#like i always thought /i/ was 'overly' sensitive but my god. you cannot say ANYTHING around her
frankensteinmutual · 4 months
one of my housemates is so fucking sensitive it turns me into a person I do not like
#like i always thought /i/ was 'overly' sensitive but my god. you cannot say ANYTHING around her#every little thing is too much for her everything is a trigger everything makes her tell you it wasn't okay for you to say around her or not#warning her about first like my sister in christ how the fuck should i have known this was a problem for you#maybe print out a trigger list and send it to all of us or something#but breathing is probably on there so#truly i hate how i sound i don't want to be like this but she's just playing the victim so severely it makes me aggressive it's like. primal#and I don't care when she flees from the room all the time when we're just having normal conversations because honestly I'm glad when she's#gone but she projects her issues onto everyone and everything around her like she cannot comprehend that maybe she has a fucking problem and#should maybe learn to deal with the fucking world#people aren't horrible for simply existing around you being themselves like. ny god it just makes me so furious#like i am AWARE that i have deficits; things that are easy for other people or come natural to them that i have issues with and that's fine#I'm learning to live in my way#and i can still love myself and not blame myself for having these problems without turning everyone around me and the whole fucking world#into the problem instead#i don't know if I'm even conveying what i mean#it's just this fucking victim complex that's driving me up the walls#she sees herself as so innocent and actually she's treating people like shit#man do i wish i could smoke about this
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Out of the many things I strongly dislike from the show I think episode 5 pissed me off the most.
Other than the fact that the dialogue was incredibly childish, the scene where all the Lokis basically betray each other is so utterly pathetic and so unbelievably insulting to the title character that I was physically recoiling while watching it.
But upon more thinking there's something else about that ep that not only angers me but makes me incredibly sad.
All the variants in The Void have been effectively manipulated both psychologically and emotionally by the TVA, and it's clear to realize just by listening to them and how they speak about the other variants (therefore giving a glimpse of what they truly think of themselves).
Classic!Loki is specially hurting (perhaps due to age, it's likely he's been there for longer than the others, time is a bit sketchy) but his lines are painful to hear.
Starting with the "He's overly sensitive like the rest of us". This is something that is usually said to scapegoats or otherwise victims of abuse to downplay their feelings and invalidate their experiences. After all, if you're too sensitive the ball is on your court - you should strengthen up, you should have tougher skin... whoever has wronged you gets away scot-free. What's painful about this is Classic!Loki has internalized that and even says that line with a smile on his face, but there's nothing amusing about that. It's tragic.
Then he's explaining his escape from Thanos and: "Everywhere I went only pain followed so I removed myself from the equation. We have but one part to play: the God of outcasts, nothing more." This is 100% typical TVA bullshit. Only one part to play? According to who? Notice how no matter how old this variant is he believes everything he's saying as the ultimate truth. We may not have seen his session with the minutemen but it sure as hell wasn't a good one if they managed to imprint this shit in his head.
You'd think "our" Loki would probably see beyond that (after all, isn't this show about self-love? pfft) but unsurprisingly... he does not. After he gives that speech on how to defeat Alioth and they all laugh at him, he leaves the bunker but not before he calls those variants (variants of his own self, don't forget)... "monsters".
Loki calling himself a monster. Wow, never seen that before. Such growth...
Also, just one more thing about that. Why do they laugh? Because they have lost all hope, they all have been effectively manipulated into believing their only destiny is to lose, so much so to the point of not even trying. This is the TVA's doing!
So, they leave the bunker after that pathetic scene the writers must have thought was so funny to watch and Classic!Loki is almost losing it: "Animals, animals! We lie and we cheat, we cut the throat of every person who trusts us, and for what? Power. Glorious power. Glorious purpose! We cannot change. We're broken, every version of us. Forever."
And if that wasn't bad enough here comes Kid!Loki: "And whenever one of us dares try to fix themselves, they're sent here to die."
We always talk about the terrible job the writers have done in this show but this particular scene? Yeah it bothers me because this isn't true but the variants believe it to be. That's the tragedy. All Lokis want is power? Since when? Loki never wanted the throne in the first movie, the NYC invasion wasn't about power either, that was never at the core of what Loki's character is about. But the TVA made them believe it was, that their goddamn (and repeated to the extenuation) glorious purpose was always about power and betrayal - even though the canon proves otherwise.
But here we have variants who have spent an unknown time in The Void wholeheartedly believing all the lies that have been told to them to the point of not even trying to escape, not bothering with leaving either, and choosing to stay (die) instead.
If this show was truly about self-love "our" Loki would have done his utmost to convince his variants all of that shit was a lie implanted by those who aim to control them, he would have never abandoned them and he would have done anything to help them out. He would have done that for them and for himself.
But what did we get from the show, what's the framing of the episode? Those variants are right in what they say, they have finally seen the truth of what they are (liars, cheaters, etc)... but of course Sylvie is different. That's it, that's the message.
Self-love my ass.
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inkykeiji · 4 years
Random Thought:
Daddy’s Money!Touya with a reader whose just a complete princess and is just lazy. She doesn’t like getting out of bed unless Touya’s gonna carry her. She won’t shower unless Touya showers with her, doesn’t wanna eat unless he’s there to keep her company. The only way she does any of this alone is if it’s because they have to meet up with friends or family at some point during the day and Touya just absolutely cannot be there with her.
Touya obviously indulges her every desire, buys her whatever she wants, and he can’t lie, it’s nice knowing where she’s at a majority of the time. She’s propped up in bed by an assload of pillows he’s bought her, wearing whatever was closest to her(probably his shirt) just waiting for him to come back to bed. She’s also needy as hell, will ride Touya until she can’t move her legs and then keeps going until Touya has absolutely no stamina left, at which point she just grinds against him even though he’s overly sensitive until she falls asleep or he scolds her. Touya also 10/10 has maids and stuff hired to keep the house stocked and clean so he spends a majority of his time in bed with the reader or out doing whatever it is Enji assigned him to make the family look good so he’ll keep funding his lifestyle. Touya doesn’t just always let reader have whoever she wants, he’s not above a few well crafted insults and some overstim or orgasm denial to put her back in her place.
Now, imagine Dabi with the same reader. He doesn’t indulge her as much, still gets her pretty much anything she wants but makes her work for it. Teases her constantly, and is quick to snap at her if she pushes the whole princess thing too far. Will 100% moan and complain about doing all the cleaning but reader will be on her knees infront of him the second he’s done, so that’s nice. He goes until he can’t anymore in bed and if reader keeps trying to grind against him, he can and will break her down to a blubbering mess through insults and overly aggressive orgasming before going to shower because his skin is lowkey on fire from the friction of you rubbing against him.
-fluffy(the way touya’s was so much longer says something, but what can I say, I’m a hoe. Also, this is probably rlly bad, I’m like running on 3hrs of sleep and this just popped into my head. Anyways, enjoy, and Happy St Valentine’s)
i’ve read this like four times in a row and i have barely anything to add because honestly, fluffy, it’s so perfect and it has me absolutely DROOLING like ugh okay okay
i just really really really love the idea of touya being soft for this ONE (1) woman, just fucking loving how she desperately needs him oh-so-much, making him feel important, making him feel special, making him feel in control.
it’s heady, the unique power that comes with essentially being her caretaker—sure, he gives her nearly everything she wants, but HE has the power to take it all away just as easily. and no, they both know he’d never do this, adores her way too much to ever do such a thing, but it’s the concept, the potential that he could, if he really wanted to, that instills in him this intense, profound sense of power.
i am equally in love with the idea of dabi having a somewhat soft spot for ONE (1) woman and one woman only. he balances out those somewhat soft, unfamiliar and, quite frankly, annoying feelings with his teasing, but he also knows there’s a part of her that likes it, too. he thinks she needs someone to come and put her in her place, to take care of her and remind her where she belongs and who she belongs to when she begins getting a little too bratty and demanding for his liking.
and i think, in at least some form, it would be reader that feels powerful in this relationship, because while dabi bitches and acts like a total asshole 80% of the time, he still without fail gives her almost everything she wants i also think she’d secretly like it when she pushes him far enough to snap, almost playful in a way, but this could just be me projecting
also thank u thank u happy st valentine’s to you as well friend <33
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that-good-trash · 4 years
Burn Away With Me 2
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Shoto Todoroki x reader / Dabi x reader????
Warnings: mentions of death, profanity, kidnap, Angst,
Word count: 6,315
Part 1
Summary: Kidnap and murder usually go hand in hand but not like this. The world thinks your dead and you have to watch them mourn you like a princess locked away in a tower. Except princes don’t look for dead girls. You might just have to rely on the villain who took you.  
Comment: Sorry I haven’t been posting but I’m back. This took longer than I thought and there will be a third part. I’ve decided to make this a series while I work on other fic ideas. Which if any of you have any suggestions or ideas I totally need inspiration for more one shots and series’s. I hope you all enjoy. 
You were dead.
At least that’s what everyone thought, was told, had ‘witnessed’. In a way you were dead because having to watch the world exist without you, killed you. Watching Shoto in interviews and reading article about him made you wish you had actually died since he was lifeless. You had agreed to this so you were an accessary to his misery. The one thing you always promised was to never abandon him, to always love him. You had failed to keep that promise. You were now causing him pain and couldn’t even apologize for it.
After your Hollywood murder, your vanishing act, you had woken up in an unfamiliar place that smelled damp and musty, like mildew under week old wet carpet. It was toxic to your nose which had become a little sensitive from living a modern clean life. You were wearing a jacket that wasn’t yours that smelled faintly of burning charcoal and cigarettes. While lifting the overly long sleeves you had become aware that you lacked any chest covering. You were naked besides the jacket and silk panties you wore under it. It wasn’t like you had time to pack, hell you actually hadn’t expected to ever wake up again. Trusting a villain was dicey, it could backfire terribly and you couldn’t figure out yet if it had. You were alive. That wasn’t for sure a good thing. The room you were in had a bed, which you were laying in, the sheets were stained and slightly charred in places. There was a single window and two doors, one leading into a closet, the other you didn’t know where. An old suitcase sat in the corner and you didn’t really want to know what was in it. Outside the door you could hear the sound of talking, it was staticky meaning it was coming from a TV or radio. You had gotten off the bed hugging the long black coat against your body as you made your way to the door. Fear flooded your veins. You had no idea what Dabi’s plan had been. While you slept the news of your death spread across all media. You weren’t even aware of this. You were thinking that this was a kidnap ransom thing. As the knob turned you could hear the voices a little more clearly. It was a TV, the light shining down the short hallway. You walked toward it before feeling your heart stop. Across the bottom of the screen was your name, your real name and hero name. It was the words that followed that made your legs give out. Now on your knees with shaking shoulders you read the headline, hear the news caster.
[ L/n F/n – Hero Name, was found murdered in her shared home.]
“Her fiancé Todoroki Shoto cannot be reached at this time but we mourn his lose.” You read the words and listen to the tail end of his sentence piecing together what had happened. The image changed from the inside of the news room to a helicopter view, footage taken hours ago. Your shared home had been surrounded by police vehicle’s and you watch Shoto rush out of his car and directly into the house. A sob escapes as you watch the police and pro heroes look down and away. You couldn’t hear anything other than the helicopter but you could imagine he was screaming your name. What was left behind? That’s when you became all too aware of a throbbing pain in your left hand. Looking down at your hand you scream, your ring finger is missing. How the hell hadn’t you realized this to begin with. There were so many pieces missing to this fucked up puzzle. How the hell did you get here? Where the hell was here? Where was Dabi and better yet your god damn finger? These questions invaded your mind as you watched the screen continue to show pictures of you with claims of death. You weren’t dead and if you were this was one hell of an afterlife. Purgatory was a shitty back alley apartment.
“When we, the public, were informed of L/n’s death everyone wanted to hear what the Todoroki family had to say, specifically Endeavor. His interview shows his conflicted emotions and many are quick to blame grief for his lack of emotion.”
You watch the interview and listen to your future father in laws words. He didn’t care. You had stopped crying as you watched him speak on your behalf. How dare he claim to know what you wanted. If you weren’t aware of the real mastermind, you’d think he tried to have you killed. How could someone be so heartless. You had spent so much time trying to prove you were worthy of Shoto even though your lover told you that you were more than enough. The social pressure Endeavor put on you was suffocating and you were really starting to realize that just by watching some shitty interview he did for publicity. Your hands were clenched into fist despite the pain in your left hand. You stood up a little too fast and fell backward. You never hit the floor, instead a hot hand caught you. You sighed in relief before staring into your kidnapper’s eyes. You weren’t weak or none confrontational. Your eyes burned with fury, your lips twitching with words brewing behind them.
“You son of a bitch, You bastard.”
“Woah, no reason to bring my mom into this, though I will say you’d be right about my father.” He was so smug as he held up his hands in defense against your hissed insults. He had expected tears and fear not an enraged hurricane. “Now calm down, what’s got you so pissed?”
“YOU FUCKING KILLED ME!” Your eyes were bulging out and your breathing was unsteady. Your eyebrows knit together as you glared him down with hell fire behind your eyes. You looked like a savage. Like a crazed lunatic. Instead of looking scared or remorseful he just backup against the tattered couch. His arms crossed and he lifted a brow. His smirk told you that he found this entertaining.
“Um, you seem pretty alive to me doll. You can’t believe everything you hear on TV.” He laughed at his own joke, or maybe the pathetic chaotic state you were in. As you heaved your chest in exasperation. You realized that you’d made a huge mistake. You killed yourself off on your own accord, you should have fought back then maybe you’d be in Shoto’s arms and not on every news station. If you had been kidnapped people would be looking for you but they aren’t. No one is looking for you. In an instant all anger subsided. You were tired, in pain, scared, pissed, lonely, dispirited, you were dead. Your shoulders slumped with no fight lingering. You let the wall catch you before sliding down it. Your head fell heavy into your hands before settling between your bend legs. You weren’t looking at him, but Dabi did seem a tad guilty. He pushed off the couch walking toward you. He dropped down, squatting in front of you. His fingers brush your hair out of your face, you slap his hand away looking at him with feral eyes that had tears bottled in them. A sigh escaped as he stood up, he could hear the TV mention your name. He watched people on the screen hold candles standing along a dark street. This was live. He yanked you off the ground and pulled you out of the apartment making sure he covered you with a scarf he snatched from the rickety coat rack. You didn’t know where he was taking you but when you ended up on the roof of this building you panicked. Was he going to actually kill you? Maybe that would be better for you. Instead you feel your face yanked toward a specific location. This building was old and crumbling but it was tall. It seemed to be taller than plenty of the buildings near it. As you looked off squinting you saw lights in the distance.
“What are you trying to show me?”
“Shh.” You were pissed. What the hell was his problem. Frustrated you cross your arms feeling the cold breeze and get a little less mad and grow shy after remembering again your lack of coverage. You go to ask if you can return to the apartment but he points and you follow. The city lights disappear and in a Disney moment the sky seems to light up. You watch from the ground miles away lights move like waves and from the tops of buildings lanterns fade into the sky. You watched in awe.
“They are mourning the loss of a true hero, you.”
He’s not looking at you but instead watching the lights. His hands are stuffed into his pockets and he doesn’t look at you as you collapse to the cold dirty roof ground. You scream into the illuminated darkness. It’s painful, like a wolf crying out for its mate after receiving a fatal wound. A howl of sorrow and agony. Was Shoto watching these lights mourning you as well? Your knees pressed into the harsh concrete beneath you cutting into them. Dabi stood next to your broken shaking form, his hands sat inside his pant pockets. He was watching the sky letting you fall apart. He had been in a similar situation before, having to mourn his own death.
It felt like hours had passed by the time you ran out of tears. Your knees hurt from the embedded concrete, your hands were shaking and your fingertips had the slightest tint of purple. You were cold, practically naked, empty, and alone. No one knew you were alive besides the person who killed you. The sky was no longer lit up and you wondered if this was goodbye. If this was how your life as a hero ended. You didn’t get a huge battle like All Might at Kamino, or Sir Nighteye’s battle with Overhaul. You didn’t get to retire or die in a heroic way, instead people would remember you as the hero who died in her home, murdered by some mystery villain. You knew in a week you’d be old news and everyone would be talking about this in the future like it was a part of Shoto’s tragic backstory. You stood up before almost falling directly back down. You catch yourself by grabbing onto Dabi. He winks at you which you react to with disgust. He nods toward the door and you walk toward it leading the way. You think for a moment that running off the side of the building would be a good escape plan. He knows what you’re thinking as he links your arm with his own and pulls you along back into the building and eventually into the hellscape of an apartment. You yank yourself free before walking to the couch and falling back onto it with a huff. You were pouting because he had caught onto your plan, because you had to be here in this disgusting shithole.
“This place is gross.” Dabi raises a brow before laughing, his laughter echoes throughout the small room.
“Sorry this isn’t a five-star hotel princess.”
“It doesn’t have to be a luxury hotel; it just has to be livable. The TV looks like it’s from the 80’s and the carpet feels damp. This couch smells like you set it on fire and it’s still burning. The bed room has various stains in various places. I haven’t even seen the bathroom but I imagine it’s even worse, oh god I can’t live here.” You weren’t prissy or someone with high standards, this place was just literal hell and since you were dead it was even worse. You could imagine that Dabi wasn’t going to let you leave whenever you wanted so having to be stuck in this place was going to drive you insane.
“I think you sound be more concerned with clothing than housing. You have a roof and a bed; you have no clothes.” Dabi made a very good point that you forgot in your depression over the living situation. You throw your head back letting out another frustrated sob.
“Fuck, you should have just killed me.” You thought you ran out of tears and yet some slid down your cheek. You were frustrated and wanted nothing more than to curl up against your fiancé while he comforts you but you couldn’t do that.
“This isn’t forever. My plan just needs to go accordingly and you should be free to go. Think of this as summer camp or a stake out mission.” You looked at Dabi skeptically. He stared back lacking any intension to deceive you.
“Tomorrow night I’ll bring you by some clothes. If you really hate this place so much, I’ll let you clean and decorate it. Give me a list of shit you need tomorrow and I’ll see what I can do. Your stuck with me and when I’m not here you are going to be under house arrest. You don’t get to leave and if I find out you tried; I’ll show you exactly why you shouldn’t disobey me.” His eyes darkened at the end. He wasn’t the smug Dabi but one who truly would turn you into ash. Minutes ago, you would have chosen to be burn alive rather than have this as your life but that was quick to change with the hope that you would actually be released. Dabi wasn’t all that bad, scary kind of but not bad. Clothes were a blessing you couldn’t wait for. The ability to make this place livable also enticed you. He really knew how to get you to stop whining. A smile spread across your face and Dabi raised a brow. He expected a thank you, he shouldn’t have.
“You’re still a fucking asshole who kidnapped and ‘murdered’ me so don’t go thinking I like you or want to rely on you. The idea of being burned alive is almost tempting when compared to living here with you as my only company.” All this was still served with your smile. You stood up and let the coat tail spin behind you as you walked off to the bedroom. “I’m a size [Y/size], don’t forget that.”
The door shut leaving Dabi alone in the living room. His head falls backward and a chuckle escapes passed his lips. “Damn, what a weird girl. Can see why you like her little bro.”
His hands dip back into his pockets as he leaves the apartment. Once on the street below the dirty building he looks up toward your window. It’s hidden away in the alley. You are looking out it hoping for a view but there isn’t one. He knows how miserable you are but also knows you’re a fighter who will survive. He lights up a cigarette as he disappears into the night. You are left sitting on a dusty windowsill thinking about your would-be husband, your almost widow. You wonder what he was doing, how he was doing. Were his friends with him? A single tear slips down your cheek and onto the window sill mixing into the dusk leaving a dirty mark. A melancholy laugh puffs passed your lips. You close yours eyes remembering the first time the two of you met. Remembering how falling in love happened slowly then all at once.
Shoto Todoroki was an emotionless teenager when you met him. You were older than him by a year and met him by complete accident. You both attended UA and he got lost ending up near one of your classes. He ran into you as you rushed to deliver paperwork to the office. More like you ran into him. Instead of swooning over the mismatched eyes and hair like most girls did you pushed passed him. “Sorry gotta go, next time watch where you’re going.”
You had found him outside your classroom afterschool waiting for you. You were confused as he looked at you with about as much emotion as a wall. Hell, you’d seen walls with more emotion. He was like a red and white brick. Your fellow classmates walked around you, some whispering questions amongst each other. You were as confused as they were.
“Um why are you here?”
“You ran into me.” You raised a brow at his blunt accusation. You thought back to earlier and indeed you ran into him. You should have apologized seriously earlier but now you were curious. He waited out here just to tell you that.
“Earlier I was walking down this hallway and you ran into me, then you proceeded to tell me to watch where I was going when you were the one who should have watched herself.” A child, a first year, a stranger was scolding you. A normal person would apologize or defend themselves. You weren’t normal. Instead you laughed at him. He didn’t like that but his irritation subsided into concern. What had he said that was so funny? This seemed like a very serious topic, had he told it like a joke? “Why are you laughing?”
“You seriously waited out here, outside my classroom, just to scold me. Man, you are taking justice pretty seriously, that or I offended your pride as a man. Is it that one? Did I make you feel less of a man because I pushed you while blaming you for my own neglectfulness?” Shoto couldn’t believe how you spoke to him. His cheeks actually heated up from embarrassment and that never happened. People didn’t usually speak to or toward him like this. It was, different? You patted his head when he didn’t speak but just stood there like an old windows computer trying to start up.
“See yah.”
“Wait.” You stopped behind him and turned around. He was facing you with conflicting emotions. “What are you doing right now?”
“I have training, why?” You were put off slightly by his change in attitude.
“Can I watch.” Okay that sounded stalkerish. “I have a classmate who likes to collect information on people’s quirks. You’re from class 2A so I assume you have a unique or powerful quirk. I think he’d like to watch and I have to write a report on quirk studies so…”
Bullshit, it was all bullshit, you knew it he knew it. The janitor that passed awkwardly knew it. This boy would die of embarrassment if you brought it up. A sigh slips out and you can’t say no because you are already late and at least this would give you an excuse to give your teacher. “Sure.”
After getting changed you found four underclassmen staring at you. It was uncomfortable and almost comedic. You never really brought attention to yourself, actually class 2A never really attracted too much attention. The dual hair colored boy stood next to a green haired boy who seemed really excited to see you. The other two consisted of a taller blue haired boy with glasses and a shorter round cheeked brunette. You actually realized you knew all four of them. A grin spread across your face as you pointed at them.
“You guys are from class 1A. I watched you guys at the sports festival and I watched you guys at the school festival. Oh man you are Midoriya Izuku, you’re Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, and that makes you Todoroki Shoto. They all looked amazed that you knew their names. Hell, it was hard to not when everyone talked about the class of villain fighting heroes. They were famous and you had mocked the class heartthrob. It made you laugh because you had classmates that found him hot with his cold demeanor and mysterious scar. When you looked at him you saw a socially awkward kid.
“You’re L/n F/n! Your quirk is so cool! I read about it in a book Mr. Aizawa had about former students. I would love to be able to see it in action! Would that be okay?” He was enthusiastic and you couldn’t say no. You also needed to get to training because you were even more late now. After a nod they all followed you to the training grounds. Other students looked at you and laughed at your entourage. They made teasing comments while others swooned over Shoto. You rolled your eyes. Training mattered more than some dumb boy. Little did you know how wrong you were at that moment. Running into him that afternoon started a domino effect. He had watched you never looking away as you fought. You were mesmerizing. He hadn’t heard a word said by his friends. It was cliché but he was captivated by you.
After that day Shoto found himself following you a lot. He would meet you after class and watch you train or go with you to the library. It was awkward to you but kind of cute. He opened up to you about his past and you didn’t cry. Instead you smiled and held his hands. You told him that he was strong and that his past would never define his future. He had fallen deeper and deeper in love with you, who seemed so far out of his league. Little did he know that he filled your thoughts. You always wondered what he was doing or thinking. You learned to make soba so the two of you could eat while watching the sunset. He missed being around you when you were at your work studies but he supported you behind the scenes. Eventually the two of you were inseparable, until graduation. You stood amongst your fellow classmates laughing and smiling, beaming with pride that you had made it. Everyone had flowers and gifts except you. You turned when someone had called your name. It was Shoto standing facing you, he had a bouquet of your favorite flowers with red streaked across his cheeks. He said something but you couldn’t hear over the crowds. As you walked closer you tried to hear him better. You kept yelling that you couldn’t hear so he mouthed it slowly and you realized what he said; I love you. Your heart stopped and all of a sudden no one else mattered. The loud crowd disappeared leaving just you and Todoroki. Your legs kicked off the ground flinging yourself the distance tackling him into a hug. He dropped the flowers, wrapping his arms around you.
“I love you too.” He cried against your shoulder because he hadn’t known love like this. Your love was something he gained and his trust was something you had fought for. He loved you and you loved him and that was all the mattered. That time felt so far away but in reality, it was only 3 ½ years ago. You’d been with him for 3 ½ years and engaged for six months. It wasn’t always perfect but you wouldn’t have traded it for anything, except you did trade it. You traded it for some shitty apartment and a death sentence. You were truly the villain of this story.  
It took Dabi two days to ‘find/steal’ the things on your shopping list. He brought you a haul of ‘crap’ and clothing of various sizes. You were miserable but this was one thing that made you smile through the depression. Cleaning supplies gave you something to occupy your time. A small chipped table for the eating nook next to the tiny kitchen, a dresser with mismatched paint and broken drawers. A clean set of blankets, sheets, and towels found a home on the bed and in the closet in the hallway. It wasn’t perfect but you were excited to put them where you wanted. It was like an interior design show for the less fortunate. Dabi sat on the couch with a bottle of bourbon while watching people play hero on the TV. You cleaned around him. He wrinkled his nose when you poured carpet cleaner everywhere. The apartment smelled of bleach and lemon by the time you finished. He was actually impressed, a smirk spread across his face as you flopped down on the couch. The large blanket he got you covered the dirty stains on it. He looked you over, noticing how you looked good in the wore torn jeans and oversized t-shirt he got you. It was casual and he liked it. He imagined from what you had come from that you wore a lot of blouses and skirts rather than this.
“You did a good job. I’d give the place two stars.” You hit him with the towel sitting on your shoulder. He laughed noticing your eye roll. “I gotta leave for a few days. While I’m gone you better behave and maybe I’ll bring you a treat.”
“Fuck you.” He had gotten used to your foul mouth and wondered how such an energetic snarky girl ended up with tight ass Shoto who only showed emotions like confusion and anger. He pushed off the couch. He needed to go back to the league and knew he couldn’t involve you in it. You were dead and it needed to stay that way. The league would use you for a different goal and he couldn’t let that happen. He grabbed his coat throwing it over his shoulder along with a wink and kiss to you. You blinked with an annoyed face before catching the kiss throwing it to the ground grinding it under your foot. His laugh could be heard even after the door closed behind him. You were once again alone which changed your demeanor from aggressive to weary. Your eye lids drooped and your shoulders fell. Your legs found themselves pulled onto the couch with your arms wrapped around them. You watched the news hearing segments talking about Deku saving three people from a fire and Red Riot helping catch a bank robber. You smiled happy for them. You never resented them, instead you rooted for your fellow heroes. They were saving the day while you scrubbed strange stains out of ancient carpet.
“As you all know we recently lost hero/name and it’s been hard to cope. This Saturday is her funeral. It is not an open viewing but we were informed that citizens are allowed to place mementos and grieve afterward outside the building. We are also being told to remind people to let hero Shoto grieve and not to bother him if you see him in public.”
Whatever was said afterword you didn’t hear because you were processing the new information. You were going to be buried, this makes it even more real. Chest tightening you stumbled off the couch reaching for the remote. Silence surrounds you as the TV clicks off. The room in spinning and you feel as if you are actually in a small box being buried. You cover your ears begging the world to stop spinning and for the voices to stop. You hear your friends giving eulogy’s, you hear crying and whispers of disappointment. You were a hero how did you lose. The ground hit you, wait no, you hit the ground. Your legs had given out and you were sobbing into the carpet, you could taste the chemicals you had used earlier. At the moment you didn’t care, not about the taste or about anything else. You had a request for Dabi that you knew wouldn’t fly well. You wanted to attend your own funeral.
A week after your ‘murder’ came your funeral. There were strict rules enforced by Dabi, you weren’t allowed to leave the apartment for obvious reasons. This rule prevented you from going but you got to watch it. After begging for some kind of way to be there Dabi returned with a laptop that had shaky footage. You didn’t know who was recording it and knew better than to ask. The footage wasn’t perfect but it gave you what you wanted. Dabi offered to leave you alone but you didn’t want to be alone. The sounds of sniffling were caught coming from many guests. The building was gorgeous. Huge with marble walls and columns near the entrance. It felt like you were at a Greek wedding not a funeral. Everyone was adorned in black. You didn’t recognize the people near the camera person. The camera angle moved and you gasped, walking down the aisle leading toward the end of the room where you assumed a casket laid were your friends. You had friends from your own classes but these weren’t them. These were the friends you made through Shoto. Midoriya walked, his hand holding tightly onto Uraraka’s, she was crying. You smiled sadly at her through the screen. They were an adorable couple who you always rooted for. Now they were finding comfort in each other mourning you. Following behind them was Kirishima with Bakugou, Bakugou looked good in a suit but his red eyes made the red around them stand out more. You felt bad since you knew how much he hated feeling or looking weak. Kirishima was smiling but it held pain. There were many other classmates following behind but the camera turned to watch people gather around the front doors. Your hands flew over your mouth and Dabi had to catch the laptop before it fell from your lap. He placed it on the coffee table angling it so you could watch without dropping it. He wanted to scoff at your pain because he couldn’t understand why you would be sad. This was all a game, a show put on for the media. No one really cared for others this much, or maybe they did, Dabi just knew that he didn’t understand why the dead felt bad for the living.
“Please let him through.” Tenya was signaling people to move away from Shoto. Once the crowds dispersed you could see him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in months, his eyes bloodshot with black holes surrounding them. His cheeks were hollowing, and the rest of him looked thinner. He hadn’t been eating. His hair wasn’t styled and seemed messier, longer. His skin was dull and lifeless, like his eyes. He walked like he had no idea where he was going. Tenya held his shoulder walking with him like a guide. Had Tenya been watching over him for you? You hope someone was, you hope someone will intervene and stop his self-destruction. The camera follows as close as it can and you don’t know how much you can watch. In the front, stood rows of chairs for close family and friends. Your mother was wiping her eyes with her head against your fathers’ shoulder. They looked at the casket that you knew was empty. The camera watched Shoto tap their shoulders. They stood up and hugged him. He was apologizing to them; they didn’t take the apology. Your parents were always fond of him. They wouldn’t blame him. Shoto sat down away from them, Natsuo and Fuyumi sat next to him. Natsuo was rubbing his sisters’ shoulder as she sobbed into her handkerchief. The seat next to them was empty, reserved for Endeavor, for someone who wouldn’t show up. Natsuo had told you before that Endeavor didn’t do funerals, he even missed his own sons. You were actually glad that he wasn’t there, he didn’t deserve to be there. Dabi noticed your change from a forlorn stare to one filled with scorn. He knew you had been thinking about Endeavor, he knew because he had felt he same thing. He had been in the same situation watching people cry over him while the person that caused it was MIA. He watched the footage continue and could feel you stiffen up as people got up to speak. Speech after speech drained you of tears and life. You looked like you were actually dying as you watched Shoto stand behind the mic.
“I don’t want to talk much. I could stand here and tell you every tiny detail about F/n that I love, that I miss. I could tell you about her but I won’t. Instead I’ll say this and only this. I will not sleep, I will not eat, I will not rest till the killer is caught. No one even cares that this was a murder. She isn’t dead, she was murdered and while the rest of you cry and live your comfy lives, I’ll be out there taking down her killer.”
A sentimental speech is what you expected but received a promise of revenge. People gasped and shook their heads in disbelief. It was tasteless to people but to you it meant he fell right into Dabi’s clutches. Dabi was smiling with knowing eyes. He already knew this would happen. He knew all along and you couldn’t be mad because apart of you hoped this would get you back in his arms faster. The rest of the funeral went by without much problem. You watched the casket be lowered into a hole and buried with goodbyes and bundles of flowers. Shoto was the only one left besides the camera man. He put the camera down walking over to Shoto. You gasped as the winged hero put a hand on Shoto’s back apologizing for his lose. Shoto didn’t react while Hawks picked up the camera and turned it off. You watched the black screen feeling your hands shake, you slowly turn to Dabi.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.” You did was answers. You needed to know why the number 2 hero of Japan, Endeavors subordinate, was doing Dabi a favor. You had heard about heroes helping villains and selling secrets but this was to close to home. What the hell was happening. “Please Dabi, tell me what’s happening. Why was Hawks there? Why was he recording for you?”
“We all have secrets doll. I can’t tell you to much but I can tell you he owed me a favor and this was how he was repaying me. I needed to see your funeral as well to make sure my plan was actually working. It is and Shoto seems to be playing the game as intended. Soon enough you’ll be trading your stained walls in for your old egg shell white ones. Your pumpkin will turn back into a carriage sweetheart and while your dancing with the prince, I’ll have the kings head on a stick.” You knew he wanted Endeavor but you finally started piecing together exactly how he was going to do it. He was going to use Shoto to kill him or capture him. Either way Shoto was now a pawn on the same board as you. Dabi was playing the game against a cheater, someone who wouldn’t lose easily. Endeavor was not an easy man to break. This was going to be harder than manipulating your husband and you knew that.
“I want to help.”
“You already have. You being dead gives Shoto reason to kill. To go against his hero code. As long as you stay dead and he seeks revenge all goes well. I get what I deserve.” His phone beeps and he’s leaving you. The laptop goes with him, you don’t mind because there isn’t anything you can do on it anyway. You walk to the window watching his figure disappear into the foggy street. What an ugly night. You went to bed and curled up with a book Dabi had brought you.
Elsewhere Shoto stood in the darkness of an alley behind his fathers’ agency. Hawks walked by talking on the phone with someone not noticing the boy’s presence. Shoto waited and slipped into the building before the door closed. He couldn’t be caught using the codes or else they’d know it was him. He knew how to avoid the cameras, how to maneuver the building without getting caught. He found himself outside the large office he had been in plenty of times. To think it would be his father’s final resting place, it was perfect justice. He went to push the door open but hesitated when he heard him talking to someone.
“I offered her money, I offered her positions outside the country, Hell I had other heroes try to seduce her but nothing worked. She was hell bent on staying with Shoto. I couldn’t allow her to ruin his chances at being the number 1 hero. He needed to focus and if he were to marry it should be to someone with a quirk that complimented his. I needed her out of the picture and to think someone else took care of it before we had too.” Shoto knew his father was shitty, manipulative, abusive and so many other fucked up things but this was something else. This was beyond shitty and abusive. This was evil and a power trip. His father may not have killed you but he was going to get what he deserved for playing a part in it. The door opened under his touch and when he walked in his father turned a huge smirk across his face.
“Oh Shoto, I was just going to call you.” He put his phone down and Shoto was able to make out the name of the contact he had just been talking to, Hawks. He thought back to the funeral and pieced together theories. Hawks had a part in this and he was going to find out exactly what happened to you. His arm encases itself in fire the other arm freezing the exits. He stares at his still smirking father. “This isn’t a friendly visit. You’re going to tell me you killed Y/n and then I’m going to decide if I should kill you now or slowly torture you first.”    
Taglist: @flowersgirl02
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pensivetense · 4 years
A List Of (Mostly TMA) Fic Recs Sorted By Vibe
Not an exhaustive list by any means, just a few favourites that caught my fancy. I shortened many of the summaries for space.
I’m going to pin this here and update it as I go.
Also, I’m pensivetense on ao3
for when you want to feel comfortably muted
(sad but not utterly bleak endings here)
Hope, Etc. (Dickenson, et al.) by yellow_caballero
Jonathan Sims, six months after the Unknowing, wakes to find himself without a daemon - without humanity, without a soul. It’s a cursed half-life, but existence as a shell without a heart isn’t so bad: between solving the mystery of a persistent illusion cast over his friends and some light pseudo-cannibalism, a life as a monster is better than no life at all. At least, it would be, if it wasn’t for the fucking Owl.
A freaking. Amazing. Daemon au. Ties the lore of Dust with TMA lore very satisfyingly, but is mostly about Jon navigating what it means to be human, or, in the absence of that, a person, and doesn’t require prior knowledge of His Dark Materials. Cannot recommend highly enough.
after one long season of waiting by nuinuijiaojiao
Annabelle is not used to having nice things. or, Annabelle heads to Upton House, muses a little, and gets some well-deserved rest
I love survivalist Annabelle and also the concept of the Web as kind of a horrible Patron, actually.
i love you. I want us both to eat well. by SmallishWormMasterOfTheUniverse
At the safehouse with Martin, Jon decides it's time to quit statements once and for all. The Eye disagrees. Martin just needs Jon to be okay. It's quite possible that nobody is going to get what they want.
Scottish Safehouse Era, Jon and Martin coping with their respective Entities... really, really good.
the friend by doomcountry
He always greets a new spider when he meets it. It’s instinct, born in childhood, the same way he instinctively counts magpies, or flicks salt over his left shoulder. A little harmless superstition. A bit of politesse.
A great Martin character study with eldritch spider horror included. The imagery regularly haunts me (in a good way).
autumn’s rare gift by bee_bro
Annually, the two meet, renewing the binding ritual where it had all started. The procedure simple: a waltz.
Singlehandedly made me ship Gertrude/Agnes so there’s that. It’s so bittersweet and bee_bro’s writing is, as always, incredibly poetic. (I’d recommend everything they write, actually.)
smile, you’re trending by Goodluckdetective
During an encounter with another Avatar of the Eye, Jon faces his past, Martin takes a turn at playing Kill Bill and Basira has a second look at the monster she’s determined to see. For three people associated with the Eye, they could all use some perspective.
Features an original Eye Avatar character who’s a YouTube personality; she is infuriating and inspired and genuinely frightening and I cannot say enough good things.
Humility by The_Lionheart
have you no idea that you're in deep?/i've dreamt about you nearly every night this week,/how many secrets can you keep?
An OC centric story but don’t let that put you off, it’s amazing. Very heavily focused around Jonah Magnus and the other Avatars as they change through the years. Also, I’d die for the OC.
oh, for one sweet second without the eye series by faedemon
Beholding does not like in the way humans do, but it likes its Archivist all the same.
I’m just so fond of the way this is done stylistically. I have a great weakness for dialogue only/dialogue heavy writing, not to mention all of the wonderful character beats and interplay of humanity/inhumanity for Jon and Melanie.
Rewind by WhyNotFly
It takes eight days of forced confinement for Jon to start hallucinating. [...] It’s Martin, though, that his exhausted brain conjures, because of course it’s Martin. After all this time, of course it’s Martin.
Jon willingly allows himself to be confined rather than hunting for statements, and examines his relationship with Martin.
for a firmament series by supaslim
There is beauty in destruction. There is art in becoming. In which Jon becomes the Archive, and the Archive becomes Jon.
Part two posted this morning and uhhh. Good. Also if you’re here for weird eldritch body horror (I am), this one’s for you.
for when you want to feel sad
(somewhat bleaker endings here/everyone is NOT okay)
Feste by yellow_caballero
If asked, Martin would say that he became the shadow director of the Magnus Institute by accident. But nobody ever asked, and nobody ever cared, and it was in this way that Martin stopped lying to himself. Or: break free, Martin. All you have to lose are your chains. And your sanity.
Oh, this one totally didn’t go the way I expected it to. A study in isolation. Could go into the category above, as the ending is not bleak, but the tone of the whole is somewhat more depressing than most there.
Ghosts of Love by RavenXavier
Nothing made Martin more grounded in the world than yearning for Jonathan Sims.
Lonely!Martin that really captures a sort of visceral ache. Hurts me and yet I keep rereading.
i do desire (we may be better strangers) by godbewithyouihavedone
For ages, it only knew how to worship, taking human bodies and living off the fear of those who remembered. It never knew love until it became Jonathan Sims. Now it must fight against every instinct to save Martin Blackwood. Archivist Sasha, Not!Jon/Martin, and the worst kind of Fake Dating AU.
Oh, this one just made me sad. The poor not!them, which is something I never thought I’d say.
Apple Of Your Eye by fakeCRfan
In which the Eye is fond of Martin. Perhaps a little too fond for comfort.
Somehow manages to be both sweet and horrifying—the characterisation of the Eye is incredible. ‘The Eye loves Martin’ is a scenario that’s so utterly doomed to failure and yet the writing is packed with so much pathos that I just want them all to be happy. A fantastic use of themes of agency and choice, and the single best use of Beholding as a source of horror I’ve read.
The Last Press by copperbadge
Jon Sims is awake, and has begun preparations for the Rite of the Watcher's Crown. Peter Lukas, who woke him, would be content to rule at his side. Martin is very upset about all of this, and the Lukases aren't thrilled with it either.
I really can’t say anything without spoiling the end and it’s so good. An alternate take on the Watcher’s Crown. Not a pairing that I ever thought would work for me, but this made it work.
watch the blood evaporate by 75hearts
It starts, like so many things in Jon’s life have started, with a nagging itch of curiosity. Jonathan Sims uses his healing abilities throughout s4. Read the tags.
Dear God please read the tags. But this is some high quality pain if it’s for you.
the lighthouse series by low_fi
Peter Lukas is a lighthouse keeper. One evening, he gets a call from a cryptic overseer tasked with monitoring his work.
This is such a vivid and yet subtle story—from the setting to the emotions portrayed, it creeps up on you slowly. The ending was like the gentlest possible gut-punch. The sequel just completed, and yeah, just as wonderful. This one is very much LonelyEyes but I listed it here because it is just exquisitely painful.
for when you want to feel cozy
Clutching Daffodils by Gemi
Martin has always liked the idea of love at first sight. It’s such a romantic idea, the whole thing of it. Seeing someone and instantly feeling that strange, twisting feeling deep inside that every single media likes to obsess over. Of knowing you are in love within the day, petals falling from your mouth and warmth filling your chest as love burrows deep, vines twisting through your lungs. He always liked the idea of it. And then Jonathan Sims starts working at the Magnus Institute.
Somehow manages to be lighter and fluffier than most hanahaki fare, despite the setting. I’ve reread this one a lot.
the least he could do by Prim_the_Amazing
Martin should in fact not pick this man, specifically because of how attracted he is to him. It would be the responsible thing to do. Except he’s already following him. And he’s hungry.
Fluffy vampire au which everyone’s probably already read, but was too good not to mention.
rather interesting by bee_bro
Jonah Magnus realizes that, for some reason, when he comes in contact with weed, Elias Bouchard's consciousness will come into his life banging pots and pans.
Oh boy. So these are all favourite fics but this one is a favourite amongst favourites. The way Jonah is characterised (i.e. incredibly sensitive to scrutiny) is my favourite depiction of him, and the slow-burn between him and Elias is far sweeter than it has any right to be. Also, it’s hilarious.
The Magnus Records series by ErinsWorks
In a world parallel to that of the Archives and the Institute, a supernatural sanctuary stands against a cruel and uncaring world: A world of bureaucracy and tyranny, of murder and carnage, of loneliness and surveillence, of plague and death. But in this world of fear and misery, 14 entities born of the hopes of the world have emerged. And one of them has made their home here, at The Magnus Sanctuary. Perhaps, the employees within may lead happier lives than their counterparts did in the Archives.
This is just so goddamn pure. The author writes a really imaginative, fleshed-out alternate world and alternate Entities with engaging, well-written short statements. All of the character voices are absolutely on point, and it’s overall absurdly hopeful without ever feeling overly saccharine. I love this series so much, you guys, you don’t even know. I want to print it out and paste it on my wall. I love it.
for when you want to feel dark and angsty (and eldritch)
Most of these are shorts/oneshots because it’s just that kind of genre, y’know?
Ashes to Ashes by marrowbones
A conversation at the end of the world.
Oliver Banks is one of those minor characters that I am overly attached to. Love him here.
Employee Benefits by equals_eleven_thirds
The Magnus Institute offered some normal employee benefits: a pension plan, holidays, travel subsidies, free lunch on the last Friday of each month. Rosie makes it work.
This manages to hit that perfect sweet spot of satisfying and hilarious. Rosie gets to torment Elias, as she well deserves.
a rose by any other name by Duck_Life
Part of Jon blooms in Jared Hopworth’s garden.
This one was sad and honestly too gentle to really belong in this category, but I love it.
Eye to Eye by Dribbledscribbles
In which Jonah Magnus attempts a post-apocalyptic pep talk.
Unreliable narrator at its finest, and the implications are suitably horrific.
commensalis by doomcountry
The tower is endlessly, impossibly tall, but Jon’s work is taller.
If you’re here for the eldritch imagery, then this has some of the best.
for when you want to feel gently triumphant
apocalypse how series by sunshine_states
Humanity adjusts. The Entities have Regrets.
Some nice vignettes set in a kinder apocalypse.
ceylon series by Sciosa
The one in which Jonathan Sims decides that no, actually, he isn't going to let the world just end.
I include this only for the sake on completeness, as everyone has no doubt already read it.
rituals by doomcountry
Martin is the first person to knock on the Archivist's door since it arrived, fully, into its little waiting temple. The Archivist saw him coming from down the hall, but decides to feign interest when the knob turns, and Martin—still a little bit smaller, a little more translucent than before—stands uncertainly just outside the room.
This one’s a little less focused on the world at large and more on JonMartin specifically.
we raise it up by savrenim
Jonathan Sims reads a book and saves the world; although maybe the real salvation is the friends he makes along the way; (although perhaps the world itself and the darkness that exists behind it isn't quite as out to get everyone as it seems).
More ‘soft revolution’ than ‘soft apocalypse’, but has the same vibe. A time travel fix-it. Incomplete but worth it if this is a mood that appeals to you.
Scarred Ground by DictionaryWrites
“You see," Elias said softly, "people always have this idea that only living things can be scarred - and they're right, of course. But a building is a living thing, Martin. And the ground can be scarred, too." "I don't have any scars," Martin said. "Yes, you do," Elias said. "You just need the right light to see them.”
Falls somewhere between ‘Apocalypse’ and ‘Soft Apocalyse’ but I’m putting it here because I feel like it. Also technically a LonelyEyes fic. I found it hard to follow at first but it’s worth sticking with; things will eventually begin to make sense and come together.
for when you want to feel lonelyeyes
marrying anguish with one last wish by procrastinatingbookworm
In which Elias isn't Orpheus, and Peter isn't Eurydice, but Elias brings Peter home anyway.
Lives in my head rent free forever. My favourite lonelyeyes fic.
ouroboros by Wildehack
“You know,” Jonah says, a muscle in his calf quivering agreeably where it’s slung over Mordechai’s shoulder, “it’s really quite--fortunate--that I don’t care for you at all.”
Oh, this one hurts in the best possible way. The endless cycle of their relationship, the way it comes full-circle... yeah, good. Actually, no, this one might be my favourite. It’s a tie.
Breaking all the Rules by Thedupshadove
Elias proposes a somewhat...unusual wager.
Soft lonelyeyes? In my recs? It’s more likely than you think. Short, sweet, and... sweet.
Threefold by Sprinkledeath
Peter Lukas breaks three rules.
I’m just a slut for mythology allusions I guess.
Luck Be A Lady Tonight by prodigy
In 2014, Elias Bouchard takes a rare trip outside of his comfort zone. Peter Lukas wastes a bunch of money. You'd be surprised how many things can go wrong for two beings of cosmic power.
I love the sense of the history of them you get while reading this.
love is just a word (the idea seems absurd) by kaneklutz
"Something's wrong. It's stopped hurting" An avatar of the Lonely and an avatar of the Beholding walk into a bar relationship. It was bound to blow up in their faces.
Short, sweet, painful. Excellent exploration of their priorities.
Victor by penguistifical
elias tries something with his powers that he hasn't attempted before
The one where Elias tries to raise the dead. Not incredibly LonelyEyes centric but that’s still the pairing.
Simon Says by penguistifical
“Peter asked me to drop by and have a word with you, and, so, here I am.” Simon chuckles at Elias’s disbelieving stare. “Well, he asked in his own way. He’s not a complicated man, you know. He either comes from your arms looking like a stroked cat that’s been given a dish of cream or looking like he’s been in that toy boat of his out in an unexpected storm. He was far angrier than normal, so I daresay you weren’t cream today.”
I mean personally I’d just go ahead and rec all of penguistifical’s LonelyEyes fics but this is a standout for me.
for when you want to feel Seen
The Aro Archives series by WhyNotFly
These are all just really really good. From Aro!Peter to two different aro-spec versions of the Scottish Safehouse to a long and beautiful aro hanahaki fic, this series is uniformly wonderful. The two Scottish Safehouse ones (Torn Edges and Murky Water) are my comfort fics.
and now all fear gives way by j_quadrifons
Before he can think it through, he murmurs, "Is that what it feels like? Being in love?" Martin's hand stills in his hair and Jon's stomach drops.
This one just. Wow yeah this is how it be. Another absolute comfort fic of mine.
Sweet As Roses by Prim_the_Amazing
Jon takes Martin by the shoulders, leans up on the tips of his toes, and kisses him.
I’m going to be honest—I didn’t know where to put this one. But it ended up here because the real standout of this fic for me is the portrayal of Sasha, and especially her portrayal as an aro character. So I’m putting it here. Mind the content warnings with this one!
for when you want to feel delight
The Torment of Sebastian Skinner by Urbenmyth
After the Eye's victory, the statement givers are trapped in their horror stories, living them over and over again. Naturally, this works out better for some then for others.
Premise? Delightful. Execution? Fantastic. I read this one to cheer myself up when I’m sad.
Unlucky by VolxdoSioda
Jon’s dice betray him
Short, sweet DnD au, and the reason I cannot get DM!Elias out of my head now.
Voracious by beetl
A bird hits the window. Jon experiences The Flesh's thrall.
“Dead Dove: Do Not Eat” but make it literal.
The Stupid Endings by Urbenmyth
There are a lot of very deeply thought out and creative AUs on this site. These aren't among them. These ones are how the story could have ended, if Jonny Sims was a dumbass.
These are just uniformly hilarious, I cannot recommend them highly enough.
for when you want to make one of those “if I had a nickel for every time...” posts
The Sabbatical by morelikeassassin
Nicholas Waters is in need of an all-knowing eldritch entity beyond the confines of human imagining to help with his latest ritual. He'll have to settle for Jonathan Sims, who happens to have nothing better to do.
Crossover with Archive 81 (s3, specifically). Both fun and bittersweet.
The City And Its Sorrows by cuttooth
“What makes you think your friend is in Eskew?” David asks. He feels he can risk the scrutiny of the city that far. “I read that this is a place people end up when they get lost,” says the man. “This is a place people end up,” David agrees./The Archivist comes to Eskew.
Contemplative piece, and I love the way it presents David’s relationship with Eskew, the way he finds it horrible and hates it and yet belongs to it, is almost proud in the way he shows to to Jon. Great little vignette of two people oppressed by eldritch powers, intersecting.
Hiatus by bibliocratic
My name is Jonathan Sims, and I am in Eskew. (Jon gets lost in a Spiral city. It is not as easy as escaping.)
This one is far more focused on Jon than David, and is honestly more Eskew-weird than Spiral-weird. In the best way. Told in Eskew episode style, and is very good.
Sweet Music by Shella688
Eskew has a music to it, if you know how to listen. The percussion beat of thousands of footsteps, the melody in the squealing of the trains overhead. Today, the music of Eskew comes in the form of nine musicians, playing outside my office. My name is David Ward, and I am in Eskew.
Not TMA, but since a lot of Mechs fans go here—this one’s a Mechs/Eskew crossover. Short and simple, mostly David Ward centric, just a little well-written one shot I had to mention because I enjoyed it but it doesn’t have much traffic. Nice portrayal of the Mechs from an outsider’s perspective, and how genuinely strange and frightening they’d come across (especially if you’re already being haunted by and eldritch city). If you like Eskew-style storytelling, check it out!
...but good enough that I physically cannot make a recs list without including them. Here!
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horrorhot-line · 4 years
Do you have any writing tips Coz i rlly like your writing ❤😭
This one took a while to answer because of how much I had to say. (Please keep in mind that I am in no way telling you to follow these tips, take whatever you think will work for you and discard what doesn't, okay?)
Alright, first things first, I've been writing on and off for the past seven years, and I can say for a fact that I've definitely improved since my first fic (which was on paper, we don't talk about it). The following tips are what works for me, and what I believe has helped me become better at writing. 
Remember, fanfiction is supposed to be self-indulgent, and therefore you are entitled to write whatever you like because it's your work, so you don’t have to follow any of these tips if you don’t feel like it.
Proofreading, making sense & grammar
Grammar and punctuation make a huge difference. You could have an amazing story, but bad grammar can make that piece of work flop. Stories are supposed to be immersive, but if there are too many mistakes or the words don't make sense, it can ruin it for a reader. (I don't mean your garden variety missing letters, I mean something like 'an he and her goes and u were like oh no'.) I can't name the amount of time I've started to read something online and ditched it because the grammar irks me (your instead of you're, their instead of they're and so on). I've seen a lot of fanfiction writers also switch between past tense, present tense and future tense in the same paragraph, which makes it hard to understand what's happening. 
If you're trying to post and have it get attention, please do check your work to make sure it makes sense. Write down everything first, don't correct anything, and once you're done writing the scene, go back to proofread the whole thing. Get someone to read it for you and point out mistakes or things that don't make sense, if you can. 
If you can't, then there are alternatives. There's 'text to speech', where you can copy and paste what you've written down onto a website, and it will read the text out loud to you. It works the best (for me anyway). There's also grammarly, which is kind of similar to google docs except it points out all the mistakes you may have in your work. (Bear in mind a few mistakes don't matter, but if there's too many then it's likely that your post or blog won't get much attention.) This tip helps you to get a lot of likes on your writing.
If you're writing fanfiction, please study the character(s). My biggest pet peeve when I read fanfiction, is that the love interest is out of character. Whether it be the way they talk or the way they act, if it isn't close to canon, I cannot read it.
So, if you're trying to gain traction and have your work get a lot of positive feedback or likes, then it's best to do research. Most fictional characters have wiki pages where their personalities, relationships and life stories are listed, so why not make the most of it? It's all there for the taking. When writing for a character, rewatch the show/movie to get a good grasp of their personality and then begin to write. The more canon your writing is, the more people will enjoy it.
Reader Inserts
Ever come across an x reader where there's way too much description about their appearance? (Specified hair colour, hair length, named family members etc.) I once read a reader insert where the author described the reader as someone who had pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair... I was like, huh? That's not what I look like :') 
When you specify or go into details about 'reader's' appearance, it will most likely ruin the mental image your readers have in their heads already. I feel like when one tries to write a story or oneshot with a reader, they should be as vague as possible. There's no need to specify the height, or the reader's dream job or names of family members, or outfit choice- that's up to the people that are reading your stuff to work out. Leave it to their imagination. (This doesn't apply to requests made by others for specific character traits or appearances.)
Write believable characters
If your work has a reader insert or original characters, please make them believable. You don't want to write characters that are 2D and have little to no depth. Please don't make them perfect, that takes the fun out of things and makes your character somewhat boring. You don’t want to write a character that your readers find it hard to care about, so even if you were to kill them, the readers wouldn’t care. 
Make them real, with real problems and a factor of relatability. Heck, give them toxic/bad personality traits while you're at it. Easily irritable, overly sensitive, cynical, selfish, manipulative, people pleaser- the list is endless (we all have our flaws, no?). Contrary to what others may believe, this will make your character easy to relate to or understand, and more people will like your work that way. (this links to my next tip btw)
Mary Sues
I've seen this a lot in the fanfiction community, and oh god, does it make me cringe (this is because of personal preference, though). Mary sues, if you aren't aware, are perfect characters that have no faults. They don't make mistakes, and everyone loves them even if they do nothing. They are basically the perfect hero/heroine, and that makes them boring. My biggest pet peeves are mary sues in fanfiction author's works, (but, this is because I can't stand perfect and over-powered characters that everyone seems to fall for at first sight). 
Fair enough if the entire story is self-indulgent, I'm not here to bash others over personal preferences (this is just how I feel on the matter), but that also means that you take the risk of your work flopping for that sole reason. Your work might not get any traction or positive feedback because it is overly indulgent. 
Don't make your original character or reader insert a mary sue. Throw hurdles and hardships at them, let them make huge mistakes and learn from them, let them mature. Let them have flaws, let them win over the love interest slowly, instead of having the two fall in love instantly. 
Use the right inspiration for romantic relationships
Please for the love of god do not use toxic relationships as your inspiration for the romance you write into your story. 'After' by Anna Todd comes to mind first, as it is a good example of a romance written horribly. If you don't know already, then it's a Harry Styles wattpad fanfiction that got popular and was published, with two movie adaptations out already, (with more on the way)- the classic good girl falls for bad boy cliche. 
So, what's so wrong with 'After'? For one, the male interest is toxic as hell. Anger management issues, substance abuse, trash personality, the list goes on. What does the female interest to about it? Absolutely nothing. She lets him walk all over her and forgives him for it every time. 
Please don't use stories like this as a basis for what the romance in your work is like. Relationships where one abuses the other, whether it be mentally, physically or verbally are wrong and shouldn't be glorified nor romanticised. Relationships are supposed to be healthy, and shouldn't tear the people in it, apart. Use the right inspiration, there's plenty out there.
Writing chemistry between characters
For me, I use inspiration where ever I can find it. Movies, animes, books, real life, you name it. Observe the different types of media around you. How do friends interact with each other? How is it different from childhood friends and family friends? How is it different to lovers? I watch Netflix shows/movies in my free time, mostly romance- and yes, it is for research purposes. From there, I take a particular interaction or scene and get to thinking. If the characters from my works were in that situation, how would they react? 
Ever watched a movie or a show and thought to yourself, 'Wow, the interactions are so awkward'? That's mostly because the script is forced, and that's the last thing you want to write like. Chemistry, whether it be platonic or romantic, should be natural. The best way for you to do this is by thinking about how characters would interact and letting it come naturally to you.
Don't rush it
You have all the time in the world to write chemistry between characters. Why rush it? Slow burns hit the hardest and a lot of people like them. What I mean to say is, please for the love of god, don't let the characters in your work meet and then immediately fall in love. 
The countless amount of times I've sighed in frustration because I've decided to read a story and the first chapter they meet, the second they're already a thing and the third they get married? (This is an exaggeration, but you know what I mean.) What? Why? The time between realising feelings and officially dating should at least take a month, so write with that in mind. (This tip doesn't apply to one-shots.)
I’ve seen authors skip out on explaining where the story takes place and give the bare minimum when it comes to details, and have realised that it makes it very hard for the reader to understand what’s happening. When there’s barely any context, the story is no longer immersive and is less enjoyable.
Focus on describing the settings. There should be more description than dialogue. The weather, the surrounding, if there are people near or not, smells, sounds, etc. This will help the reader visualise what's happening, and will make it more enjoyable all around. The surroundings should be included in your story to make it more interesting and to keep the reader hooked. I've seen authors do this in their fanfiction and my god, when it's done right, it is so beautiful.
The first paragraph
This is a tip I've only recently started to use. You should always start the first paragraph off with something interesting. It's gotta be eye-catching. This makes sure that the reader doesn't click off of your work before you get to the good bits. There are a lot of writers who start their stories off with the classic 'I woke up in the morning to the alarm clock sounding,' and it is the absolute worst because it's the most overused cliche I've ever seen. 
Reading about someone waking up isn't interesting unless it's important to the story. For example, you can start off with a character waking up, if they're sick, 'I jolted awake only to immediately groan at the headache I was hit with. I moved to massage the bridge of my nose, to ease my pain, somewhat. It was then that I realised I was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Breathing in through my nose, I kicked the covers off of myself in an attempt to try and cool down. Turning my head and coughing into my pillow, I wondered if it was even worth it to get up.'
Internal monologues
Internal monologues give character to the person you're writing about and also gives the reader a good idea of what they're like. They also make your story better as a whole and can prove to lengthen it a bit more. Sprinkle them in where you see fit.
For example, 'The school day dragged on. You gazed at the clock yet again- why did it feel as if the hand on it hadn't moved? You should have stayed home. What was the point of this again? You could be spending your time doing something better. You suppressed the urge to yawn as the teacher droned on about how to calculate frequencies and wavelengths.'
I mean this. When you're not writing, read, and do it like it's a job. Find a good book or a fanfiction that's well written, and take note of things the author has done that you think, 'Oh! That's worded beautifully.' This will help you expand your vocabulary, provide you with inspiration and overall will improve your writing.
hope this helps 💞💞💞💞
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bluesfortheredj · 4 years
Beautiful eyes, beautiful...
Smut ahead.
The women were chattering about someone, probably Catherine knowing them, but your attention was not focused on the group of people you were standing with at all, it was firmly fixed on the man who was currently staring right back at you, and even though your eyes have to drift over the shoulder of his wife you can’t help but share a shy smile with Grigor. You’d been having sex with one another for a while but only ever when Georgina was with Peter, so you were shocked when Grigor then nods towards the door and subtly leaves the room to wait for you.
“Excuse me ladies,” you smile before exiting through the other door that was nearest to you.
Grigor stands a way down the hall and your small heels click quickly towards him as you hold your dress off of the floor, then you give him a questioning frown as you near his tall figure.
“Are you okay?” you ask as he reaches out for your waist and pulls you against him.
“I’m fine,” he grins, “all the better for seeing you.”
“Does George have plans to see Peter?”
“I have no idea.”
He leans down and presses a long and slow kiss to your lips as your hands slide up his coat and around to the back of his neck, then he parts from your mouth with a giddy smile before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. It wasn’t completely out of character for him as he was a very affectionate person to start with, but this was the first time seeing you while Georgina wasn’t actually with Peter and although you thought it odd, you tried not to look too deeply into it.
“Grigor,” you sigh as you place a hand to his cheek gently, “are you sure you’re well?”
“Better than ever!”
His arms wrap around your body tightly before kissing you again until you hear someone approaching you both, and then you stand casually looking at one another while they pass by behind you.
“Can I see you tonight?” Grigor asks.
“You can see me whenever,” you smile, “until then...” you take his hand and lead him down a small hallway where you stand facing one another beside a large cabinet so no one would be able to tell anyone’s there if they were to look down the corridor, then you drop to your knees.
“(Y/N), you don’t have t- oh my, oh my goodness,” Grigor groans as you hook his cock out of his pants and place it between your lips.
“What were you saying?” you ask with a smirk as you pull away.
“Nothing,” he breathes, “nothing at all. Please carry on.”
This was a purposely quick act, so you waste no time in getting into a fast rhythm as you move your head back and forth along his shaft, your tongue pressing against him before each hard suck, and the hand that sits around the base squeezes his girth intermittently while your other hand massages the sack that hangs behind.
“Oh fuck!” he cries out as his fingers lace their way through your hair, “fuck, fuck, fuck!”
You hum around his overly sensitive skin which sends shock waves through his unfortunately clothed body, and within a couple of minutes he’s spilling his seed over your tongue with a force like never before. You slide him out of your mouth, look up to see him staring down at you, then stick your tongue out to show him his handiwork before swallowing it, and he looks as though he’s about to come again as he tucks himself back inside his pants before helping you up like the gentleman he is.
“My god you do things to me no other has done before,” he sighs deeply, gripping onto your upper arms and resting his forehead against yours, “I have something for you tonight… something exciting.”
“Oh Grigor, I’m so looking forward to it,” you whisper delightedly.
The two of you make your way back to the main hallway before parting and walking back into the gathering through separate doors, and soon after you have to watch as Georgina takes his arm and escorts him back to their apartment. Your heart sinks at the sight now, you’d grown far too close to him through your sexual explorations with one another, and thinking of those two together causes your stomach to churn with jealousy. You decide to retire back to your own apartment early and lay in bed with a deep yearning to have Grigor all to yourself until you’re finally able to pull yourself together and change into your night gown, then sit on your windowsill looking out at the darkened sky.
“(Y/N),” Grigor whispers through your door eventually.
“Come in,” you call.
He looks over at the bed once he’s closed the door behind him then his eyes travel across the small room to see you sitting with your head pressed against the window and a wistful look upon your face.
“Is something troubling you?” he asks as he walks over to you.
“No,” you lie with a smile, “nothing at all.”
“May I take you to bed then?”
He extends his arm out and you take his hand gladly then he walks you towards the bed and sits you down on the edge.
“I’ve never actually done this before...” Grigor warns before he dives underneath your night gown and spreads your thighs, much to your confusion.
“Gri-GOR!” you gasp, ending his name with a shout as his warm, wet tongue licks its way up your slit.
You’d never felt anything like it in your life, it was better than sex by far, and the sensations that caused you to shiver were overwhelmingly arousing. His tongue continues to lap at you until he hits on that one sweet spot you’d discovered not long ago, and you writhe around on the bed as moan after moan escapes your mouth. You soon fail to keep yourself sitting up and collapse back onto the bed as your hands reach out to grab fistfuls of bedding either side of your body, and Grigor’s hands wander up to your stomach to keep you locked in place while he then begins to suck on the small nub.
“Oh my god!” you pant, “Grigor! Oh my-”
A moan joins in with the breath every time you exhale and you’re sure everyone can hear you by the time your thighs begin to shake either side of his head, then with one long pleasurable groan you release onto his lips and he dips his tongue inside you before reappearing from beneath your clothing with a glistening mouth and chin, and a very satisfied grin on his face.
“Come here,” you breathe heavily, and he crawls up next to you so you can wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss him deeply.
“I’ve never heard a woman make such noises,” he smiles, nudging his nose against yours, “especially not with my name falling from her pretty lips.”
“Oh, Grigor, I could not contain myself! I am completely spent after such an intense pleasure. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
“It is only for you,” he whispers, “my tongue and my lips are yours and yours alone.”
“You know that isn’t true,” you sigh, “they’re Georgina’s.”
“Not like that they aren’t. I would never… not with her.”
You smile at him for saying such sweet things, but don’t allow yourself to believe him completely as you were far too in love with the man already, and as he gently strokes your cheek then presses a kiss to your forehead you let yourself briefly think how lovely it would be to wake up to him.
“I must go,” he sighs sadly, “but I fear I cannot hide how I feel for much longer.”
“What do you mean?” you frown, your fingers dancing slowly along his strong arm.
“I mean that I have been quite courteous towards George while I’ve been seeing you, even though she has not been with me, but I’m afraid that you have captured my heart and I simply cannot pretend for much longer.”
“Grigor,” you gulp lightly.
“Until tomorrow,” he smiles, kissing your lips and leaving a taste of yourself on them.
He wipes his mouth with his sleeve after getting up off the bed then exits the room in silence, only looking back for a moment with a tender smile gracing his lips, and once the door is closed you have to fan yourself with your hands at the words he’d just spoken. You fall asleep exactly where you are and when you wake you’re reminded of the conversation when you feel a tingle at the thought of his head underneath your night gown.
Your day is so dull compared to your nights with Grigor, and as you stand throwing balls onto the lawn outside along with the other ladies you can’t help but let your mind wander to what tonight might have in store for you. The men approach the tent with shotguns in hand from their shooting expedition and Grigor is quick to look over at you with a flushed hue to his otherwise pale cheeks. Georgina has her eyes on Peter and Grigor brushes his hand past yours as he walks by towards her. Peter talks about some art and science that it to be shown at the palace, but the words don’t sink in as you find yourself staring at Grigor’s back, and you’re quick to follow after the men depart.
“You are… so beautiful,” General Velementov slurs as you go to walk past him.
“I’m not Catherine,” you laugh, knowing his feelings for the Empress.
“I know! I know that! But you… a lady on her own… wouldn’t you like some company? You are so beautiful… it’s such a waste if no one were to fuck you,” he babbles through burps.
“There’s a compliment in there somewhere, I’m sure! Well, ladies can always fuck themselves, so it doesn’t really matter does it?”
“You should only ever… have someone fucking you. You’re too pretty to fuck yourself.”
“Thank you General, I will forever remember your kind words,” you chuckle as you continue to pass him by.
“I’ll do it!” he calls after you, “beautiful eyes, beautiful pussy!”
You laugh out loud as you continue down the hallway then as you turn a corner you see Grigor standing there with a grin on his face at overhearing your conversation.
“I had my face in it yesterday and I can definitely say he’s not wrong,” he states.
“Stop!” you giggle, slapping his arm playfully.
“Are you going back to your apartment? May I escort you?”
“Yes to both,” you nod, linking your arm through his.
“What if I were to stay tonight?” he asks as you walk into the bedroom.
“What about Georgina?”
“She would find company in Peter, I’m sure.”
“Do you want to then?”
“I do,” he nods, “very much.”
“Then I would gladly have you to stay,” you smile.
“The problem is though...” he begins as he cuddles you close and presses his lips to your earlobe, “I may never want to leave...”
Could you PLEASE do being grigor's lover?
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My personal headcanon about Peggy becoming Director of SHIELD is because she was not only the best person for the job but because she was pregnant at the time, and that was how to take her out of the field and put her on desk duty 😂
Peggy would 100% know what’s up. Is she annoyed? Hell yeah. But is she smug about getting the co-director position? Yep. Does she know her husband and Phillips conspired behind her back to do this with Howard and even Jarvis’ input? Yep. Is Steve gonna pay the second she’s on maternity leave? Hell yeah.
She knows they’re talking about her. Even if its just Steve and Phillips in the office or even Steve and Howard. There are too many people together in one room that all know her not to talk about her. Not that Peggy is being vain here, but she sees the look in Steve’s eyes when she walks in. Steve is of many things, including her amazing husband, father of her child, Captain America, but he is not a spy. He cannot lie for anything.
Phillips on the other hand? She’s seen him lie through his front teeth. So it’s best she got her intel at the source. Steve.
This first came about when Peggy had announced she was pregnant. She and Steven had known for months beforehand but kept it to themselves to enjoy the quiet life before the bombarding questions started. They’d first told Ana and Jarvis, asking them to be the godparents. Howard pouted but eventually said he supposedly understood. Then came Shield. Peggy can swear she’s never seen Phillips beam like that other than when they’d finally married.
That’s a whole another story.
The worrying started on day one with Steve. Steve cannot lie to save his life but he can try to cool his emotions so he’s not overly worried and babying her. The hysterics started three months after, right when they’d found out the sexes.
Dear God, they were having twins.
Before that Steve had been whispering to Phillips, new Director of both districts of Shield in New Jersey and DC. She’d rarely seen him as of late, their schedules polar opposites but Steve seemed to always be with him. He claimed it was some Shield business he was handling but Peggy saw right through that.
The foot was laid down when she’d gotten hurt in the field. It wasn’t even a dangerous mission. Get in, get some information on the recently stolen drives, get out. Easy peasy. She could’ve done this in her sleep. Except her pregnancy made her slow. Sick. She wounded up with a black eye, busted lip, and a two-inch gash on her ribs.
She’s seen turn absolutely feral before in times of danger when a child’s life was in danger. She’s seen him barrel through rows of Nazi’s to get their men out from the other side. Defend a German child from the ends of guns because he was just a boy, just trying to survive, who knew no different. Shoot a man point-blank in the face for breaking into their home and trying to kill him. But this? This Steve Rogers was different. He’d seen her hurt before and barely held it together and even as a married couple he knew to keep his affection downplayed in public but this was not that time. This Steve Rogers was an absolute mad man when it came to defending his wife and unborn children.
She’d never seen him look that way before and quite frankly, she’d never like to see that look on his face again. It didn’t terrify her. She would never be afraid of Steve, but she was wary. He was always sensitive and on edge after those moments. Trying to make himself smaller, as if he was a foot and a half less, and a whole hundred something pounds smaller. She felt for him, she truly did.
Perhaps that was the drawing line, as she was getting the wound stitched up by a medic, Steve’s eyes never leaving hers and refusing medical care despite how he wounded up with a knife in his side too. Two weeks after that incident, when the wound was healed and stitches taken out, Phillips barged into her office without knocking, as he was prone to do. With him was Steve who’d gone out to get lunch.
“I’ll call you back,” Peggy murmured into the phone and sat it back in its cradle, turning in her chair to face Phillips. She’s grown in the past weeks, stomach three times its size to accommodate for the twins. Everyone was on edge, wanting to know how the serum would affect their growth , and right now, Peggy could tell you just from their kicking alone they were grounded until they were twenty-two.
“Was that Doctor…?” Phillips clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, trying to find the right answer. Out of the hundreds of doctors between them, names did get mixed up. “The one wanting to know about the progress on the antidote.”
“Doctor Helen? No, no. That was Michael. He’d called to say he’ll be coming over.” Not that it was any of his business what her brother and she did but the answer seemed to satisfy Phillips. Daresay, he almost looked relax. “What’s the matter? Did we find a hit on that 084?”
Peggy started to raise out of her seat, but Steve shook his head and settled her back down. He set her vinegar salad and ginger tea in front of her. Phillips rolled his eyes and took his seat in front of the desk. “No, sit down and eat before you pass out again. If I have to deal with a frantic Rogers again…” The threat went on finished, Steve shooting Phillips a faux hurt look.
“I’m not that franatic,” he grumbled around his sandwich. “Says the man that fainted at the 084 last year.”
“Not all of us have secret government serum running through their veins and I did not faint. The frequency of Stark’s damn machine about knocked everyone out with that damn vibrating.” Phillips sounded bitter, rolling his eyes when Steve smirked around his bite of food.
Peggy for one rolled her eyes at the both of them. “Boys. Is there a point to this visit? I’m very busy and need to leave at four today to meet Thompson at the airport.” There it was. Steve’s slight shift of the container in his lap. Phillips was looking right at her.
“No, we need to discuss something. I’ve talked it over with your husband beforehand, only to see if you’d even consider the offer before I made it.” Meaning, he’s been talking to Steve behind her back and didn’t want to catch her on a bad day. “Being Director of Shield over both New Jersey and DC has taken a drain on what I can physically do and cannot do. I can’t be everywhere at once and there are too many damn phone calls and emails to reply to. I want you to Co-Direct with me. You’ll take the branch in New Jersey. I’m sure Rogers would kill me if I tried to uproot him from Brooklyn.”
“Sure, blame it on me. I told you, I don’t mind moving and neither does Peggy. We’ve talked about it beforehand.”
They both looked at Peggy who’d been silent this entire time, the plastic fork twirling between her fingertips. When she was nervous, her fingers started to rub over the edge of her belly. A flinch happening thanks to a strong kick to her hand. Damn child. Make that grounded until they were twenty-three.
They were silent for a long beat, Steve could see the gears turning over in his wife’s head. Considering the pros, the cons, the situations. Phillips had broken the silence and started to list the benefits and what her job would acquire. No longer in the field, behind the desk, working with the other agents. Doing the job she did now but with a pay upgrade, benefits, and full control. Not that Phillips ever bothered to stop her beforehand.
“Be honest,” Peggy mused, finally sitting back with a smirk on her lips. “Was this offered to me because you two and I guess Howard too want me out of the field?”
Steve can never lie. She reads right through him and his ears turning a shade of red told her all she needed to know.
“I accept, on the condition that you two…all of you stop talking behind my back about me. I’m pregnant, not stupid,” she countered, with a hard look at Steve.
What can she say? She knew he did it out of love for her, worry for their safety, their future. She couldn’t blame him.
Phillips just looked too damned please as he shook her hand and they promised to go over key details after she’s rested. Peggy was already dialing Sousa’s number, having him go to Thompson to the airport to pick up Pinky.
“So,” Peggy mused around her forkful of food. “Have you thought of any names?”
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yourshipmystory · 3 years
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                I knew he would be interesting; I knew he would be powerful, but I did not know he would fall with my hand around his throat. As with all good things in this god forsaken world it started with a spoiled brat and a box of pizza.
                The warm summer rain tapped its fingers against the window as the thunder sang to anyone who would choose to listen. As far as I was concerned it sang only for me. My night was perfect, the air was filled with overly processed cheese that thanks to Lelouch’s exorbitant bank account was now in my possession. I closed my eyes and continued to listen before feeling the soft felt of Cheese-Kun press against my bare legs and arms. I squeezed tightly before my senses betrayed me.
It smelled like him…a spoiled brat.
                “Damn you…” it was always the smell that betrayed me. I imagined like any woman that I would be attracted to a traditionally masculine smell and while that is halfway correct it was the odd mix of floral and industrial that grabbed me.  I could feel myself begin to squirm as I pulled tighter into my plush. It was as if I was inside of an industrial facility…that happened to manufacture flowers. So I continued to breathe deeper into before plunging my nose into the fabric itself and what I thought would be a simple exhalation of breath came from much deeper part of me.
                “Mmmm”  A moan. Fuck me. He won. He always wins, and without even firing a shot he captured me. But that did not mean I had to be happy about it. Without opening my eyes, and my face still pressed against Cheese-Kun I felt my hand move slowly from my plush down to my knee before sliding ever so slowly up the inside of my leg. I could feel my hips beginning to grind against the fabric of the bed. I could not control it…he had won. This would obviously not be the first time I have enjoyed myself in this way but it was never to him. But as my finger slid between fabric and my flesh my fingers would say in no uncertain terms that although I had been with other men and women this part of myself was always meant to be with Lelouch…my Lelouch.
                The electricity touch provided me caused my body to move back against the headboard and my legs naturally spread open. Only a simple white button up shirt and pair of underwear kept me contained from the outside world, and soon that would be gone as well but not by my hands.
                As I continued to run my fingers along my clit with an odd sense of vulnerability. imagine Lelouch and myself on this bed. Deep inside of me as I moaned out. On my back looking into his eyes. I wanted him…
I wanted my hand on his throat…
                With that thought my fingers began to move quicker as my breathing picked up. The vulnerability quickly shifted into something deep and primal. A desire to control beyond that of Geass. Lelouch was mine. He had only one the first battle.
                Two fingers ran across my clit as my fingers plunged deep into myself. Lelouch’s name quietly coming from my lips as the shockwaves that could have moved mountains pressed into my stomach. I was gone. I had lost myself. How do I know this? You…who are reading my thoughts…yes…you who are breathing as I am…
                Because had I been more aware I would have noticed him standing there watching me. He just looked at me without an ounce of emotion on his face. I too did not flinch seeing him there which may of surprised him, me, or perhaps both of us.
                I composed myself then crawled across the bed and sat at the foot of it before making a big show of crossing my legs. I looked Lelouch square in the eyes and as the spoiled brat’s lips began to open before pressing a single finger to mine shifted my hand with my palm facing up and motioned to come closer. Which Lelouch did.
                “Two C…” escaped his lips.
                “Yes. I do.” Is all I had to say before grabbing Lelouch by the throat. All of the stress of rule. The plotting, the schemes, the plans that could get us all killed. The stress from all of that melted into the palm of my hand and I watched Lelouch’s eyes close.
                “C…C…” escaped. My name from that voice. A smile couldn’t help but form on my lips as I grabbed LeLouch by the back of the head and pulled that brat’s face close to mine. LeLouche’s eyes opened, and lips edged to mine before I pulled away. My hand still firmly on his throat. I directed him to my neck and felt his lips press against my neck.
                “Mmm…good.” I said as he leaned his body in closer to mine. My hand moved from his neck to his chest before running my fingertips over it and pulling his head and lips down my body. Moments passed before his lips reached the top of my button-down shirt. I pulled his head back and watched him fall to his knees in front of me before unbuttoning my shirt slowly for him. God I felt so powerful in that moment. Little Lelouch who would make nations bend before him was on his knees in front of me without a word.
                I finished unbuttoning my shirt before letting it drape down my shoulders and fall quietly onto the bed. I stood up in front of him before making eye contact again. I smiled and watched him lower the cloth. Without another word I felt that brown hair between my fingers and pulled him to me. He plunged himself into me without a second thought. My head arched back, and my eyes found relief from the light. I felt sensations run over my clit as I continued to pull harder. The harder I pulled, the more moans my ears would be rewarded with. I returned the auditory favor as well moaning out his name in kind.
                 Our breathing matched as I grind against. Hands pressed against my ass, tongue moving from side to side along myself I felt my legs weaken. This was it. The eruption. One hand gripping my ass he I felt fingers slide inside of me. The pressure was beyond anything ever given to me. My legs shook. My heart raced. My breathing was out of control.
                No words came as I did. Only sound and sweat. My legs gave way but not before his hands pushed me onto his bed.
                “Come to me.” With a smile the clothes LeLouch wore fell to the floor coupled with mine. I felt the warmth of his naked body against mine before pressing his lips to me. In that moment notions of dominance or submissiveness melted away.
                The song had changed, so must the dance.
                We kissed, our tongues danced as the rain continued to tap along. The kisses became softer, and softer before breaking apart.
                “I..” he opened his mouth again.
                “...and I to you.” I responded.
                We kissed before letting our hands dance over each others bodies. The warmth of his back against my fingertips cannot be understated. He was the softest creature I had ever felt and I needed more.
                I flipped him over onto his back and moved my lips to his neck before my hand moved slowly from his neck to his chest, down to him. Grabbing it in my hand I began to feel pleasure run over my fingertips as his breathing picked up. I didn’t need to see him squirm. I could feel it. I began to move my fingers faster over his skin.
                “M-More.” Were the only words I could make out as I kissed down his chest and teased his very sensitive nipples. How beautiful it was feeling LeLouch’s breathing pick up. He struggled so hard. But for all his strength. I would be the victor today.
                “I’m…going to…cum…” I felt him grow in the palm of my hand and smiled. Then stopped. He looked so pathetic in that moment.
                The song had changed again my dear Lelouch. I moved off of him and layed down on the bed. My legs spread and my my hips moved involuntary, and I watched with great joy as he understood why I had stopped. He moved to be on top of me. But I held my fingers out in front of him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled them into his mouth before sucking on them.
                “Good boy.” I responded and pulled them out of his mouth.
                “Don’t move.” I ran my wet fingers over my pussy.
                “You may.” And watched him take what was his. Of course it felt good, but the way Lelouch looked at me as I gave all myself to him…It was the look of my lover more than the act itself that pushed me over the edge. I put my hands on his chest, and he put his hands on my hips before moving his hips harder and faster.
                Even though I wanted to scream out in pleasure I would not give in. Both he and I never moaned loudly. This dance was his. He wanted to be a stubborn brat. So I would be his too.
                I scratched his chest, and he grabbed my ass. I would pull his hair and he would smack me or grab me by the throat as well. We would moan and I would feel him deep inside of me as he continued to take what was his. I felt myself give into his touch.
                But only because I let him.
                My hands moved over my head as he grabbed both of my wrists and pressed me down. His lips played with mine as his free hand continued to hold one of my hips. My eyes closed. My moans escaped and became louder, as did his. The rain became louder, the thunder and lightening danced across the sky as we did. Sweat dripped from Lelouch onto me. Our bodies covered in it.
                “C.C.” he panted into my ear as I was pinned down.
                “Lelou-“ was all my breath could muster.
                Then it happened. We became one together. Fulfilling each other as lovers and partners should. I watched as his body folded over next to me and we took each other into our arms. Our sweaty skin sticking to each other as he kissed me once more before burring his head into me and taking a deep breath through his nose. I smiled and kissed Lelouch on the forehead and also took a deep breath through the nose.
                “Why does it smell like Pizza in here…”
                “Because you bought it.” I responded with a grin before feeling a hand firmly plant itself onto my ass.
                We remained this way the rest of the night.
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enigmasalad · 5 years
Weddings Are Outdated, Overly Expensive Pageantry (But Please Marry Me)
(Here it is! The awaited sequel to “Weddings Are Just Funerals With Cake”! Please enjoy, and I thank you all for all of your support! WARNING: I can’t speak or write in any other language but English, so I use google translate. I’m sorry if it’s not accurate!)
Virgil swallowed thickly as he knocked on the door. He shouldn’t be nervous, this was his mom’s house for fucks sake! Then again, the reason why he was here was a nerve-racking one. He heard the door unlock and the handle turn. The red door swung open to reveal, well, his mom. Same brown hair in what’s known as the “dying anime mother’s” hairstyle, round glasses and calm look. “Hello dear. I’m so glad you’re here.” “Hi mom.” His mother stepped aside so he could come in. He knew his mother could tell he was nervous. She always did. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and decided to cut to the chase. “I need advice. Badly.” He said. “Of course. That’s what I’m here for dear. But let’s sit down somewhere more comfortable first.” She suggested. Virgil followed his mother to the living room. She sat down in her green armchair and he sat on the green couch. With her hands crossed in her lap like a woman from the 1800’s, she asked the question. “What do you need advice on?” “I uh..” Virgil felt his anxiety start to act up. What If his mother doesn’t approve? Or what if she doesn’t have the right advice? Oh god is it hot in here? “I-I’m wanting to propose!” He hurriedly said. Not even three seconds later he heard two familiar voices scream “WHAT?” He didn’t know who rushed into the living room faster, his little sister Missy, or- “H-Hello Miss Rosita. I didn’t know you were over.” You see, Virgil knew Miss Rosita all his life. She was his mother’s best friend. She lived nearby and often had them over for dinners. Heck she was like a second mother to him. Of course, there’s one VERY important detail about Rosita that Virgil can never forget. She was Roman’s mother. Well, Roman and Remus’s mother, but quite frankly, no one had seen Remus in years, ever since he disowned himself. “Ginerva did you know about this?!” Rosita asked accusingly. “No Rosita, I didn’t know. You owe me fifty dollars by the way.” Virgil’s mother said with a slight smirk. Rosita grumbled for a moment but then turned her attention to Virgil. Her face immediately went from pouting to a big grin. She was about to say something when a higher pitched voice spoke up. “You’re getting married?! Ew!” Yep. That was his little sister. Tough, aggressive, disgusted by romance, and overprotective over both of her siblings. “Not yet.” He replied. “I’m not wearing a dress! And I better be able to wear my Viking helmet! And you better not kiss a lot!” she said while crossing her arms. “Marietta Ursa Petrov please. You’re stressing your brother out.” His mother said softly, but not lacking authority. Missy just pouted and stomped off, probably to go sulk in her room. Right now Virgil wanted to sulk in his room too, but alas, he cannot. “So you came for advice on proposing el hijo?” Rosita asked with a smile that both filled Virgil with comfort and dread. “Rosita, don’t overwhelm him please.” His mother softly reminded. “Yes, Yes I know. I wouldn’t dream of overwhelming him. BUT! This proposal must be perfect! Its for my son after all! And my two other adopted sons of course.” Virgil’s mother laughed lightly. Yep, she was definitely Roman’s mother.
“What about a classic! Candlelit dinner, roses, a dance in the moon light!” Rosita suggested. “Uh, Logan wouldn’t really like that.” Virgil said. Rosita huffed. “Forgot he’s too serious. Hmm…” “What about going to the park? You could do it at night so there can be stars.” “Ginerva that’s boring! It has to be romantic!” Virgil tugged at his hoodie strings. Roman and Patton would eat that romantic stuff up, but Logan, he’d be uncomfortable. Virgil closed his eyes, trying to focus on something, ANYTHING, that would be perfect for the three of them. Oh god what would he even propose with? Wait, Is Patton still sensitive from what happened two years ago? Dammit he didn’t think of that! This wasn’t a good idea. Proposing is too soon. “You know what, I think it’s too soon to propose. Sorry for wasting time.” Virgil said, voice cracking. Fuck his voice cracked. Rosita and his mother stopped discussing and turned to him. “Oh honey.” “Dear what makes you think that?” Virgil swallowed and shifted uncomfortably.
“Well, I think it’s too soon. I mean yeah its been five years but It’s also only been two years since Patton, well, you know.” Virgil explained. “How could I not Virgil? Do you not remember Ginerva and I finding out where they lived and cursing them out?” Rosita said. “I will admit, I did like seeing that wretched woman cry.” Virgil’s mother admitted.
 Virgil nodded and fiddled with his hoodie strings once again. “I think its too soon.” Rosita and Virgil’s mother looked at each other for a moment. “Dear, how about you have a chat with your loves?” his mother suggested. “Wouldn’t that spoil the, well, surprise of a proposal?” Virgil asked. “It could, I won’t lie, but I think Roman, Patton and Logan would like to hear your input and give theirs.” Virgil nodded, feeling a bit more at ease, and yet nervous. “Ah, stereotypical romance doesn’t always work honey.” Rosita admitted with a smile. So taking his mother’s advice, he decided to talk to them about, well, marriage. Of course, when he got them together, he panicked and just said he wanted to plan the next date. Fuck.
Real smooth Virgil, totally didn’t fuck that up. Soon, the four boys’ schedules got busy, so Virgil forgot about a time to ask them. He was too busy watching his brother and sister while his mother and Rosita had “ladies’ night”. Not to mention all the work! Oh goodness the work! Five commissions in three months! At least he’s getting more known as a writer. So yeah, a stressful three months. And as if angels descended from heaven and took away their calendars, they had some time to be with each other. Roman insisted they go out to dinner and Patton insisted they go to the park. Logan luckily didn’t have anything against having a night out. Virgil himself agreed to the outing. Logan and Virgil shared a smile, watching their loves cheer and dance in victory.
Virgil was in the process of putting on his shoes when he froze for a moment. ‘Oh shit, this is what mom and Rosita suggested.’
 Pushing that thought aside, he tied his shoes. “C’mon slowpoke!” Roman huffed. “Dude I’m coming. Geez!” Virgil said. “Take your time, Roman’s just being impatient” Virgil heard Logan say. Virgil got up and met his loves at the front door. Virgil smiled cause Patton was bouncing on the top of his toes, which meant he was excited. They left the house and began walking to the restaurant they decided upon, which was a tiny sushi bar a block or two away. Sushi reminded Virgil of college. Of having a dorm room with his boyfriend at the time, Roman. Of both of them in tears admitting they both liked Logan and getting sushi afterwards. Of the three of them going to “Adam’s Bakery” after a sushi dinner, only to meet a cheerful and kind man named Patton, who dared them if he could stick fifteen marshmallows in his mouth, he could go on a date with them. Yeah uh, after six he almost started crying, but they had that date. “You seem deep in thought Virgil.” Logan said quietly, as to not alert the chattering of their boyfriends who were holding hands in front of them. “I’m fine. Just thinking about sushi.” He replied. “If you say so. If there’s something on your mind however, you can always come to me.” Virgil smiled softly and nodded. “Woo! Sushi!” Patton cheered as they arrived. “They better have Uni this time. They were all out last time we came!” Roma said. They were seated at their usual table and looked at their menus. Virgil was focused on his menu when he heard a slight squeal from what he assumed to be Patton. Virgil looked up to see a man proposing to a woman. The woman agreed and the whole dining room clapped. Virgil was going to look back at his menu but Roman’s face. He smiled wistfully. Like he wanted to be in the woman’s shoes, or the man’s. Virgil knew Roman would want to be both. Suddenly, a waiter blocked their view of the happy couple. “What would you boys like?” “Do you have Uni today?” Roman asked. “We do!” “Oh thank goodness!”
Virgil and Patton laughed. The writer wrote down Roman’s order. Of course, Logan ordered his usual Unagi roll, Patton decided to try an order of the Crunch rolls and Virgil ordered the Philadelphia rolls. The waiter left, now showing the couple were being all lovey dovey. “Aww. I’m so happy for them!” Patton said. “Indeed. I wish them well.” Roman agreed. “Let’s hope they don’t regret it in twenty years.” Logan added, then taking a sip of water. Virgil didn’t want to look. Their relationship was perfect the way it is. They didn’t need to get married. Fuck when did he get so sappy? He blamed Roman and Patton. Patton and Roman always led the conversations, Logan and Virgil putting their input every now and then. Soon they had their food, much to Roman’s delight. “Mmmm! This is what I’ve been craving all week.” Roman sighed in content. “God get a room.” Virgil teased.
Patton giggled at Roman’s unamused face. “Maybe I will!” “Roman don’t bring sushi into our bedroom. It will smell.” Logan said while dipping his roll in soy sauce. Dinner was nice. They finished rather quickly, which wasn’t a problem. That meant they had some daylight to enjoy the park. They paid for the check and went to the park. Patton and Roman rushed to the swings at the playground like children at recess. “Virgil push me!” Patton said. “Alright, alright.” Virgil said with a smile. Virgil pushed Patton, enjoying his laughs. “Logan push me!” Roman demanded. “No. You know how to swing.” “Coward!” “Oooooh!” Both Patton and Virgil found themselves saying. If there was any way for Roman to get Logan to do something ridiculous, it was to call him a coward. Logan’s face changed from neutral, to determined. Logan straightened up, went behind Roman, and PUSHED. Roman practically cackled in delight over how high Logan pushed him.
“Be careful boys!” Patton reminded. “We’re fine!” both Logan and Roman said. Virgil shook his head, smile on his face. His boyfriends were dorks, but they were his dorks. “You know, I’m really, REALLY happy for that couple back at the restaurant.” Patton said. “Yeah I guess.” Virgil replied. Virgil pushed Patton, watching him get higher and higher. “You alright Virge?” Patton asked, worry in his voice. Oh fuck, he said it loud enough for Roman and Logan to turn their heads and look their way. “Yeah I’m fine.” “Now that sounds like you’re not fine.” Roman said, not pushing, just an observation. “Roman.” Logan warned.
“I’m fine guys. Really.” Virgil reassured. Patton’s look on his face, ugh, Virgil’s chest felt weird. He looked worried but accepting. What had he done to deserve such amazing boyfriends? Maybe… No! It’s too soon. If he mentions it, their relationship would fall apart and be awkward. Heck Patton might cry. Roman and Logan would hate him for hurting Patton this way. Just keep it locked inside, away forever.
But, the look on his loves’ faces. The care, softness, understanding,
. They wouldn’t judge him for asking their thoughts on it. He could trust them. He could always trust them.
“Hey um, what are your thoughts on marriage, all of you?”
Virgil felt his heartbeat quicken and anxiety pool his gut. It was at this moment, he knew, he fucked up.
“Weddings are nice when it’s with people you love.” Patton said.
He’s not crying. In fact, he’s
. That’s a huge relief.
“They’re glorious displays of love, and how it conquers all,” Roman enthusiastically said “plus all the extravagant outfits, the dancing, the food, you get to share that with everyone you love!”
“Weddings are expensive and not completely necessary, but the idea is not necessarily one I will reject. As long as the people who are to be wed have a strong enough relationship it is fine.” Logan added.
Virgil felt like he could cry. His heart swelled at the words his loves. So, they didn’t hate the idea, and he wasn’t the only one! He wasn’t alone.
“Ok. Cool.”
“May I ask why you brought up this topic Virgil?” Logan asked, not pushing.
“Well uh, a couple months ago I visited my mom for advice.” Virgil nervously said.
“Oh! The advice about proposing!” Roman said.
Wait what?
Virgil’s head snapped up and looked at Roman. Roman rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Mama accidentally told me. When I visited her last month, she burst into tears at the sight of me. I was really worried!” he explained.
Suddenly they heard a sniffle. Virgil looked in front of him. Patton had gotten up and was looking at Virgil, tears falling from his face and a huge smile on his face.
“Oh Virgil!”
With that Patton hugged Virgil tightly. Virgil felt his own tears form. Suddenly there was a body hugging his side. It was Roman. His eyes sparkled with happiness and love as he hugged his two loves. Virgil turned his head and looked at Logan. Logan’s cheeks were flushed, and even his own eyes were slightly watery. He walked over and joined the hug.
“I couldn’t be happier to marry you three.” He admitted quietly.
Virgil found himself hiccuping. Then it turned into sobbing. A joyous sobbing. They wanted to be wed. They didn’t hate him and reject him. They were going to be husbands!
Everyone else at the park, they would be concerned. But in their little huddle, was only smiles, joyful tears, and unmeasurable love for one another. And this, was the perfect proposal.
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firelord-frowny · 4 years
and honestly??? i’m SO aware of the fact that ~hypersensitivity~ is a thing, and yes, sometimes people do tend to go from 0 to like 87 about things that they maybe only need to be at about a 22 for, but...
when you have wounds that get picked at and torn and reopened, wounds that are never allowed to heal and keep getting infected from a filthy environment, OF COURSE it’s going to be overly sensitive. OF COURSE women who spend their actual entire lives literally moving through the world like a don’t-get-raped obstacle course are going to be a bit jumpy at a perfectly harmless man who just happens to stand too close to her in the elevator. OF COURSE a black person who’s been stereotyped as uneducated and unprofessional is gonna get miffed when their prospective employer gasps and smiles and comments on how ~articulate~ they are. OF COURSE people who spend their lives constantly ducking and dodging bullets both figurative and literal are going to become short tempered and easily set off by even a hint of the danger or cruelty or humiliation they and others like them have been subject to for so long. 
A lot of people probably could stand to chill about some things. A lot of things really don’t require as much outrage as people express. But it’s a freaking trauma response. 
I guess we don’t culturally consider it to be ~traumatic~ since it’s so damn commonplace, but how is it NOT traumatizing to be a female-bodied person who’s constantly lectured about how to avoid all the many men who may want to rape or kill us? Don’t walk alone - you might get attacked! Don’t go out at night - you might get attacked! Don’t take your eyes off of your drink - you might get drugged and attacked! Don’t go to a private place on your first date - you might get attacked! Don’t smile too much at your boss - he might get the wrong idea. Don’t wear that skirt to your meeting. Your male colleagues might get the wrong idea. Don’t laugh at his jokes - he might get the wrong idea. Don’t invite him into your house after your date - he might get the wrong idea. Always carry a taser/pepperspray just in case you get attacked! Hold your car keyes between your fingers just in case you get attacked! If you get attacked, yell “fire” because it will get more attention! 
How is that not harrowing?? How is it not scary and demoralizing to have that constant narrative shadowing your every waking moment? At school? At work? At the grocery store? ANYWHERE. So yes, I’m going to be creeped out when some man I barely know thinks it’s appropriate to try to kiss me on the cheek when he ‘congratulates’ me on something. Yes, I’m going to loathe the male boss who always needs to put his hand on my waist any time he stands next to me. 
And lmfao that’s only the bullshit that comes with being a female-appearing person! Nevermind being black at the same time! 
Don’t walk too slow, you’ll look suspicious. Don’t walk too fast, you’ll look suspicious. Don’t wear baggy jeans and a t shirt - you’ll look suspicous. Don’t wear a nice suit - you’ll look suspicious. Don’t stand outside - you’ll look suspicious. Don’t put your hands in your pockets - you’ll look suspicious. Don’t wear your hair like that - you’ll look suspicious. (bonus: you’ll never get hired with hair like that).   Don’t hang out with your friends outdoors - You’ll look suspicious. Don’t spend too much time in that store -  you’ll look suspicious. Don’t rush in and out of that store - you’ll look suspicious. 
And god forbid if cops get involved: Don’t move. He might kill you. Don’t say anything. He might kill you. Don’t ask questions. He might kill you. Stay in the car or he might kill you. Get out of the car or he might kill you. Show him your hands or he might kill you. If you move your hands, he might kill you. 
And going through a LIFETIME of this shit??? A lifetime where it’s a daily concern?? And then you have to turn on the TV and see where some creep-ass politician thought it was okay to rest his hand on the waist of a woman who’s not his wife just because she’s a woman and that’s just How You’re Supposed To Touch Women???
It’s FUCKING INSULTING. Is it a heinous offense? No. Should it cause him to lose his job? I don’t believe so. Does it automatically mean he’s a predator? Definitely not. But it makes sense for someone’s gut reaction to be one of outrage. I don’t live my life in a constant state of trying-not-to-give-men-the-wrong-idea just for some old fuck to put his hands on an intimate part of my body in a context where I would be considered the rude one if I were to nudge his hand off of me or step away. 
YES, women* are liable to feel uncomfortable at any degree of physical contact initiated by a man, because OUR CULTURE TELLS US THAT ACCEPTING ANY PHYSICAL CONTACT FROM A MAN IS “IMPLYING” THAT WE’RE DOWN TO FUCK, SO DON’T! FUCKING! TOUCH! ME! YES, women are sensitive when just laughing at a guys joke makes him feel like we’d be totally cool with it if he groped us. Yes, we’re sensitive to the fact that men will convince theirselves that we’re ~trying to seduce them~ when literally all we’re doing is being alive while having boobs.
People wanna bitch about ~oversensitivity~ but don’t want to address the culture that caused certain people to live in the state of constant anxiety that made them ~oversensitive~ in the first place. 
im so UPSET omfg i cannot believe i stayed up until 7:04 to rant angrily because I overheard like 3.5 seconds of bill maher saying something idiotic. 
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joetatoeheads · 5 years
Would you think of doing one with Jeff and reader being in a d/s relationship, but generally dating?? Like not just smut but their love ? 💋💋♥️
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Some D/s mentions,
Some couples did a 24/7 Dom/sub relationship. Others did it for a weekend. Jeff and Y/N were somewhere in the middle. Their relationship was unique from the very beginning. They first met through Matt who was helping Y/N move from Texas. Matt and Y/N tried to be a thing but it failed miserably and the pair found themselves better as friends.
Then Jeff thought she was funny and pretty. Once he started to hang out with her the feelings started soon after. The dating started soon after and when they were cuddled on the couch Jeff accidentally pulled her hair when he was running his finger through her hair and Y/N let out this moan. At first, Jeff didn’t make much of it but when he decided to try it again, she let out the same little moan.
In the middle of sex one day, Jeff grabbed the ends of her hair and pulled slightly. It was then both realize that Y/N had much to explore. The couple played around more before deciding a Dom/sub relationship was something they wanted. It wouldn’t be every day, all day or just a weekend thing, it was a bedroom thing. While Y/N already had a submissive personality, she had moments where she refused to be a submissive especially in regards to Jeff’s safety.
There weren’t many nights of difficult scenes but Jeff provided much aftercare no matter the situation. Whenever Y/N was tied, Jeff would take off handcuffs or restraints and come with lotion to massage her wrists and ankles. If there was a spreader involved than Jeff gave extra attention. The nights of spankings either for punishment or pleasure, Jeff spent almost an hour massaging and kissing the bruised or red bottom of Y/N.
Jeff cared for his little submissive more than anything in the world. He cared for her as much as he cared for his family and for Jeff, saying that was a big deal. If Jeff had taken on a sadist persona and degraded his sub during sex he often worried about Y/N dropping deep into subspace. So Jeff would let her come down from her high and wrap her in a blanket just to hold her and tell her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world and an amazing submissive. It worked and Jeff was pleased with himself.
There were few times that Y/N had disappointed Jeff and their bedrooms activities spilled into their real life. When Y/N forgot to call Jeff sir multiple times as she orgasmed one night, Jeff made her wear a pair of panties with a vibrator in them. He would turn it on whenever the two were around their friends in public. Her cheeks would get rosy, her breathe would become uneven, and she would curl her hands into a fist as she got ready to orgasm. But it never came, Jeff refused to let her cum for a week after that as her punishment.
Another time, Jeff left to New York for a couple of days and found out that Y/N had used a vibrator to get herself off knowing Jeff would only be gone a few days. Her punishment wasn’t a sexual one, instead, she wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone for a whole day. As a social person and a good friend to the rest of the vlog squad, that punishment proved more mental than anything. They had all gone to Vegas for one of David’s spur of the moment vlogs for content and Y/N remained silence the whole time. It was humiliating and unsetting that despite everyone talking and having fun around her, she couldn’t enjoy it as well.
But Jeff had always been a giving type. While his aftercare was many times calm, there were other times it was euphoric. After hours of orgasm denial, Jeff’s aftercare was eating out Y/N for hours after that. She had lost count of the orgasms and by the time things were ending she was overly sensitive so Jeff added over simulation to the list of things Y/N would do for him. She would whine and push away his head hoping that she wouldn’t feel the wonderful pain building up in her stomach. But when she pushed him away, Jeff would grab her hips and hold her against the bed as she screamed his name.
Dom’s received aftercare too. When Jeff’s would spend so much time eating her pussy, Y/N would kiss and massage his jaw after that. She would tell him how amazing it felt to feel his cock in her or hear him call her his little cum slut. The whole point of being in a Dom/sub relationship for Jeff and Y/N was to show each other how much they valued and loved each other.
Their relationship was still for the most part normal. They enjoyed double dates with Heath and Mariah; they hung out with the same group of amazing people. Jeff and Y/N would go out on dates and Jeff would make it his mission to give her a plastic rose for every date they had. The rose was a classic but the idea to choose a plastic one, was so that Y/N could collect them all. The first time anyone had seen them was one when Carly, Erin, Mariah, Suzy, and Corinna were helping her choose an outfit for their two-year anniversary.
“I was thinking red because Jeff loves me in red but then I was thinking maybe white- “
“What is this?!” asked Corinna.
“Oh my god!” yelled Carly and Erin almost simultaneously.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Your room is covered in rose!” yelled Corinna.
“Why do you have so many fake roses?” asked Suzy.
“Okay that is not a full explanation,” argued Erin.
“Why does he give you fake roses?”
“Every rose is a date or something special. He wanted me to sort of collect them,” answered Y/N.
“There has to be hundreds!” Corinna was confused but also excited.
“310 actually.”
“Those cannot be all dates.”
“Most of them yeah. Although I think like one-third of them are just sex stuff,” laughed Y/N.
“Okay now that sounds about right. I always knew you two were kinky,” joked Corinna.
It didn’t take long for everyone to find out what type of boyfriend Jeff was. Joe would make jokes about it, David loved teasing him about it in the vlogs, and Todd and Matt would use it as a defense anytime Jeff was obnoxious to them. The girls would defend Jeff finding him a good boyfriend for Y/N.
David, Zane, and Matt not knowing much about their bedroom activities accidentally walked in on them having sex in the living room. It called for a very awkward conversation explaining a Dom/sub relationship and how they could not tease Y/N about it. Of course, the one day she chose to have morning sex in the kitchen, the guys would walk in on them with her back on the counter and her legs up in the air as Jeff pounded into her. It was just her luck, but also on the fault of them having a really close relationship with the entire group.
David and Matt were traumatized about the whole situation. David was innocent compared to Jeff in those matters and Matt found it awkward since he and Y/N almost dated. Part of being with Jeff was also sort of being with everyone else in the group. Of course once Jonah heard about it incident he couldn’t help but make disgusting jokes that Jeff almost punched him in the face.
“Are you asleep?”
“I heard you snoring.”
“I don’t snore,” argued Y/N as she buried her face into Jeff’s neck.
“You’re sleeping on me again.”
“I just want to be with you.”
“Aftercare?” asked Jeff.
“A little.”
Sometimes Y/N reaction to scenes came days after. Depending on what they did, Y/N would cuddle Jeff for hours after having sex then hop in the shower together or she would wait a few days and be clingy. She wouldn’t let Jeff leave the bed too long or she would always have to be holding his hand in public. Y/N made any excuse to hug Jeff and sit on his lap more than normal because she wanted to feel his touch.
Around friends, Jeff’s hand would sneak underneath her sweater or t-shirt and rub her back so she would stay seated or calm. When Jeff was unsure or anxious Y/N would place her hand on his right thigh to stop him from taping his foot at the most random times. It was more than a relationship or a partnership, what Y/N and Jeff had was more unique than that. To enter a Dom/sub relationship in the first part was a huge deal. Many argue that a sub has more power in the relationship than the Dom was, in Jeff and Y/N’s case they weren’t wrong. Jeff took pleasure out of giving Y/N pleasure and it worked for them.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to make a pizza.”
“That dough is… different,” smiled Jeff.
“Well I didn’t say it was going to look pretty.”
“Sweetheart, anything you make is pretty.”
“Sure but I’m not making you one.”
“What? Why?”
“I’m trying a vegan diet so this pizza is vegan.”
“You? Vegan? It’s the tenth time you’re doing this.”
“Actually, seventh and I think I can do it this time.”
“You hate vegan food. You always end up cranky because you can’t have dairy and you want kisses all the time.”
“I do not!”
“Whenever you can cranky you like to sit on my lap and make me kiss your neck,” explained Jeff.
“I do not make you do anything!”
“Neck kisses are the only thing that makes you less cranky.”
“That’s not true. I also like you sucking my tits,” laughed Y/N.
“And that usually ends with my face between your thighs.”
“I don’t see a problem with that,” smiled Y/N.
They both loved the teasing. It made up a majority of their relationship. Jeff would whisper dirty things in Y/N’s ear hoping to make her desperate and whiny. So when they got home, to Jeff’s place, she would be begging from him. Y/N would tease Jeff with the little hand movements and a shy smile.
“I’m tired.”
“After that shit you pulled at the restaurant? You’re tired?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“Do you want to cuddle?”
“No?” asked Jeff a bit hurt.
“I’m just annoyed now.”
“Do you think you’re getting sick?”
“Probably? I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“I’m going to make you some tea. Go put on some sweats or something.”
Jeff made Y/N’s favorite tea was green tea so Jeff made it a point to stock up on the little packets to make her comfortable. While she was cuddled on their bed Jeff set everything down and made sure she was comfortable.
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tonyglowheart · 4 years
Idk who to talk to about this but last year I came across a white couple that got married as Wangxian and am kind of dreading people getting married as bride!XL (I mean I don’t think I’m comfortable with it even when they’re cosplaying the character’s Period but I’m trying(maybe failing) to be generous) bc it’s specifically CHN marriage tradition. Knowing how people can love EAsian media yet be racist towards us anyway, the growing global sinophobia just makes this feel worse. Am I overreacting?
Hi anon!
I don’t necessarily think you’re overreacting because your personal sore points are informed by your specific life experiences and the kinds of racism and microaggressions you’ve encountered and grown weary and leery of. I know I have points where I react to/against, that doesn’t affect everyone, and may not even affect a majority. At the very least, there’s reasons why I shy away from engaging with fic and specific fandoms in certain spaces, that I know are valid for me, and may be discussed as far as how it parallels or plays into wider trends, but that that doesn’t necessarily mean it translates to blanket prohibitions or guidelines or such.
From what you’ve described to me, I think I’d be wary of it, but not altogether against it? I think if someone is doing a cosplay wedding.... that’s kind of whatever to me. When something becomes a media franchise like that, I kind of feel like that kind of thing is going to happen. It may not be perfectly equitable as far as like playing into issues of Orientalism and colonialism/postcolonialism/neocolonialism go, but also from a more personally pragmatic point, there’s only so many fucks I have to give, and there’s things that, if for no other reason than personal sanity, I have learned and am letting to let go. We can’t redo the history of the world so as to completely erase or eradicate Western colonization or the structures and patterns laid out in history for neocolonialism.
Another thing I have to grapple with, is that we/I shouldn’t turn our ire to the individual. On an individual level, the specific person isn’t enacting systemic inequality, even if their actions play into it. The best we can hope for, if we have the energy and means, is to reach out and try to connect with people and explain our perspective and our history, to see if we can connect with them in such a way that they understand what we’re saying and where we’re coming from. That’s not something that can be forced or brute-forced.
The bride!XL matter... yeah is more of a sticking point - although to me, bride!XL’s costume is still a costume, its patterns and motifs are slightly atypical for your traditional bridal attire. I do also want to kind of point out that the “traditional” Chinese wedding attire tends to be based off a Qing dynasty style and design, which has a further internal complexity of it being “Chinese,” but not being traditional Han ethnic clothing and rather based more on Manchu traditions. Similar to the topics ppl grapple with regarding the qipao/cheongsam, and part of the reason for the hanfu revival movement.
For me personally, I find it... unideal for people to be dressing up in a “costume” for marriage, especially when it DOES tie into the culture, but at the same time I feel like if people are going out of their way to dress as bride!XL (and not just “oh I found this “bridal costume” and thought it would be cute”), then that means Xie Lian and TianGuan means something to them. Watching wedding dress shows, the whole Western tradition of white or close-to-white gowns IS very strong, if not with the bridal party then with the families, so poteeentially for them to break from that, hopefully to me means that it DOES mean something to them, even if it may not be what I or we want it to. I think for me, if people were co-opting marriage traditions or customs in an uniformed matter, I’d be more tilted about it lmao, but that’s me and my comfort level.
I feel you tho on racism and sinophobia and people who will consume EAsian media but still be racist towards people. I think that’s a valid point of contention. I think you see it played out in the greater fandom :/ Not, tho, always in every case that’s popped up as a “racism” issue. But I do think it’s there, and I think some of the recent discourse on racism in fandom - which was prevalent what feels like a year ago but was actually a couple months - also has roots in real issues and trends.
Hrmm tl;dr tho? I think you’re valid and not necessarily overreacting, because there IS a lot of history and honestly, contemporary actions and trends, which make that uncomfortable and possibly even damaging. But at the same time.... I think generally on a fandom level, these individual situations are somewhat inevitable especially for larger-reaching fandoms (as far as like the fandom bell curve goes), and aren’t necessarily single-handedly enacting and enforcing all of those bevvy of -isms. And even then, as an individual, we can’t stop other people from making the decisions they make and doing the things they do with their own lives. The topic is complicated bc we have the the confluence of fandom competing needs and racial/social justice competing needs which is, you know, complicated by additional swathes of intersectional identities and issues. 
I’m sorry I don’t really have an easy answer for you or any kind of reassurance or anything. But I don’t necessarily think you’re discomfort is invalid, but at the same time I think it’s a good opportunity to try to reflect on it, interrogate what might be some more extreme impulses you might have as far as reacting or responding, and practice self-care where you can as far as curating your experience to be as harm-free for yourself as you can and focus as much as you can on the aspects you can control instead of remaining in the agonizing of the factors that are outside of your control. Because as much as it might gall me, there ARE factors I cannot personally control or influence, and that can even include people who are, on paper, in my immediate sphere of influence. If they don’t want to listen to me or find other competing needs more compelling, I can try to reach out and explain where I’m coming from all I want, but I can’t force anyone to reciprocate or honestly, even listen. So instead of focusing my energy onto the minds I can’t change, I think in the long run it’s more productive and more enjoyable to focus on the things I CAN affect. And on some things, I find I’ve had a better/more enjoyable time blacklisting instead of focusing overly on the factors outside of my control and trying to force things outside of my control to somehow happen anyway.
Now of course, it’s easy for me to SAY that now lmao. I mean, I know I’m not without flaws or salt. My saltmines run deep and my wounds remain rather sensitive and not yet numbed by time and my salt does indeed runneth over, maybe more often than ppl who aren’t me and who are following my blog for specific things would rather. And I don’t have it in me to always be magnanimous or extend people good faith without a second thought, especially if it’s something that hits a trigger. But idk, psychologically speaking, and even just from a personal level, it’s not helpful to me or even potentially to others to be so focused on things I can’t control or influence and to like be stuck in suffering so much. We only have so many hours and so many brain cells to devote to things.
...I literally have no clue how to wrap this up oh god. uhhh real tl;dr ig: anon I think you’re valid, but also like... from my personal experience... I’m suffering either way so for me I’m like. might as well learn to let it go so I’m not actively suffering over this particular thing and either free up braincells to try to building towards thriving or so I can suffer about things that are due to “me” reasons, or short of that, I do not see.meme it so at least I’m not being actively triggered by it (I think this is more where I’m at right now,,,, lmao,,, F). Ur valid tho, I know the struggle of “am I the one being issues” but that ALSO becomes stifling (or it did for me), when I felt like I had to shut up and behave so as to not ruffle Westerner feelings. But also suffering is rough and I encourage you, for your own peace of mind, to explore ways to lessen your suffering, bc that shit is rough.
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sweetheartbtsateez · 5 years
❣️ The best personality for BTS ❣️
softhxe said to memyselfandkpop:Hi! I love your writings ❤ Could you do a "The best personality for bangtan"? I mean, just saying the best type of person you think BTS needs (for dating) and the worst kind of personality, I hope you understood me uwu And take your time too, rest well and live happily ❤
Thanks for your request love! Hope you like this, and I’m sorry that this took so long <3 -Mary
Edit: btw most of this is written in female pronouns, hope you don’t mind
-This is just my opinion-
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According to the zodiac page I just looked up, sagittarius men are generally idealistic, optimistic, God-fearing, generous, honest and truthful. Since Sagittarian males are gifted with strong intuition, they also make good judges of character. When it comes to love, Sagittarian males are passionate and straightforward. They are slow to commit, love the chase and are capable of walking from a relationship if the problems cannot be resolved. But, once they are committed, then, they can be very loyal to their spouses or lovers. The best matches for Jin would be other sagittarius, leos, aries, aquariuses and libras. Now, onto the request itself, I feel like the best match for Jin would be someone who’s not afraid to speak their mind, passionate about everything the do/enjoy, friendly, romantic, with a sense of humour as complex as his’, loves food (who doesn’t lol), knows how to cook and takes care of their friends. I don’t think he’d be into a overly cutesy type of girl, more like a fashionable and fancy type of girl. Bonus point if you can feed his ego daily.
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Aquarius is generally considered to be the sign of the zodiac that is the most forward thinking. They love new ideas, progress, and inventiveness. Aquarians are also major humanitarians, in love with anything that they think will make the world a better place for the human race at large. When it comes to love match astrology, Aquarians are best paired with other air signs, or alternatively with fire signs (sagittarius, libras, geminis). For Hobi, I think he’d fall head over heels for someone with a great sense of fashion, is usually giggly and smiley, but can exude sexiness and confidence easily. Also someone who gets along well with his family (specially his mother and sister) and more on the extrovert side, but I do think that an introvert could also be a good match for him. Bonus point if you can dance (or want to learn) so that he can dance with you.
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The Pisces personality is thoughtful and dreamy, it's fair to say that Pisces really does live in a dream land. Pisces is very sensitive and is extremely receptive to other people's emotions and is often weighed down by them, which explains why Pisces isn't compatible with every zodiac sign. The best matches for pisces are taurus, cancer, leos (like me yay) and libras. Now, I think we can all agree that clothing wise, Yoongi would love a girl who dresses in all black all the time, and has a kind of edgy vibe to her, but is actually a sweetie pie. He’d prefer an introvert, so that they can understand each other better. Also someone that loves cuddles, and has a deep love for music. Bonus point if you wouldn’t mind staying up late at the studio with him.
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Virgo natives are practical, order-loving individuals that possess a strong need to feel valued and useful when it comes to all the major aspects of their lives. They are also logical, clever, detail-oriented folks who hold themselves (and everyone else as well) to very high standards. Virgos believe that if something is worth doing at all, then it ought to be worth doing right. They are dutiful and responsible, never the type of people to feel comfortable shirking responsibility – even on a temporary basis – and they are at their best when they have plenty on their plate to keep them busy. Taurus, cancer, scorpios and capricorns are the best matches for virgos. Personally, I think an ambivert fits Namjoon better, as I feel like that way he can get the best of both worlds. He needs someone with a positive mindset that can help him with his struggles when he’s feeling down. I think he’d love a girl who dresses well and looks good in anything. Also someone who enjoys quiet activities like photography, reading, hiking...I also see him going for a cute but sexy kind of girl, not too cute, but not overly sexy as well. Bonus points if you’d raise baby crabs with him and wouldn’t give him shit when he breaks something.
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Libras are beings that are very much concerned with fairness, justice, and most of all peace. They really do seem to live by the motto “can’t we all just get along” more than any other sign. Libras, like the other air signs, are also known for their high degree of sociability and love of intellectual pursuits, music, and the arts. They are definitely considered to be one of the most easy-going, agreeable signs. The best matches for libras are geminis, leos, sagittarius and aquariuses. Jimin is a sweetie pie who needs to be protected and taken well care of, no tea just facts. So I think that maybe a fierce and strong extrovert who always stands up for him and motivates and appreciates him would be the best match for him. Contrary to this, I think he’d enjoy a girly type of girl (wears a lot of bright colors, skirts, dresses...) Bonus point if you’d sing BTS songs with him.
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Capricorn is a sign that tends to take a practical approach toward life. Capricorn natives are diligent, prudent, dedicated, and responsible. They never shy away from a challenge, and they are very success oriented. Laziness and apathy are words that are quite simply not part of the Capricorn vocabulary. Capricorns are definitely able to appreciate the finner things in life. Capricorn natives are also people that require a lot of recognition, as well as a sense that they are useful and necessary, in order to feel truly satisfied with their lives. The recognition they crave is generally more of the worldly, material variety, but I think that also translates into needing lots of compliments and words of reassurement. Once again, an ambivert suits Taehyung better. Someone who enjoys art, music, reading, shopping...Style wise, he’d love someone fashionable, who changes up their style almost every day and isn’t afraid to try new things. Bonus point if you’d paint and visit museums with him.
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When it comes to romance, Virgo is a shy sign and often tries to hide this fact behind a very logical façade. In fact, strong emotions that seem to come out of nowhere strike Virgo as irrational and downright frightening. Through this lens, it's easy to see why some Virgo love matches fare better than others. Taurus, cancer, scorpios and capricorns are the best matches for virgos. I picture Jungkook falling for an edgy but shy kind of girl. Dresses in a lot of black with a street/tumblr/e-girl style. Definetly an introvert who loves video games, photography, memes and music. Also, he’s the biggest hopeless romantic ever, so make sure you are as well and he’ll love you forever. Bonus point if you’d stay up all night with him playing overwatch and eating ramen.
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renaroo · 5 years
Some Times (Time and Time Again) (6/8)
Disclaimer: Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and associated characters are the creative property of DC Comics. Warnings: Canon shaken not stirred, Heavy canon references to Booster Gold (2009-2011) and Blue Beetle (2016-2018) Pairings: Boostle Rating: T Synopsis: Booster Gold and the rest of the Time Masters are still straightening up things in the wake of the most recent universal Rebirth. But Rip Hunter is still missing in the aftermath, leaving Booster in charge with Skeets, Michelle, and Rani. But there’s a distraction for Booster, one he can’t keep himself from ignoring.
Ted Kord, miraculously, is still alive. And that makes everything more complicated than Michael could have ever imagined.
A/N: My gosh we are so close to completing this thing! Just two chapters left, hard as it is to believe!
And of course a wonderful thanks to @shibascarf, @babybatbrat, @bibliofilariidae, @mcbangle, @secretlystephaniebrown, arouraleona, and boopinbabbit for your lovely feedback and support!
Michelle Carter
“God, I’m such an idiot sometimes!” Michelle hisses to herself, feet stomping down the corridor toward Rani’s room.
Her conversation with Ted Kord is still rattling around in her skull and she can’t tell what half of her she’d like to strangle more — the overly sharing side unable to keep a coherent secret or the crude and cryptic mistress of time she feels no right to even claiming.
Coming to a stop mid-stride, Michelle closes her eyes and lets her shoulders droop. She tilts her head back with a sigh. “No wonder Rip and Mikey trust me with next to nothing other than babysitting duty,” she groans. “Throw one little moment of emotional conflict and I utterly lose those salutatorian's brains.”
Opening her eyes, she looks toward Rani’s still distant room and feels a wave of conflict and shame that hasn’t pestered her in a while. But this is the feeling she should be used to by now — it’s just like their father used to always say when he bothered to be around.
“Been playing second best to nothing since the womb, huh, Michelle?” she mutters under her breath. “Could place second in a game of solitaire.”
She takes a moment to suck in a deep breath, steeling herself for a smiling face and positive disposition when a single voice knocks the wind out of her lungs yet again.
“What’s solitaire?” Rani’s tiny voice questions.
Michelle blinks in surprise just before Rani’s mousy haired head pops out from her room’s doorway.
Despite herself, despite everything, Michelle manages a softer and more genuine smile than the one she has been building up to and shakes her head slightly. “A really boring card game,” she answers easily. “Should have known better than to think you would be asleep.”
Skeets, the ever unhelpful bot, hovers out from Rani’s room and bops in the air. “It would have been an unlikely scenario even in the most forgiving of circumstances, Michelle! Which, unfortunately for us, the last twenty-four hours or so have not been.”
“Try the last twenty-nine years for some of us, Skeets,” Michelle jokes, closing the distance of the hallway and scooping Rani into her arms with a simple bow.
“That is much too small to be your correct chronal age, Michelle—“
“Skeets, shush,” Michelle snaps as she enters the bedroom. “Or I’ll give you to Batman to dissect. Again.”
“Three experiences too many, I will heed the warning,” Skeets banters back.
As they enter Rani’s room, Michelle slows her approach to Rani’s bed and adjusts her hold on the younger child. Her thoughts are nearly as heavy as Rani is getting as she lives and ages with them. It’s not going to be long before picking her up isn’t an option for Michelle or Michael.
“Are you going to make me go to bed?” Rani asks critically.
“Eventually,” Michelle admits, turning to sit on the edge of the bed while still keeping her grip on Rani. The girl sits easily in her lap and leans away, giving enough space for them to look into each other’s eyes. “We need to have a talk about everything that’s happened first.”
Rani’s cheeks grow slightly pale and she squirms uncomfortably. “Oh,” she says. “I think I’d rather sleep.”
“Well, that’s tough, kiddo, probably should have put yourself to bed before I got over here then,” Michelle jokes, poking at Rani’s stomach playfully.
In response, Rani turns and twists, but the enthusiasm is slow and dull compared to Rani’s usual behavior.
It’s one of many signs Michelle, Michael, and Rip have learned to pay careful attention to with Rani. She is a sensitive little girl, and her traumas are numerous. When she’s not bopping around she’s almost assuredly in some state of regressive isolation or pure shock.
Watching the man she loves as a father get beaten to a pulp by an evil man they have encountered before is, at the very least, a trigger. Michelle can be certain of at least that much.
“Rani, listen to me,” Michelle says, firmly but without any heat to it. It’s enough to draw Rani’s wide eyes to her. “We love you, and we want the best for you. You know that, right?”
After a moment of clear confusion, Rani manages a small nod.
“Good, because we do,” Michelle reinforces. “And we know you love Rip and want to find him. We do too! But you are a very little girl and this is a very dangerous multiverse we live in. You absolutely cannot, under no circumstances, leave Time Lab without either Mikey, myself, or Rip.”
“I had Skeets,” Rani says quickly.
On instinct, Michelle turns her head to acknowledge Skeets’ floating presence. She immediately turns her eyes back on Rani but it’s a moment too late as Skeets already feels acknowledged.
“Young Rani does have quite an argument on that account,” Skeets says supportively.
“Yes, Skeets, you did a great job,” Michelle says with a roll of her eyes that threatens to continue right out of her sockets. “What were you even doing allowing any of this, Skeets? Aren’t you programmed with safety protocols and whatnot?”
“Yes I am, Michelle, however, there are no proper babysitting protocols. And while I advised against rash action, it was best to make do with the situation at hand,” Skeets returns promptly. “Might I point out, this is not far off from my calculations when dealing with your brother.”
There isn’t much she can give to deny that fairly abundant fact so Michelle releases a groan instead. “Why can’t anything just be simple?”
Rani squirms and meets Michelle’s gaze. “Please don’t be mad at Skeets, Michelle,” Rani pleads. “It’s my fault. I just wanted to find Boppy, and he did leave me a message.”
Michelle feels her chest tighten and she squeezes her grip on Rani sadly. “We all want Rip back, Rani, believe me.”
“In further defense of both Rani and myself,” Skeets spoke up, hovering closer to eye level with Michelle, “following clear instructions left by Rip Hunter is often an important and practical step for all of us here in the Time Lab. And those newly chalked directions were fairly direct considering the usual clues.”
Blinking, Michelle thinks it over.
“That’s… actually pretty true, Skeets,” Michelle remarks thoughtfully. “And it did lead to saving Ted… and getting a bunch of us almost killed, but definitely the saving Ted part.” She presses her lips together, still deep in contemplation. “But even then there wasn’t any sign of Rip, even when Michael was almost certainly in trouble. And that’s not like Rip at all. I can’t even count on my hands and toes how many times, when Mike’s taken too much, Rip has shown up and tipped the scales for him. It’s almost his signature at a certain point.”
Following the conversation, Rani draws her own brows together in concern. “Michelle, you don’t think Boppy wrote the message? But who did? I’m the only one who’s ever written on the board before… and Boppy made me switch to making my unicorns and butterflies on paper so I don’t do that anymore.”
Sighing, Michelle shifts Rani’s weight to her other knee. “I’ll be honest, honey, I’m not sure yet what exactly I think about anything.”
Rani’s bottom lip puckers out as she studies Michelle carefully. “If we don’t know what’s going on, how do we know I did the wrong thing?” she asks pointedly.
“No, no, missy, you’re not philosophizing out of this one,” Michelle stops her quickly. “This isn’t a matter of right or wrong at the moment, it’s a matter of keeping you and everyone else safe so that we can all be together again as a big, happy family. And if you’re flying around to random times and places without us, we can’t do that. Because I know for me and Mike, losing you is the absolute worst thing imaginable these days, and I’m not going to let it happen. Okay, girlie?”
While she ducks her head down to avoid Michelle’s gaze, a coy smile finds its way to Rani’s face. She knows when Michelle says these things that she’s speaking from the bottom of her heart. She has to know by now.
And if she does, considering the emotional mess Rani was when she first came into their lives, maybe that means they’re doing something right after all.
When Rani breaks the silence again, it’s with a deceptively simple question. “Is Ted Kord now in our family? Like Boppy?”
Thinking about it, Michelle takes a breath and then leans back. “I honestly don’t know what’s in store with those two, Rani, love,” she admits. “I don’t think he’s going anywhere any time soon. Either because Michael and he need to sort things out or because of the whole… assassination stuff. That makes it kind of difficult to picture this arrangement ending too fast.”
Before Rani can respond, there is a loud shout followed by laughter.
“Welp, that’s the nose, and no sounds of murder,” Michelle jokes. Rani looks at her questioningly so she rubs her shoulders. “What I mean is, things are definitely looking like we can be expecting to see more of the former Blue Beetle.”
“Okay,” Rani nods. “And if he’s family, then Boppy will be okay with him staying here, like me, so that’s good.”
Michelle has a hard time arguing with Rani’s peculiar logic on that accord.
That is until Michelle looks over and notices the little girl is still furrowed in thought, her eyes darting back and forth as if she’s reading something on her room’s wall. Then, looking at Michelle cautiously, Rani asks, “If he’s not family… how is Black Beetle able to always get in and out of Time Lab? Or write on the board, if it’s him?”
If Rani hadn’t always been so innocent and young, Michelle thinks the questions would have been laced with more accusations. It’s already enough to make Michelle’s heart seize.
They are, after all, very good questions.
Playing up to the role of an adult, Michelle looks toward Skeets instead. “Skeets… how is all of this stuff possible from Black Beetle?” she asks, more worry in her voice than she intends to let on.
For once, Skeets’ response is not immediate and overly explanatory. The droid hovers, a strangely ominous look to his screen in the wrong lighting.
“Apologies, Michelle,” Skeets says in a flat and altogether unapologetic tone. “Information about my scans and records for Rip Hunter and Black Beetle are blocked as of update two-two-seven-dash-eleven-dot-thirteen. Courtesy of Rip Hunter.”
“What?” Michelle asks, aghast.
“Why would Boppy do that?” Rani asks again, only now her pointed questions are accented by the shake of Time Lab’s very infrastructure itself.
The little girl in her lap screams and throws herself into a fit before Michelle can even blink. She can’t draw a single coherent thought before leaping to her feet, Rani in tow, and looking at Skeets.
“I am receiving an intruder alert!” Skeets says loudly, a red exclamation popping up on his screen.
“You useless, toaster!” Michelle sputters in frustration. “Tell me where this is coming from!”
“I believe it does not require much deductive reasoning,” Skeets answers, following Michelle through the door and out into the corridor, “to assume that the laboratory is the most likely option!”
She would die before admitting it out loud, but Michelle knows that Skeets is right. She turns on her heels and takes off to follow the continuing noises of clattering and shaking.
Their home is under attack, their family, everything they still have of their old world and time — and Michelle cannot be nearly as upset with that as she is with the haunting premises that Rani and Skeets have given her.
Black Beetle or not, the real attack is on the understanding Michelle has had of their everything in the last few congruent years. And as much as she wants Rip Hunter safely back with them, she needs a serious word with him about that alone.
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counterspelling · 5 years
time for another angry tros post
why in the everloving fuck was kerri russell’s character codenamed MARA if she wasn’t skymom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the disrespect!!!! it’s not enough to name a random jedi kid jacen, or to name a new character in tros jannah, or a girl in the mandalorian winta........... they really went and codenamed another nobody mara????? why??? what’s the point????
luke and leia really went all that fucking time NOT telling rey about her parentage??? when they knew how important it was to her?? how desperate she was for information about her parents?? after everything THEY went through about birth family drama?? they really thought that was a good idea?? rey is more than her family name, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve to know. and HOW did they know she was palpatine’s granddaughter. like kyle, he’s a snoke acolyte, okay, so maybe at some point he’s taken into their confidence. but how the fuck do luke and leia find out
everything with leia was just. so bad. all of her scenes were so stilted, they would have been better off just cgi’ing her. and this movie isn’t technically their fault, but the fact that they’d already spent two movies completely wasting her. having her send her non-force sensitive husband to confront their murderous son, standing back and sending rey to her twin, literally never once doing anything but standing around and reacting to people around her. if leia trained as a jedi, we should have SEEN THAT. i did not wait my entire life to see jedi leia on screen and then never get it. and her death, completely unexplained except that for some reason reaching her son kills her.......... it’s fucking padme all over again. god, they just completely fucked everyone in the ot, so badly, but holy fuck does star wars hate women
still just generally really pissed off that they brought palpatine back at all. not just in the sense that they tried to fucking woobify kyle ron and stopped him from being the ultimate villain that they should have, but that disney continually shits on star wars’ legacy. anakin DESTROYED THE SITH. there was a whole prophecy. it took him 20 years, but he fucking did it. he killed palpatine. and now, like everything else disney has set up over the last few years, it means nothing, because he DIDN’T actually kill palpatine, just like everything luke and han and leia fought for is meaningless, because 30 years later everyone was still in the exact same place. a low-rent resistance without a lot of support, the jedi order slaughtered through treachery, fighting an overly powerful empire bent on slavery and destruction (also why i could never get into rebels. luke is a new hope, the presence of a jedi for the first time in 20 years is supposed to be a big fucking deal. hard to have that same shock and awe when kannan and ezra are formally joining the rebellion, meeting mon and leia and lando, prominently waving around lightsabers. if disney wanted to make stories about jedi choose literally ANY OTHER TIME PERIOD IN STAR WARS HISTORY. I AM SO DESPERATE FOR STORIES ABOUT JEDI. just in the right time, and not in this singular 50 year period where there shouldn’t be jedi, jfc)
the OTHER major problem in bringing palpatine back is yet again, they’re trying to top the “no, i am your father” moment, which is just never going to happen. that was a once in a lifetime moment. everything disney does is trying to bigger and better. it’s not just death stars that can destroy planets, it’s a million star destroyers! kyle ron and rey have a force bond unseen in generations that lets them trade items across the galaxy! force healing has always been a thing but now they can instantly heal death! star wars doesn’t have to be X-TREME to be good. its best moments have always been about its character beats. luke saying he won’t destroy his father, leia and han’s i love yous, anakin’s despair over leaving his mother behind to become a jedi. it doesn’t always have to be BIGGER and BETTER. E V E R Y T H I N G about tfa said that rey was a skywalker, that luke was her dad. the music, her dreams of an island, calling his lightsaber to her, their lonely upbringings on desert planets, their instant embroilment into a conflict much bigger than they are but that they quickly become central to. but because rian johnson is so up his own ass and so insistent on proving how clever he is, he couldn’t follow through on that. even though star wars has always been a fairy tale, and it’s never been about tricking audiences or proving them wrong or throwing out foreshadowing as a red herring. lucas is maybe the most straightforward filmmaker of all time. that’s why bad guys have names like sidious and maul and plagueis. subtle, he is not. and it’s one of my favorite things about star wars. and disney just doesn’t care
the fact that they gave us so many luke/rey parallels and STILL STUCK WITH SHITTY REY PALPATINE. rey flying in his x-wing wearing his helmet, rey leaping away to safety on the millennium falcon from an evil skywalker offering his hand asking them to join the dark side, rey’s fear of the darkness within herself.................. all of it meaningless, apparently
i am so eternally angry at the way they treated rey. removing her teeth, linking her story so inextricably with the man who tortured her, irrevocably tying her narrative to that of a man’s because apparently star wars just can’t handle a trilogy without a white man in a central role. the rey in tfa is a completely different character than the rey from tlj and tros. she couldn’t stand on her own merits? they respected her so little they had to force her to share her trilogy with a murderer who abused her, and try to call that love? to make her journey about a forced bond with him, when he only ever tried to murder her and bring about her downfall? that they would VALIDATE his gross treatment of her by having her kiss him........................... how they made a trilogy more sexist than 70s george lucas, i will never understand
the main movies are the skywalker family saga. that’s what they told us. ending the last movie with two palpatines facing off............. if they already said fuck anakin and everything about his legacy finally ending the rule of the sith, they should have at least let his GRANDDAUGHTER be the one to ultimately fulfill the prophecy. i really cannot believe they fucked anakin and all the skywalkers in this way. the final living skywalker descendant killed all of his remaining family members and THAT’S what we’re going to have to live with from now on. everything anakin and luke and leia struggled and fought for, everything they overcame, all meaningless because one fucking sociopath is such an edgy piece of shit that he’d rather build a shrine to his grandpa’s burned helmet and get stuck in teen “I HATE MY FAMILY” bullshit because...... his life was unfair, somehow??? he just really loves murder??? tyranny is cool??? who knows! not us! jaina didn’t get erased from canon for this. the skywalkers deserved better and so did we.
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