#like if that museum was a vip thing could you not have scheduled it for after class??
playing roomates with benefits its the epitome of "girl stand up"
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indigolover97 · 2 months
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We’re Dripping In It
Chapter 6: Boy Meets Evil
Jungkook’s new position at D-Town keeps him busy and suddenly the free time he used to have is gone. Between classes, homework, dance and vocal practice for his performances, there was hardly any time for him to do more than fall into bed when he got home. Occasionally he’d crash at Yoongi and Taehyung’s guest room but he tries not to intrude on their hospitality too much.
If it had been anyone else, a budding relationship would have been pushed to the side but Jungkook makes an effort to text Namjoon everyday. And Jungkook is pleased to find that the man’s patience and consideration knew no bounds. More often than not, the pair would find the time to meet up after Jungkook’s nightly performances.
Namjoon came nearly every night and saved a spot for them on the couch of the VIP floor.
“How are your classes?” Namjoon greeted with a smile, handing Jungkook a bottle of water as he sat down on the leather couch next to him.
Jungkook groaned, taking the water gratefully as he took a long sip. “I think I got placed with some of the worst professors this semester. We’re barely a month in and I’m already loaded with a packet of homework from each of my classes, plus two different papers due in two weeks.”
Namjoon winced sympathetically, “I’m sorry to hear that, I’m sure your new schedule at D-Town hasn’t helped.”
“Serves me right for putting off the required credits for my major,” Jungkook gripped bitterly, brushing his sweaty bangs out of his face. “Probably should have stayed a bartender, I would have had more time to study.”
“While I’m sure that would make things easier for you,” Namjoon said, smiling kindly at him. “I can see how much you love being on stage. The hard times will pass and you’ll thank yourself later for sticking through it.”
Jungkook sighed, leaning back against the couch. “I hope you’re right, anyway enough about me. What’s been going on with you? Did the visit with your family go well?”
Namjoon smiled widely, his dimples popping in his cheeks. “Yes, the visit with my parents went well. It was nice to see them after so long, I rarely have time off to go to our family home. I took those pictures like I promised.”
“Oh!” Jungkook gasped eagerly, scooching closer over to Namjoon as he pulled out his phone and started showing him photos of his family dog, Moni. “Oh my god, he’s adorable!”
Jungkook drank in the photos of the fluffy white american eskimo dog, giggling at the various silly photos Namjoon took of the excited puppy. He gaped at the beautiful scenic photos Namjoon took as well, listening with rapt attention as Namjoon explained where he was on his parent’s property.
“This place sounds huge,” Jungkook whispered, looking at Namjoon in shock.
Namjoon shrugged and tucked his phone away, “It’s only a hundred acres, mostly woodland and mountain. My mother didn't want to retire to a farm life but my father wanted to be in nature, so they compromised.”
“I’ll say,” Jungkook muttered, trying his best to keep his composure to how wealthy Namjoon’s family seemed to be. “It’s a beautiful place, I’m glad they have the time to enjoy it.”
Namjoon hummed in agreement, “They’ve earned it and retirement life is suiting them better than I thought it would. I was really going home to check on them, but they seem to be adjusting to the quiet life quite well.”
Jungkook nodded in understanding, then decided to change the subject before Namjoon could. By now he knew Namjoon didn’t like talking about his family too much, so he never pressed, figuring they were just extremely private people.
“I’m sorry we haven’t been able to meet often outside of the club,” Jungkook apologized, biting his lip piercing nervously. The metal ring twisted through his teeth and dug through this skin, the dull pain distracted him from his stomach bubbling nervously. Since the art museum, neither he nor Namjoon had been able to find the time to meet outside of D-Town. And Jungkook was starting to worry that the man would grow bored with him.
Namjoon shook his head, “You don’t have to apologize Jungkook-ah. If it wasn’t your work taking up time, mine would. I’m just glad we’re able to meet up regularly at all.”
Jungkook smiled, “I guess I shouldn’t complain then, I don’t think you’ve missed one of my shows this past week. At least I’ll have one regular listener.”
“I don’t think you’ll ever have to worry about that,” Namjoon chuckled, peering at him slyly. “I’ve seen a lot of regular faces since you’ve started performing. I don’t think Yoongi-hyung is ever going to have to worry about booking a big name here again.”
Jungkook blushed and scratched the back of his head, “Hyung was very insistent that I focus on my classes and performances when he made my contract. I think Taehyungie-hyung wanted to frame it after I signed it.”
Namjoon chuckled at Jungkook’s exasperated groan, “Your hyungs have really taken you in. How long have you known them?”
“I think it's going on about four years now,” Jungkook said after a moment of thought. “I lived with them the first three years I was on my own in Seoul. They helped me a lot while I was getting to my feet here.”
“What did you come to Seoul for?” Namjoon asked, putting Jungkook at ease with the gentle conversation.
“I went to high school here in the city, when the travel between my hometown and Seoul became too expensive I started looking for a place to live. I just happened to hear someone talk about D-Town needing new bartenders during my search and decided to try my shot.” Jungkook explained, remembering how intimidating he found Yoongi-hyung to be at first. His cold business attitude and thin red scar over his right eye would intimidate any seventeen year old. But the man had softened the moment he learned of Jungkook’s situation and immediately gave him both a job and a place to stay.
Namjoon opened his mouth to ask another question but was cut off by his phone going off. He sighed heavily as he pulled it out and looked at the caller ID, “One of these days I’ll get a night off without interruptions.”
Jungkook watched as Namjoon silenced his phone but the look on his face said that he would have to leave. He gave Namjoon a gentle smile, “It’s alright, I’m glad you were able to come at all and have some time to talk.”
Namjoon looked remorseful but Jungkook stopped any apologies with a wave of his hand before taking one of Namjoon’s hands in his.
“Please don’t apologize, any time we can get is enough.” Jungkook said softly, squeezing Namjoon’s hand.
Namjoon nodded and squeezed Jungkook’s hand in return, “The day neither of us are too bound up with schedules, I’ll take you somewhere special.”
Jungkook grinned widely, “I look forward to it then.”
“Are you going to your apartment tonight?” Jungkook nodded. “Do you need a ride there?”
Jungkook shook his head, most nights he agreed to Namjoon dropping him off or calling a cab for him, but tonight he wanted to walk under the early morning sky. “It’s alright, I’ll walk this time.”
Namjoon looked like he was going to protest but his phone vibrated loudly in his pocket, he glared down at it. “It seems I won’t be getting a moment’s peace until I answer. Text me when you get home.”
“I will,” Jungkook promised, blushing when Namjoon placed a goodbye kiss on his sweaty forehead before leaving the VIP floor. He sighed as he watched the door close behind the man, finishing the water bottle in two gulps before making his way down to the employee locker room. He tried to console himself with what Namjoon had said, this schedule of theirs wouldn’t be forever, eventually they’d be able to go out on normal dates.
He pulled his sweaty stage clothes off and placed them in the employee hamper before pulling on his spare sweats from inside his locker. He pulled on Namjoon’s jacket before grabbing his backpack and heading out the door, desperate to be home and shower off the grim from the stage. The cold early morning air hits his face as he exits the back door of D-Town, the streets are empty as he makes his way down the familiar blocks.
When he turns on the street corner near his complex he does a double take at the group of men that are loitering near the narrow alleyway, the one where he first met Namjoon. There’s a cloud of cigarette smoke hanging over the mens’ heads, he nearly coughs at the intense smell as he passes. None of the men even glance at Jungkook, much to his relief, and he tries to keep his pace steady as he continues towards his complex.
A scuffle of feet sound behind him and Jungkook forces himself not to glance back, to keep moving forward. He’s almost under the lamp light in front of the front door when someone throws their arms around him. A cloth is placed hard around his mouth and nose before he has time to react. He kicks and flails around wildly, making contact with the men’s solid bodies, until his vision goes dark.
The last thing he thinks before his body goes limp in the stranger’s hold and his consciousness leaves him, is how much his hyungs are going to worry when he doesn’t show up for work tomorrow.
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anonarat · 6 months
I've spent the last week or so in London doing a number of things, so I figured I'd do a quick rundown on here:
Saturday I went to see Dune part 2. Honestly, it was quite disappointing in that it was a 7/10 film where I hoped for a 9/10. It didn't really pay off the promises of part 1, and the changes from the book were far more noticeable.
I then went to the Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds Experience. This was another 7/10 where I hoped for a 9/10. It actually reminded me a lot of what York Dungeon is currently like, albeit with some VR bits (Thunderchild being a particular highlight). To my suprise it wasn't the VR that set off my motion sickness, but a sort of planetarium thing they did for Brave New World.
Sunday was spent with my parents, brother, sister-in-law and my nieces for Mothers Day. It was a nice get together.
Monday I went to the Natural History Museum. Thanks to the advice of a friend, I went in through the side entrance and there was no queuing at all. I was surprised to discover (to my delight), that about 1/3 was geology, and I spent about 2/3 of my time in the geology section. Land of the Lustrous has definitely warped my perception of such things. Speaking of, I did manage to see one piece of phosphophyllite, as well as many other major characters.
I also went to see Operation Mincemeat. This was a time when I was expecting a 9/10 show and it delivered. I'm pretty sure I laughed more in that 3 hour period than I had in the previous 6 months.
Tuesday I lay around and read in preparation for Wednesday.
Wednesday was why I was even down in London in the first place. Ado's world tour playing in Troxy. I arrived an hour before the merch line was due to open and it took about 3 1/2 hours, but I got the merch I wanted, so a win I guess. Rather than immediately queuing for entry, I went to a nice Turkish restaurant nearby. My back then reminded me that I'm no longer young and I'd just been standing outside in the cool for a while.
Next was (more) queuing for the concert. At least I'd sprung for a VIP ticket, so it was comparatively painless; plenty of other people have commented on the GA queue. The cloakroom was also pretty straightforward.
My feelings on the concert itself are complicated. Now I'll admit it was partly my fault as I later learned, but without earplugs, the audio wasn't the best. It was crowded and loud.
And yet it was the most overall positively memorable experience out of everything. Some highlights included:
I was in the 3rd row, so you can spot me in at least one of the promotional videos. I'm pretty sure I'm in the other as well, but it moves too fast to be sure.
Ado's outfit. While you could only make out the general shape, it looked sharp.
Tot Musica - it normally goes hard, but with an entire audience singing along, it was phenomenal
While Ado does sing in silhoutte, you can occaisionally catch a glimpse of her, not enough to make out her face, but... at the end of Kura Kura I think I saw a big smile (in profile). It was less than a second, but it was a reminder that Ado was enjoying this just as much as we were.
Ado's MC in English.
The other fans. Even with all the queuing and waiting they brought some great energy and helped each other out.
Going forward, I'm not really sure concerts are for me. But perhaps now armed with further knowledge, I might consider it. At least I'd be sorely tempted to see Ado again.
When I left, my everything hurt, including getting a ringing in my right ear for about 24 hours. There was a moment on the DLR where I was facing another fan, and we nodded at each other in acknowledgement of how we were both wiped, but happy.
Thursday was scheduled for recovery, and I spent most of the morning lounging about, but I decided to go and do some London shopping. I basically walked up through Soho and ended at Forbidden Planet. During this time I managed to snag The Moon on a Rainy Night volume 2, which had been rather elusive.
Kuzushiro is probably my favourite yuri mangaka at present.
Friday I went to the Tate Britain, as I don't think I'd visited it before. It was fine. My personal preference was for the Turners where he did architectural scenes. Then I went to see the Frozen musical.
It was good. It painted Elsa's parents in a better light than the movie did, and I appreciated that they gave Kristoff more songs. However, they cut For the First Time in Forever (Reprise) and replaced it with a different song. Considering that's my favourite song on the soundtrack, I was disappointed. The replacement was fine.
Saturday I visited a friend who lives down South. It was really good to see her again. That evening I went up to Camden Town and had some good street food.
Sunday, I returned to my home.
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Ikevamp Boys In Vegas
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Ok Leo wouldn’t really be into the expensive nightlife part of Vegas. He’d probably like the old bars and pubs in downtown Vegas where all the original casinos are. He’d also like to explore the nearby mining ghost downs (Rhyolite Ghost Town). (He’d also take everyone to the ghost tours of those places at night). He would probably just wake up and leave the hotel and when all the others wake up they can’t find him but don’t really question it since they probably expected him to go off exploring on his own. He would also go to the Neon Graveyard and Madame Tussaud’s + any other cool art display with Vincent and Theo. He would take MC to the gondolas in the Venetian hotel. They would also go to the Ceaser’s Palace mall and just run around there for hours looking at different stores and get lost. He’d like the Avengers Exhibit and he’d try to make some of the things he saw there. (There was also a Da Vinci exhibit that MC would definitely take him to see). One time Leo and Dazai were smoking together at a fancy rooftop bar and ended up sharing a blunt with Snoop Dogg. Both of them wake up the next day thinking it was a fever dream. (Listen I just really think Leo and Snoop Dogg would be good friends. They are basically the same person)
He would immediately go to an expensive rooftop bar to flirt with women (If MC isn't part of this). His favorite places would be the strip clubs and bars (he drags Theo with him). He and Comte go to a Burlesque club together. He got kicked out of a bar once because he was unknowingly hitting on someone’s wife. This boy would also take Theo Gucci shopping with him. The two of them will probably get into several bar fights and either get kicked out or arrested. (Comte bails them out). He would take pictures with every showgirl he meets and gets Theo in on some of them (Theo is just standing there glaring at the camera with his arms crossed). He loved going to the Pitbull concert, wants to be called Mr. Worldwide now but no one will call him that. He would also go to Casinos and somehow win big to impress MC. Security is keeping an eye on him.
One of the chillest ones on the trip. He just goes to fancy restaurants and watches Cirque Du Soliel shows. Every time you see him he just has a glass of expensive wine. He takes Leo to clubs with him, even though they just sit by the bar the whole time having a drinking competition. Comte also runs into Arthur at a Burlesque club. (This man would be into burlesque you can’t tell me otherwise).  He mostly just manages everyone’s schedule, helps them book tickets for whatever they want to do, and occasionally bails people out. Also goes to Italian restaurants with Leo (because Vegas has the best Italian food I’ve ever had ong) What? No ofc its not a date. He buys MC a new dress and leaves it on her bed with a note telling her to be ready by 6 and takes her to an exclusive restaurant in a limo. He goes all out for their date.
Bruh he would absolutely LOVE all the different shows. The whole environment that THRIVES off entertainment. This would be his dream city. He would somehow get backstage for a Variety show and help them add scenes and dance numbers. He’d come back with so many ideas for his own plays. He would also follow around some of the wilder residents to see if they do something he can include in his plays. I also believe he’d somehow find the most romantic places to take MC if she was there with them. He would also be interested in the Mob Museum and the mafia history. He would LOVE Criss Angel’s Mindfreak show (No I’m not just saying that because I love it too)
I think he would like exploring the various hotels more than going out clubbing. Let’s be honest, Comte would get the super expensive suites so Napoleon would just be sleeping in half the day. He would use it as a chance to unwind and would take full advantage of the room service and spas. He would go to the pool with MC and Sebastian. I can see him being everyone’s designated photographer and bag holder. If MC wants to go somewhere he would come with her to make sure she gets there safely (The amount of creepy old men who have stared at me when I walk through casinos is gross).
He and Theo would definitely go to the Neon Graveyard with Leo. They would also love seeing the abstract art pieces and murals that are all over downtown Las Vegas. He would be so amazed seeing the seasonal decorations in the Bellagio hotel. MC would take him to the Van Gogh art gallery so he and Theo could see how successful his art has become. He also like exploring the hotel with everyone and going to the pool to relax. He would take amazing pictures of MC and make an album for her. One time he was walking to a show with everyone when a few showgirls asked if he wanted to take a picture. And being the absolute angel he is, he told them how beautiful they are and just had the most wholesome heart- stealing interaction with them. 
He would go to old bars and pubs with Leo and Arthur in downtown Vegas (They got into a bar fight that Leo helped them hide from Comte). Arthur would drag him to various clubs but I think he would have an overall artistic appreciation for Burlesque. I think he’d be happy to see that artistic expression isn't being censored anymore like it was in his time. MC would take him and Vincent to the Van Gogh exhibit. He would also love the different murals and abstract art that's all over downtown Las Vegas. MC would buy him one of those glass art sculptures and he would be all “oh Hondje brought me a toy?” but he would actually be super touched and would blush when she gave it to him. Arthur would also drag him into taking pictures with various showgirls and then would get jealous when Theo gets more attention from them (even though Theo isn’t a big fan of it).
Isaac would go to all the different museum exhibits with Leo, MC, and the Van Gogh. He would also enjoy the Avengers Exhibit because of all the crazy technology and scientific concepts used in creating it. He would also go to the spas with Napoleon and MC because that boy needs to relax himself. I think most of the time he would either stick with Leo, Napoleon or MC because Vegas is... a lot and he might get overwhelmed. Arthur would rope him into taking a picture with the Showgirls and he would be flustered for the rest of the day. He mostly just gets dragged into whatever activities the others are doing.
Dazai would love all the different comedy shows. He would also be exploring the hotels but instead of finding the spa he would find the most random hidden storage areas and rooms of the hotel. By the end of the trip he would somehow know the whole hotel inside out. One time he went missing and no one could find them until he came down the elevator with this rich elderly couple who gave him a tour of their whole VIP floor. He would also go out to bars with Leo in the middle of the night and they’d come back and just smoke together on the balcony. He would find the best obscure dessert places in the whole city and somehow make friends with a celebrity that he met purely by accident. (He just shows up to lunch with Pitbull one day and he’s like “yeah I just met him in the bathroom”. MC and Sebastian are  s h o o k)
Mozart would be very interested in seeing the street musicians and how they're able to play songs from everyday objects.He, Comte, and MC go shopping together and then they’d go to exclusive lounges together. He gets dragged to clubs by everyone but god forbid he gets touched by a sweaty person dancing, he will LOOSE IT. He gives pointers to the DJs and he actually likes listening to different genres of music. (Funny story, one time my dad went to a club in Vegas where Calvin Harris was DJing and he gave him tips on how to mix songs. He had no idea who Calvin Harris was). Mozart loves the spa and huge bathrooms, hates casinos since he thinks they're noisy and filthy. He goes to the mall and buys expensive skincare items. 
Poor boy is so lost. Just like Isaac he kind of gets dragged everywhere. He likes going to the lounges with MC and Mozart but most of the time he will just want to enjoy the hotel room alone. MC doesn't want him to be alone the whole time so she takes him to see the Bellagio decorations and takes adorable candid pictures of him while he's there. He is amazed at how they were able to create something like that. He’s also amazed at the fountain show that MC takes him to at night. Mozart and MC take Jean with them when they goes shopping and he buys Jean some nice things (because he DESERVES IT). Would avoid clubs at all costs and if he somehow gets dragged there by everyone he leaves the first chance he gets.
Like Shakespeare, Sebastian also follows around the residents, seeing how they react to such a new environment. He takes notes on all their activities and exchanges info with Shakespeare. He made all the reservations and keeps track of everyone’s itinerary. He is the only other person who knows about Arthur and Theo’s bar fight because Leo told him in exchange for modern cigarettes. He was so excited when Napoleon asked him to join him in their spa trip. Most of the time Sebastian goes with Comte and Napoleon to their activities. He would also love seeing some of the historical exhibits, like the Titanic and Ancient Egypt ones in the Luxor hotel. He’s mainly just happy to have enough free time to write as much info in his book as he wants.
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synnefo-nefeli · 3 years
Working on a WIP scene for Heard Your Heart Beating, my Klapollo friends to lovers post AA5, slow-burn fic
//Come fix your prosecutor// read Athena’s text. Apollo groaned wondering what Klavier could have done in the hour Klavier had spent at the WAA.
He adjusted his tie in the mirror of his locker, checked to make sure that he no longer looked sweaty from his ride over from court, and shoved his cycling outfit into his locker along with his helmet.
He could hear laughing on the other side of the office’s front door so that was a good sign, he hoped, as he swiped his keycard through the lock.
“Herr Forehead has finally arrived from his battle with the courts!” Klavier beamed at him with the smile that Apollo was now coming to call “on-stage-mode”. Klavier was sitting on the sofa next to Athena, coffee cups and tea biscuits between them on the table.
He could hear Mr. Wright bustling in the office kitchenette.
“I am back,” Apollo announced, “...and I survived Blackquill-“
“Oh, is that the reason you biked back? Simon didn’t offer to give you a lift?” Athena laughed, “how mean. He needs to learn to leave it in the courtroom.”
Apollo rolled his eyes, “Probably, but I am sure it has more to do with him needing to go down to the precinct and yell at the poor detective who sent him into court with an outdated autopsy report...also, what would I have done with my bike? I don’t want to ruin the guy’s new car by stashing it in the back seat.”
Mr. Wright arrived from the kitchen, fresh pot of coffee in hand, “Wow. A defense attorney having an updated report instead of the prosecution? Never thought I’d see the day...”
Apollo flopped on the couch opposite Athena and Klavier, “Hey. Miracles do happen...and considering all of our court win-streak, we shouldn’t be too surprised that they exist.”
“Here. Here.” Klavier said amiably into his coffee looking as if he was about to attempt to change the subject. Oh, Klavier wasn’t getting away from whatever occurred before Apollo arrived so easily,
“So... what’s this about me needing to fix ‘my prosecutor’?”
Klavier made an amused expression, “Ah, is that what I am called? Well I am honored to be Herr Justice’s”
Athena rolled her eyes, “Oh stop with the charm-“ she looked at Apollo, “he doesn’t want you to know that he’s never been to the Tragic Kingdom”
Apollo stared at Klavier, “Seriously?” which earned Klavier a playful elbow to the ribs from Athena, “Told you he would react like that”
Klavier sighed, “Is it really that big of a deal? Not going to a children’s amuse-“
“HOLD IT!” Apollo didn’t care that everyone about him flinched (“Indoor voice, Polly, jeeze”, Mr. Wright muttered”), “Disneyland is for everyone,” Apollo breathed, “you seriously haven’t gone? Ever? I mean...it’s only in Anaheim. That’s less than an hour without traffic from here-“
Mr. Wright handed Apollo a cup of coffee, “It’s been a while since ‘Mr. Disney Adult’’s shown his face at the office.”
“You say that as if you don’t have an annual pass too, Mr. Wright.”
Klavier appeared lost in the conversation; it was refreshing to see Mr. Tall, Blonde and Unflappable looking out of his depth, “Is it really a big deal that I haven’t?”
“Mm...not so much,” Mr. Wright said before Apollo could object, “well it wouldn’t be a big deal if you were hanging out with someone else, but I mean considering that you two have been spending a lot of time outside of court together, I think it’s more shocking that Apollo *hasn’t* dragged you down there already.
“You act like I go there all the time-“
“Says the person who has scheduled himself to come in late on days where there are morning annual passholder events,” Athena mused, “or how about the time you, Clay and Trucy, just decided to go to Disneyland after work because you wanted corndogs for dinner”
Across from him Klavier made a face, as if silently saying “Corndogs for dinner? Really? What are you, five?”.
Apollo met ‘his prosecutor’s’ eyes, “Those corndogs are legendary, and the only ones I’ll eat,” he rebutted, not caring that Klavier hadn’t actually said anything.
“He has a point there,” agreed Mr. Wright, “so I guess the big question is- how long before Klavier gets pulled into driving Apollo down to Anaheim?”
Klavier looked around the room at all of the other attorneys as if expecting for someone to tell him suddenly that this was all an act. Apollo meanwhile was mentally running through his calendar to figure out when he would have time to properly take Klavier to the park. There was so much to do at work-not to mention, he would have to prep Klavier for his first park visit.
“Do you like amusement parks?” Apollo asked Klavier.
The blonde man simply shrugged, “I’ve only been to a few in my life. Mein family wasn’t really into things like theme parks; didn’t see the value in them as entertainment. And when I moved here, I just didn’t go-“
“Not even grad-night?” Athena asked, “Junie told me that’s what the student council is setting up for the seniors. It’s tradition. Heck, every high school in Southern California does a school trip there at least once.”
Klavier shrugged, “I graduated early, remember? I guess I could have gone to the ceremony with the class that was graduating that year, but I wanted to get mein badge so I went home as soon as I could to pass the bar in Germany.”
“There’s one in France!”
Klavier sighed, “If I asked to do anything outside of museums and cultural experiences while we were in France, I would have been left in Germany.”
“Anyway,” Athena said, “If you’re going to hang with Polly, you’re going to have to go to the parks eventually-“
Apollo felt his cheeks heat, “I mean if that’s not what you like to do for fun, you don’t have to-“
“Oh please,” Mr. Wright interrupted, “I can confidently bet that you’ve been sitting here this entire time planning a trip for him.”
Apollo crossed his arms and sat back in defeat as Athena continued to regale Klavier with anecdotes of the WAA’s trips to the parks as well as Apollo’s impromptu visits,
“Has he shown you his pin collection yet?” Athena said in a tone that was too close to the tone she liked to use whenever she teased Apollo about his and Klavier relationship not being as platonic as Apollo made them seem.
//As if she doesn’t know the actual truth// Apollo grumbled, “Okay enough. Klavier already knows I am a nerd- he doesn’t need any more evidence about it”
“Ach you’re always cool, Herr Forehead,” Klavier smiled again in “on-stage mode”, which made Apollo decide that he needed to show Klavier what he was missing.
“When’s your birthday?” Apollo blurted.
Athena groaned, “Oh my god, Apollo, haven’t you heard of Wikipedia?”
“I like that Herr Forehead doesn’t feel the need to research me, it makes a rock god like me feel practically human,” Klavier teased and then with an amiable grin, “May 23rd.
However-I told you that on Valentine’s Day, don’t you remember?” He said a little too suggestively for Apollo’s comfort,
“I’m hurt that you don’t remember… and here I thought things that were shared during sleepovers were sacred,” he added a pout for good measure.
Out of the corner of his eye, Apollo saw Athena not-so-subtly pull out of her phone to text something, most certainly to Trucy.
Great, he was not going to know peace from either of them for the foreseeable future.
Although, Apollo appreciated that Athena had the grace to attempt to hide her grin.
Whether or not Klavier was aware of what was happening next to him, Klavier only sipped at his coffee.
“So in three weeks. Great, guess what we’re doing to celebrate your 26th birthday,” Apollo announced.
“It’s on a workday.”
“Take off.”
“Don’t you have to work?” Klavier asked
Apollo turned to Mr. Wright, “Mr. Wright, may I have the 23rd off?”
“Of course. Just put it on the calendar.”
Apollo, having won the debate, smiled smugly at Klavier, “Get ready, we have a lot to do before then.”
Klavier looked genuinely confused, “Like what?!”
He was about to ask what Klavier’s favorite Disney movie was, but then Athena’s phone buzzed, “Simon’s here- he needs help bringing up the food...and Trucy says she wants to also go to Disneyland for Klavier’s birthday, I think that’s a good idea; what do you think, boss?,”
Before Apollo could say anything about Athena or Trucy inviting themselves, Mr. Wright smiled and said,
“You know what- unless something pressing comes up and Trucy doesn’t have any projects or tests at school, I think the agency needs a mental health day. Maybe Miles and Prosecutor Blackquill need one too,” he remarked walking towards his office in order to most likely call his fiancé.
Finally alone- sort of. At least until Athena and Prosecutor Blackquill came upstairs with the food. But still, alone enough to enjoy Klavier silently trying to figure out what the hell just happened...or Apollo would have enjoyed Klavier’s genuinely flummoxed expression, except that he remembered how Klavier, despite his celebrity status, didn’t like to draw attention too himself unless it was in court or on stage- and especially not in public.
It was the reason Klavier hadn’t shown up to Clay’s funeral after all. He looked at Klavier feeling guilty for putting his friend on the spot,
“Sorry, if you don’t want to- we don’t have to-“
“Nein, nein,” Klavier said with his genuine smile, “you all are so passionate about it, now I have to experience it”
“Are you sure? I didn’t even ask if that’s how you wanted to spend your birthday-I just kinda got caught up in it.”
Klavier shrugged, “Honestly, considering that I usually spent the last few dragged to stuffy VIP lounges of clubs I wasn’t interested in, with people who, as it turned out, cared less about me- I think this may be a gut change of pace.”
Well that made him feel better...and a bit sad for Klavier, “I’ll make sure you have a good time and we won’t be overwhelmed. A lot of celebrities go to Disneyland, and they don’t get mobbed- people are pretty respectful of celebrities having their time in the parks.”
“You sound as if you are familiar.”
“Clay...worked there for a summer, celebrities would come all the time as park guests. And aside from maybe helping a celebrity escape a crowd, they don’t give anyone special treatment unless they’ve paid for a guided tour-“
“Oh- are we not doing that, Herr Forehead?”
Apollo snorted,“Hell no, you’re going to stand in line for Space Mountain like the rest of us plebes.” Also I’m not about to suggest we spend $800 an hour for a theme park tour...
Klavier’s laugh was enough to make Apollo feel better and better about commandeering Klavier’s birthday. He was going to look forward to these next few weeks in getting Klavier ready for his first time at the park. The thought of movie nights made Apollo feel a bit warm inside. Warm in a way that he hadn’t felt since Klavier had comforted him during his own birthday.
The office door opened, Athena holding it open so that Simon could come through with the large box that contained their takeout dinners. Apollo braced himself for any barbed words from Athena’s prosecutor; considering how the day’s court proceedings had gone, Apollo expected some amount of sour grapes. Instead Simon ignore Apollo and incredulously regarded his co-worker with,
“You’ve seriously never been to Disneyland, Gavin-dono?”
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starrybouquet · 4 years
The Scorns of Time
The Stargate throws SG-1 into the future.
For Sam/Jack Ship Day 2020. This grew waaay longer than intended, and Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c begged for their own chapters. So this is now a WIP. I'm sorry. XD Hope you enjoy. :)
Read on AO3 or under the cut:
“Daniel. You’re late,” Jack O’Neill said impatiently, tapping his P90 against his thigh as Daniel joined the rest of SG-1 in the ‘Gate room.
“Sorry, guys. I forgot to eat dinner--didn’t realize it was time to gear up yet.” Daniel rubbed his eyes blearily. “Why do we have to ‘Gate out so late, again?”
“Carter?” Jack turned to his left.
“P7X-047 has a thin atmosphere, so it gets cold at night, despite having a temperate climate during the day,” she explained. “But it’s much larger than Earth, so one day there is equivalent to roughly three Earth days. Our mission was scheduled for 2330 in order to maximize daylight. The sun rose on P7X-047 just-”
She was interrupted by the kawoosh of the Stargate. “SG-1, you have a go,” Hammond’s voice boomed through the speaker.
Jack gave a lazy salute and trudged up the ramp beside Teal’c, Carter and Daniel right behind them.
They stepped through the blue puddle into a room. The room had no windows, and was eerily silent, lit only by dim yellow lights. The walls were lined with bronze plaques and display cases, marching down far into the gloom.
"Uh...Carter?" Jack swung his P90 around. “I was promised a sunrise.”
Carter shook her head, alarmed. "This isn't P7X-047, sir."
Jack raised his eyebrow in an unspoken question.
"Sir, I don't know what happened. The dialing sequence was completely normal."
He sighed. Why couldn't they ever do anything the easy way? "Alright. Daniel, dial us back."
"O'Neill," Teal'c said from his left. "There does not appear to be a dial home device in the vicinity."
"Carter!" Jack swung back around to scowl at his 2IC.
She shrugged helplessly. "The MALP showed visual confirmation of a DHD, sir. But this definitely isn't P7X-047."
"Uh, guys?" Daniel said, in the tone that tended to make Jack do a mental count of how much ammo they had. "You might want to see this."
The three other members of SG-1 trooped over to where Daniel was standing, inspecting one of the plaques. He turned, eyes wide and befuddled behind his wire-rimmed glasses, and gestured to the left side of the large plaque.
Jack's hand spasmed on his P90, and beside him he felt Carter tense.
There, mounted on the wall and chiseled out in bronze, was a picture of them.
"Daniel," Jack enunciated carefully. "Why are we here?" He waved his P90 at the display.
"Jack, it's in English!”
Carter peered at the plaque.
"Sir, Daniel's right. And...it's talking about us."
"At the inception of Stargate Command in 1997, a flagship exploration team was established under the command of Colonel Jack O'Neill. Known as SG-1, they became Earth's first and most vital line of defense against the Goa'uld," Carter read. Her shocked voice echoed in the silence of the room.
"It's surprisingly detailed and entirely accurate, at least so far," Daniel offered.
Carter looked around the room wildly, and then her worried blue eyes locked onto his own.
"Sir, I think we've traveled to the future."
“The future.”
She nodded. "Just like when we were thrown back to 1969, a solar flare must have occurred at the exact moment we went through the 'Gate. Except this time, it threw us forward in time instead of backwards. Sir, we're still on Earth."
"Then where is everybody?"
"I have no idea. We could be hundreds of years in the future. The SGC could be abandoned." Carter was talking quickly, and he could see the gears spinning in her mind, thinking of all the possibilities.
"So...what do we do?"
"I guess the only thing we can do is read the plaques,” Daniel offered. “This is clearly a museum exhibit of some kind--maybe it'll give us a clue where and how the Stargate can be operated in this time frame."
"Museum time. Great. Thought museums were only for rocks."
"These aren't artifacts, Jack. Well, they are. But to us, they're our life.”
"Hold on, Daniel. I don't know if we want to do that,” Carter said carefully.
"Not seeing any other way to get out of here, Carter,” Jack put in mildly.
"Well, we can't pollute the timeline. What if we learn something about our future that causes us to change it? We should try to make contact with someone, get help."
"Daniel Jackson, O’Neill, Major Carter," Teal’c called from behind them. “There is something of interest here.”
They trooped over to Teal’c, who gestured to an inconspicuous sign mounted on a pole to the side of the ‘Gate.
Daniel inspected the sign. "This is written in Asgard. It says, 'this is a shrine to those who called themselves the Tau'ri. Though the rest of their planet is no longer habitable and the species has ceased to exist as it once was, we have preserved their history as they had recorded it, in hopes that other descendants of the Ancients may come of age and learn their history.'" He turned to the rest of the team. "Earth is abandoned."
Jack sighed. "Guess we're not getting any help. Carter, what if we just...promise not to tell anyone? Pinky swear?"
"I don't see another option, sir," she agreed, moving to the wall and beginning to read.
At first, it was interesting and a little gratifying to read about herself. Sam was honored and amazed that of all the things someone had chosen to memorialize and preserve the history of them--SG-1. She skimmed through the parts she already knew, figuring there wouldn't be much information there. As she approached the part about her future hesitantly, she noticed a section titled Life Outside the SGC. Apprehensively, she began to read.
As was common during the early decades of the SGC, Samantha Carter lived a quiet, solitary life outside Cheyenne Mountain. SGC personnel in general during this time struggled to maintain personal relationships when their life’s work was top-secret yet all-encompassing.
They got that right. Sam stole a glance at the profile of her CO, studying his own display, before continuing her reading.
Though the reveal of the Stargate program to the general public removed these barriers for most SGC personnel, Carter’s meager off-base presence would stay the same for the rest of her life. Due to her overnight fame as one of the most prominent faces of the SGC, she retreated even further from Earthside life after the program went public. Carter never married and kept a tight lid on her friendships, even with the other former members of SG-1.
After retirement, Carter became increasingly reflective on her life outside the SGC. Indeed, a retired Maj. Gen. Carter, in one of her last public interviews, lamented, "I was so focused on the stars that I refused to see what was right in front of me here on Earth, even when I needed it most." Much speculation has resulted from this cryptic comment, and the many similar ones that appeared regularly in the last years of her life.
Since her death, General Carter has become one of the most-studied heroes of all time. Military strategists are fascinated by her tactics, scientists by her numerous scientific achievements far ahead of her time, and historians by the duality of the various facets of Carter’s personality, and the psychological effects of being, effectively, a living legend at a scale previously confined to superhero comics.
Well, that was cheery. She repressed a shudder at the wrongness of the entire situation and headed for the next display.
After an hour of perusing the displays, they hadn’t found anything that gave any indication of how the Stargate could be dialed out. A quick exploration of the rest of the base revealed that all the rooms were either empty or stuffed with boxes, and the dialing computer was gone. Since they'd 'gated out so late, the Colonel announced that they'd all get some sleep and continue their search for a way to dial out in the morning. Finding two VIP quarters complete with beds and sheets in a display on "diplomacy at the SGC", they crashed the display and bunked down for the night. Daniel and Teal'c shared a room in order to spare the others from Daniel's snoring (it never bothered Teal'c’s kelnoreem), leaving Jack and Sam to share the other.
Sam tossed and turned for well over an hour before giving up on sleep. She sat up quietly, trying not to disturb the sleeping Colonel on the other side of the room, and made her way to the conference room. Usually, she’d have gone to her lab to think, but she’d found that her lab had apparently been demolished at some point, as all that stood in the space now was a conference room.
Which was why she was here, arms crossed, looking out of the viewing window blindly. That sentence she’d read kept echoing through her head, in an approximation of her mother's voice. I was so focused on the stars that I refused to see what was right in front of me here on Earth, even when I needed it most.
She'd never minded being a workaholic. Especially not since she'd begun working on the Stargate project. It was everything she’d ever dreamed of as a child looking up at the stars, better than being simply an astrophysicist and better than being an astronaut. And though she sometimes wanted someone to come home to, to share her bed at night and her shower in the morning (and here she tried very hard not to identify that “someone” in her head), she didn't think that was the be-all end-all of her life. She had the best friends anyone could ask for, she loved her job--all of it. And at the end of the day, there was no way anything could ever matter more than saving the world. She knew that.
Still...she couldn’t stop thinking about it. Even when I needed it most.
She heard footsteps, and saw the Colonel in the reflection of the glass.
“Carter?” He stepped further into the room.
“Sir,” she said, not turning away from the window. He came to stand beside her, hands shoved in pockets.
“Whatcha doin’?”
She sighed. “Just thinking about what I read today. It’s not every day you get to read a biography written years after your death.”
“Ah. Don’t think too much about it, Carter. All that time stuff--it can change, right? This is just one possible future, or whatever.”
Sam smiled a little. She doubted he realizes how much he revealed with that little piece of advice. He may not have been an astrophysicist, but Jack O’Neill was whip-smart, even if he did his best to hide it. “You’re right, sir. I guess it’s just hard not to think about it.”
They stood there for a while, just looking down at the ‘Gate. From this distance, the dim lighting and the clutter of museum displays around the room made the ‘Gate look more like the centerpiece of the dusty basement of an antique collector rather than an otherworldly piece of alien technology. The Colonel flicked at the dust particles gathered on the windowsill, letting her have her space.
“My life--it wasn’t a happy one,” she said eventually. “The plaques talk a lot about professional success. But in all the interviews, all the artifacts, I was bitter and cold. I said I regretted a lot of things.”
She turned anguished eyes onto him. “Am I really that selfish? They called me a superhero, said I saved the world. And I sat there, in those interviews--”
Her eyes moved back to the ‘Gate, and she felt her cheeks heat with shame, because he was her commanding officer and even worse, one of the people whose opinion she cared about most in all the world, but she couldn’t stop the words pouring out of her mouth.
“And the worst part of it? I agree with her, the Sam in the pictures. I agree. I looked at all those medals on my dress blues, and I read those interviews, and I agreed with her--me. This isn’t some alternate reality, it’s my future, and I don’t want to be some lonely husk of myself, just General Carter, no Sam. But I know it will happen, because it has happened. The case below the plaque about my life after my retirement--that’s all it has. A set of dress blues.”
She blinked back tears.
And then the Colonel--Jack--shifted towards her, as if he couldn’t help himself, and wrapped his arms carefully around her. She buried her head in his shoulder and relaxed into his embrace.
“It’s not a crime to want to be happy, Carter,” he said softly.
She stood in his arms like that for a while, much longer than she ever had before, and he seemed content to hold her, just letting her breathe.
Eventually, Sam felt tiredness settling into her bones. Her breath hitched, and she stifled a yawn.
"Think you can sleep now?" the Colonel asked, surprisingly relaxed given their position.
"I'm not sure."
"C'mon." He let his arms fall away, placed a hand at the small of her back, and steered her out of the conference room and back to their quarters.
He nudged her back toward her bed, pulled back the sheet, and nodded. "Go on, get in."
She tugged off her jacket and slid between the sheets, and he pulled them up and tucked her in carefully. Sam looked quizzically up at him, ready to apologize for falling apart, but there was nothing but care in his brown eyes. No discomfort, nothing.
Well, maybe something a little more intense than care that she couldn't name.
Sam thought he was heading back to bed himself. Which was why she was shocked when he circled to the other side of her bed instead, and lay down on his side facing her.
She rolled on her side as well, and their eyes locked.
"You won't end up alone, Carter," he whispered, never breaking eye contact. "I promise."
And his gaze was so intense, brown eyes fastened on her so completely, that she believed him.
"C'mere," Jack said in that same low tone, and pulled her toward him. He turned onto his back and settled her head into his shoulder, one arm securely around her waist, hand splayed against her back.
Sam didn't protest, didn't say anything, just turned her nose into the cotton of his black t-shirt and snuggled closer, sneaking a leg across one of his.
And in that moment, it didn't matter when they were, whether they were stuck centuries in the future. Her best friends in all the world were right down the hall, and she was in bed, in Jack's arms. And that was more than enough.
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Across Seven Seas
Chapter 2
Description: This fanfiction series is set in the year 2022, after the horrid COVID-19 has finally come to an end. In this fanfiction, Chris Evans holidays with his family in India and meets Meera Shankar. The story explores their rollercoaster journey and raises a question, whether two people, from two contrasting backgrounds and cultures, can build their future together?
This series is Chris Evans x OFC with Chris Evans' family and friends having recurring appearances. Please find below a lot of Original Characters-
Meera Shankar - The female lead
Meera's Mother
Poppy - Meera's maternal grandmother
Rohan - Meera's elder brother who is 6 years older than her.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
This is a work of fiction. The names of the hotels and companies have been changed to avoid copyright issues. Meera Shankar and her family is based on the author and her kin. No offense is intended.
P.S- All the photographs used in the chapters are of the real locations mentioned. I clicked these photographs on my vacation.
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
Chapter 2
Same day, 5:45pm - Dehradun Airport, India
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The airplane cabin was lit with soft evening sunlight as the plane descended on the runway. Resting her head against the window, Meera tried her best to soak up the warmth. After collecting their bags, the family of four headed towards the taxi stand, looking for the hotel cab scheduled to pick them up from the airport.
Meera spotted the handheld sign 'SHANKARS' in the sea of drivers. Waving her hand, heads turned in their direction as she called out to the driver. "Meera at least try to be a little lady-like, let Rohan deal with the driver," urged her mother. "Seriously Ma? Deal with the driver? We just needed to get his attention and put our luggage in the car," said Meera, rolling her eyes. As the driver led them towards the cab, Rohan and Meera grabbed the luggage from the airport trolley. After the bags were kept safely in the trunk of the car, Meera returned the trolley to the stand. Her mother chided as she walked back, "What was the need to do that? There are workers who are hired to do this work." "Yes Ma but we used that trolley for our work, right? So we can keep it back in place as well. It makes life a little easier for the airport staff." "Why do you need to make their life easier? They get salary for their jobs." "Ma they stand on their feet for almost their entire shift. Even if a few people return their trolleys to the station, it can offer them some respite na?" Meera tried to reason, but her mother scoffed. "At least you can try to walk normally." Turning to look at her mother, Meera cocked an eyebrow, her expression saying "Really?"
It would be incorrect to describe Meera's walk as 'dainty'. Keeping her broad shoulders wide and her back straight, Meera held her head high while walking, controlling the swing of her hands by her side. She made it a point not to sway her hips but instead walked with her legs apart. Moreover, the attitude with which she walked always gave the impression that she is charging towards her target. With a height of 5ft 7", she often loomed over other women, her extra weight adding bulk to her persona.
Being the closest city to the hill station Mussoorie, Dehradun was a hub of activity. Alive with modern shopping centres, fancy restaurants, malls and a buzzing nightlife, the beauty of it all was lost on Meera. For her, it were the heritage sites in the city that piqued her interest. She was longing to explore places such as the Watch Tower built in the 1930s, a 50-year-old monastery and the Forest Research Institution, built in the 17th century that housed 3 museums. These places of cultural interest seemlessly merged themselves with the crowded city.
It was almost 7pm by the time they reached their hotel in the city. The plan was to rest overnight, then leave for the hill station early in the morning. While Mussoorie was just around 3 hours away, Meera knew it would take more time for them to reach their destination in the hills, with her motion sickness slowing them down on the winding hilly roads. She looked through the hotel room window, her inner nerd itching to visit the museums, walk amongst the city dwellers, learn more about their culture, their lifestyles. But alas, her family had other plans.
While her brother had started drinking alcohol the minute he entered his room, Poppy and Meera's mother were already on the bed, surfing through the TV channels. "Bala," Meera's mother called her, "Why are you standing near the window? Are you feeling unwell?" "Just looking outside the window Ma," she replied. "Why?" her mother pressed on, "You even took a long time in the bathroom. Are you okay?" With that, Meera turned around, visibly irritated, "Ma how many times have I told you it is creepy to keep track of my bathroom schedule? I HATE it when you do that!" "What is creepy in that? I am your mother. I have every right to know what are you doing, and when and where are you doing it." "No you don't!" exclaimed Meera, "You cannot keep a track of everything that I do Ma. I am 30 years old now and..." "29 years old," corrected her mother. "How does it matter?" continued Meera, "Stop nagging me all the time!" "But why are you looking out of the window? There's nothing to see," her mother insisted. "I am just looking out of the window because that's all we will get to do here AND in Mussoorie! Just sit and look. Nobody wants to go out, nobody wants to explore. Just sit in the comfortable chair in cold weather and look outside. That's all we do on EVERY vacation! That's all we ever do!" "You can also watch TV or maybe read a book," suggested Poppy. "Yes we spent thousands of rupees just to watch TV or read a book. Brilliant idea!" replied Meera sarcastically. "I can't believe I have 2 weeks to either look at mountains or at TV." "We will also go out Bala," her mother tried to reason with her. "Yes, Rohan will go out to buy alcohol from the local shops, he will then keep drinking like a fish and fall sick, which will cause you to worry. After he recovers, all of us will step outside once to see a handful of tourist attractions. And that's it. That's all the 'outings' I will have. Because you will never let me go out alone na. So I will be stuck at the hotel," concluded Meera, "This is why I wanted to go to a beach resort for our vacation. At least there would have been something to do at the beach." "I don't like beaches," said her mother. "I know," Meera sighed in resignation, turning back to look out of the window into the darkness.
6th September, 4:45am - Logan Airport, Boston, USA:
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Chris had his eyes closed, trying to breathe through the anxiety which consumed him. He had been wrong in thinking that the paparazzi would not catch up with them if they caught an early plane. The swarm of reporters who were gathered outside the VIP entrance of the airport had been out for blood, desparate to capture a snap of the infamous Chris Evans. While regular photographers could have still been managed, the reporters with cameramen and mics certainly did not make it easier for him to walk through the gates of the airport. "People are now calling you the Disgraced Captain, how does that make you feel Chris?", "Do you want to share a message with your disappointed fans?", "When are you going to apologize to the public Chris?" His breathing became laboured as the reporters' questions started playing in his mind like a playlist on loop.
Scott sat besides him, rubbing his shoulders gently. Chris' condition was worrisome for the entire family. Chris had been unable to handle his downfall, and it had taken a toll on his mental, emotional and physical health. He only ever smiled and laughed with Dodger now, and even then, his eyes wore a distant look. No amount of therapy had helped his elder brother. Things started slipping further when Chris had completely stopped grooming himself. His hair and beard had outgrown his face, with only his nose and blue eyes visible. Chris had even started giving up on the gym, barely trying to maintain his muscular figure. Where rock-hard abs once dotted his torso, now a small flab of fat replaced it. Luckily though, his sweater hid the tiny gut well.
"Hey... Hey c'mon now, you know how harsh the media can be right? I am sure this will all blow over in a few weeks. Just take deep breaths. 🎶Just keep breathing, just keep breathing breathing🎶," Scott tried his best to hum, hoping to bring a smile on the hairy meatballs' face. But instead, he was greeted with teary eyes. "They are right, aren't they? I disappointed so many people. I lost so much Scott. I can't even begin to..." "This flight is about to take off," interrupted the airhostess, "Tie your seatbelts," she left with that curt instruction. When Scott turned to look at his brother again, Chris had angled his body towards the wall, already looking outside the window, at the first pale yellow signs of the rising sun. This is going to be a long flight, thought Scott.
Same day, 8pm - Dehradun Hotel, India
It was finally time for dinner. Wearing 2 jackets and a skull cap, Meera looked at herself in the mirror once before heading downstairs. She looked comical. Her overweight body looking larger with the bomber jacket, the skull cap covering most of her head, her black hair and her ears. Her glasses snuggly resting on her nose and her hands in the pockets of the thick pants she wore. She was not sure of the material. But hey, those pants kept her warm and better yet, they came with pockets! If only we would have gone to a warmer location, thought Meera ruefully, I could have worn my dresses. At least I would have still looked like a woman. A dry, homeless laugh escaped her lips. Ma would sacrifice her limbs to get me to behave like a woman.
This was going to be a cold and long vacation, and Meera was not looking forward to it.
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heartofsnark · 4 years
Black Market Wonderland (Chapter Nine): We’re Covered In Lies and That’s Okay
Notes: I’ve given up on maintaining proper consistent schedules for my fics, but I want to attempt to update at least once every other month for each of my series that are going on rn. I always wanna say thanks for some of the replies/comments on my last chapter that were really supportive and awesome about my disaster of a situation with grad school. I struggle to like respond and be a functional human being, but i read everything and love you all.I will be trying to like alternate posting chapters to each series, monthly. So like, April is Tsun, May will be Dahlia, but uhhhhhhhh every time i try to be consistent, it blows up in my face so that's cool. 
Word Count: 7,152
Warnings: This one is pretty tame, cursing, some pettiness. I introduce a new OC cause i can’t fucking contain myself. 
Missed the last chapter? Link Here!
“Hmmm, I don’t know…” 
“Please,” Anais shakes her clenched fists in a begging motion, “please, please, please!”
The day has passed by easily enough, no snags or major confrontations from the idiots in the penthouse. A nice relaxed day of normal work with Anais clinging to her side, as they teach each other languages. It won’t be long before Tsuneko has to return her to her parent’s room for the evening, they’re walking that direction on the VIP floor.  All it took was mentioning maybe giving the young girl a present for her to start begging excitedly. Of course, Tsuneko already has the small pompompurin coin purse in her pocket, something she won in a crane game, but doesn’t need. 
“Hm, let’s see, maybe we can make it a reward. Do you remember how to sign, ‘hello, my name is Anais’?” 
“Yeah, see,” Anais replies with a big grin and signs the greeting, perfectly. 
“Here, you’ve more than earned it,” Tsuneko tells her, before handing over the little plush coin purse. Her blue eyes sparkle the second she sees it and she hugs it to her cheek. 
“I love it!” 
One of Anais’s hands wraps around Tsuneko’s, the other clutches around her gift, as they walk towards the room. The young girl is practically skipping as they near their destination. 
“Tsuneko,” a familiar masculine voice calls out, Mr. Bucci. 
“Hello, Mr. Bucci,” Tsuneko greets him, Anais hides behind her leg, shy around the strange older man, “Anais, this is Mr. Bucci, he’s a friend of my boss from Italy, why don’t you say hello?” 
“Ciao,” Anais murmurs, still a little awkward, but Mr. Bucci gives her a kind smile. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, say, Tsuneko. I’m sorry to be a bother, but would you mind showing me around the hotel? I’d get lost in a paper bag I’m afraid.” 
“Ah, I’m showing Anais back to her parent’s room at the moment, but if you could wait for just a moment, I can be with you shortly?” Tsuneko offers, even if the room isn’t far away, she wouldn’t feel comfortable just abandoning Anais on the VIP floor alone. 
“I don’t mind at all, go ahead.” 
Tsuneko excuses herself and Anais, leading the girl down the hall down to her parent’s room. She has a quick chat with Esme, about when the family is visiting Puroland, as well as the fact that Tsuneko may have days in the coming week where Ichinomiya will ask her to work outside of the hotel. It’s officially the second week of the bet and she’s expecting him to make a full force effort before the end of it, since he doesn’t seem keen on just giving up. She says her goodbyes to the family for the night and returns to Mr. Bucci in the hallway. 
“Sorry for the wait, sir,” Tsuneko apologizes as they start to walk towards the elevator. 
“It’s no problem at all,” he pauses for a moment, “I’m starting to understand more and more why Eisuke seems so enamored with you. Sweet, cute girl, great cook and good with children.” 
“Mr. Bucci,” her stomach churns at the thought of Ichinomiya’s saccharine fake smile, “you’re far too kind, I’m sure Mr. Ichinomiya isn’t quite as fond of me as you think.” 
“Nonsense, I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
“Uh,” she stutters as they reach the elevator, wanting to escape this conversation, “so, do you think you know exactly what you’re looking to do? I’m sure you’re well acquainted with the casino, but there are also museums, theaters, pools, plenty of restaurants with food from all over. There’s actually an Italian restaurant, people say the food is really authentic, but I wouldn’t really know, personally.” 
“Actually,” he cuts off her rambling, “I was hoping we could have a chat over dinner. I’m sure Eisuke won’t mind.” 
She’s sure he wouldn’t, so long as Tsuneko doesn’t out his bullshit. Her regular rooms are all cleaned for the day, the only thing left on the schedule is cleaning the penthouse. So, it’s not impacting anyone else in the hotel and she tells Ichinomiya she was buttering up Mr. Bucci, he won’t particularly care. 
“Yeah, that should be fine.” 
It’s an awkward elevator ride to the floor with the restaurants, Tsuneko’s arms are folded behind her back to feign some sort of confidence, despite how badly she wants to run. She can’t say for certain what Mr. Bucci wants with her, perhaps just mining her for information about Ichinomiya, but why would he need her for that. There’s a devilish part of her brain that reminds her this would be a chance to out him, to tell Mr. Bucci all about the little game Ichinomiya is playing. 
But she can’t bring herself to do something like that. Ichinomiya is an asshole and all-around garbage excuse for a human being, but his success affects more than just him. If the success of the Tres Spades continues to grow and get more money, the employees continue to prosper and make more money. The Tres Spades isn’t some shitty corporation that pays them minimum wage and no benefits. Tsuneko’s situation is an extreme case, she knows that, despite his piss poor personality, Ichinomiya and the Tres Spades take care of their employees. 
Not to mention, another hotel, means more job opportunities for people who may need them. People who were like her when she applied, desperate and needing a source of income, could have an opportunity to do more than survive. 
Plus, if the hotel expands across the globe, it can help employees in other ways. She thinks of Chisato and Itsuki, the two are basically engaged, but can’t movee beyond that point if they want to because gay marriage isn’t legal in Japan. Chisato has been with the hotel for years and can’t just move to elsewhere without having a job at least as good lined up. If there were more locations, in places where it’s legal, she could have both. So, if the Tres Spades expands…
As much as she hates to sound like a capitalist, helping Ichinomiya really does have ripple effects that help more people. She has to find a balance of not fucking herself over, but not hurting anyone else in the grand scheme of things.  
Tsuneko would message Ichinomiya, to at least let him know why she’ll be late cleaning the penthouse and so he doesn’t suspect she’s going out of her way to ruin things. But the only way she has of contacting him is the pager which is on a speaker and she’s not giving that man her phone number. 
They arrive at the Italian restaurant the Tres Spades has and Tsuneko immediately feels out of place. It’s mostly guests here for a nice dinner, dressed to the nines, while she’s in her maid uniform. The mixture of cleaner products and sweat is still heavy on her skin. 
They’re shown to a table and Tsuneko is trying not to anxiously bounce or move around in her seat. Mr. Bucci orders wine and she gets water, he seems to be beating around the bush, dragging her discomfort out.  Tsuneko forgets what she ordered a moment after she orders it. Mr. Bucci is the dictionary definition of calm, as he takes a sip of his wine, Tsuneko is sick of this. 
“What did you want to talk to me about?” 
He puts his glass down on the table and gives a small chuckle. Mr. Bucci has never struck her a mean or cruel man, but he’s a mob boss. There are so many dangerous places this conversation could go. 
“Cutting right to the chase, are you?” 
“My heart can’t handle doing anything else.” 
“There’s no need to look so scared, relax, eat.” 
She pops an appetizer into her mouth but can’t quite appreciate the taste through her nerves. The attempt seems to appease him to some degree, as he clears his throat to speak again. 
“Carolina has become rather infatuated with Eisuke, despite him having feelings for you.” 
“I don’t think he-”
“Please, humor me,” he puts his hand up to make her shush, “I know Carolina has been taking things out on you, which isn’t right, but she’s always felt her emotions very intensely. If your and Eisuke’s relationship were to go further, it would crush her, and she’d only get nastier with you.”
Is this entire dinner about warning her away from Ichinomiya for Carolina’s sake? Because that’s not an issue. Tsuneko wouldn’t waste her time fighting over a man she liked, let alone one she’s actively trying to avoid.  
“I know it’s asking a lot, but it would be nice if you and Carolina could become friends.” 
“I was hoping from the way he acted last time they met, perhaps he had feelings for her as well, but it can’t be helped. If Carolina could see you as more of a friend, less of a rival, I think it would be good for both of you.” 
“Uh,” that’s not what she expected, “if this is all about getting me to make nice with your daughter, I’m not sure there’s much I can do. I’m not exactly the one making it, uh, contentious. And even if I did, I’m not sure if it would make her feel any better about Mr. Ichinomiya.” 
“I know my Carolina can be difficult, but I do think it would help for her to have a friend here.”
“I’m not confident that I’m the best choice for that.” 
“It would mean a lot to me if you tried, maybe a girl’s day for the two of you could be arranged?” 
Tsuneko chews her lip and pokes at her meal, unsure of what to say or do. Her leg bounces beneath the table. Mr. Bucci strikes her as sincere, he genuinely wants the best for his daughter. And Tsuneko can see his point, Carolina doesn't strike her as the type who probably has a lot of female friends. The kind of mentality where Women are competition and men are some sort of prize. Which is exhausting. Both for those around her and surely for her as well.
"If you can get her to agree, I'll be more than happy to spend a day with her."
"Wonderful. I'll let you know when a date is arranged." Mr. Bucci smiles at her and Tsuneko prays Carolina refuses. The meal concludes with Tsuneko trying to hurriedly eat her entree, as to not waste the previously untouched food, and Mr. Bucci insisting on paying. 
Her mind wanders as she makes her way to the penthouse, she thinks of what he said, about believing Ichinomiya might have had feelings for Carolina. Everything he does, especially for business, is intentional. Even the smallest gesture calculated. He doesn’t give soft smiles or too long touches by accident. 
And while Carolina might be the type to misinterpret signals, her father doesn’t seem as apt to do so. Which, makes her wonder, did he lead Carolina on for the deal? Not that she thinks much of him to begin with, but that’s another layer of gross. 
She arrives at the penthouse, seeing a mish mash of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Baba and Kisaki are the only two of the auction managers there, but there’s four women gathered around them. Three she doesn’t know and one, she’s sadly familiar with, the girl who insulted her weight at the event Ichinomiya dragged her to. The women are undoubtedly beautiful, dressed in short seductive dresses. They’re guests, or at least she has to assume so, which sadly means Tsuneko needs to be well behaved. It’s one thing to mouth off to the assholes who bought her, but actual guests of the hotel she has to behave around. 
“Hey, princess,” Baba greets her, a woman with long red hair on his left and another with raven black hair on his right. The girl from the event is next to the red head, while another blonde is practically sitting in Kisaki’s lap. 
The three unfamiliar women give Tsuneko a quick once over but seem to ultimately decide they don’t care about her presence. While the one she’s met before, maintains a sharp cruel gaze. Unlike the other three, she doesn’t even seem to be fawning over the men, almost bored with this. 
“I’m here to clean,” Tsuneko announces with a customer service smile, “would anyone like anything to eat or drink before I start?”  
Kisaki and Baba shoots her confused looks, no doubt taken aback by her kind attitude. However, she can’t risk being inappropriate around actual guests. 
“Make yourself useful and get us some wine,” the familiar woman pipes in, showing off her empty glass like Tsuneko is too stupid to understand otherwise. 
“Of course.” 
She gathers the empty glasses and makes her way to the penthouse kitchen area.  There’s a bottle of fancy red wine on the counter, from whenever they first served it, so she tops off each glass and brings it out to them. 
“So, you let maids up here?” The redhead asks, twirling a crimson lock around her finger. 
“Koro’s special,” Kisaki taunts, despite his sugary sweet smile, and she bites her tongue, only sending him a quick pointed glare. 
“I’m the penthouse maid, Tomori Tsuneko.” 
“I think the dog name suits you more,” the event girl tells her, her eyes sharp. She’s a pretty girl, a shaggy pale blonde bob hair and burnished orange eyes. 
“You’re so mean, Kaede,” the blonde on the arm of Kisaki’s chair gushes out, like it’s cute. 
“If that’s all, I’ll begin cleaning now.” She at least has a name to attach to the mean girl, though she’s not sure how much that will actually help her. 
Tsuneko busies herself with cleaning the lounge, letting the residents become background noise. She manages to catch that Baba is reading the girl’s fortunes with cards. All of them but Kaede, oohing and aweing over it. 
“Hey, pretty lady, come over here,” Baba calls over suddenly as Tsuneko is dusting, every fiber of her being wants to tell him to shush and let her clean. But there are guests, actual guests here. 
“Is there something you need, sir?” She says instead, hoping the sir will somehow get her point across. Yet, Baba is smiling like a damn idiot. 
“Do you wanna have your fortune read?” 
There’s an annoyed twitch behind her eye, she is working. She can see Kisaki gremlin smirking out of her peripheral vision. They’re trying to push her buttons. 
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m working, sir.” 
“Oh, there’s no need to be shy, you know you can always call me Micchy!~” 
He winks at her, three girls giggle, but Kaede still shows no signs of being entertained. Instead, her nose wrinkles. A clatter of glass as she smacks her finger into the stem of her wine glass, knocking it from the table. 
“Ah!” Tsuneko flusters and rushes, she catches the glass before it shatters, but red wine drenches the front of her uniform. It soaks and chills through the fabric, making it stick to her. 
“Couldn’t let you slack off for too long,” Kaede tells her, voice hushed and a mean little smirk pulling at her lips. 
The door to the penthouse opens within the next moment, Ichinomiya and Oh entering the lounge. Like moths to a flame, suddenly the four women all flock over to them, abandoning Baba and Kisaki. 
“Eisuke, it’s great to see you again!~” Kaede gushes and he narrows his eyes. 
“We were waiting for you to get here!”
“I didn’t think we’d actually get a chance to meet the king!” 
“You’re even more attractive in person, oh my god!”  
“Are you okay?” Baba asks her, suddenly close and in her personal space. 
“Yeah, better on me than on the linoleum,” she awkwardly tugs at the wet chest of her uniform, cold drops of wine rolling down her cleavage, that Baba’s eyes seem to follow, “nothing got on your cards?” 
“Of all the things for you to be worried about,” Baba looks her in the eyes again and sighs, like he’s dealing with a child. 
“I mean, I could also worry about how you two just got ditched for Ichinomiya,” she teases, voice low, as Baba carefully takes the glass from her hand. He’s being, nice. 
“We’re used to it by now, some girls will do anything to get close to boss.” 
“What’s going on here?” Ichinomiya questions, glaring at the women for a moment, before his eyes land on Tsuneko and her wine-soaked uniform. 
“We just thought, it’d be okay for us to come up here and spend some time with you,” Kaede tells him, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. 
“I take it, we know who’s to blame for letting you up here,” Oh glares at Baba who just grins. 
“What’s wrong for having some beautiful women here?” 
“Women who find it necessary to throw wine at my staff.” Ichinomiya narrows his eyes at Kaede, he doesn’t even have to wonder who’s to blame. 
“Accidents happen,” Kaede waves it off, “she’ll be fine, why don’t we have a drink, just the two of us?” 
“Get out.” 
“Huh, don’t be ridiculous-”
“I don’t have time for this, get out, now.” 
Slowly and with their heads hanging down, the women leave the penthouse, like they’ve been scolded. Which, she supposes isn’t that far from the truth. 
“Ugh, I can still smell their perfume,” He’s not wrong, the smell of expensive perfume still hangs in the air. 
“Are you sure you should talk to guests like that?” 
“They’re not staying here.” 
“Those women just hang around in the casino, like flies,” Oh explains. 
“God damn it, I was polite for nothing!” 
“It was so funny watching you try to behave yourself.” Kisaki snickers. 
“Oh shut up, now, if you’ll excuse me,” she says and starts to head to the door, wine making her thighs stick together awkwardly. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Ichinomiya stops her. 
“I’m gonna go change then come back to clean, the wine didn’t get on anything else, so don’t worry.”
“You’re going to let guests see you like that?” He narrows his eyes at her, and she looks down at the mess on her uniform, not that she needs to, she can feel it sticking to her. 
“Well, it’s not going anywhere on its own.” She flails her arms out, glaring at him, what the hell does he expect?
“I’ll see if Kenzaki can bring you up a change of uniform.” 
“Come on, you can get cleaned up in my bathroom and we’ll get your uniform taken care of,” Baba says, placing a hand on the small of her back as he leads her towards his suite, even though she knows where it is, his hand is welcomed warmth against the chill of the spilled wine.
She steps into his bathroom, familiar with the elaborate set up. The sun is just starting to set, shining orange golden light in through the giant window. 
“There’s bathrobes for you to change into or you can borrow some clothes from me if you’d like.” He winks, because of course he does. 
“I’ll take the bathrobe.” 
He gives a melodramatic pout and she pushes him from the bathroom. The door shut behind him, she takes off her shoes and starts to unbutton her uniform. Her eyes dart between the tub and the shower, immaculate. The idea of relaxing back in a hot soapy bath looking at the sunset out the window, sounds so nice. However, reality is a cruel mistress, and she doesn’t have the luxury of taking her time and relaxing. She’s technically on the clock and she’s better off just taking a shorter shower. 
There’s a bit of relief from the sticky wine, tacky on her skin, when she lets her uniform drop to the floor and peels off her stockings. The worst of the mess is off her, but it’s well soaked through the layers to her skin. She can even feel the residue on her nipples where it’s dripped down and soaked through her bra.  Her underwear joins the pile of clothes and she starts up the shower, steam filling the room. 
She leaves a towel over the stall door and steps under the hot water. There’s an array of the hotel provided items with soft clean neutral scents, but she notices a few of Baba’s products as well. They’re all rose and jasmine scented, floral almost romantic scents. Not that different from her own shampoo, but just slightly stronger. Of course, he drinks rose tea and uses rose soap, like the cheesy schmuck he is. Those thoughts don’t stop her from using it. Tsuneko’s muscles relax as she washes the grime from her skin and hair, not just the wine but the sweat of the day so far.  
The door creaks as she’s massaging soap into her breasts, she jolts, a slick mess of suds and water in the shower stall makes her feet slip. She just manages to burrow her fingers into the towel before she yelps out, her ass hitting the floor. Pain shoots up her tailbone. The door swings open further. 
“Tsuneko!” Baba’s voice jumps an octave as he rushes into the room, whirling around to see her. She scrambles to place the towel, so it covers her chest and groin, though she feels like he probably already got an eyeful in the amount of time it takes her. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” 
“Are you okay, I heard you yell?” 
“Yeah, because you opened the fucking door!” 
“Uh, oh,” realization seems to dawn on him, and he covers his eyes before turning his back to her, “I was going to get your clothes, so we can send them to be cleaned.”  
“You couldn’t have waited?!” 
“The quicker they’re washed the better, you don’t want the stains to set.” 
“Just go!” 
Baba flusters about for a moment before grabbing her pile of wine-soaked clothes and leaving the bathroom. She heaves out a deep sigh, once she hears the door shut behind him. Tsuneko gets back up on her feet, the towel is completely soaked now, so she tosses it aside. Fearful of another interruption, she finishes up as quickly as possible. 
She shuts the shower off and does a quick dry off.  They’re probably still sticky, but she goes to grab her underwear, to find they’re not there.  Great, so not only has Baba seen her naked, but he knows what kind of underwear she wears. And, she’ll be wearing a bathrobe with nothing underneath,  around them all. Lovely. 
The bathrobe is clearly meant for an adult man and she doesn’t see any in smaller sizes. It’s soft fluffy white material, she pulls it on, she feels and looks a bit like a marshmallow, but that’s not a complaint. Plus, the excess fabric should make it easier to stay covered. It sags a little low on her shoulders, the sleeves hang over her hands, and the bottom drags across the floor as she leaves the bathroom. 
Baba is just outside the bathroom door and she can’t help the pout that pulls at her face, asshole. He’s smirking in response and her fist is connecting with his side in the next moment. He barely flinches at the strike and she can feel the muscle beneath his shirt. 
“Pull that kind of shit again and I’ll castrate you.” 
“I only had the best of intentions, scouts honor.” He gives a cheesy little smile and scout salute, that she isn’t buying for a second. 
She lets out a huffy noise as she fixes her still damp bangs and moves towards her stuff that’s on the side table. Baba must have taken them from her pockets when he got her clothes. There are wine stains on some of her sticky note pads and a bit on her phone case, the phone itself doesn’t feel soaked, however. It’s already been scratched all up, she’s not sure how much more it can handle. 
“This is the first time I’ve seen you with your hair down, somehow you just manage to get prettier and prettier.” 
She rolls her eyes at his compliment, despite the heat in her cheeks. It’s sweet and she’s sure he’s right, the only one who’s seen her with her hair down fully was Kisaki when he was fixing it for the event. She twirls a still damp lock of her around her finger. 
“You never lay off with the cheesy shit, do you?” 
“I’m just an honest man.” 
“You walked in on me showering and stole my underwear!” 
“I was honestly trying to help.” 
A heavy sigh escapes her as she puts her phone in the robe pocket and heads to the lounge, hopefully Kenzaki has brought a change of uniform for her. Baba follows after her, Kishi is on one of the couches smoking a cigarette. He managed to miss the chaos, lucky him. 
“What the hell?”
“Don’t ask.” She waves him off, dismissing him and his smoke cloud as she takes a seat. Tsuneko is careful to fold her legs in the chair so she stays cocooned and covered in the robe. 
“One of Boss’s fangirls got a little testy.” 
“There are no spare uniforms in your size, so you’ll have to wait until laundry services washes yours,” Ichinomiya explains to her. 
“So, what I’m hearing is I’m getting overtime pay?” 
Ichinomiya sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, but he doesn’t argue with her. At the very least a bit of extra money in her bank account, but now she’s stuck spending time with them. Last time she was actually sat down with them was when Ichinomiya gave her the confidentiality agreement, before she proposed the bet. She can remember just how tense and rigid she was, now she’s curled up in a robe. 
She fiddles with the edge of the robes sleeve, suddenly aware of the strangely vulnerable position she’s put herself in with them. Hair damp from the shower and still down, not a smudge of makeup, in nothing but an oversized robe. Something about it all seems cozy, comfortable. She curls her knees in a bit closer at the thought, as if providing a bit more protection. 
“Since you’ve got time you want to get your fortune read, now?” Baba offers, smiling. 
“Aren’t you a little old to believe in that kind of shit?” 
“You wound me and so soon after our special moment together in the shower.” 
“Don’t say shit like that!” She reaches out and smacks him with the long sleeves of the robe, it hits his face and he just keeps grinning. 
“Don’t tell me you’re into old men, now, Koro.” 
“He walked in while I was showering!” 
“You really have the worst luck, don’t ya?” 
“You’re telling me. Speaking of shitty luck and women who hate me, Mr. Bucci wants me to spend time with Carolina.” 
“Does he now?” 
“And you actually agreed to that?” 
“What was I supposed to do?” She shoots Oh an incredulous look. 
“I’m not sure that’s the smartest idea, princess.” 
“Mr. Bucci is gonna talk to her about it, best case scenario she refuses and worst case scenario I have to suffer through a day of her snide little insults.” 
“Did you forget they’re mafia members?” 
“And Carolina is jealous of you.” 
“So,” she shrugs at Oh and Baba’s implications, “she’s not gonna do anything crazy.” 
“You can’t let your guard down around people like that.” 
“What’s that suppose to mean, slacker?” 
“Exactly what it sounds like.”
Kishi and Oh are glaring daggers at each other, Oh’s hand starts heading towards where she’s sure his gun is. She tries not to snicker and starts scrolling through her phone again. Ichinomiya clears his throat, stopping the short-lived altercation. 
“Make sure you take your pager.” 
“Why, so you can badger me when you want coffee?” 
“Just do what I say.” 
“Just do what I say,” she mocks him, not bothering to look up from her Instagram feed. Chisato posted a cute selfie, that she gets a glimpse of before her phone is pulled from her hand, “hey!” 
Kisaki has a hold of her phone, he’s perched himself on the arm of the chair she’s sitting in, his smarmy gremlin grin on his face. She doesn’t need him going through her phone, she’s already had one of them see her practically naked today. 
“What are you look- hey,” she grabs her phone and yanks it from his hand, before pushing him off the chair arm. He gives a little yell, before his ass hits the floor. 
“Don’t touch my phone.” 
He shoots her a disgusted look from the floor and she hears the other men snickering. 
“You’re so aggressive,” he says, glaring at her. 
“Do you have something on there you don’t want people to see?” Baba asks, smirking. 
“What is or isn’t on my phone is none of your concern.” 
“You’re not helping yourself.” Ichinomiya isn’t looking up at them, but he’s smirking just the same. 
“You’re not wrong.” She sighs, hiding her phone away back in her pocket. 
There’s a knock, before Kenzaki steps into the lounge, carrying a laundry bag. 
“Tomori’s clothes have been washed.” 
She’s already out of her chair and making a beeline for Kenzaki, plucking the laundry bag from his hand and muttering a thanks before heading towards Baba’s bathroom. Tsuneko double, triple, checks that the door is locked before she starts to change back into her uniform. There is absolutely no signs of the wine on her uniform, the laundry services at the hotel are beyond amazing. Once she’s changed and tucked everything back into her uniform pockets, she’s able to get back to work. Cleaning the lounge and suites doesn’t take her much time at all
Tsuneko returns to her dorm later than average, going through her nighttime routine of caring for Kiyo and preparing for that stupid auction. The only thing unique to the whole process at this point is crossing off days until the end of the bet. It’s the final marker of the whole routine now, the last thing she does before she closes her eyes. 
The next day at work isn’t quite as entertaining, Anais is enjoying Puroland with her family. Meaning, Tsuneko is left to her own usual routine. The first part of her shift passes by calmly and she gets to go enjoy lunch on time. Sakiko is eating a later lunch, Chisato and Itsuki got their lunch breaks to match up and are having a more romantic venture. So, Tsuneko decides to go out grab a quick bite during her break. Chisato already warned her that the gossip about Tsuneko working in the penthouse is only getting worse, so she’d rather have some distance between herself and her coworkers for a moment. 
After filling her stomach with hamburger steak and catching up on Monster Lovers during her solo lunch, she’s headed back to the hotel. There’s a soft breeze blowing through as she reaches the backlot, just as a group of unfamiliar men venture through the back door. What are they doing? It’s always something at this fucking hotel. 
“Excuse me, sirs!” She yells out as she starts sprinting after them, whatever reason they’re here, she plans on finding out. They don’t stop or respond out of earshot as she starts into the hotel. A glimpse of their back as they venture down the stairs, down to the basement level, she yells again. No response as they continue towards the sub-basement level, Wonderland. 
“Hey!” Her voice jumps up another three octaves as she rushes down the final set of stairs. There are even more unfamiliar men there, a line forming out of Wonderland door. Men shoot her confused looks. It’s all random men of all ages and appearances, though, most don’t seem too pleasant. 
She stomps and pushes her way through, all of the men shooting her dirty looks as she elbows her way through the crowd. Finally, she manages to make it into Wonderland. The Hatter is at the table across from one of the men, who have flooded the room.  He has a notebook open before him and is scribbling notes, like he’s interviewing them. 
“What are your hobbies?”
“Horse races, dog races, poker, pachinko.” Some man tells the Hatter in a gruff voice. 
“Oh, so you’re a gambling man then. How much would you say you usually bet at once?”
“Everything I have at the moment.”
“You like high stakes bets then!”
“I borrow money from friends sometimes, tell ‘em I’ll pay them back with interest.”
“Have you paid any of these friends back?”
“Not yet.” 
“Alright then. Next, please,” he calls another strange man forward to take the other’s place, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“I have several questions I’d like to ask you; do you live nearby?” 
“About thirty minutes by train, I guess.” 
“Yes, that’s a very fine distance; what are your hobbies?” 
“Afternoon naps.’
“Pffff,” she scoffs, making both the man and the Hatter looks up at her. 
“Alice! Where have you been?” The Hatter shoots her a bright smile, while the man is glaring. He barely looks old enough to drink, so if he’s trying to look scary, it’s not going to work for him. 
“I just got back from my lunch break, what is all of this?” She gestures to the crowd of men. 
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“Not in the slightest.” 
“I’m having auditions for the new March Hare and Dormouse.” 
He’s not seriously letting strangers back in here, so soon after being robbed. 
“And where exactly did you find these men?” 
“I put an advertisement up on the website craigslist.” 
“What?” Her eyes grow wide, that’s so dangerous, people have been killed from doing stupid shit like this. 
“The online world is dull compared to Wonderland, but it’s very convenient.” 
“No way, nope,” she shakes her head emphatically, “you’re not doing this.” 
She pulls a chair from the table and climbs to stand on it, drawing attention to herself as well as seeing over the crowd of strangers. 
 “Alice, what are you doing?” 
“Hey,” she calls out, “I’m sorry, but you all need to go! The position is closed, there is no job, sorry for the trouble, you gotta get out of here!” 
“Alice!” The Hatter’s yell cuts through the disappointed grumbles of the men, she’s never seen him so angry, “please, do not act selfishly like that!” 
“They all came out to be interviewed and you’re being rude!” 
“I’ll show you rude, everybody get the fuck out!” She stomps her foot down on the chair for emphasis. 
The Hatter is glaring at her as the men slowly make their way out of Wonderland. She needs to call Kenzaki and let him know, in case any of them get wise ideas about venturing through the hotel and causing trouble. Tsuneko hops down from the chair as the last man meanders out, grumbling under his breath about how good the pay was and she shuts the door behind him. 
“Why did you interfere?” The Hatter is glaring with a heavy, childish pout. 
“Because that was beyond stupid, that’s why!” 
“I must find a new March Hare and Dormouse! You enjoyed yourself, didn’t you?”
“That’s not the point, I don’t give a shit about the hare and mouse!” 
“Did you forget how lovely our parties were?” His face falls from anger to sorrow, unable to quite meet her eyes. 
“Did you forget that you were robbed like, two days ago?!” 
“Of course not!” 
“And what, you thought you should just have more strangers here?” 
He bites his lip and doesn’t meet her eyes, brow furrowing. 
“Do you have any idea how reckless that was? Any of those men could have robbed you or worse! Did you even think about that? Huh, what if I came down here and found you fucking dead, ‘cause you let anyone with a pulse and internet just waltz on in.” 
“And what about everyone else here? What if one of them decided to go do something to a guest or one of the workers? For fucks sakes, even if those men weren’t bad, what if they found out about the auctions? What do you think Ichinomiya and them would do to keep them quiet?!” 
“You could have gotten yourself and someone else killed, you can’t do this shit!”
His butt hits the ground with a thump, he’s plopped on the ground and pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his pouting face there. Watching an actual seven-year-old child felt less like babysitting. She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, getting her phone from her pocket then punching in Kenzaki’s number. 
“Hey, yeah, it’s Tomori. We’ve had an issue in the tearoom with security, everyone is safe, and nothing is taken. But I think it might be good to keep an eye out for any strange characters.”  
Kenzaki assures her it’s taken care of and she hangs up, looking over to see the Hatter still hasn’t budged from his new spot on the floor. She sighs, she knows he wants his dream Wonderland tea party, but he can’t sacrifice his own or someone else’s safety for that. Tsuneko chews her lip, the March Hare and Dormouse didn’t do much, other than arrange furniture. She can do that; god knows the pair of them weren’t conversationalists. 
Most of her plushies are licensed characters as are most of the ones in her crane games, so they probably won’t work for him. She does a few searches for dormouse and hare plushies, it takes her a few moments to find ones cute enough to add to her cart. Tsuneko sits on the floor next to the Hatter who’s still pouting. 
“I just wanted to have our tea parties again,” he mumbles against his knees. 
“I know, sweetie, but hey, how about these?” She nudges her phone against his knee, getting his attention. He finally looks up, eyes soft with unshed tears and biting at his lip before looking at the phone. 
“Would that work, having stuffed animals instead?” 
“Would you be happy with that?” 
“Well, yeah. I mean let’s be honest, the March Hare and Dormouse weren’t exactly shining conversationalists. All I care about is that you’re safe.” 
“That’s good then,” he says with a soft smile. 
“Okay, I’ll order them and the tea party will be complete before you know it.” She pats her hand on his back, hoping the gesture can convey even just a bit of comfort. He seems to relax under her touch. 
The door rattles open and all that comfort is useless as Ichinomiya steps into the room, no doubt Kenzaki informed him of the situation. The Hatter visibly curls into himself as the CEO’s harsh gaze lands on him. 
“What happened?” He doesn’t ask for, so much as demand an answer. 
“I-” The Hatter stumbles over his words and stalls, that shy soft-spoken boy shining through the façade. She squeezes his shoulder tight. 
“There was a little issue, he let in a few strangers…but they’re gone now.’
“You let strangers in, again?” 
“I already ripped him a new one. You know why it was wrong, right Mads?”
He nods his head, hat nearly falling over from the force of it. 
“And you’re not gonna do it again, right?” 
Another nod. 
“See, it’s fixed, I just wanted to make sure Kenzaki knew what happened, just in case.”
“I can’t have just anyone coming down here.” 
“He knows, he knows.” 
“He can talk for himself.” 
“Not with you scaring him, he can’t.” 
“Is this going to happen again?”
“No, I won’t do it again…” The Hatter mumbles out a response. 
“I’m holding you to that.” There’s a subtle threatening edge to his words, like a father threatening to ground his son. 
“He knows, go, go,” she tries to shoo him off like a fly, earning a glare, “I’ll make you coffee when I clean the penthouse later.”
“Obviously.” He sneers and gives another stern look towards the Hatter before finally taking his leave. 
She spends a few more minutes with the Hatter, ensuring he’s feeling better before she goes back to work. Her shift passes by with her on edge, looking out for any of the men from the Hatter’s auditions. None of them seem to have spread out to the hotel or taken up causing trouble, so she’s able to finish up work with little trouble. Other than a moment of annoyance when she makes Ichinomiya his precious coffee. 
“You guys wanna get drinks?” Chisato asks as they’re leaving the locker room. 
“You sure that’s a great idea with little miss pervert here?” Sakiko points a thumb in Tsuneko’s direction, a hint of pink in her cheeks. 
“I’m not up for it anyway, so don’t worry.” She playfully shoves her as they leave out the back entrance. With the stress of the Hatter’s little auditions, this is the kind of night meant for cozy pajamas and ferret cuddles. 
Chisato and Sakiko wave a bye to Tsuneko as they venture off towards the bar, her towards the dorms. Her steps halt, who’s outside the dorms? It’s a younger man, mess of auburn hair and green gold eyes, leaning against the building. A moment passes by before she realizes where she’s seen him before, he was one of the men interviewing with the Hatter. What on earth is he still doing here?
“Hey!” She yells out as she marches over towards the guy. 
“You really do yell a lot, don’t you?” He comments, raising an eyebrow at her. 
“What are you still doing here? I told you to go home.” 
“And why would I do that?” 
“’Cause there’s literally no reason for you to be here.” 
“What’s the deal with the dude in the basement?” He asks suddenly and it’s like ice water’s been dumped on her. Of course, there had to be one person who stuck it out to ask questions. 
“That’s none of your business.”
“Alice, was it?” 
“Tsuneko, now go home.”
“I’m Hachirou, look, if I can’t make a buck off of this, I at least wanna know what the hell is going on,” he pleads as she’s opening the door to the complex. 
“Go home and stop answering craigslist ads, it’s dangerous.” 
With that she disappears into the complex, heading to her own dorm. Once there, she peeks out the window, watching as Hachirou finally takes his leave. She clutches her good luck charm and hopes that will be the end of it, for his sake more than her own. 
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whirlwindflux · 6 years
Undersea Adventure: TrotCon 2018
TrotCon is a little special to me - it’s my local Brony Convention. When I say my local Brony convention, I say it with a little bit of sarcasm. At 6 hours away by car from my home in Ontario, most people wouldn't classify it as local, but it is the closest one in operation to where I live! I like a good road-trip and navigating to Columbus is fairly simple and straightforward.
I know it has been more than a month since the convention, but here is how my weekend went! Continue below for a large wall of text!
Last year was my first visit to TrotCon and if you read my weekend review of TrotCon 2017, you’d know I had a fantastic weekend! I was worried that maybe my expectations were set too high and 2018 wouldn't be as awesome as TrotCon of past, but I am proud to report, the weekend was as great as I had hoped it to be! Good news, even with BronyCon and GalaCon occurring the next weekend, attendance stayed level, with new and old faces alike at about 800. For those of you wondering if you saw me during the weekend, I was the guy carrying around either the life-size Blackjack or Little Pip plushie.
Before talking about the convention, I want to talk about the weather we had during the weekend - to say it was wet would be an understatement. It almost felt as if the weather knew the convention theme and wanted to play along. Heavy rain, high humidity, and the sound of cell phone emergency alerts for flood warnings could be heard throughout the weekend. Not sure if anyone else had this problem, but humidity levels in my guest room at the Crowne Plaza were so high that any paper based merch I purchased ended up curling something fierce. No doubt, it was the perfect weekend to be inside, at a convention being held in a hotel with attached convention space.
With good weather while on the road Thursday and no rivers to drive through this year, I arrived in Columbus at 3pm and was able to check in and make my way up to my room. I've always been a fan of the little touches, and the room keys were customized again this year, with a cool play on the con theme and the movie Jaws. The Thursday afternoon/evening LobbyCon experience this year felt a little muted (possibly due to other events going on in the hotel) in comparison to last year, but overall it was easy to find your friends and wait for pre-registration pickup to start.
I learned last year that it was a good idea to get in line early - so I did, and it payed off! I was able to collect my sponsor loot chest and make my way back to my room for the night. Of all the cons I have attended, TrotCon gets top marks for sponsor perks and presentation. This year, the sponsor perks were presented in beautiful hand-stained, customized and packed wooden chests. With all prepaid perks inside and some surprises, this presentation is one of my favourite things about being a sponsor for TrotCon! Also, love the design of the cool tie-dye shirt, it’s unique and stands out in a crowd! I couldn’t believe how many I saw the weekend after at BronyCon! Can’t wait to see what awesome ideas are in the works for next year!
This year, Friday started right on time with Opening Ceremonies. This included the public reveal of the first half of this year’s comic, introductions to our weekend VIP’s and welcoming Guests of Honour. Somehow, I already knew we were in for a great time! Just as the raffle started, I figured it would be a good idea to step out and get my Guest of Honour signatures before the onslaught of long lines later in the weekend. Not only was I able to get right into the autograph lines, they were short, meaning I was able to have a great little chat with everyone present! While TrotCon only invites a few show staff guests, it seems they pick ones that are ready to party and enjoy the weekend to its fullest! Originally I had blocked off a lot of time to get these signatures and ultimately didn't need it. This meant more time for me to browse the Vendor hall, Traveling Pony Museum, Video game room and catch up with friends before my next scheduled event.
As I had a sponsor badge, I was able to attend the sponsor only pool noodle fencing and dueling class. Since the numbers were kept small, it was easy to have a few turns at each to get a feel for it all. Unfortunately, what I learned was I had no aptitude for either, but all in all, had good fun with it. I am glad that more live action events are being tried, explored and added to the weekend - it’s an awesome addition that adds to the TrotCon experience!
Later on, I took some time to stop in at the Canterlot Art Institute panel, getting an easy to understand lesson on expression and pose in drawing. While I have a technique that works for me when drawing, learning from people who have much more experience is always welcome! I find the process of other artists and their techniques very interesting as they always have little tips and tricks that can make a big difference!
The remainder of my Friday night was spent listening to some great live music in the Main Events hall. Although there seemed to be a few issues with sound-check at the beginning which delayed the start of the event, the AV team was determined in getting things sounding right and they did a great job! A shout-out to everyone who performed and everyone behind the scenes that made it possible. Thank you for all that you do!
While Friday was quite chaotic and busy, most of Saturday was quite a bit more laid back and straightforward. Starting my day in the vendor hall, I was able to talk with many wonderful artists and creators. Beyond making purchases, I’ve always found a lot of inspiration in talking with others about their craft and process. Fun fact: It was last year at TrotCon that I was encouraged to try making plushies - it has become one of my favourite hobbies!
The Saturday schedule was perfectly designed with 3 back to back panels I wanted to attend in the Main Events hall. First up was a 2018 variant of one of my favourite events from last year, the panel featuring Heather Breckel. With no particular theme or description, you never know what type of discussion will start! It’s a laid back discussion about comics, art and video games - what more could you ask for? Next up was a voice actors panel featuring Kyle and Lauren. All of our questions were answered by the voice actors of our favourite reformed changeling and student six hippogriff. This discussion was fun and light with Lauren and Kyle playing well off each other! With time flying fast, Elley-Ray and Brenda now took the stage, and while I didn’t know it at the beginning, this would soon be my favourite panel of the weekend! The best way I can describe this panel is that it was food for the soul. A discussion of love, passion, friendship and positivity. By the end of the panel, you felt spiritually recharged! Both Elley-Ray and Brenda had so much knowledge to share with the audience and played off each other perfectly. Before any of us knew it, the panel was over and it was time to find something else to do.
Now was as good a time as any to grab something to eat and take another visit around the vendor hall. After a few more great conversations, and purchases, it was time to attend a few evening panels! From a mythological discussion at the Beasts of Seaquestria panel to a more scientific and mathematical breakdown of the Equestrian Royal Guard, both panels were quite a success! After these panels, it was off to the rave for some great electronic performances! One unique thing about TrotCon is that the convention doesn't sleep - it runs from Noon on Friday to 6pm on Sunday - there is always something to do. Unfortunately, sleep is also important, so most overnight events are lost to me. Maybe one day!
Sunday started with an MLP trivia panel; obscure questions were asked about our favourite cartoon horse show and, for once, I actually knew some of the answers! Uniquely, so called prizes were given to those of us who got the answers wrong - nice twist guys! There was time for a last minute visit to the vendor hall and video game area before the plushie meetup. Piled into a small room with a big table, everyone brought their plushies along to the meetup and after arranging them on the table, we took pictures of the plushie pile. What did you think was going to happen?
With time ticking down to the end, the charity auction began and was full of unique items, all to raise funds for charity. This year, the gimmick was marshmallows. Elley-Ray made a guest appearance to assist the auctioneer and was the life of the party. She kept the crowd lively and bidding all the way through! The end of the charity held quite the surprise; a ritual was performed upon an item to draw away all the negative energy of the weekend and pay it forward, as a gift, to BronyCon. The highest bidder won the item with the stipulation of delivering it to the BronyCon lost and found so it could be located by staff and auctioned off there. Although I wasn't able to make the charity auction at BronyCon, I did hear a rumor that the cursed item made its way. Thanks to the winner for following through and ridding TrotCon of that cursed item! Closing ceremonies brought everyone in and for another year we said thank you and goodbye to our Guests of Honour, VIPs and Con Staff. The TrotCon theme for next year was revealed and I am excited to see what it will bring!
Thank you to everyone who made this weekend possible, and see you again next year!
Want a TL:DR? Here it is, if you haven’t (or have in the past), go to TrotCon, it’s awesome!
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krystangreen-blog · 5 years
Singapore Travel Tips and Things to Do
The island city-state of Singapore is a truly fascinating place. It is a melting pot of culture, a high-tech urban hub, and one of the world’s most kid-friendly destinations. I’ve visited Singapore numerous times, with and without my daughter, and think this destination should be on every traveler’s must-see list.
In this post, I share my best Singapore travel tips and some of my family’s favorite things to do in Singapore. Under each section, I list tips for how to buy tours and tickets for less, and this is mostly done through a highly rated and large Singapore-based travel company called Klook.
Singapore Travel Tips
Many people are happily surprised to discover that traveling in Asia is easy. Visiting Singapore is no exception, but it’s nice to know what to expect. Here are some Singapore travel tips I share when friends and family express an interest in visiting the city.
Visit in the Driest Season
The critical thing to know is that the weather in Singapore is hot and humid year-round, and there’s always the possibility of rainfall. That said, if you want potentially the least amount of rain during your visit, plan your trip for June, July, or August (though expect some rain during these months, too).
If visiting Singapore with kids, don’t pack your itinerary too full because they will need downtime in the heat. 
Eat Like a Local
The food in Singapore is, frankly, amazing, and one of my favorite things to do in Singapore is to eat. While you could stick to Michelin starred restaurants (there are tons), definitely make time to check out the food centers and hawker stalls where you’ll find some of the best chicken rice, chili crab, and laksa.
What to Pack
Singapore is consistently humid, so one of my top Singapore travel tips is to stick with natural fibers like linen and light cotton when you’re packing. Tunics are an excellent option because they’ll protect your skin from the harsh equatorial sun while keeping you cool.
Bug spray and sunscreen are mandatory no matter what time of year you’re visiting. Do not forget a hat and UV umbrella to provide some shade while sightseeing. We also like handheld fans that mist water. Singaporean heat is no joke.
Where to Stay
During our trips to Singapore, we’ve loved staying at the Four Seasons Hotel Singapore and Mandarin Oriental, Singapore, and I’d recommend either as a perfect home base whether you’re traveling solo, on a couple’s getaway, or visiting Singapore with kids. The historic Raffles Hotel (where the Singapore Sling was invented) is another option for a luxury hotel (though it’s closed for restoration until August 2019), but there are many, many wonderful hotels in Singapore for every budget.
If you’re traveling to Singapore soon, you can access my VIP amenities at many of the Singapore luxury hotels by booking through my Singapore Virtuoso page.
Ask About the Handy
If you don’t want to go through the hassle of figuring out how to get your U.S. mobile phone to work in Asia — or you don’t want to pay for roaming charges — ask your hotel if you can borrow a “handy.” These are complimentary phones with local SIM cards that many hotels keep on hand for guests. Many luxury hotels already have Handys waiting in every room.
Cabs Are Plentiful
Locals will typically choose a cab ride over a stroll (possibly because of the heat and humidity), so you’ll never have trouble finding a ride. They’re also inexpensive, despite Singapore’s reputation as the world’s most expensive locale. I would also highly recommend that you download the Grab app, which is Singapore’s version of Uber.
Know the Rules
Singapore is known for being a clean and safe destination, and that’s partly because there are many laws and regulations locals uphold. One of the most important Singapore travel tips I can share is to be aware of the rules. For example, chewing gum in public, forgetting to flush a public toilet, and feeding pigeons can all result in a fine.
Things to Do in Singapore
There are so many amazing things to do in Singapore that it’s hard for me to choose just a few. Below, you’ll find some of our favorites.
National Gallery Singapore
This museum houses the most extensive public collection of modern art in all of Southeast Asia. There are more than 8,000 pieces of art, and you could easily spend an entire day wandering around the galleries. Start your visit at the “Siapa Nama Kamu? Art in Singapore Since the 19th Century” exhibit, which features art that explores the country’s identity.
The Singapore Zoo
This is a must-do for families visiting Singapore with kids. The Singapore Zoo is famous for its open-concept enclosures that put visitors very close to the wonderful animals that call the zoo home. Yes, these are orangutans swinging over my daughter’s head as she walks down one of the zoo pathways.
Speaking of orangutans, we always book Jungle Breakfast with Wildlife when visiting the Singapore Zoo. You’ll enjoy a huge buffet, listen to zookeepers talk, and get an up-close look at the orangutans who climb down to eat, too, snakes and more.
Check out the zoo’s schedule before you go because there are lots of animal feedings and other activities each day. River Safari Singapore is located next door to the Singapore Zoo. If you have the energy, you can visit both in one day.
Discount Jungle Breakfast with Wildlife Tickets
Discount Singapore Zoo Tickets
Private Transfer to Wildlife Reserves Singapore Parks (including Singapore Zoo) with car seats by request
Discount River Safari Singapore Tickets
Jurong Bird Park
This is the largest bird park in Asia, with more than 5,000 animals representing 400 species in its 50 acres of green spaces. Four large aviaries mimic lush natural habitats, and you can see everything in a half day visit.
When we went, we booked the Jurong Bird Park Feeding Frenzy Tour for a fun experience that I highly recommend (it was nice to be driven around in a cart with a young child in Singaporean heat).
Discount Jurong Bird Park Tickets
Lunch with Parrots
Private Transfer to Wildlife Reserves Singapore Parks (including Jurong Bird Park) with car seats by request
Universal Studios® Singapore
One of the most obvious things to do in Singapore with kids that’s always a hit is to visit Universal Studios Singapore on Sentosa Island. There are seven movie-themed lands with twenty-four rides, shows, shopping, character experiences, and lots of other fun stuff to do for both kids and grown-ups. Purchasing tickets in advance is a must as the park limits the number sold each day.
Discount Universal Studios Singapore Admission + Express Pass Combo (top pick)
Discount Universal Studios Singapore Tickets
Universal Studios Singapore Express Pass (need an admission ticket, too)
Discount VIP Tour
Singapore Botanic Gardens
While there are many green spaces to explore here, the Singapore Botanic Gardens (a UNESCO World Heritage site) stands out. Set on 60 acres of what was once plantation land, four distinct gardens feature thousands of species of orchids, beautiful tropical plants, beautiful landscaping, children’s areas with tree houses, and other attractions. Admission is free.
The heat makes it a bit hard to explore but rest-assured it’s worthwhile. Before moving back to San Diego, we’d spent so much time in Singapore that I wanted to replicate a Singaporean garden at home. We don’t have the climate (despite much care, I learned this the hard way) so do enjoy the lush greenery and orchid arches when there.
Big Bus Tours Singapore (hop off at Singapore Botanic Gardens)
The Night Safari
Singapore is home to the world’s first safari park showcasing nocturnal animals. The Night Safari is one of the most interesting things to do in Singapore for visitors of all ages. The complimentary guided tram tour only takes 40 minutes and takes guests through each habitat for close-up views of nocturnal animals from 130 species.
After the tour, you can explore the trails on your own or check out the Creatures of the Night show. Rest assured that plenty of snacks and adult beverages can be enjoyed during your visit.
Discount Night Safari Tickets
Private Transfer to Wildlife Reserves Singapore Parks (including Night Safari) with car seats by request
Ethnic Neighborhoods: Little India, Chinatown, Kampong Glam, Katong/Joo Chiat
No visit to Singapore is complete without visiting at least one of these neighborhoods!
Singapore is a true multicultural destination. The Chinese, the Malay, and the Indian populations have all contributed to Singapore’s cultural richness while still celebrating their art, festivals, and cuisine. You can experience the diversity of Singapore by traveling to these enclaves (be sure to eat).
In Little India, you’ll find an abundance of fantastic food and one of Singapore’s oldest Hindu temples. Chinatown is home to traditional medicine bars and the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum plus cool restaurants and bars. Kampong Glam is home to the golden Sultan Mosque and Haji Lane — a colorful, narrow, and artsy street that is one of the most Instagrammable spots in Singapore. Joo Chiat is the most famous street in the Peranakan neighborhood of Katong, and you must go there to eat. (Peranakan are native-born people of mixed local and foreign ancestry. In Singapore, this refers to Straits-born Chinese whose culture and language is Malay influenced.)
Hawker Centre Hopping: Singapore Food Tour (private tour) — top pick
Night Four Tour — Eclectic Cuisine Scene (private tour)
Sundown in Singapore: Little India Tour (private tour)
From the Chinese Straits to Joo Chiat: Peranakan Singapore (private tour)
List of Singapore Food Tours on Viator
Gardens by the Bay
This urban jungle on Marina Bay has three waterfront gardens showcasing the best and most beautiful tropical flora and garden artistry. There’s plenty to keep you busy, from strolling along the 419-foot aerial walkway supported by eighteen super-trees to wandering around the Flower Dome (the largest greenhouse in the world) to visiting the Cloud Forest, where you can find the world’s tallest indoor waterfall. Make sure to stay for the evening Garden Rhapsody light and music show.
Discount Gardens by the Bay + Skyway Tickets
Marina Bay Sands SkyPark
This Insta-ready 57th-floor observation deck is open to the public, though it should be noted that the Marina Bay Sands rooftop infinity pool (the world’s largest) is for guests only.
The panoramic views of the Singapore skyline from the observation deck are breathtaking.
Marina Bay Sands Skypark Discount Tickets
DC Comics Superheroes Cafe at Marina Bay Sands Voucher (my daughter loves this)
The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
You’ll find fantastic hiking trails less than eight miles from the city center in this beautiful 403-acre reserve. There are four routes to choose from — two that are easy, one that will give you an excellent workout, and one that is best for experienced hikers — plus a designated mountain biking trail. All of these paths will take you through some gorgeous tropical flora.
The Spectra Light and Water Show
Seeing the Spectra Light and Water Show should be on your list of things to do in Singapore if it is your first time here. This evening show, which happens daily, features perfectly choreographed singing fountains and light projections. One of the best spots to catch it is from just outside the main entrance of the Marina Bay Sands mall, the pedestrianized walkway around Marina Bay, or from your room at the following hotels:
Mandarin Oriental, Singapore
The Ritz-Carlton Millenia, Singapore
The Fullerton Hotel
The Fullerton Bay Hotel
Shop Orchard Road
Known as Singapore’s shopping street, Orchard Road was once lined by plantations but today is home to luxury boutiques and other high-end stores. There are also lovely dining options, spots to grab a quick glass of wine, and beautiful little cafes.
Highlights include ION Orchard mega shopping mall with its luxury brands and food hall. Tang’s is a local department store that’s been open here since 1932 should you want to browse Asian homewares, local as well as international designers, and its massive beauty hall. We also have spent hours in the gigantic Kinokuniya bookstore in Ngee Ann City browsing comics, anime, cookbooks, office supplies, and more.
Go to the Beach and Play on Sentosa Island
There’s nothing like swimming in the calm waters off Sentosa Island and then drying off on the soft, warm sand.
Siloso Beach is a popular spot for both locals and tourists for its kayak rentals and cool restaurants, and I recommend rounding out your Singapore vacation with some unstructured beach time. My daughter would not sightsee once we landed on Sentosa Island’s beaches as she enjoyed them so much.
Other things to do on Sentosa Island (other than Universal Studios Singapore) include Fort Siloso and the Fort Siloso Skywalk, S.E.A. Aquarium AJ Hacket bungee tower, Adventure Cove Waterpark, KidZania Singapore, Mega Adventure Park and much more.
To give you an idea, it takes about 15 minutes to get to Sentosa Island from Marina Bay. You can also stay on Sentosa Island at the luxe Capella Singapore.
Bundled sightseeing passes are helpful when visiting Sentosa’s many attractions.
Sentosa Fun Pass
iVenture Card Singapore
Are you thinking of traveling to Asia? I recommend including Singapore as a stop. If you have spent time here, what are your top Singapore travel tips?
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
The Fun Author Ask Thing, could you share a WIP of Heard Your Heart Beating with us?
Alrighty kiddos, buckle up for the setup for the most self indulgent plot-point I am ever going to write. Please keep in mind, this is still very, very, very rough
//Come fix your prosecutor// read Athena’s text. Apollo groaned wondering what Klavier could have done in the hour Klavier had spent at the WAA.
He adjusted his tie in the mirror of his locker, checked to make sure that he no longer looked sweaty from his ride over from court, and shoved his cycling outfit into his locker along with his helmet.
He could hear laughing on the other side of the office’s front door so that was a good sign, he hoped, as he swiped his keycard into the lock.
“Herr Forehead has finally arrived from his battle with the courts!” Klavier beamed at him with his the typical smile that Apollo was now coming to call “on-stage-mode”. Klavier was sitting on the sofa next to Athena, coffee cups and tea biscuits between them on the table. He could hear Mr. Wright bustling in the office kitchenette.
“I am back. I survived Blackquill-“
“Oh is that why you biked over here? Simon didn’t offer to drive you?” Athena laughed, “how mean. He needs to learn to leave it in the courtroom.”
Apollo rolled his eyes, “Probably, but I am sure it has more to do with him needing to go down to the precinct and yell at the poor detective who sent him into court with an outdated autopsy report.”
Mr. Wright arrived from the kitchen, fresh pot of coffee in hand, “Wow. A defense attorney having an updated report instead of the prosecution? Never thought I’d see the day...”
Apollo flopped on the couch opposite Athena and Klavier, “Hey. Miracles do happen...and considering all out our court wins, we shouldn’t be too surprised that they exist.”
“Here. Here.” Klavier said amiably into his coffee.
“So... what’s this about me needing to fix ‘my prosecutor’?”
Klavier made an amused expression, “Ah, is that what I am called? Well I am honored to be Herr Justice’s”
Athena rolled her eyes, “Oh stop with the charm-“ she looked at Apollo, “he doesn’t want you to know that he’s never been to the Tragic Kingdom”
Apollo stared at Klavier, “Seriously?” Athena elbowed Klavier playfully, “Told you he would react like that”
Klavier sighed, “Is it really that big of a deal? Not going to a children’s amuse-“
“HOLD IT!” Apollo didn’t care that everyone about him flinched (“Indoor voice, Polly, jeeze”, Mr. Wright muttered”), “Disneyland is for everyone,” Apollo breathed, “you seriously haven’t gone? Ever? I mean...it’s only in Anaheim. That’s less than an hour without traffic from here-“
Mr. Wright handed Apollo a cup of coffee, “It’s been a while since ‘Mr. Disney Adult’’s shown his face at the office.”
“You say that as if you don’t have an annual pass too, Mr. Wright.”
Klavier appeared lost in the conversation; it was refreshing to see Mr. Tall, Blonde and Unflappable looking out of his depth, “Is it really a big deal that I haven’t?”
“Mm...not so much,” Mr. Wright said before Apollo could object, “well it wouldn’t be a big deal if you were hanging out with someone else, but I mean considering that you two have been spending a lot of time outside of court together, I think it’s more shocking that Apollo *hasn’t* dragged you down there already.
“You act like I go there all the time-“
“Says the person who has scheduled himself to come in late on days where there are morning annual passholder events,” Athena mused, “or how about the time you, Clay and Tracy, just decided to go to Disneyland after work because you wanted corndogs for dinner”
Across from him Klavier made a face, as if silently saying “Corndogs for dinner? Really? What are you five?”.
Apollo met ‘his prosecutor’s’ eyes, “Those corndogs are legendary, and the only ones I’ll eat.”
“He has a point there,” agreed Mr. Wright, “so I guess the big question is- how long before Klavier gets pulled into driving Apollo down to Anaheim?”
Klavier looked around the room at all of the other attorneys as if expecting for someone to tell him suddenly that this was all an act. Apollo meanwhile was mentally running through his calendar to figure out when he would have time to properly take Klavier to the park. There was so much to do at work-not to mention, he would have to prep Klavier for his first park visit.
“Do you like amusement parks?” Apollo asked Klavier. The blonde man simply shrugged, “I’ve only been to a few in my life. My family wasn’t really into things like theme parks; didn’t see the value in them as entertainment. And when I moved here, I just didn’t go-“
“Not even grad-night?” Athena asked, “Junie told me that’s what the student council is setting up for the seniors. It’s tradition. Heck, every high school in Southern California does a school trip there at least once.”
Klavier shrugged, “I graduated early, remember? I guess I could have gone to the ceremony with the class that was graduating that year, but I wanted to get meine badge so I went home as soon as I could to pass the bar in Germany.”
“There’s one in France!”
Klavier sighed, “If I asked meine family to do anything outside of museums and cultural experiences while we were in France, they would have left me at home.”
“Anyway,” Athena said, “If you’re going to hang with Polly, you’re going to have to go to the parks-“
Apollo felt his cheeks heat, “I mean if that’s not what you like to do for fun, you don’t have to-“
“Oh please,” Mr. Wright interrupted, “I can bet that you’ve been sitting here this entire time planning a trip for him.”
Apollo crossed his arms and sat back in defeat. Athena continued to regale Klavier with anecdotes of the WAA’s trips to the parks as well as Apollo’s impromptu visits, “Has he shown you his pin collection yet?” Athena said in a tone that was too close to the tone she liked to accuse him about his and Klavier’s relationship not being as platonic as Apollo let on.
//As if she doesn’t know the actual truth// Apollo grumbled, “Okay enough. Klavier already knows I am a nerd- he doesn’t need any more evidence about it”
“Ach you’re always cool, Herr Forehead,” Klavier smiled again in “on-stage mode”, which made Apollo decide to put Klavier in his place and show him what he was missing.
“When’s your birthday?” Apollo blurted.
Athena groaned, “Oh my god Apollo, haven’t you heard of Wikipedia?”
“I like that Herr Forehead doesn’t feel the need to research me, it makes a rock god like me feel practically human,” Klavier teased and then with an amiable grin, “May 23rd. However-I told you that on Valentines, don’t you remember?” He said at little too suggestively for Apollo’s comfort, “I’m hurt you don’t remember. Here I thought things that were shared during sleepovers were sacred,” he added a pout for good measure.
Out of the corner of his eye, Apollo saw Athena not-so-subtly pull out of her phone to text something, most certainly to Trucy. Great, he was not going to know peace from either of them for the foreseeable future. Although, Apollo appreciated that Athena had the grace to attempt to hide her grin. Whether or not Klavier was aware of what was happening next to him, Klavier only sipped at his coffee.
“So in three weeks. Great, guess what we’re doing to celebrate your 26th birthday,” Apollo announced.
“It’s on a workday.”
“Take off.”
“Don’t you have to work?” Klavier asked
Apollo turned to Mr. Wright, “Mr. Wright, may I have the 23rd off?”
“Of course. Just put it on the calendar.”
Apollo, having won the debate, smiled smugly at Klavier, “Get ready, we have a lot to do before then.”
Klavier looked genuinely confused, “Like what?!”
He was about to ask what Klavier’s favorite Disney movie was, but then Athena’s phone buzzed, “Simon’s here- he needs help bringing up the food...and Trucy says she wants to also go to Disneyland for Klavier’s birthday, I think that’s a good idea; what do you think, boss?,” she asked as she practically skipped out of the office.
Before Apollo could say anything about Athena or Trucy inviting themselves, Mr. Wright smiled and said, “You know what- unless something pressing comes up and Trucy doesn’t have any projects or tests at school, I think the agency needs a mental health day. Maybe Miles and Simon need one too,” he remarked walking towards his office to, Apollo imagined, call his fiancé.
Apollo would have enjoyed Klavier’s genuinely flummoxed expression, except that he remembered how Klavier, despite his celebrity status, didn’t like to draw attention too himself unless it was in court or on stage- and especially not in public. It was the reason Klavier hadn’t shown up to Clay’s funeral after all. He looked at Klavier feeling guilty for putting his friend on the spot,
“Sorry, if you don’t want to- we don’t have to-“
“Nein, nein,” Klavier said with his genuine smile, “you all are so passionate about it, now I have to experience it”
“Are you sure? I didn’t even ask if that’s how you wanted to spend your birthday-I just kinda got caught up in it.”
Klavier shrugged, “Honestly, considering that I usually spent the last few dragged to stuffy VIP lounges of clubs I didn’t care about with people who as it turned out, cared less about me- I think this may be a gut change of pace.”
Well that made him feel better...and a bit sad for Klavier, “I’ll make sure you have a good time and we won’t be overwhelmed. A lot of celebrities go to Disneyland, and they don’t get mobbed- people are pretty respectful of celebrities having their time in the parks.”
“You sound as if you are familiar.”
“Clay...worked there for a summer, celebrities would come all the time as park guests. And aside from maybe helping a celebrity escape a crowd, they don’t give anyone special treatment unless they’ve paid for a guided tour-“
“Oh- are we not doing that, Herr Forehead?”
Apollo snorted,“Hell no, you’re going to stand in line for Space Mountain like the rest of us plebes.” Also I’m not about to suggest we spend $800 an hour for a theme park tour...
Klavier’s laugh was enough to make Apollo feel better and better about commandeering Klavier’s birthday. He was going to look forward these next few weeks in getting Klavier ready for his first time at the park. The thought of movie nights made Apollo feel a bit warm inside. Warm in a way that he hadn’t felt since Klavier had comforted him during his own birthday.
The office door opened, Athena holding it open so that Simon could come through with the large box that contained their dinner. Apollo braced himself for any barbed words from Athena’s prosecutor, considering how the day’s court proceedings had gone. Instead Simon just incredulously regarded his co-worker with,
“You’ve seriously never been to Disneyland, Gavin-dono?”
18 notes · View notes
Knock, Knock Ch. 22: The Long Way Home
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Forgive the transit fantasies (USA doesn’t have as many trains as I’m suggesting), but I hope you like this chapter! Stuff is on the horizon.
Read on AO3.
Read from the beginning on Tumblr (links to next chapter at the end of each).
“I think you two are the only non-terrorists I’ve ever known to wind up on the no-fly list.”
Ugh. Leave it to Ruby to find this very terrible predicament they were in just so damn funny.
After security had escorted them out of the airport and Ruby had found them sulking on the curb of long-term parking, Killian had just assumed that he and Emma would laugh it off and enjoy the rest of their vacation (well, the start of it, really). But Emma’s cheeks were still burning red, even an hour after the incident, and the weight of the logistical nightmare they were now dealing with – you know, how the hell do you get the whole way across the country without a plane? – well, he wasn’t exactly laughing it all off himself.
The plus side: Emma wasn’t mad at him. Nor was he mad at her. They knew they were doing something stupid and they were clearly both willing participants. If anything was to blame it was their hormones. Or something. But the downside: not being mad at each other doesn’t make the other glaring problems go away.
“And, what, you’ve got a lot of terrorist buds out there?” Emma snarked back, the first words she’d actually spoken since Killian regaled the Washingtonians with their tale of love, lust, and losing their right to take domestic and international flights for an undetermined amount of time.
“Hey, I’m proud! Wasn’t too long ago you didn’t care enough about anyone to risk that kind of nightmare. It’s a good thing when baby’s in love.”
“Baby is in a fucking mess, thank you very much, Ruby.” Emma was tapping at her phone furiously, whether it be taking out her frustration on Angry Birds or researching alternative forms of travel - Killian couldn’t be sure.
“I might be able to get you on a flight if one of my fancy doctor friends is headed East,” Whale offered, only mostly failing to hide his amusement at this whole… thing.
He was a good guy, Whale. He was good for Ruby and he made such a genuine effort to be part of things, when other boyfriends might be jealous of the circle of friends their girlfriend maintained – especially if it included attractive men. But Whale wasn’t like that. He truly did want to help Killian and Emma, and, more importantly: he was trying to wait until they weren’t in front of him to burst out laughing.
That’s a good man for you.
Emma groaned. “No, it’s OK. Killian has meetings he absolutely can’t miss and I have a lot of preparing to do, so we can’t just wait around until the perfect coincidence happens. It looks like there are train routes the whole way from here to Boston, but it’ll take…” Emma paused, scrolling through what was likely a travel site on her phone. “Almost three full days.”
“But you were only going to be here for four days!” Ruby cried, the gravity of the situation actually hitting her. Finally.
“Looks like that’s been reduced to one. Think you can condense that massive schedule of yours?”
“Fine. But there will be zero time for sleep. Or any more closet sex. You hear me?”
“Loud and clear,” Killian mumbled, entwining his fingers with Emma’s as they locked eyes and telepathically agreed they were idiots.
They were literally the world’s biggest idiots.
Who the fuck gets kicked out of an airport for having sex in a closet? It’s not like anyone saw them. It’s not like they were hurting anyone. But it was “inappropriate” and “not tolerated” and all kind of other condescending shit from a TSA agent who was so clearly not getting any.
It was their fault. That much wasn’t lost on her. But her anger still wouldn’t subside. Why could life be like movies, where the couple joins the mile high club in the fucking airplane and when they leave the bathroom they just get a knowing smirk from a fellow passenger and an eye roll from a flight attendant?
Nope, in real life you get caught and banned from flying for 6 months. Or something. She wasn’t quite listening about the details since she was so busy trying to figure out how the fuck they were going to get themselves home.
And things weren’t any better now that she’d found the solution. Miraculously the airline did refund their return trip money, so the $450 in train tickets were covered by money already spent. But three days on a series of trains that probably smelled like stale food and feet? Not exactly the happy vacation Emma had been planning.
They could use that time to their advantage, of course. Emma wouldn’t be flying solo as much when it came to organizing the schedule for the summer, since Killian would be trapped at her side. And they really were about to be apart from each other and insanely busy for quite a stretch of time. So while she’d have loved to spend those 3 extra days with Ruby and Whale… well, at least she wouldn’t be alone.
How weird, not being alone.
Ruby whisked them off to her ridiculously fancy loft (“Quite an upgrade from our shitty apartment, huh?” “There are more perks to dating a doctor than him knowing anatomy” “Ruby!”), and the still-mortified pair dropped their bags in the guest room before Ruby promptly opened her cell phone and started re-plotting. Reservations were cancelled and rebooked, new friends were texted and weather was checked and before Emma even had a chance to check her makeup, Ruby was herding them out the door and into an Uber she’d apparently had hailed three minutes before.
“You’d better get ready for a whirlwind, sweetheart!” Ruby flipped her perfectly coiffed ponytail and yanked open the Prius door, motioning for Emma and Killian to slide into the back with her as Whale took the front. He politely shook the driver’s hand – a college kid, without a doubt – and murmured something low about a ‘very promising opportunity’ and suddenly she was feeling like Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses, having her own personal chaperone for the day, with some very important strings attached (did this mean the night would end in singing Benny & The Jets on a bar? Because that level of humiliation was nothing compared to what she’d just suffered).
Catching Emma’s train of thought, Ruby whispered, “it’s easier to have one driver than a thousand. This kid has been our little cabbie before. He’s cool!”
What on Earth were they getting themselves into?
 The first part of their one-day adventure was all legs. Sure, the Uber kid stuck around to get them the long distances, but everything else was pure sprinting: through the Museum of Pop Culture and Pioneer Square, up Queen Anne Hill to Kerry Park to stare at the Space Needle, and then, of course, to the Needle itself. They took a ferry and stared at the big Ferris Wheel, without stopping to ride it (“I’d have loved to kiss you at the top, love,” Killian had said. “Don’t you think we’ve had our fill of kissing this trip?” she’d responded, smacking his chest for good measure). Finally, they’d moved on to the eating portion of the evening, grabbing coffee at Storyville (“Starbucks is for tourists!” -Whale) before devouring pizza at Serious Pie. Emma may or may not have taken a nap in the Uber, the poor college kid yawning himself, until they hit the clubbing stage, Ruby introducing her to more people in the span of one hour than she’d met in the previous two years.
Drinking was a bad idea. They were barely going to sleep before they had to be at the train station. But fuck it all, Emma had come to Seattle to have fun with her best friend, to take a break from stressful reality, to let loose and just be. And it seemed Sober Emma was actually the more dangerous when it came to breaking international rules of travel and shit, so what was really the worst that could happen with Drunk Emma?
It had been the most glorious day. His legs were sore, so deeply sore he’d feel it for weeks, but they’d taken him to some truly incredible places. His lungs were still burning from all the steps and hills and finally the dancing, but maybe a 24-hour speed vacation was exactly what he’d needed. It’s simple. Efficient. And most of all it filled him with a carefree joy he couldn’t remember having since probably his first date with Emma.
Not because his life hadn’t been full of joy since then. It was quite the opposite actually. And truthfully, even that first date wasn’t carefree. No, it had been bliss, but it was also worry. Worry that may have been entirely unnecessary, but had existed nonetheless. But this day: the worst had already happened. He and Emma had landed themselves on the no-fucking-fly list. Was there really a lower low than that? No! So Ruby did what Ruby was best at: she lifted them up and showed them the goodest good time imaginable.
Seeing Emma’s face when they got a glimpse of Mount Rainer from the top of that hill, watching her discover weird and wonderful food, experiencing the pure hilariousness of her trying to convince a bouncer that she was that doctor from House and was obviously on the VIP list – he’d never trade any of that for his freedom to fly on a plane. Never.
(He’d also enjoyed the way Emma had sipped at her rum just a little too often, had let her inhibitions go and had danced against him like they were in some semi-dirty fairy tale at a slightly risqué ball. But that wasn’t specific to the Experience of Seattle or of Hurricane Ruby. That was just Emma, pure, joyous, Drunk Emma.)
For as nearly-royal as she’d looked at the bow of a Seattle ferry, her eyes serene and her golden hair whipping in the wind – well she’d looked the exact opposite now. The college kid had finally had his fill of Whale’s very deep pockets and they’d called for a new driver, an older, fabulously snarky lady by the name of Ursula. She’d vowed deep revenge if Emma tossed her cookies in the shiny semi-new vehicle and half-asleep Emma had mumbled something about Ursula sounding like a fire-breathing dragon. Killian had tried to cough over her words to muffle the half-insult, but Ursula had simply responded: “you have me confused with Mal. I’m the sea witch, and I’ll drown your sorry ass. Got it?”
Emma kept her mouth shut after that one.
They’d gotten back to Whale and Ruby’s place with no more than two hours to nap before their appointment with Pacific Railway or whatever the fuck company was shuttling them across the damn country.
“’Least we’ll see some more of ‘merica. It’ll be patriotic,” Emma mumbled through her knotted, frantic hair, echoes of a few entry stamps having rubbed off from the back of her hand to the apple of her cheek.
“Of course, sweetheart. We’ll sing the Star Spangled Banner through each state we pass. And then I’ll sing some God Save the Queen and really confuse people.”
“Oh, shut up, you stupid Brit or I’ll throw your tea in the ocean!” The threat might have been a little more believable if she hadn’t yawned through it.
Killian wobbled slightly but made it out of the car and pulled Emma along with him. Whale and Ruby – tightly holding on to each other either for cuddling or for structural integrity – unlocked the flat and followed them inside.
The tiredness was setting in pretty heavily so the group of them mostly just mumbled their thanks (and apologies) to each other, the girls getting somewhat weepy in their drunk-to-hungover emotional daze, and they all said their goodbyes since there was no way Ruby and Victor would wake up before Emma and Killian had to bolt.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Emma whined, stroking Ruby’s hair.
“I miss you already,” she responded, reaching her hand out to poke Killian. “You, too, mister.”
God, she’d thought she liked ferries but these ships wouldn’t shut the fuck up. And why were they trying to make port in Ruby’s spare room, anyway?
A body shuffled behind her, pushing and poking at her as it stirred.
Killian, right?
Why wasn’t he more alarmed there was a damn ship in their house? No, Ruby’s house. Where was Ruby?
“Get uuuuup.”
“Why won’t the ship stop? This isn’t the harbor!” Emma insisted, still unable to pry her eyes open.
She shifted, trying to roll toward Killian so he might do something about this mess. Which was when she moved her head and realized the ship might have run over her skull because holy hell it hurt.
“Emma Swan, where is your fucking phone.”
Damn, Killian was angry. It wasn’t her fault the ship was…
Her hand grazed over something cool and hard and vibrating.
Her phone.
It wasn’t a ship ruining her nap. It was her phone. Alerting her that she needed to wake up and begin their extremely long journey home.
Once she was physically capable of silencing the alarm, Emma dismissed it and mumbled a few apologies to Killian, kissing all over his cheeks and ears and neck to coax him out of his slumber a bit more nicely.
God, why did they think it was a good idea to act like there was no fucking tomorrow the night before? If you’re going to behave like the world is ending, you damn well better make sure it is. And not that you’re beginning three full days in a tiny train seat (well, several tiny train seats, but that was beside the point).
“Good morning, Swan,” Killian groaned, dropping a kiss on her forehead before sitting up the whole way.
“It’s… morning. I’ll give you that.”
The two of them didn’t have much to do in the form of packing, considering they’d barely had any time to unpack. So they were out grabbing a muffin and some non-chain coffee and hailing a cab within a half hour, giving them plenty of space before their departure time to ensure there weren’t any more travel tragedies in one trip.
“So what’s the game plan?” Killian asked, opening the calendar app in his iPad.
“Well, I have a lot of calls to make to confirm reservations and catering and all that boring crap. But I’m thinking we should sleep off the tornado first? Then we can divvy up responsibilities and get as much done as possible during whatever’s left of the ‘work’ day.”
“Look at us, being all business-y,” Killian smirked, his eyes practically twinkling with pride.
“Killian, I can still smell the vodka seeping out your pores. We’re not exactly in the running for Power Team of the Year.”
“Oh, darling, if there’s anything I learned at Uni, it’s that the important stuff is even greater an accomplishment when you do so while still having fun. ‘Work hard; play hard,’ right?”
“OK, but I’m getting too old to play quite that hard. It was fun, but once we’re on that train I’m going to be out of commission for quite a while.”
“Worth it though?”
She scooted over their bags and took the iPad off his lap, sliding herself into its place. “Always worth it.” She kissed him just passionately enough to convey her feelings – but held herself back so as to keep them from making a scene. (Again.)
Wasn’t time supposed to pass more bloody quickly when you were busy?
They’d been on this damned smelly train for what felt like three days already. When it reality it had been only five hours.
They’d slept the first two, but the rails were bumpy or shaky and there was an odd amount of non-mechanical noise considering it was quite early in the morning and it was a long trip. There was a pack of excited schoolkids somewhere prattling on about the goings on of high school. And a couple of businessmen were making slews of phone calls. And a woman toward the front of the car seemed to be playing therapist to her sister who may or may not have slept with her boss and her boss’s cousin? It would have been mildly entertaining if Killian had been at all wanting to be in the world of the living.
Emma was even crankier about it all. He’d gotten out her headphones and she’d shoved them in her ears so hard she might have sustained ear drum damage, but neither of them could get back to sleep, so with the sun still low in the Eastern sky, they started their work.
Emma had made calls and crafted innumerable emails. Killian had checked in with the most recent clients to make sure everything had been satisfactory and to encourage them to write a review. He scheduled a few drafts for the Instagram posts he wanted to put up between now and when he was traveling to take care of the insurance and ownership stuff. It had been three solid hours of getting shit done like procrastinators before a deadline… but when it came down to it, their deadline wasn’t approaching all that fast. Their destination wasn’t approaching all that fast. The only thing that seemed imminent was their combined loss of sanity.
So they agreed to take a little breather. They played some HangMan. Some Alphabet Game. Some Name that Tune and Guess the Celeb and even some I Spy – which didn’t go so well in the spans of uninhabited land.  They finally resorted to playing a few phone apps until their eyes were bugging out from the lack of sleep and excessive screen time. And all that had taken…
Two hours.
They were never going to survive this.
It was so good to be spending time with Killian. It was. And they’d been so productive! And had a bit of fun, too.
But lord help her, Emma was about to go to jail for hitting a teenager with his own selfie stick (who even used those anymore?!). She was hungover, tired, and irritable. She was still angry at herself for her inability to keep it in her pants in an airport. And she was deeply thankful for the previous day’s wonderful adventures but sadly those moments were in the past and her present and near future were all mumbling kids and rigid, uncomfortable seats, and trying desperately not to take out any of her frustration on poor Killian who didn’t deserve any of it.
(He’d been her punching bag before and she refused to let that happen again. Not for anything, but especially not when he was suffering just the same as her.)
After Killian had (seemingly intentionally) lost their last life on Candy Blast Mania, Emma took her phone back and put it in her pocket, reaching back over Killian to put away all their other devices and notebooks and any real sign of business.
Deep breath. (This could go badly.)
“Let’s play hypothetical future.”
“Yeah. Like pillow talk. But, you know, ugly train cushion talk.”
Killian looked half-terrified, which was probably fair. They didn’t talk much about the future. And he’d always been justifiably afraid of her castle-like walls and overstepping and scaring her into bolting.
But that wasn’t her. Not anymore.
“You sure you want to open that door?”
“Babe, I think once you’re on the no-fly list together, you’re pretty solidly in it. Just saying.”
“OK, soooo. Where would you live? If you could choose anywhere.”
“Probably some tiny-ass cottage in the woods away from people like in Snow White. But I’d hire seven servants to cook me food instead of the other way around.”
“What, you don’t trust me to feed you?” Killian quirked his eyebrow adorably, and her heart skipped like she was a twelve year-old sitting next to her crush on the school field trip.
“Oh, they’d feed you, too. We’d be busy doing other things.”
“Other things?”
“Running businesses. Getting kicked out of more places for indecency. The usual. Where would you want to live?”
“Other than on my ship? Probably back in Ireland. It’s breathtaking there. You know I spent most of my childhood in England, but I did have some family near Dublin and I was totally in love. Thought about going there during a few of my darker moments, but I thought that was a place better saved for happier times.”
“Look at you having optimism!” Emma squeezed his cheeks and he scowled at her in return.
“Well, good thing I did or I’d have never found you.” His eyes were bloodshot and so very tired, but she could still see the sincerity there (nothing hypothetical about that).
“I don’t know. I’ve never been very optimistic and I still found you.”
“Nah. You had it on the inside all along. I know you well enough to know that much.”
Instead of answering, Emma tucked her head under his chin, hugging him as closely as she could in the cramped, shaky train seat. “Maybe.”
The hours passed much more quickly – and far less painfully – as they named their hypothetical dogs and bought their hypothetical cars and planned their hypothetical vacations. It was soothing to sink into the world of fantasy closely enough related to reality to believe it all could be true in some nebulous someday.
(Hopefully one not too distantly in the future, if Killian had anything to say about it.)
More than once he thought of bringing up their business partnership, of telling her about his intentions to make that far more official – but then he remembered exactly who he was talking to. Emma was soothed by the fantasy part of their pillow talk, of the ability to be honest without it really mattering since it wasn’t imminently real. If he were to have broken that fantasy with talks of actual upcoming real-ness, she very well might have snapped.
(Another part of him, the hopeful part, probably, whispered that she might have been perfectly fine with it. That telling her now might have been the better choice for Future Killian if he didn’t want Future Emma to hate him. But he ignored that hopeful bastard living somewhere deep in his chest and just kept on laughing about Emma’s list of retirement plans, one of which involved raising goats and another being an investigator for Interpol.)
That evening they had a couple hours to kill in a transfer, so they feasted on burgers and absolutely no alcohol, walking around for as long as possible afterward to combat the stiffness in their sore legs. The next train was larger, more comfortable, and for that they were endlessly grateful. They could stretch out as they typed away on their laptops, working on some more business stuff before the time came to sleep.
It wasn’t the worst night’s sleep he’d ever had – at least he’d been afforded the opportunity to sleep the whole night, unlike the previous one – but he slept fitfully, having odd nightmares about tortured baby bears and malls that were booby trapped with IEDs. Emma seemed to have gotten slightly more deep sleep than him, her bright smile oddly radiant when he finally opened his eyes.  They pulled out the tray table in front of them (yes, this one actually had some accommodations beyond a toilet and some bags of chips for sale), and less angrily got to work.
 The next two days passed much the same: sleeping, eating, playing Boggle on their phones, watching movies, and planning out details of their upcoming excursions. Emma had been a miracle worker, getting their schedule almost totally solidified for the summer. She’d worked around all the other community camps to make sure they had the potential for good turnout. She’d partnered with the local daycares and even a Vacation Bible School to have different little outings specifically for them outside of the public camps. Killian had never known Emma to be a particularly religious person, but her enthusiasm at planning how to turn his “pirate” ship into Noah’s Ark was nothing short of adorable – especially when she squealed over the possibility that one of Mary Margaret’s friends might even be able to bring a few animals to the ship for the day, so long as Emma was OK with having to clean their messes.
It’s not like the three days passed quickly necessarily. But they passed without torture. The West Coast slowly but surely became the East Coast and a very tired and sore Emma and Killian were hailing an Uber to take them from the train station to the airport – just so they could pick up the car and keep on driving back home.
It was probably 3am when they finally pulled into the tiny parking lot of their shabby little apartment building. Emma had drank about five cups of coffee and was still on her last leg. And Killian had been using one of his “pirate” rings from his luggage to pinch himself conscious.
 It had been a long fucking journey, but they were finally home to sleep in their bed.
Well, one of their beds, anyway.
The exhaustion was so deep, he didn’t even pay attention to which door he unlocked or where he threw his bags (and hers) – he only knew that for the first time in four days, he and his love were finally sleeping in a damn bed. And nothing had ever felt so good.
When Emma woke up, Killian was already gone.
She knew that had been the plan. The reason they’d had to take the marathon of trains home in the first place was because Killian had an appointment he’d had to get to. But Emma had assumed he’d wake her up in the morning – intentionally or otherwise – so she could at least see him off. But no, she’d slept until almost noon and he was probably already waiting at the insurance guy’s office and she was left to make breakfast all by herself.
The quiet was oddly comforting, after several days of absolutely no privacy.
Emma decided on something simple for breakfast – a pair of Pop-Tarts and a nice large mug of coffee – and some Netflix to top it off. There were new Kimmy Schmidt episodes to watch, but Killian wouldn’t forgive her cheating if she watched without him, so she put on an old crime procedural and just zoned out.
It was at least three episodes in before she realized something odd. There wasn’t actually any reason she couldn’t have gone with Killian now. She’d gone into Wonder Woman mode on the business planning and everything she’d been slated to take care of while Killian was off having his meetings… well, they were already done. Emma really had nothing to do beyond a few confirmations and details that could have been coordinated from anywhere – and yet Killian hadn’t asked her to go with him. And he knew how productive she’d been.
He was exhausted, just like her. And she hadn’t realized it until he was hours and hours gone. So that’s probably what happened with him, too.
The partners on the screen were having some arguments and tension related to miscommunication and misunderstanding and it was all very cliché for these kinds of shows, but quite honestly it was giving Emma some paranoia, so she switched over to Forensic Files and figured if there was anything on that show that reminded her of her relationship with Killian… well, let’s just say that meant she had bigger problems.
She texted him after a case involving a footprint in a hamburger bun, and he texted back a few emojis and exclamations of disbelief. He tried to call her a half hour later, but of course that happened to be when she was in the shower.
So she tried to call him back, but it turned out he’d had another meeting that day and he was in a dead zone on his way to driving there. He called her once he had service and they talked for a couple minutes about some hilarious panicking texts Killian had received from David about his impending fatherhood before Killian had to head into the meeting. When he was out of it, he texted Emma asking if it was a good time for him to call her back, but she was out shopping with Mary Margaret for baby items – apparently it was a two-man job since you needed to look up safety ratings and consumer reviews while walking through the store. (Of course, Emma knew why David had made an excuse to get out of that task the second they walked into the store and Mary Margaret started barking like a drill sergeant.)
She texted him when she was relieved of her shopping duties, but Killian had been on the phone with Will – apparently there’d been some issue with Belle? And before Emma could wonder too long about it, Belle showed up at her door asking for a place to stay.
Ten minutes later the wine was poured and the PJs were on and the words were finally flowing. “So the landlord needed me out for just a couple of days because they had to entirely turn off the water. To the whole building! So I just kind of assumed he’d let me stay with him and he panicked and called me a gold-digger or something ridiculous like that. And then accused me of moving too fast! Emma, I literally just wanted to sleep there. Which, by the way, I have done. Many times!” Belle gulped down her very full glass of wine all in one motion. “I wasn’t suggesting anything. I just needed a place to crash. It’s not like it doesn’t… benefit him, if you know what I mean.”
“Yes, Belle, everyone knows what you mean.” Emma good naturedly rolled her eyes at Belle’s attempt at euphemism – it was odd to think of a badass who’s busted up drug rings and organized crime as so innocent at times. But she was sweet down to her core, and truly at a loss for words when it came to Will’s unfortunately predictable behavior.
“Here’s the thing,” Emma started, taking a long breath. “Will’s… kind of like me. He’s been burned before. He was pretty guarded – just in a different way. An assier way if you recall. But that’s what it was. He had walls. And you brought those down! Or at least a lot of them. But now he’s panicked. You stay over after you try half the Kama Sutra and that’s no big deal. But you actually plan to sleep at his house, no post-coital bliss and sleepiness to cover the reality, and his instincts kick back in. I’m not saying it was OK of him to behave that way. I’m just telling you – it’s not you. And I know that sounds cheap and horrible and believe me, I’m down for TPing his place if that’s what would make you feel better. But I think you guys have something good! And I don’t want his knee-jerk reaction make you think he’s only … a jerk, I guess.”
Belle was quiet for a long time, just staring intently at the lipstick stains on her wineglass and the fingerprints she and Emma had both left on the stem. Belle’s brows furrowed and she shook her head like she was trying to erase the memory of the last day and finally she looked back up at Emma. “He’s being an ass and I’m not happy about it. But you’re right. He’s probably just reacting badly because… well, because of the past. I’ll talk to him. You know, after he sweats it a while, right?”
Emma grabbed the wine bottle and they each had just a splash more, before finding a nice revenge movie on Netflix and going to sleep.
He’d only been away from Emma for a little over a day and he was going nuts already. They’d texted a little here and there and had gotten brief little phone calls in between all their obligations and unscheduled craziness (Belle and Will were certainly talk-blockers this time rather than the other thing). He wanted to hear her voice and hold her and just exist for a while.
You know, before he told her that he’d legally signed over half his business to her without her knowledge.
That hopeful part of him had risen up on his drive to the city. It had crawled from the back of his heart right up to the front of his brain and said you idiot I’m not some optimistic fool; I’m actually your fucking voice of reason, dumbass (his voice of reason was apparently very profane now that he’d been so vehemently ignored). And Killian knew it was right, too – Emma was going to be confused as hell at best – and very possibly infuriated at worst. Who gives someone half a business without fucking consulting them first? He was a damn, daft fool who was apparently so afraid of fucking something up that he was inadvertently fucking it up even faster.
Hopefully she’d have some free time when he got home. Hopefully they could cook a meal together and take a walk and make fun of Will & Belle and Dave & Mary Margaret. Hopefully they’d connect and relax and have time to just be themselves before he dropped the goddamn bomb that could put a giant fucking crater in the middle of their relationship.
He’d stopped to get gas about a half hour from home and shot her a text (can’t wait to see your beautiful face, love), but hadn’t gotten a response. She was probably on the phone with Belle or caught up with Netflix or charging her phone in the other room. It was impossible that she was already mad at him for something she didn’t know about yet.
Or could she have found out somehow? His lawyer assured him that they didn’t need her information or signature at that time in order to name her part owner. Could he have sent something to her that was meant for the lawyer? Did he accidentally call and confess in his sleep?
He was so caught up in his worst-case-scenario spiral that he almost missed the fire truck roaring up behind him, its sirens blasting and its lights flashing.
Damn, he was clearly in a pretty deep panic spiral if he almost missed that coming up behind him. He forced a few deep breaths and focused totally on the road – he was only about five miles away, so he’d have the relief of seeing happy, normal, not-yet-mad-at-him Emma in just a few minutes. He could deal for that long.
But less than one song length later, more flashing lights popped up in his rearview mirror. He pulled over by the local golf course as two more fire trucks and three police cars passed him. Jesus, was the whole town burning down or something?
He called out to his phone and triggered the voice dial to call Emma – she’d been with Belle who would obviously have a scanner. She’d know what was going on.
But it went to voicemail.
Emma had always been intrigued by these kinds of things – she’d worked alongside law enforcement, after all. Maybe Belle had gotten called to the scene and Emma had tagged along.
(Killian loved how passionate Emma could be about solving crime, righting wrongs. If they made enough in his/their business endeavor, she really could retire into a life of intelligence briefings and investigating or something.)
He finally saw the smoke when he passed the gas station at the edge of town. It was mostly gray on the outsides with some white puffs throughout, but there was a menacing plume of pure black right in the middle. It was still far off – there were blocks of houses and trees between himself and the smoke – but it was definitely within the town limits. People were gathered all over the place, just staring, pointing, doing what people do when something terrible is occurring (just like what he was doing, in all technicality).
Killian kept driving, curving around the mayor’s house and past the high rise for retirees, across the painted 5K race finish line and through the stretch of Chestnut Street that really needed some renovating.  The smoke was getting closer – he could smell it even though his windows were rolled up – and one more sharp left turn later… that’s when the flames were visible.
As was the building the flames were bursting from.
It was his building.
The whole roof of the three-story building had caved, most of the damage coming from the East side on the second floor. Charred bricks were falling as flames licked up the structure, smoke twirling through unseen tunnels caused by temperature changes and drops in pressure. The windows had blown out on all floors – including the second and third ones back from the front on the first floor, also known as his window and Emma’s.
A blockade was set up about a hundred feet around the building on all sides, so there was no way he’d be able to get to their parking lot to drop his vehicle. Instead of trying to beg his way past the emergency crews, he pulled into a church lot a block or so away and leapt out of the vehicle without so much as locking it behind him. He frantically tapped at his phone, trying to get to his recent calls to just fucking hit redial, but his fingers were shaking so bad he hit the wrong contact twice (sorry Will). He finally tapped the right line, but Emma’s phone just rang and rang, the cheery lilt of her voicemail message grating at him during this very non-cheerful moment.
The bed and breakfast near their apartment didn’t have any caution-taped Do Not Enter warnings, so he sprinted in that direction, ducking under bushes and through swing sets to get to their parking lot without drawing any attention.
Maybe Emma had gone out with Belle. Maybe she’d been far away and wasn’t inside burning with all of Killian’s worldly possessions.
(He couldn’t watch his heart burn. Not again.)
He hoped and he prayed to every God known to Earth, but lo and behold, when he turned the corner to his building’s designated lot, that silly yellow Bug was parked exactly where Emma always left it.
Killian had thought that today’s worst outcome would be living in a world where Emma was mad at him.
It hadn’t crossed his stupid fucking mind that he could wind up living in a world without her.
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aficrecworld · 7 years
Hello! I’m on a Shingeki No Kyojin kick right now so this is a list of recs that I have personally read! Most of them are ereri because it’s my favourite pairing in this fandom! 
Venti Double What? by wasterella All Eren wanted was to go to Starbucks and get his complicated drink in peace. Was that too much to ask? Apparently.
What He Found on the Bookshelf by wasterella   All he had tried to do was grab a book, and everything in his life turned upside down.
These Golden Hours by mybrainproblems  His parents are in Europe and his sister is in Japan; he's been left to his own devices for the summer with a house, a car and unrestricted access to a credit card.Jean finds an ad for Rent-A-Gent and convinces Eren to hire a gent of their own. The first time was a dare, the second a redo, the third because a hurricane went through his living room (don't ask), the fourth... now he's crushing on a man more than twice his age who's making him question a lot of things about life, the universe and everything.
Just Go With It by EvangelineSinclair  Levi was debating if he should just face the humiliation and leave when the chair at his table was yanked out.He looked up to see a gorgeous stranger standing on the other side of his table, taking his coat off. “Fuck, I’m so sorry babe. Traffic was fucking awful, I’m so sorry I’m so late!”Levi stared. “Who the fuck are you?”The waitress was headed back to his table again and the brunette leaned in to whisper, “Just go with it, okay?” When Levi is stood up on a first date, he’s embarrassed beyond words. Luckily, a handsome, bright-eyed stranger decides to take the situation into his own hands.Or, the story where Levi gets stood up-and somehow ends up with a better date than he’d hoped.
Chance by galaxystiel  “So I can bring my date, right?” The words came out before Eren could even attempt to hold them back. He didn’t have a date, what the hell had he said that for?Eren invented himself a boyfriend for a dinner with his friends and his ex-boyfriend. Now he just has to find one, and fast.
Who Are You and Why Are You Naked in My Pool? by VitalCakes Levi walked up to the edge of the pool in time to see a mass of brown hair emerging from the water. He furrowed his brows when his eyes wandered along the boy's body to find that the brat was improperly dressed.In fact, he wasn't dressed at all.“Oh. Hello,” he said, blushing.“Why the hell are you in my pool?”
Timeless by Tamithna for Emiza 2000 years after the Final Battle, a crystallized Eren is woken up by a reincarnated Levi.
The Pain We Call Hope by DarkShadeKristen Time has stopped for Levi, life ceased to move completely. He's been stuck in a moment ever since the tragic night.Frozen.And then one day, his eyes meet bright green and his world starts anew. His heart gets a sudden jolt and time begins to move once again. But does Levi remember what it means to truly live or is it too late to melt his cold heart?Is it frozen? Or maybe it's broken beyond hope?
You Got It Bad by PyroGrape Levi's drug exchange doesn't go as well as planned. In other words, he ends up beaten and bleeding to death in a dirty alleyway. His savoir, which turns out to be a blind florist that goes by the name of Eren Jeager, flips Levi's world around simply when they meet eyes. Bonds are tested and love comes around when the getting is still getting.But Levi only has one question on his mind.How long does it take to court an angel?(This fic will go through some minor changes. It's old, so read at your own risk.)
Empty Handed by sorrows_stark After Erwin leaves, and his and Levi's relationship ends, Levi finds himself feeling more isolated and empty than he thought was possible. He's spiralling downwards and away from the people he held closest. Until one day, in unusual circumstances, he meets a young photographer at the Sina Museum. He's not sure if it's the brat's mischievous smile, the complete awkward dork that he is or those green eyes that draws him in the most, but either way there's something about Eren Jaeger he just can't shake.
Critical by SlayerEnfiniti Alternate Universe - Levi moonlights as a sharp-tongued food critic, Eren is an aspiring chef. Shenanigans.
Point of Interest by HipsterHobbit Levi is a taxi driver in Trost city, when his usual Saturday night is shaken up when a drunken Eren falls into his taxi with his friends. After a few chance meetings a relationship starts to form between the unlikely pair.
Wake Up by Emiza Eren dreamwalks in his sleep and invades people’s dreams by accident. He usually can avoid alerting the dreamer of his presence, but one day he’s caught by a mysterious man whose touch feels like fire. However, the man only thinks of Eren as a figment of his imagination.Based on Porcelain-Blue's wonderful idea.
Shingeki Ink by hellaradical Eren Jaeger decided he wants people to wear his artwork. As his first step to becoming a well off tattoo artist, he attempts to land an apprenticeship with world famous tattoo artist, Levi Ravaille. Eren follows Levi through the daily life of being a famous tattoo artist and owning a very popular ink parlor in New York City. Tattooing isn't the only thing Eren falls in love with.
Eyes of Gold by shingekicorn In which eyes see more than that of a normal human being, and humanity has more than one advantage over the giants who threaten their existence.One boy who sees through the sands of time and gives premonitions, and one who sees past the veil of death to act as a messenger for the fallen.
Shattered Façade by kylar After being disowned by his homophobic father during his senior year of high school, Eren's only option was to move in with his boyfriend, Reiner. But Reiner soon became possessive and controlling of Eren, and it turned into an abusive relationship. Five years later, Reiner's control over Eren is complete, until one night they meet a detective who will shatter Eren's happy façade.
Wrong Number by screwtodayimsleeping Eren gets a wrong number, but ends up with something more than he anticipated.
The only time I feel good falling is when I'm falling fast and hard for you by SailorHeichou   He started out as just some random guy who sat next to him on a park bench one cloudy afternoon. The day Freshman in high school, Eren Jaeger, met college student Levi Ackerman was the day Eren's life would change forever.
For Your Entertainment by SailorHeichou 22 year old Eren Jaeger is a stripper at Club Rose and a damn good one at that. He takes his job seriously and loves the attention it gets him. Not to mention the pay ain't so bad. When his usual client and boss, Dot Pixis, requests him to personally perform for his VIP group of colleagues Eren will meet the workaholic, sexually frustrated Levi who can't help but want to make Eren his by the end of the night.Problem is, with a clingy ex boyfriend always coming around begging for sex and a particularly handsome bouncer constantly asking for dates, throw in some commitment issues, past drug addictions and a shit past always coming to bite him in the ass, Eren might not be so easy to win over. Can Levi somehow convince this broken boy that he could be the one to fix him?
Leave Your Lover by SailorHeichou Levi is a 30 year old divorced Chef who works at his best friend's restaurant. An ex military Sergeant, Levi lives his life according to a strict routine. One day, his strict schedule is thrown off when a mysterious cat makes it's way into his apartment from the open Balcony. When Levi hears it's owner knocking on his door, he wasn't aware that his life would be turned upside down and all because of this boy standing in his doorway with the biggest, brightest green eyes he'd ever seen and his name is Eren Jaeger.The story in which Levi doesn't know he's gay and is in denial about it until a certain bright eyed boy moves in next door and steals his heart. The only problem is... he's got a boyfriend.
Haute Couture Love by SailorHeichou Eren Jaeger is sharp, determined and hard working but doesn't consider himself beautiful or good looking in the least. When he lands his dream job, working at Survey Corp Publications as the Executive Assistant to a high-end Fashion magazine's Editor-in-Chief, his life is turned Topsy-Turvy. All he wants to do is work hard to become an Editor, but his boss Levi seems keen on making his life a living hell.Levi is a notorious playboy who gets what he wants both in and out of the bedroom. As Editer-in-Chief of New York's best selling high-end Fashion Magazine, Levi is forced to work with an overly determined, hot-headed brat with a rat's nest for hair and the most incredible eyes he's ever seen and it's all because of Erwin Smith.
Don't Reach For The Moon by SailorHeichou Eren Jaeger is the young son of the Ackerman family's chauffeur, Grisha, and he has been in love with Jean all his life. Jean is an idle playboy who has never noticed Eren, much to his and the household staff's dismay. Eren then attends school in Germany, and he returns home as an attractive and sophisticated young man. Jean is quickly drawn to him despite his recent engagement.Jean's workaholic older brother, Levi, sees this and fears that Jean's imminent engagement may be endangered. If the engagement is broken off, it would ruin a great corporate deal. Levi realizes he can only do one thing to save his merger. He must get Eren to fall in love with him instead.
Undercover Lover by SimplyTsundere FBI Agent Eren Jaeger goes undercover into The Legion, a notorious group running drugs through the city of New Orleans, to avenge the death of his best friend and partner. How will his life change when he realizes that sometimes things aren't always as black and white as they seem?[Prologue Added March 30th, 2016][Edit/Rewrite In Progress 5/30]
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apexart-journal · 3 years
Tasha Dougé, Day 7
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Good Morning.  I was legit trying to finish these posts since this the weekend.  However, technology made that quite difficult.  I clearly have been taking a bunch of pictures and completely filled my phone up.  If this has happened to you before, the “no space” window that comes up is more than a nuisance.  I was not able to create these images or anything else without freeing up space.  That is what I’ve been doing for the past couple of days.  But that is in the past and we are here now.  Here is what happened on day 7.
I was supposed to leave the apartment by 11am, but it was more like 11:30ish.  (The schedule did say a late morning.)  The directions said to take the R to City Hall and then catch the free Downtown Connection shuttle that stops at Murray and Broadway.  I searched and roamed the area looking for a bus stop and found nothing.  I walked up to the booth behind the gate at City Hall.  One of the cops approached me and asked if I needed help.  I asked if he knew where to catch the free Downtown Connection bus.  Surprised, but not really, he had no clue what I was talking about.  Then he proceeded to tell me that he had worked there for 10 years and that he never saw the bus or heard of it.  Did he just put me is the tourist box?!?  Oh heck NO!!  I had to let him know that I AM a native New Yorker.  I told him that I was given instructions and that the bus existed (even though, I was starting to feel like I was on a wild goose chase).  He was absolutely useless to me at this point.  I texted Abbie (the fellowship Program Director) saying that there was no Downtown Connection bus.  No response...and none needed.  The good Lord and Ancestors must have felt my rising frustration because it that moment of arrrrggggghhhh, the bus/van showed up in all of its Firetruck Red Realness with the words Downtown Connection written in white across the side.  Thank You and Thank Goodness!!  Unfortunately because I had to make a quick dash across the street to catch it and I didn’t have the opportunity to show the cop the bus really exists.  10 years at the same post and he missed this big red vehicle.  My thoughts on that would be a whole other post.  So I am going to leave that right there and move forward because the day got back on track.
During the ride to my next destination, I was asking myself why didn’t I know about this bus?  You can be a native and still not know a hell of a lot and that has been confirmed through this whole journey.  The stops are not clear or marked, so if you don’t know or have the map, you will miss it.  I got off my stop and walked to the Irish Hunger Memorial.  As I approached it, it just looks like an area of grasslands.  I felt like Stonehenge was nearby.  However, when you walk around, it reveals itself to be so much more.  Words, stories, and history line the walls and there was a voice sharing them overhead.  I had no idea about the Great Irish Hunger, in which about one million starved to death between 1845 - 1852 due to policies imposed by the British.  No words.  The memorial also speaks to hunger and famine on a global scale.  I wanted to learn more, but the app is unavailable for android users.  RUDE.  After a walk throughout the whole space, my Samsung and I grabbed something to eat and went to the park to reflect.  
I was given some prompts.  How has it been away from my apt/studio, have I thought about my art, what has my mindset been around the activities, what has surprised me and such?  Being away from home and the studio has been fine.  But baby, there have definitely been times where it was difficult to turn off the things that were inspiring me to make art.  I have quite a few things waiting for me in the parking lot.  Staten Island was a surprise for me and has piqued my curiosity for sure.  Thus far, this journey hasn’t taught me anything new about NYC.  Rather, it has affirmed that there is so much that NYC has to offer and that there is always something more to learn.  I love this place.  Now off to the Empire State Building.
I think the last time I was here, I was in elementary school.  Yall, do the math cuz I’m 40 now.  Lol.  This time was different.  Not only am I much older and can appreciate it more, I was gifted with an executive pass for the day.  That meant I got to skip lines and walk down red carpets.  To be clear, there weren’t that many people there.  There was one group that tried to follow me onto the red carpet and I had to let them know it was for executive pass holders only.  It felt like a VIP moment, but there wasn’t a lot of glitz and glam.  When I reached the exhibitions, I noticed that the express lane was a bit watered down.  Nothing but pictures on the wall.  However, the other side was rich and robust with sketches, history, 3D models and interactive components.  I asked the attendant to make sure my assessment was correct and they confirmed my suspicions.  So with that, I ditched the express lane and fully submerged myself in all of ESB’s glory.  There was so much to take in, but the piece on teamwork really stood out.  The placard read, “TEAMWORK: The high-altitude rivet teams performed dangerous work and fully relied upon one another to get the job done.  If a member were absent, the team would not work.”  Wow and more WOW!  Think about that for a sec.  Imagine what work culture would be like now if this was still held up to be true.  Indispensable where?  The level of value one would feel is beyond what our current society knows.  It makes sense as to why and how the Empire State Building was built in record time. Trust and value were core the vision.  And to know I would have missed this if I stayed on the express lane.  It makes me think about the quote, “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”  Together, lets continue with upward and forward.  That was floor 80.  Next stops are floors 86 & 102.   
The view is spectacular from the 86 floor.  Aside from the view outside, the view inside is just as spectacular.  That is thanks to the artistry of renowned artist Stephen Wiltshire.  In 2017, he took at 45 minute helicopter ride around the city and in five days drew the landscape, including the ESB, from memory.  And he did that in front of a live audience in the Observatory.  The walls are now lined with the replica of his work.  Come through with the Black Excellence!  The only thing that could top that is the top of the Empire State Building.  I have never been and this is where the Executive pass came through.  Others would have to upgrade their tickets.  So this was a perk.  In a flash, I went from 86 to 102 and it makes a world of difference.  Listen folks.  For my 30th birthday, I jumped out a plane.  15,000 feet above ground and I wasn’t nervous at all.  However, that wasn’t the case here.  There is something about heights and stillness that always reminds you that you are in a ménage-à-trois with gravity.  I eased my way to the edge and stared out in awe and wonder and gratitude.  In awe of what has been made and the people who made it, in wonder of the person(s) with the vision to dream of such a marvel, and gratitude to be in a position to take it all in and question. 
Shoutout to attendants Alfredo, Sophia and Jere.  It was a pleasure talking to them and sharing laughs.  They are there to guide us, but they have stories too.  And now they are a part of mine. I told Sophia if I decide to go bungee-jumping, that I would come back and tell her all about it.  Visiting the Empire State Building reminded me that as a native NYer, I should carve out time to relish in all the marvels she has to offer.  I got you NYC.  Note:  The opening of the ESB happened on May 30th and Patti LaBelle was born May 24.  That means I am in good Gemini company. 
Last but not least, Trivia and Karaoke!  If you know me, then you know.  I love trivia and I legit have my own Karaoke mic.  This was a fundraiser for CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities.  Teams had already been established, but I learned a lot from the trivia and the Karaoke contest was hilarious.  I appreciated the trivia that spoke the connection to other communities, including Black communities.  There was a wealth of resources shared in the chat and I was able to tie what I learned from the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) to the conversation.  It felt great to apply what I have learned in real time.  It only affirms for me how much of this process I have taken in.  
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keithkclair · 5 years
Annual Events In Miami, FL
The South Florida location always has the same buzz it has at the beginning of the New Year at the end of the year. Little wonder why the people of Miami Florida and the visitors are always keen to be part of its activities and drama as they unfold. The city of Miami, Florida has been known for its glamorous lifestyle and the mix of cultural diversity which is largely due to the number of visitors at every point in the year. Little wonder why there is one event or another to attend in this second-ranked tourism hub just after the equally beautiful city of New York in the United States of America. The number of annual activities and glamorous events that are being done in the city of Miami Florida attract different people from far and wide. These events are one of the major reasons why the city of Miami Florida is one of the most visited locations in south Florida. As the saying goes, whatever happens in Miami, stays in Miami. Coupled with fine weather, sparkling beaches and a city that never sleeps, here are some of the most attended annual events in the city of Miami South Florida. Look at – Miami SEO.
Miami Broward Carnival
The city of Miami is nicknamed the Latin capital of the world for certain reasons, aside from its Cuban flavored meals. The vast majority of South Americans that have now come to call Miami home and hot Cuban coffees, the Miami Broward Carnival is part of the reasons why the nickname was given to the city of Miami, Florida. With the carnival, you really do not have to travel to Argentina or Brazil to get the best carnival experience. And you also know for sure that no one does it better than the way it is being done in the city of Miami Florida. The Miami Broward Carnival is a carnival that brings all the Caribbean vibes down to the city of Miami. With a lot of participants from around the world in attendance, the carnival is one of the most attended events not just only by the Miami locals but by visitors from around the world. The concert offers showcases practically everything from costume to art display. Don’t be surprised if you also catch your favorite artist performing live at the concert as there is also a live concert. Not forgetting the cooking competition for a variety of dishes to recreate culturally rich dishes. The kids as well will also have a swell time as there is fun and entertainment specially organized for the kids in attendance. The carnival is one of the avenues where you can try out culturally reach Caribbean dishes and traditionally old-fashioned flavored cocktails. This event is usually organized in October of every year at the famous Miami Dade county fairground. Usually, the preparations for the event go on for days but the main event starts and runs from 11 am in the morning to 11 pm in the night.
Miami International Boat Show
If you are going to Miami, one of the major thing you would want to do is go to the southern beachside to sunbath. But after that, you might also like to go to the Miami international boat show to see over 3000 boats on display. If you have ever thought about getting a boat or interested in boats in general, then this show is for you. The boat show usually runs for days typically in the month of February. Well, like they say, the sea is big enough for everyone, the exhibition takes up thousands of attendees who are set up at different locations on the beach. The exhibition is usually comprised of beautiful yachts, speedboats, sailboats, power boats, catamarans, racing boats and so on. Of course, these sea vessels are accompanied by their owners or caretakers so you can pop on to ask a question or two if at all you have any. One thing you can be sure of is that some of the sea vessels may have parties going on in them as the exhibition is going on. Well, like they usually say, no city does it better than the city of Miami.
Art Deco Weekend Festival
The art deco weekend festival is one of the most celebrated annual events in the city of Miami Florida as it brings about the appreciation of the magnificent structures. These structures which are styles of building that have been around between 1925 to 1940 period. These unique structures and designs are quite familiar to the city as there is always something glamorous attached to the city. The show which is usually held mid-January draws more than half a million interested people to the weekend festival which goes on for days. These string of events have over 80 events that are usually being organized during this period. Which better area to organize such event than the Lummus Park and just around 11th street and most likely ocean drive. Amongst other interesting events that are usually done during this period are a live performance, dog promenade and varieties of kids entertainment. These and more are parts of the build-up to kickstart the event.
Beach Polo World Cup
Typically in April of every year, the Miami Beach polo world cup is usually held on the south beach of South Florida. The city of Miami always plays host to one of the most anticipated tournaments which always comes with its vibe and a different category of the crowd. Of course, there are a number of category for this tournament. Some for charity while others are for glory. Not to take the glory away from the sports itself, Polo is one of the historic sports which holds its enthusiast in awe whenever it is being played. For those that are really interested in the game of polo or want to learn about how to play, well this is an excellent opportunity. The organizers of these events usually post the schedule of the games online so as to allow people and enthusiasts alike the chance to plan ahead. For the charity polo match, it is played to raise money for non-profit charitable organizations that will be donated to. This is achieved by selling tickets to the people that are going to be attending the program. There are usually regular tickets and VIP tickets for the polo matches. Although the show is gradually becoming an annual show, there is usually enough food and drinks to enjoy during the tournament. For the tournament schedule, they are most likely afternoon kickoff.
Gay Beach Parade
This is another festival that is widely attended annually in the city of Miami. The gay people from all over the world gather to celebrate wholeheartedly on the south Florida beach. This festival is one of the largest gatherings of the LGBTQ community in the whole wide world. In April of every year, the city of Miami is the most sort after location for the LGBTQ community has there are a lot of fun and games in this festival for them at this period of time. Since the beginning of this event back in 2009, the LGBTQ communities and its supporters come out in mass to grace this occasion. More than 100,000 people are usually in attendance for this event. Starting with the ocean drive street parade to the rainbow color illumination of the building, the whole week of celebration in April is usually packed with activities. Also among the line-up of the event is the actual beach parties with world-famous DJs, fancy museum soirees and other fancy drag entertainments.
Coconut Groove Art Festival
The creative space in the southern district of Florida always lights up the city of Miami anytime it’s the period to celebrate the coconut grove art festival. With a lot of arts, fashion, live jazz performance and a pool of interested people, the coconut grove art festival is one of the most anticipated events In Miami. During this string of artful and creative events, hundreds of paintings and works of arts are being made exhibited on display for the eager and always impressed audience. There are also art workshops and for the kids present who have an interest in arts and the creative sphere. The event is usually organized during the president’s day weekend at the waterfront. Depending on the sort of event planned out for the day, the festival usually runs from 10 am to 5 pm or 6 pm during the festival. Aside from the artful exhibitions, there are also foods and drinks that could be bought and savored at the event. You can always trust the city of Miami to always bring the party along with them in whatever festival that is being organized.
South Beach Food And Wine Festival
The food and wine festival in the city of Miami is as a result of the love of quality food and drink by the people in the city. The south beach food and wine festival usually come up in February of every year to savor the rich food and drinks prepared. Different classes of chefs fly in from all around the world to participate in this event with other foodies alike. There are usually sake tasting and lots of wines and beverages to feast on during this festival. Usually, this event is sponsored by food channels and cooking networks, it most times consists of a variety of well thought about programs. Programs like tasting and food exhibitions, cooking competition, dinners and brunch, late parties, trade seminars and a whole lot more. Asides all the put together events, there are also other things to look forward to when attending the food and wine festival. There are amazing bars and restaurants well positioned around the city of Miami you would definitely like to visit. For one, the Bars and chain is a very nice place to visit for your amazing Cuban dishes with carefully made cocktail drinks to pair. This also comes with spirited salsa dancing and jazz music to go with it. There also is Gramps, this bar offers a variety of fun activities to do aside its amazing food and drinks. The outdoor tiki bar and its old-school video shack is always one of the places people love to visit. That is aside from the mismatched furniture arrangement that is already becoming a sort of tourist attraction these days. These and more are part of the reasons why these food and drink festivals are widely celebrated in the city of Miami.
Art Basel Festival
The art Basel is one of the annually celebrated events in the city of Miami. The Wynwood art district is always parked full around December in celebration of contemporary art and artists from all over the world. This yearly exhibition is a contemporary art event which features a lot of exhibited works of art from various artists. It also involves a lot of partying and fun fairs all over the city of Miami. With art exhibitions that majorly feature high-quality paintings, artful sculpturing, photography, renaissance and modern contemporary arts in general. It is also a pool of knowledge where you can get a vast amount of knowledge about various techniques to use while painting or sculpturing your own piece of art. All the art exhibition usually takes place at the main exhibition hall where the exhibited arts could be bought or sold.
Holtz Children’s Hospital Art Festival
This is yet another festival of arts which is usually celebrated on the grounds of the University of Miami. It is a two-day event which bring together more than 250 artists from all over the world to exhibit their work of art. The 60+ years event is recognized as one of the major annual events that is widely attended in the beautiful city of Miami. Asides the number of artworks on display, there are also other forms of entertainment that are usually associated with the event. You can also trust that there are food and drinks to go alongside all the artwork exhibition. These and more are part of the reason why the Holtz children’s hospital art festival is usually attended by a pool of people annually.
Half And Full Miami Marathon
The other marathons around the world are nothing compared to the Miami marathon. This annual event which is usually organized in late January and early February and is being participated in by more than 20,000 long distance runners. Of course, this event is open to all interested people who want to participate in the annual event. Since 2003, this event has been pooling together thousands of people and they all have high hopes of emerging as winners of the marathon. The distance is a breathtaking and high endurance course through the street and beaches of the city of Miami. Trust me when I say, running on the beach is no easy task at all even for world-renowned marathon runners. The barrier islands and four bridge crossings are also part of the places that have to be crossed to get to the finish line of the race. Aside just running in the competition, the marathon also serves as a form of qualifier for the Boston marathon qualification race.
Miami International Film Festival
The film festival is over 30 years old and an annual event in the city of Miami. In the month of March every year, people from all over the world come together to celebrate the Ibero American film festival. The Miami international film festival averages a crowd of about 70,000 participants from around the world to the festival for an amazing catalogue of events. You can almost be sure of a large number of celebrity actors and actresses in attendance to further make the event a sure success. This event is also a showcase of talent, movie producers, industry professionals and so on. On exhibition at the international film festival is some of the best-made movies from all around the world.
Jazz In The Garden
This is another annual event that could be looked forward to by the locals and the visitors in the city of Miami. The event usually holds around mid-march and attracts well over 45,000 participants in wild celebration of jazz music. The jazz in the garden event is one of the highly rated events in all of Miami. The jazz in the garden event has featured lots of big names in the American music entertainment scene. Acts like the much-celebrated Lauryn Hill has been in attendance. Also, acts like Al Jarreau, Charles Wilson and many more have also been in attendance. The jazz music festival is everything you can expect. Of course, there is good jazz music on display and enough food and drinks to go around from the beginning of the event well to the end. This event is already one of the most popular put together events not only in the city of Miami but all of the United States of America. With a lot of merchandise on exhibition, there are also souvenirs to be taken back home from this event.
The MiaCalle Ocho
This is popularly known as Carnival Miami. It is a ten-day put together events in mid-March which is one of the largest street carnivals you can think of. These events average about half a million people from around the world to the event. This event spreads across more than 23 blocks in Little Havana. It is one of the most recognized events in all of Miami and widely attended by a lot of people from around the world. MiaCalle Ocho also features some of the best prepared Cuban meals along with Cuban music which is properly laced up with salsa dancing. It is also ranked in the Guinness book of record as the event with the longest line of conga dancers stretching to 119,986 people in total. Aside from just the city of Miami, MiaCalle Ocho is one of the most attended events in the united states of America.
Veritage Miami
This is another loved event which is done in the city of Miami. It is usually from the 9th to 12th of April annually. It pools together the big giants of the drinks industry. This event pools well over 3000 people who are huge lovers of wine, spirits, food, beers and so on from south Florida and the rest of the world. Noticeable celebrity chefs and wineries are all found attending this annual event which makes it an impressive line-up of events. The four days program is specifically lined up to benefit the South Florida community. Its main focus is the elevation of education, financial stability and the health of the general populace living in the south Florida area of the united states of America. This is done through a series of events like auctioning which are used to raise the necessary funds required.
Fourth Of July Celebration In Miami
The annual celebration of the independence of the United States of America is usually celebrated in grand style in the city of Miami, South Florida. There is a chain of event which is used to celebrate and remember the hard push for independence by the American people. Trust that the Miami people will always do it better, there is the annual Fourth of July music celebration which is usually accompanied by Miami Beach fireworks. For the planned chain of events and the beach fireworks, it is usually free and open for all who wish to join in for the celebration of the independence of the United States of America.
One thing to be certain of is that there will probably be more than one celebration going on in the city of Miami regardless of when you visit. Irrespective of what season or time of the year, the city of Miami which never sleeps is always buzzing about one celebration or the other. With proper planning and preparations, these chain of round-the-year events have never disappointed. They always pull together a chain of interested people from south Florida itself and visitors from around the world.
The post Annual Events In Miami, FL appeared first on Bill Lentis Media.
Annual Events In Miami, FL published first on https://travelbilllentismedia.blogspot.com
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joycepfey · 5 years
Annual Events In Miami, FL
The South Florida location always has the same buzz it has at the beginning of the New Year at the end of the year. Little wonder why the people of Miami Florida and the visitors are always keen to be part of its activities and drama as they unfold. The city of Miami, Florida has been known for its glamorous lifestyle and the mix of cultural diversity which is largely due to the number of visitors at every point in the year. Little wonder why there is one event or another to attend in this second-ranked tourism hub just after the equally beautiful city of New York in the United States of America. The number of annual activities and glamorous events that are being done in the city of Miami Florida attract different people from far and wide. These events are one of the major reasons why the city of Miami Florida is one of the most visited locations in south Florida. As the saying goes, whatever happens in Miami, stays in Miami. Coupled with fine weather, sparkling beaches and a city that never sleeps, here are some of the most attended annual events in the city of Miami South Florida. Look at – Miami SEO.
Miami Broward Carnival
The city of Miami is nicknamed the Latin capital of the world for certain reasons, aside from its Cuban flavored meals. The vast majority of South Americans that have now come to call Miami home and hot Cuban coffees, the Miami Broward Carnival is part of the reasons why the nickname was given to the city of Miami, Florida. With the carnival, you really do not have to travel to Argentina or Brazil to get the best carnival experience. And you also know for sure that no one does it better than the way it is being done in the city of Miami Florida. The Miami Broward Carnival is a carnival that brings all the Caribbean vibes down to the city of Miami. With a lot of participants from around the world in attendance, the carnival is one of the most attended events not just only by the Miami locals but by visitors from around the world. The concert offers showcases practically everything from costume to art display. Don’t be surprised if you also catch your favorite artist performing live at the concert as there is also a live concert. Not forgetting the cooking competition for a variety of dishes to recreate culturally rich dishes. The kids as well will also have a swell time as there is fun and entertainment specially organized for the kids in attendance. The carnival is one of the avenues where you can try out culturally reach Caribbean dishes and traditionally old-fashioned flavored cocktails. This event is usually organized in October of every year at the famous Miami Dade county fairground. Usually, the preparations for the event go on for days but the main event starts and runs from 11 am in the morning to 11 pm in the night.
Miami International Boat Show
If you are going to Miami, one of the major thing you would want to do is go to the southern beachside to sunbath. But after that, you might also like to go to the Miami international boat show to see over 3000 boats on display. If you have ever thought about getting a boat or interested in boats in general, then this show is for you. The boat show usually runs for days typically in the month of February. Well, like they say, the sea is big enough for everyone, the exhibition takes up thousands of attendees who are set up at different locations on the beach. The exhibition is usually comprised of beautiful yachts, speedboats, sailboats, power boats, catamarans, racing boats and so on. Of course, these sea vessels are accompanied by their owners or caretakers so you can pop on to ask a question or two if at all you have any. One thing you can be sure of is that some of the sea vessels may have parties going on in them as the exhibition is going on. Well, like they usually say, no city does it better than the city of Miami.
Art Deco Weekend Festival
The art deco weekend festival is one of the most celebrated annual events in the city of Miami Florida as it brings about the appreciation of the magnificent structures. These structures which are styles of building that have been around between 1925 to 1940 period. These unique structures and designs are quite familiar to the city as there is always something glamorous attached to the city. The show which is usually held mid-January draws more than half a million interested people to the weekend festival which goes on for days. These string of events have over 80 events that are usually being organized during this period. Which better area to organize such event than the Lummus Park and just around 11th street and most likely ocean drive. Amongst other interesting events that are usually done during this period are a live performance, dog promenade and varieties of kids entertainment. These and more are parts of the build-up to kickstart the event.
Beach Polo World Cup
Typically in April of every year, the Miami Beach polo world cup is usually held on the south beach of South Florida. The city of Miami always plays host to one of the most anticipated tournaments which always comes with its vibe and a different category of the crowd. Of course, there are a number of category for this tournament. Some for charity while others are for glory. Not to take the glory away from the sports itself, Polo is one of the historic sports which holds its enthusiast in awe whenever it is being played. For those that are really interested in the game of polo or want to learn about how to play, well this is an excellent opportunity. The organizers of these events usually post the schedule of the games online so as to allow people and enthusiasts alike the chance to plan ahead. For the charity polo match, it is played to raise money for non-profit charitable organizations that will be donated to. This is achieved by selling tickets to the people that are going to be attending the program. There are usually regular tickets and VIP tickets for the polo matches. Although the show is gradually becoming an annual show, there is usually enough food and drinks to enjoy during the tournament. For the tournament schedule, they are most likely afternoon kickoff.
Gay Beach Parade
This is another festival that is widely attended annually in the city of Miami. The gay people from all over the world gather to celebrate wholeheartedly on the south Florida beach. This festival is one of the largest gatherings of the LGBTQ community in the whole wide world. In April of every year, the city of Miami is the most sort after location for the LGBTQ community has there are a lot of fun and games in this festival for them at this period of time. Since the beginning of this event back in 2009, the LGBTQ communities and its supporters come out in mass to grace this occasion. More than 100,000 people are usually in attendance for this event. Starting with the ocean drive street parade to the rainbow color illumination of the building, the whole week of celebration in April is usually packed with activities. Also among the line-up of the event is the actual beach parties with world-famous DJs, fancy museum soirees and other fancy drag entertainments.
Coconut Groove Art Festival
The creative space in the southern district of Florida always lights up the city of Miami anytime it’s the period to celebrate the coconut grove art festival. With a lot of arts, fashion, live jazz performance and a pool of interested people, the coconut grove art festival is one of the most anticipated events In Miami. During this string of artful and creative events, hundreds of paintings and works of arts are being made exhibited on display for the eager and always impressed audience. There are also art workshops and for the kids present who have an interest in arts and the creative sphere. The event is usually organized during the president’s day weekend at the waterfront. Depending on the sort of event planned out for the day, the festival usually runs from 10 am to 5 pm or 6 pm during the festival. Aside from the artful exhibitions, there are also foods and drinks that could be bought and savored at the event. You can always trust the city of Miami to always bring the party along with them in whatever festival that is being organized.
South Beach Food And Wine Festival
The food and wine festival in the city of Miami is as a result of the love of quality food and drink by the people in the city. The south beach food and wine festival usually come up in February of every year to savor the rich food and drinks prepared. Different classes of chefs fly in from all around the world to participate in this event with other foodies alike. There are usually sake tasting and lots of wines and beverages to feast on during this festival. Usually, this event is sponsored by food channels and cooking networks, it most times consists of a variety of well thought about programs. Programs like tasting and food exhibitions, cooking competition, dinners and brunch, late parties, trade seminars and a whole lot more. Asides all the put together events, there are also other things to look forward to when attending the food and wine festival. There are amazing bars and restaurants well positioned around the city of Miami you would definitely like to visit. For one, the Bars and chain is a very nice place to visit for your amazing Cuban dishes with carefully made cocktail drinks to pair. This also comes with spirited salsa dancing and jazz music to go with it. There also is Gramps, this bar offers a variety of fun activities to do aside its amazing food and drinks. The outdoor tiki bar and its old-school video shack is always one of the places people love to visit. That is aside from the mismatched furniture arrangement that is already becoming a sort of tourist attraction these days. These and more are part of the reasons why these food and drink festivals are widely celebrated in the city of Miami.
Art Basel Festival
The art Basel is one of the annually celebrated events in the city of Miami. The Wynwood art district is always parked full around December in celebration of contemporary art and artists from all over the world. This yearly exhibition is a contemporary art event which features a lot of exhibited works of art from various artists. It also involves a lot of partying and fun fairs all over the city of Miami. With art exhibitions that majorly feature high-quality paintings, artful sculpturing, photography, renaissance and modern contemporary arts in general. It is also a pool of knowledge where you can get a vast amount of knowledge about various techniques to use while painting or sculpturing your own piece of art. All the art exhibition usually takes place at the main exhibition hall where the exhibited arts could be bought or sold.
Holtz Children’s Hospital Art Festival
This is yet another festival of arts which is usually celebrated on the grounds of the University of Miami. It is a two-day event which bring together more than 250 artists from all over the world to exhibit their work of art. The 60+ years event is recognized as one of the major annual events that is widely attended in the beautiful city of Miami. Asides the number of artworks on display, there are also other forms of entertainment that are usually associated with the event. You can also trust that there are food and drinks to go alongside all the artwork exhibition. These and more are part of the reason why the Holtz children’s hospital art festival is usually attended by a pool of people annually.
Half And Full Miami Marathon
The other marathons around the world are nothing compared to the Miami marathon. This annual event which is usually organized in late January and early February and is being participated in by more than 20,000 long distance runners. Of course, this event is open to all interested people who want to participate in the annual event. Since 2003, this event has been pooling together thousands of people and they all have high hopes of emerging as winners of the marathon. The distance is a breathtaking and high endurance course through the street and beaches of the city of Miami. Trust me when I say, running on the beach is no easy task at all even for world-renowned marathon runners. The barrier islands and four bridge crossings are also part of the places that have to be crossed to get to the finish line of the race. Aside just running in the competition, the marathon also serves as a form of qualifier for the Boston marathon qualification race.
Miami International Film Festival
The film festival is over 30 years old and an annual event in the city of Miami. In the month of March every year, people from all over the world come together to celebrate the Ibero American film festival. The Miami international film festival averages a crowd of about 70,000 participants from around the world to the festival for an amazing catalogue of events. You can almost be sure of a large number of celebrity actors and actresses in attendance to further make the event a sure success. This event is also a showcase of talent, movie producers, industry professionals and so on. On exhibition at the international film festival is some of the best-made movies from all around the world.
Jazz In The Garden
This is another annual event that could be looked forward to by the locals and the visitors in the city of Miami. The event usually holds around mid-march and attracts well over 45,000 participants in wild celebration of jazz music. The jazz in the garden event is one of the highly rated events in all of Miami. The jazz in the garden event has featured lots of big names in the American music entertainment scene. Acts like the much-celebrated Lauryn Hill has been in attendance. Also, acts like Al Jarreau, Charles Wilson and many more have also been in attendance. The jazz music festival is everything you can expect. Of course, there is good jazz music on display and enough food and drinks to go around from the beginning of the event well to the end. This event is already one of the most popular put together events not only in the city of Miami but all of the United States of America. With a lot of merchandise on exhibition, there are also souvenirs to be taken back home from this event.
The MiaCalle Ocho
This is popularly known as Carnival Miami. It is a ten-day put together events in mid-March which is one of the largest street carnivals you can think of. These events average about half a million people from around the world to the event. This event spreads across more than 23 blocks in Little Havana. It is one of the most recognized events in all of Miami and widely attended by a lot of people from around the world. MiaCalle Ocho also features some of the best prepared Cuban meals along with Cuban music which is properly laced up with salsa dancing. It is also ranked in the Guinness book of record as the event with the longest line of conga dancers stretching to 119,986 people in total. Aside from just the city of Miami, MiaCalle Ocho is one of the most attended events in the united states of America.
Veritage Miami
This is another loved event which is done in the city of Miami. It is usually from the 9th to 12th of April annually. It pools together the big giants of the drinks industry. This event pools well over 3000 people who are huge lovers of wine, spirits, food, beers and so on from south Florida and the rest of the world. Noticeable celebrity chefs and wineries are all found attending this annual event which makes it an impressive line-up of events. The four days program is specifically lined up to benefit the South Florida community. Its main focus is the elevation of education, financial stability and the health of the general populace living in the south Florida area of the united states of America. This is done through a series of events like auctioning which are used to raise the necessary funds required.
Fourth Of July Celebration In Miami
The annual celebration of the independence of the United States of America is usually celebrated in grand style in the city of Miami, South Florida. There is a chain of event which is used to celebrate and remember the hard push for independence by the American people. Trust that the Miami people will always do it better, there is the annual Fourth of July music celebration which is usually accompanied by Miami Beach fireworks. For the planned chain of events and the beach fireworks, it is usually free and open for all who wish to join in for the celebration of the independence of the United States of America.
One thing to be certain of is that there will probably be more than one celebration going on in the city of Miami regardless of when you visit. Irrespective of what season or time of the year, the city of Miami which never sleeps is always buzzing about one celebration or the other. With proper planning and preparations, these chain of round-the-year events have never disappointed. They always pull together a chain of interested people from south Florida itself and visitors from around the world.
The post Annual Events In Miami, FL appeared first on Bill Lentis Media.
Annual Events In Miami, FL published first on https://travelbilllentismedia.tumblr.com
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