#like i enjoy genshin a lot bc i find the characters and lore really cool but playing it. feels more like a chore than anything else?
southern--downpour · 1 year
sorry abt the sudden honkai posting but this game has taken my brain hostage for the time being
#turn based combat go brrrrrrrrrrr#this games so much easier for me to just sit down and play than genshin man turn based combat is so much easier on me#like i enjoy genshin a lot bc i find the characters and lore really cool but playing it. feels more like a chore than anything else?#so i just. dont bother#also updates are a nightmare bc of my shit internet but that's a different problem#but star rail? SHIT this combat is easy as fuck to comprehend#was trying to articulate this to friends earlier but didnt quite get there#but i can actually strategize a lot better w/ turn based than i can real time stuff#bc. my brain isnt being constantly overloaded w/ information and i can sorta take my time thinking on what to do#w/ the amt of Stuff on screen at one time in genshin combat sometimes monkey brain takes over and just starts pressing buttons#turn based stuff? i can take however the fuck long i need to process shit#also its just. more fun lmao. idk maybe its bc i was like fully raised on pokemon but turn based games just click in my brain#only problem is w/ me rushing MYSELF when doing pvp stuff in shit like pokemon#bc i dont wanna hold the other person up so i force myself to make a decision quickly#usually. the wrong decision. bc when i get panicked monkey brain takes over and just chooses the first thing that comes to mind#(this. is also why i suck ass at mtg lmao i rush myself when figuring out what to do bc i dont wanna hold my opponent up)#anyways. star rail fun :)#shut up virgil#unsure if this is going to fully rot the brain but it sure is fun so far so who knows
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oh-my-may · 1 month
I'm gonna start the post with a few paragraphs I wrote just a few days after the patch went live:
So I finished the first Remuria world quest - it was beautiful. And really not as long as I first expected it to be. I probably could have finished it on the first day if I wouldn't have been as tired as I was
First of all the new map is beautiful. You'd think after 3? patches of map expansions where we already got underwater stuff it would feel repetetive but somehow it looks and feels different and refreshing. Maybe because majority of the map are caves where you can walk normally or they're ruins... idk.
I couldn't help but draw parallels between Remuria and HSR's Penacony tho, especially look-wise, the talk of a dreamscape and the theme of music. Especially now after finishing Penacony 2.2 I can't help but feel the two are very similar in certain aspects... the motive of Harmony and Song and Peace and saving a people and Gods? Also the way Remuria looks is so similar to certain things in Penacony? I already said rhis in my post on HSR, this is absolutely no hate whatsoever. I reckon there's only so much you can do with these motives? It's interesting how differently it looks in both games tho.
So yeah, Remuria is beautiful. The music is an out of body experience and encapsulates the whole thing perfectly. I haven't explored all of the map yet, but I like the new mechanisms a lot. The floating books look so cool and just generally the significance of music through it all... *sigh* it's so enjoyable.
So far for Remuria... i definitely missed a few things I wanted to say but it's been like 2 weeks since I played this and I definitely forgot something haha
First of all she's broken omg. It is kind lf annoying that it'll take weeks to max out her talents, rn for me she's sitting at crowned NA and skill and burst are level 7 each. But she still hits for like over 50k with each normal attack when she has a bond of life. Don't even get me started on her with Yelan MY GOD.
Okay with that out of the way let me talk about her story quest. First of all I find it very intriguing that hyv gave up on the usual pattern of having the second weekly boss for a nation be tied to the Archon and their respective second story quest (besides Mond ig)... i mean yeah Fontaine's archon situatipn is very peculiar but technically Neuvilette has taken over the role for now, right? Neither him nor Furina getting a second story quest makes me think Neuvi's probably gonna get his way later because it'll be HUGE. Again I wanna say that lore wise Neuvi is my fav character... HES JUST SO FNDNDBDN. And Furina is probably gonna get a pretty "random" one at one point kinda like Yoimiya did or Cyno... like its gonna be a good quest but it'a gonna be random. ANYWAY
I wonder how much different I would habe perceived the quest if I hadn't watched the Animated Short about Arlecchino that they put on Youtube... like it's her whole backstory? I could see where the quest was going right from the beginning because of it... that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, tho
Childe's little surprise cameo made me so happy c: MY BOY. He's alive snd well AND IN FONTAINE. Let me remind ypu we last officially saw him in the last Atchon quest gwtting yeeted into a black hole by Skirk. Then it was mentioned at the end that he was being treated and sent gome to Snezhnaya. Well...
The whole cryptic talk between Arle and Childe was quite interesting... so this project by the Fatui, right? (Forgot the name rn bc it's been a few days since I played the quest) Is it fonna be significant for Natlans story? What does it entail?? THE TEASE NNNNGNNGHH
I wonder if at some point in the game we're actually gonna see Lyney become the new head of House of the Hearth. Like... it's mentioned quite a lot in his story as well as in everything that has tp do with the House and Sröecchino herself... I wonder 🤔
Throughout the story I was reminded that one of the first things we heard about her (Childes voiceline that came out in like??? 3.0 or so???). It was that she would turn her back on and betray the Harbingers (AND THE TSARISTA) without second thought. She even says this herself in her voicelines. I just wonder what her ultimate goal is? To free herself from the curse? Which btw they tell us nothing about in the story. Story is all about the House and its inner workings and Arle's feelings about it and plans for the future (which I love btw but still not quite understand)... we also casually get told that Arle is not even that old??? Like the whole thing with Crucabena is so recent that Freminet remembers her???? Amd Arle was maybe a Teenager when she killed her so like??? She's only around 10 years older than the kids????
So how come she's a descendant from Khaenri'ah? I don't know if I read somewhere abput it or if its a rumor but not confirmed or if its said in her personal story which I haven't read yet but... she'a from the crimson moon dynasty? Or has some ties to it? And her curse is definitely related to it BUT WHAT IS HER CURSE EXACTLY. WHY DOES SHE HAVE IT. If she's only in maybe her late 20s she couldn't have been an actual Khaenriahn citizen (same as Kaeya and he still gives me the same headache thinking about this) so how does it all tie together in the end?? Does it have to do with the God of time maybe??? (Nevermind if this is talked about in her personal story in her profile I haven't read that yet)
So yeah... the fight woth her was so cool. The animation??? I saw people get upset about the fact that Traveler couldn't beat her but I actually love that?? Like... She'a #4 of the Harbingers and has some curse probably tied to Khaenriah and she KILLED A HARBINGER WHEN SHE WAS A TEENAGER??? Traveler nlt being this almighty MC makes them so much mlre likeable like yeah... they are obv far from having their actual power back? It took us ... how many times to fight Shuki No Kami before we could defeat it in the final try to learn all the patterns? The game wants to tell us that there's much more powerful enemies in Teyvat and rhis is only the beginning. Let me tell you yeah we beat Signora but it was Raiden who killed her... it was Zhongli who subdued Azhdaha. We only healed Apep with Nahidas help. Traveler has never been able to easily defeat these big enemies, they always had help. Yeah they have been getting stronger, they've been getting access to more elements but the bis enemies are just getting stronger and bigger too... I wonder where that will lead. Maybe the twins are only gonna get their true power bavk once they're united... ANYWAY
Her weekly boss fight is cool too. Using different mechanisms again, with the whole Bond of Life thing and all. She does this one attack in her second phase that I just... can't get behind tho. Someone always has to be the victim, THE SACRIFICE, to get me through haha. Idk how to dodge or avoid that attack. The one where she floats above the arena and then these bombs? Idk? Come down and basically crash down on the whole arena and I haven't found a spot where you can aboid getting hit and therefore killed immediately idk.
So yeah that's all for now. Very excited to play Cyno's second story quest. Heard only good things so far about it, which is good because I really didn't like his first one 💀 probably gonna get around to play it one of these days. Same as with the rest of Remuria exploration, gonna need mlre Clorinde funds :3
(Gonna add screenshots later, it's been so long that the ones I took aren't saved in the PS App anymore 💀)
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ohsunnyboy · 1 year
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zerobase1 and how they play genshin | zb1
TAGS: headcannons, crack-ish, lowercase intended
A/N: as a genshin player and zb1 enjoyer, i own a wealth of knowledge. if you don't know what i'm referencing or talking about then i'm sorry lmao i get rly into genshin
WORDS: ~600 (~100 each)
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GYUVIN - ok puppy dog has no spending sense and would swipe swipe swipe until he got the character. or somehow get his account robbed and card details stolen. wouldn't swipe for c6 on characters but would swipe for all the skins.
plot goes soaring over his head. though, he'd get 100% completion completely on accident bc he runs from chest to chest completing everything bc ooh shiny. (it's what i do)
definitely hops across different coop worlds to be an absolute menace. steals all your starconches, beatles and cor lapis and leaves.
a whale so team comp doesn't quite matter, but i feel like cool burst animation is a must.
RICKY - need i explain? he doesn't even play the game often, he just sees a cool looking character and swipes. feels like he would c6r5 a character if he really liked them. would get surprisingly into event content just for the exclusive items etc. cares mildly about the plot and zero for the exploration.
would play cool and pretty characters bc when you're a whale, team composition just doesn't matter.
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MATTHEW - a confirmed nerd by his sister so you bet he's an enthusiast. pays attention to kqm, twitter and future patch leaks. grinds out for the spiral abyss and has op asf team combos. would spend but only if he knows it's worth it.
enjoys the plot and characters, but not massive on exploration. still enjoys all the characters thoroughly and knows more lore tidbits than most. is the sweetest coop friend.
GUNWOOK - okokok he'd be apprehensive at first until he pulls like c5 benny and a eula then the world of dps (damage per screenshot) awakens. fights wars in the trenches of the honeyhunterworld comments section. stays updated and dips in and out of the game.
secretly stays about for plot. finds exploration boring but can admit it's pretty. the dude who refuses to swap characters when doing coop domains. does a boss blitz when bored.
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HANBIN - ok only got it bc the kids said he should. (gyuvin uses him to get the coop achievements) actually ended up staying bc wow everything is gorgeous, the plot is engaging and the characters have depth! and it's all free ?? goes about it at a decent pace, doesn't do spiral often, just finishing floor 10.
tcg enjoyer and event player.
ZHANG HAO - TEAPOT MAIN god yeah hella into the teapot. only completes the story and everything for the teapot. comes on sometimes to help hanbin out or bc someone else needs mats from his world. has a solid overworld team for collecting mats etc.
mildly enjoys the plot but exploration is where it's at.
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JIWOONG - only got it bc everyone else did, found out it took too much space on his phone, deleted it. tried playing it on gunwook's pc but had to play zhongli with his shield up 24/7 bc mechanics are hard okay! does see it as pretty and that yeah some characters are worth spending money for but there are better ways to find enjoyment in life.
TAERAE - doesn't mind it. he just doesn't see the hype over online characters. if and when he does play, it's on someone else's account and on the tcg. man loves the tcg, making decks and sweeping the floor with everyone.
has insane pull luck.
YUJIN - hmmm he sorta thinks it's cringe but gyuvin makes him play it. defo a valorant kid. tried to make a gun didn't work. plot doesn't matter much to him, interested in some character backstory but dips out when it comes to exploring. yujin defo thinks childe, xiao and alhaitham are cool. paimon gets on his nerves the most.
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i had lots of fun doing this so i hope you enjoyed ! leave a like or reblog if you did :) ⭒ masterlist
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stardustdiiving · 2 months
9 13 and 19 for the ask game :33
Ask game prompt
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
Kind of answered here UM I struggled to think of others bc I don’t actually read a lot of fic. This has been sitting in my inbox for a bit but I haven’t been able to read any so I still don’t have a second recommendation OTL. if I get one I’ll update it here smh
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
answered here!
19. What's your favourite thing about [the genshin fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)?
I really like how there’s so many like, flavors of genshin fans bc it’s just such a big game. Like you have so many characters with enough for people to chew on, different regions, casts, facets of lore, etc. I think it’s fun to see what people latch onto and how they latch onto it. I find it curates a lot of earnesty into the things ppl latch onto that’s easy to find when I curate my space for it. This is especially refreshing to me based off previous online spaces I’d be around.
With my own specific curation of the genshin fandom I get alot of ppl who have fun with it based off their culture or a specific niche of history interest which is always really cool to see. Like from its release most of my exposure to fans of Sumeru + it’s characters/lore for example have been desi & SWANA people who just really pour a lot of love and personal resonance into how they engage with it, even when genshin & hoyoverse drop the ball Very badly on how they handle themes of racism/colorism/orientalism. I like seeing this appropriately addressed but ppl still able to have elaborate headcanons on a havikaveh desi wedding or how genshin did to my understanding a really good job of portraying Zoroastrianism mythology in some parts of Sumeru
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kae-karo · 2 years
Genshin asks, 3, 5, 8, and 25? (Can be your favorite team, if your current team is something like a friendship team!)
hello hi hello dear!! oooo excellent choices 👏👏
send me genshin asks from this list!
3. top 5 favorite ships (platonic or romantic)?
1. kaeluc/luckae - look is this even news lmaoooo really though i mean this is the ship that got me into genshin, this is the ship that i've written above and beyond more fics than any other ship in genshin lmao. i love them deeply, and i always look forward to any interactions between them. mayhaps a reconciliation some day, i can dream
2. zhongchi/tartali - strangely enough i haven't written as much of this as i thought? but it is SUCH an interesting dynamic, i really love the idea of this fresh 20-something murder-happy guy falling in with a millenia-old literal god and just. like. they're in love. like. it's such an endearing ship to me? with potential for everything from soft fluff to hardcore smut, nobody is doing it like zhongchi tbh
3. chiluc - okay okay hear me out i didn't mean for this to happen but,,,,this is dabihawks. this is just. it's dabihawks. my adoration for enemies to lovers is coming to light and this is unironically now my second-most-written ship behind kaeluc. i just want them to meet in game ngl i would LOVE to see what happens but tbh if it's not the word art 'i will pound you into the floor fatui scum' childe-heart-eyes interaction then i don't want it lmao
4. chaeya and/or zhongluc - it's really a toss up depending on my mood cause sometimes i want to think abt the mischievous chaos bois with dark abyss-related pasts and sometimes i wanna think abt the soft refined gentlemen with blood on their hands and i think that's very valid of me
5. chennett - i have recently fallen into this hole i didn't really mean to be here but here i am i mean what more incredible and disastrous combo could u come up with than 'actively enjoys throwing himself into danger' and 'unintentionally generates danger everywhere he goes'. i simply think Them ur honor
5. unpopular opinions?
um. many? maybe? slkdjfklsdf i really don't know what's considered unpopular these days. i like kaeluc? i think that the cn translation is what the cn folks say it is, but i will continue to use whatever dynamic i want in fics bc that's kinda the point of fics lmao
also generally i don't care that much about like. making my characters the most incredibly badass perfectly built whatever they're supposed to be? like. i think it's hilarious that my yanfei has 1:1 crit ratio. i think dps barb would unironically be awesome. i like my characters to be fun to play but i'm not upset if they're not like,,,the most incredible dps to ever be a dps or anything. i love that my kaeya does 15k on his skill but i'm not obsessed with making it Better? (although kaeya artifact farming is my 'downtime resin' activity slfkjdjkldsf) but like. idk. i just think it's fun to make characters do all sorts of things instead of just building them as the best thing for whatever they were Actually Created For. is that unpopular idk lmao
8. what bit of lore is most interesting to you?
ahahahhaa ohhhh my god where to even START aewin pls understand i have a whOLE DOC FILLED WITH GENSHIN LORE INFO it's really just a raw dump and a lot of speculating at the moment but i really love istaroth/kairos as an entity in the game? i think she could enable a LOT of really cool theories, like the idea that perhaps kaeya was transported in time instead of just somehow being 500yrs old similar to dain (while having grown up with the ragnvindr family, so he clearly ages as far as we're told), etc etc. it could also enable my surepio = baizhu brainrot, although i'm also partial to the idea that baizhu either is or is a host for the current dendro archon (aka if changsheng is the dendro archon) ANYWAY i have so much lore in my brain at all times but istaroth is probably the current piece that i find most intriguing
25. current team?
i'll give u multiple lmao my exploration team is also my go-to damage dealing team (like if i'm encountering smth new, new domain, etc) - benny, kazoo, kaeya, and childe (zhongli and kazoo swap if i really need a durable shield)
right now my team that i built out as an evaluation team and am mostly using in open world is diona, yunjin, yanfei, and ayato! they're kind of a friendship team atm as well, since i don't think anyone is maxed, but i'm testing them out at the moment!
send me genshin asks from this list!
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catstailtavern · 3 years
Genshin impact characters as gamers
Characters: Abedo, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, Jean, Hu Tao, and Lisa
content warnings: Childe being kinda an asshole lol.
authors note: I might do more in the future! These are just my headcanons so if you don't agree that cool! Feel free to let me know what you think they're like as gamers!!
what they look for in a game: Albedo seems like the type to enjoy games with vast worlds that involve lots of exploration and puzzles. I also feel like he like more quiet gameplay- if that makes any sense. Very much "Show, don't tell." Likes walking simulators!
things that turn them off from a game: He dislikes when games over-explain themselves/their plots. He likes to be able to unfold the mysteries and plot threads himself instead of being spoonfed. He also dislikes voice chat bc people are mean. If there is a VC he mutes basically everyone even if it makes teamwork difficult.
how much time do they devote to videogames: Albedo really only plays videogames on days off or when alchemy research has hit a lull.
a game or games that I think they'd like: outer wilds, shadow of the colossus, and journey.
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what they look for in a game: Story-rich games with unique art that explore heavy topics or philosophical themes! but also really likes multiplayer games where he can troll lol.
things that turn them off from a game: If he dislikes the art he finds it hard to play or pay attention to. This doesn't mean he demands picture-perfect graphics! He's mostly into unrealistic and eye-catching graphics/art he likes games with style and flair!
how much time do they devote to video games: Kaeya likes to play after a long day of work to unwind and relax!
a game or games that I think they'd like: Disco Elysium and the persona series!
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what they look for in a game: Diluc is a very busy man who likes to be in control of his life and the things that affect it. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that he likes simple and sweet games with low stakes where he is mostly in control if not basically god haha.
things that turn them off from a game: Games that involve him to be emotionally invested or have lots of stressors are not his thing. Games are played to relieve his stress, not make him cry over character death.
how much time do they devote to video games: He likes to play a little bit on his break when he gets the chance or a little bit after work. Doesn't like to play for too long each day or he feels unproductive!
a game or games that I think they'd like: the sims, planet zoo, my time at Portia, stardew valley, and ANIMAL CROSSING!! (I dont care if this is OOC okay. Diluc plays animal crossing on his lunch break. His favorite villagers are the bird ones. His favorite fruits are apples and cherries, and he loves terraforming his island. He finds it therapeutic.)
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what they look for in a game: loves gacha games, he's a total whale, and loves to flex his pulls. Also loves games with intense competitive multiplayer and couch co-op games. Absolutely a sore winner who everyone hates playing jack box with.
things that turn them off from a game: Dislikes the story mode of most games bc they usually fail to keep this attention. He'd much rather be making yo mama jokes and shit-talking n00bs over the mic like the little asshole gremlin he is. The only exception so far is "The Last of Us," because of one time when the internet was shitting out on him during matchmaking. He decided to play the story while his connection got itself together and ended up liking it.
how much time do they devote to video games: Stays up late playing them at night a LOT. They're usually the reason he's tired the next day.
a game or games that I think they'd like: mario kart, smash bros, arknights, mortal kombat, apex, and dead by daylight.
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what they look for in a game: Zhongli likes simple games with cute graphics and easy controls. Mostly a mobile gamer as he finds most console game controls confusing. Loves virtual remakes of classic games that he used to play with other people physically.
things that turn them off from a game: Really dislikes first-person shooters. He finds them loud and disorienting. Poor old man.
how much time do they devote to videogames: Barely ever plays, might play while having a cup of tea or to pass the time while waiting for something!
a game or games that I think they'd like: mahjong, solitaire, candy crush, and those lumosity games for training your brain.
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what they look for in a game: At first when jean thought of video games the only thing that came to mind was "a waste of time." As the acting grand master of the knights of Favonius she rarely has time to socialize or even date. That's when she decided to maybe just maybe give dating sims a shot. She's a bit insecure about it, but they give her butterflies without the strain of a real relationship.
things that turn them off from a game: Really dislikes games that glorify villainy or have you play as the bad guy. She also really hates horror games. Fun fact, she played doki doki literature club but missed the warning somehow and WOW she got really upset-
how much time do they devote to video games: As mentioned previously Jean is a busy gal. So she really only gets to play games on her rare days off or maybe just a little before bed.
a game or games that I think they'd like: I don't know a lot of sweet and fluffy dating sims but I feel like the sweet and fluffy ones are her favorite! I've really only played one dating sim before and that was monster prom so I'm gonna use that for the example lol. I know there's a lot of mischief in that game but she always chooses the more moral upstanding choice even if it cost her a date haha.
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Hu Tao:
what they look for in a game: Hu Tao is partial to games with gothic aesthetics and horror elements! Specifically really loves psychological horror and unique creature design. Enjoys difficult gameplay and feels a sense of accomplishment when she succeeds!
things that turn them off from a game: When a game is too easy to play she gets bored rather quickly.
how much time do they devote to video games: Frequently plays really late at night while listening to a paranormal podcast or other spooky content.
a game or games that I think they'd like: Dark souls, Darkwood, The cat lady, rule of rose.
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what they look for in a game: Like Childe, Lisa likes competitive gameplay. But she's more into fantasy MMO RPGs! She just really loves fantasy things it doesn't have to be multiplayer. Also really likes games with lots of lore and digs strategy turn-based combat! Other game types she likes are visual novels or anything with a good story-driven narrative. Loves being able to discuss fan theories online in forums.
things that turn them off from a game: Mediocre writing, poor/inconsistent world-building, or a lack of lore. She needs a story to sink her teeth into or she just won't play.
how much time do they devote to video games: Probably plays a lot. Really only pausing to correct people's behavior in the library!
a game or games that I think they'd like: World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, League of legends, Darkest dungeon, and slay the spire.
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raidenenthusiast · 3 years
seraph of the end + genshin impact
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main: diluc. hear me out, okay. generally, u main based on playstyle, right? (i mean. i don't, but. the consensus seems to be that i am strange for that lmao.) i think that yuu would put a LOT of stress on doing high physical damage, n a lot of people recommend diluc for that. he's ranked pretty high tier, he looks cool, he has a big sword, n he's pretty standard for a dps. also, i feel like yuu is a LOUD player n screaming along with diluc's attack voice lines would be therapeutic for him. i also think the fact that diluc mains drain their hp incredibly fast bc of how reckless they are (yes i am talking about myself too) is very in character for him.
favorite character: also diluc. HEAR ME OUT. i think he would be really taken with the whole darknight hero thing. yuu is also a very protective person n puts a lot of stock in the safety of what he cares about n i feel like he would just find diluc very cool for that.
aesthetically appealing: razor. source: trust me bro.
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main: XIAO. i cannot stress this one enough n i will not budge. i can't really tell u why exactly i think he would enjoy polearm users, but the idea of self inflicted damage is very much a vampire weapon choice (thorn sword, yk) n i cannot believe how fitting it is. which leads right into the next category, actually.
favorite character: also xiao. both mika n yuu strike me as the types to main their favorite characters (i am not just saying this bc i relate to mika n i do that what do u MEAN) n not only do i think mika would relate to xiao, but i also think he would find the lore n the roles of the adepti REALLY interesting.
aesthetically appealing: i'm torn on this one bc i want to say albedo. all his outfit details, his color scheme, his hair, his EYES. all of it just screams mika to me. HOWEVER rosaria also strikes me as a design mika would really like.
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main: torn for this one. on the one hand, i think she would have an incredible dps beidou that does FAR more damage than poor yuu's diluc n she refuses to give him her build. on the other hand, i think she would also be the type of person to absolutely SHRED domains with a dps barbara. overall she definitely has the best builds of the team, n is really good at team composition.
favorite character: mona! mona says what she thinks, n shinoa would LOVE that. i think she'd admire her pride n determination n that would really inspire her.
aesthetic appealing: keqing! she would love her colors (specifically the purple) n i think she'd find the cat ears really cute. keqing is also a really lovely character n i think she'd have a crush on her.
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main: childe. look at this man. LOOK at him. u CANNOT tell me he does not give off obnoxious childe main energy. he fights the oceanid with childe bc he thinks he's invincible. he goes into domains with the wrong level just to mess with people. he's genuinely GOOD though, so it's hard for the team to be too upset.
favorite character: baizhu bc they're both suspicious zhongli. guren has a crush on peepaw pass it on. no i'm kidding (no i'm not) but they both have that "weird n intense methods of testing strength that are definitely questionable but they do still care" kind of thing going on.
aesthetically appealing: kaeya. i don't actually know where i'm getting this from i just had a vague thought that kaeya kind of gives me a similar vibe to shinya n i was like "yes okay this makes sense."
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main: sucrose! absolutely god tier support over here. he definitely did a ton of research on how to build her. u see him in a domain n ur like "oh thank god." he also has an extra set of artifacts n weapons aside for her bc he wanted to be prepared, so he plays her as a support or a dps depending on the needs of the party. he likes to have options.
favorite character: jean. hear me out, i think he'd really admire her. she works SO hard n she cares SO much about mondstadt n yoichi would find a lot of comfort in that. also he's a feminist.
aesthetically appealing: venti. between the bow n just how BEAUTIFUL his clothes are, yoichi would be smitten.
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main: rosaria. he would love polearms n that is a fact. he definitely pulled on the recent childe banner rerun to get her n ended up with childe by accident, which guren was very upset about bc he was pulling for childe constellations. he builds up her crit like CRAZY n as much as him n yuu don't want to admit it, they work really well together in domains.
favorite character: qiqi. the big brother instinct. he does not trust baizhu. i think she reminds him of mirai in a way, too.
aesthetically appealing: chongyun. again. source: trust me bro.
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main: hu tao. her n mika are NIGHTMARES in domains bc of their self-damaging skills, but unlike mika, mitsuba is actually really careful with it, n makes sure she builds up hu tao's hp so she doesn't inconvenience her team.
favorite character: diona. they both have very similar vibes, mitsuba would find her adorable. she would also argue to the DEATH with anyone online who was being creepy about her/the other young characters.
aesthetically appealing: ningguang. she has a massive crush on her.
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main: lisa. ranged attacks, wide ranges of effect, really cool burst/ult, n can cause some of the best reactions with her element. he outlasts almost anyone else in domains bc he seems to never take any damage.
favorite character: dainsleif. he wants him to get a release so bad.
aesthetically appealing: xiao. he loves the colors.
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main: keqing. she is a huge fan of the whole teleporting thing. her elemental damage is nuts. she had the best sword on her so soon after she started the game that everyone's heads were spinning. she RAGES when she loses, though, n doesn't like teamwork/prefers to carry.
favorite character: lumine, but only if aether was picked as a protagonist. she likes the idea of lumine being the villain.
aesthetically appealing: fischl. do i really have to elaborate on this one.
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main: xiao, to piss off mika i actually cannot think of a good enough example for just one character. i feel like he plays for fun n not for consistency of builds, so he just switches between characters to support that. i can see him playing support n not healing his team on purpose bc he thinks it's funny, though.
favorite character: signora. he laughed his ASS off when she punted venti.
aesthetically appealing: xingqiu, probably. with those frilly sleeves.
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kimjoongs · 3 years
ateez playing genshin
mains: albedo and mona
initially wasnt interested in playing but then he heard the soundtrack from another member’s phone and was intrigued
ended up staying up all night just playing the game
chose lumine to be the traveler bc he thought she was cool (sorry aether </3)
gets rlly rlly into the lore and is a sucker for the graphics and music
spends most of his time just talking to npc’s and reading everything they have to say
failed the gliding test many times so he asked yunho to do it for him
“you just follow the rings–”
“i’m TRYING”
gets scared when the music suddenly changes as a crowd of hilichurls comes running towards him
has a personal vendetta against paimon idk why but he does
played co-op once with san and yunho but instantly regretted it bc they kept teleporting and leaving him behind
mains: diona
doesnt rlly know what he’s doing but he thinks the game is very pretty <3
aether is his traveler and seonghwa is v attached to him
knows all of the names of the npc’s in monstadt so whenever he passes by them he greets them out loud “hi flora” “oh hey huffman” “SARAAAAH”
always gasps when he finds a seelie and gets all :D as he follows it
keeps falling off the mountains bc he underestimates how tall they are and loses stamina before he reaches the top
absolutely DETESTS doing quests in dragonspine
*comes across a frostarm lawachurl* “haha NO <3″
“oh don’t worry joel i’ll find your dad!” *5 minutes later* “nvm fuck your dad sorry joel”
has so many ingredients in his inventory so he’s always stocked with food
always denies wooyoung’s request to join
mains: amber, lisa or kaeya
the first person in the group who started playing genshin and downloaded the game just a few days after it came out
HAS SO MANY GOOD FUCKING CHARACTERS but always mains the three mentioned above bc “they’ve been w me since the beginning you don’t understand the bond we have”
he and san have the most experience w the game so they’re always helping out the other members
absolutely LOVES liyue and likes to glide around bc it’s so pretty
when he’s on the ground he likes to hop around instead of sprint bc according to him it’s more fun that way
he thinks the slimes are cute
is supersuper lucky and gets a new character w every pull (he cried when he got zhongli)
he’s super knowledgeable about how the game works and when he’s trying to explain the other members are like ????? but they just smile and nod bc yunho literally lights up talking about it and they would rather punt themselves into the sun than make him upset
spends lots of his mora leveling up his weapons so as a result he’s always low on that “spare mora pls”
mains: qiqi
doesnt really know what he’s doing pt 2 but he’s vibing
started panicking when he had to run (glide) from the knights of favonius and COULD NOT find diluc’s tavern for the longest time
“aww look at the cute animals” he says as he aims his arrow at it
teleports to a statue of the seven in the middle of a boss fight bc all of his characters are dead and he has no food left
wants to throttle tf out of paimon
collects potatoes and radish in the middle of a fight
he’ll put off doing quests but ends up gaining more quests to do so he ends up having like 238743875 different quests
purposefully bumps into the npc’s bc he thinks it’s funny
he, wooyoung, and san all played co-op tgt but ended up just playing hide n seek in liyue
forgot that wangshu inn had an elevator so he’s been taking the stairs the whole time
mains: tartaglia/childe
has a personal vendetta against reckless pallad and refuses to save him
the geo hypostasis is the bane of his very existence and he almost cursed it out on more than one occasion
spent 10 minutes trying to climb qingyun peak only to fall off once he reached the top </3
complained a lot during his quest w albedo
“why are we doing all these experiments”
“i am NOT drinking that potion—fuck okay i’m drinking the potion”
“why are you giving me a sword did you steal the sword albedo what the hell”
has the BIGGEST soft spot for razor and he most likely cried a little a lot when he met him for the first time
he rarely ever uses the free characters that the game gives him in the beginning
likes to climb the anemo archon statue in monstadt and sit in its hands
mains: closes his eyes and whoever he lands on is his main (it’s sucrose)
saw a ruin guard just chilling and immediately turned right back around
has the fattest crush on diluc but dont we all
“...do i have enough stamina to swim across that? i think i do” *ends up drowning not even halfway*
gets super excited whenever he finds a chest but doesnt like having to fight enemies to unlock it
“ooh i see a chest—” *slimes pop up from who knows where* “nevermind”
he gets really into the cut scenes and watches them so intently it’s cute
takes a long time to get his ar up bc he mostly enjoys running around and playing casually
he HATES timed fights bc it stresses him out
racks up a lot of primogems but never really uses them for some reason
feels bad whenever he has to switch a character in his party bc he needs a character with a diff element
“icb the game lets us use good characters during certain quests but then rips them away from us as soon as the quest is over i call scam—”
mains: ningguang or fischl
he was in the middle of a quest but completely forgot about it bc he saw an anemoculus and spent forever trying to get it
likes to bully timmie on a daily basis
“sorry timmie i need fowl” *does an elemental burst on the birds*
he knew how much seonghwa wanted to get diluc so when wooyoung pulled him he rubbed it in seonghwa’s face for 2 whole weeks
during the quests where he has to be sneaky, he always got caught and almost threw his phone after having to restart for the 10th time
when he plays co-op with any of the other members, wooyoung just starts attacking them w his weapons
“fuck the fatui everyone hates the fatui....except tartaglia i like him”
gets annoyed when he sees hilichurls running after him
“i’m just trying to deliver food LEAVE ME ALONE”
will be in the middle of doing a quest when he sees a dog and spends 5 minutes just standing next to it
mains: diluc
he’s more of a silent player, meaning that he plays the game a LOT but isn’t as vocal about it
“hey jongho what ar are you?” “30″ “...didnt you just start playing three days ago?
*shrugs* “yeah”
the members who have a lower world level than him ask him if he can do co-op and help them defeat some enemies that they’re having trouble w but jongho’s like nah do it yourself
finishes all of his commissions in like 2 minutes
he agrees w diluc and also has a thing against the knights of favonius
“who was the one who defeated stormterror? yeah that’s right ME”
“i snuck in to steal the holy lyre and none of them noticed pssh amateurs”
the only person he’ll play co-op with is yunho and the two of them just wreak havoc all over liyue and monstadt
had to fight 3 ruin guards at the same and hated every second of it
instead of sprinting on the ground he just hops/glides from roof to roof
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riskeith · 4 years
hey 🥺
a gamer girl heh? 🥴 what other games do you play? i’ve heard about genshin but i’m waiting for it to drop on switch... but it’s taking forever.. :/ also I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE CHILLING.. you deserve exactly that, love. as for me, thank you for asking, i’ve been good as well. i mean school stress is school stress nothing new about that. just been excited to get winter break which has finally arrived now.
it’s tomorrow for you now, so i hope you got the results you wanted!!!!! i have classes until friday but there are no more exams or finals which feels absolutely amazing. super freeing too. i’m sure you relate haha. so far everything has went well, but like you i’m also waiting for the results. guess we’ll see how that goes 🤷🏽‍♀️ ofc you can ask!! i study criminal justice and social science, heh. i’m super interested in the science behind criminals and crime in general so this felt perfect. and it has been, as i graduate in 6 months 😳 what do you study? (are you in university?)
i’m loving the festival arc so far! i caught a couple eps last night and it was exactly what we needed after the heaviness of the overhaul arc 🥺 my girl jirou’s shining and i love her sm... actually i was talking with my brother about this the other day but mha is one of those anime imo where every character is just so /good/ n fleshed out. i literally love all of them (except endevour but that’s a given). it rly shows you that good writing can go so far...
fun fact, i read your tododeku fics first of all because they were my first ship on the show and i LOVED them. your fics were the first ones i read in the fandom, tbh 🥺 it wasn’t until around ~season 3 that todobaku grew on me so around that time i just emerged myself in the rest of ur fics. been great. always great reading ur fics honestly 🥺
YOU FINISHED TDP? omg that makes me so incredibly happy you have no idea. the worldbuilding this season was phenomenal!! i love that we got to travel further into the world and see the deeper dynamics between the elves and humans. and yes rayllum is godsent for sure like i don’t know what we did to deserve this but damn. i love it. it’s a breath fresh air after stanning these either non-canon ship, ships that take 6 seasons to become somewhat canon or the worst: queer-baited ships. (i’m sure we both relate to that). not that anything is wrong with the first two but yk... having canon content is always nice.
i’m literally sooo sorry to your followers for sending these essays lmao 😳 i try to keep it short but damn ig i have a lot to say to you sjdkfjfjf i hope you don’t mind... can’t wait to hear from you mwah <3
i honestly don’t even play many other games lol, but shoutout to csgo bc it’s also free. i was gonna try play apex legends as well but it scared me too much fhdskjfs. i’ve also played the last of us before, and i loved it soooo much. hbu?? (also genshin is available on mobile too wink wink)
how long is winter break? does it snow where you are? i hope you enjoy it and get some well deserved rest~ ❄
i did!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didn’t do as well as last sem but my scores are still high so i’m v happy :)) yessss that’s so good! and good luck w your results! i’m sure you smashed it 💪💪 omgggg that’s so cool! do you like true crime then? i actually considered criminology too, i find that super interesting.
and (6 months early but) congrats!!! good luck with graduating and everything that comes with it, i imagine it’s quite exciting! 🥳
as for me, i’ve finished my first year of uni! i study biomed, and i’m taking japanese as my elective! gonna live out my full weeb potential ahah 🤪
jirou best girl <33 it’s so cool she knows how to play so many instruments... teach me pls. and yep! they really are their own unique character, each with their own quirks (wink) and personalities! 
tddk were my first ship too! 🤝 and thank you so much 😭😭😭😭 it makes me so happy to hear you like my stuff! <33 oooh season 3! that’s earlier than i got into them i think.. that’s legendary 😩 
yes!!! amaya and janai too omg... queens! also that????? avatar reference with the boomerang?? i lost my mind omg i was like ‘no way.. did they just?? they really just did that!’ the lore of the show really is so great, and i also loved soren’s redemption? he’s in my good books now ahah. (sigh k-klance..) rayllum are so pure ‘breath of fresh air’ is such a good descriptor! they’re support for each other and belief/confidence they have in the other is just so :* chef’s kiss
i don’t mind at all!! and i doubt anyone else does... at least they better not >:( jk LOL. i loveee hearing everything you have to say and it’s so fun to write back! hope to hear from you soon~ hope you’re keeping well! 💕
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