#like flirting for example
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I know this is kinda silly and doesn't seem as serious as it is for me but it genuinely hurts me that I can't casually tell people that I'm a therian. I can't even say I'm a furry unless I'm certain I won't be judged. It's becoming an increasingly important part of my identity and I wish I could just tell people "I'm a dog btw ^-^" when I meet them the same way I can tell them I'm queer or an artist or a gamer or whatever. It's just who I am and I hate how it's not really accepted, or even understood by most people
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kingkatsuki · 4 months
Honestly it’s so sexy to me when a guy doesn’t realise just how attractive he actually is.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
[TWST BOOK 7-111 SPOILER kind of]
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what did he mean by that.
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daily-hanamura · 11 months
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mik3stuff · 8 days
Ugh I hate blond Apollo and I think the way Rick wrote him was pretty dirty. Tho I like his character, I still wish he was better writen
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dizzydizney · 27 days
Hey so for the record, this blogger doesn't care what you ship or how you ship it. So if you must make some comment about how ~everyone~ in the fandom better hate this ship that you personally find uncomfortable, don't add it onto my post <3 Thank you!
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
i always see so much of Nico ships where either Nico is the one pining or the focus is almost completely on Nico pining and i feel like we’re missing a lot of opportunity here. Where’s the inverse? Where’s the POVs from [other character(s) of ship] of them falling hard for Nico and just absolutely losing their mind pining over him because he’s so impossible to read that they can’t tell at all if he likes them back or not. Them doing some complicated social dance cause they cannot for the LIFE of them figure out Nico but they’re trying so hard until they finally just tell him outright and find out Nico has liked them back this entire time and they lose their mind just a little bit more. WHERE IS IT.
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#shipping#examples: one of my favorite headcanons is that Will got a crush on Nico the first time he saw him during the Titan War#when he brought reinforcements n stuff. cause yknow. the dude showed up in thematic armor with three gods and parted an army#and then ensues like a whole year of poor Will helplessly pining over him but a.) Nico is never around and b.) Nico is barely aware of him#ergo why Will is acting Like That in BoO cause he's BEEN TRYING SO HARD TO GET NICO TO NOTICE HIM#on-and-off for a WHOLE YEAR#and he is DETERMINED to at least be Nico's friend by the end of the summer#just so that he can stop losing his mind over it#secondary example: i write a lot of pre-HoO Jason stuff and i really love the potential dynamics between him and Nico then#with Nico being this rogue who randomly shows up#and Jason keeps getting flustered by this guy who doesn't seem to care who he is at all. which is part of the reason for getting flustered#cause Nico keeps treating him as an equal! which is kind of a big deal for Jason#and at the same time they're doing this diplomatic dance and the two of them are just being SO overly formal#because they're both like that. so it just sounds like theyre flirting like Victorians#and poor Jason is so distressed post-HoO when he realizes he'd forgotten all of that. and now he has to START OVER#and Nico is NICO so of course it's impossible for Jason to gauge exactly where they stand#etc etc those are my two most detailed examples
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the-apparatus · 13 days
Me, trying to flirt: hey babe, did you know that cis men are 40% less likely than women and gender minorities to seek assistance in the wake of a natural disaster?
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care666bear · 6 months
makes me giggle bc y’all see me & think “tiny pathetic girl who can’t fend for herself and is too tiny to fight back” - kidnapping fantasies are cute and all, I’ll play ur lil game but idk why y’all think I’d be such an easy victim?? that’s rude really
I use to threaten weird old men that got close to me on trains at nighttime with an X-Acto knife when I was a teenager. I have shamelessly elbowed men directly in the mouth for barely grazing me from behind lol
If you don’t want a violent encounter, I’d never be the kinda girl you wanna snatch 💞
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j-esbian · 13 days
god the Woke Content Game List is stupid for so many reasons, but it’s also just CLEARLY subjective lol
FNV lets you have gay sex with several characters but it’s only listed as yellow, even though that’s a dealbreaker for other games. original Baldur’s Gate (extended edition) is red but BG2 is yellow, because there’s gay romances in both but only the first one has a trans character. what the fuck is “pro-DEI messaging” because I legitimately don’t know and that’s listed in a lot of notes. are you really so upset about a single line in passing from a Skyrim NPC that you needed to include that. these games aren’t even listed in alphabetical order.
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I get that Aloha is a flirt, it's literally part of his character, but has anyone ever flirted back with him?
Because if not, I have a suggestion.
Aloha is flirty as hell, yes......
But he absolutely cannot take anyone flirting back without turning several shades of pink darker and stuttering like an idiot.
So much comedy potential. So much romantic potential!
Observe -
Aloha, grabbing a map out of Army's hands and waving it in his face - Aww, are these directions to my heart? 😜
Army, pulling Aloha by the chin and giving him a look - Why yes it is, I'm always getting lost in your eyes on the way~
*Aloha turns from hot pink to maroon and literally splats out of nowhere just from being flustered*
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sarucane · 11 months
OFMD Spiral Parallels 41: Izzy and the Queer Community of the Revenge
Intro: What I love most about how season 2 builds on season 1 of OFMD is the spiral narrative structure. Ground is repeatedly and explicitly re-trod from season 1 to season 2, but in season 2 everything goes deeper than season 1. Meanings are shuffled, emotions are stronger and truer, and transformation is showcased above everything. The first season plucks certain notes, then the second season plucks the same ones--but louder, and then it weaves them together to create a symphony.
I was partway through writing my little "Izzy being wrong" series, and noticed that the brilliant bastards on this show pulled off a spiral that completely flew over my head until I started writing in detail about Izzy's changing life outlooks. Fuck they're good...
Anyway: in both episodes S01E05 and S02E06, Izzy's subplot is about him and his place in the queer crew of the Revenge. In each episode, Izzy stumbles on an act of queerness. In the first episode, Izzy has a specific goal in mind: shame and control. When he catches Lucius and Black Pete, his reaction is to bully everyone in sight. When they all ignore him (Wee John actually goes back to sleep after Izzy snaps at him), he gets pissed.
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The physical staging of these scenes is actually the same: Izzy enters a room, finds something queer happening, and walks deeper into the room. But the first scene is about repression and control, and the second scene is about sharing and expression. The main difference is that there are 2 other people in the room in the first scene, but it's just Izzy and Wee John in the second--except, of course, that Izzy only talks directly to one person in both scenes. And it's the person owning their queerness the most.
The queerest person in the room in season 1 is very much Lucius, who's open about his attraction to men and who was clearly just giving another man a blow job. Izzy's response to this forwardness, and Lucius's clear refusal to feel shame about it, is to get weird.
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The homophobia is not subtle--but the thing is, it's a strange way to manifest homophobia. And points pretty directly at the the repressed queerness Izzy is carrying around. He's trying to make a power move, to combine shaming and bullying, but he clearly doesn't really understand what he's doing or how it's registering. That said, he does succeed in throwing everyone off, and successfully bullies Lucius into doing what he says, if not feeling actual shame.
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In the second season, Izzy also encounters an example of unshamed queerness. But while the first time, he lashed out at this and tried to force a rigid world of "duties" on the people around him, the second time, he's interested. And it leads to a moment of empathy.
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In the first season, Izzy's response to queerness was to fall back on unambiguous toxic masculinity. But the way he responded was itself suggestive, and sets up this different response, after Izzy's gone through the ringer and started to understand what a dead-end his earlier way of being was.
Izzy's attempt to assert shame and control over Lucius fails spectacularly in season 1. As so often happens with Izzy, his evil rebounds upon him: he creates an opening for Lucius to invite someone who's supposed to be under his control into the queer community of the Revenge.
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This could have just been framed as nothing but Lucius being a bit of a slut, but instead it quickly turns out to be a part of the queer community that's developed on the ship. When Wee John walks in on the sketch, no one's embarrassed about what's happening. And when Izzy tries to use the sketching to isolate Lucius and exert control, it turns out that Lucius's shit is fully acknowledged and accepted by everyone. He's immune to queer shame, because he's supported by his community.
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Unlike Izzy, who's hyper-masculine "I'm so capable" persona is actually fragile, easy to shatter and turn against him.
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Izzy tries to assert himself one more time by telling Lucius to leave, but Lucius instead asserts himself, flirting at Izzy with the exact line that drew Fang into the queerness zone earlier in the episode.
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And then I pause and go "holy shit this man is repressed" looking at how Izzy reacts to this line, because every single damn still is infected with sadness.
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What this subplot makes clear (especially alongside the A-plot of Ed being disillusioned about high society) is that things on this boat aren't going to go to plan. Ed's not going to kill Stede to take over his life, and Izzy isn't going to turn this boat into a private realm of toxic masculinity.
Izzy isn't going to change this community--it's going to change Izzy. And the queerness door that Lucius opened as an assertion of power in season 1 scene is going to be a door Izzy walks through in season 2. Because the next time we meet Izzy's queerness this directly, it's because he's expressing it, not repressing it.
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And he's welcomed.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
another thing with spoiler talk is that it is often exclusive to just these #shocking big deaths for some reason. and i dont even think those things are the most “harmful” spoilers. the thing w asoiaf for example is how significant the utilization of pov structure is. like the whole series is built on key moments of recontextualization. we are deliberately given just a small chunk of information from the lens of a specific pov or side and the way a lot of the themes are conveyed is the challenging of that. like there is so much meaning in structuring so i am so glad people are way more focused on “googoo gaga this mc dies” kind of spoilers and a lot of the key directions the series chose to take and how remain relatively unspoiled because no one is really oversaturating those moments. like i love not getting certain key info revealed until it should be as it would completely recontextualize scenes and characters etc. i love having preconceived notions and those being challenged. because that was very much george’s intention and it is sometimes a key part of his characterization or framing or whatever
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designernishiki · 1 year
ok gonna be real I’ve never understood the “daigo is like a son to me” route that the writers took with kiryu. they’ve never, at least for most of their time knowing each other, felt like they’ve had a father and son dynamic– an older brother/younger brother one sure, or maybe a young uncle/nephew one. because I mean? they’ve known each other since they were both kids and they’re literally only 8 years apart in age. in y0 it’s implied that kiryu played with him and babysat him more or less when he was around 16-20 and it just doesn’t feel like a Dad sort of thing At All. kiryu was also a kid. just an older kid. daigo was a little brat to him just like an annoying little brother while secretly thinking of kiryu as a Cool Teenager he looked up to and wanted to be more like. it feels way more like an older/younger sibling sort of thing or something akin to that and it only starts being a little more like a father/son dynamic some time after daigo loses his father and feels the need to fill the void– which he couldn’t even begin to do until at least ten years later because kiryu was in prison. and it’s not particularly in a healthy way either, considering. well. like I said. kiryu’s never actually been like a father to him. I don’t even mean that in a negative way in this case, it’s just literally not the role kiryu fundamentally had in his life (especially because their age difference is a good 10-20 years too close to be that of a parental relationship.) so idk. having kiryu say all of a sudden that he sees daigo as a son (especially rather than as family in some other way) just feels kinda. wrong. and jarringly unfounded.
I mean shit, even majima would be more of a dad-ish figure to daigo realistically considering kiryu basically assigned him to look after daigo for like. years. while kiryu just kinda left without any known plans of reconnecting at all. or even kashiwagi on a certain level because of how he stepped in alongside yayoi after sohei’s death. kiryu has barely been around, hasn’t really showed any interest in legitimately being in his life, and has barely had any deeply personal interactions with him since they were basically both kids. and as much as I think how long they’ve known each other and what they’ve both been through is a means for a familial bond of SOME kind, there just seems like no room or evidence for a paternal role being taken on.
at least nothing healthy in that regard; if kiryu’s like a dad to him then he’s undoubtedly a deadbeat one and perhaps feels like a dad to daigo in a way because daigo’s paternal model (his birth father) was also emotionally (and probably largely physically) absent and near-impossible to live up to. that’d at least make sense, regardless of how unhealthy it’d be, but it STILL really doesn’t explain kiryu saying he thinks of daigo like a son.
it’s just. it’s such a weird thing to have him say and I wish it was this confusing because of nuance but honestly I just think the writers watered their dynamic down to supposedly father/son because it seems more emotionally impactful for kiryu to say “you’re like a son to me” than anything else he could’ve potentially said about their bond.
#kiryu#daigo#rambling#sorry this is out of nowhere I just was thinking about their dynamic in y0 and it really hit me that like#yeah they’re. not that far apart in age.#kiryu was 7-8 years old when daigo was born. not exactly Father Age#and moreover it’s the fact that they grew up together As Kids to an extent#can you imagine if you and your father were both in your 20s or 30s At The Same Time#that’s. not a big age gap#also let me be clear I don’t think majima’s a paternal figure to daigo that was just an example to say like. even He has more basis in a way#for that to make sense#but even with majima- the age difference thing still kinda gets me because they’re only like 11ish years apart#like yeah majima’s significantly more mature don’t get me wrong but.#daigo’s dad is of a dad-like age to majima as well if you wanna put it in perspective.#makes it less weird when he highkey flirts with/sexualizes daigo in dead souls. like it’s okay. they’re not far apart in age enough to where#it’s Super Uncomfortable or something#another way of looking at this stuff is just considering that daigo and kiryu are both technically in the same generation#doesn’t particularly mean much but it’s still interesting to consider. they’re both solidly gen X (despite daigo absolutely feeling like he#should be a millennial).#majima’s technically (though just barely) a boomer so do with that what you will. that’s unrelated I just wanted to mention it cause it’s#funny to me#anyway I got off track. I hope any of this made sense
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bubblyernie · 9 months
literally every single one of my ocs (who are dudes, or masc-leaning) are the most doofy-aaaa boyfriend ever. like without fail i don't think i can even write a guy who, regardless of composition and personality, will turn into the most stuttering man-loser the second he's confronted with the sheer beauty/levelheadedness/competency of his boyfriend/wife/girlfriend/whatever
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reticent-fate · 8 months
i Need you to understand that i am just a simple little digimon redemption machine
the squeaky lil gazimon that serve etemon on the server continent? get those critters some beef jerky and cat toys
devimon from adventure? that's a friend waiting to happen
i see milleniummon and i go "that's a friend right there, get the lads some fruit salad"
kurata can suffer in digihell but i'll take his gizmon, they're cute
i just think they're neat
#kinstuff#sky#devi#this is a little bit kinstuff/exomemory stuff a little bit just I Think They're Neat Marge Meme#our brother got us a crest of destiny necklace five years ago and i've been forever changed /hj#but like seriously the idea of rebirth is so common in the digital world#sometimes they flirt with the idea of “bad” digimon dying and coming back reformed#(see: cherubimon in frontiers; the whole gulusgammamon thing; devimon in adventure 2020; i'm blanking on the other example i thought of lol#(WAIT IMPMON DUH)#and morality is sometimes complex in digital antagonists#(ogremon my beloved and again: impmon; savers also had some of this iirc but it's been a while since we watched that one)#but like Pure Evil entities in a series that started off as a v-pet about caring for something that relies on you for everything#hits hard for some reason (could be the childhood trauma /hj)#the easy way out would be reformatting#letting the world completely change who you are and erasing the parts that made you evil#at the cost of losing yourself and maybe even forgetting what made you want to destroy the world in the first place#maybe it really did need to change and letting it kill and assimilate you isn't the right thing#but the idea of villainmons getting a chance to be better and actually taking it#some of the mons really didn't have any motivation beyond “cause mayhem and destruction” but then#milleniummon at least had some kind of yearning in its heart that drove it to act out (iirc; i've only read a summary of the ws games lol)#i think it's also interesting to consider this in the context of series where death has little meaning#digimon whose violence is relegated to the digital world like devimon or etemon#who become part of this unending cycle beyond simply the phases of homeostasis (can't think of a better way to word it)#there is no end to their damage because they do not threaten the digital world in a way that disrupts it beyond the disturbance of individu#in a system where death has no meaning what reason is there to act kind when you have received no kindness yourself?#idk#apocalymon deserved an actual pizza y'all#(i haven't gotten far in my first watch of adventure subbed)#also ghost game got so close to doing something nice for milleniummon#i know it's supposed to be one of the many personified apocalypses but like
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