#like damn every relationship ever with gregory is so fucking interesting
puhpandas · 4 months
I love ggy so much how did they accidentally make the most intriguing hypothetical gay romance ever
#also the book is just so fucking good#and tony becker is literally the best fnaf book protaganist ever once you understand his character#and how crazy the book writes him#like oh my god hes so tunnel visioned doomed by the narritave#any scenario where tony survives the attack is the best idea ever like fr#its just so fun and awesome to make stuff up with that very loose premise#like u can do anything#and the characters are likeable too because they have FLAWS#tony isnt a bad person hes just in a bad place and is an asshole without realizing#and also twelve#like how am i not supposed to become obsessed with beckory when tony spent the whole book#accidentally obsessing over gregorys evil side and then being so tunnel visioned by his own emotional baggage that it kills him#exactly how his father warned him#and his father is the reason hes even so deep into solving mysteries like#and u can put that onto gregory if tony ever survived the attack#like he wouldnt want to believe it the same way he didndt want to believe his dad did it and repeat history#by delving deep into ggy#like damn every relationship ever with gregory is so fucking interesting#ggy never stop being awesome#pandas.txt#obviously beckory isnt the only reason i like ggy but damn its a big reason#tony and Gregory are both so flawed and have so much going on in their head theyd be fucking crazy together#also expanding on the tony stuff i said earlier gregorys side has so much potential too like#even if tony died if gregory ever remembered hed mourn tony and have to deal with that#even if they werent even that close at the time and Gregory doesnt even like. actually have any memories of being friends with him#and if tony survived its like gregorys remembering this faceless nameless boy as the only connection to his past#like what if they both searched for eachother after surviving what then
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hello hello hello!  and welcome to Season 12 of Supernatural. 
I admit that initially I STRUGGLED WITH SEASON 12.  I LOATHED the British Men of Letters (other than Lady Antonia Bevell; her hot working mom energy can get it); I have...mixed feelings about Mary; overall it was not a stellar season for me the first go-round.  HOWEVER I shall now give it a second chance,  and look for the subtext within the bad (and if my theory tracks, there will be much subtext as...there is much bad).  Maybe I’ll even develop Ketch appreciation.  **ONWARDS ONCE MORE INTO THE BREACH, MY FRIENDS:
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When we last left Dean, I neglected to mention that Amara brought his mom back (this is how much I repressed Mary Winchester I guess?)  We cut to Mary, confused, in a nightgown (I get this is part of the character and that’s why she is wearing it sO wE kNOw iTS rEAlLy MaRY WinCHEstEr because of her nightgown and not Sam Smith’s exquisite face, but honestly WHY - LIKE DID SHE WEAR THE DAMN THING IN HEAVEN THE ENTIRE TIME TOO?).
DEAN [breathing heavily] 
Mom. Listen to me. Your name – your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, okay? You were born December 5, 1954, to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for, uh, work, and you bounced right along with him, and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas.
How do you know all that?
Dad told me. March 23, 1972, you walked out of a movie theater – Slaughterhouse-Five. You loved it, and you bumped into a big Marine and you knocked him flat on his ass. You were embarrassed, and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So, you went to, uh, Mulroney's and you talked and he was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that – that you met –
John Winchester.
August 19, 1975, you were married... in Reno. Your idea. A few years later, I came along, then Sammy.
***DEAN DESCRIBING EVERY DAMN DETAIL OF THIS HAS MURDERED ME.  Also, I know John Winchester “told him the story,” but something about this retelling - these are NOT John Winchester’s words (other than maybe “big Marine”).  The emotions, the feelings, the “you talked and he was cute” Dean is describing is Dean’s retelling, the version he created in his mind of this damn meet-cute, this little love story he played over and over in his head, and that makes me feel warm and tingly and also want to ingest sharp knives.  
***Everyone already knows about the damn Zeppelin reference but just in case you wanted to be tortured, please recall that later on we will get
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Nothing to see here other than Dean using a reference from this LOVE STORY on Cas.  I HATE it here in super hell.  Next rounds on you, Sam.
Anyway, Mary has caught on:
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I paused here just now because I had a tHoUGHt.  This season is all about exploring Dean and Sam in their role as sons (this is discussed at the SDCC panel prior to the season; btw they are all free on Prime and I recommend watching before you start each new season for little “reveals” behind some of the plot lines).  We know Sam has no relationship to Mary really, he was a baby when she died, but Dean was a little boy - with a personality, character traits, identifying characteristics that his mother probably knew like the back of her hand.  That’s why my first run-in with Mary left a bad taste in mouth during this season - LIKE THIS IS YOUR KID, and there is NO inkling or recognition until THIS moment?  In a show that just spent an entire season exploring the “unexplained connection” between Dean and GODS SISTER, there no immediate “OH” from his own mother?!
But then I realized why she only connected at this very moment.  This particular moment - and not the moment where he lists the factual details about her before the story of the night she met John.  That little story with all those cute details - that’s the part of Dean that Mary knew before she died - when that part was ALL of Dean.  Before hunting, before John’s quest for revenge turned him into the person he is today, before he saw himself as a blunt little instrument.  That’s why initially Mary has no recognition that this is her son - because the Dean she knew was sensitive, and kind, and OPEN, and liked love stories, and laughing, and warm hugs and maybe flowers. Because if you think about it WE DONT KNOW THAT DEAN.  We only know Dean AMD. (After Mary’s Death).
So maybe Mary represents Dean Before Mary’s Death, and whatever part of that Dean remains, no matter how deep he has been buried.  The part that connects with people; the part that doesn’t want to be alone.  The part that helped Amara.  The part that loves Cas.  And that’s why Amara brought her back.  
Ok, if I think of it this way, I may like Mary a little better now.
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Cut to Cas.
Holy mother.
Where am I?
No. How far am I from Lebanon, Kansas?
Uh... Th-three hours, maybe. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who – What are you, man?
***I spy a Season 11 random parallel
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And Cas says, “Earth - 
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***Also, I often wonder if in his mind’s inner GPS, Cas bases distances on how far he is from Dean. 
In the meantime, Bad Things Are Happening to Sam.
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***Toni Bevell, don’t join the British Men of Letters you’re so sexy hahah
Other than noting that this is yet another too oft- repeated Sam, the Victim, Always Gets Tortured scenario, I see no point in recapping these parts.
I will just continue to post Toni Bevell hotness for these portions of the episode. Ok?  Ok.  You’re welcome.
I already posted this sweet baby reunion in my final Season 11 analysis/recap, but lets see it again at another angle and from Mary’s perspective CAUSE CLEARLY she has...*thoughts*
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Poor Cas had no idea he was about to MEET THE PARENT 
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It melts my little heart that Dean uses Cas’s full name to introduce him to people.  Especially members of his family who are trying to kill him.
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Anyway, then we get a much longed for gem of typical Cas deadpan:
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(*I still miss Casifer a little bit though*)
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And then we have 
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At the SDCC panel, Misha specifically noted that both Mary and Cas are outsiders, so this tracks. 
They head to the garage:
[Exhaling sharply, Mary walks towards Baby. She runs her hand lightly over the car.]
MARY This was John's car. Oh, she's still beautiful.
DEAN Hell, yeah, she is.
MARY Hi, sweetheart. Remember me?
***this is where you truly see that Sam Smith is a genius because she took those directions and put them all into THIS:
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And then THIS:
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We should go.
***At this time I would like to remind everyone that Cas is also generally in the back seat of this car.  
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Back at the bunker, Cas is Continuing to Connect with his boyfriend’s mother:
Thank you.
This must be difficult for you. I remember my first moments on Earth. It was jarring.
One word for it. I grew up with Hunters. I've heard of people coming back from the dead before. But to actually do it... after 30 years. A lot's changed.
MARY A lot.
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This is usually a look Reserved For Dean, so its interesting Cas is looking at Mary here [they also weirdly joked about Cas hitting on Mary at the SDCC panel and now I'm giggling because if Mary represents the soft part of Dean this all makes PERFECT SENSE).
Actual footage of Sam in super hell
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The Cas/Mary bonding worked BTW:
So, you dug the bullet out of his leg, no questions asked?
She offered me 100 grand.
And you took it?
Student loans were a bitch, okay?
Cas! Cas! Cas! Don't hurt him. Not yet.
**Disclosure: I do not accept the “Cass” spelling and take creative license to change it in the script whenever it appears**
All right, look, she didn't give me her name. When we were done, the driver bailed, I got paid, and then some other chick shows up, and they all drive away.
And that's everything you know?
(insincerely) Yeah. Totally.
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****Um, Mom that’s my boyfriend you don’t order him around like tha-
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Oh, well, ok then.
***This is important, because Cas doesn’t obey anyone (other than Dean) blindly ever since he invented free will and all that.  Hence Dean’s surprised/impressed look to Mary above.  
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I recall that I spent most of my first watch of Season 12 gushing over Toni Bevell, so I’m glad to know this won’t be changing.  You’ve been warned.
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Next up, Sam is again sex tortured, Cas is a Helpful Boyfriend, and for some reason, Rick Springfield.  
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my ultimate Sam and Dean are soulmates playlist | 61 songs, 3 hr 59 min
I started putting this together over my summer SPN re-watch, and I thought I'd share it with you all, so we can all cry over our Wincest feels together. It has all the usual cliché songs, and some of my own favourites. (Very country-heavy, so if that's not your thing proceed with caution.) I'm a writer, so lyrics are very important to me - I linked them for every song. All songs are individually YouTube linked, alternatively you can find the Spotify version above. I included some comments and explanations for all my choices, as well as quotes from the show. Happy listening! | Last updated: 18 November 2020
Carry On My Wayward Son by Supernatural: The Musical Cast // lyrics // Cliché and all that, but a good place to start.
Somewhere Only We Know by Lily Allen // lyrics // Even as children - as tumultuous and layered their relationship has always been - it was just the two of them, alone, in their own little world. I Found by Amber Run // lyrics // I found love where it wasn't supposed to be.
Fade Into You by Mazzy Star // lyrics // Unhealthily codependent Weecest vibes.
I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys // lyrics // Secrets I have held in my heart / Are harder to hide than I thought. Something's Gotta Give by Christian Kane // lyrics // Wanting to get out of town as a metaphor for Dean wanting to act on his feelings for Sam? Yes, please. Christian Kane being a country god? Absolutely. The fact that this man was actually on SPN as Dean’s freaking love interest, and Jensen and him got to sing together still makes me the happiest person on this planet.
Don't You Wanna Fall by Frankie Ballard // lyrics // So, I love the lines Fall down here where an angel should know better than / To walk around this world with me, because god, Dean so often thinks he belongs in Hell, and is terrified of forcing his little brother into anything he doesn’t want. But still, he can’t stop himself: Don’t you wanna fall? (Shoutout to any Destiel shippers out there, because what a perfect song for you guys too, wow.) Thinking of You by Christian Kane // lyrics // Dean, just before Sam leaves for Stanford. (Link is for the Leverage version, because I love that show, and because Eliot Spencer is an angel. Funnily enough, Alona Tal was actually in that very episode, and did actually sing this song - you can find that here.) Hold On by Limp Bizkit // lyrics // I'm waiting for you, I know you're leaving / I'll still adore you, you never need me. LOST BOY by Troye Sivan // lyrics // Thinking about little Sammy’s stolen college admissions guide. Arms of a Stranger by Niall Horan // lyrics // Some jealous!Dean, while Sam is at Stanford angst.
Walking Away by Lifehouse // lyrics // Silence is all we have to give / And the memories of a life I wish we'd lived.
San Francisco by Niall Horan // lyrics // Listen, it’s a song about pining and not being able to let go and love in San Francisco. I mean, where do you expect my mind to go? Stanford Wincest all the way. How Did You Know? by Jedward // lyrics // I don’t wanna hear a bad word about Jedward, they are good lads. It’s a cheesy song, but hey, I love it. Sam comes back. Well, here I am / I couldn't stay gone. Drive by Halsey // lyrics // All we do is drive / All we do is think about the feelings that we hide. And the California never felt like home to me line! So perfect. "We made a hell of a team back there." (01x01 Pilot) Belong by X Ambassadors // lyrics // This is where Sam belongs, really. Riding shotgun, in his brother’s car, on the open road. Link is a fanvid that makes me feel things. Go and watch it, because it’s everything.
You Could Be Happy by Snow Patrol // lyrics // “Sam, you were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life.” (01x11 Scarecrow) Do the things that you always wanted to / Without me there to hold you back, don't think, just do.
Big Black Car by Gregory Alan Isakov // lyrics // "Who was that?" "My brother." "What did he say?" "Goodbye." That soft, disbelieving, confused look on Sam's face when Dean tells him he's proud of him. When it turns out Dean loves him enough to let him go. It should make him feel happy and free, it should make him loathe his childhood, defiance should fill him to the brim. Instead it makes him run straight back to Dean. (01x11 Scarecrow) Hey Brother by Avicii // lyrics // Faith. (01x12) Link is a fanvid, because reasons. Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you / There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do. Sober Me Up by Frankie Ballard // lyrics // Sam always seems to make the world all fall into place. (Sort of 02x03 Bloodlust vibes?) But baby when you kiss me all the demons seem to disappear.
Always Gold by Radical Face // lyrics // “Killing this demon comes first, before me, before everything.” “No, sir. Not before everything.” (02x07 The Usual Suspects) And they said you were the crooked kind / And that you'd never have no worth / But you were always gold to me. Sold My Soul by Zakk Wylde // lyrics // Bit on the nose, but my god, how fucking real. (02x22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2) Let Me Sign by Kirk Matthews // lyrics // "Well, then let it end!" & "I'm gonna take care of you." (02x22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2) Follow You by Bring Me The Horizon // lyrics // “I mean, you sacrifice everything for me.  Don’t you think I’d do the same for you? You’re my big brother. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” (02x22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2) Say Something by A Great Big World // lyrics // "I just wish you'd drop the show and be my brother again. Cause... just cause." (03x07 Fresh Blood) Take Me To Church by Hozier // lyrics // “This obsession to save Dean? The way you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? […] Dean’s your weakness. And the bad guys know it, too.” (03x11 Mystery Spot) Outlaws of Love by Adam Lambert // lyrics // "You're my weak spot. And I'm yours." (03x16 No Rest for the Wicked) Everywhere we go we're looking for the sun / Nowhere to grow old, we're always on the run / They say we'll rot in Hell, but I don't think we will / They've branded us enough, "Outlaws of Love". Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi // lyrics // Well, I had to include this one, for obvious reasons. (03x16 No Rest for the Wicked) In Other Words by Ben Kweller // lyrics // Dean's going to Hell. Sam's not okay. In his eyes I see the fear. Real With Me by Cady Groves // lyrics // Dean is not dealing well with remembering Hell. Sam is upset that he's not opening up. And it was never about what you were not / But I don't know how much longer I can hold on. Devil's Backbone by The Civil Wars // lyrics // None of it matters. Leaving for Stanford, choosing Ruby, the demon blood, that he’s Hell’s chosen. Dean will always come for his brother, no matter what.   Stay by Florida Georgia Line // lyrics // Sam leaves. It's fucked up. "Hey, you, uh... wanna take the Impala?" Dean doesn’t trust him, not like he used to, but he would say anything to make him stay. (05x02 Good God, Y’all) Hotel Room by Calum Scott // lyrics // They die in a motel room. They find out they share a Heaven. Sam can't find the words to explain. He wishes Dean would just give him time. (05x04 The End) So I kind of wrote a ficlet about this...? Read it if you fancy. Here Tonight by Brett Young // lyrics // The Wincestiest Wincest song to ever Wincest. The lyrics! Sometimes they can just take a minute to sit on the hood of the Impala and watch the stars, Apocalypse be damned.
I Hold On by Dierks Bentley // lyrics // “Sam, it’s okay. It’s okay, I’m here, I’m here. I’m not gonna leave you.” (05x22 Swan Song) Dean believes in his brother, and I’m a sucker for pick-up truck metaphors Lifeboats by Snow Patrol // lyrics // The look on Dean's face when he hugs Sam, when he realises that Sam's back, that he's alive. (06x01 Exile on Main St.) Potentially also some Purgatory vibes. Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones // lyrics // The moment Sam turned up on his doorstep, there was no question he'd choose him. Choose him over Lisa and Ben. Choose him over everyone. “But the minute he walked through that door, I knew. It was over. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I've ever seen. And as long as he's in your life, you're never gonna be happy.” (06x06 You Can’t Handle The Truth) Heavydirtysoul by twenty one pilots // lyrics // “Pick one... Sam’s soul or Adam’s.” “Sam.” (06x11 Appointment in Samarra)
H.O.L.Y. by Florida Georgia Line // lyrics // Oh, this song. A bit of religious irony and whatnot, but my god. The lyrics are everything. You're the healing hands where it used to hurt immediately makes me think of how Dean helped Sam turn the pain from his scar on his palm into “stone number one, and build on it”. (07x02 Hello, Cruel World) I mean, Sam can't even tell what's real anymore, but he trusts his brother. Blindly and with everything he has, because that's who he is. But then there’s also Dean making his promise in the church, and Sam choosing him over dying in 09x01 (I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here). God. Just. I love this song for Sam and Dean.
Through The Dark by One Direction // lyrics // "We'll figure it out, okay? Just like we always do." (08x23 Sacrifice) Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park // lyrics // Sam is okay with sacrificing himself. He is ready to die. When my time comes / Forget the wrong that I've done. Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance // lyrics // “There is nothing, past or present, that I would put in front of you... I need you to see that." (08x23 Sacrifice) Okay, but look at the lyrics, and try and convince me this song is not about Sam and Dean. Love Will Tear Us Apart by Fall Out Boy // lyrics // "You wanna know what I confessed in there?" (08x23 Sacrifice) TALK ME DOWN by Troye Sivan // lyrics // The look in Sam’s eyes changes, his face falls. "How do I stop?" He chooses Dean like he always does. (08x23 Sacrifice) Brother by Kodaline // lyrics // “Come on. You and Dean? That’s something special, don’t you think?” (09x08 Rock and a Hard Place) Link is a gorgeous fanvid, go watch it and cry. Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons // lyrics // Dean really messed up this time. Gadreel fall out stuff. Sam breaks up with him in a motel car park in Wisconsin. (09x12 Sharp Teeth)
better off by Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler // lyrics // "Something's broken here, Dean." (09x12 Sharp Teeth) & "No, Dean, I wouldn't." (09x13 The Purge)
I Can't Go On Without You by KALEO // lyrics // Sam taking Dean’s body home, laying him on his bed, drinking by himself in the dark. (09x23 Do You Believe in Miracles) I Won't Give Up by Noah Guthrie // lyrics // "I am going to save my brother." (10x01 Black) Sam never gives up on Dean. Brother by NEEDTOBREATHE ft. Gavin DeGraw // lyrics // “I never even said thank you, so…” “You don’t ever have to say that, not to me.” (10x04 Paper Moon) Link is another beautiful fanvid, because I can’t help myself. Sittin' Pretty by Florida Georgia Line // lyrics // Sam's sunshine and he’s endless planes of warm skin, soft long hair, and sometimes Dean looks at him. Really looks at him. (No, okay, but the Chevy line really made it for me.) Blood Brothers by Luke Bryan // lyrics // "I don’t need a symbol to remind me how I feel about my brother.” and "The two of us against the world!” "What she said.” (10x05 Fan Fiction) I don’t know, country songs just make me think of Sam and Dean, okay.
I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Daniela Andrade // lyrics // “This is my life. I love it. But I can’t do it without my brother. I don’t want to do it without my brother. And if he’s gone, then I don’t…” (10x18 Book of the Damned)
Golden by Fall Out Boy // lyrics // Dean is so so broken. “No, there is no other way, Sam. I’m sorry.” (10x23 Brother’s Keeper)
Church by Fall Out Boy // lyrics // This whole song screams Sam and Dean to me, and initially I thought of Sam’s Wall breaking down, but then I got stuck on the lines And if death is the last appointment / Then we're all just sitting in the waiting room / I am just a human trying to avoid my certain doom and that’s so clearly Dean killing Death, unable to murder his little brother in the end, because his devotion to Sam runs too deep. (10x23 Brother’s Keeper) In which the SPN writers and Pete Wentz really should get together and discuss over-the-top religious imagery. You are doomed but just enough. Right Back Home by Lifehouse // lyrics // “We are home.“ (11x04 Baby) Be There by Seafret // lyrics // "Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead." (11x17 Red Meat)  You're my way out / You're my way through / And I can't, I can't / Be without you.
Only the Brave by Louis Tomlinson // lyrics // “I need him, he needs me.“ (11x23 Alpha and Omega) With or Without You by U2 // lyrics // The absolute poetic tragedy of 12x09 (First Blood). The way they don’t even have time to really look at each other after six weeks apart, that they are both ready to die for each other without a moment of hesitation.
I Won't Mind by ZAYN // lyrics // “I'm good with who I am. I'm good with who you are. Because our lives? They're ours and maybe I'm too damn old to want to change that.” (14x13 Lebanon)
Fine Line by Harry Styles // lyrics // "Just us.” (15x19 Inherit the Earth)
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...& Steel for Humans (Geralt x fem!Witchress, Part 2.)
Series description: The Butcher of Blaviken has a long and famous past, thanks to his friend Jaskier. Yet, neither of those dies easily and it still lurks behind Geralt like a shadow after all those years. History, neither unfriendly relationships, doesn't die easily.
Part summary: After a talk with your old friend, there is one thing - a contract which is supposed to keep you rich for at least other ten years. But there are things you are not going to like about is. 
A/N: Honestly, Dijsktra is one of my favourite in-game characters and I sincerely hope that he will make an appearence in the Netflix series. That mf is so fun honestly.
Tagging: (tell me and I will add you :)) @osgon-azure​ @davnwillcome
Word count: 2.1 K
Master list: H E R E
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To your good luck, Dijkstra was very clear with the place of his staying - that fat rat was hiding at the Novigradian Bathhouse. You never held anything against Dijkstra - he was being a dick? You told him. That man knew famous non-humans like Geralt and even legends upon men, like Vernon Roche or the Redenian King Radovid. And he didn't hesitate to shove those connections into other people's faces. And you were one of them at that point.
So naturally, it didn't mean anything good when Dijkstra not only contacted you but knew where you were staying at the time. Novigrad was just three days of a slow ride on your horse and you didn't have anywhere to rush. Dijkstra only informed you, very kindly you must've said, that he would like to speak to you once you reach the city walls. It was for an important matter of saving lives or what.
Yeah, you weren't over your heels because of his demand. But you stopped in front of the famous bathhouse two days after the whole werewolf situation with a cape in your face. It wouldn't be exactly clever to walk around one of the biggest cities of the Northern Kingdoms just showing your face to everyone around you. Novigrad was looking just as you remembered it - it was dirty, it stank, beggars were on every corner and elf prostitutes only. That was the thing you didn't like on Novigrad. You had to be either a demon of a shapeshifter to cover that you're a non-human or you had to be a prostitute to be a non-human living in this city.
The cult of Eternal Flame was going nuts there. One of the priests even noticed that cats were hissing at you and that dogs ran away when your warhorse was driving through the streets and tried to verbally insult you and on top of that, he was calling you a heretic and a sinner. Instead of pinning him to a wall with your sword as a warning, you scoffed at his words and continued to Passiflora where you turned left. Not too long after that, you were standing in front of the bathhouse.
A bald man took your house, saying his name is Happen, and lead it to the nearby stable so the people there would take care of the poor animal. It needed some proper rest and some clear water, you couldn't deny that you weren't able to give your horse this kind of comfort on your travels.
To be honest, from the first moment you stepped in, you knew that the bathhouse stank. You hated those lingering, sweet smells that usually settled on the tip of your nose. Bathhouses usually used these scents because the humans found it more relaxing. Yet it was like a catalyzer for your damn nose - that was maybe for the first time in the last years when you sneezed. And it was damn uncomfortable.
Finding Sigismund wasn't exactly challenging - that man couldn't be ignored with the bright colors he tended to wear and with the size of his body. One of his legs also wasn't exactly in the best shape, so the limbing was quite easy to recognize when he was on the moe. At least to witchress's ears, it was unique.
Once you entered his office, you could see him sitting behind a table, going through some papers. You were quiet, so it took him a while to notice a caped person standing in the corner of the room. His face lit up with a smile that wasn't soothing nor comforting; he looked like a dick if you had to be honest.
"It is always a pleasure to see old friends. Have a seat with me, come on." - He said when you took the hood off and your face and white hair could be finally seen. You snorted when you sat down, taking a few grapes without even asking Dijkstra a word. He was quickly pouring you some of the sweet wine he had on the table but both of you knew that your lips won't even touch the drink.
"We aren't friends, Dijkstra. And also, it is never a good sign when you can find me without too much of trying." - A short answer to his greeting could be heard while your eyes scanned the books in his bookcases. Law things, political archives, some of the Novigrad's biggest family chronicles, nothing too extraordinary or interesting. Yet the Gwent packs caught your eye, so you took the Northern Kingdoms deck and started to go through it, looking at the cards with interest.
"Well, it didn't take too much of an effort to figure out that a witcher is in the Mire West currently. People talk and news spread quickly, don't forget about that. Especially quickly when you know who to ask for details." - The man slowly leaned into the chair behind his back while you turned your attention back to him, eating the grapes slowly.
"You torture people, you don't ask for details, Sigismund, don't you try to make me laugh because I am not in the mood for jests. You're just as much of a bitch as I am." - You smiled ironically, being tired of his little welcoming games. - "What is it that you need? Don't tell me that I came all the fucking way to Novigrad from Mire West just to see your fucking handsome face. And lemme tell you, you are fucking ugly."
At that, Sigismund laughed and shook his head. You two couldn't be exactly considered friends since everybody knew that you don't like Sigismund one bit. That wasn't too hard to understand - Sigismund was a spy who couldn't be trusted. But you two couldn't be even called enemies, since most of the time, you both stood at one side of a case - if you ever decided to take a stand in anything political.
"I have a friend in need and I told her that I will try to ask you for a helping hand." - He looked you in the eyes. Sigismund had a job... For a witchress? With that, you rose your eyebrows and furrowed. - "She offers you a ridiculous amount of coin - for searching and killing the source. And also invites you for a damn dance and pays for your stay Novigrad, no matter which inn you'd name." - He told very seriously so you could understand that Dijkstra isn't in a mood for games either.
"Damn. That must be a real matter of life and death if they're putting so much coin into it. What is going on?" - You asked and stole another grape from the small silver plate, putting the deck back on its place. You liked the grapes, they were sweet. Dijkstra surely had to offer them in Passiflora, the whorehouse just a while from Saint Gregory's bridge.
"No-one knows. We only know that whatever the fuck it is, it breaks trees and rocks like small wooden sticks and that it cooks humans for dinner. We dunno much more than what I've told ya." - Dijkstra told you and your face got even sourer than before. This wasn't just some ordinary Vampire, nor a Fiend. - "It lives in the mountains east from Novigrad and the Vegelbuds are rather concerned with it. No matter what in the horse's ass it is, it already massacred two villages."
Again, you pushed yourself more into the plushy chair Dijkstra had offered you. This wasn't a matter you could laugh at. Whether you liked it or not, it was more than fucking serious. Women and children were killed, men could be eaten or stomped to death.
"Bullshit. There ain't no monster who can destroy a whole damn village just because it wants to in Redenia. There ain't one like that on the whole Continent. Before you jump in with Fiends, they are too lazy for any that." - You started slowly and put a strand of your hair behind your ears.
"Dijkstra, honestly, I ain't a dumb bitch. You're the mediator between me and the Veganbrods or what the fuck is their name and I know that you'll have a lot of money from this. But no witcher, squirrel, or human will take this fucking job. This ain't a job. This is suicide." - You said, looking him in the eyes.
"Oh, Y/N, I just love how honest you can be with me. This ain't a one-man job, of course. We already have some... Takers who are gladly willing to accompany you." - Dijkstra said in a solid-sure tone.
"If it's Letho of the Viper school, tell him to fuck off right away. I hope it's not a sorceress either, I can't stand these bitches either. Lambert would be a nice company, tho and I wouldn't mind me an Eskel either." - You said honestly with a small smile. Yeah. You knew how did your witcher brothers work on their contracts, you knew you would get along with them and if there would be anything that would go bad, they would have your back.
You liked Lambert the most of all the witchers you knew - it didn't matter if they were from your school or the Griffin school or the Vipers, you just liked Lambert the most. There were rumors that you and he had some kind of a relationship - whether it had ended up or was going on. And any of that wasn't confirmed either denied by any of you. When people asked you, you both just smiled and changed the subject.
"It's not Lambert, unfortunately, but it is someone you know, which is some good fucking news. And it is someone you don't like, I have to say - one of them sings all the fucking time and the other one is a grumpy moron who had fucked up my leg. But don't think about that. Business is business, darling, it's not about liking someone. It's about money and surviving the fucking trip to the mountains." - Dijkstra looked you right in the eyes. You sat there in silence, watching the man with a dead serious face.
Of course. Of fucking course. Your partner for the trip, who you had to believe with all your will power, the partner who was supposed to be someone you should be able to trust with whole life, that man was supposed to be the white-haired moron. And his possibly gay friend. You looked at Dijkstra, having that daring look on your face.
"I can still say no, you ugly bastard." - You said honestly. At that, the idiot sitting opposite of you started laughing.
"No-one denies your right to deny - only your financial state and the reputation you have around Novigrad and other big cities now. Tell me, Y/N, you and the other witchers have some kind of a competition which should determine who is the worst person of you all?" - Dijkstra asked, having you speechless for a moment. - "Because according to my people, you have the leading position now. The incident with Stjepan got pretty known here over the last few days. And I know you like to keep your honor clean."
"I had never hurt a woman or a child. And that's it." - Was the sentence you said coldly as ice.
"People heard otherwise. Almost dragging the children out of the bed, abducting them so you can bring them to your witcher school as payment and all of that came with your promise of the next generation of witchresses... Oh Y/N, you know that one small rumor can completely ruin your business, huh?" - He leaned in, closer to you, watching your reactions. You hated Sigismund but there was one thing that needed to be said - he was a damn good businessman.
Why did that hiding rat want you to take the contract? You had no idea. But even though you didn't want it for some reason, he knew how to make you take it.
So it was said and done - you were supposed to travel to the mountain alongside Geralt of Rivia and his small musician puppy Julian. But not before a grand ball held at the Vegelbud family residence three hours away from Novigrad. Which, on the other side, you were excited about.
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amnachil · 4 years
To the Perfection Chapter 3 Part 1
And here it is! The beginning of the last chapter! I hope you’ll like it.
Thomas Monday April 22
Joël offered him some water. The ginger didn't know why he knocked at the door. Why he came in his friend's bedroom. But here he was, hunched on the bed, feeling worst than he ever had. What have I done ? What the hell have I done ?!
"Sooo are we gonna talk about why you showed up in the middle of the night at my place with the sadest expression you could think of ?" asked the other.
"Oh okay."
Joël stood up and opened the door. Thomas looked at him, disconcerted. What is he doing ?
"Since you don't wanna talk you can leave." he said. "We have class tomorow and I need to sleep. You know where the exit is."
"You'll let your depressed friend leave on his own in the middle of the night ?" asked the ginger, astonished.
"My friend would talk to me." countered Joël.
A blank followed. Thomas lowered his eyes. I don't even know why I came here ? He won't be any help.
"Fuck it." mumbled Joël. "Look man, I decided years ago I would NOT be involved in any drama with you and Cody. You two are soooo complicated. I always acted nice with both of you and I always tried to let you as much space as you needed. I saw you withdraw but I never blamed you for anything. But that's it. I'm done with both of you and aaaaall your craps. DONE you hear me ? So what do you want Thomy ? Talk or get the fuck out of my place ?"
The ginger glanced at his friend. This one wasn't kidding.
"Talk." he finally whispered. "I want to talk."
"Okay. Let me go grab some ice cream and a strong coffee. I know, orange flavored ice cream for you."
Thomas watched him leave, surprised. He knows that ? How ?
It took some time for them to get more comfortable. Thomas stayed in the bed, and Joël sat cozily on his pouffe. And then, silent. The ginger took a big breath in.
"I'm not really in a relationship with Ilhan." he started. "We're not a couple."
"Sooo... you're not gay ?"
"I'm in love with Dan, Raphaël's boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend now."
"So you're gay ?"
"I've been in love for five years and I wanted to be with him. So I did a plan to ruin Raphaël and his relationship. Turn out it worked and they broke up. Or I think so. Anyway, I'm a monster."
"Yup, definitely gay."
Thomas sat up straight and glared at Joël.
"Yes dude, I'm fucking gay ! Can you go past that already ?!"
"Sorry if this is a big news for me ! It's not like if I was always talking to you about girls and how cute they were but close enough ! Dude I feel so dumb now ! You could've warned a man !"
The ginger didn't reply, completely caught out. What the hell is he babbling about ?
"Damn buddy, I must've been so annoying with all my waffle about girls ! I'm sorry !"
"What the fuck are you apologising for ?! I'm gay, not anti-girl you fucker."
Joël made a face.
"Really ? Cool."
He sank into his pouffe and slurped a big swallow of his coffee.
"You can continue now." he invited.
He must be kidding me.
"I love Dan." he said anyway. "The man living with me."
His voice broke. I hurt him so much. I'm so stupid.
"Okay, cool." mumbled his friend but he didn't seem impressed at all. "What about Ilhan ? What is he to you ?"
"A fuck buddy I guess ? I'm just fucking him when I need to release the pressure of being around Dan. Which is every night or so."
Joël licked the ice cream he had on his finger. Why on earth I'm talking to him ?
"Sooo... Is that you who fattened both of them ? For your fetish ?"
"What is it about your weird questions ?"
"You did it or not ?"
Thomas grunted. I think he's missing the point here.
"Yes." he said nonetheless. "I fattened them. How do you know that ?"
"Man, when you fatten someone, they usually become FAT. It's not something you can hide." explained very seriously Joël.
"I don't mean that asshole ! How did you understand it was my doing ?"
"Oh c'mon dude... I know you since kindergarten and you seriously thought I would not notice how many of our acquaintances ended up chubby while they were hanging out with you ? Do you think I'm dumb ?"
Something like that yes. Thomas held his comment. This whole conversation was senseless.
"Anyway back to the topic." continued Joël. "So you and Ilhan are only having sex. Does he know that too ?"
What kind of question is it ? We don't care about this idiot !
"Of course he's." replied the ginger sharply. "What do you imply ? Do you think I would've forced him to have sex only to satiate my selfish desire ?"
"I don't know man, DID you ?"
A blank followed. Thomas grabbed the nearest pillow and hide his head in it. The soft touch made him think about Dan, which was more painful than anything else right now.
"Yeah." he piteously admitted. '"I totally did that. I'm not even sure he's gay... But he never said no ! It was consensual !"
"Okay, okay, I believe that." assured Joël. "Would've been pretty uncool to wake up my father the sheriff to arrest you for rape."
"Jo ! I never did such a thing !"
His friend pouted.
"So you're in love with Dan." he recalled. "Raphaël's boyfriend."
"Yeah. To my defense, I already loved him before they got together." precised Thomas. "And it was very hard to see them all the time. They looked so perfect ! It became worst when Dan moved in and my mom left. I just couldn't control myself, I wanted him so badly ! Note that is why I slept with Ilhan and this is totally Gregory's fault because he gave me the idea. Anyway, that's when Darren showed up."
Joël's whistled, suddenly more interested.
"Another dude ! This is better than the cheesy show my mom watch every night !"
For god sake. Just shut up.
"So I kind of thought Darren and Raphaël had an affair. No, I just decided they were having one because it was the best way to make Dan jealous. I managed to make him doubt my brother. Then I talked with Darren, who turned out to be the old bully of Raphaël in middle school, and I charged them in front of Dan. He was so heart-broken and mad, he didn't thought twice about it and he blamed my big bro. This one ran away and he hadn't contacted us since. And tonight, I almost slept with Dan who was drunk and that's when I realised I had just broke his heart and probalby Raphaël's one too."
A blank followed. Joël processed the whole thing slowly.
"Okay. So a lot of shit happened. What about Cody ?"
"What about him ?"
"Man, you literally turned the whole school against him. Was it only for what he said about your fake couple with Ilhan ?"
The ginger lowered his head, ashamed of himself.
"Actually, he never said that. I was pissed because I thought he was spying for Raphaël and trying to mess with me so I gave him an underserved lesson."
Joël finished his coffee. He's taking all that surprinsingly well. To be honest, saying things out loud was soothing. Thomas was realising slowly how awful and selfish he had been. And how many people I hurt in the process.
"What's the deal between you and Raphaël anyway ?" asked finally his friend.
The ginger didn't understand the question. Is he off track or what ? I just told him the whole picture.
"He's dating my crush dumbass." he explained again.
"Oh big news there." said ironically Joël. "You want me to believe you were ready to literally destroy your brother's life only for your teenage crush ? I get you could be jealous of him. Maybe you could have resented him a little. But it seems to me like you utterly hate the dude. Who, I want to recall, is your BIG BROTHER, the man who took care of you since birth and who's always saying you're his precious little brother. You know, your number one fan..."
Thomas opened his mouth. Closed it. That's... He never thought about it that way.
"Buddy, was Dan the real problem here or were you trying to make a point ?" asked Joël. "Because I would totally understand if you had tried to conquer the person you loved. But to me, it looks like you were more preoccupied by the idea of surpassing Raphaël than having Dan."
"I... I don't know." whispered the ginger.
It was true he was obsessed with Raphaël. He was always thinking about him. About how to be more perfect than him.
"My big bro is... the best man on earth." he confessed with sadness. "It's so hard to be in his shadow. To be behind him. I mean, he's everything I want. He's successful, handsome, always acting logically... Man, am I just desesparate to be him ?"
"Something like that maybe ?"
Thomas didn't realise he was crying until he felt a tear fall on his cheek. What I've done ? I'm the worst person ever... The worst friend, the worst lover and the worst brother.
"Okay I think this is enough for one night." decided Joël. "We'll work through this starting tomorow."
"Why ?"
"Why what ?"
"Why are you helping me ? I've caused only problems to everyone."
"Yeah, glad you realise that now dummy. Just give me some space in MY bed now, it's sleep time."
Cody Monday April 22
< Jo : ThOmy's FeelnG sIcK. WoNt be tHerE todAy. >
It was the text Cody recieved this early morning. He decided to go turn a blind eye to the awful spelling of his friend. Something weird is going on. First Ilhan who revealed that his relationship with the ginger wasn't sane and now that. There are too many things I don't understand. Why Thomas had decided to fuck his friend out of the blue three months ago ? And why he had done it almost everynight then ? Ilhan hadn't detailed much. I know they have sex and he wants it to stop. But what are Thomas's motivations ? Why would he do something like that ? Apparently, he had decided to fake the couple thing in order to avoid complications. So was he only desesperate for sex ? I would have help him on that. Cody blushed. No he didn't thought that at all.
"Hey dude." greeted Ilhan.
He waved him and they walked to class. The dark-haired lad sighed. He had asked Ilhan time before  he had to give him an answer. He needs my help to get rid of Thomas. And me, I want Thomas. Maybe he could learn some tips about what had attracted the ginger in the first place ?
"Did you thought about what I said ?" whispered Ilhan. "Because I fear the moment he'll come back at my place."
"Actually, I did." replied Cody. "And yes, I'll help you. Come to my home this evening and we'll talk more about it."
Dan Monday April 22
One bell. Two. Three. Voicemail. Again. The college student let out a sob.
"Please Raphaël..." he lamented.
Another day filled with silent. Trapped here with his guilt. He had already thought about moving back at his parent's place but he wasn't sure he would be able to face them. He couldn't look Shirley nor Carol in the eye. He couldn't talk with Thomas. He was facing his conscience. Because he had hurt the only person he wanted to see.
To be continued
A really big Thomas’s pov... We’ll be centered around him for a while anyway. 
Joel is... I love Joel. And he’s done with that shit.
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thepoetoaster · 5 years
Baltimore, Maryland October 2019
Chapter 1.
The rain was sobbing uncontrollably and inside I felt the same. Everything was grey and bleak except for the colorful neon screensaver of my phone that lit up every time Matt texted me.  I never meant to become reduced to this state of sadness, loneliness and despair.
But every time I stepped outside the revolving door of the hotel I was living in, whatever energy reserves and hope I had mustered up in my solitude rapidly depleted and I felt like throwing myself into the harbor. Not that I ever would, but looking around at the society which I became increasingly more isolated from, that was how I felt.
My name is Michaela. I’m 28 and work as an investment advisor for a prestigious bank over the internet. That’s my daytime personality, anyways. The way I pay the bills. Deep inside I know I am an artist, a spiritualist, but that part of me only comes out in very rare circles.
It seems as if my life is always separated by a sense of polarizing contrast, eternally opposing forces. There is the daytime version of myself I show to the world; successful, smart, kind. There is a hidden part that is much more sinister. I feel a sense of cynical animosity towards the human race and society regularly. I express this through the art I never show anyone except my friends on the Other Side.
Yes, I am a spiritual medium, although not professionally.  It started in my childhood when I realized I was not like the other children.  While they played kickball and dolls, I wandered into the woods alone, talking to my imaginary friends who I later realized were so much more than imaginary.  How did I know this?
Well, sometimes they told me things that they knew about this life - things that I nor any mortal would have anyway of knowing if not for some supernatural power intervening. And their words always turned out to be true, so I learned to trust the voices in my head that were so much more than just voices.
And what great friends they were! I found the spirits kinder, wiser, and more understanding than the mortals who were caught up in trivial things like gossiping and sports. Most of them, anyways. There were the rare beings I became close with that always kept my head above the Earth somehow.  Always the eccentrics, the strange ones. They were the only ones I found interesting, who improved upon the sweet stillness of my solitude.
One such person was my friend and lover, Matt. Although lately, I must say the relationship has been leaning more towards friendship — the romantic parts of our life are rather complicated. For starters, he’s been married to another woman for years, although their relationship is turbulent and he’s very quick to come to me for comfort when things don’t go his way.
But oh, how I adore him! He is dark, mysterious, intelligent, not to mention handsome.  He is one of the few people on this Earth that I connect with and we have an explosive chemistry. But I always get the sense that there’s something missing between us, that there’s something that’s just not right. I can’t stand the fact that he always chooses his wife over me, like I’m some kind of afterthought and not worth the same love and attention as she is. But I tolerate it, because I have I no one else — and look forward to his text correspondences vehemently, as he is a light in my dark, oftentimes seemingly hopeless world.
In the present, I’m sitting in the armchair in my hotel room that overlooks the city streets, drinking hot ginger and lemon tea while reading “Favorite Poems of Emily Dickinson”. I’m waiting for Matt to text back, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t hear from him until 2 in the morning, at which point I will be fast asleep.
I prefer hotel living for many reasons. Mainly, I can never seem to make myself settle down in any one place. My work as an investment banker is done mainly over the internet except for the rare face-to-face meetings with customers and company business trips.  So when I’m not working, you could say I’m something of a vagabond, always traveling from city to city, making my home wherever the wind takes me.
I love the cleanliness and orderliness of hotel living; the permanently fresh sheets, the modern decorations, the shampoo and conditioner samples. It reminds me of a comforting time in my rather difficult childhood, in which a house fire forced my family into staying at a Holiday Inn for several weeks. I relished the experience, sharing a room with my twin brother, and have very fond memories of continental breakfasts and jumping from bed to bed, pretending the floor is hot lava.
In my current room there was a portrait of a lovely, hefty singer perched above the desk where I do my work. I suddenly wished I had her life and started to feel very lonely all of a sudden, looking out my window at all the people walking down below, in groups of friends or with a romantic partner. Although I despised the society, at times I felt almost envious of the way others seemed to fit in and find their place so easily. I was forever a misfit, alone in a universe of my own making with no one there to listen to my innermost thoughts.
Except for the spirits, that is.
I grew weary of the feeling and reached for my Ouija board to see who was available to talk. Normally it was one of my main 3 friends - Claire, Stephen or Sharon.  We did have other visitors come through at times, however.  Today was one of those times.
I took the board out of the box, put it on my lap, and when I placed my fingers on the planchette it started moving almost immediately to spell out the words “HELLO LOVE”.
“Well, hello love to you to,” I said, “and who may I ask am I speaking with?”
“DAMIAN,” it said.
“Hi Damian! I’m Michaela,”
“I KNOW,” he said, “SILENT MODE”
“What?” I replied, and at that moment I received a text from Matt.
“NEXT,” said Damian, “HE’S A FUCKBOY,”
“Um, I’m sorry? Matt and I are very close friends,” I said, although he did have a point.
“NEXT,” he repeated, then “PICK ME INSTEAD.”
And against my will I felt a warm sensation rising up from my stomach to my chest to my cheeks.
That very same moment, there was a loud knock on the door. “Housekeeping!”
“Oh, okay! One moment,” I responded, suddenly needing some air.  I put the board back in the box and slid it under the mattress before quickly slipping on my my shoes and raincoat for a stroll through the gloomy Baltimore streets.
“What r u doing?” The text from Matt read.
“Going for a walk - hbu?” I responded
“Let’s meet at Gangster Vegan,” he said, and I replied with an “OK - see you in 10” and began the journey by foot through the harbor and into historic Federal Hill.
The whole time I was walking, I couldn’t shake the feeling of Damian’s presence. In fact, I could have sworn I felt fingers lovingly grazing the back of my neck; a light whisper in my ear.
When I got to to the all natural vegan eatery, Matt was unsurprisingly yelling at the cashier.
“What do you mean you don’t carry Spirulina!? What kind of establishment is this?!” The poor cashier gave me a look of utter desperation and I took that as my cue to jump in.  
“Matt! Oh, darling, it’s so good to see you!” He turned around and the anger on his faced appeared to soften, but only a fraction.
“Oh, Michaela, what a relief to see someone with half a brain,” he snapped, turning around to give the cashier a dirty look, who looked thoroughly annoyed.
“Okay, let’s get out of here…,” I replied and we started walking through the city streets that were lit up by neon lights.
Before I could even begin to strike up a conversation, Matt suddenly stopped walking on the sidewalk to read a text message from his wife, Cindy.  “GOD DAMN IT!” He shrieked.
“What is it?”
“THAT BITCH!” He dramatically kicked a fire hydrant, stubbing his toe in the process.
What is wrong with him? I heard a voice clearly whisper in my head.
“Are you okay, Matt?”
“NO, I AM NOT OKAY!” By this point everyone else on the street had their heads craned to witness the spectacle that was his meltdown.
“Deep breaths, Matt…”
“It’s Cindy,” we started walking again by the harbor, “we were supposed to meet at her apartment later tonight,”
I thought he was coming home with you? The voice whispered.
“I thought you were coming back to the hotel with me?” I said
“Michaela,” he said and turned to me, “you know I love you as a dear friend, but Cindy is my wife. And we were supposed to meet tonight, and she canceled on me because she HAS PLANS WITH HER FRIENDS.” He looked exasperated. I just stared and looked at him silently, not knowing how to reply.
“Well… maybe she really does have plans with her friends?”
“Oh no, Mickey. No. She’s fucking some other guy. I just know it.”
The hypocrisy is unbelievable! The voice said.
“Umm… well, maybe you should just let it go! We can have a great night back at my place…”
“I don’t think so. I’m gonna let this whore have a piece of my mind.”
At that moment, his phone mysteriously flew out of his hands and into the harbor.
And I heard that voice laughing in my head.
By that time, we were almost back at the hotel.  Matt was just staring there in shock, and I felt similarly. Then he fell to his knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.
I silently obliged and walked back to my room, suddenly drained by Matt and his shenanigans. As my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep almost immediately. In that brief state between wakefulness and dreams I swore I felt Damian’s arms around me.
Chapter 2.
I woke up early, around 6:30AM, to the sound of my phone ringing - it was an unknown caller.
“Hello?” I answered groggily.
“Hello, Baltimore Police. Is this Michaela Young?”
“Yes,” I replied, a wave of worry washing over me, “what is it?”
“It’s about Matthew Gregory. He was found dead in the harbor last night.”  
A wave of shock and disbelief washed over me and I heard that voice in my head, laughing maniacally.
“Oh my god,” I said, speechless.
“We’re going to need you to come down to the station immediately,”
After I got back from the station, I collapsed on my bed, emotionally exhausted. I decided to turn to my ouija board for comfort from my friends from the spirit world.
HELLO, MY LOVE, the board spelled out almost instantly.
“Is this Claire?” I asked.
“I’m very upset, Damian. My friend and lover Matt was found dead in the river this morning. They ruled it as a suicide but I’m not so sure. He was erratic but I don’t think he was suicidal.”
I’M SURE HIS WIFE IS UPSET, he said sarcastically.
By this point tears were streaming down my face. “That doesn’t help!” MATT DIDN’T KNOW YOU, he said, NOT LIKE I DO.
“What do you know about me?” A small gleam of hope flickered in my heart like a lighter. Was it possible that there was an entity in this universe that was capable of understanding me?
This is easier, said the voice I thought I had been imagining before.
I know much about you, Michaela…
“Like what?” I asked.
You’re a financial advisor by day, but it’s slowly eating away at your soul.  You’re an artist - deep down, you know it, I know it. And. You’re also a witch.
“Go on,” I said, my heart beating quicker at this point.
You didn’t have things easy growing up - dysfunctional family dynamics, absent father, and a string of abusive relationships as you got older.
My heart was pounding rapidly at this point.
“How do you know all this about me, Damian?”
I know a lot about you, Michaela. That’s all you need to know. I am capable of loving you in ways no mortal could ever fathom.  All you need do is surrender to me.
“I’m not in a place to surrender to anyone right now, Damian. My lover just threw himself into the harbor.”
Understandable, he said.  Well you just rest up, my love, and I’m sure things will work out for the best.
“Okay,” I said, and fell asleep with the energy of Damian’s love surrounding me.
Chapter 3.
At work the next day I was unable to focus on anything. I was midway through my lunch break when I heard Damian say, what do you say we leave this place tomorrow, my love?
“For where?” I asked.
Morocco, he said. I want to show you the way the sand dunes look in the desert when the sun rises. I want to show you the architecture, the culture, the food.  
I suddenly felt excited at the idea - running away with this entity - leaving my past behind. It felt like a scene out of a fairy tale - only real.
Next thing I knew, Damian was singing “Come Fly with Me,” by Frank Sinatra in my head and I burst out laughing, overflowing with joy and feeling lucky that I had finally found someone who understood me, who eased the loneliness within me, who reminded me of what it was to laugh.
You’re very beautiful, you know, he said in a drawling, seductive voice.
“Save it for Morocco,” I said playfully, my heart feeling like a hot air balloon.
Before I knew it, we were on a plane together, falling for each other quicker by the minute. Well, I was on a plane, you have to remember.  Damian was a nonphysical entity, which made our relationship - strange, you could say, to put things mildly.
But I had never been one for normalcy to begin with.  In fact, it was my personal philosophy to shun anything that would be considered mildly normal by society’s standards.
And so our love took off the same way as the airplane.
When we arrived in Morocco, we spent long evenings under the desert sky, numbering the stars in the milky way, soaking up the serenity of the sand dunes. During the days we toured the city of Marrakesh, basking in the colors, the architecture, the geometric patterns on the walls. The culture was fascinating to me but more fascinating was Damian.
He told me of his life in the underworld and I was amazed at how much we had in common with one another. I grew to believe that there was some kind of mystical force pulling us together, and we could consciously resist it all we wanted, but no matter what that eternal longing would pull us back into each other’s reality, one way or another.
It was the romance of a lifetime.  
That’s the way things always start out, don’t they? For all of the eternal longing that existed between us, there was no denying that we didn’t always agree on everything. Just normal couple things, right?
But nevertheless, I wanted no one else. No other entity. I had finally found someone who understood the very depths of my soul; that’s not something I could ever let go of easily. And let go was something I never wanted to happen; of this I made Damian aware.
“What are the options for our future, Damian?” You can let me possess you, he whispered seductively in my ear.
I laughed and said, “What, you don’t think I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that’s not a good idea?”
I’m not like other demons, he said convincingly.
“You are rather sweet for a demon,” I said, laughing.
It’s decided, then. Let’s go somewhere special to make it happen.
“Where were you thinking?”
You decide.
“I’ll have to think about it and get back to you.
Absolutely, my love.
And with that he vanished into the night before I had a chance to say another word and I was left alone, once more.
My stomach was lurching at the thought of being possessed by Damian.  Just the normal cold feet experience, right?  Why should I be worried? He’s most certainly unlike any entity I’ve ever encountered before.  Knowing, powerful, kind, intelligent…and that’s the thing you’re supposed to do when you’re my age right? Submit and allow yourself to be possessed.
I had always shirked away from the idea of marriage for just that reason. I didn’t want to ever belong to anyone except myself and the universe. The idea of being some man’s “property” made me want to vomit.  Changing your last name to his to totally seal the deal. The patriarchy was something I’ve always rebelled against, so why was I questioning whether or not I wanted to be possessed by Damian?
Loneliness. I was aching inside and needed someone to fill that emptiness within me. Someone who understood me.  No human man had ever truly understood me before. I hardly even understood me. I rarely took the time to understand myself with how busy I was with my work and traveling, always running from something, it seems. Running from my past, from myself.
But as it turns out, they’re right when they say everywhere you go take yourself with you.
And take myself with me I did indeed, to Malibu, with Damian.  For our wedding — or rather, Possession — day.
Chapter 4.
The warm pink sunset cast a dreamy glow over the pacific ocean as Damian and I stood on the shore together.
“So - how exactly do we go about this? I don’t exactly think you could find a priest would would willingly perform a possession,”
Relax, my darling, my bride, Damian said. All you have to do is surrender to me.
And without giving it another thought, I sat down on the white sand cross legged, and closed my eyes.
The next thing I knew I was in my mind, but I was not alone. There was another presence there.
Wow, the sunset sure looks beautiful through your eyes, said Damian.
“Yeah, it does,” I said, happy that I could share this moment with someone else.
We sat there together for awhile, celebrating our oneness. Basking in the blissful sensation of belonging to another. I thought my heart would explode from joy.
As the sun went down and the stars began to come out, Damian asked if I wanted to go to Hawaii for our “honeymoon”, and I obliged, in a dreamy, romantic trance.
Palm trees. Crystal clear waters. Long days and slow nights spent wrapped up in Damian. Listening to his tales of the underworld.
Our love grew deeper in those weeks than it ever had before. It’s hard to express the feelings of deep spiritual oneness that we shared. There really are no words for it, except sinking deep into an ocean of pure peace and love that washes over you and makes you feel that everything’s alright, that everything’s happening exactly as it should.
Like all good things, the honeymoon eventually did end as my work beckoned me once more.  Damian did not like when I had to work.  Even though he was right there with me the whole time, it upset him that I was unable to give him my full attention, even for a second.
“Oh, stop acting like a child,” I said teasingly. “You know I’m all yours and you’ll have every ounce of my attention once I’m finished with my work,”
Yes, darling, he said.  But sometimes I wish you would let me take care of you, so you wouldn’t have to put such strain on yourself.
“You know I love working, Damian,” I said, although it wasn’t fully true. “It gives me a sense of purpose and allows me to be independent and free in this world.”  That much was true, at least.
Does it really, though? Aren’t there other passions, other goals you would rather be working towards?
“Well you know I would rather be an artist, but that’s not a very fiscally responsible thing for me to do at this point in my life,” I said.
Let me take care of you, he said again, and then I didn’t hear from him for a while.
The next day, however, I got a phone call from my boss.  
“Michaela, this is your boss, Mr. Richard Wadd. I must inform you that I’m letting you go from the company.  I don’t really have a good reason, other than the fact that my fragile male ego is threatened by your superior intelligence, and I’m the one in power, so there’s nothing you can do about it. Goodbye.”
Damian was very quick to comfort me.
You know, love, there are certain benefits to having a demon as a spouse, he said.
“Oh do share,” I said, needing comfort now more than ever.
Close your eyes, he whispered, and as I did I began to receive visions; information, otherworldly knowledge, flashes of events.
Do you want me to take care of your boss for you? He said.
In my fuming, trance-like stupor, I nodded half-heartedly.
Good, he said. It is done.  
For the second time in the past year I was awoken to the sound of the police calling, beckoning me down to the station. My boss had been murdered, and they had evidence of my fingerprints at the crime scene.
I felt myself go white.  There’s no way I was capable of murdering my boss.  Sure I had fantasized about it as many do, but now he was dead and they had evidence linking me to the crime.  Where was Damian? He was oddly silent this morning; I hadn’t heard a peep from him since last night.
“Damian,” I pleaded, “Damian, are you there?”
I felt sick and needed a minute to catch a breather before heading to the police station.  That’s when the visions started and it came back to me.
I was walking through Spruce Street Harbor Park, but it was more Damian than me. In fact, it was all Damian. I was barely there except as a witness observing my own body moving without my control.
The door to the apartment of my boss’ row house was locked, but somehow I had a supernatural strength that was able to twist the doorknob right off the handle.
The only thing I remember after that was a blur of screaming, blood, me begging Damian to stop, and my boss begging for his life.
“How could you, Damian?” I said, shaking.
It needed to be done.  Now, let’s leave town before the police catch us!
“You’re insane! You literally murdered my boss!”
That’s where you’re wrong, my love… WE murdered your boss. And as far as the police know, YOU murdered your boss.  
“DAMIAN-,” I screamed, but it was futile.  Next thing I knew I felt very dizzy all of a sudden and collapsed onto my bed as if I was black out drunk.
Everything was black for a very long time, and I had no consciousness of anything except an unending void of nothingness. I had an awareness that I was not in my body, and was very possibly dead.
Then everything turned light, and I was speeding through a vortex.
Ah, a tunnel of light! I thought. I really am dead!
Well, this isn’t so bad, I thought, as I sped along.  There was no more pain, no more drudgery of existence, no more, oh, what was his name… Damian!
As soon as I thought of him, the speeding stopped and I was in what appeared to be an endless meadow, with fields of swaying poppies of all different colors.  It felt surreal and dreamlike, and there was a total sense of peace that washed over everything.
As I was taking it all in, a being of light started to approach me from a distance. I felt a total sense of unconditional love emanating from her.
“Michaela,” said the being, who I figured must have been an angel as I saw her jewel encrusted wings swaying back and forth, “you have made a terrible mistake in allowing Damian possess you.”
“Who are you?” I wondered out loud,
“I am Cassiel, your guardian Angel.  And we are here because you are in grave danger.” “I guess letting myself be possessed by a demon wasn’t such a bright idea after all.”
“No kidding!” She said, then laughed lightly, clearly trying to evade hurting my feelings.
But then she gazed into my eyes with a deep understanding and compassion, as if she could see straight through my soul and knew me better than I knew myself.
“You were lonely, lacking in self-love. You let your demons from your past overcome you.  But it’s okay now, because I’m here to help.  I’m going to show you how to reclaim your inner light and overcome Damian.”
“I killed someone, Cassiel,” I said, tears streaming down my face.
“No, Damian did it.  And that will be taken care of. You must see now that there is so much in God’s hands - so much going on behind the scenes that you are unaware of.  But we ultimately have your back.  Your angels, your spirit guides, Source, the entire universe is secretly conspiring in your favor.”
“I don’t understand how they could allow all of this to happen to me then, Cassiel,”
“Michaela,” she said softly, “everyone has free will and must answer for the consequences of their actions. Karma catches up with everyone.  But ultimately, everyone is forgiven for their deeds after they have worked through their karma and regained memory of their divinity.”
“So what happens next?”
“You’re going to be sent back to your body.  By this point, Damian’s strength will make it hard for you to let go of his possession.  But you must not give up or lose faith, Michaela. There is a light within you that is stronger than any force of evil that has ever been.  And that’s the force of self-love. You must see that you are worthy and that love never leaves you, even when you are on your own.”
“That’s something that I’ve always struggled with.” “I know. And you are certainly not the only one.  So many, if not all of your species’ problems are rooted in this lack of love.  But it is infinite and existing everywhere, if only you will open your heart and allow yourself to tap into it.”
“So what does that have to do with exorcising Damian?”
“Allow the light to possess you instead,” she said, and with that, everything went black again.
When I regained consciousness and flew back in my body once more, I was seated on an airplane next to the window, with a cocktail and an upscale looking meal in front of me.
Welcome back, my love, Damian said.
“Hi,” I said, in a fog.
Your dinner is waiting for you.
“Nice!” I said warily, “Where are we going?”
My dear, he said, we are bound for Paris. We are going to start a new life, you and me.
“A clean break!” Being powerless, I was just going along with him at this point.
Yes, he said, and laughed lightly
Once we touched down in Paris, I felt a renewed sense of hope and vigor. Because of the possession, I was able to fluently speak French. I had been here before when I was younger once, when the past that haunted me now was more of a present, everyday reality. I wanted to think that I was in a better place now, but given the fact that I was possessed by a literal demon, it was hard to say.
Now Michaela, my love, said Damian, while we are here, I will have some commitments to attend to in the underworld. I trust that you will be able to manage for several days at a time without me.
“I will do my best,” I said, like the dutiful wife I was pretending to be.
I know you need me, and are nothing without me except a lonely, blubbering mess.
“Okay,” I said. What an ass. “Can’t wait until you get back!”
With Damian gone, I felt like I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
I spent long afternoon strolling through ancient cobblestone streets and evenings sitting on terraces, drinking wine and people watching. As I rode the metro and wandered in and out of several boutiques, an awareness started to wash over me.
And that was this feeling of total contentedness and peace - with just me, on my own.  No more loneliness, no more aching inside.  It felt as if I had a clean slate, a barren soil that was fertile enough to foster my growing sense of self-love and independence.
I met some very interesting people.  One afternoon as I was strolling alongside the Seine I saw a painter and was inspired by his lifestyle. He made ends meet by waiting tables at night and spent of the rest of his time devoting his life to art.
There were some people who were in a much worse state. Many homeless people and I saw myself in them.  My heart reached out to the invisible who had demons of their own they had yet to overcome and I wanted nothing more to help them.
I was exploring Notre Dame cathedral when Damian finally returned.
What are you doing here? His voice sounded very sinister.
“Sightseeing,” I replied casually.
Get out of this building at once, he hissed.
Apparently I didn’t have a say in the matter as my feet began to move on their own.
What do you say we have a picnic in the park underneath the Eiffel Tower, ma cherie?
The thought made me queasy but I agreed.
As we were sitting underneath the Eiffel Tower, there was an awkward pause.
You’re awfully quiet, Michaela.
“Sorry, I’m just soaking it all in. The twinkling lights, this lovely picnic you’ve prepared - it’s every girl’s dream!” And as I was saying it, I realized a part of me still meant it.  After all the progress I’d made on my own, I realized I was lucky to be sharing this moment with another entity, even if he was a demon.
Yes, my love, he said. And there will be many more such moments to come. I’m never letting you go!
That made me feel nauseous and I seemed to snapped out of it a bit.
“Damian, I don’t know about that. We killed someone! We can’t keep running from that forever.”
I could feel his temper starting to rise.
So what are you suggesting, Mickey? Turning ourselves into the police? They’ll never believe you. They’ll think you’re insane if you tell them the truth. And you’ll be locked behind bars for the rest of your life. I’m your only hope at a good life.
After he said that, something within me started to fall apart at the seams. I was no longer sure of myself, sure of where I began and where Damian ended. I felt so controlled and like I had no way out of this relationship. I could only go along with it and hope for the best.
I remembered what the angel Cassiel told me and wondered whether what she said was true or not.  Something within me told me her words rang true. Suddenly I had a very strong urge to expunge Damian and everything about him from my being. I needed an exorcist, a priest, but although I had a strong sense of spirituality I was not a religious person and didn’t think going to one would work. No, something within me knew the answer. And I knew I could wait no longer to rid myself of this demon forever.
But I needed evidence of Damian’s murder. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life behind bars for a crime I did not commit. He was right in saying that no one would ever believe me. I needed proof that I was truly possessed by a demon.
And that was how I found myself at the PIOP, or Paranormal Investigators of Paris.
Of course, I had to wait until Damian was away at work for several days in the underworld. The PIOP referred me to a renowned shaman who performed exorcisms at Notre Dame Cathedral. I corresponded to the shaman via email and told her about my case.  She said it sounded like a doozy alright, and that I should think of a way to trick Damian into planning a date at the cathedral where the exorcism could be performed.
That night when Damian returned, I turned on the charm and told him I had a special date planned for us tonight in Paris. He was exhilarated about it! First we went out to a fancy vegan restaurant for one final goodbye dinner.  For the first time he opened up to me about some of his experiences in Hell.
So I said to him, in Lucifer’s name, you musn’t use that torture device! It’s from the 18th century.  We’re so much more humane than that now. Get the Tiger Bench.
“My woke demon,” I said, Damian too wrapped up in his story to catch the sarcasm.
As he rambled on about his day in literal Hell, I wondered once more how I had ever let myself get in this situation. Sure, I had trauma from my past. Dysfunctional family. I remember growing up my mom would throw dishes at our heads when she was in one of her rages. Absent father. A string of loser boyfriends who treated me like nothing. I wanted so badly to be loved and understood that I was willing to settle for anyone giving me any attention, filling the place that was supposed to be occupied by my father. And of course, the mental health issues that plagued me from perpetually feeling like an outsider in this society. It’s no wonder I let myself become possessed by a demon.
But no more, I decided in that instant. I was healing and had gotten to a place where I didn’t need anyone’s love except my own. Everyday was a chance to start over, to pursue my dreams and visions, to become someone great.  And to become that person, I needed to let go of my past. I needed to let go of my demons.
I needed to let go of Damian.
After the waiter brought us the check, and Damian was still rambling about his day, I said, “Hey, D, sorry to interrupt your story,” yeah, so sorry, “but there’s something I really wanted to check out at the Notre Dame Cathedral. I know you have an aversion to that place, and churches in general, but it will only be for a moment.”
Damian paused his story abruptly. If demons had hackles, you could almost feel his being raised.
Michaela, he said in a seething tone, I would really we rather not. Couldn’t we go to the catacombs instead?
“Oh, it will only be for a minute, sweetie,” I said, “I want to see the home of Quasimodo. And I know how much you love the song ‘Hellfire’!”
He seemed like he was starting to warm up to the idea.
Yes, that is one of my favorites, he said, and preceded to burst into song. You can be the Esmerelda to my Frodo!
Too far, I thought. “Okay, that’s enough!” I said, and we both laughed. There were some parts of being possessed by him I was going to miss, which is why what I was about to do wasn’t going to be easy.
But it wasn’t enough to stop me — us — from riding the metro to the Notre Dame Cathedral.
For the final time.
Chapter 5. When we walked inside, I was amazed once more by the stunning architecture of the cathedral.  But even my amazement at the light shining through the stained glass couldn’t stop the nervousness creeping up in within me for the act we were about to undergo.
I could feel Damian’s discomfort and itchiness to leave. Can we go now? He hissed. “Of course,” I said assuredly, “but first I want to see the gargoyles.”
Damian let out a roar of rage but agreed, very reluctantly.
As we were climbing the spiral stairs up to the top of the tower, there was a hidden door  where I knew the shaman would be waiting, with camcorders from the PIOP to capture video evidence that I was truly possessed and shouldn’t be held responsible for my boss’ murder.  The shaman would also be able to testify as a witness.
“Oh, look, Damian, a hidden passageway!”
We ducked through the door and the shaman quickly slammed it shut.
But it was too late for Damian. I lied down on the gurney and as I was strapped to the table, Damian started thrashing and wailing about. The shaman starting waving her arms and reciting latin incantations and I started reciting a few affirmations of my own:
“I am enough. I am whole. I am loved and lovable, without or without you.  I am enough. I am whole…” and as I repeated these words, I felt an immense, golden light rising up from within me, covering my aura and I knew that Damian and all the demons from my past could no longer energetically occupy the same space as this light.
And before I knew it, it was all over.
Things were different after that. I was determined to make it as an artist, even it it meant taking a pay cut.  Being possessed by Damian taught me a lot, and I truly began to understood what Cassiel meant when she said that everything is happening in divine order, for our highest good.
For the time being I was working in a bar in Buffalo, NY, renting a small house and working on building my dreams during the day.  I still had enough saved from my previous role as an investment banker that I didn’t have anything financially to worry about for a while, but enjoyed spending my evenings at the bar.  It was funky and had a cool atmosphere that attracted a bohemian crowd.  During the day I worked on creating music and photography. I dreamed of one day being a speaker and sharing the experiences I had, and more importantly how I had overcome them.  I wanted to give back more than anything.
One night while I was working there was a very handsome musician playing at the open mic. He was very well mannered and we had an in depth, philosophical conversation about the nature of the universe. Before he left we exchanged contact information, and I had a good feeling about it, but I was in no hurry to rush into another relationship.
For now I was just enjoying my own company, fulfilling my passions, working towards turning my dreams into reality and making the world a better place.
For me, that was enough.
I was enough.
I had always been enough.
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buildarocketboys · 6 years
Books read in 2018
It's been a pretty good year for reading for me, and I actually kept a list of all the books I read, so I thought I'd make a list and write a mini review about each one. I've read 22 (and a half) books this year in full - this doesn't include any that I just started, or have read bits of.
1. When The Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
Magical realism + gay and trans characters! Pretty great although I wouldn't necessarily read it again. Mostly read in lunchtimes at work.
2-4. LOTR trilogy by J R R Tolkien (started somewhere between 17 and 29 March) (first book finished 4 April) (finished 30 May)
Dates on this one as I spent most of the first half of the year reading the Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring was almost certainly my favourite, got a bit bored towards end of Two Towers/start of Return of the King, and the long descriptions and battles (and long descriptions OF battles) are something I generally prefer to do without. But they're really good books with a lot of cool (and gay!) stuff in them, and though the films don't include everything from them, they're pretty damn good adaptations. (I only wish the films had kept Beregond).
5. The Inescapable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
By the author of Aristotle and Dante, I actually can't remember much of this book, I remember it being pretty good though. It may have made me cry?
6. Cloudbusting by Malorie Blackman (REREAD)
Easily the shortest book here, this book used to make me cry. It's a simple story told through different types of poetry, but it's so beautifully done. Didn't make me cry this time sadly, but still good. Read it sitting by the river taking a break from working on a job application.
7. Nation by Terry Pratchett (REREAD)
I reread this pretty much every year (I found myself a few weeks back wanting to reread it again) and it's brilliant every time, enough said. Think this is the only Pratchett novel I've read this year, which is a shame. Thoroughly recommend it though, even though it's not part of Discworld.
8. And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
Bought this from a stall in Bristol, at the time it was the only one of his I hadn't read. It was one of those novels I just ploughed through, really quickly. Really good, really sad (and a gay character where you least expected it).
9. Wicked by Gregory Maguire
Borrowed this from my girlfriend after having seen the musical in May. The book is...really weird, but really good. A lot more of an obvious dystopia than the musical is, right from the get go pretty much and Elphaba is an icon - grumpy, traumatised, irritable, angry, hopeful, guilty, revolutionary. I love her. Oh, and her and Glinda are still really gay.
10. Harry and the Wrinklies by Alan Temperley (REREAD)
Now we come to the books I reread in August when I had some time off work. Harry gets orphaned and is sent to live with his elderly relatives and their elderly friends (hence the title). Little does he know, they're all ex-cons and pretty much modern day Robin Hoods. Also, badass. Still a great book, even if it's technically for kids. I need to reread the sequels sometime.
11. Maximum Ride by James Patterson (REREAD)
Edgy as fuck but I still kind of love it. Ngl the younger kids and Iggy are a lot more fun than Max and Fang though.
12. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (REREAD)
This one I reread every couple of years or so. One of my favourites, the way the non-chronological (by design and necessity) plots works so well, in both building and retaining suspense, the prose is beautiful (if a little pretentious at times), the characters are...mostly kind of dicks, but in a real, multifaceted kind of way. I kind of love all the references to various books/authors/bands, even if it is kind of pretentious. I discovered Rilke through this book. Jeder Engel ist schrecklich.
13. Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Read this a little while after seeing the film. Obviously they changed a fair amount, but I love them both. Really easy to read in about a day.
14. Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Read this on the same weekend as Simon. Loved it a LOT. I relate to both Leah and Abby a whole lot and it just felt so real to the experience of being a (bi) teenage girl. Wish there'd been a bit more to the ending maybe? But maybe that's just me being greedy. Still trying to persuade @judasisgayriot to read it. This might well be my book of the year.
15. Vox by Christina Dalcher
After I finished Leah on the Offbeat I was looking for something else to read. Picked this up in Waterstones because it sounded like an interesting concept for a dystopia (women are only allowed to say 100 words a day - if they say more, they get electrocuted by a bracelet attached to their wrist). The main character is white, straight and middle class, so that's definitely the majority of the experience we get to see, but there is some examination of being gay and/or a poc in this dystopian culture. Overall an interesting examination on how language can be used as a weapon, and to control people. A Handmaid's Tale with a difference and (spoiler!) a happy ending.
16. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli
I didn't get/read this one at the same time as Leah and Simon because I was put off by how het it sounded, lol. The main character is straight (afaik) but it's still a pretty great book and she's pretty relatable.
17. My Mum Tracy Beaker by Jacqueline Wilson
Tracy Beaker all grown up! As told through the eyes of her (much quieter and less troublesome) daughter. Pretty great and interesting to see Tracy all grown up but still very much Tracy. Lots of drama and Justine Littlewood ruining everything as usual. Complete with an implausible happy ending (but it's great anyway, and tbh we all need those sometimes). Also, Cam is a #confirmed lesbian.
18. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (REREAD)
I'm not sure how many times I've reread The Book Thief now, but it must have been at least ten. I reread it at least every year but often it's been more than that. Still amazing, obviously, but I dunno, I didn't feel as into it this time? I didn't cry (for the first time ever!) while reading it, although that might have been because I read it at work. Mostly I was reading it to prepare for Zusak's new book, which I got for Christmas.
19. Holes by Louis Sachar (REREAD)
First time I've reread this since high school, and it's still brilliant. 'Nuff said.
20. The Bi-ble: An Anthology of Personal Narratives and Essays about Bisexuality edited by Lauren Nickodemus and Ellen Desmond
Bought this from Gay's The Word when I was in London back in May, only got round to reading it in December. Some really good stuff in here, I related hard to a lot of it (and not so much to other parts). Recommended reading for anyone who's bi or wants to understand more about bisexuality.
21. Call of the Wild by Guy Grieve
I picked this up on a whim from my pile of unread books because I wanted something to read before I got new books for Christmas. (Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, I only finished it on Boxing Day). Really interesting, I'm so fascinated by life in very cold, harsh, unforgiving places (only partly because of the wolves) and this was a really interesting true story of how a guy (called Guy) from Scotland manages to build his own cabin and live out in the wild of the Alaskan Interior through the Winter.
22. Combat Magicks by Steve Cole
A Doctor Who novel (the first of three I got for Christmas!) and the last book I read in its entirety in 2018. At the site of a battle between the Romans and the Huns (which is why I chose it first, sounded really cool), so-called "witches" manipulate everything both sides do. Surprise! They're aliens. The Doctor calls Yaz her bestie a lot and it's adorable. Ryan gets a girlfriend who stans the Doctor (she's basically part of Roman Torchwood and she's awesome). Graham has a bath with a witch (well, nearly).
Currently reading:
Eat Up! by Ruby Tandoh
I'm about half way through this, so it doesn't quite count as a book I read in 2018, but I thought I should include it. Anti-diet culture, embracing food for what it is, everything it is, while examining the different things (gender, race, class) that affect our relationship with food.
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chorusfm · 7 years
Dylan Slocum of Spanish Love Songs
Spanish Love Songs will release their new album Schmaltz on March 30th. It’s one of the freshest and most honest punk rock records in recent memory. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with vocalist Dylan Slocum and he told me about the delicate art of opening a record and embracing dad punk. Did you write the opening and closing tracks to be so much different from the rest of the record? To be slower, quieter songs compared to the punk sound of the others? Yeah, that was definitely deliberate. It’s funny you picked up on that. They were always going to be quiet. The first track, “Nuevo,” was written on guitar and we were all in the studio, and we all love – I forget the name of the Frank Ocean song, but it’s just like a him and a Hammond organ or something. It was in our heads and someone brought it up and I was like, “Oh shit! Yes, we should definitely use organ to start this album.” And especially since the last album started with the most disgusting, cliche guitar slide and a minute and a half punk song. I was like, “Let’s mix it up and do something different.” It might be to the point that people will be like, “What the hell is this album? I thought this was a punk band!” So that was deliberate and then the last one…no, I don’t know. I feel like we like acoustic songs at the ends of albums. Growing up I feel like all our favorite albums did that. I just had that song and it was kind of written in response to “The Boy Considers His Haircut,” in the middle of the album, and I just thought, “Let’s just track acoustically and throw it on and see how it goes,” and it ended up working pretty well. Yeah, I saw definitely one of those people who had listened to the singles and then pressed play on the album and thought, “What is this album?” [Laughs] Yeah, well, we’ll see how it pans out. Maybe not the best move for a band trying to gain new listeners, but I think it’s interesting. Hopefully it pulls people in in a way that they wouldn’t expect. Well it’s one of my favorites on the album for sure and, hey, it worked for The Hotelier on Home so… Exactly! Exactly. There you go. It works. This is your first record on A-F Records, right? Before you were on Wiretap? Yeah. That’s Anti-Flag’s label, isn’t it? That’s pretty big. How’s that been? It’s been great. The label’s incredibly supportive. I was in Belgium hanging out with our old European label Bearded Punk, we’re good friends with them and one of their guys is our tour manager when we tour Europe. We were drinking in a bar and someone brought up Anti-Flag and it was like, “Damn, haven’t listened to Anti-Flag in a minute.” So we started talking about Anti-Flag and then the next day my friend Gregory decided to send A-F the record – I don’t know how he got ahold of their contact info. So the day I got home I got a call and when I answered my phone it was Chris Stowe, the label manager, and he was like, “Hey, someone named Gregory sent us your album, and we like it. Let’s talk.” It was incredible. Good thing we have good friends, I guess. The label’s been incredibly supportive. They’ve really let us take the lead on a lot of the creative decisions. The Anti-Flag guys are great, we got to catch their show over in LA. They’ll, like, they’ll retweet stuff about us. It’s little things like that, you know? And obviously the label is great too, they got The Homeless Gospel Choir and Swiss Army. It’s been nice to join this label that’s been historically political and make out own sad little grouchy corner of it. That’s a really great story. [Laughs] Yeah, we’re still in shock that it happened. We’d been in discussion with Uncle M to release it in Europe, and once A-F got on board, Uncle M was like, “Yeah, that’s a no-brainer.” [Laughs] Somehow these four beers I had in Antwerp lead to us having these two amazing labels putting out our albums. Prior to this, we’d had to pay for everything we’d done, and we had to push everything really hard. Wiretap’s great, but Wiretap’s small – they’re growing, but to have somebody bigger, like, validate us was just an incredible, incredible feeling. Made us feel like a real band. [Laughs] Speaking of historically political labels, I’d noticed a recurring thread throughout the record. You talk about guns and shooters a lot. Could you talk a little bit about that and why that pops up so often? I grew up in this weird Bible Belt area of California. You know, very Republican, very Second Amendment rights. When I was six, my grandfather shot my dad – he survived, but at a very young age, I was like, “Yeah, guns are fucking awful.” So it’s always been something I’ve been very anti, for obvious reasons. [Laughs] Then when we were writing the album, it was in the middle of this school shooting after school shooting. It was weighing pretty heavily on me and it just kind of bled its way in there. I think it first appeared in “Buffalo Buffalo,” because when I was writing that, my girlfriend was going to Portland, and there was a mass shooting a couple of days before she left. I was like, “No, please don’t die in a mass shooting.” A lot of the lyrics are like that, just feeling unsafe. But then there’s some that are about just feeling like a mentally unwell white male sometimes and, like, what’s the difference between me and the guy who did that? There’s a big difference, of course, but it’s a weird headspace to occupy. That’s a bunch of stuff jumbled into three lines, but it was on my mind. [Laughs] I like that a lot in the lyrics that it’s never the focus of the song, but it’s still there. That’s how it feels sometimes, hearing about mass shootings almost every other week. There’s other stuff going on but that possibility is always lurking there. I think that’s a good way of looking at it. I actually tried to write a song that was all about it, but it didn’t work, so it had to be changed. It was actually “El Nino Considers His Failures,” and it had completely different lyrics. It was all about shootings and guns and gun culture and it just felt forced. A lot of that stuff ended up falling to the periphery, and it’s probably better there. I feel like it’s such an obvious subject, but people are so calcified in their beliefs about it. We’re a political band in that we’re operating within our own space and saying how we feel, but I don’t think we’re the type of band who’s capable – yet – of writing the anti-gun song. I think it stays more on a personal level. For me, the fact that we were able to write an album that isn’t just about failed relationships is enough for me. [Laughs] We’ll take that. [Laughs] That’s something you got on all the other pop-punk bands. Our first album was all about my divorce and the relationship after that that just crumbled. So when we started writing, I made a dare to myself and I told our guitarist Kyle, “I am not going to write a single song about a relationship in the traditional sense. Just watch.” [Laughs] Nobody believed that I could do it just because it’s such a prominent thing. It was a very conscious effort to avoid that, so I’m proud of that aspect at least. Have you got any favorite songs on the record? I think “Otis-Carl” and then the single “Joana, in Five Acts” are probably the most personal to me, so those have been fun. I think those will probably end up being my favorites in the long run because they’re not just about me. They’re about people I’ve lost, obviously, so I think I’ll be happiest with those. But I think this is a pretty cohesive set of songs for us and I think we’ve figured out what this iteration of the band sounds like. I’m really psyched on all these songs. I know you’re playing pretty soon at 924 Gilman. Have you ever played there before? Nope. What’s that like for you? I’m on the East Coast and even I know what Gilman is, so I imagine that must be pretty surreal for you. It’s going to be great. [Laughs] Being from the LA area, I remember even when I was, like, six, hearing about Gilman and how Green Day can’t play Gilman because they’re sellouts and even then I thought that was fucking stupid, that whole old-school punk mentality. Me and my band, we’re like the most un-punk band you can think of [laughs]. Playing this hallowed punk venue is going to be great. Being part of the history there, it’s going to be fun. We don’t consider ourselves very punk, so whenever something punk gets brought up we kind of laugh to ourselves. But I’m sure it’ll be incredible, those Bay Area shows are always a blast. It’s pretty funny to hear you don’t even consider yourselves punk. Yeah, I know we play in a punk – pop-punk? – band, but if you knew us, you’d see just how un-punk we actually are. One of us is an actual dad, and the rest of us might as well be. We all have steady job [laughs]. We aren’t doing the traditional punk thing. We joke because we play a lot of shows with really punk bands and we play a lot of shows with really indie bands, so we say we’re not punk enough for the punk kids but we’re not indie enough for the indie kids. We’re in this weird void of, “We hope you like us, but you might not!” I feel like you just coined yourself a new genre: dad punk. I feel like dad punk’s a thing. There’s a genre called dad rock, right? Yeah. I think a band like Jimmy Eat World could be dad rock, but they’d be like the dad punk subgenre. If they’re dad rock, then dad rock is awesome. Dad rock is great. That’s where I aim. I’ve got no beef with dad rock. We’re not 19 anymore. It’s exhausting to play straight punk and thrash around. We’re getting ready for a six-week tour and I remember we played a show in January, and I was looking at the bands, like, “Fuck! I guess I’ve got to start exercising now.” [Laughs] So now I go running, listen to the songs, and try to imagine what a full 40-minute set looks like in my head. And it’s fun, it’s fun to take something so silly serious for once. If there’s anything else you want to say, feel free. Thanks for talking to me. I hope people check us out, give us a listen. Maybe skip the first track if it’s too slow for you [laughs]. If you’re looking for some straight-up punk the second track is that [laughs]! We just really hope people like the album. We’re getting really excited for the fact that maybe people might like us. Thanks so much for talking to me. --- Please consider supporting us so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/interviews/dylan-slocum-of-spanish-love-songs/
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