#like cas could love sam but sam loved ruby or cas wanted to obey heaven a little longer and didnt wanna like ‘the abomination’
lzrusrising · 1 year
im having intense brainrot about unrequited samcas actually. fuck its so angsty,,, m rambling in the tags about it hold on
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analyzingdestiel · 6 years
Hello. I am continuing with reviewing all of the scenes related to Dean and Castiel, or as many of you refer to it, "Destiel". The goal has been for me to analyze each scene and figure out whether or not I personally feel Destiel is a believable pairing. I've not watched Supernatural before and I do not ship this pairing. Going into it with "fresh eyes" and a lack of "want" I feel is important for making an accurate decision.
And so here we are with Season 4, Episode 10. Titled Heaven and Hell.
Here is their first scene in this episode (above) and here is the script for it. I post the script because the written word can be easier to analyze and it also prevents you from having to watch the video if you are currently unable. ______________________________________________________________
SAM You want Anna? Why?
URIEL Out of the way.
DEAN Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, I know she's wiretapping your angel chats or whatever, but it's no reason to gank her.
URIEL Don't worry. I'll kill her gentle.
DEAN You're some heartless sons of bitches, you know that?
CASTIEL As a matter of fact, we are. And?
SAM And? Anna's an innocent girl.
CASTIEL She is far from innocent.
SAM What's that supposed to mean?
URIEL It means she's worse than this abomination you've been screwing. Now give us the girl.
DEAN Sorry. Get yourself another one. Try JDate.
URIEL Who's gonna stop us? You two? Or this demon whore?
URIEL throws RUBY against a wall. DEAN attacks him.
SAM Cas, stop...please.
CASTIEL touches SAM's forehead and he falls to the ground. URIEL punches DEAN.
URIEL I've been waiting for this.
Suddenly a bright light engulfs CASTIEL and URIEL and they disappear. ______________________________________________________________
Not all of these scenes actually involve Dean and Castiel, some involve Dean and Anna but can be important to use as evidence none the less, as we are not very familiar yet with how things work with the angels.
DEAN You're some heartless sons of bitches, you know that?
CASTIEL As a matter of fact, we are. And?
I wonder if Castiel meant this literally, as in "No, I do not have a heart for I am truly an angel. Does this make me insignificant? No." Castiel is known to take things quite literally.
It could also be Castiel's way of getting back at Dean, for what Castiel considers yet another "rude" remark.
The third option could be, that Castiel meant it exactly as it sounds, because Castiel is trying to harden himself for the sake of doing his job. Disobeying has more of a consequence than we have been made aware until this episode.
And the fourth could be the same as the reason above, hardening himself, but related to Uriel's presence more than anything. Almost like he has to "behave" in front of Uriel. We know he does hide his true feelings from Uriel for the most part or at least tries to. I'm quite certain Uriel was not made aware of Castiel's "doubts" that he mentioned to Dean in 4x7.
One must wonder, though, if Castiel's "thoughts" are ever just his own or if his "thoughts" are invaded, much like how he enters Dean's mind.
Unrelated, but I don't think they are thoughts so much as vibrations that, through a human vessel, transform into thoughts.
CASTIEL touches SAM's forehead and he falls to the ground. URIEL punches DEAN.
This is minor though still relevant, I feel. While Uriel starts punching Dean, Castiel refrains from physical violence and merely renders Sam unconscious with the fingers against his forehead.
ANNA So...Castiel, Uriel -- they're the ones that came for me?
SAM You know them?
ANNA We were kind of in the same foxhole.
DEAN So, what, were they like your bosses or something?
ANNA Try the other way around.
DEAN Look at you.
PAMELA But now they want to kill you?
ANNA Orders are orders. I'm sure I have a death sentence on my head.
ANNA I disobeyed... which, for us, is about the worst thing you can do. I fell. ______________________________________________________________
ANNA I disobeyed... which, for us, is about the worst thing you can do.
This just goes to show us that angels are not given free will the way humans are and that they can get in some serious trouble for disobeying. This can explain why Castiel is driven to behave in a certain way, and do or say things he may not truly want to do. Such as killing Anna or allowing Dean to be beaten. ______________________________________________________________
DEAN That's another question. Why would you fall? Why would you want to be one of us?
ANNA You don't mean that.
DEAN I don't? A bunch of -- of miserable bastards... Eating, crapping, confused, afraid.
ANNA I don't know. There's loyalty... forgiveness... love.
DEAN Pain.
ANNA Chocolate cake.
DEAN Guilt.
DEAN Yeah, you got me there.
ANNA I mean it. Every emotion, Dean, even the bad ones... It's why I fell. It's why... why I'd give anything not to have to go back. Anything.
DEAN Feelings are overrated, if you ask me.
ANNA Beats being an angel.
DEAN How's that possible? You guys are powerful and perfect. You don't doubt yourselves or God or anything.
ANNA Perfect... Like a marble statue. Cold... no choice... only obedience. Dean, do you know how many angels have actually seen God? Seen his face?
DEAN All of you?
ANNA Four angels. Four. And I'm not one of them.
DEAN That's it? Well, then how do you even know that there is a God?
ANNA We have to take it on faith... Which we're killed if we don't have.
ANNA I was stationed on earth 2,000 years. Just... watching... silent... invisible... out on the road... sick for home... waiting on orders from an unknowable father I can't begin to understand. So don't tell me that --
DEAN laughs.
ANNA What is so funny? What?
DEAN Nothing. Sorry. It's just...I can relate. ______________________________________________________________
DEAN That's another question. Why would you fall? Why would you want to be one of us?
ANNA You don't mean that.
DEAN I don't? A bunch of -- of miserable bastards... Eating, crapping, confused, afraid.
ANNA I don't know. There's loyalty... forgiveness... love.
I felt this was important to put in here because I feel that Castiel feels much like Anna does about humanity, compared to Uriel. Castiel has a love for humanity, he sees the good in it, unlike Uriel who sees the bad in it.
DEAN That's it? Well, then how do you even know that there is a God?
ANNA We have to take it on faith... Which we're killed if we don't have.
And then there is this statement, that angels are killed if they don't have faith. This would also explain Castiel's hesitation to go against what heaven orders, even if he personally does not agree with it. I feel at this time, after meeting Dean especially, that Castiel is somewhat confused and torn and is trying to be the angel he's always been but also feels hesitant to do certain things because they go against his own opinions. It feels like one of those situations where someone doesn't really know who they are and are in the process of finding themselves.
ANNA I was stationed on earth 2,000 years. Just... watching... silent... invisible... out on the road... sick for home... waiting on orders from an unknowable father I can't begin to understand. So don't tell me that --
DEAN laughs.
ANNA What is so funny? What?
DEAN Nothing. Sorry. It's just...I can relate.
It is likely that Castiel feels the same way as Anna, as he's made clear that he has "doubts" and doesn't know what's right or wrong anymore, even if it was ordered by heaven/God. It comes out through Anna, but it also gives us some insight into how Castiel may feel. Actually, in 4x7, Castiel says to Dean, "Tell me something, Dean, when your father gave you an order, didn't you obey?" So really it can be said that all three of them having been "waiting on orders from an unknowable father they can't begin to understand". ­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________________________________________
Ready for love by Bad Company is playing while DEAN and ANNA make love. ANNA rests her hand against the mark left by Castiel when he pulled DEAN out of Hell. ______________________________________________________________
This was an interesting moment. They made love, and during, Anna rests her hand on the hand mark burned into Dean's flesh. This hand mark was made by Castiel once he'd "gripped him tight and raised him from perdition". I originally wasn't sure what this signified; why were they bringing the thought of Castiel into this scene? Were the writers making an effort to get us to think about Castiel so we could understand that he is not much different from Anna?
I later came to the conclusion that this was how she came aware of what Dean did in Hell (she tells him later that she knows what happened and that it wasn’t his fault). I think it was her connection to angels, being an angel herself, that allowed her to see what Castiel saw when she rested her hand over the print on Dean.
Why they decided to have her find this mark during a sex scene is interesting; perhaps because this is the time the mark became noticeable as Dean had his shirt off. ______________________________________________________________
URIEL Look at that. It's so cute when monkeys wear clothes.
DEAN I'm dreaming, aren't I?
URIEL It's the only way we could chat... since you're hiding like cowards.
DEAN Don't normally see you off leash. Where's your boss?
URIEL Castiel? Oh, he, uh... He's not here. See, he has this weakness. He likes you. ­­­­­­­­­______________________________________________________________
DEAN Don't normally see you off leash. Where's your boss?
URIEL Castiel? Oh, he, uh... He's not here. See, he has this weakness. He likes you.
During this scene, Uriel was sent basically to threaten Dean, much like Castiel did in the kitchen a few episodes before. "I dragged you out of Hell, I can throw you back in". Although when Castiel said it, it seemed to be said as a mere threat, with no intention of actually doing it. With Uriel, it sounds much more serious and possible.
Though, I find it very interesting that Castiel did not appear during this talk because, as Uriel states, "he likes Dean". That this is his weakness.
Did Castiel deliberately not appear because he didn't want to threaten Dean like that again? Castiel may have sent Uriel to do it instead because he did not want to and could not.
Or did Uriel go to Dean while Castiel was unaware?
Either way, Uriel realizes that Castiel "likes" Dean and that Dean is his weakness. The vibrations Castiel gave off in 4x7, when he laughed at Dean's joke... the feeling that he finds Dean endearing, seems indeed to be true. He likes Dean. To like someone, is to enjoy being in their company. To enjoy their personality. To feel good around them. To admire, cherish, love, respect them. At this point, the statement raises more questions than gives answers. We realize that Castiel likes Dean and that he makes him "weak". In television, a man's greatest weakness is often said to be that which he loves the most. In Superhero movies for instance, the hero's love interest is often sought out because they know this is what makes the hero his weakest and therefore causes the most pain if harm were to come to this person.
But now that we realize Castiel likes Dean... in what way? Brotherly? Friendly? Romantically? Or something entirely different, because he is an angel?
Or is it everything aside from being an angel? Because according to Uriel, this liking of Dean is a weakness and isn't what an angel should feel. If anything, this would be one of the things that makes Castiel more human.
I personally feel that Castiel's feelings for Dean at this point do not have a label and that he is confused by them. But I feel he considers Dean to be heroic, and that Dean's ideas match his own more than Uriel's or the other angels in heaven. He may consider Dean wise in his own way. And I certainly feel he has an attachment to Dean; he was the one to raise him from perdition. He was the first human he really came in contact with, if not ever, then within 2,000 years. This automatically binds them.
Either way, after this scene, I feel Castiel does have feelings for Dean but what kind of feelings are questionable. More than anything, I sense confusion. But the Destiel pairing is beginning to make some sense. I personally wouldn't jump to calling it believable quite yet as I would need more proof, but after all of these episodes I can definitely see why and how some people would start to ship it.
I don't feel much love coming from Dean at this point, though. Dean is definitely more interested in Anna, here, and is quite defensive toward Castiel. Any feelings, even if platonic, are mostly on Castiel's end and feel one-sided. ______________________________________________________________
The doors open with a blast and CASTIEL and URIEL enter.
CASTIEL Hello, Anna. It's good to see you.
SAM How? How did you find us? [ pause ] Dean?
DEAN [to ANNA] I'm sorry.
SAM Why?
ANNA Because they gave him a choice. They either kill me... or kill you. I know how their minds work.
ANNA kisses DEAN goodbye. CASTIEL watches intently.
ANNA You did the best you could. I forgive you. Okay. No more tricks. No more running. I'm ready. ______________________________________________________________
Hmm. I find it interesting the way Castiel watched Anna and Dean kiss so intently. They were definitely showing Castiel's facial reactions to their kissing for a reason. Everything is deliberate with television. This was all written down before it was acted out and they edited it accordingly. So what were they trying to portray here?
I feel for one, that Anna is supposed to represent Castiel in some way or another. They have an understanding because they are both angels (even if she is a fallen one). So automatically I feel that Castiel sees himself in her.
She is a fallen angel. Castiel seems to be the type of angel that could possibly fall as well, for the same reasons she did. He is weak for humanity. Dean, in particular.
This was the first time Castiel has seen them kiss. Not only them, but it's most likely the first time he's seen anyone kiss. Never mind a kiss shared between an angel and a human. I don't think he was previously aware that the two were romantically involved. I sensed curiosity initially. Then guilt. And lastly, confusion.
"They are romantically involved?" "An angel kissing a human?" "What's it like to fall?" "Am I doing the right thing?" ______________________________________________________________
CASTIEL I'm sorry.
ANNA No. You're not. Not really. You don't know the feeling.
CASTIEL Still, we have a history. It's just --
ANNA Orders are orders. I know. Just make it quick.
ALASTAIR, a bleeding RUBY and another demon appear.
ALASTAIR Don't you touch a hair on that poor girl's head.
URIEL How dare you come in this room... you pussing sore?
ALASTAIR Name-calling. That hurt my feelings... You sanctimonious, fanatical prick.
CASTIEL Turn around and walk away now.
ALASTAIR Sure. Just give us the girl. We'll make sure she gets punished good and proper.
CASTIEL You know who we are and what we will do. I won't say it again. Leave now... or we lay you to waste.
ALASTAIR Think I'll take my chances.
Angels and demons begin to fight. CASTIEL tries to exorcise ALASTAIR with his hand with no result.
ALASTAIR Sorry, kiddo. Why don't you go run to daddy?
URIEL exorcises a demon.
DEMON Aaaaahhhh!
ALASTAIR begins to exorcise CASTIEL.
ALASTAIR Potestas inferna, me confirma. Potestas inferna, me confirma. Potestas inferma, me confirma!
DEAN hits ALASTAIR with a crowbar.
ALASTAIR Dean, Dean, Dean... I am so disappointed. You had such promise.
ALASTAIR attacks DEAN and SAM. ANNA takes her grace from URIEL while he is killing the other demon.
ANNA breaks the pendant releasing the grace. White light flows into her mouth.
ANNA Shut your eyes. Shut your eyes! Shut your eyes!
Bright light comes out from ANNA's body and makes ALASTAIR disappear, leaving behind RUBY's knife.
DEAN Well, what are you guys waiting for? Go get Anna. Unless, of course, you're scared.
URIEL This isn't over.
DEAN Oh, it looks over to me, junkless.
CASTIEL and URIEL disappear. ______________________________________________________________
CASTIEL I'm sorry.
ANNA No. You're not. Not really. You don't know the feeling.
I'm not entirely sure this is true. Anna may think that Castiel is like the others, but I would have to disagree. He definitely has shown that he can feel regret. Perhaps not as much as your average human, but he does have feelings. He "likes" Dean; to like someone is a very strong emotion, if he is capable of liking someone, then he is certainly capable of feeling guilt or regret.
ALASTAIR begins to exorcise CASTIEL.
ALASTAIR Potestas inferna, me confirma. Potestas inferna, me confirma. Potestas inferma, me confirma!
DEAN hits ALASTAIR with a crowbar.
Dean did rescue Castiel here, and while Dean would have hit Alastair whether he were exorcising Castiel or not, I feel this should be noted. Especially considering that Castiel will view this as Dean saving him. I’m actually quite sure it was filmed that way deliberately.
All in all, this episode makes it clear that Dean is more than just a part of Castiel's mission, and in fact is hindering him from doing his mission efficiently, according to Uriel. I can see at this point why one would start to pair the two together, even if it would be one-sided.
DESTIEL RATING (based on how believable): 3/10
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