#like he's talking to daniel in english and then says something in german to someone else only to then contninue in english with daniel
spaceytrash · 1 year
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Daniel Craig in the behind the scenes of Obsession 1997
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
Random Question but it’s been poking around my brains: if you had to describe the Morvant’s voices in three words each, what words would you use? <I’ve been thinking in terms of sound lately so it popped in my brain> ❤️🖤❤️🖤
Sam, you glorious angel of a person, hello cherie 🖤🖤🖤😍
I was kind of joking around about this with some friends the other day about how ofc I picked two European actors (Eva - French, Daniel - Spanish/German obvi) for characters that have Deep South-bordering on-Cajun accents lmao. But your question phrases it in a much more interesting way!!
I'm gonna really really try to stick to three words but we both know I'm much more chatty than that so forgive me when I inevitably fail lmao.
Hector - I had to go listen to a few clips of Diego's voice bc he's the only one I want speaking almost totally unchanged. Light and Rough are the two words I know for sure, if that makes sense - even when he speaks fairly quietly, there's a quality to his voice that is still lighter to me, in my head, than the full rumble of Ron Perlman or Clancy Brown, but there's still a rasp to it. At first I wanted to say "Staccato" for my third but like... that's really only when he's speaking English? He has this very specific speech pattern that feels quick, like he bolts from word to word, but when he's speaking Spanish of course everything feels more like liquid, you know? (He speaks so fast in Spanish that when I'm watching to practice and try to keep up, I usually have to give up and turn subtitles back on, but that's probably more a me problem 😂) Then again, Hector speaks mostly English (for now) when I write, so maybe staccato is more accurate for us, at least?
...You know what, I think I'm gonna go with "Mellifluous," bc man's voice is musical either way. <3
Rora - Dark, Soft, Sultry. Unlike most things with Ror, hers is actually the easiest to describe of the three. Her voice is from low in her chest, usually sounding deadpan on the edge of sarcastic, and when she's just talking to one person it always sounds like she's speaking to you in an aside or going to tell you a secret. Her accent brings a lot of warmth to a voice that wouldn't normally be perceived as such. Her voice reminds me of a creeping vine, or the way a venus flytrap closes - deceptively slow and almost soothing, until there's something ominous there.
Maxi - Oh god, this is hard. He's the one I've heard in my head the longest, but somehow actually describing it feels impossible lmao. He definitely sounds closer to Daniel's normal voice than the deep one he uses for Zemo, but that's the only similarity the two might have, ha. :'D
Bright, definitely, with how often I picture him being fairly chirpy when he's excited or happy about something this of course changing when he has you alone or when he's about to end someone's whole life lmao. Honeyed for sure - his accent slows his speech the hell down, where I imagine he'd actually talk fairly fast if he was from almost anywhere else lol. Finally, probably Mellow - his voice has this comforting, homey quality, especially when he's talking to the families he's working with.
(...There's actually a band that's been featured on two playlists I've posted where the lead singer is the closest I've ever heard to how he sounds in my head, but I don't really want to say who bc I want people to keep their own versions of how they think he sounds!!)
This was a fun question, babe!! thank you for taking the time to ask, I always enjoy pondering things like this. 🥰♥️🖤♥️
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cazimagines · 3 years
After seeing @toobruhlforschool post the article, I had to translate it!
English translation by google translate below the cut
Daniel Brühl tried for the first time as a director - and he succeeds very well. His debut “next door” (in theaters July 15th) is full of black humor about how embarrassing, tricky and exhausting it can be to be a famous actor. Especially when you meet a neighbor in the corner bar in a Berlin neighborhood, played by Peter Kurth , who obviously hates you. The story is based on Brühl's idea, and very vaguely on his own experiences, from which the writer Daniel Kehlmann draws("Measuring the World") has made a script in which the price of fame is demonstrated with relish. In addition, allusions to Daniel Brühl himself are hidden in the film, who not only directed the film, but also plays the protagonist, a famous actor, in “next door”. Brühl, who last worked in the international Marvel series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” , speaks in an interview about what made him decide to make this story into a film and how to approach such a project.
Interview with Daniel Brühl: About the price of being in public and the success of projects
Mr. Brühl, in your directorial debut you investigate the price a successful actor pays for being in public. Why did you want to do this film?
One topic I've always been interested in is gentrification. The initial spark was an observation I made in Barcelona. That was about ten years ago. I moved to the city for a while. That made me very proud, because I've always felt very connected to Barcelona, ​​I was born there and finally wanted to say: “I'm a Barcelonian now”.
Instead, did you attract attention because the actor Daniel Brühl was recognized?
No, I just acted very silly, always walking through the streets with my key fob to show that I don't live in a hotel, I'm from here now, then I always talked loudly to the people in the market where Street, via FC Barcelona et cetera. Then I always enjoyed going to such a lunch spot and one day there was a crusher in front of me, such a real edge, and looked at me piercingly without blinking. Forever long. Like Clint Eastwood.
Just like in your film a man from the neighborhood, played by Peter Kurth, who takes on an actor who is very similar to you.
Yes, with the man in Barcelona back then, I immediately felt that he couldn't take me. As I sit there with my trolley suitcase, just flown in from Berlin. The jet set that somehow rattles around loudly with the waiters, makes each other mean and wants to please. That totally exposed me. Then my imagination started. I thought it was a scaffolding builder who had been able to look into our apartment from a construction site for months and now wants to confront me with everything he knows about me.
How do you relate this story to gentrification?
There is such a constant feeling that you are not to blame for gentrification but are part of the process. I've been dealing with this since I've lived in Berlin and I noticed it again in Barcelona. Then the mind game started that an actor, someone who is in public, offers a completely different surface to attack.
How do you translate that feeling into a project?
I enjoyed the way such a person was approached in a masochistic way. As he is told, “I found your film poop. I think you shit as an actor. " Then I moved the story to Berlin, the East-West topic was added, but at some point I realized that I couldn't write it alone and approached Daniel Kehlmann. He could do something with it immediately. While we were writing we noticed how much more was there. That was around the time some public careers were collapsing. That was an interesting component, people who outwardly have perfect lives, whose careers are ruined by rumors that come out about them.
Which personalities are you thinking of?
Well, of course the case of Kevin Spacey, the very different case of Harvey Weinstein. There have been many cases, some of them based on real crimes. It became an interesting topic for me because I wanted to play someone who would completely lose himself in his career and then be held up in the mirror.
If so much of you went into the script, why is Daniel Kehlmann the only one who has the credit and you don't?
There are so many Daniels. At some point I just felt uncomfortable reading my name so often. In addition, Daniel Kehlmann did the most on the script. I couldn't have made the film without him. That a Kammerspiel (From what I learnt in my film studies, Kammerspiel is a certain type of German cinema) remains exciting for over 90 minutes depends on the dialogues and they mainly come from him. I was a sparring partner who fed him ideas.
You have had a veritable career as an actor for over 25 years, appearing in blockbusters and playing a leading role in an international Netflix series. Then that's a fundamental step in deciding whether to direct. How do you manage to take such a new path?
You can't take a quick shot. I've been waiting for the right time, but you can't let it pass. That's what happens when you're too scared, too respectful. At some point you have to trust yourself. Now that I've done it for the first time, my humility towards directing is even greater. I consciously wanted to do something small. I would not have believed myself capable of certain other substances. Then I would have the feeling that I am falling out.
How do you know that you are on the right track and that you can get started with a project?
If an idea remains interesting for you after long deliberation and reflection, and does not suddenly become stupid or boring, you can ask yourself whether this idea is reasonable, i.e. whether you trust yourself to implement it. I knew this was a world and that there were characters - I just know my way around that. If you are also lucky enough to be able to set up a good team, then you are on the right track. It is of course a total luxury that someone like Daniel Kehlmann has promised me to write this. Peter Kurth replied with a handwritten letter within 24 hours. We met and hugged in his local pub.
The role actors and actresses play in public is not only the topic of your film, but was also discussed in the course of the #allesdichtmachen campaign, a campaign against the measures taken by the federal government to contain the corona pandemic. Were you also asked about this?
I was actually not asked, but I know many of those involved. I wanted to stay out of this heated Shitstorm number and clarified that privately with those I know. I not only found the action unsuccessful, but also the counter-action excessive and absurd. I can see that in many areas at the moment, how quickly such a thermal rises, which is toxic. That's a bit of the theme of the film.
Then again quickly an easier topic: What is the most absurd thing that has ever happened to you as a public person?
Haha, a scene that also made it into the movie. In Barcelona a couple came up to me in a park, two blondes, with a camera in their hand. It was immediately clear to me that they were Germans and they wanted a photo with me. I instinctively put my arm around the woman. They were Swedes, of course, who didn't recognize me at all, but wanted me to take a photo of them. It was so embarrassing and even more terrible than in the film because then I started to explain in English “You know, I'm a famous actor…” The way they looked at me! Haha, that was one of those moments when you notice how you blush. Well then I think I could tell you about embarrassment for an hour.
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onebadwinter · 3 years
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Name: Helmut J.(Jerit) Zemo
Meaning of Name: Helmut: heil ("healthy") or hiltja ("battle"), and the second from muot ("spirit, mind, mood"), Jerit: It creates an aggressive and independent nature, one with big ambitions, giving you salesmanship and promotional ability combined with excellent business judgment to gain the accumulation to which you feel entitled “ "just", Zemo: Makes you quick-minded with the result that you are never at a loss for words. When you are feeling relaxed and cheerful, you can be very charming and able to say just the right thing to compliment or inspire someone. You prefer to negotiate rather than fight  
Nickname/Alias(s): Phoenix, Baron Zemo, Citizen V, John Watkins III, Iron Cross, Mark Evanier, Theo Broussard, James Barnes, Herr Müller, Doctor, Psychiatrist, Fake Doctor, Aufseher Menz, Helmy, Baron, Jim, Sock-Head, Leper, Muse, Colonel, Sir
Age: 30
Birthday/Place/Time: September 2,  Leipzig, Germany, 1991
Species/Nationality: Human, German,
Accent: Yes
Language spoken: German, English, Ukrainian, Urdu, Ilocano, Dutch, Persian, Swedish, Somali, French, Turkmen, Russian,
Energy Blast
Energy Manipulation
Genetic Manipulation
Gravity Manipulation
Peak Human Intelligence/Enhanced
Leadership Intuition
Peak Human Accuracy/Enhanced
Enhanced Gunmanship
Intangibility(While being a ghost?)
Possession (Through his mind being trasferred)
Powerful Objects
Peak Human Stealth/Enhanced
Enhanced Swordsmanship
Enhanced Unarmed Combat
Weapon Proficiency
Science Intuition
Tactical Analysis
Tactical Genius
Peak Human Strength/Supernatural
Peak Human Speed/Supernatural
Peak Human Agility/Supernatural
Weaknesses/Illness/Allergies: Missing Limb: Zemo lost his hand in a battle with Punisher and wears bandages around his arm as a result, Nerve damage from being burned/melted in glue, Various other issues from this incident, Degradation of mental stability from this incident, as well as from a childhood with his father and his fathers actions toward others in front of him,
Pet: None
Occupation: Commander of an elite paramilitary tactical unit,Terrorist, Ruler of Bagalia, 13th Baron of Zeulniz, adventurer, Mastermind, Would-be world savior with world conquest inclinations; Former professional criminal, Leader of Thunderbolts, Assassin, Engineer, Wealthy criminal entrepreneur,  
Faceclaim: Daniel Brühl
Description: Blue eyes (Alt: Brown), Blond hair (Alt: Brown),  Helmut's face has in the past been disfigured, looking like molten wax, and incinerated, faint scars over his body, and at the tips of his fingers, Scar on his throat from an attack in child from another child his age, An array of other scars from other incidents, Such as being shot to protect Captain America,
Outfit/Accessories/Jewelry: Mask, Bulletproof Vest, Winter Soldier Book,  Possesses the Moonstones, Smith & Wesson 6906,  Desert Eagle Mark VII,  Taurus PT100,  Revolver,  IWI Masada,  CZ P-10,  Steyr M9-A1,  12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun,  AK-103,  Bucky Barnes' List,  Super Soldier Serum(Vial),  Helmut Zemo's Private Jet,  1968 Pontiac Firebird,  Royal Talon Fighter, Mechanical hand he keeps hidden/disguised, Baron Zemo's Suit,  Adhesive X, Baron Zemo's Sword,  Zemo makes use of much of the same devices invented by his father, including particle, formula, and adhesive X, as well as his dad's disintegrator gun and anti-psychic headband. In close-combat, he prefers an Adamantium sword. He also makes use of various energy weapons and mind-control devices, 
Height: 5′ 7-9″
Weight: 130
Body Build: Athletic/Lean/Toned
Helmut Zemo was born into barony, in Germany in 1991. To parents, the elderly Heinrich and his wife Hilda. He was the only child of the two. Being slated to become the 13th Baron Zemo, and being an only child, Helmut's childhood, from an outward glance appeared to many to be a relatively easy and normal one. As a young boy he had developed certain interests in quite a few fields in which he would use in his actions later on in life. One being, an interest in acrobatics. Which his father had not approved of. His father was not a kind man overall. Often trying to treat Helmut like a miniature version of himself. Though, Helmut, awed by and loving of his father had tried his best to at least mind his father and not try to take too much of what his father would say in his personal interests to heart. Despite some despairing comments and harsh believes Heinrich did in his own way love Helmut, to a certain degree. His mother however, was much colder toward her son. Hilda would often strike Helmut if she did not get exactly what she desired out of him.
Both his parents were often prone to hitting him in order to communicate to him their disapproval and desire for him to adhere more to their own ways rather than veer on a different path. As A Zemo he had his whole life more or less completely laid out in front of him from the moment he was born. The fact that his parents were, by others, considered to be sick or twisted had never even been a thought in his mind at such a young and innocent age. Walking in on his fathers work and the degree in which he had displayed cruelty became something that Helmut would attribute to just being his father. At some point while growing up, Hilda dies and Heinrich is left to raise Helmut on his own. Though his father soon started showing just how unstable he had started to become. Then one day Heinrich left, abandoning Helmut at their estate. Raised by the staff through the next several years of his life, Helmut kept with his studies and lived life as a normal every day person. Who just so happened to be rich, and a bit royal.
As a young boy still Helmut grew up fascinated by heroes, one in particular being Captain America. As his own father had been distance, only keeping in bare minimum contact with him, Helmut had often been spoiled by his estate and those put in charge of taking care of him. With his family's bad reputation, even as a child, Helmut was feared. Not because the small boy was capable of bringing anyone who upset him harm, as much as Heinrich had the potential to make any one of them suffer. Helmut only would ever see his father on 'special occasions' he would say. Often meeting many other villains in his childhood and becoming friends with them or close in some manner or another. At one point he had been running around playing with one of the wait staff in his families Castle when he had suddenly run into the man known as Red Skull, Heinrich had not been far behind and grabbed Helmut, pulling him away and giving him a shake before starting to curse him out. Only for Red Skull to seemingly take an interest in the young child.
After this meeting, Helmut had felt slightly terrified by some of the other visitors to the castle he had called his home. Many of them enjoying teasing or taunting him. Or saying something horrid. Except for Red Skull, who, was more or less grooming the young boy, for a future leader of Hydra. Much of the reason for some of the teasing was that on some of these days Helmut would be in the meeting hall with his father, talking of super heroes he had read about recently. Heinrich would often say something about the hero in question that would make Helmut feel put off by the comment. But still loving of his father he took it all in stride, giving a shrug before he would run off to enjoy a play date with other children that would be brought with those who came to the castle. Then one day his father had returned home for a brief time. An incident had happened to Heinrich which had left him with a mask clued onto his face. For many days Helmut would stand outside his fathers room listening to the older man screaming in agony.
He found it to be unbearable, for the most part, listening to it day in and day out. Then, when Heinrich would finally be at ease and start to rest Helmut would often pay his visit. Talking with his father about how he would hope the other would get well soon and that maybe they could do an activity together. Heinrich would never reply in words, but in agonized groans. Which only upset Helmut more than he would admit. Then, after weeks of recovering, Heinrich had finally showed his face. Seeing the mask that had stuck to his fathers face scared the young Helmut, enough that upon seeing his father he would turn and run away from the other before they could make him stick around. After some time Heinrich once again left, however. Abandoning Helmut yet again and moved to South America from then on, till the time he had died. After this incident no more villains came to visit, and Helmut was one more left to his own devices. He would go to school and come home and hang out with his friends. That was his life.
Most of his friends were often their because he was rich and his family was well known in Germany for their barony and of course, nefarious activities. Helmut however remained a mannered young man. But would often at times dip into some manipulative behavior. As he had a fascination with how the human mind worked. For the most part these acts of his and tests were mostly harmless. That was until on day while pointing out a boys need for attention because his mother was an abusive alcoholic and his father was a druggie who was sent to jail for murder and that the boy would never be able to achieve anything outside of those prospects in his own life, the boy retaliated by cutting Helmut's throat open with a previously concealed pocket knife. After this near brush with death Helmut had decided to lay off analyzing real life people at that point in time. Though he did put his focuses on his acrobatics and engineering. Two things he thoroughly enjoyed for the most part. Despite being teased for his acrobatics.
When leaving the hospital and returning back to his private school Helmut noticed the boy who had attacked him had disappeared. Though thought nothing off it, until years later. As he grew older Helmut developed a crush on a girl in his grade named Heike. She was the first to approach him, taking notice of his observing her. Asking him out on a date, he agreed. So, he and Heike became boyfriend and girlfriend. Helmut was often the more submissive, in appearance anyway, of the two. As he would rather sit back and observe and Heike would rather initiate things. Their first kiss, she had initiated after dragging him out to watch a sport she was interested in. Helmut and Heike stayed with one another until they graduated when Heike had told Helmut she had wished to marry him. Helmut agreed. In the following months the two prepared their wedding, while Helmut also prepared to go to college. Heike had decided to take the year off, to find herself. Within a year of their graduating the two were married and starting their life together.
Helmut got into studying engineering at the college of his choice. As well, he had been, as a baron, consigned to the army. Moving to base Helmut had his hands full with a wife and school. Though he had proved to be adept in his training and balanced it well with his courses. A year after they were married Heike told Helmut she was expecting. Helmut was nervous at first. Though as the months went by he grew to accept this new event in his life, often talking with Heike about what to name the boy. As well, talking of how they would raise their son. Though training and school work soon entirely consumed Helmut. He was rarely seen at home leading up to the birth of his son, Helmuth. Though had managed to arrive home from a mission in time to see the birth of his son. Promising Heike he would never miss it, not for anything. Making due on his promise and letting Heike rest Helmut named their son, and held him for the first time, in awe of what he had created. It reminded him however, of his father. It had been years since he had even heard from the other.
For a week or so the family got settled. But soon enough Helmut was again sent out to another mission by the army. Out near where he had last his father to have been Helmut went AWOL for a short time from his band to go visit his father in his stronghold. While he was there he only got to briefly meet with his father, before needing to had back to camp. Days after his visit however, a report came in to his team that Heinrich had been killed by Captain America. Frozen for a moment, he felt the eyes of his team land on him. He hid his rage well enough. But as he continued to conduct missions with his team, his rage began slipping out against those he had been sent to hunt down. Eventually Helmut started to invest more into his fathers own footsteps. Taking on an alias for a brief period known as The Phoenix, Helmut goes on to capture Captain America, on his own. Condemning super soldiers for what Captain America had done, he had sought to get revenge against the one that was the face of them, all in the name of getting revenge for his fathers death.
However, his plans failed to fight against both Captan America and The Falcon, ultimately he presumably fell into a vat of substance known as Adhesive X, which had been created by, no one other, than his own father. Thought to be dead, Helmut had at this time escaped arrest and soon emerged from the Adhesive X, disfigured entirely. After this point, consumed in his anger still he went back to lick his wounds, covering his face with his trademark purple mask. When asked about it he told his team it was a piece of equipment he was trying out. However, when his wife asked about it, he could not lie to her. Angered by her husbands reckless and stupid behavior she chastised him and promised she loved him and not just for his face when he insecurely asked if she hated the way he had looked. Helmut, despite her answer, set out to find a way to fix what had been done to his skin. Eventually finding away to cut off the damaged skin and heal naturally with some experimentation's he conducted on himself. He was able to fully correct his appearance back to it's original self.
Still dawning the mask however, even years later, Helmut was soon approached by a much older Red Skull who told Helmut that he had been dying. But that he wants to destroy Captain America before that happens. Recruiting Helmut into helping him out, of course the Baron agrees, still angered by what happened with his father and wanting revenge. It is in this team up that Helmut also learns that Red Skull is not happy to have only had a daughter that would inherit his empire. The team Red Skull put together does end up kidnapping, torturing, and tormenting Captain America's friends. Though he also has several of the villains fight over who will take Leadership of Hydra when he is gone at this time as well. In a battle wiht Mother Superior it is made to look as though Helmut has been killed by her, Red Skull goes Sike and tells Mother Superior he never planned for his daughter to be leader of Hydra. Then announces to Helmut that ever since he met the young boy he had put into motion Helmut’s succession as Leader of Hydra.
Though Helmut tries to reject this appointment, having gotten a sufficient revenge for the most part. As he realizes that his father was not a very good man, himself. Leaving Mother Superior and Red Skull then he returns back to his duties with the army. Joining his squad once more, taking the mask off and leaving it tucked away until he needed it next. The following years Helmut stuck to commanding a paramilitary tactical unit and working as an engineer. Supporting his family, Helmut eventually graduated and was able to spend more time with his wife and son. For the most part he ignored all the super hero nonsense outside of his missions. For a time his life was what he would have called, perfect. If not for an incident happening. One that would ultimately change his course entirely. While visiting one of his families old estates in the Nation of Sokovia, Helmut had been out with his wife and son. Needing to go take care of some things nearby.
However, before he was able to leave his son stopped him, holding onto him tightly and asking about a light in the sky. Looking over toward the situation that was unfolding in the nearby city of Novi Grad, he grinned a bit before glancing back down toward his young son and telling him that it was Iron Man and that he was probably protecting the people of Novi Grad from a very bad man. Then, saying his goodbyes for the moment to his son and wife, he promised them he would return soon enough. Then set out to join his task force on their mission in Sokovia. Believing his family to be safe in the estate Helmut thought nothing of it as he left to help defend Sokovia that day. However, this would have been the last time he would ever see his son and wife alive again. The destruction that had followed the Avengers battle with Ultron had left what remained of Novi Grad an absolute wasteland. Two days after the battle, Helmut managed to finally pick through most of the rubble of his estate. Still not being able to contact his wife and son, of course.
Not until those two days later when he would find their bodies in the rubble, confirming what he had feared the most, they had been killed. Enraged, Helmut began to hate the Avengers and decided to get revenge on them for their 'disregard of innocent lives'. Vowing to disband them entirely. Though, being just a mere human he had to control his anger and and plan accordingly. So he did.  His meticulous planning would lead him to one Vasily Karpove, who had been a leader of the Winter Soldier Program. As well as a member of Hydra. Seeing the man as inconsequential, Helmut dispatched the other and after torturing Karpov, found the Winter Soldier Book in Karpov's Hydra files. Before then demanding more files on the assassination of Maria and Howard Starks assassination in 1991. You know, politely. After getting the information he needs he uses it to frame Bucky Barnes for the bombing of Wakandan King, T'Chaka. Making sure this event lined up with the signing of Sokovia Accords, as well. Then, luring Theo Broussard to his hotel, he murders the man and steals his identity.
Soon he came face to face with Bucky Barnes, who had been by then, captured and placed in the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building. Posing as Broussard he was aware he was being watched by others at the centre. He deceptively managed to evaluate Bucky's mind while waiting for the signal to continue on with the next stage of his plans. When the power for the building eventually went off, which cut power to the cameras watching them as well, Helmut quickly made the move to conduct the next part of his plans. This being, the reactivation of Bucky’s Winter Soldier Programing by Hydra. With Bucky under his control and now free from his confinements he asked of the mission report to Howard Stark’s death. Having gotten the information, as well as that of the remaining Winter Soldiers he intended to use in his plans, next, Helmut sends Bucky to go distracts anyone who attempted to stop him before he got into a helicopter and escaped, knowing that his exist would prove his involvement in the death of T'Chaka and bombing would be used as evidence against him.
As Bucky is off obeying his orders, Helmut feigns having been attacked by Bucky, for his cover to work. However, Captain America and Falcon confront him while Bucky is distracted. With Steve questioning him about what happened, Helmut says his famous line of 'Wanting to see an Empire Fall.' And all the fangirl’s wet themselves forevermore. Anyway, Steve plans to take Helmut into custody but before he could Bucky enters the scene once more and attacks Steve and Sam. Curious after Steve is thrown down an elevator shaft, Helmut looks to see if the fall killed Steve. His old childhood fascinations rekindling briefly in awe of what he managed to see... Though he was unable to observe too long as Sam had once more come to and started chasing him as he fled. Though he had eventually managed to escape Sam.
Arriving in Siberia it appears as though Helmut has planned to awaken the five remaining winter soldiers of the program, that had up till then in a cryostasis, and left that way. With little motivation needed, he listened to the voice of his dead wife, via a voice message on his phone. To remind him what he was doing all these things for. Making another call he set up the hotel to find Theo's body the next morning and to allow for his true identity to be known, thus having them follow him. Which he would then enact the final part of his plans. Soon he arrives at the Hydra facility where the soldiers have been kept. Helmut then waited for Steve and Bucky to arrive, as he had waited he killed the five soldiers by shooting them in the head. Before then sealing himself in a room to wait for the others to arrive. As Tony, Steve, and Bucky finally decided to show up, Helmut had to be dramatic and show them what he had done. As he was questioned about his actions Helmut revealed to Steve that he had planned this for a year.
In that year Helmut had studied everything about them all. Especially him. Then he flirts with Steve a bit by commenting on the green in Steve’s blue eyes being a flaw. Steve quickly came to the conclusion that Helmut was part of the incident in Sokovia in some way. Bringing up then that this was some sort of revenge, for him. As the first time Helmut and Steve had met, Helmut had been wearing his mask and going by a different alias at the time. Steve had no idea of his past connection to Helmut aside from the awareness that he had killed Helmut’s father. Helmut revealed that, even before The Avengers, Sokovia was a failed state. Then he reveals his reason for being their was because of a promise. Then informed Steve that because of The Avengers, he had lost everyone he lost everyone he cared about. Then he gives a speech as he puts the video he had on, talking of empires can only be completely destroyed from within. After Tony sees the video he then attacks Bucky, and Steve tries to stop them.
As the three fought one another Helmut stealthily escapes the bunker he was hiding behind in the scuffle and made his way outside to wait for the battle between the two factions to come to it's conclusion. Content with the current outcome however he again listens to his wife's voice via voicemail, one last time. Then he deletes it, ready to die. However, he is distracted when T'Challa finds him. The two talk about what he did to T'Chaka and how it almost misguided T'Challa. Despite T'Challa attempts, however, Helmut resigns to try and shoot himself, only for T'Challa to stop him just in time, an subdue Helmut.  Now arrested Helmut is charged for his crimes against the Avengers and was himself placed in confinement where he is mocked and taunted by Everett Ross. With threats of electrocution if he so much as spoke too loudly in protest. When asked how he felt about his plans failing Helmut shot back with a "Did it?" For a time Helmut remained in confinement. But had managed to get free of this by the help of other villains.
Once he has been freed, he once again takes up his mask and starts a group called Masters of Evil. Nothing much eventful happens during this time, mostly just more fighting with random heroes and even The Avengers and more specifically, Captain America. This period ends with Helmut trying to attack Captain America and missing, ultimately falling off a roof. After a couple months of recovering from this incident and slipping some more into madness. Helmut starts to become obsessed with bringing his dead wife and son back to life. Which leads him to ally with others once more, in a quest to collect pieces of something called a Bloodstone. Which apparently has the ability to bring the dead back to life. However. Captain America yet again gets between him and his goals, at least half way through. As Helmut is about to raise his dead son back from the dead before he can complete the task he is interrupted and his son reverts back to being dead. As well, still too weakened and greatly injured from his fall off the mansion, Helmut is too weak to try again.
Again, he joins up with his Masters of Evil bros and again starts doing crime and fighting The Avengers and anyone else who gets in his way. He also starts another team while still running his old one, called The Thunderbolts. Taking on the new identity of Citizen V. With the Thunderbolts Helmut tried to gain the worlds trust so that he could then take it over. But, the people liked the team so much that Helmut and everyone else in the team actually started liking being heroes. Though when the old Heroes inevitably returned from the Onslaught crisis, Helmut also leaked everyone's former Villain identity's to the world. Which made them all have to escape to space and help him still try and take over the world. Because why not, why the fuck not just ruin shit for fun. Clearly these are early signs of Helmut's fall into complete madness, the like of which are probably the same as his father and fathers father, before him. Though, shocker, The Thunderbolts weren't cool with any of this and rebelled against Helmut which forced him to go into hiding.
There, in hiding, Helmut started to plot revenge on his former team. Who were at that point trying to win back humanity's favor and trust by actually being heroes, what a bunch of losers, right? Helmut thought so. However! Helmut didn't have much time to think about any of that because Captain America came to ruin his revenge yet again. Then, being killed by the Scourge, Helmet's mind was transferred over to a bio-moden so you can see, Helmut's a very busy bee. Even if you know, it wanton killing of him to make him to some alien thing or whatever. Where he is then made to be John Watkins the third, who is the grandson of whoever in the fuck the original Citizen V is. Now in his new body, Helmut went back to playing his Citizen V alias yet again. Shit happens, we got fights, we got everything you could ever want. Even Helmut’s consciousness being removed from John, oop. He's now in a tech-pack...?!?
Soon his min is transferred into an AU version of himself, who is using the Alias of Iron Cross. Now, back in a body, Helmut again takes leadership of the Thunderbolts, the ones from the AU, not the mains verse ones. Okay? Then he lost leadership...Some shit happens. Hawkeye becomes leader of it. Some more shit happens. A lot of other shit happens. He's leader of the Thunderbolts again. Then he tried to take over the world gain. This time however it's because he wants to save it? He's clearly just falling deeper and deeper into madness. A teammate of his goes a bit berserk and in an attempt to protect Captain America, he gets blasted by the teammate. After this Helmut leaves the team and takes the Moonstone's twin alien gems, two artifacts great power. Only to again show back up, fuck around and find out. Fuck up some shit between other factions of heroes, Harass some of the new Thunderbolts.  Though he did some good. He stopped Genis-Vell after his powers went out of wack. Of course, he's also the reason they went bonkers, anyway, Helmut decided death was better for Genis.
Then he seemingly saves the world from an alien threat. Fought the cosmic powers of the twin gemstones he stole earlier. Then he dies while saving the world. Or seemingly so. But is actually sent back into the past to see that...holy shit, all his ancestor’s are kind of the fucking worst. Though he manages to finally return back to his time. Only changing...well, probably a lot of the future honestly, by this trip. But Helmut learned a lot in the centuries he traveled around in, watching his family members throughout them. Even got in a fight with his own father in the past about his bullshit. Heinrich very nearly killed Helmut but the little devil, he escapes in the nick of time back to the present time. Upon his arrival he was created by a cousin, distant cousin, who was planning on killing him. Though the little coward couldn't go through with it so decided he should die instead. Helmut stopped him though. When asked why Helmut had stopped him from killing himself, Helmut told Wendell that too much Zemo blood had been spelt.
Helmut then invited his cousin to be in evils with him and to fight by his side so that he could prove a point. It's definitely not slipping farther into madness. Not one bit. Some more shit happens. Not too much happens for a hot minute. Still disguised with his ever present mask, Helmut runs into Bucky Barnes, who is now the new Captain America. Annoyed by this turn of events Helmut attacks Bucky because he's 'ruining his fathers legacy' or some nonsense. The man has clearly lost all sense of reality. He recruits some people to help him. He then injures Falcon. Before sending Jurgen to attack Bucky while he's at the hospital, being drugged by nanites that was slipped into a martini of his. Bucky, you are having TOO much fun, calm down. Soon enough the nanites are neutralized however. Then Helmut leaked to everyone like the gossip girl that he is "Hey! HEY everyone, this Captain America's a PHONY! It's actually, BUCKY BARNES. The Winter Soldier. BOOO!". His makes Bucky have to face Helmut face to face in a battle.
Some more crazy and wild shit happens. Helmut ultimately wins the fight against Bucky. Who is then put on trial for his crimes by the government. Helmut’s not done yet, because he's lost his ever loving mind of course. He does all kinds of fucked up crazy ass shit for a minute. Even so much as learning about some Fear God his father was fucking around with in Egypt. With another villain Helmut tries to find some hammer but this partner ends up shooting Helmut's teleportation device and steals his ship, stranding him in the desert. He then does this whole villainy speech about his partner having made a new enemy of him. That's cute...anyway! He then goes after Hawkeye for a minute. Be we don't care. Congrats to Hawkeye on the mentor and brother. But we don't have TIME for that. Helmut again has to get revenge on Captain America, now Stever Rogers again. So he's just going to do that. WE already know what's going to happen. NOT much. Not much happens at all. Except for Helmut seems to die in an explosion, but everyone is not convinced as much.
Some time after the explosion Helmut wakes up with amnesia and has no clue who he once was. He is now residing in the town of Pleasantville (Hill? who gives a fuck.). Where everyone is so nice! So nice until you k--Ahem. Anyway. He knows something wrong with this place. When he tries to escape but finds he is unable. That is because he has been in a coma for several months, now. Since the explosion. As well, he has been returned back to his prison cell in Germany. There he waits out the remains couple of years, recovering from his vegetative state(And placed in a simulation with the help of SHIELD in an attempt to ‘REFORM’ him, along with other criminals who are also trapped in the simulation). Still having little to no memories returning to him outside of most of his life before starting his latest stints into villainy. This has left him a bit more withdrawn and more like his former self.  Helmut hears news about The Snap in his cell, But other than this he knows nothing of what is going on outside of his prison walls.
That is until the day Bucky comes to visit him. Testing Bucky, He repeats the phrases from the book, to see if they still work. Finding out that they do not he takes note of this change with the other as they explain as much, then revealed he had already known about it.
Continuing his observations Helmut eyes Bucky closely, still seeing a bit of his former self inside. Soon, the subject is changed, though Helmut tells Bucky about how he had the pleasure of being frozen during most of his captivity. While he did not. When Bucky says his time wasn't pleasant, Helmut offers an apology for framing Bucky. Which seem to be nothing more than manipulation on Helmut’s part. But it's not. The two then stage his break out from the prison and after this Sam and Bucky start arguing about him being free. Helmut again tries to apologize, but in turn also yelled at. So he just smiles and watches the two quietly, letting them both finish their little fits with each other. Once they finally get down to business Helmut takes them both on a fancy trip in his to his fancy estate where he picks up some of his things. Including a mask that was the same as the one he had lost in the explosion years before. Which Bucky and Sam make the connection to with a some what small time villain they faced in the past. Helmut and Sam have a bit of a chat about what Helmut plans to do. Then they all fuck off and clown around for a bit.
At some point they finally get around to actually very nearly completing the mission when John Walker shows up and cuffs him. Moments later he breaks free and goes to find the serums that Karli's group plans to use for their nefarious deeds. Helmut can't have none of that though. So, injuring Karli and knocking the vials over, Helmut realizes exactly what he's knocked over and starts smashing the vials, gleefully. However, he does manages to procure one secretly. As he is smashing the others, though John interrupts him, hurling Captain America's shield into the side of his head, knocking him the fuck out and thankfully not killing little Helmy. Unconscious, he is taken back to the safe house where his head wound is taken care off. Though for the most part, Helmut is out of commission. But not completely put out that he doesn't continue drinking, because why stay sober when you’re going to be locked up for life, am I right? He had been getting pretty much tipsy the entire mission with Sam and Bucky always bickering and being pricks to him. He needed him some drinkies in order to deal with....all ...of that.
While in the middle of his latest attempt to drown out all that's happened since the deaths of his wife and son, John Walker comes barging in and demands him to be handed over. Helmut remains quiet, though is getting a bit fed up with being treated like everyone's new chew toy. Not long after that the Dora Milaje show up and they all start getting in a fight. Taking something to drink Helmut sees this as an out and fucking leaves, bye, you dumb motherfuckers. After this Helmut gets away for a bit and manages to go back to Sokovia, contemplating yet again, killing himself. But by now, all that raw anger he had felt before had faded into a numbness that left him nothing more than cold. Helmut, realizing that Bucky has finally come for him goes on to admit that he forgives Bucky, and that he's marked his name out of Bucky's list. Then he is soon escorted away by Ayo and the others to be taken to RAFT. Where they all would hope he would spend the rest of his days.
En route to Raft on the Wakandan ship that’s transporting, with the Dora Milaje making sure he makes no escape, Helmut is chained and remains cuffed, to the ship as a means to keep the average human man from doing anything. Though, part way through the escort the ship was attacked, by an entity powerful enough to tear right through the whole of the ship, despite it’s being built taught, destroying it’s engines. Which then nose dived into the vast ocean around them. Rendering the craft entirely useless and sinking. As water flooded into the cabin, Ayo had a decison to make. Staring at the secured down Helmut, she decided to abandon the fastly sinking aircraft, keeping the chained Helmut there to die. With a disguesed look on her face saying “The world isn’t going to miss another evil white man”. Taking her injured warriors then they fled the ship. Soon being rescued afterword, but having lost the location of their aircraft they decided to regroup.
((Spoilers Stop Here, now back to just making shit up!))
As the ocean waters started to overtake the ship Helmut quickly worked at freeing himself from his confines, removing each cuff that kept him secured to the ship hastily and, then digging through his pockets he found the hidden vial of serum he had secured earlier. Thinking about injecting it for a moment, he decides against it, instead just swallowing the vial in it’s entirety to keep it from falling into anyone else’s hands, and in some scant hope that he could get out of the sinking airship. Diving down he tried to swim out of the hole that was made. But continued to be pushed back. Running out of space and air Helmut soon enough lapsed back into a fit of desperation and madness. Ultimately resulting in his disillusioned final attempts to get free of drowning to death, scratching at the interior of the ship, till his fingers were raw and the water was flooding over his head, filling out any remains of space and air in the cabin.
Several months later the aircraft was finally recovered, along with Helmut’s body. Which was transfered to a facility. As it had not decayed in a way they had imagined it to have done. Most of it had remained, paled in death, but intact. He looked as though he had just been alive, if not for being cold and stiff in death. As well as the nibble marks that had marred his body where his bones could be seen. A few tests were run on his corpse to find that a foreign chemical had been coming off Helmut’s skin. That chemical being the very same thing that he had used years before to heal his disfigured, melted skin. Kept on ice none the less Helmut remained in this blacksight facility for several years, being a subject of experiments and tests, before his body was stolen.
Months after his boy was taken from the unknown facility, Helmut was revived and healed of his injuries. Struck however by another bout of amnesia, Helmut spends the months following this regaining his memories yet again. As he also realizes who has brought him back to life. Hydra, wishing once again to make him their new leader. To bring back their ‘greatness’ once again. Starting to decline Helmut is threatened, and subsequently comes to realize that as easily as one of them could bring him back to life, they could easily end it as well. In the past he would have, of course, chosen death. But with his being revived he thinks back to yet again bringing his wife and son back to life. With proof that it can be done, Helmut agrees to lead Hydra, for now. Even if that means their life would be tethered to anothers, in the end. Like his was now.
Wearing his iconic mask once again, Helmut expertly becomes the new leader of the reformed HYDRA. Though, in apparently slips of madness he has HYDRA do petty crimes and missions they are ultimately doomed to fail, in fighting against The Avengers, in order to keep HYDRA in is current state from manifesting once more into it’s old ways that were close to another faction in the history books. Helmut is deemed an effective but questionable leader by the rest of HYDRA who at times thinks he’s planning for them to fail in their endeavors to take over the world and spread evil. Though Helmut’s scheme’s always seem like they might work, overall. Helmut is however, not always pretending he’s going insane. As he is gradually losing parts of his sanity and going mad, dealing with the New HYDRA and it’s members.
This is shows more definitely after he and Captain America have a battle with one another, yet again. Coming face to face. The two battle near a vat of Helmut’s Adhesive X. When Steve throws his shield at the glass container, it busts open, and the Adhesive X spills onto Helmut’s mask, gluing it to his face, as it had done so to his father all those years before. Injured, Helmut retreats to his HYDRA Base. 
Fails to revive his son and wife. Falls deeper into his madness. Finally is freed from the tether that keeps him alive, without dying himself. Is arrested and sentenced to life in prison. Which isn’t very long because he gets killed for being annoying. By mutant. OR Maybe. Who knows. What happened to the vial you ask!? Flashbacks. Multiple choice. WHO KNOWS! Choose your own adventure, with Helmut Zemo!!~
(Work In Progress)
Personality: Zemo Personality Stats
Vengeful, Hateful, Cold, Stiff, Calculating, Leaderly, Strict, Polite, Well mannered, Condemnatory, Amoral, Disruptive, Flamboyant, Manipulative, Observant, Intuitive, Brilliant, Planful, Relentless, Violent, Apologetic, Sympathetic, Suicidal, Determined, Extreme, Patient, Intense, Destructive, Loving, Respectful, Mellow, Grateful, Honorable, Playful, Teasing, Well-wishing, Conscientious, Focused, Moderate, Forgiving, Reverential, Intelligent, Challenging, Hypnotic, Neutral, Complex, Unceremonious, Ambitious, Restrained, Cute, Stoiid, Solitary, Confused, Faithless, Unstable, Obsessive, Decadent, Noble,
Quirks/Savvies/Other: Master Tactician, Master Hacker, Slowed aging, Genius level-intellect, Expert Engineer, Thief, Multilingualism, College graduate,  Base of Operations: Tower Zemo, Bagalia City, Bagalia; formerly Mount Charteris, Colorado; Castle Zemo, Leipzig, Germany; Castle Zemo, Sierra Madre Oriental mountains, Mexico; Skull House, New York, Can’t decided whether to be good or bad, Definitely just fucking around with his leadership of Hydra, Aristocratic,
Likes: Fencing, Engineering, Acrobatics, Learning things, Analyzing people, Stalking people, Fanboying, Stucky, Culture, Tea, some Drinkies (glug glug motherfuckers, help him), Playing mind games, Physiological warfare, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Being a problem. Knowing all the facts, Slipping away during an argument, Coming up with plots, Fucking with members of Hydra and the Avengers and so and such alike, Playing up his decline into madness, His mask, A particular coat, Just straight up fucking up plans, and ruining Winter Soldiers, Smashing serums with glee, Just being a fucking problem, Heike, Helmuth, Being a Baron, Being rich, His fancy cars, Art, Other things rich people are want to enjoy, Music (who doesn’t though.), Glamping, Pretending to be someone he’s not, Photography, Film noir, Painting, Saxophone,
Dislikes: The Avangers, Captain America (Any, Captain America, he’s not picky), Hydra, Super Soldiers, Tea being spilled or as the case would be THROWN, Having a metal shield lobbed at his fucking head, Being in prison, Rugged action heroes, Bad movies, Squids, Plush animals, Television comedies, Modern art, Skeletons, Chick flicks, Magical girls, Hair styling, Baseball, Bow ties, Rats,
Fears: The loss of his family (Oop), Drowning, Being trapped,
Personality Tests: ISTJ-A, The Reformer (Type 1, Dominant), The Helper (Type 2, Wing), The Investigator (Type 5, third), Chaotic Good/Evil/Neutral, Sanguine/Phlegmatic, Hufflepuff, Slytherpuff, Thunderbird, Wampus/Horned Serpent, Phoenix patronus,  ENTP-A/INTJ-A/, Melancholic [Dominant], 1w9, Neutral(Evil/Good), Gryffindor,
Other: Virgo, Tropes,
  -> Father: Heinrich Zemo (Deceased, 12th Baron Zemo)
  -> Mother: Hilda Zemo (Deceased)
Sibling(s): None
Wife: Heike Zemo (Baroness, reportedly deceased),
Children: Helmuth Carl Zemo (Deceased), The Kinder (25 Children Heike and Helmut ‘Adopted’.),
Relatives: Wendell Volker (Distant Cousin), Harbin Zemo (The 1st Baron Zemo who was around in 1480), Hademar Zemo (The 2nd Baron Zemo, son of Harbin Zemo and the greediest of the Zemos. He was killed by the guards (acting under Heller Zemo's orders) at his inauguration.), Heller Zemo (The 3rd Baron Zemo, son of Hademar Zemo and the most progressive of the Zemos.), Herbert Zemo (The 4th Baron Zemo, son of Heller Zemo. He was assassinated by his own generals.), Helmuth Zemo (The 5th Baron Zemo, son of Herbert Zemo. He was assassinated by a time-displaced Helmut Zemo.), Hackett Zemo (The 6th Baron Zemo, son of Helmuth Zemo.), Hartwig Zemo (The 7th Baron Zemo, son of Hackett Zemo), Hilliard Zemo - The 8th Baron Zemo, son of Hartwig Zemo.), Hoffman Zemo (The 9th Baron Zemo, son of Hilliard Zemo.), Hobart Zemo (The 10th Baron Zemo, son of Hoffman Zemo.), Herman Zemo (The 11th Baron Zemo, son of Hobart Zemo. Active during WWI.)
                                                                              Alternate Universes
Bucky IS the father AU (Because the meme is hilarious)
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tarry-a-lot · 4 years
French Musical Recommendations/review (Part 1)
It’s great seeing people get into musicals other than broadway and westend (don't get me wrong I do love westend/broadway shows and off- shows, some definitely do get less love then they deserve), I thought I’d make a list of French shows I love/ (and know about), I know most people already know these shows but I thought it would be fun ! (This is mainly based on soundtrack as I have had no opportunity to watch most of these shows)
Le petit prince (2002): I love this show, it might be my favourite based solely on soundtrack, the music is really soothing and beautiful, if you like Daniel Lavoie he has quite a few songs in here, “Le plus beau et le plus triste pays” is what made me love Daniel Lavoie’s voice, for you Mozart l’opera rock fans Laurent Ban is in here and has one song “Moi je” which is also a fun one, you should be able to find a recording and full show on YouTube last time I checked 
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Le rouge et le noir (2016): the music is more rock pop (it’s a rock opera) so if that’s your vibe, I will say the soundtrack doesn’t have all the songs featured in the final developed show which is a pity because “L’amour nous désarmés” and “La sagesse est de tous les âges” are bops, you can find a recording of the full show on YouTube, or the concept concert which is just the actors singing no plot and only features the song on the album (so newer songs in the full show are missing)on YouTube as well
non-music: the plot is alright, I mean it’s based on the books of the same name, the staging is nice and simple, heavy reliance on digital screen backdrops, the costume is debatable in my opinion it’s vaguely historical and some of the blocking was strange (the horse riding scene was hilarious how they executed it), though I will say the imagery and lighting with the screens is quite lovely and can be quite effective in adding to the emotions of the acting and songs 
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Mozart l’opera rock: y’all know it, it’s the rock opera about Mozart with a focus on his relationship with Salieri in the 2nd act, of course the French cast is beloved as I too really love them but here are some other casts you may want to look into as well,
the 2013 Japanese cast, sings and clips can be found on YouTube, there was a indigo and red version where the actors playing mozart and a salieri switched roles, thus two ver., I will say not all the singing is the best but I think the renditions of popular songs like l’assasymphonie are great, it is a non-replica production
there’s also a Korean cast which I’ve only heard bits of, again through YouTube, they too are very talented and I recommend, it is a replica of the French version 
I don't necessarily recommend it but there is the illegal/legal ukranian concert ver, it’s on YouTube (there’s one with the French cast and another without), I say illegal because at some point the original Mozart actor complained about it being illegal on instagram or something but later there was another concert of the Ukrainian singers with the some of the original French cast so honestly don’t know, they are good but the costumes were really... on a tight budget it seems but hey its a concert 
and the final ver that I know of is the takarazuka 2019 version, I will be honest it’s not as good as the jp 2013 version lyrically, they made changes for reasons I do understand however I think it’s still a miss for me (if anyone’s interested I can talk more about the differences) but the vocals are still good so I would still give it a listen (not sure if you can find songs on YouTube, maybe on tumblr someone posted some songs?) 
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La légende du roi Arthur: this is the Florent Mothe lead King Arthur musical for those Mozart fans, though the whole cast is absolutely wonderful and deserve all the recognition, music wise it’s alright, more pop heavy, I like quite a few of the songs, has some fun wind instruments in there, the reason I don’t love it is because some songs blatantly sound like a radio song (mainly a comment on the backing track), I would still definitely give this show a listen, you can’t go wrong with the songs (my favourites are Mon combat, Auprès d’un autre, and maybe il est temps) I know there’s a Korean version (in 2019?) and a takarazuka ver in 2016 but I know very little about it but I’m sure there are others on here who are better informed, the full French show can be found on youtube
non-music: the plot seems alright, I’m a little doubtful on the ending but hey I skipped through it so maybe I just missed stuff, some of the costumes are hideous in my opinion (the red gold Arthur) and I have some complaints about props but could be a budget/ practical reasons (mother puppet, the golden cage) but it’s still quite a large and impressive show with many dancers so despite my opinions it was still a cool show to watch for the staging and visuals, the large layout with dance is similar to that of Robin des Bois, 
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Romeo et Juliette: de la haine à l’amour/ Roméo et Juliette: les enfants de Vérone: this one is a classic, a bit complex to explain but there are two versions as can be seen by the change in the sub title, the first title is the original ver and les enfants is a later version with changes, I won’t go into detail but wiki and other tumblr accounts I’m sure can be helpful, this is a fun musical about r+j, If you like the play or just like musicals I think this is a good starter musical to listen to, music can be popish but the backing band?/orchestra? is lovely, 
French 2001 Original (de la haine à l’amour) full show available on youtube
French 2010 Revival (les enfants de Vérona) I just call it a revival, they add songs and I think cut parts out, stage and costumes differ from original, full show available online, there is an Asia tour version of this as well 
I was first introduced to this show through the Italian ver. (Romeo e Giulietta: Ama e cambia il mondo) which I think has some of the best costumes, all of act 1 can be found on YouTube and the soundtrack and clips should also be available, this production ran twice with mainly the same cast for both times, it is a non-replica production
 Hungarian ver.(Rómeó és Júlia), has a rap in “Les rois du monde” which I love, you’ll find it’s one of the fan favourites, I know clips and the full show is available on YouTube, it is a non-replica production
 Russian ver. (Ромео и Джульетта) was a replica production of the original French ver., full show on YouTube
 Korean ver. (로미오와 줄리엣) was a replica of the French revival ver, clips of scenes on YouTube, separately there’s a full amateur production on YouTube as well
Takarazuka ver. (has done it multiple times) One of their renditions can be found in full split up into multiple videos on YouTube, and general clips are also available, non-replica production
Japanese ver. Toho, (ロミオ & ジュリエット) the original version ran in 2011 and then 2013 (non-replica) it was then brought back in 2017 with a completely new designs and choreography and this version ran again in 2019, it’ s non-replica and clips of the new design version can be found online, has two casts, the black version cast and the white version cast
German/Austrian ver., (Romeo und Julia: das Musical) has Mark Seibert as Tybalt for you Mozart! and Elisabeth fans and Lukas Perman as Romeo, the costumes are debatable though, again non-replica production, clips and the full show (split into parts) on YouTube 
infamous English/British ver. which is awful (nothing against the cast), the lyrics were just really bad and the costumes aren’t great except for maybe Juliet’s wedding dress, had a short run, you can find the songs on YouTube
Dutch/Netherlands ver. (Romeo en Julia: van Haat tot Liefde), replica of the original French ver., full soundtrack and some clips can be found on YouTube, there was a Netherlands/Belgium tour but I assume it is the same?
Spanish/Mexican ver. (Romeo y Julieta) 2008 Monterrey, its a replica of the original French with adjustments, clips of all the songs can be found on YouTube, there are also a more smaller local production from 2019 that also has clips on YouTube (it seems to be trying to replicate the French revival costumes)
Israel ver. (רומאו ויוליה מחזמר) set is similar to the French revival but it is a non-replica production, clips available on YouTube 
Romanian ver. (Romeo si Julieta) also has the “Les rois du monde” rap part, clips on YouTube, was confirmed that it is the a replica of the Hungarian version
Slovakian ver. (Rómeo a Júlia) 2013, it’s a non-replica version, some clips are available on YouTube 
Portuguese ver. (Romeu e Julieta: do Ódio ao Amor) non-replica and clip(s?) are available on youtube, I personally quite like their “Verona” ensemble harmonies 
Have I missed anything? let me know! 
Edit: There is also a Czech ver. non-replica at the Forum Karlín in 2015, clips are available on YouTube (I recommend adding the forum name when searching), there was also another German ver. at Thun in 2015, it is non-replica and some making-of clips can be found on YouTube (adding “Thunerseespiele“ can help in finding it), and there was a Mongolian ver. though only music videos are available
I really recommend this show maybe start with the original french?
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ofpvrkcr · 4 years
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❛ ✶ ( CALUM HOOD , CIS MALE , HE / HIM ) . who the hell is blasting LITHIUM by NIRVANA at one in the morning ? nevermind , that’s just RILEY PARKER from 1615 . apparently , they are a TWENTY - FOUR year old AUTO MECHANIC from CHESHIRE, UK , and they’ve been living at the complex for ONE YEAR . i heard they can be a bit - CHOLERIC , but they make up for it by being so + BOLD — which makes sense , considering that they are a AQUARIUS ! when i think of them , i imagine BAND TEES STAINED WITH MOTOR OIL, TEACUPS THAT REEK OF WHISKEY, & TOTAL STRANGERS PASSED OUT ON THE FLOOR AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON. and of course , don’t forget to follow them at ( @RABIDPORCUPINE ) ! ooc . sam , 23 , est , she / her .
hello it’s me again, sam, here with my longest - running active muse and one of my most beloved. details are under the cut and feel free to message me if you would like to plot!
FULL NAME: riley ignatius parker -worthington NICKNAMES: literally everyone calls him parker and most people don’t even know that it isn’t his first name. GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis male + he / him DOB + AGE: january 31st, 1996 + twenty - four ZODIAC: aquarius HOMETOWN: alderley edge, cheshire, uk OCCUPATION: auto mechanic / lead singer + guitarist of punk band rabid porcupine FUN FACTS: he has a tongue piercing + has a pet rottweiler puppy named heroin bob.
riley ignatius parker - worthington was born and raised in alderley edge, a small and affluent village in england’s northwestern county of cheshire. he’s the youngest of four boys, so he has three older brothers.
his family, the parker - worthingtons, are one of the richest in not only the uk or england, but the entire northern hemisphere. throughout a history that spans over 150 years, the family business which began as a small architectural firm expanded its reach to areas such as real estate, banking, oil, and mechanical engineering and is worth approximately 60 billion usd.
he was under constant guard at worthington manor, but not by his parents. raised by nannies and educated by private tutors, he went through most of his childhood prohibited from leaving the property and training to one day occupy a prestigious spot in the family company.
it was a very sheltered life and he rebelled against it from the start. being the unplanned child ( along with his twin brother ), his parents went through the motions of hiring private tutors and grooming him to be a successful businessman, but he was still quite young when he figured it out : they didn’t really care. their eldest sons were already the heirs, primed and eager to carry on their legacy of wealth and power. their youngest sons were simply the spares, and they were treated as such all their lives.
he began acting out the moment he realized it, refusing to participate in a game that would always be rigged against him. his parents viewed him as a problem? fine. he could be a problem.
he was kicked out boarding school ( several times ), he got a sketchy back alley tattoo, he was failing every single one of his classes, and the only thing he showed any real interest in was music. he had been taking piano lessons since before he could even reach the pedals and had a natural talent for it. his instructor ( the only adult he ever really liked ) actually believed that he could become an accomplished classical concert pianist, which was enough for his parents to essentially decide on this career path for him.
when he was fourteen, parker repeatedly slammed a car door on both of his hands, breaking several fingers and bones and, of course, crushing the classical concert pianist aspirations of his parents. he eventually regained about 70% mobility in both of his hands. but he’ll never be able to play piano like he used to, and to this day he often noticeably struggles with his grip on most things.
but hey, at least he stuck it to his parents, right?
he was seventeen and attending boarding school in switzerland when he snuck off campus one night and never came back. his parents cut him off, disowned him, and disinherited him. he traveled around much of europe and the usa before moving to seattle for a couple years where he bought a motorcycle, took some courses in auto mechanics, and then about a year ago he moved to new york city where he got a job at a garage and started a three - piece punk band called rabid porcupine.
has this very intentional standoffish, stoic, don’t fuck with me vibe, but ... he’ll also hold the door open for a total stranger and help an old lady cross the street.
guarded. his very, very few close friends are the only people he would readily admit to caring for. his parents never said the words i love you to him. no, not even once.
will say exactly what he’s thinking. he doesn’t coddle anyone and he won’t lie to spare someone’s feelings. if someone fucked up, then he’s going to tell them so, but it’s usually out of an honest desire to help rather than rubbing someone’s mistake in their face.
stubbornly independent. would rather struggle in silence than ask for help. if someone spots him struggling to hold or carry something and offers to help, then he’s very likely to snap at them
never under any circumstances will he talk about his family, especially his parents.
has the thickest, most posh british accent.
pretends like his favorite beverage is jack daniels whiskey when it’s actually the quintessential british cup of tea ( he doesn’t even drink coffee because he doesn’t like it ).
fluent in english & knows some german.
he literally never watched movies or television growing up so 100% of throwback pop culture references will fly right over his head.
has a pet rottweiler puppy named heroin bob ( harry for short ).
his motorcycle is a norton that he basically built from scratch all by himself so it’s his child and he is very protective.
his bandmates ( bassist and drummer )
cousins ( paternal cousins would be white and most likely from europe ; maternal cousins would be māori )
party friends who can only stand each other when drunk
friends from boarding school in the uk or switzerland
ex friends / enemies
fwb / ewb / one night stands
messy on / off relationship
these are just some base ideas and i’m definitely open to brainstorming!
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forgetmenotaftg · 4 years
It Gets Better
Dan wasn’t one to scream. It took a lot to faze her, to surprise her.
Still, she felt that she wouldn’t be completely alone if she screamed at this.
This being a kid standing in her kitchen, wielding a kitchen knife.
“Who are you? Where am I?” The boy asked.
Dan shook her head, confused, but she caught on. She responded, “I’m Dan. We’re at Palmetto State University.”
The boy’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.
She shook her head, but the boy’s eyes only squinted further. When Dan looked closer, she could see a purple shadow on the kid’s cheekbone. She held up her hands like she was trying to calm a wild animal, which this kid might as well have been.
“What’s your name?” She asked.
The boy paused, took a long, drawn out breath, and spoke. “My name is Andreas.”
Dan was surprised for a moment. She hadn’t expected the kid to respond. Dan studied the boy while he gave her a scrutinizing look. He had blue eyes, light enough to be blue, but dark enough that it was hard to see in the dim lighting.
His hair was a dark brown, but what troubled Dan the most were the bruises all over the child in varying colors.
Violet, yellow, green, red, each mark was of a different spectrum.
Like a rainbow made of pain, Dan thought.
It was hard to see in the dim, but as Dan’s sight adjusted, she could see that the bruises were everywhere. Up the boy’s collar, his arms, his legs, his face, they were covered in sickening shades.
But what troubled Dan the most was his hands.
There were fresh, dark marks, and tiny slices overlaying them.
It looked painful. It must have stung to even make a grip, but the injured hands holding the knife didn’t waver from their target. She didn’t even know what sorts of marks decorated the boy under his clothes.
And that was when Dan spotted a stain on his pant leg. It looked red.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I’m fine,” He said.
It struck Dan then, how similar that sounded to Neil. The boy said in the same way as Neil did, too, when he first came to Palmetto.
The boy’s tone said, I’m used to this, and I need to be fine.
It was then that the boy collapsed onto the cheap plastic and wood floor, knife clattered to the side, mouth open in a silent gasp of pain.
His eyes shuttered once, twice before closing.
Oh no.
“What the hell are you talking about.”
“I don’t know! I just- there’s a kid in my dorm, he’s like twelve-ish, and his leg is stabbed. I do not know what to do. Just- just get here quick.”
The line clicked off.
Dan took a shaky breath, then clutched at her phone harder.
Down the hallway and through the first door on the left, lay a boy with bruises on every inch of skin, and a stab wound in his left leg.
On highway 62, Andrew Minyard was driving twenty miles over the speed limit to get to the Fox Tower.
In Fox Tower, Danielle Wilds was attempting to barricade the room where the boy lay with a dresser without making a sound.
In the first room in the left dwelled Nathaniel Wesninski. He was dreaming.
(It was a nightmare)
“You stupid child, I have explained this to you seven times.”
Mary brought the ruler down on Andreas’ hand. He didn’t wince, though. He just erased the incorrect word and scribbled down the correct letters. But still, his mother wasn’t pleased.
“How are you going to fit into the sixth grade when you cannot even spell? If you do not learn quickly, your father will come. You know what happens then.”
Andreas ducked his head down and nodded. His hands ached with every movement of the pen, but he ignored it and jotted more words and pronunciations.
Eventually, through enough swats and cuts, Andreas stopped seeing his hands as his.
Instead, he imagined that his hands were petals. Delicate, soft, but still unwilling to tear. Marks upon marks appeared, but still, Andreas saw lined blossoms instead of injured hands.
Andreas startled awake on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. He counted to ten in english, then in german in his head.
That was how long it took for Andreas to steady his breathing and compartmentalize his injuries.
There didn’t seem to be anyone else in the room with Andreas, so he opened his eyes and sat up as quietly as he could.
His leg felt strange.
It seemed as though someone had bandaged it. Maybe his mother had done it. Probably not.
The wound wasn’t important enough to waste supplies on.
Andreas wasn’t important enough to waste supplies on.
The door was unlocked.
It was unlocked, but it wouldn’t open.
The door was unlocked, but Andreas couldn’t get out.
Trapped. That was what Andreas was.
He’d tried pushing the door open, but something blocked the entire doorway. Somebody had heard him, too. Softened footsteps had sounded right after the groan and creak of his attempts.
Eventually, he’d given up on escaping. There was a window, but it was too high up and steep to climb down from.
But through the glass pane, Andreas could see cherry blossoms whirling around in the wind.
Dan decided that the kid was Neil. It was too unlikely to be anyone else.
Neil had been in her dorm to avoid Andrew and Kevin’s argument, and Dan had gone out to buy some food. That was when she discovered the boy. He did look suspiciously like Neil, too.
But all of that reasoning didn’t explain why Neil was suddenly a child. There was no plausible reason for that, besides magic.
And magic didn’t exist, did it?
Andreas woke up to the door opening.
It was almost silent, but he’d learned to wake up at any sound while sleeping. At the doorway, a blond man stood. He didn’t look surprised that Andreas had woken up.
He watched the man carefully, when he spoke two words that froze
Andreas’s very blood.
“Nathaniel Wesninski.”
The man continued, unfazed by Andreas’s shock.
“That’s your name, isn’t it?” The man said.
Andreas let himself breathe shakily for a moment, then spoke in the calmest voice he could muster.
“That’s not my name, sir. I think you are confused.”
At that, the man seemed amused, as his brow twitched up and he looked disbelieving.
“Liar. You are Nathaniel Wesninski, and are pretending to be someone else.”
Andreas’s eyes darted back and forth, trying to find a way to escape this man, who clearly knew who he was.
He opened his mouth, and got ready to lie, lie, lie.
Dan almost screamed when Andrew walked out of the room with the kid in tow.
The boy’s voice was surprisingly smooth. It was high, too, still containing just a little trace of childhood in it.
“You’re Dan, right?”
Dan eagerly nodded, and the kid’s mouth tightened at the sight.
“And you’re Andreas?” She asked.
He nodded.
“Do you want some lunch?”
Another nod. Fake brown eyes angled at the ground.
“Then let’s go eat.”
Andrew watched Neil- no, Andreas sit in the backseat of the maserati. Andreas didn’t sit like a normal twelve year old would. He didn’t swing his legs, or look out the window, or fidget.
He just stayed perfectly still. Like a statue. Andrew didn’t know why, but it bothered him. Maybe it was because the kid was what Neil had once been.
Andrew knew that at this point, Neil had already escaped Nathan with his mother. But there was still a minor stab wound in Andreas’s leg, and bruises all over. Andrew knew that Mary had been abusive to Neil, but he’d never pushed it, seeing as Neil still believed it was for the best.
Andrew had learned to accept that, but the new marks on Andreas’s hands and body brought up the old hatred he’d kept inside when Neil had first told him about Mary.
But Andreas wouldn’t want to hear about his dead mother, so Andrew ignored just how silent the boy was.
Andreas was picking at his fries at McDonalds, when he looked up with his fake brown eyes, and asked, “Is my mother dead?”
Next to Andreas, Dan sucked in a panicked breath, and Andrew watched the kid with a calculating gaze. A normal person would probably say something about she was somewhere else, but there was no reason to lie.
“Yes.” Andrew said.
Dan’s hissed “Andrew!” was lost in Andreas’s quiet voice.
“How’d she die? Did my father die before her, or after?” He asked.
Andrew answered both questions unflinchingly, while Dan looked more and more panicked, probably scared that Andreas would cry or run. He did neither of those things, but Andrew saw him clench his fists under the table, and his mouth tremble.
The kid was good at hiding things, Andrew could give him that. A sob story that the rest of the foxes would probably fuss over. He knew that they would find out eventually, so when Andreas said he was done with the Happy Meal, despite not having eaten a bite of his burger, Andrew sped to the Fox Tower with Dan watching nervously in the backseat.
The reactions of the Foxes was just what Andrew had expected. Nicky had been shocked at first, then started to coo over Andreas. Renee had watched from a distance, with Allison. Aaron hadn’t cared, and Kevin had almost immediately asked about the upcoming exy game, while Andreas looked extremely shocked at the sight of Kevin.
Matt had attempted to strike a conversation with Andreas, to no avail. And all throughout the whole ordeal, Andreas had looked very uncomfortable. When he’d requested to go the bathroom, he hadn’t come out, even after twenty minutes had passed.
Surprisingly, Renee was the one to knock on the door first. Her normally sweet voice was rougher, more real.
“Andreas? Are you still in there? It’s Renee. I know it’s a bit overwhelming, meeting us, but I promise, we won’t make you go out if you don’t want to,” she said. “I won’t lie. We all know what happened with your father, and I know it must be a shock, finding out that both your parents are dead in a day, but we all understand. The Foxes are a family of messed-up people, and you might find that some of us have more in common with you than you think.”
A moment passed, then Andrew could hear shuffling behind the locked door.
“I want to speak to Renee. Alone.” Andreas said, muffled.
Turning away, Andrew said, “Everybody get out.”
For once, the Foxes all listened, shuffling outside, undoubtedly to try to listen through the door.
At Renee’s meaningful glance, Andrew stepped outside as well.
Renee knocked again, and said softly, “Andreas? Everybody’s out. I swear.”
A pause, and then the door came open.
Andreas came out, and Renee’s heart broke at how his shoulders curved in, how his battered hands clenched as he walked over the threshold.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” Renee asked.
She watched Andreas breathe for a minute, before he spoke.
“I don’t know what to think. I woke up in a stranger’s bed, and apparently, my mom is dead, my father’s dead, there a bunch of people who apparently know my whole life’s events, and the craziest thing is- I’m supposed to be twenty.”
Renee was silent.
“Can you tell me what happened to your hands?” she asked.
Andreas immediately looked suspicious, and put his hands behind his back.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Renee said.
And for a tense moment, he didn’t. Then Renee watched as he crumbled.
“I mess up sometimes. In German. Mom doesn’t like it when I do.”
Renee clenched her fists, but didn’t say anything, until Andreas looked up, and his scowl lessened.
“I’m glad he-I have all these friends. They seem okay. This life seems okay.” he murmured.
And Renee, dropping her nice-christian-girl face for a moment, answered back, “Trust me. It gets a lot better.”
Neil Josten woke up in the dorm room of the Fox Tower, surrounded by his friends, his family, the reason it got so much better, and took the day off to watch the cherry blossoms fall, while Andrew sat with him.
Written by @alvarez-sara and posted here with permission.
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aeipcthys · 3 years
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╰ ❛   💉 — › miranda otto. cis-female. she/her.  ╯ have  you  met  celeste white  yet  ?  this fifty year old  taurus  has  been  living  in the seattle  area  for  one month.  she  makes  a  living  as  head of general surgery, which  is best suited for their cunning,  protective,  egotistical,  and stubborn personality. dream a little dream of me by doris day  is  one of  their  favorite  songs.
trigger warnings: abuse, alcoholism, misogyny, adultery, age difference, divorce, estranged parents
full character page here
Full Name: celeste adella white
Nickname(s): you’ll call her celeste and like it
Age: 50
Date of Birth: april 30, 1970
Hometown: manchester, england
Current Location: seattle, washington
Ethnicity: white (english, german) 
Nationality: english
Gender: cisgender female
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Orientation: queen of the sapphics, but pansexual (believes sexuality is fluid) 
Status: divorced, single
Religion: agnostic
Political Affiliation: liberal leaning
Occupation: head of general surgery (specializes in minimally invasive & robotic surgeries)
Living Arrangements: lives alone and will not tell you where she lives but you can bet it’s bougie af
Language(s) Spoken: english, german
Accent: english
Face Claim: miranda otto
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: green
Height: 5'5
Weight: 128 lbs
Build: slim
Tattoos: nope.
Piercings: ears
Clothing Style: bougie most of the time 
Usual Expression: pursed lips, scowl, something that says...I’m disappointed 
Distinguishing Characteristics: her smile, when you get to see it
Physical Ailments: none.
Neurological Conditions: n/a
Allergies: none.
Sleeping Habits: she sleeps on her freaking back like HOW people do that, i’ll never know, but the gal does
Eating Habits: she’ll eat whatever ends up in front of her 
Exercise Habits: she’s up every day at 4 or 5 am to do something physical 
Emotional Stability: i don’t know her
Sociability: very skeptical of people, often judgemental, but she can be kind and hold a conversation at times; she’s used to people wanting to talk to her
Body Temperature: runs cold yet often wears outfits she’ll definitely be cold in
Addictions: none.
Drug Use: not really (still stress smokes sometimes it’s not great)
Alcohol Use: oh yes...oh yes. she’s that person that has a bottle of really nice scotch in her bottom desk drawer with two empty glasses. 
Label: tbd
Positive Traits: cunning, protective, fierce, poised, skilled, brilliant
Negative Traits: egotistical, stubborn, judgmental, competitive, cold, closed-off
Fears: fears are for wimps 
Hobbies: who has the time for hobbies 
Habits: drinking, writing people off, holding grudges :) 
Weather: give her a brisk day
Colour: any deep red
Music: something classic, on a record player preferably 
Movies: old movies
Sport: tennis
Beverage: scotch, black coffee
Food: tbd
Animal: cats and only cats 
Father: oscar white
Mother: lucille white
Sibling(s): annabelle white
Children: bella peterman
Exes: clifford hughes (ex-husband #1), daniel peterman (ex-husband #2), lilith baxter (on again, off again girlfriend)
Pet(s): prince the black cat
Family’s Financial Status: wealthy
Zodiac Sign: taurus
MBTI: entj
Anything Else:
tl;dr: abusive father, quiet mother, distant sister; two failed marriages; daughter who hates her; VERY accomplished surgeon (studying under Ellis Grey for a bit), then doing her own research; particularly influential in the field of minimally invasive and robotic surgeries (well-known award winner); fucked lilith 
Celeste White was born to Oscar and Lucille White in Manchester, England. She was born a few years before her sister, Annabelle. The four lived in a large house, Celeste’s father being the beneficiary of her late grandfather’s successful business. Of course, Oscar couldn’t manage anything, let alone a successful company. 
Their house was a cold place to grow up. (TW alcoholism, abuse) Celeste’s father was constantly drinking, and when he wasn’t drinking, he was screaming at someone to get him more to drink. Her mother was a quiet woman, constantly living under the thumb of her father. He was most definitely abusive, although he mostly kept that out of their eyes. But Celeste knew, and she grew to resent her mother for what she saw as weakness. Annabelle tried to pretend it wasn’t happening at all. 
Celeste hated her father from a young age, always challenging him. He was a bastard (her words), and she let him know it. His reactions were often volatile. He wasn’t afraid to push around his kids, pull them by their hair, or hit them when provoked enough. And verbally he was a nightmare. He never paid it much mind after an altercation, but Celeste remembered everything. Especially how he would pit Celeste and Annabelle against each other. It prevented them from growing close as sisters. 
Celeste left the family at age 17, heading to the University of Oxford to begin her education. It was there she completed a six-year medicine program, and then she continued on in London for a few years to perfect her craft. During her schooling, Celeste met Clifford. She was barely 19 years old when she agreed to marry him. (TW age difference, misogyny, abuse) Clifford was 31 when he married Celeste, and their initial romance quickly curtailed into a mess of a marriage. They fought constantly. He threw countless insults at her. His hatred of women became clear. Celeste was doing very well in her school, excelling in her medical studies, but Clifford was failing in his business ventures at every turn. He began to drink and became quite the son of a bitch (her words). Their marriage ended with both of them engaging in a volatile fight. She divorced him once her training was done, deciding to move to the states the first moment she could. 
Celeste was 26 when she moved to the U.S., securing a job at Mass General Hospital. Celeste wasn’t overly crazy about the states, but she found working at the hospital to be enlightening. She started working under Ellis Grey. She was a hard woman to be around, but Celeste adamantly enjoyed learning from the other woman. She worked with her as she eventually won her a second Harper Avery award. Feeling inspired by the woman’s influence, Celeste began to engage in research of her own.
Celeste was 29 when she met Daniel Peterman. Daniel was a professor of medicine, and Celeste was enamored with his kindness and warmth. They were dating about 6 months when Celeste found out she was pregnant. She’d never wanted children. She even considered not having the child, but it turned out she was too far along to consider such choices. 
Celeste had to halt her research to give birth to her daughter, Bella. Looking at the tiny baby in her arms, Celeste really did fall in love. Possibly for the first time ever. She and Daniel were married soon after. 
Being in the U.S. soon became tiresome, so Daniel and Bella moved with Celeste back to London where she began to, once again, engage in her research. Celeste wrote numerous papers, many notable to her peers. She was becoming a very well-known surgeon, but her time away from Daniel and Bella was waring on them. Daniel would become more and more irritated that Celeste was more married to her work than him. He began to have numerous affairs outside of their marriage. To get back at him, Celeste did the same. Their marriage became more about the battle than their lives together. Bella was often caught in the middle of it all, but her Dad was more present in her life. Although Celeste tried, Bella began to openly favor Daniel.
Celeste and Daniel finally started their divorce proceedings when she was 39 years old. Bella was barely 10. Their divorce was bitter and angry. They fought over every scrap, including Bella. Celeste was able to maintain shared custody, but that wasn’t really the way it ended up playing out. Bella fought her at every turn, always wanting to go back to her father when she was with Celeste. For years they were at odds. Celeste loved Bella deeply, but she also loved her work. As Bella became a teenager, she eventually just stopped fighting and let Bella choose. Bella, of course, chose her father.
Celeste fell into her work, possibly producing even some of her best. She expanded her specialty to include minimally invasive and robotic surgeries. Celeste single-handedly changed the game with her research, becoming the face for minimally invasive techniques and robotics in surgery. When she was 45 years old, Celeste was awarded the Lister Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons of England (and countless other awards throughout her career). 
She even tried her hand at teaching. Although she was not always the easiest person to learn from, Celeste found herself quite taken by Kassandra. They formed a bond during their time working together, and while she’d never fully admit it, Celeste enjoys mentoring the girl. One of her soft spots.
Celeste never had the desire to marry again, and she wasn’t concerned with love of any kind. Just loving. Her sexuality was something she always felt encouraged to explore. Although she’d only ever married men, there were women and other folks she’d had affairs with over the years. She much preferred women, if she was being honest. 
Celeste met Lilith Baxter through her work and found the woman to be seductive and sensuous. They were on and off again, but Celeste quite enjoyed when they were on. They weren’t a perfect duo...two dominating personalities never were, but Celeste did think about Lilith. More often than she should. 
It occurred to Celeste as she was turning 50 that she had accomplished a lot, but retirement was nowhere close to where she wanted to be. Upon hearing of the opening in Seattle, Celeste decided to once again venture to the states. She asked Bella to move with her, but her daughter ignored the offer. They barely speak these days, which breaks Celeste’s heart. Celeste has won a lot of awards, but she would love to secure the Harper Avery.
y’all know me open to anything
we love a mentee or research assistant, perhaps an enemy to loath, a connection from someone who used to work with her (either abroad or in the u.s. in the past), a connection with one of her ex-husbands, and of course sexy times
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dxnnyboi · 4 years
⌠ DARREN BARNET, 24, MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, DANIEL ‘DANNY’ ISHIDA ! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in LINGUISTICS, CULTURE & ASSIMILATION + COVERT OPERATIONS; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (a white, perfectly charming, crooked smile; finger guns across the hallway; loose laces in his shoes). when it’s the (taurus)’s birthday on 5/17/1995, they always request their FRENCH TOAST from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
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He was born right outside of Boston amongst big houses, expensive cars and fine jewelry.
The youngest of the Ishida boys. There’s four of them.
He’s the not-so-happy accident in his family, which isn’t exactly a secret and it’s clear on plain sight, when you find out his siblings are 12, 13 and 15 years older than him, so there wasn’t much relationship with them, nor her parents. Danny has always been the neglected boy in the family. He’s tried to impress them many times, but at some point he simply gave up.
That did not mean he didn’t get anything material. It was the way his parents would compensate for the lack of attention and amusement. Danny had everything every young kid would’ve dreamed of. He got his first Mercedes Benz at the age of sixteen (crashed it merely three days later only to get a replacement after a week long punishment of driving a simple Ford).
Let’s get a little bit into his family. His father was always busy, if you could call drinking, gambling and doing drugs such thing. That’s on the surface, what everybody knows of Mr. Ishida. What not many people know, and he would like to keep that way, is that the Ishida family are the head of a mob organization with ties to drug cartels and prostitution rinks. Just. Very illegal stuff.
Mom... Mom just likes to take antidepressants with a bottle of champagne in very expensive silk robes.
Danny has known of the family business since he was old enough to comprehend the things he could and could not say, but before that, Danny basically grew up alone. Raised himself with the very few examples he saw in his life, which surprise, weren’t exactly the best, but he learned to be sympathetic too. Most of his life lessons though, came from movies. And he was a fan fo romantic comedies. 
Fast forward to him being seventeen and in high school. His father had been recruiting new girls, and he wanted Danny to learn. Sure, he was kind of neglected, but every now and then daddy felt merciful of his youngest son and wanted to give him a sense that they had some sort of bonding.
Dad said not to talk to any of the girls. Just fix their documents, since most of them were illegal, don’t ask names, or lives, but there goes sympathetic Danny, ready to disobey his father. 
Long story short, he fell for a girl named Lucia. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen, and even though he was quite the ladies man in school, she was his first time, his first love, his first anything. It was all a secret, of course. His father could not find out, but of course he did. 
Danny was in the midst of a heated make out session with Lucia when his oldest brother saw them, and went and told Mr. Ishida about it. 
Long story short again... Lucia did not make it, which Danny did not take well, but he had to hold it all back, or things would not have ended well for him either. And ever since, Danny has been trying to find a way to get back at him for it. 
Just like the rest of his brothers, Danny had an automatic pass into Yale. He hated it, but he convinced himself this would be the end of it. That he would get a good major, a good career, a good job somewhere far far away from his family and that the nightmare would be over. 
But it wasn’t. His father’s plans for him weren’t over, and since he was the one with the least interest in following the family business, Mr. Ishida sent his youngest son to a place where he would learn how to do things on the low, to be secretive and lethal all at the same time and what a better place than Blackthorne. 
Danny almost rebelled and escaped, but upon thinking about it a couple times, he realized it could play against his father too. He would learn everything he needs to learn, be the best secret weapon as he can be and eventually shoot his shot, end with this fucking bullshit life they had. 
Despite the internal angst in Danny’s life.... his personality is far from what could expected. He’s not broody or dark. He’s more of a fuckboy with a warm smile and a wit word to charm as many as he can. Or annoy the fuck out of them. He’ll find enjoyment in both. This gif is literally the most Danny thing you will ever see. 
Selfie enthusiast. Bonus points if they happen at the gym. Definitely self absorbed. 
He loves movies, loves books, and will quote them every now and then.
He’s really smart. Borderline brilliant. School comes really easy to him as well as other sort of activities. He doesn’t brag about it, but he’s quite proud of his intelligence, because high key, his parents never really mention it. So if someone has to hype him up, it better be himself.
He speaks English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, some Korean and is trying to learn Italian, simply because it’s hot.
He’s a sensitive child. He will cry with good songs, and some animal videos on Facebook and TikTok. He won’t deny it. He’s very proud of his emotions but will be a dick about it every damn time, and call himself a damn good person, as if.
He’s a party boy. Usually organizing them, bringing in the party goods and favors. What are his father’s connections for anyway?
On that matter, he ain’t a drug dealer and would never call himself that. He does like to share his own stuff, though. But won’t sell. Anything else illegal? Fake IDs? He’s your guy.
He always gets what he wants so he falls on the manipulative side. He will fake being your best friend, will fake having a crush, will do it all just to get what he wants.
He can be a pretty good boy too, though. Sensitive, attentive, loyal, responsible (for the most part) but be sure to always question his intentions.
Fuck boy calls for hook ups, friends with benefits, and one night stands. Give me some. Unlimited amount. 
Sum fucks he could have had in Blackthorne too. Where my queer boys at.
Exes? He kind of runs away from actual love and opening up, but I could see him trying to be a little bit serious. Of course it did not work. Could be him breaking your child’s heart or the other way around. 
Besties. He’s the bro kind of guy. Loves his friends a lot. Extremely loyal. Would lie, fight and kill for them. 
Someone who’s actually had eyes on the Ishida family. This is a school of spies, some families are in the government or agencies who could already be trying to dismantle the whole organization. 
Enemies. Just people who can’t stand him. 
Old friends who had a fall out after something?
Former roommates who hated him. He’s annoying, messy and is always shirtless and working out. Could have liked him too tbh.
I suck. Give me anything pls.
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creatingnikki · 4 years
Dearest Saleta,
Your vibe and answers were so quintessentially tumblr – aesthetic, joyful, pure and defying the societal conventions. I can picture you wearing a vintage floral dress that’s flowy and lacy, wearing a flower crown and dancing to rock music. Smiling super wide and clicking Polaroid pictures, scribbling a happy quote and the date on it in your giddy happiness. Texting all your friends and loved ones about how grateful you are to have them in your life and just how much you love them. Were you born in the wrong time? You seem too precious for now. All of this also reminds me of a song - I wish I was a punk rocker by Sandi Thom. Do give it a listen, if you haven’t before.
Also the way you described your fashion style made me think of one of my favourite YouTubers – Ashley @bestdressed. Maybe you’d resonate with her and her fashion sense. Are these too many recommendations? Sorry, when I think someone will like something – book, movie, Youtube channel, song, tv show – I feel like this personal sense of duty to tell them about it because these things have brought me such joy and to think that I would have never come across some of it is a thought that makes me shudder.
You mentioned online friends. And that takes me down the memory lane. I was a very ‘weird’ teenager so no one around ever related to me. I also found most of them stupid and unimpressive. Yet I was never lonely and that’s thanks to the internet and all the beautiful and crazy people it enabled me to meet from across the world. The first time I met someone online was at 13. He was 17 and his username on a chat room website was ‘Edward Cullen’. It prompted me that he would be around my age because I really was tired of coming across old creeps who started the conversation with ‘asl’. And ever since then I was on a roll. 
Some of the most precious people in my life I met online. From my first official boyfriend to a few of my dearest friends. But until I was 17, I thought it was something I had to hide from everyone in my “real life”.  I thought the fact that I talk to people online in such a meaningful and constant way reflected on how miserable or awkward or unliked I was in my “real life”. But of course I kissed that mentality goodbye a long time ago and I’m so glad. The fact that we can connect with people we have and probably will never meet, who live starkly different lives than ours is a sign of how non-judgemental, accepting and earnest we are and I think that’s pretty damn awesome, isn’t it? I would have never done this before but I’m now going to go ahead and list all the places online I spoke to strangers:
That for me is a sign of growing up. Thank you for being a witness to that. Love is freedom, you said. I wish more people saw it that way because you’re right. But at least you see it that way and I can only imagine that some others do too and that’s a start! So many people end up hurting people in the name of love and the Netflix show YOU is such an apt example of that. Sure, people will say that it’s merely a fictional and dramatized version but I know so many people in reality who are trapped in lives that suffocate them on a daily basis but they cannot leave the people who make it so for them. I hope you are never one of them.
The book The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
The Kdrama Because This is My First Life
The German to English translated novel written completely in the form of letters – Love Virtually by Daniel Glattauer
The movie Before Sunrise
The song Palatte (25) by IU
These are a few of the more precious things I recommend to you that I hope add some value to your life. There are no words of comfort or strength I need to offer to you – and I am relieved about that. So, this is my way to add something positive to your life instead. PS I also want to share something beautiful my love shared with me yesterday: When you look at a flower, some of the photons that enter your eye finally end their 1,00,000-year journey from the center of the sun. Nobody else sees them. Just you. 10% of those will give up their energy to cause a chemical reaction that – literally – makes them a part of you.
So I suppose then, you truly have sunshine within you, Saleta. Stay awesome, Nikki
Guys, February is 29 days of love letters. I’m writing love letters, as part of The Love Project, and if you’d like me to write one to you, drop me an email at [email protected]
There are 8 more spots left, and you can still be a part of it if you’d like :D
I wrote this letter for Saleta based on some questions they answered. You can read the questions and their answers here. 
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pengychan · 4 years
[Good Omens] Winging It - James 4:11
Summary: Shockingly, attempting to destroy an angel without consulting God first comes with consequences. There is more than one way to fall, and a thousand more ways to inconvenience an angel and a demon who just wanted to be left in peace. Characters: Gabriel, Crowley, Aziraphale, Beelzebub, Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon Rating: T  
Prologue and all chapters are tagged as ‘winging it’ on my blog.
A/N: This chapter is longer than usual because I added a full page of fluff between Crowley and Aziraphale that has little to nothing to do with the rest. But I left it where it is ‘cause Christmas, I guess, and you really cannot count on Ineffable Bureaucracy for fluff. 
The angel Gabriel from heaven came His wings as drifted snow His eyes as flame...
“Of all songs, did they have to pick this one?”
“Hah! Don’t like Sting?”
Something did sting all right and, as a matter of fact, he did not like that, but Gabriel knew better than to explain why those words - a song about his most well-known task and the mention of his wings, which had been white as drifted snow except for the faint purplish tint of the primary feathers  - made him wish he could shut himself in a dark, quiet place for a century or two or twenty. 
“You could say that,” Gabriel finally muttered, mildly thankful of the fact the background noise in the pub made it easy enough to shut out the lyrics if he didn’t focus on it too much. 
Daniel shrugged. “I don’t mind it. But maybe we’ve just had it up to here with Christmas songs by now. I swear that every year they start playing them earlier and earlier. We were just through Halloween and bam, Christmas. I swear I’ve been hearing jingles ever since.”
Ah, yes. Halloween. Gabriel made a face, trying not to think of the laughs everyone at the warehouse got at his expenses from time to time over his less than measured reaction when several workers had come in dressed up as demons. Namely, screaming and trying to climb up the closest scaffold. Even Daniel had been unable to keep himself from laughing to tears - but really, how was he supposed to know it was just pretend and not, well, actual demons?
Of course, that wasn’t something he could say aloud, so he had to resign himself to the fact that everyone working in the warehouse thought he was, to put it mildly, a scaredy cat. Not that it had done much damage, aside from the occasions ‘boo!’ shouted behind him to try getting him to repeat the performance; somehow, it seemed to have actually helped. 
“I found you a little stuck up at first, but you know what, you’re good fun,” someone had said, and that seemed to be the general consensus. Plus, the fact he was able to speak to every single worker in their native language - English, Polish, Romanian, Urdu, German, Italian, you name it; he hadn’t lost that sort of knowledge - had gained him a lot of respect despite what they probably perceived as oddities from his part. 
That was… not the kind of workplace he was used to, but chances were that no one would hold him down to tear out a pair of limbs because a CEO told them to, and Gabriel found he liked that in co-workers. Besides--
“Gabriel? Did you hear a word of what I said?”
“Huh?” Gabriel looked up from his glass, and his confused expression was probably enough of an answer. Daniel rolled his eyes a little, and took a swig from his glass before he spoke again. 
“I asked what plans you’ve got for Christmas.”
“... I take it you have none?”
Gabriel shook his head. “Not really,” he murmured. Christmas was celebrated in Heaven as well, of course, though not the way mortals did. It was one impressive birthday party, although the birthday boy himself rarely showed up in the high spheres to see them. Now he certainly wasn’t in the mood to celebrate it either way. 
“Ah. Don’t you have any family? Sorry if that’s personal, it’s just that you never mentioned--”
“I had-- siblings,” Gabriel cut him off, blurting out what he felt was probably the closest term a human would understand, and emptied the glass. When he spoke again, his voice was beyond bitter. “We’re not on speaking terms.”
I understand you have no wish to see us, and we will not impose.  
Daniel nodded, his expression grave. “... I understand.”
“I don’t think you do,” Gabriel muttered, more harshly than he meant to. 
Daniel didn’t seem fazed. “Did they do something, or--”
“They cast me out,” Gabriel snapped, slamming the empty glass down. “They just-- they were told to cast me out, and they did. I...” he paused, and swallowed. He hadn’t heard from Crowley or Aziraphale in the past couple of months, but now the demon’s voice rang in the back of his mind, loud and clear as though he was standing right there before him. 
Had it been you receiving the order and Michael the one on the ground, would you have refused to do what God asked of you?  
All we knew was that we owed obedience, the letter read.
“... They cast me out,” he repeated, and leaned back against his seat. It still hurt to think of it; the scars over his shoulder blades ached at the memory. “And then they went and said I could call for them whenever, but I can’t. I won’t.”
“Maybe they want to make amends,” Daniel said slowly. He put down his glass, still half full; he spoke slowly, carefully. “Maybe they-- regret throwing you out.”
We never wished for any harm to come to you. I hope you know that.
“Maybe,” he finally said, gesturing for the waitress to bring him another drink by lifting up the empty glass. He was getting used to alcohol, sort of, but three drinks seemed to be his limit and he had no intention to surpass it, so that would be his last for the evening. “I doesn’t really matter. We’re through.”
“I’m sure that if you did take their offer and tried to call--”
“What, are you their advocate now?” Gabriel snapped again, and immediately regretted it. He groaned, rubbing his face. “... My apologies. It is a sore subject.”
“No, no, I get it,” Daniel immediately backpedalled. “I’m sorry. I pressed on without even knowing what happened. I just-- you know, sort of know how it is, wanting to make contact after… something stupid and cruel you wish you could take back, but can’t.”
Daniel’s wistful tone, more than his words, got Gabriel’s full attention. He stared at him across the table as another gin and tonic was put in front of him; he thought back at Aziraphale, how dignified he was while stepping into Hellfire, how hard facing him was when, even after all that, he went out of his way to help him.
“Do you regret what you did, or do you only regret where it landed you?” 
“I regret it. I do. I’m sorry.”
“Yes,” Gabriel finally said. “Guess I know what it’s like, too. Actually, everything happened because I did something stupid and cruel I did and can’t take back.”
“Mmh. Want to talk about it?”
Gabriel lowered his gaze back on the glass. “Not really.”
“I see,” Daniel said, and thankfully didn’t pry: he just took a long swig of his pint before putting down the glasses. “... Maybe there is still time to fix it. It’s what I tell myself all the time.”
Gabriel glanced up. “Fix what?”
“Whatever you did wrong.”
“I don’t know if that’s possible,” Gabriel muttered, then, “what is it you want to fix?”
For a few moments, Daniel said nothing. He stayed silent, seemingly debating with himself whether or not he wanted to answer, then he sighed. “Ah, you see - there is someone I-- well. I had a sister. I still do, I think, she can’t be that old but you never know. I’ll know for sure once I find her.”
“Oh?” Gabriel took a sip, frowning a little. Daniel had only ever talked about his wife, and not very much: he was tight-lipped when it came to his life before he found himself in the streets. All Gabriel had gathered was that his wife had died of cancer, and he had no other family. No mention had been made of an estranged sister before. 
Daniel nodded, frowning down at his own glass. “Yeah. I don’t like talking about it, but-- she was my older sister. Her name was - is - Alison. She was way older than me, by almost fifteen years. She must be about seventy now, but I can’t picture that very well. She was twenty-five last I saw her. I was eleven. And Christ, I was a catastrophic dick.”
“I can’t picture an eleven year old boy being such a catastrophic dick,” Gabriel muttered. “Unless it’s the Antichrist, then I guess I can.”
Entirely unaware of the fact that statement was not a joke at all, Daniel chuckled. “Heh. I guess I was just following my parents’ lead. They were the ones who told her to fuck off, and I repeated every single shitty thing they said.” Another long swig. “I wouldn’t now. Those were different times, and I was a kid. But that’s the convenient excuse, isn’t it? Different times and all that.”
“What did she do?”
“She was into women.”
Gabriel blinked. “... Weren’t you as well?”
“What-- well, I was a kid, but-- well, yes, but I am-- a guy. You know? Adam and Eve and all that.”
Oh, right. That was a thing with humans, getting hung up on such insignificant things. “I’d wager their example is not one anyone should strive to follow. Adam and Eve’s, I mean. When you get kicked out of Eden, you know you’ve done something wrong.” He made a face. “Believe me.”
A chuckle, half-hearted. “Heh. Not a bad point, that. But that’s not the way people thought at the time. Our parents sure didn’t. And I thought whatever they told me to think. When you’re that age you still think your parents can do no wrong, you know? Like they’re God or something.”
There was a painful twinge in Gabriel’s chest that he did his best to ignore. “I understand.”
“So she-- stood there, and took the insults, and if not for the fact that her girlfriend was there I think our father would have tried to beat it out of her. But that woman looked like she could break him over her knee, so he didn’t. He just screamed. My mother screamed and cried. And Alison looked at me.” Daniel threw back his head, finishing the pint in one gulp. 
Gabriel suspected he knew what he was going to say next, but he kept quiet and waited for him to speak again. When he did, his voice was tight. “I told her she was disgusting, and that I never wanted to see her again. It was stupid, and it was cruel, and… I didn’t even fully understand what was going on, I think. But I knew it was something that made our father furious, and it made our mother cry, and I hated her for it. I told her I never wanted to see her again,” he repeated, like he could scarcely believe it. 
“... And you did not.”
“I did not. She was told to leave, and she left - they both did. Skipped town.” A pause. “... I got a letter from her a couple of years later. It was addressed to me only. I always picked up the mail, she must have known I would get it before our parents did.”
“What did it say?”
Daniel grimaced, giving him a look that was pained and ashamed in equal measure. “I don’t know. I recognized her handwriting and just threw the envelope in the fire. We moved home a few months later and I never got anything from her again.”
“And that was--”
“Forty years ago. I began looking for her about ten years ago. I figured it would be easier with all the technology - Facebook and Instagram and whatnot, if you listen to folks everybody is on it. But not her, apparently. I can’t find her anywhere. Maybe she’s too old for that crap. I tried with electoral registers, but… nothing. I guess she might have opted not to be on the public list, or changed her name, or…” he paused, the next words he’d clearly been about to utter - or she’s dead - never getting past his lips. In the end, he sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. I’m starting to think it would take a miracle.”
As Daniel turned to gesture for the waiter to get him another pint, Gabriel looked back down at his unfinished drink, his brows knitting together in thought. 
“Yes,” he said slowly, more to himself than to Daniel. “I suppose it would.”
“But maybe it’s for the best that I don’t find her,” Daniel said, turning back to him. He looked saddened. “Maybe she doesn’t want to see me ever again, either. I was awful to her. I didn’t know any better, never occurred to me to defy our parents, but-- yeah, I can’t take back what I did. I only wish I could let her know I’m sorry.”
We cannot begin to understand God’s reasons to order such a thing of us, and to punish you alone, the letter on his desk had said. All we knew was that we owed obedience. We never wished for any harm to come to you. 
“You know,” Gabriel said slowly, “you shouldn’t despair just yet. Miracles do happen, after all.”
Should you ever need us, all you need to do is call out our names, and we’ll be there. Always.
“Ah, Gabriel. I was wondering where--”
“Where have you been?”
“... I don’t like your tone.”
“You were with Astaroth again, weren’t you? And Lucifer, and--”
“Maybe. So what?”
“You know what! It’s… the wrong sort.”
“The wrong sort for what?”
“To be around. The things they say - it’s not an amusing joke anymore. Everyone is on edge. Patience is running thin. They have stopped short of declaring themselves above God so far, but it seems a matter of time before something happens, and when it does--”
“Maybe we are above God. Them, me, you.”
“What-- Ba’al!”
“We do all the work, no? God has done nothing but give orders in eons. Why shouldn’t we take-”
“Don’t you dare say such a thing! None of us is above--”
“Be quiet, Archangel! Remember it’s a Virtue you’re talking to!”
“I-- you--” Hesitation, because never before did Ba’al bring up their superior rank, but only for a moment. “You’re a Virtue because God willed so! You exist because God willed so! You can’t seriously think--”
“What I think is none of your business.”
An attempt at walking past Gabriel. Gabriel refusing to budge. “Please. I don’t understand what’s gotten into you.”
A pause. “... If you really want to understand, come with me one of these days.” A step forward, a hand held out in invitation. “Maybe you’ll change your mind once you listen--”
“I won’t! Are you out of your mind?”
No answer, for a few moments; only a long, icy silence. “... Perhaps you should be on your way, then, Archangel Gabriel. You wouldn’t want to be caught hanging with one of the wrong sort, would you?”
“What? No, I didn’t mean you, you’re not--”
“And how would you know?”
More silence; not icy, but stunned. “I-- I know you.”
“... No. You do not.”
I knew him, before the Fall.
Of course, was nothing new: Beelzebub had known that annoying little piece of trivia for well over three months now, during which he had avoided that insufferable idiot like the pla-- no, wait. Not like the plague, they had quite enjoyed that despite part of history despite-- I was a healer once wasn’t I -- the sudden increase in the influx of souls in Hell. That had resulted in some serious pressure on the chronically understaffed New Arrivals department - the understaffing was intentional, of course, or else it wouldn’t be Hell - as well as a few headaches.
And speaking of headaches, there was one threatening to split their skull right now. Served them right, Beelzebub through, for trying to remember. Why do that? It was painful, and whatever they dredged up couldn’t possibly be worth it. Gabriel wasn’t worth the hassle of trying to change his mind. He wanted to live as a mortal? Fine then, let him live as a mortal. 
He’d die eventually and when it happened, Beelzebub could bet a six hundred and sixty-six souls that he’d find himself in Hell - because God was no better than the worst of them, except when it came to PR - and oh, how they’d laugh, then. They’d laugh in his stupid face and throw him in some pit to be tortured for all eternity, because he could forget getting a nice, important role after rejecting the offer so many times. And then they’d never glance in his direction again. 
They’d never have to remember. Just cast him down, like he’d cast them down, and… and…
But he did not. It was Michael.
“I had a spear, and your sword was broken…”
“Gabriel, what are you waiting for? Strike them down!”
But he had not. Neither of them had moved, which was… stupid. Why had they not moved? Why had he not struck them down?
“No, I didn’t mean you, you’re not--
Enough. Beelzebub shook their head to chase away the memory, expecting another spike of pain in their head, but nothing happened. Well, now that was… interesting. Memories were painful to pull up from the depths of their mind, but once they managed to do that thinking of them caused no more pain. Nothing to keep them from revisiting them. 
“Lord Beelzebub? Is something the matter?”
Dagon’s voice seemed to come from a mile away. Sprawled on their throne, Beelzebub looked up.
“Nothing’s the matter,” they buzzed. Whether Dagon believed it or not, she knew better than to argue. “What is it?”
“We have received a report from the demon you assigned to watch the Archangel Gabriel.”
“Be quiet, Archangel! Remember it’s a Virtue you’re talking to!”
“That idiot is no angel,” Beelzebub snapped, straightening themselves. “He’s a mortal. He’s nothing but a waste of time and resources. Give the demon another assignment and forget about him.”
Dagon blinked a few moments, taken aback, but she was quick to recover. “Yes, my Lord,” she said, and turned to leave.
“Wait,” Beelzebub called out, and held out their hand. “... The report.”
May as well read it, and then forget all about that fool.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the letter he’d found himself unable to throw away, Gabriel felt increasingly foolish as minutes passed and he did nothing, said nothing, called out for no one. He couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t do it.
Calling out names - or just one name, you don’t need several archangels for one miracle - was all that it would take, and they could make Daniel’s wish come true by finding out where his sister was, if she was even still alive. 
Such a huge change to his life, with minimal effort… and no risk. He knew none of them would harm him again. He knew none of them had wanted to do it in the first place, but still he  couldn’t will himself to do it. The mere thought brought him back to when he had last called out their names, cried out their names as he begged for the pain to stop, for them to stop hurting him.
“Michael, please! Uriel-- Sandalphon-- no, no, no, please please--”
Gabriel swallowed, trying to ignore the burning sensation over his shoulder blades, and forced himself to relax his grip on the letter before he damaged it. He threw it back in the drawer and slammed it shut, then reached to take his phone, and dialled the number to Aziraphale’s shop.
The thought of turning to him for help again left a sour taste in his mouth - after what I did, after all he’s already done - but it felt less unbearable than the alternative. He’d explain he needed to help a human and he’d help, or his demon would, and that would be it. Easy. Convenient.
Except that no answer came; the phone rang and rang, but no one picked up and Gabriel realized, belatedly, that Aziraphale had mentioned leaving London around Christmas time for a few days.
“Leave a message and I’ll get back to you,” he’d said. There were few things Gabriel was better at than delivering messages, but this time he just ended the call without leaving any. He would just call back; there was no rush, after all. He could take care of that in the New Year. 
He failed to take into consideration, even after living as one for months, how frail humans truly are - and how easily their lives are snuffed out, without warning.
“You did what!”
“Gave the wrong directions to the Wise Men.”
“Crowley, for the love of-- you did not!”
“Why do you think they only got there in January? They lost the star and asked for directions.”
“How do you lose a star?”
“Well, it was cloudy.”
“I see. And you absolutely had nothing to do with it, did you?”
Crowley grinned. Aziraphale made a sound halfway between a snort and a rather undignified giggle. 
“I can’t believe you.”
“Oh, you do. How long have we known each other?”
“Is that a trick question?”
“All right, that we can recall, we have known each other for some six-thousand years, give or take a few months. So yes, you can absolutely believe that I gave wrong directions to the Wise Men. It’s got my name all over it. In my defense, they did the worst part on their own.”
“The worst part?”
“Picking the gifts. Newborn shivering in the cold, and they bring incense and gold and whatnot. Not very wise of them. Why not a blanket?”
“Gold can buy many blankets.”
“Not in the middle of the night in Bethlehem, it can’t.”
“Maybe they wouldn’t have arrived at night if someone hadn’t thrown them off course.”
“Nice try, angel, but they were travelling at night, following a comet that just so happened to be heading the right direction. They wouldn’t have arrived during the day anyway.”
A sigh. “All right, fair,” Aziraphale conceded, and went back to looking up. The night sky was perfectly clear, the stars so very close. The valley below them was almost completely dark. 
“Maybe we could visit Alpha Centauri,” Crowley said. “A vacation. But I like it here, for now.”
“A demon, enjoying a visit to the Devil’s Dyke? Who would have thought.”
“Did I just experience a microaggression here? The betrayal,” Crowley sighed in mock hurt, leaning back on the blanket they had lain on the grass. They both could keep their body temperature in check easily, but neither had wanted to really bother, so they were wearing thick coats and, in Aziraphale’s case, a woolen hat. “You know how this place came to be, right?” Crowley asked.
“Ah, I heard the myth. The devil was digging a trench to let the sea flood churches, but the noise disturbed an old lady who lit a candle. The devil thought daybreak had come and fled, leaving it unfinish-- wait. Oooh, wait. Don’t tell me…?”
“... In my defense, I was drunk.”
Aziraphale laughed, a gloved hand to his mouth. “That would have been amusing to watch.”
“You were busy running around with the Knight of the Round Table,” Crowley muttered, and looked up again, the glasses off his face. Aziraphale followed his gaze up to the stars. 
“You know what would be nice? Snow would be nice.”
“Snow, on Christmas Eve? Groundbreaking,” Crowley sneered, but he was already lifting a hand to snap his fingers, and clouds began closing in above them. Aziraphale smiled and said nothing as the first snowflakes began dancing through the air, illuminated by the headlights of the Bentley.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come dine with us?”
“Yes. I’m tired.”
“It will be fun. Lukács is going to make carbonara, but he’s putting cream in it and we’re all going to watch Fabrizio have a full-blown meltdown.”
“Didn’t Fabrizio say his grandmother would kill him if he didn’t make it home for Christmas?’
“Couldn’t afford the tickets right on the day. He’ll go before New Year’s, if he survives the shock of eating carbonara with cream. So, did I convince you?”
Gabriel - who couldn’t begin to imagine what could be so bad about adding cream to carbonara, a position that would have severely disappointed Aziraphale and caused roughly sixty million Italians to froth at the mouth - smiled a little. “Do get his reaction on video for me,” he said, causing Daniel’s smile to fade.
“Are you really sure? It doesn’t seem right, being alone on Christmas Eve.”
“I’ll live,” Gabriel said, his voice somewhat hollow. He tried not to think of the celebration they would hold in Heaven for the birthday of God’s son, tried not to wonder if it would be held that year too with him gone. He made an effort to smile. “If it gets bad, I’ll show up uninvited.”
“You’re already invited, idiot,” Daniel muttered with a laugh and one more worried look, but he did not insist further. When they parted ways it was already dark, and Gabriel just began walking, not really minding where he was going, barely even looking up. When he did look up, he found himself staring at the pier. 
Well, good job I did look up, Gabriel thought, sitting on a bench. It was cold, but at least it hadn’t rained. Or I’d have walked right in the water and I am not entirely sure I would be able to swi--
“You know, this is where the Titanic set off. A good place.”
“Oh, please. I wasn’t even trying to startle you.”
Gabriel turned to look up, so suddenly it almost made him dizzy, to see Beelzebub perched on the backrest of the bench he was sitting on. They tilted their head on one side, looking at him. 
“You look aged.”
Gabriel clenched his jaw. It was the first he saw of the Prince of Hell since he’d stormed out of that café three months earlier, although he was fairly sure they did, at the very least, have him under surveillance. 
“What do you want?” he asked, full expecting them to answer ‘your soul’. 
Beelzebub didn’t reply: they just slipped down to sit next to him. They weren’t bothering to wear a coat proper coat, but then again it was probably for the best. Gabriel didn’t quite want to imagine what atrocity Beelzebub would consider a proper coat.
“They got some idiot to deal with the appeals,” they informed him, causing Gabriel to frown a little. He’d put the appeals system in place himself, for souls to make their case that Hell had claimed them unfairly - far more civilized than having a skirmish each time over a soul. Beelzebub hadn’t been especially keen on it at the start, but in the end they had agreed to it.
Needless to say, nearly everybody who found themselves in Hell filed an appeal, but there were very few cases, relatively speaking, that were truly considered and reached Gabriel’s desk. 
Of course, Hell would fight tooth and nail to keep each soul, but he and the Lord of the Flies had always managed to keep those discussions in the ream of civility, meeting on neutral ground on Earth. Sometimes Hell kept the souls, some other times Heaven was able to snatch them, even more rarely it was Hell to put forward a motion to get someone’s soul out of Heaven and into Hell, claiming that significant sins had been overlooked. All in all, it was a challenge, and one that Gabriel had enjoyed, red tape and small writing as his weapons. There was a certain work ethic to Beelzebub, too, and he could respect that. 
“They did?”
“Yes, some nondescript angel who tries to argue too many cases at once. Or so I’m told.”
Gabriel blinked. “You haven’t met them?”
Beelzebub scoffed as though insulted. “Don’t make me laugh, I am the Prince of Hell. No time to waste arguing with someone so below me. They sent a nondescript angel, and they got a nondescript demon to deal with it.”
“Ah. I see.” Gabriel fell quiet, and looked out towards the sea, a cold wind ruffling his hair. It had grown, and he’d needed to have it cut for the very first time; needless to say, having someone stand behind him with a sharp object had been… unpleasant, even with the backrest shielding his back from it. Luckily, the barber’s chatter had served well enough to distract him. Overall it had been less disastrous than his first attempt at shaving. “Did you come to tell me that?”
Beelzebub frowned and leaned back against the bench, arms crossed and glaring at the nearby street light. “I have a question. And I demand an answer. Why didn’t you strike me down?”
That was… not what Gabriel had expected to hear. He blinked, turning back to them. “What?”
A glare. “Are you deaf now?”
“I can’t strike you down, I have no powers--”
“Not now, idiot. During the Battle. Why didn’t you?”
Ah. That. “I-- I don’t know.”
You didn’t try to strike me, either. 
A displeased buzzing sound. “That is not an answer. You can remember without your skull splitting in two, no?”
“Well, yes, but--”
“Then do better and remember.”
“Last we met, you didn’t want me to--”
“Don’t pretend you know me!” Beelzebub snapped, causing Gabriel to recoil. “I hate nothing more than a question unanswered, so you will give me an answer or else!”
“All right, all right,” Gabriel said quickly, still reeling a little. He… wasn’t precisely sure he wanted to remember himself - that past was dead and buried for a reason - but then again, you don’t say no to Beelzebub, Prince of Hell and Lord of the Flies, without repercussions he’d rather avoid. If they wanted answers, they would have them… but he should get something in return, too. With Aziraphale unavailable and not really wanting to see his former colleagues, at least he could get one question answered. 
“There might be something I’d like to ask you,” Gabriel finally spoke slowly, fully aware of the fact that trading favors with Beelzebub was… an awful idea. Beelzebub raised an eyebrow, looking mildly surprised, and Gabriel continued. “It’s about a departed soul,” he said. He hoped, truly hoped that Daniel’s sister was not dead yet, but he didn’t want to explain too much to the Prince of Hell. They had already threatened a mortal to force him into a deal. “Alison Brown from Plymouth, born… sometime between 1948 and 1950, if my estimate is correct. I don’t know the date of death. I only want to know if she’s in Hell.”
“And why would you want to know if that particular soul is downstairs?”
Gabriel pressed his lips together, saying nothing. “Why do you want to dwell in the past?”
Beelzebub narrowed their eyes. “It’s on a need-to-know basis, and you do not need to know.”
“Likewise,” he retorted. He got himself an annoyed glance, but in the end they nodded. 
“Fine. Deal. I’ll have the records searched to find out if this ‘Alison Brown from Plymouth’ is in Hell, but when I return with the information I demand answers before I give it to you. And if she is one of ours,” they added, sneering, “I might be willing to trade her soul for yours.”
Ah, Gabriel thought. Of course. Not too long ago, he would have been outraged at the suggestion that his soul was worth that of a mortal and no more. Now he just smiled a little. Despite everything, it was almost a smirk. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d given up on trying to claim me.”
“No. You have well and truly pissed me off too many times not to want you in my trophy room.”
“You have a trophy room?”
“You’ll be the starting point.”
“That’s oddly flattering.”
“Shut up.”
Gabriel smiled faintly and said nothing, waiting for Beelzebub to leave in a cloud of sulphur and smoke, leaving him alone on the pier. But they did not, nor did they say anything themselves. They both just sat there in silence, staring out at the pier beneath a starless sky - and while it was no Christmas party, it was still better than being alone.
“Do you think Yeshua is going to show up?”
“Doubtful. He never does.”
“Why do we bother celebrating his birthday, anyway? That’s the sort of thing mortals do. And he spends every single one of them on Earth.”
“Tradition, I suppose.”
“Who started it?”
A pause, and they all lifted their eyes up from their papers to glance at each other, a grim sort of realization dawning in. They couldn’t remember, and were not supposed to ever forget things unless it was somehow related to the Fallen. As the Son of God had been born as a human long after the Fall… well, only one angel had been cast out of their ranks ever since.
Was it Gabriel who’d suggested they should celebrate the anniversary of the birth he’d announced himself as his best-known task? Did he enjoy celebrating it? How did he convince them? Michael couldn’t remember. It was nowhere in the notes she had written down. 
Notes are not enough. They can never be enough. Anecdotes about a stranger we know we ought to care about, but cannot remember why. 
“Maybe we could check on him,” Sandalphon spoke slowly. “Just to, er, check.”
“He didn’t call for us,” Uriel pointed out. “It would upset him.”
“He won’t know,” Sandalphon replied, and glanced over at Michael. She hesitated. 
“Aziraphale is keeping his promise to keep us updated,” she said slowly. It was true, of course, but it didn’t help much now that another realization hit her - she was forgetting what his voice sounded like. How do you write down the sound of someone’s voice?
“But he hasn’t met him since he left London. He only relies on what Gabriel tells him on the phone, and-- we can find him. We can see how he’s doing, and... he won’t know it’s us.”
Michael stared a few moments and finally, slowly, she nodded. Uriel sighed, and nodded back. 
“Yes,” she said quietly. “Just to check.”
“For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.” -- James 4:11
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schrijverr · 5 years
The kidnapped reveal
When Tommys and Sebastians child gets kidnapped the rest finds out that they have been married for sometime and have adopted a baby girl together. They try to get her back
On AO3.
Ships: Sebastian Berger x Tommy McConnel
Warnings: KIdnapping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tommy and Sebastian got together three years before Major Daniel knocked on their door. Tommy had moved back to Ireland for a year, because of shit with the family and Sebastian had stayed home with their six year old daughter.
They never told anyone on their units that they were seeing someone and they never talked about a child. As far as files were concerned, their relation and life together didn’t exist. So, when they got onto the new team they didn’t tell anyone. They just moved to the new city and on from their old life.
Sebastians mother moved as well to watch Leomie if necessary and to get help from the boys if needed, she was getting old after all.
Now a year after they’d started their team, still, no one knew. They had fallen into a routine of a close friendship and for a bunch of detectives it was kind of sad that they hadn’t noticed them coming in together every day. But that meant they were all good. No one knew and that’s how they liked it.
That is why it was a great surprise to see Ilse, Sebastians mother, showing up at their workplace in complete hysterics. She yelled: “Sebastian! SEBASTIAN!”
Sebastian rushed forward, Tommy not far behind. “What is it mother?” He asked, concern written over his face.
His mother sobbed and whispered: “She’s gone. When I got home, it was a mess and she just wasn’t there.”
The hand that was rubbing her back soothingly stopped as the realization dawned on Tommy. He looked at Sebastian and saw a matching expression of horror on the Germans face. The rest was looking at the whole ordeal perplexed, finally Hickman spoke up: “Doesn’t this seem like something for the normal police? And who’s she?”
The three looked at him and after a beat of silence Sebastian said: “This is my mother and she came here to tell me that my child is missing!”
He became louder in the end, nearly yelling, the turned to his mother again and soothingly said: “It’s going to be fine mother. If anyone can find her, it’s us. Just sit down and try to calm down. Tommy help me get her to couch, she needs to sit down.”
They helped her to the couch as the Major looked through some files. The he said: “There is no record of you having a child, Sebastian. Is this the same as with Erik?”
Sebastian shook his head. “No,” he answered, “I didn’t know about Erik. I, however, adopted Leonie.”
In the background Tommy was talking to Ilse. He asked her where Leonie disappeared and if she had called the school to check there. She answered saying it was at their place and that she did call the school and that they had seen her leave. Tommy nodded and left her alone, turning back to where Sebastian was grilled about adopting a child and with who and when. He walked back towards them and told Sebastian: “It was at our house. Ilse was supposed to go there today after the bus had dropped her off. Let’s go. We can deal with them later.”
Then the two men quickly grabbed their jackets and walked out the door, leaving the team with even more questions as they hurried to follow.
The police hadn’t arrived at the house yet, so they quickly made it to the front door and unlocked it. They hurried inside to take in the scene, some things were knocked over, there were signs of struggle and a little blood on the floor. The blood splatters were next to a broken frame with a family picture in it, the glass was broken and the shards lay on the floor. Eva picked it up and looked at the photo, her eyes widened. After today she’d expected something was going on between then, with the ‘our house’ and the horrified expression on Tommys face when Sebastians mother talked, the fact that he knew her name despite her never telling them it, the whole ‘our house’ thing and how easily he talked to her, but this, this was some next level shit.
She walked to where the team stood bowed over Sebastians laptop as he scanned the area, deposited the picture on the table and said: “Found this next to some shards and some blood splatters.”
The two elder men now realized what was going on and turned to where the couple was standing looking at the picture. On it was a smiling Sebastian and Tommy with in their lap a small giggling little girl. In the background there was a Christmas tree and they all wore stupid sweaters. They looked between the team and the picture until Hickman said: “Okay, I’d like it if you two explain, now.”
Sebastian swallowed and gestured to Tommy to talk, Tommy shot a look at Sebastian and they had a quiet conversation before Tommy gave up and started talking: “So, uhm, we’re together. Have been for some time now.”
“Yeah, we’d gathered that much.” Hickman commented, but a jab from Eva shut him up.
“I know you had gathered that much you idiot. It’s not that hard, now let me talk.” Tommy said annoyed. “We were together before this team came together, but we never talked about our home life with our separate units. Homophobia is still something in police ranks. We’re married and we adopted this little princess.”
He pointed at the little girl in the picture and couldn’t seem to continue, as if seeing her again made it impossible. Sebastian caught on and continued: “My mom used to watch her when we still lived in Berlin and she moved with us when we needed to be closer to our new headquarters here. Leonie goes to an international school since she already speaks English from Tommy. My mom was supposed to get here with the bus, but it was delayed. When she got here. She, she was already gone.”
Tears were now streaming over his face and Tommys eyes were suspiciously wet. Tommy pulled Sebastian into an embrace. Glad to be able to draw comfort from his partner now that the secret was out. The team understood that this was a private moment left the two alone for a while to look outside for clues.
After they had collected all the data, they returned to Headquarters. Sebastian had kept his mother regularly updated, so she was waiting for them, for when they got back. She had calmed down quite a bit and was comforting the couple as they sat waiting for the results. Sebastian and Tommy were obviously drawing comfort from the other. They were literally leaning on each other sending hopeful looks to where the computer was working. The rest had pulled away from them, leaving to family with each other.
They were surrounding Louis’ desk talking to one another. “Did you all not know?” Hickman asked.
Both shook their heads, no one had seen this coming. “No,” Louis said, “I knew they knew each other, but there was nothing about a relationship or a child for that matter. They are exceptionally good at hiding it.”
“I suspected they liked each other, but this? I didn’t think they would be married.” Eva commented.
They all looked at them again. Sebastian and Tommy were now saying there goodbyes to Sebastians mother waving at her as she left. Then they turned to the computer that had started beeping and the others joined them.
“Does it normally beep when it done?” Hickman asked.
“No,” Sebastian said, “That’s what’s so strange. It’s a Skype call.”
“Well, what are you waiting for? Fooking answer it.” Tommy said harshly.
Sebastian rolled his eyes and gave him an annoyed look. He connected some wires and then he picked up. On the other side there were some guys. All in black with guns everywhere. Tommy breathed out. “What do you want?” he asked.
The oldest man chuckled: “You see, child. We could really use some money, so here’s the deal. You and your boyfriend get your kid back and we get you and some money.”
“Bastard!” Tommy yelled. “Don’t you touch her! If she has even a small scratch on her I will kill you!”
The man chuckled evilly. “I know” he said. “That’s why we have her here.”
He stepped aside to show an older version of the girl from the photo strapped to her chair. When she saw the two men on the screen she cried out: “Da, papa!”
“Hush child.” One of the men said and Leonie continued to cry silently as a hand was held in front of her mouth.
“See,” the first guy said again, “Unharmed and ready for transaction.”
“Let her go, please. How much do you want?” Sebastian asked softly. They had never seen him so vulnerable. Big tears were flowing out of his eyes and you could see his heart rip more every second when you looked into his eyes.
The first guy laughed and said: “See now are we talking! I want £500.000 cash. You are to drop it and a handcuffed McConnel at this address.” He held up. a piece of paper. “And if we get the clear from our guy she’ll be at your doorstep in less then an hour. If this has not happened in the next three hours. Well, I guess you’ll find her maimed body sooner or later.” He laughed again and cut of the connection.
Once the screen was black Sebastian leaned in and cried in Tommys chest. He really didn’t want to be weak in front of the team, but he couldn’t help it. They had taken one of his few good things in life and Tommys strong arms around him made everything a bit more bearable.
Tommy looked at his crying husband and made a decision. “How can we get £500.000,- ? I don’t care about what happens to me, but I can’t let them hurt her.”
“I am not letting you sacrifice yourself, McConnel.” Major Daniel said.
“Yeah and I’m not letting them hurt my husband and child. I thought if someone would understand it’d be you.” Tommy replied.
They were about to argue more when Sebastians pleading voice cut them of. “Please both of you stop it. Tommy, you don’t get to decide you can leave me. I don’t want to lose you. You mean to much to me. Please let me see if I can pinpoint their location before you try to do something stupid, okay?”
Tommys gaze immediately softened as he looked to his husband. He stroked the side of Sebastians face. “Sure, darling.” he whispered, “I promise, but you have to promise me something to. If this doesn’t work out, you have to let me get her back.”
They held a staring contest and then seemed to agree as they locked their pinkies and both whispered: “Promise.”
Sebastian was typing on his computer, desperate to find something, anything. The rest were calling people seeing if they could get the money in cash on such a short notice. There was a tense atmosphere and everyone was easily spooked when Sebastian let out a small cheer everyone jumped in fright and the quickly rushed to the computer. “They are not very smart criminals.” He said. “Or they don’t know who they’re dealing with.”
He got a hard look on his face and Tommy said amazed: “You found them?”
Sebastian nodded and they both looked relieved. Major Daniel nodded and said: “Give the location and I’ll call in a team. You go change. I’ll see you there. Oh, and Sebastian, Tommy. I want you to in the back. You’re lucky I’ll even let you come. You are too close to this.”
They both wanted to protest, realized it was useless, gave up and nodded. Then they quickly ran away. The Major got out his phone, but before he dialed he said to Eva: “Keep a close eye on them. I don’t want to lose them, because they ripped someone apart.”
Eva nodded and walked away.
They had surrounded the house. Inside they could see the guys from the Skype call having some drinks, probably cheering for themselves. Tommy scoffed and spit on the ground. “Disgusting.” was all he said.
Next to him Sebastian nodded, his face was nothing but hard lines. They had to wait by the cars until they were called for backup or the clear signal was given. A few feet away Major Daniel was explaining the situation to the help team and after a few directions they started to move.
It was quiet for a while, then there were some shots and screams. From their position Sebastian and Tommy could see the guys falling and getting arrested. A few seconds later the clear signal was given and both men rushed to the house.
When they got to the entrance everyone opened up a path leading directly to a small girl who was being freed from a chair. When she saw her fathers a smile look over her features and tears started to fall down her cheeks. “Da.” She said as Tommy hugged her.
“Papa.” She squealed as Sebastian blew a raspberry on her cheek and joined in with the hug.
The kidnappers were led away and they gave the family some privacy. Before Major Daniel left he stopped by the hugging group of people. He said: “We will talk about all of this later. This is not something you should hide from the team you’re supposed to trust with your life, but for now? Be together. Be a family. I’ll see you in a few days. Take your time.”
Sebastian and Tommy nodded. They understood, but for now, they weren’t letting go of their girl for a second.
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thedornishprincess · 5 years
g2k me uncomfortably well
I was tagged by @eatmyshiftsticky thanks sweetie !! :) I’m sorry to answer to this so late but this week at wasn’t home and I couldn’t do it. I’m so sorry to also be less active here but never forget I love you all and I miss you !!! 
1. What is your middle name?
I don’t have any middle name. Just a first name :) Anthea
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
30th May 
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Gemini !
5. What is your favourite colour?
Black, Purple & Red
6. What’s your lucky number?
Uhm well... 7 
7. Do you have any pets?
Not anymore... my cat died a month ago. But my neighbor’s dog really love me and I considere him as my own dog :)
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
8 US
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Hard question !! I think... 10 
12. What was your last dream about?
I can’t really remember but It was something really weird and at the same time awful. It was actually a fucking nightmare
13. What talents do you have?
I can do some twirl with my drumsticks, I dance pretty well and I think that’s all ! LOL
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I don’t think so 
15. Favourite song?
Dammmmmm !!! I can’t choose !!! It’s so hard !! Who are you, the devil ??! LOL ok so.... Don’t you ever leave me Hanoi Rocks 
16. Favourite movie?
The Lord of the Ring and Forrest Gump
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
A fucking rockstar ! LOL A man open-minded, who loves music, films and he’s really clever, cultured with whom I would speak about philosophy, history and litterature. A man who has long hair would be perfect by the way !
18. Do you want children?
Yeah why not ! But not now 
19. Do you want a church wedding?
In France, you can marry only in a church or in a city hall so... I don’t know now 
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes like a lot of people I suppose and many many times 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
nope, I don’t plan on i
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Ok... I met a lot of celebrities, some are really famous and some not. This is a short list of celebrities I met : Richard Madden, Pilou Asbaek, Natalie Emmanuel, Eugene Simon, Joe Dempsie, Alfie Allen, Daniel Portman, Gemma Wheelan, Vladimir ‘Furdo’ Furdik, Isaac Hempstead-Wight, Iwan Rheon, Jerome Flynn, Iain Glenn, Jack Gleeson, Jacob Anderson and Duff Mckagan :) ( I met other celebrities but you may not know the name ) 
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
Not sure ahhaha I’ve been interviewed few times but that’s all
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
I would ! maybe as an author or actress
28. What type of music do you like?
Rock ‘n Roll, Punk, hard rock, pop, soul funk...
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
I have never.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Only two but I’ve got 5 more pillows on my bed 
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
i’m either on my right or my left side in the same position of a baby 
32. How big is your house?
It’s a single-story but enough big for 4 persons
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Orange juice with cake for eating ( in french the brand is ‘’ Bellevita ‘’ )
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
No I only did rifle shooting 
35. Have you ever tried archery?
I’ve only really ever done archery during summer camp and it was a long time ago !
36. Favourite clean word?
Ok in French it’s ‘’ magnifique ‘’ 
37. Favorite swear word ?
In French again it’s ‘’ Va te faire foutre ! ‘’ 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
One day only 
39. Do you have any scars?
Yeah one in the back of my arm because I felt a year ago when I was doing fencing 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
41. Are you a good liar?
Indeed I am. But I don’t like to lie.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I’d like to think I’m good at reading people
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
British accent, german and spanish just for fun
44. Do you have a strong accent?
No in French and when I speak in English I try to have no French accent at all. My english teacher said that my english accent was a mix of an american, british and scottish accent. I can’t imagine it but why not LOL
45. What is your favourite accent?
British !!!!!
46. What is your personality type?
Crazy, shy, a bit lunatic and open-minded 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I don’t really have exepensive piece of clothing... maybe the most expensive is about 90 euros 
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right-handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Fuck yeah
52. Favourite food?
53. Favourite foreign food?
Chili !
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I hate mess ! I’m fucking clean person 
55. Most used phrase?
Even in French I speak in english and I say ‘’ anyway ‘’. In French I say always ‘’ genre ‘’ 
56. Most used word?
‘‘ Fuck ‘‘ 
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
An hour bc I stay around 20 minutes in my bed 
58. Do you have much of an ego?
No, I don’t.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Suck them
60. Do you talk to yourself?
All the fucking time ! I’m asking questions to myself, talk in English to myself and having a conversation with myself. Yeah I’m crazy and so ? 
61. Do you sing to yourself?
bitch yes, all the fucking time !!
62. Are you a good singer?
I like to think that I’m okay ( but that’s not true )
63. Biggest Fear?
Being Deaf 
64. Are you a gossip?
Not really 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Forrest Gump !
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I don’t mind either way but long hair....dammmmmmm !! That’s my weakness
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
You’re funny girl ! Not at all ! 
68. Favourite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
A lot of things 
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Nope... sometime yeah but I’m gonna say no bc most of the time I’m not
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
depends what kind of mistakes we’re taking here.
74. Are you ticklish?
yes, and I fucken hate it.
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
I don’t think I ever have
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
No LOL maybe few times but I can’t remember 
77. Have you ever drank underage?
yeah maybe a glass but just one 
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
I’ve never really had a crush on a real person... but when I was a kind I had a crush on Aladdin from tht disney movie 
80. How many piercings do you have?
Just my ears but I want more .
81. Can you roll your R’s?
a little, but only for like two seconds.
82. How fast can you type?
As fast as I can lol
83. How fast can you run?
... i hate running 
84. What colour is your hair?
black, dark brown
85. What color is your eyes?
green and brown 
86. What are you allergic to?
mushrooms and some medicine 
87. Do you keep a journal?
No just a book where I write my ideas for my story I’m currently writting 
88. What do your parents do?
My mother works in a hospital and my father is an electrician 
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
A lot of things, but I’ve learnt to control it ( not always...) 
91. Do you like your own name?
I love it !
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I have. Boy names : Peter, Michael, James. Girl names : Arwen, Diana, Alice 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I don’t have any preference 
94. What are you strengths?
I don’t know ahahah
95. What are your weaknesses?
I can be very touchy
96. How did you get your name?
Long story !!!!! But my name came from a french metal band and so now I’m the mascotte of the band. ( send me a dm for more details ahah ) 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
98. Do you have any scars?
I’ve seen this question somewhere else... 
99. Colour of your bedspread?
100. Colour of your room?
Grey, purple and white 
I’m not going to tag someone bc I’ve got to sleep right now or tomorrow I’m gonna look like a shit LOL 
Love you all !!! XXX 
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mrsrcbinscn · 2 years
Stanning Franny Sor Robinson 101: The Playlist
There’s a YouTube playlist a fan made titled Essential Franny Sor Robinson Content and these are in it
 Video Clips
  A clip titled “Thanks for all the divorce” Upon accepting a grammy for a Dara & Danny album, Franny held their brand new Grammy and said in her acceptance speech, “And more than anything, I want to thank my best friend, this man right here (Daniel Maitland), for continuing to get divorced so I can write songs about it and win Grammys.”
The clip is titled Franny Sor Robinson realizes that Country Singers All Have Three Names [someone off camera during an interview] Why do all country singers have three names? Franny looks all confused and goes, “No they do–” and her eyes go all wide and she goes; “Wait.” Points to herself and says, “Franny Sor Robinson,” and then starts listing people, “Emily Scott Robinson, Charles Wesley Godwin, June Carter Cash, Joshua Ray Walker, Courtney Marie Andrews, Demi Lee Moore, John Michael Montgomery, Jason Michael Carroll, Earl Thomas Conley, Justin Townes Earle, John Driskell Hopkins, Carolyn Dawn Johnson, Jo Dee Messina – “ Franny suddenly stops her list to point to the person who said that and goes “I hate you. Get out of my house. No, no, I’m kidding, oh my god!”
While leaving a concert venue in Germany after a Seoul Hanoi’d show, a German fan shouted ‘step on my throat!’ in German, and Franny, in heavily American-accented German (it’s her second worst language lmao but she tries) “get on the ground, then” and fakes out moving toward her like she’d actually do it before grabbing Vanessa Pham’s hand and walking toward the car with her bandmate
This clip from some interview where, similar to this Zendaya one the question “What is Franny Sor Robinson’s net worth?” came up and she was like “fuck if I know” and Googled it, saw the number on Google, and was like “well, now I know Google doesn’t have access to my bank account.”
A clip from an interview where she’s like “damn, people get so upset when you don’t just stick to one genre. Do you just listen to one kind of music? So why should musicians only do one thing? Let a bitch live.” A timer dings in the background. “Oooh, my cookies! Wait here, I’ll bring everyone cookies!”
“I swear to God, there’s glitter in my vagina,” Franny to another singer, overheard on a another singer’s Instagram story backstage at an awards show. The singer laughs that she’s recording, it pans to Franny, and Franny just goes, “Look, I’m just saying what we’re all thinking after all that glitter.”
A clip from a Cambodian celebrity’s instagram live, they were speaking in English here, and Franny says “I was bitching to my husband about something, some industry stuff, and he was like ‘okay, honey, let’s relax all right,’ trying to calm me down, but I was so mad about whatever it was I just switch to Khmer. So I was like [Franny then starts mock-yelling in Khmer] And my husband goes-” Franny wildly waved her hands “--go back, go back! Go back to English!”
“I’m fully aware that I married a man whose name sounds like a 19th century railroad owner.”
With a banjo in her hands during an interview, with a pained expression. “I think about how hot women are every day of my life.”
In an interview with a queer news site, and they were talking about her bisexuality. “I’ll be real honest, and he [her husband] has heard me say this – truly, I probably would’ve thought I was a lesbian had I grown up now and not in the 90s. But because it wasn’t nearly as acceptable as now to be into other girls, I had a lot of experiences with men that I absolutely wouldn’t have had if I’d been a teenager and young adult now. My marriage is me being gay with an exception. I was, like, only actively seeking out women, I was very comfortable with enjoying the sapphic side of my bisexuality, and then accidentally met Cornelius and was like ‘oh no, I like him.’ And he just became my happy place.”
“Call 1-800-Karen-4-Good and I’ll go Karen on Karen for you. I’m half white, Karen is inside of me, I need only manifest her.”
“Sometimes I forget my student loans are paid off and I’ll see a nice car and still knee-jerk think ‘if I time my dance with this Mercedes right,  I can get hit just bad enough to pay off my loans but won’t die.’ So yeah, cancel student debt.”
Of course there’s iconique original song performances but as I wouldn’t have links to them bc they’re fake, pretend I listed some aaaaand here’s the covers in the playlist
Covers: A lot are from this post here
When I Think About Cheatin’ by Gretchen Wilson - During a SiriusXM session, she sang Gretchen Wilson’s When I Think About Cheatin’, and the performance went viral. The video from that session is on the playlist. A common comment on the video was like “aw, it’s like she’s singing it to her husband<3” in a way that’s what it felt like to her too. She and her husband both have busy careers and schedules and sometimes she’s so lonely that one would hardly fault her for finding comfort in a more accessible person’s arms. And she could, like, she’s had offers by fellow musicians. If she wanted to have an affair she could have one in an instant. But of course doesn’t and won’t.
 Lucid Dreams by Juice WRLD - 2018 - At a June 2018 Seoul Hanoi’d show, between two of their original songs, Franny was like “Right, so there’s this new song that we’ve been kind of listening to a lot lately, and we wanna play it for y’all tonight. You can thank my teenager for getting us all into this song.” At first when Vanessa Pham (the lead guitarist) started playing, people didn’t realize what it was. Max Cho started fiddling with the drum set (check out that awesome drum cover for drum inspo) and people still weren't sure. Franny sang the opening line and you can see it dawn on the crowd that it was Lucid Dreams. A video a fan took went pretty viral on Twitter, accompanied by the tweet in all caps “everyone shut the fuck up and acknowledge franny sor robinson as the talent she is, bitch doesn’t get enough credit”
The Only Mama That’ll Walk The Line by Linda Ronstadt - Linda’s voice is baaaasically my Franny hc singing voice, like not quite but it is very close. Just the sheer effortless power in her voice, the absolute range, her ability to seamlessly genre hop, how it’s usually clear but she does this growl sometimes, ugh. Anyway. Franny’s covered this song many times since middle school. One time was when she was 20, yes, at a county fair back home in Georgia because what southern origin story doesn’t have county fairs? She was competing for prize money and won. Cornelius was there, visiting with her family in Georgia at the time, and she showed him the envelope of prize money and went “hey I can almost afford my first month’s rent when school gets back in.” The video in the playlist is a so-so recording of that, uploaded by a hometown friend of hers in 2011 when they realized they had that video from 2000 on one of their old camcorder tapes. It’s one of the oldest recordings of Franny’s #talent publicly available. There’s a couple earlier clips she’s posted to her Twitter or Instagram
 idfc by Blackbear -  Her cousin, Georgia Seng, was born in 1993 (reference the Franny’s relatives spreadsheet) and is a singer-songwriter from Auckland, New Zealand. The video is on Georgia’s YouTube channel as she suggested they do the song. Franny plays guitar and the two of them sing the song, some goooorgeous-ass harmonies, and fans point to this video as evidence of Franny’s versatility, as Blackbear is generally not her wheelhouse, but like with the Seoul Hanoi’d cover of Lucid Dreams, she Went Off
Don’t Close Your Eyes by Keith Whitley - Franny’s performed this numerous times, but the video in the playlist is the one of her singing it on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry
 Rosa Pastel by Belanova - at a Seoul Hanoi’d show in Mexico City, they performed this song by Mexican pop band Belanova. Franny actually played drums on the song and sang backup, and Vanessa Pham, who is fluent in Spanish, sang. A lot of people don’t realize Franny can play drums, so it’s the go to video fans use to be like “no, no, look!”
 How ‘Bout Them Cowgirls by George Strait  - the day same sex marriage was legalized in the US, Franny had a Dara & Danny show that night in Amsterdam, Franny opened their set by covering this song and she sang it, not Daniel bc then it wouldn’t be GAY, in celebration.
 Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me by Linda Ronstadt  - If Franny ever needs a impress-a-crowd-free card, she just needs to sing a Linda Ronstadt song. In Arizona, where Ronstadt is from, she always sings something of hers. She’s been performing Poor, Poor, Pitiful me since she was in high school. There’s several videos of her performing it on YouTube, but the one in the playlist is with Seoul Hanoi’d at a 2017 show they headlined in Arizona as the first encore song.
 I Couldn’t Leave You If I Tried  - Franny has met Randy Crowell and they sang this song together at one of his shows, she was in town so he asked her to come on stage for the song. 
 Supernova by Liz Phair - when she was in high school and college, it was a staple in the bands she was in. With Seoul Hanoi’d it is a song they cover in shows from time to time. There’s a video from a 2017 show in the playlist.
Me & Your Ghost by blackbear - Georgia officially made a blackbear fan of Franny. At a show where she was the middle act of three, she covered the song (general insp)
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shinobicyrus · 6 years
The Not-Date
A belated birthday gift for my good friend @homebeccer. I probably failed attempting three different fics until finally ended up doing one that’s pretty much a continuation of last year’s fic with her OC Phuong. Happy Birthday Becs!
Tucker waffled for three days trying to think of someplace for Phuong and him to have lunch. 
The Nasty Burger always worked when he hung out with Danny and Sam- but Phuong was someone her barely knew. The idea of taking her to some trashy burger joint that had been demolished and rebuilt more times than there were Spider-Man reboots just felt...juvenile.
Not that any of his other options were any better. Restaurants were too formal, and a more casual cafe just screamed “lunch date.” Which is not what this was. At all. 
He’d done his best to be as clear as could be on that. Anything resembling a date was so beyond Tucker’s ability to handle. The last thing he needed was to send mixed signals with the wrong lunch setting.
(Hell, the last thing anybody needed was prolonged exposure to the smoldering, irradiated wreck that was Tucker’s Foley love life.)
Which still left him with...absolutely no idea where they should go. 
God, all this drama over Lunch. There was no word in English or Esperanto that could accurately express just how painfully pathetic Tucker was being, right now. Maybe the Germans had a word for it. This seemed like something they’d have covered. 
Nah, screw that. Confidence was the name of the game. He’s totally got this. He fights ghosts on a semi-weekly basis, has gone through inter-dimension portals, hacked a robot-ghost assassin, and briefly ruled a whole kingdom as a power-crazed tyrannical ghost-pharaoh...
Actually...scratch that last one. No need to revisit that. Teenager stuff, everyone goes through that phase.
The point was, Tucker was a grown man with a tech job, an apartment, alimony payments, and goddamn time travel experience.  He could handle a totally platonic lunch with a minimum of panic texts to Valerie. Sure, Ms. Hunts Her Prospective Love Interests may be in the eternal four-way-tie of scariest ladies he knows, but at least she’s safer than the alternative. There was desperate, and then there was desperate.
Sam would have broken his feeble protests on the not-date status of the lunch on the peak of a single raised eyebrow while balancing little James on her hip. Danielle would insist on being his wingman, Jazz would be a post-doc shark smelling ‘unresolved issues’ in the water, and Danny-
Danny would try to be supportive.
Valerie listened to his plight with the same patient silence she probably used for lying in wait with an ecto-rifle and suggested a practical, easy solution.  
The answer was, of course, Meatheads. Which Tucker of all people should have figured out sooner- because Meatheads. You ordered at the register, but after you sat down and they brought the food to your table. Perfect middle ground. 
Yeah, Tucker was counting this as a win. The bar was set ludicrously low. 
He goes early because it was easier than sitting in his apartment refreshing traffic conditions on his phone trying to math-out arrival times and debate how early is early before it’s back into descriptive German adjectives levels of pathetic again. Ordered some fries to settle the nervous queasiness, which didn’t really help because cajun seasoning is delicious but the very opposite of calming.
He didn’t think anything much over Phuong being five minutes late. She was new in town, and even with GPS going to new places was a hassle.
By the time she was fifteen minutes late he was guzzling his second ill-advised mixed fountain drink abomination and jittering his leg, constantly looking from his phone to the door as though she could slip in between the ticks of seconds. Jeez, get a grip, Foley. So she was fashionably late. Watch, she was going step through that day any second and you’re gonna feel like such fixating tool Vlad will probably swoop in and sue you for copyright infringement.
Twenty minutes he- he doesn’t even know. She’d text if she was running late, right? Even if she’d come to her senses and the ‘OMG You Saved My Life From A Ghost’ gratitude finally wore off she’d still...like...tell him.
She didn’t come off as someone who would bail without warning. All that time in her apartment, Tucker thought he’d gotten a pretty good indication what kind of person she was. Witty but hiding it behind that poker face. Tough too- most people would be screeching and next to useless when that ecto-heap of a ghost crawled out of her sink. Tucker had plenty of experience with tough, kickass women, but hers was an...ordinary, down to earth strength. The kind you built for yourself by hand, brick by brick. 
Sturdy. Decent. If she had something to say, she’d say it properly to Tucker’s face.
Half and hour late and no word. Checking his phone for the umpteenth time revealed it’d been a fully thirty-three seconds since he last checked. The couple a few tables behind him chatted quietly in a language that wasn’t English. Re-reading the last text conversation with her; they’d said 1:00, right? Yeah, and it was definitely today.
God, he was such a self-absorbed idiot. Phuong wouldn’t just blow him off- not without good reason. Plenty of perfectly normal reasons; in Amity, plenty of not-so-normal ones, too. Maybe he should call? Or send a text to see if she was okay? Then again, one text would probably lead another and then Phuong would quickly get an alarming amount of babbling text spam in her phone.
No, he should still send one. Just one. He typed up a quick, casual message that he immediately deleted, re-wrote to satisfy a criteria he couldn’t even be sure of, and by the time he had wasted yet another five minutes weighing tone (casual but maybe it’s too casual like he doesn’t care I mean the last one was waaaaay too desperate like wow stalker much?) and almost didn’t notice when Phuong barreled through the front door. 
She was panting like a marathon runner. Clothes wrinkled, hair wild and windblown. Tuck stared dumbly at her, so she was the one who spotted him and immediately made a beeline for his table, practically collapsing into the opposite chair and still breathing hard. 
“I’m...” she gasped out, wiping a sheen of sweat on her forehead. “Am so sorry. There was a- I don’t even know.” She gestured wildly, flailing and failing to charade it. “I was just. Walking. Here. On time. And there was this...this noise. And then this thing- person. I...I knew her, but. No, there was an...explosion first?”
Tucker spied the rest of the tables in his periphery. They were getting a few looks, but besides the sudden hushed indecipherable chatter from the two behind them, it would take more than a slightly disheveled woman to grab someone’s attention in Amity.
“That...would explain the uh...you know you have a bit of glass in your hair?” Tucker reached over and carefully plucked a glimmering little chunk of marble-sized glass and wrapped it carefully in his napkin. 
She felt around her abused-looking hair. ”Crap! Is there any more?” She looked down at her the state of her shirt. “Shit, I look like a mess.”
Tucker slid his pop over to her. “Here, take a drink of this and just...breathe a little.”
She obediently took the cup, popped off the lid and guzzled straight from it rather than the straw. Tucker watched with almost morbid fascination while she keep chugging, throat working steadily, until she finally slammed it back down on the table like something much stiffer. An echo of leftover, half-melted ice settled hollowly. “I hate soda,” she said.
Blasphemy. Tucker had concocted - nay, perfected- that mixed drink formula himself, and the Illinoisan in him demanded she call it pop, dammit. Still, priories. “That’s fine. Let the hate flow through you. Feel better?”
She was surprised by the belch she replied with, looked sheepish, and nodded instead. 
“So.” Tucker folded his hands on the tabletop. ”Explosion?”
Phuong’s brow furrowed, like she was trying to remember something but second-guessed herself. “I...I think Ember McLain tried to kill me.”
The caffeine seemed to have righted  her head. She narrowed her eyes at him, suspicious. “You don’t seem even a little surprised.”
“I mean, I’m a little more informed than most because of the Fentons- but yeah, we were kind of due for an Ember tantrum. She has this on-again/off-again thing with another ghost and when they go off-again, she tends to go off.”
“Like blowing up a hipster record store some people minding their own business might be walking past?”
“She’s pretty much the reason you won’t find a Hot Topic in city limits.” Seeing his opportunity, Tucker propped up his hands under his chin and grinned at her. “That doesn’t explain how you recognized her, though.”
“I...refuse to answer that questions on the grounds that it might incriminate me.”
“I didn’t know Ember’s albums were popular outside of Amity.”
“She was a world phenomenon- everybody knows her name!” Phuong burst out with what Tucker suspected was a lingering residue of musical thrall that had probably been implanted there since she was a teenager. Damn, talk about getting music stuck in your head.
“I’m only surprised you were into something so...mainstream.”
“So I’m not as picky with my music as I am with my movies. No one goes around singing lines from Hitchcock movies because they get stuck in your head.”
“Well, at least you survived an assassination attempt from your teenage-rebellion phase.”
“Only because some...some...super hero, I guess? He was literally wearing this black spandex.”
Years of training kept the grin off Tucker’s face. “Snow white hair? Glowing green eyes?”
“Yeah, that was the guy.”
“Congrats, you just got your first rescue from Danny Phantom. You’re practically an Amity...ite? Amityvill...ian? What would that be?”
Right there, Phuong looked like she had officially reached the tail end of her suspension of disbelief. “Danny...Phantom? You can’t be serious. What is he, some ghost superhero?”
“Pretty much. Keeps most of the meaner ghosts from getting too out of hand. Blowing up a shop was a little more extreme than usual- most the time it’s some floating boxes and a ‘Bewaaare’! Y’know. Wednesday stuff.”
By this point, Phuong’s fingers were carding through her already frazzled hair. “Of course there’s a ghost superhero. Why wouldn’t there be a ghost superhero. I find one nice apartment over the border with decent rent and now I’m getting blown up and there’s superheroes.” She looked up him, eyes screaming for sanity. “Please tell me he’s the only one. That’s there’s not like...a pack of super-friends or something I need to be on the lookout for.”
Their neighbors’ indecipherable conversation had picked up again- which Tucker found distracting. It was weird too- he couldn’t understand it, but he could almost swear he had heard it before. Japanese? Korean? Hindi? No...
“Well, there’s...a couple,” he admitted, trying not to enjoy the bang as Phuong’s head met the table. “There’s the Red Huntress- she flies around on a rocket board in this red and black armor. Usually stays out of the limelight- not nearly as active in the media as Danny Phantom. Then there’s...well. I guess who could call her Phantom’s side-kick. Invisobelle.”
Two tables behind, a chair scraping and some muffled words. Tucker kept his face schooled. 
“Invisobelle.” Phuong sighed. “That’s just awful.” 
He shrugged. “Like I said, she’s just Phantom’s sidekick. Not nearly as popular or as active as him.”
Before Phuong could say anything else, her very discontented stomach gurgled a noisy protest. 
“I,” she announced, “am so hungry I would murder the cow myself if it was faster, and I don’t care how many calories it is or what my mom would say about it because I have goddamn earned it.” She cocked her thumb back towards the line at the register. “I’m going to go up to order. Have you eaten yet?”
He tried not to sound guilty. “Just some fries?”
“Okay, tell me what you want and I’ll do it for the both of us. And I’m paying. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten.”
“I know better than to argue with you about it,” Tucker said.
“Good man.”
After she left with both of their orders, Tucker waited until she was well out of earshot before standing up and approaching the couple two tables behind theirs. 
They both stiffened at his approach. One of them hunched behind an open copy of the Amity Park Angle that was three days old.
Dammit, he freaking knew he was hearing ghost-speak.
Danielle, as incognito as she could manage in aviators and a My Little Pony(TM) beanie gasped unconvincingly.
“Whoooaa, Tucker? You’re here too? No waaaayy! Only in small towns, huh?”
“Yeah, I’m completely buying this.” He pulled down the newspaper to uncover Wulf wearing a baseball cap over his flattened ears and sporting a pair of novelty shades that would be comically large on anyone but a literal giant wolfman’s long nose.
“Uh...Amiko Tuck! Kio surprizo!”
“Already tried that one, dude,” Elle warned him in a sotto whisper.
A distant, out-of-body perspective yanked him violently from solid ground so he could examine the situation from above just to confirm that yes, this really was his life and was something he had no choice but to deal with. An ache bloomed behind Tucker’s eyes- the start of a bad headache like his brain was punishing him for putting it through this. Fair enough. Taking off his glasses let Tucker both massage the pain out of his temples and make it much easier to not look at them.
“You two. Can turn. Invisible.” He hissed through the pain. “Why the hell-”
“They won’t let you buy food here if you’re not visible.” Danielle explained. “Company policy.”
Wulf picked up a large burger from a tray already littered with the wrappers of past conquest and munched on it demonstratively, like Tucker was still buying the cover story.
“And what, no one minded having a giant wolf-ghost-man just...hanging around the restaurant?”
Wulf swallowed the last of his burger and shrugged. “Ĝi estas Amity.”
Danielle nodded. “Yeah, nobody minded. Wulfy-Wulf even got a few phone numbers. He’s a total player.”
Tucker’s head canted, straining to process this new information. Wulf titled down his gunglasses and winked. 
“I. Well. Okay then. That’s just brings up a whole lot of other questions I’m not sure I want answers to.”
“Estas la oreloj,” Wulf tipped his cap like an old-timey gentleman and wiggled his ears, suspiciously similar to how a puppy might. “Ĉiuj amas la orelojn.”
“No. Stop that. No making me wanna pet you instead of yelling at the both you properly about violating my privacy like this.”
“We’re not spying on you, Tuck!” Danielle insisted. “We came here to be supportive!”
“Jee, ni estas ĉi tie por vi, Amiko Tucker.”
“Oh. You were here to support me. While hiding behind last week’s Angle.”
Dani hid her cringe behind an awkward smile. “We were here for you in spirit?”
Wulf chortled. “Heh. Spirit.”
“I am so unfriending Valerie for this, the traitor.”
“Aw come on, Tuck it’s not like- we just wanted to make sure you were okay!”
“I know you two don’t get why-” Tucker cut off what he was going to say, breathed, and tried again. “I get it, I do, but I’m just having lunch with a friend, okay? I’m allowed to have those, aren’t I?”
“Well yeah, it’s just-” Danielle sent an appealing look Wulf’s way. “It hasn’t even been a year since you and-”
“Ni ne diras ŝian nomon,” Wulf growled. 
Danielle rolled her eyes. “Fine. Since you and Voldemistress finishing signing the paperwork.”
“Elle, I get it. Trust me, I do. I am nowhere near ready to even start thinking about dating. Phuong’s a- look she’s pretty cool, and she’s new here, so she needs a friend to give her the Amity Survival Training. This is absolutely not a-”
“Tucker?” Phuong asked behind him.
“Dankon pro la averto, Wulf,” Tucker hissed, and turned around. His face burned under her scrutiny. “Uh...hey Phuong! You’re back. You wouldn’t believe who else had the idea to eat here today? Small towns, right?”
“Oh sure, he can do it,” Danielle grumbled.
Phuong, looking as though she hadn’t even heard him, was gaping past Tucker at Wulf. “Who...are your...friends?” The last word she said with skepticism. 
Tucker spoke up quickly to cut off Dani. “Oh. Right. Uh...Phuong, this is Danielle- she’s the cousin of my best buddy Danny, and...this is my very good friend-”
“Wulf,” he stood up to his full height and took off his hat in a way that reminded Tucker of old movies, when gentlemen stood up when a lady was present. “Estas plezuro renkonti vin. Ajna amiko de Tucker estas amiko mia.”
He held out his hand...paw. Sans the claws, thank God. Phuong looked down at the massive furry hand. Looked up at the enormous, wide-shouldered wolf-man that had at least a foot on her, and accepted the handshake like it had challenged her. “Nice to meet you,” she said. Her hand was pitifully small in Wulf’s palm, but he shook it gently. 
Tucker clapped his hands together. “Greeeaaat, everyone’s introduced so glad hey didn’t you say you two had to rush, Elle?”
“Huh?” Dani was hard to read with those stupid aviators, but thank God she decided to not be a little troll for once. “Oh yeah. Come on, Wulf. I forgot we had to the do that thing in that place that wasn’t here.”
“Eh? Oh! Jee, tre okupata. Ni vere devas rapidi-”
“You don’t have lay it on that thick Team Jacob she can’t even understand you.”
Plastering on a big smile, Danielle hooked her arm into Wulf’s. “It was nice meeting you Phuong.”
“Likewise. Maybe I’ll see you two around.”
Peeking over her sunglasses, she leered at Tucker. “I’m sure you will.”
“Good-bye, Danielle.”
Snickering, Danielle pulled Wulf along with alarming ease, considering their size difference. In his free paw, he held up a few scraps of paper and napkins with scribbled numbers on them. “Kio pri-”
“Dude, not now. Lot’s of things have changed in the dating scene since you’ve been alive. There’s like...a rule about not calling people right away.”
“Oh. Mi ne havas telefonon.”
“Yeah, there you go. Like phones, that’s a big one.”
Phuong waited until they were out the door. “Well they were...interesting. Wulf, especially.”
Tucker scratched the back of his head. “Yeah he. Uh. Definitely makes an impression.”
“Oh, I definitely got a few of those,” Phuong pursed her lips, chewing on a thought. “How long-”
“Since I was fourteen.”
“You two must be very close, then.”
“About as close as two guys that have saved each others’ lives get. Or...un-lives, depending on who you mean.”
“Lot of that seems to be going around,” Phuong noted with a conspiratorial little smile. Like it was their in-joke. Tucker smiled back.
A server came up bearing a tray of burgers. “A bacon-ranch half-pounder with a side of fries?”
“Oh thank God,” Phuong seized her tray and sat back down at the table. 
The server looked around the surrounding tables. “Uh...what happened to the-”
“He left, sorry.” Tucker said.
“Aw dammit. I mean,” blushing, the server hastily shoved the tray with Tucker’s food at him. “Enjoy.” And scampered. 
Phuong was already tearing into her burger with gusto. Tucker, taken aback, lingered over his food. She noticed him watching her, and asked with a full mouth. “Wahf?”
“Nothing. Glad I picked the right place.” 
“Thowwy-” She swalloed. “Sorry again I was so late. I would have called but whatever weird guitar blasts Ember was doing cracked my phone. I swear I’m not usually this bad.” 
“Trust me, happens to everyone eventually.”
“While we’re on the subject,” Phuong pointed a fry in Tucker’s direction. “Any other major Amity hazards I should know about? Because at this point, I’m pretty much numb to ridiculous bullshit, so you might as well give it to me all at once.”
“It’s...quite the list,” Tucker warned her. 
“I just had a literal blast from my black-leather past that almost gave me tinnitus. I can handle it.” She opened up her arms like she was inviting a hit. “Come on, what else is there? Are dragons real too? Vampires? Wizards? Government conspiracies? Is this whole town sitting on top of a portal to hell, or something?”
Tucker didn’t answer for a long moment- mostly internally debating whether Clockwork could technically count as a wizard.
“I don’t like how quiet you’re being.” Phuong said. 
“How about this? You eat, I’ll talk.”
“So do you usually go out to lunch with chaperones, or was that a one-time thing?”
They walked side-by-side down the sidewalk, parting for any fellow pedestrian going the other way. Offering to walk her home was only right, after having a literal scare from a raging dead rockstar on the rebound.
They’d been walking in amiable silence- so the question caught him off guard. “Relax,” she said. “I thought it was kind of sweet.”
“Well, I’m guessing by how much you were trying not to look embarrassed while you were introducing them that their being there wasn’t your idea.”
“No, it was definitely not.”
“Thought introducing me to your ghost-friend was a bit too soon?”
“More like either of them. Danielle had a...weird upbringing and Wulf is...”
“Very loyal, seems like. And nice. At least...I think  he was being nice? I paid attention in enough Spanish classes to get the gist of it.”
“I’m actually kind of impressed,” Tucker said. “You dealt with the whole three hundred pounds of fur and claws way quicker than...well...anyone not in our immediate friend circle or non-furries.”
“What can I say? I’m learning to roll with the Amity Weirdness. After getting caught in the middle of a Rocky Horror Show street fight, the giant shaggy dog-man was pretty...tame.”
The emphasis at the end there. Tucker shook his head in mock disappointment. “I saw what you did there, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Also, he’s technically a giant shaggy wolf-man. He’s very sensitive about it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. And good side-stepping the topic, by the way. I almost didn’t notice.”
“Doing my best.” He shrugged away another rise of heat in his cheeks. It would be so easy for her to just ask, a few well-target words and Tucker knew he would unravel right in front of  her. It felt too much like his feet dangling over a precipice- a feeling he was disturbingly familiar with thanks to a best bro who could fly.
“I won’t ask about her.” Phuong reassured him, and Tucker could almost feel the phantom hand pressing down on his chest east. “But if your friends’ reaction to you going out to lunch with someone is to adorably fail at the covert part of a stakeout...”
“I didn’t take the divorce very well,” Tucker admitted. Understatement of the century. Take a nerd’s natural self-worth issues and throw in the colossal failure of a marriage crashing and burning, and of course clashing with someone who knew you well enough to say just the right things that would stick long after she left.
Phuong nodded to herself. “Y’know, if you ever want to talk about it with someone who wasn’t involved, even if you want to just vent-”
“I make it a rule to never talk about exes on a d-” Tucker stopped himself, wincing.
Of course Phuong noticed. “Never discuss exes on a what, Mr. Foley?” Her smile was just the right kind of smugly teasing, and- aw hell, this lady was so, so dangerous. “I thought this was just a nice, simple lunch between friends?”
“I-it is! I-I just. See, what I meant to say was-”
“And friends,” Phuong went on, as though she didn’t hear his pitiful stammering. “Are practically honor-bound to listen to another friend go on about bad exes and shitty breakups.
“And I,” she pointed at herself, “have had some truly awful exes. Seriously, you would’t believe.”
Oh, he could probably guess. “Bigots?”
“Just the three. I got pretty good at filtering out them out, especially the ones with a fetish. You?”
“Just two. Well...three, counting the homophobe. She thought our two month relationship would somehow trump a few years of friendship with Danielle and her girlfriend.”
Phuong snapped her fingers. “I knew it.” At Tucker’s questioning look, she said: “The aviators.”
“Ha. And that was her trying to be subtle.”
“Morbidly curious what she looks like going all-out, now.”
“She will probably hit on you just to see your reaction.”
“Being irresistible to all sexes is truly a curse,” Phuong replied smoothly. “Okay, my turn: stalkers?”
“Do hauntings count?”
Without skipping a beat: “Depends on what base you go to.”
Tucker choked. “What?”
“Well? Did I stutter? Come on, Foley, out with the dirty details. Was it like that unnecessary Ghost Buster’s scene with Dan Aykroyd?”
“...just second base. But I would like to state for the record that she looked way more alive when she was luring me in before the scary kill-murder banshee mode.”
“No judgments. I’ve dated my share of cold fish.” That poker-face delivery was so deadpan, Tucker couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “I take it you made it through scary kill-murder banshee mode unscathed or am I talking to a meat-loving ghost right now?”
“Don’t joke about that- they exist.” Tucker warned her. “And nah, nothing hurt permanently except my pride. Phantom showed up and saved my dumb ass.”
“Hmm. That’s two I owe him, now. Might need to start running a tally.”
“Good luck. He’s saved this town more times than I can count, and you are talking to an obsessive nerd here.”
“Have you ever thought about leaving?” Phuong asked him suddenly. “You said it yourself- this town is dangerous. Haven’t you ever thought you could just...move away? Get out of the spooky warzone and live a nice normal life?”
“Sure. My parent’s argued about it a lot when I was younger. They might still move away when Dad retires, but I...” He looked up at the city. The billboards for Mayor Masters’ re-election campaign, the ‘BEWARE’ posters warning about spectral overshadowing, the cackling ecto-pusses swimming past in the sky. “My other family is here. Danny and Sam, my godson, Danielle, Valerie- that’s her girlfriend, Wulf. I know I don’t matter that much. When you get right down to it, they could get along just fine without me.
“But...I’m not sure I could get along very fine without them.”
“I think,” Phuong touched the side of his arm. “You are forgetting that two of those people on that list were so worried about you getting yourself hurt again they put on hilariously terrible disguises and waited over an hour at a Meatheads...just to make sure you were okay.”
Tucker stopped walking. “Oh. I. Guess they did do that. Huh.”
Phuong waited a few heartbeats to let Tucker process this new revelation that his friends cared, and gave his arm a squeeze before letting go. "Does that mean there’s a chance we can have another lunch next week? I still feel bad about making you wait so long.”
“Really, it’s fine. I’m just glad you got through your first real ghost fight unhurt and not running for the hills.”
“Thanks, I think I- wait. That ghost in my apartment doesn’t count as a real ghost fight?”
“Nah, that was just pest control. It doesn’t get serious until the ghosts name themselves and start monologuing. But I wouldn’t object to an encore lunch. And no chaperones next time- honest.”
“Great. A week should give me time to replace my phone,” she took it out, thicker, older, but still serviceable if it wasn’t for the giant crack in its screen. “There wouldn’t happen to be ghost-attack insurance I can get on my next model, is there?”
Tucker’s mouth jumped ahead without his consent. “I can fix that.”
“You. Really?” 
“Yeah, for sure. May I?” She handed the phone to him, to examine. “Oh yeah, I’ve seen way worse than this. Just replace the screen, check to make sure none of the guts got jostled, an Ember-class screen protector; easy fix.”
“How much?”
“You just fed a bored tech geek with a project, consider it already paid for.”
“You’re...” She shook her head in disbelief. “Amazing. How soon can you-”
“Tomorrow afternoon, at the earliest. I can deliver it to your place, if you’d rather not wait.”
“You already know where I live, and I am a phone-addicted millennial getting psychosomatic hives from cell-separation. The sooner the better.”
“Consider it done,” Tucker pocketed it. “Tomorrow, then.”
“It’s a date.”
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daigina-3 · 6 years
I just want you to answer this or make another post with ALL of Isak's problematic things/wrong things he did and the developement and everything he did better... from s1 to s4. And even Even's because these noorhelms seems to think we only see noorhelm's problems. First of all, noorhelm didnt have a development. Isak and Even did. Explain to these assholes why we love Evak but not Noorhelm even when Evak had problematic moments too.
Okay I have a minute to answer this cause I’m on break.Okay listen. Listen. Sometimes I use a hyperbolic tone because that’s one way humor can be expressed in the English language. This means I will exaggerate what I say. Does this mean I don’t hate William/Daniel/Alex/ whatever? No, they’re all Bad characters. Badly written in their development, their actions, their reasoning, their capacity to invoke empathy. Bad. But also I’m not out here trying to start a war with absolutely everyone in the world who likes William and all his boring, played out reincarnations. I don’t know if someone’s been tryna fight with you, but idk I just don’t like people coming in here being like “SHOW ALL THESE ASSHOLES WHATS GOOD” like. Bruh chill? I can’t see why noorhelms stan, and sometimes I poke fun, but as long as they’re not jerks, in reality who cares? Do not get me wrong. I hate William and noorhelm and I’m not looking forward to season two of Skam austin. I think Julie is a deeply flawed writer if she can’t see what she’s doing for a second time with this guy. I think she’s putting her own weird perceptions above what makes a good story and a good character. I have hope the writers of Druck will make major changes like Chris (the actor who plays Alex) discussed recently in a video on insta. Let us pray. But next time you ask can we?? Like take a moment to fuckin breathe lmaoNow, I don’t think you’re wrong- in that EVERYONE in SKAM is flawed. Even and Isak as a couple are flawed, and some things were never resolved. Like Even doing Sonja wrong and cheating on her. It’s shitty, it’s a position Isak didn’t want to be in the middle of (again), it’s something Sonja never deserved. And we get a little closure when Sonja apologizes for how she talked to Isak, that she’s not mad anymore. But what’s more than that we get to empathize with Even- we get to hear from his own mouth how he thinks Sonja is controlling, we get to see in his little physical cues his regret, we get to see what he means when Sonja herself invalidates Isak and Evens relationship. Even did a bad thing, but as an audience we don’t villainize him because we can relate to him, empathize with him, feel sympathy for him. Breaking away from Isak and even because they’re not the only people in this damn show- I fucking hated season 1 Jonas. He was such a fucking asshole, and every time I watch a new version of Skam I hate him sooo much lmao (not u German Jonas, I love u bby you good). Especially OG Jonas- he invalidated Eva’s feelings, insulted her intelligence, made fun of her to her face with his friends (when she was clearly self conscious), and escalated her paranoia with lying and then blamed her completely when she acted on that paranoia (Although we know Eva shouldn’t have done some of the shit she did). But we see moments of them bonding, we see Eva fighting back (the video game scene where she mouths off to him and he’s like WHATS UR PROBLEM???), we also Jonas being told the way he spoke to Eva was wrong, and they ultimately leave the relationship on equal and peaceful footing. We also see them fuck in a fucking CAR WASH JULIE WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK???? weird ass My point is everyone in Skam has flaws and the way William stands out (I’ve said this a million damn times this is probably the last time I’m gonna reiterate my self) is that Williams mistakes, flaws, etc are never addressed directly. More often than not any conflict involving William is resolved when William isn’t even THERE. He’s an asshole? Someone else tells Noora his tragic backstory in a really long boring clip. Noora thinks the bottle thing was too much? She ends up talking it out with SANA instead in what is the longest boringest clip of all time. He has a part in Vilde’s spiral in s1? He claims it could never be TOTALLY caused by a couple words he says (despite Julie showing us the opposite in s1 when she QUOTES him and we know him saying she’s not good enough carried significance with her) and the whole thing is over. He never, himself, shows the kind of vulnerability, apologizes, admits fault, etc etc. the most unforgiving instance being how he treated Noora (TWICE) in relation to her sexual assault, both times icing her out and pushing her away, effectively punishing her further and making this about HIM. The first time is never discussed, and the second we got the vague “we talked about everything” bs which like?? He gets his own damn CLIP and you can’t even reference one line of what they talked about? God Julie I fuckin HATE YOU MAN WHAT TH Yeah anyway. Let this be my officia last testimony on my feelings about Williams stupid fucking character, I don’t got the energy to talk about his dumb ass for a long ass time, I have to save it for when Julie makes me mad all over afuckingGAIN in s2 so. Also don’t be an asshole to people over a fucking TV show guys.
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