his worried that some monster would come and snatch her away from him.
‘no! no, no not at all! not at all i like it out here, i like how quiet and calm it is. very calm and quiet…very’ he mumbled and stumbled over his words.
he only found himself like this when it comes to y/n and he was okay with that. she laughed softly as this and shook her head while looking at him over his face and chest.
breathing and and taking a small doing to what his sibling said he clutched his jaw a bit while mindlessly looking away to make his jaw more prominent.
unbeknownst y/n took a notice and noted this for herself.
‘so uhm…your hair!’ he called out, looking back at her immediately while her eyes snapped back at his own.
‘what about it’ she reached up and turned a bit of the hair pieces over me another. it looked so smooth and healthy he shook his head in a hurry.
‘nothing! it looks good on you, really good…not! in a creepy way! i didn’t mean to say that in a creepy way! y’know im just saying, you look good, very pretty—pretty beautiful—very…beautiful…’ he was almost disgusted at himself for saying such things in such a rushed manner.
what was actually going on? y/n couldn’t have liked something like that. she’s too special for that—she can’t like or even go for a guy like him. why did he even think—
‘i cut it for you…’ she quietly admitted.
looking over at her immediately once more he saw her gaze and her hand slightly gripping his own a bit tighter as she refused to look up at him.
‘you what?’ he breathed out. waiting for her to continue he didn’t fail to notice how her arm seemed to pull him a bit closer so he mindlessly let her tug him closer.
‘i cut it for your attention…i thought if i changed something out myself…you’d notice me. it’s stupid but ever since i saw you fall in front of me with your wooden swords i couldn’t get you out of my head. and for almost two years straight i did things like…talking to other guys or laughing at jokes i didn’t really think were funny so you could hopefully look at me? i don’t it’s stupid i—‘
before she could say anything else luke bent his body and face down to press his lips fully onto hers. as the two of them shared a single kiss. he pulled away to look her in the eyes for her to only look at his pink pull lips. placing her hand onto his face and pulling him closer, she smashed her lips onto his once more.
this time, the kiss wasn’t like the last. it was more desperate, full of energy, and all the times he’s thought about her non stop, over and over and over.
her hands found their way to the back of his neck and through his hair while he grunted a bit and placed his hands on her waist.
the two of them sharing what seemed like a never ending kiss. their were fireworks, bombs, sparklers, a full zoo and war going on all throughout luke’s body and mind right now.
he’s never experienced anything like this before and he was so sure he never wanted to experience anything like it except if it was with her and only her.
y/n smiled into their kiss as luke pulled away and gave her one last kiss.
‘i don’t know, what you were denying about what i feel. i have never stopped thinking about you, ever. it’s impossible to forget you and to stop thinking about you, every morning, evening and night even in between, when i wake up for water, i think about you. y/n…’ placing his hand on her cheek as she smiled dazingly into his eyes he let his nose hover and almost touch her own.
‘…your all i ever see.’ he finished as she gave a small smile and laugh. her hand made its way up to his face and her thumb traced over his scar which he closed his eyes on. their foreheads resting on one another.
‘awh luke…’ was all he could say before placing he slips onto his once more.
as he mindlessly and desperately kissed her back she made sure their bodies were close.
the moon seemed to shine over the two as they shared their moment of glory together.
after a bit more of kisses, luke and y/n pulled away from one another as they held their closeness. y/n found herself wrapping her arms around luke’s body as he held her against him.
after a moment of silence luke spoke—‘i really like your hair by the way’ he told while y/n laughed a bit.
‘and i like your shirt, it's very tight. my sisters kept gawking over it. not going to lie that what noises my confidence to walk over to you a bit more’ she revealed making luke feel a whole lot better at how he always got jealous.
needing to know more he pulled apart and packed his hands along her waist—‘wait! so…were there other moments where you got jealous?’ he needed to know, bad.
while desperately looking at y/n for an answer she shyly looked down at the ground and back into his eyes before placing her finger over her lips as to show she couldn’t tell.
just before he could say anymore, she pulled apart slowly from him and made her way through the forest .
‘wait! y/n, baby— please? tell me i need to know!’ he desperately tried to get her to speak.
‘maybe!’ she yelled back with a smile. as luke followed her he smiled to himself and felt a bit giddy.
she actually got jealous over him? possibly even protective? this was too adorable to him.
running up and behind her grabbed her from hind and spinned her around in circles while she laughed. his kisses spread from her face to her neck.
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bloogers-boogers · 2 months
Hi! I have a lil au idea for you! Pretty much my first idea for Adam and Michael. Get the popcorn 'cause this is gonna be long.
Lucifer and Michael were quite invested in the two humans. Lucifer kept drooling over Lilith but Michael was the opposite. Something about Lilith's attitude just pissed him off. She was quite arrogant and bossy, always shooing his lover away or ordering him around to make him go away then telling Lucifer something else. Adam from the first moment adored Michael and Lucifer but Lilith also hated Michael.
Michael once made the mistake of calling Lilith out on her behaviour. A fight between Lucifer and Michael broke out. Fortunately it was broken up by Sera and no one got seriously hurt. Adam tried to ignore all the things Michael said but some things started to click. Adam distanced himself from Lilith and Lucifer.
Michael got punished, worsening his punishment by arguing with the elders about Lilith. He felt betrayed. They used to stand by him. They used to trust him but now, things are changing. Michael started to leave his office less and less 'til another fight broke out between Michael and Sera. Michael ended up leaving to the garden to meet Adam again. Adam told him that Lucifer told him that he is getting a new wife. A woman named "Eve". Michael was surprised. No one even told him about it. Lucifer and Lilith in the meantime are living their best lives in the garden. Eve was created and Adam hell for her like no other. He was finally happy.
Lilith got jealous and asked Luci to help him.
A couple of days went by and Adam was going to his lover with Michael to introduce him to her. They've found Eve but...she was on top of Lucifer, both of them red in the face. Michael was furious with his brother.
Eve tried to explain but all Adam said to her was "You're just like her" then ran away from the scene. Michael asked Lucifer if he was proud of himself but before Lucifer could answer, his brother was already gone.
Michael went after Adam and had an idea on the way. Maybe he could help Adam get revenge. Michael forged up an idea to manipulate Eve into eating the apple.
They did just that. Lilith got curious after seeing Eve's change in personality and ate the apple as well.
The elder angels found out and banished Eve and Lilith onto Earth, giving them help to create humanity on their own but other than that, they were on their own.
Michael and Adam were banished to hell for what they've done.
A long time later, Adam and Michael had a daughter, Charlie...
Ik it's just a swap au but it's kinda fun. I haven't yes Adam AND Michael in the places of Lucifer and Lilith yet.
Have a rose for reading all this:🌹
DUDE I SWEAR I READ THIS LIKE THREEE TIMES ALREADY I’m such a sucker for swap au and let me tell u this is the type of fic I’d read omygod lsbelwbdwñeb 💖💖💖
I love the idea that initially Lilith would hate Michael but eventually grow to like him once Adam deals settles in heaven (so not only Adam speaks of him but she has to meet up with him in the meetings so she eventually starts developing feelings for the king of hell), so in the exterminations maybe she’s the leader of the exterminators now? And she’d go there and try provoking Michael and flirting but Michael is so down bad for Adam he doesn’t even bat an eye!
Lucifer is literally being cucked as a great karma for what he did to Adam in this au! Like, Lilith is no longer in love with him but uses him to hold power in heaven (she literally picked Eve over him back in the garden). She also flirts with Adam at his arrival albdwlsbwlw at first it was just to be a bitch to him but eventually she genuinely wanted to score him. (but ofc Adam was only annoyed by her advances.)
Adam deal has something to do to protect his family so he’s forced to be up there but he’s still madly in love with Michael, though, he’s also force to be around Lucifer a lot more (the angel would look for him, *cough cough* he’s enthralled by the first man. Also bc this is kinda of a great excuse for him to speak with his brother which he misses to inform him of Adam’s doings.) Adam is not allowed to be with Michael, speak with his daughter or in hell unfortunately.
Eve whereabouts still remains a mystery (but Adam knows where she is. I feel they somehow made up at some point and are acquaintances at the very least.)
And I feel Michael’s way of dealing with his depression unlike Lucifer’s who tries to avoid his responsibilities and locks himself away, Michael will indulge with them and even add more to the pile, working nonstop. Shutting himself in his office (instead of workshop) and be like this workaholic king who shuts down any possibility of distractions and family time (poor Charlie…) he may even do the opposite of Lucifer who was always hiding in his castle, while Michael would rarely ever be home! Like traveling through all rings dealing with deals, meetings and all that stuff.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
hi :) i was wondering if i could get somethin with the cricket crew folks (those who are a-okay with xreaders) and a reader who deals with type 1 diabetes, like the reader is having low blood sugar troubles while hanging out pretty please 🦕 (platonic or romantic doesnt, matter to me)
OF COURSEEE OMG sorry for taking so long to get this out, I did a lot of research into this so hopefully I got everything accurate! my dad has type 2 diabetes so sorry if anything got mixed up with that as well 😭 billzo and aimsey are the two that aren't cool with x reader fanfics so I didn't include them, although I'm pretty sure they're okay just being in the bg? lmk if I need to change anything! I genuinley appreciate it
HANDSOME BROS ; you have type one diabetes
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, tubbo, & freddie badlinu
warnings ; swearing, mentions of fainting, mentions of needles/dexcom
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instantly shoving bills diet coke down your throat
he just panics at first and kinda asks you what to do
yk like in movies when all the characters are shouting over each other in panic? that's him
bill rushes over since his drink just got stolen
"dude, their dexcom needs changed"
"what the fuck is a dex-com!?"
Tommy's too scared to help you in the beginning, literally forces Bill to help you if you need it
even seeing the damn dexcom app on your phone scares him sometimes
like when you walk too far away and it starts doing that scary ass beeping thing, he jumps out of his skin
you left your phone with him while you went to use the bathroom in a public area and your phone started doing the thing because you were too far away and his face went from 😊 to 😨 in a millisecond
"What if they're dead in there???"
wilbur and tubbo are usually the ones reminding him that you're fine and it beeps when you're out of reach
after time, he gets used to it
although he never lets you forget your phone
he's still scared of the beeping
but he learns a lot on how to help you and shit from both you and bill
if he's got an embarrassing question, he'll go to billzo bc he's so scared of making you uncomfortable LMAO
has a whole notes app list for procedures when you're having issues with your dexcom/blood sugar troubles
makes sure you eat some snacks through the day
🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 I'm so hopelessly in love
before you guys even meet up irl he has a talk with you on what to do if problems arise
you literally hear him type it all down on his phone through the vc
he's pretty calm even from the beginning, but sometimes the nerves do get to him
always has to ask if he's doing things to help you the right way and stuff
if you need his help putting the dexcom in a new spot, he'll be there to help but he's about to panic in fear he'll hurt you
"tubbo, it's fine. you can't hurt me"
"I'm scared I will!"
after time, he'll get used to helping you since he knows you're scared of doing it yourself/have trouble putting it in some spots
keeps some snacks in his pockets/backpack when you're out and about so your blood sugar doesn't drop while you're recording a video or something
if you get weasy or feel like you're gonna pass out, he's got the whole emt training istg LMAO
if you're feeling unwell on stream he'll literally force you to get your phone, hop on a different call with him and prove that you're getting food and whatnot
he'll literally force you to eat on stream
chat uses this for intros of tubbo + y/n edits
gets some advice from Bill as well to make sure you're not lying about eating or anything
if he can't get through to you, maybe Bill can because you're going through similar shit
if not him, aimsey will get through to you
in aimsey we trust 🤞
the first time it happens it was while you were out with them and aimsey
you only told the both of them "hey I'm diabetic just so u know" and left it at that
so when you started having blood sugar troubles out and about with them, they didn't know what to do
you kinda had to explain yourself and tell them how to help and stuff
ranboo made a little safe plan after that, now worried that you could possibly faint and stuff
he has a whole like 3 page note on his phone (like size 9 font too) of what to do in certain situations and when to call 911 if needed
he runs it by Bill too in case you guys missed anything
like bi-hourly checkups that your sugar is okay and stuff, making sure the dexcom is working etc etc
makes sure to only take you to restaurants and fast food places where you'll actually eat instead of pulling the "I'm not hungry" bullshit
he's just looking out for you
"we can't go there, y/n won't eat and I haven't seen them eat today. if you guys wanna do that, that's cool, we'll probably run by a gas station or a store to get something for them, though"
"ran, it's fine-"
"shut up. youre eating, you toe muncher"
if you're recovering from low sugar and being weasy/feeling like you're gonna faint, he just tries everything to make you smile
from dumb jokes to comfort videos, etc
they'll do anything to make sure you're better than you were before
you and bill have a diabetes competition where you're just talking shit and spewing about how you've got it worse than the other and ranboo just records it 💀💀💀
during the pov you're at a family reunion ranboo stream is the first time you have troubles around your friends
you forgot you needed to change the dexcom and almost halfway through you step out
like half an hour later you're still not back and the whole groups confused to Freddie goes to retrieve you
brother finds you in the bathtub in and out of consciousness
tbh you blame yourself for writing it off and not thinking about a plan just in case but lessons learned
he texts the groupchat to inform the others what happened while you stumble back into frame with Freddie's help bc you were not gonna ruin this for the others or chat, no matter how much he told you that you weren't ruining anything
you were acting a little out of it but he got you eating off the charcuterie board which helped a bit
afterwards, he always makes sure that you're eating properly and helps you with communicating if you need help with your dexcom and stuff
like Tommy, the beeping when you're too far away from your phone scares the shit out of him sometimes
sometimes he gets a little anxious and slides your phone under the bathroom door or quickly gives the phone back like "I'm just making sure you're okay! it disconnected, I got a little worried"
God I'm so head over heels for him 💔💔
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randomsillyfangirl · 11 months
I've got my eye on you - Jake Peralta x Reader
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I'm expanding 😍
But if you follow me for Pablo Gavi x Reader, dw I'll still be writing mostly him!! I'm just bored and absolutely LOVE Jake so I wanted to write this lol.
In this, you're also a detective. But new to the 99 team with your partner- your bestie. Also bc I love Jake and Amy, you and Amy won't be enemies. Let's just say that in this world they never dated.
You and your partner walked into the 99th precinct building with a criminal, sending them to confinement. You and your partner high-fived each other. Jake Peralta noticed from his desk and turned to look at the duo. Charles swivel around to him on his chair, " impressive, right? Second day and already solved a case." and Jake nodded leaving his desk.
" Peralta. Nice to meet you...? " Jake introduced himself to you. " l/n. Nice to meet you Peralta." you responded smiling. Jake coughed, " you can just call me Jake." he spoke. " call me y/n then." you continued through conversation.
You two were interrupted by Captain Raymond Holt. " Squad. Id like it if you'd make y/n l/n and (besties f&l name) feel welcomed and assist them in any cases. " and you smiled, seemed like this precinct looked out for each other, unlike your old precinct.
Jake smiled and checked his watch, " Cap-iy-tan, since its around lunch time, I will be taking y/n out to lunch- to make her feel welcomed and what-not " and you smiled, since your partner had already started talking to Gina- is that a good friendship? Probably. Hopefully.
(Not gina slander I swear I love her 🙏)
Outside of some random street food place, you and Jake were talking. " my favorite Taylor Swift song? Definitely (your fav Taylor Swift song)! It's a lyrical masterpiece! " you told him. Jake smiled widely, " no way! Mine too!!" the two of you laughed.
" you solved a case in two days.. That's impressive. Mind helping me back in the precinct? " he asked you and you nodded,"of course! And I didn't solve it in two days. Me and my partner did. I can't take full credit. " you said, then taking a sip of your drink.
In the breakroom you, jake and amy were trying to solve a crime. " so, if the fires were all started at 12:34pm that would mean..." Jake was starting, " that means it must be that the person is free after around 12:00pm. Since they're all so close by. " Amy finished Jake's thought. You were trying to think, then you developed a crazy theory. " you said there's a gas station right around the corner, right? " you asked, both detectives nodded. " maybe, the fire-starter works there. Brings gasoline with them to their new target? And since they're all targeting big brand businesses- it could be from a small business owner? " you asked and Amy grabbed her laptop. " that makes sense. All we'll need is a list of the gas stations staff! Then we can narrow it down!" Amy looked at you, which made you feel happy- you really helped.
And it turned down your theory was right. A small business owner started the fires. You smiled with Jake and Amy while bringing the perp in. Jake looked at your smile and smiled more. Charles noticed and teased, " do I sense loveeee? " . " what? Of course not.. I barely know her., Charles " Jake denyed.
However over time as he started to work more with you, he couldn't help but look over at you, smile when you smile. And you felt the same for Jake, doing the same thing. You both had a crush on each other...
" You keep on staring dude, what's wrong with you? " Rosa told Jake, noticing he kept on staring at you. Jake huffed, " I've got my eye on her.." . " yikes. Isn't her best friend friends with Gina? If you two started anything, they will not stop gossiping about you. " Rosa continued to speak ." yeah! I know that Rosa!! " Jake dramatically replied. " id gossip about you too " Rosa said walking away laughing.
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Post HOFAS Thoughts
Obviously everything below here is a spoiler, so read at your own risk.
This isn't going to be in any particular order, just as things pop into my head.
What I liked
How Bryce and the ACOTAR characters weren't buddy-buddy at all. It's was more realistic that both groups would be super hesitant of the other
Nesta's characterization- wonderful, stunning, powerful. This is the Nesta that ACOSF deserved and didn't get.
Bryce and Nesta's reluctant friendship, I loved that these two misunderstood women were able to create even just a minimum bond
Az and Nesta asking about the cell phone, amazing (BC)
Understanding the death mask and it's abilities more.
The information dump about Theia- I did not like how much of it there was to process BUT I loved how the characters saw the evil the Fae had brought with their colonization and did not try to bury that.
Bryce stealing TT, Az wasn't giving that up and it would be out of character for him to do so (unless he was giving it to his mate (🌷)
I kind of liked the Sassy Asteri (Verperous?)
Ruhn cracking jokes about two angels and a Fae walking into a dungeon- hilarious
Lidia's arc was interesting seeing as she has murdered and tortured people before she defected, but SJM was able to give her a redemption arc where people aren't forgiving her for that past, but seeing her for trying to make amends in the present/future. That is a hard arc to pull off.
Lidia nuzzling Ruhn before running off my god my heart
Hypaxia dumping Celestina (good), getting thrown out of her coven (bad) and THEN becoming the head of the HOFAS? Yas Queen! Slay!
Hunt working through his PTSD and Bryce giving him tough love about it, either you're with us or you're not. I know it's harsh but with what was going on it was realistic.
Ithan becoming prime
Sabine dying and being thrown into a sewer. TBH the sewers deserve better.
Hypaxia in general. No one in this series would be anywhere without her. I said what I said.
Tharion stepping up to marry Sathia (was that her name) More on this f*cker later
This one is weird: the torture chamber. SJM made that as messy as possible. She did not have to mention the poop and pee on the floor (these things happen during torture, but it's not exactly sexy for 3 characters to be rolling in it) so props to her I guess? Told you it's a weird one
Bryce and Ruhn taking down Fae Kings and making Avellen a Fae paradise WITH PEGASUS!!!!
The Princes of the Pit. I want them to have their own series omg.
Did I mentioned wanting more of the Princes of the Pit?
Bryce killing and Asteri by hand. Again, slay Queen.
Sahar coming in at the end and helping Hunt save Bryce
JESIBA! My girl sacrificing herself for her assistant (I laughed while crying)
Nesta and Ember's relationship
Bryce dismantling the Fae monarchy.
Ruhm calling Rhys something along the lines of "that High Lord dude." Yes. Excellent. More people need to do this.
Bryce and Hunt being endgame. Forever. Full stop.
What I didn't like
Bryce seemed to lose a few brain cells in this book...like opening the sarcophagus of an Asteri is dumb...
Bryce hearing Azriel when he was following her and Nesta- Cassian even said in ACOSF that unless Az wanted to be heard, you don't hear him.
Az using his power to try and bind the Asteri- bb no. They absorb that, did you also lose brain cells since ACOSF?
THARION YOU DUMB MF. This man pissed me off so much with all his bad choices one after another since the end of HOSAB.
Sigrid? Like...what was the point of her? Literally it was WE HAVE A NEW FENDYR ALPHA! Oh no I accidentally decapitated her....like what?
Ariadne was there and then not and then there. Ok?
Ithan's b plot, which I understand why it was there, really slowed down the pacing.
All the middle fingers? Why was everyone just flipping everyone else off all the time?
Also lines like this showed up a few times, "it could have been minutes, years really." When something was happening...like what?
I love me spicy scenes, they were awkwardly placed in this story.
What I think will happen next
SJM said we're getting more CC books, I am thinking they are going to focus more on other potential couples now that Bryce and Hunt's story has seemingly ended. And I swear if Bryce is pregnant in the next one...
I think a big all out war is coming (in ACOTAR) against the Asteri/Daglan somehow, and all characters from all three world with go to Prythian for a battle
Lidia is absolutely a decedent of Aelin and Rowan so that has to play out somehow.
Lidia's kids are going to become important- I am wondering about their bio dad because it's said he was a shifter, and this is me being all conspiracy theory but: What if their bio dad was a descendent of Fenrys? They are twins, one with fair hair (Fenrys) one with dark hair (Connall) and we don't know their abilities yet...it's a reach but I am calling it
Monarchy systems of government suck, democracy all the way, but uh here's to hoping SJM writes one in that works better than what most democratic countries have (looking at you USA)
The emo like Reaper that Hypaxia used to compare samples to, I am curious if he is going to turn into someone/something in later books. Just the whole scene seemed like he would become important later on. I don't know it's just a feeling.
As I have more time to process and marinate with this book I'll probably add more. In the end I'd give HOFAS a 3.5/5 it got bogged down quite a bit with exposition, characters just making dumb choice after dumb choice, and plot lines seemingly leading to nowhere. Bryce and Hunt remained a really strong FMC/MMC lead, my fav of all the series, the side characters were mostly interesting and kept everything going (looking at you Ithan) but all and all, I enjoyed the book!
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isa-ghost · 7 days
Ok so I've seen you do phil + techno and phil + cranboo, time to complete the syndicate and ask for phil and niki! c!niki or q!niki, i don't mind :D
Oh god oh fuck I didn't see enough Niki on either SMP *explodes*
EDIT: Just kidding, apparently I have plenty of material for c!Niki.
qPhil headcanons masterlist
He KNOWS she was done dirty. He's familiar with that anger and bitterness she tried so hard to hide for so long, he's been there. He was more than happy to have her in the Syndicate so she could do something proactive with all that pent up emotion.
They had a lot of conversations just one on one where he tried to ask her more about his son and what was going on before his arrival. She seemed close-ish to the L'Manbergians (he didn't realize at first that she had BEEN one), could she give him ANY context, any closure at all?
He told her about the letters he got and asked how true they were. She was PISSED reading some of them, which he took as "I was lied to." It didn't surprise him, but it did reopen that wound.
They had a chat or two about Ghostbur. They both fucking hated him. Wearing the face and using the voice of someone they cared for so deeply, who hurt them so badly, but wasn't anything like him.
Sometimes he thinks about her being a lynx hybrid and giggles to himself bc it makes sense she'd be hanging out with dudes that live in the tundra.
He wishes he had the chance to help her further lush up her cave. Rose would've gone absolutely feral in there and he bets talking to her would've done Niki a lot of good. Granted, at the time, he was very private about having affiliations with otherworldly deities. This is something he wishes he did in hindsight.
Fuck Revivedbur that extra bed on the second floor was for Niki and he told her she could stay with them any time she wanted since she didn't have a house by the rest of the Syndicate. He didn't want her to abandon her place but the offer was always there in an effort to make sure she felt included and cared for, since her previous group affiliation did little to ensure that.
He is SO SAD he didn't get to try anything from her bakery and on at least one occasion he begged her to make a new and better one so he could try her baking. When he heard she eventually started baking again, he was elated.
He had mixed emotions about her being hellbent on going after Tommy, but overall he just. Didn't get involved. Wasn't his business. He didn't have anything against Tommy and he loved Niki, but he wasn't about to tangle with whatever they had going on. Didn't want to damage or break either bond.
He DID think, when it was described to him as "some Team Rocket bullshit" by someone, that Niki and Jack's attempts were kinda funny in a fucked up way.
When she told him the story of how she stood before Manberg with no one to protect her (you know the iconic picture I'm talking abt I'm sure), Phil was SO PROUD. That was one of the things that made him sure she belonged in the Syndicate.
When he heard that she burned that one tree, his jaw dropped and he laughed. He isn't sure if it was out of shock or amusement or something else, but it's all he could think to do.
Honestly sometimes he considered asking her if she'd like to just. Talk things out. Communicate with people. Get herself closure more directly instead of through what they had been doing. It's not exactly his style, but the fact that he came to this realm because of poor communication from his son had him unable to help but think someone deserved some clear fucking answers for once.
He was more than happy to spar with her and help her sharpen her combat skills. She picked up on things he taught her very fast, and in typical Phil fashion, he always downplayed himself when she'd call him a great teacher.
Post-DSMP he still thinks about her sometimes. He hopes she's happier now, less plagued by bitterness and in a place she can confidently call her own, with no government or "stronger" group of people to breathe down her neck or threaten her. Because we don't have confirmation afaik that c!Niki & q!Niki are the same, I'll say q!Niki just reminds Phil of a happier, lighter c!Niki.
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ackackh · 29 days
Hi happy talk shop Tuesday to my favorite writer!!💛 my question for u is what inspired the original characters in ur fics? Eddies family in our hemisphere & especially Sophia from the tulip- those characters are written soo beautifully and have stuck with me long after I’ve read them :’)
Also omg a new chapter of God is a Bluegill!!! how does it feel to be back writing it!
Lord not me crying in the club bc you called me favorite 😭💛
Ahah would you believe me if I told you I’ve been kicking around a different/updated version of Our Hemisphere for the past few months? No real promises and the original would absolutely stay as is—but I’ve changed so much as a writer and I have so many more ideas for those characters and I wanna write with them again!
-I’ve never been one to research The Real Guys when it comes to fic bc I’m working with a character and not a historical figure, and fandom at least seems to believe that Eddie has a million siblings so I wanted to hop on that train! My dad grew up as the second-youngest of 13 siblings and the absolutely wild shit they got up to? Incredible. And Eddie was so good at working with the guys in The Pacific I couldn’t help but picture him as the eldest, especially with my darling baby Ruthie, I literally love her so much, I just wanted to give Eddie someone he could pour all his love into and someone who would love him unconditionally. I’m the youngest sibling, I know all about idolizing older brothers.
-Joe, my other love, isn’t the villain of course, just someone with a lot of emotions he doesn’t know how to handle. He came out of the idea that there were lots of guys who 4F who became really depressed and sometimes took their own lives. Joe spent a lot of time resenting Eddie for having what he couldn’t. Then, even worse, he’s not even grateful for it, he comes home all fucked up over it and Joe didn’t even get to go! Add onto it that Eddie’s sleeping with a man and Joe just… can’t deal. He’s just sad, and he deserves better.
-fun fact, the Ruth in my newer version of Our Hemisphere does not immediately take to Eddie upon his return bc she literally doesn’t remember him. And now there’s this fuckin dude? Just in her house? Excuse me? She warms to him eventually tho, and then they’re inseparable
And omg Soph, my angel, my absolute shitster. When I wrote The Tulip I was friends with this girl who had a little sister who was like 3(?) at the time and she was sooo smart it was a riot. I based a lot of Sophia around that idea. She’s the kind of kid you love to death but who can’t stop getting in trouble because she’s so observant and has no tact (bc she’s in like, preschool). Lot’s of gray hairs for Walt. Ray only encourages her.
AHH THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING GIAB. I am like, beside myself with happiness that I’ve been able to continue it! And now that ch 3 is out it’s been way easier to continue into ch 4, which has like 2k words so far. I have so much story in my head here, like, it fucking goes places. Some shit fucking happens in later chapters and I can’t wait to show you!
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taivansupremacy · 2 years
in a heartbeat [part 1]
part 2 part 3
Summary: When your best friend, Eddie, is down a bassist in his band, Robin Buckley joins to fill in. You immediately find yourself drawn to her on and off stage.
Word Count: 2,613 
A/N: I am so excited about this new series!! a new part will be posted each Wednesday. This takes place in the 90s bc i want to use a song that came out in 92 lol everything else is canon compliant though. As usual, likes, reblogs, and feedback are much appreciated!
CW: swearing, alcohol, weed
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“This fucking sucks,” Eddie groaned as he sat down at the head of the table in the Hellfire Club meeting room. 
You and Eddie always came before the other club members to set up, partially because it was a time where you could catch up with your best friend one on one, but it was mostly because the other members never wanted to help set up. Still, you cherished the alone time with your best friend, especially since he started hanging out with Steve Harrington’s group. 
“What’s wrong, Eddison?” You teased as you fished through Eddie’s bag for his dice set. 
“You know I hate when you call me that,” He grumbled before continuing, “Scott just told me that his family is  moving out of Hawkins like next week. Corroded Coffin is down a bassist now!” He plopped his head down on the table with a gentle thump and enclosed his head in his hands. 
You took your hand out of his bag and sat beside him. 
“You have to know someone who can replace him, even temporarily.” You thought for a moment, “What about that girl from band that’s in Harrington’s group? She’s gotta have some musical knowledge.” 
His head snapped up from the table, “I totally forgot that Buckley plays bass! y/l/n you’re a genius!” 
He pressed a quick, affectionate kiss to your forehead, not an uncommon gesture for him, but it made you feel special nonetheless. 
You chuckled and shrugged, “I kinda pulled that one outta my ass because I vaguely remember you telling me that Steve hung out with someone from band, but I’ll take the genius title.” 
Eddie rolled his eyes and shoved your shoulder playfully as he got up from his chair.  
“Come on, y/n/n the little freaks will be here any second. Let’s get set up.” 
About a week later, you headed to The Hideout for Corroded Coffin’s usual Saturday gig. You were always there for Eddie, cheering him on from the front row. The place smelled of bitter alcohol and smoke, the aroma only getting stronger as more people filed into the dingy dive bar. You looked around, noting that the turnout was one of the best you’d ever seen for one of Eddie’s shows. 
You felt someone squeeze in beside you as the lights dimmed slightly and the members of Corroded Coffin filled out. Immediately, a lanky, short haired, sandy blonde girl caught your eye as she picked up her bass, slinging it around her neck. Your mouth went dry as she tilted her head side to side to stretch out her neck. 
You were snapped out of your trance when Eddie introduced the band and announced the first song. Throughout the entire set, you stared at the bassist, who you knew as Buckley or Buck from your conversations with Eddie. You watched as her fingers expertly strummed and swooned as she propped a foot up on the amp and tilted her head back as she played. 
When their allotted time was up, Eddie closed out the night by thanking the crowd, reintroducing the band, and running off stage. You knew the drill after spending countless nights in the tiny bar. Eddie would come get you and bring you to the greenroom after chugging a bunch of water and debriefing the band. You knew the way backstage and could find the greenroom yourself, having been taken back there almost every weekend, but you liked your little ritual with Eddie, so you always waited. 
“Hey y/l/n,” Eddie smirked upon realizing that he startled you, “How’d you like the show?” 
You pretended to think about your answer as you linked your arm with his and began walking, “Fine, I guess,” You shrugged, “That Eddie dude could use some improvement, though. You should really talk to him about that.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” He flicked your nose with an affectionate roll of his eyes, “You think you’re so funny, don’t ya?” 
You rounded the familiar corner into the greenroom and whatever snarky retort you had planned died in your throat upon seeing her. The pretty bassist sat on the couch beside Gareth, engrossed in a conversation with him and a group of 3 others. 
“She’s heeere!” Eddie called out as he plopped down on the empty loveseat. 
You shyly took a seat in the spot beside him, knowing their eyes were on you; her eyes were on you. 
“Steve Harrington,” The brunette boy introduced himself with a warm smile as he shook your hand, “Eddie talks so much about you. It’s good to finally put a face to the name.” 
You nodded and watched as Eddie blushed at the mention of his name from Steve’s lips. You’d be sure to tease him about that later. 
“Robin!” The bassist piped up much too enthusiastically, a pretty pink blush rising to her cheeks, “Robin Buckley, the new bassist. I wish Eddie told us how pretty his best friend was. Maybe I’d have asked him to bring you around more. N-not that I wouldn’t be happy to meet you if you weren’t pretty… though I’m sure it would be impossible for you to not…be pretty…” Robin averted her eyes and trained them on her Doc Martens. 
Eddie mentioned that Buckley was a rambler, but what he didn’t mention was how adorable it was when she talked so fast that her cheeks turned pink, hiding the freckles that were peppered over her nose, cheeks, and forehead. She was even more beautiful up close. It intimidated you, even after it was clear that was embarrassed by her outburst. 
“Eddie didn’t tell me you were this pretty, either.” You giggled, “He’s kind of useless like that sometimes.” You joked as an attempt to coax a smile out of her. 
She beamed at you, her eyes shining, even in the dim light of the small greenroom. 
“Hey, don’t you two start gangin’ up on me now,” Eddie warned, “You’ll be kicked outta the greenroom,” He smirked, pointing a lazy finger at you.
“Oh, come on Eddison,”  You smiled innocently at him, “you know you couldn’t kick me out, no matter how much I tease you. You’d never break an after show ritual.” 
“Eddison?” Robin asked with a chuckle. 
“Huh, I always thought your full name was Edward.” Steve said, mostly to himself. 
Eddie threw you a dirty look that you returned with a dramatic bat of your eyelashes. 
“Because it is!” He snapped, obviously having to correct everyone that’s heard you call him the nickname he hated. 
You couldn’t hold back your laugh, which spurred on Robin, Steve, Gareth, Jeff, and Steve and Robin’s other two friends. 
The group of you spent about another hour in the greenroom, messing around. You were introduced to Jonathan and Nancy and invited back to Steve’s for an afterparty. 
That's how you ended up in the front seat of Eddie’s van as he drove through the rich part of town in his clunky vehicle. Neither you or Eddie came from such backgrounds, nor did you usually hang out with people who did, so you looked out the window at the large houses and bright green yards in awe. Eddie, however, wasn’t phased. You assumed that he’d hung out at Steve’s place a number of times since he started hanging with his group. 
“So,” Eddie started, obviously about to say something to get on your nerves, “we gonna talk about your crush on Buckley?” 
You scoffed unconvincingly, “I don’t have a crush on Robin, Eddie. I’ve meet her once.” 
“Maybe so, but you stared at her the entire show and you called her pretty in the greenroom,” He smirked, knowing he caught you, “So fess up, y/l/n.” 
“Ugh, fine,” You relented, “But you’re no better. What about your crush on Steve?” 
Eddie shot you a warning look, but you knew better than to back off. That was how you and Eddie worked. You loved eachother, but relentlessly pushed each other’s buttons. It was your love language. 
“I saw the way you blushed every time he said your name and when he complimented your playing and singing tonight,” You watched as he blushed again, training his eyes on the road in front of him and gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles, “So fess up, Munson,” You echoed his words back to him. 
Lucky for him, you had arrived at Steve’s house and the van pulled into the driveway before he could answer. You’d bring it up again, though. He knew you wouldn’t drop it until he at least admitted to his attraction to the man. 
Eddie led you through the back gate, where the rest of the group sat by the pool, smoking joints and taking shots. Their laughter could be heard even before you reached the gate. As you walked through the gate, Robin bounded up to you a bright smile splitting her lips at the sight of you. 
“y/n! Can I get you a drink?”
You nodded, breaking away from Eddie when she took your hand and led you to the folding table that held all the alcohol. You looked behind you as your best friend threw himself down in the lawn chair beside Steve and took the joint that the other man was holding out to him. You shook your head at the pair of them before turning back to Robin, who was holding a plastic shot glass filled with clear liquid out to you. You didn’t question what was inside before throwing it back. You lingered by the alcohol table for a minute as you mixed yourself a drink. 
Robin stood beside you, her shoulder brushing yours as you reached out for various bottles on the table. You had to say something. Her close proximity and the silence that accompanied the two of you was making you nervous. 
“You played really well tonight,” You complimented as you mixed the contents of your drink together, “Never would have thought that it was your first show.” 
The blonde blushed, starting the walk back to her spot on the patio couch and plopped down on the loveseat, retrieving her drink that sat on the side table, “Thank you,” She patted the spot beside her, gesturing for you to sit, “I was so nervous. Eddie said that you usually mess up when you play your first show.” 
You took a seat beside her and took a sip of your drink, “Well, if you did mess up, I wasn’t able to tell.” 
She blushed and tried to hide it by sipping her own drink. 
“So, how’d you meet Eddie?” She asked, clearly trying to shift the attention off of her. 
“Hellfire,” You stated plainly, “and we’re neighbors.” 
The alcohol in your system gave you the courage to scoot closer to her. 
Before she could respond, Steve and Eddie interrupted. 
“What are you girls doing all the way over there?” Steve called out, “Come sit!” 
The two of you looked at each other, neither of you really wanting to move. 
“Come on!” Eddie urged, “The weed’s over here!” 
You sighed and stood up. Robin followed suit and offered her hand for you hold as you crossed the yard. You assumed that the alcohol made her bolder, as well. 
The rest of the night was spent sitting shoulder to shoulder with Robin on a lawn chair beside Steve as the group of you talked. You shared a joint with her and found out that she was the giggly type when she was high, but you didn’t mind. Her raspy laugh filled your chest with warmth, especially when you were the one to draw it out of her. 
You noticed Eddie and Steve subtly flirting as well. Your best friend abandoned his lawn chair to share one with Steve and once they were seated together, they were extremely touchy. Hands on knees, shoulders brushing, knees touching, and playful shoves confirmed your suspicions, even if Eddie hadn’t. 
Towards the end of the night, when everyone was drunk, high, and sleepy, Robin’s head dropped to your shoulder. You froze mid sip, but she didn’t seem to notice. 
“Looks like Rob’s gonna be out cold in a few minutes,” Steve chuckled, “Maybe we should all head to bed.” 
You nodded as Robin lifted her head for a brief moment with a single, “Yes, please,” before her head fell back down again. 
“I could share with Eddie, you know if there aren’t enough rooms for everyone.” You offered, mostly to avoid having to share a bed with the beautiful bassist beside you. 
“Oh,” Steve said, clearly disappointed, “Yeah, okay. I’ll share with Robin, then.” 
It was unspoken that Nancy and Jonathan would share, as well. 
“Hey, y/n,” Eddie said standing up, “can I talk to you a second?” 
You allowed him to pull you across the yard, far enough to be out of earshot.
“Why are you being a cockblock right now?” 
“What do you mean?” You chuckled. 
“I was gonna share with Steve,” He pouted, “Share with Buckley. Please?” 
“So you admit you have a crush on Steve Harrington, then?” You smirked, not about to give in until he admitted what you already knew. 
“If it’ll get you to share a damn bed with Robin, then yeah. I admit it.” He rolled his eyes at you. 
You thought about it for a minute. If you freaked out that much about robin putting her head on your shoulder, you definitely wouldn’t be able to sleep in the same bed as her. You loved Eddie and wanted things to work out with him and Steve, but you knew you’d make a fool of yourself if you had to share a bed with the very girl you were trying to impress all night. 
“I don’t know…” 
“I know you don’t want to because you’re scared of Robin. Just… share with her, get laid. It’ll do ya some good.”  He patted your shoulder twice before turning back to the group and announcing the change in sleeping arrangements. 
A few minutes later, you’d changed into one of Steve’s Hawkins High t-shirts and brushed your teeth. You’d done everything except actually get in bed. 
“I could sleep on the floor if you’d be more comfortable,” Robin offered from her spot in the bed. 
“N-no I’ll be okay,” You reassured and slipped under the covers, making sure to leave a fair amount of space between you and the girl beside you. 
You flicked the lamp on your bedside table off, covering the room in darkness, before laying down completely. Minutes of silence passed and you were sure that Robin was asleep, until she quietly spoke up. 
“I had fun with you tonight,” She admitted quietly, “You should come around and hang with the group more often, o-or you and I could just hang out together…” 
You nodded, although she couldn’t see it in the darkness of the small guest room, “I’d love to hang out with you, Robin.” 
An awkward silence passed over the room for a minute. 
“Well uh, dingus and I have work tomorrow morning so I should probably…” Robin trailed off. 
“Right, right, yeah. Goodnight, Robin.” 
“Goodnight, y/n.” 
You turned away from her, laying on your side. She was asleep before you, her soft snores filling the room as you anxiously stayed awake, hyperaware of her presence in the bed beside you. She had scooted closer to you in your sleep, her legs not quite touching yours, but her warmth could still be felt. 
You finally fell into a peaceful sleep about an hour later, when your tiredness won over the swirling thoughts in your head. You were already hopeless. 
Robin taglist: @momomc, @prettyplant0 @ariianelle , @rrobinbuckleysgf @thruheavenandhighwater, @hawkeluver, @abeltvs, @thechoiceslookgrimm, @justlydiasworld, @desperate-gay
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subsequentibis · 10 months
could you please talk more about the metal gear pro wrestling au? i’m obsessed with the concept
okokok. you might be a wrestling fan already but for accessibility’s sake i will be defining my terms here. baby face / face = good guy, heel = bad guy, kayfabe = anything that is true within the wrestling storyline but not necessarily real life. also this was written with my boyfriend @accursedapothecary who did a LOT of the heavy lifting on the plot details ily babe
any group like foxhound, dead cell, diamond dogs, outer heaven, etc, these are all wrestling factions & stables, groups of wrestlers who are allied together and train together and might tag team or show up at each other’s matches to help out or cheer their compatriots on.
solid snake is an up and coming babyface who’s training under the tutelage of kazuhira “hellmaster” miller, an old retired veteran who had like a babyface turned heel turned face again kind of arc, and he’s training him up to take down big boss who is THEE champion, took a title off miller ten years back and has still hung doggedly onto it since. snake beats him, but the title is stolen by liquid snake, a new heel trained by ocelot, who had an on-again off-again tag team thing with big boss when they were in the diamond dogs faction together also with miller, but that whole faction imploded bc big boss and miller had a falling out and went their separate ways, but ocelot was just sort of following big boss around like a lost puppy for a while til boss took the title and then sort of disappeared for a really long time before surfacing again like two years back. that was such a long sentence. ANYWAY. ocelot also challenges kaz to come out of retirement and have one last match with him… A HAIR MATCH. which if you are not familiar the loser of a hair match has to shave their head. kaz loses, VERY sad, his version of dying in this universe is losing his pretty long hair…
SNAKE GOES TO AVENGE HIM THOUGH. takes on foxhound, defeats ocelot with the help of a mysterious masked figure who later challenges him to a match (i can’t stress how extremely Wrestling everything going on with grey fox is.), gets help from meryl in the fights against mantis & wolf, then defeats liquid and gets the title from him BUT then it turns out the big boss he defeated for the title in the first place WASN’T EVEN BIG BOSS. which is also, i cannot stress enough, SUCH a wrestling plotline. also at some point in all this liquid has been impersonating miller on the sidelines and does a whole vince mcmahon IT WAS ME! IT WAS ME SNAKE! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG SNAKE. otacon’s been in like a semi-manager role as well and after the reveal shifts to full time managing. also after the fake big boss reveal venom retires and goes to live with kaz <3 i think at one point there was a really bad botch with a turnbuckle that ripped his actual head open and now in kayfabe they say he’s still got part of it lodged in his skull. venom also used to be a ringside medic and then one day when he was patching up ocelot after a blading incident gone wrong ocelot was like dude. has anyone ever told you you look EXACTLY like big boss. someone call up the big guy i got an angle for him. and venom had always wanted to be in the ring so he was sooo happy when he got the chance… but he’s like a total softie when he’s out of character and talks everyone through the best way to take his moves without getting hurt, it’s like a complete 180 from his in-ring persona. i love him.
also foxdie is a kayfabe thing they use to explain it when someone gets a real bad injury and has to retire early i think… snake gets it which is Sad. so he starts training raiden to take over for him…
that's all i have right now. kisses you gently on the forehead thank u for asking
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I come as bidden to ask for angsty fic recs! :D (Especially if they end good though, I just watched a TV show from which I am a little physically ill of Bad Things Left Hanging) 💛
ohoho yes good you've come to the right place!!! angst with a happy ending is one of my favorite tropes ever tbh, especially including lots of hurt/comfort!!! without further ado~
protective dad Bruce
family-wide angst with a side of character study
Jason and Bruce have very different ideas of remembrance
very angsty Cass fic for the Cass mutual ft. hope and healing
Damian and Jason have met before
the passing down of warmth from fathers to sons not quite their own
pretty heavy Babs character study (this author is REALLY GOOD)
getting shot is a great way to end a family feud (and Tim is a little bit feral for a hot second)
baby Dickie and a field trip gone bad
Damian thinks he's going to die (he's wrong) and Tim won't let that happen
Tim and Bruce and healing
Steph and Bruce get yoinked back in time and they are not having fun
Bruce just needs to see his kid alive
Steph telling Bruce "I think I'm bad" will stick with me forever
a little bit vague and a lot bit sad but everything is okay at the end, for the whole family
Dick and Jason being brothers
this one made me ache a little bit and then healed the bruises (B and the kids and the finite nature of human life)
I feel like this has probably been recced to you already but OUGGHHHH the family feels from Dami's POV... it's so good
this one is actually pretty soft and has a really cool concept (and ten bucks says you can probably guess why the title caught my eye) with Tim and Bruce
Dick is hallucinating his kid and it just might break him
SAD SAD SAD ANGSTY HOWEVER read the endnotes bc everything's gonna be okay
I KNOW this one's already been recced to you but honestly it fundamentally changed something in me. in the back of my mind I'm always on some level thinking about it. I cannot adequately explain just how much this fic wrecked me and how important it is to me. I'm just gonna say again what I told @called-kept after she first sent it to me: for middle children in the Wayne clan, sometimes dying (and coming back) is what it takes to realize how loved they are. (Kept actually pitched this to me with, essentially, "hey you like fics where the others are comforted in near-death experiences by the fact that Jason's already been through it, right?" though not in those exact words. and if i let myself I'm going to write a hecking epistle to you about this so I'm just gonna uh... stop talking now)
so ya know how I'm really emotional about Dick being a parent to Damian?
Jason is having panic attacks
Jim Gordon is SUCH a good dude.
Jason stress cooks/bakes
growing up is hard when you're a bird-themed vigilante
I don't usually go for soulmate AUs but this is a REALLY GOOD platonic soulmate AU (it made me cry)
ANOTHER fic that's made me cry and also the one that made me realize how deeply bittersweet I feel about Dick Grayson
Timberly dealing with being immunocompromised (a word which my phone apparently does not like smh)
brothers grieving together — sad but has a happy ending!!!!!
INCREDIBLY long oneshot (with a sequel that I also greatly recommend!!) with a lot of angst but!!! it does not stay there!!! as is a theme in this list there's also healing!!!! (Tim needs help to feel again. that's ok bc he has brothers.)
dare I say it THE Batfam angst (presumably with a happy ending) fic? I'm slowly making my way through it and AAAAGHJHHH it's SO GOOD the characterizations and relationships and struggles and fears and never giving up... so so good
basically anything by @envysparkler but I have like 90% of her fics bookmarked and this list is already super long so I'm just going to gesture wildly and excitedly toward Envy's AO3 and leave it at that
and last but not least one of the first Batfam fics I read and really really loved. a bird gets a bird of his own and Damian gets a new understanding and deeper relationship with his next-oldest brother
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ackermanbitch · 2 years
Teenage Dirtbag (Peter Parker X Reader) Part Five
a/n: lets just act like i havent fucked up the plot multiple times bc civil war is confusing also ive changed this chapter like twice now
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
warnings: cussing, steve like very briefly manipulating reader for his cause, vague and badly written action scenes
word count: 2.7k
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"Why do I need to know all this Steve? Natasha and dad were pretty clear about keeping me in the dark." She whispered, sitting on a step in the stairway. Everything was so much more complicated than (Y/N) thought. She was now stuck in the compound with Wanda and Vision, feeling a sudden weight on her shoulders, too much weight for someone her age.
A few days after her afternoon with Ned and Peter, Happy told (Y/N) she needed to head to the compound for reasons he couldn't explain. Of course, she agreed without a second thought, not thinking it was a big deal.
It was a big deal. An enormous deal.
Steve was a criminal, and her dad was after him. She hated herself for it, but she was definitely on Cap's side. His pitch made more sense to her than her dad's. The Avengers just can't do what they need to if they're held back by a list of rules. She also tried to look at the entire situation like the trolley problem.
There were lives lost in New York, Washington DC and Sokovia but taking down the villains undoubtedly prevented more lives from being lost.
Steve, Bucky and Sam had a mildly stable plan at the moment to meet (Y/N), Wanda, Clint and some guy named Scott at an airport in Germany where the quinjet was being held.
"Because I need you on my side, (Y/N). Maybe your dad will listen if his own daughter is the one talking." Steve explained, his tone sounding slightly frustrated.
(Y/N) clenched her jaw, gripping the phone in her hand tighter as she spoke. "If I'm talking? I'll only help if I don't actually have to talk to him until this whole thing is solved. He will actually blast you to pieces if he finds out you're the one who told me."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures (Y/N). Trust me, I never wanted you involved in this, but I know you can help, whether or not Tony even knows you're with us."
"What if he like- never speaks to me again? And what if you lose this whole thing and go to prison Cap? What happens to me, hm? I feel like you just haven't thought this th-" The sound of a faraway explosion interrupted her, making her stand up and jog up the stairs to the kitchen where Vision and Wanda were.
She hung up on Steve, shoving her phone in her pocket with one hand and pushing open the door with her other one, "Wanda? Did you guys hea-" She paused, seeing Clint try to fight Vision with his fists.
(Y/N) felt like her legs were stuck in cement as she watched Vision hold Clint in a chokehold, seemingly winning the fight until Wanda fought against Vision, sending him flying through a few floors and then deeper into the earth.
Clint sighed in relief, running up to the teen and taking her hand. "C'mon kiddo, not long before he gets back up."
"Is this kidnapping? I feel like this is kidnapping." (Y/N) asked, sitting in the front row of the van, leaning forward to talk to Clint.
"Unfortunately, yeah, we kidnapped you. But we're not taking you against your will or anything. And just because Steve wanted you here, doesn't mean I agree with it." He mumbled the last sentence, pulling into a parking spot.
He pulled open the side door after hopping out of the front seat, "Now, what are you do-"
"Watching, listening and running." She mumbled, pulling her backpack out of the van and throwing it over her shoulder. "God, that was a brutal trip, this Scott dude snores like crazy. Funny guy though, you should see his magic tricks." She giggled lightly, stretching while 'the Scott dude' introduced himself to Steve.
"They tell you what we're up against?" Cap asked, crossing his arms.
"Something about some psycho-assassins?"
Steve nodded, "We're outside the law on this one."
"Insane understatement..." (Y/N) scoffed.
"One question, does she have superpowers I don't know about? I mean, I have no problem with her being here or anything I just don't know why someone would bring a teenager to something like this." Scott asked, gesturing to her with a nod of his head.
"Distraction. Just in case." She deadpanned, still stretching.
(Y/N) sat on the roof of the parking garage, a pair of binoculars in her hands. She had a bottle of water in her lap and her backpack sat next to her, it was a nice setup.
Things started out tame as Steve walked out into the open, Tony and Rhodey landing in front of him. She could somewhat hear what they were discussing, the echoing making it easier to hear even from her distance.
Tony suddenly cupped his hands around his mouth, yelling a code name (Y/N) definitely did not recognize.
She saw him swinging through the air before Cap did. What looked like insanely enlarged spider webs stuck to Steve's shield, ripping it from his grasp like it was nothing.
She looked through her binoculars, her eyebrows furrowing. Who the hell was this guy? Have I seen that suit before? Why is he making small talk at a fucking battle?
"Cap-Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man."
His voice cracked a lot.
(Y/N) lowered her binoculars, gasping. She didn't even listen to her dad's ranting, squinting at the stranger in the red suit.
When she did focus back in on the present, things had escalated a lot more quickly than she expected.
"Great, alright there's two on the parking deck, one of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her." Tony reported.
"Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes and.. Someone else is on the roof of the parking deck Tony- Jesus, it's (Y/N)." Rhodey gasped, focusing in on the girl to see her grabbing her backpack.
Tony paused mid-air, whipping his head around to look for her but she had disappeared just as quickly as Rhodey had pointed her out.
"Fuck, that was quick." She cussed under her breath, sliding down the roof and hopping off to land on someone's car, climbing off a lot more carefully than her last jump. She took off through the lot, making her way to the terminal. Tony was frozen in the air, trying to comprehend why and how the hell she was there.
"What should I do, Mister Stark?"
"Forget what we discussed, after her, now! She's headed for Barnes and Wilson!" He yelled through comms after a few seconds before going after Clint and Wanda again who had successfully gotten much farther than he wanted them.
"It's working (Y/N)." Clint confirmed, making the girl grin to herself.
The Spider-Man cleared his throat, "On it, sir!" He responded hesitantly, swinging to the windows of the building.
(Y/N) sprinted in the same direction as Bucky and Sam, her eyes focused on what was in front of her, not the stranger in spandex about to crash through the window.
She let out a scream as she was tackled to the floor, rolling a good twenty feet. The rub burn from the carpeted floor stung like fire but it was better than if he tackled her while she was on the tile. There were still a few pieces of glass from the broken window that cut her arm and face, not going unnoticed by the masked man.
When they stopped, the stranger sat on top of (Y/N), "He-" He quickly switched to a... Really terrible Queens accent? "Hey, I uh don't wanna hurt you or an-"
He was suddenly cut off, (Y/N) punching him square in the jaw with all her strength but it wasn't the flesh of her knuckles that hit his face, it was- metal? When did she put on the glove of what looked like Iron Man's suit? He didn't really care what it was, it hurt like a bitch.
While she was running, she had pressed some buttons on her watch, displayed on a holographic screen, letting red and gold metal encase part of her wrist, all of her palm and her knuckles, leaving her thumb and fingers bare. Tony gave it to her for self-defense when she turned fifteen, matching the one he wore himself.
"Ew, get off!" She screamed, "Stop freaking out!" He screamed back, webbing her more dangerous hand to the floor. She gasped in disgust, immediately shooting a repulsor through the substance and barely missing the masked man's face.
"You are so lucky that didn't hit you, you creep!"
"Creep?! I-I'm just trying to do my job, lady!"
"While straddling me?! Sure!"
"Straddling you?!"
"He's what?!"
Both Sam and Bucky yelled through comms at the same time, promptly turning around, Sam taking flight and Bucky sprinting back in the direction they came.
"I didn't mean t-" Spider-man was cut off again, Sam quite literally swooping in and picking- no ripping him off of (Y/N), throwing him in the opposite direction of her. "Creep." Sam mumbled, landing and putting his fists up.
"Thank you!" (Y/N) scrambled to her feet, taking off once again with a huff, "Ugh, why don't I work out, this is terrible!" She groaned but continued running as fast as possible anyway.
"We can only give you about two minutes, you better run like hell." Bucky's voice came over comms, and if she could run any faster, she definitely would. "Got it." She responded quickly, sliding down the middle of the escalator and hopping off at the end, losing her footing for a split second.
"Shit, this is terrifying." She mumbled out of breath, practically crashing through the doors that led to the open space where all the chaos was taking place.
(Y/N) finally slowed down, leaning over to put her hands on her knees, wheezing slightly. When she looked back up, she saw a truck flying through the air before hitting the ground, lighting up on impact.
"(Y/N), quinjet, now." Steve interrupted her thoughts, her feet almost moving on their own again as she ran under and around different vehicles and storage compartments to stay out of Tony's sight. She caught up quickly, running close behind Wanda.
Everything was going to plan, that is until Vision completely cut them off, burning a deep line in front of them with the stone.
"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right but for the collective good..."
(Y/N) sighed defeatedly, her shoulders dropping.
"You must surrender now." Vision finished, Rhodey and Tony landing on the ground behind him. Soon, a guy in a really cool cat suit, Spider-Man and Natasha joined them in a lineup.
Wanda gently nudged (Y/N), making her look up and notice one of Cap's hands behind his back, signaling for (Y/N) to get the hell out of there. She slowly backed up as the rest of her team moved forward, waiting until her dad and Spider-Man, her biggest threats at the moment, to be distracted before she turned on her heel and ran.
She ducked behind some stacked crates that were pretty far from the commotion, pressing her back to one while she tried to catch her breath. All that running, and for what?
"I won't make it to the jet Steve." (Y/N) sighed, slumping against the wood.
"That's fine kid, you did great." That was the last thing she heard from him before everything went to shit.
She wasn't paying attention to whether or not Steve made it to the jet, slightly distracted by Scott becoming the size of an apartment building. She watched as Spider-Man swung around and around his legs, Tony and Rhodey hitting him in the face and finally him crashing to the ground. As he was falling, he smacked poor Spider-Man with his enormous hand, sending him hurdling towards none other than (Y/N).
She gasped, ducking as quickly as she could. He hit the crates right above her, landing on the ground with a less than graceful thud not so far from her.
The teen slowly stood up, some pieces of broken wood falling off of her as she did. She carefully made her way to his unmoving body, readying her repulsor again as he lifted up his hand to pull his mask up. He obviously didn't notice her, pulling off the red fabric so he could breathe a little better.
"Parker?!" (Y/N) shrieked, falling back on her ass and scooting backwards immediately.
Peter gasped and mimicked her movements, quickly pulling his mask back on.
Tony landed, stomping over to the two. He pointed a finger at Peter first, "You, you're done. Done. Get up and I'll call Aunt May. And you," He turned to (Y/N), "Are dead. Absolutely dead. I don't even know what I'm gonna say but we are having a long long talk after this."
She dropped her head in shame and Peter laid back on the concrete, still trying to catch his breath. She waited for Tony to be back in the air before getting up and slowly making her way to Peter.
"Spider-Man? Seriously?" She started, staring him down.
"Please don't tell Ned." He mumbled, sitting up and taking the mask off once more.
"Of course I won't, I'm not an asshole Parker just very... shocked. You're not exactly the super-hero type but uh fuck me for judging a book by it's cover I guess." (Y/N) said bluntly, offering her hand.
Peter stared at the hand hesitantly, looking back up at her.
She let out a quick 'oh' before smacking a small blue button on the metal around her wrist, watching it fold back up into a chunky but clearly expensive watch.
"That's what's shocking? You're the one helping the guys your own dad is fighting against." He shot back, now taking her hand and mostly pulling himself up with a little help from her.
"Yeah yeah, I'm a real supervillain, I know." She rolled her eyes, letting go of his hand once he was standing up straight. "By the way, I like this costume much better than the one I've seen on Youtube."
"Ah, this is all Mister Stark." He mumbled in an embarrassed tone, suddenly finding the ground extremely interesting.
"I know, saw it in his workshop. No idea who it was for, but I did help him with the design of the spider on the chest, the one he originally thought up was kind of tacky." She admitted, pointing at the black marking for emphasis.
"Oh, uh- thank you." He smiled, his cheeks tinted slightly red at the thought of wearing something that she worked on.
She waved a wand in dismissal, "Ah, it's nothing. Not like I made your web shooters or anything important."
Peter furrowed his eyebrows at her statement. He dropped the conversation there, but he knew it wasn't 'nothing'. That spider represented him, it represented The Spider-Man. Maybe if he keeps the suit, people will soon see that little spider design as a sign of hope and rescue. Every time he looks at that spider from now on, he'll think of h-
"Are you okay? Did I punch you too hard?" (Y/N) questioned, not so gently grabbing Peter's face and moving it back and forth frantically.
Peter hadn't realized he'd stopped walking, turning bright red in embarrassment. "Oh-oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He apologized, watching (Y/N) sigh in relief and drop her hands. "I didn't even realize I stopped walking." He laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, looked like you were having a little inner monologue moment there," She teased, "don't worry about it, my dad does it all the time." She finished with a smile, turning back around to keep walking.
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a/n: lets pretend i knew that the quinjet was in an entirely different country when i was writing the last chapter 😔
taglist: @preciousbabypeter
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canarypost · 5 months
pjo ep4. pacing is weird. it felt way too short which is weird bc the chimera and the arch was a MASSIVE thing in the book but at least they kept the ending w the naiad and him learning to breathe underwater. the scene of the three and echidna talking in the train was wayyy too long i was so bored. the fight scene w percy at the top of the arch was super fast i've noticed there is little to no actual action in this show like i wanted the cgi to go all out in the fight scenes but the minotaur fight was super super super dark and there was ZERO music which. wtf. and the clarisse fight was pretty good but this chimera scene was extremely lackluster like stop fucking talking. the chimera looked weird too i don't think there was enough color on it to differentiate the lion/goat/scorpion parts and it would've been really great to get a wide shot of the full form chimera + echidna so itd be really threatening. and there wasnt a lot of lore dropped w them either at least not like there was w medusa which is weird bc i thought they would've been setting a precedent w medusa and making every monster they encounter on their journey help us understand both greek mythology esp for people who havent read the books AND percy and his relationship w his parents. im hoping we get to see gabe being more of a dick on the news after this episode bc i really wanna see him more violent. make us hate him more yk. bc rn he's just pathetic.
but most importantly i've seen this thing go on with the entire show so far and it's that no one fucking talks like real people least of all the golden trio. stop saying "mother" and "father" no one fucking says that least of all these kids of single parents many of whom would rather pour chiron's horse shit into the campfire than show their godly parents the tiniest modicum of respect. no one has interjections like "um" "uh" or "like," no one says "bro" or "dude" not even between percy and grover which is completely absurd like i cannot understate how much it bothers me that we're only told that percy and grover have been friends for years bc if i didn't know better i'd say they've known each other as long as percy and annabeth have. not to mention annabeth's "she [thalia] fought valiantly" in ep3 which is so utterly bonkers annabeth isn't some kinda "old soul" she's a kid with neglectfully abusive parents (which we arent even shown the affects of!! she has to tell it to percy directly for some reason!!! this show has a massive problem with telling instead of showing) who's passionate about architecture and her godly parent. she's just a really fuckin smart kid. now that im typing it all out it's really not as big of a deal to me as the others but it's just fucking weird. but ig if u look at it from some specific angles it's in character. but whatever. i still love her to death for that candy scene in the gas station last episode
but going back to the dialogue thing percy and grover being dumb preteen boy best friends and calling each other "dude" and "bro" 1. shows us instead of just tells us that they've been friends for a long time, 2. has annabeth roll her eyes a bunch (a notable character trait) and shows us she's a little stuck up but more lonely than anything else, and then 3. gives the opportunity to endear percy and grover to annabeth so to not just grow the relationship between all three (golden trio!!! so important) but also the percy/annabeth slow burn AND the healing of the past grover/annabeth relationship which both of them are so so so guilty about. idk i think i need more one-on-one grover/annabeth scenes yet considering we haven't had A SINGLE ONE
last negative thing but the pool flashback at the beginning felt extremely ooc for sally. like i know how important it is for percy to learn to swim esp since he literally doesn't know who his dad is but she was being such a dick!!!! first of all ur kid is clearly more stressed out about swimming than u r about him NOT swimming and second of all it is totally unnecessary to be doing this in PUBLIC swim lessons. like u can see sally looking around at all the other parent/kid pairs like sorry ur worried about how u look to the fucking pool pta but ur kid is fucking terrified. give it another goddamn day give the kid a break. the real sally would never sally jackson i love you i love you i love you
what i DID like about this episode was the opening shot underwater, it reminded me a lot of the movie and controversial opinion but the show could actually use being quite a bit more like the movie bc it was actually pretty good even if it didnt follow the story whatsoever. i liked the shot of the centaurs on the train and i thought i also remembered that from the movie but i think i just remembered seeing the shot in my head when i was reading the book which is actually really impressive. the three getting into real world trouble w the cops is very accurate, percy sitting in the fountain while grover and annabeth splash him was funny, and i ESPECIALLY loved percy pulling a fast one on annabeth at the top of the arch i think it really shows off his self sacrificing nature imo better than him rushing the minotaur in ep1 bc we know his character better by now and we're more emotionally invested. and i really loved that they kept percy's way of learning he could breathe underwater + the naiad from poseidon
actually im not done being neg i really wish they would've kept "isn't that a kind of anteater?" and "prove your bloodline" which would lead to percy purposefully jumping off the arch instead of falling. idk it feels like we're slowwwlllyyy growing to see percy being percy bc im gonna be honest. rn he doesn't have much of a personality. where is persassy. bc i cant fuckin see him
anyway it was a fun episode if a bit slow. it had it's moments. im excited for waterland and the tunnel of looooove next week though :33
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