#like i thought they were a lether helmet or something
ya-boi-haru · 4 months
I probably nerded out a little too much about this fact that I learned, so im going to share it here, incase anyone doesn't know...
Haley called Rae a "pumpkin head" at the start of season 3, not only cause she's silly goofy, it's cause Raes horns are a retextureized carved pumpkin and Haleygar didn't have her texture pack turned on...
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rainbow-neko-main · 5 years
Freedom in Different Places (Ch. 1)
An AU given to me by a good friend. Featureing some good fluffy Biker Chase x Librarian Henrik. ~♡♡♡ (if i like this enough i might make more parts ;D )
"What do you mean you can't fix it?!" yelled a man wearing a black lether jacket with a red baseball cap, bright yellow and green strands messily stuck out of the hat. He seemed to be shouting at a teenager, decorated in body piercings with a red tatto across his neck, his hair unlike the other was died a dark green. He was holding a box of tools and coverd in oil. Chase never thought he'd see the day where Anti, their gangs mechanic, wouldn't be able to help him with his motorcycle. He was beginning to think there was not one thing the teen couldn't fix...
I guess he finally found one.
"Exactly what I mean Chase. You can't just bust up your motorcycle that bad and expect me to be able to fix all your mistakes. This is way out of my league!" Anti states back. He hated when Chase shouted at him. It's not his fault the man ran his ride into a wall trying to escape from one of their recent jobs.
"Settle down you two, no need to fight." Another man steps out of the shadows, his hair is normal brown and spiked up. The black leather he wore matched his two companions except he had a green eye printed onto the back with white text across it reading 'BOSS'.
"Chase you can't get upset at Anti for not being able to fix your bike. Anti you need to calm down. You know you can't blame him for what happened last night." Jack says accordingly. "We don't even know where you were on that heist..." Anti mummbled before continuing at his normal volume while ignoreing Jack's glares. "Chase if you want me to fix your bike, get a computer or a book or something for information." Chase seemed to pale at the mention of going somewhere and staying inside. But he knew just as well as them that they couldn't get it fixed anywhere else...
"Jack loan me your bike so I can go to the library..." Jack tossed Chase his helmet and made a gesture to take off his hat before riding. Chase returns it with a smile and heads out the door, missing the mutter of concern that escaped him
"How the fuck am I gonna do this..."
-One Quick Ride Later-
Chase stops and park his motorcycle out front of the large building, the dark black was in high contrast aginst the buildings nice tan walls. Any resonable person would have thought a biker walking into a library was the most ridiculous thing they've ever seen...at least thats what Chase thought. He walked into the building, noticing the little bell on the door. He breathed in and could smell the freshness of new books, hear the absolute silence of the small library. He sighs lightly and reminds himself to keep his volume down. "Lets get this over with..." he mutters.
Chase starts to roam the isles of books and shelves. He noticed fantasy and science fiction, he even found a couple historical texts. Yet not a single "how to" book or mechanics guide. How the hell does anyone navigate-
His thought was cut short when he accidently bumped into someone. He heard a few thumps followed by a pained voice curseing in what seemed to be...German? He looked over quickly to see who he had knocked over and felt his words get stuck in his throat.
There on the ground was a small man surrounded by fallen books, a small bandage rested across his freckled nose and soft floppy bright minty green hair rested on his head. He was wearing a white sweater over a collared light blue shirt and khaki pants. He was rubbing his head but when he looked up Chase could see his blue beautiful eyes were framed with an adorable pair of square glasses. He wore a nametag that read 'Henrik' which meant he worked here...and Chase had knocked him over.
"Oh! D-dude im s-o sorry! Let me help you!" Chase exclaimed as he finnaly returned to his senses, leaning down to help pick up the fallen books. The man, Henrik, responded quickly. "No no thats alright. I should have been looking where I was going." He says as he starts to also pick up the books. They were almost done untill the last one where they both reached for it and ended up with entwined hands on the book.
They looked up from the book at eachother and stared. It felt like this for an eternity when in reality it was only a few seconds. Henrik pulled away and stood up with Chase, brushing himself off lightly.
"Again, i'm so sorry dude. The names Brody, Chase Brody." Henrik smiles and Chase swore he felt his heart melt. "It's fine. Henrik Schneeplestein. I'm the librarian here." Librarian? Oh! Librarian of course! "You work here? Would you mind showing me where I could find some mechanic books?" Chase asked excitedly. Henrik blinked in surprise and nodded. "Of course. There right down this shelf and-" he gave Chase a small step by step instruction on where to find what he needed. Chase thanked him and turned on his heel, but not before shooting a smirk over his shoulder at Henrik. "Hope to see you around." With that, he turned the corner towards Henrik's instructions.
Little did they know that as soon as he turned that corner they both feel into a blushing hysterical mess. Henrik hid his face in a book and happily bounced from one foot to another, glad to have not made a fool of himself infront of someone that handsome. Chase on the other hand coughed inti his rolled up sleeves, trying to cover up his blushing face.
Chase quickly gatherd the books he needed and waved a small goodbye to Henrik at the counter. Listened as the bell on the door rang a little and closed behind him before he took off on Jacks motorcycle to their shared house.
In that moment both Henrik and Chase had a similar thought, like their souls entertwined and had a shared moment of hope...
"I hope hes there tommorrow..."
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