#like just randomly drop it on Netflix
booksandpaperss · 1 year
y’all wouldn’t it be so funny if for ST day this year they drop episode 1 of season 5 with absolutely no warning bc we all know they have it filmed already
it would be so funny to see the internet absolutely loose their shit lmaooo
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gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
Hi! I saw your Percy Jackson asks where open and I wanted to send in a request! How would Percy react to a fem reader who is the child of Morpheus the God of dreams? Like I imagine being a child to the God of dreams would make one fall asleep randomly when they are still new to their powers, so how would the scenario play out if perhaps one day reader falls asleep on him during a movie night? Would he stay as still as possible as to not wake her up or would he do something else like gently wake her up/move her? Hopefully I made this detatiled enough but in anyway thank you!!
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You were just halfway from dozing off when Percy’s voice brought you from the cusp of a deep sleep to ask:
‘Does your dad look like-‘
‘For the last time Percy no, my dad doesn’t look like Tom Sturridge from The Sandman.’ You replied before he could even finish his question. It wasn’t the first time he asked this question after watching the Netflix show ironically about a man who bore the same name as your godly father, Morpheus, the god of dreams; Something that you now had a bone to pick with Neil Gaiman over.
‘Sooo he doesn’t blow golden sand at people’s faces to make them fall asleep?’ Percy continued to ask but at this point you knew that he was only doing this just to get a rise out of you and also to keep you from falling asleep again.
‘No-will you pack it in, in trying to get some rest from today.’ You said as you lightly smack his arm whilst readjusting your head onto his shoulder for more comfort, already feeling the lull of sleep beckoning you to fall further when Percy once again spoke up.
‘But you already do enough sleeping as it is!’ He cried but tried his hardest not to move too much in fear of agitating you, knowing firsthand how much you hated your sleep being disrupted. ‘And I can’t help that!’ You exclaimed. ‘I’ve been falling asleep at random ever since Morpheus claimed me as his own. It’s almost as though I’ve suddenly developed narcolepsy or something.’ You were still getting use to your powers that for some reason would backfire now and then, causing you to have bouts of almost narcoleptic episodes where you could just be talking to someone then boom; there you were, fast asleep in the strawberry fields or on the sandy dunes of the lake as though it were the most comfortable place known to man.
It worried to everyone to begin with but upon being claimed, it started to make a lot more sense that whenever you did spontaneously fall asleep, it was easier to be accommodated for; letting you sleep because you were mad cranky when woken prematurely. Connor and Travis learnt that the hard way when for an entire week their dreams consisted of being chased by a very angry humanoid goose, as if being chased by a regular goose wasn’t scary enough. Just one of the few perks of being the child of the god who could morph dreams and enter them however he saw fit.
The subject of your tendency to fall asleep at random was soon dropped entirely as you and Percy went back to watching the movie that was already well within it’s third and final act. Well Percy was, you on the other hand…were fast asleep on his shoulder, uncaring of the crook in the neck that you were surly developing from your uncomfortable position. Percy doesn’t notice until he goes to look at you to make a joke on a certain scene but stopped and the words died on his lips as he stared at you adoringly. ‘Why am I not surprised that you’ve fell asleep. Again.’ He says softly to himself as he watched how your grip on his arm would occasionally tighten as though your dream had taken a tonal shift, only to loosen up and relax not a moment after.
Not that I needed my arm or my shoulder anyways. Percy thought to himself as he tried his absolute hardest to stay still for your benefit but he might as well have asked Medusa to make him into stone instead because he was doing such a shit job at not moving at all. It was almost as if all his limbs had minds of their own as they’d move or his fingers would tap against his thigh impatiently as the movie ended and the credits began to appear on screen; With the remote too far for him to reach without waking you up and nothing else to occupy his restless mind, Percy felt as though he was in his own personal hell and heaven, or fields of punishment and Elysium.
For one, he got to admire you as you slept, completely at peace and safe within his presence as you would oftentimes shuffle further into him, making noises of discontent when you thought you felt him move away and tightening your grip; Something he found undeniably adorable as he watched the twitches in your face and tries to guess what kind of dream you were having based off them. Secondly he desperately wanted to move, his brain was telling him to move, but Percy would rather not risk having an angry human sized goose chasing him in his dreams for the next week because he accidentally woke you prematurely from your nap. He knows you wouldn’t do that but in cases like these, it he’d know it be better to be safe and sure then expect special treatment; which upon retrospect sounded a lot worse then getting chased by a human sized goose.
So Percy allows himself the fate of being your makeshift pillow, though not before pressing a kiss to your head, wishing you the sweetest of dreams before inevitably falling asleep himself as he rested his head atop of yours, crook in his neck be damned.
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revasserium · 7 months
Im here to say that college!au opla!zoro is your most superior zoo version yet. Please share any more thoughts you have on this cute couple!!!! I love their dynamic so much
listen;;;;;; i love college!au opla!zoro so much. so…… because i am… unwell about this man, sfw and nsfw headcanons/snippets of college!au opla!zoro (most of this is based on the death before decaf fic where zoro is a fencer and reader is a physical therapy major):
afternoon naps on the ratty old couch in the living room of his dorm; luffy is his roommate who is simultaneously never there but also randomly always there at the weirdest most inopportune moments
“what did you say he studies?” “uh… something about international policy but he got in on a sports scholarship too.” “yeah? what’s he do?” “gymnastics.” “wait — seriously?” “yeah he’s /weird/ flexible.”
sharing pizza at midnight, sitting in his lap as he scrolls through highlight reels of past olympic fencing bouts, his chin occasionally brushing against your shoulder as he explains all the different rules and moves; you can feel the light stubble, feel the deep rumble of his voice along your arm where it’s pressed against his chest
him kissing you awake, opening your eyes to find him smiling, smirking, more like — “morning…” “mornin’. you were drooling on my pillow.” “shut up!” “nah, it was cute.” more kissing, you trying to shove his face into the pillow, him easily pinning you beneath him, arching an eyebrow; you sigh, blushing, “it’s too early for this.” “it’s never too early for this.”
jerking apart when you both hear luffy’s voice shouting from the living room, “have fun you guys! i’m going to usopp’s to watch the game! don’t forget to hydrate and take breaks! oh — and i left guac for you guys in the fridge!”
“i thought he was gone!” “i thought so too —” zoro groaning when you hear the door slam, burying his face in your shoulder
study sessions where he’s just doing weight training in the corner and it takes everything you have not to be distracted by the shape of him, shirtless, powering through reps of bicep curls, when he drops to the ground for pushups, the way he grins when he catches you staring and asks if you want to help hold his feet down for situps
coffee runs in the morning, standing in line with his arm draped around your shoulders; nami grinning, “see? toldya making out would’ve solved things.”
pecks goodbye in front of the main lecture building, hearing the way the rest of the fencing team hoots after you turn away, hearing zoro loudly telling them to shut the fuck up if they don’t want their asses beat
him blushing up a storm when you wrap your scarf around him and scold him again for forgetting his own, saying that he needs to take better care of his body if he’s gonna make it to the olympics; him scoffing and looking away and, “well… i’ve got you to take care of it for me, don’t i?”
nsfw: (mdni beyond this point pls)
fucking the locker rooms post bout, his hand cushioned behind your head because say what you will about jock!zoro but he’s still something of a gentleman
netflix and chill saturday nights bc he doesn’t have practice sunday mornings and he’s not about to let all that time to go waste; leaving the tv on as he pulls you over his lap, fingers dancing up the sides of your waist, pressing you down over his cock, groaning when he fists his hands in your hair and pulls
drunk!fucking at frat parties in strangers bedrooms, bc who tf cares who this room belongs to as long as there’s a bed and a door that somewhat locks and sure, the sheets are gonna smell like sex after you’re finished but who’s gonna try and fuck with you when zoro’s always got an arm around you, when he’s got you tucked into his side whenever you’re together, even if it’s just studying at the library or sitting at lunch in the dining commons
the most jealous, possessive sex… bc. zoro doesn’t share.
making out in the stacks bc you said you were getting a reference book but you were gone a bit too long and zoro had come to “find you” only to find you trying to reach a book on a level that’s just a bit too high; him reaching up to pull it down for you, pressing a hand to your lower stomach and pulling you back against his chest, “need some help, princess?”
fumbling back to his dorm after said failed study session in the library, him kicking the door shut and tossing you on his bed, him mumbling some cheesy line about needing to brush up on his anatomy before pushing your knees up and burying his face between your thighs
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seat-safety-switch · 9 months
Everyone loves a good snack. Regular meals are important for your health, but they are also a tyrannical regime that keeps you from shovelling MSG-laden tortilla chips into your mouth six or seven times a day. In the interest of personal freedom, I took over my cousin's failing food truck business and started serving up schedule-busting goodies all over town.
Admittedly, I didn't really care about feeding the masses. I definitely did not care about cooking for, and cleaning up after, random individuals that I would never meet again. What I got into this business for was the truck, a beaten-up old Isuzu NRR that I thought would make a good vehicle with which to tow. If I held out for long enough, then I could pay myself with the truck in lieu of a paycheque when the company went bankrupt.
Of course, I couldn't just sit on my hands and do nothing. To make things look good for the bankruptcy trustees, I was told, I had to put in a serious effort to craft and sell food across town. Soon I was selling hot dog buns stuffed full of Cheetos for seventeen dollars a pop. Customers lined up around the block. To my surprise and anger, this was the moment in which my natural-born business instincts finally manifested to produce some big-league cheddar. Some even maintained a website dedicated to tracking my every move around town, even commenting on my double-clutching as I tried to maneuver that tricky intersection before the downtown bridge without stopping for the red light.
Money was pouring in from a fanatical customer base, which made it improbable that I could pull off my truck-instead-of-cash trick. Not like I could stop for long enough to change the plate on the thing. I was invited to food festivals, park openings, and even had my own Netflix show for a little while, because they didn't want to pay writers anymore, and filming me for two hours of slinging greaseball fried food out of the window of my truck was cheaper. Don't worry: I made sure to ruin all of their takes by talking randomly about 1980s Korean economy cars, a topic that advertisers absolutely despise.
So what took out my business? It wasn't competition, or even that time I rammed the Mayor's limousine while rushing to the scene of a multi-vehicle accident to serve up hot snacks to the brave firefighters. Ultimately, it was my cousin, who wanted his now-successful business back. Without my brave leadership (and gonzo, irresponsible driving) at the helm, the quality of the food immediately dropped, and he went under. There is good news, however. I did get to keep the truck after all, even though Cousin Neutral had to torch it for the insurance money first.
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veneerslipstick · 5 months
⋆.ೃ࿔lights, camera...*:・
actor!veneer x GN!jealous!reader
• one shot
• fluff
at this point in yours and veneers relationship, you’ve been pretty used to his fame and how the life of dating a celebrity is a bit challenging than you imagined. until one day, veneer is casted on a new netflix movie airing worldwide ! but, of course, it had to be a romance.
you were super supportive ! showing up to rehearsals, meeting the cast members, helping him out with lines, you really enjoyed it. though, it being a romance plot, you had to witness every. kissing. scene, with his romantic interest, Arden. reminding yourself it was all just for a plot, you push past the fact of how much time they spend together and worrying if he was falling for them.
what will be your breaking point in order to prove he was unattainable?
“if you want to be as famous as me, you gotta work, gotta work, gotta -“
in the middle of washing your dishes, you picked up
your phone and held it against your shoulder when
you answered it.
“hello?” you forgot to look at who was calling, so you
stuck with the automatic basic greeting.
“Y/N! hi, hi, uhm so i’m on my way over, i still really
can’t believe that, yknow… you know !!” veneer
exclaimed, not having to second guess that it was
him from the way he squealed your name at the
beginning. smiling to yourself, you rinsed off your
hands and turned around from the sink to look out
the living room window.
“i can’t believe it either! and it was only yesterday !
im so happy for you. are we going out to celebrate ?”
there was a pause.
“mm, not exactly. we’re going out, but it’s kind of like
a get together with the cast members, so we can all
get to really know eachother.” veneer explained, and
you furrowed your eyebrows slightly.
“oh, but didn’t we already do that? i met everyone.”
you took the phone in your hand.
“well that was different , like , a basic meet and greet
slash first rehearsal. this is a little more like a loose ,
flowy, have-a-drink-make-someone-laugh type of
deal.” he seemed to have trouble with his
description, but you just laughed, leaning against
your island.
“i like how you describe things.” you blurted
randomly, and you felt him smile on the other end.
that was odd, but you just knew.
“i’ll be there in a minute, love you flower.” he
responded. blushing, you dropped your head.
“i love you too ven.”
hanging up, you went to your room to throw
something on half decent to wear. you weren’t
trying to impress anyone but your own boyfriend,
but you were trying to prove a point to veneers
romantic interest in the movie, Arden, is their name,
that their relationship was strictly for the screen and
nothing else. when you had first met them, they were
actually sweet and funny — but that’s what scared
you. there was nothing that you feared more than
you ending up being just a test subject for veneer , as
he was just famous and hungry, and being pushed to
the side as soon as he tracks down another
person significantly better than you.
pulling on a nice dress shirt, you looked at yourself
in your full body mirror. you knew most of that
definitely— probably, wasn’t true. but that sickening
feeling in your gut pulled your heart closer to your
stomachs depth. you shook it off, swallowing the
lump in your throat. then you heard a horn honk.
rushing out of your room, you opened the front door
to veneer in his car, one hand on the steering wheel
and the other around the head rest. he grinned at you
from afar and you rolled your eyes, scurrying over to
the passenger side and getting in.
“veneer, you’re gonna give me a stroke one day and
it’ll be all your fault.” you shot at him and he laughed.
“mhm, sure, aaaaaaand i’m slowly building up your
fight or flight reactions so one day you can whoop
major ass when you need it.” he replied as he put
the gear in drive and started his way up your
neighbourhood. you shook your head with a smile.
once you two arrived to the actual set of the movie,
which was just a mansion as of right now, you both
exited the car and made your way inside. you were
slightly nervous, though you’ve met everyone before,
but having to see people after already meeting them
once is weirdly even more awkward. once inside,
your arm intertwined with veneers, you were blinded
by spotlights and a huge chandelier over your head.
you saw a tall, tan person, who you remembered as
Arden, wave at venner who he waved back at, and
that’s where he dragged you to go. you made sure to
keep my arm tight around his.
“arden! you remember y/n,” he started, gesturing his
head towards you. you smiled with a nod and they
did the same. “yes, of course. both of you look very
nice.” they looked specifically venner up and down
and you bit your cheek.
“oh well thank you! you also look great. where’s
Lucas?” veneer asked, who you knew as their
you zoned out as they both talked, but keeping an
eye on Arden, making sure their expressions weren’t
too exaggerated or incase they tried to make a
move on veneer. you obviously weren’t worried of
veneer reciprocating, but it still icked you
nonetheless. you then noticed someone approached
the little group, who you recognized as Lucas.
“ven! it’s nice to see you. and y/n, i’m glad you
showed up. veneer always needs his number one
supporter.” Lucas laughed and so did the rest of
them. you smiled and nodded. “it’s nice to see
you as well.” you were quiet as you were just lost
in thought a moment ago.
“anyway, veneer and arden, i was thinking as a little
teaser for the gram..” you cringed at his abbreviation
of “Instagram.” veneer and arden smiled
“we could post a snippet of your guys’ hot scene…”
you felt your heart beating quickly as you shot a
glance at veneer then back at Lucas. did he really
just suggest that in front of you?
Arden clapped their hands together once and looked
to veneer. “oh, yes! imagine the fame that would
flood because of it !” they exclaimed, but veneer
expressed a face of uncertainty, but plastering a
“oh, i..” trailing off for a quick moment he looked to
you and you intervened.
“he would love to.” you said monotonously but with
a slight grin spreading on your lips.
no, no he wouldn’t, you told yourself, but oh, yes he
did, your tease told you.
veneer shot you a look of surprise but also distress,
but Lucas has already walked away while whistling.
“get the cameras UP!” he yelled enthusiastically.
swiftly pulling you to the side , veneer stuck his head
out at you and gestured his hands in a “what is this”
expression. you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“i’m not going to stop you from having fun. just
go do it, it’ll be a core memory for all of you.”
you explained, him biting the inside of his lip.
“i don’t really get you. just a moment ago you were
clearly uncomfortable…” he trailed off and shook
his head, but shot a smile at you. he kissed you
gently as his right hand ran through your hair,
then ran off to the others.
you watched the whole scene happen. the tension
between veneer and arden’s characters , the slight
touching , and of course, the kiss. that rose
dangerous flames in the pit of your lungs. you had
been digging your nails into your palm without even
nothing , which turned your knuckles white.
once the shitshow was over, you let veneer mingle
amongst his peers before you gave him “the look”,
which signaled you wanted to go. without thinking
twice, he started ;
“this was fun, but me and y/n have to get going.
photoshoot tomorrow.” that was always the excuse,
a photoshoot. and it always worked.
“ah, of course. it was nice seeing you two.” Lucas
replied, and Arden looked straight at veneer.
“i’ll see you soon, ven.” they said quietly. your
teeth grit and veneer took your hand.
after all the goodbyes, you and veneer exited the
house and got into his car. without exchanging any
words, he started the engine and revered out of the
parking spot, looking over his shoulder whilst
putting his hand on your head rest. you watched
him in the corner of your eye and felt your body
tense at this simple yet effective sight , and you
swallowed with a dry throat.
on the highway back home, you still felt fury in
your chest.
“pull over,” you said out of nowhere , veneer
looking to you, back to the road then at you again.
“what, why? are you gonna be sick?” he sounded
panicked and you looked at him, that being all
it took for him to put on his signal light and pull over
onto the shoulder of the road. he parked the car.
throwing off your seatbelt and pushing the buckle of
his, you threw your legs over to the driver side and
climbed atop him, left hand on his shoulder as the
other reached down to recline the seat. this all
happened so suddenly, he didn’t have time to react
until the brief 5 seconds you gave for you two to look
at eachother. his hands that were in the air slowly
lowered down onto your waist as his eyes scanned
the view in front of him. looking back into your eyes,
you crashed your lips against his with your hands
gripping the collar of his dress shirt.
both of you had craved this all night — veneer
more than you, actually. having to touch someone
else that wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of
what you gave sort of drive him mad. you noticed
his hands grew tighter on your body and his kiss
moved from gentle to hungry, you inhaling his low
exhales felt like taking a drag of a much needed
the cold surrounded around you disappeared as his
hands started to disperse on your back, running
up to your hair so he could pull your head back and
press kisses to your neck and collarbone. your
throat managed a sound you couldn’t explain,
and you let your eyes fall closed as you felt his lips
dragging slowly on your skin.
you loved how patient he was with your body, how he
took his time to explore what made you gasp and
breath out his name , like it was his only purpose to
do so.
pulling away, he looked up at you and pulled you
close to him by your waist, simply just gazing into
your eyes.
“i will never get sick of you.” he whispered , his voice
seeming to travel in the wind around your head.
you felt a smile quickly spread on your lips and you
cupped his face in your hands.
“i’d like to see Arden try and get that from you.” you
joked and he shook his head with a chuckle.
“they could never. no one could ever.” a moment
of silence sat between you two.
“i love you , y/n,” he kissed you again, pulled away ,
“my flower,”
another quick kiss to your lips concluded the closure
you needed. he loved you, and you loved him, and it
wasn’t just for show. ♡
*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ ✧.* *・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ ✧.*
a/n: FINALLY. i am so sorry. i’m so stressed out
but i love you guys pls eat my scraps 😞🩷
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wibta if i (20'sx) sold/pawned an expensive pair of earrings my grandmother gave me?
context is that my parents are divorced, and have been for a long time. my father's family is wealthy, like "boats, holiday houses, horseback lessons, and trips to europe" wealthy. my mother's family is a pretty normal working class to middle class family, she still rents her house in her fifties, still works (my dad is retired) and works long hours, college debt, etc.
my relationship with my dad is a bit strained because i'm an insane melodramatic faggy rich failson. i do, however, have a pretty positive relationship with the rest of his family. the best of these is with my grandmother, who i love very much and hang out with frequently. she's awesome, very nonjudgemental and has supported me in my queerness and general weirdness since day one, and i'm very thankful to still have a grandmother who's still alive and i can talk to and do stuff with.
occasionally when i come over to hang out with my grandmother, she'll randomly (and very casually) drop really expensive gifts on me. in the past she's given me art pieces, expensive candles, gift cards, money, clothes, makeup, "just because", or because she says that she has too much stuff and wants to get rid of some of it as she ages. i don't think it's because our relationship is codependent or anything, she has a wide circle of friends and supportive family, i think she just likes to be generous.
i came over to her house the other day to have lunch with her, watch some netflix, and help her with her wifi and printer, and she told me that she had some stuff she wanted to give me. i wear and make jewelry and alter clothes, and so she said that she wanted me to look through some of her older jewelry that she doesn't wear and see if there was anything that i might like to have or recycle into my own projects.
while we were looking through her jewelry, she gave me a pair of diamond earrings. i briefly thought, "are these real?", but quickly moved on. it wasn't until later that she told me that they were real and probably worth upwards of five thousand dollars (holy shit), but that she wanted me to have them. not much sentimental value from what i understand, she said she just hasn't worn them in years.
i feel guilty because one of my immediate thoughts was "this money would be really useful for some practical stuff like apartment hunting (i'm in the process of moving), rent, food, car stuff, credit card payments, medication/testosterone payments, etc.". i also feel like it's impolite to immediately turn around and sell a gift someone else gave you out of the kindness of their heart. i also suspect that sometimes she gives me expensive things "casually", but that inside they do actually mean something to her and she's giving them to me because she trusts me. on the other hand though, some money would be super useful, especially for practical things (listed above), giving to community, doting on my boyfriend, putting into savings, etc.
tldr: rich grandma gave me a few thousand dollar pair of earrings, would i be the asshole if i sold them to use on life expenses/put in savings?
What are these acronyms?
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tetsutits · 2 years
𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 (𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬)
⌗ drunk hanma + reader takes care of him. fluff. mutual pining. semi suggestive (mdni). hanma is in lov <3 (wc 1.5k)
+ an :: i got two reqs for this, i added a little twist, anons ty for sending them in! @tokyometronetwork - tr masterlist
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the tv screen blares at you from across the room.
it's almost two in the morning, another saturday night spent alone with homemade dinner and a netflix marathon.
you look forward to these nights—where you just sit and relax alone in the comfort of your own home while watching your favorite shows, especially after a very long, draining week.
wrapped up in the piles of blankets and pillows—you bury yourself deeper into your living room couch, letting yourself completely ignore life for a few hours as you rest for the day.
a wave of sleepiness overcomes you, and as you lay your head on the soft pillows, your eyes start drooping to a close—the audio coming from the tv becomes white noise and you drift in and out of consciousness.
you’re not quite asleep, but more in a hazy state right before completely drifting off into peace.
your soul almost leaves your body when you hear three banging knocks on your door.
you grip your blanket tightly, heart pounding in your chest so hard you can hear your own pulse—it's quiet for a few moments, you're still sitting up on the couch, staring at the foyer.
you slump in your seat after a while once you think whoever is out there is gone, but you hear another two knocks followed with a deep groan.
what the fuck?
your heart races, and fear boils inside of you. it feels as if you’re stuck to your seat—unable to move.
there’s a sound of a thump on the door, and a few more jumbled words that you can’t make out, but you hear your name being said in a low tone on the other side.
you swallow the lump in your throat, slowly getting up and treading towards the front door.
your hands tremble slightly, and your stomach feels like it’s in knots. it’s quiet for a few moments on the other side—you rest your ear on the cold wood to check for any sounds.
fuck it—you say, twisting the knob and yanking the door back.
out of all the things that could’ve been behind this door—what you didn’t expect to see is one, very … drunk, and hazed hanma shuji.
“oh my—what the hell?! you scared the living shit out of me,” you yelp at the sight of him, hair disheveled, clothes hanging messily on him.
he has one hand on the door frame, head hanging low until he tilts it up slightly—eyes blinking, taking a few moments to focus on what’s in front of him.
“wha-what took you-hiccup-so long?“ he slurs.
you’re at a loss of words—mouth opening and closing in shock. your hand lays on your chest, trying to calm the rapid beating of your heart.
“what took me so long? hanma it’s two in the morning!”
he groans, lifting one hand to rub his eyes under his glasses, “jus’ wanted to-to see you is all.”
you sigh, body slumping, you never thought you’d see him randomly show up at your doorstep—drunk, too—he barely shows up sober. you pull him by the elbow, hurrying him inside your home.
“who dropped you off?” you peek outside the door, checking both ways to see if he was being followed here, “and-and why didn’t you at least tell me you were coming?”
you close the door shut, turning around to see him slumped, right on your kitchen counter.
“i missed you,” he slurs, head hanging between his hands. “you never call me anymore.”
“you never answer anymore.” you bite back, making your way to him and filling a glass of water.
“oh.” he furrows his brows. he’s so out of it. “sorry, i’m, i’m busy… y'know. doing stuff.”
you try to ignore the pang in your chest, heart sinking slightly at the reminder of how much you’ve drifted from him. it wasn’t either of your faults—you know life gets in the way and if it weren’t for both of your busy schedules, you’d definitely be seeing him more.
“okay,” you sigh, tugging on his wrist, “you need to lay down.”
he mindlessly follows behind you, too drunk to question anything that’s happening around him.
leading him to your bedroom, he sits on the edge of the bed without you telling him, already memorizing this same scenario multiple times.
“alright, c’mon, help me out here.” you help him shrug off his shoes, and laying him down.
he smirks, “oh? is that w-what we’re doing?”
your movements halt, looking up at him from where you kneel on the floor.
"i'm not trying to fuck you, hanma."
"w-why not?" he hiccups, words barely coherent, "I'm, I'm good looking 'n I have a big fuckin' dick."
"you are so annoying when you're horny." you sigh, playfully flicking his forehead. "I'm not gonna do anything with you."
he groans, throwing his head back in annoyance.
what a dramatic baby.
"so you don't li-hiccup-like me like that?"
you pause, halfway through pulling his suit jacket off, "what do you mean like that?" you ask, a little frustrated, meeting his eyes and noticing that he's been looking at you this entire time.
"you, you know what i mean." he says, throwing his head back on the pillow, "you don't wanna fuck me, so that," he swallows, "that only means you don't like me the way i-i like you." he slurs, pointing one finger at you.
your breath feels like it’s been sucked out of your lungs.
it's quiet for a few moments, and you try your best to comprehend what he's saying but it feels as if your mind is blank—completely empty.
you splutter, mouth opening and closing in an attempt to try and muster something up, trying to gather yourself but it's like you've been hit by a bag of bricks, "hanma-"
"no—no," he cuts you off, waving a hand in the air, "you know that's not my name."
you sigh, confused and a bit flustered but you play along with his silly game, "shuji," you say softly, cupping his cheek in one hand, looking at his pretty, flushed face.
he grunts, signaling that he's listening to you (you don't think he's actually sober enough to comprehend anything you have to say), he buries his face into your palm, rubbing his cheek on the smooth skin.
"you're very drunk right now. and, and i'm sure you have no clue what you're saying," you finally get the jacket part of his suit off and start lifting his absurdly long legs on to the bed, "you'll forget this in the morning, and it'll be as if none of this ever happened."
he completely ignores you, like his mind is in a totally different world, "i like you s'much. like. . . so so much, yknow?"
you drop your head to your chest, arms resting on the side of the bed. it's no use, he just won't stop talking.
"shuji," you whisper, closing your eyes tight, "please don't do this to me right now." the sheets stretch from how hard you're gripping them. "you have no idea what you're saying."
he throws an arm over his face, covering his eyes, "you-y'so pretty? y'know, l-like your eyes are just–i love them. hiccup, 'n your face, your face i just wanna-" he makes some motion in the air with his two hands, it looks like he wants to squish you.
but it hurts—you think. because you know he's going to wake up in the morning and completely forget this conversation ever happened. it hurts—because he's probably mistaking you for some other woman. and that there is no way he can be genuine with his words because he’s hanma, and that already says enough about how he feels about relationships—and, well, you.
"'n you, you never liked me back, so i jus' never said anythin'" he slurs, obviously slowly being taken over by the wave of sleepiness. you think it’s cute—how his eyes droop to a close, how his mouth parts open as he breathes.
you want to scream. at this point you'll hold your palm over his mouth until his falls asleep just so he would stop talking.
“i-i think that’s enough for one night, it’s time for you to sleep, shuji.” you manage to pull the covers over him, but the blanket won’t even reach his ankles because of how long his legs are. his sock-covered feet are exposed but you’re too tired to do anything about it now.
“turn—move and make sure you sleep on your side.” he grunts when you push him over to the side, stuffing a pillow behind his back to make sure he doesn’t turn over to his back in his sleep.
you sigh, finally stepping back for a moment, “okay, i think you’re already passed out but i’m gonna go sleep on the couch.”
the room is silent other than the soft breathing coming from him, “goodnight, shuji.” you whisper.
you start walking away when you suddenly feel a warm hand grasp your wrist—halting your movements.
"s-stay," he slurs, eyes a little watery, "i wan' see your face when i wake up in the morning."
tag @vivianette reblogs and feedback appreciated <3
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
I don't want to be that person, but I just find it so weird how sometimes you and some anons can't talk about something cause people come into your ask box randomly personalizing something. Like this whole episode 4 debacle, people are weirdly personalizing the whole situation. There's ways something can be portrayed in an ok way and there's ways it's not. Someone brought up Tuca and Bertie's jellylakes episode, when that episode aired we didn't have angry people blowing things out of proportion. These are two separate scenarios with two separate outcomes. People are going to talk about it. I know for a fact Lisa was interviewed after that episode dropped on netflix. Viv just ran to threads to throw temper tantrums. Even then, ok. People are acting like you're breaking into their houses and shitting on their carpets cause you're giving people that aren't ok with the episode a voice. "I don't like this because of this." Isn't an attack on someone, maybe you should evaluate your priorities if you feel the need to come attack someone.
Jesus, I'm sorry Chai. Sometimes I just feel like people think you're the anti-christ and anyone you listen or speak with is giving you power to bring the 4 horseman. Ok sorry if that's in bad taste, I'm just very confused why everyone is personalizing this whole thing.
I think what we're seeing is a fandom full of people who've made Viv's shows their entire identity pingponging between different stages of grief. People have theorized that even Viv herself kind of knows the writing's on the wall, and this group needs someone to blame for that.
Might as well blame Chai, who people come to with Secrets.
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kogurazu · 2 months
I'm just gonna rant my chest out regarding the recent Watcher's announcement because I'm still trying to process wtf has just happened & it's pretty late at night. (For the record, I'm one of their international viewers from a 3rd world country.)
It sucks that I cannot buy their official merch that is already expensive (due to conversion rates) + not being able to deliver in my country when I've some spare cash. That's fine by me.
It sucks that I cannot go & watch their live shows being available at certain countries that doesn't cost a damn fortune (plane tickets, hotel bookings, converting currency, etc.) + not in a million years they'll stop by SEA to do tours/live shows. That's also fine by me.
However, the way how they hyped up the announcement mentioning big things are coming only to just drop a video saying "Hey, we're leaving Youtube as the money ain't flowing much to cover our 'extravagant' expenses & all future contents will be locked behind a paywall. So if you're unable to watch most of your beloved shows because you can't pay then toodles!" That's NOT fine by me, let alone anyone else in the matter.
Even if I've a fuck ton of money to spare, I'm still not buying their monthly/yearly WatcherTV subscription because it's JUST. NOT. WORTH. IT. Who wants to buy a monthly yet alone yearly subscription just to watch 1-2 episodes of a show I like being put out weekly per season & then waiting for some time before another new season of another show that has a 50-50 chance whether I enjoy it or not pops up to fill the void? Not me, that's for sure. Damn, I rather subscribe to Netflix or buy YouTube premium if I could because the money spent is worth the content I can get on a monthly/yearly basis.
I get putting exclusive contents such as BTS, special interviews/podcasts, early access to episodes, etc. behind a paywall since they're just nice bonuses for fans who're able to support them but locking REGULAR YOUTUBE content that's not being released consistently & have nothing much to offer behind a paywall? I think you're losing your crackers on this one chief.
After watching the announcement video, I feel plainly numb & disappointed that this is the route they're going for. I understand they need the funds to make videos, pay people & also wanting the freedom to make content that you want to make without adhering to the restrictions of advertisers. I get it.
But what I don't get is this mind numbing decision to spit at the faces of people who can't afford to fork out some cash to enjoy their once free favourite shows that helped cheer them up during the tough times. It's even more disgusting what I heard from Coffeezilla's recent video about Watcher mentioning that they don't even give out a free WatcherTV subscription to their Patreon members as a way to say thank you for your patronage is really saying something eh?
4 years ago, I found Shane & Ryan via Buzzfeed Unsolved just like everyone else randomly being recommended to me on Youtube. I binge watched all seasons of Buzzfeed Unsolved exactly at the same time they're announcing their departure from Buzzfeed to go do their own content at Watcher. What's this? A channel where I can watch the ghoul boys do their own thing? Hell yeah, sign me tf up.
It's really nice to see Watcher growing & trying out new different shows. I'm aware not all the shows they put out matches my taste & that's fine by me. Probably there's an audience out there who enjoy these shows that aren't for me.
I remember the time I was excited when they bring in Ghost Files & Mystery Files which can fill in the Buzzfeed Unsolved void. Are You Scared? & Too Many Spirits are the shows I enjoy listening to them as background noise so that I can focus on my work.
Puppet History & Top 5 Beatdown is where I enjoy the chemistry between the talents & guests. Weird, Wonderful, World & Tourist Trapped is where I enjoy seeing cool places run by passionate people & is like a nice, come hangout with me type of video blogs.
4 years later, this is where I'll be hopping off with the knowledge that I can't no longer be able to enjoy all these shows anymore like I used to just because I can't afford to whip out some measly cash to pay for regular content that I can easily find on Youtube for free.
Even if you leave up the old videos on Youtube (after you've backpedalled your decision to remove all the videos entirely in the first place due to the backlash & gaslighting us into thinking we misunderstood but your Variety article says otherwise), the whole ordeal just makes the experience to re-watch all the content that I used to love & enjoy feels awkward & left a sour, bitter taste in my mouth.
With a very heavy heart, I say thank you for the fun shows you have been putting out these past 4 years & farewell to Team Watcher. I don't know how're you going to recover from this but I wish you a best of luck moving forward.
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(this is kind of a long post that somehow turned into lowkey a conspiracy theory but i don’t want to rewrite the start bc it was written pretty much stream of consciousness and that amuses me)
maybe this is an unpopular opinion but i don’t want byler to be spoiled lol
crumbs, sure, little things that keep us invested, but i want to go into s5 completely unawares of how it’s gonna play out. i don’t want the cast or the official socials or some random leaker to tell me what’s gonna happen beforehand.
honestly the fact that so many people involved with the show have acknowledged byler yet none of them have shot it down as a possibility is a big enough crumb for me. or the way official netflix accounts have posted promotional things with byler since s4 dropped. yeah, they don’t have any involvement with the production of the show, but if the ship is being used for marketing then it’s considered a possible sales point.
actually now that i think of it, does anybody remember the june advent calendar??? when, immediately after v1 dropped, the official netflix accounts started posting pro-byler stuff damn near every day, to the point where we made an event out of it???
at the time we all got super hyped over it and then figured it was queerbait when they didn’t get together in v2, but isn’t it mighty fuckin convenient that the netflix accounts just “coincidentally” happened to start posting pro-byler stuff as soon as v1 dropped??? because yeah, byler started picking up traction immediately after it aired, but it took a while to really get the ball rolling. they started cashing in on the byler hyper train when it was only just beginning to grow from its tiny pre-s4 presence. seeing official accounts mentioning byler probably helped to cement it in a lot of people’s radar in the gap between the volumes. and didn’t noah also start saying he shipped byler around then??? 
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POSTED ON JUNE THIRD??? only a week after v1 aired??? and ppl were so surprised by this tweet that when he was on a panel somebody asked him if he got hacked 😭😭
back then it really seemed like “oh the official accounts are queerbaiting during pride month” but A: we know noah wasn’t just saying this for nothing,he’s made it very clear that he believes it and B: why the hell would they be queerbaiting the tiny fledgling post-v1 byler audience when it was only just coming together??!?
hindsight says something was afoot here actually. they started releasing the pro-byler agenda from its tightly locked enclosure AFTER the volume where mike tells will hawkins isn’t the same without him and will brings the painting “for somebody he likes” when they go to pick mike up, IN PREPARATION for the volume where will gives said painting to mike along with an extremely emotional nameswapped love confession and mike turns around and gives a stilted and phony confession to his girlfriend. why the hell was attention being drawn to byler outside of the show itself in that interval if not to make people recontextualize what they just saw in v1??? and then when they see v2 have that recontextualization validated when will is confirmed to be both gay and in love with mike??? and to pick up on the fact that mike and el’s relationship is on more rocks than your average pile of gravel???
we know that they’ve had actors straight up lie to the audience before, too, because even if u just take noah as an example he said in a JUNE interview that will’s sexuality was up to interpretation, and then not that long at all after v2 dropped he did the iconic “will is gay and in love with mike” interview!!! and obviously he knew that will was confirmed gay when he did the first interview bc they had filmed that scene like a year earlier. so the fact that he never rlly mentioned byler, except for vaguely negatively when he was a kid, until v1 comes out and “SUDDENLY” he’s byler’s biggest warrior doesn’t mean he randomly changed his mind, it means he hadn’t been allowed to talk about it until after volume 1. after the first half of the season that made the majority of byler shippers see it as a genuine possibility and even the most likely outcome.
sorry i have no idea how much sense this makes and i’ve completely derailed whatever i was talking about at the top of this post. has anybody pointed this out??? have i pointed this out and i just forgot??? help?!!?!??
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brucebocchi · 1 year
wrote something for facebook about my history with anime and journey towards born-again weebdom:
Something weird happened to me over the past year. Like a frog in a pot of increasingly hot water, I found myself way the hell into anime again, and at a level I don’t think I ever had been before.
Anime was always kind of in my periphery, especially with stuff like Pokémon, Dragon Ball Z, and Sailor Moon blowing up in this side of the world. I was a fan of all three as a kid, plus I’d watch the odd show on Toonami and Adult Swim here and there, but I didn’t consider myself much of an anime fan beyond that. Especially not in high school, and if you went to school with “Naruto kids” like I did, you can probably understand why. I didn’t really seek it out.
About 10 years ago I decided to finally see what this Neon Genesis Evangelion business was all about and it rearranged my brain. I had no clue something like that existed before I’d even heard of Pokemon. I had to see what else was out there that I missed. I caught up on shows like Gurren Lagann, Nichijou, and Madoka Magica, and even followed Kill la Kill and the first season of One Punch Man as they were airing. From there, though, I kind of petered out again. I’d watch the occasional Netflix drop here and there, catch up on Jojo, and rewatch the Evangelion movies like they were recurring holidays, but that was kinda it.
Around this time last year, though, I randomly remembered a show that I loved as a preteen, one that I was just as excited to watch alongside DBZ on weekdays after school: Tenchi Muyo. It didn’t really have the lasting impact the other Toonami shows did, but I loved it when it was on (and let’s be real, that many beautiful anime women jam-packed into the same show was something of an awakening for my pubescent self). I decided to seek it out and see if it held up, and it mostly did! I ended up watching most of the franchise, or at least the parts of it that actually involve the main cast.
From there, I found a video essay on YouTube about one of the Tenchi sub-series that absolutely hooked me, and I’d be happy to share it. Anime became something of a YouTube rabbit hole for me, and I was inundated with recommendations for shows I’d either heard about and missed or that left a mark I wasn’t even aware of. Then I decided to finally play Persona 5. Then I decided to see what this Chainsaw Man business was all about. And what else was airing that season. That snowball kept rolling.
By my count, I’ve watched some 38 discrete anime series in the past year and change (plus another three that I started and am in no hurry to finish), and I’ll gladly list them if asked. Granted, anime seasons are short and a handful of them are spinoffs, so the number’s not as crazy as it might look on its face. It’s still a lot, though, and I would actually recommend most of them! I definitely stuck to some niches; I’d say at least half were comedies and there was plenty of action-oriented stuff in there as well. But it’s been really incredible just seeing how far it can reach as a medium to depict just about anything the human brain can conjure up.
Anime fuckin’ rules, y’all.
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ghostie-luther · 2 years
Okay so I have been randomly flung back into my tmnt obsession phase I had as a child thanks to the new rottmnt movie on Netflix.
As you know, I love making things human au.
Some personal headcanons!
(From a modern, adopted au, TMNT 2012 VERSE)
- full japanese
-the only biological son of Hamato Yoshi
-he has naturally black hair, but dyed it so that when the light hits it, it shines blue. Like a raven, or crow.
-a warm complextion, slightly tanned from his father. His mother was ghostly pale (before she was actually a ghost LOL)
-deep black eyes that light up when talking about something he likes.
-he contests with Raph about his height, and always gloats that he is an inch or two taller. (He has dad check, for fairness).
-a lanky but slightly muscular body due to his training from early childhood
-he can speak fluent Japanese and English, and is working on Cantonese and mandarin.
-absolutely loves languages, the same as Mikey.
-was introduced to Karai through his father, and instantly developed a thing for her. Couldn't stop looking at her, imagined a life together, etc.
-this immediately ended when splinter dropped the sister bomb.
-poor boy avoided her for a while after that.
-is the most formal and disciplined with his training. Follows his father to a T. Like a mini splinter.
-absolutely excels at meditation
-the two of them lived in Japan until 6 years after his birth.
-After the move, splinter couldn't be bothered to cook him dinner as they had not properly settled in, so he took him to a resteraunt.
-he was told not to be rude as he loudly asked in English why people were not using chopsticks. People stopped and smiled, but Splinter was still mortified.
-didn't actually want to foster his brothers at first. In fact, he argued loudly against it, not wanting to share his father. Of course Yoshi was stern with him, but had an open conversation about how although Leo had an opinion, he also had the decision to open up his home, and grant others the family and same opportunity he had always had.
-he still was unsure, even after this. But once Raph arrived, a singular black trash bag filled with his belongings, face hard and knuckles stained with blood, he understood.
-the first of the brothers to be adopted.
-he was 10 when he joined the Hamato family, though it wasn't made official until he was eleven.
-currently is 17, three months younger than Leo.
-He is African American
-he was born in Chigaco but moved to the bronx mid childhood, and has the heaviest accent in the family
-when raph arrived he'd shaved his head completely, nearly down to the scalp
-since growing in the Hamato household, he let himself enjoy things specific to him, and grew his hair out
-right now he's rocking the sickest locs he's ever done
-he dyed the ends of his hair red in the bathroom sink
-went in to shower and came out with a whole new hair style
-splinter just eyed the front door and wondered if it was too late to go back to Japan and leave them there. Why must his boys love hair dye so much?
-nearly had his suitcase accidently packed and by the door when he found the stained bathroom. Raph was scrubbing that for HOURS.
-although he started training Martial arts through splinter at 11 to help his anger management, he has a very stocky but tall build do to his OLD anger management. Boxing. Dude can throw a punch.
-vibrant natural green eyes, which he gets from his father
-permanent forroughed brow lines LOL
-can only speak one language
-his favourite food is beef bunny chow. His mother's best dish.
-his father split and left them when he was a child, and from then on it was his mother, him, and his older brother
-his brother was much older, and unfortunately had a rocky outlook on life.
-he was placed in a juvenile detention centre when raph was 6, and he was 17. His mother, who was getting older at that point, couldn't handle the stress, and her health started to decline.
-Raph did everything he could to help his mother. He cleaned the house, did the chores, shopping, and when she became bedridden, did everything she asked. The two were inseparable.
-his brother was released, but then committed armed robbery, and was placed in jail. Real jail this time.
-then, when he was nine, his mother passed away peacefully in her sleep, him holding her hand the whole time, sleeping soundly beside her. His heart ripped in two when he woke up, and she didnt.
-due to his brother being in prison, he was put in a foster home. He got into many fights there, and became a rough, competitive boy. Iife wasn't fair to Raph, so why should he be fair to other people? He sent many boys to their forever homes with stitches in their heads.
-the foster matron had enough of other boys getting hurt, so she placed him in emergency care with someone who had eagerly put himself on the list over a year ago.
-Raph tried to fight Leo the second day at his new home. And was put in his place.
-but it's fine. If anything, he'd found a new challenge. It was worth the stay.
-seven years later, Leo and Raph are thick as theives, though the younger siblings and their dad don't tend to see it.
-he still has his rough attitude, but it's been sanded down to brotherly concern, annoyance, and love by now.
-hes the most over protective of the bunch, and isn't afraid to show it.
-speaking of brothers, his biological one is getting out soon...
-the 2nd addition to their little home!
-hes 16, and the tallest of the bunch, much to the elders dismay.
-dude this dude is fucking LONG
-Latino (Italian)
-has a big gap in his teeth from not being able to afford braces as a child
-unconsciously blows air through it and whistles through it while he's deep in his work, and blocks it with his tongue to stop the noise, then does it again.
-cute brown eyes, but lowkey squinty because he grew up with no glasses. (Spoiler, he was supposed to have glasses). Now walking around without his NICE, SHINY, NEW, PRESCRIBED GLASSES is a habit that he can't shake off.
-grew his hair out because he got tired of cutting it. It's a gorgeous caramel colour, but he's thinking of dying it darker to get less compliments on it.
-full of anxiety, but refuses to take his medication because it makes him sleepy and why would you sleep when you could do EQUATIONS.
-hes actually been in the foster life the longest. He'd lived in the same foster home from the ages of two till twelve.
-it kinda broke him down. Sitting in his little corner all day everyday, watching all the old kids drifting out, new kids coming in, and repeating the cycle. (Why didn't anyone ever choose him?)
-is naturally super smart, and got so bored with life to the point where he found he couldn't have conversations with someone unless he was solving invisible questions in the back of his mind
-people stopped talking to him after he let that slip.
-he doesn't know what happened to his parents, but doesn't care enough to find out.
-he was running from bullies at school when he ran into Raph
-like literally. Ran into him. Wacked his nose so hard it started bleeding.
-(this was before his growth spurt, so his nose buried itself in Raphs shoulder)
-Raph scared the kids off, and demanded to know which one of them broke his nose.
-was not happy to hear the "you" part of that.
-so he took him home to Splinter to get cleaned up and taken safely home, and they just got talking until the subject came up on homelife and well, Raph had already gotten attached!
-the rest is history
-he can only speak one language, English. He'll only ever sit down and study something if there's some sort of Math or science involved.
-to his knowledge, he is an only child. Well, biologically anyway.
-has a slight lisp due to the placement of his gap.
-will trip over his tongue and forget English in her presence.
-he doesn't know this, but April kinda likes him back? It's only the beggining of her feelings, though, so she'll see where it takes her.
-Oh, and, she's not oblivious. She knows he has a massive crush on her.
-will eat anything junk food, and anything that will go in the microwave
-sometimes he's so into something they don't see him at dinner
-really REALLY wants a pet cat
-oh my god where to start.
-hes 14, and is the last adopted
-He was adopted when he was twelve, a little over two years ago.
-now, nobody knows what his actual heritage is, and Splinter promised him that when he turns 16 they'll take him to wherever they needed to to find out.
-however...the baby of the family was born in Hawaii!
-this is where the confusion comes in, because he definitely isn't a native. More of a local?
-he has off-white skin (that actually can turn pretty tan, after the sunburn), baby blue eyes, and is absolutely smothered in freckles.
-all over his face, shoulders, arms, and chest. They're everywhere.
-golden blonde wavy hair that goes in every direction but DOWN.
-was accused of dying it because his roots are a dusty brown. It wasn't, and he nearly bought bleach to prove it.
-is the shortest, to no surprise.
-very skinny too, despite years of dancing and running around. He definitely has some muscles, and strength, but it isn't defined, to his disappointment.
-always covered in some type of scrape, cut, or bruise. He never knows where they're from.
-will blush from his shoulders to the roots of his hair when truly embarrassed. The others make it a game, who can get mikey the most red? (without saying anything to make him insecure).
-he can speak fluent English and Hawaiian, which was the language he spent most of his life speaking.
-despite being the happiest and friendliest of the bunch, he keeps his past close to his chest. He doesn't speak much of his family, and nobody wants to ask.
-but I'm the author, and I'll tell you
-Mikey was born the second sibling, in a pack of EIGHT.
-his elder sibling was three years older, and to Mikey's knowledge he is still on the island.
-his parents were in an unhappy marriage, and spent their entire time in Mikeys childhood avoiding home just in case the other was there. (It was better that way. No fights and having to hide the younger ones under the bed). But this just meant that they were neglected, left at home with no parents for days.
-Mikeys siblings were all actually half siblings, including the elder. Not a single one was fully related (apart from the young twins).
-he was four when his mother slept around again, five when the first child was born. A girl. She didn't stop after that. His dad stopped coming home completely after a while. Years later, laying with his elder step brother, his brother confessed he'd seen him not two days after the first child was born, walking around with a pregnant woman. He looked happy. Mikey stopped believing he would come back after that.
-when Mikey was six, he truly set his childhood aside. His mother kept popping out babies then abandoning them to do things that would conceive another, so he and his brother (Dami) stepped up to raise them all.
-by the time Mikey was ten, he was practically the parent of six young children.
-while it hurt him terribly to be taken away from them by CPS, deep down he knows that they probably wouldn't remember him, save for Dami, and the immediate two youngest.
-they were all placed in different homes, and as the first one off the island, he doesn't know where they are, at all. They could still all be together on the island for all he knew. He still secretly cries about this all the time.
-growing up in Hawaii, he spent his life deeply submerged in the culture. He and the children of the family were welcomed with open arms in the community, and were deeply loved by all that lived there.
-he found a love for traditional dancing, and started practising when he was seven. He picked up on it fast, and within a year he was fluid and moved with grace, putting on shows for many who loved it.
-although he part of the community, he knew from a young age that he wasn't native to the land, and as such did research and asked elders and friends before he tried to learn or join something. Nobody ever had a problem with him though, as he was the (though wild and untamed) most polite and respectful boy, despite his upbringing, and he genuinely wanted to learn and be one with the community.
-he left the island with a head crammed full of knowledge, traditions, and culture. He knew the names of wild flowers, Gods, legends and Tales.
-he got to New York and was appalled. How could these people do this to their land? Their home? Rubbish on the street, randomly attacking people, bombs, guns, and knife violence? He didn't feel safe.
-his part of the island spoke both Hawaiian and English, although his English wasn't the best, and he had no trouble being placed in the placement centre. At first he acted out, pulled pranks, disrupted lessons.
-but then his social worker called Yoshi in, and now he finally feels safe.
Random other bits:
-Mikey doesn't speak Hawaiian around the family. They knew he grew up in Hawaii, but that's it. They don't know about the siblings, his language, his dancing, his art, nothing. He's surprisingly private.
-Raph let one brother each do a SINGULAR loc in his hair, which he then tied with either a blue, orange, or purple hairband. Donnies is the worst, all tangled and even breaking some of the hair off (Raph winced the entire way through), Leo's is second best, though he's used to working with his own PIN straight hair, and mikeys is surprisingly the best. Still wonky, but the best.
-Mikey let's himself goof off so much because he never had a childhood. As guilty as he feels about it, he's glad he's no longer baring such a huge responsibility.
-donnie skipped a grade and is in Leo and Raphs science, math, and geography classes.
-Leo falls asleep in geometry. Like. All the time. He's embarrassed everytime. ITS JUST SO BORING.
-karai lives with her roomate/on and off girlfriend shinigami. (She's 19).
-Karai lived with her uncle saki (who she thought was her father) until the police showed up.
-turns out she was kidnapped and there was a whole case about it years ago. Who knew?
-splinter had decided not to adopt anymore children after Mikey, and finding his daughter, despite the temptation. Five children is enough.
-(plus Casey and April, who practically live at the Hamato home).
-Raph will force mikey to jump on his back sometimes, though the younger doesn't really need to be forced.
I have alot more headcanons if you want to know about anything specific lmk :)
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kolbisneat · 5 months
MONTHLY MEDIA: January 2024
I know folks say January feels like a long month but it kinda felt normal to me? I dunno. Anyway this is how I spent the last 31 days.
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Asteroid City (2023) The artistry is top notch and spoke the loudest but I feel like I'll need to watch it a couple more times to take in the quieter voices. I can't tell if it's me or specifically this film, but it felt...sadder than Anderson's other work?
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Saltburn (2023) A lot of false starts, or rather a lot of pivots from what I thought the movie would be. And then also a lot of false endings? I dunno. I found the whole thing...indulgent (take that for what it's worth). A lot of beautiful and memorable imagery.
Spice World (1997) Technically a New Year's Eve watch and a great way to wind down 2023. Truly a wild ride and so many great cameos. And for anyone who doesn't know the Spice Girls I actually think it'd be a pretty great introduction to them.
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Delicious in Dungeon (Episode 1.01 to 1.04) Digging this adaptation so far! If you haven't heard me ramble on about how great the manga series is, this is your chance to see if you dig the tone and concept.
Daisy Jones & The Six (Episode 1.01 to 1.10) Gotta love the Fleetwood Mac fanfic. Feels both familiar and wholly unique and the brief documentary-style character moments are a lot of fun too. I strive to be Warren the drummer.
Blue Eye Samurai (Episode 1.05 to 1.08) Really great season of television. The last episode stuck the landing in an unexpected way and while I didn't looooove it, I respect it. Still suffers slightly from "just wait til next season" but one misstep amongst a season of perfect steps is okay by me.
The Crown (Episode 6.07 to 6.10) Having not watched the rest of the series (outside of a few eps of the Diana-centred eps this season) I really found the finale...moving. Elizabeth and Philip really do feel like the end of an era.
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This Candyman Makes a Wonka-Style Candy Feast | WIRED by Wired Certainly didn't realize how interested I'd be in the process of making candy, but here we are. Really great breakdown and watch it if for no other reason than to learn the backstory behind the "drops" in "lemon drops". VIDEO
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How YouTubers Can Avoid Burnout by Extranet Shaquille While specifically talking about YouTubers, this succinctly captures my approach to working in the creative industry: push yourself but not for the sake of exponential growth. Any creative could benefit from hearing this alternative to those pushing the grind mindset. VIDEO
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Full House by Zeke Masters (Complete) Picked this up randomly at a thrift store and it didn't disappoint. Not quite as horny as I expected an "adult western" to be, but that's okay. An easy read and if I see more of "Zeke's" books I'll definitely pick them up.
There Is A Tide by Agatha Christie (Complete) Plenty of twists and I think it all played fair as everything Poirot revealed made me think "oh yeah that was mentioned earlier". Great introduction to Christie's work and excited to pick up more!
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Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton (Complete) Heart-wrenching. Such a deeply personal reflection and perspective on Canada's relationship with oil and the people who take it from the ground. While the entire read is a blend of very fun and deeply sad, I found the written epilogue to contain the biggest gut punch. Should be required reading for anyone who drives a car.
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Richard Stark's Parker: The Score by Darwyn Cooke (Complete) It's incredible just how cinematic Cooke's work is. So much style and substance with such little brushwork (and only two colours)! If you haven't read any of the Parker retellings then know each pretty much stands on its own and are all worth checking out.
Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 3 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) Really enjoying this reread while also catching the Netflix series! It's interesting to see the little details peppered in that really shows the whole thing was developed from the beginning. Go watch the show and if you like it well enough then the books are, as cliche as it is, even better.
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God is Dead by Twin Temple (2023) Satanic doo whop? Heck yeah. Their first album was great but something about this follow-up really clicked for me. Maybe it's the the track "Be a Slut (Do What You Want)".
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Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) My Tuesday crew is knee-deep in Ozian politics. They're allied with a few different parties and many of those parties are in conflict with each other. Classic. Anyway you can read all about their antics here!
And that's it. See you in February!
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tiramis-hoon · 1 year
KICK IT ! - cute guy↷
a couple of days had passed since you’d finally landed after what seemed to be the longest awaited flight ever to be flown, and you were absolutely ecstatic to be back in the place you belonged - your home. of course, some things weren’t completely the same, the house was different, a lot of shops had changed, but that didn’t matter since you still knew the place like the back of your hand.
odd pieces of clothes were chucked about your small bedroom as you unpacked, when three gentle knocks and an appearance from your mum forced you to climb over the heaps of books blocking the way. despite your best attempts at hiding it, you weren’t able to escape your mother’s examining eyes.
“why haven’t you finished unpacking yet? i thought i told you to finish by lunch.” usually this type of nagging would just be another part of your daily life, however, the discontent face staring right at you made you think otherwise.
“i’m just really tired and i can’t find anywhere to put half of this stuff. we’re not even doing anything today so i’ll just do it in my own time and finish later.”
“sweetheart we have guests tonight, we’ve invited our new neighbours round for a nice dinner. i beg you to please please please finish.”
“WHAT? why didn’t you tell me? they won’t come in my room though, can’t we all just stay in the living room or something?” you whined.
your mum lets out an exhausted sigh, “the living room will be for the adults. they have a son your age i think, so we thought you could get to know him here whilst we chat. anyways, clean. your. room. thank you!”
you groaned when you heard a shout from down the corridor sneak through the crack between the door, “and don’t forget their names, mr and mrs yang!!”
and so, you got down to work.
6pm had just rolled around and the room that once looked like it had been ransacked to some degree was finally half decent. a quick shower refreshed your mind but you weren’t entirely sure what was the appropriate attire was for meeting a new neighbour, so you threw on a slightly casual-smart sweatshirt on with some wide legged jeans and swiftly fixed up your hair and face in hopes you would seem like a regular functioning member of society.
you rushed down the stairs as the chatter got louder and mentally prepare yourself for social interaction, because let’s be honest, you weren’t quite the most outgoing if all you want to do on a saturday night is cuddle up in your bed on netflix. 
greeting the couple from next doors as polite as physically possible, a tall figure appears from behind them. your eyes meet and you can’t help when your blood pressure just drops. oh. my. gosh. you knew he was your age yet the one small inconvenient factor your parents did not tell you was that he was the cutest boy you’d set eyes on.
you so wanted to play it cool but your voice came out in a rather whispered and squeaky tone. “hey, i’m y/n.” you clear your throat, “sorry i’m a bit all over the place haha”. 
“hi, i-i’m uh jungwon.” he posture seemed to be calm but his cheeks burned a subtle type of crimson and his eyes darted randomly after the smallest bit of eye contact. 
so so so cute.
dinner had finished up and both of your parents ushered you to your room once again. the door creaks, and you let him get comfy as he awkwardly sits at the edge of your bed. there’s a tangible stiffness to the feeling of the room and jungwon had about enough of it.
“so i’m guessing you’re gonna be going to the same sixth form school as me? my parents said you were in my year.” he questions you and your anxious footsteps come to a halt when you perch on your windowsill, cradling your legs in your arms. 
“um yeah, decelis, right? i was there from years 7 to 9ish but we left the country for my parents’ job. we came back here since their project finished up. what type of subjects are you doing?” you look up from fiddling with the loose thread on the hem of your jeans.
“bio, chem, maths. you?”
“same but physics instead of bio because i’m not basic,” you jestered.
“i may be basic but at least i’m not insane!” he defends himself, throwing his hands up like you might just shoot him for his (weird) choice.
you laugh and hide into the hands covering your red face, “oh my daysss, fuck off please, i get enough of this from my friends, let me off.”
“tut tut tut, language! and i’m not gonna stop pestering you. seriously, what even convinces someone to take physics?? i wanna know,” 
you peek through your fingers before sliding your hands down to the sides of your neck, and your eyes meet once more. there’s a small tug at the corners of both of your lips; somehow, you can’t peel your eyes from each other.
you needed a small break from banter that continued in the later hours of the night, so you tell jungwon you just needed to nip to the bathroom for a moment. you freshen up and look in the mirror. you ask yourself why you didn’t put more effort into looking nice, but he’d already met you so it was a little too late to redo first impressions.
as you walk back, a muffled conversation could be heard through the door of your bedroom, so you assume that jungwon must be on a call to someone. you know you really shouldn’t snoop into other people’s personal stuff, but curiosity got the better of you and you place your ear to the door.
“-her? ugh, she so fake you wouldn’t believe it! i know she’s new and all so i should act nice or she’ll be all over my ass about it. i miss the grandma that was here before.”
oh. maybe your intuition was wrong when you thought that you were sincerely getting along well. this was not the best way to find out the guy you think is cute doesn’t feel the same way.
then the door opened.
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synopsis — as if moving country wasn't hard enough, jeon y/n now has to find balance between her school life and trying to keep it together in taekwondo. so what happens when a boy breaks into her hectic life without warning?
a/n ↷ I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR AGES!! n e ways,, drama is brewing 🤭
taglist: @ghostfacd @haknom @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs
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golden dad au ash in hisui shenanigans!!!
i've been talking about potential shenanigans a ho-oh hybrid ash could get up to in the distant past on and off in the group discord for a few months. and then i finally got around to doodling outfit designs. the top is based off the kimono top outfit in the game, and other aspects of his outfit are pulled from travelling priest garb. details of how things go listed below. this got longer than i thought.
This happens to Ash at some point during Journeys, before the Team Galactic Arceus shenanigans netflix only special happened.
Unlike in Legends: Arceus, here Ash isn't just randomly nabbed and dropped without warning into Hisui. This is because 1) Ash is basically Arceus' favorite (great-great-great) grandchild at this point and the old duff would never, 2) even if he did try, Bert would kill him and 3) Delia.
Instead, Ash comes home one day to visit his parents and finds Arceus sitting at their kitchen table drinking tea and basically explaining what the hell is happening, that someone in the distant past is messing with Dialga and Palkia and Giratina in an attempt to get Arceus to show up himself, and while the old goat COULD nab some rando to help out, they figured Ash would want to get involved as soon as he heard someone was messing with them - and they weren't wrong, either. Plus, Arceus trusts him.
Because of the prep session, Ash actually comes in with a cover story to make him more palatable to the locals - a birdsong priest acolyte from Ecruteak Village in Johto (the united land of Tohjoh?). So while he is still seen falling from the rift, he isn't as blatantly strange as the Hisuian protagonist comes off as, nor Ingo - he simply gives off the air of a displaced foreigner who was unfortunately swept up in the strange rifts.
It helps that Kamado and several of the villagers are from Johto - they're already aware of the fledgling birdsong priest faith that came about after the burning of the tower, so Ash's presence actually ends up being a small bit of familiarity in the harsh new environment of Hisui they've immigrated to. As such, while people are still wary of what his presence means, they're not as distrustful of Ash himself.
This doesn't completely extend to Kamado himself - Ash and the village leader actually have a bit of a fraught relationship. It seems like Kamado resents the Birdsong priest faith somewhat - they encourage companionship between people and Pokemon, after all, and Kamado has a hard time of not seeing Pokemon as dangerous creatures after the destruction of his old village by rampaging Pokemon, and he still resents the faith for their contrasting views in the aftermath. It takes a long, long time for Kamado to trust Ash, even though Ash spends a fair amount of time helping both the local villagers and the Galaxy Exploration Team.
Speaking of what Ash does in Hisui - he actually isn't the main person helping un-frenzy the Noble Pokemon or completing the Hisuian Pokedex - at least not the main person. Half of the time he sticks close to Jubilife Village, helping the villagers out with small problems and consulting with them, helping them forge connections with the local Pokemon wildlife, and the other half of the time is spent either going out with the Galaxy Team's expeditions or just wandering the Hisuian wilds with apparently no supervision whatsoever.
The main person sent out to un-frenzy the nobles is actually the local Akarei (haven't decided which one it is), Laventon's assistant. Ash supports them by lending his own battling expertise alongside Pikachu, as well as adding purification blessings to the balms that they create to un-frenzy them. While he takes over the majority of the process during earlier battles, as Akarei becomes more and more confident in their skills, they're the ones reaching out to the Diamond and Pearl Clans, and the ones who are approached by the clans to help un-frenzy their nobles.
The one exception is during Noble Electrode's unfrenzying - Ash is furious at Melli for ignoring the suffering of a Pokemon under his care, no matter that Melli genuinely seems to feel that the frenzying is a necessary evil. He purifies Noble Electrode's entire being of the frenzying in one go out of pure rage, and when another bolt of frenzying lightning comes down to strike Electrode, Ash takes the blow instead in order to demonstrate to Melli how much pain the frenzying lightning is putting the Noble Pokemon in. (He unfortunately didn't think about the repercussions of letting a half-legend hybrid like himself be exposed to the frenzying lighting would be, and it's only his being half-human that keeps him from rampaging about. The waves of pressure he gives off does scare the shit out of Melli though, so Ash considers the overall result to be a plus.)
It's Akarei who builds their own team as they travel across Hisui - Ash doesn't catch any Pokemon and only has Pikachu with him, but he befriends several Hisuian species, and their descendants are able to be found in small pockets in Sinnoh in the present day - Ash reunites with said descendants as he continues visiting Sinnoh during the present day Journeys season.
Unfortunately, Ash's sort-of friendship with Kamado does not stop the older man's paranoia from getting the better of him and demanding that Akarei be exiled when the rift gets worse. It does stop him from banishing Ash - unfortunately, this just makes Ash all the more disappointed in Kamado for giving into his paranoia and making the easy decision. When pointing out that Ash himself was a key part in the unfrenzying of the nobles, and is the one who ACTUALLY fell from the rift does nothing to change Kamado's decision, Ash opts to simply walk out of Jubilife Village with Akarei, and doesn't return even when Akarei themselves are welcomed back into the village later. It puts a damper on the village's unity as they realize that Kamado's decision may not have been made in earnest, and it means there's less of them willing to go with him up to Mount Coronet, or to uphold Akarei's banishment.
While Akarei is the one who uses the Red Chain to release the first dragon from frenzying, Ash is the one who uses his purification and battling skill to hold off the second dragon until Akarei can forge the Origin Ball to catch the second one.
Out of everyone in Hisui, it's only Akarei and Volo who are made aware of Ash's true identity as a time-travelling half-legendary pokemon human hybrid - it's Ash who collects the Plates while Akarei was subduing the frenzied Nobles, and Ash who battles Volo and Giratina singlehandedly with both himself and Pikachu. Ash makes use of his full transformation in order to be able to match Giratina - and meeting Ash in the past is partially why its so friendly to Ash in the Sinnoh movie trilogy, not that Ash knows that.
anyways there's probably more details but y'know, i'm sorta remembering them off the top of my head, feel free to ask or whatever
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fromkenari · 2 years
I was randomly reminiscing about using Kandyse McClure as a faceclaim for a character and was like, “I wonder what she’s up to?” and I went to IMDB and ended up down a rabbit hole.
I’ve seen Katee Sackoff’s awesome role in The Mandalorian. I know Michael Trucco is manifesting sexy Ned Flanders in Midnight Mass. What I did not know is that Kandyse McClure and Aaron Douglas have recurring roles in the final season of Motherland: Fort Salem. Grace Park is in a DRAMA and she’s not carrying a gun, it’s called A Million Little Things. James Callis is in what looks to be a campy romp of a show called Blood & Treasure. Edward James Olmos is still (of course) in Mayans M.C. which I haven’t caught up with in a while. I never actually watched Lucifer with Tricia Helfer (and a bunch of other hot humans) so I need to fix that. Mary McDonnell and Michael Trucco are going to be in a show based on and titled “The Fall of the House of Usher” on Netflix next year. Jamie Bamber looks to be doing British things and I don’t have access to them (legally.) Michael Hogan and Tricia Helfer did voices in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Tamoh Penikett is in Netflix’s Devil in Ohio (note: I originally wasn’t going to watch it because that title is a Captain Obvious one, but now.)  Alessandro Juliani is voice acting and also was in one episode of Devil in Ohio. Nicki Clyne was recently in a micro-budget sci-fi movie called Lunamancer and I just need her to be around more. Rekha Sharma is in the third season of Transplant that came out this year. Leah Cairns was in the Netflix horror series Brand New Cherry Flavor that came out last year. Donnelly Rhodes has sadly passed away but he made a couple appearances in Arrowverse in 2016. And everyone loves Hot Dog, right? Well, unfortunately, Bodie Olmos doesn’t have anything on his IMDB since BSG but there is an unreleased short from 2018 called Dead Drop.
Anyway. That’s my Battlestar Galatica rabbit hole. Would Have kept going but I made myself stop with the cast on the front page of the show’s IMDB.
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