#like it's 2am and you don't want to wake anyone
satoruoo · 10 months
currently thinking about teenagedirtbag!gojo
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teenagedirtbag!gojo who draws doodles of you in his books, each one more detailed than the last but draws weirdly detailed dick pics in your book whenever he gets the chance.
teenagedirtbag!gojo who tries (and fails) to protect you in a game of dodgeball where he catches the first ball that is aimed at you while the second one hits him square in the face. he will never live it down.
"ow, shit- babe! don't laugh, i'll revoke your satoru time don't fucking test me-"
"there's a massive red mark forming on your forehead."
"what?!?! where?!!?"
teenagedirtbag!gojo who somehow convinces you to get matching tattoos with him and he never shuts the fuck up about it.
teenagedirtbag!gojo who regularly throws gang signs at you to see how far he can push your buttons before you snap.
"rise and shine, babe!"
"toru, it's like five in the morning. why did you wake me up-"
"it's like you want a slap in the face."
teenagedirtbag!gojo who teaches you, his pretty girlfriend, how to ride a skateboard so he can take you to the skating park to show you off to all of the losers there.
teenagedirtbag!gojo who throws stones at your window at 2am to wake you up because he wants to go on a late night mcdonalds run.
teenagedirtbag!gojo who hovers around you relentlessly, perched on your shoulder like some kind of parrot so if you ever get into a fight, he's always there to back you up and beat up anyone who looks at you in the wrong way.
"so kindly fuck off."
"yeah, what she said!"
"toru, shut up."
"what?! i'm defending you, baby!"
teenagedirtbag!gojo who waits for you after class because he somehow cannot get enough of the way your face sours once you see him, because only he notices the way your eyes brighten and your steps become that little bit lighter.
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tagging: @sad-darksoul
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mizgnomer · 1 month
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Behind the Scenes of The Star Beast - Part Eight
Excerpts from Benjamin Cook's Star Beast Set Visit - discussing the Camden night shoots:
Is nobody here having a bad time?? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM? "I had a little lull earlier," admits David, "at 2AM when we were waiting to turn over- I definitely yawned, maybe twice - but then the blood starts pumping again." Wrap isn't till 3AM. David lives across town. Isn't he worried he'll wake up his family when he gets in? "Listen, the kids are at Davison's," he says (this is Fifth Doctor actor Peter Davison, who happens to be David's father-in-law), "so I'm full of beans. Oh, and sugar. Do you want some?" He's bought a churro from a market stall that's stayed open because it's very much in shot. "You can have more than that." He breaks me off a bigger piece. "The sugar rush will do you good." He offers the director [ Rachel Talalay ] some too: "Go on, Rachel, you deserve it." "Are you doing OK?" she asks him. "Yeah! Sugar! I'll move on to the Yorkie bars next. I give not a fudge at this time in the morning." He claps his hands, dusting off the sugar from his churro. "But are you OK?" "I am at this moment," she says, waving to some fans. "Tomorrow at 4:30AM I might not be. Ask me again then." "You do get a lot of love from the fans, don't you?" says David. "In a tiny way, which is just lovely. I mean, I'm not you," she says, with a laugh. "I love hearing them scream for you. But I'm not used to any of this. And… I think it's stopped raining." "OK, here we go," says Scott. "Let's go for one. Stand by then, folks…" They go for another take. And another. When I catch up with Rachel later – much later, it’s October 2023, and she’s chatting over Zoom from her home in Vancouver – we’re five weeks away from The Star Beast airing on TV. “I didn’t know quite how well the episode was working,” she says, “till my family watched an almost-finished cut. I came downstairs, and my two girls were crying. It was like, oh, OK, this does work! And on a much, much deeper level too. To have them go, ‘We knew it would be full of joy’ – which I think it is – ‘but we didn’t expect it to be so emotional,’ that was very satisfying. It was an emotional time all round.” It was. In more ways than one. Which is something that Rachel wants to talk about – here in DWM – for the first time publicly. “I think I can now,” she says, “because I’m close to two years in remission. I will be this month. Two years in remission. And Doctor Who really helped heal me. Directing Doctor Who while I was only a couple of months post-chemo.” A deep breath. “I had lymphoma,” she explains. “I’d been in chemo for seven or eight months. I wasn’t sure if I was going to survive. Then I was offered The Star Beast. I thought, I’ve got to do this. I didn’t tell anybody I was sick. I hadn’t told anybody except very close family. And I didn’t tell anyone on Doctor Who till I was there long enough to say, ‘Look, I’m well enough, so I don’t want you worried about me.’ Because, frankly, I don’t know that they’d have wanted to hire someone who might not have made it through the shoot. I totally get that. That’s fair enough. [...] “I could not have been surrounded by a more supportive crew,” says Rachel. “The best crew in the world. When I realised, it’s all night shoots, I thought, oh god, and I’m two months post-chemo. But that crew – David especially – made those night shoots so fun. It’s weird now, because I look back at the pictures – like that lovely one of me and David you published last issue – and that was my chemo hair. I was just getting my hair back. But I got healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger, as the shoot went on. When I got back to Canada, the doctor said, ‘You’re a poster child for how well someone can do after chemo. This is what people are capable of.’ “But it’s just what you do,” she reflects, “isn’t it? – when you love Doctor Who in your heart so much. There was no better place for me than Doctor Who.”
Additional parts of this set are in the #whoBtsBeast tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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itwasntimethatdidit40 · 3 months
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Pairing/AU: Soft Boyfriend!Joel Miller X Curvy AFAB!reader , no outbreak.
Words count: 3612, One shot.
Summary: Basically Joel worshipping you and your curvy body ❤️
Warning: +18 only because there is a little bit of smut in the end (Joel 🍽️😺), nothing too serious but still. Reader is curvy, has wide hips, big breasts, has hair (not specified how long or what color it is or anything), has a freckle above her upper lip. Age not mentioned but they’re both fully grown adults. Joel is the cutest and loves you deeply like anyone has ever done before. (If I did things right you will end up crying a little bit, hopefully)
We talk about not accepting ourselves, seeing ourselves as ugly, having a bad relationship with a parent (mom), briefly about bullying and in general about how society perceives non-conforming bodies and how sometimes we convince ourselves that we are wrong. I don't go into much depth but there are still some passages that I feel are truly mine, so you are warned. I don’t want to trigger you, I want you to feel beautiful and valid and one of a kind and special. All of you.
I was toying myself with the idea of a story about Joel and a curvy reader and this came out. I wrote this at 2am after listening to “Pedro” and “Glow” by Omar Apollo with tears streaming down my face, it’s probably full of mistakes (English is not my first language, no beta reader because it’s 2 fucking am and I should sleep like everybody else in my time zone instead of doing this DAMN!) so I beg your pardon, my brain is a mess right now.
Most of all, I hope you will like it, let me know! Thanks to anyone who will read this.
You wake up in bed alone and you stretch your arm on the other side of the bed feeling it empty and cold.
Joel is out for work, meeting a big potential client who wants to renovate his huge mansion.
Obviously he has to try to get the job, but you feel like he's been forever away when he's only been gone for two days.
Your bed feels so large without him in it.
You grab his pillow to try to inhale his scent, just a little tiny bit of him that still lingers on it.
Your man smells amazing, even when he come home after a full day of working in a construction site you’re madly aroused by the minty, sweet, sweaty essence of him.
You don’t care that he’s covered in dust and rubble, you just throw yourself in his arms and take his mouth that rightfully belongs to you and only you and you feel so lucky and blessed to have him in your life.
You had so much troubles with your love life.
You’ve never been skinny, to begin with.
You always had a discomfort with your appearance, your friends were tiny and cute while you were just standing there being ignored.
You had a very almond mother that didn’t waste a chance to remind you how big you are, how much you need to take diet more seriously and become the skinny person every guy wants to marry.
You suffered from that until you were an adult and you could afford going to therapy.
It helped you a lot.
Embracing your body and shape was a long and difficult process but it was worth it.
You gained so much confidence and learned how to be kind to yourself.
But you still had difficulty with boys, growing up you learned to notice strange guys at first glance, after a series of failures with gym fanatics who wanted to change you, older men who wanted to control you and cowards who kept you hidden as if they were ashamed of you.
And then, one day, you met Joel.
While you were looking at him from the other side of the bar too shamed to do anything he walked towards you.
You immediately thought that he was coming to talk to your skinny friend that was with you but no.
He wanted to spoke to you.
That big strong man, broad chest and shoulders, wavy dark brown hair and eyes like the most delicious chocolate cake introduced himself and asked if you wanted something else to drink and the last thing you know you two were talking about everything for 3 hours straight, totally immersed in each other.
You barely noticed that your friend tap your shoulder to tell you that she was going home.
You mentally took a note to apologize profusely to her the following day but you really didn’t want to leave.
It felt too good to be with Joel, talking to him was so easy and he melted your heart in a way you didn’t experience in a long time.
You really didn’t want to give up on him.
You have so much in common with him and he made you laugh and you felt cute and confident and it really worked like magic.
He made sure to compliment your outfit and your hair and your pretty eyes and he made you feel so good about yourself.
You noticed the way he was smiling and looking so intensely at you, he was hungry and turned on by you.
You couldn’t believe that this handsome man was so into you but couldn’t ask for anything better.
You never really parted ways after that first night together, he was a perfect gentleman, took you home on his truck and he never tried to touch you until the two of you arrived at your door.
He was saying goodnight to you when you heard him whisper “oh fuck it” and he kissed you, no longer holding back. It was a perfect kiss, full of desire and passion and you could feel his need for more through his lips and the way his tongue found its way into your mouth.
You felt vulnerable and weak as if he really saw you, beyond appearances, beyond fences that you have built to defend yourself, in the most hidden part of yourself. And you didn’t mind feeling that way in front of a man, in front of him.
You knew it was right.
You could feel it in your bones.
You wanted to drag him inside the house but you stopped just in time before completely losing control.
“I don’t do this at first date, you know” you whispered in his ear while he was kissing your neck giving you shivers down your spine.
His mouth was eager and insatiable, nipping at your skin like he was starved, but again, he was a real gentleman and didn’t do anything you didn’t wanted.
He was fully respectful of your boundaries and conquered your heart with patience.
At your fifth date you were so thirsty for him that you couldn’t even get to the restaurant.
He knocked at the door dressed in dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt that hugged his biceps and his chest in a way that drove you completely wild, you took his hand without saying a word and run to the bedroom dragging him with you with no shame whatsoever.
You didn’t care about manners, dinner that was booked the week before, whatever else that could delay that moment.
You just wanted him.
You felt safe with him and this made you even more horny.
He fucked you wildly and then cuddled with you in the sweetest way ever.
Your heart was full, your body soothed and your thirst quenched.
You moved in together after 6 months of the most fulfilling relationship you had ever had.
Joel has his flaws, he is stubborn, when he is angry he can barely speak and mutters under his breath, he doesn't know how to cook, he's messy and leaves his dirty socks on the carpet in the living room, sometimes he's way too protective and it drives you crazy the way he always tries to warn you off from everyone as if you're not used to assholes.
Minor things compared to how he makes you feel anyway.
When he loves, he loves deeply.
He showers you with compliments and nice gestures, he’s a grumpy with a heart of gold.
And he’s handsome. So handsome you can’t believe that he’s your man even if he makes sure to tell you how beautiful, smart and sexy you are everyday.
You yawn and finally decide to get up, you head to the kitchen and make yourself a coffee.
It’s Saturday and Joel is supposed to come home in a few hours.
After breakfast you do some chores and cleaning around the house.
You go to the supermarket to buy ingredients to make his favorite dinner.
And then you decide to take the afternoon to yourself, you take a long bath and relax in the tub listening to music lulled by the hot water and the scent of bubble bath.
Once out, you decide to wear the dress you wore on your first date with Joel.
You remember perfectly how he looked at you and you feel a shiver down your spine. You haven't worn it for a while and as soon as you put it on you discover that it is too tight on your breasts and hips. You know you've gained a few pounds since you've been with him, you're relaxed, you're happy, you don't care, but you really wanted to give him a perfect evening and this makes you nervous. You look in the mirror and fall back into all the negative thoughts about yourself. It's a fragile balance.
You're still navigating the middle of it, even though you're much better.
You take off the dress and put it back in the closet, hidden, where you can barely see it, hoping bad mood will pass even though you know it has completely ruined your day.
You start cooking, leaving the decision on what to wear until later.
You like cooking and have always been successful at it, your grandma shared all her recipes with you and teached you all her secrets.
Your mother just told you the calories in everything you cooked.
When everything is ready you go to get dressed, you stare at your clothes for what seems like an infinite amount of time, sighing. In the end you choose another dress, black, narrower at the waist and wider at the hips. It leaves your legs uncovered, it's not like the other one but it still suits you so you make the best of it.
You’re spraying yourself with your favorite perfume when you hear the keys turning in the lock and you instinctively run to the door.
As soon as he opens the door you don't even give him time to enter and you throw your arms around his neck.
“Hi sweetheart” he whispers in your ear as he wraps his arms around your waist, holding you tight against his chest “did you miss me?”
You can hear a little laugh in his voice as you reply “of course, I couldn't wait for you to come back”
You take his lips with urgency and just feeling his scruff brushing gently against your cheeks and your cupid bow makes you feel better.
He tastes sweet, he’s warm and familiar.
He never fails to make you whole.
When you're with him it feels like the world is turning right, like things are all falling into place, magically.
One look is enough for him to understand you.
His tongue makes room into your mouth so easily and intertwined with yours and you’re lost in his embrace.
When you finally part to take breath he’s grinning and watching at you with burning desire in his eyes.
“I missed you too. Let me see you, sweetie. I want to admire my beautiful babe in this dress”
You instantly feel better and do a pirouette laughing to make him look at you.
“Jesus, hun, it’s really amazing on you”
You walk up to him and give him a kiss on the hairless part of his beard, then take his lips again.
You moan into his mouth when his hands move to your ass, stroking it gently then squeezing it.
“I love your ass babe, so full and juicy and soft”
You whine at his praise, kissing his jawline and his neck.
You rest your face on his chest enjoying his warmth.
“It's amazing how you always make me feel better. I felt like crap a few hours ago." you murmur.
“Why, love, what happened?” you can clearly hear concern in his voice.
“I wanted to wear the dress I wore the first time we went out…but it's too tight now” you whisper, a little bit ashamed.
He cups your face with his hands, looking at you with sweetness.
An incredible sweetness that instantly melt your heart.
“Don’t be sad babe, a dress is just a dress, it doesn’t fit you anymore? Who cares. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I’m so lucky to have you”
You want to cry, but you don't, instead you take his lips back into yours, grateful to have a man like that by your side.
No one has ever made you feel more loved than him.
You kiss him intensely, so much that you're almost breathless, but it doesn't matter.
You feel his erection pressing against your thigh and you can't wait any longer, you even forget about dinner already being prepared and he doesn't seem worried either.
“Can we go to our bedroom already? I need you so bad, Joel” you pant against his skin.
“Whatever my love wants” and he take you by the hand “I definitely need to remind you how much I love you and how incredibly sexy and lovely you are. Come with me”
He takes you to your bedroom without stopping to hold your hand and makes you sit on the edge of the bed.
He looks you in the eyes as he caresses your cheek with his knuckles. It's incredible how delicate his big hands can be.
He trace the outline of your jaw with his fingertips never stop looking at you.
He then moves to your neck, placing his hand right under your ear, his fingers hidden in your hair.
He leans down to kiss your nose and your lips, so softly.
“Babe, you’re the most precious thing I have in my life, I don’t know what I would do without you”.
His voice is low, slightly hoarse, it surrounds you like a hug, it goes straight to your heart, every little intonation that characterizes it, how it glides over the vowels and caresses the consonants, his breathing, that warmth that emanates, that sense of familiarity and comfort, his sensitivity and his inner strength and his fragility that he is not afraid to show.
He lowers the straps of your dress and makes you stand up just for a moment to let it fall at your feet, sliding it over your hips.
He makes you lie down on the bed, while he also undresses, remaining in his boxers. He climbs onto the bed and lies down next to you.
“Never forget how gorgeous you are, please”
His hand slides over your breast, still covered by your bra, he searches for your nipple and takes it between his fingers, pinching and pulling it gently.
“I love your tits, so big and perfectly shaped” and he kisses you there. “I love your pretty face, and your smile and your sparkling eyes and your luscious lips.” Each word is followed by a kiss on the body part he just mentioned “And your silky hair. And this freckle right here. Above your upper lip. I would do nothing but kiss it all the time. I love the smell of your skin and your taste, so sweet.”
You can't believe he's doing this, he's literally worshipping every part of you.
“I love your incredibly sexy hips and thighs."
His lips move over you like velvet, like butterflies flapping their wings on your skin, so impalpable and yet so real.
“I love every inch of your body, especially those that seem too much to you. And of course I love your intelligence and how you laugh at my stupid jokes that never make anyone laugh. I love that you’re funny and sarcastic. I love the little wrinkle that comes between your eyebrows when you concentrate. I love the way you squint when I say something about my work that you don’t know. I love the way you look at me, I love hugging you and feeling your breathtaking body on mine.”
Joel isn't one for many words, he generally prefers action but now he's a river in flood and looks at you haunted.
It's an incredible feeling to have him all to yourself, to have the certainty of being able to trust him blindly, without the fear that he will turn out to be like everyone else you've been with.
No one has ever treated you this way before, with devotion, as if your body were a priceless treasure.
You yourself were mean to this body, you hated it, you tried to change it, you cursed it and cried because it didn't look like anyone else's when the only thing you wanted was to be like one of your friends.
Thin. Impeccable. Someone who fits any dress and who has never heard "we don't have your size". One who wasn't laughed at, treated like a joke, one who everyone looked up to, one whose face people didn't throw pies at and call a whale or a monster.
Joel knows all this. You told him. And everything he's ever tried to do is exactly the opposite of what they've always done to you.
An ode of love to you, to your body, to your soul.
He moves between your knees, settling at the end of the bed.
He leaves a trail of kisses along your inner thighs moving up and up towards your pussy, his beard deliciously rough on your skin.
He smiles at your already wet panties, at the unmistakable stain that spreads across the front.
You wore a cute white lacy pair with matching bra that he bought to you last Christmas.
You sigh in anticipation as he takes the time to stroke and tease your clit through the fabric with just one finger.
He then slides his fingers into the sides of your panties, he makes your hips rise slightly and takes them off, smiling at you.
You gasp as he buries his face between your legs kissing your folds so softly, he stick his tongue out and lick your lips and then part them with two fingers and kiss your clit.
You moan loudly and feel his smile widening on your skin, he’s so good at this and he knows that you love the way he does it.
He takes your clit in his mouth and suck gently.
“You’re so wet babe” and he kiss your lips again “so good for me, the perfect woman”
He teases your hole with his tongue, just the tip, while his thumb circle around your clit.
Nice and slow, a steady pace that makes you whimper against his face.
You grab his hair pushing him even more against your pussy, whining in pleasure.
You feel his beard crawling across your skin, you know it will redden your skin but you don't care, you don't care about anything now.
He continues to lick you, up and down and then back to your clit, his large hand splayed on your tummy.
You've always been ashamed of your tummy.
He adores it. He always tells you, he likes to touch it and he likes to kiss it and he loves that it’s so soft and fluffy.
He groans as you tug his hair and increases the pace, making his way into your hole with two of his thick fingers, stretching you and searching for the spongy spot that always makes you feel on fire.
You raise your head slightly to look at him and see his eyes staring at you mischievously and proudly, he likes looking at you, he doesn't want to miss a second of your pleasure.
He’s again on your clit with his mouth, swirling around it with his tongue.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, you whine again and again more and more loudly.
He doesn’t stop.
“Joel I-” your voice cracks in an attempt to say something “God, I just can’t”
“Yes, you can, babe, just come for me, I want to feel it. Come all over my face”
you whine, squeeze his head between your thighs, your hand tucked in his hair “Joel!”
You feel a heat radiating inside you, your orgasm building as he gives you no respite.
“Come on baby, give it to me” he whispers softly on your skin.
And you do. You explode at his praise, at his begging for you to give him what he wants.
You pant loudly as he doesn't stop licking you until you calm down.
He comes back next to you and kisses you. You taste yourself on his lips, on his tongue, you're all over his face and it drives you crazy.
“Fuck me Joel. Fuck me now, please” your voice comes out almost desperate.
He looks at you, nodding without saying anything else, takes off his boxers and climbs on top of you, making you spread your legs to make room for himself. He takes his cock in his hand and rubs it on your clit. Once, twice, three times, wetting it with your pleasure that slid down to your inner thighs.
“You want my cock, babe?”
You nod repeatedly looking at him with beg in your eyes.
“Tell me how much you want it”
“I want it, Joel. I want it so bad. Please”
He enters you effortlessly, even though he's big, much bigger than any man you've ever had.
“Always so tight for me, God, you’re so amazing”
He wraps his arms around your torso and pulls you up to sit on top of him, he’s sitting on his heels, his cock still inside you.
He kisses you deeply, his tongue licks hungrily into your mouth, he holds you tight against his chest, you moan into his lips feeling you totally enveloped by him, your arms around his neck, ruffling his hair, your thighs around his waist.
His cock burns in your center, he moves his hips to sink into you, deep.
You feel like you're one, you're totally drunk on him and it's an overwhelming thrill.
He fucks you like this, holding you close to him, each thrust harder and harder, your face hidden in the crook of his neck.
You fill your nostrils with his scent, his masculine unmistakable scent, the one you were missing this morning.
The scent that smells of home and comfort and caresses and the purest love you've ever felt.
It’s here now.
And it’s yours.
You end up hugging each other on the bed, tired but incredibly happy. You are still held in his arms as he whispers “I love you” into your hair.
You look up and look him in the eyes and you know it's true.
"I love you too.���
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sturnsslut · 5 months
sleepover - chris sturniolo
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a/n : not much but leave suggestions, i’ll write almost anything + lowercase intended !!
warnings - dom!chris x sub!reader , pet names, teasing, swearing, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, slight choking, sneaky
‘ i feel you inside , no better feeling ‘
me and nick sturniolo had been best friends for almost 4 years now , and i had the BIGGEST crush on his brother , chris. of course i would never tell him , but i had a feeling he already sorta knew . ever since i told nick about my crush on chris , he has been teasing me NON STOP about it for almost 2 years. and he's always feeding into my delusions , even tho im trying to get over him.
anyway nick is constantly telling me how chris is always asking when im coming over next, how he's always talking about me , how he's starring at me when im not looking, things like that.
i don't believe any of it, but i wish. anyways i was bored, and it was Saturday so i thought i could call nick to have him come over so we could hangout , because if i saw chris, this whole " getting over him " thing would go right back to stage one. i got out my phone and pulled up nicks contact to invite him to come over , because ill be damned if all a bitch does is watch netflix alone on a saturday night.
twin 💗 - nick
me - (you obv) 😭
i miss you sm
can you come over pls
i wanna hangout
twin 💗
I would but matt isn't here
so there isn't anyone to drive me
you can come over here thoooo
fuck. i tossed my phone to the side and let out a loud sigh , why can't anything work out in my favor ?? i picked up my phone and texted back nick.
well maybe you should get a license 😒
twin 💗
Shut up bitch
you don't have one either
now come onnn
you can see ur man 😱
i hate you
im omw
twin 💗
i texted my older brother and asked him if he could take me to nicks, which i didn't want to because he was at work and i didnt wanna wait but, oh well. he said he'd take me and so about an hour later he came home and told me he was waiting outside.
i threw on whatever, not really caring considering the fact i thought i was going to be in nicks room the entire time i was there. i put on blue plaid pajama pants and a black crop top with an oversized grey jacket, and some random slippers.
i packed my bag and ran outside, thanking him for the ride. a few minutes later i was at the sturniolos house.
i knocked on the door expecting nick, but of fucking course , it was chris.
" um hey." i said awkwardly, looking down at him.
"hey pretty. nicks in his room" he replied and opened the door further for me to walk in. i brushed past him and accidentally got a little too close. like i touched his dick type of too close.
i heard him groan silently as i walked past, making my way to nicks room.
fast forward a few hours , me and nick were watching a movie when he passed out.
i was gonna go and hangout with matt, but then i remembered he still wasn't back yet from wherever the fuck he was at, so with nothing else to do, i just decided to go to sleep right alongside nick.
i remember randomly waking up around 2AM for no reason but feeling hungry, so i made my way to the kitchen and got a freezer meal or wtv tf
i heat it up in the microwave and while i'm waiting , i decide to just get comfortable and lean on the counter while i scroll on my phone.
i'm about to shut off my phone when i hear something "nick?" i whisper shouted because i was slightly startled by the noise
there was no answer , i just shrug my shoulders and continue scrolling on my phone, when i suddenly feel two warm hands on my waist.
i jumped but not enough to move, i turn around to chris with his hands resting on my waist , looking at me with an indescribable look.
"what..are you doing?" i said flustered, turning my head to look at him , but again not enough to move our bodies any further apart.
"nothing..just can't sleep." he replied
god , his sleepy voice was literally going to make me bust.
" okay.." i say confused and go back to scrolling on my phone. i feel him rest his head on shoulder
" what are you watching "
" just t.." my voice trailed off as i realized i could feel that he had a big ass boner, and he was wearing only sweatpants
i struggled to get my words out because of the situation i was in, so i just ignored the question.
i felt him smirk and her closer to me, him getting more hard the closer he gets, with his hands still on my waist.
"what..you like the way this feels mama?" he says slipping his hands down into the front of my pants, but not fully.
“i.." i could barley speak due to the uncontrollable amount of flips my stomach was doing
"use your words ma." he says getting closer to me, his boner now fully on my ass
i'm gonna bust was literally my thought process. i was nervous, but of course im gonna do what he tells to.
"yea.." i say now slightly arching my back
he turns me to face him, so now im leaning against the counter and facing chris.
he takes one of his hands and guides it up to my face, "do you really."
"yeah" i let out a breathy moan and he smirks leaning closer to me, holy shit. no way this is happening.
he kisses me and i kiss him, he moves his hand down to my neck as we make out, the kiss turns into a sloppy make out, and he picks me up and i wrap my legs around him, he sets me on the counter so im perfectly aligned with his waist, as we're still making out
he starts leaving kisses on my neck and i grab his hair as he does so, leaving a trail of hickeys.
“ fuck " i slightly whisper , this felt so good.
he stopped for a moment before placing one hand on my waist and the other in my pants
" you ready ?" i nodded desperately, not being able to use my words because of how badly i needed him.
he stuck two fingers inside of me and i grabbed onto the back of his shirt in pleasure
" damn ma your so wet ..all for me? how long have you been waiting for this mama "
i nodded, physically not being able to speak because of how good his fingers felt inside me.
“ use your words. how long. " he demanded , grabbing my chin making me look him in the eyes
i paused, not wanting to me too loud. " damn ma, you like how i touch you that much you can't speak ?"
" t..two years " i struggled to push out those simple words. this man knew what he was doing with his hands.
" come on baby, if you were horny you could've told me. i would've helped you with ease. " he said, stopping for a second
" i didn't think you were into me. " i admitted
" really? i thought it was obvious. everytime you came over to see nick i would get hard just looking at you..i've been waiting for this moment a while to ma. "
he moved his fingers in and out of me again without warning, and i moaned a little too loud.
"watch your volume pretty girl..i'd hate for me to have to stop cause you couldn't control yourself "
i nodded agreeably, and trust me when i listened. i'd waited for this moment almost 2 years , i wasn't gonna let anything ruin it.
his fingers continued to move in and out of me at a rapid pace for another 2 minutes , and i felt myself start to get close
"chris...i'm close" that's when he took his fingers out of me and i caught my breath for a moment.
he took his dick out of his pants and it sprung out instantly. when i looked down, my jaw dropped.
he was easily a good 9 inches, and that was just a guess. i'm so screwed.
he stroked himself and laughed when he saw the look of surprise on my face. " what ? all your other little boyfriends had a small cock ?" he teased
i pulled my pants down further so chris had easier access. he got closer, until our noses were basically touching. "you ready ma" i nodded eagerly , because of how close we were, i felt his cock literally in between my thighs. " yes, yes i am just please fuck me " he smirked and put one of his hands on my waist , the other holding his dick. "you sure?" he asked me again, me giving the same answer.
and with that, he shoved in only 7 inches , just to see if i could take him or not. i gasped but covered my mouth because i remember what he said about keeping quiet.
" good girl " he smirked at me again, then shoving the entire 9 inches in me. i put my hands under his shirt, leaving scratches all down his back
" fuck mama..your so tight" he said pausing in between sentences
i could barley speak, but i wanted more. i managed to get two words out , "faster..please" i begged
" more already? alright ma..."
he thrusted in and out of me even faster than before, about a minute goes by before i felt that knot build up in my stomach.
" chris.." i paused before my next sentence, remembering that i had to be quiet "im close."
“ not yet pretty girl.. please- mmm fuck you feel so good. "
i giggled slightly, before telling him how we should switch positions if he didn't want me to finish so soon.
" you got it mama. " and with that, he took me off of the counter and set me down, bending me over the counter instead.
he grabs my hips and lines me up, " you ready? you know i just gotta ask" he asks
i could feel his tip touching me, he was definitely teasing. well if he wants to tease..i can do it to.
"hm not yet..i need to catch my breath" i teased and move my waist slightly, feeling his tip against me
" how bout now?" he asks eagerly
"i don't know .." i answer, he's like a needy child , how cute
" mama please ..i need you so bad. "
" im ready " and with that he slams his entire 9 inch dick inside of me , going faster than before
" you think it's funny for you to tease me ? is it because you know you take me so well ?"
his sleepy voice..fuck.
" fuck..sorry" i say , i couldn't even think cause he was fucking me so good.
he grabbed my neck from behind and thrusted faster , that's when i knew i was close.
" chris , i cant ..im gonna-" im cut off by my release , letting it all go , and man i came hard.
“i’m almost there ma...in or out"
i mean, i was on the pill. " in , cum inside me please."
" mm..you got it pretty " he releases , and i feel his warm cum inside me , best feeling ever btw.
now we're both just leaning against the counter , heavy breathing, sweaty, looking at each other " you took me so good mama."
this man was really tryna make me nut for a 2nd time huh..i grabbed the food id forgotten about out of the microwave and made my way back to nicks room.
" goodnight chris. " i say with a smirk " goodnight ma." he says smirking back at me
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a/n: umm !! don’t know if i like this but i have something coming soon for the matt girlies 🤗
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mollymauk-teafleak · 7 months
Omg can we please have more huskerdust babies?? I’m thinking all the things! Possibly more things during the pregnancy? I love the idea that when the hotel is attacked by the monster of the week, Angel gets pissed that they basically have Nifty babysit him ha. Or angsty stuff like, maybe Heaven has taken note that there’s been innocent souls born and they want to take them?? Omg so many thiiiiiings I love this lil world you created <3
Oh my god I absolutely Adore this ask, these are all the things I love talking about the most! <3 I'm so glad you like the AU!
God I love the idea that Angel Dust is very unimpressed at being benched from fights, bitching about it to the point where Charlie has to give him a list of pregnancy dos and don'ts with 'gunfights' on the don't list along with drugs, alcohol and tuna. Nifty gets assigned as his bodyguard whenever they are under attack but her job is far more often to keep him in his room. More than once, Husk has come back to find that Nifty had to pin Angel's jacket to the floor with her knife
Angel is Suffering with two very hyperactive, multi limbed, winged kittens inside him, especially when he's trying to sleep. And he discovers that the only thing that really gets them to settle is the sound of their daddy's rattling, rumbling, car-with-a-busted-exhaust purr. Which leads to many nights where they're curled up in bed and Angel Dust will sleepily give Husk a shove and mumble 'your kids are awake'. Husk knows it's his cue to roll over, shuffle down until his forehead is pressed to Angel's belly and purr loudly until the little ones settle back into sleep. Usually he'll stay there, Angel's fingers stroking through his fur, telling their babies to be nice to their pops, he's doing such a good job taking care of you and keeping you safe. Angel gets to drift back asleep listening to his voice and his purr and feeling so warm and safe
Cravings hit Angel at the weirdest times, often Husk will wake up at 2am with his side of the bed empty but he knows all he has to do is stumble down to the kitchen and his spider will be there, singing to himself and making some pasta dish he remembers his Nona making when he was alive. Husk just presses a sleepy kiss between his shoulders and gets himself on busboy duty. If he's lucky he'll get some leftovers.
Angel Dust does struggle a lot with how Different he looks when he's pregnant, just because he takes so much pride in looking a certain way and he's spent his whole afterlife being told that looking hot and having people want to fuck him is all he's good for. So when he starts showing, there's a few days where he just retreats to his room, under the blankets and doesn't really want to see anyone. Husk understands and doesn't make him feel stupid for feeling that way but he will wait until Angel wants to let him in then get under the covers with him. He promises that he's as beautiful to Husk as he's ever been, he can't believe he gets to be with someone who looks the way he does and, honestly, he's struggling to keep his hands off him most of the time. It does make Angel feel better and he gets to wear his comfier clothes now and gets used to looking at himself in a different way.
And then his hormones hit. Literally no one in the hotel sees them for about a week, Charlie goes up to see if they're okay, hears the noises coming from their room and bolts back downstairs with a bright red face like '....yeah, they sound like they're doing good'. When Husk eventually does emerge, to get some water, he's limping and holding his back, groaning that he's too old for this...
When they're born, as soon as they're able to wobble about on their many limbs, the spider kitties get Terrible zoomies. Half the time there's just these black and pink blurs zipping around the hotel, tumbling into each other and nearly knocking things over. It's good reflex training for everyone in the hotel making sure nothing gets smashed
and it is SO interesting that you mention this whole business with heaven as that is absolutely a part of this AU I came up with!!!! It's long enough to pretty much deserve it's own post but I am so delighted that your brain also went there because mine did too!!
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(Alcina X Wife!FashionDesigner!Reader)
[Reader has been neglecting their health, ignoring people, and overworking... and so Alcina decides to deal with it herself.]
~Angst/Fluff/Under eating/Self neglect/Mental health talk/Overworking~
~Little use of Y/N, bad grammar, possible misspellings, Reader is over 30 (roughly 36-38)~
So like- I'm kind of projecting on this one :') I think you'll find that some of the angst fics that I write are sometimes me projecting some of the things I go through IRL. I find that writing what I'm going through tends to help calm my nerves, however because my hands are shaking there will probably be a few more spelling mistakes then usual, sorry about that :')
Anyways, enjoy my loves and please take care of yourself <3
~ ~
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Work. Work, work, work, work, work. That's all that's on your mind lately. You've barely seen Alcina or the girls for a week, unless it's dinner. You've been sitting in your own workspace, working for hours on end. You've slept a total of maybe 8 hours this entire week. An entire week, of little sleep or just sleepless nights.
You hardly eat anything when you go down to the dining room, and you don't speak to anyone. You were frustrated, stressed and overworked. Some days you felt like you would just pass out and never wake up, but you knew that would be too good for you. And whenever Alcina or the girls tried to talk to you, you'd shut the conversation down before anyone can even think of asking you to take a break.
Currently, you're sitting in the room Alcina had renovated into a workspace for you to do your work. Sitting at your desk, head resting on your arm which was resting on your desk, staring at the papers scattered across the table and adorning your wall. It was well after 2am, yet you were in a dark room, the only light source being the moonlight and candle sitting next to you. You had countless designs that you wanted to finish, but no inspiration whatsoever. Not to mention, the constant shaking in your hands every time you picked up your pencil. There were a few mannequins with partially finished dresses and suits standing around the room. Some mannequins were big, some were smaller, your size, and others were somewhere in between that.
You let out a groan of frustration, burying your face in your hands. , , It's not that fucking hard, you're being dramatic just- just think!-" You mutter to yourself, and oddly enough, an idea comes to mind. You bring one of the papers towards you and pick up a pencil. However, when you go to add to your design, your hand starts to shake violently, causing you to cross a line over your drawing.
, , Christ sake!"
You stand up, throwing the pencil across the room, watching as it cracks from the force. You were beyond pissed with how incompetant your body was acting. Your gaze snaps down to your desk, and you quite harshly grab the paper sitting infront of you. You begin to tear it to pieces, crushing the pieces to a ball before chucking it into the bin beside your desk. You began to throw things, anything. You pushed over mannequins, brushed papers across the room from your desk, kicked rolls of materials across the floor. You needed to let out all this frustration on something, but you felt so lost.
You were about to push another mannequin over before your arms were pulled back behind you. You tried to pull away, writhing against the grip of whoever had taken ahold of your arms. You had a pretty good guess of who it was, considering you could smell expensive cigarettes and burned roses. You kept fighting against the tight grip, but gave up upon realising it was probably a useless attempt. All of a sudden, all the angry frustration you felt turned to tears, filling up behind a dam wall, bound to break at any moment.
You let out a choked sob when the grip on your arms loosens. Your knees collapse beneath you, causing you to fall to the ground. The wall breaks, and tears begin to fall into your lap. Realisation sets in after a few moments, and you quickly pull yourself towards the bin besides your desk.
, , No, no no- Fuck!"
You pick out the crumbled ball of paper and unroll it, watching as the pieces fall to your lap.
, , FUCK." You yell out in frustration, as you're lifted off the ground. You close your eyes, tight, crying uncontrollably. You try to control your breathing, but of course, nothing is ever easy. You're pulled into the chest of who you now knew was Alcina, not that it was easy to see her clearly, your vision was too clouded with blurry wet tears, and you could hardly keep them open for more then half a second.
, , Hush my love, it's alright."
As much as you wanted to believe that it was alright, the terrible week you had, had your mind believing that it was the end of the world. You tried your best to keep your sobbing quiet, but it was proving difficult. You were being held bridal style to your wife's chest while she carried you out of your study and most likely back to your private chambers.
By the time you had arrived at your chambers, of which was all the way on the other side of the Castle, you had stopped crying, just soft gentle sobs every few seconds. By now you had shut your eyes, and was trying to focus on just Alcina's heart beat. It felt like an eternity before you were able to focus, there was so little happening, yet so much, and it was extremely overwhelming. It felt like you were in a deep black pit, but yet, you knew you weren't.
You didn't snap out of your thoughts until you felt yourself being placed onto the soft comfortable embrace of your bed, you didn't realise how much you had missed the feeling of it. Being engulfed by the warm blankets, it calmed you down, but not too much. What really calmed you down, was the feeling of your wifes arms wrapping around you and pulling you into her chest, of which you immediately and unapologetically buried your face into, all your anxiety and frustrations started to slowly creep back to the shadows.
You noticed that she was in her nightgown, which you probably shouldn't be surprised about considering how late it was. You then looked down at your own attire, realising that you were also wearing a nightgown. Had you really gotten that consumed with your thoughts you hadn't realised that Alcina had changed you?
, , Sleep Dragă. I'll be here when you wake up."
You wanted to protest but you were unbareably tired, and you were already laying on a bed, and Alcina showed no sign of letting you go anytime soon, so really you had no choice. You tried to fight off the sleep that was slowly dragging you down as much as you could, but gave up when Alcina held you closer.
, , I'm sorry... I love you, Alcina."
Your voice was barely a whisper, so gentle and quiet. It made Alcina smile, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
That was the last thing you felt before being carried away into a dreamless, calm sleep. The best sleep you had gotten in the past week.
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Yep okay, bye, it;s 5am im done, goodnight
im not gonna try to edt any misspelingns anymore im tired, this fic might make like 0 sense at all
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kakusu-shipping · 11 months
headcanons for dating Kyoya from Ouran? Iirc he was one of my crushes when I first watched the anime as a kid and I always thought his glasses were so cool
Dating Kyoya Ootori Headcanons
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He's the kind of guy who says he'd want someone low maintenance, who'd let him put work first, but then you meet his friend group and realize he's full of shit and does need the balance of someone clingy, loud, and high strung. It's comforting to him, familiar.
He could plan a date if you wanted him too, and it'd be classic and romantic and expensive with every little detail and moment planned out, but all of it would be pure "what the internet said a good date would be". It'd be better to tell him what you want to do as a starting off point, and he'd go from there
Gifts are a lot like his date planning as well, he'll get you anything you ask for but if you don't tell him directly what you want, you're getting whatever the top google results for Good Gift for Romantic Partner is. He won't get you something you'd hate or wouldn't use of course, but he figures if you wanted something specific you'd tell him.
All of this changes of course when he's feeling petty. One of the other hosts call him out for being so passive in his relationship? He'll change his tune, get you something perfect you didn't even know you needed until right then, or plan a date to somewhere you'd always wanted to go but never actually considered. He knows you better than anyone else, even yourself, and he can prove it when provoked.
You're probably the only person who could convince him to put down a project before 2am, or even better the only one who could wake him up before noon on a day off and survive the encounter without a verbal lashing. Though you probably still can't actually get him out of bed without good reason.
If he was ever mean to you in the morning he would probably be rather mortified, and would spend the day trying to make it up to you, subtlety of course. Please don't take anything he says before he's fully awake to heart.
He has thousands of photos of you on his phone, btw. And on Tachibana's phone. And a few on Honda's. And maybe a couple on Aijima's as well. He can't help himself, he just wishes to capture every beautiful moment he has with you. He's considered equipping Honda with a professional camera to capture beautiful moments of the two of you together as well. He is the best of the staff at photography.
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bau-drabbles · 2 years
“you can tell me anything.” w any character of your choosing if you can? No pressure if you don't want to! 💕💕💕💕
this was so cute, i had to do hotch. i can't stop thinking about him 😩😮‍💨🫶
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"y/n please go to sleep"
"fine" you huffed at hotch but then suddenly you giggled which resulted in a soft sigh from hotch. truthfully he would've entertained it had it not been for the lack of sleep the past couple days
"okay okay listen to meeee, listen. listen..." it sounded like you were drunk but there wasn't a drop of alcohol in your system. hotch knew the culprit, of course he did.
more specifically, you and jack had a competition to see who could eat the most sweets and you obviously won. although now your darling boyfriend was paying the price of it, listening to your nightly rambles. nothing bad with it of course. it would've been all fine if it wasn't, again, 2am in the morning
"okay i gotta ask somethin, can i ask you somethin?" you giggle as you shift around so you're on your stomach, leaning on your elbows.
"you can tell me anything, you know that" hotch answers, his eyes closed but you know he's listening
"would you get any tattoos?" you ask, gently walking your fingers down his bicep. the pads of your fingers ever so gently graze over his skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
"tattoos? for what?" he asks, opening his eyes and raising his brows in question.
"just for fun. something about a man and his tattoos.... it's so sexy" you sigh dreamily, laying on your back again.
"it is?" he asks you, his voice a little more quieter than last time. he was suddenly very self conscious of himself, knowing he wasn't getting any younger. there was a bit of difference in age between the two of you and while you never cared, every so often he would catch a younger man looking at you and it made him feel so small.
why would you have him when you could have anyone?
"well yeah, something about em, it's just a turn on y'know?" you don't even know if it you're making sense, the exhaustion beginning to creep into your veins. but hotch turns to his side and looks at you, swallowing hard. he didn't want to let his insecurities get in the way. but it was a little hard to hear these sort of things especially when he didn't have any of them
"turn on?" his voice is so soft, you barely even hear yourself as he says it. his biggest fear is you waking one day, deciding that he was no longer good enough for you. it's why he put this relationship off for so long, not ready to be into another heartbreak. and when he found you, he fell first and so incredibly hard. how could he not? you were perfect in ever way
but now, he wondered if you had any regrets being with him. he wanted to know but he didn't know if he could fathom it either. the mature parts of him told him it was fine but that niggling voice in the back of his mind didn't give it a rest.
"yeah but..." you yawn, pulling the blanket up to your face, crashing down from your sugar high. you shift closer, breathing in his sweet scent as your eyes start to close.
"you're a much bigger turn on" you murmured into his neck, eliciting a soft chuckle from him. he breathes out slowly, a surge of love flowing through him as he glances at you. his hands come to hold you, stroking your hair gently. he brings your forehead for a kiss, cuddling you close. he was so so lucky for you, he could only hope one day you'd know deep down the extent of his adoration for you. but for now, he tucks you into the covers and fluffs the pillow a little.
"so are you" he whispers, thanks the gods you finally fell in a deep sleep. and his eyes follow suit, both of cocooned in the blanket.
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sissylittlefeather · 1 year
Would you do like a soulmate au between Elvis x fem!reader? Like maybe where the reader dreams of a man who plays her music and would sing to her, but would not reveal his name or where he is located. The two end up meeting when the reader ends up at one of Elvis’ shows. He looks out to the audience and their eyes meet. Both the reader and Elvis start crying since they finally found each other. After the show, the reader is in shock after what she just witnessed. Then Elvis comes out to see her and just envelopes her in a hug. Then from there it can end in a smut, but a fluffy and very romantic one (if that makes sense 😂). Then they just fall in love and end up together. Sorry this was long I just thought this would be an interesting take on a romance story.
Hey! I'm sorry this one took me so long. I think I rewrote the ending like 15 times 🤪. I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing this one, even though it's a little different for me. Enjoy!
Warnings: 18+ no minors, oral sex (f & m receiving), f/m p in v sex, unprotected sex, kissing, fingering, cussing, etc
A/N: I used an AB!Elvis gif because it's the right scene and an Elvis gif because he's just delicious.
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Dream a Little Dream of Me
You sit straight up in bed and look at the clock on your nightstand. 2am. You're exhausted, but going back to sleep will be difficult. You had the dream again. You've been having the same dream every night for weeks. Each time it's a little longer and you learn something new about him. The first dream was all flashes of pink and black. Since then, you've added blue eyes, full lips, strong hands, a guitar, and him singing to you, among other things. You don't know who he is, but you know he's someone important to you. The feeling you get in your stomach and chest when you wake up makes it abundantly clear that this is more than just a regular dream. Still, you've never gotten any indication of who he is or where you could find him. You're pretty confident he exists. You're not sure why, but you seem to know he's real. Still, you've never encountered anyone or anything that could point you to him.
"Did you have that weird dream again?" Your roommate asks sleepily. She's the only person you've told about the dreams, mainly because she's in the room when you wake up in the night.
"Yeah, but I'm okay. Go back to sleep, Janet." She rolls over and grunts. Must be nice to sleep so easily. You lay back down on your pillow, but every time you close your eyes, all you see are the flashes of him. You're starting to get very tired of this weird longing that you have for him, like you're incomplete without him. Part of you wants to go back to sleep to see more of him in the dream and another part of you wishes you'd never have the dream again. Still, if you could find him, then it would all make sense. You drift off to sleep with his voice in your head...
The next day, you drag yourself out of bed and groggily get ready for class. Every time you close your eyes you get another flash of the dream: white teeth, black hair, a microphone, more music, and always his voice. Once you've gotten yourself presentable in a pink and white striped cotton dress and cardigan, you grab your books and bag and head out the door. Janet stops you before you can get all the way through it by yelling from her side of the room, "Don't forget we're going to that show tonight at the carnival!"
Oh yeah, that. "I didn't forget! I'll see you later!"
You head to class and spend the rest of the day trying to focus on anything other than his voice in your head. Why do you miss him when you're awake? It doesn't make any sense...
"You can't just wear that. You at least need to take off the cardigan and add some lipstick or something." Janet pleads as you get ready for the carnival together. You don't know why it matters what you're wearing, but you oblige and toss the cardigan on your bed. You're not going to mess with lipstick, though. It's too hot and you don't want to have to reapply it.
"There. Can we go now?" Janet nods her head up and down excitedly. You really would rather stay home and think about the dream. If you could just see his whole face all at once, maybe you could find him somewhere. Something in you tells you that he's close right now. Like if you walked around a bit, you might run into him. But that feels ridiculous. It's just a dream, right?
You're sitting next to Janet, sweat from the warm evening making your skin sticky, when they announce the next act will be someone called Elvis Presley. Some of the girls start screaming and run towards the stage. You and Janet look at each other and decide to make your way to the front together. Whoever this guy is, he must be a big deal, and you're not one to miss out on an experience, especially when it comes to music. You press in against the crowd so that you can see the stage from where you're standing. This "Elvis" finally makes his way to the mic in the middle of the stage and your heart absolutely stops.
It's him.
The pink jacket, the guitar, the black hair and blue eyes and full lips and big hands. You feel like you might hyperventilate and the pressure of the crowd around you doesn't help. Your heart is beating so fast you feel like it might jump right out of your chest.
As you watch him, it seems like he's nervous and a little disoriented too. For the first time, you wonder if maybe he's dreamed about you. No. That's just silly. But here he is. He's real and he's right in front of you. And he looks like he could use a little reassurance. You're filled with the urge to go to him, but he's on stage in front of all these screaming girls.
He takes a deep breath and starts to sing. If there were any doubts before about whether or not he was the one, they're gone now. You'd recognize that voice even if you were half dead. Something inside you feels like it's taken flight and the joy and excitement are overwhelming. He keeps singing and the sound of his voice hits you in places you didn't expect. As he's singing, he looks out at the crowd. His eyes seem to be searching for something. Your heart skips, thinking that maybe he's looking for you. And then it happens.
His eyes lock onto yours.
A deep contentment settles in your chest like a sigh and you feel a lump form in your throat. The tears gather in your eyes and start to slide down your face. He tries to look away but he always comes back to you and you notice his eyes seem a little watery too. He looks up at the ceiling and tries to refocus on what he's doing. You know he's feeling what you're feeling.
"Y/n, are you crying? Are you okay?" You hear Janet holler at you. You sniff and wipe your face.
"Yeah, I'm just... it's just... Janet, it's him." At first Janet has a blank look, then it turns to shock, and then relief.
"Oh! That makes so much sense! You probably saw him on a poster or something somewhere and started dreaming about him! I mean, I'll probably dream about him too after this!" You know that's not what happened; it's so much more than that. But it's not worth it to try to explain it to her, so you just nod your head and look back up to the stage. He catches your eye again and this time he winks playfully. Your whole body turns hot and you're filled with a need for him to touch you. The show continues and you spend most of it bouncing between figuring out how to get to him afterwards and trying not to cry when you make eye contact while he sings. Every girl around you shrieks that he's looking at her, but you know better. That look is just for you. You have to find a way to get backstage...
After the show ends, you walk out with Janet, but you want to find a way to ditch her. Your body feels like it's in shock from what just happened while he was on stage. It still doesn't seem quite real that you actually found the man you've been seeing in your dreams all this time. But how do you get to him?
"Are you ready to go?" Janet asks. She can tell you're lingering.
"Umm, no, I think I want to stick around for a bit. You can go ahead. I'll be fine." The carnival is within walking distance of campus, so you know you can get home okay. Walking alone at night makes you a little nervous, but nothing is going to stop you from finding him. Janet nods and joins another group of girls that you both know from school. She's trusting; you have to give her that.
The crowd outside the performance area is thinning as you stand there without a clue about what to do next. Then, there's a light tap on your shoulder. Your heart skips several beats and you turn around to find him standing there behind you.
"Hey, baby."
He's taller than you thought and being this close, you can really see the details of him. You recognize the pieces and seeing them all put together is a little overwhelming. Suddenly, he wraps his arms tightly around your waist. You stand there in shock for a second before you throw your arms around his neck. You hold onto each other like this for a while, neither of you wanting to let go. Connecting with him feels like a cosmic miracle. There could be a hurricane around you and you wouldn't notice because of the calm that settles inside you when you're in his arms. Finally, he pulls back from the hug and puts his hands on either side of your face.
"Come with me."
He takes your hand and starts to walk towards the back of the stage. You make your way together to a dressing room with his name on the door. It's small, but there's a wide couch and a vanity with lights around it. He closes the door behind you and turns to face you.
"How is this possible?" He asks.
"I don't know. Have you had--"
"Dreams? Yes. About you. For weeks." He moves a piece of your hair off of your forehead and gently tucks it behind your ear. He brings his hand back to your cheek.
You're suddenly filled with an overwhelming need for him to kiss you and you feel like you could cry again. As a tear escapes your eye and makes its way down your cheek, he catches it with his thumb and wipes it away. Then, he leans in and kisses your cheek where the tear was. He lingers on your cheek for a bit before he moves his lips down to your mouth, hovering there just above you. With the hand that was on your cheek, he tips your chin up. Your heart is beating so fast that you feel like it might jump right out of your chest. Finally, his lips touch yours. He kisses you softly, but everything inside of you is exploding. Just when you think you're the only one feeling anything, you realize that his hands are trembling slightly. He pulls back out of the kiss and puts his hands on your hips to steady himself.
"Darlin' I-I I'm sorry, I don't know what's got into me." You smile up at him reassuringly.
"I'm a little thrown off too. I just can't believe you're real."
"I'm as real as it gets, honey." He moves his hands around to your back, pulling you closer to him. You put your arms around his neck again and press your body up against his. Something in your stomach tenses up as the shock of finding him wears off, only to be replaced by something else. You need him. You need his big, strong hands on every inch of your body. You need his full lips kissing the parts of you that no one sees. You need to hear his voice moaning with the pleasure of being inside you. He seems to experience the same thing, because now he's kissing you again. But not soft like before. No, now he's kissing you with the full pressure of his tongue moving in your mouth, pausing only to nibble on your bottom lip periodically. He has one hand on the back of your neck, fingers tangled in your hair, and the other on your lower back pulling your hips into his. You absolutely melt into his kiss, returning his passion with your own. He walks you backwards a little and pins you up against the door, both hands on your hips as he grinds into you. You feel his hardness through his pants and the place between your legs becomes warm and wet. He needs you too, needs to feel you around him, needs to taste you, needs to be deeper inside you than either of you ever thought possible. He picks you up easily and carries you over to the plush couch, his lips never leaving yours. You lay on your back with him on top of you, both legs wrapped around his waist. He moves his kisses down your cheek to your neck, stopping only to softly bite your earlobe. You've never had a man do that, but always wished one would. It's like he can read your mind and your body and knows exactly what to do with you. You moan at the feeling of his erection pressed against you. In one move, he unzips your dress and has it off of you and on the floor. His jacket and shirt hit the floor as well. You take in the sight of him while his eyes roam over your body as well. The dream flashes didn't prepare either of you for this depth of attraction. In a second, he's on top of you again. The places where your skin meets his are on fire with electricity and heat. His hands reach behind you as he unhooks your bra and tosses it to the side. The feeling of his skin against your nipples makes you weak with desire. You want more.
"Scoot up, honey." The sound of his voice catches you off guard. It's breathy and deep.
"Huh?" He puts his hands under your arms and moves you backwards to the edge of the couch. Then he positions himself between your legs and pulls on your panties, sliding them down to your ankles and off. You arch your back and throw your head back as he slips his index and middle fingers into you. He groans when he feels how tight and wet you are. He pushes his fingers into you several times, kissing the inside of your thighs. Then he uses his tongue to make circles on you exactly where you want him to be.
"Oh fuckkkk," you moan. He's reading your body so well that you almost pass out from the pleasure of his mouth on you. You can feel your release building as he continues what he's doing with his tongue and his fingers. This isn't the first time you've experienced this, but you've never had a man be so careful and specific with you before. There's nothing sloppy or unintentional about the way he moves. Every little motion is perfectly calculated to push you over the edge. He alternates between fingers and circles and pushing his tongue into you as the rush continues to build inside you. When you do climax, it's all you can do to keep from screaming and clamping your thighs around his face. You lay there shuddering and trembling as wave after wave of ecstatic pleasure wash over you. When he smiles at you from between your legs, you're overcome with the need to give him what he's given you. He tries to climb back on top of you, but you find your voice.
"No, sit up." He looks at you with a mischievous grin and obeys. You get on your knees on the floor between his thighs and go to unbutton his pants. Your hands are still shaking from your orgasm, though, so he helps you free himself. You use one hand to hold him and run your tongue in a circle around his tip.
"Oh, shit, baby." His voice is still deep and his breathing is heavier. You seem to be reading his body pretty well too.
You take all of him into your mouth and he cusses again and leans his head back, eyes rolling. You continue to work with your tongue and lips, licking and sucking him while he moans and grunts periodically. You get him just to the edge of his climax and stop. He looks at you abruptly, but you just smile playfully. You aren't finished with him yet. You help him pull his pants the rest of the way down and off until you're both completely naked. He's still in a sitting position, so you straddle him, placing one knee on the side of each of his hips. Then, you lower yourself onto him slowly and let him fill you up. He moans again and his hands automatically go to your rib cage, where he begins to control the pace of you sliding up and down on him. You ride him like this for a while, him pausing every few minutes to kiss and tease your chest. You bounce up and down quickly, reveling in the feeling of him hitting all of the right places inside you. Eventually, he stops you.
"Honey, I'm close." He whispers softly.
You put a hand on either side of his face and look into his eyes. You kiss him passionately before you whisper back, "I'm ready."
He flips you over and lays you down on the couch without pulling out of you. You keep your legs wrapped around his waist as he pumps into you deeply, the change in angle driving you both crazy. The sound of your bodies moving together mixes with the sweat of your mutual heat. You dig your fingernails into his back and he cries out as he slams into you as hard as he can, sending you over the edge again too. You feel his warmth fill you up as he collapses on top of you twitching with pleasure, your legs shaking as the waves continue to crash through you. He lays with his head on your chest, both of you breathing heavily and sweating.
"Fuck, baby, that was..."
He looks up at you through the black hair that has fallen into his eyes.
"That wasn't in my dream."
You laugh. "It wasn't in mine either." You run your fingers through his hair, pushing it back out of his face. There's something deeper in this moment than simple intimacy. There's a feeling of destiny between you, like a prophecy being fulfilled or a purpose being met.
He lays his head back down on your chest with one of your hands in the back of his hair and the other drawing lazy circles on his back. For a moment, you're afraid he's fallen asleep. You know you could in the stillness of being with him.
"I need you to stay with me." His voice cuts through the dream-like haze you were in.
"Stay with you?"
"Don't ever leave me." He mumbles it quietly, like he's afraid of what your answer might be. He pulls you into a sitting position on the couch and puts his forehead against yours.
"I don't think I could stand missing you again." You know exactly what he means.
"I'm not going anywhere." You belong to each other. He knows it and you know it. He kisses you softly on the cheek again.
"My dream girl."
It should be a cheesy line, but in this case, it's absolutely true.
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6okuto · 1 year
Listen… you said we could ask for more hcs pt.2…………………….
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gn!reader | (part 1) anon you GET ME! BUAAAAHHH AND OMGG THANK U... that's so crazy actually i hope u guys think about me today i will b thinking about all of u😙🫶🧡 YIPPEE!
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so stupid /affectionate. takes photos of you and says "now a silly one." or starts taking selfies without telling you
will do cheesy romantic things with you because you ask. he can tease you all he wants, and he wonders how he's found himself swaying to a song with you in the kitchen,, but then you hold him a little tighter and he's like ah. that's why
tells you to be careful with his horns. not in a they're sensitive way but in a please do not get in a position where he could poke your eye out way. rest your chin in between them if you want though
asks you to pay for lunch. when it's actually time to pay he's like "what the hell are they doing over there?" so he can pay first. you guys fight to pay semi-regularly. You are the people who made me want to scream and cry when i worked retail.
do his make-up. i dare you. what. you don't want to stand in between his legs with his hands on your hips while you try to do eyeliner Be serious. he'll be your test subject for new looks
or let him do your make-up. you can match w some red eyeliner :)
doesn't do any little video trends with you without being a little annoying/difficult but he Will do them and do them extremely well in the end. everyone's jealous of your relationship
if you're having trouble sleeping and try to not move around a lot in case you wake ais up,, it's too late. bro is awake. he sighs and nuzzles into you before being like,, "if you can't sleep, you can wake me up you know." or "how long were you going to go before waking me up?"
^ late night snack runs.. he'll stay up as long as you do. hanging out in a mcdonalds parking lot at 2am eating chicken nuggets who gets me
pulls your head to lay on his shoulder if he sees you getting sleepy. rests his head on top of yours
silently comes and lies down with you if he's in a bad mood. you don't have to talk or really do anything, just being around you helps him feel better. he won't complain if you coddle him a little though :) you offer to get him some snacks or cuddle him and he smiles against your skin. "i'm starting to think you have a crush on me or something." you roll your eyes and flick his forehead but he just lets out a breathy laugh. "yes please."
cannot fucking play horror games/movies around this guy like why are YOU jumpscaring me Where is my safe space. he relishes in you clinging onto him / holding you from behind, but he also respects you scaring him back if you're more immune to horror
don't start a prank war with this guy because that shit isn't ending. he excels in annoyingly inconvenient pranks Don't Do It.
tells you about the dogs(/animals) he saw while out during the day. modern au he sends you pics either wordlessly or guessing their names. "meet nacho cheese" "why would u say that" "that's obviously his name? have some respect"
ohh. people watching...this sounds silly. but like i'm thinking about how he doesn't like being lonely/isolated but Is and how he has to watch others enjoy themselves and stuff. so you hanging out together and talking and guessing random people's life stories is just like. a casual thing but reminds him He Has Somebody to do that with now
why'd i say that
you know how he was in the rafters at the beginning. yeah he's asking if you wanna join him up there. you're like You do that Regularly? not just trying to intimidate me? and he's like 🤷‍♂️ it's comfortable enough.
promises he won't let you fall and keeps a steady hold. See? it isn't so bad.
modern au tattoo artist ais who gets me. anyone. anybody. helloooo? guys please i'm gonna pee my pants
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🏷 | @lost-lonnie @screaming-wea-sel @dreamtydraw @respitable @semifilms @hexcoeur
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prettypinkporkchop · 19 days
Can I request Paul or Quil, whichever you prefer x reader, where reader has a manic episode and just Linda disappears of the face of the earth for like HOURS and everyone is stressing because they just cannot find this bitch only for her to pull up to there house at like 2am in like a post manic daze where they're just confused and don't know what happened or how they got there
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Quil Atear x Fem Reader
WARNINGS: Mentions of bpd, bipolar, mania, depression
You have been staring at the ceiling. Your brain is itching to do something. You dont want to be around anyone, but you need to do something. You check the time. 4:00 A.M. You push the blankets off of you. You walk out of your house, leaving your phone behind. You giggle to yourself and then shut the front door behind you, running off. Finding somewhere to go.
"When you two wake up, come to my place." Sam orders me while the pack goes our separate ways after patrolling. I nod my head and run toward my house. Well, OUR house.
As I reach the door, I notice I can't feel her. There's a pit in my stomach. I open the door and walk around. "Baby, I'm home." I look in every room.
Once I reach the bedroom, I check her daily medication organizer. Every tab is full. Today is Thursday. I pull out her bottles and pour them out, counting quickly.
She hasn't taken them in two weeks. My heart sinks. Why would she lie to me about taking them? I have to keep up with these numbers because she's done this before, but she never ran off like this.
I run out of the house and call Sam.
"Please, get the guys out here. Y/n." Is all I could spit out.
Your pov:
You sigh in content as you fall onto the ground of the cliff. You lay your head back over it, your hair falling down, not even close to the water underneath. You keep your body on the rock. You close your eyes and debate about jumping.
You decide not to and then stand back up. As you stand back up, you smell something. You follow the smell and see a group of young adults at a fire. "Who are you?" A blonde boy asks. You sit next to two girls. One with glasses and the other one giving you a snobby look. "Rain." You come up with a fake name. (Sorry if you're Rain. Come up with like... pinky doo?) They look at each other in confusion. "I'm Eric! That's Mike." The other guy says while pointing to the blonde guy that asked your name. "Jess." The snobby girl says. "Angela!" The other girl smiles. "Sorry to intrude! I didn't mean to. I was just walking around enjoying the scenery. It's a calm day." You try to make it seem casual. Mike raises an eyebrow. "It's... always a calm down here." Jess awkwardly chuckles, looking around at her friends.
Quils pov:
Oh my god. I fall on my knees and start crying, holding onto her jacket that lays in the damp grass. Is she gone? She can't be. I'd feel it.
Jared comes up behind me and hugs me. "It's okay. She's not gone." The other guys follow suit, holding me as I break down. "C'mon, Quil. We've got to go." Sam says with compassion. Once we all stand up, he grabs my shoulders, shaking me slightly. "We are going to find her."
Your pov:
They all start laughing at your joke as you talk about a fake scenario that never happened. "Yeah! And when the Uber driver looked up at me through the mirror, he said, 'Clean that up'." Everyone bursts into laughter.
Suddenly, you got tired of the company and wanted to leave and do something else. "Okay! Bout to bop out. Gotta head home." You stand up. They all say bye and you walk away.
The breeze hits you, and you see your fingers turning white. The cold isn't bothering you at this state of mind, but you know Quil would kill you if you ended up losing limbs. We'll, sucks that you lost your jacket somewhere.
You keep running around and suddenly see train tracks. This peaked your interest, and you laid down on the tracks. You closed your eyes and relaxed. You hear in the distance a train is coming. You can feel the vibration underneath you. You sit up and stare ahead of you, waiting for the last second to jump. You start laughing at how good you feel.
The train gets closer.
The light is so bright it's nearly blinding you. You raise your arms up and scream as if you're on a rollar coaster. The train blows its horn, and you quickly roll off to the side. Barely 30 seconds go by, and the train blasts through. Your hair blows everywhere, and you're smiling. You sit there until the train leaves.
They always said the rails were burning hot when a train rolls through. You put your hand on the rusty, brown metal rail, and you leave your hand there. You soak in the feeling of the burn. You close your eyes, and you imagine your hand sitting in a fire without your skin melting off. You take your hand off and look. Red, bloody, skin peeling, some black spots.
Quils pov:
1 a.m. At Emily's.
We all sit in the living room. I hear Rachel yawn for the fifth time. "You can go to sleep, love. Don't worry." Paul whispers to her. She shakes her head. I keep my elbows rested on my knees, hands together, and on my chin. Emily walks in with sodas and cake. She sits down next to Sam. "You can't feel anything bad?" Embry asks, suggesting do I feel her soul has left. I shake my head no. I don't. But what if she is, and I just refuse to allow it to hit me. "Maybe we should call Renesmee. Maybe Alice could help us." Jared suggests. "Anything. God. Anything." I start crying.
Suddenly, the door bursts open. There stands my imprint. She has a smile on her face. She looks disheveled. I quickly jump up and go to her. "Where the fuck were you?!" I scream and look all over her for any sign of injury. I look at her hands and see one is burnt. "Fuck!" I yell. She's still smiling in space. "I had a good day. Did you?" She asks me without... asking me. She's not here with me. I turn back to see everyone looking at us with confused faces. "I'm taking her home. Thank you guys. Love you." I walk out while pulling her.
"I made friends!" She giggles. I stay silent.
Next morning YOUR POV:
You wake up with my hand on fire. You see it bandaged up. Your head is pounding. You sit up and see Quil sitting up with his knees up and elbows wrapped around so his hands are holding each other. He looks upset. "Baby?" You whisper. He slowly looks over at you. "Do you remember anything?" He asks. You do a little bit. You nod your head and look down. "I counted your medicines." He says. Your heart aches. You forget to take them but you tell Quil that you do. "Why would you lie to me?" He asks, his voice shaky. You felt tremendous guilt that almost had you puking. "I just keep forgetting, and I am sorry for lying." You sniffle. You look beside you and see sleeping pills and tea. That's how you knocked out.
Quil moves, grabbing your bottles and handing them to you. You stare at them. "Now." He demands. "I'll have an alarm set for every day at the same time." You respond. You open the bottles and pour the amount in your hand. "This is really embarrassing." You sigh while taking the pills. "There's nothing embarrassing about taking medication, y/n." His tone is more aggressive. "I know, I know. I meant telling the pack. They all must think I'm crazy now." You start to cry. He pulls you into his chest. He kisses the top of your head. "You're family. They will never think that. They will always have your back." He whispers to you and runs his fingertips along your arm. "I love you." He places more kisses on your head. "I love you, too."
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kyokutsu-sama · 10 months
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Long night| Shunsui x reader
"You're unbearably romantic when you drink, you know?" Author's note: I had already mentioned before that I would write something like this for him and here it is. A cute and funny scenario because today is Sunday and I couldn't incorporate my smut writer spirit and so there's nothing hot today. I hope you like it❤️
You got up from the couch and looked at the wall clock to check the time, it was a little late already and you seemed to have fallen asleep in the middle of the random movie you were watching. It was 2am and you went to your bedroom to try to sleep. Shunsui would have left a few hours ago and he tried to persuade you to go with him but you didn't want to go, although he almost threw a tantrum because you didn't go with him and went to drink sake among all those drunks like him. He gave up and respected your decision, you liked the way he always respected you even if you and he shared different decisions sometimes.
Shunsui arrived home, looked at the door and spent at least half an hour looking for the keys in his pockets, Jushiro was with him to accompany him home because he knew that if he let him come alone he would end up confusing the houses and entering his neighbors' yard completely drunk as he was.
"Jushiro where the hell are my keys?" He asked his friend as he reached as deep as he could into his pockets so he could find them
"Try to look for them in your shihakusho pockets"The friend advised
He reached into his pocket one more time and after heard the keys rattle he smiled.
"Now, where's the lock?"He asked trying to put the keys in the lock but ended up putting them a little higher
"Leave it to me and I'll open it, give me the keys" Shunsui handed him the keys and Jushiro opened the door and they both entered the house.
"Get in my friend, I have a brand new bottle of sake there"Shunsui said going to the living room but Jushiro stopped him
"Nooo, don't even think about it. You've had enough of drinking, go take a shower and go to sleep, you hear?"Jushiro warned him
"Are you sure you don't want to drink a little before you go?"Shunsui insisted
"No, I think I've had a bit too. I'm getting dizzy and my vision is blurry"
"But you look so sober, c'mon man !"
"Don't insist otherwise I'll tell your niece that you went out drinking and left all the work undone on the desk"
"Okay I think it's time to back off, you know too much" Shunsui said making his friend laugh
"Now see if you do what I said and don't wake up Y/n, she must be sleeping already"
"My dear Y/n… I can't wait to see her sleeping like a little angel" He said as his body "melted" as he imagined the scene
"Well, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid, you hear?"Jushiro said just before leaving
"Yeah, I promise. You sound like old Yama talking"He said closing the door and Jushiro laughed
He leaned against the door and sighed, it had been a long night but he still had the damn idea of going to drink the bottle of sake. He went to the living room and saw the bottle on top of the table behind the couch, he smiled and went to get a glass from the small cupboard but when he was already heading towards the drink he ended up tripping over the corner of the couch and dropping the glass he held on the floor and the vase of flowers that was on the table next to the bottle
"She's going to kill me…" Shunsui said as he looked at the shards of glass on the floor and the flowers
You opened your eyes after hearing a noise coming from downstairs and went to see what was happening. You walked with some caution down the hallway and went down the first few steps of the stairs, looking into the living room to see who was there and you didn't see anyone other than your husband and… a moutain of broken glass on the floor. You went down the stairs and went to see what had happened.
"Shunsui what the hell happened here?" You asked approaching him
"Y/n, how beautiful you look, come here dear" He said hugging you and you frowned
"Shunsui you smell like booze" You said holding his arms and trying to push him away a little
"I'm sorry if I woke you up, it's just… I ended up drinking a little and ended up getting careless and...the vase..."
"Yeah, I'm seeing that and I'm also seeing that it was the vase where I had put the beautiful roses that you gave me the other day" You said a little uncomfortably while looking at the flowers lying on the floor completely soaking
"I'm sorry Y/n-chan" He said hugging you again and kissing your face and lips several times
"Hey ! Your beard is itchy" You couldn't help but smile a little at the way he was trying to apologize
"I'm sorry petal"He repeated
You rolled your eyes and hugged him for a moment to let him see that everything was okay and that there was no need to make such a fuss. He stopped for a moment as you wrapped your arms around him, your warmth was calming him. He actually felt a little bad about the flowers and that's why he was doing all that. He seemed twice as romantic when he drank, that wasn't the first scenario you had witnessed. He really should have seen himself when he was in that condition, that would definitely make him laugh out loud.
"It's okay, I accept your apology. Come with me,I'll take you upstairs so you can shower and go to bed" You said holding him and taking him there
He held on to you and you climbed the stairs with some difficulty to see if he didn't fall since he was tripping on every step. You insisted on helping him with the bath, just to make sure he wouldn't fall due to the effects of the drink. He managed to do it alone and appeared in the room shortly after throwing himself on the bed.
"I missed this bed"He said snuggling his head into the pillow
“But you spend almost half the day here sleeping” You joked as you lay down next to him
“Unfortunately it’s only half the time” He laughed and pulled the sheet to cover both bodies
"Rest, you look tired" You turned off the light and laid your head on the pillow
"I will, my dear, but first, I think I should wait to see you sleep first because… you look so beautiful even when you sleep, you know? But you're beautiful in everything you do, so sleeping is no different and-"
"Shunsui, shut up and sleep"
"As you wish, my lady" He smiled and kissed you before going to sleep
When the sun rose, Shunsui opened his eyes slightly and saw you already awake, walking from one side of the room to the other.
"How are you today?"You asked after notice that he was awake and went to sit next to him
"My head hurts and my body feels so heavy"He said rubbing his eyes and yawning
"I wonder why"
"Well, the drink…"
"Exactly, the damn drink"
He chuckled and you kissed his forehead, he probably wouldn't even remember what had happened the night before and that's why you teased him a little.
"You're unbearably romantic when you drink, you know?"
"What?" He looked at you a little confused
"Nothing, forget it. Don't take too long getting ready because you'll be working soon" You said smiling and leaving the room
"What the hell happened yesterday?" He scratched the back of his head as he watched you leave the room
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jimraisedmeup · 5 months
TICK // 13.1 - i'm on fire
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (angst, language, sexual content, virginity taking)
Word Count: 3000
A/N: *this chapter will contain graphic depictions of consensual sexual acts.
**longest chapter yet - 3k words
also... FORESHADOWING... pay attention bbys..
what do you guys think about the pace of this story? 
technically, this story started right before Will went missing back in '83. it will eventually catch up with season 4 (1986).
also dirty things kick up after this because well, teenage relationships don't evolve to smut overnight. mehehe...
i plan on some time jumps coming soon, while also focusing on main events in the relationship. there won't be a ton of interaction with certain characters (Mike, Eleven, etc.) until then, because, well, in the show, Robin doesn't come along until season 3 and Eddie in season 4.
but let us not forget the arrival of *Billy* in 1984. 
is there anything in particular you guys look forward to reading between '84 and '86? i'm genuinely curious ;-)
February 15, 1984 - junior year
Your breathing was heavy, jagged and painful. How long had you been running?
Your muscles ached. Your vision blurred for a moment - upon catching your reflection in the dirty mirror, you could clearly see blood splattered across your face.
The blood… all of the blood… blood that was spat in your face.
You knew what you had done and you knew what you had to do. Nothing would be the same.
Floating in and out of consciousness, you let go.
Hey little girl, is your daddy home? Did he go and leave you all alone? Mhmm I got a bad desire Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire
You opened your eyes to darkness.
You shot up in the bed, panicking for a split second, before realizing where you were. Eddie Munson's bedroom.
After a few moments, your tired eyes adjusted to the shadowy surroundings. The bed itself was warm and soft, a woodsy smell enveloping you as you shifted. The fluorescent glow of streetlights emanated from a distance behind the curtained windows.
A neon-faced alarm clock on the dresser told you it was 2AM.
Memories flooded back of the night before. You still weren't sure of the consequences you'd face after spitting on Mr. Eulin. You knew that your father didn't care where you were, but you were sure that Robin would have noticed your absence.
Pangs of embarrassment ran across your heart as you remembered dumping all of your problems on Eddie. Especially after the many times you avoided him in the hallways - simply because you were a coward who didn't want to let anyone in. 
He deserved better than that.
Looking around, you were shocked to see Eddie sleeping on the floor in a bundle of blankets. His breathing was even and barely audible.
You threw your own blankets off without a second thought. Perching on the edge of the bed and reaching your foot as far as it would go, you kicked the sleeping boy's shoulder.
He didn't stir. You huffed, and kicked him harder. 
Probably harder than you meant to.
"What the fuck, Uncle Wayne! Let me sleep!" he mumbled into his pillow, swatting your foot away.
You scoffed, and whispered back to him, "Do I look like your uncle, dingus?"
Eddie looked up at you from his makeshift bed, rubbing his eyes. "Jesus Christ, I forgot you were here."
"Why are you on the floor?"
"Why did you kick me?"
"Because you're on the floor!" you said, exasperated.
Eddie's voice became slightly high pitched in irritation. "So?!"
"So," you paused. "You should be up here. With me."
He stared blankly at you. "I didn't know if you'd want me to. I didn't want you to just, like, wake up and have me in the bed with you."
Crossing your arms over your chest, you scooted yourself further into the bed, making room for him. "Just… stop fussing and get up here, will you?"
It didn't take his sleepy figure very long to emerge from the blankets on the floor. Your face heated up like an iron on a fire when you saw he wore only a t-shirt and boxer shorts. A distinct line of dark, curly hair trailed down past the said shorts. But instead of making some rude comment like you normally would, you stayed silent and watched him.
The minute Eddie was under the blankets, you could feel how warm he was, smelling the faint trace of his cologne.
You coughed. "Can I, um, use the restroom?"
"Hell no!” he joked. But he couldn't hold in his drowsy, deep chuckle. "I’m kidding. You know where the bathroom is."
You inched your way out, dropping your feet onto the cold floor at the foot of the bed. As you turned the handle of his bedroom door, Eddie called out.
"Hurry back, freak. I miss you already."
Tell me now, baby, is he good to you? And can he do to you the things that I do? Oh no I can take you higher Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire
Staring into the bathroom mirror suddenly reminded you of the hazy dream you had just woken up from. Shivers ran down your spine. Touching your face, you saw no trace of blood splatter, but you could almost still feel it on your skin. The shocking feeling of the blood as it was coughed into your eyes.
"What the fuck," you breathed, slapping your own face slightly.
Shaking yourself out of it, you swiftly looked away from the mirror, premonitions aside. You made your way around the small bathroom, doing your business and washing your hands. 
Stealthily, you used a little of the mouthwash that was on the counter and spit it into the running water. If Eddie was about to be that close to you in bed, you didn't want him to think your breath smelled.
You purposely avoided the mirror again as you shut off the light and re-entered Eddie's bedroom. Fiddling with the door handle, you locked it shut behind you.
"What time does your uncle get home?" you asked the half-asleep figure on the bed. He didn't answer right away, so you assumed he fell back to sleep.
His voice sounded surprisingly awake, though. "A little after six or so. Why?"
You awkwardly squirmed back into the bed, grateful for the warmth on your feet and legs. You settled yourself between Eddie and the wall.
"Just wondering."
Eddie looked over at you suspiciously, a smirk evident on his face even in the poorly lit room. "Do you plan on taking advantage of me, Miss Buckley? Is that why you wanted me in the bed? Such clandestine behavior for a girl like you."
His mischievous grin was contagious. Just like everything else about him.
Picking at your nails, you feigned innocence. "What kind of girl do you think I am, Mr. Munson?" 
You chose your words carefully, almost recreating the conversation you had that long ago September day, right before he gave you the tattoo on your hip.
He took the bait, realizing what you were doing. 
"Hmm… I dunno. Eldest Buckley daughter. French Club. Good grades," Eddie responded, then he gasped dramatically. "...but didn't I see her leave with that scary Munson boy in his van after detention? On Valentine's Day, of all days? How scandalous."
You were cracking up laughing at this point. Eddie continued, this time in a higher-pitched voice, reminiscent of a gossiping housewife from the '50's.
"Betty, I can't even imagine what her parents might think. I heard she has a tattoo now. I bet her and that Hellfire Cult boy went off to make whoopee in the woods somewhere. If she knew any better, she could just sit on her vibrating washing machine without needing no man!"
"You did not just say 'make whoopee'!" 
You were almost doubled over in laughter, and so was Eddie, breaking out of the corny character voice.
"Indeed I did, missy. I think I deserve an Oscar for that performance."
You leaned closer to him. "I think you deserve a lot. Everything. All day, everyday."
Peering over at you in the bed, Eddie examined you in close proximity. You could tell that he was pondering over your words. 
"Is that why you used mouthwash when you went to the bathroom?" he questioned seriously, traces of his previous silly behavior fading away. 
You rolled onto your back, looking away with an unsteady chuckle. 
"No idea what you're talking about." But really, you did, and he was dead on the money. His honest gaze gave you goosebumps suddenly.
"You know, it's kinda dark in here, but I can see your nipples through my Black Sabbath t-shirt."
You gasped, pulling the blankets up to your neck with another laugh. "Eddie!"
He laughed too, but it sounded a little nervous. A moment of thoughtful silence passed between them.
Eddie sat up and ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Look, I'm going to kiss you in about ten seconds." 
Your breath caught in your throat, but said nothing. If you were honest with yourself, you couldn't think of a single thing you wanted more.
"And if you don't want me to, then reject me now," he explained, looking over at you. "And I'll fuck off, I'll go back to the floor. No questions asked. But I think you locked that door for a reason."
The boy with the large brown eyes moved closer to you, almost hovering above you. His hand reached under your blanket. 
"Can I touch you?" he asked, his voice rough, almost desperate.
You shifted, somehow managing to get closer to him. You grabbed his warm hand under the sheets and squeezed it.
"It's been more than ten seconds, Eddie."
He let out a small laugh. "Well, you know I've always been terrible with my timing."
So you kissed him first.
Leaning up, you eagerly pressed your lips to his, one hand on the back of his neck to kiss him harder. You began to guide his hand underneath the tattered shirt you wore.
He pulled his mouth away for a second. "Okay, am I dreaming, Buckley? Are you sure about this?"
You sighed, head dropping back onto the pillow. "I asked to stay the night. I locked the bedroom door. I'm in your bed. This is borderline premeditated murder."
"I just want to know that you want this as much as I do," he said simply, fiddling with the edge of your shirt, as if he was picking a lock.
You touched his face, his pale skin almost glowing in the darkness, his brown eyes were pools of onyx.
"I want you, Eddie."
Something snapped in him, like opening floodgates. He maneuvered himself above you, kissing you like his life depended on it.
You pushed the blankets aside. "C'mere."
No hesitation remaining, Eddie moved his body between your legs. He kissed down your neck and placed his grip on your waist underneath the shirt, his shirt, that you wore. The shivers on your spine turned into a scorching fire, a fever taking over like a werewolf afflicted by a full moon.
He lifted your shirt up. You raised your arms to assist him, but instead of completely removing it, Eddie stopped the shirt right at your eyes. Your arms were gently trapped above you and your vision was obscured.
The slightly chilly air of his bedroom wasn't lost on your exposed skin. You felt him pause, and you could almost feel his eyes rake over your now bared chest.
You gasped when you felt his mouth on you, between your breasts and then underneath them. Nervousness fluttered through you. You had never been this exposed to anyone before - something in you said it was a wicked act. 
And then a voice in the back of your head whispered, you'll be nothing but wicked the rest of your life.
All of the times you had felt ashamed for touching yourself in the middle of the night, all of the times you heard it was a sin. The raging battle within yourself for wondering why something that felt so natural could be considered wrong.
You couldn't find a single thing wrong with these hands that dragged across your skin. The grip on your hip bones. The lips that grazed your neck, biting softly. The fingertips that lingered at the edge of your shorts. 
How could it be wrong when it was done with nothing but trust and respect? 
You were panting at this point, writhing underneath Eddie, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying teasing you. He kept his own hips held away from you as his hands explored, teasing.
 The exploration was subtle, though, somehow both caressing and rough. Eddie touched the spots of bare skin behind your armpits, inside of your knees, next to your belly button. He nibbled at the seam of your underwear.
And then he placed a heated, messy kiss to your lips, nuzzling your jaw with his head, like he was unsure for a moment.
His breath on your collarbone made you twitch. Using your free legs to your advantage, you enveloped them around him, dragging his hips roughly towards you. And then you realized what he was holding back; you could clearly feel the throbbing hardness between his legs through your shorts.
A thin sheen of sweat was creeping up on your neck, your own wetness beginning to come through the thin fabric of the shorts. Or was it Eddie? You didn't know, and frankly, didn't care. 
You never felt more alive, more unabashedly human, in your entire life. 
Sometimes it's like someone took a knife, baby Edgy and dull and cut a six inch valley Through the middle of my skull
Almost consumed in this state of euphoria, Eddie felt anxiety knocking on the door of his consciousness.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, his voice shaky and coarse.
He still nudged his head on your neck, in a pathetic attempt to keep his composure. The contact of his dick against the heat between your legs, with only a couple layers of way too thin fabric separating you, was almost too much to handle. His virginity was waiting in the wings.
You laid shamelessly before him. He had never seen anything more alluring.
Your skin was hot, hotter than the devil's house cat. Your legs seemed to have a mind of their own as you clumsily guided his hips to yours, like a magnet. Enough of seeing your hard nipples through every single shirt you wore - you bared them to him now as if they were an offering, his for the taking.
You let out a breathy laugh, light and airy. "Yes. Why? Do I not look okay?" You could easily pull the shirt off your eyes, off your restricted arms, but you remained in the same position he put you in. 
"You… you're the most exquisite thing I've ever laid eyes on."
At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet And a freight train running through the middle of my head Only you can cool my desire
You considered your virginity for a moment - but just a moment. A very unoriginal three-hours-late Valentine's Day present, you bestowed it upon Eddie Munson.
Tenderly, Eddie removed the shirt from your eyes, your arms.
"I'll have to get you some handcuffs for Christmas, huh?" you joked. He didn’t have a reply.
The freedom of your hands led to more sinful acts. You took advantage of finally being able to touch him, yanking his shirt off in one quick motion. The soft smile on his face was irresistible as he tossed his shirt to the floor.
Pressing his bare chest to yours was comforting in a whole new sense - he consumed everything about you. Nervousness and inexperience took over; you were insecure about reaching a hand towards his manhood unprovoked.
Everything was uncoordinated and awkward. Eddie moved off the bed, stretching to grab something from a drawer in his dresser. You heard shuffling and then the foreign sound of music beginning to play from the stereo sitting atop the dresser.
"Springsteen? Really?" you remarked from your place on the bed, now completely naked underneath his quilted blankets.
Eddie scoffed. "It's the radio, thank you very much."
Unbeknownst to you, “I’m On Fire” was something that would grow to haunt the both of you for years. At the time, though, you were only grateful for the music to drown out any of your sounds.
Nerves electric like a live wire, you welcomed him back into the bed, beneath the blankets. He laid beside you for several seconds. You heard the sound of a foil wrapper tearing. 
Finally gathering the courage to ask him the most dreaded question, you just needed to know.
"Have you done this before?" you whispered.
His answer was quick, shaky, and brutally honest. "No. But wish me luck, yeah?"
And those were the last words spoken between you that night. Relief washed over you, knowing that you were both equally nervous, equally embarrassed at this point.
Eddie returned to you, chest to chest, and he rested one forearm behind your head for support. You weren't sure when he removed his boxers, but you could feel that he was naked now, braced right at your entrance. The warmth of his most private areas against yours made you feel less vulnerable.
Which made you pull his face down to you, kissing his cheek. You kissed his jaw, his lips, his eyelids, running a hand through his brown hair. It tangled for a second. His hair was getting so long since you first met him.
…but you were impatient. 
You opted to not say the harsh words out loud - let's get this over with - you knew well enough about human anatomy that this would most likely be uncomfortable the first time around. 
So you reached between your two bodies and guided him into you. His hips reacted benevolently, pushing forward slowly. Fire erupted into you - quickly, invasive. He emitted a gasp into your shoulder, pausing suddenly, but then he began to move again with a steady pace.
The pain was harsh but finished sooner than you thought, along with Eddie himself.
Why? Does he want his virginity back?
You would never regret it, not even for a second.
Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire
(song lyrics credit: "I'm On Fire" by Bruce Springsteen)
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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Knight in Shining Armour
Masterlist Scarlett Masterlist
Relationship: Scarlett x Cop Reader
Summary: After a incident after a night a club. Detective Y/l/n comes to Scarlett's rescue, seeing their relationship grow.
Word Count: 8008
Scarlett's POV:
I didn't even want to come out tonight. It is cold and I have been so busy with work, I just wanted to start my weekend off with a night in with a glass of wine and take out. But instead, I was convinced by some of the cast of my latest movie to join them at a club. Not being in the mood, and being the only sober one, doesn't make for a good night.
Deciding to cut my losses, I say goodbye to everyone and head out to order a taxi. I mean it's already 2am. I did ok to stay out this late! The cold air almost feels painful against the skin that's showing and I'm regretting not ordering a taxi sooner. Trying to take cover from the wind whilst I wait for my uber, I tuck down the side of the club, sighing when I no longer feel the sharp wind against me.
"What's a pretty lady like you doing on your own out here?" I hear a slurred voice ask. I turn around and see a man stumbling towards me. I quickly move to the main path again to get in the view of other people, not sure where this encounter is going. But just to my luck there is no one around! "HEY! Don't walk away from me. I'm talking to you lady!" He yells after me. I decide to just ignore him grabbing my phone to check where the uber is. 5 minutes away.
I feel a hand harshly grab my bicep and I spin around to push the guy off me out of instinct. That was the wrong idea as it just seems to irritate him and he body slams me against the wall, giving me no time to protect myself. Fear floods my body as I see his dark eyes look over me. "So angry. How about I make you feel more relaxed." He husks, his voice making me feel sick.
He's strong as I try to push him or get away. I open my mouth and start to scream for help, but he quickly covers my mouth. "Now, now. We don't want anyone joining the party." He scolds me. I scream into his hand as his own runs up my exposed thigh and under my dress. Tears are streaming down my face as I'm completely defenceless in this moment.
I squeeze my eyes shut tight, praying this is all a dream and I'll wake up. "HEY! GET OFF HER!" I hear shouted from down the street. The man still grips me tightly, turning to smirk at the woman heading in our direction. "This doesn't concern you." He hisses. "Let her go and this won't end as badly as it can." She warns him slightly. "Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?" He asks, his grip loosening slightly. "Well, if you don't let her go, I'll make you. Then I'll arrest you." She threatens, grabbing a badge out and flashing it in his direction. "Shit" He mumbles.
Thankfully, he let's me go to charge at the woman, clearly hoping that he'll be able to make his escape. I watch as he swings at her but she dodges it easily and lands a punch of her own on his chin, knocking him to the floor. She flips him over on to his front as I hear sirens in the distance and oh look, my uber's here! She's quick to cuff him as he grumbles on the floor. As soon as a squad car pulls up, she gets off him and rushes over to me, leaving the asshole to the officers. "Ma'am, are you ok?" She asks, stopping a foot in front of me. Something I'm grateful for as I don't think I can be touched right now.
She slides her jacket off and holds it in front me when I don't respond. "I'll get one of the officers to grab an emergency blanket once they've dealt with him. In the meantime, here, take this." She instructs. I reach out and nod in thanks as I slide it over me, pulling it close for the warmth. The smell of her perfume is comforting. "I'm Y/n. Can you let me know if you're hurt anywhere?" She asks softly, still respecting my boundaries.
"I'm Scarlett and I think I'm ok. Just bruised." I reply, finally finding my voice, shakily trying to get to my feet. As I stumble, she quickly reaches out to catch me. Once I'm stable, she removes her hands off me, something that disappoints me for some reason. "Sorry, I didn't want you to fall." She apologises as she takes a step back. "Detective, we've got a second squad car arriving in two minutes. We're taking the perp down to the station." One of the officers informs Y/n. "Ok, make sure one of you stays to talk with the owner of the club for their CCTV footage. I'll travel with Ms Johansson to the station." Y/n replies.
I'm grateful to know that she won't be leaving me anytime soon. She's proving to be a big comfort to me. The officer hands over a small pack and gets in the car to drive my attacker to the station. "Here, this will help to warm you up quicker. Can I put it around you?" She asks, unfolding the foil sheet in her hands. I nod, not trusting my voice at the moment. She carefully wraps it around me and sits me on a bench whilst we wait for the police car to come and get us.
"We'll head to the station for a statement, and we'll get you checked over to make sure you're not hurt. If you're uncomfortable at any time, just say and they can stop, and if needs be, take your statement at another time." She explains to me, which helps some of this panic subside. She saved me. I hate to think what would have happened if she hadn't been there. "What were you doing here?" I ask her, wanting to know where she appeared from.
"I was trailing someone in the club for a case. I had stepped outside after getting what I needed when I thought I heard someone scream. I looked around and saw that man on you and knew straight away that there was something wrong." She explains. "How are you feeling?" She asks me, turning in her seat to look at me. Eyes boring into me like hers are now, usually make me feel uncomfortable, vulnerable. But not hers. There's a comfort to them. A kindness.
"A bit shaken. I didn't even want to come out tonight and then this all happened. It just scares me what could have happened." I share, feeling tears prickly at my eyes. I drop my head into my hands, feeling the fear all over again, but ultimately, I feel relief. Relief that she was there to save me. My knight in shining armour. "I'm going to put my arm around you. Is that ok?" She asks, making me melt for her even more at her consideration to not make me uncomfortable after what I just went through. I nod and her arm slowly drapes over my shoulder and pulls me into her body.
It's then I notice that she must be freezing herself as she's only in a shirt. A nice shirt mind, she looks really good. It's hugging her torso in all the right places. God, how can it be I've just gone through something traumatic, yet my messed up brain is checking out the detective that is helping me. Before I can offer her jacket back to her, a car pulls up with an officer inside. "Detective Y/l/n, I'm here to take you both to the station." She explains, coming around to open the door.
I move to get in the back by Y/n stops me. "You're not in trouble, so you shouldn't have to sit in the back. You take the front seat and I'll be in the back." I nodded in response as she held the door open for me, before climbing in the back herself. It's not a long trip to the station and I find myself getting lost in my thoughts. They're broken though when the door opens and I see Y/n's kind eyes looking at me, her hand held out. "Are you ready to go in?" She asks. Again, I nod and take her hand and let her lead me into the station.
"Would you like a drink, a coffee maybe to warm you up?" Y/n asks after she's signed me in at the front desk. "Yes, please." I respond. "Ok, follow me, I'll take you to the staff room, we have much better stuff up there than this machine!" She laughs. I just follow like a lost puppy. She encourages me to take a seat and prepares us both a coffee. When she hands it to me, I wrap both my hands around the mug to for the extra warmth.
"Do you have someone that you could call. A partner or a friend perhaps?" Y/n suggests. "Uh, yeah. I can call my best friend." I respond. "I'll leave you to make your phone call and I'll go and see if they're ready for you. Will you be ok for a few minutes?" She asks. "Yes, thank you." I respond with a smile. When the door closes, I take my phone out and dial Lizzie. She's confused as she's half asleep, but as soon as I tell her what happened, I can hear that she is running around the room getting changed. "I'll be there in half an hour." She tells me before hanging up.
Y/n comes back in a couple of minutes later. "They're ready when you are. But there is no rush. This is all in your own time." She informs me. "I'm ready. I'd like to get this over with." I say back with more confidence than I've had this whole evening. "I don't blame you. Follow me and I'll take you to the officers." I do as I'm told and follow her to an interview room. "Officer Garcia and Maddox will be taking your statement. If you want to stop at any time, just let them know and they'll listen." She explains before going to open the door.
I quickly reach out to stop her and she turns to look at me confused. "Are you not coming in?" I ask almost at a whisper. Her face softens and she smiles. "I wasn't supposed to as it's not my department, but I'm sure I can sit in there for support." She smiles and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I'm still holding on to her hand, but she doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she uses it to take me into the room. I take a seat opposite the two officers who kindly introduce themselves. Y/n takes the seat next to me and carries on holding my hand. Which she squeezes in support throughout the 20 minute interview.
It's horrible having to relieve what happened, even though he didn't get what he wanted, I can still feel his hands on me, the pain as my back hit the wall. I'm grateful for Y/n's presence as it helps to give me the strength to carry on. When we're done, she guides me to the waiting room and sits with me. "We're just waiting for our medic to be available, and he'll check you over. If he's happy you're free to go." She tells me with a kind smile. Our eyes lock for a moment and I go to open my mouth to thank her for everything she's done, but we're interrupted.
"I'm here for Scarlett Johansson. She was brought in after being attacked." I hear the panicked voice of my best friend. "She with you?" Y/n asks, and I nod. "I got this Jerry. Ma'am, Ms Johansson is over here." Y/n tells her, pointing in my direction. Lizzie rushes straight over to me and pulls me into a tight hug. "Oh, thank God. Are you ok, did he hurt you?" She asks, looking over my body to look for any obvious injury. "I'm fine Lizzie. Y/n helped me." I tell her with a wide smile. "Who's Y/n?" She questions with a look of confusion.
I point at Y/n who gives a shy wave. "Oh, sorry. I'm Lizzie. Thank you for helping her." Lizzie thanks. "Y/n Y/l/n and it was my pleasure." She answers, giving me a wink as she does. I notice Lizzie grin in my direction as Y/n indicates for her to sit with me. "I'll check on Dr Mayfield." Y/n excuses herself, leaving me with a grinning Lizzie. "She seems nice." She observes. "Yeah, if it wasn't for her, who knows what might have happened." I respond, avoiding biting the bait she is clearly trying to get me to take.
My response seems to remind her why we're here and her face turns to one of concern. "Are you ok? Do you want to stay with me tonight? I don't like the idea of you being on your own." She offers. "I'll be ok. It was a little traumatic, but I'll be fine. And yes please. I don't want to be alone." I admit, a tear falling down my cheek. Lizzie pulls me into her and holds me until Y/n re-joins us. "This is Dr Mayfield. He'll give you a quick check over and let you know if you need to go to the hospital or not." Y/n explains, introducing the man stood behind her. "Lizzie, you're welcome to join her." She smiles and Lizzie is quickly by my side following me through.
Thankfully, there is nothing more than some scratches and bruises and the doctor gives me the all clear to head home. I'm grateful that this is all over and I can get home into bed and just relax over the weekend. When I go back into the waiting room, Y/n jumps up when she sees me, and it instantly makes me smile. "All ok?" She asks, a look of concern on her face. "Yeah, I'm good to go." I reply with a smile and I see her shoulders relax.
"Well, I checked in with Officer Garcia and she has confirmed that the CCTV and your statement is enough to charge him. They may need you for some paperwork over the next few days. But even if he pleads not guilty, it is unlike to go to court." She assures me and that makes me feel much better. "Thank you for everything Y/n. You've made this so much easier than it could have been." I express my thanks. "You're welcome. I'm glad I could be there. Here, if you need to, please call me. I'm more than happy to help with anything." She states, holding a card out in front of me.
I take her card and read Detective Y/n Y/l/n. Organised Crime unit. "Thanks. I will." I respond, not really wanting to leave her, but knowing I have too. She walks Lizzie and I out to the car and waves us off as we drive away. "I think someone's got a crush. At least something good came out of something so horrible!" Lizzie teases. I would argue, but she's right. Y/n was the silver lining. I tug at her jacket, which is still draped over my shoulder, and take a sneaky sniff, gaining more comfort from her scent.
I ended up staying with Lizzie for the weekend. She's in between projects at the moments so we had a lazy weekend. With her encouragement, I dropped Y/n a text last night and safe to say it went well.
Hi Y/n. This is Scarlett. Thank you again for everything you did for me. I realised that I still have your jacket. I was thinking I could return it to you. Perhaps over dinner?
Hi Scarlett, good to hear from you. Dinner sounds great, though you didn't need the jacket as an excuse to ask me. 😉 When were you thinking?
I'll keep the jacket and take a date then. Are you free tomorrow evening at 7?
It's a date 😊
Lizzie was almost as excited as I was and has been helping me get ready all afternoon. Y/n is picking me up and taking us to the restaurant that I've booked. I'm really excited to see her again and have the chance to get to know her without the background of the attempted sexual assault on me.
When we get to the restaurant, there are a few paps that get our picture, but it doesn't bother me. I've been out as bisexual for a few years now, so I'm not worried about being pictured with Y/n. Who knows, if this goes well, then maybe we'll be pictured together more regularly. Although I'm not worried, Y/n wraps her arm around me protectively and blocks as many of the cameras as she can with her body.
Once we're through the door, we're instantly taken to our table. Y/n, being a complete gentlewoman, takes my coat and pulls out my chair for me. "Nice jacket." She grins as she hangs my (her) jacket on the back of the chair. "Thanks, I think it suits me." I reply with a mischievous grin.
We end up having a great dinner. There is never an awkward silence, and I don't think I've laughed this much in a long time. She is really attentive, and I love the subtle touches she makes through the night. It makes me sad when the night comes to an end. She drives me back to Lizzie's, as I'm still not comfortable to be on my own and walks me to the door. "Here's your jacket." I say, moving to take it off. "Keep it. It looks way better on you!" She stops me. I smile, slipping it back over my shoulders.
There is a beat of silence as our eyes just gaze into the other. "Thank you for tonight. It has been really good fun." She tells me, taking my hand in hers. "Yeah, best first date I've had." I admit, and I notice her cheeks flush. "I really want to kiss you." She whispers. "What's stopping you?" I reply with a boost of confidence.
At my words, she leans down, and I push up on my feet to meet her lips. My eyes close as her soft lips touch mine. Our lips mould together as her hand cups my cheek. My hand fists her shirt and I pull her closer to me. She doesn't hurry the kiss, letting our lips explore each other. Her touch ignites a fire within me, showing me that it's the only touch that I want to feel.
As she pulls away, my eyes are still closed as she rests her forehead against mine. "Goodnight Scarlett." She whispers against my lips, placing a gentle peck, and stepping back. "Night Y/n." I respond, watching as she gets in her car and drives off. I lean back against the door, my butterflies still going mad in my stomach. I raise my fingers to my lips, tracing over where hers just were.
I'm broken out of my trance as I'm suddenly on the floor. The front door I was leaning on, thrown open by my over excited best friend. "Oh my God! That was so sexy!" She squeals as she pulls me up from the floor. I raise an eyebrow at her, and she drops her gaze. "I was watching through the window." She admits, pointing to the hallway window. I shake my head and walk upstairs, ignoring the calls from Lizzie to tell her all about the night.
She's more persistent than I thought, and when I come out of the bathroom, she's already led in the bed, with a glass of wine in her hand. "Now will you tell me all about it?" She pleads, giving me her best puppy dog eyes. I take the glass from her hand and slip into the bed next to her. "Ok." And that's how we spend the rest of the evening, me gushing over this amazing woman that I met by chance.
Y/n's POV:
My date with Scarlett was fantastic. I've never felt a natural connection with someone so easily before. And that kiss. Oh, that was like no other. I was so glad that I was there at the right time to stop what that asshole was trying to do with her. I just wish I had been there a little earlier to stop him ever getting his hands on her. The look of fear on her face when I got to her was heart breaking.
Since our date we've texted a few times and are planning our next date. We've had to push it back a bit as I had to finalise everything on a big case that I was working on. It's been years in the making and the information I got from the club last night gave me everything I needed for me and my team to do our final raid. We were able to arrest a crime boss who has been plaguing the city for decades. We have concrete evidence to ensure that he and his men won't see the light of day again, making the streets much safer.
It was a press conference I had to attend which made us move our date. I stood by the chief's side as he announced the arrest and gave me and the team praise for all our hard work. It was a relief that it was finally over, and I am planning to take a prolonged leave of absence to give myself a chance to recover. That night, when I get in after a long day of shaking the big wigs hands, I flop on the sofa and grab my phone to try and rearrange my date with Scarlett. It's a little late so I'm not expecting a response, but I'm excited to hear from her tomorrow.
I don't hear from Scarlett at all the next day. Or the day after that. I assume that she's filming and leave it before checking in with her again. I've finalised the last bits of paperwork for the case and I'm about to start my six month sabbatical. I'm planning on going away for a week or two. I've not had a holiday in years and I'm looking forward to getting some sunshine and relaxation.
I was hoping to see Scarlett again before I go away, but I don't hear anything. I've texted her, tried calling her and nothing. Maybe I had misread how our date went and she wasn't actually that interested and felt like she had to be nice because of what I had done for her. I instantly feel guilty that she perhaps felt obligated to go on a date with me.
My heart sinks at the thought, knowing that I've well and truly been ghosted. It's not the first time this has happened to me, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. Instead, I decide to book my trip. I decide on a four week trip to New Zealand. I've always wanted to go, and this is the perfect opportunity to explore somewhere new. I spontaneously book for next week and then spend the rest of the evening planning everywhere that I want to visit. There are so many amazing places, I decide to hire a car so I can explore the two islands and see as much as I can. Planning the trip helps me to ignore the slight ache I have in my heart. It's stupid to feel this way. I barely knew the woman and we had one date. Yes, it was the perfect date and have the most perfect kiss to end it, but I can't get hung up on that. I'm not wasting this time off getting hung up on a date with me.
The next day, I'm out shopping, buying everything that I need for my trip. I really go all out, pretty much buying myself a new wardrobe. I've not done this in a long time, and I've been so married to the job, I've managed to save up enough to indulge myself. My little bit of retail therapy works and I'm already feeling much better, excited for what my trip is going to bring me.
My time in New Zealand was amazing. I managed to see so much and met some incredible people. It was exactly what I needed to unwind from how much I've been working these last couple of years. I don't remember the last time I took a vacation but this more than made up for it!
I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do over the next five months before I return to work. I know that I want to visit places in the US and spend more time with my friends. I'm almost embarrassed by how little I've seen them recently. But still, they've stuck by me. So that's what I start doing, making an effort with my friends and family. We hang out, go on trips together and tonight, we're heading to a bar.
I've not had a night out in a long while, and I'm ready to let my hair down. I still felt a pang of pain in my heart when I thought of Scarlett, but the last 8 weeks has really helped to lessen it. Hopefully tonight, I'll be able to find a reason to completely move on from the truly pathetic episode I've found myself in.
In my new outfit, I head out to meet my best friend, Jenna. She's managed to get someone to watch the kids and she is going to make the most of it. We head straight to the bar and order cocktails and two shots of tequila each. We pound the shots and head straight out onto the dance floor. We get a in a bit of a routine. We dance until we're tired, then head over to the bar to get more drinks and shots before heading back out again.
"That red head is checking you out." Jenna tells me, nodding her head in the direction of this woman. I subtly turn around and meet the blue eyes of a gorgeous red head. I give her a smile and she dances over in our direction. "I couldn't help but watch you." She admits freely, which makes me blush a little. "I'm flattered!" I shout over the music. "Perhaps you could join me?" I ask, seeing Jenna wiggling her eyebrows next to me. "I'd like that. I'm Hannah." She introduces herself. "Y/n." I respond, holding my hand out for her.
She easily takes it and moves into me, dancing to the beat. As time goes on, my confidence grows and I place my hands on her hips, pulling her into me. She spins around and pushes her ass up against me and starts to grind. I can't help the smirk on my face at the feeling. "I feel like I'll be heading home alone tonight." Jenna teases with a wink. I roll my eyes at her but know she's right.
"How about I get us some drinks." I suggest to Hannah. "Sounds good." She replies and takes me hand to walk to the bar. I squeeze in and manage to get to an empty seat. I help Hannah get up and she pulls me so I'm stood between her legs. I smirk down at her and lean in. Our eyes shut as I feel her breath on me. "Hey babe!" That voice snaps me out of the moment I'm in with Hannah, and I feel my heart drop when I look up to see the last person I had expected to see. Scarlett.
Scarlett's POV:
I woke up the day after my date with Y/n, a smile permanently etched on my face. I couldn't wait to see her again. There was just something about her that made me want to spend all my time with her. But I don't want to be too clingy after one date, so I get started on my plans for the day. I start off by calling my daughter. She's staying in France with her dad and will be back in two weeks. I miss her so much, and there is part of me that is actually wondering about what she'd think of Y/n. I quickly shake the thoughts away, knowing I'm getting far too ahead of myself.
Eventually, I get up and join Lizzie downstairs for some breakfast. I'm feeling much better about everything that happened last week and have decided to stay at my house tonight. Lizzie has offered to stay the night just to make sure I'm comfortable, which I'm grateful for. I'm so lucky that I have her as my friend.
I end up sending Y/n a text later that afternoon, and we catch up a little. This carries on over the next couple of days and we even start to plan our next date. Unfortunately, Y/n had to postpone as she had something important to do for work. But she said once that's over, she'll have plenty of time to dedicate to our second date.
That evening, I switched on the TV and had the news playing in the background whilst I was catching up on some work emails. But in the corner of my eye, I spotted a familiar person. I focused on the TV to see Y/n stood behind the police chief, who was briefing the press. I turned the volume up and watched as the chief spoke about the arrest of Johnny Murphy. He was a notorious crime boss that the police had been trying to deal with for years.
"All of this could not have been done without the hard work and dedication of Detective Y/n Y/l/n. She has dedicated her time to ensuring that we have everything that we need for a concrete conviction of Mr Murphy." I smile briefly at the thought of all her hard work paying off, but that soon disappears as I start to spiral into dark thoughts. What am I doing dating a detective? Especially one that's working in organised crime. She will be busy all the time, how would she have time for me? What if she's in danger and gets hurt, or I do through association. I can't bring that into Rose's life, it's so irresponsible. I can't let myself get hurt like that.
So, in my wisdom, I make the decision to end things with Y/n before they even get a chance to start. But I'm too much of a chicken shit to actually talk to her, so I do the one thing that I hate, I ghosted her. It's easy enough to ignore her at first as she doesn't pester me too much. But after a few days, I look at my phone and guilt creeps in as I look at all the unanswered messages from her.
Sorry I had to postpone. But I'm all yours now. I've got a really cool idea for our next date if you'll let me take the lead. Let me know when you're free and I'll get something arranged.
Hey, I assume you're probably busy with work or filming. But just wanted to check in to see how you're doing. I was watching TV today and We bought a zoo started. Is it embarrassing to admit I only carried on watching for you?
Hi, me again. Just checking that everything is ok? Are you still up for date number 2?
I'm taking the silence as your answer. I'm really sorry if I've been bothering you and got the wrong end of the stick. I didn't mean to make you feel obligated to date me. It was nice to meet you anyway.
With her last message, my heart broke a bit. She thinks the reason I'm not interested is because I feel obligated to go on a date with her because she saved me. Which is completely untrue. I should have just told her and not let her come to her own conclusion. But it's too late now. It's done and I just need to move on.
"So? When's the next big date with the detective?" Lizzie asks, dropping down on the sofa next to me. I avoid her eye contact and keep my focus on the TV ahead. "Scar?" She questions. "We've not really spoken since." I admit and I notice a flash of anger from the corner of my eye. "I can't believe her! How can she take you on a date, kiss you and then just ghost you? What a complete asshole. She probably thinks because she's some big wig detective, she can treat people how she wants. Unbelievable!" She rants, her hands flailing in the air.
Part of me feels lucky I have someone like her in my corner, but the guilt creeps in that it's actually me that she is describing. Just replace detective with the word actor, and she's hit the nail on the head. I am an asshole. "Give me your phone." She orders. "No, Lizzie. You are not getting involved." I scold her, but she's persistent. "I'm serious." She gives me the infamous head tilt, but I'm not budging. I shake my head and turn my attention back to the TV, which is the wrong idea. Before I know it, Lizzie has launched over me and grabbed my phone from the arm of the sofa.
Before I even have a chance to try and stop her, she's jumped up and unlocking my phone. Fuck me for having the lock code as my daughter's birthday! Lizzie is angrily opening WhatsApp and I see her face turn to one of confusion. "Wait. She did message you." She states, looking up to me. "Why are you ignoring her? Is she right? Did you feel obligated?" Lizzie questions.
I let out a sigh and try to ignore her, but like I said, she's persistent. "Scar, talk to me. You were so happy after your first date. What happened?" She asks, calmly, taking a seat next to me. "I'm scared." I admit, knowing that I can't lie to Lizzie. "Of what?" She questions, placing a comforting arm around me. "I like her. A lot. But when I saw her press conference, all I could think about was how dangerous her job is and that I couldn't get hurt like that or let Rose be in danger because of my girlfriend's job." I share.
Lizzie is quiet for a moment. Clearly collecting her thoughts. "I can understand that, but why didn't you talk to her? Ghosting her is pretty harsh and now she thinks she's either done something wrong or made you feel forced into a date with her." She doesn't say it harshly, but there is an underlying tone that shows her displeasure. "I thought it would be easier. But it's too late now." I sigh. "But it's not. I only met her for a brief moment, but she seems really kind and understanding. Maybe just go and talk to her. Tell her why you don't want this to go any further. If that's really what you want." She suggests.
I rub at my head, feeling a headache coming on from the stress. "I really like her Lizzie." I admit and she smiles sadly at me. "Then go and tell her and find a way to work through this if it's what you want. It might be worth the risk. But don't let her blame herself." She asserts. She's right, I need to try and fix this, if she'll let me. I take my phone back off Lizzie and send a text, hoping she'll give me a chance to explain.
Hi, I'm really sorry for not responding. I was wondering if we could maybe meet up so I can explain everything.
I sent the message off, already feeling slightly better. Lizzie is right, I gave up without even trying to talk it through with Y/n and explain. Fingers crossed I'm not too late. Now I just have to wait for a response.
Yeah, I didn't get a response from Y/n at all. It just sat on unread. It made my heart ache, knowing that I had blown this. But I'm not planning on giving up, so I decide to head to the station and see if she's there. I grab my things and drive over. I feel a bit nervous at the thought of seeing her, but almost an excited nervous. I walk into the station and approach the reception desk. "Good morning, how can I help?" The officer asks with a kind smile. "Hi, I'm looking for Detective Y/n Y/l/n." I reply, with as much confidence as I can.
"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, but Detective Y/l/n has taken an extended leave of absence." He explains and I feel my heart drop. I'm too late. "Oh, do you know why and when she'll be back?" I query but he gives me a sad look. "I'm sorry but I'm unable to disclose that. If you need to talk to someone, I can arrange for someone else to come down to see you." He offers but I shake my head to decline.
Leaving the station, I feel so deflated. I don't even know where she lives to be able to turn up on her doorstep. God why did I have to go and fuck this up. I'm always self-sabotaging and I've hurt Y/n in the process. Feeling down, I head home and hide away with a tub of ice cream and romcoms. I know, it's cliché!
The next day Lizzie is already tired of me moping and is forcing me out to a club. I normally would be really up for this, it's been a while since I've been out, but I just want to wallow at the moment. Unfortunately, I have a very determined friend, who practically man handles me to get ready. Knowing that I'm not going to win, I decide I should just make the effort and try and enjoy the evening.
When we get to the club, we turn up and head straight to the bar. We take seats in a booth and decide to let the alcohol take effect before braving the dance floor. Whilst we're chatting, I'm glancing at the dance floor, and I smile when I see the person, I've been desperate to find. "Looks like fate is on your side." Lizzie teases, leaning in and giving my shoulder a nudge. "Or not." I reply, my smile dropping when I see a woman approach her.
My jealousy rises as I see them dancing together, and it only gets worse when Y/n pulls her into her, and the red head starts grinding on her. Fuck, this is torture! Lizzie just gives me a pitying look as I down my drink. I end up just staring at the two of them, not able to tear my eyes away. When I notice they're heading to the bar, my body starts to act without my consent. I grab Lizzie's drink and down it, before making my way over to Y/n.
My jaw tenses when this woman pulls Y/n between her legs and rests her hands on her hips. Y/n has a dopy smile on her face, and I just wish she was looking at me like that. "Hey babe!" I greet from nowhere, taking myself by surprise as I place my hand on her shoulder. "Babe?" The woman questions, pushing Y/n away from her. "What? No, I'm not with her." Y/n defends but the red head just scoffs. "Right sure. I can't fucking believe this." She curses, grabbing her bag and walking off. "Hannah! Wait, this isn't what it looks like!" Y/n calls after her, ignoring me and turning towards the woman.
I quickly reach out and grab Y/n by the arm and she spins around, a look of fury on her face. "What the fuck are you doing?" She yells at me. I flinch a little at the anger in her voice, but I guess I deserve that. "I didn't like her dancing all up on you." I admit but she just scoffs, shaking my hand off her shoulder. "Well, I'm not your girlfriend, so it's none of your God damn business who I dance with." She seethes. My gaze drops in embarrassment. "Can we please just talk?" I plead but she shakes her head. "Now you want to talk?" She laughs coldly. "You made your feelings pretty clear, even through the radio silence. Now I'm leaving." She fumes, storming out of the club.
"Y/n wait!" Another woman calls after her, rushing out the door in her wake. "What are you waiting for?" Lizzie questions me. "I don't agree with what you just did but go after her. This is your last chance!" She scolds. Thankfully my body takes over again in this moment and I'm soon running out the door following her. When I get outside, I see the woman who chased after Y/n trying to calm her down. "Just breathe for me Y/n/n." She pleads.
"I can't. I'm so fucking angry! Like who the fuck does she think she is." She is now in a full rage and I'm not sure if this is the right idea to come after her. "I know Y/n. I totally agree with you. But there's no use getting this angry. Let's just go to another club and drink to forget all this." Her friend suggests. When Y/n reluctantly nods, I know it's now or never to talk to her.
"Y/n. Wait!" I call after her, but she just rolls her eyes. "Go away Scarlett. I don't want to talk to you." She hisses. "Please, just give me 10 minutes, and then I'll let you go and never bother you again." I beg, reaching out to grab her arm. She quickly pulls it away. "Why should I give you any time? You ignore me and then act like my jealous girlfriend when I'm with someone else." She questions angrily. "I don't deserve your time. You're right. But I'm asking for you to show a slither of kindness towards me so I can explain everything." I express.
She looks towards her friend, who Lizzie has now joined. "Fine." She admits defeat and indicates for me to go to the greasy spoon next door. I have to hide a small laugh when Lizzie and Y/n's friend sneak in and take a table not too far away. But I need to focus right now. I don't know how long she'll give me. I look up at her and I can still see an anger behind her eyes. "Can I just start by saying how sorry I am for what just happened there. I had no right to act like I did. I just had this wave of jealousy wash over me, and all I could think about was stopping what was happening. It was completely selfish, and I apologise." I start off.
"You were the one that stopped talking to me. You ghosted me and made it clear you didn't want things to go further between us. It's totally unfair of you to act like you did." She states firmly. "I know, there is no excuse. There's no excuse for how I have acted at all over the last few weeks." I admit. She doesn't respond, so I take that as my queue to carry on. "It may not seem like it, but I really like you Y/n. I felt a connection with you that I've never had with anyone else. But I got scared when I saw your press conference. I worried about your job. You're in the organised crime unit. There is so much danger with that and I just panicked about you getting hurt, what that would do to me. I also worried that it might put my own daughter in danger if I was dating you. So, I decided it was best that I didn't pursue anything between us."
As I'm explaining I hear a scoff. "So, you decided that ghosting me was the better option than actually talking to me and having an honest conversation?" She questions, and I feel small under her intense gaze. She's not letting me have an inch here, not that I blame her. "It was a mistake, and I was a coward. I thought it was the easiest way. But you're right. I should have come to talk to you instead of just letting you think you had done something wrong. Please know that I didn't go on that date with you because I felt obligated. It couldn't be farther from the truth." I insist.
"You know, if you had talked to me, I could have explained my job to you. Yes, I work in organised crime, but it was only temporary for the Murphy case. I was pulled onto the task force after I was investigating a murder of a teenage girl. We never expected it to go on for two years. But after my leave of absence, I was returning to the homicide unit." She shares and I instantly feel even more stupid for not giving her a chance to explain. "I really am sorry Y/n." It's all I feel like I can say in the moment.
There's a moment of quiet before she lets out a sigh and nods. "Ok. Well, thank you for being honest with me now. I'm sorry you didn't feel comfortable with my job." She says, standing up and indicating for her friend to join her. I watch as she's walking away before I hear Lizzie hissing at me. "Why are you letting her go?!" I shake out of my frozen state and call after. "I still really like you. I like you a lot and I hope that maybe you could give me a second chance." I shout across the diner, making other drunk customers look at me in confusion.
Y/n stops at the door, her back still to me. "I might be scared, but I think I'm more scared of missing out on something that I truly believe could be perfect. I know I've screwed everything up, but please. Just give me one more chance." Y/n slowly turns around at my confession and walks back towards me. Her face unreadable. "My job isn't going to change. The homicide unit still has its dangers. Less so for you and your family, but still danger." She warns me. "I know, but what is life without risk?" I say with a teary smile. "Please. Just let me take you on that second date." I plead.
I take a risk and step forward and place my hands on her hips. She doesn't move away as she still ponders my request. "One more chance?" I whisper, looking up into her eyes. "One more chance." She agrees, holding her index finger up at me. I feel my whole body relax, but once again, it's taking control as I pull her down towards me and capture her lips with my own. She doesn't hesitate to kiss back as her hands fly to my hips and pull me flush against her. We're interrupted when we hear cheering. Not just from Lizzie and Y/n's friend, but the other customers in the diner.
I hide my face in Y/n's chest in embarrassment as she wraps her arms around me. The sound of her racing heartbeat gives me comfort, and I know right now in this moment. I'm where I'm meant to be. Safe in her arms.
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nanaloco · 2 years
Being best friends with Haechan
'Your bed's warmer than mine'
Warnings : none (I only write fluff)
Genre : fluff, Bestfriend!Haechan x Gn!Reader
What it would be like to be best friends with haechan (who you secretly like) [who secretly likes you too]
Appart of the : It's complicated series
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• Very entitled to your time
• "I know you're not doing anything rn so stop ignoring my messages and come outsideeee"
• Definetly a certain activity that you two do w/o fail every single week
• (Like movie night, cooking together, junkfood day, game night)
• Alternating whos house you'd be at each time
• Very dramatic & over the top
• You somehow accidently tripped him up
• He somehow convinces you that you owe him icecream
• Does whatever he wants
• literally whatever he wants
• Acts like you two are in a relationship
• Will run and hug you while spinning you around [without fail] everytime he sees you
• Forces you to do game night which you let him do because you like him
• Will gladly carry you in any game even if you're horrible
• Will argue with anyone on voice chat who insults you
• Or his friends who don't want to play with you cuz you suck
• "You tired? Too bad we still have a match to play"
• If you end up falling asleep,
• You'd probably wake up with a pillow under your head and a blanket over you
• Or if hes feeling extra nice, in a bed
• Does things secretly to show he cares
• Cleaning your desk, replacing your stash of favourite snacks
• folding clothes you left on your floor
• If you tell him you're hungry, he'll probably reply
• "Well I'm hungry too so what are you going to do about it"
• Yall probs end up brainstorming places to eat
• Can be serious when he needs to be
• Sometimes mark tags along
• (Mark is a third wheel)
• He watched you enter your apartment code once and memorized it so he now enters whenever he wants
• Or forced you into giving him keys somehow
• Comes to your house in the middle of the night when you're literally fast asleep
• You would just get a random message or call where he just says 'I'm outside'
• Or just knocks on your bedroom door because he let himself in
• 'Hyuck, wtf are you doing at my house, it's 2am'
• Would walk past you and go straight to your bed
• "I couldn't sleep, your bed is much warmer than mine"
He says as he snuggles into your fluffy pillows and and takes in your scent
Thank you for reading ♡
This is my first story so I hope you like it 👾
👾Lets be friends!👾
@/hoshiiitrd on instagram and twitter [for mutual, friends or trades :)]
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jediwizard · 1 month
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i took this picture last week. i went to the cinema with some old friends and watched the new deadpool movie. the film was so unoriginal and dumb, like most marvel movies lately, but i loved it anyway. the film was funny and it felt so nostalgic. it was the gayest thing ive ever seen, and this is by someone who obsesses over destiel and anderperry. after the film was over i went for lunch with my friends, and i ate japanese food. i ordered a chicken yakisoba, which is basically noodles with a lot of chicken, stir fried vegetables and all of it was coated in a sweet and tangy sauce. two of my friends saw how good it looked and they both ordered the same thing. i would definitely recommend anyone to try it if you haven't already.
my dad came to pick me up from the mall later, and we went to our favourite coffee shop. the place is really cozy and dark, with open brick walls, black leather couches, plants, records and prints of iconic artists like the beatles and bob dylan. my dad ordered mocha and i had hot chocolate. after we got home, my cousins invited my siblings and i for a sleep over and we had the best time. we watched casper (1995), one of my all time favourite movies. i was really looking forward to showing to my cousin. she didn't like it much, and i'll admit, i was a bit disappointed. on the other hand, she and i read pretty much the same type of books and we would talk for hours about percy jackson. anyway, we eventually fell asleep at 2am after singing, talking and taking a shit ton of photos on my sister's digital camera. i fell asleep on my cousin brother's bed, and just like almost every other 12 year old, he had spiderman bedsheets.
the next day, my cousin brother and i were the last ones to wake up. the girls woke us up and we went down for breakfast. my aunt made a ton of stuff and we went to their pool later. my uncle grows a lot of vegetables in their backyard, contrary to my dad, who finds it impossible to keep an indoor plant alive for more than a month lol. we probably spent 3 hours in the pool before our parents eventually called us in.
i would have posted a picture of my friends and i or a pic from the sleepover, but i feel uncomfortable posting pictures of myself for strangers to see;) i took this picture at my parents house. the rooftop's one of my favourite places in the whole world because of how peaceful it is. i took this at around 4.30pm and while it doesn't showcase any photography skills, i just really liked how the sky looked around the time that the sun was setting.
i don't usually blog about my life, but saturday and sunday were really good days and i wanted to document it somewhere. if you read this entire shitpost, then thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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