#like it was a similar vibe to this and it’s forever been imprinted to my brain
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If u don’t greet ur s/o like this then what are u doing
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ginnyruin · 1 year
Spoilers for Altered State
Long comment anon again. I finished the story and am obsessively watching my email for more!
“Idiots to lovers” 😩
He is so smart but so dumb. He is so hurt over other men and the fact that she is more interested in what he has to offer (lessons, library, etc.) and not just him. But who is he without those things to her?
I want them to finally get together though. I don’t know how he will react when he finds out she is a virgin though. Relief? Happiness? Uncertainty on how to handle it? Will he mentally break from happiness and apparate out of the room to give himself time to breath?
I am here for the potential chaos of him seeing Abraxas and Hermione together in a non-delicately fashion. I feel like he would be smart enough to see through this but he is going to be immediately blinded by pain and anger and just go off the rails.
I’m really excited to find out what happens.
“And I will obliterate all thoughts of anyone that came before me.” He stared intently at her, and a hint of a cruel smirk plucked at his lips. “No memory charms necessary.”
With the ironclad set of his jaw and furrowed brows, he appeared stern…almost angrywith her.
He’s so mad at men that don’t exist 🙄. Poor girl, he really put her through it for one of her sexual experiences. I feel like he was reading her inexperience as hesitation towards HIM in particular vs. Abraxas when it was really her inexperience and yes a little bit of fear of future him.
I’ll know exactly how perfect you feel. And nothing could stop me from taking you multiple times a day, every day.”
I hope this happens, not only because it’s hot, but because I want to see him become a desperate clingy boyfriend. She has to go back to Hogwarts to work. Is he going to owl her every night to quit and forget spying on Dumbledore?
He took a deep, long breath. “You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”
Regardless of whatever feelings she may or may not develop for him, he would never feel the same, because he was incapable of it. And she couldn’t help being a romantic at heart. Without a complete soul, he’d never be able to give her what she wanted, and she couldn’t allow the world’s greatest actor to force her off her path.
Is he incapable?
Softly, he pressed his lips to the center of her palm, and left there, burning like embers, the phantom imprint of a lingering kiss.
He raised his head slightly, but bowed over her palm with a certain reverence that forced that incorruptible thing in her chest to flutter, to weaken.
This was such a sweet, beautiful paragraph. What was going through his head here??? I must KNOW.
Sigh…. I really hope they eventually realize how similar they are and how broken inside they both are. I love your Hermione. She is a perfect blend of being a badass but not perfect. I feel horrible for her. She has to be so brave in her situation, but even back in her time she had to put on a brave face socially with how alone she feels. I’m afraid she will give in in the hopes he does reciprocate (as normally as he can given who he is) and he is just an ass and rubs in how much she wants him, how weak she is for him, etc. to a point it’s hurtful. I just want someone who is going to be as strong and smart as her to care for her 😭
I’m adding to peoples playlist, these songs give me Altered State vibes.
Believe by Mumford and sons
Kiss from a rose by seal
Endgame - Taylor swift
Infinity by James young -especially this song!
I'm a mad man for your touch, girl, I've lost control
I'm gonna make this last forever, don't tell me it's impossible
Oh, darling, my soul
You know it aches for yours
And you've been filling this hole
Since you were born, oh
'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate, you're my paradise
And I'll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice
Meet me at the bottom of the ocean
Where the time is frozen
Where all the universe is open
Love isn't random, we are chosen
And we could wear the same crown
Keep slowing your heart down
We are the gods now
this ask/comment brought a huge smile to my face, thank you so much! <3
As for the paragraph you quoted, I loved writing it too. Hmm what was going through his mind during that particular scene? maybe we'll see one day in the general sense. Also, I can certainly see him getting frustrated that she works at Hogwarts and just straight up demands that she quit (that'll go over well).
"But who is he without those things to her" - These two definitely have a lot to figure out before they get their act together. They really are similar, but they don't realize it yet. This story will try to explore that more deeply. In a way, they are inevitable.
It means so much to me that you like Hermione's characterization. There are many wonderful directions writers can take Hermione's character and readers have different preferences, so I'm thrilled you like her in Altered State. She's smart and tough, but she's imperfect and struggles a lot too, dealing with others who can be just as cunning. I love writing how she manages to overcome the challenges that keep coming her way.
Your song recommendations are super lovely, thank you, and the lyrics of the last one are simply perfect for AS Voldemort and Hermione! It really reminds me of the last few chapters.
If you continue reading, I sincerely hope you enjoy the rest!
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kineticallyanywhere · 4 years
I'd love to hear those fusion thots :eyes: the pacific rim ones were V good
If you’ve been around this house for a hot minute you might know that fusion aus are My Entire Jam Garden so you might imagine I’ve already put some thought into this and you would imagine right. The following was brainstormed in consort with @aryashi my second brain. 
The basis for this au is that fusion is possible in the forgotten realms and is just a thing people there can do. This also applies to sudden interdimensional travelers. 
tl;dr I wrote basically a one-shot’s worth of words down there but in short fusion is rad but also there's an unexpected amount of drama. which is basically a summary of the podcast but replace "fusion" with "fatherhood"
(preface: fusion is not a sex metaphor, just like pacific rim. Platonic fusion is normal. Familial fusion is normal. Okay, continue.) 
First inter-dad fusion: “I silence his dumb ass with a kiss” except its “I silence his dumb ass by accidentally fusing our bodies and consiousnesses into a single being w h o o p s” 
I like to name fusions as something other than their romantic ship name so let’s call him… o h yeah we named all of Henry’s fusions after animals. So this guy is Hare (like Darryl). Hare is pretty stable from the outside, but their internal dialogues clash really hard so they're incredibly slow to make decisions. 
Internally, Henry feels like he's crossed Darryls boundaries. They have to hold it, but he lets Darryl take the wheel and all similar mistakes are made. They make it through the thing with the Lance before unfusing. Darryl has no idea what that was and already has a lot of intimacy issues, so he’s not particularly inclined to try that again for funsies. Henry is curious, but there’s a buried part of him that’s making him deeply unsettled by the whole experience. He can barely have a straight thought about it, much less articulate the feeling, so he doesn’t try. He lets it go. 
First sons fusion: When the Lord of Chaos throws back his robe, yelling “Dad! !” it’s a GIANT Lark&Sparrow. They’re like trying to fuse two rubies together, you just get a bigger ruby. This changes a bit later, when the twins start to diverge from each other vis a vis Love Wolfism, but basically the Lord of Chaos is an Oak Twin the size of their dad. But still looks 12. It probably actually takes the Love Wolf speech from Henry and their divergent reactions to get them to unfuse. 
Second inter-dad fusion: That other time Henry and Darryl smooched while high on drug flowers. It was very unpleasant, they don’t talk about it, they don’t try that again for a while. 
They get a book on fusions from the Library that reads almost like a birds and the bees talk and there is minor culture-shock panicking about whether fusion is Like That, but something in Henry is telling him “No. It’s not Like That.” He doesn’t really know why he’s so solid in that belief. He understands that fusion is unique and powerful and a wonderful thing, but something about doing it is just… getting under his skin. 
Third inter-dad fusion: Glenn and Ron. I’m not even sure the exact context or anything. Maybe they were just vibin’. All I really know is that I imagine these two occasionally fuse for the weirdest things, like
Fourth inter-dad fusion: also Glon, fishing magic items out of a giant toilet. They needed to be taller. 
Glon is… gosh, what the heck is Glon. Performative out the ass, for sure. Down for basically anything. Allowed to wear bootie shorts. 
Back up a hot minute though, because first dad-son fusion: almost happens on the Tower of Terry. It comes so close. They’re in that hug, and Ron thinks maybe if they fuse, the magic won’t take TJ. Or even if it takes them both, that’s better than TJ getting taken alone. They don’t have to say “I’m sorry” or “I love you, son” out loud, but before it really takes, Terry gets ripped away. Because Willy can’t have that, can he? 
Fifth inter-dad fusion: is Glon again, but the circumstances are way different because Ron just saw the mummy of his wife and Glenn is trying to help him breeze past it and it works until it doesn’t and they fall apart with Ron a crying mess. 
Sixth inter-dad fusion buckle up because we’ve reached Ravenloft. Before dad-fusion 6, Henry gets caught in his dad’s claws. He feels something very familiar and rejects it with everything he has, and escapes to grab Glenn. Then he gets hit by Calm Emotions, Glenn reaches up, trying not to fall, and Henry is already super chill about everything all of a sudden, so when Glenn tries to fuse out of panic, Henry goes for it. 
Gila—Henry and Glenn—can do actual bard magic. They’re like Opal, in that a single moment of disconnect is enough to snap them apart and finding that disconnect is not difficult. But when the situation is saving their kids and telling their asshole dads to get lost, that’s plenty enough connection to cast an actual magic-ass thunderwave with a guitar and maybe a bit more. 
(Barry didn’t like that.) 
So another fun thing about adding this factor to cannon is that this lets the dads have glimpses inside each other’s heads. So certain conversations could change a little bit. For example, in the van while they’re driving away from the Ravenloft fight and Henry’s explaining a few things. 
Henry: I don't have a lot of memories from that time in my life—  Glenn: Not a lot? Try "not any.” Henry: Glenn—  Glenn: Dude, none of my business, but your brain was weird.  Henry: Glenn.  Glenn: Like did the government get to you when you showed up on earth or—   Henry: Glenn what the fff—rick are you even saying just shut up Darryl: …
Darryl had noticed, too, but Glenn has other fusion experience to compare with. Henry could catch glimpses and imprints and trains of thought which ground in different points of Darryl/Glenn’s entire life, and Glenn and Ron can do that equally with each other. But a bunch of things for Henry, if you try to backtrack to where the decision comes from it just. Stops. Especially with using magic, which Glenn got to do. And Henry’s thoughts on fusion end dead hard. 
(filtering all of this through Freddie’s headcanon that Glenn always figured Henry was from Faerun but was just wildly wrong about all the details is so much fun)
This is the part in the fic series where there’s a one-shot about Henry having a panic attack just outside of the camp at night, and the most he can explain is just that something about seeing his dad again set him off. 
And then we get to a lighter turn for first dad-son fusion but for realsies this time: Ron Stampler nat 20s to hug his son and then also is the son. And that dad. And dads are supposed to be inside to do a ritual for a demon cow. 
RJ is the sweetest dude. Also if you don’t sit on him he will wander off and do the most extreme version of the first thing that comes to his mind for a problem solution or release from boredom. And he will not tell you about it in advance, so seriously. Sit on him. 
So they stand there for a second like "yes... Yes. Yes... Okay. Im... I'm the dad. But I'm the kid? But im. The dad. And all the other dads are also the kid so... Dad... Trumps kid status. And I'm the dad... Cool." and they go in to help with the demon cow. 
The kids are flipping out outside. 
Henry spots them and drops the cage, almost like he’s Garnet and just spotted Stevonnie. While all the other dad’s are freaking out/fawning/curious, Glenn lifts their glasses and theres four eyes and he drops the glasses and never mentions this again. 
Rj: hi um. I'm a dad.... Yeah. So I'm here tooooooo frickin kill a demon cow let's do this Rj: got the good dad vibes comin out of my butt
For realsies though Terry should be outside, so they unfuse for the cow thing and the bbq but then Dennis happens. 
Second dad-son fusion: Dennis: are you sure you've got this?  Ron: i can do it  TJ: he can DO it dad GIVE ME YOUR HAND
RJ’s an arcane trickster and it’s real cool and Dennis looks so jealous ha ha ha and also they separate after the fight and suddenly Terry’s unsettled and needs to talk to Ron for a second because “Hey Dad is Dennis not real????????” 
Third dad-son fusion: is way less eventful, but who the heck can say no to more reasons to cry about the Wilsons at the tail end of the Supper Bowl arc? 
Fusion is not a replacement for talking, but it is a bit smoother in communicating emotions. It doesn’t happen until the end of their talk, when Darryl’s got his arm around Grant. I don’t think either of them are super attached to this whole fusion thing, (If Grant is, it certainly wasn’t his dad he’d been thinking about trying it with. Maybe one of the other kids… “maybe Terry.”) so they may not even pick a name. Henry certainly cries at least twice as hard, but when they want to just get something to eat and maybe just hang out for a while, nobody pushes. 
I think the most important part of this is that it gives Grant a kind of… emotional break. Lets him feel something nice again— like he does in the show, too, but in a way that’s a bit more stable while it lasts. Like the feeling when you’re a kid on a long car ride with your parents, one that ends in getting home late and you’ve fallen asleep and they carry you out of the car. 
Good things for Grant Wilson for til forever. 
Somewhere in that arc, though, Glenn approaches Henry by themselves. Glenn’s not really a feelings guy, but whatever’s going on in Henry’s head is a problem. It’s a one-up the o-dads have on them, and they can’t afford that right now. 
Glenn: so you like... Really don't hardly remember being a kid?  Henry: Glenn, I don't want to talk about it  Glenn: I bet your dad's gonna wanna talk about it  Henry: well... i don't care what he wants  Glenn:... You seriously don't know how you got to earth?  Henry: [exasperated] the frick are you-- I got to earth like anyone else, Glenn. You know where babies come from, right?  Glenn: of course i fucking know where babies come from. A mommy and a daddy love each other very much and then their kid runs away so hard he skips dimensions  Henry: wh-- wait you-- do you think I'm an alien?  Glenn: obviously  Henry: Glenn that's-- [sighs, rubs his face] Glenn this isn't the kind of time for your conspiracies  Glenn: hey as far as I'm concerned, a man who sleeps with an axe under his pillow is a fool every night but one. and you shoot poison from your hands and shape shift into bears
Which adds nicely to the slide of heading to Oakveil next
Henry: y'know what. When we leave here, we can get my kids next.  Glenn: your interdimensional kids  Henry: to prove to you you're being crazy. Again.  Glenn: De Nial is a river man, and we left it back on earth
And one more dialogue bite, because…
Glenn: claim your powers latched onto you from this world all you want. But that language you and your dad spoke, didn't come out of the air, it came out of the door in your head
...fusion means the other dads get to learn about the metaphorical brain door. 
This brings us into the most recent arc, heading into Oakveil. He and Ron sneak in, and Beary tells Henry he’s home, and pieces start to click together. Henry’s from this world, so he understands why he’s had such a particular view on fusion and that basic cultural understanding. That it’s considered normal. And that it’s even normal for a kid’s first fusion to be with their parent. Their parent who loves them and knows them wants to see them grow. 
Bear Ry’Oak is not that. 
First O-dad fusion: Henry’s first fusion was with his dad. 
I think the worst thing is that, when fused with his dad, Hen doesn't feel like he's not himself. one of the interesting things about the Oaks is that they're kind of all slight alterations on the same traits. Like as gross as it feels to admit, Beary is just Henry but with the condescension turned up to a billion and his high horse is basically an elephant and no self-awareness or care for how others might have different perspectives from him
But Beary is still so overwhelming to Henry that it just flattens pretty much anything that makes Henry, Henry. Specifically the parts that Barry dislikes. like Henry's anger. To directly quote Aryashi: “Beary thinks using fusion for combat is barbaric. obviously fusion is for Conflict Resolution. Fuse with Beary so he can sort out your disagreement with him!”
(and then bathe in bleach)
So Beary finds them in Oakveil and Henry starts panicking and he tries to Handle Henry like he did when Henry was a kid, fusing with him to stomp down on his feelings to cut a panic attack or outburst off at the pass. If Henry's in no place to fight back it usually works, but if Ron's there--literally pressed against Henry's back--to see the fusion coming, maybe he reaches for a fusion, too, and lets Henry's instincts choose which pull to follow, and Henry's instincts choose Ron.
Seventh inter-dad fusion: Wren is suddenly there before Beary can even start his attempt to coach Henry through breathing (his half-effort to help Henry and be able to say that he tried freakin hate him) and is sitting on the ground and the disgusted look Beary gets seeing this. (Fusing with an outsider is something he considers so beneath his son.)
Beary:... Ah. Ronald.  Wren, existing, suddenly, and mostly being Ron's processing power as Henry's mental wheels try to slow down to match Ron's pace (cultivated through a childhood of dealing with Willy) rather than amp them both up: uhm... It's just Ron, actually Beary: would you mind... (there's other people around so he can't say "decontaminating") liberating my son. (as if ignoring the role his son had in choosing this fusion over his) Wren: Henry is uh... (me? Not me? Yes me, not up for this, we should go somewhere else that usually works fine, we can just leave and find the others and that'll be fine) he's good. We're good, we're gonna... (looking at the other people who look like Henry and the "not amping each other up” thing is working less and less)  Wren: bye
And then they just stand up and fast-walk away
Wren is either chill af and rolling with every punch or the living equivalent of a coke bottle that you popped a whole roll of mentos in and then closed immediately. At this moment, it’s very much the coke bottle side. Beary lets them go because he knows Henry will be back, and they make it just outside of town to where the others have just shown up before they fall apart. 
Ron: We found the door!  Darryl: what door?  Ron: the one in Henry's head!  And all the dads know what he's talking about Glenn: did you open it?  Henry: no  Ron: a little bit  Henry(probably now starting that panic attack): the anchors in there  Ron: his dad came out of it  Darryl: his dad???????? Henry, vulnerability, Oak: I AM FEELING VERY VULNERABLE RIGHT NOW AND I HATE IT  [chorus of mumbled sorrys] Ron: oh also Oakvale is Henry's home Darryl: WHAT Glenn: Uh hey anyone gonna pick up the phone cause I FUCKIN CALLED IT Henry: That's not my home! My home is with Mercedes back on Earth! Glenn: Yeah, this is just where you were born.  Henry: Glenn I swear to God-- Glenn: Dude lay off, I was agreeing with you! Home's where the heart meds are and all that jazz Darryl: Wait, you have heart meds? At home? When was the last time you took your heart meds? Glenn: Uhh... not since I came here? It's fiiiiiine. Never felt better! Ron: Not to interrupt but Henry's on the ground breathing funny. Glenn, are you sure you don't have any heart meds? Henry: being hugged by both of his sons in a simultaneous way that is not their normal simultaneous way (i.e. the Lord of Chaos way): WHY ARE MY SONS TALLER THAN ME Glenn: I'm more surprised that they're hugging you  Lord of Chaos: to assert dominance! Any moment now, we will turn this hug into a suplex!
And that basically brings us to now? I want a Triple Oak Fusion (the King of Chaos) but with how the fight with Beary went I’m not sure where it’ll go. OH YEAH. 
Autumn stopped fusing with Hen even when he was a kid because she couldn’t stand to see how much her son craved the approval of that evil man who stole her life away. And whether or not Henry ever fuses with anyone ever again after finding out he’s got Eldritch in him has gotta be up in the air. 
And at this point I could easily be convinced that the next inter-dad fusion is Darryl and Glenn, those beautiful idiots. They could be… Denn. Glarryl? We’ll workshop it. 
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jjungkookiex · 4 years
Agust D 2 Review
This is one of my top 3 tracks, I adore the little conversation he has in the beginning as he introduces the new era of Agust D. The theme links this song with Moonchild by Joon and Moon by Jin so that the celestial trio is indeed complete. It love the way that he finds comfort in the eternal aspect of nature when compared to his ever growing fame and wealth that must at times be overwhelming. Instead he concentrates on his artistry and love for music in its purest form that have been consistent in his life. The vibe is very groovy and relaxed making for a very pleasant listen at night. 
This is a distinctly unapologetic title track that is accompanied by a cinematic masterpiece of a music view. The blend of traditional Korean pansori alongside the fiery rap make for a unique auditory experience that is addictive (no jokes this song was played at least 100 times on the first day itself for me personally). In the music video Agust D splits his persona in half by playing both the tyrant king and the commoner assassin. This dichotomy allows him to explore the various aspects of his self and the eventual death of the king by the hands of the commoner, for me, represents his desire to stay humble, grounded and passionate, setting himself apart from the weak ‘pill poppers’ who lack drive and conviction. 
What do you think?
Agust D does not hold back and his haters better run for cover because this track is acerbic, sarcastic and a harsh slap of reality to those you doubt them. The rhetorical question in the title mockingly questions those who had underestimated the group that are the most popular boy band on the globe and threatens them to question them more, what do you think if we win a Grammy? He aggressively silences the ignorance of the media who persists in questioning them on their enlistment, and the way that he raps the four words hold more than a touch of wildness, showing the world that you do not mess with Agust D and his brothers.
This tracks begins with an ominous, distorted synth beat that is largely reserved for the end of songs, however its inclusion in the beginning helps to set the tone for a track that is unsettling and unable to be definitively pinned down. This track has a conversational tone, similar to Respect but lacking the playfulness; it’s strange younger brother. It discusses the way that wealth is the driving force in society, where capitalism injects hope as morphine into the youth, for it to never materialise in the way they wanted. Namjoon’s rap (which is so incredibly attractive purely in his intonation and accent) “for God’s sake everything’s under control” isn’t reassuring in the way we’d expect the words to be, instead the song questions our perception of the world and the strangeness of it all. 
This song reminds me of walking down a bustling street in the midst of summer, feeling incredibly isolated yet overwhelmed with the intensity of life. As one of the most reflective songs on the album it discusses the difficulty of crossing the vague border between youth and adulthood. This is not a border that makes for an easy passage, one will lose things in the process and emerge a changed person. Age is highly subjective, our mental state does not follow a linear line and our experiences vary, thus our true age varies. Agust D has lived an extraordinary life but is he truly an adult? He muses over whether it is better to not cross that barrier, if that journey means losing the dreams and passion that make him youthful. This is something highly relatable for us all, where we are pressured to become members of society and adults without a full awareness of how that process will transform us. 
Burn It
This track is hauntingly intense and dark and Max’s vocals fit in so well with Yoongi’s rap. That’s one of the things that I adore about the album- all the collaborations feel so natural and cohesive. The song raises the questions of whether we relate or recognise the individual we see in the mirror and if not we should burn it. Yoongi’s urgent refrain of yeah yeah burn it, is unforgettable and in my opinion, links to how he said in one Vlive that giving up is ok and that it requires great courage. This song highlights how everything, even the people we are, are constantly evolving and why should we be burdened with a past, or present self that it alien to us? Better to burn it down and create something worthwhile to our existence. 
This has got to be my favourite track of the whole album. The tropical esque beat at the beginning is lowkey and light, setting the mood for gentle contemplation rather than intense self reflection. The alternation between ‘why so serious?’ and ‘I’m so serious’  feels almost like a conversation between two people, thus continuing the album’s theme of duality. We are all people, but we live wildly different lives. Something normal to a person like walking freely down the street is extraordinary to a celebrity like Agust D, however to me or you it would be ordinary whereas we could never dream of playing stadiums which is the regular for BTS. This song comforts the listener by singing that no matter what stage in life you are, it’s ok if you cry and feel sad sometimes because no matter what, we are all people. 
This track begins with a beat that is slightly drowsy and distorted, mimicking perfectly the notion of drinking. The title means ‘drinking alone’ a time of the day when we are the most nostalgic and reflective. The lyrics separate the ideal from the reality. Agust D had preconceptions of fame and fortune but our visions rarely match our reality and we find him musing over the disparity between the two, something that must be a torment and struggle for any celebrity. We see him attempting to consolidate his success and position in life in this moody track that is perfect for the after hours of a tiring day. 
Set Me Free
This is an incredibly beautiful track and singer Agust D truly comes through! It’s incredibly raw and relates the mental health struggles that the weight of the crown can have upon someone who is on an elevated platform in the world. The chirping of birds indicate the start of a new day, almost as though he wants to be set free and rejuvenated, to go to a world where things do work his way, where he can escape and truly be free of all the criticism, the spotlight and retreat to be with himself. I think we can all relate to the feeling of being trapped, and the melancholic yet euphoric refrain is highly emotive.
Dear My Friend
This song is one of the most heartbreaking out of the whole album. It is confessional and nostalgic, and dwells on how the passage of time ends friendship and changes people, leaving us with nothing but the fragments of memories. Yoongi reminisces over a friend he had when he was 20, a friend who’s existence and loss left a deep imprint upon his heart that Kim Jong Wan beautifully vocalises. This audible letter to his lost friend tugs at my heartstrings for I too lost a friend who I thought would be with me forever and whilst we do not come into contact anymore I still remember our time together vividly and hope they are happy wherever they are. I see this song as Yoongi’s last goodbye to this person who touched his life in such an intense way. 
This album was incredibly raw and confessional and I’m so proud of Yoongi for creating a work that is so authentically him. Each track is meticulously crafted much like his whole ouevre of work and the progression of himself both personally and musically is evident. 11/10 stars from me 
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subasekabang · 6 years
Ties We Bind (& Break), Chapter 5
Author: composeregg Rating: T Word Count: 15435, Chapter total: 4170 Pairings/Characters: Joshua/Neku, Shiki/Eri, Joshua & Neku & Shiki & Beat & Rhyme & Eri in a queerplatonic poly-pile relationship. Hanekoma, Kariya. Warnings: Includes depression heavily, and mentions of suicide. Summary: One year after the Long Game, a tall boy named Yuuto Kimura, who has messy black hair, glasses, and bright green eyes, stumbles into Neku’s life, and he can’t help but let him get close, letting him join the circle of friends.
One year after the Long Game, Joshua aches to hang out with Neku again, but the restrictions he’s gained for his transgressions are very clear: Yoshiya Kiryu, Composer of Shibuya, is not to interact with Neku Sakuraba.
(But every rule has a loophole.)
Author’s Note: Each chapter is also being added to ao3! Here! (Small delay per chapter).
Featuring autistic/neurodivergent characters, the “Joshua is Neku’s Dead Best Friend” theory, and lots of headcanons abound.
“Where is he?”
Yuuto looks over at Neku from his place sprawled on Neku’s bedroom floor. The declaration makes him raise an eyebrow, and Beat, Shiki, and Rhyme sigh.
Neku is sitting on his bed, flopped over Beat’s lap with a sketchbook in front of him. Rhyme is leaning against its base, and Shiki has staked a claim on the desk chair. Yuuto himself has his back against the wall, laying on his side so he can look at the others. With Neku talking, he sets down his phone.
“Where is who?” he asks.
A sigh escapes him as Neku looks back. “My second week Partner.” Oh. “His name is Joshua, and I haven’t seen him since the last day of my Game.”
“You don’t talk about him much, Neku,” says Shiki, eyebrows scrunched as she looks up from her current sewing project.
“Yeah,” he mutters. “It’s complicated, guys.”
More than you know.
“He did somthin’ to ya, we know that, but you’ve never said what,” Beat chimes in, and oh, they’re prompting Neku. Trying to get the full story out of him.
Neku wavers, fingers tapping at the paper in front of him as indecision flickers across his face. He needs to tell them. Neku can’t keep this bottled up forever, nor can he wait for Josh to emerge.
All it takes is one Imprint. He doesn’t even notice the subtle sway wriggling its way into his head, urging him on, strengthening his impulse to spill the secret.
Tell them. What’s the worst that could happen? They deserve to know, and if Joshua protests, well, you were never told not to tell them.
“Joshua is the Composer, and he shot me. Twice.” The words spill past his lips, tumbling off his tongue, before he slaps a hand over his mouth, eyes widening.
Rhyme gives Yuuto a Look, making sure no one else notices. He shrugs back, sending a thought over to them: He needs to get it out, he’s bottled all this up. There’s nothing against the rules… Explicitly.
“What the fuck?” Shiki is staring at Neku, and Beat is too.
“It’s complicated–”
“Okay but what the actual fuck? He shot you!?” She stands, huffing and pacing the room, running fingers through her hair. “You still want him to show up after he did that to you?”
“Shiki please–”
“I’m wit’ her man, why would you want that?” Beat says, fist clenched.
It should concern Yuuto more, honestly. Rhyme is still glaring at him. Yet, all he can do is frown, and tap a finger to his chin. “I’m sure Neku has his reasons, why don’t we let him speak them?”
Neku shoots him a grateful look as the others quiet down, and Shiki flops back into the chair, keeping her mouth shut but her eyes on Neku, ready to judge if the explanation is satisfactory.
“Joshua is… Complicated.” Neku sighs, sitting up and leaning against the wall, instead of lying on Beat’s lap. It’s no doubt easy to pull away, pull into himself.
“I think he’s a lot like me. Or, before and during the Game he was similar to how I was when you all first met me. Only worse. Depression and loneliness gave him a misanthropic view of the world, and I could feel it.” He runs a hand through his hair. Gelled spikes don’t agree with the treatment, so he switches to twisting the end of one between his fingers.
“I related to him, we had the same sort of humor and outlook, except seeing his helped me re-evaluate my own. It hurt, when I thought he shot me, even though he was an annoying git. It hurt even more, when I thought he got himself Erased to save me, and I thought he hadn’t killed me for that last week.”
Yuuto keeps his expression neutral, a blank sheet of paper. The sacrifice might’ve been over-the-top, it might’ve been what kept Neku from shooting him. Neku knew what it was like to lose him, and he didn’t want to cause himself that pain. Again.
“I dunno…” Neku continues, “I don’t forgive him, but he was my Partner, and you all know what that’s like. He chose me as a Proxy, playing some fucked-up game with the Conductor. At the end…”
“You don’t talk about what happened in that final room,” Rhyme says, moving away from the bed so they can look up at Neku.
“The Conductor got Erased, and he challenged me to a duel. Whoever won got to choose what to do with Shibuya, he wanted to Erase the UG. Even with that motive, even knowing everything he did, I couldn’t pull the trigger. And he shot me. Again.”
A slight tremor runs through Neku’s body. His Music is a cacophony of noise, but Joshua keeps the Noise at bay, even when he looks like Yuuto. There are no tears, but grief wells within Neku.
“If he won, why is Shibuya still standing? Why did any of us get brought back?” Shiki asks.
“Erasing the UG wouldn’t destroy Shibuya,” says Yuuto. “Just the UnderGround, and a shiny new one would grow back. Erasing the UG, however, would Erase the Composer. If the Composer is Erased with no one there to take his spot, no Conductor or person who beat them, then the UG collapses.”
Neku freezes, the guitar strings of his Music snapping as he whips his head toward Yuuto. For a second, he thinks Neku’s caught on, he’s been caught, but… “Oh my god. Did he want to die?”
“I can’t answer that. You did say he seemed depressed, though.” Yuuto doesn’t look up, grabbing a safety pin off his clothes to pick at his nails with.
Of course Neku hadn’t caught him. He shouldn’t even want that. And yet, the idea of Neku piecing together the puzzle fills him with a soft fuzz, warm because it’d mean Neku knew him well enough to see through his disguise.
Maybe if he had all his memories…
But that’s an impossibility.
“Still… I trust him, he and I were Partners. We had a bond.” Neku waves a hand in the air. “The least he could do is meet up with me, because I want an explanation, he owes me one. But no! It’s been two years, and he’s nowhere to be found!”
Silence falls, until: “Maybe he can’t?” Rhyme asks.
Neku’s head snaps to look at them, eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“Maybe… What if there’s rules you don’t know about, and he’s not allowed to see you?” they explain.
Joshua would hug them, if he could, but alas, it would be weird if he did that now, as Yuuto. He’ll send them a thank-you text tonight.
“If there’s a rule against visiting me but not one against shooting me then the rules are messed up. And if there is one, then he’s a hypocrite.”
Yuuto snorts, rolling his eyes. “Fair enough.”
“He still deserves to get punched in the fucking face,” Shiki says. “If I see him, I’ll chuck something at him for you.”
Neku laughs, and oh, no matter how much he gets to hear that nowadays, it still sends a buzz of energy through his stomach. Like being zapped by a lightning bolt psych.
“Well, if you get the chance, go right ahead, but make sure to tell him to stop being a coward, too.”
White light cascades from the rooftop of 104, obscured by the sun. He sits, legs dangling over the edge.
Rhyme climbs the stairs, and pops the door open.
Joshua doesn’t move. His edges are blurred, ink smeared and blended, and they can’t tell where he ends and Shibuya begins. Not RG, maybe not even UG, a frequency buzzing in the back of their head that sends static stabs through their skull.
They shove it to the side, and plop down by him. “So, sitting on the roof, huh? Wistfully staring out at the city?”
He snorts. “You know how it is: doubting life, and death, choices, being the emo seventeen-year-old you never got to be in life. Having a vague existential and moral crisis.”
“Is this… About what Neku said yesterday?”
“He’s right,” Joshua says, light surrounding him starting to dim. The harsh glow fades, and Rhyme can feel him slide down the vibes, into the RG. “I am a hypocrite. He deserves better.”
They headbutt him, leaning against his side. For all that Josh proclaims to be cold and dead, the warmth emanating from him is full of life. Maybe it’s fake, meant to comfort, or habit so he doesn’t alarm any of the group with clammy skin claimed by the grave, but they think it helps his mental state, too.
“He doesn’t want better though, he wants you. Tell me your side of the story.”
He sighs and flops onto his back, staring up at the sky. “He was meant to be my replacement. I wanted to be gone. I’d messed up bad, and he was so much like me, in so much pain, that I thought the Game could make him better, and he could free me from my misery.”
Looking down, the distance to the ground is far, the people below flowing like rivers, intermingling and dispersing. Individuals are lost to the crowd. “There’s more, isn’t there? You fixated on Neku for this, instead of anyone else.”
“Neku deserves to be the first to learn about that reason. Sorry, but it wouldn’t be fair.”
They nod, and swing their feet.
“You shouldn’t be so close to the edge, you know,” he says, and they laugh.
Pulling their legs up, they flop around so their head dangles instead, hair blowing in the wind. “If I fall, you will most certainly catch me.”
A rustle is the only sign they get that he moves, until he sits right on their feet. “And now you won’t fall at all. Beat would skin me if he knew I let you do this.”
“Nah, Neku and I wouldn’t let him.”
“So,” says Shiki, “you like him, don’t you?”
It would be useless to flail his limbs, sputter and deny her words, so instead, Yuuto sighs and nods. “What gave me away?”
She laughs, rolling her eyes. “You’re pining, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes. You sprawl yourself over him whenever he gives you permission, like a cat seeking affection. You’re always staring at him when he isn’t looking!”
A cat seeking affection, he snorts. “I’m just a big, cuddly snow leopard. I’m touchy-feely with all of you, how is it different with him?”
“Even on your bad days, you lean against him. You don’t let anyone else touch you, but he’s always allowed,” she says.
“I guess,” he shrugs, tapping his pencil against the paper in front of him.
Since becoming friends with everyone, his apartment had become lived in. Trinkets and gifts from the past year fill the space. Shiki has given him some plushies, and pillows with pretty designs rest on the couch where she sits. Eri’s gifts are clothes picked from the rack, if it’s not a joint-gift from her and Shiki in the form of clothes they’ve made.
Beat has taken to cooking, and Yuuto keeps his kitchen stocked. In return, he gets good food and a skateboard resting in the entryway closet. Rhyme gives stim toys, from the reversible-sequin snap bracelet to the rainbow tangle.
As for Neku… Art hangs on the once-barren walls. A landscape of Shibuya in watercolor hangs behind the couch, and a portrait of the entire gang is framed and placed near the entrance.
Papers and pencils are scattered everywhere. Neku keeps a case of art supplies here. Everyone has small projects that have taken up residency, and Shiki is working on one of them now. Stitching a snow leopard into existence.
“The thing you’re working on, it’s for Neku, isn’t it?” Shiki asks, breaking the silence.
He nods. “I’m composing. I’ve got most of it down, in fact it’s pretty much finished, but I’m worried… Will he like it?”
She looks over at him, a quick glance before her eyes dart away again. “What? Are you gonna serenade him or something?”
“Yes, actually, I am,” he says, tossing the paper to the side and himself to the floor. It’s pointless to sit on the chair when it impedes his creative flow. “But it’s so impossible to know if he’ll appreciate it. If he’ll understand my reasoning. I don’t even know if I want him to know yet!” he moans, rolling onto his side.
“Then play for me,” she says, like it’s the most simple conclusion in the world. “I can tell you if he’ll like it, at least.”
Yuuto perks up. “You’d be cool with that?” When she nods, he jumps, dashing to his room to retrieve the violin.
She doesn’t see it appear from thin air in his hands, doesn’t see his form flicker ever so slightly. He comes back looking like Yuuto as always.
“Serenade me, music boy.” She stabs the animal in her hand with the needle again, something to fiddle with so she can enjoy the music more, no doubt.
A laugh. He sets up the stand for his music, and positions the violin. “Now, ideally, this is somewhere like, WildKat, and I’m wearing one of your super fancy suits, but we can discuss that later.”
Yuuto raises the bow, and lets the magic happen.
Fast-paced, running through Shibuya streets with the beat, weaving through crowds and ducking into back alleys. It starts soft, then crescendos. He closes his eyes, letting the high notes weave together with the low.
The pulse matches time with the heartbeat of the city, spray paint graffiti hits the wall. The echo of a drum plays through his tune, noticed by its absence. A solo player is not a quartet, is not a band, and he does not have techno parts to add for a violin solo, but he lets the music do the talking.
Imagination weaves through the notes, calling forth the memory of other instruments, adding the illusion of more than there is.
Yuuto steps in time, sways, pacing a fluid circle to match his song. Not his song. Neku’s song, Neku’s Music. Music warped and persuaded into playing on a single violin, playing over the strings to describe him.
Magic is kept to a minimum, he doesn’t call forth the actual sounds, or implant them as more than elusive notes, but it’s impossible to give off the feel he wants without it. Impossible to transcribe the flashes of orange and piercing blue, the splash of color he brings everywhere, the conflicting notes and discord of life.
Joshua does his best, but there’s only so much he can do without dropping his disguise.
The final note draws out as the song comes to a close. The real one plays on elsewhere in the city, but he cannot play his violin all day.
Opening his eyes, he looks to Shiki, finding her staring on with awestruck wide eyes, and a jaw dropped far enough to catch flies. The snow leopard in her lap left abandoned.
He bows with a flourish, before setting his instrument down.
“So, think he’ll like it?” Yuuto asks with a grin that wavers like the final note.
“If he doesn’t fall head-over-heels for you after hearing that, you’re shit outta luck my dude.”
She stays unnoticed, trailing behind Yuuto after the weekly meetup. Shiki doesn’t want to suspect a friend, but he’s suspicious, plain and simple.
Yuuto doesn’t make it to every meeting, which she can understand, but it’s a regular occurrence every few weeks. He’s had lunch with a Reaper, chatting like old friends. He knows too much about the Game, more than any of the Players should know, more than Neku ever learned.
WildKat is the destination, and she hangs back to watch through the windows as Yuuto enters. Standing in the shadow of a nearby building, staying out of sight, she expects to find some shady business going down.
Shiki doesn’t expect him to have a fucking magical girl transformation.
Bathed in a glow of light, his features blur, glaring against the window. As it fades, black hair grows and turns white, his body shrinks, and the glasses he wears are removed. His skin goes pale, and–
She’s seen him before.
She doesn’t need to see the violet eyes or the smirk to know that frame. He’s talking to Mr. Hanekoma, facing away, but the picture rings clear in her brain.
Neku has filled pages upon pages of his sketchbook with that person. She’s seen him in the ink staining paper while he vents far too often.
The bell chimes above her head, and she’s faced with Yuuto again. The last vestiges of creamy light fading from view, dismissed as aftereffects of being in the sun if she didn’t know any better.
“Hey, Shiki, what are you doing here–”
The steel in her eyes leaves no room for him to finish that sentence as she marches over to him, her voice a snake’s hiss. “You have ten seconds to explain to me what the fuck I just saw, starting now.”
He slides off the stool, taking a step back from her pointed finger. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He laughs, rubbing his neck.
“Try again. You changed. I saw that. I saw who. Six seconds.”
Yuuto scrambles, holding his hands in the air as he retreats, back to the window. “Okay, okay. It’s. Shit, it’s complicated. Give me a moment.”
She holds up five fingers. In the silence, she ticks it down to four.
“I can’t, okay? I can’t. There’s… A lot. Where do I start?”
“Start with why the fuck you’re hiding your identity from all of us!” He’s down to three fingers now, and as Mr. Hanekoma slips out of the room, she takes note of the steaming cup of coffee on the counter.
“Well,” two fingers. “I wasn’t hiding it from all of you. Rhyme figured it out in a month.” He takes another step back. “I just… I can’t tell Neku who I am, okay?”
“So you’re a liar, then?” One.
“No! Well, yes. It’s complicated, give me some time to–”
Gravel escapes her throat as she huffs, grabbing the cup and throwing it.
The scalding coffee never reaches its target, suspended in midair, lid popped off as some splashes over the edge.
Yuuto’s eyes glow violet.
The glow washes over the rest of his body, and vanishes when he blinks.
Joshua stands in front of her. Coffee hangs between them. His hand is still outstretched.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t walk over there and punch you. Or take a picture and tell Neku.” Her voice is flat, buried deep in the anger boiling in her stomach.
“You can’t tell Neku. If he knows, Yuuto will have to leave without a goodbye,” Joshua says, waving his hand so the coffee settles on the table. “I’d hate to do that to him, but you’d give me no choice.”
“You coward,” she spits, acid burning her tongue. “You’d do that to him? What, can’t face the truth? Can’t face his judgement of you?”
It burns. Fire burns in her, eating away at her stomach as the fumes leave her mouth. She’s biting back the flame, for now.
“It’s beyond my control! Give me a chance to explain, please!” His voice cracks, wavers like a pane of glass balanced on its edge.
“Explain what? How you’re lying to us? How you’re trying to manipulate me, so I don’t tattle? How do you explain shooting someone in the face? How do you fucking explain what you’ve done to Neku? What you’re doing,” she flings her arms wide, “to him!”
Reality splinters.
Time tips on its axis. Cracks run through her body, she vibrates a pitch just out of reach, on a different frequency. Static leaks into the air, humid and heavy. She’s frozen, an ancient crumbling statue ready to collapse, unable to hold back the torrent of power coursing through her.
It wants to escape. She gives it a channel.
Mr. Mew launches himself from her purse at Joshua, who scrambles back, collapsing on a chair as he tries to get away from the stuffed cat. Curses fly from his mouth as the echo of light flies from his fingertips, trying to bat the cat away.
All it takes is one hit and Mr. Mew stills, dropping to the floor like his strings were cut. Shiki stares.
She’d done that. She had made Mr. Mew move in the RG. She’d used a Psych.
Joshua is staring at her, she’s staring at the plushie. Her anger stewing in her stomach is stirred by confusion, cooling for a second to digest this.
Joshua stands, inching closer, but not too close. “You’ve still got your power, but don’t worry. You’re firmly RG right now, WildKat is on a thinner part of the boundary between the planes, and nobody in this group of friends has been left untouched by the UG.” Hesitance is scrawled on his face, and his hands bounce, fingers tapping at his leg.
While it helps her to know she hasn’t flipped to the UG, this draws her attention back to him, and she pierces him with an icy glare. “Don’t test your luck by trying to change the subject. Tell me what you’re trying to accomplish. Or I’ll try doing that again.”
“I want to be friends, is that too much to imagine?” he asks.
“After everything you’ve done? Yes! You’re playing at some kind of game here, and I don’t trust it. I don’t trust you.” She steps forward and picks up Mr. Mew, so he doesn’t go flying off again. She’s ready for some retort, some proof, or a laugh.
She doesn’t expect him to go blank. To shut down. He closes his eyes, and they stay closed for a few seconds. Arms go slack, mouth drops into neutrality.
When he opens his eyes, she takes a step back, because they’re dead.
Yuuto is known for his energy, his laugh, the glint of mischief in his eyes. He doesn’t sit still, he can’t. It only happens when he hits a slump.
Joshua very much resembles that rare Yuuto, cold and tired. Dull violet eyes meet hers for one second, before he glances away. HIs voice has slipped into a monotone as he says, “If that is what you believe, then there is no point in me saying anything right now. If you choose to listen to one thing I have said, let it be the fact that if you tell him, he will lose a friend.”
She must blink, because one second he’s there, and the next he’s gone.
Shiki: ^Rhyme listen trust me.^
^I need you to kick Yuuto from the group.^
^He’s trash we don’t need him around but you’re the one with admin powers in the game chat.^
Rhyme: ^Oh did you find out too?^
Shiki: ^Wait what?^
^You actually know?^
Rhyme: ^Of course. If he told you I do, then yeah, I do.^
Shiki: ^And you’re just???? Letting him stick around? You haven’t said anything!?^
Rhyme: ^I’ve always been able to tell.^
^I still have residual instincts from when I was a Noise.^
^I sensed something off about Neku’s second week Partner when I was Noise, and I remembered that. It felt the same around the Composer. And Yuuto. I put it together and he told me what was up.^
^He can’t mention the whys directly, so he dances around the subject until you figure it out. Hints and clues because I don’t think he’s allowed to say it or anything.^
Shiki: ^He’s been lying to us for a year now! And you heard from Neku what he did!^
Rhyme: ^I’ve gotten to watch him as both Yuuto and Joshua for a year now, though.^
^He’s the same person, always. A different face, a different name, but he’s got the same personality. Just, as Josh, he’s more open and honest.^
^I trust him. He’s helped me work through some of the residual Noise stuff, and he wishes he could tell Neku, tell everyone.^
Shiki: ^Then why DOESN’T he? Why not tell us all? He could’ve told me and Beat way earlier!^
Rhyme: ^The more people who know, the more likely someone will slip up and reveal it to Neku.^
^And besides, he plans on telling everyone after he tells Neku. Once he’s allowed, he will. I’ve seen how it’s eating at him, he wants to, but he can’t right now.^
^So no, I won’t remove him from the group. I don’t think he has many people he can befriend, and we’re some of the few he does. I’m not going to take that away from him. Besides, we’d have to explain it to the others, somehow, and I don’t want to reveal the truth and force him away.^
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disneytva · 6 years
The latest collaboration of brothers Chris and Shane Houghton (Harvey Beaks) is based on their own childhoods, growing-up in the small town of St. Johns, Michigan. Big City Greensfollows the adventures of a mischievous and optimistic boy and his family who move to the big city. The series, with Chris and Shane as Creators/Executive Producers, debuts June 18 at 9:30amET on Disney Channel.
Jackson Murphy: Big City Greens has already been renewed for Season 2 even before the premiere of the first episode. Congratulations!
Shane Houghton: Holy cow! How did that happen? You’re breaking the news to us right now! No – We’re very excited. The studio and the network have a lot of confidence in the show, and they asked us to just keep things moving, and we’re very excited. We got a great crew and everybody’s just rolling on through making a ton more episodes.
JM: Where were you guys when you [really] got that news initially?
Chris Houghton: (dramatic voice) Luckily we were sitting down! (laugh) It was great. They let us know and it basically was what Shane said. It was “Hey – we got a good thing going. We want everyone to keep doing it, so keep it going!”
JM: You are brothers. You’re working on this show together. Has there always been a sort of sibling rivalry in your lives?
SH: There’s a lot of sibling rivalry, but only with a third brother who doesn’t work on the show. (laugh) That’s not true. We do have a third brother. He’s great. But we have a great, professional relationship. We’ve been working together for ten years now, professionally, on comics and animated shows – and even before that. We were in school together. We were in bands. We did theater plays. We made short films. We’ve always kinda just collaborated and got along really well. I think… it works well!
CH: We’re so different from each other and yet so similar to each other.
JM: Then that works! Growing up in St. John’s, Michigan, what were some of the animated series that you and your friends and family were into?
CH: Well, it’s funny because we didn’t have cable growing up. So we watched whatever cartoons were on but really shows that really influenced us were a lot of sitcoms. We watched a lot of “Boy Meets World” and “Family Matters”. And we read a lot of comic strips: “Calvin and Hobbes”, “Foxtrot” and “Far Side”. Those were the things that were more accessible to us than even a lot of the current animated shows. People will reference “Hey, Arnold”, and we know that now, but it’s different watching “Hey, Arnold” now than when you were 10. So we can see it and appreciate it and respect it, but we didn’t have it growing up. People have those episodes imprinted in their brains.
SH: We missed out, man! We missed out!
JM: And I’m sure being in the animated industry now, all these years later, you look back on animated series from… years earlier and you do get that different, maybe more mature, more interesting perspective on things.
SH: Yeah, I mean. Hey, “mature” – let’s not throw any accusations around, but… we work with Rob Renzetti. He’s one of the other executive producers on the show, and he’s just incredible – the shows he’s worked on. And we did get to watch quite a bit of “Powerpuff Girls” and “Dexter’s Lab”.
CH: Whenever we’re on vacation…
SH: We’d stay at a hotel and got, like, the Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network shows of the day. I think that era of “Dexter’s” and “Powerpuff” was so influential in a way because they were so rare and special. It was like once or twice a year we got to see a handful of episodes, and I’m sure they left a lasting impact on us.
CH: Oh yeah, for sure. And to be able to work with Rob: it’s surreal.
JM: Another perk of hotel rooms! Cricket is the main character on this show. Chris, you voice Cricket. Tell us about Cricket and how you came-up with his catchphrase, “BINGO! BANGO!”
CH: It’s been really fun. The voice kinda came out of just me pitching the show and Shane and I writing the Pilot together and trying to make these drawings come to life. And “BINGO! BANGO!” is something my board partner and I… I used to say to him all the time just to annoy him when I was on “Harvey Beaks”. He would say, “Hey does that sound good?” and I would just snap finger guns at him and say, “Bingo! Bango!”
And he just hated it. And he works on the show now. His name is Charlie Gavin. It was just like this funny, silly thing I would say. And like a lot of things, those things just seem to work themselves into the show. It’s funny that it’s kinda become his catchphrase – but it works! It’s fun to say!
JM: Yeah. Even after one episode… it is a catchphrase. I think it’s gonna stay for quite a while. Now with this storyline, Shane, about an outsider family coming into the big city, what appealed to you?
SH: Well this is something that I think a lot of people have experienced. Chris and I grew up in a small farm town in Michigan, and then eventually – after college – moved to a big city: Los Angeles. And we were hit with a bit of a culture shock. It was different, not bad, just different. The people had a different vibe about them.
Coming into a new city after moving away from home, you’re on this quest to look for your new home. And what does that mean, and who is that with, and where are you? And those are some big questions. After we moved to Los Angeles, we talked to a lot of people and so many people haven’t grown-up here, they’ve moved here. So it seemed like this very relatable experience, and we took that – along with a lot of people we knew back in the country (farmers, neighbors, family members) and kind of rolled all that together to make this show, “Big City Greens”.
JM: And now, is it true – I heard a rumor – that Grandma Alice on the show is based on your real Grandma Alice?
CH: Yes, this is true.
SH: Grandma Alice – she was a sweet and sour old lady. She would just as quickly yell and scream at you as she would slip you five dollars and say, “Here, put this in your pocket.” She was so wonderful. She lived with us for a couple years at the end of her life – moved in with our parents. So Chris, especially, had a lot of time in college: he’d go back home and she was hanging out.
CH: She was just so fun… from such a different generation and lived through so much and had a real tough life that she really fought through that was really inspiring and… we gave her this personality, like Shane said, just feisty but also so sweet and fun. Grandma Alice on the show is a lot like her, and of course has kind of developed into her own character.
JM: Grandmas are just the best. But when you watch this first episode, you’re gonna see Grandma Alice with a sword. Did the real Grandma Alice have a sword right next to her chair?
CH: Okay, listen, there’s some creatives liberties there.
SH: I’d say Grandma had something worse. She had her own bare hands. (laugh)
CH: She didn’t have a sword.
SH: But I bet she wished she did.
CH: If you had given her that idea, maybe she would’ve gone out and acquired one.
JM: The first episode is called “Space Chicken”. When you decided to get this series started – to kick things off – how did you decide on going with a space chicken plotline?
CH: That was Shane’s idea. Whenever Shane and I are working on our comic book series, Shane’s always very good at thinking of big, fun ideas that you just wanna see. And as soon as he said, “What if Cricket launched a chicken into space?”, I was like, “Yeah. Totally.” That’s not only our Pilot story, but that says a lot about Cricket and… how his brain works and where his head’s at.
SH: I think introducing all of the key members of the series in one episode – it’s a tall order. It’s an ensemble show; there’s a lot of characters. And you want to have a story that can try and highlight each character and what makes them unique and special. And this one follows Cricket and his goal. Tilly [his sister] is right alongside him as his partner in crime. We get to see Bill, his dad, being a worried, overwhelmed single father. And then they bump into Grandma, who is just this terror… until she says “Come here and give me a kiss.”
JM: No pun intended, or maybe the pun’s intended, but it is quite a launch for your series to have this episode.
(Both Chris and Shane laugh.)
JM: And the next part of the episode is called “Steak Night”. Is there a food, like a steak, that you cannot live without?
CH: Oh my gosh. Well, we talked a lot about family traditions for the episode “Steak Night”. And it seems like in every family there’s always some kind of holy grail – a meal or a certain dish that everyone can’t live without. In our family, it was always our other Grandma, on the other side of the family, would make these homemade noodles. And that was it.
SH: They’re German butter noodles.
CH: Oh my God.
SH: And that’s all it was. It was just noodles and butter – and some fried breadcrumbs. And that was the family tradition every holiday. We’d get so excited to go over to Grandma’s house and have Grandma’s noodles.
CH: For the Greens, it’s steaks.
JM: Those noodles sound good. And have you ever had any weird experiences in the subway system, because that’s what this episode is about as well: quite an adventure with rats and bomb threats.
CH: What is that a trick question? (laugh)
SH: Have you ever ridden on a subway? Honestly, so in Los Angeles… we had a period, both Chris and I, where we were taking public transportation – either the bus or the subway and…
CH: It’s an adventure, man!
SH: Every day – there’s some characters.
JM: But don’t you just love that – that the people you see everyday can inspire the characters you put into your TV shows – random people, people you’ve known forever?
SH: That’s our bread and butter.
CH: With this show, we’ve never wanted to say, “The country is better because of this” or “The city is better because of this.” There’s so many aspects of living in both areas that we love. I think the thing I love the most about living in the city is the… different characters and the fun, weirdness you get of putting a bunch of different people together in a close space. I mean, that’s what a city is as the broad strokes of it all. And we love that.
JM: And you have a lot of big guest stars this season, including Jon Hamm. Is he going to be voicing a “mad man”?
CH: He is indeed.
SH: I think that’s the best way to describe it.
CH: The only way he said Yes! No – he was great. He came in to guest star on an episode that will be coming down the pike a little later, and I think fans of the show will really like it.
SH: It’s a really funny performance. He did an amazing job. It’s gonna be a great episode.
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icecreambat · 7 years
Story time: Dating everyone in P5 turned Joker into a sociopath
The first time I ended up dating more than one girl in a Persona game, it was an honest accident. I’d already imprinted on Chie in Persona 4, and had no idea comforting Yukiko during her social link would turn me into a two-timing douche. A quick save-state reload rectified this mistake, but it taught me an important lesson: in Persona games, monogamy is not the limit of your teenage life.
As Persona 5 rolled around, I grew fond of Makoto on my first playthrough. With her on my side I experienced the Phantom Thief thrill ride, maxing my social links while gently turning other girls down. It wasn’t until the NewGame+ that I wondered: wouldn’t it be interesting to try the multi-dating thing? That way I could fast-forward all romance scenarios and not watch them on Youtube later like a loser, duh. If this game was intentionally giving me the opportunity to be Tokyo’s biggest Don Juan, then by Mona, I’d do it!
Little did I know, though, that as I embarked on a quest to bag all the single ladies* the whole atmosphere of the game changed. What had been a more or less generic adventure about truth and justice took on some… rather disturbing undertones, ones that went beyond the actual dating scenarios. In fact, the game turned out to be such an interesting social experiment that I wanted to write about it, so here I am. So, this is a recap of how dating multiple people in Persona 5 turned my Joker into a sociopath.
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* except for Makoto, because a) I already romanced her before and b)…. it didn’t feel right, her being my first and all. SO SUE ME I’M A LOSER AFTER ALL
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So. Here we are again, moving to Tokyo, whoop de doo. NewGame+ means not having to waste days on working out the ropes, so you can focus on the stuff that matters: getting as overpowered as you can in the least amount of time possible. For me, this meant maxing out Kawakami’s social link as fast as I could, because her bonuses are pretty swank – I really could have used the post-Mementos or post-palace massages during my first playthrough too, but kinda forgot about her right after Operation Maidwatch. Well, no more! I was bringing that teacher home left and right at every possible instance, so obviously I ended up maxing her link first. Ergo, we entered a relationship. 
I’m not gonna lie: the Kawakami romance is some weird (and arguably illegal) shit. Maybe that kinda set the tone of this adventure from the start, giving me an mc who was 100% ok with romancing his homeroom teacher slash part time maid. Uh… huh. Given that my suspension of disbelief went out of the window right about there, it was easy to pick the “omg i totally like, care about you and stuff” dialogue options that went with it; I mean, I was doing this for science and stuff, no big deal.
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That’s why it surprised me that when it was time to romance the next (un)lucky girl, I felt like shit about it. Not because of Kawakami, but because Ann wasn’t some ludicrous dating option pulled out of the “lol what if we let the players date everyone!!” shitpost book. Instead, Ann and the mc had already been through Some Shit together, best friend suicide attempts and sexually abusive PE teachers included, and she was a teenage girl looking for her place in the world. So when Ann confided in me about her feelings and told the mc she loved him, “returning” her feelings –while knowing I was already dating my…. uhh, homeroom teacher slash part time maid– genuinely made me feel like the absolute scum of the earth.
“I can’t do this,” I thought at this point, “Even if these are fictional characters in a fictional game, I feel like shit lying to these girls that I care about them, because obviously that’s not true if I’m so callously dating someone else behind their back. How can people do that in real life if I can’t even do it in a video game? Oh, naïve me! Because my lesson in the callousness of man had only just begun.
Anyway, so. Here I am, dating Kawakami and Ann. I think I figured that lying to my teammates didn’t Feel Very Good so headlining for randos seemed like the better choice to make next: Ohya the reporter ended up being the third girl I romanced, and it was relieving she seemed to understand the unlikely nature of our relationship. “I get that we probably won’t stay together forever,” she was telling me, almost like she knew she was only the third wheel in my extended trailer truck, headed to nowhere fast; the same kinda goes for Tae, the punk rock doctor, whose reservedness somehow made it easier to ignore the serial cheater vibes in the dynamic.
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Chihaya, on the other hand, was different. Seemingly a little younger than the other grown-ups, she was already a lot more straightforward about her interest in the mc, and harbored all sorts of weird fantasies about them staying together forever. Which is exactly what I told her would happen. Not! Funny that for a fortune teller she couldn’t see I was also spouting this same shit to four other girls, huh? Chihaya reminded me of Ann, in a way, which is why the Bad Feels actually started to resurface here – it’s one thing to lie boldly in the face of girls (women) who aren’t really that invested in you to begin with, but when it’s people who actually believe said lies… well.
Now, I know, I know. There’s no actual reason to feel guilty, because these choices don’t affect the gameplay in any way. Whether or not the mc is an asshole in some ways will still result in everyone loving the shit out of him, and being sad when he leaves. Sure, there’s the scene after Valentine’s Day where you get beat up for being a cheater and the girls kind of call him out on it, but that’s about it; this isn’t Mass Effect, you can’t go full renegade, etc. etc. But even if the game barely acknowledges the clear disparity in the mc’s words and actions, it’s really hard to overlook as the player, and as I said, it kinda changes the tone of the whole game.
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You see, during the course of the story the mc ends up establishing a whole bunch of social links: Ryuji, Yusuke, Mishima and even Sojiro are but few of the guys you end up making heartfelt bonds with too. Only problem is, once you go the Lie Route with the girls, the mc hardly comes across as any more honest with the guys – and this is what really puts a spin on his reliability. Everyone’s always going on about what a great guy he is, but none of them know what a quadruple-timing, lying asshole he is at the same time. And why would they? All he does is tell people what they want to hear!
Apparently the devs of Dream Daddy wanted to challenge the notion that this kind of behaviour automatically leads to “good endings” in visual novels, because it only makes the mc seem a little sociopathic. Sure enough, that’s exactly the word I would use to describe how my mc started to come across in all his social interactions in P5. Well, not all, actually; there was one character whose exchanges with the mc came across as genuine even when virtually nothing else did. Yeah, you guessed it: Akechi.
I’m taking a brief interlude here to talk about Akechi, because my social experiment with the mc’s romances actually ended up underlining how similar he and Akechi are as people. It’s what the game hints at continuously with the whole ~two sides of the same coin stuff anyway, but the point really gets hammered home when you repeatedly watch the mc fake his way through life just like Akechi puts on his own double persona (pun not intended). In that sense, it’s only natural that the two would recognize each other as equals, and that their interactions ring more sincere than any other discussion they have in the game.
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But back to serial dating, if you will. After Chihaya, I started dating Hifumi the shogi girl, but to be completely honest I sort of mentally fazed her out; with every new girl I tricked into dating me, the initial unease seemed to diminish until I couldn’t remember what had made me feel so disgusted in the first place. I mean, I was already lying to so many people, what did it matter if I lied to one more, right? It’s not like I actually hung out with anyone ever again after I “entered a relationship” with them, and it’s not like my actions carried over to pre-scripted cutscenes, so who cares, right? Nobody (well, apart from a physical game engine) was forcing these girls to believe my bullshit, so really, the fault was theirs for being so gullible, right!!11
…Well, I might have been able to go along with that type of douchebag logic if I’d only kept dating randos. Since I skipped Makoto, the next girl I got cozy with was Futaba… and this is where the skeezy-ville started to nag on my consciousness again, because like with Ann, you know that Futaba’s been through A Lot: she basically spent the past couple of years as a hikikomori, convinced that her mother committed suicide because of her. Trust is a really big thing for her, so throwing a cheating mc into that equation gets really ugly when you think about how he gains that trust just to betray it. When you add in Sojiro, you’re essentially screwing both of them over while pretending to be a happy little family. If you take these events at face value, it kinda makes you wonder: seriously dude, what on earth is your damage?!
If that wasn’t disturbing enough, we finish with Haru. She is also running from one abuser but, if dating a cheating mc, kind of ends up in the arms of another. Although she enters the story fairly late in the game, it’s no less shitty to listen to her be so grateful for your “support”, knowing you’ve sat through variations of this scene with half a dozen other girls already. I just kind of kept staring at the mc’s poker face (pun not intended, again) while wondering how much worse it seems that none of these choices affect anything tangible in the game, even when the whole theme is helping other people (and shitty authority figures, sure, but mainly helping people).
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And you know, it’s really that endless poker face that gives the whole thing such a weird ass vibe: this is a 17-year-old kid who’s moved to Tokyo for a year, and ends up constructing a meticulously crafted fake personality that has everyone treating him like the greatest guy on earth. If you perceive this as the intended story (as opposed to the mismatch of a fixed script and optional gameplay choices that it actually is), Persona 5 suddenly becomes a story much darker than its original premise. Who is the real mc, and why is he doing any of this? What is his actual sense of truth and justice, if he spins it so grotesquely to suit his given situation? How troubled does he have to be for this kind of behaviour to emerge, and what caused it?
I know getting busted on Valentine’s Day is played mainly for laughs, but when you put all this together it’s obvious just getting dumped doesn’t even begin to cover the actual consequences of the mc’s actions should have. For the 100% fake personality he’s clearly constructed up until this point, how anyone can still follow him into the depths of Mementos is beyond me. But hey, I know we’re not operating on earth logic here.
Still, as I mentioned, this levels the mc with Akechi a lot – suddenly it’s very hard to condemn Akechi, even in theory, for the route he ended up taking in life, because isn’t the mc basically doing the same thing? Taking advantage of as many people he can to advance his own ends, with the only difference that he ended up on the winning side? Not only that, but it makes it harder to root for the “good guys”, knowing that you’re not a good guy – you’re just some guy with a big enough charm stat to make people follow your fake ideals, whatever those might in reality be.
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Personally, I was also surprised at how easy it was to go from “this is horrible I hate this I can’t lie to these girls” to the “eh whatever, I’ve done this long enough that I’ve distanced myself from giving a shit”, then back to “oh shit oh shit this is so wrong” over the course of a single game. I know this sounds like a hyperbole, but in that sense I’m… actually not that surprised at how people find themselves ignoring those same patterns in real life. Which is why it’s so disheartening there’s only one scene dedicated to the consequences; it would be so interesting if there was something more tangible to remind the player that yeah, you’re entitled to picking these options, but it does turn the mc into someone pretty damn messed up.
I mean, damn – by December I’d maxed out all my social links, and suddenly had shit all to do, and because I couldn’t sit through a single fake date with one of my fake ass girlfriends again, I ended up making my mc train every day and night just so I had something to occupy my time between going out and murdering things in Mementos and/or a palace. Watching him do shirtless pull-ups in his room I sorta realized: Oh my god, I turned my mc into a high school version of Patrick Bateman. This game sure took a turn.
So I suppose the point of this story time is that while dating anyone in P5 (and most Persona games, I’d assume) is ultimately only a gameplay element meant for the player’s extra entertainment, sometimes those seemingly superfluous gameplay elements can turn into unintentional story elements – in this case, an experiment of how easily lying to one person turns into lying to everyone, and how sometimes it’s not that easy to tell at what point you stop being genuine at all. Wow, them video games, huh? Always a source of profound inspiration.... or something.
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