#i completely forgot you could wear pumpkins
ya-boi-haru · 4 months
I probably nerded out a little too much about this fact that I learned, so im going to share it here, incase anyone doesn't know...
Haley called Rae a "pumpkin head" at the start of season 3, not only cause she's silly goofy, it's cause Raes horns are a retextureized carved pumpkin and Haleygar didn't have her texture pack turned on...
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dromithecat · 1 month
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Yeah it's here!!!! My masterpiece!!! I'm so proud of this, I could actually shed a tear *snif*
So, a couple pointers:
1- Thank you for your patience, this actually took way longer than I expected and the fact that I got suddenly swamped with work did *not* help-but it's here now!! Hope you like it :D
2- If you remember the original piece I posted (the sketch) you'll notice quite the differences here and there. Can you spot them all?
3- One of the reasons this took so long is that the candies were supposed to be all generic when I suddenly remembered there were canonically halloween arcana candies I simply could *not* exclude and keep my self respect. Or the five years of my life I'll never get back from having to edit them in. *Sigh*
4-The costumes are based on the Arcana Halloween Charms. All you Lucio stans I hope you can understand that I simply couldn't in good conscience give kid Lucio the original outfit that his adult counterpart wore. His new outfit is based in his Devil-sona from Muriel's route, hope it suffices.
5- For a moment I was a little bummed about how accidentally overproduced Nadia's pumpkin was but honestly that's such a Nadia thing to happen that I can't help feeling that it fits perfectly.
6- This was very fun to make but I also kinda felt like my soul had been given in sacrifice to the digital art Gods. I'm freeeeeeeee
7-If anyone wants to repost remember to credit/tag me!!! Also if you want to edit your own Mc too just dm and i can give you the clear version with room for them.
All in all, this was fun!!! See ya around fellas ;)
Edit: Some stuff I forgot to mention:
8: there's a hidden devil's chocolate in Nadia's pumpkin as a reference to her reversed ending (give those players a reference. Players love 'em references. I know cause I'm a player)
9: Lucio's pumpkin is the only one that isn't super loyal to the original, that's bc at first I drew them all from scratch before learning how to properly reproduce them. I was planning on changing it too but I realized that I accidentally made it look like the ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) emoji which i personally find hilarious so I kept it.
10: Julian was suppossed to have a pumpkin like the rest but I thought "Julian is totally that drama queen club kid that is COMITTED to the aesthetic and would totally use a bag instead of a bucket since that's what a pirate would use...completely disregarding the fact that they tear easily and lose like half his candy on the way home" (don't worry, Portia made sure to point it out and they Hanzel and Gretel'd their way back to rescuing his pirate loot)
11-Asra got Muriel his costume since he didn't want to come wear one at first
12- Asra's bucket has licorice that both resemble's faust and his parent's snakes. He also got him bread from the baker (everyone else had 2 themed candies and I felt bad for Muriel who only got one)
13- Both Julian and Portia get Mazelinka taffies
14- Mc's bucket has all 6 themed candies that directly reference the love interests- yaaayyy references son
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lisbeth-kk · 5 months
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May Prompts
Today's prompt is: intimidation
The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 9)
Summary: Rosie and Sherlock hunt the London streets for sweets a dark Halloween night. A meeting with one of Sherlock's enemies turns out to be the highlight of the expedition.
Nine Years Old
When I came upstairs, wearing my Halloween costume, Papa was attacking Dad’s neck with his silver fangs. (I know, it sounds way more dramatic than it was.) Dad giggled, which did not amuse Papa who was clearly trying to portray an intimidating vampire.
“Sorry, my love. It tickles,” Dad said mirthfully, aware that said vampire was displeased with his flawed reaction.
Papa removed the fangs and looked offended at them. It was time for me to intervene before those silvery teeth were used in an acid experiment.
“How do I look?” I asked, lifting my arms dramatically in the air for good measure.
My dress was bright red, just like my devil horns and my trident. Nana had provided me with black lipstick and the charcoal makeup around my eyes completed the spooky look.
Papa forgot all about the traitorous fangs and gave me a proud onceover.
“Hudders certainly hasn’t forgotten her skills as a makeup artist!” he exclaimed. “You look terrifying.”
Dad was instantly intrigued by this new information about Nana, then shook his head and chuckled.
“You two will scare every part of London you visit tonight,” he proclaimed.
“Obviously,” Papa said smugly. “Come my devilish girl; let the hunt for sweets begin!”
It was unfortunate that we ran into Philip Anderson on our round collecting all kinds of sweets from friendly Londoners. Then again, it had all been a tiny bit monotonous. Papa behaved, not a single deduction left his mouth, and my bucket was filled three quarters full. It was more sweets than I could consume in a fortnight, so we decided to return home, and that’s when we bumped into one of Papa’s least favourite people.
I had only met him a couple of times when I visited Molly at Barts and at the NSY’s Christmas party. (The children friendly version.) 
Anderson was escorting his two children, who stood in a rather long queue outside a house decorated with pumpkins, skeletons, spider webs and orange fairy lights. Michael Jackson’s Thriller boomed from hidden speakers.
I had made up my mind about the man long ago, and everything I had deduced proved to be right. He was an idiot. And rash. The latter became quite clear when he spoke, instantly regretting it once the question was uttered, if his pained expression was anything to go by.
“What…are you doing here, Freak? All dressed up…uhm…like…”
“Ah, Anderson. Such lucid speech. A rarity that,” Papa purred, but the steal in his voice was unmistakable. 
“What did you just call him?” I asked through clenched teeth.
He had the decency to blush. I’ll give him that. His next move was not…how shall I put it…a wise one. He crouched down in front of me, trying, but failing spectacularly, at backpedalling.
“Listen…little girl. It was nothing. Just…well…I guess you’ve heard about pet names?” he stuttered with that whining voice of his, clearly taking me for as big an idiot as himself.
“Now, you listen to me,” I said sternly, my arms akimbo. “That is NOT a pet name, but a swear word. The next time you feel tempted to use it, I want you to reconsider it for just a second.”
My voice was barely a whisper, but I was fastidious with my pronunciation so that even hecould understand the meaning of my warning. Anderson’s eyes went wide with surprise, and I knew my next move would do the innocent harm I intended.
I lifted my right foot, twirled to the left, hitting Anderson’s left calf. I completed the movement and with a quick flick of my ankle I managed to flip his feet in the air, so he lost his balance and landed on his bum. 
The look of confusion when he found himself half-lying on the pavement, is forever engraved in my mind, not to mention securely saved on Papa’s mobile.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @a-victorian-girl
Further tags in the replies for obvious and annoying reasons...
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suzy-queued · 1 year
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A Gallavich tale, told 100 words at a time.
**This story is now complete!**
A man jumped into the back seat of Ian’s car.
“You a driver?” Dark hair, one small piece of luggage.
“Yeah, only if you’re registered on the app.”
“Screw the app. Take me to Nashville.”
Ian choked on his Gatorade. “That’s eight hours from here.”
“You gotta plan these things out. Get matched with the right driver.”
“It’s not like I knew that my fucking boyfriend was gonna run off to fucking Yee-Haw Land to elope with my sworn enemy.”
Ian checked the rearview and saw pain behind those angry blue eyes. He switched his app status to OCCUPIED.
Ian took the entrance ramp onto I-90. They should arrive in Nashville around … oh, 3:37 AM.
“I have an emergency kit.” Ian nodded with his chin. “Under the seat. A few comforts in case you need ’em.”
The passenger shuffled through the insulated bag. “Boxed juice. Granola bars. Fucking gummy bears, man? This is childhood stuff. You got any Jack Daniels?”
Ian felt a spark of disobedience. “I’ve got a few joints in the glove box.” This was definitely off-book behavior, but it felt right. “They come with a price.”
“What’s that, Jeeves?”
“You’ve gotta tell me your whole story.”
The dark-haired passenger scoffed. “You don’t look like you’ve got the stomach to get caught up on my bullshit.”
“Try me.”
“Whatever. Fuckin’ sadist.” He settled into his seat. “You ain’t wearing a wire, right?”
“Not today.”
“All right, so, you ever heard of Berry Buds?”
“Those stuffed animals in the shape of fruit? Don’t people use those to smuggle coke?”
The guy raised an eyebrow. “You too delicate to hear about crime, pumpkin? There’s murder, too. Betrayal. And a pair of pink flamingos.”
“Wait, back up. You forgot the most important part. What’s your name?”
The passenger only smiled.
Man, this passenger could talk. Ian heard an hour’s worth of Milkovich family crimes.
Ian didn’t know the guy’s first name. Only how passionate he was, the excitement in his voice.
“So Iggy launched the box of M-80s into the river, right, and this long-legged yahoo waltzes up.” Milkovich paused. “Wait, did you just yawn? If it’s such a chore to listen, I can fuckin’ stop.”
Ian made eye contact in the rearview mirror. “I was promised murder. A boyfriend.”
Milkovich slunk in his seat. “Keith.” All his passion faded to pain. “Yeah … guess I can talk about him.”
“Keith is …” Milkovich seeped with defeat and anger. “He’s the first person who saw me as more than a thug. We met at the liquor store. Been together seventeen months. I thought we were long-term, you know? Then he starts spending time at clubs. Digging into the scene. I don’t give a fuck if he does coke to let off steam. But he keeps getting it from the same guy. Real tall motherfucker. White-blond hair. Wears sweater vests.”
“Northside prick.”
“Oh, you know this guy?”
Ian had seen plenty of club action. He hardened in solidarity. “I know the type.”
“Anyways, that’s how I realized my piece-of-shit boyfriend is marrying fancy-pants Logan Covington, the motherfucker who snipes our business and has led the biggest anti-Milkovich smear campaign this side of Michigan.” The passenger let out a sigh. He slowed for the first time in an hour. “Shoulda known by that haircut. He came home looking like a walking Ken doll.”
“So, wait.” Ian sorted through the complicated story threads. “Are you going to kill your boyfriend?”
“No, man, keep up. I want to get him back.” He leaned forward, laying his hand on Ian’s shoulder. “And you’re gonna help me.”
Ian scoffed. “Don’t rope me into your drama.”
“Come on, man. We show up at the chapel, tell Keith I’m dating you now, let the jealousy unfold.”
Unbelievable. Ian shouldn’t even consider the offer. He had a ton to do this weekend. But Milkovich was obviously hurting.
Ian scratched his chin. “And I’d be on the clock the whole time?”
“What, you scared to do it? You a homophobe or something?”
“I’m gay.”
Milkovich stared, hard. He looked Ian up and down. “You never mentioned that.” He gave a coy smirk.
Ian felt a shot of electricity. “You never asked.”
The Silver Diner in Lafayette, Indiana bustled with activity.
Milkovich talked over the sizzling grill. “Still don’t know why we stopped here.”
“Can’t think on an empty stomach.” Ian flagged the waitress.
Jolene smiled, leaned into the booth. “Order’s coming right up, sugarpot.” She touched Ian’s arm as she left.
Milkovich frowned. “That shit happen to you a lot?”
“Chicks waving their boobs in your face.”
“I don’t really notice.” But Milkovich noticed. Interesting.
“It’s good, actually. We can use it in our plan. People find you attractive.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
He rolled his eyes. “Didn’t say me.”
Milkovich rolled a coin across the diner table. “You see that? Table's tilted by a degree-and-a-half. Cheap off-balance pedestal leg. I’d have used a trestle instead.”
Huh. This guy’s shoulders relaxed when he talked about normal stuff.
“The key with builds like this…” The guy was smart. Layered. Funny. And his eyes twinkled when he geeked out about construction, apparently.
Ian was finding new ways to be awed each minute.
“…at least shim the motherfucker because…”
Ian interrupted. “I’m in.”
“Your plan? I guess can pretend to like you.”
Ian’s stomach swooped. Pretend might not be the right word.
“Seriously, you’ll do it?” Milkovich raised an eyebrow. “Okay, lay it on me. Tell me everything about you.”
Ian enjoyed sharing his details. “I’m one of six kids. Two sisters, three brothers. Wait, you’re not writing this down? You’re gonna memorize all this shit?”
The guy leaned forward, intense, piercing. He traced his finger around Ian’s wrist. “We’re chained now. I’ll remember everything about you.”
This was absurd, but the guy seemed dead serious.
Ian felt goosebumps. He took charge and matched the guy’s intensity. “Then tell me your first name.”
A quick tongue flick. The guy nodded. “It’s Mickey.”
Turns out, scheming and joking with Mickey was easier than breathing. Ian drummed on the table. “Okay, how’d we meet? I gave you a ride somewhere?”
“And then I rode you.” Mickey laughed. “Simple enough. How about second date?”
Ian’s inner romantic spun into action. “A rooftop picnic. You brought snacks and whiskey.”
“Hm. Doesn’t sound like me.”
“I brought a tire iron and gun because I didn’t trust you.”
Mickey smirked, like these lies were becoming reality in his head. “Wise man.”
Ian swelled. His weekend suddenly had purpose. He’d be the best fake boyfriend in the goddamn world.
They hit the john before they got back on the road. Pissed in outdated urinals, washed their hands.
Ian watched Mickey closely. Every turn, every strut, every smirk. That’s how he noticed that Mickey flinched when the hand dryer shot to life.
“Mickey Milkovich.” Ian laughed. “You can dump a mob boss in the Chicago River but you’re afraid of a little hot air?”
“It’s fucking startling.”
Mickey paused in the doorway. Tilted his head. Looked up at Ian. “Keith … he never noticed that about me.”
Ian elbowed him, defusing his sadness. “I’m going to learn all your secrets, boyfriend.”
Around midnight, the rhythm of repeating street lights on Interstate 65 lulled Ian toward sleep.
“Can I ask you a question?” Mickey looked damn relaxed, too. Seat leaned back. Legs stretched out. Talking in a low voice. “Let’s say I blew this.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“Say I end up alone. Do I deserve that?”
Ian could certainly judge. He’d heard about Mickey’s crimes, his family, his dating history.
He wanted to hold Mickey’s hand. He wanted to find the right words to remedy this hurt.
“Mickey, you are the most –”
A bang. A crash. Ian’s face smashed into the airbag.
Ian took inventory. He was conscious. Neck pain. Bleeding nose.
He scrambled to unfasten his seatbelt. To wave away the airbag dust.
He pawed at Mickey’s leg, arm, chest. “Are you okay?”
“I’m scraped up.” Mickey coughed. “What happened?”
“Someone clipped our bumper. We spun out. Hit the guardrail. I was out of control.”
“Why are you pulling on my eye?”
Ian lowered his hand. “Checking for a concussion.” He tried to steady his breath, calm his panic. “I’m sorry. I let you down.”
Mickey set his injured hand on Ian’s, offering shaky reassurance. “Better than being worm food, man.”
The cops had come and gone. Reality settled in. Ian’s car was undriveable. They were stranded.
Mickey’s anxiety spiked. “How the hell am I getting to the wedding now?” He paced along the shoulder, pointing at Ian. “Who drives for a fucking living and doesn’t have roadside assistance?”
Ian spoke via speakerphone to a random tow company they’d Googled. “It’s a silver Camry. Near exit 130.”
Mickey yelled into the phone. “Just look for the goddamn ring of fire lighting up I-65.”
Ian prayed for strength. “Ignore him. There’s no fire.” Unless you counted the flames rising from Mickey’s nostrils.
Ian talked to Mickey in the crammed cab of the tow truck. “I told you I’d get you there. I’ll think of something.”
The mechanic pulled into a repair shop. “Car can stay here. Hank opens at 7:00 tomorrow.”
Mickey exploded. “It’s not open 24 hours?”
“This is Indianapolis, not L.A.”
“How are we supposed—"
Ian held up a hand to stop him. He could feel Mickey’s desperation, his impatience and heartbreak. “Is there a hotel nearby?”
The mechanic pointed across the street. To a run-down motel called King Richard’s Royal Inn.
Mickey glared. “Well, long live the fuckin’ king.”
Josie at the front desk didn’t even look at her computer. “I’m sorry. It’s race week. We don’t have room for more guests.”
Mickey glared at Ian. “Come on, Gingerbread. You’re taking me to the Motel 6.”
Josie snorted. “You’ll be lucky to find a campground in this town with a vacancy.”
“Guess I’m sleeping in your fucking lobby, then.”
As if Ian didn’t feel bad enough about this situation.
A chime sounded on the computer.
“Hey, now.” Josie smiled. “We’ve just had a cancellation.” She looked between them. “It’s a single. One full-sized bed.”
Mickey didn’t hesitate. “We’ll take it.”
“Door’s flimsy enough to kick open.” Ian unlocked the motel room.
Mickey groaned. “No TV. No closet. They better have hot water.”
“Jesus, the bed’s small.” Ian’s neck ached. This was officially hell.
“You gonna be all right, Red? We’ve got to get used to touching each other.”
Ian grabbed him and pulled him close, roughly. “Think we’ll be able to fool Keith?”
And, damn, Mickey’s face was right fucking there, looking tired. Cranky. Kissable. “We should do it bareback in the middle of the chapel just to piss him off.”
Ian was not going to survive this night.
Mickey cracked the bathroom door as he showered, fogging up the motel room.
Ian sat on the bed, still for the first time tonight. He felt warmth. Pain. Adrenaline let-down.
Mickey’s silhouette moved behind the curtain. A hint. A tease. An invitation.
What if … Ian pulled the curtain back?
He could feel those sturdy shoulders, that smooth skin. Trace his tongue along the water droplets. Grab that thick … hair.
What if Mickey dropped his guy and took Ian on? Then what?
Would Mickey get tired of him?
Desire. Curiosity. Potential. Ian’s thoughts swirled like water.
… then the shower clicked off.
“Jesus!” Mickey pulled the curtain back. “Damn water turned to ice.” He jumped from the shower, lunging for a towel.
And of course Ian had been staring and saw everything. Mickey’s dripping body. The toned muscles in his legs. His stomach. A quick flash of his anatomy.
Ian turned away.
“Fucking freezing, man.” Mickey’s wet feet slapped on the floor. “This is on you, Gallagher.”
Ian peeked. The towel did nothing to hide the curve of Mickey’s ass.
God, Ian had to tamp down his infatuation. Maybe cockiness would work instead. “I hear skin-to-skin contact gets you warm the fastest.”
Mickey huffed at Ian’s joke. “You tryin’ to see me naked?”
“It’s for science. Research.”
Mickey shrugged and reached for the knot of his towel. The world moved in slow motion now, a tattooed hand tugging white cotton.
The fabric fell away, sliding down his leg. Dark hairs matted against skin. Body with the right balance of definition and softness.
Ian’s heart beat fast. He felt it getting stronger and stronger and stronger.
He glanced up and fell into Mickey’s eyes.
One touch could overcome the silence. One touch could reveal Ian’s crush.
Mickey smiled, all confidence. “Your turn, Loverboy.”
In this game of chicken, Mickey was winning.
Ian gulped. It was only fair, right? Mickey needed to see his body for their boyfriend charade to work.
Ian peeled off his jeans. His t-shirt, going slow and begging all his parts to stay chill.
Mickey never broke eye contact.
Ian slid his boxers down, breathless.
“Patriot tattoo. Boobs tattoo.” Mickey nodded. “Carpet matches the drapes. Uh-huh.”
How could Mickey stay so calm when he was tearing Ian’s nerves to pieces?
Mickey stepped within touching distance. “Only one more question, hot shot.”
“What’s that?”
“How good of an actor are you?”
Ian held his ground. “I’m a great actor.”
“Could you kiss me right now?” Mickey’s gaze raked down Ian’s body. “Kiss me and not get hard?” Mickey spoke oh-so-slowly. “We’re together, right? So we supposedly kiss all the time. Can you control yourself?”
A song burst through the tension. A silly cartoon voice repeating, You are my cute-cumber. You are my cute-cumber.
Mickey’s eyes widened. “Fuck, my phone.”
He scrambled, but the sound went silent before he got there.
Ian laughed. “Seriously? That’s the cheesiest alert.”
“You don’t understand.” Mickey looked up with pain in his eyes. “That’s Keith’s ringtone.”
Keith’s call shifted Mickey's vibe from flirty to flustered.
Ian slid on his boxers and jeans. Being naked suddenly seemed wrong.
“Why the fuck was he calling?” Mickey threw the towel over his lap. “He didn’t leave a voicemail. Is he having second thoughts about the wedding? Should I call back?”
Ian had no clue how to help. “Just take a minute. Breathe.”
“My brain’s turning to mush here, Gallagher. I’m exhausted. I’m confused. We haven’t eaten in hours. And now this? Tell me what the fuck to do.”
Ian didn’t think. He yanked Mickey’s head back and kissed him.
The kiss was overwhelming. Tinged with panic. Wonderful. Scary. Exciting. Over too soon.
Mickey touched his own lips. “That’s good. I … needed that.”
“This trip’ll be stressful enough without you freaking out. When the anxiety ratchets up in that head of yours, I’ll take care of you, all right?”
Mickey nodded. Took a second. Smirked. “Knew you couldn’t do it.”
“Knew you couldn’t kiss me without getting hard.”
“You’re an asshole.”
But the intensity on Mickey’s face told Ian not to push. The bright blue eyes. The absolute relief at being taken care of.
Ian let the moment simmer.
Ian needed to be supportive. A bodyguard. A wingman, offering safety pins and pep talks.
He pulled two joints from his pocket. “You weren’t meant to face this weekend sober.”
“Fuck, man, you always know what I need.”
“Snagged ’em from my glove box after the crash.” Ian lit up and offered one to Mickey. “I know everything seems fuckin’ hopeless, like your life is wrecked. You ain’t wrong.”
“This supposed to make me feel better?”
“The point is, it’s okay to be who you are.”
“What’s that, big guy?”
Ian threaded their fingers together. “A loser, just like me.”
The wee hours passed in a purple haze of weed and exhaustion.
They didn’t sleep. They lay beside each other in that tiny bed, clothes on, joking and mumbling.
They bumped elbows, knocked knees, held hands.
Ian ached for more touch. For a kiss that meant more than comfort.
Mickey’s icy blue eyes held him at bay. I can’t face that yet. Please let me hover outside of reality a little longer.
In the orange glow of sunrise, Ian gathered his nerve. He asked the question he’d been pondering all night. “You still want to go to this wedding, Milkovich?”
Mickey sat too far away on the motel bed. “Why wouldn’t I go? Keith is my boyfriend. We live together.”
“How’s that gonna work out once the newlyweds get home?”
“I still want to go.”
This wasn’t right, goddammit. In the movies, a kiss leads to a romantic finale, not this stubborn insistence to stay on course.
Ian grasped at one last hope. “To win Keith back?”
Mickey inched closer. He held Ian’s chin. Broke into a smile. “To show him what a big mistake he made.”
This time, the kiss was only about the two of them. Fuckin’ finally.
--- * --- * --- * --- * ---
Hey. Is this thing on?
Gallagher’s been doing an okay job telling this story, but now it’s my turn. And none of that past-tense, passive bullshit. I’ll tell you everything the moment it happens, okay?
You’re gonna witness every mile, every pit stop, every tacky decision my ex makes for this wedding. His abysmal choice in groom. Some godawful silver balloon arch. Those lime-flavored vodka Jell-o squares he loves so much.
Damn, I can’t wait to see the scowl on Keith’s face when Ian and I start playing tonsil hockey on the dance floor.
We’re gonna fuck some shit up.
It’s seven AM. I’m camped outside Hank’s Body Shop drinking coffee-colored swill.
Ian’s beside me, giving me bedroom eyes, running his fingers up my arm. He’s tempting as fuck.
Hank unlocks the door and lets us in. “Knew you’d be waitin’.”
I spot Ian’s car, nod toward it. “What’s the damage?”
“Her bones are good, but you’re looking at three grand in parts and labor. I have an opening on October first.”
“October? That’s six weeks from now.”
Hank shrugs. “You can tow her somewhere else. No skin off my teeth.”
Ian eyes darken, and not in a sexy way.  
Look, I’ve learned a lot about Gallagher in the past day. If he says he’s gonna do something, he will.
We’re definitely getting to Nashville.
He’s got about eighty tabs up on his phone. “Ubering is ridiculously expensive. A rental car’ll surcharge me because I’m not twenty-five.”
“You’re not?”
“Not until next May.” Ian doesn’t even look up. “Greyhound leaves at 11:30. What time’s the wedding?”
“Guess we’re taking the bus.”
I fucking hate this idea. Ian can tell. He grabs me by the waist. “We can cuddle the whole way there.”
Okay, maybe I fucking love this idea.
We leave the car behind. Leave the body shop behind. Check out of the motel, leave it behind.
All I’ve been doing lately is letting things go. Releasing the goddamn trapeze wire and falling without a net.
My ex is the hardest fucking thing to let go.
Ian and I sit in the back seat of a cab, on our way to the bus station. He holds my hand, simply. “This is the first time I’ve seen your shoulders relax.”
He's a six-foot-high, freckly-armed godsend. It's easier to let go when a motherfucker like that is waiting to catch you.
The bus trip passes in a blur. I’m lost in a tangle of Gallagher limbs. He touches my forehead, cups my cheek, kisses me every minute on the minute.
After all the shit we’ve gone through, the ride feels too easy. Roadblocks are easy to rally against. But when the path is clear, doubt creeps in.
We pull into Nashville Station at four o’clock. It’s sunny. The air smells like Keith.
He’s probably putting on his tux and double-checking the flowers right now.
I’ve been obsessed. I haven’t taken a moment to breathe.
Am I doing the right thing?
I shove down my hesitation, because fuck Keith. If I want to crash his party, I’ll do it with a wrecking ball.
Ian and I step out of an Uber, bleary-eyed. The white chapel sits in a commercial strip, bathed in neon.
There’s two pink birds dressed in tuxedos mounted out front. I rip one from the grass. “Goddamn flamingos, man. That was supposed to be our thing.”
A man greets guests at the chapel steps. “Thank you for coming, thank you ah-very much.” Rhinestones. Bell bottoms. Sunglasses.
I can’t handle this shit. “He’s having fucking Elvis officiate his wedding?!”
I’m ready to find out what kinda froufrou shindig my ex is throwing. I’m gonna bust in his skull the second he vows himself to that prick Logan Covington.  
Only … I haven’t moved yet.
Ian sets his hand on my neck. He touches a muscle that calms my whole goddamn body. “Hey, there’s a pizza place around the block. You up for it?”
I blink. “Bustin’ this up isn’t going to help anything, is it?”
He shakes his head.
Fuck. That voice of reason finally takes hold. “Pizza it is, then.”
The moment we turn, I hear a voice. “Mickey?”
Keith’s tux is perfect. His hair is perfect. “What’re you doing here? H-how are you?”
“Me? I don’t have a care in the goddamn world.”
He’s got candles in one hand and hideous flowers in the other. He pauses, like there’s no fucking sense hiding what’s going on. “I’m dying to know what you’re thinking.”
Well, fuck, I am, too. Because I didn’t plan this far. This whole trip’s been fueled by spitfire and rage. Now here we stand, face-to-face, and I’m torn between revenge and the strong freckled hands of my Uber driver.
I open my mouth to speak.
I can’t find the right words. My mouth works on autopilot. I turn my head and lay the biggest goddamn kiss on Ian. His body tenses, then he melts into it like we’ve been doing this shit for years.
I forget that Keith’s there. Elvis fades away. The chords of the practicing organist fade away.
I pull back slowly, staring at Ian.
“Um, hello?” Keith waves.
“Ian and I are gonna grab some grub. Maybe check out that haunted Nashville tour. Have fun with whatever bullshit you’re doing today.”
I don’t care how petty I sound.
I’m finally fuckin’ free.
I hear Keith stammering behind me. I don’t care what he has to say or what a clusterfuck this’ll be after the dust settles and we return home.
Ian and I shuffle down the sidewalk arm-in-arm.
The pizza ain’t Chicago style, but it tastes amazing. The hotel Ian picks for us ain’t fancy, but the sheets are clean.
We kiss against the wall. He peels off my clothes.
25 hours. 475 miles. One motherfucking Elvis. One round of drowsy sex.
I’m comfortable tangled in Ian’s gangly arms.
We do the thing I’ve been dying to do for an eternity … sleep.
Ian hands our key to the hotel clerk. “My friend and I enjoyed our stay.”
I nudge Ian as we walk outside. “Why’d you call me that?”
“Because you’re my friend.”
I pinch my eyes. I need more.
Ian slinks against me. “You’re my… lover.” Now he’s getting it. “Wanna bite you. Wanna nibble on you the whole way home.”
Better, but I still need more. “When we get back, will you be my—”
“Yes.” For Ian, it’s as simple as that.
We got no car. No plan. We only have each other.
And that’s all I fuckin’ need.
Ian threw a receipt onto the kitchen table. “Finally paid the last toll. Got all the Camry repairs done.”
Mickey smirked. “We never got to show off our fake dating skills on that trip.”
“There’s one last souvenir I gotta deal with.” Ian got down on one knee, holding a small black box. “You’re in this house – this home – all the time. Might as well make it official.”
“You sayin’ you wanna get hitched?”
“You up for it? No flamingoes, I promise.”
Mickey pulled him into a kiss. “Pretty wise choice, hopping in your car that day.”
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 1 year
Ghostface steddie.
"So... you have a boyfriend?" Eddie twirls a switchblade in his fingers. Steve is in the kitchen wearing a cute over sized sweater that has a pumpkin patch on it. It's the dorkiest thing ever. But damn if it doesn't DO IT for him right now. Steve huffs a laugh in to the phone, switching the phone from one crook of his neck to the other. "Why, you want to ask me out on a date?" Dating was on the table?? Eddie tries to focus. He really really wants Steve dead but...a corpse with that ass? A crime of its own. He knows Steve is being sarcastic, he could tell even if he wasn't spying on Steve from his hiding spot in the trees. "Maybe." He shoots back. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Steve laughs. "No." Eddie knew the answer but hearing it sent a bunch of nonhomicidal butterflies alight in his stomach. "You never told me your name." Eddie asks instead trying to stay focused. "Why do you want to know my name?" Steve walks through his living room, sweet little ass swaying side to side. Eddie just walks through the kitchen, he had already took the lock out a few days ago. "Cause I want to know who I'm looking at." Steve whips around and hits Eddie square in the face. "I forgot you're good at that." Eddie groans from the floor. His mask flew off. Steve just sighs. "I knew it was you. That movie was so lame. Plus I recognized your voice." Eddie stands up. "No you didn't!" He protests. Steve grins "No, but I did recognize your cologne." And Eddie feels weak again for a completely different reason.
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ughgoaway · 10 months
Absolutely loved the fic. I need a proper blurb of Annie doing Ross' hair
Ahh thank you, my love, I am still not loving it but im glad someone is enjoying it!!
And I am HAPPY to expand on Annie doing Ross’ hair. The amazing @alovesreading mentioned something similar in her tags once, and I always meant to do a blurb on it but completely forgot until now lol
So, as mentioned in the fic, Annie is obsessed with playing hairdresser. it all started when she saw Matty doing his hair before an award show and freaking out.
You and him are together at this point, so he facetimes you and tries to convince you to come over and help him. 
“Please baby, I know you can't come to the show tonight, but you aren't even gonna help your poor boyfriend fix his hair for the Brit Awards???” he says with a pout whilst pulling his curls and eyeing the gel on the sink. 
Before he can ever really consider it, your voice rings out of the phone, “NO GEL MATTY. I can see you eyeing it already.” he begins to whinge but you cut him off, “You look so pretty with your culrssss” You pout right back at him and see matty’s face immediately crumble, and his cheeks get slightly red. He's still not used to being called pretty by you, he fucking adores it.
You get Annie to hold the phone behind his head and direct her to move certain curls and twist pieces of hair and she loves it, especially when the the end you say “Thank you for your help, Annie! You should be your daddys hairdresser. You do a much better job than me.”
And Annie takes that and RUNS with it.
Matty is a pushover attentive father, so he buys her everything she could possibly want; hair clips, butterfly clips, hair ties with bows and figures on them, headbands, little bows: anything she needs- she has.
So it's inevitable when she comes into the studio next she practically pounces on Ross and his long hair. But to be honest, he was really asking for it by wearing it down when she came in. “ROSS!!! Will you let me play hairdresser??? I want to make your hair pretty!!”
Ross has to try not to read too much into the fact that she didn't think his hair was already pretty.
He has to be gentle when he lets her down, “Ah, Annie im not sure that's a good idea pumpkin i-” he avoids making eye contact for a few seconds but as soon as he looks at her wide eyes and shaky lip he fucking crumbles. 
“Oh alright then” he says, and Annie squeals and runs over. 
“Mate she got you good,” Matty says, laughing, but Adam quickly shuts him up,
“Didn't she get you to wear your hair bows to Tesco last week?”
“... shut up Hann”
Ross is on the floor, and Annie is standing on the sofa behind him because she's too small to reach his head if she stands on the floor. She begins grabbing all her stuff and putting it on the sofa, and Ross shoots Matty a scared look at the number of things she has. He simply shrugs, smiles, and walks away. Ross is on his own as far as he is concerned. 
She pulls pieces of hair back and pins them with glittery butterfly clips, digging them into his head a little too hard and almost denting his skull (not really, but Jesus she’s heavy-handed) She grabs bunches of hair and puts them in small ponytails, each hair bobble has a little decoration on it. 
She stands on his lap to look at the front of his hair, and Ross has to hold her steady because he's shaking her by laughing.
“Uncle Ross, stop laughing!! I can't get it right if you move” Annie complains looking at Ross with a grumpy look on her face. 
He can't help it, the way her eyes get laser-focused and her tongue slips out the side of her mouth looks exactly the same as when Matty is trying to think of a lyric or play a hard song. 
Once he pulls it together, Annie starts putting bows along his hairline along with hairclips and, of course, more butterfly clips. 
Peering in from the hallway are Matty, George, and Adam and they are all giggling to themselves at the pair, “oh Ross is trying so hard to be annoyed, but you can tell he loves the attention” George says. 
“Obviously, why else would he grow out his hair? He was sick of Matty being the hair guy of the band” Adam laughs at Matty's immediate scrunched face. 
“Hey! Im still the hair guy, okay, ross looks like bass-playing Jesus”
“You say that as if bass-playing Jesus isn't a sick idea,” George says, adam nods in agreement, and Matty grumbles.
“Well, im just glad it's not me anymore. I think if y/n found one more clip in my hair whilst she’s pulling on it, she’d dump me”
“... why is she pulling on your hair” Adam innocently asks, forgetting who his friend is for a few seconds.”
Matty immediately smirks, “Well Hann, when you're going down on a girl and it's really good, just before she cums she grabs your hair and-”
“OKAY MATTY YES I GET IT. god why did I even ask-” 
Annie finishes 10 minutes later with a flourish, and Ross can't even pretend to be annoyed. He loves nothing more than spending time with Annie. She is everything to him. She feels like his niece or even his own daughter sometimes. He basically raised her in tandem with Matty, so their connection is undeniable.
He hangs out with her whenever he can, always offering to babysit on your date nights or to take her out on fun days. One of his favourite days of his entire life (aside from the day she was born, of course) was when he got to take her to the fair for a day. He bought everything she wanted, and by the end of the day, they were both crashed from the amount of sugar they had eaten. 
Annie insisted Ross wore his hair like that for the rest of the studio session, and he did.
Jamie walked in 2 hours later and looked at Ross questioningly but then saw Annie asleep on his lap on the sofa and nodded understandingly.
blurb masterlist
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atths--twice · 1 year
The First Halloween
It's William's first Halloween. Who is more excited?
Season 9 never happened. As far as we're concerned, the story faded out with two people celebrating the birth of their son. They have moved on in many ways, together, as it should have been. This year, William celebrates his first Halloween as an active participant and it's hard to tell who is more excited.
Fictober Day 2 prompt: Just in case this doesn't work
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October 31, 2002
“Oh my goodness. He looks so adorable,” her mother said to Scully, smiling at William in his puffy pumpkin costume. “I don't think that little hat will last too long, though.”
“Oh, I’m sure it won’t,” Scully said with a laugh. “Although we have been putting it on him every day for the past couple of weeks to get him used to it. He’s better about it, but I’m not too hopeful it will stay on all night.”
“It does complete the pumpkin outfit, but he’s still cute without it.” Her mother knelt down beside him, touching his costume. “So cute.”
“Gamma,” William said, handing Maggie a colorful block. He looked up at Scully and touched his hat. “Off. No.”
“You don’t want to wear it?” she asked and William shook his head, tugging at the strap of the hat. “Okay. You don’t have to wear it.” She helped him take it off and then kissed his rosy cheeks. “I love you, little pumpkin.”
“Puh-in,” he said, patting his costume and smiling. “Puh-in, Mama.”
“Yeah. You’re my sweet pumpkin.” She kissed him again and caught her mother staring at her. “What?”
“I’m happy to see you happy. To have him. To have…” She broke off as tears filled her eyes and Scully reached over to hug her. “I’m just so happy for you, Dana.”
“I know, Mom,” she said, closing her eyes as she held her tightly. “I am too.”
Little hands patted against both of them and they laughed as they separated and turned their attention to William who looked at them curiously.
“William, my love, what do we say when we knock on the door?” Scully asked, smoothing back his light brown hair. “Knock, knock.”
“Tick teet,” he responded, grinning at her.
“Oh my God,” her mother said, laughing and crying at the same time.
“That’s right. Such a clever little pumpkin,” Scully said to him, kissing and hugging him as he repeated himself over and over.
“Hey hey,” Mulder called out as he walked in the front door, home from work at last. “It has been a day. Oh, hi Mrs. Scully… sorry, Maggie.” He smiled at her as she rose to greet him.
“Hello, Fox,” she said, kissing his cheek. “I’ve come to join the stroll through the neighborhood this fine Halloween evening.”
“Good,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulders and looking at Scully and William with a smile. “Speaking of which, I saw some kids out when I was driving in. Is the candy ready?”
“In the bowl on the table. Oh! I forgot to light the pumpkins.”
“I got it,” he said, giving Maggie a quick squeeze before stepping away to pick up William who was running to him as quickly as he could in his costume.
“Dada! Dada!”
“Hey, little pumpkin man. You are so adorable.” He kissed William’s forehead as William patted his cheeks and giggled. “Hat didn’t make it, huh?”
“As we predicted,” Scully laughed as she joined them, putting one hand on Mulder’s back and the other on William’s. “Did you not have a good day, hon?”
“Eh, it was fine. But it’s better now.” He smiled at her and she raised up, kissing him softly. “How about we wait on lighting the pumpkins and giving out the candy and we head out now?”
“No, we can wait. My mom brought dinner with her and I’m sure you're hungry.” She gave him a pointed look, knowing he most likely missed lunch as he was wont to do, his focus on teaching becoming all consuming.
“I can-” he started to say and she stopped him with a shake of her head.
“We’ll eat first. Go change.”
“Was she always so bossy?” he asked Maggie, handing William off to her. “Or has it just been since I’ve known her?”
“Little bit of both, I’d say,” Maggie said, smiling as she looked at Scully.
Ding dong.
“Saved by the bell,” Scully told him, raising her eyebrows at him as she went to grab the bowl of candy. “Go. Change.”
“Alright. Alright,” he said, sharing a look with Maggie as he began to untie his tie.
Thirty minutes later, the dishes soaking in the sink for their return, they were heading out for William’s first Halloween.
Scully blew out the candles in the pumpkins and a sound to her left made her look up to see Mulder pushing the stroller.
“Just in case this doesn’t work with him walking the whole time. He’s small yet, but still, he gets heavy.”
“I was going to suggest it, actually. For the exact same reason.”
“Great minds,” he said, grinning at her and stealing a kiss as he passed.
Children of all ages ran past or walked at a slower pace, the streets empty of vehicle traffic. William stopped to watch them, waving excitedly and clapping his hands.
Two little girls dressed as angels stopped and told him he was a cute pumpkin.
“Puh-in!” he exclaimed, touching his costume. “Puh-in!”
“Yes. You’re a pumpkin. We’re angels. See our wings?” They turned around and he gently touched the delicate silver and white wings.
“Pity,” he said softly and Scully exhaled a shaky breath while her mother gasped and put a hand to her mouth.
“Thank you, little pumpkin,” the older girl said, smiling at him when she turned back around. “Happy Halloween. Have fun!” And then they were off, with William waving goodbye.
They all walked to the first door, but let him go the last few steps on his own.
“Knock on the door, honey,” Scully said. “Knock, knock.”
“Tick teet!” William called back to her and they all laughed.
Mulder walked up and rapped on the door twice before stepping back to rejoin Scully and Maggie.
The door opened and an older woman drew in a deep breath at the sight of him. Squatting down, she smiled at William.
“Did you knock on my door, little pumpkin?”
“Knot. Tick teet. Knot.”
“Trick or treat, yes. Would you like some candy?”
William nodded and then noticed a cat that was behind the woman.
“Oh! Cat. Hi, cat!” He waved and the woman chuckled softly.
“Come here, Blue. You have an admirer.”
The snow white cat chirped and wound itself around the woman’s legs, staring up at William with big blue eyes. William placed a hand on the woman’s knee and lowered himself onto his own knees to get closer to the cat.
“Mulder,” Scully whispered, shaking her head, thinking they should stop him.
“He’s okay,” he whispered back as they watched him pet the cat and then press his forehead to the top of the cat's head.
“He likes you,” the woman said as the cat dropped to the ground and started rolling around.
A group of kids ran up, pushing past the three adults and startling the cat. He ran back inside the house and Scully hurried forward to collect William.
“Hold on now,” the woman said firmly to the other children. “This little pumpkin was here already, he gets his candy first.” She handed William a bag of m&m’s and he took them, looking around for the cat.
“Cat?” he asked as Scully picked him up.
“Thank you,” she said to the woman and she nodded as she began handing out candy to the other children. “Come on, sweetie. We’ll see the cat later. Do you want to go to the next house?”
“Cat,” he said, looking back at the house sadly. “See cat.”
“I know,” Scully sympathized, kissing his head and holding him close.
“Maybe we need to have another discussion about getting a pet,” Mulder said hopefully as they walked to the next house and William continued to look over Scully’s shoulder.
“Maybe,” she agreed.
“You heard that right, Mrs. Scully- I mean Maggie? You heard that she agreed to have a pet?” he asked, turning to look at Maggie, who was pushing the stroller.
“I heard an agreement to a discussion,” she answered, smiling mischievously as she met Scully’s eyes. “But if I get a vote, I’m definitely pro pet.”
“Yes! You definitely get a vote,” Mulder said, nodding enthusiastically.
“Mulder,” Scully laughed, shaking her head.
Four more houses and William lost interest, not knowing or caring about getting candy. They walked around the neighborhood looking at decorations instead, William now in the stroller. When he began to yawn, they headed home.
Pajamas on, stories read and lullabies sung, he was down for the night.
The dishes washed and put away, they answered the door for a few more children before turning off the porch light and joining Maggie, who had been persuaded to stay the night, in the living room for a glass of wine.
“So about that pet discussion,” Mulder said, taking a drink and winking at Maggie. “I say we skip right past it and just vote yay or nay to getting said pet. Mrs… Maggie?”
“Mulder,” Scully admonished him with a laugh.
“I vote wholeheartedly in favor of getting a pet. Do I need to remind you about Mr. Buttons, Dana?”
“Mom,” Scully said, her mouth dropping open in disbelief.
“Ohhh, who’s Mr. Buttons?” Mulder asked.
“He’s the cat we had when I was younger. He looked similar to the one we saw tonight, but he was more of a soft gray color,” Scully explained, shaking her head at her mother.
“And you loved him,” Maggie stated, before taking a sip of wine.
“I did. Very much,” Scully agreed softly, thinking of the sweet, soft cat who used to sleep at the foot of her bed.
Mulder and Maggie looked at each other and Scully sighed.
“Fine,” she said, rolling her eyes affectionately, knowing she had been outvoted. “Let’s get a pet.”
Expecting a whoop of happiness from Mulder, she was surprised when his celebration was quiet.
Leaning forward, he tapped his wine glass to Maggie’s and grinned at her.
“I thank you, Maggie. Wholeheartedly.”
“Oh, you’re welcome, Fox. More than welcome.”
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etherealpapercut · 2 years
loki x y/n as halloween-themed quotes from my friends/family!
loki: what day is it?
y/n: october 30th.
loki: ...
y/n: ...
loki: oh my gosh tomorrow’s halloween
y/n: it is.
loki, panicking: y/n!! i need help with my costume!! i haven’t prepared a costume!!
y/n: it’s halloween tomorrow.
y/n: what?
loki: that’s why you bought so many chips and cookies and candy yesterday! 
loki: *points accusingly* and then you hid it all.
loki: y/n, tradition is to carve... pumpkins... right?
y/n: *holding a knife to a watermelon* 
loki: ...
y/n: ...
loki: ...
y/n: i’m actually... allergic... to pumpkins...
y/n: i’m going as a ghost. just a bedsheet and sunglasses over top. are you dressing up, or are you too old for that kind of thing?
loki, sputtering: too–too old? old?! i’m old??? 
y/n: i didn’t think my costume through, and now i have to wear it to school.
loki: is that another thing you guys do? wear your costumes to school?
y/n: well, kind of. so that you can show off to everyone you know–but listen, i cannot go waltzing into the building in an 8ft tall realistic gorilla costume, the secretaries would freak.
loki: fair enough.
loki, calling y/n on the phone, on the verge of tears: why didn’t you come to my costume party?
y/n: ...
y/n: oh no
y/n: i completely forgot about your costume party
loki: you forgot about my costume party? y/n, how could you??
y/n, now on the verge of tears: I’M SORRY I’M SO SORRY I’LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU I PROMISE
y/n: my funniest halloween memory?
loki: please, y/n, don’t–
y/n: okay–shush–listen, there’s this house in my neighbourhood that goes ALL OUT every year and it was really messed up, man, so i wasn’t going to the door to ask for candy...
loki: oh dear
y/n: but loki wanted to prove me a chicken, so he waltzes up the path, past the skeleton under the lawnmower, the torn up dolls covered in fake blood hanging from the tree, all the caution tape and stands right next to the witch statue by the doorbell–
loki: oh no
y/n: –which was actually a lady in a costume and not a statue–
loki: please stop talking
y/n, giggling: –and so this witch grabs loki by the shoulder, and he screams so loud.
loki: you would have done the same!
y/n: and it was so fucking funny
loki: no
y/n: and we haven't been trick’or’treating since.
loki: i was traumatised...
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mystic-story-lover · 1 year
~ Congratulations ~
Alex Shelley x Chris Sabin x Zoe (OC Female!Reader)
Word Count: 3369
Warnings: Swearing
Type: Fluff, Hints at previous smut
Summary: To celebrate their victories at Against All Odds, the boys want to treat their girlfriend to a pleasurable night
A/N: Okay, but what was going to be a smut fic turned into a different idea, and how could I resist
“Hey there, handsome.” A familiar voice called from behind the brunette, causing him to let out a sigh of relief. When he turned around, he’d spotted his long time best friend, Chris Sabin, with their girlfriend Zoe on his back. A wide smile was spread across her lips as she looked at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back at her.
“I was about to go looking for the two of you.” Alex chuckled, the same loopy smile somehow managed to grow as he looked at his lovers. “What are you up to right now?”
“Little miss hungry decided that she wanted a snack after all, so we were on the way to catering when we found you.” Chris laughed as he watched the woman above him extend her legs, trying to wrap them around the younger man’s waist.
“If you wanted me close to you, all you had to do was ask Pumpkin.” She giggled at the nickname, one he’d given her when their relationship first began. To Alex, it still felt like yesterday, even though ten months had passed since the day that Chris asked the both of them out. By chance, it was also the first day that he’d called her Pumpkin, and when he saw the way her eyes lit up and the gorgeous smile spread wider on her face, he decided to keep it for her.
“I always want you close to me.” Zoe beamed, and continued to use her legs to bring him as close to her as possible.
That’s how it went for the two of them, and it’d been that way since they were friends. One always felt the need to be close to the other, and it just worked. Rarely would you be able to see one without the other, unless they had work business come up, or were traveling at separate times, but even then they’d spend hours on the phone together. When their relationship first came out to their friends, a few had asked Chris how seeing the way his lovers were with each other didn’t make him jealous, when it was completely different for them and Chris. For him it was simple, he liked seeing the two of them happy.
“Do you want to join us for lunch?” Chris popped the question, and Alex nodded. He’d been working on stuff for his match against Maclin later that evening, but had started to become overwhelmed in all of the things playing through his head. Therefore, Scott told him to take some time off, if only an hour, just to ease his mind.
“Lunch sounds amazing.” Zoe groaned, piping her opinion into the mix. Both men laughed, and she pretended to roll her eyes at it.
As the two men walked towards catering, they discussed the details of their matches, while Zoe rested her head against Chris’ back. It was moments like these that she loved the most when they were at work. Something soft and simple, but it meant everything in the world to her.
“Earth to Zoe.” A voice chucked, and she lifted her head to spot Ace Austin now standing in front of the trio. “What happened to the new heels you wanted to wear?”
“They gave me blisters, so I’m going around in socks.” The woman snorted before wiggling her feet out in front of her friend. He only laughed in response before taking a step back when her foot was an inch away from him.
As the group of them continued to discuss Zoe’s shoe buying habit, and her lack of wearing them, they missed Scott D’Amore coming out from behind the corner, a worried expression written across his face. He’d been carrying a clipboard, one that now fell to the floor as he collided with the broad shoulders of the member of Bullet Club.
“Oh, I’m sorry Ace, I was distracted and forgot to look where I was going.” Scott sighed, bending over to pick up the board. When he was uprighted, he turned, spotting the trio, and a small smile appeared on his face. “Chris, sorry to bug you, but I was actually looking for you. We’ve got some things to go over if that’s alright.”
Chris merely nodded, and squatted slightly to help Zoe reach her feet again. When he felt her detach herself from his body, he rose to his feet, and turned to place a kiss on her cheek. After that, he stepped over to Alex before placing a kiss on his cheek as well, and then began walking away with his boss.
“Pumpkin, do you want to climb on my back?” Alex questioned, grabbing her hand to give it a squeeze. She nodded at him, and smiled, appreciative of the offer he’d given her. Without another word, Alex turned and lowered himself to the ground, giving her easy access to his back. Effortlessly, she was able to straddle his back, and wrapped her arms around him for extra safety, thus informing him it’d be safe to stand. Once he was securely on his feet, he reached behind him to place his hands under her thighs, giving her a gentle boost up, forcing a fit of laughter to erupt from her chest.
“To the catering area, because I’m still hungry.” Her voice was bold for the first half, but as she mentioned the hunger, her stomach growled, startling her. This caused everyone to burst out laughing, but before anyone could say anything else, Ace waved goodbye, leaving the couple to go on their adventure.
Once they arrived in catering, they noticed that the tables were full, so they opted to grab some food and hit the locker room, but stopped when Alex heard a voice call for him. He turned his head, spotting Deonna and Steve sitting at a table with a collective group, and he nodded. Zoe pointed out what she’d been craving earlier that day, they began to make their way over to the table. After she was safely on her feet, the brunette pulled the chair out for her, and took his own.
“Blisters again?” Deonna raised an eyebrow, looking over in Zoe’s direction.
“I don’t get why this keeps happening to me.” She sighed dramatically, dropping her hand into her palm for extra measure.
“Maybe it’s time to stop wearing heels.” Gia pointed out, but to no avail.
“I would prefer the blisters.” Zoe let out a giggle, causing the other two girls to laugh.
As they continued to joke around, Alex got a warm feeling throughout his body, knowing that his girlfriend was at peace, something that made him happy. Out of the three, he was the first to show his feelings before the relationship, but he was still nervous to share them because it was for both of his best friends. Even now, he still feels the nerves, but he knows that if things were to get impossible on his shoulders, his partners would be there for him.
“Babe? Are you listening?” A hand waved in front of his face, distracting him from the thoughts running through his mind.
“Huh? What did I miss?” The quick questions informed everyone at the table that he had drifted off into his thoughts, but Zoe knew before he had to say anything. It was the empty look on his face that he wore when distracted by thoughts that she tried to help him through whenever she could. She knew it meant he was remembering times that caused him worry or pain, and she felt a saddening feeling run through her. She didn’t say anything before placing a hand on his and squeezing it, but he knew exactly what it meant.
“I asked if you were ready to head back to Scott’s office.” Steve shrugged, merely checking where Alex was with the setup for the match.
“Shit, yeah I’m good. I’ll see you later Pumpkin?” It could’ve been a simple see you later and goodbye, but for Alex, he needed to know she’d be there for him when he was done.
“You bet that sweet ass of yours.” She winked, and he kissed her before leaving. As Deonna noticed both men were out of earshot, she directed the conversation in a new direction.
“Have you told them?” Her question rang through Zoe’s ears. She hadn’t told them, but there was a plan for tonight.
“After Alex wins tonight I’m planning to tell both of them. How do I even explain this though?” Zoe groaned, lowering her head against the table.
“I still think my idea was fantastic.” Gia slid her point onto the table, and for a moment, it was a high consideration.
“Hey, there’s my girl.” A voice called from across the room, and the women whipped their heads over to see Chris coming over with a smile.
“Mmm, hi there sexy.” A sigh came from her, and she breathed in relief as she didn’t have to worry about it for the moment again.
The rest of the time spent before the show was in the Motor City locker room between the trio. They’d cracked jokes, spent time sharing old memories, and spent plenty of time wrapped in each other’s arms. Typically, Zoe was the middle spoon between her boys, but tonight she bounced back and forth, the nerves keeping her pre-occupied.
“Princess, you want to tell us what’s wrong now?” Chris asked, worry sketched over his baby blue eyes.
“I’m just stressed about the show.” She sighed, shaking her head before sitting down. It’d been difficult to not spill everything to them already, but she was at her wits end, just wanting her guys with this.
“Hey, there’s no reason to worry. Everything’s going to go smoothly.” Chris spoke softly, as he did every time when she was like this.
“Thank you. Hearing you say it helps.” Knocks to the locker room door interrupted any other thoughts, signaling it was time for Chris’ match for the X-Division title.
The three stood in unison, and Alex stepped in front of Zoe, picking her up bridal style, carrying her with him as he and Chris walked to the curtain. As they arrived, Chris received a kiss from them for good luck, much like what happened every match. The remaining two watched as his music played and he left, preparing to become a nine time X-Division champion. They watched on a small monitor for the entirety of the match, and cheered as Chris landed the cradle shock, going for the pin.
1 2 3
He’d done it, finishing the match via pinfall, and when given the belt, he hugged it as if it were those waiting in the back for him. His goal to achieve this historic reign arrived, and he couldn’t be happier to have the moment.
“There’s my sexy nine time X-Division champ.” Zoe cat-called, winking when he approached her. He smirked, and watched as she patted Alex’s hand, her own way of saying the wanted down. When her feet made contact with the floor, Chris backed her into the wall, and kissed her roughly. At work, she wasn’t used to this kind of intimacy unless it was in the privacy of their locker room, or an empty closet if they were in a rush, so when she gasped, he took it as the chance to slide his tongue in her mouth. The second he pulled away from her, she brought a hand up to her lips, still feeling the kiss lingering. Leaning forward, Chris rested his forehead against the cool wall, helping with the heat from the match.
“I love you.” He whispered in her ear, low enough for only her to hear.
“Chris,” she gasped again. “I love you too.” He pulled his head back before kissing her again, softer this time. When he released her lips, his attention shifted to Alex, and he smiled softly.
“I love you, Alex.” He said, louder this time. Alex's eyes bore the fear that he wasn’t loved in the same way, and Chris could see it, but he’d prove it to Alex in the best way he knew how. “I’m so fucking in love with you.” He spoke the words again before kissing Alex with the same passion he had for Zoe.
“Fuck, Chris, I love you too. I love both of you.” He panted as the kiss was broken.
“I love you, Alex. I love my boys.” Zoe whispered, keeping the precious moment for herself in her mind, wanting to forever cherish it.
Alex grabbed Zoe’s hand, pulling in between the two men before he did the same to Chris, pulling them all together. It wasn’t how they typically hugged, but that didn’t matter in the moment. They had each other, and that was all they needed.
“I hate to be a bother, but we need your girlfriend.” Deonna called, startling the trio.
“That’s alright Deonna, I’ll be there. I just got to say goodbye to my boys first.” Zoe smiled at her, and Deonna nodded before taking a few steps back to give them privacy.
“I’ll still see you before the match, right?” Alex asked, fear overtaking his features.
“Chris and I will be here waiting for you. I promise babe.” She spoke, placing a hand against his face.
“I love you, Pumpkin.” He whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“I love you too, both of you.” She whispered back, and the boys nodded before pulling away from her so she could go.
Her and Deonna walked towards the interview area where Gia stood with Gisele and a whiteboard. On it was written “announcement ideas”, and the first option was the one Gia gave three days prior.
“We’re really doing this?” Zoe laughed, knowing that her friends had come up with this so she didn’t need to worry.
“Of course! Now Gisele and I only have a few minutes so let's get to work.” Deonna laughed as well, and the group of them began to come up with simple ideas for the post show announcement. Eventually, Deonna and Gisele left, giving Gia and her time to come up with some of their own before the other women came back.
“Alright, I know which I’m going with.” Zoe stated, a smile on her face. “However, none of you get to know until the announcement, so be there post match.”
“I’ll bring Steve.” Deonna shrugged, knowing he’d be coming back from the same match.
“Ace will come with me, and he might bring Chris.” Gia giggled, knowing her boyfriend and his tag partner were practically glued to the hip.
“Scott and I will totally be there, since he’ll want to hug Alex anyway.” Gisele spoke, pointing out the obvious.
“I get first dibs, if Chris doesn’t steal him first.” Zoe beamed, knowing the chance of her boyfriend stealing the other were still high.
The women laughed for a moment, and agreed to collectively go out to see Alex and Steve off before their title match. As they approached the men, they dropped their conversation, smiling at the girls. Congratulations for a fantastic match were given to Deonna and Gisele, and everyone could agree it was well deserved. They listened as OVE’s music began to play, as they finished their match, meaning it would be time for Alex’s next. Since there was a video package for fans, Alex took the extra second to wrap his arms around Chris and Zoe, and he placed a kiss on both their foreheads.
“Kick ass handsome.” Chris smiled, smacking Alex on the ass before smirking when he turned around.
“You’re so lucky that you’re adorable.” A playful roll of the eyes came from the younger man, and his music began to play, shifting him into a mode of focus.
“Go put on another banger babe.” Deonna smiled, leaning up to kiss Steve before he left as well. Everyone watched as the match carried on, and over the course of it Scott and Ace arrived, finding their girlfriends in the group of them with ease. As Zoe felt Chris wrap his arms around her waist, she leaned her head back, watching as Alex was lining up the superkick. When it connected, he moved onto the shellshock, the signature combination coming into effect.
1 2 3
After twenty one years, Alex had finally won his first Impact World Championship. Zoe and Chris screamed with joy, even after knowing how the match would end, and Chris went running out to celebrate. There was a promo planned, and Zoe watched as Frankie came pushing through to head to the ring as well.
“We did it Pumpkin, we fucking did it.” Alex beamed, holding up the title as he and the others came through the curtain.
“I always knew you could.” She smiled back at him, proud at how far he’d come in his career. “Not to spoil the moment, but I have something that will make tonight feel even better.”
“Princess, I don’t know if Alex is going to be up too having–” Chris started before Zoe used her tiptoes to cover his mouth with his hand.
“Not that!” She exclaimed, trying to keep him from spilling their private moments. “I originally wanted to do this between the three of us, but Impact is our family, and this will affect not only our lives, but theirs too.”
“What are you talking about? You’re not leaving are you?” Alex questioned, but she only shook her head, filling him with relief.
“Nothing like that babe. It’s just, well, to say this simply, the two of you have magic sperm.” Zoe spoke, and behind her, Gia could be heard saying that phrase was her idea.
“We have what?” It was Chris’ turn to question her words, causing Zoe to laugh at her reaction.
“If you didn’t hear her, it was Gia’s idea to use the phrase to tell you we’re pregnant.” Zoe spoke, whispering the last two words.
“Pregnant? As in you’re carrying one of us around in you?” Alex's words caused her to smile bigger.
“Well, it’s more like two of you.” Chris’ mouth dropped open at her words. He was excited when she said they were expecting, but to find out it was two babies, he was so happy. “Now, since I’m nine weeks along, we can get paternity tests done whenever you like if you want to know who’s baby it is.” Both men nodded, secretly hoping it was the other’s so they had something of them growing inside their girlfriends womb.
“Can we go now?” Alex asked, reaching for her and Chris’ hand, wanting to hold his lovers in this moment.
“Do you want to shower first?” Her question was met with a small shake of his head, as he was purely excited to know. This caused her to laugh.
“Do your champion things, then we can head out of here.” Zoe spoke, and both men rushed off to finish what was required after the show. Her Impact family surrounded her, some only congratulating her while others wrapped her in hugs.
It’d been two days since the night of Against All Odds when Zoe received an email from the hospital. Thankfully, both of the guys were with her, so when she opened it they got the full experience with her.
“The email is in!” She called from her spot on Alex’s couch, and both of them came running in, forgetting about the snacks on the counter. They’d been waiting impatiently for the results, and the food could wait so long as they knew who they got to share a piece of Zoe with.
“What do they say? Is it Alex’s or is it mine?” Chris questioned, trying to peek over her to see her phone.
“Slow down there mister,” Zoe laughed. “I’m opening it now, but I wanted to wait till everyone was ready.”
“I think we are now.” Alex smiled at her, and she nodded, looking at her phone.
“Oh my god. There’s no way.” She whispered, and both men instantly felt fear run through their bodies. “You both are the fathers. A twin each, but it’s uncommon to happen often.”
“Magic sperm.” Both men stated, but in all reality, it was true.
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
October 31: Murven, That’s My Destiny
Murphy/Raven, Modern AU, ~1k words, requested by anonymous
Raven meets up with him at last by the giant skeleton. They'd been planning to attend Clarke's Halloween party as 'unofficial dates,' but in a sea of Cinderellas and serial killers, and at least two Zorros—or Wesleys from The Princess Bride, it's hard to tell—he's been impossible to find.
She'd thought that telling him to find her "by the desserts" would make things easier, but didn't count on Clarke setting up three separate sideboards filled with gummy worms in chocolate dirt graveyards, pretzels in the shape of dismantled skeletons, cupcakes frosted to look like pumpkins, large bowls of candy corn, cookies decorated with images of black cats and ghosts and other cookies shaped like gravestones, punch the color of radioactive goo (probably spiked), and a giant bowl of apples, with caramel on the side.
Her fault for going to a party thrown by an MFA who's recently learned how to bake.
The cupcakes aren't half bad, though.
She's just biting through a solid inch of orange frosting, waiting for her teeth to sink into the vanilla base, when a set of creeping fingers whispers over her shoulders and a laconic voice behind her says, "Boo."
She almost drops the cupcake, but luckily her embarrassingly loud scream of surprise can't be heard over the sound of a raucous punk cover of Monster Mash. "Murphy, what the fuck?" she spits, as she whirls around to face him, the cupcake now completely crumbled in her hands. She tries to salvage some of it, and wipe off the crumbs from her face, and scowl at him properly, but it's difficult to do all at once.
"How did you know it was me?" he asks, as if she didn't always know, and she rolls her eyes and angrily licks some frosting off the side of her hand.
He's wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt that reads COSTUME on it in bold black letters, and he's keeping both his hands behind his back, which with Murphy is always suspicious. The party has been lit with tall orange lamps in all of the corners and many, many strings of Halloween themed lights. They're in the orange pumpkin corner now, and she's already tried looking for him in the white ghost corner, the purple skeleton corner, and the kitchen, which is properly lit but also a good place to go if you want Clarke to somehow find you and shoo you away. The starkness of his costume, if she allows herself to call it a costume, sticks out all the more starkly, next to the seven-foot skeleton next to him and the nets of fake cobwebs on the wall behind.
"You really got into the Halloween spirit, didn't you?" Raven arches one of her eyebrows, and crosses her arms, her hands still slightly sticky, against her chest.
"Hey, at least everyone knows who I am."
"A man too lazy to buy a costume?"
"A commentary on—something, I don't know, I actually forgot this was happening." He tilts his head, flicks his eyes once all the way down her body and then back up. His gaze lingers a moment, staring right into her eyes, unblinking. "You're an alien, right?"
"Yes!" She throws up her arms, forgets trying to keep up any semblance of annoyance, and honestly grins. "Exactly. Why has that been so hard for people? What else could I possibly be, painted entirely purple."
"Funny. Almost as funny as that costume."
But, to be fair, she is laughing. And Murphy looks sort of cute, doing that thing he does sometimes, ducking his head down and letting himself appear vulnerable for at least a few seconds at a time.
She's about to ask what that's about, even opens her mouth to speak, when he interrupts, "Stole this off that Zorro for you" and hands her the fake rose he'd been hiding behind his back.
The Monster Mash ends, and the Misfits' Ghouls Night Out starts, thumping from Clarke's state of the art sound system. They're standing on the edge of the dance floor, and Raven can see the crowd, out of the corner of her eye, jumping all together on the beat.
Raven takes the rose, as gently as Murphy offered it to her, and leans down to pretend to smell it. "Hmmm. Maybe you should be Zorro next year."
"Or Wesley. But then I wouldn't get a sword. Does Wesley have a sword? Don't look at me like that, Reyes, these are important que—"
They're not. She surges forward, leaning up just slightly on her toes to reach him, a press of lips softly against his. They're standing too far apart still to kiss, and she stumbles forward, finds herself a moment later pressed up against Murphy's chest with his arm around her, the rose crushed between them.
With his free hand, he brushes his thumb across the sparkling gold glitter on her cheekbones. His smile wavers in the blinking orange lights.
"Just kiss her again already!" an obnoxious voice yells at them, right in Raven's ear, as Octavia reaches around her to grab some skeleton pretzels. She's dressed as a scarecrow, and her stuffing scratches Raven on the arm. "Also, you’re blocking the cookies. Get a room."
Murphy sighs, extremely put upon, his eyes rolling up toward the ceiling. "Reyes," he asks, as he drops his gaze dramatically down again, "would you like to dance?"
Not exactly what she was expecting, but then she doesn't want to leave the party yet. Clarke has dressed up as a vampire and she's dancing with Bellamy, who Raven thinks might be a swamp creature, and Jasper and Monty, as Thing One and Thing Two, have been ballroom dancing badly around the perimeter of the crowd for the better part of an hour, and even Miller and Bryan—Han Solo and Luke Skywalker—have stopped making out in the corner to join the others on the dance floor. Really, it feels like the gang’s all here.
She looks back at Murphy again and narrows her eyes. Her arm is still slung around his waist, his body warm where it presses against her side. "We could tango," he adds, taking the rose and sticking it between his teeth.
Raven laughs. "We could tango," she agrees, and links her fingers through his as she pulls him into the crowd.
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saint-fagula · 2 years
chap.4 of my wlw vampire story
 I sprint out the door, headphones in ears and in full panic mode. I completely forgot I had the 8:30 shift at Starbucks, arguably the busiest. It doesn’t end till 6:30. I promised to cover Yvonne’s shift because she needed to take a day off. Plus Francesca could use some help. They always cover for everybody. She always said she needs the extra money but I think it’s partly because she cares about us. 
I open the door and sprint behind the counter. As I put on the apron on, I realize that I’m wearing last night's clothes. I have no time to change. It would take me a half hour and it's already 8:35. 
“Looks like someone finally decided to show up.” Francesca smirks as I get ready to greet customers. 
The day was going to be pretty busy. But since it was November it was going to be an absolute pain. The amount of people ordering pumpkin spice latte made me cry. It's not even that good. It’s way too sweet. I prefer a black coffee and if I am held at gunpoint, I might add honey.
I personally don’t even like Starbucks. I prefer more local coffee shops but none were hiring when I needed a job. I still keep an eye just in case. I would gladly drop my job to work at a local coffee shop.
The long shift is tiring but I need to do it. I’m not getting paid overtime but Fran could use some help.
About around 2:30 I finally got a break. Only 15 minutes but still worth it. I put on my music and sit in the backroom. 
I spend the time researching guitars. I’m in the market for a new one anyway. The last one died a terrible death two years ago when I still had a band. When I’m playing I get excited. Too excited. I “accidentally” smashed it on stage for the aesthetic. I was going to replace it but I didn’t have the money. The one that got smashed was a fender. Don’t remember what type though. Maybe a player telecaster. What I really wanted was a gibson les paul. 
“Your time is up. I’m going to need you to man the front again. Val took off early again, the bastard.” Fran yelled to me. 
I put away my phone and headphones. I take a deep breath and head out.
I was pretty much on autopilot till six. I had no idea until one customer showed up. I had no idea they were even here. 
Mona was in line. I finished up the order I was taking on to the best of my ability. I hope I don’t seem flustered to them.
“I’ll have a small iced caramel macchiato.” She said, not even looking up from her sketchbook. I wonder if she is a comic book artist. I’d buy all her books.
“Sure, that’ll be four dollars and twenty-five cents. Anything else I can get you?” I ask in my normal voice. I usually have to make this god awful voice so I wouldn’t get complaints from my manager. 
Mona looks up at the menu, I assume anyway. Her brow furrows whenever she’s making a decision. It’s really cute of her. I’d love to kiss her bro-N O P E. She is just an acquaintance. Not even a friend yet. You don’t even know her last name. I panicked.
“No, I think that’s all.” She said before making eye contact. When she did finally see me she. . blushed? She couldn’t have been. It must’ve been the lighting or maybe that’s how she wears her makeup. I reassured myself. She is wearing some sparkly makeup right now.
“Oh hi Rosa!” Mona greets me, beaming. God, I melt everytime I see her smile. I would kill to see it everyday. “Have you thought about our offer?”
Fuck. I forgot. “I’m thinking about it. I just don’t want to intrude, ya know.” 
“Okay, let me know if anything happens. I’d love to have you stay.” 
“You would?” I didn't mean to say that out loud. The way it came out made me seem confused and helpless, which I was, I just didn’t want people to know.
As Mona was about to answer, Fran yelled “Hurry up lovers, I need to close up soon.”
I flushed a bright crimson and nodded. Did we really look like lovers? I wouldn’t mind being Mona’s girlfriend. I would die to be her wif-STOP IT! I reminded myself.
I relay Mona’s order to Fran, who reluctantly sighs. “Is she your girlfriend?” She asks nonchalantly.
If I had a drink, I would spit it out. “You practically melt when you are looking at her.” Fran continued.
“No! I mean, I wouldn’t mind but no! I don’t even know if she’s interested in women.” I frantically reply. 
“She’s definitely into women. I mean she has a pansexual flag on her sketchbook. Also she’s ordering an iced coffee in November.”
“That being said, Mona could totally already have a girlfriend. With looks like hers, she could have anyone she ever wanted. Also, it’s really selfish of me to assume she’s in love with me.”
“I mean she looks like she’s related to a raccoon, but ok.” Fran sighs as they hand me Mona’s drink. 
I snicker and write her name on the cup. I wrote with a little more care than usual. Even using the skills from the one calligraphy class I took when I was nine. I add a tiny heart at the end of her name because that’s what friends do.
I should probably give her my number. I might already be needing to take her up on the offer. I think to myself. 
“Mona!” I announce as I put her cup on the counter. She was the last order of the day.
Then the thought hit me; Where am I going to sleep tonight? I could couch surf but I doubt I should even think about asking that of Francesca. I guess I’ll take up Mona and Lilliane’s offer.
I go to see if Mona is still here. She sits at the chairs closest to the ordering booth. The way the shitty starbucks lighting lit up her face made me want to kiss her. Mona looked like she belonged to the night. Like she was the moon herself. If I was a star, I would try to be the closest to her.
“The offer.” I say, almost hesitating. “I’ll take it up as long as I am helping out around the place.” Mona grinned like she was offered a million dollars. “Like paying rent or making meals. Otherwise I feel like I’m leeching off of you.”
“Of course! Would you like me to help you transfer your stuff to my car?” Mona said as sweet as ever. Oh how I would be looking forward to this everyday.
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fnrrfygmschnish · 4 months
Oh man, the stand-in Jason voice in MMPR Season 2, Episode 23 is just... so gratingly, obviously, not the same actor (Austin St. John) that Jason usually is voiced by.
Trini's stand-in isn't as obvious in this one, Zack's "hiyas" and such in the fight scenes are noticeably different but not TOO bad... but oh man, Jason's stand-in did nooooot do as good of a job. Oof.
Odd to see Zedd's new flower monster just randomly bring back Hatchasaurus from Season 1. Is this going to be another "oops forgot the new monster" moment like when tombstone guy just disappeared and the fight focused on a giant Pumpkin Rapper a few episodes ago?
And now Hatchasaurus is actually giving both the Thunder Megazord and Tigerzord some trouble, and took hits from BOTH of their finishing moves before it was destroyed the second time around. I suppose when Zedd gave its regeneration a kick-start he also powered it up overall, similarly to how he made Putties stronger by charging them with his magic lightning. Could also explain why they didn't need to track down and destroy its heart separately this time -- that extra boost made it unstable like the Z-Putties, so when it was destroyed that extra energy overloaded it and the heart blew up.
Oh good, the new monster didn't get forgotten! Was a bit worried after tombstone guy AND key guy just got randomly dropped from the episode's plot after the "dead monsters coming back" part started.
Episode 24 now!
And Bulk and Skull are changing diapers! Oh no. 🤣
Skull is wearing a diaper as a hat.
Aaaand Bulk has used Skull's bandanna as a diaper for the baby. YUCK! Bet he's not gonna want that one back.
Not-Jason, Not-Zack, and Not-Trini voices are all prominently on display in this one. I'm starting to think that the actors for these three walking out is probably why they wrote the White Ranger being the team's new leader -- so Tommy gets all the "let's do this, rangers!" type lines that would previously have been Jason's.
Hmm, they're not using the Z-Putties' explosion SFX as much in this episode -- instead they're showing them get kicked in the Z and then falling off-screen rather than being shown exploding.
Oh wait, the new kids' fight scene with them DOES still have them hitting the Z to overload them, complete with white glow and blowing apart. Looks like them not doing it earlier was definitely a SFX budget situation rather than them dropping the "you need to hit the Z" part entirely, thankfully. They're saving the exploding scenes for the last few at the end of the Putty fights rather than every single time one Putty from a horde of dozens gets beaten.
OH. The first "identity reveal" of the series! I forgot that happened. I'm guessing I must've missed these episodes as a kid, because I didn't remember the monster or anything either.
Of course it's the three ninja kids who end up being the new red/black/yellow rangers who find out... guessing that's probably part of why they're picked as the replacements.
Ahhh, yep, Skull does NOT want that bandanna back after it's been used as a diaper. I don't blame him 🤣
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ilici · 3 years
vocal coach.
Summary: Y/N isn’t that vocal, so Dream encourages them and praises them.
Warnings: Unsafe sex, thigh riding.
Word Count: 1036
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Y/N walked around the house, looking for something to do while their boyfriend was editing a video. “Everything seems so boring.” They whined out, plopping down on the couch as they grabbed their phone shooting Dream a text asking if they could watch a movie after he got finished. Soon they heard footsteps and their boyfriend appeared in the doorway of the living room, “What movie?” He asked, walking over and looked at Y/N who only shrugged. “I was hoping I could finally watch the two newest Fifty Shades.” They said, and Dream gave them a look before sighing, “Fine, let’s go.” He said, as the two made their way up to their bedroom. “Want to watch the first one to refresh your brain?” Dream asked as he pulled up the movie series. Y/N nodded their head, “I’m going to go get snacks.” Y/N told Dream as they walked down.
Y/N grabbed tons of chips, and two sodas as they walked back up to the room and dropped everything down on the bed, as both of them grabbed the snack they wanted. “Start the movie.” Y/N said as they got situated on the bed. The two put their attention on the movie that was playing, and soon after a while Y/N was now laying at the end of the bed as they watched the second movie. Every now and then Y/N would situate themself by lifting their hips up, and was now sucked into the movie completely forgetting their surroundings. Dream would glance between the movie and Y/N before he looked back at the movie as he felt himself growing hard from Y/N’s movements. Trying his hardest to keep his attention on the movie. Finally he was engulfed in the movie, and was enjoying it until Y/N moved again, situating themself.
Dream looked over at his significant other that was sprawled out on their shared bed, as the two watched ‘Fifty Shades Darker’. Dream was more than horny. He was sexually frustrated, Y/N chose to wear a skirt, one of his button up shirts, and high socks. He wouldn’t be in this predicament if it wasn’t for Y/N’s constant teasing, where they’d raise their hips, as their skirt would ride up showing the outline of their underwear. “Baby.” Dream said, as Y/N turned around to look at him, “Yeah?” They answered, and Dream motioned for them to come to him. Y/N slowly crawled towards Dream and looked at him confused, “What is it baby?” They questioned, and Dream grabbed their hips making them straddle his lap.
“Stay like this for a while.” He whispered to them, and Y/N shivered but nonetheless stayed put. “But I can’t see the movie.” Y/N complained, and Dream just sighed, “You’re going to be too busy here soon to even care about the movie.” He told them, as he looked at them, and Y/N threw him a confused glance, “What do you mean by that?” They quipped, and Dream shrugged, “Just relax, and enjoy.” He told them, and Y/N grew even more confused before they gasped leaning their head back, as they felt Dream guide their hips against his thigh. Biting back their moans, Dream was slightly frustrated. Y/N was always loud and vocal on a daily basis, but as soon as things get sexual they are suddenly mute. 
“Pumpkin, you are going to need to make a sound if you want more.” He informed them, and Y/N just ignored his words as they kept quiet while Dream continued guiding their hips. “Oh come on now.” He groaned out, as Y/N still didn’t budge. Deciding to let them stay quiet for now, he continued letting them ride his thigh, as he enjoyed their facial expressions. Feeling themself grow close, Y/N gave Dream a certain look that he was all to familiar with, and he guided their hips quicker as he watched their facial expression scrunch up into pure bliss. “You’re so cute.” He said, as he laid them down and took off their soaked underwear. “Now listen, you need to be vocal, you sound beautiful.” He told them, as he unbuttoned their shirt, keeping it on them. 
Raising the skirt up, Dream lifted up their legs, as he took off his sweat pants and boxers aligning his tip to their entrance. Y/N looked up at Dream and nodded to him, to which he slowly entered them. Groaning out, Dream enjoyed the feeling of them wrapping around him, and Y/N let a small whine out. Dream smirked at the simple sound, and gave them an encouraging nod as he started thrusting slowly. Y/N wrapped their arms around his neck, tangling their fingers in his hair letting out small moans here and there. “You got this baby, you sound so beautiful.” He praised them, and Y/N blushed before letting out a sudden loud moan, which caught the two off guard. “Found it.” He grinned, “I forgot how vocal you get when I find it.” He whispered, as he soon started picking up his pace.
Y/N at this point could not hold back the sounds that escaped them, and Dream was loving it. He was praising them, as he focused on that one spot, wanting them to feel the best. “I’m close.” They moaned out, and Dream himself was growing close. “Me too.” He grunted out, and the two soon felt themself cum with each other. Dream fell down beside of them, and breathed heavily. “You were so perfect.” He whispered to them, and Y/N blushed looking over at him, “Some would say I could be your vocal coach in more than one way.” He joked, and Y/N laughed hitting his chest. Dream soon got up, and picked Y/N up carrying them to the bathroom, helping them get undressed completely, “Let’s take a shower.” He said, and Y/N pouted, “But the movie.” They said pointing in the direction of their bedroom. “The movie ended, I told you that you would forget about it.” He said, as they both stepped into the shower.
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Our Shirt - Remus Lupin
Request - starlightmedow asked: “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?” w/ young Remus pls? (Ik he prob wears more sweatshirts, but it still gives me the same vibe)
Prompt List
Warnings: reader having a bad day, mentions of being injured, that’s it then, pure fluff :3
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D
Our Shirt
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You dragged your tired feet up to the Gryffindor Tower, trying your best not to show your limping. If this was not the worst day of your life, it was definitely in the top five. First, you were late for breakfast. And because you were late for breakfast, you had to quickly grab a piece of toast and a glass of pumpkin juice, which you accidentally knocked all over your Herbology assignment that you had worked on about three nights in a row. Then, your potion exploded in the middle of class, making most of your classmates laugh at your soot-covered face. Afterward, you had an insanely intense Quidditch practice with James and Sirius and you weren't able to avoid one of the Bludgers that either Fabian or Gideon threw your way, hitting your knee where you could already feel a large bruise forming. All you wanted was to take a long shower to wash off this horrible day and hug your boyfriend who always made you feel better only with one smile. But when you stepped into the boys' dorm, you only found one of the Marauders in it and it wasn't yours.
"Hey, kid" Sirius said a bit confused, now showered and cleaned and drying his hair. If you weren't on the edge of a breakdown, you would have laughed at how much he looked like an actual dog right now. "What are you doing here?"
"I was... looking for Remus" you said, feeling your eyes welling up. How could you forget?
"Um, he's still in-"
"The Hospital Wing" you muttered, cursing yourself. Last night had been really rough, according to Sirius, James and Peter. Remus had been in the Hospital Wing all day and Madam Pomfrey said it was possible for him to spend a couple of days in.
"Hey, are you alright?" Sirius said, walking closer to you, and you looked up at him, frowning.
"Yes, why?"
"Because you're crying" Sirius said in an obvious tone.
"No, I'm not" you chuckled bringing your hand up to your face, and then you felt it. You felt a tear streaming down your cheek. You hadn't even noticed. "Um-"
"What's wrong?" Sirius asked, worriedly.
"Nothing, I just-" you sighed. You really tried to keep it in, but you couldn't take it anymore. The only person that could make you feel even an ounce of happiness right now was unconscious in the Hospital Wing. "I'm gonna go" you said turning around. And then, it happened. Your knee gave out. "Shit!"
"Shit!" Sirius yelled, scared when you collapsed on the floor. "Kid, what the fuck is going on?" he asked, kneeling down next to you.
"Fucking Gideon!" you cursed. "Or Fabian" you said, with more tears streaming down your face as you sat on the floor, bringing your knee up.
"Did they hit you with a Bludger?"
"What do you think?" you snapped before you could stop yourself. "I'm sorry" you said quietly. "I'm sorry, Sirius. I didn't mean to yell at you-"
"Hey, it's fine" he chuckled a little. "Bad day?"
"I just want Remus" you cried, making Sirius' heart ache a little at the pain in your voice. "That is really selfish" you muttered, looking down.
"Is not selfish to want your boyfriend when you're having a bad day" Sirius assured you.
"I just... I completely forgot for a moment, you know? I've had the shittiest day and all I could think of was how I would come in here and he would read to me and make me feel better like he always does and I didn't even remember that-" you stopped, crying a little more.
"Hey, you are not selfish" Sirius insisted. "You stayed with Remus when we brought him back" he reminded you. "You always do that. And when he wakes up, you always read to him and do whatever it is that you do to make him feel better. He doesn't even want to see anyone after the full moon that is not you" he insisted. "You're allowed to have bad days, kid" he told you.
"Thanks, Sirius" you said, smiling back at him.
"Look, why don't you stay here?" he offered. "You can take a shower because you honestly stink" he said, making you laugh a little. "And I'll go down to the Hospital Wing to see how he is" he smiled.
"I can come with you-"
"With that knee? I don't think so. Moony would kill me if I let you walk around like that. You're staying here" he insisted as he stood up and helped you up as well. "Prongs is with Lily and Wormtail won't be back for hours" he told you. "I'll bring you back some ice for your knee, okay?"
"Okay" you nodded, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer as he helped you to Remus' bed. Before he left, you pulled him in a tight hug. "Thank you, Sirius" you smiled.
"Anytime, kid" he said, messing your hair and walking out the door.
After you had a long shower and put yourself in Remus' clothes, his favorite shirt, and pajama shorts, to be specific, you made your way back to Remus' bed pulling up your knee where a large, purple bruise was forming on the left side. You felt a few tears streaming down your face and you pulled Remus' shirt closer so you could breathe in his scent, making it somewhat better as you laid down on his pillow, hugging his favorite sweater and finally surrendering to sleep.
"Love?" you could swear you heard Remus' voice but you must have been dreaming.
"Mm" you complained, not opening your eyes and making Remus chuckle.
"Wouldn't the real thing be better?" he asked, gently brushing his hand through your hair and taking his sweater away. You slowly opened your eyes and rubbed your eyes since you thought you might still be dreaming.
"Remmy?" you asked, feeling your heart flutter at the sight of him.
"Hi, love" he smiled down at you. You, now fully awake, sat up and threw yourself in his arms, hugging him as tightly as you could. "I missed you too" he laughed a little but you pulled away when you heard his pained expression.
"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" you asked, worriedly, placing your hand softly on his cheek, tracing a new scar he had under his eye.
"No, love" he assured you. "I'm alright" he said, bringing you closer to kiss your forehead.
"What are you doing here?" you asked confused.
"I woke up when Sirius was there" he explained. "He said you were having a bad day" he said, stroking your cheek with his hand as a few tears escaped your eyes again.
"Remmy, Madam Pomfrey said-"
"She said I could go, I promise" he assured you, knowing that's what you were about to say. "So, I went to the Kitchens" he said, pulling out a small basket next to his bed. "And I have your favorite book" he said, pulling it from his nightstand.
"Remmy" you said, feeling your heart melting. "It's the day after the full moon, I should be taking care of you" you insisted.
"I feel fine, I promise, love" he insisted. "And I'm happy for it to be the other way around at least once after the full moon" he said, pulling you with him so you would lay back on his bed. "Come here, love" he said, hugging you closer and giving you a peck on the lips.
"I love you" you smiled as he wiped away your remaining tears.
"I love you too" he said, kissing your forehead again. "Is that my shirt?"
"You mean our shirt?" you smiled, closing your eyes and he laughed. "Sorry, I missed you too much" you said, resting your head on his chest.
"It looks better on you anyways" he said, kissing the top of your head. "Want to tell me about your day? Don't think I didn't notice your bruise on your knee" he told you.
"Later?" you said, looking up at him. "I just want to be here with you right now" you said with a small yawn.
"Alright, love" he whispered, stroking your back with his hand.
"I love you so much" you said, feeling completely relaxed for the first time all day.
"I love you more" you heard him say before you both fell asleep again.
The End
A/N: :D I hope you guys liked it! :D
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Hiii can you please do alpha! miya twins and rintaro heavily scenting their omega? Ty!!
This is actually really cute! Of course I can!
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Scenting [Osamu, Atsumu, Suna]
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> We begin with what he smells like. I really like the idea of Osamu smelling like pumpkin ?? Like a pumpkin spice coffee or pumpkin spice soap (the fancy stuff). A nice autumn scent that immediately makes people feel relaxed.
> He doesn’t scent you very often, since he knows you retain his scent because you’re an omega. Omegas easily hold alpha’s scents while omega scents don’t linger that much on alphas. Osamu gives you his hoodie to wear or just a small hug. It’s how he do. Keeps cowards away.
> The VBC is another story. When you visit him after practice by entering the gym, it’s always a fight for him to get to you first. Atsumu loves to annoy Osamu and so does Suna (because why not) so he has to fight his brother and friend just to make sure you still smell like him.
> One day, you’re visiting the gym and forgot Osamu wasn’t going to be there! He had promised to help clean up the locker room with Kita, so you would wait for him in the gym. Atsumu and Suna put their arms around you, friendly touches that held nothing more. The problem? Their scent covered up Osamu’s.
> When he came out of the locker room and he could smell you, barely, but your scent was mingled with others, hell broke loose. He legit attacked his brother who dared put his hands on you. With your voice pulling him out of the gym, he left his idiot brother alone.
> Hugging you and rubbing himself against your calming scent had him calming down. With your scent breaking through theirs and his scent overwhelming the both of you, you both felt much more calm and comfortable.
> It was so nice, he decided to do it everytime he saw you. Especially when Atsumu and Suna even thought about looking in your direction.
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> Honestly he’d probably smell like cinnamon, something that has a bit of a kick. He’s a bit spicy lol but it only gets overwhelming when he’s feeling some intense emotions ya know?
> He loves scenting you, especially in public. It’s not inherently sexual, so there’s no reason for it to be hidden from the world. You sometimes have to stop him because you’ll be smelling him for the next week. He doesn’t mind, not one bit.
> Since he’s always scenting you, theres no difference between scenting you before class/club/gym/etc. He does, however, get antsy if you don’t let him scent you before hanging out with friends.
> One time you came back to him with another potent alpha scent on you. When he confronted you, you mentioned one of your friends had a very friendly alpha as her mate. It wasn’t like you cheated on him, but the scent lingered.
> When you woke up the next morning, you didn’t expect the scent to still be clinging, but it was. It overpowered Atsumu’s scent and he was furious — why isn’t it going away? So, he did what anyone with his ego would do.
> He pushed you into a closet before clubs and fucking railed you in the closet. He made sure you left that closet smelling like him. Your own scent clung to him, but not as powerful as his scent clinging to you.
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> He smells like matcha green tea. Don’t ask me why I think that. It’s a very subtle scent and most people think he’s a Beta but then his scent is like everywhere. He’s everywhere. He’s a hard to forget person but on the surface he’s easy to forget, so I feel like it works well.
> He does not scent very often, similar to Osamu. Similar to Atsumu, however, he enjoys scenting you. Even if it doesn’t seem potent, his scent clings to you like a second skin. Even washing your clothes can’t completely get rid of the scent.
> He loves to scent you in private, preferring the intimate moments between you two. With his nose buried in your hair and yours in his neck or chest, it’s just a sweet moment.
> He will scent you in public, however, if you’re hanging out with someone or visiting the club room/gym. He loves to show off that you’re taken, especially if Atsumu and Osamu don’t have mates. They would be so pissed Suna has someone and they don’t lol
> He just hugs you really tightly and sometimes he rubs your neck like he’s massaging it. It’s nice at first, then he’s humming as he squeezes you tightly. It’s a brief moment of affection in public but almost nobody bothers mentioning it.
> Unless you’re a virgin like Atsumu. Then you mention it and get wrecked.
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asimpforarmin · 3 years
What Dog the AoT Characters Would Have 💛
Character(s): Armin Arlert, Sasha Braus, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Bertholdt Hoover, & Annie Leonhardt
Genre: Light-hearted, modern!au
Warnings: Mentions of animal neglect/abuse, some dog breeds commonly perceived as scary, cursing
A/n: I usually include Mikasa in my headcanons, but I just forgot until last minute that she existed ;-; so, sorry for not including her. If someone requests it, I’ll add her to the list.
💛 Armin
His parents got him a beagle puppy for one of his birthdays and he got so attached to it. He was so grateful that he had a dog and absolutely treasures him.
Named him Buddy because he’s his little sidekick and is always fun to play with and snuggle up to.
Buddy almost never shuts up though. A bird flies past the window? He starts barking. A truck goes by? Goes bonkers. He sees himself in the mirror? Shooketh.
Whenever Buddy starts going crazy, Armin picks him up, takes him away from whatever’s bothering him and scratches behind his ears. That makes Buddy practically melt into Armin’s arms and it’s so adorable. 💕
Buddy is very protective over Armin, or as protective as a dog his size could be. He always barks at the doorbell and is very wary of strangers.
If you walk into Armin’s house and Buddy has never seen you before, Armin will be sitting in a chair holding a dog who’s glaring into your soul.
You and Armin will try to have a normal conversation while Buddy is snarling and growling at you with Armin just patting his head and making an expression that says he deals with this all the time.
After a couple visits, Buddy is still tense around you but unwinds once you start playing with him.
Whenever Armin’s studying or working, Buddy will jump up into his lap and snuggle with him.
Sometimes when Armin falls asleep at his desk, he’ll have his arms on the table and Buddy in his lap.
When he’s in the car, Buddy tries to bite cars through the window. He just growls and bangs the glass with his teeth before Armin stops him from chipping a tooth.
Just how Buddy is protective of Armin, Armin’s protective of Buddy.
If someone talks shit about his dog, he’ll get sad about it. Buddy doesn’t deserve to be treated like that, he never hurt anyone.
Buddy can’t be taken to the park because he just agitates other dogs. He never gets along with them and never lets his guard down.
Buddy’s also one of those dogs who gets really dramatic. One time he was laying on the couch with his ball and it rolled off so he just started howling.
It’s also really hard to trim his nails without him growling, even though he’d never bite anyone.
Once Buddy has calmed down around someone, he’s fun to just hang around.
Armin likes to sit on the couch reading with Buddy on his lap or beside him. He’s great to study with or have around.
💛 Sasha
Adopts a 5-year-old blue greyhound from her local shelter.
She’d been volunteering there for a while when the greyhound came in and just couldn’t resist.
With greyhounds being bred to hunt and Sasha coming from a family who has a hunting background, it seemed like a match made in heaven.
She bought her and gave her a bright pink collar with a little dog bone tag with her name etched in it.
Since greyhounds’ necks are so long, she gives her a big knitted scarf to wear in the winter to keep her all nice and cozy.
Was torn between naming her Snickerdoodle or Candy because they’re both cute names and are both foods, but ended up naming her Pumpkin because she couldn’t decide and Pumpkin’s a really cute name as well.
Sasha loves playing fetch with her and it’s so fun because Pumpkin can run really fast, really far.
Pumpkin almost never barks unless she’s having fun or there’s someone at the door.
Sasha’s bed is lofted by a couple feet for storage and Pumpkin has no problem getting on and off her bed.
The first time Pumpkin saw Sasha’s bed, she didn’t know what to do so just sat there looking up at Sasha. It took a couple minutes for her to realize Sasha patting the bed meant she could jump onto it.
Sasha allows her dog on any of the furniture so there’s short hairs all over the couch no matter what.
Pumpkin’s really kind and gentle around kids so Sasha can basically take her anywhere. She’s super well behaved but sometimes scares people because she jumps in excitement.
Sasha also shares her food with her dog all the time. Always packs extra whenever she goes somewhere so she can give some to Pumpkin.
If you moved in with Sasha, Pumpkin would take to you right away.
She would literally be so sweet and always make you happy all the time. 😭💕
Plays tug of war and fetch a lot with you.
If you’re working/eating at a desk, she’ll lean her head on your leg until you pet her or give her food, or both.
Overall, Pumpkin is so sweet and adorable. She will always cheer you up when you need it and always has enough energy to play.
💛 Jean
Adopted a pitbull who is now 6, but was brought into a fighting ring when he was 4.
He knew it would be a challenge to help an abused dog but wanted to give him a good home.
When he first saw him, he was covered in scars and missing part of his ear.
He named him Kane. He’s a beautiful deep reddish-brown color with a white belly.
From the first moment they met, there was a connection. Kane warmed up to Jean quite quickly for a dog who’s been through so much.
Jean took him home and slowly introduced him to lifestyle changes, like going for walks or taking baths.
He introduces him to other dogs too. Kane showed a little hostility in the beginning, but once he realized they weren’t threats he was fine being around them.
Jean pays top dollar for him. Any issue he has, he takes him to the vet and gets it fixed up. He also gets the best food for him because that’s what he deserves.
Kane loves going for car rides. Sometimes Jean will get in the car with him, no destination in mind, and just drive.
Jean rolls the window down and Kane pokes his head outside. His mouth opens and because of the wind going into it, he showers the window behind him in slobber.
Kane absolutely loves swimming. He’s quite good at it, but Jean still takes a lot of safety precautions, such as a life jacket or shallow water because pitbulls are known to be somewhat bad swimmers.
Every summer, Jean takes out a kiddie pool and lets Kane splash around in it.
He also really likes to turn on the hose or sprinkler and aim it at Kane. He jumps up to bite the water and they both have a great time.
It can be a problem though because when Jean’s trying to fill the pool up, Kane keeps batting the hose with his paw or trying to eat the water and Jean has to get him to relax.
Other than his little quirks, Kane’s a relatively chill dog. He’s alright with being dressed up in costumes or having to wear a cone.
Every halloween, Jean gets both of them a matching costume and they sit on the porch to give kids candy.
Jean also lets the kids pet Kane because over time, he gets very welcoming of people and other dogs he doesn’t know.
Long story short, Kane’s not the dog you want to protect your house, if someone broke in, he’d just start wagging his tail and not be able to tell what’s going on.
💛 Connie
Saw how cool Jean’s dog is and also wanted a badass and cool breed.
He ended up adopting a doberman pinscher.
Like Jean’s dog, she looks strong and intimidating.
Unlike Jean’s dog, she acts the complete opposite of how she looks.
She’s often quite jittery or seems scared. Whenever someone even remotely raises their voice, her ears go down and she lowers her head.
You and Connie often have to give her tons of pets and appreciation after shouting, whether it’s good or bad shouting.
She’s also a total cuddlebug. She loves to be on Connie’s lap 24/7 and sleeps right next to him, watching over him.
Because of her timid personality, Connie named her Lily. It’s a sweet and innocent sounding name. Even though he sought her out to be a “cool” dog, she’s super sweet and didn’t want to name her something that conflicted with who she really was.
One thing about Lily is she loves running. Connie likes to skateboard alongside her as she pulls him along. It’s not much effort for her because Connie’s lightweight and uses his feet a lot. Plus, the area they live is pretty flat, so they often do.
Lily has a hard time understanding what is and isn’t a toy. One time she nearly chewed off one of the sofa legs. Next time Connie sat on it, it snapped and then he figured out Lily was behind it.
After that, he trained her to know everything he puts in her basket is a toy, but everything else isn’t. Then, she used the basket as a toy.
She goes through toys lightning quick.
Every time you or Connie give her a new stuffed animal, it takes approximately .2 seconds for it to be torn to shreds.
Connie loves to take her to PetSmart and let her pick out toys in-store.
If she chooses a toy that means Connie won’t need to guess what she likes and what she doesn’t.
One time she chose one of those scented rope toys, but once Connie took the packaging off, she started acting weirdly.
Once he gave it to her, she started barking at it and whacking it with her paw.
Connie was super confused so he threw it and she chased after it like normal, but once she got close to it she started acting scared of it and barking.
It’s been like that ever since now so they just don’t play with that toy.
Lily doesn’t bark that often. She usually only barks from excitement or when she meets someone new.
She also doesn’t have the zoomies that much so she’s a really relaxed dog to hang with.
💛 Bertholdt
Bertholdt saw his neighbors packing their stuff in a van one day and leaving but saw they left their samoyed leashed up outside.
He wanted to hold out hope that they were just going out somewhere for a bit so waited the rest of the night but found the dog still chained up the next morning in the rain.
He was never close to his neighbors and didn’t want any confrontation so he went up and knocked on the door, checking if anyone was home.
No surprise, they weren’t so he cautiously made his way over to the dog.
It was so happy to see someone and started licking his hand right away.
He unchained the dog and led it into his house where he gave it a nice warm bath and some food.
While bathing her, he took off her collar, with the neighbor’s number and address engraved in it along with her name, Mavis.
While Mavis was eating he called the number he found on her tag. He explained that the dog looked like it was left there on purpose so he took it in until they got home. They just said they didn’t want her anymore and hung up, which broke Bertholdt’s heart.
So he took her to the vet, got some pet things because he hasn’t owned a pet previously and she became a big part of his life.
She clings to him everywhere and won’t ever leave his side. Almost never barks and is super good on a leash.
Bertholdt takes her to the dog park a lot, Mavis is very social and has made a lot of friends there.
Mavis has quite the habit of rolling around in the mud or dirt though so Bertholdt has to give her a bath quite often.
Bertholdt absolutely cannot contain the dog hair. There is so much of it and it’s everywhere, went through like 3 lint rollers in the first week.
He spoils her rotten. Whenever he goes shopping he gets her new treats and toys because he swore to do right by her when her old owners didn’t.
If you were brought into the equation, Mavis would love you unconditionally. She’ll be there to give you high-fives and cuddle with you.
She is the softest thing on the planet so the cuddles are amazing. If you and Bertholdt sleep together, she’ll plop herself right in between the both of you so she could get attention until you fall asleep.
Whenever she needs something but isn’t up, she licks your face until you give her what she wants.
Even though she can get quite hot in the summer, she always wants to cuddle and loves to do it, whether it’s with you or Bertholdt.
💛 Annie (normally I don’t write for her but I couldn’t get this scenario out of my head)
Hitch gave her a chihuahua for her birthday even though she never remotely hinted at wanting a dog.
She didn’t want to return it though and oddly liked it, even though she never asked for him.
Just calls him “Dog” for a bit since she doesn’t know what to name him.
He’s a tan deer head dog so Annie gives him the name “Biscuit” after a couple weeks.
It’s super generic but she doesn’t think he needs any fancy name and he looks like a biscuit so 🤷🏻‍♀️
She has one of the backpacks with a compartment to fit a dog.
She likes to put Biscuit in there and take him out when she goes out.
When Annie takes him out, Biscuit is usually pretty chill, aside from giving a couple glares to random people.
Sometimes he even falls asleep in her backpack.
Whenever someone pisses Annie off, Biscuit senses it. Annie isn’t usually one to get into a full-blow fight and be loud, so Biscuit is her volume. Whenever she starts going off, he starts growling and barking.
And when she does get loud, both of them are yelling and screaming so that often deters the other person.
When she first got Biscuit, Annie didn’t really pay that much attention to him. She’d be on the couch and whenever he came up to her with a ball or toy, she’d throw it.
Then as she started to get used to him, she started to like him more.
Nowadays, she sometimes chases him around the house with a smile on her face and it’s so adorable, especially because she doesn’t smile all too often.
Biscuit is relatively calm, even for a chihuahua. He can often be seen on the couch on his back with his tongue out laying in the sun.
Speaking of being on the couch, originally Annie wanted to keep him off all furniture but soon realized he simply wouldn’t stay off and she didn’t want to bother to train him not to.
Now, they share almost everything. She sleeps with him next to her, they relax on the couch together, and sometimes she even brings him up on one of the kitchen chairs and they share food together.
Biscuit hates her alarm clock with a passion. If Annie doesn’t wake up from the alarm, she wakes up from the high pitched barks of her dog wanting her to turn it off.
Once the two are close, they are bonded for life and can be seen everywhere together.
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