#like girly that’s just stolen art lol
meggie-moo · 2 years
Nobody will ever be more annoying than the ai art community
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crushedsweets · 1 year
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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mamamittens · 2 months
I've done the sketch for Great Fairy!Nikia for the silly little BoTW/ToTK/One Piece crossover thing I've had going on for seemingly no reason besides sheer madness.
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Side note: the escalation of leveling up your gear implies either Link fucks the fairies multiple times or, more plausibly and hilariously, the greatest blessing requires being dunked in the water and they're all such shits they just about waterboard him to do it. They don't seem interested in sex, more appreciating the flattery than anything else (or little conductor man is absolutely GETTING IT, WE STAN A SHORT KING!). Though they definitely think Link is cute...
Great Fairies. Are weird. OC discussion below.
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So I went mostly in accordance to the art book for BoTW on the Great Fairies who are mostly identical save some minor details such as color, jewelry, hair, and makeup. She's technically related to them in the way that all fairies are related to each other. Very young as well.
So! Fun fact! I'm Breath of the Wild, the Great Fairies have no legs! Their waist down is sorta swallowed by a twisting flower bud??? Like they're the stamen for a flower kinda?? It's weird. But recent iterations of fairies tend to get rid of their legs anyway so it's not that surprising. So, I wanted her to still have them, even if she doesn't really... Use them??? So I fused it a little with Wind Waker fairies (not the child Great Fairy, who seems to control the others??? It's weird) where it sort of goes from dress to curling ribbon. So her 'legs' are actually going to be more like glass??? With the actual substance being the shoes (sort of like how the horse fairy in BoTW has detached hands) the pant ribbon things.
When she's super injured they either totally disappear or are just limp ribbons, rip.
Now, you may recall I said her wings get stolen? But here she has none. Yeah, like most Great Fairies she has none, they just tend to be floating women. So I'm not totally sure how I'll fix that plot hole unless I mean specifically the wings behind her right ear or her winged glasses. Probably her glasses. It's just silly enough to be a legit side quest in a Zelda game.
Now! The hair! There's a design note that the four great fairies have their hair flowing in one direction and it's also quite... Bombastic. So I played around with the volume a little and decided to do her braids for the trailing bit. Then I had to figure out what ties off the braids and thought it'd be cute if they were fairies holding them in place. Or maybe just hugging the ends to keep it from falling apart. Still deciding if they're game normal fairies or special colors since it's part of her design.
Still going with a dark blue/luminous stone inspired color scheme but I may color the dark jewel parts like pearls? The og girlies are pretty pastel themed so it would be interesting for a semi-traditional take to be notably different in several aspects. Parts of her outfit is themed around Lily of the Valley, such as her puffy sleeves and skirt/shorts. The sash thing that goes under her bust will also pulse with blue light but we'll see how well I can illustrate that.
She's a very glowy fairy. Hide and seek must be difficult unless she hides in her fountain.
Her fountain I'm still deciding on but I like the idea of a man made pool of perfect water with a budding flower in the middle where she lives. It blooms and she emerges like the others, save being only waist up out of the flower. Kinda giving water garden vibes like the little alcove in Zora's domain. Pillars surrounding the structure. Maybe a classic hidden entryway that requires playing music. Unsure which since it won't be made by the Royal family and as such, not need Zelda's Lullaby. I'll sit on it. A bit. Not like I could include that in the drawing.
Her magic centers more around permanent buffs revolving stamina and hearts via 'healing' ingredients. Perhaps this is how Link will manage two perfect rows of hearts and full stamina rings at the same time lol
I'll spare you my silly smut ideas btw
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bisluthq · 4 months
Hi! I hope this isn't a rude question but from what I remember you live in South Africa, and I was super curious. Yesterday I read a post on reddit from a female solo traveler who was planning to travel for months, first landed in Johannesburg, spent two days there, felt super unsafe, cancelled her whole trip and went home. A lot of comments were saying it IS super dangerous there and she just did poor research. Is it really dangerous there? If yes, is it just Johannesburg or all over?
not a rude question! My take is, honestly, it’s as dangerous as you let it be. Johannesburg has some pretty dodgy areas which I wouldn’t recommend to tourists and it’s a VERY big city - just geographically/spatially not even talking about population - so I wouldn’t recommend for any tourists (solo or not) to go without a guide/group. I’d book in with a guide. It’s a REALLY cool place though - I know many Brits and Americans who actually preferred it to Cape Town and rated it on par with their safari experiences. There’s a lot to see and do, it’s vibey, the people are lovely. But if you try diy your itinerary/accommodation and rely totally on Ubers like yeah you can put yourself in some pickles. You do need a guide or to like be relatively local (I’ve spent a fair amount of time there for work and for my brother’s competitions and to go to my embassy and because I was very briefly seeing this girl who lived there when my ex and I were breaking up but sorta not broken up idk anyway I flew up there to see this girl a few times and I can honestly say I’ve never had any funny or bad experiences there. I liked it and felt safe but I’ve also lived in South Africa since 2001 and I have friends there so it’s really not the same as a foreigner going by herself). A weird thing multiple people have told me now is the train system there is nicer than Europe’s and I guess it is lol. It’s very on time and very clean and not like whatever is going on in France or Germany or the UK (side note I personally thought the Italian trains are great but they were def dirtier than the Gautrain system). So there are yk a lot of… really state of the art things about Joburg.
Cape Town is a lot safer and more “European” so easier to go with no plan/guide. I know sooo many women who’ve traveled here solo and had a rad time. Again, obviously be smart lol like don’t do dumb shit but that’s a good rule of thumb traveling anywhere.
I mean okay here’s a story - when my bf was in college (he’s American - or rather Californian which is its own thing but he was in college on the East Coast) he started dating this French foreign exchange student and that summer he took a summer school course in London in part to be able to see her more. Two of the girls on his course were friends of his from school so they were staying together and anyway these girls wanted to go to Paris for the weekend and see Paris and all and that worked well for everyone ergo they basically arranged a swapsie situation - his gf would come to him in London and they’d have the flat to themselves and these girls would get to use her apartment for free. All good. The girls were told very explicitly like what trains to use and when the last one leaves but they were partying and the guys they were with told them that actually there’s a later train and they believed them because cute French boys idk I guess and obviously it turned out there wasn’t a later train - obviously V knew when the trains to her apartment stopped running lol - so these boys and their girl friend offered to drive them back to the apartment, which they accepted, and then like the Americans invited them up like for a thank you nightcap and these people proceeded to badly SA the American girlies and rob my bf’s gf’s apartment. The girls obviously left to go home to the US immediately the next day and my bf’s gf broke up with him because all her shit was stolen lol because of his moron friends so she wasn’t happy with him. That’s a real story that happened - doesn’t mean I’ve ever felt unsafe in Paris though. I’ve felt like I’m overpaying for shit but I’ve always been… safe. I’ve actually taken the last train in Paris myself and it was totally fine even though I was not sober lol and the American girl *I* was with there (not romantically like we were just vibing together) also had nothing bad happen to her at all lol so it’s not even a dumb American thing. It’s like… bad shit sometimes happens.
Basically, my take is touristy South Africa isn’t unsafe tbh any more than any other touristy part of the world (if you go into really bad areas that’s different) but keep your wits about you dudes if you do decide to go and obviously feel free to hmu.
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rorithetori · 1 year
Hi guys so today is character analisis friday!! Todays characters is a very special one who has stolen everyones heart without even coming out yet the character who am i talking abt is
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You guessed it!! Its frizzle!
So lets get started with some yummy headcanons for her (some of them were requested by some followers on instagram)
-Girly, likes flowers, LOVES the color pink and watched each and every one of the barbie movies!! But at the same time she likes shitpost and makes very random coments lol
-cares about everyone and is very extroverted
-When she was on the farm, she was in charge of making the chicks laugh and distracting them so that they would not see the misfortunes that were happening in there
-probably lost her parents at a very young age
-sees ginger as a mother figure, basically mollys family care about her alot
-has a close relationship with molly they are bffs almost sisters 🥺💞
-she loves crafts and arts she made her own necklace (requested)
-she is will have a husband of a darker color and have several children 💞 (requested)
-She knows all the barbie lore and she tells it 2 molly every time they're together (molly's annoyed)
I can see her wearing this:
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-probably like her v/a she has adhd
Frizzle lost her parents:
While making this article the mlvie havent even came out yet but i think frizzle might she was born or was taken with her parents to the farm of the tumblr SEXYMANNNN dr fry, and unlike the tweedy farm the chickens had no chance to live and were automatically turned into nuggets, It was a matter of time before the time came for her parents to leave and leave a little frizzle abandoned. and probably causing him depression and a feeling of loneliness until he met molly and the other chickens
Fun facts:
-just like Mac she has all of the hair (?) picked up by a headband
-her skin color is red maroon (thats crazyyy)
-frizzle's chicken breed actually exist (Google it theyre so cute)
-At first, before I saw his photo, I thought that frizzle was going to be a boy, DON'T ASK ME WHY BECASE IDK SORRY FRIZZLE 😅😅😅
(I am going to update this as long as we have more information about this strawberry pie 💞💗💘💖💗💗)
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Hey there~ it's me again. I read one of your sonamy future prompts ( featuring their children ) They all have wonderful names, but how did you come up with those names? As for me I always second guess myself when it comes to these things 😅
My sonamy fan children~
Journey (Youngest of 4, Power: Loud sonic boom cries.) was stolen (I literally saw someone’s art and saw the name and was like-)
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That’s brilliant!!!
Her power though was original, and Sonic’s favorite thing about her is that she calls Amy “Chili-mama” Cause Sonic tried to get her first word to be Chilidog and Amy kept trying to teach her to say ‘mama’. The beautiful combination of that made her what she is, a bit of a silly but innocent baby. She gets kidnapped by Eggman when he remembers his life in a retirement home and smirks saying, “Bingo..” - “But Mr. Robotnik, you don’t have bingo.” - “Oh, trust me, my dear. I do~” and learns that Sonic has a family. But his metal-cyber brain takes over again and Sonic’s forced to remove it, leaving Eggman a old man with no memory but Sonic visits him as he nears the last stages of aging...
Journey has sonic boom cries based on the idea that her voice can travel passed the speed of sound, creating a ‘Hyper Voice’ effect. I also headcanon this makes her ideal for speaking super fast. She’s also magenta. (Again, following Genetic chart posts 1(x) 2(x))
But Speed, Freedom, and Rebel I made up entirely. Speed because all male hedgehogs in the Sonic universe starts with an ‘S’ so their video games would line up together on the game shelf. (True story from the officials) So I went with Speed thinking -from my genetics chart- At least one child may get super speed. 
Speed is born without Sonic present, who is still fighting Eggman and keeps his marriage to Amy secret. Speed grows up at first admiring Sonic but later resenting him, becoming a mama’s boy and training under Shadow. He has the potential to learn Chaos Control but can’t master it yet, because Shadow is immortal, he grows very close to Speed, as though like a master to student relationship but Speed wants it to be more. He tries to convince Shadow to woo his mother into leaving Sonic, but Sonic comes back just in time before Speed proposes the idea to Amy. Amy is faithful, obviously, and wants Speed to accept his father. Sonic is getting old and after putting Eggman in the home, decides it’s about time to get things right with his family. He hates being a stay-at-home dad but Amy works and he hasn’t found a job yet.
He trains Speed who can summon a Baki-Baki (Japanese sound effect for thumping something, hitting) Stick which is like a fighting stick/bow staff which is reminiscent of Amy’s Piko-Piko (Japanese Toy hammer sound when hit.) Hammer. He’s also light blue, like a turquoise.
He ends up taking over his father’s place as the world’s hero much later down in his character arc. Speed is also a romantic like Amy, he plays in a band (guitar, like Sonic’s underground years) and can’t help but fall in love with any girl he sees. Until he meets Sandy... of course~ (She’s based on Sandy from Greece, and is a cute guinea pig~<3 He’s a lot of girlfriends before this point, or at least a billion crushes.)
Freedom is based on Sonic’s brother’s green quills and how that could run in the family of Blue-Green genetics. so Freedom is a light green who loves race cars and works as an apprentice at TwinTail Industries owned by Tails. He helps Tails, even being so young as he is, the third youngest, to test-run his experiments or help learn about the “Inventions of the future!” He longs to be a racecar driver, like Sonic’s Racing years. 
He can manipulate wind, and this allows him to hover and fly even. (Maybe the start of Silver’s line? If I wanted to think more into that lol)
Rebel is much like her father in that she’s solitary, a little boy chases her around and is a gentleman to her at school and she doesn’t know how to think of it. She’s a darkish purple? And she can summon any weapon she can think of (Reminiscent of Amy’s power). She longs to be a hero too, but is more a punk attitude mixed with Amy’s Rascal side and ends up getting into “righteous mischief” where she does something good but people only see the consequences and bad results.
Amy tells her love stories which she pretends to hate but is actually quite interested if Amy includes adventure in the mix. She wonders how her father fell for Amy, but Sonic ends up telling her the story and it’s a super cute bonding moment! (She’s second to oldest in this timeline AU.)
Moving off of this ‘Future Sonamy’ timeline AU is Sonic and the Chaos Kingdom’s kid. (x)Fanfic, (x)Wattpad, (x)DA, (x)Archive. He also has his own bonus story of wooing Maria!
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Skid, wearing a ‘flower crown’ cause he a soft boy~<3
Skid is a ‘sensitive’ boy, as in, he’s quite girlie. He loves girls and wants to marry them all to protect them cause he doesn’t think other boys will treat them right like he would. He’s a pacifist, due the prophecy on him as being the Prince to Bring Peace, and falls madly in love with Banished Prince Shadow’s illegitimate daughter, Maria.
He has the power to drift and is a light sky-blue hedgehog with a punk attitude towards his father, but a sweet boy demeanor to his mother.
Lastly, this Sonamy Children timeline is a darker one. One where Sonic has to go through a portal and may never return, to an alternate dimension where other versions of his friends are too to defeat Eggman who found his other-dimensional self was pathetic and defeated him, overwhelming the other Sonic Team. Sonic in that world has long since vanished, and he feels he has to go save that world.
To prove to Amy he isn’t returning, he elopes with her and gives her the last thing she’s ever wanted from him, but then leaves.
Not necessarily a love-child, Destiny Rose grows up not knowing why she has such a strong sense of justice and the need to fight against tyranny. Finally, Amy, on her sick bed, admits that when Sonic left, he gave her Destiny, and that Amy still believes he’ll one day return. (Although, she did marry a soldier, but he died in another war.)
Destiny also learns she has a brother, but is half a cyberman since the other dimensional Eggman escaped to this world. Little do they know that Sonic has actually returned... and meets Destiny, hearing about her brother and going to free him together.
They defeat this Eggman and the two Eggman's swap, but Sonic admits he was always faithful to his world’s Amy, not the other one. He sees Amy is bedridden and falls at her bedside, letting her know it’s not a dream and that their son is also safe.
The Son is half Cybernetic but is named Sonar, for his expert hearing and senses, he can’t be sneaked up on and can locate things really easily. He also has robot abilities! Haha.
That’s kinda a ‘apocalypse’ AU, lol
My last fan children are based on the idea that Eggman DNA spliced Shadow, Silver, and Sonic’s DNA into three children, who then all attach to Amy who helps them get rid of their (Rowdy Ruff Boys syndrome) bad behaviors and turns them to the light.
Shadow, Silver, and Sonic have to accept these new genetic hedgehogs: Boom (Sonic’s boy), Shade (Shadow’s Girl), and Sterling (Silver’s boy).
Amy protects the kids and teaches the ‘fathers’ how to accept and learn to love their new children.
That’s about all I can think of for them ^^ The other children I’ve created were at random for different stories. ~<3 Enjoy my headcanons!
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shirewalker · 7 years
tag games!
I’ll just tag a few people and then you choose your fave games, ok?
tagging @alarkvling​ @artemeis​ @ohmystarsy​ @captainvkirk​ @theleiaskywalker​ @lilabard​ @detmeter​ @starkova​ @caradocdearborn​ @julliettesferrars​ @roryglimore
all games under the cut
1st game! Ten Questions Tag Game
tagged by @aesterea​
How messy is your writing process?
Not as messy as it should be, I think. I’ve always been a perfectionist and unlearning that when being creative (doing first drafts, etc) is HARD. So I can’t say it’s messy-messy, but I try to make it a little messier so I can move on with things xD
Do you plan/outline before you write?
Oh yeah, yeah I do. Sometimes it’s just a paragraph with the general gist of the thing, other times I just develop the story in my head, but I always do some level of planning/outlining before writing. I wouldn’t be able to do it any other way tbh.
Which OCs are dearest to your heart?
The four MCs from my nano novel. I love them, so much I have to stop myself from fixing everything in one go xD 
Has your own writing ever made you cry?
Nope, not really. But it takes a lot for books in general to make me cry and it’s always, always when I do a reread. You’d think I was ready for the cry triggers? Well, THINK AGAIN.
How much of yourself do you think you put into your characters?
Probably more than some people would like? I try not to do self-insert, but we’re always bound to take inspiration from ourselves. As to avoid doing it all in an obvious and ridiculous way, I try to take bits of myself and put them in different characters. A habit, a taste, a crazy situation, etc.
What do you hope to achieve through writing?
To change the world~* Lol, to tell my stories, to make others dream with me. Why do we tell stories if not to change something about the world and make others dream?
How would you describe your style?
Still trying to figure that one out.
What works of writing have influenced your style the most?
Austen, Agatha Christie, LOTR, Shatter Me (Mafi’s writing is epic ok??), The Lunar Chronicles... Every book I’ve ready has influenced me in one way or another.
Do you have a “support team”? Who’s in it?
My fanfic readers? askflakj I don’t think I have a support team other than them tbh xD
Which OC would be your best friend in real life?
aaskhdajfls I don’t know. Maybe Jean and Maeve from my nano novel. But tbh, the four Roses being my friends? That’d be awesome, ok? I’d finally have my knit-tight group of friends :’)
My questions:
What’s the earliest story you remember writing?
Which do you prefer to write? Short stories of longer ones?
Do you think your writing is ready to be seen by the world?
Which OC would be the best company when writing and which would be the worst?
Do you have a favourite world you’d give anything to visit?
Any writing rituals? Special place, special time of the day, special medium to write a draft on, etc.
What’s your favourite genre to read AND to write? 
Do you have friends that write too?
If you could have a writing cottage anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Favourite author and how have they inspired you/your writing.
2nd game! 5 Things
tagged by @alarkvling​
5 things you’ll find in my bag: wallet, a book, water, food, bus card 5 things you’ll find in my room: books, my bookmark-making materials, a dreamcatcher I bought last year from an american indian, my first nikolina piece printed and framed <3 5 things that make me happy: rainy days, reading an amazing book, talking with my friends for hours (it’s been a while since that tho..), a warm cup of milk/cappuccino/hot chocolate, my nerdy otps 5 things i’m currently into: writing, drawing, bookmark making, shovel knight, nikolina lol 5 things on my to-do list: pass driving code exam, have a fun bday, be a better person, improve my writing, get a decent job.
3rd game! Music Game
tagged by @artemeis​
rules: set your entire (I don’t have all my music in one place lol) music library on shuffle and report the first ten songs that pop up.
The River by The Family Crest
Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home by Keira Knightley
La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong
Superstar by Broods
Make You Believe by Lucy Hale
Coming Up Roses by Keira Knightley
Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
Howl by The Family Crest
Conscious by Broods
So It Goes... by Taylor Swift
4th game! I’ve never...
rules: list 10 curious things you’ve never done and tag 10 people
I’ve never had a sleepover
I’ve never had my first kiss
I’ve never worn contacts
I’ve never been to a nightclub
I’ve never gone farther than Seville (outside country)
I’ve never had birthday surprises (the good ones ofc)
I’ve never seen snow other than the tiny flurry we had over a year ago (so like, not the kind you see all white and stuff)
I’ve never been to another continent
I’ve never had bff(s)
I’ve never seen a musical on stage
5th game! Get To Know Me
tagged by @becpunzel​
How tall are you? 154 cm which is a itsy bit over 5ft...? *shrugs*
What color are your eyes? Blue+grey+green.
Do you wear contacts and/or glasses? Glasses
Do you wear braces? No, and never had.
What is your fashion style? Cute? Girly? *shrugs* I don’t know but it’s something like that xD
When were you born? 14th March 1991
Do you have any siblings? A younger sister
What school/college do you go to? I have a degree on animation.
What kind of student are you? The kind that has to do well lol.
What are your favorite subjects? History, art, books...? xD 
What are your favorite movies? Tangled, Star Wars, LOTR, Clueless, Laws of Attraction, Pacific Rim, Inception, Mad Max: Fury Road, Megamind, The Princess and the Frog, Ghibli movies, The 10th Kingdom, etc 
What are your favorite pastimes? Reading, writing, drawing, trying to talk with friends I haven’t talked in a while, playing games, photography, bookmark making, making edits for books/shows/ships I love <3
Do you have any regrets? I think we all have those.
What’s your dream job? Something I’m good at and I enjoy doing and allows me a happy life.
Would you like to get married? Yeah, I would. Gotta do everything else before that point in life, starting with being remotely appealing for dating haha..
Do you want kids? Maybe one day yeah. It’s not out of the question but it’s not a must-do either.
How many countries have you visited? 2
What is your scariest dream? I went to a christmas party with all my ex-classmates from various moments in my life and I was ignored the whole dinner, my gift got stolen and no one tried to help. Probably not a traditional scary dream but it was a big-fears-fest
Do you have a significant other? Hahahaha, no.
not doing the music part since I did it in the other game already xP
6th Game! Another Get To Know
tagged by @alexclovere
Age - 26 soon 27
Birthplace - Portugal
Current time - 1:46 pm
Drink you had last - water
Easiest person to talk to - the rare close friends
Favorite song - I have a lot but lets go with a classic: Can’t Help Falling In Love
Grossest memory - (: Last year, the week before my bday. It was so much fun! not! AND SO GROSS AND AWFUL D:<
Hogwarts house - Slytherin
In Love - no :\
Jealous of people - always a little
Killed someone - ofc not wth
Love at first sight or should I walk by you again - I think you have to walk by several times and even then there’s no guarantee *shrugs*
Middle name - I don’t have
Number of siblings - one sister
One wish - a good job
Person you called last - my mom
Question you are always asked - job?????
Reason to smile - in spite of things being bad, it always gets better, even if it doesn’t feel like it. also, cute pets!
Song you sang last -Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home by Keira Knightley
Time you woke up - 9:30 am
Underwear color - huh
Worst habit - either thinking the worst is happening or thinking I’m friends with someone when they probs don’t even remember I exist
X-rays - it’s been a while
Your favorite food - pizza, homemade
Zodiac sign - Pisces
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