#like i'm not even asking about hisashi anymore (for now)
moonliithe · 4 months
Shoving everything currently going on with MHA in a box for just a moment, I just want to put it out there that I still need want to know how the Captain Hero manga fucking ended
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bengiyo · 2 months
Ben's Big BL Blurb
I was traveling for a few weeks, and there's no way I'm doing individual posts for every show I've been watching, so here's my thoughts on all of the shows I'm currently enjoying, in the order I'm most enjoying them.
Twilight Out of Focus
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This show is fucking excellent. I'm not that keen on taking a break from our leads to see other couples, but I do like that BL continues to be the way that these guys are figuring out they're attracted to each other. Mao moving so smoothly into his boyfriend era, and knowing how he's feeling, has been excellent. I also really loved Hisashi knowing they needed to not be together all the time.
The Trainee
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Jane is so attractive, and I'm so happy for Off. This latest episode was a lot of fun to watch for Ryan, because it's nice seeing him be more actively engaged in things happening around him. Pai seems far more settled now that she knows she has a place. Pah is clearly still a mess. Tae seems like he's good at what he does. Ba-Mhee falling for Judy is NOT IDEAL, and Judy is over the line.
Overall, I'm actually interested in seeing them mirror interns crushing on their mentors with two different pairings as a point of comparison. I also like how every week feels like the work goals make sense.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear
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Besties, so much is happening in this show. There is daddy drama, wife drama, dead son drama, and so much more! These episodes are so long, but I'm really engaged with everything happening on this show. Job and Inn are really fucking good in this.
I Hear the Sunspot
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I'm so glad that Kohei made his feelings clear, and I'm enjoying seeing Taichi figure out how to respond to them. We once again had a camping trip that did not give me what I wanted, but I did like Kohei being clear that he's still interested in Taichi. Finally, I liked the little confirmations that Kohei is taking to sign, and that Taichi is interested in that journey.
Knock Knock, Boys!
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I'm so proud of Best! He has played Peak in this restrained way for so long, and it paid off in this most recent episode. I love that this story started with a gay man running from himself and his feelings, who then realizes that he can't run away from people who care about him anymore because they won't let him. I love that everyone being patient with him gave him what he needed to finally accept himself and say what he needed. I've really loved the way Thanwa tries to support Peak.
I'm also overjoyed for Almond and Latte, and I need them to fuck nasty before this show ends or I will be so disappointed. Latte is quietly one of my blorbos of the year with the way he is always clear about who he is and what he wants even as he is okay with where Almond is in the moment. They're an excellent pair.
Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko
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RISA IS OFF THE BESTIE LIST FOREVER! I will never forgive her for outing Hiroko to Ayaka just so she could ask Ayaka to choose her instead. Also, fuck those Bettys at the bar, who definitely know Hiroko's business, and that she's not out at work. Why talk about her to a stranger who called her senpai?? I'm relieved that Hiroko knows that Ayaka likes women now, and am curious how we move forward at this point.
I also need to know who this woman was who hurt Hiroko, because nothing makes me sadder than when we have to hide from other queers.
Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding
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Thanks to @isaksbestpillow I was actually able to start this on my trip. I didn't want to start a show on a trip, but I could not resist. I really love that Ishida is in his late 20s and struggling with direction and purpose after his initial plan blew up in his face. I love that he's recognized so quickly that he's developed feelings for Mitsuya-sensei, and I love that Mitsuya-sensei is open about who he is. It's about goddamned time that we saw an age gap story of this kind, because so many meaningful relationships I've had are with gay men older than me.
Takara's Treasure
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This quiet little show makes me so happy every week. I just desperately need for Taishin to figure out what he's feeling, and for people to help him realize what he's feeling. Takara's my favorite kind of pretty boy: the ones who are obviously and poorly masking incredibly turmoil. I love that Taishin sees through this and wants to help Takara. Excited for him to get to take care of him when Takara gets sick.
Century of Love
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I've been having a lot of fun with this show, but episode 8 felt like a huge wobble. I love that San was so committed to Vee the whole time, but the back and forth about the stone was tedious. San giving up the stone as a way to signify that he was over the memory of Vad was nice, but we didn't reconcile Vee's theft and the emotional cost of that.
Love Sea
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MAHASAMUT!! WE FINALLY BEAT THAT NASTY OLD MAN'S ASS!! Mut trampling over a bullshit breakup and kicking Rak's dad's ass instead was so satisfying that it almost makes up for Mut having little identity outside of his relationship to Rake, or the terrible arc that Mook and Vie are having, over the last few weeks. I have been playing Stomp for the last few hours because I needed them to kick that man. Mut did not hit him enough.
New Shows
There's a bunch of stuff I have to sort out over the next few days. I'm not going back to My Love Mix Up TH, but I do plan to start 4 Minutes. There's also another J-BL in the grey I got some help finding called Sugar Dog Life.
Shout out to @lurkingshan for helping me watch a few things while I was gone, and also @twig-tea for keeping me apprised of which new shows I probably need to pick up.
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart
maybe something after the fight with all might, when AFO had potato face. Or kid/teen for one face. Whatever you prefer
AFO x inko
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart | Accepting
How long has it been since All for One has seen her face? Months? Years? Several?
It all blurred if he was honest. Such a cruel thing to note when he can still strongly recall the day All Might destroyed his happiness. The amount of rage and hatred that consumed his very being. The hero he had the most fun toying with ended up being the one to ruin his life.
Yet the moment he sees the one he had sworn he loved with all his heart it is with shock. Wondering why she had to see him like this, why did they allow a civilian to leave the safety of their shelter. The betrayal in her eyes was too much for him as she had been the one person who had hope for him.
And he betrayed it. Seeing her here as he failed to kill All Might is a wound he never desired.
"Hisashi is that you," she started. No one should recognize him as he looked so young almost a child. Inko was different as always there was no doubt in her mind. Time has not been kind to her, as her body had been rattled with stress and age. Along with hardships he can't even imagine after he had 'left' for overseas.
"Look at me!" Inko shouted. Making him petrified able to recall her once asking if this job was worth it. If it was worth dragging their whole family into by continuing this. Even if he claimed it was because of All Might smashing his head it was because of pride he didn't give up everything. His own ego.
"This is what you've been doing when you left our family? I trusted you, I cared for you, and this is what you've been doing? You've hurt our SON and now you're a child lashing out at everything. Was this all worth it?"
In this moment, he was no longer All for One the mastermind. He was Hisashi Midoriya the man who has just ruined his family. Only able to watch the tears on her face grow as she rushes over without fear of being attacked. She grabs his shoulder to shake him with quite a bit of force.
"Hisashi! Speak to me, you like ranting to heroes about how terrible you are so tell me. Was everything you told me a lie?! Was I just another pawn? Was our son!?" She demanded almost pleading for him to say it wasn't the case.
That she hadn't wasted her life with a man who only gave a shit about himself. He couldn't lie, and the wall he has had for all these years broke.
"I'm sorry, I never wanted you to know. I swear it wasn't a lie-" he speaks yet knows him saying that is so much crueler. Maybe it is because he is so young so close to death that he can't even lie to himself. He is pleading that his last moments would not be with his wife sobbing.
"Never know!? That my husband is All for One the man that just destroyed all of Japan? How long did you expect this to go!?" She questioned as a hand moves to her head pulling at the strands. "I loved you Hisashi. I begged you to move on... Please. Just stop."
He isn't even sure if he can anymore. As while she had hope in him, he never had any faith in himself. He could never get himself to stop. What cruelty has he done to his family?
Maybe he should have just died. What a cruel existence his life has been to the very world itself. And to the poor family of Inko and Izuku to have loved a man who has never existed.
If only he had been a boring and ordinary man....
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kitsunesfandomtime · 1 year
Treasure Vault - CH 5/5 (Finale)
Characters: All for One, Yoichi Shigaraki, Second One for All User
Relationship: All for One & Yoichi Shigaraki,
Warning: Platonic Yandere, EXTRA Disturbing behavior, non-consensual touching, Vault time, self-imposed starvation
Summary: All for One has had enough of his little brother's rebellious nature. He can't afford to risk his little brother's life by letting him continue this. If he has to commit cruelties to keep his brother safe, then so be it. What's one more sin on the pile?
His little brother was losing all the fights he once had. Hisashi had to call out the hallucinations starting with the idea there is anyone outside that knows where he is.
The delusions that there had ever been other people in this place had quite an effect on him as Hisashi admits no one knows where he is. There were no grunts, no guards, or anything all in an attempt to make sure his brother was completely safe. His little brother didn't take this fact well as if something broke inside.
But he wasn't as violent anymore. The hysteria, crying and sobbing was strong at first but seemed to disappear at the knowledge no one was there to even hear him. Wondering if he had been using these delusions as a sort of comfort to himself. But Yoichi's misfortune had turned into Hisashi's boon funny enough even if didn't expect it to be so.
Now able to touch his brother without the male constantly sneering and fighting even if he is still refusing to eat. Those eyes didn't seem to have any life, however, even as he entered the vault and allowed his hand to brush through his little brother's hair. The only confirmation he is alive is the small movement of his chest breathing.
"Yoichi," he whispers to the young man trying to coax some reaction. Those eyes turn to acknowledge him even if he doesn't seem to have a fight he still seems to move away just a hint. A good sign he isn't completely without thoughts.
The two brothers' relationship was in pieces, shattered with neither able to submit to the other. Though it is clear the younger brother is slowly starting to crack from isolation. He was slowly going insane until he just couldn't fight anymore and that is what Hisashi wanted. That was why he did this, however-
"Look, I'll stop asking you to join. You can live somewhere nice away from this I'm expanding so won't have to deal with this nonsense," Hisashi whispered promises to his little brother of a better place. "I can afford anything you want. Figurines, comics, or whatever it is you like."
If that is what it takes for his brother to stop this protest he doesn't care if he never works a day in his life or does something completely unrelated. If wanted something then Hisashi will damn well work to get it and Yoichi can enjoy a nice home life. Even if it's in another country as long as Hisashi knows he is alright.
Slowly those eyes seemed to finally register what he was saying looking at his older brother with a kind of exhausted expression. Hisashi for a split second thinking maybe they can work out a compromise. Until his little brother spoke in a voice almost unlike his own so raspy and small, "I want you to stop doing bad things. The bad guy always gets killed in the end."
Like a blade had been slipped through his ribcage as his brother's words struck him where it hurts. That stupid ass comic, his brother had said something similar before and now was saying it again. It didn't make any sense! Why was he fighting so much!? And for what!?
Hisashi grabs at his little brother's shoulders to force him upright barely able to ignore how his little brother flinched. Trying to get him to truly look at him because he truly does not understand. He's trying so damn hard to compromise but he can't if the other just refuses communication.
"Why are you fighting so hard!!?? Those people you worry about are strangers, the government wishes us dead, and I am bringing order to this god-forsaken world!" He is opening himself up and being honest wanting answers to his brothers behavior. He needs it right now as he is baffled, "If I'm in charge, I can make everything better and give you a good life. How is that such a bad thing!?!?"
There is a broken laugh that escaped the young man as if that response was in itself a cruel joke giving even Hisashi pause. Before a sneer formed on his little brother's lips. "Never once in that whole sentence did you even consider my feelings. You're too selfish to consider anyone elses feelings besides your own."
His little brother has officially gone insane as even now still preferred to die than even consider some kind of compromise. Twisting his words to make sure he knows he is the one at fault which he knows. He is more than aware that he isn't a victim but it made Yoichi's behavior make even less sense! GIVE HIM A LIE THEN.
"You're trying to be a martyr for a cause you aren't even a part of," Hisashi points out as is sure at this point knowa Yoichi isn't even sure why he is doing this. This has gone on for way too long and at this point, he is definitely going to need a doctor. Of course, that is when Yoichi goes silent.
As if he was done with the conversation and Hisashi almost wanted to shake him. To get him to keep talking but he also knows there is no point. Once he shuts down Hisashi won't get anything so he just gives up. Letting out a sigh as he releases his brother's shoulders and the male goes to lie on the bed.
Seeming so small and vulnerable right now. His eyes look intently at his little brother a bit cautious still trying to make some connection with his little brother. Desperate for that connection as he reaches up to stroke his head a small hum. It was a success.
The other's hair was greasy again knowing the other doesn't even clean himself up much now having become used to cleaning him personally. Even if still struggles like a cat against it having to clean all the filth Yoichi would prefer to sit in.
"What am I going to do with you...?" Hisashi whispers softly as he continues the soft gesture. Treating him as if he was as fragile as glass, memories of when he used to rough house with the other played in his mind.
Thrashing and pushing even as their parents would get angry at Hisashi and the result was Yoichi getting really hurt. His best intentions always seem to hurt the other though in those days Yoichi would seem happy. Even if gets hurt saying how he likes playing because even if gets hurt Hisashi always gets upset if does hurt him anyway.
They understood each other then.
He wonders... Maybe Yoichi truly doesn't hate him? And it's why he says things like doesn't wish him dead and wants him to stop being a villain. Did... He think it meant his fate was to die?
He pauses in his gesture wondering if he misunderstood the other's concern as defiance. The idea was frankly a horrifying one because it easier if thinks his brother is spiteful and angry because opposes thus why needed to lock him up. Then to think his brother might actually care, that worried about him and Hisashi's own misguided in response ends up locked away.
He swallows those feelings instead smiling softly not about to think that hard as the other had still ran away regardless. Yoichi ran into dangerous situations that could have resulted in his death. It was a necessary evil.
His little brother, his sweet brother, a young man with so much potential was so small right now. His hand brushes the other hair back even as those eyes remained closed can see his lips quiver. Leaning in he nuzzles his little brother just a bit hearing something almost like a hiss. Though the boy refused to open his eyes, he had become tense guessing this was enough.
"It's going to be ok. I love you," Hisashi whispers softly to remind him that he does love him. Hisashi is sure he does even if everyone says he is wrong. Even if he knows it isn't normal he truly genuinely loves his little brother. Savoring the moment even as his little brother seemed to shrink.
It was progress and it was something. So he will accept this for today, he has things he needs to do...
How the hell can a small group of nobodies somehow cause such a disaster!? It had been great progress with his little brother then this shit happens. As apparently somehow during negotiations someone got bugged as there is no possible explanation for these little incident otherwise.
It's the only damn explanation for how these bastards found their weapons cache, bases and now these nobodies had THEIR artillery now. All for One made sure everyone that had been at the negotiations was put through the damn wringer. As someone clearly had a mouth or was foolish.
"Can't believe this," All for One sneers more to himself as while they can easily recover if news spread it would cause more harm than good. Thankfully it seems they were able to find one of the bastard's little camps in turn.
"Are you alright, Master?" Machia, his bodyguard, spoke with concern. He wasn't exactly known for intelligence tending to follow whoever was the strongest which was All for One. Spared to serve him though he isn't the one that said to call him master he certainly doesn't mind it.
His eyes narrow at Machia making him shut up as he looks away. Seeming to get that he is just meant to stand there and not speak.
"I know I have men but I think I'll pay a visit to this 'bait' myself," he sneers knowing they likely think he wouldn't waste his time. Still able to see that man's eyes burrowing into his own as says.
And you don't scare me.
"Oh, I haven't been trying to be scary. I think it's time to do so," It did also mean for Yoichi's safety he will need to stay away from Yoichi. As likely meant they were watching but he has been taking good care of his brother. He should be able to survive for a bit without him since kept consistent.
Yet in the back of his mind, there was some doubt wondering if this in itself wasn't a mistake. To neglect his brother just to make a point toward these rebels even if knows he will be alright what if-
No. You're All for One and you won't let them treat you as a fool and live in fear.
He sneers as he grabs his coat off it rack with his head held high already cooking up a few ideas of how to have some 'fun' destroying these insects. The government hasn't exactly been standing by passively so likely the rebels caused enough stir for them as well. It's time for some strategic 'terrorism'.
"Hopefully won't take too long," he fixes his coat as he gives his smug grin toward Machia. "Lets see how much chaos we can bring."
While he can't go into the heart of the government, he has befriended enough 'escorts' in the red districts to find the right policymakers. He bathed the streets in blood as he personally stepped into the fights and got the information needed.
As expected the rebels scattered like roaches the moment caught a whiff of him much to All for One's annoyance for all the prattling on not being scared it was clear Gearshift was avoiding direct confrontation. He was practically dragging out this little game of theirs but at the least, he had some fun destroying some tanks the government had procured.
Standing over the remains of a tank he savors the sound of metal underneath as he reaches down to rip the top of the tank off. Of course, as expected the men inside tried to shoot him but they missed. Stepping behind them with grace and poise. He pulls the pin on a grenade he been holding and tosses it inside with delight before jumping off.
Listening to the screams as they tried to frantically throw it out, only to fail as the tank explodes from the inside. At the least, it seemed he was able to weed out quite a bit of government forces. There were a few 'quirked' individuals much to his surprise but he just took their powers, they didn't need them anyway.
"Still surprised the government thought they could be slick about this," he notes guessing he should be glad the rebels agitated him. Since was able to expand his connections to learn of this little militia. It will be a pity when they have to be killed off guessing having a foil has its use.
"Maybe I should expand outside of Japan," he muses to himself only to just barely avoid a gunshot. Feeling it hit his coat clearly the man was a terrible shot but his coat is a casualty and he might have ended up using his fire breath to burn the assailant.
"Damn, I liked this coat." he sneers knowing he just cursed like Yoichi did but he didn't expect this. As he picks up his coat only to pause noticing something was off about his coat. He never gave much thought this coat was iconic, it was his favorite so wore it everywhere but there was a strange bump in the back near where the gunshot pierced.
It's slow to register what he was he was seeing so small it could have just been debris. A moment, a few minutes as he slowly pulled it closer to his vision there was something blending in perfectly. So small barely noticeable to anyone as he reaches for it he realizes it was something metal as grabs the offending object.
He yanks it off and in that moment he realizes the mistake he had made. Memories of the Second moving in so close he could feel his breath.
The device in his hand was a tracker the very thing that would spell disaster and explain how they seemed to avoid him so easily and how they seemed to know where they were. He was the one they bugged... But that also meant-
Shit shit shit! I'm an idiot, an absolute fool I should have known better! He's a sitting duck and I hadn't even bothered to check up on him for so long!
These thoughts ran through the mind of the so-called demon lord. The man who had left his brother to rot in a cell was realizing what he had done only in this moment. Abandoning everything he was doing. He didn't give a crap right now only telling Machia to return to HQ.
Because if they had been tracking him that also meant they figured out where he was and he was incredibly vulnerable.
"Please be alright," all his bravado. His arrogance, his pride, they were all thrown to the wind as he realized what was meant to protect his brother could end up being his tomb. One he would have no one to blame but himself for because he was the one that left him trapped with no way to escape. Left alone for so long out of stupid arrogance that Yoichi would be alright.
Arriving at the hide out he could see the damage done to the doors and security wondering if they even knew what was in here. Well, of course, they likely knew as it was clear they came with a clear intention. Rushing down the hall only to see the door to the vault was busted open. Images of his brother's corpse being left there rushed into his mind, the image of that man Gearshift standing over a dead body.
Knowing that even if that rebel leader dies for it the damage he would cause All for One would be immense. For the first time in his life, Hisashi was praying to any god that his brother was alive despite the fact there was an open door...
And there is nothing inside as he steps in.
No dead bodies, no blood, just an empty room with rotted food that littered the floor of the entrance. Slowly he enters the room and there is nothing.
"Yoichi are you in here!?" he shouts wondering if somehow he was hiding as he looks around tossing the bed and bookshelves searching for Yoichi. Thrashing and destroying everything but there was nothing. "Fuck fuck FUCK!"
His hands slam against the floor as he lets out a loud cry of frustration wondering why he had been so stupid. Cursing his heart out to the heavens as he had thought for even a moment maybe he could be happy. So close, so very close now all that will result is his brothers death, torture or his brother turning against him.
All because he couldn't have even imagined the bastard would have the guts to bug him. Gearshift relied on his arrogance and idiocy to be able to plant such a thing.
All because he couldn't have allowed himself to imagine such a failure. This stupid facade, his brother was right he had been playing pretend.
He takes off this damn coat and throws it onto the floor with hatred knowing his little brother was in the hands of men who could use him. Or instead, torture him for information his little brother didn't even have. It wasn't his men but his own damned self that had led the group to the vault.
He burns the damn thing in this vault the whole place was a mistake. He was a fool but he won't make this mistake again. His vision was blurred with tears as he held his chest as the fire burned through that damned attire. A symbol of how idiotic and foolish he was in treating this whole thing as a game.
Knowing his brother was out there and the chance they might be forced against each other wasn't impossible. Taking a sharp breath he stares intently as the fire slowly engulfs the vault. Despite the possibility of his brother's death, he doesn't feel despair just an unending rage at himself and them. If isn't left dead now there was a chance.
"I'll find you. I'll fix this mistake," he promised as he stared intently at the growing flames that covered the bookshelf and mattress. Letting it brush close as the smoke burns his lungs in a way to make him feel alive.
"Even if I have to bring you back kicking and screaming. I won't rest until I have you back," he sneers as if he was a dragon who just had his tower broken into. Returning to an empty tower after dedicating itself to guarding it for so long. He breathes out the smoke as he leaves the burning vault of precious treasures behind. His red eyes glowed with malice as hatred of the world they lived in grew.
"It's time for us all to stop playing pretend then, little brother," All for One walks out as everything burns, "I won't rest until you are safe in my arms. Even if I have to burn this whole damn country to the ground."
"My precious little brother."
Something broke inside of him that day. The greed and desires held back by some foolish desire to be accepted by his brother were now exposed to the world and soon.
The true birth of All for One will be known.
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pikahlua · 3 years
Hi. Sorry to disturb you or probably send you an ask about a topic you don't really like. I don't mean to upset you, but I'd like to know your thoughts. I'd like to hear what you'd disagree about my opinion.
I used to find dad for one a fun and a plausible idea but now I'm more hesitant. Considering with how the story is going, I feel like DFO is going to lean more to underwhelming instead of something big. If that's canon. I don't hate it. I'm hesitant.
When I read your blog, you mentioned that Izuku already has many father figures and Izuku believes that a person isn't always defined by their heritage and also the fact that getting a big reaction from Izuku sounds clumsily written. You're not wrong, I'll also add up the fact that Izuku never mentioned his biological father at all. On AFO's side you mentioned that AFO doesn't likes Izuku at all. You're right. He already made up his mind to fight Izuku. It's proven in ch 318. You should also add up the chapter where he and All Might spoke in Tartarus as an evidence.
Even if AFO "turns out" to be Hisashi, even if he was present before he "left", I personally believed he threw Izuku away (to abuse Tenko) leaving Inko to have the burden all alone. (Before All Might came in) That explains why AFO has nothing nice to talk about Izuku. That also explains why Izuku never mentioned about his dad, let alone care about him.
Asides from the things I mentioned before, I personally do not like that theory anymore because I feel like both parties do not care about it or see it as a big deal. My problem with dad for one is never about the cliché (if Dad For One is cliché and one of them cared it would be much bearable). It's always about how it will work in the story. At this rate, I'd rather have an anticlimactic normal salaryman Hisashi Midoriya instead of that. Truthfully I'd hate it if the reveal's going to be clumsily written.
Overall that's my thoughts. You may not agree with me. But yeah. Sorry again with the long message. Sorry for sending you this.
This is it.
Considering with how the story is going, I feel like DFO is going to lean more to underwhelming instead of something big.
The time has come at last.
Asides from the things I mentioned before, I personally do not like that theory anymore because I feel like both parties do not care about it or see it as a big deal.
This is my chance to give you all my best, dumbest theory.
At this rate, I’d rather have an anticlimactic normal salaryman Hisashi Midoriya instead of that.
A lot of people are going to hate this theory.
But I can't hold back anymore.
Theory: All For One is Hisashi Midoriya, and the story is going to intentionally, unironically treat it as a joke
Remember the long list of meta articles I haven’t yet written?
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Why haven’t I written number 1? Why is number 1 what it is?
Because it’s the biggest topic in MHA no one ever talks about.
Did you know one of My Hero Academia’s primary genres is comedy?
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Have you forgotten? Did you ever even know to begin with? I feel like everyone ignores this fact constantly. This may be the reason why I’m so good at predictions with this story that other people seem to miss (yes, I’m cherry-picking and being halfway sarcastic; I always have been).
MHA’s best tool for laughs is and always will be anticlimax. I cannot stress enough how often MHA loves to use this technique.
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I often hear “anticlimax/anticlimactic” used as a negative criticism, especially colloquially. This criticism assumes an anticlimax is always written unintentionally. But that’s often not the case; anticlimax is actually fucking fantastic when placed in the right hands.
And Kohei Horikoshi is a goddamn anticlimax connoisseur.
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I say he’s a connoisseur because Horikoshi has the gall, nay, the gumption--dare I say the balls to showcase the versatility of anticlimax as a storytelling technique for more than just comedy (although he does also use it for comedy a lot). He dares to use it in action scenes, horror/thriller scenes, and even fuzzy heartfelt scenes, all to the great effect of toying with our emotions. And he successfully has us feel exactly what he wants us to every time--because that’s the point. These aren’t cheap jokes; they serve a purpose!
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They illustrate an actual, meaningful point about whatever scenario they are used in to make the story more realistic, to combat the fridge logic “well actually” complaints endemic to fandom. Because Horikoshi is a fan himself.
I won’t go into the full scope of MHA’s love affair with anticlimax today, but I will list some examples and then discuss the ones that best support this semi-serious theory. I also would like to say that the anime does a stellar job of translating the story’s anticlimactic moments to the animation medium, sometimes even better than how it came across in the manga.
An incomplete list of MHA’s use of anticlimax:
All Might unwittingly reveals his true, injured state to Izuku in the first chapter
All Might tells Izuku he can’t be a hero without a quirk
Katsuki chases Izuku down after the sludge villain incident just to tell him he sucks
All Might gives Izuku his quirk via having Izuku eat his hair (pictured above)
Ochako stops Izuku’s fall when he trips before the UA entrance exam
Present Mic starts the entrance exam without a countdown
Ochako stops Izuku’s fall during the entrance exam
Aizawa erases Izuku’s quirk as he attempts to throw the ball with 100% of his power in the quirk assessment test
Aizawa warns Katsuki and the class not to make him overuse his quirk...because it gives him dry-eye
Aizawa fails to expel anyone after the quirk assessment test
Anytime Snipe shoots Tomura Shigaraki during the USJ incident
Izuku and Katsuki rush Shouto at the end of the cavalry battle only to be interrupted by the buzzer
Tenya Iida vs. Mei Hatsume somehow keeps the anticlimax going for a whole damn scene
Momo Yaoyorozu vs. Fumikage Tokoyami ends before Momo has the chance to showcase her abilities, when she has been shown to be in easy contention for the top spot in the class
Ochako Uraraka vs. Katsuki Bakugou ends when Ochako trips from overexertion despite both competitors being ready to clash
Shouto Todoroki vs. Katsuki Bakugou, to be discussed below
The reveal of All Might’s terrifying former teacher Gran Torino as a comically senile old man (the scene where he’s tripped and fallen on a plate of sausages and ketchup deserves an honorable mention)
“Gran Torino, I get it now! This taiyaki in my hand...is me!” “No, it’s not. Are you okay?”
The battle with Stain ends when Izuku, Shouto, and Iida, all ready to continue fighting, eventually realize Stain has already been knocked out cold
Horikoshi dares to repeat this same damn anticlimax almost immediately after but throws in Endeavor and a bunch of random pro heroes too (the anime handled this immaculately):
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The police chief makes it seem like he’s going to punish Izuku, Shouto, and Iida for their roles in the fight against Stain but ends his diatribe with a thank-you and a bow
The Field Gamma race ends with Izuku tripping off a pipe and Sero taking first place
The reveal of Kouda’s quirk via attacking Present Mic with bugs
Izuku punches Katsuki in the face before All Might can during their final exam
“Kacchan should be able to take advantage of that” right before Katsuki gets fucking wrecked
Aizawa once again fails to deliver on his promises by letting the final exam failures attend summer camp
This unapologetic gem of a resolution to the mall confrontation:
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Honenuki laughs about Katsuki and Shouto’s reactions of “fright” during the test of courage at summer training camp
The noumu gets called away right before it kills Momo and Awase in the woods
Satou wins the dorm room contest for nothing to do with his room decorations
The second half of the provisional hero license exam ends with the buzzer before Izuku can truly face off against Gang Orca
Sir Nighteye reveals he was always going to accept Izuku as an intern despite all the shenanigans he puts Izuku through
Izuku is saved by Aizawa stopping Eri’s quirk with his own, which just turns her quirk off
Aoyama’s creepy cheese stalking of Izuku turns out to be an attempt to cheer Izuku up (unless... [cough])
Match 3 of the joint simulation training results in a draw (pictured above)
Tomura’s plan to use Gigantomachia against the Meta Liberation Army never actually has the chance to happen
Endeavor pumps up his interns only to reveal that he’s taking them home for dinner
Katsuki gets the lampshade thrown in his face when he tries to gloat about catching a villain faster than Endeavor at his internship
Gran Torino shames Tomura for stomping on Nana Shimura’s legacy, to which Tomura replies flatly: “Who?”
The single greatest gag in the whole series, as discussed below
As I hope the above list illustrates, Horikoshi has no compunctions using anticlimax in big, important, non-humorous scenes (even if the anticlimax ultimately adds humor to the scene that was otherwise unexpected). This man has no fear. He ends his famously popular take on the tried and true trope of tournament arcs with one big let-down that affects not just the audience but the in-universe characters.
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This is so fucking brilliant I cannot even begin to go into it because that would be an essay all on its own. This isn’t just a joke. This isn’t just a meta attempt to make the audience sympathize with Katsuki’s perspective. This is a moment that caps off so many intertwining character arcs and then sets them all in new directions. This moment is so utterly important to the themes of the story it blows my mind every fucking time I think about it.
So, Horikoshi has a penchant for anticlimax, and it’s been present even into the later, darker, more dramatic arcs of the MHA story. And that’s where this theory comes from.
My theory is that Horikoshi may be about to give us another of his trademarked spins on genre cliches as he’s so partial to do. Perhaps all the hints and Star Wars references truly are leading up to a DFO reveal. But as I’ve discussed ad nauseum, if this trope is played straight, I cannot yet imagine a world where it results in a satisfying twist.
And then I remembered the single greatest gag in the whole series.
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Fuck you this is the absolute best thing ever in existence.
Do you know why? Because there was such a fucking wankfest in the fandom over what Katsuki’s hero name would be, and by god was everyone so fucking convinced they were right, only for everyone (except me and like two other people) to get a pie to the fucking face. This was the ultimate “y’all are taking this shit way too seriously” meta moment, made all the sweeter for steamrolling its way through another long-awaited dramatic reveal (Touya Todoroki).
You wanna tell me Horikoshi didn’t know exactly what he was doing here? You wanna tell me Horikoshi didn’t know about the fandom war over Katsuki’s hero name? That he didn’t purposefully fucking troll the fandom with this? That this isn’t the single greatest brick joke in the history of published media for its effect both in the canon and in the meta? Fuck you, we’re building up the tension around the most wildly popular character’s hero name reveal for 248 goddamn chapters (that’s five-and-a-half years) just to make it the cringiest fucking thing you’ve ever heard in your goddamn life. His hero name must be the closest audio rendition anyone can imagine shaped like a middle finger and fucking nothing less will suffice. Congratulations, fandom: you played yourselves! You made a war no one could win! Horikoshi could have chosen Ground Zero or Kacchan as Katsuki’s hero name and risked alienating half his fandom either way, but you didn’t realize there was a third option, which of course he took: to risk alienating the entire fucking fandom. If you don’t love this shit, you don’t deserve the comedy genre.
Sorry, where was I?
Ah yes, troll-level trope subversion.
What if DFO...but anticlimactic?
And so, this is all I can think of: what if All For One is Hisashi Midoriya, but it’s played for laughs?
AFO: Izuku, I am your father! Izuku: I literally don't care [punch]
AFO: Fuck, why is it you here? I wanted to reveal to Izuku that I am his father. Katsuki: Hi what the fuck
AFO: But did you know...I AM IN FACT IZUKU'S FATHER! Shouto: I fucking knew it
What if AFO reveals he’s Izuku’s father but reveals it to someone other than Izuku?
What if AFO reveals he’s someone’s father but NOT Izuku’s?
What if Izuku reveals to AFO that he’s his son?
What if AFO reveals he’s Izuku’s father, but Izuku responds, “GREAT I ACTUALLY REPRESSED MY HATRED OF MY ABSENTEE FATHER THIS MAKES ANNIHILATING YOU MUCH EASIER oh and btw, All Might is my dad now”?
What if AFO reveals he’s Izuku’s father, but before Izuku can react, Shouto and Dabi get triggered by the advent of daddy issues and immolate AFO before anyone else can do anything?
What if AFO tries to reveal he’s Izuku’s father but right as he says “I am your fa-” a biplane or something shows up out of no where and steamrolls him?
I’ve joked in private about all of this but...yeah, I’m comfortable throwing this idea out there for funsies now. I’m sorry if I just utterly ruined a punchline again, but honestly? If this happens? Holy shit.
Come at me, Apollo.
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
Haikyuu!! Pride Headcanons (Karasuno Edition)
It's time for some volleyball idiots!!!
I adore Haikyuu!! Since first watching, it has not left my top 5 shows despite some very good contenders. It's just so good!!! Absolute Top-tier storytelling!!
And also has a lot of really well-developed friendships that can be taken to a logical extreme and referred as relationships.
What I'm saying is (nearly) everyone in Haikyuu!! is gay.
For this first list, I'm doing the Karasuno team. Unlike my other lists, I don't actually have a set headcanon for their sexualities or gender expression for Haikyuu!! So this will all be vibes-based and subject to change even in my own mind.
So, here's my Disclaimer: This list is for fun. I know I'm coming from this at a western view of queer readings and that's not always the correct way to view a work, nor the only way to look at a work. I'm just doing this for my enjoyment. Art is Subjective. Don't take me too seriously.
Okay, if you're familiar with my other Pride Posts, you know what comes next.
Hinata Shouyo (he/him): Pansexual
Originally I considered him just men-attracted, but upon multiple rewatches, I do think he fits the pan sexuality well as it doesn't seem he decides on who he likes based on gender. Gender isn't important. Can you toss to him?? That's what's important
Kageyama Tobio (he/him): Demisexual, Gay
He is gay. And he didn't realize it until he got his heart broken by Kindaichi in junior high. RIP.
He also needs to have a friendship connection before liking someone in a romantic sense.
Tsukishima Kei (he/him): Gay
He's not loud about it, but he's not ashamed either. He likes men. And frankly, he doesn't care about your opinion either way.
Unless you're mean to Yamaguchi. Then he'll fuck you up.
Yamaguchi Tadashi (he/they): Bisexual
Also not very loud about it. He's not ashamed either, but he can admit that sometimes teasing can get to him. Not that he gets teased all that often anymore. Ever since they became friends with Tsukki, the teasing started to die out. They wonder why...
Yachi Hitoka (she/her): Lesbian
I will defend Lesbian Yachi with my life. Unlike most headcanons on this list, I have very strong opinions on this. Yachi likes girls!!! Loves girls!!! GIRLS!!!
Nishinoya Yuu (he/him): Bisexual
I also have strong opinions on this, but only because he's my favorite character and I'm also bisexual. And I must imprint my own life experiences onto my favs. /j
Really it's just because it fits the best for him. He likes girls. Loves girls. Would date a girl. Would marry a girl.
And yet he's in love with a man right now.
Tanaka Ryuunoske (he/him): Token Straight
Title says it all. Will fight for his friends. Will wingman for his friends. Will give his friends dating tips even though he's very very bad at getting the girl.
I hadn't considered it before, but I saw a Trans headcanon for Tanaka and I think that interpretation also works for his character!!!
Ennoshita Chikara (he/him): Queer
Easiest label to say when he tells people. He's just queer. Straightn't, if you will. (Tanaka said that to him once and Ennoshita had to physically hold back from hitting him with a volleyball)
Kinoshita Hisashi (he/him): Unlabeled
He is not straight. That's really all he knows at this point and he really doesn't care to put a label on it, so please don't ask.
Narita Kazuhito (he/him): Asexual
Why? Vibes.
Azumane Asahi (he/him): Non-binary, Gay
I think he's pretty much always known he's liked men, but I don't think he realized he was non-binary until he was out of high school and out into the work-force. That's okay, though. He's got supportive friends and a loving boyfriend that helped him figure it out along the way.
I think he's chill with any pronouns, but most people use he/him, so that's what he says when asked.
Sugawara Koushi (he/him): Gay
The wise gay mentor. He's the person you go to when you're struggling with the Gay Thoughts™️. Helped Kageyama with his crush on Hinata and helped Asahi get the nerve to ask out Noya (but not without an insurmountable amount of teasing).
Sawamura Daichi (he/him): Bisexual
Mostly, men-attracted, but he has liked girls before. Very in love with Suga. Let's him get away with too much, tbh.
Shimizu Kiyoko (she/her): Bisexual
She likes both and has pretty much always known she likes both. Probably dated Yachi a bit before calling it off, remaining friends, and dating Tanaka.
Takeda Ittetsu (he/him): Gay
The Actual Wise Gay Mentor. Suga's great as someone who is a peer to his kohai, but Takeda is the one with more life experience and has the power to help his kids as they're struggling in a world that still has trouble accepting them. He would do anything for them and has gone to great lengths to make sure they feel safe.
Ukai Keishin (he/him) Pansexual
Said he was bisexual in high school, but then discovered the pan label later in life and felt it fit better. Gender isn't important. He'd be just as whipped for Takeda even if he was another gender.
People are still shocked when they learn he likes men and is dating a man, but nobody gives him shit for it because he looks fairly intimidating.
There's the Karasuno team!!
Next time: Everybody Else, Basically!!!
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greycappedjester · 4 years
Hiii!! I love love loveee HQ at Hogwarts. You're such an incredible writer and your plotting is amaziiiing. I read everything in 4 days and I think might just reread to catch all those details and the foreshadowing x_x I'm actually really curious to know more about Suga and Kuroo's family! And also KuroKen and that history -- I feel like there's a bit of angst there. I'd love to know your HCs!!
Thank you so, so much! I do really love foreshadowing to an insane degree so I promise there’s a lot of the smaller stuff in the previous ones to catch. As for headcanons, sure! I’ll try to focus on the Suga and Kuroo family one since I have another ask on KuroKen I’ll be answering sometime tonight.
Let’s see Suga and Kuroo family: so, I’m not quite sure if you wanted this answer about them as like a legacy/ family place in the wizarding world standpoint or from a Kuroo and his parents/ Suga and his parents standpoint, so I’m going to answer a bit of both.
As families in politics, they’re basically at the opposite end of the spectrum politically. The Sugawaras are still mostly known as the Noroi family as the name change was very, very recent (as in right after the Giant’s fall, funny enough). Both the Kuroo and the Sugawara families are two of the oldest pureblood families in the magical UK--fun note: yes, I did actually take time to write out this universe’s Sacred 28 Families like from the Harry Potter canon. For the Kuroo family, they are historically a family that is firmly on the Light side of politics. With Kuroo’s father, I really wanted to play with a character who is pretty despicable as a person but technically on the “good/ rooted for” side of politics. The Noroi (now Sugawara) family is the exact opposite and is one of the most known families for advocating for more traditional/ pureblood favoring policies. That said, the Kuroo family is still very active in politics currently. In contrast, the Noroi family seat has laid dormant for roughly thirteen years and they have not been seen at any political events since the fall of the Giant.
As far as the individual family units, it’s complicated. Kuroo is very close to his mother (Taka Kuroo) and frequently feels protective over her as he feels like his father often treats her as something to help is political ambitions rather than what she wants. I am not really saying anything on Taka’s feelings on the matter for now. She’s an interesting character who will eventually get more backstory at a later point in the series. What I can say, for now, is that she is a muggleborn and was born as a (nearly) full Leglimens. She can hear everything except thoughts about her....it’s unclear how much of this is by her own conscious or subconscious choice to block those thoughts out. Okay, that’s pretty much all I can say for her for now without some kind of spoilers.
For Suga, his relationship with his parents is....quiet? None of his immediate family is big on talking to each other much and have not been in several years. His immediate family growing up consisted of his parents and grandfather (Hisashi Noroi) who all lived in the same house. Suga has a fairly complicated feelings on his parents and grandfather, motivated partly by his very large desire to be unlike them politically in every way possible. They haven’t really said a word for or against this goal even though Suga has been pretty blunt about it. When it gets down to it, Suga’s view of his family really is mostly guided by his own reactions to what he’s been told about the war and his parents (and grandfather when he was alive) have pretty much been entirely silent on the matter even when asked. Suga has very vague memories that his parents did not used to be like this; but, those memories are from a long, long time ago (like when he was three).
Suga has not read the diary. He will....one day.
So, yep, there’s your ominous-maybe-important-later tidbits about those two families. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for the ask.
(Side note: Anyone know where that one post is with the Noroi family tree pic? I could’ve sworn I posted that and wanted to link it; but, legit can’t find it on my blog anymore. Did I dream that or just forget to tag it right?)
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scrollsofeternity · 4 years
I'm sorry; Actually, not really || CH4 Trial || Hisashi || RE: Everyone || ATTN: Oh, you know ;)
Words, words, words. Hisashi's demeanor remains unchanged as people speak, cold in just how distant it makes him seem -- disconnected from the reality where any one person should at least look like they give a shit.
He doesn't.
"Well geez, don't everyone be shy now," he finally says with a laugh, sharp and pointed. "Ahhh... Right, right. Forgive me if I forget something, I guess! Wouldn't want to leave anyone unanswered, but, ah - you understand, right? So much to say, so little time."
He taps his fingers against his arm, looking at Arisa first.
"...Guess I'll start with you, Ari-chan. It's only fair, and it doesn't much matter to the rest of the case."
His tone is flippant, but he can't seem to maintain eye contact like she asked; Hisashi looks away, glancing at nothing and smile still settled on his face.
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"To put it simply: no. I didn't stop to think if it mattered to you. Thought about whether or not it might matter to Seiichi, but -- aha. That's the thing, you know? The thing about you -- about this, about us. I just don't think I'd be of use to him anymore. Not how I am now, and I have you to thank for that. Ahhh... It's awful. Disgusting. What I feel for you -- it's disgusting. "
His expression falls dark, and for a moment, there's an uncomfortable fervor in his words -- quick and cutting and to the point as he almost murmurs it to himself.
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"Disgusting. Crawling. Like some kind of itch in the visceral membrane that I can't fucking reach to scratch. I considered taking a page out of my brother's book to get rid of it, but I'd hate to give everyone else the satisfaction." He pauses, looking up -- and smiling.
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"Ah - but it was also a much needed wake up call, I think! Ahhh... Something to make me realize I'd overstayed my welcome, hm? Aha! I would say I'm sorry, but... I'm not, you know? I had fun. It felt nice. The hoodie was cute. Be more careful who you give a shit about next time, hm? Apparently my affections come at a price."
Hisashi sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. There was something exhausting about talking to Arisa, but he had to move on -- to the collective, he decides, glancing around the trial room with a pleasant smile.
"As for the rest of you - aha. Well, you should really listen to your more levelheaded friends -- who I am loathe to place Kamiya-kun among, but, ah - what can you do?"
He crosses his arms, head tilting to the side and expression calm as he returns to that frustratingly casual demeanor.
"I haven't told any lies yet. After all, I never said I killed Kata-chan. You did. I was only curious to know how Aria-kun thought I could have done it, and he was kind enough to humor the question... Though, surely not stupid enough to believe the answer. I have a feeling he's avoiding it."
Hisashi laughs suddenly, putting a hand over his mouth to stifle it. Apparently, something he said struck him as amusing.
"Right, right. A~ri~a~kun~! We're supposed to be flirting. Sorry I forgot! Hm, hmmm... I do appreciate you going along with the fun, you know? Ah -- and I am sorry for making you spit out a bunch of bullshit to fill spaces. Yawari-kun didn't actually take long to bleed out. I mean, Jesus Christ, how many fucking times did I stab him? The human body doesn't have that much blood in it. Ah... And as for Kata-chan, well. A well guessed aim with some beginner's luck is all that would take. I'd hazard a guess that the real culprit ended up with that splatter from yanking the knife out of a rib, even. No - no, the fun part -- the fun part, Aria-kun! --"
Hisashi reaches into his pocket, pulling out a knife purchased from the smithy. He flips the blade open, and it's clean -- up until he roughly stabs it into the wooden podium. The smile on his face is pointed, and there's a sudden sinister mischief in his eyes as he looks across the trial room -- but not at Aria. Not anymore.
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"-- is the sheer fucking irony of lending my knife to a friend to get the weapon out of my hands, going through the trouble of killing someone with a different knife, and then realizing my knife still ended up in Kata-chan's heart. I'd even call it serendipity, haha! Ahhh... Sorry, though. I'm not really interested in being the fall guy for something I didn't do. You understand, right?"
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