#like baby I love you let me do the talking keep the marbles out of your mouth honey it’s ok
belle-of-a-time · 1 year
Other American people tend to say Voila like Walla and they cannot hear the difference between Walla and the French prononciation “vwäˈlä” and I never learn my lesson and always try to correct people and every single time it’s “there is no difference between what we’re saying” BRO where is the fucking V it’s little but not nonexistent we are not saying the same thing you fool. It should not upset me this much I’m not even French I’m just a bitch.
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thetypingpup · 10 months
I see glasses on a guy and I think he's the type to fuck you stupid, braincells falling out of your head, losing your marbles in real time, and he kisses your temple and coos to you all sweetly like "I know baby, I know" while you're babbling barely coherent barely breathing let alone speaking, just going through the most intense pleasure you've ever felt while he effortlessly keeps up a steady pace and holds you in place.
Just the type to be like "that's it baby, there you go. Just let go for me. Let go and take it, pretty girl. Just a little more for me." Just absolutely fucking railing you while stroking your hair and anchoring you with affection.
Imagine this with Seonghwa, his dark eyes staring down at you behind his glasses, while he hums to you in his deep voice, "There you go baby, take this cock. Aww, what's wrong? Can't talk? Oh, well I need you to breathe for me. Can you do that pretty girl?"
"I know it feels good, I know it does baby." Seonghwa murmurs with a smile that's equal parts endearing and arrogant, so self satisfied and absolutely reveling in your wanton reactions. He loves the way you writhe beneath him, how your body twists and jerks in response to the pleasure he gives you, how a particularly deep thrust can make you arch off the desk and claw at the hard wood with scrambling hands.
Fuck he loves doing this with you. He can never get enough of you, the way you ripple around his cock and envelop him in your silken heat, how you get so wet that your juices completely soak his cock and spill onto both of your thighs, how fucking pretty you look taking his cock like this. He loves to witness the sight of your braincells leaving in real time, your eyes clouding over and growing hazy and unfocused before the effort to keep them open becomes too much and you slide them closed. He loves to watch you fall apart for him, so much so it's almost hard to concentrate on fucking you and making you feel even more overwhelming pleasure. Almost. His pride and his lust collide to form his absolutely ardent want for you, a craving that leads him between your legs over and over again.
"Think you can take me deeper, baby?" You hear through your haze of lust and desire. You're barely aware of the sounds you're making, barely able to feel the sharp puffs of air that surely indicate you're making some sort of noise. All you feel is his cock delving into you over and over again and the resulting bursts of pleasure, and his hand stroking the side of your face, his thumb resting right on your cheek and his palm cradling your jaw. You turn your head into his hand, your legs starting to get tired from the effort of keeping them open. He notices this, his other hand clutching your inner thigh to keep your legs spread for him. He starts thrusting deeper, stars dancing at the edge of your vision as you whine in bliss, panting raggedly.
"There you go, pretty girl. I knew you could take it." He whispers his praise against your sweat covered brow, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. The tenderness melts into an newfound wave of immense pleasure as he grinds his cock deep inside you, stimulating multiple points of pleasure with every roll of his hips. You're practically sobbing now, gasping out sharp whines as your hips twist and jerk against him, only to be held in place by his strong grasp.
His lips make their way down your temple, down the side of your face, down the side of your neck, in the form of slow, methodical kisses, languid enough to let the heat of each kiss seep into your skin. He hums to you the whole time, grinding into you, just enjoying your pussy, "Mmm, you feel so good, baby. I could fuck you like this all day. Just keep you wrapped around my cock. You'd like that wouldn't you?"
And you nod, because even though you're overwhelmed to the point of tears welling up in your eyes, you've never felt more pleasure than when he fucks you like this.
Something about guys in glasses who know exactly what they're doing makes the brain go brr 🥶
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reverie-starlight · 4 months
{beautiful liar- m. atsumu}
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gn!reader, no physical descriptions. highly suggestive at the end <3
it’s my birthday month, would you expect anyone other than atsumu to be the main focus?
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atsumu thinks you’re beautiful when you lie to him.
the subtle strain of your facial features as you try to keep your expression neutral makes his heart beat faster in his chest.
he can’t help but feel fondness for you, even as you stand before him with the blood still on your hands. even after you’ve hurt him beyond repair, he can’t help but admire your quirks and tells and how hard you fight to keep his trust.
he places his hands on the countertop and lets the coolness of the marble bring him back to reality.
“I’ll ask you one more time,” he tries again, silently pleading with you to have mercy on him and finally cut him down from your web of lies.
“baby, do you know where my gym bag is or not?”
he watches as your expression cracks just a bit. you’re trying so hard not to break as you shake your head.
he thinks you’re absolutely stunning when you tilt your head down to hide the smile that finally cuts through.
“angel…” he warns, like he’s trying to keep a child from doing something they shouldn’t be. “look at me, please.”
he can’t help but laugh a little when your eyes meet his again and he sees that you’re tearing up from the effort.
it’s a known fact that you’re not a good liar unless the situation is… dire. you wear your heart on your sleeve, and that’s an admirable quality. atsumu has the same one, and he’s learned to like it on himself a bit more since loving it on you.
but he still grew up a twin, and even if he can’t hide his stronger emotions, he is most definitely a better liar than you.
(something he never lets you forget when he exploits your horrible poker face. like right now.)
“yes, ‘tsum?”
he shakes his head and smiles. “don’t ‘‘tsum’ me. I know ya hid my bag. don’t even try to lie to me, ya literally can’t.”
you finally let out a laugh of your own and he wonders if there are stars in his eyes making you shine this way, or if you’re just like that.
the butterflies in his stomach start fluttering again when you get up from the bar stool and walk to his side of the kitchen island.
you wrap your arms around his neck and he doesn’t think twice before letting his hands settle on your hips.
“I guess I can tell you where your bag is for a small fee.”
he raises an eyebrow. “oh can ya? how generous.”
you blow some air in his eye at his remark. “the fee is a kiss.”
“hmm, I don’t know if you deserve one after lying to me for a full ten minutes. well-“ he stops to correct himself. “attempting to lie to me.”
you gasp, but he knows you’re still being playful. “excuse me? never mind, I take it back, you’re not getting that bag today.”
“sweetheart~” he holds you tighter against him when you start to pull away and starts peppering kisses against your cheek.
“don’t you start sweet talking me, miya. it won’t work.”
he sighs and throws his head back. he’s not truly annoyed- he makes that clear with the easy, lovesick expression on his face- but he at least wants to know why you’re trying so hard to keep him home.
“baby. what’s going on with ya? is everything okay?”
you nod a little and he hates that his words cause you to frown. if his hands weren’t so comfortable on your hips, he’d bring one up to smooth out your forehead. “yeah… I’m sorry I’m making you late, I just miss you.”
his eyes widen. the new season has just started, so he’s been trying to get back into the swing of things. he loves going to practice, and he loves the new beginnings every start of the season brings, really he does.
but he hates the transition period between spending most of his time with you to having to find a healthy balance again.
of course you always reassure him that you understand it takes a minute to adjust, but that doesn’t mean he feels good about the unintentional neglect that can come from it.
he rubs his nose against your cheek. “baby, I’m sorry,” he starts. “ya know I don’t like being away for too long.”
your bottom lip juts out the tiniest bit and he leans in to kiss it. “I know… and I also know it’s selfish to keep you here because I’m feeling lonely… guess I’ve just been a little needier than usual lately.”
he thinks back to how you’ve practically been hanging off of him this whole week. he was a little confused by it, sure, but more so he’s been eating up all the attention and indulging you as much as possible.
taking in a deep breath, he makes a split second decision that will definitely have consequences later- good or bad, he won’t know until they come to pass.
but he knows whatever the outcome, it’ll be more than worth it just because he gets to see you smile now while carrying you to the sofa.
“atsumu! what are you doing?!“
“screw the gym bag, I’m staying here with you today.”
you gasp at his words and a panicked look washes over your face. “wait, no, that’s not what I was getting at-“
he shushes you. “no no, listen. it’s early in the season. we don’t have any games scheduled for a long while, yet and I stayed late last night. one day off won’t hurt, I’ll just go in earlier tomorrow.”
if his younger self could hear him now, he’d probably throw a fit, but he’s older and wiser and his angel needs him, so this is obviously the only logical solution.
your eyes gloss over with adoration, and there’s no room left inside of him for the guilt from skipping a day that he’s been building up for years.
he feels good about his decision to make you a priority. he felt good about it years ago when he asked you out and he gets the feeling he’ll feel good about it twenty years from now, wherever the both of you are by that point.
nothing could ever make him regret making you his top priority. you’ve given him so much, it’s only right that he does the same for you.
“thank you, ‘tsum,” you say after a while of just existing together on the couch.
he nuzzles into your neck and lets the warmth spread through his body at the feel of your torso against his. “‘course, sweetheart. but I’m still curious-“
he lifts himself up just enough that his face is hovering over yours. “where did you hide my gym bag?”
your peaceful expression twists into a smirk. “still not telling~” you sing.
he snorts. “alright, keep your secrets. we both know I have other methods of getting it out of ya. we’ve done this dance too many times, baby.”
you giggle and shake your head fondly. “oh ‘tsum, you couldn’t torture this information out of me. it’s too much fun for me to have something over you.”
his grin is wolfish as he takes in your words. “alright, sure, keep digging yourself into a deeper hole and see how fun it’ll be for ya later.”
“aww, you’re all bark no bi- hey!” you shriek as he playfully bites your nose.
“yeah, yeah, we’ll see if ya still think that when I’m done with ya.”
you don’t put up a fight when he slings you over his shoulder and carries you back to your bedroom.
you take the water bottle he offers you and gulp down half of it in one go.
he takes it from you and sets it off to the side before laying down beside you, equally spent. he feels you looking at him, so he raises an eyebrow at you questioningly.
he knows that look- you’re not completely ready to back down yet. just like when you lie, he thinks you look stunning when you refuse to give in.
“I hid it in the laundry room.”
he sits up a bit and looks down at you with narrowed eyes. “oh really?”
“uh huh.”
“and why’s that?”
the look on your face is lit up with sinister mischief, like you know your words will strike a chord inside of him. “needed to make sure it was in a place you don’t go very often.”
it’s obviously a jab with no real malicious intent (he’s very good about doing his laundry), but it has him playfully growling and pinning you beneath him once more.
“so that’s how it’s gonna be today, hm?”
ahem. anyway. he is my everything and I would absolutely hide his things to keep him with me longer. inspired by me bc I have a horrible poker face. cannot lie without laughing to save my life.
@rrairey since this is the fic that one WIP came from I thought I’d tag you, hope that’s okay :3
@emmyrosee 🫶🏻🫶🏻
hope you enjoyed!
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drunk-on-dk · 2 months
About Cheol / Jeonghan! If it’s okay to send nsfw thoughts, I’ve just been thinking really hard about being a major brat to Cheol, teasing him and talking back, and him finally breaking and being like “You better watch it or I’ll fuck the attitude out of you” and it has me so 🥴 like please yes 🥺
hello lovely anon! YESSSSS pls I am always open to nsfw thoughts, and I LOVE this thought so much. I had so much fun writing this drabble, I really hope you enjoy this!!
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Tags/genre: Smut (minors do not interact, 18+ ONLY), pure filth!, angsty? (not really, but he likes to rile you up and vice versa), established relationship, female!reader (girlfriend used as a term, she/her pronouns) c/w: dom!Seungcheol, switch!reader, reader is brat ofc, Seungcheol is a bit possessive and rough, a hint of dumbification, thigh fucking, unprotected sex (stay safe besties!), pet names (fem receiving): baby, good girl
“It’s embarrassing, Seungcheol,” you groan, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you march ahead of your boyfriend into the apartment. Regardless of his close proximity, you attempt to slam the door behind you, admittedly a bit out of character for you, but you were fed up with his behavior tonight.
Seungcheol isn’t fazed, his firm palm meets the cool wood of the door before you can shut him out, allowing him to slip in behind you. Biting his tongue, he observes as you pry your heels off, swallowing a groan when your dress rides a bit higher up your thighs. 
With a huff, you turn to face Seungcheol, discontented to find him standing cooly in your entry way, hands shoved in his pockets and looking smug as ever. The dark look in his eyes poses a challenge, and you know your own orbs reflect the same look. 
In fact, this whole night was a challenge for him. A challenge to see just how worked up he could get you until you broke. His sweet, little girlfriend who didn’t have an angry bone in her body. Except for when he gets you riled up, which he is finding isn’t that hard to do with a little teasing. 
“Humor me, baby,” Seungcheol chortles, a distinct dryness in comparison to his usual laugh that makes you feel even more enraged. However, there is a playful lilt to his voice. “What was so embarrassing?” 
“Don’t mock me,” you bite, rolling your eyes yet again and wandering to the kitchen, filling up a cup of water and chugging it in an attempt to cool down. Seungcheol follows closely behind, the amused smirk on his face only making your blood boil again. 
The island counter is the only thing that keeps the distance between you and Seungcheol. Both of your hands are splayed out on the marble, using the surface as a means to support yourself as you come face to face with the man that has riled you up all night. 
Your chest rises and falls with each heavy breath, analyzing your boyfriend as he mirrors you, his eyes leisurely examining your form until they land on the valley between your breasts. 
“How fucking horny are you that we had to leave early from party with all your friends?”
Seungcheol sucks in a breath, loving the way your crude words make his dick stir in the confines of his pants. Even though he’s getting exactly what he wished for, he can’t help but be slightly annoyed by how bratty you’ve been since you’ve left the party. Not after you teased him all night with your fleeting touches and flirty eyes. 
“How fucking horny are you that you kept eye fucking me in front of my friends?” He bites back, and you let out a faux scandalized gasp. Still, you don’t break eye contact with him as you carefully think of your next words.  “Isn’t that what you like though, Cheollie?” You coo unsympathetically at your characteristically possessive boyfriend. Your tone sends an annoyed shiver through Seungcheol’s spine, but it goes straight to his dick. “So fucking needy, I can’t even spend five minutes talking with Wonwoo. Can’t even laugh at Jeonghan’s jokes without your hand wandering down to my ass.”
Seungcheol has been eerily smug since you got home, but this makes him growl, ears turning red as he threatens, “you better watch your mouth, baby, or I’ll fuck the attitude right out of you.” 
“Know what’s embarrassing?” You challenge, seeing just how far you can push him until he gives you exactly what you want. Two can play at this game, and you’ve seen through his antics all night. “How you always have to make a scene to let everyone know you’re the one who gets to fuck me. Don’t worry, I plan on making sure you fuck me. Don’t act like I won’t get exactly what I want. ” 
In record speed, Seungcheol is rounding the corner of the island, rough hands on your lower back as he bends you over the counter. One hand circles the base of your neck, keeping your cheek pressed against the countertop as Seungcheol presses the bulge in his pants directly between the backs of your thighs. 
“Such a brat,” Seungcheol seethes, hot breath against your neck as he leans over you, listening for your little whimpers at his sudden display of strength. “What makes you think I’ll fuck you now?” 
“As if you could resist,” you mutter, voice strained when Seungcheol’s hand massages the plush of your ass and his hips rut into yours. You do your best to roll your hips back towards his for some relief, but the force of his body keeps you against the counter. 
“Seems like I have more self control than you do,” he quips, hand releasing the back of your neck when you attempt to grab onto him from behind, only for him to catch your hands and bring them back to the countertop. “If you keep your hands on this counter like a good girl, I’ll think about fucking you.”
You whine, abiding to this one command because you do want to be fucked tonight. Your clammy hands stay glued to the marble, the cold surface stinging your sensitive skin and heating beneath you. 
“Good girl,” Seungcheol hums and you bite your bottom lip in an attempt to keep your mouth shut. His hands begin to work at your dress, lifting the bottom hem until it gathers at your waist, exposing your entire ass to your boyfriend, your panty-clad cunt on display for Seungcheol’s viewing pleasure only. 
It’s incriminating how slick your thighs are near your core, panties dampened, the AC in your apartment making you shudder as you’re exposed, and it pulls an incredulous laugh from his chest. He coos, “you’re soaked, your panties are absolutely ruined.”
His fingers skim over your folds, the ghost of his fingertips leaving a warm streak on your panties and you muffle a moan. 
“Don’t be so quiet, baby,” Seungcheol demands, pointer and middle fingers pressing firmly against your clit, evoking a lewd moan from the delicious pressure. “Good. Fucking. Girl.” Seungcheol’s fingers circle your throbbing nub harder with each word, content with your noises and rewarding you with more pressure. 
It’s embarrassing when your thighs begin to shake, the altercation tonight with Seungcheol was enough to turn you on, but now that you have his hands right where you need him, you orgasm unexpectedly fast as he continues to stimulate your clit. Your walls clamp around nothing as the explosion of pleasure wracks your body, gushing into your panties and a high-pitched moan escapes you. 
“Holy shit,” Seungcheol’s laugh is patronizing, knowing exactly what just happened, but he continues to press against your clit, the circles sending aftershock waves of pleasure through you. “You’ve got to be kidding me, baby.” 
Your knuckles and fingertips are practically white from trying to grip the flat counter, and you finally lose control of your hands, darting back to grab at Seungcheol’s wrist, trying to keep him from overstimulating you. 
This was obviously not the right move on your end, earning another strike from Seungcheol as he grabs your wrists, this time keeping them pinned to the counter.
“What did I fucking say?” Seungcheol scolds, his voice venomous as he moves both wrists to one hand, pressing you uncomfortably against the counter and your hips dig into the corner, but the pain oddly brings pleasure. You can hear his other hand begin to work at his belt, eliciting a cry from you in anticipation, but you know it won’t be good for you, not when you’ve disobeyed him yet again. 
“My hands,” you whimper, pussy throbbing in need when you feel Seungcheol’s heavy cock against your thighs, his pre-cum leaving a warm, sticky spot on the back of your thighs. “I’ll keep them against the counter. I’m sorry, Cheollie.” 
You know sorry isn’t enough, not when the tip of his length is prodding between your legs, lubricated by the slick that couldn’t even be contained by your panties, and you already have an idea of what your punishment will be. 
“Does my brat need dick that bad?” he grunts, his length fucking between the plush of your thighs and you ache for him, crying out apologies against the counter. 
It’s maddening feeling the drag of his cock between your thighs so close to your core, his brooding tip skimming your clit with each thrust. His grunts of satisfaction are enough to make you feel desperate, absolutely dumb for cock as he teases you with what you want the most. 
“Who’s needy now?” He groans when you start begging, shuddering when you flex your muscles around his cock. 
“Still y-you,” you cry out, barely stuttering the words out, still attempting to challenge your boyfriend. “Resorting to fucking my thighs when you could be fucking my pussy.” 
“Fuck, who knew you could be so damn bratty,” Seungcheol grits, not exactly pleased with your response, but it’s exactly what he needs to hear to fuck you into oblivion. He’s finally releasing your hands, yanking your panties down your legs before pulling you upright, and turning you around to face him. He grips your chin between his fingers, a stormy look in his eyes, but you can tell he’s absolutely infatuated with you. 
You look so messy, teary-eyed as you stare into his dark orbs, and soon he’s smashing his lips against yours. He’s devouring you like a man starved, tongue clashing with yours and soon he’s grabbing you by the thighs, lifting you up before placing you on the counter. He’s perfectly slotted between you, hands massaging at your thighs as yours roam over his entire body, landing in his dark locks and pulling at the hair, eliciting a groan from him. 
Seungcheol’s cock is lined up perfectly with your inviting hole, but he has yet to give you what you want, too lost in kissing you. You pull away, a pathetic whine reminding him of what he promised, “fuck me stupid, Cheol.”
Without warning, Seungcheol sheathes his entire length inside of you, pulling a loud cry from you. His hands grip tightly at your ass, keeping you pressed against him as he fills you completely. 
Immediately, you’re like putty in his hands, head lolling back at the sudden pleasure of feeling him so deep inside of you. There is no hesitation in his movements, Seungcheol barely gives you time to adjust, but he’s not worried when your body takes him this easily, like you’re made perfectly for him. 
His plump lips are on your neck, leaving hot trails of saliva as he mercilessly thrusts his cock between your gummy walls, his arms the only thing keeping you sitting upright and pressed against his body. He feels too good, all encompassing as he repeatedly hits the sweet spot deep inside of you. 
You’re blabbering words of nothing, apologizing for being such a brat, and Seungcheol’s breathing gets heavier with every word that tumbles past your lips. His dick is throbbing inside of you as your walls grip his length, rutting into you with a new fervor as your words become incoherent, fingernails digging into his shoulders as you clamp around him. 
It feels too fucking good for him, loving the way you give in to him, knowing you are approaching your high soon enough and his thumb finds it way to your clit, pulling his favorite cry of pleasure from you yet again. 
“Fuck,” Seungcheol groans, staring down at the space between your two bodies, right where his cock enters you with each lewd sound, and where his thumb works aggressively against your clit. “So fucking pretty, my good girl.” 
“Please,” you mewl, desperate to cum, but squeezing your muscles to prevent yourself from releasing unexpectedly again. 
“No more attitude, baby,” his voice is horse, and you know he’s nearing his high soon as well. 
“No more,” you parrot, lips attaching to his jaw as you near the brink of pleasure, desperate for your release. 
“I love you so damn much,” he groans, nose nudging yours and chasing your lips. He fills you so well with each thrust, your walls are throbbing uncontrollably, his words only egging you on. “Drive me so fucking crazy,” he pants between kisses, finally giving in to you. “Go on, baby, finish for me.”
Just like that, the flood gates are released and you’re washed over with immense pleasure, walls spasming around Seungcheol’s cock as he follows suit, filling your pussy with his hot cum and groaning into your shoulder. 
“Love you too, Cheol,” your voice is weak as he slowly fucks his cum between your folds, his softening cock pulling out and stepping back to look at the damage done. He looks divine, absolutely fucked out with flushed cheeks and messy hair, and you feel like the luckiest girl in the world. 
That’s until Seungcheol is helping you clean up, soothing the bruises on your hips left from the counter, and pulling you onto the couch for a late night movie. 
“Aren’t you glad we left the party early?” Seungcheol’s words pull a snort from your lips, earning an incredulous look from you. 
“You know what,” you hum, wary of his cheeky comment. “I’m starting to think you like it when I give you an attitude.”
Seungcheol’s smug smile and silence says enough.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
bae i’m thinking of man eren extra hard because i’m nervous as fuck writing this email to this lawyer so i can get an internship. i need strength from my man right now 😭
baeeee omg! first of all, sending you alll the good vibes. You got this. 🥹🫶🏾 and second, I got youuu. (I’m so sorry I didn’t get to this sooner, work was whooping meee!) but just walk with me for a minuteee.
content warning: plug!eren (because he is so 😵‍💫😵‍💫), oral (f. receiving) fingering, missionary, positive affirmations and praise kink, hand holding,
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eren was always the type of man that appreciated your work ethic. He never made it his mission to get in the way of your business or try to discourage you from pursuing your goals, no matter how many times he jokingly asked you to quit your job to serve as his full time eye candy; sitting on his lap while he counted his money or done his deals but that just wasn’t your style! You were never keen on sitting around and letting someone take care of you..even if it meant doing a million things at once! Trying to work, go to school and pursue other career avenues as well. Trying your best to make it all happen, even with the weight of the world sitting atop your shoulders. So that’s where he came in..in hopes to make it all the more easier to manage..
“Ahhhh…Ren..I’m so—“
“You’re close, baby. I know..but not yet. Need you to hold it for me..”
by easing your stress the best way he knew how and giving you some much needed encouragement after a stressful week. Sitting atop the marbled kitchen counter in his apartment, legs spread wide and his face in between your thighs as he lapped up the syrupy sweetness that was your sex. Your fingers gently twirling through his hair as you attempted to hold back on drenching his face but that was seeming to be all but inevitable. You had just gotten off from another long, grueling shift at the restaurant and rather than resting, you were back on your grind with school work. As much as he admired it all, he knew you were running on fumes. Burnt out and struggling to keep your head up. Naturally, he didn’t want to tell you otherwise and say to quit so he decided to give you some much needed encouragement by eating your pussy until you were left a mess for him. Massaging his fingers in and out, sucking on your clit and doing everything you loved. It felt way too good and just when you thought he couldn’t possibly take it even further, he’d stand to his feet; tugging at the waistband of his sweats and freeing his cock to slap against your folds.
“You know, I haven’t told you this lately but I’m so proud of you. Been working so hard and looking so fucking pretty while doing it..”
uttering those sweet words while teasing himself up against you..even sucking his teeth because of the sensitivity from the warmth. He was already aching for you and it had been a minute since you two shared an intimate moment like this so he’d make it all that more memorable. Slowly but surely, Eren slid inside of you and without breaking eye contact, he’d clasp your hands together to keep you guys in place. The initial thrust making you both gasp for air but eventually, you’d adjust and so would he. Right there on that counter top, he’d begin feeding you slow, deep strokes that teased your core and kept talking you through not only your inevitable orgasm but in general, giving you all of the affirmations you needed to hear right now from the man that they meant the most coming from.
“You always do such a good job…with working, handling your business…ooh fuck..and taking this dick f’r me..you’re so perfect, ion know how I got so lucky to have a girl like you.”
meanwhile, you were moaning and still clutching his hands as you tightened around his shaft. Becoming even more aroused at the mention of all of the things he admired about you. Everything you needed to hear right now. When he began to speed up, he’d get closer, holding you by the back of your neck, holding you up to make eye contact and give you sloppy kisses. “Thank you, daddy. Thank you so much..”
which made him break into a smile, making him want to stay lost in your forever…
“Anything for you..anything for my baby..”
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starsomens · 3 months
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7 • 𝓦𝓮'𝓵𝓵 𝓣𝓻𝔂 𝓐𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷…
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warnings: language, kitchen sex, oral sex (female receiving), apology sex,
"Y/N? Dear you've been in here for days, at least come out for Cheri's party!" Your mother stood at the end of your bed. You had been at your parents house for about 3 days already, and each day that passed you've only come out for a shower and maybe some water. You felt awful about not getting Cheri a gift so you made sure to order whatever she had in her shopping cart online as a gift.
"Mmmmmm" you groan into your pillow "can't I just rot here?"
"All because of a break up?" she clicks her tongue and rests her hands on her hips
"It wasn't just a break up!" you sit up "It was...was...ugh!......I just...don't want to see him or another man for the next 10 years" you flop on to your back staring at your dark ceiling.
"Well Cheri is asking for you, so get up," she yanks the covers off your body "Get dressed and come downstairs." she said as she opened the curtains to brighten your dark rooms. Your mother loved and cared for you but at times when you were low she became strict to give you a backbone. But she could have at least been gentle with the lighting.
You sit up in bed and walk over to your dresser as you stretch your arms above your head. Letting them fall to your sides with a deep sigh you stop at your dresser and stare at your reflection. Running your hands over your face and through your messy hair. You looked tired…because you were. You tap the screen of your phone to see another 5 missed calls and of course another 10 messages.
Nah had been trying to get you to come back or at least talk to for consistently.
“Please come back flower” "Let me fix this shit please," “Y/N, I swear to you the contract means nothing” “I didn’t mean what I said to you”
“Come home…please”
Should you hear him out? Some would say yes, but you felt too hurt to do so. You married this man, hated him, talked to him more, some forced proximity, shopping and some great sex and it felt as if it was going good. You would even recall those morning where you’d talk to each other before getting out of bed
“So if you weren’t in all of…this” you gestured to the room as a whole “what would you have done?”
“I’m not sure if I’m honest. Maybe just be a regular ceo of a company…maybe a nice little music store”
“A music store?” You giggled
“Mhm, you meet some great people when you’re there. Besides, I hear pretty girls like guys who can play” he smirks coming closer to your lips
“Would you still have married me in that universe?”
“Well first I gotta get your attention and take you a nice date then meet your parents and find the right ring but yeah….i think I would….”
You brush your hair as you thought back on that morning. That blissful month that felt like a dream. You felt as though you were feeling for someone who didn’t even exist. Worst was it was someone pretending to be them….on top of that what he had said honestly hurt. You walk over to your closet and pull out a casual little back dress with some white trimming and detail. Nothing too flashy, you did some light make up and let your hair fall loose instead.
You grab some of your old earrings that were still left in your room and head for the door. You could hear the music and voices that came from the gardens of your family home. Your heels clack down the steps of the marble staircase. You walk outside and it was a perfect fall day. It was sunny and there was just enough of a cool breeze to keep a nice neutral temperature. You look out into the party and see you sisters enjoying themselves and it made your heart happy to see after so long. Cheri was already 15 and you watched as he smiled and hugged everyone that graced her with a gift. Being the baby of the family of course she was spoiled and was the little princess in the home.
Before you could go out to get into the party you hear the doorbell ring. One of the maids had gone to answer the door before you could offer to go and get it. You walk down the steps into the garden and put on your happy mask to not bring down the mood of the celebration. You walk over to Cheri and lean down to her shoulder
"Is little miss Cherry 5 or 15?" you asked with a smile making her spin around. You would always call her Cherry as a child and you still do, you also have her contact info as Cherry.
"Y/N! You came!" she turned to you and clung to your neck "Laura said you forgot about me and wouldn't come" she gave a slight pout dreading for you to miss her birthday
"Me? Miss your birthday? Not even when you're old and wrinkly" you smile at her causing a laugh to erupt from her chest. Her eyes trail form yours to something behind you. You look over your shoulder and see Noah of all people. He was in casual but still dressy attire. Black slacks, button down white shirt with the first two buttons undone and his black blazer to go with his pants. You whirl around ready to rip him a new one for being there until you brother spoke
"What the hell are you doing here?!" he was trying to hold back on language for the sake of family and friends there. Noah has his hands up as sign of complacency
"Just here for the birthday girl, brought my gift for her alright? Is that so wrong, Matthew" he used his name as if they were on the best of terms
"You know why the fuck you're here you bastard," he said coming closer but you put yourself between them. Noah keeping sharp and cold eye contact with your brother. Matthew looked like he was ready to rip him apart. The day he picked you up, you were in emotional shambles, seeing you so down and out because of him!
"Stop it you two!" you whisper yell at them "Take this inside, and no fighting!" you give them a stern look as the party starts to quiet down
"I think your sister’s right. Let's talk like men" you shoot, Noah a glare, knowing that tone better than anyone in that room. You didn’t have to say anything to him, but he turned on his heel and made his way back into the kitchen. He looked at your brother and asked him to calm down before you both went inside and join Noah. You made sure to close the door behind you as I have some privacy to your conversation. Noah leaned against, a part of the counter as you were on the opposite end doing the same. With your brother standing in the middle, looking as if he was a mediator for you both.
“ first things first. What are you doing here?” You asked straight away.
“you know I wanted to come to you Cheri’s birthday with you, flower-“
“Y/N.” You interrupted and corrected him.
Ouch “…Y/N… I brought the gift for her and it’s right over there. But I also came to talk to you.” Stared deeply into your eyes. Peering into the darkest depths of your soul and heart. It was as if Matthew wasn’t even in the room with you both, but you didn’t want to crack just under his gaze.
“do you know what you did? Will you caused her? The amount of tears I’ve seen her cry because of you… and you just wanna walk in here like some big shot?” Your brother leans on the table, staring at Noah if he was ready to pound over the furniture and strangle him.
“ I know what I did Matthew. But with all respect this is our marriage, not yours. And if you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to my wife alone.”
“I’m not gonna leave her alone with you asshole…” he said, as he strides over to Noah. Despite Noah towering over him by a good couple of inches, he still stood tall with his chest, puffed out, ready to tussle if need be.
You come over and stand between them both once again. You weren’t defending Noah and you weren’t defending your brother but at the same time you couldn’t just let a fire break out in the middle of your kitchen at a birthday party
“ Matthew just go. I’ll talk with him and will be out in a second okay?”
“I am Not gonna leave you alone with some asshole who hurt you. Who knows what he can fucking do while I’m not here!” he argues against your decision
“Some genius you are thinking I’d actually hurt my wife” he scuffs with a shit eating smirk not caring that he may send Matthew into a burning rage
“I’ll if anything happens I’ll call you okay? I’ll be fine…” Matthew squeezes your shoulder with his hand to give you reassurance that if you needed anything, he was just a call away before he turned to leave he made sure to give Noah a look up and down his body ready to rip him a new one. No wait until he was completely out of the kitchen to speak to you. As soon as the door shut, and he was out of say no, it turned to you and it’s as if you were talking to a whole new person.
“You haven’t been home for 3 days and it’s felt like an eternity….” He starts
“ I am home.” You answer as you cross your arms and look out of the “ you know these type of marriages are common. All you needed was an heir, you could have gotten it over with it, and we would have gotten over that hurdle much quicker.”
Noah shakes his head out of your remark
“That’s because it’s not what I want. Don’t you think that if I wanted an heir that badly you would’ve been pregnant by now?” He said stepping closer to you “do you think I would have jumped on that chance the first night we stepped foot into our house?”
He walks closer to you causing you to back up until your butt hits the table. Stopping you in your tracks. Noah stood over you studying your face intently and precisely.
“Come back home with me…” Your eyes broke from his own as if the answer was in writing on the tiled floor. “ What do you want from me? Do you want me on my knees?”
“No i-“ before you can get your whole answer out. Noah is on his knees on your kitchen floor. This feared mafia boss was at your mercy. All you did was leave he could’ve gotten any woman he wanted in the snap of a finger. Yet here he was practically begging you for forgiveness because you weren’t home for three days.
“Noah….. you don’t care about me. You don’t care about a pawn that was part of your contract. And I won’t be any more than just a-“
“No. You’re not just a pawn. You’re not just the contract. You are my wife…” you could feel his hand tracing up the back of your ankle and glide of your calf into the back of your knees. He lives your right knee just a bit. Enough to bring the skin up to his lips and kisses the skin "I really did show up for Cheri's birthday...but I also need you back home Y/N...." he looks up at you from the floor, holding you close him by your legs. His lips kissing your thigh starting from the front and slowly moving tot he inner thigh
“Noah please not here stop,”
“Fuck….i missed your skin so much” he was nearly savoring the flavor along with each kiss “please say you’ll come home with me princess,”
This man was relentless…
“I…..I have conditions…” he looks up at you and rises to his feet
“Any,” he’s already agreeing before you spoke
“1, I need you to explain and explain detail by detail our contract and catches,”
“2….i want transparency of people trying to harm me.” Noah was iffy about that one. He wanted to shield you from the situation completely and totally
“I’m only doing it for your own wellbeing flower,” he said stuffing his hands into his pockets
“I want to know what’s going on when it comes to my life.” Noah think on it for a moment and nods
“Well work on it,”
“And 3…I want another wedding.” Well that one was off from the others
“Why another,” he asks half intrigued
“Our wedding was staged. I didn’t even pick my own dress, or location or venue,” you said beginning to pace up and down the room and stopping at the window “I didn’t even have my friends or extended family there….it didn’t feel special. So if what you say is true,” you turn to him “maybe the wedding can be forgiven with another.”
“Those are your conditions?” He asks coming closer to you
“Yes. And….if they are not met. All of them…I will be back here, permanently” he stops in front of you and takes a hold of your hand
“Whatever my little flower asks for, she shall receive” he brings your hand up to his lips and kisses your fingers. He brings it down to slip in your wedding ring again
“You look better with this on you know,” he smirks at you “so what time do you want to leave?”
“You can come and get me tomorrow morning at 10 AM,”
“Not today? Am I still being punished?” He holds a hand over his heart as if you had stabbed him
You simply shrug and smirk. How he missed that smirk, he missed your sassy attitude, the way his clothes would suddenly be mixed with yours, the way you'd ask him to change his outfit so he'd match you.....he missed everything about you
"alright, 10 am it is," he softly smiles at you
"so, what genius gift did you get Cheri? She's very particular so I'm curious of what you cam u-"
"Boquet of lily of the valley, baby's breath and peonies, and the newest release from Gucci in dresses, one in white, pink and blue"
you were speechless. You had mentioned she had a taste for Gucci once and he went ahead and bought he dreses worth thousands of dollars.
"Noah you-"
"Ah," he holds a hand up "I have a gift to deliver to the birthday girl but we are not done" he said walking over to the large birthday bag and starts to walk back to you, his other arm wrapping around your waist quickly kissing your lips with a chuckle and goes back to the party. You stay behind for a while and watch him through the window.
You watch him walk to Cherri and tap her shoulder, he hands her the flowers and the bag. She smiles at him and sets the bag down to sift through it's contents. You watch as her eyes lit up and she pulled the dresses out. She jumps up and down clearly over the moon about her gift. She turns back to Noah and hugs him tightly, you felt your heart warm at the sight. Remembering such a small detail like a brand she likes made her day completely, hell it probably made her year.
In a way you hated how much you loved seeing Cherri get along with Noah. Maybe if this didn't happen, you would like the sight more. You eventually make it back into the party, but kept your distance. You could also feel Mathews eyes burning into the back of your head, but mostly focused on Noah. As the day went on to the sunset Noah had to make his leave.
"I'll walk you to the door" you told him
"Usually it's the-"
"Will you just come Noah?" you turn to him with your arms crossed and a raised eyebrow as you cut him off
"Yes Ma'am," he enjoyed that much more than you expected him to
You walk him to the door and lean against it's frame as you look up at him
"I'll be here, 10 am sharp, princess" he said putting his hands into the pockets of his pants "are you sure you don't want to come home tonight?"
"Very. I can still sleep on my answer you know," you said titling your head at him
"I guess you can, but I hope you don't," as he turns to walk down the steps he turns as if he had forgotten something "Oh an uh, this is yours" he opens his hand expecting yours to land in it. You put your hand in his palm upwards to which he flips and you feel something cold on your finger. It was your ring
"Much better, you look better with the ring on," he smirks as he slyly inches closer to you "I didn't take mine off at all.....since the beginning"
"Oh sure you-"
"I'm serious. Taking it off felt strange and even now I would keep your ring with me at all times. If it wasn't on your hand, I wouldn't want it to be anywhere else." he raised your hand up to his lips and kisses yours fingers longingly "sweet dreams, flower"
The warmth of his hand slips away from yours, and you unfortunately miss the way his hand felt in yours. Your heart, even as you watched him walk away from your home. You were fighting every instinct to run after him and go home.
Did Noah feel like home to you now? Your arms wrap around your body as you make your way back inside and up to your room again to your solitude. And of course, to think over the decision you had just made. As you walk upstairs, you hear a voice pop up from top step.
“ I thought you would’ve gone with him,” It was your younger sister, sister, Lauren, the third daughter/child in the family “ after everything I just saw, I thought you would’ve jumped in his arms. He would’ve taken you away again.” She chuckles with her arms crossed.
Lauren was always in her own way pick a fight with you. But she was also known as adding wood to the already blazing fire.
“ I am exhausted we can do this another time.” You answer her as you walk past her start walking down the hallway to your room for the night.
“ how do you feel about him?” She suddenly stopping you in your tracks.
“ what do you mean how I feel about him? I don’t feel anything. It’s just a contract, it’s business.” The statement Leaving your lips, hurt to hear and say. although Lauren did find it amusing to pester you at times she did help you to see some clarity by asking you some really annoying questions. Which is why you urged her to be a lawyer.
“Not with the way he was looking at you,” she defends as she walks to you down the hall stopping right in front of you “… same thing goes for the way you were looking at him. If you ask me, I think this might be a little more than just business, maybe even more than just a crush” she had shit to do she pinned.
You could feel your cheeks heating up as your heart, started to pick up against your rib cage.
“Ugh please, today was tiring enough. I don’t need any of your theories in my head.” You said, waving her off as you walk to your bedroom door.
“All I have to say is that I have never seen someone look at another person the way that he looks at you….. just think of your feelings and emotions,” she says quickly before you have a chance to close the door “…. I just want to see you smile again….”
That really did make your heart ache and you stopped at your as he close the door your hiding behind it you give your strong “thank you….goodnight Lauren….”
As soon as the door closed, you could feel your chest ache and way heavy in your body. Your head was spinning in you didn’t know what was happening or how you could solve it. He was a Venus flytrap who had made you comfortable in his sweet nectar, thinking that you were saying. And once you were comfortable enough, he closed his mouth and swallowed you whole.
“I can’t….i don’t……” you couldn’t have possibly felt that way. But Lauren’s words weighed heavy in your head as you think of all those times when you were just look into each other eyes. And your heart and soul longed for it again.
“Oh god…..” you whisper to yourself as you can feel your stomach drop low, and the tears finally cascade down your cheeks “…..I…..I….”
The next morning, you wake up early at around 8 o’clock to hop into the shower and stay there for at least an hour. Both for in everything shower, to kill some time, and to relax from the previous night. You thought long and hard about what Lauren has said, and what you had felt last night. You weren’t willing to give him that soon. Everyone feels lonely at some point, and everyone with a break up in their own way and maybe you were just feeling lonely….right?
You went downstairs into the kitchen to find your mother with a cuppa coffee, sitting alone in the kitchen, asking in the quietness of the morning. She looked at you with a soft smile.
“Good morning honey, do you want some coffee?” You sound down in the chair across from her with a sigh
“Yes please,”
“okay let me hear it,” she says very monotone way as she poured your coffee prepared the way you liked.
“ what do you mean? I-“
“Y/N, I’m your mother. I know when something is wrong and when something is on your mind. You also have the same exact contemplating face as your father. Now, come on tell mommy,”
You sigh as she sits the mug of hot coffee in front of you. You watch as the steam dances into the air in front of you. Thinking on how you'd phrase the words in your head.
"You....you were arranged to dad, right?" you asked already knowing the answer "Did...do you guys love each other? Like....I just don't understand how things could go from being absolute strangers to being in love with.....kids!"
"Well, there are times your father can REALLY push me to the edge. But then I remember the day when we were very young," she sighs looking out into the distance as if the memory was playing right in front of her "It was....about 7 months after our wedding and he had sat me down with him and we discussed some things. First was children,"
You nearly chocked on your coffee hearing her say that
"Children?" you clear your throat and she nods her head
"He asked how I felt about them. I knew I wanted kids and he did as well. Even though we were arranged he said, and I will never forget, 'No matter where you and I stand, whatever children we may have, they will never feel unprotected, unwanted or unloved and if you allow me neither will you'....."
"wow...you...you never spoke about that. And after that what happened?" you asked
"Well, we went on our first date as a couple and a couple months later your brother was on the way" she giggled into her hand "we have been through a lot but there wasn't anything that couldn't be compromised or figured out as long as we talked to one another and listened." she reaches for your hand and could feel them start to become clammy
"I......I felt my heart break the day you left fearing that you'd be miserable for the rest of your life until we somehow got you out but....the day you came back, something was different about you Y/N. I know that look in your eyes, I know what your thoughts are in that head of yours."
You squeeze her hand back "I'm scared mom.....just tell me what I'm supposed to do,"
"You know the answer sweetheart, you just need to figure out and understand it. I know you can do it Y/N, I'm your mother after all" she smiles softly at you. You stand up and so does she as you both embrace in the quietness of the kitchen. His hand rubbing up and down your back bringing back memories of when you were a child after scraping your knee and patching you up. Her scent never changing all these years as you felt like a baby soothed by the mere scent and feel of her mother.
"thank you mom....I love you," you whisper to her
"And I love you mi amor,"
After another hour of just catching up there was a ring of the doorbell. Your mother walks you to the door and bids her goodbyes to you. After she closes the door, you turn to Noah and simply stare at him
"Do I look that bad or good that you're staring?" he asked
"Mmmm like shit, you look like you haven't slept in-"
"I haven't." he cuts you off "I was too excited to bring you home," he offers his hand for you to take. You hesitate at first but soon take it as he takes your bags and walks you down the steps to his car. Helping you into the vehicle, he puts your bags in the trunk and rolls away from your old home soon after.
The drive was calm and quiet, the smell of Noah had crept around you. It was familiar smell, one that would take you back to when you'd be wrapped in his arms as he held you threw the night.
"so how did you sleep?" he asked trying to lighten the energy in the car
"Um fine, kinda weird, a little restless honestly." you admited
"awh, you miss me wrapping around you?" he asked with a soft smile
"with your cold feet? Not even a bit"
"ouch, that hurt to hear princess, I know I would miss your cold feet, because I do" he carefully reached for your hand, inch by inch slipping his own into yours. Once he realized you would let him hold your hand he relaxed and held your hand tighter. As you pull into the driveway you see Vilma outside and she looked SO happy to see you, she had a huge smile on her face. You get out of the car and she pulls you into a hug
"Oh Y/N, please if you ever leave again please take me with you!" she said coming out of the hug
"Was Noah that bad to deal with?" You giggle hugging her back feeling warm by the embrace of an old friend.
"Bad? He'd empty bottles every time he he thought about you. He hadn't played his sad records in years and don't get me started on his moaning,” she went on and you just looked at Noah with an amused look
"Vilma, *ahem* if you don't mind could you please take these upstairs while I show Y/N around?"
"I'll be sure to fill you in later," she winks going to do her task that was asked of her
"Around? I know my way in the house Noah unless, you've got some kind of secret interrogation chamber." you smirk following him up the stairs
"well, not necessarily, just some new decorations is all," he opens the door and let's you step in first, you were greeted by vases of flowers at the entrance. Filled with pale pink roses, Spring crocus and some accents of lily of the valley. The bouquet was beautiful
"Noah these are gorgeous, they give the door a nice touch,"
"oh these? These are just for here, keep going little flower," he nods ahead of you. As you walk further into the home you see every table, and surface possible. You could only gawk at every vase your eye fell upon
“Noah….they’re beautiful I….why?” You ask turning to face him again to find him with a bouquet of roses. They were all white, except for a single red rose that laid in the middle as he stepped closer he said in a hushed but strong voice
“Because you deserve it. Everything you ask of me you deserve. Every woman I’ve come across every person that’s come in my path has NEVER, compared to the person you are Y/N…” hence the single red rose “…I’m sorry. I fucked up, I hurt you and betrayed your trust and I’m sorry…please princess,”
He brings your hand up to his lips and kisses your knuckles breathing in your scent
“You’ve infatuated and hypnotized me completely. Do you…accept my apology?” He asks looking deeply into your eyes
“Noah…I still stand by what I said” you say firmly
“And I’m willing to meet your conditions when you ask. But for right now….i just want to apologize to you….my wife.”
“…..” you take the bouquet from his hand and set it on one of the tables and wrap your arms around him “….i forgive you Noah…” as soon as the words left your lips Noah’s arms encircle you. Holding you tight and close to his body. Afraid that if he let go, you’d leave again. He breathed you in deeply and oh how his heart raced and ached to smell you again. The way you fit in his arms and body like a perfect mold. The way the weight of body seemed to ground him and settle his troubles
“I’ve missed you….” He admits in a low whisper. You didn’t say it back….but you felt the same way. He sets you back down and kisses your forehead.
“Let me put these in water before I forget.” You said grabbing the bouquet and walking into the kitchen. Start looking for vases in the cupboards and find one that was long enough to support the stems of the flowers. As you fill up the vase with water, Noah watches you from behind. The way you moved so naturally in the kitchen, as if it were a home you had been in for years. That’s what he always wants to see and what he never wanted to let go of again. The way you smiled when you sniffed the flowers was reason enough for him to change his ways. Hell, he would even give up his entire organization if you asked him to.
However, he thinks he would rethink that because he would want to spoil you beyond belief. You smile as you finally situate the flowers in a proper vase and set them in the middle of the dining table and you look back at Noah.
He takes slow strides to you where he keeps you near the table. You hit the edge of the table with Noah leaning in to your, mere inches from your face
"Flower, tell me something," his breath brushing your lips. You hands holding some of your weight behind you on the table
"what..." you whisper back
"did you miss me?" maybe....he said kissing your cheek "dream of me?" at times.....a kiss just in front of your ear and you can't help the chill that runs through your body "Did you reach for me when you slept alone?" yes..
"I...." you swallow hard and gasp as his hand suddenly finds your waist and pulls you close to him, you chest rising and falling as his lips graze your cheek and come back to your lips, Your noses bumping each other
"Y/N....." he closes the aching inches between you in a heated kiss. It was long, hard and full of emotion. His other hand tangles into your hair bringing you even closer than before. His single hand nudges you and helps you to hop on to the table. He slots himself between your legs as he finally parts for a breath of air.
"If you leave me again, I would surely die..." he said against your forehead, planting another kiss
"You're so dramatic," you smile, your eyes half lidded still drunk on his kiss
"Only for you, my little flower" he picks your lips and moves across your cheek down your neck into your shoulder. He kisses along the length of your arm and down to your hand, to kiss each finger. He then leaves a kiss in the center of your palm as he gazes into your eyes.
He never breaks eye contact as he lowers himself onto his knees and kisses the side of your knee. His hands pulling you to the edge, hiking your skirt up to about your waist to expose your panties. He practically burrows his nose in your pussy and takes in a deep Breath.
He growls into the fabric of your panties “fffuck,” he sounded like a beast that was finally feeding for the first time in months. He lays his tongue flat on your pussy shaking his head no, his saliva and your juices soaking the material
“Oh god!” You gasp it had been some time since Noah had even touched you, much less since he had kissed you or "Ah!" the cool wind hits your wet fold as he moves your wet panties to the side. The tip of his nose brushed your swollen clit as his tongue slowly trails his tongue from your entrance, up between your folds and up to bring your clit into his mouth and gently suck on it
"O-oh...shit," you gasp as your hand rakes through his hair bringing him in closer and all he did was let out a muffled chuckle as he ate with more passion
"Mmmmm fuck," he mumbled against you as he lapped and sucked at your heated core
"N-Noah....f-fuck!" you moan feeling your pussy ache and pulse at him
"Mhm....that's right....say my name” he said between laps as you could feel a knot building in your lower stomach
“Mmm….do you…forgive me?….use your words…baby…” he said as he aggressively ate your pussy. A starved man on his knees with his meal being devoured in mere seconds
“Y-yes! Yes Noah! Oh!” You moan out as your voice cracked. This was definitely his way of saying sorry, on his knees, face buried and covered in your juices. Giving you the pleasure you deserved. His tongue swiping over your entrance as you clenched around nothing from his work on your pussy. He know you were close
“cum for me baby......cum...for...me" he said between lap as he sucks on your clit harder. Your moans and pants filling the space of the kitchen as your hips start to buck into his mouth slightly. Your vision goes blurry as your eyes roll back feeling a wave of pleasure wash over you like a wave. With a cry your thigh snap against his head as you lean back on the table, his mouth still helping you to ride out your high. He made sure to lick you clean, swallowing and enjoying every lick that he took
After he was down he kissed your left thigh and looked up at your chest as you try and catch your breath. You sit up on your elbows and look at him, your hair now a mess, giving you the signature "I just had sex look"
"I missed the way you taste," he smiled coming up to your face and kissing your lips, tasting yourself on his lips. He pulls you close to him once again and holds you close
"I'm sorry baby, how about you go and wash up, and we can sit down and talk?" he asked "Or..whatever you wanna do,"
"Yeah...that sounds good," he fixes your skirt and bring you off the table and kisses the side of your head. He lads you upstairs and to the bathroom as if you didn't know where it was. It was as if you had never left. All the things you left in there were still in it's place. If anything it seems as if he had stocked up on some of the things you buy. The lotion you liked, the air freshener, even your preferred size of pads/tampons. He had even kept and replaced your scrub with a new one. It was easy to say the shower was relaxing and enjoyable, you just felt so...at home, so natural.
After your shower, you hoped into your PJs and head outside. There Noah sat in his signature shorts and no shirt. His tattoos on full display. Damn, you forgot how much you loved those.
"Ready?" he asks patting the space next to him
"yeah....I'm ready," you had felt so welcomed and comfortable you nearly forgot what you had agreed to, You sit down and face him read to receive his information
"First and for more, the contract," he really wasn't wasting time here "Yes, it does state we must have a child within the first year. Yes this can get me kicked from the organization, possibly putting us both in danger. On top of that, I knew you wouldn't want kids right away or how you felt about it at all. Which is why I was trying to fight it, and why I sounded so pissed that day you heard the conversation" oh...maybe you should have heard him out that day
"Oh....oh okay, well then I'm sorry for blowing up on you and leave-"
"I'm not done, princess," he interrupts and you shut up and continue to listen
"When you had brought it up and you were packing you had done something to me that no one has. You scared me...." he admits taking a hold of your hand "I don't know what the fuck you did. Maybe you put something in my drink, my food, maybe you just manipulated me. Or maybe you just have a lot of charm" he smirked "...whatever you did, you have made me into someone I didn't recognize. I....I didn't want you to leave, I didn't want you to think I was hurting you when I wasn't and I just snapped that day...."
When he called you so many things, he saw the look on your face and immediately regretted even having a tongue to speak with. This was the woman he had begun to think of constantly when making choices, who prompted him to enhance security, who motivated him to work harder to provide her with everything…
"I never meant a single word that day princess. Not one. I....I...." he held his tongue and scooted closer to you. He looked like he was holding a deep secret that he deeply wanted to tell you but didn't "you.... mean so much more than just a piece of paper with our names on it. I want you here...with me....and I apologize for any tears that eyes shed because of me…."
"You do? You don't mind sharing the bed with a pawn?"
"A princess. I'm sharing my bed, with MY princess." he corrects you.
“So were you really crying like a teenager since I was gone?” You tease him with a smile
“You know I thought I wouldn’t miss that smart ass mouth of yours but, I really did,” he admits
“Good to know,” you said making a mental note. You were glad you got the biggest hurdle dealt with but now came the other matter
"And the people wanting to hurt me?" you asked knowing this was a sensitive and important topic. After all it triggered you leaving for a couple of days
"I'll arrange for Nick and Jolly to stop by to give us a briefing in what's going on and what we've got so far" he offered “for now I just wanted to clear up our fight. Is that alright?”
You nod your head "...okay sounds good," you look down into your lap and think for a moment. You scoot up on to your knees and shift into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist you rest your head into his shoulder and close your eyes as he hugs you back
“Thank you….” You whisper “I forgive you…”
“Of course my princess, anything your heart desires I’ll give.” He says “now what does my little flower want? Hm?”
“Let’s just stay here….for a little bit” you answer not wanting to move.
“Okay course princess,” he carefully lays back on his headboard keeping you in place. You back where you belonged. Not just in the home but in his arms as well.
That night Noah held you just a bit tighter the information you’ll learn tomorrow may scare you off. But for now those thoughts were pushed aside finally feeling you against him once again
“You’ve been eating fruits…” he said randomly
“You tasted sweeter than usual today,” he said casually “or maybe you were just excited to have me eat you out-ow!” You pinched his back for ruining the moment with his dirty thoughts
“…well maybe I was a little” he smiles knowing it was true. And he planned on having seconds tomorrow morning.
̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿ ̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
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sturniolo-rat · 2 months
Touch Me Again Part 2
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Nick Sturniolo X Masc!Reader
Part 1
A/N: This one was kinda hard to write. Would appreciate some feedback.
Contains: aftercare for sub and dom
TW: idk chief if you find one tell me
AFTERCARE! Because Nick was big and mean and now they have to recover.
“You know I love you, right,” Nick is on his knees, holding Y/N’s face. “And I’m not really mad at you?” 
“I know. Love you too,” Y/N rests his forehead on Nick. “Need help getting down.” He’s always quiet after a session, but this was harsh and unexpected. Not to mention, he’s still a bit drunk, and this must have been highly stressful for him.  Nick knows he’s very delicate. He also knows that he has to put what he broke in Y/N back together. 
“Oh, shit, we really are on a table right now.” he looks around at his environment. “Sorry about that.” Nick was so entranced in Y/N that he forgot they were literally outside. He hops off the table and holds his hands out for Y/N to grab. He takes slow, tentative steps down to the ground, holding tight to Nick. When he’s all the way down and steady, Nick says, “I’m so proud of you, Baby,” and he picks him up in bridal style. 
Y/N nods thanks as Nick carries him to their kitchen and sits him on the counter. Y/N is shaking; the house is cold compared to the summer heat outside, and he’s still getting over the session's intensity. Nick opens a drawer to find a cloth and wets it with warm water. “Can you hold still for me?” he asks as he holds the rag up to his face. Y/N keeps his head steady, “Yeah, just like that, sweetheart.” Nick gently wipes the cum off of his face being careful around his eyes. 
When his face is clear, he starts to feel a bit better and says, “Can we take a bath instead of a shower this time.” Nick smiles; Y/N is slowly becoming a person again, and the weight is beginning to lift from his chest. 
“Of course. Anything you want." He babbles, excited to fulfill Y/N’s request. Sit here while I run us a bubble bath.” He pauses. I assume you want a bubble bath, right?”
Y/N giggles at his frantic enthusiasm.”Mhmm, sounds lovely.”
“I’ll put on your favorite playlist, too. Just sit tight for me. I’ll be right back to get you.” Nick makes a mad dash to the master bathroom. Y/N waits patiently for him to come back, but it feels weird sitting on marble with a sticky naked ass. He thinks about what Nick did to him just a few moments ago. It was so hot. He’ll have to remember to tell him the improvised food play was amazing. He’s pulled from his thoughts when Nick returns.
“Do you think you’ll need help getting to the bath?”
“No, I’m okay.” Nick holds Y/N’s hand as he hops off the counter, and they walk hand in hand to the bathroom. They look very silly walking through the house in just their shirts, so midway to the bathroom, Y/N stops and pulls on Nick’s shirt. “We gotta take 'em’ off. We look ridiculous.”
“Who are you worried about? We’re in our own fuckin’ house.” Following Y/N’s lead, Nick takes his shirt off anyway.
“I’m not worried about anyone. It’s just the principle of the thing.”
“The principle of the thing? We just had sex on a picnic table in broad daylight. What are you even talking about?” 
Nick has a point, but Y/N doesn’t want to hear any of that. “Alright, alright, carry on with the aftercare.”
When they reach the bath, the water has risen to just the right height, and Nick turns the faucet off. He pulls up Y/N’s Spotify aftercare playlist on his phone and hits play. He sits it at the tub’s edge next to the pink Mr.Bubble Bubble Bath soap. It’s the only brand he trusts, and refuses to entertain adult bubble bath soaps. Nick gets in first as Hozier’s “Work Song” plays in the background. He sits with his legs spread so Y/N can sit between them. Y/N loves that the bath is so big that you open the door and step down into it as if it were a tiny swimming pool. Before he can sit down fully, Nick says, “Sit up on your knees and let me help you clean up,” He didn’t think about how he was going to wash his ass if he was sitting in a bath. Nick comes in clutch once again.
Nick wets the purple loofa and adds extra soap. He cleans Y/N off, rubbing soapy circles all around his lower half. There’s nothing sexual about it. He just wants him to be his clean, perfect boy again. He feels terrible and hates that he’s the one who made him dirty. When he’s done, he taps Y/N’s thigh to let him know he can sit down. He leans back into Nick’s chest and lets out a relaxed sigh. “Ahh, there we go. That’s what you needed. Just needed to get you all washed off.” The song changes to “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac, and Nick takes a deep breath through his nose. “I didn’t mention it earlier, but your hair smells wonderful, by the way.” It is as if the smell of lavender had entered his blood and was playing a sweet lullaby in his heart. “Did you get a new shampoo?” 
“I did!” Y/N is so happy that he noticed. “I’ve been reading this series called “Throne of Glass,” and my favorite character uses lavender shampoo.”
“Yeah, I remember, the one about the princess turned assassin turned queen.” Nick loves getting weekly updates on all the books Y/N reads. He speaks so passionately about them even though he doesn’t explain them well. He gets the broad strokes, and that’s all that matters. 
“I love that woman. I’d go straight for her.”
“You’d keep me as your side piece, though, right?”
“Of course. I don’t even know if they have like strap-ons in that universe. You and your penis are essential for my survival.” They laugh together for a while. The next song on the playlist is the classic “Tennessee Whiskey” by Chris Stapleton. Then they sit in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company. 
Nick’s arms snake around Y/N’s waist, and he nuzzles his face between his neck and shoulder. “I know you didn’t safeword, Baby, but did I hurt you?” he whispers, and a tear rolls down his cheek. Nick is disgusted with himself at how he enjoyed doing and saying all of those things to Y/N. If he actually harmed him or made him feel bad in any way, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. 
“No, Baby, I’m not hurt!” He turns his body around and holds his face so Nick is forced to look him in the eyes. “I loved everything you said to me, did to me, and made me do.” Y/N should have told him earlier. He knows that caring for him makes Nick feel better, but he forgets that Nick needs proper aftercare, too. 
“You promise?” he wipes away a tear.
“I promise, Baby.” Y/N kisses both of his cheeks. 
Nick looks down at his hands. “Is it okay if we get out now? My fingers are getting all wrinkly.” 
Y/N gets out first and grabs some towels from the cabinet as “Oh, Darling” by The Beatles plays on the phone. When Nick is out, he wraps him up snugly. “Let’s get you dry, okay?” He takes care to dry him off thoroughly because he hates when the sheets and covers stick to his skin. Nick insists on returning the favor and drying Y/N of himself. Y/N pulls him into a nice and dry embrace. He grabs Nick’s hand and pulls him to their bedroom. “Let’s go lie down and cuddle.”
“Wait, we have to clean the kitchen counter, and we left our pants outside, and the tub isn’t drained, and-”
“We’ll worry about all that later.” He pulls Nick onto the bed and cuddles him so that Nick is the little spoon. “I wanna  tell you about all my favorite parts of what we did and how great you were.” 
Nick gets comfy and snuggles into Y/N. “Alright, don’t lie, though.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Y/N begins raking his fingers through Nick’s hair. “I liked the way you bossed me around.”
“Yeah, you know sex makes me nervous, and I never really know what to do. It’s nice just to be able to follow directions. I also thought the whole ice cream thing was so fucking hot.”
“Me, too. It made me feel bad after. I’m sorry I made you all dirty.”
“No, Nick, you don’t get it. I wanted to be dirty for you. You just took it literally, which was amazing for me.” 
“Thanks, Baby. I really needed to hear that. I also really like what you’re doing right now.”
“Aww, you like my fingers running across your scalp?”
“Mhmm,” he hums
“I do, too.” Y/N rubs Nick's head until he falls asleep, then sneaks out of bed to put some clothes on and clean up their mess. He is happy to take that weight off of his shoulders. This is what love is, and Y/N is happy to do his part.
@rafecameronsbitch @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @mrsmiagreer @lovergirl4387 @gdsvhtwa @ashley9282828 @j-worlds-blog @stephanieienwf @achrisgirly @draculaura123 @abbypost @cind2224 @crazychrisl0v3r @ryli3sworld @bkwrld @pinkishpearls @pepsienthusiasts @stunza @chrattstromboli @sturnssmuts @angelic-sturniolos111 @69isabella69 @maryx2xx @sturniolo04 @bigbeefybitch @klaus223492 @r93339 @sturnzsblog @spotconlon55 @robins-scoop @junovrsmp4 @sturnlover4eva @blahbel668 @lilahnowheretobefound @luxy-nyx @tuffsturns @m0r94n
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starysky1289 · 5 months
Toxic!Sorority!Vanessa X Reader. Dior.
A/N: sorry if this isn’t fantastic, been having a lil trouble writing, fics may be coming fewer and farther between, only because I wanna post stuff that’s good and worth reading. But I do hope yall enjoy this.
TW: Toxic relationship, Manipulation, Gaslighting
“ You did what? “
“ I got myself a job at the mall!! I’ll be working at Dior!! I’ll be able to pay off my student loans easier now. “
Vanessa’s icy eyes stared at you. This job was a bit of a last resort, your loans where piling up and you felt that if you didn’t start paying now, you never would. You knew Vanessa was upset, but why would she be? She didn’t have to spend any more money on you, she wouldn’t need to baby you.
“ and you did this. Without telling me. You just decided to go and get a job?? Why don’t you talk to me! “
“ cause I wanted to surprise you Vanessa!! And now, I’ll be more independent, you won’t need to spend money on me anymore. Plus, right now I’m only working Thursdays,Fridays, and Saturdays, so we’ll still have plenty of time to hang out. “
Vanessa’s gaze shortened, as she grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to her. You where lucky you where on the campus, who knows what she’d do to you if you where at the house.
“ I don’t want you independent. You should be spending your time with me. God knows why I let you live in the dorm. I can’t with you right now y/n. “
Vanessa let go of your wrist and stormed off. You sighed, turning back to your dorm building. She was just protective of you, she didn’t want people near you. You’d be fine, she’ll get used to it soon.
You wore a simple beige shirt and black cardigan, as well as some simple jeans. It was your first official day on the floor, and you were simply assigned with fixing displays and putting the new bags out on the floor.
You were going through the boxes, pulling out the beautiful leather bags, gently placing them them onto the displays. You heard the click of heel’s against the marble floor, figuring it was just your manager checking on you.
“ well, if it isn’t my princess. Look at you, working. “
You turned around, your heart almost skipping a beat. Vanessa stood before you, wearing a pink checkered coat and black crop top, along with a white skirt. A bit more revealing than what she’d normally wear in public, but she probably had a party after this.
“ Vanessa! It’s great see you! Yes I love this job, it’s so simple and the people are great. I’m really happy I did this “
“ I don’t like how you’re not home. With me. But I suppose I’ll just, get over it. Never-mind that….don’t you just look gorgeous~ “
Vanessa stepped closer, and cupped a hand against your clothed heat. You gasped, trying to push her away.
“ n-no Vanessa. Not h-here! I’m working….”
“ im just making sure she’s alright dear…I haven’t played with you in a while, huh dear? “
“ n-Nessa….”
Vanessa snickered, pulling back and glancing around the store. You turned back to the bags, red hot in the face.
“ I think I’ll just look around, make sure no one messes with you dear. “
“ there’s security, I’ll be fine Vanessa… “
Vanessa only clicked her tounge, before walking off. You sighed, turning back to your work. You knew she’d keep bothering you at work, even if it messed you up her own schedule. You saw your manager walking over and tried to busy yourself again
“ hey, y/n. Everything ok? Saw something happen with that girl. “
“ alls ok, that was my girlfriend. She just came to check up on me, I’m getting back to work right now. “
“ alright,well, just make sure she dosnt keep interrupting you. “
“ yes maam…”
You sighed, looking at the hand bags you’d never be able ti afford by yourself. You didn’t wanna admit it to yourself, but you wanted this job, needed it. You just wanted to be yourself around people, and not the quiet, shy, obedient girl you were for Vanessa. But that’s just how you were, always willing to listen, desperate to please.
Vanessa would always come and visit almost every day you worked. Be it just passing by or coming in. And everyday something was off. One day some of the wallets where tossed around the display table, another the bags where out of there color coded order, which put your manager is tizzy.
One day, Vanessa came in with half the soroity. Why wouldn’t they, it was the yearly sale, and they all needed a new bag.
“ y/n, baby, why don’t you help me hold all this. And why don’t you choose something you want, for working so hard “
“ V-Vanessa I have to- “
“ Y/N. I told you to be restocking the shoes, there practically flying off the shelf’s. If you can’t- oh! Ms Shelly! I’m so sorry to interrupt your shopping. “
You looked between Vanessa and your manager bewildered.
“ it’s no issue, y/n was just going to help me and the girls shop, I hope you don’t mind “
“ not at all maam! Y/n. Ms Shelly is one of our top buyers, you’ll be best behaved for her and help her and her party with whatever they need. “
You knew better than to argue, and simply nodded, following Vanessa around the store, standing silently besides her as she and the girls shoped throughout the store.
“ your such a good little helper y/n. Here, I’ll get you this, it’s cute, isn’t it “
Vanessa tossed you a little pink wallet, 560 dollar, although on sale it would only be about 450, not like it changed much. A roar of laughter distracted you, you located it coming from the group of girls by dresses.
“ n-ness will you quiet them d-down…there disturbing the peace-“
“ don’t make me get your manager, sweetheart. You’ve been so obedient now, let the girls have fun “
Vanessa kissed you gently, and snickered, pulling you away to the next section. Something about this job made you feel even more worthless than you were before. People where rude to you, and you where taught that putting yourself first in this job was rude and horrible. You’d rather be home with Vanessa, listening to her talk about the latest gossip, and having someone to ramble about your writings, even if she didn’t listen.
You helped carry the bags and shoes to the register, leaving Vanessa to her own for now.
“ baby, real quick. “
You turned around, Vanessa slipped you the wallet and smirked.
“ all payed for, you keep it. I love you baby..thank you for helping me~ “
“ oh, t-thank you nessy. I love you too, I’ll see you tonight. “
You kissed her gently, and turned back to your work, feeling warmer and bubblier than usual.
“ Y/N!! My office, now! “
You quickly turned from your work, you’d never hear your manager this angry. You made you way over your her, and followed her into the office. You sat in the chair across from her, trying not to seem scared.
“ your fired. “
“ W-what?? No, n-No why?? “
“ why? You’ve stolen from us, and you carry it around with you like it’s nothing! “
You quickly understood what she ment. You pulled out the wallet, staring between it and your manager.
“ no, Vanessa bought this for me! She gave it to me- “
“ now your blaming our top customer? You were the one working that sector! Give me the wallet. And get out! “
Tears swelled around your eyes, you saw it, Vanessa brought it up to the register, than gave it to you. She wouldn’t steal, she’d never.
You pulled your cards and money out of the wallet and handed it to her, before walking out of the office, and out of the store. You were already sobbing before you even got out of the mall, there wasn’t a bus to take you back to the college yet, so you’d have to call Vanessa.
“ what. “
“ V-Vanessa….i-I need you to come pick me up…t-they fired me. “
You sobbed into the phone, Vanessa went on mute for a moment, before comming back.
“ I’m coming baby. I’m so sorry, what happened? What could you have done? “
“ t-they think I stole the wallet…a-and didn’t belive it when I said you got it for me..”
“ my lord. I’ll be there soon baby, I knew this job would be too much for you. We’ll…snuggle…when we get home, ok baby? “
You sniffled, whipping your face and trying your breath. Vanessa was on your side, she belived you. She’d even comfort you when you’d come back. You needed her. She was the only person who could help you cope with this.
“ ok…thank you Vanessa…I love you..”
“ I love you too sweetheart, I’ll see you soon~ “
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Unsolicited 15
Warnings: bad self-thought/talk, bullying, insults, low self-esteem, money problems, oral/noncon, coercion, cum, some untagged sexual and dark elements.
Wouldn’t mind some feedback! Lloyd was driving me nuts so I had to do it. Thank you in advance 💜
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You’re silent as you take out the pre-cut ingredients for an omelet and set to the task, paying passive attention to the instructions housed in the leather folder. You know how to make a goddamn omelet. It’s one of the few things you know for sure.
You thought you knew your husband, thought you knew how life would go, thought you knew at least one person you could count on. You were wrong. Like everything else, it’s turned out horribly wrong. Now here you are, making breakfast for some perverted creep who would care more if the eggs were burnt than about you.
You huff as you put a pan flat and try to light the burner. You flick the button over and over, growing frustrated and hitting the stove with your fist. You growl and hang your head. You’re not going to cry.
“Take it easy, doll face, or I’ll have to take that out of your allowance,” Lloyd teases.
You ignore him and try again. It lights. You focus on the task, straightforward, simple, safe. You go back to the fridge and count out three eggs. You place them on the counter as Lloyd comes up to meet you.
“No one likes waking up to that,” he says.
“What do you care?” You snarl as you search the cupboards and pull out a bowl.
“Well, you seem kind of upset.”
“Isn’t that what you enjoy?”
He doesn’t reply as he taps his fingers on the counter, looming, watching you as you do your best to tune him out. He bends to lean his elbow on the marble and squints up at you.
“Lot of gals wouldn’t take it so well. You’re holding it in and it’s not gonna be pretty–”
“Enough,” you snap as you find the whisk and slam the drawer, “and why the hell don’t you put some clothes on?”
He stands straight and shrugs, giving a playful smirk, “thought you might need something to distract you, I don’t know.”
“Why the hell are you asking me all the questions. You must be loving this. You saw me humiliated again. You were right, all along. I’m not good enough for that asshole– and where the fuck did you get a gun?”
“Talk about a lot of questions, sweet cheeks,” he tuts, “you’re right, let’s not get too deep.”
You sigh and add a touch of milk to the eggs and beat them to a smooth yellow. You feel him, lingering. It’s so fucking annoying. You need him to go away. You peek over as he leans on the counter, his focus still on you. You let the whisk rest on the edge of the bowl.
“Right, you need to leave me alone,” you grab him by the dick and trap him against the counter, pumping him as he gasps.
“Woah, slow down, baby, what–”
“Shut up,” you reach down to cup underneath and give a gentle squeeze, kneading him until he groans. He hardens against your impatient grasp.
“Wait, you don’t just–”
“Daddy, be real pretty and quiet for me,” you mock him as you roll your palm over his tip and make him twitch, “that’s it, let me hear it.”
He bites his lip, eyes round with shock, helpless as you stroke him, standing close as heavy breaths puff from his nose. He looks down and his lashes flutter as he braces the counter, dumbfounded by your sudden assault. You’re not thinking, just doing, anything to get some space from the idiot.
He latches onto your arm, a pathetic attempt to stop you, and you speed up. The friction is hot and dry. You bring your hand to your mouth and lick it, quickly resuming your motion as he pushes his head back and grunts. You speed up until you see the muscles in his neck and chest clench and he grits his teeth.
“That’s it, cum,” you snarl and he lets out a croak, spilling on command as he shudders and his cum drips beneath your fingers and slicken his length. You keep on until he’s trembling and you let him go without pretense.
You turn to the sink to rinse your hand with warm water and dry off with a dish cloth. You toss it at him and elbow his side as you dump the sliced green onion into the egg. 
“Go on, I’ll bring you your breakfast,” you dismiss him with a curl of your lip.
“Wha…” his voice trails off.
“You got what you want,” you continue to pour in fixings, “and I’m busy.”
He doesn’t move right away. When he manages to stand on his own strength, he wipes himself with the dish cloth, strings of his release up his stomach as he exhales heavily. He doesn’t say a word as he retreats and you scowl at your task. Thank fucking god, if he stayed another second, you might have strangled him by the neck instead.
You maintain a wordless trance as you go about the morning. You serve Lloyd at the table and go to tidy the kitchen. You return when he’s finished and get him a second coffee at his request. That’s easy. Taking his orders. It gives you thoughts that aren’t your own.
When you find the table empty, you’re relieved. You continue down your daily checklist, wiping the table and pushing in his chair. You vacuum the elaborate rug in what he refers to pretentiously as the parlour. You replace his glass from the night before with the rest and carry on to the next room.
It’s after noon, you’re tired, hungry, and just as Colin deemed, miserable. You look up, startled at the sudden silent presence. Lloyd is all in black, a jacket zipped to his chin as he has a black bag hooked over his shoulder. You lower the duster and meet his gaze.
“I got a job, you got yours. I’ll be back,” he says.
“Don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“I didn’t ask.”
He raises a finger, his hands gloved in leather. He points at you, “when I get back, I want that attitude gone. You get one gimme. I won’t put up with that shit a second time.”
You consider him, your jaw steel as you bite down. You nod, “yes, daddy.”
He drops his hand, “good girl.” He turns but stops halfway, “and to offer what little comfort I’m willing to, this place is secured by the square inch. That fucker won’t be back.”
“I can handle him.”
“Yeah, well I’m telling you, you won’t have to.”
You swallow and accept it. It’s not exactly a glowing declaration of affection, but what it is is as close as he’ll ever come to genuine humanity. 
“I’m off,” he raps his knuckles on the door frame and swiftly strides away. 
You listen to his footsteps, followed quickly by the front door. You wait until you’re certain he’s gone. You go out to the entryway and peer around. You tiptoe to the side table and slide open the drawer. It’s empty.
You sit on the stairs and set the duster down, rubbing the wrinkle in your forehead as you think. That’s not a good idea as everything hits you at once. Colin and his true feelings, Lloyd and his covert career. Questions you don’t want the answers to; how long had Colin been repulsed by you? Why the fuck did Lloyd have a gun? And what were you doing here?
You drop your head into your hands and suck in a breath. When you let it go, it all comes out. The tears, the grief, the angers, the fear, every emotion drains from you until you're crumpled on the floor. Is this what rock bottom feels like?
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i dont know if youre taking requests but if youd like to, would you write a comfort fic with nathan bateman where the reader has really severe anxiety and panic attacks? i really love your nathan fics and barely anyone writes him, especially not the way you do
I am and thank you so much for the request! (I have such a soft spot for this silly man.) And thank you so much for your kind words (I am so terrible at expressing how much comments mean to me.)
(Also I am assuming you suffer from panic attacks, as do I, I hope you're okay and are doing well💚)
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Any Time
Nathan Bateman X GN!Reader Rating: T Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged? | request info
Warnings: Panic attacks, swearing, typos! Railroad sentences! Soft!Nathan being a big softie, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 683
You weren’t sure what set it off. Whether it had been one thing, or a combination. At the very least, if you had been sure of the cause you could try to avoid it in the future. 
But here you were, in the middle of the kitchen, clutching the countertop so tightly that you probably could have ripped the marble in two. 
You knew what it was. Had had so many by now that they should have been routine. The fact that you knew it was a panic attack should have been enough to calm you, to settle your breathing and the crushing weight in your chest. 
Instead the air caught in your throat and somehow didn’t seem to make it to your lungs. The dread built and grew until your bones were shaking under the weight of it. 
This was going to last forever. This wasn’t going to end. This was-
“You okay?” Nathan’s voice cut through your internal dialogue like an air horn. It was too much. And only added to sickening compression around your throat. You didn’t want him here. Didn’t need him to see you like this.
Talking was practically impossible. 
You shook your head, and managed to release the counter just long enough to wave your left hand dismissively. I’m fine.
“Hey, hey, hey,” you didn’t hear him walk towards you, but you felt his hand on your clammy shoulder. Warm and cold at the same time, too heavy, too much.
You shrug him away, looking down, trying and failing to control your breathing. To get a hold of yourself. 
“Sorry, hey, sorry,” he held up his hands. “Look at me okay?” 
You shook your head. Little spots of swirling colours were starting to appear at the corners of your vision. You were going to be sick. You were going to fall down. You were going to be-
“Look. At. Me.” 
The firmness of his voice seemed to pull at your limbs, moving you before you even had the chance to register what he had said.
“You’re okay. It’s alright.” He nodded, keeping his voice calm and soft. “You’re gonna breathe with me alright,” he took in a breath through his nose. Over exaggerating the action and holding it for four seconds before he breathed out through his mouth. 
He repeated the process, composed and sure. Breathing in, breathing out, breathing in, breathing out. 
“You’re doing great, you’re okay,” he repeated between breaths. 
Breathe in, breathe out. 
“Doing so good, baby.”
You missed the pet name, didn’t see the flicker of self consciousness that flashed across his face at his slip of the tongue.
“You’re safe, nothings gonna happen.”
You tried to match him, at first failing miserably. But slowly both of your chests started to rise and fall in rhythm. 
He continued to talk while you started to calm, the shaking in your hands lessening. 
“You know how many panic attacks I’ve had?” He didn’t wait, or want a response. Just letting you focus on your breathing. 
“So many. Hundreds, thousands maybe.” Nathan continued. “One always sticks in my head, I’d messed up some really basic coding. I was tired and stressed and it was really fucked up. And I just… broke.” He shrugs. “Panicking all by myself at half four in the morning.” 
He smiles. “Thing is, the coding was just for a project I was working on. No deadline, no one else was gonna see it. I wasn’t letting anyone down, no one’s life was at risk and still… it was like my body was crumbling around me. Just,” he motions towards his chest. “Imploding. Suffocating me.” 
He smiles again, but this time it’s at you. One of those rare, soft Nathan smiles. 
Your breathing is a lot better, a lot closer to normal.
“Can I get you some water?” 
You nod and Nathan helps you to sit at the kitchen table before he brings over a glass. Ice cubes are floating at the top. 
He sits down next to you as you gulp half of the water down. 
“Thank you.” You whisper.
“Any time.” 
Thank you for reading! Want to be tagged?
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @mbakubabe @whatthefishh @romanarose @pimosworld @boredzillenial
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mango-bango-bby · 1 year
For your fantasy 🌺 with platonic prince todoroki. Like your Guard Izuku baby sister and you want to be just like your older brother and protect the royal family. Todoroki Shoto just sees you, such a little girl that so determined that he can’t just not love you as a little sister. Prince Shoto won’t lie, your his favorite guard(even though you are only like 6 and can’t fight yet but he doesn’t care) , and he will protect you at all costs. You carry around a mini sword and he just melts at your cuteness.
♡ Small Guard ♡
(A/N: Ahhh writing all these fantasy au’s makes me want to be a fantasy princess so bad 😭 I’ve actually loved writing all of them though, it’s really fun 💘💞)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, prince!Shoto, Big brother Izuku, platonic yandere, this isn’t the best but I tried I wasn’t really to inspired 😭😭
Summary: Shoto finds you crying after being told you’re to young to be a guard (Platonic!Yan!Todoroki x GN!child!reader)
Prompt List ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You wanted to a guard so bad. Your older brother was a higher up guard in the castle, and you wanted to be just like him, you wanted to protect the kingdom!
Your older brother, Izuku, didn’t exactly approve of being a guard but he knew that you were just a child and wanted to play as if you were a real guard. The royal family knew that as well, often letting you pretend that you ere a guard. Especially Prince Shoto.
You absolutely loved him, he was definitely your favorite member of the royal family. You often went out to find him, pretending to guard him while he was doing something as simple as reading in the library or sitting in his throne. He didn’t mind it though, seeing you as a little sister.
Although, strangely enough he hasn’t seen you today. Shoto couldn’t lie, he was a little worried. Not seeing you for a full day was uncommon and it was only natural for him to worry a bit. You were his favorite guard after all. Shoto stops at the sound of small sniffles. He turns the corner, seeing you barely as you’re hiding behind a throne in the empty throne room.
Shoto is going to talk but is cut off by the sight of you softly crying behind the throne. You wore a fake guard outfit made of materials you could easily find, pots and pans on your shoulders and a basket on your head to mimic a guard’s uniform. “Y/n, why are you back here?” Shoto asks simply, watching you get startled a bit from his sudden appearance.
You look back, bringing your knees up to your chest. “One of the new guards told me I wasn’t a real guard and that couldn’t be one” you mumble. The castle had had a couple of new guards in training in the building recently.
It seems one of these new guards didn’t get the memo not to mess with you. Izuku was one of the highest trained guards and the leader of many of the armies. And Shoto was incredibly protective over you, which the new guard also didn’t exactly know.
Shoto sighs before sitting down on the marble floor next to you. “You are a real guard, don’t worry about what another guard says. I’m the prince and I say, you’re a real guard” He’s says, knowing he’s saying that just to make you feel better. He would never let you do any actual guard duties. But he would never want to hurt your feelings or make you upset.
You nod your head, still keeping your knees to your chest. “What if I get you a specially made uniform? Then you won’t be told that again” Shoto asks, seeing you finally look up, that sparkle back in your eye. “Really? A real uniform?” You ask, Shoto nodding at you to your bright smile.
“Can I have a sword too?!” You say, anxiously waiting to know because you really want a sword. Shoto smiles a bit, knowing that he would never allow to have a real sword.
Shoto would never put you in danger.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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fhatbhabiee · 27 days
Where The Wild Things Are
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Trucker!Jack Daniels x Reader
word count: 844
warnings: angst, accidents involving vehicles, wife!reader, no physical discription of reader, no use of y/n, dad!Jack, death, flashbacks, dreaming
note: please be aware of the warnings as some subjects that will be talked about in the fic may be sensitive to some. don't come at me bc you didn't read the warnings. also- please keep in mind of the big ass trucks in the road. don't be a dick and cut them off and then break check them. we are carrying 80k lbs and we can not stop at the drop of a hat. no one wants to get that call.
song inspo: Where the Wild Things Are by Luke Combs
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“Alright sugar I'm headed out.” Jack called out as he walked back into the house.
“Daddy wait!” the sounds of her tiny footsteps hitting the hard wood floors was something he would always cherish- no matter how far away he was.
“What is it princess?” she wrapped her small arms around his neck and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
“I'll miss you.” he smiled and held her close.
“I'll miss you too princess. You be good for your mama you hear me?”
“Yes daddy.”
You looked over and smiled at the view, snapping a quick picture on your phone. Later on you'll end up spending hours and hours in end, staring at that picture but- we're not there yet.
“Alright Lila. Wanna go watch daddy leave?” you asked.
“Yes!” she practically squealed, slipping on her slippers before walking outside. She always admired her daddy's truck- the lights perfectly forming the outline of the long nosed Peterbilt, the large silver exhaust pipes that ran along the back of the cab, and her personal favorite- her name printed on the doors- Delilah Logistics.
You watched as Jack opened the door, throwing his duffel bag into the cab before climbing in. He looked back over at you and smiled. Time froze for a second. It's like your subconscious was telling you to capture this moment. You really didn't think much of it.
“I love you.” he muttered, before pressing his lips against yours.
“I love you more baby.”
You stood in the driveway with Delilah on your hip, as you both watched Jack pull out and drive off.
“I miss him already.” she sighed, resting her head on your shoulder.
“I know baby I do too. But he'll be back soon.”
— • —
Something felt… off. You had just put Delilah to bed and you were getting ready to hop in the shower when a weird.. uneasy feeling washed over you.
Maybe it's just my imagination.
You tried to shake the feeling but it grew stronger when you saw Jack’s black Stetson on your dresser.
He must've forgotten it.
You shook your head, trying to snap yourself out of it.
It's nothing.
You've had these feelings before but never as strong as today. You knew his job was dangerous- hell you used to do it before you got pregnant with Deliah. It's how you and Jack met. But you still didn't understand why it was hitting you so hard at the moment.
You were just about to walk into the connected bathroom when your phone went off. You walked over and noticed it was an unknown number. Usually you ignore unknown numbers but something was telling you not to ignore this one.
You wish you had ignored it.
— • —
“Mama where are we going?” she asked.
You looked through the rear view mirror and gave her a small smile. “Gonna go talk to daddy.”
You pulled into the parking lot and helped her out of her booster seat. She knew exactly where to go so you let her take the lead. She stopped at the right spot and sat down.
“Let's clean up a little yeah?” you asked as you gently brushed off the marble stone, fingertips running over the carving of his name.
“Alright.” you said before sitting down next to her and placing the carrier next to you. “Wanna say anything today?”
Delilah shook her head and looked over at her baby brother asleep in the carrier. You both sat there in silence, staring at his name.
“Mrs. Daniels?” you turned around and saw a man, dressing in uniform with a sheriffs hat on. He walked you into his offices and closed the door behind you.
“What happened?” you asked, barley above a whisper.
“Car cut in front of him. To avoid hitting the car he swerved and hit the guard rail and into the trees” he let out a small sigh before setting down a small bag in front of you. “We tried to salvage as much as we could but the cab was completely damaged.”
You stared at the bag, haunting you and sitting in the back of your closet since you brought it home. It took everything in you to pull it out and open it.
His wedding ring, his wallet, and a crumbled up polaroid picture. It was a picture of the three of you, taken at his parents ranch house on Delilah's 4th birthday. You held the picture close to your chest and sobbed. Eventually you ended up crying yourself to sleep on the floor.
You felt his thumb wipe your cheeks. “Don't cry sugar. I'm home now.” he whispered. “Our little boy. Looks just like me don't he?” he chuckled, holding your son on his hip. “Named him after me too huh?” He smiled, kissing his son's soft cheek. Next thing you knew you were laying on your side in bed, facing Jack. “I love you with all my heart.”
You jerked awake, realizing it was just a dream. And you were still a widow.
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supercorpkid · 1 year
Where do we go now?
Supergirl, Baby Danvers, Lena Luthor x Reader, Kara Danvers x B!D, Alex Danvers x B!D
Word Count: 2540.
Part 2 coming soon!
“Lena, please.” You say as soon as she opens the door of her penthouse. 
“How –” She stops the question, knowing exactly how you got there, as if there isn’t a call directly from her for you to be sent up at all times. Lena breathes out, exasperated and you try not to let that affect you. “Go away, Y/N.”
“Please, let’s-let’s talk.” You reach your hand, careful enough not to touch her just yet. You don’t want to invade her space and you know she’s not feeling particularly thrilled about having you here. Not after everything.
It got out of hand. It got stupidly, immensely, undeniably out of hand. Kara should’ve told Lena she is Supergirl sooner. She should've trusted her best friend with that information years ago. And you, you should’ve done something about it. 
Sure, it wasn’t your secret to tell and you would never betray your sister’s trust by telling her most important secret. Yet, you can’t stop thinking you should’ve done something else. Insisted, annoyed her into it, should have given Lena some pieces of information to help her get there by herself. You’re not sure what, just something.
Something to not have Lena looking at you the way she is right now. Filled with anger and resentment, feeling betrayed, alone and broken. So miserably broken.
“What, you here to tell me you didn’t mean to lie to me?” She quips, pulling the ground from under your feet because, yeah, that was a huge part of your apology. “Or maybe, Y/N, you’re here to tell me that it wasn’t your place to tell me.”
Well, there goes all of your arguments and apologies in one go. 
“Or are you here to tell me you didn’t want to break my heart? That you didn’t play me for a fool. That you didn’t build a relationship with me and lied to my face just like your sister did, over and over and over again.”
“I’m starting to think this is a family thing, y’know?” Lena’s face is red, eyes full of tears shooting daggers at you. You’re still in the same place, because she hasn't let you in and she might never let you in again. Not in her house and not in her life. Especially when you can see the disgust on her face. “I thought all Luthors were deceiving lying monsters, but maybe,”
No, please. Don’t say it.
“Maybe that’s what the Danvers are as well.”
You can’t stop the violent tears cascading from your eyes. Can’t stop the way your throat closes and no words come out. Can’t stop the trembling legs and hands. The way your heart beats so slow, it vows to stop soon.
“Lena, please-”
“Please what, Y/N? Tell me, why are you crying on my doorstep as if I’m the one who broke your heart and not the other way around?”
“I –“ How can you possibly apologize, how can you find the words that are not only stuck in your throat but actually in your heart? “I don’t want this to be it. It can’t be the end of – of us. Not like this.”
“Why do you care?” She bites, wanting to hurt you the same you’ve hurt her. And she accomplishes it easily.
“Because I love you.” You try, but Lena’s reaction is a loud scoff. 
“You love me. God, you love me, don’t you Y/N?” You can see her knuckles turning white on the door knob. Face contorting with fury and suffering. “Well, I hate you.” Her voice is heavy and accusatory, but not very far from the truth. “And I can’t believe I ever let myself love you too.”
“Please, don’t say that.” Your face is ridiculously wet, voice small filled with shame and regrets. “Please, I – I’ll do whatever to get you to trust me again. I’ll do anything –”
“Yeah?” Lena asks and you shake your head agreeing vividly. “Then go rot in hell.” 
And the door gets slammed at your face so fast and abruptly, you’re surprised it didn’t hit you right in the reaching hand you never once retrieved.  You stay stuck, mouth agape and feet fastened on the marbled floor. Heart giving out slowly, squeezing on your chest so hard, it keeps you from drawing anything other than shallow breaths.
Lena was right. She was right. She had every reason to slam the door at your face and tell you that you deserve hell. She should hate you. She should and she does. And you hate yourself too.
You drag yourself out of there, sorry and sorrow blending in together in some sort of spiraling uncontrolled thoughts. Feeling lonely and small and at the same time incredibly vulnerable. Lena has ripped you right open with her bare hands, and you’re not sure people aren’t seeing you bleeding out as you walk back home.
But you can’t go home. You can’t be alone with your thoughts and your sorry ass. You can’t be alone with the guilt and the thought of Lena’s mad face directed at you.
“Hey,” You walk inside Kara’s apartment, but she doesn’t even raise her head to look at you from the place she has settled on the couch. You also don’t get a word, it is mostly a grunt as you make your way to your sister. “Never left the couch, did ya?”
“What for?” She pouts. Voice so low and thick, you know she’s stopping herself from crying. 
You raise the blue throw blanket she has on top of her, getting yourself under it, and she finally raises her head, only to lay it on your lap.
“I messed up.” She tells you, as if you weren’t in the same situation as she was. “I was so wrong, so stupid, and now she hates me.”
“Us.” You breathe out, not trying to add to her already sad state, but unable to hold it back.
Kara’s eyes are filled with tears instantly. “I’m sorry, baby,” She nuzzles her face in your stomach and you know she is crying when you feel the tears wetting your t-shirt. “She is my best friend, and I was so scared of her reaction,” She mumbles, face still buried there. “and I know you love her, and I ruined that for you too.”
You want to soothe her, you don’t want your sister feeling guilty over anything, but how the hell can you work up the nerve to tell her that is not true. That she didn’t ruin your friendship with Lena, when it was exactly what she did? 
And sure, some people can get over it. I mean, Alex doesn’t even seem to care that now Lena is cold and distant and she hates all Danvers. And she probably can’t even understand the big fuss you and Kara are making. But you get it. Oh, that you do.
You know how Kara likes to think she has the high ground to stand on. This big moral code that the Supers are supposed to have and now she knows it’s her fault. She lied over and over again. She missed all of her cues to say the truth before, skipped all of her opportunities to come clean. So yeah, the tears and the sadness of losing her best friend only adds up to the disappointment she is feeling at herself.
But you, you feel something different. You feel like your heart has been broken into tiny little pieces that can never be glued together again. Not when Lena has told you that she does not, cannot, will not love you the same way ever again. Because you love her. Just love all of her and all she is. And knowing that she once loved you, but now resents you, it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever faced.
So you settle for, “Well, it seems that we both have learned our lessons the hardest way possible. And by the looks of it, we will also have to learn how to live without her.”
Kara searches for your face, forgetting to ever clean her tear-soaked one, as she supports her weight in her elbows so she can have a better view of you. “You went there?”
It sounds like a question, but it’s not. Your sister knows it in her soul and sees it in your puffy eyes and red cheeks. “Y/N, what happened?”
Lena broke you. Rightfully, but still destroyed you. And you will pretend you can just move on from it, but you can never. You will never.
They move on. Or sort of do. As they fight their inner demons and Lena’s ire. 
Kara finds justification, excuses, and there’s no arguing about it anymore, not when she’s right and Lena is supposedly acting like a villain, like a Luthor, like a deceiving lying monster.
And you are mad too, God knows how angry you get at her for using fucking kryptonite on your sister, knowing how that could hurt her. 
But it’s Lena. And she broke your heart, ripped you open, took your will to live when she left. And she cut all the ties, but you were never going to leave her. You will never treat her like a Luthor or ignore her pain, when the Danvers acted like lying bastards in the first place. 
“If she is going to act like a villain, I’m going to start treating her like one.” Kara’s face, filled with anger and tears after Lena’s latest mischief, is uncanny to you.
“Act like a villain? Kara, look at you! Do you hear yourself? It’s Lena!”
“I gave her millions of chances to turn back from this path, Y/N.”
“She gave you millions of chances to tell her the truth and yet you insisted on lying.”
“I did it to protect her!”
“Bullshit! You did it to protect yourself. You were scared she wasn’t gonna love you if she knew you were a Super because you were always antagonizing her as such.”
“She used kryptonite on me!” Kara yells, neck veins about to pop out. “You’re supposed to be on my side! You’re my sister!”
“Stop. Don’t do that. Don’t turn this into a side thing, or I’ll leave.” You touch Kara’s arms, like telling her to calm down. “I’m on your side, I’m always on your side. You’re my best friend and I love and support you. But not when you’re wrong.”
She huffs, ready to argue, but you don’t let go of her arm, squeezing it gently.
“The world isn’t black and white, I thought you had learned that by now. Lena isn’t a villain and you aren’t a hero. You’re both people who have hurt each other and keep trying to do so because you can’t deal with each other's absences.”
“I – You –” She adjusts the glasses she isn’t wearing. Kara’s tough resolution comes crumbling down when she finally notices the tears pooling on your eyes. “I’m sorry, I know.” She pulls you in, kissing the top of your head. “I know. I get it.”
“You don’t. You can’t.” You mumble, squeezed inside Kara’s protective hug, crying in her supersuit. 
Because how could she? How can she see Lena as the evil one here, or ever? Lena, the only of the superfriends that sat down next to you the first time you came to National City and asked you a million questions so she would get to know you. And by the time you answered the tenth you had already memorized her face. Her mouth and how it curves, the way she talks and how she pronounces some words different, better, more beautiful than you. You had memorized her freckles. And all the colors of her iris.
You think that was the moment you fell in love.
Your body stiffens inside Kara’s embrace. You never thought of that before. Not with those words, not with this intensity. You’ve thought about how much you love her. More. Deeper. Compulsively. But you never once admitted you were in love. 
Now that makes sense.
“I do. I get it.” 
“You don’t. You don’t.” You repeat over and over again, about ten times. She doesn’t get it because you just now got it. “You don’t.”
“I do, little one.” Kara raises your head so you can look at her. “You love her.” She blinks her understanding at you. “I’ve always known. Alex knows too.”
They could’ve told you then.
They make up. Or sort of do. Lena helps save the world, she works against her own brother and well, it could’ve been it. It should’ve been ‘win and celebrate’ like it always was. 
But it isn’t.
It’s absolutely not what happened. 
Because the worst has happened. Your sister is gone.
Kara is gone and the world just stops making sense altogether. It all just becomes  nonsensical chatter and days and hours merge in together. You barely get any sleep. Because no one leaves the phantom zone, no one ever left it before and even though you know that if someone can do it, it is your sister, still. Hope is her specialty and without her you’re just hopeless and broke. 
“Hey,” Alex says and you raise your head from your place on Kara’s couch. “Thought I might find you here.”
“I’ve been staying here ever since…” There’s no need to finish your sentence, she knows. Your voice still breaks just at the prospect of having to say it. Ever since your sister is gone, like a death sentence over your head.
“Yeah.” Alex plops herself on the couch next to you. “How are you, kid? We haven’t talked much these days.”
“You mean ever since you decided to antagonize Lena and I wouldn’t have it?”
Sure, you’re being a bitch. It’s ridiculous of you. You shouldn’t do that to Alex because you know that she is suffering too. Just look at the bags under her eyes and how much older she looks in just a few days since it happened. And this has nothing to do with Kara nor Lena. Or even how Alex has just been so laser focused in this last Lex-fight, that she hasn’t noticed how much you’ve been suffering. No, it’s all because you’re alone, and lost, and the only person who gives you any hope is nowhere. Literally.
“Lena is fine, she is part of the team. All it’s in the past. She has forgiven me already.” Alex touches your hand, but you retract from her touch. “Will you?”
“I’m not mad.” Which is a half-lie. Because you are livid at the universe for taking Lena from you, and now Kara. Who else is it coming for? “I’m just –” You look at your hands. “Sad.”
Alex insists on the touch, throwing her arms over your shoulders and bringing you inside her hug. “We all are, kid. But we cannot lose hope. We will bring Kara back.” She kisses the top of your head. “Please come to the Tower to be with us. I don’t like the thought of you being alone here.”
You can’t fathom being around people, but you don’t want to be alone anymore. Your thoughts are destroying you. So you go.
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cevans-is-classic · 8 months
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18+ only please. Sexual content, unprotected sex, language, oral
My Masterlist One and Two
Seb is here!
The Anon who asked about the Endings Beginnings gif request! I had this puppy in line and thought it'd be a good one to use. Enjoy!
Seb moved behind you, taking slow steps and brushing your biceps when he came forward. You looked at him humming. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist, rocking both of you side to side as he rested his chin on your shoulder. 
“I thought we were going to tackle cleaning tomorrow?” He kissed your shoulder. 
You turn the bowl in your hand. “I couldn’t stop thinking about them sitting out. We need to get the dishwasher fixed.” 
“Mmm, we do.” He kissed you again, nuzzling into you as he squeezes you tight. 
You set the cup down, unplugging the drain before wiping it dry. Seb stays glued to you as you move around the kitchen. He hums when you put the cups away, smiles into your neck when you sort the utensils, and holds your waist when you put the pots and pans up.
You feel this itch, like something is coming, and you can’t tell if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Shaking away the crawling feeling, you spin in his arms, wrapping your own around his neck, and smiling at him, “Alright, how may I help you?” 
“Well,” He kisses your nose, “I was coming down to see what you were doing,” He kisses your left cheek, “Then I saw you doing the dishes,” Your right cheek, “And you were wiggling your ass a little-” 
You laughed, tilting your head back and Seb took full advantage, brushing his lips over your jaw and down until he skims his teeth. You gasp, jerk in his hold but smile as he kisses you, trailing bites along your throat and back up. 
“My wiggling ass do it for you?” You grin. 
“Baby,” Seb slides his hands until he can grip your ass, pressing you closer against him as he does, “Everything about you does it for me.” 
The kiss was rough, your nose hitting his before you could turn your head, and Seb laughed a moment before you settled against each other. He’s still smiling when you lick at his bottom lip and he slides his hands to your thighs.
A yelp escapes as he lifts you his smile turning into a smirk, his hands tightening on your thighs as walks you towards to island and sits you down. His left hand curls around your calf pulling it higher to hang over his hip, his nails scratching over your skin. 
“I just cleaned.” You whispered. 
He nodded, “and you did a wonderful job.” He kisses you again, slower this time, but deeper. His tongue licked your mouth open and you could taste the mint of his toothpaste. His stubble was a little damp, and scratchy against your cheeks, and it made you blush. 
Sebastian pulls back a second. “You okay?” 
You drop his gaze, “Yeah.” 
“Hey,” He squeezes your hip, “We don’t have to do anything-” 
“No.” You shake your head, grabbing his shoulder, and softly shook him, “No.” 
“Okay.” He nods again. “Not in the kitchen?” 
Your cheeks heat, your eyes rolling to the ceiling as you shake your head and shimmy a bit against him. “Baby, talk to me.” 
“I know, I-” With a breath, you look back at him, “I thought about your scruff and-” 
Seb blinked, then he tilted his head, eyebrow coming up. “Yeah? Thought about my facial hair. Where?” 
You looked down and Seb's grin turned hungry before he pulled you to the edge of the island and pushed you backward. He watches you rest along the surface, hands sliding over the countertop with nervous fingers. 
“Baby,” He taps your hip until you move, helping him slip your shorts and underwear down, letting it hang off your foot as he kisses your knee, “I know what you mean.”
“Your knees are going to hate you.” It comes out as a squeak, your hands clenching into fists with embarrassment. 
“But something will love me a lot more.” He says and licks your inner thigh. You gasp, the marble beneath you sticking to your backside. 
Seb keeps going, his hands opening your legs further, teeth leaving marks as he works up your thigh. His finger startles you, the way he spreads you and touches you — his thumb finding your clit. 
“I got you.” He kisses above your heat. “I got you.” 
Your hands fly to his hair when he licks you. One broad stripe that circled your clit. His fingers moved to your entrance, his thumb sliding in enough that you were aching for him to touch you. His tongue presses into you instead, licking, sucking, flicking against you over and over until your thighs shake. 
He dove in again and again, faster, slower, fingers sliding in and out and in until you’re muttering curse words and gasping his name. It made your knee weak, and your fingers ache where you fist his hair. When you’re close, teetering, almost over that crashing edge, he stops. 
“Fuck- what.” 
Seb looks up at you, letting you see the slick dampening your beard, and with a grin he kisses your thigh again. Scraping his facial hair across your skin then licking you once, twice, repeating the pattern until the words coming out of you were incoherent. You needed him to go faster, needed him to make you come with his name on your tongue. His tongue inside you. 
When his scruff scratches against you, arousal, hot and prickling, shoot up your spine, “Baby-” 
He nipped your clit then went back to work, doubling his effort, fucking his fingers into you over and over and you need to come. Are begging for it, reaching for it, it’s slow close and you’re pressing into his face, closer, closer. 
He pulls back.
You push him backward, your feet hitting the floor before you push him onto his back and climb over him. 
“Are you okay?” You guide him inside you, then sink down, watching his eyes close, his chin tilting upwards, and a drop of your slick moves down his neck. 
“So fucking okay.” He curses, gasping as your hips move. 
Yes, yes, fuck right there. He feels perfect, filling you. His shirt shifts as you press against his chest, using your hands as leverage to ride him. 
“So good,” He groans, grabbing your hips, and raising his knees enough to balance you. It buries him deeper, slides his cock against you, and that buzzing feeling went through you again. This time it felt electric and made your thighs tighten. He helps guide you as the feeling builds.
“Yes,” You gasp, “yes, yes, fuck.” 
“Come on, baby, come for me.” His voice is deeper, his mouth going slack when you squeeze around him, dig your nails into his chest, and come. 
He makes a drawn-out rumbling noise his hips bucking upwards. Seb guides you over him still dragging you through your after-shocks and towards his own release. 
His eyes lose focus as he looks at you, one hand moving to touch your neck, your jaw, your cheek, and then he pulls you down and bites at your lips. The position has you shaking your head, his hips moving faster, the hand on your hip clenching tighter. 
“Please.” You breathe into the kiss, “Baby, please.” 
He kisses you harder when he comes, eyes closing, his hands a vice grip on you. It makes you snap, your body twitching as a sharp orgasm floods you. 
Feeling him breathe against your cheek keeps you focused. His heart was racing beneath along your own as he shifted, kissing you slower.
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𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑌𝑜𝑢 | Morpheus( Dream) x Goddess!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Everything started when your skin could rival the paleness of a marble. That was when you knew that what you were doing was hurting your body and possibly your babies. Having extreme consciousness of your surrounding and your body, you were aware that this couldn't go on forever so... Even if it hurted you to see your lover's creation fade away and your people run away, you had to let go.
"My Lady, please don't cry anymore. No one should blame a mother for doing what's right for her children..."
"You are right but... I can't help but feel like I have failed them..."
Watching with sadness swirling inside her eyes, she kneeled before your form which was sitting on the throne of your lover as a way to feel closer to him and took your hands to place them over your swollen belly. "My Queen, how could you fail us when you're doing the utmost thing a woman can ever do??
Pouting and shaking your head childishly, Lucienne smiled and took your hand to escort you down. She wasn't your husband, she couldn't potentially know watching the moon was what always brought happiness to you but you were grateful for her efforts. Taking care of an emotional and hormonal pregnant woman was already hard, add the stress on you and... Double fuck.
But the face Lucienne wore when you told her what you were craving- sweet patato with maple syrup, with marshmallow next to it- you laughed hard. Harder than you had ever done. "Ah, Lucienne... You just made my day and thank you for bringing me my meal. And don't look at me like that, I blame Dream for this weird craving!"
"I... understand, my lady. I'm just happy that you're finally enjoying yourself. Are you going to return to Asgard after meal?"
Fiddling with her fingers, the same dread and suffocating feeling had started to bubble inside Lucienne's chest. She didn't want to say anything and scare you but now, she had a lot to loose... Especially after loosing the King.
And when she already lost her king, she didn't want to loose her queen too.
Not if she had a chance to keep her here.
"Hmm, Heimdall reached out to me, saying that there were problems with Alfheim and I have to meet with the ruler of Jotunheim... Though, since I'm with child, they will be coming to Asgard since my body cannot handle three different teleportations... Are you okay, dear Lucienne?"
"Is there... Could you not go another time? You said it yourself, you're close to giving birth and-"
Raising your hand and immediately silencing her, you took a deep breath and looked at her pleading eyes. You saw the worry and the fear inside her, the silent plea to not to leave the Dreaming. "My dear Lucienne, as much as I want to stay... Unfortunately there are no healers. And I have to talk to Jotunheim to maintain the peace I had brought after many centuries of war..."
Nodding her head at your words, she looked at the window and below the ground. She didn't want to let go of you and potentially risk your life and the little hopes of the Dreaming and you saw the uncertainity in her.
"You shall not worry, Lucienne. It won't take long, besides... I can't have the godmother, as humans call it, of my children sulking like that."
And the joy she felt at the news brought a wide smile on yours too...
Too bad that even after 4 months, you were yet to return.
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And now, after 105 years, the woman who had let go of the last line the realms were holding onto explained everything to the King of Dreams while the said-man was sitting on the broken ladders that led to his throne with an unrecognizable face, amidst all the ruins, and played with the wedding ring he had surprised his one love with.
"And that was the last time I had seen her... I wanted to keep her here, my lord but... She was right about healers and I couldn't argue with her... If only I did back then..."
Hanging her head low in shame and guilt, Morpheus watched with a stern look that held many fires inside. At this moment, he felt like he could rival all of the gods. He could march up to her kingdom and demand every single one of them where his wife was, why they had hated the woman who fought for them and sacrificed everything she had just because she chose to love him and marry him...
But he could also feel all the energy and power draining inside of him, it was as if even his soul knew that he was nothing without the one he yearned for. This feeling wasn't like any other he had felt, sure he had lovers before you. Compared to him, you were way younger after all but if having you would be the greatest gift and the most peaceful he ever would be, he would've waited many centuries just for you two to find each other.
"It's not your fault, Lucienne. She is free to come and go, you couldn't have known that someone would..." Shaking his head at his twisted mind and how it took a scary turn at the possibilities of what had happened to you, he looked in front of himself and gripped the bed-hair that was his own, the one you'd always tease for and play with. He couldn't help but think of what might have happened in your last moments, whether you were scared or not or if you blamed him. He was aware that even if you were a god, you weren't immortal.
"Just because I'm the ruler of 9 Realms and the Goddess of Life and Creation, it doesn't mean I can't die. I was born, I live and I'll die like any humans do... It just takes 50.000 years, compared to a human life, so we have still a long time!"
An unamused chuckle left his lips at the cheery voice you had soothed his worries with, and he remembered how you kissed the bridge of his nose and touched his face as if he was a fragile thing to be protected at all costs. Your touch would always be the only thing that eased him, whether he was stressed or worried, and the way you would just drag him away to cuddle and force him to sleep with a teasing You're the King of Dreams, yet you don't even close your eyes, were the proof that you really loved him.
The memory of you two playing with snow, visiting the library and sharing little, discreet kisses as if you were two dumb teenagers all flooded inside his mind at once. But he refused to think of them as if it was the last time you two enjoyed each other's scents and body, as if you were... dead.
With so many thoughts inside his mind, he didn't hear Lucienne asking him whether he would get help from his siblings or not.
Why would he, when they knew that he was imprisoned, when his wife was suffering silently for the things that wasn't even her responsibilities?
" I'm quite sure they know what happened to me, to my wife... And not one of them came to my aid, helped my love when she needed the most and left her to shoulder all the weight when I promised to not let a single being hurt her, including myself."
Looking directly at her king's shaky and wide irises that showed the kind of pain he was in, not because of the betrayal of his siblings, not his imprisonment, not even his lack of power but the pain his wife had to endure all this time... She watched with amazement when a tear slipped from his left eye and he hurriedly wiped it, that being the first time he had shown a softer side to the librarian, except the pettiness.
She always knew that the love Dream felt for you was way stronger than that mortal Nada or any other ex-girlfriends he had but to see the cold, expressionless king she had served for centuries cry silently was definetly an experience by itself.
"Tell me Lucienne... Did she hate me?" asked Dream, the one question he feared the answer the most. With a sad and small smile, Lucienne shook her head. "No, my lord... She never hated you but... there was only one person she loathed with a deep passion."
Feeling confused at the meaning behind her words, he turned his body to her and raised his brows at her, telling her to explain herself silently.
" You know how... Jessamy was killed..." Dream closed his eyes thightly at the mention of his companion but opened them back, wanting to know how she was connected to the person his wife hated the most. "When her Ladyship learnt what was going on, three of us worked hard to set you free and Jessamy was the one to suggest to get into the basement. My Queen refused, saying that it was too risky and that she wasn't ready to loose another one close to her but with much begging from her, My Queen allowed it... As you can guess by this, my lord, the person she loathes the most is... herself. And the death of Jessamy, changed everything within her. Created something... not her..."
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The chill night breeze of the city engulfed you with its bone shivering cold but the weakened body was already in deep so much that it barely felt it. Walking through the streets and watching all the mortals pass by you, not knowing that they were lucky to not face with your powers, you went to at apartman you were searching for while thinking how some snotty, disgusting humans with many body fluids were that important to many gods and powerful creatures.
They didn't appreciate life, all they had ever done was destroy and ruin everything with their wars, greed and hunger for basically everything.
And it was obvious in the way Rodrick Burgess captured Morpheus and took his tools for his entertainment. Health, power, wealth that could rival even Musa of Mali or William the Conqueror... All for it to go to waste in the end, because no one, not even a god would change the nature of humanity.
Except Death and the meek human she had made immortal.
"Gotta deal with that too... But first, let's see this famous Corinthian and Ethel."
Meanwhile, both parties were inside with Corinthian explaining how Morpheus was free and on search for his tools but most importantly, his wife.
"A God, a powerful being couldn't even protect his wife? I highly doubt he's dangerous to me or you..."
"You shouldn’t belittle his anger. He's dead set on finding her and the tools. He may not be strong enough right now but his wife? She's the Ruler of 9 Realms and Queen of the Dreaming, the power she has could easily kill-"
"Oh, please... You're making me seen like I kill for sport, Corinthian~"
The voice of the woman who scared even the strongest one out there, the heart of the Dreaming and 9 Realms, brought another kind of fear inside the blond man and when Ethel saw how he shook with fear and sweat, she couldn't find in her to turn back to see the source of the voice for what that would mean for her.
They both were frozen at their places, faces facing each other and hands stuck with holding onto something for support when the click of heels came closer to them. With shaky sigh, Ethel trembled at the omnious aura coming from behind her, fear of death biling up and almost making her vomit.
And the feeling only intensified when a sharp nail found its way to her cheek and rubbed the skin that started to wrinkle. "Is that fear I sense coming from you, Ethel? You didn't seem scared when you stole that ruby and helm?"
" My Lady Y/N, please spare-" Corinthian started to kneel down and beg for mercy at the sinister look on your face when you raised your hand at him to stop his nonsense.
"Wrong name... Dear Corinthian."
He tilted his head confused at the deadpan look and how you seemed... different.
Cold and sharp eyes, a predator look, the way you talked, calculating and... pure bad intentions.
"You... You aren't her, are you?"
Stopping your ministrations, you turned your head slowly at the man having a smug smirk and gave him a small yet daring smile. "And why do you think so?"
"Such bad intentions and desire to kill... It has never been her aspect..."
Humming approvingly, you sat down on the counter and faced the rogue nightmare that has been causing trouble. His eyes were set on your form, drinking everything it had to offer and the thoughts crossing his mind was... not so innocent.
Chuckling at his obvious- but stupid- smugness, you watched how his spine turned, almost threatening to break and his painful screams?
They were music.
"I'll say this just once so, listen carefully." Hurriedly nodding his head, you looked at his spine with red eyes and healed him slowly. "I'm here to destroy Morpheus, after all he's our shared enemy. I will give you my help and you will do my dirty jobs. And if I like you enough, I'll reward you~"
Smirking at the last sentence, Corinthian stepped closer to your form who sitting cross-legged and put his hands on your thighs. "And what's my reward, for pleasing you?"
" First, tell me if you accept or not."
"And if I don't?"
"I'd kill you and then ask the stupid blonde over there, and if she refuses too... I'd go and look for another suitable watch-dog."
With a tell-tale voice that seemed like you were singing, you knew by the horrified look on both their faces that you had won.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Romantic Quotes from YA Books Rp Meme
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(Feel free to edit like change it to first person or the gender)
"You are what happiness means to me. And I would rather have today with you than forever with anyone else."
“Since the first time I saw you, I have belonged to you completely. I still do. If you want me.”
“Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby- awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess.”
Love, it never dies. It never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it. Love can make you immortal.”
"You make me love you, and that could be the greatest thing my heart was ever fit to do."
"Your soul sings to mine. My soul is yours, and it always will be, in any world. No matter what happens."
"I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then.”
“I am catastrophically in love with you.”
“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.”
“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”
"I would have written you, myself, if I could put down in words everything I want to say to you. A sea of ink would not be enough."
"I know you aren't perfect. But it's a person's imperfections that make them perfect for someone else."
“The things is, you don't forfeit your whole world to prove your feelings to someone. You bring your worlds together. You get more world, not less.”
“Turns out there's a reason they call it falling in love, because when it happens - really happens - that's exactly how it feels. There's no doing or trying, you just let go and hope that someone's going to be there to catch you.”
“He is beauty, inside and out. He is the silver lining in a world of darkness. He is my light.”
“Love didn't make you weak, it made you stronger.”
“And next time you're planning to injure yourself to get me attention, just remember that a little sweet talk works wonders.”
If there's a thing I've learned in my life it's to not be afraid of the responsibility that comes with caring for other people. What we do for love: those things endure. Even if the people you do them for don't
"Look at me. I choose you over everyone."
“I don't want sunbursts and marble halls. I just want you."
"My heart made its choice, and it chose you."
"Because I was right. For the two of us, home isn't a place. It's a person. And we're finally home."
You look like my dream come true.'"
“For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.”
“True love is usually the most inconvenient kind.”
“Love is when your weirdness matches up with someone else’s weirdness.”
“I was happy before I met him. But I’m alive now, and those are not the same thing.”
“Love is scary: it changes; it can go away. That's the part of the risk. I don't want to be scared anymore.”
"I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. The one who will memorize the things you say as well as the shape of your lips when you say them. I want to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of your body."
"Meeting your soulmate is like walking into a house you've been in before."
"And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars."
"I bet you could sometimes find all the mysteries of the universe in someone's hand."
"I don't want the world, I want you."
"I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you."
"The only thing that matters to me with you are the forevers."
“Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone’s bad qualities because they somehow complete you.”
“We accept the love we think we deserve.”
"I want to live with you forever. I want to kiss you and lie down with you and wake up with you every day of my life till I die, years and years and years away."
“I’m not trying to overthink things. I’m trying to be less careful. But you have to be your heart’s own goalie.”
“If we had our entire lives ahead of us I bet you’d get tired of me telling you how much I love you because I’m positive that’s the path we were heading on. But because we’re about to die, I want to say it as many times as I want—I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.”
My preference is simple—you.”
“"He didn't give me flowers or candy. He gave me the moon and the stars. Infinity."
“As much as I had wanted a love story out of a movie, I know now that movies can only hope to to capture this kind of love.”
“The way I feel about him is like a heartbeat — soft and persistent, underlying everything.”
“A thousand electric cars could run on how you feel when you know that the person you like likes you back. It feels incredible. Like it shouldn't be possible. Of all the happy coincidences to ever exist, it's one of the happiest.”
. "It struck me as kind of crazy, kind of amazing, that one person could make me feel so serene just by being."
"I love you enough to hope that you will not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life - whatever length - happy, by spending it with you."
“You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth. And you don't even know it. You have no clue how beautiful you are or how brightly you shine."
“I stay with him because I choose to, every day that I wake up, every day that we fight or lie to each other or disappoint each other. I choose him over and over again, and he chooses me.”
“Do you really have any idea how important you are to me? Any concept at all of how much I love you?”
“Nothing before you counts,and I can’t even imagine an after
"In her eyes, I see my heart. In her breath, I hear my soul. She is my land. She is my kin. My love."
"If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane."
“In her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars.”
"No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever."
“You love me. Real or not real? “
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