#like it doesn’t really matter if the main character is wednesday addams or not? and it has a totally different premise
devilsskettle · 2 years
okay my impression of the wednesday show & all the hype around it & the negative reaction to the hype: seems like a show made for younger teens but everyone is acting like it’s not a YA show
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Wednesday Addams, with a Male!Reader that is like Goro Majima
Just wanna know how much of pure wackiness it can get at Nevermore especially with our main characters bc of Y/N.
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I’m doing this in a headcannon format cuz I’ve got some ideas on the chaos Majima!Reader would get into. Most of these are pranks but some (like maybe 2/3) are references to the shit he’s done in the games. (1. dressed up as a girl. 2.hide in a trash can for Kiriyu and 3. driving a vehicle into a building.)
Also warning: quite fucking long cuz I went away with the fairies a little bit.
I feel like when you first met Wednesday you were laying down in a makeshift grave you’ve dug yourself on school grounds. Why? It doesn’t really matter as for the reasoning behind the action since you did things purely by impulse. many people have decided to give up in trying to figure you out because your personality often changed on a dime; making you quite the dangerous enigma.
Also some rules were set in place because of you. What an icon. We love to see it.
“What is your purpose?”
“I dunno.” You shrug, beaming up at her with a crazed grin.
“Seems like a waste of a grave.” She said, watching as you dug yourself out with a grunt, uncaring of the dirt that clung to your clothes nor how it got under your nails from your climb out. She the noticed you kneeling down next to the grave and pulling out your signature metal bat. Her dark eyes brightened with intrigue.
“Were you planning on burying someone alive?” Wednesday questions with slight interest. You shrug again before looking down at the grave that you suddenly grown bored of and sighed, hauling your bat so that it rested against your shoulder as you walked off. “It’s all yours, I’ve grown bored and besides Weems says I should reconsider the type of pranks I pull but,” you turned to look at Wednesday over your shoulder, “where’s the fun in that.” You flashed another crazed grin before walking off to who knows where, “See ya new kid.”
“It’s Wednesday-.” She goes to tell you but you seemed to have disappeared without much of a trace. Xavier, who was passing by, notes her confusion and the empty 6ft plot of dug up soil next to her and immediately knew you were behind such an expression.
“You met y/n. Didn’t you?” He asked her.
“Is that his name, he’s quite the character.” Wednesday mused, your unpredictable nature and aloof personality made you stand out even in a school for outcasts. Your mental state must be quite the minefield for Kinbott to navigate if digging up plots of land for a prank was your rendition of fun.
Xavier scoffs, “you could say that again, he once put an eyesore of a canvas in my art studio one day and when I got a loser look at it. Y/n opened his eyes, scaring me shitless, before jumped away from the canvas, his whole body was caked from head to toe in paint, and pushed me over my stool with the end of his metal bat.” Xavier subconsciously rubbed the small of his back. “Bastard then ran out of the shed, laughing hysterically…fucking psycho.”
“Interesting, maybe this school won’t be so dull as I first interpreted.” Wednesday said, uncaring of the story Xavier was telling her before walking off, leaving him befuddled. Afterwards Wednesday would asked Enid, Ajax, Eugene, hell evenTyler about you to which they were all quick to look in every direction incase you were somehow nearby before speaking their peace about you.
Enid said that you were a loose cannon, an unstoppable force of pure chaos. Yet you had a charm that would swoon boys, girls and others alike and make everyone forget that your mind was the equivalent of a bagful of rabid raccoons; You protected those who needed to be protected even though your methods were quite…extreme, seeing as your weapons of choice was a metal bat that didn’t bend after a couple of bludgeoning blows and a collection of knives. This earned you the monicure of ‘the mad dog of Nevermore.’
You scared the poor daylights out of her and Yoko one day by dressing yourself up in a white wedding gown you somehow obtained, splashed large quantities of red food dye across it to make it look like bloodstains; you even went as far as to buy a reduced Halloween makeup kit to replicate slash marks across your neck and face whilst also putting in milky white eye contacts. You had a story made up and everything about being a poor innocent normie who got stood up at the alter by her husband and then was later killed by something beastly. (It was a bear but you liked to keep it anonymous for more authenticity.)
Before this however, you told this story to the girls one night at a campfire and with the help of some of your friends in making bushes rustle, twigs snapping and other various noises. You then ventured into the woods to ‘investigate’ much to Yoko and Enid’s dismay before quickly changing and hastily putting on a wig ontop of your head and rushing back out towards the campfire, screaming. Sending the poor girls running to their shared tent. When they found that it was just you, they gave you the silent treatment for such a cruel prank.
Ajax would find you chill for the most part but once you frightened him so badly by sneaking into the shower room late one night and stuffing yourself into a cramp bin where you stayed hidden until he got out of the shower, jumping out screaming ‘boo!’ Ajax was taken off guard that badly that he accidentally stoned not just you but himself by looking directly in the mirror. Oops.
Eugene actually had nothing but good things to say about you, funnily enough to Wednesday’s surprise. At this point she found out that you were quite the trickster and an advent fan for the morbid and the macabre. However Eugene’s tales concerning you were times where you brutally beaten up normies and bullies alike for picking on him. You even suggested that he helped you in getting even by setting up a bucket load of pollen/honey that once it’s contents were dumped upon their intended victims, Eugene would them send out a small swarm of bees to chase the off.
You treated Eugene like a little brother and so whoever messed with him, messes with you also; Eugene couldn’t help but view you as the brother he always wanted. While that didn’t mean he was exempt from your shenanigans but you tended to hold yourself back when it came to Eugene. Everyone left Eugene alone because of you and in payment, Eugene would often gift you a bottle of honey as a thank you for standing by him no matter what.
Tyler doesn’t like you.
You don’t like Tyler and you made that evidently clear by doing things like breaking into Weathervane and badly busting up the coffee machine or stealing sums of money out of the area where the bottom drawer of the registers were kept, so that when he opens up in the morning he’d be in big shit with his shift manager. Did you potentially get put into jail for this? Maybe but that nor Principle Weems’ warnings of your potential expulsion did nothing to deter you from fucking shit up for Jericho and it’s residence.
We don’t talk about the time you drove a forklift into Crackstone’s statue one Outreach day, toppling it over and cracking the head away from it’s body before using said head with the forklift and sending it crashing into the city hall. You got into some BIG trouble for that stunt.
No one knew how you became the person that you were but not many dared to ask in fear that it may bring up old wounds that you’d rather left alone. So when Wednesday decided that instead of deciding whether or not she should get close to you based solely on potentially fabled stories, she would go out of her way and join you in a joint effort of making the citizens of Jericho’s life absolute hell.
But there are days where she saw the softer side of you where you weren’t all crazy eyed or trigger happy. You were smart and willing aided her in her investigation about the Hyde and Laurel Gates; Even after nearly dying in the Gates’ family home. “Why are you still helping me? You nearly died.” She’d ask not long after Enid rightfully scolded her for being so careless with human life.
You shrugged, only to wince when you moved your clawed arm from protecting Wednesday. “I don’t mind getting a little hurt if it means bringing us closer to the truth and besides,” you pulled something out from your backpack, it was a small airtight sealed bag containing a clump of the Hydes fur, “I got you some more physical evidence.” Wednesday didn’t know whether to punch you for getting hurt in getting her more evidence or kiss you for getting hurt for her in getting more evidence.
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
At this point I have to wonder
Does anyone on tumblr actually like the genre of the shows they watch anymore? Wednesday, supernatural, stranger things. None of them are ever going to be the peppy, inoffensive milquetoast, glurge fest they want it to be. For example
The possibility of Xavier being Wednesday’s stalker and Tyler being a serial killer exponentially increases the chances of her choosing one of them. The only things standing in the way of either happening is Wednesday getting Xavier arrested, which he seems to have gotten over pretty quickly may I say, and the fact Tyler made her look foolish. The creepier they are the more interested she is. She’s not a normal person. She doesn’t live by normal person rules. It’s an Addams family murder mystery, comedy, whodunnit. I’ll say it again Addams. Family. They don’t work by a normal morality system. You complain they seem too normal. Then you complain when Wednesday night get with a creepy boy. Make up your damn minds and get with the genre already. You might enjoy it more
I have no doubt that hellers like to go on about how Dean’s “cray cray”. But then he wants to get into bed with the car he was conceived and raised in. Or he puts everyone in the universe in the line of fire on the 0.1% chance it’ll save Sam. Then they go “oh god no. Too crazy. We should make unfounded baseless think pieces about how he likes to dye his hair unflattering colours and slow dances with his roadkill boyfriend on the beach at sunset to completely out of character music”. That’s not Dean. That’s not supernatural. That’s what Victor Frankenstein thought Adam was. A nonsensical, monstrous, mishmash filled with unfulfilled expectations. And the hellers are ostriches with the heads in the sand because the truth will upset their “delicate sensibilities”. And yet they still play the victim.
Stranger things is a horror show. Not a campy eighties set comedy. Horror. So the cries of “make Will the main character and let him be happy” is a veritable oxymoron. He’s either the focus and he suffers beyond belief like in season two. Or he’s in the background and safe-ish. And besides. He’s not The Main Character. He never really was. He’s A main character, sure. But The Main Characters are Joyce, Jim, Mike and Jane. First four credited. And the ones who do the most legwork. I love Will. I do. He’s a great character. Even if he did get a little too bitchy in seasons three and four. But the fact of the matter is. He was the goal in season one and a chess piece for the Mind flayer in season two. He suffers less otherworldly torment in 3&4 because he isn’t the goal or chess piece anymore. It might be an ensemble show. But there are de facto main characters. Four in fact. But contrary to major belief. None of them are Will. If some of you learn to accept that. Then you might get a little less testy and be able to enjoy the show for what it is instead of what you’ve imagined.
All three are great shows. Well. Supernatural could stand to treat Sam a lot better. But the streamlined inoffensive claptrap some fans think it should be isn’t it. And it will never be it. It’s better how it is and some fans just have to accept that. Although I doubt they ever will
TL;DR: Wednesday, supernatural and stranger things are great, interesting and most of all dark shows. Removing the darkness removes everything that makes it interesting. Cutting and pruning them until they’re unrecognisable just leaves you with a blob fish slowly dying for lack of water. The shows are more than just what some fans think is or should be palatable. And the sooner some fans realise that the better the fandoms will be.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
okay here are my thoughts on Netflix’s Wednesday as someone who loves the Addams Family and hates Tim Burton, spoilers obviously:
Wednesday being perfect at everything and having everyone love and idolize her is so very “boring main girl” of her. like if your protag’s only flaw is that she doesn’t trust people and wants to be a lone wolf, then don’t even bother
the weird almost love triangle thing was dumb and unnecessary. the artist guy came off as whiny and insufferable and the coffee shop guy felt insincere from the get go. also really? two pasty beanpole boys with no discerning characteristics other than one is a ‘tortured artist’? lame.
I’d rather watch a series about Bianca, tbh
the cello cover of Paint it, Black made me laugh so hard. Cheesy!
the cello cover of Nothing Else Matters was sick as hell though
Wednesday just selfishly uses everyone throughout this show. The only person she’s nice to is Eugene and yet EVERYONE pines for her attention. and they don’t do a good job of telling us WHY. she’s unpleasant. she makes it clear from the beginning that she’s not interested in anybody. she’s cold and callous, spitting out these abrasive quips and showing everyone up in classic Main Girl fashion. she’s constantly making demands of Enid for her own selfish gain. even when she “returns the favor” the show makes it ALL ABOUT HER
i hate the isolation of Wednesday from the rest of the family, especially since they were trying to convince us that she “doesn’t fit in” when Wednesday canonically is the perfect Addams. She is the ideal representation of what an Addams is. PUGSLEY is the black sheep, and i would have loved to see a show about THAT
the best episode was literally ep 5 when the family is together again. i actually genuinely enjoyed watching that one, and Wednesday wasn’t an annoying, selfish bitch, which was a total bonus. her little interrogation of Gomez in the prison was awesome, the back and forth was SO classic Addams Family wit and banter. i loved Luis Guzman’s performance. he was perfect.
Gwendolyn Christie was such a smokeshow awoooga. though i was kinda disappointed with how her character went. i wish she was given a bit more nuance. i thought she was going to be portrayed as a somewhat dopey and pitiful woman who has a secret badass side that comes in clutch at the end but eh that’s what i get for getting my hopes up i guess
Eugene was cute. i didn’t care for his horny side and think he would’ve been better if he didn’t have that tiny bit of girl craze. i mean, they drop it so quickly that it was a complete waste of time anyway. though, credit where credit is due, when he’s out in the woods, watching the cave, and he hears that cricket and then has it in a jar the next time it shows him, that was cute and funny and i liked it
i enjoyed Wednesday’s dance. it was quirky and unnerving and fun and took a step away from her “i’m too good for this shit” attitude that she’d had the entire show thus far
i’m glad that Bianca had some depth to her rather than just being the popular bitch to rival Wednesday. she deserved more time though.
The CGI!!!! was TACKY!!!!! lmaoooo???? there’s nothing in the Wikipedia page for this show about the budget and that’s INCHRESTING because it’s a big production, and Netflix sunk a LOT of attention and time into it, so I would assume that the budget was massive, and yet the CGI looked like THAT???? lmaooooooo stop. how embarrassing
On the other hand though... Thing was great. Viva la practical effects!!!! i’m so glad they didn’t try to cg him because that would have really annoyed me. I’m not anti CGI but i am anti lazy CGI when practical effects could have done a better job
Uncle Fester was great too! disappointed that he was only there for one episode. god i long for the entire family to come back. i understand that they wanted to do something different, but overall i felt like i was watching a goth rip off of harry potter.
it was fine though. i get that it was meant for an audience that wasn’t Me. I think Jenna Ortega was a good Wednesday, even if i didnt care for how she was written, and the rest of the family was cast well too. the second half of the show was better in terms of direction and pacing, and those were the episodes Tim Burton didn’t direct so, wow go figure, to nobody’s surprise whatso-fucking-ever.
anyway eehhhh i wasn’t going to watch it because im a big fan of the originals and i knew it was going to stray far far away from them, but here we are. i’m sure they’re going to milk it for 5 or 6 season and im not sure i’ll watch them. maybe. if they entice me with more Family involvement.
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justabigassnerd · 6 years
Need help rehearsing?
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Pairing - Gabe Goodman x reader
Word count - 1766
Warnings - swearing and mentions of bullying
A/N - I’m sorry, y’all were probably expecting something Newsies related but I defied your expectations and post about Next to Normal. I’m lowkey in love with this musical and so I wanted to write about my favourite character from this show, for the sake of this fic Gabe is not dead.
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“y/n you’re going to be late for school hurry up, Gabe is waiting!” Your mum calls from downstairs, you groan as you grab your hoodie after brushing your hair, throwing it on as you head downstairs. You see your mum, holding out both your school bag and an apple, both of which you grab swiftly and join your childhood friend Gabe Goodman who is waiting patiently for you and you leave the house together. Gabe and you have been friends since you were both about three or four, your parents moved and they introduced themselves to the Goodman’s when they found out that your parents had you they quickly became excited, saying that they had a son your age and from then on in your parents became close with Diana and Dan and they always brought you whenever they went round to their house and you grew up with Gabe, you two quickly becoming close friends. When you hit high school however, Gabe quickly joined the jocks and athletes while you stuck to yourself. You were still friends, but Gabe hung out with his friends at school while barely acknowledging you, it hurt when he ignored you, but you knew that if he got seen with you his reputation would be fucked. What you didn’t know was that Gabe felt bad for ignoring you all the time, he’d watch as you’d shrink into a shell as soon as you arrived at school that was non-existent when it was just you and him, he hated seeing you pushed around and he wished that he could protect you from the assholes that inhabit your school but because he’s a fucking idiot he hid behind his ‘friends’ and didn’t do anything about it.
“So, Gabe, why are you walking in with me instead of driving in with Luke?” You ask as you start the five-minute walk to your school, confused as to why Gabe was risking walking with you.
“Can’t a guy walk his best friend into school?” He jokes, nudging you slightly with his shoulder, but when he sees the unimpressed look on your face, he immediately drops his jokey persona and gets serious.
“I honestly just wanted to hang out with you for a bit, I know we hang after school, but it hasn’t happened for ages because I’ve always got football practice and I just miss you.” Gabe says, this caught you off-guard, Gabe was never this straightforward with anyone, not even his own mother, he was always cocky and jokey. He never wore his heart on his sleeve, not ever. Before you can reply you realise that you’ve arrived at school and you stop walking.
“You go in Gabe, you don’t want to be seen with me.” You say, urging him to go before his friends spot you two together. He looks at you with sad eyes before hurrying into the school building to meet up with his friends. You wait for a bit before heading in yourself, you keep your head down as you go to your locker and gather your books. As you head to your first lesson you notice the cast list for your school’s production of ‘Addams Family’ which you auditioned for, and you approach the board with anticipation and when you look you see your name y/n l/n next to Wednesday. You bagged one of the main parts, you feel your heart flip with excitement, and you can’t wait to tell your parents. They knew you longed to be on Broadway or in theatre in some shape or form in the future and they supported you no matter what role you got. The whole day seemed to fly past as you hurried home to tell your parents of your role in the show, when you told them they almost immediately called the Goodman’s and insisted they had a celebration round at your house and before you knew it the Goodman family had come round, including Gabe and his younger sister Natalie who both congratulated you with large hugs. You were surprised that Gabe was even there, you thought he had football practice.
“I figured today would be a good day to skip practice and I guess my instinct was right.” Gabe says, answering the question you hadn’t even asked. You all head into your garden as the sun was shining and your parents wanted to make the most of it while it lasted. Your mum brought out drinks for everyone, while your dad set up the barbeque to make burgers and hot dogs. You were almost embarrassed at how much your parents were doing to celebrate but it felt nice to be appreciated by someone.
“y/n/n, if you ever need someone to rehearse with just come around and ask for me, I’ll help you out.” Gabe says, smiling at you and before you can protest, he speaks up again.
“I don’t want an argument, I’ll be there to help, I promise.” Gabe says, holding out his pinkie finger, you laugh and lock your own pinkie with his. You’ve both been pinkie promising each other things since you first met, and it doesn’t seem like it will ever end.
“Thank you for offering to help Gabe, it’s very sweet of you.” Your mum says, smiling at the both of you, the barbeque runs smoothly with everyone wishing you luck with the show and promising to come and see it. When the Goodman’s have gone home you start going through the script you received from your director earlier in the day and that night you go to bed happier than you have been in a long time.
Gabe stuck true to his word and helped you rehearse at every given opportunity, he would have to play multiple characters at once and it would be funny watch him embody so many different personas at one time. One day you needed to go through a crucial scene in the show, so you asked Gabe to read in for Lucas, Wednesday’s love interest in the show, everything ran smoothly, you remembered all your lines and when you reached the end Gabe faltered.
“It says that they kiss, you need practice?” Gabe says, laughing slightly at his own joke, you giggle but shake your head.
“I think we can stop there, no need to kiss.” You say, not noticing the quick flash of sadness that crosses Gabe’s face. He checks his watch before scrambling to his feet.
“I need to go home.” He says, you stand up and hug him.
“Thanks for everything Gabe.” You say, he wraps his arms around you and hugs you back before pulling back so he can leave.
The time for the school production rolled around and while you were waiting backstage excitedly for the show to start, a very nervous Gabe was sat in the audience, a bouquet of flowers laid across his lap. He had confided in Diana about his feelings for you, and she offered to help him pick out flowers for you. When the lights dimmed and the show began, Gabe found himself transfixed on you for the entire show as you acted and sung your heart out. The others were good sure, but to Gabe you stole the show and owned it, he knew he had feelings for you, but it felt like this show helped him admit to it. When the show was over and the bow happened, Gabe saved his applause for you, he clapped widely as you took your bow, his heart surging with pride for his best friend. The Goodman’s and your parents waited for you in the theatre’s lobby, when you emerged from backstage your parents pull you into a large hug, followed by Dan and Diana, and then Natalie who played the piano for the show and you congratulated each other. Then it was Gabe who held out the flowers.
“You did amazing out there.” He said, trying to conceal his nerves, you take the flowers gratefully and hug him tightly, he uses that opportunity to pick you up and spin round.
“My best friend is going to be a star.” He says when he sets you down again, you laugh and shove his shoulder slightly, Gabe then takes a deep breath and asks if he can speak to you in private. You nod and hand your flowers to your mum and you lead Gabe to the prop cupboard after making sure no one is inside and shut the door behind you.
“What is it Gabe?” You ask, he takes another deep breath and runs a nervous hand through his sandy blond hair.
“I like you y/n, like more than a friend like you, and I know I’ve probably fucked up our entire friendship by saying that, but I had to say it, I couldn’t keep it in forever.” Gabe says, avoiding eye contact with you.
“I like you too.” You say, making him look up at you with his dazzling sapphire eyes wide with shock.
“You heard me Gabriel, I like you too.” You repeat, laughing at Gabe’s reaction, but he quickly catches you off guard by pressing his lips against yours. You start to kiss back, running your hands through his hair before you realise what your doing and pull away.
“Gabe, we can’t do this, I’m me and you’re you, your friends will kick you off the team, your reputation will be ruined I can’t do this to you.” You say, panicking about what you’ve just done. Gabe catches your flailing arms and holds your hands lightly in his own and you look deeply into his crystal blue eyes and find yourself calming down.
“y/n/n, everything will be alright, they can say shit about me but I don’t care, I just scored the most beautiful girl in the world, I don’t care if my reputation get ruined, I didn’t really care about it to be honest, I only stuck with them because of football, I just wanted to be with you, now that I got you I see no reason to be with them anymore, and if they try to do anything that hurts you I will not hesitate to beat their asses up.” Gabe says, reassuring you, you nod trusting Gabe.
“Now, can we try that kiss again, to make up for the one we didn’t do while I was helping you rehearse.” Gabe says before pulling you back in for another kiss which you return gladly, beyond grateful to have this amazing boy in your life and even more grateful that he’s now your boyfriend.
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sweetfirebird · 6 years
Finally - and I promise I'll stop bothering you - I do agree that not showing lgbt people kiss in shows meant first for boys sucks, they need to stop being cowards, but little steps are made and it is still obvious enough for teens and adults. AND if a show like Voltron where a leader is gay, and lesbians get to not be sexualized and be tenacious pirates, works then it would just opens for more and better next time. Wouldn't it? It needs to be criticized but not completely dissed imho u_u
(You aren’t bothering me. :) ) 
Okay so this part is where I sort of feel there is a generational divide--or maybe a divide of experience, if not age. 
I’m an Old. I am a fandom Old, if not an Elder. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, when gay rep was characters like Hollywood in Mannequin and coded as gay but not said aloud as gay characters like Ducky in Pretty in Pink. There were rarely lesbians there were mostly ‘tomboys’. I, as a nerdy, introverted, suburban/working class, American white girl who had no idea that questioning sexuality or gender was even a thing, latched onto to those characters without even really examining why. They were the only outsiders/not “normal” people in media. I loved them. Ditto for Wednesday Addams or the bitter, sarcastic best friend girl in every teen show/rom com. Then I discovered slash and stuff like Mercedes Lackey (which also has its own issues, omg, does it). And part of that was smutty-minded and part of it, I was to realize later, was because queering the text was great for me (also for reasons I did not examine at the time and had no language for anyway.) 
ANYWAY. I mention all that because as I matured, I did so in the age of studios becoming increasingly aware that fans were queering up their shit. And studios did not react well. Ask most Olds and they can tell you about m/m pairings (yes, usually always m/m) that were suddenly separated onscreen for whole seasons, and random love interests introduced, and everyone and everything gay removed from discussion on the show itself. (I will name two shows: Without a Trace and CSI--and CSI even had a plotline with the character being bi that they got rid of. Oh wait, I thought of another show where a bi character was changed to straight: Criminal Minds.) 
This was before queerbaiting was a conscious choice in the studios. At least, I assume so. It’s definitely conscious now. And that was the next stage we went through. Shows capitalizing on gay ships without any intention of ever delivering on them. We didn’t know that at first though, and we got burned, a lot. 
Now, before I go on, I want to point out that this isn’t even discussing all the het interracial ships that should/could have happened and still aren’t happening. (*cough* Supergirl *cough*)This is also not getting into all the gay episodes of the week,and the murder gays and the dead gays. Nor is this going into how even the more diverse shows were/are less about the pain and drama for the characters who aren’t white. (Some did, don’t get me wrong, but the disparity was/is there.) 
Okay, so by this point, all of us Olds have gotten our hopes dashed by one if not dozens of TV shows and movies. And maybe we’ve (some of us) started to realize, oh I also feel shippy and excited when those two women are onscreen together. But it doesn’t matter. Because every single time it either never happens and was never going to, or a character would be shown onscreen/page as queer (hurrah! the joy! the excitement! the hope!).... only to then be shown as ‘hilariously’ pining for the straight main or just straight up dying for them. Or just dying. 
Bury Your Gays is a thing.. It’s a holdover from the days of Hollywood censorship, when gays could be shown but they had to be villainous or dead by the end of the story. And yet it’s still happening. A dead queer character wouldn’t matter as much if there were more of them onscreen, but there aren’t. And these shows do not exist in a vacuum. (And I don’t think it helps that last year, TV killed off a lot of wlw.) 
This history is the reason why so many people are not willing to trust shows or feel so immediately betrayed by shows. The idea that a show will have this little bit and do better next time is great.. but people have been waiting a long time already. (More examples: The TV show SOAP in the early 80s had a gay character who turned straight. Not bi, straight. So did Dynasty. Rizzoli and Isles blatantly queerbaited. So did Teen Wolf. H50 is another example. I mean,I could keep listing shows with queerbaiting. Or I could list the shows with dead gays. Or I could list the shows with one-episode gay characters that were supposed to show that being gay was okay--but not okay enough to be in every episode. Or I could list the shows with Murderous Gays. Or more Bait-and-Switch gays.But it’s honestly too depressing to think about.) 
So all of this, all of this, is the context for every people that allowed themselves to feel so much hope (again) about Shiro, only to find Adam dead and the show portraying him and Shiro almost as roommates. They didn’t need to kiss onscreen, but intimacy can be shown in a lot of ways.
And that’s just queer rep. I can’t speak for the people upset about the racial issues in Voltron. I can only repeat what I’ve read in different posts. But basically, there is a whole, giant history of pain here, and this brought it up for a lot of people. 
I would love for them to build on that. For them to show not just Shiro in love on screen with a man, but for even the straight characters to be soft with each other, for the sake of the audience. I would love to see two non-straight MCs on any show fall in love onscreen and have it be given the same amount of attention as a het ship, treated as normal and beautiful and exciting. In fact, I think most of the people upset right now wanted exactly that as well. And for a brief moment it looked like we would actually get it, which is why this hurt so much and why they/we were angry. 
This was the ‘do better next time’ for a lot of people. And it didn’t. But I really, really hope it does, or someone else does, soon. 
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Opinion of the Week (2019 Oct. 17‒22): The Addams Family (1991) <6->
The first thing I want to say here is that I like the "Addams Family" theme song, which doesn't play all the way through in this movie, but is still pretty famous because a lot of people play the song at Halloween parties and stuff. It's originally the theme song to the Addams Family TV show from way back in the '60's, which I've never watched. The TV show is based on a series of cartoons by a cartoonist whose last name happened to be Addams, and the cartoons and TV show and theme song and movie all share a kind of dark and macabre and creepy style, a style that ought to be scary and horrific and disturbing, but are really pretty cute and light-hearted and harmless. The whole Addams Family personality balances both sides in quite an effective way, with funny Halloween-style jokes here and there. The cast of characters have some traits that I like and some traits that I don't care much for: Morticia Addams, much like the general Addams personality, looks like a witch, but is harmless. I don't really care for Gomez much, and he looks like he should be portrayed by Tim Curry. He isn't, but I thought he was, up until the time I watched this movie for the first time in 2008. (He did play Gomez in a direct-to-video follow-up Addams Family Reunion, but I haven't seen that one, and that doesn't matter here.) I like Christina Ricci, and I like the character she plays, the daughter named Wednesday, and I hope she was born on a Wednesday, otherwise it was pointless to call her that. I don't care much one way or the other for Pugsley (Wednesday's brother) or Grandmama Addams. I think I like the Lurch character, but he looks like he should be called Frank, because he looks exactly like Frankenstein's monster, and he looks like he was designed that way intentionally. Maybe my favorite character is Thing, the hand with no body, but it looks like he should be called The Hand. "Thing" is a name given to characters and things in various other media, and it's not a very creative name, and though a name like The Hand might not be much more creative, in any setting I would know exactly what character that name would be referring to, and I would know that that name refers to the hand from The Addams Family. There's also Uncle Fester, played by another actor I like, Christopher Lloyd. He looks like he fits in with the family, but this involves the plot about whether or not he is who he says he is, and whether or not the non-Addams characters he's acquainted with can be trusted. Unfortunately, I don't care much for this part of the story, and because it's the main part of the story, it seems that this whole movie doesn't actually do much for me. For next week's Opinion of the Week, look for my review of 2019's version of The Addams Family.
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