gttinyprincess · 3 years
I have two series started already and yet tumblr is just constantly throwing inspiration my way like goddamnit I dont need to start more stories😂😅😅
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rainbow-neko-main · 5 years
Freedom in Different Places (Ch. 2)
*cracks nuckles* les go-
Jack woke up that morning to the smell of...bacon? "What the hell..." he mutters. No one is ever up this early. He usually makes breakfast for the other residents as he has to get up early to record videos and work before they go motoring. Who was in the kitchen? He decides to shuffle out of bed and creep down the hall in his pjs. He was sure it was just Anti makeing toast so he can lock himself in his room for today- or maybe Marv dropped in-
Jack froze in the doorway of the kitchen as he watched the capped man fry some bacon, next to a plate of premade pancakes, coffee, and...was that omlets?! He didn't even know Chase could cook! Let alone well! "Chase, bud, whats all this?" Jack asked in surprised. Chase jumps a little and speaks, not turning his head away from the pan infront of him. "Oh! Hello Jack, I uh...I wanted to get a headstart on the day ya know...? Just get some new looks on the city and all that..." he laughs nervously. Chase was a terrible liar and Jack knew this, but he must have a good reason for trying to hide it from him so he'll let it slide for now. "Well thank you for the food." He smiles and walks over, helping Chase plate and serve the food.
Anti walked down soon after and they all ate in peace. As a gang they were more than just acquaintances. They were family, 3 brothers liveing in their own house in the city. Chase glances over at the clock and apon noticing the time was 8:16 am looked panicked. The library opened at 8:30! He had to go-
Quickly, he proceeded to shovel the food into his face and drop his plates in the sink. Calling a quick "Ihavetogohaveagooddayloveyoubye!" With a flusterd face as he rushed out the door and slammed it behind him causeing Anti to jump. The man in question looks over at Jack and says "is...he okay?" With a quick reply, "Hes hideing soemthing but its not our buisness..." Jack sips his cup of coffee. Anti shrugs and finnished his food, heading back to his room for the day. Jack following suit to his recording room of foam walls.
Chase on the other hand was realing with adrenaline. Rideing around on a fast motorbike always made him feel so free...he could never understand those poeple who enjoyed staying cooped in all day...then again he had married one like that, a shame that his motoring caused such a rift in the family...he wasn't sure that emptyness would ever be gone...On his bike, the cares of the world flew away, left behind to eat his dust, he would go on for hours thinking that one stop, one break and they would catch up to him, break him down and throw him into a grinder. However he had to stop, as the small pristine building came into veiw, the sign above reading the purpose of the place loud and clear, "Library". And there at the doors was the man he wanted so desperately to see again.
Henrik was just about to open the doors of the library when he heard a sudden voice call to him causing him to squeak in surprise and drop his keys. "Henrik! Oh, sorry did I startle you...?" He remmebers that voice! Oh god- he quickly bent down and picked up his keys, turning only to meet the man, Chase, face to...chest. damn he was tall. His face flushed slightly as he looked up and met his eyes. "Oh n-no no! Its fine! I'm just easily startled Chase..." The man beamed, happy that the librarian remmeberd his name. Henrik looked around the parking lot questioningly, he didnt see any cars around for Chase to be here so ear....ly.....oh....
Was that a....motorcycle!? A freaking motorcycle!? His face flushed hotter and he coughed trying to compose himself. "What brings you here so early Chase?" He smiles up at the man, failing to hide the obvious flush in his attempt to protend nothing was wronge. Chase however....had other plans. It was his turn to flush. "Yeah I was just wondering if you would....maybe like to spend some time together some time." Henrik blinked. He wasn't sure he had heard the man correctly. "N-nothing like, a restraunt or anything- unless you want to! But your uh....number....or contact? I just uh....you seemed really nice yesterday and-"
"HAHAHAAHAAHAH-" Chase was cut off by a loud german laugh. Thinking that Henrik was laughing at him, he looked down at his shoes in disappointment. "Sorry...that was a stupid question-" "N-no no! Chase please, you just shocked me is all!" Henrik giggled slightly calming down. Chase perked up at that. "Does this mean you'll hang with me!?" Henrik smiled brightly and nodded. "I have to work the library today but...are you free sunday?" "Yes! Totally!" Henrik nodded and went inside for a moment, returning with a dark blue sharpie. He takes Chase's arm lightly and scribbles his number onto his hand and pulls away, completely oblivious to the blush on Chase's face. "Would you like to spend the day inside with me for now?" Henrik suggests. In actuality he just wanted to be inside. The outside world was...scary to say the least. Full of germs and thi ng s that could harm you at any second. Henrik felt as in worlds described in storys were enough for him. They were much more fun aswell in fantasy cases.
Chase froze up a little as he thought about staying inside all day....in the cramped library....with Henrik....that last part wasn't so bad actually, but all day?! He thought about it and in the end...he nodded yes! Henrik smiled and pulled him inside happily. And thankfully the day actually got better. Chase, found himself incredibly calm around Henrik, at this point he would have been running anxiously for the exit or haveing a panic attack but...even now he felt it. The calm surrounding Henrik...it was like the embrace of a close friend or even....a lover...
"Chase? Helloooo earth to motorbike!" Chase snaps out of it and looks over at the laughing Henrik. "Your really out of it, something on your mind?" "Oh it's nothing. I just don't normaly feel this calm in enclosed spaces. I guess..." Chase paused a moment and looked directly at Henrik while speaking the next line. "You being here is enough to calm me down..." Henrik can feel his heart stop. The library around them suddenly felt...so small. Like they were just two people in a closet. So close...
"Anyways, what were you trying to get my attention for?" Chase asked, interupting Henrik's train of thought. Henrik jumped a little and responds "oh! Right, its late now so its time for us to head home." Chase glanced outside and stared at the dark. "By the way. I didn't see your car out there. You don't happen to walk do you?" "Yes why?" "Henrik its way to dark for you to walk home. How about I drive you there?" Now it was Henrik's turn to freeze up. Ride with him!? On the death bike?!? He did bring up a good point...it was dark...."O...okay"
Chase walks him down to the bike, pulling out a spare helmet he keeps for situations like this and handing it to the librarian. He puts his own on and hops on the bike. Gestureing for Henrik to hop on behind him. He hesitantly follows the direction, wrapping his arms around Chase's waist to not fall off. Both blushed a little at that but soon that was forgotten as Chase kicked the motobike into gear and started the ride to the address Henrik had given him when they left. At first Chase didn't open his eyes, he was just hugging Chase tightly and buried his face into the biker's back. But soon that feeling of dread started to fade away as he felt the wind. The fears he held onto about being...out here. In the open. Suddenly melted. As if the person he was holding on to so tightly was a lighter and his fears were an icecube. He slowly losed his grip and looked up a the passing sites. The same adrenaline that filled Chase now flowed through henrik as he let out a loud cheer of excitement through the helm. Chase grinned at Henrik's yell and joined in as they both rode fast and furious to Henrik's house.
Apon reaching their destination they got off the bike and were now standing infront of Henrik's doors. "Hey thanks for the ride...that was actually a lot of fun!" Henrik smiled shyly at the other, who returned it in kind. "No problen, thanks for letting me stick around. It was really nice to just, hang with you..." they stared at eachother for a moment and...there it was again, the closet feeling, aa if they were just two people in a closed off space from the rest of the world. Just them...
Chase couldn't take it. He leaned forward and quickly pecked Henrik's lips, befor pulling away and sprinting back down the pathway to his bike. "I'll call you! Cya on sunday Hen!" He called out, leaveing the blushing stuttering mess of a librarian on his welcomeing mat. Henrik's hand rested over his lips, shocked that just happened. There was not enough words in any of the books what could describe how happy he was...
He was definitely going to see Chase on Sunday though!
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
M my buddy my pal my guy tell me your favorite line from FIDP
right now it’s “i’m not a drama queen!” because i love the foreshadowing of roman being trans AND it was such an ironic line in the first place since i decided roman was trans well after i wrote those chapters!
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blackrosesocietyarg · 4 years
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alphacompany000 · 4 years
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— завершено присоединение к системе SWIFT и карточной системе MasterCard/Europay; — открыто дочернее предприятие в Казахстане; — генеральная лицензия ЦБ РФ дополнена разрешением на проведение операций с драгоценными металлами[12].
Открыто представительство в Лондоне[13].
— получен статус полноправного участника Visa International; — аккредитовано участие в FIDP — программе развития финансовых учреждений, проводимой Мировым банком и Европейским банком реконструкции и развития и курируемой Министерством финансов и Центральным банком Российской Федерации; — от ЦБ РФ получено право вести счета типа «С», открываемые для иностранных инвесторов и позволяющие участвовать в работе на рынке государственных обязательств России[14].
— Альфа-банком выпущены еврооблигации[15], впервые — частным российским банком; — получены лицензия от ЦБ РФ на брокерскую и дилерскую деятельность, лицензии на проведение операций по доверительному управлению ценными бумагами, депозитарную деятельность; — открыты офисы в Санкт-Петербурге и Самаре.
— проведена смена юридической формы с общества с ограниченной ответственностью на открытое акционерное общество; — осуществлено слияние Альфа-банка и группы компаний «Альфа-Капитал»[16]; — исправно погашены купоны по еврооблигациям, несмотря на экономический кризис в стране[17].
— выпущены собственные евробонды на $150–200 млн. Это первая подобная операция, проведенная российским банком; — выпущены виртуальные карты Eurocard-MasterCard для расчетов в интернете, впервые в России[18].
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mobark1000 · 4 years
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#البروق #الان https://www.instagram.com/p/CJwHZP-FIdP/?igshid=3m8o86y4flwh
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leesacrakon · 7 years
I saw that you’re reading fidp and let me say... I’m sorry... good luck...
Heh....I’m ready. Thanks for the luck, I’ll probably need it. 
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drcisko · 5 years
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Clive Barker - Nightbreed (1990) This review is for the recently released director's cut of the film as part of the Arrow Video Limited edition. So, Nightbreed is a film that I had heard a lot about but hadn't actually seen, knowing it was Clive Barker and having seen Hellraiser and having read some of his books I had an idea of what to expect, weird monsters, ambiguous morality, a sense of empathy for the outcasts and some gory stuff. I wasn't disappointed in those expectations. What I also feel about the film is that there are a lot of interesting and quite cool ideas there that don't seem to always transition to screen perfectly. There is, for example a lot of effort put into character design and creation, particularly of the monsters and while some come off as pretty great (Porcupine Lady, for example) others seem a bit slap-dash which is probably not helped by the really good video transfer on the blu-ray which really gives you a high-def view of all the little details of the makeup and seams that you probably shouldn't be seeing is this was some ratty VHS back in the day. Other technical problems involve some weird editing choices which might be related to this being a reconstructed work from both original theatrical sources and recovered footage. Ideas-wise it's a really original film, which was to be expected from Barker, there's a message of compassion for the outcast and distrust of the normies as the real monsters in the film. No vampire/demon, porcupine lady, or weird blob is worse than the police and the establishment figures who are hunting them, humans are the real horror. It's easy to see both why it didn't get an audience when it came out and also why it developed a cult following later. (3/5) #horror #movie #film #cinephile #horrormovie #nightbreed #filmposter #movieposter #poster #horrorfan #horrornerd #horrorgram #horrorgeek #horrorclub #horrorfans #slasher #clivebarker #median #arrowvideo (at Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7r50o-FiDp/?igshid=195l6a044u2x4
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frolicadventure · 5 years
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Manaslu Circuit trek is a brautiful adventure trek in Nepal. . https://www.frolicadventure.com/manaslu-circuit-trek . #nepal #manaslu #trekking #manaslucircuit #mountains #himalayas #travel #hiking #adventure #manaslutrek #travelphotography #wanderlust #travelblogger #trek #landscape #photooftheday #nature #nepal8thwonder #mountain #travelnepal #nepalisbeautiful #treknepal #himalaya #naturephotography #discovernepal #hike #natgeotravel #photography #frolicadventure (at Samagaun) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qmO7-FIDp/?igshid=1uzp1kqn43sxo
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peymimhalil · 6 years
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Alıntıdır H https://www.instagram.com/p/BttlW_vn-fiDP-V3aU5VMxy6RjPQBfpYCXxXGg0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=81ftigpbjjzp
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rainbow-neko-main · 5 years
Freedom in Different Places (Ch. 1)
An AU given to me by a good friend. Featureing some good fluffy Biker Chase x Librarian Henrik. ~♡♡♡ (if i like this enough i might make more parts ;D )
"What do you mean you can't fix it?!" yelled a man wearing a black lether jacket with a red baseball cap, bright yellow and green strands messily stuck out of the hat. He seemed to be shouting at a teenager, decorated in body piercings with a red tatto across his neck, his hair unlike the other was died a dark green. He was holding a box of tools and coverd in oil. Chase never thought he'd see the day where Anti, their gangs mechanic, wouldn't be able to help him with his motorcycle. He was beginning to think there was not one thing the teen couldn't fix...
I guess he finally found one.
"Exactly what I mean Chase. You can't just bust up your motorcycle that bad and expect me to be able to fix all your mistakes. This is way out of my league!" Anti states back. He hated when Chase shouted at him. It's not his fault the man ran his ride into a wall trying to escape from one of their recent jobs.
"Settle down you two, no need to fight." Another man steps out of the shadows, his hair is normal brown and spiked up. The black leather he wore matched his two companions except he had a green eye printed onto the back with white text across it reading 'BOSS'.
"Chase you can't get upset at Anti for not being able to fix your bike. Anti you need to calm down. You know you can't blame him for what happened last night." Jack says accordingly. "We don't even know where you were on that heist..." Anti mummbled before continuing at his normal volume while ignoreing Jack's glares. "Chase if you want me to fix your bike, get a computer or a book or something for information." Chase seemed to pale at the mention of going somewhere and staying inside. But he knew just as well as them that they couldn't get it fixed anywhere else...
"Jack loan me your bike so I can go to the library..." Jack tossed Chase his helmet and made a gesture to take off his hat before riding. Chase returns it with a smile and heads out the door, missing the mutter of concern that escaped him
"How the fuck am I gonna do this..."
-One Quick Ride Later-
Chase stops and park his motorcycle out front of the large building, the dark black was in high contrast aginst the buildings nice tan walls. Any resonable person would have thought a biker walking into a library was the most ridiculous thing they've ever seen...at least thats what Chase thought. He walked into the building, noticing the little bell on the door. He breathed in and could smell the freshness of new books, hear the absolute silence of the small library. He sighs lightly and reminds himself to keep his volume down. "Lets get this over with..." he mutters.
Chase starts to roam the isles of books and shelves. He noticed fantasy and science fiction, he even found a couple historical texts. Yet not a single "how to" book or mechanics guide. How the hell does anyone navigate-
His thought was cut short when he accidently bumped into someone. He heard a few thumps followed by a pained voice curseing in what seemed to be...German? He looked over quickly to see who he had knocked over and felt his words get stuck in his throat.
There on the ground was a small man surrounded by fallen books, a small bandage rested across his freckled nose and soft floppy bright minty green hair rested on his head. He was wearing a white sweater over a collared light blue shirt and khaki pants. He was rubbing his head but when he looked up Chase could see his blue beautiful eyes were framed with an adorable pair of square glasses. He wore a nametag that read 'Henrik' which meant he worked here...and Chase had knocked him over.
"Oh! D-dude im s-o sorry! Let me help you!" Chase exclaimed as he finnaly returned to his senses, leaning down to help pick up the fallen books. The man, Henrik, responded quickly. "No no thats alright. I should have been looking where I was going." He says as he starts to also pick up the books. They were almost done untill the last one where they both reached for it and ended up with entwined hands on the book.
They looked up from the book at eachother and stared. It felt like this for an eternity when in reality it was only a few seconds. Henrik pulled away and stood up with Chase, brushing himself off lightly.
"Again, i'm so sorry dude. The names Brody, Chase Brody." Henrik smiles and Chase swore he felt his heart melt. "It's fine. Henrik Schneeplestein. I'm the librarian here." Librarian? Oh! Librarian of course! "You work here? Would you mind showing me where I could find some mechanic books?" Chase asked excitedly. Henrik blinked in surprise and nodded. "Of course. There right down this shelf and-" he gave Chase a small step by step instruction on where to find what he needed. Chase thanked him and turned on his heel, but not before shooting a smirk over his shoulder at Henrik. "Hope to see you around." With that, he turned the corner towards Henrik's instructions.
Little did they know that as soon as he turned that corner they both feel into a blushing hysterical mess. Henrik hid his face in a book and happily bounced from one foot to another, glad to have not made a fool of himself infront of someone that handsome. Chase on the other hand coughed inti his rolled up sleeves, trying to cover up his blushing face.
Chase quickly gatherd the books he needed and waved a small goodbye to Henrik at the counter. Listened as the bell on the door rang a little and closed behind him before he took off on Jacks motorcycle to their shared house.
In that moment both Henrik and Chase had a similar thought, like their souls entertwined and had a shared moment of hope...
"I hope hes there tommorrow..."
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
Friends in Dark Places [ch 1]
this is fidp remastered try 2, electric boogaloo!!!! i’m so!!!!! happy that i have to do this!!!!!!!!! right now!!!!!!!!!!
pairing: eventual moxiety, eventual logince, background eventual remile, background eventual remy/emile/deceit
WARNINGS: these will be based per chapter because it’s a really intense story, but for now there’s suicidal ideation, almost attempted suicide, crying, anger, shouting, threatening to call the police, fainting, panic attacks, depression, bad families, cliff hanger ending, food mentions, and possibly something else
summary: After struggling with suicidal ideation and loneliness for years, a teen decides it’s time for it all to end… that is, until someone tries to save him.
tag list: @hufflepuffgirl01 @cocobearthe4th @cas-is-a-hunter@band-be-boss-blog @theunoriginaldaisy
a/n: so i have to repost all of these in a different format! yay fucking me!!!! please consider reblogging these if you’re a fan of this series because it’s all fucked up now
first - previous - next - companions
consider buying me a coffee (please)
He was done. Just… done with the world. He was sick of having no friends and  having to eat lunch in the gross, discarded janitor’s closet because literally nobody wanted him to sit at their table. He hated that he was so much of a loner the teachers had given up on trying to get him to join groups for projects and just let him do them alone. He had nobody to talk to--nobody to console with. To everyone else, he was simply “that weird emo kid” that they whispered about in the hallways.
His family didn’t even care about him. Dad was out of the country most of the time and mom was just… not there. He didn’t really ask, just took care of himself and buying groceries with the credit card his dad had given him for when he was home alone.
He had kept up the act for over two years, but he just couldn’t do it anymore. Why should he act if nobody was paying attention to him anyway? There were exactly zero people would miss him; no one would grieve his death. 
Which is how, on the night of his 17th birthday, Virgil ended up standing on the railing of a bridge with the river far below him, merely contemplating when to jump. His thoughts were going so fast he didn’t realize someone had walked up behind him.
“Um… Hello? Please don’t jump…” a voice behind Virgil said softly. Virgil whipped around, provably far faster than he should, and glared at the stranger.
“What are you doing here?!” Virgil growled. The stranger was dressed very cleanly, with a pair of nice jeans, a light grey cardigan, and a light blue polo shirt. Their hair was combed back neatly and they had a pair of glasses perched on their nose. They were probably right around the same age as Virgil.
“Um, I, uh, was just walking by and happened to see you here. I don’t want you to jump,” the stranger responded. Virgil couldn’t help but simply gawk at them. This person didn’t even know him--had no clue if he was dangerous or what he was like--yet stopped his walk in some weird-ass attempt to persuade him not to jump off of the bridge.
“Look,” Virgil snapped. “You have no idea who I am, and I have no idea who you are. You don’t know my intentions, so just go away and leave me here alone.” Was he being harsh to this kid? Yeah. Did that really matter? No. He really just wanted to make sure that this stranger wasn’t going to talk him off of the edge. He was here, and he was going to make sure that he would go through with this.
And then the stranger began to cry. Like, bawling. Just standing in the middle of the sidewalk at almost midnight and sobbing while an emo kid with intense suicidal ideation was standing on the edge of death.
“What are you doing? Stop that. You’re being fucking loud! People are going to start trying to find out what’s happening can you—Fucking hell.” Virgil jumped off of the railing, fully intending to just get things over with as soon as this stranger had left. “Look. I’m off the ledge. Just stop fucking crying.” The stranger looked up and gave him a look that conveyed both extreme sadness and anger.
“Promise that you won’t jump off the bridge.” The stranger’s voice cut through the silence like a knife.
“Yeah, whatever. I won’t jump off.” Virgil gave a dramatic eye roll and crossed his arms. Hopefully the stranger would take that as being good enough and just leave already.
“No, I said to promise me!” The stranger was nearly yelling now, face stern.
“I—What? Listen—“ Virgil was cut off swiftly.
“Promise me! Promise me that you won’t kill yourself tonight! I don’t care what your reasoning is for doing this, but it’s not good enough! Promise me or I’m going to call the cops and tell them you’re trying to commit suicide, and I know that you don’t want the authorities involved.” Virgil took a step back, shocked at the intensity of the stranger’s voice. Nobody had ever cared so much about him, not even his past friends. The stranger whipped out their phone to show how serious they were. Virgil began to panic, both from the strange feelings and the stress of the situation.
“I--okay, look--I promise I won’t kill myself tonight just please put the phone down. Please, don’t call the police. I promise; I won’t do anything.” All he could hear at this point was the blood rushing in his ears, pounding faster and faster with each second. His breathing was coming at a probably unhealthy speed and he could feel himself shaking.
He barely processed when the stranger put the phone to their ear and called someone. Virgil reached out to stop them but only made it about a foot before he collapsed right into the stranger’s arms, unconscious.
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blackrosesocietyarg · 4 years
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9lyfe2018 · 6 years
Stream🔊, add to Playlists📝, and Download📥 |"SACRIFICE" 🎶 by @9lyfe_aritists_productiongroup Out Now !!!  . . . #iTunes #YouTubeMusic #Spotify #AmazonMusic #GooglePlay #Pandora #Deezer #iHeartRadio #Napster #MediaNet #TouchTunesPlayNetwork #Tidal #Shazam #7Digital #Juke #Slacker #KKBox #Akazoo #Anghami #Spinlet #NeuroticMedia #Yandex #TargetMusic #Zvooq #Saavn #BoomplayMusic #SimfyAfrica #datpiff #worldwide . . . @itunes @applemusic @tidal @googleplaymusic @capitolrecords @rcarecords @pmamrecordings @virginemi @parlophone @atlanticrecords @interscope @mercuryrecords @deccarecords @theloudexperience @steverifkind @columbiarecords @epicrecords @defjamrecords @rocnation @wethebestmusic @sony @motownrecords @maybachmusicgroup @universalmusicgroup @universalrecords @warnermusic @slipnsliderec @aristarecords @qcthelabel @qcmceo_p @djkhaled @djinfamous @dj_infared @geffenrecords @defjamsouth (at Broward County, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhNc_-FIDP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17h5gw0q7vq8l
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gflaserbolt · 8 years
In this Destiny video you will see my trials of Osiris top play of the week as we some amazing clutch plays in trials of Osiris which was on rusted lands this week. Trials of Osiris is the 3v3 Elimination mode Crucible event available only on the weekends. In this mode, two teams of 3 players each battle each other with no respawns. Your team wins the round if the entire enemy team is dead. Win 5 rounds and you win the match. Like Skirmish, You can resurrect your teammates during the round. The main NPC for Trials of Osiris is Brother Vance. Trials Passage is a scorecard that tracks the matches you've won and lost during the week. 3 losses and you must restart your Trials Passage. In Year 2, all of the rewards are dropped after winning matches. Players will no longer need to return to Brother Vance for their rewards. The more wins on your scorecard, the better rewards you will earn after winning each match. ➥ Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gflaserbolt ➥ Please ➥ Like ➥ Comment ➥ Subscribe for Daily Destiny More Destiny Videos to Watch: Destiny How to Get Legendary Gear Fast - https://goo.gl/kXLBir Destiny How to Reach 400 Light - https://goo.gl/bUlqxv Trials of Osiris Top 5 Plays: https://goo.gl/Q7FZ04 Trials of Osiris Map Breakdown: https://goo.gl/NNo4j7 Destiny Rise of Iron: https://goo.gl/hGDkUe Destiny Iron Banner: https://goo.gl/V4a4nz Destiny Guides: https://goo.gl/bK9wso WHAT I SAY at THE START OF MY VIDEO: https://goo.gl/I4ZMw1 Also Follow Us: ➥ Tweet Me: https://twitter.com/gflaserbolt ➥ Donations : ➨ https://goo.gl/GWBkgY ➥ KontrolFreek's 10% Off Cod "GFLaserBolt": https://goo.gl/SxbTlL ★ Website : ➨ http://ift.tt/HqpsUK ➥ Become a Partner : ➨ http://goo.gl/BefYHp ➥ Follow us on Facebook : http://ift.tt/2l2Ilqr ➥ Follow us on Instagram : http://ift.tt/2kvwrZG
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checkthefeed · 8 years
[ Pocket Figures | Faces in Different Places ]
Introducing Faces in different places, a movie filmed all in Canada, Ontario.
Filmed/edit by Joel Vachon
Martyn Vachon Geoff Bowler Daniel Glibota Ben Poechman Kody Williams Bryan Bowler Joel Vachon Lenny Mazzotti Cameron Veenstra Hayden Edwards Keenan Norton Cooper Dykeman Dawson McLachlan
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