#so maybe i should just take the L today so i can go to sleep early tonight
idkwhatever580 · 4 months
Breaking up with you
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: y/n is already having a bad day, what happens when she overhears Natasha and Clint’s conversation?
Warnings: angst but fluff at the end (don’t worry I am incapable of writing a sad ending 😭), swearing, breaking up, mentions of upcoming period, crying
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Y/n’s pov
I wake up feeling clingy today. I don’t even know why it’s just one of those days.
I whine when I realize there is sun seeping in through the windows and onto my face so I flip around to find Natasha but she isn’t there.
I pout and reach for her until I find the end of the bed but no natty
I mumble still with my morning sleepy voice.
No answer
Of course. She’s probably training. But she usually waits for me to wake up or at least leaves a note
I never did check if she left a note. So I look at both of our bedside tables. Nothing. I check my phone. Nothing. I get up to go to the bathroom. Not even a sticky note on the mirror.
Maybe she got called on a last minute mission. No. She’d have someone tell me if she couldn’t tell me herself.
So why isn’t she here? I just want to cuddle with my girlfriend and eat takis.
Ohhhh. I get it now. I’m gonna start my period soon. I always crave takis when I’m about to be on my period. Which is probably also why I’m feeling so clingy.
So I check the time and shrug thinking what’s the worst that can happen if I eat a bag of takis for breakfast?
I grab one of the throw blankets as I pass the living room to the kitchen and walk into the pantry.
I look at my section and find the line of takis that says ‘OFF LIMITS I’LL BITE YOU!’ On its label. And I grab a bag happily knowing that nobody has tried taking them.
Except for Peter. Poor kid. I was actively on my period and he didn’t know since he was new. Ended up with his aunt laughing next to me when he was showing her the bite marks on his arm. She told him that he should have read the label.
I agree. Always listen when someone says they’ll bite you. They probably mean it.
Anyways. I go to the living room and plop down and then I say
“Yes miss y/l/n?”
“Where is everyone?”
It’s a bit muffled since I’m stuffing my face with takis but Friday is able to understand.
“They are all in a meeting right now”
I furrow my eyebrows and say
“Without me?”
“It seems to be that way yes”
I frown and get up going to the meeting room.
Natasha’s pov
We are having a meeting without y/n and suddenly Friday speaks up
“Miss y/l/n is on her way to the meeting room now. I would advise you hurry.”
We all scramble to change the scenery to make it look like a normal meeting about an upcoming mission.
Y/n walks in and says
“What’s going on guys?”
Wanda invades my brain and says
“Ignore her. Do not say a thing. I’ll handle it”
I nod once. I don’t really need to ignore her, but it fuels the fire I guess.
Wanda speaks up finally
“Oh we’re just having a meeting about our next mission. We decided to let you sleep in since your skill set isn’t required for this one.”
She shrugs her shoulders and says
“Okay. Hi nat”
She smiles and waves before leaving and I don’t say a thing.
Once she’s gone and Friday says that she is not coming back we let our breaths out and tony says
“That was a close one”
Y/n’s pov
I sit back down and start to overthink.
I usually am able to keep my thoughts at bay but today is just not my day. So I get lost in my head.
Why did nat not say anything? She always says something. Always makes an effort to get up and show me some affection. Maybe it’s an off day for her too. Sometimes she doesn’t like to be affectionate and maybe that’s why.
I break myself out of my head when some of the avengers come tumbling into the room.
Nat is not one of them so I say
“Where’d nat go?”
A bunch of them shrug but Wanda says
“I think she might have gone upstairs.”
I nod my head and say in a slightly more hushed tone just to Wanda
“Did she seem off?”
Wanda shakes her head and says
“No? Why?”
I say
And shrug my shoulders and pick myself up
“No reason. Just wondering. Thanks!”
So I head upstairs and find Natasha in our room. She’s sitting on the bed and reading a book.
“Hey baby! You didn’t leave a note telling me where you were”
I fake pout at her and she doesn’t do anything just mumbles a quick apology.
I try to get a conversation going.
“No it’s okay baby. I just got a little lonely for a sec.”
She ignores me but I can’t catch a signal so I keep trying.
“What are we doing today?”
She just ignores me again and I sigh and say
“I guess that book is real good. I’ll leave you to it. I think I left my takis in the living room anyways. So I’ll be down there probably on my phone if you need me. I love you”
She doesn’t even say I love you back to me.
Alright. Im a bit hurt by that one. But nevertheless I do what I said I would.
I finished my bag of takis a while ago and I’m falling asleep on this couch. It’s definitely not as comfortable as nats arms but she probably needs space. Maybe the meeting made her have a few flashbacks or something.
Whatever it is I’ll give her enough space to process it.
My thoughts are cut off when the sweet escape of sleep overtakes me.
I wake up about an hour later and find that someone had put a blanket over me while I was out. Thanks.
I get up and go to our room hoping nat is ready to talk now. But she’s not there when I get there so I go in search of her.
After a while I find her in Clint’s room but I don’t go in. They’re talking and for some reason I get the urge to eavesdrop. So I do.
“Well you have to say something. You can’t just be leading her on. It’ll hurt her worse.”
“I don’t know Clint”
“Nat. I think you should just tell her”
Wait. Are they talking about me?
“How am I even supposed to go about that? I mean. It’s gonna be so awkward! Not to mention it’ll break the poor girl’s heart”
“Well sometimes you have to do things that aren’t comfortable for you.”
“Okay so I have to go and tell this girl who is head over heels for me that I’m not?! I mean. It’s so obvious right?”
“It is pretty obvious that you don’t like her”
“Yeah well she’s clearly not catching any signs. She’s really naive and besides, I’m literally-”
Fuck this shit.
I walk back to our room to get away from it all.
I can’t even handle this right now. My own girlfriend isn’t in love with me anymore. Of course.
Just when I think she’s in it with me forever. She doesn’t even like me.
And I’m so stupid to not notice that she was feeling this way. I’m probably holding her back.
This is bullshit. Why today? Why me?
I sulk in my room for a while and then I realize that I should surprise her and break up with her first. It’ll make it easier anyways.
I huff and decide to finally get dressed. I probably shouldn’t break up with her in my stitch pajamas.
So I change into some decent clothes and make sure I look presentable. Then I once again go in search of my soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.
This time I find her in the living room. I stand tall and say
She ignores me. Fucking bitch. At least get the balls to break up with me. I’m having to do it for you.
I use her name and she looks at me. Her face is still but I know she’s listening.
“May I have a word with you? Alone”
I emphasize the alone part and she nods her head softly. We walk in silence to our room and I close the door behind me.
We stare at each other for a second when she breaks the silence
“You wanted to tell me something? Is everything alright?”
I cross my arms and say
“No everything is not alright. I just want to say a few things and then I’ll be on my way.”
She nods her head and quirks a brow. I know she notices my standoffish behavior.
“I’m breaking up with you”
I tell it to her blunt. And her face goes through so many emotions before she’s able to say
I look at her and say
“You heard me”
She shakes her head to break out of her thoughts and she says
“Yes I heard you but you can’t be serious right?”
I narrow my eyes at her and give her a nasty look and say
“What? Didn’t see it coming?”
She shakes her head and says
“Wha- wh- why?”
I roll my eyes and say
“You act like you didn’t want this in the first place. There’s a few things you should know. Im not naive. I’m not oblivious. And I’m not your girlfriend. Don’t worry. I made it easy for you now you don’t have to break my heart.”
She tears up and before she can make her case I walk out. I don’t want to hear it.
And I’m about to break down. So I quickly walk to Wanda’s room and storm in.
She stands up quickly and vision, who was sitting on the bed with her watching sitcoms, makes a speedy exit upon seeing my state.
“What’s wrong?”
I sniffle and try to hold back my tears and I say
“I broke up with Natasha”
I start completely sobbing by now. Wanda picks me up and carries me into her bed and she comforts me until I can speak in full sentences again.
“Okay what happened? I thought she was your endgame”
I nod and say
“She was. Until I heard her talking to Clint earlier”
She furrows her eyebrows and says
“What did you hear?”
I tell her about the conversation I overheard and she squints analyzing my retelling.
“Is it okay if I call Clint in here? It sounds like you didn’t get the full story and I want to hear another side to it”
I shrug my shoulders and nod my head so Wanda texts him. After a few minutes he comes in with an angry face and a wet patch on his shoulder.
Great. Natasha’s already gotten to him.
“Why would you do that y/n?!”
Wanda cuts him off and says
“Hold on Clint. Before we get to that we need to hear something from you okay? So calm down”
Wanda explains to him what I’ve told and he sighs. Then he starts chuckling softly and then full on laughing and I frown and say
“What’s so funny!?”
He shakes his head and says
“Y/n. Natasha wasn’t talking to me about you. She was talking to me about Reese. The new intern. She’s been all over Natasha recently and cannot pick up any signs. If you had stayed a second later you would have heard Natasha say ‘and besides. I’m literally in love with y/n’ and none of this would have happened.”
I look down a little embarrassed.
“I guess sometimes I get a little bit angry. I didn’t even think.”
He nods his head and pats my shoulder and says
“I think you should go and fix this.”
I nod my head and go to his room where Natasha is.
I knock softly and say
She jumps up and wipes her tears trying to seem strong and says
“Oh. What’s up. Did you need me to get my things?”
I shake my head and say
“I’m so sorry baby. I was eaves dropping on your conversation with Clint earlier and I missed some parts and thought you were talking about me! So I got angry and sad and then I was like ‘well if she’s thinking about doing it to me I’m gonna do it first’ because I was protecting myself from the inevitability of a heart break. I love you so much and I just was scared. I didn’t even think to ask you about it first and I’m sorry I was just being sensitive today and I had no idea! I am so sorry and I compl-”
Natasha cuts off my ramble with a kiss and I obviously kiss back.
We somehow end up half way making out until Clint says
“Hey! Not in my room you fucking horndogs!”
We pull away and giggle and Natasha grabs my hand and pulls me to our room and I say
“I’m sorry”
She shakes her head and says
“Y/n when you said that to me it made my heart split in two. I love you entirely too much to make the mistake of letting you go. I’m sure I would have come after you if it weren’t for my initial shock. I guess I just thought we were so endgame that the thoughts of a breakup would have never crossed my mind.”
I smile and say
“I’m sorry.”
Then all of a sudden I get nervous and play with my hands and look at the ground and she says
“What’s on your mind sweetheart?”
I bite my lip and say
“Since I um. Since I broke up with you like thirty minutes ago will you- um- will you be my girlfriend again?”
She laughs and says
“Yes of course baby”
I smile and say
“Sorry. It felt informal to not ask.”
She cups my face in her hands and says
“Next time let’s talk about it before we go breaking up with each other yes?”
I nod my head and say
“Sorry. I think I’m starting my period soon so I’m kind of having some fog brain.”
She nods her head in understanding and I say
“Now that we’re okay, can I have cuddles?”
She smiles and says
“Yes dorogoy. Of course we can.”
I smile and then say in a teasing tone
“This is actually your fault”
She scoffs as I cuddle next to her and plays along
“How is this my fault?!”
“You didn’t leave a note for me this morning.”
She rolls her eyes and says
“I am sorry baby. I was rushed out of bed and it slipped my mind. I guess it’s because I usually don’t have meetings without you so I forgot”
I nod my head and say
“You forgort”
I giggle a bit and she says
“You and your fricken vocal stims.”
I smile and say
“I think I’m pretty cool”
She smiles and says
“The coolest. Now let me cuddle my girlfriend in peace”
I smile and pull her super close to me. Then push her away as a joke and half way yell
“Leave room for Jesus!”
She rolls her eyes and says
“Come here.”
I get closer and say
“I love you”
She smiles and says
“I love you too”
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346
A/N: sometimes I’ll use the most random things to separate my section 😭
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noellefan101 · 1 month
Not Replaceable
Characters: Alhaitham x GN reader
ft Kaveh and a weighted blanket(bc you can't tell me alhaitham wouldn't sleep with it, and that hes not autistic).
Warnings: not proofread, and definitley ooc but whatever
Note: this is heavily inspired by a fic i saw some months ago, but i cant remember their username and its kinda sad :(
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he's been staring at your back for 30 minutes now, you seriously promised it would be dry tomorrow, its the best you can do.
"Haitham.. do you need anything?".
"you already know what i need…".
you looked at the man, and you sweared he looked like a kicked puppy, all because you had to wash his blanket today. you feel sorry for him, but it had to be done.
"yes, i do. but you can't sleep with a," you tried once again to convince him "a big wet piece of cloth" to just try and sleep without it.
"you could also just take multible blankets and stack them, or try to be a normal person like the rest of us" ah, Kaveh walked in, probably to get another cup of coffee, and to annoy Haitham as usual.
"not the same" Alhaitham said almost immediately after Kaveh had spoke, "it doesn't weigh enough, all the ones we have are too light for me to do that" you guess he's right, since it isn't the best to have too many layers of warmth in sumeru's heat.
you and alhaitham dont have that many blankets combined anyway, unless Kaveh woul- "alright! whatever, just dont take all mine like you did last time!" guess he already said no to that option then.
"i didn't take all of yours, just a few, you still had one left" i mean, he is kind of right, as much as you didnt want to agree with that at the moment.
"uggghhh… im going now, solve that yourselves" Kaveh spoke, walking out of the room with a new coffee mug in hand.
"love, are you sure you dont want to just try with the multible blankets?" you wanted to try just one more time, even though you were sure it wasnt going to actually convince him.
"yes" alright, then you dont have any other ideas. so you tried to brainstorm some more, though none would fix the actual problem at hand.
"i could make you some tea? or you could jsut read until you feel tired?" you wanted to help him so bad, but nothing just seemed like it would work. since yours was way too light, and you cant really go out and buy another on eofr him right now.
and his still shouldn't be dry enough to use. "no" he said as you gave out a sigh, you wanted so badly to give up on trying to find a replacement. but you still couldn't let yourself do it, you still wanted to help him actually sleep today.
"are you… sure nothing can work as a replacement, even just for today?" you're sure you looked so defeated at the moment, but it didn't matter now.
"…" silence huh? maybe he's thinking about it, or maybe he gave up as well. you cant really tell, and you're too tired to try understand what's behind those pretty eyes right now.
so you guess you should just-"lay on me" did you hear that right?? "what?" you cant do anything but question him. too focused on figuring what he was trying to do, or if you heard the wrong thing.
"i know you heard me, lay on me" so you weren't just hearing his words incorrectly, "but why would that help?".
"you weigh about enough to work as a weighted blanket" you looked at him surprised, "…excuse me?" you cant help but feel a little annoyed at him. although you knew what he meant know.
"i didn't mean it like that, i swear" he quickly spoke back. coming closer to you, looking worried that he had used the wrong words.
"its okay, im messing with you. i know you wouldn't actually mean it like that" you smiled smugly, letting out a little whimper as he picked you up without warning.
you looked up at him, confused, "i-i," you stuttered out yet couldnt finish the sentence before you felt him pull you in closer to him. "i can walk on my own you know!" it wasnt quite what you had wanted to say, but it would do.
he just looked at you and shrugged then put you gently down on the bed, and then he was laying beside you the moment it had come to you that he put you down.
you both looked right at each other once again, now face to face, in a silence you couldnt quite say was nice but it wasnt unpleasant either. well before he spoke up anyway, "are you going to move or do i have to?".
"huh?" you had already forgot why you were back in your bedroom by now, too focused on his eyes to care at the moment. "okay, i'll lift you up then" oh right, that it why you're here.
"sorry, w-wait atleast give me a warning first!" you wimpered out quickly as he took you up by your torso and put you down onto his chest. "i did give you a warning." you pouted at that.
"not a good enough warning, smartass" you clearly tried to sound stern, as if it mattered at all. but by the way your lips curled up and you just cuddled in closer to him, you clearly didnt mind.
it had been about 10 minutes by now, and you were fast asleep, although alhaitham wasnt quite yet. he was tired, yes, but maybe he had focused too much on you being right there than actually sleeping.
he wasnt complaining, dont get me wrong, but maybe it wasnt the smartest to have you on him when he wasnt suposed to focus on you. you just looked so pretty all curled up on his chest while still trying to cover him up as much as you could, even in your dreams.
he will fall asleep soon, just let him enjoy your sleeping form a little longer.
and yes, he should get a second weighted blanket, but he won't. because he now hopes gets to enjoy a moment like this every time the blanket has to be washed.
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thx for reading, this is a very weird whatever but im trying to cook something up i just cant cook rn-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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Star Patient: Chapter 1 (ONGOING SLOW BURN SERIES)
WARNING: This series will include; possible inaccurate medical procedures and medical setting, gore, toxic relationships that should NOT be replicated in real life, murder, yanderes, cursing, suicide mentions, implications of misandry (male misogyny), and possibly more.
Inaccurate canon-timeline (this is before Ashley and Andrew murdered their parents).
Reader has a small fear of adult men/rape and has a history of suicide attempts.
Incest is not Wincest.
Amnesiac! Obsessive! Patient! Andrew Graves x Yandere! Nurse! Reader:
Wordcount: 8,390 words (I am so sorry for how long the first chapter is).
Chapters: Current chapter, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9 (in the works)
Want to listen to music while reading? Check out the Star Patient's Official Playlists! Multiple different playlists and genres!
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         “Can you say ‘aaaaaah?’” (Y/N) drawled out.
        Her patient, little eight-year-old Lou, opened his mouth widely like a lion and ‘aaaaaah’ed for her as she shined her mediscope light down into his throat, checking his tonsils, uvula, throat's lining, gums, and tongue.
        “Mmm, I see. You can close your mouth now. Good job, Lou!” she cheered as the kid beamed. “He has enlarged tonsils. Do you hear him snore at night?” she questioned, turning her attention to the concerned mother.
        “He snores so loud he’s woken us up from across the house.” His mother sighed. “Is that bad?”
        “Does he have problems focusing in school because he’s tired. Taking naps that are over an hour multiple times a week?” (Y/N) asked.
        “Yes. His teacher complained just last week about him sleeping in class during a spelling test.” Lou's mother confirmed.
        “I see. Lou, do you have any problems sleeping? Like do you wake up multiple times a night?” (Y/N) questioned, looking over towards the small boy.
        “Maybe once or twice a night…” Lou muttered as he thought to himself.
        “And does your throat hurt when you wake up?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “Sometimes.” He responded.
        “How often do you get sick?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “Honestly, we’ve lost count. This past year he’s been sick at least three times.” His mother admitted.
        “And it’s June. I see.” (Y/N) nodded, grabbing her clipboard of papers and a pen. “Lou is experiencing obstructive sleep apnea due to his enlarged tonsils affecting his sleep, which is affecting his daytime behavior and is the cause of why he gets sick so often. I do recommend surgery to remove them. I’ll write down some children hospitals near your area that specialize in pediatric surgery, that way we can get the right surgeon for the job.” She explained, writing down hospitals, where they’re located, and doctor names specializing in tonsil-study.
        “Does this all sound about right, Doctor Ryan?” she questioned, turning her attention to the corner of the room where the doctor and her instructor stood, observing her performance. 
        “Absolutely phenomenal. You got everything right.” He praised, giving her a teethy smile that belonged on a Colgate commercial while a bubble of pride formed in her chest at his praise.
        “Oh thank you, Ms (L/N)!” Lou’s mother smiled as she clutched her hands together.
        “No worries. Here you go.” (Y/N) spoke, handing Lou's mother the papers. “Check out will be on your right when you walk out. There will be some ring pops too, go get yourself a reward for behaving so good today, Lou.” (Y/N) smiled as she rummaged through her cabinet for a sticker.
        She found one and handed it to Lou's open hand. 
        “You were my star patient today, bud! I’ll see you in a few weeks for your next check-up.” (Y/N) smiled.
        “Thank you again.” Lou’s mother smiled as she held Lou’s hand. "What do we say, Lou?"
        “Thank you! Bye bye!” Lou cheered.
        “Fantastic work today. We have one more patient before you can head out, okay?” Doctor Ryan spoke.
        “Yes, sir!” (Y/N) smiled, excited of who she'd be working with next.
        She loved kids and she loved helping them. It made her happy to be able to care for them and help them on their recovery to healthiness and happiness, hence why she's studying to become a pediatrician.
        “They’re a bit on the older side, but we’re really short-staffed at the moment so I need you to take care of them.” Doctor Ryan explained.
        “How old?” she questioned, noticing they were leaving the hospital’s pediatric branch and going to the elevators.
        They both entered the elevator and Doctor Ryan pressed the 4th floor button. The doors closed as (Y/N) held the handle, feeling a little nauseous at being in a closed space with a man. She doesn't mind Doctor Ryan, but she doesn't like being trapped in uncomfortable proximity with a male—just a fear that was installed into her when she was young. Th elevator moved up two floors before the ride finally ended.
        “Well… they’re twenty-two.” The doctor sheepishly smiled.
        “Sir, I’m training to be a pediatrician, not a regular nurse.” (Y/N) stated firmly as the elevator doors opened, allowing them to walk out into the psychiatric branch of the hospital (must to her relief). 
        “Yes, but like I said, we’re short staffed. We just need to you re-evaluate his wounds and do a check-up on his physical health. He’s on suicide watch.” Doctor Ryan explained.
        She opened her mouth to complain before hearing his last words.
        Damn it, suicide watch? I don’t want them dying on my watch. Not only that, but I have experience in that field so I’m decent help for it. She thought. 
        “I… Yes, sir. I’ll get him checked out.” (Y/N) sighed, caving in.
        "Thank you! You know it's been with the shortages of nurses and all, especially for the psychiatric branch." Doctor Ryan sighed out, in relief rather than reluctant-acceptance that (Y/N) did.
        "I understand..." She sighed again.
        Yes, I understand that the psychiatric branch is full of unstable patients with crazy-strength if set off. How do they expect me to hold up on my own against a fight with these guys? (Y/N) thought to herself.
        They walked to the branch's help desk, scurrying through papers before Doctor Ryan made a noise of acknowledgment.
        "Ah-ha! Here you go." He smiled, giving the paper packet to (Y/N).
        (Y/N) grabbed a chair with wheels and moved it behind her, sitting down and reading the information. 
        "Like I said, just quickly re-evaluate his wounds and do a check up on his physical health. If he has any information on why he tried to commit suicide, write it down. It can help us with finding a therapist or at least a hotline for him. I'll go and write a report for Lou's visit, get that off your plate." Doctor Ryan explained, turning and walking away. "It's sad how young these kids are when they think all hope is lost..." he sighed.
        Twenty-two? That's a pretty normal age for suicide. Try eleven, Doc. (Y/N) thought sarcastically. Well, no time to mope about. Let's get this over with and hope for the best. (Y/N) thought, dreading the interaction.
        She wanted to be a pediatrician not only because she liked kids, but because they were much easier than adults. Adults live in a world where they're made to believe their pain is insignificant because elders and children are much more vulnerable to pain and suffering, so adults constantly fight their pain and hide it from others. Adults hide their pain to avoid pity, to avoid the expensive medical bill they don't want to pay. (Y/N)'s morals may be questionable, but if there's anything she believes as a nurse and upcoming-pediatrician, it's that you can't put a price on life. Kids have no shame telling someone if they're in pain, adults act as if they're dishonoring their family's reputation and pride if they tell someone they have a cough.
        Not only that, but she doesn't want to work with adult men. It's been proven that some perverted adult men cause injuries to themselves so they can be in the care of gentle women, who they take overpower and advantage of. Of course, women can do the exact same thing too, but it's more prevalent with males. (Y/N) hates working with adults because she doesn't want to be apart of their sexual fetishes or apart of the statistics.
        (Y/N) read through her patient's information, gathering the details she needs to access the situation:
Patient: Andrew Graves, 22. Room 402. Reason for admission: Jumped from a third-story building and ended up landing on his legs. By miracle, no injury to spine other than minor bruises. Both legs and ankles are shattered, needs multiple surgeries. Stitches on ankles, change bandages every 4-8 hours. Minor concussion and possible amnesia.  Precautions: Patient isn't very cooperative. Use restraints if necessary. Has a sister that is extremely uncooperative and violent, has threatened other nurses. Use extreme caution with patient and sister to prevent any pain or stress that would worsen patient's condition. 
        (Y/N) put the paper packet down on the desk and sighed, shoving her hands into her face and groaning.
        Of course! Not only an unruly patient, but an unruly visitor too? God, if you're real, is this your way of telling me it was a mistake being a pediatrician? (Y/N) thought to herself. Let's just get this damn thing over with, after this, I can go home and rest.
        She walked to a medical supply closet in the staff room and took some bandages and anti-septic cream, along with checking to make sure her stethoscope and mediscope was all there. She grabbed two water bottles from the mini fridge and shoved it into her bag along with two mini-bags of pretzels from the snack cabinet. 
        She shut the staff room's door and locked it, shoving her key and lanyard under her lilac purple nursing scrubs in case some pocket-picker (or someone stupid enough) tries to steal her key. She made sure her bag's strap was secure against her firmly and walked towards room 402.
        (Y/N) stopped at the patient's door to collect her breath. She heard voices inside, only dreading the next few minutes once she realized how angry the voices sounded.
        "Damn it, Andrew! You just had to fuck shit up like you do with everything else, huh?" a girl's voice rang through the room.
        "Isn't this what you wanted? You make no sense..." a boy's voice, Andrew perhaps, sighed.
        "I didn't expect you to take me seriously, dumbass! What if you actually died? You'd leave me all alone to deal with the shit you caused!" the girl shouted.
        "Keep your voice down! And the shit I caused? You're the one that started it all! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be on the run!" Andrew hissed.
        "Oh, so eating the neighbor was my decision? Is that what you're saying! No, you're the one that fucking said it!" the girl exclaimed.
        "You implied it!" Andrew retorted.
        "I did nothing! But even then, we would've starved in that damn apartment! Is that what you wanted? And you're the one that killed the warden, then the damn lady!" the girl claimed.
        "Hey, the lady was self-defense and you're the one that made me kill the hitman! I killed the warden because you got caught! We would've both been fucked at that point!" Andrew reasoned.
        "WE ARE FUCKED!" the girl screamed.
        "Ashley! Calm down!" Andrew spoke, raising his tone.
        "ME CALM DOWN? HOW CAN I BE CALM AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!" the girl, Ashley screamed, sounding crazy enough to potentially be pulling her hair out.
        "Well you're going to have to! Someone might discover we're on the run!" Andrew hissed through his teeth.        
        "Don't you realize, stupid?! If you died, you would've left me all alone in this shitty world. I can't live without you, Andy..." Ashley muttered.
        "My name isn't Andy, Andy is dead. It's Andrew." Andrew stated firmly.
        "Fuck you, Andrew! I hate Andrew! I want Andy back! At least Andy still liked me!" Ashley shouted, her tone sounded like she was close to breaking down in tears.
        "Ashley, come on... We've gone over this. I like you." Andrew sighed.
        "Yeah right! You tried sleeping with that lady at the apartment complex!" Ashley accused.
        "Damn it, Ashley! I already told you, she tried to kill me so I killed her! What part of that involves sex?" Andrew hissed.
        "I don't want to hear it, you bastard! The second you get a girlfriend, I become invisible to you!" Ashley complained.
        "As if! I was always ditching Julia for you! Even then, you fucking convinced her into breaking up with me!" Andrew huffed.
        "I was weeding out the whores that sprout their legs open! She doesn't deserve someone like you, Andy!" Ashley shouted, then took a deep breath. "I'm your sister, Andy. I know what's best for you! I know who's best for you! She wasn't shit!"
         "You're stressing me out, Ashley..." Andrew groaned, his voice muffled (presumably shoving his face into his hands). "I don't want to talk about this... I don't even know how we got on this topic but just shut up about it... We'll leave as soon as I heal up some." 
        "That'll take too long. We can leave now!" Ashley whined.
        "And what? You want me to run on two broken legs? Are you going to carry me?" Andrew spoke, verbally knocking some sense into her. 
        "I-I'll find a damn wheelchair! We'll put you on a wheelchair and run." Ashley spoke, suddenly not sounding as confident and aggressive as she was previously. 
        "Run where? There's no where we can go! Mom doesn't want us and we can't just live on the streets forever. This is a good opportunity for us to rest here and think about our next move." Andrew explained.
        "Says you. You get a nice bed and food provided to you while I'll be stuck outside, cold and alone while I rot away outside." Ashley snapped, exaggerating her voice on the last bit.
        "I'm sure you'll figure something out. You have a way with getting what you want." Andrew huffed.
        "Not all the time..." Ashley muttered. "I still think we should take a wheelchair and-"
        "Leave, Ashley. Visiting time is over." Andrew spoke firmly.
        "But-" Ashley started, but was cut off.
        "No buts, Ashley. Leave... You're just making me feel worse..." Andrew sighed in frustration.
        Good, stand your ground against her. I don't know their full story, but Ashley sounds really manipulative to me, but Andrew definitely doesn't sound like a victim either... (Y/N) thought to herself. 
        "Fine, I'll leave and I'll never come back! You can't live without me, Andy!" Ashley shouted before walking towards the door.
        Sounds like a threat... (Y/N) thought. 
        Damn it, she's infuriating. As expected of her though... Andrew thought to himself.
        (Y/N) realized that Ashley was coming her way. She didn't want to seem nosey so she quickly ran to an open hospital room, making sure to redirect her weight to her legs so her footsteps wouldn't make noise in case it alerted Ashley. She heard Andrew's door open before slamming close, then footsteps walking past the room (Y/N) was in.
        (Y/N) held close to the wall where the door was, hiding herself in case Ashley peeked into the room on her way out. (Y/N) waited a minute after the footsteps vanished, just to be sure that Ashley wasn't on her way back. She walked back to the door before stopping, realizing what the siblings revealed to her.
        They're murderers. Not only that, but cannibals too. They both confessed. I have to be careful about this guy, two broken legs or none, he's dangerous. (Y/N) thought to herself, then held her fist up to the door.
        She gently knocked three times, then opened the door, not caring for a response back. She saw Andrew staring out of the hospital's window (one without bars, (Y/N) believes that's a stupid decision since this is a known suicidal branch on the fourth floor). His reflection showed his eyes closed, his eyebrows pinched in frustration.
        "I said leave, Ash—" Andrew's head turned to look at the nurse and his eyes only hardened, as if seeming more mad at the nurse than at Ashley who ran off.
        Watch it, buddy. I can make your death look like an accident... (Y/N) thought inside of her head, only proving her dislike of caring for adults.
        "Expecting someone else?" (Y/N) spoke, forcing a polite smile on her face. 
        I'd rather not have to try and fight him into restraining him against the bed. She thought. 
        Andrew stayed quiet as he glared at her.
        The previous nurses that entered his room weren't very kind to him, they were old and seemed annoyed to care for their patients. They got an earful from Ashley. Not only that, but they sure were rough with re-doing his bandages, sloppy too. He didn't want to deal with anyone else today, he just wants to go to sleep.
        Maybe a permanent sleep like jumping out of this window... At least I wouldn't hear Ashley complain so much. Andrew thought to himself.
        To be honest, Andrew doesn't exactly remember much. For some reason, he only has memory of the past three months and that's it. All of his memories consisted of being locked in an apartment with little food, to no food, for three months with Ashley, rotting away. Then Ashley had the bright idea to eat the neighbor after breaking into his apartment and seeing him fail a seance to a... demon? As crazy as that sounds.
        Well, she didn't exactly say it, but she placed the thought into Andrew's head then forced Andrew to say it to make it seem like it was his idea. Then she started chopping the neighbor up to eat him, then the warden came and Ashley got caught, which resorted in Andrew having to kill the warden so the warden wouldn't contact any other wardens with his walkie-talkie. Ashley had the bright idea to escape the apartment complex by completing the seance and offering live human. Andrew eventually agreed to it.
        Then they ran from the place and ended up in a lady's apartment. Turns out she whored herself to get food from the wardens, so they used her to escape. While Ashley left to do the seance, Andrew had to hold her hostage so she wouldn't try to call for help from the wardens. He made the mistake of taking his clever away from her neck and letting go of her, but she got ballsy and tried to kill him with a nail gun, resulting in Andrew killing her. Then Ashley came back and started to freak out, saying that Andrew was trying to get in the girls pants (however she came up with that conclusion, Andrew is unsure). 
        They completed the seance by sacrificing a warden and escaped the apartment complex, finding themselves on the run as wanted felons. It was then when Ashley and Andrew got in a fight and Ashley told Andrew to kill himself, to make it easy for her and the police. Andrew was fed up of running and listening to his sister's idiotic (and borderline psychotic) ideas that he actually did jump (to which Ashley brought him here instead of just letting him bleed out, much to his dismay). 
        But before all of those events, everything else is blurry. He has no recollection of himself or his family after all the horrid memories trapped in his head.
        (Y/N) felt a little unsettled under his very judgmental gaze, remembering that he confessed to killing at least two people (possibly even more).
        Is he sizing me up to be his next victim? (Y/N) briefly thought before pushing that thought away. No, he said that they would've starved in their... apartment? What did they mean by that? 
        As much as she wanted to find out, she didn't really feel like wanting to die either. Her college debt would go to her family, and it'd be too bothersome to die. Too much time wasting on dying (she'd be too impatient to die slowly). 
        “I’m a student studying nursing, please call me (Y/N) despite the name tag.” (Y/N) smiled. 
        I'd rather not tell him I'm studying pediatric nursing. I don't want him freaking out or anything since I'm technically out of my field. She thought.
        “They couldn’t bring a real nurse or doctor?” Andrew huffed.
        Great, if she makes any mistakes, he might have to stay here longer than necessary, and Andrew does not want that.
        “Unfortunately, we’re short-staffed at the moment. No one here likes working the night shift.” (Y/N) sighed. “But, luckily for you, I happen to be a very good student. I even dare to say better than some of the other nurses here.” (Y/N) joked, a smile on her face to try and brighten up the murderous aura surrounding Andrew.
        Andrew stared at her in silence, unamused.
        “Tough crowd…” She muttered. “Alright, let’s get this over with first.” (Y/N) spoke, walking closer to Andrew (whose guard only raised even more at this). “How many fingers am I holding up?” she questioned, holding up two fingers.
        “Four.” Andrew huffed, crossing his arms.
        “And now?” she questioned, holding up one.
        “Two.” Andrew answered.
        “Last time.” She commented, holding up two fingers again.
        “Four.” Andrew spoke.
        “Okay, are you thirsty right now?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “I guess…” Andrew muttered.
        “Here.” (Y/N) spoke, digging into her medical bag and grabbing the bottle of water she shoved in there from earlier. “Hungry too?”
        “No.” Andrew answered, resulting in her placing a bag of pretzels and water on his nightstand.
        “They're for later. It’s important not to have them now even though you’re thirsty. Just trust me.” She spoke before continuing her little survey. “Feel any pain anywhere?”
        “My legs.” Andrew spoke, pointing out the obvious in a ‘duh’ tone.
        “Other than there?” (Y/N) added. “Such as a headache? Behind the eyes?” 
        “Both.” Andrew answered.
        “Have you vomited? Do you feel nauseous at the moment?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “Haven’t thrown up, but I feel sick” Andrew admitted.        
        “Have you or your sister noticed any gaps in your memory? From today to a few months or even more?” (Y/N) asked.
        “Yeah, actually…” Andrew muttered.
        (Y/N) took a few steps towards him, basically hovering over him.
        “What the hell are you doing?” he snapped, but didn’t pull away or shrink from her.
        “Calm down. Are your hands clammy?” she questioned.
        “A little...” Andrew muttered, not breaking eye contact from her.
        She broke the eye contact as her eyes swept through his face, looking at his disheveled black hair and electric green eyes, a beautiful combination, she noted. She also noted how pale his skin was along with the sweat running down it.
        “Andrew, open your eyes wide for me, please.” She spoke, reaching into her bag and pulling out a mediscope.
        Andrew complied with a little bit of hesitancy, allowing her to watch as his pupils shrunk from the light. She looked closely at his retinas to make sure there was no tear along with the hydration in his eyes. They did seem a little blurry, she noted.
        “Open your mouth, please.” She requested.
        Andrew sighed but listened as she did. She checked his tonsils, throat lining, tongue coloring, gums, and uvula. 
        He felt awkward having her do all these procedures and asking all these questions, whether it was her job or not. He wouldn’t deny it, she was pretty, prettier the woman at the apartment complex he murdered.
        Wow, nice thinking… Andrew internally scolded himself as he looked away from the girl. Comparing your nurse to a dead girl you killed really isn't a sign of insanity or detachment.
        At least he was self-aware?
        “And real quick, let me look inside your ears, please.” She requested.
        Andrew stood still as she shined the light in his ear, checking through the tiny camera to see if there was any ear infection or something out of the ordinary. Nothing.
        “Last thing.” She spoke, placing her mediscope in her bag and switching it for her stethoscope. 
        “Can I ask why you’re doing this? All these questions and procedures?” Andrew questioned, adverting his eyes from her as she started listening to his heart.
        There was a moment of silence as she focused, looking at her watch as she listened to his pulse.
        It's 102 beats per minute, a bit quick for his age, but it's not too worrying and it can be easily caused by the stress and trauma of his situation, she noted. 
        “Are you telling me the other nurses didn’t do all of this to you?” (Y/N) asked as she responded his question from earlier surprised and a little concerned.
        “Nope.” Andrew replied lazily. 
        “Ugh… elders.” (Y/N) muttered quietly, earning a small smile from Andrew (one he quickly hid with a cough as he adverted her gaze). “They’re supposed to check you for any possible illnesses or worsen conditions. I know you came in here because you jumped a three-story building, but it can be linked to serious health concerns. You can develop future problems we can identify and fix right now if we take the time to look.” She explained.
        “So what did you discover, doc?” Andrew questioned in a monochrome tone (she wasn’t exactly sure if he was making a joke or being serious or even sarcastic).
        “Well, you have internal bleeding.” (Y/N) spoke, not bothering to even try to sugarcoat it or break it to him lightly.
        “What? How bad?” Andrew grimaced, afraid of the reaction Ashley would give when she hears this. 
        “How much blood did you lose when you fell? Were you conscious when you hit the ground?” (Y/N) questioned. 
        “I mean, I was conscious till I hit the ground. After a couple of minutes I woke up and was in pain, understandably so, until my sister dragged me to a hospital. So I was probably out for five maybe ten minutes.” Andrew explained. 
        That’s not good, along with all the other symptoms he’s experiencing. She thought to herself.
        “How about this. On a scale of 1-10, how much blood did you think you lost?” (Y/N) rephrased.
        “Seven, maybe eight.” Andrew huffed. “I don’t really know.” 
        “No worries. It’s not a big deal. They said you shattered the bones in your legs so you’re going to need surgery for it. Luckily they were able to reposition and place back your ankles.” I explained. “You’ll be bedridden in the hospital for a couple days, then you're going home and being bedridden for six months, minimum.” (Y/N) emphasized the last word to show the most importance to it. 
        “Fuck... What about the internal bleeding?” Andrew sighed, dreading the lecture Ashley would give him.
        "For your severity, you'd need surgery. It'd take a couple weeks for you to heal, but your internal bleeding should be healed by the time you're discharged." (Y/N) explained. “Now, bear with me for a second. I’m going to level your legs and it’s going to hurt.” She spoke as she walked to the tall hospital cabinets, taking three soft and limbless pillows from it.
        “Ugh…” Andrew groaned, already dreading that part as she walked back to him.
        “Take a deep breath.” She instructed.
        She waited for Andrew to audibly breathe in. He did what she requested, his chest and shoulders rising (he ignored the shock of pain that came with it, but she noticed and figured it was due to the internal bleeding).
        “Hold it in.” She spoke, then lifted his heavily bandaged legs with one hand (with a bit of struggle) and placed the pillows under him.
        She gently rested his legs onto the pillows and looked at Andrew face, seeing his eyebrows furrowed and his fists clenches tightly.
        “Breathe, darling. You’re all done.” (Y/N) instructed, letting out a deep breath for him to mimic too in case the pain was too much.
        Andrew let go of his breath, regaining control of his lungs after a few manual breaths. 
        “You did so well, my star! Do you want a sticker?” (Y/N) questioned.
        Andrew adverted his eyes from her smile, his face red from what he wants to be because of holding his breath, but it was instead caused by her praise and pet names (or maybe both).
        “No…?” Andrew muttered.
        “Mm. What color do you want? Gold, pink, blue, red, purple, or gray?” she questioned.
        “Why do you have a gray star?” he questioned.
        “Good choice!” (Y/N) spoke, rummaging through her bag for her stickers. 
        She found them and searched for a gray star, finding one and undoing the paper back. She sticked it on Andrew’s chest, clothed with the blue hospital gown. 
        “Tah-dah! You were my star patient today!” (Y/N) beamed. 
        “Are you done?” Andrew sighed dully, adverting his eyes to hide his blush.
        “Nope! I have to redo your bandages. This’ll also hurt, but I’ll be gentle with you.” (Y/N) explained.
        “Hurry up.” Andrew huffed. 
        “So soon to have me leave, huh?” she sighed jokingly. “Hurts my heart.” 
        She reached into her bag and grabbed bandages, gauze, and anti-septic cream. 
        “So, Andrew. Kinda curious, what made you jump?” (Y/N) questioned, remembering her superior's words as she started undoing Andrew’s bandages on his legs.
        “Why would you need to know that?” Andrew growled, becoming defensive.
        Ah, I pissed him off. But this is important information for his health, murderer or not. (Y/N) thought to herself.
        “You know, I tried killing myself too. I was eleven. Failed multiple times. But you had the courage to jump. I didn’t do that.” She explained.
        “How’d you try?” Andrew questioned, a spark of curiosity in him.
        “I’m not giving you any ideas, mister.” (Y/N) laughed, giving him a playful yet stern expression before switching her gaze to study the stitching on his ankles. “But, I gave up and made an oath to never harm myself in that way again because it really affects the people you care about. Your sister was probably very sad when you jumped.” 
        At least the surgeons did that good, so no worries there. Luckily the swelling is just from the breakage and replacement of bones, so his stitches aren’t infected. She thought to herself. But let’s add anti-septic cream just to be safe.
        "How long ago was that?" Andrew questioned, ignoring her comment about his sister.
        "Ten years ago." She hummed.
        She must be around the same age as me. Andrew thought.
        “Did it get better?” Andrew questioned as (Y/N) applied the cold cream onto his wounds.
        The temperature of the medicine barely even got a reaction from Andrew since he was so focused on the conversation they were having. 
        “At the beginning? Of course not, in fact it spiraled downhill from there. Overtime I started picking myself up and it helped. It helps to surround yourself with people who cared about you. And if you have no one who cares, then learn to care for yourself. Your confidence in yourself will attract others to you.” (Y/N) explained. "We humans need to be there for each other, you know? We're social creatures after all."
        “Hm.” Andrew hummed in acknowledgement, not really paying attention to her optimistic speech.        
        It's not like he had anyone to turn to. He remembers his girlfriend breaking up with him on the phone while he was rotting away in his apartment. Ashley had verbally abused her enough that she didn't want to see him or Ashley anymore. He doesn't have any other family than his parents who rejected him because "he and Ashley were too close and had to learn independence" his mother said on the phone during their last phone calls in quarantine. He's not exactly sure what she meant by it (especially with his memory gone), but so far all Ashley's done is pissed him off these past months he's remembered, so he really doesn't want to see her again anytime soon. He doesn't remember if he has friends or not either.
        “Andrew, what do you like to do? What do you do in your free time?” (Y/N) questioned.
        Andrew thought about her question. The three months that he remembers, all he did was sleep, starve, and watch TV (all with Ashley). He read books from his parents room out of boredom before losing the energy to even try and keep acting like he was actually remembering the plot—it took too much energy remembering the events that happened in the book. 
        When Ashley and Andrew did talk to each other during the time, it was to bicker and complain to each other about food and the other’s company (Ashley always started it).
        “I don’t have any… None that I remember at least.” Andrew admitted.
        “Don’t stress it. Your concussion could be affecting your ability to remember. We’ll find some new hobbies for you.” (Y/N) reassured. “Maybe books, card games, video games? I’ll find something.” She spoke as she redid the bandages on his ankles.
        “Why are you even bothering?” Andrew sighed. “After some months I’ll be gone.” He pointed out.
        “Yeah, but I wouldn’t want you to be bored the entire time. Personally, I would hate being bedridden with nothing to do.” (Y/N) admitted.
        What a sympathetic girl... Andrew thought.
        “Whatever…” Andrew muttered, crossing his arms. 
        “Voilà! Whaddya think?” she questioned.
        “It’s tight…” Andrew admitted, it didn't hurt much, but it did feel a bit annoying.
        “That’s to keep your ankles in place. Your bandages aren’t bleeding much, so you should be ready for casting. I’ll leave a note for that.” She explained. “Any requests before I go?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “You’re leaving?” Andrew questioned, sitting up and straightening his back before cringing at the pain shooting up his legs (and the pathetic tone in his voice).
        “Yeah, my shifts almost over...” She paused and checked her watch. “It’s actually been over for 20 minutes now.” 
        Andrew muttered something under his breath, adverting his eyes as he looked away from her.
        “You’re coming back tomorrow, right?” Andrew questioned.
        “Ah… I don’t know. I don’t work in this branch, I work with kids in the pediatric branch.” (Y/N) smiled nervously.
        I hope I’m not upsetting him. She thought to herself.
        She tolerated Andrew’s company, for a man of course. It was surprisingly refreshing and the atmosphere is much more comfortable than it was when she first entered.
        Andrew huffed, looking back at her.
        “I like you better than the other nurses.” He admitted, crossing his arms and looking away again so she wouldn’t notice his red face.
        “Aw. I’m sure you’ll enjoy Penelope tomorrow, she’s a wonderful nurse!” (Y/N) smiled. “I’ll make sure to visit you tomorrow before I leave work and check in on you, make sure you’re still intact and dandy, okay?” she smiled.
        It’s like I’m making a promise to a child. She thought to herself. 
        Her thoughts were backed up by the spark in his eyes as he looked back at the nurse.
        “Okay…” he muttered, pushing down the urge to smile.
        “I’ll see you later, star!” she smiled, referring to his sticker on his chest. “Door open or closed?” she questioned.
        “Closed.” Andrew answered.
        “Alrighty! Click the button on the side of your bed if you need a nurse or need to ask something. In an hour you can drink a little bit of the water, but hold off on the pretzels until tomorrow. Make sure you get good sleep! Body’s natural way of healing.” She explained, flashing him a smile. “Goodnight, Andrew.” 
        She closed the door and took a silent breath in.
        That went surprisingly well… She thought to herself.
        She walked back to the staff room and unlocked the door, opening it to find Ruby, an old and stern nurse who worked day shift.
        “You’re clocking out late.” Ruby gruffed. “Heard they were understaffed tonight.”
        “Ah, yes. I had to go to patient 402’s room.” She smiled politely despite it being very draining to.
        It's hard acting so happy all the time with her patients and coworkers. She liked work, but her face wasn't friendly, so she had to resort to smiling a lot (as annoying as it was for her).
        “The moody patient with the psycho sister? How’d that go?” Ruby questioned.
        “How did you know?” (Y/N) questioned, sparing her a glance.
        Ruby’s day shift, so she comes in at 7 am and leaves at 7 PM. How would she knows about Andrew? she thought to herself.
        “Penelope was in near tears when she clocked out. Told me how closed off the boy was and the sister was screaming and yelling at Penelope, talking about how she’s trying to steal her brother away from her—something like that…” Ruby muttered the last part to herself.
        Psycho sister indeed. (Y/N) thought to herself.
        “The girl wasn’t in there when I entered. The boy is reserved at first, but if you keep talking to him he’ll respond. Just be patient.” She spoke, shoving her leftover medical supplies into the supply closet.
        “I swear, Penelope gets too butt-hurt about these patients. And I don’t understand how you can deal with those kids, snotty and crying all the time.” Ruby complained as (Y/N) snagged a computer seat and sat down, typing up her report on Andrew Graves condition.
        “The kids are just scared. Give them a lollipop and it’s like Christmas.” She laughed, straining a smile. “Good talk rubes, but I’m going to head out.”
        “See you tomorrow.” Ruby responded lazily.
        “See ya. Good luck on your shift.” (Y/N) spoke.
        She walked out of the staff room and locked the door behind her, taking the elevator to the first floor. She exited the elevator and walked out of the hospital lobby, walking to the staff parking lot to her car. She grabbed her keys from her scrubs pockets and unlocked her car, opening the door and buckling her seatbelt before driving off.
        The drive is longer than she likes from her apartment but at least her thoughts plagued her so she didn’t have to be bored.
        A murderer and a cannibal? Not one but two! Should I call the police? I mean, they must have reasons. They were locked in an apartment and resorted to eating their neighbor? Why would they be locked in an apartment? I’m sure if they went to the police they would’ve been understanding, I mean it was life or death and one dead is better than two. What am I thinking? I shouldn’t be thinking that at all, I’m a nurse. (Y/N) thought. 
        “Ugh…” She groaned. 
        She made it to her apartment and unlocked her door, opening it and closing it behind her, making sure it was locked before she walked into the kitchen.
        I don’t feel like cooking, I don’t have the time for it anyways. She thought, opening her freezer. 
        She grabbed a quick microwaveable meal and put it in the microwave, setting it at the box’s desired time before walking away and grabbing her computer.
        She checked her emails then started her medical essay for pneumonia and bronchitis. The microwave ringed and she grabbed her food and some drink, walking back her to computer and continuing her work while eating.
        She finished her dinner and the final touches of her essay before sending it her college professors at her university. She stood up and stretched, walking to the kitchen and cleaning her dirty dishes before going to her room and picking out a nightgown. She walked to her shower and undressed, washing her hair and allowing the water to relax her nerves and sore legs from standing all day.
        Check-ups tomorrow should be Rachael Gardener and Joseph Stall. I'll meet a new patient, Lily Wells, since she's switching healthcare. After that, it's walk-in's from there. I'll pay a visit to Andrew thirty minutes before my shift ends and check up on Hailey. (Y/N) thought in her head. 
        Andrew. He's sure a special case at the moment. Nurses are going to have to keep a watchful eye on him to ensure his condition doesn't worsen or cause any harm to himself or others. (Y/N) thought. Two broken open-fracture ankles and complete fractures in his legs. Just thinking of that pain makes me squirm. She cringed, stopping herself from washing her hair to shake the imaginary chills she created.
        Not to mention his internal bleeding from his brain, his concussion from his fall must've caused that. Luckily he doesn't have any other injuries otherwise I'm pretty sure he would've been dead. She thought as she stepped out of the shower, drying her hair and body.
        I should find some video games and books to keep him from being bored. I need to get some new books for Hailey to read too, my bookshelf is going dry for her. She thought as she started getting dressed. I'll also do a quick google search of Andrew and Ashley, get some information out of their situation (or at least the most of it).
        Andrew woke up and stared out of his window blankly, watching as people walked in and out of the hospital, some in wheelchairs and some in casts. In a while, that'll be him leaving this place.
        Or with the pace Ashley wants, tomorrow. Andrew thought, a frustrated huff escaping his mouth. 
        Who could blame him? He tries to kill himself and all of a sudden he lost basically all of his memory from when he was born to three months ago, that's almost twenty-two years of his life lost in just a flash!
        Ashley told me to jump too. I shouldn't have listened to her and her damn rants, it would've caused so much less trouble, but I was going insane listening to her. Andrew thought. 
        Andrew's been wishing a lot of things lately. He's been wishing he could remember everything about himself, wished he never drank that supposed contaminated water that got him locked in the apartment which got him here in the first place, and wished he could get up and walk out of here.
        Ashley visited him earlier. Something in him was happy to see his sister, but dread filled his stomach at seeing her walk into the room.
        "Thought you said you weren't ever coming back?" Andrew spoke, recalling what Ashley said yesterday.
        "I might've been a bit hasty... and inconsiderate" Ashley huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at Andrew. "I found a hotel nearby. I'm staying there until you get better."
        "How will you pay for it?" Andrew questioned.
        "Easy! I'll just kill people and take their wallets!" Ashley beamed, getting an glare sent her way.
        "Don't do that, idiot. You'll get caught easily without me." Andrew sighed, already finding himself frustrated at their conversation so early in.
        "Well, I could stay here! I'll stay in the bathroom when the nurses are in the room. I can keep you company and sleep in the same bed as you as we used to." Ashley teased.
        "I have two broken legs, remember?" Andrew pointed out.
        "I'll be extra careful." Ashley smiled, as he looked at her unamused. "Hmph! Be that way!" Ashley huffed, giving attitude as she crossed her arms. "Was it lonely without me last night? Did you have any nightmares?" Ashley questioned, her tone teasing with a hint of suggestion.
        Nightmares? About what? Andrew thought. And what's with her damn tone?
        He paused as he thought about anything the past three months.
        "No. Why would I have any nightmares?" Andrew questioned
        "Did you hit your head when you fell?" Ashley teased harshly, poking his cheek roughly. "Your nightmares! About that girl we killed back then? What was her name?" 
        "I don't remember." Andrew admitted. "Wait, we killed someone else?!"
        "Wow, you must've actually hit your head hard." Ashley spoke, a little surprised.
        "A nurse said I had a concussion and internal bleeding, so my memory isn't sharp at the moment." Andrew explained, still worrying about who else he's killed in his past.
        "Ugh. That'll only slow us down..." Ashley sighed. "Would you like to know?"
        "Might as well." Andrew sighed.
        "You killed that girl when we were young! She had an asthma attack in a box and it was hilarious!" she cackled.        
        "That doesn't sound funny. She was a kid, wasn't she...?" Andrew murmured.
        That nurse, (Y/N), she works in the pediatric branch. I don't think she'd be happy if she heard that. Andrew thought to himself. Why am I caring about her all of a sudden? I think I really need my brain checked out... hopefully by her... 
        "She had it coming though! She liked you and she was trying to separate the two of us!" Ashley tried to justify, noticing his reaction.
        "Whatever you say, Ashley." Andrew sighed.
        "I don't like this... I miss you, Andy! We were really close! You didn't need a girlfriend because you had me by your side!" Ashley whined. "It's because of one of these slutty nurses, huh? They're just holes for you to stick your dick into! You don't need them like you need me! I'm all you need!" Ashley started shouting.
        Andrew's really starting to think their sibling-ship is bordering to relationship the way Ashley's been acting and saying. 
        Gross... Andrew thought.
        He remembers the downright suggestive comments Ashley spoke in the apartment (and just a few minutes ago), along with the overprotectiveness he's experienced at times with her. Even if, just a bit, if their relationship was that (incest-like), it hasn't gotten physical since he places money that they would've done something while trapped in that apartment for three months. Andrew let out a sigh of relief, glad their relationship hasn't escalated to that point. 
        So there's still a turning point to get out of that. Andrew thought to himself.
        It's simple really, separate from Ashley. 
        That's all he has to do, but with her co-dependency, it won't make it easy. Unless, all he does is reject Ashley's advances towards stepping-up their relationship and trying to escape the hospital.
        "Andy, fucking listen to me!" Ashley shouted into his ear.
        Andrew was snapped out of his thoughts as the world around him spun. Ashley was holding his hair and shaking his head back and forth, creating a headache behind his head and eyes.
        "Ashley, let go! What part of concussion and internal bleeding didn't you understand?!" Andrew shouted, grabbing her hands as he fought them away from his hair.
        He succeeded in pulling her hands away, but she didn't want to let go without locks of hair in her fists.
        "I hate you, Andrew! I hate you! You and this stupid hospital and those stupid damn nurses! I hate it I hate it I HATE IT!" she screamed loudly.
        The hospital door opened and three nurses came in, their hair disheveled and bun's messy from racing down the hallway.
        "Ma'am, calm down. Otherwise I'm going to have to ask you to leave." One of the nurses spoke, their name tag reading Penelope.        
        "DON'T YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN, BITCH!" Ashley screamed at the poor woman, her finger jabbed into the nurse's chest. "I bet it's you! Yeah, you! You're the bitch manipulating my brother! I'll fucking kill you!"
        "Ashley!" Andrew sternly shouted, catching her attention long enough for the three nurses to tackle the girl.
        Ashley kicked and screamed as they got her, two nurses dragging her by her legs out of the room as the other nurse ran to go call security to escort her out (and keep her out).
        Andrew watched as all the women crowded out of his room, a little surprised.
        Well, she won't be coming back soon... that was surprisingly easy... Andrew thought to himself. Step one, separate Ashley from me. Complete.
        Ten minutes went by and someone stepped into his open-doored hospital room. It was Penelope, the nurse from earlier (and yesterday). 
        "M-Mr. Graves. Would you allow me to check--?" she was harshly cut off.
        "Get the hell out." Andrew growled, glaring at her with his vibrant green eyes.
        She nodded and quickly turned around, about to leave before he spoke up.
        "Wait." he spoke, effectively stopping the nervous girl as she turned around, fiddling with her hands. "When's that nurse coming back? (Y/N) (L/N)?" Andrew questioned.
        "(Y-Y/N)...? I don't know... She's not in our branch." Penelope muttered sheepishly.
        "Well, find out!" Andrew snarled. "I refuse to accept treatment from anyone else but her!"
        "Okay!" Penelope exclaimed all too quickly (glad to no longer be taking care of Andrew) and ran out of the room.
        He really meant it too. Any time a nurse tried to come into his room, he'd shout and throw anything nearby at them. It was a drastic change from yesterday's silence. Some nurses assumed he was scared as potential memories reappeared in his head, or perhaps he needed a higher dose of pain killers. They regretted entering the room after getting hit by pens and notebooks from the nightstands, he even threw his pillow.
        "I hate working in this damn branch! Where the hell is (Y/N)?" Ruby shouted in the employee's only room, the elder asking for her help from her inferior. 
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The first chapter for this is done! This series will also be posted on AO3 and Wattpad! This series won the poll after a close tie, and I'm so glad it did because I was internally rooting for this to win! Don't worry, the other series' will be posted too after this one is completely posted for what I have so far.
Want more Andrew Graves content? Check out the Andrew Graves masterlist!
Inbox is OPEN for questions about the story and new plotlines/ideas, not for request!
Chapters: Current chapter, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9 (in the works)
Want to listen to music while reading? Check out the Star Patient's Official Playlists! Multiple different playlists and genres!
253 notes · View notes
darkbluekies · 1 year
Dr Kry is the Yandere of all time, I want him.
Deja vu / Welcome home
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doctor!yandere OC x fem!reader Summary: 8 years have passed. Dr Kry gets your son as his patient and decides to get you back once and for all — and to keep you forever. Warnings: kidnapping, manipulation, gaslighting, blackmail, drugs, medicine, involuntarily removing clothes Word count: 4.6k
A/N: here you have him, all to yourself :)
It’s just like any day. Nothing out of the ordinary. Dr Kry looks down at his patient list. Just three people, one being a seven year old boy. It won’t be hard. he might even get to go home early today. He has leg pain, possibly a broken foot. 
Dr Kry grabs a wheelchair and walks out into the waiting room where he sees the little boy sitting all alone on a chair, swinging his legs carefully. 
“Noah?” he asks. 
The little boy looks up and jumps down from his seat. He limps. Dr Kry smiles warmly and holds out his hand to help the little boy up in the chair. 
“Are you here alone?” Dr Kry asks and starts to push the wheelchair. 
“Yes … mom and dad couldn’t get of off work”, the little boy mumbles. 
“You have nothing to be afraid of, I will take very good care of you. You’re very brave to come here all by yourself. Like a big boy.”
Noah giggles. Dr Kry smiles slightly, feeling his heart swell. He does like children … just not the loud, crying ones. 
“There we go”, Dr Kry says as they enter his office. He sinks down in his chair. “Now, won’t you tell me what happened to you? It says in your journals that you have some leg pain.”
“I hurt myself while playing football”, Noah answers. “The grass was wet and I slipped.”
“You have to be careful playing sports. Too many injuries and then it’ll be irreversible.”
“Oh …”
Dr Kry senses the fear creeping over the little boy. He smiles warmly. 
“I’m sure there’s nothing to be afraid of”, he reassures him. “I’m going to take an x-ray scan of you. You’re a brave boy, you’ll let me do it, won’t you?”
Noah nods carefully. Dr Kry smiles and ruffles his hair. He takes out the x-ray machine and moves the little boy over to the bed. He’s careful and comforts Noah along every step. He can tell that the little boy’s foot has gotten sprained. 
“Alright, brave boy”, he says and removes the machine. “You have a sprained ankle.”
“Is that bad?” Noah asks with wide, tearful eyes. 
“No, it’s not. It could have been broken and then you’d have some troubles, but this is nothing.”
He picks up the journal to write it down when something catches his eyes. The full name of Noah’s mother is so familiar. Dr Kry can feel his heart stop. It can’t be true. 
“Noah, is your mother Y/N L/N?” he asks while trying to control the tremble in his voice. 
“She has a new last name now”, Noah says. “That’s her name before she married dad.”
An invisible punch lunches against Dr Kry’s chest. But he feels a weird liberation. After eight long years he might finally meet you again. You can be together again!
“Why?” Noah asks quietly. 
“Nothing, nothing”, Dr Kry says quickly and smiles. “She’s just an old friend of mine. Nice to see her name again …” He looks around. “I should uh … move you … to a room instead. I think you’ll have to stay here overnight.”
“No! I don’t want to sleep here! I want my mom …”
So do I, Dr Kry wants to say. 
“It’s okay”, he says. “I’ll stay with you. And maybe your mom can come too.”
He lifts the young boy in his arms and walks out of his office. He holds one of his hands in the back of Noah’s neck, gulping. This is the closest he’s been to you since you escaped from him. Your DNA is in the very boy he’s holding. Dr Kry nods. He has to protect this little boy. 
He takes the elevator up, looking at Noah in the mirror with a small smile. Dr Kry walks into the room. The exact same room he kept you in eight years ago. He places you down in the exact same bed you’ve been lying in. He has kept the room the same as it was when you left, in hopes of you one day returning. The books in the shelves are still there with their bookmarks showing where you stopped. He can’t wait for you to pick up where you left off.
“I’ll go call your mom”, Dr Kry says and lifts up the journal. 
He copies the telephone number from the page into his phone. His hands are trembling. He can’t believe that he’s going to speak with you again! Dr Kry walks out into the corridor and dials. He holds the phone to his ear, swallowing. 
Your sweet voice is enough to cause his legs to shake. He suddenly feels like a schoolboy again. Oh, how he hates it. 
“Y/N …”, he whispers out when remembering how to speak. 
“Why are you calling me?” you ask harshly. “How did you get my number?!”
“Your son came into my office and-”
“Oh my God! Don’t touch him, please! Kry, please, he’s innocent.”
Hearing you plead like that again gives him the confidence back. 
“Don’t freak out now”, he says. “I’m not going to hurt him. Better yet, I’ll cure him … but I won’t let him go unless you come here. Alone. And if you tell anyone I’ll have to cause an … accident. You’re familiar with those, aren't you?”
“You fucking madman, Kry!”
He smiles. 
“So you’ll come?” he asks excitedly. “I’ll see you in twenty minutes then. I’ll be waiting.”
He hangs up.
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You barely park the car. You're not sure it's even straight in the parking space, but, frankly, at the moment that's the least of your concerns. With a heart beating in your ears, you run towards the hospital's that once nearly killed you. You can tell that he's waiting in the lobby. Abruptly, you stop. He looks the exact same as he did eight years ago. Your heart drops. Suddenly you feel like you did all those years ago — heavy, small and cloudy. It's as if the poison has entered your veins again.
Dr Kry smiles and jogs over to you before he wraps his arms around you. You're too stunned to move. 
"Y/N, oh my God, it's actually you", he whispers, fingers digging into your back. "You're so pretty."
You finally get control over your limbs. Harshly, you push him back. He's visibly upset by your action, but keeps his composure.
"I just want my son, Kry", you say with make believe courage. “I’m not here to forgive you.”
“Very well”, he sighs out shortly and fixes his white lab coat. “I understand.”
“Just show me where he is.”
“I think you know the way very well.”
Your eyes widen. Mortified, you shake your head. Dr Kry revels in your fear. It’s your punishment for leaving him. You should be scared of him after everything you’ve done to him.
“Kry … no …”, you plead in a low voice, feeling smaller than ever. “I don’t want to go there! Just get me my son, this isn’t funny.”
“Do you really want me to go alone and get your son?”
You realize the danger and quickly change your mind. Dr Kry waits patiently. He doesn’t have to rush things. He has you right where he wants you. You’re in his territory now, he’s in charge again. 
“No, no, no”, you ramble in panic and quiet down, relaxing voluntarily. “Okay, fine … I’ll come with you.”
“Good girl.” He holds out his arm towards the elevators. “Shall we?”
You glare at him before walking in front of him. When you pass him, you can tell that there’s a wicked grin plastered on his face. You’re very well aware that you’re walking right into the lion’s den, but what other choice do you have? Your son is here all alone in the hands of a madman. As a mother, you can’t leave him here. 
Dr Kry presses the elevator button and the doors slide to the sides. You walk in and curl up in the corner of the metallic elevator, hugging yourself and hating how you feel so small. You shouldn’t. Dr Kry moves closer. 
“Don’t cry, little one”, he says comfortingly. 
That nickname.
“Don’t call me that”, you tell him. You’re meant to say it firmly, but it comes out as another pathetic plead. 
He terrify you like none other, still, after all these years.
He cups your face between his large hands. Never before have you wished that the elevator ride could be quicker. He caresses your cheeks with his thumbs lovingly. It makes you sick. 
“Your son is okay”, he whispers, ice blue eyes staring right into yours. “And I do not intend to hurt him. 
“You fucking liar”, you whisper and sob. 
He collects a tear with his thumb and stares at it adoringly before leaning forward and kissing your forehead. Finally, you gain control of yourself and push him off. 
“Let me go!” you shout angrily. 
The elevator doors finally open and you scurry past him out into the familiar corridor. Dr Kry grabs your arm firmly, stopping you abruptly. You spin around to meet him with a hammering heart. 
“Before we go in, you need to get yourself together”, he warns you. “Your son is in there. Do you want to scare him with your tears and frantic behavior?”
“Of course not”, you whimper. 
Dr Kry picks up his handkerchief from his lab coat pocket and hands it to you. 
“Then wipe your tears”, he advices you softly. “We’ll do some breathing exercises.”
You dry your eyes and take a deep breath, hating that you once again follow his lead. When he’s satisfied, he walks over to the door that kept you locked in for months and months on end. You stop, preparing yourself. You’re not sure how you’ll react to seeing the room. After you escaped, you’ve dreamt nightmares about it. 
“Sweetheart, are you alright?” Dr Kry asks, sounding genuinely concerned. 
“Yes, I’m fine”, you say coldly. 
He opens the door and you walk in, heart skipping a beat when you see your poor little boy sitting in the same bed you’ve been tied to. 
“Noah!” you breathe out and run over, hugging him tightly. “How are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“My leg is broken”, he mumble embarrassedly. 
“Not broken, little man”, Dr Kry smiles. “Sprained, remember? It’ll be okay in no time.”
You hug your son again, trying to hide how terrified you really are. Dr Kry stands behind you and watches you with loving eyes. He shows you the results of the x-ray and asks you to step outside with him again. Carefully, he closes the door behind you both. 
“You said you’d cure him”, you say quietly with a venomous voice. “You said you’d cure him and let him go if I came here … and I’m here now. Keep your end of the promise, Kry.”
“I guess I could do that”, Dr Kry says thoughtfully. “If that’s what you want.”
“Of course it is.”
“But in that case, I want you to stay here.”
“No fucking way!” you almost shout. “I’m not going through this shit again!”
Dr Kry raises his eyebrows warningly. “Lower your voice.”
You bite your cheeks. 
“I won’t let you treat me like that again, Kry”, you hiss. 
“I see”, he says and sighs heavily. “In that case, I guess I’ll have to do what I feared. I don’t want to hurt anyone with your genetic material … but if you don’t let me care for you again, I’ll do what is necessary to keep you with me.”
“You’re sick.”
Dr Kry takes a step forward. You back.
“You will do what I want unless you want me to kill your son”, he says quietly. “You know what I can do. Do you really want to test your luck?”
You hide your face in your shaking hands to prevent yourself from going insane. Tears starts to flow once again. Dr Kry puts his hand on your shoulder. 
“What do you say, Y/N?” he asks. “I will let your son and … husband … go if you let me have you again. I have no use or interest in them. They’ll be completely safe. All I want is you. No one else.”
Your sobs make his heart shatter, but he has to stand his ground. 
“It’s not a hard choice”, he says softly. “Don’t you want to save your son? I know you want to. You’re such a good person, the best I’ve ever met. You always want to care for others. So what do you say? Will you do what I want?”
“Yes, fine”, you mumble defeatedly into your hands. “If that’s what it takes to keep him safe.”
Dr Kry breaks out into a smile and hugs you tightly. He leans his head on yours and breathe out in relief. You’re his patient again, you’re his. He tries to remove your hands from your face. 
“Will you stay here while I contact Noah’s father?” he asks. 
He feels better calling your husband Noah’s father than your spouse. Dr Kry takes your phone to call him. While he’s talking to your husband, you feel like you’re going to throw up. Dr Kry tells the man that he can come get Noah, but that you have to stay for checkups that will mostly take the rest of the evening. You’ll have to stay the night. You listen to it all. You want to snatch the phone and scream that you’ll be hurt again, but you can’t move. Things are starting to sink in. 
“Let’s go inside the room and wait for him”, Dr Kry says and puts his hand on your back. “Come here, sweetheart. Wipe your tears and put on that smile I love. He’ll be safe soon, think about that.”
You nod and dry your eyes with your sleeve. Dr Kry opens the door again and you enter. The doctor gives your son a pair of crutches and tells him to stay off his hurt foot for a while. He should do more, but he can’t think straight. All he wants is for him to get out of the hospital so he can have you all to himself. 
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When your husband has come to the hospital, Dr Kry leaves the room with Noah, locking the door behind him. You have ten minutes for yourself in the room. You take the opportunity to walk around and look at it. Eight years have passed, and yet everything’s right where it was left. The bookmarks in the books are still where you stopped reading. A lump forms in your throat. Will you go back to that terrified, weak woman again? Will he strip you of everything again? Tears run down your face. You’re really back in his grasp. He will isolate you, deprive you of everything but him. He will kill you.
The door opens behind you, but you don’t dare to turn around. Fast footsteps reach you and you feel his arms around you. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. “What happened?”
You only shake your head. 
“Come here, Y/N”, Dr Kry says and gently leads you by your upper arms to the bed. “Let’s talk.”
He sits you down and roll over on his stool. You keep your head down, hands trembling in your lap. 
“Y/N, I don’t want us to start off on the wrong foot”, he says and tries meeting your eyes. “I’ll do anything for you. You know that. I let your son and husband go. I wanted to do a lot to him for having a kid with you, but I didn’t.”
Don’t fall for it.
“Do you think that will make me forgive you?” you hiss and sniffle. “You killed so many people … and you poisoned me. My heart nearly failed! I had to have surgeries after I got out of here … I could have died.”
“I know. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I won’t do that again. I promise.” He reaches for his stethoscope. “Speaking of that, we need to check you. Do you mind taking off your clothes for me?”
“Yes, I do mind.”
He sends you a tired glance. “Y/N, don’t be so difficult. I’m not going to do anything weird. Have I ever done anything weird to you?”
You honestly can’t come up with a single thing he’s done that has gone over the top. Everytime he helped you in the bathtub, everytime he checked for lumps, he’s been professional. You might not trust Dr Kry in many areas, but this is one where you’re ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. 
“Exactly”, he says and gives a reassuring smile. “I just have to make sure that you’re okay. It’s been eight years. A lot can happen in those years.”
You sigh and remove your shirt. Dr Kry walks behind you and places the circular palette of the stethoscope against your spine. You shiver at the cold touch.
"Sorry", he whispers apologetically. 
You wait as he moves the stethoscope around.
"Your heart sounds okay, thankfully", he says in relief.
"It's not thanks to you", you mumble. 
"You can stop saying it. I'm not dumb, I know."
He asks you to lay down as he feels around your body after any abnormalities. You're suddenly exhausted, not sure of how long you can continue to stay alert. Too much has happened in the span of two hours. Of course, Dr Kry picks up on it. Of course he does.
"Are you tired?" he asks.
You don't answer. You keep your eyes down in your lap where your fingers scratch at your nails.
"I don't want to sleep here", you mumble.
"You won't do it many times", Dr Kry reassures you and walks over to the book shelf. "We're not going to stay here."
You look up. "We're not?"
"No. You escaped me one time. I can't let that happen again. We're going home."
Home? You remember Dr Kry talking about his home a few times. A 20th century villah with a big, spacious garden in the woods — far, far away from everyone and everything. 
"Now, what book do you want to continue?" Dr Kry asks.
You lower your head.
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Dr Kry spent the night with you. He lied down beside you in the bed. You had been handcuffed to the bedpost to make sure you'd stay in case you got any ideas.
"Are you hungry?" he asks as he sees you hold your hand over your stomach. He folds some papers and puts it in a box he's going to bring with him. "We'll stop somewhere for breakfast. I don't want to waste a single second here."
"I don't want to go anywhere with you, Kry", you say bitterly.
"That's 'Doctor' to you. You're my patient again, and hereby you shall call me 'Doctor'."
"Not a chance. You want me to call you that because it gives you authority. If we're leaving the hospital, you're not a doctor for me anymore."
"I didn't go to university and earn my degree for you to diminish my title." He smiles crookedly. "For every time you call me something other than a doctor is an hour you go without entertainment."
"You haven't even told me your first name, isn't that better than your title?"
Dr Kry turns to his box, picking it up."You don't need to know my first name."
"Why? Are you scared that I'll be able to sue you if I get away again?"
Dr Kry scoffs and turns to you, box in hand. "You could have sued me with my title and surname, Y/N. But you didn't." He raises a blond eyebrow. "And why was that? Hm?"
You glare at him. He takes a step forward, wickedness written all over his face.
"Deep down, I know you're scared of me", he says tauntingly. "You can pretend as much as you want, but you forget that I'm a doctor. I can read your body language better than anyone else. And do you know what I can read?"
He takes a step forward, causing you to take a step back. You shake your head at his infuriating question. 
"That you're absolutely terrified of me", he smiles. "And that's why you didn't sue me. You knew that I'd win one way or another and that I'd get my revenge on you. You didn't dare to meet me in a court room. So I'm happy that you used your brain and didn't do it. I didn't doubt you one single time. If there's one person in this world I actually trust, it's you."
Baffled, you blink. "What?"
"You were scared and I understand that. I know you never mean to do anything to hurt anyone, but you were scared that I'd kill you … so you escaped. It had nothing to do with me. But things will change now. You don't have to be afraid of me anymore."
Do not fall for it.
I don’t want to believe you. I don’t want you in my head anymore. I don’t want to fall in your traps again. Please be silent. I know your mind games. Please, be silent. Please.
“I love you, Y/N”, he says. “I really do.”
You don’t answer. You don’t know what you should answer. 
“Are you ready to go?” Dr Kry asks instead. “If you behave well, we can get whatever breakfast you want. Even junkfood.” 
How generous.
"And if I don't behave?" you ask and regret it immediately. 
"Then you'll have to sleep the entire ride", Dr Kry says and halts. "But maybe that's a good idea? That way, you won't see the road."
"Forget I asked."
"I'll give you a sleeping pill after you've eaten. Come now, let's go."
You sigh and follow him. Should you try to make a run for it? You're getting put to sleep after all. Doesn't matter if you behave or not.
"Don't try", Dr Kry says as you enter the elevator. "If you try the slightest thing, I'll have to do something I don't want to."
You decide to keep your mouth shut instead of asking questions this time. You follow him through the lobby, out to the parking lot, to his white car.
"Get into the front seat", Dr Kry says when you reach for the backseat doors.
You sigh and give up. When he's behind the wheel, the doors lock.
"Okay, Y/N", he says while breathing out in relief and watching the rear view mirror. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"McDonald's", you say. "I want their breakfast muffin."
He grimaces. "Eugh … fine. Okay. I did promise."
He doesn't turn on the radio, leaving you in silence with him. 
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You get your breakfast just in time. While you eat, you can see how Dr Kry picks out a sheet of pills from his box and cracks one open from its shell.
"Swallow this with your water", he says.
You want to snarl something back, but hold it in. Defeated, you swallow the pill. You can physically feel it slide down your throat.
"Good girl", Dr Kry says pleased. "Now you just have to sit back and relax."
You're not sure what he gave you, but just ten minutes later, you've blacked out harder than on a Friday night. Dr Kry can now drive in peace without having to worry about you memorizing the way. He glances at you from time to time, just to make sure your head isn't in an uncomfortable position or if you're awake. Swiftly, he drives off the main road, onto a smaller asphalt road, and eventually into a dirt road looking more like a bicycle path. The dirt road is divided in the middle with grass, creating enough space for the wheels of his white car. Out from the bushes a Scandinavian 1910s white tree villah exposes itself. Two floors with a green attic and bushy garden in the same color. A glass verandah meets them. Everything taken directly out of a Studio Ghibli movie.
Dr Kry jumps out of the car and walks over to your side. He picks you up in his arms and carries you inside. He remembers the first time he returned to the house after you escaped his claws. An unwelcoming smell hit him right in the face when he walked in. He felt like a cheater, spending more time at the hospital than at home. In reality it had been the lack of fresh air and after opening all the windows, it was gone.
Dr Kry walks upstairs and into his bedroom. Although you never came here — like his original plans stated — he kept his king sized bed. Just in case. And he's glad he did. Carefully, he places you under the covers, gently tucking you in.
"You're finally home", he whispers and caresses your forehead. "After way too long."
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You sit up and look around. Where are you? Right. Dr Kry's house. 
Quickly, you pull the covers off of you and sneak over to the door. It creaks slightly when you open it. First though crossing your mind is: where the hell is Dr Kry? Second: where is the front door? You sneak over to the white stairs and slowly move your way down. 
You feel every door you find, none leading out to freedom. Finally, you find the front door, but it’s locked. Every window as well. You sigh in fear. At any time, Dr Kry could find you. You’d rather know the place before that happens. You look around, peeking your head into every room you find. Finally, your eyes lay on a glassdoor leading out to the backyard garden. You walk out into a glass verandah and see how Dr Kry is standing by one of the mighty bushes, cutting come of the dead branches. In the soft sunlight, he almost looks ethereal. He doesn’t even resemble the doctor you know. 
When you realize that you’re staring, it’s already too late to slip away. He has noticed you.
“Oh, you’re awake, I see”, he says with a smile, lowering the hedge shears. “How are you feeling?”
“I … I don’t know”, you admit hesitantly with a shrug. “I feel kind of numb.”
“That’s okay, you’re not used to this house. Soon enough, you’ll love it as much as I do.”
You stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. You’ve never felt so lost — both mentally and physically. You have no idea where you are or what you should do. If you escape, where should you go? How do you get back to your family?
Dr Kry puts down the hedge shears and walks over to you. You flinch, but stand still, avoiding eye contact as best as possible. He puts his hands on your shoulders in a manner making you shiver in disgust. Dr Kry tries meeting your eyes, but you refuse to look in his general direction. Maybe you should have stayed in bed …
“Don’t you think it’s pretty here?” he asks softly. 
You do. Oh, how pretty you think it is, but you don’t want him to think you’re okay with being here. 
“I really want to go home, Kry- … doctor”, you mumble. 
He smiles at your little slipup. You corrected yourself, he won’t scold you. 
“You are home now”, he smiles and caresses your cheek. “You’re right where you should be. And I’m so happy about that. Come, let’s go inside.”
He leads you inside and close the doors behind him. You can hear the door lock behind you. When the there’s no escape anymore, the house suddenly feels cramped, almost claustrophobic. You gulp and glance at doctor Kry who’s smiling lovingly. 
“Welcome home, little one. We have so much lost time to catch up on.”
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mysunshinetemptress · 9 months
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Everything in between
Your Royals Support p3
Leah Williamson x royal!reader
A/n I’m so sorry I haven’t posted, I hit a wall but have since been spending all my free time writing so here is the first of many promised stories. And to begin I thought why not start with the end
Leah had woken to the sound of you vomiting for the second morning in a row, sighing she got out of the bed before trying the door handle only to see it’s locked “love you ok, will u open the door for me.” She was met with the sound of you vomiting once more before you groaned “trust me Le you don’t want to come in.” Leah shook her head “trust me I do, I want to make sure your ok.” You sighed sitting back before opening the door “oh Y/n.” You shook your head “I don’t know what’s wrong with me I felt fine two days ago.” Leah sighed moving towards you and bending down before pushing the hair out of your face “it’s ok, maybe you should cancel your engagement for today.” You shook your head a look of disappointment in your eye “I can’t it’s for a charity event Le, I’m riding with Zara to raise money for charity today I can’t… I promised Pa that I would do it for the princes trust.” Leah shushed you pulling you close to her “it’s ok hey Y/n relax ok it will be ok they will understand.” You shook your head “I’m not pulling out I’ve done it feeling a lot worse then I do now.” Leah sighed knowing there was no talking you out of it. “Ok but you let Zara know if you need to come off that horse at anytime.” You nodded “I promise.”
You where stood in the stable checking over Hale-Bopp comet and his tack before nodding to your groom that you where happy with everything and ready to go. Zara stood next to you holding your helmet as you both talked over the course and discussed the strides between each jump before she looked at you concerned “hey you ok.” You looked at her confused “yeah just nervous l, want to ride my best.” Zara smiled squeezing your hand “you can do this in your sleep you will be fine.”
Walking over to Hale-Bopp comet you put your leg back as Zara lifted you up and you swung your leg over the saddle before adjusting your stirrups and checking his girth. “Ready.” You looked down at your older cousin “ready.” She smiled patting Hale-Bopps hind before wishing you good luck as you trotted into the arena as the commentator read out your name.
You began at the start of the bell taking of towards the first jump clearing it before turning to take the double, it wasn’t until you got to the water tray that you felt the need to vomit, you shook your head slightly pushing Hale-Bopp on before a wave of dizziness took over, you tilted your head slightly trying to clear it as you head towards the double oxer to finish the course. Slowing Hale-Bopp you felt the world spin as you waved at the crowd heading towards the gate where you could just make out Zara, passing the the gate you took your feet out of the stirrups and let go of the reins you could tell Zara was trying to say something to you but couldn’t make out a word as you felt your body tilt no longer able to keep your eyes open as you slid off the 17.1 hands horse. Zara let out a shout as she caught you before placing you on the ground and shaking you. “Y/n, hey Y/n come on wake up.” The paramedics raced over just as you regained consciousness, feeling groggy “Leah.” Zara shook her head “I’ll call her now, I’ll get her to meet us at the hospital.” You groaned as the paramedics began getting you ready to head to the hospital.
Leah raced down the hall before finding Zara stood outside your door “Zara, Y/n is she ok.” Zara looked up from her phone smiling at the younger blonde, pulling her into a hug “she’s fine, promise but she’ll fill you in.” Leah looked at Zara confused as she was pulled in for another hug by the older girl, before she let go and burst through the door to see you sat up on the bed dressed in you jodhpurs and shirt. “Your ok.” You looked up from the bed focused on fixing your shirt, Leah felt worry course through her as your eyes began to fill with tears “hey whatever it is we can fix it, we will get through it together ok, hey it’s me and you.” You mumbled into her shoulder as Leah hummed “what.” You picked your head up looking into her eyes as you shook your head “it’s me, you and our baby.” Leah looked at you confused before a look of shock took over her features “Baby, you mean, your….it…hold on.” You laughed grabbing Leah’s face “I’m pregnant Le, we are going to have a baby it worked.” Leah felt her eyes prick with tears as she pulled you in for a kiss “ we are having a baby oh my god.” You laughed looking at the door as Zara came running in “oh I’m so happy for you both ahhh I can’t wait for a little baby in the family again.” You both laughed resting your head into Leah’s chest as smiled at Zara.
Both yourself and Leah decided to keep it between the both of you and Zara until you where at least 12 weeks along after that your father the king had to be told first before you could tell anyone else. To say he was excited was an understatement the man harped on for a solid two hours about how happy he was for you both and how proud he was of you, next you told both your brothers, Harry Via FaceTime and William when you invited himself and Late over for dinner, both brothers where equally excited for you telling you how much of an amazing mum you where going to be as well as Leah.
Telling Leah’s family was a lot less formal something you really loved, you both had decided to buy a small England jersey with Williamson on the back as well as three England jerseys saying Grandma and Grandpa as well as one for Jacob saying uncle before heading around for dinner. Leah was like a child on Christmas the entire way through the meal, her leg shaking next to yours in excitement and anticipation, had placed your hand on her thigh several minutes ago but nothing seemed to stop it. Half way through dinner your wife simply couldn’t wait any longer, jumping up from her half eaten meal Leah raced to get the bag you had left at the hall door before running back into the room “I’m sorry, I can’t wait any longer…I know your all still eating but for five minutes just wait and I’ll give out your presents.” Amanda looked at you laughing shaking her head at Leah’s excitement “I hope you cleared this with Y/n Bubba.” Leah looked at you sheepishly “well we where supposed to wait but I can’t hold in any longer so here.” Leah handed out three boxes before sitting next to you with the fourth one, as your in laws began tearing the paper off Leah grabbed your hand pulling it to her mouth before kissing it softly looking at you with pure adoration. “We have these already Le.” Leah turned looking at her brother rolling her eyes as her mum turned it around before her head shot up to look at you both at the other end of the table “your joking.” Leah shook her head smiling as David looked at his followed by Jacob “oh my god your having a baby.” Leah pulled out the small English jersey with Williamson on the back as your three in laws jumped to their feet and began laughing, crying and shouting simultaneously in happiness “oh god a little Williamson…oh my god it’s going to be a Williamson.” You laughed squeezing Leah’s hand before standing up as Amanda raced around to wrap you in a hug as Leah protested “hey, I’m your daughter.” Amanda swatted her away as she pulled you close “that doesn’t matter Y/n might as well be my second daughter and on top of that she’s carrying my grand baby.” Leah laughed looking at you before turning to hug her dad and brother as everyone swapped hugging each other “when did you find out.” You looked at Leah “about 12-13weeks ago I have morning sickness and we didn’t realise, I ended up attending a horse riding event and came off the horse just after finishing my round as I passed out, when they brought me to the hospital they took my bloods and told me a short while later.” You squeezed Leah’s hand “and your father and brothers do they know.” You nodded “I’m sorry we would have told you sooner but protocol calls for Pa to be told first then the rest of the families and if I’m being honest this was the best way we could tell you.” Amanda shook her head “this was perfect oh girls I’m so proud of you both.”
Speculation about your pregnancy had been on going since way before you where pregnant but now more then ever did the press seem to be so sure of it. You knew a statement would have to be put out sooner rather then later and so the clock was ticking to tell the rest of your friends I.e the Arsenal and England girls.
Arsenal where first after the both of you decided the last match before international break would be best as it allowed the girls to hold the secret for the shortest amount of time. Arsenal had beaten West Ham 3 nil at meadow park so the locker room was ecstatic when you knocked on the door only to be greeted by Wally “Y/n hey she’s in the toilet but come in.” You knew Leah was changing her jersey to the one you had bought her not to long after telling her you where pregnant “hey guys how are you all doing.” The team all turned cheering at the sight of you before talking all at once “ehm right I won’t keep you all to long from your celebrations just have one thing to say really quick.” You looked around the room at the faces of the girls you had so quickly called friends and some even family “eh alright, so there will be a new member to the squad next season, I’m sure they’ll be a great asset my only hope is you love them nearly as much as Leah and I do.” To say the squad was confused was an understatement until you wife came running out of the bathroom before turning shouting “SIUU.” Showing off the back of her Arsenal jersey that read Mummy 6 on the back, the locker room realised rather quickly after that and the team where up screaming not even a second later as they all piled towards you both to wrap you in a group hug “oh my god Baby Arsenal is on the way holy shit best teammate ever, ahhh I can’t wait.” Could all be heard from different directions. The girls decided you all had to go out for dinner to celebrate, you spent the rest of the night laughing and talking about the future member of the squad.
The English squad came a bit earlier then expected, you had planned to wait until the last match to tell them but had been informed that your announcement was due out in less than a week and you wanted the people closest to you to know a bit further in advance so here you where at the first training session of the camp having stayed with Leah the night previously, you walked towards the team holding three jerseys behind you as you made smiled at your wife who had spotted you waving sheepishly before feeling some one scoop you into a hug “Al I swear to god put me down.” The older girl laughed putting you back on the ground as she hugged you tightly “oh what you doing here.” You smiled at her “all will be revealed shortly but for now how are you haven’t seen you in ages.” You and the older girl hit it off the first time you met, although she thought of you as a stuck up snob who was simply entitled like the rest of her family she soon found out you where a lot more down to earth and not at all as close to stuck up or entitled as she thought.
Leah ran over shortly after pulling you into a kiss “ew.” Leah turned flipping off Grace and Aggie. Alex laughed “hey what happened to Royals not showing PDA.” You rolled your eyes “Shut it you, I’m allowed to kiss my wife wherever I please thank you.” The girls laughed as Leah started asking them to line up for a photo “oh boo your here on a royal visit, thought you where here to see your mates like.” You pushed Mary’s shoulder lightly laughing “I’m here to see mates I just wanted a photo with you all like we have done every time I’ve come to visit.” Mary shook her head “You Royals and your bloody traditions.” You laughed shuffling away from her as Leah set up the girls to stand in places she wanted them. Once everyone was set you handed out the three jerseys One to Georgia one to Kiera and one to Alex all readying “Baby Williamson 25” before looking at the camera smiling. The girls didn’t think anything of it thinking your niece and nephews names where on the back like they had been previously, that was until the media crew showed the girls the photo for final approval, the front row consisted of the younger girls Aggie,Grace,Ebony, Khiara, the middle row consisted of Ella,Alessia,Hempo,Chloe,Esme,Niamh,LJ,Ellie, Hannah and Lotte and the back row consisted of Lucy,Millie,Rachel,Georgia,Leah,Y/n,Alex,Kiera,Beth,Mary the younger girls shot up first with Grace running right for you as Leah stepped in front “slower.” Grace let out a sheepish smile as she wrapped you in a hug “congratulations, oh my god your having a baby.” The rest of the team took a bit longer to process the information excluding the Arsenal girls before they did exactly what the girls at Arsenal did and formed a massive group hug before bursting into multiple questions. You spent the rest of the day being followed by 23 England players chatting about the upcoming games as well as about baby who all the girls where so excited to meet.
Finally it was time to tell the public
Her Royal Highness Princess Y/n and Mrs Leah Williamson are pleased to announce they are expecting a baby in the coming summer.
The king has been informed and both families are delighted with the news.
To say the news was met with nothing but well wishes is an understatement you soon found letter being sent wishing congratulations and clothes and toys where handed to you at any possible moment when in public.
You had been dismissed from your royal duties a couple of months back and since then Leah had been waiting on you hand and foot, the team where heading into the off season and the England girls where gearing up to defend their title of European Champions and although you knew this pregnancy had been planned in order to ensure Leah would be in England and out of camp for the birth of your baby you couldn’t help but feel nervous that you would go past your due date and that she would miss it.
Leah tried her best to calm your woes but could do little to help the anxiety that seemed so constant. The WSL season has ended two weeks ago and since you both had been wrapped up in Kensington Palace, your father had insisted on it stating that if you went into Labour in Milton Keynes you would never make it to St Mary’s on time where they knew all doctors and nurses had been vetted, and you had to admit it did slip your mind that you where having a royal baby at the end of the day and so these measures had to be taken.
Luckily for you both the apartment was big enough that you could ask Leah’s family to move down for the last remaining weeks as you didn’t want them too far away when it happened knowing she needed them and all though you wouldn’t admit so did you. The Williamson’s time and time again had proven how much they loved you both, how much they loved you and when you felt the world hated you and you felt you couldn’t voice the concerns to your family in fear of them telling you to “never explain never complain.” You went to them and spent many nights sobbing into Amanda’s arms as she held you with the carefulness only a mother could. You needed them there.
It was the early hours of the morning on the 14th of June, just three days before Leah was supposed to leave for camp to start preparing for the euros when you where woken with a contraction, you sighed looking at the clock as it read 1:30 am. Sighing you turned slightly to see Leah dead asleep facing the other way, you knew this baby wasn’t coming for another few hours but you also knew you couldn’t lie in bed any longer and had made the decision to go to the lounge. Getting out of the bed without Leah waking up these days was hard but tonight she was out cold and only stirred as you let out a small groan as another contraction came.
You sighed sitting on the couch looking for something to watch, you gripped the remote tightly as you stopped on the replay of the final of the Euros 2022 at Wembley you had seen it repeatedly at least a thousand times but for some reason you couldn’t flick away. You had made it to half time before you felt someone sit down beside you, turning you spotted Amanda “everything ok darling.” You looked at her smiling “your going to be and Grandma.” Amanda laughed “well yes you told me this nine months ago love.” You shook your head laughing “no I mean your going to be a grandma today.” Amanda looked at you shocked “I’ve been sat here since 2 o’clock after I was woken at 1:30 with my first contraction, it’s happening you grand baby is coming today.” Amanda was shaking her head “what on earth are you doing sitting here, where’s Leah, oh god you have to get to the doctor.” You smiled shaking your head “I’m not ready yet.” Amanda shook her head again “oh I know it feels like that but you are trust me you….” You laughed “no I’m ready to be a mum I know that, my body just isn’t ready yet I can tell, there’s no point waking Le up when she doesn’t need to be and all she will do is just push me to go to the hospital well before I need to be, she needs the rest and I’m not in a hurry, besides this match is just getting good.” Amanda turned to look at the TV for the first time smiling wide as she recognised the kit and the girls and the packed out Wembley “alright if your sure.” You nodded turning back to the TV.
At 6:30 Leah came running through the doors panic written across her face “Y/n.” Leah let out a sigh coming to stand beside you “hey what are you doing in here.” You smiled grabbing her hand “we where just watching some old matches before we headed to the hospital.” Leah nodded along before pausing “hospital.” You smiled nodding “yeah I’ve been getting contractions since 1:30 and they have gotten a lot closer so I’m going to go change and call Buckingham while you get changed and then we are going to head to the hospital to meet our baby.” Leah’s face paled “meet…baby…you have been awake since 1:30 and didn’t wake me, mum why didn’t you wake me.” Amanda looked at you and back to Leah “y/n wanted you to sleep.” You put your hand out for Leah to help pull you off the couch and as you stood you felt another contraction falling into Leah’s chest as you squeezed you eyes shut and puffed out your cheeks in pain “hey hey it’s ok I’m right here, your ok.” You nodded standing up straight as the contraction ended “I’m ok, let’s go get changed yeah.”
Sitting on the bed you watched Leah race around looking for something as you phoned Buckingham and then looked at your watch before calling your Sister in law “hello Kate.” You sighed watching your wife run around like a headless chicken before using the code word you had come up with many months ago so that she would know you where heading to the hospital “I’m just popping to the shops for orange juice.” Kate let out a gasp “if you could let Zara and Will know I’ll give you a call when I have it.” Kate let out a string of excitement shouts before wishing you congratulations and hanging up as you turned to Leah “it’s in the top drawer of your bedside table Le.” Leah shook her head “you don’t even know what I’m looking for…oh it is sorry my love, right let’s go.”
You arrived at the back of St Mary’s at 7:30 am to be met with your team of doctors and nurses who informed you the press had already been set up since the 12th of June in anticipation.
And at 9:30 am you where sat in bed at St Mary’s holding you daughter as you and Leah cried tears of joy over her “she’s perfect, absolutely perfect.” Leah kissed you passionately before you both turned to look back at you daughter “right you top off.” Leah looked at you shocked “dear god woman you have just had a baby keep it in your pants.” You laughed shaking your head “no le it’s time for you to do skin to skin contact with her.” Leah let out an oh as she took her top off before taking your daughter out of your arms and sitting on the chair next to you “I can’t believe she’s here.” You smiled your heart swelling at the sight of them “Your Dad, did he approve of the name.” You rested your head back on the pillow “he did.” Leah turned looking down at your daughter talking softly “ well then welcome to the world Amelia Maria Elizabeth Williamson.”
A short while later your first visitors arrived, the King along with William, Kate and the kids “she’s absolutely beautiful Y/n well done indeed.” You laughed at your father as he looked down at his granddaughter for the first time “thank you Pa.” George, Charlotte and Louis took turns sitting in the chair holding her gently as you watched Leah tell them where to put their arms before placing her down gently, giving extra support to Louis “that’s it mate you got her, she’s heavy isn’t she.” You laughed looking at Kate “Well.” Kate wrapped her arms around you squeezing you tightly “she’s perfect honestly so perfect congratulations to you both I can’t wait for her to join in our little tea talks.” You laughed as William came over “Mum would be so proud, she would adore her honestly.” You looked back over as Leah took Amelia back from Louis “like how she adores them all.”
Next was Leah’s family a lot smaller and less noisy which you where thankful for, you had been holding Amelia lightly chatting to your wife as she watched on when they came through the door and you had handed her off to Leah allowing her to be the one to introduce the most important person in her life to three people she loved the most in the world “Mum,Dad,Jacob this is Amelia.” You felt your eyes well up for the umpteenth time that day as they all cooed over her before Leah asked Amanda if she wanted to hold her to which Amanda nodded quickly “oh hello darling I’m Grandma, and you don’t know it yet but you are so so loved my little darling.” Leah sat on the side of the bed taking your hand “ I love you.” You hummed looking at the people in the room before your eyes landed on your daughter “I’m so glad I fell in love with you back then, that I have fallen even more in love with you since, I loved you first Le and I’ll love you last but mostly I love you for moments like this the little in between. You have given me the life I dreamed about from the moment I met you.” Leah sighed leaning forward capturing your lips “Here’s to everything in between then my love.”
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hearts4golbach · 3 months
Get the Angles Right!
chapter 3.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
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"Well, good morning, Johnnie." You locked your apartment door. "How was the meeting?"
"long and really fucking boring, obviously." he smiled at you. "How'd you sleep?"
you pressed the button on the elevator. "I couldn't. my mind was flooded with ideas for you. it was crazy. I filled up a third of my notebook."
"I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing." Johnnie laughed.
"I think it's good. who need sleep, anyway?" You smirked, shooting him a wink before stepping out of the elevator. "The first place I wanna show you is right up the street."
"Okay," he hummed as he walked next to you. "Despite all of the nasty shit, New York is really pretty."
"Yeah," you agreed. "I like the aesthetic of it all. it makes me feel more professional, like I'm in a movie. it's good motivation, sometimes."
"I'll have to come back and visit again."
in all honesty, you had forgotten he didn't live here in the first place. your heart ached. you looked away from him as you recollected yourself. "Yeah, you should." You shot him a fake smile and turned your head back towards the path.
you paused before speaking again. "My dream is to open my own store, some day." You looked at the vacant building across the street. "I mean, I'd make less singled out designs. some shit that anyone can walk in and buy, you know?"
he followed your gaze to the building across the street. "What would you name it?"
"probably something a lot cooler than L/n Designs, but you know. I may be creative with fabrics, but not with names." You sighed and laughed at yourself. "Maybe my boring name is why my clothes don't catch people's attention."
he shrugged. "I mean, I don't know jack shit about fashion or the fashion industry, but I'm sure it just takes time like everything else."
"You're right. It does." You took a step closer to him. "You're pretty fashionable for someone who apparently knows nothing about it."
"I kind of just throw together whatever is in my closet." he laughed. "I've been dressing like this since middle school, y/n."
"Me too! I mean, whenever I go out I'm dressed up but 90% of the clothes I wear are pajamas." You pointed towards the shop coming up. "This is it."
"Wait, what even is it? you never told me where we're going." Johnnie squinted in an attempt to read the sign.
"Wow, you put a lot of trust into me. it's a record store. not one of those big corporate shits that only sell today's top pop record vinyls, but you'll see." You cut yourself off, not wanting to spoil it.
he opened the door for you. you thanked him and walked in. "The quote unquote emo section is my favorite. whenever I actually want to buy a record, I always find one of my favorite albums. I'm not sure if everything in this section is actually emo, but, yeah."
you flicked through the selection, finding the 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge' album that comes with a red record.
"Oh, shit." Johnnie mumbled as you pulled it out of the selection.
"i know! I'd blast this shit whenever I was younger. to be fair, I still do." you laughed. "I'll have to come back and snag this one in my free time. I don't want to carry it around all day."
Johnnie began looking through the next part of that section. "damn, I really fucking underestimated this place." he pulled out the album 'Pretty. Odd.' by Panic! at the Disco. it was just a normal, black record.
"I love panic! I've never seen pretty odd here before." he handed it to you, and you flipped it towards the back.
he looked at you with a soft smile. he admired your excited facial expression. "yeah, me too." he said softly.
you looked back at him. the eye contact lasted what felt like hours, and it was electric. you shook your head softly. "Uh, yeah. they also have shit like vintage concert posters and tee shirts. of course, they're all expensive as fuck so I've never gone out of my way to get them. they're cool to look at, though."
Johnnie followed you to the back of the store. his eyes were wide as he looked over the countless posters that were hanging on the wall, each one overlapping another. "how does someone even get all of this shit?"
"I don't know, donations or people sell them, I guess." you shrugged.
the twi of you walked around towards the alternative pop section. you and Johnnie reached at the same time. your hand fell on top of his. you hesitated before pulling it away. "God, how many times are we going to do that?" You joked.
he shrugged, his face red. "it's whatever, I don't really mind."
you tried to hide your smile. "Me, either." You flipped through the first few. "Look, melanie martinez. do you know her?" You asked, handing him the 'Cry Baby' album with a baby pink and blue record.
"I've heard of her, yeah. I've never really listened to her, though." he looked at the back. "these song names are sick as fuck, though."
"you should check her out," you mention, putting the record back in its place.
you two left the store. "There's this small cafe across the street. if you're interested, we can stop and get coffee or something. it's on me this time, by the way."
"Yeah, let's go." he smiled
you pressed the button for the crosswalk. the light changed, signaling you to go. you began to step forward before Johnnie grabbed your arm and pulled you back. you watched in shock as a car whipped past you.
"fuck, don't scare me like that, y/n. i can't have you getting hit by a car right in fucking front of me." his hand stayed rested on your arm.
you turned around to look at him. "im sorry. maybe I should pay more attention." You laughed nervously.
"Don't worry about it, just glad you're okay." his hand slid down your arm and gripped your hand. he shook it gently before dropping it.
you carefully crossed the street with Johnnie glued to your side.
whenever you reached the cafe, he held the door open for you. "Thank you. apparently, this place is family owned and shit. it's really good, I go here all the time. I usually get a mocha frappuccino and a croissant. what do you want?"
he walked up to stand beside you and scanned over the menu. "Hot chocolate?"
you hummed, "I've never had it here before. Do you want a croissant, too?"
he nodded. "Yeah, sure."
you instructed him to go pick a seat, and you would order. he walked off, and you walked up to the counter.
"Hi! what can I get started for you?" The woman had a cheerful smile. she was older, probably in her late 50s.
"Can I get two croissants, a hot chocolate, and a mocha frap? both medium, please." You smiled back as you pulled out your card.
"Yes, ma'am. your total is on the screen, swipe whenever you're ready."
you paid the bill. she took your name for the order, and you went back to sit with Johnnie.
"everyone seems really fucking nice here." he mentioned. he looked away from the window to make eye contact with you.
you shrugged. "more or less. it depends where you go. that's why I have my signature spots." You smiled and sat at the seat across from him. "Is everyone a dick in LA or something?"
he shrugged. "People don't really interact with each other, to be honest. but not everyone is like that. it just feels like it's rare to find someone who is actually nice."
"Maybe you're just looking at it the wrong way. everyone is nice in their own way of showing it, or at least that's what my mother used to tell me." you explained. "I always try to see the good in people."
his bright blue eyes were excentuated by the sun. "that's actually a really fucking good way to look at it. damn, I never thought about that."
you shrugged. the woman called your name, and you went to go grab your order. it was on a small tray, which made it easier to carry everything.
you passed Johnnie his hot chocolate and croissant, then took your own. he took a sip of his hot chocolate. the taste made him raise his eyebrows. "this is actually really good. wanna try?"
"yeah, wanna try mine?"
you traded drink and took a sip of eachothers. the hot chocolate was really good.
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glimmerlofsea · 4 months
Hey it's me again. I was wondering if you could do a billy hargrove imagin. The reader and Billy "hate" each other and end up having to share a bed. The rest is up to you.
Thank youuuu 🖤
HIII!!! your request is very interesting!! And I will put the song 'Shameless' as the vibe of this fanfic, thank you for requesting it and I hope this meets your expectations and you like it! And I apologize for the delay. 💚😕
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning : Just a few harsh words maybe? fluffy, and there's some making out session... BUT NOT TOOO MUCH ;D
WC; 3,4k
#TALKISSA; As in the request above! :d and relatedly, since I'm a perfectionist and detailed writer (which kinda sad) so the story is too long, sorry if it's boring :(, I really hope it's not. Thank you for requesting!
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Such a relationship is very complicated to explain. He hates you, you hate him more. Well, he hates you for no apparent reason, but the reason you hate him? Just look at that sly, arrogant, disgusting smile every day in the school hallway, it makes you want to vomit every time.
Jessica, your friend always assures you that the spark of hatred is just wishful thinking to hide your feelings of mutual liking. You couldn't hold back your laughter when you heard that, you, like Billy? Pft, you'd rather die.
"Oh, come on, Y/N! You think we didn't see the tension that was there when you look at each other?" Jess complained while you were putting your textbook into your bag.
You ignored her, "Someone should give him some advice."
Jess chuckled, "You think he'll care about that little advice of yours?"
You slammed your locker, and turned your position 90 degrees towards Jess, "Are you on his side or me?"
Jess groaned, "God, not this again. Every time I hear this it's like choosing a side in war you know?"
You grinned and brought your face closer to Jess', "This is war, Jess. Get used to it."
"You're just annoyed because he took your Physics Queen's throne, right?"
You started walking down the hall followed by Jess, "That's the most important thing. He can't just come in and take my throne!"
"Oh, please, you're not the only one who is good at Physics." Jess' cigar, you look at her, she immediately closes her mouth tightly, afraid you will scold her, but no, you nod in agreement.
"Yeah. You're right, but that doesn't mean I can let a Billy fucking Hargrove take my title!" You whined as you tied your hair in a ponytail.
"I heard you mentioning my name, Princess."
You groaned, knowing who the voice was, when you wanted to turn around you felt your scrunchie slipping from your hair, making your hair flow freely and fly in the wind. Billy Hargrove took it,
"Give it back." You warn.
"Or what?" He replied with a grin.
Oh, this is what was meant when Jess said there was 'tension' between you two.
You still stared at him intently, he chuckled, "God, just admit you're attracted to me, Y/L/N, there's nothing to be ashamed about."
You took your scrunchie and started to put your hair back in a ponytail, “Go back to sleep and you'll see it happen, Hargrove.”
When you turned around, Jess was gone, sneaky girl, she left you because you saw her following Trevor, her crush from middle school. You laugh in disbelief,
"That girl," you whispered, annoyed.
For the past few days, your car has been confiscated by your parents. You caused trouble in Hawkins by accidentally crashing your car into one of the trees that was being felled. It costs a lot of money and you are not left to drive.
"Lost your ride?" Teasing Billy from behind,
You gave him your middle finger without looking at him and walked away. Today you had to walk a few more deserted blocks because you lost your ride.
It was sad how your relationship with Billy ended like that, because you had to see him every week because Max—his little sister hired you as her Physics tutor. It makes you happy to be able to show off your abilities in that subject when teaching Max at her house, which means Billy can clearly see this, even though he himself is very good at Physics, but Max doesn't believe him? What else could upset him?
The day you are going to tutor Max arrives, you immediately leave, 'walking' to get to her house, you knock on the door, expecting Max to immediately open the door but she doesn't. That's her shitty brother.
He flashed his usual grin, making you wrinkle your nose and groan, "Max's here?"
"Why are you looking after her anyway?"
"I'm her tutor, remember?" You flip your hair, "Since I'm the smartest in Physics. She trusts me enough for that."
Sometimes Billy feels that Max only hired you as her fake tutor to make him feel useless as a brother, but he doesn't care, she's quite a bother for Billy, and he's a little grateful that Max hired you as her tutor, apart from being able to see you often but Billy calmed down because that little piece of shit wouldn't bother him.
Billy chuckled at your words, he turned his head back a little but still locked his gaze on you, looking at you from top to bottom who was wearing a small skirt that reached your thighs and the rest was covered by knee length socks.
"Max, your little friend is here!" he shouted.
Hearing no answer made Billy look back completely, annoyed that he had to take his eyes off you, he left you to check on Max.
Soon after that the door opened completely, "Max isn't here." He said, he sounded panicked but tried not to show it to you.
You frowned, "What?" Max never goes to the Arcade without taking you, she usually takes you if she wanted you to show her around Hawkins, but not this time.
"You can go." Billy said as if he was being pushed by something.
You sighed, you knew Max wasn't your little sister and just your friend, but at least you showed concern, right? Nah, you are really worried. In addition, Billy's expression was frowning all the way down, unlike usual when he showed all his firm facial muscles.
"Do you want me... To, um— To help you look after her?" Your words are stuttering.
"That little shit is probably in the Arcade, I don't care."
Billy was about to close the door but you held him back and shook your head, “she's not, you know that, Billy. Don't hide your fears, I insist, I know where we'll go to find her.”
Billy had time to think about it.
You raised your eyebrows to reassure him, he rolled his eyes and opened the door wide, "Okay."
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You guys use his blue Camaro car, you roll into the Arcade first, then drive to Lucas' house, one of the kids Max's age who has been friends with her recently, Max talks about him a lot, so you think maybe she's at Sinclair's house. But the results were nil.
The longer you look, the air gets colder in Hawkins. Billy gives you his jacket, even though you were already wearing a furry sweater with colorful patterns, but he still forces you to wear his jacket, you don't have a problem with that. It's just... Why suddenly?
"Fuck that bitch, I have a date, dammit." Billy said cursing Max but in a voice that was barely above a whisper.
Date? For some reason your ears heat up and your whole face heats up.
You cleared your throat and adjusted your sitting position to be comfortable, "Date?" You asked in a small voice.
"Yeah, with Penny, that girl has a nice ass. I could take her virginity right now if I didn't have to look for that load." Billy explain in the midst of his laughter.
You looked up at him and wrinkled your nose in an ugly way, “Gross, Hargrove.”
Billy chuckled and glanced at you briefly, "What? Wish that was you?"
You looked at him, your mouth wanted to say yes, yes to asking you out, but if you say that, you would be a cheap girl like the girl Billy had slept with several times in Hawkins. You don't want to be one of them.
"I'd rather eat Mrs. Hills' dessert." You said which made Billy chuckle, "That's the worst."
You smiled, "I know right? Jess once told me, she accidentally filled Mrs. Hills' dessert, she almost threw it up right then and there if Mrs. Hills didn't look at her. AH! And have you ever seen Mr. Pill who wears pants incorrectly? His panties keep showing when he walks down the hall!"
Girl, you talk a lot.
"And are you—"
Then you realize you are like a talking machine that can never stop talking. What's more, you talk a lot in front of people you should ignore because they are your enemies.
"-Sorry." You said looking back towards the street,
Billy smiled, you could even feel it without looking at him, there was no answer from him but you felt a hand land on your thigh, giving you goosebumps all over your body, he stroked it slowly,
"It's okay, go on. I love hearing your voice, Princess." His words made you look at him again, he locked them, looking alternately at you and the road, "If I'm being honest, it calmed me, even if it was a little loud to the ears."
You chuckled, “Now, keep your eyes on the road.”
"Yes ma'am."
Long story short, you go to the Wheeler house, Billy uses his charm to seduce the housewife, and he doesn't let you get out of the car to see the action. It irritates you, he thinks you're jealous, but you try to argued it, and it only ends up being him who keeps teasing you, making you just stay silent on the way to the Byers house. He continues to stroke your thigh, if your voice makes him calm, then his caressing your thigh makes you calm.
Oh, what is this? What is this feeling? You will continue to avoid it even though your heart cannot lie. Jess seemed right, the feeling was starting to rise in you. But it's just nonsense if it's only felt by you.
As soon as you arrived at the Byers house you watched a small fight between Steve Harrington and Billy, in between their fight you noticed Max peeking out of the window, she gave a signal for you to close your mouth. But it was too late, you already saw Steve lying there on the ground, and Billy have gone to the front door, you help Steve to stand up,
"You're Y/N, right? Why are you with that jerk?" Steve asked as he stood up, helped by you.
You shrugged your shoulders, "I don't know."
You heard a loud stomping from inside, making you run to the source of the sound leaving Steve there, you heard lots of screams from the kids there, including Max.
You walked over to Max, "Are you okay?"
Max nodded quickly, "Lucas, Y/N!"
You saw Billy grabbing Lucas roughly by the collar and cornering him into the kitchen cupboard, Steve was about to step forward but you held him back, "No harm."
Steve chuckled, "Yeah, but did you see he hurt the kid?"
Steve was about to pick up his pace again but you got ahead of him, grabbing Billy's shoulder, "Max's here, let's go."
"Let him go." You said, moving forward to stand next to Lucas,
Billy glanced at you briefly before looking at Lucas again, "This is the last time I see you with her, Sinclair."
Billy let go of Lucas roughly, you made sure Lucas was okay, "Are you okay?"
Lucas nodded.
You thought it was over, no more violence, but it wasn't, it was over quickly, Billy beating Steve mercilessly, Max screaming his name over and over, as did you too, "Hargrove!"
He didn't stop hitting Steve, making the jolt of his hand push you back and make your forehead scrape against the edge of the cupboard.
Max tackled his brother and inserted a syringe which made Billy fall on the floor.
You held your forehead and groaned, then saw Billy who didn't have enough strength or energy to stand up.
Max walked over to you, "I can't explain in more detail, but I have to go with them. In Billy's car. Mind if you look after him, Y/N?"
You looked at Billy then looked at Max again, you shook your head, "Not at all."
"Thank you."
With that, Max and his friends went to who knows where they were going, you helped them carry the battered Steve to the car, you felt guilty for the guy.
You went back inside and brought Billy's heavy body to rest on the edge of the couch, you used Byers' house phone to call Jess. Tell her to pick you up at the Byers residence.
You landed yourself next to Billy, saw that his head was still swinging, you saw that his shirt was still half-buttoned, you decided to button the shirt all the way, and put his jacket back on him. You took a clean towel from the one you took to clean the blood from his nose.
You felt a hand holding your hand, making you stop what you were doing before, with dim eyes, Billy opened his eyes.
Feeling the awkwardness of the eye contact you smiled slightly, "Um, hi?"
You didn't imagine his next move would be him leaning forward to kiss you, right on the lips. Oh, how you hated him, you should have pushed him away and slapped him for harassing you, but no, you kissed him back.
'The Kiss' started to heat up when Billy started to pull you to sit on his lap, but you didn't want this, you didn't want to. You just... Don't want to. You pulled back your face, while he seemed to feel unsatisfied,
Billy stopped you by moving to your jawline, tracing it, “Don't talk. Hell, don't even try.”
He started tracing your neck, oh, this time your whole body was really hot, "It's been a secret for a long time that I really want you."
"Need you more than I want to." It's almost like a whisper in your ear.
The door opened with a bang, making you change your position to sit back on the floor, Billy chuckled,
“Shut up,” you told him.
Jess stood silently in front of the door, you really hoped she didn't see it.
"Hi." You said.
Jess immediately rushed over to you, "What the hell?! I thought you were in danger!" Seeing her reaction it seemed like you were quick enough to get away from Billy's lap.
You smiled and stood up, "Who said that? I told you I just needed to be picked up, and thank you for coming. I love you."
Jess rolled her eyes and looked down, seeing Billy who was still half conscious, "and what did you do with him?"
You widened your eyes, "It's a long story. Just take us back, please?"
Jess looked at you again, repeating it not at your face but your forehead, she grabbed your wound making you groan, "Did you do this, asshole?!" Jess asked Billy.
Billy blurted out, "Huh?"
You put a hand on Jess's shoulder, "No, I'm fine, just a little scratched."
You showed your sparkling sparkling eyes, "Can we just go?"
Jess narrowed her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, but Trevor is in the car, problem with that?"
"No! Absolutely not."
You grabbed Billy's hand to put around your neck, he was so heavy you couldn't lie, making Jess stand beside him to help you support him.
"I love it, like a double date, right?" Billy asked you, still rambling.
"Shut up."
"What did he say?" Jess asked, you kept your head steady, "Nothing! You heard wrong, Jess."
Jess kept looking at you, suspicious of you, but she felt like you would never be able to hide anything from her, so she looked away again.
Trevor and Jess were in the front seat, you felt bad for ruining their date, meanwhile Billy continued to cling onto you, not wanting to pull his head from your shoulder.
"I don't want to go home." He whispered which only you could hear since the music was playing in Jess's car.
"I'll be completely beaten by him if I come home without Maxine."
You know this. Max once told you that her stepfather was abusive to Billy, and Billy took it out on Max when he was in a bad mood, either scolding her loudly, or holding her hand tightly.
"We can sleep over at Jess' house if you want." You said.
Billy started to pull his head from your shoulder and looked at you, “Can we?”
You grinned, "Jess, can we stay at your house?"
Jess looked at you, "What is this? An impromptu sleepover?" Jess smiled, "YES, yes. You up, Hargrove?"
Billy just smiled fakely at Jess, Jess chuckled, "I told you there was some tension between—"
You glared at Jess, “Zip it.”
Not long after that, when you arrived at Jess' house, she and Trevor went on their next dating session. What kind of 'sleepover' would it be if she just left you like that?
You were wearing Jess' pajamas, looking at Billy who was asleep on Mr. Dunphy a.k.a Jess' beloved father, you decided to sleep in your best friend's room. That's a shame, because you'd love to talk about something unexpected at the Byers house.
If he could tell the truth, it was the most restful sleep Billy had ever experienced without the sound of his father cursing, without the repeated incidents of his father beating him, just the peace he had been longing for. But it didn't last long when he heard a loud bang on the wall from the direction of the room.
He woke up and groaned, took the golf club that was at the end of the wall in Jess' house and walked towards the room that had the source of the sound, not an animal, not the wind, and of surely not a ghost, but you.
You continued to bang your head gently against the wall, trying to walk, while rambling, "...I told you, there's no tension or whatever you said."
It looks like you are trying to talk to someone through your unconscious.
Billy put his golf club down and blocked the contact of your forehead with the wall, “You okay?” he asked. But he noticed your eyes were closed tightly, he had heard of this, sleepwalking or whatever the term was.
"Let's get you back to sleep, yeah?" Billy said then grabbed your hand to lead you back to the bed.
You were still rambling, "...I don't like him! What?" You whined, making Billy really confused, was this normal?
"I like him... A little. I hate to admit it."
Your words began to attract his attention, he landed you very carefully on the mattress and the blanket you used before to lock you inside again,
When Billy wanted to leave you, you woke up and pulled his hand so he fell beside you, you comforted your position on his chest, "I can't sleep without you,"
Billy didn't say anything, or precisely can't say anything.
"Jess." You continued, Billy thought you must still be half conscious because you thought he was your best friend.
It wasn't the way Billy expected to share a bed with you, but when you started wrapping your arms around his body he felt a feeling he had never felt. Comfort, and someone to say that everything will be okay. His mother had done that, but her words did not reflect what she did to Billy because she left him and did not try to take him back from his psychopath father. And in your arms? Different.
Billy was lost in his thoughts for a moment, but he started to close his eyes again and again and went back to sleep with you, holding you in his arms so that you also felt safe and definitely not sleepwalking again so as not to hurt yourself. He noticed the small wound on your forehead due to his carelessness, and he would make sure his emotions wouldn't hurt you again.
"I'll get my title back from him." You rambled again, Billy, who hadn't completely closed his eyes, just chuckled, knowing that you were talking about him.
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Jess and Trevor have just returned from their long 'trip' which apparently took the whole day, Jess comes back and called your name, but there is no answer, making her walk towards your room and get—
"WHAT THE FUCK!" She shouted hysterically, Trevor, who heard his new girlfriend's screams, immediately ran into the room, "What's wrong?!"
It turns out that what Jess saw was you sleeping comfy in the crook of Billy's neck and Billy pressing his chin into your hair.
Billy groaned at Jess' loud scream, but you didn't move an inch, still lost in your beautiful dream. Billy noticed Jess and Trevor were both slamming their jaw together, he squeaked, "We didn't do anything, now shut it, she's still asleep."
Jess leaned closer to the bed, "Why not?! I noticed something sparking between you and definitely more than 'hating' each other." Jess shouted but in a whisper.
You snored, making Jess hide under the bed and pulling Trevor to hide with her, but you didn't wake up, just adjusted your position so you were comfortable.
Billy tap down on the side of the bed and slowly signaled to Jess and Trevor that it was safe, Jess and Trevor started to come back out and stand up as before.
"What did you mean by what you said earlier?" Billy asked Jess.
"Ask her out, dumbass. Don't argue, you like her, she likes you. Now go on a date so we can actually double-date." Jess said.
Trevor tossed the blanket that hiding Billy and yourself inside, “Good luck, man.”
As soon as Jess and Trevor were out, Billy smiled to himself like an idiot, you like him? Something he really couldn't have expected.
Not to mention that you are still clinging to him and don't want to let him go in your sleep, making him feel like he is your safest place, and he will continue to make sure that you are safe in his watch. Mark my words, he will definitely take you on a date. But what will your reaction be when you find out that you cling into him all the time? And share a bed with him? He couldn't wait to see and witness it.
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Author Note : I'm sorry if there are some typos because I didn't have time to check it a few times since I was already feeling bad about being behind on this story for a week. I'm sorry, hope you like it! @patrickbatemanswife1987 (´✪ω✪`)♡
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heeliopheelia · 1 year
"no one has ever cared about me like you do" (jungwon x reader)
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genre: fluff word count: 0.7k requested by nonnie ♡
warnings: a little blood, mentions of getting into a fight, alcohol, jungwon being tipsy
a/n: i actually love the way this turned out!! i'm gonna post another drabble later on tonight <3
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One of the things you completely didn't expect to find at your door at 2 am was a tipsy Jungwon. Frowning, you take in all of the cuts marring his face, bruised knuckles coming up to your view as he raises his hand up to wave at you awkwardly.
"Hi," he greets you, other arm outstretched on the door frame to stop himself from stumbling over onto you. "Can I come in?"
You nod your head silently, opening the door wider so that he can step in. Now, patching up Jungwon is something you've already grown used to doing throughout the past couple months. What you're not used to witnessing is the fight-seeking boy being drunk. Maybe it's all thanks to his high alcohol tolerance but not even once in your life have you ever seen him stumbling and tripping over his own feet as he giggles drunkenly underneath his nose.
After making him take off his shoes, you lead him to your bedroom, carefully guiding him through every step and threshold until he's safely resting on your bed. The soft floral scent of your fabric softener instantly brings peace to his hollering heart and he leans backwards until his head drops down on your pillows.
You leave him in your room, trusting him enough to know he's not going to hurt himself within your absence, and when you come back with your heavily-used first aid kit, he's watching you intently with his misty eyes.
"Tilt your face up," you tell him, grabbing him by his chin to help him with the task yourself.
Reaching for the soaked cotton ball, you start cleaning up the cuts on his face, dabbing on the already dried blood and wiping it away. Jungwon endures it all without the smallest whine, always feeling thankful for you to even have the will and strength to deal with him yet another time. Getting used to the stinging, he finds himself drifting off with the gentle touch of your fingers.
"Hey, stay with me for a little longer, okay?" You ask, leaning closer to him. Only now he can see the concern more prominent than usually painted on your features and he feels a sharp sting of guilt for making you feel such way. "Why are so you drunk tonight? And who did you get into a fight with again?"
He hums low in his throat, blinking up at you with his heavy eyelids. "I dunno. Kinda felt like doing shots today. Jake has no control when it comes to vodka, you know that," he explains simply, shrugging his arms with a small smile. "And it was just some guy at the party. Pissed me off loads."
You nod your head with a sigh. "Wonder when will be the first time you come to my doorstep in one piece."
Jungwon instantly notices the resentful hint in your voice, so he leans up on his elbows. "I'm sorry. I should stop bothering you with my bullshit at nights, I know you're probably tired of it at this point. I'll try not to the next time, okay?"
"That's not what I meant." You shake your head, putting the kit aside as you finally take a spot right next to him on your bed. "I don't mind you coming here. I'm glad that you're comfortable enough to let me help you. I'm just worried about you, that's all. I don't want you to seriously get hurt somewhere along the way, Won."
His heart melts at your words, so he quickly pulls you to his chest, face nuzzling in the crook of your neck so that you don't see the chokehold that you have on him written all over his features. He stretches his arm out, flicking the switch of the lamp on your bedside off and engulfing the both of you in a comfortable darkness.
He tugs the covers on top your bodies. The silence nearly lulls you to sleep, his calloused hands softly running over your skin before his muffled voice interrupts it.
"No one has ever cared about me like you do. I know I don't show it a lot but I really do appreciate you. Thank you."
"I love you," you mumble into his t-shirt tiredly, arms tightening around his middle.
Even though it's the first time you've ever said these words to him, they sound so incredibly easy on your tongue that instead of feeling nervous, a soothing warmth flows down his system. Pressing a kiss to the side of your head, he feels you snuggling even closer to him and he can't keep the exhausted smile from creeping upon his lips.
And he knows that no matter how drunk he would be, these words he would always remember. And would always mean with his entire heart.
"I love you too."
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @venividibitchin @ramenoil
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natsaffection · 2 years
My sweet Baby. | part 1 | N.Romanoff
Sugar Mommy!Natasha x Sugar Baby!Reader
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Word Count: 2,997
warnings: none (until now..)
A/n: Here it is! The first part of: My sweet Baby. I don't really have a post schedule, so I will post anytime. Maybe every two days. However have fun..
(Pls keep in Mind that English is not my first language. So if you see any Mistakes please let me know)
It's the first day of your hard-earned vacation in L.A. You've wanted to go here since you were about seven, and now the time has finally come. You arrive at your...well, hotel, if you can call it a hotel. It was one of the cheapest in town, and since you were just sleeping here and out on the town the rest of the time, it wasn't too bad for you.
You put your things down and opened the only window in the room. You look out and breathe in the new fresh air that you could only dream of until today. You looked down at the people who were beginning their daily lives. What do you think it's like to live in such a big city forever? What do they work down there, so they can afford it all?
You shake off the thoughts and remember why you are actually here. You went to the bathroom to freshen up, and then you started your first morning of the day.
The first two days went according to your plan. You saw your sights, you bought a t-shirt with the palm tree, you went to the Santa Monica Pier and much more. You could get used to that.
It was already late, and you decided to go to a cafe to wind down. So, you googled again which of the stores serve good drinks and above all at a pleasant price. After all, you didn't have much left. You found one after a while and were surprised when you stood in front of it... "It doesn't look that bad...".
You were at first taken back about the statements of the café, but once you dared to take a look inside, the feeling quickly faded. You went inside and stood at the counter, you looked at the menu card and ordered what sounded best to you. The lady just smiled kindly and went to work. Meanwhile, you looked around and felt a little uncomfortable. You saw people with expensive clothes, expensive watches, was that a Rolex? Is that even a Rolex? All over the place.
You were so lost in thought that you didn't notice another person ordering a drink. And you didn't notice until the barista went back to work. You took a few steps to the side so that the other person would also have more room to wait. You looked at her and..wow. That is now the final sign that you were in the wrong place. How can someone be so pretty? She had long, red, curly hair that went a little past her shoulders. At her neck, a necklace that must have cost more than your whole vacation here. Her clothes must be handled with soft gloves...And of course again, a watch that has more parts than your cell phone. You suddenly had an urge to say it out loud,
"You have a really nice watch.."
"Oh, thank you..Do you own a Philippe too?"
"I'm sorry, what?" You looked at the woman, confused. Why is she asking you about a country now? "The Patek watch, sweet." You looked back down at her wrist and back up at her,
"Oh! No, no...I don't own one." God, this is embarrassing, "It's very pretty! You must have paid a fortune for it..." The older woman looked at you and leaned back a little, "Three million." Now it was your turn again, who looked at her confused, "Three million what?”
The woman just had to smile, "Three million dollars, the watch I mean."
Okay, now what's the quickest and easiest way to leave this store? THREE MILLION FOR A WATCH? Who would do this?...I- Who would spend that kind of money on a device that can only tell the time?
"Wow that's a l-"
"Ms. your late is ready." You were interrupted by the barista as she placed your drink on the counter. You looked at the redhead again and smiled, "That seems to be mine."
She just looked after you as you took it and asked how much you should pay now,
"That'll be 13 dollar."
"E-Excuse me, but could you please repeat that? I think I mis-" You clearly misunderstood her, it was three, THREE dollars-.
"That's thirteen dollars." You looked at her as if you had seen a ghost, "T-Thir-"
"Put it on my bill please, here you can keep the rest." A soft voice brought you out of your thoughts again, and you saw the red haired woman with the totally overpriced watch, hand the other woman a $50 bill. The barista just nodded, and you didn't know what to do with yourself. Did a strange woman just give you money? Why? "W-Well, thank you..I'll give you this back-" She held a hand in front of your face to stop you, "Please, that was for the compliment earlier." She smiled and looked back as she got her drink. She looked back at you, "Shall we sit down?"
You looked deep into her eyes and thought about it. What could possibly go wrong? "Yeah sure, why not..."
Her smile widened, and she made her way to a window seat. She pushed out the chair and waited for you to sit down, "Thanks..." You smacked yourself inside, as your voice sounded totally pathetic. She's just trying to be nice, right?
"So, what's a pretty young girl like you doing in one of the most expensive cafes in the neighborhoods?" Most expensive?!"Wait, that's this one, right?" You took out your phone and showed her the picture you had googled earlier. She leaned further forward and looked at the picture, "No, that would be one street over. This one..."
She looked at you for a moment, and you didn't know why. She then took a finger and scrolled around a bit on your phone, "This is it, that's where we are right now." You looked at her before turning your phone towards you and looking at the screen. Your jaw dropped now for the fourth time today. You are in a five star coffee shop. One of the best in town. Well, that explains a lot...
"Okay, this is a little embarrassing..." You held your drink up to your face so the other woman next to you wouldn't see your red face. "You're not from around here, are you?" That the woman finds this amusing was totally audible,
"No...I'm actually from Denver. I'm just here for a few days." The redhead took a sip, "Why?"
"I'm here for a short vacation, since I've always wanted to come here. I mean..we're talking about the real Los Angeles! The city that's probably in most games or movies. I wanted to see it for real." You think your answer was enough for her, "So, what do you think so far?" You thought a little, "Well..Damn expensive..I mean, we are drinking a coffee for thirteen dollars right now! In college, it's 1,50..."
"You're still studying?" I've only known this person for five minutes and still could hear out that the question sounded surprised. "Yes..art history. It's fun, so there's nothing to complain about..."
I smiled at my self and so had to the woman, "May I ask how old you are?"
Can she? I mean, I don't know this woman... "I'm 21." The woman looked at you with a monotone facial expression, but inside she tried to hide her lust, "Still so young..wow," you had to laugh, "Yeah and still doesn't know what to do with me.."
"You don't?"
"No..I mean.. I'm barely managing to pay my college, so..."
The woman looked at you curiosity. She took out her cell phone and typed on it for a bit until she put it back. "What's your name?" The question was unexpected. You just cried your heart out, and she just wants to know your name?
"Y/n..Y/n L/n."
"Well Y/n, I think today is our lucky day..."
"Why? Are you offering me a job? I don't know if you were listening to me earlier, but I'm not from here..I live thousands of miles away..So if that's not a home office job that also pays better than my two current jobs to-”
She watched you as you let your frustration out. She makes a mental note to her to not fire her assistant after all, who screwed up bringing her the coffee and had to go herself. "Believe me ms. L/n this offer will blow you wide open." You looked at the woman and tried to get a glimpse of whether she was joking. However, you realize she is total serious. "Okay.. go ahead Ms?"
"Natasha Romanoff."
Natasha Romanoff..you knew that name from somewhere..But- "But we don't discuss that here. I appreciate my privacy and most of all yours."
"Now you're scaring me a little..If you want me to walk over dead bodies for you, it's going to be difficult-" The woman chuckled, "No..I have another department for that." What- "I'm just kidding."
"I-I knew that! Um..With all due respect, but I'd like to discuss the offer here..."
So I could run..
"I wouldn't do that if I w-"
"Here or not at all..Ms Romanoff." You leaned back, proud of your statement. I mean what could that woman possibly do to you?
Meanwhile, Natasha is trying her hardest not to pull a fist one on you, and spank your ass after that answer. She leans forward again and looks you right in the face, "One more answer like that Y/n and I'll put you over my lap in front of everyone."
You just imagined this. No way- no way did she just say that to you. "Do you understand?"
No. You didn't imagine it. Did she- "Y/n?"
Perhaps Natasha did act too quickly when she saw your notification on your phone from the app called: Sugar Mommy Fee. However, your concerns evaporated when, "Yes..."
"Yes, what?"
"I understand, sorry..." Natasha nearly moaned. You even have manners, that's a lottery win she wouldn't even need. "So as you wish, I-" you shifted in your chair, "N-No..um..I'll get back to you on that offer from earlier..not here." Natasha just smirked, "All right then, follow me."
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                                      The two of you left the cafe and walked towards a black Bentley. In front of it, someone in a black suit waited and opened the back door for Natasha. She stepped aside and let you go in first. You thanked her and sat down in the back. 
Your mother would throw her beloved cup against your head if she knew you got into someone else's car. But what could happen? Natasha obviously has something big to lose if she decides to kill you.
"May I ask what you do for a living?" Natasha looked over at you from her Ipad,
"My company is a global leader in communication technologies, eco-production and next generation agriculture solutions."
Her company??
You couldn't keep up with the first word. The woman sitting next to you is a literal doer. That explains the car, the clothes, hell that watch..So why does she want anything to do with you? The one who has a hole in her sock and paints her toe black, so you can't see it. You also take your cell phone out of your pocket and wanted to write your friend whats happening. And maybe send your location. You were about to unlock your phone when you saw the disaster.
You saw a few messages from Instagram, a message from your family group and...a notification from Sugar Mommy fee. That's it. You're screwed. Natasha must have seen it when she wanted to show the real cafe. That's why she was staring at you! Fuck..Is it fuck? I mean.. The app was just a joke between you and a friend, but look where it got you. You're probably sitting in a sugar mommy car right now. Oh god...Nata-
"What's on your mind?"
"N-Nothing!!!" Rule number one, you probably already understood: Don’t tell Lies.
"You're lucky we haven't cleared up the contract yet Ms. L/n."
She looked back at her Ipad and continued reading the article she had open. You put your phone back in your pocket and looked out the window. You are on the complete other side of the city, everywhere you saw only big buildings, and then you stopped at one yourself. Natasha got out and you were overwhelmed because you didn't know what to do until Natasha opened your door. You took a deep breath and got out.
You entered the building and people were everywhere greeting the red-haired woman. You entered an elevator and the man from earlier stayed outside, "Is he here for your safety?" The woman looked down at you, she could literally feel your fear, "Steve?" She chuckled, "No, I'm good at taking care of myself, but my marketing department insisted. Good looks for the public, the normal stuff. "Oh..” The normal stuff, what have I gotten myself into?
Before you could worry anymore, the door opened and Natasha was waiting for you to get off the elevator. "Just follow the red carpet."
"Red seems to be your favorite color, doesn't it?"
Natasha just grinned and put her hand on your back to guide you. Don’t Blush Y/n! The two of you walk a bit until you arrived in front of a large wooden door, which of course was opened again by two staff members. In the room, which is twice the size of your hotel room, has a stunning view over the whole city. You could barely see the people below you. "Have a seat."
Natasha pointed where, and while you sat down, she went to a cabinet and pulled out an envelope. She came back and sat down as well and unwrapped the envelope to put it in front of you.
"What is this?"
"A confidentiality agreement. It says you can't talk to anyone about anything that concerns us. I'm afraid my lawyer insists on it." You looked at the piece of paper and back at her, "Are you putting this in front of everyone you want to start to Date? And as I mentioned..I can't stay here, Ms. Romanoff. I'm going to college for a few more months, I-I'm going to work, and it's all miles away..." Natasha leaned back in her chair,
"First of all. I don't date. Second, we can work out that distance thing, there's more than one way. Besides, it's only an hour flight. I can handle that."
Now the alarm bells were ringing. "You? You can handle that? What about me?"
"Y/n..." She leaned forward again and bowed her hands in front of her, "do you even know what a sugar mommy contract is?" Why does she never mince words and always blurts everything out right away?!
"Answer me, Y/n." You shifted,
"N-Well..Two people enter into a relationship while Person A gives money to person B and Person B gives Person A..Love..." Natasha sighed and took a breath,
"Okay..I want you to listen to me carefully now. In such a..relationship as you call it, it is strictly speaking a soft form of prostitution. In exchange for expensive gifts or other forms of payment, the Sugar Baby," She points to you, "provides her companionship and usually sexual favors. I'm looking for just that. A person who will keep me company at various things and in the nights-"
"I'll be your Toy? Is that it?" She didn't like your tone at all.
"Yes. Just that and nothing more." She looked you straight in the eye to check on your feelings. "Steve is downstairs to drive you to your hotel right now if you want to decline. But..I can give you everything, Y/n. And when I mean anything, I don't just mean financial."
What are you supposed to do? Leave? Stay? BOTH? You don't know..Natasha's offer sounds..tempting, but would you be willing to put your body on the line for it?
"Can..Can I think about it?"
Natasha felt a tiny bit of success. She pretty much has you in the palm of her hands.
"Of course. When's your flight back?"
If I tell her, will she refuse?
"In two days..." You could see a little movement. "Well that's short notice, but we'll work it out, don't worry about it."
She always makes it sound so easy..
"Okay and..are we sleeping with each other now o-or?" Natasha slid her chair a little to the side and opened a drawer by her desk. She took out another sheet of paper and a pen and put the two things in front of you, "Write your email on there please. I will send you all the details." You did as she said and wrote it on the paper. "You can keep the pen." You look at her and see her just smiling, "See as with souvenirs."
"I-I don't have a laptop..And the mail program on the phone is-" Natasha pressed a button at her desk. "Don't worry about it, it's already taken care of." A few seconds later, another woman opened the door and brought you a wrapped box. I rolled my eyes as the paper it was wrapped in was red, of course.
"I'll mail everything to you tonight, and after that, you can still refuse, anytime, okay? But think about it.“ You both got up from your chairs, "Okay..thank you.."
She walked you to her door, "Steve will drive you to your hotel. If you have any questions, don't be shy to ask me okay? I need you to be as comfortable as I am, understood?"
"Got it, thanks..." The older woman looked at you and smiled. She did then walk you to the elevator by herself, and you went inside. You both looked at each other and the elevator doors closed.
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lawva-girl · 3 months
Historically.. We don't mix. pt. 2
Law x fem!Reader, College AU
Pt. 1
Notes: Sorry i took forever, i kinda forgot i even posted this... HERES PT 2!!! let me know about any ponderances or possibly any errors... i dont have a beta reader or anything.. ALSO i could not come up with a nickname for reader..... so in the chat rooms i put "Y:" for "You". PLEASE tell me suggestions i will go back and fix it :D
WC: 2526
Back at the dorm that Law and Bepo shared, there was no chatter. Law was simply laying in bed with his laptop open to 5 tabs, one for each of the classes he was taking. He was taking all history classes this semester, since his counselor told him to. He would definitely miss the bio information but he did like history. Scrolling through each class, he breezed through all of the syllabus quizzes. Once he felt satisfied, it was onto checking his email, with one catching his attention. 
“DIRE!! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT OR TEXT ME ITS EMERGENT!” The email title felt like a scam but he knew it was not, in fact it was a daily burden. The man who had sent it, his counselor and adoptive father, always communicated like this. After opening the email, he found himself irritated again, Cora had only wanted to remind him that classes start today. 
“How would I not know?” Law muttered to himself. Reading through the email, then deciding he had been too neglectful of the man Law opened up their chat.
L: I know it was the first day, I got to my first two classes on time.  C: Good!!! I miss you! <3  C: Any new friends?!  C: Do you like your professors?? I hand picked them :D  L: Hand picked? You are making me socialize on purpose.  C: Not true! Nico Robin is the smartest! She already had her masters by the time most have an associates!  L: The classes are fine. Bepo made a friend, her name is Perona. C: Oh! Mihawk’s kid! Good to know she’s here! Is his step-daughter here too? Maybe y/n?  L: Yes.  C: Oh! I heard she’s similar to you! Maybe you two can be friends or something?  L: How long did you have to think to come up with this plan of yours?  C: No idea what you are talking about…. L: Cora.  C: … C: Anyways, have you gotten all the textbooks you need?  C: I want to make sure you find them all!  C: It's my job, you know.  L: I still have two more classes to go to tomorrow, but i’ll be fine.  L: Thanks.  C: Anything for you! We should meet for lunch soon! I can make you salmon rice balls! Like when you were still a baby… remember? You loved my cooking! L: I did not. You should not be in a kitchen alone, Ill meet you on friday at 11.  L: Don’t start until i'm there. Please.  C: Okay !!!!! C: I'll see you then law! C: Cant wait ! C: Sleep tight <3<3<3 
Law closed his laptop, relaxing his shoulders. He glanced over and Bepo was already asleep. He kicked off his blanket and got up to go to the bathroom. After he finished his business, washing his hands like any good bio major, he strolled to the microwave area. He had only wanted water but he saw the picture of him holding a letter, standing next to Cora. Staring at it, he wondered why the giant had wanted him to socialize so much. It’s not like he never sees human faces, or stays inside all day everyday. He just liked being alone when he could, no one to ask him stupid questions. 
After finishing his water, Law went back to bed. 
The two went through the rest of the week, meeting each other an embarrassing amount of times. Neither one had any reason to talk to the other, so they didn’t. Until Wednesday rolled around, and they were back in Nico Robin’s class. 
“Someone has it out for me. I know it for sure” You wrote in your journal, along with the date and class name. Looking at Law, like you had these past two days, made you realize it more. 
“I have pissed off whatever god actually exists and they want me to repent. There is no way that all four of my classes are naturally shared with Trafalgar.” You finish scribbling away in your journal, just in time. 
“Okay, pass forward the paper I handed out to you. This was just a fun assignment to see what areas we, as a class, are most interested in.” She spoke smoothly, with an even tone. It was almost like she didn’t care, or like she had done this 20 times. 
You heard some of your classmates groan and while you agreed, you thought it was inappropriate to voice that. Tapping a pen on the paper of your journal idly, you waited for more instructions. Even though your classmates weren't raised well, your father had done a fine job with you. You were nice, respectful, studious. Sure you are shy but it's not like it mattered. 
Why speak to people and risk being embarrassed if they don’t want to talk to you? 
“Okay, as I said before this class is based in groups and communication. Please tell one person about what you studied for this assignment.” Robin had said before sitting at her desk with a book in hand. 
Suddenly everyone was talking but you and one other person. 
“My assignment is on the Five years war. I chose it because of a coin flip, I found the sources in the library database.” Already you were irritated. Another interaction with the man who had no manners. 
“Hello. That is how you start a conversation, who raised you? Anyways, my assignment is on the First Crusade. I chose it because it was the first war I thought of-” “Really? The first? Liar.” He interrupted you, of course a man like him would. 
You squinted at him, before responding with “Not lying, I was watching a documentary on the pope a day before class, which made me think of all the holy wars. It's not polite to interrupt people.” 
“Okay. I think we have discussed enough.” “Fine.” You scoffed at him mentally, before turning back to face the front of the room. 
“Okay now, I want someone to tell me about their partner's work! This is worth participation, as a friendly reminder.” She smiled eerily 
You did not raise your hand, in fact you looked away. If you were called on you would end up having to lie, since stupid Trafalgar didn’t tell you anything about his assignment. 
“Okay, randomly generated, we will have Mr. Trafalgar, Mr. Reyes, and Ms. Churchill. In that order please.” “My partner researched the First Crusade, she told me that she learned about the context of the war. Specifically Pope Urban the second’s motivations for launching the crusade, who was mainly following the lead of the Byzantine emperor. She also learned about the cost of the war, not only economically but also what it did for the Pope’s approval rating.” Incredible. He pulled all that from his ass? Wasn’t he a double major? How long ago did he even learn that? How was he able to say it so confidently? He is actually smart?! Hold on, he could’ve seen the same documentary you did and just so happened to remember important stuff. But even then, he didn’t even hesitate, he was so confident, even with a professor like Nico Robin. 
“Very good, point earned. Mr. Reyes?”
As he relaxed into his chair, you couldn’t help but stare. His hair was sticking out, a bit unruly from his beanie. It was white with weird black spots on it, maybe a statement about faux animal fur? Could he be vegetarian or something? Maybe he likes to hunt? His sideburns went right into his weird facial hair, “should be shaved” was scribbled into your journal, along with “spots?” and of course “T is smart?”. You saw his black hair under his beanie and thought of your father, who would never slouch like the man in front of you was. 
“Okay good to hear. This wraps up our class for today, I’ll see you all on monday.” 
You started gathering your things, excited to go back to Perona. She promised she would have your favorite food ready for you as soon as your class ended. It was a little weird, but you two always were close. 
“Are you always the last to leave?” The sudden voice pulled you from your thoughts, and made you drop your pencil case. No pencils escaped but the case clunked right under whoever had just shocked you. Law, with no expression on his face, immediately thought of his giant  adoptive father; who was extremely clumsy.  
“No. Are you stalking me? I feel like the campus police or a trusted adult should know about this.” You looked up at him, not reaching for your case at all. 
“I’m not, somehow, we have the exact same class schedule. With the exception of my online class.” “That's crazy buddy… Will you grab my case?”
“You can’t get it yourself?” He scoffed and folded his arms. 
“I think the reason why I dropped it should be the one to get it for me, no?” You thought he looked childish, folding his arms like he just got told to go to his room. 
“Fine.” He reached down, grabbing the case and placing it on your desk, “even though you were closer to the floor… I'm sorry.” He looked away as he said it. Once again you thought he was childish. 
You found yourself staring again. This time you noticed his hands, the word ‘death’ tattooed on his fingers, and the heart on the back of his hand. Shocked to say the least.
“Holy shit.” Huh? You said that outloud? Maybe you weren’t nice. 
You looked up to see Law’s face, somewhere between shock and disgust.
“Oh uh.. I meant, holy shit your tattoos are cool. They look like they hurt.” Maybe you saved it, you really did mean it in admiration. 
“It was painful, but worth it. Bearable at times.” He looked at his hand and held it up between the two of you. Shocked that he held it up for display, you raised your eyebrows. Staring at the tattoo, you were about to reach out and hold his hand closer so you could get a better look at the line work. Then your thoughts were interrupted.
“I know we aren’t on the best terms, but you heard the professor. I think it would be a good idea to bite the bullet and partner up.” He said it so matter-of-factly you almost agreed without realizing you were lost. 
“Huh? Partner?” you blinked up at him. “Of course you weren’t paying attention. The collaborative presentation that you and another student must present on the 18th?” He sounded annoyed, but his face wasn’t telling. 
“Yes! Sorry I got lost in my thoughts, we might as well partner up. I don’t have anyone else in mind, so I can stick with you.” You finished packing, finally, and stood up. Swinging your bag onto your back, you held out your hand towards him. 
“Okay… What is that for?” He nodded down to your hand. 
“Give me your phone. I’ll put my email in. We can make a google slide and share it that way.” 
He paused, with a semi frown on his face then gave up. He put his phone in your hand, and watched intently as you typed in something. Then you returned his phone, much to his delight. 
“Bye then. Just do 5 slides on the First Crusade or whatever other war the pope has started.” He put both of his hands in his pocket as he casually strolled out, leaving you to the room. 
“Hey! We should at least pretend you won't be a dick this whole time! Don’t boss me around!” You realized that you had said that just a bit too loud for the circumstances. Maybe you weren’t nice. 
Y: Okay! I just left class, do you have my salmon nigiri?  Y: You won't believe how good I was today. P: WHST  P: who are you?  P: The y/n i know would never ever say that.  P: Yes i do have it ready :) Y: I had to partner up with Him :/  Y: The strength  Y: Also he has finger tattoos?  Y: What the fuck.  P: You didn’t see them before?  Y: Sir traffy has been through it P: I wonder if hes like some ex-gang member? P: That is such a gang member thing to get tattooed P: Why aren’t you responding?  P: Helllllooooooo  P: y/n P: y/n P: ….
“Rona! You are literally crazy. I was walking over here, that's why I wasn’t responding.” You closed the door behind you, making sure to lock it. 
“Anyways! I’ve never seen you have such a strong reaction! To a guy no less, did he like to recite everything in the declaration of independence?” Perona called out to you while you entered and took off your shoes.
You walked over to the kitchen, where she wasdoing some dishes. Tossing your bag on the couch, then taking a seat at the bar that was connected to the kitchen. “If he did that I would’ve proposed on the spot… He just is kinda smart? It’s freaky! One second he’s brushing me off and not wanting to talk to me at all, the next he's explaining the cause of the First Crusade? Well… Kinda.” Perona turned with two plates in hand, and took a seat next to you. She placed the plate of sushi in front of you, “Well honestly i'm not surprised… Bepo says he is always studying.” 
“You talk about him with Bepo? Perona…” you made a disappointed face at her as you pulled your plate closer to you. “Noooo it’s all kosher! Bepo just offers up info about everyone he knows. I think he just doesn’t have a filter or whatever.”
“Yeah…” you took a piece of nigiri and dipped it, then ate it. As you chewed and swallowed you thought of your dad, “Do you think your dad would come visit us here?” 
“Hmmm only if your dad forced him to. I can picture it now ‘don’t you miss our girls?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then lets go! You pay and ill bring the beer!’ ‘beer isn’t allowed on a plane shanks’ or something like that…” Perona tried her best but didn’t really get the overall attitude of your dads. You decided not to comment and just take another bite. 
“Do I get to know why you asked?” Perona said, food in her mouth.
“Traffy, as you call him, has hair as dark as Mihawk’s. It made me think of him today…”
“Sigmund Frued would have a lot to say to you right now.” “No he wouldn't, he’s dead.” 
“Not for long…” “What the fuck?” You both burst out in laughter at the same time, something you had only ever done with your sister. 
After dinner it was off to bed, except you weren’t actually sleeping. Your laptop was open on your lap, on the google slides page. The document was created, named, and shared to Traffy. It wasn’t the most well-mannered thing, but you decided that nicknames meant you’re friends. Your sister desperately wanted you to have friends, and this would make her think you had them. You didn’t like the deception, if you could call it that, but it's not like you were gonna go out and get real friends. 
You started typing away, filling out 3 slides with information and pictures before deciding to get actual sleep. 
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purplekissinger · 9 months
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Y/N's been acting strange lately. She may contain the urge to run away, but Tom holds her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks.
🎵alt-J - Breezeblocks🎵
TW: manipulation, mental disorder themes. This is a full blown angst.
The cover: smooth, soft, fine leather. It feels nice to run your hand over it and you do it from time to time. Sometimes it feels warm. The corners: gold, darkened with age. They taste slightly salty (yes, you chewed them at some point, let's not talk about that). The paper: rough, thick, slightly yellow, clean pages like muddy water (there should be a bottom somewhere, but it’s not visible). Tom: soothing, gentle, funny, sympathetic, loving, the best, scary, all-knowing, affectionate, scary, witty, did I mention ‘scary’?
“Nothing special happened today,” you wrote and paused, thinking about your next sentence. He will know if you lie, he has proven it too many times. It's better to  switch the topic quickly. “There is a small problem with the task on potions, maybe you can help me?..”.
Sometimes you use ellipses when talking to him. Poke, poke, poke. Writing lacks the timid intonation so you draw it with dots.
Tom doesn't buy it.
“And what was not special that happened today?”
You began to sleep worse and eat less.
‘Y/N, are you okay?’ - asks someone to your right. It takes you a second to realize that you are sitting at a table in the Great Hall and it’s unbearably noisy here. It takes two more seconds to turn your unseeing gaze to the girl on the right (is that Mary? Mary what’shername? Mary MacDonald? Do we know each other? Why is she talking to me? How did I end up here?).
“Yes, everything is great,” you smile weakly. “I’ll just grab something to eat and it will be even better.”
The plate in front of you is empty. Mary's face is distorted by some kind of emotion, and it takes you another three seconds to recognize pity and disgust in it.
“Molly Prewett said I've been weird lately.”
Molly Prewett said she's already seen you in that shirt for several days in a row. Molly Prewett said your eye is twitching. Molly Prewett said you scream at night.
“Molly Prewett? That fat red-haired girl?” - you can almost see his mocking smile through the pages, and you immediately feel better, as if the invisible fingers squeezing your throat have slightly loosened their grip. “Y/N, dear, please don’t say that she actually managed to hurt your feelings. You do realize why she says that, right? You are the most beautiful and the smartest girl in Hogwarts, and this ugly bitch is simply dying of envy. Damn, I'm dying of self-envy. I’m the luckiest bastard ever to know you. It's a pleasure talking with you. You yourself are a pleasure. Of course, she is jealous, the whole of Hogwarts is crazy about you, otherwise they are just blind. Do you have a mirror in your room right now? Come on, look in it. There’s a princess living in your mirror, go check yourself!”
In your mirror lives a princess who has lain in a coffin for a hundred years. Hair tangled, eyes dull, sweater inside out.
You walk along the corridor,  moving your feet mechanically. You won't be able to remember what lesson is next on the schedule even if your life depends on it. Your peripheral vision has gone and all sounds seem to be distant as if there were cotton wool in your ears. Step. Step. Step. Step.
“Tom, this is just wonderful! I struggled over this essay for two hours, and you sorted it out in no time. Wait, don’t remove the solution yet, I’ll copy it…”
“Take your time, honey. I want my best girl to study well.”
Last week, for the first time in your life, you got a Troll in Transfiguration, which you used to love. You simply went to the pulpit and stood there with an absent look for two minutes. After class, professor McGonagall touches your elbow gently.
“Miss L/N, if you feel like you need to talk, I’m always ready to listen to you,” she says almost in a whisper. It's the warmest tone she can muster, but you already have someone always ready to listen.
“y/n sunshine my beloved dear y/n y/n y/n y/n i love you so please don’t go y/n y/n y/n if you have a heart you won’t leave me you're such a kind girl y/n you won't leave me here you'll help me you'll talk to me you'll love me you'll help me i believe y/n y/n y/n you're the best in the world if i find out that you told someone you’re dead dead dead dead dead dead you don’t know what i can do what i’m capable of you can’t escape me you’ll rot in azkaban forever if you tell anyone y/n don’t even think of that y/n you’re my sunshine you open the diary and i can breathe again i breathe you i live by you i will die without you don’t leave me help me i’m begging you i love you so i love you so”.
Choking with sobs, you look at the jumping lines. The pages are wet from your tears.
“What do you want me to do, Tom?”
It’s 3 a.m. You haven't slept for two days. How are you still able to write? How are you still able to think?
“The toilet is on the third floor. Write me when you get there.”
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hell-drabbles · 4 months
Mock-up Card 1
Basically it's just an L Card with the Embittered Companion and Lucifer working together because my brain is stuck on that for some reason? It's weird. Anyways, when you activate the Ultimate Skill of this card, you switch to either Lucifer or the Embittered Companion. A sort of, two-in-one card. Embittered Companion is all about dealing damage while Lucifer is all about healing. There's a boost to their ATK for a good while after switching. Don't ask about the numbers, I didn't think of them at aaaall.
Also I don't have it in me to write prose right now, so here be lines!!!
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[First Encounter]
YOU: Hey. It's been how many years? You know, since I last took up a weapon to chase people away? It's pretty nostalgic, honestly. LUCIFER: …are you already forgetting what you promised us? YOU: I'm not gonna charge in head first, you two. Get off my ass.
[Level Up]
YOU: What I lack… LUCIFER: I'll make up.
YOU: It would be nice, to have less lives lost. LUCIFER: But all we can do is continue on, until the very end.
[Ultimate Skill 1]
YOU: Go ahead and take a nap, Lucifer.
[Ultimate Skill 2]
LUCIFER: Sit. Rest. You're bleeding.
[Upon Death]
YOU: I'm still shit at keeping promises huh? LUCIFER: It's not your fault. Let's go.
[Victory 1]
YOU: Glad to see you've been focusing on the task at hand, Ra-on. Well, battle's over, so you can do whatever the hell you want.
[Victory 2]
LUCIFER: This is something to celebrate about, isn't it? …yes, you'll be invited to the party.
LUCIFER: A mortal body such as their's does not deserve to have injuries like this. Keep quiet, they'll wake up. I know they will.
[Lobby Interaction 1]
YOU: It's kind of funny to me that, after all that, my normal body hasn't really changed one bit. Still the same strength, still the same weaknesses. LUCIFER: It doesn't make it any less remarkable to me. YOU: So you and Ra-on say. Well, I've been in this body longer than anyone, so I wouldn't know what to be impressed by. Everything about this body is just uninteresting to me. Doesn't make me any less happy that I'm back in it, though.
[Lobby Interaction 2]
YOU: Hmm? What are you staring at us for, Ra-on? We that good of a sight? …happy, huh? Yeah, I suppose Lucifer and I make each other pretty happy. Don't discount yourself though, buddy. Wouldn't be in the place that I am without your help.
[Lobby Interaction 3]
LUCIFER: Your hands. Let me see them. YOU: Huh? Alright, but why? LUCIFER: Ra-on told me you forgot about your blisters. YOU: Oh. Oh! No, yeah I did forget. Whoops. But hey, at least I'm wearing gloves this time around, so they're not that bad. None of them popped, so they should heal nicely.
[Lobby Interaction 4]
LUCIFER: If you wanted to destroy Heaven, would you? I wouldn't blame you if you answered 'yes.' YOU: …maybe a younger, more freshly wounded version of myself would've said yes, but as I am now, no. The fate of Heaven is not mine to control. I can only control the distance between me and that place. Besides, I'll hold onto hope that the angels will eventually weed out that sickening need to be superior.
[Lobby Interaction 5]
LUCIFER: Shh. They haven't rested well last night. Whatever it is you want to ask, save it for later. Hmm? Mm. Yes, they're… still haunted by everything. Not even in sleep can they be allowed to escape. A curse that not even my powers can relieve.
[Lobby Interaction 6]
YOU: You know, I haven't heard the name Solomon in a while. Did you finally put your foot while I was away, Ra-on?
[Lobby Interaction 7]
YOU: Another angel almost snatched me up today. Even in this human form they hate so much, they still want to whisk me up right back to that suffocating cradle. Thanks for the warning by the way. LUCIFER: While we were all once siblings connected through our love for God, I won't allow them to repeat that torture. If I must make my words absolute, then I will.
[Lobby Interaction 8]
LUCIFER: Have you adjusted yet? YOU: To what? LUCIFER: To your lack of extra limbs. To that body of yours. Is there any pain? Any noises that want to invade your eyes and ears? YOU: …There's nothing. Sometimes I'll feel like I'm missing something, but it's all blissfully silent.
[Lobby Interaction 9]
LUCIFER: Do you have no intention of staying here? YOU: I have no intention of ever forgetting you, Lucifer. But, I can't stay here. This is not my home. Our home, is right where Minhyeok is. Where our beloved earth is. Hell is nice, but I'm pretty sure Ra-on and I miss the comfort of our home's air.
[Lobby Interaction 10]
YOU: Lucifer? LUCIFER: Yes? YOU: If, one day, I decide to visit, would you welcome me? LUCIFER: …always. A small visit, or a promise to dedicate our existences to one another, I'll welcome it all the same.
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avastrasposts · 1 year
The Pilot and his Girl - ch. 14
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I'm sorry. Please feel free to yell at me.
Warnings Contain spoilers
Word count: 5.7k Chapter 15
You start pulling on your clothes as you come back from the bathroom, Frankie is already wrapped up in the bed sheets, half asleep as he pries open an eye to look at you. 
“I was thinking we should maybe not both sleep at the same time,” you say, reaching down for your boots. Frankie loses his sleepy look almost immediately and shoots up in bed, but you’re already holding your palm up to him.
“I’m taking the first watch, Frankie, no arguments. You didn’t sleep last night, I did, albeit behind the couch, but still. You need to sleep because to be frank, we’re gonna need you alert tomorrow more than me.”
“Cariño…” he starts to protest but you physically push him down onto the bed with your hands on his shoulders, and he lets you topple him over.
“Sleep, Frankie, I’m going to be outside the door, you’ll hear me shout if anything happens.” 
He looks up at you, trying to find an argument for taking the whole watch himself, but his brain is scrambled by adrenaline and sleep deprivation. The post-orgasm hormones don’t help either. 
“Leave the door open, wake me at three,” is all he manages before you kiss his lips and stroke his cheek, you swear he’s already asleep by the time you leave the room. 
Staying awake was harder than you thought, sitting on one of the bar stools by the kitchen counter stops you from dozing off, but you still feel like your jaw is going to pop as you yawn widely. Your gun is on the counter in front of you as you study the ring Frankie slipped onto your finger. The delicate gold band is thin, three simple diamonds set in a row, with room, you notice, for more diamonds along the band. You know Frankie isn’t the kind of guy to spend three months pay on a ring just so that it’s as big as possible, he would pick the ring that meant something to him and make it mean something to you too. You run your fingers over the diamonds, three in a row, you’ll have to ask him tomorrow. 
At three am you gently walk into the bedroom to wake Frankie, but he sleeps too lightly, your footsteps wake him up and he shoots up in bed. 
“It’s ok, Frankie,” you say in a low voice, “It’s three am.” 
“Ok,” he rumbles, his voice rough with sleep as he rubs the heel of his hand into his eyes. You pull off your boots and crawl into bed with your clothes on next to Frankie. He catches your chin between his thumb and fingers, giving you a slow kiss, before letting go. 
When you wake up a few hours later daylight is starting to slip through the shutters of the window. Frankie’s hand is on your shoulder, gently shaking you. 
“Hermosa, time to wake up,” he murmurs as he bends and presses his lips to your temple. “The night was quiet and I made coffee.”
“Thank you,” you mumble and push the covers back, sitting up as Frankie hands you a mug. 
You drink it while you get ready, which only means you put your boots back on and stick the gun into the back of your trousers. Frankie’s heated up another can of stew from Denny’s supplies and you both eat it in silence. You’re apprehensive about leaving the safety and quiet of the cabin and move back into populated areas, but you can see Frankie’s nerves too. His jaw is clenched as he goes through both your packs, swapping out some of the food for Denny’s supplies. As soon as you put down your spoon into the empty bowl he grabs it from you and starts readying up to leave. 
“We should leave a note for Pope or anyone else who comes here,” you say and Frankie nods.
“Yeah, I did already,” he points to a folded piece of paper on the dining room table, “Read it and tell me if it makes sense.” 
You pick it up and flip it open, reading Frankie’s neat handwriting; 
September 29th 
To anyone of the guys
My girl and I are safe up here for now. We’re heading to L’s place today. Pope was here on the 27th, also went for L but hasn’t returned yet. 
We’ll return here when we have L, hope to see you all safe. 
You fold it up and put it back on the table, “Looks good to me, I really hope they’re all here when we get back,” you say, looking over at Frankie who’s picked up your backpack and walked over to you with it.  
“Yeah, I really hope so too,” he replies as he helps you on with the pack, turning you around and adjusting the straps before he pulls your gun from behind your back. 
“I made you this while I was keeping watch,” he holds up a makeshift leg holster. “You can’t wear a regular holster with a backpack on and you won’t be able to get the gun from behind the pack, and I don’t want you walking around with the gun in your hand.” 
He kneels down and straps it to your thigh, using a snap-link to attach it to your belt. “Denny had a couple of old holsters for his hunting gear so I repurposed them.” He’s got a similar holster on his leg, his gun already in it and now he slides your gun into yours. 
“Feel good?” he asks, looking up at you from the floor, tugging on the holster, making sure it’s not too tight. 
“Yeah, but I’m not sure how much use I’ll be, Frankie, I’ve never even fired a gun.” 
“Hopefully you won’t have to but I can’t show you, I don’t know when we’ll get more bullets,” he gets up and gives your backpack a final look over, “Denny didn’t keep any guns or ammo up here so we’ll have to grab any that we find.” 
Once outside the cabin, Frankie locks up and puts the key back into the lock box before turning towards the lake. 
“There are a couple of canoes down by the small boat house,” he says, “we can use one of them to get across the lake, saves us walking around it, we’re heading in that direction.” 
You nod and follow him down the gentle slope to the lake, the morning is calm and quiet, and again you’re struck by how normal everything feels. If it wasn’t for the slightly heavy feeling in your stomach, a small hot ball of anxiety, you’d think it was just Frankie and you heading out for a couple of days camping. 
The trip over the lake is smooth and when you get to the other side, about a mile from the cabin, you get the packs out before Frankie paddles the canoe into some thick, tall reeds to camouflage it as much as possible. Luckily it’s an old wood canoe and it all but disappears into the reeds. 
Frankie glances down at his compass, attached to his belt, and motion for you to follow him. You’ve agreed to speak as little as possible and move quietly. There probably won’t be any infected out here but Frankie doesn’t want to take any chances. So in silence you walk behind him for three hours, stopping when he holds up his hand, checking his direction or listening intently. At one point he signals for you to stop and crouch and as you sink down behind a bush, you hear rustling in the shrubs ahead. Your skin goes cold as you mimic Frankie’s movement and pull out your gun, moving it slowly out of your leg holster. The rustling continues, coming closer until, finally, you see the source of the sound, a white tail deer, slowly ambling through the forest, nibbling at leaves here and there as it goes. You let your breath out slowly, as Frankie stands up, startling the deer enough to make it prance away into the underbrush. 
At the three hour mark Frankie finds a good spot for a break, a small stream that lets you refill your water bottles. Stretching out your legs on the ground, your back against a large boulder, you try to savor your lunch sandwich. Frankie sinks down next to you and gives you a little nudge with his shoulder. 
“How you holding up, cariño?” he asks in a low voice. 
“I’m alright, just jumpy,” you reply, leaning your head on his solid shoulder for a little bit. He caresses your cheek with his warm palm and you feel his lips press into the top of your head before he begins to unwrap his sandwich. 
After lunch you get even jumpier, you’re still following hiking trails through the forest but every now and then you have to cross main roads, you start seeing houses, you even skirt around a small town. In the distance you see a group of people, you can’t tell if they’re infected or not, but as Frankie leads the two of you in a wide circle around the group, you keep watching them. They don’t move and you think they’re too unnaturally still for humans. 
Just as you’ve managed to clear a small ridge and put some distance between yourself and them, a loud collective shriek goes up from the group of people. Frankie immediately grabs you and pulls you down into the tall grass next to the trail. It feels like your heart is going to claw itself out of your chest as you feel Frankie’s weight on top of you, he’s half covered you with his body. You glance up at his face and you see him carefully lift his head out of the tall grass. 
“It’s ok, they’re running, but in the other direction,” he whispers and pulls you up. In a crouch Frankie starts to jog down the other side of the ridge, holding on to your hand as you run to keep up with him. You continue running until your lungs are about to give up and Frankie slows down but starts walking next to you, keeping a brutal pace, still holding onto your hand. 
“We need to get away from them as fast as possible, we can’t fight that many on foot,” he pants, giving your hand another squeeze. 
Not until you’ve covered about three miles does he slow down to a regular pace, you’re drenched in sweat and breathing hard, your legs aching. He pulls you off the side of the trail you’ve been following, into the forest and behind a thick shrub. 
“Sit down,” he motions, pointing to the ground, “catch your breath and drink some water.” 
You gratefully sink down and pull out your water bottle while Frankie remains standing. 
“We’re about half a mile from the bridge and the river crossing,” he says, looking at the map. “We need to be extra careful as we approach, if people in this area were trying to get away from any towns they’d probably have to cross there which means a potential traffic jam and potentially infected.” 
You nod and sip the water, offering Frankie your bottle when you’re done. He gratefully takes a long swig while you get back to your feet. You’re still exhausted after the sprint but you want to keep moving. The countryside around you makes you nervous, there are small farms dotted across it, three days ago you would’ve thought it looked quaint and rural, now the sight of every farm house makes you edgy. 
Putting away your water bottle, you follow Frankie back to the trail and after a short time it emerges from the forest onto a large country road, up ahead you can see the bridge. As Frankie had feared, it’s jammed with cars. You can walk between them, but the thought of what might be hiding among them makes panic claw its way up your throat and you take a tight hold of Frankie’s hand. He looks back and sees the fear in your eyes. Pulling you back into the trees he wraps his arms around you. Holding you tight to his chest for a minute, he pulls back and cups your cheeks, his large hands are warm and dry on your skin, as he kisses you deeply before he looks down at you and traces his fingers over your lips. 
“I’m sorry, cariño, it’s the only way forward.” His eyes rake over your face as if he’s committing it to memory and you suddenly realize what he’s doing. 
“Don’t say goodbye, Frankie,” you croak, your voice catching in your throat. 
“Just in case, mi amor,” he says in a low voice, pressing his lips to yours again. When he pulls back he turns and takes your hand, leading you back to the road where he lets go of it. 
“Stay six feet behind me, gun out, safety off, but keep it pointed to the ground. If you have to fire, squeeze the trigger, don’t pull it.” He gives you a final look, a small smile, before turning back to the road. 
It’s slow going, following Frankie’s lead you move carefully in his footsteps, trying to make as little noise as possible. Frankie stops and surveys the cars in front of you regularly but nothing seems out of the ordinary, you see no humans, only open car doors, luggage that’s been left behind. 
As you’ve crossed about two thirds of the bridge a dog suddenly launches itself at the cage door keeping it shut in, barking loudly from inside a large SUV. Frankie and you both drop into a crouch, trying to see if the loud noise will draw in any infected, but the dog quietens down and the landscape around the bridge remains silent. You breathe a sigh of relief as Frankie carefully stands up again and motions for you to follow him. He carefully approaches the dog in the cage, a golden retriever you think, mumbling soft words to it, calming it down. Soon the dog is licking his fingers through the bars of the cage and Frankie slides back the lock, opening the door. The dog jumps down, its tail happily wagging as you scratch its ears. 
“Good boy,” you mumble, patting its flank as Frankie starts moving forward again. You give the dog a final scratch before you follow him towards the end of the bridge. The dog trails behind you for a while before it falls behind, going back to the SUV. 
As you get to the end of the bridge Frankie holds his hand up, signaling for you to stop. He points to the last pillar of the bridge, written on it, in what looks like black magic marker, are the letters SOF, underneath is a rectangle with a single line through the middle and the number 1 just outside the box. 
“Special Operations Force,” Frankie says, “Pope’s been through here but he’s alone. The rectangle means he’s motorized.” He walks over to the pillar, pulling a marker from his side pocket and crouching down he writes SOF underneath Pope’s message, but he adds an odd looking cross underneath, two sides are flat and two are rounded. Then he writes ‘2’ next to it. 
“Special Operations Aviation,” he explains while he stands up and puts the marker away. “I don’t think any of the other guys will come past here but if Pope comes back the same way he’ll see that we’ve been here.” 
You continue down the road, it’s still about an hour's walk to Lucía’s house and you’re forced to stay on the road, there are no hiking trails leading in the right direction. Frankie’s head is on a swivel, his gun drawn as you both walk off to the side of the road, creating some distance between  yourselves and the cars. There are less of them now, and up ahead you can see an almost clear road. You crest a hill in the road, carefully trying to see over to the other side before you’re too exposed, when a pickup truck just ahead rumbles to life and barrels towards you with a screech of tires. Frankie grabs your hand and pulls you behind one of the few cars on the road, his gun aimed at the truck. “They’ve got to be ok, right Frankie?” you say, his hand still holding you down behind the car. “Infected can’t drive!”
“Stay down, cariño,” he snaps, his eyes focused on the truck. You hear it come to a stop and the engine goes silent as the doors are opened. Frankie lets go of you and grabs his gun with both hands. You turn and peek over the bonnet of the car and see two men get out, staying behind the doors of the truck, as another two jump down from the flatbed. 
“You know how to use that gun, sonny?” the oldest man calls from behind the driver’s door. He’s big and burly looking, a cowboy hat squashed down on a very round head. 
“Sure,” Frankie calls back, shifting his stance. 
“Why don’t you lower it and toss it over here. And any gun your cute girl might be carrying.” The man’s voice is saccharine and makes your neck hairs stand on end, you glance up at Frankie and see the muscle in his jaw working. 
“We’re just passing through, trying to get to some friends, we don’t want any trouble.” 
“Then why you pointing a gun at me, son?” The older man looks over his shoulder and nods at the two men who got off the truck and they slowly move to the sides, circling the two of you. 
“Cariño, get your gun up and stand behind me, aim at the man on the left,” Frankie says in a low voice, his eyes never leaving the older man. You do as he says, trying to have a steady grip on the gun to keep your hands from shaking. Copying Frankie’s stance, you hold your gun in both hands, your feet apart and steady, aiming at the man on the left. With a thumb you flick the safety off and draw a deep breath. 
“Steady there, girlie,” the old man drawls, as he sees you move, holding up a hand to stop the two men. ���Son, you don’t want to do anything stupid and get your girl in trouble here.” He moves out from behind the car door, and from the corner of your eye you see the rifle he’s holding low in his hands. “We’re just out here making sure no one’s looting these cars, especially of any guns they might find.” 
“These guns are mine, like I said, we’re just passing through.” Frankie calls back through gritted teeth. You can hear the sharp tone in his voice as his eyes flick from the man in the cowboy hat and the man still standing behind the passenger side door. 
“You’re outnumbered, pal,” the man on the right calls out with a chuckle, “just hand over the guns and any supplies, and we’ll let you pass.” 
“Might keep your girl though,” the man on your left drawls, the man you’ve got your gun aimed at, he’s eyeing you with a smirk on his face that makes your skin crawl. “She’s shaking like a leaf but I bet she’d put up a nice little fight.” 
Frankie glances over at the man on the left, before he looks back at the man in the cowboy hat, he’s got a crooked smile on his lips as he shoulders the rifle. 
“C’mon, sonny, the guns and the girl, and then you can walk away.” 
Frankie’s gun is loud on the silent road, and the man in the cowboy hat crumples over, his shot going wide as the rifle hits the ground. The man on the left throws himself forward and you feel the recoil in your arms as you fire, you don’t even know if your bullets hit, you can hear several shots from Frankie’s gun and your own, and Frankie’s hand on your shoulder as he pushes you to the ground. Two more shots ring out and Frankie ducks behind the car, his gun raised, listening. When nothing stirs he quickly glances over the bonnet before he stands up. Three of the men are dead on the ground, the fourth one, the one behind the passenger door, is scrabbling for something and with a few long steps, Frankie is on him, kicking the gun out of his reach. 
He’s on the ground, you can see him beneath the door, Frankie towering above him, his gun aimed at the man. As you watch, the man lifts his palms up, pleading, but the shot rings out and the man slumps back. Frankie bends down and picks up the man’s gun, quickly patting him down and fishing an ammo box from his pants. When he straightens up and walks back towards you his face is impassive, blank and you remember when you last saw that look; the bar that night you thought Frankie was a violent man. Now you know, he is violent, but only when he needs to and for now, you’re very grateful for his skills.  
You put your hands out to push yourself off the ground and a burning pain shoots through your shoulder, wincing you get to your feet and look at your torn shirt. Blood is seeping through and you suddenly feel faint. Frankie is on you in two fast steps, grabbing your arm and pulling back your shirt. 
“You’re hit,” his voice suddenly sharp with worry, as his gentle fingers push at the fabric, making you wince again. He unbuttons your shirt and pulls it over your shoulder. “Thank god,” he breathes out as he sees the shallow gash, “you’ve been grazed, it didn’t go in.” He pulls up his arm as if he’s about to pull his backpack off but changes his mind. 
“Come here, get in the truck,” he guides you over to the passenger side, “close your eyes, don’t look,” he mumbles as you have to step over the corpse.  You breathe in deeply and keep your eyes closed until Frankie closes the door. He bends down to pick up the other man’s rifle, putting it behind the bench seat, before he gets in and starts up the engine. It rumbles to life and Frankie turns it around, heading back down the almost empty road, and as soon as he sees a secluded spot he pulls over and kills the engine. 
“I’ve got to clean your arm, cariño,” says, opening up his backpack for the first aid kit. “Does it hurt?” He looks over at you, his eyes are worried and you shake your head to calm him. 
“Only a little, it stings more than anything.” 
“Ok, just keep breathing in and out while I do this.” 
The iodine solution makes you whimper but Frankie is fast and efficient, when the compress is on your shoulder the pain is already subsiding. He pulls your shirt back on, gives you a soft kiss, cradling the back of your head with his large hand. 
“You ok?” he asks in a low voice, “not just the injury, with what just happened too?” 
You let out a shuddering breath as you allow yourself to think about the situation, “I’m very glad you used to be a soldier, Frankie,” you say, leaning your forehead against his, “I think that’s the fourth time you’ve saved my life in twenty four hours.” 
“Me too,” he breathes, his thumb is caressing your cheek as he looks at you. His deep brown eyes are strained, but calm, “Things are going to get worse before they get better, cariño. I’ve seen it before, when society crumbles, it brings out the worst in people and they become very dangerous. I need you and Lucía safe at the cabin until we know things are getting back to normal, whenever that might be.” 
You nod and he turns back to the wheel and starts up the truck, “At least we got a truck out of it, this will make things easier as long as we have gas.” 
The truck rumbles through the landscape, in the distance you see a group of infected running towards something but the road curves and you move away from them. Frankie has driven this road hundreds of times, every time he came to pick up or drop off Lucía, and now he wonders at how eerily still it is. There are no people as the truck drives past the first few houses of the small town, cars line the main street but they’ve been pushed to the side. The dents and scrapes on them indicate that something big came through and shoved them out of the way. 
Frankie turns down a smaller side street, and then another small street, coming to the end of town. There are a few cars still parked outside the houses but most are gone. You glance over at him, his fingers are drumming on the steering wheel as his restless eyes bounce around the street, looking for infected, people, anything. He’s grinding his teeth, the muscle in his jaw flexing and when he pulls up outside a small bungalow you hear his white knuckles make the steering wheel creak. 
“This is their place,” he says in a low voice, “the car is still here.” He opens the truck door and steps down, listening for any movement as you follow him out. Pulling his gun he moves carefully up the porch and tests the handle on the door, it’s locked. 
“Stay by the truck,” he says to you, “if anything happens, if anyone comes, fire once in the air, ok?” 
You nod and do as he says. Frankie carefully walks down the side of the house, easily scaling the wooden fence that closes off the backyard. He disappears from view and you nervously wait, looking around the quiet neighborhood. When he opens the door to the house from the inside you jump but he holds up his hand in a placating sign, signaling for you to stay where you are. He disappears into the house again, you guess this means Lucía isn’t here, and neither is anyone else. 
You hear him walking through the house and before long he comes back out, a note in his hand. 
“They’ve been evacuated,” he says, showing you the note from Lucía’s mom. It’s dated the day before yesterday, Saturday, the note says the soldiers came at night and gave them fifteen minutes to pack up essentials. 
“She says they told her they’re going to a quarantine zone in Franklin. I’ve got to see if I can get them out of there.” He breathes a sigh of relief, “At least they’re safe for now.” he says, getting back into the truck and starting it up. 
As the truck rumbles through town you start seeing more infected, they stumble out of a few of the shops, attracted to the sound of the truck. At one intersection you see a large number of them fallen into a pile, bullet wounds to their heads, and you quickly look away. Their pallid skin, starting to show strange looking lesions, no longer looks human, but their clothes are still bright and colorful, reminds you terribly of the people who would’ve put them on, maybe on Friday morning, expecting just another day. 
Frankie speeds up, leaving town, and the shrieking infected behind, heading for Franklin. It’s less than an hour away, the nearest big city, and like before you see the cars pushed to the side of the road. Frankie’s fingers are drumming on the steering wheel again, his grip tight, his jaw clenched. He’s getting closer to Lucía, now he knows she’s safe, he just needs to get to her. 
“When we get to the quarantine zone, do you think we should stay there?” you ask him. “It doesn’t sound like a ‘quarantine zone’ is somewhere they’ll let you in and out of. Maybe it’ll be safer for us there too?” 
“I don’t know,” Frankie says, glancing over at you, “I need to see it first, how are they quarantining people? Keeping them separate enough so that if someone is already infected, they can’t attack and infect more people?” His fingers drum faster against the wheel, “I just need to see her, see her safe.” 
You put your hand on his leg and give it a squeeze and he drops his hand, curling his fingers around yours. 
“How’s your shoulder?”
“Still stings a bit, but it’s dulled, hurts when I move it.” You test moving your arm up and down, feeling the pull of the compress.
“It’ll give you gnarly looking scar,” he grins, “match some of mine.” He pulls your hand up to his lips and gives it a kiss, his eyes leaving the road for a second. When he looks back again he sees birds circling up ahead. 
“Buzzards,” he points them out to you. “Looks like they’re circling just over the road.” He slows down the truck as you come around a bend, clearing a small group of trees. The rumble of the truck startles the birds and you see more of them rise into the sky from the field bordering the road. Frankie stops the truck, leaving it in neutral, watching the birds circle, waiting to see if something moves. When nothing stirs he opens the door, signaling for you to stay put, and he steps on to the instep of the truck, hoisting himself up so that he can look over the door of the truck. 
“Oh fuck…” you hear him breathe out. 
“What, Frankie, what is it?” you ask but he doesn’t answer so you open your own door and swing yourself up on the instep. Frankie glances back at you and motions for you to get back inside. 
“Cariño, don’t, you don’t wanna- “
It’s too late, you look over the field, it looks like almost a hundred people are lying in it, none of them moving. The buzzards are settling back down, walking across the still bodies. 
“Oh my god…” you gasp, your hand going over your mouth as your eyes widen in horror. “What killed them?” you whisper, “are they infected?” 
“Get into the driver’s seat,” he says, “I’m going closer but I need you to be ready to drive if they are infected.”
“I’m not leaving without you, Frankie!” you say in a hard voice, as you slide over the bench seat and get behind the wheel.
“I’m counting on it, cariño,” he grips your hand before jumping down onto the ground. Grabbing the rifle from the back he loads it before he starts moving slowly towards the field. 
You step up onto the instep on the driver’s side, watching Frankie’s back as he makes his way across the road and into the field. As he reaches the first body he crouches down and seems to inspect them. Nothing moves, none of the bodies are jerking, they’re just dead. He stands up again and walks around the outskirts of where they’ve fallen. Suddenly he stops, slinging the rifle onto his back, before he steps into the mass of bodies, he must be stepping on them as he bends down and pulls at one of them, turning it over to face him. He stumbles back, losing his footing and falls onto his back among the bodies. 
Without thinking you jump down from the truck and run to him, grabbing hold of his arm as he scrambles to stand up, getting away from the bodies. 
“It’s Helena, she’s the mom of Lucía’s best friend,” he pants, standing up. You look over at the blonde woman, her open eyes looking sightless to the sky. Her torso has at least three bullet holes in the pale blue shirt she’s wearing, blood staining the light fabric dark. 
“They lived across the street from Lucía,” Frankie croaks and you suddenly realize what he’s saying, gripping his arm hard. 
He tears himself away from you as he starts circling around the bodies, crouching down, looking under those who have fallen on top of others, his eyes desperately scanning every face, every piece of visible clothing, looking for something he recognizes, praying he doesn’t. His heart is racing, his vision narrows into one long tunnel, focused on the bodies, praying, cursing, he can’t hear you call after him. 
And then he sees it. 
The hem of a dress he’d know anywhere because her abuela made it for her. 
With a shout he steps into the mass of bodies. You rush up behind him, tears are welling up into  your eyes, as you watch him scramble over to the small body. Skinny little legs in sneakers you bought for her birthday, you bite down hard on your lip to stop yourself from wailing. 
The dress is sticking out from underneath a woman, and as he gets closer he realizes it’s his ex-girlfriend, her arms hugging her daughter tight, even in death. The back of her tan coat is dark with coagulated blood that sticks to his hands as he bends back her arms to release her grip. As he shoves her aside a strangled cry goes up from the small body underneath, Lucia’s head moves as a rattled breath escapes her lungs and Frankie cries out in relief, grabbing hold of her waist to gently turn her over, scanning her body for injuries, he sees no blood on her. 
“Mija, I’m here, I’m here,” he gasps, “daddy’s here, Lucía, I’m here.” 
He’s holding out his arms to lift her up when he sees it. 
Trailing under the skin of her small throat. 
Up under the pallid skin of her cheeks, spreading out in a fine net. 
Tendrils reaching out from her small mouth. 
“Frankie!” you cry as the small body shrieks and reaches for him. He almost takes her hand, almost takes the small hand that’s grasping after his. You can see it, even from behind him, you can see the empty eyes, the twitching movement. 
His hand is still in the air, halfway to reaching out for her, his Lucía, her hand outstretched to him. As she screams, his hand drops to his gun. 
You turn your head when the gunshot rings out.
Chapter 15
Taglist: @pimosworld @i-own-loki @casa-boiardi @littlenosoul @stormseyer @mxtokko  @javicstories
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abilouwrites · 24 days
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(Reader is depicted as white)
It was unusual for him to find himself infatuated with a person, let alone a woman. But a southern one was.. simply unheard of. Especially from him, sun kissed skin with a golden hue to it. A brunette with sun bleached hair. Not in the hero course but a general studies. Short legs that have a burn to the back of them, but it doesn’t look like she minded that much anyways.
It’s strange to see a new face halfway through the year, but she’s butterflied her way into his friend group. Bright and beamy and smelling like a wild-poppy. Quickly enamoring his friends, Uraraka and her tightly holding her hand as they face the lunch line. All smiles and beams as they plop down, the girl from the sunshine state smooshed against him, “‘m so sorry-“ she apologizes, “I always end up against you, I really hope you don’t mind”
It’s hard to mind when the girl of sunshine and bbq is squeezed against him, and her bare thigh pressed against his clothed thigh, their elbows touching every now and again, “I find it no trouble at all” he smiles softly as she pulls out her chips, opening them and placing them in the middle. Having no mind when Uraraka takes a few, nor when Midoriya or Todoroki do.
She smiles and looks over at him, leaning against him just a fragment of an inch. A sign of trust, that the butterfly has made her own land, her own people, “geez I’m so tired after math, and I’m not even done with the day..” Uraraka looks worried, an eyebrow raised as Todoroki speaks
“Maybe you should stop staying up so late to watch those sad animes. I hear you crying” he speaks, slowly and refined. Accusatory but gentle. Iida can feel her shrug against him.
“I keep telling you to watch them, ‘Nana’ is my favorite. It makes me cry each time” He can feel her giggle next to him as she slouches more and more, “maybe, honestly I’m just homesick”
“Why would you be homesick? I mean I understand it but UA is pretty great?” Midoriya remarks. The girl simply shrugs again and brings her knees to her chest.
“I miss my bed, and my friends and.. I miss my mom. And my dog.. and my cats. Jesus I even miss my chickens” A teardrop falls, smudging the mascara, “I fucked hated those chickens”
Iida shifts his arm, using it to console the girl who’s about to cry, “I’m sorry y/l/n. If you’d like you can go back to the dorms?” He offers but she sits up-right and lifts the tears that have collected on her eyelashes.
“No. I’ll finish today” she shakes her head, not minding Iidas arm around her shoulders, “are you guys willing to do a movie night?”
“I can’t.. it’s uh my moms birthday” Midoriya looks apologetic, “if I finish early I’ll come”
“But it’s a weekend and you all have families you want to go home to” she adds.
“I’ll watch a movie with you”
Iida doesn’t expect to find himself here, against the girl of his dreams. The girl who’s fast asleep against him. Laid on her stuffed bed with too many pillows and weird figures decorating her window staring at him.
He’s not uncomfortable, he’s more than comfortable with her head pressed against his chest, her leg against his abdomen and the tips of her hair tickling his nose. But it’s suffocating. Watching the girl he loves regret coming home here. Witnessing her laptop full of flights back home, the cheapest.
She sleeps soundly, eyes flickering behind closed lids, little jerks from her arms. A side of her he’d never seen, a side of the butterfly that shows her weakness. The exhaustion that seeps through her drooping wings. A tiredness that exists but will never fade. A sickness that never fades until at its orgin.
“Don’t go. Don’t leave. I want you to stay.”
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yongbokkk · 2 years
Can you do a male reader and Felix arguing and the reader gets angry and goes out on a motorcycle drive and something happens and he ends in the hospital and Felix goes and they apologize and they hug it or something along those lines?
i'm sorry .
pairings: lee felix x m!reader
genre: angst, happy ending
a/n; honestly this was rushed so i kinda dont like it 😭😭 but i hope u do
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felix was annoyed, irritated that you've been spending time with beomgyu over him.
the two of you had been pretty close this day, and it concerned the blonde.
were you cheating on him? secretly making out with the other behind his back?
he was mixed with confusion and anger, as well as disappointment. why couldn't felix have you all to himself?
even though he has his lovable boyfriend everyday, it was reasonable to overthink when he had seen them taking pictures with a heart gesture.
now he had enough. it was finally the end of the day, and you were back home to your shared house.
as soon as you went in, you found felix with what seemed like a face written in anger.
you tilted your head, "hm? what's gotten you so down today?"
"i don't know, maybe its the fact that you have another guy." he shrugged, stating the obvious.
"another guy- you mean beomgyu?? you know me enough to know we're just friends." you reasoned, having confused of the assumptions.
"that line is famous for liars, you know. you can't be just friends when the two of you have been so close these days!" felix raised his voice the longer he talked.
"that's what friends do!-"
"honestly you could've just said you didn't want me anymore!"
"it was our friendship anniversary! don't you fking accuse me for cheating!" you had enough of his sudden possesiveness, you dropped the bag of sweets infront of his feet and went out the door to leave.
felix stood there dumbfounded, he'd forgotten about how you and beomgyu has been friends for years. wait, y/n!"
"stupid, stupid." you turned on your motorcyle, deciding to go on a drive for the evening.
you knew your way around the city, so getting lost wasn't a big problem. your motorcyle can take you wherever it wants within the area.
you didn't care, you needed your mind off of him. it'll all be okay soon, you hoped.
you were too busy getting rid of the tears brimming in your eyes that you didn't a car speeding towards you.
felix was restless, he couldn't sleep thinking about what he had done. he wanted to apologize so bad, he wanted to fix everything.
the blonde regretted so much, he shouldn't have overthinked that way.
as morning came, there was a knock on his door. felix took a while to have the energy and get up from his spot on the shared bed.
he opened the door, finding a stranger with a brown folder.
"excuse me, are you l/n y/n's partner?" she asked.
"yes.. why?" felix's heart ached at the thought of him.
"he's... at the hospital.. you should go visit." the lady didn't know how to break it to him, since he looked like he didn't know.
there he was running to the said hospital building, in a rush to see his lover.
"i'm l/n y/n's boyfriend, i need to see him now!" he told the counter lady.
"room 148 please."
as soon as she said that, felix was already running, so on the way, he was scolded many times .
he finally arrived at his boyfriend's hospital room, taking a deep breath before heading in.
he felt the urge to cry seeing you in bandages, it was his fault you were like this.
if he hadn't let his emotions get the best of him and started that argument, you would've been happily cuddling with him.
he sat on the chair beside the bed, staring at your sleeping faced.
luckily you weren't that bruised, it was sort of just minor injuries.
now, felix couldn't take it anymore. he sobbed relentlessly, begging for you to wake up.
"felix..?" as soon as he heard your voice, he rose his head immediately.
"y/n?" he jumped from his seat to wrap you in a warm but gentle embrace.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry!" felix apologized over and over again, while tears were falling faster.
"i should be the one sorry, i should have told you what day was it." your eyes began to water as you start to sob with your boyfriend.
"no, no, it's okay. i shouldn't have gotten mad like that."
"i love you more than your brain could process, idiot." you held him as tightly in return.
"i love you too, and i will forever."
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angelsdevils · 3 months
Debt of the Heart
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Tag List: @reiners-milkbiddies @maraya-007 @shelly-ya @galactict3a @bontensbabygirl @thisbicc
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Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 |
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A week had passed since you had married to Ran and moved into his home. Each day that passed became more normal. The initial awkwardness had been replaced by a routine, in the morning you would eat breakfast, go to the garden for fresh air, in the afternoon you would spend time at the piano, and in the evenings, you would spend time with Ran. It wasn’t by choice, but he wanted to get to know you more. Ran kept his promise, giving you space so you could adjust.
This morning, you woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. You opened the curtain to see the garden still as beautiful and breathtaking as always. You showered and got dressed before going downstairs for breakfast. Like always, Ran was already downstairs eating breakfast and texting someone. When you entered the dining room, he put his phone away, so you had his full attention.
“How did you sleep?” He asked, your plate already made and sitting beside him. You sat down and nodded your head.
“Yeah, I think I am slowly adjusting to not being home.”
“Is this starting to feel like home to you?” He asked, watching as you drink water before eating.
“I… don’t know a little bit, I guess. I developed a routine.”
“I am glad to hear that,” Ran said, smiling genuinely. “I was thinking, we should do something special today. Maybe, a day trip?”
Your head snapped to him, confusion and surprise covering your features. “A day trip? Where to?”
“I was thinking the countryside that isn’t far from here. I think you will like it. We can leave in an hour, and I will take care of everything.”
You thought about it for a moment, leaving the mansion would be nice. And you have always liked the countryside. You nodded your head, accepting his offer.
“Okay, I will like that a lot.” You said, and he smiled taking your hand.  He kissed the top of your hand.
“Perfect,” he said.
The drive to the countryside was pleasant, he took his convertible and made sure the roof was down. The wind blew through your (h/l) (h/c) hair, and you wore a cute sunhat to keep your hair at bay. You had decided to wear your favorite sundress because it just felt right. Ran held your hand, and while you normally would have pulled out of his hold. You were enjoying the scenery that passed by.
“You look beautiful by the way,” Ran said, after turning the radio down. You looked over at him, and he turned to you with a smile.
“Thank you,” you said softly. You turned away, and he focused on the road again. He turned the radio back up when a song played. The song was ‘Love on the Brain’ by Rihanna was on. He was humming the lyrics, but you didn’t care, you knew the lyrics and couldn’t help but sing softly to it.
You reached the countryside in about thirty minutes and Ran parked the car. You got out of the car, and he grabbed the basket, and blanket. You looked around, the scenery had rolling hills, lush greenery, and it was perfect for pictures. It was so beautiful; your face held the awe.
“This place is beautiful,” you said, inhaling the air. A wave of calmness washed over you.
“I am glad you like it,” Ran replied. “Let’s go find spot o sit and have a picnic.”
You nodded following him, holding the hat so it didn’t blow away when the wind blew. He found a place that was near the lake. You spread the blanket out and sat down, looking around. He sat across from you, setting the basket down and he leaned back on his arms.
“It’s so beautiful out here. I can’t get over it,” you said, looking around. You couldn’t help but admire the scenery.
“Yeah, you are, I can’t either,” Ran said. You turned to look at him confused, and he didn’t even realize what he said. He was just admiring your beauty. You gave him a weird look, ignoring his comment and went back to looking out at the lake.
“So, why did you want to come here today?” You asked, changing the subject.
“I wanted to bring you here, hoping it would help build our relationship,” he said.
“This won’t change anything, it’s still only a marriage meant to protect my parents,” you said. Ran’s shoulder’s dropped before he reached and held your hand with his gently. You did pull your hand away though.
“I know that, but it doesn’t mean we can’t get along and love each other. I am committed to make this work between us, and I hope you are too,” Ran replied.
“One day at a time, Ran. We have only been married a week. Just last week you threaten to kill my parents. Things won’t change that fast.”
Ran flinched, but he understood. He didn’t want to pressure or rush you. It was his turn to change the subject, to get away from this deep and depressing topic.
“So, what do you like to do? I want to learn more about you. What do you like to do when you aren’t working?” Ran asked, and you flattened your dress.
“I like reading, writing and music.”
“Reading? What do you like to read?” He asked, and you think for a few moments.
“Anything that is fiction, but mainly romance, horror, and mystery.”
“I like to read about history and philosophy, so I guess we have different genres but like to drown ourselves in a book,” he said, smiling.
You both fell silent, and you looked up at the clouds. You both would occasionally snack on the things Ran packed, like the fruit and sandwiches. After the picnic was done, he stood up and offered you, his hand. You took it, and he pulled you up, packing the blanket into the basket. He carried it and you both walked along the lake. You removed your shoes, letting the water hit your feet. You smiled slightly, jumping back few steps from how cold it was.
Ran watched enjoying the sight of your soft smile. He wanted to be the one that brought the smile to your face, but this was close enough, since he brought you here. You both ended up going back to his car, and he drove you both back home. You ended up falling asleep in the car, because the country air, was soothing. He would glance over at you, and smile. When you arrived at the mansion, he carried you into your shared bedroom. It would be the first time you shared a room together.
He got your pajamas out and shook you awake, telling you to change. Half asleep, you changed and curled into the covers again. He crawled into bed behind you, and he went to wrap his arm around your waist, but he stopped himself. Instead, he turn his back to you and fall asleep deciding to give you your space for now.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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