#like ain't no fucking way lmao
rdjpwns · 1 year
closing society6 & redbubble shops
heeeey. i know i'm not really active here anymore, the motivation to make art shifted to other hobbies and responsibilities. i like to cook now apparently, and bike, and spend time gaming with friends. i also got a dog!
for those that are still here, thank you, i hope you're doing awesome and having a great week ♥ i do miss drawing, and i hope my motivation for it will come back one day.
now to the important part:
i will be taking down everything from my society6 and redbubble shops, and deleting the shops afterward. this is due to the poor return margins to artists, newly introduced tier systems to shops, the account fee based on sales, and of course, the rampant art theft and AI copying everything. truly feels like artists, even casual hobbyists, cannot win.
i'll be deleting stuff over the weekend, so if you want anything from either shop, grab it now. i might go back to INPRNT if their policies seem decent, but it'll take me a while to AI-proof images and upload again. some of those pieces are sadly lost forever, as i've since deleted the original files.
hope you guys understand :')
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rocketbirdie · 7 months
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the new mercs on the block
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moongothic · 6 months
You know I realize I forgot to mention this before in the Crocodile Power Level Speculation Post/Ask (btw I did go back to edit it so it's actually legible and has a point now lmao)
I really wanna know if Croc has any new tricks with his hook
Like in Alabasta the dude had a poison hook under his regular hook, which was also hiding a tiny blade beneath it as well. This is all fine and dandy, absolutely iconic etc etc
And then we never see him reuse either feature again.
Now to be fair, the only other time we could've seen Crocodile use them would've been in Marineford, but the dude just escaped from prison. Although people are quick to meme about the Marines being 'kind enough' to let Crocodile keep his gigantic fucking hook in prison-- If we're being realistic here, they probably let him keep the base of the hook simply because without a hand any shackle would just slide off his wrist and fall off. Of course he wouldn't still be able to escape or anything since he'd still have the Seastone cuff on his right, but if they wanted to keep him properly shackled then letting him keep even just the hook base would just be the easiest option for the Marines.
It's the fact that the Marines went out of their way to retrieve his missing hook attachment and gave it back to him that's a bit wild
But let's keep in mind that Luffy did break the poison hook back in Alabasta. Even if the Marines let Croc keep the hook attachment, I find it extremely unlikely they would've gone out of their way to fix/replaced the poison hook when the guy's going to jail anyways. If anything it'd make far more sense if they got rid of whatever poison might've still been left in the base and confiscated the blade. Like there's an argument to be made for the Marines letting Crocodile keep his hook due to disability reasons, but the poison and the purely stabby weapon? Not so much
So really, it's very likely the reason Crocodile never used his other weapons in Marineford might've just been that he literally didn't have them on him at the time, just the basic hook
But hey, it's been two whole whooping years. That would be plenty of time for him to replace the broken hook and blade and get some new poison into the hook base too while he's at it
Are there any new weapons Crocodile could've gotten inserted into his hook base that he could whip out
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Like just because he could get a new poison hook it doesn't mean he has to get a poison hook, same for the blade as well, right
To be fair, dude feels very old fashioned so I'm not expecting any Inspector Gadget kinda tech from him. Like I don't think Crocodile's knowledgeable about stuff like that himself, at least not enough to install any technically advanced weaponry into the hook on his own, and IDK if he'd trust his hook with anyone to "upgrade it" either for an extended period of time either
But could you imagine if Croc had gotten access to a busted ass Pacifista and stole a laser and had it built into his hook base. He just pulls of the hook and starts blasting people with the laser. How fucking funny would that be. Franky eat your heart out
#Moon posting#OP Meta#Sir Crocodile#A machine gun inside his hook would also be funny as hell but. Dude can create giant sand blades what does he need a gun for#Honestly I think the coolest and unironically the most useful new hidden weapon Croc could potentially have in his hook base#Would be some kind of a Seastone weapon. Like a Seastone Hook or a blade or even just a stick like Smoker's#That shit would be so OP but also make him such a massive threat. Like much more than his poison hook ever did#It's just where the fuck would he even get a custom Seastone weapon to build in to his hook#Like it's the WG who hoards the shit for themselves so getting one would not be easy. Or cheap#Since you can't just make stuff out of Seastone yourself like you need specialists for it etc#But like I said. I think it'd be the coolest fucking thing he could possibly whip out#Aside from a Pacifista Beam but lmao that ain't happening as funny as it'd be#For the record yes it is possible Croc's hook isn't detachable at all#I just have to question how he ever changes clothes if he can't even take the hook off#Also for the record. Croc's hook could've been treated the same way his clothes were treated in Impel Down#Like Oda totally could've just drawn him without the hook and then just told us in the SBS the Newkama had stolen it from the guards#And returned it to Crocodile after he escaped since he could use it etc. While he got some fresh clothes to wear etc#Like that totally could've been an off-screen thing that could've happened. But if it was something that unimportant then why even bother#He might as well keep the hook for the brief scene in the jail cell because it doesn't actually matter for the narrative
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Hi, I just wanna share that I ship Ashley and Leon since the original RE, and I ship them even more now more than ever. I just wanted to say that I’m glad that I saw your blog. You defend them from hate comments. I could never do that. All I do is hide the fact that I ship them because people online (and IRL) can really be mean when I say that they have a good potential together.
I just think that their relationship can be wholesome and built on trust. It is without ill intention and born out of care & adoration. Which I think are the some of the foundations of having a healthy relationship, that’s why I love the idea of them together. I know this may be cliche to say this, but I think they can complete each other in some ways.
Is it wrong to want a potentially healthy relationship for Leon? I don’t get why people hate on the idea of it so much. I mean people can not ship it, and that’s fine. I just don’t get it when others start attacking because I mention that I ship them. It’s like I feel like I’m about to get executed whenever I say that they have a chemistry together 😆
Also, I apologize for talking so much about them. I just have no one to talk to when it comes to them. I just wanna share it to someone.
Lastly, I wanna say that you make deep analysis on not just their relationship and dynamics, but also on other lores on the RE franchise which I enjoy reading. It really gives a lot of new perspectives & insights on a lot of things that I don’t notice when I play the game. Thank you for this, really!
aw, anon
I also went through a period of very many years where I wouldn't say out loud that I shipped Leon and Ashley, because there was a stretch of a very long time in fandom where you got tarred and feathered if you dared have a Leon ship that wasn't Cleon or Aeon. Even shipping him with Chris was considered taboo back in the day (and, wouldn't you know, I do that, too).
And I was scared that people wouldn't take my (completely unrelated, mind you!!) meta seriously if they knew I shipped Leon/Ashley, so I just kept quiet about it. I even tried to pass it off, for a while, that I had no RE ships at all. It was just easier to say that than be dodgy about it.
It was actually kind of funny. For a while, a not-insignificant portion of the fandom went to me, specifically, for all of their Leon things, and I just had to kind of laugh at how ridiculous it was that these same people would've just stopped agreeing with anything I said about him -- things that they agreed with and had been relying on for their own interpretations -- if they'd known I shipped him with Ashley. It's all very, very stupid.
But now I'm in my 30s and I don't give a fucking shit anymore. I don't care about being an authority on canon anymore. I'm happy to be a reference if someone needs it, but I don't care about being the central hub of information. I don't need to try to make people feel impartially about me anymore.
But, authority or not, I'm still a story analyst at heart before anything else. I look at Leon's character first and then think about any possible ships second. And, yeah. After analyzing him for so long, I've noticed that Ashley brings out a side of him that isn't shown at any other point -- and it's in a positive way that's absent when she's gone. So, naturally and logically, in my head, it stands to reason that there's something to that.
Some people seem to be under the impression that Leon's character arc lives and dies by Ada's involvement, and boy is that just not the case. There's a lot of different moving parts when it comes to Leon's character arc, but he's primarily defined by the striking lack of agency he has, despite being one of the main characters of the series. Ada perpetuates and exacerbates that helplessness, but it would still exist without her. In Leon's own words: "nothing ever changes" and THAT is what's at the center of his character arc.
But even beyond that, Leon is a character who needs to be needed; it's something that's shown over and over and over and over again. So, as much as people like the idea of a "partners" type ship (like Chris/Jill) and so they ship him with Claire -- or as much as people like the whole cat-and-mouse will-they-won't-they thing that Leon has going on with Ada -- neither Claire nor Ada need Leon, so it would never really work in the long-term.
And as much as Leon doesn't want Ashley to need him... he still needs her to. Because he doesn't realize that Ashley can both need him emotionally because that's what romance is you fucking stupid idiot, Leon -- and also be her own independent person living her life to the fullest at the same time.
And you know what? I like queen/knight ships, and that's exactly what Leon and Ashley are. So I just embrace it.
This isn't to discount other people's tastes or ship preferences. Ship whatever the hell yall want. But Leon/Ashley has always existed, will always exist, and it's just as valid as any other ship. Thankfully, the remake seems to have made it more "acceptable" -- which really just tells me that the only reason why we Leon/Ashley folks were blacklisted for so long is because the vast majority of the fandom was just bad at RE4 and took out their impotent gamer rage on Ashley, as though it was her fault they sucked at the game. (If you got annoyed at Ashley screaming for help in OG -- or in remake, even -- it's because you let her get grabbed. It's player error.)
Just sayin.
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so my mother's rewatching hannibal again and i shit you not, she called hannibal bsdk in amuse-bouche and i CACKLED-
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Lmao don't wanna look at this anymore, concept for Shadow Au May if the fic ends up going down the betrayal ending with Syn forcefully impaling her with part of his Synergy crystal (cause rn lmao idk how it's gonna end)
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Betrayal ending (Drabble)
She could feel the crystal embedded deep inside her chest cracking through the bone of her chest piece and ribs becoming intimately woven with her lung, shards of crystal clung and stuck and grew closing the wound it'd created and firmly attaching itself inside of her.
She could feel it growing.
The energy seeping through her veins.
Her eyes burned with the overwhelming surge of energy that overflowed out of her. Even the harsh rain couldn't soothe the burning sensation in her eyes under her skin crawling climbing claiming.
She could only look at him in cold hate even as his voice sang about how great it was now that they were connected that she could understand now why he wanted to share his power with her.
The rain lashed harder.
She could only lift her hands and ready her shadow blades for combat, she had really liked him, she really had. But his voice, once of a friend of comfort of even a lover, swirling in her head through her veins reduced to but a source of despair and hurt.
Unfortunately he had to go, she had to cut out this venom at the source even as the corruption seeped from her wound through her body and pooled into her thoughts twisting her conscious into something more sinister. At least this curse would allow her the power and the ability to cross a moral threshold she'd never wanted to be near.
How hard could it be after all? To kill another mewtwo?
Bad end.
The Drabble was unplanned but not like unwelcome, also the sketch cause I thought it looked okie and maybe even better than the final product face wise but hey go (the rage is in reference to how in my head Mays different possible corruption stats kind of fit the stages of grief so this is anger) also expressive angry fingers hard when u only have two and a thumb. You could see me struggle for eye shape too lmao
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chloelouygo · 1 month
I bought a linkin park cd today and my mum has already stolen it for her car-
#im cackling#i said she could borrow it but i wasnt expecting her to unwrap it on the same day i bought it and take it with for her evening exercise- 😅#to be fair i currently habe one of het LP cds in my car#sharing is caring (as long as it's linkin park CDs)-#she played lp on my way to my first day at school when i was 5 and i swear down they've been with me ever since#it was Crawling that pkayed when she dropped me off for ref-#ugh i fucking LOVE linkin park#i remember going to uni and having consumed a bottle of shitty wine i proceeded to burst into tears in the muddle of a club#because tyey pkayed Numb like 4 minths after chester's passing#and i was NOT READY#all my band posters have fallen off my walls pretty mych with the passage of time#bit I'll never not have a pucture of Chester within easy view#he's spent like 7 years next to my bathroom door lmao sprry my guy#if im ever brave enough to get a tattoo my first will for sure be lp related#either that or a star in each ankle for my beloved Dougie#dougie deserves a whole separe post tbh#I'd stick amd poke them myself but I've proven time and time again that i absolutely CANNOT draw stars lmaoo#i did stars on books at Christmas amd oof i fekt called out seeing how awful theh wer#npt simething to freehand#so ima gp sit dowm-#edit: clearly i cannot spell i am so sorru#I'm laughing at how autocorrect went '😬😬😬 yeahhhh i ain't getting involved in her dyslexia-' 😅#i can't spell at the best of times much less rn-
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gdhdjkfksjdh the fuck did you just call me
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2-wuv · 1 year
so like are the people behind garten of banban taking the games seriously anymore. genuine question
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bylertruther · 11 months
people will see a character that was created to be a certain way from the very beginning before everything was even set in stone, then actually written that same way even before The Plot happens in the final product, watch their core personality remain constant all throughout a show's lifespan from beginning to end, and even watch it be highlighted as a Good and True thing to be proud of and that is inspiring to others and sorely needed and not something to ever change or belittle in one of the most emotional scenes of a season that doubles as a high point & character defining moment, and instead of thinking Hm Maybe This Character Just Is This Way And We're Being Told That They Should Love Themselves For It The Same Way Everyone Else Does And How They Once Did Too Before Their Insecurity Got The Best Of Them And Told Them They Should Change, they will instead call it repression and not his true self and something to be changed even though it literally just is who he is. and all of this happens in the show where we are repeatedly hit over the head with the "you should stay true to yourself and love yourself no matter what other people think or tell you you should be". where the motto is literally "never change" nd conformity is killing the kids. like. Okay ❤️
#i'm sorry lmao but. if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck and it's done that for four seasons and was described#like that in the st bible and was TOLDDDD ON SCREENNNNNN that the way they are is a good thing and that their insecurities#aren't telling them the truth abt themselves and that they should just be themselves instead#of something or someone they're not......... then yeah i'm sorry but i think it's a fucking duck. LMAO#im allowed one evil post every three months.#mike is the way that he is and he's always been that way and he's always been described that way. his core personality consists.#he conforms when it comes to his romantic life and how that then affects his relationships. he thought he needed to give up#gaming with his friends and instead get a girlfriend bc one day he'll have to marry her and settle down leaving everything#he once had behind. the conformity doesn't lie in his personality it lies in his actions via what he thinks his future holds.#and even then... he fucking dropped that LMAO now it's just the other part of tht bc he went back to his other interests#and he's still the same old mike that he's always been#if it ain't broke.......#like. like and wish for whatever u want but sometimes certain claims are made about the Text tht i believe are just not substantial or#supported by any of the materials we've ever seen. n thts jus wht i think !#im on mobile im not rereading this <3 the mind flayer made me write alla dat im free now im Clean
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troublewithvampires · 10 months
//been having So many thoughts lately about victor being a lil incel about salvatore and how that might change up their dynamic. tag ramble related.
#❝ ain't no jesus here‚ billy boy ❞ 「 ooc 」#//LIKE ok. i'm definitely not saying that victor only like. abused and dehumanized sal b/c he was attracted to him#//i think he would've done that regardless. this just adds a new layer of context.#//also incel might not be the right term here but i hope it gets the vibes across#//but just like. yeah the idea of victor being very attracted to sal#//at the time in sal's life where he's like. peak internalized homophobia#//and mixing up with the genuine resentment victor feels towards sal as well for being such an asshole to him#//and representing like. the ideal of what victor could be vs what he really is#//all the while seeing him for WHO he really is#//sexual interest..... admiration and friendship.... deep-seated resentment#//just a whole mess of complicated feelings#//victor's like. i want to be salvatore. i want to fuck salvatore. i want to kill salvatore.#//actually i've been thinking on this for a while lmao i just haven't talked about it much#//just something about the fact that the easiest solution to victor's problem would've been to kill sal#//(his problem being that he perceived sal as turning against him)#//like... incredibly easy solution. victor killed a lot of people. he could've even done it himself#//but instead he chose to punish sal in a very specific way that keeps sal under his control#//allowing him to torture sal more but also allowing himself unlimited and exclusive access to sal#//just. idk victor's really interesting to me#//he's always had the potential to appear as a guest muse but. hmmmm. thinking.#ask to tag
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ruiiplume · 1 year
So this week in unforgivable fuckery...
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moongothic · 1 year
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I have a lot of scrap materials. Scrap wood, foam, fabric, and god knows what else. Just, a lot of leftovers from previous projects.
So I figured I could try to MAKE something out of them, just to put those materials into use so they could become something instead of just sitting around uselessly, taking space and collecting dust.
I thought making a footstool could be a fun, easy-ish project for me to do this winter.
So here, come along with me on this journey of making a wonky, scrap footstool
So key thing here is that I very specifically wanted to avoid buying ANYTHING for this project. I did end up buying two things, a pullsaw (which is a general tool I can use in other projects, so I figured I could get away with it), and one itty bitty thing that ended up costing like, what, 2€?
But yes, my goal was to use things I already have and give them a purpose, not accumulate any MORE scrap materials. This is important because through out this project I ended up using many Unideal Methods For Doing Things, mainly because I didn't have enough material to do it The Ideal Way.
This is not a tutorial for efficiency, this is my journey to repurpose garbage. Just wanna be clear about that. There are better ways to build a footstool.
Anyway, I started the project from arguably the weirdest part; figuring out how much fabric I had from the chair project
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The thing was that I wanted to make the footstool as big as I possibly could with the material I had, so I had to start this project by figuring out the maximum size I could do with the fabric I had.
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So I figured out the dimensions I could do (even cut the fabric pieces while I was at it), and then using those dimensions as a guide, I went off to figure out the wood pieces I would need for the frame of the stool, as well as the feet. Once I had things measured out, I cut the pieces and boom
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Wood pieces obtained.
Sidenote, yes, a 90 degree angle on the corners would have looked much prettier than what I did, I just figured that this would be easier to cut (I cut those pieces before I bought my new pullsaw), also, I wasn't sure how I would perma-attach the pieces if the corners were done like that. Like, with these corners, I could fortify them with dowels or nails or whatever, but clean corners at an angle? I have no idea how to pull that off, and I don't have the energy to to try anything fancy, man, I wanted this to be semi-easy
(There was no way in hell I was gonna attempt somekinda dovetail joint here, I didn't have enough wood to work with (there was a point where I was actually worried I wouldn't have enough wood to build the frame at all) and god knows I'm nowhere near good enough at wood working to pull something like that off)
Anyway, I did originally intend to attach the wood pieces with dowels, since they'd be hidden and look neat (by not being visible at all), but when I drilled the first hole for the first dowel, I realized that 1) I didn't have a drill bit large enough for the dowel to fit in, and 2) I did not have it in me to actually do it. Like, to make sure the wood pieces would allign correct I would have to make sure I was drilling Very Straight into the wood, not once, not four times, but 16 times (since I was planning on using 2 dowels at each joint). If I didn't drill the dowel holes perfectly straight and perfectly aligned, the frame wouldn't come together, and I did not want to risk fucking that up, man, no
So I took the easy way out.
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I do kinda regret picking these nails, I should've used less obvious ones OR waited until the wood was painted before nailing them together because these are kinda pretty nails, so it ended up being kind of a waste to use them (since there was no way I was gonna AVOID these nails while painting the wood). IDK I was worried the glue alone wouldn't hold the wood strong enough while I was working with the frame or something and chose poorly here. But it is what it is. (On the plus side, we seemed to have exactly 12 of these nails, which was the exact perfect amount)
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Anyways, yes, I chose to paint the frame because I have leftover paint (and primer) from the previous project so I figured I might as well use it up. Even though I hate this fucking paint so much
Two or three coats of primer, a gentle sanding after them, the wood was perfectly smooth and lovely
Then came the paint and it looks like shit, just like last time
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I did like. What, four coats of paint. Sanding between the coats. Dilluting it so it wouldn't be so thick. And yet. And yet it looks like shit. Just like last time, with the chair I refinished. I mean I knew it was gonna turn out like ass but I'm still kind of shocked by how bad it turned out.
Anyway. Ideally you'd probably make a cushion onto some random piece of plywood (or something similar) that you would slot into the frame of the stool. I did not have any plywood pieces, nor did I have enough wood to make a small, thinner frame to slot into the main frame. So.
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To create a bottom I used this ribbon that I have an entire fuckload of (since I bought it for that fucking lamp before realizing I couldn't use it and couldn't return either, literally have nothing better to do with it so here it goes) to weave a bottom onto the frame. And a bit later I attached a piece of fabric on top of the weaving (another leftover from the lamp project), as this would be what I'd glue the cushion onto.
But first, I had to make a cushion!
As you can see, I have a lot of scrap foam
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(Yes I've kept the original foam from the styrofoam chair, I did cut it down to get rid of the damaged edges (after taking this photo) but otherwise the foam is fine, shhhhhh) (Also the white foam is what I bought for the chair project, the yellow foam is something my mom had bought years ago that we've had laying around for ages)
I wanted the cushion of the stool to have some height to it, but I didn't have any thick pieces of foam, so I figured I could just make a thick foam piece from the scraps I had, with some help from the foam glue I have (the same stuff I bought for the styrofoam chair but wasn't able to use since it melted the styrofoam).
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Started by figuring out the rough dimensions of the foam piece I'd need (from the biggest, cleanest piece I had)
And I got started making a Foam Sandwich
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Let me tell you my hands were an absolute mess during this whole process, I was essentially washing my hands with fucking nail polish remover (I just noticed the foam glue smelled like nail polish remover and realized it would probably get rid of the residue on my hands, which it did, thank fuck), it was nasty
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But yes, Big Foam Sammich. I did start lowkey cutting it WHILE I was building the cushion, since my goal here was to not waste materials so. Y'know. I tried to make sure I wouldn't waste materials.
After the cushion was formed, I let it dry for a good while before I went in to shave the edges and cut it down. After that I used this floofier scrap foam to cover the sandwich. I could have glued it on, but I figured I had killed enough of my braincells while making the foam sandwich and breathing in the glue fumes that I decided that sewing would be good enough.
Two flooffy foam pieces were enough to cover the cushion, I just sewed them together on top and sewed them to the bottom of the cushion. It was quite easy indeed.
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With that all done, I could attach the finished cushion onto the frame!
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Brought the glue back out so I could just glue the foam onto the fabric that was stapled onto the frame, and I allowed it to dry (upside down, with some weights)
And yes, ideally you would staple the foam down onto a separate piece of wood, but since it was going directly on top of the frame and I didn't want to staple it onto the frame, I didn't. I wanted the wood (and my shitty paint job) to be visible, and the fabric would need to be stapled onto the frame anyways, so the glue just had to do the job here.
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Since the fabric pieces were long done, I could just get straight into it. I pinned the fabric pieces down and handsewed the whole thing. I do admit I regret not ironing the fabric before I started though, I forgot and by the time I realized it was too late, and there was no way I was going to lift the fabric off the stool at this point. I learned my god damn lesson with the styrofoam chair, I know there would've been no way for me to put the fabric back down as neatly as it had been before, it was not worth it.
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Anyway, I sewed the fabric and to finish things off I stapled the bottom of the fabric down, onto the frame. And yes I did a wonky ass job, shush
And here comes the one thing I ended up buying for this project, the thing that cost me like 2€
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Decorative ribbon to hide the staples! Since I couldn't think of any other way to hide the staples.
And y'all, I understand now why people normally just glue this shit on, it took me like FIVE FUCKING HOURS to sew the ribbon onto the stool!! Mainly because my smallest upholstery needle was WAY too big for this job, and my thinner straight needless were too hard to use for this. My fingers were hurting so bad even the next day, like I understand what thimbles are for now, holy shit
Also. I did not have black sewing thread. So I ended up using yellow thread and then gently went over it with a black (waterproof) marker so the thread wouldn't be visible over the ribbon. (I didn't take photos of it so you'll just have to take my word for it)
So yeah. Shit took forever, I wish I had a hotglue gun but I don't, so it just had to be done the hard way. All things considdered though, it worked out alright, and the ribbon is nice and secure on the stool.
Now, you might've noticed that I haven't mentioned doing anything to the feet of the stool. That's because I haven't finished them.
It's the middle of winter. It's cold. I can't be bothered to go outside to stand the cold for hours to finish the feet of the stool. I need to shape them, I need to sand them, I need to make sure they're all the same lenght etc, all this before I can even prime and paint them and attach them to the frame. But since I can't access our patio, I can't use my orbital sander to speed things up. And I can't be bothered to do all that word by sanding the wood by hand. I am far too lazy for that man, nah
So I'm going to finish this project when the weather gets nicer and our patio isn't covered in a meter of snow.
I'll finish the feet of the footstool later.
So there will probably be a follow up to this post later
But yeah, here's my unideal, imperfect footstool, made almost entirely out of scrap materials.
It looks like ass, but hey I've never tried to build a piece of furniture before, give me a break, I'm a comic artist not a furniture maker
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orcboxer · 1 year
A cursed d20? You ever saltwater tested that bad boy?
I did, and it came up balanced, I think it just hates me lmao
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realasslesbian · 2 years
But in conclusion to my last post, I might have to get a retail job again, or at least some type of job where I gotta work with people face-to-face (that cost of living y’all) and I just, after nearly three years of not daily being treated like trash and having a pay-check held over my head so that I’d just quietly accept being abused everyday and after not living like that and consequently being able to grow into a happy self-confident human being, like it’s gonna be my first day at this useless job, some lil bitch corner store manager is gonna call me an idiot, all his lil simp employees are gonna be giggling in the corner, and I’m going to straight-up punch him in the face, and tell him I still expect him to pay my cheque for all the rest of the shifts I got lined up this week, unless he wants me to drag his ass through a courtroom with my entire law degree. Because literally, I would rather hunt, fish and forage for my food (which I know how tf to do btw) than have to put up with any stank retail hoes who gotta inflict their misery at their five kids and a mortgage bear trap of a life on me.
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