#like i get what its going for and i think ravn is a good writer but i am getting a little tired of the same thing on every page
About halfway through The Employees by Olga Ravn and uhhhh why does the synopsis/description keep emphasizing how funny it is? It's literally not funny at all? Dreamy and bizarre sure but not funny. There's literally no funny tone at all. What the hell.
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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summary: the forest is your only escape from the everyday troubles with your family until you find danger lurking behind the trees. or rather, danger finds you. your fateful encounter with the vampire ravn leaves you wishing for a different life. you strike an unexpected deal with the stranger that will soon turn into something more…
pairing: vampire!ravn x reader
genre: vampire!au, humour, fluff
warnings: unresolved sexual tension, a lot of shakespeare lmao
word count: 2.2k
part one 🌙 part two 🌙 part three 🌙 part five 🌙 part six  🌙 part seven 🌙 part eight 🌙 part nine 🌙 part ten🌙 part eleven 🌙part twelve 🌙 epilogue
A month after you started living in Ravn’s castle and you were getting anxious to go out. Not that you weren’t doing fine inside. The vampire was treating you great and you were happy to read books together, feed each other (literally) and have interesting conversations. However, you missed the fresh air outside, you missed just walking around aimlessly and wandering to new places. You didn’t want to risk your parents spotting you so the village was out of the question. The forest, though…
You wondered how to bring it up. Ravn had initially said that he doesn’t expect you to stay trapped in his castle forever, but he never mentioned it after. Maybe, he enjoyed just chilling at home. You did, too. But your adventurous spirit was eager to try something new.
As you were lost in thoughts, Ravn touched your shoulder and you jumped at the sudden contact.
“Sorry, did I frighten you?” he asked gently and sat down next to you on the couch.
“N-no, it’s fine, I was just thinking.”
“You do seem a bit antsy. Anything bothering you?”
“Why? Everything is peachy,” you quickly responded, because you still hadn’t figured out how to ask Ravn if it was okay to go out without upsetting him. You didn’t want him to think that you were ungrateful for everything he had done for you.
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N,” Ravn said in a serious tone, which made shivers run down your spine, reminding you of the first time you met him. “I can’t take that.”
“I’m s-sorry,” you whispered. “I was…hoping we could go out sometime? But I didn’t want to seem unappreciative of your efforts to make me feel at ease. Which is why I had no idea how to ask for it. I’m so sorry.”
Ravn smiled softly.
“Is that it? You didn’t have to lie. I told you that I won’t keep you prisoner, didn’t I?”
You nodded slowly.
“I know you did, but still, I’m so used to being a burden that I don’t know how to act around…around someone like you.”
“A vampire?” Ravn laughed ironically.
“No. Around someone who doesn’t judge everything I do or say.”
“Oh,” Ravn was surprised at how you viewed him. He was supposed to be the monster in the story. So, why did you treat him like a saviour of some sort?
“I mean it,” you insisted once you noticed how unsure he was.
He shook his head. This emotion thing was too new and too scary for him and he didn’t know how to deal with it.
“Where do you want to go?”
“Maybe the forest?” you asked quietly.
Ravn was shocked at your choice.
“Haven’t you been there a lot? Don’t you want to try something new?” he suggested casually.
“As long as it’s not anywhere near my parents, I’m game,” you chuckled.
“Do you want me to surprise you or would you rather know where I’m taking you?” Ravn teased, a wonderful idea already forming in his mind.
“Surprise me, then,” you lifted your chin and looked at him boldly.
“You trust me?” he repeated the question you had so far responded to negatively.
“I do, actually,” you decided to be honest for once, because he had warned you not to lie to him ever again. He was obviously taken aback by your answer.
“You stupid lamb,” Ravn chuckled and placed your hands around his neck. Then, wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up. “Hold on tight.”
And he began running at a speed that shouldn’t have been humanly possible. But yet again, he was no human. At one point the accelerated motion made you so sick that you closed your eyes and hid your head in his chest. You had no idea where you were going but the realization that it didn’t matter amazed you. He didn’t scare you. But this terrifying journey did. You probably should have warned him you had never travelled with anything faster than a bike. You had spent your entire life in your small village and the forest nearby. You were pretty sure you would pass out soon, but before that happened, Ravn stopped running.
“You may open your eyes.”
You did as he said and looked around. The first thing you noticed was how big everything around you was. The buildings, the towers, the cars, the bridges, the river. How…magnificent. And not in the way his castle was. Ravn’s home felt familiar in a way you couldn’t quite put into words. This place, wherever it was, felt so strange. But in a good way.
“Where are we?” you murmured nervously.
“Can’t you tell?”
You shook your head in embarrassment.
“Welcome to London,” Ravn informed you of your current whereabouts.
“You’re kidding!”
“Nope,” he laughed. “I thought you were into Shakespeare. How can you not recognize where we are?”
“I only managed to borrow and read some of his plays in my village. I’ve never seen…”
“Pictures of London?” Ravn helped you out when he saw you were struggling to find the right words.
You nodded, suddenly feeling intimidated by the vampire’s vast knowledge of the word.
 “I’ll be your guide, then,” Ravn offered you his hand like a gentleman. “Do you want to visit the Globe Theatre first? It’s a reconstruction of-“
“I know what it is,” you responded. “Again, I haven’t seen pictures, but I read about it in one of the introductions to the book of plays.”
Ravn smiled proudly.
“That’s my girl,” he smirked.
First, he’d called you his human and now this? You could swear Ravn was going to kill you. Not with his fangs but his words.
The two of you spent the morning visiting many interesting places. Starting from the Globe Theatre, where Ravn showed you around like an expert, pointing out curious facts about Shakespeare that got you staring like a wide-eyed puppy. He also led you to a couple of lovely vintage bookshops and insisted on buying you some of Shakespeare’s plays you hadn’t read.
“But you have these already in your library!” you reasonably argued.
“Yeah, but I want you to have them. Besides, they’re different editions.”
“Ravn…you really don’t have to,” you were ashamed that he was spoiling you so openly.
“Y/N…please, let me,” Ravn whispered in your ear. It was like he was asking you to get him something and not the other way round.
You finally conceded and once the two of you left the bookshop, you found yourself clutching a paper bag with Shakespeare plays. You weren’t sure how to thank him properly for doing this for you and you couldn’t exactly offer him to drink from you in such a public place, so you did the one thing that came to mind. You lifted yourself on your toes and gave him a quick but heartfelt kiss on his cheek. Ravn seemed flustered and you could swear you saw his usually pale skin turn red for the briefest of seconds.
“Thank you,” you told him, your smile full of gratitude and affection.
“It’s nothing,” Ravn coughed and suddenly found the ground beneath you very amusing. You smiled when you reached the conclusion that he could get so easily embarrassed.
“It means everything to me,” you confessed. “No one has ever given me such a precious gift.”
“Come on, we still have many places to see,” Ravn grabbed your free hand and pulled you along.
You were lucky enough to see a couple of museums associated with famous British writers. The afternoon was dedicated to the more “basic tourist destinations” as Ravn called them such as the Big Ben, Tower Bridge and the River Thames. Everything was so grand that you couldn’t help staring at it like a lost puppy. Finally, as the sun was setting, Ravn suggesting going to the London Eye, which was most magnificent at night. Its lights shining through the dark, you were completely awestruck. Suddenly, you remembered a story you must have heard around the village.
“Wait, how did you survive throughout the day?”
 Ravn laughed.
“Funny, it took you so long to notice. And if you’re referencing the foolish myth that the sun harms vampires, fear not, my lady, I am perfectly immune to daylight.”
You were relieved to hear that but a large portion of your mind was choosing to focus on the part where Ravn called you my lady, which was honestly making things to your heart that you couldn’t quite control or comprehend.
“I’m sorry for being such a dim-witted person,” you looked down in shame.
“You’re the brightest person I’ve ever talked to,” Ravn reassured you.
You faced him in the dark; the London Eye lights were giving his features a mystical, supernatural glow. He was so beautiful. You wanted to trace your fingertips down his porcelain skin and tell him how much you ached to touch him. It was insane, you knew. He was supposed to embody everything little kids were taught to fear, every dark fairytale, every warning whispered before midnight, to force the kids to finally go to bed or the scary vampire would take them away. But he was nothing like the stories. In the brief time of your acquaintance you’d seen nothing but tenderness. Who were you supposed to believe? These foolish myths or your own eyes, your mind and your heart?
“Shall we?” Ravn urged you to approach the London Eye, thus, breaking the spell he held over you. You followed him in a rush.
“Oh no,” you mumbled, pointing to a sign. “It says here it’s closed.”
Ravn smiled devilishly.
“When has that ever stopped me before?”
“Ravn…what are you planning?” you asked cautiously, but it was already too late.
His hands were already on you and the next second you had somehow ended up on top of the London Eye, with a view to the whole city, its lights making it look even more beautiful at night.
“This is…insane,” you gasped, holding tightly onto his shirt for support.
“Bite me,” you requested out of nowhere, looking into his dark eyes.
“W-what?” Ravn choked.
“Bite me, so I know I’m not dreaming.”
He laughed, amused by your reaction.
“If I bite you, we’ll both fall from here.”
You scoffed lightly.
“Thus with a bite I die,” you joked, slightly paraphrasing Romeo’s last words.
“Rawr,” Ravn teased.
You looked around the city street lights. Everything seemed so tiny from up here. And there you were, a human and a vampire on top of the world. It felt surreal.
“It’s so beautiful,” you said, completely stunned by the view.
“It really is,” Ravn confirmed, only you had no idea it wasn’t the city he was staring at…
Once you were back in Ravn’s castle, you walked to your room in a daze, still finding it hard to believe how you’d spent the day. But the paper bag with Shakespeare plays in your hand was the material proof that it had, in fact, been real. Ravn followed you silently and the minute your back hit the bed, he tucked you in gently.
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Aren’t you hungry?” you asked sleepily.
You were so exhausted from the journey and you still found enough energy to care for his needs. Ravn couldn’t believe he’d met such a selfless, precious human.
“I can manage a couple more hours,” he chuckled.
“You’ve given me so much more than I deserve,” you murmured weakly.
“That’s not true,” Ravn said. “You deserve all the stars and the moon.”
“O, swear not by the moon, th’inconstant moon,” you were still able to recite Shakespeare despite being so tired and it was only fitting, considering today’s adventures.
“What shall I swear by?” Ravn played along and you could feel yourself falling, not only asleep.
“Swear by thy gracious self and I’ll believe thee.”
You woke up to the smell of something delicious. Eggs? Bacon? What was this enticing odour? You hurriedly put on a robe and ran down the stairs and towards the kitchen. You were struck to find Ravn cooking human food!
“What are you up to?” you asked, sneaking up behind him. To your further astonishment, he hadn’t heard you, maybe because he’d been so focused on the task at hand.
“Nooo, you should go back to bed!” Ravn scolded you. “You ruined the surprise.”
“This all for me?” you inquired curiously and wrapped your hands around his waist, which made Ravn jump in shock.
“Duh,” he replied. “I can’t eat that.”
“So, you’re just fattening me up so that you can eat me later?” you admonished him playfully.
“Oh, no, you’ve uncovered my evil plans!” Ravn groaned dramatically.
“What shall we do, then? Do you think I’ll be so easily tempted?” you continued to joke around and ran your fingers down his back, making him slightly tense under your timid touch.
“I think,” he started. “That after you try my eggs, you’ll be begging me for more.”
“Yeah?” you giggled at the double entendre. “We’ll have to see about that.”
You were still trying to distract him from cooking when Ravn turned around swiftly, grabbing your hands.
“Don’t play with me,” he hissed, aiming to sound threatening but you were having too much fun to feel any fear.
“Why not?” you pouted adorably.
“Because you’re making it really hard for me to resist you.”
“You can have me whenever you wish,” you pointed out. That was your arrangement, after all.
“Not like that, I can’t,” Ravn whispered, almost too quiet to hear. Key word: almost. “The eggs are ready. Eat up.”
You didn’t question it, because you were too hungry to care what exactly he meant by that.
To be continued…
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