#like both character wise and also cinematographically
biohazard-4ever · 3 months
how did you like RE4 remake in comparison to Shinji's OG 4?
curious to know your review on the game if you'd ever like to share xd
story, characters, gameplay and all that
I am completely and utterly biased about the OG RE4 and I'll NOT deny it. But I'll make a TL:DR section:
RE4Remake: 10000/10
RE4Original: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10
I AM biased. But, this is MY opinion, so, now the long deal:
Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4R) gives a way more serious tone to the story. Many would say a: 10000/10, much better than the OG.
Here comes my Biased self opinion: I think the cheesy and silly plot and scenes all make perfect sense for a Resident Evil game. Especially about Leon as a character. This is what Leon is, too. The cheesy, the bad punchlines, this is all part of Leon's charm. So...
When CAPCOM decided to make the story a lot darker to be taken serious, they also are walking away from what is Resident Evil - in part. But I also don't blame them...
But "awesome horror stories" happen everyday. Storywise, RE4R really became one more in an ocean of gazillions.
It will not age as well as the OG did. I have my doubts if the RE4REMAKE will become as timeless as RE4OG STILL is. The story was fine back then, and now, it is iconic. Leon (OGRE4) made it iconic.
"Your right hand comes off?"
"This is no ritual. It is terrorism."
"Rain or shine, you're going down."
"Hasta Luego"
"B I N G O?"
Leon in the OG can still entertain you. Make you fall for him and make you laugh. He calls the attention to himself.
RE4Remake has a small problem... One of the most Iconic and best chat between Leon and Salazar happens during a boss fight. But it can easily be missed because you'll be a little too busy trying to survive mid a BOSS FIGHT. You will not pay attention to it.
Most of Leon's best moment in the REMAKE happens OUT of cutscenes. During gameplay -, and some can even be skippable if you don't trigger it. So, you kinda miss part of Leon.
Meanwhile, RE4OG Leon, while quiet during the entire campaign, has a bigger presence because of the cutscenes he does appear.
RE4Remake Leon is FUCKING AWESOME. But RE4OG Leon... Is simply... Unreacheable. There are no words do describe it.
Definitely RE4Remake came to improve the entire experience. The gameplay is AWESOME. The enemies are way more dangerous and smart. You get surrounded easily and it does feel claustrophobic even when you are in the middle of the village, an open area. It is AWESOME. It is PERFECT...
But RE4OG started an entire trend. The over the shoulder camera? Thank RE4 for it. It popularized it for us. The crown will forever belong to the OG for that.
And I tell you more. BOTH are still very playable and DELICIOUSLY SO! Like how it is with the OG, I'm sure RE4Remake will age REALLY WELL (talking about its' gameplay.)
When talking about the OG Resident Evil 4, and when you ask me about:"Characters", I'd tell you: Leon.
Now, if we are talking about RE4Remake... I'll say: Leon and Ashley.
Ashley became PART of the universe. She exists. She is real. She is there. She is not a mechanic, she matters. Ashley is fantastic... The remake now tell us the story of TWO AMAZING main characters -, Leon and Ashley. How they overcome it all... It is all so cinematographic it is PERFECTION.
Also, small curiosity! Did you know the first cutscene, with Leon in the car with the cops, was the LAST scene they recorded from the RE4Remake? (while the chain scenes was one of the first). Nick didn't say why and no one put much thought into it...
But in my opinion? That was a very wise and AMAZING decision. Because it sure helped to give Leon/Nick this vibe of exhaustion he shows in that scene, with the hype already down and the actors already comfortable and used with the role... It was a perfect idea. It is amazing to end the job by reccording the beggining of the work; because the weight of everything you went through will finally weight down on you during those last few seconds in scene.
You know what is about to come, you know what your character will go through from that point on... And that can almost be SEEN in the Remake
It is almost as if Leon knows too. This is where I felt the most connected with him -, because like all of us (or, most of us who played the OG), he knows it... He knows. He is already exhausted by it.
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7-10 for the rop asks :)
I don't know if you mean 7 AND 10 or 7 through 10 ... I'm greedy so I'll do all of them.
7. What is your OTP?
Gosh erm. Out of those that have actually met in canon, I'd say Elrond and Durin jumped out to me as a pairing because they are pretty well established as characters on their own and I do love the way their friendship is introduced in the show, the rite of Sigin-tarâg, them delving the mine together and their long conversations.
8. What is your nOTP?
I'm firmly anti Galadriel-Sauron. I'm a feral Persephone-Hades fan and enjoy it as a trope in other stories but it just does not work for me here.
9. What is your favorite scene?
You cannot make me choose, you cannot. Like, you could ask me to make a top 50 of my fave scenes and I would still be angry at you for letting me chose and leaving off my other faves.
HOWEVER. One scene that is at least in my top 5 even as its position rotates, that stands out to me less for what it does (in the narrative) rather that what it is (cinematographically/technically), is the scene/scene transition from Arondir, Theo and Bronwyn fleeing from the Orcs, coming out of the forest, seeing the sunrise, the slow motion of their movements, the soft light of the sunrise, and then Disa starting to vocalize before switching to a shot of the mountain peaks. That was A+ editing and filming. It's like a moment suspended in time. They didn't need to show it that way, they could have gone for a more action-y way of filming the escape from the orcs, but I respect a show that makes an effort to let atmosphere take precedence before spectacle. It comes out in other ways, like Galadriel under Sauron's hallucinations or the introduction to Numenor even, are also really well done atmosphere wise, but the scene above stands out to me head and shoulders.
10. Favorite one-on-one conversation?
I think it's pretty clear that I love the conversation between Isildur and Elendil when he's trying to gain a spot on one of the ships sailing for Middle Earth. It makes me feel so many things all at once, identifying with both of them really hard at the same time, the conversational beats are perfect ('ThiS is aBOuT UniFOrm.' and 'Your being absurd.', both lines are I think the moments which Kat captured in her screenshots in that post I linked), the lighting is really good, it builds the tension for the next scenes really well and moreover it lays the groundwork for the perfect father-son hug in the next episode. And also it's funny, it makes me laugh.
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Annabeth’s blonde-ness is not important.
Some argue that Annabeth’s blonde hair is important to her character. While that is somewhat true, it is only the case because it is a feature that causes some people to underestimate her. That is relevant to one of Annabeth’s most important features— one that can be seen not in her appearance but in her behavior and actions— her drive to prove herself. Because of stereotypes about blondes and women, people judge Annabeth as soon as they see her. Annabeth Chase is intelligent, resilient, wise, skilled in combat, very experienced in fighting for her life and the lives of others while having limited resources. She is an invaluable asset to any team and a formidable, terrifying opponent to any foe. Yet she is constantly underestimated and dismissed because of her gender, hair color, and —especially at the beginning of her story— her age (Annabeth has a lot more experience with monster fighting and combat strategies than most her siblings did because she ran away from home when she was seven). But one of the things people love about Annabeth is her fiery determination. She’s quick to disprove people’s assumptions about her and has a commanding presence to those who know her.
I read a writing tip once that said that a character’s greatest weakness is related to their greatest strength. Annabeth has said before that her ‘fatal flaw’ is pride. As dangerous as pride can be, it can also be a powerful tool in motivating her. While she is driven by inquisitiveness and morality and loyalty, she is also, undoubtedly, driven by spite. When people first meet her, they don’t always expect much, and she can’t let them be right. Annabeth’s blonde hair is important solely because of the purpose it serves.
To think that Annabeth can’t be the same character if she does not have her blonde hair to motivate her is simply unfounded. It is no secret that black people face discrimination and that racists form opinions about them because of their appearance. Annabeth being a black girl stays very true to character. The motivation is the same. People are stupid enough to believe that physical features are relevant to what a person is capable of. Annabeth resents this and wants to prove people wrong. What’s important about Annabeth is not her physical features, it is that she overcomes people’s expectations of her in spite of the assumptions they make about her based on her physical appearance. (side note: Annabeth’s gray eyes aren’t important to her character. Despite being mentioned so often in her descriptions, they are described as “stormy gray eyes.” Yeah there’s the comparison between the intensity and emotion in her eyes and the intensity of a storm via them both being gray but c’mon, clearly what’s important there is that you can see her fiery determination in her eyes)
People were upset that Leah Jeffries was cast as Annabeth because they were expecting the cast to look exactly like the books described. But let’s be real. When we say we want a cinematic adaptation of a book, what we really mean is that we want an audiobook with stunning visuals to go along with it. But cinematic adaptations are inherently different from their source text specifically because of the different medium that is used to tell the story. While “show-not-tell” is an important aspect of quality writing, novels are reliant on narration and dialogue in order to convey information to the reader. But for cinematic works, the “show-not-tell” rule applies differently. Movies and shows aim to convey as much information to the viewer as they can through visuals. Movies that are heavily reliant on narration and dialogue are kind of a waste. May as well just listen to a podcast. Cinematographers take advantage of the fact that they can show you what’s going on without having to put it into words. Not to mention, lots of things happen more quickly than they can be described, like fight scenes, or scenes that are very chaotic and have a lot going on simultaneously. And new places might be described in several pages but on screen would only be dwelled on for about 10 seconds. So we can’t realistically expect them to be exactly the same and that is a good thing. The story is being told in a different way. Switching from novelistic communication to cinematic communication is a fundamental difference. There are improvements that need to be made in order to tell the story efficiently and effectively. Cinematic adaptations are inherently different from their source material and they are all the better for it.
What really matters is an actor’s ability to believably portray a character.
I have a friend who is an actress. She’s also a brunette; she told me her grandparents lived in the Middle East. She told me once that she was auditioning for a role as a murder victim. After her audition, she was told that her performance was the best but “Sorry, you’re just not White Trash enough.” So they picked the blonde actress over her. Because it was a one-episode character who barely had any screen time before dying and whose main trait was probably meant be “white trash. ” Would you really want to sacrifice the quality of the show for something as superficial as appearance?
Rick Riordan said himself that during the casting/ auditioning process, they weren’t looking for people who looked like the characters but people who were the right age and who could play the characters the best. Leah Jeffries was cast to play Annabeth Chase. I am fully confident in her ability to give us a great portrayal of Annabeth and I look forward to seeing her performance.
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spoilertv · 3 months
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The Lodger and "Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper"
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The middle film of a trio of Gothic horrors John Brahm directed for 20th Century-Fox in the 1940s, THE LODGER (1944, YouTube) improves on the first, THE UNDYING MONSTER (1942), but can’t hold a candle to the third, HANGOVER SQUARE (1945). Brahm and cinematographer Lucien Ballard copy some compositions from Fritz Lang’s great M (1932) with good reason. Both films are about the effect of s serial killer’s rampage on the city he ravages. Where the Lang focused on a child killer (Peter Lorre) whose compulsions are part of the film’s despondent world view, however, Brahm’s picture seeks to explain away Jack the Ripper (Laird Cregar) by having him kill former actresses because his beloved brother drank himself to death after an actress betrayed him. That’s all too pat to be believable in any but Hollywood terms, which manages to diminish the horror while also suggesting repressed homosexuality as the killer’s deeper motive. Which angers him more — that his brother died or that his brother preferred the actress’ company to his? Cregar is very good as the killer, wisely underplaying a lot of his early scenes, and Brahm shoots him to great effect. He looms over the other actors. Ballard fills the screen with shadows that heighten the sense of ambiguity about his character. And there are two good performances from Sara Allgood and Cedric Hardwicke as the couple renting rooms to Cregar. The real problem here is the casting of Merle Oberon as their niece, a music hall star who captures his fancy and incites his ire. She’s a competent actress and can be quite good in the right material. But her two musical numbers (dubbed) are limp noodles. She doesn’t have a dancer’s grace. It’s obvious the chorus girls are doing all the heavy lifting in what amounts to Mae West choreography (they dance, she moves in front of them), and her most strenuous moves are done in long shot and look doubled. Nor does she have the kind of charisma to suggest she could have been a musical star. Hell, she couldn’t even open for Luise Rainer in THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936).
My friend and I followed this with an appropriate THRILLER episode, “Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper” (1961, YouTube), well-directed by Ray Milland from a script by Barre Lyndon, who also adapted THE LODGER, this time drawing on a Robert Bloch story. Here Jack is haunting a modern American city, performing ritual murders to keep himself young. The focus is on British expert John Williams, who’s been tracking Jack’s Satanic murders for 30 years, but the real fun is in the supporting cast. Gloria Blondell (Joan’s sister) is a victim’s neighbor more concerned about the newspapers’ getting her name right than with her friend’s demise (sounds like a Wits End Players sketch), while Adam Roarke and Ottola Nesmith play eccentric artists in a salon run by police psychiatrist Donald Woods. The piece has some ridiculous moments, with Williams’ cigarette standing at attention as he watches stripper Beverly Hills, but it also has a great early score by Jerry Goldsmith.
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igniakino · 10 months
Pre-Production, Set-up, Shoot and Post Thoughts
I took on the role of HoD production designer when asked by the producer, Esther. I thought the script sounded very interesting and wanted to take on the challenge of transforming a lived-in space to an abandoned room. The reference images I was originally given consisted of shots from Requiem For a Dream, which is a film I really admire the set design for and wanted to emulate so I agreed to work on this project.
Link to my Pinterest board that inspired by ideas:
Here is the colour palette I was working with:
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Originally, the script called for a policewoman and a mostly abandoned house. I had many ideas on how we could find a setting like this and how I could dress the frame. However I ended up having to change my ideas a lot when the character was transformed into an estate agent to fit the script better. This meant that I had to rethink a lot of my established ideas as it wouldn't make sense that this estate agent was trying to sell and maintain a house that was falling apart. This made things a little harder for me as not only did I have to take into consideration that whoever's house I would be transforming would be a landlords property (so unfortunately I couldn't destroy any furniture or tear up the wallpaper), I also had to think about how logically in disrepair this room would be if an estate agent was trying to sell it.
This meant I could not do as much as I had hoped in terms of set design. I couldn't destroy things or dirty them up too much or batter the walls or even stick my own wallpaper to them. The director wanted the room to be almost like a show-home so it ended up being more barren than I had wanted, however I still enjoyed the project and I am happy with what I achieved. I had many meetings with both the cinematographer and the director to make sure we were all happy with how the film would look and how the set would influence colour and mood.
We visited two locations. The first we felt was too small for everything we wanted to achieve and we were not allowed to pin anything to the walls or move much the furniture around. The second location was much more spacious and we could change what we wanted (within reason of course). Once we were set on our shooting space I went about planning how the room would look with Saskia, my art department, and started to complete costume.
The day before the shoot everything was moved out of the living room. All unwanted furniture was relocated, all posters were taken down and the curtains were removed. Everything from the kitchen was also moved out of shot so we had a complete blank slate to work with. All the rest of the set up was done early the day of the shoot.
Costuming was relatively simple for both characters. I knew I wanted a typical estate agent outfit for our female character so I went with a pencil skirt, tights, a smart cream shirt (white would have been too bright and clashed with the camera) and a blazer. I was very happy with the shoes, though they are not shown much in the movie, as I thought they were the perfect style of professional heels and added a lot to the outfit. For hair and makeup I also wanted simplicity so as not to distract from any of the conversation. I asked the actress to wear light foundation and wear her traditional day-to-day makeup, bringing setting powder with me just incase the makeup was too shiny on the screen. Hair was put into a simple claw clip, neat and tidy at first and then becoming more messy and loose as the film goes on, showing her character letting down her defences to the protagonist.
For Robert it was just a case of layering him up in plain clothes. I wanted him to be bundled up like he had been wearing the same outfit for a while, no style needed just warmth and necessity. Makeup wise I used red, brown and a tiny bit of purple to give him slight eye bags and feed into the exhausted look.
I had the most fun on this project creating the newspaper prop. I was given an article by our writer Duncan and created a front page of a made up tabloid to symbolise the films name and the situation Robert is in. I used Canva to create the article, visited a local print store to get it to the right size and stuck it to the front of an actual newspaper to give it depth. Lots of fun was also had when I had to write the neighbouring column, choosing to write a vapid segment about a fake celebrity breakup to contrast the horrible news of manhunt after a suspected "mother killer".
The radio was bought off of ebay and the sleeping bags were borrowed from other crew members. I gathered all the takeaway boxes I could find in my house, along with cans and plastic bottles to decorate the room. I thought this would make sense logically in the story as he would have no place to cook, so takeaway food would be his only option. This made the area feel more lived in and gave the impression he had been at this location for a while. Other props consisted of blankets, pillows and other miscellaneous items that would bring our protagonist comfort while also hinting at his life on the run.
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I bought a lot of green fabric to cover one of the walls, as the director did not want all an all white setting. This helped with shaping the room and adding depth as well as colour. I also bought a few sheets that it used to cover the windows on the day of the shoot. This worked both within the world of the story, as it makes sense for Robert to want to cover the windows to avoid being spotted, and to enhance the lighting our cinematographer wanted. It was an effective way to shape the light in the room and give it atmosphere.
We only had one day to film and though it was very long it was a lot of fun and went smoothly (apart from a camera incident!). It was a great crew to be apart of and everyone was very professional, listening to my ideas and asking me or Saskia before they moved any of the props. I spent most of the filming time out of the room as there was not enough space for the whole crew to be in the same space, but every few cuts I went in to check continuity with Robbie, our script supervisor/ editor, and reapply any makeup that seemed to be rubbing off. The only issue on set production design wise was figuring out how to pin the green fabric to the wall in a way that looked believable and not like someone had gone up and stuck some random fabric on the wall. I think we achieved this as it looks natural works well to apply some more colour to the film. I cleaned up as much as I could after the shoot and removed all pinned wall pieces carefully. The next day I returned to the flat we were shooting in to rearrange their furniture and return the room back to normal.
A few behind the scenes pictures!
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All in all, Headline was a very smooth and professional shoot! I wish I could have done a little bit more with the production design, as I would have loved to find a truly abandoned place and craft the film around that. I also wish you could see a little more of the props I created, but I know the main point of the film is not the setting, but the story being told. I am proud of my contributions to the film and think I pulled it off creating the look of a runaway man's living situation effectively.
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j2memories · 8 months
Variety article (October 9th 2020)
‘Supernatural’s’ Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki on Their Final Scene Together, Moving onto ‘The Boys’ and ‘Walker’
Oct 9, 2020 9:00am PT
By Danielle Turchiano
The Winchesters’ work may not yet be done on “Supernatural,” but their portrayers, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, already have to think about shedding Dean and Sam and stepping into new characters.
The CW demon-hunting drama called series wrap in early September, with the guys sharing their final scene as on-screen brothers on Sept. 10.
“When I showed up, it was our last day of filming at the studios and it was a big day, script-wise. And our third AD, Emma — we call her G.G., which is short for ‘garden gnome,’ because she’s little — she came up to me and was already in tears; she was like, ‘It’s our last day at the studio.’ And I just said, ‘Nope. No, no no, another day at the office, business as usual, don’t start that s—.’ That’s how I do the work,” Ackles tells Variety.
With only days since between wrap and chatting with Variety, Padalecki points out that he doesn’t “know if I’ve unpacked” what that final brother moment fully means emotionally. He shares that he has been “avoiding really delving back into that mindset and what it means and what it meant.”
“Even though Jensen and Jared knew, ‘Hey “Supernatural’s” done on Friday; we finished on Thursday,’ we had to treat it like, ‘OK this may be the last minute of the Super Bowl, but we’ve still got plays to make’; we still have to be on point,” he explains.
“Supernatural” began airing the final seven episodes of its 15-season run on Oct. 8, with the world watching whether or not the Winchesters would be able to defeat God (Rob Benedict), who has been hell-bent (no pun intended) on destroying universes of late. Unlike seasons past, though, the episodes have wrapped ahead of time: The first five were finished in the spring, as the show was originally scheduled to end in May. When the coronavirus pandemic halted production, they had two episodes to go, which were completed amid the still-ongoing pandemic in early September.
“We didn’t let COVID stop any brother moments,” Padalecki promises, noting that protocol on-set had the co-leads getting tested every three days and only interacting with essential personal, such as each other, the director, cinematographer and their key makeup and hair artists.
“In those final moments, without giving away too much, one thing you’ll see in my opinion for me [is] the lines that separate the the character from the actor get heavily blurred,” Ackles says of Dean and Sam’s last scene together.
Because of schedule changes due to COVID, both Ackles and Padalecki were able to look ahead to what their next projects would be before finishing the arguably the longest-running one of which they will ever be a part.
Early this year, Padalecki booked the titular role in the CW’s reboot of “Walker, Texas Ranger,” simply titled “Walker”; for the first time in his career he will also be an executive producer on that project. In August, Ackles announced he would be joining the cast of Amazon Prime Video’s “The Boys” for the third season, playing the first superhero, Soldier Boy. Just yesterday, it was announced the Ackles also signed an overall deal with Warner Bros. Television Group.
“My new character, Walker, is different than Sam and so I’ve been spending time since they called, ‘That’s a wrap,’ getting back into that mindset. I was able to get into that mindset during quarantine, but I know as well as any actor that it takes a while to fully flesh out a character anyways — and it should,” says Padalecki. “If ‘Walker,’ the TV show, goes for three or four or five or six or seven years or whatever, then I hope he’s more fleshed-out and more developed than he was during the pilot. And so, I’ve done a lot of work — I’ve done the character work — and I’m going to start from there and let what happens between ‘action’ and ‘cut’ inform me more.”
Both actors say that no matter what new character comes their way, there have been invaluable lessons learned on the set of “Supernatural” that they will carry with them.
“The last 15 years was not just going to work, it was an educational experience. I learned a lot about everything I do. Jared and I didn’t go to school for this; we learned on the job. And so, the more on-the-job we have been, the more we have learned. I certainly never anticipated being this educated in what we do, and I think that that will only help us in what we do moving forward,” says Ackles.
Adds Padalecki: “I’m going to take Sam Winchester and the lessons I learned from ‘Supernatural,’ proudly, into every job I do — and probably outside of jobs, just as what kind of a human being I want to be.”
“Supernatural” airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.
Watch Variety’s video interview with Ackles and Padalecki above.
Link to the article
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soundlesslament · 2 years
I’ve been playing through my “final” playthrough of “Dragon Age: Inquisiton” for exporting when the next game is released and for some reason taking videos of all the main scenes and a few others like some deranged video game cinematographer, and I conjured up some interesting thoughts about the upcoming title.
This is a post of character analysis and (fundamented) speculation, if anyone is interested. I just wanted to write it down. This blog was made for me to shout into the void about fandoms after all. And if I turn out to be correct, the time stamp on the post makes for bragging rights.
If your Inquisitor is friends with Solas, there is this cutscene in which he will admit he admires the Inquisitor for who they are and what they have accomplished. I liked this scene previously, because it is a very wholesome friendship moment but also character-defining - I mean, Solas later admits he didn’t even think of them as people at first, and then he comes to not only see the Inquisitor as a person and close friend, but also as the leader he wishes he had been.
HOWEVER, it wasn’t until I was focused on recording this that I noticed something else in Solas speech. He says the Inquisitor “has shown a wisdom he hasn’t seen (pause) since his deepest journeys into the ancient memories of the Fade”. Which just sounds like very high praise at first, but considering the pause and the later reveals about the Fade, it’s a cover-up. He was going to say something else. Namely, where he actually had seen that kind of wisdom before.
It’s Mythal. Solas sees the Inquisitor (given high approval parameters) as akin to Mythal - the wise leader type, both protecting and fighting for her people.
Which of course made me consider the implications for the upcoming “Dragon Age: Dreadwolf”.
I do think the reason Solas freezes Flemeth-Mythal is because Mythal would never agree with what he plans to do and would attempt to stop him. At the same time, the last choice in “Inquisition” is about deciding whether the Inquisitor wants to outright stop Solas or try to persuade him that he is in the wrong.
For this I am convinced the way to reach a peaceful compromise ending in the next game will be for the new protagonist to both rescue Mythal and team up with an Inquisitor who was friends with Solas. Essentially, round up the two people the Dreadwolf actually looks up to and have them talk sense into him and get him to stand down.
I, for one, would really appreciate seeing my Inquisitor and Mythal tag-team scolding Solas like some unruly egg child with good intentions but terrible ideas.
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ultrahpfan5blog · 3 years
Retrospective Review: Skyfall (2012)
So after QoS was generally considered to be a letdown after the impressive success of Casino Royale, there was a bit of a course correction required. It wasn't as if QoS was a bomb. Both Casino Royale and QoS were the highest grossing Bond films till then. But critically they needed to course correct a bit. Skyfall came in with a lot of hype since it came on the 50th anniversary of Bond in films. Sam Mendes came in and knocked it out of the park in Skyfall. In my opinion, Skyfall is second only to Casino Royale in the ranking of Bond films.
What is interesting about Skyfall is that it feels like it takes a significant step away from the previous two films. It feels aesthetically different from the previous two films and Bond himself is reinvented as someone at a different point in his life. While Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace were films with Bond as a new 00 agent. In Skyfall, he is an older agent, considered to be past his prime. So it seems like there is a big time leap in his career. The film has a fantastic opening action sequence, going from car chase, to bike chase, to fight on a train. You really feel Bond being pushed to his limit in this sequence. Yet, there are still very lovely iconic touches like when Bond leaps from the tractor into the train, he checks his cufflinks. Its really a small thing but it lends a lot of Bond's character. Skyfall is probably one of the most known Bond songs and it really lends to the mood of the film to follow.
The film's biggest strengths lie in the film making and in the performances from the actors who are all excellent across the board. The film has makes some bold choices when it comes to plot by making MI6 fallible. M in this movie is not at her best. She makes mistakes and a security leak happens as a result and people die because of the mistakes she made. There is also a legitimate argument to be made that she did wrong the villain and does manipulate Bond. As a result, she becomes an even more interesting character. If there is a true Bond girl in this movie, it is Judi Dench because she is front and center in this movie and the plot really surrounds her. Its by far her more substantial role in the franchise and she really makes the most of it. Her relationship both with Silva and Bond is fascinating, with Silva having almost an Oedipal complex with her whereas there is a clear maternal connection with Bond. Its a very fitting swan song for her.
There are a couple of other Bond girls in the movie. Naomie Harris makes an excellent debut as Moneypenny. If I am correct, I don't think we even know she is Moneypenny until the very end of the movie. But she's pretty badass from the very beginning and she has a nice witty banter with Bond. There is a nice and friendly sexual tension between the two. Its definitely a different Moneypenny from the previous eras but she is a welcome presence. One performance that doesn't get enough credit is Berenice Marlohe as Severine. She is actually pretty fantastic in the movie in a fairly brief role. She is enigmatic and seductive and a deeply tragic figure but her scenes are ones that really stick with me. Definitely the scene in the Casino is excellent.
We also get the reintroduction of Q, played by Ben Whishaw and he's immediately winning. It makes a lot of sense for the modern technology driven Q to be a younger man and its a fun switch of the dynamics between Bond and Q, where previously Q was sort of a mentor figure for Bond, here Bond is the elder person who makes fun of Q's age. One other character who is a surprise is Ralph Fiennes as Mallory. When he is initially introduced, he feels like a stereotypical government employee who is against Bond and M, but you slowly see that there is more to him than meets the eye and he's actually quite a badass himself and ends up being the new M by the end of the movie. Fiennes is great as he normally is. Albert Finney has a fun role in the last act and Rory Kinnear continues on as Tanner.
Javier Bardem's impact on this film is immense. What is interesting is that he doesn't appear until just a few minutes past the halfway mark of the movie. And even in the second half, he disappears for about 15-20 minutes after the hearing shootout. But his impact looms over the entire movie, even when he's not there. And that's a testament to his performance. He is brilliant in the role. He has an outstanding entry scene with a great monologue. You can just tell that Bardem is having a blast in this role. He manages to induce menace, rage, heartbreak, and madness. You genuinely feel some sympathy for his him because he isn't completely wrong. Its a performance that is truly right towards the very top of Bond villains and it elevates the movie a lot.
Daniel Craig is again fantastic here. He continues to give his all, both physically and emotionally in the role. The scenes between him and Bardem on the Island are some of the best acted sequences in the movie. And again, the dynamic between M and Bond sells because of how well both Craig and Dench play off each other. There are little touches that Craig does that I love so much. I already mentioned the cufflinks scene in the opening action sequence. Then there is a fight scene in a Casino where he and a goon fall into a pit and he spots a Komodo dragon and he is startled and points at it even, even when he is being picked up by the thug. Also, when he gets pissed off when he sees the DB5 get blown up in the climax. It doesn't sound like much, but it genuinely adds a lot to the character when you see it. He has good chemistry with all the cast and you even buy him when you see him struggling physically post the injury inflicted in the opening sequence. Its a performances where he delivers the humor, action, drama, emotion etc... and he does it all brilliantly.
As I mentioned earlier, the film making is terrific. Aesthetically, this film stands out and his beautiful to look at. Its no surprise that Roger Deakins is the cinematographer. There are just some gorgeous sequences throughout the movie, be it the fight in the empty office in Shanghai, the sequence in the Casino, the empty old house in the middle of nowhere, or the moors of Scotland in the climax. There is just a wonderful use of light to make every frame stand out. Sam Mendes also keeps the pacing tight. This is almost as long as Casino Royale, and just like that film, you don't feel the time. The only reason I rank this below Casino Royale is that the story telling isn't as tight as it could have been. For example, Silva's entire plan is really implausible when you think about it. No amount of preplanning would have led to everything happening exactly as he planned it because it requires a lot of random actions from people which he could definitely not predict. Then there is the fact that M endangers the ministers and everyone at the hearing despite knowing there is an eminent threat. Also, while the climax is spectacular and I get that Bond wanted to get Silva out of his comfort zone, but I still don't see how isolating himself in the middle of nowhere, with just M for backup against Silva and his entire army was a wise idea. Also, the film sets up the interesting notion that Bond is not at his best physically, but it sort of abandons the idea towards the end with Bond basically taking out Silva's whole army on his own. So there are some loose ends to the storytelling. But its easy to overlook them. The film also makes the brave choice to have Silva actually win since M dies in the end. So it is a bittersweet ending in a way. But its all done in a very satisfying manner.
Overall, its an excellent movie. Definitely top tier Bond and a very fitting movie for the 50th anniversary for Bond. A 9/10.
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inhonoredglory · 4 years
I thought this needed to be its own post, since it’s a huge meta and I really loved writing it.
The following is my attempt to analyze the symbolism and staging of @tenyai​ ‘s impeccable storyboards to Douxie and Merlin’s farewell, in the final episode of Wizards: Tales of Arcadia.
Teny, your boards and the thoughtfulness, heart, and passion you put into them have legit inspired me to take up boarding as a truly narrative, imaginative, and character-driven art. Thank you for these and for all the love. Your skill and craftsmanship and sincerity of emotion come shining through in these arts, and it warms my heart and fills me with absolute joy. I’ve been in awe of your handle of cinematographic symbolism ever since you teased so much meaning out of the final scene in Killahead Part 2, and I’ve changed my entire view on how to analyze scenes and characters on screen because of it. I cannot wait to see your analysis of this scene. It’s rich and powerful in ways I cannot even express.
People, please go check out her boards on her blog and at her professional portfolio on the website in her bio!!
Waking up in Merlin’s Study
First up, parallelisms… Merlin’s study is the symbol of everything Douxie is aspiring to in his life. It’s the heart of Merlin’s knowledge, his position as a master and a wizard. It’s full of things Douxie is off-limits to (like the safe or the time map), as we saw in the second episode. He’s always been a student and an inferior in this room; that’s why he considers it an ironic Hell. But unlike in “Dragon’s Den,” when he wakes up in this room on the floor, scared and confused––here instead, he wakes up on the table, surrounded by Merlin’s books, Merlin’s knowledge. And he’s much more comfortable and relaxed. Symbolically, he’s not scrubbing the floor anymore as an inferior.
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I almost want to say that Merlin’s tables represent the places where Merlin crafts and makes things––like in “History in the Making” when he is shown making the amulet over one of the tables in his study. But in this case, the person Merlin had a hand in crafting was Douxie. And being a father to Douxie, by saving him from the streets, is Merlin’s greatest accomplishment. He may have saved Douxie, but Douxie took on a life of his own and surpassed Merlin’s wisdom, in a way much like the amulet took on a foresight far more wise than Merlin could have ever predicted (choosing a human to be the Trollhunter, despite Merlin’s belief that a human wasn’t enough).
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Walking to the Light
After Douxie wakes up, we get the walk towards the Light, with Merlin starting out in the Light and by the end of this scene, falling into Shadow. Symbolizing Douxie’s growth and perception of Merlin, and symbolizing Merlin’s position as Master Wizard of this realm and his willful relinquishing of that role to Douxie. At first, Douxie wakes up, thinking about his past in this room and all the service he did for his master––who in this shot appears as a hazy halo-ed vision speaking down at him from the unattainable glow: “Hello there, boy,” said with the kind of judgmental snide Douxie’s used to from Merlin.
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Then they start walking and then we hit the window at the far end of the room, a kind of apex in the parabolic staging of Douxie and Merlin’s movement through the scene––with the arc going from the back of the room and the table, to the window, and swinging again to the back, this time from the right side of the room. Merlin’s dialogue when we hit the window is important. He’s first talking about how he’s dead and vaporized into soot, etc, and then he opens the time map and asks, “The question really is, Why are you here?” A charged, thematically rich question placed right when we see the mingle of blue and green light from the time map’s lenses––the mingling of these two’s lives through the ages, the summation of all Douxie’s insecurities and all Merlin’s expectations, all Douxie’s greatest mistakes and his greatest triumphs.
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Why Are You Here?
Why is he here? At this point, Douxie’s finally let go, he’s accepted Merlin’s death, accepted the title of successor, accepted his gifts and powers and heroism. And he’s accepted that death is part of the job of Master Wizard if it means saving those he’s sworn to protect. So why is he here? Because he’s done everything and more that a true Master Wizard is supposed to do. He’s equalled Merlin, nay––surpassed him in heroism, wisdom, and responsibility. The mingling of the time map’s lights symbolizes that Douxie has achieved everything Merlin represented to him, and more.
And then Douxie touches the Light, looking out into the glow of the hereafter, saying nothing (I love that and makes me crave for his thoughts).
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There’s something so fundamentally and chillingly introspective and metaphysical here in this shot for me. It comes on the heels of not only “Why are you here” but also “I am most certainly dead. You saw me vaporize into soot.” Cuz that’s what happens when we all go, isn’t it? You might be the wisest person on this earth, mastered all there is to know about life, become the greatest wizard, lived a thousand years and more, and still in the end, you will die, and to the dust you will return. Maybe Douxie’s thinking, Am I here because I’m dead too? Because my body is gone, because somewhere out there beyond the stained glass is the explanation of the mystery of what happens when we die? Because even if you master life, there is no mastery over death, because none of us will ever feel what it truly is to be on the other side until we get there?
Separate and Equal
Symbolically, with the lighting, it also means Douxie’s touched Wisdom/Maturity in a way. If the hazy glow of Merlin at the start was from this Light, from this Unattainable Essence––then by the time of this staging’s apex, Douxie has achieved what Merlin has. He’s touched the thing that he has sought for so long. He too can be framed by the Light of the person he wanted to be. So now, we see Douxie talking back to Merlin, and not being silent anymore.
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Merlin and Douxie are on the same plane now––as equals. We get the vitally important shot of them side by side, Douxie laughing off Merlin’s disapproval, both of them framed by the Light, both of them standing on their own, balanced by the pillars and the light, each of them solid and independent, separate and equal.
Douxie’s Need for Validation
And then we get to the other side of the parabola, the shift in Merlin’s dialogue from disapproval to one of admiration and pride. “I can see you no longer need my validation.”
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This line kills me, because you can see in Douxie’s face that yes, he does. Oh how he desperately wants it. But he’s worked so hard to NOT need it, so that he can grow and flourish. And Douxie falls back into that quiet again, waiting on Merlin’s every word, because his rebellious veneer is stripped right now. Merlin’s hitting on the core of his needs, the source of his insecurity. In the film version, he’s even holding his hands together in front of him, and if that body language means anything to me, it’s Douxie feeling small and childlike again, needing and wanting something from his Dad but not having the courage to tell him.
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Staging-wise, Douxie’s still very much following Merlin. He’s behind him, chasing after him, looking up to him. The “ancient Draconic” stand-off was the first and most important show of Douxie’s growth, born from Douxie’s own gumption and sass, when Merlin for the first time in this scene walked up to *Douxie* instead of the other way around, even if it was to judge him:
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But like any good hero’s journey, after one win, our hero gets a setback, a reminder of his failures, before he wins again. And this time, it’s Douxie feeling like this latest monologue from Merlin is again some kind of judgement, some kind of backhanded lecture. Would his show of strength and independence fall on deaf ears?
“Remember when I told you that magic is mastery over life?” Merlin says, holding up an alchemy bottle and then a book––tools of the trade, spellcraft and tricks. All the things Merlin taught him. In a huge way, Merlin wasn’t there for the real lessons Douxie learned to become truly wise. Douxie became strong and selfless and kind because he had to, because those were the ways he knew in his heart would take him on the path to reaching that wisdom of life Merlin was talking about. I wonder if there’s something to the fact that once Merlin starts saying, “Nine hundred years you’ve guarded this realm…” he puts the book away––putting away his own knowledge and symbolically recognizing that Douxie’s wisdom has taken him far past Merlin’s own teachings, and that in the 900 years that went by, Douxie has guarded this realm with a mastery of life all his own.
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In the final version, the moment Merlin says, “You’ve disrupted time, freed ancient beasts,” that’s when Douxie drops his hands, stops walking, and looks down––a brushstroke reminder of his guilt on doing these things, things that Merlin disapproved of, but things Merlin is now seeing as good and right things to do.
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And then we get to the shot of the amulet blueprints, and the wonderful crowning statement of Douxie’s morality: “You’ve… fought to save one life at the risk of countless others.” Meaning Jim, meaning the very person who inspired Douxie to take his selflessness that one step further and set aside his own life so that he could save everyone. Because every life is precious. I find it fascinating that on this line in the boards, Douxie silently fist-slams the table, disappointment all over his face. While Merlin, now in Shadow, has a look of wistful regret.
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This shot is so pack full of meaning, and I keep adding to this interpretation...
Douxie for so long has been stripped down for everything he’s done, been criticized by Merlin for being different from him. In some ways, he thinks this latest monologue is more of the same, more ways in which he’s disappointed his father. And clearly, despite his growth, it still hurts him.
And it hurts him that while Merlin is talking about saving Jim’s life, Douxie never really was able to save him. Douxie died while Jim was still corrupted. He died only seeing Jim lose himself to the Green Knight. He never saw Claire’s heroism in bringing Jim back. Personally, Douxie failed.
But even more than that, it hurts him that for all his love for Merlin, he could not save him. He might give his life to save the world, but he cannot bring Merlin back from the grave. Every life is precious and he would risk countless to save just one. But he couldn’t save the one that meant the most to him.
Merlin recognizing he’s wronged Douxie
In the end, Merlin here isn’t talking Douxie down, even as he’s pointing out their differences. He’s in awe at this idealism Douxie possesses. He’s not criticizing him, he’s not being wry or ironic. Merlin looks up at the portrait, knowing that it wasn’t him who gave Douxie this outlook on life. It wasn’t his harsh treatment that gave Douxie his beautiful soul. Douxie had it all along, and Merlin was too dense to see it and nourish it.
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So what Merlin says next hits even deeper––
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“And yet, despite such relentless hardships…” Merlin’s looking up at the portrait. He’s looking at himself. He’s looking at everything he’s done to Douxie that’s burdened his son with that guilt, that insecurity, that fear, that emotional abandonment. He’s acknowledging here his part in the trauma of Douxie’s life, and his regret is that all this time, it was Douxie who was the better man than he was.
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And then we get the symbolic shot––“Despite such relentless hardships, you managed to protect those dearest to you”––with Merlin in Shadow and Douxie lit from behind with the Light. A reversal of the opening shot of this scene, when it was Merlin in the Light and Douxie, unsettled, in the Shadow. This is finally Merlin laying down his ego, seeing in Douxie the strength and force of love and protectiveness he never had. The very thing Merlin didn’t do, when he didn’t protect Douxie all those years, when he let his son down, when he left him and ignored him and took him for granted. When he didn’t give the person dearest to him the love he deserved.
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And finally, it’s Merlin walking *up* to Douxie, Merlin falling in Douxie’s shadow, and Douxie being once and finally again on an equal plane with his master and peer. “My Hisirdoux, what a life you’ve lived. What a wizard you’ve become.” This is the climax of Douxie’s parabolic hero’s journey in this room. Merlin has at long last given to him what he desperately needed to hear––pure, unadulterated pride in his father’s eyes, and an honest and sincere expression of love, kindness, and emotion.
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It’s too much for Douxie’s desperate heart, and he collapses into his father’s arms, releasing 900 years of pent-up emotions and need.
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(Is that symbolically why Merlin’s always in armor and Douxie never had any––cuz he’s fragile and bare in the face of Merlin’s cold, callous exterior?)
After that hug (waaaah TEARS, every. freaking. time), we once again are treated to the Light symbolism. First again to show how equal these two men are––Merlin importantly a step down from his son, with the light behind Douxie. And then to show the time map, glimmering with a calm, peaceful, happy equality.
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Life and Death
And now we’re in scene denouement, as Merlin and Douxie walk to the end of the parabola (past the first table and eventually out the door). Fascinatingly, in the boards, Douxie glances around the room and then his eyes I believe land on the table he woke up in earlier, before the scene cuts and we get a shot of that same table, panning up to reveal Merlin and Douxie facing the doorway to the hereafter.
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And in my brain, it’s like we’ve come full circle in Douxie’s life arc. If waking on your back is birth, snarking about your tough childhood, and now after all you’ve gone through, you look back on that time at the end of your days, ready to face what comes after death…. (well, that’s what it means to me anyway).
Douxie’s fully prepared to leave the mortal world. That’s how far he’s come in his maturity. He closes his eyes, accepting the unknown and resting in the confidence of who he is.
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The Hero’s Journey
But like any good hero’s journey, the end isn’t to leave the ordinary world with the boon of your new knowledge and wisdom. It is to return to your home and share that knowledge with others, to use what you have gained and become a teacher and protector for your family and community.
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Merlin gives him one last lesson, one last parting gift to tell him, Hey, you have more power than you even imagine you possess. Your rebellious spirit made you who you are today, and it’s what will keep you alive and fighting because it’s your gift and how you protect the world. Your way.
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Merlin’s parting sign of the horns is the cherry on top of this whole thing, a perfectly subtle way of Merlin acknowledging who Douxie is, accepting it, and celebrating it. Saying goodbye to his son in a language meant for him. Douxie’s tears at the end (wish they got into the final oof!) speaks volumes to his beautifully mingled emotions––amusement at Merlin’s gesture and a poignant love that he did it for him. I tear up just thinking about the look on Douxie’s face and what it all means in his heart.
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Anyway, that’s a wrap, folks. I love Douxie with my entire soul. Thank you for sharing these boards, Teny, and for putting your heart and tears into this masterwork of a scene. (I listened to “Moving On” to write this for the Mood and guhh, it’s a tear-jerker gosh.) This fandom is incredibly lucky to be the recipients of your favorite sequence in your career to date. It’s been an absolute pleasure to see your work and feel the heart you poured into them.
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ofwizardsandmen · 3 years
Foreign territory
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Pasión de Gavilanes AU
Characters: Tara (OC), Mark Lee, Sungjae Lee, M, Emily
Word count: 2,6k
Genre: fluff, angst(?)
(Part of a larger story and multiple AUs, but can be read on its own)
“Our favorite girl is here!” An excited voice exclaimed causing Tara to spin around scandalized, her abundant jet black hair whipping about her head and eventually falling down her shoulders in a nearly cinematographic way.
Across the room, the owner of the voice—a tall, long-necked man of pretty dimples,—stood by a massive wooden staircase, keeping an educated distance and looking puzzled. Considering that his last encounter with Tara Lee had been anything but peaceful—the night ended up in chaos, with her cousins storming out of their own party,—he wasn’t expecting to find her pacing up and down the foyer of his house with a toddler in arms.
“I- I meant Astrid, of course,” The man, M —as his closest friends and family called him— added, nervously looking away from Tara’s judging glances. For someone who barely knew Tara and whose only “interactions” with her had consisted in cold remarks and snarky comments —from her part—the man still took offense in the way her expression contorted into something mildly similar to disgust. “Anyway… Thanks for coming”
Tara who couldn’t quite believe she’d dared to set foot in that house—if her mother or any of her aunts found out she was there, she’d be kicked out of the Delacroix State in a heartbeat,—and was still surprised by how majestic and prosperous everything seemed, only responded with a single acknowledging nod of the head.
“Wow Astrid, you’re growing so fast” M chose to ignore the fact Tara was looking around the house, seemingly unimpressed and held out both arms calling his niece’s name. In an effort to cut the distance between them, he also gave two short, cautious steps forward. “It was about time you were allowed to visit your dad and uncles,” he said, his voice changing drastically to what was supposed to be a child-friendly tone that, Tara thought to herself, was hard to emulate with his deep voice.
However, Astrid, the one-year-old toddler—daughter of Minah and Sungjae—was easy to impress. She cooed cutely waving her tiny hands around in the air as if trying to reach for the crystal lamp—or probably just her tall uncle.
The scene was sweet enough for Tara to relax and let out a soft chuckle as she made the mental note to tell her cousins about this later. There was no doubt Jane and Minah would go in a long rant about how Astrid was turning into a little traitor. They would probably have two different people to blame, but it would obviously involve the Lee brothers.
According to Tara’s cousins, M and his brothers, Sungjae and Mark, were the root of all evil, the equivalent to Satan on Earth and the reason Delacroix Group was bordering bankruptcy. And truth to be told, once upon a time, Tara herself was convinced of it and she had even go as far as campaigning against the three brothers. Tara hated each of them: Sungjae and whatever it was that had Minah acting like some hormonal teenager, M and those dimples that seemed to erase all traces of judgment from Jane's brain and above it all, Mark Lee and that stupid smile of his.
But lately, things didn’t seem so black and white anymore. Tara had promised Mark—the same Mark Lee she hated to the bone once upon a time— not to jump to conclusions when it came to their intentions anymore. And at least for now, she was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
For now, Tara had even offered to take Astrid to visit her dad and willingly drove 10 miles to the brothers' ranch. That was a weekly task Jane had taken upon herself, but that she refused to carry out after the fiasco at the Delacroix fashion show.
Tara didn’t blame her.
After all, the image of Astrid’s little arms moving up and down, desperately trying to reach for her uncle would have probably caused her cousin an aneurism.
Tara, on the other hand, was much more collected, wise, and less visceral. She was also the only person in Delacroix Manor willing to see the Lees. And anyhow, Tara wasn’t pleased with the prospect of spending another afternoon with her cousins if that meant having to act sympathetic when Jane complained about how that “deceptively handsome devil”—M, her husband— showed up unannounced to their collection’s launch party and “ruined” her date with Jaehyun Jung, a textile industrial she had been frequenting. Tara wasn't sure if Jane’s complained because—she claimed—M was the last person on Earth she wanted to see or because he looked so devastatingly hot that day, dressed in a classic Ralph Lauren suit that was a striking contrast with the clothes he usually wore, or because up until that day Jaehyun had no idea Jane was—technically—married.
Then there was Minah, who despite being less vocal on her complaints, lately looked so lifeless that her mere presence seemed to drain all the energy out of the room. Tara had vainly tried to play the role of supportive cousin who offered words of consolation and encouragement, but Minah always brushed her off. Unlike Jane, Minah avoided mentioning the Lee brothers at all costs. The last time Tara asked about Sungjae, Minah got angry and claimed to be absolutely unaffected by his new romantic relationship with Ashleigh Hastings. Of course, watching her drown herself in work and rosé suggested otherwise, but Tara didn’t dare to point out the flaws in her argument. Tara was also unwilling to spend another afternoon pretending not to notice Minah’s eyes filling out with tears every now and then.
“So, Jane won’t come anymore?” M asked, clearing his throat casually as if to get Tara’s attention. It worked because Tara snapped from her thoughts and looked back at him.
“What do you think?” She replied sarcastically. M opened his mouth to say something, but Tara signaled him to hold Astrid before the hyperactive toddler decided to jump off her arms. Once M was jiggling Astrid up and down and her laugh echoed down the hallway, Tara went on as if nothing had interrupted them “If you don’t want me to come here, next time-“
“For god’s sake, Tara, don’t be ridiculous” Another familiar voice spoke from behind her. Tara was quick to notice two things. The first one was that the man’s voice dripped exasperation, the second that her heart did a wild flip when he pronounced her name. “Of course we want you to come, especially if you’re bringing our niece to visit.”
Tara gulped quietly and slowly turned around.
She was greeted by a close-up of Mark, M’s younger brother and the owner of the vast lands adjacent to Delacroix State—where Tara and her extended family lived. There, smiling that exasperating smile—confident, but warmth-inducing and absolutely gorgeous—Tara had hated for months—years, probably—, Mark Lee stood blocking the sun rays filtering through the windows. The light gave him an angelic aura. It didn’t help he was suited in a beige suit that made his back look broader than Tara could remember.
“Hi Tara, nice to see you,” Mark said simply, a full smile still present in his face.
“Hey, how are you?” Tara mentally kicked herself thinking of how awkward and unnatural she sounded, how his simple words had her feeling all sorts of nervous.
Thankfully there was no time for further regret because Mark’s older brother, Sungjae, materialized at the top of the staircase and practically flew down the stairs, pulled his daughter from his brother’s arms and smothered her with kisses.
Astrid cried solid ten seconds but then burst out with loud contagious giggles.
Watching the Astrid & Sungjae show was oddly endearing, but somehow felt like an invasion of privacy. For a second or two Tara looked around trying to find a place to sneak to while Sungjae caught up on the missing time with his daughter. But when she started to move, Sungjae’s voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Ummm, so Minah is not coming?” He asked as Astrid played with a strand of his hair “She’s never talking to me again or what?” Sungjae’s eyes bored into Tara’s as if trying to get an honest answer from her.
“I did everything possible to bring Astrid” Tara replied with a frown, she hesitated before adding “I really don’t think I can convince Minah to come”
It resulted impossible to ignore the shadows immediately invading Sungjae’s eyes. Tara wondered if talking about her cousin had put them there or if there was something else worrying him. The man already looked a bit haggard when Tara first saw him, but upon further inspection, she realized he looked particularly hollow-cheeked and pale “It’s fine, I’m still thankful you brought my daughter, Tara” There was a pause where Sungjae looked at Astrid with a faint smile “I really mean it. Thank you”
“Well, don’t thank me…” With a slight tinge of guilt, Tara added “We really can’t stay long. I promised to take Astrid back before our aunts notice we’re gone. You know what they think of…” she trailed off, realizing how inappropriate it was to complete that sentence. Telling the Lee brothers how much her aunts despised them seemed unnecessary and somewhat repetitive considering those four women were not exactly subtle and never missed the chance to let M, Sungjae and Mark know they were as welcome in the region as a plague was in their fields.
Sungjae’s expression dropped considerably.
“Tara, you just got here” M protested, though he kept his kind smile plastered on the face “Sungjae hasn’t seen Astrid in weeks, he won’t admit it, but he was going insane”
Mark chuckled at his brother's comment, knowing Sungjae wouldn’t appreciate being exposed like that, but looking away when Sungjae frowned at him.
“No, I am serious, guys” Tara said apologetically “We have to go soon”
“Tara, don’t be so impatient” it was almost ironic that Mark let out an impatient sigh just after calling her that. Tara looked away to hide the smile tugging at the corner of her lips
“Yes, Sungjae deserves some time with Astrid” A female voice coincided, taking Tara by surprise. When she looked up to the second floor, she found a beautiful young woman—Emily Choi—smiling down at them and leaning against the banister. Emily was the only daughter of Madame Elsie Choi, a wealthy and old land-owner who was too close of a friend of Tara’s aunts for her liking. However, as of recently, Emily had officially moved into the Lee residence, God knows why. Rumors said Emily was actually related by blood to the Lee brothers, but Tara was not one to listen to gossip or care about other people’s affairs.
And yet, she still supposed the change of air had been beneficial to Emily because the girl looked happier than Tara remembered her to be when she was still living with her old mom and those two annoying cousins of her. Emily smiled at her and waved a hand cordially.
“I was just dropping by to say the staff prepared a little tea party at the terrace, if you want to join me and Lucas,” she announced happily.
“Oi, he’s coming today? Again?” Mark questioned, eyes narrowing a bit comically.
“He was here yesterday and the day before. At this rate I think it’ll be better to have him moving here” M said with an eye roll
“I was just being nice” Emily scoffed, but her smile did not vanish from her lips “You’re welcome to join, but if you don’t want to, then” she shrugged casually. “I’ll be at the terrace if you need me” She made a fake reverence and before disappearing, she briefly added a “nice to see you, Tara.”
“And that’s our cue to leave” Tara attempted to move forward to retrieve Astrid from her father’s arms when a hand wrapped around her wrist, keeping her in place. The woman didn’t need to turn around to know it was Mark who was holding her back, partly because M would’ve never dared to touch her and partly because her pulse accelerated inexplicably.
“I-“ Mark looked at his hand, as if startled by his own actions “I would like to talk to you before you go, Tara” he let go of her wrist and gave her a quick apologetic curtsy that caused his brothers to raise brows and share incredulous looks. “If you follow me-”
Mark led Tara through the stables and horse training facilities of his ranch. “El Dorado” was undoubtedly the greatest horse farm in the region, sprawled for miles and neighboring the Delacroix Ranch. Mark—and by default his brothers—had become the owner of this billionaire property through what people considered to be a questionable marriage that didn’t even hit the 24-hour mark. Tara had recently found out that the story was not as simplistic and accepting that the Mark she claimed to hate for years was not a gold-digging bastard had been quite of a ride. It started with him showing up at some of the most exclusive events in the region, avid of revenge and acting like he was beyond the rest of land owners. Then Tara nearly killed him, knocking him off his horse. And ended up with Tara saving his life from some lowlifes who attempted to kill him. All in the span of a month. Now, Tara followed him God knows where and for some reason she couldn’t completely grasp she didn't even protest.
“The Ranch is spectacular, you really manage it properly” Tara commented, mostly because the silence was starting to stretch for too long.
“Well, it still has nothing on yours” The man gave her a lopsided smile. It was not a secret that Tara was—or at least used to be until very recently—the real mastermind behind the Delacroix Ranch's prosperity.
“Well, lately we’ve had-“ Tara paused “a few setbacks, as you probably noted”
“It’s Julien’s fault, no?” Mark wasn't subtle, but it was an open secret that Julien Toubeau—Minah’s ex-husband and one of the most despicable humans on Earth—had recently been appointed Deputy Finance Manager of the Delacroix Group and things had gone downhill since.
Tara didn’t deny it “Mostly” she nodded “but the girls —she said referring to her cousins Jane and Minah— and I have a backup plan to save the ranch” Tara explained.
“And I’m sure you’ll do great” Mark reached to pat Tara’s shoulder, causing her to stop walking and freeze on the spot. “Especially you, Tara” he said, moving so they were facing each other “Everybody knows you’re brilliant and hardworking”
Tara looked down, afraid that if she allowed Mark to look into her eyes, he’d noticed the effect his words had on her.
“And I was furious when Julien tried to take your position from the board of governors, you know?” Mark also looked down in an attempt to find whatever it was that Tara found so interesting on the ground.
“Thanks, that means-“ she took a deep breath and raised her head “a lot to me, Mark”
“You have nothing to thank me. In fact, I should be thanking you for bringing Astrid to visit.”
“Honestly, I’m not doing it to ingratiate myself with you or your brothers, Mark” Tara suddenly turned serious “I did it because I knew Sungjae would do anything to see her and I didn’t want more problems. Things are-“ she hesitated “very complicated right now and I don’t want our families to start fighting again and-” Tara trailed off when she noticed Mark slipping a hand into hers. “And it’s not right for you to hold my hand” she added, without concealing a giddy smile making its way to her lips “The workers can see us and God knows what they’ll think. I don’t want any rumors floating around”
“And you know, I’d do more than just holding your hand,” Mark said leaning closer and closer to Tara.
“Don’t even think about it, Mark” Tara chuckled, her face a mixture of amusement and regret “It’s really not the right time”
“So, you don’t let me send you flowers, you won’t let me thank you for saving my life, Tara-“ Mark inhaled loudly “I’ve been meaning to ask you out-“ Mark could almost hear an excuse escaping from Tara’s lips, so he hurried to place a finger over them “You can’t say no, the only valid answer is a place and a date”
Tara shook her head defeated “Is it supposed to be a date?” She dared to question although she knew very well it was.
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biblio-bitch · 4 years
Detroit Evolution Commentary Pt. 3 [FINAL]
It’s been a while, sorry. Life sucks ass sometimes and I had to do some transferring to my new laptop. I’ll write down some more fun facts as an apology. Disclaimer: This is all stuff I noticed, inferred, or interpreted. I didn’t write the film, anything I’ve interpreted is just that, an interpretation based on things I noticed using my experiences and knowledge. 
Fun fact #1: I have attempted to write in a proper novel style at least five times. After watching DE and watching @octopunkmedia ‘s script breakdowns and such, I've started writing scripts instead. I’m much farther along in those than I ever have been in books. 10/10 amazing for my visual based concepts.
Fun fact #2: My mental health was rapidly declining and I was losing interest in quite literally everything at the time the film was released. Watching the film and fixating on it for a month straight not only inspired me but helped me regain control of my life. Watching streams by the cast and Michelle while I worked for school made my productivity skyrocket.
Fun fact #3: I recently developed a tic that I now can’t get rid of. It was out of control for about twenty minutes right before I began writing this post. However, when I began re-watching the film (partially because it’s a comfort for me and I’m quite honestly terrified of what’s happening in the US right now) it stopped. So that’s fun.
As usual, spoilers and swearing under the cut! Quick note: If there should be a trigger warning on this or anything else I post, please let me know! I’m horrible at remembering to tag triggers. I’ll also be doing some quick posts on Umbrella Academy and my severe obsession with Jason Todd soon. Have fun!
As usual, here’s a list of people I know the users of in case you’d like to check any of them out. I’m likely missing people so feel free to let me know who I’m missing so I can add them!
Maximilian Kroger - Nines (@ maximiliankroger)
Christopher (Chris) Trindade - Gavin (@ trindabago)
Michael Smallwood - Chris Miller (@ michaelsmallwoodforever)
Carla Kim - Tina Chen (@ carlahkim)
Jillian Geurts - Ada (@ jilbobaggins_nyc)
Michelle Iannantuono - (@ octopunkmedia)
JJ Goller - Lazzo (@ quasar.cos)
Brett Mullen - Cinematographer (@ brettmullendirector)
Austin Butts - Sound Design (@ austinbytts)
Tiare Solis - Valerie (@ tiareleiana)
So I decided to put all of the rest into this post. It’s a long one. Not even that sorry about it bc I love this film with my entire heart. Warning for me getting sidetracked. I use a lot of Supernatural references but it’s because I’m visiting my dad and he’s binge watching the show. I like Dean and only Dean, don’t bully me for it.
The Wrist Grip™️ in the bedroom before Nines moves back
Shoutout to Maximilian Kroger’s muscles u go dude
Lighting Symbolism™️, big theme through the movie, honestly I think it’s beautiful and they did a wonderful job with it.
The little nod from Gavin as he starts talking about his nightmare 
You can see Gavin gearing up to move, like not in a normal way, in a “oh god I don’t know if I have the energy to do this” way and that’s Relatable™️
The little smile from Nines as they sit together
Nines being domestic, making coffee and breakfast, being Soft.
Shirt change??? Either I’m blind or he’s wearing a different shirt in the morning (He is. He’s wearing a t shirt at night and a buttoned collar shirt in the morning. Perhaps he changed? He’s wearing normal pants so he probably changed but he’s not wearing that same shirt in the next scene)
Ada eye rolling at them being passive aggressive dumbasses. Same. Apparently Jillian kept fucking with them which is,, so valid. 
The lighting in this scene (the office pt. 2) makes Maximilian look Android-white and outlined in the CyberLife blue-ish color. Very symbolic, I have no idea if it was intentional.
Another shoutout, this time to Maximilian’s eyebrows, the expressiveness is *chef’s kiss*.
“You can thank me later, Casanova.” Nines: *confused Android noises* 
Honorable mention to Michael’s Foo Fighters t shirt in the bar, it’s vintage.
Nines is in fact wearing a different shirt now. Not the same shirt from the morning bedroom scene. I also think he’s wearing a different jacket. Less of a peacoat and more of a leather jacket. Nice.
Shoutout to Tina’s (not irl) wife, Valerie! And her weird crush on Hank! I honestly can’t wait to see her in Seven Deadly Synths!!
Ada DODGING the questions that Nines is asking because she is SHADY. 
Also, he looks to Gavin when he talks about wanting to be more human. Recurring theme of him perceiving himself as lacking because of his ace-ness/android-ness, like he can’t give Gavin what he wants. Honestly I know that the android thing is a thinly veiled metaphor for race in canon but I kinda like thinking of it as a metaphor for being LGBT+ and in Nines’ case, specifically ace. Might not make sense but it does in my brain??
Gavin Senses Are Tingling and Nines is GONE. Leaving the bar for ur not-bf to try to talk things out like adults??? King shit.
Also electric lighter, fun, I genuinely didn’t know those existed
“You don’t want to help me, you want to fix me.” What a loaded line. Because in a way, it’s almost true? Like, Nines has this entire simulation of Gavin in his ideal world, and obviously that version of Gavin has probably been idealized at least a bit. Nature of humanity, and Nines might not be human but he’s got the Brain Things. And at that moment, it’s nearly true that Nines wants Gavin to be like that ideal Gavin. Obviously Nines wants Gavin as Gavin, but there’s the edge of that simulation there, still. 
But Nines does want to help Gavin, and that’s where he’s wrong. Nines wants Gavin to get better, wants to help stop the nightmares, etc. But by pointing that out, I think it’s partially why Nines can accept letting go of Simulation!Gavin when Ada attacks him. Because he knows that the simulation of Gavin will never be the real Gavin, and this line sort of helps him understand that he can’t really keep Sim!Gavin anyways.
Again idk if that’s legit but that’s definitely something I felt from that while watching.
Nines is constantly very controlled, but when he walks away from Gavin you can see him straining to keep that composure and not let his anger show. 
Ada looking So Done With This Shit when Nines comes back from talking with Gavin outside of the bar
“I’m sure this will be like...every other time.” Oh honey. Oh my sweet child. I am so very sorry. It most definitely will not be.
Ada’s exasperated Eyebrow Raise before taking a drink. If that ain’t the mood sis.
I love Ada’s bat wings on her outfits. 
Gavin being a stalker and putting his hood up. 
“I’m...certain that most of the credit can go to you.” IMMEDIATE ANGER. Must Defend Boyfriend.
Nines has Suspicion™️...press X for doubt... 
*Only vaguely related rant warning*
I do feel that we as a fandom tend to make Connor almost childishly innocent despite him being likely one of the least kind and least innocent characters. The characterization of Nines in this--and pardon me for the off topic rant--where he’s a fully grown man and acts like it is so much more realistic. Nines is a cop, as is Connor. 
Even post deviancy, they were designed and equipped to handle murder. Nines, in a lot of fandom content, tends to come off as an exasperated older brother or a gritty and mean detective, or even worse, essentially a sociopath who feels nothing in contrast to Connor’s childish and extreme innocence. I dislike both. Seeing Nines be a normal fucking person is so relieving, I’m serious. There’s still those elements of ‘oh he’s only been properly alive for like a year, right? He probably doesn’t get Chris’ Casanova reference.’ but it’s not to such an extreme that it overtakes all of his personality traits.
Like, yeah, ok, I get why a lot of fandom content does that. In order to balance what we see Connor do (and in order to further push the Hank as a father line) we over-emphasize the not getting references and such. Honestly I see the same in content for Castiel from Supernatural. Nines, when he’s added, often HAS to be a lot darker in order to make that seem not as jarring and unrealistic.
Doesn’t mean I enjoy it. If you do? That’s great, good for you, but I don’t like seeing those characters be portrayed as such one dimensional extremes. People aren’t like that. On the off chance that someone is such an extreme, there’s still other aspects of their personality.
DE has done an amazing job at not flattening their personalities. Nines and Gavin are three-dimensional and incredibly interesting characters I find myself invested in every time I watch it.
*Onto the commentary again.*
Gavin is still being a stalker
“Particular fascination with the RK line” AHAHA funny. She’s also an RK, and she likely knows more than Nines because her programming is based on information gathering. Her fascination begins and ends with what their programming can do for her.
The little computer details in Ada’s eyes as she copies Nines’ OS, and again in Nines’ eyes when he’s in the alley alone. I believe Michelle did all of that and I am just amazed every time I watch. 
The warped voice effect.
Gavin shifting to hold Nines as soon as he passes out
The ethereal colored lighting is very good for the mood, space hospital vibes
Shoutout to the latex suit they put Maximilian in! That’s not CG! He’s wearing a full body white latex suit. I’m so sorry.
Gavin looks so tired talking to Dr. Maria. His posture is defensive, pulled into himself. Shoulders hunched, arms pulled in. Eye bags, messy hair. Boy looked messed up. Somebody hug him.
Nines’ hair being disheveled and messy in the corrupted Zen Garden, rivaling his assertion that in his ideal world (Aka the normal Zen Garden) his appearance is polished, signifying the loss of control and the loss of the Zen Garden being a safe, ideal space for him. Same concept with Sim!Gavin being corrupted.
Nines: *wakes up in his mindspace*
Also Nines, immediately: GAVIN!!1!!1
Nines believes in CONSENT!! You do not go into someone’s program without asking, ADA.
Ada’s “poor widdle baby” face as Nines is freaking out because she trapped him. Mood.
Tina wearing a low turtleneck and a flannel is Peak Gay, especially next to Gavin “I wear the same leather jacket+hoodie combo every single day and probably the same jeans for a month” Reed, aka the most disastrous and chaotic bisexual I have ever seen. Again, a mood, I honestly felt that one.
The face when Nines realizes that Ada isn’t deviant yet. 
Gavin is blaming himself somebody stop this idiot. 
“Not without Nines.” What a softie.
“The last thing I said to him was ‘I don’t need you’.” BITCH WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART.
Gavin calling Tina “T” in that soft voice is so sweet omg
Ugh the bisexual LIGHTING is KILLING ME, ESPECIALLY as Gavin sits at Nines’ bedside
Tina encouraging Gavin. WLW/MLM solidarity. 
Fun fact: Chris Trindade told Maximilian not to react at all to the big speech but Maximilian literally started crying during it and there’s footage somewhere of the Dramatic Single Tear rolling down his face while he’s still ‘in stasis’.
Yes, I double checked the streams to make sure I got this right, I love the concept though.
Look I cannot get into the speech because I will write 1.5k words on it, but I will say this: It made me cry. The acting, the writing, it’s iconic. The amount of love and devotion they got without even saying the words “I love you” was amazing. Chris is so very talented. 
Tina is the best wingman ngl
The glitches in Zen Gavin are amazing. The sequence when he’s deleting the Zen Garden is also amazing. I use amazing a lot but it’s deserved.
Nines deleting the Zen Garden and Sim!Gavin is very symbolic of letting go of all of the fake stuff, letting go of the fear he was holding that kept him from confessing to Gavin and I love that
Nines sitting silently straight up. 
Gavin is highly intelligent and I’m so glad Octopunk embraces that. 
*another vaguely related rant warning*
Ok let me tell y’all a thing because this RUINS MY LIFE. People tend to take characters like Percy Jackson or Dean Winchester, whose intelligence isn’t outwardly obvious from the get-go, and remove it entirely. Percy is reduced to an idiot who can’t tie his own shoes and Dean is often shown basically unable to research without Sam. Both of those are bullshit. 
Percy has ADHD and Dyslexia, so when often we categorize smart as only book-smart, Percy’s intelligence as a battle strategist and his actual knowledge gets erased. Dean is usually the more physical and shoot-first-never-ask-questions type, and his intelligence is severely downplayed. He made an EMP detector from scratch. Made a shotgun, remembers how to kill things, is a very good hunter, especially on his own. But that’s thrown away because he’s not book-smart.
I despise when people take characters who are talented and smart in ways that aren’t just reciting the periodic table and reduce them to muscles and angst or drooling children. 
Octopunk having a scene where Gavin is working through a case, already having done the things that Chris, someone who was only recently promoted, suggests, is just affirming Gavin’s intelligence in a way I wish I could be not surprised by. Gavin is smart, and luckily I haven’t seen much downplaying that fact. He’s a detective for a reason. Unfortunately I think it might be because the fandom tends to turn Connor and Nines into actual children, but a win is a win.
Now I’m not saying I don’t love a good himbo character but I literally had to stop interacting with Percy Jackson content because people wrote him as incapable.
*Moving on*
“I think I can help with that.” Bitch why are you so dramatic I love him so much.
Nines’ t-shirt says “Detroit City Marathon” 
“You...undead asshole.” What an iconic line. I need a t-shirt. 
“I...hate you.” “You love me.” Harkens back to the beginning where the roles are reversed. Yes I used that unironically. Words are fun.
Gavin looking scared right before The Kiss™️ 
I thought that was cute when I learned it in one of the streams.
Nines’ LED spinning blue when they finally kiss asgladkaf 
“What dipshit programmed you to do that?” “I’m the most advanced android ever made, detective-“ “oh you are such a fuckin’ prick!” “Takes one to know one.” I canNOT with them, I laughed my ASS off
The little broken laugh Nines does
Nines rubbing his hands over Gavin’s while they talk about Gavin’s jacket
Shoutout to Chris’ surprised pikachu face. (Tina is also there) That was a joke take, it’s in the gag reel, too. The face wasn’t supposed to make it into the film but Michelle added it. (In the gag reel, Carla yells “Let’s go to Denny’s!” At the end.) 
And Ada’s leather pants. Honestly?? She’s so pretty. I love her. They’re all really attractive it’s actually terrifying.
Nines and Tina being a part of the Gay Turtleneck Gang
Nines’ untucked turtleneck
Tina being a Smart Girl. (Nines calling her “Officer” and her replying with “I’ll make detective someday.”
Chris being Exhausted during the whole meeting. Me too dude.
Chris and Tina doing literally nothing while Gavin and Nines have a whole heart to heart
The WHITE COAT. Tina in her blues. Chris’ Foo Fighters shirt. They’re such icons but they absolutely look like a group of gay ppl who did NOT decide on a theme.
The fight sequence is impressive, considering that they’re literally not stunt actors. I’m not a fight choreographer or stunt person so That’s really all I have to say on that.
Chris patting Gavin’s gun after he explains what he’s doing. \
As a Jason Todd lover the crowbar is unfortunate (had to, sorry)
Nines’ smirk and the TURTLENECK as he spins away from Ada with the crowbar. Iconic. The Big Dick Energy. Especially for someone who doesn’t have a dick.
Chris being a Dad when Gavin runs off to go stop the body calibration
Ada just YEETS Gavin. Iconic.
Ada: *doing the villain “you won’t shoot me, you’re too moral” thing*
Chris: Shut the fuck up *shoots her*
Deviancy sequence, iconic
“You’re awake now” bitch get your own tag line, Markus became Robot Jesus for this shit
Gavin trusting Nines’ decision immediately. Amazing. THAT’S LOVE BITCH.
The SMILES after Ada leaves!! They know they made the right choice!
Ugh the COLOR SYMBOLISM!! This is one thing that Michelle has touched on herself! Gavin isn’t wearing white in this scene because he’s not ‘fixed’, he never will be! He has trauma and he’s just barely beginning to heal from it with Nines’ help. He’s wearing grey, lighter than his usual, but still grey because they aren’t pure or innocent and they’re not perfect!! And that’s the fucking point!! It’s also a contrast against Sim!Gavin wearing white! Sim!Gavin was an idealized version of Gavin in Nines’ idealized world!! Real Gavin isn’t that!! So he’s wearing grey!!
Gavin immediately understanding that Nines is Ace and that it’s ok!! Beautiful!
“You’ve been a whole person since the day you woke up” YES!! YOU DO NOT NEED SEX TO BE WHOLE!! FUCK YEAH!!! (this is ace excitement. In the months since writing this I realized I’m aro-ace and trans so fuck yeah for ace rep.) 
Gavin being a dick and making Nines tell him about the skin thing
THE KISS!! They slowly move more into the light!! Because they’re getting better TOGETHER!!
Ok before I sign off, it’s only 3 am so I think I’m awake enough to talk about this, I like that they bring up that Gavin has like, actual issues that he needs to get through. Let’s be 100% honest here, I see Gavin as having ADHD, depression, and probably a form or symptoms of PTSD. He’s kinda fucked up and I’m gonna be real here he needs some therapy. He’s got trauma and needs to work through it. 
I like that at the end they explicitly have Nines understand and accept that that’s what needs to happen. As someone who has actually had relationships ruined because of trauma (on both sides) that we were unprepared to work through together, if I had seen something like that? Game changer. As it was, most relationships I had seen were idealized and seemed to “fix” those issues by way of just being in a relationship. Thanks major media. 
Now that the Detroit Evolution post series is over, I’m gonna be a bit sentimental and say that this film quite literally changed my life. Seriously. Michelle is such a big inspiration for me and I can only hope to be the same for someone else. 
If you ever have a chance to check out any of the amazing people who worked on this film, please do. To put into context how big this was: I changed my ideal college major from Forensics to Film. 
That’s it that’s all, ending this post at 3:24 am before I literally start crying over it. Thanks for suffering through my long-winded explanations, I hope you enjoyed. Have a wonderful day.
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5x14 · 3 years
lazarus rising: the best four minutes of supernatural
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     in honor of it being september 18th, i thought i’d gush about my favorite episode of supernatural: lazarus rising (specifically the last four minutes of the episode). if there’s any episode of supernatural i wish i could watch for the first time again, it would be this one. i recall the exact date on which i watched it for the first time (the tuesday before thanksgiving last year) and exactly how i felt afterwards (like i was a two-liter bottle of soda and someone had dropped a pack of mentos into me).
     what is it about lazarus rising that elicited this response in me, you might be wondering. excellent question. what it comes down to for me, i think, is that it’s the perfect episode both cinematographically (okay, not *perfect*; the hell cgi at the end of the recap gives me second-hand embarrassment) and plot-wise. looking at the former, there’s a lot of apropos mediocre supernatural cinematography (i’m looking at you, shot of all the trees knocked down), but there are also so many shots that make me feel insane. in chronological order: the opening shot of dean in hell (like, yessss, give me clockwork orange meets suspiria); dean flicking his lighter open in the coffin; the shot of his make-shift gravestone and his hands reaching out of the ground; everything about the gas station scene (hello, americana!), specifically when he’s drinking water, and obviously when he finds the handprint on his shoulder (it’s so deliciously grainy, even though it wasn’t even shot on film at this point); the séance scene (specifically when the tv turns on); and, of course, the entirety of cas’ entrance scene.
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     focusing specifically on the last four minutes of the episode, i think what’s important to note is that the whole episode leads up to this moment; we spend the whole episode in suspense of finding out who raised dean from hell. and then… it’s just a guy in a trenchcoat (comedic gold). the shot when the barn doors open and the “bad mofo” they’ve been after just shuffles in timidly? artistic genius. visually, i find this scene incredibly compelling. i love the color-grading (the blue and purple undertones), the lights bursting and the sparks raining down, all the spray paint on the inside of the barn, and the cuts from cas (in profile and head-on) to dean and bobby shooting at him. and the dialogue! pretty much every line cas delivers in this scene is iconic. “i’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition,” “this is your problem, dean. you have no faith,” and “what’s the matter? you don’t think you deserve to be saved” (don’t EVEN get me started on that one). special shoutout to the shot of dean stabbing cas and dean’s look of shock that the knife doesn’t kill cas and how cas just stands there and lets dean do it. i find it wildly compelling they had this much chemistry within literal minutes of cas being on the show. was it at the hands of the characters? the writers? or the actors, and the fact that misha exudes sexual energy? who’s to say. all i know is, i never get tired of watching this episode. imho, the last four minutes of lazarus rising are the best four minutes of supernatural. mic drop.
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llycaons · 4 years
WWX anon here
I have to admit I have been viewing CQL as an adaptation and not it's own thing. Most of the disappointment comes from my own expectancy. The donghua was my first introduction into MDZS and I later read the novel to find out the rest of the story (wouldn't really call myself a novel stan) so I have some pre existing views about the characters. CQL! WWX is really a totally different character, in terms of both their actions and personalities.
Ok so about the suicide(this is quite a sensitive topic and not everyone will be comfortable with it's portrayal) ,I didn't mean to imply that it was 'cringy' or not well handled. My dislike of it stems from the changes in WWX 's characterisation and the change of events in CQL (moot point) In mdzs he dies destroying the Tiger tally because it has become a dangerous weapon that even he can't control and he absolutely doesn't want it to fall in the hands of the power hungry people( after his death,his own creation is responsible for a massacre of a clan and he keeps regretting that he couldn't completely destroy it ), it's more of a self righteous sacrifice that really demonstrates how resilient he is. So to see him throwing away the piece of tiger tally at all the cultivators in fury and then give up on his life was quite a shock to me honestly, it's narratively quite the opposite of his death in mdzs. It also seems to me that to drive up the angst they had killed the Wen remnants before his death which absolutely doesn't make any sense even in the show considering Wen Qing and Wen Ning turned themselves up precisely to save them so why did they go along? [ Another of my gripes is their treatment in the Phoenix Mountain hunt which is very bad and seems to be only included to show how eeevil the Jins are]
It all boil downs to preferences which seems to be also majorly affected by the adaptations we have consumed first so there's no point discussing further.
I’m so glad you came back to clarify! It can get tiresome dealing with novel fans, but I have no beef with the donghua, I hear it was very good. I may watch it eventually. But I do know that some people who watched the donghua first liked cql better, so you’re right, a lot of it is down to personal preference. Which is what you were originally asking me about. But I haven’t seen the donghua, so I can’t compare it at all.
I understand being disappointed, but not all shows are for everyone. I agree that the wen situation was somewhat poorly written and nonsensical (why leave a-yuan behind without telling wwx? why did everyone leave?), but I thought that character-wise, it made sense for wwx to do what he did (angry, bitter, grieving, ready to throw it all away in a fury). And I disagree that destroying the source of his power and then dying for it was more resilient than killing himself and then coming back from that. If anything, resilience is one of cql wwx’s strongest traits, which is why it hurts so badly to see him finally break and throw everything - his power, his life, his hopes - away without care. It was like him making one final bitter commentary on the corruption and power-hungry ambition of all the clans. But I understand where you’re coming from and I appreciate the explanation of your meaning.
I have seen criticisms of the dafan mtn. hunt and I get that it was very heavy-handed and unsubtle, but I love that scene for other (cinematographic, and character writing) reasons.
Again, thanks for coming back! I do enjoy discussions like this and I hope the new season of the donghua will be released soon. I would like to see it completed.
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
The Middle of the Road (Chapter 16)
Chapter 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8 , 9, 10, 11 , 12,  13  14 , 15
Warnings: None
September 2024 – Toronto Emily and Keanu flopped down on the bed in their room at the apartment they were renting in Toronto for the week of The Toronto International Film Festival. They had just arrived from LA and were travel weary. He had just had his 60th birthday and would be receiving a Tribute award at the festival, a great honour for any film maker but an especially treasured one for Keanu who had grown up in the city. He remembered when the festival used to take place in his neighbourhood of Yorkville in the late 70s so the whole event was very close to his heart.
The whole family had decamped from LA including their Nanny Maria which would enable them to attend the evening events as well as do some promotion.  Keanu had done voice work in a film being premiered there which had a U certificate so they would all attend the afternoon screening. They were taking a bit of a risk with Hannah but Emily or the nanny would be able to take her or Johnny out if either of them got unsettled.
 After they had rested up a bit, they all went out to a local Italian restaurant around the corner from the apartment and enjoyed a simple relatively quick meal before getting the babies back home to bed.  The next morning found Keanu and Emily enjoying some free time looking around his old haunts – he’d shown her his home in Yorkville, his elementary  school, ice hockey stadium, the Leah Poslun Theatre and the location of his first kiss!
 “Right there?”? Emily was pointing with an aghast expression on her face at a dingy alley behind a bike rack at the back of an old Walgreens store.
 “Yup – I know. I’ve got a bit classier in my old age I hope you agree.”
 “And what was her name?”
 “Now THAT is a 70s name if ever I heard one. I guess at least your name is just totally unique and not linked to an era like some”
 “She was sweet – but not long lasting!”  Anyway, I think that is the complete high, and low, lights for you. We better get back and get  some lunch before this afternoon’s shenanigans”  He was referring to the premiere of his film which was an afternoon affair so kids could attend. Some local children would attend as well as press and the stars and their families. Johnny and Hannah would be there – with the exit strategy of mum or nanny if it was too much. They had watched films at home and had quite good attention spans but Hannah had only been in a movie theatre once and so was a bit if an unknown quantity behaviour wise.
It was also to be their first red carpet as a family. They had kept the children well shielded so far but, accepting that  complete privacy wasn’t realistic, they had decided to attend this premiere all together. They all dressed in smart casual clothes rather than the suits and ballgown style of Oscars and that was needed given they would have the kids next to them snacking on ice cream! The press and fans were enthralled with the kids, both dark haired and with big brown eyes strongly favouring Keanu but with the delicacy of Emily’s features. After letting her walk on wobbly legs for a little while, Keanu scooped Hannah up and carried her while Emily walked with Jonathan and Marie brought the buggy and a change bag just in case. Hannah loved waving at everyone and fans called her name which made her laugh. Johnny joined in with waving too, sensing that this was something special but not really at all clear what. It was going to be a while before they understood that their Dad wasn’t just special to them!
The kids enjoyed the film and made it through the whole hour and half without a melt down to everyone’s relief.
That evening Emily and Keanu appeared on a panel about a project they were working on together. There were inevitable questions about how husband and wife could work together which they fended off deftly  - working together was after-all how they met and it felt easy compared to parenting and they were glad to keep the topic work focussed.  In the next couple of days they each took part in other promo for their work and had a meal out, just the two of them.  There they talked about the award show that would be the following night.
                                                            “You nervous?” Emily asked as she sipped her coffee.
“Am I ever!” He groaned. “All that intention is intense – I’m used to parts of it – the red carpet, the photos, being filmed in the audience, even being on stage handing out awards or receiving a less significant gong but such focus, and a speech – phew, it’s crazy”
“It’s what you deserve honey, you know that inside don’t you”
 He shook his head,
 “It’s an honour, such an honour but, no,  I don’t know it – it just feels surreal”
 “Well just try to enjoy it if you can, hun – OK?, Want to run through the speech back at the apartment?”
 “Sure, that would be great to have a writer’s input”
 The award day came and they passed as much of it as they could focussing on the kids, taking them to one of the lakeside beaches for playtime and a picnic but eventually time came for the ‘dressing up game’  as Keanu called it. Both of them would spend a few hours being “made beautiful” for the cameras with stylists primping and polishing their hair, clothes and make up to within an inch of their lives. They left the children with Maria and they would tune in later to see Mommy and Daddy on the TV walking the red carpet.
Emily was wearing a stunning sleeveless, full length taffeta gown in red and her birthday necklace to match her ruby engagement ring and Keanu was in the tux he’d worn to the 2020 Oscars.  Emily’s palms were sweaty even before they left to go to the theatre. She’d attended public occasions before where there were paparazzi but only one awards show about 4 years ago so she was nervous of the attention, especially as the news of their marriage was still quite fresh.
As they climbed out of the car, Keanu whispered in her ear  “Just imagine everyone naked”  before they started to make their way up the red carpet, making her giggle and relax just a little.
“I feel like the wives in Apollo 13, if they ask me anything. I’ll just say “I’m proud, happy and thrilled”
“Are you likening me getting an award to going to the moon or a life-threatening mission?!”
“the former for you and maybe the latter for me!”
At first she held Keanu’s arm in a death grip but gradually she relaxed especially as she saw the smiling faces in the crowd and she saw Keanu relax too, signing photos, DVDs and books and posing for photos. Several fans encouraged her to pose alongside him, surprising her.  It seemed some people were happy to see him happy with his marriage and kids and thus welcomed her with open arms.
There were a few reporters on the red carpet who stopped them for a few words. Keanu made her laugh, though she tried to hold it in, when he responded to the question of how he was feeling to be receiving the Tribute Award.
“Well I’m proud, happy and thrilled” he said, giving Emily a wink which made the laughter bubble to the surface. They moved on and at last made it into the auditorium and were shown to their seats.
There were several other awards before his but at last it was time for his big moment.
The presentation started with a show reel with clips from his most famous movies as well as some of his lesser known early ones which made him blush. He leaned over and whispered to Emily
“At least they’re not showing the Coke and cornflakes ads!”
After the reel, there were some video clips from some of his directors and co-stars praising – his work, his character and his work ethic. There was Chad Stahelski, Sandy Bullock, Carrie-Ann Moss and Lilly Wachowski. Then it was time for the award  itself which Lana Wachowski presented. As he walked up to the stage, the whole auditorium stood, clapping and cheering. He was right, Emily thought, this was really overwhelming! She dabbed a tear away as he took his place at the podium and took a moment to let the applause fade.
“Firstly let me say a huge thank you for this great, great honour  - to receive this in the city where I spent my formative years is really very special so thank you.”
More applause erupted then quickly subsided allowing him to continue.
“I owe this award to many other people  - first and foremost,  I’d like to pay tribute to my mom for believing in me all those years ago when I asked her one day, would it be ok if I was an actor and  she simply said ‘whatever you want son’.
And thanks must also go of course to the teachers and directors at the schools where I did plays and at the Leah Posluns Theatre where I really began to learn my craft-  thank you for lighting the fire.
Looking back, the reel you showed just now only served to remind me how much I love movies. And a key reason over the years for that love and indeed for much of my success has been the joy of collaboration when making them. Collaboration with many wonderful directors, actors, cinematographers, stunt coordinators, make-up artists, caterers, runners to name but a few is what I thrive on. And they have all made me look good.  And I know sometimes I’ve made my fellow actors look good too by how bad I was! Special thanks to Winona and Gary in that regard!
And I can’t forget the writers, for one thing my wife would never forgive me if I didn’t give them a mention.”
Keanu looked over and caught Emily’s eye as she sat in the front row beaning with pride.
“Writers have gifted me some amazing, memorable characters, some of them coming back time and again  like Ted, Neo and John Wick.  And I think special thanks are due for all the Johns, Johnny’s and Jacks and the quarterback punks that have been a recurring theme for me and such fun to play.
So I love movies and I love the opportunity they give me to tell stories.
But this year, as I hit a big milestone birthday,  I am in a new phase in my life and I’m planning on being focussed less on the stories in films and more on my own story.  Over the years, my fellow actors and the crews have been like family to me, a band of brothers and sisters if you will.  But 5 years ago I met and fell in love with a wonderful woman and she became my family.  Then 2 years ago we became parents - and now there are 4 of us. And this year  I also became a husband - in all these things as you can probably tell I was a late starter!
So whilst I’m not retiring,  going forward I can’t and I don’t want to be the man who  is all work and no play.  I want to be with my beautiful  wife and my kids as they grow and play my part in guiding them in their lives, in their story.
And hopefully, I’ll bring the riches of that experience of being a parent and a husband to my future roles.
Thank you”
There was rapturous applause at this end to his speech and Emily found herself crying once again at his very public commitment to a more balanced life for them all going forward.
Keanu took his leave, heading back stage where there would be a few interviews to do before he could re-join Emily and head onto the after-party.  There was a brief break in proceedings and Emily made her way back stage to meet up with him.
Keanu was just taking his leave from one of the news teams  when he glimpsed Emily weaving her way between the throngs of stage hands, actors and publicists.
He headed in her direction and indicated a small alcove to the side to aim for. She reached it first and waited for him to join her, his progress being slowed by people stopping to congratulate him on his award and speech. When he finally got there, she threw he arms around his neck.
“That was, just, just”
“Wow  have I actually rendered you speechless?” he laughed.
“You didn’t share THAT part of the speech!”
“You mean the bit about marrying a wonderful woman and sharing my story with her?”
“yes that part, you sneaky devil, you made me cry”
“Happy tears I hope?”
“Yes!” she smiled planting a kiss on his smiling lips.
@penwieldingdreamer @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @ladyreapermc @witty-wallflower @gatsbynouvel @bitchyslut99 @keanureevesisbae @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @kindainlovewithkeanu @paperplanesandwallflowers
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claudia1829things · 4 years
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"ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" (1953) Review Years ago, I used to watch a great deal of old movies on late night television. My two favorite channels that offered these movies were Turner Network Television (TNT) and the American Movies Classic (AMC), which used to air movies without any commercial breaks. On TNT, I had stumbled across a Western movie originally released by MGM Studios in 1953 called "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" (1953) and fell in love with it. After watching my recently purchased DVD copy of the movie, I could see why it became a favorite of mine. 
 Directed by John Sturges during the first decade of his directorial career, "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" told the story of a Union Army officer that served as the second-in-command of a prisoner-of-war camp located in the Arizona Territory in 1863. The movie’s opening pretty much set the stage of what kind of character Captain Roper was, as it depicted him dragging an escaped Confederate prisoner back to Fort Bravo. The fact that Roper was on horseback and his prisoner – a Lieutenant Bailey – was on foot pretty much established the Union officer as a hard-nosed and ruthless man. That flint-like personality was exacerbated by his cynicism, revealed in his reactions to the other characters’ disapproval of his treatment of Bailey. However, chaos soon arrived in the form of one Carla Forrester, a Texas belle who arrived at Fort Bravo to serve as maid-of-honor at the wedding of Alice Owens, the daughter of Fort Bravo’s commanding officer, Colonel Owens. Carla was also there to ensure the escape of the prisoners’ ranking officer, her fiancé Captain John Marsh and a few of his men. In order to keep their Union jailers distracted, Carla set out to seduce and romance the fort’s most feared man – Captain Roper. When I first saw "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO", I never thought I would become such a diehard fan of the movie. Do not get me wrong. It was not the best or innovative Western I had ever seen. Screenwriters Frank Fenton and an unaccredited Michael Pate had created a solid character study about conflicts – both political and personal – between the Union and Confederate troops in the Civil War Southwest, and the conflict between the Apaches and everyone else. The movie even had a happy ending – somewhat. Yet, Sturges, Fenton and Pate managed to lift a solid tale into something more fascinating by infusing a great deal of emotion and complexity in the main characters And it were these complex characters that truly made "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" for me. The characters seemed to seethe with an array of emotions that eventually burst forth as the movie unfolded. Many of these emotions seemed to center around the story’s main character. One of those characters happened to be Carla Forrester. And Eleanor Parker managed to do a top-notch job in portraying the bundle of contradictions that simmered underneath her ladylike façade. Parker portrayed Carla as a cool Southern belle with impeccable manners and a talent for seduction. Her Carla also possessed the ruthlessness to browbeat a reluctant pro-Southern storekeeper into helping Marsh and his men escape; a boldness that allowed her to chase after Roper in an age where women were valued for being passive; and a great deal of passion for Marsh and later, Roper. One of the more interesting aspects of Parker’s performance was expessing Carla’s struggles to suppress her feelings for Roper. Recently, I learned that Parker had earned the nickname Woman of a Thousand Faces. Judging from her portrayal of Carla Forrester, I would say that she deserved the name. I have been a fan of John Forsythe since his years as Charlie Townsend’s voice in "CHARLIE’S ANGELS" (1976-1981) and his work on the ABC nighttime soap opera "DYNASTY" (1981-1989). But I must admit that I found his performance in "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" somewhat perplexing. On one hand, Forsythe did a excellent job in portraying John Marsh’s patience, intelligence and slightly caustic nature - especially in scenes that featured Marsh's exchanges with his fellow Confederate prisoners. However, there seemed to be something not quite . . . right about the character. I do not know if the fault lay with Forsythe’s performance or Fenton and Pate’s screenplay. The problem with the Marsh character or Forsythe’s acting seemed to be Marsh’s successful ability to suppress his emotions. There were times when I wondered if the only true feelings that Marsh seemed able to truly express, centered around his desire to escape. And when he finally did express his his jealousy toward Carla’s feelings about Roper – it came off as slightly unconvincing. Either Forsythe had failed to sell it . . . or Fenton and Pate failed to allow Marsh to express his jealousy until it was too late in the story. I certainly cannot accuse William Demarest and William Campbell for giving unconvincing performances. The pair portrayed two of the Confederate prisoners – the wise "old" man Sergeant Campbell and the cocky young Cabot Young. The pair seemed to be engaged in some kind of verbal warfare that I found a lot of fun. Yet, it also seemed to hint some kind of mild dislike between the two – until the ending revealed their true feelings for each other. Two other performances caught my attention – John Lupo as the cowardly Confederate officer Lieutenant Bailey and Richard Anderson (of "THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN" and "THE BIONIC WOMAN" fame) as the soon-to-be husband of Alice Owen, Lieutenant Beecher. What made these two characters interesting was that each man – in his own way – seemed capable of some kind of courage. Although a physical coward, Bailey possessed the courage to openly admit his limitations. And Beecher had no qualms about openly expressing his disapproval of Roper’s ruthlessness, despite being the captain’s subordinate. While writing this review, it occurred to me that I had yet to comment on William Holden’s performance as the hard-nosed Captain Roper. The same year (1953) that MGM released "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO", Paramount released Billy Wilder’s movie, "STALAG 17" - the movie that featured Holden’s Oscar winning performance. If I had my way, I would have given Holden the Oscar for his performances in both movies. What I found amazing about his portrayal of Roper is that in the hands of a lesser actor, the character could have easily ended up one-dimensional. Ironically, most of the supporting characters seemed to view him as a one-dimensional hard ass. Yet, Holden managed to effectively convey Roper’s complexity by perfectly balancing the character’s ruthlessness with an intelligent, witty and passionate man. In the end, he actor did a superb job in combining the many aspects of Roper’s personality into a complex and interesting character. MGM’s Oscar winning costume designer Helen Rose added color to the movie with some lush costumes befitting the movie’s early 1860s setting. Unfortunately, Rose made one serious misstep with a yellow evening gown worn by Eleanor Parker:
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The gown seemed more befitting of a movie set in the early 1950s, instead of the 1860s. It is not surprising that Rose had received her Oscar nominations and wins for movies in a modern setting. I also have to commend cinematographer Robert Surtees for capturing the Southwest landscape (Southern California and New Mexico) without overwhelming the performers. Surtees also made use of the Ansco cameras to give the movie a rich and lush aura, allowing the desert to seem more colorful than usual. Surprisingly, Frank Fenton and Michael Pate’s script for "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" seemed to bear a small, yet striking resemblance to John Ford’s 1939 classic, "STAGECOACH". Both movies are basically character studies of a group of people in a Western setting – namely the Southwest – that included action against the Apaches in the final acts. And the Apaches in both films proved to be nothing more than plot devices to drive the characters’ situations forward. However, Sturges and the two screenwriters gave the Apaches’ roles a twist by portraying them as an organized military unit, instead of a bunch of rampaging "savages", during a sequence that featured Roper, Carla, Beecher, Marsh, Bailey, Campbell and Young under besiege by the Apaches’ "bombardment" of arrow similar to Henry V’s use of English and Welsh longbowmen at the Battle of Agincourt. And unlike the John Wayne and Claire Trevor characters in "STAGECOACH", this movie left the fate of Roper and Carla’s future romance in the air. After all, she had assisted in the Confederates’ escape. It is a shame that "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" has never been considered when top Hollywood Westers are discussed. Or even when John Sturges’ career is discussed. Frankly, I believe the movie deserves to be considered. Sturges had taken Frank Fenton and Michael Pate’s sharp screenplay and a top notch cast to create a tense and complex Western that I feel is one of the best I have seen to come out of the Hollywood studio era.
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