#like its still pretty bad but ive gotten more used to it ig?
luna7822 · 3 months
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i kinda miss terezis, roses, and jades previous outfits more and more everyday even if ive already gotten used to the new ones now with roses especially since it goes so hard but dont forget that their previous ones go hard too since i was a big fan of their previous looks that are also great in their own right and that i also miss jades long hair too since it pretty much made it easy to tell that it was meat!jade but ig i kinda understand why the new team reverted it back in a sense but at the same time it just looked really cool for once and also hot take from me is that terezi looks sm better with long hair than she does with short hair from the og webcomic tbh since she just looks really cool in beyond canon anyways but over time however i did gotten used to the new ones anyways despite not really being a big fan of most time aside from ult!roses at first but i feel like they may not be too bad in retrospect anyways as much as i still miss the previous ones but still
part of me kinda doesnt understand why the new team thinks that terezis old one looks """"complex"""" since they cpuldve easily still drew it however they wanted too yet for some reason they left overrated bitchs outfit as it is cuz dumb f^^service go brrr ig or smth like that idk
not trying to say that this is """"nostalgia talk"""" or anything like that but hell even the previous artstyle was so fucking cool too for what it was with the really pretty panels and all that but ig i like the newer artstyle now too especially thx to the 413 upd8 being the best recent one so far and all that since i still love the 413 upd8 alongside the march one and also the 5/8 one too and hell maybe even the recent one as well even if its just the first portion of it so far
but nowadays im pretty much used to the new one already even if i still did miss the previous stuff that happened beforehand for what it was and im just glad i got to read beyond canon before it was brought back in 2023 since im basically the no 1 meat timeline fan atp since its literally the main timeline and that it still has the cast we know and love anyways but still
other than that i just cant wait for more upd8s down the line since were making progress again at least :3
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
what if i just pulled an all-nighter and not go to sleep so i can try to get my sleep schedule on track again
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nextstopparis · 2 years
Wait I'm curious, since Merlance is superior to Mercelot what about merwaincelot or other ship names with Lancelot? Or is it only the Mercelot vs Merlance?
ok ok ok. this is the most important ask ive gotten in my life btw. here are my opinions (which are Absolute Fact but whatever) on all lance ship names (if i hve forgotten a ship. tough. but also lemme know so i will give u my Opinion bc obviously its very important):
merlin/lancelot = merlance (obviously x283992838383. although a strong case can be made for merlot BUT but but but it will only ever come in second place to merlance SORRY but its undeniable fact. mercelot is at the last level of hell)
arthur/lancelot = arlance (obviously x283992838384. arcelot just sounds like arse-a-lot. so. although👀👀—no no. no. arlance. i actually really like arlance as a ship name idk why. it makes Sense to me u know. anyway. arlance is by far the superior lancelot shipname)
gwen/lancelot = gwencelot (but only bc i cant think of an alternative. i was EXTREMELY tempted to say ‘glance’ tho just fyi)
gwaine/lance = gwaincelot (see reason above. logically ik that they cant BOTH be ‘glance’ so thats another point Not in glance’s favour but. whatever. its still COOL)
elyan/lancelot = its just too CLOSE for me to not say elyancelot. what else could it even be. elylance? elyance? ive no clue .
percival/lancelot = perlance? percelot just sounds like purse-a-lot😫
leon/lancelot = leonce . obviously. i dont even need to explain this one
merlin/gwaine/lancelot = i mean. i underSTAND merwaincelot bc mer- and -celot arent attached so ig that ship name works (it sort of makes me think of “wince a lot” so im a bit eh but whatever. the only other thing i could think of was suggesting that we should also consider ‘merlaine’ bc it sounds pretty to me but technically that could just be an alternative name for merwaine so. idk. IT CAN STILL WORK THOUGH. if not we should consider merlaine as the new merwaine ship name bc i like it better personally bUT I DIGRESS) (heres how merlaine can still win—)
merlin/arthur/lancelot = anything i think of for them sounds stupid sorry BUT merthelot sounds a bit like mirth-a-lot like a lot of mirth which is a lil cute imo. in my top three of trios tho so who cares abt every ship name for them sucking tbh
gwen/arthur/lancelot = again, i must concede arwencelot bc everything else to me sounds bad (but maybe if you dont listen TOO closely arlanevere can sound sort of pretty. i just really like the name guinevere and think the last bit is very pretty and should be incorporated in as many things as possible however that means that -evere completely carries that ship name for me so. maybe not that one? still sounds a lil pretty. enough to not completelh ignore. the men continue to give nothing. this unfortunately brings to light the problem that -evere is too pretty for a lot of things and they dont exactly live up so i cant really use many ship names with it at the end but anYWAY AGAIN I DIGRESS)
merlin/gwen/lancelot = the three i can think of are: 1) merwencelot (obviously) 2) merlancevere and 3) gwencelin (which sounds like gwendolyn lol) um. i might have to go with option 1 (again, mer- and -celot arent attached so i dont have anything AGAINST it ig also merlancevere just makes me think of severe which. eh. idk. actually u know what after sitting with it for a minute its sort of grown on me. still id PROBABLY go with merwencelot if forced to on pain of err whatever threatening tactic that would work on me BUT. merlancevere is a CLOSE second now. if i wait a few more mins maybe it’ll even usurp merwencelot’s place! stay tuned for update. i think i just dont like -lot at the end of things bc the t makes itso like. idk. ANYWAY)
merlin/gwen/arthur/lancelot = i have no fucking clue. i guess merwenthurlot ??? i cant think of anything that sounds better (ehehehe imagine merwenthurance sksnsksnkssk makes me think of hinderance)
merlin/arthur/gwaine/lancelot = honestly ive given up at this point with four names. tbh mostly idc. chances are im too busy being confused over all the chaos to even sit down and consider/care abt the ot4 names anyway. its probably merwainthurlot or merwainethurance or sumn. id go with merwainthurance bc it reminds me of maintenance which is apt bc theyd 200% be EXTREMELY high maintenance<3
idk ifeel like im not Creative enough for ship names,, like the name gwart hadnt even occurred to me until an anon brought it up but . as of right now wirh my current knowledge here is where i stand on ship names (dont even get me started on any ship name not exclusive to lance)
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grimolkin · 6 years
so! that one lowkey tea filled meme i posted got some responses to go off ig so thats what im gna do. i have negative experience in making structured arguments, so if some of my stupid shit doesnt make sense, im sorry lmao! rant under the cut.
ok. im gna be talking about shiro, adam, and allura, and why i dislike the fandoms response. if you didnt kno already, sdcc showed trailer stuff and revealed on twitter that shiro DID have a significant other named adam, and they broke up before kerberos. im not super informed on this, but the fandom seems to have taken it as uh they were engaged or maybe were bfs and then broke up bc kerberos?? and then shiro has a disease?? idfk man listen. im gonna just be listing some little points but theres ya background lol
1. shiro being gay!
the team told us that shiro did have a significant other, and that his sexuality can be interpreted as bi, gay, whatever. and im so fucking down with that??? ive been w lgbt hcs for most if not all the vld characters, including shiro!! he was always bi in my mind, for allura or matt or whoever just bc chemistry. but this influx of mlm shiro just feels... weird. not saying you cant hc him as gay or whatever, but this one tweet about this one stranger that we’ve literally never heard about once is whats setting it off? i lov lov LOV ,my gay brothers n sisters, but damn if it doesnt feel like bi erasure lol!!!!! im not saying everyone who posts gay shiro is a dirty exclusionist but it really feels like we out here, ignoring that bisexual people exist and are precious n beautiful. idk.
2. allura and girls in general
so. this might be a touchy topic. but i ALWAYS see this shit. boys and mlm couples in general always recieve more attention and love than girls and wlw ships, or just het ships in general. and im not tryna be That Het but jesus christ! i see so many of my fave girls get these years or seasons of development w someone, only to have it overshadowed by one tweet, or one video, or one anything. im really sick and tired of seeing people just go nuts over a pairing that we haven’t really even seen yet, and completely overshadow one thats so well developed and healthy. hhhnhmnh.
3. shallura in general!
as i said before, shallura has gotten seasons of constant development. theres ALWAYS something there for us, and i’d say we’re pretty fuckn lucky!! shallura has parallels with two canon couples in the universe, matching themes, colors, its just really apparent to me that theyre endgame!! or, were- idk where the crew is going with this. but anyway, the introduction of adam, even though the crew has told us theyd been thinking about it for a while, feels so rushed. almost exactly like matts arrival, but worse. yall know how hard shallura has had to fight to be a popular ship? it wasn’t so bad in the beginning, but it still kind of sucked being second to klance. then matt came along, and shatt became a thing, and shallura went under the water yet again. we’ve been pretty steady, but this whole adam thing has just dropped the popularity, and i dont even know why. we know nothing about adam other than his appearance and that he and shiro were a couple. its either this fandom has a PHAT distaste for allura, or just shallura. i dont know, but its jus. annoying. a bunch of the popular shallura blogs are being really gracious and nice about it, but shadam fans seem to be jumping on that opportunity to erase allura and shiros relationship completely and go back to shipping their uwu gaybies!! im willing to give shadam a chance, but im just displeased now because i feel like the fandom is way overreacting. we know nothing about him.
i probably forgot a few things but thats kind of all my opinions. hoo. im heated. hope you enjoyed the rant :ppp
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fictional-scenarios · 7 years
Oooooooooo could you write a sequel to Kuroo angst you poster recently??????
sure thing! -mod cassie
It took nearly two weeks for you to look at him, and about a month for you to start answering his texts. Though Kuroo knew exactly what he did and how it affected you, some other apathetic part of him felt as though you were drawing out a needless punishment. Sometimes in the later hours of the night he’d find himself entirely pissed off for how guilty you were making him feel, fingers itching to send you that mile long text that would start in a ‘sorry’ and end in a ‘grow up’. However once those nights passed and he saw you wandering to your class that anger would shrivel and beneath it that same regret would resurface, his pride once again making a show and urging him to turn the opposite direction.
The first time you finally gave him a half wave when he walked into the building his heart nearly flipped. It was just a wave and a half hearted one at that, but you were acknowledging him at least. He’d wave back in earnest and sometimes would even directly say ‘good morning’ but usually you never replied to them. When you finally came around and do did he, he had to bite back apologizing over and over again, fearful he’d scare you off. Instead he just waved to you whenever he could or offered a friendly smile whenever his hands were full, grateful you’ve return the gesture.
When you never answered his pathetic apology, he’d send you one about three days later, a stupid ‘hey, you alright?’ Unsurprisingly you didn’t answer that one either. So, when you finally did, he felt like he’d double over in his seat. Though the night was over and he was just getting ready to get up from studying and head to bed, he still felt his throat go dry at his phone lighting up, your name displaying over the screen.
He was so fast to respond it amazed him that he didn’t make any spelling errors, not that he’d checked at all when he hit send and then made his way under the covers. 
Your name lit up again, his phone vibrating and his breath leaving him.
‘do you have time to talk’
He almost replied with ‘anything for you’ but instead sent a simple, ‘yeah, sure, whats up’. He felt horrible in acting as though he had no idea what was going on, like he totally wasn’t expecting you to already be chewing his ass out for being such a hardass to you back after the game.
It took you a few moments to answer and in those long minutes Kuroo’s anxiety grew with every second. 
‘i just wanted to say i was sorry for ignoring you these past few weeks. i wish i had an excuse but i dont’
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Sure in the times where he’d get angry at you he’d imagine you apologizing but actually seeing it in front of his eyes made him feel even worse than before. He’d exploded on you for just trying to help, and even after that he was just as much in the wrong (if not more) for not manning up and apologizing right away. Instead he chose to give you the silent treatment as well.
‘it’s fine, really. im sorry too for being a dick and for saying all those things to you. i dont have an excuse either, i just hope you can forgive me’
Sometimes Kuroo wished he could sound more genuine as he read his reply, feeling like he was speaking way too casually to sound like he was as sorry as he was. He was afraid you would think he was just talking out of his ass, like he didn’t actually give a damn about how you felt and was just going with it. When you replied he was almost scared the only thing you’d had sent would be a big, fat, ‘no’, but it wasn’t.
‘i forgive you.’ 
Even though it was late and his mind felt fried from all the practice and studying, he still leaned his head back against the pillow, phone clutched to his chest while he grinned. A weight had been lifted off his shoulder and though he knew these messages wouldn’t solve everything it was the most relieving thing to see those words. You forgave him. As he brought his phone up to his face, squinting at the brightness, he smiled all over again and sighed at your answer before sending his own.
‘thank you, ___, seriously. that means a lot to me even if it doesn’t seem like it.’
His room was dark save for his screen illuminating, but he’d never felt so content in his whole life. He still had some guilt clinging to his shoulder, eating away at him slowly, but for the moment he truly felt like you two could finally start getting somewhere again. The fear of potentially ruining any chance of being with you greatly damaged a lot of Kuroo’s persona, so much so that even his teammates asked him occasionally if he was feeling alright. That ‘fateful’ night replayed in his mind over and over again, his head creating alternate pathways on what he could have, or should have, taken and where they could have led him. 
‘im glad it does. i miss you a lot tbh’
You sounded just as casual as he did and maybe that wasn’t a bad thing, since it made talking a lot easier than just spilling emotions and crying out ‘im sorry’s every few seconds. Kuroo stared at the ceiling, closing his tired eyes and smiling again.
‘i missed you too’
A few more minutes passed after his reply and you still hadn’t answered, and for some ungodly reason Kuroo feared he may have made things awkward, and once again he almost dreaded reading your message when his phone alerted him.
‘hey i know we havnt talked in awhile but do you maybe want to hang out sometime this week? if u dont wanna thats find i just think it would nice to catch up or something idk’
He actually laughed quietly, head tipping back again after reading your question. Even though the circumstances were less than desirable it was cute to him, and he was still smiling as he answered back.
‘that sound awesome, where do you wanna go?’
‘hows that one place by the corner store sound? i heard its good’
‘it sucks’
‘oh haha, how about that one we used to go to together a lot? i cant remember the name either oops’
Kuroo licked at his lips, remembering how often you two would eat out after he was out from practice. He didn’t like it too much but when you were there with him, it was his favorite. 
‘sounds great. we can catch up on stuff cant we?’
You sent another right after.
‘like i said i really missed you. sorry ive been so mean :(’
His heart fluttered again as he typed away, hesitating before sending. 
‘its fine, really, i was the jerk. im just glad we’re talking again, and im also happy to be revisiting our place again. eating at our place is way more fun isnt it?’
‘haha, our place sounds about right.’
It felt good to be saying ‘our place’, it made him feel like you two were right back to being the close knit friends you always were, even if a lot of it was spent on him pining for you and wishing you felt the same way.
‘so its a date then?’
Kuroo nearly choked when he read your message, heart doing flips as he sat up and re-read your text to make sure he wasnt mistaking it on accident.
‘a date?’ He sent, hands nearly shaking. He definitely hadn’t misread your text, but it felt too good to be true. 
‘oh sorry, would you rather it not be? ig that makes sense given we havnt been talking… we can just hang out haha’
‘NO a date is fine. thats even better than just hanging out.” His entire body felt weightless, nearly feeling like he had whiplash from your sudden question and how lucky he had gotten. He was excited to be just conversing with you again but going on a date? Finally doing something he’d been dreaming of? Again, the context was less than desirable but he still beamed at the chance. 
‘alrighty then, i cant wait! ill see you at school tomorrow right kuroo? at our spot?’
Your spot being the tree a little outside the gates of school, the place where you’d met because he bumped into you while not paying attention since he was too busy harassing Kenma on not making too many friends despite it only being the first week of highschool. You were prepared to be hit and almost fell over, and would have hit the dirt if he hadn’t managed to grab onto your arm. It hurt and left a bruise but after that day you two became pretty close.
‘yeah, our spot.’
‘get some rest then, see you tomorrow (:!”
He sighed in delight, imaging seeing you tomorrow and thinking of all the things he could say to you. 
‘see you tomorrow, ___.’
Kuroo clicked his phone off when you didn’t answer back, probably heading to sleep with the same butterflies in your stomach. He wanted to feel mature and cool, but he couldn’t stop himself from flipping on his side and holding a pillow tight in his arms, body wrapping around it while he grinned into the plushness. 
Once again those scenarios started racing in his head but they weren’t an offspring of regret and what he could have done. Now, it was excitement, the things that he could and would do when he saw you the next morning.
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i had a nice weekend, amazingly enough. in some ways i feel we both made an effort but at the same time we didn’t. like we just chilled - didnt try to make plans or rush through, just accepted that this was the activity.
it helped to change the routine up a bit. since my roommate left, we decided to stay at my place. i had a friend over for tea before being dropped off at his place where we packed up some things and came back. we got weed and alcohol and watched the unabomber documentary on netflix. it was nice - no one was yelling, no one was bothered. i brought my bed out to the living room so we could watch the big screen and relax.
in the morning we went to the bakery and bought good stuff for breakfast. smoked some weed, finished the unabomber series and took a nap. then we went skating at the park downtown before buying ingredients to make a fancy pasta dinner at his house.
it was very nice. i felt that this was ~my christmas. we definitely needed time / space to enjoy each other as is instead of constantly rushing and or making plans for other things. the success of it and the lure of downtown began helping him change his min (as well as the fact he wants to live the life the unabomber lived and now he realizes its kind of crazy)tm
this week i have a doctors appointment and im supposed to get a tattoo. he leaves on friday basically but he should be back before the next friday which oesnt seem that bad at all? he’ll still be here for new years. and my birthday. considering i dont care about christmas anyways, seems like an okay deal and i’ll probably get free random shit from people anyways. 
things are 20% less bad than they were on thursday/friday last week. it’s not great but i dont want to die. which is like .... the most normal level of being for me possible rght now. i am not “excited” to see my doctor because it means ive gone off the deep end but i am excited for the relief that i will feel upon talking to a professional who advocates for me. i am considering asking if he would want to talk to one of my friends who has been dealing with me to see if it would help because i think it would help to see that i have smart friends who are active in my life in positive ways - like i still want to provide proof that i’m not just some drug addict.
on the weekend i told him the story of my cat frank. frank died in really traumatic circumstances which was totally unusual for most people. frank was very very very sick and i took him to the vet by bus because my father was very sick. the vet took my cat, performed emergency procedures on him, then asked me to pay for it. when i couldnt pay for it they gave me the option of releasing it to the humane society, which the humane society woulnt take it and i would have to rive it there myself or put the now healthy cat down. so basically i had to put it down. they wanted me to pay to put it down as well. i had a friends father come in and he yelled at them and made a ig eal and they put it down for me for free.
in my life, i figured this was just ~ another thing. he asked me why this happened, how it couldve happened, that it was like a really terrible story if not one of the worst he’s ever heard and pressed for details. i did not fully realize at the time how unique my exprience was. i thought this went with my old line of belief - i was crazy. i was the crazy one just experiencing the world aroun me and reacting to it in a crazy way. i just “didnt understand” what was happening. i was 16 and alone and just dealing with this. 
but i was not crazy. i had taken my family pet to the vet like anyone would in modern society on the expectation that they cared about animals. but they did not care at all and i dont think that people fully understand that the pet industry is about money - it is not about the animal at all. but most people will drain their bank accounts for a beloved animal. i know people who have spent thousands of dollars and acted like it was completely normal and okay. 
is it though? i dont know. it seems fucked that we domesticated animals to an overabunance and then put a huge price tag on caring for one that they would otherwise kill. when this animal once survived in the wild without any care at all. 
but i tried to explain the nuances of this story to him which he would have zero understanding of at all. it is a bit like racism. you would never understand what a black person felt if you are not black. you do not get the nuanced glances and little shuffles away from you on a daily basis that makes you feel inhuman. and you cant explain the depth of that to someone - it sounds like you’re overreacting and nitpicking when this bothers your soul because you were merely born into the world and others are reacting to you for no reason at all.
so i tried to explain the nuances of being in poverty, having an alternative style and possibly being perceived as not white. which is a weird and unknown factor to my life - i am perceived as not white. i cannot say for certain what i am perceived as - i’ve gotten mixed, spanish and asian. but many times i am perceived as “not white”. i believe as i am getting older and my “alternative” style has become more like an old witchy type lady who just wears black and i am judged even more based on my natural looks that i am in fact coming across as more native american now than since i was a kid. 
it is kind of easy to tell by clothes if someone is experiencing poverty. kind of. sometimes people are still really insecure and want to portray themselves better off because they know its more beneficial to do so. some eople have no choice at all. as a teenager my “altnerative style” itself looked poor. i wore ripped jeans and band tshirts, i had weird colored hair that i cut myself and i probably had gross peircings. maybe i was wearing makeup from the night before. maybe my shoes had holes in them. maybe my jacket did. maybe i wore my leopard print coat. i dont know. i dont even know what i looked like or what i wore - i expressed myself through my style and i was very all over the place. maybe they judged me by this.
and its so easy to “understand” the judgement of “some punk kid” but the nuanced beliefs that follow it are not. punk to many is a criminal. a drug addict. someone who doesnt care. a kid is someone who does understand, that they can control and manipulate. someone in poverty has no choice and other people wont care. they wont care that this is a teenage girl saving her beloved pet, willing to work out payment plans and everthing else to do it. 
he did seem to understand my perspective. i have alot to deal with. this is why its offensive when i have to hear him lament about some other person’s life - who i honestly have no doubt they struggled. i really dont. if i met them independently and they told me of their lives, i bet we would get along (provided they werent a drug addict anymore) because i feel we’d probably empathize with eachother far more than he ever empathized with us. and i have only heard stories from others and every story is terrible - their successes are few and far between and they actively make harmful choices. imagine how they felt life was like for them to come to such conclusions on how they’ll live. to make choices to shoot drugs and fuck with all these people without care - that’s probably a lot of people actively not loving you and/or serious mental illness. 
but when the focus is on that and them and my struggles are taken without the same heaviness or seriousness or acceptance of how this would affect me .. it’s offensive. i do not want to be in competition with anyone for a shitty life. you cannot even be proud of that. it’s just sad. i’m sa for them, i’m sad for me - it’s just sad. but when no seriousness is taken on my life, i find myself trying to defend the belief that my life was not easy. and not just “not easy” like my parents divorced  or i didnt get into the school i wanted. like really seriously not easy, likely equal to the not easiness of this person as well. i just had a completely unique not easy experience to them and perhaps it’s not as wild or entertaining? or i’m not the cute little white blonde girl? 
i explained this to another friend about a doctor. as a teenager a friend and i  went to the doctor to try and find some help for me. we were our usual teenage goth selves and the doctor pretty much laughed and thought we were lesbians (we were not, which i guess kudos to him for accepting our perceived homosexuality but that wasnt part of the issue at hand) 
this is just the very obvious points. the examples you can see where most likely some judgement occurred but the actual bigger picture is what all these nuanced interactions equal out to. if everyday my interaction with someone is clouded by pre-conceived notions of being a drug addict, a criminal, “not white” (which in itself could be leading to the first two but is racist all around anyways) or to the lesser degrees - strange, not “socially acceptable”. but i am none of these things -  am just me. 
and you know, right now i am in a place much like my friend was as a teenager. she struggled with her racial identitiy. she did not want to be seen as “brown”. she carried hatred and resentment towards her culture and did not want to accept it despite being “brown”. so like her, i am very non-accepting of drug addicts because their existence makes mine harder. a drug addict many times lives in poverty. “not white” people are perceived as drug addicts. alternative styles are seen as drug addicts. and drug addicts themselves, many of whom i’ve interacted with, are not nice people. they are not people you want to be around and yes - they are still people. under the heroin and crack, they are still people hurt and struggling. i get it. but they just made the struggle for themselves and me ten times harder. so i have to fight and defend myself that i am not a drug addict which is so hard to prove because they can believe you’re popping pills or your trip to the bathroom took too long and it’s frustrating as hell.
unlike my friend i do not have to accept my identity as a drug addict because i’m not one. i realized that i did in fact choose to take a harder route in the struggles of life because doing drugs is the easy way. and yes, smoking weed is kind of the same but i’ve dealt and cried about life. every experience ive had with other drugs has been very numbing and exaggerated and an altered viewpoint. that is not how i react with weed. i dont know if others react differently and i wouldnt argue if they did. but this is my reaction. i would smoke 2 joints everyday before i took an anti depressant which i have taken and do not have the same very positive effects. 
but when ihave done other drugs and if i chose to continue to do other drugs its a complete escape. 100% non functioning escape. and it’s not like “do a little” mdma and you’re just a little happier all day. PEOPLE ARE STILL AROUND YOUR WEIRD ASS which is affected by this drug in unusual ways like you’re a “little happier” and everyone else is uncomfortable. congrats. i do drugs and i am writhing on the floor like a piece of shit. 
anyways, he told his mother the story about the vet and she essentially pushed it aside and said it seemed unlikely. she is why my life is shit. people ust like her multiplied into the thousands. for all the nuanced judgements and personal experiences - it seemed unlikely. but it did happen. this is my life. you’re telling me my life seems unlikely. this is exactly what happened. a grown man with a government job came in and yelled at them. i know his name. why would that occur? do you not understand WHY I AM CRAZY?
i am constantly looking for validation because of people like her. not everyone is like her. some people with vast life experiences or real open minds take you for your word. anything is possible in life. but many people don’t. and many of those people hold positions of power or authority which may even be as simple as being a teacher or principal. but those people will shape and guide the path your life in society is going to take. when i told people of what was going on - they didn’t believe me, they didnt care; it seemed unlikely. so i’m left questioning the importance, my sanity, my perspective as well as dealing with the actual active problem entirely on my own with absolutely no help or direction what so ever. thank god i was an egotistical cocky angry teenager. my punk ass attitude and anger and genera ignorance got me through things i honest to god probably wouldnt even do now. younger me was ten times harder. i was ready to do anything go anywhere but i didnt because i had guilt and apathy. i didnt have the same apathy as i do now, but there was some. i dont have guilt anymore and looking back had i followed through on my teenage dreams, i mightve been better off. i wanted to move out early. i wanted to move out at like 15 - 16 years old. if my dad had not gotten sick, i wouldve been working at a job where i made 350 - 500$ every week doing shit i was fully 100% capable of doing with no issue what so ever. in a home environment interacting with one other person. i realized i had earned like 4000$ in the 3 -4 months i was working there and had literally nothing because i spent it on weed and vodka and ecstacy. then i lost the job for being so stressed out and smoking so much weed before and during work that i couldnt even do the job anymore. which was like SHIT I DO EVERY DAY ANYWAYS. 
at 17 i spent 3 months living by myself. literally. while working. an taking care of any responsibilities my sick father put on me and this is before hes even in the house. most people cant eve comprehend the idea of me doing this now but this is what i did. what you need to realize is that my mother at the time was also still alive. so for whatever reason she just ... didn’t give a fuck this was happening. she knew. she was fully aware. but not once did she offer anything. she just wanted to know if he was going to be dead or not. 
17 year old me dealt with this by smoking an insanely large amount of weed which i do not think i have even matched to this day because never have i had that much disposable income again. but not only did i smoke weed, i did a shit ton of mdma and k and drank a lot of vodka which was my drink of choice at the time. we stole my dads van, three times, for lke no purpose. it was bad. this was essentially my most punk era of time which i now look back on pretty disappointed with myself because i had the wherewithal to get a job, maintain a job but then be a complete piece of shit teenager. that was my time - had i not given into drugs or alcohol i’d have been WAY different. period. 
by not taking that way out - and i feel like people don’t understan i made a concious decision not to do it anymore but eliminating toxic people in my life and like completely removing myself from these situations. the last time of significance that i did drugs - my friend came from toronto to visit. this is what we did. the routine. she came and we woul get “bored” and decide lets just pool what money we have and get something. so i asked everyone on facebook - at the time i had probably 150+ friends (super unusual for me a really big number) and just asked anyone and everyone. a random kid who went to our school back in the day (we were probably 18 now) said he had some pills. we walked in the dark to meet this kid and he gave us 2 pills for 20$ which is a pretty big rip off but we didnt care. we went back to my place, popped them and got high as fuck. half way through our trip, my bf at the time randomly shows up. which was a big deal; he live 3 hours away and was surprising me. we were very surprised and it was awkward and weird and it wasnt like we could send him away. we had to spend a few hours with him awkwardly before she slept in the other room and i had an uncomfortable time “sleeping” with him. 
i decided then maybe i was getting too old. i spent two years doing drugs and going through his routine and it was wearing on my body already. my teeth and gums were always sore from grinding, my lungs were always sore from smoking so many cigarettes, i was spending all of my money on drugs - there was times when the drugs were clearly mixed with other more disgusting drugs like coke and meth and it would result in way more fucked up reactions like the time i hit myself in the thigh with a baton for 30 minutes before my friend noticed and made me stop. but the repetition and pain were part of the enjoyment for me. all of the times i was on drugs, i was a different person. i was someone i would never actually be. sure, my inhibitions were lower but the filters of how i truly felt and would act are no longer there and thats not a real represenation of my actual true self. these are just deep layers of myself that i may not even want to share or would normally consent to sharing if the drugs didnt affect me. and that bothered me alot. it stil bothers me - my behavior on drugs. people out there have seen me in ways im not proud of. i’m embarassed and i only have myself to blame. 
so thats the easy way. the hard way is living life within your true self and finding enjoyment in things when you can barely find the excitement in yourself. take a drug and do any activity - it’s fantastic. do nothing and it’s great. but fining things your true self wants to take part in -- long time drug addicts know the “boredom”. they never took the journey to find these passions and instead elected for the easy way to have the excitement handed to them.
and honestly? nothing really matches the thrill of mdma. or i guess crack or heron or whatever you do. i have never felt anything like it. every nerve is awake and aware, i am hyper sensitive to all of life and my mind is clear. everything is interesting and awe inspiring. 
but thats not life. you cant carry that into the slums of the ghetto. you cant go outsie and stare blindly at the sun. you cannot do it. this is not life. and its okay to someones experience it. the same way its okay to experience the heat of the sun. you can do it lightly ad responsibly. any other way really harms you.
in the spirit of positivity, here are some things that really get me going:
- playing an entire song with no mistakes on guitar and possibly singing it without fucking up or forgetting the words. super exciting to my life in ways nothing else is. it’s not even like i’m trying to play for other people it’s just a personal knowledge that i can do this and play it and feel it and create it. 
- making good food. not just like cooking food but the satisfaction of the actual creation of making something thats really good or luxurious. 
- being physically close to the person i am in a relationship with. i like the warmth and i was very deprived of physical contact but i dont like it with strangers or friends either so its a rare and nice feeling to lay close with someone. 
- a very fascinating tv show. like one that i have to keep watching because i neeeed to know. thats a unique and interesting feeling of human beings; being really curious. i guess it’s lke reading a book but i dont read much at this stage in my life but i hope ill become hat kind of person and when i do itll probably be exciting to have so much material in a world ive rarely visited. 
- cats. i really love cats. all of the cats. i love visiting people’s cats and i like to become friends with them. cats are great because they feel very individual; no two cats are the same and no matter how much the owner impresses on to the cat, the cat is just a cat and it does what it wants so it’s like getting to make a new friend even if the person you’re visiting isnt that exciting. cats are always great. even the shitty grumpy ones. or the old ones that maybe arent into you. if you spend enough time, eventually they will be and you can be friends and people think you’re a cat whisperer. i have atleast two cat friends i see regularly but i see more cats than that. we’re just not friends yet. 
- a really good song. either with really good rocking bluesy music or clever/well written lyrics. 
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