#like i think once i stopped thinking about the internet in terms of Platforms To Exist On i realized that i dont have to put up with shit
wygolvillage · 1 year
i feel like a lot of arguments over Internet Platforms could be solved by simply rejecting platforms entirely and hosting everything on your own website. but a lot of people dont want to learn html i suppose
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theabigailthorn · 1 year
Surely with how popular you are you would have had a few cancelling attempts, but you're drama free. How? I thought you'd be target number 1 with TERFs.
So the thing is, people on the internet have and do try to wreck my life! But it's true that I get less of it than a lot of other women, and I often ask myself (and them) this same question. I think it comes down to a few factors. In no particular order:
I'm white and thin
I don't post selfies very often
The Philosophy Tube Jutsu: I never use my platform to say anything bad about individuals, so I don't make enemies
I'm British
I don't put my pronouns or the word 'trans' in my bio. I mention it if it it's relevant but to a casual troll looking for someone to go after there are more obvious targets
My brand: in terms of online content, my brand is 'Educational and Compassionate.' I try to be even-handed and listen to all sides and never be angry, and people are maybe a bit reluctant to get mad at someone who does that? In terms of acting, my brand right now is 'I'm Trying Hard and I'm On My Way Up!' which I guess people like?
I have a posh accent
I don't make online content about video games
I'm pretty enough that men like looking at me but not so hot it makes them angry
I transitioned in private before I came out publicly. I knew that when I did I'd get a lot of backlash, so I pre-emptively muted LOADS of words in my comments section and wove a kind of digital safety net
I'm so busy that I often miss whatever the discourse du jour is and don't get involved. As a wise woman once said, 'Do Not Tweet.'
I deliberately dress and present myself as 'classy' in public-facing stuff
Most of my content is scripted, so by default it attracts people who like to sit down and listen
Philosophy Tube is literally all about critical thinking and not taking things at face value. So if a typical Philosophy Tube Subscriber sees a post that says 'I saw Abigail Thorn kicking a puppy down the street!' they're more likely to stop and think, 'What's the evidence for this?' This means that when there are hate campaigns and lies spread about me (and there are, from time to time) my core audience sees through it and sticks around
I have very good mods! Big shout out to all the lovely people on r/philosophytube and all the people who moderate my livestream chats!
I have a social media manager who can look out for hate and pre-emptively guard against it
I don't hitch my brand to other people. I sometimes do little collabs or appear at events with other creators but for the most part I fly solo. That means if another creator blows up or posts something awful I minimise my chances of cancellation-by-association. I'm friends with lots of creators but for the most part I keep it behind the scenes (Learned this one the hard way!)
I'm not a sex worker. Those people get hate like you wouldn't believe - the sex workers I know are the toughest folks I've ever met!
I'm not very fun to bully! I do get death threats and hate campaigns and people make fake porn of me and libel me and all that stuff - literally every day - I just never talk about it publicly so trolls don't get the satisfaction of seeing me get upset. I just mute and block and move on silently. When I have to talk to a lawyer or the police about someone causing a problem, I handle it behind the scenes
Platform size. When TERFs in British media go after someone they tend to pick on people smaller than them, cause they're bullies.
I built my platform slowly, so I've had time to adjust and get used to how it impacts my life
People have tried to cancel me in the past and it's blown up in their faces, e.g. the Trump Transition Tweet Incident and the B*ck A*gel Affair.
To be absolutely clear, a LOT of this is luck and privilege. I'm not trying to blame the victims of online harassment: yes, some of these factors are things I choose to do but not everyone is able to make those choices. It's also the unwinnable game of respectability politics: yes I might get less hate because of the way I dress or whatever, but fundamentally that won't protect me if I get arrested and sent to a men's prison. These things aren't a substitute for a more just distribution of power. There's also this final possible factor:
It just hasn't happened yet.
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AITA for "causing" someone's ED? (massive TW obviously)
so i (18x) have a pr0ana sideblog. i say this in the LOOSEST sense of the term; while i interact with pr0ana tags and content, i don't make any myself, and my "platform" is nonexistent. i primarily use the blog as a way to feel less alone since i can't talk about my ED in real life. it's a vent blog. i don't have the name of my sideblog anywhere on my main blog, and vice versa.
a few weeks ago, my good friend (18x) found this sideblog and decided not to tell me. over the next few weeks, we had several conversations about my ED and their dysmorphia (though according to them not a full-fledged ED), all started by them. at one point i promised them that i would try to get just a little better every day, and i do! i do try that constantly! but about ten minutes after saying that i posted something on my sideblog about how paranoid i was about calories or whatever, because yeah i'm trying to get better, but that doesn't mean i magically stop struggling. i also told them i was NOT on pr0ana tumblr or interacting with that sort of content, because i wasn't comfortable sharing that about myself. i didn't know my friend knew about the sideblog at this point.
they dmed me a while after this post to ask why i had lied to their face, or as they put it in a vaguepost on their blog, "made a promise and then turned around and immediately broken it." i got very very frustrated, since i think what i do on the internet is my business, as is my mental health. this definitely reflected in my tone, so i think i was definitely TA, at least initially.
during this conversation, though, they basically said that i needed to talk to them about my emotions and stop hiding them, and that i had to take the hand they were extending. here's where the main problem started. they then said that they considered contacting my mother or friends but decided in the long run it wouldn't be beneficial. my mother is emotionally abusive, which this friend knew, and would absolutely involuntarily hospitalize me if contacted about my ED.
i became extremely angry, both that my friend would have my mother's and friends' contact information in the first place (we met through tumblr and have only met in person ONCE -- i do not, clearly, have their parents' contact information or even their names, and this was not information i volunteered to them) and that they would use it as an ultimatum. at this point i became extremely furious and basically told them to leave me alone because no one who genuinely cared about me would do that, and i didn't understand why my mental illness was seen as something i HAD to overcome if i wanted to avoid getting literally hospitalized by my mother. at this point they told me that i was refusing to accept help and that i was "aestheticizing killing myself." they then blocked me. i was still fucking angry. i never blocked them from my main, but i did block all their accounts from my sideblog and change the url.
they later unblocked me and we tried to remain civil. we never stopped interacting with each other's posts or whatever. they initiated contact a few times, which i ignored. the first instance they initiated contact was sending me a poem they'd written about the situation, which made me feel like shit, and the second time was just saying "hey." i didn't respond either time because i didn't know how.
i saw a vaguepost that they made on their blog yesterday that basically said they were fucking angry that, after an entire lifetime of struggling to avoid developing an ED, the "person they used to be in love with" was the reason they were developing one. it was clearly about me and i felt a rush of shame so overwhelming that i didn't really know what to do with it. i dmed them to tell them that i loved them and i was sorry, that i didn't mean to hurt them, and that i didn't want things to end like they did. reading back over the message now, it feels very "woe is me" (i was crying while writing it), but basically it just involved me apologizing a million times.
i woke up this morning to their response, which was: "are you saying this because you miss me or because you don't have anyone else left? i don't want to be your last choice." i hadn't gone into the conversation with the intention of regaining their close friendship because, frankly, i don't want that. i hadn't gone into it with a goal in mind. a problem i've had with this friend in the past is that they seem to view a lot of interactions and relationships as almost transactional in a way that i don't (demonstrated by their insistence that i had to talk them about my mental health in the first place). i told them this, and told them i just wanted to apologize and that i loved them. they said that they were sorry, too, but that the timing made them "suspicious," i assume because they know i've been extremely depressed and lonely lately (i just moved to college without any of my best friends and have been making vent posts about it on my main personal blog).
i know it wasn't the intention, but it made me feel like they were using my mental illness against me yet AGAIN, and i stopped apologizing. as i'm typing this i'm trying to decide whether to block them. but i feel like shit about the whole thing, because i was responsible for the formation of their ED, and i feel like i should be able to handle whatever anger they have towards me for that without getting my feelings hurt and being petty. i don't know. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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dukeofriven · 9 months
To Ravel-Out The Weaved-Up Follies: The Decline and Fall of Homestuck^2
[I first started this essay a few months ago during a strange, brief resurgence of Homestuck^2 discussion that vanished almost as quickly as it began. Because my brain is A Wretchedly Uncooperative Thing this essay has stayed in draft form, being picked at, until—naturally—Homestuck^2 surprised us all by relaunching with a completely new team at its head. I’ve decided to push myself to publish this anyway, because I still think the core of my thesis is correct. So, keeping in mind that this leaves the starting gate slightly later than I would have wished (not knowing I was in a race), let us commence.]
“A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct. -Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965 “Once upon a time there was a Boojum——" the Professor began, but stopped suddenly. "I forget the rest of the Fable," he said. "And there was a lesson to be learned from it. I'm afraid I forget that, too." -Lewis Carroll, Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, 1893
Several posts about Homestuck^2 have started to crop-up… adjacent to my dash. I'm not attaching myself to those posts because it seems rude, but their points are largely an attempt at revisionism of the fate of Homestuck^2. Understand I'm not using the term ‘revisionist’ pejoratively: it is common, even sensible for artists to look back at failed projects and try to pick up the pieces and derive some value from them. I’ve done it myself, many times. Nobody likes to say "I entirely wasted my time, my passion, and my creative energy for [X] days, months, years.” It is important to look at a failure and see what you did right, treasure the parts that were worth treasuring.
But equally I don't want to go too far in rehabilitating what was, undeniably, a failure. There's a lot of critical theory being brought-up, a lot of talk of Homestuck^2 from a standpoint of post-modernism, or post-post-modernism, trying to engage with what Homestuck^2 was as a platform for ideas. A habitus, if you’ll forgive the jargon, what Bourdieu famously called (in a Hussie-like masterwork of language) “the structured structures predisposed to function as structuring structures.”
I get it. I get what the Homestuck^2 team was trying to do intellectually: where their minds were at, the hostility they faced, the vitriol they were harmed by. I get it.
But that's not why Homestuck^2 failed. Homestuck^2 did not fail because it dreamed too big, or was too intellectual. It did not fail because its themes were not worth exploring, or because its lens was too meta: for most of its original run, after all, Homestuck is nothing but an interrogation of Homestuck. Its brains were not why Homestuck^2 failed. The problem was its execution. The problem was its heart.
There's a lot to be said about not giving fans what they think they want. The internet drowns in coffee shop AUs where everything interesting about a franchise's characters has been vulgarly ripped from the text, leaving a drama-less, tension-less pablum where everything is stagnant and unchanging, everyone gets along, all the romances are cute and smooth, and you can burrow in the comforting ooze of artistic and narrative death. Give fans exactly what they want and frequently nothing creatively meaningful will result. Fandoms famously resisted both The Empire Strikes Back and The Wrath of Khan when they first released because they pushed characters to change, and yet they grew to be beloved as fans realized that what they thought they wanted and what it turned out they could enjoy were not as alike s they assumed. There's nothing wrong with showing fans that there can be more to a story that just doing the same thing over again, retrenching into the pablum wastelands of growth-free comfort fics.
But when asking whether Homestuck^2 did or did not gave fans what they wanted or needed, we must first raise an important establishing question: which fans? That is to say: who was its intended audience? Who was Homestuck^2 written for?
At its peak, Homestuck Classic had millions of readers and a million page-hits a day. There was a whole contingent of fandom who came only for the trolls (in some baffling cases actually skipping the first four acts of the story to jump right to into Act 5). There was another contingent who loved the video game parody, there were Problem Sleuth junkies, and in the early acts there were the suggestion box obsessives: all of these were readers who were fans of parts of the story but largely stopped reading Homestuck as the story got more concerned with the complex nature of stories and narrative itself. Homestuck^2 is clearly not for them—as indeed Homestuck Classic itself had not 'been' for them for much of its run. Homestuck^2 is also not for new readers: if you haven't read the Homestuck Epilogues through at least twice, if you don't remember all its major plot points and the plot points of Homestuck Classic, it makes no attempt to onboard you and is, probably in-arguably, outright impenetrable to those not already in the know. It’s not impossible—there were SBaHJ fans who onboarded with the first context-free SBaHJ and went ‘yeah, I can vibe with this’ and never knew or cared that it was a reference work for something else— but it doesn’t seem likely that many people ‘jumped on’ the Homestuck train with Homestuck^2. I think Homestuck^2’s writers would agree that Homestuck^2 expected you to know the lay of the land. So: nobody new was likely going to read Homestuck^2, and (given its density of Homestuck call-backs) neither was it for more casual Homestuck fans. Homestuck^2 was not even for the truly otiose Andrew Hussie diehards: Hussie was only tangentially involved in the project, they weren't writing it, and there's seemingly no references at all to Barty's Brew-Ha-Ha or Inappropriate Time for Ham, so that's a full seventeen readers it also likely turned off (sorry, comrades. One day…)
So who, then, was Homestuck^2 for? Its intended readers seemed to be those who read the Epilogues and loved them. This is a complicated issue: for those who weren’t there, the Epilogues were… controversial. I defended them at the time: I liked them, even admired them, partially because I believed with the fervor of a zealot that there was still something else to come. I called this final entry ‘Pumpkin.’ Homestuck, a story that always rejected binaries, surely was not meant to conclude with over-the-top Candy and/or grim, dour Meat. I knew in my heart that Pumpkin was coming, where John rejected both of these dark and crazy futures and found a third way in which his friends grew up and matured without losing themselves and their friendship: not a story without conflict, but surely the prime timeline as existed in general fandom imagination could not accept Dirk’s grotesque, manipulative suicide, breastfeeding Gamzee, brutal civil wars, and Dirk and Jane becoming so cruel and hateful. Surely that was set-up to pay-off a better future later: after all, like its author, Homestuck abhorred a binary.
But Pumpkin never came, and now I look at the Epilogues and I find lot in it (for lack of a better term) ‘edge lord showboating.’ It feels like reading 90s comics all over again, including the bits with cannibalism. A lot of bleak and miserable things happen in the narrative, and I find myself asking ‘do they happen because they should, or just because they could?’ (And how many times can one franchise treat Jade Harley like absolutely garbage?)
But if the Epilogues had a true and golden virtue, it was their framing as intrinsically being fan-fiction: Meat or Candy, this was not the 'true' continuation of the franchise (as much as that means anything), this was speculative futures, not much different from Doc Scratch’s story of the Vriska/Noir battle. A one-shot, in other terms, an elseworlds: not a definitive statement about What Homestuck Was From Now On, but an experiment in tone and structure. How far can you push Homestuck before it doesn’t feel like Homestuck any more? (Turns out not nearly as far as you might think.) A lot of people didn’t notice, however, or perhaps simply didn’t care: the Epilogues ripped the Homestuck fandom apart. Homestuck Classic often did things in bad-taste as part of its odd charm: Gamzee’s codpiece, Jack playing dress-up after slaughtering a nice couple on a date, Caliborn’s cartoonish misogyny. Some bits land, some don’t, but for fans—I think for many, if not most—the Epilogues crossed a line that they were not comfortable with.
In some quarters the Epilogues are reviled, and I honestly can not fault people who found them off-putting. They are: intentionally so, provocatively so, and it should be okay for people to be put off by them without insisting that the haters ‘just didn’t get it.’ Often they did: they ‘got it,’ they just didn’t like it. It ‘squiked them out’ as we used to say, and the writers had to have known it would: discomfort is the nature and partial purpose of provocative art.
(Sidebar: Epilogue writers, you wrote a plot-line in which 16-year old Homestuck Act 6 protagonist Jane Crocker grows-up to become a racist dictator who has a cuckolding sexual relationship with Gamzee Makarra that involves kin-play involving public breastfeeding.
Sorry Andres Serranos acolytes, that’s not going to go down super-well with the majority of people, not because they are uptight suburban prudes but because they liked Jane Crocker and felt this outcome was not grounded well in the character they knew: only the obtuse would act shocked and try and argue it was due to a lack of sophistication. You took a gamble, you took a risk, you faced the outcome. You fucked around with ICP Hitler breastfeeding cuckoldry and you found out.)
So: who was Homestuck^2 for? It was for people who had read Homestuck multiple times, had read the Epilogues multiple times, and wanted a sequel that involved those Epilogues.
That is… a small audience. A very small audience. I counted myself among them, but had no illusions that its reach was ever going to be very large. Homestuck^2 was never going to be the Second Coming of Homestuck as a sui generis cultural phenomenon: seemingly by design, it was deliberately written for an insular audience who liked a controversial and difficult interpretation of a famous story and wanted more of that interpretation. So the Homestuck^2 team wrote for them: they came to the table with big dreams and big ideas. They came to the table with lots of critical theory under their belts: they knew their Barthes and Baudrillard, they could reference queer theory and the legacy of post-structuralism, they were the sort of people who knew how to situate Homestuck in post-post-modernism and what that meant for the nature of its exploration of stories.
They had an audience, and they had a plan. They were going to give the fans what they wanted.
So after much hype and fanfare, after interviews and the Tumblr equivalent of a press-junket—which saw the new team saying how excited they were to tackle Homestuck’s legacy, how many great ideas they had, how much having a diverse team was going to see Homestuck ‘done right’—Homestuck^2 first published on the 25th of October, 2019, releasing 32 pages.
We start in the glittering majesty of space. The camera swoops in among the stars, barrelling towards a rushing spacecraft (every frame of Homestuck^2 looks great, the visual arts team's work is its unquestioned highlight). We aim at a viewport in the spacecraft’s hull and slowly the Muti-Narratively-Dimensional Ubervillian Dirk Strider comes into view. Fresh from his triumph in the Epilogues, continuing his wicked schemes, he looks right at the camera, and—speaking directly to the audience—he voices the first line of dialogue in Homestuck^2:
"Surprise, bitch."
There is…
… there is no coming from back that.
There is no saving it.
It is the 25th of October, 2019, and Homestuck^2 launches with its own death-rattle. It stumbles out of the gate like a beautiful racing pony catching its delicate hoof on the sharp, treacherous edge of an unwieldy analogy and tumbling into the indifferent soil of hard reality, shattering all four legs and immediately marking itself for teary euthanasia at the hand of the devastated young girl with the violet eyes who raised it from a foal and dreamed of making Nationals.
We have established that Homestuck^2’s potential audience was small. The people who were most likely to like it were already an insular, distinctive group who had bought-in to what much or all the Epilogues had to offer. Homestuck^2’s opening-day crowd did not need to be sold on the word of the Lord—they already believe it: they came to see their first glimpse of the promised land.
And in its very first conversation with that audience, in its very first words, Homestuck^2 makes the most spectacular miscalculation of tone since 2013's DmC: Devil May Cry—or for those of us of who remember the 90s: ‘Dirk Strider’s about to make you his bitch.’
There's nothing wrong with starting a story with a villain, there's nothing wrong with a villain being a contemptible heel to its audience, but Homestuck^2 spends its opening 32 entries—which, at over 7600 words are longer than the prologue to the Homestuck Epilogues—jumping between Dirk’s smarmy conversations with fellow characters and a monologue to the audience, pages infused with an arrogance and condescension that is downright enervating. The text is frequently dense, so dense it feels like chewing your way through a plank of wood. It is actively tiring to read: I bailed on my first attempt at reading Homestuck^2 when it originally dropped because I just did not have the energy to squint at my screen and read that much orange-on-off-white text.
It is, to be clear, contemptuous. Dirk did much the same in the Epilogues, but the locus has changed. In the Epilogues Dirk taunts the reader with the changes he is making to the story: he knows they object to his manipulations, and he preens as good villains do. But in Homestuck^2, Dirk speaks not of his changes but of the very existence of Homestuck^2 itself. He treats his audience as inherently hostile to the entire existence of the work they have just shown-up to read (or even support via a Patreon), a hostility that culminates when he ‘opens’ a suggestion box and receives the suggestion ‘Dirk: Stop Making Homestuck,’—which he at-once rejects and goes on to monologue some more.
Dirk is talking to an audience who isn’t there. He is speaking to everyone who didn’t like the Epilogues and objects to Homestuck’s 'sequel' directly following them: but that audience isn’t reading Homestuck^2. They bailed in advance, and any who did try and keep an open mind likely jumped ship the moment the comic started by calling them a bitch and implying they’re idiots. The only people likely to read past the fifth page are those who already bought-in to Homestuck^2’s plan: and they are greeted with some 32 pages and 7600 words of the comic’s villain re-litigating and justifying that plan over and over and over again to people who nominally already agreed with him.
It is draining. It is annoying. It is boring to read.
There’s so much you could critique about Homestuck^2’s choices: from Rose cheating on Kanaya to impregnate Jade to Jane Crocker going full Trump and keeping kids in cages. Equally there’s arguments to be made that Homestuck^2’s very premature cancellation inhibits any ability to judge the story fairly: like any serialized narrative stopped mid-way, we have no way of knowing what narrative payoffs were supposed to be. Decisions that seemed baffling on page 8 might prove brilliant and bold by page 8000. But we never got to page 8000, because Homestuck^2 made one crucial error:
It started by telling its audience they were fools for not being smart enough to appreciate how brilliant Homestuck^2 was going to be, and then spent a majority of some 7600 words repeating itself like the worst self-pitying incel you’ve ever had the misfortune to be trapped with at a party. If only the ungrateful could realize how smart, handsome, and well-educated I—Homestuck^2—am, the love I deserve will come flowing in. I’ll show them all.
Homestuck^2 never recovered from that first, fatal error. The rest of its choices, good and bad, are almost irrelevant in the face of that opening broadside, that hostility, that tedium. Homestuck Classic earned its walls of text and at least knew how to space them: Hometuck^2 took its audience forbearance as a given and opens with a lecture on its principles and quality like an unusually snide abstract on a sociology paper. Homestuck^2 essentially began by telling its audience to leave unless they were willing to give it carte blanche, to roll over for its brilliance from the first, to accept in advance that its intelligence and virtue were first rate. So the audience did leave and it never came back and eventually the whole thing collapsed via artist infighting that was so rancorous and possibly subsumed by NDAs that to this day no one has ever halfway adequately explained what happened at the end.
But that ending was preordained from the beginning, for the balance was hopelessly incorrect.
So to anyone trying to write a revisionist history of Homestuck^2 in which its downfall was the fault of readers who simply didn’t ‘give it a chance,’ who didn’t appreciate its themes, who couldn’t grasp (or didn’t care to grasp) its intellectual bonafides (not to mention its extraordinary self-assurance that it was going to be queer Homestuck ‘done right,’ which is a whole essay about a priori reasoning in and of itself)... in other words, a history in which Homestuck^2' downfall happened because people just didn’t ‘get it,’ I’d like to sum up my counter-argument succinctly:
People didn’t like Homestuck^2 because you wrote it bad.
There is something bitingly funny about the ‘return’ of Homestuck^2 with the announcement that, from what I can gather, seemingly every person involved with the original project was fired (or, as they’d probably insist, refused to come back). Dirk’s preening, overwhelming arrogance, that ‘Dirk: Stop Making Homestuck’ prompt, will forever haunt the original team’s unwieldy vision. “I’d bet you just looove for us not to make Homestuck anymore” the team said, with all the confidence of an entrepreneur dismissing safety regulations before climbing into his homemade submarine, and boy were lessons learned. My problem with the return, however, is that I don’t know who genuinely wants to see the story of Homestuck^2 finished: the remaining cadre of die-hard patrons who still have enough goodwill to want the promise of the story’s finale fulfilled is microscopic. I’d argue there’s more people waiting for the conclusion of Wizardy Herbert, and I’m the only person I know who has ever read it. What I mean is: as a choice to revive a struggling franchise it doesn’t make much sense, and further—if it is not clear—I don’t think this is a story worth finishing. What is to be salvaged? Jane-the-Dictator, Rose’s cheating, Obnoxious BabyVriska, Dirk Strider the monster? The problem with Homestuck^2 is that Pesterquest happened, and those who played it went ‘this—this is the kind of story we were hoping for, not your edge lord showboating.’ And we only got one Pesterquest and Homestuck^2 limped on for another year reviled, ignored, and eventually forgotten. When it died, most people didn’t have any idea, because the drama never crossed their screens: nobody was talking about it any more. As my best friend noted, give us more Paradox Space. Give us more stories with joy and some sense of fun, something not written by people who often felt like they had an ‘End of Evangelion’ style hatred of Homestuck, or at the very least took the old joke that Hussie was ‘trolling’ his audience at face value. (Writing a good story with twists, set-backs, and tragic moments is not trolling, it is just writing a good story.) Homestuck^2 never felt like it understood that: it was rude and iconoclastic for no more compelling reason than it thought that was meaningful. But then I think the legacy of Epilogues has been extremely toxic—part of the positivity towards Pesterquest was that it let the Epilogues go, featuring a triumphant moment where YoungDirk confronts his Epilogues self and goes ‘I don’t have to be a huge wanker, actually, I can stay a character people can stand and even love again.’
Do that, new team. Pesterquest is named-dropped on the new site more than once, and my dream is that its cast arrives and overthrows the corrosive toxicity of the Epilogues, banishes it to the far realm of underbaked elsewhere ‘what-ifs’ along with every DC cannibalism story and that time Peter Parker’s radioactive semen gave MJ cancer.
The Epilogues and Homestuck^2 are, at this point, not worth salvaging—but I’d happily see them formally buried.]
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jame7t · 1 year
Can I ask if you use OBS for streaming? And also any tips for an aspiring streamy girl? *looks at you with the wettest eyes*
I do use OBS ! If youre not really familiar with it, its totally worth looking up some simple tutorials for. Once you can get a grasp on the program in general, its super modular and fun to mess around with. I think my biggest pieces of advice for streaming are like. 1: IGNORE those numbers queen. It can be super easy to see streamers with anywhere from 29-100 viewers and feel sucks about an average of like. 1-4. but literally anyone who uses twitch- or any platform- has to start there unless you're already situated on a different platform!
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These are my average viewers from 2020- its taken me a long time to do anything on twitch, but its been a hell of a lot of fun, and its let me meet some of my best friends in the world because of it! Streaming is a great way to meet people, which brings me to point 2: Absolutely be careful who you meet! I've met a lot of really great people on the site- but as much as small streamers gotta stick together, there's some real stinkers out there who only want to 'network' with you. I won't pretend im BFFs with everyone I interact with on the platform- we're like neighbors <3- but I can confidently say I've never spoken to someone with intentions of clout chasing. The internet's the internet- stay safe out there lmao Ironically this becomes less of a problem the more you stream, you kinda learn to spot it, but back when I was at around 300 followers I absolutely had some incidents where people were playing some real booboo games to try get closer to me. Lots of streamers have promo channels in their respective discords- places you can link your stream when you're going live- just make sure you're an active-ish member of the community if you plan on doing that! Chatters are way more likely to stop by if they recognize you- and its pretty rude to be completely silent in 45 discords unless you're going live- 3: have fun!! Twitch is still just a hobby for me- its admittedly helped me out of a few rougher financial months at random points in the last few years- but im still very far away from making it my full time job in any capacity. Pace yourself- play games with your friends- and have fun! Worrying about growth and money is a pointless endeavor- because twitch will not help you grow! 4: Use Other Platforms: (as well, i mean) There's a lot of youtube videos and tutorials debating the best streaming site- "ahh heres why i left twitch forever vs aahhh heres why im leaving youtube forever" but it boils down to Sites Is Sucks ALWAYS. Forever. If you want to grow on twitch- or any site- make sure you're posting about your streams elsewhere too! Not JUST stream promo posts, but highlights and clips as well! If you can get some sort of editing software, subtitling them expands their reach a TON across the board, though it does take more time to subtitle them. People wont know what youre doing unless you tell them! Now, this does mean you might have to download the dreaded tiktok- I can't speak for the quality of that site in terms of getting people to watch streams; but twitch itself has sent me emails in the past recommending I post clips to tiktok. Plenty of streamers do it- use your best judgement, and what sites you think you can adapt to! Tiktok honestly might be better for getting your clips out there without a preexisting audience- when I first started streaming, I had 6000 followers on tumblr and my promo posts regularly got 1-4 notes- Nothing against those 6000; a promo post is tragically similar to an ad! Of course they wouldnt click it. They dont know how sweet and awesome and silly i am and how my friends mash me with hammers. Theyd want to see that. [The Promo Posts Were Also MID] Some of these things might sound weirdly specific or erratic but its 1 AM and im just recounting some random knowledge ive gained- none of this is a science of course, people might swear the opposite for some of these things. But! Have Fun
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orlissa · 1 year
Let me tell you about the Hungarian cultural equivalent of the Karen: the IEFA
IEFA is an acronym for the term “Idős Ember Fenyegető Aurával,” or “Elderly Person with a Threatening Aura.”
Contrary to Karen, IEFA is a gender neutral term, and instead of mostly middle-aged and middle-class, they are almost exclusively north of 60, and are working class. But what is shared is the entitlement. They are also right wing, as in have bought into the brainwashing of the currently ruling party, and are absolutely positive that they are living better than four years ago, even though they can’t pay their bills, but they are given some potatoes for Christmas, and the head of the ruling party is God’s gift (okay, this is not absolutely exclusive. One can be an IEFA regardless of political orientation). They do not want to speak to the manager--they are enraged why the manager has a cushy job where they are “not even working,” and they think they should go and work on the fields. They are most often to be found at supermarkets, marketplaces, on public transport, and on the internet. In case of a real life encounter, they are often seen with a “hag tank”:
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As for the subtype found on the internet, they:
Usually can’t spell properly and write everything in caps
They are outraged that people have office jobs instead of working on the fields
Honestly even teacher should be working on the fields, because teachers are lazy and they should stop complaining
If they news is about anything bad happening to anybody, their usual response is “why did they go there?
“Back in my day...” You know the rest
Some of my personal experiences:
The height of covid, mask mandate on, you cannot even enter a store without a mask on (in theory). I ren into Mr. IEFA at the local supermarket -- heavyset guy of around 60 with a huge walrus-like mustache, which was on full display, since he kept his mask pulled down. We are lining up at the register, him behind me, we are putting our stuff on the belt. Guy is pretty negligent about it, crawling into my personal space (6 feet, my ass), his stuff is almost touching mine and he is not about to do anything about in, so I lean back to grab one of those dividers, while the guy just kept packing, and almost smashed my face with a jar of pickles.
Last september, I was travelling by train to see my cousin. The train had cabins with a very narrow hallway in front of them and a small open area at the doors, which had some steep steps leading down to the platform, wide enough for only one person to pass. Once we reached my stop, I got to the door just as the train stopped, and waited for it to open -- once it did, I was about to disembark, only a couple of IEFAs were already coming up, barring my way. But the problem is... I was barring their way too in return, so basically none of us could leave this small area in front of the door, and a kind of traffic jam was forming -- which would have been super easy to solve if only they let me get off. But nope, they kept coming, grumbling because they couldn’t move towards the cabins. At one point my last nerve snapped and I said, to no-one in particular: “It would be the best for everyone if you let me get off the train!” Then this Mr. IEFA turns towards me and says: “You should have gotten here sooner!”
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angelayag · 2 years
3 a.m. Doomscrolling
It was 3 a.m. in the morning, and she was in a dark, cold place with only her phone lighting the room. She was lying comfortably in her bed, snuggling with her body pillow, and feeling the warmth of her soft blanket wrapped around her. Before this, she made a promise to herself that she would fix her sleeping schedule as her online class starts at 7 a.m. and she didn’t want to feel droopy for the entirety of her class, but here we are again repeating the same cycle that she always does, scrolling through social media without noticing or even caring how much time has passed. It seems like the internet has consumed her life, from sunrise to sunset. She couldn’t even eat without some sort of entertainment video to watch; now, it even devours her time of rest.
Despite her being on her phone the entire day, you would think that she would eventually get bored and tired of web surfing, but no, it seems like her scrolling through the internet never stops. She had fallen into the rabbit hole of doomscrolling, and that "she" was me. 
Yeah, I know that I have a serious problem, as is evident from how I relate to the meme that I am looking at right now, which is a clown looking at the mirror and telling themselves that they are "definitely" going to fix their sleeping schedule. I just had to share this post with the caption "literally me rn" because the timing of this meme is just impeccable. Now, on to scrolling through Facebook once again. 
Facebook is a platform with multigenerational users, as people from all walks of life have gathered in this app. We have boomer folks who post inspirational quotes about not judging a book by its cover, along with a sketchy article of a supposed rumor about a celeb. We have younger pals who questionably may have violated Facebook’s terms of service due to the age limit, but here they are posting about their love life struggles at a very young age but also gullible enough to believe that Slender Man actually exists. We sure have wildcard characters that we can encounter on this app. 
As I scroll through Facebook, I see memes, photos of my FB friends, with whom I haven't even shared a word or two in real life, and fake news articles about politicians. I’m not even going to look at the comments, as it will surpass my low expectations about their comprehension. Through these seas of posts, something caught my eye, and that was Donalyn Bartolme’s birthday party with a "kalye" theme.
A rich person cosplaying as poor as a theme for a birthday party is definitely a controversial move and a guarantee of cancellation, at least to some. She claimed that she only did that to commemorate her past struggles before fame. Scrolling through comments, it seems like I share the same sentiment as people outside of Donalyn’s fanbase. Her action was incredibly tone deaf, as the hardships of poor people aren’t just decorations that only stay on certain occasions; they have to live with that struggle every single day. I presume, one of the side effects of being an influencer is losing a grasp of reality. 
This made me lose hope for humanity. Nevermind, I just saw a post about the COVID-19 case numbers going up. I mean, this isn’t necessarily new, as everyday COVID patients keep multiplying, but this made my frustration about the birthday thing insignificant. Weirdly enough, this realization did stop me from scrolling through Facebook. However, determined to make myself feel better, a quick scroll through Tiktok might do the trick. 
Tiktok is a haven for short-form video content. But even if the videos there take seconds to watch, it sure takes hours of your time as it easily spews out personal feeds for you to keep entertained. You can encounter various creators there from every genre or hobby imaginable as it tries to appeal to audiences with certain niches.
As I’m scrolling through Tiktok, I come across videos of comedy skits, fun facts, thirst traps, fan edits of my favorite fictional characters, interesting talents such as puppeteers and magicians, and tarot card reading, which I’m not a believer in yet still find intriguing. It seems like all is well; I am here having a good time until I came across this video of a guy, mad that the upcoming game Grand Theft Auto VI is becoming "woke" by adding a female character as a protagonist of their game.
Imagine boycotting a game just because it didn’t align with your wrapped-up view of society. The comments only ignite the fire even more as they make sexist comments, changing the way they look at the game franchise when the game is literally just about recklessly committing crimes.
But it only got worse from there, as my feed recommended a clip from one of those "alpha" male podcasts and introduced me to Andrew Tate. The clip in question is him talking about how men are allowed to cheat but women aren’t. I went to his profile, perplexed by his comment, only to find video after video of his misogyny, such as saying that the value of women decreases the more men she sleeps with or that women's only purpose is to serve men. His words were regarded as scripture in his fanbase, which is alarming considering that most of his fans are just teenage boys. Even with this, I was still invested in him, even as far as knowing information that wasn’t necessary to know, like how he used to be a professional kickboxer or that he was arrested for human trafficking.
Baffled by the negativity I’ve inflicted upon myself, why not add more fuel to the fire by visiting twitter next. 
Twitter is essentially microblogging, where you're free to post what’s on your mind, opinions you want to share, or just what is currently happening in your life with a 280-character limit. Your text, known as a "tweet," is broadcast across the platform and can be found by the masses, who can add their own comment about the thing you just tweeted in the form of quote tweeting or by simply replying under the post.
Twitter is a platform for free speech. As I scroll through it, various tweets pop up, some of which are from my friends but primarily from online strangers. What do we have here? Funny jokes, rants, social happenings, and of course horrible takes. 
I have yet again found myself spiraling over a post. It started with one user's post on how they have finally gotten better in terms of their mental health. This was quote tweeted by another user, who stated that their post was offensive due to the “poor” timing of the tweet since the war between Russia and Ukraine was happening simultaneously. This created a public discourse whether the initial tweet was distasteful or not.  
Reading the comments on these posts has exposed me to one dubious take after another. Some replies might have been satirical, but since when did having stable mental health make you lose empathy? Stable mental health simply means that you can handle your well-being better, but it doesn't prevent you from showing concern for others. Thankfully, most people share the same sentiment as me. I'm not sure why this argument was brought up in the first place. And why do I still keep engaging with it despite its obviously dumb take?
At this moment, you may begin to notice a pattern of deliberately consuming negative posts and aimlessly migrating from one social media platform to another. It all starts when the mind goes into autopilot mode, making you scroll out of habit, triggered by negativity bias, making you notice a baffling post more than a positive one, diving deeper into the said post, facing the possibility of disregarding or ignoring relevant information that does not back up how you feel, feeling frustrated afterwards, going through another social media app in the hopes of lifting your mood up, thus starting the vicious cycle once again.
This phenomenon, referred to as "doomsurfing," but more commonly known as "doomscrolling," has arisen during the pandemic as more and more people have been experiencing the compulsive urge to endlessly scroll through their social media feeds and heavily focus on the upsetting or generally negative information. This can be caused by FOMO (fear of missing out), negativity bias, uncertainty, and a lack of self-control.
“Doomscrolling occurs when you realize you’ve landed on a story and have no idea how you got there. You can’t remember why you even got on your phone in the first place, but now you’re reading hundreds of comments or retweets of someone you don’t even follow,” is how Tess Brigman, a psychotherapist and coach, describe this phenomenon, which perfectly encapsulates the authentic experience and meaning of doomscrolling.
Due to the discrepancy that doomscrolling brings, it can definitely have its effects, such as apprehension, fear, and distress, which lead to burnout and damage the general mood and well-being of a person. Taking it to the extreme takes a toll on mental health, which triggers anxiety and depression, which in turn affects sleep, appetite, and motivation and disrupts work, time with family and friends, and lastly, passion.
Holding social media companies responsible is a way of calling out action to doomscrolling, one article suggests, as their business model is an algorithm designed to catch the attention of users, thus increasing engagement. This means that the more you click on dumb or concerning posts, the more likely it is that you’ll receive the same kind of content the next time you visit the app. Legal monitoring and regulation of social media businesses may improve platform accountability, boost the transparency of their algorithmic processes, and enable users to reject personalization and profiling.
With all this, the most effective way to cut back on doomscrolling is to improve oneself. You can start by setting a time limit for yourself to monitor and minimize the hours of your screen time. You can do this by setting it up yourself, or for those with a lack of self-control, download apps that do similar functions. Unfollowing accounts that cause stress will help you declutter your feed from negativity. Setting the phone to send fewer notifications might also lessen the constant need to check our phones. If online, actively seek positive stories to balance out the negative ones. Ultimately, the most effective way to stray away from doomscrolling is to have leisure activities outside of social media, such as exercising, hanging out with friends and family, and doing what you're passionate about. Feeling overwhelmed by everything on the internet? Remember to refocus on the present moment.
Speaking of the present moment, my alarm just went off for 6 a.m. in the morning, one hour before my class. I didn’t sleep a wink last night; I have fallen down the rabbit hole of doomscrolling once again. Give it up to the author who can’t apply what she writes! She was blinded by the ray of sunlight as she opened the curtains, but she couldn't be blinded by the phone screen brightness that was on her face the entire time. This is the reality we both share, you and I. We’ve scrolled the internet up to the brink of oblivion; are you going to let it doom us all?
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ledenews · 5 months
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universalinfo · 6 months
How to Become a Digital Specialist: Essential Skills and Effective Strategies
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In today’s tech-savvy age, the term digital specialist has become the modern-day superhero of the digital era. Think of it: every business, big or small, is striving to establish its digital footprint. And who do they need? Yes, you guessed it right: a digital specialist. 
If you’ve ever wondered about switching careers or upskilling yourself to be that go-to person, this is your golden ticket. Dive in with us as we unravel the skills and strategies that will make you stand out in this expansive digital cosmos. Are you ready?
Understanding the Digital Landscape: Embark on a Virtual Adventure
The digital world, in many ways, is like a vast, uncharted forest. Picture it: mysterious, ever-changing, and brimming with opportunities. And just like an explorer charting new terrains, a digital specialist is on a constant quest to unravel the unknown.
Now, you might be thinking, where do I start this adventure? Begin with the basics. Understand what makes the digital world tick. Is it the flashy ads that pop up on social media? Or the intricately designed websites that provide seamless user experiences? Truth be told, it’s a mix of everything.
Dive into platforms like Medium, TechCrunch, or Digital Trends. They’re your compass in this digital jungle. By keeping abreast with these platforms, you’re not just staying updated; you’re preparing yourself for the road ahead. The key is to never stop exploring. Because in the world of digital, the journey is as rewarding as the destination.
Technical Skills: Your Digital Toolbox
Imagine being a carpenter without your tools or a chef without your utensils. That’s how a digital specialist feels without a robust set of technical skills. But fear not. With the plethora of resources available today, building your digital toolbox is more fun than ever.
Start with website platforms. WordPress, for instance, powers over 30% of the web. It’s user-friendly, versatile, and a great first step. Play around, create mock websites, and get a feel of the platform. 
And while you’re at it, why not dive into the world of SEO? Tools like Moz or SEMrush aren’t just tools; they’re gateways to understanding how the internet finds information.
If all this sounds like a lot, take a deep breath and remember: every digital specialist started somewhere. With each new skill, think of it as adding a shiny new tool to your digital toolbox. One that’ll help you craft, fix, and innovate in the sprawling digital workshop.
Creativity: Painting the Digital Canvas
Let’s debunk a myth right away: creativity isn’t reserved for artists, writers, or musicians. It’s a universal trait, like laughter or curiosity. In the digital world, creativity is the splash of color that brings a canvas to life.
Think of your favorite ad. What made it memorable? Was it the catchy jingle, the heartwarming story, or the unexpected twist at the end? That’s creativity at work. As a digital specialist, your task is to sprinkle that magic dust on everything you touch.
If you’re pondering, “But I’m not creative,” banish that thought. Stimulate your creative neurons. Take a walk, doodle during meetings, or indulge in brainstorming sessions with peers. You’d be surprised where inspiration lurks. 
Remember, in the digital universe, creativity isn’t just an asset; it’s your unique signature. One that tells the world, “Here’s a digital masterpiece, crafted with care and creativity.”
Adaptability: The Dance of the Digital Specialist
Imagine salsa dancing: rhythmic, ever-changing, and requiring you to be in perfect sync with your partner. The digital realm is somewhat similar. It’s a dance where the beat (or trend) changes without notice, and the only way to keep up is by adapting. The moment you miss a step, you’re out of rhythm.
Being a digital specialist is not just about knowing your moves but also predicting the next turn, swivel, or dip. Instagram was once merely a photo-sharing app, and look at it now, a marketing titan. TikTok, Clubhouse, and countless other platforms erupted onto the scene almost overnight. Can you predict the next digital sensation?
Embrace every change with enthusiasm. Submerge yourself in new platforms, play with novel algorithms, and don’t fear mistakes. Often, missteps lead to the most exciting discoveries. Remember, in the dance of digital, it’s all about catching the rhythm and never missing a beat. For more details visit us at https://adcetera.io/.
Networking: Not Just Contacts, But Lifelong Allies
Picture this: you’re stranded on a digital island. No matter how skilled or knowledgeable you are, without a boat or bridge, you’re isolated. This is where networking comes into play. It’s your bridge to the mainland, your lifeline in the vast ocean of the digital world.
But here’s the catch: networking isn’t about collecting business cards or adding LinkedIn contacts. It’s about forging genuine connections. 
Share a coffee (or a virtual one), discuss the latest trends, exchange ideas, or even debate over the best digital strategies. Every conversation, every shared laugh, and every moment of mutual learning builds that bridge stronger.
Join forums, participate in webinars, and don’t shy away from striking up a conversation with a fellow digital enthusiast. Every person you meet is a chapter in your ever-evolving digital story. And who knows? Some of those chapters might just turn out to be the most thrilling ones.
Staying Ethical and Responsible: Your Digital Compass
In a world of clickbait headlines, misleading ads, and questionable practices, holding onto your ethical compass becomes paramount. Think of it as your North Star, guiding you through the murky waters of the digital sea.
Being a digital specialist comes with immense power. A well-crafted campaign can influence minds, a finely-tuned algorithm can direct traffic, and a simple post can go viral. But with great power comes great responsibility. Always ask yourself: “Is this honest? Is it authentic? Does it add real value?”
Maintain transparency in your dealings, respect user data, and advocate for fair digital practices. Remember, the digital realm might be vast and daunting, but it’s the champions of ethics who leave an indelible mark. Not just as professionals, but as beacons of trust and integrity.
Embarking on the journey to becoming a digital specialist is an exhilarating one, filled with challenges, learnings, and immense rewards. With the right blend of technical knowledge, creativity, adaptability, networking, and ethical practices, you’re not just stepping into a job role but a world of limitless possibilities. So gear up, dive deep, and let the digital waves take you to horizons unknown. The digital realm awaits its next specialist. Why shouldn’t it be you?
Learn More:
Digital Specialist in Online Marketing
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culttvblog · 9 months
The Lovers: Sardine Sandwiches (Seventies TV Season)
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Content warning: rape
The introduction to this series of posts on 1970s TV shows can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/culttvblog/729351469162233856/seventies-tv-season-introduction
I commented in the introductory post to this series that 1970s TV can be incredibly problematic, featuring sexism, racism, all kinds of sexual offences and so on. Regular readers will know my long-term policy is that I only blog about TV which I consider good, and will not platform entertainment featuring racism, sexism, etc. Nonetheless I was very aware that there was quite a lengthy list of shows that I wouldn't be blogging about and was slightly worried that this series of posts would end up being a series of three or four.
For that reason I was delighted to discover this 1970-71 series, about the toings and froings in love of a young couple played by legendary and much-loved actors Richard Beckinsale (Geoffrey Scrimshaw) and Paula Wilcox (Beryl Battersby). Beckinsale is probably best known for Porridge and Rising Damp before his tragically early death and all I can say is that I can't overstate the affection in which he is held. Wilcox is just as well known and her credits include Man About the House (obviously not frightened of the sexy stuff) and Emmerdale. Nothing could possibly go wrong with these two much-loved characters in a show which has a 12 certificate on its Network DVD release.
So it hit me like a lorry when, two minutes and twenty seconds in to this the first episode, Geoffrey is eyeing Beryl across a market and thinking about her before audibly saying, 'Oh God, I want to rape her!', followed by a laugh track.
And that was how, four posts in, this series crashed straight into the rock which is 1970s sexual attitudes. Don't get me wrong, I love all the sexy stuff from the seventies: I love sex comedies, I love the Confessions films, I love dirty jokes, my inner world makes the baby-eating bishop of Bath and Wells look naive. I was fully expecting to be dealing with sexy stuff in posts about the TV of the decade that goes with sex like fish goes with chips, but, come on. Rape? But then this was the age in which Peter Wyngarde released a record in which he 'sang' about rape.
I don't even think that something so wrong that early in the show is the reason I had never heard of it until I came across it down the back of the Internet Archive. Bearing in mind that this show was made in the age when pretty much everything was about getting 'it', and if it wasn't about getting 'it', it was about what you did once you'd got it to get more of 'it', there's something that doesn't sit right about this series.
To avoid any further beating about the bush the problem is that for a show called The Lovers, Geoffrey and Beryl aren't actually making love at all. I haven't watched the entire series so have no idea how it progresses, but a whole TV show about a young couple who obviously want sex, and the way each of them takes it in turn to sabotage the other's attempts to get to the point, frankly isn't the best viewing. It should really be called 'Self-Sabotage', rather than The Lovers.
There is a problem with this episode (again, I have no idea how this plays out over the whole series, but have seen one other episode and suspect that this may have changed as the series progressed) which is that this episode gives a vibe that it is Beryl stopping any sex happening and that she should just give it up to him. There, I've said it. It gives the impression that she is 'playing hard to get' and should just put it out for him and leap into bed. You will gather that I'm really finding this show quite distasteful. In fact the reason it's appearing here is mainly because it's an unusual character for Richard Beckinsale which I think readers might like to see, but as a whole the show is a terrible misstep.
I watch every TV episode I blog about here at least twice and of course I've found myself thinking about how I wish this show could have been. Obviously they should have got rid of the reference to rape, because that wasn't entertaining even in 1970. Other shows manage to have two protagonists who combine incredible sexual chemistry with never getting to the point (I mean, look at Steed and Mrs Peel), but they usually are shows about something other than the protagonists' relationship. This would have been good set in a workplace, hospital, or even university and that would have provided an additional subject for the show. I haven't seen this said anywhere, so I'm guessing, but this feels like the show is trying to be about the relationship, but is ending up being about the couple's wanting sex and that's where it goes wrong. It could have been all about how their relationship developed; for example we are told in the first episode that they've obviously known each other some time and had some sort of tiff or disagreement, and there we potentially have a whole episode of a show all about a relationship.
So I wouldn't necessarily suggest anyone watches this except for a different Beckinsale role, and a quite magnificent collection of 1970s decor, for example that wallpaper forming the background to Beckinsale smooching a life-size cut-out of Brigitte Bardot. If you slept with that wallpaper you absolutely would dream about Brussels sprouts.
The seventies were obviously a different age, and I'm glad they're gone.
This blog is mirrored at
culttvblog.tumblr.com/archive (from September 2023) and culttvblog.substack.com (from January 2023 and where you can subscribe by email)
Archives from 2013 to September 2023 may be found at culttvblog.blogspot.com and there is an index to the tags used on the Tumblr version at https://www.tumblr.com/culttvblog/729194158177370112/this-blog
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jeileeze · 1 year
''We continued when the world stopped.''
Time to adjust wasn’t an option as everything went online. Some had blended classes and others were focused on their modules. We were introduced to new platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Google Meet. The only enemy to this story? The slow internet would give us a hard time.
From teachers to students, everything felt new despite frequent orientations. 
The sudden shift gave the idea that another impossible path is being taken on. You’ll continue to walk yet the barriers are too many for you to handle. This was the school year wherein I had to shed a lot of tears before finishing the given requirements.
Aside from math, I really don’t like being near arts. I’m so bad at it.
But because of those frequent art projects, I found my solace in music. Those songs were from Keshi, NIKI and HONNE. I would repeat them whenever I feel like art is making me breakdown once more.
Such incidents happened a lot as another challenge came. All of our art works and projects must be posted online. ON FACEBOOK. Every friend sees it.
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From zumba dances to your live video of your artwork to singing a well-known play aka Les Miserables.
Is there anything more challenging than this? 🙂
Of course.
English was a subject that taught us how to create a research introduction of a topic you want to further investigate. Another subject I had to shed my tears on. It was frustrating as everything went on too fast.
Gladly, I still ended up with good grades and being in the honour list. To be honest, I feel like the online setting will really make a person even more lazy.
Just sitting on a couch, watching the recordings or actually being in a live class would make you feel even more sleepy. Our school also didn’t pursue turning the cameras on as it will just make the meeting slower.
But that advantage became a disadvantage. A student could be playing games while letting the class play, no idea what the teacher just said as distractions were inevitable. I would also hear my mother liking that setting more as we wouldn’t receive allowances as we were stuck at home, with enough food and water.
Still, I wouldn’t go back to such a situation as it will just become an endless loop. This pandemic was called endemic for a reason.
I also wouldn’t say that this setting made me closer to my family, the situation was just rough and it was hard to cope with it. Despite knowing that you can lean onto them, they also become those reasons why failure couldn’t be avoided. Not everyone can be emotionally okay, not everyone can be mentally present. Everything will just become a lump of clay, no chances of being molded into something beautiful since you’ll have no physical strength to do anything.
However, their help and knowingness towards our health became a stepping stone. I sometimes would get irritated with how my mother’s mindset works in terms of health. Eat more greens! Drink your vitamins! Do not sleep late.
There’s many more to that actually but it was just frustrating to hear on a daily basis. Still, that small act of service made sure that our health is indeed our wealth. We weren’t prone to any sickness.
By the time that we were given a chance to do a face-to-face moving up photoshoot, I wasn't truly thrilled as everything felt so fast. I met an old friend there and kept my photoshoot quick. I was even told that my body is stiff and I needed to loosen up. Of course our school photographer, Cher Annie Pasion would know.
Something about that shot made me think that maybe, I did survived but I feel like something was still missing. There were a lot of puzzle pieces scattered and I have no clue where I could find them.
I just really do hope that my next school year will be good to me. No more arts please!
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mmorghouseof · 2 years
Adobe flash full version free
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Adobe flash full version free for free#
Adobe flash full version free full version#
Secondly, the hacked software cannot be upgraded and a license key might stop working when you connect to the Internet. Firstly, Adobe Flash CS3 cannot be upgraded anymore, you can only update Adobe Animate. Not only you won’t receive support from the developers, but you won’t also get the program updates. If you install an illegal, hacked version of the program on your PC, you will have absolutely no support from the developers in case you face some malfunctions or bugs. I advise you to use free animation software to avoid such risks. If you continue to use it, you will face a fine of several thousand dollars and even a prison term. It is the software suite that provides users with a complete environment where vector graphics can be developed and edited with the help of coding as well as drag and drop functions. In this case, you might receive a notification from the provider about illegal actions and you will be disconnected from the Internet. Adobe Animate is the latest version of the well-known tool Adobe Flash Professional.
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Considering that this version has not been on the official website for a long time, the offered file is probably pirated and carries risks, which I will describe below. Alternative Recommendations for Adobe Flash Cs5 freeload Full Version Here, all the latest recommendations for Adobe Flash Cs5 freeload Full Version are given out, the total results estimated is about 13. Adobe Flash Player was the silent super hero of the computer software world. If you’ve found the link for Adobe Flash CS3 freeload, do not even think of using it or saving this suspicious software to your PC. Adobe recommends that you uninstall Flash Player from your computer. Once an essential plugin for browser, as of DecemAdobe Flash Player is no longer supported. freeloadware (21.65 MB) Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 Mac OS X - English. Adobe Flash CS3 freeload - Pirated Version Version: (latest version) Adobe Flash Player.
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Hiiii ! I love your blog sm :) I was just wondering if you had advice to give to fellow tumblr writers? Even though I'm tagging and stuff I'm still really struggling to be seen on my new blog and its a little disheartening. If you don't have advice for that specifically, do u have any advice for finding and developing ideas? I hope you're having a good day either way because you really seem so lovely 🧚
oh my goodness thank you 🧚anon 💛 I hope you're having a wonderful day too!
Full disclosure: I'm making up this writing blog thing as I go along. I didn't expect any of my stuff to draw the attention that it has so the whole 'visibility' thing feels a lot like luck. That being said, there's a few things I've picked up on my decade+ on this site, as well as some things from being a little internet and design savvy.
Tumblr tag functionality is and always will be a mystery. However in times of yore, the tags that took search priority are the first five tags. Work out which are the five most common tags relevant to your topic/fandom - the ones that get the most traffic, and prioritize those.
Don't be afraid to shamelessly promo and reblog your own stuff. Lord knows the like-to-reblog ratio is atrocious - the only way things show up on a dash without an algorithm is through reblogs.
Link back to your stuff within your post as much as you can! You may notice I include a little back to masterlist at the bottom of my writing posts. It's at the bottom, not the top, because readers that enjoy your work will have made it to the end of the post, and it saves them the effort of scrolling back to the top once they're done. It's also a not-so-subtle hint that you have even more work!
Make friends! Follow other writing blogs starting out - and even the bigger ones - and don't be afraid to reblog their own work. Scream at them in the tags. Talk about what you like! I think people would be surprised at how many people I follow back because of the tags they leave on my fics.
Never let it dishearten you to the point where you stop writing. To be frank, tumblr is one of the hardest platforms to build an audience on. Please don't take it as an indictment on your passion - it's literally a hellsite. To counteract this share your writing with friends that you trust. All my stuff I really only write for one, or maybe two people. And they know who they are. It's their support that keeps me writing - not my follow count or my notes. One of the favourite things I have written has the least amount of notes, go figure.
In terms of developing ideas, I have a few pointers here too:
Write what you love. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but you'll find that ideas come more naturally when you enjoy what you do. It doesn't matter if what you love is trope-filled and cliche. Those tropes and cliches exist for a reason, and that reason is everyone loves them.
On that note: visit TVTropes if you feel like you're struggling with ideas. Follow a few rabbit holes. You may lose an afternoon or five to it. Sorry not sorry.
Don't be afraid to do what's been done before. So what if there are twelve other fics about kissing pretty boys/girls/enbies under the mistletoe? This is your own take, and you can bet your ass people will appreciate it because you're the only you to exist.
Along both of these points - work out what it is exactly that drew you to this fandom/media/genre in the first place. What expectations did you have going in, and how were those subverted by reality? Can you play in your original expectations?
Don't be afraid of a good mash-up. "omg imagine [x] au" has become somewhat of a meme with a few of my friends. Sometimes an 'au' is just an excuse to play with the tropes of another genre and that's ok!
Prompt generators are your friend.
Don't write alone. Find a friend who will happily just listen to your ideas. They don't even have to be part of the fandom. If you're feeling particularly extroverted, you could even join one of the discords that are floating around. The point is to find someone to share your ideas with so they can be excited with and for you. If you're anything like me it may also help to keep you accountable.
Consume other media. Don't let one fandom dominate. Go outside for a walk and experience life. This sounds cliche again, but sometimes all it takes to come up with new ideas is to just. Give yourself a break. Walk away and come back. And its hard to come up with ideas if you dig yourself into a single-media-hole.
I could honestly write a massive post on creating ideas and brainstorming because it's my favorite part of the creative process. It can be fun - There's so much potential at that point. But yeah this is getting long. I hope this helps! 💛
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dimeeasy · 3 years
10 Legit Ways to Build Passive Income Online
Whether you are a student looking to make some extra cash, a working professional wanting to build a side hustle, or a corporate escapee and whosoever who is starting to build an online business need to have some cash inflow for the further smooth flow of your business.
There are many sites out there saying make money like $100 a day with surveys, with google sites, etc. Of course, they may make you money for a certain period of time but are not long-term and passive.
You always need to look out for ways to make money that are passive. You need to earn money every month and double it. Here are my top creative ideas to make money online. These real methods have worked in past and will work now and then too.
You would have heard a lot of this from others. But yes, this is the first best way to earn some cash before starting out your business. It will help to get some extra money into your pocket as well as fund a little for your software if you are starting out. You can start freelancing with no investment upfront. It's FREE. You can make money online freelancing.
Don’t worry if you think you don’t have any skills. You can learn small skills by taking a free trial in skillshare. There are tons of gigs people are looking for to get their work done and with the right process, you can make money as a freelancer.
By the year 2027, freelancers are projected to make up the majority of the workforce in the United States, with 50.9% of the working population. In fact, at the current growth rate, it’s estimated that 67.6 million Americans will be freelancing by the end of 2021. That’s 42% of the American workforce! (Website planet).
What are you waiting for? Search in-demand gigs on google keywords and search trends. And yes, patience is the key. You need to wait a few weeks while you get your first gig. Start promoting your services on social media and find your spot.
Starting a Blog
As of 2021, there are more than 570 million blogs on the internet, based on activities reported by WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, Wix, Squarespace, and Medium (and this number is constantly growing) (firstsiteguide).
Now do not get overwhelmed, the one thing is though blogs are growing rapidly, and so are people reading blogs. Of course, blogs are saturated, but when you niche down and find your audience then you can achieve your space in this sea of bloggers.
Starting a blog, yesterday, today, tomorrow, is possible as long as you are using proper rules, like optimizing your SEO, giving unique content to your readers, and more. But, the best day to start blogging for your profit is today and now.
Let us look at some stats on why you should start your blog today
61% of online shoppers in the US say they made a purchase after getting a recommendation from a blog post
Companies that blog actively have 126% better lead growth
80% of bloggers say that they see positive business results from their blogging efforts
Blogs affect customers’ buying decisions as 47% of them go through 3 to 5 blog posts before the buying process (Firstsiteguide)
Give me a better reason why you should not start a blog after these mind-blowing facts.
You can start a niche blog, review blog, cooking blog, gaming blog, parenting blog, and more. Just write what you know or keep an eye on your competitors and outperform them. And blogging is the best for your long-term passive income.
Starting a YouTube channel
Now as we’ve known how YouTube has evolved to be like a video search engine, the platform has grown considerably and is been growing millions of YouTubers.
Again, let’s talk about some statistics about YouTube. YouTube has 2.3 billion users worldwide.
79 percent of Internet users have their own YouTube account.
YouTube viewers watch over a billion hours of video on the platform every day and generate billions of views. (YouTube, 2021)
YouTube is localized in more than 100 countries and is available in 80 languages. (YouTube, 2021)
Every day people watch one billion hours of video on YouTube (source-Oberlo)
Now, the real question is how to make money out of YouTube? Well, there is enough space for you to sink in. Are you a coach, fitness enthusiastic, a person with good communication, or even just an individual with no skills at all? You can make videos, monetize your YouTube account, and earn from AdSense and affiliate marketing.
Umm! Some people may say that YouTube is not for me. I don’t know how to make and produce videos. I don’t have any skills. Well, I have a solution for that. You can make money from YouTube absolutely by not showing your face at all.
Here are some of the niches you can make videos y not showing your face.
If u do not want to record videos, you can head up to free stock videos or images and give a voice-over and start making content.
If you feel shy to start, you will never get ahead. So, the one thing I want to tell to everyone who is shy to make videos and for my younger self, stop doubting yourself. Just do it, don’t care about criticism, success will follow you
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is when a person earns a commission for referring a product to others. For eg: You register yourself as an affiliate to promote certain products, when the person you promote the product click on your unique affiliate link and purchases through your link you earn a commission. A commission can range for each and every product.
And the affiliate marketing model is the best, safe model for beginners. You can drive traffic for free and for paid as well. You can be an affiliate marketer if you need a passive income, you don’t need to have any other customer support, you can work from home at your own comfort.
Now, how to register as an affiliate. First, think of what do you like the most. What products do you love using? Type the name in google and see whether there is an affiliate program or just see other affiliate programs in your niche. Choose the one you love so that you don’t feel tired and exhausted in the long run.
There are many other sites where you can choose your products from. You can take products from Click bank, Digistore24, Share a Sale, Jvzoo, and similar other platforms.
Here are the best affiliate platforms for you to choose from
How do you want to promote is the next question?
Well, you can create landing pages in click funnels, kartra, or builderall and promote them through ads. If you are on your budget, you could start a blog and promote it. You can write blogs for free on medium.com. It is a cost-effective way to sell your products. You can create a YouTube channel, talk about how you love using those products, and promote them, you could even use Pinterest to promote your blogs and landing pages.
We all know that Pinterest is a visual search engine and no doubt you can get quite a good sale from affiliate marketing in Pinterest
Once you get your first sale and testimonials you can start your Instagram page and build trust with others to promote the products and scale your business.
Instagram Influencer
Do you love making TikTok videos, always want to be active on social media? Then here is your chance to start earning being an Instagram influencer.
You can start by creating content about the topic you want to talk about the most. If creating a YouTube channel feels a bit challenging, grow your audience and monetize them through Instagram. Feel free to talk about what you feel.
Collect your follower's email IDs. Once you become consistent with the audience and platform, the content you are generating makes a digital course or something you think to monetize your people. Giveaway a lot of freebies, checklists, and many other things to lead your audience to the product you are offering. Build trust with them and try to use all of Instagram's available channels. Use carousals, reels, IGTV, go live to show behind the scenes of your work, and more!.
Staying consistent is the key to grow your audience on Instagram.
Starting a T-Shirt Business
Whether you’re an artist, writer, designer, or entrepreneur, physical products can be the perfect canvas for monetizing your creativity. Yes, you heard that right. You can start your own merch for free. Starting an online T-shirt business is booming in this era an why don’t you be one of them. You do not need to hold any inventory, just design your t-shirt online and publish it.
Let me make it clear. So what is print on demand? How to start your free t-shirt business
Print on demand is a process where you work with a supplier to customize white-label products (like baseball hats or tote bags) with your own designs to sell them on a per-order basis under your own brand.
That means you don’t pay for the product until after you’ve actually sold it, so there’s no need to buy in bulk or hold any inventory yourself.
Plus, with print-on-demand services, everything after the sale, from printing to shipping, is handled by your supplier. Once you’ve set everything up, it takes only a few clicks to fulfill an order once you’ve made a sale.
You can use print-on-demand services to:
Test a business idea or new product line for an existing business without the risks that come with buying inventory.
Monetize an audience you’ve built. Printing on demand is a great option if you’re a YouTuber, cartoonist, or social media influencer who wants to spend your time creating content instead of fulfilling orders.
Create original products for a niche of customers. For example, apparel for people who are passionate about gaming.
Easily print one-off items—t-shirts, books, shoes, bags, wall art, phone cases, clocks, laptop skins, mugs, and so much more. You can send these as gifts or keep them for yourself and your team (source-Shopify)
You can get started with print on demand for almost free with teespring, redbubble, printful . Or you can start your online store on Shopify and sell them as a custom branding.
Do not worry if you are not a pro in graphic designing. You can design your t-shirt on canva and paste the design on your t-shirt too. This is a legitimate and easy business for beginners online. You can promote your merch by using SEO, keywords, and various social platforms.
Let's take a look at the print on demand statistics:
This statistic depicts the market value of the custom t-shirt printing market worldwide from 2016 to 2025. In 2016, the global custom t-shirt printing market was valued at 1.16 billion U.S. dollars, and was forecast to reach a value of 3.1 billion U.S. dollars by 2025.
This is insane amount the industry is making from print-on-demand only.
COVID-19 impact Fabric face mask accounted for 11.14% of all goods sold through Printify in September 2020. (Printify)
A 2020 survey revealed that about 96% of millennials and Gen Z have concerns about how the ongoing pandemic will impact the economy. (BigCommerce)
With more people staying at home and focusing on home improvement projects, the Home & Living category is on the rise, with the first 6 months of 2020 seeing a 243.77% growth. Both canvas gallery wraps (2.19%) and premium vertical posters (1.35%) are in TOP15 products sold by Printify merchants. (Printify)
According to Merkle’s report in 2020, roughly 79% of consumers plan to be more conservative with how much they will spend shopping online during the pandemic. (Merkle)
In the first 6 months of 2020, Printify monthly active users have grown by 69%, with registrations up 39%. (Printify)
62% of sellers in the United Kingdom changed their marketing plan because of the pandemic. Moreover, only 14 percent of businesses have decided to stick with their original marketing strategy for 2020. (Statista) ( All sources- Printify) Read more at: https://printify.com/ecommerce-statistics/ And these are just stats alone. Don’t wait now. Start your print-on-demand business right away.
Online Tutoring
Again, online tutoring is gaining massive demand in this digital age. During the pandemic the online tutoring business was a boom and it will be more in the coming years. Just teach people what you know. There are many people in this world who want to learn and are ready to pay for it.
Whether you know to speak English, or drawing, graphic designing, marketing, business, or anything that matters, turn your own skill into a business
You can tutor in paid platforms like cambly, Oakary, iTutor, or just start teaching in YouTube and create tour own course and sell it. You can create courses and teach in udemy too. People all over the world are searching to learn skills and may be you can teach them what you know and monetize your skills.
Amazon KDP [ Selling E-books and low content books ]
As I told you print on demand is a big thing and so does amazon KDP is too. What is KDP? Amazon KDP is nothing but kindle direct publishing. KDP allows you to self-publish eBooks and paperbacks for free. Amazon gives you direct access to your book on Amazon and allows you to create a product detail page for your book. It also gives you the option to expand your book’s availability on a global scale, making it more accessible for readers around the world. Publishing with KDP gives you full rights to your book, which is not something a traditional publishing house typically allows.
What types of content can I publish through KDP?
KDP allows you to publish eBooks (Kindle) and paperback books. However, KDP does not allow the creation of magazines, periodicals, or spiral-bound books.
Content types typically published using KDP include but are not limited to the following:
Book Series
Children’s Books
Textbooks (source: amazon.com)
Selling Photography
Are you a photographer? Are you making enough money? If no then this will help you , if yes you are gonna make an extra dime.
You can sell your beautiful photos on Getty Images, Pexels, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock and many more sites and earn money whenever your image is downloaded. If it is a subscription-based site then your earnings will be more. You can post your beautiful images on Instagram and become famous. Ultimately you can collaborate with various brands for their product photography.
If your camera is lying there near you, take it and start clicking pictures and sell your photos online.
Selling on Etsy
Etsy is an online market place that works as an intermediary between customers and artists, crafters of handmade items or collectors of vintage products. The company engages in customer to customer (C2C) or peer to peer (P2P) e-commerce in which both the seller and the buyer are private individuals or micro-businesses. This is in contrast to other forms of internet commerce such as B2C or B2B (source: Statista).
Let's head to our facts about how profitable it is to sell on Etsy
Etsy had over 2.5 million sellers at the end of 2019, and we can only expect that this number has increased.
Etsy sellers live all over the world, in 234 countries
62% of Etsy sellers are based in the US.
California is home to the most Etsy sellers with 14% of US-based Etsy shops. (credits: veeqo)
Etsy is a huge commerce platform, with an especially strong US presence. Plus, the fact that most sellers are multi-channel retailers—and also selling their products on marketplaces like Amazon and Shopify sites—suggests that the platform isn’t just for amateur makers. It’s for eCommerce businesses.
So if you’re already selling handmade or vintage products on another platform, it’s worth it to expand and start selling on Etsy.
If you’re starting a business, it’s important to run the numbers before setting up shop—or at least quitting your day job. Etsy does have associated costs, though it’s worth noting that the listing and transaction fees are lower than other platforms, like Amazon and eBay. (cre: veeqo)
So, if you can start your print on demand you can sell it on Etsy too. If you are good at handicrafts Etsy is the best place to promote.
So here are the top 10 ways where in you can make legitimate money online. You can try all these methods one by one. Well, everyone will look for quick methods to make money online, but those won’t suffice for long run.
If you should build a strong business online you need to stay consistent no matter what. Staying consistent will help audience grow along with you on your journey to make money online. For beginners starting out these methods will help you in starting out to make a dime or two.
One thing I need to make particular is you will not see results instantly. You need to try and try, keep on trying. Whether it is 2 weeks, 1 month or 3 months, you should not stop. Keep up that grind and let’s start the digital lifestyle. Start by making money online fore free with these methods and start investing in ads and make the business run for you in long run.
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megumitski · 3 years
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hello these are the bnha fics i’ve read so far and i just made this to track them for myself. favorites are marked with a 💥! more bakudeku plus tododeku and other ships under the cut.
💥 Bluebird - EtherealBeing (53k)
Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact.
However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Let’s Be Alone Together - lalazee (3k)
Prompt: Deku being aggressively forward in his pursuit of Bakugou, and how that big oaf would react to someone else actually making the first move.
“Are you going to spend your entire life wishing you’d kissed me or are you gonna grow some balls and fucking do it?”
Bell Pepper - ticklishivories (7k)
Midoriya knew they wouldn’t talk about it. He was right. But he never thought it’d happen again.
spilling over every side - failbender (6k)
No good deed goes unpunished, not when there's a crazy lady with a complex and Lust Quirk parading around the city. By now, Katsuki should probably be used to things blowing up in his face.
be loved - bonnia (5k)
They sit there, in the darkness of the common room, about a few centimeters between them, but miles apart. Somehow, the quiet is companionable. More than it has been in many years. Katsuki knows he’s responsible for the rift between them, and he knows even more that it can’t only be Deku who attempts to mend it.
“Hey,” he says, after a while, and Deku turns to him in question, but Katsuki refuses to look his way. “Touch me again.”
(or: the kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands)
Leftovers - brichibi (6k)
“Did you two make up?”
That. That’s why that fight felt like it was worth it, even if, technically, Izuku can’t answer her. Have they made up? Is this making up?
He actually doesn’t know.
[Or: the house arrest fic where it is, somehow, more awkward to talk through feelings than it is to fight]
lust-drunk - theboykingofhell (8k)
The one where Bakugou tries not to lose his mind to lust, and Midoriya is the useless gay who does nothing to help that matter at all.
💥 Quiet Rapture - lalazee (261k) - inc.
That A/B/O fic where cocky Alpha Bakugou falls in mate-love at first scent, while Midoriya is just a poor bookstore-owning Omega who got his nose punched in is a kid and can't smell a damn thing. Also known as: That time an Alpha had to use his actual personality to woo his mate instead of relying on his scent.
💥 A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF - kewltie (8k)
Bakugou of the Demolition Squad is famous for running one of the most popular Youtube channels on the web that regularly blow shit up and jumped off a perfectly good building for shit and giggles. He's also famous for his Cryptid BF™, never appearing on camera except for a few bodyshots and all information on him is kept locked up tighter than Fort Knox, therefore drawing all sort of attention and curiosity toward his mysterious boyfriend.
Deku from Deku Explains is a hopeless chatterbox who is known for uploading 20-30 minutes video that talked about his favorite shows and comics and have one of the most devoted following on Youtube. He also can't seem to shut up about his boyfriend Kacchan, who regularly make his presence on the channel as a disembodied voice.
They should theoretically have nothing in common except a shared platform to host their content and an army of fans with an endless curiosity and devotion to their Youtubers. Vidcon is where we lay our scene and the internet is about to get a rude wake up call.
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? - reading_raindrop (8k)
“A-ah B-Bakugou! You dropped some pencils!”
Katsuki stiffened. Kirishima and Kaminari froze. Basically, everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing to look at Izuku like he sprouted a second head. What did he just call him? “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Katsuki whipped his head towards Izuku with his signature death glare as he stood up from where he picked up the fallen supplies.
“U-um I said you dropped some pencils! I think this eraser might be yours to-”
“No. What the fuck did you just call me?”
Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would
💥 take care - Chrome (2k)
There are words to say stay safe, I’ll miss you, I love you, but Kacchan has always preferred to leave things unspoken. Izuku isn’t much with languages, but he thinks he’s figured out this one.
“Emotional constipation manifested as over-the-top housewifery?” Mina asks. Before Izuku can say that is not what he meant at all, she nods. “Yeah, I can see it.”
Just Look At Me - Colourcubify (52k) - dnf
Midoriya is completely happy with his life. Nope, not one single regret in his twenty-seven years. He especially doesn't regret running into his old childhood friend/bully after almost ten years, nor does he regret spilling coffee all over his very expensive looking suit. How nice it will be to die with no regrets. ~~~~ AKA the sugar daddy AU I meant to be a one shot, that turned into a full fledged story.
A Nest for the Best - Camellia_Sinensis (1k)
Deku’s been nesting and asking everyone in 1-A for pieces of clothing for his horde. Everyone, that is, except Katsuki. Cue the jealousy.
unforgiving - i_write_emotion (19k)
Deku is hit with a quirk that takes away his ability to forgive, and Bakugou’s world comes crashing down. Quirkless!Deku. Pro-hero!Bakugou.
@ Deku WRONG CHAT - katyastark (16k) - inc.
Deku: or! like! It doesn’t even have to be his abs! It could be anywhere else! I’m not picky!
Pinky: excuse me what
ChargeDolt: OMG
Uravity: @Deku WRONG CHAT
I love you. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please don’t get married. - InkspillsNotebook (6k)
Ta-Da!!!! I hope you all enjoy the finished product!!! I'm sorry (not sorry) I broke a lot of you when I first posted this to tumblr!!
Procrastination - capncapk (5k)
But it is still surprising to see his more-than-friend-but-also-lover-he-guesses in his office seeking attention though Izuku already turned him down.
Usually he'll get a text of 'wyd?' followed by a time and place if Izuku responds with a confirmation, and silence if he's busy.
Or slammed into the wall in the agency's shower for a quickie if no one was around, which despite his anxiety, he often acquiesces to.
While You Were Sleeping - Belkacaramelka (71k)
The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Quirkless AU based on the film; endgame BakuDeku. -- Katsuki didn’t know when the change had happened: how he had gone from asking why Todoroki chose Deku of all people, to wondering why it was Todoroki that Deku chose. Troublesome Deku, who cooed like an idiot at cats, tripped at a random catcall and sang badly. Who, despite everything, proved that it wasn’t the quirk that defined a person. Deku, who was too much, not his, and undeniably off limits to begin with.
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) - vannral (16k)
In complete honesty, no one who knows the Class 3-A should be surprised anymore. Izuku is asleep.
In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
Yes, They’re All Safe - teaandtumblr (5k)
Villains have entered UA grounds and are disposed of just as quickly, but that doesn't mean a headcount of the students doesn't need to be done. Toshinori would admit, he wasn't quite prepared for what he found in Bakugou Katsuki's room.
💥 all choked up - spicyrabbit (5k)
Bakugou Katsuki had a habit of turning away from the heard. At 16, he does this by coming to terms with wanting, desperately, to see his childhood friend cry.
💥 May I take your order, dipshit? - supercrunch (6k)
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
blooms every hour - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“It’s you, okay?!” Deku screams. “It’s you. And I know you’ll never love me back, so -” Deku wipes his eyes and straightens. “So just leave it.”
Deku has hanahaki, and Katsuki doesn't know how to save him.
all choked up - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“Deku, what the fuck are you doing?!”
Izuku asks Kacchan to help him train blackwhip. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
A Fight To The Death - iknewaman (10k)
Izuku isn’t competitive by nature, but when the blond, cocky asshole from the other table’s team gets involved he suddenly becomes hellbent on winning.
Rival Pub Quiz AU
💥 Like the Moon - osakakitty (15k)
Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Canon-verse story in which Bakugo is confused about his feelings for Midoriya, and doesn’t know what he wants. Besides a good night’s sleep.
💥 We Wear Chains on the Weekend - surveycorpsjean (35k)
Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare.
"Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways.
Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
take me out to dinner first - dynamighttiddy (3k)
“Kacchan,” Deku chides. “What’s going on?”
Katsuki takes a deep breath.
He trusts Deku with his life. He can trust him with this, too.
“Have sex with me.”
Katsuki Bakugou is one of the only virgins left in class 3-A - and with graduation just around the corner, he's desperate to change that.
💥 that ultra kind of love - dynamighttiddy (11k)
“So, uh,” Kirishima starts. “Was that your first kiss?” he whispers, almost sheepish. Katsuki’s stomach drops, and he freezes. Memories of green eyes and freckles and soft lips flash behind his eyelids. “Yeah,” he lies easily. “That was my first kiss.”
In which Bakugou pretends Kirishima is his first kiss, amongst other things.
to the moon and back - kewltie (1k)
"He gets stupid when he's drunk," Katsuki seethes in his seat as he watches Izuku croon love notes into Uraraka's throat. He’d never met a worst lightweight then Deku, who become some kind of demented affectionate monster.
💥 Bridges - supercrunch (18k)
Yaomomo sighs. “We’ve got a little bit of a situation, Bakugou. Ashi—uhm, somebody might have accidentally signed you up for that modelling gig.”
Katsuki holds up a hand. "So what you’re telling me here," he says, "is that you told Calvin Klein I would model for them. In my underwear.”
Ashido sinks behind a desk to hide. “Yes.”
(The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart.
So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.)
Crescendo - supercrunch - inc. (4k)
(Izuku's band is on their way to the top of the charts. But the real star, he thinks, is the drummer.)
Guilty Kiss - osakakitty (1k)
He could feel Midoriya's eyes on him. Even though he knew it was wrong, Bakugo still wet his lips in anticipation.
(Canon-verse) A short story about making out in a closet. It's messy, but so is their relationship.
💥 Surfaces - surveycorpsjean (25k)
Katsuki has a new girlfriend, but something isn't right.
As impossible as it is, Izuku can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be called Katsuki's girl.
Classical conditioning - supercrunch (8k)
(or: how to trick a boy into going out with you.)
Alright. Maybe his idiot friends had a point, Katsuki thinks as he shoulders open the front door. His mother’s in the living room drinking coffee. Katsuki kicks off his shoes and stomps over. “Am I charming?” he demands, blocking the TV.
Mitsuki pats his cheek. “Oh, hon. Not at all.”
💥 Dance Bunny - EllaBesmirched (17k)
Katsuki Bakugou spends most week nights by himself, sitting in a corner at his local strip club and passing time until he feels tired enough to sleep. Work leaves him stressed and the new city he moved to a year ago is just different enough that he can't sleep at night and can't seem to get comfortable no matter where he is.
When he finally changes up his schedule and decides to head to the club on a Saturday night, he is instantly infatuated with a part-time dancer who can do things with his body that Katsuki didn't even know were possible. The dancer calls himself Bunny. By the second lap dance, Katsuki realizes he is in trouble.
but the entrails are the best part! - supercrunch (15k)
The boy straightens up. He’s about half a head shorter than Katsuki, face soft and youthful and sweet. He turns to look at him properly. His dark hair shines in the dying light, basket of blooms looped over one arm and mouth quirked into a tiny half-smile. The sun hits his face and makes his eyes a bright greeny-gold, just like emeralds.
Katsuki likes emeralds.
“Pretty,” he says, reaching out and picking the stranger up around the middle. He’s surprisingly heavy, although Katsuki doesn’t mind. “I like you. Come see my nest.”
The boy hits him.
He’s stronger than he looks, turns out. Katsuki drops him and falls onto his back, pain blooming across his face. Birds sing. The sky’s a lovely shade of orange, clouds floating lazily by. The boy scarpers. He leaves his basket of flowers behind, footsteps thumping on the ground and fading away as he escapes.
The sun sets. Katsuki, lying flat on his back with a bloody nose, decides he’s just fallen in love.
(You Know You’re Really) Cute - ladyhoneydarlinglove (2k)
Kirishima poses the question, who’s the cutest boy in Class 1-A? The answers kind of surprise everyone, especially Midoriya.
Everything Except - Pouler (28k)
"In retrospect, Midoriya probably should’ve realized the moment they were enveloped in a glittering pink cloud that something was about to go Very Wrong."
After an encounter with a unique villain threatens to change the nature of their partnership, Midoriya must find a way to get things back to normal between him and Todoroki. That is, if he's certain that getting 'back to normal' is what he really wants...
count your blessings, not your flaws - PitViperOfDoom (7k)
Midoriya Izuku has never been asked out, confessed to, or flirted with, except as a joke.
Riddles in the Heart - PitViperOfDoom (19k)
The law is clear: whoever correctly answers three riddles will marry the prince, while all who fail are to be executed. The people live in fear as more challengers try and fail, and the throne grows bloodier with every passing year. But a young prince, nameless and in exile from his home, believes there may be more to this brutal challenge than meets the eye.
Of course, there's only one way to find out: ring the gong, and take the trial.
Late bloomer - Nohaljiachi (10k)
That’s why when they’ve found themselves face to face on the ring of the sport festival once more, for the third time ever since they’ve met each other, and Izuku smiled at him, eager and challenging, self-confident but never full of himself, Shouto blinked, dazed and shocked, in realizing just how blindingly beautiful his best friend was. The way Izuku’s white shirt clung on his muscles, the little peek of his collar bone and the hard lines of his pecs visible under it, the way his thighs curved and filled the school gym uniform.
‘Oh, fuck—‘ Shouto thought, his head spinning, feeling like he just got run over by a freight train. ‘Shit. He’s- hot?’
Burn and Breathe - PitViperOfDoom (11k)
Soulmates are connected through pain, and some bonds have more to share than others. Todoroki Shouto wishes he could reject his soulmate. Midoriya wants nothing more than to protect his own.
one string, fit for a bow - furihatachlookie (5k)
There was no magical moment that played a part in Midoriya's realization that he liked Todoroki. The thin red string that greeted him every time he looked down at his hand was an obvious factor, yes, but it wasn't love at first sight either.
It sorta just... happened over time.
fire and feelings - kagshina (8k)
“Uh…” he starts, eyes widening. “Your finger’s on fire.”
Todoroki’s face scrunches together, confused, and then he looks down, noticing the flame. Midoriya watches as shock flashes across Todoroki’s face, and then horror, and then finally settles on embarrassment as he puts out the flame.
“Shit,” Todoroki mumbles, and Midoriya’s lip curves upward.
💥 Fire in the Mountains - EllaBesmirched (168k)
“I’ll do it.”
Enji froze, fingers curling into a fist at his side, and didn’t turn around.
Shouto froze too, feeling his own eyes widen in shock at the words that had come out of his mouth, at the fact that he had actually stood up, followed his father out of the room, and dashed after him all just to say… he’d do it? He would do it? Him. Shouto Todoroki. He would--
Enji finally turned around and fixed Shouto with an expression so scathing, Shouto had to fight to keep his chin raised. “You’ll marry the Barbarian King.”
Shouto blinked. “Yes.”
The Ballad of Love and Hate - EllaBesmirched (6k)
After eight painfully long years, Katsuki finally has Izuku back. He's determined to keep him this time, and to do that, he knows there are some things he has to say.
(mis)matched - ethydium (12k)
Midoriya doesn't hate the idea of finding one's soulmate, even though he had long since given up on finding his own. And then Bakugou and Todoroki match, and while he's happy for them, his heart breaks from all the unsaid things he feels for them.
Midoriya pines and suffers his way to his own happy ending.
pillowed by love - ethydium (21k)
As a prank, Uraraka gets Midoriya a body pillow (dakimakura) with the image of Bakugou printed on it. Then another one with Todoroki's picture. Chaos ensues.
For who could learn to love a beast? - supercrunch (4k) - bakutodo
Bakugou takes a deep breath and steps out into the living room, eyes automatically adjusting to the change in light. There’s a boy hanging up his coat in the hall. He’s handsome, albeit in an annoying way, hair dyed two colours to match his heterochromia and skin pale and perfect and smooth. He looks expensive. “Bakugou.”
“That’s me,” Bakugou says. “You’re younger than I expected.”
“I’m older than I look.”
(Deku was right, damn him. Pretty boys are Bakugou's type.)
Want it All - surveycorpsjean (29k) - kiribakutododeku
“Hey, so..." Eijirou grins. "Can we ask you guys a question?"
Frankendick and the Great Acid Fiasco - EllaBesmirched (11k) - shiggyxdabi
Dabi had been intending to spend a very nice Saturday getting stoned and plotting murder, thank you very much, but when a trio of UA brats on enough L to kill a Beatle accidentally dose him and two other unsuspecting homicidal maniacs, Dabi has to change his plans a bit. Apparently no else around here knows how to trip balls and fucking enjoy it.
The Twitter - EllaBesmirched (8k) - tododenki
Shouto never really intended for anyone to find his secret Twitter account. He certainly didn't intend for Kaminari to see Shouto's thirst tweets about him. Luckily, Kaminari doesn't seem to mind.
pray you catch me - supercrunch (4k)
Katsuki pushes her shirt up to kiss her stomach. It’s silly, how it makes her heart flutter, how Izuku’s whispered I love you threatens to make her cry all over again. They’re unwrapping her from her clothes. They won’t let her hide, she thinks numbly. Won’t let her curl in on herself like she’s something dirty, Katsuki’s hands tugging off her underwear so she’s naked and exposed between them. “I,” she says breathlessly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying. I’m just being dumb.”
Izuku shushes her. Another tear trickles down her cheek and into her ear. He kisses it away, humming, brushing her bangs off her forehead so he can press his mouth between her brows. “You have every right to be upset. We’ll deal with him later. For now just let us take care of you.”
“She’ll get the message once you stop talking and fuck her,” Katsuki says, slipping his fingers into her. She clenches around him and shudders. “Gonna eat you out ‘til you forget how to move. Now put that fucking motor mouth to good use, Deku.”
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ledenews · 5 months
Gage Joseph Still Dreaming Without a Timeline in Mind
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It’s a big boy dream, going to Nashville to break into the country music industry, but that’s what a 17-year-old Gage Joseph insisted was in his future. He wasn’t being cocky either; just a kid dreaming a kid’s dream. Three years ago. He told anyone who asked he’d be following Brad Paisley to Belmont College after high school to go do Brad Paisley things like getting discovered and living a singer/songwriter’s life in a place called “Music City.” “If I can be a national act that is touring the country, I would absolutely love to do that. If people love my music to that extent, I won’t stop until I get there,” is what he’d tell people about three years ago. “Honestly, that is the big dream.” Now, if you ask him the same question today, his answer is the same …  but these days it comes out much differently. Joseph is a local nursing student and has slowed his performance schedule right now to just weekends to focus on his classes throughout the week. Joseph is a frequent guest on the "Belmont Brewerks Live Music Showcase" on the River Network. “No one ever really knows how it all happens as far as hitting it big, if it happens at all, so getting my education in a field my mother’s been in for so long is what I’m concentrating on right now because I have to have something. I have to have a base so I can chase my dreams,” he said. “And hey, if I fall on my butt, I’ll need something to fall back on. “I really need to get through college first before I do anything massive in terms of moving, in terms of trying to reach out with another artist to try to do a tour with them, trying to ride along with somebody. I have to finish college first,” the 20-year-old said. “And I don’t think George Strait got discovered until he was 29, so I have plenty of time.” It’s a different world these days, though, what with the internet and all of the different social media platforms, so “getting discovered” can happen in a lot of different ways. Sure, it's super cool he's playing a Capitol Ballroom show from 5-7 p.m. on February 17th for the pre-show for superstar Lee Brice, but a perfect is example is singer/songwriter Oliver Anthony and his hit song, “Rich Men North of Richmond,” and how the smash hit tune changed his life forever. “The internet can get you discovered for sure, but sometimes getting discovered can happen too quickly because you’re not prepared for it,” explained Jon Banco, a local musician who also works with Oglebay as a coordinator of special events and entertainment. “And it’s always a good idea to have a good job to fall back on and see what happens. Gage will continue playing. He’s not going anywhere. He’s just being responsible like a young man should.” Gage and his band have started to get gigs closer to the Pittsburgh area, and he also plays solo and duo shows. Local Famous And then all of a sudden, Gage Joseph was singing the National Anthem in Wheeling, Moundsville, and everywhere because he was a young man with that voice. Joseph began singing The Star Spangled Banner for groups and small functions when he was just 14 years old and then he began performing country cover songs a year later. And yes, while he was too young to consume alcoholic beverages, audience members from throughout the valley region enjoyed libations while singing along. “When you first start playing music, it all comes really, really easy and really, really fast,” recalled Joseph, who will join Billie Jo Jones as a featured performer during Oglebay's Winterfest on January 27 at the Pine Room. “Everything starts getting like, okay, hey, do this, do that, do this, do that, and once you start getting in there and you got your foot in the door at local places, it’s real easy to dream, too. But after a few years and talking to a lot of people, I’ve come to realize there’s plenty of time for me to achieve my goals. “I have a music book that has all of the songs I’ve written in it, and yeah, there’s a lot of crap in there. But there’s a lot of good stuff in there, too, so when and if something big does happen for me, at least I’ll be ready,” he said with a smile. “Gotta be ready, right?” So, yeah, the dream is the dream, and when he’s asked to explain it he may just tell you about a single moment, but Joseph admits it’s not that simple. He’s visited Nashville, knows about the honky tonk circuit, done a little singing, and even met with some folks in the business. And still. “I wanna play the Grand Ole Opry once in my life. That’s the dream." Wait for it ... “And, yeah, everything that goes with it. Yeah. All of it. That'd be beautiful. That'd be very cool.” Read the full article
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