#like i’d just run out of shit to say but somehow they can endlessly moan the healthcare system’s saturation of people who cant speak english
razerback · 2 years
spending time with my parents aka subjecting myself to racist rhetoric from a self-hating chinese woman and a guy who thinks he can’t be racist because he married a chinese woman
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fics-not-tragedies · 4 years
In a Week: Chapter 17 🌲
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More hurtful moments right around the corner, but I mixed it with some ridiculous humor, so you don’t die of heartbreak.
Words: 2575; Warnings: none; Summary: They try to part their ways for the rest of the day, but both fail at is miserably.
Hozier tag list:
@letoursilencebreaktonight​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​; @angelpeachamber​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​; @sgt-morgan​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​; @julessbrown​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​;
Tuesday, 12:05pm
Andrew had kept his promise to himself that he’d enjoy the four seconds of holding her, held his breath for each one, forgot who he was among the bliss of her perfume and then he had to let her go.
Though he instantly longed to touch her again, it was not a new need, rather one he learned to cope with even though it seemed overwhelming at times. As he pulled out of her touch, the air felt softer and lighter somehow.
“I’m just a little bit worried, em… that’s all…” he grumbled, “I don’t want to mess up again.”
“You didn’t mess anything up” she added, turning back to him, walking backwards down the garishly lit corridor as she spoke. He had a hint of worry in his otherwise perfect features, the way he was carrying himself, his deflated chest, creased eyebrows, and she had to soothe that, “You’ve done nothing wrong and we’re okay.”
Andrew lifted his head a little higher than he had before, nodding at her to show he understood and above all was grateful for this second chance. He hadn’t sketched out a fully formed plan in his head yet about what he was going to do with it, but he was thankful nonetheless. Flo still didn’t quite understand why he was blaming himself at all, wanted to carry the burden equally, knew that the drunken boiling over of tension last night was as much her fault as it was his, but he was too stubborn to hear that.
And even though they were feeling more content than before, they were both still repressing the panic of saying goodbye to each other before the week was up. As she looked at him, Flo considered changing her plans, delaying the inevitable, but had always been the kind of woman to rip the band-aid off and deal with the sudden shock, instead of dramatically prolonging any suffering. And she knew, no matter what would happen between them before she left Andrew to simply end everything, that something about him would always stay with her anyway. She would always have a piece of him right next to her like if they’d be buried together in one grave.
She never met anyone like him, nobody as smart and conscientious, endlessly fascinating and she liked to think some of his better qualities had imprinted on her too. The resounding fact that shocked her was that Andrew had never forced her into anything, instead peeled back the surface layer of who she was just with his charisma and charm and then gave her a firm nudge in the right direction towards the Flo she had locked away for so long.
Even though he was already forming a small for the rest of the upcoming week, it was clear that they needed to take a break from each other, even though it was only until the next morning. So quite naturally, they both decided to part their ways for the rest of the day, but since the world’s so small and the hotel was even smaller, they met again in a hot tub in the small pool area of the hotel.
Tuesday, 5pm
There were plenty of moments in his life that Andrew could recall having made him feel truly flustered because beneath the surface, it really didn’t take much to fluster him. Talking to his musical heroes at fancy parties. Interviews that were awkward and poorly executed. Watching his friends perform their new music. Difficult first dates.
But now here he was, watching Flo Hayes, climb into a hot tub, rosy cheeked and trying her very best not to flash more of her skin than was already on show and Andrew Hozier Byrne was very, very flustered.
Her body disappeared under the water for the most part, her breasts sinking just below the surface, but he could still see the top of them, her obvious cleavage, her collarbone which he ached to press his lips against. Her skin was shiny and fresh looking, the makeup that remained barely visible and he studied her face for a while, trying to learn it so that when it wasn’t there to devote his time to anymore, he’d at least find her in his daydreams.
He envied how radiant she looked no matter the time of day. There was no doubt she took care of herself, probably drank enough water, got enough sleep and he smiled at the thought of her tucked up in bed, wondered if she slept on her side or her back, whether she tied her hair up or if it sprawled across the pillow, amused himself with the imaginary sound of her snores. She tilted her head to him silently.
Suddenly worried she’d notice how blankly he was staring at her, Andrew climbed around and into the hot tub opposite Flo. His moves were precise as he sunk into the seat, trying to avoid her touch, trying to find a place to fit everything without accidentally brushing her beneath the surface. His hair were slicked back and tied into a small bun, only a few strands out of place and his chest was rising and falling uncontrollably with nervousness just from staring at her for so long. Flo rolled her eyes at his beard, his glowy eyes, how he never failed to look gorgeous even with that concentration face he was pulling.
Neither of them having spoken, Flo tried to relax, adjusted her back so it was more comfortable against the wall, spread her arms out a little further. There was plenty of room, but he was still close to her and every time he looked up at her across the bubbling surface, she was worried she’d lose her focus again. She tucked her wet hair behind her ears.
Andrew loved the way it shone under the lights of the small room, how perfectly straight it fell. He decided that she looked like some sort of ethereal goddess or like a siren who would’ve drawn him in if he was a lonely sailor at sea or like the kind of woman who renaissance painters would have dreamed of bringing to life on canvas. He blinked at her a couple of times as she met his eye line almost immediately. Her eyes were always curious, always thinking about the next thing.
“I just can’t believe we run onto each other in a jacuzzi” Flo laughed at last, shaking her head. Andrew spread his legs out underwater and rested his arms on the back of the tub, trying to get comfortable himself. He seemed to toy with a response, she could see it bouncing around in his head, the corners of his lip curling as if they were anticipating his words.
“How does it feel?”
“How does what feel?” She sighed, knowing he’d prepared a question she didn’t understand just to evoke that very response, to keep his game of teasing her up. He wanted her to ask.
“Being in jacuzzi with a true music star” he smirked, eyebrows cocked in that way that made Flo want to simultaneously thump him around the head and climb into his lap and kiss him till he moaned against her.
“Oh, shut up.”
Tuesday, 5:15pm
He chuckled for what seemed like a long minute, impressed by the sulk she was pulling as she crossed her arms in front of her and shook her head, mouth cocked slightly open. It was then that Flo decided to test him, see how much information she could work out of him this time. He had nowhere to hide from her now, the room silent except for the sounds coming from the water and he seemed pretty sure of himself.
“Talk to me about it” she uttered after a soft moment of contemplation.
“About what?”
“About ‘being a true music star’…” she replied.
She noticed a small flinch, worried he was retreating into himself already, shoulders tight with tension, nose screwing up with doubt. He licked his lips then answered her.
“What do you want to know, love?”
“What’s it like?” She asked, keeping her response as vague as she could.
“It’s more like a love-hate relationship…” he responded, a little sooner than she’d been expecting, “I feel so lucky that, em, I can compose and perform my music to people who love it, but, em, on the other hand… I’m tired of being recognizable every place I go to.”
“It’s fascinating to me.”
“It’s really crazy. I had no idea that, em, things would get this big.”
He meant his career, had meant performing, but when he looked at her then, he also meant it about her. He truly had had no idea things would get this big with her when he saw it at the hotel bar.
“You get to do what you love and what you’re good at at the same time, that’s the dream, right?”
“Yes… but, sometimes I wonder, em, who I’d be if I wasn’t doing what I do now” he mumbled.
“You think it changed you somehow?” She asked, not having expected that response at all, but still feeling so humbled by the fact he was sharing anything at all.
“Yes, but just a little bit. Sometimes it feels like, em, the world knows more about me than I do” he scratched his head with one of his long fingers, like he was recalling something he’d read about himself that he hadn’t liked then shrugged, bringing his eyes back up, “Shit, sorry. Got a bit existential there…”
“It’s alright” Flo assured him, wishing she was closer to him so that she could use it as an excuse to touch him.
“It just scares me that, em, people can say anything they like about me.”
“Don’t you have a voice? Like an online presence?”
“I do… half owned by me, half by my team. Em, I bet people notice the difference between what I post and what my social media team does” he giggles a little, moving in the tub like he wanted to sink deeper, but he’s too tall to do so.
“As a musician, a person who writes his own songs from start to finish you have the chance to show your voice in your songs.”
“You’re right, em, I try to do it as often as possible…” he mumbled, lost in thought for a second. “Did you go to an university or a college?”
“Yes, did you?”
“Well, I started a college…”
“But you didn’t finished it?“
“But I didn’t” he confirmed, “music got me too busy and I fell into it completely” he lifted his hand from the water to scratch his neck as he spoke. “My Mum was worried at first, but she’s an artist too, em, she paints bloody gorgeous, so she understood that I’m doing what my heart wants.”
“Does she still worry?” Flo pushed.
“My Mum? No, no. Of course she’s stressed every time I’m coming home after a tour and, em, really takes care of me forgetting I’m near my thirties…”
Flo laughed again and tried to picture Andrew in any way domesticated. It was just as jarring for her to picture as being outside of the hotel together had been. She just couldn’t see him doing nothing for days on end.
“I’m kinda proud of myself, not every person has that relationship with their parents…” he swallowed sharply at the realization of how much he’d opened up to her. “What about yours?”
“My parents? They’re dead now…” she sighed.
“Oh, no… I’m- I- so sorry, Flo, I didn’t mean to…”
He nodded in her direction, fighting the urge to simply hold her in his warm embrace.
“You’re such a role model then…” she said, then quickly changing the subject, “I just can’t believe I didn’t make the connection…” she laughed, “…about who you are. I mean, I know the name now and it makes sense, but I have friends who’d be furious with me for not working it out sooner.”
“You gonna look me up later?” He chuckled, “On YouTube?”
“Who’s to say I haven’t already?” She teased, though it had been the last thought on her mind since she found out who he was. It was her golden rule with new people anyway, to work them out without using her phone, make an effort to connect in real life rather than finding out their dog’s name through their Instagram profile. And that golden rule was even more important now, with Andrew.
“No. I know you weren’t stalking me online, because, em, people who did that act differently…”
“Oh, but, I’ve already got you worked out, Andrew” she giggled, tapping her temple as if she had all the answers. He cocked his eyebrow immediately and ran his hand through the front of his hair to keep it in place.
She had such a devilish twinkle in her eye, like she’d been saving this moment for a while and he watched her shift her position slightly, leaning further towards him. His face was slightly pink from the steam that rose from the water surface and her hair was drying now with the slightest hint of frizziness. He was just about to ask her to prove her point when she was speaking again.
“You’re a perfectionist. Went to prom with a pretty girl, but you hated her dress-”
“Wait…” he asked, taken a little off guard by her sudden outburst, “Are you profiling me?”
“Well I always wanted to be a profiler…”
Intrigued, Andrew settled back into position then gave her a firm nod, lifting his hand as if to challenge her. She cleared her throat and continued.
“You send your Mum flowers whenever you feel guilty about not being home. You’re a heavy sleeper. Eat more sugar than you should. Have tried quitting smoking, but as I could see with my own eyes you failed miserably. You’re paranoid about trusting people, because you were let down by too many. You’ve broken a few hearts. Have more records at home than you have storage for. You’ve cried watching at least one Disney film - my money is on… Bambi.” Andrew laughed at that pause, “Good at bullshitting your way through anything. You have a pet - I bet it’s a dog. Worry about any mistake you make for at least two months…” Flo smiled softly before adding her last guess, one she knew was a fact: “And you’re not only big yourself, but you’ve got a big heart too, Andrew, you really care about people.”
There was a beat and Andrew folded his arms as she finished, blinking at her for a while. He tried to recall the ones she got wrong, but had been more focused on her smart mind, mesmerized by the way her thoughts were so clearly plastered across her face as she processed them. He was so impressed by the way she observed him and wanted to congratulate her.
“I know…” she said confidently, snapping him from his daze, “I’m pretty good at this.”
“Don’t you want to know which ones you got right?” He asked, the smirk on his face so full of excitement.
“You don’t know if they all fit until you catch the killer, Andy” she replied cockily, “It’s a profile, not fully fitting description of traits you have.”
“So I am the killer now?”
Yes, Andrew, you killed my heart with that kiss.
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writing-radionoises · 5 years
the three times komaeda got izuru to feel something
ship: kamukoma
for: me bitch
genre: fluff with slight suggestive content
prompt: the three times Komaeda got Izuru to show emotion 
notes: this is literally the most self indulgent thing I've ever written I'm sorry
ao3 link
Izuru is quiet person, but he's very experimental. He liked to tease Komaeda and take notes of how he reacted.
However, it was now Komaeda's turn to mess with Izuru. The dark haired boy always had the same strange expression, the expression of bored and disinterest. 
All Nagito ever wanted to do was see him smile. 
Plan A was to pounce up on him and tickle him. Though, that likely wouldn't work if Izuru was correct when he said most of his nerve endings had been numbed out. But it was worth a shot. 
Currently, the two were standing side by side on top of a hill, watching the sun go down as the chain on Komaeda's collar clicked with the wind, and Izuru's incredibly long hair flew away from Nagito.
Now was his chance.
"Hey, Kamukura," Nagito started, and the red eyed male turned to face him with the same disinterested face he always had.
"Are you, perhaps... Ticklish?" Nagito asked, and before Izuru could even respond, he had pounced. 
Except... Not pounced as planned.
Komaeda had met to just hope on towards Izuru, but apparently, he slipped and fell on top of the other, and together they went rolling down the muddy hill.
"Shit!" Servant yelled, desperately clinging to the other as he desperately tried to get both his chain and Izuru's fucking hair out of his face.
They both stopped at the end of the hill, Komaeda's screaming of swear words stopping shortly afterwards.
When he finally moved his hair away from his face, Komaeda catches glimpse of a definitely unusual look on Izuru's face.
Pure shock. 
His red eyes are wide as an owl's, and mud has splattered his face.
His hair was now all clumped together with mud, a piece of dark brown hair plastered with his face with mud.
Now on top of Izuru, Komaeda smiled and moved the piece of hair aside.
"Ah, just my luck..." He said with a sigh, glancing to the side with a sheepish grin, trying to think of some sort of apology before his thought process was interrupted by a giggle.
He glanced back at Izuru to see his as much as giggling his ass off, hand covering his mouth.
Komaeda couldn't help but laugh too.
Maybe his luck does work in his favor sometimes.
Of all the emotions Komaeda could think of, apparently embarrassed was one of the only semi positive ones he could think of.
He definitely didn't want to see Izuru sad or crying or worried.
How despairing it would be to see the ultimate hope sad...
Embarrassing Komaeda was like one of Izuru's hobbies, he liked to compliment Nagito endlessly until Komaeda was a blushing mess.
Seeing a blushing Izuru... Oh, what a wonderful image that is in Komaeda's head. 
Oh, is he drooling? Perhaps.
Anyways, wiping off the drool from Nagito's face, he lifted his head up from the kitchen table as he watched Izuru began to wheel Monaca out of the house.
Plan B, here we go.
"Hey Izuru!" Servant called, watching his lover turn his head to face Nagito, pausing his current task and tilting his head to the side.
"What?" He questioned, letting go of Monaca's wheelchair as he turned his whole body to face towards him.
The little green head of hair in the wheelchair turned to see Nagito too, confused by what was happening.
"Hey, hey, I'm glad I remembered my library card, cause' I am totally checking you out!" Nagito called with a smile.
Nailed it. 
He absolutely did not call every girl he knew for that one.
Izuru made a sound that was a mixture of confusion and shock, glancing between Servant and Monaca for some sort of confirmation that this just happened.
Monaca only giggled as Komaeda continued.
"Wow, Izuru, you must be exhausted from running through my mind all day," he continued, a cheeky smile on his face.
There was a tint of red now on the other's face among his many freckles, he was clearly at a loss for words, trying to find something to say back before Komaeda to continue.
Unlucky for him, he is not quite quick enough.
"Iiiiiizuru~ Do you want to see if you can add "has a great gag reflex" to your list of talents?"
And with that, his face turned a bright red, and Komaeda had never seen him walk out of the house so fast. Monaca in tow, laughing so hard Komaeda feared she might choke.
He is going to regret that later.
There's an audible bang against the wall as Komaeda somehow manages to pin Izuru against it.
How, you say?
Komaeda has no idea. Maybe it has something to do with Izuru being shorter than him or Izuru desperately trying to dodge his chain, but God knows.
What's the plan?
There isn't one. He didn't think he'd get this far.
His only goal is to get Izuru to show some sort of attraction to Komaeda.
Or perhaps... Komaeda is looking for something more lewd?
He'll take what he'll get.
"Oh, how unfortunate that trash like he has the ultimate hope pinned against a wall, hahaha..." Komaeda mused, and Izuru rose a brow.
"Is there something you need?" Izuru asked
"Is there something you need?" Komaeda fired back.
Thank god for Google teaching him how to at least try to top.
Izuru is beyond confused at this point, having no idea what the other wants to get out of him.
The white haired male leans in a little bit, chain clinking against the other as Izuru takes a hold of his to stop it's noise.
This thing will be a pain.
"Seeing you embarrassed was pretty cute yesterday," Nagito started, "But... I'd like to see more. Such a shameful thing from someone like me, but seeing you express emotions brings... Such happiness to me."
"I think you want to see less of me and hear me more," Izuru comments.
Apparently Izuru knows what Nagito wants before Nagito even does. Cold hands move gently into Komaeda's fluffy and tangled hair as Izuru uses his free hand to losen his tie and unbutton his shirt a little.
"You are as useless as ever when it comes to action, allow me to help you."
Komaeda gets at what Izuru is hinting at from here, leaning in and pressing his lips against Izuru's, gently. 
He was never really the one to lean into more passionate kisses, or really take the lead.
At least Izuru helps him a little bit.
He feels the other gently press the back of his head, urging for more as Komaeda tilts his head to the life, his free hand going up Izuru's top and gently tracing around his spine. The other shivers within his grip from the cold of Komaeda's hands.
I wonder how it feels to be making out with someone who is practically a corpse, Komaeda wonders.
Servant pulls away from the kiss, staring at Izuru's wide red eyes for a moment before pressing a kiss to his jaw, and moving down to his lower neck.
It takes a few moments and guidance from Izuru before Komaeda eventually finds a spot on his neck that does still have some nerve endings that react like a normal human's.
Izuru squirms from the touch, and Komaeda feels a light tug at his hair. 
He has forgotten that Izuru isn't quite used to being touched with good intentions. 
Had it been anyone else but Komaeda, Izuru probably would've killed him already.
Though, it does make Komaeda sad to think about just how many people have done this to Izuru when was helpless.
A squirming Izuru is no fun unless he's enjoying himself, too.
It takes a few minutes before Komaeda finally gets what he wants.
A moan.
Unmuffled and clear.
"Komaeda.... Komaeda..... Komaeda...."
It's like music to his ears, perfect in everyway, just l-
"Hey! What the fuck are you guys doing in the hall?" Calls out a familiar voice. It's Akane's
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mysteli · 6 years
normality (kamilah x mc)
A/N: just a cute little date scenario. I was gonna add smut but then this fic wouldve a lot longer so I just implied it. enjoy!
Warning: T (innuendo and swearing)
Words: 3746
PERMA TAG LIST: @brightpinkpeppercorn@cocomaxley@hopefulmoonobject@alesana45@jellybean-marshmellow@mymandrake@regrettingnathan@dobie2112@princesstopgun@mechaspirit@skyila@mind-reader1 @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sakaily@justboredtrash@regina-and-happiness@flyawayblue56@annekebbphotography@endlessly-searching-for-you@reginasayeed@zigortega4life@abbiebishopsie@eileendannie@alesana45@diamondoasis@speedyoperarascalparty @liam-rhys@idonthaveachoice@gayyyyyy69@forgottenl0v3r@choicesfanboy@carlieg20@skydoesntblue@fanfictionreccomendations @mkatschoicesblog @indiacater @nitta-jaeguet
This fic: @riseandshinelittleblossom@therocksofmay@ilovekamilahsayeed@tephy24@queerchoicesblog@gavryllo@shanonfernandes @kinda-iconic@satansangellover @hayden-park@countrymusicandncis-blog@psychopathdreamer21@tigerbryn11 @reginasayeed@lovemeshamelessly@a-meredith @jellymonster@give-me-ernest-sinclaire @demonknightrevelations @torifontaine @zoe6111 @pcktsprgrl @esteladannishreyakamilah @timmagicktoad
tagged everyone from my last kamilah fic and those voted for her
Summary: Elena and Kamilah decide to go on a real first date but Kamilah is worried it may not bring normality into their relationship 
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Elena enters her apartment in a slight huff, completely and utterly stressed from her exhausting day at work. Adrian really expects a lot from her and you’d think because they’re close friends that he’d go a little easy on her when it comes to assignments and deadlines. But no. He’s worse than any typical uptight boss and it seems like he has fun piling Elena’s desk with work. But Elena doesn’t feel the same way about it.
Her energy hasn’t had a chance to recover all day and all she wants is time to herself to calm down and gain her normality back. A bubble bath sounds so damn good right about now and it sure would help Elena lose some of the tension in her body.
With that peaceful thought clearing some of the doubts in her mind, Elena shuts the door to her apartment and leans back against it for a moment, exhaling sharply and wiping the sweat off her forehead as she attempts to will herself to stay awake, even though she feels like she could collapse into a deep slumber at any given moment. 
She shrugs off her coat and blindly hangs it up, before kicking off her shoes and dropping her bag on the counter as she wanders aimlessly into her bedroom. Once she makes it inside, her mind is solely focused on the idea to have a nice, peaceful bubble math and release the stress corrupting her body and head. Damn you, Adrian. 
Elena takes a quick glance in the mirror, noticing how messy her appearance has become over the long day of working. Shaking the uneasy feeling off, she wanders into the bathroom to collect a towel. While she’s she in there, she quickly strips down for her bubble bath and wraps the towel around her waist, running a hand through her dark blonde hair as she exits back into the bedroom. She lifts her head from staring at the ground and her lime eyes widen with shock, her body almost turning inside out, by what she unexpectedly finds when she glances back up.
“Holy fuck!!” She yelps, barely able to clutch her towel in time so it can’t fall from her bare body. If possible, her jaw could easily be on the floor right now. Elena can’t believe what’s standing before her right now. Well... more like a who. “Jesus fucking Christ, you scared the shit out of me, Kamilah.”
That’s right. Kamilah Sayeed stands dominantly before Elena, who is still a stunned mess after that unexpected scare. Sure, Kamilah is a vampire so surprise visits should be common to Elena by now but seriously, Kamilah could have knocked or something instead of scarring Elena with a shock she won’t ever forget. It’s easy to admit, however, that Kamilah looks pretty damn good right about now, with her brunette hair cascading down her shoulders and her lips curve up into an amused smirk at the sight of Elena all startled. 
“Well, you don’t have to look so proud.” Elena points out, narrowing her eyes at the vampire queen and her smirk only widens in response. 
“Just know, I didn’t mean to scare you. You only need to be more aware of your surroundings.” Kamilah counters, throwing a hand on her hip as she takes a step closer to Elena, noticing how her fear is starting to fade.
“Gee, thanks. I’ll work on that.” Elena mutters, her light green eyes rolling back at Kamilah’s teasing comment. Suddenly, Elena furrows her brows when she notices how Kamilah has suddenly fell silent as her eyes glide over Elena’s barely covered body. 
A worthless towel stops Kamilah from a full view but that certainly doesn’t hold back her imagination. Her dark eyes flash crimson for a mere second as her desire for Elena begins to build up. She remains still for a moment, trying her best not to be tempted but that sure as hell doesn’t last long.
In one swift motion, it only gives Elena one chance to blink before Kamilah ends up behind her, her hands gripping Elena by the hips and her hot breath looming over the blonde’s neck. She presses their bodies together and she moves Elena’s hair to one side so she can access her neck. It only takes a silent moment for her to start planting kisses on the base of Elena’s neck.
Elena arches her head back and sighs out of satisfaction on Kamilah’s shoulder. The kisses remain soft and tender but still unbelievably powerful. “Is that why you came here? So you could do this.” Elena mutters, a moan escaping her halfway through her words as Kamilah’s hands grazes over the bare skin that starts right after the hem of the towel. 
Kamilah pauses her sensual actions upon hearing that, breathing against Elena’s skin which only makes her body tense up even more with pleasure. Kamilah leans away for a moment, meeting Elena’s eyes and narrowing her own.
“Hey, you.” Kamilah whispers in a husky tone and Elena sucks in a sharp breath as Kamilah continues letting her fingers trace over the skin of Elena’s thigh, slowly making her way further up and under the material of the towel. 
“Hey...” Elena breathily responds, her mind unable to function properly from the affection Kamilah is giving her right now. Even as much as featherlight touch is enough for Elena to be at Kamilah’s beck and call and unconditionally at her mercy. “You didn’t answer my question.”
With that, Kamilah pauses and shifts positions again, using her speed to somehow end up in front of Elena once again, except a lot closer than she was before. Her eyes skim over Elena’s exterior once more and she finds her eyes darkening with desire but she’s somehow still able to keep the crimson out of her eyes, otherwise that’s when danger shines through. Elena watches Kamilah’s expression carefully, noticing how a conflict plays out on her features. It’s like a battle to determine if the vampire can resist Elena or not.
Kamilah finally shakes her head and approaches Elena, grasping each side of her shoulders and letting her hungry gaze roam over Elena’s body. A smirk crosses her lips as she prepares to speak. “I had other intentions but it’s not like I expected you to be in nothing but a towel when I showed up.” Kamilah points out, leaning in so she lips brush against Elena’s. 
Elena can’t help but smirk back, biting her lower lip at the sight of a desirable Kamilah mere inches away. “May I ask what those other intentions were?” She teases, their foreheads grazing each other’s for a moment and just that little ounce of physical contact is enough to stifle a groan out of Kamilah.
In a flash, her speed causes both her and Elena to end up against the closet in her bedroom, with Kamilah pinning Elena down by her wrists and the longing on Kamilah’s features is painfully obvious. But she has to hold back if she wants to get any words out and not get carried away before her recent idea can be quickly forgotten.
“I realise we’ve never really had a chance to... act like a normal...” Kamilah trails off, her courage faltering the more she overthinks and Elena forms a small smile when she catches on to what she’s trying to say.
Kamilah nods quickly in agreement. “Yes... that. I just wasn’t sure if we were in that place.” She admits and the vulnerable side of her starts to shine through again. Elena adores it when the weaker side of her finds a way to crack through her defence walls because it reveals a more genuine side to Kamilah. 
“Well, I’d say we are.” Elena corrects, leaning in for a sweet kiss and Kamilah responds eagerly, releasing her grip on Elena’s wrist and letting her roam as freely as she pleases. “Anyway... you were saying?”
Kamilah runs a hand through her brunette hair and clears her throat to continue. “Er, yes. I came to find out that we’ve never really... been on, what do you call it...” Once again, Kamilah trails off, her body tensing up as her nerves start to realise. Never did she think she’d been in a place where she’d be as awkward and vulnerable as she is right now. Elena giggles at how adorable Kamilah is being right now and she immediately once again catches on to what Kamilah is trying to say.
“...a date?” Elena folds her arms and an amused smile crosses her lips. 
Kamilah closes her eyes and sighs, nodding rather hesitantly this time. “Sorry... I’m just... new to this.” She admits, hanging her head and pacing away from Elena in order to shield her embarrassment. But, of course, Elena sees right through her like she’s made of glass. Smiling reassuringly, Elena approaches Kamilah and cups her cheek in a comforting manor, tilting her chin up so their eyes meet and giving her the most reassuring look possible.
“Hey, it’s okay. I get it. If it makes it any easier... I’d love to go on a date with you.” Elena whispers, joining their foreheads and Kamilah can’t help but form a smile at the acceptance to her offer. She plants a brief kiss on Elena’s lips and can’t seem to let her grin fade. 
“You have no idea how terrified I was about that, Elena.” Kamilah confesses, her shoulders slumping back in relief and Elena just giggles in reaction, a sudden thought entering her mind.
“So wait, what were you thinking we could do?”
“Well, what the normal folk do, I assume. Dinners and wine are very popular and I actually already booked us in at an elegant restaurant.” 
Elena furrows her brows upon hearing that, not sure how Kamilah managed to think of something like that. “Heh, how did you manage to come up with that?”
Kamilah’s eyebrows raise rather nervously at Elena’s assumption and she fiddles with the ends of her brunette hair. “What do you mean? I came up with that by myself.” She corrects but once again, Elena sees right through her act.
“Stop, Kami. Seriously... how?” Elena urges and Kamilah lets out a heavy sigh, raising her hands in surrender.
“...I may or may not have asked Adrian for recommendations.” She hesitantly relents, her back slouching and her dignity falling as well. She rolls her eyes as she notices Elena trying so hard to suppress her laughter. “You laugh and I’ll cancel. I mean it.” She warns, pointing sharply at Elena and she motions her hand over her lips as if she’s zipping it shut and locking it with a key. 
“See? I’m not laughing. Now, so this place is elegant right so do I need to dress up?” 
Kamilah nods in agreement. “I’d say yes.” She agrees, making her way to the bedroom door as Elena begins wandering back into the bathroom. “Meet me at the restaurant at 6. I’ll be sure to text you the name and address of it.” 
Elena blindly gives Kamilah a big thumbs up as she disappears into the bathroom. “Great. Can’t wait!”
With that, Kamilah exits the bedroom, her only worry being the outcome of this date. Will it go well to will it go wrong? Kamilah can only hope she listens to Adrian’s tips that he provided for her. After all, this is her first date in a long time and it’d be a little awkward if Elena ever found out about that. 
Elena finally finds herself in front of a pretty fucking fancy restaurant with the name of a French word that she’ll never be able to pronounce. This seems like a pretty Adrian choice for a date with its only little spin of Kamilah in it, which is probably why she asked him for recommendations. Despite the fancy aspect, Elena didn’t go completely all out with her outfit choice. She kept it fairly classy but not the obnoxious kind, wearing a crisp white dress that is isn’t overly low cut, revealing just the right amount of cleavage. The upper part clings to her curves perfectly while the lower part flows out to the ground. 
Waiting patiently outside the restaurant, Elena shoots Kamilah a quick text, asking where she is. Seconds later, Kamilah shows up like clockwork and her jaw immediately drops when she catches sight of Elena’s choice in clothing. She bites her lip in order to resist all the urges that run around her body and she barely manages to hold them back.
Elena is just as stunned by Kamilah’s appearance too, noticing how she’s chosen to dress in a burgundy floor length gown that is a lot slimmer than Elena’s. The fabric hugs her skin ever so elegantly and the top of the dress halters around her neck. Also, her dark brown hair has been curled into light waves and the strands fall down her front and she looks like a fucking angel.
Kamilah slowly makes her way over to Elena this time, due to the fact that they’re in public. Unable to fight one urge, she drags Elena in for a passionate kiss, snaking her tongue into her mouth and biting down on her lip ever so lightly, careful not to draw blood like she usually does. When they pull away, Elena is slightly dazed and she finds Kamilah eyeing her exterior once more.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Kamilah whispers, smoothing our Elena’s blond hair and brushing her cheek with her thumb. 
“I can easily say the same thing about you.” Elena whispers back, knocking their foreheads together tenderly. Her eyes suddenly dart back up the stare at the restaurant and Kamilah follows her gaze curiously. “Fuck, you meant it when you said this place was fancy.”
“Told you. Now come on.” Kamilah urges, leading Elena in by the hand and the curiosity only increases about how this normal night could go.
Soon after settling into their table, wine is delivered to where Kamilah and Elena sit and Elena is surprised at the level of effort that has been put into this night.
“Damn... this is turning out to be a pretty normal date so far.” Elena points out, raising her glass of red wine towards Kamilah and offering up a toast. “To normality.” 
Kamilah raises her glass in return, clinking it with Elena’s as she repeats the toast. “To normality.” With that, they set their glasses down and that’s when Elena’s curiosity can’t be held in anymore.
Eyeing Kamilah with intrigue in her eyes, Elena leans her jaw against her fist and forms a small, eager smile. “So, tell me, Kamilah... what are you usually like on dates? I know the traditions have changed over the time you’ve been alive but there must be something that’s always stuck with you.” 
Kamilah is confused at first, her brows furrowing. “Like... a signature move?” She can’t say she has many since she hasn’t been on a date for god knows how long.
“Exactly. Come on, spill, Sayeed.” Elena urges, her curiosity too high to contain. She’s always wanted to know how Kamilah is so smooth and straight forward when it comes to romance yet she’s never really been the type to play the field or have brief flings. But Elena is still too intrigued to let this topic go lightly.
Kamilah hides her anxiety behind her glass of wine, as she tries to think of an excuse. Truthfully, she honestly can’t say she has a signature tone. She’s literally been on like five dates in her whole time of living and that is a long time. Before Elena, she was never really the type to dabble in romance. Sure she had more serious relationships but not enough dates to have a signature move. But the fact that Elena is asking makes her worry about how many she must have.
“Um...” With Kamilah’s failure to come up with a decent excuse, she decides to be honest with Elena. “I can’t say I have one.” Kamilah finally admits, hanging her head a little while also trying to act as nonchalant as possible. 
Elena is a little taken aback by Kamilah’s vague response, narrowing her life eyes at her recent girlfriend suspiciously. “Are you messing with me or are you being serious?” She dares to ask, giggling under her breath. 
Kamilah simply shakes her head. “I’m being serious. Is it so hard to believe that I have originality with each person I date?” She asks and that’s when Elena starts to feel slightly guilty for bringing up the topic in the first place.
“No... I just thought with how easy it is for you to... make people fall for you, you might have a reason for it.” 
Kamilah tilts her head to the side in confusion, watching as Elena’s expression starts to sink. “Hey, don’t worry. I’m not offended by it. Besides, I don’t think you’ve ever seen or known of anyone else who has fallen for me.” She points out and something suddenly hits Elena upon hearing those words. 
“Wait... am I... no...” Elena shakes her head in disbelief, not willing to believe that such an angelic creature like Kamilah Sayeed, who might she add has been living for a thousand years, has not had anyone else fall for her before. “I’m not the first... am I?” 
Kamilah shies away upon the realisation, loosely giggling as Elena takes a deep swig of her wine as if she needs liquid courage to get her through this conversation. “Sure I’ve had admirers and I’ve dabbled with all different sorts of people but... no one has ever truly cared for me the way you do.” Kamilah mutters, taking Elena’s hand and kissing it reassuringly, her lips lingering longer than expected. She locks eyes with Elena and there’s a genuine look of honesty hidden in Kamilah’s dark gaze. Something Elena has never laid eyes on before. “And besides, I’m not sure why I need a reason for why people to fall for me. Maybe... I’m just that irresistible.” Kamilah adds in a seductive, breathy tone that distracts Elena in ways she can’t explain.
With Elena dazed from the impact of her words, Kamilah slowly grazes the skin of Elena’s leg with her own, sliding it up and down and chasing a harsh exhale out of her. She bites her lip and tries to distract herself by taking another sip of her wine. When she puts down her glass, she meets Kamilah’s darkened gaze and smirks.
“You’re so bad, Kami. You know that?” 
Before Kamilah has a chance to respond, the waiter approaches them with two plates in their hands. He sets them down on either side of the table and wishes them a pleasant meal in a strong French accent before leaving them alone again. 
Kamilah pokes at her food with a fork, examining it with strange looks. Noticing, Elena eyes her curiously, raising her eyebrows in a questioning manor.
“Kamilah... what are you doing? Don’t you like salmon?” 
Kamilah straightens up and shakes her head unsurely. “It’s not that. It’s just... weird to think about eating human food.” 
“I’ve seen you eat it before.” Elena reminds the vampire queen, uncertain why she’s making such a big deal about it.
“Yes but you don’t know that the ketchup is usually animal blood so it makes it more my type of food.” Kamilah responds and Elena almost drops her fork at that revelation, gesturing to the ketchup on her plate. 
“I’d really love it if you didn’t put me off ketchup for life.” 
Kamilah chuckles at that, running a hand through her brunette hair. “Sorry.” She apologises, digging her knife and fork into the salmon and beginning to cut it carefully. “So... are you having fun?”
Elena forms a wide smile and nods approvingly. “Of course I am.”
“Really? This outing is mundane enough for you?” Kamilah wonders, taking her first bite of her food and finding it pleasant to eat as the taste overwhelms her mouth. 
Elena nods again, giving Kamilah a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Kami. This whole thing was everything I’ve ever wanted with you.” She assures, reaching over and brushing her thumb over Kamilah’s cheek and she smiles sweetly in reaction. 
“I’m glad. I don’t want us being together to impact your life. I still want you to feel human.” Kamilah admits, her vulnerable side shining through once more and Elena is surprised by how many times that side has revealed itself tonight.
“Being with you makes me more alive than anything else. You don’t have to worry about me.” 
Kamilah’s smile widens and she holds Elena’s gaze for a long moment, realising that no matter what happens, with or without the normality, they’ll still be together. 
Later that night, after an overwhelming amazing date, Kamilah and Elena wander back, hand in hand, to Elena’s apartment. They make it to the front door and Kamilah wonders what shes expected to say. 
“Is this the part where I kiss you and wish you goodnight?” Kamilah asks, tilting her head to the side out of bewilderment and Elena shoots her a knowing smirk, revealing the intentions running around her head.
“You don’t have to yet.” Elena suggests, wrapping her arms around Kamilah’s waist and bringing their bodies closer together. “I will take that kiss though.” 
With that, Elena brings their lips together, tasting the sweet cherry flavour of the wine they drank of Kamilah’s lips. She tangles fingers in the vampire’s brunette hair and slips her tongue into her mouth. Kamilah wishes to have zero space between them, tugging Elena so close that leg hooks over Kamilah’s hip. The kiss deepens and a steady rhythm is quickly built, their longing for each other being poured into this one great kiss.
Reluctantly, they pull away and Elena keeps their foreheads connected, an expectant look in her like eyes. “Sometimes there’s a different way to end to date.”
“Oh really... and what’s that?” 
Elena smiles and her heavy sigh grazes Kamilah’s lower lip, causing her body to shudder in response. “By me asking you to come inside for... dessert.”
Kamilah arches an eyebrow at Elena, gripping her by her hips and pressing her against the door. “Well then, I’ll gladly take you on that offer.” 
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hardyimagines · 6 years
NSFW Alphabet, Reggie Kray
A/N: So I went through again and did my own words for each letter, but then I also did the original 26, so you get 52 again!!
Warnings!!: smut talk, sex, nsfw, don’t read if you’ll get uncomfortable!!
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A is for Aftercare: Reggie is the type of man to hold you after sex. He’s not exactly the most affectionate man in the world, but he doesn’t make it his mission to hide his feelings. He’s faithful. One of the most loyal men you’ll ever meet, so once he makes it known that you’re what he’s interested in, you’ll keep his interest. The moments after sex are spent allowing him to inspect you for any accidental marks. There never are any to find, but he looks anyways. His hair, usually slicked back in place, is now messy, hanging in front of his eyes. His voice is always croaky and low when he talks. After grunting for a while, his voice is bound to sound husky. “Fucking hell.” Is what he’d mutter if he ever found a simple scratch on your skin caused by him. He’s the type of man to run his fingers lazily along your arm, caressing every inch of your skin as he speaks lowly against your ear, reminding you that he cares deeply about you. Though he doesn’t put it bluntly.
B is for BDSM: Reggie actually isn’t too kinky. He has kinks, but it doesn’t involve objects. Nothing but your body and his body, tangled together, a sweaty pile of limbs, rocking as one. He doesn’t need a blindfold or restraints in order to please himself or you. He’s strong enough to pin your wrists against the pillows and hold you in place if need be.
C is for Consent: ( ignoring what happened in the movie!! ) CONSENT. Reggie Kray doesn’t need a ‘yes’ in order to know he’s doing a good job. He can tell as your eyes droop shut and your moans fill the air that you are, in fact, enjoying what he’s doing to you. The way you tug him closer and thrust your hips as desperately toward his own as he is tells him all he needs to know.
D is for Dom: He is more than dominant. He doesn’t have a submissive bone in his body. He would never give you the upper hand, not unless his body was no longer capable of functioning properly and you needed to be on top because you were the only one able to properly ride him. You wanted to do that often, straddle his hips and ride the shit out of him, but he didn’t let it happen often. He felt at a loss when he was on the bottom. It felt amazing and you definitely knew what you were doing. His forehead creased deeper than usual and the soft moans he let loose made you cum within seconds. He looked like he was in pain, but that was just his expression when he was blissed out. God, he was beautiful.
E is for Exhibitionism: Yes. Yes. Yes. And yes. Everyday, all day. He doesn’t care who’s watching.
F is for Face-fucking: He’s a mouthful, but the more you try, the better you do the next time. You love to lay down on the mattress and let him thrust himself into your ‘pretty little mouth’, as he referred to it. He grumbled every time about how beautiful you looked, his voice deep and lust-filled, as he sunk his hips forward, rocking so that each time his tip his the back of your throat. You loved a challenge and he loved giving you one. Most times he’d hunch over and trace your slit with two of his fingers while you pleasured him. You’d feel his thighs shake sometimes in enjoyment when he could no longer stand so you’d sit up and yank him down, taking over quickly so you could straddle him and finish him off. He always came in your mouth and you swallowed it down easily.
G is for Grunting and Grinding: Reggie likes to have you sit on his lap no matter what, but every time he pats his inner thigh and looks at you with a commanding look, he doesn’t think about the initiative it gives you. You sit directly on his crotch every time, ensuring that with every single movement, no matter how slight, you put pressure on his cock. You fidget until there’s a bulge situated beneath you and all he can do is grunt helplessly. Nobody ever picks up on it surprisingly, but because you’re not rocking steadily and instead you’re just shifting, it never fully grabs their attention. You, sometimes, would reach down between your legs and drag his cock out of his slacks just so you could stroke and tease him further. He hated it. He hated how much he enjoyed being left at your mercy. You’d traced his tip only, rubbing it soothingly and lazily and he’d been an angry mess at the end. When he climaxed, he disguised it with angry grunts and had moaned on unhappily about some business. He hadnt made much sense, but you knew he was just trying to avoid whimpering as you tucked his dick away.
H is for hickeys: Hickeys are like tattoos when it comes to Reggie Kray. Since seeing him, you haven’t gone a day without a purple love bite.
I is for instructions: He is very demanding but he’s pleading as well. He wants you to listen, to be submissive, but he wants you to speak your mind and tell him what you want as well. It’s never an issue. Sometimes you think he’s a mind-reader. He’s too good at what he does. He knows exactly where to touch you.
J is for Jack off: Reggie isn’t exactly the type to stand around in his bedroom and rub himself until he orgasms. He’s patient enough to distract himself with business and work that needs to be completed until he can see you. Now, when he’s in front of you and you’re feeling a little risky, you can ask him to touch himself, but rarely will he comply.
K is for Kiss: Reggie likes to take handfuls of your hair and hold you in place while he kisses you. His kisses are deep and passionate and you always feel light-headed when he’s done. His tongue is curious as it sweeps the inside of your mouth, searching curiously for things that make you moan. Reggie will shove you up against the wall and kiss you roughly when he misses you. Being deprived of you seems to bring out his more desperate and rough side.
L is for Libido: 24/7 he’s ready to have his dick ridden. Plop yourself down if he’s asleep and he will wake up cumming. He’s always ready for you. He doesn’t need the sex, but he likes and will take it.
M is for Make-up Sex: Every fight consists of shouting, tears, and savage comments. Reggie doesn’t think when he’s mad. Whatever he thinks, he says. He’s verbally abusive and he doesn’t mean to be, but god he knows how to make up for it. Every rude comment he made, he apologizes for with his thrusts. Every jab and insult he spewed is forgiven when his tongue moves against yours. The bed creaks so loudly beneath the joined weight, revealing just how quickly he’s hammering himself into you. You’re always so forgiving after he’s fucked you, but why shouldn’t you be.
N is for NO: Reggie doesn’t tolerate sharing. He’s very possessive, so if you ever thought about maybe having a threesome or something along those lines, I’d think again. Reggie is liable to murder anyone who even looks at you with a glint of attraction in their gaze.
O is for Oral: As selfish as it sounds, he is more of a giver than a receiver. He doesn’t mind eating you out, but it just happens that he ends up receiving head more often than not. You have no issues with it. You feel blushy and shy when he’s buried between your legs. He’s very good with his fingers and even better with his tongue, but you never ask him to do it. You let him offer. He tries to offer weekly, but sometimes he misses the chance. You somehow make it a priority to give him head. Either before or after a full round of penetrative sex. If you give him head, he doesn’t let himself touch you. He’s afraid he’ll accidentally rupture your esophagus or choke you to death, so he grips on to the bedding instead. Involuntary bucks are always a bit of a dilemma because they’re so unexpected you start coughing. You can hear the worry in his voice before he even has a chance to speak, so you resume with what you’re doing before he asks. You were always alright and even when you weren’t, you were.
P is for Pregnant: Reggie doesn’t want to be a dad. Growing up, he never wanted to be a dad. It would be his fault though if a child was created and he isn’t an asshole so he would take that responsibility. He’s very cautious though, so that’s at least five months without sex. He doesn’t want to take that risk. Having a baby with you means dedicating himself to you. It would bound him to you forever, permanently and he would have zero complaints. He loves you, he just isn’t sure how to say it. Not unless you say it first.
Q is for Questioning: Reggie has a difficult time speaking during sex. His brows are typically furrowed and his eyes are drooped shut. You can tell with the different sounds he lets out what they mean though. Short grunts are from his thrusts. Low, drawn out moans are when he’s close to orgasming. Loud, lengthy, hisses means something feels extremely good. When he opens his eyes and lets out little grunts with a raise of brows, you know he’s asking if he’s making you feel good. It’s obvious he is. You can never reply. Your body is always so squirmy beneath his own, desperate for that release that seems to be dancing around endlessly, waiting to be caught. Reggie speaks more with his expressions than he does with words and lucky for you, you understand each one.
R is for Road-sex: Passenger or Driver, Road sex is a yes. He doesn’t care if you want to suck him off or sit in his lap and ride him. There’s always a risk he could crash the car, especially because when he orgasms, he tilts his head black and shuts his eyes, but it’s a risk he’s willing to take. The streets in London are always crowded anyway, so he’s not moving that fast. That’s what he uses as an excuse when mates of his ask why he had you situated on his thighs. You could stare there forever, not even doing anything sexual. He’d let you too. He enjoys the feel of having you propped up on his lap proudly.
S is for Safety: He doesn’t usually use a condom, but it would be wise since he doesn’t pull out. A part of him stubbornly and naively thinks that getting you pregnant is a slim chance, but it’s a chance he’s willing to take so he will accept the outcome. If Ron told Reggie he wasn’t using condoms though, Reggie would call him fucking stupid and ask if he had his head on right.
T is for Teasing: 40% expect to be teased. Teasing you, teases him and he doesn’t function well under that sort of pressure.
U is for Undressing: He enjoys the assistance when undressing, but if you want to help out, make it snappy and quick. He doesn’t want to take his time and be slow about it. Only you can do that. He enjoys strip teases so he likes it when you take your time. He, on the other hand, doesn’t do strip teases. Never has and never will.
V is for Virginity: Reggie doesn’t feel pressured when told you’re a virgin. He feels trusted. He feels as if that alone proves your loyalty to him. You would let him, a seemingly violent criminal, be your first. He’s gentle. He takes his time. There’s no need to rush in the first place and he knew if he did, he’d hurt you. Reggie Kray is capable of being a softie, but that’s a severe rarity for most to see.
W is for Words: He’s vulgar. His brother is worse, but he is definitely vulgar. It’s heavenly. Dirty talk has never sounded so good. He could be absolute shit at it, but his voice and his accent make the words sound so sexy, you can’t help but be turned on by it, even if some of it’s nonsense. He gets really into it, telling you how hard he’s going to fuck you.
X is for X-Rated: Reggie isn’t necessarily X-Rated. He doesn’t do anything to you that isn’t considered normal. He’s experimental and would try anything you asked him too.. apart from sharing you. He would be classified 18+, but still tread with caution.
Y is for YES: Middle of the night sex. If the man ever wakes up and his shifting wakes you as well, then the two of you will end up having sex. Little kisses that start out innocent and limbs wounding around each other so you can sleep closer to one another eventually turns to a playful grind and then a teasing thrust from him. That’s enough for the both of you to simultaneously start tugging at one another, ready to screw until either the sun comes up or one of you tires out. Typically one round makes you both exhausted and you go back to sleep, so middle of the night sex is always a good thing.
Z is for ZZZ: Before climbing into bed, or getting comfortable in bed, Reggie always brings you down the hall so the pair of you can have a nice, hot bath. He always insists that you have one, after using the restroom to avoid infection, because that way you’ll feel much better and sleepier. You always insist that he join you and he never says no to you and if he ever did, he would never mean it. Hot bubble baths and quiet cuddles are the perfect way to relax before the pair of you, droopy-eyed and ready to give yourself over to oblivion, climb into bed and snuggle up. You would’ve never pegged Reggie Kray as a cuddler when you first met him, but he makes time for it. Work was meant to come first, but that was before he met you.
List below was made by someone else!! But it’s the preferred and mostly used list so I did this one as well! I put a line through the ones that were the same up there ^^ as they were down below!
A is for Aftercare: Reggie is the type of man to hold you after sex. He’s not exactly the most affectionate man in the world, but he doesn’t make it his mission to hide his feelings. He’s faithful. One of the most loyal men you’ll ever meet, so once he makes it known that you’re what he’s interested in, you’ll keep his interest. The moments after sex are spent allowing him to inspect you for any accidental marks. There never are any to find, but he looks anyways. His hair, usually slicked back in place, is now messy, hanging in front of his eyes. His voice is always croaky and low when he talks. After grunting for a while, his voice is bound to sound husky. “Fucking hell.” Is what he’d mutter if he ever found a simple scratch on your skin caused by him. He’s the type of man to run his fingers lazily along your arm, caressing every inch of your skin as he speaks lowly against your ear, reminding you that he cares deeply about you. Though he doesn’t put it bluntly.
B is for Body Part: Reggie’s favorite body part is definitely your lips. The way they slant so perfectly against his own. His are full and occasionally chapped. When they’re not spewing curse words and insults at people, their locked in an eager battle against your own, tongues familiarizing themselves with the other in a very routine and practiced dance. Reggie loves kissing.
C is for Cum: He will always come inside you. There is no pulling out. He wants to feel the entirety of you, wrapped around him until his climax has ended and he’s completely drained of all energy. Even after he’s finished, and you have as well, he remains inside you, ignoring the lazy twitch of his cock and the clenching of your walls. He just wants to stay like that a while and relish in the closeness.
D is for Dirty Secret: The man’s weakness is the color red. Seeing you wear it means an instant hard-on. He doesn’t admit that to anyone but himself, but it’s the most breathtaking thing to him. Red lipstick. Red lingerie. Red heels. The lot of it sends him into a lusty, uncontrollable rampage. He thrives for sex during those times, but he, for the most part, can control himself.
E is for Experienced: Reggie is very experienced. He’s had his fair share of woman. Working in a club gave him that opportunity, but he doesnt base his attraction to someone on how experienced or good in bed they are. People can improve over time and he’s more than willing to teach. He’s very good in bed though and very faithful, so once your known as Reggie Kray’s girl, you’re his and he’s yours.
F is for Favorite Position: Reggie likes missionary. There’s nothing as sweet as feeling your breasts rub against his chest and your bellies pressed together as he fills you fully. It gives him access to kiss your neck and beautiful lips. He kisses you until your mouth is swollen and your neck is stained with hickeys. It also gives him the advantage of eye contact so when he groans out about how good it feels to be inside you, he can see the color in your cheeks appear.
G is for Goofy: Reggie is usually very serious, but he tries to ease up in the bedroom. Sex is meant to be enjoyable, so he tries his best to laugh or draw a laugh from you at least once. It usually works. But laughter always fades to heavy moans and please. That’s never a bad thing.
H is for Hair: Reggie doesn’t have a tendency to pull anyone’s hair. His favorite thing to grip is a woman’s thighs. He loves to bend their legs back above their head to give him a deeper angle, but if it hurts you then he just holds your hips. His thrusts are almost bruising and he always leaves your thighs aching and red from how quickly he was pounding into you. You don’t complain. It’s expected from both Kray’s. Your hair is left untouched unless he’s making love to you and merely brushed your strands away from your lips so he can kiss you.
I is for Intimacy: Reggie is very intimate. He is capable of making love for several rounds. He likes going hard and rough because being overpowering leaves him feeling like the Dom he wants to constantly be, but when he takes it slow and let’s himself be as gentle as he wants, he feels like a different man completely. He doesn’t seem like a gangster, he’s no longer a criminal. He’s just Reggie Kray, the man who owns a club. And apparently your heart. But since you gave him yours, he gave you his.
J is for Jack Off: Reggie isn’t exactly the type to stand around in his bedroom and rub himself until he orgasms. He’s patient enough to distract himself with business and work that needs to be completed until he can see you. Now, when he’s in front of you and you’re feeling a little risky, you can ask him to touch himself, but rarely will he comply.
K is for Kink: Reggie is very possessive. He doesn’t like inflicting pain, but he loves claiming and marking his lovers. He presses his fully lips against every inch of your skin so he can worship your body in the way it deserves to be worshipped. You may be stained with purple hickeys that are slightly sore, but the way you received them felt so good. You’re always begging for Reggie to remind you that you’re his and he is very very willing.
L is for Location: Reggie loves fucking in public. He loves especially when he’s having business meetings and you tag along because he will finger-fuck you under the table until you have no choice but to bury your face in your arms as you orgasm in front of all his business associates. Nobody ever says anything, whether they’re aware of what’s taking place or not. He’ll bang you in the backseat of the car or on an alcohol-smothered table in the club. He loves having sex in private, but being in public, knowing someone could walk in and catch the pair of you and see that you’re all his and only his, that excites him more than he cares to admit.
M is for Motivation: One thing Reggie enjoys most is when you grab ahold of his tie and drag him down and on top of you. He either can’t remove his clothes quickly enough so he ends up fucking you fully-clothed or he ends up ripping every button off of his shirt and the button on the front of his slacks in order to get naked quickly enough. Your sounds urge him on, but when you force him down and on top of you, that lets him know you need him.
N is for NO: Reggie doesn’t tolerate sharing. He’s very possessive, so if you ever thought about maybe having a threesome or something along those lines, I’d think again. Reggie is liable to murder anyone who even looks at you with a glint of attraction in their gaze.
O is for Oral: As selfish as it sounds, he is more of a giver than a receiver. He doesn’t mind eating you out, but it just happens that he ends up receiving head more often than not. You have no issues with it. You feel blushy and shy when he’s buried between your legs. He’s very good with his fingers and even better with his tongue, but you never ask him to do it. You let him offer. He tries to offer weekly, but sometimes he misses the chance. You somehow make it a priority to give him head. Either before or after a full round of penetrative sex. If you give him head, he doesn’t let himself touch you. He’s afraid he’ll accidentally rupture your esophagus or choke you to death, so he grips on to the bedding instead. Involuntary bucks are always a bit of a dilemma because they’re so unexpected you start coughing. You can hear the worry in his voice before he even has a chance to speak, so you resume with what you’re doing before he asks. You were always alright and even when you weren’t, you were.
P is for Pace: Reggie takes his time when he can. When making love, he treats it like he has all the time in the world and really, he does. When he’s going slow, his knelt between your thighs, holding your knees securely open as he fills you with a slow, but deep thrust. He typically is slow with you, but you can be slow and thrust hard which he tends to do. He’s caring, but he’s not asking 24/7 if he’s hurting you. He knows you’ll speak up if he accidentally were to.
Q is for Quickie: Quickies are okay. He doesn’t need them because he feels rushed, but he likes a good fuck, so he won’t say no to your hurriedness. Quickies usually take place in a bathroom for him, pinning you on the sink counter or against a locked stall. People come and go as they please, oblivious to the gangster fucking his girlfriend in the restroom directly beside their own.
R is for Risk: Reggie is a risk taker. He will press you up against the inside of the bar and fuck you while he serves drinks to thirsty customers. Nobody can tell what’s happening in the dim room, from what they can see, Reggie’s just standing very close to you. Little do they know he’s filling you completely, thrusting his hips each time he knows nobody is looking. If that’s not risky, what is?
S is for Stamina: The only time he gets tired out is after a long day of work. One round is enough for him, but on a weekend or a day of slow business, he can go for hours on end. It depends on how horny he is and how desperate.
T is for Toy: Reggie is your toy. He doesn’t need assistance from anything or anyone else.
U is for Unfair: The man doesn’t tease too much. But he does love to watch you squirm. He has a habit of playing with your clit. Maybe it’s because the nub is fun to touch or maybe it’s because listening to you whine about how you need more than just a poke and a rub is satisfying. He knows exactly where to touch you and for how long he can touch you until you cum. He never lets you and when you try to reach between your legs to finish yourself off, he pries your hands away, tutting in disapproval at your impatience.
V is for Volume: Reggie’s loud. As loud as Ron. Sometimes when Reggie is out late and Ron is the only one home, banging whoever he’d decided to bring home, you can’t tell the difference in his grunts and Reggie’s. Reggie is so breathy and harsh with his noises. They’re deep and low and they vibrate against your lips when the man kisses you. He also enjoys a vocal woman so when he tells you to cry out or to yell his name, you do it instantly.
W is for Wild Card: Reggie likes submissives. Reggie likes submissives. Reggie likes submissives. Talk out of turn to anyone else, be a brat, bitch, or asshole to anybody you want, but when you’re in the bedroom, sprawled out beneath him, he expects you to obey him, but also wants you to want to please him. And boy do you.
X is for X-ray: Reggie Kray has a nice, big cock. It’s a mouthful. Attempting to give him head will, nine times out of ten, result in gagging and moaning at the difficulty. Pleasing him is something you ache to do, but that’s a bit hard to do at times.
Y is for Yearning: Reggie’s only craving consists of kisses and power. He may need you at times, but it’s not always physical. There’s more to a relationship besides just the fucking, but he enjoys that part so he does let it be known he’d like a good fuck each week. You want it at least every two days, so it works out quite well for the both of you.
Z is for ZZZ: Before climbing into bed, or getting comfortable in bed, Reggie always brings you down the hall so the pair of you can have a nice, hot bath. He always insists that you have one, after using the restroom to avoid infection, because that way you’ll feel much better and sleepier. You always insist that he join you and he never says no to you and if he ever did, he would never mean it. Hot bubble baths and quiet cuddles are the perfect way to relax before the pair of you, droopy-eyed and ready to give yourself over to oblivion, climb into bed and snuggle up. You would’ve never pegged Reggie Kray as a cuddler when you first met him, but he makes time for it. Work was meant to come first, but that was before he met you.
I hope you enjoyed! I am working on Bronson now!!!
Tagged: @thatsamegirl @peakyhoegh @ihclipse @callisen @hardygal69 @centerhabit @favouritereadings @goodiesintheclosetlove @buckypetal15 @kitcatimpala67 @captstefanbrandt @meer0rauschen @crldrr @jamierdr @emerald-bijou @lunavegasverse @jakechillenhaal
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Lost Stars - Part 19
After that intense kiss, you and Jungkook had sat in just towels and your underwear, eating the food (which was mostly just fruit and some other nibbles) Jungkook had brought. Once dried and dressed, he had driven home, finishing the day together by him coming into your room to watch TV. Your mother was more than surprised to see you and Jungkook together, not bickering or causing trouble. She wasn’t suspicious… she should have been.
Once it hit 10, you decided it was time for bed and tried to kick Jungkook out. Who refused. He was having none of this “personal space” you were beginning to rant about, and ended up pinning you between his arms under the sheets and pulling you close.
“Please just let me stay in here.” He whispered. “What if they catch us?” “Sibling love. They won’t question it.” “Alright. Goodnight.” “Goodnight, baby.”
You, Jihyun, Chae and Tae were peeking round a corner, watching the interaction before you. Jungkook was as embarrassed as you’d ever seen him, Jimin looking pissed at Jungkook seemingly wasting his time. This was like a drama. Entertaining was an understatement.
“H-hyung… I have to tell you something…” Jungkook began. “What is it? I’m busy, you know.” “I-I know that.. it’s actually kinda embarrassing…” “What, did [First] call your dick small? Because I don’t think she’d be wrong about something like that. You know, it’s natural to have a smaller one and you can always get surgery-” “It’s not my dick size. It where I want to use my dick.” Tae had to cover his mouth in fear of laughing. This was too much. “What?” “Hyung… I… I think I’m in love with you. And I understand if you don’t feel the same way… but I’d dump [First] in a heartbeat if it meant I could be with you…” “WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Jimin grabbed Jungkook by the collar, pushing him up against the lockers behind them. Before any damage could be done, Jihyun and Tae burst out in a fit of laughter, Tae collapsing to the floor in tears of laughter. Jimin looked stunned and Jungkook smiled sheepishly. Chae couldn’t help but giggle. You, laughing walked over to Jimin, hauling him off Jungkook before you wrapped an arm around Jungkook’s waist, pulling yourself close to him.
None of you noticed the person standing at the far end of the hall, waiting for whatever he could use.
“Sorry, hyung. I owed her a favour.” Jungkook bowed. “And THAT was what you owed her? Freaking me out?!” “Sorry Jimin.” You giggled, not entirely meaning it.
Once Tae had finally been able to stop laughing and pick himself up, your group began to laugh, joking about what had just happened. Chae trailed closely behind Tae, Jimin had Jihyun in a headlock as they continued to walk. Jungkook intertwined his hands with yours.
“Let’s go have some fun.” He whispered into your ear.
You let him pull you into another direction, not really caring about going back to lunch. He lead you to the small mobiles at the back of the school which were rarely used and pressed you up against wall. Past him, you could see the fence blocking the school from the fields that seemed to go on endlessly. His rugged breathing brought him back into your attention.
“How long do we have?” His voice was deep, clearly laced with lust. “Probably only 20 minutes.” “More than enough time then.”
He crashed his lips onto yours, immediately lining your lips with his tongue to get you to open up. You immediately invited him in, not even bothering to battle dominance. You ran your hands through his hair, bringing him closer. His hand slowly moved from the wall, to your neck, down your arm before under your shirt. He pulled away, moving his lips to your neck.
“Seventeen minutes.” You breathed. “We’ll hurry up then.” He muttered.
At his command, you moved your hands down his body, stopping at the belt buckle that locked you from him. As he continued to suck your neck, leaving dark marks, you undid the buckle, stuffing your hands inside impatiently. Your fingers wrapped around his semi.
“Not even fully hard for me? Tch.” “It’s ‘cause you aren’t working hard enough.” “Bullshit.” “Look, baby, all you gotta do be work a bit more and-” he cut himself off with a loud moan as you began pumping. “Jungkook, shut the fuck up.”
You continued to use your hand, ignoring Jungkook’s protests since he was"about to cum.“ Only when he let out a low growl, signalling the second before he’d let go, you pulled your hand away, smirking.
"Not working hard enough? Are you sure?” “You bitch.” He laughed, “let’s finish up. Don’t want to give Jimin another reason to murder us.”
It was very convenient that you’d decided to wear leggings today. You pulled them to your mid shin, jumping up into Jungkook’s arms so he could push you hard against the wall behind you. For just a second, time stopped, your breathing hitched as Jungkook managed to get the material out of the way of his dick. And then time came back, he viscously snapped his hips, going deep into you. You pushed your head back into the wall, letting a gasp slip from your mouth.
Jungkook went hard, holding you tight. The way he was holding you, the angle and the depth he was managing to get, it was all too much. Your arms were slipping from round his neck. In just a few more thrusts, you felt yourself come undone, body slipping away from reality as Jungkook followed.
Once able to stand up on your own, Jungkook helped you down and fastened his belt. You could only lean against the wall, allowing Jungkook to pull your leggings back up.
“Want me to piggyback you?” He asked gently. “Doesn’t seem like a bad idea. I won’t be able to walk two steps never mind to the canteen.”
Jungkook only chuckled, turning his back to you and crouching down. You somehow managed to get your body on to his and away you went. But Jungkook stopped in his tracks, a small flash going off at the other end of the field as a body raced back indoors.
“Shit.” “What?” “I think someone knows about us that shouldn’t.” “Oh fuck.”
Never the less, he still piggybacked you around the school, blaming it on a leg injury you’d suddenly acquired. It didn’t stop him from watching anyone who even remotely looked at either of you, studying the hell out of them to see just what they were doing. He was on edge. Someone knew. Someone was going to use this against you or him. And dear God, he prayed it would be him. He wouldn’t let anyone harm you. He couldn’t afford to let anyone hurt you.
Three months had passed now. Whenever you and Jungkook were alone together, you’d have weird run-ins with Jin - who’d usually have his phone or a camera in hand. Jin stated he was taking photos for his photography classes back in Korea, but even you weren’t thoroughly convinced.
It could have been a simple outing to fetch some orange juice for your mother, or the walk home from school; whenever you were, Jin was lurking. He was on to you.
But that night, all of your suspicions were right. It was late, after a small date of food and a movie when you’d returned him hand in hand. As you walked up the path to your house, Jin strode out. Jungkook darted in front of you, shielding you from the taller, broader man. Jin got close to Jungkook.
“You took my girl, this is your price.” He spat before continuing on and away.
Jungkook turned to you, squeezing your hand reassuringly. It didn’t stop the racing of your heart. You walked to the door. Jungkook opened it. Both of you stood in the porch, taking off your shoes when Jungkook held onto your shoulders.
“[First], whatever happens in there, I want you to know I won’t let anything happen to you. This is all my fault.” “Don’t say that.” You hugged him close. “I love you.” He whispered. Your heart stopped. He said it… those three words… even though you’d never expected them to be this early, you couldn’t describe how overjoyed you were to hear them. “I love you too.”
With that, he opened the door, light flooding into the dark living room. Your mother was sobbing. Kijung staring at you with fire in his eyes. On the coffee table were hundreds of photos of you and Jungkook, hugging, kissing, eating together… even photos of that day behind the mobiles at school… all the proof of what you’d been doing behind their backs. It was there in front of them.
“Well I suppose you two should come and sit down.” Kijung stated, voice monotone.
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