#like as much as that makes me think ofthe girl who broke my heart when i was 18. as much as it might seem like its about
claratyler · 2 years
i've got to say it: i love webweaving as much as the next guy but i've found that whenever i find a particular line of a poem particularly captivating and i look for the entire work i'm always left feeling a little uncomfortable because it seems like the few lines that were chosen for the post are (obviously) taken out of context, but it's like they're assigned a new meaning by the op by including them in the new context of the other quotes and it just makes me feel like if i were one of the authors it would make me feel a certain sort of way to see the meaning of what i was saying completely missing so that others can ascribe a generic lovesick emotion to it :/
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ughseoks-main · 6 years
There For You
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Requested by @lubrielx​ : so yeah i saw you wanted requests? so okay yeah because im a little sad mess rn how about something with a stark!reader and peter parker (because i love okay that is literally the best thing ever) and the reader lost someone close to them (doesnt have to be passing away could also be the loss of a friendship) and peter and dad tony are trying to cheer them up but that doesnt work and then they both say that it is okay to be sad or something like this?
a/n: i really hope you like this! a lot of this came straight from the heart and is really real to me; i almost cried writing it. (also, y/b/f means your best friend!)
warnings: angsty
Taking a shaky breath, you stared up at the doors of the compound. You knew Peter would be waiting on the inside and you didn’t want to make a fuss, so you wiped underneath your eyes with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. Plastering a smile on your face, you pushed open the door, feeling the cold metal underneath your fingertips.
While stepping into the elevator, the fight between you and your best friend began to replay in your head over and over again. Pulling your arms into your stomach, you begged yourself to stop thinking about it, but the thoughts consumed you entirely. You were falling down a hole and you couldn’t climb out of it. Usually you could find light at the end of the tunnel, but you felt so helpless, like there was nothing you could change. A single tear slid down your cheek, causing you to cry like you hadn’t in a very long time. Unable to stand, you slid down into the corner of the elevator, holding your knees to your chest while sobbing uncontrollably.
When the door to the elevator finally opened and the bing rang in your ears, you couldn’t bring yourself to stand up and exit. All you wanted to do was stay there and cry; you knew that Peter would want to help, but you didn’t want to inconvenience him. Although you didn’t want him to see you like this, fate had a different plan in mind.
“Y/N?” Peter’s voice rang out from the hallway, “Is that you? Come on inside, what’re you waiting for?”
You tried to quiet your crying so the elevator doors would close without Peter hearing you, but after a few moments of silence, a loud sob forced its way out of your mouth. “Y/N?!” you heard Peter’s chair scrape against the floor and his loud footsteps run towards you as you buried your head in your arms, trying to hide your face. Just as the elevator doors began to close, Peter slid his body through the gap, running over to your shaking body.
“Y/N? What happened?” he asked urgently, “Are you hurt? Do I need to call your dad? What-”
“I’m- I’m f-fine, Peter,” you managed between sobs, acknowledging in your head that Peter would obviously realize that wasn’t the case.
“Cutie, you’ve gotta tell me what’s wrong,” he implored, much more gently this time. Sitting next to you, he pulled you into his arms and stroked your back soothingly. “I need to know so I can help you.”
Sniffling, you buried your face into his shoulder and shook your head, “I-it’s not-” you shook as you continued to sob, “It’s not important.” “It seems like it is. Y/N, you know you can tell me anything.” he reassured you. After a few more minutes of crying from you, he realized that you should probably move off of the elevator floor. He slid his arms under your legs and behind your back, swiftly picking you up and carrying you out into the living area. When he attempted to sit you down on the couch, you only clung tighter to his neck. Thinking for a moment, he sat on the couch with you in his lap, holding you tightly as you continued to sob into his shirt.
Just as Peter was about to ask about what happened, he heard a voice from coming from the doorway to the kitchen. “What’s going on here?” jerking his head up to look into Tony’s interrogating eyes, Peter looked like a deer caught in headlights. “S-sir, I found Y/N in the elevator crying. She wouldn’t answer me when I tried to get her to talk; I don’t know what’s wrong.” he frantically said, the worry clearly showing on his face and in his wavering voice. Tony gave Peter a look that told him to let him handle this as he walked over and lightly grabbed the crying girl’s shoulder.
“Y/N, sweetie,” he said softly, “What’s wrong?”
You’d just began to calm down, but hearing your dad’s caring voice sent you over the edge again. “D-don’t,” you began, but couldn’t finish due to your uncontrollable sobbing.
Tony glanced back up at Peter, sorrow filling his gaze after seeing how tightly you were clinging to him. “Shh, shh..” he soothed you, “It’ll be okay, sweetie. I’m gonna need you to let go of Peter, okay?” Shaking your head, you only grabbed onto him tighter, feeling his warmth seeping through the grey shirt he was wearing. You could feel your tears soaking his shirt, but Peter was your rock. You never wanted to let go of him. If you did, he might leave you too. “N-no,” you weeped, “I don’t- I don’t wanna let go.”
Sighing, Tony put a hand on your shoulder, “You need to, honey. You’re suffocating him.” “No!” you whimpered, “I-if I do, he’ll leave t-too. Just like-” you broke off, unable to complete your sentence.
“Just like who, sweetie?” Tony gently insisted, “Who left you?” All you could do was shake your head. You didn’t want to talk about it; if you did, then that would make it real.
“Y/N,” Peter spoke up, whispering softly to you, “I’ll never leave you. I promise. But you need to let go so we can talk about what happened.”
Sniveling, you slowly let go of Peter and moved to sit next to him as he let out a large breath. He was relieved that you’d found the strength to let go, hoping that you’d next find the strength to also talk about what happened.
“You want to talk to us about what happened, kid?” your dad inquired as he sat down next to you. Looking down at your shoes, you attempted to slow your breathing and quiet your sobs to a slight crying. This took a few minutes, but Peter and Tony were more than happy to wait and let you regain your bearings before pushing you to continue.
“It’s- it’s Y/B/F,” you began, trying to breathe evenly, “We had a f-fight, and we-” you choked on your own words, taking a moment to steady yourself again, “we aren’t… friends anymore.” After getting the words out, you began to sob again. Although admitting what had happened broke your heart, you knew you had to keep going so the boys could better understand. Tony rubbed your back and they both looked at you expectantly, letting you know that you should continue.
“She- she’d been ignoring me for a while,” you managed, “Leaving me on read, randomly leaving our group chats, even blocking me sometimes. I tried my best to be there for her, but she never listened to me. It’s like everything I said went in one ear and out the other. She’d always tell me we were best friends, but it was so easy for her to constantly drop me for no reason. All I ever did was support her, but she constantly left me and hurt me. It got to the point where I couldn’t trust her anymore; I was constantly wondering when she’d leave me and hurt me again. Yesterday she did it again and I decided that I’d had enough of it. I told her that if she wanted to continue being friends, she’d have to stop doing that. I also said that I cared about her and loved her and that I never wanted to stop being friends, but I couldn’t be in a friendship where I couldn’t trust her anymore. Then she told me-” you paused, trying to hold it together, “She told me that I was selfish and that I never- that I never cared about her. I told her that I was done for now, but if she cleaned up her act I’d be open to being friends again,” you finished and took a deep breath, but ended up breaking down crying again.
Tony and Peter looked at each other, anger and sadness filling their shared gaze. They were incredibly upset at your supposed best friend for treating you that way, but they also felt terrible for you. You were an incredible person who deserved the world; you didn’t deserve to be thrown away like trash.
“Sometimes, people refuse to see reason when they’re upset,” Tony explained to you as he placed an arm on your shoulder, “Yes, Y/B/F may be going through some issues right now, but she needs to realize that you have issues too.”
“Plus, her issues are an explanation for her behavior, not an excuse,” Peter interjected, “She had no right to act the way she did.”
While their words were meant to inspire you and help you feel better, nothing could cheer you up. “Yeah, I guess…” you trailed off, looking at the ground. You just wanted to be happy, but you only seemed to feel sadness. You felt silly for being upset over this and it was frustrating that nothing the two boys said seemed to make you feel better.
“Y/N, it’s okay to feel sad sometimes,” your dad explained, catching onto how you felt, “What is happening to you right now is a perfectly fine reason to be upset. You’re an incredibly strong girl, but sometimes it’s a necessity to break down and build yourself back up.” “It just-” you started, trying to explain how you felt, “It just sucks. It sucks so much.”
“It’s okay to feel that way,” Peter reassured you, “And we’ll be here to guide you throughout the entire time you’re upset. So don’t beat yourself up about being sad; it’s her fault for treating you like this. It’s okay to sad over losing your best friend.”
“T-thanks, guys,” you sniffled. The two boys pulled you into a group hug, causing you to giggle a bit through the tears.
Eventually everything would work out, and your two boys would be there to help you succeed every step of the way. You’d found your light at the end of the tunnel.
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grigsby-writes · 6 years
Silver Lining: Chapter 3
"So..." Lance broke the silence over the radios, curling into Kaltenecker's warm body.
"Go to sleep, Lance." Pidge groaned from her own lion. Matt was asleep in the corner of the cockpit, while she slumped in her chair.
Lance quieted down for the fifth time that night. The other paladins tried to close their eyes and sleep, hoping to at least get something out of their delay. Unfortunately, it was futile. Shiro could only stare at the dark ceiling of his former lion, trying to sort his thoughts. Krolia had retreated to one of the storage areas in the lion to sleep, while Keith sat upright, completely awake, in his pilot's seat. The other lions had a similar situation. The world was was quiet except for the soft breathing of sleeping people.
"Are you guys also having trouble sleeping?"
"Lance!" The paladins whisper-screamed in unison.
A few more seconds of silence before another voice breaks it.
"Yeah... I can't sleep either." Hunk says quietly, trying to be more considerate than Lance.
"You guys wanna do something?" Lance asks in response.
"What exactly do you propose? We're in completely different ships." Pidge points out as she spread her legs out onto the armrest of her seat.
"Okay, now you've got me up. What's happening?" Allura yawns.
Shiro listens in on their sleepy exchange, Keith doesn't do much more than lazily gaze into the dark screen of his lion.
Lance sits up straight, pounding his fist into his palm in thought, "20 questions!"
"Oh, god, no," Keith groans, "That's going to take forever to finish."
"Well, hello, Leader Keith," Lance teases the black paladin. "Will you be joining us?"
"Make it five questions and I'll play along."
"Who's even awake?" Pidge asks, yawning. "Say your name or something, I'm too tired to figure out voices."
"The most gorgeous and bes-"
"Keith," He paused and looked back at Shiro, "You playing Shiro?"
"Yeah, sure." He answered, a bit loud considering there were sleeping people around him.
"First question! Everyone answers, least favorite thing about space?" Lance starts off, cheerfully perking up and waiting for answers.
"The food goo,"Hunk answer quickly, if not a bit sheepishly.
"Unreliable internet."
"But Pidge, the lions and castle both have internet connection and web access."
"Yeah, but not every quadrant or planet has a steady connection..."
Allura rolled her eyes, "I don't like how only Coran, and now Romelle, are the only alteans."
There was a shocked silence.
"You okay, Allura?" Lance asked tentatively.
"I'm fine."
"Moving on... I don't like that it all looks the same."
Pidge was quick to respond to Lance's answer. "But every star system is different. New constellations, planets, gas and rock formations. Color burst and asteroid fields, Lance space is constatly changing. It does not all look the same."
"Fine, be all scientific about it," He crossed his arms, "Just saying..."
"I hate that there's a war going on." Keith stated bluntly. The paladins were silent for another moment , realizing the point in awe.
"Yeah... I have to go with Keith on this one." Shiro said, finally contributing.
The paladins nodded along in silent agreement.
Hunk gave the next question, "Favorite alien we've met?"
"If you guys don't say me..." Allura growled.
"Aside from Allura and Coran and Romelle, who are obviously our favorites." Hunk was quick to right his mistake. "Mine's Shay."
"My mom, Krolia."
"That was a no-brainer," Pidge pondered their own choice, "Rover."
"Rover's not an alien, Pidge." Lance argued, "And he's not even worki-"
"Lance..." Shiro warned, like the true dad he was, "Lay off."
"Fine. I liked the mermaids, they were fun."
"Fun?" Pidge inquired.
"Fuck off, Pidge."
"I quite like all of you, and to me you guys count as aliens." Allura said, voice quiet, as if to remind Pidge and Lance that their loud voices were going to wake up their companions.
"Aww, thanks Allura," Lance's voice was a suave, flirting tone, though it was good natured.
Allura groaned, "I already regret saying that."
"What about you, Shiro?"
"There's too many to choose."
"That's not an answer!" Lance exclaimed, "You have to pick."
"The majority of aliens I've met have been trying to kill me, and the remaining were either chosen by you guys already, or were annoying." Shiro paused, "So there."
"Whatever." He grumbled. "Favorite out of all of the ones awake, like who do like best?" Lance continued, his voice peaking with arrogance, obviously fishing for a compliment.
No one raced to answer.
"That's like asking a parent to choose their favorite kid." Shiro stated simply, "You can't ask that and get an answer."
"Spoken like a true father." Pidge said in exaggerated wisdom.
"Do you really think of us as your kids?" Hunk awwed, "We're like a big space family."
"I wouldn't say that... I'm not a father..."
"C'mon, you're like that most father figure-y person we know." Hunk continued, his voice a joking tone. "We've said this before."
Keith turned around in his chair to look at Shiro, "You kind of are."
Shiro gave a wholehearted dad laugh, "I'm not that much older than you guys."
"Denial is the first stage." Allura joined in, "Soon you'll be joining Coran in the elderly person club."
"What about Krolia?" He asked, "Doesn't she count for anything?"
"Psh," Pidge scoffed, "Have you seen Krolia? She's too hot to be a mom, she could be like seventeen and I wouldn't be surprised- no offense Keith."
A faint blush of embarrassment crosses Keith's face, barely visible in the darkness. "Do a different question, please."
"Hunk's my favorite," Pidge ignores Keith, "He make us food, that bumpps him ahead of all ofthe rest of you."
"What are you humans excited, or nervous about going back to Earth?" Allura answered Keith wishes and asked a new question. It was met with a stony silence.
The paladins thought.
Shiro's mind buzzed with surfacing emotions and memories that had been knotting his stomach for this entire journey. he hadn't been on Earth for nearly two years, not including the day he had returned for. It scared him to think of what could've changed, and what change was yet to come. When he returned- when all of them returned -no longer would they be students at the Garrison. No longer would they be normal people. The paladins had traveled deeper in space than any other human. The paladins brought news of war and pain that Earth would otherwise be oblivious to. But what about Adam?
Shiro sucked in a s harp breath at the idea of seeing him again. Anxiety and excitement.  Their fighting before he had left was petty, not something they normally did. And just the prospect of being able to see him again made Shiro's heart swell. But fear tugged at him. Because what if Adam had moved on and really not waited for him? What if when Adam saw him again, Shiro would be a different person, one that Adam decided he no longer loved? What if they were too late and the Galra had already come and destroy Ear-
Lance spoke, interrupting Shiro's panicked thoughts. "I want to see my family again. My mom, and dad, and siblings, cousins, and- and all of them." Shiro noticed how Lance's voice broke slightly, dragged down by homesickness.
"My mom," Pidge said quickly, "She lost all of us, and I just want to give her a hug."
Another silence, one where the radio simply buzzed with static. It allowed Shiro to try and collect his thoughts.
"I can't wait to eat my parents' cooking again. And to feel the sun, even if it's the flaming desert sun." Hunk's tone was warm and forced , like he was keeping himself thinking about all of it in a good light. Like it was the future instead of the past.
And they waited. Shiro looked at Keith, who faced him now, though Keith only stared at the floor. Shiro could tell that Keith was thinking about his dad. He knew the boy well enough to recognize the pained glint in his eyes. Mournful and reflecting. As if Keith could only think of how horrible it was that his dad was gone. As if that was the only thing he could think about. Shiro could also see that Keith could only think about his dad when he thought about Earth. That Keith thought that he had nothing else to look forward to besides seeing his dad's grave again.
Shiro answered before Keith, hoping to give him a chance to think about something besides the negative. "My fiance, and the garrison."
A pause before Lance yelled, "You have a fiance, and you never told us!!"
"I mean, it's not like it was a secret..." Pidge pointed out. "Keith and I knew, plus Hunk sort of caught on."
"Sorry, what's a fiance exactly?" Allura asked.
"Like a stage between being married, you know what human marriage is right, and just being romantic partners. It's kind of unnecessary to call it something different."
"Why am I the only one to never pick up on these things?" Lance complained, a bit too loudly.
"Lance, it's not that big a deal..." Shiro said awkwardly.
"I didn't notice that Pidge was a girl, I didn't notice that Keith  had tried to be not a jerk, I didn't notice when Hunk's cookies were burning, and now this. How oblivious am I?"
"Pretty oblivious," Hunk answered the rhetorical question lightly.
"What about you Keith?" Allura moved the conversation along.
"Oh, uh..." He looked surprised, not quite expecting to be noticed. "I want to see my knife collection again."
"Why am I even surprised?" Lance groaned.
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idorkish · 7 years
Little Munson - Chapter 7
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Now that Opie was back in Charming for good, it seemed that the SAMCRO siblings were whole once again. They hadn’t had a chance to really hang out together, but Angel was much happier knowing that both her brothers were in the same city and that she could see them daily.
As Angel sat in the clubhouse with Bambi, both girls attempting to do their homework but kept getting distracted by all the commotion around them. “What’s going on?” Bambi shrugged her shoulders at the question, “I don’t know. Something about Jax and Opie wanting to be Prospects.”
Angel kept glancing back to the guys yelling behind closed doors. Jax and Opie were sitting at the bar, talking in whispers. “Well as it was expected. Don’t get why they’re making a fuss about this. Isn’t this what they were being groomed for?”
The year seemed to have started out great for Angel Munson. Life finally seemed to be giving the Munsons and rest of SAMCRO a good break from the bleaker points of life. Jax and Opie had been accepted as Prospects on the condition that they get their GEDs before coming patched members.
The school year seemed to go by so fast. Angel remembered the first day of school and she felt that when she blinked, it was already over. Angel wasn’t ready for the end of the school year. She knew that David would be leaving for the Marines once school started up for her again. The Marines. Angel still couldn’t believe it. She had months to prepare and the closer it got to him leaving, the more she couldn’t handle it.
“So what did we need to talk about?” Angel sat on the blanket next to David. They had gone to the park for a small picnic and out of nowhere, David had said they needed to talk. Angel’s heart sped up and she began to fidget with her ring. It had become her habit anytime she was anxious. David picked at the grass blades surrounding the edge of the blanket and tossed them aside. He had stayed quiet for moments before letting out a sigh. “I’m joining the Marines. I’m going in a couple days to fill out paperwork and begin the process. I won’t be leaving right away to basic, it’ll be a month or two before I leave for that.”
Angel couldn’t look at him anymore. Suddenly the pattern on the blanket became more interesting as Angel traced the pattern with her finger. David was leaving her. After promising he wouldn’t, he was now leaving. David scooted closer to Angel and wrapped his arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. “It won’t be for long. Basic is only a couple months long. Then I’ll be back for a week before going back. I’ll keep in touch as much as I can. You know I won’t stop writing to you. And any chance I can get to call - you better believe it’s you that I will be calling Angel.”
She bit her lip and nodded, afraid that if she spoke she would say the wrong things. Pulling her sleeves over her hands, Angel wiped at her face. David moved behind her so that she was between his legs and he pulled her back to rest against his chest. Angel sniffled and tried her best not to cry. Not in public, she thought to herself. “I love you, Angel. This is the beginning for us. This will help get us out of here like we talked about. Yes, we’ll be apart for a bit but I can get a good foundation built. Once I’m out and actually stationed, I can start saving up. Then as soon as you’re ready, we’ll work on getting you to wherever I am. I’ll take care of us, baby. We won’t have to rely on anyone anymore. No more people telling us that this won’t work. It’ll be us against the world.”
Angel closed her eyes and listened to the beating of David’s heart. His arms were wrapped around her and she felt so safe. She understood his thinking. They had heard it from both sides. His parents were nice to her but she knew they wanted him with someone from their circle - someone with class. Then there was her family. They liked David, they really did. But the Hale name still seemed to give them pause. “Us against the world,” Angel whispered as she clutched his arms. David squeezed her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. This would be hard for them both, but Angel was sure they could do this.
David had made it so they could spend this last summer together as much as possible. And they did. Angel had told Luanne she wouldn't be working the whole summer  but would work the month before school started. Luanne had kept her distance from the club since all but Otto had been released.  Angel and David had still made time to visit her so she wouldn't be lonely.
The day David left for basic, Angel locked herself in her room. Precious had tried to get her out the room but Bobby had told her to leave Angel be. Angel stayed in her room the rest of the night, clutching the sweater that David had left behind for her. It was Bobby who reached to Luanne and asked that she try to get Angel out of the house and to keep her mind occupied.
It would be another week before Luanne could finally get Angel out of the house. She had pleaded with Angel to go with her and visit Otto. Angel had perked up when Bobby said he was ok with her visiting Otto when she wanted. It had been so long since she had seen him. Angel had spent the whole night before going through pictures that she could take to him.
Angel cried when she saw her uncle, his face was bruised but he had a smile on his face when he greeted his girls.  “Don’t worry pumpkin, other guy looks much worse.” The trio had spent the whole visit telling jokes and catching Otto up on what was happening.  Angel brought pictures of little Tiki and Bambi; she refused to let Otto go without seeing his own niece and newest nephew. Angel’s heart broke when she saw Otto wipe a tear as he held tightly to the picture of Bambi. She was the biggest reminder of the family that he lost. Both Angel and Luanne promised to get Tig to agree to bring her so he could see her.
Otto held one of the pictures and chuckled. “How much of a heart attack did this give your old man?” Luanne and Angel moved to see what picture he was talking about.  It was a picture of Angel cradling and feeding Tiki while David sat beside her, his arm around Angel and holding her close while Bambi sat on his lap and leaned against his chest, obviously on the verge of falling asleep.  “You two will have cute babies, I can tell.” Angel blushed and hid her face in her hands.  Luanne laughed and playfully pushed Otto,  chiding him for embarrassing the girl.  “Can I keep a few of these?” Angel nodded, “Of course! Which ones do you want?”
By the end of the visit,  Otto kept the picture of Bambi, the one of Angel and David with the kids,  as well as one of Angel getting a piggy back ride from Jax while Bambi clutched Opie’s arm as he lifted her off the ground. “Damn you guys are growing too quick for me. Come back to visit me again, ok pumpkin?”
What no one expected was Tara leaving without more than “I’m moving to Chicago for school.” Angel and Jax had sat on the stoop in front of his house, watching Tara’s car pull away quickly and drive off into the distance. Neither had stopped her, far too stunned at her quick words. Angel knew her brother was breaking on the inside, just as she was. Tara was her best friend, they had talked about their hopes for the future and not once had Tara ever mentioned leaving. “Did you know?”
Angel continued to stare straight ahead but shook her head.  She wasn't sure words would form when she opened her mouth. Angel glanced up at her older brother and saw the tears streaming down his face. The last time he had cried this much was when little Tommy had passed away. Even at JT’s funeral, Jax hadn’t cried this much. Angel wished there was something she could do to take her brother’s pain away but she wasn’t even sure how to manage her own pain. Tara was her best friend. It hit Angel hard. This was a betrayal. Tara was her best friend. Tara was the love of her brother’s life and she tossed them both aside so easily. “I’m moving to Chicago.” Those words echoed in Angel’s mind. “I’m joining the Marines.” “I’m moving to Chicago”...the words repeated constantly. “Why? W-why wouldn’t she tell me? How could she just leave?” Angel snapped out of her thoughts and gave a shrug. “I don’t know Jax. She didn’t even tell me. We told each other everything…”
The two continued to sit there, staring at the ground in front of them. Neither knew what to say anymore so they say in silence, only the sound of sniffling came between them. It wasn’t until Gemma pulled into the driveway and slammed her truck door that the two looked up. Gemma stood in front of her two babies and stared. “What’s wrong? What happened?” She had dropped to her knees and grabbed both their faces. Jax sniffled again and pulled his face out of his mother’s hand. Gemma looked to Angel, worry clear in her eyes. Angel opened her mouth to speak but it was Jax who spoke first. “She left.” His voice dripped with venom and hurt as he quickly stood and walked over to his bike. Angel knew she should stop Jax and get him to talk but he was tearing down the street before she could even get to her feet. “Tara just stopped by. Told us she was leaving to Chicago. Her car was completely packed. She left. Never talked to us about it...she just fucking left.”
Angel stood and shoved her hands into her pockets and slowly started her way down the street, leaving a confused Gemma to watch her walk away.
The next few days were hard for Angel. All she kept thinking about was those closest to her telling her last minute they were leaving. Angel knew the reason for David leaving but that didn't mean the thoughts didn't sting. It had seemed so out of the blue. David and Angel had always been open about any thoughts and future plans. Not once bad the Marines ever been mentioned. They had talked of going away to college together or even just moving away and getting jobs to support themselves. All the plans they talked about David getting to school and then Angel following as soon as she turned 18.
When it came to Tara, Angel felt nothing but hurt and betrayal. Tara was supposed to be her best friend. She had known Tara wanted to be a doctor, even help her start looking at schools. But again, not once was there a plan for Tara to leave so quickly or so far away. Angel couldn't help but wonder what happened. It hurt more to know that her big brother was suffering and there was nothing Angel could do.
The summer seemed to drag on far too long for Angel's liking. There wasn't much to do at CaraCara, as the system Angel came up with ensured everything was organized. She cursed herself for doing such a good job that she pushed herself into fewer hours of work. Angel kept taking care of her baby brother as Precious had taken on more hours and Bobby was hardly around. The proposed trip for the two of them was just that, a proposal. Nothing had ever come from it and anytime Angel brought it up, Bobby just changed the subject. Eventually, Angel just stopped asking.
Instead, Angel turned to begging Tig and Happy to her babysit Bambi, “while she's still young enough to have a sitter!” This resulted in Angel spending a lot of time at the Trager household. Today was no different. As Bambi was sitting on the floor playing with little Tiki, Angel was in the kitchen. Bowls and ingredients spread across the counters and Angel had flour caked in parts of her hair. She stirred at the batter in front of her and let her thoughts play out as needed. She was still pissed anytime Tara came to mind. “Stupid. Bitch. Couldn’t say shit! Best friend my ass!” The more Angel thought of her, the harder she stirred at the batter. The only thing to calm her was the thought that she would soon have another letter from David. And then school would be starting soon. She would be able to concentrate on that. But at the moment, she couldn’t keep control of her breathing. Angel dropped the bowl onto the counter and squeezed her eyes shut.   
A small cough caught Angel’s attention. Standing in the doorway to the kitchen was Bambi, who was carrying a very sleepy little Tiki. “I think it’s nap time Angel. Figured you might want to come lay down with us.” Angel smiled and nodded. She would clean up once they awoke from a much-needed nap. For now, she was going to go curl with her baby brother and little sister, the two people who she knew would never leave her.
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idorkish · 7 years
Little Munson - Chapter 6
Need to catch up on this story? Check out The Reaper’s Angel Masterlist
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It seemed as if just days ago Bobby and Susan were bringing their little bundle home to show off to the rest of the club. Bobby sat at the bar in the clubhouse, a cold beer in his hand as he thought back over the years. Angel was turning 16 soon and he knew they needed to celebrate big. He could admit it to himself that he had been so preoccupied with club business that when he was in prison, he forgot that he could have been missing his children's’ birthdays.
Bobby sighed and took another swig of beer. 16. His little girl was turning 16 years old. Where did the time go? Bobby wasn’t sure what to do. He knew he should be planning a big party for her. Maybe he would leave it to the women to plan, it seemed to be their thing anyway. Bobby finished off his beer and made his way outside. He knew that was where everyone else was. Little Tiki had almost everybody wrapped around his little fingers, especially his big sister. Bobby was proud of how Angel stepped up to care for Precious and Tiki when he was in prison. He was even proud of how David stepped up and took care of the three of them. Bobby wouldn’t admit it to anyone else, but he was glad that David had been around. He was becoming more and more part of the Munson family.
As the day of Angel’s party drew closer, Bobby noticed how much time she and Precious spent together. The complaints from both of them for him to stay home and spend time with them lessened. Part of Bobby was glad. They both knew what being part of SAMCRO entailed. But part of him missed them both trying to spend time with him. The more time they spent away from Bobby, the more he seemed to draw away from them as well. Angel noticed that she and her dad hadn’t talked much since he had been released. Angel still held some anger toward him but she knew it wasn’t right.
Angel wanted to talk to him but he always seemed to be busy or had club business to take care of, or he was off to do one of his Elvis gigs. When Angel finally saw him at the garage just sitting at one of the picnic tables with the newspaper in front of him, she knew this was her time to finally speak to him. Slowly she walked up to the table and took a seat beside him, setting down a small bag and nudging it toward him. She had never felt like she couldn’t talk to him but things had felt different lately. “What’s this?” His voice startled her and she noticed he still hadn’t looked at her. “Thought you would be like to try something new I made.” 
Bobby grunted in response and set his paper down and finally turned to look at his daughter. They didn’t say anything and Angel fidgeted in her seat. She felt like a toddler again, about to be scolded for doing something she shouldn’t have. “What’s wrong princess?”
“I could ask you the same thing Daddy,” she paused and looked up at him, a sad smile on her face, “I miss you. You’re never around anymore.”
Bobby sighed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling Angel closer to him. “I miss you too kiddo. Maybe we need to hang out some more.  Right now there's a lot to get fine but after your party,  you and I will do something.  Just the two of us like old times.”
David searched through his room, tossing clothes and shoving papers around. He knew he had it somewhere. He swore he put it in the top drawer of his desk, or was it his dresser? Was it in the nightstand? All David knew was that he had Angel’s gift somewhere in his room. David dropped to the ground and started pulling everything from under his bed.
A small chuckle from outside his room caught his attention. David stood slowly and glared at his brother Jacob, who was leaning against the door frame, the box containing Angel’s gift in his hand. “Oh baby brother, looking for something?” Jacob held up the small box and grinned at his younger brother. “Why the hell were you in my room Jacob?”
Jacob kept the smug grin on his face and shrugged, turning the box in his hands. It was hard for David to tear his eyes from the boy, trying to restrain himself from lunging forward and grabbing the box out of his brother’s hands. “Well David. Davey, my baby brother who I adore. You’ve been gone for some time. I mean you’re rarely home. So I came to check on you and saw this pretty little box just sitting on your desk and was wondering what this could be. Mom and Dad may not say anything, hell they might not even know. But this kind of gift, for your little girlfriend? Tsk tsk. Now why would you try to bring that kind of humiliation to our family?”
David grabbed the box and shoved his brother out of the doorway. “Don't you ever talk about her like that,  especially not in front of me.  You know nothing about her aside from what you decide to make up in that pathetic head of yours.  Now get the fuck out my room.  Go to your own house for once.”
Jacob grinned and patted David on the arm. “Don’t think you want to know what’s going on in my head when I think of her little brother.” His voice trailed off as he winked and walked off. David glared at his back, wishing that he could hurt the prick. Jacob had always been a creep but the words he just uttered had completely unnerved David. He would make sure that Jacob never went near his girl again.
The day of the party was finally here and other charters had even arrived to celebrate the first Princess of Samcro turning sweet 16. Bobby stood near the doors of the rented hall, welcoming everybody in. Angel stood between him and Precious, giving everyone who entered a big hug. It had been so long since she had seen many of these men and their families. The various Arizona chapters had all driven in and so had the Tacoma chapter. It had been a few summers since she had last seen most of the other Children of Anarchy - their own nickname for those kids who were closest to the club. Angel greeted all her friends and promised to catch up with each of them that night.
As the day dwindled in, Angel moved around the hall trying to make sure she talked to and thanked every person who came to help them celebrate.  For part of the night,  she was passed from biker to biker,  each wanting to dance with “the Princess”. Angel laughed each time they called her that and continued to dance the day away. It was fun to see such big, “scary” men, dancing around and letting Angel put on sparkly birthday hats on them or tie a ribbon in their beards. “It’s your birthday, we are your guests!” many of them laughed.
Throughout the first part of the party,  Angel searched for David but couldn't  see him anywhere.  Bambi, Opie, and Donna were all keeping an eye out for him.  Angel did her best not to let it get to her but the disappointment weighed heavily on here. When she finally got the chance to sit down,  Angel found a seat between Kozik and Piney. “My feet are killing me! If I keep dancing,  I'm pretty sure my feet will fall off!” Angel groaned and leaned her head on Piney shoulder,  which shook as he laughed at her.  “You'll live princess. Just take the shoes off.”
Angel scrunched up her face and shook her head. “Then I won’t want them back on!” Kozik laughed and gave Angel a side hug. “Just take the shoes off kiddo, you know we’ll carry you around where you need to go tonight.” Angel shrugged and toed off her shoes, sighing as she could wiggle her toes again. Angel shifted and her seat, leaning back against Kozik as she lifted her feet onto Piney’s lap and whined. “Pop! My feet huuuurt! Will you please rub my feet?” Kozik did his best not to spit out his drink as he watched Angel give the best puppy-dog eyes and Piney caved, slowly rubbing her feet. “You’re a handful kiddo,” Kozik smiled down at her and shook his head. Angel just laughed and enjoyed the rest of her foot massage.
The music was finally dwindling down and Bobby stood on the makeshift stage.  “alright everyone. Quiet down! First,  thank you all for coming.  I know you're all hungry! Food is being brought out so get to your seats!”
Angel continued to look around, hoping to see if David had arrived yet. The food was almost all served and she still hadn’t seen them. Bobby took his seat next to Angel and tried to contain a smile. He knew David would be late, but that was all part of the surprise. “Sit still girl,” Bobby laughed. Angel sighed and her shoulders fell. David was missing her birthday party.
David peeked into the room, waiting for Bobby’s signal. David knew he would be late to the party today, his parents had seemed to all of a sudden need to talk to him about his future. Bobby understood when he called and they quickly made a plan for him to make his appearance. When Angel’s shoulders fell and David could see the hurt look on her face, his heart broke and he wanted to rush to her but he waited. Almost everyone had a plate in front of them. The only table left was where Angel and her family sat. David picked up the plates for himself and Angel and made his way over to the table. “I swear, what do you gotta do to get fed in this place? I had to go swipe some food!” David had a wide grin on his face as he set the plate in front of Angel.
The rest of the night went as planned without too many issues. When the cake was finally brought out, everyone cheered as Angel teared up. Many of them had seen Bobby working countless hours on the cake, making the various blue and green decorations for the topsy-turvy cake, with matching cupcakes to ensure that everyone would have something to eat.
After the cake, the music started up again and many of the guests went back to dancing while other moved to talk with those they hadn’t seen in awhile. It was Angel’s birthday but it was a mini-Sons of Anarchy reunion, which Angel loved even more. David had pulled Bambi onto the dance floor and danced songs with her, before she tired and ran off to find Tig or Happy to give her more cake.
As the song began to play, David pulled Angel close and sang softly in her ear, “If I should smile with sweet surprise, It's just that you've grown up before my very eyes. You've turned into the prettiest girl I've ever seen, Happy birthday, sweet sixteen…”
He gave her a small spin and when she faced him again, he held a small box in his hand. Angel faltered for a moment but David pulled her close to him again, swaying to the song. “I still need to give you your gift baby.” Angel stared up at him, “Is that what...we didn’t talk about this!” David laughed as Angel stumbled over her words. “Calm down. It isn’t that. This is just a promise ring. It’s my promise that I will always love you, that I will always be there for you. Me and you, remember? This is just a promise that I will always be yours and when the time is right, I will make sure you are mine and I am yours.” Opening the box, Angel gasped as the small tiara ring. “D-d-did you talk to my dad about this?”
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David gave a smug grin and shrugged his shoulder before grabbing her hand and slipping the ring on. Angel stared at the ring and looked up at David again, this time it was his turn to start stumbling over his own words. “Do you know...do you -do you like it?”
Angel responded by throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her lips against his, “I love it, almost as much as I love you.” David laughed and returned her kiss. Those around them whistled and shouted to get a room, much to Bobby’s dismay and he threatened the two teens to separate or else.
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idorkish · 7 years
Bobby’s Angel - Part 12 -the Finale
A/n - I just want to thank everybody who has followed this story. This started as a cute idea that seems to have exploded into something bigger. This is the last chapter of the first book. This has been a roller coaster of emotions for me while writing the whole series, and this chapter is no different. I hope I left you all satisfied but wanting more. So again, THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of my heart, for all the love, the messages with angry crying or laughter, and all the comments you have made.
Warnings: Mentions of death.
Catch up on Bobby’s Angel HERE 
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Nov. 11, 1993.
That was a day that would not be forgotten. It was the day that  Angel received the terrible news. JT had been in an accident with a semi-truck. There were no words to describe how Angel felt as they relayed the news to her and Bobby. Sick? Nausea? Anguish? Shock, despair, misery, gloom, gut-wrenching-heartache? No. None of these words came close. Angel ran from the living room straight to the nearest trash can as she emptied her stomach. Bobby and Clay jumped up and were beside her, rubbing her back and holding her hair. She had finally got back to a place of comfort and joy with JT, and now he was gone.
“I’m so sorry baby. They don’t think he’s going to make it through this.”
Angel stood and stared at her father and uncle as she wept. Again, she had lost someone important in her life. And again, it was someone from the Teller family. The feelings from Thomas’s death resurfaced and Angel felt the world closing in on her once more.
“Breath Princess. You need to breath”
Angel wasn’t sure who was talking to her but she did her best to listen and try to steady her breathing.
“H-how’s Jax? Where is he? Where’s Gemma? Who’s with her? Is she alone right now? Bambi? I need to be there for them!”
Clay took a step back and stared in astonishment. Despite her own grief, Angel’s first thoughts went to the remaining Tellers. “Jax and Gemma are at the hospital with the rest of the club. Bambi is with her dad. Do you want to go say your goodbyes?”
Angel nodded and clutched Clay’s hand, allowing him to guide her out the room and toward the bikes. Clay had always been the one to comfort Angel during terrible times. She always clutched to him and sought safety.
Bobby sighed as he followed behind the two. Bobby grabbed Angel’s helmet and bag; he had a feeling that his little girl wouldn’t be straying far from the Tellers for couple nights.
As they entered the waiting room, Angel felt her nerves rising again. It should have felt safe and welcoming to see the familiar leathers. Only dread washed over her. It was Piney who made their way over first. He lifted Angel into his arms and held her tight. She clutched at him and whimpered. The past year she had grown closer to Piney. JT, Otto, and Clay had been her favorite uncles but Piney was her “Pops”. He had taught her to fight and defend herself. Anytime she needed help or just someone to listen, she went to Piney. “I got you Princess. Just breath.”
When it was finally time for Angel to see JT, she froze in her spot. She wasn’t sure how she could go through this or that she really wanted to see him. “We got her Bobby,” Otto spoke up as he wrapped his arms around Angel’s shoulder. Luanne held her hand and coaxed her up from her seat, gently pulling her forward.  “I know it’s hard sweetie, but this is something we have to do. It might be our last chance to talk to him.” Luanne and Otto held her hands the whole way to the room. As they entered the room, Angel stared at the man in the bed. Wires covered his body, bandages were wrapped all over, and a tube was down his throat. JT looked for small and fragile in the bed, he wasn’t the man Angel remembered him as.
Luanne placed a hand on the small of Angel’s back, gently urging her forward. Angel sat at the edge of the bed and held JT’s hand. It was warm and calloused, but the lack of movement worried Angel. She knew that he wouldn’t be recovering from this accident. Any day, he would succumb to his wounds and be with Tommy in heaven. “I’m sorry, for being so cold the last few years Uncle JT. I”m so sorry. I know you’re trying to stay with us. It’s ok Uncle John, go be with Tommy. Tell him we all miss and love him.” Angel sniffled as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her uncle’s cheek.  
Otto and Luanne took steps away from Angel and JT, giving them a moment of privacy. Seeing the little girl weeping over JT’s body was something that Otto hadn’t been prepared to see. JT wasn’t only his President, JT was his friend, his brother. And then there was Angel, the little girl who had been raised by the club. It broke Otto to hear her words. No child should have to say those things.
“O-otto?” Angel glanced back at her aunt and uncle. She want sure what to do anymore. All the pain, hurt, and hatred she once felt toward JT caused conflict. Part of her still hated him for constantly putting club business first. He had gotten them put in prison for almost a year. He was constantly going back and forth between charming and Ireland. But she still loved him. He had done so much for her and her father. JT had been the one to give Bobby money to pay for all the lawyer and court fees when he was getting custody of Angel. JT had watched over her many nights when Bobby needed a break or was booked out of town for shows. “Why?” Angel felt the anger and despair rising. “Why are you leaving us again?!” She screamed at Jt’s still body. “Why don't you stay with your family for once!”
Otto rushed forward and grabbed Angel, pulling her close to him. Angel finally broke and sobbed against Otto's chest. “Why does he have to die? Isn't it enough that Tommy's gone! I don't want him to die!” Otto held her tighter as he cast his eyes to the ceiling. He knee nothing he could say would help his little Angel. Nothing any of them could say would ease her guilt or take away the anger she felt. So he just did the only thing he knew, he held her close and let her cry.
Angel sat in the chair between Bobby and Piney. She hadn’t let go of either man’s hand as they waited for Gemma and the doctor to come out. It had been just two days since she was last here to see JT after the accident. Two days he had been holding on to the breaking thread of life. As the doctor spoke about JT finally parting, Angel tuned him out. Much like when Tommy died, Angel retreated into her mind. It wasn’t fair in her mind. Again, she was losing someone important to her family, to her and there was nothing that could have been done.
Members from various charters across the country had come in, all wanting to pay their last respects to the founder of the MC. Angel sat on the back of her father’s bike, waiting for everyone to get their bikes started. She recognized many of the men and women there, having met them on a road trip with her dad the previous summer. Seeing so many Sons in one area was overwhelming. The Mother charter seemed so much smaller in Angel’s eyes.
Angel caught Gemma’s eye and she gave a small wave and smiled. Gemma excused herself from the group of people giving their condolences and made her way over to her eldest daughter. “Hey baby. How you holding up?” She wrapped an arm around Angel’s shoulder and gave her a quick squeeze. Angel nuzzled into Gemma’s embraced and sighed. “As ok as I can Momma. Ready for the day to be over. You?”
Gemma kissed the young girl’s  forehead and smoothed back her hair. “I’m here baby. that’s all you need to worry about. Just keep an eye on your dad ok?”
Angel nodded and looked at where she last saw Bobby standing. He was sitting at one of the picnic tables with his head in his hands. JT and Bobby had been close.Angel knew that his passing was hitting her dad hard. Dismounting his bike, Angel made her way over to Bobby, stopping in front of him to wrap her arms around his shoulders. Bobby sat up and pulled Angel onto his lap. Despite her young age, Angel was always there to take care of Bobby. Just a hug from his daughter was enough to brighten the darkest of days for him. “Hey baby girl. How you doin?”
“I’m ok Daddy. How are YOU doing?”
Bobby chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “As long as I have you by my side, I’m good. Let’s take a vacation for your winter break. We deserve a break. What do you say to visiting the Arizona chapter for Christmas?”
“I’d like that Daddy. After the funeral, I know we have to come back here and stay for a while to talk to everyone. B-but can we go home after? I don’t want to go to Gemma’s tonight.”
“Of course we can. I don’t want you far from me today,” Bobby sighed and looked toward the men finally getting on their bikes, “ C’mon. It’s time to go. remember to hold on ok?”
Angel once again found herself on the back of her father’s bike following a hearse. Instead of Gemma and the other children in a car, they all decided to ride on the back of member's’ bikes. Gemma with Clay. Jax with Tig. Opie with Piney. Bambi with Happy.
The ride to the cemetery seemed to drag on. The residents of Charming were used to seeing bikes down the main road, but to see the large procession was new for many people. By the time they arrived at the cemetery, it looked like the whole town had turned out to watch the burial of John Teller. Angel had noticed that many of the businesses were closed, the shop owners were waiting to pay their respects to Gemma and Jax. Chief Unser and most of the officers were also in attendance. Even the Hale family was there.
Angel only let go of Bobby when he went to help carry the casket. She quickly found Happy and Bambi, clinging to them both as they made their way to the chairs set out for them. Angel hated this part. Waiting for the priest to be done so they could lower the coffin. As she sat beside Jax, she couldn’t help but feel her heart break more. He had lost his little brother. And now, as he needed his father most in life, he had lost him as well. Jax and Opie would soon start prospecting for the club and JT would not be there to see his son become part of the club he helped create.
Jax caught her staring at him and gave a small smile before slipping his hand to hers. Bringing her hand to his lips, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles and gave her hand a squeeze. He had felt so alone since Tommy died. Gemma had turned become overattentintive to Jax, always telling him what he needed to do to lead the club one day. It seemed that was all she was worried about lately, keeping the club going and Jax taking his “rightful place”. She didn’t seem to actually see how much he was hurting and struggling. He noticed that she was more interested in spending time with Clay. He didn’t blame her. JT had been distant since before Tommy’s death, that just had been the last wedge in their marriage. JT had spent the last two years traveling back and forth between Charming and Ireland, sometimes returning with Fillip. JT had even spent some of the past two years in prison, since the club was caught with guns.
But Angel had been there for him. She always made time for him and reminded him how much she loved him and was glad they had each other. Angel, Opie, and Bambi. None of them were related by blood, but Jax was gad he had them all as his siblings. Without the three, he would have stayed in the darkness that clouded his mind. Them and Tara.
Angel sniffled as she stared at the coffin before her. In there was the man that helped shaped who she was as a person. Her Uncle JT. The one who bought her first bike because Bobby had been so strapped for cash. Her uncle who would buy her all the books she wanted if she asked for them. In there was the man who was the center of the SAMCRO family and he would no longer be there. He would never see her graduate 8th grade that spring. He would never see her high school years, college, marriage, first child. JT would never see his last son do those things either. Her uncle was gone forever and Angel had no idea how to handle it.
Bobby saw his baby girl’s toil and fight within herself. He placed his hands on her shoulder and squeezed. He knew that she was struggling on her feelings. For a long time she had been so upset with John not being at Thomas’s funeral. It had taken the better part of a year to get her to talk to him. It wasn’t until they were out of prison that she actually hugged JT again.
As the coffin began to lower into the ground, Angel found herself unable to stand or speak. This was her last chance to say good-bye and she could not will her body to move. Whereas before she sought the comfort of Gemma’s arms and sang to calm to woman down, Angel couldn’t do it. She just stared at the dark hole before her and choked back a sob. This time it was Jax who pulled her close, providing a tether to the moment. And that’s when Angel finally let go and sobbed in the arms of her big brother.
Angel sobbed until there was nothing left inside but a raw emptiness that throbbed inside. Her eyes were red and puffy, feeling weighed down.  Her whole body hung limp like each limb weighed twice as much as it had before, and just moving them  was a slow and painful effort. The sun still shone in the sky,  the birds sung in bursts of melody. For Angel, this was only a painful reminder. Death was insignificant and the world would keep moving forward. She had went through the motions, once back at the clubhouse. “Hello. Nice to meet you.”  “Hello, nice to see you again.” It was a pain and Angel felt like a skipping record, constantly repeating the phrases over and over again. How could people smile and laugh on a day like this? Why did they want to be introduced and make small talk about everything aside from the man they buried just hours before. Angel’s facade wore thin as the night dragged on. She just wanted to go home with her father and sleep in her own bed.
By the time Bobby was ready to head home, he could Angel was in a sour mood. He had sent her to go change and requested that she meet him in the living room when she was ready.
When Angel returned in her pajamas, she finally had a smile on her face. Bobby had collected all the blankets and pillows that he could, tossing them on the floor in front of the sofa. “Figured a good ol’ nest for a movie night will do us some good. I ordered some pizza, it’ll be here soon.”
Angel ran over and hugged her father tightly. All she wanted was to spend time with him right now. “Thank you Daddy!”
Thanksgiving was hard for everyone. The first real holiday without John Teller was difficult for people to deal with. They held a party for all the members and their families at the clubhouse. To Angel, it was just another painful reminder that life was fleeting and people moved on.
Christmas came soon after. Angel hadn’t realized how late in the year it was until her break started. Bobby and her packed up their Christmas presents and stayed the entire length of her vacation in Arizona. It felt good to be away from Charming and all the memories that seemed to haunt her. She soon fell in love with the desert and asked to visit more often. Bobby could see how happy she was there and made plans for future visits.
The rest of the school year passed in a blur for Angel. She maintained her grades but she couldn’t remember a thing she learned in those last few months. She still had problems with girls in her school, but that would soon end. Her graduation should have been something she wanted to celebrate. Bobby threw a party in their yard to celebrate. He had finally gotten a pool put in, just for her. The yard was decorated with graduation caps and signs of congratulations thanks to Gemma and Luanne. Opie had even returned, after being dragged out of the city for the remainder of the school year.
The summer after graduation was a hard time for Angel. Bobby and the club had been off on runs and the garage had become busier, occupying more of Bobby’s time. Jax and Opie were a scarce sight anywhere since getting girlfriends. Bambi’s time was split between being fussed over by Gemma and being in Bakersfield to visit Happy’s mom and aunt.Then there was Gemma. When she wasn’t fussing over Bambi or Jax, she split her time between running the garage, throwing parties, and spending time with Clay.
For the most of the summer, Angel found herself spending all her time with Luanne. Angel had been well aware of her aunt’s line of work. She had been to CaraCara Studios before, when Bobby had no other place to take her last minute. Angel always stayed in Luanne’s office or played out front, with some of the girls looking after her. This summer was no different Angel was sitting at her aunt’s desk, bored with nothing to do.
The desk was so cluttered and messy, Angel couldn’t even find a pen or piece of paper to doodle on. By the time everyone was leaving, Luanne made her way back to her office. She felt bad leaving Angel all alone but she had work that needed to be done. “I’m so sorry sweetie! You ready to -” Luanne stopped in her tracks and stared in awe at her office. Her desk that was once just a place to toss paperwork and whatever was in her hand, was now cleaned off, piled of neatly stacked paperwork were now the only thing covering the surface. The piles of paperwork and records that once littered the surrounding floor were now in a neat pile that Angel was currently sorting through.
“I-I’m sorry! Everything was all over and I started looking for some blank paper and the clutter was getting to me! I didn’t go through anything or throw things away. I just moved the stuff on your desk so you could sort it all out later.”
Luanne just laughed and held her hands to help Angel to her feet. “I’ll pay you $4 an hour, cash, to get all of this in order and make some filing system for me. IF your dad agrees, then this will become a summer and vacation job until you graduate. This way you can start saving up more for school.”
“R-really? You’ll let me work here?”
“Yea. As long as Bobby agrees! You’re with me most of the time anyway. You’ll be in this and the other office. And you can’t get in trouble this way. And who knows...maybe. If you do a great job. You’ll have enough soon to pay for that baking class you’ve been eyeing.”
“Are you serious? You’d do that Aunt Luanne? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’m so excited!”
Luanne hugged her niece tightly. She and Otto had never had kids; they knew they’d never have the time to care for their own. Angel was their surrogate daughter. Bobby and Susan had never agreed on any religious ceremonies for Angel when she was a baby, but Bobby agreed that Luanne and Otto could be her unofficial godparents, a role they took seriously.
“Don’t thank me just yet! Just because you’re my niece doesn’t mean I’m going to go easy on you! I still have standards I expect you to meet. But for now, let’s get home and get dinner started. The guys should be back home tonight, we don’t want them starving.”
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idorkish · 7 years
Bobby’s Angel - Part 11
A/n - This is going to be a short chapter as I’m working hard on the final chapter of Bobby’s Angel. There is going to be some minor time jumps in this but I wanted to start building for some future events!
Catch up on past chapters here! Bobby’s Angel Masterlist
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Angel sat on the bench with her eyes cast to the floor as she waited for her father to show up. Angel took in deep breaths as she wiped her eyes with her sleeves. She refused to let them see her cry again, she wouldn't give them more ammo to use against her. “Why couldn't they just leave me alone? Why is it always me?” She was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of heavy boots making their way toward her.
“Angel? Baby..” Bobby stopped steps away from his daughter as she looked up at him. Her lip was busted, dried blood caked on her chin, her hair was a mess, and bruises were forming on her face. Bobby took in a shuddering breath and closed the distance between them, instantly wrapping his arms around her. “Baby, what happened?” Angel shrugged out of his arms and moved away, refusing to speak. “Angel, what happened?”
They were interrupted by a door opening, 3 other girls and their parents walking out, smugly looking at the bloodied Angel, who had a vacant stare. “Mr. Munson, Angel… Come in on so we can talk.” They both followed the principal into her office.
“So what's going on? I get a call to come down because my daughter's in trouble and I find her looking like this?”
The principal held a hand up to silence Bobby. “Mr. Munson, this has been going on for a while. Angel can be very disruptive and argumentative with the other students. We called you in because she was in a fight with three other girls today.”
“Yeah, and it seems like my daughter is the victim of the attack!”
“Mr. Munson. Angel provoked-”
“No I didn’t! They attacked me!”
“Please Angel. Aside from the girls, other students say they saw-”
“I don’t care what other kids are saying! Look at my daughter’s face! Three versus one? And she’s the only one in trouble? What the fuck is going on- ”
“Mr. Munson! Please calm down!”
“I will not come down when my daughter is being accused of bullshit!”
Angel sat in silence as Bobby and the Principal argued more. She knew there was nothing she could say to make the arguing stop. There was nothing she could say to make the principal believe her. Bobby grabbed her hand and dragged her out the school and toward the truck. She couldn’t remember what was said after she zoned out but it had been a long time since she last saw her father this mad.
Angel remained quiet on the drive back to the garage. “I”m sorry for losing my temper back there. I shouldn’t have yelled. Will you at least tell me what the fight was about?”
Angel glanced at her father before turning to look out the window. “Andrea said bad things about us, about the club, mostly about you. She said mom was a whore.  That you’d make me be one too. She kept going on about how we should be glad Tommy died. Otherwise he’d be another piece of scum ruining the city…I didn’t hit her first though. I just told her to shut up. So she punched me. And then I fought back, That’s when Jessie and Carly jumped in.”
“I’m glad you told me. They had no right to say those things. It’s obvious who the scum are. We may not be the nicest people but the club does what it must to keep the city safe. I hope you know I was serious back there. If you want to go to another school, you can. I have enough saved to send you to that private school. I have enough, can get you in that school until you graduate.”
Angel sat in silence for the rest of the drive. Part of her wanted out of the school but she knew it would just get worse once she was in high school. And she didn’t want to put that financial burden on her father.
“For whatever it’s worth Angel, I’m proud of you. You held up on your own. And I’m sure if you asked Piney, he’d probably give you some fighting lessons...for something to occupy your time, you know?”
Opie and Angel sat in silence on the way up to the cabin. Bobby had asked Piney to teach Angel to fight, thinking it would keep her safe and build some confidence. Not wanting to miss a chance to spend time with his son and basically-daughter, Piney agreed and packed them up for a weekend at the cabin. He figured they’d do some hiking and possibly actual camping, but the weekend was to get Angel started on fighting. Piney figured the best punching bag to bring along was none other than his own little giant, Opie.
Opie had no idea what kind of weekend he was in for. He was told to pack for the weekend but Piney had kept him in the dark. Bobby asked for Angel to be trained in secret. Neither of them really wanted anyone to know that Angel was learning to fight, it was to be kept between them, Piney, and Opie until Angel was ready to tell people. All Opie wanted to do was go home and play the new games his mom bought to bribe him away from the club. It hadn’t worked but he let Mary continue on thinking that it was working.
As Piney pulled the truck in front of the cabin, he motioned for the kids to stay seated. “Alright, I guess it’s time we fill Opie in about the weekend. Angel got in a fight at school. Bobby asked we teach her to fight, but no one else is to know until SHE is ready to tell anyone. Now get your shit and let’s get inside.”
Opie held the door opened for Angel and helped her out the truck before grabbing both of their bags. “Cmon sis, let’s get inside before the old man has a heart attack or something.”
Angel laughed and grabbed the bag of food that had brought with them. She knew that the cabin hadn’t been restocked in a while and she refused to let them get by on whatever stuff was left, she wasn’t even sure that the normal stuff stocked was passable as real food. Angel wasn’t sure what to expect from this weekend. She knew that she wouldn’t be the best fighter by the time they returned home, but she was sure this was something that needed to be done. She had asked this to be kept secret because she knew that if the rest of the club knew she was learning, they’d all jump in and try to teach her. And then that would lead to arguments over the best way and who would be in charge, and whether she was ready for that or not. As much as she loved her uncles, she knew that they would be split. Many would want to teach her to fight, others thought she was too fragile and too young to really learn. She wasn’t Jax or Opie, in many of their minds there was no reason for her to learn.
“Princess, we’ll relax and get settled in tonight. Tomorrow, we’re going to start early and we’re gonna go at it strong,” Piney kissed the top of her head and smiled, “I’m glad you’re wanting to learn. There’s only going to be so much we can do to protect you. You need to learn to protect yourself. One day, we won’t be here. Let’s eat and get some rest for now though.”
By the time they reached Charming, Angel was ready to pass out in her own bed. Piney had been right when he said they’d go at it hard and strong all weekend. Angel’s arms were sore, her legs felt like noodles, and her knuckles hurt under the wraps. Opie had laughed at her earlier when she asked for ice bags to be wrapped on her knuckles. He was so proud of her that weekend. Her throws and hits had been weak, but with help from Piney, Angel landed a couple good shots at Opie.
Angel leaned her head on Opie’s shoulder and groaned when Piney hit a bump. Both men laughed at her whining, Opie just threw his arm around her and pulled her close. “Just think sis, we get to do this again next weekend, and the weekend after that!” Angel scrunched her face up and pouted. Piney caught the look and laughed loudly. Angel was happy to see her uncle actually laugh. It had been a hard year for SAMCRO and it seemed like none of the adults really smiled or laughed anymore. If her pain and reactions could get them to laugh, she would put herself through the pain over again.
Pulling up the driveway to the Munson home, Opie was the first to jump out and immediately went to grab Angel’s bag. Angel hesitated a moment and closed the door. “Uncle Piney...wait.”
Piney closed his door and looked at his niece, wondering what was wrong.
“Thank you. For this weekend. I know Daddy asked you to teach me and I’m glad he did. I don’t like fighting. A-and I know I’m not ever going to be the toughest. A-and I know I will never be like Jax and Opie, taking part of the club. I’m just glad we spent the weekend together though. You’re like my other dad and I love you and Opie. I-i just wanted to tell you that.”
Piney sat in shocked silence from her words. Yea, things had been tough for the club. And because of it, they had each begun to neglect all the children to varying degrees. Jax and Opie were dotted upon, being groomed to eventually prospect. Bambi, being the youngest, was looked upon and guarded by Tig and Happy. It was then that Piney realized Angel had fallen through the cracks. The ignored middle-child.  Pulling her close to him, Piney pressed a kiss to the top of her head and held her tight. “We all love you Angel. Things are tough right now, but know that we all love you. You are always welcomed in my home. You’re the daughter I once wished for. If you need anything, even just someone to look over your homework or talk to, find me. I will drop everything for you Princess”
The small sniffles coming from Angel let Piney knew that his thoughts were right and it broke his heart. And it was that moment that Piney vowed to give more of his attention to this little girl so that she always knew what she meant to the people around her.
“Now let’s get inside. I’m sure your daddy is losing his shit after a couple days without you!”
Angel smiled as Piney wiped her face. Jumping out the truck, she ran toward the house toward the waiting Bobby. “DADDY!!!”
“My baby!” Bobby held his arms open and caught Angel, spinning her around and pressing kisses to her face. “I missed you girl. Got you something while you were gone, it’s in the kitchen. Go on in and I’ll be right there.”
Bobby watched as Angel said goodbye to Opie and Piney, then ran off into the house. Turning his attention to the two, he smiled and hugged them both. “Thank you for the weekend. She looks happier.”
“Yea, more time, she’ll actually be able to throw a decent punch!” Opie beamed and showed off the small bruise forming on his side. “She might actually bruise me in one hit instead of constantly beating the one area.”
“She did great brother. We’ll get her there. I think more time around the club will help her. Maybe ask Clay and Tig to teach her actual boxing. Girl has spirit, she has a big heart. She’s not going to fight without reason. We’ll pick her up Friday night for another weekend at the cabin. See you at the garage tomorrow.”
Piney and Opie took off for their home. “Hey Opie, thanks for helping this weekend. Meant a lot to that girl.” “I know Pops. She’s my little sister, I’m glad you asked for my help.” “Yeah, just - always look out for her. Her and Bambi. You and Jax are the only siblings they have. Watch out for them, have their backs. Keep each other safe.”
“Pops, I know that. What did she say? When you guys were in the truck?”
“The usual. She loves us. But, she’s hurting Op. She needs you and Jax. We rely on that little girl for too much. Help her enjoy being a kid. And, I know I don’t say this often, so listen close”
Opie laughed and gave Piney his full attention. “What Pops?”
“I know I ain’t the best father. I won’t be winning any father of the year awards. But, I’m proud of you Harry. I hope you know that I love you and would do anything to keep you safe and happy.”
Opie smiled and glanced out the window. Sure his dad was never sentimental with him but he had never questioned his love. Opie knew that his dad did questionable and illegal things, but that had never mattered to him. The men of Samcro weren’t perfect. None would ever come close, but they did what they thought was best for the family. “I know Pops. I love you too.”
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