#like if you repeat it when talking about someone with it in their url it's not worth raising hell over in the slightest but you cant
menalez · 2 months
i’m getting spammed with anon hate and i honestly don’t think this place is redeemable so im probs not going to be posting for idk how long. radblr has given me less than nothing. since joining radblr, people have overwhelmingly been unbelievably cruel to me.
my first year on radblr, women 1-2 decades older than me viciously harassed me for asking questions as someone not familiar with certain beliefs held here. these women harassed me for months non-stop, posted my full legal name, posted homes neighbouring where i lived in bahrain, and essentially released my private information. i had to threaten them back just in hopes they would leave me alone, which they didn’t really do. they simply stopped posting my name bc they wanted to make me look like im bad for finding one of their names simply by googling her url (her full name was her twitter username). one of the people in that circle was radicaldumbass, who then came back as macroclit, and again came back as radicalstoner. i moved on but i haven’t forgotten.
then, black-diaspora repeated the same thing. she posted pictures of my mother and led people to finding my mom's facebook. to this day, i still get anons with my mother’s name and my sister’s name. my sister was about 13 when anons first started sending me her name in threatening anons. somehow, black-diaspora was rewritten as a victim of mine despite her being repeatedly racist & lesbophobic to me & posting my mom’s info.
i was being abused by my ex-gf and women on here literally picked my abuse apart and enabled TRAs like lostelvenqueen to make up lies that i was the one abusing my abuser. that vicious lie was reiterated for 4 years. while being abused, women on radblr were mocking me for needing money when my ex-girlfriend was actively stealing from me at the time. to this day people use against me the fact that i needed help in that time bc some mutuals helped finance 2 dinners & my medication, all of which i either paid them back for or drew art as payment.
then, again, another woman dug through an old blog i ran as a teenager and found some posts here and there to make it seem like i, as a 15 and 16 year old, definitely loved being totally controlled by someone and physically abused whenever i didn’t follow his exact commands. i spoke openly about this trauma years prior to this person “exposing” me & arguing that i actually wanted that abuse by pointing to random innocuous posts and forming a story out of it. i think every abuse victim can imagine how difficult it is to still face trauma from something and instead of being allowed to heal, having it brought up to you several days a week to taunt you and having “feminists” tell you that you actually wanted it and are lying when you say otherwise. to this day, i get daily anons mentioning my name because this woman also put my legal name out there.
women here have put me in physical danger, they have made up the vilest lies about me, they’ve called me racial slurs, they’ve been outright racist to me, they’ve speculated about my rape & abuse, they’ve joked about lynching me, they’ve questioned things as minuscule as what i had for dinner. and despite that, i haven’t returned that same treatment. i remained relatively consistent, i simply criticised what i thought was wrong and provided evidence to my statements.
i made some nice friends on here & i’ll keep talking to them. but i’m going to be reevaluating why i’m wasting my time in a space that has overwhelmingly caused me stress, a space where countless unbelievable lies have been spun about me and a place where people have said & done the vilest things and in the end, i was always framed as a bad person based on half-truths or outright lies. now, people falsely claim that women who unfollow me or block me risk having their private information exposed, when i have met at least a dozen women from radblr and run a server with hundreds of women from radblr, have seen hundreds of faces, and have never exposed such information even if we end up disliking each other. i could tolerate many ridiculous lies, but why should i? i’m pretty fed up of tolerating this.
enjoy spinning this however you want and lying about me further. idk when i’ll be back or if i’ll want to be back. it’s pretty clear to me that this space prioritises lesbophobes & racists (& sometimes even downright misogynists) over people who calmly criticise it. i joined this space initially bc i thought it was somewhere where i could freely be a lesbian without being hassled for it, but radblr doesn’t even offer that anymore.
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Now it's your turn :))
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
orchid ⇢ Oh gosh, I love sooooo many songs. A song I consider to be perfect... idk. I'll have to say Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey because it's my current obsession lol.
cactus ⇢ The Philosophy of Love. It's so cool. The Biblical Philosophy of Desire and Knowledge, Plato's Theory of Love and Becoming, The Medieval/Arabian concept of Courtly Love. They are all sooooo cool and sooooo fascinating and I love them all dearly.
bamboo ⇢ I go to school at home so I never really leave. And when I do leave to go somewhere on the weekend or such, I take a shower when I come home.
abelia ⇢ Not really, aside from this sterling silver cross necklace I got for my birthday last year. It's really cool and I love it hehehe
daffodil ⇢ So I have 3, all sisters. I don't really think i'm that similar to my older sister. Aside from sharing the same father, we're pretty different. With my two younger sisters, I look like the older of the two, however I'm nicer like the younger one.
mahonia ⇢ I try to take inspiration from literally everything. So... anything you can imagine lol. Whenever inspriation hits me I just start talking out loud. Usually it becomes a line for a poem. And i just recite that line out loud over and over until i get more lines. And then repeat. Usually i end up with a couple stanzas, constantly editing and revising in my mind the entire time until it's perfect. Or, near perfect as it can get.
chia ⇢ Me and my baby sister (she's 8 but always the baby) will constantly recite Benedick and Beatrice's lines to each other. Especially their first conversation in the play. Much Ado About Nothing is soooooo good loll. And then with @jordie-is-definitely-sane, we have incest is wincest lol. Because I love traumatizing her hehehe
sage ⇢ haha. I can't choose either. How could anyone??? I'm an aspiring actor, poet, and author, so obviously my favorites are theatre, poetry and prose fiction. But also music, paintings, sculpting, dance, et cetera all have such splendid things to offer as well. And i would love to learn how to do them all! They're all art and they all touch somewhere hands can't: into the deepest most inner part of your being. How one can say which is individually more touching? I can't fathom.
edelweiss ⇢ It's just my name + is definitely sane. Which is definitely a lie lol. My older one's were a lot more interesting but because of that i also constantly changed them lol. This one's more basic, but i'm never changing it
camellia ⇢ I'm not sure. I was happier as a kid, I used to run around more and talk more and I had a lot more friends irl. Now? I don't really know how to hold a conversation (T-T), I definitely talk less (not because i have less to say tho lol. Trust me I could talk for hours and I do when i'm alone), I definitely don't run around as much. Tho i'm not as sad about that last one. I have started dancing in the rain again like I used to so that's good :). I still read and write, in fact I do both of those even more then when i was younger. I still find beauty in everything. I still have an incredibly idealized view of nature and childhood. I still have a deep sense of needing to be myself (who that is? idk. but i need to find it) I think deep down I'm the same person. Just, kind of mellowed. I can't think of childhood and growing up without think of Trenton Lee Stewart's Riddle of Ages; he says that he doesn’t believe we become different people as we age. No, he says he believes that we become more people. We’re still the kids we were, but we’re also the people who’ve lived all the different ages since that time. And I think that's a beautiful sentiment.
jasmine ⇢ No. Absolutely not. If I loved it, im going to watch/reread it a thousand more times.
ivy ⇢ Body language, eyes, mouth, tone, the language they use (are they talking differently then usual), hands, etc.
chamomile ⇢ Books, chocolates, sweaters/hoodies, necklaces and bracelets (i love expensive shiny stuff but also that homey handmade stuff. I eat it up), MONEY$$$$$ lol. But like seriously.
aloe vera ⇢ I just want to know and be known. Which, though it sounds really mundane to others, I think is actually one of the most special, transcendental and divine things one can do in life (can you tell I've been studying the philosophy of love lol?). I genuinely believe in the Avicenna's concept of the ennobling power of love. With all of my heart.
palm tree ⇢ I mean... I can't really think of one? I love the Percy Jackson series and I love Luke so, i guess him? I have strong thoughts about him (bbg hates the West so much but is such a western tragic hero lol), he's so fascinating as a character and even moreso as a concept lol
nutmeg ⇢ My rooms pretty basic so no lol.
papyrus ⇢ I don't have one T-T. So i just picked a random song: ICU by Coco Jones. I associate it with @mera-mann-kehne-laga. No context.
taro ⇢ I'd probably tell them that I'm writing poetry, I'm working on 2 books, and that I scored a 28 on the ACT. I'm very bad at conversation so I probably just let them talk and listen to them, ask them questions to prod them, etc.
Thank you for the ask @memory-the-unconscious <333
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velvetvexations · 4 months
(this is from yesterday so this entire thing is written out and just copy pasted in.)
The more I see how you've been treated by other trans people, the more hollow all the posts repeating variations of 'love all trans women! Listen to all trans women! Have kindness and grace for all trans women! Even the bad and ugly and annoying ones!' become to me.
One one hand, these posts almost without fail dissolve into active vitriol the moment someone (foolishly and naively) tries to mention any other kind of trans person, which the OPs often shut down and treat as insulting, hostile, nefarious or a deliberate attempt to take away (steal?) the kindness away from transfems (like it's a finite resource?)
On the other, I follow a lot more transfems than transmascs, meaning I got to see how some of them felt about it. The anecdote that lasered itself into my brain was seeing a butch trans woman saying she felt bitter and kinda hopeless sharing that kind of message because her experience was that not even other trans women had any kindness or grace for her.
And then how this has played out for you. You and another trans woman disagreed, and instead of saying 'you're annoying me and I disagree with your opinion' she presented you as misgendering her (it's apparently not enough that you use they/them by default to account for all the genderfuckery on Tumblr. How dare you not be clairvoyant.), she didn't care that you corrected yourself and told the person crawling out of the woodwork to talk shit about her to fuck off, she said you 'threatened to share' her nsfw account when you censored the url and told the anon to get lost, and blamed you for a shitstorm resulting from her saying something controversial.
Going further, you get that asshole demanding you 'give the URL of your transfem mutuals'. It reminds me of how everyone, including other transfems, were screaming at Tumblr's CEO to show 'proof' that predstrogen had said or done something worthy of being banned. And it's just... Does anyone hear themselves? Why is everyone okay demanding personal or potentially intimate information about transfems for the sake of 'proof?' Why do you have to hand off the URLs of people you know so some asshole can presumably judge them and dismiss them for not being good enough? Does no one else find it insane that it's okay to bulldoze transfem's privacy for the sake of 'proof'?
Is this why those positivity posts are so often structured like commands? So that everyone can nod their head and pat their backs self righteously for doing the 'right thing' of passing this command along to the unspecified OTHER meant to ACTUALLY work on treating transfems better? Did everyone press the reblog button to look good or something? I thought everyone, trans people included, agreed that the point was tangibly and personally putting in some effort to do better?
I always internalised those posts as a rallying cry to do better, all of us, but it seems like it's played out as an excuse for people to use personal pain to justify lashing out and pushing the DOING better part onto 'someone else'.
Yeah, like. So much of it just comes off as virtue signaling? I recently got accused of being an anti-SJW for using that term lol but that's an actual thing that actually happens. It's so performative. It's theory.
And it really does frustrate me that I can't take those posts seriously. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, I have serious chest thumping anxiety about the constant, terrifying situation we're all in. We as in "me as well". So I want to take comfort in those posts that are about how the OP will support trans women with their dying breath, I did take comfort in those posts, but then I look for five seconds on OP's blog and find ten posts about transandro bros and I want to never hear someone say they support me ever again because they're all fucking snakes and their support is completely worthless to me.
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***i just changed my username so i know these urls don’t work pls pls i will fix it pls***
is it casual now?, pt. one part two: fwb!steddie, inspired by chappell roan's "casual" [AO3]
i swear that i’m not thinkin’ ‘bout you all the time (just today, yesterday, every day, and tomorrow night) T, COMPLETE
Robin and Eddie are sitting on the couch facing each other, talking about dumb shit before Eddie finally asks her what Steve’s deal is. Robin snorts. “I’ve known him almost a year now and your guess is as good as mine.”
OR: Eddie's out of the hospital and Steve won't leave him alone. Steve's trying to seduce Eddie through chores.
i'm such a fool for you (you’ve got me wrapped around your finger) T, COMPLETE
"Nance and I have been in this together since the beginning. But it was never gonna be romantic between us again. I love her and always will, but we’re definitely not meant for each other.” Steve lets out a huff of a laugh. “Besides, I’m striking out with someone else pretty frequently.” He doesn’t know why he says it; the weed and the beers are combining to sabotage him probably. He hears Eddie shift next to him.
“King Steve’s lost his touch?” Steve can hear the smirk in Eddie’s voice as he says it.
“Oh, I lost it a long time ago,” Steve laughs into the night sky, rubbing a hand across his face.
OR: Steve and Eddie are both very dumb and very into each other.
it’s christmas (this is gonna be a nightmare) T, COMPLETE
“Okay, what’s wrong?” Robin asks him.
Steve takes a deep breath. “Nothings wrong.” He turns from the cutting board on the counter to look over at the two of them standing next to each other. They look skeptical. Steve takes another breath. “Okay, before I say anything, just remember that you guys are my friends and roommates and I always take out the trash at night when you guys are too scared and I take all the spiders you find in your rooms outside for you and you care about me deeply for a multitude of reasons, okay?”
Robin rolls her eyes and Eddie’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion. “Steve?” Eddie says, his voice calm. Steve turns back to the counter, facing away from them. Maybe if he doesn’t look directly at Eddie, it’ll be easier to say.
“I may or may not have implied to my mother that Eddie and I are dating and that’s why I’m bringing him home for Christmas,” Steve says in a rush, hoping that he won’t have to repeat himself.
Tumblr Ficlets
i hate your big dumb combat boots: a steddie x 10 things i hate about you AU part one part two part three part four part five part six part six 1/2
what if Nancy Wheeler and Eddie Munson worked at Scoops Ahoy in the summer of ‘85?
Steve has a first date tonight, but he’s self-conscious about his scars
you’re a cowboy like me: steddie x cowboy like me au
sorry for not making you my centerfold part two steddie x coney island au
all the girls dreamed that they’d be your partner: steddie x how to lose a guy in 10 days au (part one part two)
wwdits steddie au
kiki’s delivery service au [AO3]
you should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong steddie x gorgeous au (landscaper!eddie/bored rich kid in Beverly Hills!steve)
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this steddie x paper rings au (pining fwb!steddie) [AO3]
i'm so in love that i might stop breathing steddie x taylor swift's "paris" au [AO3]
there’s just one who could make me stay steddie x you’re on your own kid au [AO3]
you smile that beautiful smile and all the girls in the front row scream your name steddie x superstar au (songwriter!eddie/musician!steve) [AO3]
taylor swift inspired aus on AO3 here: my heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue
bring it on!steddie au
soak up the sun early 2000s steddie head canon
i would never pretend to not know you steddie x normal people au
what, like it's hard? pt. 1 steddie x legally blonde au
steve's parents hire someone to "date" him steddie x no hard feelings rom com au
if we lived on the moon (steve deals with some complicated feelings at the grocery store) [AO3]
the newsroom au steddie x the newsroom au (prime time news anchor!steve x executive producer!eddie, past relationship, past cheating, exes to lovers)
steddie x failed threesome au (steddie meet in a threesome and they can't perform)
steddie x love rosie au (accidental teen pregnancy, childhood best friends)
freddy krueger stripper au
steddie x cafe au
and i wouldn't marry me either, pt. one steddie x plus one rom com au (wedding dates for convenience, fake dating adjacent)
the ultimatum reality show au (reality show contestants to lovers)
i don't need wings to help me fly, pt. 1 steddie x the princess diaries 2 au (prince!steve, scheming aristocrat!eddie)
may the odds be ever in your favor, pt. one steddie x the hunger games au
rockstar!eddie/personal trainer!steve
Multi-chapter ‘fics
sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it was mine) M, COMPLETE, 10/10
Max had read every one of Eddie’s novels and every one of his screenplays. In every single one of them, in every universe that Eddie could think up, she watched as Eddie fell in love with Steve, over and over and over again. They had different names, different professions, there were different, wild, fantastical circumstances, but it was always them. In every version of reality, they found each other. It was time they found each other again in this version and Max was going to help them do it, even if it killed her.
OR: It's 1997, ten years after Eddie and Steve leave Hawkins. Eddie, a novelist/screenwriter, Max, Hollywood's shiniest scream queen, and Dustin, the hottest indie horror director in the business, reunite to make a movie and they're bringing the Party along with them to the middle of nowhere to do it.
when i don’t touch you it’s a mistake in any life, in each place and forever. M, COMPLETE, 12/12
If Eddie didn’t know any better, he would think that he’d slipped into an alternate dimension. A dimension where he was happy and not dead. A dimension where Steve Harrington sleeps in his bed—or maybe where he sleeps in Steve Harrington’s bed.
OR: Eddie dies. But then he wakes up next to a sleeping Steve Harrington.
it had to be you. M, WIP, 3/7
“You guys are gonna have a great time,” Dustin beams at them.
Steve lets his eyes take in all that is Eddie Munson, from his messy long hair to his Black Sabbath band tee to his painted black fingernails. He looks loud and obnoxious. Steve seriously doubts they’re going to have a great time. From the look on Eddie’s face, Steve imagines he’s thinking the same thing.
OR: It's the When Harry Met Sally AU that literally no one asked for.
oh my, love is a lie (shit my friends say to get me by) M, WIP, 1/4
“Is that—?” Robin starts, before she's interrupted by Dustin calling them over.
Because Eddie is Eddie. After Nancy had demolished Steve’s heart, he’d gone out for the weekend, Robin in tow. He’d drank enough to forget his own name and had ended up making some questionable decisions. One of those decisions had, apparently, been Eddie Munson. They’d spent two nights together, back in June, drenched in cheap beer and barely leaving Steve’s bed. On the afternoon of the second day, Eddie had left, saying he was going for a McDonald’s run, and Steve hadn’t seen him again. He hadn’t even left his number.
OR: Six months ago, Steve Harrington had his heart crushed by Nancy Wheeler. To cope, he'd rebounded in the worst way, spending two life-changing nights with the guy of his dreams. The only problem was that the guy had ghosted him, no number, no Insta handle; Steve didn't even get his last name. Now, he's resurfaced at Steve's Friendsgiving party, apparently Dustin Henderson's new best friend.
i can’t let go when something’s broken (it’s all i know and it’s all i want now) T, COMPLETE, 5/5 (also on tumblr here: part one part two part three part four part five) 
Steve Harrington wakes up like he does every day, alone in his big bed with fluffy white sheets, weak sunlight streaming through the blinds on his windows. He rubs the sleep from his eyes, drinks the glass of water he put on his bedside table last night and swallows the aspirin next to it, and then climbs out from underneath the covers. He wanders into his bathroom to brush his teeth and shower, to fix his hair the way he likes it (a much less intensive process than it was when he was seventeen), and pulls on the same jeans he wears every day. He fixes himself breakfast—scrambled eggs and burnt bacon—and then he leaves for his shift at the coffeeshop.
The day passes slowly, like it always does. Steve makes small talk with the regulars, he laughs half-heartedly at Frank’s jokes, he pours espresso all over his hands. He cleans the tables and stacks the newspapers. He tries his hardest to ignore the new stack of Rolling Stones Frank has placed by the door.
monsters are always hungry M, WIP, 2/9 (Horror, ST4 rewrite)
Robin finally slides the tape all the way in to the VCR and Steve rolls his cart back over to the counter and leans over it, ready to watch some kid’s fourth birthday party or a Little League baseball game.
There’s nothing but static for the first thirty seconds.
“Maybe it’s blank?” Robin suggests, and just as she says it, the mess of snowy static shifts to a blood red screen before the images begin to flicker. The footage is grainy, like a real home video. The images are almost indistinguishable, but Robin and Steve can make out a big house, a front porch, a stained-glass window with a rose at the center. The cuts are choppy and jarring as the screen shifts quickly from one image to another in the blink of an eye. Cobwebs in the corner of a ceiling, spider eggs, limbs bent at inhuman angles, a child’s face.
The images stop, almost as quickly as they’d begun, and the television returns to static. Steve and Robin stand in silence for a minute before Steve rounds the counter and reaches up for the power button, turning the TV off.
OR: Steve and Robin watch a mysterious, unmarked tape they find in the returns bin at Family Video.
all of me changed like midnight. M, 4/11
In the fall of 1986, Eddie invites Steve and Robin to one of his shows at the Hideout. Steve is mesmerized by Eddie's performance, captivated by the way Eddie's hands move up and down his guitar, by the way Eddie's measured breaths deliver a strong and confident lyrical performance. When Steve compliments Eddie after the show, Eddie offers to teach Steve to play the guitar. Steve is completely taken by the whole project and a romance blooms, tender and soft, as they begin to speak through the music they play for each other.
Shortly after Steve confesses his love for Eddie, Eddie flees Hawkins, determined to live out his dreams as a rockstar and convinced that's not what Steve wants for himself. Steve and Robin move to Indy, where they begin playing open mics at the coffeeshop Steve works at. Steve finds that songwriting is the perfect way to give voice to his feelings of grief, love, and abandonment.
The fic spans ten years as Steve and Eddie weave their way in and out of each other's lives, writing songs that can only be meant for each other.
project 146 of the steddie bigbang
tell the devil i’m waiting. M, COMPLETE
Includes: sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it was mine) & i make up things that i would never say (i say them very quietly)
my heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue T, ONGOING
unrelated taylor swift-inspired steddie
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riordanness · 3 months
omg hi congrats on 800 again!!!! for ur event i have to go w i can fix him no really i can 😫 ok so the basics r i’m a cabin 4 ravenclaw infj taurus (i always start w these soz LOL) and also the ambivert final boss like genuinely i don’t lean towards introversion or extroversion and if the mbti had an a for ambivert i’d def be an anfj 🙏🏼 im a HUGE perfectionist it’s so bad actually i cannot function if something is imperfect i’ll lose my mind 😭 (i also have ocd so 🙁) when i asked one of my friends what the pros and cons of dating me are she said my perfectionism may cause problems LMAO😣😣😣 i get told im kind a lot so i like to believe thats true 🙏🏼 im super soft spoken which is a struggle cz im always having to repeat myself 🙁 (did a french speaking exam this year where i was recorded n when i say i was YELLING the entire time so that the recording device thing could pick up my voice….) im super super stubborn and persist in things until they go the way i want them to LMAO (this might be my fatal flaw) i refuse to settle for less in all aspects of life it’s either up to my standards or i’m not claiming it 😬 i LOVE LOVE LOVE reading and music those 2 r the most consistent things in my life !!!! for my type in men this may be a shocker but jason grace is an anomaly because irl + in other forms of media i tend to go for the dark haired sassy sarcastic funny guys (idk if you’ve read better than the movies but if you have wes bennett is a very good example of my type) some characters i’ve been compared to (because for some reason i get compared to a LOTTT of characters) are hermione granger, annabeth chase, rory gilmore (pre uni DUH), amy santiago, caroline?? from tvd? (idk her but my friend said i’m very similar to her so!) ummmm idk what else to include… i’m a HUGE germaphobe and get grossed out super easily LOL would rather die than go hiking or camping or anything like that soz demeter kid but not one w nature i just like flowers and gardens 🫣 i’m also super sensitive and have been told i’m emotionally intuitive!!!! i cry often about everything LOL soz if this is too long love u SOOO much 😚 also would like a pjo guy pls !!!
CYNTHIA HII (also idk why i always tag your other acc and not this one i legit always forget this url idk why 😭) anyways tyy soso much you’re actually the best fr
so. i put like way too much thought into this cause i didn’t want to just, like, stick you w jason bc that’s the easy answer yk?? BUT on that note, based on what you’ve said, i actually pair you with him?? like… if y’all were my friends irl i would ship you so bad fr.
you’re both perfectionists, tho probably in different ways yk, you bc of mental stuff and him bc he was raised by camp jupiter and literal wolves. so that would make it good for you both bc there’s nothing worse than being a perfectionist and living with someone who makes chronic messes (i can attest)
you’d both have really intuitive kindness and understanding of each other and others and that would bond you together soso well. also jason wouldn’t be a loud talker. like at all, so he’d be totally fine hearing you perfectly bc he’s used to quiet talking
neutral and very faded colour palettes for you both, light light blues and pinks and white and cream and gold everywhere (if you moved in together🤭)
jason would love to listen to you speak french btw
he does NOT strike me as a very outdoors person (in the hiking and camping and dirt way) he’d much rather sit on a porch with you and read than do any of that stuff (also he’s roman. they’re famous for their baths he would love being clean no germs here)
would totally understand your ocd and be soso nice about it like. this man would be so careful not aggravate you with unnecessarily untidy or uneven things like that.
music and book dates >>>
anyways y’all are cute i ship it so bad
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blockcurio · 18 days
Tumblr media
LET'S acknowledge this, bullet-point by bullet-point.
"You want me kicked of the RPC!"
INCORRECT, we know this is not possible. The RPC is extremely broad. For every fandom, there's technically three or more communities for each. It is unrealistic to chase someone out of the RPC, let alone tumblr. When people delete their own blogs, it's of their own violation. We can't hack into your account and delete it for you, Curio. You could stay here forever and we couldn't do squat about it.
THIS blog? Is consequences. Consequences for your actions, specifically the repeated behavior of block evasion and being hostile towards callouts.
2. "Focusing entirely on my flaws and mistakes while ignoring anything that can't be used to demonize me!"
SIR. Do you want us to document every post and rp you participate in? Most of your blogs are just you bitching about people blocking you, asking your followers if they want starters, or replies. We... What do you want us to document? We don't see any apologies or anything that isn't hostile relating to these situations. What, do you want us to throw EVERY person who writes with you under the bus?
3. "Because I think communication is more important than blocking at a drop of a hat."
NO, that wasn't the case. You brush it off in this post, "Pushed too hard for it in the past" CURIO, YOU STILL BLOCK EVADE PEOPLE AS OF THIS YEAR. That was our main issue. When we talked in private, I explained that nobody owes you this.
GUESS what, people are allowed to be selfish to avoid stress and mental strain. You can disagree all you want but I rather someone block me out of the blue than have a panic attack trying to explain to me that they're unfollowing me because they don't jive with my muses anymore, or for any petty reason. Our issue was always how you demonzied people who didn't agree with your mindset.
PEOPLE do not owe you an explanation, especially as most of your victims barely interacted with you, if at all, before blocking you, where you went out of your way to pursue them like a creep. To get the last word in. You are not owed shit, buttercup.
4. "Ignore whatever they say to you and come to your own conclusions..."
CURIO, we haven't gone out of our way to go into askboxes or whatever. We're just here. Existing. As your consequences.
People are in their full right to see your public behavior documented. If you had balls you'd link to this blog to show everyone how "baseless" we are. Why else do you block blogs super fast when they reply with anything other than asskissing? So your followers can't see our URLs. We know this because people did unfollow you over followcurio. So.
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HI, Patch. Hi, Curio spoonfeeding a narrative. We don't want to control the RPC, god knows how much of a mess it is with or without people like you in it.
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WHICH callout was this? The one on the 15 year old made by your groomer friend, or? Because that callout was baseless, like you claim all callouts victims make are.
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loveyouanyway · 8 months
Hi Nolan!
Edelweiss, ivy, papyrus, and taro! :)
hey saturn <3
edelweiss: how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
well ofc the buckaroo part is for buck and i love the nickname for him. in fact, i would have named my bunny buckaroo but it didn't suit him so i will name my next pet buckaroo :D
as for the heart part, it's inspired by buck's heart drawing which is so cute and the whole interaction with buck and eddie about it !!!!
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ivy: what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
hmm if im talking a lot and engaging in conversation, im happy. if im picking at my nails, i dont want to be there haha. when im mentally tired, i just shut down and don't talk. i don't think i get annoyed that much bc i just don't care about a lot of things jdksjdf but when i do, i short breathe out of my nose idk if i explained that right and i just look annoyed sdkfjd
papyrus: if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
ofc it's a reneé rapp song <3 what a shocker!!!!
so what now? oh it always reminds me gallavich (ian and mickey from shameless) idk if any of y'all 911 peeps are in the shameless fandom
it's about an ex coming back to where u live after leaving (for whatever reason) and then wondering so what now? should we talk? and why haven't you called me yet
anyway here is the part where it's not sung but it's like part of the song iykwim
"You dumb crusty ass bitch, but I think I love you. Welcome back to California. I love you. You're so small, I could flick you. I wish I could hug you. I might kiss you, but I also might fight you"
taro: if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
i would mention that mentally i'm doing a lot better! i would talk a lot about my idea of writing a sitcom inspired by my family
it would be a comedy but have a serious aspect of mental health
autistic dad and brother who are like on the opposite sides of the spectrum so sometimes they really clash
mom who works in the mental health field (without her, we probably wouldn't live together sjdksd so grateful for her. ily mom)
me, a queer young adult who struggles with depressive and hypomanic episodes
and the star: bernie the bunny!!
i would also catch them up on all the shows ive been watching lately and rant to them about 9-1-1 season 7!!!
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aceparagoned · 1 year
This is not going to be my usual post since some things have been brought to my attention that I wish to address publicly as opposed to continuing to deal with this situation privately like I have been.
I'll put this under a read more because this can get rather lengthy.
Two years ago, I was made aware that there was a callout blog (of which I can privately hand out the URL if you're truly curious since they have decided to doxx me by including my full legal name in said callout as well as misgender and deadname me left and right throughout it) about me authored by two people from a former friend group I had been a part of since I was in high school. At this time, it had been only a couple of months since I voluntarily left the group after offering that I would (even though the head mod of the group said that I was to talk to their co-mod to "figure out just what to do with me.") Looking back on it now, I fully acknowledge that I was in the wrong and that I wish I had never harmed those by my thoughtless actions, especially by being a forgetful idiot.
Throughout the callout, however, you'll see that they chose to include things from when I was nothing more than a cringy, know-it-all preteen to try to make a pattern of me being an awful person throughout my whole life. However, it's also stuff that I've long since apologized over to those who I had hurt and have tried to work on myself and my actions. I was also rightfully called out by those on anonymous communities on Dreamwidth such as wankgate, acj, and even on LiveJournal as well, all of which has helped me learn how to be a better person so that I may not repeat those same mistakes. I even commented as such in this thread.
For the more serious things that they included in the callout, such as the false rapist accusation I made against someone, I fully acknowledge that I had fucked up pretty badly during then by getting way too into things and not taking a moment to step back and think for a moment. To this day, I am still regretful of what I did and frankly wish I had never done that in the first place. Another serious topic the callout authors included was that I plagiarized someone's character in the past, of which I've long since retired the character and have not written them since then.
During the entire time that I've been writing this post, I've been actively trying to log in to my old Dropbox account where I know I have logs of where I've since apologized for my actions (the false rapist accusation as well as the individual listed on my archived LiveJournal post), but thankfully, I do have the private plurk I made six years ago apologizing for the plagiarism as evidence for this. If I manage to get back into my Dropbox account, I'll update this post with further evidence of my apologies.
You may also see in the reblogs of my callout two people that say they have further evidence on me. These two individuals are my ex and a former friend of mine. What they may not want to say is that my ex was caught cheating on me back while we were still together and the only way I found out was through an old group text message on my old phone where everyone I was friends with at the time thought to keep it a secret from me. My ex had even said that she "planned on telling me at some point" and since then, I had the constant reminder of her cheating on me in the form of her husband joining our voice calls on Discord and the like for almost two years. I decided that enough was enough and cut all ties with her because I couldn't keep pretending that things were fine between us when they weren't. Not only that, but in the PS4 chat that I had wanted to stay private between us, she had her friend join in and listen to our conversation. And this friend of hers said that, in a poor "'attempt'" to comfort me, that "I'd find someone whose demons will tangle with mine." I've since ceased all contact with them and haven't even played anything on my PS4 in years since I got my PC.
UPDATE: While I have not been successful in logging into my Dropbox account, I did come across this thread on my old Dreamwidth account with the person I had falsely accused. I'm still in the process of trying to get back into my Dropbox, though, so stay tuned for that.
Another allegation that the callout authors accused me of was being racist when referring to the color of my grandfather's skin. I stated it was olive since our family immigrated from Italy sometime in the 1800s, and it's not just him that has it. It's also my two uncles, his brothers, who have the same skin tone that he does as well as my aunt, my mom's sister. Now, lemme make something clear -- I simply don't have a single racist bone in my body. My mom taught in Buffalo, NY, where there were more African American children than any other ethnicity during her time as a teacher. She took me to conferences with the local NAACP chapter as well as on a trip to learn more about black history. This was all done as in my early childhood, too, which is something I'm deeply appreciative of her doing.
Another topic that was included was my treatment of my mother. This is something that I have also acknowledged that I was in the wrong for and it's something that we both have been actively working on with not just each other, but also medication on both of our parts. Both my mom and myself, especially when I was growing up, weren't the best when it came to maintaining a house and I do acknowledge that I should have helped her around the house more than I did as a kid, especially when she was a single mom working sometimes well into the night just to support the both of us. The both of us have depression, which contributed to us having a hoarded house that caused the both of us stress with not just one another, but also with our family. However, we've made great strides in our relationship to where I can confidently say that things are much better between us and have been able to maintain a clean house for years.
What I don't think was included in the callout is how I've been going to therapy and getting myself on some much needed medication. Back in August 2014, I scheduled a first time appointment with a doctor to get myself back on track because I knew that I sorely needed help for my depression before it got too severe to deal with. A good number of antidepressants were tried with some providing better results whereas others didn't work as well. I got myself into regularly scheduled therapy as well as seeing a psychiatrist up until I moved in June 2018, then continued my therapy and medication arrangement in Florida with thanks to my step-grandma and aunt for helping me find a place to go to for both therapy and psychiatry.
I'd like to think that I've since made great strides as far as my behavior and conduct are concerned, but as always, I know there's room for improvement, so I never say that I'm perfect or anything. I also know that since the callout went up, there have been other instances where I've made mistakes as well, however I am actively doing my best to learn from what I've done and continue on my path of being a better person overall. I will make mistakes, but I am always open to criticism so that I may continue to improve upon myself.
Thank you very much for reading this post.
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evansbby · 2 years
Hey everyone 💜 This is just something personal I thought I’d share. For no reason, really, except I felt like I wanted to and that I should. I’ve never shared this with anyone before and there’s really no purpose to this except I just wanted to write it all down. Please don’t reblog! (Not that anyone would lmao, but just saying). tw: suicide mention
A few years ago, when I was about 17/18, I was quite active on tumblr in a different fandom (not this blog, this is a sideblog that used to be empty and was one of my saved urls before I started posting on here in Feb of last year. Anyways, there was this one person whom I befriended on tumblr and we used to talk on messages like every day. And it got so unhealthy, to the point where I’d feel bad if I was online and didn’t reply to them, and felt like I always had to reply to them or else they’d get passive aggressive? I remember once I told them something along the lines of “hey! maybe it’d be okay if we… didn’t talk every day? like we’d still be friends, friends don’t have to talk every single day” and oh my gosh, they got so passive aggressive about it and made me feel so so guilty that I took it all back. I remember crying actual real tears over this, which is so crazy thinking back. Now, this person wasn’t a bad person and I wish them all the best in whatever they’re doing now and honestly don’t really have any ill feeling towards them. What I’m saying is that I was not emotional equipped or mature enough to be dealing with something like that. And then I remember another person (completely unrelated to this first person) randomly messaged me one day all like “you never speak to me, I thought we were friends!” And wrote all these paragraphs talking about how I don’t speak to them when we were never really close to begin with? And yet I let myself feel bad once more. I just did not have the emotional maturity to be creating boundaries online and all of this was a result of that. So I took a break from tumblr and I remember crying real tears and having a panic attack in the toilet and hoping these people would forgive me for taking a break. A BREAK FROM A DAMN WEBSITE. and then I came back a while later and I had my boundaries set very VERY high.
Which is still true now. Like, I never expected this blog to blow up as much as it has or the sheer volume of asks and messages I get every single day. (Not showing off but idk how else to put it). And I love it, like I love this type of interaction and I feel like this fandom is so much friendlier and healthier than any previous fandoms I’ve been in. Yet a lot of the time I still feel like an outsider, like I have this imposter syndrome. Like all these other blogs are all friends and I’m just there like 🧍🏻lmao. But I feel like that’s bc I’m still so wary bc of what I’ve been through on this website in the past. Like I’ve put up these high walls and I get anxious that a repeat of something like what happened before, will happen again. I feel like I’ve matured from that experience enough to set my boundaries so that I don’t EVER find myself in a position that I’m crying over someone being passive aggressive to me online (although I doubt that would ever happen again, I was like 18 when that happened and I was emotionally a child). And I feel like this is partly why I get overwhelmed so easily when my messages pile up that I just leave them ignored — bc i know this sounds deep and weird but I said to myself that the moment this stops being fun, I need to delete this app bc it’s not worth my mental health.
And it was only much later, when tiktok became a thing and people started sharing their experiences about how they were 12/13/14 and on tumblr trying to persuade a fully grown adult not to unalive themselves, that I realised that so many people have had similar toxic experiences on tumblr. Having grown people trauma dump on you through dm and you feel so guilty and don’t know how to cut them off and you think it’s a true friendship when really it’s not.
Idk why I’m sharing this except for the fact that I just had to write it down. And it still makes me anxious now, as much as I try to deny it. Then I have to remind myself that I’m a grown ass 23 year old now who will never have to go through experiences like that again, bc I am in charge of who I talk to. And this is why I kind of just… am so nervous about talking to people sometimes. Although tbh as I said before, this fandom has been so good to me. Like everyone is so nice and understanding of boundaries and I really love that. I’m happy to be a part of this community and I want to be everyone’s friend but I’m just so in my own head about it. Idk if I’m even making sense anymore, I just feel that a lot of the time I have to second-guess every interaction I make bc I don’t want people to hate me or take my humour the wrong way or find me annoying. Like, that’s my other biggest fear. Or rather, my default feeling: that people on here find my annoying lmao. And I’m not looking for sympathy, and I’ve said this before and y’all amazing people have reassured me that I’m not. But I’m just writing my feels down rn bc it’s kinda therapeutic idk. And idk how to end this so I guess I’ll just end it here lmao. Anyways
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forgottenluck · 8 months
Mobile Friendly Rules
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Please follow the following rules, and warnings that go along with this blog. If you ignore these warnings, these rules, and make a fuss about what I rp, or who I rp with, then you will be blocked. I make these statements very clear as to not cause confusion.
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This is a semi-active, slow replies, Mutuals ONLY blog for an extreme (borderline OC) AU version of Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia. 90% of the time I likely will rp him as an OC, but I would love to explore the other vesperia characters with him.
This blog will have mentions of depression, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, and other dark topics. If any of these are something you wish to not interact with, then this blog is not for you. Continue interacting at your own risk.
While I try to tag triggers, I sometimes forget, or don't realize that something is a trigger. If you would like something tagged, please let me know!
It is okay for minors to interact with me. My blog will not contain any nsfw sexual content. (any such scenes will be fade to black or vaugely explained due to my personal trauma).
Reiteration of above point, there will be NO SMUT on my blog. Romantic relationships are absolutely fine, even encouraged because I'd love to explore that. But any writing more than kissing gets put into the fade to black corner. I am not comfortable writing indepth actions due to personal trauma.
Do not, under any circumstance, take control of my character without my consent. My writing style depends heavily on their own mind and actions, so taking control of my character without notifying me first OOC is a big red flag.
Please communicate with me OOC! I need communication via muns so that I know what i’m doing isn’t taken the wrong way. I have had these issues in the past, and would like to avoid repeats. (If we've hit it off on here, and talk consistently, feel free to ask for my discord! I'm not super great at keeping up conversations, but i can try and I'd love to get to know people better!)
I do not mind becoming affiliates! However, this will happen organically. If we talk a lot OOC and rp a lot, then I likely will affiliate with you and make you a Main. Do not ASK to be mains.
I reserve the right to rp with whoever I wish. I do not pick sides. I will not choose one over the other. If you attempt to make me choose either you or someone else, unless I know you very well and we are close friends...I will likely choose the person who is not pressuring me to choose. Firefox and Chrome both have extentions that allow you to block almost all instances of a user on your blog, please use it. (the only exception to that is asks, and for that reason I do not answer asks, but instead make a new post.)
IF YOU FOLLOW ME AND I MAKE AN EFFORT TO RP WITH YOU AND TALK WITH YOU AND YOU DO NOT MAKE AN EFFORT IN RETURN I will unfollow you. I normally do not have an issue with this, but there are a few people who I have been excited to rp with and then it never go anywhere. If I see that you consistently reblog memes and starter requests without fulfilling, I will unfollow you.
The following urls and/or Muns are people I do not associate with. I do not wish them to be brought to my attention, I don't want to know about them. I have their urls blocked to where I cannot see them. I will not, however, tell you who to rp with.
-Star/Usa/whatever her url and name is now: Lots of drama happened with this person and my circle of friends. Due to her sending people to attack me and my friends via anon, I do not wish to even hear about her. This situation has been inactive for months.
-Loke: (renascii) Same reason as above though also for stealing and lieing. This situation has been inactive for months.
-Ezrile: A little bit more difficult to explain, but this person is unmedicated and mentally ill, and uses their illness as an excuse to treat others quite badly and as their personal punching machine. When called to take responsibilty for their actions, they pushed it off and have slandered my name as well as other's in order to justify their actions. This situation is still ongoing, as they continue to vague about me and another person who will remain unnamed, as well as stalk us. (I have confirmed that this person IS in fact a stalker. I would advise in avoiding this user, but will not force it. If you would like more information, send me a message and we can discuss things.)
This list will update as necessary. As stated, You may rp and interact with these people; just make sure to tag them so my blocker can get it. Please understand this is NOT a dni, I just ask if you interact with these people please make sure to tag their urls so that my blocker will pick them up.
I try not to engage in drama. I do my best to keep in my own lane. I have in the past, voiced my opinions on topics that are related to me particularly or related to people I am quite close with. However, I try to stay out of it.
Please do not pressure me in replying. I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression. All of these combined do not make a good cocktail for pressure, and if i'm pressured in interacting, replying, or other things then I get burnt out really fast. I do this because I enjoy it, so please don't take my enjoyment out of it by putting a deadline on me.
That being said, if i've taken more than a week or so to even interact with you, feel free to poke me and just give me a gentle reminder! I don't consider "hey we still good for that rp?" a pressuring measure, and I love to interact so i'd be thrilled to get a message!
I care very little about how other people run their blogs. I care very little about what topics you rp. If I enjoy talking to you, or writing with you, then I will do so. This means I do not take place in censorship culture. I will not shame you, or call you out based on what you find enjoyable. I know for a lot of people, writing and rp is a type of therapy, and most of us are adults here and can choose to disengage when something makes us uncomfortable.
If you DO happen to do something that makes me uncomfortable, I likely will unfollow, but I will at least communicate with you on why before I do. But considering I'm currently rping a bunch of trauma ridden little ones, it's highly unlikely.
Finally, a special rule: I will NOT RP with any characters from the series Tales of Symphonia or Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. If you are a multimuse that has these characters on it, then as long as those rps are tagged, I'm fine. I have a bit of trauma related to the series and don't wish to revisit it.
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skylightdistraction · 9 months
Pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people! Thank you so much @italimix for the tag!! I'm so sorry this is so late, work has been killing me lately asldkfjs.
Shrike- Hozier Hozier is my top favorite artist of all time. I discovered him when Take me to Church released, and I've been listening to his whole discography nonstop since!
Killer Queen- Queen I have such a huge taste for classic rock (just anything rock, metal, etc) but Queen will always be a top artist because my mom was OBSESSED with them, so I heard them a lot as a kid.
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid- The Offspring Can't go wrong with pop punk.
La Vie Boheme- Cast of the Motion Picture Rent I'm a musical kid at heart. It's unfortunate for everyone except me.
Impeach God- Dethklok Funnily enough, the first time I watched Metalocalypse all the way through, my headphones broke and I didn't get to hear this song specifically for some reason. It's one of my favorite Dethklok songs now though
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy- Queen
Here's A Health To The Company- The Longest Johns Between the Hobbit and Baldur's Gate 3 thoughts, this song is constantly on my repeats.
The Bidding- Chonny Jash This song gives me massive feels about my OCs, but this cover SPECIFICALLY
Dance Macabre- Ghost I LOVE GHOST
I Left the Wolves Behind- The Tiger & Me My girlfriend showed me this song and it also gives me massive OC feels
Sweating Bullets- Megadeth IDK shit about megadeth as a band, but this song slaps
Through Me (The Flood)- Hozier Unreal Unearth has destroyed me in the best way possible
Real- Years & Years I think I discovered this on a playlist back in the early 2010's, but I love the synthpop vibe
Aortic Desecration- Dethklok My favorite Dethalbum 4 song!!
Tubthumping- Chumbawumba Because who doesn't love a positive party song
I Tamper With the Evidence at Odin's Murder Site- Dethklok
Once in a Lifetime- Talking Heads
Never There- CAKE Who doesn't love CAKE, c'mon
OOH THAT WAS LONG! I don't know enough people to tag someone for every letter of my URL, so I'm just gonna tag @gogomeaty, @serenitybun, and anyone else who would like to participate!
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briankang · 2 years
also hi i finally DID listen to all the solo songs yesterday so my brief thoughts breakdown per song
connected - i said it before but love island ass track. this is playing on some mtv reality show as an insert song. this is so clearly a culmination of every type of song chris likes (songs that sound like 2013-2016 specifically) lyrics wise it made me giggle out loud. he’s so goofy. she’s fun! i won’t be going back to her often though. sorry to my mans but i simply must pull him out of the past lskdjglksdk
limbo - sorry this is the best song of the 8. lee minho only songwriter only singer only man ever. what the fuck. why is this SO GOOD. the mellow verses into that MUCH BIGGER chorus? i need more. i had this on repeat to go to bed last night. lee minho i have feelings for u.
doodle - the first time i heard that screechy ass sample i whitemanblinking.gif’d but got used to it. this is so. so very changbin. his raps are good and i love the way he speeds the fuck up in the bridge. my life’s like a doodle or whatever. i like her hehe
love untold - i wanted to like this more than i did but i still liked her. u know what i mean. we’ve rlly gotten so much from hyunjin this past year i think this just didn’t hit as hard as some of his other stuff, but this is so. so classically hyunjin. pisces ass (affectionate). 
run - why the fuck haven’t you guys been talking about this song. am i the only run liker here. this is so classically jisung and i think the instrumental is so simple yet bouncy and paired with jisung’s pathetic lyrics i was ALL OVER THIS? i too want to run from the world bestie. let’s go.
deep end - lee felix i am in your walls. personally this hit me the hardest lyrics wise like in specific way and it hurt my feelings so i simply need to fight felix for that on this end but on an actual note. this is soooo. getting to hear him stretch himself and experiement and try new things is so fun. i love hearing felix sing. i was sooooo surprised to hear this from him in the best way possible. this also sounds sooooo much like the music he loves. when he mentioned sam kim’s ‘love me like that’ on bubble in reference to this i understood immediately. felix my beloved. 
stars and raindrops - i love day6 (affectionate) (obviously. look at my url). this is. so. so fucking seungmin. this WAS his day6 audition. i looooove this song. she’s my second favorite. the high note he holds for fucking ever in the outro of the song made me YELL when i first heard it THAT’S MY SINGER!!!!!! that’s my kim seungmin!!!!!!!! anyways someone should tell studio j about this i think he’d be a great addition :)
hug me- i could v literally not stop smiling and giggling listening to this it’s so. fucking cute. yang jeongin my sweetest boy ever. i know i can put this on whenever and be in a good mood. this song makes me feel like when i heard ‘can’t stop’ for the first time. i need to hear more from jeongin this was so up my alley i loved loved loved this. truly songs for better days <3
overall if i had to rank themmmmm (just for fun NONE OF THEM ARE BAD. however someone has to be in the bottom):
stars and raindrops
hug me
deep end
love untold
anyways thank u for coming to my TEDtalk
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asirensrage · 2 years
Since the last anon is doing more damage than good with their stupid messages let me correct you all. The person in question (no names) stole ideas and stories. This is verifiable but nobody wants to know. Said person freaked out and left the community, only to re-emerge under a new URL. The reason people are angry about this is because of justice. Maddie is accused of same thing, they leave and come back. Sound familiar? But they get trashed while that other person gets away with murder.
The last anon is likely the same one sending this.
You're all doing more damage than good, and you know why? Because you're all insisting that you're opinions are correct but yet refuse to back it up with actual sources and facts.
Again, this leads me right into the point you're trying to make in shifting blame to someone else. Maddie is not accused of the same thing. I say that because a) it's not an straight accusation when there is visible proof showing repeated offences against multiple people and b) THERE WAS NO PROOF GIVEN aside from anons making complaints against the person you're talking about and accusing again.
If you want me to change my mind, show me actual facts. People have asked for them when these accusations started and they are never given because it's all anon heresay and gossip that was meant to drive someone out. That's not the same thing as the issue with Maddie. Right now the issue is that while there are screenshots, photos and multiple accounts from multiple people about what happened with Maddie (and their actions against others), there is none with the person you're trying to shift the blame and attention to. There is also the issue rising with the half-assed apology given to the people Maddie has hurt in which there was no actual accountability taken in it.
So yes. I have a problem with that, just like I have a problem with the fact that these anons are starting up again trying to stir-shit and cause problems with the same people over and over.
It's interesting that you've shown up again as they've returned.
tl:dr? There is actual proof against Maddie. There is none against the person you're implying. It is not the same.
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paradoxesofgalaxies · 2 years
Edelweiss, papyrus and taro?
Thanks Mika💜💜
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
I don't really know.. like I know there was meaning to it but it was created by another part. From what I can gather, it was based in feeling like a collection of contradictions and paradoxes. We were in the midst of discovering our DID and starting to see the various influence of different parts and the ways we would behave in contradictory ways. Plus, we love space, a love we've inherited from our astrophysicist husband.
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
This has been one of our same songs for awhile now. Musically, it's absolutely beautiful (I have a soft spot for any 3 based tempos (6/8, 9/12, etc.) as well as songs that change a lot throughout. Oh and a key change!)
And different parts related to different parts of the lyrics. Like:
There is a part of me/That wants to forgive you/But I will not forget/I can't understand... yet
Freedom's a lie - Even so, I/Must cross that line/I'll scream it loud, barren, I shout/"I'll make it mine"/And so I turn away/From the truth that's in my way
Defy the gods - Despite the odds/I'll find that light/Something so pure, I'll search the world/Into the night
For you, there is always a place/Inside this heart of mine/In this beautiful, vicious world of ours/Where the light hides/Hidden somewhere from our eyes
I'm powerless - I'm meaningless, like every scar/But as I cry, tears fill inside/Right through my heart/Through it all, I can hear/Someone whispering, "come near"
Oh! And an association with this song is that while listening to the original Japanese song I heard and understood lyrics for the first time!
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
Hmm... I'd probably talk about preparing to move next month. Other than that I'm not sure. My day to day life doesn't change much so I often don't have much to say when catching up with people
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A positivity blog ran by mod JUPITER (they/them). I will not be disclosing my age or any other information, such as my other blogs, as I would like for this blog to remain anonymous for myself as well as everyone sending in asks.
Have a lovely day and have some good vibes!
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hogmilked · 1 year
orchid, mahonia, chia, edelweiss, papyrus? :0
HI BESTIEEEE sorry this took all day i was at work and then tumblr didn’t save any of my very long reply that i’d already made
orchid -> what's a song you consider to be perfect?
oh fuck this is tough there’s a ton. i would say right now this live version of miami 2017 by billy joel, the original studio version is pretty perfect but the power behind these live vocals is just unmatched
i would also give bonus points to 4 Leaf Clover by Ravyn Lanae, Kalopsia by Queens of the Stone Age, My Sister by Angel Olsen, and My Baby’s Taking Me Home by Sparks. bonus mention to Face to Face by Daft Punk which i don’t think is a perfect song but is one of the coolest pieces of music i’ve ever heard. there’s some great videos breaking down the samples that song uses, a couple of which haven’t even been found yet
mahonia -> what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
honestly i don’t know. seeing live music helps me wanna make music but honestly i feel the most motivated to make things when they come out of just raw high emotion. like right now i’m dealing with a traumatic situation and i’m not doing super well but i also really wanna get all that shit just like out so im more motivated than ever to make something out of it. it’s a bit bleak but true, a lot of the stuff i’ve been proudest of has come out of the urge to vent outweighing the fear of not making “good” art. not to say i shouldn’t get help or i’ll lose my ability to make things i’m proud of, but i’m the most inspired when i have overwhelming emotions i feel the need to turn into something productive
chia -> what's an inside joke you have with someone else?
edelweiss -> how'd you think of your url/ username? what's it associated with to you?
someone asked me about this in a reply this morning lol, it was a dumb joke at work. we were talking about different livestock milks outside of goats and cows and thought the phrase “hog milk” was so fucking funny but that was taken so it became hogmilked which is infinitely more harrowing
papyrus -> if you put your 'on repeat' playlist on shuffle, what's the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
i can’t find an on repeat playlist on tidal which is what i use, but i have been coping with the aforementioned traumatic experience with two specific albums so i’ll recommend a song off that
i talk a ton about suede these days but their debut album (along with …Like Clockwork by Queens of the Stone Age) has been my comfort albums the last couple days and a good portion of what i’ve been listening to. i love the whole album but this is my favorite song off it by far. i’ve said it many times before but everyone, especially those who like 90s alt and britpop, should listen to suede’s self titled debut. perfect album imo
[ask game]
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