#like girl if i were akari i would not be trying my luck at all. obey and fawnnnn baby
goldensunset · 1 year
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waaaahhh don’t yell at me nice hat dad!!!
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davepetacreates · 1 month
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lady vespiquen and warden akari of the pearl clan, from my gay chicken trainwreck au, more context under the cut (warning: long post). there are two versions here because one is overly denoised and i thought it looked cool.
so, i decided to keep vespiquen as akaris lady in the pearl clan, because a) i think it's really interesting, the implications that akari is a little traveler around all of hisui with her dad ingo at what. age eleven when she meets this little combee.
there are whispers, at first, and the pearl clan is appalled at how the combee takes to her. it's not even a noble yet (when the old lady vespiquen's warden died in a run in with the alpha snorlax, it literally died of grief, leaving this little combee behind.) and it's already making warden like connections? and not only that, but to a girl who literally fell from the sky as a toddler and was found by sheer luck when ingo noticed her in the snow he was trying to clear with Flamethrower (honestly a miracle she didn't die).
and then it got even more controversial when an outsider, volo, came through to help evolve the combee. with *candies*. which akari hadn't known would be a problem, she was just sharing them with combee when it suddenly evolved, but that caused some to doubt that she was really destined to be lady vespiquen's warden?
in addition, this meant the numbers were off, and the pearl clan had one more warden than the diamond clan. this would have been a problem, but...
cue emmet. falls from the sky, discovered when sabi is doing her monthly check in with the shunned noble, zoroark (who ostracized himself when one of the diamond clan turned on him and killed his warden) to make sure their line is doing okay, and she realizes she should do it early. she doesn't know who this man she sees in the vision is but she knows he needs help.
so she does her check in early and lo and behold that's. that's a nearly dead guy isn't it. she asks lord zoroark if she can have braviary take him to the diamond clan for healing. zoroark grants it out of an understanding that they will be the best creatures to help him and he really can't do much.
he then decides to follow emmet to the diamond clans camp. almost gets killed but hey, he's strong and fearful. he can scare any pokemon off easy if he doesn't want to battle. and then he gets there and he sees a lot of himself in emmets lostness, his fear, his grief. he adopts emmet as his warden right then and there and so now emmet is a member of the diamond clan.
and now there are three faller wardens. there's those who take it to be a gift from sinnoh and those who take it as malintent, but no matter what, they're treated *differently*. that is, until the fourth faller arrives, the nobles start going into frenzies, and elesa reminds emmet and ingo of their pasts - and volo tries to ask arceus to reset it all, they fucked up (even though isn't this how it was supposed to go?)
and arceus denies them. once elesa finishes the Pokedex the rest of the fallers will be sent back. but for now, volo and elesa are the only ones who remember where they came from, and volo is the only one who can go back.
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chaoticgirl-writing · 4 years
Shut up, Dumbass
Alrighty so here is another lil peek of a book im writing. Idk where im gonna post the finished product but that isnt gonna be for a long while. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this lil bit!!
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Oc
Word count: 1905
Warnings: maybe some mild language, mentions of depression, mentions of su!cide attempt
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“Alright, you two. Get some sleep. You both did great today.” The short haired woman smiled softly, lightly kissing her son’s head.
“Get off me, you hag.” The blonde groaned, lightly shoving his mother off.
“Goodnight, Mrs. Bakugo.” The two toned girl said almost inaudibly, laughing when the male lightly shoved her in order to draw her attention from the screen. 
“Katsuki, be nice.” Mitsuki teased. “Kick his ass, Aki.” 
The small girl grinned, shifting to her knees as her fingers moved quickly on the controller. The character she controlled, Sheik, landed a hit on Link, sending him off the platform. “Dammit!” Katsuki cursed, making the girl next to him laugh, earning another shove in response. Link respawned at the top of the screen and hopped back into battle against the female. She easily kicked the male, sending him over the edge once again.
“Quit it!” The blonde growled, attacking the female character once more. Akari simply giggled, easily evading his attack and sending him off the platform once more.
Game Over
“Ha! 8th time!”
“You’re not supposed to be talking!”
“Give me my prize, bitch!”
“Stop talking, dumbass!” 
“Make me-” The blonde covered her mouth, silencing her.
“You’ll get ice cream if you shut up-Ew! Did you just lick me?” Snatching his hand back with a look of disgust, Katsuki wiped his hand on the multicolored girl’s sleeve. “You’re gross.”
“And you’re a sore loser. Pay up.” Akari signed, making the blonde grumble with a small smile.
“Tomorrow. We’ll go wherever you want and get ice cream.” He yawned, arms stretching above his head before laying on the girl’s lap.
“You’re a dork.” She whispered, playing with Katsuki’s hair as he put on a movie.
“Shut up.” She rolled her eyes, placing a hand behind her back and leaning back on it, continuing to play with the blonde stands.
The male relaxed on her lap, closing his eyes as soft music played in the background. The small girl silently studied the male’s face, losing herself in her thoughts.
Just months ago he had hardly even taken note of her existence, not even acknowledging the fact that she sat next to him in class. Simply staring blankly when his friends and classmates made nasty comments about her, or shoved her around. Even despite that fact, she decided to confess to him, not caring what happened. 
Maybe he would say he liked her too. Maybe something would come out of nothing, ending the torment that plagued her everyday life.
Instead, he rejected her, saying he could never be with her and walking away. No one seemed to have found out though, and she was grateful that he seemed to have enough, if not respect, then something close to it, for her to keep him from telling the entire school about it.
Then, a mere week or so later, he found her on that rooftop and saved her life. When the school year started and Bakugo realized they were in the same class, he became more protective of her suddenly. He was always taking care of her and doing all he could to keep her safe.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was stuck in his own thoughts.
When Akari confessed to him, he was startled. He had never talked to the once dark haired girl before that, and hearing that she admired him despite that fact made him feel something that he didn't quite like. Guilt? Doubt? He didn’t quite know, and he wasn’t used to it. Sure, he was quite used to girls walking up to him and trying to flirt with him, or ask him on a date, but he always declined, they never piqued his interest. This girl however, did all that and more. 
When she confessed to him, she began by stating the little things she had grown to find charming about him. Things he didn’t even seem to notice, let alone the other girls that had tried catching his attention. 
“The way you furrow your eyebrows when you get lost in thought, or the way you gently chew on your lip before raising your hand to answer a question. The little nervous tic you have where you tap your middle finger and thumb together and bounce your knee, or the way you twirl your pencil while reading through a question on a test. Your eyes soften, you get this warm smile and the tension in your shoulders relax when you talk about becoming a hero. You act all tough, but it’s obvious that there’s a part of you that’s scared. Everything about you is quite.. poetic in a way, Bakugo, and I’m sorry for laying all of this on you, but I couldn’t just let it go without saying. I couldn’t let something like this just disappear into the void without even giving you a chance to hear it.”
His chest tightened as her words replayed in his head.
She had already made her choice when she told me.
Red eyes flickered to the bright green ones above him, clouded with emotion as she stared at the television.
Could I have changed her mind?
A lump formed in the blonde’s throat.
If I had realized my feelings towards her sooner-
He struggled to swallow the lump as he sat up slowly, eyes the color of peacock feathers on a sunny day flickered to him.
If I had actually waited before walking away, if I had actually put thought into it there and not after I had caught her from falling off of that building would things be different-
“Katsuki?” The soft sound of her raspy voice pulled him from the thoughts plaguing his head.
Ruby eyes remained unreadable as they searched her face for some sort of answer, his brows furrowed in confusion.
“Katsuki?” She tried once more, a soft hand gently resting on his cheek making his eyes soften. “Is everything alright?” He stayed silent, continuing to search her face as his larger calloused hand rested on top of hers. They stayed there for a moment, silently studying the other’s features, oblivious to the fact the gap between them was slowly decreasing by the second.
It was only when their faces were millimetres from meeting that the blonde’s ruby orbs glanced down at the girl’s slightly parted lips in a silent ask for permission. She didn’t respond, senses on overdrive as she allowed her eyes to close and the space between them to shrink even more. His lips gently brushed against hers, and-
Snapping her eyes open, Akari practically leaped from the mattress, the pillow on her lap toppling to the floor as she stood.
“I need to..” Her feet moved before she could think of a proper end to her sentence, leading her out the door to his bedroom and down the stairs.
“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” Their voices rang into the empty air around them in unison.
“Damnit, Katsuki, why did you try to kiss her?”
“Akari, why didn’t you kiss him?” 
Their hands trembled as they each muttered curses to themselves. Him for doing something to, what he assumed was making her uncomfortable, and her for chickening out last second.
“He was right there you could’ve-” A growl escaped her lips as she held her hands out and attempted to strangle the air in frustration.
“Why the hell would she kiss you? She already told you how she felt and you being the dumbass you are told her no.” Bakugo groaned in irritation as he ran his fingers through his hair and glanced at the clock.
“I probably stink from the sports festival.” He stood, pushing his irritation to the back of his mind as he turned off the movie and gathered his things for a shower before making  his way to the bathroom.
The multicolored girl sluggishly made her way back upstairs, hating the thought of being alone in such a big house without a voice if she were to need to use her quirk or call out for help. 
You’re such an idiot. You’ve liked him for how long? And yet you still chickened out when given the chance to kiss him? You’re such a coward.
She paused for a moment at the door, mustering up the courage to go back in and face him, to apologize for freaking out over nothing, and maybe asking for a redo.
Opening the door, what was left of her voice caught in her throat and her hands stilled as she came face to face with an empty room. The remote Katsuki had been using was placed on the shelf with the gaming console below the television, the one she had been using on the bed where she had left it. The sound of the shower turning on across the hall answered the silent question of where the blonde had gone.
Moving over to her bag, Aki pulled out a worn hardcover black notebook and a pen, before settling down on the mattress and beginning to write.
It was moments like these where she would write down one of those “letters” that she usually had no intention of giving to the person it was directed to. Oftentimes, those “letters” turned into songs, ones that she would hope to be able to perform for someone, anyone, even the person she wrote it for.
This would be a lot easier if I had my guitar or something. 
She sighed, writing down the rhythm in a mix of Morse code like symbols and music notes.
Katsuki’s shower finished sooner than he would’ve normally liked, often standing under the hot water until it turned cold, thus being the reason why he showered after his parents went to sleep. He was nervous to go back to his room in fear of what Aki might say, but he knew he had to at some point.
Steam filled the hallway as he opened the door, taking note of the slightly cracked door of his bedroom.
Why are you acting like this? It’s just Aki.
Opening the door, his heart fluttered at the sight before him. The small girl sat with a leg laid out straight, the other bent as she wrote in a notebook placed on her knee. The soft sound of her humming filled the bedroom as he stood in the doorway. 
Gently twirling the pen in her hand, she tilted her head back, resting it on the wall as she thought of what to write next.
“My luck couldn’t get any worse.” She chuckled lightly, twirling the pen once more before sitting back up and writing something down, not seeming to notice the blonde standing at the door.
“Hey.” He called softly making the two toned haired girl jump and clutch the notebook to her chest as her face heated up in embarrassment. She opened her mouth to speak before opting for a simple wave. “Listen I-” Fists clenched at his sides as he sighed, looking towards the ceiling, searching for the right words to say.
Quietly setting her notebook down on the bed, Akari stood and moved towards him, her heart fluttering at the thought of what she was about to do.
“I’m sorry-” A small hand tilted his chin down, the small girl placing her free hand on the back of his neck and gently pulling him towards her as she stood on her toes to help close the distance between them.
“Shut up, Dumbass.” 
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
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How did I… *giggles inappropriately like a 7 year old* What the hell kind of anime is this? Does this anime take place on the crapper? Shit, I gotta watch this mess!
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And seriously, who animated this? Was it the same guys that did Danganronpa?
Let me see…Studio Lerche…YEP! And that also explains why the main boy is played by Megumi Ogata again!
At Kamome Academy, there’s said to be seven wonders haunting the school. One of the wonders revolves around an apparition by the name of Hanako-kun. Hanako resides in the third stall of the third floor to the girl’s bathroom. It is believed that Hanako has the ability to grant any wish when summoned. We begin our tale with young girl, Nene Yashiro, seeking Hanako’s help to get a young boy to fall in love with her. But when she summons Hanako it is quickly discovered that Hanako is a boy living in a girl’s bathroom stall.
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Your guess is as good as mine! Add another questionable character Megumi Ogata plays!
Due to a misunderstanding with a mermaid artifact, Yashiro is now bound to Hanako. Kind of like a slave or a hostage or a new friend. However you interpret this contract! And then there’s this monk in training (named Minamoto) who has a vendetta against Hanako. So we see this guy throughout the series as well.
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Let’s have fun with the wacky misadventures of Yashiro, a gung-ho monk, and the toilet-bound spirit, Hanako-kun.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: This is a FUNimation licensed anime and they managed to dub several episodes prior to the COVID pandemic. I never got a chance to watch the dub, so I’ll just focus on the sub. Megumi Ogata is back to play another mysterious boy. And as for Akari Kitou, I’m starting to hear her a lot more often in the last two years. I really enjoyed her as Yashiro. Almost reminds me of her voice in Hitoribocchi! She’s in quite a bit of animes in 2020, so I would watch out for her. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from!
JAPANESE CAST: *Hanako is played by Megumi Ogata (known for Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon S, Yukito on CCS, Kurama on Yu Yu Hakusho, Naegi on Danganronpa, Shinji on Evangelion, Ayato on Angel Beats, and Yugi on YGO)
*Yashiro is played by Akari Kitou (known for Aru on Hitoribocchi, Kotoko on In/Spectre, and Kaho on Blend S)
*Minamoto is played by Shouya Chiba
ENGLISH CAST: *Hanako is played by Justin Briner (known for Deku on My Hero Academia, Yukito on CCS: Clear Card, Luck on Black Clover, and Mitarai on Danganronpa 3)
*Yashiro is played by Tia Ballard (known for Happy on Fairy Tail, Yamato on My Love Story, Kagura on Fruits Basket 2019, Komari on Little Busters, Zero Two on Darling in the FranXX, and Megumi on Shiki)
*Minamoto is played by Tyson Rinehart (known for Daru on Steins;Gate, Enji on Tokyo Ghoul, Hifumi on Danganronpa, Matsuda on High School DxD, and Bartolomeo on One Piece)
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SHIPPING: At the beginning of the series, it seems as though Yashiro was the type to fall in love easily with pretty-looking boys. But will always meet up with disappointment as all these boys prefer someone else or they suddenly have standards. There’s even a running joke about Yashiro having fat ankles (or daikon legs), that has been a turn-off to some of the boys that she falls for. But a few episodes later, we notice Yashiro having a little crush on Hanako. I shouldn’t question a little girl falling in love with a ghost who loiters around the girl’s bathroom because this is Japan. Absurdity at best! There’s also this sort of admiration that Minamoto has for Yashiro. I really didn’t think too much on that due to this anime laying on the Hanako x Yashiro ship thick. And also…
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I support Minamoto x Mitsuba.
I found this cute and I really wish for more between these two characters if this series gets a continuation. Don’t at me! I don’t care if Mitsuba’s an apirition and dumbass over here has to exercise demons. This is cute!
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ANIMATION: Aside from this animation looking like it came from the ghost of Danganronpa past, I would like to commend this on something else. So one thing I do have to give credit to is that this anime, more often than not feels like you’re reading a manga from the way the design is setup. I just thought that was neat and felt like saying something about that.
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ENDING: Pretty much all of the strange anomalies surrounding the school are just rumors (but the ghosts are very much real, just the tales about them are fake). And the one spreading those rumors is Hanako’s twin brother (who is also a ghost), Tsukasa. I should also point out that Hanako’s real name is Amane. But we really shouldn’t worry about this sibling rivalry as we know nothing about how or why Hanako killed his brother and it’s not brought up all that much in the finale. Yeah, this is balls-to-the-wall trippy.
Instead, we get a small arc of Minamoto befriending a spirit named Mitsuba. However this goes south really fast when Mitsuba’s soul is used by one of the seven wonders of the school and is then manipulated by Hanako’s twin brother Tsukasa. After that, Mitsuba is unable to know why he died or even the time he spent with Minamoto is erased.
In the final episode, we kinda go back to aspects of the first episode. As you may recall, Yashiro swallowed a mermaid artifact that makes her turn into a fish whenever she gets wet. Yashiro is visited by two fish spirits who want her to drink this mermaid blood potion so that she can cut the hold Hanako has on her and become the mermaid princess in their realm. Yashiro was kind of in an awkward situation as she cares for Hanako, but is constantly thrown bags of reality at her with how Hanako has treated her since forming the contract. They promise her popularity, a harem of eligible fish bachelors, and an escape from her body issue with her “daikon legs”.
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Hey, you’d develop a complex too if people constantly taunt you for having fat ankles!
Anyways, she denied their request. But they were rather persistent and grabbed her by force. Thankfully, Hanako wasn’t far behind and saved her and set the fish packing.
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Yashiro and Hanako’s relationship as a whole takes a turn for the better as Yashiro decides to stay by Hanako and he will eventually confide in Yashiro about his past.
This was a unique series. I mean, it was all over the place in where this story was going to go. But in terms of conclusions, not so much! I mean, Hanako’s brother is still spreading rumors around the school and unsuspecting students repeat it despite it being mostly false. We’re unsure of many things about those ghost brothers and the drama that went down when Tsukasa died. Hell, I’m not even sure the manga is that far ahead either. I loved the animation to this. Sure it looks like a Danganronpa clone, but again Studio Lerche animated it. But their direction of making this feel like a colorized manga at times was something I like to commend it for.
Each episode had a nice, quirky vibe to it whenever Hanako’s on the screen. So I say give it a try. It’s not a long series.
FUNimation has all 12 episodes available for streaming. Now that FUNimation is doing simuldubs again, Hanako-kun has a few more episodes available in English.
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writerleo86 · 3 years
Terravenger Season 5 - Part One: Episode 346 (Do Not Copy!)
   At the beautiful gardens on the top of the Midas Academy, the chosen students were gathered as their principal Beau Ravenstone had summoned a large portal made of bright purple energy. Meanwhile, the young counselor Mercury stood by the left side of his commander.
   "Now then!" Beau told his students. "Let us of the Midas Armed Forces be off to claim the ultimate prize as we win at the Armed Forces Exams!"
   Tai gave out a determined smile as he thought to himself "Hold on Silver Jay! This is gonna be a ride to remember."
   The large hole of purple light continued to shine and Tai thought more.
   "Me winnin' the entire damn tournament! Or me tryin' at least."
   The students began making their way into the portal as Tai replied in his thoughts "Whatever happens from here on out, I'll do my best!"
Episode 346:  Entering Silver Jay; The Eve of the Exams
   The students along with the two soldiers -- Beau and Mercury -- traveled through the dark void until they all fell onto the ground that was made of the purest white stone.
   After the portal quickly closed, everyone looked forward and found themselves standing before a large rectangular building that was made of white metal.
   The calm girl Iris stood on her feet as she asked "What is this place?"
   Everyone else stood up and Declan who was at the other side of Iris had asked "Is this where we are suppose to be?"
   Their commander Beau walked a few steps forward and informed everyone "This is it. This is the place where your trials will begin."
   "Are you all blind?" questioned Paige.
   And she answered "We have arrived at our destination. We are at the base of the royal city itself. We have come to Silver City. And the building that stands before us... This is where the Terravenger Council reside."
   Next, the soldiers led the students inside the beautiful building. They soon walked through the white hallway until Beau pointed to a pair of large doors before him.
   "You all must go from here," He informed the students. "But the Counselor and I shall meet with all of you at a later time."
   And every student entered through the doors after Beau said "Off you go. And the best of luck."
   The five friends -- Akari, Tai, Clay, Dilan, and Jade -- gathered together as everyone walked through the next hallway.
   "I wonder what this is about?" questioned Akari.
   "Maybe a sign-up sheet or somethin'!" Tai claimed.
   "That..." said Dilan. "...possibly is what this is, Tai."
   At the middle of the long line were the pair of Pacey Deacon and Declan Sharpe.
   "I do not like either the look..." Declan replied. "...or the sound oft this way."
   "I must agree," said Pacey.
   Luna hurried toward them and asked "What do you two think of this?"
   "I have not the foggiest idea," answered Declan.
   And everyone found themselves in a large room full of books on the shelves around them as well as tables, chairs, and couches at the center.
   "This must be like a dorm or such," implied Iris.
   Paige soon discovered a large wooden door in front of her and claimed "I may have found where the girls will stay during our time here."
   Akari walked toward them as Paige pointed at the top of the door with her right finger. And Akari spotted a black sign placed on the wall above the door that said 'LADIES' in white capital letters.
   "You're right Iris," replied Akari. "We are at the center of the dorms."
   Luna quickly joined the three girls and told both Pacey and Declan "I guess I'll see you two later."
   "Very well," said Pacey.
   Then he spotted the door to the dormitory for the boys and informed Luna "We will get settled as well. And I am sure the Commander or somebody else will have us all meet somewhere soon."
   And Pacey found his friend Declan searching around with questioned eyes.
   "What do you think, Sharpe?" He asked.
   Declan answered "I don't know. Something is odd about this place. I just cannot determine it at the moment."
   "This is fair," said Pacey.
   The three other boys -- Tai, Dilan, and Clay -- gathered with them.
   And Tai told Pacey "I guess we're roomies Pal!"
   The group of boys walked inside and found themselves in a large room that was full of beds with clean sheets and pillows. Then they walked forward as two more followed -- Cheetah and Jonny Griffin.
   "Ren told me you were in these games before," implied Cheetah.
   An emotionless Jonny stared forward as he answered "I have been here before."
   The last boy -- Eli Peters -- walked into the room and asked Jonny "Do you know about what type of tests are stored?
   "They change them every year," Jonny told the younger boys. "I don't know what we should expect from Panel this year."
   "Panel?" repeated Cheetah.
   And Jonny answered "The Commander was wrong about this place. And I doubt McCormack knows anything. This is not the Terravenger Council building. This is actually a castle that belongs to Titania Panel."
   Then he walked off as both Cheetah and Eli looked around in question.
   "I guess investigating is in order," Eli implied.
   "Ya think?" asked Cheetah. "Do ya think da Commander fooled all of us about dis place?"
   "I'm sure he did," Eli responded. "We all fell for it. And I think he did this to test us as well."
   The pair were soon approached by Dilan Carr.
   "What is going on with the both of you?" He asked.
   Cheetah folded his arms in front of him and informed Dilan "Peters and I are gonna do some recon of our own."
   "And you Carr," added Eli. "We will need you to come along."
   "Do you mean an investigation?" questioned Dilan.
   Then Eli replied "I don't know. But I think the Commander set us up."
   "What?" cried Dilan. "No way!"
   "We ain't at the Terravenger Council's," Cheetah answered. "Da Commander probably lied his ass off. We're somewhere else. And I gotta find out where."
   "And we need your help Carr," Eli replied. "Your expertise may be of help to us to find out what we can about this place."
   Dilan turned his head away and thought for a moment.
   "Come on Carr!" whispered Cheetah. "Yer da smartest one here! In fact, yer da only one who does recon real good! We need ya for dis!"
   After that, Dilan shook his head and responded.
   "Okay then. I will help you. You both can rely on me."
   Then Dilan lowered his head and told them "I had a bad feeling about this place from the moment we arrived. Besides, I would not mind to go on an adventure right now."
   A smiling Cheetah nodded and asked "Who are ya and where's da real Dilan Carr?"
   "What do you mean?" asked Dilan.
   "You wanna go on dis little adventure wit' us," Cheetah replied. "Dis ain't like ya Mate."
   And Eli informed Dilan "I think Cheetah is trying to say is that you were never the one to be this outgoing."
   Dilan gave out a soft laugh and said "We are at a place of mystery after all. Why wouldn't I want to look around for answers to my own questions?"
   And Cheetah shook his head as he chuckled.
   A smiling Eli nodded his head and said "Then the three of us are on board."
   An hour later, the three students hurried into the first long hallway of the large fortress.
   "This will be an interesting search," Dilan implied. "We happen to be in a large compound. We may get ourselves lost."
   Cheetah informed him "Ain't gonna happen Mate. I got da scent of dis hall down. We'll be fine."
   "And that's why I brought Cheetah along," Eli described. "He has a great sense of smell. That will definitely come in handy."
   The small team began walking through the next hallway that became even darker. So, Eli raised his right thumb and a small golden flame formed from it.
   "I'm so glad..." Cheetah told him. "...yer a fire-type Mate. We needed da light."
   "How did you come to the conclusion..." Dilan asked. "...of this not being where the Terravenger Council resides?"
   "It was Griffin," Eli responded. "He told us that this was not the Terravenger Council's building. He said this castle actually belongs to a Titania Panel."
   "Titania Panel?" Dilan recalled. "I read about her while I researched about the Armed Forces Examinations. She is a member of the Great Admirals. And she is the head that sponsors the Exams."
   "Now we know who did Panel is," said Cheetah. "Now we gotta know where da Commander left us at."
   "I may have an answer to that as well," claimed Dilan.
   The team soon found themselves inside a large dark room that was filled with large portraits hanging on every wall.
   Dilan flipped a switch on the wall by his right side. And the lights were turned on.
   Then the boys looked around and Dilan responded "And this confirms it. We are at one of her family's old homes. It is called Noxpannon, which means Snow Portion in Latin."
   "Apparently she comes from old money," implied Eli.
   Next, Eli discovered a closed door at the far side of the room. So he walked toward it. But before he could touch the knob of the door with his right hand, a rectangular wall made of bright white light had formed at the door. And Eli pounced away immediately.
   "I will not let you go in there,"
   The three boys turned around and spotted someone standing at the other side.
   "Da hell?" cried Cheetah.
   This was a young woman with fair skin and blue-gray eyes. She had on black eyeliner, black eye-shadow, and peach lipstick. And her brunette hair was long and wavy. She wore a white blouse with long sleeves, tight white pants, and short blue boots.
   Cheetah went into his battle stance as he loudly asked "Carr? Dis is her, right? Dat Panel chick?"
   The woman answered "I am the caretaker of this establishment. I was hired by the Lady Admiral to tend to everything that is on the property during her absence."
   "Her caretaker huh?" yelled Cheetah.
   Dilan analyzed the wall of white energy using only his eyes and reported to his partners "This is a barrier made of Light itself. I am not certain either of us will be able to penetrate it, at least not easily."
   Eli walked to the the right side of Cheetah and told him "You might as well stand down. Apparently, the lady doesn't want us to go inside."
   "But why da hell is dat?" shouted Cheetah.
   "You will learn soon enough," said the woman. "But I suggest you all return to your dormitory until you are summoned."
   Dilan hurried to the other side of Cheetah and cried "Let's go you two! I do not want to get anyone from our school in trouble."
   Then Cheetah stood up and yelled "Fine! Let's get outta here!"
   Both Eli and Dilan hurried off as a defensive Cheetah watched the caretaker for a moment as she folded her arms. And the spotted youth left as well.
   And a strong female voice yelled "You're working here now!"
   The caretaker faced forward as someone revealed themselves from the shadows by the right side of the room. She laid her right hand down and the wall of white light faded from the door behind her. And she gave a calm smile as the newcomer walked to her.
   "It has been a while," She implied.
   The person turned out to be the ageless doctor, Engana Vega. She had on black eyeliner and red lipstick. And her long silver hair was worn down. She wore a sleeveless white top, tight turquoise pants, and short brown boots. And her MAF badge was placed on the left side of her chest.
   "It's been almost five years," Vega announced. "Long enough to lose touch."
   "That's not my fault," The caretaker implied. "You seem to be too busy to even take my calls."
   Vega lowered her head as she blew a short breath.
   And she responded "I know. I'm sorry of not keepin' in touch with you. I've been real busy lately."
   Then Vega commented "Panel hired somebody after all this time to take care of her home? The old gal must be going senile."
   "Make fun if you want," The woman told her. "The Lady Admiral has been good and fair to me since I started. In fact, I have never seen her interact with anyone as much as she does with me."
   "She must have been lonely," said Vega. "But she isn't really the talkin' type. So you might have changed her, for the better!"
   The younger woman placed her right hand around her left wrist as she said "And for her to have many people stay at her home. This has been a great change for her."
   Vega gave out a soft laugh and informed her "I think you had a major influence on the Ice Queen."
   "You think so?" questioned the woman.
   And Vega responded "No one's as strong and gifted as you Mallory Murphy. I'm sure you can convince some of the young ladies how to learn how to cook if you wanted."
   Mallory gave out a quick chuckle and said "You always know how to cheer me up Engana."
   After that, Vega placed her right hand on the left arm of the other woman.
   "I'm glad you came, Engana," Mallory told her.
   "Of course," Vega replied. "That's what sisters are for. That, and I gotta be here to watch the exams. Why would I watch it on TV instead of bein' here?"
   Mallory gave out another laugh and implied "It may be that we have students with more promise this time around."
   "Especially from my school," added Vega. "I'm sure the brats from Midas will show the others how it's done."
   And the two women laughed together.
0 notes
cheriechanstories · 4 years
Chapter V.
‘Rescue Mission’
Previously on ‘Tale of the Demon Hero’:  Hiiro successfully brought Harue back to the ‘Main Island’ along with Rai and the others while ‘Iytherian Representatives’ were held as hostages in the ‘Mystic Garden’ and Mr. Geno can only save them if he brings the ‘Book of Prophecies’ to her in exchange for their freedom.
In the ‘Underground Prison’
East Wing
Cell Room #5…
“Let me go! I said let me go!” Emi said as she struggles while three Imperial Soldiers brought her to the ‘Underground Prison’.
“Stop struggling and be quiet!” The first Imperial Soldier said as he yelled at Emi who flinched and looked away.
“Here we are. We have arrived at the Cell Room #5.” The second Imperial Soldier said as he took out the keys and opened the door.
‘Oh my, who is this?
That girl, the only witness
Of the Past
Is still alive?’
Someone said as it slowly walked towards to the light.
“Stay away! Or else we will shoot you.” The second Imperial Soldier said as he cowardly ran out of the cell room.
“Hurry! Push her inside before someone can see us.” The third Imperial Soldier said as he got scared and pushed Emi to the Cell Room #5.
“Don’t worry! Nobody goes down in here to visit the prisoners.” The first Imperial Soldier said as he was about to closed the door…
‘Within my given abilities, I command thee, Bore'
Emi said as she used her ‘Earth-alementalian Magic’ and bore a hole on the ground and went to through an abandoned underground tunnel to escape out of the Imperial Court Head Quarters. The three Imperial Soldiers flew away out of the room and rolled over the floor. After the loud explosion, dust and smoke filled the air as the other Imperial Soldiers came to check what happened in the East Wing.
Inside the Advisor’s Room…
“Master Hiiro, Mrs. Aya has arrived.” The first Lower Knight said as he, his fellow Lower Knight and Mrs. Aya were waiting outside the room.
“Come in.” Hiiro said as the Lower Knight opened the door and they all went inside the room.
“Uh? Books and papers are scattered everywhere. What happened in here?” Mrs. Aya said as she asked Hiiro and looked around his messy room.
“Damn it! I thought I – We almost had it. I failed.” Hiiro said as he grabbed the flower vase and threw it on the floor.
“Master Hiiro, please calm down. I suggest that we should retrace our steps in finding the ‘Key’.” The first Lower Knight said as he picked the ‘Book of Prophecies’ off the floor and placed it on top of Hiiro’s desk.
“You found the girl named ‘Emi’, thought she is the ‘Key’ but she wasn’t. Nice try Hiiro.” Mrs. Aya said as she approached Hiiro and pats his right shoulder.
“Then, what should I do?! I’ve done everything and I still cannot that person who has the ability to open this damn book.” Hiiro said as he yelled and sat on his chair.
“The first thing that you should do is to calm down and then retrace your steps. Or else they will both hunt us down.” Mrs. Aya said as she motioned the two Lower Knights to get out of the room.
“Hunt us down? Who? What do you mean?” Hiiro said as he asked Mrs. Aya who was looking at the ‘Book of Prophecies.’
“I heard rumors that Mr. Geno and Ms. Akari were planning a rebellion against the ‘Alliance’. They were planning to sold us out Mr. Sai and tell everyone the truth.” Mrs. Aya said as she told Hiiro as he suddenly smiled and laugh hysterically.
“Akari too? Ha-Haha! Now they are planning to sell us out?! This is so interesting! Mr. Geno is so selfish that he only wanted to save himself and he also got Akari to play along with his crazy antics.” Hiiro said as he continues to laugh hysterically, making Mrs. Aya uncomfortable.
“And another thing, Hiiro, the Council wishes you good luck on your rescue mission tomorrow. Don’t worry. I will handle this matter while you are gone. “Mrs. Aya said as she walked away and went out of the room.
“Ha-haha! Things are now getting interesting! Soon enough everything will fall into their places. I will find each piece of the puzzle and fulfill my destiny.” Hiiro said as he laughs hysterically while inside his room, looking at the ‘Book of Prophecies.’
 ‘Master Hiiro,
I have arrived.
She asked me to
You this.’
The ‘Black Hound’ said as it walked out of Hiiro’s shadow, carrying a white envelope on this mouth.
“Oh? This is from that woman, again. I will read it later. Thank you.” Hiiro said as he picked up the white envelope and placed it on the top of his desk.
‘Master Hiiro
I have bad news.
The ‘Enchantress’ got escaped.’
“What?! Then, don’t let her escape. Find her immediately! She cannot tell anyone about our plan. Hurry!” Hiiro said as he panicked and then ‘Black Hound’ suddenly disappeared.
“Sir Hiiro, I have come to clean your room.” One of Hiiro’s maids said as she knocked on the door while waiting outside the room.
“Damn it!… Ah! Please come in.” Hiiro said as he silently cursed out and then maid went inside his room
That night,
Inside the Matsuoka Rest House…
“Uh? Sir Yuki, I think you should calm down and we should wait for ‘Princess’ Harue inside the living room.” One of Yuki’s maids said as she noticed that Yuki standing in front of the main door for 20 minutes, waiting for Harue to arrive.
“I know! But I am worried for her. She just got back here in the ‘Main Island’ and there is the ‘Candidates’ Presentation’. …What if she got kidnapped?! No!!!” Yuki said as he got worried, grabbed his maid’s shoulders and started shaking her.
“We received a word that the ‘Fireiyan Representatives’ found her wandering inside the ‘Central Station’ and now on their way back to the Rest house.” His maid said as he stopped shaking her.
“Good evening! Hello! Is anyone home? We have arrived.” Mr. Sai said as he yelled and opened the main door for the others and they all went inside the Rest House.
“Good evening Sir Yuki. We are the ‘Fireiyan Representatives.’ And we came in here to – Uh?” Mr. Mai said as Harue suddenly ran behind her, trying to hide from his big brother.
“We came in here to take Harue safely back to your Rest House.” Ms. Akari said as Yuki crossed his arms and sighed.
“Good evening, Council members. Thank you for bringing my little sister safely back in our Rest House. Rest assured that this will never happen again.” Yuki said as he and his maid kneel down on the floor.
“Don’t mind it. Come on, stand up. This is your home anyway.” Mr. Sai said as Yuki and his maid stood up.
“Good evening, I-I’m back big brother Yuki.” Harue said as she bravely stepped forward to her big brother.
“Then, we must get going. Good night Harue.” Mrs. Mai said as she, her husband and Ms. Akari went out of the Rest House, accompanied by Yuki’s maid.
“U-Um? I would like to apologize for arriving back so late. I didn’t mean to –“Harue said as she tried to apologize.
“So, where have you been?” Yuki said as he pats Harue’s head and asked her.
“Eh? So, you are not angry?” Harue said as she smiled and Yuki sighed.
“The important thing is that you came back home safe. Now, go to your room and clean up yourself.” Yuki said as Harue hugged him and ran upstairs.
Few minutes later…
In Harue’s Room                            
“Hey... are you done?” Yuki said as he knocked while waiting outside Harue’s room.
“Yes. Please come in.” Harue said as she jumped onto her bed and Yuki went inside her room.
“I brought your new clothes. Uh? What are you doing?” Yuki said as he saw Harue lying downwards on her bed, still wearing her bathrobe and rubbing her eyes.
“Resting. You can put that on my table. Thank you.” Harue said as she lazily tossed over to the other side of her bed.
“Get up. I will help you dry your hair.” Yuki said as he placed the clothes on Harue’s bed and grabbed the towel.
“Thank you Big brother.” Harue said as she suddenly stood up and sat on the right side of her bed and then Yuki starts combing her hair.
“So, where have you been?” Yuki said as he gently dry off her hair.
“U-Uh? I was wandering in the ‘Central Station’ with my friends and then Mr. Sai and the others came to apprehend a young man.” Harue said as Yuki grabbed the hair brush and start combing her hair.
“Oh…so the rumors were true then.” Yuki said as the hair brush got entangled with Harue’s hair.
“Rumors? About what?” Harue said as she got curious, looked up and asked Yuki.
“I’ve heard that there is an on-going war between us, the ‘Main’ and the ‘Common Combinations’ Alementalian magic users. The war started after the former ‘Imperial Prince’ got exiled six months ago.” Yuki said as he gently pulls the brush off Harue’s hair.
“On-going war?! But why they would start a war?! Did we do something wrong?” Harue said as she got angry.
“The war aims to prove which ‘Alementalian Magic’ is the best and whoever wins will get to sit on the throne. That’s what big brother Hiiro said. Damn it! I can’t untangle it.” Yuki said as he gave up on untangling the brush off Harue’s hair.
“That throne, again. It is just an empty chair.” Harue said as she clenched her right fist.
“Not for long. After the ‘Candidates’ Presentation’, you will finally make your decision to choose the new ‘Imperial Ruler of Alementalia.’ The Council hopes that your chosen candidate will help us to stop the war before it gets worse.” Yuki said as he, again tried to untangle the brush off Harue’s hair but he got pissed off.
“I don’t know, big brother. I can’t even take of myself nor make a decision for the sake of our Kingdom.” Harue said as Yuki looked at her and sighed.
“Then, select already your candidate and make the final decision. Anyway, I am amazed on how you can manage to comb your very, very long…hair. Uh!” Yuki said as he finally gave up and sighed.
“Select my candidate huh? Um…About that, I finally decided who is going to be my candidate.” Harue said as she looked to Yuki.
“U-uh? You already have a candidate?  That’s good news then. You must inform the Council about that.”  Yuki said as he was surprised from what she said.
“I will, soon. But before that, please promise me that you will not tell big brother Hiiro what happened today.” Harue said as she pleaded to Yuki who crossed his arms.
“Okay. I will not tell him about what happened today only if…You promise that from now on you will do your duty as the official ‘officer-in-charge’ in the Imperial Court Headquarters. Everyone needs you back in the HQ.” Yuki said as Harue pouted and lazily jumped back onto her bed.
“Okay. I promise. Eh? What happened to my hair?” Harue said as she stood up and smiled.
“Alright. Now, wear this clothes and go to sleep.” Yuki said as he also stood up and went out of the room.
“Oh no! My hair! Eh? The brush got entangled with my hair. Big Brother Yuki!” Harue said as she yelled out while Yuki was giggling outside her room.
“’Princess’ Harue, I have come to help you.” One of Harue’s maids said as she knocked on the door while waiting outside her room.
“Come in. Please help me.” Harue said as she pouted and the maid went inside the room.
In the Imperial Court HQ’s backyard…
“Did you found him?” The Imperial Captain said as he asked the Imperial Soldiers.
“No Sir. We lost him after he went inside the backyard.” The first Imperial Soldier said making the Captain angry.
“You fool! Continue searching for him. The ‘Fireiyan Representatives’ are on their way back to the I.C.H.Q. Find him or else we will be all dead.” The Imperial Captain said as he yelled at the Imperial Soldiers who flinched and immediately ran away.
“Hey! I saw him went this way.” The first Imperial Soldier said as he and the others were scouting around the backyard.  The other Imperial Soldiers followed him and went inside the forest behind the HQ’s backyard.
“Finally, I outsmarted them.” The injured, young man said as he was sitting on a branch up on an old tree inside the backyard.
Few minutes later, the ground began quaking and the young man fell off the tree. Beside the same tree, a hole has been magically bore on the ground and Emi began climbing up the surface.
“Ow-Ouch… An earthquake? Hey! Are you alright?” The young man said as he saw Emi lying down on the ground, unconscious.
“Uh…Where-Who are you? Stay away from me!” Emi said as she slowly woke up and looked at the young man.
“I’m – No! Here, let me help you.” The young man said as he carried Emi on his back even though he has an injury.
“No. Please put me down. Why are you helping me? I’m a fugitive -.” Emi said as the young man ran away, carrying her.
“So am I. Let’s get out of here.” The young man said as he ran away and escaped to the other side of the forest.
“You are? Uh? I don’t get -…” Emi said as she slowly fell asleep on his back. The young man finally found a hiding place, a cave and gently put Emi down on the ground.
“U-Uh? Where am I? Hey, are you alright?” Emi said as she finally woke up and saw the unconscious young man lying down on the other side of the cave.
“There you are! Don’t move!” The Imperial Soldier said as he saw Emi hiding inside the cave.
“Oh my, you found us. This is bad.” Emi said as she stood up and then walked towards the Imperial Soldier.
“I said don’t move. Huh!? Where did she go?” The Imperial Soldier said as Emi suddenly disappeared in front of him.
“Sleep well, my dear Soldier.” Emi said as she snapped out, mysteriously appeared behind the Imperial Soldier and pushed him away.
The soldier got startled and then accidentally slipped, rolled away eventually hit the tree. Emi approached the unconscious soldier, grabbed his neck and strangled him until he died.
Few hours later…
“U-Uh? W-where am I? Huh?” The young man said as he slowly woke up and looked around the cave.
“Finally, you woke up. Here, drink this.” Emi said as he gave the cup to the young man.
“Thank you. Eh? What happened to my wound?” The young man said as he saw the bandages covering his right leg.
“I took his first aid supplies and used it to cover your wound.” Emi said as the young man looked outside the cave and saw an Imperial Soldier lying down on the ground, unconscious.
“An Imperial Soldier?! They found us! Let’s get out of here.”  The young man said as he stood up but because of his injury he immediately fell down on the ground.
“Uh? A-Anyway, thank you for covering up my wound. I’m Marco.” The young man said as he introduced himself to Emi.
“Marco?! You are big brother’s Assistant.” Emi said as she recognized the young man whom she met six months ago.
“Uh? How did you know that name? Have we met before?” Marco said as he wondered and asked Emi.
“Uh?! N-no! Sorry, I thought you are someone else. I’m Emi. Nice to meet you.” Emi said as she introduced herself to Marco.
“I was trying to escape from the Imperial Soldiers before they bring me to the ‘Underground Prison.’ How about you? What are you doing inside that hole? ” Marco said as he asked Emi who flinched.
“Inside that hole? Well, I used my ‘Earth-Alementalian’ magic to bore a hole to escape from the ‘Underground Prison’ and managed to dig a tunnel to get out of the I.C.H.Q.” Emi said as Marco suddenly approached her and pats her right shoulder.
“You escaped from the ‘Underground Prison’?! That’s amazing! No one ever thought of escaping from that ‘Prison’ and you got no injury!” Marco said as he cheerfully ruffled Emi’s hair and sat beside her.
“You think so? Thank you. Now, what are we going to do?” Emi said as she tried to hide her blushing face and asked Marco.
“I really don’t know. After what I’ve done in the ‘Central Station’, I’m sure the Imperial Soldiers will send search parties to hunt me. I murdered – Huh?” Marco said as Emi grabbed his right hand and stood up.
“Hey! Over here! They are inside this cave.” The second Imperial Soldier said as he finally found Marco and Emi.
“What happened to him? Is he still alive?” The third Imperial Soldier said as he also arrived on the scene and looked at their fellow soldier lying down on the ground.
“Let’s go! I will lead the way. Marco?” Emi said as she wondered why Marco gently pushed her away from him.
“I will buy you some time to escape.” Marco said as he kneels down, touches the ground using his right hand and began enchanting his spell.
‘Within the abilities
Given to me,
I command thee, combine.’
Marco said as his magic began crumbling the ground and combining it with the underground water to form a slippery mud pit outside the cave.
“A-amazing! You can manipulate both ‘Earth and Water-Alementalian magic’. Wait! You are one of the ‘Common Combination’ users? With your abilities, you can easily overthrow the Kingdom –?” Emi said as Marco suddenly yelled at her.
“Emi, we are not here to overthrow the Kingdom but rather to save it from its demise. Hurry! Run away!” Marco said as Emi flinched and ran to the East side of the forest.  
The two Imperial Soldiers attempted to ran above the mud pit to chase Emi but as they cross, they eventually slipped and got stuck inside the mud pit.
“Mud? I can’t move my arms.” The second Imperial Soldier said as he panicked, trying to escape from the mud pit.
“Stupid! You are the not only one who can’t even move. Huh?! What is happening? Help! Somebody help us.” The third Imperial Soldier said as he also panicked because they were slowly being absorbed by the mud pit.
“Sorry Master Maki, I failed to find your little sister.” Marco said as his magic slowly drained his remaining magical energy, lost his consciousness and fell on the mud pit as well.
“Eh? The mud pit stopped from moving. Hey! Wake up! Wake up!” The second Imperial Soldier said as he can finally move his arms.
The other Imperial Soldier realized that he survived their ordeal and lost his consciousness while still stuck inside the pit.
“Captain! Over here!” The fourth Imperial Soldier said as he found the others trapped inside the mud pit.
“There you are! Huh? What happened in here?” The Imperial Captain said as he and the others found the mud pit.
“Hurry! Let’s pull them out of the mud pit.” The fifth Imperial Soldier said as he immediately grabbed the vines hanging down on the trees, tied them on their trunks and throws the other end of the vines inside the mud pit.
After one hour, they finally managed to pull their fellow buddies out of the mud pit.
The next day
In the ‘Alementalia Central Airport’
Inside the tarmac…
“Sir Hiiro, we have finished loading our supplies inside the Aerostat. We just need to do a maintenance check before we leave in 15 minutes.” The Senior Aerostat Captain said as he reported to Hiiro.
“Good. Just approach me if we are ready to leave.” Hiiro said as he Aerostat Captain nodded and left.
“So, we are riding on that Aerostat? It is quite different from the previous ones.” Hikaru said as he wondered while looking at the Aerostat.
“Yes. The other one that I crashed into the ‘Dark Forest’ is used for leisure activities while that is used for emergencies or rescue missions.” Eito said as he sighed and explained to Hikaru.
“Eh? That’s amazing. I didn’t know the HQ had that thing.” Hikaru said as he got curious and began fixing his metallic armor.
“That is because this kind of aerostat IS only used for emergencies or rescue mission. That was on the ‘Soldiers’ Manual’. You fool!” Eito said as he snapped out and sighed.
“Yes. It has been a while since we used that Aerostat. She maybe looks old but she can still fly. Uh? Is that?” Hiiro said as they saw a carriage stopped a few meters away from them.
“There he is! Big brother Hiiro!” Harue said as she suddenly run toward her big brother and hugged him.
“’Princess’ Harue, please be careful and do not run while inside the tarmac!” Mayumi said as she got off the mini bus and saw Harue running away from her.
“Harue?! Ow-Ouch…What are you doing in here?” Hiiro said as he accidentally slipped and they both fell on the ground.”
“I came in here to say ‘good luck’ and inform you that I’ve found my Candidate.” Harue said as Hiiro suddenly trembles and gently lift her up.
“Y-you did? Well, that’s good news. We must inform the Council about that after we came back.” Hiiro said as he ruffled Harue’s hair.
“Don’t worry! I will inform them myself.” Harue said as everyone suspiciously looked at her.
“But I thought you don’t want to visit the I.C.H.Q ever again.” Eito said as he wondered and playfully poked her right cheek.
“Yes! B-but big brother Yuki’s maid asked me to bring his lunch to the I.C.H.Q since he left it back in the Rest House so I’ve also decided to inform the Council about my Candidate myself.” Harue said as everyone suspiciously looked at her.
“That’s suspicious. Yuki usually eats his lunch in the Cafeteria with his colleagues.” Hiiro said as he wondered while Harue flinched.
“Finally, she has arrived.” Hikaru said as he saw Mayumi who ignored him.
“Good morning, your highness. I would like to apologize for being late. I came in here to tell you that I cannot join in the rescue mission because Sir Yuki asked me to become Harue’s attendant for today.” Mayumi said as Hiiro giggled while Hikaru and Eito looked her.
“Ah! I forgot that. Don’t worry. Yuki informed me about that earlier this morning and I approved because Harue really needs an – Eh?” Hiiro said as Harue suddenly pinched his right cheek.
“So, that’s why she is here. Big brother Yuki lied to me.” Harue said as she stopped pinching his cheek.
“Sir Hiiro! We are ready to leave!” The Aerostat Captain said as he run towards to Hiiro and the others.
“We must get going. See you tomorrow Harue.” Hiiro said as he playfully poked Harue’s forehead.
“Will you stop poking my forehead?! Move! They are calling you. ” Harue shyly said as she tried to push Hiiro to walk away.
“Alright! Eito and Hikaru, let’s go. I wonder why I am not moving even an inch.” Hiiro said as Harue blushed.
“Weak…How pitiful.” Eito said as he looked away and giggled.
“Hey! About what I asked you during our fight-…” Hikaru said as Mayumi blushed and flinched.
“Don’t you dare say another word or else I will shove this wooden spear in your mouth.” Mayumi said as she threatened Hikaru with her spear.
“U-Uh? I was hoping that you can give you response when I got back.” Hikaru cheerfully said as he pats Mayumi’s hair.
“Huh!? Hands off! W-what if you do not come back from this rescue mission?! Remember you are dealing with ‘Living Fiends’… Eh?!” Mayumi said as she blushed and asked Hikaru.
“Hey! Idiot, we have to get going.” Eito said as he called out Hikaru and then ran away.
“Coming!... Then, I will make sure that I come back, alive. See ya!” Hikaru said as he gave her a light quick kiss on her lips and ran away.
“I saw that! Hikaru just kissed you. Hey! Don’t tell me…Was that your first kiss?” Harue said as she grabbed Mayumi’s shoulders and began shaking her.
“I-I…really hate you!” Mayumi said as she got flustered, snapped out and threw the wooden spear to Hikaru with all of her might.
The wooden spear flew and luckily hit on the ground few meters away from Hiiro who was outside the Aerostat waiting for Hikaru.
“Your highness, we have to get out of here. The Aerostat will be ascending any minute now and it would be dangerous if you stay around here.” One of the ground crew said as she approached Harue and Mayumi.
“Hey, we should really get going.” Mayumi said as she gently pushed Harue away.
“Please follow me. I will walk you outside.” The ground crew said as Harue and Mayumi followed her outside the tarmac where their carriage was waiting for them.
A few minutes later, Hiiro and the others went inside the Aerostat then began ascending in the air and left the ‘Central Airport’. Harue and Mayumi went inside the carriage and then also left the tarmac.
While on their way going to the HQ.
Inside the carriage…..
“You are still flustered.” Harue said as she looked at Mayumi who flinched while sitting across her.
“What?! Me? Flustered?! Uh?” Mayumi said as she denies and touched her cheeks.
“I guess that was your first kiss after all.” Harue said as she giggled.
“Huh?! W-what are you talking about? O-of course not. I just let my guard down and I swear it will never happen again.” Mayumi said as she blushed and then looked outside the window.
“Eh? That was not your first kiss? Then who was your first kiss? Tell me! Tell me!” Harue said as Mayumi ignored her.
“I’m sorry but I cannot tell her highness about that.” Mayumi said as she looked at Harue.
“Uh? Okay. I understand. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to pry with your personal life.” Harue said as she went back to seat and sadly looked outside the window.
“Ah! Alright! Alright! I will tell you but you have to promise that you will keep this a secret. Promise?” Mayumi said as she asked Harue.
“Okay! I promise. Now, who was it?” Harue said as she stood up and sat beside Mayumi.
“My first kiss was with Kenji.” Mayumi shyly said as she got flustered and covered her face.
“Kenji? Oh! I remember him. He is one of the Hamasaki Twins but I thought they are your best friends.” Harue said as she wondered and then seriously looked at Mayumi.
“I know but – Ah! It’s complicated. Kenji was my boyfriend of three years but we both decided to keep our relationship as a secret.” Mayumi said as Harue blushed, grabbed her shoulders and began shaking her.
“B-boyfriend?! How about Kazuki? Does Kazuki know?” Harue said as she got intrigued and asked her.
“About that- please stop shaking me…Kenji said that he already told Kazuki about our secret but he only laughs at him.” Mayumi said as Harue stopped shaking her and then crossed her arms.
“What kind of response was that? I think he should at least support the two of you.” Harue said as stood up and went back to her seat across Mayumi.
“There is nothing we can do about it. And I can’t blame him for reacting like that.” Mayumi said as she looked outside the window.
Two Hours later…
The Aerostat arrived in ‘Iytheria’.  
The Aerostat landed inside the Village’s sub-airport.
“Finally, we have arrived.” Hikaru said as he and the others were walking out of the Aerostat.
“Uh? Are you alright? Your face is still all red and puffy.” Hiiro said as he asked Hikaru looked at him.
“Don’t worry your highness. I’m feeling better now. The medicine that you gave me works perfectly. Uh? Where is Eito?” Hikaru said as they looked at Eito waiting for them on the tarmac.
“You idiot, after what you did to my metal armor I want you to completely stay away from me!” Eito said as he got angry and yelled to Hikaru.
“But I already apologized. I really didn’t mean to throw up on your armor.” Hikaru said as he and Hiiro approached Eito followed by 12 Imperial Soldiers.
“Forgive him Eito. He is just not used riding on an aerostat like you.” Hiiro said as he tried to convince Eito.
“Uh?! But-? Your highness, please stay away from me. I still need to clean up my armor.” Eito said as Hiiro stopped walking towards him and wondered.
“Yes. You really need to clean up or change your armor instead. You stink.” Hikaru said as he took out a damp cloth and covered his nose.
“Huh!? And whose fault is this?! Unbelievable!” Eito said as he stomped away from Eito and Hikaru.
“He is right. You should at least change your armor. You cannot fight wearing that.” Hiiro said as one of the Imperial Soldiers approached him, carrying a rectangular wooden box. Inside it is his extra metal armor.
“Your highness, I-I cannot use your extra armor. I can just go back to inside the Aerostat and get my spare one.” Eito said as he refused but Hiiro insisted and the Imperial Soldier gave the box to him.
“Hurry Stinky, we are here for the rescue mission -…Huh?” Hikaru said as he was interrupted by a carriage that have arrived inside the tarmac and stopped beside them.
“Good morning, your highness. I’m Nao, a resident of ‘Iytheria’ and I am here to guide you going to our borders.” Nao, the coachman said as he introduced himself.
“Alright! Both of you are coming with me.” Hiiro said as Nao opened the door and went inside the carriage.
“But? Wait! I need to change my armor – Eh?” Eito said as Hikaru sighed and dragged him to get inside the carriage.
“As you wish your highness. Eito let’s go!” Hikaru said as they went inside the carriage. The other Imperial Soldiers surrounded the carriage and they all left the tarmac.
60 minutes later
Inside the carriage…
“Are we there yet? Woah! What are those things?” – Hikaru said as he looked outside the window and saw seven, huge windmills around the area.
“No! We are – Oh, those? Those are the famous windmills of my ‘Village’. Thanks to the Kozuki Family, those windmills can now generate enough electricity to power-up the entire ‘Village’ for 100 years.” Eito said as he explains while removing this metal leg armor.
“100 years?! That’s amazing! Then, I’m curious why those four windmills are rotating counter clockwise.” – Hiiro said as he continues his observations.  
“Those are what we call the ‘Four Reversed Windmills’. The Kozuki family used their ‘Air-Alementalian’ magic during the reconstruction of those windmills. Now, each of those windmills can generate twice electricity than the others. The Windmills also attracted tourists from the other, three ‘Villages’ every year.” – Eito said as he explains and took off his leather, war boots.
“Are we there yet?” Hikaru said as he got bored and asked Eito, for the third time and who was sitting across him and Hiiro.
“Not yet. Based on the reports, the landing site is about 90 minutes away from the airport. We will arrive there soon. Uh? What is that smell?” Hiiro said as he looked at Eito and wondered.
“Hey, why are still wearing that stinky armor?” Hikaru said as he wondered and asked Eito.
“Ha! Endure it since it was YOUR fault anyway.” Eito said as he moved the curtains and then looked outside the window.
“Hmm? Come on! I will help you.” Hikaru said as he transferred to the empty seat beside Eito and grabbed the wooden box off his lap.
“Hey, give it back! What?!” Eito said as he took the wooden box away from Eito.
“Come on! Don’t be shy. Here, raise your arms like this so that I can take off your chest armor.” Hikaru said as he insisted, grabbed Eito’s arms and raised it up in the air.
“W-what are you doing? Take your hands off me! It would be disrespectful to change my armor in front of his highness.” Eito said as he blushed and shove Hikaru’s right hand away.
“Uh? What are you? A girl?” Hikaru said as Eito got flustered and Hiiro giggled.
“What!? Of course I am not! You fool!” Eito said as he got he grabbed the wooden box and shoved it to Hikaru’s face.
“Ah! I see. Then, I will just close my eyes so that you can change your armour. Please pat my right shoulder after you are done changing.” Hiiro said as he literally closed his eyes.
“Your highness?! That would not be necessary – Eh!?” Hikaru said as he grabbed his right arm and began taking off his metal shoulder pad.
“Eh!? What are you doing!? Hands off! I can do this myself.”  Eito said as he pushed Hikaru back to his seat and began taking off his metal chest armor.
“Wow! Wait! Is this customized war armor? Amazing!” Hiiro said as he opened the box and took the silver chest armor out of the box.
“Yes. I’m impressed that you easily recognized that. Each Council member has their own customised war armor designed according to their rank, skills and ‘Alementalian magic’. And give me that!” Eito said as he suddenly grabbed the silver armor off Hikaru’s right hand and gave him his original armor.
“Eh? I didn’t know that. I wonder who crafted this.” Hikaru said as he put the silver helmet back inside the wooden box.
“Now, give me the other one. Huh?” Eito said as the carriage suddenly stopped.
“What happened? The carriage stopped. S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to peak out.” Hiiro said as he opened his eyes and blushed as he saw Eito still changing his armor.
“Your highness, I think something is wrong – Huh?” Hikaru said as he sensed something eerie outside their carriage and someone knocked on the door beside him.
“Pardon my intrusion, your highness.  It is me.” The Imperial Captain said as he knocked on the door while waiting outside the carriage.
“Ah, yes! We were wondering why the carriage stopped. Did something happen?” Hiiro said as Hikaru partially opened the door and Hiiro peaked outside.
“Yes! Something happen your highness. The carriage stopped because Mr. Nao suddenly fell asleep on his seat. The Imperial Soldiers are trying to wake him up but it seems useless.” The Imperial Captain said as he reported to Hiiro.
“Hmm? Then, I should go out and check it myself.” Hiiro said as he got curious, gently pushed the door and jumped off the carriage.
“Your highness! Where are you going?” Hikaru, Eito and the Imperial Captain said as they all yelled out.
“Y-your highness, you must go back inside the carriage. It is for your own safety.” The Imperial Captain said as Hiiro casually stretched his arms.
“Don’t worry. I will be alright. Captain, come with me.” Hiiro said as he walked away and being followed by the Imperial Captain.
Hiiro jumped on the driver’s seat, sat beside Mr. Nao who is currently unconsciousness and checked his pulse.
“Your highness, please come back. Huh? Smoke?” Eito said as he immediately jumped out the carriage and tried to chase Hiiro and the Imperial Captain but he suddenly stopped as he saw a mysterious, white smoke surrounding their carriage.
“Your highness, please stand back. Soldiers, be alert!” The Imperial Captain said as the other Imperial Soldiers raised their wooden spears and carefully observed their surroundings.
“Your highness how is he?” The Imperial Captain said as he asked Hiiro. Hiiro took off his long, light brown colored cape and used it as a blanket to cover Mr. Nao.
“Don’t worry. Mr. Nao only fell asleep. Someone might have used a spell to put him asleep.” Hiiro said as he jumped off the carriage and looked around.
‘Help! Somebody
Help us!
“Did you hear that?” The first Imperial Soldier said as he heard someone crying for help inside the forest.
“Yes! I heard that. You two please stay put and guard Mr. Nao while the three of you are coming with me. Let’s go.”  Hiiro said as he ordered to the first two Imperial Soldiers and suddenly ran away followed by three Imperial Soldiers as his support men.
“Your highness! Where – Uh?” Eito said as he jumped off the carriage, tried to chase Hiiro and the others but they already left.
“He is still the calm and reckless guy that I knew.” The Imperial Captain said as he sighed and approached Eito and Hikaru who also jumped off the carriage.
“So, what are we going to do then?” Hikaru said as he asked Eito as closed the door until he sensed something eerie surrounding them.
“I think we should follow them. Uh? What is that smell?” The Imperial Captain said as he and Hikaru smelled something foul in the air.
“Look on the ground! What is that?” The second Imperial Soldier said as he and his fellow buddies saw a mysterious, gray fog surrounding the ‘forest’.
“Fog? Wait! This is not a fog. Everyone cover your face. Do not inhale this smoke.” Eito said as he recognized the mysterious fog; he, the Imperial Captain and Hikaru immediately covered their faces.
Unfortunately, it was too late for these five Imperial Soldiers, guarding the right side of the carriage. They inhaled the smoke and immediately fell asleep on the ground.
“Damn it! I should have noticed earlier. Keep covering your faces.” Eito said as he ordered to the remaining four Imperial soldiers.
“Sir Eito what are we going to do?” The third Imperial Soldier said as he approached and asked Eito.
“We do not know what this place is so let’s observe and be alert. Hey are you- Huh?” Eito said as Hikaru said something moving behind him and immediately pushed him away.
“Eito! Behind you!” Hikaru said as he pushed Eito away from the carriage and he fell on the ground.
“Sir Eito! Why did you –Eh?! Help!” The Imperial Captain said as he and the other Imperial Soldiers suddenly slipped and being dragged by moving, green vines away from the carriage.
“Eito, don’t move.” Hikaru said as he approached Eito and pulled out Eito’s Long sword and immediately cut the moving vines around Eito.
Sadly, all of the remaining Imperial Soldiers were dragged going inside the forest.
“Hey, cover your face! This is not an ordinary ‘fog’. Do not inhale it!” Eito said as tried to warn Hikaru but it was too late, Hikaru already inhaled the ‘poisonous smoke’ and fell on the ground.
“I-I can’t move my arms. W-what happened?” Hikaru said as he was lying down on the ground. Eito picked up his Long sword and approached him.
“This is a ‘Poisonous Smoke’, one of the oldest ‘Air-Alementalian magic’. It will paralyze your arms and legs but eventually the ‘Alementalian Magic’ will wore off after 10 minutes. Luckily, it does not have an effect on an ‘Iytherian’ like me.”  Eito said as he tears off his shirt and used it to cover Hikaru’s face.
“T-thank you. How about the others?” Hikaru said as Eito stood up and saw Mr. Nao still sleeping on the driver’s seat.
“Everyone expect for Mr. Nao were gone. For the meantime, I will carry and get him to safety. Stay in here.” Eito said as he ran away and left Hikaru, now lying upwards on the ground.
“Okay. And you still stink! You forgot to change your chest armor.”  Hikaru said as he yelled out.
“Shut up! Now is not the time for that. Huh? Where did he go?” Eito said as he looked at the driver’s seat and realized that Mr. Nao was gone.
“Alright! I can now move my right arm – Huh?!” Hikaru said as he gently moved his right arm but suddenly it was seized by a moving, green vine and immediately dragged him inside the forest.
“Hikaru, Mr. Nao is gone – Eh? Hikaru?! Where are you?” Eito said as he went back to Hikaru’s place and found that he was also gone.
“There you are my Child.” Mr. Nao said as he suddenly appeared behind Eito.
“Mr. Nao? When did you -?!” Eito said as he turned around and was surprised to see Mr. Nao standing behind him.
“Please come with me. The ‘Yellow Queen’ wants to meet you.”  Mr. Nao said as he was about to strangle Eito but Eito suddenly pulled out his Long Sword and cut his right arm.’
“Please do not touch me. Who are you? Where is the real Mr. Nao?” Eito said as he seriously asked the man who flinched and laughed out.
“So, my hunch was right. You are an ‘Iytherian’ that’s why this magic does not affect you. But I wonder what happened to your friends who went inside the forest. “Mr. Nao said as Eito cursed under his breath and immediately ran away going inside the forest to find Hiiro and the others.
“Oh no, he got escaped. Well, that’s fine. You can come out now.” Mr. Nao said as 25 ‘Yellow elves’ came out after hiding on the top of the trees and began disassembling the carriage while Mr. Nao ran away and hide under the bushes.
Few minutes later…
Hiiro and the three Imperial Soldiers went back to the carriage.  The first Imperial Soldier was carrying Mr. Geno on his back while the other three remains on guard.
“Captain, everyone we’re back! Huh?!”  The first Imperial Soldier said as they ran back outside the forest and saw these ‘Yellow Elves’ destroying the carriage.
“Everyone! Cover your faces. Do not inhale this ‘smoke’.” Hiiro said as he tore up his shirt and used the cloth as a mask to cover his face.
But sadly, the three Imperial Soldiers already inhaled the ‘poisoned air’, lost consciousness and fell on the ground.
“Everyone! Eito! Hikaru! Where are you? I wonder where everyone went.” Hiiro said as he called out Eito and Hikaru.
“Your highness! Please help me!” Mr. Nao said, pretending that he was scared and still hiding under the bushes.
“Mr. Nao! What are you doing in there? What happened?” Hiiro said as he heard Mr. Nao and approached him.
“Your highness! I’m glad you’re alive. When I woke up, I saw Sir Eito and Sir Hikaru arguing if they should follow you to the forest or not but Sir Hikaru insisted to help you and followed you to the forest. Few minutes later, Sir Eito and the remaining Imperial Soldiers decided to follow Sir Hikaru to the forest.” Mr. Nao said as Hiiro listened to him while they are looking at the ‘Yellow Elves’.
“Honestly, those two. I told them to wait in here but they insisted to help. But I wonder where these ‘Yellow Elves’ came from”. Hiiro said as he sighed and scratched his head.
“I-I don’t know either your highness. I was feeding my horse when they came and attacked me. And then, they lost interest on me and began destroying the carriage instead. After that, I immediately ran away and hide in here.” Mr. Nao said as he continued his made-up story and Hiiro helped him to get out of the bushes.
“Anyway, please behind those trees.  I will fend off those ‘Yellow Elves’.”  Hiiro said as he turned around and drew out his Long sword.
“But! It is dangerous your highness.  Please allow me to help you.” Mr. Nao said as he grabbed a long, wooden stick and offered his help to Hiiro.
“Mr. Nao? My first priority should be your safety and you do not have a proper weapon so please stay in here.” Hiiro said as he insisted and yelled at Mr. Nao.
“As my ‘Queen’ predicted...Now sleep.” Mr. Nao said as he intentionally hit Hiiro on the back of his head with the stick.
“Mr. Nao? W-who really are you? What have you done?” Hiiro said as he loses his consciousness and fell on the ground.
“Okay! That’s enough. Let’s bring him back to the ‘garden’.” Mr. Nao said as the ‘Yellow Elves’ stopped destroying the carriage and he gently carried Hiiro up on his back.
The ‘Yellow Elves’ slowly walk away from the carriage and lead Mr. Nao as they went inside the ‘forest’ and disappeared as the ‘fog’ slowly dispels.
On the other side of the forest…
“Your highness! Where are you?” Eito said as he tried to call Hiiro and the others while wandering inside the forest.
“There he is.
The first ‘Yellow Faerie’ said as he was hiding behind the tree and telepathically commanded the other faeries to throw round pebbles at Eito’s back.
“Hey... Pebbles? Where did this came from?” Eito said as he picked up the pebble, looked around and wondered.
“Next are the twigs.
Yellow Faeries and Elves’ - Yellow Faeries are small creatures that have a distinct amber colored wings and clothing while the Yellow Elves are shy creatures that wears an amber colored, pointed hat. These elves and faeries protect the forest and fond of deceiving/playing tricks with humans as they visit the forest.
The second ‘Yellow Faerie’ said as she was hiding up on a tree and commanded the other faeries to throw small twigs at Eito’s head.
“Hey! Not again. Twigs? Come out, show yourself!” Eito said as he draws out his Long sword and tried to call the ‘Yellow Faeries’.  But the ‘Yellow Faeries’ did not listen to him and continued throwing pebbles and twigs at him.
“Okay. That’s enough.” Eito said as he got pissed off and using his superb ability he caught a pebble using his right hand.
Eito found the ‘Yellow Faeries’ hiding up on the tree and threw the same pebble back at them. One of them got hit by the pebble and fell of the tree.
“Found you. Now, play time is over.” Eito said as he approached the tree, picked up the fallen ‘Yellow Faerie’ and swing it back and forth.
The other ‘Yellow Faeries’ were enraged from what Eito just did to their friend and immediately flew out of their hiding places.  The first ‘Yellow Faerie’ again, threw a pebble to Eito’s chest to get his attention.
“Ouch?... Hahaha! That didn’t hurt me.” Eito said as he stopped and laugh out.
The third ‘Yellow Faerie’ picked up a short, wooden stick on the ground, flew near Eito and start writing something on the ground.
“Uh?  Pot…hem…donw? What?” Eito said as he tried to read what the ‘Yellow Faerie’ wrote on the ground.
The same ‘Yellow Faerie’ threw dust on his face and then starts rewriting something on the ground.
“Uh? Pit…Ham…donw? Ham? I, too like ham.” Eito said as he again tried to read what the Yellow Faerie’ wrote on the ground.
The third ‘Yellow Faerie’ got pissed off and threw the wooden stick on his right cheek instead.
“Ouch! What did you do that? Just tell me what do want.” Eito said as he got angry and yelled at the ‘Yellow Faerie’.  
The third ‘Yellow Faerie’ again, picked up the same wooden stick and then rewriting something on the ground.
“Let’s see…’put him down.’. Oh, Okay! But before that, tell me where his highness and the other are and I promise that I will let him go.” Eito said as he looked at the third ‘Yellow Faerie’ who again threw the wooden stick on his forehead and then nodded.
The ‘Yellow Faeries’ flew away and forcefully pushed Eito to walk going to the forest with them.
Inside the ‘Mystic’ Garden…
“Hey! Where are you taking me-...Your highness! Hikaru!” Eito said as he and the ‘Yellow Faeries’ arrived inside the ‘Mystic Garden’ and saw Hiiro and Hikaru both tied up on a tree.
“Your highness! Are you alright? Please do not move. I will untie both of you.” Eito said as he put the ‘Yellow Faerie’ on the ground and drew out his Long sword to cut the green vines around them.
“No! Eito, stop! You must get out of here. She will be back and – Huh?” Hiiro said as ‘Queen Faeya’ with Mr. Nao walking beside her.
“Welcome to the ‘Mystic Garden’, ‘Iytherian’ child. I am ‘Queen Faeya’, the ruler of this garden. I assume that you have changed your mind and finally brought us the ‘Book of Prophecies’.” Queen Faeya said as she stood up from her wooden throne and welcomed Eito and the others.
“H-how did you know that? That ‘book’ was destroyed after the former Imperial Prince threw it on the river.” Eito said as he scratched the back of his head and wondered.
“Then, you are lying after all.” Queen Faeya said as she magically commanded the vines to bring forward the Hiiro, 12 sleeping Imperial Soldiers and the other two ‘Iytherian Representatives’ and tied all of them up the tree branches.
“Your highness, what is she talking about?” Eito said as he wondered and asked Hiiro.
“I told them that I asked you to run away with the ‘Book of Prophecies’ to divert their attention but it seems that my plan failed. Huh?” Hiiro said as he was disappointed and wonders while looking at Hikaru and Eito.
“Return the ‘book’ to me, my dear children.” Queen Faeya said as she insisted to Hikaru and Eito. Hikaru silently pulled out his pocket knife and began cutting the vines around him.
“Hey! Stop squirming or else we will be eaten. What are you doing?” Eito said as he asked Hikaru.
“Alright! I will give you the ‘book’. Ah!!!” Hikaru said as he successfully cut off the vine and fell off the tree.
“What?! You fool!” – Eito and Hiiro both yelled out as they tried to untangle the vines off their armors.  
“Wait, that ‘book’ was back in my room. How did he-?” – Hiiro said as he whispered to himself.
“You fool! What are you doing? You are going to get yourself killed.” Eito said as he tried to untangle the vines off his legs.
“I have that ‘book’. I will give it to you in one condition.” Hikaru bravely said as he looked at Queen Faeya.
“Interesting. I am listening.” Queen Faeya said as she walked towards Hikaru.
“Okay. But first…what kind of ‘book’ are we talking about?” Hikaru said as he wonders and asked Queen Faeya.
“Five second silence for this idiot.” Elfie said as he sighed.
“Hahaha! You are really something.” Queen Faeya said as she cheerfully laughs out.
“We’re finished.” Eito said as he lost his hope and stops untangling the vines.
“Hahaha! What an interesting fellow.” Hiiro said as he cheerfully laughs out.
“Our Queen is laughing. She is laughing. It is a miracle!” Elfie, the ‘Elder Elf’ AKA ‘Mr. Nao’ said as he and the other ‘Yellow Faeries and Elves’ look at their Queen.
“S-stop laughing! I aspire to become a ‘Hero’, a ‘Hero’ who wants peace even with his enemies. Oh! That’s a rhyme.” Hikaru said as Queen Faeya smiles and goes back to her wooden throne.
"Very well. Then, my dear children please bring everyone down on the ground.” Queen Faeya said as she commanded her ‘Yellow Faeries and Elves’ to untie their hostages.
Using their razor-sharp wings, the ‘Yellow Faeries’ flew up on the trees and cut the vines that binds their hostages. One by one, the hostages safely fell on the ground except for Eito.
“I guess we are not welcomed in here. Are you alright?” – Mrs. Saki said as she stood up and asked Ms. Annie.
“Here. Please allow me to help you, your highness.” Hiiro said as he offered his help to Ms. Annie.
“Thank you. But, I am fine. See?” Ms. Annie said as she suddenly stood up and dusted off her skirt.
“Sir Hiiro! Are you alright?” The Imperial Captain said as he and the other 12 imperial soldiers approached him.
“I am alright. Soldiers! Take the ‘Iytherian Representatives’ to safety and out of here.” Hiiro said as he commanded the Soldiers.
“Yes, sir! Your highnesses. Please come with us.” The Imperial Captain said as Mrs. Saki and Ms. Annie followed the 12 Imperial Soldiers out of the ‘Garden’.
“How about you, Your highness? We cannot just leave you in here.” – The Imperial Captain said as Hiiro sighed.
“Don’t worry! I will be fine. And I still need to help him.” Hiiro said as he and the Imperial Captain both looked above and saw Eito.
“Hey! Get away from me. I can untie myself. Enough! Hey! Do not touch my hair!” Eito yelled out as some mischievous ‘Yellow Faeries’ kept poking his face.
“Now soldier, leave! Wait for us outside the forest.” – Hiiro said as the Imperial Captain ran out of the ‘Garden’.
“Thank goodness! everything went well.” Hikaru said as he sighed and ran going to Hiiro’s place.
“Hey! Odd fellow, not bad. Just like your Father.” Hiiro said as he pat Hikaru’s right shoulder.
“My father? Thank you, your highness.” Hikaru cheerfully said as the ‘Yellow Faeries’ finally cut off the remaining vines and Eito fell on the ground, behind Hikaru and Hiiro.
“Ow-…Stay away from me. Shoo! Shoo!” Eito said as he suddenly stood up and gently pushed away the ‘Yellow Faeries’.
“Everyone is here. Let’s leave.” Hiiro said as he commanded Hikaru and Eito. The three was about to leave the ‘Garden’ when…
“Please wait, my dear children.” Queen Faeya said as he called out Hikaru and Hiiro.
“Uh? What is it, your highness?” Eito said as he stopped and asked Queen Faeya.
“Please remember this: ‘THE PROPHECY MUST NOT COME TRUE’.” Queen Faeya said as Eito and Hikaru wondered and then ran out of the ‘Garden’.
“Hey, woman. You really don’t need to say that.” Hiiro said as he stayed and got pissed off.
“Hey! Watch your mouth, traitor.” Elfie said as he and the other ‘Yellow Faeries and Elves’ got angry to Hiiro.
“I am not talking to you. I do not know who told you about the ‘Book of Prophecies’ but you really, really need to shut up or this sword will make you.” Hiiro said as he got enraged and pulled out his Longsword.
“Oh my, someone is being afraid. I am pretty sure those children did not understand my warning.” Queen Faeya said as Elfie and the other ‘Yellow Faeries and Elves’ grabbed their sharp weapons and surrounded him.
“My apologies. Little, faery and elf children must not play with sharp objects. I shall now take my leave. Excuse me.” Hiiro said as he kneels down, gently grabbed the sharp knife away from a ‘Yellow Elf’ and threw it away.
Hiiro ran away and out of the ‘Garden’.
“Tch! That damn brat. Are you alright, your highness?” Elfie said as he asked Queen Faeya.
“I am fine. Hiiro’s ambitions took control over him. I am afraid that things will get worst after this. I apologize that I, your Queen cannot even stop him.” Queen Faeya sadly said as she apologized to her subjects.
“Your highness, you must not apologize. I failed my duty as the ‘Elder Elf’. We, I, let those strangers enter the ‘Garden’. I failed! I must be punished.” Elfie cried as he kneels down on the ground.
“I will not punish you. So, please stand up. By the way, how are we doing with the preparations?” Queen Faeya said as she asked Elfie.
“Yes, your highness! We are done with the preparations. We can now transfer to our evacuation centers.” Elfie said as Queen Faeya stood up.
“Excellent! My loyal subjects, we leave our ‘Garden’ and go to your designated evacuation centers. Bring your necessary things and young faerie and elves must be our priority.” Queen Faeya said as she commanded her subjects.
“Yes, Your Highness!” the ‘Yellow Faeries and Elves’ yelled out and they began running away.
“Hurry! Faster my fellow ‘Yellow Elves’. How about you, your highness?” Elfie said as he guides everyone out of the ‘Garden’ and asked Queen Faeya.
“I will stay in here. You take the others to safety. Hurry!” Queen Faeya said as Elfie sobbed and joined with the other ‘Yellow Elves’.
“What is happening? Mother!”  Faiye, the ‘Faery Princess’, eldest daughter of Queen Faeya said as she went inside the ‘Garden’ to find her mother.
“Faiye, my dear child. What are you doing in here?” Queen Faeya said as Faeya approached her.
“I’ve heard that strangers have invaded our ‘Garden’. I immediately flew I here hoping to stop them. Where are they? Where are they?!” Faiye said as she flew up the ‘Garden’ to search for these invaders.
“Calm down my dear child. I let them go.” Queen Faeya said, making Faiye disappointed.
“Princess Faiye! We must evacuate immediately.” Elfie said as he grabbed Faiye’s right hand and dragged her away.
“Eh? How about my mom? Mother!” Faiye said as she looked back to her mother who smiled at her.
“Hurry princess! Your safety is my utmost priority.” Elfie said as he continues to pull Faiye out of the ‘Garden’.
“Wait! Stop! Why do we need to leave the ‘Garden’?” Faiye said as she asked Elfie.
“The Annual Golden ‘Faery Hunt’ begins tomorrow. We must hurry.” Elfie said as he continues to pull Faiye out of the forest.
10 minutes later
The other ‘Yellow Faeries and Elves’ left the ‘Garden’.
“The prophecy must not come true. Or else… Who is there?”  Queen Faeya said as she heard the green bushes rustles, five meters away from her.
“Woah! Calm down! It’s me. Your husband.” King Philip, the ‘King of Elves’, said as he jumped out of the green bushes to surprise his wife.
“Darling!? I thought you were helping the other ‘Yellow Elves’ back in the evacuation centers.” Queen Faeya said as King Philip approached her.
“I was. But Faiye suddenly flew away without finishing her tasks so I followed her to the ‘Garden’. As we predicted, things are getting worst from now on.” King Philip said as he looked up in the sky.
“I wonder if my warning is enough though.” Queen Faeya sadly said as King Philip tousled her long, wavy hair.
“Don’t worry! Everything will be alright. I hope so…” King Philip sadly said as he hugged his wife.
“Then, you stay in here and by guard on duty for tonight.” Queen Faeya said as she gently pushed his husband and walks out of the ‘Garden’.
“Okay. Wait!? Me? I still need to help the other ‘Yellow Elves’.” King Philip said as Queen Faeya went out of the ‘Garden’.
That night, back in ‘Iytheria’….
Hikaru, Eito, Hiiro, the ‘Iytherian Reps.’ & the other Imperial Soldiers arrived safely back at ‘Iytheria’
Outside the Yoshiyuki Family’s Official Residence
“Is that Master Eito? Eh, Master Eito! I must immediately leave and tell the others.” The male gardener said as he saw Eito and the others walking in the front yard.
“Good evening. I-I’m back! But before that…Eh?” Eito said as he was about to approached him but the overjoyed male gardener suddenly ran away.
“The young Master has arrived! Hurry!  Open up the front gates.” The female gardener said as the ‘Lower Knights’ immediately opens the gates.
“I apologize. I should have brought something for your family.” Mr. Geno said as while Hiiro was carrying him on his back.
“You don’t need to apologize your highness. We must immediately bring you to the Infirmary room. Knights! Please assist and lead them to the Infirmary room.” Eito said as he commanded the two ‘Lower Knights’ who immediately followed his order.
The ‘Iytherian Reps’, Mr. Geno, Mrs. Saki and Ms. Annie were immediately brought to the inside the Mansion while Eito lead Hikaru and Hiiro to the front doors.
In their Front yard…
“T-this is your house?! A-amazing!” Hikaru exclaimed as he saw Eito’s house.
“Amazing! it is really huge. But not as huge as our Estate.” Hiiro exclaimed as he also remembers their Estate back in ‘Aethyria’.
“Well, it is not actually that huge. My father designed it to become – Uh? Mother?!” Eito said as he was interrupted by his mother who suddenly opened the front doors and hugged him.
“My cute little boy is home! I missed you. And your brought your friends too.” Mrs. Azumi Yoshiyuki, Eito’s mother said as she hugs his son.
“My friends?! No, you are wrong. He is just my fellow Imperial Soldier.” Eito said as his mother continues to hug him.
“Good Evening Madam. I am Hiiro Matsuoka. It is my pleasure to meet you.” Hiiro said as he introduced himself.
“I’m Hikaru Hashimoto. Nice to meet you Auntie.” Hikaru said as he introduced himself, making Hiiro and Eito flinched.
“A-Auntie? Ha-ha-ha. I’m Azumi Yoshiyuki, Eito’s mother. It is nice to meet you – Wait! Hashimoto? You have the same last name with Mr. Kai.” Mrs. Azumi said as she recognized Hikaru’s last name.
“Uh? Actually Mr. Kai…No! Mr. Hashimoto is my father.” Hikaru shyly said as he introduces his father.
“What? You’re Mr. Hashimoto’s son?! Dear! Come here quick. The ‘First Imperial Hero’s son came to visit us. Look!” Mrs. Azumi said as she dragged her husband out of the front door.
“Oh my really? Sorry for the late introduction. I am Eiko Yoshiyuki, the Head of the Yoshiyuki Family. It is my pleasure to meet you.” Mr. Eiko said as he introduced himself to everyone.
“Good Evening Sir. I am Hiiro Matsuoka. It is my pleasure to meet -...” Hiiro said as was interrupted by Mr. Eiko.
“Shut up. I am not talking to you.” Mr. Eiko said as making Hiiro flinched.
“Eh? So much for a welcome greeting, old man.” Hiiro said as he teased Mr. Eiko making everyone flinched.
“I-I’m Hikaru. It is nice to meet you too sir.” Hikaru said as also introduces himself.
“The son of the noble Hero came to visit us. This costs for a celebration! Butlers! Immediately prepare the dining hall and ask the family chefs to cook their best dishes. Tell them that we have a special guest. Hurry!”  Mrs. Azumi said as their butlers ran away and went inside the mansion.
“Welcome to our humble abode. Don’t be shy! Please come in.” Mr. Eiko said as he gently pushed Hiiro and Hikaru away.
“Come in! Come in! Don’t be shy. And Eito, may I have a word with you? Privately.” Mr. Eiko said as Eito stopped from walking.
“Yes, Father.” Eito said as he looked at his father.
“I personally went to the ‘Main Island’ to watch your demonstration and honestly, what a lousy performance. I expected so much from you.” Mr. Eiko said as he was disappointed with Eito’s performance on their last field training.
“I apologize, Father. I assure you that it will never happened again.” Eito said as he humbly apologizes to his father.
“With your ‘Special Ability’, you could have finished the fight easily. I am disappointed. Anyway, I have guests to attend to. Go the Infirmary and ask your elder sister to come down and help us in the preparation.” Mr. Eiko said as he commanded Eito, walked away and went inside the mansion.
“Yes, Father.” Eito sadly said as he also went inside their mansion.
Inside the Yoshiyuki Mansion,
On the third floor
After 10 minutes…
“Eito! You’re back!” Lilia Yoshiyuki, Eito’s older sister, yelled out as she saw Eito went out of his room.
“Big sister? Hey, stop squishing my cheeks.” Eito said as he gently pulled away Lilia’s hands off his right cheeks.
“Welcome back! I missed you. Let me see, did father scold you again?” Lilia said as she asked Eito who seems upset from what happened earlier that night.
“I-I’m back. I am fine, thank you. Yeah. He did scold me earlier. He seems really upset.” Eito said as Lilia hugged him back.
“Don’t worry! You did your best and that’s enough. Now, let’s go downstairs and eat.” Lilia said as she gently pushed Eito in the hallway.
“He-hey! Big sister, please do not push me. How about the ‘Iyhterian Reps’?” Are they alright?” Eito said as he asked Lilia.
“Well? Yes! They are alright. They have some minor injuries but they will live.” Lilia said as Eito suddenly stopped from walking.
“There you are! Man, this mansion is huge. Your father, I mean, Mr. Yoshiyuki asked me to get you.” Hiiro said as he found Eito and Lilia in the 3rd floor Hallway.
“Your highness. Uh? Big sister? What are you doing?” Eito said as Lilia suddenly hide behind him.
“Don’t move. Hide me.” Lilia said as she commanded Eito.
“Um…Good evening, Ms. Lilia. I am Hiiro Matsuoka. It is nice to meet you.” Hiiro said as he introduced himself to Lilia.
“Ignore him. Just ignore him. Pretend that he is not here.” Lilia whispered to herself.
“Anyway, I am also here to check on the ‘Iytherian Reps’ so you go on ahead and enjoy the party.” Hiiro said as he was about to run away but Eito suddenly grabbed right arm.
“Sir Hiiro, please wait. Allow me to go in the Infirmary instead.” Eito said as Hiiro looked at him.
“Hm? Okay. Go ahead.”  Hiiro said as he agrees and Eito runs away.
“Hey! How dare you leave your older sister with this despicable guy?”  Lilia said as she got disappointed and looked at Hiiro.
“Hello! It is really nice to see you again. Lilia.” Hiiro seriously said as he tousled Lilia’s hair.
“It’s ‘Ms. Lilia’ remember? And hands off. I bet you’re still upset after I rejected your marriage proposal last six months ago.” Lilia said as she taunted Hiiro but Hiiro just looked at her.
“Oh? That was six months ago. Well, I am not disappointed and I have Akari to support me.” Hiiro said as he proudly crossed his arms.
“Ms. Akari is stupid enough to support you. I pity her.” Lilia said as she proudly crossed her arms.
“From what I remembered, you refused to join in the ‘Alliance’ because of her or was that you are just jealous that I REJECTED our arrange marriage. I bet it was the latter.” Hiiro said as he taunted Lilia who got pissed off.
“Shut up. Why would I marry a traitor like you?” Lilia said as she got pissed off and suddenly threw her small, medieval knife onto Hiiro who caught it using his bare, right hand.
“I knew it. Hahaha! You are still jealous. Don’t worry! After I become the new ‘Imperial Ruler’, I will assign you to the I.C.H.Q and work as our child’s handmaid.” Hiiro said as he teased Lilia who suddenly yawns in front of him.
“Jealous? You mean ‘hatred’.  And you as the new ‘Imperial Ruler’? I highly doubt that.” Lilia said as she smirked and walked away from Hiiro.
“Well, let’s see about that. Oh, Eito’s back.” Hiiro said as he saw Eito and the ‘Iytherian Reps.’ Walking behind him.
Inside the Dining Hall…
“Oh my, you are late! Come in. Please join with us.” Mr. Eiko said as he welcomed the ‘Iytherian Reps’, his children and Hiiro. Lilia ignored everyone and went straight to the dining tables.
“I apologize. We already started the party without you.” Mrs. Azumi said as he approached the ‘Iytherian Reps’.
“No. Not at all. Thank you for take care of us. By the way, where is he?” Mr. Geno said as he looked around trying to find Hikaru.
“Your highnesses! I am glad that you are all alright.” Hikaru said as he saw the ‘Iytherian Reps.’ and ran towards them.
“There he is! Our young savior has arrived. I’ve heard that you used your superb communication skills to convince the ‘Yellow Queen’ to free all of the hostages. Amazing! Your late father will be so proud you.” Mr. Geno said as he pats Hikaru’s right shoulder.
“Thank you very much! But Sir Hiiro and Eito were also there to help me.” Hikaru said as everyone looked at Hiiro and Eito.
“Yeah! That’s right. It is not fair to give him all the credits in this rescue mission.” Hiiro said as he pouted, making Ms. Annie giggle.
“Ah! Yes, I almost forgot that. Thank you for saving us, Sir Hiiro and Eito.” Mrs. Saki said as Hiiro smiles while Eito blushes.
“Now, lead me to the dining table. I am hungry. Come join with us, Young Savior.” Mr. Geno said as he, Mrs. Saki, Mr. Eito and Mrs. Azumi walks away and went to the dining table.
“But I already ate – Eh?” Hikaru said as Mrs. Saki grabbed his right arm and dragged him going to the dining tables.
“That man, honestly…” Hiiro said as he sighs making Ms. Annie giggle.
“Sir Hiiro, the ‘Candidates’ Presentation is just around the corner. I wonder if ‘Princess’ Harue has made her decision.” Ms. Annie said as she wonders.
“Uh? About that? She finally managed to chose her ‘Candidate’ after six months. I just hope He will be the right person who can help this Kingdom.” Hiiro said as he crossed his arms.
“Then, that’s good news. The Second ‘Imperial Council’ will be overjoyed with this.” Ms. Annie said as she walks away and joined the others eating on the dining table.
Back in the ‘Main Island’
In the ‘I.C.H.Q’
As Hiiro’s condition, Harue and her maid were both transferred to he I.C.H.Q.  
Inside Harue’s bedroom
“Why? I-I cannot! This ruins my skin care routine.” Harue said as she rolls back and forth on her bed for the 5th time.
“Your highness, it is way past bed time. I suggest you go to sleep.” Maid #1 said as she stood by on the door, watching her to fall asleep.
“Then, I want you bring me some warm milk and cookies. Immediately!” Harue said as she commanded her maid.
“But? Your highness. As you wish your highness.” Maid #1 said as she opened the door and went out of Harue’s room.
“1,2,3 Go! I must find that book.” Harue said as she jumped out of her bed and sneaked out of her room. Harue went out to visit her big brother’s room.
Inside the Advisor’s Room…
“Excuse me, I’m coming in. Eh? Wow! This is the Advisor’s room.” Harue said as she gently opened the door and went inside the Advisor’s room.
“Let’s see. I wonder where is that book.” Harue said as she quietly walks inside the room, checking each bookshelf for that book.
“There you are, your highness!” Maid#1 said as she suddenly appeared behind her.
“What?! Hey! When did you-? You found me.” Harue said as she suddenly flinched and turned around.
“I told you to always close the door after entering the room. What are you doing in here?” Maid#1 said as she asked Harue.
“Now you are here help me find that storybook. The ones big brother reads to me every night.” Harue said as she commanded her maid.
“I will help you, your highness. So, what is the title of that storybook?” Maid #1 said as she asked Harue.
“Uh? About that? I forgot the title of that storybook.” Harue said as Maid#1 sighed and began scanning the bookshelves.
There are five bookshelves inside the Advisor’s room. Harue and her maid began scanning each bookshelf. Each bookshelf houses 100 books and journals Hiiro used to collect and read before he got busy with his duty.
Upon searching, Harue looked around and got curious on the ‘book’ placed on the top of his big brother’s desk.
“Huh? What is this?” Harue said as she ran towards the desk and grabbed the ‘book’.
The ‘Key’
Found the
“What? The ‘Key’? Who’s there?” Harue said as she heard the voice out of nowhere.
“Your highness? Is everything alright? Oh my! You found the storybook.” Maid#1 said as she approached Harue.
“Who’s there? Who are you?” Harue said as shed got afraid and asked the mysterious voice.
“Your highness, who are you talking to?” Maid#1 said as she wondered and asked Harue.
“Let’s get out of here.” Harue said as she grabbed Maid #1’s right hand and ran out of the room.
0 notes
owlsshadows · 7 years
Day 1: Whisper (listen)
It’s their second week up North, where the distinctive towers of Wilant’s fort fade into the silhouette of the mountain ranges in the distance. The nights are cold up here, just as the lords greeting Obi are – a man famed to be the lover of the prince has little worth in their eyes; a man with a tiny woman as his bodyguard even less. For the most part, Obi can’t seem to be bothered by it, just as he has never minded the palace gossip. Their host for the night, Lord Akari still manages to stir something up in him – for Obi to pace up and down his room, wearing a troubled expression.
“They just won’t take us seriously,” he says, stopping by the end of the bed.
“Tomorrow’s another day,” Shirayuki assures, leaning against the door wearing her black formal uniform. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to charm them.”
There’s teasing in her voice, earning a warm smile from Obi.
“Maybe we should’ve asked the king to wed us before departing,” he muses as he pulls his shirt over his head and folds it neatly over a chair.
Shirayuki tries, and fails, to suppress a snort. It’s so like Obi to bring up marriage as a tactical weapon – not that she has never imagined it: moving to a cozy little house somewhere south, where she doesn’t feel like freezing to death every winter, marrying Obi and bearing his children…
She likes to entertain herself with little scenarios of their married life in her free time – they would invite Ryuu over to spend his vacation with them. Yuzuri and Suzu could visit them from time to time, maybe even their kids could play together if Suzu ever gathers the courage to ask Yuzuri out. She would cook her grandfather’s best recipes. Obi would… he would be a great father.
But as much as she loves indulging in her fantasies, she knows all well that marriage is impossible for someone like her – especially to someone like Obi.
“Don’t laugh,” Obi growls as he sits down on the bed, patting the covers beside him. “It’s important to impress these frozen-in-convention lords. His Majesty has made that quite clear before sending us here.”
Shirayuki takes a tentative step towards the bed, humming in agreement. Obi lays down and looks up at her, his black hair glossy and eyes gleaming gold in the candlelight; and she still can’t believe her luck that she can have all of him for herself, even if for a short while.
“I believe the northern lords would find another thing to be disgruntled about,” she says softly, fingers running across Obi’s discarded shirt absentmindedly. “They all seem quite impossible to me.”
“They are,” Obi agrees, curling up to create a cocoon for her to fit in. “Come,” he asks, holding his hand out to her.
Shirayuki shakes her head slightly.
“You sleep first, Mister,” she says. “I will take a walk outside. There’s something about this place I don’t like.”
“There’re a lot of things about this place I don’t like,” Obi argues, then voice softening he adds, “Make sure you get enough sleep. We may need all our energy if we are to accompany the lord on his little hunting trip tomorrow.”
“I will,” Shirayuki murmurs, stepping to the window.
“That was very reassuring indeed, Shirayuki. Totally believable. I’m no longer worried that you may spend the whole night sitting in a tree guarding my sleep,” Obi grumbles fondly, his not-impressed expression melting into an eventual smile. “Will you wake me when you return?”
“I… I will try.”
Obi lets out a sigh, turning his back at her.
“If you say so. Hurry back,” he says, yawning.
Shirayuki’s heart squeezes as she steps on the windowsill, walking up onto the snow-covered roof.
There’s nothing she hates more than lying to him.
The nights are cold up north and Shirayuki has always been quite weak against chilly winds. She had noticed the alarming signs of a cold before: her nose clogging, voice cracking, and an eventual cough trying her throat. She finally developed a fever in that huge, draughty dining hall, sweat running down her spine and sticking her hair to the back of neck, making her dizzy and nauseous.
It’s not something she would hide from Obi – should they be in Lyrias, among friends, where she can rest assured that even if she spends a few days recovering there would be people looking after her hotheaded pharmacist. But they are on a mission, and the lords they’ve met so far were far from hospitable – she wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to cut Obi’s throat in his sleep or if a ‘wild boar’ were to attack him on their hunting trip tomorrow.
As warped as they are, people up north have their values set in stone. A man who charmed their prince is a liability.
“These folk are crazy,” she murmurs to herself as she settles in on a wide branch of a pine tree, pulling her hood in her face shivering.
It’s one thing she doesn’t want to worry Obi with her condition – it’s another that she never wants him to know how she cures herself.
She loosens the straps of her sachet to take out the three vials she stole from Obi’s stash earlier that day. According to Obi, one is strong enough to kill a large bird; the other could send a horse flying.
The third he never described, never even showed her no matter how long she sat by his desk while he worked – she was even surprised to find it in his kit. The third she had used before she met him: it was introduced to her by a vicious old  fox living in the gutters of the Tanbarun capital , selling his goods as well as information to those who knew where to search for him.
Careful with that, little girl. One drop may stop your cough, three will take away your breath forever.
She spent a little more than a summer by his side, doing odd jobs for him and his clientele. She remembers his teaching as if it were yesterday, though it feels like it was in another life or have happened to another person entirely.
I’m an apothecary, not a poisoner, the old man complained, yet she would still call him poisoner the next time and the time after; each time she returned from spilling a little this-and-that into the right glasses at the right places.
Remember: a little is cure, a little more is solution, he would say, winking.
She knows her measure – she may use way more than advised, but she does it on purpose. She can’t let herself to be weak, not when all the noblemen of the north are out to silence the man the prince fell for; not when the man she loves is in danger. She takes a sip of the first vial, drinks the second one entirely and carries on to take one drop of the last when the tree under her shakes violently.
Obi kicks the trunk with vigor, a pile of snow landing on top of his head.
“Hey you thieving squirrel up the tree! Did you think I wouldn’t notice that some of my supplies went missing?” he asks – voice laced with much less fury his actions would let on.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice…” Shirayuki peeks through the needle-like shoots of the tree, her voice smaller than a birds as she speaks.
“Like hell I wouldn’t! Come down, idiot!”
Shirayuki doesn’t put up a fight. It’s impossible, really, once Obi has caught her red-handed. She plans to jump down beside him – it should be easy, athletic as she is.
Apparently, she miscalculates.       
Her fever causes her to stagger a little; one of her legs gets caught up on a branch of the pine and she lands right atop Obi, flattening him to the ground with a hammering thud.
“Sorry!” she jumps up sitting, only to be pulled back in an enormous hug.
“Just tell me if you are sick, you goddamn thick headed woman,” Obi murmurs close to her ear. He’s cold, his skin is so cold…
“You’re only wearing your coat, Mister!” Shirayuki shrieks, pushing herself up in horror.
“What should I wear when I’ve undressed just before your eyes?!” Obi argues.
It hits Shirayuki too late, way too late. He had done it for her: The undressing, the hand, the insistent call for her to come to bed… it was all there to stop her from doing something stupid, but she was too preoccupied in planning how to drug herself to notice. Obi wanted to stop her.
Obi knew.
“You will freeze to death!”
“At least you won’t die alone,” he grumbles, standing up and pulling her along with him. “Now tell me, what did you take already from all the poison you hoarded?”
Shirayuki feels like a child caught in mischief, placing the empty vial in Obi’s hand without explanation.
“You drank it all?” the pharmacist pales, looking her in the eye. “Come on, show me your tongue,” he grabs her jaw, prying her lips open.
Shirayuki bites him out of pure embarrassment.
“I’ve done this before and survived just fine,” she reasons later, once they are back in his room and Obi’s done cleaning his wound. For that, she doesn’t apologize – she says it’s Obi’s fault, sticking his finger in between a squirrel’s teeth.
“Doing it before doesn’t make it any less stupid.”
“We don’t have time for me getting sick here.”
“We have time for what we make time for,” Obi says, examining her face again. “Your fever is down.”
“Told you it works,” she argues.
The pharmacist sighs, grabbing her wrist to measure her pulse.
“I wonder when will you stop thinking that ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ is a valid concept to live by?”
“Is it so bad?” Shirayuki asks, propping herself up on the bed.
“I ordered you to stay put,” Obi reminds her, pushing her back on the mattress by her forehead. “You are not authorized to leave my supervision until I deem you healthy.”
Shirayuki casts his hand away from her face with an angry huff. She gets agitated each and every occasion Obi treats her like a patient, because he treats her like a child –
“You are worse than Kirito,” he says every time –
– and she is reminded of all those other lives she had before she joined Obi. She is reminded of her grandpa, grumpy and headstrong, doing his utmost to bring her up. She is reminded of the old poison maker, fluffing up her hair every time she arrived, handing her a piece of still warm bread. Tooru’s grin flashes before her eyes, and faces of the other kids, those who were not so lucky as the two of them…
The way Obi treats her calls forth unwanted memories.
“And yes, it’s bad. You’re risking way too much.”
He presses his forehead against her own – she can feel his breath running down her temple.
“You’ll catch my cold,” she argues.
“One more reason to not participate in the hunting tomorrow,” Shirayuki feels him smile, lips touching her cheeks softly. “One less reason for you to worry?”
“How would I not worry if you got sick?”
“How would I not worry if you got sick?” Obi repeats, all the more meaningful.
“I can take care of myself, Mister…”
“Yeah? Like, drugging yourself?”
“Don’t you dare to sleep,” he whispers against her neck, arms wrapping around her, tucking her in deeper under the blankets. “Not until I get my message through.”
“What message?” Shirayuki mumbles, drowsy.
“You’re not a tool. You shouldn’t act like you are.”
“I am your g…”
“Girl,” Obi whispers, planting a fleeting kiss on her chin. “You are my girl.”
“I wanted to say guard,” she corrects him.
“I wanted you to say woman,” he says. “Keep that in mind.”
24 notes · View notes
sheepydraws · 7 years
I’ll Kick Your Ass! I’ll Kick My Fiancee’s Ass! I’ll Kick My Own Ass! (8/11)
Facebook Messenger, Group Chat
Ryoga: My phone’s out of commission for a few days, so don’t try to call or text.
Shampoo: Ha! I told you that case wasn’t indestructible
Ukyo: Did you drop it into a jet engine or something?
Ryoga: Worse. Akari found a tumblr with pictures of me dueling Ranma. For Akane.
Shampoo: Oh shit!!!
Ukyo: So she bashed your phone in?
Ryoga: Akari is a very gentle, creative, pissed off person. She wouldn’t do something like that.
Scrawled in every public restroom between Ryoga’s flat and Sheffield in permanent marker:
Ranma’s Diary
Of course I was going to drive up with Nabiki and Akane, but now dad expects me to stay  with them, too. Something about our heater not working. The problem is lack of cash flow, not a busted valve, but the Tendos have guest rooms and tons of food, so I wasn’t going to complain.
‘cept the Tendos also have world war three going on right now, and I’d almost rather go home and try my luck with the space heater than listen to another meltdown.
Akane dropped the P-Bomb on her dad on our way home. She’s been flat and distant ever since she heard, and then she just blurts it out. Interrupts Nabiki and “Car Talk” mid-sentence. Nabiki’s mouth shut so fast it clicked, and Soun turned the radio off, even though he didn’t believe Akane till he saw the video.
We spent the next hour skidding along the freeway while Soun talked, mostly to himself, asking questions like, ‘How are we going to afford this?’ and ‘She doesn’t even date, how could this have happened?’, that no one could answer.
I felt pretty fucking awkward, listening to this guy I don’t really know monologue at his only daughter who wasn’t there, but Akane got all bright and shiny. She went from looking like a zombie to having apple cheeks, and smiling at me. Holding my hand and telling me that this was a family thing that I shouldn’t worry about—even though I might marry her? So it would be my family thing too? And her hands are really soft but they have really distinct calluses so they aren’t just floppy mush, but I didn’t want to think about that so we played hangman in her totally-not-a-diary till we used words that would make urban dictionary queasy and we had to stop.
It was interesting watching the reverse with Kasumi. One second she’s stirring away at a risotto for lunch, flushed with the steam, the next minute she’s snow pale with two red spots on her cheeks cause she’s still stirring the risotto.
First Soun was mad because of the money, but Kasumi claims she has a lot of money from her videos. Then he was mad because she doesn’t want to move out. She says it’s more sensible, and the baby can stay in her room for the first few years, and after that hopefully Nabiki will have moved out. I think Nabiki would have been pissed off that Kasumi was making decisions for her, if she hadn’t looked like she was considering climbing out the kitchen window to get away.
Now Soun is mad because Kasumi won’t tell him who the father is. She won’t even say if she did it artificially or not. Kasumi isn’t budging on this. Every time Soun brings it up her lips go thin and she burns whatever she’s cooking. Not that there isn’t plenty of pound cake, fudge, fried rice, casseroles, and whatever else Kasumi thinks up. Part of it is because of the holidays, but most of it is because it keeps her busy. I’m not complaining, but it’d be nice to eat in peace.
Facebook Messenger
Ukyo: So has your girlfriend murdered you yet?
Ryoga: Akari wouldn’t do that. She’s left rotten eggs on my doorstep, tried to send me a computer virus, and apparently gave every degenerate in England my phone number, but I don’t think she’s working up to murder.
Ukyo: I tried to warn you, man. Love makes you go bananas.
Ryoga: Uh-huh…
Ukyo: What?
Ryoga: Uh, I saw you kiss Shampoo.
Ukyo: She kissed me. She felt guilty for hiding things from me. It was a one time thing.
Ryoga: Right.
Ukyo: Look, have I noticed that Shampoo is pretty? Yes. Is she really funny and not afraid to laugh till she shoots soda out of her nose? Yes. Do I feel comfortable around her and like how it feels when I wake up in the middle of the night and can hear her breathing? Of course, I’m human. Have I pictured her wearing stockings and a garter belt? Maybe, but I’ve pictured you doing the same thing, so I’m going to put that down as normal human urge as well. You’re great, and so is Shampoo, but I’m not in love with either of you.
Ukyo: Ryoga? You there?
Ryoga: Sorry, I think someone just hurled a burned sponge cake at my window. I have to deal with this.
Ryoga: It was full of jam and cream.
Ryoga: Like how you’re full of shit.
Ukyo: If I like Shampoo, explain why wasn’t I upset when I heard she had kissed you.
Nabiki Tendo’s Bank Statement.
December 18th Withdrawal.
From: Savings
To: Patreon, Kasumi Tendo [Donated as: ANONYMOUS]
Amount: 5,137.56
Comment: N/A
Kodachi’s Journal:
Not Anal
Mousse doesn’t work for grandmother anymore. She fired him for trying to knife one of my friends. The new girl is pretty nice. Her name is Konatsu. She’s one of those people who catches on to things pretty quickly and probably is good at math or dancing or something, but is still a total idiot.
Example: I’m telling her about a soap opera she’s thinking about starting, and I say, “The sex scenes are really good, too. If that sweetens the pot for you.”
She stares at me blankly. “What?”
“They’re really passionate, you know? It doesn’t feel like they’re posing for the camera.”
“What does that mean?”
That was when I remembered that this girl is like sixteen doing part time, and maybe she honestly has no idea what I’m talking about. “A-a lot of the time it feels like they’re being directed, and it’s really obvious. Like you can kind of hear someone saying, ‘okay, now moan, and make sure to turn your head so you’re facing the camera’, you know?”
“What does ‘sweeten the pot’ mean. Is that a euphemism?”
See? Lights are on, but nobody’s home.
She’s still better than Mousse.
I’ve been thinking about him a lot, though. Now that he’s ignoring me I can think about him without getting a ‘speak of the devil’ feeling creeping up my back. I can even run through the good memories without worrying I’ll want to get back together with him.
Studying at his house, coming with him when he dog sat for his neighbor and then getting into their pool, challenging each other to speed eating contests with jello packs in the cafeteria. Mousse could be a lot of fun when we were bored and actively trying to come up with ways to get into trouble.
I like that I can think about the sex again, too. Mousse was never as pushy about sex as he was about us getting back together. He was kind of surprised the first time I said, in the same tone I said things like, ‘How many of these milk cartons do you think we could drink before someone yells at us?’, or, ‘no, that’s probably illegal’,
“Do you think we could get away with having sex?”
We planned it out like a jewel heist. He would have to come to my house since his bike was kept on his front porch and mine was always in our foyer. I’d make sure the kitchen window was unlocked so that grandma and mom wouldn’t wake up at the sound of the door opening. Then he’d have to creep up the stairs, skipping almost every other step to avoid creaking.
Honestly, I think I spent more time being excited about the smuggling a boy into my room thing than the actual losing my virginity bit. But that part was pretty nice.
If Mousse had wanted to move away from here, or just been okay when I said I wanted to, we might still be together. Or would it have been even messier because I would have fallen for Ukyo and Ryoga anyway? I keep thinking of dating Mousse as ‘simpler times’ but who am I kidding?
Forwarded To: Ranma Saotome From: Nancy Sulivan Junior
Private Materials
Certification of Report of Birth (of a United States Citizen)
Ayame Saotome
[Information Ranma already knew]
Father: Genma Saotome                            Mother: Nodoka Saotome (Née Kumon)
Nodoka Saotome’s Facebook Profile:
In her icon Nodoka is a handsome woman in her early forties with doe eyes that make her look younger than she is. They are Ranma’s eyes. His hair too, he thinks. Not that he can tell when his father has been bald for as long as he can remember.
Her banner photo is Japanese calligraphy, saying something about honor and passion. Her description says she works at a dojo, and her public albums show her working with children in oversized gi’s and heavy belts.
She looks happy.
Of course she does, it’s fucking facebook. No one posts sad shit on facebook. No one writes about leaving their husband and losing their child. They don’t write about how much they miss that kid every single day and pray that somehow they’ll find them again over those obnoxious tri-fade backgrounds.
Ranma would never admit that he was hoping for it.
Laura, things are such a mess. I’m glad you suggested I write it out. I couldn’t explain it over the phone, when all I wanted was to hear you joke about how your day went. (Sidenote: You should put that egg story in one of your videos. It was hilarious).
I wish I had been able to warn my family about this. Springing it on them three months in hasn’t been easy for them. I thought if I waited until I knew I was pregnant they would all be too excited to worry too much or try to talk me out of it. I thought pregnancy had this magical effect on people, where they suddenly became too happy to worry, but my family has far too much to be worried about.
Nabiki sent me her entire savings account. Every cent. She tried to do it anonymously through patreon, but I knew it was her. She was bragging about how much she had saved up last month, and I don’t believe some generous person just happened to drop that exact amount into my paypal. I sent it back to her, and I tried to explain that I have plenty, but she said, “Kasumi, there is a reason I have been on birth control since I was fourteen—Kids are the worst investment on the planet. They eat money, and you can’t expect any returns.”
I reminded her that she got on birth control because she spent months telling dad about how painful and irregular her cycle was until he just wanted her to shut up about her uterus. She said that was also part of it. I know she sounds heartless (she does try so hard to give off that impression) but she was trying to be kind, and realistic.
Akane is mostly confused. She keeps asking all these question about how it feels, and what I’m allowed to do or not. I’m not sure if she’s excited or concerned, or just curious. She was the one who told dad about it, and I’ll be honest, it was a bit of a relief to have it out. If only dad hadn’t absolutely lost it. He’s angry, and I’m angry at him for being angry, but I understand why he’s so upset.
“You know, adoption is still an option.”
“So, when did you actually know? Is it kicking?”
“I don’t understand Kasumi. How did this happen? You’re a smart girl.”
No one wants to talk about the baby, though.
Wait, no. I was making macaroons yesterday, and Ranma came in from his morning run and said, “I always liked flower names for girls.”
I had no idea what he was taking about for a minute, but it did get me to look up from my macaroon piping. “What?”
“Like Violet and Rose and Daisy. I always thought they were cute. For guys you’ve got to have something solid. Something you can build a house on, you know? Like Jordan.” He nodded once, as though it was decided, and popped a cookie into his mouth before his father burst into the kitchen. He and Ranma started talking about run times while I clutched my piping bag and tried not to cry. They say pregnancy is emotional, but I think they’re only referring to the one whose pregnant.
Anyway, thank you for listening, Laura. Hugs and kisses<3
Hey, hun, I finally had time to sit down and read your e-mail, and I’m sorry I can’t get down the coast again to be with you. I know I wouldn’t be much help, but you sound like what you need right now is a good hard squeeze and a friendly face.
Tho, I’ve got to say, maybe it would help if you told them how you did it? Maybe they wouldn’t be as neurotic if they weren’t imaging some clueless dude out there paying for his coffee at starbucks, with no idea he’s going to be a father.
You took charge of your live, hun, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Otherwise, I think what they need is time. Right now they’re probably all thinking that this is still reversible, you know? They’re in shock.
Hey, what if you took the train up to me? See NYC under the christmas lights? I’m kind of busy, but the city is full of stuff to do. You could relax a little, eat some takeout, maybe do your christmas shopping? We could do another collab! Maybe a QandA to post between Christmas and New Years?
Maybe the best thing for you all is a little space.
Ranma’s Diary:
I got up at two in the morning and went to piss. It wouldn’t be worth writing down if I hadn’t seen the kitchen light on and found Kasumi in there. She was pouring herself a glass of milk.
“Are you doing that pregnant lady thing where you drink three glasses of milk every day?” I asked.
She laughed in this super high pitched, chirpy way that creeped me the fuck out. “No, I just woke up craving it.” She rubbed her stomach. Or, her uterus, I guess. “I’m already having trouble getting comfortable lying down.”
“That sucks.” I said. “Do you think it would feel better if you got into your pajamas?”
Kasumi did that ‘five nights at snow white’s’ laugh again. “I totally forgot. It gets so cold in my room sometimes I don’t want to take my clothes off long enough to get changed.”
“Okay.” I said, because I didn’t really care, but at the same time I was getting really freaked out. I looked past Kasumi for a second, at the dining room, and I saw a rolling suitcase lying under the dining room table.
I could have asked, I should have, but Kasumi’s an adult, right? Also, she might have done that laugh thing again, and every time she did I felt like a demon was creeping up on me.
So I said good night and went back to bed
Now all anyone can talk about is the fact that Kasumi has disappeared, and I want to say something, but then I might have to talk about what happened next.
I went back upstairs
Forget it. I’m sure Kasumi’s safe, and everyone is all freaking out over nothing. So she wants to be alone for a while. Can you blame her?
Akane’s Diary
I feel like this is my fault somehow. I heard something weird the night she left, I know I did, but I ignored it.
And why did I ignore it?
I woke up in the middle of the night to Ranma on the stairs right outside my door. He was just standing there, one foot on the stairs, the other on the landing.
“Ranma?” I whispered.
He jumped. “Akane?”
“What are you doing?”
He came to stand in my doorway, a black silhouette against the yellow of the hall light. “I couldn’t remember where my gi was. I left it on the couch.”
I squinted at him, trying to see his expression. “Were you up?”
“No, I woke up.” He waved his hand and added, “It’s not important.”
His voice was kind of thick and raspy from sleep. It was nice. It reminded me of…
I’m such a fucking idiot.
Of course it was Ranma on Halloween. Guess what everyone, I’ve figured out the meaning of life! It is TO MAKE FUN OF ME.
I should have told him to go to bed and then tried to go back to sleep and forget about it. Sure, he was about the right height, and his voice sounded similar, and when I couldn’t see his face it seemed really obvious, but that didn’t mean he was Batman. Anyone can be short and do a decent batman impression.
“Could you come here?” I asked.
He hesitated, but then he came and sat on the edge of my bed.
He slid down the side of the bed till our faces were just a couple of inches apart. From that close I could see him properly, so I closed my eyes and tried to pretend the air was crisp, and my armor was digging into my shoulders, and everything smelled like alcohol and cheap plastic.
“What is it?” Ranma whispered.
“What were you for Halloween this year?”
Utter silence.
I guess it was better than a lie.
“Wow.” I said, really stretching out the word, “Wuh-ow.” I started laughing at the way my own voice sounded. “Of course. I can’t fucking believe it.”
“Look, Akane, I didn’t even know it was you until-“ I knew what he was going to say. It all clicked inside my head. That was why he ran. Because why deal with things in a civilized way when you could just let fight or flight take over. “If you know what’s good for you, you won’t finish that sentence.”
“I swear I wasn’t trying to-“
I heaved my pillow at him. “Get out!” I whisper yelled, because I didn’t want anyone finding him in my room. I went to shove him off my bed, but he dodged and stood up himself.
Something about not being able to make contact, not being able to feel a satisfying weight against my palms, made me even madder. I chased him out of my room saying, “You asshole, you fucking asshole!”
He tried to reason with me again at my door.
“This is why I didn’t say anything about it! I knew you would react like this.” His expression softened a little. “Maybe it’s a good thing? We had fun, right? If we get married-“
“We aren’t getting married.” I said, and to my horror my voice broke at the end of the sentence and I started crying. I’ve never cried like that before, sudden streaming tears. “I don’t care what our dads say, I make my own decisions. I am never going to marry you, Ranma.”
And then Ranma said the exact thing I didn’t want him to say.
“But if you’re trying to do the opposite of what they want, are you really making your own decision?”
I closed the door on him. I waited until I heard his footsteps on the stairs again, and then I slid to my knees, forehead pressed to the wood, and kept crying. I haven’t been this confused since I was eight years old and I started doing things wrong. When I started feeling strange in my own skin. It wasn’t me though, it wasn’t my fault. It was everyone else who was suddenly obsessed with boys and girls and their difference, and which side I was on.
At least then on some level the answer was easy. I mean, I know who I am. It was everyone else I had to convince.
All this stuff with Ranma makes me feel like no matter which way I go I’m always rubbed the wrong way. Like something slices into me, but it’s corkscrew shaped so no matter which way I turn it cuts me so half of my skin peels away. I want to be my own person, I want to decide who I marry, but now I feel like I want Ranma to be an option as well.
I was thinking about shit like this and trying to find a good metaphor when I heard something that I swear was the kitchen window opening and closing. I swear, there was the little squeal it has, and a thud as it shut again. I’m sure that was what it was.
But I was too busy thinking about myself and my unmasked man.
I’m such an idiot.
Akari, since you’ve blocked me on everything and refuse to talk to me in real life, I thought I might at least try to explain myself here.
I never cheated on you. I did duel a guy for a date with a girl, but it wasn’t just because I wanted to date the girl. It’s complicated, but the guy is a jerk and the girl thought the best way to get him to leave her alone would be if someone bested him in combat.
I didn’t even win.
I understand if you don’t want to be together anymore, but I want you to know that I never went out with Akane, or kissed her, or anything like that. I want you to know that I still have my honor.
All my love,
P.S: At least stop indirectly attacking me? I have now seen enough dick pics and rotten eggs to last a life time.
Latest post from fuckboisgetmoney.tumblr.com
Big sis done got knocked up and run away, little sis’s engagement dangles by a thread, and the middle child is involved in a blackmail mexican stand off.
We’re a god damn soap opera.
#at least i like soap operas #no one’s getting laid tho
Kasumi Tendo’s instagram(@riceandsalt): A photo of one of the infamous Black Tap milkshakes, a cake batter milkshake with a frosting and sprinkle covered rim, garnished with a hefty slice of funfetti cake, whipped cream, and a cherry.
A photo of Laura wearing a blanket cape, posed dramatically in front of a window overlooking a snowy city.
A photo of Kasumi’s nails, freshly painted pink and white, with cutsey teddy bears on the thumb. The work is professional, and quite good at that.
A photo of Kasumi, standing sideways in front of a mirror, her sweater tucked into her bra so you can see the beginning of a baby bump. The skin on her stomach is pink in a line across the top where her lap top was just resting. Description: After #iluvuLaura and I posted the AMA I got a lot of questions asking for #babybump photos, so here’s a quick one❤️.
ILuvULaura’s Latest Video: Christmas QandA with Kasumi Tendo! [Published December 23rd]
The girls are sitting on the chairs in Luara’s kitchen, snow falling in the windows behind them. You can see the photos hanging from Laura’s fridge, her family back in Newport, her last dog, her graduation photo. On the bar just behind the two of them are mugs with tea for Laura and hot chocolate for Kasumi. They look relaxed, Kasumi leaning back in her chair, one hand resting on her stomach.
Laura: So, I know this says it’s a Christmas Q and A, but since Kasumi’s involved there were a lot of pregnancy questions.
Kasumi: And isn’t that was Christmas is all about? [laughter]
Laura: I’m just saying. Actually I want to get a couple of the most common pregnancy questions out of the way first.
Kasumi: Right, right. I think the three biggest ones were, ‘when are you due?’, ‘what will the name be?’ and… [She glances at Laura, a little uncomfortable with the next part]
Laura: Yeah, there were a TON of people asking about the father.
Kasumi. Yeah. Anyway, I’m due sometime in May, although I don’t put much stock in that. All three of us, my sisters and I, we were born wildly off the mark for the due date.
Laura: Really?
Kasumi: I was born almost a month early—well, earlier than the due date, I wasn’t actually premature. Nabiki was two weeks late, and the doctor who did Akane’s first ultrasound got everything fucked up and she was really small, so she was born two months before anyone expected her.
Laura: [Laughs] That’s so weird. I was right on time. Like, the exact day.
Kasumi: Your mom probably went to a better doctor than mine.
[They laugh and swap childhood anecdotes. It’s an all around good time for everyone but the Tendo family watching at home.]
Ranma’s Diary
I like being legal, but around Christmas I always miss being a kid. Being excited and selfish and doing all the cheesy traditions with a huge grin, and dreaming about the toys I would get—Christmas is the best when you’re a kid. I always got cool stuff, too. I could always count on my dad.
This year I couldn’t think of any shit I wanted. I asked dad for one of those fancy pedometers that tracks your heart rate and stuff, and some sweaters. The only thing I was excited about was whatever Kasumi was going to make for dinner, but she’s in New York.
Oh, yeah, turns out she was staying with a friend. Soun lost his shit. He straight up had her reported missing when she’d been gone twenty-four hours, and now that he knows where she is he’s on a train up there to drag her back.
It’s going to be nuts, but right now we’re waiting around and eating all the food Kasumi left. Dad’s at the gym. I think he’s pissed about something, but who cares. It gave me like five hours to stare at mom’s facebook page.
I don’t know what I’m going to do, man. I gotta fix things with Akane, and my mom, and Kasumi, and maybe all the Tendos, but I don’t even know where to start.
Okay, wait, I know what I want for Christmas. I want Soun and Kasumi to get back at like three am tonight and scream at each other in the living room, but then cry and make up. That’s what Ukyo and I did and
Last five posts from okinomiyakimeansiloveyou.tumblr.com:
5. Mean Girls gif set
4. I’m telling you, this whole ‘no romantic relationships thing is pretty sweet. Like, you know what dating leads to? ENGAGEMENT. Fuck. I know a guy who’s engaged, but not exactly. It’s a whole thing. Anyway, he calls me up on Christmas eve eve and says, “How do you apologize for kissing someone?” cause he masked man-ed HIS OWN FIANCE.
So, after I finished laughing, I said, “Dude, you’ve got two options. You can try to tell her she’s just THAT charismatic and you couldn’t help yourself,”
“She’ll fucking kill me,”
“Or you can just apologize. There’s nothing else for it. She wanted to kiss you right?”
“I guess. When she thought I wasn’t me.”
“Well, it’s fucked up, but honestly it’s so fucked up all you can say is sorry. You can’t talk your way out of this. Just apologize and let her go from there.”
I mean, between this and my boy Ryoga having to deal with a semester of pent up anger from his ex, and my girl Shampoo crushing on him (or maybe just giving us all the runaround) I don’t care what people say. Not being in a relationship rocks. You don’t have to deal with any of this shit, and people still come to you for advice.
What? Yeah I’ve had three eggnogs. I’m drunk and sugar high and single and it is a good day to be alive.
3. A gif of Purity Ring lyrics overlayed on a background of patterns shifting color hypnotically.
2. Fucing rum man. Fucking A shit
1. But, like, what, if RyeRye and Shammy do gety together? Are they gonna fuck me out? I like those fuckers so much I don’t wanna be just some friend that intorduced them. Also, it’s totally not even right now. I have to kiss Rye Rye. Then it’s even,,,,right? Yeah. I wanna see how he compares. Like sHAMMY’S GOT THAT GOOD SHTI WHERE SHE LEANS IN AND HER BREASTS GET PRESSED UP AGAINST YOURS AND SHE SMEELLS LIKE A MEDAOW BUT RYRRYE’S GOT THAT SQUARE JAW whoops that was capslock, and he smells like fresh deoderant and liene annd I mean I just gotta check for sciense. Yes. Science. Goooood.
Facebook Messenger
Shampoo: Btw, did you get a weird drunk dial from Ukyo at like two am this morning?
Ryoga: It was seven over here.
Shampoo: So you were on the other line! I thought I could hear you, but Ukyo kept talking over you.
Ryoga: Did you understand anything they were saying?
Shampoo: Not really. Something about love. I think it was the love doesn’t exist spiel.
Ryoga: I thought that might be it. It sounded sort of like she was telling us not to get together????
Shampoo: That’s so weird. Why would he think of that?
Ryoga: I don’t know.
Ryoga: We did kiss.
Shampoo: But you had a girlfriend then. And then I kissed Ukyo, so it’s all even.
Ryoga: Actually, I haven’t kissed Ukyo.
Shampoo: Do you want to?
Ryoga: Maybe then she would feel better? We’d all be on a level playing field.
Shampoo: I feel like this is sliding into threeway territory.
Ryoga: yeah
To: KasumiTendo96@gmail
Kasumi, are you alright? You seemed okay when you left but I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Your dad was really pissed.
Merry Chirstmas, by the way. I hope you’re happy and with loved ones.
From: Kasumitendo96@gmail
To: iluvulaura@hotmail
Oh lord. Laura, are you sitting down?
First of all, I’m fine. Yes, dad was pissed, but he had the right. If my kid did something like this I’d be worried sick too.
We cried a lot on the train ride home. People were looking at us weird and avoiding us as they walked down the aisle. We were both crying so hard, and the train was barely heated so our noses were just pouring snot. Basically everyone is scared and worried and we’re all really confused right now.
Honestly? I thought this was going to be easier. At least the pregnancy bit! But I think it would be like this even if I was married and everything was a little more conventional. There would still be crazy questions and fears, and late night crying jags. Only things might have gotten off on a slightly better foot.
But it’s good to be home. I think everyone has at least accepted what is happening. I’m making a belated Christmas dinner with all the favorites, which won’t be ready till tomorrow, but just the thought has perked everyone up. Akane is trying to help, and is telling me about all the crazy pregnancy stuff she’s learned on the internet. I’m telling her what’s totally fake and what is mostly fake.
Nabiki is talking about preschools, and how the really good ones require you to get on a waiting list NOW, and it turns out that while everyone else was panicking over where I was, she was buying a crib and setting it up in my room.
Dad’s been telling stories about when we were all babies. Some of them are funny, and some are mildly terrifying, especially the ones involving the dojo. Dad noticed that I looked really worried and he said, “You really can drop a kid on their head a few times, and they’ll still turn out just fine. Don’t worry if you fuck up a little.” which didn’t exactly make me feel better,
but I didn’t feel worse either, so…
Oh, and Ranma.
Hoo-boy. This is the part I thought you might want to sit down for.
When I got home Ranma was waiting for me in my room. He was sitting on my bed with his laptop, but he was cross legged with his eyes closed like he’d been meditating or something.  He scared me out of my skin.
“Kasumi,” He said, like he hadn’t just ambushed me in my own room. “I have to ask you something.”
I closed my bedroom door and put my bag down. “What is it?”
“What would you think if your kid was trans? And your sister wasn’t.” He added.
I sat down on my bed. “I don’t know if I can really answer that. I remember how I felt when Akane came out.” It was sometime before her senior year. It was ridiculously hot in the kitchen. I was making lemon bars for something I don’t even remember-lemon bars, the easiest things in the world!-and I was sweating bullets, and Akane walked up behind me and started lecturing me on the history of the trans movement in America and the fluidity of gender. I half thought she had a school project on it until she got to the point. “I was surprised mostly. It was in the news a bit more then, but you know how it is. You think of it as something that happens to other people’s brothers.”
Ranma nodded, but he had this flat look on his face that said I hadn’t really answered his question. “Right, but would you have felt different if it had been your kid?”
I tried to think about it, I really did, but I just can’t say. “I might be a little more worried about them. I mean, Akane was almost eighteen. I knew it was her decision to make. I think if my child said that their gender was different than expected I might be more concerned about how that would effect them, but I want them to be happy. If that’s a part of their happiness I would have to support them.”
Ranma seemed a little more satisfied after that, but then he said, “Now pretend you’re like twenty years older and come from a more traditional family. What would you think of it then?”
At that point I threw my hands up and told him I couldn’t answer for anyone else. That was when he’d told me he’d tracked down his mother (I mean, it wasn’t hard. She lives a few hours from Ranma’s school in the opposite direction from our town and she has a facebook account) and he wanted to talk to her. Only he can’t because she thinks she has and daughter out there somewhere and, well…
Oh, Laura I can’t talk about it too much, but he got all choked up and then wouldn’t cry, which was worse. Listening to him trying to explain it all when his throat was closed off and he was shaking…I held him for a while but I don’t know what to do. If my kid is trans or gay or queer it won’t matter as much because there’s Akane. But for Ranma…He doesn’t really know his mother’s family, so he has no idea how they would react.
Although…Ah, I don’t want to write this, it’s so indulgent, but it made my heart so warm.
I had to stop hugging Ranma because it was a little awkward, us both sitting and his legs pulled up like they were, and then he said, “You’re going to make a good mother.”
I said, “All I did was listen and give you a hug. I don’t think that’s all there is to mothering.”
“That’s all I want my mother to do when I see her.”
I worry about Ranma, but then again I don’t. I think even if his mother jilts him, he’s strong enough to handle it. And he knows he has somewhere to go if he isn’t.
Kodachi’s Journal
Freezing temperatures
Snow long since tracked away
The buzzing of new years clackers fades.
Boredom hangs low and grey as the sun
You can’t look at your brother without fighting.
Oh Ranma.
Either you have taken me for a ride
Or you owe me one.
From: TKuno
To: NabikiTendo
Seeing as we seem to have reached MAD, may I inquire as to the health of your pregnant friend?
From: NabikiTendo
To: TKuno
You are lucky I’m bored, and shocked, and get to rub your face in the fact that the courtesan and the accountant were banging.
Yeah, she’s all better after a relaxing trip to New York.
From: TKuno
To: NabikiTendo
New York? Wouldn’t being in a city that big be somewhat dangerous to someone in her condition?
Also, it’s a soap opera. I’m sure there will be another reversal of fortune eventually.
From: TKuno
She’s pregnant, not a blown glass ornament. Women have been having babies since forever. We’re pretty good at it.
Also, you are such a reacher. Did you see the sex scene between C and A? Now that was chemistry.
From: TKuno
To: NabikiTendo
Women have also being dying from complications since forever. I only wish you understand that I am sincere in my desire to for your friend to be healthy. I think that baring children is one of the noblest acts of mankind.
Also, I will not debate the merits of various sex scenes with you.
From: NabikiTendo
To: TKuno
You got anything better to do?
Facebook Messenger
Shampoo: We should stop talking about this.
Ryoga: If you want to.
Shampoo: I don’t know. It feels inappropriate.
Ryoga: It’s not like we work together or anything.
Shampoo: I know.
Shampoo: But why does Ukyo have to be involved?
Ryoga: They don’t. This doesn’t have to be anything. We’re just talking.
Shampoo: Talking leads to doing and doing leads to pregnancy.
Ryoga: I think I know how to put a condom on.
Shampoo: You’ve had sex before?
Ryoga: No. Not sex-sex. But the condom bit is easy.
Shampoo: You and Akari never fucked??? And she’s still this mad?
Ryoga: She’s a bit less mad now. We’re not talking, but she’s stopped actively trying to fuck me up.
Ryoga: Also, does having sex make a difference?
Shampoo: I think so. Stuff changes. After Mousse and I did it we got closer. And we thought we were really slick too, never talking about it in public, just doing long lingering glances. And touching more. We were more comfortable with that.
Ryoga: Why would that make it worse when you broke up?
Shampoo: We did The Thing. I think we both sort of felt like that really meant something. Like maybe we’d last.
Ryoga: But that’s what high schoolers think. We’re in college now.
Shampoo: So why didn’t you and Akari do it?
Ryoga: We were always going to do it. We were always planning on it. We were always going to get there…
Shampoo: Buuuuuut?
Ryoga: It felt like something we couldn’t take back.
Shampoo: Yeah, like after that you have to be together forever.
Shampoo: This is why we should stop talking about this. And never mention it in front of Ukyo. Ukyo doesn’t believe in forever, and I don’t want to feel like we’re using her.
Ryoga: But I don’t want to use her. I want…
Shampoo: yeah
Akane’s Diary
1. Fake illness too severe for me to make the drive. (That would be pretty hard to fake without getting sent to the doctor. It would mean dad would have to make the drive twice, which he would be kind of hard on him. If anyone found out I was faking I might have to explain. Kasumi would take care of me and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it.
2. Injure Ranma so that he is at the hospital when we leave. (If I suddenly broke Ranma’s leg I would probably wind up in therapy. Also, the bag of dicks probably deserves an education. Or something)
3. Call a cab and leave early in the morning. (Do you know how much a two-hour cab ride would cost?! Dad would murder me, but not before making me explain why I did it)
4. Steal our car early in the morning. (See above.)
Maybe I’ll just stay up really late the night before and sleep in the car. Being unconscious is kind of like not being there, right?
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of To Heart
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How did I get into this anime? I have been curious about this anime for a straight-up decade now and the randomizer decided to bless me with something not incest. Thank you Arceus!
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Since she was young, Akari Kamigishi has been best friends with Hiroyuki Fujita. Because of kind acts he did for her as a child, Akari has stayed by Hiroyuki’s side. Now that they’re both in high school, something has changed in Akari and it feels more like she’s falling for her childhood friend. Will Akari find happiness with her best friend or will she end up friend-zoned?
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And because this is a harem, there are quite a few girls hanging around Hiroyuki throughout the two seasons. Just to name a few, we have the brash friend, Shiho. Then there’s the tomboy type, Aoi. The very silent type, Serika! And then there’s the robotic maid, Multi. Yes, you read right. A robot! This is Japan after all! Oh yeah, there’s also the class rep, an actual American girl, and a quiet girl with supernatural powers.
Akari, girl, you need to step up your game if you’re up against all these chicks!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Before I discuss all that, let’s go down the ugly story about To Heart for fans in the U.S. The first season (and only the first season) was dubbed by RightStuf (at least I’m certain about that). Everything else wound up undubbed and even unlicensed. To Heart was kind of left in the dust due to what happened when the first season was supposed to release in the U.S. A lot of damaged material was the culprit and this came during the time when animation was transitioning from animating using cells to going digital. So to sum that up, the anime debuted in Japan around 1999, Rightstuf licensed To Heart in 2004 with a release in 2005, and the actual release was delayed to 2007. And in back-in-those-days times, that’s pretty fucking long. I can see why they didn’t want to bother with this series after it took all that trouble to remaster a series many were calling only “OKAY”.
Now then, on with the good stuff! I went in thinking that this was a Geneon reject, but was blown out of my ass to hear voices from New York! Lisa Ortiz, Jessica Calvello, Veronica Taylor, Wayne Grayson, and my personal favorite (not who you’re thinking), Carol Jacobanis! Yeah, surprisingly I didn’t hear Ted Lewis here. But Jacobanis is my second favorite in the NYAV group. I am in nostalgia heaven! Yes folks, these were the same people to give life to many characters from Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Berserk, His and Her Circumstances, Bakuman, Gravitation…OH, gambled and lost! Well, you get my meaning! Thankfully this dub wasn’t as horrific as Gravitation (despite Hiroyuki’s voice actor is well-known for something from that particular anime). Here’s what you might recognize these folks from!
JAPANESE CAST: *Akari is played by Ayako Kawasumi (known for Ursula on Pokemon DP, Saber on Fate/Zero, Izumi on Beyond the Boundary, Aoki on Bakuman, Laura on Index, Yoshida on Shakugan no Shana, and Nodame on Nodame Cantabile)
*Hiroyuki is played by Kazuya Ichijo (known for Hoteye on Fairy Tail and Zafila on Nanoha)
*Shiho is played by Chieko Higuchi (known for Tomo on Azumanga Daioh)
*Multi is played by Yui Horie (known for Hanekawa on Monogatari, Tohru on Fruits Basket, Hanyuu on Higurashi, Minorin on Toradora, Charla on Fairy Tail, Chie on Persona 4, Maria on Umineko, and Riki on Little Busters)
ENGLISH CAST: *Akari is played by Debora Rabbai (known for Mika from Gravitation, Rika on His and Her Circumstances, Leina on Queen’s Blade, and Boogiepop [original])
*Hiroyuki is played by Rich McNanna (known for Jack Walker on Pokemon Movie 9 and Shuuichi on Gravitation)
*Shiho is played by Jessica Calvello (known for Prima on Pokemon, Hange on Attack on Titan, Excel on Excel Saga, Kanako on Maria Holic, Tsukino on His and Her Circumstances, and Aika on Aria the Animation)
*Multi is played by Tara Sands (known for Richie on Pokemon, Soujirou on Rurouni Kenshin, Mokuba on YGO, Badiane on Sailor Moon SuperS movie, Tori on Pokemon Movie ~ Deoxys, and Filia on Slayers Try)
SHIPPING: So remind me what genre this anime is!
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We’re watching a harem! But it’s more slice of life than anything romantic. There are a lot of love interests for Hiroyuki throughout the series. It’s just that it doesn’t develop as much as one might think (except for maybe Akari) in season one.
And it’s so easy to think that Hiroyuki is the object of every one of these ladies’ desire. Serika waits for him to come to the club room. Aoi finds him helpful, as does Tomoko and Lemmy. Multi got attached to Hiroyuki’s headpats. As for Akari, she’s got quite the teddy bear collection because of Hiroyuki. After watching all of season one where Hiroyuki is hanging with all of these ladies individually, I thought there would be a moment of jealousy from one or more of these girls. Much to my surprise, that was not the case. It didn’t go down any of those bad-end routes you’d see with things like Kanon, Clannad, or God-forbid, School Days!
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But then season two happened…
Ooh boy! First of all, Hiroyuki ended up getting his first confession of love from the most unlikely person ever. Kotone wasn’t even a contender in the first season as she had other issues. In fact, didn’t she have feelings for Masashi in season one? But halfway in the season, she gets ballsy and confesses to Hiroyuki. He rejects her and thankfully it didn’t get ugly (except Akari heard it and got jealous). Lemmy, I also thought wasn’t in play, but here we are! She was apparently childhood friends with Hiroyuki and brought it up when confessing her feelings. That unfortunately came at a bad time as he’s in a quarrel with Akari so he dismisses her.
And then there’s Akari! She’s been able to put on a smile and kind of be a wall-flower whenever Hiroyuki is doing something with one of the other girls. And most of the season, we see him mostly with Aoi and Multi. Thankfully, Aoi never showed romantic interests in Hiroyuki. I much prefer Aoi x Kotone if you want to know the truth. But halfway into season two, jealousy came in like a drunkard in a bar. Akari was definitely pissed when she saw Kotone confess to Hiroyuki and would get jealous seeing Hiroyuki and Multi together so much.
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Oh yeah, good old Multi! Yes Multi loves Hiroyuki. Now does Hiroyuki love Multi back? It’s complicated! Because of Multi, Hiroyuki ends up pursuing a career in robotics and as a result spends quite a bit of time with her (pissing Akari off in the process). But because Multi is kind of a malfunctioning robot, who the hell knows if she’ll even remember being with Hiroyuki.
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Now are there other boys interested in any of these other girls? The only other boy that has any prominent screen time is Masashi. It’s just that after season one, he’s only seen every so often because he’s busy with soccer. But in season one, it almost felt like Kotone was admiring him from the distance. Don’t get excited because that was just a one-and-done sort of thing before Kotone set eyes on Hiroyuki. Actually, Masashi does reveal his fondness for Akari (at literally the worst possible time). But it seems like Masashi ends up with Shiho in the end. So…whatever!
Hiroyuki DOES end up with someone. Just go down to the end of season two to get that answer.
ENDING TO SEASON ONE: The last two episodes of this season consist around Shiho deciding that she wants to throw a Christmas party at an old hangout from her middle school days! But this isn’t the only nostalgic kick she feels. Shiho ends up remembering the first day she met Hiroyuki and after he took care of a wound she got, Shiho starts seeing Hiroyuki in a new light. Yeah, up until this point, Shiho and Hiroyuki’s relationship could be summed up by saying they both give each other shit every day. Then you have Akari, who is also feeling a little nostalgic with trying to see if Hiroyuki is able to remember things from their past. During the finale however, Akari does develop a cold and has to bail on the party planning.
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When Shiho came to visit Akari, it kinda comes out that both girls do care for Hiroyuki. But because this isn’t one of those kinds of romance animes, it really doesn’t get ugly. It’s more of an “I acknowledge your feelings for the boy I like and good luck to you”. Shiho really didn’t do any confessing and we get a cute moment with Hiroyuki and Akari out in the snow.
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Let’s see how Season Two holds up!
OMAKE: Nozomi Entertainment also released the six Omake specials that came with releases of the first season. Not dubbed! Just a couple of minute-long specials that range from cute to wildly absurd.
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There were also Omake specials in season two that mostly consisted of all the girls fighting each other in almost a Street Fighter or Dragon Ball style.
REMEMBER MY MEMORIES: Five years after the first season aired, To Heart returns with a bit of a time-leap from where we left off last and some slightly improved(?) animation. And if you’re wondering why this season isn’t called “To Heart 2”, there is a series named that already. To Heart 2 is a spin-off of To Heart. It’s just that none of the characters from To Heart are in To Heart 2. ANYWAYS…
It has been a year or so from where we left off. Hiroyuki, Akari and the others are now in their senior year of high school and a lot has changed. Minor character, Kotone who mostly kept to herself in the first season, has found another role in hanging out with Aoi (the chick who’s into martial arts). Serika is still silent, but that blue hue to her hair is definitely not silent. What the hell is with this new animation? And finally, Multi apparently left a year ago and came back in the first episode of season two. Only now Multi has amnesia. A lot has changed since season one, especially when it comes to romance. Buckle up!
ENDING TO REMEMBER MY MEMORIES: Yeah, this season layed on the melodrama really thick compared to the previous season. All the ladies love Hiroyuki and at least half of them expressed those feelings to him. Akari had some conflicted feelings when it came to Hiroyuki. She loves him, but feels like he doesn’t return the feeling due to him hanging around a lot of other girls (especially Aoi and Multi).
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Speaking of Multi, this girl has had such the rotunda of computer issues. My stroked-out Dell PC from 2005 had more working power than this girl! For starters, her memories are in danger of being wiped away at several points of the series. We even begin season two where Multi returns after over a year with full-blown amnesia. And since then, Multi had some sort of malfunction issue arise every other episode. This was showcased in the finale, where Multi gets so upset and runs away to the amusement park!
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So, Hiroyuki and all of his friends come together to look for Multi. They thankfully found her at the amusement park (during closed hours) and broke into the main-frame to the Ferris wheel. And did I mention these people almost committed assault on police officers? Yeah, these kids are about to have a rap sheet the size of Texas by the end of the episode. Anyways, Hiroyuki, Akari, and Multi ride the ferris wheel and have a nice talk before Multi falls asleep for…
…Let’s say a long time…
Fast-forward to high school graduation! Hiroyuki and Akari seem to be doing a lot better. They’re both going to attend the same college and are pretty much on better terms than when Akari was having a jealousy, bitch-fit. At graduation, they both decided to give each other the Christmas gifts they never gave each other. Because Multi was having another malfunction, they never got to give the gifts. Hiroyuki got a hand-knit sweater. And Akari got a ring!
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Hiroyuki wanted it and so he put a ring on it!
During the ED credits, we see the characters we’ve seen throughout these two seasons and what they ended up doing after high school. Lemmy is back in San Francisco. Aoi and Kotone are still doing the fighting matches. Rio is a primary school teacher. Serica is still into the occult. Tomoko is working for her father’s business. Masashi is becoming a big soccer star with Shiho working on journalism (and I think Shiho ends up romantically involved with Masashi).
And we close with Hiroyuki and Akari working with the HMX robots and surprise, surprise, Multi wakes up.
And before you ask, I did NOT watch To Heart 2. And I don’t intend to…at least not yet. I’m saving it for another day and putting it back on the randomizer list.
This anime was…just okay. Yeah, a lot of things were predictable, especially when it came to who the main male lead was going to end up with. Come on, we all know Akari was going to end up with Hiroyuki in the end. If this were the visual novel, I’m sure there were infinite numbers of routes Hiroyuki could take and there’d be a good end to all of the girls. But I’m mostly anime only here! In terms of recommendations, ehh…I feel like there were other better harems you could watch.
Only season one of To Heart got an official release in the U.S., but you might have to search around for any DVD copies as I’m pretty sure it’s currently out of print. Anything else from the series, you’ll have to do some heavy searching to watch all the way through.
Okay, next licensed limbo/unlicensed classics!
What’s that one play everyone and their mother has seen, but you haven’t?
*sighs* Hamilton.
No, the other one.
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Les Miserable? Wait, this never got licensed?!
Okay! I guess I’m watching that. I hope I can do well at this review considering I never watched the play, read the book, or watched that film where Russell Crowe can’t sing.
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