#you cant ignore that!! if you are to understand that quote!!
claratyler · 2 years
i've got to say it: i love webweaving as much as the next guy but i've found that whenever i find a particular line of a poem particularly captivating and i look for the entire work i'm always left feeling a little uncomfortable because it seems like the few lines that were chosen for the post are (obviously) taken out of context, but it's like they're assigned a new meaning by the op by including them in the new context of the other quotes and it just makes me feel like if i were one of the authors it would make me feel a certain sort of way to see the meaning of what i was saying completely missing so that others can ascribe a generic lovesick emotion to it :/
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lubrumalis · 3 months
ghost headcanons! (realistic)
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tw: nsfw, spoilers, dead dove do not eat
a lot of these are based off of my personal understanding of him
part 2 —> character analysis of ghost
didn’t go back to manchester after his family died, too many foul memories—a lot of friends will probably know him as a murderer (comic reference, ghost was accused of killing his family in the newspaper)
has a fit body. a lot of people like to hc him as big and bulky, i think otherwise! its actually a huge disadvantage to be bulky in size as a soldier (logistics while fighting yk). most SAS soldiers are trained for endurance and fitness, i think he has a moreso lean body
hes not cold and ruthless, wouldn’t say hes a big softie either.
VERYYYY punctual. always on time
will not abuse or rape anyone. this guys been through atrocities, he would never do it to someone else
won’t hire a prostitute, ever.
honestly, hes just another dude in the military. he loves dad jokes and bourbon😭
ghost doesn’t think hes mean or tries to be, he simply is intimidating because of his size and way of talking
he likes watching soccer in his free time
gets internally offended if someone thinks hes from london (anywhere but Manchester)
very dark humoured. tell him any dark joke and he wouldn’t care
loves tea
listens to older british bands, like the smiths
cannot understand modern slang at all. what does ‘iykyk’ and ‘rizzler’ mean???
texts like a typical millennial. uses ‘😂’ and ‘😜’ unironically. types with proper grammar and spelling with punctuation too, maybe an occasional LOL
also unironically likes posts about trust issues and being a sigma male. he doesn’t actually think hes one, he just relates to those quotes that are like: “being alone is better than with fakes” 😭😭😭😭
ghost probably hates other men more than misandrists 😕 i think its bc hes always fighting other men and dealing with the cruel things theyve done, so ghost subconsciously feels more on guard with men he doesnt know
has insomnia
doesn’t cry. ghost doesn’t remember the last time he cried.
isn’t rich rich, but has a ton of savings. he doesn’t have a family or spend a lot. so the money piles up.
relationship hcs:
first off, i dont think he’d realistically get into one anyway LMAO
s/o would have to the chasing, i dont think ghost is the kind to actively pursue someone
he has charisma, doesn’t feel like using it
hes very against the idea at first—his family got murdered because he was in the military, you think hes gonna let it happen again?
probably will not like someone working with him as a soldier
i think itd go two ways: a) you are a civilian who aggressively pursues the poor guy and he gives in, b) you work as a military nurse and gradually get to know him, c) you are a longtime close friend of his before he was in the military
i cant see him being fwb with anyone, only one night stands
hes not a toxic partner or super lovey dovey
ghost doesn’t entertain multiple women at once
itd most likely end up in a breakup where he fears for your safety:(((
BUT lets ignore that
tbh, i think he would probably be with someone very empathetic and kind to others. he doesn’t like people overly energetic, too soft, or someone that annoys him
persons gotta be independent and good with long distance
simon doesn’t care about age gaps, but probably wants someone at least in their late twenties
had a hard time opening up, eventually told you everything once he trusts you
another reason why i think he wants someone empathetic is because he has severe trust issues😃😃
last thing he’d care about is looks for long term relationships
the type of guy to disappear for 6 months and reappear to be like “remember im your husband???”🫡
doesn’t let you tell your friends about him—No hes not being uncommitted or toxic, but hes simply being cautious after what happened to his family
you can’t show anyone photos of him, his name, his occupation, NOTHHINGGG
so you fake a name for your bf who your friends think you’re lying about
definitely does not let you post on social media about him either.
installs security in your home, teaches you self defense, and gives you weapons. this guy can be paranoid
will never hit you or lay a hand on you
ghost genuinely thinks you saved him—his life was bleak and empty before you came in. subconsciously thinks of you as a savior
he buys you gifts, does chores for you, he really likes you :(
ghost actively tries to make his voice sound softer and friendlier when hes talking to you
doesnt understand playing mind games, things like the silent treatment or “im ok” when ur not ok thing. just tell him how you feel
doesn’t tell his team about your existence. you and his job are always going to be separate.
avoids talking about what he does in the military. ghost has killed and injured many and he doesn’t want you to see that side of him.
scary dog privileges for SURE
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letters-of-libertas · 6 months
Energy to carry as a single childfree woman
Summary here
Be more self reliant
You dont have to do everything on your own but you need to be able to count on yourself because for the most part that's all you'll have even as you're around others.
Have more intent with actions
Time & energy is valuable. Where you pour these things into steer the course of your life. Give your time & energy to things that help you (and other likeminded women if you want). You dont have to analyse every action you take but occasionally check in with how/if the actions you're taking are helping to build a foundation for your life as a single childfree woman. Things like donating to female centric causes, improving yourself so you can give yourself (& other women) more, organising/engaging in female centric women only spaces - even if they're just online, goes a long way to set the scene. Even indulging in your hobbies. Dont waste your time on things that wont help you or your motives.
Be more resourceful
Contrary to popular belief this lifestyle isn't a walk in the park, there's a lot more you have to account for especially with a level of reduced support. Being able to adapt/improvise + think ahead to mitigate problems will serve you long term. Also generally building up your resources will make getting through hard times easier.
Living my truth > proving my truth
You dont need others stamp of approval to live this way - just get started ! Convincing others is a waste of time your actions (& results) will speak for you anyways.
Reduce giving benefit of doubt
I once saw a quote "giving others benefit of doubt has never benefitted me" and it rings so true. Giving people benefit of doubt rarely ever works in your favour, the red flags that are downplayed often come back to bite you when you least expect it so trust your instincts on matters. If something is off about something or someone; start backing up. Also pure naïvety is rare, people often know more than they let on so trust + act on your instincts on matters if something feels off.
Be proactive
Instead of just constantly reacting to everything around you; take action no matter how small, it'll pay off more than just outrage. Spend less time on social media reacting to the never ending evil of xys and spend more time building for yourself. Social media can be informative but it can also be an echo chamber that breeds reactionary politics which doesn't move things forward. Ik this is ironic because you're reading this on social media but I'm not saying get rid of it all, just reduce your time on it - particularly around reading & reacting to maIe evil. Focus on tangible things in your life you can control & build instead for yourself and womankind.
Invest in indifference
Taking everything to heart will hurt you. Constant anger/hatred to maIes & their bs is still centering them especially if all you do is react. I'm not saying completely ignore it as they target us & a level of awareness is important, but dont let these feelings consume you. Being indifferent will let you look at things at a face value & make more levelled judgement. It helped my mental health a lot in regards to the climate to grow indifferent, this includes towards maIe identified women and even other types of discrimination like racists, ableists, etc. All theory around maIe violence essentially boils down to them being dangerous parasitic terrorists to not be trusted. I move with this & go. I see through them, I dont argue or waste unnecessary emotional energy on them, I dont care for them to understand me, I dont care to prove them wrong (bc in the end it wont matter all you do is give them more cards to play with; this system isnt erected through logic but violence), I have other stuff in my life to focus on. I cant help the way the world is I can only focus on myself & my actions. Typically the best comebacks arise when you dont give a shit. It wont happen in a day but learn to manage your feelings. Be indifferent to what you cant control, flower what you can control. These comments from the female separatist subreddit explain this well.
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Learn to prioritise
Contrary to popular belief we can't have it all. Some are able to do so because they've got wives or staff covering sectors of their lives so they can pour more time into other aspects of their lives like business or leisure. But you wont have that privilege rn so some things will have to take a hit. This is also why you need to be selfish with your time. Things like being resourceful to automate/delegate tasks will buy you time but it's still important to be selfish with your time because as you put time in one area, another area loses time. You need to pick what matters. You cannot give your time away to everyone; make time for yourself & your objectives.
Less theory more action
Having a basis of theory/belief is a good place to start but dont get stuck there.
It's okay to be wrong
Mistakes will be made. Experience is how we learn and grow. Go about your business unabashedly.
Obviously not an exhaustive list but these are some main points that come to mind.
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curiousity-cell · 1 year
sometimes i feel that people don’t really even /try/ to understand elain. like they have all these think pieces for lucien & azriel & gwyn etc, but they just don’t try with elain. they don’t bother. and it frustrates me to no end because you know exactly why that is - because she has more ‘feminine’ interests & this makes her ‘boring’. her hobbies are quiet, she likes to keep to herself & people often overlook her BECAUSE she likes to keep to herself.
rn i’m thinking of her childhood and what their mother says about elain & the sisters
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- nesta was groomed to be the matchmaker - to find herself a match, elain a march & feyre eventually the find a match. that was her main priority. find herself a marriage & then sort out her sisters.
- feyre was ignored by their mother, not even considered. because she was a “wild thing” since birth and the mother evidently didn’t know how to handle that
- elain though? she’s deemed useless. mama archeron may not say it but you know it’s implied.
elain is pinned as useless and only good for her beauty. only good for what potential matches she could make in the future. i think this is integral to her character and why she keeps to herself so often. this is the potential context of her character that keeps me sympathetic to her and why i adore her so much. because after so many people call you useless from your childhood, eventually you start to believe it. eventually it sticks. eventually you only know yourself as useless and nothing more.
add on then their poverty when their soil wasn’t good enough to make vegetables, imagine how useless you feel there. that gardening and baking is the hobby you’ve found you’re good at, but you can’t even do that because the environment around you limits your capabilities. also, a lack of education in planting & harvesting vegetables because you can’t afford books and tools to learn how to do so.
[i’ve been trying to find the quote for the soil part as support but i can’t fucking find it so this is all i have]
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imagine how useless you feel then. i think her becoming fae (as traumatic as it was) is actually helping her. it’s healing her. cerridwen and nuala are helping her, her discovery of being a seer is actively helping her realise she is not useless. she has worth. she is finding her worth.
this story to me (which will be in her book in acotar 5) is so compelling to me. elain discovering her worth and realising that she doesn’t have to be “the pretty one”, “the boring one”, that she /can/ be soft & strong all at once. that her optimism and her kindness is a strength.
i cant wait. i’m so excited. i adore her already based on pure observation i can’t wait to get inside her head. and i will continue to try to do it now until her book comes out because her story will always be compelling to me because it’s a different story to warrior-training-sword-fighting-uber-magical-powerhouses (no shade to feyre & nesta - i’m just very excited to learn about your sister :))
(I ALSO FOUND A REALLY CUTE FEYRE & ELAIN SCENE FROM ACOTAR 1 WHICH PROVES FEYRE FORGIVES HER i will post it later - i’m very enthusiastic about my archeron sisters & their bonding.)
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melonteee · 8 months
When opla was announced I was guarded, but trailers and learning that Oda would have first and last word about everything made me hopeful.
But I knew that live action are never for the actual die hard fans.
Too much need to be cut because of time, as real actors cant look like they only age two years for 26 years, and some cartoon stuff doesnt translate well to live action *cough* garps fist of love *cough*
So I was able to convince my friend to watch opla with me.
She had read the manga when she was little, up to syrup village, so she was excited to see Kuro because she actually liked him back when she read it.
I was mostly there just to observe my friends reaction to it instead.
My favorite moment was watching her freak out after the "grandpa?" reveal.
I dont like that Garp was included that early on, I didnt mind him being there at rogers execution. But more than that seemed too much. I watched some Netflix guy explaining that they wanted to add a reason why the strawhat had to keep moving from island to island, but no marine would do because who would bother chasing a pirate crew with no bounty. I understand that reasoning. Still dont like it, but I understand.
But my friends reaction made it all better.
Did you know netflix wanted a romance between Nami and Zoro? Thank god Oda was there to stop it.
Also my friend and I quote "Oregano is for savages!" a lot now.
I'm truly glad you liked it anon and I do understand the excitement that came with it, but I honestly could not stand it. Nearly every scene and every line was like "Sanji wouldn't say that. Nami wouldn't do that. Why is this happening? Luffy definitely wouldn't say that."
An adaptation must adapt to its medium, true, but that is not what this did. This was an insanely loose reinterpretation that took so much charm away for me. I've talked about it on this Tumblr tons now but I've finally had the time to watch through all of it now that the hype's died down, and it just made me angrier per episode?
They had to shorten things down, but they included so many new scenes that added nothing? They had to explain the Strawhats going from island to island... WHY? They literally had a spine to go off, the original property had them going from island to island to find a crew and get to the grand line. That's literally a very solid reason. WHY did they need any marines chasing them? It just sounded like an excuse to add a fan favourite character so the Garp fans could scream about it.
And I've said this many times, but Oda being part of the process genuinely means nothing to me. Netflix infamously do not listen to their creators, and not only did they admit Oda HATED the Garp addition and they STILL added him, you can tell so much of his original vision was thrown aside for non-anime fan audience convenience. Usopp and Sanji felt like side characters for god's sake, Buggy felt comically evil for a LIVE ACTION, Mihawk's fight was literally so empty due to the fact no one was THERE? NAMI was the one who yelled she believes in Zoro and they'll always be friends??
I truly do not believe Oda would agree to most of that, and considering we know he was ignored for Garp, we know for sure he was definitely ignored for many other things.
As always, if you loved it, great! I'm glad the excitement was met. Maybe I'm cynical, maybe it's not to my tastes, but it screams Netflix cash cow to me and the whole time I watched it I thought "This is not One Piece at all."
As a reinterpretation? Great!
As an adaptation? It failed miserably. None of the characters felt like themselves and the additional scenes were so nothing. Sorry for the sour reply anon but for those on here who know, I indeed have a sore spot for that entire production.
I honestly think a lot of people got blinded by the pretty actors and the millions of dollars that went into production and promotion to really look at it for what it was trying to be.
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ylvaisawolf · 1 year
Messy thoughts on Fred (and Tubbo?)
This is really disjointed. This was just me typing everything that popped into my head down.
I have opinions on Fred (and everything around him atm)
Like everyone saying he is evil. Fred himself knows he did wrong things 
He knows he isn't a saint he just has a single person hae loves and cares about [Tubbo]
Fred told Tubbo he did wrong things and yes he did not specify what (From what I recall) but he told Tubbo and he said he didn't care (Tubbo said he would be a villain if Fred is sooo…)
Is it very cruel to tell someone you wish they would get tortured again? Yes! Hell yeah it is. 
Quackity has his reasons for hating the Feds no shit but he threatened Tubbo which is why Fred said that.
(Also I am biased towards Tubbo. I am Foolish/Jaiden in spirit aka I side with the characters I like more over my irl morals)
Like I do think he cares because he has to for the other workers but they are not friends, they are his underlings or bodyguards so you have to be nice there (Or you would hope. Even if manipulative)
Like I would be an idiot to not acknowledge him taking notes on Aypeirre’s torture or again his very cruel comment to Quackity
Fred acts different ways with different people. Like he is definitely more nice with Tubbo for example when he said he was a bad penpal for not responding much and “I genuinely felt like a stalker and that it wasn't morally correct what i was doing…”  (Day 195) of which Tubbo responded in his letter back with “ I don't think you should worry about the morality of trying to find them as kidnapping itself is very immoral.” 
Which is true but still.
Fred also said on the day of the movie date he has done bad stuff to Tubbo. (“You don’t understand, I’ve done bad stuff.” … or something similar as I am not watching the vods.)
So to me I am wondering where some people have been?
Fred is deny deny till he cant then bites back when out of options 
He is seemingly questioning himself and the Feds but atm he is following them along still
Back to Tubbo for a sec I have to mention that he said something along the lines of It seems everyone but the morning crew likes him so it wouldn't be hard for him to be a villain.
I keep bring that up whoops but like Tubbo is really protective of Fred warning him to stay away from Aypierre and that he will gladly listen to anything that worries Fred
Tubbo and Fred really love and trust one another.
Fred wrote on October 8th “I must admit… I don't know what my morals are or trust for the Federation is..” 
Man knows he is messed up <3 
(Also Tubbo just told him it is ok to question your morals)
Fred not trusting the Feds doesn't mean he doesnt follow what they want like torture btw. I am not ignoring that dont worry 
He still is doing his job. He acts like he doesn't like it but he is still doing it.
Also Fred at one point told Philza he loves snitching. Yes, kinda sassy but he did say that. (I think October 4th or 5th)
If it isn't obvious I Adore Fred even if he turns out evil. I find him to be a very interesting character.
Also I am not touching him leading Tubbo, Roier, & Slimecicle to the Maze. I have no idea what the deal is there.
Yeah this post is a mess but I don't normally post my own thoughts or do essays (this isn't even an essay). If I wanted to put more effort in I could but me typing my thoughts down and semi looking for direct quotes is all this post is getting haha.
I don't care if Fred gets better or worse as long as he is a fun and interesting character the whole time .
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honeyglz · 2 years
I know damn well Outlaw!Cowboy!Izuku wouldnt make me feel like shit w/ other ppl. He listens. I know he told me himself. So because he told me heres some cowboy word vommit. Because I felt like shit tonight lmao!!!
He's so nice too. He would never talk down to you, well sometimes but he means well!! He likes to hear you rant, even if its angry incoherent thoughts spewing from your mouth. He doesn't care, he wants to hear you speak, just you <3 Sometimes he since he's not rlly supposed to be around ya, he will find ways.
Man's pulls up in a milk man outfit and you have to patiently ask if he bought the milk or if you have to put him back in his cell. "C'mon darlin its just some milk!! And plus, I know you missed me." He's smiling at you with the stupid lopsided grin as he confidently puffs out his chest in declaring you missed him. Which is true but how tf he know that?- Yk what who cares. "Go put back the milk." "But-!" "No but's Deku." He's literally sulking, eyes to the floor as he pouts turning to reluctantly give the milk man back his delivery, and clothes ig :(( BUT THEN "And hurry back, it's my day off and as far as I'm concerned, my property is off the towns border." "Meaning?" "Meaning, if your fast enough your food will still be hot" He RUNS. Like literally little cloud of smoke in the shape of him and everything. When he gets back he realizes you weren't joking. Whole home cooked meal and everything. (If u cant cook than imagine u got horse uber eats or sumth??)
He's vry grateful, even plants a lil kiss on the top of ur head when he walks in. To which you promptly try to ignore in hopes of not making a fool of urself. He probably thinks he's dreaming cause if it were up to him he wouldn't leave. Screw breaking the law he wants to break out a ring and get down on one knee. Hehe I love him. But lets not keep the others waiting shall we? Now Izuku wants to stay but you tell him he needs to scram cause u have things to be doing. He's understanding, bidding you farewell before heading into town to do whatever. So here u are, alone, doing ur thing. When all of a sudden u hear knocking. Weird. You decide to ignore it and eventually it stops. It's not until someone comes running to your door, banging down the door screaming that someone is running around town shooting in the center and I quote this next bit- "Telling 'extra's' to come out and fight him like a man" Yea safe to say u know who this is. So being so nice u head into town ON UR DAY OFF TOO to sort out this mess. And there he is, standing on a barrel in the middle of town is Dynamight, gun out and pointing at what your assuming is some poor bystander. Now you know Bakugou. And as fond of the blonde as you may be, your not the type of person to allow violence, ESSP in ur own town outside ur damn office. So you do something about it. Now he's yelling and cussin all over the place unaware of you standing directly behind him. You don't bother to try gain his attention, instead pressing the cool barrel of your gun to his back. Even through his thick coat he knows that pressure, that familiar sense is one that's not so easily shaken. He goes silent, mouth turned up despite the drying sensation in his throat. He lowers his gun, chucking it to the side. "Took you long enough." The town goes silent watching as the blonde menace steps down from his makeshift throne while you cuff him. Mind u he's smirking during the whole thing. Izuku is watching this from the bar, rolling his eye whole you throw Bakugou in his cell. Stupid sillies. AN- this has been rotting in my drafts for like a week so here. It is vry unfinished but idc lmao
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honoringthehorrific · 20 days
I watched Alien: Romulus and here's what I thought!
As always friends Spoilers under the cut!...👽
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Gosh first can I apologize for not being as active recently? I've seen this movie 3 times and am just now getting to writing my review! Might as well torch me now! haha. Seriously though I'd like to stay active on this blog it's just hard to find stuff to talk about sometimes when I come away from these movies. I'd like to start this off by saying this is going to be a pretty glowing review. If you haven't seen Romulus, or any of the alien movies...What the hell are you doing here??? Get out! Go see it! If for some reason you cant get out and go see it please spare yourself spoilers until you can find it on streaming! This franchise from what i've seen so far is one of my favorites. If you love sci-fi, body horror, bad ass female leads, or slimy slithering creatures in general you should really give this one a chance.
I feel like a lot of people wanna talk about this so lets get it out of the way. Rook. The artificial person we meet when things start heating up. Obviously he is a CGI rendition of Ash's actor from the first movie Ian Holm. You may be screaming at me right now about ethics. How this took a job from an actor. How technology is bad because it's going to take work from actors. I hear you. I was on the fence about this too. In truth AI replacing human workers is a topic near and dear to my heart because it's something that worries me as an artist myself. However, Reading about how Alvarez got permission from Holm's widow. How Holm felt almost blacklisted from hollywood after so many years in the sci-fi and fantasy genres. It made my opinion of this soften. If that makes you disregard my review or even me as a person I understand. I'm happy I was able to give you my thoughts and that you gave me your time. Now, The CGI of Holm's face is....not the best? His eyes and mouth move strangely if you pay too close of attention however it was something I could easily ignore as the movie progressed. Overall however with the other effects I think this movie did very well! I loved the way the facehuggers looked and moved and we even got to see up close the egg laying...tube...thing? Forgive me I'm not well versed in facehugger anatomy. The chest burster actually having to work to burrow it's way out and the xenomorph's acid just all of it felt really great! I only very recently watched the second alien movie and I intend to watch the rest of the alien sequels in the near future so don't be upset with me! However it seems like if you've only seen the first two this one will make plenty sense. I've seen people complain about the pacing being really slow and the only thing I really have to say to that is...The first two movies, at least to me, felt equally as "slow." However I wouldn't necessarily say this is a slow movie! It kept me interested each step of the way. Usually I hate watching something that feels like it's dragging it's feet so I feel like if the movie were truly a drag someone with my attention span would have noticed. On the subject of noticing things this movie has a TON of fan service and nostalgia. There's quotes from the previous films, Visual references, and even a nod to the video game Isolation! Some people really lay on a lot of flack for that kind of thing but it's been 7 years since the last alien movie so it's kind of something I expected if that makes sense? Also If it's something I love, I'm usually a sucker for fan service! Yeah some of the quotes felt kinda off in the dialogue (Personally when Andy says he prefers the term artificial person, That felt like an off moment to me? I could be nit picking but it just felt like it didn't flow with the previous dialogue.) But over all I liked easter egg hunting on my second and third watch. In terms of characters there were some misses like Navarro where I really wanted to learn more about her but we don't really get the chance. We see and learn a lot about Andy and Raine's relationship as siblings but its hard to tell what the other's relationships are to each other until they outright say or are on their deathbeds.
Overall I liked the effects, the action, the pacing and the characters. It did fall flat in some spaces but honestly I think it's one of my favorite movies of the year next to Immaculate. 4.5/5 Facehuggers!
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Hi welcome to the Hellp Desk this is hell, where my truama is chronic but my sass is iconic
Hello! Im Cadet! This is a fanblog for Hells Belles on Tik Tok, focusing on mainly Incorrect Qoutes, but maybe other things such as original fan art (made by yours truely), Capcut templates with the main cast, aesthetics, fanworks/headcannons, and other stuff!
Incorrect qoutes submitted by others is absolutely allowed and encouraged!
Helles bells is a series that covers things such as Reglious trauma, child abuse, substance abuse, homo/transphobia, child loss among other things. This may be referenced in the blog and while this blog is lighthearted, if those things upset you then I understand if you cant stay around for the ride.
In saying that, this Blog is 16+. This is hell after all and spicy content may be referenced or stated (no explicit NSFW but if you’re bothered by the word sex then this also isn’t for you)
ANY PROSHIPPERS AND BIGOTS WILL IMMEDIATELY BE BLOCKED. There’s a special place on level nine waiting for you.
All ships here are the canonical ones in Hells Belles. (Lilly x Bell, Penny x Greg, Sharkie x Violence, ect.) so no crack shipping here
We have at least one Garenteed incorrect qoute a day at 5:00 pm (MST). Others may be shattered through the day as inspiration strikes
If the original source isnt specified, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me where the original source is so proper credit can be provided. All quotes come from all corners of the internet so credit may have been lost in translation
The tag 🔥sticky sausages🔥 is for… content that may allude to the mattress mambo if you will.
The tag Art Style Envy is for all reblogged artwork of Hells Belles. Go support the original artist!
The tag Tea time with Judy is reblogged content that revolves around the Belles themselves that doesn’t have anything to do with art
The tag Cadet art is Orginal art done by me!
The tag Cadet Chats is when it’s exclusively me talking to you guys.
And finally, the most important rule of all: if i say anything misinformed, ignorant, or something that bothers you, please let me know so that i can take accountability and fix it. I am not religious or have religious trauma (only secondhand). And while i dont talk about religion itself, i dont want to say anything potentially ignorant.
And with that said, Welcome to hell!
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kumraa · 3 months
Quotes and Prompts I Found in the Deepest Parts of my Imagination
So that you can write them and then at me WA HO!!
There is both English and Turkish quotes
The pronouns dont matter
Feel free to add lines or delete lines from these quotes however works ur way to spark that imaginative and creative fire in ya ~3 <3
There is night sky on my balcony window
I stare at it to see the stars
Since you no longer belong
“I think I’ve lived multiple lifetimes in the dreams that I forgot and I would live hundreds more if it meant I could make you feel better.”
“Ortada sıçan hiç bir takıma ait değildir sürekli ortada oynar, vurulana kadar koşturur durur, yapayalnız ve yorgun. Sana yakışıyor değil mi?”
“Ne demek istiyorsun!?”
“Yakan top oynayalım diyorum [isim] ve sen ortada sıçansın”
(Bonus points if the hero is tied and is fighting their chains while getting angry)
“Hayatım bir gün farklı bir düşünce düşünüp de onun üstüne gitseydim tamamen değişirdi… Doğru bir anda doğru bir postere, videoya, bir kediye bile rastlasaydım bunların hiçbiri olmayacaktı seni kahraman çakması, hiçbiri.”
Elini aşağından yukarıya doğru eğimle çekerken büyüsüyle karanlıktan bir kılıç oluşturdu, kılıcın demiriyle kulpunun buluştuğu yerde bir yıldız parlıyordu.
“Ve şimdi bunun acısını benle birlikte siz de çekeceksiniz.”
(Bonus points if villains magic hurts the villain too)
Let her be she is someone who dosent know what she is yet.
“No I would not want to fall in love with you on every universe. I want to experience different things different loves and different people. You are my savior yes but you aren’t my everything.”
“I would save you every time I saw you.”
“You dont know what that means.”
“Yes but I would be willing to learn.”
“You also dont know what that means now do you?”
“You dont want me to learn dont you?”
“You think love is unconditional?” He scoffed. “Think again”
“You have not learned what it means to breathe yet.”
“You cant learn the meaning behind everything teach.”
She looked at her student with a raised eyebrow.
“Do you believe your own words?”
A good artist dosen’t require delicate hands
A good writer dosen’t require poetic words
“I wont repeat these words neither will you, listen to me carefully. Suffering is self inflicted. Don’t you dare forget this my child.”
“I will not let u discover what I mean by existing.”
“What the fuck are you talking about we are at Chuck E. Cheese.”
(Fuck u mean u brought me to Chuck E. Cheese rant about ur existential crisis?)
(Bonus points if one of them there are magical properties involved and one of them is a time traveler
Extra bonus points if the Chuck E. Cheese is a canon event)
“That is not a flaw, that was a choice. Learn the difference.”
“And I treat him like a human, something I cant understand.”
“What am I to you then? Since you can understand me.”
He looked at him with a serene expression, smiling fondly with his eyes closed.
“One of my kind.”
“Your nature demands attention [name] don’t hide from it.”
(Bonus points if its a queer metaphor)
A smart mind is wasted in front of ignorance.
“I can’t crush your soul but I can drown you in the regrets of your past mistakes.”
(Some continuation of prompt 8)
“What you dont know will be your enemy. Be prepared.”
A life spent well under the promise of forever.
The speed at which dreams crumble.
“What a lovely dream you had. It’s time to wake up.”
A snap of fingers, the sound echoing in the empty room, fierce eyes that tear apart souls, rough hands scarred and calloused, gripping the weapon that brings the ends of thousands, a spell, uttered from dried and devout lips, it brings a flood an end to ignorance.
All in which tears apart the deviants.
“Wake up to a new morning, and the right god.”
THE ENDD WA HOOO!! Lemme know if u enjoyed these and tag me once u write them GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY WRITING!!!!
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
Scorpios : Vulnerability & The Hidden Force Inside Them
Scorpios have this polarizing power in them that not many can describe but it can be felt. this is why people are 'intimidated' by them because these people are very aware of themselves and the powers they hold in their bodies. Even if a Scorpio isn't fully aware of how to use it or may even be scared of its own potential the people they encounter can feel it from a mile away.
This is scary for some scorpios though, they may not admit that but some have a hard time expressing it due to childhood traumas and being seen as different from their peers because of this power they tend to hold it in a treasure box and lock away the key for what seems like forever.
As they grow, if they never allow the power to surface it could show in illness, mental health issues, poor appetite and self-hate. They almost want to 'die' but at some point they would already feel 'dead' before it actually comes. if they never allow themselves to fully express their power they would wither away and truly die.
Im not dramatic here, they are the butterflies, the snakes, and the scorpions of the zodiac. What happens if the butterfly is too scared to leave the cocoon? it dies. What happens if the snake doesnt go through its shedding phase? it dies.
You die, when you decide that transforming is too much, too painful for you. All that fear you let wallow inside and youre too scared to see the other side? You literally come from there.
Scorpios are hyper aware of the spiritual realm and what lingers in this physical realm we live in. We all refer to them as 'psychic' however scorpios have always been connected to with themselves to know when someone is off, seeing things before it happens, and having a understanding of the human psyche helps them with this psychic abilities. I put quotes around psychic because most scorpios will tell you their not 'psychic' their just able to see what all of you choose to ignore. whats 'hidden' is open in plain sight. you just have to know what youre looking for.
Scorpios get around to holding secrets from a young age due to learning why we do what we do. you may have seen a 5 year old express to you something that they shouldn't have known in the first place. but their abilities to see into the unknown gets them there. thats what makes them 'scary'.
I used a 5 year old as an example because most scorpios did live this life, you knew waaaaaaay to much at this age and as you grew you started to wonder what the human minds are capable of holding, you've learn to 'study' people. So much so that if you knew if someone would try to study you, you'd hold back and make sure they cant enter into your mind-body-soul like you can with them. I mean, you've been mastering this at an early age. you know the ropes around it. you know how vulnerable it is to see someone way into their unconscious mind. because thats what you do.
I refer to Scorpios as the walking shadow because man, you do the shadow work even when people are in front of you. they just dont see you. That invisible force they carry in them is what magnetizes people to them. Its like "what is that? I feel it but I dont see it... im not sure if its good or bad but I might want to find out" <<<<< this is the vibe people have with you almost all your life. At some point you find out this is so people could mimic, steal or try to categorize you but they dont know what it takes to even BE you. they didnt go through the ropes to find yourself the way you did. they didnt go through the pain, trauma, fear, sadness, psychotic breakdowns and darkness that you went through just to evolve and get here.
They dont understand what it takes to go into your subconscious and continue to heal wounds that you yourself didn't put there. it takes a lot to be you. nobody can compare.
What I will say with you guys though, is that you have to stop hiding the main parts of you that make up most of your power.
Yes I know its scary. Not for you but too others, because they dont understand themselves so they won't be able to understand the power you possess. thats not your problem.
we need the healing that comes from your snake like aura. Did I mention snakes are healing too? there bite isn't just venomous, they can also be very healing for others given the right antidote.
That special 'thing' you locked away needs to be heard, seen, and flourishing. We need you. Vulnerability is not always easy, but its the part of our healing stage that makes us stronger !
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“Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz”: The one. You.
I think Ted’s interpretation of this word was very different from the reality. I dont think there is something like a concept of finding “The One” for you. I dont call myself a realist, but nor am i a dreamer. Ted’s “the one” was Tracy, but his heart belonged to Robin. Does that mean humans are meant to always fall in love with someone they can’t have? Does that mean we are destined to be doomed? Or are we loved lost cause? Franz Kafka was loved, Augustus waters was loved, Anne Frank was loved. Hell even hitler was loved. What i mean to say is that the concept of finding your soulmate is fucked up coping mechanism for hopeless romantics that go through sleepless nights imagining about their person. But then Ted didn’t give up after failing multiple times with Robin. He held to her so tight that the thought of ever letting go didn’t occur.
But i like to think that if im ever wrong about this one, or if i have failed to understand love worse than others, if i have miserably disappointed all the love gods that exist or to ever exist, if there is a lebenslangerschicksalsschatz to me, i imagine it to be you. To quote LANY, “you’re the sun to the moon, you’re my ocean painted blue.” That is what i see when i see you.
I like to think that the god didn’t envy me enough to lack me of you, that i liked me a little better because you did. That i would fill you of this hope any moment of anyday that i have deprived myself of, that i would ignore my own just to give you yours. You are a flower in the concrete that he talks about.
And how I wouldn’t mind becoming a Nirvana of a universe forgetting all my fears and my thoughts. How i would rear my way back to all the nightmares i can remember and just how i would forget knowing what makes me happy to let you have what i cant. This is not a writing on love, because i wouldn’t let us ever have that, because i wouldnt want to have you in my almosts. I dont think if there is anything greater than to give up on the idea of such, because if you’d know me, you’d know how much i run from regret, you’d know that i would kill to empty myself from regret forever. But for you i wouldn’t mind regretting. For you i wouldn’t mind being a little more terrified than I already am, and so for you i wouldn’t mind going away.
This is what i think Robin felt for Ted. What Summer felt for Tom. What Klaus felt for Victoria(how i met your mother). This is what i think Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz means.
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bihansthot · 1 year
Question, how comes everyone forgets all the good Bi-Han has done as soon as his death is mentioned? Hanzo has killed people, repeatedly over and over again, due to his vengeance but nobody outright calls him evil.
Bi-Han’s backstory is incredibly tragic once you think about it, but its not nearly as focused on when referring to his character. Hanzo’s tragedy is his character while Bi-Han’s tragedy is more of a “fun fact” category.
I just don’t understand why people think Bi-Han is so evil and irredeemable. Even in the intros for MK1, yes he was being arrogant and rude but that doesnt mean he’s irredeemable? Asshole ≠ Evil. But if you check the comments everyones like “theres the evilness, cant wait for noob saibot”, as if Bi-Han has 0 positive traits.
And also, how come people ignore what Scorpion did because Bi-Han was a “evil” person. He was hardly evil and he was on the path to redemption, just like Scorpion not too long ago. Scorpion killed Bi-Han brutally over a crime he did not commit, thats wrong no matter how much you try and break your back to excuse. Yes he promised to protect Kuai Liang as payment, but barely anybody addresses it in the games.
Even this quote from the intro dialogues
Noob: I was killed unjustly
Raiden: and for that, Raiden lost my trust
Noob: that is not justice.
You can TELL that Noob is still pissed at his death and at everyone for suddenly having amnesia over it.
All of this! ALL OF THIS!! No one ever talks about Scorpion being a cold blooded assassin too but like spoilers the Shirai Ryu are not the good guys. They’re assassins just like the Lin Kuei. Just because Hanzo had a wife and child does not mean he was a good man just like being a dick doesn’t man Bi-Han a bad man. He’s had an unimaginable life full of pain, suffering, gore and death from a very, very young age how can you not expect him to be a bit of a prick? It’s most likely his defense mechanism for dealing with all the horror he’s seen in his life. They’re two sides of the same coin. I don’t know people who think Bi-Han is evil rub me the wrong way tbh and I assume the majority of them have never played or watched a play through of MKM: SZ, which I really encourage everyone to do at some point. Is he kind of dumb and easy to manipulate? Yes. Is he evil? No. If he was evil he wouldn’t have gone after the amulet to stop Shinnok, he also wouldn’t have been worried about his soul when Raiden mentions it corrupted. Bi-Han literally saves Earthrealm from Shinnok and some how he’s the bad guy?? Whereas Scorpion never saves anyone and he’s a good guy?? Make it make sense. Please note I’m not trying to shit on Hanzo I’m just pointing out that he has done really bad shit too but he’s not held accountable for it.
Another thing I think we need to point out is Scorpion’s inability to control his rage always leads to a bad situation. Quan Chi manipulates him, he kills Bi-Han, boom now he has Noob hunting down his ass. Gets revenge on Quan Chi, now everyone who was a revenant has no chance to become human again, he dooms so many kharacters to live as mindless servants, but please tell me about him being your precious sunflower who’s never done anything wrong. ….I’m sorry that was kind of mean.
All I’m trying to get at is that it’s not fair that Bi-Han is labeled as evil just because he’s an arrogant douche. Scorpion has done just as bad of shit if not worse things than Bi-Han has so if you’re going to insist Bi-Han is evil then you have to admit Scorpion is too.
Again please don’t take this as me hating on or dragging Scorpion, that’s not my intention, it’s just to show that no matter how kind they seem an assassin is still an assassin and does horrible things.
Also Noob being salty is totally justified and I’d be salty AF too.
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6kate1bishop6 · 2 years
okay so i rewatched the batman for like the 5th time last night / this morning and i was having too many thoughts to put them all as a letterboxd comment so here are all my little semi connected ramblings on the film 
starting off strong with right at the start the drophead guy that tried to rob the convenience store, its just so interesting to me that he was scared of the batman even when he wasnt there and so he ran back into the street and got hit by a police car but the police just yelled at him like they didnt try to stop him or anything -- metaphor for how the batman is offering solutions and providing suspects for the police and stuff but theyre too corrupt to do anything about it ? maybe 
it’s the whole system -- just that quote is so good, i should remember who said it considering i literally watched the film 2 hours ago i think it was gil but again super good line just encompassing the fact that the gotham justice system does not offer justice, it is corrupt down to its core and it is failing the people 
bruce wayne my blorbo this is just a point about how smart he is and like he just catches on to things but its interesting because he can understand how the riddlers brain works also when bruce punched jim and then jim was like you couldve pulled that punch and bruce was like i did he is so im just kind of obsessed with the fact that he trains for this and its just interesting anyway point about my poor little meow meow over back to analysis 
the good cop batshit cop contrasted with brains and brawn -- bruce and jim work together well, they bounce ideas off eachother especially in that scene with the penguim and the way when jim pretended to side with his captain (??? i cant remember) bruce was like et tu? and then that contrasted with batman and the riddler the way riddler thinks hes working with bruce because they both understand a fundamental aspect of eachother and sure bruce is on the same wavelength as him sometimes but its only to track him down and riddler just completely does not realise 
when alfred intercepts the assassination attempt and the card reads see you in hell, i feel like that wouldve twisted the knife even more; im not 100% familiar with the original deaths of martha + thomas but the whole senseless crime thing kind of echoes here, like all the other cards to the batman had a cypher or a clue or something but this is just senseless hatred that has no obvious lead for bruce to chase up 
he mindmaps, i just like that its fun its fresh hes just like me fr 
the way bruce and the riddler are tied together, like in the small things with the diaries but also theyre obviously both orphans and they can understand eachother, they were both born out of tragedy and that was the renewal fund and thomas + marthas deaths, where bruce was left without a mother or father alone in the world (ignoring alfred, as bruce did) the riddler was left without hope, they both use fear, though the batman uses it as a deterrant whereas the riddler uses it as inspiration and almost thrives off it 
the way bruce misses the tucker, the carpet tool, showing that even if he fights for the city, even if he walks its streets, he is still a billionaire in a bat suit and there will be experiences and little things that he does not know and that shape his personality and the way he solves crimes 
the way the batman begins with the whole i am vengeance thing but comes to realise that he needs to be a symbol of hope, someone for people to fall back on as he ends in the movie, the realisation as he hears his words come from someone wanting to cause only pain and immediatly sacrificing himself by cutting the electric thingy and falling into the water just seconds later 
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91vaults · 9 months
What sparked your last breakup and what has got you hung up about it?
Ok I'm sorry but this is gonna be long.
breakup comes literately out of nowhere, one of those "i cant be in a relationship right now" things, ( ill call her Dianne ) had a rather blaze attitude to mental health where you just have your coping mechanisms and power through, except (and this is just my perspective on what happened) the coping mechanisms stopped working and I think they freaked out and quote " I can't be the girlfriend you deserve" and "I have to let you go". things had always been very cruisy ...so it was odd that the second she felt she had to address some MH issues she just decided it was best to cut and run? that doesn't usually happen like that. Everyone I spoke too after the fact was as confused as I was...even the psychologist I was seeing at the time was like "wut?"
I said I would support them through it but no....and it was very much framed in terms of ME and what I needed...which was a bit of a mind fuck because for someone to do that and then just not listen when you try and say otherwise is...a well meaning but kind of cruel thing to do, Dianne had a habit of making assumptions and running with them...and it felt like they got this notion the night before that I was better off regardless of how I actually felt
They got really fixated on the idea of my "next girlfriend" and it would all be ok because the "next girlfriend" would retroactively fix everything. And then proceeded to tell me about what my next girlfriend should be like...superficial shit I didn't care about. It also deeply hurt me that she told me I should be with someone into fashion and tattoo's and such like me, which made me feel like it was going to be an issue with every person I dated and just completely ignores what I actually value in a partner.
Imagine your at the vet and your dog is getting put down and as the vet is putting in the needle they say "yeah look this dog isn't the right dog for you, your NEXT dog is gonna be great. You should get a terrier...you're more of a terrier person" like holy shit let me just deal with whats happening right now.
I know she's someone who moves on from things very quickly and I don't think they actually understand how people work sometimes (I also don't think she's been on the receiving end of a major breakup) , so she might have just assumed I'd be like her and be sad about for like 4 weeks and get straight on the apps.
I had no Idea things had gotten to that point...and they never spoke to me about ANYTHING. So instead of being able to work on things (eg: her anxiety about money and me liking to buy things..perhaps too much) they just decided nope, I don't want to hold you back from the things you like...referencing past conversations and I just couldn't tell her otherwise.
What was so awful she was trying to spare me from? supporting and compromising are normal things even if it doesn't work out. Nothing could have been worse than those months after..I'm still a bit fucked up inside and it might take a year from the date of breakup for me to get past that.
We met up when I felt the time was right, 5 months (possibly earlier) she apparently felt better and was back on the apps...had gone on a visit to her home country and was on the apps there...and that's ok I knew that would be the case, but I wouldn't be human if it didn't cut me a little. She hadn't been for years and I think it made her want to go back and work there...which I am happy for her, maybe I was holding her back in that way, but it also hurts. I'm too that things didn't always align. Before COVID she had intended to move to Melbourne, but circumstances changed and she bought s house here..seemed she wanted to settle down. I felt lucky, but also had often had thoughts of wanting to move there. Now she wants to move to where she grew up in and do all these cool things (like go to pride in taiwan later in the year) and I feel like there's too much to give up if I moved, especially because I feel I'm finally finding my feet, I'm happy here but this is a small city, if she leaves then do all the people I'd want to be with leave? is this not the place for them? will I never find somone? we all get those thoughts of "am I too scared to be bold"?
Don't get me wrong, I am someone who takes things very hard. a breakup would have been devastating either way but this is worse. If it had been because she felt there were irrevocable differences then I could understand that (and there may have been) if it was because she wanted to go back to where she grew up then I would understand that. if our plans didn't align then I would understand that. But this? it haunts me to think that it only happened because she decided on my behalf. Like I was an exotic bird that needed to be let out of its cage instead of a person. It haunts me to think that if I had said "Hey I deserve better than this lets at least talk about it" then at the very least I would have understood better
I am genuinely happy for the most part, and I genuinely don't want to get back on the apps. But true at the same time I'm a bit fucked up when it comes to the idea of dating because for part of me to not date is to exercise agency because I had it all stripped away.
and I guess that's the thing, its the way it happened and it's partially the why. It's essentially the absolute worst way to be broken up with.
They didn't do me a favor. The fact is sometimes stuff happens and it sucks. Sometimes it sucks more for one person than the other, and sometimes things suck for a little while before they get better (like dating, that can really fucking suck sometimes) and that's OK and to try and spin it and insist it's all gonna be better and great right after the fact just hurts. The previous relationship doesn't have to be worse for the next one to be good
We are still friends (I took a break and waited until the time was right to initiate contact) , and the friendship feels right and when we're together I'm not upset (maybe a little pang when they mention dating but that's normal) it's only when I'm alone and having the conversation in my head do I spiral a bit . They haven't really talked about or acknowledged anything...but that's a very Dianne thing to do.
But the good thing is once the time is right we can have that conversation, and once that hanging thread is delt with then I'll be able to shut the door on the matter (hopefully depending on how the convo goes).
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sanfielle · 2 years
how are trans masc people inherently privileged? not all of us are cis passing binary trans men who have Male Privilege ™ and actively most of us face a lot of violence and hatred as well. why cant we be a united trans front instead of playing privilege war?
disclaimer: i am tme so my opinion and interpretation is colored by this, if any transfems want to comment please feel welcome to do so. this is probably the only anon i'll answer in my inbox because i feel it might be the only one in some good faith, and even if it's not, it at least asks concise questions i can answer lol.
acknowledging how transmasc - and all tme trans people, yes, this can even include amab nonbinary people if they don't identify with the transfeminine label - have privilege over transfems isn't antithetical to having a United Trans Front at all. our goals can still be united while we also acknowledge and tackle transmisogyny in our midst - if anything, we CANNOT have a united trans front if we ignore transmisogyny and don't allow discussion of it!
an overwhelming amount of SOCIETAL transphobia is directed towards transfems too. while it's undeniable all trans people experience transphobia on some levels (i'm fucking trans), if you look at the way society as a whole is thinking of us, you'll see the true target is majority transfem people, and we're either an afterthought or we've somehow been groomed by those evil transfem people into this ideology or whatever.
all the bathroom bills in the US, all the drag storytime stuff (which also affects gnc men ofc, but the concern is 'people with penises being feminine is inherently grooming kids', which also lumps in transfems with them), an entire hate movement founded around hating "men who think they're women" is DIRECTED at transmisogyny affected people - the boogeywoman is a gal with a cock.
the woman who coined the term "transmisogyny" (julia serano) says in her book whipping girl:
"when the majority of jokes made at the expense of trans people center on 'men wearing dresses' or 'men who want their penises cut off' that is not transphobia – it is transmisogyny. When the majority of violence and sexual assaults committed against trans people is directed at trans women, that is not transphobia – it is transmisogyny."
sure, that pity that us afab trans people get from these same bigots is infuriating - we aren't confused, we aren't stupid, we haven't been groomed into this, we aren't mutilating ourselves, we aren't mentally ill, etc, etc - but it's undeniable that being treated like a tragic, confused Wombyn or a poor baby girl who just wants to escape misogyny is not nearly as severe as being treated like a rapist just for having a dick and wearing a skirt regardless of how old you are.
especially when that is on a societal level - it's inescapable, it's been baked into our society since day 1. you may not be aware of it, i can't even be aware of it, but just because we can't see our own transmisogyny cooked into our brains doesn't mean it doesn't exist. we as tme people are the least equipped to identify it -- this is why we need tma people to have their own language about it, so that they can point it out to us. if you can understand a similar but unrelated concept of the difference between the intricate details of racism V colorism, this is the idea of it.
you don't even need male privilege to be privileged over transfems. i'm a tme nonbinary intersex butch lesbian! i'm a woman (heavy quotes)! i don't have any kind of male privilege at all and i literally never will! but i still have privilege over every transfem, no matter how cis-passing and conforming they are, because every 'man in a dress' joke will never be about me. there's never going to be a world where that's about me, or you, or anyone else who doesn't experience transmisogyny - hence, we're transmisogyny exempt.
so yeah, even being trans doesn't mean you can escape being transmisogynist (no matter what way that trans is short of being tma yourself, no matter how cis passing or binary you are, no matter your gender identity), and holding this privilege over transfems - just like being any other minority or experiencing hate and violence doesn't just let you off the hook for being bigoted towards others. letting transfems make language to talk about and point out transmisogyny in our spaces is vital to allowing us to understand each other and uplift all of us equally.
otherwise we're just building a space that transfems would never be safe in - destroying that goal for your United Trans Front.👍
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