#like bro it was your choice to go to grad school you HAD a job offer but you refused it
arthur-dentist · 2 years
God my roommate is complaining about how the dishes work in this house as if he’s not the one generating a million dishes during meal prep, not coming home on his dish day so they pile up, and also last time he cleaned like half of a normal load bc I was so late on my day?? Like if he doesn’t like it now I guarantee he’s gonna be upset if we have to do all of our dishes immediately bc I can’t handle that and things will pile up in my room or in the sink.
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laynemorgan · 3 years
I'm sure you've already provided it, but I'd be curious to hear your road to becoming a staffed writer. What first got you interested in it? Does it go back to school days?
Man it goes back far. I mean, I guess in some ways it doesn't. Since you asked more about what got me interested in where it goes back to, I'll give you the lest technical and more biographicl explanatin. My first goal was just to become a writer. I've been writing since I was a really little kid. I actually recently found journals from like the elementary and middle school days just filled with them. And it was never small scale, I'd always be planning out the whole fucking setting, how all the characters were connected, full universes. I made a fake fantasy. land in my backyard because my parents live on a lot of land. I called it Teleterania. I remember very little about it besides that that was the name hahah but I did do it!!! Everything I read only made me want to write. Everything I watched made me want to write.
Sometime around late middle school and early high school, I started watching more TV. I found soap operas and was OBSESSSED with their flare for drama. I found BTVS, Charmed, Smallville, Veronica Mars, OTH, etc. And all of those shows really got me actually looking at TV in a way I had never before. I got obsessed with their worlds and into their fandoms. I became the liek TV guy in my high school. There was even a group of girls I never got to really hang out with that would always call me over to their table to ask about what I knew about OTH stuff hahaha and 17 year old me thought that was awesome. Before my sister passed away, she and I took a road trip down to North Carolina to tour the One Tree Hill set. OTH was like the one thing that she and I agreed on. And it was so awesome. For me it was a first look at what the industry actually looked like, to see the sets and what went into it and all of that.
But I don't think my eyes really opened to actually WORKING in tv until college. I went to school for English Lit and Creative Writing in New Hampshire. My school had a great writing program and I was right at home there. i still credit my first writing professor who was only a grad student for really teaching me what I know about writing and editing and reading my own work for error and she passed me on to her favorite professor which was a hugely flattering moment for me. AND THEN -- I fell in love with PLL. And for me, that was really where shit started. I didn't realize it at the time and it wasn't even the show that did it it was what the show showed me. Through my tumblr at the time which had very little to do with fandom, I actually wound up running into Patrick Adams and Troian Bellisario. We all were always sharing each other's posts and at the time I was working for a journalist covering random TV out of a shitty free magazine in Boston doing work for peanuts. But I was going out to LA to meet up with a friend and we all decided to meet for lunch and they let me interview them for my magazine and stayed really rad people. They also helped boost my PLL photo recaps which I was doing at the time and those got the attention of the Director, Normal Buckley who asked me out to coffee and talked to me about my goals and what I was doing. He was the person who first really helped me understand that there's an approachability to the TV world that to me had always been this like magical hollywood bubble I didn't understand.
I went home THRILLED about LA, dropped out of college and set out to go to film school. From there, I hated film school because it was too technical adjacent, dropped out again, spent all the money I had on that move twice, and went home to boston broke and lost. I spent two years after that maybe more saving money, working in fandom, and waitressing while I went back to college online. That era wasn't super writing focused but it's where I found myself. I realized I was queer, I came out, I got into tumblr rpg, I met my fandom friends, I found tumblr fandom in a way I hadn't before. And then a couple years later I found tl100.
From there, the rest is kind of wonky. I had a big fan blog for the show and talked a lot about it on my twitter which lead me to many interactions with the writers who then invited me to dinner at comic con one year. I had a long talk with Shumway abut my goals and what I wanted to do with my life. I knew I wanted to be in TV somehow. I knew I wanted to be in writing somehow but I couldn't figure out how those two things aligned. I was doing a lot of journalism and critic stuff because that felt like the clsoest way to be both a fan and workin in the world I loved but it was really Kim and Shawna that opened my eyes to the ability to just .... be a TV writer. Film school had made me terrified of the wrtiing side but I think it was because film school was so much more about writing for film which I learned isn't my thing. But TV is a writers' medium, unlike film which is more fo a directors medium and suddenly I was like -- MIND BLOWN. It was everything I wanted in a career and married all of the things I loved. It was something that had previously felt like unattainable but they made it seem human and approachable.
They helped me get my first WPA job, I saved up 3 grand working and with the help of some friends and moved to LA to start that. And suddenly I was in a whirlwind of catching up on everything I felt like I had missed. I was reading scripts, learning what the process looked like, doing everything I coudl to figure out what being a TV writer looked like. After that job, I got another WPA job at Millar Gough on Into the Badlands and later Shannara.
THEN I got hired on Daybreak which I can fully credit with being a huge stepping stone for me and changing my life in a lot of ways. Aron was the best showrunner. He was educational and he taught us shit, he let us in the room, he let us write stuff, he let us pitch and try and fall on our faces and never judged us for it. My second season there he moved me up to writers assitant and patiently walked me through all the stuff I didn't know yet because he had faith in me and my voice and my ideas. He let me writ e afreelance episode that year and pitch it in the room and do all the things that real w riters get to do.
So after Daybreak season 2 got cancelled I was pretty ready to spend my next year or two just writing, finding an agent and moving forawrd. And then I got an email to go and work for Moira Walley Beckett. She was looking for an assistant with serious room experience to help develop something in a small room and stay on with her later. I took the job becuase she's MOIRA and I was stoked to learn from her and work for a woman for once. I ernded up very fortunate becuase a month later we were all surprised by the covid mess and I was fully employed that whole year while many people weren't which was a huge help. Moira was a STELLAR boss. I had thought I was ready and what she taught me was that ther's always so much more to learn. She walked me through the process of applying notes and taking notes and changing draft after draft of your story. SHe walked me through breaking a whole season of television. We had a great partnership for the year and I'm so grateful. And then that project didn't end up seeing hte light of day and we our separate ways as well.
Cut to a few months ago, I was still at home in Boston, post-covid, having been sick for most of january. My friend Rachel dared me to write a spec in a weekend for the Warner Bros fellowship deadline. So I did. It was a Legacies Spec. Given that we didn't have access to the WGA library because of the pandemic, Legacies was an easy and obvious choice. I had already seen it inside and out and didn't need as much access to learning a show from scratch. So I wrote what I loved, wrote a season 2 legacies spec that embraced my favorite things about legacies: the high school soap of one tree hill, Lizzie doing wild dialogue, buffy-esque monsters, and themes of grief and humanity.
AND THE REST you know.
Here we are. I'm still lost as fuck. I'm still running full speed through a world I don't always feel like I"m ready for. I'm still a perfectionist and an obsessive overworker. I still take notes I don't need to take and do work at 10pm and come in early and stare at the story boards. There's a whole journey in all of this about representation and coming to find myself and queer media and wanting to make more of it but that's one I don't feel like I can fully get into until I'm decades out of it and the world is truly made better. But I'm here. And it feels like the end of a journey and liek I'm standing at the edge of a brand new clif because I've only just started.
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filmbefore · 4 years
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STELLA CHOI , a member of the yale's elite , they're twenty three and a first year grad student majoring in business . they are as eccentric as they are fickle . ( park sooyoung ( joy ) / she/they / demigirl )
FULL NAME : stella rosemary choi . NICKNAMES : stel , stels . AGE : twenty three . BIRTHDAY : april 23 , 1997 . ASTRO : taurus sun , aquarius moon , pisces rising . SIBLINGS : two older twin sisters . SEXUALITY : bisexual + biromantic . HEIGHT : 5′8″ HAIR COLOR : black . HOMETOWN : london , england .
stella barely creates any of her own fashion designs. she regularly steals designs from small fashion houses all over the world and pays them a relatively small amount to shut down so that there is no trace of her stealing.
stella frequently buys clothing to display on their youtube channel so that they can write it off of their taxes. but they often write off more than they actually bought, meaning that they owe the government more tax money than they have been letting on.
stella’s parents actually paid yale to accept some falsified academic reports and fake philanthropic acts in order to let stella into the graduate program.
miss stella was pretty much born with a silver spoon in her mouth . her father was one of the top names in the psychiatric research field and her mother had an almost cult following on the korean film scene with her odd stylistic choices while making movies . however , the chois could not turn down a job offer that mr. choi had received to work in london . so , they bought a new home in the city and relocated with their twin daughters . 
once the trio got to london and settled down , they agreed that they had room in their family for one more little one and ended up bringing stella into the world !! 
as a kid ,, stella was about as normal as it comes . they did well in school , but weren’t stop of their class . they practiced playing instruments and making art of all kinds , but didn’t make anything exceptional . the only mf thing stella was good at was sleeping in and accidentally missing her first period class almost every day . miss girl was about lazy as hell . couldn’t get her to do anything .
the choi kids’ parents would literally take their kids traveling the world every summer to try and expose them to as many cultures as they could to try and inspire SOMETHING in them to find something that they love . they would always make sure to stop by south korea and visit their family there , but i’m talking trips to brazil , france , germany , singapore , japan , mexico , you NAME it ! but miss stella was still lazy as an old dog :/ ( just taurus tings ! )
that is ,, until she started her youtube channel when she was about eighteen years old ! she had watched about four videos about fashion week that year and decided that fashion was her life’s PASSION and she had shit to say !! 
and for whatever reason ... people wanted to listen to what they had to say about vivienne westwood’s designs ?????? idk bro but their youtube channel started gaining TRACTION and before she could even blink , stella was sitting front row at calvin klein shows , gucci shows , you know ... the works ! just think very emma chamberlain at these events , okay ? like teenage youtube girly pop sitting three spots away from anna wintour . you know the vibe !! don’t pretend like you don’t !!
and honest to god , stella’s parents were just excited that they were showing an affinity for SOMETHING after all the years of genuine laziness they had displayed lmao
and you can only IMAGINE the thrill their parents got when stella actually started designing her own clothes !!!! ( or so they thought ... ) stella’s designs were so unique and colorful and all OVER the place in the most funky way and before you could blink ... miss girl was opening her own fashion house called angel numbers !! 
angel numbers basically blew up right away and had a ton of support from the lgbt community ,,, like think very lady gaga kind of cult queer following ! especially because stella was out as a non binary individual and bi ,,, she just really appreciated the support from their own peers 
stella even went to school in london for fashion design and had no intention of returning to school once they graduated because of all the success coming from her fashion line ... but their parents literally peer pressured them into going back to school a few years later at a school in america to further widen their cultural perspective !! and the chois were dead set on stella attending yale university for grad school ,, bc it would really prove to the world that their kid wasn’t some bimbo heiress who got everything handed to them 
so now it’s stella’s first year at yale hehe and they’re more than ready to vibe on another level with everyone here
stella is stubborn and lazy as hell . like when the shit comes out about her stealing designs , she will NEVER own up to it . even though she absolutely did it out of pure laziness . she spent so many years in college just partying it up with her parents’ credit card instead of actually learning how to design clothing lmao . she is ... fickle with a purpose . she kind of lies to herself about how intertwined she is in people’s lives to save herself the hassle of actually caring about people . if that makes sense ??? like she lies to herself and says that theres no way people care enough about her to care about whether or not she shows up somewhere just so she won’t feel bad about not showing up . and that translates into more than just attendance of events , unfortunately . she’s very blunt and honest to a fault . like obviously she is ... lying about a lot of things in her life , but she will be brutally honest with you about your issues ! like okay miss hypocrite . but she’s generally very flirty and kind of flighty and out there . like her head is always in the clouds and you will just never know if she is listening to you or not . but i promise she is fun to be around when there isn’t any definite strings attached or anything !! she will just start to pull a lil escapist act when you actually want her to commit to something . 
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It’s hard to leave your toxic friends... but it’s so worth it
I don’t normally do this, but as I sat in a Saturday morning meeting thinking about all of the things I felt this past Friday, I felt compelled to share my story.
A brief background: throughout college and for several years afterward, I considered my tight-knit group of college friends as some of my closest. In addition to my best friend of 20 years, some friends from high school, my work team, and some other dear friends scattered across the globe and throughout the U.S., this group of college friends was who I considered to be my foundation. This group of friends was extremely important to me, but it was not without its bumps in the road.
In my senior year of college, I had a falling out with one of these friends, the ringleader I’ll call her. I say this because she is quite honestly the source of 95% of my problems with this group. She is a master manipulator, and an expert gaslighter. There were a few others that contributed to this too, but she was by far the worst.
I can’t elaborate on every single thing that this person said and did over our 7 year “friendship” but a brief summary would be: asking me point blank if I thought I might be a lesbian after coming out as bi (to this friend group and in her presence, I might add) only several months prior; asking me how much money I spend on books about “Chernobyl” every month with the implication that she’s concerned about my finances; telling me that my resume may not be as impressive as I think it is (I’m the deputy director of a nonprofit with both state-based and national projects and had been for close to a year prior to this conversation); would clean up the crumbs from in front of me while I was still eating and comment on my messiness; told me that one of our mutual friends doesn’t like discussing politics with me because I get too fired up (again, I work for a nonprofit that deals with social justice); telling me that crying while comforting my friend who had just lost a loved one to suicide after they began crying was weird and that I “stole her thunder” (we were slightly drunk, I’m an empath, and she was talking about some deeply personal things that moved me and crying was my natural response... and oddly, she was appreciative of my tears because I was “the only person that actually stayed with her”); and so much more that I know I’m forgetting.
There were many other things more insidious, including gaslighting me about my inclusion in several group activities and why it should have been obvious why one friend disliked me enough to not invite me to her wedding after years of claiming cluelessness.
In our senior year, I left that friend for the first time after she humiliated me at a party by commenting loudly and with condescension on my weight. When I cut ties with her, I felt as if I had just left an abusive relationship, and for a while I didn’t want to seek a friendship with her again.
But the other friends in our group still hung out with both of us, so eventually I allowed myself to be sucked back in. 
In the years after we graduated, I thought that this person had actually changed- I worked abroad for a year after college, and after returning I saw a marked difference in her demeanor and how she interacted with us. She seemed more self-aware of how her words and actions adversely affected other people, and I thought that maybe the ugliness of that horrible portion of my senior year was now just a faded scar.
But then things escalated very quickly. Over the course of several weeks at the beginning of this year, I started to feel myself questioning whether I had made the right choice in rejoining the group: I was so sure of how I felt after I left it the first time, I felt so empowered and free. So why did I allow myself to rejoin them? Was it really the right choice?
I got my answer a week after the insurrection at the Capitol. One friend who already had a history of saying hateful things about women (which I tried to put a stop to to no avail) finally went full white supremacist asshole, and instead of joining me in calling his comments unacceptable and defending me as he mansplained my job to me, the ringleader criticized me and told me that “I can work in activism and politics and be wrong”.
That’s the moment I finally woke up.
I left the chat that very moment. Every time they added me back without my consent, I left again.
Every time I got message from the ringleader that was full of gaslighting comments and false apologies, I didn’t say a word. Just deleted the message. Finally, I was able to gather the strength needed to block those toxic friends from all social media and my phone. One of these friends was someone I tried to make like me for years after I was told that she hated me for no reason, by her own admission.
Some may not agree with this approach, but I made the choice to cut contact and go radio silent on my own after consulting my friends, specifically my best friend who had been there for me during the incident my senior year.
As weeks went by, some of the true friends from that group reached out, and then immediately backed off after my polite request for space, indicating that I was welcome back at any time and they were always here for me.
The ringleader chose the opposite approach. She continued to gaslight me, made a group chat with myself, the white supremacist, and herself. She sent me messages from her second account, one that I remembered to unfriend but forgot to block. She told me that if I don’t “course correct” by a certain date she would block me on my account (too late, bro) and that “we wish you all the best”. This implies that it was on behalf of the entire group, something I know three of them would never do. However, at this point, I have had to distance myself from all of those friends so as not to give the ringleader the attention she wants from me.
I lost over half of my closest friends over night. It felt like my skeleton had been torn from my body. I considered giving in several times and reaching out to them. But now, over a month later, I understand how necessary it was to excise what was essentially a malignant tumor. The Chernobyl researcher in me wants to compare it to Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS): an unseen poison that slowly infiltrates every part of your mind and body and rots them from the inside out.
2020 was an extremely hard year for me, as it was for so many. I am so lucky and privileged to have been in the financial situation that I was and had the support of my genuine friends and family.
But it was still the worst year of my life. I have suffered from pretty bad OCD for most of my life, and while I usually keep it under control, last year it became nearly impossible to do so. I also fell very deeply into clinical depression, and worked to the point of burn out and exhaustion. The primary thoughts I had during this depression were: 
“Why aren’t you working? You’re lazy.”
“You’re a failure, you’re 26 and haven’t applied to grad school yet.”
“You piece of shit, still living with your parents? What a disappointment.”
“What is wrong with you?”
It was unbearable. I’m honestly not entirely sure how I survived it, but I think a certain 3-year-old goddaughter of mine and a few close, real friends had something to do with it.
I worked very hard with my friends, a therapist, and a psychiatrist to overcome this depression and get my OCD back under control. Now, I feel like such a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I still have depression, and the OCD will always be with me (like a bad habit... literally?); but I am so much more happy with myself and my life, as I should be.
And I am very, very, very well aware that therapy was not the only reason I have recently begun feeling this way. It’s very hard to see that you’re being manipulated while it’s happening. Because of my trusting nature, sometimes manipulative comments would be interpreted as heartfelt guidance.
It wasn’t until I started the journey away from them that I saw just how much this group and their negativity (because even the best of them weren’t always the kindest) impacted my mental health.
The event that made me want to share this story is this: yesterday was a rough work day. As a full-time community organizer, I am pretty much burnt out all of the time. Breaks are taken, but with projects addressing issues from COVID relief to systemic racism and police brutality, it never feels like enough. 
I had to officially take a step back as a sole lead on an annual event that I organized for two years, and it was gut-wrenching.
Now, I cry often, but I don’t usually get to have therapeutic cries. You know what I mean? Like, as you cry, all of the tension that built up in your body by negative feelings is finally being released with every breath and sob?
Well, the dam finally broke in a team meeting on Friday. I started sobbing and couldn’t stop. And my colleagues were so, so kind. They let me vent, they let me cry, they would not accept my apologies for crying. They told me that I was strong for setting up boundaries, and that they were here for me.
We spent a lot of time at the end of the meeting each talking about our self-care routines. And as I sit here typing this, I am actively trying not to cry at the purity of their support.
This experience has taught me what real friends are. Real friends do not put limitations on your emotions and fears.
Real friends do not give you deadlines for processing your feelings.
Real friends do not criticize you for things that, while they may not agree with, do not affect anyone’s health or marginalize anyone.
Real friends don’t marginalize vulnerable communities.
Real friends help and support you with constructive criticism (when it’s asked for) and love, not patronization and manipulation.
I thought I knew all of these things before, but I know now that I am still learning... and that that is perfectly okay. I don’t regret most of the times we shared together. I am appreciative of the positive memories that their friendships gave me.
Three of the friends in this group are actually good people, and maybe one day when the dust is settled I’ll reach out to them and establish one-on-one friendships with them (if they want to). 
And I have to thank my real friends, including @tryingtobealwaystrying, for all saying the exact same thing: you deserve so much happiness and fuck all of those guys.
So, the point of this post is to tell everyone this: you can leave your toxic friends. It’s incredibly difficult, stressful, and honestly traumatizing. And there’s no shame in needing time or feeling unable to leave those friends now. There’s also no shame in returning to those friends.
But please know, from this nerd to the reader: anyone that makes you feel any less than the beautiful, amazing human being you are and doesn’t want to help you become an even better human on your own terms is not a true friend. They don’t deserve you or the light you can bring into their lives.
And every agonizing step away from those friends is a step closer to a happier, healthier life.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Who was the last person you took a photo with? Was it self-taken? I took a photo with my mom at my bro’s grad party. Have you ever tried to learn another language? How did it go? Yeah, I took Spanish all 4 years of high school and one semester in college. I did well, actually. Too bad I’m still not fluent. When was the last time you charged your phone? Yesterday. So, what are your plans for the near future (a year)? I don’t know, man. I have to take things day by day. Do you prefer questions about trivial things, or more deep and meaningful? A mixture of both.
What can you hear right now? Tell me even the tiniest things. My fans and the ASMR video I’m listening to. Where did you last ride in a car to and why? Home from Walmart yesterday after my mom and I went grocery shopping. Tell me about a person that comes to your head whose name starts with M. One of my aunts. Do you drink alcohol? How often? Nope. Do you have any bills that need to be paid right now? Not today. Can you rap freestyle? Or at least sing raps from songs? No, definitely not. I can rap along to some songs, but that’s it. Do you know anyone from the Philippines? Robynnn. What was the last type of soup you ate? Is ramen soup? Are you more logical or creative, or maybe somewhere in between? Logical for sure.
Do you use bar soap or gel soap? I use bar soap. What colour do you associate with the flavour mint? Green. When was the last time you had brunch? I didn’t have breakfast until 1 today, so I guess today. Does your bedroom door have a lock on it? Do you have to use it? It does. I don’t have much of a need to use it. How many times a year do you travel away from home? It varies each year. I hope to go somewhere this summer. Last year I didn’t go anywhere for obvious reasons. Describe your go-to outfit to me, please. I live in leggings and oversized tees. Do you like your job? Why or why not? I don’t have a job. How about your boss? What's your boss like? -- Do you have a credit card? Do you rely on it? I have a few. I admit to using them more than I should. :X Are you bitter about anything at the moment? Tell me about it. Ehhh. What colour is your bath towel? I don’t have like one bath towel; I just grab one from the pantry. Who was the last person you saw a movie at the cinema with? Who paid? My mom and brother. My brother paid. Do you message friends and family on Facebook regularly? No. What is the most played song in your iTunes (or other) library? I have no idea. Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? No. Do you have a song in your head? Do you remember how it got stuck there? Not at the moment. When was the last time you did laundry? A few days ago. Do you still have a landline phone in your home? Yes. How are you feeling today? Happy, sad, or anything else? HOT, exhausted, and no energy. I feel dead. What is your favourite brand of shoes? Adidas. If you smoke, what's your brand of choice? I don’t smoke. Have you ever built a snowman? No. Does it even snow where you live? No. :( That sounds lovely right now. If you had to volunteer for a week, where would you like to volunteer? I don’t know. Who was the last person you made you upset? What did they do? Meh. Do you have a crush on anyone? Tell me about them. Nope. Have you ever had something signed by someone famous? What and who? Jamie Lee Curtis, Jim Carrey, and Drake Bell. What was the last thing you said aloud? “No.”
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parkerspicedlatte · 5 years
28 Questions that I may or may not answer...
Tagged by @the-claire-bitch-project
1. How tall are you?
5 foot 3 and 3/4 of an inch
2. What color and style is your hair?
Blonde with light blonde highlights. It’s cut to about my shoulders now (SHORTEST IT’S EVER BEEN!) Get’s wavy on it’s own but super curly with the right product. Currently it’s in two french braids that stop at my neck and the pony tail part is curly. 
3. What color are your eyes?
4. Do you wear glasses?
Not even sunglasses they give me headaches.
5. Do you wear braces?
No but I honestly wish I could afford them cause I have a few teeth that drive me nuts. 
6. What is your fashion style?
Don’t even go there. If I like it I like it but the outfit always matches. Sometimes Boho-hippy, sometimes punk-rocker, sometimes sk8r kid and a lot of the times I just look like a redneck. 
7. Full name?
Reerz, Ria the Rizzo
8. When were you born?
On my birthday. 
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?
 Southern Ontario Canada then, tiny bit more Northern Ontario now (two hours north of Toronto)
10. What school do you go to?
The desk in my front room, i’m home schooled but I should’ve finished a while ago....
11. What kind of student are you?
The fun thing about homeschooling is that I am EVERY student! I am the teachers pet and the bad ass that skips class while still being the nervous kid with social anxiety that cries during their presentation.
12. Do you like school?
13. What are your favorite school subjects? 
English and Media Arts
14. Favorite tv shows?
Gilmore Girls, Raising Hope, B99, Storage Wars, Big Bang Theory, Anne With an W, Murdoch Mysteries 
15. Favorite Movies?
Like all of the Avengers associated movies, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Bedtime Stories, The Princess Bride, The Hunger Games (all), Midnight in Paris, 
16. Favorite books?
The Dwelling Place-Catherine Cookson, The Maze Runner Series-James Dashner, Fried Green Tomatoes-I forget who, The Outsiders-S.E. Hinton, The Book Their-Mark Zusak, Macbeth-Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice-Shakespeare...
17. Favorite pastime?
Day dreaming what else is new. Also listening to people tell stories. 
18. Do you have any regrets? 
Treating my parents the way I did when they pulled me out of school because they knew what was right for me and at the time I did not have the maturity to understand or recognise that. And not having a closer relationship with my little brother. I can think of only one time ever that he hugged him (his Grad) and it breaks my heart cause we’re not like that but I wish he felt that he could when he needs to. 
19. Dream job?
IDK. Musician, hipster barista, travel blogger....probs be a house wife that writes fanfics about people i like more than my husband in my spare time. 
20. Would you like to get married someday?
It’s the only thing in life that I know I want to do.
 21. Would you like to have kids someday?
That’s a must
22. How many?
More than 1, no onlu children for me. Maybe 2. Or 4 so that 2 don’g gang up on 2. Orrrrr 3 if two are MUCH older than the last. (I really have no idea)
23. Do you like shopping?
Not with people who stress me out but on my own time I can enjoy it. 
24. What countries have you visited?
Dominican Republican in 2017 once for Vaycay and we lived on the American border for a while so I basically grew up American/Canadian and don’t consider going to the States visiting but whatever if you want to count that...
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
Raped my clown, family dying, family dying and not being able to look after my lil bro, drowning (everynight), being confronted by people that are where they are in the world and blame me for their life choices. husband saying “no” at the alter, water boarding (you see this is why I hate sleeping) 
26. Do you have any enemies?
Unfortunately yes, but it’s more one sided. I’ve moved on, they haven’t. (That’s a lie, I still have nightmares)
27. Do you have an s/o?
Sexy Octopus? Not anymore!
28. Do you believe in miracles?
Tagging: @h0tsos @lifelovelemons @24kcalum @katsens-writing @harryandmolly @definitely-not-black-cat @h0tsos @parkerpuffwrites @pastel-herron @hey-its-grey @converse-luke @irwinkitten @ashsbrokenpieces @tominhoodies @starkstower @aulxna 
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mangleschmidt · 5 years
Grad cap, masks, coffee? 👀
This is going to be a bit messy, so please bear with me qAq
↪🎓 ↪ When did you join the fandom, why did you?
I’d say around after or before FNAF 2 came out, since I remembered I was hype af for FNAF 3. So I was exactly 10 years old, since my birthday was before the anniversary, which is August 1 (is this a late birthday present or what???)
It was because of the story. I remember listening to the Living Tombstone FNAF 1 song, I was all like “Oh, poor kids ):” and then I was really hook. I want to know more about the game and now here we are!
But what really made me stay for a long time was because of Bones’ Mike and (before was Mangle tho) Foxy. I have no idea why, I got really attached to them.
Tbh, I didn’t know shit about any discourse or bullshit happening X”D I feel so old tho
↪ 🎭 ↪ What is your purple guy’s backstory? Why is he the way he is?
Bro, I have a lot of purple guys but not as the same number as *ahem* Avec X"D which is about fucking nine.
 So far, these are my purps:
Ethelred Evanora
Willy Fucknut Asston
Daniel Rogers
I didn’t have the motivation to finish up their personalities and backstories aofabeu. But I’d like to talk about my “main” purp, Daniel Rogers.
Daniel Rogers, real name Daniel Pardillo (par-dil-yo), is a filipino trans man.
He’s generally sassy. When someone talk shit about him, he’ll mow that person down with his sassy smartass remarks. He felt power over those who belittle him and mostly to hide his fear or anything that is considered ‘weak’ to other people. He believes in mythology, he encountered a lot of them, and it got a little overboard when he met Ethel and Asston. He gets really clingy and affectionate to those who shows kindness and actual love (doesn’t go deeper in romance though, mostly platonic).
His hometown is in Quezon City, Philippines. His mom wasn’t really happy about the fact that Daniel kept on acting like a “tomboy” while his dad is rather supportive. Daniel was a rebellious kid, would sass talk the teachers, get into fights with girls and boys alike, sometimes skip classes to help his dad ect.
His dad noticed that he wasn’t really normal like the other kids (a mix of bad and good kind of not normal), believed that he was special and counsel him.. He looks up to his dad and usually helps him with his work when he’s not in school, calling the passengers and fixing the jeep.
Let‘s just say things didn’t go well, family life and shady shit, and his dad was forced to move out to America with Daniel under a new identity.
Sadly, the people who’s hunting down his dad found them and his dad was ahem taken care of. It seriously tore Daniel and he straight up murdered half of them. He ran away and was left alone for several years, until he met Asston and Ethel, who practically ‘saved’ his life. He can’t say no to their request, demands and commands, he doesn’t have the heart for it.
Daniel’s rebelliousness got reduced to just snarky and sassy remarks, since he doesn’t feel the need for it. He learned to manipulate the things he show to people from Ethelred.
He had the choice though.
↪ ☕ ↪ What’s _____ (send a character) home life like? How do they relax after work?
Let me choose from my array of characters....
Felix, it is!
Around their time in their apartment, it’s chill, though there would be some disagreements here and there. Felix is usually not around most of time which made Mike pretty lonely for a couple of months since he isn’t allowed to take a job.
Around the time that they move back in their house, it got more lively for sure. He got his two sisters messing around, his mom who would try and spoil the fuck out her kids and a dad who’s almost as busy as him but would try and make amends with him.
Relax? What’s that?
Mike will tell you the tale.
Felix would vent out the bullshit first to get everything out of his system then the good and funny moments. He’s a really good storyteller and would love to see his brother’s reactions in his stories. He would grab a coffee and a book, then he would chill somewhere quiet. Sometimes, would rather cuddle and chill with Mike...
Honestly, seeing Mike, happy and alive, just makes him relax for the most part.
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